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Hands-On Natural Language Processing with Python

Rajesh Arumugam, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani

ISBN 13: 9781789139495 Packt 312 Pages (July 2018)

Book Overview:

Foster your NLP applications with the help of deep learning, NLTK, and TensorFlow

Natural language processing (NLP) has found its application in various domains, such as web search,
advertisements, and customer services, and with the help of deep learning, we can enhance its
performances in these areas. Hands-On Natural Language Processing with Python teaches you how to
leverage deep learning models for performing various NLP tasks, along with best practices in dealing
with today’s NLP challenges.

To begin with, you will understand the core concepts of NLP and deep learning, such as Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), semantic embedding, Word2vec, and
more. You will learn how to perform each and every task of NLP using neural networks, in which you will
train and deploy neural networks in your NLP applications. You will get accustomed to using RNNs and
CNNs in various application areas, such as text classification and sequence labeling, which are essential
in the application of sentiment analysis, customer service chatbots, and anomaly detection. You will be 1/104
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equipped with practical knowledge in order to implement deep learning in your linguistic applications
using Python's popular deep learning library, TensorFlow.

Publisher's page

Hands-On Recommendation Systems with Python

Rounak Banik

ISBN 13: 9781788993753 Packt 146 Pages (July 2018)

Book Overview:

With Hands-On Recommendation Systems with Python, learn the tools and techniques required in
building various kinds of powerful recommendation systems (collaborative, knowledge and content
based) and deploying them to the web

This book shows you how to do just that. You will learn about the different kinds of recommenders used
in the industry and see how to build them from scratch using Python. No need to wade through tons of
machine learning theory—you'll get started with building and learning about recommenders as quickly as

In this book, you will build an IMDB Top 250 clone, a content-based engine that works on movie
metadata. You'll use collaborative filters to make use of customer behavior data, and a Hybrid
Recommender that incorporates content based and collaborative filtering techniques

With this book, all you need to get started with building recommendation systems is a familiarity with
Python, and by the time you're fnished, you will have a great grasp of how recommenders work and be
in a strong position to apply the techniques that you will learn to your own problem domains.

Publisher's page

Getting Started with Modern Python (Video)

Joran Beasley

ISBN 13: 9781788472784 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 16 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

Learn Python like a Professional! Start from the basics and go all the way to create your program in it.

In this course, you will start by setting up your development environment, including downloading Python
and setting up your IDE (PyCharm); you'll then be introduced to Python lists and list comprehensions.
The course will then show you what a generator is and why you might want to use one. Further on, you
will be introduced to functions and decorators, and see how you can use them. You will then learn how
to create a very simple, single-file Python program, and how to execute it both from the command line
and from within the IDE. You'll also get a very brief introduction to debugging.

By the end of the course, you'll have learned how to manipulate strings, parsing and printing them. 2/104
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Building REST APIs with Python (Video)

Wayne Merry

ISBN 13: 9781788293143 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 49 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

Take your skills with Python to the next level by guiding you to pick the right stack.

With the growing demand for full-stack developers, it is important to learn how you can combine the
powers of Python with other libraries to create amazing applications.

Django has basic front-end support but we show how complex operations can be performed at the front-
end. We show you how to unleash the power of Python's Rest API and other functionalities to create
compelling applications powered by ReactJS.

We will be using a production-level database such as Postgres. Delving into key aspects such as code
reusability, deployment and maintaining your application, we discuss production server configuration and
bundle technologies with Python to provide an end-to-end web development solution.

Publisher's page

Python Tips, Tricks and Techniques (Video)

Colibri Ltd

ISBN 13: 9781789138535 Packt Course Length: 2 hours and 38 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

From first-class functions to abstract base classes, apply Pythonic tricks to your application and be a
Python rockstar

This course is will take you from a Python outsider to an insider. You will benefit from insights from the
Python documentation, PEPs, and online developer communities to learn the ultimate Pythonic ways to
tackle common programming patterns. This course covers tips, tricks, and techniques for loops, data
structures, object-oriented programming, functions, and more, helping you work on ordered collections
and key-value stores for dictionaries. You will be able to increase the speed and performance of your
code while making it easier to debug. Start writing cleaner code for your applications and learn to
organize it better in just 3 hours.

he course is full of hands-on instructions, interesting and illustrative visualizations, and clear
explanations. It is packed full of useful tips and relevant advice which can be applied to real, commercial
products. Throughout the course, we maintain a focus on practicality and getting things done, not fancy
programming concepts and theory.

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Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Python Application Development (Video)

Mihai Costea

ISBN 13: 9781789139235 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 17 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

Improve your application development process to build efficient apps with Python

The course starts by dealing with performance issues and learning how to tackle them in an application.
Distributing an application with Python is not easy but you will learn ways to distribute applications
developed using Python along with GUIs, web applications, and more. Further, you will learn to test your
application at different levels and use modern software at the development stage. You will also learn to
expand productivity using standard and third-party tools. Finally, you will learn to protect your code
quality from potential errors and detect any problem at an early stage, to prevent any issues later.

You will start by exploring Python issues and how to diagnose them. Then you will be introduced to the
most popular ways to distribute Python applications. Next, you will test applications and use modern
software in the development process. Finally, you will learn to expand your productivity and manage
code quality to prevent any issues later.

Publisher's page

Troubleshooting Python Application Development (Video)

Rudy Lai

ISBN 13: 9781788995337 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 50 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

Tackle Python performance problems and speed up your apps with parallelism, concurrent execution,
and OOP

Troubleshooting Python Application Development is your answer. This course takes you through a
structured journey of performance problems that your application is likely to encounter, and presents
both the intuition and the solution to these issues. You'll get things done, without a lengthy detour into
how Python is implemented or computational theory.

The course is full of hands-on instructions, interesting and illustrative visualizations, and, clear
explanations from a data scientist. It is packed full of useful tips and relevant advice. Throughout the
course, we maintain a focus on practicality and getting things done, not fancy mathematical theory.

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Hands-on Network Programming with Python {Video}

Eric Chou 4/104
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ISBN 13: 9781788994583 Packt XXX Pages OR Course Length: 3 hours 3 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

The complete guide that will help you create and automate your network with Python

The goal of the course is to master key Python concepts as they are applied in the network engineering
context. Computer Networks, large and small, has become ever increasingly software-driven in the last
several years. A typical network engineer faces the challenge of learning a completely new discipline
that normally takes years to master. This course will use Python, an easy-to-learn, popular first-time-
programmer language as the foundation to bridge the gap for network engineers facing the automation
challenge, this will help network engineers become experts in using Python for networking.

The video will start by demonstrating how to use Python and supported libraries to automate network
tasks. Then you will get familiar with the concepts and work with the Ansible framework in order to
achieve your network goals. You will then come across ways to monitor your network using Python.
Besides this, you will develop a good understanding and explore ways to solve issues related to the
security wheel that treats the network as one single entity instead of dispersing components. By the end
of the course, the students will master skills required to accomplish advance network automation using

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Hands-on NLP with NLTK and Scikit-learn {Video}

Colibri Ltd

ISBN 13: 9781789345612 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 46 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

A complete Python guide to Natural Language Processing to build spam filters, topic classifiers, and
sentiment analyzers

There is an overflow of text data online nowadays. As a Python developer, you need to create a new
solution using Natural Language Processing for your next project. Your colleagues depend on you to
monetize gigabytes of unstructured text data. What do you do?

Hands-on NLP with NLTK and scikit-learn is the answer. This course puts you right on the spot, starting
off with building a spam classifier in our first video. At the end of the course, you are going to walk away
with three NLP applications: a spam filter, a topic classifier, and a sentiment analyzer. There is no need
for fancy mathematical theory, just plain English explanations of core NLP concepts and how to apply
those using Python libraries. Taking this course will help you to precisely create new applications with
Python and NLP. You will be able to build actual solutions backed by machine learning and NLP
processing models with ease.

Publisher's page

Data Science Essentials Advanced Algorithms and Visualizations (Video) 5/104
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Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron

ISBN 13: 9781789616057 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 50 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

Become an efficient data science practitioner by understanding Python's key concepts

This course will make you look beyond the fundamentals with beautiful data visualizations with Seaborn
and ggplot, web development with Bottle, and even the new frontiers of deep learning with Theano and
TensorFlow. We start with SVM and random forest for classification and regression. We look at big data,
deep learning, and language processing.

Then we use graph analysis techniques for very interesting and trending social media analytics. Finally,
we take a complete overview of the principal machine learning algorithms, graph analysis techniques,
and all the visualization and deployment tools that make it easier to present your results to an audience
of both data science experts and business users.

Publisher's page

Statistical Methods and Applied Mathematics in Data Science (Video)

Cyrille Rossant

ISBN 13: 9781789539219 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 38 minutes (July 2018)

Video Overview:

Use IPython and Jupyter Notebook to sharpen your skills for your data analysis and visualization tasks

Machine learning and data analysis are the center of attraction for many engineers and scientists. The
reason is quite obvious: its vast application in numerous fields and booming career options. And Python
is one of the leading open source platforms for data science and numerical computing. IPython, and its
associated Jupyter Notebook, provide Python with efficient interfaces to for data analysis and interactive
visualization, and they constitute an ideal gateway to the platform. If you are among those seeking to
enhance their capabilities in machine learning, then this course is the right choice.

Statistical Methods and Applied Mathematics in Data Science provides many easy-to-follow, ready-to-
use, and focused recipes for data analysis and scientific computing. This course tackles data science,
statistics, machine learning, signal and image processing, dynamical systems, and pure and applied

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Qt5 Python GUI Programming Cookbook

B.M. Harwani

ISBN 13: 9781788831000 Packt 462 Pages (July 2018) 6/104
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Book Overview:

Over 60 recipes to help you design interactive, smart, and cross-platform GUI applications

PyQt is one of the best cross-platform interface toolkits currently available; it's stable, mature, and
completely native. If you want control over all aspects of UI elements, PyQt is what you need. This book
will guide you through every concept necessary to create fully functional GUI applications using PyQt,
with only a few lines of code.

As you expand your GUI using more widgets, you will cover networks, databases, and graphical libraries
that greatly enhance its functionality. Next, the book guides you in using Qt Designer to design user
interfaces and implementing and testing dialogs, events, the clipboard, and drag and drop functionality
to customize your GUI. You will learn a variety of topics, such as look and feel customization, GUI
animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more.

Publisher's page

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python - Third Edition

Luis Pedro Coelho, Willi Richert, Matthieu Brucher

ISBN 13: 9781788623223 Packt 406 Pages (July 2018)

Book Overview:

Get more from your data by creating practical machine learning systems with Python

This book shows you exactly how to find patterns in your raw data. You will start by brushing up on your
Python machine learning knowledge and being introduced to libraries. You'll quickly get to grips with
serious, real-world projects on datasets, using modeling and creating recommendation systems. With
Building Machine Learning Systems with Python, you’ll gain the tools and understanding required to
build your own systems, all tailored to solve real-world data analysis problems.

By the end of this book, you will be able to build machine learning systems using techniques and
methodologies such as classification, sentiment analysis, computer vision, reinforcement learning, and
neural networks.

Publisher's page

Building Serverless Python Web Services with Zappa

Abdulwahid Abdulhaque Barguzar

ISBN 13: 9781788837613 Packt 324 Pages (July 2018)

Book Overview:

Master serverless architectures in Python and their implementation, with Zappa on three different
frameworks. 7/104
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Serverless applications are becoming very popular these days, not just because they save developers
the trouble of managing the servers, but also because they provide several other benefits such as
cutting heavy costs and improving the overall performance of the application.

This book will help you build serverless applications in a quick and efficient way. We begin with an
introduction to AWS and the API gateway, the environment for serverless development, and Zappa. We
then look at building, testing, and deploying apps in AWS with three different frameworks--Flask, Django,
and Pyramid. Setting up a custom domain along with SSL certificates and configuring them with Zappa
is also covered. A few advanced Zappa settings are also covered along with securing Zappa with AWS

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PySpark Cookbook

Denny Lee, Tomasz Drabas

ISBN 13: 9781788835367 Packt 330 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Combine the power of Apache Spark and Python to build effective big data applications

You’ll start by learning the Apache Spark architecture and how to set up a Python environment for
Spark. You’ll then get familiar with the modules available in PySpark and start using them effortlessly. In
addition to this, you’ll discover how to abstract data with RDDs and DataFrames, and understand the
streaming capabilities of PySpark. You’ll then move on to using ML and MLlib in order to solve any
problems related to the machine learning capabilities of PySpark and use GraphFrames to solve graph-
processing problems. Finally, you will explore how to deploy your applications to the cloud using the
spark-submit command.

By the end of this book, you will be able to use the Python API for Apache Spark to solve any problems
associated with building data-intensive applications.

Publisher's page

Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python

Sudharsan Ravichandiran

ISBN 13: 9781788836524 Packt 318 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

A hands-on guide enriched with examples to master deep reinforcement learning algorithms with Python

The book starts with an introduction to Reinforcement Learning followed by OpenAI Gym, and
TensorFlow. You will then explore various RL algorithms and concepts, such as Markov Decision
Process, Monte Carlo methods, and dynamic programming, including value and policy iteration. This
example-rich guide will introduce you to deep reinforcement learning algorithms, such as Dueling DQN, 8/104
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DRQN, A3C, PPO, and TRPO. You will also learn about imagination-augmented agents, learning from
human preference, DQfD, HER, and many more of the recent advancements in reinforcement learning.

By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge and experience needed to implement
reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning in your projects, and you will be all set to enter
the world of artificial intelligence.

Publisher's page

Mastering Numerical Computing with NumPy

Umit Mert Cakmak, Mert Cuhadaroglu

ISBN 13: 9781788993357 Packt 248 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Enhance the power of NumPy and start boosting your scientific computing capabilities

Beginning with NumPy's arrays and functions, you will familiarize yourself with linear algebra concepts to
perform vector and matrix math operations. You will thoroughly understand and practice data
processing, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and predictive modeling. You will then move on to working
on practical examples which will teach you how to use NumPy statistics in order to explore US housing
data and develop a predictive model using simple and multiple linear regression techniques. Once you
have got to grips with the basics, you will explore unsupervised learning and clustering algorithms,
followed by understanding how to write better NumPy code while keeping advanced considerations in
mind. The book also demonstrates the use of different high-performance numerical computing libraries
and their relationship with NumPy. You will study how to benchmark the performance of different
configurations and choose the best for your system.

By the end of this book, you will have become an expert in handling and performing complex data

Publisher's page

Learn Python Programming - Second Edition

Fabrizio Romano

ISBN 13: 9781788996662 Packt 508 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Build a solid foundation in coding by utilizing the language and its core characteristics

You will begin by exploring the foundations of and fundamental topics on Python and learn to manipulate
them. Then, you'll explore different programming paradigms that will allow you to find the best approach
to a situation, and you’ll also understand how to carry out performance optimization as well as effective
debugging. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll control the flow of a program, and persist 9/104
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and utilize an interchange format to exchange data. You'll also walk through cryptographic services in
Python and understand secure tokens.

Throughout, the book covers various types of applications, and it concludes with building real-world
applications based on all the concepts that you learned. By the end of the book, you'll have a proper
understanding of the Python language and a solid grasp on how to work with data. You'll know how to
quickly build a website and harness the power of Python's renowned data science libraries.

Publisher's page

Hands-On Enterprise Automation with Python

Basim Aly

ISBN 13: 9781788998512 Packt 398 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Invent your own Python scripts to automate your infrastructure

We’ll explore examples of network automation tasks using simple Python programs and Ansible. Next,
we will walk you through automating administration tasks with Python Fabric, where you will learn to
perform server configuration and administration, along with system administration tasks such as user
management, database management, and process management. As you progress through this book,
you’ll automate several testing services with Python scripts and perform automation tasks on virtual
machines and cloud infrastructure with Python. In the concluding chapters, you will cover Python-based
offensive security tools and learn how to automate your security tasks.

By the end of this book, you will have mastered the skills of automating several system administration
tasks with Python.

Publisher's page

Mastering Machine Learning for Penetration Testing

Chiheb Chebbi

ISBN 13: 9781788997409 Packt 276 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Become a master at penetration testing using machine learning with Python

This book begins with the basics of machine learning and the algorithms used to build robust systems.
Once you’ve gained a fair understanding of how security products leverage machine learning, you'll dive
into the core concepts of breaching such systems. Through practical use cases, you’ll see how to find
loopholes and surpass a self-learning security system.

As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll focus on topics such as network intrusion detection
and AV and IDS evasion. We’ll also cover the best practices when identifying ambiguities, and extensive 10/104
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techniques to breach an intelligent system.

By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with identifying loopholes in a self-learning security
system and will be able to efficiently breach a machine learning system

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Deep Learning Projects with PyTorch (Video)

Ashish Singh Bhatia

ISBN 13: 9781788997591 Packt Course Length: 3 hours (June 2018)

Video Overview:

Step into the world of PyTorch to create deep learning models with the help of real-world examples

PyTorch is a Deep Learning framework that is a boon for researchers and data scientists. It supports
Graphic Processing Units and is a platform that provides maximum flexibility and speed. With PyTorch,
you can dynamically build neural networks and easily perform advanced Artificial Intelligence tasks.

The course starts with the fundamentals of PyTorch and how to use basic commands. Next, you’ll learn
about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) through an example of image recognition, where you’ll look
into images from a machine perspective.

The next project shows you how to predict character sequence using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
and Long Short Term Memory Network (LSTM). Then you’ll learn to work with autoencoders to detect
credit card fraud. After that, it’s time to develop a system using Boltzmann Machines, where you’ll
recommend whether to watch a movie or not.

We’ll continue with Boltzmann Machines, where you’ll learn to give movie ratings using AutoEncoders. In
the end, you’ll get to develop and train a model to recognize a picture or an object from a given image
using Deep Learning, where we’ll not only detect the shape, but also the color of the object.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to start using PyTorch to build Deep Learning models by
implementing practical projects in the real world. So, grab this course as it will take you through
interesting real-world projects to train your first neural nets.

Publisher's page

Computer Vision Projects with Python 3 (Video)

Matthew Rever

ISBN 13: 9781788835565 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 19 minutes (June 2018)

Video Overview:

Explore Python’s powerful tools for extracting data from images and videos 11/104
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The Python programming language is an ideal platform for rapidly prototyping and developing
production-grade codes for image processing and computer vision with its robust syntax and wealth of
powerful libraries.

This video course will start by showing you how to set up Anaconda Python for the major OSes with
cutting-edge third-party libraries for computer vision. You’ll learn state-of-the-art techniques to classify
images and find and identify humans within videos.

Next, you’ll understand how to set up Anaconda Python 3 for the major OSes (Windows, Mac, and
Linux) and augment it with the powerful vision and machine learning tools OpenCV and TensorFlow, as
well as Dlib. You’ll be taken through the handwritten digits classifier and then move on to detecting facial
features and finally develop a general image classifier.

By the end of this course, you’ll know the basic tools of computer vision and be able to put it into

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Beginning Data Science with Python And Jupyter

Alex Galea

ISBN 13: 9781789532029 Packt 194 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Getting started with data science doesn't have to be an uphill battle. This step-by-step guide is ideal for
beginners who know a little Python and are looking for a quick, fast-paced introduction.

Get to grips with the skills you need for entry-level data science in this hands-on Python and Jupyter
course. You'll learn about some of the most commonly used libraries that are part of the Anaconda
distribution, and then explore machine learning models with real datasets to give you the skills and
exposure you need for the real world. We'll finish up by showing you how easy it can be to scrape and
gather your own data from the open web, so that you can apply your new skills in an actionable context.

Publisher's page

Learning Python Web Penetration Testing

Christian Martorella

ISBN 13: 9781789533972 Packt 138 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Leverage the simplicity of Python and available libraries to build web security testing tools for your

Learning Python Web Penetration Testing will walk you through the web application penetration testing
methodology, showing you how to write your own tools with Python for each activity throughout the 12/104
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process. The book begins by emphasizing the importance of knowing how to write your own tools with
Python for web application penetration testing.

You will then learn to interact with a web application using Python, understand the anatomy of an HTTP
request, URL, headers and message body, and later create a script to perform a request, and interpret
the response and its headers. As you make your way through the book, you will write a web crawler
using Python and the Scrappy library. The book will also help you to develop a tool to perform brute
force attacks in different parts of the web application.

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Learning Robotics using Python - Second Edition

Lentin Joseph

ISBN 13: 9781788623315 Packt 280 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Design, simulate, and program interactive robots

Robot Operating System (ROS) is one of the most popular robotics software frameworks in research
and industry. It has various features for implementing different capabilities in a robot without
implementing them from scratch.

This book starts by showing you the fundamentals of ROS so you understand the basics of differential
robots. Then, you'll learn about robot modeling and how to design and simulate it using ROS. Moving
on, we'll design robot hardware and interfacing actuators. Then, you'll learn to configure and program
depth sensors and LIDARs using ROS. Finally, you'll create a GUI for your robot using the Qt

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a clear idea of how to integrate and assemble everything into a
robot and how to bundle the software package.

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Python Testing Cookbook - Second Edition

Greg L. Turnquist, Bhaskar N. Das

ISBN 13: 9781787122529 Packt 396 Pages (June 2018)

Book Overview:

Fix everyday testing problems in Python with the help of this solution-based guide

Automated testing is the best way to increase efficiency while reducing the defects of software testing. It
helps find bugs in code easily and at an early stage so that they can be tackled efficiently. This book
delves into essential testing concepts used in Python to help you build robust and maintainable code. 13/104
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Python Testing Cookbook begins with a brief introduction to Python's unit testing framework to help you
write automated test cases. You will learn how to write suitable test sets for your software and run
automated test suites with Nose. You will then work with the unittest.mock library, which allows you to
replace the parts of your system that are being tested with mock objects and make assertions about how
they have been used. You will also see how to apply Test-driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-
driven Development (BDD) and how to eliminate issues caused by TDD. The book explains how to
integrate automated tests using Continuous Integration and perform smoke/load testing. It also covers
best practices and will help you solve persistent testing issues in Python. The book concludes by helping
you understand how doctest works and how Selenium can be used to test code efficiently.

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Python Machine Learning in 7 Days (Video)

Arish Ali

ISBN 13: 9781788999137 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 22 minutes (June 2018)

Video Overview:

Build powerful Machine Learning models using Python with hands-on practical examples in just a week.

Machine learning is one of the most sought-after skills in the market. But have you ever wondered where
to start or found the course not so easy to follow. With this hands-on and practical machine learning
course, you can learn and start applying machine learning in less than a week without having to be an
expert mathematician.

In this course, you will be introduced to a new machine learning aspect in each section followed by a
practical assignment as a homework to help you in efficiently implement the learnings in a practical
manner. With the systematic and fast-paced approach to this course, learn machine learning using
Python in the most practical and structured way to develop machine learning projects in Python in a

This course is structured to unlock the potential of Python machine learning in the shortest amount of
time. If you are looking to upgrade your machine learning skills using Python in the quickest possible
time, then this course is for you!

Publisher's page

Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with Python (Video)

Stefan Jansen

ISBN 13: 9781788992855 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 34 minutes (June 2018)

Video Overview:

Use Python to apply market basket analysis, PCA and dimensionality reduction, as well as cluster
algorithms 14/104
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This course explains the most important Unsupervised Learning algorithms using real-world examples of
business applications in Python code.

Say you have millions of transaction data on products purchased at a retailer. Which individual products
or product categories are most likely to be purchased together? How about a large number of survey
responses – which answers were most often given together, for all or some subset of respondents?
Association Rules provide answers to these questions, and they are most frequently used in Market
Basket Analysis. The Apriori Algorithms solves the formidable computational challenges of calculating
Association Rules. After taking this course, you will be understanding and be able to apply the Apriori
Algorithm to calculate, interpret and create interactive visualizations of association rules.

This course will allow you to utilize Principal Component Analysis, and to visualize and interpret the
results of your datasets such as the ones in the above description. You will also be able to apply hard
and soft clustering methods (k-Means and Gaussian Mixture Models) to assign segment labels to
customers categorized in your sample data sets.

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Learn Python in 3 Hours (Video)

Rudy Lai

ISBN 13: 9781788995931 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 36 minutes (June 2018)

Video Overview:

App development, data science, automation, web scraping or computer vision—Make the switch to
Python quickly

You are a programmer. You already know many languages, but Python isn't one of them. Today, you
need to get up-to-speed with Python in a short period of time, but your search has so far come up with
disconnected, unrelated tutorials or guides.

Learn Python in 3 hours is a fast-paced, action-packed course that maximizes your time; it's designed
from the ground up to bring you from zero to hero in the shortest time. The course is based on many
years of Python development experience in both large enterprises and nimble startups. In particular, the
course's hands-on and practical approach comes from the author's experience in rapidly iterating and
shipping products in a startup setting, where responsiveness and speed are key.

With Learn Python in 3 hours, you will be up-and-running with Python like you are with your other
languages, proving your value and expertise to your team today, and building your CV and skillset for

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Python Deep Learning Solutions (Video)

Indra den Bakker

ISBN 13: 9781789531602 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 45 minutes (June 2018) 15/104
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Video Overview:

Over 20 practical videos on neural network modeling, reinforcement learning, and transfer learning using

Deep Learning is revolutionizing a wide range of industries. For many applications, Deep Learning has
been proven to outperform humans by making faster and more accurate predictions. This course
provides a top-down and bottom-up approach to demonstrating Deep Learning solutions to real-world
problems in different areas.

These applications include Computer Vision, Generative Adversarial Networks, and time series. This
course presents technical solutions to the issues presented, along with a detailed explanation of the

Furthermore, it provides a discussion on the corresponding pros and cons of implementing the proposed
solution using a popular framework such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. The course includes
solutions that are related to the basic concepts of neural networks; all techniques, as well as classical
network topologies, are covered. The main purpose of this video course is to provide Python
programmers with a detailed list of solutions so they can apply Deep Learning to common and not-so-
common scenarios.

Publisher's page

2018 Python Regular Expressions - Real World Projects (Video)

Chandra Lingam

ISBN 13: 9781789539523 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 10 minutes (June 2018)

Video Overview:

Learn cutting-edge pattern matching skills for log mining, big data parsing, cleanup and preparation with

Welcome to Python Regular Expressions Course! You will apply your new skills with four hands-on real-
world projects. You will gain solid understanding on type of performance issues regex can run into, and
techniques to address them. As part of resources in this course, you will get a high-quality quick
reference guide, an interactive tool, all the source code and downloadable slides. Why Learn Regular
Expressions? Very often, the data that we need is not readily accessible or useful.

Data preparation and clean-up is often one of the most time-consuming activities in a software
automation project. Instead of spending time writing code for all this, you can specify data patterns of
interest and let regular expression engine do the work for you. Regular Expression is cross-platform and
you can learn the concepts once and use it in multiple programming languages and environment
Looking forward to seeing you in the course! God Speed!

Publisher's page

Python Machine Learning Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Video) 16/104
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Valeriy Babushkin

ISBN 13: 9781789135817 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 46 minutes (June 2018)

Video Overview:

Transform your simple machine learning model into a cutting edge powerful version

Machine learning allows us to interpret data structures and fit that data into models to identify patterns
and make predictions. Python makes this easier with its huge set of libraries that can be easily used for
machine learning. In this course, you will learn from a top Kaggle master to upgrade your Python skills
with the latest advancements in Python.

Each technique we cover is itself enough to improve your results. However; combining them together is
where the real magic is. Throughout the course, you will work on real datasets to increase your expertise
and keep adding new tools to your machine learning toolbox.

By the end of this course, you will know various tips, tricks, and techniques to upgrade your machine
learning algorithms to reduce common problems, all the while building efficient machine learning

Publisher's page

Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow

Thushan Ganegedara

ISBN 13: 9781788478311 Packt 472 Pages (May 2018)

Book Overview:

Write modern natural language processing applications using deep learning algorithms and TensorFlow.

Thushan Ganegedara starts by giving you a grounding in NLP and TensorFlow basics. You'll then learn
how to use Word2vec, including advanced extensions, to create word embeddings that turn sequences
of words into vectors accessible to deep learning algorithms. Chapters on classical deep learning
algorithms, like convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN), demonstrate
important NLP tasks as sentence classification and language generation. You will learn how to apply
high-performance RNN models, like long short-term memory (LSTM) cells, to NLP tasks. You will also
explore neural machine translation and implement a neural machine translator.

After reading this book, you will gain an understanding of NLP and you'll have the skills to apply
TensorFlow in deep learning NLP applications, and how to perform specific NLP tasks.

Publisher's page

Data Visualization Recipes in Python (Video)

Theodore Petrou 17/104
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ISBN 13: 9781789340495 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 43 minutes (MAY 2018)

Video Overview:

Utilize Python’s most efficient libraries—pandas, matplotlib, and Seaborn—for data visualization and
time series analysis

Visualization is a critical component in exploratory data analysis, as well as presentations and

applications. If you are struggling in your day-to-day data analysis tasks, then this is the right course for
you. This fast-pace guide follows a recipe-based approach, each video focusing on a commonly-faced

This course covers advanced and powerful time series capabilities so you can dissect by any possible
dimension of time. It introduces the Matplotlib library, which is responsible for all of the plotting in
pandas, at the same time focusing on the pandas plot method and the Seaborn library, which is capable
of producing aesthetically pleasing visualizations not directly available in pandas. This course guides
you, as if you were looking over the shoulder of an expert, through practical situations that you are highly
likely to encounter.

Publisher's page

Hands-On Data Science with Anaconda

Dr. Yuxing Yan, James Yan

ISBN 13: 9781788831192 Packt 364 Pages (May 2018)

Book Overview:

Develop, deploy, and streamline your data science projects with the most popular end-to-end platform,

Anaconda is an open source platform that brings together the best tools for data science professionals
with more than 100 popular packages supporting Python, Scala, and R languages. Hands-On Data
Science with Anaconda gets you started with Anaconda and demonstrates how you can use it to
perform data science operations in the real world.

The book begins with setting up the environment for Anaconda platform in order to make it accessible
for tools and frameworks such as Jupyter, pandas, matplotlib, Python, R, Julia, and more. You’ll walk
through package manager Conda, through which you can automatically manage all packages including
cross-language dependencies, and work across Linux, macOS, and Windows. You’ll explore all the
essentials of data science and linear algebra to perform data science tasks using packages such as
SciPy, contrastive, scikit-learn, Rattle, and Rmixmod.

Publisher's page

Python Robotics Projects

Diwakar Vaish 18/104
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ISBN 13: 9781788832922 Packt 340 Pages (May 2018)

Book Overview:

Leverage the power of python to build DIY robotic projects

Robotics is a fast-growing industry. Multiple surveys state that investment in the field has increased
tenfold in the last 6 years, and is set to become a $100-billion sector by 2020. Robots are prevalent
throughout all industries, and they are all set to be a part of our domestic lives. This book starts with the
installation and basic steps in configuring a robotic controller.

You'll then move on to setting up your environment to use Python with the robotic controller. You'll dive
deep into building simple robotic projects, such as a pet-feeding robot, and more complicated projects,
such as machine learning enabled home automation system (Jarvis), vision processing based robots
and a self-driven robotic vehicle using Python.

Publisher's page

Secret Recipes of the Python Ninja

Cody Jackson

ISBN 13: 9781788294874 Packt 380 Pages (MAY 2018)

Book Overview:

Test your Python programming skills by solving real-world problems

This book covers the unexplored secrets of Python, delve into its depths, and uncover its mysteries.
You’ll unearth secrets related to the implementation of the standard library, by looking at how modules
actually work. You’ll understand the implementation of collections, decimals, and fraction modules. If you
haven’t used decorators, coroutines, and generator functions much before, as you make your way
through the recipes, you’ll learn what you’ve been missing out on.

We’ll cover internal special methods in detail, so you understand what they are and how they can be
used to improve the engineering decisions you make. Next, you’ll explore the CPython interpreter, which
is a treasure trove of secret hacks that not many programmers are aware of. We’ll take you through the
depths of the PyPy project, where you’ll come across several exciting ways that you can improve speed
and concurrency.

Publisher's page

Deep learning for NLP using Python (Video)

Tyler Edwards

ISBN 13: 9781788621700 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 51 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview: 19/104
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Learn how to apply the concepts of deep learning to a diverse range of natural language processing
(NLP) techniques

In this course, you’ll expand your NLP knowledge and skills while implementing deep learning tools to
perform complex tasks. You’ll start by preparing your environment for NLP and then quickly learn about
language structure and how we can break sentences down to extract information and uncover the
underlying meaning. After reviewing the basics, we’ll move on to speech recognition and show how deep
learning can be used to build speech recognition applications.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a better understanding of NLP and will have worked on multiple
examples that implement deep learning to solve real-world spoken language problems. In particular,
you’ll be able to discover useful information and extract key insights from piles of natural language data.

Publisher's page

Getting Started with Object-Oriented Programming in Python 3 (Video)

Indrasen Pilankar

ISBN 13: 9781788629744 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 26 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview:

A practical approach to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3.

The world is filled with coders, who write pieces of programs in a bid to find solutions to various
problems. In such a field where the competition is already intense, you need a definitive edge over the
rest. One of the better ways to stay ahead of the pack is to write smarter code. Writing large programs
can be painful. That’s where Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) comes to the rescue. OOP saves a
considerable amount of coding man-hours in the long run by writing code in a smarter way, through
various techniques.

To ensure efficient coding, you will be introduced to Exceptions and Error Handling. Furthermore,
Encapsulation with methods and variables will help you to keep data safe from external, unwanted
interference. In the final sections, you will be taken through recursion mechanisms.

By the end of this course, you will be well-versed with the OOP techniques in Python 3, which will help
you to write codes better and in an efficient manner.

Publisher's page

Modeling and Visualization of Data in Pandas (Video)

Prabhat Ranjan

ISBN 13: 9781788471312 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 21 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview:

Learn how to model and visualize data in Python through Pandas data library 20/104
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This video course will support users as they work through a typical real-world data analysis project step-
by-step using Pandas. It develops the deep knowledge and skills that will enable students to
immediately tackle their own projects with Pandas at work.

This product demonstrates how to make financial models using Python's software library for data
manipulation and analysis.

Publisher's page

Python By Example (Video)

Burkhard Meier

ISBN 13: 9781788625807 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 20 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview:

Practical coding projects to get you up and running with Python in no time

This video course explores Python basics, data structures, and algorithms. We'll build a die rolling
simulator to see how to use Python dictionaries, loops, functions, and control statements.

Next we will use a modular approach to build a game that consists of a deck of playing cards. We will
use object-oriented (OOP) Python classes to do so. We will display the playing cards both in a textual
form, which we create, as well as via image files. This will lead to our displaying card images in a
graphical form using Python's built-in Tkinter package.

Publisher's page

Applications of Statistical Learning with Python (Video)

Curtis Miller

ISBN 13: 9781788295499 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 44 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview:

Turn practical hands-on projects such as language processing, computer vision, sentiment analysis, and
text processing into useful application in Python to take your skills to another level!

You’ll learn to read text in documents using different models, and employ sentiment analysis to predict
the author’s intent. You’ll also see how to employ Python to read images and for computer vision. Once
you’ve learned to employ specific Python packages and syntax for these tasks, you’ll explore case
studies that put forth solid real-world examples on spam filtering and analyzing human emotions through
a dictionary of images.

This course contains in-depth content balanced with tutorials that put theory into practice. This course
will give you both a theoretical understanding and practical exp with examples that will allow you indulge
in the art of statistical modeling and analysis using the Python programming language. 21/104
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Publisher's page

Machine Learning for OpenCV – Advanced Methods and Deep Learning (Video)

Michael Beyeler

ISBN 13: 9781789340525 Packt Course Length: 2 hours and 25 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview:

A practical introduction to the world of machine learning and image processing using OpenCV and

This course will cover essential concepts such as classifiers and clustering and will also help you get
acquainted with neural networks and Deep Learning to address real-world problems.

The course will also guide you through creating custom graphs and visualizations, and show you how to
go from raw data to beautiful visualizations. By the end of this course, you will be ready to create your
own ML system and will also be able to take on your own machine learning problems.

Publisher's page

Hands-On Test Driven Development with Python (Video)

Richard Wells

ISBN 13: 9781789138313 Packt Course Length: 2 hours and 18 minutes (May 2018)

Video Overview:

Apply the practices of Test-Driven Development using the PyTest framework to easily create your unit

In this video tutorial, you’ll learn about the PyTest testing library and how it’s used to write unit tests in
Python. You’ll also set up some common Python development environments to use PyTest. You’ll create
isolated test environments with Test Doubles and learn how to implement and use them with
unittest.mock. Moving on, you’ll get to know some of the best practices in Unit Testing and TDD and get
some hands-on experience with programming by implementing unit tests using TDD in Python.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to apply the practices of Unit Testing and TDD on a daily basis
to radically increase the quality of your code and help you and your company achieve your goals faster
than ever before.

Publisher's page

Hands-On MQTT Programming with Python

Gastón C. Hillar 22/104
8/29/2018 AdvancedBooks - Python Wiki

ISBN 13: 9781789138542 Packt 228 Pages (May 2018)

Book Overview:

Explore the features included in the latest versions of MQTT for IoT and M2M communications and use
them with modern Python 3.

MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol for small sensors and mobile devices. This book explores the
features of the latest versions of MQTT for IoT and M2M communications, how to use them with Python
3, and allow you to interact with sensors and actuators using Python.

The book begins with the specific vocabulary of MQTT and its working modes, followed by installing a
Mosquitto MQTT broker. You will use different utilities and diagrams to understand the most important
concepts related to MQTT. You will learn to make all the necessary configuration to work with digital
certificates for encrypting all data sent between the MQTT clients and the server. You will also work with
the different Quality of Service levels and later analyze and compare their overheads.

You will write Python 3.x code to control a vehicle with MQTT messages delivered through encrypted
connections (TLS 1.2), and learn how leverage your knowledge of the MQTT protocol to build a solution
based on requirements. Towards the end, you will write Python code to use the PubNub cloud-based
real-time MQTT provider to monitor a surfing competition.

In the end, you will have a solution that was built from scratch by analyzing the requirements and then
write Python code that will run on water-proof IoT boards connected to multiple sensors in surfboards.

Publisher's page

Python GUI programming with Tkinter

Alan D. Moore

ISBN 13: 9781788835886 Packt 452 Pages (May 2018)

Book Overview:

Find out how to create visually stunning and feature-rich applications by empowering Python's built-in
TKinter GUI toolkit

Tkinter is a lightweight, portable, and easy-to-use graphical toolkit available in the Python Standard
Library, widely used to build Python GUIs due to its simplicity and availability. This book teaches you to
design and build graphical user interfaces that are functional, appealing, and user-friendly using the
powerful combination of Python and Tkinter.

After being introduced to Tkinter, you will be guided step-by-step through the application development
process. Over the course of the book, your application will evolve from a simple data-entry form to a
complex data management and visualization tool while maintaining a clean and robust design. In
addition to building the GUI, you'll learn how to connect to external databases and network resources,
test your code to avoid errors, and maximize performance using asynchronous programming. You'll
make the most of Tkinter's cross-platform availability by learning how to maintain compatibility, mimic
platform-native look and feel, and build executables for deployment across popular computing platforms. 23/104
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By the end of this book, you will have the skills and confidence to design and build powerful high-end
GUI applications to solve real-world problems.

Publisher's page

Python Penetration Testing Essentials - Second Edition


ISBN 13: 9781789138962 Packt 230 Pages (May 2018)

Book Overview:

This book gives you the skills you need to use Python for penetration testing, with the help of detailed
code examples. This book has been updated for Python 3.6.3 and Kali Linux 2018.1.

We start by exploring the basics of networking with Python and then proceed to network hacking. Then,
you will delve into exploring Python libraries to perform various types of pentesting and ethical hacking
techniques. Next, we delve into hacking the application layer, where we start by gathering information
from a website. We then move on to concepts related to website hacking—such as parameter
tampering, DDoS, XSS, and SQL injection.

By reading this book, you will learn different techniques and methodologies that will familiarize you with
Python pentesting techniques, how to protect yourself, and how to create automated programs to find
the admin console, SQL injection, and XSS attacks.

Publisher's page

Text Processing Using NLTK in Python (Video)

Krishna Bhavsar, Naresh Kumar, Pratap Dangeti

ISBN 13: 9781789348989 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 24 minutes (April 2018)

Video Overview:

Learn the tricks and tips that will help you design Text Analytics solutions

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a feature of Artificial Intelligence concerned with the interactions
between computers and human (natural) languages. This course includes unique videos that will teach
you various aspects of performing Natural Language Processing with NLTK—the leading Python
platform for the task.

In this course, you will learn what WordNet is and explore its features and usage. It will teach how to
extract raw text from web sources and introduce some critical pre-processing steps. You will also get
familiarized with the concept of pattern matching as a way to do text analysis.

By the end of the course, you will be confident & have covered various solutions, covering natural
language understanding, Natural Language Processing, and syntactic analysis. 24/104
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Publisher's page

Deep Learning with PyTorch (Video)

Anand Saha

ISBN 13: 9781788475266 Packt Course Length: 4 hours 42 minutes (April 2018)

Video Overview:

Build useful and effective deep learning models with the PyTorch Deep Learning framework

In this course, you will learn how to accomplish useful tasks using Convolutional Neural Networks to
process spatial data such as images and using Recurrent Neural Networks to process sequential data
such as texts. You will explore how you can make use of unlabeled data using Auto Encoders. You will
also be training a neural network to learn how to balance a pole all by itself, using Reinforcement
Learning. Throughout this journey, you will implement various mechanisms of the PyTorch framework to
do these tasks.

By the end of the video course, you will have developed a good understanding of, and feeling for, the
algorithms and techniques used. You'll have a good knowledge of how PyTorch works and how you can
use it in to solve your daily machine learning problems.

Publisher's page

Text Mining with Machine Learning and Python {Video}

Thomas Dehaene

ISBN 13: 9781789137361 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 26 minutes (April 2018)

Video Overview:

Get high-quality information from your text using Machine Learning with Tensorflow, NLTK, Scikit-Learn,
and Python

Text is one of the most actively researched and widely spread types of data in the Data Science field
today. New advances in machine learning and deep learning techniques now make it possible to build
fantastic data products on text sources. New exciting text data sources pop up all the time. You'll build
your own toolbox of know-how, packages, and working code snippets so you can perform your own text
mining analyses.

You'll start by understanding the fundamentals of modern text mining and move on to some exciting
processes involved in it. You'll learn how machine learning is used to extract meaningful information from
text and the different processes involved in it. You will learn to read and process text features. Then
you'll learn how to extract information from text and work on pre-trained models, while also delving into
text classification, and entity extraction and classification. You will explore the process of word
embedding by working on Skip-grams, CBOW, and X2Vec with some additional and important text
mining processes. By the end of the course, you will have learned and understood the various aspects 25/104
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of text mining with ML and the important processes involved in it, and will have begun your journey as an
effective text miner.

Publisher's page

Troubleshooting Python Machine Learning {Video}

Rudy Lai

ISBN 13: 9781788999229 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 17 minutes (April 2018)

Video Overview:

Practical and unique solutions to common Machine Learning problems that you face. Avoid any
roadblocks while working with the Python data science ecosystem.

You are a data scientist. Every day, you stare at reams of data trying to apply the latest and brightest of
models to uncover new insights, but there seems to be an endless supply of obstacles. Your colleagues
depend on you to monetize your firm's data - and the clock is ticking. What do you do?

Troubleshooting Python Machine Learning is the answer. We have systematically researched common
ML problems documented online around data wrangling, debugging models such as Random Forests
and SVMs, and visualizing tricky results. We leverage statistics from Stack Overflow, Medium, and
GitHub to get a cross-section of what data scientists struggle with. We have collated for you the top
issues, such as retrieving the most important regression features and explaining your results after
clustering, and their corresponding solutions. We present these case studies in a problem-solution
format, making it very easy for you to incorporate this into your knowledge.

Publisher's page

Python For Offensive PenTest

Hussam Khrais

ISBN 13: 9781788838979 Packt 176 Pages (April 2018)

Book Overview:

Your one-stop guide to using Python, creating your own hacking tools, and making the most out of
resources available for this programming language

This book is packed with step-by-step instructions and working examples to make you a skilled
penetration tester. It is divided into clear bite-sized chunks, so you can learn at your own pace and focus
on the areas of most interest to you. This book will teach you how to code a reverse shell and build an
anonymous shell. You will also learn how to hack passwords and perform a privilege escalation on
Windows with practical examples. You will set up your own virtual hacking environment in VirtualBox,
which will help you run multiple operating systems for your testing environment.

By the end of this book, you will have learned how to code your own scripts and mastered ethical
hacking from scratch. 26/104
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Publisher's page

Developing NLP Applications Using NLTK in Python (Video)

Krishna Bhavsar, Naresh Kumar, Pratap Dangeti

ISBN 13: 9781789343335 Packt Course Length: 1 hour and 17 minutes ( April 30, 2018 )

Video Overview:

Learn a practical viewpoint to understand and implement NLP solutions involving POS tagging, parsing,
and much more

This course is designed with advanced solutions that will take you from newbie to pro in performing
Natural Language Processing with NLTK. In this course, you will come across various concepts covering
natural language understanding, Natural Language Processing, and syntactic analysis.

It consists of everything you need to efficiently use NLTK to implement text classification, identify parts of
speech, tag words, and more. You will also learn how to analyze sentence structures and master
syntactic and semantic analysis.By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge you need to
implement Natural Language Processing with Python.

Publisher's page

Matplotlib for Python Developers - Second Edition

Aldrin Yim, Claire Chung, Allen Yu

ISBN 13: 9781788625173 Packt 300 Pages (April 2018)

Book Overview:

Leverage the power of Matplotlib to visualize and understand your data more effectively

Matplotlib is a popular data visualization package in Python used to design effective plots and graphs.
This is a practical, hands-on resource to help you visualize data with Python using the Matplotlib library.

Matplotlib for Python Developers, Second Edition shows you how to create attractive graphs, charts, and
plots using Matplotlib. You will also get a quick introduction to third-party packages, Seaborn, Pandas,
Basemap, and Geopandas, and learn how to use them with Matplotlib. After that, you’ll embed and
customize your plots in third-party tools such as GTK+3, Qt 5, and wxWidgets. You’ll also be able to
tweak the look and feel of your visualization with the help of practical examples provided in this book.

Publisher's page

Functional Python Programming - Second Edition

Steven F. Lott 27/104
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ISBN 13: 9781788627061 Packt 408 Pages (April 2018)

Book Overview:

Create succinct and expressive implementations with functional programming in Python

Starting with a general overview of functional concepts, you’ll explore common functional features such
as first-class and higher-order functions, pure functions, and more. You’ll see how these are
accomplished in Python 3.6 to give you the core foundations you’ll build upon. After that, you’ll discover
common functional optimizations for Python to help your apps reach even higher speeds.

You’ll learn FP concepts such as lazy evaluation using Python’s generator functions and expressions.
Moving forward, you’ll learn to design and implement decorators to create composite functions. You'll
also explore data preparation techniques and data exploration in depth, and see how the Python
standard library fits the functional programming model. Finally, to top off your journey into the world of
functional Python, you’ll at look at the PyMonad project and some larger examples to put everything into

Publisher's page

Machine Learning Solutions

Jalaj Thanaki

ISBN 13: 9781788390040 Packt 566 Pages (April 2018)

Book Overview:

Practical, hands-on solutions in Python to overcome any problem in Machine Learning

The book includes a wide range of applications: from analytics and NLP, to computer vision domains.
Some of the applications you will be working on include stock price prediction, a recommendation
engine, building a chat-bot, a facial expression recognition system, and many more. The problem
examples we cover include identifying the right algorithm for your dataset and use cases, creating and
labeling datasets, getting enough clean data to carry out processing, identifying outliers, overftting
datasets, hyperparameter tuning, and more. Here, you'll also learn to make more timely and accurate

In addition, you'll deal with more advanced use cases, such as building a gaming bot, building an
extractive summarization tool for medical documents, and you'll also tackle the problems faced while
building an ML model. By the end of this book, you'll be able to fine-tune your models as per your needs
to deliver maximum productivity.

Publisher's page

Mastering Geospatial Analysis with Python

Paul Crickard, Eric van Rees, Silas Toms

ISBN 13: 9781788293334 Packt 440 Pages (April 2018) 28/104
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Book Overview:

Explore GIS processing and learn to work with various tools and libraries in Python.

Python comes with a host of open source libraries and tools that help you work on professional
geoprocessing tasks without investing in expensive tools. This book will introduce Python developers,
both new and experienced, to a variety of new code libraries that have been developed to perform
geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, and data management. This book will use examples and code
snippets that will help explain how Python 3 differs from Python 2, and how these new code libraries can
be used to solve age-old problems in geospatial analysis.

You will begin by understanding what geoprocessing is and explore the tools and libraries that Python 3
offers. You will then learn to use Python code libraries to read and write geospatial data. You will then
learn to perform geospatial queries within databases and learn PyQGIS to automate analysis within the
QGIS mapping suite. Moving forward, you will explore the newly released ArcGIS API for Python and
ArcGIS Online to perform geospatial analysis and create ArcGIS Online web maps. Further, you will
deep dive into Python Geospatial web frameworks and learn to create a geospatial REST API.

Publisher's page

Apache Spark with Python - Big Data with PySpark and Spark (Video)

James Lee et al

ISBN 13: 9781789133394 Packt Course Length: 3 hours and 18 minutes (April 2018)

Video Overview:

Learn Apache Spark and Python by 12+ hands-on examples of analyzing big data with PySpark and

This course covers all the fundamentals of Apache Spark with Python and teaches you everything you
need to know about developing Spark applications using PySpark, the Python API for Spark. At the end
of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Apache Spark and general big data analysis and
manipulations skills to help your company to adopt Apache Spark for building big data processing
pipeline and data analytics applications.

This course covers 10+ hands-on big data examples. You will learn valuable knowledge about how to
frame data analysis problems as Spark problems. Together we will learn examples such as aggregating
NASA Apache weblogs from different sources; we will explore the price trend by looking at the real
estate data in California; we will write Spark applications to find out the median salary of developers in
different countries through the Stack Overflow survey data; we will develop a system to analyze how
makerspaces are distributed across different regions in the United Kingdom. And much much more.

Publisher's page

Building Serverless Applications with Python

Jalem Raj Rohit 29/104
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ISBN 13: 9781787288676 Packt 272 Pages (April 2018)

Book Overview:

Building efficient Python applications at minimal cost by adopting serverless architectures

Serverless architectures allow you to build and run applications and services without having to manage
the infrastructure. Many companies have adopted this architecture to save cost and improve scalability.
This book will help you design serverless architectures for your applications with AWS and Python.

The book is divided into three modules. The first module explains the fundamentals of serverless
architecture and how AWS lambda functions work. In the next module, you will learn to build, release,
and deploy your application to production. You will also learn to log and test your application. In the third
module, we will take you through advanced topics such as building a serverless API for your application.
You will also learn to troubleshoot and monitor your app and master AWS lambda programming
concepts with API references. Moving on, you will also learn how to scale up serverless applications and
handle distributed serverless systems in production.

Publisher's page

All-in-One Introduction to Programming (Video)

Aubrey Love II

ISBN 13: 9781788835206 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 45 minutes (APRIL 2018)

Video Overview:

Five languages in five hours. Get started with programming in HTML5, CSS3, Python, C++, and more!

In this course, you will get to know 5 different languages, compilers, and editors for programming and
then you will use HTML5 and CSS3 to build your own company website. As you have successfully
stepped into the world of programming, you will now delve into one of the most commonly used Android
systems and build an amazing Android application for your company. Next you will master Python and
start scripting to build your own Hello World Program. For many people, C++ is just a dream but you will
easily master this language and program your Hello World App with C++. Now since you know 5 top
languages, you can create a good résumé, create online visibility, and forge ahead in your career. You'll
understand several aspects of application development and we guarantee that, by the end of the video,
you'll have your very own application up-and-running. For the brave at heart, we also have exercises, at
the end of each chapter, which will intrigue you and encourage you to add your own personal touch to
the code (and ultimately your application).

Publisher's page

Data Visualization Projects in Python (Video)

Harish Garg

ISBN 13: 9781788830416 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 06 minutes (APRIL 2018) 30/104
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Video Overview:

Data Visualization with bqplot, NetworkX, and Bokeh in Python

You will start by programming stunning interactive Data Visualizations using bqplot, an open source
Python library developed by Bloomberg. Then you will learn how to programmatically create interactive
network graphs and visualizations. You will then programmatically visualize data with the interactive
Python visualization library, Bokeh.

Finally, you will build interactive web visualizations of data using Python: you will choose a number of
inputs your users can control, then use any Python graphing library to create plots based on those

Publisher's page

Python for Everyday Life (Video)

Claudio Sparpaglione

ISBN 13: 9781788621953 Packt Course Length: 14 hours 22 minutes (APRIL 2018)

Video Overview:

Make your day and master the Python: a powerful and versatile language and ecosystem that can help
you save time and money. This video course is about leveraging the Python programming language and
its thriving ecosystem to save yourself time and money when doing common routine tasks. Nobody
wants to do boring and time-consuming tasks: days have 24 hours and you should squeeze out the most
of this time for yourself - automating the boring tasks gives you back time to focus on what you really like
to do. Moreover, this is also the chance for you to learn a great general-purpose language such as
Python, with which you can build very cool applications both at work and in your spare time.

The course is structured as an incremental learning path: you will start with a deep-dive into Python
software development basics, then move on to write scripts to automate file system operations and file
contents processing on your local host, then you will learn how to interact with web-based services such
as websites and APIs in order to robotize the cool things that we do everyday - such as tweeting, posting
to social networks, reading RSS feeds, etc. - moreover you will practice how to set up a web-based
services yourself in the form of web applications and in the end you will learn how to analyze and
visualize datasets in order to extract knowledge. By the end of this course you will have learned how to
proficiently write structured Python code in a wide range of applications – from one-liner scripts to
complex web applications – aiming at the automation of lots of common everyday life tasks.

Publisher's page

Machine Learning with scikit-learn and Tensorflow {Video}

Nick Locascio

ISBN 13: 9781788629928 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 58 minutes (MARCH 2018)

Video Overview: 31/104
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Learn everything you need to know about Machine learning with Tensorflow and Scikit-Learn

Machine Learning is one of the most transformative and impactful technologies of our time. From
advertising to healthcare, to self-driving cars, it is hard to find an industry that has not been or is not
being revolutionized by machine learning. Using the two most popular frameworks, Tensor Flow and
Scikit-Learn, this course will show you insightful tools and techniques for building intelligent systems.
Using Scikit-learn you will create a Machine Learning project from scratch, and, use the Tensor Flow
library to build and train professional neural networks.

We will use these frameworks to build a variety of applications for problems such as ad ranking and
sentiment classification. The course will then take you through the methods for unsupervised learning
and what to do when you have limited or no labels for your data. We use the techniques we have
learned, along with some new ones, to build a sentiment classifier, an autocomplete keyboard and a
topic discoverer.

Publisher's page

Hands - On Reinforcement Learning with Python {Video}

Rudy Lai

ISBN 13: 9781788392402 Packt Course Length: 4 hours 28 minutes (MARCH 2018)

Video Overview:

A practical tour of prediction and control in Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gym, Python, and

Reinforcement learning (RL) is hot! This branch of machine learning powers AlphaGo and Deepmind's
Atari AI. It allows programmers to create software agents that learn to take optimal actions to maximize
reward, through trying out different strategies in a given environment.

This course will take you through all the core concepts in Reinforcement Learning, transforming a
theoretical subject into tangible Python coding exercises with the help of OpenAI Gym. The videos will
first guide you through the gym environment, solving the CartPole-v0 toy robotics problem, before
moving on to coding up and solving a multi-armed bandit problem in Python. As the course ramps up, it
shows you how to use dynamic programming and TensorFlow-based neural networks to solve
GridWorld, another OpenAI Gym challenge. Lastly, we take the Blackjack challenge and deploy model
free algorithms that leverage Monte Carlo methods and Temporal Difference (TD, more specifically
SARSA) techniques.

Publisher's page

Next Generation Natural Language Processing with Python {Video}

Alexis Rutherford

ISBN 13: 9781789139938 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 56 minutes (MARCH 2018)

Video Overview: 32/104
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Practical techniques and methods to analyze your text data. Power your decision making using next
generation libraries.

The company you work for has accumulated a lot of valuable data from its customers, all stored as text,
and you need to extract some value from that data. You’ve spent a lot of combined time writing about
what they want but no-one knows what they have written about and no-one has the time to read all the

This course empowers you to know how to attack this and other text analysis problems to unlock value
for your organization. You’ll start by seeing how NLP can help you extract useful information from large
collections of text data, and how you can use the latest Python libraries for NLP. Then we’ll show you
how to solve a practical problem using NLP by building a spam SMS detector. You’ll also learn to
convert words into numbers that can be analyzed.

Publisher's page

Learn Machine Learning in 3 Hours (Video)

Thomas Snell

ISBN 13: 9781788995580 Course Length: 2 hours 14 minutes (March 2018)

Video Overview:

Get hands-on with machine learning using Python

Given the constantly increasing amounts of data they're faced with, programmers have to come up with
better solutions to make machines smarter and reduce manual work. In this Machine Learning course,
you'll use Python to craft better solutions and process them effectively.

By the end of the course, you will be adept at using the concepts and algorithms involved in Machine
Learning. This is a highly practical course and will equip you with sufficient hands-on training to help you
implement ML skills right after finishing the course.

Publisher's page

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Projects with Python

Joshua Eckroth

ISBN 13: 9781788832403 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 02 minutes (March 2018)

Video Overview:

Enter and explore the fascinating world of intelligent applications with Artificial Intelligence using the
Python programming language

Considered the Holy Grail of automation, data analysis, and robotics, Artificial Intelligence has taken the
world by storm as a major field of research and development. Python has surfaced as a dominate 33/104
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language in AI/ML programming because of its simplicity and flexibility, in addition to its great support for
open source libraries such as spaCy and TensorFlow.

This video course is built for those with a basic understanding of artificial intelligence, introducing them
to advanced artificial intelligence projects as they go ahead. The first project introduces natural language
processing including part-of-speech tagging and named entity extraction. Wikipedia articles are used to
demonstrate the extraction of keywords, and the Enron email archive is mined for mentions and
relationships of people, places, and organizations.

Publisher's page

Create Your Own Sophisticated Model with Neural Networks (Video)

Julian Avila

ISBN 13: 9781789130157 Packt Course Length: 1 hour and 24 minutes (March 2018)

Video Overview:

AA one-stop solution to learning complex models with Neural Networks and understanding the basics of
Natural Language Processing.

With this course you will learn the Decision Tree algorithms and Ensemble Models to build Random
Forest, Regression Analysis. You will focus on Decision Trees and Ensemble Algorithms. Moving
forward, you learn to use scikit-learn to classify text and Multiclass with scikit-learn. You will explore
various algorithms for classification. You will also look at Naive Bayes model and Label Propagation.
Finally, you'll use Neural Networks using different Classifiers and create your own Simple Estimator.

Publisher's page

Hands-on Artificial Intelligence with TensorFlow (Video)

Saikat Basak

ISBN 13: 9781789135091 Packt Course Length: 1 hour and 36 minutes (March 2018)

Video Overview:

A practical approach to deep learning and deep reinforcement learning for building real-world
applications using TensorFlow.

This course will show you how to combine the power of Artificial Intelligence and TensorFlow to develop
some exciting applications for the real world. This course will take you through all the relevant AI
domains, tools, and algorithms required to build optimal solutions and will show you how to implement
them hands-on. You will then be taken through techniques such as reinforcement learning, heuristic
searches, neural networks, Computer Vision, OpenAI Gym, and more in different stages of your
application. This course will show you how to implement AI practically using TensorFlow models and
how it eases the way you interact with the technology. 34/104
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You will learn how TensorFlow can be used to analyze a variety of data sets and will learn to optimize
various AI algorithms. By the end of the course, you will have learned to build intelligent apps by
leveraging the full potential of Artificial Intelligence with TensorFlow.

Publisher's page

OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python Cookbook

Alexey Spizhevoy, Aleksandr Rybnikov

ISBN 13: 9781788474443 Packt 306 Pages (March 2018)

Book Overview:

Recipe-based approach to tackle the most common problems in Computer Vision by leveraging the
functionality of OpenCV using Python APIs

In this book, you will learn how to process an image by manipulating pixels and analyze an image using
histograms. Then, we'll show you how to apply image filters to enhance image content and exploit the
image geometry in order to relay different views of a pictured scene. We’ll explore techniques to achieve
camera calibration and perform a multiple-view analysis.

Later, you’ll work on reconstructing a 3D scene from images, converting low-level pixel information to
high-level concepts for applications such as object detection and recognition. You’ll also discover how to
process video from files or cameras and how to detect and track moving objects. Finally, you'll get
acquainted with recent approaches in deep learning and neural networks.

By the end of the book, you’ll be able to apply your skills in OpenCV to create computer vision
applications in various domains.

Publisher's page

Learning Concurrency in Python (Video)

Elliot Forbes

ISBN 13: 9781789134346 Packt Course Length: 3 hours and 35 minutes (March 2018)

Video Overview:

More than 20 videos to help you master concurrency in Python

This course introduces some of the most popular libraries and frameworks and goes in-depth into how
you can leverage these libraries for your own high-concurrent, highly-performant Python programs. We'll
cover the fundamental concepts of concurrency needed to be able to write your own concurrent and
parallel software systems in Python.

The course will guide you down the path to mastering Python concurrency, giving you all the necessary
hardware and theoretical knowledge. We'll cover concepts such as debugging and exception handling
as well as some of the most popular libraries and frameworks that allow you to create event-driven and 35/104
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reactive systems. By the end of the video course, you'll have learned techniques to write incredibly
efficient concurrent systems that follow best practices.

Publisher's page

Hands-On Machine Learning with Python and Scikit-Learn (Video)

Taylor Smith

ISBN 13: 9781788991056 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 39 minutes (March 2018)

Video Overview:

Understand and implement the best Machine Learning practices with the help of powerful features of
Python and scikit-learn

This course will help you discover the magical black box that is Machine Learning by teaching a practical
approach to modeling using Python along with the Scikit-Learn library.

We begin our journey by observing the end result of a Machine Learning deployment before moving
back to the fundamentals and into exploratory data analysis. Moving on, we learn to develop complex
pipelines and techniques for building custom transformer objects for feature extraction, manipulation,
and other effective data cleansing techniques. Finally, we discover how to select a model, apply optimal
hyper-parameters, and deploy it.

Publisher's page

Practical Computer Vision

Abhinav Dadhich

ISBN 13: 9781788297684 Packt 234 Pages (February 2018)

Book Overview:

A practical guide designed to get you from basics to current state of art in computer vision systems.

In this book, you will find several recently proposed methods in various domains of computer vision. You
will start by setting up the proper Python environment to work on practical applications. This includes
setting up libraries such as OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Keras using Anaconda. Using these libraries,
you'll start to understand the concepts of image transformation and filtering. You will find a detailed
explanation of feature detectors such as FAST and ORB; you'll use them to find similar-looking objects.

With an introduction to convolutional neural nets, you will learn how to build a deep neural net using
Keras and how to use it to classify the Fashion-MNIST dataset. With regard to object detection, you will
learn the implementation of a simple face detector as well as the workings of complex deep-learning-
based object detectors such as Faster R-CNN and SSD using TensorFlow.

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Machine Learning with Scikit-learn (Video)

Gavin Hackeling

ISBN 13: 9781789134780 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 21 minutes (February 2018)

Book OR Video Overview:

Learn to implement and evaluate machine learning solutions with scikit-learn

Machine learning is the buzzword bringing computer science and statistics together to build smart and
efficient models. Using powerful algorithms and techniques offered by machine learning, you can
automate any analytical model. This course examines a variety of machine learning models including
popular machine learning algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, naive Bayes, k-
means, decision trees, and artificial neural networks. It also discusses data preprocessing,
hyperparameter optimization, and ensemble methods. You will build systems that classify documents,
recognize images, detect ads, and more.

You’ll learn to use scikit-learn’s API to extract features from categorical variables, text and images;
evaluate model performance; and develop an intuition for how to improve your model’s performance. By
the end of this course, you will master all required concepts of scikit-learn to build efficient models at
work to carry out advanced tasks with the practical approach.

Publisher's page

Data Visualization in Python by Examples (Video)

Harish Kumar Garg

ISBN 13: 9781788838658 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 17 minutes (February 2018)

Video Overview:

Data visualization with matplotlib, ggplot, and seaborn in Python

Data visualization is just a wise investment in your future big-data needs. You will learn how to deploy
maps and networks to display geographic and network data. To do this, we will focus on the following
very popular libraries in Python: matplotlib, ggplot, seaborn, and plotly.

In this course, you will walk through some of the fundamentals of data visualization, sharing many
examples of how to handle different types of data and how best to present your insights. We'll take a
look at chart types, such as Matplotlib for visualizing the impact of tornadoes in the US, North Korean
nuke tests on global stocks, and analyze forex performances using charts. You will see how ggplot can
be used to analyze trends in BRICS economies and crude oil price trends. You will see how to level up
your data visualization skills using Python's advanced plotting libraries: matplotlib and Seaborn, and how
you can present the data from the most unstable regions in the world through data visualization.

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Python Web Scraping Cookbook 37/104
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Michael Heydt

ISBN 13: 9781787285217 Packt 364 Pages (February 2018)

Book Overview:

Untangle your web scraping complexities and access web data with ease using Python scripts

Right from extracting data from the websites to writing a sophisticated web crawler, the book's
independent recipes will be a godsend on the job. This book covers Python libraries, requests, and
BeautifulSoup. You will learn about crawling, web spidering, working with AJAX websites, paginated
items, and more. You will also learn to tackle problems such as 403 errors, working with proxy, scraping
images, LXML, and more.

By the end of this book, you will be able to scrape websites more efficiently and to be able to deploy and
operate your scraper in the cloud.

Publisher's page

Working with Big Data in Python (Video)

Alex Rutherford

ISBN 13: 9781788839068 Course Length: 2 hours 41 minutes (February 2018)

Video Overview:

Gain valuable insights from your data by streamlining unstructured data pipelines with Python, Spark,
and MongoDB

This course is a comprehensive, practical guide to using MongoDB and Spark in Python, learning how to
store and make sense of huge data sets, and performing basic machine learning tasks to make

MongoDB is one of the most powerful non-relational database systems available offering robust
scalability and expressive operations that, when combined with Python data analysis libraries and
distributed computing, represent a valuable set of tools for the modern data scientist. NoSQL databases
require a new way of thinking about data and scalable queries. Once Mongo queries have been
mastered, it is necessary to understand how we can leverage this API in Python's rich analysis and
visualization ecosystem. This course will cover how to use MongoDB, particularly if you are used to SQL
databases, with a focus on scalability to large datasets. pyMongo is introduced as the means to interact
with a MongoDB database from within Python code and the data structures used to do so are explored.
MongoDB uniquely allows for complex operations and aggregations to be run within the query itself and
we will cover how to use these operators. While MongoDB itself is built for easy scalability across many
nodes as datasets grow, Python is not. Therefore, we cover how we can use Spark with MongoDB to
handle more complex machine learning techniques for extremely large datasets. This learning will be
applied to several examples of real-world datasets and analyses that can form the basis of your own
pipelines, allowing you to quickly get up-and-running with a powerful data science toolkit.

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Learning PySpark (Video)

Tomasz Drabas

ISBN 13: 9781788396592 Course Length: 2 hours 29 minutes (February 2018)

Video Overview:

Building and deploying data-intensive applications at scale using Python and Apache Spark

You'll learn about different techniques for collecting data, and distinguish between (and understand)
techniques for processing data. Next, we provide an in-depth review of RDDs and contrast them with
DataFrames. We provide examples of how to read data from files and from HDFS and how to specify
schemas using reflection or programmatically (in the case of DataFrames). The concept of lazy
execution is described and we outline various transformations and actions specific to RDDs and

Finally, we show you how to use SQL to interact with DataFrames. By the end of this tutorial, you will
have learned how to process data using Spark DataFrames and mastered data collection techniques by
distributed data processing.

Publisher's page

Concurrent Programming in Python (Video)

BignumWorks Software LLP

ISBN 13: 9781788998031 Course Length: 2 hours 20 minutes (February 2018)

Video Overview:

Harness the power of modern code structures with Python to improve performance and flexibility

Filled with examples, this course will show you all you need to know to start using concurrency in
Python. You will learn about the principal approaches to concurrency that Python has to offer, including
libraries and tools needed to exploit the performance of your processor. Learn the basic theory and
history of parallelism and choose the best approach when it comes to parallel processing.

After taking this course you will have gained an in-depth knowledge of using threads and processes with
the help of real-world examples.

Publisher's page

Concurrent Programming in Python (Video)

BignumWorks Software LLP

ISBN 13: 9781788998031 Course Length: 2 hours 20 minutes (February 2018) 39/104
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Video Overview:

Harness the power of modern code structures with Python to improve performance and flexibility

Filled with examples, this course will show you all you need to know to start using concurrency in
Python. You will learn about the principal approaches to concurrency that Python has to offer, including
libraries and tools needed to exploit the performance of your processor. Learn the basic theory and
history of parallelism and choose the best approach when it comes to parallel processing.

After taking this course you will have gained an in-depth knowledge of using threads and processes with
the help of real-world examples.

Publisher's page

Deep Learning with PyTorch

Vishnu Subramanian

ISBN 13: 9781788624336 Packt 262 Pages (February 2018)

Book Overview:

Build neural network models in text, vision and advanced analytics using PyTorch

This book will get you up and running with one of the most cutting-edge deep learning libraries—
PyTorch. PyTorch is grabbing the attention of deep learning researchers and data science professionals
due to its accessibility, efficiency and being more native to Python way of development. You'll start off by
installing PyTorch, then quickly move on to learn various fundamental blocks that power modern deep
learning. You will also learn how to use CNN, RNN, LSTM and other networks to solve real-world
problems. This book explains the concepts of various state-of-the-art deep learning architectures, such
as ResNet, DenseNet, Inception, and Seq2Seq, without diving deep into the math behind them.

You will also learn about GPU computing during the course of the book. You will see how to train a
model with PyTorch and dive into complex neural networks such as generative networks for producing
text and images.By the end of the book, you'll be able to implement deep learning applications in
PyTorch with ease.

Publisher's page

Python Network Programming (Video)

Eric Chou

ISBN 13: 9781788479387 Course Length: 2 hours and 3 minutes (February 2018)

Video Overview:

Accomplish Network Engineering Tasks with Python 40/104
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You will learn to create exciting Python apps to automate daily networking tasks such as configuring
devices, collecting information about the network, testing by client simulations, or network discovery.
This course will help you build some mesmerizing network tools with Python, including a Subnet
calculator; configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet; a DHCP client simulator
for testing a DHCP server in the local network; network discovery via SNMP; OS fingerprinting; and
network attacks via Scapy. This tutorial uses real-life scenarios and use cases to help you build network
automation tools with the amazing Python language. By the end of this course, you will be able to take
your Python programming skills to the next level for network automation.

This course provides hands-on, interesting examples with clear and friendly explanations that students
can follow along with, covers common mistakes, and provides useful tips and in-the-trenches advice.
There is a limited amount of theory; instead, the examples are full of real-world use cases.

Publisher's page

Python Programming Blueprints

Daniel Furtado, Marcus Pennington

ISBN 13: 9781786468161 Packt 456 Pages (February 2018)

Book Overview:

How to build useful, real-world applications in the Python programming language

In this book, we will cover some of the most common tasks that Python developers face on a daily basis,
including performance optimization and making web applications more secure. We will familiarize
ourselves with the associated software stack and master asynchronous features in Python. We will build
a weather application using command-line parsing. We will then move on to create a Spotify remote
control where we'll use OAuth and the Spotify Web API. The next project will cover reactive extensions
by teaching you how to cast votes on Twitter the Python way. We will also focus on web development by
using the famous Django framework to create an online game store. We will then create a web-based
messenger using the new Nameko microservice framework.

We will cover topics like authenticating users and, storing messages in Redis. By the end of the book,
you will have gained hands-on experience in coding with Python.

Publisher's page

Building Advanced OpenCV3 Projects with Python (Video)

Riaz Munshi

ISBN 13: 9781788394291 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 30 minutes (January 2018)

Video Overview:

Discover how to build advanced OpenCV3 projects with Python 41/104
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This course features some trending applications of vision and deep learning and will help you master
these techniques. You will learn how to retrieve structure from motion (sfm) and you will also see how
we can build an application to capture 2D images and join them dynamically to achieve street views by
capturing camera projection angles and relative image positions. You will also learn how to track your
head in 3D in real-time, and perform facial recognition against a goldenset. You will also build an app to
capture facial emotions based on a CovNet.

Next, you'll generate panoramas using image stitching and we extend this concept by generating a map
based on the trajectory of ISS. You'll also learn to build an application to capture beautiful panoramas
and also achieve AR effects. You then delve into one of the most trending domains of computer vision:
autonomous cars. You'll learn about various architectures and develop the skills to detect lanes, and
segment and track vehicles in traffic.You will be using Carla, which is a open driving simulator by Intel,
for your project to train a car learn how to drive itself using an end-to-end model.

Publisher's page

Deep Learning Essentials

Wei Di, Anurag Bhardwaj, Jianing Wei

ISBN 13: 9781785880360 Packt 284 Pages (Jan 2018)

Book Overview:

Get to grips with the essentials of deep learning by leveraging the power of Python

This book will help you take your first steps in training efficient deep learning models and applying them
in various practical scenarios. You will model, train, and deploy different kinds of neural networks such
as Convolutional Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, and will see some of their applications in
real-world domains including computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and so
on. You will build practical projects such as chatbots, implement reinforcement learning to build smart
games, and develop expert systems for image captioning and processing. Popular Python library such
as TensorFlow is used in this book to build the models. This book also covers solutions for different
problems you might come across while training models, such as noisy datasets, small datasets, and

This book does not assume any prior knowledge of deep learning. By the end of this book, you will have
a firm understanding of the basics of deep learning and neural network modeling, along with their
practical applications

Publisher's page

Training Your Systems with Python Statistical Modeling (Video)

Curtis Miller

ISBN 13: 9781788293402 Packt Course Length: 4 hours 5 minutes (Jan 2018)

Video Overview: 42/104
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Learn statistical analysis by using various machine learning models

You’ll start by diving into classical statistical analysis, where you will learn to compute descriptive
statistics with Pandas. From there, you will be introduced to supervised learning, where you will explore
the principles of machine learning and train different machine learning models. Next, you’ll work with
binary prediction models, such as data classification using K-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and
random forests.

After that, you’ll work with algorithms for regression analysis, and employ different types of regression,
such as ridge and lasso regression, and spline interpolation using SciPy. Then, you’ll work on neural
networks, train them, and employ regression on neural networks. You’ll be introduced to clustering, and
learn to evaluate cluster model results, as well as employ different clustering types such as hierarchical
and spectral clustering. Finally, you’ll learn about the dimensionality reduction concepts such as principal
component analysis and low dimension representation.

Publisher's page

Effective Prediction with Machine Learning - Second Edition (Video)

Julian Avila

ISBN 13: 9781789132793 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 32 minutes (Jan 2018)

Video Overview:

A one-stop solution to quickly program fast Machine Learning algorithms with NumPy and scikit-learn

This course begins by taking you through videos on evaluating the statistical properties of data and
generating synthetic data for machine learning modeling. As you progress through the sections, you will
come across videos that will teach you to implement techniques such as data pre-processing, linear
regression, logistic regression, and K-NN. You will also look at Pre-Model and Pre-Processing
workflows, to help you choose the right models.

Finally, you'll explore dimensionality reduction with various parameters.

Publisher's page

IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook - Second Edition

Cyrille Rossant

ISBN 13: 9781785888632 Packt 548 Pages (Jan 2018)

Book Overview:

Learn to use IPython and Jupyter Notebook for your data analysis and visualization work.

IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, Second Edition contains many ready-to-use,
focused recipes for high-performance scientific computing and data analysis, from the latest
IPython/Jupyter features to the most advanced tricks, to help you write better and faster code. You will 43/104
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apply these state-of-the-art methods to various real-world examples, illustrating topics in applied
mathematics, scientific modeling, and machine learning.

The first part of the book covers programming techniques: code quality and reproducibility, code
optimization, high-performance computing through just-in-time compilation, parallel computing, and
graphics card programming. The second part tackles data science, statistics, machine learning, signal
and image processing, dynamical systems, and pure and applied mathematics.

Publisher's page

Ensemble Machine Learning

Ankit Dixit

ISBN 13: 9781788297752 Packt 438 Pages (December 2017)

Book Overview:

An effective guide to using ensemble techniques to enhance machine learning models

This book covers different machine learning algorithms that are widely used in the practical world to
make predictions and classifications. It addresses different aspects of a prediction framework, such as
data pre-processing, model training, validation of the model, and more. You will gain knowledge of
different machine learning aspects such as bagging (decision trees and random forests), Boosting (Ada-
boost) and stacking (a combination of bagging and boosting algorithms).

Then you’ll learn how to implement them by building ensemble models using TensorFlow and Python
libraries such as scikit-learn and NumPy. As machine learning touches almost every field of the digital
world, you’ll see how these algorithms can be used in different applications such as computer vision,
speech recognition, making recommendations, grouping and document classification, fitting regression
on data, and more.

Publisher's page

Connect the Dots: Factor Analysis (Video)


ISBN 13: 9781788997522 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 43 minutes (December 2017)

Video Overview:

Factor extraction using PCA in Excel, R and Python

Factor analysis helps to cut through the clutter when you have a lot of correlated variables to explain a
single effect. This course will help you understand Factor analysis and it’s link to linear regression.

See how Principal Components Analysis is a cookie cutter technique to solve factor extraction and how
it relates to Machine learning. 44/104
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Publisher's page

Connect the Dots: Linear and Logistic Regression (Video)


ISBN 13: 9781788991957 Packt Course Length: 4 hours 45 minutes (December 2017)

Video Overview:

Build robust models in Excel, R and Python

This course will teach you how to build robust linear models and do logistic regression in Excel, R and
Python. Let’s parse that. Robust linear models: Linear Regression is a powerful method for quantifying
the cause and effect relationships that affect different phenomena in the world around us.

This course will teach you how to build robust linear models that will stand up to scrutiny when you apply
them to real world situations. Logistic regression: Logistic regression has many cool applications:
analyzing consequences of past events, allocating resources, solving binary classification problems
using machine learning and so on. This course will help you understand the intuition behind logistic
regression and how to solve it using cookie-cutter techniques. Excel, R and Python: Put what you've
learnt into practice. Leverage these powerful analytical tools to build models for stock returns.

Publisher's page

Advanced Statistics for Machine Learning (Video)

Pratap Dangeti

ISBN 13: 9781788994989 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 10 minutes (December 2017)

Video Overview:

Building various machine learning models using Python and R

This video will teach you all it takes to perform the complex statistical computations required for Machine
Learning. You will gain information on statistics behind unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning,
and more. You'll master real-world examples that discuss the statistical side of Machine Learning.

In this video, you will acquire a deep knowledge of the various models of unsupervised and
reinforcement learning, and explore the fundamentals of deep learning with the help of the Keras
software. Furthermore, you'll gain an overview of reinforcement learning with the Python programming

Publisher's page

Natural Language Processing with Python (Video)

Tyler Edwards 45/104
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ISBN 13: 9781787286085 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 47 minutes (December 2017)

Video Overview:

Learn and master the NLTK library in Python to create your own NLP apps

You will start off by preparing text for Natural Language Processing by cleaning and simplifying it. Then
you will implement more complex algorithms to break this text down and uncover contextual
relationships that reveal the meaning and content of the text. You will learn how to tokenize various parts
of sentences, and how to analyze them. You will learn about semantic as well as the syntactic analysis
of text.

During this course, you will learn how to solve various ambiguities in processing human language. You
will also gain experience with NLP using Python and will be introduced to a variety of useful tools in
NLTK. Plus, you will have an opportunity to build your first NLP application. By the end of this course,
you will have the skills and tools to begin solving problems in the growing field of Latent Semantic

Publisher's page

Python: Advanced Predictive Analytics

Ashish Kumar, Joseph Babcock

ISBN 13: 9781788992367 Packt 660 Pages (December 2017)

Book Overview:

Gain practical insights by exploiting data in your business to build advanced predictive modeling

This book is your guide to getting started with predictive analytics using Python. You'll balance both
statistical and mathematical concepts, and implement them in Python using libraries such as pandas,
scikit-learn, and NumPy. Through case studies and code examples using popular open-source Python
libraries, this book illustrates the complete development process for analytic applications.

Covering a wide range of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, as well as cutting-edge
techniques such as deep learning, this book illustrates explains how these methods work. You will learn
to choose the right approach for your problem and how to develop engaging visualizations to bring to life
the insights of predictive modeling.

Publisher's page

Practical Time Series Analysis (Video)

Dr. Avishek Pal, Dr. PKS Prakash

ISBN 13: 9781788995719 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 25 minutes (December 2017)

Video Overview: 46/104
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Step-by-step guide filled with real-world practical examples

The video starts with a descriptive analysis to create insightful visualizations of internal structures such
as trend, seasonality, and autocorrelation. Next, the statistical methods of dealing with autocorrelation
and non-stationary time series are described. This is followed by exponential smoothing to produce
meaningful insights from noisy time series data. At this point, we shift the focus towards predictive
analysis and introduce autoregressive models such as ARMA and ARIMA for time series forecasting.

Later, powerful deep learning methods are presented to develop accurate forecasting models for
complex time series. All the topics are illustrated with real-life problem scenarios and their solutions by
best-practice implementations in Python.

Publisher's page

SciPy Recipes

L. Felipe Martins, Ruben Oliva Ramos, V Kishore Ayyadevara

ISBN 13: 9781788291460 Packt 386 Pages (December 2017)

Book Overview:

Tackle the most sophisticated problems associated with scientific computing and data manipulation
using SciPy

This book includes hands-on recipes for using the different components of the SciPy Stack such as
NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, and pandas, among others. You will use these libraries to solve real-world
problems in linear algebra, numerical analysis, data visualization, and much more. The recipes included
in the book will ensure you get a practical understanding not only of how a particular feature in SciPy
Stack works, but also of its application to real-world problems.

The independent nature of the recipes also ensure that you can pick up any one and learn about a
particular feature of SciPy without reading through the other recipes, thus making the book a very handy
and useful guide.

Publisher's page

Advanced Techniques for Exploring Data Sets with Pandas (Video)

Harish Garg

ISBN 13: 9781788397599 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 45 minutes (July 2017)

Video Overview:

Explore popular datasets in R, while mastering advanced techniques used for them

In this course, you will learn how to start using pandas from end-to-end: from getting your data into
pandas; using pandas to manipulate, transform, analyze, and visualize data; to ultimately taking your
transformed data out of pandas into any number of formats. 47/104
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Publisher's page

scikit-learn : Machine Learning Simplified

Raúl Garreta, Guillermo Moncecchi, Trent Hauck, Gavin Hackeling

ISBN 13: 9781788833479 Packt 530 Pages (November 2017)

Book Overview:

Implement scikit-learn into every step of the data science pipeline

The course combines an introduction to some of the main concepts and methods in machine learning
with practical, hands-on examples of real-world problems. The course starts by walking through different
methods to prepare your data—be it a dataset with missing values or text columns that require the
categories to be turned into indicator variables. After the data is ready, you'll learn different techniques
aligned with different objectives—be it a dataset with known outcomes such as sales by state, or more
complicated problems such as clustering similar customers. Finally, you'll learn how to polish your
algorithm to ensure that it's both accurate and resilient to new datasets.

Publisher's page

Natural Language Processing with Python Cookbook

Krishna Bhavsar, Naresh Kumar, Pratap Dangeti

ISBN 13: 9781787289321 Packt 294 Pages (November 2017)

Book Overview:

Learn the tricks and tips that will help you design Text Analytics solutions

This book includes unique recipes that will teach you various aspects of performing Natural Language
Processing with NLTK—the leading Python platform for the task. You will come across various recipes
during the course, covering (among other topics) natural language understanding, Natural Language
Processing, and syntactic analysis. You will learn how to understand language, plan sentences, and
work around various ambiguities. You will learn how to efficiently use NLTK and implement text
classification, identify parts of speech, tag words, and more. You will also learn how to analyze sentence
structures and master lexical analysis, syntactic and semantic analysis, pragmatic analysis, and the
application of deep learning techniques.

By the end of this book, you will have all the knowledge you need to implement Natural Language
Processing with Python.

Publisher's page

Advanced Predictive Techniques with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (Video)

Alvaro Fuentes 48/104
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ISBN 13: 9781788295321 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 44 minutes (November 2017)

Video Overview:

Improve the performance predictive models, build more complex models and use techniques to improve
quality of your predictive models.

Ensemble methods offer a powerful way to improve prediction accuracy by combining in a clever way
predictions from many individual predictors. In this course, you will learn how to use ensemble methods
to improve accuracy in classification and regression problems.

When using Predictive Analytics to solve actual problems, besides models and algorithms there are
many other practical considerations that must be considered like which features should you use, how
many features are enough, should you create new features, how to combine features to give the same
underlying information, which hyper-parameters should you use? You explore topics that will help you
answer such questions.

Artificial Neural Networks are models loosely based on how neural networks work in a living being.
These models have a long history in the Artificial Intelligence community with ups and downs in
popularity. Nowadays, because of the increase in computational power, improved methods, and software
enhancements, they are popular again and are the basis for advanced approaches such as Deep
Learning. This course introduces the use of Deep Learning models for Predictive Analytics using the
powerful TensorFlow library.

Publisher's page

Cryptography with Python (Video)

Sam Bowne

ISBN 13: 9781788397179 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 30 minutes (November 2017)

Video Overview:

Encrypt, evaluate, compare, and attack your data

Cryptography is essential to protect sensitive information, but it is often performed inadequately or

incorrectly. Learn how to encrypt data, evaluate and compare encryption methods, and how to attack
them. This video course starts by showing you how to encrypt and evaluate your data. You are also
walked through various data encryption methods—such as obfuscation, hashing, and strong encryption
—and how you can attack them. You will then learn how to make hashes and crack them, and
understand why they are so different. You will also learn how to use three NIST-recommended systems:
AES, SHA, and RSA. Towards the end of the course, you will master common errors in encryption and
how to exploit them.

The goal of this course is to show viewers how to encrypt data, evaluate and compare encryption
methods, and attack them.

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Scaling Python

Julien Danjou

ISBN: 978-1-387-37932-3 – 300 pages – (December 2017)

Book Overview:

Python is a wonderful programming language that allows to write applications quickly. But how do you
make those applications scale for thousands of users and requests? It takes years of practice, research,
trial and errors to build experience and knowledge along the way. Simple questions such as "How do I
make my code faster?" or "How do I make sure there is no bottleneck?" cost hours to find good
answers. Without enough background on the topic, you'll never be sure that any answer you'll come up
with will be correct. The Hacker's Guide to Scaling Python will help you solve that by providing
guidelines, tips and best practice. Adding a few interview of experts on the subject, you will learn how
you can distribute your Python application so it is able to process thousands of requests.

Publisher's page

Matplotlib for Python Developers (Video)

Benjamin Keller

ISBN 13: 9781787281998 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours 56 minutes (October 2017)

Video Overview:

Understand the basic fundamentals of plotting and data visualization using Matplotlib

In this course, you hit the ground running and quickly learn how to make beautiful, illuminating figures
with Matplotlib and a handful of other Python tools. You understand data dimensionality and set up an
environment by beginning with basic plots. You enter into the exciting world of data visualization and
plotting. You'll work with line and scatter plots and construct bar plots and histograms. You'll also explore
images, contours, and histograms in depth. Plot scaffolding is a very interesting topic wherein you'll be
taken through axes and figures to help you design excellent plots. You'll learn how to control axes and
ticks, and change fonts and colors. You'll work on backends and transformations. Then lastly you'll
explore the most important companions for Matplotlib, Pandas and Jupyter, used widely for data
manipulation, analysis, and visualization. 50/104
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By the end of this course you'll be able to construct effective and beautiful data plots using the Matplotlib
library for the Python programming language.

Publisher's page

Python GUI Programming Recipes using PyQt5 (Video)

Burkhard Meier

ISBN 13: 9781788471268 Packt Publishing Course Length: 4 hours 09 minutes (October 2017)

Video Overview:

Learn to design a UI with help of PyQT5

In this video, you will successfully install PyQt5 and the toolset that contains the QT Designer tool. The
QT Designer enables you to develop our GUI in a visual manner, using drag and drop to add and
position widgets, and we will use it extensively. We will then learn how to convert QT Designer-
generated code into pure Python code.

After having successfully installed PyQt5, the QT Designer, and all other required QT tools, you will start
out simple, building a Python GUI using only a few lines of PyQT5 code. Then, you will build a more
complex GUI using QT Designer. Along the way, you will explore many QT widgets and learn how to
efficiently lay out our GUI design. You will enhance the look-and-feel of the GUI using CSS styling. You
will also connect our GUI to a SQL database, which we will create. You decouple the business logic
code from the UI code, using best practices. At the end of this video tutorial, viewers will be able to
develop complex GUIs using PyQt5.

Publisher's page

Python Design Patterns (Video)

Tong Qiu

ISBN 13: 9781786460677 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours 26 minutes (September 2017)

Video Overview:

Design patterns to improve the speed, code reuse, and performance of your Python applications.

This course focuses on showing you the practical aspects of smarter coding in Python.

Get into the world of design patterns and brush up on your OOP skills. Explore the most widely used
patterns and create objects in a manner best suited to the situation. Some patterns will help you identify
simple ways to realize relationships between entities. Next, learn how to encapsulate behaviour in an
object and delegate requests to it, before delving into some advanced patterns. With this course, you will
be well equipped to craft faster, cleaner, and smarter applications.

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Mastering Python Data Analysis with Pandas (Video)

Prabhat Ranjan

ISBN 13: 9781787280083 Packt Publishing Course Length: 1 hour 17 minutes (September 2017)

Video Overview:

Learn how to use Pandas, the Python library for data and statistical analysis.

This course is your guide to implementing the more advanced offerings of the popular Pandas library
and explains how it can solve real-world problems. After a brief overview of the basics—such as data
structures and various data manipulation tasks such as grouping, merging, and reshaping data—this
video also teaches you how to manipulate, analyse, and visualize your time-series financial data.

You will learn how to apply Pandas to important but simple financial tasks such as modelling portfolios,
calculating optimal portfolios based upon risk, and more. This video not only teaches you why Pandas is
a great tool for solving real-world problems in quantitative finance, it also takes you meticulously through
every step of the way, with practical, real-world examples, especially from the financial domain where
Pandas is a popular choice. By the end of this video, you will be an expert in using the Pandas library for
any data analysis problem, especially related to finance.

Publisher's page

Architectural Patterns and Best Practices with Python (Video)

Anand Balachandran Pillai

ISBN 13: 9781788838276 Packt Publishing Course Length: 1 hour 37 minutes (September 2017)

Video Overview:

Implement various Architectural patterns and learn to deploy and debug your Python applications.

This video starts off by explaining how Python fits into application architecture. As you move along, you
will understand the architecturally significant demands and how to determine them. Later, you’ll get a
complete understanding of the different architectural patterns such as event driven programming,
microservice architecture and pipe and filter architecture. Python, as an open-source language, has
matured in the level of automation and support it provides for deploying packages to production
systems. Get to understand deployment of Python applications, and the tools and processes that the
architect can add to his repertoire in order to ease the deploying and maintenance of his production
systems' running applications, written using Python.

Publisher's page

Python 3.x for Computer Vision (Video)

Saurabh Kapur

ISBN 13: 9781788838207 Packt Publishing Course Length: 1 hour 29 minutes (September 2017) 52/104
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Video Overview:

Unleash the power of computer vision with Python to carry out image processing and computer vision

This video course is a practical guide for developers who want to get started with building computer
vision applications using Python 3. Throughout this video course, three image processing libraries:
Pillow, Scikit-Image, and OpenCV are used to implement different computer vision algorithms.

The course will help you build Computer Vision applications that are capable of working in real-world
scenarios effectively. Some of the applications that we look at in the course are Optical Character
Recognition, Object Tracking and building a Computer Vision as a Service platform that works over the

Publisher's page

Data Acquisition and Manipulation with Python (Video)

Curtis Miller

ISBN 13: 9781788291415 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours 39 minutes (September 2017)

Video Overview:

Acquire and analyse data in different formats with the help of Python data analysis tools.

In this course, you’ll start by learning how to acquire data from the web in its already “clean” format, such
as in a .csv file, or a database. You’ll then learn to transform this data so it’s in its most useful format for
analysis. After that, you’ll dive into data aggregation and grouping, where you’ll learn to group similar
data for easier analysis purposes. From there, you’ll be shown different methods of web scraping using
Python. Finally, you’ll learn to extract large amounts of data using BeautifulSoup, as well as work with
Selenium and Scrapy.

Publisher's page

Python For Android Hacking Crash Course: Trojan Perspective (Video)

Hussam Khrais

ISBN 13: 9781788626255 Packt Publishing Course Length: 3 hours 16 minutes (September 2017)

Video Overview:

Acquire and analyse data in different formats with the help of Python data analysis tools.

This friendly course takes you through Python For Android Hacking Crash Course. It is packed with
step-by-step instructions and working examples. This comprehensive course is divided into clear bite-
size chunks so you can learn at your own pace and focus on the areas of most interest to you.

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Python For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course (Video)

Hussam Khrais

ISBN 13: 9781788628068 Packt Publishing Course Length: 5 hours 57 minutes (September 2017)

Video Overview:

Python for Hacking , Learn how to use python for ethical hacking and penetration testing.

Firstly, download the script, read the inline comments, run the script in your home lab, then finally see
the explanatory video. Learn how to code your own reverse shell [TCP+HTTP]. Make anonymous shell
by interacting with [Twitter, Google Form, Sourceforge]. Replicate Metasploit features and make an
advanced shell and much more.

Publisher's page

Python Machine Learning - Second Edition

Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili

ISBN 13: 9781787125933 Packt Publishing 622 pages (September 2017)

Book Overview:

Unlock modern machine learning and deep learning techniques with Python by using the latest cutting-
edge open source Python libraries

Understand and work at the cutting edge of machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning with
this second edition of Sebastian Raschka’s bestselling book, Python Machine Learning. Thoroughly
updated using the latest Python open source libraries, this book offers the practical knowledge and
techniques you need to create and contribute to machine learning, deep learning, and modern data

Fully extended and modernized, Python Machine Learning Second Edition now includes the popular
TensorFlow deep learning library. The scikit-learn code has also been fully updated to include recent
improvements and additions to this versatile machine learning library.

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Practical Python Data Science Techniques (Video)

Marco Bonzanini

ISBN 13: 9781788294294 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours 32 minutes (August 2017)

Video Overview:

Learn practical solutions to Data Science problems with Python

A comprehensive course packed with step-by-step instructions, working examples, and helpful advice on
Data Science Techniques in Python. This comprehensive course is divided into clear bite size chunks so
you can learn at your own pace and focus on the areas that interest you the most.

Publisher's page

Making Predictions with Data and Python (Video)

Alvaro Fuentes

ISBN 13: 9781788297448 Packt Publishing Course Length: 4 hours 10 minutes (August 2017)

Video Overview:

Build Awesome Predictive Models with Python

This course introduces the main concepts, techniques, and best practices for doing Predictive Analytics
with Python. Using an example-based approach, it covers all the stages in the process of building
predictive models with Python. By the end of the course you will be able to build Predictive Analytics
models using real-world data.

Publisher's page

Python Network Programming Cookbook - Second Edition

Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker

ISBN 13: 9781786463999 Packt Publishing 450 pages (August 2017)

Book Overview:

Discover practical solutions for a wide range of real-world network programming tasks

Python Network Programming Cookbook - Second Edition highlights the major aspects of network
programming in Python, starting from writing simple networking clients to developing and deploying
complex Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) systems.

In this edition, you will also be introduced to network modelling to build your own cloud network. You will
learn about the concepts and fundamentals of SDN and then extend your network with Mininet. Next,
you’ll find recipes on Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) and open and proprietary
SDN approaches and frameworks. 55/104
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Functional Programming in Python (Video)

Sebastiaan Mathôt

ISBN 13: 9781788292450 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours and 34 minutes (July 2017)

Video Overview:

In this video course, you will learn what functional programming is, and how it differs from other
programming styles, such as procedural and object-oriented programming. You will also learn why and
when functional programming is useful, and why and when it makes programs unnecessarily complex.
Explore lambda expressions, which are short one-line functions, and are the purest form of functional
programming that Python offers. Next, learn about higher-order functions: functions that accept other
functions as argument, or return other functions as return values. In Python, higher-order functions are
elegantly supported through decorators. You will also encounter important concepts from functional
programming, such as monads, currying, statelessness, side-effects, memoization, and referential
transparency; these concepts may initially seem odd to Python programmers, but you will see how they
are elegantly supported by the language. In fact, many Python programmers already make use of
concepts from functional programming without being aware of doing so.

All the videos in this course contain hands-on examples of the introduced concepts.

What you will learn:

Recognize the value of Functional Programming

Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Functional Programming
Higher-order functions and Lambda expressions (nameless functions)
Error handling in Functional Programming
Understand common functional design patterns, and how these apply to Python

Publisher's page

Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn - Second Edition

Gavin Hackeling

ISBN 13: 9781788299879 Packt Publishing 254 pages (July 2017)

Book Overview:

This book examines a variety of machine learning models including popular machine learning algorithms
such as k-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, naive Bayes, k-means, decision trees, and artificial
neural networks. It discusses data preprocessing, hyperparameter optimization, and ensemble methods.
You will build systems that classify documents, recognize images, detect ads, and more. You will learn to
use scikit-learn’s API to extract features from categorical variables, text and images; evaluate model
performance, and develop an intuition for how to improve your model’s performance. 56/104
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By the end of this book, you will master all required concepts of scikit-learn to build efficient models at
work to carry out advanced tasks with the practical approach.

What you will learn:

Review fundamental concepts such as bias and variance

Extract features from categorical variables, text, and images
Predict the values of continuous variables using linear regression and K Nearest Neighbors
Classify documents and images using logistic regression and support vector machines
Create ensembles of estimators using bagging and boosting techniques
Discover hidden structures in data using K-Means clustering
Evaluate the performance of machine learning systems in common tasks

Publisher's page

Python Natural Language Processing

Jalaj Thanaki

ISBN 13: 9781787121423 Packt Publishing 486 pages (July 2017)

Book Overview:

This book starts off by laying the foundation for Natural Language Processing and why Python is one of
the best options to build an NLP-based expert system with advantages such as Community support,
availability of frameworks and so on. Later it gives you a better understanding of available free forms of
corpus and different types of dataset. After this, you will know how to choose a dataset for natural
language processing applications and find the right NLP techniques to process sentences in datasets
and understand their structure. You will also learn how to tokenize different parts of sentences and ways
to analyze them.

What you will learn:

Focus on Python programming paradigms, which are used to develop NLP applications
Understand corpus analysis and different types of data attribute
Learn NLP using Python libraries such as NLTK, Polyglot, SpaCy, Standford CoreNLP and so on
Learn about Features Extraction and Feature selection as part of Features Engineering
Explore the advantages of vectorization in Deep Learning
Get a better understanding of the architecture of a rule-based system
Optimize and fine-tune Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning algorithms for NLP
Identify Deep Learning techniques for Natural Language Processing and Natural Language
Generation problems

Publisher's page

Cloud Native Python

Manish Sethi 57/104
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ISBN 13: 9781787129313 Packt Publishing 374 pages (July 2017)

Book Overview:

This book will be the one stop for you to learn all about building cloud-native architectures in Python. It
will begin by introducing you to cloud-native architecture and will help break it down for you. Then you’ll
learn how to build microservices in Python using REST APIs in an event driven approach and you will
build the web layer. Next, you’ll learn about Interacting data services and building Web views with React,
after which we will take a detailed look at application security and performance. Then, you’ll also learn
how to Dockerize your services. And finally, you’ll learn how to deploy the application on the AWS and
Azure platforms.

This book will teach you how to craft applications that are built as small standard units, using all the
proven best practices and avoiding the usual traps. It's a practical book: we're going to build everything
using Python 3 and its amazing tooling ecosystem. The book will take you on a journey, the destination
of which, is the creation of a complete Python application based on microservices over the cloud

What you will learn:

Get to know “the way of the cloud”, including why developing good cloud software is fundamentally
about mindset and discipline
Know what microservices are and how to design them
Create reactive applications in the cloud with third-party messaging providers
Build massive-scale, user-friendly GUIs with React and Flux
Secure cloud-based web applications: the do’s, don’ts, and options
Plan cloud apps that support continuous delivery and deployment

Publisher's page

Python Social Media Analytics

Siddhartha Chatterjee, Michal Krystyanczuk

ISBN 13: 9781787121485 Packt Publishing 312 pages (July 2017)

Book Overview:

Right from acquiring data from various social networking sources such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube,
Pinterest, and social forums, you will see how to clean data and make it ready for analytical operations
using various Python APIs. This book explains how to structure the clean data obtained and store in
MongoDB using PyMongo. You will also perform web scraping and visualize data using Scrappy and

Finally, you will be introduced to different techniques to perform analytics at scale for your social data on
the cloud, using Python and Spark. By the end of this book, you will be able to utilize the power of
Python to gain valuable insights from social media data and use them to enhance your business

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Understand the basics of social media mining

Use PyMongo to clean, store, and access data in MongoDB
Understand user reactions and emotion detection on Facebook
Perform Twitter sentiment analysis and entity recognition using Python
Analyze video and campaign performance on YouTube
Mine popular trends on GitHub and predict the next big technology
Extract conversational topics on public internet forums
Analyze user interests on Pinterest
Perform large-scale social media analytics on the cloud

Publisher's page

Python Microservices Development

Tarek Ziadé

ISBN 13: 9781785881114 Packt Publishing 340 pages (July 2017)

Book Overview:

An efficient way to build applications to do this is through microservices architecture. But, in practice, it's
hard to get this right due to the complexity of all the pieces interacting with each other.

This book will teach you how to overcome these issues and craft applications that are built as small
standard units, using all the proven best practices and avoiding the usual traps. It's a practical book:
you’ll build everything using Python 3 and its amazing tooling ecosystem. You will understand the
principles of TDD and apply them.

This book will take you on a journey, ending with the creation of a complete Python application based on
microservices. By the end of the book, you will be well versed with the fundamentals of building,
designing, testing, and deploying your Python microservices.

What you will learn:

Explore what microservices are and how to design them

Use Python 3, Flask, Tox, and other tools to build your services using best practices
Learn how to use a TDD approach
Discover how to document your microservices
Configure and package your code in the best way
Interact with other services
Secure, monitor, and scale your services
Deploy your services in Docker containers, CoreOS, and Amazon Web Services

Publisher's page

Mastering Python Networking

Eric Chou 59/104
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ISBN 13: 9781784397005 Packt Publishing 446 pages (June 2017)

Book Overview:

This book begins with a review of the TCP/ IP protocol suite and a refresher of the core elements of the
Python language. Next, you will start using Python and supported libraries to automate network tasks
from the current major network vendors. You will look at automating traditional network devices based
on the command-line interface, as well as newer devices with API support, with hands-on labs. You will
then learn the concepts and practical use cases of the Ansible framework in order to achieve your
network goals.

You will then move on to using Python for DevOps, starting with using open source tools to test, secure,
and analyze your network. Then, you will focus on network monitoring and visualization. You will learn
how to retrieve network information using a polling mechanism, flow-based monitoring, and visualizing
the data programmatically. Next, you will learn how to use the Python framework to build your own
customized network web services.

In the last module, you will use Python for SDN, where you will use a Python-based controller with
OpenFlow in a hands-on lab to learn its concepts and applications. Compare and contrast OpenFlow,
OpenStack, OpenDaylight, and NFV. Finally, you will use everything you’ve learned in the book to
construct a migration plan to go from a legacy to a scalable SDN-based network.

What you will learn:

Review all the fundamentals of Python and the TCP/IP suite

Use Python to execute commands when the device does not support the API or programmatic
interaction with the device
Implement automation techniques by integrating Python with Cisco, Juniper, and Arista eAPI
Integrate Ansible using Python to control Cisco, Juniper, and Arista networks
Achieve network security with Python
Build Flask-based web-service APIs with Python
Construct a Python-based migration plan from a legacy to scalable SDN-based network

Publisher's page

Practical Data Science Cookbook - Second Edition

Prabhanjan Tattar, Tony Ojeda, Sean Patrick Murphy, Benjamin Bengfort, Abhijit Dasgupta

ISBN 13: 9781787129627 Packt Publishing 434 pages (June 2017)

Book Overview:

Starting with the basics, this book covers how to set up your numerical programming environment,
introduces you to the data science pipeline, and guides you through several data projects in a step-by-
step format. By sequentially working through the steps in each chapter, you will quickly familiarize
yourself with the process and learn how to apply it to a variety of situations with examples using the two
most popular programming languages for data analysis—R and Python.

What you will learn: 60/104
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Learn and understand the installation procedure and environment required for R and Python on
various platforms
Prepare data for analysis by implement various data science concepts such as acquisition,
cleaning and munging through R and Python
Build a predictive model and an exploratory model
Analyze the results of your model and create reports on the acquired data
Build various tree-based methods and Build random forest

Publisher's page

Unpacking NumPy and Pandas (Video)

Curtis Miller

ISBN 13: 9781787121195 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours and 18 minutes (June 2017)

Video Overview:

In this video course, you will explore two of the most important Python packages used by Data Analysts.
You will start off by learning how to set up the right environment for data analysis with Python. Here,
you’ll learn to install the right Python distribution, as well as work with the Jupyter notebook, and set up a
database. After that you will dive into Python’s NumPy package, Python’s powerful extension with
advanced mathematical functions. You will learn to create NumPy arrays, as well as employ different
array methods and functions. Then, you will explore Python’s Pandas extension, where you will learn to
subset your data, as well as dive into data mapping using Pandas. You’ll also learn to manage your data
sets by sorting and ranking them. Finally, you will learn to index and group your data for sophisticated
data analysis and manipulation.

What you will learn:

How to read, sort, and map various data into NumPy and Pandas
How to create and slice data arrays using NumPy
How to subset your data frames using Pandas
How to handle missing data in a Pandas DataFrame
How to interface your Python data analysis with R language packages

Publisher's page

Python for Finance - Second Edition

Yuxing Yan

ISBN 13: 9781787125698 Packt Publishing 586 pages (June 2017)

Book Overview:

This book is organized according to various finance subjects. In other words, the first edition focuses
more on Python, while the second edition is truly trying to apply Python to finance. 61/104
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The book starts by explaining topics exclusively related to Python. Then deal with critical parts of
Python, explaining concepts such as time value of money stock and bond evaluations, capital asset
pricing model, multi-factor models, time series analysis, portfolio theory, options and futures.

What you will learn:

Become acquainted with Python in the first two chapters

Run CAPM, Fama-French 3-factor, and Fama-French-Carhart 4-factor models
Learn how to price a call, put, and several exotic options
Understand Monte Carlo simulation, how to write a Python program to replicate the Black-Scholes-
Merton options model, and how to price a few exotic options
Understand the concept of volatility and how to test the hypothesis that volatility changes over the
Understand the ARCH and GARCH processes and how to write related Python programs

Publisher's page

Python Web Scraping - Second Edition

Katharine Jarmul, Richard Lawson

ISBN 13: 9781786462589 Packt Publishing 220 pages (May 2017)

Book Overview:

This book is the ultimate guide to using the latest features of Python 3.x to scrape data from websites. In
the early chapters, you’ll see how to extract data from static web pages. You’ll learn to use caching with
databases and files to save time and manage the load on servers. After covering the basics, you’ll get
hands-on practice building a more sophisticated crawler using browsers, crawlers, and concurrent

You’ll determine when and how to scrape data from a JavaScript-dependent website using PyQt and
Selenium. You’ll get a better understanding of how to submit forms on complex websites protected by
CAPTCHA. You’ll find out how to automate these actions with Python packages such as mechanize.
You’ll also learn how to create class-based scrapers with Scrapy libraries and implement your learning
on real websites.

By the end of the book, you will have explored testing websites with scrapers, remote scraping, best
practices, working with images, and many other relevant topics.

What you will learn:

Extract data from web pages with simple Python programming

Build a concurrent crawler to process web pages in parallel
Follow links to crawl a website
Extract features from the HTML
Cache downloaded HTML for reuse
Compare concurrent models to determine the fastest crawler
Find out how to parse JavaScript-dependent websites
Interact with forms and sessions 62/104
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Publisher's page

Python High Performance - Second Edition

Gabriele Lanaro

ISBN 13: 9781787282896 Packt Publishing 270 pages (May 2017)

Book Overview:

Python High Performance is a practical guide that shows how to leverage the power of both native and
third-party Python libraries to build robust applications.

The book explains how to use various profilers to find performance bottlenecks and apply the correct
algorithm to fix them. The reader will learn how to effectively use NumPy and Cython to speed up
numerical code. The book explains concepts of concurrent programming and how to implement robust
and responsive applications using Reactive programming. Readers will learn how to write code for
parallel architectures using Tensorflow and Theano, and use a cluster of computers for large-scale
computations using technologies such as Dask and PySpark.

By the end of the book, readers will have learned to achieve performance and scale from their Python

What you will learn:

Write efficient numerical code with the NumPy and Pandas libraries
Use Cython and Numba to achieve native performance
Find bottlenecks in your Python code using profilers
Write asynchronous code using Asyncio and RxPy
Use Tensorflow and Theano for automatic parallelism in Python
Set up and run distributed algorithms on a cluster using Dask and PySpark

Publisher's page

Become a Python Data Analyst (Video)

Alvaro Fuentes

ISBN 13: 9781787284302 Packt Publishing Course Length: 4 hours 30 minutes (May 2017)

Video Overview:

This course introduces Python’s most important tools and libraries for doing Data Science; they are
known in the community as “Python’s Data Science Stack”.

This is a practical course where the viewer will learn through real-world examples how to use the most
popular tools for doing Data Science and Analytics with Python.

What you will learn: 63/104
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Learn about the most important libraries for doing Data Science with Python and how they can be
easily installed with the Anaconda distribution
Understand the basics of Numpy which is the foundation of all the other analytical tools in Python
Produce informative, useful and beautiful visualizations for analyzing data
Analyze, answer questions and derive conclusions from real world data sets using the Pandas
Perform common statistical calculations and use the results to reach conclusions about the data
Learn how to build predictive models and understand the principles of Predictive Analytics

Publisher's page

Data Analysis with Python (Video)

Marco Bonzanini

ISBN 13: 9781788290548 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours 26 minutes (April 2017)

Video Overview:

This course introduces the audience to the field of Data Science using Python tools to manage and
analyze data. You can learn some of the fundamental tools of the trade and apply them to real data
problems. And along the way it discusses the use of Python stack for data analysis and scientific
computing, and expands on concepts of data acquisition, data cleaning, data analysis and machine

A fun and friendly course packed with step by step instructions, it shows you how to get up and running
with Python virtual environments using Conda. This course is divided into clear chunks so you can learn
at your own pace.

What you will learn:

Installing the core Python tools for data analysis

Dealing with different data types in Python
Using NumPy for fast array computation
Using Pandas for data analysis
Framing a Data Science problem and using Python tools to solve it

Publisher's page

Learning Python Data Analysis (Video)

Benjamin Hoff

ISBN 13: 9781785880711 Packt Publishing Course Length: 5 hours 55 minutes (March 2017)

Video Overview:

This video aims to teach Python developers how to perform data analysis with the language by taking
advantage of the core data science libraries in the Python ecosystem. The learning objective for viewers 64/104
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is to understand how to locate, manipulate, and analyse data with Python, with the ability to analyse
large and small sets of data using libraries such as Numpy, pandas, IPython and SciPy.

This is a two part series. The first series is focused on getting and manipulation sizeable amounts of
data using modern techniques. The second series is focused on advanced analysis of the data to
include modern machine learning techniques.

What you will learn:

Advanced and recommend software engineering development practices

How to scrape the twitter stream to collect real time data
Smart storing of data using advanced abstractions and Object-Oriented programming
Easy and practical data manipulation techniques for dealing with large volumes of data
Natural Language Processing tools, special designed for working with sentences and other forms
of textual data
Predictive methods that can forecast and predict future trends based on current data
Data analytics techniques to tease out unseen data relationships
Dashboard application development to help share and monitor your progress/analysis

Publisher's page

Getting Started with Python Web Scraping (Video)

Charles Clayton

ISBN 13: 9781787283244 Packt Publishing Course Length: 1 hour 36 minutes (March 2017)

Video Overview:

This video course is a rich collection of recipes that will come in handy when you are scraping a website
using Python, addressing your usual and unusual problems while scraping websites by diving deep into
the capabilities of Python’sweb scraping tools such as Selenium, BeautifulSoup, and urllib2. The video
will start with showing how to use selenium module for scraping by setting up a web driver, debugging
with the Console and downloading files and streamlining with a Headless Browser (PhantomJS). The
video will then move on to demonstrate how to do parsing with Beautifulsoup which would include
introduction to the BeautifulSoupObjects, Nested Selectors and Regular Expressions Basics and how to
do UTF-8 Encoding. The video will finally end by showing how to do fetching with urlib2 by using the
developer tools Network tab, how to bypass the browser and retrieve files.

By The end of this video, you will be successfully able to understand the in-depth capabilities of python
web scraping tools.

What you will learn:

Use the Selenium module and scrape with Selenium

Find out how to set up a web driver
Perform debugging with the console and download files
Learn to work with Nested selectors and regular expression basics
Discover how to perform parsing with BeautifulSoup
Understand authentication with Wireshark. 65/104
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Master the use of URL Query Strings and HTTP Requests (GET and POST)
Implement streamlining with headless browser

Publisher's page

Python: Step into the World of Machine Learning

Prateek Joshi, Alexander T. Combs, Dan Van Boxel, Giancarlo Zaccone, Sebastian Raschka, Luis Pedro
Coelho, Willi Richert

Packt Publishing Duration: 7 hours (January 2017)

Course Overview:

This course takes a hands-on approach and demonstrates how you can perform various Machine
Learning tasks on real-world data. The course starts by talking about various realms in machine learning
followed by practical examples. It then moves on to discuss the more complex algorithms, such as
Support Vector Machines, Extremely Random Forests, Hidden Markov Models, Sentiment Analysis, and
Conditional Random Fields. You will learn how to make informed decisions about the types of algorithm
that you need to use and how to implement these algorithms to get the best possible results.

After you are comfortable with machine learning, this course teaches you how to build real-world
machine learning applications step by step. Further, we’ll explore deep learning with TensorFlow, which
is currently the hottest topic in data science. With the efficiency and simplicity of TensorFlow, you will be
able to process your data and gain insights that will change the way you look at data. You will also learn
how to train your machine to craft new features to make sense of deeper layers of data.

What you will learn:

Explore and use Python’s impressive machine learning ecosystem

Understand the different types of machine learning
Learn predictive modeling and apply it to real-world problems
Work with image data and build systems for image recognition and biometric face recognition
Build your own applications using machine learning
Build simple TensorFlow graphs for everyday computations

Publisher's page

Flask: Building Python Web Services

Gareth Dwyer, Shalabh Aggarwal, Jack Stouffer

ISBN 13: 9781787288225 Packt Publishing 770 pages (March 2017)

Course Overview:

This course will take you through the intricacies of the Flask Microframework, covering all it's
components and elements and how to integrate it with useful third party libraries. Dive deep into what
Flask has to offer and then you will create multiple Python apps from scratch on your own. 66/104
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Build three web applications from the ground up using the powerful Python micro framework,
Extend your applications to build advanced functionality, such as a user account control system
using Flask-Login
Learn about web application security and defend against common attacks, such as SQL injection
and XSS
Integrate with technologies like Redis, Sentry, MongoDB and so on
Build applications with integrations to most of the login mechanisms available
Don't just stop at development. Learn about deployment and post-deployment
Use SQLAlchemy to programmatically query a database
Develop a custom Flask extension

Who this course is written for:

This learning path is ideal developers who know the basics of Python and want to learn how to use the
Flask framework to build powerful web solutions in Python.

Publisher's page

Automate it! - Recipes to upskill your business

Chetan Giridhar

ISBN 13: 9781786460516 Packt Publishing 392 pages (January 2017)

Book Overview:

This book gives you a great selection of recipes to automate your business processes with Python, and
provides a platform for you to understand how Python is useful to make time consuming and repetitive
business tasks more efficient. You will begin by learning about the Python modules to work with Web,
Worksheets, Presentations and PDFs. You’ll leverage Python recipes to automate processes in HR,
Finance and making them efficient and reliable. For instance, company payroll — an integral process in
HR will be automated with Python recipes.

Implement file deduplication and how to parse HTML content in Python.

Study an example application that will enable you to work with spreadsheets
Get acquainted with the Python modules used to work with e-mails
Manipulate images using Pillow and schedule tasks with respect to time zones
Use XML or JSON as a message format across distributed systems
Develop a Python application with logging and see an example of debugging
Integrate Python with Mongo and Redis databases
Generate reports using Pandas

Who this book is written for:

This book is for programmers who know Python but need not be experts. They will however know a lot
of the basics of the syntax and some basic experience with the command line. Ultimately, they’re people
who see themselves as busy and want to find cool hacks to automate all the mundane and time-
consuming tasks they find themselves doing on a daily basis. 67/104
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Publisher's page

Scientific Computing with Python 3

Claus Führer, Jan Erik Solem, Olivier Verdier

ISBN 13: 9781786463517 Packt Publishing 332 pages (December 2016)

Book Overview:

This book presents Python in tight connection with mathematical applications and demonstrates how to
use various concepts in Python for computing purposes, including examples with the latest version of
Python 3. Python is an effective tool to use when coupling scientific computing and mathematics and this
book will teach you how to use it for linear algebra, arrays, plotting, iterating, functions, polynomials, and
much more.

The principal syntactical elements of Python

The most important and basic types in Python
The essential building blocks of computational mathematics, linear algebra, and related Python
Plot in Python using matplotlib to create high quality figures and graphics to draw and visualize
your results
Define and use functions and learn to treat them as objects
How and when to correctly apply object-oriented programming for scientific computing in Python
Handle exceptions, which are an important part of writing reliable and usable code
Two aspects of testing for scientific programming: Manual and Automatic

Who this book is written for:

This book is for anyone who wants to perform numerical and mathematical computations in Python. It is
especially useful for developers, students, and anyone who wants to use Python for computation.
Readers are expected to possess basic a knowledge of scientific computing and mathematics, but no
prior experience with Python is needed.

Publisher's page

Mastering Python - Second Edition (Video)

Daniel Arbuckle

ISBN 13: 9781786463746 Packt Publishing Course Length 5 hours 21 minutes (October 2016)

Video Overview:

You will cover the basics of operating in a Python development environment as well as the advanced
topics. We present you with real-world solutions to Python 3.5 and advanced-level concepts such as
reactive programming and microservices, introduce ctypes and Cython tools. Throughout the journey,
we'll highlight the major aspects of managing your Python development environment, show you how to
handle parallel computation, and help you to master asynchronous I/O with new Python 3.5 to improve 68/104
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the performance of your system. Finally, you'll learn the secrets of metaprogramming and unit testing in
Python—arming you with the perfect skillset to be a Python expert. This course will get you up to speed
in everything from basic programming practices to high-end tools and techniques, things that will help
you set apart as a successful Python programmer.

Get to grips with the basics of operating in a Python development environment

Build Python packages to efficiently create reusable code
Become proficient at creating tools and utility programs in Python
Use the Git version control system to protect your development environment from unwanted
Harness the power of Python to automate other software
Distribute computation tasks across multiple processors
Handle high I/O loads with asynchronous I/O to get a smoother performance
Take advantage of Python's metaprogramming and programmable syntax features
Get acquainted to the concepts behind reactive programming and RxPy

Who this video course is for:

If you are a programmer who is familiar with the basics of Python and you want to broaden your
knowledge base to develop projects better and faster, this course is for you. Even if you are not familiar
with Python, our course starts with the basics and takes you on a journey to become an expert in the

Publisher's page

Python Data Science Essentials - Second Edition

Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron

ISBN 13: 9781786462138 Packt Publishing 378 pages (October 2016)

Book Overview:

With this book you'll get modern insight of the core of Python data, including the latest versions of
Jupyter notebooks, NumPy, pandas and scikit-learn. Look beyond the fundamentals with beautiful data
visualizations with Seaborn and ggplot, web development with Bottle, and even the new frontiers of deep
learning with Theano and TensorFlow. Dive into building your essential Python 3.5 data science toolbox,
using a single-source approach that will allow to to work with Python 2.7 as well. Get to grips fast with
data munging and preprocessing, and all the techniques you need to load, analyse, and process your
data. Finally, get a complete overview of principal machine learning algorithms, graph analysis
techniques, and all the visualization and deployment instruments that make it easier to present your
results to an audience of both data science experts and business users.

Set up your data science toolbox using a Python scientific environment on Windows, Mac, and
Get data ready for your data science project
Manipulate, fix, and explore data in order to solve data science problems
Set up an experimental pipeline to test your data science hypotheses
Choose the most effective and scalable learning algorithm for your data science tasks 69/104
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Optimize your machine learning models to get the best performance

Explore and cluster graphs, taking advantage of interconnections and links in your data

Who this book is written for:

If you are an aspiring data scientist and you have at least a working knowledge of data analysis and
Python, this book will get you started in data science. Data analysts with experience of R or MATLAB will
also find the book to be a comprehensive reference to enhance their data manipulation and machine
learning skills.

Publisher's page

Building RESTful Python Web Services

Gastón C. Hillar

ISBN 13: 978178646225 Packt Publishing 418 (October 2016)

Book Overview:

Learn how to develop RESTful APIs using the popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks
with Python, Django, Flask, and Tornado, combined with related libraries and tools. We will dive deep
into each of these frameworks to build various web services, and will provide use cases and best
practices on when to use a particular framework to get the best results.

Develop complex RESTful APIs from scratch with Python combined with and without data sources
Choose the most appropriate (micro) framework based on the specific requirements of a RESTful
API / web service
Debug, test, and profile RESTful APIs with each of the frameworks
Develop a complex RESTful API that interacts with a PostgreSQL database
Add authentication and permissions to a RESTful API built in each of the frameworks
Map URL patterns to request handlers and check how the API works
Profile an existing API and refactor it to take advantage of asynchronous code

Who this book is written for:

This book is for web developers who have working knowledge of Python and would like to build amazing
web services by taking advantage of the various frameworks of Python. You should have some
knowledge of RESTful APIs.

Publisher's page

Python: Penetration Testing for Developers

Christopher Duffy et al.

ISBN 13: 9781787128187 Packt Publishing 650 pages (October 2016)

Course Overview: 70/104
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This course shows you how to do just that, demonstrating how effective Python can be for powerful
pentesting that keeps your software safe. Comprising of three key modules, follow each one to push
your Python and security skills to the next level.In the first module, we’ll show you how to get to grips
with the fundamentals. This means you’ll quickly find out how to tackle some of the common challenges
facing pentesters using custom Python tools designed specifically for your needs. You’ll also learn what
tools to use and when, giving you complete confidence when deploying your pentester tools to combat
any potential threat.In the next module you’ll begin hacking into the application layer. Covering
everything from parameter tampering, DDoS, XXS and SQL injection, it will build on the knowledge and
skills you learned in the first module to make you an even more fluent security expert.Finally in the third
module, you’ll find more than 60 Python pentesting recipes. We think this will soon become your trusted
resource for any pentesting situation.

This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package.
It includes content from the following Packt products:

Learning Penetration Testing with Python by Christopher Duffy

Python Penetration Testing Essentials by MohitPython

Web Penetration Testing Cookbook by Cameron Buchanan,Terry Ip, Andrew Mabbitt, Benjamin May and
Dave Mound

Familiarize yourself with the generation of Metasploit resource files and use the Metasploit Remote
Procedure Call to automate exploit generation and execution
Exploit the Remote File Inclusion to gain administrative access to systems with Python and other
scripting languages
Crack an organization's Internet perimeter and chain exploits to gain deeper access to an
organization's resources
Explore wireless traffic with the help of various programs and perform wireless attacks with Python
Gather passive information from a website using automated scripts and perform XSS, SQL
injection, and parameter tampering attacks
Develop complicated header-based attacks through Python

Who this course is for:

If you are a Python programmer or a security researcher who has basic knowledge of Python
programming and wants to learn about penetration testing with the help of Python, this course is ideal for
you. Even if you are new to the field of ethical hacking, this course can help you find the vulnerabilities in
your system so that you are ready to tackle any kind of attack or intrusion.

Publisher's page

Natural Language Processing: Python and NLTK

Nitin Hardeniya et al.

ISBN 13: 9781787285101 Packt Publishing 687 pages (November 2016)

Course Overview: 71/104
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The first NLTK Essentials module is an introduction on how to build systems around NLP, with a focus
on how to create a customized tokenizer and parser from scratch. You will learn essential concepts of
NLP, be given practical insight into open source tool and libraries available in Python, shown how to
analyze social media sites, and be given tools to deal with large scale text. This module also provides a
workaround using some of the amazing capabilities of Python libraries such as NLTK, scikit-learn,
pandas, and NumPy.The second Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook module teaches you
the essential techniques of text and language processing with simple, straightforward examples. This
includes organizing text corpora, creating your own custom corpus, text classification with a focus on
sentiment analysis, and distributed text processing methods. The third Mastering Natural Language
Processing with Python module will help you become an expert and assist you in creating your own NLP
projects using NLTK. You will be guided through model development with machine learning tools, shown
how to create training data, and given insight into the best practices for designing and building NLP-
based applications using Python.

This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package
and is designed to help you quickly learn text processing with Python and NLTK. It includes content from
the following Packt products:

NTLK essentials by Nitin Hardeniya

Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook by Jacob Perkins

Mastering Natural Language Processing with Python by Deepti Chopra, Nisheeth Joshi, and Iti Mathur

The scope of natural language complexity and how they are processed by machines
Clean and wrangle text using tokenization and chunking to help you process data better
Tokenize text into sentences and sentences into words
Classify text and perform sentiment analysis
Implement string matching algorithms and normalization techniques
Understand and implement the concepts of information retrieval and text summarization
Find out how to implement various NLP tasks in Python

Who this course is for:

If you are an NLP or machine learning enthusiast and an intermediate Python programmer who wants to
quickly master NLTK for natural language processing, then this Learning Path will do you a lot of good.
Students of linguistics and semantic/sentiment analysis professionals will find it invaluable.

Publisher's page

Python Projects [Video]

Burkhard A. Meier

ISBN 13: 9781786466990 Packt Publishing Course Length 2 hours 19 minutes (November 2016)

Video Overview:

This video will teach you how to create well designed architecture and increase performance of the
current applications.You will learn how to build enterprise ready applications with Python language.It will 72/104
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also demonstrate how to manage large user bases and ensure that the application is scaled easily. The
projects will have an overall focus ranging from web development, statistics, etc. These ready-to-use
solutions will appeal to wide range of audience and will teach important programming concepts of
Python along the way.By the end of the course, you will be able to build 4 real world production ready
applications. And you can go forward very far from this very strong foundation.

Develop Python applications in a world-class IDE

Create fully functional GUIs written in Python effortlessly
Automate your tasks by using scheduling mechanisms
Send HTML formatted emails
Implement several Design Patterns in Python
Create a Windows Service in Python

Who this video for:

The video would appeal to web developers,statisticians, programmers, data scientist, Python
consultants and anyone who is working on multiple projects with Python. Basic knowledge of Python
programming is assumed.

Publisher's page

Python Data Visualization Solutions [Video]

Dimitry Foures, Giuseppe Vettigli, Igor Milovanović

ISBN 13: 9781787122802 Packt Publishing Course Length 3 hours 27 minutes (November 2016)

Video Overview:

This video starts by showing you how to set up matplotlib and other Python libraries that are required for
most parts of the course, before moving on to discuss various widely used diagrams and charts such as
Gantt Charts. As you will go through the course, you will get to know about various 3D diagrams and
animations. As maps are irreplaceable to display geo-spatial data, this course will show you how to build
them. In the last section, we’ll take you on a thorough walkthrough of incorporating matplotlib into
various environments and how to create Gantt charts using Python.With practical, precise, and
reproducible videos, you will get a better understanding of the data visualization concepts, how to apply
them, and how you can overcome any challenge while implementing them.

Draw your first chart and customize it

Use the most popular data visualization Python libraries
Make 3D visualizations mainly using mplot3d
Create charts with images and maps
Understand the most appropriate charts to describe your data
Get to know the matplotlib’s hidden gems

Who this video is for:

If you are an analyst or a budding data scientist who wants to know how to use Python to visualize your
data to get effective insights from it, then this book is for you. Some understanding of Python
programming will be useful. 73/104
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Publisher's page

Modern Python Cookbook

Steven F. Lott

ISBN 13: 9781786469250 Packt Publishing 824 pages (November 2016)

Book Overview:

This book comes with over 100 recipes on the latest version of Python. The recipes will benefit everyone
ranging from beginner to an expert. The book is broken down into 13 chapters that build from simple
language concepts to more complex applications of the language.The recipes will touch upon all the
necessary Python concepts related to data structures, OOP, functional programming, as well as
statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to
effectively use the advantages that it offers. You will end the book equipped with the knowledge of
testing, web services, and configuration and application integration tips and tricks.

See the intricate details of the Python syntax and how to use it to your advantage
Improve your code readability through functions in Python
Manipulate data effectively using built-in data structures
Get acquainted with advanced programming techniques in Python
Equip yourself with functional and statistical programming features
Write proper tests to be sure a program works as advertised
Integrate application software using Python

Who this book is written for:

The book is for web developers, programmers, enterprise programmers, engineers, big data scientist,
and so on. If you are a beginner, Python Cookbook will get you started. If you are experienced, it will
expand your knowledge base. A basic knowledge of programming would help.

Publisher's page

Python: Master the Art of Design Patterns

By Dusty Phillips, Chetan Giridhar, Sakis Kasampalis

ISBN 13: 9781787125186 Packt Publishing 775 pages (September 2016)

Course Overview:

This learning path takes you through every traditional and advanced design pattern best applied to
Python code, building your skills in writing exceptional Python. Divided into three distinct modules, you’ll
go from foundational to advanced concepts by following a series of practical tutorials.Start with the
bedrock of Python programming – the object-oriented paradigm.

Rethink the way you work with Python as you work through the Python data structures and object-
oriented techniques essential to modern Python programming. Build your confidence as you learn
Python syntax, and how to use OOP principles with Python tools such as Django and Kivy. 74/104
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In the second module, run through the most common and most useful design patterns from a Python
perspective. Progress through Singleton patterns, Factory patterns, Façade patterns and more all with
detailed hands-on guidance. Enhance your professional abilities in in software architecture, design, and
development.In the final module, run through the more complex and less common design patterns,
discovering how to apply them to Python coding with the help of real-world examples.Get to grips with
the best practices of writing Python, as well as creating systems architecture and troubleshooting issues.

This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package.
It includes content from the following Packt products:

Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming - Second Edition by Dusty PhillipsLearning

Python Design Patterns - Second Edition by Chetan GiridharMastering

Python Design Patterns by Sakis Kasampalis

Discover what design patterns are and how to apply them to writing Python
Implement objects in Python by creating classes and defining methods
Separate related objects into a taxonomy of classes and describe the properties and behaviors of
those objects via the class interface
Understand when to use object-oriented features, and more importantly when not to use them
Get to know proven solutions to common design issues
Explore the design principles that form the basis of software design, such as loose coupling, the
Hollywood principle, and the Open Close principle, among others
Use Structural Design Patterns and find out how objects and classes interact to build larger
Improve the productivity and code base of your application using Python design patterns
Secure an interface using the Proxy pattern

Who this course is written for:

If you have basic Python skills and wish to learn in depth how to correctly apply appropriate design
patterns, this course is tailor made for you.

Publisher's page

Text Analytics with Python - 1st Edition

By Dipanjan Sarkar

Text Analytics with Python cover

ISBN-13: 978-1484223871

ISBN-10: 978-1484223871

Release Date: December 2016

Pages: 385 75/104
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Book Overview:

Derive useful insights from your data using Python. Learn the techniques related to natural language
processing and text analytics, and gain the skills to know which technique is best suited to solve a
particular problem.

Text Analytics with Python teaches you both basic and advanced concepts, including text and language
syntax, structure, semantics. You will focus on algorithms and techniques, such as text classification,
clustering, topic modeling, and text summarization.

A structured and comprehensive approach is followed in this book so that readers with little or no
experience do not find themselves overhelmed. You will start with the basics of natural language and
Python and move on to advanced analytical and machine learning concepts. You will look at each
technique and algorithm with both a bird's eye view to understand how it can be used as well as with a
microscopic view to understand the mathematical concepts and to implement them to solve your own

Provides complete coverage of the major concepts and techniques of natural language processing
(NLP) and text analytics.
Includes practical real-world examples of techniques for implementation, such as building a text
classification system to categorize news articles, analyzing app or game reviews using topic
modeling and text summarization, and clustering popular movie synopses and analyzing the
sentiment of movie reviews.
Shows implementations based on Python and several popular open source libraries in NLP and
text analytics, such as the natural language toolkit (nltk), gensim, scikit-learn, spaCy and Pattern

Who this book is for:

This book is aimed at IT professionals, analysts, developers, linguistic experts, data scientists, and
anyone with a keen interest in linguistics, analytics, and generating insights from textual data.

Publisher's Page (Apress)

Publisher's Page (Springer)

Author's Page with code & bonus content

The Hacker's Guide to Python – 3rd edition

By Julien Danjou

ISBN 13 978-1-329-98474-5 290 Pages (May 2016) 76/104
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Book overview:

Best practice: methods & advice you should follow when building your applications.
Language internals: get introduced to some of the Python internals and get a better understanding
of how to write more efficient code. Gain a greater insight into the inner workings of the language.
Solve problems: battle-tested solutions to tackle problems such as testing, porting, or scaling
Python applications and libraries. Discover strategies that will help you maintain your software in
the long term.
Interviews with Python software developers and experts.

Who this book is for

This book is aimed at developers who already know Python but wants to learn from more experienced
Python developers.

Publisher's page

Mastering Flask (Video)

Alexander Putilin, Jack Stouffer

ISBN 13: 9781784393915 4 hours 14 minutes (November 2016)

Video Overview:

This course will take you deep into the world of using Flask and its ecosystem of extensions to create
web applications. We’ll walk through creating a simple IMDB clone from scratch. We’ll start by creating
the boilerplate code and use Virtualenv to create an isolated development environment. You’ll then learn
to work with the database using SQLAlchemy. After that, we’ll display our data to the end user using

Build a real-world application that adheres to best practices using Flask

Use Virtualenv to incorporate dependency isolation
Work with SQLAlchemy while learning database concepts
See how to customize Jinja templates to work with dynamic pages
Create secure forms using WTForms
Modularize your code with Blueprints
Work with Flask Login and Flask Principal to secure our app
Add a REST API to our app to allow programmers to easily build off the platform the app is building
Create an administrator interface using Flask Admin
Speed up the working of the app with Flask Debug Toolbar, Flask Cache, and Flask Assets
Implement asynchronous programming using Celery
Make the app robust by performing various tests on it
Deploy the app to platforms such as AWS, Heroku, and simple VPS with Nginx and Gunicorn

Who is this video course for:

If you are a Flask user who knows the basics of the library and how to create basic web pages with
HTML and CSS, and you want to take your applications to the next level, then this video course is for
you. Harnessing the full power of Flask will allow you to create complex web applications with ease. 77/104
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Publisher's Page

Learning Python Application Development

Ninad Sathaye

ISBN 13: 9781785889196 Pages 454 (September 2016)

Book Overview:

This book will show you ways to handle such problems and write better Python applications.From the
basics of simple command-line applications, develop your skills all the way to designing efficient and
advanced Python apps. Guided by a light-hearted fantasy learning theme, overcome the real-world
problems of complex Python development with practical solutions. Beginning with a focus on
robustness, packaging, and releasing application code, you’ll move on to focus on improving application
lifetime by making code extensible, reusable, and readable. Get to grips with Python refactoring, design
patterns and best practices. Techniques to identify the bottlenecks and improve performance are
covered in a series of chapters devoted to performance, before closing with a look at developing Python

Build a robust application by handling exceptions.

Modularize, package, and release the source distribution.
Document the code and implement coding standards.
Create automated tests to catch bugs in the early development stage.
Identify and re-factor badly written code to improve application life.
Detect recurring problems in the code and apply design patterns.
Improve code efficiency by identifying performance bottlenecks and fixing them.
Develop simple GUI applications using Python.

Who is this book for:

Do you know the basics of Python and object oriented programming? Do you want to go an extra mile
and learn techniques to make your Python application robust, extensible, and efficient? Then this book is
for you.

Publisher's Page

Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers (Free eBook)

Tim Cox

ISBN 13: 9781849696623 402 Pages (April 2014)

Book Overview:

Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers is a practical guide for getting the most out of this little
computer. It will guide you through the many uses of the Raspberry Pi and allow you to showcase the
best it has to offer. Discover what the Raspberry Pi has to offer using detailed Python 3 examples that
you can adapt and extend; see where your creativity takes you! 78/104
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Set up and run Raspberry Pi for the first time

Develop desktop applications, and handle images and process files with ease
Make use of graphics and user control to develop your own exciting games
Create 3D worlds by using the Raspberry Pi's powerful GPU
Discover how to create your own electronic circuits to interact with the Raspberry Pi
Use the Raspberry Pi Camera to create animations and timelapses
Design and build your own Raspberry Pi controlled robots
Take control of the real world and interface with physical hardware, combining hardware and
software for your own needs

Publisher's Page

Building Machine Learning Systems with Python (Free eBook)

Willi Richert, Luis Pedro Coelho

ISBN 13: 9781782161400 290 Pages (July 2013)

Book Overview:

Building Machine Learning system with Python shows you exactly how to find patterns through raw data.
The book starts by brushing up on your Python ML knowledge and introducing libraries, and then moves
on to more serious projects on datasets, Modelling, Recommendations, improving recommendations
through examples and sailing through sound and image processing in detail.Building Machine Learning
Systems with Python will give you the tools and understanding required to build your own systems,
which are tailored to solve your problems.

Build a classification system that can be applied to text, images, or sounds

Use scikit-learn, a Python open-source library for machine learning
Explore the mahotas library for image processing and computer vision
Build a topic model of the whole of Wikipedia
Get to grips with recommendations using the basket analysis
Use the Jug package for data analysis
Employ Amazon Web Services to run analyses on the cloud
Recommend products to users based on past purchases

Expand your knowledge of Python data with the power of machine learning with this free and full-
featured guide.

Publisher's Page

Python: Deeper Insights into Machine Learning

By Sebastian Raschka, David Julian, John Hearty

ISBN 13: 9781787128576 Packt Publishing 901 pages (August 2016)

Course overview: 79/104
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The course begins with getting your Python fundamentals nailed down. It focuses on answering the right
questions that cove a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn Theano and
Keras.After getting familiar with Python core concepts, it’s time to dive into the field of data science. You
will further gain a solid foundation on the machine learning design and also learn to customize models
for solving problems. At a later stage, you will get a grip on more advanced techniques and acquire a
broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering.

Learn to write clean and elegant Python code that will optimize the strength of your algorithms
Uncover hidden patterns and structures in data with clustering
Improve accuracy and consistency of results using powerful feature engineering techniques
Gain practical and theoretical understanding of cutting-edge deep learning algorithms
Solve unique tasks by building models
Get grips on the machine learning design process

Who this course is written for:

This title is for data scientist and researchers who are already into the field of data science and want to
see machine learning in action and explore its real-world application. Prior knowledge of Python
programming and mathematics is must with basic knowledge of machine learning concepts.

Publisher's page

Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python

By Joseph Babcock

ISBN 13: 9781785882715 Packt Publishing 334 pages (August 2016)

Book overview:

In Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python, you will learn the process of turning raw data into powerful
insights. Through case studies and code examples using popular open-source Python libraries, this
book illustrates the complete development process for analytic applications and how to quickly apply
these methods to your own data to create robust and scalable prediction services. Covering a wide
range of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, as well as cutting-edge techniques such as
deep learning, this book illustrates not only how these methods work, but how to implement them in
practice. You will learn to choose the right approach for your problem and how to develop engaging
visualizations to bring the insights of predictive modeling to life

Gain an insight into components and design decisions for an analytical application
Master the use Python notebooks for exploratory data analysis and rapid prototyping
Get to grips with applying regression, classification, clustering, and deep learning algorithms
Discover the advanced methods to analyze structured and unstructured data
Find out how to deploy a machine learning model in a production environment
Visualize the performance of models and the insights they produce
Scale your solutions as your data grows using Python
Ensure the robustness of your analytic applications by mastering the best practices of predictive

Who this course is written for: 80/104
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This book is designed for business analysts, BI analysts, data scientists, or junior level data analysts
who are ready to move from a conceptual understanding of advanced analytics to an expert in designing
and building advanced analytics solutions using Python. You’re expected to have basic development
experience with Python.

Publisher's page

Python: Journey from Novice to Expert

By Fabrizio Romano, Dusty Phillips, Rick van Hattem

ISBN 13: 9781787120761 Packt Publishing 1311 pages (August 2016)

Course overview:

In Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python, you will learn the process of turning raw data into powerful
insights. Through case studies and code examples using popular open-source Python libraries, this
book illustrates the complete development process for analytic applications and how to quickly apply
these methods to your own data to create robust and scalable prediction services. Covering a wide
range of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, as well as cutting-edge techniques such as
deep learning, this book illustrates not only how these methods work, but how to implement them in
practice. You will learn to choose the right approach for your problem and how to develop engaging
visualizations to bring the insights of predictive modeling to life

Gain an insight into components and design decisions for an analytical application
Master the use Python notebooks for exploratory data analysis and rapid prototyping
Get to grips with applying regression, classification, clustering, and deep learning algorithms
Discover the advanced methods to analyze structured and unstructured data
Find out how to deploy a machine learning model in a production environment
Visualize the performance of models and the insights they produce
Scale your solutions as your data grows using Python
Ensure the robustness of your analytic applications by mastering the best practices of predictive

Who this course is written for:

This book is designed for business analysts, BI analysts, data scientists, or junior level data analysts
who are ready to move from a conceptual understanding of advanced analytics to an expert in designing
and building advanced analytics solutions using Python. You’re expected to have basic development
experience with Python.

Publisher's page

Large Scale Machine Learning with Python

By Bastiaan Sjardin, Luca Massaron, Alberto Boschetti

ISBN 13: 9781785887215 Packt Publishing 420 pages (August 2016) 81/104
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Book Overview:

This book takes you all the way to creating a fully fledged application by exploring the essentials of
programming, data structures and teaches you how to manipulate them. It then moves on to controlling
the flow of a program and writing reusable and error proof code. You will then explore different
programming paradigms that will allow you to find the best approach to any situation, and also learn how
to perform performance optimization as well as effective debugging. Throughout, the book steers you
through the various types of applications, and it concludes with a complete mini website built upon all the
concepts that you learned. * Get Python up and running on Windows, Mac, and Linux in no time.

Grasp the fundamental concepts of coding, along with the basics of data structures and control
Write elegant, reusable, and efficient code in any situation
Understand when to use the functional or the object oriented programming approach
Create bulletproof, reliable software by writing tests to support your code
Explore examples of GUIs, scripting, data science and web applications
Learn to be independent, capable of fetching any resource you need, as well as dig deeper

If you haven't already started setting up with Python, take advantage of this deal to ensure your Python
knowledge is the best it can be.

Publisher's page

Mastering Data Mining with Python – Find patterns hidden in your data

By Megan SquireISBN 13: 9781785889950 Packt Publishing 268 pages (August 2016)

Book overview:

In this book, you'll go deeper into many often overlooked areas of data mining, including association rule
mining, entity matching, network mining, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, text
summarization, topic modeling, and anomaly detection. For each data mining technique, we'll review the
state-of-the-art and current best practices before comparing a wide variety of strategies for solving each
problem. We will then implement example solutions using real-world data from the domain of software
engineering, and we will spend time learning how to understand and interpret the results we get. By the
end of this book, you will have solid experience implementing some of the most interesting and relevant
data mining techniques available today, and you will have achieved a greater fluency in the important
field of Python data analytics.

Explore techniques for finding frequent itemsets and association rules in large data sets
Learn identification methods for entity matches across many different types of data
Identify the basics of network mining and how to apply it to real-world data sets
Discover methods for detecting the sentiment of text and for locating named entities in text
Observe multiple techniques for automatically extracting summaries and generating topic models
for text
See how to use data mining to fix data anomalies and how to use machine learning to identify
outliers in a data set

Who this book is written for: 82/104
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This book is for data scientists who are already familiar with some basic data mining techniques such as
SQL and machine learning, and who are comfortable with Python. If you are ready to learn some more
advanced techniques in data mining in order to become a data mining expert, this is the book for you!

Publisher's page

Data Mining with Python: Implementing Classification and Regression [Video]

By Saimadhu Polamuri

ISBN 13: 9781785885716 Packt Publishing Course Length 2 hours and 3 minutes (July 2016)

Book overview:

In this course, you will discover the key concepts of data mining and learn how to apply different data
mining techniques to find the valuable insights hidden in real-world data. You will also tackle some
notorious data mining problems to get a concrete understanding of these techniques. We begin by
introducing you to the important data mining concepts and the Python libraries used for data mining. You
will understand the process of cleaning data and the steps involved in filtering out noise and ensuring
that the data available can be used for accurate analysis. You will also build your first intelligent
application that makes predictions from data. Then you will learn about the classification and regression
techniques such as logistic regression, k-NN classifier, and SVM, and implement them in real-world
scenarios such as predicting house prices and the number of TV show viewers.

By the end of this course, you will be able to apply the concepts of classification and regression using
Python and implement them in a real-world setting.

Understand the basic data mining concepts to implement efficient models using Python
Know how to use Python libraries and mathematical toolkits such as numpy, pandas, matplotlib,
and sci-kit learn
Build your first application that makes predictions from data and see how to evaluate the
regression model
Analyze and implement Logistic Regression and the KNN model
Dive into the most effective data cleaning process to get accurate results
Master the classification concepts and implement the various classification algorithms

Who this book is written for:

This is an ideal course for the beginners who are willing to step into data mining field.

Publisher's page

Python Data Analysis Cookbook

By Ivan Idris

ISBN 13: 9781785282287 Packt Publishing 462 pages (July 2016)

Book overview: 83/104
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Python Data Analysis Cookbook focuses on reproducibility and creating production-ready systems. You
will start with recipes that set the foundation for data analysis with libraries such as matplotlib, NumPy,
and pandas. You will learn to create visualizations by choosing color maps and palettes then dive into
statistical data analysis using distribution algorithms and correlations. You’ll then help you find your way
around different data and numerical problems, get to grips with Spark and HDFS, and then set up
migration scripts for web mining. In this book, you will dive deeper into recipes on spectral analysis,
smoothing, and bootstrapping methods. Moving on, you will learn to rank stocks and check market
efficiency, then work with metrics and clusters. You will achieve parallelism to improve system
performance by using multiple threads and speeding up your code.

By the end of the book, you will be capable of handling various data analysis techniques in Python and
devising solutions for problem scenarios.

Set up reproducible data analysis

Clean and transform data
Apply advanced statistical analysis
Create attractive data visualizations
Web scrape and work with databases, Hadoop, and Spark
Analyze images and time series data
Mine text and analyze social networks
Use machine learning and evaluate the results
Take advantage of parallelism and concurrency

Who this book is written for:

This book teaches Python data analysis at an intermediate level with the goal of transforming you from
journeyman to master. Basic Python and data analysis skills and affinity are assumed.

Publisher's Page

Mastering Social Media Mining with Python

By Marco Bonzanini

ISBN 13: 9781783552016 Packt Publishing 338 (July 2016)

Book overview:

Your social media is filled with a wealth of hidden data – unlock it with the power of Python. Transform
your understanding of your clients and customers when you use Python to solve the problems of
understanding consumer behavior and turning raw data into actionable customer insights. This book will
help you acquire and analyze data from leading social media sites. It will show you how to employ
scientific Python tools to mine popular social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Quora, and more.
Explore the Python libraries used for social media mining, and get the tips, tricks, and insider insight you
need to make the most of them. Discover how to develop data mining tools that use a social media API,
and how to create your own data analysis projects using Python for clear insight from your social data. *
Interact with a social media platform via their public API with Python

Store social data in a convenient format for data analysis

Slice and dice social data using Python tools for data science 84/104
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Apply text analytics techniques to understand what people are talking about on social media
Apply advanced statistical and analytical techniques to produce useful insights from data
Build beautiful visualizations with web technologies to explore data and present data products

Who this book is written for:

This book is for intermediate Python developers who want to engage with the use of public APIs to
collect data from social media platforms and perform statistical analysis in order to produce useful
insights from data. The book assumes a basic understanding of the Python Standard Library and
provides practical examples to guide you toward the creation of your data analysis project based on
social data.

Publisher's Page

Advanced Machine Learning with Python

By John Hearty

ISBN 13: 9781784398637 Packt Publishing 278 (July 2016)

Book overview:

Designed to take you on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning techniques in
use today by top data scientists, this book is just what you need to push your Python algorithms to
maximum potential. Clear examples and detailed code samples demonstrate deep learning techniques,
semi-supervised learning, and more - all whilst working with real-world applications that include image,
music, text, and financial data. The machine learning techniques covered in this book are at the forefront
of commercial practice. They are applicable now for the first time in contexts such as image recognition,
NLP and web search, computational creativity, and commercial/financial data modeling. Deep Learning
algorithms and ensembles of models are in use by data scientists at top tech and digital companies, but
the skills needed to apply them successfully, while in high demand, are still scarce. This book is
designed to take the reader on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning
techniques. Clear descriptions of how techniques work and detailed code examples demonstrate deep
learning techniques, semi-supervised learning and more, in real world applications. We will also learn
about NumPy and Theano. By this end of this book, you will learn a set of advanced Machine Learning
techniques and acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection & feature
engineering. Compete with top data scientists by gaining a practical and theoretical understanding of
cutting-edge deep learning algorithms

Apply your new found skills to solve real problems, through clearly-explained code for every
technique and test
Automate large sets of complex data and overcome time-consuming practical challenges
Improve the accuracy of models and your existing input data using powerful feature engineering
Use multiple learning techniques together to improve the consistency of results
Understand the hidden structure of datasets using a range of unsupervised techniques
Gain insight into how the experts solve challenging data problems with an effective, iterative, and
validation-focused approach 85/104
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Improve the effectiveness of your deep learning models further by using powerful ensembling
techniques to strap multiple models together

Who this book is written for:

This title is for Python developers and analysts or data scientists who are looking to add to their existing
skills by accessing some of the most powerful recent trends in data science. If you’ve ever considered
building your own image or text-tagging solution, or of entering a Kaggle contest for instance, this book
is for you! Prior experience of Python and grounding in some of the core concepts of machine learning
would be helpful.

Publisher's Page

Python Machine Learning Blueprints

By Alexander T. Combs

ISBN 13: 9781784394752 Packt Publishing 332 (July 2016)

Book overview:

Machine Learning is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us. But how
much do you really understand it? How confident are you interacting with the tools and models that drive
it? Python Machine Learning Blueprints puts your skills and knowledge to the test, guiding you through
the development of some awesome machine learning applications and algorithms with real-world
examples that demonstrate how to put concepts into practice. You’ll learn how to use cluster techniques
to discover bargain air fares, and apply linear regression to find yourself a cheap apartment – and much
more. Everything you learn is backed by a real-world example, whether its data manipulation or
statistical modelling. That way you’re never left floundering in theory – you’ll be simply collecting and
analyzing data in a way that makes a real impact. * Explore and use Python's impressive machine
learning ecosystem

Successfully evaluate and apply the most effective models to problems

Learn the fundamentals of NLP - and put them into practice
Visualize data for maximum impact and clarity
Deploy machine learning models using third party APIs
Get to grips with feature engineering

Who this book is written for:

Python programmers and data scientists - put your skills to the test with this practical guide dedicated to
real-world machine learning that makes a real impact.

Publisher's Page

Machine Learning for the Web

By Andrea Isoni

ISBN 13: 9781785886607 Packt Publishing 298 (July 2016) 86/104
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Book overview:

Python is a general purpose and also a comparatively easy to learn programming language. Hence it is
the language of choice for data scientists to prototype, visualize, and run data analyses on small and
medium-sized data sets. This is a unique book that helps bridge the gap between machine learning and
web development. It focuses on the difficulties of implementing predictive analytics in web applications.
We focus on the Python language, frameworks, tools, and libraries, showing you how to build a machine
learning system. You will explore the core machine learning concepts and then develop and deploy the
data into a web application using the Django framework. You will also learn to carry out web, document,
and server mining tasks, and build recommendation engines. Later, you will explore Python’s impressive
Django framework and will find out how to build a modern simple web app with machine learning
features. * Get familiar with the fundamental concepts and some of the jargons used in the machine
learning community

Use tools and techniques to mine data from websites

Grasp the core concepts of Django framework
Get to know the most useful clustering and classification techniques and implement them in Python
Acquire all the necessary knowledge to build a web application with Django
Successfully build and deploy a movie recommendation system application using the Django
framework in Python

Who this book is written for:

The book is aimed at upcoming and new data scientists who have little experience with machine
learning or users who are interested in and are working on developing smart (predictive) web
applications. Knowledge of Django would be beneficial. The reader is expected to have a background in
Python programming and good knowledge of statistics.

Publisher's Page

Effective Python Penetration Testing

By Rejah Rehim

ISBN 13: 9781785280696 Packt Publishing 164 (June 2016)

Book overview:

Penetration testing is a practice of testing a computer system, network or web application to find
weaknessess in security that an attacker can exploit. Effective Python Penetration Testing will help you
utilize your Python scripting skills to safeguard your networks from cyberattacks. We will begin by
providing you with an overview of Python scripting and penetration testing. You will learn to analyze
network traffic by writing Scapy scripts and will see how to fingerprint web applications with Python
libraries such as ProxMon and Spynner. Moving on, you will find put how to write basic attack scripts,
and will develop debugging and reverse engineering skills with Python libraries. Towards the end of the
book, you will discover how to utilize cryptography toolkits in Python and how to automate Pthon tools
and libraries.

Write Scapy scripts to investigate network traffic

Get to know application fingerprinting techniques with Python 87/104
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Understand the attack scripting techniques

Write fuxxing tools with pentesting requirements
Learn basic attack scripting methods
Utilize cryptographic toolkits in Python

Who this book is written for:

This book is ideal for those who are comfortable with Python or a similar language and need no help
with basic programming concepts, but want to understand the basics of penetration testing and the
problems pentesters face.

Publisher's Page

Mastering Natural Language Processing with Python

By Deepti Chopra, Nisheeth Joshi, Iti Mathur

ISBN 13: 9781783989041 Packt Publishing 238 pages (June 2016)

Book overview:

This book will give you expertise on how to employ various NLP tasks in Python, giving you an insight
into the best practices when designing and building NLP-based applications using Python. It will help
you become an expert in no time and assist you in creating your own NLP projects using NLTK. You will
sequentially be guided through applying machine learning tools to develop various models. We’ll give
you clarity on how to create training data and how to implement major NLP applications such as Named
Entity Recognition, Question Answering System, Discourse Analysis, Transliteration, Word Sense
disambiguation, Information Retrieval, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization, and Anaphora

Implement string matching algorithms and normalization techniques

Implement statistical language modeling techniques
Get an insight into developing a stemmer, lemmatizer, morphological analyzer, and morphological
Develop a search engine and implement POS tagging concepts and statistical modeling concepts
involving the n gram approach
Familiarize yourself with concepts such as the Treebank construct, CFG construction, the CYK
Chart Parsing algorithm, and the Earley Chart Parsing algorithm
Develop an NER-based system and understand and apply the concepts of sentiment analysis
Understand and implement the concepts of Information Retrieval and text summarization
Develop a Discourse Analysis System and Anaphora Resolution based system

Who this book is written for:

This book is for intermediate level developers in NLP with a reasonable knowledge level and
understanding of Python.

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Mastering Python Data Analysis

By Magnus Vilhelm Persson, Luiz Felipe Martins

ISBN 13: 9781783553297 Packt Publishing 284 pages (June 2016)

Book overview:

Python, a multi-paradigm programming language, has become the language of choice for data scientists
for data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. Through this comprehensive guide, you will
explore data and present results and conclusions from statistical analysis in a meaningful way. You’ll be
able to quickly and accurately perform the hands-on sorting, reduction, and subsequent analysis, and
fully appreciate how data analysis methods can support business decision-making. You’ll start off by
learning about the tools available for data analysis in Python and will then explore the statistical models
that are used to identify patterns in data. Gradually, you’ll move on to review statistical inference using
Python, Pandas, and SciPy. After that, we’ll focus on performing regression using computational tools
and you’ll get to understand the problem of identifying clusters in data in an algorithmic way. Finally, we
delve into advanced techniques to quantify cause and effect using Bayesian methods and you’ll discover
how to use Python’s tools for supervised machine learning.

Read, sort and map various data into Python and Panda
Recognise patterns so you can understand and explore data
Use statistical models to discover patterns in data
Review classical statistical inference using Python, Pandas, and SciPy
Detect similarities and differences in data with clustering
Clean your data to make it useful
Work in Jupyter Notebook to produce publication ready figures to be included in reports

Who this book is written for:

This book is for intermediate level developers in NLP with a reasonable knowledge level and
understanding of Python.

Publisher's Page

Python: Real-World Data Science

By Dusty Phillips

ISBN 13: 9781786465160 Packt Publishing 1255 pages (June 2016)

Course overview:

The Python: Real-World Data Science course will take you on a journey to become an efficient data
science practitioner by thoroughly understanding the key concepts of Python. This learning path is
divided into four modules and each module are a mini course in their own right, and as you complete
each one, you’ll have gained key skills and be ready for the material in the next module.

Install and setup Python.

Implement objects in Python by creating classes and defining methods. 89/104
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Get acquainted with NumPy to use it with arrays and array-oriented computing in data analysis.
Create effective visualizations for presenting your data using Matplotlib.
Process and analyze data using the time series capabilities of pandas.
Interact with different kind of database systems, such as file, disk format, Mongo, and Redis.
Apply data mining concepts to real-world problems.
Compute on big data, including real-time data from the Internet.

Publisher's page

Learning Predictive Analytics with Python

By Ashish Kumar

ISBN 13: 9781783983261 Packt Publishing 354 pages (February 2016)

Book overview:

This book is your guide to getting started with Predictive Analytics using Python. You will see how to
process data and make predictive models from it. With the balance of both statistical and mathematical
concepts, and implement them in Python using libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, and numpy. You’ll
start by getting an understanding of the basics of predictive modeling, then you will see how to cleanse
your data of impurities and get it ready it for predictive modeling. You will also learn more about the best
predictive modeling algorithms such as Linear Regression, Decision Trees, and Logistic Regression.
Finally, you will see the best practices in predictive modeling, as well as the different applications of
predictive modeling in the modern world.

Understand the statistical and mathematical concepts behind Predictive Analytics algorithms and
implement Predictive Analytics algorithms using Python libraries.
Analyze the result parameters arising from the implementation of Predictive Analytics algorithms.
Write Python modules/functions from scratch to execute segments or the whole of these
Recognize and mitigate various contingencies and issues related to the implementation of
Predictive Analytics algorithms.
Get to know various methods of importing, cleaning, sub-setting, merging, joining, concatenating,
exploring, grouping, and plotting data with pandas and numpy.
Create dummy datasets and simple mathematical simulations using the Python numpy and pandas
Understand the best practices while handling datasets in Python and creating predictive models
out of them.

Who this book is written for:

If you wish to learn how to implement Predictive Analytics algorithms using Python libraries, then this is
the book for you. If you are familiar with coding in Python (or some other
programming/statistical/scripting language) but have never used or read about Predictive Analytics
algorithms, this book will also help you. The book will be beneficial to and can be read by any Data
Science enthusiasts. Some familiarity with Python will be useful to get the most out of this book, but it is
certainly not a prerequisite. 90/104
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Publisher's page

Expert Python Programming – Second Edition

By Michał Jaworski, Tarek Ziadé

ISBN 13: 9781785886850 Packt Publishing 536 pages (May 2016)

Book overview:

The focus of the book is to familiarize you with common conventions, best practices, useful tools and
standards used by python professionals on a daily basis when working with code.You will begin with
knowing new features in Python 3.5 and quick tricks for improving productivity. Next, you will learn
advanced and useful python syntax elements brought to this new version. Using advanced object-
oriented concepts and mechanisms available in python, you will learn different approaches to implement
metaprogramming. You will learn to choose good names, write packages, and create standalone
executables easily. You will also be using some powerful tools such as buildout and vitualenv to release
and deploy the code on remote servers for production use. Moving on, you will learn to effectively create
Python extensions with C, C++, cython, and pyrex. The important factors while writing code such as
code management tools, writing clear documentation, and test-driven development are also covered.
You will now dive deeper to make your code efficient with general rules of optimization, strategies for
finding bottlenecks, and selected tools for application optimization.

By the end of this book, you will be able to be an expert in writing efficient and maintainable code.

Conventions and best practices that are widely adopted in the python community.
Package python code effectively for community and production use.
Easy and lightweight ways to automate code deployment on remote systems.
Improve your code’s quality, reliability, and performance.
Write concurrent code in python.

Who this book is written for:

The book would appeal to web developers and Python programmers who want to start using version 3.5
and write code efficiently. Basic knowledge of Python programming is expected.

Publisher's page

Internet of Things with Python

By Gastón C. Hillar

ISBN 13: 9781785881381 Packt Publishing 388 pages (May 2016)

Book overview:

This book lets you stay at the forefront of cutting-edge research on IoT. We'll open up the possibilities
using tools that enable you to interact with the world, such as Intel Galileo Gen 2, sensors, and other
hardware. You will learn how to read, write, and convert digital values to generate analog output by
programming Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in Python. You will get familiar with the complex 91/104
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communication system included in the board, so you can interact with any shield, actuator, or sensor.
Later on, you will not only see how to work with data received from the sensors, but also perform actions
by sending them to a specific shield. You'll be able to connect your IoT device to the entire world, by
integrating WiFi, Bluetooth, and Internet settings. With everything ready, you will see how to work in real
time on your IoT device using the MQTT protocol in python. By the end of the book, you will be able to
develop IoT prototypes with Python, libraries, and tools.

Prototype and develop IoT solutions from scratch with Python as the programming language.
Develop IoT projects with Intel Galileo Gen 2 board along with Python.
Work with the different components included in the boards using Python and the MRAA library.
Interact with sensors, actuators, and shields.
Work with UART and local storage.
Interact with any electronic device that supports the I2C bus.
Allow mobile devices to interact with the board.
Work with real-time IoT and cloud services.

Who this book is written for:

The book is ideal for Python developers who want to explore the tools in the Python ecosystem in order
to build their own IoT applications and work on IoT-related projects. It is also a very useful resource for
developers with experience in other programming languages that want to easily prototype IoT
applications with the Intel Galileo Gen 2 board.

Publisher's page

Python Geospatial Development - Third Edition

By Erik Westra

ISBN 13: 9781785288937 Packt Publishing 446 pages (May 2016)

Book overview:

This book provides an overview of the major geospatial concepts, data sources, and toolkits. It starts by
showing you how to store and access spatial data using Python, how to perform a range of spatial
calculations, and how to store spatial data in a database. Further on, the book teaches you how to build
your own slippy map interface within a web application, and finishes with the detailed construction of a
geospatial data editor using the GeoDjango framework.By the end of this book, you will be able to
confidently use Python to write your own geospatial applications ranging from quick, one-off utilities to
sophisticated web-based applications using maps and other geospatial data.

Access, manipulate, and display geospatial data from within your Python programs.
Master the core geospatial concepts of location, distance, units, projections, and datums.
Read and write geospatial data in both vector and raster format.
Perform complex, real-world geospatial calculations using Python.
Store and access geospatial information in a database.
Use points, lines, and polygons within your Python programs.
Convert geospatial data into attractive maps using Python-based tools.

Who this book is written for: 92/104
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This book is for experienced Python developers who want to learn about geospatial concepts, obtain
and work with geospatial data, solve spatial problems, and build sophisticated map-based applications
using Python.

Publisher's page

Mastering IPython 4.0

By Thomas Bitterman

ISBN 13: 9781785888410 Packt Publishing 382 pages (May 2016)

Book overview:

This book will get IPython developers up to date with the latest advancements in IPython and dive deep
into interactive computing with IPython. This an advanced guide on interactive and parallel computing
with IPython will explore advanced visualizations and high-performance computing with IPython in detail.
You will quickly brush up your knowledge of IPython kernels and wrapper kernels, then we'll move to
advanced concepts such as testing, Sphinx, JS events, interactive work, and the ZMQ cluster. The book
will cover topics such as IPython Console Lexer, advanced configuration, and third-party tools.

Develop skills to use IPython for high performance computing (HPC).

Understand the IPython interactive shell.
Use XeroMQ and MPI to pass messages.
Integrate third-party tools like R, Julia, and JavaScript with IPython.
Visualize the data.
Acquire knowledge to test and document the data.

Who this book is written for:

This book is for IPython deelopers who want to make the most of IPython and perform advanced
scientific computing with IPython utilizing the ease of interactive computing. It is ideal for users who wish
to learn about the interactive and parallel computing properties of IPython 4.0, along with its integration
with third-party tools and concepts such as testing and documenting results.

Publisher's page

Practical Machine Learning

By Sunila Gollapudi

ISBN 13: 9781784399689 Packt Publishing 468 pages (January 2016)

Book overview:

This book explores an extensive range of machine learning techniques uncovering hidden tricks and tips
for several types of data using practical and real-world examples. While machine learning can be highly
theoretical, this book offers a refreshing hands-on approach without losing sight of the underlying 93/104
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principles. Inside, a full exploration of the various algorithms gives you high-quality guidance so you can
begin to see just how effective machine learning is at tackling contemporary challenges of big data.

Implement a wide range of algorithms and techniques for tackling complex data.
Get to grips with some of the most powerful languages in data science, including R, Python, and
Harness the capabilities of Spark and Hadoop to manage and process data successfully.
Apply the appropriate machine learning technique to address real-world problems.
Get acquainted with Deep learning and find out how neural networks are being used at the cutting-
edge of machine learning.

Who this book is written for:

This book has been created for data scientists who want to see machine learning in action and explore
its real-world application. With guidance on everything from the fundamentals of machine learning and
predictive analytics to the latest innovations set to lead the big data revolution into the future, this is an
unmissable resource for anyone dedicated to tackling current big data challenges. Knowledge of
programming (Python and R) and mathematics is advisable if you want to get started immediately.

Publisher's page

Mastering Python

By Rick van Hattem

ISBN 13: 9781785289729 Packt Publishing 486 pages (April 2016)

Book overview:

This book is an authoritative guide that will help you learn new advanced methods in a clear and
contextualised way. It starts off by creating a project-specific environment using venv, introducing you to
different Pythonic syntax and common pitfalls before moving on to cover the functional features in
Python. It covers how to create different decorators, generators, and metaclasses. It also introduces you
to functools.wraps and coroutines and how they work. Later on you will learn to use asyncio module for
asynchronous clients and servers.

Create a virtualenv and start a new project

Understand how and when to use the functional programming paradigm
Get familiar with the different ways the decorators can be written in
Understand the power of generators and coroutines without digressing into lambda calculus
Create metaclasses and how it makes working with Python far easier
Generate HTML documentation out of documents and code using Sphinx
Learn how to track and optimize application performance, both memory and cpu
Use the multiprocessing library, not just locally but also across multiple machines

Who this book is written for:

Almost anyone can learn to write working script and create high quality code but they might lack a
structured understanding of what it means to be 'Pythonic'. If you are a Python programmer who wants 94/104
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to code efficiently by getting the syntax and usage of a few intricate Python techniques exactly right, this
book is for you.

Publisher's page

Distributed Computing with Python

By Francesco Pierfederici

ISBN 13: 9781785889691 Packt Publishing 170 pages (April 2016)

Book overview:

This book will teach you how to perform parallel execution of computations by distributing them across
multiple processors in a single machine, thus improving the overall performance of a big data processing

Get an introduction to parallel and distributed computing

See synchronous and asynchronous programming
Explore parallelism in Python
Distributed application with Celery
Python in the Cloud
Python on an HPC cluster
Test and debug distributed applications

Who this book is written for:

This book is for Python developers who have developed Python programs for data processing and now
want to learn how to write fast, efficient programs that perform CPU-intensive data processing tasks.

Publisher's page

Designing Machine Learning Systems with Python

By David Julian

ISBN 13: 9781785882951 Packt Publishing 232 pages (April 2016)

Book overview:

Gain an understanding of the machine learning design process

Optimize machine learning systems for improved accuracy
Understand common programming tools and techniques for machine learning
Develop techniques and strategies for dealing with large amounts of data from a variety of sources
Build models to solve unique tasks

Who this book is written for:

This book is for data scientists, scientists, or just the curious. 95/104
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Publisher's page

Flask By Example

By Gareth Dwyer

ISBN 13: 9781785286933 Packt Publishing 276 Pages (March 2016)

Book overview:

Build three web applications from the ground up using the powerful Python micro framework,
Dynamically display data to your viewers, based on their requests.
Store user and static data in SQL and NoSQL databases and use this data to power your web
Create a good user experience by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Harness the convenience of freely available APIs, including OpenWeatherMap, Open Exchange
Rates, and bitly.
Extend your applications to build advanced functionality, such as a user account control system
using Flask-Login.
Learn about web application security and defend against common attacks, such as SQL injection
and XSS.

Who this book is for

This book is aimed at developers and hobbyists who have some knowledge of Python but no knowledge
of the micro-framework Flask.

Publisher's page

Learning Python Web Penetration Testing -Video Course

By Christian Martorella

ISBN 13: 9781785280351 Packt Publishing 2 hours and 50 minutes (March 2016)

Video Course overview:

Understand the web application penetration testing methodology and toolkit.

Interact with web applications using Python and the Requests library.
Intercept and manipulate HTTP communication using Mitmproxy.

Who this video course is for

This video is for web developers who want to step into the web application security testing world.
Familiarity with Python is essential, but not to an expert level.

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Learning Cython Programming - Second Edition

By Philip Herron

ISBN 13: 9781783551675 Packt Publishing 110 pages (February 2016)

Book overview:

This new edition of Learning Cython Programming shows you how to get started, taking you through the
fundamentals so you can begin to experience its unique powers.

Reuse Python logging in C

Make an IRC bot out of your C application
Extend an application so you have a web server for rest calls
Practice Cython against your C++ code
Discover tricks to work with Python ConfigParser in C
Create Python bindings for native libraries
Find out about threading and concurrency related to GIL
Expand Terminal Multiplexer Tmux with Cython

Who this book is for

This book is for developers who are familiar with the basics of C and Python programming and wish to
learn Cython programming to extend their applications.

Publisher's page

Web API Development with Flask-Video Course

By Gergo Bogdan

ISBN 13: 9781783551750 Packt Publishing 1 hour and 40 minutes (February 2016)

Video Course overview:

Understand the fundamental capabilities of the Flask framework.

You will learn how to test APIs written in Python with the support of Flask.
Design and develop large applications independently from Flask.

Who this video course is for

This video is for web developers who want to build RESTful web APIs using Flask with
Python.Developers should be familiar with Python and basic web concepts, such as HTTP verbs and
JSON, and should possess basic database knowledge in order to understand SQLAlchemy concepts.

Publisher's page

Regression Analysis with Python

By Luca Massaron, Alberto Boschetti 97/104
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ISBN 13: 9781785286315 Packt Publishing 312 pages (February 2016)

Book overview:

Apply multiple linear regression to real-world problems.

Create an observation matrix, using different techniques of data analysis and cleaning.
Learn to scale linear models to a big dataset and deal with incremental data.

Who this book is written for

The book targets Python developers, with a basic understanding of data science, statistics, and math,
who want to learn how to do regression analysis on a dataset. It is beneficial if you have some
knowledge of statistics and data science.

Publisher's page

Deep Learning with Python-Video Course

By Eder Santana

ISBN 13: 9781785883873 Packt Publishing 1 Hour 45 Minutes (February 2016)

Video Course overview:

Learn the fundamentals of Machine Learning and build your own intelligent applications.
Implement automatic image recognition and text analysis models using Deep learning.
Get to know each concept along with its practical implementation.

Who this video course is for

This course is for developers looking for free, open source deep learning solutions for media (image and
text) classification. It is also aimed for senior undergrad and first year grad students beginning in the field
of Deep Learning.

Publisher's page

Learning Predictive Analytics with Python

By Ashish Kumar

ISBN 13: 9781783983261 Packt Publishing 354 pages (February 2016)

Book overview:

A step-by-step guide to predictive modeling.

Get to grips with the basics of Predictive Analytics with Python.
Learn how to use the popular predictive modeling algorithms such as Linear Regression, Decision
Trees, Logistic Regression, and Clustering.

Who this book is written for 98/104
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If you wish to learn how to implement Predictive Analytics algorithms using Python libraries, then this is
the book for you

Publisher's page

Learning Python Design Patterns - Second Edition

By Chetan Giridhar

ISBN 13: 9781785888038 Packt Publishing 164 pages (February 2016)

Book overview:

Implement real-world scenarios with Python’s latest release, Python v3.5.

Learn about Singleton patterns, Factory patterns, and Façade patterns in detail.
Enhance your professional abilities in software architecture, design, and development.

Who this book is written for

This book is written for intermediate Python programmers.

Publisher's page

PySide GUI Application Development - Second Edition

By Gopinath Jaganmohan, Venkateshwaran Loganathan

ISBN 13: 9781785282454 Packt Publishing 144 pages (January 2016)

Book overview:

Designed for beginners to help you get started with GUI application development.
Develop your own applications by creating customized widgets and dialogues.
Written in a simple and elegant structure so you easily understand how to program various GUI

Who this book is written for

This book is written for Python programmers who want to learn about GUI programming.

Publisher's page

Geospatial Development By Example with Python

By Pablo Carreira

ISBN 13: 9781785282355 Packt Publishing 340 pages (January 2016)

Book overview: 99/104
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Learn the full geo-processing workflow using Python with open source packages
Create press-quality styled maps and data visualization with high-level and reusable code
Process massive datasets efficiently using parallel processing

Who this book is written for

Geospatial Development By Example with Python is intended for beginners or advanced developers in
Python who want to work with geographic data.

Publisher's page

Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi

By Dan Nixon

ISBN 13: 9781783551590 Packt Publishing 200 pages (September 2015)

Book overview:

Learn the fundamentals of Python scripting and application programming

Design user-friendly command-line and graphical user interfaces
A step-by-step guide to learning Python programming with the Pi

Who this book is written for

This book is designed for those who are unfamiliar with the art of Python development and want to get to
know their way round the language and the many additional libraries that allow you to get a full
application up and running in no time.

Publisher's page

Learning Python

By Fabrizio Romano

ISBN 13: 9781783551712 Packt Publishing 442 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Learn the fundamentals of programming with Python – one of the best languages ever created
Develop a strong set of programming skills that you will be able to express in any situation, on
every platform, thanks to Python’s portability
Create outstanding applications of all kind, from websites to scripting, and from GUIs to data

Who this book is written for

Python is the most popular introductory teaching language in U.S. top computer science universities, so
if you are new to software development, or maybe you have little experience, and would like to start off
on the right foot, then this language and this book are what you need. 100/104
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Publisher's page

Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python - Second Edition

By Joel Lawhead

ISBN 13: 9781783552429 Packt Publishing 394 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Construct applications for GIS development by exploiting Python

This focuses on built-in Python modules and libraries compatible with the Python Packaging Index
distribution system—no compiling of C libraries necessary
This practical, hands-on tutorial teaches you all about Geospatial analysis in Python

Who this book is written for

If you are a Python developer, researcher, or analyst who wants to perform Geospatial, modeling, and
GIS analysis with Python, then this book is for you.

Publisher's page

Python Unlocked

By Arun Tigeraniya

ISBN 13: 9781785885990 Packt Publishing 172 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Write smarter, bug-free, high performance code with minimal effort

Uncover the best tools and options available to Python developers today
Deploy decorators, design patters, and various optimization techniques to use Python 3.5

Who this book is written for

If you are a Python developer and you think that you don’t know everything about the language yet, then
this is the book for you.

Publisher's page

wxPython Application Development Cookbook

By Cody Precord

ISBN 13: 9781785287732 Packt Publishing 264 pages (December 2015)

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This book empowers you to create rich cross-platform graphical user interfaces using Python
It helps you develop applications that can be deployed on Windows, OSX, and Linux
The recipes in the book involve real-world applications, giving you a first-hand experience of the
practical scenarios

Who this book is written for

For those who are familiar with programming in Python and want to start building applications with
graphical user interfaces, this book will get you up and running quickly.

Publisher's page

Spark for Python Developers

By Amit Nandi

ISBN 13: 9781784399696 Packt Publishing 206 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Set up real-time streaming and batch data intensive infrastructure using Spark and Python
Deliver insightful visualizations in a web app using Spark (PySpark)
Inject live data using Spark Streaming with real-time events

Who this book is written for

This book is for data scientists and software developers with a focus on Python who want to work with
the Spark engine, and it will also benefit Enterprise Architects.

Publisher's page

Python Business Intelligence Cookbook

By Robert Dempsey

ISBN 13: 9781785287466 Packt Publishing 202 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Want to minimize risk and optimize profits of your business? Learn to create efficient analytical
reports with ease using this highly practical, easy-to-follow guide
Learn to apply Python for business intelligence tasks—preparing, exploring, analyzing, visualizing
and reporting—in order to make more informed business decisions using data at hand
Learn to explore and analyze business data, and build business intelligence dashboards with the
help of various insightful recipes

Who this book is written for

This book is intended for data analysts, managers, and executives with a basic knowledge of Python,
who now want to use Python for their BI tasks. 102/104
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Publisher's page

Building Python Real time Applications with Storm

By Kartik Bhatnagar, Barry Hart

ISBN 13: 9781784392857 Packt Publishing 122 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Learn to use Apache Storm and the Python Petrel library to build distributed applications that
process large streams of data
Explore sample applications in real-time and analyze them in the popular NoSQL databases
MongoDB and Redis
Discover how to apply software development best practices to improve performance, productivity,
and quality in your Storm projects

Who this book is written for

This book is intended for Python developers who want to benefit from Storm’s real-time data processing

Publisher's page

Python GUI Programming Cookbook

By Burkhard A. Meier

ISBN 13: 9781785283758 Packt Publishing 350 pages (December 2015)

Book overview:

Use object-oriented programming to develop amazing GUIs in Python

Create a working GUI project as a central resource for developing your Python GUIs
Packed with easy-to-follow recipes to help you develop code using the latest released version of

Who this book is written for

If you are a Python programmer with intermediate level knowledge of GUI programming

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