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Necessary G/L Accounts

For the Configuration of Automatic Postings Transaction OBD4

IMG: Financial Accounting (New)  General Ledger Accounting (New)  Master Data  G/L Accounts 
Preparations  Define Account Group


CAJP ANL. Fixed assets accounts 9999999999
CAJP ERG. P&L Statement Accounts 9999999999
CAJP FIN. Liquid funds accounts 9999999999
CAJP MAT. Materials management accounts 9999999999
CAJP SAKO G/L accounts (general) 9999999999
CAJP SECC Secondary Costs/Revenues ZZZZZZZZZZ

If reconciliation accounts are defined

as Account Group SAKO.

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Valuation of Chargeable Components
Transaction OM59
Display Valuation Class for Special Stock at Vendor Field BC Set: /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOG_34

You make the system display the Valuation Class for Special Stock at Vendor field in the material master record. The field is displayed on
the Accounting 1 tab.
You can then enter the valuation class that defined in the previous IMG activity in this field.

(1)Transaction SCPR20

In order to add the Valuation Class for Special Stock at Vendor field (MBEW-OKLAS)
to the table (T130F) that contains the fields that can be added to field selection
groups, activate BC Set: /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOG_34.

You can also set 999 in the SFGRU field.

(2) IMG: Logistics – General  Material Master  Field Selection  Assign Fields to
Field Selection Groups

assign the field MBEW-OKLAS to a new field selection group of your choice (we
recommend 35, unless you already use 35 for another purpose).

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Valuation of Chargeable Components
Transaction OMSR, OM59
Display Valuation Class for Special Stock at Vendor Field BC Set: /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOG_34

(3) IMG: Logistics – General  Material Master  Field Selection 

Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens

You make the following settings for the new field selection group 35.

Field Ref. Setting

MM01 Optional Entry
MM02 Optional Entry
MM03 Display

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Valuation of Chargeable Components
BAdI: Price Change

This BAdI allows you to stop price change programs (such as the Price Update, Price Change, and Debit/Credit
Material programs) from changing the prices of chargeable components stored as vendor stock.

This BAdI does not have any effect on changes to moving average prices caused by material movements.

If you want to record price changes neither in Materials Management (MM) nor Financial Accounting (FI), create an
implementation for the method No Price Changes in MM or FI. The price change document does not cover the
chargeable components stored as vendor stock.

If you want to record price changes in MM only, create an implementation for the method No Price Changes in FI
instead. In this case, the price change document covers the chargeable components, but they are not reflected in the
accounting document.

You can use the sample implementation to help you.


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Subcontract Orders Transaction M/34
BC Sets:
Set Up Message Types 1/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_MM_PUR_56

You customize the printouts that buyers can make when they create subcontract orders.

After they enter a subcontract order, they can print out a copy of the subcontract order. And, if the subcontractor purchases any components
itself from another company instead of you providing them, the buyers can also print out a list of the subcontracting components.

Only carry out this activity if you have not activated the BC Set /SAPNEA/SCC_03_REQ (SCC Required BC Sets for First Time Use): These
activities are contained in that one.

IMG: Material Management  Purchasing  Messages  Output Control  Message Types  Define Message Type for Purchase Order
 Maintain Message Types for PO

Activate the BC set /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_MM_PUR_53_T.

This creates two new message types with the following processing routines:

Message Type Use Program FORM Routine SAPscript Form

SC01 Subcontracting component list /SAPNEA/SAPFJSC2 ENTRY_NEU /SAPNEA/J_SC_04

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Subcontract Orders Transaction M/34
BC Sets:
Set Up Message Types 2/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_MM_PUR_56

Application: EF (Purchase Order) Application: EF (Purchase Order)

Output Type: SC01 Output Type: SC02
Output Types Access Sequence 0001 Output Types Access Sequence 0001
Flag X: Access to Conditions Flag X: Access to Conditions
X: Multiple issuing X: Multiple issuing
Program FM06AEND Program FM06AEND
Form Routine CHANGE_FLAG Form Routine CHANGE_FLAG
Print Parameter 6 Print Parameter 6
Mail Title and Language EN Mail Title and Language EN
Texts Texts
Document Title Component list for chargeable Document Title Purchase order format for
subcontracting subcontracting
Processing Transm. Medium 1 Print Output Processing Transm. Medium 1 Print Output
Routines Routines
Form Routine ENTRY_NEU Form Routine ENTRY_NEU
Form /SAPNEA/J_SC_04 Form /SAPNEA/J_SC_01
Partner Roles 1 Print output OA: Ordering address Partner Roles 1 Print output OA: Ordering address
VN: Vendor VN: Vendor
DP: Delivering plant DP: Delivering plant
SC: Subcontractor SC: Subcontractor

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Subcontract Orders Transaction OMQN
BC Sets:
Set Up Message Types 3/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_MM_PUR_56

IMG: Material Management  Purchasing  Messages  Output Control  Message Types  Define Message Type
for Purchase Order  Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order

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Subcontract Orders Transaction M/36, OMQS
BC Sets:
Set Up Message Types 4/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_MM_PUR_56

IMG: Material Management  Purchasing  Messages  Output Control  Message Determination Schemas 
Define Message Schema for Purchase Order

This links the message types to the subcontract order.

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Subcontract Orders
Set Up Message Types 5/5 Transaction OMFE

IMG: Material Management  Purchasing  Messages  Forms (Layout Sets) for Messages  Assign Form and Output Program for
Purchase Order

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Define Output Master for Purchase Order
Transaction MN04

SAP Menu  Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing  Master Data  Messages  Purchase Order  Create

Message Type SC01 Message Type SC02

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Transaction V/34
Deliveries BC Set:
Set Up Output Types 1/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_80

In this IMG activity, you customize the printouts that delivery clerks can make when they create deliveries for subcontract orders.

After they create a delivery, they can print out (a) a delivery note and (b) a component list.

Only carry out this activity if you have not activated the BC Set /SAPNEA/SCC_03_REQ (SCC Required BC Sets for First Time Use):
These activities are contained in that one.

IMG: Logistics Execution  Shipping  Basic Shipping Functions  Output Control  Output Determination  Maintain Output
Determination for Outbound Deliveries

1. In the IMG activity Maintain Output Types (Transaction NL03),

Activate the BC set /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_78_T. This creaes two new output types with the following processing routines:

Output Type Use Program FORM Routine SAPscript Form

SC01 Delivery note /SAPNEA/J_SC_09 ENTRY /SAPNEA/J_SC_05
component list

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Transaction V/34
Deliveries BC Set:
Set Up Output Types 2/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_80

Application: V2 (Shipping) Application: V2 (Shipping)

Output Type: SC01 Output Type: SC02
Output Types Access Sequence 0005 Output Types Access Sequence 0005
Flag X: Access to Conditions Flag X: Access to Conditions
Dispatch Time 3 Dispatch Time 3
Transm. Medium 1 Print Output Transm. Medium 1 Print Output
Partner Function SH Partner Function SH
Print Parameter 5 Print Parameter 5
Storage Mode 1 Print Only Storage Mode 1 Print Only
Document Type SDODELNOTE Document Type SDODELNOTE
Mail Title and Language EN Mail Title and Language EN
Texts Texts
Document Title Access Type: Print Document Title Access Type: Print
Parameters/Proposal Parameters Parameters/Proposal Parameters
Processing Program /SAPNEA/J_SC_09 Processing Program /SAPNEA/J_SC_09
Routines Routines
Form Routine ENTRY Form Routine ENTRY
Form /SAPNEA/J_SC_05 Form /SAPNEA/J_SC_04
Partner Roles 1 Print Output SH: Ship-to-Party Partner Roles 1 Print Output SH: Ship-to-Party
SC: Subcontractor SC: Subcontractor

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Transaction V/71
Deliveries BC Set:
Set Up Output Types 3/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_80

IMG: Logistics Execution  Shipping  Basic Shipping Functions  Output Control  Output Determination  Maintain Output
Determination for Outbound Deliveries  Assign Output Determination Procedure  Assign deliveries (header)

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Transaction V/36
Deliveries BC Set:
Set Up Output Types 4/5 /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_80

2. In the IMG activity Maintain Output Determination Procedure, activate /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_80.

3. In the IMG activity Assign Output Determination Procedures, activate /SAPNEA/SCC_REQ_LOE_79.

These two activities link the output types to the delivery type that you use for subcontracting components.

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Set Up Output Types 5/5 Transaction VV21

SAP Menu  Logistics  Logistics Execution  Master Data  Output  Shipping  Outbound Deliveries  Create

Message Type SC01 Message Type SC02

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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Billing Documents – Create Billing Types
Transaction VOFA

In these IMG activities, you set up the billing types and the copying control for
invoices for chargeable components.

You create two billing types, one for invoices and one for credit memos.

For the invoice, copy the standard billing document type FX, and clear the
Cancell. Billing Type field.  CCA

For the credit memo, copy the standard billing document type G2, and clear
the Cancell. Billing Type field.  CCR View V_TVFK

J (Chargeable Subcon.) is assigned to Document pricing procedure of billing

document type CCA and CCR.

Cancellation of posted Un-billed A/R is posted as credit memo by the program

of Invoices for Chargeable Components, after cancelling supplying
components or returning supplied components.

Then, enter these two billing types in the IMG activity Make General Settings.

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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Billing Documents – Define Copying Control
Transaction VTFA

In this IMG activity, you define the copying control from the sales order to the billing document type for invoices and credit memos for
chargeable components.

Header Data
Create two new entries as follows:
Field Invoice Credit Memo View V_TVCPFAK
Target Billing Type CCA* CCR*
Source Sales Document Type DL DL
Copy Item Number Select Select

*Or whatever you created in the IMG activity Create Billing Types.
Leave all the other fields blank.

Item Data
For the invoice, create two new entries, one each for the item categories LBN and LBR, as follows:
Field Enter
Billing Quantity C
Pos./Neg. Quantity +
Pricing Type G

Leave all the other fields blank.

Repeat this step for the credit memo as well, with the same settings, but set the entries in the Pos./Neg. Quantity field to -.
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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Pricing Procedure – Define Conditions Types
Transaction V/06

In these IMG activities, you customize the system so that when a billing clerk
creates an invoice for chargeable components, the system automatically
determines the appropriate pricing procedure and thus can price the

You create a new condition type. The condition type is for the price of the
chargeable components.

To create the condition type, create a copy of the standard condition type PR00.
Give the new condition type a name of your own, and delete the access

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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Pricing Procedure – Define and Assign Pricing Procedure Transaction OVKI, V/08, OVKK

In this IMG activity, you create a pricing procedure for invoices for chargeable components. You then customize the pricing procedure

Maintain Pricing Procedures - Create a new pricing procedure RVCCA1 with the following settings:
Step CTyp Description Fro To Man. SubTo Reqt AltCty AltCBV ActKey
11 CCA* Component Price × CCA
13 MWST Output Tax 11 10 16 MWS
14 Gross Price 11 13 2 2

*This is the condition type that you created in the IMG activity Define Condition Types.

Define Document Pricing Procedure

Create a new document pricing procedure, J (Chargeable Subcon.).

Assign Document Pricing Procedures to Billing Types

Assign the document pricing procedure to the billing types that you created in the IMG activity Create Billing Types.

Define Pricing Procedure Determination

Assign the pricing procedure and the condition type that you created to the appropriate sales organization and the document pricing procedure.

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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Pricing Procedure – Define and Assign Pricing Procedure Transaction VK11

Define Condition Record for Condition Type MWST

SAP Easy Access Menu: Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Conditions  Select Using Condition Type  Create/Change/Display

(Note) Kindly please set the correct Valid From and % rate.

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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Automatic Posting – Create Account Key
Transaction OV34

In these IMG activities, you customize the system so that when you create an invoice for chargeable components, it automatically makes
the correct accounting postings for chargeable components.
When you create an invoice for chargeable components, the system generates an accounting document that debits the Subcontractor A/R -
Pending account and credits the Clearing Account for Chargeable Components.
It is the credit posting that you configure in these activities.

Define Account Key

Create a new account key.

Assign Account Keys

Assign the account key to the condition type for chargeable components in the pricing procedure that you created in the IMG activity Define
and Assign Pricing Procedures.

Define Account Key Assign Account Key

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Invoices for Chargeable Components
Automatic Posting – Assign G/L Accounts to Account Key Transaction VKOA

In this IMG activity, you specify which G/L accounts the account key posts to.

Customize the account key so that it posts to the Clearing Account for Chargeable Components (for debit
and credit postings).

G/L account 811103 is defined as “B/S account”.

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Deductible Payables
Alternative Accounts Payable Account – Create G/L Account BC Set: /SAPNEA/SCC_COA_FI_29_T

In these IMG activities, you make the settings for the Alternative Accounts Payable account.

The Alternative Accounts Payable account is a vendor reconciliation account. You use it to record deductible payables sent you by your
vendors: When an accounts clerk enters a deductible payable, the system automatically records the vendor item on this account.

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Deductible Payables
Alternative Accounts Payable Account – Define G/L Account as Alternative Reconciliation Account

In this IMG activity, you specify that the G/L account you have created is allowed as an alternative reconciliation account.
For the standard documentation on this activity, see Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts.

Enter the normal accounts payable reconciliation account, the Alternative Accounts Payable account, and an ID of your choice.
Later, you enter this ID in the IMG activity Make General Settings.

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