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UVa 568 - Just the Facts

/* 568 C "Just the Facts" */


#include <stdio.h>

#define FACT_UPTO 10001

int n, fact_lnzd[FACT_UPTO] ;

void precompute(void)
int i, fact ;

fact_lnzd[0] = fact_lnzd[1] = fact = 1 ;

for (i=2; i<=FACT_UPTO; i++) {

fact = fact * i ;
while (fact%10==0)
fact /= 10 ;
fact = fact%100000 ;
fact_lnzd[i] = fact%10 ;

int main()
precompute() ;
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
printf("%5d -> %d\n", n, fact_lnzd[n]) ;
return 0;


Posted by Right now at 3:21 AM

Labels: Ad Hoc, UVaOJ Vol-5

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