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Training Guide

TopSolid’Design Migration
© 2012, Missler Software.
7, Rue du Bois Sauvage
F-91055 Evry, FRANCE
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TopSolid ® is a registered trademark of Missler Software.

TopSolid ® is a product name of Missler Software.

The information and the software contained within this document are subject to change without prior warning
and should not be construed as a commitment by Missler Software.

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compliance with the terms of this license.

Version 7.6 Rev.02

ii Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration

Training Program .............................................................................................................................. 1

Conversion Settings for a v6 File ........................................................................................................ 2

Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part ................................................................................................... 4

Retrieving the Profiles of a v6 Part ....................................................................................................10

Retrieving a v6 Part for v7 Drafting ...................................................................................................14

Retrieving a v6 Part with the Draft....................................................................................................15

Parameterizing a v6 Part in FreeShape Mode ....................................................................................16

Creating a v7 Component from a v6 Retrieval ...................................................................................20

Modifying a v6 Sheet Metal Part.......................................................................................................24

Retrieving the Attributes of a v6 Part ................................................................................................26

Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly .....................................................................................................27

Importing an In-Place Assembly........................................................................................................32

Retrieving a v6 Kinematics ...............................................................................................................33

Retrieving a v6 Part Family ...............................................................................................................36

Importing a TopSolid v6 Library ........................................................................................................37

Notes ...............................................................................................................................................38

Individual Course Evaluation Form ...................................................................................................41

Missler Software iii

TopSolid’Design Migration Training Program

Training Program
The following issues will be discussed in this training session:
 What are the different configurations for retrieving v6 files?
 How the following elements are converted :
- Sketches and profiles;
- Parts;
- Drafts;
- Attributes;
- Assemblies;
- Kinematics;
- Components.
 How to rework these retrieved items?
- Rebuilding and modifying a part by retrieving the sketches and profiles.
- Drafting a migrated part.
- Parameterizing a migrated part.
- Creating a component from a migrated part.
- Unfolding and modifying a migrated sheet metal.
- Reusing a migrated kinematics.
- Reusing and managing migrated components.

Missler Software 1
Conversion Settings for a v6 File TopSolid’Design Migration

Conversion Settings for a v6 File

 To import a TopSolid v6 file in the PDM, bring up the contextual menu and select Import/Export >
Import File with Conversion.

 Select the file to be converted, and then click the Open button.
The file conversion dialog box appears on the screen and allows you to define the import options for the file.

Note: It is also possible to import a file without conversion using the Import File without Conversion
command, which allows you to keep a copy of the v6 file in the project.

2 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Conversion Settings for a v6 File

Description of the Conversion Settings

General tab
The General tab allows you to define the import options for a part document (.top).

Translate only main set elements: Items defined in the main set will be imported.
Translate attributes: Allows you to translate attributes (colors, layers, description, etc.) of imported parts.
Import sketches: The sketches (and not profiles) will be imported. The sketches will be visible from the sketch
folder of the Entities tree.
Import curves: Profiles will be imported. Each profile is converted to a sketch.

Assembly Tab
The Assembly tab allows you to define the import options for an assembly document (.top).

Translate assembly structure: The assembly structure is converted. If the assembly is made of subsets, these are
converted into assembly documents.
Import positioning constraints: This option converts the TopSolid v6 positioning constraints to TopSolid 7
positioning constraints.
Import kinematics: Allows you to import the kinematic elements of a TopSolid v6 file.

Component Tab
The Component tab allows you to define the import options for library components.

Search for existing documents: During the import, TopSolid 7 checks in current project if these documents have
already been imported.
Search documents in all projects: Same option than above, but by searching in all projects instead of only in the
current one. Searching existing documents may take a long time because the database is interrogated.
Search for standard TopSolid components: Allows the TopSolid v6 library components to be correlated with the
TopSolid v7 library components.
Missler Software 3
Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part TopSolid’Design Migration

Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part

This exercise teaches you how to:
- use the correct conversion settings;
- find the elements retrieved in TopSolid7;
- use the imported sketches;
- restore the associativity of the shape in order to modify the
desired elements.

Import Settings

 Create a new project and rename it to Your name – Migration Training.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named Elbow
 Check the following import options for this part.

 Check that the shape has been defined in the main set in TopSolid v6.
Note: If no shape belongs to the main set in v6, TopSolid will simply convert the sketches and no shape will be

 Validate the conversion process.

Analyzing the Import

This analysis phase will allow us to check whether all of the necessary elements have been imported by TopSolid.
It is important to verify that the part’s sketches and shape have been imported and that the attributes have been
kept. To do this, we will edit the attributes and also use the Entities tree.

4 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part


 Edit the shape’s attributes.

If you compare the file in TopSolid v6 and TopSolid v7, you will notice that all the graphic attributes (color and
transparency) have been retained in TopSolid v7.

TopSolid v6 attributes TopSolid v7 attributes

Part Parameters
In the Parameters folder of the Entities tree, note that the
following items are automatically retrieved:
- the description: Elbow bracket;
- the part number: PART0052-A;
- the material: Stainless Steel.

TopSolid has also imported all the geometry sketches.

Warning: These sketches can be modified, but they are no longer associated with the shape. The shape is a
basified volume.
Missler Software 5
Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part TopSolid’Design Migration

We will be able to manage these different sketches from the Entities tree. It is then possible to modify them,
rename them and change their attributes.
 Make the necessary changes until you obtain the following result.

The Operations tree shoud be as follows:

Rebuilding the Part

This rebuilding phase allows you to restore associativity between the sketches and the shaping operations. This
step is optional and only necessary if the user wants to restore the associativity of the part so that it can be
modified again in TopSolid v7.
First, we will rebuild the shape from the retrieved sketches.

 Extrude the basis sketch (Extruded sketch) to 25 mm along Z+.

 Make a pocket with a depth of 10mm on the lower face of the basis (Pocket
sketch). The vertical radii must be 20mm and the bottom radius must be 4mm.
 Make a Ø150mm through hole.
 Create the piped shape in surface mode, thicken the surface to 8mm, and

then unite it with the initial shape.

 Make the 10mm high boss.

 Finish radiating the part using the Fillet command, and then add the four M10
tapped holes.

6 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part

The Operations tree is now totally usable.

However, we will see that the rebuilding shows its limits.

 In the Pipe sketch, modify the 30° angle to 45°.

As you can see, the boss has not followed the modification.

Note: To obtain a fully modifiable and associative geometry, the shape must be rebuilt with new sketch planes,
based on the existing sketches.
Here, we just want to modify the elbow angle and that the geometry follows this modification.

Missler Software 7
Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part TopSolid’Design Migration

Therefore, we will make a copy of the previous file, and then delete all the operations until the boss. From there,
we will rebuild the shape in a more traditional way.

 In the Operations tree, drag the boss sketch building operation above the Boolean operation.

 In the Entities tree, show the Boss sketch.

 Bring up the contextual menu on this sketch, and then edit it.
 Using the Position Sketch, reconnect the plane of this sketch on the upper face of the elbow.
 Check that the sketch is fully constrained.

8 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving the Sketches of a v6 Part

 Validate the sketch by clicking the button.

 Then make the boss.

You can now modify the angle so as to obtain the following result:

Missler Software 9
Retrieving the Profiles of a v6 Part TopSolid’Design Migration

Retrieving the Profiles of a v6 Part

This exercise teaches you how to:
- use the correct conversion settings;
- find the elements retrieved in TopSolid v7;
- understand the conversion mechanism of a v6 traced profile;
- use the imported profiles;
- constrain the imported profiles;

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export, and then Import File
with Conversion. Open the file named
 Check the following import options for this part.

Note: The TopSolid v6 imported profiles will only have fixity constraints.

Analyzing the Import

This analysis phase will allow us to check whether all of the necessary elements have been imported by TopSolid.
We will compare the file in TopSolid v6 and TopSolid v7.

When converting, TopSolid retrieves the profiles without any dimension or conversion element. At this stage of
the conversion, the geometry can be used, but it remains fixed.
Then, we will see how to make the geometry parametric again.
10 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving the Profiles of a v6 Part

 As before, check that the attributes and entities have been imported.

 Edit the attributes of the sketches as follows and hide the sketches we don’t need. The result should
be the following:

Now we will edit the extruded sketch to understand and analyze the profile import.

Missler Software 11
Retrieving the Profiles of a v6 Part TopSolid’Design Migration

Note: When converting a shape, all of the faces are fixed. To modify this sketch and make it parametric, you have
to remove the fixity and add the constraints.

 Modify the three sketches to make them parametric.

 First, reposition the sketch as follows:

 Bring up the contextual menu on the sketch and select Unfix.

12 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving the Profiles of a v6 Part

 Constrain the sketch as shown in the drawing below.

 Rebuild the shape and modify the sketches so as to obtain the result shown below. Use the following
- revolved shape;
- extrusion;
- boss;
- drilling (M8 tapped hole with a depth of 10mm);
- fillets.

Note: The TopSolid v7 conversion can retrieve all of the TopSolid v6 sketches and profiles, which allows you to
quickly redraw a model, in part or whole, if you need to make changes. If no changes are to be made to the part
to import, the profiles and sketches do not need to be converted.

Missler Software 13
Retrieving a v6 Part for v7 Drafting TopSolid’Design Migration

Retrieving a v6 Part for v7 Drafting

In this exercise, we will use a v6 part in order to draft it and check that the 3D information (drilling information) is

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named 01 -
 Check the following import options for this part.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the part document window's upper tab, create a draft document,
position the views, go to the Detailing tab, and then dimension the draft as shown below.

Note: All the drilling information has been retrieved. The draft is made in the same way as a v7 part.

14 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving a v6 Part with the Draft

Retrieving a v6 Part with the Draft

In this exercise, we will import a part with its draft.
 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named Screw.dft.
 Check the following import options for this part.

Note: By checking Import Linked Documents, the documents linked to the draft will be imported. The Search
existing linked documents in the PDM option allows you to search whether or not linked documents (.top files)
exist in the PDM.
You should then end up with the following result:

Note: The converted draft corresponds to a dxf retrieval; it is simply linked to the part. When modifying the part,
using the icon, TopSolid notifies us that the draft document needs to be updated.

 To update the draft, bring up the contextual menu on the draft and select Update.
Missler Software 15
Parameterizing a v6 Part in FreeShape Mode TopSolid’Design Migration

Parameterizing a v6 Part in FreeShape Mode

This exercise teaches you how to:
- import a v6 part;
- fully parameterize a v6 part in FreeShape mode so as to modify all the dimensions
and create a related draft document.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named Milling
 Check the following import options for the part.

Note: Here, we don’t want to import sketches and curves because we will constrain the part again using the
FreeShape command of TopSolid v7.

 In the FreeShape tab, select the FreeShape command and activate the
Convert mode.

 Select Extract Fillet or Chamfer in order to parameterize the chamfer.

16 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Parameterizing a v6 Part in FreeShape Mode

During conversion in FreeShape, fixity constraints are automatically created on all of the faces of the shape
receiving the constraint. Therefore, to be able to make geometric or dimensional modifications, you must remove
the fixity using the Unfix command in the contextual menu for the selected face.
We will define the three faces shown below as the three reference faces for the dimensions. Thus, these faces will
be fixed.

 Bring up the contextual menu on all the remaining faces (plane, cylinder, etc.) and select Unfix so as to
obtain the result shown below. The unfixed faces turn pink and the three reference faces remain dark grey.

 Select Constrain Automatically so that TopSolid correctly positions the parallelism, perpendicularity and
concentricity constraints, and other dimensions.

 Validate the dialog box.

Missler Software 17
Parameterizing a v6 Part in FreeShape Mode TopSolid’Design Migration

You should then end up with the following result:

 Using the Dimension command, add the following dimensions so as to properly constrain the part, the
goal being to obtain a fully constrained geometry (blue).

18 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Parameterizing a v6 Part in FreeShape Mode

You can also modify the dimensions in order to end up with the following geometry.

Missler Software 19
Creating a v7 Component from a v6 Retrieval TopSolid’Design Migration

Creating a v7 Component from a v6 Retrieval

In this exercise, we will:
- modify the geometry using the FreeShape tools in order to parameterize a part;
- assign the parameters to drive for the component and create the family.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named
 Check the following import options for this part.

 In the FreeShape tab, select the FreeShape command and activate the
Convert mode.

 Extract the fillets and the chamfers so as to obtain the following result.

20 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Creating a v7 Component from a v6 Retrieval

The goal of this exercise is to create a "fork" component which can be modified based on catalog values for the
clamping of the U-shape, and parameterized based on a driver for the shank length.

 Using the Unfix command, delete the fixity constraint on the geometry faces to be "freed", as shown

 Create constraints on FreeShape faces using the Automatically Constrain command.

 Add the following dimensions to parameterize the shank.

Missler Software 21
Creating a v7 Component from a v6 Retrieval TopSolid’Design Migration

 Add the following dimensions to constrain the U-shape.

 In the FreeShape tab, create a midplane between the two inner faces, and then fix the plane.

 In the Tools tab, create the parameter LA=20mm.

 Finish dimensioning the shape as shown below.

22 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Creating a v7 Component from a v6 Retrieval

 Bring up the contextual menu on the Fork part document window's upper tab and create a family.

 From the Generics folder, drag the L=250mm parameter into the Drivers folder, and then drag the
E=10mm and LA=20mm parameters into the gray lower part of the family document.

 Check that your new component is working properly.

Missler Software 23
Modifying a v6 Sheet Metal Part TopSolid’Design Migration

Modifying a v6 Sheet Metal Part

In this exercise, we will:
- import a v6 sheet metal part;
- modify the geometry using the FreeShape tools.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named
 Check the following import options for this part.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the part document window’s upper tab and create the unfolding for
the sheet metal.

Then you get the unfolding of the sheet metal as well as the bending information (angle and radius).
Note: A sheet metal part may also be reworked in FreeShape mode, which allows you to quickly modify the part

24 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Modifying a v6 Sheet Metal Part

Now we want to end up with the result shown below. To do this, we will make some changes to this part by:
- modifying the dimensions of the cut-outs;
- modifying the length of one flange;
- modifying one rounded side.

Note that the associativity is preserved in the draft document.

Missler Software 25
Retrieving the Attributes of a v6 Part TopSolid’Design Migration

Retrieving the Attributes of a v6 Part

In this exercise, we will check that all information linked to a v6 part is kept when importing this part in TopSolid

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named Part Attributes and Properties.
 Check the following import options for this part.

 Check that the following attributes have been kept:

- description;
- part number;
- material (if available in the v6/v7 library);
- color;
- transparency;
- author;
- creation date;
- level;
- graphic tolerances.

26 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly

Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly

In this exercise we will:
- import a bottom-up assembly;
- analyze the effects of using the different import options;
- check that the assembly structure is kept;
- check how parts and subsets are converted;
- retrieve the assembly constraints in order to simulate the movement;
- check how TopSolid v7 factorizes the standard components in order to increase performance.

1st configuration: No option in the Assembly tab is checked

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named 03 - Rolling
 Check the following import options for this assembly.

Note: This configuration transforms the v6 assembly into a v7 part. In this case, parts turn into shapes and the
assembly constraints are deleted.

You will not be able to create BOM or mechanism.

Note: This configuration should be used when assembling a set (a machine for example) in another large
assembly and you don’t want to know what it is made of, but simply its size and dimensions.
Missler Software 27
Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly TopSolid’Design Migration

2nd configuration: The Translate Assembly structure option is checked

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named 03 - Rolling
 Check the following import options for this assembly.

This configuration retrieves all the assembly structure (parts, subsets, etc.).

All the parts are fixed, but this does not prevent you from declaring
rigid groups and joints later in order to create a kinematics.

You can also create a draft for this set or generate the complete

28 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly
3 configuration: The Import Positioning Constraints option is also checked

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named 03 - Rolling
 Check the following import options for this assembly.

In this configuration, the assembly structure is always kept and the positioning
constraints are visible in the Entities tree.
Thanks to this configuration, we will be able to check whether the existing movement in
v6 is retained in v7.
Without any intervention, the movement behavior of the machine remains the same as
in TopSolid v6.

Note: In this 3rd case, you must also declare rigid groups and joints if you want to create a
kinematics because only the positioning constraints have been imported.

Missler Software 29
Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly TopSolid’Design Migration

4th configuration: Component options

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named 03 - Rolling
 Check the following import options for this assembly.

This configuration allows the TopSolid well-known standard components to be redirected to the correct libraries.
The v6 standard components are automatically redirected to the v7 libraries.
30 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Importing a Bottom-Up Assembly



Note: This configuration allows you to factorize the standard components and thus improve TopSolid’s
Missler Software 31
Importing an In-Place Assembly TopSolid’Design Migration

Importing an In-Place Assembly

In this exercise, we will import an assembly designed in-place in TopSolid v6.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named
 Check the following import options for this assembly.

In the Project tree, TopSolid has created a complete assembly structure for this set. All the parts created in-place
now have their own file.

 Open the Rafter part document and add two chamfers to the length.

 Save the file and check that changes have been made in the Lean-to assembly document.

32 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving a v6 Kinematics

Retrieving a v6 Kinematics
In this exercise, we will learn how to:
- import an assembly including kinematics;
- analyze the import;
- reuse the imported constraints.

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named
 Check the following import options for this assembly.

In this set, we want to reuse the kinematics in TopSolid v7.

Note: The kinematics import commands allow you to retrieve the TopSolid v6 rigid groups and joints.

Missler Software 33
Retrieving a v6 Kinematics TopSolid’Design Migration

You should then end up with the following result in the Entities tree:

 In the Groups folder, hide the ground group and activate a constrained configuration to see how
the mechanism reacts.

Note that the mechanism is complete.

 In the Simulation tab, assign a task to the pivot joint shown in the Entities tree. This task will be used in
a scenario in order to perform a kinematic movement.

34 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Retrieving a v6 Kinematics

 Create the following scenario.

 Calculate the kinematics simulation, and then select the Play Simulation command.

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Retrieving a v6 Part Family TopSolid’Design Migration

Retrieving a v6 Part Family

 Bring up the contextual menu on the project name and select Import/Export > Import File with
Conversion. Open the file named
 Check the following import options.

A part family is then created.

The component can be used in TopSolid v7.

Importing a V6 Catalog File .TopCat

 Create a part and the associated family.
 Bring up the contextual menu on your family document’s spreadsheet and select the Import Catalog
 Open the file named Elbows.TopCat.

This command allows you to import a catalog generated in Excel in order to recreate the component in TopSolid

36 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Importing a TopSolid v6 Library

Importing a TopSolid v6 Library

 Run the > File > Import TopSolid’Design v6 Library command.

This command allows you to import a complete TopSolid v6 user component library.

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Notes TopSolid’Design Migration






























38 Missler Software
TopSolid’Design Migration Notes































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Notes TopSolid’Design Migration































40 Missler Software
 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TopSolid’Design Migration Individual Course Evaluation Form

Individual Course Evaluation Form

(To be completed and returned to the training instructor at the end of the course)

TopSolid’Design Migration
Name : ..........................................................................................................................................................
Company : ..........................................................................................................................................................
Date(s) from ................................................................ to ............................................................................
By completing this individual evaluation form, you are helping to improve the quality and usefulness of the training provided in the future. Please complete it

Number of people during the course: Onsite at your company? YES □ NO □

GENERAL ASSESSMENT Poor Average Good Excellent

Overall, this course has been: □ □ □ □

What grade would you assign? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LOGISTIC Poor Average Good Excellent

Orientation (quality, organization, user-friendliness, etc.) □ □ □ □
Physical setup (room, materials, etc.) □ □ □ □

TRAINING Poor Average Good Excellent

Instructor's teaching method □ □ □ □
Group relationship (participation, sharing of experiences) □ □ □ □
Quality and clarity of educational materials (documentation) □ □ □ □
Balance between Theory and Practice □ □ □ □
Consistent presentations with what has been announced □ □ □ □
Training Content □ □ □ □

DURATION No Somewhat no Somewhat yes Yes

Does the overall duration of the course seem appropriate? □ □ □ □
If no, was it? Too short □ Too long □

PACE No Somewhat no Somewhat yes Yes

Does the overall pace of the course seem appropriate? □ □ □ □
If no, was it? Too slow □ Too fast □


Have you found this training to be useful in your work? □ □ □ □
Do you think you can put the acquired knowledge into use quickly? □ □ □ □
Do you believe that you have achieved your objectives
upon completion of this course? □ □ □ □

Comments and suggestions: ............................................................................................................................................


Missler Software 41

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