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1.) To prepare Chinese tea ,0.

2 kg of hot water at 70℃ is poured into a teapot of

mass 250g at 25℃. The teapot is made of a material with specific heat capacity of
800 J/kg/℃. Calculate the final temperature of the tea. Assume the energy lost to
surrounding is 10kJ .
Given : the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kg/℃.

2.) 2. A copper block of mass 0.5 kg is put into a beaker containing 2kg of water. It
the temperature of water rises from 25℃ to 35℃ , calculate the initial
temperature of the copper block. Assume the energy lost to surrounding is 14 kJ .

Given: the specific heat capacity of water and copper block are 4200 J/kg/℃ and
390 J/kg/℃
A 300 g copper block is heated by a Bunsen burner for a long time. Then the copper
block is put in 20 oC water of mass 0.8 kg. If the final temperature of the water is 32
C, find the temperature of the copper block just before putting in the water.
Given: c of copper – 390 J kg–1 oC–1.
A. 94.2 oC B. 188.3 oC
B. 376.6 oC D. 760 oC

It takes 8 minutes to raise the temperature of 2 kg of a liquid by 40 oC using a 2.5 kW

heater. How long would it take to raise the temperature of 4 kg of the liquid by 20 oC
using a 5 kW heater? Assume that there is no energy loss to the surroundings.
A. 2 minutes B. 4 minutes
C. 16 minutes D. 32 minutes

Heat is supplied at the same rate to equal amount of water and oil placed in similar
containers. The temperature of the oil rises faster. Which of the following is the
possible reason?
A. Oil has a lower density than water.
B. Oil has a higher boiling point than water.
C. Oil has a smaller specific heat capacity than water.
D. Oil evaporates less readily than water.

1. A beaker of water is heated by a Bunsen burner to boil. Some bubbles

evolved inside the liquid, and some mist is formed. Which of the following
statements is / are correct?
(1) The bubbles in the boiling water are mainly composed of air.
(2) The mist is formed by fast moving gaseous water molecules.
(3) The average kinetic energy of the molecules of water (in liquid
state) in the beaker is the same as that of the molecules of steam
just above the water surface.
A. (1) only. B. (3) only.
C. (1) and (2) only. D. (2) and (3) only.

2. The graph below shows the variation of the temperature of a liquid with
time when the liquid is heated by a 400 W heater. The mass of the liquid is
2 kg. Find the specific heat capacity of the liquid.

A. 83 J kg–1 oC–1 B. 480 J kg–1 oC–1

C. 1200 J kg–1 oC–1 D. 2400 J kg–1 oC–1

3. The heat capacity of an object depends on its...

(1) Material (2) Mass (3) Shape
A. (1) only. B. (3) only.
C. (1) and (2) only. D. (2) and (3) only.

4. Which of the followings makes a thermometer respond to a change in

temperature quickly?
A. The bore is narrow and the bulb has thick glass.
B. The bore is narrow and the bulb has thin glass.
C. The bore is wide and the bulb has thick glass.
D. The bore is wide and the bulb has thin glass.

A 400 W heater is given.

(a) Find the time required to heat up 3 kg of water from 25 oC to 60

(b)(i) In reality, how will the actual time required differ from the one you
had calculated in
(a)? Explain

(b)(ii) Hence, suggest TWO ways to improve the accuracy of time


A small cup of water has heat capacity 300 JC-1 .

Find the energy absorbed by the water when its temperature increases by 5C.

How long does it take for an immersion heater of 20W to heat the water to

raise its temperature by 5C?

A big piece of rock has a heat capacity of 10000 JC- It absorbs energy

from the sun on a sunny day at a rate of 500 W

What is its temperature rise in five minute?

The temperature does not rise so much as your answer in (a), give one

possible reason.

For 0.2 kg of water, it absorbs 4200 J of energy to raise its temperature by

5C.Find the heat capacity of 0.2 kg of water.

Using the information from the last question, find the heat capacity of 1 kg of water.

For 2 kg aluminium block, it absorbs 3600 J of energy to raise its

temperature by 2C. Find the heat capacity of the aluminium block.

Using the information from the last question, find the heat capacity of 1

kg of aluminium block.
500 g of water in a metal container is heated by an immersion heater.

The initial temperature was 22C. The heat capacity of the metal

container is 200 JC-1. Find the time of heating to raise its temperature

to 40C if the power of heater is 140W.

What will keep you warmest on a cold night? 1-kg of iron at 100C?

or 1-kg water at 100C?

An electric heater of power 250W heats up some water from 25C to

60C in 10 minutes. Assume the average rate of energy loss to the

surrounding is 40W. Find the mass of water.

Find the time of heating to raise the temperature of 0.8 kg of water from

20C to 60C by an electric heater of power 300W, given that the

average rate of energy loss to the surroundings is 50W for 0.8kg of

water at 30C.

In the last question, the actual time taken is more than your calculated

answer. Explain why briefly.

A hot metal block of mass 2.5 kg is cooled by immersing into a tank of

water. There is 5 kg of water in the tank and its temperature increases by

8C after the hot metal block is immersed into it. Find the energy

absorbed by the water. The temperature of metal drops by 70C, find

the specific heat capacity of the metal.

A 2 kg steel block at 100C is put into some water at 20C. The

temperature of the water finally reaches 23C. What is the mass of the

water? Given the specific heat capacity of steel is 500 Jkg-1C-1.

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