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The Biography of the 8th Zuri Rinpoche

The V. V. Zuri Rinpoche presently based in Karma Thegsum Dhechenling Monastery, Barshang, East Bhutan is
the 8th reincarnation of the 1st Zuri Rinpoche who was based in Tsurphu Monastery near Lhasa in Tibet. It
has been the main seat of the Karma Kagyu Lineage (one of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism) and
residence of the successive incarnations of the Gyalwang Karmapas. The 1st Zuri Rinpoche went to Qinghai
later in his lifetime. Following the Karmapa's wishes and due to karmic connections, he settled there and
Conducted by The 8th stayed in Qinghai Thrangu Monastery until his seventh incarnation. Traditionally he is one of the four main
Rinpoches of Thrangu Monastery, who have guided and benefited this magnificent monastery, they are namely,
V. V. Zuri Rinpoche the Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche, the Thrangu Rinpoche, the Zuri Rinpoche and the Lodro Nyima Rinpoche.
These masters have all taken rebirth at this monastery many times in order to uphold this sacred and holy
place with the compassionate wish that beings in the future may continue to benefit from the Buddha Dharma.
Cundi ranks supreme among the 70,000 million Buddhas, she is known as the “Buddha Mother”. In Anathapindika Gardens of
Jetavana Park in the City Kingdom of Sravasti, the Buddha meditated and saw the great sufferings of future sentient beings. In each of his past lives, Zuri Rinpoche was renowned for his practice of Vajrakilaya. The 7th Zuri Rinpoche,
The Buddha felt great compassion for sentient beings expounded the Cundi Dharani. The Buddha then pronounced the for example, have attained realisation by reciting the Vajrakilaya Mantra 1.3 billion times in his small
Cundi Mantra and proceeded to explain the Blessings and power of reciting the mantra. Her mantra is said to be one of the retreat hut overhanging the cliff of the Princess Wencheng Temple in Qinghai. This is still recounted by his
most liberating. To see it, hear it or speak it, is said to assure one be free from the lower realms. The Sutra of the Great Cundi disciples and the elderly monks there by this day. The 7th Zuri Rinpoche passed away in Bhutan, thus created
Dharani, the Heart of the Mother of Seven Kotis Buddhas as taught by the Buddha was in Sanskrit and was translated into the origination of his next incarnation in this Himalayan kingdom. The 8th Zuri Rinpoche has carried on the
Chinese during the Tang Dynasty by the Tripitaka Master Divakara from India (Trisho Tripitaka Volume 20, number 1077). powerful tradition of Vajrakilaya practice and Tsok offerings unceasingly for the benefit of sentient beings.

Born in Bhutan, the Venerable 8th Zuri Rinpoche was recognized by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa at two months old. At
Cundi in Sanskrit means "Extreme Purity". She has 3 eyes and is seated on a lotus. Her 18 Arms are the symbolic expression of
two, His Holiness presided over his enthronement ceremony in Bhutan in the presence of the Karmapa's four heart sons and
the profound principles of the pathway in the eighteen merits of attaining enlightenment. In particular, the persistent, tireless
many renowned Rinpoches. He was bestowed the Dharma name Karma Migyur Tenpei Gyaltshen Jigme Gocha. At a young
and unceasing zeal to save sentient beings. Each of her Arms is either forming a mudra or holding an instrument that
age, Rinpoche entered Rumtek Monastery, the Karmapa's seat in Sikkim, India, to receive intensive traditional Buddhist
represents an activity or characteristic of an enlightened being. She is adorned with a jewelled crown which is mounted
education. He studied at the Karma Shri Nalanda Institute and performed brilliantly under the guidance of the Karmapa. He
with a figure of a manifested Buddha. She is the source and essence of the Buddhas of past, present and future and has
then proceeded to Nepal to further his studies in the three yanas, the five major treatises and the four tantras in the Namo
unimaginable power of blessings. Cundi Bodhisattva will respond to prayers that are sincere and selfless. Those who practice
Buddha Institute. Moreover, he studied extensively in India and Bhutan. He had also received empowerments and teachings
Cundi Sadhana will attain wisdom, victory in debate, harmonious and respectful family, improved relations with others,
of various lineages such as from the Kagyu masters: the Very Venerable 9th Thrangu Rinpoche, the 1st Kalu Rinpoche, and
longevity, healed sicknesses, removal of negative karmas and other wishes fulfilled.
the Nyingma master Tullku Urgyen Rinpoche and etc. He started the
spreading of Dharma in 1993.
Benefits of praying to Cundi Bodhisattva as follows:
A qualified lineage teacher and a great reincarnation master, the
1. To eradicate all past negative karma and avoid all future calamities and protection from all kinds of harm; Venerable 8th Zuri Rinpoche is highly commended by His Holiness the
2. For the removal of all obstacles and the fulfillment of our wishes in this lifetime; 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje. Rinpoche said in his teachings that
3. For the accomplishment of siddhis and swift manifestation of practice; being a Rinpoche (meaning the "precious one" in Tibetan), his mission is
4. To subjugate all Maras and heretics; to benefit all sentient beings for them to attain true happiness. At the
5. To accumulate infinite power, merits and blessings; same time, being a member of the "Golden Rosary" of the Karma Kagyu
6. To acquire perfect round and perfect aura; lineage, he is obliged to contribute to the prosperity of the Karma Kagyu
7. To bridge others to the teachings of the profound Dharma; Lineage and Buddhism as a whole. Committed in the Bodhisattva Path
to spread the Dharma and liberate all sentient beings from samsara.
If you are unable to attend, you can sponsor the Drubchen and dedicate all merits to any person for his / her well-being, heal Rinpoche travelled to and from Bhutan, Hong Kong, Mainland China and
Back Taiwan, setting up Buddhist centres, giving teachings, conducting pujas,
sickness, increase longevity or for yourself to accumulate blessings and good fortune, maintain a happy and harmonious Front
family, to dispel all negative karma acquired since beginning less time and to keep out all calamities and negativities that may holding retreats and animal protection activities.
befall on us. It has been said that listening to the Lamas chant the prayers or sponsoring the prayers is as good as chanting
the prayers together with the Lamas.
Organiser Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya 八打靈創古佛教學會
主办单位 29 Jalan 12/21A, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 019-9161962 Website :
Venue Chin Woo Stadium 雪隆精武体育馆
Cundi Mirror 地点 Jalan Hang Jebat, City Centre, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.
The Cundi Mirror is one of the most effective tool to repel negative energy, protection from evil and harmful spirits. The back Contact Dharma Brothers / 师兄 Dharma Sisters / 师姐
of the mirror is normally a rear depiction of Cundi Budhisattva. The front of the piece is a “mirror” with the Dharani of Cundi 联络 Jason (English/英文) 019-3368678 Jamie (Chinese/中文) 012-3780378
surrounding it, representing the front of Cundi Budhisattva. It reflects all the negativity back from which it came. The Cundi John (English/英文) 017-8716993 Zoe (Chinese/中文) 012-8050998
Mirror is used for cultivating and reciting mantra of Cundi. When reciting the mantra in front of the mirror imagine the mirror Yaw (English/英文) 019-3831668
purifying all the negavities in your body and manifesting good luck. The Cundi Mirror can be displayed at the altar at home.
If one does not have an altar, then the Cundi Mirror can be displayed facing the main door. One can also place the Cundi Day 1 第一天 Day 2 第二天 Day 3 第三天
Mirror on the office table to attract positive energy. The Cundi Mirror will help to charge up positive energies on the incoming Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日
“Chi” to the house or office.
16 Nov 2018 17 Nov 2018 18 Nov 2018
2018年11月16日 2018年11月17日 2018年11月18日
The Cundi Mirror is also used to clear away stale and dark energy from a person’s face. This is particularly when one is starting
a new day when going out for an important pursuit or new undertaking. The Cundi Mirror counteracts, prevents and 10:30am - 12:00nn Cundi Drubchen Cundi Drubchen Cundi Drubchen
dissolves all devilish or unfavourable influences. It also acts to dissolve problems if ones astrology or zodiac is afflicted with 準提菩萨大法会 準提菩萨大法会 準提菩萨大法会
bad energies.
2:00pm - 4:30pm Cundi Drubchen Cundi Drubchen Cundi Drubchen
準提菩萨大法会 準提菩萨大法会 準提菩萨大法会
Eight Auspicious Symbols
5:00pm - 6:00pm Mahakala Puja Mahakala Puja Jangchub Puja & Repayment of
Dharmachakra Wheel, Conch, Victory Banner, Parasol, 大黑天金刚护法法会 大黑天金刚护法法会 Karmic Debts 超度累劫冤亲债主
Lotus Flower, Treasury Vase, Golden Fish and Endless
8:00pm - 10:30pm Cundi Bodhisattva V. V. Thrangu Rinpoche Cundi Drubchen
Knot are the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism
Empowerment Long Life Prayer 準提菩萨大法会
originated from ancient India which are associated with
準提菩萨灌顶 尊貴的創古仁波切 Body, Speech & Mind Offering
coronations of kings. These symbols are believed to be
長壽祈福法会 身、口、意供养
offerings made by the Gods to the Lord Buddha after his
Closing Ceremony
Enlightenment. Hence, were adopted in Buddhism as
The Symbols used in religious or other ceremonies are believed to propitiate the surroundings and offer protection to the Made Possible By: Scan QR Code to
activity being undertaken. They are also used as good luck emblems. They help to bring good fortune and draw positive enter TDSPJ Website
energies of prosperity and harmony. 扫描二维码以进入
Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya TDSPJ 网站
For non-muslim only
仁波切当年居于历代噶玛巴大宝法王传统驻锡主寺 --- 位于西藏拉萨楚布河上游的楚布寺,该寺是藏传
由最尊贵的 佛教四大教派之一噶玛噶举派的根本道场。仁波切其后前往青海,并遵从大宝法王的意愿及当地信众
第八世殊利仁波切主法 创古仁波切、殊利仁波切和洛卓尼玛仁波切。这几位大师为了坚持护持这一圣洁的地方,而世代
大 威力準提菩薩大法會
準提菩萨在7百亿诸佛中名列前茅,他被称为三世诸佛中的“佛母”。当时在舍卫国祗树给孤独园中,佛陀思惟观察 屡世以来殊利仁波切均以实修普巴金刚法门成就著称。而第七世殊利仁波切在青海文成公主庙上方
中感念未来诸众生承受巨大的痛苦。遂发慈悲心入準提三摩地,宣说过去七俱胝佛的準提陀罗尼经。佛陀推崇它为神 山崖的小闭关房内,念诵了十三亿遍普巴心咒而得到证悟至今仍为青海的老喇嘛和仁波切的弟子们所
咒之王,持咒者可感应不可思议的大威力。据说无论是见、闻或语,将可让修习者得解脱,不堕下三途苦。佛陀宣说 津津乐道。 第七世殊利仁波切在不丹圆寂,为第八世殊利仁波切转世于不丹种下因缘。今世的殊利
七俱胝佛母心大準提陀罗尼经,其后在唐代由印度的大藏经大师地婆诃罗(Divakara)从梵文翻译成中文(大藏经 仁波切亦从没有间断修持普巴金刚法,念诵其咒语,做其荟供,祈以普巴金刚不可思议的殊胜威德和
20册,编号1077)。 法力利益众生。

準提菩萨梵文译为“终极纯净”,他具有三眼十八臂,跏趺坐於莲花上。每只手持各种法器象征证悟的方便法门。特 出生于不丹的仁波切,在两周月时即得到第十六世大宝法王的认证,并在两岁时由法王亲自于不丹为他主持坐床典礼
别是,拯救芸芸众生不懈努力。其手臂结印或手持法器代表十八证悟功德,头戴宝冠中有一化佛,为三世诸佛之母, ,赐法名为“噶玛 明珠 天佩 嘉赞 吉美 高察”,当时法王的四大法子及多位著名的仁波切均参与了这个庄严的坐床仪
以示前世佛,现世佛及未来佛,具足不可思议加持法力。信众们若以无私真诚的祈请,即能得到準提菩萨的加持。準 式。年少的仁波切随后到法王在印度钖金的隆德寺接受严谨的传统教
提菩萨是一位感应甚强、对崇敬者至为关怀的大菩萨。修习这法门即能得到福德智慧,辩无碍,和谐温馨的家庭,加 育,并到那澜陀佛学院研习经论,在法王悉心教导下,成绩优异。其
強人际关系,延寿病除,消业障,满足众生世间和出世间的愿望等。 后仁波切前往尼泊尔南无布达佛学院继续学习三乘经典、五大论典及
修习準提菩萨的功德 传承乌金仁波切等大德座下接受灌顶,学习经论密续及不同教派传承
1. 无始以来所造业障悉皆消灭,避免 3. 明心见性,速得成就无上菩提。 6. 获得圆满无暇的光环。 法门,于九三年开始弘法事业。
任何灾难,远离恶鬼,恶贼之难等。 4. 降伏邪魔異道,使之进入正道。 7. 引领他人进入甚深佛法之道。
2. 根除障碍,满足众生世间的愿望。 5. 累积不可思议的功德和加持。 今世的殊利仁波切是噶玛噶珠法脉的传承上师,乘愿而来的大修行者
如您因事不克出席,您可以通过赞助大法会的功德廻向任何人,祈求他/她幸福,治疗病痛,延年益寿或为自己廣积 为一位仁波切(藏文为如意宝),他的使命是利益所有众生,让他们得
功德,财运亨通,维持和谐温馨的家庭,消除由始以来前世今生所造诸业障,避免任何灾难,趋吉避凶。据说赞助法 到真正的快乐,近年,上师于不丹、香港、台湾及中国内地,建立多
会的功德是等同於參于喇嘛诵经。 个共修中心、佛学会,举办各种佛学开示、法会、闭关、放生活动等

準 提镜 準提镜是最殊胜的法器之一,能反射负能量,驱邪,吸引正能量护佑家庭。準提镜背面呈準提菩萨背面
Rinpoche’s Programme in other Centres 仁波切在其他中心弘法 活 动
Venue 地点 The Karma Kagyu Dharma Society, Seremban
展示镜子。人们也可以将準提镜放在办公桌上以吸引正能量。 从而把气引入房子或办公室内,让它无时无刻充彻着正 841, Jalan Belimbing 2, Taman Sejahtera, 70100 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
Contact 联络 Dharma Brothers / 师兄 Mr Tan 019-253 7256

準提镜也用于怯除人脸上的晦气和黑暗的能量,特别是当他开始新的一天,从事一个重要业务或新事业时。準提镜也有 Day 1 第一天 Day 2 第二天

助抵消,预防和消除所有恶魔或不利的影响。如果因时运或生肖受到不良能量的影响,它也可以怯除所引起的问题。 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二
19 Nov 2018 20 Nov 2018
2018年11月19日 2018年11月20日
八 吉祥图 八吉祥包括:法轮,右旋法螺,尊胜幢,
10:00am - 12:00nn Green Tara Group Practice
宝盖,莲花,宝瓶,双鱼和吉祥结。佛教八吉祥图起源于古印度, 禄度母共修
8:00pm - 10:00pm Vajrakilaya Empowerment 8:00pm - 10:00pm Vajrakilaya Puja
普巴金刚灌顶 普巴金刚法会

这些宗教仪式或其他仪式中使用该图被认为可以安抚周围的环 Organiser Thrangu Dharma Retreat Centre Tambun, Ipoh

境,并为进行中的活动形成护佑的作用。它们也被用作祈福的象征,有助于带来好运,并吸取和谐的正能量。 主办单位 7.5 miles, Jalan Tambun, Tanjung Rambutan, 31250 Tambun, Negeri Perak.

Methodist Wisma SJK (C)

Venue 地点 SJK(C) Sam Chai Ipoh, Perak 霹雳怡保三才国民型华文小学
Boys School OCM Jalan Davidson
Contact 联络 Dharma Sisters / 师姐 Mdm Lim 012-5152601 Mdm Tan 017-5150755

Stadium Jalan Hang Jebat

Dharma Brothers / 师兄 Mr Tan 012-5903525


Hang Jebat Hang Tuah


LRT Station Monorail &

Negara LRT Station
Day 1 第一天 Day 2 第二天

Petaling KL
Street Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日
Jalan Hang Tuah

Hall Masjid
Al-Bukhary Balai Bomba
24 Nov 2018 25 Nov 2018
Chin Woo Stadium
2018年11月24日 2018年11月25日
Chin Woo Stadium 10:00am - 11:30am Cundi Drubchen 9:00am - 12:00nn Cundi Bodhisattva
雪隆精武体育馆 Stadium 準提菩萨大法会 Empowerment 準提菩萨灌顶
Jalan Hang Jebat, City Centre, Merdeka
50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 3:00pm - 6:30pm Cundi Drubchen 7:00pm - 10:00pm Fund Raising Vegetarian


St Maharajarela
Dew d Bridge

Jln Kwan Yin

準提菩萨大法会 Dinner 慈善素宴会
Jalan Mah
an B

Venue: SJK(C) Sam Chai Ipoh

Jal verhe

u 场地:怡保三才小学


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