MARTINEZ Ideal Gas and Polytropic Problem

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Ideal Gas Law Problems

1) How many molecules are there in 985 mL of nitrogen at 0.0° C and 1.00 x 10-6
mm Hg?


P = 1.00 x 10-6 mm Hg

T = 0.0° C + 273 = 273

K V = 985 mL
R = 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K
PV = nRT n = PV/RT n = 1.00 x 10-6 mm x 1 atm/760 mm x 985 mL x 1 L/103
mL/ (0.0821 L·atm/mol·K x 273
K) = 5.78 x 10-11 moles N2 nmolecules = 5.78 x 10-11 moles N2 x 6.02 x 1023
N2 molecules/1 mol N2 = 3.48 x 1013 N2 molecules

2) Calculate the mass of 15.0 L of NH3 at 27° C and 900. mm Hg.


P = 900. mm Hg

T = 27° C + 273 = 300

K V = 15.0 L R = 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K

PV = nRT n = PV/RT n = 900. mm x 1 atm/760 mm x 15.0 L/(0.0821 L·atm/mol·K x

300 K) = n = 0.721 moles NH3 x 17.04 g NH3/1 mol NH3 = 12.3 g NH3

3) An empty flask has a mass of 47.392 g and 47.816 g when filled with acetone
vapor at 100.° C and 745 mm Hg. If the volume of the flask is 247.3 mL, what is
the molar mass of the acetone?


P = 745 mm Hg
T = 100.° C + 273 = 373

K V = 247.3 mL

R = 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K

mvapor = 47.392 g – 47.816 g = 0.424 g

PV = nRT n = m/MM

PV = mRT/MM MM = mRT/PV MM = 0.424 g x 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K x 373 K/(745

mm x 1 atm/760 mm x 247.3 mL x 1 L/103 mL) = 53.6 g/mol

4) Calculate the density in g/L of 478 mL of krypton at 47° C and 671 mm Hg.


P = 671 mm Hg

T = 47° C + 273 = 320 K

V = 478 mL R = 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K

PV = nRT n = m/MM

D = m/V = P x MM/R x T

D = 671 mm x 1 atm/760 mm x 83.80 g/mol/(0.0821 L·atm/mol·K x 320. K) = 2.82


5) 6.3 mg of a boron hydride is contained in a flask of 385 mL at 25.0° C and a

pressure of 11 torr. (a) Determine the molar mass of the hydride. (b) Which of the
following hydrides is contained in the flask, BH3, B2H6, or B4H10?


P = 11 torr

T = 25.0° C + 273 = 298 K

V = 385 mL

R = 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K m = 6.3 mg

PV = nRT n = m/MM

PV = mRT/MM MM = 6.3 mg x 1 g/103 mg x 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K x 298 K)/ (11 torr

x 1 mm/1 torr x 1 atm/760 mm x 385 mL x 1 L/103 mL) = 27.7 g/mol

B2H6 because its molar mass is 27.7 g.

6) A volume of 26.5 mL of nitrogen gas was collected in a tube at a temperature

of 17° C and a pressure of 737 mm Hg. The next day the volume of the nitrogen
was 27.1 mL with the barometer still reading 737 mm Hg. What was the
temperature on the second day?


P1 = 737 mm Hg

P2 = 737 mm Hg

V1 = 26.5 mL

V2 = 27.1 mL

T1 = 17° C + 273 = 290. K

T2 = ?

P1V1 = nRT1 P2V2 = nRT2 P1V1/ P2V2 = nRT1/ nRT2 V1/V2 = T1/T2 (Charles’s

T2 = V2/V1 x T1 T2 = 27.1 mL/26.5 mL x 290. K = 297 K = 24° C

7) Ideal gases in a closed container initially have volume V and temperature T. The
final temperature is 5/4T and the final pressure is 2P. What is the final volume of
the gas?
Known :

Initial volume (V1) = V

Initial temperature (T1) = T

Final temperature (T2) = 5/4 T

Initial pressure (P1) = P

Final pressure (P2) = 2P

Wanted: Final volume (V2)

8) Determine the volume of 2.00 moles of gases (ideal gas) at STP. STP = Standard
Temperature and Pressure.

Known :

Moles of gas (n) = 2 moles

Standard temperature (T) = 0 oC = 0 + 273 = 273 Kelvin

Standard pressure (P) = 1 atm = 1.013 x 105 Pa

Universal gas constant (R) = 8.315 Joule/mole.Kelvin

Wanted : Volume of gases (V)

Solution :

Equation of Ideal gas law (in the number of moles, n)

Ideal gas law - problems and solutions 2

Volume 2 moles of gases is 44.8 liters.

Volume 1 mol of gases is 45.4 liters / 2 = 22.4 liters

Volume 1 mol of any gases is 22.4 liters.


(P1V1)/T1 = (P1V1)/T1

PV/T = ((2P)V2) / 5/4T

V/1 = 2V2 / 5/4

5/4V = 2V2

V2= 5V/4 : 2/1

V2= 5V/4 × 1/2

V2= 5V/8

9. A container containing a neon gas (Ne, atomic mass = 20 u) at standard

temperature and pressure (STP) has a volume of 2 m3. Determine the mass of the
neon gas!

Given :

Atomic mass of neon = 20 gram/mole = 0,02 kg/mole

Standard temperature (T) = 0oC = 273 Kelvin

Standard pressure (P) = 1 atm = 1.013 x 105 Pascal

Volume (V) = 2 m3

Wanted : mass (m) of neon gas

Solution :

At standard temperature and pressure (STP), 1 mole of any gases, include neon
gas, have volume 22.4 liters = 22.4 dm3 = 0.0448 m3.

Ideal gas law - problems and solutions 4

In the volume of 2 m3, there are 44.6 moles of neon gas.

Relative atomic mass of neon gas is 20 gram/mole.

This means that in 1 mole there are 20 grams or 0.02 kg of neon gas. Because in 1
mol there are 0.02 kg of neon gas then in 44.6 mole there are 44.6 moles x 0.02
kg/mole = 0.892 kg = 892 gram of neon gases.

10. What is the temperature of One mole of CH4 gas that occupies 20.0L at
1.00atm pressure in Kelvin?


Answer the ideal gas law for T and put in the given values.

T = fracPVnR

T = fracPVn times frac1R

T = frac[1.00atm][20.0L]1.00mol times fracmol.K0.0821L.atm

T = 244K

Remember that under these conditions we computed the temperature for 1.00
mol of CH4 gas. The solution would be similar for 1.00 mol of NH3, N2, CO2 or any
other gas underneath these settings.

11. What is the gas pressure within a cylinder if there is 5.0g of CO2 gas in a 10 L
cylinder at 25oC inside it.

The measure of CO2 has been presented in grams but to apply the ideal gas law,
we must convert the quantity into moles. For that reason, one must initially
convert grams of CO2 to moles, and then use this value in the ideal gas law.

To convert into moles from grams we use 1 mol CO2 = 44g as the conversion

5.0g CO2 times frac1molCO244gCO2 = 0.11 mol CO2

To solve for the pressure of the gas, we now use this value in the ideal gas

Ideal Gas Law Formula

P = fracnRTV

P = frac[0.11molCO2][298K]10L times frac0.0821L.atmmol. K

P = 0.27atm

12.Determine the volume of occupied by 2.34 grams of carbon dioxide gas at STP.


a. Rearrange PV = nRT to this:

V = nRT / P
a. Substitute:

V = 1.19 L (to three significant figures)

13. A sample of argon gas at STP occupies 56.2 liters. Determine the number of
moles of argon and the mass in the sample.


a. Rearrange PV = nRT to this:

n = PV / RT
b. Substitute:

n = 2.50866 mol (I'll keep a few guard digits)

c. Multiply the moles by the atomic weight of Ar to get the grams:

2.50866 mol times 39.948 g/mol = 100. g (to three sig figs)

14. At what temperature will 0.654 moles of neon gas occupy 12.30 liters at 1.95


a. Rearrange PV = nRT to this:

T = PV / nR

b. Substitute:

T = 447 K

15. A 30.6 g sample of gas occupies 22.414 L at STP. What is the molecular
weight of this gas?


Since one mole of gas occupies 22.414 L at STP, the molecular weight of the gas
would be 30.6 g mol¯1.

16. A 40.0 g gas sample occupies 11.2 L at STP. Find the molecular weight of this


11.2 L at STP is one-half molar volume, so there is 0.500 mol of gas present.
Therefore, the molecular weight is 80.0 g mol¯1.
17. A 12.0 g sample of gas occupies 19.2 L at STP. What is the molecular weight
of this gas?


This problem, as well as the two just above can be solved with PV = nRT. You
would solve for n, the number of moles. Then you would divide the grams given
by the mole calculated.

a. Use PV = nRT:

(1.00 atm) (19.2 L) = (n) (0.08206) (273 K)

n = 0.8570518 mol

b. Determine the molecular weight:

12.0 g / 0.8570518 mol = 14.0 g/mol

c. Since it is at STP, we can also use molar volume:

(19.2 L / 12.0 g) = (22.414 L / x )

19.2x = 268.968

x = 14.0 g/mol

Note: you can only use molar volume when you are at STP.

18. 96.0 g. of a gas occupies 48.0 L at 700.0 mm Hg and 20.0 °C. What is its
molecular weight?


a.Solve for the moles using PV = nRT:

n = PV / RT
n = 1.8388 mol

b. Divide the grams given (96.0) by the moles just calculated above:

96.0 g / 1.8388 mol = 52.2 g/mol

19. 20.83 g of a gas occupies 4.167 L at 79.97 kPa at 30.0 °C. What is its
molecular weight?


1st step:

Solve for the moles using PV = nRT:

n = PV / RT

n = 0.13227 mol

2nd step:

Divide the grams given (20.83) by the moles just calculated above:

20.83 g / 0.13227 mol = 157.5 g/mol

20. 5.600 g of solid CO2 is put in an empty sealed 4.00 L container at a temperature
of 300 K. When all the solid CO2 becomes gas, what will be the pressure in the


1st step:

Determine moles of CO2:

5.600 g / 44.009 g/mol = 0.1272467 mol

2nd step:
Use PV = nRT

(P) (4.00 L) = (0.1272467 mol) (0.08206) (300 K)

P = 0.7831 atm (to four sig figs)

21. How many moles of gas are contained in 890.0 mL at 21.0 °C and 750.0 mm
Hg pressure?


1st step:

Rearrange the Ideal Gas Law to this:

n = PV / RT

2nd step:

Substitute values into the equation:

n = 0.0364 mol

Note: Division of 750 by 760. This is done in order to convert the pressure from
mmHg to atm, because the value for R contains atm as the pressure unit. If we used
mmHg, the pressure units would not cancel and we need to have them cancel
because we require mol (and only mol) to be in the answer.

21. 1.09 g of H2 is contained in a 2.00 L container at 20.0 °C. What is the pressure
in this container in mmHg?


1st step:

Rearrange the Ideal Gas Law to this:

P = nRT / V
2nd step:

Substitute values into the equation:


P = 4981.82 mmHg

Note: Division of 1.09 by 2.02. This is done in order to convert grams to moles,
because the value for R contains mol as the unit for amount of substance. If we
used g, the mol unit in R would not cancel and we need to have it cancel because
we require atm (and only atm) to be in the answer.

Multiply the answer (which is in atm) by 760.0 mmHg atm¯1 to get mmHg

23. Calculate the volume 3.00 moles of a gas will occupy at 24.0 °C and 762.4 mm


1st step:

Rearrange the Ideal Gas Law to this:

V = nRT / P

2nd step:

Substitute values into the equation:

V = 72.897L

Note the conversion from mmHg to atm in the denominator.

24. How many moles of gas would be present in a gas trapped within a 100.0 mL
vessel at 25.0 °C at a pressure of 2.50 atmospheres?

1st step:

Rearrange the Ideal Gas Law to this:

n = PV / RT

2nd step:

Substitute values into the equation:

n = 0.0102 mol

25. How many moles of a gas would be present in a gas trapped within a 37.0 liter
vessel at 80.00 °C at a pressure of 2.50 atm?


1st step:

Rearrange the Ideal Gas Law to this:

n = PV / RT

wnd step:

Substitute values into the equation:

n = 3.19 mol

26. What volume will 1.27 moles of helium gas occupy at STP?


1st step
Rearrange the Ideal Gas Law to this:

V = nRT / P

2nd step:

Substitute values into the equation:

V = (22.4 L / 1.00 mol) = (x / 1.27 mol) <--- only works at STP

3) Would it make any difference in the answer if the gas were oxygen? Krypton?
Carbon dioxide? Methane?

No, no, no, no. The exact identity of the gas makes no difference to the number of
moles present. By the way, note that, since the temperature and pressure would be
the same, the same volume will contain the same number of molecules of gas, i.e.
moles of gas. This is Avogadro's Hypothesis.

27. At what pressure would 0.150 mole of nitrogen gas at 23.0 °C occupy 8.90 L?


P = nRT / V

P = 0.409 atm

28.How many moles of gas are contained in a 50.0 L cylinder at a pressure of

100.0 atm and a temperature of 35.0 °C? If the gas weighs 79.14 g, what is its
molecular weight?


n = PV / RT

n = 19.7828 mol (I kept some guard digits.)

molec. wt. = 79.14 g / 19.7828 mol = 4.00 g/mol (to 3 significant figures)
29. A balloon has a mass of 0.5 g when completely deflated. When it is filled with
an unknown gas, the mass increases to 1.7 g. You notice on the canister of the
unknown gas that it occupies a volume of 0.4478 L at a temperature of 50 °C. You
note the temperature in the room is 25 °C. Identify the gas.


1st step:

Use Charles' Law to get volume at 25 °C:

0.4478 / 323 = x / 298

2nd step:

Assume balloon is at 1.00 atm. Use PV = nRT to get moles of gas:

(1.00) (0.41314) = (x) (0.08206) (298)

3rd step:

Divide grams of gas (1.7 g - 0.5 g = 1.2 g) by moles to get molec weight:

1.2 g / 0.01689466 mol = 71.0 g/mol

30. A 10.20 g sample of a gas has a volume of 5.25 L at 23.0 °C and 751 mmHg. If
2.30 g of the same gas is added to this constant 5.25 L volume and the temperature
raised to 67.0 degrees Celsius, what is the new gas pressure?


1st step:

Use PV = nRT to determine moles of 10.20 g sample:

(751 mmHg/760 mmHg atm-1) (5.25 L) = (n) (0.08206 L atm mol-1 K-1) (296 K)
n = 0.21358 mol

2nd step:

Determine molecular weight of gas:

10.20 g / 0.21358 mol = 47.757 g/mol

3rd step:

Determine moles of 2.30 g of gas:

2.30 g / 47.757 g/mol = 0.04816 mol

4th step:

Determine new pressure with new amount of moles and at new temperature:

(P) (5.25 L) = (0.26174 mol) (0.08206 L atm mol-1 K-1) (340 K)

P = 1.39 atm

Note: the 0.26174 came from 0.21358 plus 0.04816.

31.13.9 grams of an unknown gas is placed in a 5.00 L container.It has an initial

pressure at 58.6 kPa and initial temperature at 60.0 °C. What is the name of this


1st step:

Use PV = nRT:

(58.6 kPa) (5.00 L) = (n) (8.31447 L kPa mol-1 K-1) (333 K)

n = 0.10582 mol

2nd step:
Determine molecular weight:

13.9 g / 0.10582 mol = 131.4 g/mol

32. A 19.5 L flask at 15 °C contains a mixture of three gases: N2 (2.50 mol), He

(0.38 mol), and Ne (1.34 mol). Calculate the partial pressure of neon gas in the


1st step:

Determine total moles of gas:

2.50 + 0.38 + 1.34 = 4.22 moles

2nd step:

Use PV = nRT:

(x) (19.5 atm) = (4.22 mol) (0.08206) (288 K)

x = 5.115 atm


Determine the partial pressure for neon:

5.115 x (1.34/4.22) = 1.62 atm

Note: (1.34/4.22) determines the mole fraction of neon.

Polytropic Process
1. A polytropic process(n = − 1) starts with P = 0, V = 0 and ends with P= 600 kPa,
V = 0.01 m3. Find the boundary work done.


W = ⌠ PdV

= (1/2)(P1 + P2)(V2 – V1)

= (1/2)(P2 + 0)( V2 – 0)

= (1/2)(600*0.1)

= 3 KJ

2. The piston/cylinder contains carbon dioxide at 300 kPa, with volume of 0.2 m3
and at 100°C. Mass is added at such that the gas compresses with PV^(1.2) =
constant to a final temperature of 200°C. Determine the work done during the


Explanation: Work done = (P2V2 – P1V1)/(1-n) and mR = (P1V1)/T1 = 0.1608 kJ/K

Work done = 0.1608(473.2 – 373.2)/(1 – 1.2) = -80.4 kJ.

3. Neon at 400 kPa, 20°C is brought to 100°C in a polytropic process with n = 1.4.
Find the work done.


For Neon, k = γ = 1.667 so n < k, Cv = 0.618, R = 0.412

1w2 = [R/(1-n)](T2 – T1) = -82.39 kJ/kg.

4. A mass of 1kg of air contained in a cylinder at 1000 K, 1.5 MPa, expands in a

reversible adiabatic process to 100 kPa. Calculate the work done during the
process using Constant specific heat.

1Q2 = 0, 1S2 gen = 0 => s2 = s1

T2 = T1(P2/P1)^[(k-1)/k] = 1000(0.1/1.5)0.286 = 460.9 K

1W2 = -(U2 – U1) = mCv(T1 – T2)

= 1 × 0.717(1000 – 460.9) = 386.5 kJ.

5. A cylinder/piston contains 1kg methane gas at 100 kPa, 20°C. The gas is
compressed reversibly to a pressure of 800 kPa. Calculate the work required if the
process is isothermal.


T = constant. For ideal gas then u2 = u1 1W2 = 1Q2 and ∫ dQ/T = 1Q2/T

1W2 = 1Q2 = mT(s2 – s1) = -mRT ln(P2/P1)

= -0.51835× 293.2 ln(800/100) = -316.0 kJ.

6. A cylinder/piston contains 1kg methane gas at 100 kPa, 20°C. The gas is
compressed reversibly to a pressure of 800 kPa. Calculate the work required if the
process is polytropic, with exponent n = 1.15.


Pv^(n) = constant with n = 1.15 ;

T2 = T1(P2/P1)^[(n-1)/n] = 293.2(800/100)^0.130 = 384.2 K

1W2 = ∫ mP dv = m(P2v2 – P1v1)/(1 – n) = mR (T2 – T1)/(1 – n)

= 1*0.51835(384.2 – 293.2)/(1 – 1.15) = -314.5 kJ.

7. Helium in a piston/cylinder at 20°C, 100 kPa is brought to 400 K in a reversible

polytropic process with exponent n = 1.25. Helium can be assumed to be an ideal
gas with constant specific heat. Find the specific work.

Pv^(n) = C & Pv = RT => Tv^(n-1) = C

Cv = 3.116 kJ/kg K, R = 2.0771 kJ/kg K

v2 / v1 = (T1 / T2 )^[1/(n-1)] = 0.2885

P2 / P1 = (v1 / v2)^(n) = 4.73 => P2 = 473 kPa

W = (P2 v2 – P1 v1)/(1-n) = R(T2-T1)/(1-n) = -887.7 kJ/kg.

8. Consider air in a cylinder volume of 0.2 L at 7 MPa, 1800K. It now expands in a

reversible polytropic process with exponent, n = 1.5, through a volume ratio of
8:1. Calculate the work for the process.


PV^(1.50) = constant, V2/V1 = 8

State 1: P1 = 7 MPa, T1 = 1800 K, V1 = 0.2 L, m1=P1V1/RT1 = 2.71×10-3 kg

State 2: T2 = T1 (V1/V2)^(n-1) = 1800(1/8)^(0.5) = 636.4 K

1W2 = ⌠ PdV = mR(T2 – T1)/(1 – n)

= 2.71×10^(-3) × 0.287(636.4 – 1800)/(1-1.5) = 1.81 kJ.

9. A cylinder/piston contains carbon dioxide at 300°C, 1 MPa with a volume of

200L. The total external force acting on the piston is proportional to V3. This
system is allowed to cool to room temperature, 20°C. Find the work.


PV^(-3) = constant

State 1: m = P1V1/RT1 = (1000 × 0.2)/(0.18892 × 573.2) = 1.847 kg

P2 = P1(T2/T1)^[n/(n-1)] = 1000(293.2/573.2)^(3/4) = 604.8 kPa

V2 = V1(T1/T2)^[1/(n-1)] = 0.16914 m^3

Work = ⌠ PdV = (P2V2 – P1V1)/(1-n) = [604.8 × 0.16914 – 1000 × 0.2] / [1-(-3)] =
-24.4 kJ.

10. A cylinder/piston contains 100L of air at 25°C, 110 kPa. The air is compressed
in a reversible polytropic process to a final state of 200°C, 800 kPa. Assume the
heat transfer is with the ambient at 25°C. Find the workone by the air.


m = P1V1 /(RT1)

= 110 × 0.1/(0.287 × 298.15)

= 0.1286 kg

T2/T1 = (P2/P1)^[(n-1)/n] => 473.15/298.15 = (800/110)^[(n-1)/n] ⇒ (n-1)/n =

0.2328 hence n = 1.3034

V2 = V1(P1/P2)^(1/n) = 0.1(110/800)^(0.7672) = 0.02182 m^3

Work = ⌠PdV = (P2V2 – P1V1)/(1-n) = (800 × 0.02182 – 110 × 0.1)/(1 – 1.3034)

= -21.28 kJ.

11. A mass of 2 kg ethane gas at 100°C, 500 kPa, undergoes a reversible polytropic
expansion with n = 1.3, to a final temperature of 20°C. Find the work done.


P2 = P1(T2/T1)^[n/(n-1)] = 500(293.2/373.2)^(4.333) = 175.8 kPa

Work = ⌠PdV = (P2V2 – P1V1)/(1-n) = R(T2-T1)/(1-n)

= 0.2765(293.2-373.2)/(1-1.30) = 73.7 kJ/kg.

12. A piston/cylinder contains air at 100 kPa, 300 K. A reversible polytropic

process with n = 1.3 brings the air to 500 K. Any heat transfer if it comes in is from
a 325°C reservoir and if it goes out it is to the ambient at 300 K. Find the specific


Pv^(n) = C

Work = ⌠PdV = (P2V2 – P1V1)/(1-n) = R(T2-T1)/(1-n)

= 0.287 (500 – 300)/(1 – 1.3) = -191.3 kJ/kg.

13. A cylinder/piston contains saturated vapour R-22 at 10°C; the volume is 10 L.

The R-22 is compressed to 60°C, 2 MPa in a reversible polytropic process. If all the
heat transfer during the process is with the ambient at 10°C, calculate the work


State 1: P1 = 0.681 MPa, v1 = 0.03471; m = V1/v1 = 0.01/0.03471 = 0.288 kg

State 2: v2 = 0.01214 m^3/kg; P2/P1 = 2.0/0.681 = (0.03471/0.01214)^(n)

=> n = 1.0255

Work = ⌠PdV = m(P2v2 – P1v1)/(1-n)

= 0.288(2000 × 0.01214 – 681 × 0.03471)/(1 – 1.0255) = −7.26 kJ.

14. Air (ideal gas with ( = 1.4) at 1 bar and 300K is compressed till the final volume
is one-sixteenth of the original volume, following a polytropic process Pv 1.25 =
const. Calculate (a) the final pressure and temperature of the air, (b) the work
done and (c) the energy transferred as heat per mole of the air.


(a) P1v11.25 = P2v21.25

P2 = P1(v1/v2)1.25 = 1(16)1.25 = 32 bar

T2 = (T1P2v2)/(P1v1) = (300 x 32 x 1)/(1x16)

= 600K

(b) w = (P1v1- P2v2)/(n-1)

= Ru(T1 × T2)/(n-1)

= 8.314 (300 × 600)/(1.25-1)

= -9.977 kJ/mol

(c) q = w.{ (( -n)/((-1)}

= -9.977 (1.4 × 1.25)/(1.4-1)

= -3.742 kJ/mol

15. A rigid and insulated container of 2m 3 capacity is divided into two equal
compartments by a membrane. One compartment contains helium at 200kPa and
127oC while the second compartment contains nitrogen at 400kPa and 227 oC. The
membrane is punctured and the gases are allowed to mix. Determine the
temperature and pressure after equilibrium has been established. Consider
helium and nitrogen as perfect gases with their Cv as 3R/2 and 5R/2 respectively.

Solution: Considering the gases contained in both the compartments as the

system, W= 0 and Q = 0. Therefore, (U = 0 (U 2 = U1)
Amount of helium = NHe = PAVA/RuTA

= 200 x 103 x 1/(8.314 x400)

= 60.14 mol.

Amount of nitrogen = NN2 = PBVB/RuTB

= 400 x 103 x 1/(8.314x500)

= 96.22 mol.

Let Tf be the final temperature after equilibrium has been established. Then,

[NCv(Tf - 400)]He + [NCv(Tf - 500)]N2 = 0

Ru[60.14(Tf CV- 400)3 + 96.22(Tf-500)5 ] /2 = 0

Or, Tf = 472.73 K

The final pressure of the mixture can be obtained by applying the equation of

PfVf = (NHe + NN2)Ru Tf

2Pf = (60.14 + 96.22) 8.314 (472.73)


Pf = 307.27 kPa

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