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(English release 1.01 October 1999)
ProConOS remote maintenance ..............................................................................1
Symbols and textual conventions 1
Remote maintenance – Introduction 2
The ProConOS Gateway 3
Remote maintenance in the LAN 12
Remote maintenance via the Internet 14
Remote maintenance via modem - direct dial 17
Introduction 17

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway

remote mainte-

This chapter provides information about:

 Remote maintenance - Introduction

 The ProConOS Gateway

 Remote maintenance within the LAN

 Remote maintenance via the Internet

 Remote maintenance via modem – direct dial

ProConOS remote maintenance

Symbols and textual conventions

The following symbols are used in this manual:
* For enumerations

• For an operation you have to carry out

For an optional operation

 For a sequence of operations that have to be carried out with the mouse.

 For a sequence of operations that have to be carried out with the keyboard.

 For indicating important information

 For referring to other documents.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-1

Remote maintenance – Introduction
Remote maintenance becomes more and more important, as well in the field of automation. It allows many func-
tionalities which up to now required great expenditure of time and money, to be effected from any location. In
this way errors in the PLC, which might occur, can be analyzed or already existing programmes re-configured
from remote computers. Thus the on-site installation so far necessary for accessing the PLC is no longer required.
Furthermore the user has the possibility to choose from a variety of communication channels for the remote
In this manual some of the possibilities of remote maintenance will be described. In general it can be said that
remote maintenance allows for a much easier and less time-consuming support. As virtually all PLCs in the world
can be accessed by remote dial-in, travel and attendance times are reduced to a minimum, thus considerably in-
creasing the availability of machines and plants.

The remote maintenance applications described in this manual

In this manual several possibilities for the remote maintenance of a ProConOS control system will be described.
The PLC can be accessed via a great number of communication channels. Some possibilities will be described in
detailed examples.

 Almost all ways of remote maintenance described in this manual require the software tool ProConOS
Gateway. For details see the chapter „The ProConOS Gateway“.

Short description of the possible ways of communication for the remote maintenance
of ProConOS
* local network (LAN)
Most of the time, local networks are divided into sub-networks. Without additional settings these sub-
networks cannot communicate with one another. To allow communication, the ProConOS Gateway is requi-
* Internet
In conjunction with the software tool ProConOS Gateway, the local network and its sub-networks can be ac-
cessed via the Internet. So the Internet allows the access of several PLCs located in external networks.
* Modem – direct dial
Direct dial via modem allows the user to extablish a direct connection to a remote computer with help of a
modem. In this way the PLC in question can be accessed via the public or internal telephone network. To-
gether with the ProConOS Gateway this direct dial-in to PLCs allows the user to access the local network
and its sub-networks.

Remote maintenance of external PLCs - examples

* Checking and analysis of PLCs
* Download and activation of new control programs
* reconfiguration and debugging of PLCs
* ...

1-2 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

The ProConOS Gateway

In many companies the networks are divided into sub-networks. Some of the reasons for this division are diffe-
ring network technologies in the departments, limitations concerning the cable lenght and the number of connec-
ted stations, or performance optimation. Without further network modifications a communication between these
sub-networks is not possible.
If, for example, the MULTIPROG workstation and the ProConOS controller computer are located in different
sub-networks, a direct communication is not possible. So routers are used to allow for communication. These
routers are provided with certain data, with the consequence that only those IP-data packets are routed to their
corresponding networks/sub-networks which can be found in the corresponding routing-tables, deposited there by
the network administrator. In this case the data packets are transferred to the corresponding sub-network by indi-
rect routing, meaning that by means of individual router-settings the data packets are transferred from the
MULTIPROG workstation through the different sub-networks to the corresponding ProConOS controller com-
When using ProConOS Gateways, the required router parameters do no longer have to be set by the network
administrator. Now the user himself can determine his own router parameters.

 When using a ProConOS Gateway, the user himself can set the parameters required.

Position of the ProConOS Gateway in the network

The gateway function requires a network node which is physically connected to at least two networks (see Figure
1-1: „Position of the ProConOS Gateway within the network“). This means that the network node containing the
ProCon OS Gateway integrates the physical connections for both sub-networks (for each of the physical networks
an individual network interface card has to be inserted).

 The ProConOS Gateway interconnects different networks. By modifying the IP-address, a

communication between these networks is possible.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-3


Subnet A

ProConOS Gateway
physical access
to both subnets

Subnet B


Figure 1-1: „Position of the ProConOS Gateway within the network“


Operating systems that are supported

ProConOS Gateway supports the following operating systems:
* Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
* Microsoft Windows 95
* Microsoft Windows 98

Conditions for the use of the ProConOS Gateway

* For the communication with a ProConOS Gateway the TCP/IP protocol is required. Usually it is installed
together with a number of other network components. Only in Windows NT 4.0 it is possible to install a
pseudo-network interface card for this function (see also the chapter „Remote maintenance via modem - di-
rect dial“). All other operating systems the ProConOS Gateway supports demand a real network interface
* The Windows system directory has to contain the DLL „mfc42.dll“ provided by Windows. This DLL will
be automatically integrated or up-dated when installing the ProConOS Gateway. However, this current DLL
might be replaced by an older version when re-installing the software.
* For a correct evaluation of the communication parameters set by the user, the programs MULTIPROG and
OPC-Server require the latest version of the „socomm.dll“. The versions MULTIPROG 2.1 and later contain
this DLL by default. In older versions the user has to exchange the „socomm.dll“ manually. In both
MULTIPROG and OPC-Server this DLL is located in the sub-directory „plc“.

1-4 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Activating the ProConOS Gateway
When installing the ProConOs Gateway, the user can determine whether the Gateway will be integrated into the
operating system as an autostart routine or not. If so, it will be activated automatically with every restart of the
system. As optional possibility the user can perform a manual start-up, either via the menu bar or by double-
clicking on the corresponding icon (see illustration below) on the desktop.

After start-up the ProConOS Gateway is represented by an icon in the taskbar. A right-mouse click on the icon
will open a pop-up menu containing all the functionalities provided.

Features of performance

ProConOS Gateway communication

figure 1-2: „Example of communication parameters“

All settings required for a communication can be found in the „Resource settings“ dialog on the MULTIPROG
As already described, communication via the ProConOS Gateway is only possible by means of TCP/IP. Thus
TCP/IP has to be selected as DLL. Furthermore, the user can determine an individual communication parameter.
Here all the stations included in the communication with the PLC are listed.

Format of the communication parameters

* The whole range of functionalities of the previous socomm.dll will remain valid. Thus, if the PLC is called
without the ProConOS Gateway, the communication parameters can be set as usual.
* If the ProConOS Gateway is part of the communication, the IP address of every single station of the connec-
tion (Gateway or PLC) has to be listed in the ‚Parameter‘ field, divided by semicola. Only the IP address of
the PLC, that is the last station, is not followed by a semicolon.
* In every connection parameter the „target name“ or the IP address has to be inserted before all other para-
meters are set.
* The timeout has to be determined in the first parameter only. The setting of a timeout value is optional and
will be set to 5 s if no value is entered.
ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-5
Formats of the connection parameters
Some formats of the connection parameters are not supported by all networks. The connection parameters have to
be set individually by the user and by the corresponding environment.
* [target name]
Can be used on the level of the local network only and there requires the functionality of a „name server“.
Example of a communication parameter: [localhost;user1;]
* [-ip IP-Adresse]
This format is supported on all levels. Example: [-ip;-ip]
* [-to timeout in sec.]
The timeout has to be determined only in the first connection parameter. If the user does not enter a value,
the default value will be set automatically.
Example: [user1 –to 2000;user2]
* [-pwd Password]
The user has the option to determine a password in the corresponding connection parameter (this applies
only to the ProConOS Gateway). Here it is possible (e.g.) to call every Gateway with an individual pass-
word. The password has to consist of a character string. It does not have to contain any blanks nor key para-
meters such as -ip, -to, -pwd, -pt. For further information see also the chapter „Gateway Authorization
(„Gateway-Authorize“ dialog)“.
Example: [user1 –pwd password1; user2 –pwd password2;plc]
* [-p port number]
In the first connection parameter the user has the option to set a specific port number. In this way it is possi-
ble to call a PLC with any port number in decimal or hexadecimal format.
Example: [user1; user2 –p 0x2000]

Examples of a communication parameter

* A first ProConOS Gateway has been installed on the computer with the IP address The PLC
has the IP address Timeout is set to 2 s.
[-ip –to 2000;-ip]
* Now a second ProConOS Gateway has been installed on the network-computer with the IP address The PLC has the IP address
When gaining access to the PLC, all the stations listed above are to be included. As timeout, the default set-
ting is taken.
In this example we assume that the functionality of a „name server“ is supported. For example, the abbrevia-
tion <plc_1> has been assigned to the IP-address (computer containing the PLC).

Properties of the ProConOS Gateway

The ProConOS Gateway allows several connections to be established. The connections in question and their
properties can be taken from the dialogs „Active Connection“ or „Debug Mode“ (see also the chapters „The
„Active Connections“ dialog“ and „The “Debug Mode” dialog“).
Furthermore several Gateways can be connected in series. In this way a communication among any of the diffe-
rent sub-networks is possible.

 The ProConOs Gateway allows several connections to be established at the same time. The number
of connections is limited by the ProConOS Gateway to a maximum of 32.

1-6 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

The „Active Connections“ dialog
The „Active Connections“ dialog contains all connections currently communicating via the Gateway. The number
of current connections is listed in the „Header bar“ (Example: ‚Current active connections: [5]‘). For identificati-
on purposes every connection is provided with an index (‚connection No‘). Furthermore the current time and date
are registered at the beginning of each connection.
Detailed information on every single connection are shown when double-clicking with the left mouse button on
the corresponding connection.

 The „Active Connections“ dialog can be activated from the corresponding item of the ProConOS
Gateway pop-up menu or by double-clicking on the ProConOS Gateway icon in the task bar.

Figure 1-3: „Active Connections“ dialog

Figure 1-4: „Active-Connections“ dialog, detailed view shows the detailed „Active Connections“ dialog. It con-
tains - for a selected connection - detailed information on the connection itself and its properties.
The example given below contains the connection data of the unambiguous connection [9]. The more general
view (Figure 1-3: „Active Connections“ dialog) can be re-activated by double-clicking on any of the lines.

The aspects of the detailed view will be described in the following:

* Date at incoming request / Time at incoming request
Date and time of the establishment of the connection
* Receicve from
This line contains the IP address of the preceding station. This might be the MULTIPROG workstation or a
ProConOS Gateway.
* Next Connection
This line shows the IP address of the following station. This might be the ProConOS PLC or another ProCo-
nOS Gateway.
* Send parameter (further station)
In this line all those stations are listed which follow the next connection.
* Communication-Parameter
Here the complete communication-parameter is shown which the user has determined in the „Ressource set-
tings“ dialog on the MULTIPROG workstation.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-7

Figure 1-4: „Active-Connections“ dialog, detailed view

The “Debug Mode” dialog

The „Debug Mode“ dialog (see Figure 1-5: „Debug-Mode“ dialog) lists all preceding connections with all addi-
tional information crucial to the user. Here also those connections are documented which e.g. have been aborted
during an attempt at establishing the connection or due to an error. In this way the user gets detailed information,
if an error has occurred in a certain connection. The column „Connection No“ contains the corresponding index.

The debug list includes 200 lines of ProConOS Gateway information. If the amount of 200 entries is reached and
a new one is added, the first entry in the list will be deleted.

 The user can activate the „Debug Mode“ dialog by choosing the corresponding item from the Pro-
ConOS Gateway pop-up menu. As already described above, in this dialog the column width can as
well be adapted by the user.

Figure 1-5: „Debug-Mode“ dialog

1-8 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Gateway Authorization („Gateway-Authorize“ dialog)
The ProConOS Gateway allows access to the subjacent networks and PLCs (see also the chapter „The ProConOS
Gateway“, „Position of the ProConOS Gateway in the network“).
In this way a communication via different networks/sub-networks becomes possible, such as an access to the
internal LAN via the Internet (see also the chapter „Remote maintenance via the Internet“).
In order to eliminate unauthorized access to the individual networks or PLCs, the ProConOS Gateway integrates
the functionality of an individual user authorization. With this password query, access to the PLC is limited to
those users which are explicitely entitled.
The ProConOS Gateway can as well be operated without user authorization. In this case, however, any connec-
tion possible via the Gateway can be established without any restrictions.

Assignment of the password to an IP-address

The individual password and the IP addresses have to be entered by the user. The setting of the authoriza-
tion properties is supported by the following programs:
* Microsoft Exel
Microsoft Exel offers the file format *.csv“ which is supported by the ProConOs Gateway. In this format the
individual entries in the columns are divided by semicola. As usual, the user enters the information into the
appropriate lines and columns. The information required by the ProConOS Gateway (password and IP
address) is then split into two columns and inserted correspondingly.
* Any Editor
As optional possibility the password and the IP addresses can be entered in any editor. Here the „*.csv“ for-
mat required has to be generated manually by the user, as shown in Figure 1-6: „settings.csv“ file“. Here the
individual passwords and IP-addresses are divided by a semicolon.

Formats of the assignment of a password with an IP address (see also Figure 1-6: „settings.csv“ file“):
* Password
The user can choose any password he likes, provided that it does not contain any blanks or semicola.
Example: [any12345;]
* IP-address
The user has two different possibilities of entering the IP address: he can assign the „real“ IP network
address, as for example „“ or - instead of the „real“ address – he can give its pseudonym, the
network name, as for example „user_x“.
Example of a real network address: [password;]
Example of a network name: [password; user_x]
* comment
Only entering the character string „//“ in the „setting.csv“ file causes the ProConOS Gateway to interpret all
subsequent characters as comment.

 The password/IP address file must contain the file name „settings.csv“. Moreover the correct locati-
on within the file – in which the ProConOS Gateway is located as well - is necessary.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-9

Figure 1-6: „settings.csv“ file

„Gateway – Authorize“ dialog

In the „Gateway-Authorize“ dialog the user can check the information on the user authorization he entered in the
„settings.csv“ file. Here the IP addresses are assigned to the corresponding passwords (see Figure 1-7: „Gateway-
Authorize“ dialog). So this dialog contains the current settings for the authorization of the corresponding ProCo-
nOS Gateway. By double-clicking on a password the detailed properties of the authorization are displayed (see
Figure 1-8: „Gateway-Authorize“ dialog, detailed view).

Figure 1-7: „Gateway-Authorize“ dialog

„Gateway – Authorize“ dialog (detailed view)

This dialog shows the properties of a password in detail. In the example shown in Figure 1-8: „Gateway-
Authorize“ dialog, detailed view“ all those network addresses are listed which the user can access with the pass-
word „xyz“. Furthermore the ProConOS Gateway checks whether the authorization properties have the correct
format or – if the network name of a computer has been entered – whether this name exists within the network.
The result of this check can be found in the „Error“ column of the detailed view of the „Gateway-Authorize“

Figure 1-8: „Gateway-Authorize“ dialog, detailed view

1-10 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

The menu bar of the „Gateway-Authorize“ dialog includes the following menus:
* Gateway Authorize
In this menu the user authorization can be de-activated (see Figure 1-9: „ProConOS Gateway-Authorize“
dialog (no Gateway authorize)). In this case there are no limitations to the connections via the Gateway.

Figure 1-9: „ProConOS Gateway-Authorize“ dialog (no Gateway authorize)

* Read <settings.csv> File
If this function is chosen, the „settings.csv“ file generated by the user is read again.

 NOTE: The „settings.csv“ file has to be located in the same directory as the ProConOS Gateway.

 During the reading process of the „settings.csv“ file rather long delay periods mights occur. This is
the case when the network names of a computer are entered into the „settings.csv“ file instead of the
real IP address (such as and the local „name server“ does not recognize the names. In
this case the „name server“ searches all levels (also the Internet) for the IP address standing behind
this network name, which might be a rather time-consuming process.
A delay might as well be caused by a restart of the ProConOS Gateway, as in this case the informati-
on contained in the „settings.csv“ file have to be loaded as well.

Registration of the ProConOS Gateway

The ProConOS Gateway can be registered in the „Register“ dialog which can be chosen from the ProConOS
Gateway pop-up menu.
If no registration code is entered, the Gateway will be activated in demo-mode (which will be explicitely indica-
ted). In demo-mode the ProConOS Gateway will be de-activated after 15 minutes. In this case all connections
established via the Gateway will be closed.

Figure 1-10: „Register“ dialog

 If the ProConOS Gateway is running in demo-mode, meaning it has not been registered, it will be de-
activated after 15 minutes.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-11

Remote maintenance in the LAN
As already described in the chapter „The ProConOS Gateway - Introduction“, networks are divided into sub-
networks. Without further modifications by the network administrator it is usually not possible to establish a
communication from one sub-network to another.

 The ProConOS Gateway allows a communication for controlling several sub-networks to be esta-
blished without any further network modifications.

The MULTIPROG workstation and the ProCocOS PLC are located in different sub-networks of a local network
(see Figure 1-11: example of remote maintenance“). A TCP/IP communication between the sub-networks
usually cannot be established without further settings. With help of the ProConOS Gateway, however, the com-
munication can be realized.

 The conditions and settings required for the ProConOS Gateway are described in the chapter „The
ProConOS Gateway“.


Subnet A

ProConOS Gateway
Subnet A
Subnet B


Subnet B


Figure 1-11: example of remote maintenance

1-12 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

The settings required to establish a communication with the PLC have to be made in the „Resource settings“
dialog on the MULTIPROG workstation (see Figure 1-12: communication parameters for remote maintenance in
the local network“). To do so, the communication parameter has to be modified as shown in Figure 1-12: com-
munication parameters for remote maintenance in the local network.

Figure 1-12: communication parameters for remote maintenance in the local network

 In this example the communication has been established via one Gateway. However, this does not
necessarily have to be the case; a PLC can also be accessed by several Gateways and sub-networks
(see also the chapter „Properties of the ProConOS Gateway“) .

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-13

Remote maintenance via the Internet
Remote maintenance via the Internet gains more and more importance. One essential advantage of the Internet is
the fact that it allows rather cost-effective communication. So any PLC throughout the world can be accessed
through the local Internet provider.

Example 1
In the following, remote maintenance via the Internet will be explained with an example (the graphical descripti-
on of the example is given in Figure 1-13: remote maintenance, example 1“). As you can see from the illustration,
in this example the communication requires two seperate networks. The MULTIPROG workstation (subnet X,
local site) is to access a PLC (subnet Y, installed at a remote site). Both networks (subnet X and subnet Y) ope-
rate autonomously. The PLC in the external network is to be accessed, among other things, via the Internet. To
do so, the ProConOS Gateway is required (see also the chapter „The ProConOS Gateway“).


Subnet X

IP-Addr: Router IP-Addr:


IP-Addr: ProConOS Gateway
Internet Address
Subnet Y

Subnet Y

IP-Addr: ProConOS PLC

Figure 1-13: remote maintenance, example 1

1-14 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Configuration of the local site
On the local site there is the network computer (IP address, equipped with the MULTIPROG work-
station. For this network computer a connection with the Internet has to be established. This might be realized via
a corresponding provider with help of a remote communications network. In this special example (see Figure
1-13: remote maintenance, example 1) the remote communications connection with the Internet is established by
means of a router which can be accessed via the local network.

Configuration of the remote site

In this external network the ProConOS PLC is located, via which a communication with the MULTIPROG work-
station at the local site is to be established. The network computer containing the PLC has no direct connection
with the Internet. This connection is provided by another network computer which is located in the same sub-
network as the PLC. On this computer (IP address a ProConOS Gateway is installed, allowing
bidirectional data transfer from the Internet to the local sub-network Y.

Once the remote site has been completely configured, only the settings at the local site will have to be modified.
First the MULTIPROG workstation has to be connected with the Internet (on-site location). Detailed dial-up
procedures shall not be described here, but can be realized individually by the user.
All other modifications necessary can be set in the „Resource settings“ dialog of the MULTIPROG workstation.
Here the communications parameter has to be modified as shown in Figure 1-14: Internet communications para-
meter .

Figure 1-14: Internet communications parameter

Data concerning a special connection

The ProConOS Gateway on the remote site provides the user with information concerning a certain connection
(see also the chapter „The ProConOS Gateway“). Figure 1-15: „Active-Connections“ dialog, example“ shows
the connection described here in detail.
In the following, the item „Receive from“ of the „Active Connections“ dialog (detailed view of a connection)
shall be described. So far, this item contained the „real“ IP address of the external network computer which esta-
blished a communication with the Gateway. When communicating via the Internet, however, the „Receive from“
item contains that IP address which is also visible - in the Internet - at the other (the local) site. In this case this
means that only that IP address of the remote communications network appears which is dynamically assigned by
the corresponding provider when the user at the local site dials in.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-15

Figure 1-15: „Active-Connections“ dialog, example

Example 2
This example describes remote maintenance via the Internet in its most basic configuration (see Figure 1-16:
remote maintenance, example 2). In this case the computer containing the ProConOs PLC is directly visible in
the Internet and a ProConOS Gateway is not required.


Internet Address

Figure 1-16: remote maintenance, example 2

As in example 1, a connection between the MULTIPROG workstation and the Internet has to be established. In
the „Resource Settings“ dialog only the IP address of that PLC has to be given which is to be accessed.
Set communications parameter: [-ip]

1-16 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Remote maintenance via modem - direct dial

In this chapter the remote maintenance via modem - direct dial will be described. Here the user at the
MULTIPROG workstation communicates with the ProConOS PLC by means of a direct remote communications
connection (see Figure 1-17: modem – direct dial, overview). The user is free to choose the communications
channel for accessing the PLC, such as the local or public telephone network.
Once the remote site has been configured, all other modifications required for remote maintenance have to be set
at the local site. One advantage of remote maintenance via modem is the possibility of demanding an authorizati-
on query when establishing a connection with the external dial-in node. In this way a controlled external access to
the PLC or the local network is possible.





Figure 1-17: modem – direct dial, overview

On the side of the ProConOS PLC remote maintenance via modem requires an operating system which supports
the auto answer of incoming calls. Other features such as stability and security should also be provided for. For
remote maintenance via modem direct dial Windows NT 4.0 as operating system is to be preferred to all other

Remote maintenance via modem direct dial should be realized with the operating system Windows
 NT 4.0.

Without the ProConOS Gateway only the external dial-in computer on the side of the PLC can be accessed. The
ProConOS Gateway, however, allows the access to PLCs in the external network (provided that the external dial-
in computer is connected with the network. For the use of a ProConOS Gateway on the external side see also the
chapter „The ProConOS Gateway“.

Installation and configuration of the required functionalities

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-17

Modem direct dial requires several different services of an operating system. When installing the operating sy-
stems, these services are usually not integrated but have to be additionally installed and correspondingly configu-
red for remote maintenance.
In the following, the installation of these services will be briefly described.

Installation of required services (Windows NT 4.0)

No network components have been installed on the operating system

This case applies to both the local site (MULTIPROG workstation) and the remote site (ProConOS PLC).

 A computer containing Windows can only be connected with a network (e.g. a remote communica-
tions network) if at least one network card, and network software for at least one protocol (TCP/IP)
(or transport) driver are provided.
Should this not be the case, complications might arise when installing the RAS service. In this spe-
cial case Windows NT provides a pseudo-network adapter (MS Loopback adapter), which the user
has to integrate before installing the RAS service.

 • For the installation of the pseudo-network adapter click on [Start Settings Control Panel
Network Adapters] and click on „Add“.
• Select the pseudo-adapter „MS Loopback-Adapter“ and click on „OK“.

Figure 1-18: „Selecting the network card“

• Now the individual settings have to be determined, which depend on the corresponding envi-

Configuration of the local site (MULTIPROG workstation)

Installation of the RAS service (Remote-Access-Service)

 The RAS service provided by Windows NT 4.0 has to be added to the operating system. To do so the
following steps have to be carried out:
• Click on [Start Settings Control Panel Network Services Add], select Remote
Access Service and click on „OK“.

1-18 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Figure 1-19: „Selection of network services“

• When installing the RAS service, the user also has to enter the previously installed communicati-
on channel. In this case the communication takes place with a standard modem communicating
via the serial interface COM2. So the user has to individually select the communications channel
for his special environment.

Figure 1-20: „Add RAS Device“

• Figure 1-21: „Remote Access Setup“ shows the RAS setup. Here the user has to make further
settings. To do so click on „Configure“ and select „Dial out only“ as connection parameter.

Figure 1-21: „Remote Access Setup“

• For further settings click on the „Network“ button in the „Remote Access Setup“ dialog (see
Figure 1-21: „Remote Access Setup“). The „Network Configuration“ dialog appears. From the
„Dial out Protocols“ selection choose the network protocol TCP/IP. If the default setting contains
further protocols, these are integrated as well.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-19

Figure 1-22: „Network configuration“

 If the RAS service provided by Windows NT 4.0 has been de-installed, the Windows NT service
pack also has to be installed again. If this is not done, the newly installed function might not be
carried out correctly.

Installation of a user defined remote communications connection in a remote communications

For a communication with remote networks via the remote communications network, a modem, ISDN or other
WAN adapters can be used. In the following it will be described, in which way the user may configure such a
remote communications connection for a modem.

 • On your desktop click on [My Computer Dial-Up Networking New]. In the dialog that
opens enter a name for the new remote communications connection. Configure the then following
dialog as shown in Figure 1-23: „Server“.

Figure 1-23: „Server“

• After the basic configuration of the remote communications connection, it now has to be adapted
to the corresponding environment. To do so click on the „More“ button in the „Dial-Up Networ-
king“ dialog and then select „Edit entry and modem properties“. Select the settings as shown in
Figure 1-24: „Edit Phonebook Entry“.

1-20 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Figure 1-24: „Edit Phonebook Entry“
• By clicking on the „TCP/IP Settings“ button, the „PPP TCP/IP Settings“ dialog will open. Select
the settings as shown in Figure 1-25: „PPP TCP/IP settings“.

Figure 1-25: „PPP TCP/IP settings“

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-21

Configuration of the remote site (ProConOS PLC)
The remote site contains the computer provided with the PLC. When using the ProConOS Gateway, the remote
PLC can have any position within the local network (see also the chapter „Remote maintenance via modem -
direct dial, example 1“).
The operating system Windows NT 4.0 provides the network service ‚RAS server‘. This functionality and the
corresponding configuration allow for a callback of the external dial-in node.

 For the general description of the installation of the Remote Access Service see also the chapter
„Configuration of the local site (MULTIPROG workstation)“. In the following, only the special set-
tings for the remote site will be described.

 • In the „Remote Access Setup“ dialog click on the „Configure“ button. The „Configure Port Usa-
ge“ dialog appears. Select „Receive calls only“.

Figure 1-26: „Configure Port Usage“

• Further settings have to be made in the Remote Access Setup. To do so, click on „Network“ and
set the parameters in the „Network Configuration“ dialog as shown in Figure 1-27: „Network
configuration“. If –in the default settings – except for TCP/IP other network protocols are active
(e.g. „IPX“), these are to be integrated as well.

Figure 1-27: „Network configuration“

• In the following, the TCP/IP default settings of the RAS Server will be configured. To do so,
select the settings as shown in Figure 1-28: „RAS Server TCP/IP-Configuration“.

1-22 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Figure 1-28: „RAS Server TCP/IP-Configuration“

Activating the RAS server (Remote-Access-Service)

The RAS server has to be activated only at the remote site (dial-in node). It allows for a callback.

There are two possibilities for activating the RAS server:

* Manual activation by the user of the external side

 • Clicking on [Start Programs Administrative Tools (Common) Remote

Access Admin] will open the Remote Access administration.
• Select the „Server“ menu and then „Start Remote Access Service“. If the auto answer
function has been successfully activated, the dialog looks as shown in Figure 1-29:
„RAS administration on \\ JB“.

Figure 1-29: „RAS administration on \\ JB“

* Automatic activation during system start-up

 Windows NT offers the option of automatically activating various functionalities during a

restart of the system. To do so
• click on: [Start Settings Control Panel Services ], and select the service
„Remote Access Server“.

ProConOS developers‘ manual ProConOS Gateway • 1-23

Figure 1-30: „Services“
• Clicking on the „Startup“ button will activate the selected function. In this case (au-
tomatic activation of the Remote Access Service) select the setting „Automatic“ in
the „Service“ dialog, as shown in Figure 1-31: „Service“.

Figure 1-31: „Service“ dialog

Authorized dial-in
For establishing a remote communications connection to the external network, a corresponding authorization is
required. In this way the administrator of the external site can control the access to the dial-in node or the net-
work by assigning user rights.

 • For the remote communications connection to the external dial-in node (Windows NT network
computer) the user needs to have local user rights. This means he requires a valid user name and
the corresponding password for this computer. To authorize the user for the RAS service, the
settings required have to be made in the User Manager.
To do so click on [Start Programs Administrative Tools (Common) User Manager] and
create a new user or select a given one via which the user can log in at the dial-in node.
In the menu bar click on „User“ and select the menu item „Properties“. The „User Properties“
dialog opens. Here click on the „Dialin“ button.

1-24 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Figure 1-32: „User Properties“
• In the „Dialin Information“ dialog select the setting „Grant dialin permission to user“.

Figure 1-33: „Dialin Information“

example 1
In this example access to a PLC at a remote site is to be established. The communication with the remote network
shall be established via modem direct dial. Here the user performs – with help of a modem - a direct dial-in to a
remote network computer via the internal or the public telephone network. The ProConOS Gateway allows for
the access to the external network and the PLCs integrated there.

 In this example the access to the external network is only possible via the ProConOS Gateway.

For the configuration settings required for the local site (MULTIPROG workstation) and for the remote site
(ProConOS PLC) see also the chapters „Configuration of the local site (MULTIPROG workstation)“ and
„Configuration of the remote site (ProConOS PLC)“ respectively.

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Subnet X

IP-Addr: Router IP-Addr:


IP-Addr: ProConOS Gateway
Dial-Up-Server Address:
Subnet Y

Subnet Y

IP-Addr: ProConOS PLC

Figure 1-34: „Modem – direct dial, example 1“


Dial-in to the remote PLC

By means of a remote communications connection the user at the MULTIPROG workstation dials in to the exter-
nal dial-in computer (to do so he requires user name and password; for more information see the chapter
„Configuration of the remote site (ProConOS PLC)“).

Determining the IP address of the external „dial-in computer“

If the remote communications connection with the dial-in computer has been successfully established, the IP
address of the remote communications server – which is dynamically assigned – is required for a TCP/IP com-
munication. The IP address of the external remote communications server can be found on the local
MULTIPROG workstation in the following way:

Click on [My Computer Dial-Up Network ‚More‘ button menu item „Monitor status“ (optional:
select a specific device from the list) ‚Details‘ button). In the dialog that opens, the IP address of the server
will be displayed (see also Figure 1-35: „Network Registration“).

 The IP address of the dial-in computer is not required. This address has to be determined from the
user side. This means that for dialling in to a remote network only the internal or external telephone
number is required.

1-26 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

Figure 1-35: „Network Registration“

Access to the remote control computer

All further settings required (local site) have to be made in the „Ressource Settings“ dialog on the MULTIPROG
workstation (see Figure 1-36: „Communications Parameter for modem – direct dial“). Here the communications
parameter has to be modified as shown in Figure 1-36: „Communications Parameter for modem – direct

Figure 1-36: „Communications Parameter for modem – direct dial“

Example 2
The example 2 describes the remote maintenance via modem direct dial in its most basic configuration (see
Figure 1-37: „Modem – direct dial, example 2“). Here the PLC is located on the dial-in computer and thus can be
accessed directly via the remote communications network of the user side. In this case no ProConOS Gateway is

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Figure 1-37: „Modem – direct dial, example 2“

As in example 1 a remote communications connection with the remote „dial-in computer“ has to be established.
In example 2 the same parameters are assumed for the remote communications connection (also see the chapter
„example 1“). In the following only the Internet address of the PLC in question has to be set in the „Ressource
settings“ dialog.
Setting of communications parameter: [-ip]

1-28 • ProConOS Gateway ProConOS developers‘ manual

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