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3, MARCH 1997 353

Causal Ordering in Distributed Mobile Systems

Sridhar Alagar and S. Venkatesan, Member, IEEE

Abstract—There is a growing trend in using mobile computing environment for several applications, and it is important that the
mobile systems are provided adequate support both at the systems level and at the communication level. Causal ordering is a useful
property, particularly in applications that involve human interactions. (Such applications are common in mobile computing
environments.) In this paper, we present three algorithms for causal ordering in mobile sytems. The first algorithm handles the
resource constraints of the mobile hosts, but the system is not easily scalable with respect to the number of mobile hosts and is not
graceful to host disconnections and connections. Our second algorithm eliminates the above disadvantages at the cost of inhibiting
some messages. The third algorithm is a combination of the first two algorithms.

Index Terms—Mobile computing, asynchrony, causal ordering, message overhead, communication complexity.

—————————— ✦ ——————————

1.1 Motivation
T HE emergence of PDAs, PCS, wireless LAN, etc., has
made mobile computing widely realizable in practice.
The mobility of hosts poses various challenges and prob-
Any of the existing algorithms for causal ordering in static
hosts can be executed by every mobile host, and all the
lems in designing distributed algorithms. Many of the dis- relevant data structures can be stored in the mobile hosts.
tributed algorithms designed for static hosts cannot be di- But while designing algorithms for mobile systems, the
rectly used for mobile systems due to the change in physi- following factors must be taken into account.
cal connectivity, resource constraints of mobile hosts, and
F1. The capability of mobile hosts may be very limited in
limited bandwidth of the wireless links [5]. This has
terms of the disk space and processing power [4]. The
spawned a considerable amount of research in mobile com-
amount of computation performed by a mobile host
puting: from designing communication protocols [1], [8],
should be low.
[18] to providing fault tolerance [3], [10]. In this paper, we
F2. The available bandwidth is low and the cost of mes-
consider the problem of providing a particular kind of
sage transmission is high in the wireless medium
communication support, namely, causally ordered message
compared to the wired medium [13]. So the commu-
delivery to mobile hosts.
nication overhead in the wireless medium should be
One of the fundamental problems in distributed com-
puting is controlling the nondeterminism. Nondeterminism
F3. The number of mobile hosts (MHs) may not be
arises due to the asynchronous nature of the hosts and the
known in advance and it may be substantially larger
communication medium [15]. In order to reduce the non-
than the number of mobile support stations (MSSs).
determinism in the communication medium, Birman and
Hence it is desirable to design algorithms such that
Joseph [7] first proposed causal ordering for message deliv-
the overhead (communication and computation) does
ery. Consider two messages m and m¢ sent to the same des-
not increase with the number of mobile hosts.
tination such that sending of m “happened before” sending
F4. A mobile host may often disconnect itself from the
of m¢. Causal ordering is obeyed if m is received before m¢ is
network and reconnect at a later time. Algorithms de-
signed for mobile systems should be able to easily han-
Causal ordering is very useful in several applications
dle the effect of host disconnections and connections.
like management of replicated data, resource allocation,
monitoring a distributed system, USENET, etc. [2], [6], [15], If mobile hosts are made to execute the traditional causal
[19]. Causal ordering is best suited for applications that ordering algorithms (by storing the relevant data structures
involve human interactions from several locations [19], in the mobile hosts), none of the above factors (F1–F4) can
which are typical in mobile systems. Some of the major ap- be satisfied. To keep the computation performed by mobile
plications of distributed mobile systems, at present and in hosts and the cost of wireless communication low, MSSs
future, include providing information, stock trading, tele- can execute some tasks on behalf of the MHs. We present
conferencing, etc., it is undesirable for a user to receive three algorithms for causal ordering in mobile systems.
messages out of causal order. In the first algorithm, MSSs store the relevant data
structures of the MHs and execute the causal ordering algo-
rithm on behalf of the MHs in their cells. The algorithm
———————————————— satifies factors F1 and F2. The message overhead (length of
• The authors are with the Department of Computer Science, University of the header ) is proportional to the square of the number
Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083. of mobile hosts. Thus, factor F3 is not satisfied. Also, the
E-mail: {sridhar, venky}
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number C97025. 1. Header of a message is the extra information sent with the message to
maintain causal ordering.
0018-9340/97/$10.00 ©1997 IEEE


Algorithm Size of message header “handoff” Complexity “inhibition”

Algorithm 1 O(nh2 ) integers O(1) messages No

Algorithm 2 O(ns2 ) integers O(ns) messages Yes

Algorithm 3 O( k * ns2 ) integers O(k * ns) messages decreases as k increases
nh @ ns, k ≥ 1

algorithm does not handle hosts disconnections and con- finite amount of time to deliver messages. (Though a physi-
nections (factor F4) very well and is not easily scalable. cal wireless medium does not take an arbitrary amount of
Algorithm 2 eliminates the problems in Algorithm 1. The time, the end-to-end delay for a message from an MH to its
size of the message header is proportional to the square of MSS could be arbitrary due to message retransmission and
the number of MSSs. Since the size of the header does not queuing delays.) A mobile host can migrate from one cell to
vary with the number of mobile hosts, the algorithm is scal- another cell at any time.
able (with respect to the number of the mobile hosts) and EXAMPLE. An example of a distributed mobile system is
host disconnections/connections do not pose any problem. shown in Fig. 1. s1, s2, and s3 are three MSSs connected
But there may be some “inhibition” in delivering the mes- by wired channels. h1, h2, and h3 are three mobile
sages to the mobile hosts. Our experimental results suggest hosts. Initially, h1 and h3 are in the cell of s1, and h2 is
that delay due to inhibition is less than the delay involved in the cell of s3. Let MH h1 move from the cell of MSS
in transmitting and processing the long header (of each s1 to the cell of s2 as shown in Fig. 1. h1 discovers that
message) used in Algorithm 1. Also, the load placed on the it is in the cell of s2 after receiving the beacon [8]
MSSs is less than that of Algorithm 1, because an MSS need broadcast by s2. MH h1 informs MSS s2 of h1’s id and
not maintain the data structures on behalf of each mobile the id of its previous MSS s1. A handoff procedure is
host in its cell. then executed between s2 and s1. MSS s2 informs s1
Algorithm 3 is a hybrid algorithm and exhibits a trade- about h1’s migration and receives the relevant infor-
off between Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2. Every MSS is mation (associated with h1) from MSS s1.
partioned into k logical MSSs to reduce the delay due to
“inhibition” in delivering the messages to MHs. However, k
cannot be large as this will increase the message overhead.
A summary of our analytical results is shown in Table 1.


A distributed mobile system consists of a set of mobile hosts
and static hosts. A mobile host (MH) is a host whose geo-
graphical location can change with time while retaining its
connectivity to the network [8]. A static host is a host whose
physical location does not change. A static host can also be
a mobile support station (MSS). An MSS has the necessary Fig. 1. Mobile system.
infrastructures to support and communicate with the MHs.
For simplicity, we assume that the system consists of only
A mobile host can disconnect itself from the network by
MSSs and MHs. A static host can be considered as an MH
sending a disconnect message to its current MSS and can
that does not move.
reconnect at a later time by sending a connect message. If an
An MSS communicates with the MHs through a wireless
MSS receives a message destined for any of the discon-
channel. The geographical area within which an MSS com-
nected mobile hosts, the message can be stored and deliv-
municates with MHs is called a cell. An MH can communi-
ered to mobile host after it reconnects, or the message can
cate directly with an MSS only if the MH is located in the
be discarded, depending on the application.
cell of the MSS. A mobile host may belong to at most one
An event in a host may be a send event (sending a mes-
cell at any time. Mobile hosts communicate with other hosts
2 sage to another host), a receive event (receiving a message
through their MSSs. MSSs are connected among them-
from a host), or an internal event which does not involve
selves using wired channels. The MSSs and the wired
communication. Let send(m) be the event that corresponds
channels constitute the static network. We assume that a
to the sending of message m and recv(m) be the event that
logical channel exists between every pair of MSSs. These
corresponds to the receipt of m. Events are ordered by
logical channels need not be FIFO channels, whereas the
Lamport’s “happened before” relation Æ [12]. For any two
wireless channels obey the FIFO property. Both wired and
events e and e¢, e Æ e¢ is true if
wireless channels are reliable and take an arbitrary, but
1) e and e¢ are two events in the same host and e occurs
before e¢ or
2. The MSS of an MH is the MSS in whose cell the MH is located.

2) e corresponds to sending a message m and e¢ corre- DELIVi[j] is incremented by 1, SENTi[j, i] is set to ST[j, i] + 1,
sponds to the receipt of m or and, finally, SENTi[i, j] is set to max(ST[i, j], SENTi[i, j]) for all
3) there exists an event e¢¢ such that e Æ e¢¢ and e¢¢ Æ e¢. i, j. If not, M is buffered till DELIVi[k] ≥ ST[k, i] for 1 £ k £ N.
Causal ordering of message delivery is obeyed if, for any two EXAMPLE. Consider the sample execution consisting of three
messages m and m¢ that have the same destination, send(m) hosts shown in Fig. 2. Host P1 sends message (m1, SENT1)
Æ send(m¢) implies that recv(m) Æ recv(m¢).
to P3 and increments SENT1[1, 3] by 1. P1 then sends
EXAMPLE. Consider the example shown in Fig. 2. Messages
message (m2, SENT1) to P2. On receiving (m2 , STm ) , P2
m1 and m3 are sent to host P3, and send(m1) Æ 2

send(m3). If P3 receives m3 first, causal ordering will be updates SENT2 based on STm . After updating SENT2, P2
violated. Causal ordering will be respected if P3 re-
gains the knowledge that P1 has sent one message to
ceives m1 and then m3. Let m1 and m2 be “requests for
an information” and m3 be a reply to the request sent P3 before sending m2 to P2 (the value of STm [1, 3] is
by P1. If m3 is received by P3 before receiving m1, P3 is 1). P2 transfers this knowledge to P3 when it sends
“puzzled.” At P3, the requested information appears
before the request. (m3, SENT3) to P3. Assume that m3 arrives at P3 before
m1. Now m3 will not be delivered to the application,
because DELIV3 [1] ≥/ STm [1, 3] . Message m3 will be

delivered only after m1 is delivered.

3.2 Reliable Message Delivery

Before we explain our algorithms, we describe a simple
protocol to ensure reliable message delivery (without du-
plication) when the MH moves from one cell to another
Fig. 2. A sample execution. cell.
Let MH hi be in the cell of MSS sj. Every message gener-
ated by hi is first sent to sj and then sj sends the message to
3 PRELIMINARIES the destination. Similarly, every message received by hi is
Causal ordering was first proposed for the ISIS system [7]. received through MSS sj. Let MH_RSEQNOi denote the num-
There are several algorithms that implement causal order- ber of messages received by MH hi from MSS sj. Let
ing for distributed systems with static hosts [7], [15], [16]. MH_SSEQNOi denote the number of messages sent by hi that
The algorithm by Birman and Joseph appends, to every mes- have been received by sj. MH_RSEQNOi is maintained at MH
sage, the history of the communications that happened be- hi and MH_SSEQNOi is maintained at the MSS of MH hi. Mes-
fore the sending of the message [7]. The size of the message sages sent by sj to hi are numbered sequentially in increas-
header may be unbounded but the channels need not be reli- ing order and are stored in a FIFO queue, PEND_ACKi,
able. The algorithm by Raynal, Schiper, and Toueg, referred within sj. MH hi sends an ack after receiving a message
to henceforth as the RST algorithm, is based on message from sj and increments MH_RSEQNOi. After receiving an ack
counting and assumes the channels to be reliable [15]. The for a message it sent to hi, MSS sj deletes that message from
RST algorithm, which is discussed subsequently, appends N PEND_ACKi. Messages sent by hi to sj are also sequentially
integers to every message, where N is the number of hosts in numbered by hi sequentially in the increasing order and are
the system. The algorithm by Schiper et al. [16] uses vector stored locally in MH hi till the messages are acknowledged.
clocks and is somewhat similar to the RST algorithm. After receiving a message from hi, MSS sj sends an ack to hi
and increments MH_SSEQNOi.
3.1 RST Algorithm Next the algorithms for causal ordering are described.
The RST algorithm for causal ordering maintains two ar-
rays, DELIVi[N] and SENTi[N,N], for each host Pi. DELIVi[j]
denotes the total number of messages received by Pi from 4 ALGORITHM 1
Pj. SENTi[k, j] indicates Pi ’s knowledge about the number of In this section, the RST algorithm is extended to mobile
messages Pk has sent to Pj. The following steps are executed systems. Algorithm 1 consists of two modules: static mod-
at Pi to ensure causal ordering. ule and handoff module. The static module is executed
Whenever Pi sends message M to Pj, Pi appends its cur- when an MH is in a particular cell. The handoff module is
rent SENTi matrix to M. (Pi sends (M, SENTi) to Pj.) Observe executed when an MH moves from one cell to another.
that SENTi contains information about the messages that
were sent before M was sent. Pi then increments SENTi[i, j] 4.1 Static Module
by 1. For each MH hi, we maintain two arrays MH_DELIVi[nh] and
On receiving a message containing (M, ST) from Pj, the MH_SENTi[nh,nh], where nh is the number of mobile hosts in
causal ordering algorithm at Pi first checks if DELIVi[k] ≥ the mobile computing environment. MH_DELIVi[j] denotes
ST[k, i] for 1 £ k £ N. (Pi checks whether all the messages, the total number of messages received by hi from hj.
sent to Pi, that are causally dependent on M have been de- MH_SENTi[k, j] indicates hi ’s knowledge about the number of
livered.) If so, message M is delivered to the application, messages hk has sent to hj. Assume that MH hi is in the cell

of MSS sj. To reduce the communication and computation the handoff_over message, if sj receives any messages sent by
overhead of MH hi, these arrays are stored in MSS sj. Since hi (when hi was in sj ’s cell), MSS sj drops them. (This sce-
the messages from (to) hi go through MSS sj, the causal or- nario is possible because the wireless channels take an ar-
dering algorithm for MH hi is executed by MSS sj. A mes- bitrary amount of time to deliver messages.)
sage M sent to MH hi becomes deliverable to hi if the recep- On receiving these data structures, sk first transmits all
tion of M by hi does not violate causal ordering. All mes- messages in PEND_ACKi with sequence number greater than
sages for hi, received by sj, which are not yet deliverable are MH_RSEQNOi in FIFO order. Also, sk forwards the messages
stored in the queue MH_PENDINGi at MSS sj. (to their destinations) retransmitted by hi with sequence
Initially, all the entries in MH_DELIVi and MH_SENTi are set number greater than MH_SSEQNOi. The handoff procedure is
to 0 and MH_PENDINGi is empty. To send a message m to then terminated at sk. A description of the handoff module
another MH hj, hi first sends the message m to its MSS sj. sj appears in Fig. 4. If MH hi switches to some other cell before
tags MH_SENTi with m, and sends (m, MH_SENTi) to the MSS the handoff is completed, the current handoff is completed
of hj. There are several protocols [8], [9], [18] that ensure before a new handoff begins.
message delivery to mobile hosts. Any of these protocols
can be used. Let MH hi switch from the cell of MSS sj to the cell of MSS sk.
MSS sj, on receiving a message (m, STm) meant for hi 1. Steps executed by MSS sk.
from MH hj, first checks whether m is deliverable. Message (a) On receiving message register(hi, sj, MH_RSEQNOi) from hi,
m is deliverable if MH_DELIVi[k] ≥ STm[k, i] for all k. If m is send message handoff_begin(hi) to MSS sj.
not deliverable, m is stored in MH_PENDINGi till m becomes (b) Receive MH_SENTi, MH_PENDINGi, PEND_ACKi, MH_SSEQNOi,
deliverable. If m is deliverable, sj transmits m to hi, incre- and handoff_over(hi) from sj.
ments MH_DELIVi[j]. MSS sj then queues message (m, STm) in (c) For each message (m, STm) in PEND_ACKi with number
PEND_ACKi. After receiving an ack for m from MH hi, MSS sj less than MH_RSEQNOi, set MH_SENTi[k, l] = max(MH_SENTi[k, l],
updates array MH_SENTi and deletes message (m, STm) from STm[k, l]), for all k, l and delete the message from PEND_ACKi.
(d) For each message (m, STm) in PEND_ACKi with number
PEND_ACKi. Whenever a message m is delivered to hi, sj
greater than MH_RSEQNOi, transmit m to hi in FIFO order.
checks MH_PENDINGi for any message that may be deliver- Update MH_SENTi with STm and delete the message from
able after m was delivered. A formal description of the PEND_ACKi after receiving an ack for m from hi.
module is given in Fig. 3. (e) Send messages sent by hi with number greater than
MH_SSEQNOi to their destinations.
Let MH hi be in the cell of MSS sj. 2. Steps executed by MSS sj.
1. On receiving message m from hi to be sent to MH hj, MSS sj (a) On receiving message handoff_begin(hi) from MSS sk,
executes the following steps. transfer MH_DELIVi, MH_SENTi, MH_PENDINGi, PEND_ACKi,
(a) Send (m, MH_SENTi) to hj. MH_SSEQNOi to sk, and then send message handoff_over(hi)
(b) MH_SENTi[i, j] = MH_SENTi[i, j] + 1. to sk.
(c) MH_SSEQNOi = MH_SSEQNOi + 1.
(d) Send an ack to hi. Fig. 4. Handoff module of Algorithm 1.

2. MSS sj, on receiving a message m for hi from hj, executes the

following steps. THEOREM 1. Algorithm 1 ensures causally ordered message
(a) If m is not deliverable to hi, queue (m,STm) in MH_PENDINGi.
(b) If m is deliverable, then
i. Transmit m to hi and queue (m,STm) in PEND_ACKi. PROOF. Note that in Algorithm 1, the MSSs execute the RST
ii. MH_DELIVi[j] = MH_DELIVi[j] + 1. algorithm for causal ordering on behalf of MHs. If the
iii. MH_SENTi[j, i] = STm[j, i] + 1. mobile hosts do not move, the correctness of the algo-
iv. After receiving an ack for m from hi do the following.
rithm follows from the correctness of the RST algo-
set MH_SENTi[k, l] = max(MH_SENTi[k, l], STm[k, l]), for all k, l.
Delete (m, STm) from PEND_ACKi. rithm and from the fact that the wireless channel be-
v. If any message (m, STm) in MH_PENDINGi becomes deliv- tween an MH and an MSS is FIFO. If an MH hi moves
erable, goto step 2(b)i. to another cell, then, during the handoff, all the mes-
sages in PEND_ACKi are first sent to hi in the FIFO or-
Fig. 3. Static module of Algorithm 1. der. Also, hi retransmits the messages for which it has
not received acks from its previous MSS. The data
4.2 Handoff Module structures MH_DELIVi, MH_SENTi, and MH_PENDINGi are
Let hi move from the cell of MSS sj to the cell of MSS sk. The transferred to the new MSS of hi during the handoff.
handoff module is then executed by sj and sk. After entering The new MSS starts executing the causal ordering al-
the cell of sk, MH hi sends the message register(hi, sj, gorithm only after the handoff terminates (i.e., only
MH_RSEQNOi) to sk. Also, hi retransmits the messages (to sk) after receiving the data structures required to main-
for which it did not receive ack from its previous MSS sj. tain causal ordering). Hence, it is clear that Algorithm 1
MSS sk then informs sj that hi has switched from MSS sj to ensures causally ordered message delivery. †
MSS sk by sending a handoff_begin(hi) message to sj. After 4.3 Analysis
receiving handoff_begin(hi), sj transfers MH_DELIVi, MH_SENTi,
MH_PENDINGi, PEND_ACKi, and MH_SSEQNOi to MSS sk and For every message sent by MH hi, the MSS (in whose cell hi
finally sends message handoff_over(hi) to sk. After sending resides) sends MH_SENTi with the message. Hence, the size

of the header for every message sent over the static network periments performed.
is O(nh2 ) integers. The handoff module uses O(1) messages
of size O(nh2 ) numbers when MH hi switches its cell. 5 ALGORITHM 2
Now, consider the factors F1–F4 discussed in Section 1.1. In Algorithm 1, messages are tagged with complete infor-
Since Algorithm 1 is executed at MSSs, factors F1 and F2 are mation to explicitly maintain causal ordering among the
satisfied. The overhead in the wireless medium is kept mini- mobile hosts. In Algorithm 2, messages are tagged with
mal. But factors F3–F4 are not satisfied. An overhead of sufficient information just to maintain causal ordering
O(nh2 ) integers over the static network is costly if nh is very among the MSSs. Since the wireless channel between an
large. Also, due to disconnections and connections, nh varies. MSS and an MH in its cell is FIFO, maintaining causal or-
So, during disconnections, some of the entries in the arrays dering at the static network level is sufficient if the MHs do
MH_DELIV, and MH_SENT may be useless. The arrays need not
not move between cells. To ensure that causal ordering is
be static, but maintaining dynamic arrays can be complicated not violated after an MH moves between two cells, we in-
if the MH disconnections and connections are frequent. In corporate some steps into the handoff procedure.
addition, the processing time for updating the matrix 5.1 Static Module
MH_SENT will be substantial for large values of nh, and the The static module is similar to the static module of Algo-
nontrivial processing time increases the delay in delivering a rithm 1; the data structures are different. For each MSS si,
message. These are reflected well in our experimental study we maintain arrays MSS_DELIVi[ns], MSS_SENTi[ns, ns], and a
shown in Fig. 5. (The details of the simulation model are de- buffer MSS_PENDINGi. (This is unlike in Algorithm 1 where
scribed at the end of this section.) The average delay experi- we maintain these data structures for every mobile host.)
enced by a message is considerably less than the average de- Observe that the sizes of the arrays MSS_DELIVi[ns] and
lay when processing time is taken into account. Algorithm 2, MSS_SENTi[ns, ns] vary with ns, the number of MSSs. The
which is presented next, eliminates these disadvantages. value of MSS_DELIVi[j] indicates the number of messages
(whose destinations can be different MHs) received from
MSS sj by MSS si. MSS_SENTi[k, j] denotes the number of
messages sent by MSS sk (not necessarily delivered) to MSS
sj that si knows of. Every MSS knows (need not be exact)
about the location of the MHs. Initially, we assume that the
initial locations of MHs are known to all MSSs. In the next
section, we show how this knowledge is updated. The static
module is formally described in Fig. 6.

Let MHs hk and hl be in the cells of MSSs si and sj respectively.

1. On receiving message m from hk to be sent to the MSS of hl,
MSS si executes the following step.
(a) Send (m, MSS_SENTi) to the MSS sj.
(b) MSS_SENTi[i, j] = MSS_SENTi[i, j] + 1.
(c) MH_SSEQNOk = MH_SSEQNOk + 1.
Fig. 5. Average message delay using Algorithm 1 with and without (d) Send an ack to hk.
processing delay.
2. MSS si, on receiving a message for hk from sj, executes the
following steps.
4.3.1 Simulation Details (a) If m is not deliverable to hk, queue (m, STm) in MSS_PENDINGi.
Our simulation model is similar to that of [11]. The simula- (b) If m is deliverable, then
tion is event driven and it is run on a Sparc 10 station. The i. Transmit m to hk and queue m in PEND_ACKk.
ii. MSS_DELIVi[j] = MSS_DELIVi[j] + 1.
events are send message, receive message, and handoff.
iii. MSS_SENTi[j, i] = STm[j, i] + 1.
The bandwidth of a wired channel is assumed to be 100 iv. MSS_SENTi[k, l] = max(MSS_SENTi[k, l], STm[k, l]), for all k, l
Mbits/sec, and the propagation delay in a wired channel is v. If any message (m, STm) in MSS_PENDINGi becomes
7 ms. For a wireless channel, the bandwidth and propaga- deliverable, goto step 2(b)i.
tion delay are assumed to be 1 Mbits/sec and 500 ms, re-
spectively. Initially, the mobile hosts are randomly assigned Fig. 6. Static module of Algorithm 2.
to the cells. The time interval between two send events in a
mobile host is an exponentially distributed random variable 5.2 Handoff Module
with a mean of ts seconds. The time interval between hand- The handoff module is more involved than the handoff
off is also an exponentially distributed random variable module of Algorithm 1. Since causal ordering is explicitly
with a mean of th seconds. The values of ts and th are varied maintained only at the MSS level, some measures are
(0.1, 1.0, 10 secs) to consider different scenarios of commu- needed during handoff to maintain causal ordering after an
nication and mobility. The processing time considered in MH moves. Before we describe the handoff module, we
measuring the message delay is the actual CPU running illustrate the problem at hand with an example.
time in processing the message header. The value of every EXAMPLE. Consider the example shown in Fig. 7. MHs h1, h2,
point in the graph is an average of the results of 1,000 ex-

and h3 are in the cells of MSSs s1, s2, and s3, respec- able, it is queued and delivered to hk after the handoff pro-
tively. Let h3 send a message m1 to h1 (m1 will be sent cedure terminates.
to MSS s1) and then send a message m2 to h2. Before MSS si (the previous MSS of hk), after receiving last(hk)
receiving m1, let h1 switch to the cell of s2. Now, MH from all the MSSs, sends the message handoff_over(hk) to
h2, after receiving m2 from h3, sends a message m3 for MSS sj. Observe that no messages for hk sent to si will be in
h1 to MSS s2. If s2 delivers m3 to h1, causal ordering transit after si receives last(hk) from all the MSSs. (All mes-
will be violated because h1 has not yet received m1. sages that are part of handoff procedure are also causally
Also, s2 cannot infer, with the knowledge it has ordered.) The handoff terminates at sj after handoff_over(hk)
gained so far, whether there are any in-transit mes- is received by sj. If sj receives the message handoff_begin(hk)
sages for h1 sent to s1. However, if s2 delivers m3 after from some other MSS before the current handoff terminates
ensuring that all the messages destined for h1 sent to (this can happen if hk switches it cell), sj will respond to the
s1 have been delivered to h1, causal ordering will not message only after the handoff terminates. A description of
be violated. the handoff module is shown in Fig. 8.

Assume that MH hk switched from the cell of si to sj.

1. Steps executed by sj.
(a) After receiving register(hk, si, MH_RSEQNOk) from MH hk,
send handoff_begin(hk) to MSS si, and then send notify(hk, si, sj)
to all the MSSs.
(b) On receiving enable(hk, PEND_ACKk, MH_SSEQNOk) message,
deliver messages in PEND_ACKk in FIFO order, and start
sending messages sent by MH hk to their destinations.
Use MH_SSEQNOk and MH_RSEQNOk to avoid duplication of
(c) Deliver any messages for hk from si that are marked old to
hk. Queue all other messages (not marked old) for hk that
become deliverable and deliver them after the handoff
Fig. 7. Example illustrating the violation of causal ordering due to the procedure terminates.
mobility of hosts. (d) Terminate on receiving handoff_over(hk) from si.
2. Steps executed by MSS si
Next, we describe the handoff module. (a) Send enable(hk, PEND_ACKk, MH_SSEQNOk) after receiving
handoff_begin(hk) message from sj. After sending enable
Assume that a mobile host hk switches from the cell of
message drop any message received from hk.
MSS si to the cell of MSS sj. After switching, MH hk sends (b) If any message for hk becomes deliverable, mark it as old
register(hk, si, MH_RSEQNOk) message to sj. The message and forward it to sj
register(hk, si, MH_RSEQNOk) to sj indicates that hk has (c) After receiving last(hk) from all MSSs, send handoff_over(hk)
switched from the cell of si to sj. On receiving this message, to sj.
sj sends the message handoff_begin(hk) to si, and then broad- 3. Steps executed by all the MSSs.
casts the message notify(hk, si, sj) to all the MSSs. The mes- (a) On receiving notify(hk, si, sj), update the local knowledge
sage notify(hk, si, sj) signifies that MH hk has switched from about hk ’s location to sj and send last(hk) to si.
MSS si to MSS sj. An MSS s, on receiving notify(hk, si, sj) mes-
Fig. 8. Handoff module of Algorithm 2.
sage, updates its local knowledge about the location of MH
hk. MSS s will then send any new messages meant for MH
hk only to sj (the new MSS of hk) and not to si (the previous We next prove the correctness of Algorithm 2.
MSS of hk). MSS s also sends a last(hk) message to si indicat- Correctness Argument
ing MSS si that messages for hk will not be sent to MSS si
anymore. Let mh_send(m) be the event corresponding to sending of
MSS s i , on receiving handoff_begin(h k ) from s j sends message m by a mobile host. Let mh_recv(m) be the event
enable(hk, PEND_ACKk, MH_SSEQNOk) message to sj and waits corresponding to the receipt of message m by a mobile host.
for last(hk) messages from all the MSSs. Meanwhile, if any Let mss_send(m) denote the event in an MSS corresponding
message received by si for hk becomes deliverable to hk, si to the sending of message m (sent by an MH) to another
marks it as old and forwards it to sj. MSS, and mss_recv(m) denote the event in an MSS corre-
Once sj receives the message enable(hk, PEND_ACKk, sponding to the receipt of m sent by another MSS (in which
MH_SSEQNOk) message, it starts sending the application
event mss_send(m) occurred) to be delivered to an MH.
messages sent by hk with sequence number greater than LEMMA 1. Let m1 and m2 be two messages sent to MH hk. If
MH_SSEQNOk to their destinations. Also, sj delivers all the mh_send(m1) Æ mh_send(m2), then mss_send(m1) Æ
messages in PEND_ACKk in the FIFO order to MH hk. Dupli- mss_send(m2).
cation is avoided by delivering only those messages with PROOF. First assume that messages m1 and m2 are sent by
sequence number greater than MH_RSEQNOk. sj also delivers two different MHs. Since mh_send(m1) Æ mh_send(m2),
all the messages for MH hk that are marked old to hk in the there exists a sequence of events such that
order in which the messages arrived. If a message for hk mh_send(m1) Æ mss_send(m1) º Æ mh_send(m2). Since
that is not marked old (sent by any MSS) becomes deliver- mh_send(m2) Æ mss_send(m2), it follows that mss_send(m1)

Æ mss_send(m2). Now consider the case in which m1 factors F3-F4 are satisfied. MH connections/disconnections
and m2 are sent by the same mobile host. Assume that do not affect the size of the arrays MSS_DELIV and MSS_SENT.
the send events mss_send(m1) and mss_send(m2) hap- During handoff, a notify message has to be sent to all the
pened in two different MSSs. (The mobile host may MSSs, and all the MSSs send last messages. Hence, the
have switched cells in between mh_send(m1) and handoff module uses O(ns) messages. The storage require-
mh_send(m2).) Otherwise, the result is obvious. Let the ment of Algorithm 2 and the load placed on the MSSs are
mobile host switch from MSS s1 to MSS s2. MSS s2 will less than those of Algorithm 1.
send m2 only after it receives an enable message from Though the handoff module is involved, it does not af-
MSS s1 as part of handoff. MSS s1 would have sent m1 fect the performance due to the following reasons.
before sending the enable message. Hence,
mss_send(m1) Æ mss_send(m2). † 1) MH hk does not wait for the handoff module to termi-
nate to receive messages. It continues to receive old
THEOREM 2. Let m 1 and m 2 be two messages sent to MH h k . messages.
If mh_send(m 1 ) Æ mh_send(m 2 ), then mh_recv(m 1 ) 2) Messages sent by hk for other MHs are sent by sj (the
Æ mh_recv(m 2 ). new MSS of hk) immediately after sj receives an enable
PROOF. From Lemma 1, mss_send(m1) Æ mss_send(m2). If m1 message.
and m2 are sent to the same MSS, then from the cor- The drawback of Algorithm 2 is the possibility of a mes-
rectness of the RST algorithm it follows that sage being temporarily “inhibited” during delivery to an
mss_recv(m1) Æ mss_recv(m2). Now, m1 and m2 are de- MH. There is an inhibition in delivering a message to an MH
livered to MH hk directly or through handoff (if hk if it is queued in MSS_PENDING even though the delivery of
switches cells). In either case, mh_recv(m1) Æ the message does not violate causal ordering. Messages
mh_recv(m2). Now consider the case in which m1 and may be inhibited because causal ordering is explicitly im-
m2 are sent to two different MSSs. Let m1 be sent to plemented only among the MSSs. Reception of a message
MSS si and m2 be sent to MSS sj. This can happen only may violate causal ordering from an MSS’s point of view,
if MH hk switched from the cell of MSS si to the cell of but its delivery to an MH may not violate causal ordering
sj. Now assume that m1 was not received by MH hk from the MH’s point of view. However, this delay is less
when it was in the cell of si. (Otherwise, hk would than the delay introduced by Algorithm 1 in transmitting
have received m1 before switching to the cell of sj, and processing the large header of each message. The aver-
which implies that mh_recv(m1) Æ mh_recv(m2).) Ob- age delay in delivering a message in Algorithm 2 is consid-
serve that MSS sj will not deliver m2 to hk till the erably less than the delay in Algorithm 1 when nh increases,
handoff procedure is completed. MSS si sends hand- as shown in Fig. 9. When nh is less than 30 the message
off_over(hk) message to sj only after it receives last(hk) header in both the algorithms are comparable in size. The
from each MSS. By the time MSS si receives last(hk) message delay in Algorithm 2 is more than that of Algo-
from all the MSSs, si would have forwarded m1 to sj or rithm 1 due to the inhibition inherent in Algorithm 2. How-
it would have transferred m1 as part of PEND_ACKk. In ever, as nh increase the delay due to processing the message
either case, sj will deliver m1 before the handoff is header in Algorithm 1 dominates.
terminated. Message m2 will be delivered after the
handoff is terminated. Hence, mh_recv(m1) Æ
mh_recv(m2). †
THEOREM 3. A message sent by a mobile host is eventually deliv-
ered to its destination.
PROOF. Let m be a message sent by MH hk to MH hl. Let si be
the MSS of MH hk and sj be the MSS of MH hl. MH hk
first sends message m to its MSS si. MSS si then send
message m to sj, the MSS of hl, using RST algorithm.
So, from the correctness of RST algorithm, message m
eventually gets delivered to MSS sj. Now, if MH hl is
in the cell of sj, then sj will deliver m to MH hl unless sj
is executing a handoff procedure for hl. Since a hand-
off procedure eventually terminates, message m will
be delivered to hl by MSS sj. If MH hl has moved to Fig. 9. Comparison of Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 with respect to
any other MSS, then MSS sj forwards the message to message delay with ns = 10.
the new MSS of hl which will deliver the message
immediately to MH hl. Hence the proof. † 6 ALGORITHM 3
5.3 Analysis This Algorithm reduces the delay in delivering the mes-
Since the size of MSS_SENT is ns2 , the size of each message sages to MH due to inhibition, the drawback of Algorithm 2,
without much increase in the message overhead. The algo-
header over the wired network is O(ns2 ) integers. The over- rithm achieves this by partioning every physical MSS into k
head does not depend on nh, the number of MHs. Clearly, logical MSSs.

If an MH enters the cell of an MSS, the MH will be allo- distributed systems can be used in the static modules of our
cated to one of the logical MSS depending on the load in algorithms instead of the RST algorithm. This can result in
each logical MSS of the MSS. The MHs will communicate further reduction of communication overhead.
with the other MHs through their logical MSSs. Every logi-
7.2 Concluding Remarks
cal MSS maintains two arrays MSS_DELIV[k * ns] and
In this paper, we have considered the problem of causally
MSS_SENT[k * ns, k * ns] and a queue MSS_PENDING. The algo- ordered message delivery to mobile hosts. A direct imple-
rithm is the same as Algorithm 2 except for the fact that mentation of an existing algorithm can incur a large mes-
causal ordering is explicitly maintained among the logical sage overhead. Algorithm 2 reduces the overhead and it is
2 2
MSSs. The size of the message header is O( k * ns ) . scalable since the overhead of a message does not vary with
Messages to MHs that belong to different logical MSSs the number of mobile hosts. The message overhead can be
will not inhibit each other though they may be in the same further reduced by sending the SENT arrays incrementally,
cell. Thus, as k increases, the unnecessary delay in deliver- using a scheme similar to the one proposed by Singhal and
ing the message to MH decreases. However, as k increases, Kshemakalyani for efficient implementation of vector
the size of the message header will increase and, as a result, clocks [17]. Algorithm 3 reduces the message delay due to
the time to process the message header will become a inhibition, inherent in Algorithm 2, by partitioning every
dominating factor. In Fig. 10, the average message delay MSS into k logical MSSs. The value of k should not be large
initially decreases when k increases. But when k becomes as a large value of k increases the message overhead.
large the average message delay increases. Our algorithms for causal ordering in mobile systems are
based on the RST algorithm for static hosts. Other algo-
rithms can also be modified to work in mobile systems.
Only the static modules of our algorithms are based on the
RST algorithm. The handoff modules are fairly independent
of the RST algorithm. If one wants to handle host mobility
in an existing distributed system that supports causal or-
dering, handoff module of Algorithm 2 can be used with
some modification to the existing algorithm that provides
causal ordering at the static network level.

We would like to thank P. Krishna for providing some basic
routines for the simulator. We also like to thank the
anonymous referees for their extensive comments which
greatly improved the presentation of this paper. A prelimi-
Fig. 10. Message delays for various values of k with ns = 10.
nary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of
the IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and
7 CONCLUSION Applications, Santa Cruz, California, December 1994. This
7.1 Related Work research was supported in part by the U.S. National Science
There are several algorithms [7], [15], [16] for providing Foundation under Grant No. CCR-9110177 and by the
causally ordered message delivery in distributed systems. Texas Advanced Technology Program under Grant No.
However, all of these algorithm do not consider host mobil- 9741-052.
Prakash et al. present a causal ordering algorithm for REFERENCES
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