While Histamine Is A Natural Compound That Is Produced by Your Body and Manifested at Normal Levels Automatically Elevated Levels Can Occur

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While histamine is a natural compound that is produced by your body and manifested at normal

levels automatically elevated levels can occur. Antihistamines are common drugs prescribed by
doctors and even available over the counter. Antihistamines have common side effects such as
drowsiness, upset stomach, difficulty urinating, nervousness, dry mouth, and dry nose. They are
typically used in an acute setting when requiring immediate symptom release such as allergic
reactions and hay fever. This is fine as the receptor gets blocked for a short duration, but
everything goes back to baseline soon enough. However, when taking antihistamines chronically,
the body never gets back to baseline. Antihistamine drugs do not stop the production of

They occupy the receptor so that histamine cannot act on it. Histamine continues to be produced
in increasing amounts as the body recognizes that histamine is not functioning, as it should be.
The body slowly builds a tolerance to antihistamine medication until the medicine no longer
works. When antihistamines are discontinued, a rebound effect occurs and the body is flooded
with histamine. The body will continue to release high levels of histamine because that is what it
is used to doing. All the negative effects of histamine such as fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, and
palpitations will be felt as the body is continuously overloaded with histamine. - See more at:

· Kelenjar endokrin
Kadar histamin yang tinggi dalam darah, akan merangsang sekresi katekolamin dari adrenal

Didalam tubuh, glikogen dipecah menjadi glukosa dan lemak diubah menjadi asam lemak. Tetapi karena
pelepasan katekolamin secara terus menerus dan peningkatan glykogenolisis dan lipolisis. Menyebabkan
aktivitas metabolik meningkat (BB menurun) dan darah menjadi kental. Aliran darah ke otak lambat
menyebabkan lemas dan mengantuk

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