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1.“ I’m going out but I will be back in an hour” He said...............................................

2".If you are short of money, I can lend you some. She said........................................
3.”Do you want to see the catherdral ?” The guide asked..........................................
4".Are there any letters for me ?” Paul asked...............................................................
5."Let’s have a BBQ this week” Sally suggested..................................................
6."How long have you been learning English ?” The teacher asked.................................
7."Don’t chew gum durnig lessons! “ The teacher told us..............................................
8.” I didn’t take your bag, you are mistaken” He explained...........................................
9.”She has left some books so you should call her now” He said..................................
10".How much does she pay for the ticket ?” He asked....................................................
11."I was thinking of going by bus” Fred said..................................................................
12. "Try to find a better job ! Mr Jones told me..............................................................
13.”I believe we didn’t get your letter” Ann said......................................................
14."Does anyone know the answer ? “ A student asked.............................................
15".How did you get into the house ?” My dad asked..................................................
16."How many do you think we must take with us ?" Robert asked...............................
17"Let’s camp in the mountains “ She suggested........................................................
18."Has he had an accident ? "He asked..............................................................................
19."How long does it take to get to Vienna ? "Joe asked..............................................
20.”Don’t write on this book but you may use the copybook. He told us........................
21. “ Sit down and tell me what is troubling you” My mum told........................................
22".Did you do it yourself ? The boss asked.......................................................................
24. "What were you doing yesterday at 6.00 ? He asked...............................................
25.”Why are you spending so much time on those accounts ?” He asked................
26.”That is the house where I was born” He said...............................................................
27.” I dont like the jacket I prefer that jumper” The girl said..........................................
28.”What do you find difficult about cooking ?” She asked............................................
29." Leave quietly or our boss will get upset ! She told us..............................................
30.” Was he at the party last Saturday ? She asked..........................................................
31.” I was driving fast and I caused an accident” He said................................................
33.”I would buy a car if I had enough money” She said...................................................
34."If he comes I will talk to him” She said........................................................................
35.” Don’t be late again! “ She told me............................................................................
36." What are your plans for the future ?” They asked me.............................................
37.” Let’s go out for dinner “ He suggested......................................................................
38." I am sorry I haven’t rung before “ Colin said..............................................................
39."May I look at the menu ? The guest asked................................................................
40. "When do I need another filling ? The patient asked......................................................
41.”She has been waiting since morning “ He said ..........................................................
42.”It is raining again” They said..................................................................................
43.”Who do you want to speak to ? "The operator asked...........................................
44."Do they grow rice in this field ?" The tourists asked............................................

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