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Safety Management


Human Performance
Engaging Workers as the Best Defense
Against Errors & Error Precursors
By Jan K. Wachter and Patrick L. Yorio

onsider these three related truisms: To malice or forethought). About 80% of all incidents
err is human. Workers are fallible. Errors are are attributed initially to human error (Perrow, 1984;
inevitable (as well as predictable). These are Reason, 1990; U.S. DOE, 2009a). The remainder in-
some fundamentals of the human performance ap- volves elements such as equipment and material
proach to understanding safety. Generally speaking, failures. But, when the 80% human error is analyzed
human performance encompasses the way workers, in detail, the analysis reveals that most errors are as-
the organization, the environment and the manage- sociated with events that stem from latent organiza-
ment system (e.g., programs tional weaknesses, whereas about 30% are caused
and processes) work syn- by individual workers interfacing “erroneously”
ergistically as an entire sys- with systems and equipment (U.S. DOE, 2009).
•To prevent human error from affecting
tem. Workers are the focal Thus, incidents result from a combination of factors
operations, management can 1) keep
points of this system, since both within and beyond the control of workers.
workers from making active errors (er-
any flaws in the system can Although error is universal, the traditional belief
ror avoidance) or 2) stop the errors from
affect workers’ performance that human performance is a worker-controlled
having an effect (controls).
and, conversely, any worker phenomenon and that failures are introduced to the
•Human performance tools have been
flaws can affect the system. system only through the inherent unreliability of
designed to help workers anticipate,
Errors are largely viewed as workers is in itself an error of understanding. Since
prevent and catch active errors. Many
consequences of working in experience indicates that weaknesses in organiza-
tools are geared toward identifying the
a flawed system. tional processes and cultural values are involved
presence of error precursors.
Given this human perfor- in most incidents, reducing human errors that are
•Based on interviews conducted with
mance perspective, it should often the result of organizational weaknesses will
high-performing organizations, the top
not be surprising that work- reduce the likelihood that such events will occur.
10 human performance tools have been
place incidents are triggered Susceptibility to error is heightened when work-
determined. These tools are effective
by human actions and in ers operate within complex systems that contain
because they provide error-avoiding
many cases the human ac- concealed weaknesses. These latent conditions ei-
defenses and promote active worker
tions causing these events ther provoke error or weaken controls against the
are errors (which are unin- consequences of error. From a human performance
tentional actions without perspective, Figure 1 diagrams the framework for
incidents involving these organizational and hu-
Jan K. Wachter, D.Sc., CSP, CIH, is an associate professor in the Safety Sciences
man elements. The two ways to prevent human
Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Wachter holds a B.S. error from affecting operations are to 1) keep work-
in Biology, an M.S. in Environmental Health, an M.B.A. and a D.Sc. in Hygiene ers from making errors (error prevention) or 2) stop
from the University of Pittsburgh. He also holds degrees in theology. Before his the errors from having an effect (controls). Figure 1
academic career, Wachter was employed by Fortune 100 companies and U.S. De- provides clues regarding intervention mechanisms
partment of Energy. He is a member of ASSE’s Western Pennsylvania Chapter. that workers can use to prevent human error aris-
Patrick L. Yorio, CSP, SPHR, earned both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree
ing from the provocation of error at the workplace
from IUP and is a Ph.D. candidate in research methodology at University of or the weakening of controls. Breaking the compo-
Pittsburgh. He is a lecturer in the Safety Sciences Department at IUP and serves nent linkages as presented in this figure prevents
in various research capacities in university and government settings. Prior to his events from occurring. Using this model, events
research career, he consulted domestically and internationally with both private can be avoided.
and public organizations. Research interests focus on management systems and This article explores the human performance
organizational safety performance and human behavior in organizations.
tools workers can use to defend themselves against
54 ProfessionalSafety FEBRUARY 2013
Figure 1
Framework for an Event From a
flawed organizational safety manage- Human Performance Perspective
ment systems as well as their own fal-
libility in order to reduce human error
and, thus, workplace incidents. In a
study sponsored by the Alcoa Founda-
tion, the research team canvassed several
known high-performing organizations
in various sectors (e.g., nuclear opera-
tions, power generation, aviation, heavy
manufacturing, government) regarding
the human performance tools they have
successfully used to reduce error and im-
prove safety performance.
These tools are discussed in this arti-
cle. They are emphatically worker-centric
in that they engage workers to be more
aware of their safety, error precursors,
tasks to be performed, and their condi-
tions and surroundings. Discussion will
also address why engagement and other
factors are critical in making these tools
effective. However, to fully understand
these tools and how they work, let’s first
review the human performance approach strategic approach to preventing incidents includes
to managing and reducing error. workers anticipating and preventing active errors
through the use of human performance tools.
A Primer on the Human Performance Approach Errors also can be categorized as slips, lapses and
to Reducing Error mistakes. Slips occur when physical actions (e.g.,
The information presented on the human perfor- turn the wrong valve) fail to achieve their intended
mance approach to reducing error has been largely outcome. Lapses involve a failure of memory or
adapted from the works of the U.S. DOE (2009a, recall (e.g., forget to turn off the valve). Mistakes
2009b), Reason (1990, 1997), Dekker (2006), Pe- occur when workers use inadequate plans to
tersen (1998) and Performance Improvement In- achieve the intended outcome (e.g., use an incor-
ternational (2000). rect procedure to determine which valve to turn).
Mistakes usually involve misinterpretations or lack
What Are Latent Organizational Weaknesses? of knowledge. On the other hand, violations in-
Latent organizational weaknesses are hidden de- volve the deliberate deviation or departure from
ficiencies in management processes or values which sanctioned and expected behaviors, policies, rules
can create workplace conditions that provoke errors or procedures. However, violations often are well-
and their precursors and/or degrade the integrity of intentioned, arising from desires to complete the
controls (Figure 1). These weaknesses lie dormant job according to management’s direction.
until uncovered—typically during incident investi-
gations. These weaknesses either create the precon- Provoking Error: Is It Intrinsic in Human Nature?
ditions for error, or fail to prevent, catch or mitigate Human error is provoked by a mismatch be-
the effects of error. Latent errors are normally man- tween human limitations and workplace condi-
agement’s to identify and resolve. However, workers tions, including inappropriate management and
often are in a position to observe the preconditions
for error, such as workplace distractions, that result
from these latent organizational weaknesses. Many Humans & Systems Are Flawed
human prevention tools help workers discern and
deal with these error preconditions. •Safety management systems and human nature are both
What Are Initiating Actions & Active Errors? •Many incidents are initiated by human error.
Typically, workplace incidents are triggered by •Human error is often a response to the presence of error pre-
human actions, which can be acts of commission cursors caused by management system deficiencies. Human error
or omission. These errors are human actions that also is based on an individual’s biases, vulnerabilities, assumptions
unintentionally depart from expected behaviors or and limitations.
performance. Active errors are physical, initiating •Worker-centric human performance tools that engage workers
actions that have immediate, observable and unde- provide a defense against safety management system and human
sirable outcomes. Workers on the front-line commit nature deficiencies.
most active errors because they “touch” the work, •Many human performance tools increase employees’ situational
task or equipment. Most errors are insignificant in awareness and sense of mindful uneasiness to protect them from
nature, resulting in few or no consequences. How- flaws in the organization and in themselves.
ever, since most initiating actions are active errors, a FEBRUARY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 55
Table 1
Typical Error Precursors
Found in the Workplace
Individual  capabilities  and   Individual  cognitive  
Task  demands   skills  (worker  specific)   characteristics  (worker  specific)   Environment  
Time  pressure;  high   Unfamiliarity  with  task/first   Assumptions,  dispositions  and  habits   Distractions  and  
workload  pressure;   time  or  nonroutine  or   interruptions  
mental  pressure   infrequent  task  
Simultaneous,  multiple   New  techniques  not  used   Overconfidence   Changes  and  
actions;  multitasking   before   departures  from  
Requirements  for   Lack  of  knowledge,  proficiency   Mental  short  cuts  or  biases     Confusing  controls  
interpreting  information   or  experience   and  displays  
and  procedures;  vague  
Unclear  goals,  roles  or   Poor  communication  or   Limited  short-­‐term  memory   Unexpected  
responsibilities;  lack  of   problem-­‐solving  skills   equipment  
clear  standards;  vague   conditions  or  
or  imprecise  work   performance  
guidance;  conflicting  
Repetitive  or   Illness  or  fatigue;  general  poor   Inaccurate  risk  perception   Environmental  
monotonous  actions   health  or  injury   factors  such  as  
noise,  temperature  
and  lighting  
End  of  shift  work;  last   Ability  to  handle  stress   Unsafe  attitudes    
shift  before  holiday;  first  
shift  back  from  holiday  
Note. Adapted from U.S. Department of Energy, 2009, Human Performance Improvement Handbook, Vols. 1
and 2.

leadership practices and organizational weak- •Confirmation bias: Reluctance to change one’s
nesses that set up the conditions for performance mind in light of conflicting information due to the
(or lack of performance). In some cases, however, investment of effort/time in the current solution.
errors are provoked by human nature. Workers •Similarity bias: Tendency to recall solutions
may judge risk poorly, typically underestimating it. from situations that appear similar to those that
In addition, workers may overestimate the ease of have proved useful from past experience.
success and their ability to perform. •Frequency bias: The notion that a frequently
For example, people may overvalue their abil- used solution will work or giving greater weight to
ity to maintain control when they are working information that occurs more recently or frequently.
perhaps due to the lack of consequences resulting •Availability bias: Tendency to settle on actions
from most of their errors. Some workers operate that readily come to mind and appear satisfactory,
under illusions of certainty that make them believe or giving more weight to available information
elements with risk are not risky. Also, there may even if the information may be wrong.
be a general lack of appreciation of human limits, Unsafe attitudes and at-risk behaviors can pro-
such as limited working memory and attention voke error. Awareness of these detrimental attitudes
resources. The amount of information that can or mind-sets (e.g., feelings of invulnerability; pride;
be held in working memory is typically limited to heroic behavior; everything-is-fine attitude) among
7 +/- 2 items (Wickens, 1992). Working memory workers is the first step toward effectively applying
can create a logjam for incoming information. Vari- error-avoidance methods.
ous human performance tools are geared toward However, many workers may find it difficult to see
more accurately estimating risk levels of activities or admit their own faults, vulnerabilities or errors.
and dealing with human limitations. Thus, many human performance tools are geared
Human stress can provoke error as well. Stress in- toward self-awareness of one’s biases, vulnerabili-
creases as familiarity with situations and conditions ties, deficiencies, assumptions and limitations, as
decreases. Workers generally try to avoid mental well as on providing a more informed view of risk.
stress. Humans are reluctant to engage in lengthy
concentrated thinking, as it requires high levels What Are Error Precursors & Error Traps?
of attention for extended periods. Consequently, Simply stated, error precursors are conditions
workers tend to look for familiar patterns and apply that provoke error. They are unfavorable condi-
well-tried solutions to solve problems. This leads to tions that interfere with successful performance
the temptation to settle for less-than-optimal solu- and increase the probability for error when con-
tions rather than continue to seek the best solutions. ducting specific actions. These precursors are not
Mental shortcuts, or biases, are often used to cryptic or unintelligible to workers. They are ob-
reduce mental effort and speed decision making. servable and can be corrected. If these precursors
Originating in the area of psychology, these in- are discovered and removed, work conditions can
clude the following biases: be changed to minimize the chance of error.
56 ProfessionalSafety FEBRUARY 2013
Error precursors can be grouped into
four major areas: task demands, indi- Table 2
vidual skills connected to accomplishing
a task, individual cognitive capabilities Survey Results About the
and workplace environment. Table 1 lists
typical error precursors found at work- Presence of Error Precursors
places in these four areas. Many human
performance tools help workers take note
in the Workplace
of the presence of these error precursors. Measure   Mean  response   SD  
Associated with the presence of error At  work,  there  are  time  pressures.  I  feel  rushed.   3.44   1.05  
precursors are error-likely situations (e.g., At  work,  there  are  mental  pressures.  I  find  it   2.94   1.03  
situations in which the presence of error difficult  to  concentrate.  
precursors are more common). Error-
At  work,  I  conduct  many  nonroutine  tasks.   3.31   0.99  
likely situations are those which present
greater chances for error when perform- At   w ork,   I   c onduct   m any   n ew/unfamiliar   t asks   3.01   0.97  
ing certain actions or tasks in the presence At   w ork,   I   t ypically   h ave   a   h igh   w orkload.   3.51   0.93  
of these error precursors (e.g., working At  work,  I  typically  multitask—doing  many   3.72   0.95  
on a particular piece of equipment that different  things  at  the  same  time.  
requires multitasking). Error-likely situa- At  work,  I  receive  work  guidance  that  is  at  times   3.06   1.02  
tions typically exist when the demands of vague  or  imprecise  
tasks exceed worker capabilities or when
work conditions aggravate the limitations At  work,  there  are  many  distractions  around  me.   3.19   1.01  
of human nature. Error-likely situations At   w ork,   t here   i s   l ow   l ikelihood   o f   m anagement   2.71   0.97  
also are known as error traps. detecting   a   v iolation   o f   s afety   r ules.  
In a study conducted at Indiana Univer- At  work,  safety  requirements  are  very   2.35   0.90  
sity of Pennsylvania (IUP), the research inconvenient  to  comply  with.  
team asked approximately 2,300 em-
ployees (some of whom worked at high- Note. 1 = Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Neither agree nor disagree; 4 = Agree;
performing organizations) to respond to a 5 = Strongly agree
series of questions regarding the presence
of error precursors and working condi-
tions in their organizations. Workers also
were asked to report the number of injuries and near Skill-Based Performance
misses they experienced in the preceding 6-month Skill-based performance involves highly prac-
period. Based on previous investigations, 6 months ticed, largely physical actions conducted in very fa-
is the maximum time over which employees should miliar situations. Such actions are usually executed
be asked to recall injuries they have sustained with from memory without significant conscious thought
any accuracy (Veazie, Landen, Bender, et al., 1994; or attention. In skill-based mode, workers func-
Zacharatos, Barling & Iverson, 2005). tion effectively by using preprogrammed sequences
Ten Likert-scale statements related to error pre- of behavior that do not require much conscious
cursors or worker conditions were provided and control. Examples are using hand tools, recording
respondents were asked to indicate their level of gauge information, using test equipment or click-
agreement (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly ing valve positions. One problem with skill-based
agree). The results are presented in Table 2. As performance is that the greater the familiarity with
shown, the most common error precursors identi- the task, the less likely the perceived risk will match
fied were multitasking, high workload, time pres- actual risk. Workers become comfortable with risk
sures and conducting nonroutine tasks. and can eventually grow insensitive to hazards.
Each response was then associated with the self- Inattention is the primary error mode for skill-
reported near misses, first-aid injuries and injuries based performance. Skill-based errors are primarily
resulting in medical treatment beyond first aid execution errors, involving action slips and lapses
that were reported by each employee. These asso- in attention or concentration. Under ideal condi-
ciations are reported in Table 3 (p. 57). As shown, tions, the chance for error is less than 1 in 10,000,
most of these error precursor situations are sys- according to a study in the nuclear power industry.
tematically, positively and significantly associated Roughly 90% of a person’s daily activities are spent
with the number of near misses, first-aid injuries in skill-based performance mode. However, the
and injuries beyond first aid. Thus, error precursors nuclear power industry has found that only 25% of
are indeed associated with events in the workplace. all errors are attributable to skill-based errors (U.S.
DOE, 2009a).
What Are Modes of Performance?
Three modes of worker performance are key to Rule-Based Performance
understanding how and at what frequency errors Rules may be necessary for less-familiar, less-
occur, as well as how human performance tools practiced work activities for which employees may
can be used to combat errors when operating in not be highly skilled. Also, workers often switch to
these particular modes of performance. a rule-based performance level when they notice a FEBRUARY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 57
Table 3
Correlations Between the Presence of
Reported Error Precursors & Near Misses,
First-Aid Injuries & Injuries Beyond First Aid
Measure   Near  misses   First  aid   first  aid  
At  work,  there  are  time  pressures.  I  feel  rushed.   .19*   .10*   .08*  
At  work,  there  are  mental  pressures.  I  find  it   .16*   .08*   .06*  
difficult  to  concentrate.  
At  work,  I  conduct  many  nonroutine  tasks.   .12*   .06*   .04  
At  work,  I  conduct  many  new/unfamiliar  tasks   .10*   .06*   .05*  
At  work,  I  typically  have  a  high  workload.   .11*   .02   .04  
At  work,  I  typically  multitask—doing  many   .03   .03   .01  
different  things  at  the  same  time.  
At  work,  I  receive  work  guidance  that  is  at  times   .16*   .08*   .05*  
vague  or  imprecise  
At  work,  there  are  many  distractions  around  me.   .23*   .09*   .08*  
At  work,  there  is  low  likelihood  of  management   .16*   .09*   .06*  
detecting  a  violation  of  safety  rules.  
At  work,  safety  requirements  are  very   .19*   .10*   .09*  
inconvenient  to  comply  with.  
Note. *p < .05; Polychoric correlations were calculated using scale data. This statistical method provides a better
estimate of correlation between non-continuous variables.

need to modify their largely preprogrammed behav- workers). Workers must rely on their understand-
ior to account for some changes in work situation. ing and knowledge, perceptions of present circum-
In addition, certain job situations (including those stances, similarities to previous circumstances, and
that are safety critical tasks) simply lend themselves the scientific principles and fundamental theories
more to following a set of rules and procedures. related to the perceived situation. Operating in
In rule-based performance, workers apply mem- this mode, to effectively gain more information
orized or written rules to managing work situa- about what they are doing or about to do, workers
tions. Typically, rule-based performance follows an must be more focused than with skill-based per-
if (symptom), then (do this) logic. In applying these formance. Knowledge-based situations are often
rules, workers operate by matching the signs and puzzling and unusual to workers and the under-
symptoms of the work situation to some stored standing of the problem is patchy, inaccurate or
knowledge. One concern with rule-based perfor- both. Knowledge-based errors are primarily lack of
mance is how to improve workers’ interpretation expertise mistakes.
of situations so that appropriate responses are se- Knowledge-based activities require diagnosis
lected and used. This is why written procedures and problem-solving skills. Decision making can
(e.g., predetermined solutions to possible work become erroneous if problem solving is based on
situations that require specific responses) are pre- inaccurate information. The prevalent error mode
pared for anticipated situations. is an inaccurate mental model of the system, pro-
Since rule-based activities require interpretation cess or facility status. Thus, it is not surprising that
using an if-then logic, the prevalent error mode is workers do not perform well under these higher
misinterpretation. Errors include deviating from an stress, unfamiliar situations in which they must
approved procedure, applying the wrong response think on their feet in the absence of rules, routines
(e.g., procedure) or applying a flawed response and procedures to handle the situation.
(e.g., bad procedure). Rule-based errors are often Therefore, under such circumstances, the chance
classified as failure of expertise mistakes. of error is particularly high, approximately 1 in 2 to
Rule-based modes involve making choices. The 1 in 10. In the nuclear power industry, studies indi-
chance for error increases to roughly 1 to 1,000 cate that roughly 15% of all errors are knowledge-
(99.9% reliability). In the nuclear power industry, based (U.S. DOE, 2009a). For many organizations
studies have shown that roughly 60% of all errors that are embracing human performance philoso-
are rule-based (U.S. DOE, 2009a). phy, the goal is to move processes from knowl-
edge-based to rule-based due to the fact that the
Knowledge-Based Performance error rates decrease by at least a factor of 10 in the
Workers enter knowledge-based performance rule-based mode.
when they are unsure what to do. Knowledge- In the IUP study, the researchers asked approxi-
based behaviors are responses to unfamiliar situ- mately 2,450 workers to respond to a question de-
ations (where no skills or rules are recognizable to signed to determine which performance mode they
58 ProfessionalSafety FEBRUARY 2013
Table 4
Survey Results on Response Performance
Modes Used in Error-Prone Situations
Question:  When  I  am  confronted  with  really  abnormal  conditions  or   Percent  
unusual  situations,  my  strongest  tendency  is  to  do  which  of  the  following:   response  
Skill-­‐based  response:  I  stop  work  and  seek  guidance  as  to  how  to  proceed.   41.6%  
Rule-­‐based  response:  I  apply  rules,  procedures,  and  protocols  and  use  them  as   28.2%  
guidance  as  to  how  to  proceed.  
Knowledge-­‐based  response:  I  draw  upon  my  own  existing  knowledge  and  use  it  as   22.5%  
guidance  as  to  how  to  proceed  (e.g.,  thinking  things  through  on  the  spot).  
  Number of workers responding to this inquiry was 2,449: skill-based N = 1019; rule-based N = 691; knowl-
edge-based N = 552, and no response N = 187 (7.6%).

would use to respond to uncertainty (e.g., error- Performance

prone situations, such as those associated with During the execution of work, active errors can
knowledge-based modes of performance). The re- be minimized by performing work with a sense
sults (Table 4) show that the most prominent per- of uneasiness; maintaining situational awareness;
formance response mode for survey participants is avoiding unsafe or at-risk work practices; and be-
that found typically in skill-based operations (e.g., ing supported through the use of teamwork. Some
stop and seek guidance). It is encouraging that effective human performance tools are geared
nearly half of the respondents are inclined to deal toward achieving and maintaining this sense of
with uncertainty (when hypothetically pushed to worker situational awareness and uneasiness.
operate in a higher-risk, knowledge-based mode)
by using a skill-based response, which has the low- Communication & Feedback
est rate of error associated with it. Safety-critical Active errors may be averted by workers report-
industries attempt to move from knowledge- and ing workplace information (e.g., conveying infor-
rule-based modes to skill-based modes in which mation on the quality of work preparation, resource
error rates are lower. allocations and workplace conditions) to managers
and by managers and workers conducting in-the-
Keys to Reducing Error field observations (e.g., workers receive coaching
A strategic approach for improving human per- and reinforcement on their performance through
formance involves the anticipation, prevention, observation by managers and peers). Some human
identification and recovery from active errors on performance tools engage workers by promoting
the job, especially at critical steps, where error-free communication and feedback.
performance is absolutely necessary. Events can be
avoided by understanding the reasons mistakes oc- Worker Engagement
cur and applying lessons learned from past events Are there general defenses that workers have
and errors. Anticipating and preventing active er- within their control that will keep them safe and
rors often relies first on identifying error precursors make them aware of their ever-changing surround-
and error traps, which is the primary role of many ings, error-prone conditions, the fallibility of safety
human performance tools. management systems and the limitations they have?
One can take three basic approaches to reduc- The overarching answer perhaps is in the ability of
ing error: through planning, through performance, workers to become engaged in the safety aspects
and through communication and feedback. of their work. Recent research (Wachter & Yorio,
2012a, 2012b; Yorio & Wachter, 2012) shows that
Planning safety management system practices and employee
Planning activities can identify and control error perception constructs “work” to improve objec-
precursors, traps and the potential for active errors. tive safety performance by engaging workers (e.g.,
Planning includes identifying the scope of work, as- worker engagement acts as an important mediator
sociated hazards and critical steps, and determining between safety predictors and safety outcomes).
what is to be avoided; conducting jobsite reviews In engagement, an organization’s workers ex-
and walk downs (identifying potential challenges ecute their roles by driving personal energy into
to error-free performance); performing appropriate physical, cognitive and emotional labors and, by so
task assignments (matching the right people to the doing, achieve active, full work performance. En-
job based on its task demands); and conducting task gagement occurs when individuals are emotionally
previews and prejob briefings (anticipating hazards, connected to others and cognitively vigilant (Harter,
error precursors and possible active errors and their Schmidt & Hayes, 2002; Kahn, 1990). Connection
consequences). Such activities are the basis of many and vigilance can be described as being psychologi-
human performance tools. cally present, attentive, integrated and focused in FEBRUARY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 59
Human Performance Tools
Human performance tools can be used to reduce human error.
The specific tools chosen are frequently based on the employees’ work down; this is counterintuitive since error pre-
primary performance mode (skilled-, rule- or knowledge-based). cursors often arise due to the deliberate speeding up
Using human performance tools reduces human error in various of work planning and execution processes. When
ways, including these possible outcomes: used conscientiously, these tools give workers more
•heightened sense of situational awareness concerning safety, time to think about the tasks at hand—about what
presence of error precursors and error traps, tasks to be performed, is happening, what will happen and what to do if
conditions and surroundings; things do not go as expected.
•increased deliberation, cautiousness and mindfulness in work- Many of these tools might be characterized as
ers as they approach and perform their tasks; situational awareness tools. Situational awareness
•more accurate estimates of risk levels of activities; is defined as the accuracy of a worker’s current
•higher levels of self-awareness, including a more informed knowledge and understanding of actual conditions
understanding of one’s biases, vulnerabilities, deficiencies and compared to expected conditions at a given time
limitations; and location. These tools help workers form an ac-
•communication and feedback promotion, including facilitation curate understanding of the work and equipment
of interactions with others; environment, and foster an attitude sensitive to
•slowing down activities to give workers more time to think the presence of hazards, error precursors and error
about tasks; traps and the possible consequences of an error.
•identification of warning signals that indicate that the situation Situational awareness means that workers clear-
is degrading or trouble is brewing; ly understand the job requirements, equipment
•recognition of assumptions that need to be challenged; condition and work environment before acting.
•continual improvement of procedures; In short, the situational awareness tools improve
•higher levels of worker engagement. workers’ insightfulness and abilities to detect and
respond to unsafe conditions they may not see
otherwise. They are particularly helpful in skill-
their role performance. Therefore, given the strong
based work performance.
mental and emotional being-there aspect of worker
Other human prevention tools help workers look
engagement, it may be viewed as an important de-
for warning signals (even slight warning signs)
fense against the presence of error traps and latent
which indicate that the situation is degrading or that
organizational errors.
trouble is brewing. Some are geared toward looking
Worker engagement in safety functions may
for deviations or deviation drift from normal con-
reduce the probability of human errors by mak-
ditions. Others force workers to challenge assump-
ing employees more involved in and aware of
tions. Assumptions tend to occur more often when
their tasks/surroundings and associated risks
workers experience uncertainty. Assumptions also
(e.g., heightened sense of situational awareness),
can be a result of unsafe attitudes and inaccurate
including the error traps that could be present.
mental models. Since assumptions are often treated
Thus, increased levels of worker engagement in
as facts, challenging them is important in improving
safety activities could be related to increased safety
mental models, solving problems and optimizing
performance as measured by standard safety out-
team performance (Summers, 2012).
comes (e.g., recordable case rates). Therefore, it is
Error detection or prevention depends on peo-
not surprising that the human performance error
ple. Some human performance tools force interac-
prevention tools being used by high-performing
tion with others or with workers themselves. For
companies often are associated with high levels of
example, self-checking tools provide employees
worker engagement to make them effective.
with the means to avoid or detect mistakes by hav-
ing workers observe themselves, while peer check-
Human Performance Tools
ing and three-way communication tools engage
By improving human performance, active er-
other workers in this process.
rors are reduced. By reducing active errors, orga-
The mode of performance often determines
nizations help eliminate unwanted events. Human
which human performance tool to use. Several
performance tools are designed to help people an-
tools are designed to help anticipate, prevent or
ticipate, prevent and catch active errors. In short,
catch skill-based errors. These include self-check-
human performance tools help workers maintain
ing and three-way communication primarily, as
positive control of work situations. Positive control
well as previewing tasks, jobsite reviews, question-
means that what is intended to happen actually
ing attitude, stopping when unsure, peer checking
happens—and it is all that happens.
and concurrent verification. Also, when working in
These tools are oriented toward preventing active
skill-based modes, workers may benefit from trig-
errors, and many of them work by detecting and
gers such as operating aids and reminders.
recognizing error precursors, error traps and haz-
Rule-based errors can be detected and mitigated
ards. These tools are vehicles for providing mental
by using tools that promote self-checking and ex-
and social skills that complement workers’ technical
hibiting a questioning attitude, and that encourage
skills to promote safe and efficient task performance,
calling time outs, stopping work when workers are
such as carving out time to think about work, par-
unsure, conducting task previews and prejob brief-
ticularly critical steps (Muschara, 2012) or the error
ings, and performing peer-checks and concurrent
traps associated with the work to be conducted.
verification. Peer checks are particularly important
Many human performance tools deliberately slow
in helping workers avoid critical consequential er-
60 ProfessionalSafety FEBRUARY 2013
rors. However, the primary tool suggested for rule- tential for active errors). These briefings should be
based work is procedure use and adherence. In applied to nonroutine and routine work. Consider-
addition, some errors that occur when working in ing the number and variety of factors involved with
this mode may be corrected through retraining in a specific job, many things can change, even with
certain instances (e.g., when workers have misinter- simple, repetitive tasks; consequently, no work By improv-
preted procedures, requirements or rules). should really be considered routine. ing human
Knowledge-based human performance tools
include conducting prejob task briefings; project Pretask Briefings
planning activities; problem-solving and decision- The intent is for workers to look through a hu- active errors
making methods; and peer reviews. For workers man performance lens and have engaging conver- are reduced.
sations before beginning work. Topics can include
operating in the knowledge-based mode, where
their understanding of problems are often in- critical tasks steps and their associated hazards,
By reducing
complete and/or inaccurate, and where slow and stop work criteria, safety precautions, potential er- active errors,
thoughtful thinking is needed, collaboration with ror traps, applicable performance modes of opera- organizations
tion (skill-based, rule-based, knowledge-based)
small teams of attentive, committed and experi-
enced workers often facilitates problem solving and determining the high-risk activity for the day.
help elimi-
and decision making. During these briefings, roles and responsibilities, nate unwant-
However, the most fundamental tool for conditions, resource needs, PPE requirements and ed events.
knowledge-based work is to stop when unsure. emergency procedures also can be discussed. Im-
The organization must constantly reinforce that portant questions include: What could surprise us?
when workers are unsure of what to do, observe What may go wrong? What hazards have we con-
conditions not addressed in prejob briefs or work sidered? What hazards could be discovered? What
instructions, or feel uneasy, the proper action is is the worst credible thing that could happen?
to stop, reassess the situation, confer with team- What conditions could stop this job? What do we
mates, supervisors or job experts, and proceed only want to achieve in this task? What do we want to
when people agree that the task can be performed avoid in this task? What can we uncover and pre-
safely and correctly. vent? What lessons did we learn from yesterday?
Corrective action to reduce knowledge-based er- Pretask briefings often follow the S-A-F-E-R
rors is challenging. Coaching is a proactive solution pattern:
that can help employees avoid error and its conse- •Summarize the critical steps.
quences when working in any performance mode, •Anticipate errors and error precursors for each
but particularly for knowledge-based modes. critical step.
•Foresee probable and worst-case consequences
The Top 10 Human Performance Tools should errors occur at critical steps.
In a study sponsored by the Alcoa Foundation, •Evaluate controls and contingencies at each
the authors canvassed several known high-per- step to prevent, catch and recover from errors and/
forming organizations in various sectors (e.g., nu- or reduce their consequences.
clear operations, aviation, power generation, heavy •Review previous experience and lessons learned
manufacturing) regarding human performance relevant to the specific tasks and their critical steps.
tools they have used with success. The information
was subjectively analyzed, and the 10 leading tools Posttask Briefings
were identified and are presented here. Inclusion During these briefings, staff should review job
on this list was related to both the frequency of environments, identify program gaps and discuss
organizations using these tools and the perceived corrective actions. These reviews are essential when
and actual impact these tools had on avoiding and complications have occurred, after completing a
reducing active errors. nonroutine or important work activity, or after each
Most of these tools are worker-centric in that they high-risk phase of an important project. However,
tend to engage workers to be more aware of their this tool also should be used for routine work, es-
surroundings, error traps, tasks to be performed, pecially where improvements have been identified.
conditions/surroundings and safety in general. Sup- Other topics covered may include unexpected
porting information on these tools was adapted from outcomes, usability and quality of work docu-
Cornell, Kramme and Synder (2012); Ferguson, Fer- ments, knowledge and skill shortcomings, devia-
guson and Barger (2012); Fisher (2012); Muschara tions from standards, and adequacy of tools and
(2012); Shockey, Holland and Shelby (2012); Sum- resources. These briefings are important learning
mers (2012); and U.S. DOE (2009b, 2012). opportunities that can be used to identify latent
organizational weaknesses, the presence of error
Tool 1: Pretask & Posttask Briefings traps and ways to reduce human error. In addition,
The canvassed organizations identify pre/post- workers must continually adapt to ever-changing
task briefings as a tool that works especially if it tasks and job conditions. How adaptation occurred
engages workers to take ownership and if the at the jobsite and necessary improvements can be
briefings are conducted from a human perfor- discussed during the briefing.
mance perspective (e.g., identifying error precur- Pre- and posttask briefings and pre- and post-
sors, modes of performances and additional tools task reviews are similar. However, briefings con-
to be used during the day/task to reduce the po- note more communication and engagement with FEBRUARY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 61
workers, while reviews are often conducted inde- The pause-when-unsure tool supports the no-
pendently of task employees (e.g., by supervisors tion that employees should approach their work
and safety managers). deliberately, cautiously and mindful of their capac-
Based on the research conducted, it appears the ity to commit errors and of the presence of error
best pre/postjob briefings involve workers taking precursors, error traps and hidden threats. This
control and ownership of these briefings. Some heightens workers sensitivity to the possibility of
organizations provide marker boards on which committing active errors. Again, this tool engages
workers can check off error traps that may be pres- workers because they perform it themselves (e.g.,
ent for that day’s tasks and identify performance self-manage it).
modes that will be used and critical tasks.
Tool 5: Questioning Attitude
Tool 2: Self-Checking/S-T-A-R Many high-performing organizations support
Most companies surveyed identified self-check- a culture where questioning is an acceptable and
ing tools as important. These tools involve develop- promoted practice and value. A questioning atti-
ing and implementing worker-based approaches tude endorses a preference for facts over opinions
such as S-T-A-R (Stop-Think-Act-Review). They and assumptions. It fosters thought about safety
are most applicable when operating in skill-based before actions are taken. It helps workers maintain
and rule-based performance modes, and are par- an accurate understanding of work conditions at
ticularly effective for repetitive tasks. Self-checking any given time. This tool is predicated on a stop-
helps workers focus attention on the appropriate look-listen mentality.
action, think about that action, understand the ex- One process that reflects a questioning attitude
pected outcomes and verify results. This tool pro- is described as follows: workers proactively search
motes situational and self awareness. for situations that foretell uncertainty; they ask
Following is a description of the S-T-A-R steps: questions; they gather relevant information; they
•Stop (or slow down). Pause to focus attention stop when unsure; they do not proceed in the face
on the immediate task. of uncertainty and ask for expert help; they proceed
•Think. Think methodically and identify correct if sure and continue the activity if the uncertainty
actions to perform and understand what will hap- has been removed with facts.
pen when correct/incorrect action is performed. This tool is worker-centric in that workers are in
•Act. Perform the action. the best position to question actions and workplace
•Review. Confirm anticipated result has oc- conditions. Workers can question the presence of
curred or apply contingency if required. error precursors and error traps, as well as observed
This tool necessarily engages workers because deviations. One way to use this tool is adopt it as a
they perform it on themselves. leading safety indicator for the organization.

Tool 3: Take-a-Minute/Jobsite Review Tool 6: Identifying Critical Steps
Jobsite review, popular for use in field locations, Critical steps are actions that will trigger immedi-
can improve workers’ situational awareness, espe- ate, intolerable and irreversible harm (if that action
cially when first arriving at a jobsite. By taking a or preceding action is performed improperly). In
minute (sometimes referred to as a 2-minute review terms of reducing human error, if critical steps are
or take two), workers explore the site and compare identified, then workers will be more cautious when
current conditions with prejob briefing informa- performing these steps and should be less apt to op-
tion. Using this tool, deviations, unexpected haz- erate erroneously using skill-, rule- and knowledge-
ards, precautions and complicating factors and based behaviors. This promotes workers’ situational
conditions can be discussed, especially if these in- awareness and heightens the sense of uneasiness.
volve safety critical steps. Based on this revised risk Examples of critical steps are workers entering a
status at the site, hazards can be eliminated, appro- confined space or touching a rotating pump. Once
priate defenses can be installed or contingencies critical steps are identified, workers can anticipate
can be developed. This tool necessarily engages errors that can occur at each critical step, estimate
workers because they perform it themselves or in their consequences, then evaluate the existence of
a team setting. controls, contingencies and stop work criteria.

Tool 4: Stop & Seek/Stop When Unsure/ Tool 7: Coaching & Observation
Pause When Unsure Coaching and observation involve managers
Developing and implementing stop work criteria and workers. Some high-performing organizations
and seek help approaches/procedures are impor- have on-the-floor human performance coaches.
tant, especially when workers operate in knowl- Integration of human performance principles can
edge-based modes. This tool promotes awareness be promoted by coaching workers on potential
of workers’ knowledge limitations as applied to hazards, performance modes, error traps and the
dealing with specific work situations/deviations/ use of other human performance tools. Through
uncertainties. Workers will seek help (typically coaching, workers can identify minor issues before
from supervisors and possibly coworkers) to con- they become major problems. Workers can iden-
tinue work and deal with these uncertainties and/ tify error precursors and error traps before having
or lack of knowledge. an active error or an event. Injuries can be reduced
62 ProfessionalSafety FEBRUARY 2013
by providing employees with the knowledge and Tool 10: Procedure Use, Adherence & Review
recognition skills to know when they are operating To use, follow and review a procedure, work-
in a specific error trap and how to escape it using ers must first understand its intent and purpose.
these various tools. Workers then follow the procedure as written,
The purpose of in-the-field observations is to re- step-by-step, with mindfulness and an appraisal Workers are
view the quality and effectiveness of work prepara- orientation. Situational awareness transforms into in the best
tions, practices and performance. Observations can
be performed by both managers and employees.
procedural awareness.
However if the procedure is written incorrectly
position to
Observation scope should include the total job, not or cannot be implemented safely, then work is identify condi-
just worker behavior. In-the-field observations by stopped and the procedure is revised before work tions and pre-
managers or employees look at what error traps
employees may be encountering based on signals
restarts. Workers are vigilant in terms of assessing a
procedure’s accuracy, completeness, usability, lack
cursors that
they are providing (e.g., nonverbal cues that they of vagueness and internal consistency. Thus, a ma- could lead
do not have the knowledge or skills to perform a jor outcome of using this tool is the continual im- to error and,
certain task). Tools are then provided to reduce the
potential error. These observations may uncover
provement and relevance of procedures by workers
engaged in this review and improvement process.
critical learning that needs to be institutionalized Organizations would use this tool for activities as- they should
to reduce or eliminate potential errors. sociated with the rule-based performance mode. be armed with
Tool 8: Three-Way Communication
Many error precursors are procedure related.
Common examples include vague work guidance
In three-way communication, the sender (work- or instructions; need for users to make decisions awareness
er) states the message, the receiver (probably an- with no real guidance; users have multiple options and be mind-
other worker) acknowledges the sender and repeats
the message in a paraphrased form, and the sender
for choosing course of actions; users have options to
choose next course of action contingent on condi-
ful of uneasi-
acknowledges the receiver’s reply. This method can tions, which requires the user to determine whether ness in the
be used to communicate changes to physical facility such conditions are present; procedures with mul- workplace.
equipment during work activities via face-to-face, tiple actions included in one step; and procedures
telephone or radio modes of communication. It also with embedded actions that could be easily missed.
is used to ensure that critical steps (e.g., within a
safety critical procedure) are being strictly followed. Another View on Human Performance
Like the other tools, this one engages workers be- & Safety Management
cause they perform it themselves as a communica- This article has posited that workers should be
tions team. on the defensive against active errors and their pre-
cursors in the workplace, which can be achieved
Tool 9: Concurrent Verification/Peer Checking by using human performance tools that promote
Concurrent verification involves a series of actions worker engagement. This argument is not being
by two individuals working together at the same primarily made because workers commit these ac-
time and place to separately confirm the condition tive errors and, therefore, should be responsible for
of a component before, during and after an action, their control. Rather, workers cannot rely solely on
especially when consequences of an incorrect condi- management and management systems to identify
tion or action would produce great harm. Using this and remove error precursors, let alone latent orga-
tool, the performer and verifier agree on the action nizational weaknesses that may have led to these
to be taken; they separately self-check the action to error precursors in the first place. Latent system
be performed; they agree once again; the verifier ob- weaknesses are land mines waiting to detonate
serves the performer during execution; and the veri- and workers, unless they adopt their own personal
fier stops the performer if action is incorrect. defenses, will be the ones injuried by the proverbial
Concurrent verification is typically applied to shrapnel.
verifying conditions, while peer checking is more Since safety can be viewed as the presence of de-
oriented toward verifying actions. Peer checking fenses in processes, procedures, facilities, methods
is used to prevent an error by the performer and and practices (Muschara, 2012), workers must be-
augments self-checking by the performer. This come defensive safety warriors. Workers are in the
technique takes advantage of a fresh set of eyes. best position to identify conditions and precursors
The performer (worker) self-checks the correct that could lead to error and, therefore, they should
component or hazard present; the peer self-checks be armed with situational awareness and should be
the correct component or hazard present; the per- mindful of uneasiness in the workplace. Workers
former and peer agree on the action; the peer ob- need to be wary and aware of their own vulner-
serves the performer before and during execution; abilities and limitations.
the performer executes the intended action; the But another practical reason exists for placing
peer stops the performer if the performer’s action workers at the center of error identification/avoid-
is incorrect; if the performer’s action is correct, the ance and performance improvement. Safety man-
peer informs the performer of such. agement systems are always flawed during their
These tools engage workers mentally and physi- development and implementation. Perhaps this is
cally because they use these tools themselves in because such systems cannot anticipate and control
tandem or as a team. all possible work situations (due to economic and FEBRUARY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 63
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results. HP Summit, Cleveland, OH.
Fisher, R. (2012, March 13-14). Integrating human Acknowledgments
performance concepts into processes, procedures and
analysis. HP Summit, Cleveland, OH.
The authors wish to acknowledge and thank
Harter, J.K., Schmidt, F.L. & Hayes, T.L. (2002). the Alcoa Foundation for providing a grant
Business-unit-level relationship between employee on human performance and worker engage-
satisfaction, employee engagement and business out- ment that funded this activity. The authors
comes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, would also like to thank W. Earl Carnes,
87(2), 268-279. senior advisor, high reliability, U.S. DOE, for
Kahn, W.A. (1990). Psychological conditions of per- providing information for and review com-
sonal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy ments on this article.
of Management Journal, 33(4), 692-724.

64 ProfessionalSafety FEBRUARY 2013

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