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New York Institute of Technology

School of Education and Professional Services

MSIT Documentation of Field Experience

Student Name: Rasha Obaid Alzaabi

Course/Title: Practicum and Seminar EDIT 695

Semester: Fall 2018

Instructor: Dr. Ann-Marie Parkes

District: Abu Dhabi

School Building: NYIT Campus

Building Address: NYIT/Abu Dhabi

Building Telephone # 02 4048523

Name of School Principal

Subject/Grade Level: Master/Science of Instructional Technology

Date submitted
Master of Science in Instructional Technology
Summary of Field Experiences

Student Name: Rasha Alzaabi Semester: Fall 2018

Course # & Title: Practicum and Seminar EDIT 695 Instructor: Dr. Ann-Marie Parkes

Date Time Subject/Grade Level Administrator’s Signature

November 2 hours Going through different tools of STEAM to

4th select one to of them to do the PD about

November 2 hours Meeting with Afra to familiarize ourselves

5th with the Go! Temp probe and identifying
how to use it
November 3 hours Writing an initial plan and proposal for the
7th PD content and resources needed

November 3 hours Researching about the Go! Temp probe

11th with Afra and gathering more information
about its uses how we can integrate it into
November 3 hours Going through the website of the Go!
12th Temp probe and reading about different
experiments done by the tool

November 3 hours Meeting with Afra to install the Logger Lite

14th software and doing the experiment
together which is about collecting
temperature data under different
conditions (normal, cold, hot)

November 2.5 hours Meeting with Afra to discuss how we can

15th promote our PD for participants and
selecting one of the ways (brochure, video,
direct email, WhatsApp)
November 3 hours Agreeing on using a video to promote for
18th our PD and I suggested Plotagon as an
interesting tool to create the video. Afra
and I created the appropriate script and
recorded our voices.
November 3.5 hours After recording our voices, I selected the
19th appropriate scene and characters and
created the video.
November 2 hours Meeting with Afra using Zoom to discuss
20th which resources needed to implement the
November 2 hours After agreeing on the resources, we
21st divided the work between us as I created
the user guide, the promotion video.
November 8 hours Working with Afra on training agenda,
22nd training materials/assessment, literature
and agreeing on resources needed to
implement the PD
November 1 hour Adding more resources as I suggested the
25th data table to use while doing the
experiment to record the temperature
November Half an Sending out the promotion video to
26th hour participants and asking them to send it to
others if they want
November 1 hour Working on the pre-PD survey that is
27th needed for guiding us to the exact
knowledge that the participants need to
learn about
December 1 hour Meeting with Afra to organize the agenda
3th to follow during the PD

December 2 hours Choosing emaze as a presentation tool and

4th I created the content and put links for the
resources and video needed for the PD

December 1.5 hours Meeting with Afra in person to apply the

5th experiment and add some changes
December 1 hour Reviewing the pre-PD survey and sending it
8th to participants
December 2 hours Meeting with Afra over Zoom to go over
9th the content of the PD and I continued to
finalize the training agenda and do some
changes on the presentation
December 3 hours Having our last meeting before the day of
10th the PD as we reviewed the presentation to
check the links and the order of the
activities, checked the probe and the
software, and reviewed materials need to
implement the PD

Administrator may be building principal, assistant principal, supervisor or chairperson.

Comments regarding field experience:

Total Clock Hours 50

School Department Chairperson Signature_______________________________


School Building Administrator Signature ________________________

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