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Edited by E.Muntinga, http://edward.muntinga.

ch Seite 1 von 20

Auszüge von R. Paul

Lee DO, James Jealous
DO, A.T. Still DO


INTERFACE - Mechanisms of Spirit in

Osteopathy 2

An Osteopathic Odyssey 10

Doctor A.T. Still in the Living 16

Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 2 von 20

The morphogenetic field is there as a

INTERFACE - reference, the water is the mediator, and the
piezoelectric connective tissue is ready to
Mechanisms of Spirit in receive.

Osteopathy I moved from categorizing patients by their

diseases to observing their body’s potential
by R. Paul Lee, DO for healing.

“We take up Osteopathy. How old is it? Give

me the age of God and I will give you the age
A.T.Still often described his contribution as a of Osteopathy. It is a law of mind, matter, and
philosophy, and art. motion.” (A.T.Still)

Motion is perceived as the special “To know all of a bone in its entirety would
characteristic that produces Health. close both ends of an eternity.” (Still, 1908)

Health must be restored from within. The Somatic dysfunction = TART = tissue texture
Tide then delivers Health. change, asymmetry restriction of motion,
Spirit is real, a substance, palpable. The Tide
is a manifestation of spirit. We can directly “An intelligent head will soon learn that a soft
work with spirit - with our hands. It's very hand and a gentle move is the hand and
pragmatic. head that get the desired results.” (Still, in
Still’s Osteopathy is spirit in action. Healing
occurs because spirit provides the impetus. “For the last 25 years my object has been to
One can feel it occur under one’s hands find one single defect in all nature, to find one
when one feels the primary respiratory single mistake of God. But I have made a
mechanism. It struggles to free the tissue that total failure in this respect.” (Still, in Booth)
cannot receive health; it brings that tissue
into synchrony with the remainder; then it “The God I worship demonstrates all his
becomes still; and finally it resumes an “easy work.” (Still)
normal” or healthy fluctuation. This Is how
healing happens. The action of healing is According to ​Webster’s Third New
​ International Dictionary, health is a state of
being whole, vital, flourishing, and
With Osteopathy, we are dealing with the functionally balanced. It is harmony.
forces of healing, not the naming of disease.
“What is harmony but health? It takes
We do not treat what is wrong. We treat by harmony of every nerve, vein, and artery in
reestablishing the original perfection with every part of the body.” (Still)
which each of us entered the material world.
The manner in which we re-order the “Sickness is an effect caused by the
distortion to return to the perfection of the stoppage of some supply of fluid or quality of
original is by visualizing the original. life… He conquers the disease by knowing
how to apply the principles of this science
along the lines of sensation, motion, and
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nutrition… An Osteopath is taught that nature

is to be trusted to the end.” (Still) What would medicine look like if it integrated
ideas of modern physics? Simply put, it would
“Divine law. That law we use in healing.” look osteopathic.
He (Still) projected that the mind could do
“We have traced it by reason, by philosophy, what an x ​ -ray machine​ does, that is, raise
under the microscope, in the light and in the the vibration to see inside a material body.
dark; and we hear a response. That response
is so intelligent, its answer is so correct that a Era III medicine (Larry Dossey: Eternity
man is forced to believe there is knowledge Medicine) - this is nonlocal medicine or
behind it.” (Still) eternity medicine. Here, the mind plays a
fundamental role in the healing of the patient.
“Motion is the first and only evidence of life.” This form of medicine integrates the concepts
(Still) of quantum physics. Intention plays a
significant role in healing, both from the mind
“Osteopathy is surgery from a physiological of the physician and the mind of the patient.
standpoint. The osteopathic surgeon uses However, this type of medicine cannot be
“the knife of blood” to keep out “the knife of measured by conventional means.
steel”, and saves life by saving the injured or
diseased limbs and organs of the body by Solid matter is not solid at all. Instead, it is
reduction, in place of removing them.” (Still) basically vibration.​ We experience objects
as being solid because the negative charges
A vibrational perception, or intuition, comes of the electrons vibrating in the object and in
as an awareness of a vibration carrying the our hands, repel each other. There is more
essence of the thing perceived. It comes with “empty” space between the nucleus and
a resonance, grounded in an awareness of its orbiting electrons than there is substance.
own inner alive knowing. It comes complete, The substances of the atoms are defined as
like a flower, or a song. Instantly we perceive probabilities, not definite elements in a
it in its fullness; we drink its light and it particular place at a particular time.
becomes part of us. Subatomic particles that make up the atoms
emerge from an undifferentiated background
Naming a thing (“placement”) threatens the and then wink off again to be replaced by
one who names it with getting stuck in form. another appearance of vibration. This is the
Forms lead us toward attachments, and fundamental act of manifestation of our
attachments glue us to a set time and place, material reality, ​holomovement​.
hence suffering. “Holomovement” is the name Bohm gave the
process by which the explicate order
“All living things follow a generalized, emerges from the implicate order.
established pattern (morphic field) to create Holomovement is the emergence of matter
each unique individual organism. These from a preexisting pattern of energy. Such a
patterns exist beyond biochemistry, genetics, pattern of energy compares to Sheldrake’s
and our normal set of expectations. Morphic concept of ​morphogenetic field​.
fields exist as imprints of information or
consciousness outside physical reality, Material reality (explicate order) emerges
memorized from previous material forms, from an undifferentiated, unseen s ​ ea of
from which each new physical form takes its consciousness (​ implicate order), which itself
cue.” (Rupert Sheldrake) is a subtle form of matter. Consciousness
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(Mind, for Still) creates the material form If the coupling to this source of information is
(Matter, for Still) and moves it (Motion, for enhanced by such practices as meditation,
Still). we should become more intuitive. That is
where time and space have no meaning.
William Tiller (Physicist) also asserted that That is where clairvoyance happens; it’s the
the energy available in the information wave realm of spirit.
aspect is enormous; the energy available in
the particulate space is a mere whisper by The Weight of consciousness
comparison. The space that exists within the Amrit Sorli (Physiologist) has shown that the
atom and between atoms holds this weight of a plant or an animal diminishes
enormous energy - ​“vacuum energy”​. immediately at death when the living
organism is contained so that it cannot
Osteopathy tries to return the body to a state exchange any material substance with its
of the “normal anatomy” (Still) or the form of environment. He theorized that this change in
the “morphic field” (Sheldrake). weight corresponds to “vacuum energies” or
“subtle energies” with which the organism is
The ​Life Force​ is a substance that chooses in active relation and that the organism finds
its function and form in the material realm. essential to function. At death, this
These cosmologies all indicate there are two relationship is terminated and the energies
realities, one hidden and one material. are liberated, decreasing the weight of the
body. This Life Force (spirit) is a “substance”
“By the law of knowledge and intuition all containing mass.
persons do succeed.” (AT Still)
Blechschmidt - Embryology
Still believed that the mind might be trained to At the end of a limb bud, for example, the
see beneath the surface, as the ​x-ray​ does, embryo first establishes influence over the
and may be his mind did this for him in some space into which it will grow within the fluid
of his rapid diagnoses. The mind should be medium. Then it sends its multiplying cells
able to view the body as the x-ray, if one into the appropriated space.The form is first
raises the vibration. created in fluid; the material body follows.
Thus, a pattern of energy advances before
Clairvoyance the expanding cellular encroachment into the
Dr.Pribram (Neuroscientist) also suggested extra-embryonic fluid environment as the limb
that if we saw reality without our bud forms.
mathematical computations performed by the
brain, we would know a world in the First energy, then fluid, and then
frequency domain, without time or space, just cellular structure.
“Because our brains are a part of the big Undifferentiated protoplasm is tissue whose
hologram, they have access, under certain form and function are yet to be determined. It
conditions, to all the information in the is pluripotent, formless, and it is prepared for
principles of control. If there is no time and whatever assignment it receives.
space, there is no here or there; psychic
occurrences and the supernatural can occur James Jealous DO described healing as a
in nature.” (Pribram) return to the original. The return to the
original is a resumption of the morphic field
Information wave space and the movement of Qi, which defines the
form and function of health.
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energy of the function for which the structure

“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the was created. If the matrix is distorted, this
wise; seek what they sought.” (author functional activity, which is no longer
unknown) equipped to generate form, also has to
contend with a much larger mass of a much
The injured tissue is less vital, less imbued tougher tissue than the forces of
with health, less compatible with life; and, if embryogenesis did. In fact, the function itself,
left unchanged, it will progress to develop within this distorted form, has a reduced
conditions of disease and to distribute these ability to deal with remodeling because the
adverse effects to farther reaches through its conformation change has reduced its
connections through nerves, vessels, and potency​. Thus, restoring full function
connective tissues. Pain and disability mark depends on restoring the container of the
this progression toward disease of the injured function to its original shape. Then, the fluids
area. Vitality, called health, cannot penetrate can carry the life force and nutrition
the region as it did in its original unimpeded throughout the system.
conformation. If the original shape of the area
is reestablished, health returns and recovery The connective tissues are both electrical
is possible. and mechanical, that is, p ​ iezoelectric​. The
Bone and other connective tissues transduce connective tissues transduce these and other
the impulse generated by morphic fields to forces that regularly impact it, such as
determine the shape of the body. The trauma​, thoughts, and emotions. Over time,
connective tissues are the container for the the more subtle effects from thoughts
fluid that carry the life force. If the fluids that express themselves in the mechanical
carry health penetrate the tissues freely, the structure of the organism. Disturbances of
organism is healthy. If there is energetic or posture, mobility, and organ function result
conformational distortion changing its original not only from injury, illness, and habits of
shape, the the health is less available and the drink and food but also from thought and
condition of the organism declines. So, the intention.
objective of osteopathic treatment i​ s to
assist the organism from the outside in order Visions
to facilitate the connective tissues to restore “Some of us do not have to go to sleep to see
themselves from the inside to their original visions. (Still)
conformation and to allow optimal health.
Because the structural element of the body “Osteopathic medicine beautifully combines
often requires assistance from outside to art and science.” (David Hawkins)
regain its original conformation, osteopathic
manipulative medicine exists. Sutherland theorized that during the
inhalation phase, the volumes of the
The preexisting functional element created fluid-containing compartments expand, both
the original conformation of the parts and the ​ entricles​ (in the interior of the
within the v
whole organism in the embryo. The brain) and within the subarachnoid space (on
exuberant forces of embryogenesis occur on the exterior ofthe brain). The third ventricle
a tiny scale in a mostly fluidic medium, widens from a slit into a V-shape, and its roof
facilitating the generation of the original form. lengthens and flattens, stretching out the
However, once the form is firmly established choroid plexus. Furthermore, the floor of the
in connective tissue matrices, it will not easily third ventricle elevates, drawing up the
remodel when deformed. This is especially infundibulum and pituitary body.
true if the sole influence for remodeling is the
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Still referred to the brain as a dynamo, ​ od​ is present everywhere,

The love of G
implying that its motion generates an pre-existing, generating, and permeating
electrical charge that is transmitted by the everything. Our physical forms exist in this
nerves to drive the whole system. sea, differentiating from it only by having
managed to reduce the vibration of its
Electrochemical Potency material constituents as they manifest.
Because the cerebral hemispheres coil and
uncoil, they resemble a dynamo. Through this Cerebrospinal fluid: “​fluid within a fluid​”
dynamo-like activity, the brain develops a
polarity and the CSF acquires an electrical “An intelligent head will soon learn that a
charge. soft hand and a gentle move is the hand
and the head that get the desired results.”
“Pay attention to the clear water, in the (Still)
battery of your car. You have chemicals in
that water, material chemicals. But you The Tide in the fluids is the expression of
cannot see the invisible element, the spirit, the ​Breath of Life​. The Breath of Life
electrical “juice” that comes from that water, is in the unseen and the Tide manifests in the
that passes along the wire that runs to the visible (palpable) world. In its most basic
motor of your car. This is the potency, the palpable function, the Tide cyclically
power, that comes from the battery.” resonates in the fluids and moves the tissue
(Sutherland) matrix. In its greater functional ramifications,
the Tide also creates metabolic activity.
Intelligence of the Tide (“tissue respiration”)
“Learning to work with the potency of the
CSF has profound effects. In using the The fluctuation of fluid is a mechanism of
direction of the Tide for correction, for Health​. Health, with a capital H, implies an
treatment, you use the same direction activity, not just a condition, a verb, not a
process that you used for diagnosis… If you noun. Health originates from, exists in, and
did nothing other than direct that Tide, there permeates the tissues. “​ It generates all of the
would be, in time, a correction of the lesion.” fundamental forces involved with healing.
(Sutherland) Health is undifferentiated, non-directional,
and unorganized. The Health provides the
According to Sutherland, if one feels the tide raw material for healing.” (Steve Paulus DO)
rebound from the area opposite from where
he or she is directing it, then one knows there Healing happens when diseased tissues that
is an obstruction in that place. ​“The have been cut off from this supply are once
diagnostic rebound is specific. You do not again nourished by it.
even have to test for the pattern of mobility at
the sphenobasilar junction. The Tide will tell Sutherland proclaimed that there is an
you. It is uncanny.” (Sutherland) interchange among all the fluids of the body
at the ​Still Point​, when the oscillation
“Don’t try to drive the mechanism through any (Anm.d.Red.: of the PRM) is brought down to
external force. Rely upon the Tide.” an idling.
​ reath of Life​ permeates totality of
The B
The ​Breath of Life​, Sutherland said, is liquid creation, both the material and the
light; it exists in the fluid between the fibers. nonmaterial.
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An individual heals as distortions of Within the medium of a watery bath, catabolic

influences from material and nonmaterial reactions take energy from the ethereal realm
sources resolve into symmetry. to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the
currency of energy in the material realm.
Sutherland called the ​potency​ “intelligent” Thus water mediates between the implicate
and “unerring”. order and the explicate order to manifest the
activities of life in the physical realm.
Fascia is the container of spirit and the Water also participates in the creation of the
fluids reveal the activity of spirit​. In physical form in the embryo and then
osteopathic treatment spirit in the fluid maintains the adult form through its hydraulic,
changes its solid container. And spirit delivers electrochemical, and spiritual power.
health. Formless water assumes whatever
conformation is required and transmits
The ​healing of the psyche​ occurs information according to its internal
simultaneously with the physical if we realize organization. It carries the dynamic power for
the inseparability of mental/emotional and change that spirit brings, unlike the fixed
physical attributes. Usually, this culture’s connective tissue structures whose shape is
dualistic paradigm separates in our view of relatively determined.
reality these physical and nonphysical
aspects, separating their healing as well. If Charge and shape​, the two defining
we adopt quantum effects into our characteristics of piezoelectricity. The
understanding of reality and see physical and potency of the fluid resupplies the requisite
nonphysical as different aspects of the ​same charge to vivify and maintain the
thing, they will behave as one, in illness and conformation of the container. Without
healing. charge, the shape collapses. Without the
container, electrostatic holographic patterns
The resumption of the normal shape of the cannot be fixed in three-dimensional space.
container of the patient is a return to the
original creative impulse that emanated from The interface between spirit and matter in the
the ​Love of God​. The fluids of the body living human exists by evidence of what we
transport this influence from Mind as health feel in the tissues, the f​ luctuation of the
for this ongoing resupply of the tissues. primary respiratory mechanism​.
Distorted tissues impede this fluid impulse.
“​Spirit​” refers to the energetic, unseen reality
Water without the cultural attachments and dogma
To imbue the material element with the life of religion. (concept of vitalism)
force, something less fixed that connective
tissue must interpose itself between spirit and The “​earth-suit​” in which each of us resides
matter. ​Water​ proves to be that substance to is a closed system with respect to the
perfection. Water conforms to the shape of its resonance of water (taking into account
container. It carries and transfers energy imbibing and excreting events as the means
(information) that spirit provides to stimulate by which the container exchanges with its
metabolism. In solution, the necessary environment).
elements exist to carry on the activities of life.
Water brings together certain minerals, amino The m​ orphogenetic field​, a template of the
acids, and hormones for anabolic functions, physical form of living things, is holographic.
literally transforming energy from the ethereal A ​hologram​, by definition, exists in space as
realm into substance in the material realm. a three-dimensional image, which is
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projected by coherent light from an increases the anteroposterior diameter within

interference pattern that has been developed the skull and decreases the bitemporal
on a physical object, such as a plate of glass. measurement.
This three-dimensional image is a field or a Simultaneously, the brain stem,
pattern of charge that is capable of diencephalon, and cerebellum ascend with
transferring its orientation to physical matter the shortening of the cerebral “worm” and
for its own arrangement. descend with the extension of the long
dimension of the cerebrum.
I believe that the ​morphogenetic field​ exists
in ​another dimension​ and uses water as the Bone
medium to transduce its effects into our Yet, as rock-hard as it seems, bone is
ordinary three-dimensional reality. fluid-filled in the living body. It is constantly
remodeling. Bone is pliable to a microscopic
Because of its sensitivity, water is able to but essential degree. Looking at the remains
transfer vibrations of thought, intention, of physical life in dried bones, we often forget
emotion, and spirit. Such information is this important point, that living bone os
passed on through the arrangement of the moving and flexible. When bent bone
water molecules, determined by hydrogen discharges electric current; when injured it
bonding, which is registered in the pattern of develops an “injury potential”; and when
the water crystal (Anm.d.Red.: Masaru healthy, it transmits energy through its fluid
Emoto!). The thought pattern is holographic, content, just like any other connective tissue.
and the pattern carried by the water likewise
is holographic. Robert Fulford DO, referred to the etheric
body as the energy field within which the
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Turn the material body is constructed. The etheric
waters of life loose at the brain, remove all body and the physical body interpenetrate the
hindrances and the work will be done, and same space, have the same form, and
give us the eternal legacy, LONGEVITY.” directly interrelate with each other. The
(Still) etheric body acts as the energetic scaffolding
on which the physical body is constructed.
Still said that the brain is a battery that The etheric body “channels energy from the
develops charge by moving like a dynamo. soul, the mental and emotional levels into the
Electroencephalograms and tests of physical body.”
oscillating magnetic fields of the brain prove
the existence of this dynamo activity Brain, CNS motion
postulated by Still. He also commented that This motion recapitulates the embryonic
the dynamo starts with the action of the ram’s-horn development and creates a
cerebellum. (PRM: cerebrum; rolling dynamo, charging the posterior brain
anteriorly, cerebellum; rolling positively and the anterior brain negatively.
posteriorly/down) The CSF derives its potency from this
dynamo. The charge of the CNS, a vibrant
With each shortening of the long dimension standing wave, intensifies and subsides in
of the curved lobes of the cerebrum, the cycles with this rhythmic movement.
overall brain is felt to decrease its
anteroposterior dimension and increase its
bilateral dimension. With each lengthening of
the coiled wormlike long dimension, the
overall change of shape of the brain
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A ​lesion field is not between bones; it has a

An Osteopathic Odyssey form and boundaries that contain all elements
of the patient. The boundaries of a lesion field
by James Jealous D.O. pass through bones, tissues, viscera, fluid
fields, psyche… The penetrating forces of the
“We must learn to communicate and lesion field make a design not limited by the
cooperate with natural laws, not framed by biomechanics of the soma.
human hands.” (AT Still)
Dr. Fulford opened my eyes and mind when
Knowing the mechanism of life is not a he said to me: “The fulcrum is established
willy-nilly going with the flow… not at all; it is pre-cognitively by the Tide before the impact
the ​result of long and disciplined of the insult.” The Tide sees the future and
experience​. establishes a fulcrum through which it
channels the forces of the t​ rauma​.
The ​Tide never repeats​ a procedure exactly
the same manner - never. Dr. Alan Becker studied lesions and their
natural progress. He found that ​36,5 hours
Essentially there are no techniques, ​only before the symptoms appear there is a shock
Principles.​ You will have great joy from that sets the system up to lesion.
seeing the ever-changing vistas under your
hands and the service to humanity that the The lesion created by the operator does not
Tide orchestrates everywhere. become fixed in the body system for many
hours so r​ eversal​ is very simple. Alan helped
Keep silent about your experiences until you me appreciate this and treat accordingly.
are aware of who is listening, inside and Fresh injuries​ can be treated more easily
outside. than one might think, if one has this
Wait until you pass beyond that which you understanding.
want to relate to others. Then, from the - Simply go to the fulcrum of the fresh lesion
future, look back and speak. and find the stillness in it. Sense the whole
If you speak before your cup is full, there is a and wait.
loss of relatedness to the Tide. This can
create power without love… you will be lost The Health organizes the lesioning parts,
and alone. You will fail to find peace… and their shape and fulcrum. L ​ esions are not
you may not even know the difference. stupid​, their I.Q. is very high. Lesions are
Too much talking, too soon, will cause connected directly to the Health by motion
depletion of understanding and leave only present.
word relics. Teaching from ideas, rather that
from a living experience, will cause depletion The doorway through the fulcrum field of the
in the soul and discourage students. chief complaint leads to another lesion field
with boundaries and force vectors and a
A little knowledge creates projection… fulcrum. ​Follow this trail ​until the Tide stops
Knowledge from the Tide creates Love​. the passage. Here is where you begin your
treatment - not in the area of chief complaint.
A ​lesion​ is an attempt by the Whole to isolate
stress in a part of the organism to prevent The Health creates the lesion to protect
lesioning of the whole. the whole in an act of wisdom.
When we hate lesions in ourselves, we miss
the real story of love. Does hating a lesion
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help healing? Self-pity is a poison. Feeling We have coined the term, Fluid Body to
healthy or ill is the same fulcrum. Neutrality symbolize the activity of the fluid as a whole.
can improve both levels of function. How It is also called Zone B to differentiate from
often do you consult with your patients on Zone A, which is tissue that cannot go to
this? Neutral. When we are in perfect Health, the
Fluid Body does not exist because then we
In the development of any function/structure feel the perfect Fluid Body… we call this the
the space is first defined as an opening of the Health. It has a different transparency than
pattern in the fluid. Space opens… function Zone B. Zone B is optically homogenous and
moves in. This truth can effect how our silvery-gray. The Health is more transparent
treatments are oriented to the Tide. and has a quality of liquid light… like warm
“The space between atoms (“vacuum
energy”, Anm. E.Muntinga) is pure Intelligent The potency of the S ​ tillness​ is different at
energy… the fulcrum of all matter and its different rates. The potency of the ​Silence​ is
function permeates all the space of the always the same.
Infinite universe.” (Dr. Schooley)
There is no death.
Enter the ​seams between the anatomy​ and At death we transpire into the Health.
you will be in Space. Access your fear of death and that of your
Work to sense Space without feeling patients… it is a primary lesion.
anatomy. What happens is quite remarkable.
Dr. Sutherland called the Tide ‘Dad’.
Balanced Membranous Tension There is a ​persona to the Tide​, it is not a
The balance point is a suspension of all biological force. In this persona it is a teacher
tensions around a point of balance. and a beloved.
This leads to the direct awareness of
Transmutation. Tissue becomes fluid… Dr. Still wrote inside the cover of a student’s
book, ​“I love to love and be loved, do you?”
The ​bones​ have their own membranes,
called the ​outer and inner periosteum​, There is healthy motion and unhealthy
which are metabolically active in managing motion.
osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity, as well Lesion motion​ lacks potency; its power is
as in shaping the bones. The envelopes inertial. Lesion motions are repetitive and
around the cranial bones are not the Dura their fulcrum is dead. Lesions are not
mater. Anne Wales told us that Dr. internally disengaging. If you are watching
Sutherland said many times that people want lesion motion there is no change in the
to move the bones rather than the envelopes autonomic nervous system until it begins to
they were in. disengage or connect with Health and
Healing is the emergence of ​Originality​.
When in doubt​ – go into deeper water.
We ​evolve​ in our skill not through removing
lesions, but by what we learn at the When you reach your limit
endpoints. When you feel lost and at a dead end and
you cannot find a sense of direction, ask for
The Fluid Body help from the “Other Pair of Hands”.
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The ​“Other Pair of Hands”​ is a reality that Synchronization​ occurs around a midline
many elders spoke about when I interviewed that is independent of any persona or
them. I began to see the “Other Pair of personal goals.
Hands” when I was really lost and had used
up my capacity to find a doorway to Palpation​ is Newtonian and fits into the ideas
understand the treatment. The clinical of mechanics that structuralists prefer.
outcomes were dramatic. Sensing​ is a fearless receptivity of
If you become quiet and wait, sensing the something new.
edge of the skin around the whole patient, the
hands will be seen. You can learn great skill Mental activity​ in oneself or the patient
from them… this skill is only momentary and makes for a tedious and vague
is only moments when you have reached understanding of the intention of the Tide in
your limit. the moment. This mental activity makes the
waters opaque and forces one to motion test
Wait for the autonomics to balance, just and use force. At quieter mental proportions
wait… then wait some more. and slower rates the water becomes more
Try and see how the Tide is trying to create and more transparent and more detail
the balance. What is its method? becomes evident.
An excited mind or faster rates, more than 3
Wait in a healthy place… there is a healthy cycles per minute, will make clarity
place in the lesion. impossible, making one dependent on
There is a healthy place in you. There is a palpation and direct action. At slower rates
healthy place almost everywhere if we look the mind is afferent and listening with the
for it. hands.

Be still and know. ​ iagnostics​ from the Tide.

I waited for the d
One becomes a victim of love… centered by
the Divine. Love drowns out the stillness. My ​treatment room​ is a sacred space where
Be still is “rapha” in Hebrew; it means to I give myself 100 percent to God and his
become or to let it drop… drop what? Drop work. I clean it and care for it; the room is like
your claims on knowing, your will, your a church for me. Attend to your treatment
self-centering. space and over time your room will build
character and will heal you.
Synchronize with something healthy.
This is where we begin. The patient enters; ​ andle​ in your
At the end of the day, light a c
we see their Health. We ask how can I help office​. Return after a while and extinguish it.
you? This clears the heart.

When we follow motion, without the stillness Every patient will be a variation​, not a norm
leading us, we are following lesions and not and so we must meet the variation, and
the ​therapeutic motion​. adjust our technique so as not to override the
variation. Our technique is often
First do no harm. asymmetrical.... as it should be.
Do not ​synchronize​ with the person or their
thoracic respiration. As nice as this seems it ​ ide​ never treats the same way twice.
The T
is a means of creating dependency and weak
boundaries. You could imprint, lose yourself
and not know it.
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“When all the fulcrums are synchronized ● it uses the senses to prove others are
there will be peace and harmony.” wrong
(Sutherland) ● it sorts memories into good and bad
Dr. Sutherland is very clear about a picture of ● it is unaware of tempo from others. It
normal​. Have you felt this? It is a picture of cannot love
wholeness. ● if forgets even the greatest moments
of Divine Love
“Our skill is proportionate to our
understanding of Normal.” (Still) Old Osteopaths used to say: “We are
seekers of the truth​ - not theories. We want
Everything you perceive is from one point; all to communicate with the real thing, not laws
motion is from one point. framed by human hands.”

Small simple motions will yield great results if “Let that by which you are wounded become
they are in tempo with the intention of the your cure.” (Jacques Paul Migne)
Tide. ​Tempo​ is the gait of manifestation, it When it cures you it is because you have
saunters. It does not rush to overcome. It learned to love the cause.
seeks balance, not victory… balancing the
whole into the Whole… it uses power that in An elder is one who has discovered the
seconds does the impossible. It transmutates ​ eath​.
friendship of d
faster than your mind can see.
When we separate from our Health at an
The Ego early age, one part of the embryo stays
● it fears humiliation around us like a g​ uardian angel​, and does
● it fabricates not return inside until we fall in love with the
● it is self-centered like the early belief Health, recognizing it as our true self. Then
that the earth was the center of the we are safe from self-destruction and
solar system self-betrayal.
● it creates linear time
● it defines spaces through ownership… The Neutral, the Endpoint, and the Stillpoint
my house, my car, my teaching, my are each windows into the patient’s
child, etc. Wholeness​.
● the Ego lacks refined sensory skills. It
will not cross into the unknown “Treat me as a newborn.”
without force, thusly distorting the new There is something that does n ​ ot change
landscape with time​ - the nature of the healing forces.
● suffering is to be avoided and denied They are the same forever, as is Health.
for pleasure - We have to free our hands from the age of
● it must be the saviour the patient.
● it makes one clever
● it refuses the third principle as Fulcrums​ transfer potency from cause to
leadership1 manifestation.
● it must always gain ground Fulcrums are in motion. They are suspended
● it thinks it can find God automatically shifting still points.
● it thinks it is the Whole Fulcrums are spatially related to the midline.
A fulcrum is not a Still Point. Still Points have
​Acceptance of one another and encouragement to Reciprocal tensions have fulcrums.
spiritual growth in our congregations
Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 14 von 20

Attention has a fulcrum that may or may not 6 - 24 - 100

shift. Thoracic Respiration in adults is 6 seconds
There are moments that are fulcrums. per cycle, when in neutral. P​ rimary
Fulcrums are doorways between worlds. respiration​ is poly-rhythmic at 24 seconds
per cycle, and 100 seconds per cycle. They
“What do you want at the end of this life?” are related by a factor of four.
This allows your/their ​dreams​ to surface.
Fluid fluctuations that reveal no connection to
The most common thing I find is a lack of a midline are l​ esions​.
diagnostic precision​. It seems that people
want to get into the lesion and fix it rather The goal of C​ V4 and EV4​ is the same. They
than put it in perspective within the whole. both bring the fluid body to neutral or idling so
that the Longitudinal Fluctuation can be
In children, there is one breathing reestablished to provide the power and
expression from a single fulcrum. spatial dynamics to heal and renew the fluid
Thoracic and Primary Respiration are body as a whole. Direct action is not
expressing themselves from one point or necessary. Leave the bones alone, unless
origin, with different formats. the patient has a perfect head!
What does this mean? Sutherland actually says that the bones
When children are isolated from the family do not need to be addressed.
circle, Thoracic Respiration desynchronizes Bring the fluid in the fluid in the direction of
and establishes a fulcrum separate from ease and it will go to neutral. This is a central
Primary Respiration. We see this when principle in Osteopathy Still and Sutherland
children have been in the hospital, or have taught: finding neutral.
had surgery, even though the parents sleep
there. Surgery most often causes a shift from The Midline centers us.
one to multiple fulcrums. When the This is how we know we are at the midline of
breathings separate from each other, the the functions for Zone B… it centers us when
mothers notice the eyes of their child have we approach it. The m​ idline​ in this context is
become dull. We need to be alert to the a doorway to the ocean of Dynamic Stillness
oneness of breathing in children. If it is that becomes the Meeting Place where the
broken then the treatment is simple. Master appears once we are at home with
Synchronize with the pattern of Thoracic being neutral.
Respiration during its inhalation period. This
will often successfully return the unity of Real Osteopathy​ is challenging; it requires
breathing in a child. some inner changes that are severe.

If the patient is trying to steal energy, I Ruby Day told me the following:
contact my silent space and then the The whole t​ horacic spine​ can be treated as
patient’s. a single vertebra. Having one’s hands at the
Rollin E. Becker was clearly not hiding. two ends, one engages motion in the whole
Neutrality is an aspect of the Health and region as one event. Then one synchronizes
Divinity. So he did not hide from negative and the whole column disengages. She said
forces he was naturally safe where he was. it coils and uncoils like a snake. This was
He moved to the Health in himself and the from Will?
patient, which is untouchable by negative
Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 15 von 20

The unfolding of therapeutic changes must fit

into the tempo of the whole, as it is already
engaged, before treatment is administered.
One can learn to be aware of what is already
happening before engaging new
therapeutics; this knowledge potentiates the
treatment. This avoids superimposing a new
pattern on the whole which has a tempo.
Otherwise the Tide has to rebalance the part
into the Whole.

The ​Tide​:
No force is necessary, not even intention.

The ​Tide​ is not the waves moving in the fluid.

It is what moves the waves, shapes them,
and directs them.

Always begin with the Health!

This means ultimately to find Beauty. Find it
in the moment you are in… This may not be
“in” the patient. Find something that makes
you peaceful, joyful. This is the Health.

The scheme of things:

Rate: 8-14 cycles/minute – Mental state:
fluctuates, lots of ideas, thoughts and
distractions. (​CRI​)
Rate: 2-3 cycles/minute – Mental state:
mental pauses, thoughts range into more
order. (​Fluidtide​)
Rate: 100 seconds/cycle – Mental state:
Aware of the horizon and all that moves in
Nature. (​Longtide​)
Rate: ​Dynamic Stillness​ – Mental state:
Stillness fills Zone D. The movement of the
long-tide is not present. This is called third
level stillness. It empties the mind and
prepares it for conversion by the Master.
Rate: ​Breath of Life​ – The movement of
Eternity, Creation, and Love suffuse all. The
sense of I is lost. All of life is one movement.

Wholeness is not altered by disease.

Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 16 von 20

“Snapping and p​ opping of the bones​ is no

Doctor A.T. Still in the evidence of an adjustment.”

Living “That ​‘popping’​ is no criterion to go by.

Bones do not always pop when they go back
His Concepts and Principles of Health and
to their proper place nor does it mean they
are properly adjusted when they do ‘pop’.”
by Robert E. Truhlar
“In ​adjusting bones​ the mechanic is
governed by three principles – the lever, the
These capsules of wisdom and knowledge
screw, and the wedge.” (wedge = Keil)
must be preserved for those who come after
us, they are the guideposts of the
​ ook​ says, God gave
“Never mind what the b
Osteopathic way of life, just as they have
you a brain.”
been for us and others before us.

In order to have good arterial blood the l​ ungs

“An osteopath reasons from his knowledge of
must receive good wholesome food from the
“The Grand Architect of the Universe builds
“When a cat gets his tail caught in a door,
without sound of hammer; nature is ​silent​ in
don’t say, ‘poor kitty’, or try to appease its
her work.”
pain by petting it. Open the door and turn it
loose. You are Osteopaths, and thus get at
“Osteopathy is king of ​asthma​.”
the ​cause​.”
“An Osteopathic adjustment is and must be
“Do not tell me you cannot put your fingers
one of ​precision​.”
upon the c​ ause​.”
“Don’t ape others. Fit yourself to do what
“He had a constipation of ideas and diarrhea
others cannot do.”
of words.”
“Boys, a little more ​brain​ and less brawn.”
“​Clairvoyance​ is mental X-radiance”
(brawn = Muskeln)

“There is now​ no drug​, nor never will be

“To know of a ​bone​ in its entirety would close
whereby any chemical can balance and
both ends of an eternity.”
correct structural abnormalities that affect
functions adversely.”
“Of all parts of the body of man, the ​brain
should be the most attractive. It is the place
“When all parts of the human body are in line
where all forces center, where all nerves are
we have​ perfect health​. When they are not,
connected with one common battery.”
the effect is disease. When the parts are
readjusted disease gives place to health.”
“Let your search-light ever shine bright on the
brain​. On it we must depend for power.”
“Watch the ​fourth dorsal​.”
“Unobstructed blood cannot form a ​tumor​,
“​Disease​ is only too much dirt in the wheels
nor allow inharmony to dwell in any part of
of life.”
the system.”
Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 17 von 20

“The people expect more than guessing of an

“All parts of the body have a direct or indirect Osteopath​.”
connection with the ​diaphragm​.”
​ anglion​ on the great chain of the
“Every g
“The ​diaphragm​ says: ‘By me you live and sympathetic nerve has a special and
by me you die. I hold in my hands the power important function, but upon the s​ uperior
of life and death. Acquaint thyself with me cervical ​falls the greatest burden of
and be at ease’.” responsibility.”

“To cure disease, the ​abnormal​ parts must ​ bstructions

“Harmony only dwells where o
be adjusted to the ​normal​.” do not exist.”

“We say ​disease​ when we should say e ​ ffect​; ”To find ​health​ should be the object of the
for disease is the effect of a change in the doctor. Anyone can find disease.”
parts of the physical body.”
“The ​heart​ is undoubtedly the ‘King of all,
“Disease in an abnormal body is just as Lord of all’, the first command, the last to
natural as is health when all parts are in yield.”
“We must avoid the dust of ​habit​. We must
“​Bacteria​ do not cause disease as they are so adjust our telescopes that we may set our
the ‘Turkey Buzzards’ of the body, and live on compass to run to stars of greater magnitude,
dead cells.” that shine from the breast of the exacting
“What is ​death​ but a birth from the second
placenta to which life has been attached.” “​Courage​ and good sense are the horns that
scatter hay for the calves to eat.”
“You are ​engineers​, not engine wipers.”
“I love Him because He can put sight in your
“I never found a ​bed-wetting​ child or older body, hearing, sense of touch, in fact all five
person with both innominates (= Os coxae) senses and about f​ ive hundred other kinds
and coccyx in proper position.” of senses​ on top of them.”

“I know no part of the body that equals the “Learn to give treatments without d ​ istressing
fascia​ as a hunting ground.” the patients more than necessary but if the
patient is cured he will soon forgive one
“​God​ is the father of Osteopathy, and I am hurting​ them.”
not ashamed of the child of His mind.”
“An ​intelligent​ head will soon learn that a
“Be sure the ​foundation​ is ​level​ and all will soft hand and a gentle move is the h ​ and​ and
be well.” the head that get the desired results.”

“​Brute force​ is dangerous. Hands off unless “I do not need to learn the form nor physical
you know your business.” actions of the ​heart​ but I want to know what
attributes of life are located in the heart
“The ​great Wisdom​ knows no failures and between conception and manhood.”
asks no instructions from inferior man.”
Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 18 von 20

“I think much of the diseases of the ​heart​ are ​ rouder​ title can
and simple, and that no p
not of the organ but from a feeble supply of follow a human name.”
electricity that is cut off in the ​medulla​ or
heart nerves between the heart and the brain. “Life in ​danger​, and can be saved by skill,
Why singing and roaring of the ears in heart not by force and ignorance.”
diseases, if there is no waste of pectoral
electricity?” “​‘Cleanliness​ is next to Godliness’. Turn the
​ rain​, remove all
waters of life loose at the b
“A man dreads to give up his old boots for hindrances and the work will be done, and
fear​ the ​new​ ones will pinch his feet.” give us the eternal legacy, Longevity.”

“I pray the Lord to keep my head combed “​Motion​ is the first and only evidence of life.”
with a fine comb, and get all the ​ignorance
out of it, then thou knowest the dandruff of “All matter is ​living​ ​substance​.”
laziness​ is rank ​poison​ to knowledge,
success, and progress. It is the dust of “All ​motion​ is ​matter​ in action”
hoggish meanness. Keep it off, O Lord,
Amen.” “A ​mule​ goes out in the woods, eats what is
​ an
good for him and refuses what is not. A m
“The Osteopath uses the ​knife​ of blood to should have as much sense as a mule.”
keep out the knife of steel.”
“If the ​mechanic’s​ ​machine​ is not running
“Osteopathy is ​knowledge​, or it is nothing.” ​ djusts​ it. Why not apply it to the
correctly he a
human body since it is likewise a machine?”
“I do not want to go back to God with less
Knowledge​ than when I was born.” “​God​ manifests Himself in ​matter​, ​motion
​ ind​. Study well His manifestations.”
and m
“The knowing how or the lack of knowing how
to ​re-establish this natural law ​will make of “All ​manipulators​ are not Osteopaths any
you either a success or a failure.” more than all ​butchers​ are surgeons.”

“The Osteopaths are the ​champions​ of “The mathematics of ​heaven​ are perfectly
natural law.” trustworthy​.”

“The ​Lord​ never runs out of material.” ​ bnormalities​ are

“To the mechanic all a
“Each strand in the cord of ​love​ is so pure
that the acids of time never corrode it.” “Whenever mentality is not powerful enough
to control the emotional we have the
“We get the leavings of the medical world, condition known as i​ nsanity​.”
their ​incurable​ cases.”
“​Nature​ never changes.”
“Nature means ​wisdom​, means mental
ability, means business ​honesty​, and we “When you have a​ djusted the physical​ to its
must not disobey its teachings.” normal demands, Nature universally supplies
the remainder.”
“Let your light so shine before man that the
world will know you are an ​Osteopath​ pure
Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 19 von 20

“We must first acquaint ourselves with all its and unless you teach it, preach it, and
workings in the ​normal​ before we are ​ steopathy​ nor you will
practice it, neither O
prepared to comprehend or think intelligently survive.”
of the meaning of the word ​‘abnormal’​.”
“The practical ​Osteopath​ must be very
“An Osteopath is taught that ​Nature​ is to be exacting in adjusting the system.”
trusted​ to the end.”
“Tell the boys to keep it pure. Tell the boys to
“When we take up ​principles​, we get down keep it pure​.”
to ​Nature​. It is ever willing and self-caring,
self-feeding and self-protecting.” “I have found the ischia too close together in
​ nlarged prostate glands​ that I
all cases of e
“Nature does not jump from the abnormal have examined and treated in the past thirty
back to the normal. ​Step by step​ she years.”
retraces herself, that is why it takes time for
the chronic cases to recover. See that your “A young physician should analyze and study
patients understand this.” his ​patients​ as they often are his best
“If you can ​learn​ all of ​Osteopathy​ in four
years I will buy you a farm, and a wife to run “My patient’s r​ ecovery​ was more to me than
it and boss you.” the dollars.”

“Pressure upon the symphysis will produce “Be ​careful​ and stop when your patient says,
inhibition to the pubic nerve and relax the ‘You hurt my neck’.”
circular fibers of the os, thus hastening the
delivery​.” ​ rinciples​ we get down to
“When we take up p
“We want no moderate ​Osteopaths​.”
“I want to emphasize to every ​Osteopath​ –
“An ​Osteopath​ should be clear-headed, never tell a patient he is in a bad fix, worse
conscientious, truth-loving man, and never today than yesterday, or that he looks ill. I
speak until he knows he has found and can believe more patients suffer and die from
demonstrate the truth he claims to know.” such imprudence and fright than the world
has ever dreamed of.”
“​Osteopathy​ is as broad as the Universe.”
“My ​compass​ was reason; my ​test​ was that
“An ​Osteopath​ shows his skill by the results all truths do love and agree with all others.”
of his work.”
“The​ seeker of Truth i​ s a man of few words
“Do ​one thing well​ and leave the rest alone.” and they are used by him only to show truth
and facts he has discovered.”
“Not only must you be able to locate the
obstruction, but you must have the ​skill​ to “The man who ​succeeds​ does more than
remove it.” follow a theory.”

“Unless you have something better to offer ​ urrender​, but die in the last ditch.”
“Never s
and can do the job better than it is being
done, there is no excuse for your existence; “​Success​ is the stamp of truth.”
Edited by E.Muntinga, Seite 20 von 20

​ an​, she is
“​Woman​ is finer principled than m
“​Osteopathy​ is ​surgery​ from a physiological sensory, man motor. He is motor, she is
standpoint.” intellectual.”

“I want men and women to study O​ steopathy “Use no man’s ​opinions​; accept his ​work
who reason and think for themselves.” only.”

“It is the little things that are the big things in

the Science of ​Osteopathy​.”

“I first saw the ​tracks of God​ in the snow of

time. I followed them.”

“​Truth​ has no cause to fear opinions. It wants

no flattery. It neither loves nor hates. It is food
and comfort.”

“It doesn’t matter so much the name of the

disease, the principal thought of the
Osteopathic​ physician is to treat the spine,
know how to normalize structure; function will
take care of itself.”

“A ​truth​ is only a hopeful supposition if it not

supported by results.”

“Attend to ​one thing at a time​, and that one

thing all the time.”

“Don’t fool away your time fumbling to

‘stimulate’​ and ​‘inhibit’​.”

“Here I want to emphasize that the word

‘treat’​ has but one meaning, that is to know
you are right, and do your work accordingly.”

“As you advance in your understanding, you

will find it is always the​ deeper structures
that are responsible in keeping the parts in
lesion when they have once formed, and no
amount of massaging of the superficial
tissues will adjust a bony lesion.”

“Some of us do not have to go to sleep to see


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