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20663 karakter melebihi batas 5000 maksimum:
n individual booths under diffuse red lighting to minimise differences in appearance. The air
temperature and ventilation of the sensor y laborator y were also controlled. Assessors rinsed
their mouths with de-ionised water between cheeses. During sensory testing, the panellists were
seated in individual booths in a sensorial room of Univer-sity of Cassino’s Laboratory, and data
was recorded on a computer. Four cheeses were presented each day and the order of tasting was
balanced between days and within days to account for first order, carry over and day elects
(MacFie et al. 1989). Sensor y panel. A panel of twelve assessors , 7 males and 5 females, took
part in the Descrip-tive Sensor y Analysis. All were members of an established sensory panel at
University of Cassino. The panel was recruited and screened according to the accepted
international standards (ISO 8586-1: 1993, ISO 8589:1998, ISO/DIS 13299:1998). This
experienced trained panel had a high level of dis-crimination, sensitivity, and consistency in
meas-urement (Land &Shepherd1988). All assessors were trained to carry out descriptive
analysis and were involved in developing the descriptive vo-cabulary for cheese. The
development of a full descriptive vocabu-lary, to describe the sensory characteristics of the
cheeses, was carried out over two group discus-sions for each product category, and the panel of
assessors evaluated the products for flavour, texture and mouth feel, appearance and odour
(Lawless & Heymann2010). The lexicon was modified from that previously developed for
Cheddar cheese (Murray &Delahunty2000). The quantity of each descriptive attribute per-ceived
was scored on a 10 cm continuous line scale. Methodology. Descriptive sensory assessment of
the samples was carried out using the terms and standard references developed. During each
sensory session four different samples were evaluated for all the attributes, organised so that
three replicates were obtained for all the assessors for every sample. The experimental design
used to eliminate carryover and order of tasting bias is described in detail in Muir and
Hunter(1992, 1995a,b, 1996). Using the QDA method 16 attributes for the investigated cheeses
were selected and thoroughly defined for profil-ing (Table 1): colour, odour (creamy, acid,
buttery, fruits), taste (salty, acid, sweet, bitter, aftertaste), and texture (hardness, chewiness,
rubbery, dry-ness, grainy). The attribute intensities were rated on continuous unstructured
graphical scales. The scales were 10 cm in length and verbally anchored at each end, the left side
of the scale corresponding to the lowest intensity (value 0) and the right side to the highest
intensity (value 10) of the attribute. Overall quality of cheeses was assessed using the same type
of scale as above anchored at both ends: unlinking (0)–extremely linking (10). Statistical
analyses. The panel mean scores of the quantitative descriptive data were analysed by ANOVA .
Statistically significant differences in the results were tested by Fisher’s protected least
significant difference (LSD) test. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chemical analyses Table 2
shows the mean values for the chemical parameters (pH, moisture, chlorides and fat con-tent) of
the internal, median and external cheese 440 Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444 Czech J. Food Sci.
wheel parts during 9 months. For the maturation time results, all the parameters (pH, moisture,
chlo-ride and fat content) presented during the cheese maturation, a moisture decrease by
evaporation led to a progressive weight decline and afterwards there was a progressive
dehydration during the following maturation phase of 35–40% (Papetti et al. 2012). The moisture
content decreased in all cheeses throughout the storage period (Aly & Galal2002). It might be
attributed to degradation of proteins and fats (Zaki et al. 1974). Statistically significant
differences between all the maturation classes (P< 0.05) are shown in Table 3. Moisture content
decreased in a statistically significant way in the first maturation time, until the sixth month,
while, later, a moisture decrease was less relevant in percentage. pH reached a maximum level
around the third month, while afterwards equilibrium was established, as a result of the opposed
proteolysis effect from which am-monia is produced and lipolysis leads to a fatty acid release. A
similar increase in the acidity of cheese was reported previously by Bilal(2000) and Warsama et
al. (2006). It is probably due to the growth of lactic acid bacteria in cheese (Warsama et al.
2006). The lactic acid not only contributes to the taste of fresh cheese but also improves the
cheese structure and protects it against a kind of micro-biological spoilage (Ceylan et al. 2003).
Table 2. Results of chemical and nutritional analysis performed on 23 cheese samples (mean ±
standard deviation) Months pH Moisture (%) Chlorides (g/100 g DM) Fat (g/100 g DM) external
median central external median central external median central external median central 0 5.22 ±
0.09 5.12 ± 0.14 5.07 ± 0.27 58.70 ± 5.41 53.06 ± 5.29 53.04 ± 6.70 1.37 ± 0.09 1.29 ± 0.011
1.22 ± 0.09 21.09 ± 0.91 19.23 ± 0.12 18.35 ± 0.18 3 5.59 ± 0.82 5.58 ± 0.63 5.52 ± 0.15 39.42 ±
3.22 38.86 ± 3.05 38.36 ± 3.11 2.12 ± 0.19 1.56 ± 0.12 1.47 ± 0.013 18.83 ± 1.11 18.53 ± 1.01
19.83 ± 0.99 6 5.42 ± 0.61 5.35 ± 1.01 5.39 ± 0.73 29.79 ± 2.02 30.42 ± 0.44 26.76 ± 0.95 1.64 ±
0.12 1.56 ± 0.016 1.52 ± 0.12 21.67 ± 1.91 21.00 ± 1.01 22.33 ± 1.21 9 5.12 ± 0.23 5.18 ± 0.09
5.18 ± 0.45 27.20 ± 1.84 29.60 ± 2.34 29.60 ± 0.94 1.41 ± 0.012 1.36 ± 0.09 1.36 ± 0.09 24.10 ±
0.53 23.90 ± 0.95 23.90 ± 1.34 Table 1. Definitions of attributes for profiling of the Caciottina
cheese Descriptor Definition Colour visual estimation of intensity Creamy odour smell of market
cream (30%) Acid odour typical note of fermented milk products such as yoghurt Buttery flavour
associated with butter Flowers/fruits the aromatic blend of different fruity identities, like
pineapple, ripe apple, zest and red berries. May also include the aromatics associated with
sweetened cultured dairy products such as fruit yoghurts Salty taste, basic taste typical of sodium
chloride as diluted in water (0.2%) Sweet fundamental taste sensation of which sucrose is typical
Acid taste of fermented milk products Bitter taste, basic taste typical of caffeine in water (0.5%)
Aftertaste aftertaste which continued after the removal of the sample Hardness* the force needed
by the jaws to bite the sample into two pieces Chewiness time and multiplicity of chewing the
product to prepare it to swallow Rubbery the ability of the sample to regain shape after pulling
Dryness (moisture)moisture that exists in the sample, mouthfeel after 4, 5 chews Grainy the
ability of the sample to break into pieces Overall quality overall sensation determined in terms
like and dislike Anchoring points: non-intensive–very intensive; *low–high 441 Czech J. Food
Sci. Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444 Sensory analysis For sensory evaluation, the quantitative
descrip-tive analysis (QDA) was used, which is often applied to study a variety of products
including cheese (Stone &Sidel1993; Lawless &Heymann 2010). Mean intensity ratings of
descriptive attributes and the analysis of variance are documented in Table 4. ANOVA showed
that there were significant (P< 0.05) differences in the intensity of attributes such as colour, salty
taste, bitter taste aftertaste, hardness, chewiness, rubbery, dryness, and grainy caused by the
maturation time. Chemical qualities of the cheeses have a significant effect on flavour (Barlow et
al. 1989; Aly &Galal 2002; Guler &Uraz2004).The scores of sensory parameters (Table 4) such
as rubbery and grainy decreased with the ripening, while scores for hard-ness increased. The
chewiness of the cheese samples increased with the progressive ripening days and it was a highly
desirable sensory attribute especially for cheese. The increase in chewiness might be due to a
change in the average size of fat globules, dis-tance between fat globules and variation in the size
of globules (Richardson &Booth1993). It can be seen that, in the sensor y profiles of cheeses, the
improvement in colour from month zero to months 9 agre e d with the findings of Tarakciand
Kucukoner(2006), who reported that colour score increased generally during rip-ening. In order
to observe the above differences in the analysed samples more clearly, the sensory profiles of
cheeses were displayed as spider dia-grams in Figure 1. Flavour of all samples improved with
storage months because during ripening the metabolic processes are responsible for the basic
flavour and texture changes (Smit et al. 2005). When biochemi-Table 3. Mean values, ANOVA
and LSDmulticomparison between factors Month Position significance* External a* Median a
Internal a 2-way ANOVA source df mean sq. prob > F pH 0 a 5.218 5.116 5.066 month 3
0.62338 0.031923 3 b 5.592 5.584 5.52 position 2 0.011852 0.94126 6 ab 5.422 5.346 5.394
month position 6 0.013005 0.99874 9 a 5.122 5.176 5.184 error 48 0.19554 Moisture a* a a 0 a
58.704 53.056 53.036 month 3 2265.8 0 3 b 39.416 38.862 38.364 position 2 17.007 0.25641 6 c
29.792 30.424 26.758 month position 6 22.176 0.11386 9 c 27.204 29.602 29.604 error 48
12.145 Chlorides a* b b 0 a 1.366 1.286 1.216 month 3 0.56134 0 3 b 2.116 1.562 1.472 position
2 0.31923 1.0224E-10 6 c 1.636 1.56 1.52 month position 6 0.11275 5.8162E-09 9 d 1.404 1.356
1.356 error 48 0.008273 Fat a* b ab 0 a 21.092 19.23 18.352 month 3 75.279 0 3 a 18.826
18.526 19.826 position 2 2.9004 0.064135 6 b 21.666 20.996 22.328 month position 6 3.8298
0.0032924 9 c 24.098 23.896 23.898 error 48 0.99666 Total 59 *different letters indicate
significant differences for P< 0.05 442 Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444 Czech J. Food Sci. cal
reactions continued for the breakdown of fat and protein by the activity of microbial and re-
sidual rennet (McSweeney1997), more flavouring compounds were produced in cheeses and
casein was hydrolysed, which gives a smooth texture (Barbano et al. 1994). The improvement in
texture from month zero to month nine indicates clearly the effect of storage time. This agrees
with Alyand Galal(2002) and Topcuand Saldamli(2006), who reported that the textural attributes
of white cheese were significantly (P< 0.05) affected by the ripening period. The improvement in
flavour was probably at-tributed to the effect of lactic acid development which controls the
growth of undesirable organ-isms (Kosikowski1997). The improvement in flavour might be due
to the natural flora initially present in buffalo milk which participates in fla-vour production. It is
to conclude that the storage period signifi-cantly affected the weight loss, chemical compo-sition
and sensory characteristics of “Caciottina romana” cheese. CONCLUSION In this study, the
flavour evolution during rip-ening of the investigated cheese was evaluated; these results indicate
that Caciottina di Amaseno cheese is characterised by a complex sensory profile depending
mainly on the heterogeneity of buffalo milk microf lora and of natural starter. Due to these own
peculiar characteristics of this cheese, to date it is possible to define the typical sensory profile of
the cheese. Therefore, the study of traditional products, such as Caciottina Romana cheese, can
be of consider-able benefit to the rural economy by improving the incomes of farmers and by
retaining the rural population in these areas. Moreover, the use of the sensory profile may help to
preserve the identity of “Caciottina Romana” cheese by means of sensory quality certification. R
eference s Aly S.A., Galal E.A. (2002): Effect of milk pretreatment on the keeping quality of
Domiati cheese. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 1: 132–136. Barbano D.M., Yun J.J., Kindstedt
P.S. (1994): Mozzarella cheese making by a stirred curd, no brine procedure. Jour-nal of Dairy
Science, 77: 2687–2694. Barlow I., Lloyd G.T., Ramshaw E.H., Miller A J., Mc-Cabe G.P.,
McCabeL. (1989): Correlations and changes in flavour and chemical parameters of Cheddar
cheeses Table 4. Quantitative descriptive analysis of cheeses stored for 0, 3, 6, and 9 months
Month 0 3 6 9 Yellow colour 3.2 a 5.2 a 5.9 b 6.11 a Flavour 7.5 a 8.5 b 6.0 ab 5.8 a Acid odour
4.1 b 4.5 a 4.9 a 4.46 a Buttery 1.2 a 6.0 a 6.6 a 5.4 ab Creamy odour 5.1 a 4.5 a 4.0 b 2.1 a
Flowers/fruits 0.0 6.2 a 4.0 a 1.0 a Salty taste 4.4 a 3.1 a 2.8 a 1.9 b Sweet taste 1.0 a 0.8 a 1.2 a
0.5 a Acid taste 1.5 a 1.5 a 2.7 b 3.7 b Bitter taste 1.5 ab 0.8 a 0.21 a 3.6 b Hardness 2.4 a 2.4 a
4.2 b 5.5 a Chewiness 2.8 a 4.7 a 7.9 b 8.0 ab Rubbery 6.3 a 6.9 a 5.4 a 4.0 b Dryness 5.2 b 3.3
ab 2.9 a 2.8 a Grainy 7.6 b 4.2 a 3.8 a 3.2 a Overall quality 5.01 a 6.3 a 6.1 a 5.9 a Letters
describe a comparison between years in each variety of cheese; means marked with the same
letters in each row do not show significant differences (LSDtest, P< 0.05) 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Yellow intensity Flavour Acid odor Creamy Buttery Flowers/fruits Salty Acid Bitter Sweet
Chewiness Hardness Moist Rubbery Grainy Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (0 month) Caciottella
di Amaseno cheese (3 months) Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (6 months) Caciottella di
Amaseno cheese (9 months) Figure 1. Spider diagrams 443 Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 31, 2013,
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November 9, 2012 Accepted after corrections March 4, 2013 Corresponding author Prof Patrizia
Papetti, University of Cassino, Department of Economics, Via S. Angelo, Folcara-03043,
Cassino, Italy; E-mail: papetti@eco.unicas.it
Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438-444 Republik J. Food Sci.
Analisis Komposisi dan Sensorik untuk Evaluasi Kualitas
Keju Italia Khas: Pengaruh Periode Pematangan
Patrizia PAPETTI danAngela CARELLI
Jurusan Ekonomi, Universitas Cassino, Cassino, Italia
Papetti P., Carelli A. (2013): Komposisi dan analisis sensorik untuk evaluasi kualitas yang khas
Keju Italia: pengaruh periode pemasakan. Czech J. Food Sci., 31: 438–444.
Caciottina massaggiata di Amaseno, produk susu khas dari Wilayah Lazio yang diolah dari susu
kerbau, dianilisasi untuk kadar air, lemak, protein, pH, dan keasaman pada penyimpanan yang
berbeda (0, 3, 6, dan 9 bulan setelah produksi) .
Keju juga dievaluasi untuk berbagai atribut sensoris (rasa, rasa, tekstur, dan penerimaan
keseluruhan) selama
penyimpanan. Kami mengevaluasi profil rasa dan penerimaan keju Caciottina dengan
kematangan bervariasi menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Profil sensorik deskriptif dari keju yang
dipilih ditentukan menggunakan panel terlatih (n = 12) dan an
mapan bahasa rasa keju indera. Dalam analisis deskriptif kuantitatif panel yang terlatih menilai
untuk warna, bau, rasa dan tekstur. Dalam tes afektif panelis mengevaluasi sampel untuk kualitas
keseluruhan. Itu
Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa bulan produksi memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap kualitas
sensori keju.
Kata kunci: keju susu kerbau; analisis kimia; periode penyimpanan; profil sensorik; rasa
Teknologi dasar untuk produksi semua
jenis keju ini sama dengan yang relatif kecil
perubahan yang mengakibatkan perbedaan signifikan dalam
keju terakhir. Seni atau ilmu pembuatan keju
terdiri dari lima faktor kunci: komposisi susu, tingkat
dan tingkat pengembangan asam, kadar air,
manipulasi curd, dan kondisi pematangan (Lucey
et al. 2003; Walstra dkk. 2006; Sameen dkk.
2010). Faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas
varietas keju yang berbeda adalah: komposisi
susu, jenis susu, budaya starter dan teknologi manufac turing (Varnam & Sutherland 1994).
Volatile memainkan peran penting dalam rasa
persepsi keju. Aroma keju khas adalah
hasil volatil yang dibentuk oleh lipolisis, proteolisis,
dan metabolisme laktosa, laktat, dan sitrat
(McSweeney & Sousa2000; Smit et al. 2000;
Marilley & Casey2004).
Selama pematangan keju, degradasi enzimatik asam amino mengarah pada pembentukan
fluktuasi rasa-dampak (Visser1993; McSweeney
& Sousa2000; Marilley & Casey2004); rasa
pembentukan keju juga sangat dipengaruhi
pada periode pemasakan. Sebagai hasil dari kehancuran
beberapa bakteri asam laktat non-starter yang diinginkan
selama produksi, keju yang dibuat dari pasteurisasi
susu matang lebih lambat dan berkembang menjadi kurang intens
rasa dari keju susu mentah kerbau (Johnson
et al. 1990; Grappin & Beuvier1997; Fox et al.
1998; Seifu dkk. 2004).
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi rasa
profil dan penerimaan Caciottina di Amaseno
keju dari berbagai jatuh tempo menggunakan deskriptif
analisis. Profil sensorik deskriptif yang dipilih
keju ditentukan menggunakan panel yang terlatih
(n = 12) dan sensor rasa keju yang mapan
bahasa (Heisserer & Chambers1993).
Sampel keju. Roda keju Caciottina
massaggiata di Amaseno diproduksi di
faktor keju y terletak di Amaseno (Italia). Itu
produk, sesuai dengan protokol produksi,
secara berkala mengalami manipulasi oleh
Republik J. Food Sci. Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444
tangan dengan campuran minyak zaitun dan anggur dan
menjungkirbalikkan sampai akhir bumbu, yang telah
durasi minimum 60 hari.
Analisis kualitas. Analisis kimia dilakukan dengan total 23 keju. Di setiap keju
roda 6 iris dipotong sepanjang panjang: dua sam-ples (bagian internal) diperoleh dari pusat
slice, dua sampel (bagian median) diperoleh
memotong 2 irisan pada 2 cm dari pusat, itu
dua sampel terakhir (bagian eksternal) diperoleh
dari bagian yang tersisa.
Metode pengambilan sampel ini dipilih secara berurutan
untuk mendapatkan parameter analitis referensi
digunakan untuk evaluasi keju dengan tidak biasa
fermentasi atau cacat, yang sering terjadi
di area terbatas di seluruh roda keju.
Analisis kimia. Analisis kimia berikut dilakukan: materi kering dengan pengeringan dalam oven
pada 102 ° C (Standar Internasional FIL-IDF 4 / A:
1982); lemak (ISO 3433: 2008); pH dengan potensiometri
pengukuran dengan penyisipan langsung dari elektroda di
roda keju; natrium klorida dengan titrasi dengan
(Standar Internasional FIL-IDF 88 / A: 1988).
Persiapan keju. Keju disimpan pada suhu re-frigerator sampai 15 menit sebelum pengambilan
dan kemudian dibiarkan hangat sampai suhu kamar.
Keju diiris menjadi kubus menggunakan kawat
pengiris dalam 2 jam presentasi; mereka pra-dikirim sebagai 5 g kubus dalam gelas, ditutupi
dengan arloji
gelas, dan dinilai i

TerjemahanMatikan terjemahan instan

Batas karakter maksimum terlampaui

15018 karakter melebihi batas 5000 maksimum:
al median central05.22 ± 0.095.12 ± 0.145.07 ± 0.2758.70 ± 5.4153.06 ± 5.2953.04 ± 6.701.37 ±
0.091.29 ± 0.0111.22 ± 0.0921.09 ± 0.9119.23 ± 0.1218.35 ± 0.1835.59 ± 0.825.58 ± 0.635.52 ±
0.1539.42 ± 3.2238.86 ± 3.0538.36 ± 3.112.12 ± 0.191.56 ± 0.121.47 ± 0.01318.83 ± 1.1118.53
± 1.0119.83 ± 0.9965.42 ± 0.615.35 ± 1.015.39 ± 0.7329.79 ± 2.0230.42 ± 0.4426.76 ± 0.951.64
± 0.121.56 ± 0.0161.52 ± 0.1221.67 ± 1.9121.00 ± 1.0122.33 ± 1.2195.12 ± 0.235.18 ± 0.095.18
± 0.4527.20 ± 1.8429.60 ± 2.3429.60 ± 0.941.41 ± 0.0121.36 ± 0.091.36 ± 0.0924.10 ±
0.5323.90 ± 0.9523.90 ± 1.34Table 1. Definitions of attributes for profiling of the Caciottina
cheeseDescriptor DefinitionColour visual estimation of intensityCreamy odour smell of market
cream (30%)Acid odour typical note of fermented milk products such as yoghurtButtery flavour
associated with butterFlowers/fruits the aromatic blend of different fruity identities, like
pineapple, ripe apple, zest and red berries. May also include the aromatics associated with
sweetened cultured dairy products such as fruit yoghurtsSalty taste, basic taste typical of sodium
chloride as diluted in water (0.2%)Sweet fundamental taste sensation of which sucrose is
typicalAcid taste of fermented milk productsBitter taste, basic taste typical of caffeine in water
(0.5%)Aftertaste aftertaste which continued after the removal of the sampleHardness* the force
needed by the jaws to bite the sample into two piecesChewiness time and multiplicity of chewing
the product to prepare it to swallowRubbery the ability of the sample to regain shape after
pullingDryness (moisture)moisture that exists in the sample, mouthfeel after 4, 5 chewsGrainy
the ability of the sample to break into piecesOverall quality overall sensation determined in terms
like and dislikeAnchoring points: non-intensive–very intensive; *low–high441Czech J. Food Sci.
Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444Sensory analysisFor sensory evaluation, the quantitative descrip-
tive analysis (QDA) was used, which is often applied to study a variety of products including
cheese (Stone &Sidel1993; Lawless &Heymann 2010). Mean intensity ratings of descriptive
attributes and the analysis of variance are documented in Table 4. ANOVA showed that there
were significant (P< 0.05) differences in the intensity of attributes such as colour, salty taste,
bitter taste aftertaste, hardness, chewiness, rubbery, dryness, and grainy caused by the maturation
time.Chemical qualities of the cheeses have a significant effect on flavour (Barlow et al. 1989;
Aly &Galal2002; Guler &Uraz2004).The scores of sensory parameters (Table 4) such as rubbery
and grainy decreased with the ripening, while scores for hard-ness increased. The chewiness of
the cheese samples increased with the progressive ripening days and it was a highly desirable
sensory attribute especially for cheese. The increase in chewiness might be due to a change in the
average size of fat globules, dis-tance between fat globules and variation in the size of globules
(Richardson &Booth1993).It can be seen that, in the sensor y profiles of cheeses, the
improvement in colour from month zero to months 9 agre e d with the findings of Tarakciand
Kucukoner(2006), who reported that colour score increased generally during rip-ening. In order
to observe the above differences in the analysed samples more clearly, the sensory profiles of
cheeses were displayed as spider dia-grams in Figure 1. Flavour of all samples improved with
storage months because during ripening the metabolic processes are responsible for the basic
flavour and texture changes (Smit et al. 2005). When biochemi-Table 3. Mean values, ANOVA
and LSDmulticomparison between factorsMonthPosition
significance*Externala*MedianaInternala2-way ANOVAsource df mean sq. prob > FpH0 a
5.218 5.116 5.066 month 3 0.62338 0.0319233 b 5.592 5.584 5.52 position 2 0.011852 0.941266
ab 5.422 5.346 5.394 month position 6 0.013005 0.998749 a 5.122 5.176 5.184 error 48
0.19554Moisturea* a a0 a 58.704 53.056 53.036 month 3 2265.8 03 b 39.416 38.862 38.364
position 2 17.007 0.256416 c 29.792 30.424 26.758 month position 6 22.176 0.113869 c 27.204
29.602 29.604 error 48 12.145Chloridesa* b b0 a 1.366 1.286 1.216 month 3 0.56134 03 b 2.116
1.562 1.472 position 2 0.31923 1.0224E-106 c 1.636 1.56 1.52 month position 6 0.11275
5.8162E-099 d 1.404 1.356 1.356 error 48 0.008273Fata* b ab0 a 21.092 19.23 18.352 month 3
75.279 03 a 18.826 18.526 19.826 position 2 2.9004 0.0641356 b 21.666 20.996 22.328 month
position 6 3.8298 0.00329249 c 24.098 23.896 23.898 error 48 0.99666Total 59 *different
letters indicate significant differences for P< 0.05442Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444 Czech J.
Food Sci.cal reactions continued for the breakdown of fat and protein by the activity of microbial
and re-sidual rennet (McSweeney1997), more flavouring compounds were produced in cheeses
and casein was hydrolysed, which gives a smooth texture (Barbano et al. 1994). The
improvement in texture from month zero to month nine indicates clearly the effect of storage
time. This agrees with Alyand Galal(2002) and Topcuand Saldamli(2006), who reported that the
textural attributes of white cheese were significantly (P< 0.05) affected by the ripening
period.The improvement in flavour was probably at-tributed to the effect of lactic acid
development which controls the growth of undesirable organ-isms (Kosikowski1997). The
improvement in flavour might be due to the natural flora initially present in buffalo milk which
participates in fla-vour production.It is to conclude that the storage period signifi-cantly affected
the weight loss, chemical compo-sition and sensory characteristics of “Caciottina romana”
cheese.CONCLUSIONIn this study, the flavour evolution during rip-ening of the investigated
cheese was evaluated; these results indicate that Caciottina di Amaseno cheese is characterised
by a complex sensory profile depending mainly on the heterogeneity of buffalo milk microf lora
and of natural starter. Due to these own peculiar characteristics of this cheese, to date it is
possible to define the typical sensory profile of the cheese.Therefore, the study of traditional
products, such as Caciottina Romana cheese, can be of consider-able benefit to the rural
economy by improving the incomes of farmers and by retaining the rural population in these
areas. Moreover, the use of the sensory profile may help to preserve the identity of “Caciottina
Romana” cheese by means of sensory quality certification.R eference sAly S.A., Galal E.A.
(2002): Effect of milk pretreatment on the keeping quality of Domiati cheese. Pakistan Journal of
Nutrition, 1: 132–136.Barbano D.M., Yun J.J., Kindstedt P.S. (1994): Mozzarella cheese making
by a stirred curd, no brine procedure. Jour-nal of Dairy Science, 77: 2687–2694.Barlow I., Lloyd
G.T., Ramshaw E.H., Miller A J., Mc-Cabe G.P., McCabeL. (1989): Correlations and changes in
flavour and chemical parameters of Cheddar cheeses Table 4. Quantitative descriptive analysis
of cheeses stored for 0, 3, 6, and 9 monthsMonth0 3 6 9Yellow colour 3.2a5.2a5.9b6.11aFlavour
7.5a8.5b6.0ab5.8aAcid odour 4.1b4.5a4.9a4.46aButtery 1.2a6.0a6.6a5.4abCreamy odour
5.1a4.5a4.0b2.1aFlowers/fruits 0.0 6.2a4.0a1.0aSalty taste 4.4a3.1a2.8a1.9bSweet taste
1.0a0.8a1.2a0.5aAcid taste 1.5a1.5a2.7b3.7bBitter taste 1.5ab0.8a0.21a3.6bHardness
2.4a2.4a4.2b5.5aChewiness 2.8a4.7a7.9b8.0abRubbery 6.3a6.9a5.4a4.0bDryness
5.2b3.3ab2.9a2.8aGrainy 7.6b4.2a3.8a3.2aOverall quality 5.01a6.3a6.1a5.9aLetters describe a
comparison between years in each variety of cheese; means marked with the same letters in each
row do not show significant differences (LSDtest, P< 0.05)
intensityFlavourAcid odorCreamyButteryFlowers/fruitsSaltyAcid
BitterSweetChewinessHardnessMoistRubberyGrainyCaciottella di Amaseno cheese (0
month)Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (3 months)Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (6
months)Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (9 months)Figure 1. Spider diagrams443Czech J. Food
Sci. Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444during maturation. Australian Journal of DairyTechnol-ogy,
44: 7–18. Bilal A.M. (2000): Effect of partial substitution of soymilk on the chemical
composition and sensory characteristics of white soft cheese. [M.Sc. Thesis.] University of Khar-
toum, Sudan.Ceylan Z.G., Turkoglu H., Dayisoylu S.(2003): The microbiological and chemical
quality of Skima cheese produced in Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2: 95–97. Fox P.F.,
McSweeney P.L.H., Lynch C.M. (1998): Sig-nificance of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in
Ched-dar cheese. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 53: 5383–5389.GrappinR.,
BeuvierE.(1997): Possible implications of milk pasteurization on the manufacture and sensor y
quality of ripened cheese. International Dairy Journal, 7: 751–761, Güler Z., Uraz Ü. (2004) :
Relationships between proteo-lytic and lipolytic activity and sensory properties (taste–odour) of
traditional Turkish white cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 57237–242,
Heisserer D.M., Chambers E. IV (1993): Determination of the sensory flavour attributes of aged
natural cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies, 2: 121–132.ISO 3433 (2008): Determination of fat
content – van Gulik method. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.ISO 8586-
1:1993. Sensory analysis – General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of
assessors – Part 1: Selected Assessors. International Organization for Standardization,
Geneva.ISO 8589:1998. Sensory analysis – General guidance for the design of test rooms.
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.ISO/DIS 13299:1998. Sensor y analysis
– Methodology – General guidance for establishing a sensory profile. International Organization
for Standardization, Geneva.Johnson E.A., Nelson J.H., Johnson M. (1990): Micro-biological
safety of cheese made from heat-treated milk, Journal of Food Protection, 53, 519–
540.Kosikowski F.V., Mistry V.V.(1997): Bacterial surface rip-ened chees. In: KosikowskiF.V.:
Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. Vol. 1. 3rdEd. LLC, Westport: 266–271..Land D.G.,
Shepherd R. (1988): Scaling and ranking meth-ods. In: Piggott J.R. (ed): Sensory Analysis of
Foods. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Science Publishers, London: 155–185.Lawless H.T., Heymann H.
(2010): Sensory Evaluation of Food: Principles and Practices. Chapman and Hall, New
York.Lucey J.A., Johnson M.E., Horne. D.S, (2003): Invited review: Perspectives on the basis of
the rheology and texture properties of cheese. Journal of Dairy Science, 86: 2725–2743.MacFie
H.J., Bratchell N., Greenhoff K., Vallis L.V.(1989): Designs to balance the affect of order of
presenta-tion and first-order carry-over effects in hall tests. Journal of Sensory Studies, 4: 129.
Marilley L., Casey M.G. (2004): Flavours of cheese prod-ucts: metabolic pathways, analytical
tools and identifica-tion of producing strains. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 90:
139–159.McSweency P.L.H. (1997): The flavour of milk and dairy products: III. Cheese: taste.
International Journal of Dairy Technology, 50: 123–128. McSweeney P.L.H., Sousa M.J. (2000):
Biochemical path-ways for the production of flavor compounds in cheese during ripening: a
review. Lait, 80: 293–324.Muir D.D., Hunter E.A. (1992): Sensory evaluation of Cheddar
cheese: the relation of sensory properties to perception of maturity. Journal of the Society of
Dairy Technology, 45: 23–29.Muir D.D., Hunter E.A., Watson M. (1995a): Aroma of cheese. 1.
Sensory characterization. Milchwissen, 50: 499–503.Muir D.D., Hunter E.A., Banks J.M., Horne
D.S.(1995b): Sensory properties of hard cheese: identification of key attributes. International
Dairy Journal, 5: 157–177.Muir D.D., Hunter E.A., Banks J.M., Horne D.S. (1996): Sensory
properties of Cheddar cheese: changes during maturation. Food Research International, 28: 561–
568.Murray J.M., Delahunty C.M. (2000): Selection of stand-ards to reference terms in a
Cheddar-type cheese flavour language. Journal of Sensory Studies, 15: 179–199. Papetti P.,
Costa C., Antonucci F., Figorilli S., Solaini S., Menesatti P.(2012): A RFID web-based
infotracing system for the artisanal Italian cheese quality traceability.Food Control, 27: 234–
241.Richardson N.J., Booth D.A. (1993): Multiple physical patterns in judgements of the creamy
texture of milks and creams. Acta Psychologica, 84: 93–101.Sameen A ., Anjum F.M., Huma N.,
Nawaz H.(2010): Chemical composition and sensory evaluation of moz-zarella cheese: influence
by milk sources, fat levels, starter cultures and ripening period. Pakistan Journal of Agri-cultural
Sciences, 47: 26–31.Seifu E., Buys E.M., Donkin E.F., Petzer I.M. (2004): Antibacterial activity
of the lactoperoxidase system food-borne against pathogens in Saanen and South African
Indigenous goat milk. Food Control, 15:447–452 Smit G., Verheul A ., van Kranenburg R .,
Ayad E., Siezen R., Engels W.(2000): Cheese flavour develop-ment by enzymatic conversions of
peptides and amino acids. Food Research International, 33: 153–160.444Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5:
438–444 Czech J. Food Sci.Smit B.A ., Engel s W.J.M., Alewijn M., Lommerse G.T.C.A.,
Kippersluijs E., Wouters J.T.M., Smit G.(2004): Chemical conversion of alpha-keto acids in
rela-tion to flavor formation in fermented foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52:
1263–1268.Smit G., Smit B.A., Wim J.M., Engels J.M. (2005): Flavour for-mation by lactic acid
bacteria and biochemical flavor profiling of cheese products. FEMS Microbiology Review, 29:
591–610.Stone H., Sidel J.L. (1993): Sensory Evaluation Practices. 2ndEd. Academic Press, San
Diego.Tarakci Z., Kucukoner E. (2006): Changes on phys-icochemical, lipolysis and proteolysis
of vacuum packed Turkish Kasar cheese during ripening. Journal of Central European
Agriculture, 7: 459–464.Topcu A., Saldamli L. (2006): Chemical, textural and sensorial changes
during ripening of Turkish white cheese made of pasteurized cow’s milk. International Journal of
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and flavor: an overview. Journal of Dairy Science, 76: 329–350. Walstra P., Wouters J.T.M.,
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Raton-London.Warsama L.M., Elzubeir I.E.M., El Owni O.A.O. (2006): Composition and
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Journal of Dairy Science, 1: 36–43.Zaki M.H., Metawally N.H., Koussy L.A. (1974): Domiati
cheese stored at room temperature as affected by heat treatment of milk and different salting
levels. Agriculture Research Review, 52: 217–231.Received for publication November 9,
2012Accepted after corrections March 4, 2013Corresponding authorProf Patrizia Papetti,
University of Cassino, Department of Economics, Via S. Angelo, Folcara-03043, Cassino, Italy;
E-mail: papetti@eco.unicas.it
∎ masing-masing bilik di bawah pencahayaan merah yang menyebar untuk meminimalkan
perbedaan dalam penampilan. Suhu udara dan ventilasi sensor y pekerja juga dikontrol. Penilai
membilas mulut mereka dengan air yang terdeionisasi di antara keju. Selama pengujian sensoris,
panelis ditempatkan di bilik individu di ruang sensorial Laboratorium Universitas Cassino, dan
data direkam di komputer. Empat keju disajikan setiap hari dan urutan mencicipi seimbang
antara hari dan dalam beberapa hari untuk memperhitungkan pesanan pertama, membawa dan
hari pilihan (MacFie et al. 1989). Sensor panel. Sebuah panel yang terdiri dari 12 asesor, 7 pria
dan 5 wanita, mengambil bagian dalam Analisis Descrip-tive y. Semuanya adalah anggota panel
sensorik yang didirikan di Universitas Cassino. Panel ini direkrut dan disaring sesuai dengan
standar internasional yang diterima (ISO 8586-1: 1993, ISO 8589: 1998, ISO / DIS 13299:
1998). Panel terlatih yang berpengalaman ini memiliki tingkat dis-kriminasi, kepekaan, dan
konsistensi dalam pengukuran (Land & Shepherd1988). Semua penilai dilatih untuk melakukan
analisis deskriptif dan terlibat dalam pengembangan voul cabulary deskriptif untuk keju.
Pengembangan vocabu-lary deskriptif penuh, untuk menggambarkan karakteristik sensoris dari
keju, dilakukan selama dua diskusi kelompok. untuk setiap kategori produk, dan panel penilai
mengevaluasi produk untuk rasa, tekstur dan rasa mulut, penampilan dan bau (Lawless &
Heymann2010). Leksikon telah dimodifikasi dari yang sebelumnya dikembangkan untuk keju
Cheddar (Murray & Delahunty2000). Kuantitas masing-masing atribut deskriptif yang diperoleh
diberi skor pada skala garis 10 cm kontinu. Metodologi. Penilaian sensorik deskriptif dari sampel
dilakukan menggunakan istilah dan referensi standar yang dikembangkan. Selama setiap sesi
sensorik, empat sampel yang berbeda dievaluasi untuk semua atribut, diorganisir sehingga tiga
ulangan diperoleh untuk semua penilai untuk setiap sampel. Rancangan percobaan yang
digunakan untuk menghilangkan sisa dan urutan bias pencicip dijelaskan secara terperinci dalam
Muirand Hunter (1992, 1995a, b, 1996). Menggunakan metode QDA 16 atribut untuk keju yang
diselidiki dipilih dan ditentukan secara menyeluruh untuk pembuatan profil (Tabel 1): warna,
bau (krim, asam, mentega, buah), rasa (asin, asam, manis, pahit, aftertaste), dan tekstur
(kekerasan, kekenyalan, kenyal, kering, kasar). Intensitas atribut dinilai pada skala grafik
kontinyu yang tidak terstruktur. Sisik-sisik itu memiliki panjang 10 cm dan dilekatkan secara
verbal di setiap ujungnya, sisi kiri dari skala yang sesuai dengan intensitas terendah (nilai 0) dan
sisi kanan ke intensitas tertinggi (nilai 10) dari atribut. Secara keseluruhan kualitas keju dinilai
menggunakan jenis skala yang sama seperti di atas berlabuh di kedua ujungnya: memutus tautan
(0) - sangat terkait (10). Analisis statistik. Panel berarti skor dari data deskriptif kuantitatif
dianalisis oleh ANOVA. Perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik pada hasil diuji dengan uji
Fisher least significant difference (LSD) yang diproteksi.RESULSI DAN PEMBAHASAN
Analisis kimiaTabel 2 menunjukkan nilai rata-rata untuk parameter kimia (pH, kelembaban,
klorida dan lemak con-tenda) dari internal, median dan keju luar 440Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–
444 Czech J. Food Sci.wheel bagian selama 9 bulan. Untuk hasil waktu pematangan, semua
parameter (pH, kelembaban, chlo-ride dan kadar lemak) disajikan selama pematangan keju,
penurunan kelembaban oleh penguapan menyebabkan penurunan berat badan yang progresif dan
setelah itu terjadi dehidrasi progresif selama fase pematangan berikutnya. dari 35-40% (Papettiet
al. 2012). Kadar air menurun di semua keju selama periode penyimpanan (Aly & Galal2002). Ini
mungkin disebabkan oleh degradasi protein dan lemak (Zaki et al. 1974). Perbedaan yang
signifikan secara statistik di antara semua kelas pematangan (P <0,05) ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3.
Konten kelembaban menurun secara statistik signifikan pada waktu pematangan pertama, sampai
bulan keenam, sementara, kemudian, penurunan kelembaban kurang relevan dalam persentase .
pH mencapai tingkat maksimum sekitar bulan ketiga, sementara kemudian keseimbangan
terbentuk, sebagai akibat dari efek proteolisis yang ditentang dari mana am-monia diproduksi
dan lipolisis menyebabkan pelepasan asam lemak. Peningkatan serupa keasaman keju
dilaporkan. sebelumnya oleh Bilal (2000) dan Warsamaet al. (2006). Hal ini mungkin karena
pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat dalam keju (Warsama et al. 2006). Asam laktat tidak hanya
berkontribusi terhadap rasa keju segar tetapi juga meningkatkan struktur keju dan melindunginya
terhadap sejenis pembusukan mikro-biologis (Ceylan et al. 2003). Tabel 2. Hasil analisis kimia
dan nutrisi yang dilakukan pada 23 keju sampel (rata-rata ± standar deviasi) MonthspH
Kelembaban (%) Klorida (g / 100 g DM) Lemak (g / 100 g DM) eksternal median pusat
eksternal eksternal pusat tengah median eksternal pusat
TerjemahanMatikan terjemahan instan

Batas karakter maksimum terlampaui

10018 karakter melebihi batas 5000 maksimum:
zero to month nine indicates clearly the effect of storage time. This agrees with Alyand
Galal(2002) and Topcuand Saldamli(2006), who reported that the textural attributes of white
cheese were significantly (P< 0.05) affected by the ripening period.The improvement in flavour
was probably at-tributed to the effect of lactic acid development which controls the growth of
undesirable organ-isms (Kosikowski1997). The improvement in flavour might be due to the
natural flora initially present in buffalo milk which participates in fla-vour production.It is to
conclude that the storage period signifi-cantly affected the weight loss, chemical compo-sition
and sensory characteristics of “Caciottina romana” cheese.CONCLUSIONIn this study, the
flavour evolution during rip-ening of the investigated cheese was evaluated; these results indicate
that Caciottina di Amaseno cheese is characterised by a complex sensory profile depending
mainly on the heterogeneity of buffalo milk microf lora and of natural starter. Due to these own
peculiar characteristics of this cheese, to date it is possible to define the typical sensory profile of
the cheese.Therefore, the study of traditional products, such as Caciottina Romana cheese, can be
of consider-able benefit to the rural economy by improving the incomes of farmers and by
retaining the rural population in these areas. Moreover, the use of the sensory profile may help to
preserve the identity of “Caciottina Romana” cheese by means of sensory quality certification.R
eference sAly S.A., Galal E.A. (2002): Effect of milk pretreatment on the keeping quality of
Domiati cheese. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 1: 132–136.Barbano D.M., Yun J.J., Kindstedt
P.S. (1994): Mozzarella cheese making by a stirred curd, no brine procedure. Jour-nal of Dairy
Science, 77: 2687–2694.Barlow I., Lloyd G.T., Ramshaw E.H., Miller A J., Mc-Cabe G.P.,
McCabeL. (1989): Correlations and changes in flavour and chemical parameters of Cheddar
cheeses Table 4. Quantitative descriptive analysis of cheeses stored for 0, 3, 6, and 9
monthsMonth0 3 6 9Yellow colour 3.2a5.2a5.9b6.11aFlavour 7.5a8.5b6.0ab5.8aAcid odour
4.1b4.5a4.9a4.46aButtery 1.2a6.0a6.6a5.4abCreamy odour 5.1a4.5a4.0b2.1aFlowers/fruits 0.0
6.2a4.0a1.0aSalty taste 4.4a3.1a2.8a1.9bSweet taste 1.0a0.8a1.2a0.5aAcid taste
1.5a1.5a2.7b3.7bBitter taste 1.5ab0.8a0.21a3.6bHardness 2.4a2.4a4.2b5.5aChewiness
2.8a4.7a7.9b8.0abRubbery 6.3a6.9a5.4a4.0bDryness 5.2b3.3ab2.9a2.8aGrainy
7.6b4.2a3.8a3.2aOverall quality 5.01a6.3a6.1a5.9aLetters describe a comparison between years
in each variety of cheese; means marked with the same letters in each row do not show
significant differences (LSDtest, P< 0.05) intensityFlavourAcid
BitterSweetChewinessHardnessMoistRubberyGrainyCaciottella di Amaseno cheese (0
month)Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (3 months)Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (6
months)Caciottella di Amaseno cheese (9 months)Figure 1. Spider diagrams443Czech J. Food
Sci. Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–444during maturation. Australian Journal of DairyTechnol-ogy,
44: 7–18. Bilal A.M. (2000): Effect of partial substitution of soymilk on the chemical
composition and sensory characteristics of white soft cheese. [M.Sc. Thesis.] University of Khar-
toum, Sudan.Ceylan Z.G., Turkoglu H., Dayisoylu S.(2003): The microbiological and chemical
quality of Skima cheese produced in Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2: 95–97. Fox P.F.,
McSweeney P.L.H., Lynch C.M. (1998): Sig-nificance of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in
Ched-dar cheese. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 53: 5383–5389.GrappinR.,
BeuvierE.(1997): Possible implications of milk pasteurization on the manufacture and sensor y
quality of ripened cheese. International Dairy Journal, 7: 751–761, Güler Z., Uraz Ü. (2004) :
Relationships between proteo-lytic and lipolytic activity and sensory properties (taste–odour) of
traditional Turkish white cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 57237–242,
Heisserer D.M., Chambers E. IV (1993): Determination of the sensory flavour attributes of aged
natural cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies, 2: 121–132.ISO 3433 (2008): Determination of fat
content – van Gulik method. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.ISO 8586-
1:1993. Sensory analysis – General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of
assessors – Part 1: Selected Assessors. International Organization for Standardization,
Geneva.ISO 8589:1998. Sensory analysis – General guidance for the design of test rooms.
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.ISO/DIS 13299:1998. Sensor y analysis
– Methodology – General guidance for establishing a sensory profile. International Organization
for Standardization, Geneva.Johnson E.A., Nelson J.H., Johnson M. (1990): Micro-biological
safety of cheese made from heat-treated milk, Journal of Food Protection, 53, 519–
540.Kosikowski F.V., Mistry V.V.(1997): Bacterial surface rip-ened chees. In: KosikowskiF.V.:
Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. Vol. 1. 3rdEd. LLC, Westport: 266–271..Land D.G.,
Shepherd R. (1988): Scaling and ranking meth-ods. In: Piggott J.R. (ed): Sensory Analysis of
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2012Accepted after corrections March 4, 2013Corresponding authorProf Patrizia Papetti,
University of Cassino, Department of Economics, Via S. Angelo, Folcara-03043, Cassino, Italy;
E-mail: papetti@eco.unicas.it
∎ masing-masing bilik di bawah pencahayaan merah yang menyebar untuk meminimalkan
perbedaan dalam penampilan. Suhu udara dan ventilasi sensor y pekerja juga dikontrol. Penilai
membilas mulut mereka dengan air yang terdeionisasi di antara keju. Selama pengujian sensoris,
panelis ditempatkan di bilik individu di ruang sensorial Laboratorium Universitas Cassino, dan
data direkam di komputer. Empat keju disajikan setiap hari dan urutan mencicipi seimbang
antara hari dan dalam beberapa hari untuk memperhitungkan pesanan pertama, membawa dan
hari pilihan (MacFie et al. 1989). Sensor panel. Sebuah panel yang terdiri dari 12 asesor, 7 pria
dan 5 wanita, mengambil bagian dalam Analisis Descrip-tive y. Semuanya adalah anggota panel
sensorik yang didirikan di Universitas Cassino. Panel ini direkrut dan disaring sesuai dengan
standar internasional yang diterima (ISO 8586-1: 1993, ISO 8589: 1998, ISO / DIS 13299:
1998). Panel terlatih yang berpengalaman ini memiliki tingkat dis-kriminasi, kepekaan, dan
konsistensi dalam pengukuran (Land & Shepherd1988). Semua penilai dilatih untuk melakukan
analisis deskriptif dan terlibat dalam pengembangan voul cabulary deskriptif untuk keju.
Pengembangan vocabu-lary deskriptif penuh, untuk menggambarkan karakteristik sensoris dari
keju, dilakukan selama dua diskusi kelompok. untuk setiap kategori produk, dan panel penilai
mengevaluasi produk untuk rasa, tekstur dan rasa mulut, penampilan dan bau (Lawless &
Heymann2010). Leksikon telah dimodifikasi dari yang sebelumnya dikembangkan untuk keju
Cheddar (Murray & Delahunty2000). Kuantitas masing-masing atribut deskriptif yang diperoleh
diberi skor pada skala garis 10 cm kontinu. Metodologi. Penilaian sensorik deskriptif dari sampel
dilakukan menggunakan istilah dan referensi standar yang dikembangkan. Selama setiap sesi
sensorik, empat sampel yang berbeda dievaluasi untuk semua atribut, diorganisir sehingga tiga
ulangan diperoleh untuk semua penilai untuk setiap sampel. Rancangan percobaan yang
digunakan untuk menghilangkan sisa dan urutan bias pencicip dijelaskan secara terperinci dalam
Muirand Hunter (1992, 1995a, b, 1996). Menggunakan metode QDA 16 atribut untuk keju yang
diselidiki dipilih dan ditentukan secara menyeluruh untuk pembuatan profil (Tabel 1): warna,
bau (krim, asam, mentega, buah), rasa (asin, asam, manis, pahit, aftertaste), dan tekstur
(kekerasan, kekenyalan, kenyal, kering, kasar). Intensitas atribut dinilai pada skala grafik
kontinyu yang tidak terstruktur. Sisik-sisik itu memiliki panjang 10 cm dan dilekatkan secara
verbal di setiap ujungnya, sisi kiri dari skala yang sesuai dengan intensitas terendah (nilai 0) dan
sisi kanan ke intensitas tertinggi (nilai 10) dari atribut. Secara keseluruhan kualitas keju dinilai
menggunakan jenis skala yang sama seperti di atas berlabuh di kedua ujungnya: memutus tautan
(0) - sangat terkait (10). Analisis statistik. Panel berarti skor dari data deskriptif kuantitatif
dianalisis oleh ANOVA. Perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik pada hasil diuji dengan uji
Fisher least significant difference (LSD) yang diproteksi.RESULSI DAN PEMBAHASAN
Analisis kimiaTabel 2 menunjukkan nilai rata-rata untuk parameter kimia (pH, kelembaban,
klorida dan lemak con-tenda) dari internal, median dan keju luar 440Vol. 31, 2013, No. 5: 438–
444 Czech J. Food Sci.wheel bagian selama 9 bulan. Untuk hasil waktu pematangan, semua
parameter (pH, kelembaban, chlo-ride dan kadar lemak) disajikan selama pematangan keju,
penurunan kelembaban oleh penguapan menyebabkan penurunan berat badan yang progresif dan
setelah itu terjadi dehidrasi progresif selama fase pematangan berikutnya. dari 35-40% (Papettiet
al. 2012). Kadar air menurun di semua keju selama periode penyimpanan (Aly & Galal2002). Ini
mungkin disebabkan oleh degradasi protein dan lemak (Zaki et al. 1974). Perbedaan yang
signifikan secara statistik di antara semua kelas pematangan (P <0,05) ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3.
Konten kelembaban menurun secara statistik signifikan pada waktu pematangan pertama, sampai
bulan keenam, sementara, kemudian, penurunan kelembaban kurang relevan dalam persentase .
pH mencapai tingkat maksimum sekitar bulan ketiga, sementara kemudian keseimbangan
terbentuk, sebagai akibat dari efek proteolisis yang ditentang dari mana am-monia diproduksi
dan lipolisis menyebabkan pelepasan asam lemak. Peningkatan serupa keasaman keju
dilaporkan. sebelumnya oleh Bilal (2000) dan Warsamaet al. (2006). Hal ini mungkin karena
pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat dalam keju (Warsama et al. 2006). Asam laktat tidak hanya
berkontribusi terhadap rasa keju segar tetapi juga meningkatkan struktur keju dan melindunginya
terhadap sejenis pembusukan mikro-biologis (Ceylan et al. 2003). Tabel 2. Hasil analisis kimia
dan nutrisi yang dilakukan pada 23 keju sampel (rata-rata ± standar deviasi) MonthspH
Kelembaban (%) Klorida (g / 100 g DM) Lemak (g / 100 g DM) eksternal median pusat
eksternal eksternal pusat tengah median eksternal pusat...

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