Daily Trumpet Issue #120971, 22 Nightal, 1491

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The Daily Trumpet

Arctic cold snap. Extreme
00 cold, ice, windy. Likely to
clear by tomorrow

No. 120.971. | Established 1160 DR. | SECOND DAY OF THE THIRD TENDAY, 22 NIGHTAL, 1491 DR. PRICE ONE SHARD.


THREATENS SEA WARD. REPORTS. — Mirt “the Moneylender” must be
P P a Masked Lord of Waterdeep! How
SHIPPING. Black, Green, Nasty.
Mead Robbery.
The Snobeedle family of the
else could he have stayed alive this
Snobeedle Orchard and Meadery in
CHANSZRA Ahlmhaund, a Undercliff reports that several cases
— The only Lord that Mirt is hiding
is the one filling his belly.
wealthy widow of the Street of of their finest Snobeedle Vintage
Whispers, says she looked out of a mead have gone missing. Mrs. — Send all the drow back to where
high window at dimmergloam Blossom Snobeedle reports a they came from. Waterdeep for the
yestereve, and saw a snake flying suspicious-looking male gnome with Waterdhavians, I say, and no
past: “As long as my coach horse! painting supplies was seen loudly Harper can tell me otherwise.
Black, mottled green -- with eyes like ranting about a “missed opportunity
green flames! Nasty, 'twas, and of a lifetime” shortly before the theft — The Lord of Lies returns! Despair,
looking for someone specific, too, I mortals!
was discovered. Investigation is
swear to the gods!” ongoing. P
The Street of Whispers is known
for courtesans, soothsayers, and Candle Lane Disturbance. ADVERTISSEMENTS.
P dabblers in minor magics. The Reported warehouse break-in on P
Seers of Master Mariner’s Guild Portend Quick End to Icebound Conditions. Watch confirms several licenses for Candle Lane. The Watch has
A solicitor who hobnobs with
P enspelled pets and guardian beasts are
held by area dwellers, but none
cordoned off the area and no further
information is available. Witness slobbish snobs is of no use to the top
describes a wingéd snake. claimed to have seen Renaer suave Pop! What you need is a
SHORTLY after twelve bells last alike were firmly fixed in their places,
unable to muster an inch even with
Moving Ice. The cause of this
unseasonably chill gale is unknown, However, at least two noble Neverember. Witness then vomited lawyer who can rob that mob.
night, residents of the coastal wards the stiff wind at their tails. The but the word about town is that families with nearby mansions, on reporter’s shoes. Witness’s Come see Bob Xoblob at The Old
reported a sudden chill wind followed hardworking men and ladies of the diviners and other representatives of Estelmer and Zun, have “sarser testimony deemed unreliable. Xoblob Shop (previously Bob
by a sharp staccato of crackling and Guild of Watermen endeavoured the Watchful Order of Magists and licenses” (named for the long-ago Xoblob’s Mauve Bauble Swap
snapping sounds from the sea. In the Jewelry Heist Foiled. Shoppe and Law Squabble Problem-
tirelessly through the morning hours Protectors have already met with the clerk who devised them, and often
early morning hours thereafter, the to offload cargo from the derelict Blackstaff to ensure that the city is called “allcloak licenses” because they In a follow-up to our previous Solver Job Spot) at Zastrow Street
crackling developed into sudden, loud vessels and trek it across the icy under no immediate threat of harm. cover all nonprohibited beasts a report of an incident at the Diamond and Fillet Lane in the Dock Ward.
crashes resembling the striking of Dozen jewelry shop, it has now been Look for the mauve eye blob prop!
surface of the sea. We asked Captain Hyustus property owner may wish to import,
thunderbolts. The Sea Seers of the Master Staget, officer of the Watch for the trade in, or keep). They had not discovered that it was in fact a
By dawn, the whole of the harbour Mariner’s Guild stated for the record Dock Ward, for any comment, to responded to requests for comment planned robbery gone awry, foiled by
a secretive special agent of the Watch. Thrakkus’s Butchery.
was seen to be encased in a thick layer that the cause of the sudden cold was which he grunted reassuringly and by press time. The Freshest Cuts. No Question.
of ice and temperatures are still quite a strong northwesterly wind that walked away. We take to mean that Anyone seeing the snake is asked to Young men yearn to be in the shoes
of this unknown debonair rogue. Old Windmill in the Field Ward.
brisk. Galleons, caravels, and sloops blew in directly from the Sea of everything is well and firmly in hand. alert the Watch.

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