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1. Eligibility: Who possess the minimum educational qualification as mentioned against
serial number 2 in column 5 of Schedule II.
2. Examination:
(i) The examination shall be conducted by the Board! Appointing Authority.
(ii) The examination shall be of objective type with multiple choice type questions.
(iii) Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong
answer, one - third of the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be
Explanation: Wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.
(iv) Minimum passing marks shall be 40%.
(v) All papers unless specifically required, shall be answered either in English or Hindi,
but no candidate shall be permitted to answer anyone paper partly in Hindi and
English unless specifically allowed to do so.

3. Examination: Subjects included in the paper and marks given are shown in the tables
Duration: 3 hours
Sr. Subject Number of Total
No. questions Marks
1. Rajasthan Indian and World History with special 15 30
emphasis on Indian National Movement.
2. History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and 25 50
Heritage of Rajasthan.
3. Indian Polity, Indian Economics with special emphasis 20 40
on Rajasthan.
4. Use of computers and information technology 15 30
5. Geography of Rajasthan, India and World 20 40
6. General Science 20 40
7. Logical reasoning, mental ability and basic numeracy. 15 30
8. Language ability test: Hindi, English 20 40
Total 150 300

Note: The detailed syllabus and scope of paper for the examination will be as prescribed
by the Appointing Authority from time to time and will be intimated to the candidates
within the stipulated time in the manner as the commission deems fit.

1. Rajasthan, Indian and World History with special emphasis on Indian National
A. Major Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, their Administrative and
Revenue System. Socio-cultural Issues.
B. Freedom Movement, Role of Rajasthan in the revolt of 1857, Tribal and Peasants
movements in Rajasthan, Freedom Struggle in Rajasthan with special reference to Praja
MandaI Movements, Political Awakening and Integration.
C. Indian History Ancient & Medieval Period: Salient features and Major Landmarks of
Ancient and Medieval India. Art, Culture, Literature and Architecture.
D. Modem Period: Modem Indian history (from about the middle of the eighteenth century
until the present) - significant events, personalities and issues.
E. The Freedom Struggle & Indian National Movement- its various stages and important
contributors and contributions from different parts of the country.
F. Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th century. Post-independence
consolidation and reorganization within the country.
G. Renaissance- Causes and Impact.
H. Industrial Revolution.
L American War of Independence- Causes and effects.
J. French Revolution, Growth of Nationalism and Liberalism in Europe- Rise of national
states- Unification of Italy and Germany.
K. Russian Revolution of 1917- Causes and significance.
L. First and Second World Wars- Causes, important events and impact.
M. World organization- League of Nations and U.N.O.
2. History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan
A. Ancient Civilization- Kalibanga, Ahar, Bagore, Ganeshwar, Balathal and Bairath.
B. Salient features of Architecture - Forts and Monuments, Arts, Paintings and Handicrafts.
C. Important Works of Rajasthani literature, Local Dialects.
D. Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dances.
E. Rajsathani Culture, Traditions and Heritage.
F. Religious Movements, Saints & Lok devtas of Rajasthan.
G. Important Tourist Places.
H. Leading Personalities of Rajasthan.
3. Indian Polity and Indian Economics with special emphasis on Rajasthan
A. Indian Constitution, Nature of Indian Constitution; Preamble, Fundamental Rights,
Directive Principles of State, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional
Amendments, Emergency Provisions, Public Interest Litigation (P.LL.) and Judicial
B. Indian Political System and Governance: Nature of Indian State, Democracy in India,
Reorganization of States, Coalition Governments, Political Parties.
C. Union and State Executive; Union and State Legislative, Judiciary President, Parliament,
Supreme Court, Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Planning
Commission, National Development Council, Central Vigilance Commission (evC) ,

Central Information Commission, Lokpal, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).
Local Self Government & Panchayati Raj.
D. Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan Governor, Chief Minister, State
Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, District Administration,
State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukt, State Election Commission, State
Information Commission. Public Policy, Legal Rights and Citizen Charter.
E. Economic Concepts and Indian Economy: Basic Concepts of Economics, Basic
Knowledge of Budgeting, Banking, Public Finance, National Income.
F. Major Sectors of Economy- Agriculture, Industry, Service and Trade- Current Status,
Issues & initiatives.
G. Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives, Economic Reforms and
Liberalization Human Resource and Economic Development
H. Flagship Schemes, Social Justice and Empowerment:- Provisions for Weaker Sections.
I. Economy of Rajasthan: Major Agricultural, Industrial and Service Sector Issues. Growth,
Development and Planning.
J. Infrastructure & Resources, Major Development Projects.
K. Flagship Schemes and Programmes- Government Welfare Schemes for SCISTIBackward
Class/MinoritieslDisabled Persons, Destitute, Women, Children, Old Age People.
4. Use of Computers and Information Technology:
A. Basics of Computer: Introduction to computer- Characteristics, use and types of
B. Computer generations and computer architecture: Hardware, input and output devices.
C. Information and Communication Technology, Space Technology including Satellites.
D. Development of Science and Technology in Rajasthan.
5. Geography of Rajasthan, India and World:
A. Geography of World: Broad Physical features, Environmental and Ecological Issues,
Wildlife and Bio-diversity.
B. Geography of India: Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions.
C. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to
D. Minerals - Iron, Manganese, Coal, Oil & Gas, Atomic minerals.
E. Major Industries and Industrial development.
F. Transportation- major transport corridors.
G. Natural Resources, Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues.
H. Geography of Rajasthan Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions.
I. Natural Resource of Rajasthan.
J. Climate, Natural Vegetation, Forests, Wildlife and Bio-diversity.
K. Major irrigation projects.
L. Mines and Minerals.
M. Population.
N. Major Industries and Potential for Industrial Development
6. General Science:
A. Basics of Everyday Science.
B. Human body, Food and Nutrition, Health care
C. Physical and Chemical Changes, Metals, Non-Metals and their important compounds,
some important compounds used in daily life
D. Human Brain, Hormones, Human disease- Causes and cures
E. Preliminary Knowledge of digestive and excretory system in human
F. Types of vitamins and its deficiency diseases.
G. Composition of Blood, Blood Groups
H. Use of Biotechnology in the field of Medicine and Agriculture
7. Logical Reasoning, mental ability and basic numeracy:
A. Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive), Statement and Assumptions, Statement
and Argument, Statements and Conclusion, Courses of Action.
B. Mental Ability: Number series, Letter series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Problems
relating to Relations, Shapes and their sub sections.
C. Basic Numeracy: Elementary knowledge of Mathematical and Statistical Analysis.
Number System, Order of Magnitude, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Simple and
Compound Interest
8. Language ability test: Hindi and English
A. Tenses/Sequence of Tenses, Voice: Active and Passive,
B. Narration: Direct and Indirect, Transformation of Sentences: Assertive to Negative,
Interrogative, Exclamatory and vice-versa, Use of Articles and Determiners.
C. Use of prepositions, Translation of simple sentence from Hindi to English and vice versa.
D. Correction of Sentences Including Subject
E. Verb Agreement, Degrees of Adjectives, Connectives and words wrongly used.
F. Glossary of official, Technical Terms (with their Hindi versions),
G. Synonyms, Antonyms, One word substitution, Forming new words by using prefixes and
A. m 3TR m ~, flll1l ff1 Cf) l1GT c5t ~ l:[q "f111Tf1'- ~, ~ 'CfCfwx:n:r
B. SOI~f~ql-q()1~ 'CfCf~ ~, ~~ ~, ~-~
C. ~-~: ~ ~ cpr ~f%Cf),<OI 3TR ~16Glld ~ cpr ~,CflC.flr-~ ~
~ cpr ~f%Cf)'<OI 3TR qlCf~lld ~ cpr ~,
D. crrc.<:r : Cf)~qldl, Cf)4Clldl 3TR '+1IClClldl ~,
E. finm : flCf)4Cf), ~ 3TR 'iufCf)I~Cf) ~
F. qICf~i~1 cf> ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ 3TR C11¢IRfu~i
G. ~ cf> ~ ("dCf)··nC/'>"I)~ cf> ~ ~ ~ I
~j i!
I.~ !i 1~j f
~!i ~ I I !i~- , i
I~~i q;; ~ ~£; ,; ~f
.~I1! ~ ~
1& ~ -l
~ ~ ~
- ~ ~:~ ~ t ~- ,- ~ '~~~-,. ~ t i ~.~
1& 1&


l_~~I~~! ~ i- .~~
,1& ~ ~

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....: N co)
D. ~ c#'r "!I"1<11~CIJ ~ W~lIflPtCIJ ~: "!1\.T£lqlC'1, j&P1?1l, ~ ~, ~
"ilI£lIC'1£1, ~ fficp ~ ~, ~ !Olli'llfl'1, ~ ~ ~, C'11C1JI1ffi,
~ PlClhH 3lT£Il<T, ~ WAT 3lT£Il<T, fficp ~, ~ ~ ~ '1111RCIJ

~14~11'bIf\I£I ~
~, 'C'1lcn-fum, ~
~ ~~: ~~ *~ fft~I'"f1, ~ f.11:ITur,

F. 3l~ cB- ~ ~:- ~, ~, ~ ~ cmtm, ~~, ~ ~ ~

G. ~ ~ fll1~I~ ~ ~ c#'r ~, ~ ""!jQR ~ \3c;lofICIJ,,!ol, 'l1FfCr ~ ~
H. ~ ~ ~1"1'11~, flll1lfGlCIJ -.x:rm ~~: ClJl1\i11,,!crrif cB- ~ mcrmrr
I. ~ c#'r 3l~ : ~, ~ q ~ ~ cB- ~ ~, ~, ~ ~
J. ~ "!1"!"if'11 ~ ~ ~ ~ qR~'I"1'1I~
K. ClJ14ml1 ~ ~1"1'11~ 3lj~d~, 3lj~d "1'1"11~, ~ qrf, 3l(>{1"!1{"c£lCf)l,
f.1:~ICfC1"1'1'L ~, ~3IT, ~ ~ CJ<fi"1'1'i cB- ~ "!I"1c$)£1 CIJ<"£IIOICIJlofI~'I"1'1I~
4. Cf)"\G,( afi'<" ~ lJl)tj)fllc6'l C6T m-
A. ~ ClJl""Q{c"!: "4fum, R1~l~dl~, ~ ~ ~
B. ClJl""Q{c"! "1'1hl'1 ~ 31CI"!1"!"if'1 I: 151;g~£I( ~ ~ 3l1\3c9)c ~ClI~fl
C. ~ ~ ~ >?)dllTl¢l, ~ ~ ~ !Ol~~llTl¢f\1
D. ~ ~ ~ ~ dCIJ<11¢1 "CiJT~
5. '(i\JI't@.fA',~ afi'<" fcm" C6T ~
A. ~"CiJT~: ~ ~ ~R1..,n~l~cr=drnl~,
q£lICl,,!o~£1 ~ ~~, "Cf'Xf ~-~

B. ~"CiJT ~:- ~ am ~ ~-~ ~
~ R1~l~dl~
C. ~ cB- ~ m ~~,61111C11<1l,"Cf'Xf am q~qlC'1'1
D. ~- ~, 411<1"1"1,~, ~ ffi:;r am "i'f"fl", 3l1 1R1CIJ~ 0

E. ~ ~ ~ 3l~d11TJCIJ~
F. qRCl15"1 - ~ qRCl15"1 l1'J"1f
G. !OlICll~CIJ~, Cf2IT ~
q£lfCl,,!o~£1 =flTT:'l1~,...,......r;:I~ ~
H. ~ "CiJT~: ~ ~ R1~'I~dl~ am ~ ~-~ ~
I. ~ cB- !OlICll~CIJ ~
J. "1C'1C1I~, !OlICli~CIJ CI'1ftl~, cr-=r, "Cf'Xf ~-~ ~ ~-~
K. ~ ~ qR£ll"1'1I~
L. ~ ~ ~ fl.-qC;I~,
M. "1 '1"!1{..clll
N. ~ ~ ~ 3f)dlITICIJ ~ c#'r ~
6. i1i+ti~ ~
A. flll1I"il ~ c#'r ~
B. 'l1FfCr~, ~ ~ tWfur, ~ ~
c. ~lIofIRCIJ ~ "!lfll£lPtCIJ qRClct'1, mg, 3lmg ~ ~ ~ ~, flHI"il ~ if ~
egg l115~<i°f ~
D. l=IACT l1 fffi t'Cf), ~, l=IACT ~ cB- ~ ~ PI CII "! 01

E. ":J'S'! ij 'If<'R 1[<i "",,01'1 ~ i!>T ~ W'!~

F. Fckl~~ cpr >JCnN ~ ~ ~ ~ m~ -w-r
G. ~cpr~, ~~
H. ~ !A~u'lfTICb"1cpr Rlf¢ctll ~ ~ ~ wWr
7. ctl f¥Cf)~, ~ 1911ffi a1R ~ l'fUFIT
A. c=rrfclfcn ~a:rm (f~PI+'i~If+"tcn, 3llll+'i~If+"tcn, 3l4qtf~lf+"tcn):- cp~ ~ +'i1""llC1I;Q,cp~ ~ ~,
CJ)2l'l ~ ~, CJ)l2.A Cf11 4q 16"1
B. +'i1~fflCf1 ~:- ~~, 3laR ~, m ufc;:rr, Cf1",cQliH (~ t'lCfll~ll), ~m,
3l1~~1I1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t1+'i'fllI~
C. ~ fi&:lIf+"tCf1 G'a:rm:- llfTll\111l ~ t1k ..
G1Ol$)lI ~~~tlOI cpr ~ ~, ~ ~
~ fI+'i'fllI~ q 4R+'iIOI cpr cp11, ~ Cf~ fI+'ilj41C1, >I~~IC1, ~ ~ il¢~F<& ~
8. Language ability test: English
A. Tenses/Sequence of Tenses, Voice: Active and Passive,
B. Narration: Direct and Indirect, Transformation of Sentences: Assertive to Negative,
Interrogative, Exclamatory and vice-versa, Use of Articles and Determiners.
C. Use of prepositions, Translation of simple sentence from Hindi to English and vice versa.
D. Correction of Sentences Including Subject
E. Verb Agreement, Degrees of Adjectives, Connectives and words wrongly used.
F. Glossary of official, Technical Terms (with their Hindi versions),
G. Synonyms, Antonyms, One word substitution, Forming new words by using prefixes and
8. ~ 1I)3~ctl q~IfIUI: ~
m 3ffi m ~, t11+'ilfflcn trGl qft ~ ~ x=r=rffi - ~, ~ ~ ~, ~lIfllql"r-!"1
~ ~ fctc;Wr ~, ~ ~, ~-<.Ff, ~-~: ~ ~ cpr :uF<&Cb,<OI3ffi
~1&;llC1 ~ cpr CORUT, crrcm-~ : 3l1fcG ~ cpr :uF<&Cf1,<OI3ffi qlCfllllCi ~ cpr
CORUT, crr=uT : Cf1~qlill, Cf14qlill 3ffi ~Iqqlill wWr, finm : t1cn4Cf1, ~ 3ffi ~ufCf1If(;jCf1
~, qlCflli~1 cf>~ ~ ~~, ~ 3ffi C'11CfllRfulli, ~ cf> ~ (Cicn'11Cbl)

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