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Maya Hartman

Paper Crane Final

VP Bird’s Eye: elevated view almost as if you were a bird looking straight down
VP Worm’s Eye: ground level as if you were a worm looking up at the focal point
VP High Angle: above the focal point also makes subject look weak
VP Low Angle: below the focal point makes the subject look more masculine
VP Dutch Tilt: taking the camera and tilting it a bit
HP Front: a picture of the focal point from the face (object or person)
HP Back: a picture of your focal point from behind
HP ¾ Front: a picture of your focal point from mainly the front with a little bit of back
HP ¾ Back: a picture of your focal point with mainly back but also some front
HP Profile: a picture taken from the side of your focal point
Rule Of Thirds: when you take your focal point and put it of to one of the corners
Rule Of Thirds
Leading Lines: used in a picture to draw the viewer's eye through the image
Creative Lighting: lighting used in an image that is not over head lighting
Creative Lighting
Black And White: an image taken in color but then saturated in to black and white
Black And White

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