Important Minerals To Burn More Calories

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Important Minerals to Burn More Calories

Metabolism is closely related to the burning of calories. Increasing

metabolism is an effective way to help you lose weight. People who have a high
metabolism, tend to avoid obesity, because the calorie burning process that occurs
in the body is also run out rapidly. In addition to do an exercise regularly, another
way to increase metabolism is to fill the body’s mineral needs.

Unlike vitamins, minerals typically do not contain the carbon, hydrogen and
oxygen. To be classified as a mineral, a substance must be a solid and have a
crystalline structure. This substance should also naturally formed, homogenous, and
has a certain chemical composition.

Types of Minerals
Minerals are divided into two groups, namely major minerals and trace
minerals. Major minerals are the minerals needed by the body in an amount greater
than 100 mg per day. While trace minerals are minerals that the body needs in small
amounts or less than 100 mg per day.

 Calcium

The weight of calcium from the body weight is about 1.5 kg and 99 % of that
form bones and teeth. While the remaining of calcium which is about 1 % present is
in the extracellular fluid (fluid around the cells of the body). The benefits of
calcium for the body such as, regulating body fluid balance, keeping the muscle
contraction during exercise, and keeping blood clotting within normal limits.

 Phosphorus
Approximately 85 % of phosphorus in the body is found in the bone.
Phosphorus is also needed to convey the genetic code from one cell to another cell
when the cell is cleaved and reproducible. Phosphorus increased the need for an
additional 440 mg per day for nursing mothers. Phosphorus is essential for
carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis, and carrying fat and fatty acids in the
tissues and organs.

 Magnesium
The body uses magnesium to regulate the release of energy, the nerve cell
function, and the muscle contraction. It also used to form the body tissue, especially
in the bone. The adult body has about 30 % and three -quarters of magnesium
present in the bone. Magnesium is also a part of the more than 300 different
enzymes that stimulate chemical reactions in the body.

 Iron
The human body consists of about 4-5 grams of iron, and is mostly found as
part of hemoglobin and myoglobin, those are the two proteins that transfer oxygen
and circulate it throughout the body. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells.
Myoglobin found in muscle tissue. Iron is also part of many enzymes and is
important for healthy immunity system function.

 Zinc

The human body store about 2 grams of zinc in muscle and bone. Zinc has
many roles in the body including the growth and repair of normal cells, wound
healing and healthy immunity. Sufficient zinc intake is very important to make a
variety of enzymes and hormones, including growth hormone, insulin and
testosterone, a hormone that is needed to produce healthy sperm in large quantities.
Without enough zinc, men may experience infertility or decreased fertility.

 Sulfur
Although sulfur nutrition is often regarded as the indispensable man, but it
almost never mentioned in the books and resources. It is because sulfur is an
integral part of all proteins as well as fats and is found in many body fluids.

 Fluorine
Fluorine is found mostly in the form of fluoride both in food and water. Body
stores of fluoride in bones and teeth. A small amount of fluoride found naturally in
all plant and animal tissues. Addition of fluoride intake can also be obtained from
water containing fluoride.

That’s the kind of minerals are included in the category of major minerals and
their benefits for your body. In addition to the major minerals, some trace minerals,
which the body needs less than 100 mg per day to increase metabolism. The
minerals which are belonging to the trace minerals include:

 Lodine
Lodine is a component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine and
triiodothyronine namely, that help regulate cell activity and metabolism. This
hormone is also essential for protein synthesis, tissue growth (including the
establishment of a healthy nervous system), prevent mumps and improve bone

 Selenium

Selenium has an important role in controlling the effects of thyroid hormone

in the body’s metabolism. Thyroid hormone itself is a hormone produced by the
thyroid gland, which has great influence on the body’s metabolism.

 Copper

Copper has long been known as a mineral that body needs to keep functioning
optimally. Copper is one of the elements belonging to the micro minerals because
minerals are needed only in small amounts in the body. However, even so, this
mineral is important to ensure the body’s metabolism to function optimally, it is
also important for the formation of hemoglobin or red blood cells.

 Manganese

Manganese is involved in the function of various organs and systems are also
required for normalizing immune function, blood sugar regulation, cellular energy
production, reproduction, digestion, and bone growth. In addition, manganese is
also working with vitamin K to support blood clotting and is an important
component of an important antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase which
will provide protection during the attack of free radicals in the body’s metabolic

 Chromium

Chromium has various roles in metabolism. Chromium is also a partner for

the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) or glucose tolerance factor, which increases
insulin to regulate glucose utilization in the body, the end result of metabolism and
the main energy source of every cell of the body. It also involved in maintaining
good blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Minerals in the body needs cannot be ignored. Minerals are catalysts vitamins
and nutrients of your body that is needed to increase the body’s metabolism and
maintain optimal health. Therefore, you need to supply your daily mineral needs.

Nama : moh. Ainul yaqin

Kelas : b
Npm : 713.6.2.0475
Semester : 2

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