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Environmental Technology Reviews

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Production and applications of electric-arc-furnace

slag as solid waste in environmental technologies:
a review

Soraya Hosseini, Salman Masoudi Soltani, Paul S. Fennell, Thomas S.Y.

Choong & Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua

To cite this article: Soraya Hosseini, Salman Masoudi Soltani, Paul S. Fennell, Thomas S.Y.
Choong & Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua (2016) Production and applications of electric-arc-furnace
slag as solid waste in environmental technologies: a review, Environmental Technology Reviews,
5:1, 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/21622515.2016.1147615

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Published online: 21 Mar 2016.

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Environmental Technology Reviews, 2016
Vol. 5, No. 1, 1–11,

Production and applications of electric-arc-furnace slag as solid waste in environmental

technologies: a review
Soraya Hosseinia∗ , Salman Masoudi Soltanib , Paul S. Fennellb , Thomas S.Y. Choongc and Mohamed Kheireddine Arouaa
a Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; b Department of Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London, London, UK; c Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Selangor, Malaysia
(Received 30 May 2015; accepted 24 January 2016 )

Slag, a by-product of steelmaking industries, has invaluable potentials for various environmental applications. Slag is gen-
erally produced in different types of furnaces working under various operating conditions and contains alumina, calcium
oxide, silica and so on. Physical and chemical properties of a typical slag dictate the distinct methods of slag solidification
including air cooling, steam introduction and injection of additives. Owing to this uniquely-widespread range of proper-
ties, slags are being increasingly considered attractive materials in a broad range of applications. They are widely used in
transportation industry, construction, and cement manufacturing as well as wastewater and water treatment. This makes slag
an important substitute for natural resources, leading to significant minimization in natural resource utilization. This paper
walks through a comprehensive essay of steelmaking slag retained in a wide range of furnaces, their modifications and their
applications alike.
Keywords: electric-arc furnace; slag; solid waste; environmental application

which are then made afloat on the surface of the molten
Availability of industrial wastes and minerals is much
metal during the refining process of hot metal to steel. The
larger in quantity in comparison to the high-grade ores
floated residues are lighter than molten steel and form an
that are widely depleted. This brings about potentials to
immiscible phase on the top of the molten steel.[3] Steel
discover ways and means to utilize these wastes gener-
slag is a non-metallic solid residue which is produced dur-
ated in metallurgical and chemical industries. The indus-
ing steel and iron production in different types of furnaces
trial wastes like tailings, slags, flue dust and leached
and contributes to approximately 10–15 wt% of produced
residues from raw materials contain appreciable amount
steel.[4] Slags generally fall into three categories: blast
of metals which, if extracted, can be reused in vari-
furnace (BF) iron slag, basic oxygen furnace (BOF) and
ous applications.[1] Steelmaking industries are one of the
electric-arc-furnace (EAF) slag.
important sources for recovering metals from their wastes.
EAF slag is the by-product of the steel production
Oxidation of these metals by dissolved oxygen in hot
process in an EAF. This class of slags contains a range
metal is the key reaction in steelmaking industries.[2] This
of chemicals including recycled steel scrap, coke, lime
process can be explained as:
and some metal oxides.[5] Depending on the desired steel
Fe + O → FeO, grade (stainless/high alloy steel or carbon steel), two dis-
tinct types of slag are produced. These slags are called
Mn + O → MnO,
EAF slag from carbon steel production (EAFC) and EAF
C + O → CO, slag from stainless steel production (EAFSS). Carbon steel
Ca + O → CaO, EAF slag is different from stainless steel slag owing to the
fact that an additional step of the alloying, that is, addi-
Mg + O → MgO, tion of ferrochrome and nickel, is required in the process
Si + O → SiO2 , of making stainless steel.[6]
In steel production, slag has a lower density than
2P + 5O → P2 O5 .
steel. Therefore, it floats to and resides on the top of the
As it is seen, elemental carbon is removed as the gas (CO) molten bath of steel. The liquid slag is tapped at tem-
while all other impurities are converted to metal oxides, peratures around 1600°C and is solidified by air-cooling

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2 S. Hosseini et al.

or other techniques.[7] Approximately one ton of stain-

less steel slag is generated for three tons of stainless steel.
This solid waste is classified as non-hazardous waste due
to its chemical and physical properties. The Australian
Slag Association has tested samples of EAF slag obtained
from Australia and New Zealand sites and have rated
them as environmentally inert substances. Low-level emis-
sions of chromium, lead, nickel and molybdenum were
detected, but these were below the maximum permitted
limits. Major components of slag used and studied to
date include Ca-silicates, Ca-Al-ferrites, molten oxides of
calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese.[8,9]
The type of furnace and electrical charge, the furnace
operational conditions and the grade of steel purity are
effective parameters on the final composition of slag. EAF
Figure 1. Slag as a by-product from steelmaking furnace [17].
steel slag is dense, strong, none porous aggregate and has a
good resistance to polishing with cubical shape. Steel slag
has been used as daily and final landfill cover material,[4]
Portland cement additive,[10] an agricultural fertilizer,[11]
and in mineral CO2 sequestration.[12,13] It has also been
used in wastewater treatment [14] and as an economical
material for environmental remediation.[15]

Slag as steel-mill waste

Steel from iron ore (hematite or magnetite) is mainly pro-
duced in integrated steel mills (BOF, BF) while steel from
scrap-based materials are produced in EAF-operated mills.
Steel slags have a variety of compositions and take var- Figure 2. Main by-products via steelmaking route [18].
ious forms after the cooling process is completed. Most
steel slags form hard rock-like materials upon cooling.
However, some slags from the production of stainless steel used as road construction materials and cement. This class
transform into dusty powders. Slags play different roles in of slags is generated during chemical reduction of iron ore
steelmaking processes. They act as a sink for collecting using coke in a BF. Its sources are the gangue content of
impurities during steel refining, as preventive substance to iron ore. In other words, constituents of iron ore other than
the diffusion of N2 and H2 gases from atmosphere to the iron and lime content are added to adjust the composition
molten steel. They also protect steel against re-oxidation of the molten slag.[19,20]
and barricade heat transfer from molten steel to the sur- BFs are intrinsically working at high-temperatures
rounding. Moreover, they are good emulsifiers for hot using moving bed reactors (Figure 3). During the heat-
metal to promote carbon oxidation. Slags are porous mat- ing process and reduction of iron oxides, large amounts
ters and have large surface areas with suitable hydraulic of coal and coke are consumed. The iron ore is charged
conductivity (Figure 1).[16] In the following section, we into a BF from the top of the reactor. The reduction of iron
briefly walk through different types of furnaces used in ore is split into direct and indirect reactions which depends
steelmaking industries. The main by-products produced on the reaction temperature.[21,22] Two types of reactions
during iron and crude steel production are slags (90%), distinctly take place at high- and low-temperature sections
dusts and sledges. More dusts and sledges are produced in of the BF. Direct reaction occurs at the lower part of a BF
BOF compared to other types while the less amount of slag (solid–solid reaction) in which solid carbon reacts with iron
is produced in BOF. Their quantities have been reported for oxides and ores, whereas indirect reactions are initiated at
three types of furnaces in Figure 2. the elevated sections of a BF (gas–solid reaction) in steel-
making process. Carbon monoxide is used for reducing
iron ore or Fe2 O3 into iron, FeO and Fe3 O4. [23–25]
BF iron slag
At the time of writing this review, the most important
facility for iron making and pig iron production is a BF. BOF slag
Steelmaking slag of BF is produced via the refining process BOF slag is a by-product from the conversion of mineral
of hot metal generated in steel production. They are mostly ore into iron. In a BOF, slag is formed during the reaction
Environmental Technology Reviews 3

Figure 5. A schematic of EAF.

Figure 3. A schematic of a BF.

materials. The molten steel collects at the bottom of BOF
and the produced slag floats on the top of the furnace. The
crude steel and slag are separately tapped into the specific
pots at temperatures above 1600°C. In order to improve the
volume stability, the pot containing liquid slag is treated
by the injection of SiO2 and oxygen. Crystalline slag is
formed when the molten slag is poured into pits accom-
panied by air cooling. The largest volume of slag by this
type of furnace is produced from metallurgical mills and
has been used in a broad range of applications. However,
in major developed countries, almost 100% of slags are
recycled. BOF slag has a rough texture, superior mechan-
ical properties and high angularity. BOF steel slag shows
high content of calcium, iron, manganese and silicon.[4,27]
Therefore, the crushed slag is suitable to be used in asphalt
and in concrete mixtures as an economical source.

EAF steelmaking
EAF slag is produced during crude steelmaking via an EAF
(Figure 5). Steel scrap together with the fluxes of lime-
stone or dolomite is heated to form a liquid phase by means
of an electric current. In the refining process of EAF, the
removal of phosphorus, sulphur, aluminium, silicon, man-
ganese and carbon from the steel is considered.[28] Lime
or dolomite is widely used to remove silicates and phos-
phorus chemicals from the molten steel. Energy is supplied
by an electric arc to melt minerals and fluxes. During the
Figure 4. A schematic of BOF. melting process, the fluxes are mixed with the non-metallic
scrap components. After the reaction is completed, the non-
steel elements form a liquid slag. Hydrogen and nitrogen as
of hot metal with oxygen.[26] The hot metal reacts with dissolved gases are the prime concern in steelmaking. Iron
oxygen by blowing gas to remove carbon and other ele- oxides react with the carbon present in the bath and car-
ments (Figure 4). Slag as a by-product is generated by bon monoxide gases are resulted during the refining stage.
adding fluxes as lime or dolomite. These fluxes are com- An increase in the quantity of CO gases leads to the scrap
bined with oxides and silicates to shape a liquid slag. In this melt starting to boil and the impurities such as phospho-
process, in order to control the temperature of the exother- rus, hydrogen, nitrogen and non-metallic compounds being
mal reactions, some amounts of scrap are added to the removed from the melt. The gaseous impurities escape
4 S. Hosseini et al.

and the liquid state remains as the slag.[29] However, sul- (VI) and Pb, Zn and Ni metals. This method is used to treat
phur as impurity is not completely eliminated through the high levels of various heavy metals found in EAFD.
process. In the tapping stage, steel is drained from the
furnace via a submerged top-hole and the slag is poured
out from the slag door during the superheating stage. The Converter slag
molten slag is then solidified into a rock-like product. This Converter slag is a by-product from the 4th phase of the
solidified slag is then used in various applications. metallurgical process. This type of slag consists of Fe-
oxides (about 60%). This slag has found applications in
the production of special type of concrete and in covering
Solidification methods of slag oil tubes.[33]
Four treatment methods have been commercially used to
solidify slags [30]:
Leaching test methods
(1) Weathering in slag pits: this process is performed Leaching leaves behind one of the most critical environ-
in order to convert free lime into lime hydrates. mental impacts. Slags can come in direct contact with soil;
Weathering slag allows some hydration of the they can be exposed to rainwater or remain in continual
free lime to take place and the slag expan- contact with surface and/or seawaters. These would ulti-
sion effect is moderated before the slag is uti- mately lead to the release of soluble components from
lized as an aggregate. The weathering can be the slag’s matrix into the receiving bodies. Leaching pro-
done under atmospheric conditions. However, the cesses are those in which liquids and solids are brought
weathering process has been found to be slow into contact leading to partial dissolution of certain com-
and inefficient.[31] ponents in the liquid phase. In general, several approaches
(2) Steam hydration of the slag: in commercial opera- have been employed in order to probe into leaching pro-
tions, the hydration process can be accelerated by cesses. These methods have been summarized in Table 1.
using steam or hot water (plant cooling circuits). All leaching processes are made up of heterogeneous reac-
(3) Additions of SiO2 and O2 to the slag pot: in order tions which can be reversible or irreversible and quick or
to keep the slag molten, SiO2 and O2 are added slow. The aqueous phase reactions such as those of acid-
to the slag pot which dissolve the free lime and alkaline as well as the complexing reactions are often quick
chemically bond to it as silicate. while adsorption processes taking place on the surface of
(4) Control of the slag cooling path to stabilize the C3 S oxides are known to be slower. Also, precipitation reac-
(tri-calcium silicate) phase: this method is utilized tions, dissolution and redox processes involving solids are
for dusty slags. Steel slags with a basicity weight known to be very slow.[34,35] Several physical, chemi-
ratio (CaO/SiO2 ) of 1.5 or higher have a spe- cal and biological factors can potentially affect leaching
cific property. The dicalcium silicate (2CaO.SiO2 ) processes. Physical and chemical factors such as parti-
results in disintegration upon cooling by a vol- cle size, homogeneity of mineral phases, flow of leaching
ume increase when changing from one crystalline agent, temperature, porosity and permeability of the solid
form to another. The sulphur in a slow-cooled matrix, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, pH, redox poten-
slag usually appears as sulphides of calcium, iron tial, ionic exchange and electrostatic attraction have been
and manganese. This type of slag (dust) can be learnt to play important roles. Leaching methods are often
prevented by the addition of boric oxide, which classed as whether the leaching fluid is a single addition –
creates a C3 S polymorph form, resulting in a stable known as static extraction tests – or is renewed (dynamic
rock-like material. tests).[35]
Foamed slag is produced from air-cooled furnace slag
as a result of its relatively high porosity and low bulk den-
Stabilization of electric-arc-furnace dust sity. Hosseini et al. (2015) measured the BET surface area
Electric-arc-furnace dust (EAFD) is a toxic waste by- and analysed the surface morphology of slag by using liq-
product in the steelmaking industry. This by-product is uid nitrogen adsorption/desorption experiments and scan-
neither reused nor recycled. Stabilization techniques have ning electron microscopy, respectively. The surface area
been widely used to immobilize contaminated wastes and pore volume were determined using N2 adsorp-
before their disposal into the environment.[32] This tion/desorption isotherms. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption
method is a standard process and useful in liquid and isotherm of slag at 77 K gives a type IV isotherm which,
hazardous waste treatment and disposal. This technique according to the International Union of Pure and Applied
embeds two principles, that is, solidification which is the Chemistry classification, indicates a mesoporous structure
improvement of the matrix engineering properties and sta- (Figure 6(a)). The total BET surface area is calculated to
bilization translated as the chemical fixation of undesirable be approximately 20 m2 /g. The corresponding pore size
constituents in matrix. EAFD contains high levels of Cr distribution and surface morphology are shown in Figures
Environmental Technology Reviews 5

Table 1. Various leaching tests applied in slag.

Name of the tests Objectives Samples

Single extraction test Equilibrium water soluble Pb extraction test Pb smelter-impacted soil
Kinetic leaching test Solubility-controlling mechanisms/effect of Air-pollution control (APC) residues of secondary
L/S ratios Pb metallurgy plants
Batch equilibrium leaching tests Acid neutralization capacity and the Road materials containing ISF and LBF
mobilization as a function of pH
Saturated leaching tests on Contaminants release rate and mass transfer Road materials containing ISF and LBF
monolithic material rate under saturated conditions
Lab-scale: intermittent wetting To simulate cyclic wetting and drying under Road materials containing ISF and LBF
conditions varied environmental conditions (e.g.
humidity, temperature, atmospheric CO2)
Pilot-scale: Intermittent wetting To simulate cyclic wetting and drying under Road materials containing ISF and LBF
conditions varied environmental conditions (e.g.
humidity, temperature, atmospheric CO2)
Column leaching test for slag Local structure and composition at the slag LBF
grains and polished section surface on metal mobility

(a) (b)
4 1.E-05
Volume STP (cc/g)

3 1.E-05
dV(r), [cc/Å/g)



0 0.E+00
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 4 8 12 16
P/P0 Diameter (nm)

Figure 6. (a) N2 adsorption/desorption; (b) Pore size distribution curve of slag [36].

Table 2. Chemical constituents in slag.

Composition Weight % Composition Weight %

Fe2 O3 53.810 SO3 1.380

K2 O 0.315 Cr2 O3 0.279
CaO 31.134 SrO 0.051
CuO 0.204 NiO 0.041
SiO2 5.157 Ac 0.191
ZnO 6.077 PbO 0.093
MnO 1.268

show that the four major oxides (lime, magnesia, silica

and iron) make up about 90% of the total. In addition,
minor elements include sulphur, manganese, alkalis and
trace amounts of several others.[36] The composition of
Figure 7. SEM image of slag surface [36]. the slag is tabulated in Table 2.

6(b) and 7, respectively. The surface image taken of slag Application of slag
reveals dominant coarse areas and irregularities at a mag- Slag is classified as non-hazardous waste and it can be
nification of 20.0 kX. Chemical analyses of slags usually disposed of into appropriate landfills.
6 S. Hosseini et al.

Figure 8. Statistical data of various applications of slag [37].

Disposal of such material requires large surface areas in boosting concrete properties. These include hydration
and it is rather unfavourable in economic terms. This has of slag cement concretes to improve the mechanical per-
been motivating researchers to develop and explore poten- formance of cement, changing properties of concrete by
tial uses of slag in other realms. Furthermore, there is adding fly ash, slaked lime, anhydrous gypsum and lime-
always the risk that different components of slag might stone powder, enhancement in the strengths of cement by
elute. Therefore, it is necessary to examine this metal- autogenous deformation on the cracking and influencing
lurgical waste material in appropriate ways. The possible the microstructure and durability by tuning the chemical
re-utilization of steel slag has attracted considerable inter- compositions and resistance of the modified concrete.
est during the last 100 years. Typical uses for slags are Tsakiridis et al. [10] investigated the utilization of slag
sealing aggregate (skid resistant), asphalt aggregate, base, in Portland cement clinker production. With 10.5% addi-
sub-base, construction fills, subsoil drains, grit blasting and tion of steel slag to cement, an improvement was observed
wastewater treatment. Use of steel slag in various applica- in the quality of the cement produced.[10] Monshi and
tions in 2010 (22.3 million tonnes) is illustrated in Figure 8. Asgarani (1997) suggested a mixing ratio to produce a spe-
These applications are briefly described in the following cific kind of cement by using steel slag (8%), iron slag
sections. and limestone. The synthesized cement showed a strength
equivalent to that of type I Portland cement.[39] It is
mentionable that, the mechanical activation of slag sig-
Cement and concrete nificantly increased the reactivity of slag which caused
With regard to slags, road and building construction is some problems to grind as reported by Kriskova et al. [40]
one of the most affected industrial sectors due to its direct The activity of steel slag was further improved after being
link with cement and concrete production industries. Slag treated through a carbonation process as reported by Liang
can be used either as an aggregate or as a binder in sta- et al. [41] Wang et al. [8] stated that increasing the alka-
bilized base courses. To conserve natural resources and linity of the hydration environment of steel slag failed to
reduce environmental impact, slags can be used as an significantly promote its reaction.[42] Strength properties
aggregate. To diminish the need for cement (costly), slag of steel slag with gravel for making concrete was stud-
is replaced and used as a binder. Because of these advan- ied by Barisic et al. [43] They reported that increasing the
tages, many researchers have examined adding slag content amount of steel slag in the mixture caused increases in the
to cement and concrete.[38] Addition of slag to cement maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the
presents some important technical advantages over ordi- concrete.[43]
nary Portland cements. These benefits can be enumerated
as development of mechanical strengths, low solubility
of the hydrates and porosity, lower heat of hydration, Road construction
excellent durability and stronger aggregate–matrix inter- Industrial by-products such as steel slag can be utilized
face. However, high shrinkage, formation of micro-cracks instead of natural aggregates in order to prevent deple-
and rapid setting are some of the disadvantages. Addition tion of resources. Million tons of sand, till and crushed
of blends of various types of slags (activated, chemi- rocks were extracted from mines to satisfy road construc-
cally and physically modified) to cement is investigated tion needs. It is well known that technical, economic
Environmental Technology Reviews 7

and many environmental benefits are obtained when steel the production of non-alloyed steel is suitable for all kinds
slag has been considered as an alternative construction of soils. It has a high neutralizing value with prompt and
material.[44] Due to prominent properties of steel slag, it is sustainable effects on soil pH. The soluble silicate content
an ideal aggregate for asphalt surface course materials and and its reactivity facilitate the phosphate’s free mobility
road surface treatments. It has been observed that the use in the soil and promotes the effectiveness and thus, the
of steel slag in road construction mixtures has more advan- efficiency of phosphate fertilization.[46]
tage compared to conventional asphalt. Investigations of
the asphalt mix and road surface have shown very good
Phosphorous removal (phosphate fertilizer)
results in terms of stability, stiffness and durability. The
slag asphalt, as expected, provided good friction values, Phosphorus (P) from agricultural wastewater is one of
noise reduction levels, enhanced resistance to cracking at the major pollutants in natural water that are responsible
low temperatures with excellent performance in roughness for algal growth and eutrophication of lakes. Municipal
and good resistance against water permeability.[45] wastewaters may contain from 5 to 20 mg/l of total phos-
phorous, of which 1–5 mg/l is organic and the rest is
inorganic. Phosphorus is one of the major nutrients that is
Slag in agriculture needed to be removed from domestic wastewater before
Agricultural use of slags has both economic and ecological being discharged into water bodies. Therefore, the appli-
advantages. It is evident that soil fertilizers must provide cation of an appropriate technology to remove the maxi-
the required nutrients; however, they should, on the other mum capacity of nutrient is imperative. For the removal
hand, leave negative effects neither on the environment of phosphorus from wastewater, various methods have
nor on human, animal and plant health. For centuries of been attempted including biological, chemical (precipita-
cultivations, phosphorous has supplied to soils as mineral tion, metal salt addition) and physical (electro-dialysis,
fertilizer, animal manure, and urban compost to support reverse osmosis) processes. The chemical precipitation is
crop growth. Leakages of phosphorous from agricultural expensive and leads to an increase in sludge volume by
soils into aqueous environments similarly fertilize water up to 40%. The biological phosphorus removal needs a
bodies, resulting in aquatic eutrophication. The use of lot more volume or space (anaerobic unit) than the other
steelmaking slag as a raw material for fertilizer began processes. Research on the potential use of industrial by-
to spread mainly in Europe. This phosphate fertilizer has products for treatment systems to remove phosphorus from
proved to be an invaluable source of phosphoric acid for wastewater was carried out in the late 1980s. The phos-
plant life. Special iron-rich fertilizers are labelled as those phorus removal is done along with the development of
which contain limonite (includes bog iron ore), slag (only constructed wetlands (CW). This method is a low-cost
slag intended to supply mainly iron and containing 10% or technology for the treatment of pollutants, during which
more iron), or iron powder and weathered rock containing slag performs an important role by absorbing impurities
10% or more iron.[11,46] especially phosphorus in the waste. Steel slag is a low-cost
The use of fertilizers and liming materials produced and abundant material, which, in combination with small
from BF and steel slags has a long tradition. Silicate secondary treatment systems (such as CW), is an attractive
lime fertilizers (BF lime and converter lime) have been approach in comparison with other methods.[47,48] The
approved for use as fertilizers in Germany for more than slag contains various metal oxides such as iron oxides and
60 years. These types of fertilizers contain elements with alumina that may be effective in phosphorus reduction from
beneficial properties for plant nutrition and soil quality. domestic, agricultural and municipal effluents.[49] Slag
Calcium and magnesium in slags are more water solu- has shown a high affinity for phosphorus adsorption. This
ble than magnesium carbonate in natural limestone and is linked to its light-weight porous medium with numer-
dolomite. Both elements function as plant nutrients and ous sites for sorption. Steel slags can be produced from
stabilizers for soil aggregates. In addition, their basicity various sources. Therefore, slags have different physical
increases and/or sustains soil pH. The solubility of sili- and chemical properties originating from various feedstock
cate obtained from slag is usually higher than many other ores, fluxes and manufacturing processes involved. These
silicate-containing soil improvers or rock powders. Silicate differences have provided a board range of phosphorus
has positive effects on plants’ health, phosphate availabil- sorption yield ranging from 76.4 to 8390 mg/kg. Many lab-
ity as well as soil structure. The compositional percentage oratory experiments have been carried out to evaluate the
of trace elements such as manganese, copper, zinc, boron sorption capacity of slag. These studies have shown slag to
or cobalt in slag meets both plant and animal demands. BF be a promising substrate for phosphorus removal.[50]
lime has a minor effect on soil pH. Therefore, its use is Few research studies have been done in New Zealand
particularly advised on humus, sandy and peat soils. More- and Canada covering slag composition and structure and
over, the high silicate and magnesium contents which are assessing the environmental market issues. In France,
available to plants enhance yields and plant qualities. Con- upgrading existing domestic small wastewater treatment
verter lime from BOF slag and ladle slag generated during plants for phosphorus removal can represent a potential use
8 S. Hosseini et al.

of 0.5–1.3 million tons slag/year. To date, there have been Wastewater from the steel mill contains a high concen-
few attempts to use slag in wastewater treatment in Europe. tration of heavy metals due to the accumulation of filtered
The use of slag is competitive with traditional techniques particles from the filtration process of wastewater. A direct
used for phosphorus removal. The usage of by-products release of the backwash water into the environment may
may be attractive in light of economic benefits for steel cause adverse effects to both land and aquatic lives. Met-
makers and to improve technical advancements in design als are toxic and non-biodegradable and may continue to
and supply of wastewater treatment plant. Some studies exist in these water bodies. The heavy metals also have
have shown that the phosphorous-adsorbed slag can be the tendency to accumulate in the food chain. Hence, a
used to grow plants. This suggests that phosphorus sources strict environmental regulation has been established in an
in steelmaking (slag) has the potential to be re-utilized as effort to mitigate the heavy metals contamination of the dis-
a fertilizer However, this area needs to be further probed charge of industrial effluent. Absorption of lead ions by two
into by the researchers. different types steel slag was carried out in a column-type
The removal of phosphorous from wastewater begins contact process.[52] BF slag (BFS) and EAF slag (EAFS)
with the incorporation of phosphate into total soluble solids were selected for lead adsorption. Based on the results,
(TSS) and then continues with the subsequent removal both types of slags can be well utilized as a filter media
from these solids. Phosphorous can be integrated into for the removal of lead ions from industrial wastewater.
either biological solids such as microorganisms or can Hallberg and Renman [53] studied the feasibility of BFS
be used as chemical precipitates. However, phosphate as a media for the removal of heavy metals generated in
removal is currently achieved to a great extent, through road runoff.[53] Heavy metals in road runoff such as Cd,
chemical precipitation. This is a costly process and causes Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn were removed in a column set up using
an increase in sludge volume by up to 40%. Therefore, BFS. In these methods, removal efficiencies of Cd and
compared to chemical precipitation, the key advantages of Zn > 90%, Cu > 77%, Ni > 44% and Cr (6%) have been
biological phosphorous removal are a reduction in chemi- reported. Liu et al. [54] studied the adsorption behaviour
cal costs and the minimization of sludge production.[46] of heavy metal ions (Cr3+ , Cu2+ , Pb2+ and Zn2+ ) by slag
in batch mode.[54] The adsorption capacities revealed high
removal of ions by using slag. Chen et al. [55] studied the
Removal of heavy metals adsorption kinetics and equilibrium adsorption capacity of
As low-cost slag has good sportive characteristics, it is four heavy metal ions (Cu2+ , Cd2+ , Zn2+ and Pb2+ ) using
widely used in wastewater and water treatment and can two kinds of EAF slags while probing into the effects of
replace granular activated carbon. There have been several solution pH and grain size alike. They concluded that a
reports covering the adsorptions of dye, heavy metals and decrease in grain size could increase the uptake capacity in
organics by using slag. However, the uptake capacity of batch mode, whereas fine-grain slag caused column clog-
slag is dependent on the pH of the solution. The hydration ging, and a decrease in the removal efficiency of metal
of slag composition in the aqueous solutions results in a ions. Beh et al. [56] investigated the reduction in chem-
high pH value. The possible hydration reactions can take ical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand
place with different compositions of slag: (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and the concentra-
caO + H2 O → Ca(OH)2 , tion of heavy metals of wastewater by using slag from a
steelmaking plant. The results confirmed that EAFS can be
MgO + H2 O → Mg(OH)2 , used as an efficient adsorbent for producing treated water
2Ca2 SiO4 + 4H2 O → 3CaO · 2SiO2 · 3H2 O + Ca(OH)2 , that complies with the standard B limitations for an indus-
trial effluent. Therefore, EAF slag has the potential to be
2Ca3 SiO5 + 6H2 O → 3CaO · 2SiO2 · 3H2 O + 3Ca(OH)2 , used for heavy metal removal from contaminated water or
CaO · 7Al2 O3 + 12H2 O → CaO · 7Al2 O3 · 6H2 O wastewater.[56] The atomized slag as a recycled material
is produced in Korea and has been widely used as filter
+ 6Al2 O3 · H2 O.
media for removing heavy metals and organics. Jung et al.
Due to the high solution pH values, the slag surface is [57] tested the removal of heavy metals and organics in
negatively charged and adsorption metal ions and cations batch and column set-ups. The test results revealed the
are preferred. However, either high temperature or low pH removal efficiencies of more than 94.9% and 99.9% for
with considering some other operational conditions can organics and heavy metals passing through the atomized
be applied to remove heavy metals with slags. Yamashita slag media.[57] Mercado-Borrayo et al. developed a math-
et al. [51] investigated the possible mechanisms of remov- ematical regression model as multi-analytical approach to
ing dissolved heavy metals from aqueous waste liquids calculate the residual concentration of borate ions in water
via the converter furnace slag.[51] They suggested that present at high initial content. They used five types of
the removal can be attributed to one or more of following slag that were tested in this work. They concluded that the
effects: adsorption, co-precipitation, hydroxide precipita- methodology based on a multi-analytical approach is a very
tion as hydroxide, sulphide and ion exchange. strong and useful tool to estimate the performance of iron
Environmental Technology Reviews 9

Figure 9. Mechanism of metal removal by using slag.

and steel slag as adsorbent of metalloids.[58] Yusuf et al. is being generated at an increasingly high rate world-
[59] used the EAF slag as the adsorbent for adsorption of wide. It is becoming emergently important and attractive
nickel in both batch and column operations. The maximum to use slag effectively in many developing applications.
uptake was found to be 160.92 mg/g for an equilibrium Slags have proved to be decent replacements for several
time of around 21 h in batch mode.[59] Hosseini et al. synthetic materials. It has been concluded that slags can
[36] reported removal of iodide ions from aqueous solu- be promising replacements for conventional adsorbents in
tion by EAF slag. The results indicated that the maximum wastewater treatments. The use of EAF slag as a safe,
adsorption capacity was found to be 43 mg/g at acidic effective and inexpensive adsorbent is recommended for
media.[36] improving the treatment of urban wastewater and indus-
trial wastewater. Urban wastewater comprises a complex
mixture of constituents and can be very harmful to dif-
Mechanisms of metal removal by slag fuse in surface waters even in low concentrations. They
The removal of heavy metals from solution by slag sur- have also been well used in road construction industries. In
faces comprises three processes: adsorption, precipitation addition, the applications of slag in road construction con-
and co-precipitation and ion exchange.[60] The mecha- tribute to the treatment of urban wastewater. The ease of
nism encompasses surface adsorption, absorption by pene- use, availability as well as economic plus sides can be some
tration into the solid network and condensation within the critically determining advantages of these newly emerging
pores of a solid. These processes are similarly also referred materials.
to as adsorption, co-precipitation and precipitation. The
mechanism of heavy metal removal is closely dependent
on the slag and heavy metal properties such as acid-base Disclosure statement
chemistry, redox reactions, ionic character, pH, concentra- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
tion of aqueous species, nature of adsorbent and surface
coverage. Zhou and Haynes [60] suggested that precipita-
tion and co-precipitation are the principal mechanisms for
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge High Impact
heavy metal removal at high concentrations while specific Research [grant no HIR/MOE/ENG59], University of Malaya for
adsorption takes place at lower metal concentrations. Sorp- the financial support and technical support of this work.
tion is observed at low adsorbate concentrations and large
adsorbent’s surface area. Sorption of anion species is great-
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