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Suggestion: Biodiesel Batch Calculator

Can I suggest that someone creates a biodiesel batch calculator for the site. It would
certainly help new users to understand the quantities used for making biodiesel.

Input for catalyst type: eg KOH or NaOH
Input for oil titration: eg 2.5 gm
Input for WVO batch quantity: eg 60 liters

Background calculation for Catalyst per litre:

Type base + titration
eg 7.5 gm + 2.5 gm

Background calculation for Total Catalyst:

Catalyst per Litre * WVO
eg 10.0gm * 60

Background calculation for Methonal:

WVO batch size * .2 (Methonal)
eg 60 * .2

Output for Catalyst per litre: 10.0 gm

Output for Total Catalyst for batch: 600 gm
Output for Total Methonal: 12 litres
Output for 5% prewash: 3.0 litres

I would suggest that titration is a required entry.

There could also be Advanced inputs for adjusting the amounts of catalyst or methonal as
well as an optional function that printed out the output quantities with the current date
and space for recording the batch processing times and results.

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