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Curiculum Vitae

Aida Fasya Qurota Ayunina

Personal data

 Place and Date of birth : Yogyakarta, March 30th, 1998

 Address : Mejing Wetan RT 8 RW 7 Ambarketawang Gamping Sleman DIY

 Phone : 085725733949

 Religion : Islam

 Nationality : Indonesian

 Sex : Female

 E-mail address :

Personal statement

A new college student searching for some experiences in academic or non academic thing. I’m about
to study electrical engineering in Universitas Gadjah Mada. When I graduate from this college, I want
to be an engineer.

Key Skills

 Drawing
 Designing (manually with pencil on paper)
 Proficiency in all areas of Microsoft Office, including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
 Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal

Organization Experience

Castroda SMA N 2 Yogyakarta (Anti Drug Organization)

As a member


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Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2016 –)
SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
(2013 – 2016)
SMP Negeri 7 Yogyakarta
(2010 – 2013)
SD Netral D Yogyakarta
(2004 – 2010)
TK Netral Yogyakarta
(2002 – 2004)

Hobbies & Interests

I was involved in a high school drama club, where I volunteer as a property maker. I also involved in
school english debating club. I have been involved with this society for two years and very much enjoy
being part of the team. I also like drawing and designing stuff. I love realistic drawing. I’m also
interested in programming and robotic.

Comittee Experiences

 SMADA English Championship 2014 as bussines fund

 Pentas Tunggal Teater Kertas 2015 as property maker
 Techno Art 2016 as coordinator of decoration

Language Proficiency

 Bahasa Indonesia
 English (Active and Passive) : good

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