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Bec OTT ae MYSTRENGTHBOOK Wiehe M2 1 IR | BASICS START WORKING OUT WITH INTELLIGENT TRAINING DATA. Build workouts, track training data, and achieve your strength goals. n © 2017 MyStrenathBook, ie. All rights reserved. SLR CL ( MYSTRENGTHBOOK THE METRICS BASICS aN) SrorRt TS Rohan ae Cn BULAN) OVERLOAD YOUR VOLUME CT rr ao Re 3 ETN enn tay eee eee eee can Peer ere fe ee en oa ana ee) elo inear Volume Increases with Static Intensities See eae eee ee eee eta ed ee eer Men Pee een es ee eter Peete eee ae ee caer) Volume well above baseline with disproportionate relative intensity Pee eee ee ee ee eT or SL oy Seon Sete te eee Sees A oTRU EN) Be) Pee aed Bnet) Derma PCa ee Ly aT lg MY STRENGTH BOOK Be] Ba ord -D or) Chapter 1 DEFINITION OF VOLUME VOLUME is one of the most im work’ is do! ‘gue or recovery created. Do too much volume? You put yourself in a recovery d injury, Do too little volume? You put yourself in ar insufficient stimulus for new a it, winich might lead to ining, burnout, o ich might How to Calculate Volume Caleutat ight forward. Volume = Number of sets * number of reps * bar load ‘So someone who does 5 sets of 5 reps at Z1Sibs would complete 7.875Ibs of volume. Ssets * 5 reps * 31Slbs = 7.875ibs total volume Tracking volume We know that as we train, the result of one workout or Jocks, That's wy it's key to track volume aver dlfferer ining week miat ‘time p mpact more training days and + Dally Volume: The amount of volume completed within a single training session. + Weekly Volume: The amount of volume completed over a full training week. + Monthly Volume: The amount of v lume completed over a mor th, a training cycle How do you put context to your volume? track net only your total v time. If you had a fantas came from, right? lume but also the factors thatmake up your uoek of training, or set a new personal Lucky for you, we can freak volume into 3 elemen Rel ive Intensity. This considers the intensities and rep ranges used to achieve your total volume + Volume Split by Core Lift This shows how much of v ur volume was achieved over squat, bench, and deadlift movements. + Baseline Volume: This compares your total current volume with the average amount of volume you typically handle reel more in Chapt

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