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Validation of the Research Instrument

Healy & Perry (2000), explain that validity determines whether the research
truly measures that which it was intended to measure or how truthful the
research results are. It estimates how accurately the data obtained in the study
represents a given variable or construct in the study (Mugenda, 2008). The survey
questionnaire was used as the study tool for data collection from the respondents
in Skintimates Inc., which consists of series questions and other prompt that can
be used in gathering information.
In this case, it was decided to take personal interview to the System
Provider, who implemented the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in
Skintimates Inc. to validate the questionnaire as a measuring instrument in order
for it to be an appropriate tool and to test the quality of the questionnaire. The
instrument measured what it was intended to measure (Mugenda & Mgenda,

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