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Research Instrument

The instrument used was a researcher-made survey questionnaire to gather data needed. The

researchers used quantitative and qualitative approach and personal interviews for additional
information to collect data and analyze numerical data in accordance to the result of the survey.
It was drawn out based on researcher`s readings, previous p racticummer, and also used a
combination of book-based and Internet-based. The draft of the survey was presented to the
research adviser, and to the company’s manager for the approval , for instance it was
composed of two main sections: profile and survey proper. The profile contains the
respondent’s demographic profile such as age, gender, civil status, the number of years th ey
had served to the company as well as their job status and assigned position. In the end the
survey questionnaire explored the effectiveness of Enterprise Resource Planning System in
Skintimates Inc in terms of security of data, Inventory management, Sales Report and Financial

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