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Printout of Historical Data from Commercial Register as at 16.01.

2019 at
Co mmercial register card No . 1 has been o pened in T artu Co unty Co urt Registratio n
Department in respect o f
Co ins Marketplace T echno lo gies OÜ (registry co de 14394876):

Business name and address

Entry 1:
Business name is Coins Marketplace Technologies OÜ
Entry 1:
Address is Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Roosikrantsi tn 2-K258, 10119
Entry 3:
E-mail address is
Entry 1:
A person competent to receive procedural documents is Krm Agent Oü, registry code 12528686,
address Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Roosikrantsi tn 2-KRM2
Entry 2: E-mail address is (invalid from entry No 3)

Entry 1: Share capital is 2 500 EUR

Right o f representatio n
Entry 3: Management board member is Hagay Elyakim, date of birth 15.09.1971, foreign ID code 0-2894905-5
Entry 1: Management board member is Argos Kracht, personal identification code 36201310225 (invalid from
entry No 3)
Entry 1: Management board member is Rauno Kuber, personal identification code 36606030258 (invalid from
entry No 3)

Legal status
Entry 1: Legal form is osaühing [private limited company]
Entry 1: Articles of association have been approved on 20.12.2017
Entry 1: Financial year begins on 01.01 and ends on 31.12

List o f entries
Ent ries made in T art u Count y Court Regist rat ion Depart ment :
Entry 1: Approved on 21.12.2017 (first entry)
Entry 2: Approved on 21.01.2018 (amending entry)
Entry 3: Approved on 01.02.2018 (amending entry)
End of printout
Entrepreneur: Coins Marketplace T echnologies OÜ (14394876)

Registry code: 14394876

Name: Coins Market place T echnologies OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, T allinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Roosikrant si t n 2-K258, 10119
Legal form: Privat e limit ed company Subtype:
Capital: 2 500.00 EUR Status: Ent ered int o t he regist er
The date of the first 21.12.2017
The beginning of 01.01 The end of financial 31.12
financial year: year:
The date of 20.12.2017
amendments to the
articles of association:

Info about person liable to value added tax

Valid value added tax identification number does not exist. Registration history

Receipt of e-invoices
The entity does not accept e-invoices.

T ax Debt Information
The operator Coins Marketplace Technologies OÜ (14394876) has no t ax debt as at 16.01.2019.
The Taxation Act § 14 (5) sets out that a tax authority is required to issue a certificate to verify the absence of tax debts if the
tax debt of the taxable person as regards the total of all the taxes administered by the same tax authority is less than 10 euros
or if the tax debt is being paid in instalments.

Fields of activity
Field of activity Type EMTAK code Data source
Ot her f inancial service act ivit ies, except principal 64991 / Elect ronic submission
insurance and pension f unding n.e.c. act ivit y EMT AK 2008 (21.12.2017)

Means of communication
Type Number
E-mail address:

Persons on the registry card

Name /
Code / the E-
Role Business Residence/location
date of birth mail
A person compet ent t o
Krm Agent Harju maakond, T allinn, Kesklinna
receive procedural 12528686
Oü linnaosa, Roosikrant si t n 2-KRM2
document s
Management board member 2894905-5
Every member of the Management Board may represent the private limited company in concluding all transactions.

Code / the date of Name / Business
Role Residence/location Contribution Data source
birth name

0-6653072-6 Limor 2 500.00 Elect ronic

Shareholder (Israel) submission
Pat arkazishvili EUR
The data about shareholders in the information system of the Commercial Register has an informative meaning. According to
the Commercial Code § 182 section 1 the management board of the private limited company keeps a list of shareholders.

Other persons
Code / the date of Name / Business
Time of e xtraction: 16.01.2019 13:14
Source : E-Bus ine s s Re gis te r (https ://arire gis te r.rik.e e )
Code / the date of Name / Business Data source
Role Residence/location Contribution
birth name
2 500.00 EUR Elect ronic
KRM Holding Plus
Founder 12018471 Ordinary submission

ownership (21.12.2017)

T he exist ence of t he int ernat ional f inancial sanct ion is possible t o search here.

T here are no co mmercial pledges

Time of e xtraction: 16.01.2019 13:14

Source : E-Bus ine s s Re gis te r (https ://arire gis te r.rik.e e )
Entrepreneur: Coins Marketplace T echnologies OÜ (14394876)

Beneficial owners
Code / the date of birth Name Residence/location Manner of exercising control
0-6653072-6 (Israel) Limor Pat arkazishvili Israel Direct ownership
The data about beneficial owners has an informative meaning.

Time of e xtraction: 16.01.2019 13:14

Source : E-Bus ine s s Re gis te r (https ://arire gis te r.rik.e e )

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