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William B.

Gregory J. Tsongalis

The Molecular Basis

of Human Cancer

Second Edition

The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer
William B. Coleman • Gregory J. Tsongalis

The Molecular Basis

of Human Cancer
William B. Coleman Gregory J. Tsongalis
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced
Medicine Technology (CGAT)
Curriculum in Toxicology Department of Pathology and Laboratory
UNC Program in Translational Medicine Medicine
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Center Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
University of North Carolina School of Medicine Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Chapel Hill, NC, USA Lebanon, NH, USA
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Hanover, NH, USA

ISBN 978-1-934115-18-3 ISBN 978-1-59745-458-2 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016953141

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

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The information contained in this textbook describes the ever-expanding field
of cancer biology and our contemporary understanding of the pathology,
pathogenesis, and pathophysiology of the diverse collection of diseases
representing human cancer. Hence, this work represents the culmination of
innumerable small successes that emerged from the ceaseless pursuit of new
knowledge by countless clinical, experimental, and translational cancer
biologists working around the world on all aspects of human cancer. Their
ingenuity and hard work have dramatically advanced the field of cancer
pathobiology over time, and particularly during the last 25 years. This book
is a tribute to the dedication, diligence, and perseverance of individual
scientists who contributed to the advancement of our understanding of the
molecular basis of human cancer, especially graduate students, laboratory
technicians, and postdoctoral fellows, whose efforts are so frequently taken
for granted, whose accomplishments are so often unrecognized, and whose
contributions are so quickly forgotten.
We especially dedicate this book to the loving memory of Chris Helms
Austin who passed away far too young on August 17, 2014 after a long battle
with breast cancer. Chris was cherished by her family and friends, and was a
gifted teacher who made significant impressions on her students, their
parents, and her colleagues. She did so much good in her short lifetime and
that goodness continues through the lives of her students and everyone else
she touched. Chris’ journey through breast cancer showed us the realities
associated with a cancer diagnosis, treatment, and disease progression. Her
obstinate optimism and resolve in the face of an unrelenting disease provides
a lesson and example for all of us on how to attack life’s challenges no matter
how insurmountable the odds of success.
We also remember people we have known and loved, that taught us through
example about dignity, positivity, strength, courage, and tenacity in the fight
against cancer – Samuel Apostola, Dr. Bobby G. Bell, Jeffery A. Bell,
Dr. Sharon Ricketts Betz, Linwood Braswell, Bobbie Coleman Clark, William
B. Coleman, Jr., Anne Griffin Clawson, Jewell T. Coleman, George G. Gerding,
Evelyn B. Hadden, Shayne Snyder Hall, Dr. Eugene F. Hamer, Jerry S. Harris,
Effie H. Helms, Larry Hendley, Joel C. Herren, Jean G. Herren, Kathleen M.
Jackson, Jerry W. Kirkman, Gloria Morin, John Panu, Dr. Kathleen Rao,
Dr. Rhonda Simper Ronan, Alexandria Rucho, Peter Rucho, Beverly Clark
Tice, Ruth E. Trull, Josephine Caccavallo Vasquez, and W. Kenneth
Weatherman. This book is also dedicated to the cancer survivors and those
who continue to live with cancer, for their bravery and determination, for the
inspiration that they provide, and for reminding us that there is far too much
left to be done to rest on our accomplishments.
We also dedicate The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer – Second Edition
to the many people that have played crucial roles in our successes. We thank
our many scientific colleagues, past and present, for their camaraderie,
collegiality, and support. We especially thank our scientific mentors for their
example of dedication to research excellence. We are truly thankful for the
positive working relationships and friendships that we have with our faculty
colleagues, for the mentoring we received from our elders and for the
opportunity to mentor those that follow us. We also thank our undergraduate
students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows for teaching us more
than we might have taught them. We thank our parents for believing in higher
education, for encouragement through the years, and for helping make
dreams into reality. We thank our brothers and sisters, and extended families,
for the many years of love, friendship, and tolerance. We thank our wives,
Monty and Nancy, for their unqualified love, unselfish support of our
endeavors, understanding of our work ethic, and appreciation for what we
do. Lastly, we give special thanks to our children, Tess, Sophie, Pete, and Zoe.
Their achievements and successes as young adults are a greater source of
pride for us than our own accomplishments. As when they were children, we
thank them for providing an unwavering bright spot in our lives, for their
unbridled enthusiasm and boundless energy, and for giving us a million
reasons to take an occasional day off from work just to have fun.
William B. Coleman
Gregory J. Tsongalis

The practice of medical oncology has been in a period of sustained significant positive change
over the last two decades that is primarily due to advances in the basic science of cancer biol-
ogy. In recent years, developments in molecular biology techniques have substantially increased
our ability to detect and characterize genetic defects in human cells, resulting in significant
increases in our understanding of the normal molecular mechanisms controlling cellular pro-
liferation and differentiation. The advancement of our comprehension of these basic molecular
mechanisms has been paralleled by comparable increases in our understanding of the molecu-
lar basis of the processes involved in neoplastic transformation and tumorigenesis. Information
gleaned from studies conducted in basic molecular research laboratories is being applied with
unprecedented speed to the development of new molecular tests for cancer detection, diagno-
sis, and prediction of clinical outcomes, as well as to the development of new strategies for
cancer prevention and treatment through therapies that target specific molecular pathways in
the cancer cell. Basic scientists, clinical scientists, and physicians have a need for a source of
information on the current state-of-the-art of the molecular biology of human neoplastic dis-
eases. In this Second Edition of The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer we attempt to provide
such a source of current information, as well as providing a look to the future of the discipline
and the potential impact of scientific advances on the practice of medical oncology. This book
is directed primarily to advanced graduate students and medical students, postdoctoral train-
ees, and established investigators having basic research interests in the molecular basis of
human neoplastic disease. However, this book is also well suited for the non-expert with simi-
lar interests since it provides a broad overview of general themes in the molecular biology of
cancer. To be sure, our understanding of the many processes of neoplasia and their molecular
basis is far from complete, but numerous areas of thematic or conceptual consensus have devel-
oped. We have made an effort to integrate accepted principles with broader theoretic concepts
in an attempt to present a current and comprehensive view of the molecular basis of human
cancer. We hope that this book will accomplish its purpose of providing students and research-
ers who already possess strong but diverse basic science backgrounds with unifying concepts,
so as to stimulate new research aimed at furthering our understanding of the array of diseases
that represent human cancer.

William B. Coleman
Gregory J. Tsongalis


1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms ............... 1

William B. Coleman and Gregory J. Tsongalis
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology ................................... 25
Claudine L. Lefferts and Joel A. Lefferts
3 Cancer Genomics ..................................................................................................... 43
Jonathan R. Pollack
4 Cancer Cytogenetics ................................................................................................ 65
Thomas Ried, Kerstin Heselmeyer-Haddad, Jordi Camps, and Timo Gaiser
5 Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer ........................................................................ 83
Thomas Mikeska and Alexander Dobrovic
6 Cancer Proteomics ................................................................................................... 103
Jeffrey M. Lake and Timothy D. Veenstra
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes ................................................................................ 121
Ashley G. Rivenbark
8 Oncogenes and the Initiation and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis...................... 143
Dean W. Felsher, Constadina Arvanitis, Pavan Bendapudi,
and Pavan Bachireddy
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia:
Growth Factors and Receptors ............................................................................... 159
Luca Grumolato and Stuart Aaronson
10 Senescence, Apoptosis, and Cancer ........................................................................ 183
Manjari Dimri and Goberdhan P. Dimri
11 Novel Cancer Therapies Targeting Angiogenesis.................................................. 197
Monte S. Willis and Nancy Klauber-DeMore
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis .................. 203
Danny R. Welch and Douglas R. Hurst
13 Simple Sequence Mutations .................................................................................... 217
Christophe Béroud
14 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Cancer Susceptibility ............................. 231
Richard A. Hubner and Richard S. Houlston
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer ........................ 241
Kazuma Ohyashiki, Masahiko Kuroda, and Junko H. Ohyashiki
16 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Development .................................................. 263
José Ignacio Martín-Subero and Manel Esteller

x Contents

17 MicroRNAs and Cancer .......................................................................................... 277

Phong Trang, Joanne B. Weidhaas, and Frank J. Slack
18 Erionite and Asbestos in the Pathogenesis of Human
Malignant Mesotheliomas ....................................................................................... 287
Mutlay Sayan and Brooke T. Mossman
19 Viral Mechanisms in Human Carcinogenesis........................................................ 297
Paul F. Lambert
20 Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role of Estrogens ............................................... 307
William A. Ricke, Karin Williams, Jalissa Wynder, Ganesh Palapattu,
Yuzhuo Wang, and Gerald R. Cunha
21 Sporadic Cancers ..................................................................................................... 323
Clemens B. Tempfer and Marc-André Reymond
22 Hereditary Cancer ................................................................................................... 335
Zoran Gatalica, Anatole Ghazalpour, Stan L. Lilleberg, Jeffrey Swensen,
and Henry T. Lynch
23 Retinoblastoma: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives ......................................... 355
J. William Harbour
24 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA Damage Response
to Ultraviolet Light................................................................................................... 363
James E. Cleaver
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer................................................................................. 381
Sonia S. Kupfer and Nathan A. Ellis
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer................................................................. 401
Michael P. Lux, Mayada R. Bani, Peter A. Fasching, and Matthias W. Beckmann
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis .................................................. 423
Smitha Dutt and Allen C. Gao
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis ............................................................... 447
Kwun M. Fong, Jill E. Larsen, Casey Wright, Krishna Sriram,
Morgan Davidson, Marissa Daniels, Yoshitaka Sekido, Rayleen V. Bowman,
Ian A. Yang, and John D. Minna
29 Molecular Basis of Skin Carcinogenesis ................................................................ 497
Alessia Pacifico, Giovanni Leone, and Honnavara N. Ananthaswamy
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias ............................................................................ 505
L. Jeffrey Medeiros and Sergej N. Konoplev
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma .......................................... 561
John Hunt, Yuri Fedoriw, and William N. Rezuke
32 The Molecular Pathology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma .......... 589
Laura J. Tafe
33 Ovarian Cancer ........................................................................................................ 603
Amy D. Brockmeyer and Louis Dubeau
34 Molecular Pathology of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors......................................... 623
José Luis Ordóñez, Daniel Osuna, Juan Madoz-Gúrpide, and Enrique de Álava
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors ......................................................... 657
Daniel Coluccia, Adrienne Weeks, Javier Fandino, Christian Schneider,
Christian Smith, and James T. Rutka
Contents xi

36 Cancer Drug Discovery and Anticancer Drug Development ............................... 695

James Turkson
37 Biological Principles and Clinical Application of EGFR
Inhibitors in Cancer................................................................................................. 709
Zhuo (Georgia) Chen, Suresh Ramalingam, and Dong M. Shin
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy ..................................... 727
Joshua E. Allen and Wafik S. El-Deiry
39 Therapeutic Agents That Inhibit Angiogenesis..................................................... 757
Francesco Torino, Roberta Sarmiento, Raffaelle Longo,
and Giampietro Gasparini
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors ....................................................................................... 771
Xin Chen and Jian Jin
41 Molecular Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer ...................................................... 797
Christos Patriotis, Padma Maruvada, and Sudhir Srivastava
42 Gene Therapy in the Treatment of Human Cancer .............................................. 811
Anand C. Annan, Paul B. Fisher, Paul Dent, Gene P. Siegal,
and David T. Curiel
43 Personalized Medicine for the Treatment of Human Cancer .............................. 843
Scott A. Turner and Gregory J. Tsongalis

Index ............................................................................................................... 857


Stuart Aaronson, M.D. Department of Oncological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at

Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Enrique de Álava, M.D., Ph.D. Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer/Centro de Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad
de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), Hospital
Universitario Virgen del Rocio/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain
Joshua E. Allen, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Graduate Group, University
of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Honnavara N. Ananthaswamy, Ph.D. Immunology Department, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Anand C. Annan, M.B.B.S. Department of Pathology, University of Oklahoma Health
Science center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Cancer Biology Division, Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School
of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Constadina Arvanitis, Ph.D. Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford
University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
Pavan Bachireddy, M.D. Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford
University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
Mayada R. Bani, M.D. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erlangen University
Hospital, Erlangen, Germany
Matthias W. Beckmann, M.D. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erlangen
University Hospital, Erlangen, Germany
Pavan Bendapudi, M.D. Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford University
School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
Christophe Béroud, Pharm.D., Ph.D. Aix-Marseille Université, GMGF, Marseille, France
Inserm, UMR_S 910, Marseille, France
APHM, Hôpital TIMONE Enfants, Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Marseille, France
Rayleen V. Bowman, M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.P. Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince
Charles Hospital, University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, Chermside, Brisbane,
Amy D. Brockmeyer, M.D. Division Gynecologic Oncology (ADB) and Department of
Pathology (LD), USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

xiv Contributors

Jordi Camps, Ph.D. Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Xin Chen, Ph.D. Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Zhuo (Georgia) Chen, Ph.D. Department of Hematology and Oncology, Emory University
Winship Cancer, Atlanta, GA, USA
James E. Cleaver, Ph.D. Dermatology & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Auerback Melanoma
Laboratory, UCSF Cancer Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
William B. Coleman, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Curriculum
in Toxicology, UNC Program in Translational Medicine, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive
Center, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Daniel Coluccia, M.D. The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre, Division
of Neurosurgery, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Department of Neurosurgery, Cantonal Hospital of Aarau, Aarau, Switzerland
Gerald R. Cunha, Ph.D. Department Urology, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, USA
David T. Curiel, M.D., Ph.D. Cancer Biology Division, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Marissa Daniels, M.B.B.S. Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital,
University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, Brisbane, Australia
Morgan Davidson, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles
Hospital, University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, Brisbane, Australia
Paul Dent, Ph.D. Department of Neurosurgery, VCU Institute of Molecular Medicine, VCU
Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA
Manjari Dimri, M.B.B.S. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, George
Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Goberdhan P. Dimri, Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, George
Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Alexander Dobrovic, Ph.D. Translational Genomics and Epigenomics Laboratory, Olivia
Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Department of Pathology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
School of Cancer Medicine, La Trobe University, Boundoora, VIC, Australia
Louis Dubeau, M.D., Ph.D. Division Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Pathology,
USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Smitha Dutt, Ph.D. Department of Urology and Cancer Center, University of California –
Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA
Wafik S. El-Deiry, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P. Laboratory of Translational Oncology and
Experimental Cancer Therapeutics, Department of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), Penn
State College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute, Hershey, PA, USA
Nathan A. Ellis, Ph.D. Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Manel Esteller, M.D., Ph.D. Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC), Bellvitge
Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Contributors xv

Javier Fandino, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery, Cantonal Hospital of Aarau, Aarau,

Peter A. Fasching, M.D. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erlangen University
Hospital, Erlangen, Germany
Yuri Fedoriw, M.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of North
Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Dean W. Felsher, M.D., Ph.D. Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine and Pathology,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
Paul B. Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D. Department of Human and Molecular Genetics, VCU Institute
of Molecular Medicine, VCU Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA, USA
Kwun M. Fong, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles
Hospital, University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, Brisbane, Australia
Timo Gaiser, M.D. Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Allen C. Gao, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Urology and Cancer Center, University of
California – Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA
Giampietro Gasparini, M.D. Division of Clinical Oncology, “San Filippo Neri” Hospital,
Rome, Italy
Zoran Gatalica, M.D., D.Sc. Caris Life Sciences, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Anatole Ghazalpour, Ph.D. Caris Life Sciences, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Luca Grumolato, Ph.D. Inserm U982, Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine,
University of Rouen Normandie, Mont-Saint-Aignan, USA
J. William Harbour, M.D. Ocular Oncology Service, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of MIami Miller School of Medicine,
Miami, FL, USA
Kerstin Heselmeyer-Haddad, Ph.D. Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National
Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Richard S. Houlston, M.D., Ph.D. Section of Cancer Genetics, Institute of Cancer Research,
Surrey, UK
Richard A. Hubner, B.M., B.Ch., M.R.C.P. The Christie Clinic, Manchester, UK
John Hunt, M.D. Department of Pathology, University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Baystate, Springfield, MA, USA
Douglas R. Hurst, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Comprehensive Cancer Center,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Jian Jin, Ph.D. Departments of Structural and Chemical Biology, Oncological Sciences, and
Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
New York, NY, USA
Nancy Klauber-DeMore, M.D., F.A.C.S. Department of Surgery, Medical University of
South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA
Sergej N. Konoplev, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Hematopathology, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
xvi Contributors

Sonia S. Kupfer, M.D. Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology and Center for
Clinical Cancer Genetics, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Masahiko Kuroda, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Molecular Pathology, Tokyo Medical
University, Tokyo, Japan
Jeffrey M. Lake, Ph.D. Laboratory of Proteomics and Analytical Technologies, Advanced
Technology Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Frederick,
Paul F. Lambert, Ph.D. Department of Oncology, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research,
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA
Jill E. Larsen, Ph.D. QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Brisbane, QLD,
Claudine L. Lefferts, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Dartmouth-
Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH, USA
Joel A. Lefferts, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Dartmouth-
Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH, USA
Giovanni Leone, M.D. Phototherapy Unit, S. Gallicano Dermatological Institute, IRCCS,
Rome, Italy
Stan L. Lilleberg, Ph.D. Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Creighton
University, Omaha, NE, USA
Raffaelle Longo, M.D. Division of Clinical Oncology, “San Filippo Neri” Hospital, Rome,
Michael P. Lux, M.D., M.B.A. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erlangen
University Hospital, Erlangen, Germany
Henry T. Lynch, M.D. Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Creighton
University, Omaha, NE, USA
Juan Madoz-Gúrpide, Ph.D. Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer/Centro de Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad
de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Group of Cancer Research, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain
José Ignacio Martín-Subero, Ph.D. Department of Anatomic Pathology, Institut
d’Investigacions Biomédiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Padma Maruvada, Ph.D. Division of Research Infrastructure, National Center for Research
Resources, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
L. Jeffrey Medeiros, M.D. Department of Hematopathology, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Thomas Mikeska, Ph.D. Translational Genomics and Epigenomics Laboratory, Olivia
Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Department of Pathology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
School of Cancer Medicine, La Trobe University, Boundoora, VIC, Australia
John D. Minna, M.D. Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Brooke T. Mossman, Ph.D. Department of Pathology, University of Vermont College of
Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA
Contributors xvii

Junko H. Ohyashiki, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Molecular Oncology, Institute of Medical

Science, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Kazuma Ohyashiki, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Hematology, Tokyo Medical University,
Tokyo, Japan
José Luis Ordóñez, Ph.D. Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad
de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), Hospital
Universitario Virgen del Rocio/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain
Daniel Osuna, Ph.D. Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología Molecular y
Celular del Cáncer/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Salamanca,
Salamanca, Spain
Alessia Pacifico, M.D. Phototherapy Unit, S. Gallicano Dermatological Institute, IRCCS,
Rome, Italy
Ganesh Palapattu, M.D. Division of Urologic Oncology, University of Michigan Health
System, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Christos Patriotis, Ph.D. Cancer Biomarkers Research Group, Division of Cancer Prevention,
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
Jonathan R. Pollack, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Pathology, Stanford University, Stanford,
Suresh Ramalingam, M.D. Department of Hematology and Oncology, Emory University
Winship Cancer, Atlanta, GA, USA
Marc-André Reymond, M.D., M.B.A. Department of Surgery, University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany
William N. Rezuke, M.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Hartford
Hospital, Hartford, CT, USA
William A. Ricke, Ph.D. Department of Urology, University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer
Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Thomas Ried, M.D. Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Ashley G. Rivenbark, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University
of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
James T. Rutka, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P. Division of Neurosurgery,
The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Roberta Sarmiento, M.D. Division of Clinical Oncology, “San Filippo Neri” Hospital,
Rome, Italy
Mutlay Sayan, M.D. Department of Pathology, University of Vermont College of Medicine,
Burlington, VT, USA
Christian Schneider, M.D. Division of Neurosurgery, The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain
Tumor Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Yoshitaka Sekido, M.D., Ph.D. Division of Molecular Oncology, Aichi Cancer Center
Research Institute, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
xviii Contributors

Dong M. Shin, M.D. Department of Hematology and Oncology, Emory University Winship
Cancer, Atlanta, GA, USA
Gene P. Siegal, M.D., Ph.D. Departments of Pathology, Cell Biology, and Surgery, The
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Frank J. Slack, Ph.D. Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/
Harvard Medical School, Institute for RNA Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Christian Smith Division of Neurosurgery, The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumor
Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Krishna Sriram, Ph.D. Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital,
University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, Rode Road, Chermside, Brisbane, QLD,
Sudhir Srivastava, Ph.D., M.P.H. Cancer Biomarkers Research Group, Division of Cancer
Prevention, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
Jeffrey Swensen, Ph.D. Caris Life Sciences, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Laura J. Tafe, M.D. Department of Pathology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,
Lebanon, NH, USA
Clemens B. Tempfer, M.D., M.B.A. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ruhr
University Bochum, Herne, Germany
Francesco Torino, M.D. Division of Clinical Oncology, “San Filippo Neri” Hospital, Rome,
Phong Trang, Ph.D., M.P.H. Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology,
Yale Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
Gregory J. Tsongalis, Ph.D. Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced Technology
(CGAT), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center, Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH, USA
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA
James Turkson, Ph.D. Cancer Biology and Natural Products Program, University of Hawaii
Cancer Center, Honolulu, HI, USA
Scott A. Turner, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Geisel School of
Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA
Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH, USA
Timothy D. Veenstra, Ph.D. C2N Diagnostics, St. Louis, MO, USA
Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown, WI, USA
Yuzhuo Wang, Ph.D. Department of Cancer Endocrinology, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver,
Adrienne Weeks, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.S.C. Division of Neurosurgery, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada
Joanne B. Weidhaas, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.M. Department of Radiation Oncology, David
Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Danny R. Welch, Ph.D. Department of Cancer Biology and Cancer Center, The University of
Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
Contributors xix

Karin Williams, Ph.D. Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati,

Cincinnati, OH, USA
Monte S. Willis, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.H.A., F.A.B.P. Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, McAllister Heart Institute, University of North Carolina School of Medicine,
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Casey Wright, Ph.D. Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital,
University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, Rode Road, Chermside, Brisbane, QLD,
Jalissa Wynder, Ph.D. Department of Urology, University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer
Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Ian A. Yang, M.B.B.S, Ph.D., F.R.A.C.P. Department of Thoracic Medicine and University
of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence
and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 1
William B. Coleman and Gregory J. Tsongalis

1.1 Introduction 1.2 Cancer Incidence and Mortality

Cancer does not represent a single disease. Rather, cancer is a Cancer is an important public health concern in the USA
myriad collection of diseases with as many different manifesta- and worldwide. Due to the lack of nationwide cancer regis-
tions as there are tissues and cell types in the human body, tries for all countries, the exact numbers of the various
involving innumerable endogenous or exogenous carcinogenic forms of cancer occurring in the world populations are
agents, and various etiological mechanisms. What all of these unknown. Nevertheless, estimations of cancer incidence and
disease states share in common are certain biological proper- mortality are generated on an annual basis by several domes-
ties of the cells that compose the cancer, including unregulated tic and world organizations. Estimations of cancer incidence
(clonal) cellular growth, impaired cellular differentiation, inva- and mortality for the USA are provided annually by the
siveness, and metastatic potential. It is now recognized that American Cancer Society (ACS— and the
cancer, in its simplest form, is a genetic disease, or more pre- National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
cisely, a disease of abnormal gene expression. Recent research End Results (SEER) program (
efforts have revealed that different forms of cancer share com- Global cancer statistics are provided by the International
mon molecular mechanisms governing uncontrolled cellular Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC—http://globocan.
proliferation, involving loss, mutation, or dysregulation of, the World Health Organization (WHO—http://
genes that positively and negatively regulate cell proliferation,, and Cancer Research UK (http://info.
migration, and differentiation (generally classified as proto- Monitoring of
oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes). Essential to any dis- long-range trends in cancer incidence and mortality among
cussion of the molecular mechanisms that govern disease different populations is important for investigations of can-
pathogenesis for specific cancers is an appreciation for the dis- cer etiology. Given the long latency for formation of a clini-
tribution of these diseases among world populations, with con- cally detectable neoplasm (up to 20–30 years) following
sideration of specific risk factors and etiologic agents involved initiation of the carcinogenic process (exposure to carcino-
in disease causation. This introduction will describe cancer genic agent), current trends in cancer incidence probably
incidence and mortality for the major forms of human cancer, reflect exposures that occurred many years (and possibly
and will briefly review some of the known risk factors and/or decades) before. Thus, correlative analysis of current trends
causes of these cancers for specific at-risk populations. in cancer incidence with recent trends in occupational,
habitual, and environmental exposures to known or suspect
carcinogens can provide clues to cancer etiology. Other fac-
W.B. Coleman, Ph.D. (*)
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Curriculum tors that influence cancer incidence include the size and
in Toxicology, UNC Program in Translational Medicine, average age of the affected population. The average age at
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Center, University of North the time of cancer diagnosis for all tumor sites is approxi-
Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mately 65 years [1, 2]. As a higher percentage of the popula-
tion reaches age 60, the general incidence of cancer will
G.J. Tsongalis, Ph.D.
increase proportionally. Thus, as the life expectancy of the
Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced Technology
(CGAT), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, human population increases due to reductions in other
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Norris Cotton Cancer causes of premature death (due to infectious and cardiovas-
Center, Lebanon, NH, USA cular diseases), the average risk of developing cancer will
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA increase.

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 1

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_1
2 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

1.3 Cancer Incidence and Mortality organs; testis, penis, and other male genital organs). The next
in the USA most frequently occurring cancers originated in the digestive
tract (291,150 new cases), respiratory system (240,390 new
1.3.1 General Trends in Cancer Incidence cases), and breast (234,190 new cases). The majority of
digestive system cancers involved colon (93,090 new cases),
The American Cancer Society estimates that 1,658,370 new rectum (39,610 new cases), pancreas (48,960 new cases),
cases of invasive cancer were diagnosed in the USA in 2015 stomach (24,590 new cases), liver and intrahepatic bile duct
[3]. This number of new cancer cases reflects 848,200 male (35,660 new cases), and esophagus (16,980 new cases), in
cancer cases (51 %) and 810,170 female cancer cases (49 %). addition to the other digestive system organs (small intestine,
The estimate of total new cases of invasive cancer does not gallbladder, and others). Most new cases of cancer involving
include carcinoma in situ occurring at any site other than in the respiratory system affected the lung and bronchus
the urinary bladder, and does not include basal and squa- (221,200 new cases), with the remaining cases affecting
mous cell carcinomas of the skin. In fact, basal and squa- the larynx or other components of the respiratory system.
mous cell carcinomas of the skin represent the most Other sites with significant cancer burden include the uri-
frequently occurring neoplasms in the USA, with an esti- nary system (138,710 new cases), lymphomas (80,900 new
mated occurrence of >1 million total cases in 2015 [3]. cases), melanoma of the skin (80,100 new cases), leuke-
Likewise, carcinoma in situ represents a significant number mias (54,270 new cases), and the oral cavity and pharynx
of new cancer cases in 2015 with 60,290 newly diagnosed (45,780 new cases).
breast carcinomas in situ and 63,440 new cases of melanoma Estimated cancer incidence by cancer site for males and
carcinoma in situ [3]. females are shown in Fig. 1.2. Among men, cancers of the
Estimated site-specific cancer incidence for both sexes prostate, respiratory system (lung and bronchus), and diges-
combined is shown in Fig. 1.1. Cancers of the reproductive tive system (colon and rectum) occur most frequently.
organs represent the largest group of newly diagnosed can- Together, these cancers account for 61 % of all cancers diag-
cers in 2015 with 329,330 new cases [3]. This group of can- nosed in men. Prostate is the leading site, accounting for
cers includes prostate (220,800 new cases), uterine corpus 220,800 new cases and 26 % of cancers diagnosed in men
(54,870 new cases), ovary (21,290 new cases), and uterine (Fig. 1.3). Among women, cancers of the breast, respiratory
cervix (12,900 new cases), in addition to other organs of the system (lung and bronchus), and digestive system (colon
genital system (vulva, vagina, and other female genital and rectum) occur most frequently. Cancers at these sites

Leukemia Other
Other Oral Cavity
Multiple Myeloma Oral Cavity Leukemia
Lymphoma Multiple Myeloma
Urinary Digestive Brain Digestive
System System System

Breast Reproductive Breast

Skin Soft Bone

Incidence Skin Soft Bone Deaths

Fig. 1.1 Cancer incidence and mortality by site for both sexes (USA, the male and female genital systems. Cancers of the digestive system
2015). The relative contributions of the major forms of cancer to overall include those affecting esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rec-
cancer incidence and cancer-related mortality (both sexes combined) tum, anus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and other digestive organs.
were calculated from data provided by Siegel et al. [3]. Cancers of the Cancers of the respiratory system include those affecting lung, bron-
reproductive organs include those affecting the prostate, uterine corpus, chus, larynx, and other respiratory organs.
ovary, uterine cervix, vulva, vagina, testis, penis, and other organs of
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 3

Leukemia Other Oral Cavity Leukemia Other Oral Cavity

Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma
Lymphoma Lymphoma
Brain Digestive Digestive
Urinary System System
System System
Reproductive Reproductive
Respiratory System
System Prostate
Prostate System
Male Skin Male
Incidence Soft Tissue
Soft Tissue Deaths
Skin Bone
Leukemia Other Oral Cavity Leukemia Other
Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma Oral Cavity
Lymphoma Lymphoma
Endocrine Endocrine
Brain Digestive Digestive
System Brain System
System Urinary
Respiratory System
System Reproductive
System System Respiratory
Bone Breast
Soft Tissue
Female Female
Soft Tissue
Incidence Bone Deaths

Fig. 1.2 Cancer incidence and mortality by site (USA, 2015). The rela- affecting the uterine corpus, ovary, uterine cervix, vulva, vagina, and
tive contributions of the major forms of cancer to overall cancer inci- other organs of the female genital systems. Cancers of the digestive
dence and cancer-related mortality for males and females were system include those affecting esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
calculated from data provided by Siegel et al. [3]. Cancers of the male colon, rectum, anus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and other digestive
reproductive organs include testis, penis, and other organs of the male organs. Cancers of the respiratory system include those affecting lung,
genital system. Cancers of the female reproductive organs include those bronchus, larynx, and other respiratory organs.

combine to account for 58 % of all cancers diagnosed in system (149,300 deaths), most of which are tumors of the
women. Breast is the leading site for cancers affecting colorectum (49,700 deaths), pancreas (40,560 deaths), stom-
women, accounting for 231,840 new cases and 29 % of all ach (10,720 deaths), liver and intrahepatic bile duct (24,550
cancers diagnosed in women (Fig. 1.3). deaths), and esophagus (15,590 deaths). Together, cancers of
the respiratory and digestive systems account for 53 % of
cancer-associated death.
1.3.2 General Trends in Cancer Mortality Trends in cancer mortality among men and women mirror
in the USA in large part cancer incidence (Fig. 1.2). Cancers of the pros-
tate, lung and bronchus, and colorectum represent the three
Mortality attributable to invasive cancers produced 589,430 leading sites for cancer incidence and cancer mortality
cancer deaths in 2015. This reflects 312,150 male cancer among men (Fig. 1.3). In a similar fashion, cancers of the
deaths (53 % of total) and 277,280 female cancer deaths breast, lung and bronchus, and colorectum represent the
(47 % of total). Estimated numbers of cancer deaths by site leading sites for cancer incidence and mortality among
for both sexes are shown in Fig. 1.1. The leading cause of women (Fig. 1.3). While cancers of the prostate and breast
cancer death involves tumors of the respiratory system represent the leading sites for new cancer diagnoses among
(162,460 deaths), the majority of which are neoplasms of the men and women (respectively), the majority of cancer deaths
lung and bronchus (158,040 deaths). The second leading in both sexes are related to cancers of the lung and bronchus
cause of cancer deaths involve tumors of the digestive (Fig. 1.3). Cancers of the lung and bronchus are responsible
4 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

26% 29%
Male Female
19% 20%

8% 8%
7% 7%
5% 6%
50,000 5% 5% 4% 4%
4% 3% 4%
3% 3% 3%







Oral Cavity



All Other









All Other



Male Female
23% 26%

9% 8%
7% 9%
5% 7%
20,000 5% 5%
4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
3% 3% 3% 2%








All Other








All Other



Fig. 1.3 Cancer incidence and mortality by leading site (USA, 2015). provided by Seigel et al. [3]. The numbers provided for lung include
The numbers of cancers (and percentage of total cancers) and numbers tumors of the lung and bronchus, and numbers for colorectal cancer
of cancer-related deaths (and percentages of cancer-related deaths) include tumors of the colon and rectum.
for the leading sites for males and females were calculated from data

for 28 % of all cancer deaths among men and 26 % of all

cancer deaths among women (Fig. 1.3). The age-adjusted 1.4 Global Cancer Incidence
death rate for lung cancer among men increased dramatically and Mortality
during the six decades between 1930 and 1990, while the
death rates for other cancers (like prostate and colorectal) 1.4.1 Current Trends in Cancer Incidence
remained relatively stable (Fig. 1.4). However, since 1990, and Mortality Worldwide
the age-adjusted death rate for lung cancer among men has
decreased, although it remains very high compared to all The IARC estimates that 12,667,500 new cancer cases were
other cancers. The lung cancer death rate for women diagnosed worldwide in 2008 [4]. This number of new cases
increased in an equally dramatic fashion since about 1960, represents 6,629,100 male cancer cases (52 %) and 6,038,400
becoming the leading cause of female cancer death in the female cancer cases (48 %). Mortality attributed to cancer for
mid-1980s after surpassing the death rate for breast cancer the same year produced 7,571,500 deaths worldwide [4].
(Fig. 1.4). This reflects 4,225,700 male cancer deaths (56 %) and
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 5

3,345,800 female cancer deaths (44 %). The leading sites for and breast (458,400 deaths; Fig. 1.5). As can be seen, lung
cancer incidence worldwide in 2008 included cancers of the cancer accounted for the most new cancer cases and the most
lung (1,609,000 new cases), breast (1,383,500 new cases), cancer deaths among men and women combined during this
colorectum (1,233,700 new cases), stomach (989,600 new period of time (Fig. 1.5). The leading sites for cancer inci-
cases), and prostate (903,500 new cases; Fig. 1.5). The lead- dence among males worldwide included cancers of the lung
ing sites for cancer mortality worldwide in 2008 included (1,095,200 new cases), prostate (903,500 new cases), col-
cancers of the lung (1,378,400 deaths), stomach (738,000 orectum (663,600 new cases), stomach (640,600 new cases),
deaths), liver (695,900 deaths), colorectum (608,700 deaths), and liver (522,400 new cases). Combined, cancers at these
five sites account for nearly 48 % of all cancer cases among
100 men [4]. The leading causes of cancer death among men
90 Male, Selected Sites included tumors of the lung (951,000 deaths), liver (478,300
Rate Per 100,000 Population

80 Lung deaths), stomach (464,400 deaths), colorectum (320,600

Stomach deaths), and esophagus (276,100 deaths). Deaths from these
60 cancers account for 59 % of all male cancer deaths [4]. The
50 leading sites for cancer incidence among females included
40 breast (1,383,500 new cases), colorectum (570,100 new
cases), cervix uteri (529,800 new cases), lung (513,600 new
cases), and stomach (349,000 new cases). The leading causes
of cancer death among females directly mirrors the leading
causes of cancer incidence: breast (458,400 deaths), lung
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 (427,400 deaths), colorectum (288,100 deaths), cervix uteri
(275,100 deaths), and stomach (230,000 deaths). Combined,
these five cancer sites accounted for approximately 55 % of all
90 Female, Selected Sites
Rate Per 100,000 Population

female cancer cases and 51 % of female cancer deaths [4].

80 Lung
60 Breast 1.4.2 Geographic Differences in Cancer
50 Incidence and Mortality
30 Cancer incidence and mortality differs between developed
20 and developing countries [4]. In 2008, developed coun-
10 tries accounted for 43.9 % of new cancers (5,560,000
0 cases) and 36.3 % of cancer deaths (2,751,400 deaths),
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 whereas developing countries accounted for 56.1 % of
new cancers (7,107,600 cases) and 63.7 % of cancer deaths
Fig. 1.4 Age-adjusted cancer mortality by site. The age-adjusted death
rates for males and females for selected sites were adapted from the
(4,820,100 deaths). The leading sites for cancer occurrence
data provided by Seigel et al. [3]. Death rates are per 100,000 popula- among men from developed countries include prostate (648,400
tion and are age-adjusted to the 2000 standard population of the USA. new cases), lung (482,600 new cases), and colorectum

Fig. 1.5 Worldwide cancer 1,800,000

Total Numbers of Cancer

incidence and mortality by Incidence Deaths
Cases and Deaths

leading site. The numbers of 11% 18%

cancers (and percentage of total
1,400,000 10%
cancers) and numbers of 8%
cancer-related deaths (and 1,000,000
6% 10%
percentages of cancer-related 9%
deaths) for the leading sites 600,000 6%
worldwide were calculated
from data provided by Jemal
et al. [4]. The numbers provided 200,000
for lung include tumors of the 0










lung and bronchus and the

numbers for colorectal cancer
include tumors of the colon and
6 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

(389,700 new cases). In contrast, the leading sites for cancer countries develop cervical cancer frequently (453,300 new
occurrence among men from developing countries include cases, ranked second for cancer incidence), while women in
lung (612,500 new cases), stomach (466,900 new cases), and developed countries develop cervical cancer less often
liver (440,700 new cases). The incidence of prostate cancer (76,500 new cases, ranked tenth for cancer incidence).
and liver cancer provide excellent examples of differences in New cancer incidence and cancer-related mortality can
incidence between men from developed and developing differ tremendously from world area to world area, country
countries. In 2008, prostate cancer affected 648,400 men in to country, and even from region to region within a single
developed countries (ranked first for cancer incidence in this country. The leading world areas for new cancer cases
cohort) compared to 255,000 men in developing countries includes Eastern Asia/China (17.3 % of new cases), North
(ranked sixth for cancer incidence in this cohort). Likewise, America (14.9 % of new cases), South Central Asia (11.6 %
in 2008, liver cancer affected 440,700 men in developing of new cases), Eastern Europe (10.4 % of new cases), and
countries (ranked third for cancer incidence in this cohort) Western Europe (8.3 % of new cases). Collectively, Asia
compared to 81,700 men in developed countries (ranked accounted for approximately 40 % of all new cancer cases
tenth for cancer incidence in this cohort). While incidence worldwide in 1990 [5]. Recognizing the significant contribu-
rates vary, lung cancer represents the most frequent cause of tion of the population density of China and other regions of
cancer death among men from both developed and develop- Asia to these numbers of cancers, it is appropriate to con-
ing countries. Among women, breast cancer is the most fre- sider the cancer burden of these countries after correction for
quent site of cancer in both developed (692,200 new cases) population. The numbers of cases/deaths and the incidence/
and developing countries (691,300 new cases) in 2008. mortality rates for these world regions in 1999 are given in
Likewise, lung cancer occurs frequently in both Fig. 1.6. It is evident from the data contained in Fig. 1.6 that
groups—241,700 new cases in developed countries (ranked there is a marked disparity between total numbers of cancer
third for cancer incidence) and 272,000 new cases in devel- cases/deaths and the incidence/mortality rate for specific
oping countries (ranked third for cancer incidence). world regions [5]. In 2012, men from Australia/New Zealand
However, significant differences in cancer incidence among exhibit the highest cancer incidence rate worldwide (365
women from developed and developing countries can be cases per 100,000 population), followed closely by men
seen for cancer of the cervix. Women from developing from North America (344 cases per 100,000 population) and

Fig. 1.6 Worldwide cancer Male, Incidence Female, Incidence

incidence and mortality for Male, Deaths
both sexes by world region.
Female, Deaths
Numbers of Cases and Deaths

The total numbers of cancers

and cancer-related deaths, and 900 Numbers of Cases and Deaths
the total incidence of cancer 800
and cancer-related mortality 700

rates for selected world regions

were calculated from data
provided by Parkin et al. [5]. 500
Incidence and Death Rates

Incidence and Mortality Rates

(Per 100,000 Population)


Eastern North South Eastern Western

Asia America Central Europe Europe
(China) Asia
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 7

Western Europe (344 cases per 100,000 population), while The highest mortality rate for females worldwide is found in
the lowest cancer incidence rate is found among men from Melanesia (119 deaths per 100,000 population), followed by
Western Africa (79 cases per 100,000 population) [6]. While Eastern Africa (111 deaths per 100,000 population), Southern
demonstrating the highest cancer incidence rate worldwide, Africa (99 deaths per 100,000 population), Northern Europe
the male populations of Australia/New Zealand, North (94 deaths per 100,000 population), and Polynesia (93 deaths
America, and Western Europe rank 13th, 9th, and 5th per 100,000 population), while the lowest mortality rate is
(respectively) for cancer mortality rate, possibly reflecting found among women from Micronesia (56 deaths per 100,000
the relative quality and availability of healthcare and treat- population) [6].
ment options among the various world regions [6]. The high-
est cancer mortality rate for men is found in Central/Eastern
Europe (173 deaths per 100,000 population), followed by 1.5 Population Factors Contributing
Eastern Asia (159 deaths per 100,000 population), Southern to Cancer Incidence and Mortality
Europe (138 deaths per 100,000 population), Southern
Africa (137 deaths per 100,000 population), and Western 1.5.1 Age-Dependence of Cancer Incidence
Europe (131 deaths per 100,000 population), while the low- and Mortality
est mortality rate is found among men from West Africa (69
deaths per 100,000 population) [6]. The North American Cancer is predominantly a disease of old age. Most malig-
female population shows the highest cancer incidence rate nant neoplasms are diagnosed in patients over the age of 65,
worldwide (295 cases per 100,000 population), followed by making age the most important risk factor for development
Australia/New Zealand (278 cases per 100,000 population), of many types of cancer [7, 8]. The age-specific incidence
Northern Europe (264 cases per 100,000 population), and and death rates for cancers of the prostate, breast (female),
Western Europe (264 cases per 100,000 population), while lung (both sexes combined), and colorectum (both sexes
the lowest incidence rate is found among women from combined) for the period of 1992–2012 [2] are shown in
South/Central Asia (103 cases per 100,000 population) [6]. Fig. 1.7. The trends depicted in this figure clearly show that

1400 500
Prostate Cancer 450 Breast Cancer (Female)
Per 100,000 Population

Per 100,000 Population

Incidence 400 Incidence

Age-specific Rate

Age-specific Rate

Deaths Deaths
1000 350

800 300
600 200
400 150
0 0


450 500 84+

400 Lung Cancer (Total) 450 Colorectal Cancer (Total)

Per 100,000 Population
Per 100,000 Population

Incidence Incidence
350 400
Age-specific Rate
Age-specific Rate

150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0


Fig. 1.7 Age-specific incidence and mortality rates for selected sites, colorectal cancer are combined for both sexes. These data were adapted
1992–2012. The age-specific rates for breast cancer incidence and mor- from Howlander et al. [2]. Rates are per 100,000 population and are
tality are for females only. The age-specific rates for lung cancer and age-adjusted to the 2000 standard population of the USA.
8 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

6 20

Per 100,000 Population

Per 100,000 Population

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia 18 Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Age-specific Rate

Age-specific Rate
4 14
3 10
1 4
0 0
35 14
Per 100,000 Population

Per 100,000 Population

30 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 12 Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Age-specific Rate

Age-specific Rate
25 10
20 8
15 6
10 4
5 2
0 0

Age at Diagnosis Age at Diagnosis
Fig. 1.8 Age-specific incidence rates for acute and chronic leukemias, adapted from Howlander et al. [2]. Rates are per 100,000 population
1992–2012. The age-specific rates for incidence and mortality for the and are age-adjusted to the 2000 standard population of the USA.
major forms of leukemia are combined for both sexes. These data were

the majority of each of these cancer types occur in individuals myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, or chronic
of advanced age. In the case of prostate cancer, 86 % of all lymphocytic leukemia), with the remainder (6250 new cases)
cases occur in men over the age of 65, and 99.5 % occur in reflecting childhood ALL.
men over the age of 50. Likewise, 97 % of prostate cancer
deaths occur in men over the age of 65 (Fig. 1.7). In contrast,
female breast cancer occurs much more frequently in 1.5.2 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Race
younger individuals. Nonetheless, 63 % of cases occur in and Ethnicity
women over the age of 65, and 88 % of cases occur in women
over the age of 50 (Fig. 1.7). A notable exception to this rela- Cancer incidence and mortality can vary tremendously with
tionship between advanced age and cancer incidence involves race and ethnicity [9]. In the USA, African Americans and
some forms of leukemia and other cancers of childhood. Caucasians are more likely to develop cancer than individu-
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) occurs with a bimodal als of other races or ethnicities (Fig. 1.9). African Americans
distribution, with highest incidence among individuals less demonstrated a cancer incidence for all sites combined of
than 20 years of age, and a second peak of increased inci- approximately 443 cases per 100,000 population, and
dence among individuals of advanced age (Fig. 1.8). The Caucasians exhibited a cancer incidence rate of 403 cases
majority of ALL cases are diagnosed in children, with 40 % per 100,000 population. In contrast, American Indians
of cases diagnosed in children under the age of 15, and 45 % showed the lowest cancer incidence among populations of
of cases occurring in individuals under the age of 20. Despite the USA with 153 cases per 100,000 population for all sites
the prevalence of this disease in childhood, a significant combined. Mortality due to cancer also differs among
number of adults are affected. In fact, 32 % of ALL cases are patients depending upon their race or ethnicity. Similar to the
diagnosed in individuals over the age of 65 years of age. cancer incidence rates, mortality due to cancer is higher
In contrast to ALL, the other major forms of leukemia dem- among African Americans (223 per 100,000 population) and
onstrate the usual pattern of age-dependence observed with Caucasians (167 deaths per 100,000 population) than other
solid tumors, with large numbers of cases in older segments populations, including Asian/Pacific Islanders, American
of the population (Fig. 1.8). Among 54,270 new cases of Indians, and Hispanics (Fig. 1.9). For both cancer incidence
leukemia in 2015, 88 % (48,020 new cases) represent forms and mortality, racial and ethnic variations for all sites com-
of leukemia that primarily affect older individuals (acute bined differ from those for individual cancer sites. African
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 9

Incidence Deaths
500 80
Rate Per 100,000 Population

Rate Per 100,000 Population

450 All Sites 70 Lung
300 50
250 40
200 30
50 10
0 0
All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic
Races American Pacific Indian Races American Pacific Indian
Islander Islander
120 250
Rate Per 100,000 Population

Rate Per 100,000 Population

Breast (Female) Prostate
100 200

20 50

0 0
All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic
Races American Pacific Indian Races American Pacific Indian
Islander Islander

Fig. 1.9 Cancer incidence and mortality by race and ethnicity (USA, and lung cancer are for both sexes combined. These data were adapted
1990–1996). The age-specific rates for cancer incidence and mortality from Reis et al. [9]. Rates are per 100,000 population and are age-
for all races and select ethnicities residing in the USA are given for all adjusted to the 1970 standard population of the USA.
cancer sites and select organ-specific cancer sites. The rates for all sites

Americans and Caucasians demonstrate an excess of cancer 100,000 population) and stomach cancer (15 cases per
incidence compared to the general population for a number 100,000 population), which are 173 % and 97 % (respec-
of primary sites. African Americans exhibit high incidence tively) higher than the rates for the general population
rates for cancers of the prostate (223 cases per 100,000 (Fig. 1.10). The Hispanic population demonstrates high rates
population), lung (74 cases per 100,000 population for both of incidence for cancers of the cervix uteri (16 cases per
sexes combined), colorectum (50 cases per 100,000 popula- 100,000 population) and stomach (11 cases per 100,000 pop-
tion), pancreas (13 cases per 100,000 population), oral cavity ulation). These rates are 78 % and 36 % (respectively) higher
and pharynx (13 cases per 100,000), stomach (12 cases per than rates for these cancers in the general population
100,000 population), cervix uteri (12 cases per 100,000 pop- (Fig. 1.10).
ulation), and esophagus (8 cases per 100,000 population).
The cancer incidence rates for lung, prostate, pancreas, and
esophagus among African Americans are 33 %, 47 %, 50 %, 1.6 Trends in Cancer Incidence
and 115 % (respectively) higher than those rates for the gen- and Mortality for Specific Sites
eral population. Caucasians exhibit high incidence rates for
cancers of the breast (113 cases per 100,000 population), 1.6.1 Lung Cancer
uterine corpus (23 cases per 100,000 population), urinary
bladder (18 cases per 100,000), ovary (16 per 100,000 popu- Approximately 221,200 new cases of lung cancer were diag-
lation), and melanoma (14 cases per 100,000 population). nosed in the USA in 2015, with 115,610 new cases among
The excess of melanoma in the Caucasian population com- men and 105,590 new cases among women, and 13 % of all
pared with populations possessing darker skin pigmentation invasive cancer diagnoses [3]. The relative lung cancer inci-
is clearly shown in Fig. 1.10. The Asian/Pacific Islander dence for all races and genders was estimated to be 56 can-
population exhibit high rates of liver cancer (11 cases per cers per 100,000 population in 2012 [2]. The relative lung
10 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

Incidence Deaths
16 12

Rate Per 100,000 Population

Rate Per 100,000 Population

14 Melanoma (Skin) Liver

8 6
0 0
All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic
Races American Pacific Indian Races American Pacific Indian
Islander Islander
18 16
Rate Per 100,000 Population

Rate Per 100,000 Population

16 Cervix Uteri 14 Stomach
14 12
4 4
2 2
0 0
All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic All Caucasian African Asian American Hispanic
Races American Pacific Indian Races American Pacific Indian
Islander Islander

Fig. 1.10 Cancer incidence and mortality by race and ethnicity (USA, noma, and cancers of the liver and stomach are for both sexes com-
1990–1996). The age-specific rates for cancer incidence and mortality bined. These data were adapted from Reis et al. [9]. Rates are per
for all races and select ethnicities residing in the USA are given for all 100,000 population and are age-adjusted to the 1970 standard popula-
cancer sites and select organ-specific cancer sites. The rates for mela- tion of the USA.

cancer incidence for men (all races) was estimated to be 65 system cancers include tumors of the larnyx and nasal cavities.
cancers per 100,000 population in 2012, down from the The majority of lung cancers are histologically classified as
all-time high of 102 cases per 100,000 population in 1984 either small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC, 13 % of all lung
[2]. African-American men exhibit a higher incidence of cancers) or non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC, 83 % of
lung cancer (90 cancers per 100,000 population in 2012) all lung cancers). The NSCLC class includes the morpho-
compared to Caucasian-American men (64 cancers per logic subtypes of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), adenocar-
100,000 population in 2012). However, lung cancer inci- cinoma, and large cell undifferentiated carcinoma. Squamous
dence has declined among both groups from their all-time cell carcinomas (SCC) account for approximately 35 % of
highs (159 cancers per 100,000 population for African- lung cancers [10]. This histologic subtype of lung cancer is
American men in 1984, and 101 cancers per 100,000 popula- closely correlated with cigarette smoking and represents the
tion for Caucasian-American men in 1987). The relative lung most common type of lung cancer among men. SCCs display
cancer incidence rate among women increased to 54 cancers varying levels of differentiation, from tumors consisting of
per 100,000 population in 2007, but has been declining since well-differentiated keratinized squamous epithelium to
that time, reaching approximately 50 cases per 100,000 pop- tumors consisting of undifferentiated anaplastic cells.
ulation in 2012 [2]. Cancer of the lung and bronchus Adenocarcinomas have increased in frequency in recent
accounted for an estimated 158,040 deaths in 2015, which years and now account for nearly 35 % of lung cancers [10].
represents 27 % of all cancer deaths [3]. Furthermore, lung These tumors grow faster than SCCs and frequently metasta-
cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men size to the brain. Lung adenocarcinomas can present as well-
(86,380 deaths, 28 % of cancer deaths) and women (71,660 differentiated tumors consisting of well-differentiated
deaths, 26 % of cancer deaths) (Fig. 1.3). glandular epithelium, or as undifferentiated tumors com-
Cancers of the lung and bronchus represent 92 % of all posed of highly mitotic anaplastic cells. Large cell undiffer-
respiratory system cancers [3]. The remainder of respiratory entiated carcinomas account for approximately 15 % of all
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 11

lung cancers [10]. These tumors lack squamous or glandular Urban smokers exhibit a significantly higher incidence of lung
cell characteristics and are typically composed of large anaplas- cancer than smokers from rural areas, suggesting a possible
tic cells with frequent mitotic figures. Clinically, these tumors role for air pollution in development of lung cancer [15].
metastasize early and have a poor prognosis. Small cell lung Occupational exposure to asbestos, bis(chloromethyl) ether,
carcinomas (SCLC) make up the majority of the remaining chromium has been associated with increased risk for devel-
cancers (13 %) [3, 10]. These cancers are also associated with opment of lung cancer [16, 17]. Exposure to the radioactive
smoking history. SCLCs tend to produce a variety of neuroen- gas radon has been suggested to increase the risk of lung
docrine substances that can cause symptoms related to the cancer development. This gas is ubiquitous in the earth’s
biological activity of the hormonal substance. About 10 % of atmosphere, creating the opportunity for exposure of vast
SCLCs display a paraneoplastic phenotype related to production numbers of people. However, passive exposure to the back-
of these neuroendocrine effectors [11]. These cancers grow ground levels of radon found in domestic dwellings and other
rapidly, metastasize early, and have a very poor prognosis. enclosures are not sufficiently high to increase lung cancer
The majority of lung cancers are attributable to exposure to risk appreciably [18, 19]. High level radon exposure has been
known carcinogenic agents, particularly cigarette smoke. documented among miners working in uranium, iron, zinc,
Several lines of evidence strongly link cigarette smoking to tin, and fluorspar mines [20, 21]. These workers show an
lung cancer. Smokers have a significantly increased risk (11- excess of lung cancer (compared to non-miners) that varies
to 22-fold) for development of lung cancer compared to non- depending upon the radon concentration encountered in the
smokers [12], and cessation of smoking decreases the risk for ambient air of the specific mine [20, 21].
lung cancer compared to continued smoking [12, 13]. Therapy for lung cancer varies depending upon the tumor
Furthermore, heavy smokers exhibit a greater risk than light type and other clinical variables (tumor stage, grade, location,
smokers, suggesting a dose-response relationship between and size). Surgery is the preferred treatment choice for SCC
cigarette consumption and lung cancer risk [12, 13]. Numerous and adenocarcinoma, whereas SCLC is generally treated
mutagenic and carcinogenic substances have been identified with chemotherapy. In some cases special treatment modalities
as constituents of the particulate and vapor phases of cigarette are employed, such as chemotherapy followed by surgery or
smoke, including benzo[a]pyrene, dibenza[a]anthracene, surgery followed by radiation treatment. Despite the variety
nickel, cadmium, polonium, urethane, formaldehyde, nitrogen of treatment modalities that can be applied to lung cancer
oxides, and nitrosodiethylamine [14]. There is also evidence management, the overall survival rates for affected individu-
that smoking combined with certain environmental (or occu- als are not good (Fig. 1.11). The average 5-year survival rate for
pational) exposures results in potentiation of lung cancer risk. all patients and all stages of disease is only 17 % [3, 9, 22].

Fig. 1.11 Five-year relative 100 99%

survival rates for invasive
91% 89%
cancers (all stages, 2004– 90
5-Year Relative Survival Rate

2010). The average 5-year 82%

survival rates for select 80 77%
invasive cancers (including 72%
cancers diagnosed at all 70 68%
stages) among affected 65%
individuals residing in the 60
USA for 2004–2010 are
shown. These data were 50
adapted from Seigel et al. [3]. 45%

30 28%

20 18% 17% 17%

10 7%


Uterine Corpus




Breast (Female)

Oral Cavity
12 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

Fig. 1.12 Five-year relative 100

survival rates for selected Cancer Stage at Diagnosis
sites by stage at diagnosis. 90 Localized Regional

5-Year Relative Survival Rates

Distant All Stages
The percentage of tumors for
select invasive cancers
according to tumor stage at 70
diagnosis and the
corresponding 5-year survival 60
rates among affected
individuals residing in the 50
USA for 2004–2010 are
shown. These data were
adapted from Seigel et al. [3]. 30
Breast Ovary Cervix Lung Liver Pancreas

The survival rate increases to 54 % if the disease is detected relative incidence rate for colorectal cancer was 45 cancers
early (localized), but few lung cancers (15 %) are discovered per 100,000 population for men (all races) and 35 cancers per
this early (Fig. 1.12). The majority of lung cancer cases are 100,000 for women (all races) [2]. However, colorectal can-
not detected until after the development of regional spread cer incidence rates vary by race (as well as gender). The over-
(27 %) or distant metastases (58 %). The 5-year survival rate all incidence rates for colorectal cancer among Caucasians in
for patients with regional disease is 27 %, and this drops to 2012 was 39 cancers per 100,000 population compared to 48
4 % in patients with distant metastasis (Fig. 1.12). The over- cancers per 100,000 population among African-Americans.
all poor probability of surviving lung cancer probably reflects African-American men exhibit the highest incidence rate for
the difficulty with early detection of this tumor (or the failure colorectal cancer at 57 cancers per 100,000 population (ver-
to detect tumors while localized) and the ineffectiveness of sus 43 cancers per 100,000 population for Caucasian men),
traditional therapies (radiation and chemotherapy). However, and colorectal cancer incidence rates for African-American
over the last decade or so, a variety of targeted drugs have women (41 cases per 100,000 population in 2012) exceed that
received market approval for treating NSCLC [23]. These for Caucasian women (34 cases per 100,000 population in
new drug modalities for early stage or advanced NSCLC 2012) [2]. Colorectal cancer accounted for an estimated
include inhibitors of the epidermal growth factor receptor 49,700 deaths in 2015, which represents 8 % of all cancer
(gefitinib, erlotinib, and afatinib), the anaplastic lymphoma deaths [3]. Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of
kinase inhibitor crizotinib, and the antivascular endothelial death among men and women, accounting for 8 % and 9 % of
growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody, bevacizumab all cancer deaths, respectively (Fig. 1.3).
[23]. In parallel, molecular alterations of the epidermal Colorectal tumors are often first recognized as a polyp pro-
growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the anaplastic lymphoma truding from the wall of the bowel, which may be either hyper-
kinase (ALK) have been characterized, enabling the devel- plastic (non-dysplastic) or dysplastic (adenomatous).
opment of molecular diagnostics of discrimination of lung Hyperplastic polyps consist of large numbers of cells with
cancer patients that are more likely to benefit from specific normal morphology that do not have a tendency to become
targeted therapies versus those patients that will not respond malignant [24]. Adenomatous polyps contain dysplastic cells
to a specific drug [23]. that fail to show normal intracellular and intercellular organi-
zation. Expanding adenomas become progressively more dys-
plastic and likely to become malignant. The majority of
1.6.2 Colorectal Cancer malignant neoplasms of the colon are thought to be derived
from benign polyps. The malignant nature of colorectal tumors
Approximately 132,700 new cases of colorectal cancer were are defined by their invasiveness. The major histologic type of
diagnosed in the USA in 2015 (approximately 8 % of all can- colorectal cancer is adenocarcinoma, which account for
cers), with 69,090 new cases among men and 63,610 new 90–95 % of all colorectal cancers [25, 26], although other rare
cases among women [3]. Colorectal cancer represent 46 % of epithelial tumor types do occur, including squamous cell car-
all digestive system tumors, and is the third leading site for cinomas, adenosquamous carcinomas, and undifferentiated
cancer diagnosis among men (8 % of new cases among men) carcinomas which contain no glandular structures or features
and women (8 % of new cases among women). In 2012, the such as mucinous secretions [25, 27].
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 13

There are several recognized risk factors for development closely correlated with early detection of localized disease,
of colorectal cancer, some of which are genetic or related to and the mortality due to this disease has been declining in
benign pathological lesions of the colorectum, and others recent years [3, 39]. The average 5-year relative survival rate
that are related to lifestyle or environment. Approximately for colorectal cancer is 65 % (Fig. 1.11). The relative survival
5–10 % of colorectal cancers are thought to be related to an rate increases to 90 % if the cancer is detected early (local-
inherited predisposition. Familial colorectal cancer can arise ized), and remains relatively high (71 % survival) when
in presence or absence of polyposis, which is characterized detected with regional metastasis (Fig. 1.12). In contrast, the
by the occurrence of multiple benign polyps lining the walls 5-year survival is only 13 % when the cancer is detected after
of the colon. Several polyposis syndromes have been development of distant metastases [3, 9]. Most colorectal
described, the major form of which is familial adenomatous cancers are now detected while localized (40 % of tumors) or
polyposis (FAP) [28]. The hereditary nonpolyposis colorec- with limited regional spread (37 % of tumors), which con-
tal cancer (HNPCC) syndrome predisposes affected individ- tributes to the generally favorable probability of survival for
uals to the development of colorectal cancer, as well as this form of cancer. Several screening methods are available
tumors at other tissue sites [29, 30]. These two hereditary for surveillance of patients that are at high risk for develop-
syndromes account for a large percentage of familial colorec- ment of colorectal cancer, and some screening strategies are
tal cancers. Individuals affected by these syndromes carry now routinely applied to the general population. These
mutations in one or more genes that function as tumor sup- screening methods include digital rectal examination, fecal
pressor genes or that encode critical components of the DNA occult blood testing, and various forms of colonoscopy [40].
repair mechanisms that protect the genome from mutation
[28]. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative
colitis) or Crohn’s disease (granulomatous colitis) exhibit an 1.6.3 Liver Cancer
increased risk for development of colorectal cancer [28, 31].
Epidemiologic studies indicate that individuals consuming Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a relatively rare neo-
diets that are high in animal fat and red meat [32–34], or low plasm in the USA, with 35,660 new cases diagnosed in 2015
in fiber [35, 36] are associated with increased risk for devel- [3]. However, liver cancer occurs at high incidence when the
opment of colorectal cancer. In addition, there is some evi- world population is considered. In 2008, there were 748,300
dence that alcohol intake and cigarette smoking can increase new cases of liver cancer worldwide [3], which represents
the risk for colorectal cancer [37, 38]. 5.9 % of all cancers and the fifth leading site for cancer inci-
Treatment for colorectal cancer may include surgery, dence (Fig. 1.5). Deaths attributed to liver cancer for the
radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these same year totaled 695,900, which represents 9.2 % of all can-
treatment modalities. Chemotherapy alone is not very effec- cer deaths and the third leading site for cancer mortality
tive, but some drug combinations that are now employed (Fig. 1.5). The prevalence of primary liver cancer varies
show promise. In general, survival of colorectal cancer is greatly from world region to world region (Fig. 1.13).

Fig. 1.13 Incidence of liver 40

Cases Per 100,000 Population

cancer among men by world

region. The primary liver 35
cancer incidence for 1990 for 30
males residing in select world
regions is shown. These data 25
were adapted from Parkin
et al. [5], and are expressed 20
per 100,000 population.
Western Africa

Eastern Africa

Eastern Europe
Western Asia
Western Europe

Temperate South America

Middle Africa

Southern Africa

Southeast Asia


North America
Other East Asia

Southern Europe

Central America

Northern Africa

Tropical South America

South Central Asia
Australia/New Zealand
Northern Europe
14 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

Approximately 85 % of all liver cancers worldwide occur in a dramatic rise in HCC incidence among Japanese men
regions of Asia and Africa [41, 42]. The highest incidence of during the last 30 years [47], possibly reflecting some sig-
liver cancer worldwide is found in China [41, 42], where nificant change in risk factors or environmental exposures.
men exhibit an incidence rate of approximately 36 cases per Liver cancer affects men more often than women. The ratio
100,000 population (Fig. 1.13). In fact, >50 % of liver can- of male to female incidence in the USA is approximately 2:1
cers worldwide occur in China [41, 42]. High rates of liver [2], and worldwide is approximately 2.6:1 [4]. However, in
cancer incidence are found throughout large portions of Asia high incidence countries or world regions, the male to female
and Africa, with much lower incidence rates for this cancer incidence ration can be as high as 8:1 [48, 49]. This consis-
found in Europe and the Americas (Fig. 1.13). Early studies tent observation suggests that sex hormones and/or their
called attention to the extremely high incidence of hepatocel- receptors may play a significant role in the development of
lular carcinoma among black males in Mozambique [43, 44], primary liver tumors. Some investigators have suggested that
which demonstrate the highest incidence worldwide at 113 hepatocellular carcinomas overexpress androgen receptors
cases per 100,000 population [45]. In fact, the incidence of [50], and that androgens are important in the promotion of
this tumor among black Mozambican males aged 25–34 abnormal liver cell proliferation [51, 52]. Others have sug-
years is over 500-fold higher than the incidence for compa- gested that the male predominance of liver cancer is related
rably aged while males in the USA and UK [44, 46]. These to the tendency for men to drink and smoke more heavily
statistics strongly suggest that factors related to genetic than women, and are more likely to develop cirrhosis [53].
background and/or environmental exposure contribute sig- The etiology of HCC is clearly multifactorial [54]. HCC
nificantly to the incidence of this tumor among world popu- is usually associated with chronic hepatitis [55–58], and
lations. Whereas the incidence rate for primary HCC in the 60–80 % of HCC occurring worldwide develop in cirrhotic
USA has remained fairly low compared to other world livers [55, 58–61], most commonly nonalcoholic post-
regions, the occurrence of this neoplasm has been increasing hepatitic cirrhosis [62]. Numerous causative factors have
dramatically over the last two decades (Fig. 1.14). As shown been identified that are suggested to contribute to the devel-
in Fig. 1.14, the incidence of primary liver cancer in the USA opment of HCC in humans, including exposure to naturally
has increased from approximately 15,000 new cases in 2000 occurring carcinogens, industrial chemicals, pharmacologic
to >35,000 new cases in 2015 (233 % increase in 15 years). agents, and various pollutants [63, 64]. In addition, viral
Likewise, deaths associated with liver cancer have increased infection, genetic disease, and life-style factors (like alcohol
from approximately 15,000 in 2005 to nearly 25,000 in 2015 consumption) contribute to the risk for development of HCC
(159 % increase in 10 years). The likely cause of this dra- [41, 63, 64]. The most well studied hepatocarcinogen is a
matic increase in liver cancer incidence in the USA is the natural chemical carcinogen known as aflatoxin B1 that is
increase in HCV infection prevalence. Increased incidence produced by the Aspergillus flavus mold [41, 65, 66]. This
of liver cancer has been observed in a number of developed mold grows on rice or other grains (including corn) that are
countries during the last decade [41, 42]. There has also been stored without refrigeration in hot and humid parts of the

Fig. 1.14 Increasing 40,000

incidence of primary liver
Number of New Liver Cancer Cases

cancer in the USA, 1997–

2015. Numbers of new
or Liver Cancer-related Deaths

primary liver cancer cases Liver Cancer Cases
(blue trend line) and deaths 233% increase in incidence over 15 years
(red trend line) are provided.
These data were assembled 30,000
from the annual cancer
statistics reviews for
1997–2015 from the 25,000
American Cancer Society

Liver Cancer Deaths
159% increase in deaths over 10 years
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 15

world. Ingestion of food that is contaminated with Aspergillus liver [87]. While the application of liver transplant in the
flavus mold results in exposure to potentially high levels of treatment of HCC is not favored by transplant surgeons, the
aflatoxin B1 [67]. Aflatoxin B1 is a potent, direct-acting liver results emerging from such treatment are very encouraging
carcinogen in humans, and chronic exposure leads inevitably in some cases. In one study of 17 patients [88], liver trans-
to development of HCC [66]. Numerous studies have shown plant was performed to correct metabolic disorders of the
a strong correlation between hepatitis B virus (HBV) infec- liver (such as tyrosinemia) and small HCCs (without inva-
tion and increased incidence of HCC [45, 68–70]. More sion or local spread) were incidentally discovered in the
recently, an association between chronic HCV infection and resected specimens. Of these patients, 90 % survived >5 years
HCC has been recognized [70–73]. In certain geographic without recurrence of the HCC [88]. Other studies have not
areas (such as China), large portions of the population are produced such favorable results [89], but it appears that cer-
concurrently exposed to aflatoxin B1 and HBV, which tain types of HCC (such as fibrolamellar carcinoma) do very
increases their relative risk for development of liver cancer well after transplant, with >50 % survival 5 years after trans-
[68]. Pharmacologic exposure to anabolic steroids and estro- plant [90]. A number of chemotherapeutic agents and combi-
gens can lead to development of liver cancer [74]. Several nations of these agents have been used to treat HCC. However,
genetic diseases that result in liver pathology can increase chemotherapy for HCC is generally not very effective and
the risk of development of a liver cancer, including hemo- the response rates are very low, particularly when a single
chromatosis, hereditary tyrosinemia, glycogen storage dis- agent is used [91]. Nonetheless, there are occasional reports
ease types 1 and 3, galactosemia, Wilson’s disease, and of dramatic responses using systemic chemotherapy, and
others [75]. Chronic alcohol consumption is associated with some reports of complete remission [92], suggesting that
an elevated risk for HCC [76–79]. Alcohol is not directly responsiveness of HCC to chemotherapy is totally unpredict-
carcinogenic to the liver, rather it is thought that the chronic able [62]. Radiation therapy for HCC can be effective at
liver damage produced by sustained alcohol consumption reduction of tumor size, but produces a number of serious
(hepatitis and cirrhosis) may contribute secondarily to liver side effects, including progressive atrophy of the liver paren-
tumor formation [80]. Other lifestyle factors may also con- chyma which leads to fulminant liver failure in some patients
tribute to risk for development of HCC, including tobacco [62]. More recent developments in radiation therapy have
smoking [81, 82]. Several chemicals, complex chemical resulted in treatment modalities that limit collateral damage
mixtures, industrial processes, and/or therapeutic agents to the liver and surrounding tissues but are effective at reduc-
have been associated with development of HCC in exposed ing tumor burden [93].
human populations [64]. These include therapeutic exposure
to the radioactive compound thorium dioxide (Thoratrast)
for the radiological imaging of blood vessels [83, 84], and 1.6.4 Skin Cancer
exposures to certain industrial chemicals, such as vinyl chlo-
ride monomer [85]. There are several major forms of skin cancer, including basal
Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma may include sur- cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant
gery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or some combination of melanoma [94]. Non-melanoma skin cancer represents the
these treatments. The overall 5-year survival rate for HCC is most frequently occurring tumor-type in the USA, with sev-
only 5 % (Fig. 1.11). The poor survival rate for HCC primar- eral million total cases in 2015 [3]. These types of skin can-
ily reflects both the lack of effective treatment options and cer tend to be slow growing, minimally invasive, not readily
the advanced stage of disease at diagnosis. HCC is diagnosed metastatic, and usually curable (given appropriate treat-
as localized disease in approximately 21 % of cases, with ment). Thus, these forms of skin cancer are not typically
region spread in 23 % of cases, and with distant metastases in included in cancer statistics for incidence, mortality, and sur-
22 % of cases [9]. The 5-year survival for patients diagnosed vival rates (and these cancers are not reported to cancer reg-
with distant metastases is only 1.2 %, and survival improves istries making it difficult to quantify the magnitude of the
to only 14.7 % when the patient presents with localized dis- disease). Nonetheless, the common occurrence of these
ease [9]. Most patients with HCC also have underlying cir- tumors among the human population suggests that it is an
rhosis which makes surgical resection of the tumor very important group of diseases to consider. Basal cell carci-
difficult. Furthermore, cirrhosis itself is a preneoplastic con- noma accounts for most cases of non-melanoma skin cancer
dition, which opens the possibility for development of addi- and is the most frequently occurring form of skin cancer.
tional secondary neoplasms in the unresected tissue after Squamous cell carcinoma is the second-most common form
surgery. In fact, the recurrence rate after surgery for HCC of skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma accounts for at least
was found to be 74 % within 5 years [86]. However, ortho- 75 % of non-melanoma skin cancers diagnosed each year in
topic liver transplantation can afford a complete cure for the USA, while squamous cell carcinomas account for
HCC if surgery is carried out prior to tumor spread from the approximately 20 % [95]. In contrast to the other forms of
16 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

skin cancer, malignant melanoma of the skin is an aggressive 1.6.5 Prostate Cancer
and invasive cancer that can metastasize to many tissue loca-
tions. The incidence of melanoma has been rising about 4 % An estimated 220,800 new cases of prostate cancer were
per year in the USA. In 2015, there were 73,870 new cases of diagnosed in the USA in 2015 [3], representing approxi-
malignant melanoma, representing 5 % of all male cancers mately 150 cases per 100,000 population (Fig. 1.9), and 26 %
(42,670 new cases) and 4 % of all female cancers (31,200 of all cancers in men (Fig. 1.3). The incidence rate for pros-
new cases) (Fig. 1.3). Mortality due to malignant melanoma tate cancer has been increasing in the last several decades at
accounted for 9940 deaths in 2015 [2]. a rate of approximately 4 % per year, and this increase is par-
Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the basal alleled by an increase in the mortality rate (Fig. 1.4). These
cells of the epidermis and this tumor occurs predominately increases are probably related to the increasing average age
on sun-damaged skin. The carcinogenic agent that accounts of the male population, increased reporting, and increased
for the neoplastic transformation of the basal cells is ultra- screening of older men [98]. Detection of prostate cancer can
violet (UV) radiation. Thus, sun bathing and sun tanning be achieved through the application of the digital rectal
using artificial UV light sources represent significant life- examination, screening based upon detection of the prostate
style risk factors for development of these tumors. Basal cell specific antigen (PSA) in serum, and using ultrasonography.
carcinoma is now diagnosed in some people at very young Elevations of PSA can be detected in both benign prostatic
ages (second or third decade of life) reflecting increased hypertrophy and in prostate cancer, but levels of this protein
exposures to UV irradiation early in life. The incidence of in the serum are markedly elevated in cancer. While the
this tumor increases with increasing age and increasing serum PSA assay is extremely sensitive, it lacks specificity
exposure to sunlight. Some researchers have suggested that which limits its usefulness as a definitive diagnostic for pros-
the increasing frequencies of skin cancer can be partially tate cancer. However, when used in combination with the
attributed to depletion of the ozone layer of the earth’s atmo- digital rectal exam and ultrasonography, PSA increases the
sphere [96], which filters out (thereby reducing) some of the ability to detect occult prostate cancer [99].
UV light produced by the sun. Squamous cell carcinoma is a Cancer of the prostate provides a dramatic example of the
malignant neoplasm of the keratinizing cells of the epider- age-dependent cancer development (Fig. 1.7). Cancers at
mis. It tends to occur later in life and is diagnosed more fre- this site occur with negligible frequency in men that are less
quently in men than in women. Like basal cell carcinoma, than 55 years of age, and the vast majority of cases (56 %)
extensive exposure to UV irradiation is the most important occur in men over the age of 65 (Fig. 1.7). Almost all pros-
risk factor for development of this neoplasm. When left tate cancer cases (97 %) occur in men older than age 50 [3].
untreated, squamous cell carcinoma can metastasize to In addition, prostate cancer occurs with greatly varied fre-
regional lymph nodes and/or distant sites. Development of quency among men of different races and ethnicity (Fig. 1.9).
malignant melanoma occurs most frequently in fair-skinned In the USA, African-American men exhibit a significantly
individuals and is associated to some extent with exposure to higher incidence of this cancer than Caucasian men, whereas
UV irradiation. This accounts for the observation that American Indians demonstrate the lowest incidence of all
Caucasians develop malignant melanoma at a much higher groups (Fig. 1.9). The reason for these dramatic differences
rate than individuals of other races and ethnicity’s (Fig. 1.10). in prostate cancer incidence are not readily apparent.
The preferred treatment of skin cancer is surgery. In fact, However, differences in the levels of circulating testosterone
many, if not most, cases of basal cell carcinoma and squa- among men from these different groups has been suggested
mous cell carcinoma are treated with minor surgery in the as one factor contributing to the observed variations in pros-
setting of the physician’s office. In the case of malignant tate cancer occurrence. The incidence of prostate cancer also
melanoma, surgery is employed for localized disease, with varies widely from world region to world region, with the
radiotherapy used in the palliative treatment of metastasis to highest incidence among men living in North America
the central nervous system and bone. Chemotherapy is (Fig. 1.15). It is notable that the incidence of prostate cancer
employed for metastatic disease, but clinical responsiveness among men from the various regions of Africa are signifi-
is limited to 15–20 % of patients [97]. More recently, tar- cantly lower than the rates for African-American men living
geted therapies and immunotherapy has been employed to in the USA.
treat advanced melanoma. The 5-year survival rate for malig- Treatment for prostate cancer includes surgical removal
nant melanoma is 91 % (Fig. 1.11), reflecting the high rate of of the prostate, radiation therapy for locally invasive tumors,
diagnosis (82 %) of localized disease where survival is high and hormone therapy. Strategies for hormone therapy in the
(98 %) [3, 9]. The 5-year survival of this disease drops pre- treatment of prostate cancer include both administration of
cipitously with increasing spread of the cancer. Patients estrogenic hormones (such as diethylstilbesterol) or ablation
diagnosed with region disease exhibit a 5-year survival of of androgenic hormones through surgical or chemical castra-
63 % and this drops to 16 % with distant metastasis [3, 9]. tion methods. The 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer has
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 17

Fig. 1.15 Incidence of 100

Cases Per 100,000 Population

prostate cancer by world 90
region. The incidence of
prostate cancer for 1990 for 80
individuals residing in select 70
world regions is shown. These 60
data were adapted from
Parkin et al. [5], and are 50
expressed per 100,000 40
population. 30

Western Africa

Eastern Africa
Australia/New Zealand

Western Europe

Eastern Europe

Western Asia
North America

Northern Europe

Southern Africa
Middle Africa


Other East Asia

Northern Africa

Tropical South America
Central America

Temperate South America

Southern Europe


Southeast Asia

South Central Asia

Fig. 1.16 Incidence of breast 100
Cases Per 100,000 Population

cancer among women by 90

world region. The incidence
of breast cancer for 1990 for 80
individuals residing in select 70
world regions is shown. These 60
data were adapted from
Parkin et al. [5], and are 50
expressed per 100,000 40
population. 30
Western Europe

Western Africa
Eastern Africa
North America
Australia/New Zealand
Temperate South America

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe


Tropical South America

Northern Africa
Western Asia

Middle Africa
Southern Europe

Southern Africa
Central America

Southeast Asia

Other East Asia

South Central Asia


increased from 50 % in the years 1963–1965 to 93 % in the 1.6.6 Breast Cancer

years 1989–1995 to 99 % in the years 2004–2010 [3, 9]. This
dramatic improvement in survival can be attributed to An estimated 231,840 new cases of breast cancer among
advances in early detection of this cancer. Currently, approx- women were diagnosed in the USA in 2015 [3], accounting
imately 79 % of prostate cancers are detected while they are for 29 % of all female cancers diagnosed (Fig. 1.3). Breast
still localized with minimal regional spread, and the 5-year cancer occurs more frequently among women in North
survival among this group >99 % [9]. While the overall sur- America than among women from other parts of the world,
vival of prostate cancer is excellent (Fig. 1.11), early diagno- while women in Asia have the lowest occurrence of breast
sis and treatment are essential. This point is highlighted by cancer worldwide (Fig. 1.16). During the 1980s the number
the observation that the 5-year survival among prostate cancer of new cases of breast cancer among women each year rose
patients that have distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis at a rate of about 4 % per year [9]. The incidence of breast
drops to 9 % [9]. cancer among women (all races) in the USA in the mid-1970s
18 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

was approximately 100 cancers per 100,000 population, and radiation to the chest before age 35 [100–104]. In addition,
rose to 142 cancers per 100,000 population by 1999 [2]. In fibrocystic breast disease is recognized as an established risk
1999, the incidence rate for breast cancer among Caucasian factor for breast cancer, especially when accompanied by
women peaked at 147 cases per 100,000 population and has cellular proliferation and atypia [105]. Epidemiologic evi-
since declined [2]. In contrast, the incidence rate for breast dence has consistently pointed to family history as a strong
cancer among African-American women has increased and independent predictor of breast cancer risk. A substan-
steadily since 1976 when it was 86 cases per 100,000 popu- tial amount of research has led to the discovery of several
lation [2]. Since 1999, the incidence rate for breast cancer breast cancer susceptibility genes, including BRCA1,
among women (all races) has declined somewhat and is now BRCA2, and p53 [106], which may account for the majority
apparently stabilized at approximately 130 cases per 100,000 of inherited breast cancers. It has been estimated that 5–10 %
women [2]. The relative incidence of breast cancer is similar of breast cancers occurring in the USA each year are related
between Caucasian women (132 cases per 100,000 popula- to genetic predisposition [107]. Despite the recognition of
tion in 2012) and African-American women (132 cases per multiple genetic and environmental risk factors for develop-
100,000 population in 2012) [2]. The increases in breast can- ment of breast cancer, approximately 50 % of affected
cer incidence that were observed in the 1980s and 1990s women have no identifiable risk factors other than being
have been suggested to reflect increased early diagnosis as female and aging [108].
mammography screening became an established standard for Treatment of breast cancer includes surgery, radiation
surveillance of the general female population. Evidence sup- therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone-modification therapy.
porting this suggestion includes the fact that the average pri- Overall 5-year survival rates for breast cancer are very
mary breast tumor at diagnosis is of smaller size and earlier good—89 % irrespective of stage at diagnosis (Fig. 1.11).
stage than those diagnosed more than a decade ago. The Localized disease can very often be cured by partial mas-
5-year survival for breast cancer patients diagnosed in the tectomy (lumpectomy) alone or in combination with local-
1975 was approximately 75 %, compared to approximately ized radiation treatment. Hence, survival of early stage
85 % for patients diagnosed in 1990 [9], and 89 % for patients (localized) breast cancer is 99 % (Fig. 1.12). Total mastec-
diagnosed from 2004–2010 [3]. Nonetheless, the overall tomy remains a treatment of choice for more extensive
mortality rate for breast cancer has not changed substantially localized disease, but breast-conserving surgery has been
during this same period (Fig. 1.4), suggesting that earlier used with increasing frequency in recent years [109].
diagnosis has not significantly impacted patient outcome for Outcome data indicate that patients that undergo more con-
this cancer. These observations suggest that the earlier diag- servative surgery with radiation therapy demonstrate sur-
nosis of smaller (and lower stage) cancers has impacted on vival rates that are similar to patients that are treated with
the 5-year survival, without affecting the overall survival for total mastectomy for localized disease [110]. Five year sur-
breast cancer patients. In fact, it has been documented that vival rates for breast cancer patients with regional disease
breast cancer can recur after long periods of time, well after is 85 % (Fig. 1.12). Patients presenting with metastatic
5-years from the initial diagnosis. There are also differences spread to regional lymph nodes are typically treated with
in mortality rates associated with breast cancer depending chemotherapy, and the 5-year survival rate drops to 25 %
upon the race of the patient. In 2012, the breast cancer-asso- (Fig. 1.12). The antiestrogenic drug tamoxifen is effective
ciated death rate for all women (all races) was 21 deaths per when used as a single agent or when used in combination
100,000 population, which is closely mirrored by the breast with other chemotherapeutic agents in patients that are
cancer-associated death rate for Caucasian women (21 deaths postmenopausal, have positive regional lymph node
per 100,000 population in 2012, down from the high of 33 involvement, and whose tumors express estrogen or pro-
deaths per 100,000 population in 1977). In contrast, African- gesterone receptors [111]. Patients that receive adjuvant
American women exhibit higher death rates from breast can- chemotherapy respond better to regimes that employ mul-
cer—29 deaths per 100,000 population in 2012 (down from tiple drugs in combination. Commonly employed combina-
38 deaths per 100,000 population in 1995). An estimated tions include cyclophosphomide, methotrexate, and
40,290 women died as a result of breast cancer during 2015 5-fluorouracil (CMF), adriamycin plus cyclophosphomide,
[2], making breast cancer the second leading cause of cancer adriamycin followed by CMF, or one of these combinations
death among women, accounting for 15 % of all cancer with the addition of tamoxifen [109]. The decision to use
deaths (Fig. 1.3). adjuvant chemotherapy depends upon several variables
Risk factors for development of breast cancer include, (patient’s age and general health), including the patient’s
advancing age (over 50 years of age), early age at menarche, estimated risk for recurrence. Typically, patients with a risk
late age at menopause, first childbirth after age of 35, nulli- for recurrence of less than 10–15 % are spared adjuvant
parity, family history of breast cancer, obesity, dietary fac- chemotherapy, while all others are expected to benefit from
tors (such as high-fat diet), and exposure to high dose the adjuvant treatment [109].
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 19

1.6.7 Ovarian Cancer ments) lack sufficient specificity and sensitivity to allow for
routine screening [123].
An estimated 21,290 new cases of ovarian carcinoma were
diagnosed in the USA in 2015 [3], accounting for 3 % of all
female cancers (Fig. 1.3). The majority of these cancers are 1.6.8 Leukemia
diagnosed in postmenopausal women. Recognized risk fac-
tors for development of ovarian cancer include advancing Approximately 54,270 new cases of leukemia were diag-
age (>60 years-old), infertility, use of fertility drugs (such as nosed in the USA in 2015 [2]. These new cases were divided
clomiphene), history of breast cancer and other genetic pre- between myeloid (51 %) and lymphocytic (38 %) forms of
dispositions, as well as some lifestyle and dietary factors the disease, with chronic forms of the disease representing
[112–119]. Pregnancy decreases the risk for ovarian cancer 39 % of all leukemias versus acute disease representing 50 %
and multiple pregnancies increase the protective effect [120]. of all leukemias [3]. The major types of leukemia include
In addition, the use of oral contraceptives in nulliparous acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic
women reduces the risk for ovarian cancer to that for parous leukemia (CLL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and
women [121]. chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). AML represents the most
Treatment for ovarian cancer typically involves surgical common form of leukemia (20,830 new cases), followed by
removal of the ovaries, the uterus, and fallopian tubes. This CLL (14,620 new cases), CML (6660 new cases), and ALL
is usually accomplished as part of a comprehensive staging (6250 new cases). Rarer forms of leukemia include mono-
laparotomy, after which the clinical findings and histologic cytic, basophilic, eosinophilic, and erythroid leukemia (com-
evaluation of the tumor are used to select appropriate postop- bining for approximately 11 % of all leukemias). Although it
erative therapy. A subset of patients (stage IA or IB, with is commonly regarded as a childhood cancer, leukemia
well-differentiated or moderately well-differentiated tumors) affects more adults than children on an annual basis [3, 9].
exhibit excellent long-term disease-free survival in the Development of leukemia has been linked to certain environ-
absence of adjuvant therapy [122]. Several options exist for mental and genetic risk factors, including exposure to radia-
treatment of early-stage ovarian cancer with unfavorable tion (such as atomic bomb radiation), toxic chemicals (such
prognosis, including radiation (external beam radiotherapy as benzene), previous exposures to chemotherapeutic agents
or intraperitoneal radioisotope) and chemotherapy. However, (mutagenic drugs), Down’s syndrome, genetic disorders
it is a matter of controversy whether treatment should be associated with chromosomal instability (Fanconi’s anemia,
immediate or delayed until the disease begins to progress. Bloom syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia), and some viral
The generally accepted therapy for advanced ovarian cancer infections [124–129]. Cigarette smoking has also been linked
is surgery followed by chemotherapy. The standard chemo- causally to development of leukemia, particularly in patients
therapy combination consist of paclitaxel and one of several of advancing age [130, 131]. Exposure to electromagnetic
platinum compounds (such as cisplatin or carboplatin). radiation or fields has been suggested as a risk factor for
Ovarian cancer accounted for 14,180 deaths in 2015 [3], development of leukemia [132], but a causal relationship has
making this the leading cause of death among the cancers of not been firmly established [129].
the female reproductive tract (Fig. 1.3). Contributing to the Acute leukemia is relatively rare, representing approxi-
significant mortality associated with this cancer is the fact mately 1.6 % of all cancers [3]. However, the acute leuke-
that there are no obvious symptoms in affected patients until mias are the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the
late in the disease. This is reflected in the poor 5-year sur- USA for persons less than 35 years of age [133, 134]. In
vival rate among patients with distant metastases at the time 1993, leukemias accounted for 3.9 % of total cancer-related
of diagnosis (27 %) (Fig. 1.12). In contrast, the 5-year sur- deaths among men in the USA [135]. However, leukemias
vival rates for patients diagnosed with localized disease or were responsible for approximately 37 % of cancer-related
regional disease are 92 % and 72 %, respectively (Fig. 1.12). deaths among men less than 15 years of age, and approxi-
However, most patients are diagnosed after development of mately 22 % of cancer-related deaths among men less than
distant metastases; 34 % of cases are diagnosed as localized/ 35 years of age [135]. Likewise, in 1997, leukemia was
regional disease, while 60 % of cases present with distant responsible for approximately 33 % of all cancer-related
metastases [9]. The overall 5-year survival rate for ovarian deaths (both sexes combined) among individuals <20 years
cancer is 45 % (Fig. 1.11). Successful screening for ovarian of age [136]. Figure 1.8 shows the age-specific incidence
cancer would be expected to decrease mortality by increas- rates for the major forms of leukemia. ALL occurs with an
ing the percentage of affected individuals that are diagnosed incidence of >5 cases per 100,000 population for children
early in the progression of the disease. However, the cur- that are less than 4 years-old, declining with increasing age
rently available screening techniques (ovarian palpation, to approximately one case per 100,000 population in indi-
transvaginal ultrasonography, and serum CA125 measure- viduals over 15 years of age [9]. In fact, ALL accounts for
20 W.B. Coleman and G.J. Tsongalis

the majority (approximately 76 %) of childhood leukemias representing 89 % of all lymphomas diagnosed [3], and the
(individuals <20 years-old). In contrast, AML is rare in indi- remaining cases are classified as Hodgkin lymphoma. Non-
viduals less than 40 years of age, but increases with advanc- Hodgkin lymphoma is a broad category consisting of several
ing age from approximately 1.6 cases per 100,000 population distinct lymphoid neoplasms [141], 85 % of which are B-cell
at age 40 to >13 cases per 100,000 at age 70 [9]. Likewise, lymphomas (including follicular lymphoma, diffuse large
CML occurs very rarely in individuals less than 40 (≤1 case B-cell lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, and several others),
per 100,000 population), but increase to >6 cases per 100,000 and 15 % of which are T-cell lymphomas (including periph-
population in individuals over age 70 [9]. The incidence of eral T-cell lymphoma, anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, and
CLL is strictly age-dependent, occurring only rarely in indi- several others). Risk factors associated with non-Hodgkin
viduals less than 45 years of age, increasing with advancing lymphoma include immunodeficiency associated with con-
age to six cases per 100,000 population by age 65 years, and genital diseases (such as ataxia telangiectasia, severe com-
to >31 cases per 100,000 population in individuals over 85 bined immunodeficiency, and X-linked lymphoproliferative
years [6]. As can be seen in Fig. 1.8, >90 % of all leukemias disorder), acquired immunodeficiency (related to HIV infec-
occur in individuals >20 years of age [3]. tion, bone marrow transplant, or organ transplant with iatro-
Conventional treatment of leukemia involves aggressive genic immunosuppression), various autoimmune disorders,
chemotherapy. Post-remission therapy can involve bone infectious agents (Epstein-Barr virus, HTLV-1, and others),
marrow ablation (through high dose chemotherapy or whole and chemical and physical agents (diphenylhydantoin, certain
body radiation) with allogeneic bone marrow transplant. A herbicides, radiation) [141]. Hodgkin lymphoma is a unique
variety of drugs and drug combinations have been evaluated form of neoplasm consisting of small numbers of putative
for treatment efficacy in various forms of leukemia [137, neoplastic cells (known as Reed-Sternberg cells) in an inflam-
138]. Appropriate drug regimens are chosen based upon var- matory background [142]. Most immunophenotypic and
ious diagnostic and prognostic factors, including the nature genetic data suggest that Reed-Sternberg cells represent some
of chromosomal rearrangements in the leukemic clone [139]. form of altered B-cell [142], while other evidence supports
Improvements in chemotherapeutic drugs and drug regimens the suggestion that these cells represent a novel lymphoid cell
for leukemia have dramatically improved treatment success type [143]. Risk factors for development of Hodgkin lym-
rates for several forms of leukemia. Whereas childhood ALL phoma have not been definitively characterized. However,
was nearly uniformly fatal in the 1950s, today the majority increased incidence of this disease is associated with HIV
(90–95 %) of affected children achieve complete remission, infection, other immunodeficiency syndromes (such as ataxia
and long-term survival (5-year survival) for patients diag- telangiectasia), autoimmune disorders (such as rheumatoid
nosed at <45 years of age is approximately 69 % [9]. The arthritis), certain genetic factors, and viral infections (such as
overall 5-year survival rate for patients with CLL is approxi- Epstein Barr virus) [144–147].
mately 71 %, but is somewhat lower (58 %) among older Therapeutic approaches for the treatment of non-Hodgkin
patients (diagnosed at ≥75 years of age). In contrast, the lymphoma are based upon a number of factors, including the
overall 5-year survival rates for AML (approximately 15 %) specific lymphoid neoplasm, cancer stage, prognostic factors,
and CML (approximately 32 %) remain dismally low despite and the physiologic status of the patient. Treatment options
improvements in treatments during the last 25 years [9]. include radiotherapy alone, single-agent chemotherapy, or
With the exception of CLL, the long-term survival of older combination chemotherapy (mild or aggressive). The major-
leukemia patients is dramatically lower than that of younger ity of patients with aggressive forms of non-Hodgkin lym-
patients. In fact, most adult patients with acute leukemia ulti- phoma require aggressive combination chemotherapy, often
mately succumb to their disease [140]. The 5-year survival with additional radiotherapy. Treatment of Hodgkin lym-
of patients older than 65 years of age is approximately 6 % phoma involves radiation therapy, radiation and chemother-
for ALL, compared to 63 % for patients younger than 65 apy, or chemotherapy alone. The results from a large number
years of age [9]. Likewise, the 5-year survival of patients of randomized trials suggest some advantages of combine
older than 65 years of age is approximately 3 % for AML, modality radiation/chemotherapy in the treatment of Hodgkin
compared to 25 % for patients younger than 65 years of age, lymphoma over radiation alone [148]. However, there was no
and 35 % for patients younger than 45 years of age [9]. significant difference in the overall survival of patients
between these approaches to treatment [148, 149].
Chemotherapy is effective against Hodgkin lymphoma.
1.6.9 Lymphoma However, the use of drugs in combination is essential to effect
complete and lasting remission of the disease [150–152].
Approximately 80,900 new cases of lymphoma were diag- Approximately 20,940 deaths were attributed to lymphoma
nosed in the USA in 2015 [3]. The majority of lymphomas in 2015, including 1150 deaths related to Hodgkin lymphoma
are classified as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (71,850 new cases), and 19,790 deaths related to non-Hodgkin lymphoma [3].
1 Cancer Epidemiology: Incidence and Etiology of Human Neoplasms 21

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Essential Concepts and Techniques
in Molecular Biology 2
Claudine L. Lefferts and Joel A. Lefferts

polarity. The helix is stabilized by the formation of hydrogen

2.1 Biology of Nucleic Acids bonds between complementary bases (A-T and G-C), by pi
bonding that occurs when the bases are stacked together, and
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are by the association of proteins [1, 2]. In eukaryotic cells, most
macromolecules that convey genetic information. Both DNA of the DNA is in the B-form, a right-handed helix with bases
and RNA are made up of nucleotides, molecules that in turn on the inside where they are protected from damage by oxi-
are composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and one or more dating or alkylating agents. The Z-form of DNA occurs when
phosphate groups. There are five nitrogenous bases found in a left-handed helix is formed, and is usually associated with
nucleic acids: adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil. portions of the DNA that are highly methylated and are not
Adenine, guanine, and cytosine are found in both DNA and transcribed actively. Enzymatic reactions within the nucleus
RNA; thymine is found only in DNA and uracil is found only are responsible for conversion of DNA from the B-form to
in RNA. A second difference between DNA and RNA is the the Z-form and vice versa [3].
sugars that are incorporated into the nucleotides. The sugar in The DNA comprising the human genome is segmented into
the nucleotides of DNA is deoxyribose, RNA nucleotides con- 46 discrete structural units, termed chromosomes. The DNA
tain ribose. Finally, DNA molecules are double-stranded, in each eukaryotic cell must be compressed to fit within the
while RNA molecules are usually single-stranded. nucleus, which is only about 10 μm in diameter. Chromosomal
DNA is condensed by the formation of nucleosomes, which
consist of a group of small basic proteins (histones) with 160–
2.1.1 Composition and Structure of DNA 180 base pairs of DNA wrapped around them [4]. Formation
of nucleosomes is not sequence-dependent and it occurs in
DNA is formed by the linear polymerization of nucleotides. mammalian, bacterial, and viral DNA [5]. Nucleosomes are
The four nitrogenous bases found in DNA are either purines wound into a left-handed helix for further condensation of the
(adenine or guanine) or pyrimidines (cytosine or thymine), DNA, and higher orders of structure include supercoils and/or
and the backbone of the DNA polymer is formed by linkage rosettes [2]. Ultra-condensed DNA (heterochromatin) is inac-
of these bases via deoxyribose and phosphate groups tive metabolically, and is found primarily in the periphery of
(Fig. 2.1). The informational content of DNA is governed by the nucleus, while less condensed DNA (euchromatin) is read-
the sequential arrangement and primary structure of the ily accessible by transcription machinery and is located in the
nucleotide polymer. The DNA strand is polar, with no nucleo- center of the nucleus [6].
tide attached to the 5′ position of the deoxyribose at one end
(referred to as the 5′ end), and no nucleotide attached to the 3′
hydroxyl group at the other end (referred to as the 3′ end). 2.1.2 Gene Organization
The DNA within the eukaryotic nucleus is arranged in a
double-stranded helix composed of two strands of opposing The majority of genes that are transcribed into mRNA and
translated into cellular proteins exist as two copies in the
nucleus of each cell, one maternal and one paternal copy.
C.L. Lefferts, Ph.D. • J.A. Lefferts, Ph.D. (*)
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Some genes are present at a high copy number (100–250
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, copies) within the genome, including the genes that encode
Lebanon, NH 03756, USA transfer RNA (tRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and the his-
e-mail: tone proteins [7]. These tandemly repeated genes are present

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 25

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_2
26 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

Fig. 2.1 Chemical

structures of DNA and
_ _
O P O CH 2 O O P O CH 2 O

_ _

CH 2 CH 2

3’ O 3’ O OH

3’ 3’
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

on several chromosomes and associate in the nucleus to form reformation of the DNA helix [17]. A small strand of RNA
a nucleolus [8, 9]. Highly repetitive sequences with thousands 10–20 nucleotides in length acts as a primer, initiating synthe-
of copies, called satellite DNAs, are found at the telomeric sis of new complementary strands of DNA from multiple
ends of chromosomes and around the centromeres [10]. It is replication starting points. Deoxynucleotide triphosphates
likely that the centromeric sequences play a role in the estab- (dNTPs) are added to the primer by DNA polymerase, the
lishment and maintenance of chromosome structure. Telomeric RNA primers are removed, the gaps are filled in with dNTPs
repeats are involved in completing replication of chromosome by DNA polymerase, and the nucleotide strands are joined by
ends [11], and it has been demonstrated that the length of the DNA ligase. The enzymatic action of topoisomerase removes
telomeric repeat sequences decreases with life-span of cul- twists generated during denaturation of the helix and allows
tured human cells [12]. The evidence of telomeric shortening the helix to re-form [18]. DNA replication is complete when
in normal cells along with observations that immortalized or the telomerase enzyme has added the nucleotide repeats to the
transformed cells display limited telomere degeneration has telomeres at the 5′ end of the DNA strands.
led to the hypothesis that telomeric shortening is involved in As a new strand of DNA is synthesized, dNTPs are
the cellular aging process [12]. Other repetitive sequences, selected based on hydrogen bonding to complementary
such as the Alu sequences, are found throughout chromo- dNTPs in the template strand, which results in an error rate
somes; their function is largely unknown, but a role in regula- of 1 in 104–105 [2]. Eukaryotic cells employ a proofreading
tion of gene function has been proposed [13]. mechanism that removes mispaired dNTPs in the strand
Simple polymorphic repetitive elements composed of before the next dNTP is added, which decreases the error
dinucleotide or trinucleotide repeats are present in the human rate to 1 in 106–107 [2, 19]. Prior to cell division, another
genome and have been associated with cancer and other dis- error correction system recognizes and repairs mismatched
eases such as myotonic dystrophy, Fragile X syndrome, nucleotides and decreases the error rate further to 1 in 108–
Huntington disease, and spinocerebellar ataxia [13, 14]. 109 [2, 19]. Several inherited disorders are due to dysfunc-
Symptomatic problems arise when the affected DNA is inap- tional DNA damage-repair, including ataxia telangiectasia,
propriately methylated and inactivated (as in Fragile X syn- Fanconi anemia, and xeroderma pigmentosum [20].
drome) [15], or when the repeats cause detrimental changes The DNA within the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell can be
in the encoded protein (as in Huntington disease) [16]. replicated completely in about 8 h, during the S phase of the
cell cycle. Resting cells (G0) receive a mitotic stimulus,
which causes transition into the G1 phase, where the cell
2.1.3 DNA Replication and Cell Division prepares for DNA synthesis (S phase). The G2 phase occurs
after replication but before division, and mitosis (M)
In order for the DNA in a cell to be replicated prior to cell divi- involves actual nuclear and cellular division. The cell cycle
sion it must be single-stranded. This is accomplished by an is pivotal in cellular and organismal homeostasis, so it is
enzyme (helicase), which denatures the DNA and allows tightly controlled by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
DNA-binding proteins to associate with the DNA and prevent of kinases and cyclins, and by two major checkpoints [21,
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 27

22]. The first checkpoint occurs between G1 and S, and can thesis of RNA molecules from a DNA template by RNA
prevent cells with damaged or unrepaired DNA from enter- polymerase, a process termed transcription. The RNA poly-
ing S phase. The second checkpoint occurs between G2 and merase holoenzyme works processively, building an RNA
M, and can prevent the initiation of mitosis [21]. chain with ribonucleoside triphosphates (ATP, GTP, CTP,
UTP) [30]. Initiation of transcription involves association of
the transcription machinery (RNA polymerase and transcrip-
2.1.4 Structure and Composition of RNA tion factors) with the DNA template and the synthesis of a
small ribonucleotide primer from which the RNA strand will
RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a linear polymer of ribonucleo- be polymerized [31]. Initiation of transcription is not ran-
tides linked by 5′–3′ phosphodiester bonds (Fig. 2.1). RNA dom, but occurs at specific sequences called promoters that
differs from DNA in that the sugar group of RNA is ribose, are located at the 5′-end of genes. Every gene initiates tran-
rather than deoxyribose, thymine is replaced by uracil (U) as scription independently at its own promoter, therefore the
one of the four bases, and RNA molecules are usually single- efficiency of the process varies greatly depending on the
stranded. The extra hydroxyl group present on the ribose strength of the promoter. Once RNA polymerase binds to a
causes RNA to be more susceptible to degradation by nucle- promoter, the DNA helix is opened and an RNA primer is
ases than DNA. Single-stranded RNA molecules form com- synthesized. Elongation occurs as the RNA polymerase
plex secondary structures, such as hairpin stems and loops, moves along the DNA strand, opening the DNA helix and
via Watson–Crick base pairing between adenine and uracil, conducting DNA-directed RNA synthesis until the gene is
and between guanine and cytosine. transcribed [30]. Termination of transcription is poorly
RNA molecules are classified by function and cellular loca- understood in eukaryotes, but takes place at sites that include
tion, and there are three major forms of RNA in eukaryotic a stretch of Ts on the non-template strand of the gene [32].
cells. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the most stable and most
abundant RNA. rRNA is highly methylated, and complexes
with proteins to form ribosomes upon which proteins are syn- 2.1.6 RNA Processing
thesized [23]. In eukaryotic cells, two major species of rRNA
are present, 28S and 18S, as well as two minor species of 5.8S The majority of eukaryotic RNAs require extensive modifica-
and 5S. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is responsible for carrying the tions before they attain their mature structure and function.
amino acid residues that are added to a growing protein chain RNA strands may be modified by (1) the removal of RNA
during protein synthesis. All tRNAs form secondary structures sequences, (2) the addition of RNA sequences, or (3) the cova-
consisting of four stems and three loops, and many bases lent modification of specific bases. The long, relatively unsta-
found in tRNA are modified by methylation, ethylation, thio- ble mRNA precursor strand (hnRNA) is synthesized and
lation, and acetylation [24, 25]. Messenger RNA (mRNA) remains in the nucleus where it is subjected to several stabil-
mediates gene expression by carrying coding information ity-enhancing processes. With the exception of mitochondrial
from the DNA to the ribosomes, where the mRNA molecule is mRNAs, the 5′-ends of eukaryotic mRNA precursor mole-
translated into protein. Messenger RNA is the most heteroge- cules are capped, which involves removal of the terminal
neous type of RNA, and also has the shortest half-life. phosphate group of the 5′-nucleoside triphosphate and subse-
Many other RNA species exist in eukaryotic cells. quent linkage of the 5′-diphosphate group to a GTP molecule
Heterogeneous nuclear RNAs (hnRNA) are the precursors to [33]. The cap structure is covalently modified by methylation
mature mRNA [26]. Small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) associ- of the newly added guanine. The hnRNA is also modified at
ate with proteins to form small nuclear ribonucleoprotein the 3′ end by the addition of a poly-A tail, a string of 50–250
particles, which participate in RNA processing [27]. Small adenine residues. The poly-A tail serves to extend the life of
interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs are double- the mRNA by protecting the 3′-end of the molecule from
stranded RNAs 21–25 nucleotides in length involved in regu- 3′-exonucleases, and may also act as a translational enhancer
lation of gene expression at the translational level [28]. [34]. The mRNA molecule is stabilized further by the associa-
tion of a ~70 kDa protein with the poly-A tail [35].
The majority of protein-encoding eukaryotic genes con-
2.1.5 Transcription of RNA tain intervening sequences, termed introns, which do not
encode any portion of the protein. These introns, which may
Even simple eukaryotic organisms, such as yeast, contain a be between 65 and 10,000 nucleotides in length, are main-
large number of genes (~2000), and higher eukaryotes, such tained during transcription of the hnRNA molecule, resulting
as mammals, have ~20,000–25,000 protein encoding genes in production of a long hnRNA that must be modified in order
[29]. Clearly, the proteins encoded by all genes are not to become a continuous template for synthesis of the encoded
expressed simultaneously at any given time. Transfer of protein. Maturation of the hnRNA requires a splicing event in
genetic information from DNA to protein begins with syn- which the introns are removed in conjunction with the joining
28 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

of the coding sequences, termed exons. Three short consen- setting. FFPE tissue is readily available following tumor
sus sequences are necessary for splicing to occur; two are resection or biopsy, is easily stored at room temperature and
found at the intron–exon boundary at both the 5′ and 3′ of the the tissue being used for molecular analysis can be viewed
intron and the third is found within the intron near the 3′-end microscopically to determine the precise histological diagno-
[36]. The consensus sequences mark splice sites and act as sis and to determine the adequacy of the specimen (percent
targets for the spliceosome, a large multisubunit protein com- tumor cells, exclude excessive necrosis, etc.). Nucleic acid
plex comprised of 45 proteins and thousands of snRNA [36]. derived from FFPE tissue, however, can be very problematic
The spliceosome catalyzes removal of introns and rejoining because the fixation process degrades nucleic acid and creates
of exons, ultimately resulting in the formation of a protein- cross-links between nucleic acids and proteins. Molecular
encoding mRNA. Some genes encode for more than one pro- analysis of FFPE tissue, therefore, requires special attention
tein, which is accomplished by alternative splicing of the during isolation and the design of downstream molecular
primary hnRNA transcript. One mechanism of alternative applications. For example, the majority of an FFPE DNA
splicing involves removal of one or more exons during splic- sample is fragmented to 100-200 bp and will not work at all
ing when the spliceosome ignores one or more intron–exon in most assays designed for high quality DNA. Assays spe-
boundaries [37]. Alternative transcripts may also be gener- cifically designed to detect these smaller fragments must be
ated by the use of a secondary polyadenylation site [38]. used in when FFPE-derived DNA is needed.
RNA processing is not limited to mRNA. Eukaryotic Before nucleic acids can be separated from the rest of the
tRNAs are modified posttranscriptionally, as are eukaryotic cellular contents, the cells must be lysed. This is often accom-
rRNAs [39]. Introns present within rRNAs are classified as plished in some type of lysis buffer that can contain agents
Group I or Group II introns. Group I introns are removed as such as proteinase K and sodium dodecyl sulfate which are
linear molecules by a self-splicing mechanism that requires needed to digest structural proteins and to disrupt the cellular
magnesium and guanosine as cofactors [40]. Group II introns and nuclear membranes. Some samples such as solid tissues
are also self-splicing, are removed as a lariat structure, and often require additional steps first, such as mincing, homoge-
require spermidine as a cofactor [41]. nization, or freezing the sample in liquid nitrogen followed by
pulverization with a mortar and pestle to obtain a complete
lysis. After the sample has been adequately lysed, the protein
2.2 Basic Molecular Analysis component in the sample must be removed. This can be
and Interpretation accomplished in several ways, including: (1) adding a phenol–
chloroform–isoamyl alcohol mixture to the sample which
Investigations into the molecular mechanisms of disease contains an organic phase and an aqueous phase whereby pro-
depend on the analysis of cellular and often times microbial teins and lipids dissolve into the organic phase and nucleic
DNA and RNA to identify and characterize the genes acids are retained in the aqueous phase of the mixture; (2) pre-
involved. Target genes can be identified, localized to specific cipitation of proteins; (3) absorbance of nucleic acids to a col-
chromosomes, amplified by cloning, and subjected to umn or magnetic bead and washing away proteins.
sequence analysis. DNA analyses are used practically in the After the DNA has been separated from the rest of the
identification of individuals for forensic or parentage testing, other cell components, it must be transferred to a suitable
detection of gene mutations, amplifications, and deletions, buffer such as tris–EDTA (TE) or deionized water. This can
associated with disease and RNA analyses to characterize be accomplished by adding ethanol or isopropanol which
gene expression in various forms of human cancer. causes the DNA to precipitate out of solution. The DNA can
then be pelleted by centrifugation, and resuspended in deion-
ized water or a buffer. Alternatively, nucleic acids can be
2.2.1 Isolation of Nucleic Acids eluted directly from columns or magnetic beads in some of
the more automated methods.
In theory, nucleic acids can be isolated from any tissue that Due to the time involved and the toxicity and waste dis-
contains nucleated cells. Common starting material for posal issues associated with phenol, many laboratories choose
nucleic acid isolations include blood and other body fluids, other isolation protocols that remove proteins by other means.
cultured cells, buccal swabs, and a variety of fresh, frozen, or After lysis of the cells a protein precipitation solution can be
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens. added followed by centrifugation to separate the DNA from
Although isolation may need to be optimized for any particu- the cellular proteins. DNA can then be further purified by the
lar tissue type or sample and application, there are basic use of silica gel particles in suspension or bound in a column.
steps in the extraction process that are universal: the cells These silica columns can be purchased from numerous com-
must be lysed, proteins and cellular debris must be removed, panies and are available in a wide range of formats and sizes,
and the nucleic acid must be made available in solution. including the popular spin columns which rely on centrifuga-
FFPE tissue is the most common specimen type used when tion to move solutions through the column. DNA binds to the
interrogating solid tumors for somatic changes in the clinical silica gel as it passes through the column, allowing unwanted
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 29

salts and contaminants to wash through. After the DNA is Exonucleases begin digesting nucleic acids at the ends while
bound to the column it can be washed and then eluted off the endonucleases make internal cuts in a nucleic acid molecule.
column with water or a low salt buffer such as TE. Similar Restriction endonucleases make up a very large group of
methods have been developed using magnetic beads capable enzymes found in bacteria that recognize very specific
of binding DNA in solution. DNA can be purified by binding sequences of DNA, often six base pairs in length. For example,
it to these beads in a tube. When these tubes are placed next the restriction endonuclease EcoRI (isolated from E. coli) rec-
to a magnet, the beads can be held in place on the side of the ognizes the sequence GAATTC and makes a single cut within
tube while the original solution and contaminants are this recognition site. If the sequence of a particular piece of
removed. This process can then be repeated with wash solu- DNA is unknown, observing the digestion patterns of various
tions and finally an elution buffer that is often heated to facili- restriction enzymes can provide valuable information about its
tate removal of the DNA from the beads. sequence. For example, if a particular mutation occurs within
Although these alternative methods can be faster, they are the recognition sequence of a specific restriction enzyme, that
often more expensive and can result in lower yield and slightly enzyme may not cut when the mutation is present.
lower quality DNA. However, this is not generally a problem When complete digestion of DNA or RNA is desired, for
for most molecular techniques commonly used today. Another example when DNA is being isolated and contaminating
improvement on traditional nucleic acid isolation methods RNA is not desirable, RNase can be used to selectively digest
has been the introduction of automated isolation systems the RNA, leaving a pure population of DNA. In the same
which can greatly reduce the hands-on time needed for isolat- way, DNases can be used to digest unwanted DNA mole-
ing DNA. Once loaded, these instruments can go through the cules in an isolation of RNA.
entire DNA isolation procedure, often using some form of
magnetic separation. Although these automated systems are DNA Ligases, Kinases, and Phosphatases
much more expensive than manual methods, the time they In addition to digesting DNA, enzymes are also available which
save will often make these systems a valuable investment for facilitate the joining or ligation of two or more DNA fragments.
laboratories that process larger numbers of samples. Enzymes with this capability are called DNA ligases and com-
RNA isolation methods are similar to those for mercially, T4 DNA ligase is widely available and most often
DNA. However, when isolating RNA extra care must be used in molecular laboratories. Since DNA ligases work by
taken to avoid RNA degradation due to its susceptibility to creating a phosphodiester bond between the 5′ phosphate and
RNA-digesting enzymes (RNases). To avoid RNase diges- 3′ hydroxyl termini of two DNA strands, the presence of the 5′
tion of the sample, it is often necessary to work quickly and phosphate is essential. DNA phosphatases, such as calf intesti-
to work in a clean area. Care should be taken to ensure that nal phosphatase or shrimp alkaline phosphatase, remove the
all solutions purchased for use in these extractions have been phosphate group on the 5′ end of a DNA strand, preventing
designated as “RNase-free” or treated with special chemicals ligation; a DNA kinase, T4 polynucleotide kinase, can restore
such as diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) that inactivate RNases. the 5′ phosphate in order to allow ligation. Polymerases
2.2.2 Use of Enzymes in Molecular Biological DNA and RNA polymerases are enzymes that synthesize new
Techniques strands of DNA or RNA, normally using a preexisting strand of
DNA (or RNA) as a template. Reverse transcriptase is another
DNA or RNA isolation techniques only produce the starting polymerase that is unique in its ability to use RNA as a tem-
material needed for molecular evaluation of nucleic acid. plate for synthesizing DNA. DNA polymerases are essential
Almost every method used to examine DNA or RNA relies for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a technique described
heavily on the use of enzymes, often isolated from various below that has revolutionized molecular biology.
microbial species. These enzymes can be exploited to per-
form various tasks such as selectively cutting DNA or RNA
into smaller pieces or digesting them completely, modifying 2.2.3 Electrophoretic Separation
the ends of DNA strands to remove or add phosphate groups, of Nucleic Acids
ligating two strands of DNA together to form one, and repli-
cating nucleic acids. Gel electrophoresis of DNA is widely used in procedures
such as Southern blotting and PCR in which separation or Nucleases sizing of a population of DNA fragments is an essential step
Nucleases make up a diverse group of enzymes that are able to in the analytical process. In some cases, a significant amount
cleave or digest nucleic acids. This group of enzymes can be of information can be gleaned from relatively simple electro-
divided into various classifications based on the type of nucleic phoretic procedures that take advantage of the various proper-
acid they use as substrates and the way in which they digest. ties of DNA molecules (i.e., charge, size, and conformation).
30 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

Fig. 2.2 Agarose gel

electrophoresis of human
genomic DNA.

Fig. 2.3 Pulse field gel

electrophoresis for strain
typing of Staphylococcus

Gels employed in electrophoretic techniques are generally with respect to the gel, thus preventing the DNA strands
composed of agarose or polyacrylamide, which act as a from losing secondary structure and allowing long strands to
matrix through which DNA (or RNA) will travel when an be size-differentiated [42]. PFGE is often used in the identi-
electric current is passed through the gel. Generally, larger fication of pathogens [43], i.e., differentiating between
fragments of DNA will migrate more slowly through the gel strains of bacteria (Fig. 2.3). Other applications include
and smaller fragments will migrate more quickly. DNA of a chromosomal length polymorphism analysis, and large-scale
given size will travel through the gel at the same rate and form restriction and deletion mapping in DNA that is hundreds or
a band that is visualized by staining the gel with a dye such as thousands of kb in length. The effectiveness of PFGE is
ethidium bromide, which binds to DNA and fluoresces when dependent on high-integrity starting material, and DNA that
viewed under UV light (Fig. 2.2). Agarose gels are useful in is degraded or sheared will not yield informative results.
most traditional molecular techniques for visualizing DNA High quality DNA is often generated by embedding the cells
greater than 100 base pairs. However, when smaller DNA of interest in agarose plugs, lysing cell membranes with
fragments are to be analyzed, special agarose formulations or detergent, and removing proteins enzymatically, leaving
polyacrylamide gels are needed for proper resolution and intact DNA which can be digested by restriction enzymes in
visualization. situ and easily loaded into a gel apparatus [42, 44]. In a typi-
When larger fragments of DNA need to be resolved, a cal analysis, PFGE will produce a pattern of DNA fragments
technique called pulsed-field gel electrophoresis can be uti- that range in size from 10 to 800 kb.
lized. Conventional gel electrophoresis techniques are not Electrophoresis of RNA to check the quality of a sample
useful for separation of extremely long pieces of DNA, or for blotting techniques is typically accomplished by elec-
because the constant current eventually unravels the DNA trophoresis through a 1–2 % agarose gel containing formal-
strands completely so that they travel, end first, through the dehyde, which maintains the denatured state of the RNA
gel at a rate that is independent of their length. Pulsed-field strands. When secondary structure of an RNA molecule is to
gel electrophoresis (PFGE) overcomes this challenge by be investigated, samples are subjected to non-denaturing
periodically switching the orientation of the electric fields polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 31

2.2.4 Denaturation and Hybridization degraded by excessive exposure to the elements or mishan-
dling will not produce a good quality Southern blot because
The majority of techniques used in molecular analyses it cannot be fragmented uniformly prior to the blotting pro-
require single-stranded nucleic acids as starting material. cedure. The test DNA must be fragmented with restriction
Prior to hybridization with a complementary nucleotide enzymes, which cut the double strands of DNA at multiple
sequence such as an oligonucleotide primer or a nucleic acid sequence-specific sites, creating a set of fragments of spe-
probe, double-stranded DNAs and single-stranded RNAs cific sizes which represent the regions of DNA between
must be denatured to generate single strands and eliminate restriction sites. The fragmented DNAs are size-fractionated
secondary structure. Denaturation of nucleic acids is rapid, via agarose gel electrophoresis and are subsequently dena-
and can be induced by various conditions, including extremes tured, which enables them to later be hybridized to comple-
of pH (pH < 4 or pH > 10), hydrogen-bond disrupting agents mentary nucleic acid probes. The DNA from the gel is
(such as urea or formamide), or heat [45]. Heat is the most transferred to a solid support such as a nylon or nitrocellu-
commonly used means of disrupting the hydrogen bonds that lose membrane via capillary action or electrophoretic trans-
occur between complementary strands of double-stranded fer and is bound permanently to the membrane by brief UV
DNA to produce single-stranded DNA. The melting temper- crosslinking or by prolonged incubation at 80 °C. Blots at
ature (Tm) of a specific double-stranded DNA sequence is this stage may be stored for later use or may be probed
reached when the disruption of the hydrogen bonding in a immediately. For detailed protocols, the reader is referred to
population of DNA causes 50 % of the DNA to become other sources [46, 47].
single-stranded. Since more hydrogen bonding occurs Interpretation of the Southern blot is easy when the ques-
between G and C as compared to A and T, the Tm will be tion is whether or not a gene is present in a particular sample,
greater for DNA containing a larger percentage of G and C as long as appropriate positive and negative controls are
nucleotides. The denaturation process is easily monitored by included (a sample of DNA known to be positive and a sam-
spectrophotometry, since the absorbance of the DNA at ple of DNA known to be negative). The presence of multiple
260 nm increases as denaturation progresses [45]. copies of a gene indicates gene amplification, which may
Hybridization of nucleic acid strands is a relatively slow occur in oncogenes during cancer development [48, 49].
process and the rate is governed by the relative concentration Amplifications are obvious on a Southern blot as a band or
of strands with complementary sequences and by the tem- bands that are more intense than the normal single-copy con-
perature. When two complementary strands are aligned trol; numerical values that reflect intensity may be assigned to
properly, hydrogen bonds form between the opposing com- bands using a densitometer. Structural aberrations in a gene
plementary bases and the strands are joined. Target nucleic of interest can be detected by Southern blotting, including the
acid sequences can hybridize to a complementary DNA insertion or deletion of nucleotides or gene rearrangements
(cDNA) or RNA strand, or to other complementary sequences (Fig. 2.4). When nucleotides are mutated, inserted, or deleted,
such as oligonucleotide primers or nucleic acid probes. the ladder of fragments produced may be abnormal due to the
Hybridization between two complementary RNA molecules obliteration of restriction sites, the generation of novel restric-
is strongest, followed by RNA–DNA hybrids, and DNA– tion sites, or alterations in fragment size due to an increase or
DNA hybrids [46]. decrease in the number of nucleotides between restriction
sites. The majority of these aberrations are apparent on
Southern blots as abnormal banding patterns. The Southern
2.2.5 Concepts and Applications of Southern blot remains a useful and reliable way to obtain definitive data
Blotting on gene structure.

Southern blotting is a technique that relies heavily on the

concepts of denaturation and hybridization of DNA. Southern 2.2.6 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
blotting has been used in clinical or forensic settings to iden-
tify individuals, determine relatedness, and to detect genes The development of PCR has increased the speed and accu-
associated with genetic abnormalities or viral infections. racy of DNA analysis, and has resulted in the rapid develop-
Southern blot analysis is also used in basic scientific research ment of new and creative techniques for detecting, replicating,
to confirm the presence of an exogenous gene, evaluate gene and modifying DNA. Since it was described originally [52,
copy number, or to identify genetic aberrations in models of 53], PCR has evolved to encompass an enormous array of
disease. Although this technique has been replaced to a large specific applications. This section will cover the basic con-
extent by newer, faster techniques, it still has its place in a cepts of PCR and several applications that are useful in
molecular laboratory. molecular analyses of cancer. For a complete technical
The first step in successful Southern blotting is to obtain description of PCR techniques, the reader is referred to a
DNA that is reasonably intact (Fig. 2.4). DNA that has been more detailed source [50].
32 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

Fig. 2.4 Southern blotting. Variations in a Control DNA

DNA sequences that alter restriction Gene of Interest Test DNA
endonuclease recognition sites can be 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’
detected by Southern blotting (a). After 3’ 5’ 3’ 5’
BamH1 Site
digesting genomic DNA with restriction
endonucleases, the DNA is subjected to
agarose gel electrophoresis and then
5’---G GATCC---3’ Restriction Enzyme 5’---GCATCC ---3’
transferred to a membrane. The agarose gel 3’---CCTAG G---5’ Digestion 3’---CGTAGG ---5’
can be imaged before (b) and after (c) the
transfer has taken place to confirm adequate
amounts of digested DNA and proper
transfer of the DNA from the gel to the
membrane. The membrane is then incubated Southern Blot
with radiolabeled or chemiluminescent
2.6 kb 1.0 kb 3.6 kb
DNA probes which hybridize to specific
DNA fragments. Exposing the membrane to
film allows for visualization and sizing of
these fragments (d). 3.6 kb

2.6 kb The G to C transversion obliterated

one of the BamH1 restriction sites
in both copies of the gene of
interest. When Southern analysis
1.0 kb was performed using a full-length
cDNA probe, the 1.0 kb and 2.6 kb
fragments were lost and replaced
with a 3.6 kb fragment. Principles of PCR the primers [51, 52]. The copies that are produced of this
Every PCR reaction must contain several key components: a targeted DNA sequence are referred to as the amplicon.
small amount of target DNA to be used as a template; a ther- These double-stranded molecules accumulate exponentially
mostable polymerase, such as Taq polymerase that is not during subsequent cycles of PCR, so that the majority of
denatured at high temperatures; a pair of single-stranded products are of a defined size and are seen clearly as a sharp
DNA oligonucleotide primers; and deoxynucleotides band upon electrophoretic separation. Due to the incredible
(dNTPs), the building blocks for the DNA to be amplified. sensitivity of PCR, even a miniscule amount of DNA can be
The DNA may be genomic DNA isolated directly from amplified, which makes it a powerful tool but also mandates
experimental or patient material, or it may be cDNA that has that precautions are taken to avoid introduction of contami-
been synthesized from an RNA template by reverse tran- nating DNA which could result in misinterpretation.
scriptase. The target for any PCR reaction is dictated by the
specific oligonucleotide primers used. Two primers are Design of Primers for PCR
designed to anneal to sites at either end of the region of inter- When constructing primers for PCR, it is important to keep in
est, on opposite template strands (Fig. 2.5). The primers are mind a few basic concepts. Primer length can influence target
extended in the 5′–3′ direction by DNA polymerase to yield specificity and efficiency of hybridization. As a general guide-
overlapping copies of the original template. PCR is a cyclic line, primers should be 20–30 nucleotides in length. Whenever
process, consisting of three steps: denaturation of template possible, both primers should be the same length because
(94 °C), annealing of primers (temperature is sequence primer length is considered when calculating an appropriate
dependent; often between 50 and 60 °C), and extension of annealing temperature. The base composition of the primers is
primers (72 °C). The three steps are repeated, with each also important, since annealing temperature is governed in
cycle resulting in amplification of the target sequence. By the part by the percent G + C content of the primers. Ideally, G + C
end of the third cycle, a new double-stranded molecule is content is between 40–60 %, and the percent G + C should be
formed in which the 5′- and 3′-ends coincide exactly with the same in any primer pair. A simple formula can be used to
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 33

Fig. 2.5 The polymerase Genomic Taq DNA

chain reaction (PCR). DNA template Polymerase,
Specific sequences of DNA Primers,
are amplified by PCR using dNTPs
pairs of oligonucleotide
primers. Genomic DNA,
94∞C denaturation
primers, Taq DNA
double-stranded DNA template
polymerase, and
becomes single-stranded
deoxynucleotides (dNTPs)
are combined in a suitable
buffer and subjected to
repeated cycles of
alternating temperatures 30-40 ~55∞C annealing
which denature the template cycles primers anneal to template DNA
DNA, allow for primer
annealing to the template
and finally extend the
primer to create a new 72∞C extension
strand of DNA. polymerase uses dNTPs
to extend primers

calculate an appropriate annealing temperature for any given DNA dye. When finer resolution is needed, such as in the
primer: Tm = 69.3 + 0.41(%G + C) − (650/L), where L = primer analysis of very small (<100 bp) products, polyacrylamide
length in bases [53]. Repetitive or palindromic sequences gel electrophoresis is standard. In addition, newer technolo-
should be avoided in a primer to avoid self-hybridization, and gies such as bead arrays, microarrays, and capillary electro-
primer pairs should not contain sequences complementary to phoresis can be used to detect PCR products (Fig. 2.6).
each other to avoid primer dimers. Contamination Issues The Role of Polymerase in PCR Due to the extreme sensitivity of PCR, care must be taken to
A DNA polymerase enzyme is essential for the primer exten- avoid exposing PCR reagents, set-up areas, and equipment to
sion step of PCR. Early PCR experiments employed the DNA that is not intended to be a part of the PCR reaction,
Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I, but this especially amplicons from previous PCR runs. Unwanted
enzyme is heat labile and must be replenished with each false-positive results can occur if issues of contamination are
amplification cycle. The developments of thermostable DNA not addressed. One laboratory practice that is often used to
polymerase and commercially available thermal cyclers have avoid this type of contamination issue is designating separate
greatly improved the efficacy of PCR methodology. Taq DNA pre- and post-PCR work areas. After a PCR run is complete,
polymerase was isolated from Thermus aquaticus, and is char- all handling of the amplicon, such as for gel electrophoresis,
acterized by its 5′–3′ exonuclease activity, thermostability, is performed in an isolated work area with equipment that is
and optimum performance at 70–80 °C [54, 55]. Temperature, designated for post-PCR use only. Pipettes, pipette tips, and
pH, and concentration of Mg++ influence the activity of Taq buffers, for example, used in post-PCR handling should not
polymerase. Lower divalent cation (Mg++) concentrations be outside of the area designated for post-PCR work. Gloves
decrease the rate of dissociation of enzyme from template by used in this area should also be discarded before returning to
stabilizing the enzyme-nucleic acid interaction [56]. The opti- other work areas in the lab. Additionally, the use of filtered
mum pH for a given PCR reaction will be between 8.0 and pipette tips, especially in the pre-PCR work area, can help in
10.0 (usually ~8.3), but must be determined empirically. While eliminating PCR contamination issues.
Taq DNA polymerase is ideal for routine PCR, there are many
other DNA polymerases with unique qualities which make
them useful for special PCR applications such as amplification 2.2.7 Modifications and Improvements
of long stretches of DNA or high-fidelity amplification [56]. of PCR Detection of PCR Products Many variations to the original PCR procedure have been
Once the PCR is complete, the products must be analyzed developed to improve its utility, ease, sensitivity, and specificity.
and interpreted. Amplification products of routine PCR reac- Many companies now offer PCR master mixes which contain a
tions can be separated by standard agarose gel electrophore- DNA polymerase and dNTPs in buffers optimized to amplify
sis and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide or other most target sequences. This often eliminates the need for exten-
34 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

sive optimization of PCR components and cycling conditions Hot Start PCR
and simplifies PCR set-up by only requiring the addition of a Hot start PCR was developed to reduce background from
DNA template and primers to the master mix. In order to elimi- nonspecific amplification by preventing polymerization of
nate some types of PCR contamination, some master mixes are new DNA during the set-up and the initial phase of the reac-
available that contain the enzyme uracil N-glycosylase (UNG) tion when nonspecific binding may occur between primers
and the nucleotide dUTP along with the normal dNTPs needed and other DNAs in the mixture [57, 58]. Hot start may be
for PCR. If a PCR is contaminated by an amplicon from a pre- achieved by limiting the initial Mg++, dNTP, or enzyme con-
vious PCR made with dUTP, a pre-amplification incubation centration, or by separating the components with a barrier,
will degrade the contaminating amplicon, preventing it from such as wax beads that melt as the mixture is heated.
being used as a template in the current PCR. Alternatively, hot start polymerases bound by antibodies or

a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

65000 116.61





Dye Signal


25000 90 100 120 180 190 200 340 420
70 80 220 280 320 360 380
160 240 260 300





100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Size (nt)

Fig. 2.6 Methods for analysis of DNA amplified by PCR. Gel electro- (b), in which fluorescently labeled DNA (black peak) is moved through
phoresis separates DNA fragments based on size since smaller DNA thin capillary tubing along with a DNA sizing standard (red peaks) to
fragments migrate at a faster rate through the gel (a). When DNA of an obtain higher resolution than possible with standard gel electrophore-
unknown size is run alongside a “ladder” containing DNA fragments of sis. Alternatively PCR-amplified DNA can be analyzed based on
known sizes, the length of the unknown DNA can be estimated. More sequence due to its ability to hybridize with probes in microarrays and
precise sizing of DNA can be made when using capillary electrohoresis bead arrays (c).
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 35










Fig. 2.6 (continued)

other molecules are enzymatically inactive until a high tem- second round of PCR. Extremely rare target sequences can
perature incubation (immediately preceding normal PCR be detected using nested PCR, since the first round of PCR
cycling) activates the polymerase, thereby preventing prema- effectively amplifies the specific template for the second
ture or nonspecific DNA amplification in the time between round of PCR. Due to the sensitive nature of nested PCR,
mixing the components of the reaction and the PCR cycling. special care must be taken to avoid contamination. Touch-Down PCR Long-Distance PCR

Touch-down PCR was developed to enhance amplification It is possible to amplify sequences as large as 50 kb using
of the desired target sequences while reducing amplification long-distance PCR (LD-PCR) [61]. One step toward suc-
of artifacts [59, 60]. The initial cycle begins with an anneal- cessful LD-PCR is the use of thermostable, long-life poly-
ing temperature that is greater than the expected Tm of the merases that are capable of generating long strands of
primer and the annealing temperature is lowered progres- cDNA. The first LD-PCR was accomplished by using a
sively with each cycle. As a result, the desired amplicon will 5′-endonuclease-deficient, N-terminal deleted variant of Taq
accumulate preferentially while the amplification of unde- DNA polymerase in combination with Pfu DNA polymerase
sired products is minimal. in a 180:1 ratio [62]. Many special DNA polymerases capa-
ble of performing well in LD-PCR are now available com- Nested PCR mercially. Other prerequisites for successful LD-PCR are
Performing nested PCR can increase both the sensitivity and high quality DNA for use as template, and carefully con-
specificity of amplification [52]. The amplification product(s) structed primers with matching melting temperatures.
generated in the first PCR reaction are used as the template
for a second PCR reaction, in which primers are used that are Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR)
internal, or nested, within the first primer pair. Nonspecific Specific RNA sequences can also be detected using PCR. An
products that are produced within the first round of PCR are enzymatic reaction using reverse transcriptase creates a
not likely to contain sequences complementary to the nested complementary DNA (cDNA) copy of the RNA, which can
primers, so that spurious products are eliminated during the then be amplified using standard PCR conditions. RT-PCR is
36 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

a useful tool for detecting the presence or absence of mRNAs Real-time PCR eliminates the need for post-amplification
for specific genes and can be performed quantitatively or analysis, often saving hours of analytical time and minimiz-
semiquantitatively to detect variations in gene expression ing the risk of contamination. Real-time PCR also increases
between samples. the ease with which quantitative results can be obtained and
thus be applied to gene dosage and expression analysis. For Multiplex PCR this reason the term “quantitative PCR” (qPCR) has become
Often it is desirable to amplify more than one target sequence synonymous with real-time PCR.
at a time. The use of more than one pair of PCR primers in a Real-time PCR is made possible by the use of fluorescent
single reaction is often possible, although these multiplexed signals which increase as the target sequence is amplified.
reactions become increasingly difficult to optimize with This can be accomplished in several ways, but the two main
increasing numbers of amplicons. Designing primers with methods include the addition of SYBR Green (or similar dyes
similar melting temperatures helps ensure successful multi- that emit fluorescence in the presence of double-stranded
plexed PCRs and using Mg++ concentrations that are higher DNA) to a standard PCR and using fluorescent probes spe-
than normal PCRs is usually necessary. cific for sequences between PCR primers.
SYBR Green is a dye that fluoresces only in the presence Quantitative PCR of double-stranded DNA. As the amount of amplicon
Quantitative PCR provides a quick and simple alternative to increases during each PCR cycle, the amount of fluorescence
Southern blot analysis for the evaluation of gene copy number also increases. Measuring the amount of fluorescence at each
or gene expression levels [63]. The underlying premise for PCR cycle makes it possible to graph the amplification that
quantitative PCR is that the accumulation of amplified prod- occurs during the PCR (PCR cycle number on the X-axis and
ucts occurs exponentially and follows a predictable curve. The fluorescence on the Y-axis) showing the extent of amplifica-
overall profile of product accumulation throughout the course tion over time (Fig. 2.7) [65]. Since any double-stranded
of a reaction may be reproducible enough to extrapolate the DNA will be detected by SYBR Green, precautions must be
amount of starting material. Accurate quantification requires taken to ensure any increase in fluorescence represents the
that the analysis be done during the exponential (sloped) part desired amplicon from the target sequence. In standard PCR
of the amplification curve, and not during the plateau phase this is accomplished using gel electrophoresis to make sure
when the DNA amplification rate has leveled off. Accurate the length of the amplicon matches the expected size and that
quantitative PCR experiments using traditional (endpoint) no nonspecific PCR products appear on the gel.
PCR methods must include control template fragments, which A second and slightly more complex method for detecting
may be synthesized or may be isolated from other sources. amplification in real-time PCR uses oligonucleotide probes
The control fragments should have priming sites and second- that are fluorescently labeled. The exact design of these fluores-
ary structure that is identical to the test DNA, but should be cently labeled probes can vary but they all contain a sequence
sufficiently different in size that they can be discriminated complementary to a region of the target sequence between the
upon electrophoretic separation. In a typical quantitative PCR forward and reverse primers. In one example of a fluorescent
reaction, replicate tubes are prepared with a fixed concentra- probe-based real-time PCR chemistry, 5′ hydrolysis probes or
tion of test DNA; then known quantities of control DNA are TaqMan® probes an oligonucleotide probe is designed with a
added in a range of concentrations, PCR is conducted, and the fluorescent molecule such as FAM bound on one end and a
samples are subjected to gel electrophoresis. When one tem- quencher molecule on the other end. The fluorescent signal is
plate is in excess, it will yield a greater abundance of PCR usually not detected due the close proximity of the quencher.
product; but when the concentration of both the control and During the annealing step of each PCR cycle this probe anneals
test templates are equal, amplification will occur at equal rates, to the target sequence along with the primers (Fig. 2.8). During
ultimately producing two bands of equal intensity on the gel. the extension stage of each PCR cycle, the 5′–3′ exonuclease
Quantitative approaches to PCR are useful when careful atten- activity of Taq polymerase digests the probe, separating the
tion is paid to experimental reproducibility [63, 64]. Although quencher dye from the fluorescent dye, which results in a
this method can achieve quantitative results, it is rather tedious detectable increase in fluorescence [66, 67]. This fluorescence
and has been replaced in most situations by one of the most can be used to create an amplification curve similar to the one
useful modifications of the basic PCR method: real-time PCR. produced when SYBR Green is used.

2.2.8 Real-Time PCR 2.3 Microarray Technology

Previously, DNA amplified by PCR was analyzed in a post- DNA and RNA microarrays have greatly expanded the amount
PCR process. Newer technologies allow users to observe the of data that can be obtained in a single experiment, often using
amplification of DNA as each cycle occurs, in real-time. the same basic principles of hybridization as Southern blotting.
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 37

Fig. 2.7 Real-time PCR. Fluorescent detection of DNA being amplified to produce fluorescence at specific points during each PCR cycle. The
by PCR can be in “real-time” by measuring the fluorescence emitted at exact or relative amount of starting template can be inferred by determining
each cycle. This fluorescence can be produced by adding a dye such as when the amplification curve (blue) crosses over a certain threshold (30.0)
SYBR Green to the PCR buffer which fluoresces when bound to double- of fluorescence. The cycle when this occurs is designated as the cycle
stranded DNA. Alternatively, fluorescence can be produced by adding threshold value or Ct (29.1).
sequence-specific probes that can be fluorescently labeled in various ways

Fig. 2.8 Real-time PCR a Reporter dye Quencher

using hydrolysis (TaqMan)
probes. PCR primers are
used to amplify target DNA
as in standard PCR. During
the annealing step of each
PCR cycle a fluorescently
labeled oligonucleotide Primer
probe, complementary to
one strand of the template
DNA, anneals along with
the primers (a). The
TaqMan probe contains one
detection dye (shown in
red) whose fluorescence is
absorbed by another
quencher dye (shown in
green) when the probe is
intact. During the extension
step of each PCR cycle (b) Primer
the TaqMan probes are b
digested. This physical
separation of the dye from Taq
the quencher allows for
increased fluorescence
during the extension step of
each PCR cycle.

Reporter dye

38 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

Microarray designs vary greatly among manufacturers but in Numerous formats and applications for microarrays exist
the more traditional arrays contain many thousands or millions but three main microarray applications predominate in both the
of unique DNA probe sequences that appear as separate dots or research and clinical laboratory setting: gene expression arrays,
features on a fixed surface. Each of these features contains a chromosome arrays (CMA), and genotyping arrays (Fig. 2.9).
unique nucleotide sequence that represents a specific gene, These three applications differ in the design of the microarrays
chromosomal location or other nucleic acid sequence being and in the type of nucleic acid being interrogated [68–77]. In
interrogated. Labeled nucleic acids, prepared from the samples gene expression microarray applications, mRNA or cDNA is
being analyzed, are incubated on the surface of the microarray applied to a microarray containing features for large groups of
to allow hybridization between the microarray probes and the genes, often all known genes expressed in a particular organ-
sample-derived nucleic acid. A washing step is then used to ism. The levels of gene expression can be determined by the
remove any labeled sample that is not hybridized to reduce intensity of the signals at each spot. Microarray results using
background signaling on the chip when scanned. mRNA isolated from two or more groups of cells or tissue can

Fig. 2.9 Microarray technology. Genomic DNA or PCR-amplified DNA density array developed by Nanosphere which can use PCR-amplified
can be detected by hybridizing with probes that have been attached to or non-amplified genomic DNA (A). High-density arrays such as the
specific locations on the surface of a microarray. Interrogation of a few OncoScan microarray (Affymetrix, Inc.) can detect changes in copy
or up to a few million different sequences in a DNA sample can be deter- number and loss of heterozygosity by targeting hundreds of thousands of
mined simultaneously. Genotyping of three loci is performed with a low- single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) across the genome (B).
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 39

Fig. 2.10 SNP-based microarrays. Genomic DNA derived from for- LOH can be observed within chromosomes 1, 9, 10 and 17. This exam-
malin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue can be used to detect ple shows microarray data from OncoScan FFPE Assay kit (Affymetrix,
changes in copy number and loss of heterozygosity. In this example, Inc) analyzed with using Nexus software.
changes in copy number are not detected but regions of copy neutral

be compared to look for up- or down-regulation of each gene tions [72]. In the clinical laboratory, these SNP microarrays
represented on the microarray [68, 69]. This is often used to have been used as a tool to create low to high density multi-
compare normal and diseased tissue, varying grades of tumors, plexed genotyping assays [73, 74].
or samples treated and untreated with a drug or other agent in Chromosome microarrays (CMA) detect copy number vari-
the research setting. In the clinical setting, gene expression ations (CNVs), such as deletions, duplications and gene ampli-
microarrays are used with metastatic tumor in which the site of fications in genomic DNA samples. These changes in copy
the primary tumor is unknown despite the available imaging number include trisomies or monosomies of entire chromo-
and pathological findings. The expression profile of a tumor somes or smaller CNVs affecting only one arm of a chromo-
with an unknown primary is compared to known expression some or smaller regions of chromosomes. The dense coverage
profile signatures of tumors in which the site of the primary across each chromosome offered in many chromosome micro-
tumor is known. Clinical expression profile tests may be help- arrays allows for detection of CNVs down to the range of
ful in this setting for predicting the site of origin and choosing 10–100 kb, which would be too small for detection by tradi-
the most appropriate form of therapy [70, 71]. In addition to tional cytogenetic techniques [75–77]. Depending on the design
mRNA from protein-coding genes, expression microarrays can of the microarray used, CMAs can fall into one of two main
also measure the expression of a large number of regulatory categories. Copy number microarrays, commonly called array
noncoding microRNAs or miRNAs. comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), previously used
While some microarrays provide information about the BAC probes and now shorter oligonucleotide sequences to
presence, absence and abundance of a particular target, geno- compare signal intensities across the genome of an unknown or
typing microarrays are able to differentiate between two patient same to that of a normal control genomic DNA sample.
alleles at a given locus. This type of technology allows for the Alternatively, CMAs based on high-density SNP arrays similar
genotyping of many thousands or millions of single nucleo- to the high-density genotyping microarrays described above
tide variants (SNVs), also called single nucleotide polymor- detect both copy number variations and long contiguous
phisms (SNPs), in a given sample for a relatively small cost. stretches of homozygosity. These stretches of homozygosity
The methodology varies between platforms but in some cases may suggest consanguinity, uniparental disomy (UPD) or in
can be as simple as having two nearly identical oligonucle- cancer, copy neutral loss of heterozygosity (cnLOH) (Fig. 2.10).
otide probes for each locus being genotyped. The sequence of
each probe will differ near the middle of the probe at the posi-
tion of the SNV with the probe at one feature annealing to one 2.4 Sequencing Technologies
allele and the probe at another feature annealing to the other
allele. Signal at one or both of these features indicates that a 2.4.1 Sanger Sequencing
sample is homozygous or heterozygous for an allele with
respect to each loci represented on the microarray. High- For many years DNA sequencing has been an essential tool
density genotyping arrays have been used frequently in in both the research and clinical laboratory. Until recently,
genome-wide association studies (GWAS) but lower density DNA sequencing has been performed almost exclusively by
genotyping arrays are more common in the clinical setting to Sanger sequencing technology in which target DNA, ampli-
evaluate a smaller number of clinically relevant loci [72, 73]. fied by PCR or cloning into a bacterial vector, is sequenced
Genotyping microarrays can be designed to examine by the extension of a single oligonucleotide primer by a
genomic DNA or select PCR-amplified targets for any num- DNA polymerase in the presence of both dNTPs and labeled
ber of single nucleotide polymorphisms, variants or muta- dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTPs). The addition of
40 C.L. Lefferts and J.A. Lefferts

a ddNTP blocks the addition of any other dNTPs or ddNTPs, numbers of shorter reads across an entire gene, group of
creating a somewhat random assortment of single-stranded genes, or an entire genome with each segment of DNA being
DNA molecules of various lengths, each labeled with a fluo- sequenced tens, hundreds, or thousands of times. These fea-
rescent molecule corresponding to the ddNTP added on the tures provide an increased ability to detect low-level varia-
3′ end (A, T, C, or G). These DNA fragments are separated, tions and also make sequencing across large stretches of
most commonly by capillary electrophoresis, to create an DNA more feasible. The cost of sequencing an entire genome
electropherogram from which the DNA sequence following is currently too high to make the regular use of whole genome
the sequencing primer can be determined [78]. sequencing a reality in the clinical setting but more targeted
The sequencing of individual human genes and later, the approaches to these next-generation sequencing technolo-
entire human genome, led to the identification of countless gies are becoming more feasible. Assays capable of sequenc-
sequence variants with pathological significance in the fields ing an entire gene or group of genes related to a specific
of genetics, hematology, and oncology. Likewise, sequencing genetic syndrome or cancer have quickly infiltrated clinical
portions of or entire genomes of bacterial and viral pathogens laboratories in recent years. In coming years this approach to
provided valuable biological information regarding infectious large-scale sequencing may replace current multiplexed
disease processes and also lead to the advent of molecular genotyping methods used to screen patients for large num-
infectious disease testing. Clinical sequencing of bacterial bers of mutations such as those in the CFTR gene responsi-
16S rRNA genes aids in identification of unknown organisms ble for cystic fibrosis and the often tedious, large-scale
and sequencing of HIV genes from patient specimens can approaches to whole gene sequencing to detect mutations
identify the presence of mutations causing resistance to anti- that can predispose carriers to cancers [83]. The coverage or
viral therapies [79, 80]. Information obtained from sequenc- read-depth can also be used to detect low-level somatic
ing also makes it possible to design clinical molecular tests to mutations found in various tumor types. Although the
monitor viral loads in patients infected with HIV, HCV, BKV, expenses involved in next-generation sequencing are still
and others and to quickly detect organisms that are difficult to quite high the technology is becoming more and more afford-
grow and identify in culture. able everyday and the typical cost per nucleotide sequenced
Although traditional DNA sequencing is an invaluable for laboratories using these technologies on a regular basis is
tool in molecular diagnostics, it does have its limitations. A much lower than traditional Sanger sequencing [84].
single sequencing reaction can produce a read length of Although the chemistry and workflow can vary greatly
approximately 600 nucleotides and often requires another between next-generation sequencing platforms and even
sequencing reaction of the opposite DNA strand (bidirec- between different applications on the same platform, there are
tional sequencing) for confirmation. When the sequencing of a number basic steps that are common to most next-generation
large stretches of DNA is required, the costs and time involved sequencing. After isolating DNA from a specimen, the sample
can be limiting. The analytic sensitivity of traditional sequenc- must be processed in such a way to enrich for the desired target
ing methods can also be problematic in some situations. sequences and to modify the DNA to make it suitable for
Sanger sequencing can easily detect two alleles when they are sequencing. For example, in clinical testing of cancer speci-
present at nearly equal frequencies as in genomic DNA sam- mens, this target enrichment may be performed using PCR to
ples that is heterozygous at a given locus. In some situations, specifically amplify exons of cancer genes known to be
however, an allele or sequence may be present at levels below hotspots for clinically relevant mutations. After PCR amplifi-
10–20 % of the total targeted DNA sequence which may not cation various adapter oligonucleotide sequences can be
be detectable by Sanger sequence [81]. For example, tumor attached to the ends of the amplified DNA. These adapters
specimens submitted for somatic mutation testing often con- often include molecular barcodes to uniquely identify
tain a significant amount of non-tumor cells. Germline DNA sequences obtained from a specific sample. This barcoding
from these cells can dilute the signal from a low-level somatic allows for pooling of multiple samples in a single sequencing
mutation to the point of where the signal from the mutation is reaction. If PCR-based enrichment is not used, the addition of
indistinguishable from background noise. adapters can be used along with various capture methods to
enrich for the desired sequences. Capture-based enrichment is
typically preferred when sequencing larger numbers of target
2.4.2 Next-Generation Sequencing sequencing, as is needed in whole exome sequencing [85, 86].
Regardless of the method used, these prepared libraries DNA
Newer DNA sequencing technologies, normally referred to to be sequenced can be pulled together and processed on next-
as next-generation sequencing, have been developed by sev- generation sequencing platform [87]. After the sequencing is
eral companies that can produce massively parallel sequenc- complete, the raw sequence data must be submitted to a bioin-
ing data to overcome some of these limitations of more formatics pipeline to align the sequence reads to a reference
traditional DNA sequencing [82]. Instead of the individual sequence, make variant calls and then filter out benign variants
reads of amplified DNA segments obtained by Sanger and rank the remaining variants based on clinical significance.
sequencing, next-generation sequencing can produce large This pipeline may vary greatly based on platform, application,
2 Essential Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Biology 41

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Cancer Genomics
Jonathan R. Pollack

generating research is now increasingly recognized as an

3.1 Cancer Genomics important complement to traditional hypothesis-driven
research. (3) Analyzing and critically evaluating genomics
3.1.1 Genetics Versus Genomics data requires knowledge and facility in basic statistical and
biocomputational methods. Cancer research, like other fields
Cancer is at heart a genetic disease, resulting from the accu- in biological sciences, is becoming increasingly quantitative,
mulation of somatic mutations (and epigenetic alterations) in and the cancer researcher at any level of training benefits
key genes controlling processes like cell proliferation and from a solid biostatistical foundation. (4) Cancer researchers
cell death, that together drive cancer development and have long benefited from sharing reagents like cell lines, anti-
progression. Over the past three decades, cancer researchers bodies, recombinant DNA clones, and even DNA sequences
have made enormous progress identifying and characterizing submitted and curated in public databases like Genbank (http://
important cancer genes, like the oncogenes MYC, KRAS, and Cancer researchers now
ERBB2, and the tumor suppressor genes RB1 and TP53. For benefit as well from the public availability of well-annotated
most of that time, cancer geneticists have studied one or a genomics datasets. Depositing genomics data in public reposi-
small number of genes at a time. tories is increasingly a requirement for journal publication, and
If cancer genetics is the genetic study of cancer genes, regardless should be viewed as a community responsibility,
cancer genomics is the study of whole cancer genomes. especially for publicly funded research.
Increasingly, newer technologies like DNA microarrays have
enabled researchers to study thousands of genes simultane-
ously, essentially characterizing genetic or gene expression 3.1.2 Spectrum of Genomic Aberrations
variation across whole cancer genomes. As shall be seen,
genomic-scale or global analyses are much more than the The immediate objective of cancer genomics is to catalog the
sum of their parts. In addition, several overarching consider- genetic and epigenetic aberrations of cancer genomes.
ations emerge: (1) Discussions of cancer genomics often Different methods are used to assay different types of aber-
emphasize emerging technologies. However, the real novelty rations, and it is therefore useful to enumerate the major
and power of genomic approaches is that they provide an classes. DNA sequence changes can result in mutant or trun-
entirely new looking glass onto cancer through the explora- cated proteins which can activate oncogenes or inactivate
tion of high-dimensional (i.e., many genes, many samples) tumor suppressors. Chromosome translocations can result in
datasets, revealing patterns of genes with biological meaning aberrantly expressed oncogenes, or create gene fusions and
and clinical relevance. (2) Genomics studies are exploratory chimeric oncoproteins. DNA copy number alterations
investigations, and as such have been disparaged as descrip- (CNAs) include unbalanced chromosome number (i.e., aneu-
tive, non-hypothesis-driven, or perhaps at worst fishing ploidy), unbalanced chromosome rearrangements, and focal
expeditions. However, a steady stream of paradigm-shifting DNA amplifications and deletions, all of which alter the
discoveries has silenced most critics, and such hypothesis dosage and potentially expression of affected cancer genes.
Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) refers to the absence of one
parent’s alleles along a chromosome segment, caused by
J.R. Pollack, M.D., Ph.D. (*)
Department of Pathology, Stanford University, 269 Campus Drive,
deletion or from a copy-number neutral event like mitotic
CCSR-3245A, Stanford, CA 94305-5176, USA recombination, and can result in loss of the wild type allele
e-mail: of a tumor suppressor. In addition to these genetic aberrations,

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 43

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_3
44 J.R. Pollack

cancer cells amass epigenetic changes—DNA modifications [1]. This relatively low cost spotting technology was adopted
that are heritable through cell divisions, but do not involve at many academic centers. Meanwhile, Stephen Fodor and
mutations in the DNA itself. Such epigenetic changes include colleagues at Affymetrix (Santa Clara, CA) adapted photoli-
principally DNA methylation and chromatin modifications thography methods from the semiconductor microchip
such as histone acetylation and methylation. Finally, all the industry to manufacture GeneChips [2, 3]. In this process, a
above mentioned genetic and epigenetic aberrations result in series of light masks is used to direct the highly parallel in
the altered expression of genes and proteins. Measuring gene situ synthesis of DNA oligonucleotide probes on a silicon
expression can therefore provide an integrative readout of wafer. The oligonucleotide probes are 20–25 nucleotides in
the genetic and epigenetic changes in tumor cells. length, and typically multiple different probes are used to
report on each gene.
While there were many potential uses for DNA microar-
3.1.3 Goals of Cancer Genomics rays, profiling gene expression became the predominant
application in the early years. The power of the technology
While the catalog of aberrations is the currency of cancer derives from the ability to measure, in the case of gene
genomics research, the broader goals are multifold. Some expression, mRNA levels across thousands of genes simulta-
studies aim to improve our basic understanding of cancer, for neously. Microarray technology continues to evolve, and
example by discovering new cancer genes, or defining genes there are now many different in-house and commercial
and pathways underlying processes like cancer metastasis. options. One general trend has been the increased use of oli-
Other studies are more clinically oriented. For example, gonucleotide probes, eliminating the need to track recombi-
gene-expression patterns (also called signatures) are sought nant DNA clone sets. Another trend has been the increased
to refine cancer diagnosis and classification, which guide number of probe features (along with feature density), per-
selection of therapy. Likewise, gene-expression signatures mitting the assay of additional genes, transcript variants or
are sought to improve prognostication, to predict response to genetic loci.
specific therapies, and to monitor therapeutic efficacy.
Genomics approaches can also speed cancer drug develop-
ment, for example identifying new drug targets and mecha- 3.2.2 Labeling and Hybridization
nisms of action, and anticipating off-target effects, facilitating
the ultimate goal of personalized medicine and tumor- Protocols for profiling gene expression differ among micro-
tailored therapies. array platforms. Experiments using spotted cDNA (or oligo-
nucleotide) microarrays are typically carried out as
two-color hybridizations (Fig. 3.1). Two different RNA
3.2 DNA Microarrays for Expression samples are labeled with two different fluorescent dyes
Profiling (e.g., Cy5 and Cy3), typically using reverse transcriptase to
incorporate fluorophore-conjugated nucleotides in a first-
3.2.1 DNA Microarray Platforms strand cDNA synthesis reaction. The labeled nucleic acid
target molecules are then combined and hybridized to the
The workhorse for cancer genomics research over the past microarray, where they bind their cognate DNA sequence
10–12 years has been the DNA microarray. DNA microarray probes by Watson–Crick base pairing. Following washing to
technology arose in the 1990s, building on two concurrent remove unbound nucleic acid, the microarray is imaged
advances. First, large-scale sequencing efforts, preceding the using a fluorescence scanner. For each gene represented on
Human Genome Project and targeting cDNAs (the expressed the microarray, the ratio of fluorescence represents the rela-
complement of genes), provided DNA sequences and physical tive level of that gene’s expression (i.e., transcript abun-
clone sets for thousands of human genes. Second, new micro- dance, a dynamic balance between synthesis and
fabrication methods permitted the manufacture of microar- degradation) between the two samples. Two-color hybrid-
rays, comprising thousands of DNA sequence features izations permit robust target quantification in spite of poten-
(functioning as hybridization probes) ordered on the surface of tial variation in hybridization conditions, since any effect on
a slide or chip as a high density array of rows and columns. the ratio numerator will be canceled by a similar effect on
Two different DNA microarray platforms emerged. the denominator.
Patrick Brown and colleagues at Stanford University devel- Experiments using Affymetrix GeneChip arrays, in contrast,
oped cDNA microarrays, in which PCR-amplified cDNA are carried out as one-color hybridizations (Fig. 3.1). A single
clones (0.5–2 kb in length and each representing a different RNA sample is labeled by cDNA synthesis, using an
gene) are robotically spotted onto a glass microscope slide oligo(dT) primer with a T7 RNA polymerase promoter site,
3 Cancer Genomics 45

Two-color hybridization on cDNA/oligo arrays

Test sample Red Green R /G R /G
Intensity Intensity Ratio Log2ratio
8000 2000 4 2
mRNA cDNA 4500 4500 1 0
1500 6000 0.25 -2
microarray scanned

One-color hybridization on Affymetrix arrays

Probes filling gene:
Perfect match oligos
Test sample
mRNA cDNA biotinylated Mismatch oligos
RNA Avg difference = (AvgPM) - (AvgMM)

(stained & scanned)

Fig. 3.1 Expression profiling schema. Above, schematic depiction of depiction of one-color hybridization on Affymetrix GeneChip oligo-
two-color hybridization on cDNA or oligonucleotide microarrays. RNA nucleotide arrays. RNA is biotin-labeled by in vitro transcription (IVT),
isolated from test and reference samples is labeled with two different then hybridized to the array. Multiple different probes report on each
fluors (here pseudocolored red and green), then co-hybridized to the gene, where expression levels can be represented by the difference in
array. For each gene on the array, the ratio of red/green fluorescence average staining intensity between perfect match (PM) and control mis-
(typically reported in log2 scale) reflects its relative transcript abun- match (MM) probes.
dance in the test compared to reference sample. Below, schematic

followed by in vitro transcription in the presence of biotinylated Like any other assay, microarray results need to be repro-
nucleotides. The resultant biotinylated antisense RNA tar- ducible. Technical replicates, where the same sample is
gets are then fragmented and hybridized to the microarray, labeled and hybridized again, can be used to verify measure-
where they bind to their cognate sense oligonucleotide ments. Dye-swap experiments, where for two-color hybrid-
probes. Following washing, a streptavidin–phycoerythrin izations the fluorophores used to label the test and reference
fluorophore conjugate is used to stain bound target which is sample are interchanged, serve as a control for possible dye-
then visualized by fluorescence scanning. For each gene rep- labeling bias. Biological replicates, in which the experimen-
resented on the array, the fluorescence intensity reflects that tal samples are themselves recreated, and then labeled and
gene’s level of expression in the labeled sample. hybridized, provide the greatest measure of reproducibility,
controlling for biological as well as technical variation [6].
However, for exploratory profiling studies, assaying addi-
3.2.3 Experimental Design Considerations tional cancer samples may generate greater depth of infor-
mation than assaying fewer samples, but in replicate.
For experiments comparing test and reference samples, a Microarray results, at least for key genes, are often verified
two-color microarray platform provides a more direct com- using independent assays. Such technical validation might
parison. Examples of such studies include treatment (e.g., include Northern blot or quantitative reverse-transcription
drug or siRNA) versus control, tumor versus matched nor- PCR (qPCR). Using a second, different microarray platform
mal, or time course experiments where the zero time point is can serve to verify measurements for many genes at once.
a natural reference. For studies profiling collections of A goal of expression profiling studies is often to identify
tumors there is no such natural reference, but a universal ref- genes differentially expressed between two groups. Because
erence RNA, e.g., comprising pooled RNA from a set of such studies are exploratory, it is difficult to estimate the
tumor-derived cell lines, can be used [4]. Since all tumor number of samples needed. Analysis of existing datasets
samples are hybridized against the same reference RNA, indicates that at least five samples from each group are
tumor gene-expression ratios share the same denominator needed [7]. However, reason would dictate that the more
and can be compared amongst one another [5]. For tumor similar the sample groups are to one another, the larger the
profiling studies, a single-color microarray platform obviates number of samples would need to be profiled to identify
the need for a reference RNA. significant expression differences.
46 J.R. Pollack

3.2.4 Specimen Considerations linear space decreased expression is compressed within

ratios between 0 and 1).
Common epithelial cancer types are heterogeneous at the For Affymetrix GeneChip arrays, where a set of DNA
tissue level, composed of varying fractions of neoplastic oligonucleotide probes is used to report on each gene, fluo-
cells, normal epithelial cells, and tumor stroma, including rescence intensities are calculated as the mean intensity for
fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and various immune cells. Even the probe set. Nonspecific hybridization, calculated from the
different parts of the same cancer may vary in these cell frac- mean intensity of a matched set of oligonucleotide probes
tions. Studies using undissected cancer tissues should be containing a single central nucleotide mismatch, can be sub-
interpreted with this cellular heterogeneity in mind. tracted out to yield an average difference. While fluorescence
Microdissection techniques, including laser capture micro- intensities bear some relation to absolute expression levels,
dissection [8], can be used to obtain and profile specific tis- target amplification is inherent in the labeling protocol and
sue compartments like cancer epithelium. Alternatively, can bias transcript representation. Therefore, log intensities
computational methods can be used for in silico dissection of are typically converted to ratios as described further below.
whole cancers, where for example specific gene-expression Once fluorescence signals are extracted, the data need to
patterns are attributed to cell types by comparison to expres- be normalized to compensate for any differences in the
sion patterns of cognate cultured cells [9], or by correlating amount of input RNA, or in the labeling or detection effi-
patterns with cell fractions observed histologically [10]. ciency occurring either between two samples on the same
Conventional RNA labeling methods require microgram array, or between samples on different arrays [15]. For two-
quantities of input RNA. However, microdissected speci- color microarray hybridizations, global normalization entails
mens typically yield only nanogram amounts. Protocols are scaling intensities such that the sum of all gene intensities for
available to amplify the input RNA. A common method of the two fluorescence channels is set equal (which is equiva-
linear amplification, better preserving relative transcript lent to scaling the average log ratio to zero). Lowess normal-
abundances, makes use of in vitro transcription [11]. ization can also correct for signal intensity-dependent dye
Alternatively, signal amplification can be used to augment biases [15]. Another approach is to use the so-called house-
the hybridization signal from low amounts of input RNA keeping genes, those whose expression is most invariant
[12]. While fresh or freshly frozen specimens provide the across samples, to normalize ratios between different sam-
highest quality RNA for microarray analysis, some success ples. Likewise for Affymetrix arrays, normalization between
has been reported in extracting usable RNA from formalin- different arrays can be accomplished by scaling intensities
fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens [13, 14], which globally or by using housekeeping genes.
are more readily available from pathology archives. In addition to array normalization, another common data
transformation is mean centering genes across a set of array
hybridizations. This transformation is often applied to two-
3.3 Analysis of Expression Profiling Data color microarray datasets such as tumor profiling studies
where a universal reference RNA is used. For each gene in
3.3.1 Data Processing each sample, the log fluorescence ratio is mean centered by
subtracting that gene’s average log fluorescence ratio for the
After imaging the hybridized microarray, feature extraction sample set. The result is that fluorescence ratios reflect gene
(spot finding) software is used to locate DNA features on the expression levels in relation to the sample set average, rather
microarray, and to associate annotated probe features with than to the arbitrary universal reference. For Affymetrix
fluorescence intensity measurements. For two-color hybrid- datasets, log intensities for each gene are often converted to
izations on spotted DNA microarrays, background fluores- log pseudo-ratios by subtracting the average log intensity for
cence intensity surrounding spot features is typically that gene in the sample set, which in effect centers genes.
subtracted out to better estimate specific hybridization sig- The quality of a microarray hybridization can be assessed
nal. For each gene spot, fluorescence intensities for the two using external spike-in controls (e.g., bacterial transcripts,
colors are next converted to a single fluorescence ratio, with cognate probes on the array), where observed and
which describes the relative expression of the corresponding expected fluorescence ratios can be compared. In addition,
gene between the two samples. By converting fluorescence replicate features on the microarray can provide a measure
intensities to ratios, information on the absolute level of of intra-array reproducibility indicative of performance.
expression is lost, but might be inaccurate anyway due to Ultimately, raw and processed microarray data files, along
variation in the amount of spotted DNA probe. Fluorescence with annotations compliant with minimal information about
ratios are then converted to log ratios, most often using log2 a microarray experiment (MIAME) standards [16], can be
values. In log space, increased and decreased expression deposited into a public repository like GEO [17] or
is mathematically symmetric with opposite signs (while in ArrayExpress [18].
3 Cancer Genomics 47

3.3.2 Visualizing Data Microarray Database [19]), government (BRB-ArrayTools

[20]), and commercial sources (GeneSpring, SpotFire, and
Whichever microarray platform is used, the end result of a Oncomine [21, 22]).
set of array hybridizations can be summarized in a table
(or matrix) of gene expression values (typically ratios)
(Fig. 3.2). Each row of the table corresponds to a different 3.3.3 Analyzing Data
gene probe on the array, each column corresponds to a dif-
ferent arrayed sample, and each entry in the table repre- Microarray data are often filtered prior to analysis. For exam-
sents the expression level of a particular gene for a particular ple, genes whose expression varies little across the sample set
sample. To more readily discern patterns in the data, these can be excluded from subsequent analysis, using ratio-fold or
numeric tables are typically visualized as colorimetric standard deviation cutoffs. Such data filtering can increase the
tables, or heatmaps, where expression levels are repre- subsequent yield of significant genes (by reducing the total
sented with a color scale (Fig. 3.2). Common colorimetric number of genes tested), though also represents a source of
representations include red/green (or red/blue) for increased variable findings among different microarray studies.
and decreased expression, respectively. Several software Analysis of microarray data can be broadly divided into
tools are available to process, visualize and/or perform two approaches, supervised and unsupervised [23, 24].
basic analyses of microarray data, from academic (Stanford Supervised methods make up-front use of specimen

Supervised analysis

Samples (arrays) Samples 4





1 2 -2 2 -4 3 3 -3 2 -4 1 1 9
2 -3 2 -2 3 -4 -1 2 -1 4 -2 2 13
3 3 -2 -3 -1 4 -1 -2 3 -2 -2 3
4 -3 2 -2 4 -2 -3 3 -1 4 -2 4
5 2 -3 -1 -2 4 -2 -1 3 -4 0 5


6 3 -4 3 -2 0 2 -3 4 -4 3 6
7 1 1 -2 0 -1 0 -1 0 2 -1 7
8 2 -3 3 -4 2 2 -3 3 -4 1 8
9 -3 4 -3 2 -2 -1 3 -4 4 -2 9
10 4 -3 4 -4 2 3 -2 2 -4 1 10
11 2 -1 1 0 -1 -1 0 -1 1 0 11
12 3 -3 -2 -1 4 -1 -2 4 -1 -1 12
13 -3 3 -3 2 -2 -1 3 -2 4 -1 13
14 4 -1 -2 -2 3 -2 -2 4 -1 -1 14 7
15 0 0 2 1 2 -2 -1 -1 -2 1 15 13
16 -3 4 -2 2 -2 -2 3 -1 4 -4 16 9
Red/green log2 Colorimetric scale 2
fluorescence ratios 16

Unsupervised clustering

Fig. 3.2 Microarray data analysis. Left, the starting point of microarray mal (N) distinction identifies the subset of genes with significant differ-
analysis is a matrix of gene expression ratios, where each row is a dif- ences in expression, here ranked by t-statistic. Below right, hierarchical
ferent gene and each column is a different sample (array). Center, view- clustering analysis of the same input data matrix reveals the tumor-
ing ratios in colorimetric scale facilitates recognition of expression normal distinction, but also suggests the presence of two tumor sub-
patterns. Above right, analysis supervised on the tumor (T) versus nor- classes (highlighted by blue and purple dendrogram branches).
48 J.R. Pollack

information, for example to identify genes differentially expression. Information about the samples and genes can
expressed between two different specimen classes such as then be overlaid on the dendrograms to assist in interpreting
cancer and normal (Fig. 3.2). Various metrics can be used, patterns of expression. Such clustered heatmaps have been
like ratio-fold difference, or the Student’s t-statistic which likened to molecular portraits [9], and provide a powerful
highlights genes with a large between-class difference in new approach to observe, describe, and understand the
average expression compared to within-class expression molecular variation within cancer specimens, and in particu-
variance. While metrics like the t-statistic provide an associ- lar to discover previously unrecognized cancer subtypes.
ated P-value, it is important to correct for multiple hypothe- Another useful way to organize and view microarray data,
sis (gene) testing (discussed more below). The number of and to interpret expression patterns identified from super-
truly (and falsely) significant genes can be estimated by vised or unsupervised analysis, is pathway (or network) anal-
comparing the number of genes observed (at any given ysis. Gene ontology (GO) terms categorize genes by cellular
threshold) in the real data to the median number observed in component, biological process and molecular function [29].
many samplings of randomly permuted data, generated for Likewise, database resources like BioCarta and the Kyoto
example by shuffling the sample class (e.g., cancer versus Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) [30] place
normal) labels. Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) genes in biological pathways (e.g., metabolic and signal
is a commonly used analysis software tool that provides such transduction pathways) [31]. Finding statistical enrichment of
false discovery rate estimates [25]. specific GO terms or cellular pathways can suggest biological
Genes differentially expressed between sample classes meaning for a group of genes of interest. Another related
can provide a basis to classify new samples. There are differ- approach is gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), which
ent methods for classifying samples, including weighted vot- evaluates enrichment for each of several hundred curated
ing [26] and Prediction Analysis of Microarrays (PAM), gene sets by determining their overrepresentation at the top of
based on nearest shrunken centroids [27]. Though the specif- a list of genes rank ordered by their expression distinction
ics differ, the principle is to determine whether the expres- between two sample classes [32]. The gene sets include
sion of classifier genes in a new sample better matches that groupings from biological pathway databases, as well as
of one or the other known sample classes used to develop (or groups with shared expression (from published microarray
train) the classifier. The new sample is assigned to the class studies), promoter regulatory motifs, or cytogenetic location.
with the better match, and the confidence of that assignment Related methods can be used to assess enrichment of interac-
can be summarized as the strength of the prediction for one tive networks of genes [Ingenuity Pathways Analysis—http://
class over the other. The overall performance of a classifier] or molecular concepts [33].
can be estimated in the training set (where classes are known)
by leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), wherein one
sample is omitted and a classifier is trained on the remaining 3.3.4 Common Pitfalls in Data Analysis
samples and tested by predicting the class of the omitted
sample. The process is repeated leaving a different sample In profiling across many genes and specimens, the resultant
out each time, and performance is then summarized by the high-dimensional microarray datasets have brought new
overall classification accuracy on all samples. Classifier per- statistical challenges [6, 34]. A common pitfall is reporting
formance should also be validated by analyzing a separate significant differentially expressed genes without having
test sample set that is independent of the training set. corrected for multiple gene testing. In large datasets, almost
In contrast to supervised approaches, unsupervised methods any particular expression pattern sought can be found, but
organize data agnostic to information about the samples, and may not be statistically meaningful. For example, in identi-
are therefore useful for discovering previously unknown fying genes differentially expressed between cancer and nor-
relationships in the data. Hierarchical clustering analysis is mal tissue from a dataset of 10,000 genes, about 500 genes
one such widely used unsupervised method [28] (Fig. 3.2). would be expected to have individual P-values of less than
In hierarchical clustering, an iterative agglomerative algo- 0.05 (the standard threshold of statistical significance) just
rithm is used to reorder the rows (genes) and columns (arrayed by chance! True statistical significance is best assessed by
samples) of the expression matrix such that genes with simi- comparison of observed findings to those from randomly
lar vectors of expression across the samples (e.g., by Pearson permuted data.
correlation) are clustered (or grouped) together, and, indepen- Another common pitfall is over-fitting the data, where data
dently, samples with similar vectors of expression across the models (like classifiers or outcome predictors) are developed
genes are clustered together. Analogous to phylogenetic and then tested on the exact same samples, rather than on an
analysis, dendrograms (or trees) display the hierarchical independent sample set. The result is an inflated estimate of
relationships among genes and among samples, and the test performance. An additional common shortcoming is
reordered heatmap highlights prominent patterns of gene the use of insufficiently large sample sets in both training and
3 Cancer Genomics 49

validation phases of analysis. Early microarray studies using two subtypes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with
inappropriate statistical methods likely contributed to overly distinct expression patterns. One pattern shared similarities
inflated expectations of the technology. with normal germinal center B cells, while the other with acti-
vated B cells. The latter DLBCL subtype was also associated
with constitutive NFκB activity and less favorable prognosis
3.4 Expression Profiling—Applications [41, 42]. Therefore, while indistinguishable by histology,
expression profiling nonetheless suggested a refined classifica-
3.4.1 Cancer Classification tion of DLBCL that might improve outcome prediction and
possibly selection of therapies. Indeed, BCL6 gene expression,
A major goal of many DNA microarray studies is cancer a surrogate indicator of the germinal center B cell-like subtype,
classification. Cancers are classified principally based on has since been shown to predict survival independently of the
their tissue of origin and histology, and sometimes with the currently used International Prognostic Index score [43].
aid of ancillary tests like immunohistochemistry, flow cytom- Microarray analysis of breast cancer has also identified
etry, and cytogenetics. Classification schemes provide multiple tumor subclasses, refining the existing classification
important information for prognostication and for the selec- [9, 44]. Estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast tumors could
tion of optimal therapies. Much as the pathologist uses histo- be subdivided into two luminal subtypes (called so because
logic patterns to classify cancers, DNA microarrays describe of shared expression markers with the luminal layer of nor-
patterns of molecular variation, hitherto unrecognized, hav- mal breast epithelium), luminal A and B, with the latter asso-
ing the potential to improve cancer classification. ciated with higher proliferation rates and less favorable
In an early landmark study, Golub et al. [26] described the outcome. ER-negative tumors included those with ERBB2
computational framework for applying DNA microarrays to (Her2/neu) amplification as well as a previously underappre-
the problem of cancer classification. Using supervised meth- ciated basal-like subtype (with shared expression markers of
ods, the investigators identified genes differentially expressed the basal/myoepithelial layer of normal breast epithelial)
between two classes of leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia with poor prognosis. Similar microarray studies have identi-
(AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Statistically fied tumor subclasses within other tumor types as well [45].
significant differences could be defined as those occurring
above what was expected by chance, estimated by comparison
to randomly permuted data. Using the top-most significant 3.4.3 Outcome Prediction
genes, a classifier could be developed that accurately predicted
the diagnosis of new cases. While AML and ALL are in reality Microarray analysis has also been applied to directly define
readily distinguishable by existing cytochemical staining and gene signatures for prognostication and for prediction of
flow cytometry techniques, the concepts developed, and many response to therapies. In a seminal study, van’t Veer et al. [46]
variations on the original computational methods, are applica- compared gene-expression profiles of breast cancers from
ble to more challenging classification problems. women who either did or did not develop distant metastases
One such classification problem currently receiving atten- within 5 years of follow-up. Supervised analysis defined a
tion is that of metastatic cancers of unknown primary (CUP), 70-gene signature that could predict disease-free and overall
which account for up to 5 % of newly diagnosed cancers [35]. survival in an independent cohort of breast cancer patients
Despite subsequent immunohistochemical staining and imag- [47], outperforming current prognostic indices based on clini-
ing studies (like computed tomography), the anatomic site and cal and histological parameters such as the St. Galen and NIH
tissue of origin remains undetermined in many cases, where consensus criteria [48]. The poor-prognosis signature might
knowing that information is important for selecting the opti- therefore improve the selection of patients who would benefit
mal treatment regimen [36]. DNA microarrays have been used from adjuvant therapy. Prognostic and predictive signatures
to define cancer type-specific patterns of gene expression, have been proposed for other cancer types as well, including a
which have been shown to classify new cancer cases (where 133-gene prognostic signature in AML [49], independently
clinical truth is known) with ~80–90 % accuracy [37–40]. validated [50] and with potential utility in risk-stratification
for cases with normal cytogenetics.

3.4.2 Cancer Class Discovery

3.4.4 Biological Insight
Another important application of DNA microarrays is the dis-
covery of new, previously unrecognized tumor classes, as first Expression profiling has made many other significant contri-
reported by Alizadeh et al. [41]. By unsupervised cluster analy- butions to our understanding of cancer biology. For example,
sis of variably expressed genes, these investigators identified Ramaswamy et al. [51] explored gene expression differences
50 J.R. Pollack

between unmatched primary and metastatic adenocarcinomas Map [55]. For example, Wei et al. [56] identified that among
of diverse tumor types. The investigators defined a 17-gene 164 different drug-associated expression profiles, the profile
signature of metastasis which, unexpectedly, was also of the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin significantly (by GSEA)
expressed in a subset of primary tumors where its presence overlapped with the expression profile of glucocorticoid-
predicted metastasis and poor clinical outcome. Importantly, sensitive (as compared to resistant) ALL. This finding sug-
this study challenged the existing paradigm that metastases gested that rapamycin might revert glucocorticoid resistance,
arise from rare cells in the primary tumor that have acquired which was subsequently verified in cultured ALL cells, and
additional genetic alterations, suggesting rather that the pro- is now being evaluated in clinical trials (facilitated because
pensity to metastasize characterizes the bulk population of rapamycin is already an FDA-approved drug).
tumor cells, and therefore by inference is determined early in
tumor development.
Another seminal contribution of microarray analysis was 3.5 Genomic Profiling
the relatively recent discovery of recurrent gene fusions in
prostate cancer. By analyzing outlier values of gene expres- 3.5.1 Array-Based Comparative Genomic
sion in microarray datasets, Tomlins et al. [52] identified Hybridization
elevated expression of ERG and ETV1 (oncogenic ETS fam-
ily transcriptional factors) in subsets of prostate cancer. In addition to profiling RNA transcripts, profiling DNA aber-
Further characterization revealed chromosome rearrange- rations in cancer genomes has emerged as a major applica-
ment and gene fusion, resulting in the promoter of the tion of DNA microarray technology. One such method is
androgen-regulated gene TMPRSS2 driving overexpression array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH),
of ERG or ETV1. This finding provides novel insight into derived from the cytogenetic method CGH [57] and used to
androgen-dependent prostate tumorigenesis, and challenges delineate genomic DNA copy number alterations (CNAs). In
the longstanding assumption that recurrent chromosomal aCGH, test (tumor) and reference (normal) genomic DNAs
rearrangements, frequent in hematologic and mesenchymal are labeled with two different fluors, then compared by
malignancies, are rare in common epithelial tumor types. hybridization onto microarrays comprising DNA probes of
Indeed, this discovery has reinvigorated the search for recur- defined human (or mouse, etc.) genome map position, such
rent rearrangements in epithelial tumors. as large genomic clones (e.g., bacterial artificial chromo-
It is worth noting that in both the above examples, the key somes; BACs) [58, 59], genes (cDNAs) [60], or oligonucle-
discoveries emerged from exploratory rather than hypothesis- otides [61–63] (Fig. 3.3). For each probe present on the
driven investigations, underscoring the importance of explor- microarray, the ratio of fluorescence represents the relative
atory research. In addition, both studies benefited enormously copy number of that locus in the tumor compared to normal
from the public availability of clinically annotated microar- sample.
ray datasets. In contrast to expression profiling, analysis of aCGH data
emphasizes genome position information. Tumor/normal log
fluorescence ratios are first normalized for each array so that
3.4.5 Therapeutic Targets the average log ratio is set to zero. As such, CNAs are defined
relative to the average copy number for the sample (which
Microarray studies have also aimed to identify new targets may well vary from diploid). Normalized tumor/normal ratios
for cancer therapy. For example, in a study of acute leuke- are then mapped onto an ordered representation of the normal
mias Armstrong et al. [53] found that ALL cases with rear- genome sequence, where DNA gains and losses are identified
rangements of the MLL (mixed lineage leukemia) gene as ratio peaks and valleys (Fig. 3.3). Note, this method does
exhibited patterns of gene expression distinct from other not reveal the actual location of CNAs in the cancer genome,
ALL (and AML) cases, and in particular noted high-level where it is known for example that DNA amplification can
expression of the FLT3 receptor tyrosine kinase. Further occur in situ on the chromosome (homogeneously staining
studies validated FLT3 as a therapeutic target in MLL, where regions) or elsewhere in the genome, even extra-chromosom-
a small molecule inhibitor of FLT3 was shown active in a ally (double minutes).
mouse model of the disease [54]. Because genomic DNA comprises a more complex
Looking beyond individual genes, a promising strategy to mixture of DNA sequences compared to the subset of
discover new treatments has been to connect gene-expression expressed genes (transcripts), aCGH presents additional
signatures of specific disease states to gene-expression sig- technical challenges compared to expression profiling.
natures of cultured human cells perturbed with various bio- Further, accurate quantification of very small ratio-fold
active small molecules, a compilation called the Connectivity changes, like single-copy tumor DNA gains and losses in
3 Cancer Genomics 51

microarray scanned
(mapped probes)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202122 X
ERB 82 amplicons
Chr 17
log2 ratios

-3 focal
TP53 deletion

Fig. 3.3 Genomic profiling by array CGH. Above, schematic depiction reference. Below, tumor/normal log2 ratios (here, for a hypothetical
of array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). Genomic breast cancer sample) are plotted according to reference genome posi-
DNA isolated from tumor and normal reference is labeled with two dif- tion, shown for the whole genome and for an enlarged view of chromo-
ferent fluors (here pseudocolored red and green), then co-hybridized to some 17. Red and green ratios indicate DNA gain and loss, respectively,
the array. For each gene on the array, the ratio of red/green fluorescence some corresponding to known cancer genes (e.g., ERBB2, TP53), while
reflects its relative DNA copy number in the tumor compared to normal other focal amplicons and deletions pinpoint novel cancer genes.

admixtures of normal DNA stromal contamination, is key to 3.5.2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
localizing and discovering new cancer genes. The sensitivity (SNP) Arrays
of detecting low amplitude and focal aberrations is depen-
dent on many factors, including the performance characteris- DNA sequence changes are a major source of heritable varia-
tics of the array platform and the density of probe coverage tion, and measuring DNA sequence variation was a major
across the genome, with the trend moving towards arrays motivation for developing DNA microarray technology.
with 100,000 or more oligonucleotide probes. Measurement Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are present on
accuracy can be improved by averaging ratios across neigh- average every 300 bp in the human genome [69], and several
boring probes, though at the expense of spatial resolution. million SNPs have been characterized [70]. Affymetrix SNP
Statistical algorithms (and corresponding software tools) are arrays [71] comprise oligonucleotide probes spanning tens
available to call gains and losses in aCGH data [64, 65] and of thousands of SNPs, with separate probes matching the
to identify loci recurrently gained or lost across tumor sam- major (i.e., more frequent) and minor SNP alleles (A and B),
ples [66, 67]. Such recurrently aberrant loci are more likely and can be used to type alleles by DNA hybridization. In
to harbor cancer genes whose altered copy number and brief, target genomic DNA is digested with a restriction
expression provides selective growth advantage, rather than endonuclease, and then PCR amplified (using ligated univer-
represent secondary inconsequential alterations resulting sal adapters) and biotin-labeled for hybridization. Array
from genomic instability. probes are designed to detect SNPs predicted to reside on
While the above discussion centered on somatic CNAs, restriction fragments within the preferred PCR size range
germ line DNA copy number variants (CNVs) are increas- (~0.25–2 kb), and the PCR step serves to reduce target com-
ingly recognized as a source of hereditable variation [68]. plexity, thereby improving assay performance. SNP genotypes
CGH arrays can be used to identify CNVs, some of which (AA, AB, or BB) are called based on relative hybridization
might be associated with increased cancer risk, or represent intensities for allele-specific probes. Illumina BeadChip
preferred sites of tumor genome rearrangement. In defining arrays provide a distinct approach with comparable perfor-
somatic CNAs, the use of normal reference DNA matched mance for SNP genotyping [72].
from the same individual can assist in discriminating between SNP arrays can be used to genotype SNPs for whole-
somatic CNAs and germ line CNVs. genome scan genetic linkage and association studies [73],
52 J.R. Pollack

for example to discover loci conferring cancer risk [74]. SNP suggested the concept of lineage-dependency oncogenes,
arrays can also be used to identify somatic DNA aberrations where the aberrant expression of genes with key roles in nor-
in tumors, including both CNAs, by scoring hybridization mal cell lineage proliferation or survival is required for tumor
intensity, and LOH, by scoring allelic loss (at informative cell survival in certain genetic contexts [80]. Another such
heterozygous loci) along chromosome segments [75, 76]. example is NKX2-1 (TITF1), a transcriptional regulator of
Because LOH can result in loss of genetic information in the normal lung development recently found amplified by
absence of deletion, SNP arrays can provide additional infor- genomic profiling of lung cancers [81–83].
mation useful for mapping tumor suppressors. With the commercial availability of high-density CGH and
SNP array platforms, genomic profiling is increasingly utilized,
and has been a featured technology of NCI’s The Cancer
3.5.3 Genomic Profiling—Applications Genome Atlas (TCGA) project [84] to systematically character-
ize cancer genomes. Beyond single genes, patterns of CNA,
The major application of genomic profiling by CGH (or SNP) analogous to signatures of gene expression, have been proposed
arrays has been the discovery of new cancer genes. CGH on for cancer classification and outcome prediction [85–88].
microarrays affords orders of magnitude higher mapping res-
olution compared to prior cytogenetic methods, and has
revealed hitherto unappreciated complexities of CNAs in can- 3.5.4 Data Integration
cer genomes [60, 77]. In various tumor types, recurrent CNAs
have been identified that do not contain known cancer genes, While expression and genomic profiling each provides
and therefore presumably pinpoint new cancer genes. important information, integrating data from both these
Functionally validated cancer genes discovered by genomic methods can reveal additional insight. For example, while
profiling include PPM1D (at 17q23.2), a negative regulator of many genes exhibit elevated expression in cancer, the subset
TP53 amplified in breast cancer [78], and MITF (3p14.1), a that is also highly amplified is enriched for key genes driving
master transcriptional regulator of melanocytes amplified in tumorigenesis (Fig. 3.4); such an integrative analysis is
melanomas [79]. Indeed, the discovery of MITF amplification therefore valuable for cancer gene discovery. Integrative

Fig. 3.4 Data integration.

Shown is an integrative
DNA copies Gene-expression Breast cancer cell lines
Breast tumors
analysis of aCGH and
1p34 EST
expression profiling data. 3p14 PSMD6
Gene copy number (heatmap, 4q13 CXCL1
6q22 SMPDL3A
left) and expression (right) are 6q23 ENPP1
6q23 HBS1L
depicted for the subset of 8p12 HTPAP
8q21 TPD52
genes identified by microarray 8q21 ZBTB10
to be both highly amplified 8q21 EST
8q21 EST
and overexpressed (a 8q21 DECR1
8q22 YWHAZ
characteristic of oncogenes) 8q24 MAL2
in breast cancer cell lines or 8q24 ZHX1
8q24 TMEM65
tumors. Samples are ordered 8q24 MTSS1
8q24 MYC
identically in both panels; 8q24 FAM49B
genes are ordered by 11q13 CHKA
11q13 CCND1
chromosome location. Red 15q21 GABPB2
15q24 SIN3A
indicates amplification (left) 15q26 LOC283761
or overexpression (right). 15q26 AP3S2
15q26 CIB1
This subset of amplified 17q11 TRAF4
17q11 FLJ10700
overexpressed genes is a rich 17q12 LOC284106
source for breast cancer gene 17q12 PIP5K2B
17q12 CACNB1
discovery; known putative 17q12 LOC90110
17q12 PPARBP
(pink text) and bona fide 17q12 STARD3
oncogenes (red text) are 17q12 ERBB2
17q12 GRB7
highlighted, the latter 17q21 WIPF2
17q23 RAD51C
including MYC, CCND1, and 17q23 YPEL2
17q23 RPS6KB1
ERBB2. Data abstracted from 17q23 APPBP2
Pollack et al. [89]. 17q23 PPM1D
17q25 MRPS7
17q25 GRB2
20q11 ITCH
20q11 C20orf31
20q13 NCOA3
20q13 ZMYND8
20q13 ZNF217
20q13 BCAS1
20q13 PFDN4
20q13 BMP7
20q13 RAE1
20q13 RNPC1
3 Cancer Genomics 53

analysis of DNA copy number and expression has also uncov- and therefore produce PCR products that can be detected by
ered a significant impact of aneuploidy (chromosome copy two-color hybridization (cancer versus normal) to a microar-
number imbalances) on gene expression patterns [89, 90]. ray containing probe sequences from the upstream regions
This finding, observed in many tumor types, suggests that (CpG islands) of genes.
aneuploidy might contribute to cancer progression through the In a second approach, Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation
altered expression of many (possibly even hundreds of) genes. (MeDIP) [100], cancer-derived DNA is fragmented and then
Integrative analysis has also revealed that breast cancer sub- immunoprecipitated using an antibody specific for 5-methyl-
types are associated with distinct patterns of CNA, with lumi- cytosine. Immunoprecipitated and reference input DNA are
nal-B tumors characterized by high-level DNA amplifications differentially labeled and co-hybridized to a microarray con-
and basal-like tumors by low-amplitude segmental gains and taining upstream sequence probes, where increased ratios
losses [88, 91]. This finding suggests that breast cancers arise indicate methylated DNA. A third approach makes use of
not only via different oncogenic pathways but also by distinct bisulfite modification, whereby unmethylated but not meth-
underlying mechanisms of genomic instability. ylated cytosines are converted to thymine by chemical treat-
There is an increasing interest in integrating data across ment followed by PCR. DNA methylation is then detected
diverse platforms, not just gene expression and copy number, by differential hybridization to methylation-specific oligo-
but additional layers of genomic-scale data (like epigenetic nucleotide (MSO) microarrays, with probes designed to dis-
regulation), protein expression (and modification and activity), criminate between the unmethylated (converted) and
protein interactions, and phenotypes, some generated from methylated (unconverted) DNA sequences [101].
model organisms [92–94]. Such analyses have been dubbed
integromics [95] or systems approaches. Finally, integrating
data may reveal interplay between the germ line and tumor 3.6.2 Protein–DNA Interactions by ChIP
genomes, for example in predisposition to specific cancer on Chip
subtypes (e.g., BRCA1 mutation carriers develop basal-like
breast cancers [96]) or in determining response to specific Another application of DNA microarrays is determining
anticancer therapy (i.e., pharmacogenomics) [97]. genome-wide the physical positioning of DNA-associated
proteins, including chromatin proteins and transcription fac-
tors (to identify transcription targets), by chromatin-
3.6 Other Microarray Platforms immunoprecipitation followed by microarray (chip)
hybridization, or ChIP on Chip [102, 103]. First, cultured
3.6.1 DNA Methylation Arrays cells are treated with formaldehyde to reversibly crosslink
proteins to DNA. Next, cell lysate DNA is fragmented, and
The DNA microarray platform has been adapted to other the protein of interest (along with bound DNA) is immuno-
applications as well (Fig. 3.5), including defining patterns of precipitated using an antibody specific to the native protein,
5-methylcytosine DNA methylation. Cancer genomes exhibit or to an epitope tag (where the corresponding protein has
global hypomethylation, but focal hypermethylation upstream been tagged). The DNA is then separated, PCR-amplified,
of tumor suppressors (often within CpG islands) associated labeled and hybridized to a microarray containing upstream
with transcriptional silencing [98]. Several microarray-based or tiling DNA sequence probes. Protein–DNA interactions
approaches have been developed to assay DNA methylation, are identified by increased hybridization signal compared to
useful for locating new tumor suppressor genes. an appropriate reference, for example input DNA or control
Transcriptional profiling following treatment of cells with the mock-immunoprecipitated input DNA.
DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-deoxycytosine can
reveal methylation-silenced genes, but the method is limited
to cultured cells and does not distinguish methylated genes 3.6.3 Gene Function by Transfected Cell
from secondary transcriptional changes. One approach to Microarrays
directly assay DNA methylation, by Differential Methylation
Hybridization (DMH) [99], takes advantage of methylation- DNA microarrays have also been applied to assess gene
sensitive restriction endonucleases. Genomic DNA from function. In one approach, cultured cells are overlaid onto a
tumor and matched normal are separately restriction endo- spotted DNA microarray comprising full length genes
nuclease digested, ligated to universal PCR linkers, and then (cDNAs) cloned into mammalian expression vectors [104].
further digested with a methylation-sensitive restriction Cells overlaying DNA spots take up the DNA by reverse
endonuclease. DNA fragments methylated in tumor (but not transfection, such that each cell cluster expresses a different
normal) are protected from methylation-sensitive digestion, transfected gene. Gene functions are then inferred by resultant
54 J.R. Pollack

restriction digestion PCR & label

Hyperme thylated
tumor DNA in tumor
(no product)
normal DNA
CpG array

shear and IP
crosslink protein-bound DNA
PCR & label
Protein-binding sites

ChIP on chip nucleus

(input DNA)
promoter/tiling array

cultured cells reverse
Score phenotypes
cell array

full-length cDNAs fluorescence


test lysate
Protein levels
Protein array
antibody array scanned

Tissue array RNA, DNA

tissue array histology

donor block

Fig. 3.5 Other array platforms and applications. Shown schematically chip; gene function by transfected cell array; protein levels by antibody
are representative microarray-format applications for profiling DNA array; and high-throughput histology by tissue array. See main text for
methylation by Differential Methylation Hybridization (filled circles additional detail.
indicate methylated CpG sites); protein–DNA interactions by ChIP on

molecular and cellular phenotypes, scored for example by arrays containing other classes of molecules. For example,
fluorescence microscopy. An analogous approach uses arrays of spotted antibodies can be used for the highly paral-
microarrays of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or short lel measurement of protein levels (or phosphorylated-state)
hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) effecting gene knock down to in body fluids or cell lysates [107, 108]. Conversely, spotted
screen for loss of function phenotypes [105, 106]. proteins can be used to identify protein interactions [109] or,
as antigens, to define the antitumor humoral immune
response [110]. While for DNA arrays binding by Watson–
3.6.4 Proteomic Arrays Crick base pairing is relatively uniform across an array, a
challenge for protein arrays is the considerable variation in
The previously described applications utilize microarrays binding kinetics and affinities for different protein-protein
containing DNA probes. Other applications make use of interactions.
3 Cancer Genomics 55

3.6.5 Tissue Microarrays wound response [117], stemness [118], stroma [119], oncogenic
pathways [120], hypoxia [121], chromosomal instability
With a DNA microarray, a single sample is profiled across [122], and invasiveness [123].
many genes. The converse approach is implemented with
tissue microarrays (TMAs) [111], where a single gene is pro-
filed across many samples. TMAs comprise up to several 3.7.2 Microarray Platform for Clinical
hundred different tissue pieces (each 0.6–2 μM in diameter), Diagnosis
not individually spotted but rather sectioned from a donor
block (assembled as an array of cylindrical tissue core biop- Many challenges remain in adopting DNA microarrays as a
sies) onto a glass microscope slide. TMAs permit the highly commonplace platform for diagnostic testing [124]. Early
parallel histologic analysis of gene expression by RNA in concerns with expression profiling centered on discordances
situ hybridization (RISH) or immunohistochemistry (IHC), of microarray findings among different research laborato-
or copy number determination by fluorescence in situ hybrid- ries. Gene-expression signatures ostensibly reporting on the
ization (FISH). TMAs, which also provide information on same biological or clinical parameter often shared few genes
cellular localization of expression, markedly speed the eval- in common. Such discrepancies are likely attributable in
uation and validation of initial DNA microarray discoveries large part to differences in specimen cohorts, array plat-
across larger patient cohorts. Because they are typically built forms (and probes), protocols, and analysis methods. More
from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens recently, investigators have shown high reproducibility of
often linked to long-term clinical follow-up, TMAs are par- findings when standard operating procedures are followed,
ticularly useful for retrospective evaluation of prognostic and improved inter-platform concordance with careful
markers. matching of probe annotations between platforms [125, 126].
In addition, further scrutiny has revealed that the disparate
gene-signatures might nonetheless reflect the same underly-
3.7 Clinical Applications ing biology [32], or provide comparable clinical utility
[127]. Microarray-based clinical tests are likely to emerge
3.7.1 Biomarkers and Signatures where (1) microarrays provide additional clinical informa-
tion or outperform standard histopathologic markers, (2)
Current diagnostic applications resulting from microarray many genes provide more information than one or a few, (3)
discoveries rely mainly on methods already in common use adequate performance characteristics are demonstrated, (4)
in histopathology and molecular pathology laboratories, testing impacts a patient management decision, (5) there has
such as IHC or RT-PCR. For example, AMACR (alpha- been appropriate validation of clinical utility, and (6) testing
methylacyl-CoA racemase) was identified by microarray is cost worthy.
analysis to be more highly expressed in prostate cancer com-
pared to normal prostate [112–114]. IHC analysis of
AMACR expression is now in routine use in some pathology 3.8 DNA Sequencing Technologies
centers to evaluate difficult biopsy cases for the presence of
prostate cancer. 3.8.1 Conventional Dideoxy Sequencing
Multigene tests derived from microarray data are also
being evaluated for clinical use. A 70-gene breast cancer DNA sequence point mutations represent a major class of
prognostic signature, described above and assayed by DNA cancer genome aberrations only recently surveyable by
microarray analysis of freshly frozen specimens (Agendia’s genomic-scale approaches. For the past three decades,
MammaPrint), has been FDA-cleared for the prediction of Sanger dideoxy DNA sequencing has been the preferred
breast cancer recurrence for node-negative tumors [115]. methodology, and advances in sequencing chemistry and
Similarly, a 21-gene signature (16 cancer-related and five automation have led to increased read lengths, accuracy and
reference genes), derived in part from microarray studies and throughput, culminating in the completion of the draft human
assayed by Q-RT-PCR using FFPE specimens (Genomic genome sequence in 2001 [128]. Subsequent directed rese-
Health’s Oncotype DX), predicts risk of tumor recurrence in quencing efforts focusing on oncogene candidates in cancer
ER-positive, node-negative breast cancers [116]. Such tests, genomes have led to the discovery of novel mutations,
in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory informa- including activating mutations of BRAF (in the MAP kinase
tion, might be used to select patients who are likely to benefit pathway) in two-thirds of melanomas [129], and of PIK3CA
from adjuvant chemotherapy. Another interesting group of in approximately 30–40 % of colorectal [130] and breast
multigene signatures with potential prognostic utility reports cancers [131, 132]. Larger scale sequencing efforts have
on key biological features of tumors, like metastasis [51], identified other candidate cancer genes [133, 134], though a
56 J.R. Pollack

AAA anchor cut AAA tag cut concatenate

AAA AAA sequence & count tags

Fig. 3.6 Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). Shown is a sche- releasing DNA sequence tags that uniquely identify transcripts.
matic depiction of the SAGE method. Captured cDNAs are digested Counting of tags by sequencing tag concatamers provides quantitative
with an anchoring endonuclease followed by a tagging endonuclease, information on transcript abundances.

remaining challenge in the field is distinguishing pathogenic identity of a single base position is interrogated at each
driver mutations from noncontributory passenger mutations feature on the array using an enzymatic sequencing chemistry
consequent to genomic instability. and read out by imaging luminescence or fluorescence. By
carrying out multiple cycles, contiguous DNA sequences are
simultaneous decoded for each of the up to tens of millions of
3.8.2 Serial Analysis of Gene Expression arrayed DNA features. This massively parallel sequencing
combined with low reagent volumes (shared across the array)
Sanger sequencing has also been used for census applications, translates to enormously increased throughput and concomi-
where counting DNA sequence tags permits a quantitative tant per base pair (bp) cost reduction.
characterization of complex nucleic acids populations. Serial While the technology is still evolving, several commer-
Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is one such application cial platforms are in use, differing mainly in the method for
developed to quantify transcripts (Fig. 3.6) [135]. In SAGE, generating DNA features, the sequencing chemistry, and the
mRNA transcripts from a specimen are converted to cDNA resultant sequence read lengths, throughput, and error types
using a biotinylated oligo(dT) primer, then digested with a fre- [138, 139]. Both the 454/Roche [140] and Applied
quent cutting (anchoring) restriction endonuclease where the Biosystems (ABI/SOLiD) [141] platforms use compart-
3’-most cDNA portion is captured on streptavidin beads. mentalized water-in-oil emulsion PCR to generate clonal
Bound cDNAs are then digested with a tagging type IIS polymerase colonies (polonies), where multiple copies of
restriction endonuclease which recognizes a site in a linker each DNA sequencing template are captured on micron-
ligated to the 5′ end but cleaves 14 bp downstream. Resultant scale beads (Fig. 3.7). Thousands to millions of beads, each
released short sequence tags are then dimerized, PCR ampli- with a different DNA template, are then either orderly self-
fied, serially concatenated (to increase throughput), cloned assembled on an etched fiber optic bundle (454/Roche) or
and dideoxy sequenced. The resultant 9–10 bp sequence tags immobilized on a glass surface as a disordered array (ABI/
(or up to 22 bp using a type III restriction endonuclease [136]), SOLiD). The 454/Roche platform uses a DNA
located at a defined position within the transcripts (between polymerase-based sequencing-by-synthesis pyrosequencing
the anchoring and tagging sites) uniquely identify transcripts, method (with real-time luminescence detection) to interro-
and therefore counting tags provides a quantitative cataloging gate bases, and achieves long sequencing read lengths
of expressed genes. Potential advantages of SAGE (over DNA (~400 bp), though errors can occur at long homopolymer
microarray-based expression profiling methods) are that it stretches. The ABI/SOLiD system uses a sequencing-by-
provides absolute quantification as well as information on pre- ligation chemistry with fluorescence detection to query
viously uncharacterized transcripts. A major disadvantage has bases, and achieves significantly higher sequencing capacity
been the substantial effort of SAGE library construction and (by increased feature density) though with shorter read
the resultant low sample throughput. lengths (35–75 bp).
The Solexa/Illumina platform generates DNA features by
bridge PCR, where universal PCR primers are immobilized
3.8.3 Next-Generation DNA Sequencing on a glass slide such that resultant PCR-amplified sequenc-
Methods ing templates form locally tethered clonal features (Fig. 3.7)
[138]. Bases are interrogated using a polymerase-based sin-
In the past 3–4 years, the so-called next-generation (next-gen) gle nucleotide extension method with reversible fluorescent
DNA sequencing technologies have been introduced that pro- terminators, yielding high sequencing capacity (comparable
vide orders of magnitude increased sequencing throughput to ABI/SOLiD) with modest read length (36–150 nts).
capability, and have revolutionized cancer genomics (much as For all these platforms, throughput can be doubled by
DNA microarrays had a decade earlier). Most of these tech- sequencing both ends of DNA templates. Such paired-end
nologies rely on cyclic array sequencing methods, where sequencing can also facilitate sequence alignment (and in
DNAs to be sequenced are immobilized as clonal features on particular de novo assembly), which is more challenging for
an ordered or random array (Fig. 3.7) [137]. Each cycle, the short reads.
3 Cancer Genomics 57

Cyclic array sequencing


Clonal Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Decoded

DNA features sequence

Feature generation
Emulsion PCR

Water-in-oil emulsion donal DNA features

Bridge PCR

donal DNA features

Fig. 3.7 Next-generation DNA sequencing. Above, schematic depic- depiction of two different methods of generating clonal DNA features
tion of next-gen cyclic array sequencing. Arrayed DNAs are clonal fea- for next-gen sequencing. In emulsion PCR, individual DNA sequencing
tures each comprising multiple PCR-generated copies of a different templates (along with primer-coated capture beads) are sequestered
DNA sequencing template. Each cycle (only three cycles shown), enzy- within micelles formed by water-in-oil emulsion. Resultant clonally
matic sequencing chemistry interrogates a subsequent base pair posi- amplified beads are subsequently arrayed on a solid surface for sequenc-
tion, and multiple cycles permit the decoding of DNA sequence ing. In bridge PCR, individual sequencing templates are captured on a
stretches. DNA sequences are decoded across millions of features in primer-coated surface, such that resultant PCR-amplified products
parallel, providing ultra-high throughput capability. Below, schematic remain locally tethered as clonal features.

Recent and emerging technologic advances include single prepared by first fragmenting and then reverse transcribing
molecule DNA sequencing (rather than sequencing PCR- RNA) [147, 148]. Resultant sequence reads are mapped to
amplified features), for example as developed by Helicos the reference genome or transcriptome using alignment soft-
BioSystems [142] and Pacific Biosciences [143]. With the ware (e.g., ELAND, MAQ, Bowtie) (Fig. 3.8) [139, 149].
continued rapid pace of technologic advances, a stated goal Transcript counts are then normalized with respect to the
[144] to sequence a human genome (or cancer genome) at a kilobase size of the transcript (to compensate for larger tran-
cost of less than $1000 is within sight. scripts having more sequence reads), as well as the total
number (of million) of mapped reads (which can vary among
samples), often expressed as reads per kilobase per million
3.9 Next-Gen Sequencing Applications (RPKM) [149]. The resultant dataset can then be analyzed
and visualized as described for DNA microarrays.
3.9.1 Census Applications Compared to DNA microarrays, RNA-seq is more quanti-
tative (providing a digital count rather than an analog read-out
For practical concerns of throughput and cost, next-gen by hybridization), covers a larger dynamic range, provides
sequencing technologies were first widely adopted in census greater coverage (not limited to what is printed on a microar-
applications of lower-complexity (compared to whole cancer ray), and yields single base-pair resolution. These latter advan-
genomes) nucleic acid mixtures [145, 146]. For example, in tages make it particularly suited to the discovery of novel
RNA-seq, analogous to SAGE, transcripts (or small RNAs) transcripts, and the delineation of transcript variants (from
are profiled by next-gen sequencing of cDNAs (typically reads spanning splice junctions). RNA-seq has similarly found
58 J.R. Pollack




Fig. 3.8 Next-gen sequencing census applications. Above, schematic seq reads aligned to the same gene-coding region. Sequence reads are
depiction of RNA-seq reads aligned to a gene-coding segment of the denoted by small blue (aligned to + strand) and purple (aligned to −
genome (exon structure shown). Sequence reads are denoted by small strand) rectangles. A region of increased read density upstream of the
blue (aligned to + strand) and orange (aligned to − strand) rectangles. gene defines a protein-binding peak. Note, single-end reads of ChIP-
Most reads align to single exons, while some span exon splice junc- enriched fragments result in shifted peaks for + and − strand reads,
tions, defining transcript variants (including here, an alternatively where an inferred central summit (arrowhead) identities the protein
spliced exon denoted by asterisk). Below, schematic depiction of ChIP- binding site.

utility in the search for oncogenic fusion transcripts, as chime- genomic DNA, and then aligning and simply counting reads
ric sequence reads [150] or paired-end reads mapping to two (e.g., per 10 kb window) across the reference genome.
different genes [151]. Short-read RNAseq is also well suited Further, by sequencing the paired ends of genomic DNA frag-
for analysis of the fragmented RNA typical of formalin-fixed ments, structural rearrangements can be identified, including
paraffin-embedded specimens [152]. Potential obstacles to balanced rearrangements otherwise invisible to aCGH
sequence-based approaches include the availability of (Fig. 3.9). For example, paired end reads mapping (on the
sequencing instruments, the infrastructure for data manage- reference genome) to greater or less than the expected dis-
ment and analysis, and the still generally higher reagent costs. tances apart (i.e., as compared to the known size of the frag-
However, with improving infrastructure and analysis tools, ments sequenced) are indicative of DNA deletions or
and ever-declining costs, next-gen sequencing is poised to insertions, respectively. Paired ends in reverse of the expected
replace DNA microarrays for transcript profiling as well as orientation identify inversions, and paired ends mapping to
other applications. Nonetheless, the shared fundamentals of different chromosomes reveal chromosomal translocations.
experimental design and dataset analysis remain valid. Proof-of-principle for this approach was first shown by con-
Another census-based application now in wide use is ventional Sanger sequencing of paired ends from cloned BAC
ChIP-seq, the enumeration of protein interactions on DNA libraries derived from cancer cell lines [158]. More recently,
by next-gen sequencing of chromatin-IP enriched DNAs next-gen sequencing of small (e.g., 0.5–3 kb) genomic DNA
[153, 154]. Resultant sequence reads are aligned to the refer- fragments has revealed the detailed landscape of structural
ence genome, and then binding peaks (regions of increased alterations in lung and breast cancer genomes [159, 160].
read density) called in relation to background (often deter-
mined by sequencing non-IP’d input DNA) (Fig. 3.8) [149].
Noted advantages, compared to microarray-based ChIP on 3.9.2 Surveying DNA Mutations
chip, include the higher (single bp) mapping resolution and
whole genome coverage [155]. DNA methylation can also be In a remarkable feat, Parsons et al. [161] Sanger-sequenced
surveyed by next-gen sequencing, for example in Methyl-seq essentially all protein-coding genes from 22 glioblastoma
by comparing reads for the small DNA fragments generated multiforme samples, where they discovered somatic muta-
by paired methylation sensitive and insensitive restriction tions of IDH1 (isocitrate dehydrogenase) in 12 % of cases.
endonucleases [156, 157]. The mutations have since been shown to alter enzymatic
Similar to aCGH, DNA copy number alterations can be activity [162], suggesting IDH1 as a tractable target for can-
enumerated by next-gen technology, by sequencing tumor cer therapy. This finding portended the value of screening
3 Cancer Genomics 59

Point mutation Beyond discovery of cancer genes, surveying somatic


mutations can also reveal the carcinogenic exposures and

change forces shaping the landscape of cancer genomes [167]. For
20 2
example, next-gen sequencing of a small cell lung cancer
genome uncovered mutation signatures reflective of tobacco
exposure [168]. Likewise, analysis of a melanoma genome
17 3
revealed a mutational signature of ultraviolet light exposure,
16 a known risk factor for melanoma [169].
Concerted efforts to fully sequence the genomes of diverse
15 cancer types are now underway, organized by the International
Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) [170], an umbrella
14 organization that includes the Wellcome Trust Sanger
Institute’s Cancer Genome Project, and coordinates with the
NCI’s TCGA research network. An up-to-date catalog of
12 6 somatic mutations in cancer is accessible at Sanger Institute’s
COSMIC database [171]. Finally, a growing number of
actionable mutations/aberrations (i.e., that impact clinical

decisions including choice of therapy) in cancer genomes



Interchromosomal Intrachromosomal [172], coupled with decreasing sequencing costs, suggests

rearrangement rearrangement the possible utility of next-gen sequencing for clinical diag-
nosis in the not so distant future.
Fig. 3.9 Landscape of the cancer genome. Schematic Circos plot illus-
trating somatic alterations in a single cancer genome. Concentric tracks
(from outside to in) depict reference genome (chromosome) position,
point mutations, DNA copy number alterations (from counting 3.10 Conclusions
sequence reads), and intrachromosomal (purple) and interchromosomal
(green) rearrangements (from discordant paired-end reads).
The past decade has witnessed an explosion of genomics
technologies, ushered in by DNA microarrays, and providing
cancer genomes for DNA mutations, an undertaking that is for the first time global views of cancer genomes and the
now facilitated enormously by next-gen technology. altered complement of transcripts and proteins. Genomics
Many early efforts (motivated in part by costs) have focused approaches have yielded new insights into cancer pathogen-
on sequencing transcriptomes or targeted exomes [163] (the esis, and suggest strategies for improved cancer diagnosis,
1.5 % of the genome that codes for proteins). The first whole prognostication and patient management. Genomics tech-
cancer genome sequence (an AML case) was described in nologies continue to advance, most recently in the arena of
2008 [164], and with decreasing costs many more cancer next-gen DNA sequencing. As cancer genomics data accu-
genomes are being reported. Challenges of short-read sequenc- mulate in the public domain, bioinformatics approaches are
ing are in large part bioinformatic, and include accurate assess- becoming increasingly important in integrating data from
ment of error rate, alignment and de novo assembly, and different platforms and disparate sources to derive biological
calling of polymorphisms and somatic mutations [139]. meaning and clinical insight. Cancer researchers knowledge-
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Cancer Cytogenetics
Thomas Ried, Kerstin Heselmeyer-Haddad, Jordi Camps,
and Timo Gaiser

the University of Würzburg (Fig. 4.1a), who injected his

4.1 The Development of Cancer chromosome theory of heredity into the cancer problem and
Cytogenetics as a Scientific Discipline with that generated the theoretical scaffold for cancer cyto-
genetics to develop as a scientific discipline [3–5] (Fig. 4.1b
The term chromosome was coined by the German patholo- and c). Boveri did not work with cancer tissues or cancer
gist Wilhelm Waldeyer in 1888. At that time, chromosomes cells. He instead studied ascaris larvae or sea urchin eggs,
just appeared as stained bodies, and their biological rele- which, when fertilized with two sperms begun to show cen-
vance had not been recognized. It was probably David von trosome aberrations and abnormal mitoses. Boveri hypothe-
Hansemann who first speculated about the fact that the num- sized that chromosomes should have continuity throughout
ber of chromatin segments and their irregular distribution to the cell cycle, and in fact, individuality. This implies that
daughter cells could have something to do with cancer. He chromosomes are unique. He then postulated that chromo-
summarized this concept in a study published in 1890 with some segregation errors would ensue as a consequence of
the title “Über asymmetrische Zellteilung in Epithelkrebsen centrosome abnormalities, leading to daughter cells that in
und deren biologische Bedeutung” (Translated: On asym- terms of the genetic make up would be different from each
metrical cell division in epithelial cancers and its biological other. This imbalance could cause cancer. He wrote: “To
relevance) [1]. In this report he wrote that “Chromatin plays assume the presence of definitive chromosomes which inhibit
a crucial role for the inheritance of specific cellular features, division, would harmonize best with my fundamental idea. If
and it is in particular the number of segments that carries their inhibitory action were temporarily overcome by exter-
important biological significance which is proven through nal stimuli, then cell division would follow. Cells of tumors
the constant number in different tissues and species.” He with unlimited growth would arise if those “inhibiting chro-
continues to state that “The asymmetric divisions do not fol- mosomes” were eliminated.” And he continues: “On the
low a specific rule regarding the numbers of chromatin seg- other hand, the assumption of the existence of chromosomes
ments. i.e., in one and the same tumor we can observe cells which promote division, might satisfy this postulate. On this
with a different numbers of segments.” This phenomenon is assumption, cell-division would take place when the action
“…in many cases consistent with an anaplasia, because the of these chromatin parts, which are as a rule too weak,
results of tumorigenesis are cells with increased growth should be strengthened by a stimulus; and the unlimited ten-
potential…”. These cells “…frequently can be found far dency to rapid proliferation in malignant tumors cells would
away from the initial tumor and can become the origin of be deduced from a permanent predominance of the chromo-
identical tumors.” Clearly, von Hansemann was on the right somes that promote division.” Arguably, what he proposed is
track [2]. However, it was the zoologist Theodor Boveri of consistent with the interpretation that chromosomal aberra-
tions would activate specific oncogenes when gained, or
impair the function of tumor suppressors when lost, as a
T. Ried, M.D. (*) consequence of genomic copy number changes. We now
Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer know that this is correct [6–8].
Institute, National Institutes of Health, Building 50, Room 1408,
Progress in the years to follow was slow. This was prob-
50 South Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
e-mail: ably not attributable to a lack of interest or due to an a priori
rejection of Boveri’s hypotheses, but due to insurmountable
K. Heselmeyer-Haddad, Ph.D. • J. Camps, Ph.D. • T. Gaiser, M.D.
Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer challenges in the analysis of chromosomes. The analysis of
Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA tissue sections per se was exceedingly difficult, fixation and

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 65

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_4
Fig. 4.1 Early chromosome analysis and molecular cytogenetics. (a) aberrations. (f) Dual color hybridization targeting chromosome 8 (red)
Photograph of Theodor Boveri (1862–1915). Boveri was a professor of and the MYC oncogene (green), which resides on chromosome band 8q24.
zoology in Würzburg, Germany. Combining his theory that chromosomes Note that chromosomes occupy specific territories in the interphase
carry genetic information with observations he made when studying cell nucleus. The MYC oncogene, expressed in the colon cancer cell line
division in ascaris larvae and double fertilized sea urchin eggs, Boveri DLD1, is contained in the territory. Note that most of the territories are
postulated that cancer is a disease of the chromosomes. These studies were in the periphery of the nucleus, consistent with the fact that chromo-
published in 1914 with the title “Zur Frage der Entstehung maligner some 8 is gene poor. (g) Dual color high-resolution mapping of multiple
Tumoren.” (b) Cover of the English edition of Boveri’s book, which BAC clones on the long arm of chromosome 6. These clones are part of
appeared in 1929. His wife and former student Marcella Boveri translated the CCAP collection, which was established to systematically integrate
the text. (c) Additional centrosomes and aberrant mitoses in ascaris. These the cytogenetic and sequence maps of the human genome by FISH map-
observations led Boveri to conclude that tumorigenesis ensues as a conse- ping sequenced BAC clones (
quence of the loss of inhibiting and the gain of promoting chromosomes. CCAP). (h) Chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) of a breast can-
(d) SKY analysis of chromosomes from a patient with chronic myeloge- cer sample with probes detecting the ERBB2 oncogene. The brown pre-
nous leukemia. The balanced translocation between chromosomes 9 and cipitates indicate high-level amplification in cancer cells. The adjacent
22, t(9;22), the so-called Philadelphia chromosome, is readily visible lymphocytes are negative. The slide was stained with hematoxylin
(arrowheads). The consequence of this translocation is the generation of a (blue). (i) Silver-enhanced in situ hybridization (SISH) of a malignant
fusion protein with increased tyrosine kinase activity, generated by the brain tumor (glioblastoma multiforme) showing amplification of the gene
juxtaposition of the genes BCR and ABL. Note that all other chromosomes encoding the epithelial growth factor receptor, EGFR. The pronounced
are normal. (e) G-banded, normal male human karyotype. Chromosome black stain can be analyzed automatically. Cells of vascular proliferation
banding revolutionized the discipline of cancer cytogenetics by providing (right side of the slide) are negative for this gene amplification. The slide
the possibility to identify nonrandom, cancer specific chromosomal was stained with hematoxylin (blue).
4 Cancer Cytogenetics 67

preparation techniques were insufficient, and the preparation case. The human MYC oncogene is juxtaposed to the immu-
of metaphases slides was impossible, to name just a few hur- noglobulin heavy chain gene via the translocation t(8;14) in
dles for a systematic cytogenetic approach to the analysis of Burkitt’s lymphoma [29, 30], and an equivalent situation
chromosomal abnormalities. The inability to identify consis- occurs in mouse plasma cell tumors on the respective orthol-
tent cancer-specific cytogenetic changes did not help to pro- ogous chromosomes [26, 31]. The functional consequence is
mote the field, and it is very conceivable that the subsequent the deregulation of MYC expression by an active promoter
frustration, which was mainly attributable to shortcomings in of IGH in hematological cells, which is sufficient for malig-
analytical technologies, supported the prevalent interpreta- nant transformation. The Philadelphia chromosome repre-
tion that cytogenetic abnormalities were present in cancer, sents a second mechanism for the translocation-induced
but were merely disease-correlated, but not the cause of this activation of an oncogene—the generation of a fusion tran-
disease [9, 10]. The fact that the correct number of human script with constitutively active tyrosine kinase—again suf-
chromosomes was only established 4 years after the structure ficient and the cause for the emergence of leukemic cells.
of the double helix was deciphered attests to the problems The paradigm of translocation-induced oncogene activa-
that cytogeneticists faced [11, 12] (the reader may consult tion and tumorigenesis was discovered based on cytogenetic
the enlightening publication by Kottler, who discussed some analyses [32]. The importance of these discoveries cannot be
additional shortcomings in cytogenetics at that time [13]). overstated—not only does the detection of such aberrations
After establishment of the normal human chromosome serve as a diagnostic and prognostic tool and can be used for
count, the field of human cytogenetics exploded. In particu- monitoring the efficacy of treatments, but it also identifies
lar, numerical chromosomal aberrations associated with con- specific molecular targets for therapeutic intervention. For
genital abnormalities were reported in short order [14–18]. instance, BCR-ABL is the target for Gleevec in the case of
However, the identification of recurrent aberrations in cancer CML [33]. The comprehensive analysis of chromosomal
cells came later. In 1960, Nowell and Hungerford described aberrations in solid cancers remained more complicated and
a consistent marker chromosome (termed the Philadelphia had to await the development of molecular cytogenetic
chromosome) in patients with chronic myelogenous leuke- techniques that we review in the following sections.
mia (CML) [19]. This description was undeniably facilitated
by the discovery that lymphocyte cultures can be stimulated
with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) by the same authors [20]. 4.2 The Emergence of Molecular
For the first time, cancer was associated with a specific Cytogenetics
genetic abnormality that is visible through a microscope.
The importance of this discovery cannot be overestimated. The development of chromosome banding techniques is
The consistency with which the Philadelphia chromosome likely the single most important technical development in
was observed in CML all but proved that its presence cytogenetics. Chromosome banding was first developed by
reflected the molecular lesion accounting for the develop- Torbjörn Caspersson and Lore Zech in Stockholm using
ment of this hematological malignancy. Yet technical hurdles quinacrine mustard fluorescence and was immediately
again prevented a thorough characterization of this marker applied to establish karyotypes of hamster, human, and
chromosome because the structural integrity of chromo- mouse chromosomes. As described above, the application
somes could not be analyzed in detail due to the lack of dis- for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities followed in
cernible features along individual chromosomes. This short sequence. A conference held in Paris in 1971 published
changed with the introduction of chromosome banding tech- an official version of the human karyogram and established a
niques [21, 22] (Fig. 4.1d). This revolution also facilitated map of human chromosomes. With the introduction of
the identification of intrachromosomal changes, and most Giemsa banding by Seabright in 1971 [34], which omitted
importantly, the description of the reciprocal character of the the requirement for fluorescence microscopy and generated
Philadelphia chromosome—a balanced translocation involv- permanent banding patterns, the method quickly entered
ing chromosomes 9 and 22 [23] (Fig. 4.1e). Many more spe- laboratories around the world, and for decades to come was
cific reciprocal translocation were subsequently identified, the most frequently performed genetic test (Fig. 4.1d).
the translocation t(8;14) in Burkitt’s lymphoma among them Besides its application in cancer, chromosome banding has
[24, 25]. Similar consistent aberrations were found in mouse become the method of choice for the detection of constitu-
models of human cancer, such as those characterized in tional chromosomal abnormalities, both in the postnatal and
murine plasma cell tumors [26, 27]. Together, these findings prenatal settings. While the knowledge gained through the
prompted the development of the hypothesis that the sites of systematic application of chromosome banding techniques is
the consistently observed breakpoints pointed to the location vast, the technique has limitations. First, the resolution is
of cancer-promoting genes, which would be activated as a low. Second, chromosome banding can only be applied to
consequence of such translocations [28]. In fact, this was the fresh tissues from which the cells can be cultured and arrested
68 T. Ried et al.

in metaphase (or prometaphase when higher resolution was centromeric or paracentromeric heterochromatin of specific
desired). Third, the interpretation of banded karyotypes chromosomes. Such probes readily allowed chromosome
requires a skill set that not everyone can muster. These limi- enumeration in metaphase preparations, but even more
tations combine to account for the fact that considerably importantly enabled the concept of interphase cytogenetics.
more karyotypes from hematological malignancies have This meant that numerical chromosomal aberrations could
been published than from solid cancers [35, 36]. Most solid be detected in nondividing cells, throughout all stages of the
cancers are difficult to culture, and the morphology of meta- cell cycle, opening the door for pathologists to use cytoge-
phase chromosomes is often poor. In addition, the sometimes netics to augment the morphology-based diagnosis of sam-
enormous number of cytogenetic abnormalities in solid can- ples in the clinical laboratory. The concept and the term
cers prevented a comprehensive analysis of all aberrations, interphase cytogenetics were first conceived and published
and cytogenetic correlates of oncogene amplification, such in a paper by Cremer and colleagues, who used a radioac-
as double minute chromosomes (dmin) and homogeneously tively and nonradioactively labeled probe to detect the num-
staining regions (hsr), could be described, yet their chromo- ber of chromosome 18 in fibroblasts [46]. The concept of
some of origin remained elusive. Most of these shortcomings interphase cytogenetics proved to be very useful for the
were overcome by the marriage of classical cytogenetic detection of aneuploidies in prenatal diagnostics, where
chromosome analysis with independently developed molec- numerical chromosomal abnormalities of chromosomes 13,
ular techniques (DNA cloning and hybridization). 18, and 21 play a major role for constitutional syndromes,
which previously could be diagnosed only after in vitro cul-
ture of amniotic fluid cells [47]. Interphase FISH is now
4.2.1 In Situ Hybridization widely used in the screening for chromosomal disorders in
prenatal diagnostics.
The first relevant achievement was the successful in situ
hybridization with radioactively labeled nucleic acids by Joe Chromosome Painting
Gall and Mary Pardue in 1969 [37–39]. This was followed A second set of probes that became immensely useful in the
by the first in situ hybridization with fluorescently tagged diagnosis of chromosomal disorders were probes that
probes by Rudkin and Stollar in 1977 [40]. Clearly, omitting allowed delineation of entire chromosomes. Chromosome
radioactivity had intrinsic advantages, such as increased res- painting probes were first reported for the human Y chromo-
olution, shorter detection times, and the possibility to some by Christoph Cremer, Joe Gray, and colleagues at the
increase the number of simultaneously detectable targets. University of Freiburg and the Los Alamos National
Rudkin and Stollar used indirect immunofluorescence for the Laboratory [48]. Two groups, one with Thomas Cremer and
visualization of RNA/DNA hybrids. Another very important David Ward at Yale University, and the other with Dan Pinkel
development for the success of molecular cytogenetics was and Joe Gray at the University of California in San Francisco,
the development of covalent labeling of nucleotides with developed methods for painting specific chromosomes based
haptens, the first of which, and still one of the most widely on suppression hybridization [49–51]. Initially, such paint-
used, was biotin [41]. These hapten-conjugated nucleotide ing probes were cloned in phage or plasmid vectors [52],
analogs can be incorporated enzymatically into DNA mole- which resulted in acceptable signal to noise ratios. However,
cules, hybridized, and visualized with suitable detection sys- chromosome painting probes were soon prepared by either
tems, such as avidin conjugated fluorochromes or antibodies flow-sorting or by microdissection of individual chromo-
against other haptens, such as digoxygenin or dinitrophenol. somes [53, 54]. Both techniques require amplification of the
Their advantage lies in the fact that their use increases the isolated nucleic acids using universal DNA amplification
multiplicity and sensitivity of in situ hybridization experi- [55], but the signal to noise ratio is superior to that of the
ments, increasing experimental versatility. More recently, cloned chromosome libraries. Suppression of repetitive
nucleotide analogs directly coupled with fluorochromes have sequences is necessary to assure chromosome specific
become available as well. The authors of this chapter purposely hybridization, which is achieved by including unlabeled
abstain from providing details of protocols for in situ hybrid- DNA (either whole genomic DNA or repetitive sequence
ization experiments. Such protocols can be found in great detail enriched Cot1-DNA) in the hybridization mixture.
and abundance for instance in the following references [42–45] Chromosome painting probes are now routinely used to ver-
and websites ( ify suspected aberrations in the clinical cytogenetic or in the
Using a hybridization format for cytogenetic analyses cancer cytogenetic laboratory. Probes already labeled with
obviously brought with it the possibility of designing DNA different fluorescent dyes are commercially available from a
probes that were suitable to answer the specific experimental variety of commercial suppliers. Chromosome painting
question asked. Among the first probes used for fluorescence probes have proven to be valuable experimental tools above
in situ hybridization (FISH) were probes that targeted the and beyond their applications in diagnostics, for instance in
4 Cancer Cytogenetics 69

the study of the three dimensional (3D) architecture of the are available from a variety of suppliers. An appealing feature
interphase nucleus [56]. FISH with painting probes to inter- of FISH is that it can be combined with immunohistochemis-
phase nuclei has unambiguously confirmed classical studies try or specific pertinent stains. This allows identification of
using UV-microbeam experiments [57] showing that chro- cancer-causing chromosomal aberrations in tissues that
mosomes maintain their integrity throughout all stages of the maintain the phenotypical appearance that a diagnostic
cell cycle and are arranged as domains, or territories. Now pathologists is used to [69–71].
we also know that chromosomes are not randomly distributed FISH probes are not restricted to specific genes known to
in the 3D nuclear space. Several groups have generated solid be the target of chromosomal aberrations. The National
evidence that gene-rich chromosomes tend to be found more Cancer Institute has established a resource that systemati-
towards the interior compartment, whereas gene-poor chro- cally integrates the cytogenetic and sequence maps of the
mosomes are positioned more towards the nuclear periphery human genome. This was achieved by mapping a set of more
[58, 59]. This organization appears to also be maintained to a than 1300 sequence-verified BAC clones to high-resolution
certain degree in cancer cells, and in cells which contain artifi- banded chromosomes. Any suspected cytogenetic abnormal-
cially introduced chromosomes [60–62]. Chromosome paint- ity can now be confirmed and characterized with these tools,
ing has therefore become instrumental in attempts to decipher and the molecular events at sites of chromosomal aberrations
how the architecture of the nucleus affects transcriptional pursued to the very sequence [72–75] (Fig. 4.1g).
regulation in physiological states as well as in cancer, and how
the dedifferentiation of cancer cells affects or is affected by the Molecular Cytogenetics
organization of chromosome territories. In combination with for the Pathologist
probes for specific genes, chromosome painting probes can While many molecular techniques never became part of rou-
be used to investigate whether the transcriptional state of a tine pathology, FISH was implemented relatively soon after
specific gene is reflected by the relative position in its terri- its development. This was due to the fact that the protocol was
tory [63, 64] (Fig. 4.1f). fairly simple, that tissue morphology was conserved, the
method was affordable, and it was able to detect aneuploidy Gene-Specific Probes and structural chromosomal rearrangements, both highly rel-
With the improvements in microscopic techniques and the evant for carcinogenesis. Applying in situ hybridization with
availability of more and better probe labeling methods and appropriate probes augments the morphological assessment
fluorochromes, the versatility of FISH experiments also and can contribute to diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and to
greatly increased [65]. These developments were paralleled by prognostication. Using sequence-specific probes, virtually all
progress of the Genome Project and the availability of bacte- known translocations can be identified. Next, we review two
rial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for essentially every of the main nonfluorescent in situ hybridization formats used
gene. Historically, some of the first gene specific probes were in routine pathology laboratories. In subsequent sections we
cloned into lambda phage vectors and used for the visualiza- summarize some of the major applications of in situ hybrid-
tion of specific chromosomal breakpoints associated with dif- ization in pathology, with an emphasis on solid cancers.
ferent malignancies, including CML and Burkitt’s lymphoma.
For instance, the groups of Pinkel and Gray first succeeded in Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization
visualizing the BCR-ABL fusion in malignant cells from a Evaluation of FISH slides has some drawbacks since it
patient with CML in interphase cells using a two-color hybrid- requires an epifluorescence microscope, the analysis needs
ization format which resulted in a co-localization event on to be performed in a dark environment, and the signals even-
metaphase chromosomes and in interphase nuclei in which the tually fade. To overcome these disadvantages, an alternative
Philadelphia chromosome was present [66]. Ried and col- has been developed—chromogenic in situ hybridization
leagues developed a three-color approach that included a chro- (CISH). CISH is based on the same molecular principles as
mosome 8 painting probe together with probes specific for the FISH but uses chromogens instead of fluorescent dyes to
MYC oncogene and probes for the IGH locus to achieve spe- visualize the hybridized probes. A comparison of features
cific metaphase and interphase detection of the translocation between FISH and CISH can be found in Table 4.1. The best
t(8;14) in cell lines derived from a patient with Burkitt’s lym- staining results are obtained with indirect labelling protocols
phoma [67]. The usefulness of this probe set was also explored using either biotin or digoxigenin as haptens. The digoxigenin-
for the detection of minimal residual disease [68]. The obvious labeled DNA probe is detected by using anti-digoxigenin anti-
advantage of being able to visualize specific chromosomal bodies, while the biotin labeled probe is visualized with
translocations directly in nondividing cells led the community avidin conjugated with enzymes such as alkaline phospha-
of hematological oncologists to embrace the use of FISH very tase (AP) or horseradish peroxidase (HRP). These enzymes
quickly. Today, specific FISH probes for a plethora of chromo- produce, in a secondary reaction, a stable precipitate of
somal translocations, inversions, deletions, and amplifications chromogens that are generated by the enzymatic conversion
70 T. Ried et al.

Table 4.1 Overview of commonly used in situ hybridization systems in the pathology laboratory
Automation Semi Semi Full
Specific equipment Yes No No
(epifluorescence microscope) (standard bright field microscopy) (standard bright field microscopy)
Assay time Overnight Overnight 6h
Scoring time Time consuming, needs trained Fast interpretation of the results Fast interpretation of the results
personnel and expertise
Morphology conservation Reduced due to fluorescence Normal “IHC” morphology Normal “IHC” morphology
Signal quality Good Sometimes faint good
Multiple probes simultaneously Yes, direct Yes, indirect Not yet
Concordance with FISH – Good Good
Image Analysis Yes, but not routinely Yes, but not routinely Yes, with fast results
Processing time 1 day 0.5 days 1h
Archivability No Long term Long term

from soluble states. The sections are subsequently counter- Hybridization With Genomes
stained with hematoxylin and can be evaluated with bright Chromosome banding, albeit with limited resolution, allows
field microscopy. Most of the current CISH applications are the survey of an entire genome. This feature is critical if the
based on a single-color detection method, which does not investigator has no a priori knowledge of the aberrations to be
allow simultaneous illustration of a reference probe on the identified or characterized. The previously described molecu-
same slide [76–78]. This limitation was overcome by the lar cytogenetic methods lack this characteristic and were
development of dual-color and triple-color in situ hybridiza- therefore most useful to confirm, specifically and in nondivid-
tion protocols [79–81]. Recent publications attest to the ing cells or tissue sections, the presence of suspected aberra-
robustness and reproducibility of such protocols. The con- tions. The research community therefore attempted to combine
cordance with FISH based experiments is excellent [82, 83] the advantages of both and developed genome-screening tools
(Fig. 4.1h). based on fluorescence in situ hybridization. Silver-Enhanced In Situ Hybridization Comparative Genomic

CISH overcomes some of the limitations of FISH, but has Hybridization (CGH)
not yet found broad acceptance in pathology laboratories. The first such concept was realized with the introduction of
The reasons for this might be the requirement for manual comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) by Kallioniemi
processing, overnight hybridization, and the need for two and colleagues at the University of San Francisco in
separate detection steps (one for the gene of interest and one California and by the group of Thomas Cremer in Heidelberg.
for the reference probe). Furthermore, some CISH samples Using a CCD camera (or other digital imaging device) fluo-
are difficult to evaluate because the signal can be weak. This rescent intensities can be measured quantitatively, that is the
led to the development of a fully automated in situ hybridiza- measured intensity is proportional to the amount of hybrid-
tion protocol, producing a stable and discrete chromogenic ized fluorescently labeled probe. If sequences in a test
reaction product—silver in situ hybridization (SISH) [83]. genome labeled with a green fluorochrome are more abun-
SISH is fast and the experiment is analyzed by standard light dant than in a red-labeled reference genome, this difference
microscopy. The technology applies an enzyme-linked should become visible upon hybridization to normal meta-
probe, which in turn accumulates silver particles, forming a phase chromosomes as reflected by increased fluorescent
dense, punctuated, high-resolution black signal, which is signal. Conversely, losses of genetic material in the test
easily recognizable. It provides a permanent record, with no genome would result in reduced green intensity. In papers
fading or photobleaching, and its sensitivity allows visual- published in 1992 and 1993 both groups presented convinc-
ization of single genes. The SISH technique is performed as ing proof-of-principle experiments [89–91] by mapping
an automated protocol and completed within one working genes amplified in cell lines and primary cancer, and by
day (about 6 h). Several studies have verified a very high showing that by hybridizing DNA from individuals with
concordance rate between SISH and FISH, proving clinical constitutional chromosomal abnormalities such numerical
applicability [84–88] (Fig. 4.1i). A comparison of features imbalances can be identified. CGH has become one of the
between FISH and SISH can be found in Table 4.1. most important techniques in the study of cancer genomes,
4 Cancer Cytogenetics 71

and essentially all major cancers and cell lines derived from CGH does not require the analysis of aberrant chromo-
them have been studied in great detail. Several databases somes, yet even the correct identification of DAPI banded
now contain comprehensive catalogues of chromosomal normal chromosomes requires a certain cytogenetic skill set
imbalances, and several reviews summarize the many pri- and prevented automation and high-throughput. Furthermore,
mary publications [92–94]. the resolution with which chromosomal gains and losses
As apparent from the experimental concept, screening the could be detected is limited by the resolution of the target
genome for imbalances using CGH does not require the prep- metaphase chromosomes (in the megabase range), and was
aration of metaphase chromosomes from cancer samples for dependent on the copy number change. High-level copy
banding analysis. This feature was particularly useful for the number amplifications could be more readily detected than
analysis of solid cancers of epithelial origin (carcinomas), subtle deletions (but the mapping resolution along the axis of
because cell culture of such samples is often difficult, and chromosomes of course remained the same). Accordingly,
only for some carcinomas could cell lines be established in the molecular cytogenetic community quickly realized that
sufficient quantities. Karyotyping was further impeded these drawbacks could be overcome if metaphase chromo-
because the morphology of metaphase chromosomes was somes are replaced by specific nucleic acids arrayed on a
poor, and in general the karyotypes revealed more aberrations suitable medium as the hybridization target [106, 107]. The
compared to spreads prepared from hematological malignan- analysis of CGH experiments on such a format does not
cies [36]. The fact that only cancer DNA was required for require identification of banded chromosomes, increases the
genome screening had another significant advantage—it resolution essentially to the length of the blotted nucleic acid
opened the door to apply cytogenetic analysis to formalin sequences, allows automation, and with the genome sequence
fixed and paraffin embedded samples [95–97]. This feature available enables investigators to seamlessly identify the
allowed accessing the richly stocked pathology archives to nature of the genes affected by copy number imbalances.
perform retrospective analyses and to compare genomic aber- Initially the concept of array-based CGH was realized using
ration profiles with clinically relevant parameters, such as BAC clones immobilized on glass slides. While suitable for
outcome and response to therapy. Moreover, it greatly facili- detecting gene-specific copy number variations, improve-
tated the analyses of premalignant lesions. It is eminently dif- ments in this technology now utilize defined oligonucleotide
ficult to establish cell lines for cytogenetic analysis from bona sequences, either synthesized or printed onto slides, or
fide precursor lesions of carcinomas, and the earlier the attached to beads, to provide remarkably robust and repro-
lesions are situated in the sequential progression events to ducible tools for the high-resolution mapping of genomic
malignant, invasive disease the more normal cells are pres- imbalances in test genomes. Many of these arrays not only
ent. This problem could be overcome by dissecting morpho- allow detection of copy number changes, but also identifica-
logically identified premalignant lesions from surrounding tion of sequence polymorphisms, to provide information on
normal tissue and extracting DNA exclusively from morpho- allelic imbalances (loss of heterozygosity). The application
logically suspicious lesions [98, 99]. Of course, the earlier of aCGH to cancer samples of the same entities as analyzed
such lesions are detected the smaller they usually are, and by CGH )confirmed the predominance of recurrent, cancer-
not always is the quantity of DNA recovered sufficient for specific chromosomal gains and losses (Fig. 4.2a). However,
standard CGH experiments (which is in the range of a few aCGH is particularly useful for the high-resolution mapping
micrograms). This limitation was overcome by the develop- of amplified regions, and for the detection of subtle deletions
ment of protocols for the sequence independent universal (Fig. 4.2b). Furthermore, aCGH shows that chromosomal
amplification of DNA using degenerate primers followed by breakpoints in carcinomas (here specifically colorectal carci-
cycles of PCR [100]. In essence, these combinations of meth- nomas) map to the site of copy number variants (CNVs) in the
odologies enabled characterization of the sequential genomic human genome [108] (Fig. 4.2c). Only high-resolution plat-
imbalances in the progression of solid cancers. When com- forms enabled the detection of such unrecognized plasticity
bined with micro-dissection or macro-dissection of morpho- of the human genome in cancer cells.
logically characterized lesions one could then establish a
phenotype/genotype correlation and provide insights into the Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) and M-FISH
dynamics of genomic aberrations during tumorigenesis [99, An alternative avenue to pursue hybridization-based analysis
101]. Through improvements in protocols for microdissec- of entire genomes was taken by increasing the multiplicity
tion, genome amplification, and CGH, )genomic aberrations (the number of simultaneously discernible targets of chro-
profiles could be established from only a few, and possibly mosome painting experiments) with the ultimate goal of
from single cells, with considerable implications for the study visualizing all human chromosomes in different colors.
of cancer heterogeneity, clonal composition, tumor dormancy, Serious attempts to increase multiplicity were pioneered in
identification of disseminated cancer cells, and for the identi- Leiden, The Netherlands, by realizing the concept of differ-
fication of the cell of origin of metastatic lesions [102–105]. entially labeling chromosome painting probes and dissecting
72 T. Ried et al.

Fig. 4.2 Methods and applications of molecular cytogenetics. (a) the human genome are prone to cause cancer initiating chromosomal
aCGH analysis of colorectal carcinomas. Shown is a map of chromo- aberrations. In this case, the deletion of the APC tumor suppressor gene,
somal gains and losses over the entire genome. The vertical dotted lines which is frequently inactivated in CRC, was likely triggered by recom-
demarcate individual chromosomes. The distribution of genomic bination events at the site of a copy number variant (CNV). Possibly,
imbalances is strictly conserved and specific for this cancer entity. For replicative stress at these sites can induce double strand breaks which
instance, gain of chromosome 13 occurs only in CRC, but not in other can result in chromosomal aberrations. (d) SKY analysis of the most
cancers of epithelial origin. CRC is defined by gains of chromosomes 7, malignant brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme. The poor prognosis of
8q, 13, and 20q, and losses that map to chromosomes 8p, 14, 15, 17p, this tumor is paralleled by the enormous amount of genomic instability,
and 18q. This CRC-specific distribution of whole and partial chromo- accentuated by the fact that most chromosomes are involved in rear-
somal gains and losses is maintained in local and distant metastases, rangements. Yet chromosome territories are clearly demarcated in the
and in cell lines derived from primary cancers. (b) High-resolution interphase nuclei (incomplete in the lower left and middle right section
mapping of an amplicon in CRC. In this case, the MYC oncogene is part of the image). (e) SKY analysis of mouse chromosomes. The image
of a localized high level amplification on 8q24, as indicated. aCGH also shows normal murine chromosomes. SKY was particularly helpful in
identified a small deletion (green dots) and a copy number gain (red validating mouse models of human cancer, because it allowed a rapid
dots) towards the telomere of the chromosome. (c) Structural variants in assessment of chromosomal instability in cells prepared from a great
4 Cancer Cytogenetics 73

the fluorescence with specific optical filters and digital imag- [115], including the characterization of the widely used leu-
ing devices [109–111]. The approach increased the number kemia cell line HL60 [116]. Other examples pertain to the
of simultaneously visible targets beyond the numbers of uti- detection of translocations in multiple myeloma [117, 118],
lized fluorochromes. This approach was extended to the the identification of novel translocations in patients with
detection of up to seven targets, including centromere- acute myelogenous leukemia [119], and the identification of
specific probes, chromosome painting probes, and cosmid mechanisms of drug resistance in acute leukocytic leukemia
clones along chromosome 5 [112] and was applied to the [120]. Regarding cytogenetic analysis of solid cancers, SKY
simultaneous detection of aneuploidies of human chromo- was instrumental in identifying jumping translocations as a
somes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y directly in uncultured cells from frequent mechanism for the generation of specific genomic
amniotic fluid [47]. These efforts culminated in the develop- imbalances [121], for elucidating the role of centrosome
ment of spectral karyotyping (SKY) and M-FISH (Fig. 4.2d). aberrations related to chromosomal instability in colorectal
Both techniques) allow simultaneous discernment of all cancers [122], and for a comprehensive and definitive char-
human chromosomes with chromosome specific hues. acterization of the karyotype of the HeLa cervical cancer cell
M-FISH was based on continuous improvements in optical line [123].
filter technologies, chromosome painting probes and more SKY was quickly adapted to the analysis of murine karyo-
sensitive imaging equipment. Sequential capture of combi- types [124] and proved eminently useful for the characteriza-
natorially labeled painting probes with narrow band pass tion and eventual validation of mouse models of human
optical filters was used to generate composite images that cancer (Fig. 4.2e). Two examples demonstrate this here.
displayed all chromosomes separately. In contrast, SKY A knockout mouse model that was designed to study the con-
used an imaging approach that had not been previously used sequences of deletions of the gene that causes ataxia telangi-
in cytogenetics—after labeling and hybridization of combi- ectasia in patients showed that homozygous deletion of the
natorially labeled flow-sorted chromosomes, images were mouse homologue results in the development of a hemato-
acquired in a single exposure using an epifluorescence logical malignancy (among other features that recapitulate
microscope to which an interferometer and a CCD camera the human disease phenotype). In fact, SKY analysis of the
were attached. This combination allowed reconstruction of T-cell lymphomas that developed at early age in Atm-deficient
the spectrum of individual pixels over the entire CCD chip, mice revealed chromosomal aberrations involving mouse
and hence assignment of spectral information to all points of chromosome 14, which carries the T-cell receptor genes.
the image. Specifically developed software then allowed for Subsequent high-resolution analysis with BAC clones )for
seamless assignment of pseudo-colors to each pixel, and these genes confirmed their involvement, validating this
with that for automated karyotyping based on whole genome mouse model not only as a model for ataxia telangiectasia,
hybridization. The first publications reporting the respective but also for human T-cell derived hematological malignancies
approaches were published in 1996 [113, 114]. From then to [125]. A second example pertains to the development of pro-
now, numerous publications followed that attest to the use- B-cell lymphomas in mice deficient for the DNA repair
fulness of SKY and M-FISH with respect to cancer cytoge- genes Ku70/80. Invariably, these mice succumbed to tumors
netics. SKY proved useful for the identification of hidden and the SKY-based cytogenetic analysis disclosed consistent
chromosomal aberrations in hematological malignancies aberrations involving mouse chromosomes 12 and 15—

Fig. 4.2 (continued) number of mouse models. Mouse chromosome in the tongue) in highly aneuploid nuclei. Diploid copy numbers of this
analysis based on banding alone is challenging because all mouse chro- gene are present in lymphocytes in the lower left corner of the image. (i)
mosomes are acrocentric and less different in length compared to human Extra copy numbers of chromosome 3q are always present in cervical
chromosomes. (f) A tripolar mitosis in cancer cells (note the similarity cancer. This figure shows cervical epithelial cells collected at a routinely
with Fig. 4.1c). Alpha tubulin (stained in green) labels microtubules performed Pap smear. The arrow denotes a normal diploid cervical cell,
required for proper chromosome segregation upon attachment to the with two copies of the long arm of chromosome 3q probed using the
centromeres of metaphase chromosomes. DNA is stained in red. In this human telomerase gene TERC (green) and a control probe for the cen-
case the deletion of the tumor suppressor gene BRCA1 led to an amplifi- tromere of chromosome 7 (red). The cells with an aberrant hybridization
cation of centrosomes that caused abnormal mitoses. The DNA content pattern all show six copies of TERC, which clearly suggests a clonal
of the daughter cells will not be normal (one of Boveri’s hypotheses). (g) expansion once the cervical cancer specific aneuploidy was acquired. (j)
Consequences of chromosomal aneuploidies on the transcriptome. This Phenotype/genotype correlation of a high-grade cervical dysplasia
figure visualizes the result of a chromosomal trisomy on transcriptional (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, or HSIL). This Pap smear
activity of genes on that chromosome. The trisomy was induced using was repeatedly assessed as being normal, yet was followed by the diag-
microcell-mediated chromosome transfer. Gene expression profiling nosis of an invasive cervical carcinoma. Retrospective analysis of this
demonstrated that the expression levels of most genes are dependent on case clearly demonstrates the potential of molecular cytogenetics in aug-
genomic copy number (lower profile). This is consistent with observa- menting the morphology-based evaluation of cytological specimens.
tions in primary cancers or cell lines. (h) FISH on tissue sections. Shown The presence of four copies of TERC is obvious. Again, the emergence
is the amplification of the cell cycle regulating gene CCND1 in a tissue of cervical cancer is consistent with a clonal expansion of cells that
section of a head and neck cancer (this malignant neoplasm was located acquired the gain of 3q.
74 T. Ried et al.

chromosomes that carry the Myc oncogene and the IgH locus, over the transcriptional regulation of that oncogene. This
respectively. This triggered a targeted analysis and showed mechanism was first identified in Burkitt’s lymphoma and in
that indeed the Myc oncogene was juxtaposed to the Igh locus, mouse plasma cell tumors [26, 29, 30]. Here, the chromo-
creating a genetic error identical to the one observed in human somal translocation t(8;14), in human, or the T(12:15), in the
Burkitt’s lymphoma [126]. In subsequent analyses, this partic- mouse, result in transcriptional deregulation of MYC due to
ular mouse model has become exceedingly useful for the eluci- its regulation by the IGH regulatory elements (variant trans-
dation of mechanisms of double-strand break repair and the locations of MYC to other immunoglobulin loci are observed
emergence of chromosomal translocations [127]. as well, albeit with lower frequency). Another prominent
The above-described examples do not provide a complete example is the deregulation of the apoptopic pathways
review of the cytogenetic literature. This was neither intended through upregulation of BCL2 via the t(8;14) translocation in
nor can it be accomplished within the scope of such a book follicular lymphoma [129], or the inversion of chromosome
chapter. Rather, the authors wished to exemplify how cyto- 14 in T-cell leukemia which results in the deregulation of
genetic based screening for chromosomal aberrations can be TCL1 expression because of fusion with the T-cell receptor
successfully used to home in on disease initiating, causal locus [130, 131], as well as the translocation t(8;21) of ETO
molecular mechanisms of cancer development. and AML1, which causes acute myelocytic leukemia [132].
A comprehensive summary of cytogenetic abnormalities can
be found in the book Cancer Cytogenetics by Heim and
4.3 Chromosomes in Cancer Cells Mitelman and in the compendium by Avery Sandberg [35, 36],
or online at the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project website
All cancers have chromosomal aberrations. Despite the fact (
that such apodictic statements are problematic in general,
and even more so when related to biology, it is indeed the
case that the vast majority of human cancer shows at least 4.3.1 Patterns of Chromosomal Aberrations
one abnormality in their karyotypes. There are a few excep- and Genomic Imbalances
tions to this rule—in some instances of hematological malig-
nancies chromosome banding analyses revealed no The comprehensive cytogenetic analysis of cancers of epi-
aberrations, and familial colorectal cancers that arise due to thelial origin was more difficult to generate for technical rea-
deficiencies in the DNA mismatch repair machinery can sons, but also due to the sheer number of chromosomal
have a stable and normal karyotype. Regarding the hemato- aberrations found in the carcinomas [36]. This feature,
logical malignancies, the failure to detect chromosomal together with the observation of centrosome amplification,
aberrations might be due to the fact that culture conditions irregular mitotic spindles, apolar mitoses, anaphase bridges
favored cells other than those derived from the cancer, and as a consequence of telomere dysfunction, and chromosome
we know that in mismatch-deficient colorectal cancers the segregation errors led to the perception of a cytogenetic
enormous number of point mutations might make the acqui- chaos that governs the karyotype of carcinomas (Fig. 4.2f).
sition of cytogenetic abnormalities superfluous. Despite Compared to the hematological malignancies, it was more
these specific exceptions, cancer is a disease of the chromo- difficult to identify a recurrent pattern of chromosomal
somes [5]. The cytogenetic analysis of hematological malig- changes, which, as a result of its consistency, would suggest
nancies (leukemias and lymphomas) reveals recurrent a disease-causing, and not only a disease-associated, event.
chromosomal aberrations, often manifest as translocations, While in some solid cancer entities chromosome banding
that strongly suggest that they denote disease-causing and analyses showed nonrandom aberrations, such as the loss of
not just correlated, genetic changes. We know today that chromosome 3p in lung cancer [133] or gain of chromosome
recurrent chromosomal translocations invariably point to the 7 in colorectal cancer (CRC) [134], the dominance of spe-
location of genes whose deregulation causes malignant cific genomic imbalances was only established with the
transformation in tissues of hematological origin. In most introduction of molecular cytogenetic techniques, and in
cases the mechanism of deregulation adheres to one of the particular CGH. It is now common knowledge that distinct
following concepts. In one instance, the chromosomal trans- carcinoma entities are defined by a strictly conserved and
location results in the generation of a fusion gene that nonrandom distribution of gains and losses of chromosome
encodes an aberrant protein with transforming activity. The arms or entire chromosomes with ensuing specific genomic
Philadelphia chromosome translocation t(9;22) and its con- imbalances. The distribution of these imbalances is cancer-
sequence, the BCR-ABL fusion and resulting increased tyro- specific and can be specific for discrete cancer stages. For
sine kinase signaling, serve as the paradigm [128]. The instance, cervical carcinomas invariably carry extra copies of
second mechanism juxtaposes an oncogene into the vicinity the long arm of chromosome 3. This specific lesion occurs
of a gene constitutively active in a certain tissue, hence taking before the transition to invasive disease and can be found as
4 Cancer Cytogenetics 75

probably the earliest genome mutation. In contrast, in questions in cancer biology that has not been satisfactorily
colorectal cancer chromosome 3 does not appear to be answered is to what extent the aneuploidy-dependent tran-
important. However, the landscape of genomic imbalances in scriptional deregulation is necessary for carcinogenesis
CRC is defined by the acquisition of extra copies of chromo- [147]. One could favor the explanation that aneuploidies are
somes 7, 8q, 13, and 20 which are accompanied by losses on just convenient mechanisms for the transcriptional deregula-
8p, 17p, and 18q. Chromosome 7 gains are observed in early tion of a few target genes, and that their frequency is more a
adenomas. In general, this distribution of genomic imbal- reflection of the ease with which they can be acquired and
ances is maintained in metastases of this disease, and is also maintained. In this interpretation, aneuploidy is a passenger
conserved in cell lines established from these cancers, even rather than a driver. Alternatively, one could postulate that
after long periods of in vitro culture [135]. These interpreta- tissue-specific metabolic changes (induced via aneuploidy-
tions would be consistent with a constant selection of clones dependent transcriptional changes) operate in concert with
that contain such imbalances [136]. It should be obvious the activation or inactivation of specific oncogenes and tumor
from these features that these specific patterns of chromo- suppressor genes, respectively. However, the answer to this
somal imbalances are perfectly suited to distinguish one can- important question remains unknown.
cer type from another [8]. This was confirmed in a large
dataset by Beroukhim and colleagues [137]. Here, the authors
compiled results from aCGH analyses of more than 3000 4.3.2 Diagnostic and Prognostic Applications
cases of divergent cancer entities and identified somatic copy
number alterations that extended over entire chromosomes or FISH has become a versatile tool for the detection of chro-
chromosome arms, or were localized. Not surprisingly, can- mosomal translocations in hematological malignancies.
cers could be classified into the lineage of origin, and for Increased probe multiplicity, improved protocols and more
those belonging to the same lineage (for instance lung versus sensitive imaging equipment, and a large set of sophisticated
CRC) into specific cancer entities, based on the distribution probe designs have made interphase FISH the method of
of whole chromosome or chromosome arm specific gains and choice in many diagnostic laboratories. The possibility to
losses. Interestingly, this classification deteriorated when combine the visualization of disease causing genetic aberra-
only those events that presumably are the target of genomic tions with the phenotype of cells further enhances its value.
imbalances were used, such as amplification of MYC on chro- The practical application of these methods has been made
mosome 8q. This again attests to the functional relevance of easier through the commercial availability of probe sets with
chromosomal aneuploidies in tumorigenesis and suggests a high signal to noise ratio.
that genes other than the most obvious targets are required for The role of FISH for the diagnosis of carcinomas is far
malignant transformation, or for the maintenance of the trans- less developed, which actually cannot be attributed to the
formed phenotype. lack of disease-specific aberrations. The gain of chromo-
The question then arises as to the consequences of chro- some arm 3q in cervical carcinomas is as common as is the
mosomal aneuploidies on the transcriptome of cancer cells. Philadelphia chromosome in patients with CML [99]. The
One could envision several scenarios: (1) chromosomal reason for the delay in adapting FISH to augment the diagno-
aneuploidy targets the expression of only one or a few genes sis of carcinomas and its precursor lesions might be mani-
on the affected chromosomes, (2) the expression of most if fold. However, two reasons appear rather obvious: (1) FISH
not all genes is affected, and (3) chromosomal aneuploidies signals are difficult to enumerate on tissue sections from the
are neutral regarding gene expression. This basic question in surgical pathology laboratory, and (2) the target gene (or
cancer biology has been unambiguously answered. For more likely, target genes) for the recurrent acquisition of
instance, Upender and colleagues used microcell-mediated genomic copy number changes in solid cancers are not well
chromosome transfer to generate artificial trisomies in other- understood (whereas the disease-initiating role of chromo-
wise karyotypically normal cells. Gene expression profiling somal translocations in hematological malignancies is clear).
was then used to query the consequences on the transcrip- Despite these hurdles, interphase cytogenetics will become
tome, and showed that transcript levels followed genomic more widely applied in solid cancer diagnostics, certainly in
copy numbers for the majority of genes [138] (Fig. 4.2g). such cases in which the diagnosis or screening does not pri-
The same situation has been observed in primary cancers and marily rely on tissue sections but on cytological prepara-
in cancer cell lines in a variety of different cancer entities tions. We now discuss several applications pertaining to
[139–146]. This justifies the general conclusion that tran- different carcinomas, some of which can be diagnosed on
script levels in cancer cells are affected by genomic copy routinely collected cytological specimens, collected by either
numbers. Therefore, aneuploidy results in a massive deregu- aspiration or exfoliative sampling, or on histological sec-
lation of the cancer transcriptome by changing the expres- tions. One general advantage of interphase cytogenetics is
sion of hundreds to thousands of genes. One of the basic the fact that the detection of genetic alterations is performed
76 T. Ried et al.

on a single cell basis. This makes the test insensitive to dilution status, high histological grade, high proliferation rate, and
with normal cells, which tends to be a problem (in particular negative progesterone and estrogen receptor status [157,
when analyzing precancerous lesions). The single cell nature 159–164]. Twenty-five to 30 % of all breast cancer cases
of interphase cytogenetic analysis also compensates for sam- show an amplification of the ERBB2 gene [165, 166]. In
pling errors to a certain degree. In the following sections we addition to immunohistochemistry to measure ERBB2 pro-
summarize the most pertinent examples of molecular cytoge- tein levels, the FDA approved a test based on in situ hybrid-
netic applications for the detection of chromosomal aneuploi- ization to identify the ERBB2 gene amplification status. In
dies and gene amplifications in a variety of carcinomas. situ hybridization is a sensitive and specific method that
identifies gene copy numbers either with a single detection Bladder Cancer probe (mono color FISH) or in combination with a reference
Like most other carcinomas, bladder cancers carry a distribu- probe for the centromere of chromosome 17 (dual color
tion of chromosomal aneuploidies that are specific to the dis- FISH) in which the gene and the centromere are visualized
ease [148, 149]. Accordingly, a test that targets the centromeres using different fluorochromes. The protocol can be applied
of chromosomes 3, 7, and 17, and a locus specific probe for on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues using standard
chromosome band 9p21, termed UroVysion (Abbott sections. In dual color FISH, 20 cancer cell nuclei are
Molecular), was developed and applied to voided urine sam- counted for ERBB2 and centromere 17 signal number.
ples from patients with bladder cancer and controls [150, Subsequently, the ERBB2/centromere 17 ratio is calculated
151]. Compared to other standard tests (including cytology), by dividing the total number of ERBB2 signals by the total
UroVysion exhibits the highest combined sensitivity and number of centromere 17 signals. A ratio >2.2 serves as the
specificity for the detection of bladder cancer. There are also threshold for ERBB2 positivity and eligibility for trastu-
successful (and FDA-cleared) imaging solutions that allow zumab treatment while a ratio <1.8 defines non-amplified and
for an automated analysis of FISH signals in urine samples. not eligible for trastuzumab. If the ratio is between 1.8 and
2.2, additional nuclei are counted by a second observer. If the Lung Cancer second observer also achieves a ratio of 1.8–2.2, the cut-off is
Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer changed to 2.0. A ratio of >2.0 is therefore considered posi-
death in the world. As with other cancer entities, early detec- tive, while a ratio of <2.0 indicates a negative case.
tion significantly improves prognosis. The development of
radial computed tomography of high-risk patients for lung Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Colorectal
cancer development has allowed for an earlier diagnosis of Cancer, and Glioblastoma, and EGFR
lung cancer. However, the challenge in lung cancer diagnosis With an increasing number of drugs available for targeting
using this imaging method relates to its relatively low specific- EGFR (the epithelial growth factor receptor), tests that evalu-
ity [152]. Hence, imaging requires follow-up analysis and one ate the expression of this receptor and its gene copy numbers
possibility is the collection of sputum samples or samples col- have become a clinical necessity [167]. Unfortunately, pre-
lected by fine needle aspiration for cytological characteriza- cise evaluation guidelines for EGFR gene status are still miss-
tion [153]. The phenotypic characterization of exfoliated cells ing [168], and are therefore not comparable to current ERBB2
(which lacks tissue context) can be difficult. Therefore, the testing. This is partly due to the fact that the patterns of EGFR
inclusion of genetic markers for lung cancer should be a rea- gene alterations detectable by in situ hybridization are com-
sonable approach of improving diagnosis. The feasibility of plex and dependent on cancer type (Fig. 4.2h). Several scor-
such an approach was convincingly demonstrated in several ing systems for EGFR testing have been proposed for
studies over the past few years [153–156]. selection of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer to treat
with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, but these scoring systems lack Breast Cancer and ERBB2 broad consensus. In colorectal cancer, patients with high
With the introduction of trastuzumab (Herceptin®), a human- EGFR gene copy number in general respond better to therapy
ized monoclonal antibody, the first target-specific therapy with cetuximab or panitumumab (human monoclonal anti-
against the epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ERBB2 or bodies with specific binding to the EGFR), and one group
HER-2/neu) became available [157]. Before a patient demonstrated that colon cancers with less than 2.92 signals of
becomes eligible for trastuzumab therapy, the FDA requires EGFR per nucleus are less likely to respond to cetuximab
determination of whether their cancer overexpresses ERBB2 [169]. Unfortunately, several other studies have suggested
[158]. The ERBB2 oncogene is located on chromosome 17 different thresholds [170, 171]. In glioblastoma, the most
(17q12-21.32) and is a member of the human epidermal malignant form of brain tumors with less than 12 months
growth factor receptor family. ERBB2 overexpression occurs median survival [172], EGFR gene amplification occurs in
primarily through amplification of the wild-type gene and is 40–50 % of cases and are present almost invariably as high-
clinically correlated with poor outcome, positive lymph node level amplification which can be determined easily [173].
4 Cancer Cytogenetics 77

Clinical trials are ongoing to establish the predictive value of following conclusions: (1) the detection of genomic copy
gene amplification for clinical benefit of treatment with tyro- numbers of 3q allows the diagnosis of cervical cancer, inde-
sine kinase inhibitors or antibodies [174]. It appears inevita- pendent of morphology, (2) the gain of 3q occurs before the
ble that cancer type and the nature of anti-EGFR therapy must transition to invasive disease, (3) the gain of 3q can occur in
be taken into account to develop FISH evaluation guidelines. diploid cells, or can develop after the genome has become
tetraploid, (4) progression from low-grade disease to higher Cervical Cancer grades or to invasive carcinomas does require the gain of 3q
Despite the possibility that an early diagnosis of cervical and progression does not occur without the acquisition of
cancer could be achieved through the implementation of extra copies of 3q, and (5) detection of genomic amplification
screening cytology based on the Pap (Papanicolaou) test cer- of 3q has the highest combined sensitivity and specificity
vical cancer is still one of the most common malignancies in compared to all other clinically used biomarkers [185–191].
women world-wide [175]. In populations in which Pap test- These results, in conjunction with studies in other cancer enti-
ing is offered the incidence of cervical cancer was greatly ties mentioned above, clearly show that the diagnosis of
reduced. However, Pap test-based screening is associated human carcinomas and its precursor lesions can benefit from
with specific challenges—the test has low sensitivity and is the introduction of pertinent genetic markers that should be
subjective [176]. The introduction of HPV screening over- selected based on the profile of genomic imbalances. In our
came some of these shortcomings because the development opinion, these markers should be selected based on the pat-
of cervical cancer in the absence of high-risk HPV genomes tern of recurrent genomic imbalances in solid cancers. We
is extremely unlikely [177]. However, HPV testing has a think that the inclusion of pertinent genetic markers would
very low specificity because most of the cytologically abnor- overcome the limitations of a cytology-based diagnosis of
mal lesions are positive for HPV, yet only around 15–20 % of solid cancers, and could reduce the need for histopathological
them progress to higher-grade disease and to cervical cancer. sections in which the tissue context is maintained so that a
The diagnostic challenge is to identify a marker that will be morphological diagnosis is easier to make [192].
both sensitive and specific.
The analysis of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions
had been attempted for decades, and some progress has been 4.4 Conclusion
made. Even before the chromosome-banding era, Ingrid
Granberg in Stockholm [178] and Atkin and colleagues in The comprehensive molecular analysis of carcinomas has
Great Britain [179], among others [180], attempted to iden- unveiled that the theme of what is often lumped together as an
tify recurrent chromosomal aberrations in cervical cancer and ill-defined chromosomal instability phenotype is in fact a
its precursor lesions. The situation was complicated by the remarkable stability on a different plateau of genomic copy
fact that it was exceedingly difficult to establish cell lines number changes. Overcoming the perception that carcinomas
from cervical carcinomas. Accordingly, application of CGH, are characterized by a cytogenetic chaos, in which ongoing
which does not require preparation of metaphase chromo- chromosomal instability contributes to a rearranged genome
somes for cytogenetic analysis, was exceedingly useful for with no recurrent features will help to promote interphase cyto-
the identification of genomic imbalances during tumorigene- genetics as a valuable tool for the early detection of emerging
sis. In a paper by Heselmeyer and colleagues such a pheno- cancers, will thereby improve diagnosis, and eventually result in
type/genotype correlation was realized using a combination a better prognostication of patients with malignant diseases.
of tissue microdissection and comparative genomic hybrid-
ization [99, 181]. This analysis revealed that (1) invasive cer- Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Dr. Hesed Padilla-
vical carcinomas are invariably associated with a gain of the Nash, Dr. Michael J. Difilippantonio, Dr. Darawalee Wangsa, Dr. Madhvi
Upender, and Danny Wangsa for providing figures, Turid Knutsen for
long arm of chromosome 3q, and (2) that the gain of 3q
helpful comments, and Dr. Reinhard Ebner for critically reading the man-
already occurs in dysplastic lesions (despite the fact that tis- uscript. We thank all members of our laboratory for their input and most
sue dissection was employed, the percentage of this aberra- of all for their dedication to cancer research. We greatly appreciate the
tion was probably underestimated because CGH was help of Buddy Chen with creating the figures.
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Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer
Thomas Mikeska and Alexander Dobrovic

date. In this chapter, we first give a general introduction to

5.1 Introduction to Epigenetics DNA methylation and histone modifications, followed by a
review of how they are altered in cancer, and concluding
5.1.1 Epigenetics with the implications of these changes for cancer diagnostics
and therapy.
Although events that we now understand as epigenetic in
nature had already been described in model organisms, the
origin of the concept of epigenetics may be considered to 5.1.2 DNA Methylation
date back to 1942 when, in the context of development,
Waddington wrote “between genotype and phenotype lies a In mammals, DNA methylation occurs almost exclusively at
whole complex of development processes” and termed the cytosine residues within CpG dinucleotides (CpGs). The
phenotypic result of these processes, the “epigenotype” [1]. covalent attachment of a methyl group to the fifth carbon of
The most important role of epigenetics is the normal process a cytosine residue results in the formation of 5-methylcytosine.
of the establishment and maintenance of the cell-to-cell heri- The origins of DNA methylation in multicellular organisms
table gene expression patterns that occur during develop- remain unclear. DNA methylation probably maintains
ment. Alterations of the primary DNA sequence do not genomic stability by silencing repetitive elements, such as
underlie these changes and yet characteristic patterns of gene transposons [7, 8]. Furthermore, DNA methylation is
expression can be inherited. Over time, the definition of the involved in maintenance of chromosomal structure as can be
term epigenetic has varied [2–5]. A current definition that is seen in the aberrant pericentromeric regions in individuals
used in this chapter is: “an epigenetic trait is a stably heri- lacking methylation at certain satellite DNA sequences as a
table phenotype resulting from changes in a chromosome consequence of ICF syndrome [9–11].
without alterations in the DNA sequence” [6]. CpGs are unevenly distributed throughout the entire
So far, several distinct layers of epigenetic regulation are human genome and the majority of them are methylated
known including DNA methylation, histone modifications, [12]. However, some CpGs are also found in regions of high
and organization of the chromatin within the nucleus, CpG density spanning hundreds to thousands of base pairs in
although the direct heritability of some of these remain length, referred to as CpG islands [13]. About 70 % of human
unclear. DNA methylation and histone modifications are gene promoters are associated with the presence of a canoni-
probably the best understood epigenetic mechanisms to cal CpG island [14–16] and the CpGs in these islands are
generally unmethylated. By contrast, CpG islands within
actively transcribed genes are generally methylated [16].
T. Mikeska, Ph.D. (*) • A. Dobrovic, Ph.D. (*) The proportion of CpGs outside CpG islands is markedly
Translational Genomics and Epigenomics Laboratory, decreased relative to that expected from the base composi-
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute,
tion. The depletion is a direct consequence of methylation as
Heidelberg, VIC 3084, Australia
5-methylcytosine can undergo spontaneous deamination to
Department of Pathology, The University of Melbourne,
thymine [17]. Although the vast majority of 5meCpG:TpG
Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
mismatched lesions are repaired by MBD4, a thymine DNA
School of Cancer Medicine, La Trobe University,
glycosylase that binds to the mismatches when the cytosine
Boundoora, VIC 3084, Australia
e-mail:; is methylated and can initiate the repair of these lesions [18], a proportion is not repaired [19]. Therefore, methylated CpG

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 83

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_5
84 T. Mikeska and A. Dobrovic

positions are mutational hot spots and this has led to a depletion acts as the maintenance DNMT, whereas DNMT3a and
of CpGs throughout most of the genome during evolution. DNMT3b are de novo DNMTs [41, 42]. DNMT1 exhibits a
Many inherited disease-causing mutations arise at CpG strong affinity for hemi-methylated DNA [43] and is respon-
dinucleotides because of this increased mutation rate [20]. sible for reestablishing preexisting, parental DNA methyla-
Methylated CpGs are also mutational hot spots in cancer tion patterns during cell divisions [44] and participates in
[21, 22]. Studies on the TP53 gene have shown that some DNA repair, probably by restoring DNA methylation [45].
somatic mutations occur at normally methylated CpGs and The two active de novo DNMTs, DNMT3a and DNMT3b,
thus result from the unrepaired spontaneous deamination of methylate previously unmethylated CpGs and are responsi-
5-methylcytosine [23]. ble for reprogramming the DNA methylation pattern during
A small but important subgroup of CpG islands are meth- gametogenesis and early developmental stages [40, 44].
ylated in normal tissues; genes on the inactive X-chromosome, DNMT3L belongs to the DNMT3 family, but does not exhibit
alleles of imprinted genes, and certain tissue-specific genes. DNMT activity. It acts as a regulatory factor [46], which
X-chromosome inactivation in females is mediated by the enhances the catalytic activity of DNMT3a and DNMT3b
expression of the XIST noncoding RNA and is locked into [47]. The human methyltransferase DNMT2 (TRDMT1) has
place by DNA hypermethylation of the promoter region CpG a high sequence and structural homology to DNMTs, but has
islands [24]. DNA methylation regulates the allele-specific been identified as a methyltransferase [48], which methylates
expression of imprinted genes by maintaining DNA methyl- a cytosine moiety on the aspartic acid tRNA using the same
ation marks on only one parental allele [25]. It was initially catalytic mechanism as DNMTs [49].
proposed that DNA methylation might underlie tissue- DNA methylation marks can also be removed. This pro-
specific gene expression [26], but this seems to be the excep- cess is called DNA demethylation and can be divided into
tion rather than the rule. Epigenomic analysis will soon passive and active DNA demethylation. Passive DNA demeth-
clarify how frequent DNA methylation actually is in tissue- ylation takes place in the absence of maintenance DNA meth-
specific gene expression. ylation by reducing the amount of DNA methylation
Although the definition of a CpG island is arbitrary, two progressively via DNA replication [50]. Active DNA demeth-
algorithms have been widely used to identify CpG islands in ylation (replication independent demethylation) requires the
genomic DNA sequences [13, 27]. The identification is presence of enzymes capable of erasing DNA methylation
based on three sequence related criteria: sequence length, [50–52]. One suggested mechanism is direct enzymatic
C + G content, and ratio of the observed CpGs over the removal of the 5-methyl group from 5-methylcytosine (bona
expected CpGs. More sophisticated algorithms and fide demethylation), thereby restoring cytosine. The forma-
approaches have since been developed [28, 29]. Depending tion of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine by hydrolyzing 5-methylcy-
on the methods applied and the stringency of the criteria for tosine via the TET family of enzymes plays an important
defining a CpG island, it is estimated that the human genome intermediary role [53, 54]. Other presumed mechanisms
contains about 28,000–110,000 CpG islands [15, 30, 31]. involve the DNA repair machinery for the entire removal of
It is widely recognized that the presence of DNA meth- the 5-methylcytosine base, the nucleoside or the nucleotide
ylation in the promoter region of a particular gene or tran- (indirect demethylation).
script generally causes silencing or transcriptional repression
[32]. The presence of DNA methylation may prevent the
direct binding of transcription factors [33] or facilitate the 5.1.3 Histone Modifications
binding of methyl-CpG-binding proteins, which bind to
methylated DNA through their methyl-CpG-binding domain Another important component of epigenetics is mediated by
[34, 35]. Methyl-CpG-binding proteins recruit specific his- the nucleosome. The nucleosome comprises an octamer of
tone deacetylases and histone methyltransferases, which two each of the four core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4
then establish a chromatin structure that is not accessible to which is then associated with histone H1. A complex, multi-
the transcriptional machinery. However, there is also consid- dimensional, and interrelated regulation mainly arises from
erable evidence that the establishment of a repressive chro- posttranslational, covalent modifications of specific con-
matin state can be the initial event leading downstream to served residues of core histone tails [55–57]. Multiple post-
DNA methylation which then reinforces the original tran- translational histone modifications have been characterized.
scriptional silencing [36, 37]. Acetylation of lysine residues [58] and methylation of lysine
DNA methylation patterns are established by several (or arginine residues) [58–60] are the best characterized
DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferases (DNMTs) [38–40] modifications. Other modifications include phosphorylation
which utilize S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) as the methyl [61, 62], ubiquitinylation [63, 64], poly-ADP-ribosylation
group donor. In humans, four DNMTs are known, DNMT1, [65], sumoylation [66], biotinylation [67], propionylation,
DNMT3a, DNMT3b, and DNMT3L. In general, DNMT1 and butyrylation [68].
5 Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer 85

The different and substrate specific enzymes involved in the Active and Inactive Chromatin
addition or removal of certain histone marks are responsible Despite the myriad of possible combinations, a useful gener-
for the composition and combination of the different modifi- alization is that chromatin regions showing a high level of
cations, which defines the chromatin status. The different his- acetylated histones and trimethylation of H3-K4 [86] as well
tone marks are referred to as the “histone code” [69–71]. as methylated H3-K36 [87] and H3-K79 [88] are transcrip-
While most of these modifications are reversible, their type tionally active [56]. On the other hand, deacetylated histones
and degree allows the dynamic and subtle regulation of the and dimethylation or trimethylation of H3-K9 [89] and tri-
transcription level of the affected region, and more globally methylation of H3-K27 [90] and H4-K20 [91] are associated
their impact on and regulation of cellular processes [72, 73]. with a more condensed chromatin structure and an accord-
ingly repressed transcription level [56]. Both DNA methyla- Histone Acetylation tion and histone modifications define a chromatin
Acetylation of histone tails, especially H3 and H4, is associ- environment, which regulates gene transcription. The mech-
ated with transcriptionally active genes [74]. The addition of anisms and their role in regulating cellular processes may be
acetyl groups counteracts the positive charges of the lysine different, but an intimate relationship is obvious [15, 92].
residues of the histone tails and therefore diminishes their
electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged DNA
backbone. The removal of acetyl groups on the other hand 5.2 Epigenetic Changes in Cancer
unmasks the positive charges of the histone tails and enables
them to interact with the negatively charged phosphate Cancer can be considered as a disease of disordered develop-
groups of the DNA. This leads to a more condensed chroma- ment manifesting as a disease characterized by altered gene
tin structure. expression patterns. Thus, epigenetic mechanisms are likely
The addition or the removal of an acetyl group at lysine to be as important in cancer-specific gene expression as they
residues of histone tails is dynamic in nature. These pro- are in developmental gene expression.
cesses are mediated by several families of histone acetyl-
transferases (HATs) [75] and by several families of histone
deacetylases (HDACs) [76–78]. The different HATs can be 5.2.1 Aberrant DNA Methylation in Cancer
classified as whether they belong to the GNAT, MYST, or
p300/CBP families, and the HDACs are divided into four During cancer development, the distribution of DNA meth-
classes based on their homology to yeast histone deacety- ylation becomes markedly altered. Two general phenomena
lases [79]. are frequently observed in cancer cells: (1) the overall DNA
methylation level is decreased, and (2) de novo DNA meth- Histone Methylation ylation of promoter-associated CpG islands occurs. We still
Methylation of the lysine residues of the histone tails is more need to understand what drives and is responsible for global
complex. Different methylation marks code for an active or DNA hypomethylation or the establishment of multiple
an inactive chromatin state, depending on the histone, the hypermethylation events. Furthermore, we need to determine
position of the amino acid on the histone tail and the number whether these events are dependent or independent. The
of methyl groups at each position [73]. The amino groups of rapid development of new technologies, especially those that
the lysine residues can be methylated with one, two, or three allow analysis of DNA methylation changes on a global
methyl groups. The methylation code is probably not as scale will enable us to reevaluate this.
dynamic as the acetylation process. Histone methylation
marks are established by histone methyltransferases (HMTs) Global DNA Hypomethylation
[80]. Some of the HMTs belong to the trithorax (e.g., MLL) One of the earliest indications of altered DNA methylation in
and polycomb (e.g., EZH2) protein groups which were first human cancer was the observation that the overall 5-methyl-
identified in Drosophila melanogaster [81]. They are respon- cytosine content of cancer cells was decreased [93, 94]. The
sible either for maintaining (trithorax group of proteins) or genome-wide depletion of 5-methylcytosine in cancer is par-
repressing (polycomb group of proteins) lineage specific ticularly pronounced in repetitive sequences [95, 96].
transcriptional activity respectively. Proteins capable of Multiple copies of repeats are found throughout the human
removing methyl groups from the lysine residues include genome and encompass repeats in constitutive heterochro-
lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A (KDM1A, LSD1) [82], matin (classical satellites), interspersed repeats (LINEs and
which specifically demethylates monomethylated or dimeth- SINEs), and long terminal repeats (LTRs) (a good overview is
ylated H3-K4, and the Jumonji family of proteins, with a given in ref. [97]). The contribution and consequences of
range of specific substrate specificities [83–85]. hypomethylated repetitive DNA sequences to carcinogenesis
86 T. Mikeska and A. Dobrovic

and cancer progression is far from understood. One may tissues. The cancer/testis antigens encoded on the
expect that these massive changes have a profound impact X-chromosome are associated with CpG islands, which are
and could result in inappropriate recombination or replica- methylated in normal somatic tissues. However, these can-
tion events. They may even be responsible for the large scale cer/testis antigens are frequently reexpressed in several
changes in nuclear organization that can be seen under the tumor types and reexpression is associated with the global
light microscope and are a hallmark of cancer. loss of DNA methylation [111, 112]. Cancer/testis antigens
DNA hypomethylation may move the genome into an are potential targets in cancer therapy and vaccines are cur-
unstable state, promoting further cancer evolution, involving rently being tested in clinical trials [113, 114].
both genetic and epigenetic changes [96, 98, 99]. Interestingly, Synuclein-γ (SNCG) encodes a member of the neuronal
depending on the cancer type and cancer stage, the onset, protein family whose expression is normally limited to the
development, and progression of DNA hypomethylation is peripheral nervous system and the brain [115]. SNCG is
different. For example, DNA hypomethylation is associated silenced in normal tissues by DNA methylation. Ectopic
with early stages of gastric cancer [100] and advanced stages SNCG protein expression has been observed for several
of prostate cancer [101]. DNA hypomethylation can lead to human cancers [116–121]. The level of SNCG expression is
chromosomal instability [102]. Genome-wide studies on determined by the extent of decrease of DNA methylation
gastric and colorectal cancer samples showed a direct link [122]. SNCG hypomethylation is observed in multiple can-
between global DNA hypomethylation and genomic insta- cers [117, 119–124] and is generally associated with a more
bility [103, 104]. Global DNA hypomethylation destabi- advanced and invasive tumor phenotype. Interestingly, loss
lized all the chromosomes and was not correlated to a of methylation of SNCG is induced in the hepatoma cell line
particular kind of chromosomal alteration [104]. On the HepG2 by exposure to aflatoxin B1, a carcinogenic myco-
other hand, a significant correlation between DNA hypo- toxin often found on certain crops [120]. This finding estab-
methylation and aberrations on chromosome 8 was reported lishes a link between environmental factors and their influence
for prostate cancer [105]. on aberrant DNA methylation. It is likely that many more
The elevated frequency of some chromosomal abnormali- such links will be identified.
ties observed for some cancers might be directly related to Cancer-related loss of DNA methylation can also occur at
DNA methylation changes. Wilms’ tumor, a malignant pedi- alleles of imprinted genes. The insulin-like growth factor 2
atric tumor of the kidney, is frequently less methylated in gene (IGF2), in which the maternal allele is usually methyl-
centromeric alpha satellite sequences on chromosome 1 ated and silenced, is one of the most frequently deregulated
compared to normal kidney tissue. In addition, the satellite 2 genes in human cancer. DNA hypomethylation results in the
sequences of chromosome 1 and 16 are also hypomethylated. aberrant expression of IGF2 from the maternal allele (loss of
Furthermore, Wilms’ tumors show an association between imprinting). It has been suggested that loss of imprinting of
hypomethylation of satellite 2 sequences on chromosome 16 IGF2 could be a useful DNA methylation-based biomarker
and loss of chromosome 16q [106]. It was also shown that for the early detection of colorectal cancers [125].
hypomethylation of satellite 2 sequences was often associated Furthermore, loss of imprinting of IGF2 has been detected in
with an increased chromosome 1q copy number for hepatocel- normal colon tissue and peripheral blood and might serve as
lular carcinoma [107]. a biomarker for the identification of individuals with cancer
predisposition [126]. Locus-Specific DNA Hypomethylation DNA hypomethylation not only affects protein-coding
DNA hypomethylation has also been observed for the nor- genes but also affects non-protein-coding genes. A good
mally methylated promoters of individual genes. The list of example is the X (inactive)-specific transcript (XIST) locus,
genes aberrantly regulated by DNA hypomethylation is rela- which encodes an untranslated RNA transcript that effects
tively small, compared to the list of genes reported to be X-chromosome inactivation in females. It is inactive in males
affected by DNA hypermethylation [108]. in whom the promoter is methylated. The 5′-region of the
The cancer/testis antigens are a particularly important XIST locus can become hypomethylated in testicular germ
example of genes that are methylated in nearly all somatic cell cancers [127] and in prostate cancer [128].
tissues and that become reactivated in cancer [109, 110]. Aberrant expression of normally methylated microRNAs
They can be divided in two subgroups: cancer/testis antigen can also arise as a consequence of DNA hypomethylation.
genes located on the X-chromosome (e.g., MAGEA1), and As examples, cancer-associated hypomethylation and over-
those which are located on autosomes. Cancer/testis antigens expression has been observed for let-7a-3 in lung cancer
are normally expressed in germ cells of the testis and placenta [129], miR-200a/200b in pancreatic cancer [130], and miR-
but are not expressed in the vast majority of normal somatic 196b in gastric cancer [131].
5 Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer 87 Promoter-Associated DNA colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome) but is also methylated in
Hypermethylation many sporadic colorectal cancers [143]. Similarly, the
The gain of DNA methylation at specific CpG islands is a BRCA1 gene underlies both much of hereditary breast and
hallmark of cancer development [32, 102, 132, 133]. There ovarian cancer and is methylated in sporadic breast and ovar-
are many targets, especially those genes that are kept in a ian cancers which often share pathological features with
bivalent chromatin state in embryonic stem cells [134, 135]. their hereditary counterparts [144]. Furthermore, DNA
Although unmethylated in the stem cell, they are frequently methylation of these genes is rare or absent in tumor types
methylated in cancer cells. that are not characteristic of the hereditary cancer
The first report of a recurrently methylated promoter [145–147].
region in cancer was for the calcitonin gene (CALCA) [136]. A recent interesting discovery is that some of these driver
However, the turning point that implicated DNA methylation genes may show constitutional DNA methylation—methyla-
as a driver in carcinogenesis was the report that methylation tion of a given gene may occur in multiple somatic tissues
of the retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) tumor suppressor gene was (often in a mosaic pattern)—in normal individuals. The indi-
observed in a subset of non-inherited retinoblastomas [137, vidual is then predisposed to develop characteristic cancers
138]. Initial studies focused on other tumor suppressor genes similar to the spectrum seen when this driver gene is mutated
including VHL [139], CDKN2A (p16) [140], and CDKN2B in familial cancer syndromes [142].
(p15) [141]. Besides the hereditary cancer genes, a large variety of
Promoter-associated DNA hypermethylation is an alter- genes that affect every facet of the cancer phenotype are sub-
native mechanism for inactivation of a tumor suppressor ject to DNA methylation (a large list is given in ref. [148]).
gene in Knudson’s two hit model [32]. Most of the mutations In addition to protein-coding genes, hypermethylation can
in these genes are recessive, so both alleles need to be inacti- occur at CpG islands associated with non-protein-coding
vated before the function of the gene is lost. Gene silencing genes, such as microRNAs, which are frequently dysregu-
as a consequence of DNA methylation has a similar impact lated in cancer [149]. It has been estimated in genome-wide
to a genomic deletion or an inactivating mutation. Whereas a studies, that each cancer can harbor several hundreds of
genomic deletion or an inactivating mutation is a defined aberrantly methylated CpG islands [95, 150].
alteration of the primary genomic sequence, inactivation by It is remarkable how many of the DNA methylation
DNA methylation generally occurs in the absence of changes in cancer occur in genes that are plausibly involved
sequence change and is in principle reversible. in cancer, although this probably reflects the preponderance
Many of the driver genes (genes which underlie cause of of candidate genes that have been studied. It is however cer-
cancer initiation or progression) of carcinogenesis have been tain that many of the genes that are reported to be methylated
discovered by studies of familial cancer syndromes in cancer are not directly involved in the initiation or pro-
(Table 5.1). Further demonstration of the critical role of gression of the cancer as they are tissue-specific genes such
DNA methylation in carcinogenesis is made by the observa- as CALCA and MYOD1 that are not expressed in the normal
tion that many of these genes, in addition to the RB1 gene, cells from which the cancer arose.
are methylated in sporadic cancers that often phenocopy the Many of the genes that become methylated in cancer are
type and subtype of the hereditary cancers in which they restricted to certain types of tumors. In some cases, such as
were first discovered [142]. Thus, the MLH1 mismatch repair GSTP1 in prostate cancer, DNA methylation of the gene is vir-
gene not only underlies much of hereditary non-polyposis tually a hallmark of the cancer. However, for most cancer types

Table 5.1 Known hereditary cancer genes that are methylated in cancer
Gene symbol Pathway Tumors in which DNA methylation occurs Familial involvement
BRCA1 DNA repair Breast, ovarian Breast, ovarian
CDH1 Cell adhesion Diffuse gastric, lobular breast Diffuse gastric, lobular breast
CDKN2A (p16) Cell-cycle Widespread includes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, gastric, Melanoma
DAPK1 Apoptosis Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, colon, lung, gastric Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
LKB1 Signal transduction Colon, lung Peutz–Jeghers syndrome
MLH1 DNA repair, apoptosis Colon, endometrium, ovarian Lynch syndrome
(colon, endometrium, ovarian)
RB1 Cell cycle Retinoblastoma, breast Retinoblastoma
VHL Angiogenesis Renal, chronic lymphocytic leukemia von Hippel–Lindau syndrome (renal)
88 T. Mikeska and A. Dobrovic

DNA methylation of no one single gene is predominant. These parameters are not easily investigated separately and
However, profiling DNA methylation over a large panel of are usually interwoven with other parameters, such as environ-
genes reveals patterns that are characteristic of certain types of mental exposures, which may also influence the epigenome
cancer [151]. Thus, different cancer types can be discriminated alterations to a certain extent [163, 165, 166]. For example,
by their distinct DNA methylation pattern (epigenetic finger- heavy metals (e.g., nickel and arsenic) [167] as well as toxins
print) [150, 152]. Many research groups are trying to identify (e.g., aflatoxin B1) [120] are well recognized substances
panels of genes that best characterize subgroups of each major capable of altering the epigenome.
cancer as biomarkers for that cancer [153]. Aging is associated with a global loss of DNA methylation
Other methylated genes may be passenger genes (also as well as a local increase in DNA methylation of usually
known as bystander genes). Passenger genes may become unmethylated CpG islands in normal tissues [168]. Initially,
aberrantly methylated because they are part of an epigeneti- it was reported that the CpG island-associated with the estro-
cally silenced domain. Also, genes that are methylated in gen receptor (ER) gene showed increasing level of DNA
cancer may be methylated in the cell of origin of the tumor methylation in colorectal mucosa samples in an age dependent
and escape demethylation. Other genes may become methyl- manner [169]. Subsequently, multiple other genes were shown
ated because of aging related incursions of DNA methylation to display age-related DNA methylation in normal colorectal
into normally unmethylated regions which then become mucosa [154, 170, 171]. Aberrant expression of DNMT1,
further methylated in the altered DNA methylation milieu of DNMT3a, and DNMT3b may be responsible for deregulated
the cancer [154]. DNA methylation patterns in aging cells [172–174]. In cul-
The extent to which a gene promoter region has to be tured human fibroblasts, DNMT1 expression decreases
methylated to result in silencing or decreased gene expres- during the aging process and this is probably associated with
sion is still unknown. DNA methylation patterns are often global DNA hypomethylation [175]. Furthermore, the
heterogeneous and show variable degrees of methylation increased expression of the DNMT3b gene may lead to aber-
throughout the region analyzed [155–157]. In addition, the rant DNA methylation at single-locus genes [175].
amount of DNA methylation of a given promoter tends to The genetic background can also determine susceptibility
increase with cancer evolution [158, 159]. It has been to alterations cellular DNA methylation. The one-carbon
reported that the CDKN2B (p15) promoter CpG island needs pathway is involved in the synthesis of the methyl group
to be methylated at 30–40 % of the CpG sites for silencing to donor, S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM), which is utilized by
occur [160]. It is expected that the minimal DNA methyla- DNMTs to establish DNA methylation. In particular, variants
tion level is dependent on the gene and its genomic context. in two members of this pathway, MTHFR (5,10 methylene-
Two mechanisms have been suggested to explain local tetrahydrofolate reductase) and MS (methionine synthase),
promoter associated CpG island hypermethylation in cancer influence the 5-methylcytosine content of the cell.
[15, 161]. One mechanism is based on random seeding of TT homozygous and CT heterozygous individuals of the
DNA methylation marks by an aberrant DNA methylation MTHFR variant C677T were shown to cause a genome-wide
machinery. The second mechanism proposes that certain reduction of DNA methylation level in normal tissue
regions are prone to aberrant DNA methylation, either intrin- [176–178]. The C to T substitution leads to thermolabile
sically or by a misrouted DNA methylation machinery. This MTHFR protein, with reduced catalytic activity [179]. The
may also explain DNA hypomethylation in these cases. AA homozygotes of a second MTHFR variant, A1298C,
However, neither concept can entirely explain aberrant DNA were also associated with a lower content of DNA methyla-
methylation levels and patterns. tion [176, 180]. This MTHFR protein variant shows also a
decreased enzymatic activity [181]. GG homozygotes at the
A2756G variant of the MTR gene (coding for 5-methyl
5.2.2 Factors Influencing Methylation tetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase) had less
Changes in the Epigenome methylation at tumor suppressor genes in their cancers than
the other genotypes [178].
The accumulation of alterations to the normal epigenome Genetic variation in promoter regions may also alter their
(epimutations) can be a step in cancer development analogous propensity to become methylated with time. The T allele of
to the accumulation of DNA sequence changes (mutations). the common germ-line polymorphism c.-56C > T
The underlying causes of and contributions to alterations to (rs16906252) in the promoter region of the MGMT gene is
the epigenome remain largely elusive. Nevertheless, there associated with aberrant DNA methylation at this locus in
is strong evidence, that the aging process and nutritional colorectal cancer [182] and malignant mesothelioma [183].
history have an impact on DNA methylation as well as Furthermore, gain of DNA methylation in normal tissues
changes in histones and chromatin structure [162–164]. such as colonic mucosa [184] and peripheral blood [185] is
5 Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer 89

also correlated with the presence of the T allele. So far, the The occurrence of CIMP and the oncogenic BRAF mutation
underlying mechanism for this predisposition is unknown. has been linked to the serrated pathway of colorectal carci-
As not every individual with the T allele has detectable meth- nogenesis. The BRAF mutation and CIMP are observed in
ylation, and the amount of methylation is highly variable, over 75 % of sessile serrated adenomas which are precursor
trans-acting factors must also be involved. Susceptibility for lesions associated with the serrated neoplasia pathway [194].
aberrant DNA methylation associated with single nucleotide Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancers caused by germ-
polymorphisms seems to be widespread and the importance line mutations in the DNA mismatch repair genes MLH1,
of this in cancer predisposition remains to be fully under- MSH2, MSH6, or PMS2 [201] do not belong to the serrated
stood [186, 187]. neoplasia pathway and do not show either CIMP or BRAF
A significant problem in understanding CIMP is that the
5.2.3 CpG Island Methylator mechanism underlying the phenotype in colorectal cancer has
Phenotype (CIMP) not been identified. Existing theories encompass a genetic
and/or environmental cause [202, 203]. An interesting hypoth-
The CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) has been esis raises the possibility that chemotherapy with DNA dam-
widely used to describe cancers with extensive CpG island aging agents might drive or select for cancers associated with
methylation. This phenotype was first proposed in 1999 for CIMP [204]. It is also important to note that in melanoma,
colorectal cancers [188]. Cancers are scored as CIMP-positive the BRAF V600E mutation does not appear to be associated
if the majority of a small panel of CpG promoter regions are with high levels of aberrant promoter methylation [205].
methylated in a manner analogous to the scoring for micro- Since the first report of CIMP in colorectal cancers, other
satellite instability. Analysis of a large panel of CpG islands solid tumors and leukemias have been suggested to be
has subsequently confirmed that CIMP is a distinct phenotype CIMP-positive [205, 206]. It is unclear whether the drivers of
in colorectal cancer [189]. CIMP in these cancers are related to the drivers of CIMP in
Classifying cancers as CIMP-positive is not always colorectal cancer. In glioma, it has been shown that mutation
straightforward. Alongside the original gene panel of of a single gene, isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1), estab-
CDKN2A, MINT1, MINT2, MINT31, and MLH1 [188], sev- lishes the CIMP phenotype but this is unlikely to drive more
eral other gene panels have been proposed. Weisenberger than a subset of CIMP-positive colorectal cancers [207].
et al. [189] chose a panel of CACNA1G, IGF2 (a non-
imprinted CpG island at this locus), NEUROG1, RUNX3, and
SOCS1, while Ogino et al. recommended a minimal panel of 5.2.4 Histone and Chromatin Changes
RUNX3, CACNA1G, IGF2, and MLH1 [190]. In addition to in Cancer
the different gene panels, different methods have been used to
detect DNA methylation. Quantitative approaches are supe- Repressive histone marks and DNA methylation are often
rior to qualitative approaches (methylation-specific PCR) as found together [208]. However, the contribution of DNA
they allow for the identification and subsequent exclusion of methylation and histone modifications to transcriptional reg-
genes with low-level DNA methylation, which are probably ulation varies from gene to gene. Whereas for certain genes,
biologically not significant [191]. Further difficulties in defin- DNA methylation plays the predominant role, the expression
ing CIMP-positive cancers arise by using different CIMP cut for other gene loci may depend more on the presence of his-
off values [192, 193] and different CIMP grading systems tone modifications.
[189, 192, 194]. Cancer cells also exhibit mechanisms of silencing, which
Despite the nonstandardized use of different marker panels are independent of promoter-associated DNA methylation.
and methodologies, CIMP-high colorectal cancers share The establishment of trimethylated H3-K27 histone marks
multiple clinicopathological and molecular characteristics. by the polycomb group protein EZH2, was shown to be the
CIMP-high colorectal cancers are usually proximally located major cause for silencing certain genes, such as ESR1 and
[188, 195–197] and are associated with an older patient age PGR, as observed for the PC3 prostate cancer cell line. Most
[193, 196]. They often exhibit microsatellite instability as of the genes bearing this histone mark were found not to be
the DNA mismatch repair gene MLH1 is frequently methyl- associated with the presence of DNA methylation, whereas
ated [193, 195–198]. CIMP cancers that are methylated for genes harboring DNA methylation did not show the trimeth-
MLH1 have a different profile of genetic changes to those ylated H3-K27 histone modification [209].
that are not methylated for MLH1 [195]. They are mainly Two examples of genes that are silenced without DNA
TP53 wild-type [193, 195, 197]. methylation are CDKN1A (p21CIP1/WAF1) and gelsolin
CIMP cancers show a very high mutation frequency in (GSN). Expression of the cell cycle kinase inhibitor CDKN1A
the BRAF gene (V600E) [189, 191, 194–196, 199, 200]. is frequently induced after treatment of various cell lines with
90 T. Mikeska and A. Dobrovic

HDAC inhibitors [210]. The treatment renders the CDKN1A status, the whole region was associated with the repressive
gene open to transcription, at least in part, by increasing the histone mark dimethylated H3-K9, leading to transcriptional
amount of acetylation of histones H3 and H4 at this locus suppression of the entire region [226]. Since then, several
[211]. Gelsolin, an actin binding protein, is also often upregu- studies showed LRES in other cancer types. LRES affects
lated after treatment with HDAC inhibitors in cell lines large chromosomal regions of approximately 100 kb up to
[212–214]. Altered DNA methylation seems to play only a 5 Mb and results in silencing of several contiguous genes.
minor role in GSN gene expression [213]. LRES functionally resembles large genetic deletions result-
Many of the different enzymes involved in histone- ing in silencing of long stretches DNA with the important
modifying and chromatin-modifying activities have been exception that LRES may be reversible [161].
shown to be deregulated in cancer. Aberrant expression, Another LRES region was found in bladder cancer on
mutations and translocations are frequently the cause for chromosome 3p22 and comprises 130 kb [227]. This region
their malfunction in cancer. Good overviews and the presen- encompasses four contiguous genes (VILL, PLCD1, DLEC1,
tation of some examples in greater detail are provided in the and ACAA1) that are coordinately downregulated in cancer
literature [215–217]. cells. Again, the cancer-specific inactivation is characterized
Chromatin remodeling complexes such the SWI/SNF by the occurrence of trimethylated H3-K9 in the absence of
complex can modulate transcriptional activity and altera- DNA methylation. This same region is a part of a 1.1 Mb
tions in these complexes are associated with cancer develop- LRES region in the majority of microsatellite-unstable
ment [218, 219]. SMARCB1 (SNF5/INI1) codes for a key colorectal cancers associated with aberrant MLH1 DNA
component of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex. methylation [228]. This segment comprises the genes
This gene is frequently deleted or mutated and its malfunc- AB002340, EPM2AIP, MLH1, LRRFIP2, GOLGA4, ITGA9,
tion is thought to be the underlying cause for rhabdoid CTDSPL, PLCD1, and DLEC1, most of which show methyl-
tumors, a rare pediatric cancer [220]. Interestingly, these ated promoter-associated CpG islands and the H3-K9 dimeth-
cancers do not show genomic instability and it seems that the ylation repressive histone mark). Interestingly, LRRFIP2,
disruption of the epigenetic machinery can substitute for GOLGA4, and CTDSPL escape aberrant DNA methylation
genetic alterations [221]. but despite being associated with an active chromatin struc-
ture are also transcriptionally repressed in cancer samples.
LRES is not restricted to a particular cancer type and
5.2.5 Long-Range Epigenetic many different regions throughout the genome are subject to
Silencing (LRES) LRES [229–231]. Indeed, LRES is now recognized as a
common event in cancer, affecting multiple regions through-
The concept of aberrant long-range epigenetic silencing out the compromised cancer cell genome. Genome-wide
(LRES) originated from genetic studies in model organisms studies in prostate cancer [232] and neuroblastoma [233]
of events such as position effect variegation where de novo revealed the presence of 47 and 63 cancer-related LRES
silencing occurs along a length of chromatin after it is trans- clusters, respectively. Interestingly, the neuroblastoma study
located next to heterochromatin [222]. Studies of gene suggested that LRES regions are more often located at
expression in cell culture systems also revealed cases where chromosome ends [233].
adjacent genes underwent coordinate changes in gene
expression [223, 224]. An important example of LRES in
normal development is the inactive X-chromosome in 5.2.6 Is Cancer a Genetic Disease
females which is silenced virtually across its entire length. It or an Epigenetic Disease?
shows all the hallmarks of silencing, methylation of pro-
moter region associated CpG islands, heterochromatic That cancer is a genetic disease is an often repeated truism.
appearance and late replication of its DNA. It is considered However, our current knowledge of epigenetics must make
that the DNA methylation appears after the initial silencing us raise the question of whether cancer is as much or more
to lock the silent phenotype into place [225]. of an epigenetic than a genetic disease [234–236]. The
De novo LRES in cancer was first described in colon can- most compelling evidence for the latter argument is that at
cer [226]. The first chromosomal region found to be silenced least some cancer cells can be reprogrammed into taking
by LRES spans 4 Mb and comprises three distinct segments part in normal differentiation despite the presence of acti-
of contiguous CpG islands on chromosome 2q14 associated vated oncogenes [237]. The number of epigenetic changes
with cancer-specific DNA hypermethylation of EN1, SCTR, in a cancer genome also greatly outnumbers the number of
and INHBB. These segments were flanked by CpG islands, genetic changes in a cancer genome [235, 238] although
which were unmethylated in cancer cells as well as normal deciphering which of these changes are critical in cancer
cells. Importantly, regardless of the CpG island methylation development remains a challenge. Sequencing of the entire
5 Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer 91

genome of one case of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Aberrant DNA methylation can also target components of
with a normal karyotype revealed that only very few muta- the epigenetic machinery. The RIZ1 (PRDM2) promoter is
tions were present and suggested that the changes driving frequently silenced by DNA methylation in several cancer
the carcinogenic process in this case were principally epi- types [253–257]. RIZ1 is one of the two different proteins
genetic [239]. Intriguingly, it was subsequently discovered encoded by the RIZ (Retinoblastoma protein interacting zinc
that one of these mutations was a premature stop codon in finger gene) gene. RIZ1, which contains a SET related PR
the DNMT3a gene [240]. Indeed, some of the strongest evi- domain, acts as a histone methyltransferase, which methyl-
dence for an epigenetic basis to cancer comes from the leu- ates H3-K9 [258]. RIZ is a common target in cancer as loss
kemias where one of the fusion partners in a leukemogenic of heterozygosity, frameshift mutations and missense muta-
translocation often codes for an epigenetic modifier. In tions also contribute to genetic alterations of the RIZ gene
many cases, the translocation serves to maintain the leuke- [258, 259].
mic cells in a stem-like or progenitor-like state. Chief among
these fusion partners is the MLL gene which is involved in
numerous translocations [241]. MLL has diverse functions 5.3 Epigenetic Changes as Tools
including the establishment of trimethylated H3-K4 his- for Diagnostics and Targets
tone marks [242]. for Therapy
It is ultimately futile to put genetic and epigenetic mecha-
nisms in opposition to each other as alternate hypotheses for 5.3.1 DNA Methylation-Based Biomarkers
cancer development as they both play pivotal roles and are
often interrelated [133, 243]. Silencing of DNA repair genes DNA methylation has aroused considerable interest because
will establish a mutator phenotype which will accelerate the it generates large numbers of potential biomarkers [260].
rate of mutational change and provide tumor evolution with Biomarkers fall into several classes. Some are useful because
additional raw material [244]. For example, silencing of the they are present in nearly all cancers of a given type and
promoter of the DNA repair gene MLH1 results in microsat- therefore can be used for disease detection and monitoring.
ellite instability which further results in mutations at a vari- These do not necessarily play a key role in cancer pathogen-
ety of genes which have an effect on the cancer cell esis. Others are prognostic biomarkers that predict patient
phenotype [240, 245]. outcome. One of the key advantages of DNA methylation-
On the other hand, the underlying causes of epigenetic based biomarkers is that methylation is stable after biopsies
instability or methylator phenotypes such as CIMP may arise are removed. This stability gives it a major advantage over
from mutations in an as yet unidentified gene. Mutations in RNA-based expression biomarkers [260].
oncogenes such as RAS have been reported to destabilize the Methodology is a critical issue when locus-specific DNA
epigenetic machinery and initiate DNA methylation changes methylation is used as a biomarker. DNA methylation assays
in the cell [246, 247]. In FOS-transformed cells, it was noted should be used, which provide a quantitative or at least a
that DNMT1 protein expression was elevated resulting in a semiquantitative result. In many cases, they need to be highly
20 % increase of cellular levels of 5-methylcytosine. DNMT1 sensitive as well. Although, methylation-specific PCR (MSP)
seemed moreover to play a fundamental role in FOS trans- is a widely applied method to detect DNA methylation [261],
formation as blocking of DNMT1 gene expression resulted in the results obtained by this method are not quantitative.
reversion of transformation [248]. This is consistent with Methods for quantitative DNA methylation measurement
other reports that blocking DNMT1 gene expression can sup- have been based on bisulfite pyrosequencing [262–264],
press tumorigenesis [249, 250]. MethyLight [265], or SMART-MSP [266]. A useful semi-
A deregulated histone code and altered chromatin remod- quantitative approach is given by the methylation-sensitive
eling can also lead to increased mutation rates by altering the high-resolution melting (MS-HRM) methodology [267].
accessibility of the DNA repair machinery to the genomic It must also be considered that quantitative interpretation can
DNA. Proper acetylation of H3-K56 in mammals is impor- be compromised by the presence of heterogeneous DNA
tant to prevent spontaneous DNA damage probably during methylation [268].
DNA replication [251]. Therefore, this histone modification
participates in maintaining genomic stability and in an
appropriate DNA damage response. In yeast, disrupted 5.3.2 Early Detection and Monitoring
H3-K56 acetylation sensitizes the cells to compounds that of Cancers After Therapy
cause DNA strand breaks during replication [252]. Impaired
access to certain damage sites or an impaired DNA damage The early detection and treatment of most cancer types is
response will further contribute to the genomic instability of considered the best prerequisite for a good outcome. Various
the cell, which further promotes its dysregulation. body fluids or excretions, such as blood, sputum, saliva,
92 T. Mikeska and A. Dobrovic

urine, and stool are relatively noninvasive samples, which greater frequency are likely to determine or influence thera-
can potentially be used for the early detection of cancer. peutic response.
In other cases, ductal lavages or bronchial washes can be Currently, cancer is usually treated according to the pre-
used. Because of the relatively low frequency of cancers in sumed tissue of origin of the cancer. This approach probably
the groups being screened, even assays with high specificity works because similar cancer subsets share similar profiles
are likely to produce more false-positives than cancer cases. of genetic and epigenetic changes. Nevertheless, there are
Thus, it is important to target such screening to individuals intrinsic subtypes within each cancer grouping as has been
already at high risk of developing a certain type of cancer. shown by large-scale gene expression studies [283, 284].
Detection of aberrant promoter DNA methylation of the Among cancers that are similar in both clinicopathological
SEPT9 gene in plasma samples was shown to be correlated features and molecular profiles, there is still heterogeneity
to the presence of colorectal cancer [269, 270] and precan- when individual genes are examined; each cancer is thus a
cerous colorectal lesions [271]. This epigenetic biomarker is unique entity. As alterations in the expression or function of
relatively specific for colon cancer which shows SEPT9 many of the individual genes can predict the responses to
methylation level differences dependent on disease staging. particular therapies, there will be considerable scope for
DNA methylation of the PITX2 promoter, which regulates using this molecular information to guide the treatment of
the expression of transcript variants A and B was shown to the patient. When epigenetic changes in cancers lead to the
be a predictive epigenetic biomarker in breast cancer. DNA silencing of genes and where the gene products are involved
hypermethylation of PITX2 was associated with an increased in sensitivity or resistance to therapeutics, the DNA meth-
risk of recurrence in node-negative, steroid hormone-receptor ylation status of key genes can act as a predictive biomarker.
positive breast cancer patients treated by adjuvant tamoxifen Thus, the information we can extract from the altered epig-
monotherapy after surgery [272, 273]. The presence of enome of a cancer will enable us to understand how to treat
PITX2 methylation was also associated with poor patient the cancer. This has been termed pharmacoepigenomics by
outcome for node-negative, steroid hormone-receptor posi- analogy to pharmacogenetics.
tive breast cancer without any systemic adjuvant therapy and The DNA repair machinery is repeatedly the target of epi-
node-positive, estrogen receptor-positive, HER-2/neu- genetic change in cancer [244] as it often also is in cancer
negative breast cancer treated by adjuvant anthracycline- predisposition syndromes. This machinery is responsible to
based chemotherapy, respectively [274, 275]. Furthermore, repair the multiple forms of damage, which is constantly
methylation of PITX2 is also a prognostic biomarker in pros- inflicted upon the genome by endogenous (e.g., replication
tate cancer. Increased methylation levels were associated errors, reactive oxygen species) and exogenous sources (e.g.,
with a higher risk of clinical relapse in patients with prostate radiation). Many enzymes and proteins participate directly
cancer after radical prostatectomy [276, 277]. or indirectly in the important processes to repair and main-
The GSTP1 gene encodes for the pi class glutathione tain a stable genome. Altering or silencing the gene expres-
S-transferase enzyme, which is involved in cellular detoxifica- sion of a given DNA repair gene will result in unrepaired
tion processes. The presence of DNA methylation at the damage setting up a mutator phenotype. The mutator pheno-
GSTP1 associated CpG island was detected in more than 90 % type generates multiple sequence variants. Natural selection
of prostate cancer and about 70 % of high-grade prostatic then acts on the variants that arise, enabling cancer evolu-
intraepithelial neoplasia [278, 279]. On the other hand, DNA tion. However, the repair deficiency is also a therapeutic tar-
methylation of GSTP1 is rare in benign biopsies and normal get in the cancer. This underlies the susceptibility of many
prostate tissue. GSTP1 methylation appears to be an early cancers to one or other form of chemotherapy. Currently, the
event in cancer progression and could be used as a diagnostic best example of a gene whose DNA methylation has predic-
biomarker [280, 281]. Furthermore, methylation of GSTP1 in tive value is the MGMT gene [285]. Its protein product, O6-
serum of prostate cancer patients was associated with an ele- methylguanine DNA methyltransferase, directly removes
vated risk of clinical relapse after surgery [282]. alkyl groups from the O6-position of guanine residues. If the
alkylation damage is left unrepaired, it increases the proba-
bility of a G to A transition mutation during replication
5.3.3 Targeting Individual Epigenetic [286]. Thus, a failure in repairing this damage will lead to an
Changes—Epigenetics accumulation of mutations over time and constant develop-
and Personalized Medicine ment of new cell clones in the cancer.
The presence of methylation at the MGMT promoter was
Biomarkers that predict patient responses to particular ther- shown to function as a DNA methylation-based biomarker
apies are critical to personalized therapy. While consider- for the susceptibility of cancers treated therapeutically with
able attention has been focused on gain and loss of function alkylating agents [287]. The therapeutic benefit of alkylat-
mutations in oncogenes, epimutations because of their ing agents for cancer patients with a methylated MGMT
5 Epigenetic Basis of Human Cancer 93

promoter was clearly demonstrated in the treatment of glio- One of the most remarkable examples of the clinical
blastoma with temozolomide [288]. The presence of DNA implications of epigenetics in cancer is its role in plasticity of
methylation at the MGMT promoter was also associated with the cancer cell phenotype. A cancer is considered to comprise
increased survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma two populations: a pluripotent stem-cell-like population and
(B-DLCL) patients being treated with the alkylating drug a more differentiated population. Sharma et al. showed the
cyclophosphamide as part of multidrug regimens [289]. existence of a highly drug resistant stem-cell-like population
Methylation of the MGMT gene is increasingly being used in the PC9 lung cancer cell line [312]. The transition between
to guide the choice of whether to use alkylating agents in the the stem-cell-like population and the more differentiated
treatment of glioblastoma patients. This has led to MGMT population seemed to be mediated by the levels of the lysine-
promoter methylation being the first DNA methylation- specific demethylase 5A (KDM5A, JARID1A). Such epige-
based biomarker assay that is being adopted in cancer molec- netically determined plasticity has major implications for
ular pathology for glioblastoma. However, MGMT promoter cancer therapy as no single treatment approach is likely to
methylation is not currently used to guide treatment deci- target both populations of cancer cells.
sions for other tumors such as melanoma and colorectal can-
cer that also can show methylation at the MGMT promoter.
Many assays have been developed to detect DNA meth- 5.3.5 Targeting Epigenetic Changes Globally
ylation at the MGMT promoter utilizing different approaches
[267, 290, 291]. In addition, several commercial products DNA methylation and histone modifications are potentially
are available based on quantitative methylation-specific reversible as was shown by the large scale remodeling of a
PCR (qMSP), bisulfite pyrosequencing and methylation- melanoma nucleus after nuclear transfer into oocytes. An
sensitive high-resolution melting (MS-HRM). It is critical embryonic stem cell line could then be derived from the blas-
that quantitative approaches are used as, as previously men- tocysts that could give rise to multiple tissues in a chimeric
tioned, certain individuals have the single nucleotide poly- mouse [237]. This raises the possibility, that the epigenetic
morphism that predisposes to a definite background level of changes in a cancer cell can be pharmacologically reversed.
DNA methylation but not one that definitely leads to a meth- In an ideal scenario, this should result in the restoration of
ylated cancer [185]. the epigenetic pattern associated with a certain cell type
Other DNA repair genes, such as MLH1 [143, 292], WRN before the malignant transformation. Two different drug
[293], as well as members of the BRCA-Fanconi anemia types that have shown some therapeutic benefit are currently
pathway, BRCA1 [146, 294], FANCC [295], FANCF [296], in clinical use: demethylating agents and HDAC inhibitors.
and FANCL [295], also have been reported to show aberrant Dependent on their chemical structure, demethylating
DNA methylation in several cancer types. These different agents can be grouped as nucleoside analogues or non-
alterations render cancer cells susceptible to certain chemo- nucleoside based drugs [313]. The drugs based on nucleo-
therapeutic drugs either directly [297, 298] or through a syn- side analogues are cytidine or deoxycytidine analogues and
thetic lethal approach [299]. Thus knowledge of which of exert their impact in an indirect manner; they need to be
these genes are methylated may help clinicians to choose the incorporated into the genomic DNA and substitute for
appropriate treatment for an individual cancer patient [300]. genomic cytosine. Preceding incorporation, these drugs need
to be activated to resemble natural occurring dNTPs and to
be capable to participate in strand synthesis. Once they have
5.3.4 Clinical Implications of Chromatin been incorporated into newly synthesized genomic DNA,
Changes in Cancer they either inhibit the DNMTs irreversibly [314, 315] or
form a reversible but stable complex between DNMTs and
The prognostic value of various histone acetylation and DNA [316, 317]. As a consequence, the newly synthesized
methylation alterations was shown in studies of prostate can- DNA strands show less DNA methylation.
cer [301–303] lung cancer [304–306], ovarian cancer [307], So far, 5-azacytidine (azacitidine, Vidaza) [318] and
pancreatic cancer [307, 308], gastric cancer [309], breast 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (decitabine, Dacogen) [319] have
cancer [307, 310], and renal cancer [311]. Interestingly, for been approved for treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes
some cancer types certain histone modifications were found (MDS) and leukemia by the American Food and Drug
to act as independent prognostic factors, providing addi- Administration (FDA). Another demethylating drug, zebula-
tional nonredundant information to the clinicopathological rine, might is also promising in cancer therapy [320, 321].
markers currently in use. This was reported for example for Concerns in using demethylating drugs address their non-
acetylated H3-K18 in breast cancer [310] and renal cancer specific character—that the epigenetic status of the whole can-
[311] and for trimethylated H3-K27 in breast, ovarian, and cer cell is targeted rather than that of individual genes [322].
pancreatic cancers [307]. Despite the fact that the cancer genome is hypomethylated
94 T. Mikeska and A. Dobrovic

overall, epigenetic therapy with demethylating agents is pre- Combination therapies involving both demethylating drugs
sumed to target hypermethylated promoters. A (potentially) and HDAC inhibitors are promising avenues of investigation
unstable genome caused by global DNA hypomethylation in clinical trials [328, 341]. They promise to have some of
may be further destabilized after drug supply and may face the synergistic effects seen in the combinations of these two
(additional) severe chromosomal damage, which further pro- drug types in in vitro models [327, 342]. Furthermore, HDAC
motes cancer progression or metastasis. In addition, patho- inhibitors could be combined with other anticancer drugs,
genic DNA methylation patterns tend to be restored after the which could improve the treatment of hematological malig-
removal of the drug by mechanisms which remain unclear nancies as well as the treatment of solid cancers [341].
[323]. Furthermore, chemotherapeutic opportunities to target
epigenetic change at particular genes will be lost. For exam-
ple, a methylated MGMT promoter renders patients suscepti- 5.4 Conclusions
ble to alkylating drugs. By treating this patient group with
demethylating agents, they may lose the opportunity to benefit Epigenetic changes are clearly key in the initiation and devel-
from this kind of treatment [324]. opment of cancer. However, we still are a long way from a
Nevertheless, treatment with demethylating agents has complete understanding of the interplay of epigenetic and
been demonstrably successful in some cancers notably genetic change in the origin and development of cancers.
myelodysplasia where the prolonged treatment with low Understanding the contributions of the environment and
doses of demethylating agents has led to marked increase in nutrition to cancer onset via epigenetic mechanisms, espe-
survival with minimal side effects [325–327]. The therapeu- cially in an individual context, is increasingly important. This
tic benefit of demethylating agents in the treatment of solid understanding is being accelerated by the currently develop-
cancers is not yet as evident as for the treatment of hemato- ing genome-scale methodologies that will reveal the genetic
logical malignancies [322, 328], although some promising and epigenetic changes in an individual cancer. Determining
results have been reported in lung cancer [329]. A prerequi- cancer therapy will also rely on knowledge of both genetic
site of successfully using demethylating agents is the ability and epigenetic changes in each case of cancer. No character-
of cancer cells to proliferate. Many solid cancers harbor cell ization of a given cancer can be said to be complete without a
populations which replicate slowly and therefore may escape characterization of the epigenome. Thus, the analysis of
drug treatment unless specifically targeted [324, 328]. (aberrant) epigenetic patterns will be a key element in future
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Cancer Proteomics
Jeffrey M. Lake and Timothy D. Veenstra

cancer during and 14,270 will die from this disease (http://
6.1 The Need to Study Cancer [1].
Funding to support ovarian cancer research in the USA has
A tremendous amount of intellectual and fiscal resources is predominantly come from federal agencies, which committed
poured into cancer research every year. Although statistics $112 million in the year 2010 (http://www.ovariancancerre-
between the years 2000 and 2006 reveal a decrease in cancer Other nonprofit organizations have con-
incidence rates in the USA of 1.3 % and 0.5 % per year for tributed another $16 million, for a total national commitment
men and women, respectively, cancer remains a major health of at least $128 million to support ovarian cancer research.
problem within the USA and virtually everywhere in the Overall this funding level represents greater than $9000 for
world [1]. The death rates among men for all races in the every woman who will die from ovarian cancer. Unfortunately,
USA decreased 21 % between 1990 and 2006 with decreases even at this fiscal commitment, the prognosis for women
in lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers accounting for diagnosed with ovarian cancer remains poor. This disease
nearly 80 % of this total. During the same period, the death does not have a reliable early detection or screening test,
rates among women decreased 12.3 %, with decreases in resulting in more than 60 % of patients being initially diag-
breast and colorectal cancers accounting for approximately nosed with stage III or stage IV cancer. At these stages the
60 % of this total. While these numbers are very encourag- cancer has already spread beyond the ovaries. A lack of prog-
ing, the following numbers are still staggering—1,665,540 ress in diagnosing and/or treating ovarian cancer is reflected
new cancer cases and 585,720 cancer deaths are projected in Table 6.2 (
for 2014 ( This number of new cancer cancer/statistics/). Over the first decade of this century, there
cases is larger than the population of all but six US cities was little change in the number of women diagnosed with this
(according to the 2000 census) and the number of deaths is disease and no significant change in the number of deaths.
just under the population of Washington, DC. A list of Overall the ratio of new cases report and deaths shows no
estimated new cancer cases and deaths for 2010 is listed for significant change over this 10 year period.
various cancers in Table 6.1. Ovarian cancer is typically diagnosed in patients that
The fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women is already show symptoms. The symptoms may include pressure
ovarian cancer. The death rate for this cancer illustrates the or pain within the pelvis, abdomen, back, or legs, bloating
need for better diagnostic tools. It is estimated that during within the abdomen, chronic tiredness, gas, diarrhea, constipa-
2014, 21,980 women will be diagnosed with ovarian tion, indigestion, and nausea (
J.M. Lake, Ph.D. Other less common symptoms include unusual vaginal bleed-
Laboratory of Proteomics and Analytical Technologies, ing and urinary frequency. Unfortunately the symptoms of
Advanced Technology Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc.,
ovarian cancer are nonspecific and are similar to those other
National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA
more common conditions such as digestive and bladder disor-
T.D. Veenstra, Ph.D. (*)
ders. Before being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a woman
C2N Diagnostics, 4041 Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis,
MO 63108, USA may be told she has another condition such as irritable bowel
syndrome, stress and depression. If the physician suspects
Maranatha Baptist University, 745 West Main Street,
Watertown, WI 53095, USA ovarian cancer he/she will order additional tests. A physical
e-mail: exam, in which the doctor presses on the abdomen to check for

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 103

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_6
104 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

Table 6.1 Estimated new 2014 US cancer cases and deaths by gender
Estimated new cases Estimated deaths
Both genders Male Female Both genders Male Female
All sites 1,665,540 855,220 810,320 585,720 310,010 275,710
Oral cavity and pharynx 42,440 30,220 12,220 8390 5730 2660
Digestive system 289,610 162,730 126,880 147,260 84,970 62,290
Respiratory system 242,550 130,000 112,550 163,660 90,280 73,380
Bones and joints 3020 1680 1340 1460 830 630
Soft tissue 12,020 6550 5470 4740 2550 2190
Skin 81,220 46,630 34,590 12,980 8840 4140
Breast 235,030 2360 232,670 40,430 430 40,000
Genital system 338,450 243,460 94,990 59,970 30,180 28,790
Urinary system 141,610 97,420 41,190 30,350 20,610 9740
Eye and orbit 2730 1440 1290 310 130 180
Brain and nervous system 23,380 12,820 10,560 14,320 8090 6230
Endocrine system 65,630 16,600 49,030 2820 1300 1520
Lymphoma 79,990 43,340 36,650 20,170 11,140 9030
Myeloma 24,050 13,500 10,550 11,090 6110 4980
Leukemia 52,380 30,100 22,280 24,090 14,040 10,050
Other 31,430 16,370 15,060 44,680 24,780 19,900

Table 6.2 Yearly ovarian cancer cases and deaths in the USA between measurement to diagnose ovarian cancer is the large number
1999 and 2009 of false positives that it predicts [2]. Obviously CA125, like
Year Cases Deaths Cases/Deaths the other well-known prostate cancer biomarker prostate-
2009 21,500 14,600 1.47 specific antigen, lack the sensitivity and specificity required
2005 19,842 14,787 1.34 for diagnosing patients.
2004 20,069 14,716 1.36
2003 20,445 14,657 1.39
2002 19,792 14,682 1.35 6.2 Hypothesis Versus Discovery-Driven
2001 19,719 14,414 1.37 Studies
2000 19,672 14,060 1.40
1999 19,676 13,627 1.44 One important change in how cancer research is conducted in
the omics-age is perspective. In previous decades where data
tumors or ascites fluid buildup, as well as a fluid examination, collection was often challenging most cancer studies were
may be conducted. A pelvic exam to check the ovaries and hypothesis driven. In a hypothesis-driven study, the investiga-
nearby organs for lumps or abnormalities in shape or size may tor formulates an educated guess to explain a cause-and-effect
be done along with an ultrasound to get a picture of the ovaries relationship. A series of experiments are performed to exam-
and surrounding tissues. The doctor may also order a blood ine this idea and determine if the hypothesis is correct. In a
test to measure the levels of mucinous glycoprotein serum discovery-driven study, the goal is to collect a specific type of
cancer antigen 125 (CA125). After all of these tests are con- data on as many features as possible and use the data to draw
ducted, a biopsy may be required to physically remove tissue a conclusion or formulate a hypothesis. The success of many
from the ovary, as well as surrounding fluid, and have them discovery-driven studies is how well the data can formulate
examined by a pathologist. It is easily seen why most women novel specific hypotheses. The advent of technologies that
that receive a diagnosis of ovarian cancer are already at an can gather large amounts of data on thousands of biological
advanced stage. It would be ideal if the circulating CA125 molecules in clinical samples has driven cancer research
levels could be used to routinely screen women for ovarian towards discovery-driven studies at an exponential rate. A
cancer at yearly physicals. However, its measurement lacks great example is genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
the necessary sensitivity and specificity (http://www.cancer. [3]. In GWAS, the genomes of different individuals are
gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Detection/tumor-markers). In fact sequenced to determine how their genes vary. The most
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only approves common comparisons made in GWAS studies are between
the use of CA125 for monitoring the response to ovarian healthy individuals and those with a specific disease condition.
cancer treatment and for detecting its post-treatment recur- The aim is to find regions in the genome that can be associated
rence. One of the major issues associated with using CA125 with specific traits such as diseases.
6 Cancer Proteomics 105

being monitored. This ability to conduct meaningful discovery-

driven studies has provided the basis for the large increase in
proteomic biomarker discovery, primarily for cancers.
Reasonable or not, biomarker discovery projects begin with
essentially no information as to the identity of the protein of
interest. The only reliable information available is the source
of the samples being analyzed. To understand how proteomics
is applied to cancer research it is important to gain an under-
standing of the major technologies used in this field.

6.3 Proteomic Technologies

The previous decade has seen a revolution on how cancer is

studied. In times past, cancer research was conducted on a
molecule-by-molecule basis, whereas today’s experiments
aim to simultaneously uncover large numbers of genes, tran-
scripts, proteins, and metabolites that characterize a specific
cancer. The primary driver that introduced this new omics era
was technology development. Massively parallel sequencing
methods, such as 454 Sequencing, have made surveying entire
genomes for genetic aberrations possible [4]. High-density
microarrays allow tens of thousands of transcripts to be char-
acterized in a high-throughput fashion [5]. For proteins and
metabolites, advances in chromatography and mass spectrom-
Fig. 6.1 List of discovery-driven and hypothesis-driven studies. In the etry (MS) have permitted thousands of these molecules to be
proteomics era, some studies (such as protein complex characterization characterized in complex clinical samples [6, 7].
and biomarker identification) can be performed using either approach. In the field of proteomics, gone are the days in which can-
cer was studied at an individual protein level. While funda-
In the field of proteomics, the development of high- mental technologies such as Western blotting, enzyme-linked
throughput technologies has enabled discovery-driven stud- immunosorbent assays (ELISA), immunoprecipitations (IPs),
ies as never before. As shown in Fig. 6.1, these studies and other methods will continue to be critical in protein anal-
include biomarker discovery, quantitative proteomics, pro- ysis, modern proteomic technologies enable cancer to be
tein complex characterization, and global proteome charac- studied at pathway, network, and global levels. An excellent
terization. Probably the biggest impact to cancer research example of proteomic technologies changing the way a fun-
has been the ability to conduct discovery driven studies to damental experiment is conducted is illustrated by the analy-
find cancer-specific biomarkers. The greatest challenge in sis of protein complexes (Fig. 6.2) [8]. Protein complex
finding biomarkers for specific cancers is having no a priori isolation has been routinely conducted using IPs. Historically,
information as to the identity (or even character) of a protein the extracted material has been separated using sodium
biomarker for any cancer. It is even impossible to determine dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-
which class of protein (e.g., kinase, phosphatase, membrane, PAGE) and then transferred to a polyvinylidene fluoride
or nuclear) a biomarker likely belongs. Therefore, this type (PVDF) membrane. To identify a protein interaction, the
of study is often left to a purely unbiased discovery-driven in PVDF membrane is blotted using an antibody directed against
which samples from healthy and cancer-affected individuals a protein hypothesized to interact with the protein targeted in
are compared. In addition, the ability to collect large amounts the IP. While this hypothesis-driven strategy has proven fruit-
of data has also impacted how hypothesis-driven proteomic ful over the years, it provides a limited amount of information
experiments are conducted. For example, protein complexes and lacks the ability to find truly novel interactions that fall
no longer need to be characterized protein by protein, rather outside the investigators hypotheses.
the entire complex can be analyzed in a single experiment. The proteomics era has brought the ability to conduct
The amount of data collected in an experiment does not nec- more discovery-driven approaches. For example, in the char-
essarily indicate if it is hypothesis-driven or discovery-driven. acterization of protein-protein interactions no longer requires
For example, clinical trials that collect a great deal of patient a hypothesis to identify individual proteins, rather the entire
data are primarily hypothesis-driven as specific outcomes are complex can be characterized using mass spectrometry (MS).
106 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

Fig. 6.2 Identifying protein interactions using hypothesis and gel electrophoresis, the protein bands are colorimetrically stained, and
discovery-driven methods. In a hypothesis-driven approach a protein individually subjected to in-gel digestion. After extracting the peptides
complex is isolated using a technique such as immunoprecipitation from each gel piece, they are individually analyzed using mass spec-
(IP). The complex is separated by gel electrophoresis and the proteins trometry (MS). While the hypothesis-driven method results in the
blotted onto a membrane, which is interrogated using an antibody spe- identification of a single potential protein interaction per experiment,
cific for a protein that is hypothesized to interact with the target pro- the discovery-driven approach identifies several potentially novel
tein. In the discovery-driven approach the complex is separated using interactions.

The procedure for characterizing protein complexes using used to isolate the complex) are required, and truly novel pro-
MS is straightforward and incorporates many of the steps tein interactions can be identified since any testing does not
used in the hypothesis-driven strategy (Fig. 6.2). The isolated rely on a formulated hypothesis.
protein complex is separated using SDS-PAGE and rather
than transferring the proteins to a PVDF membrane, they are
stained using a colorimetric reagent such as Coomassie blue 6.3.1 Mass Spectrometry
or silver stain. The protein bands are excised from the gel and
are subjected to in-gel digestion with a proteolytic enzyme The greatest fundamental advance that proteomics has con-
(usually trypsin). Peptides are extracted from the individual tributed to cancer research is in the identification of proteins.
gel pieces and identified using MS. The identified peptides While having been a mainstay in biochemistry for over a
are then compared to a proteomic or translated genomic data- half-century, the technology used for identifying proteins has
base to determine the origin of the peptides. This discovery- seen enormous leaps in the past decade. In the 1950s Edman
driven approach offers a number of key advantages over degradation enabled the sequencing of purified proteins [9].
hypothesis-driven methods. Several interacting proteins can While Edman sequencing is still in use today, it has been
be identified within a single study, no antibodies (save those largely replaced by MS. The two primary reasons are
6 Cancer Proteomics 107

tryptic peptides Experimental mass spectrum
tryptic peptides Theoretical mass spectrum

ESS m/z

Fig. 6.3 Identification of a protein via peptide mapping. Proteins are suitable proteome database. The protein is identified by the correspon-
digested into peptides (usually tryptic) and their masses are measured dence between the list of experimental peptide masses and the in silico
using mass spectrometry (MS). The resulting masses are compared to digest of each protein within the database.
theoretical mass spectra that are generated by an in silico digest of a

throughput and the fact that MS does not require a pure sam- Peptides are identified by how well the fragmentation pattern
ple to confidently identify a protein. Mass spectrometry is matches the in silico fragmentation patterns calculated from
able to identify a single highly purified protein or identify all corresponding peptides within a database. When the sample
thousands of proteins within a complex mixture. The two is primarily comprised of a single protein, the MS/MS
main methods used to identify proteins by MS are peptide spectra of several peptides are used to confidently identify
mapping [10] and tandem MS (MS/MS) [11]. the protein. When very complex mixtures are being ana-
To identify a protein using peptide mapping, it is first lyzed, the MS/MS spectrum of a single peptide can provide
enzymatically digested into peptide fragments (Fig. 6.3). evidence for the presence of a specific protein within the
Trypsin is by far the most commonly used protease for this sample. However, the rule is that the more peptides identi-
purpose owing to its specificity and the relative distribution fied, the greater the confidence that the protein is present in
of lysine and arginine residues throughout proteins in the the sample. The advantage of MS/MS is that it identifies
proteome. The masses of the tryptic peptides are measured peptides based on sequence information.
using MS and this list of experimental masses is compared to When combined with high resolution liquid chromatogra-
theoretical masses of the tryptic peptides that would result phy (LC), modern mass spectrometers can sequence thou-
from a tryptic in silico digest of proteins present in a protein sands of peptides per hour. For these types of studies, a
or genomic database. The protein is identified based on the complex sample (e.g., biofluid, tissue, or cell lysate) is
best match between the experimental peptide masses and the digested into tryptic peptides. These peptides are fractionated
digest of the proteins within the database. The drawback by a selected number of chromatography methods prior to
with peptide mapping is that, although it does not require a being eluted directly into the mass spectrometer. The most
pure protein, the best identifications come from samples in commonly used modes of fractionation involve strong cation
which the target protein is highly enriched. exchange followed by reversed phase LC. As they enter the
When using MS/MS for identification (Fig. 6.4), individ- mass spectrometer, the instrument isolates individual pep-
ual peptides enter the mass spectrometer and are isolated tides based on their intensity and subjects them to CID
within the instrument and collided with an inert gas (i.e., (Fig. 6.5). The MS/MS spectra are then analyzed against a
He, Ar, N2, etc.). This process, known as collisional induced suitable database turning the raw data into identified peptides.
dissociation (CID) breaks the peptide into fragments that are The identified peptides are binned to their specific protein of
then sent to detector. Fortunately, the ways in which peptides origin. The seminal example of using MS to identify large
fragment are fairly well understood with cleavage across numbers of proteins in a biological sample was developed by
the amide bond one of the favored fragmentation pathways. Dr. John Yates’ lab in 2001 [12]. A dual strong cation
In addition, CID does not cleave every amide bond in every exchange/reversed-phase LC column was used to separate
peptide. The fragmentation results in populations of various tryptically digested yeast proteins directly on-line with an
lengths of residues both from the N-terminus and C-terminus, ion-trap mass spectrometer. This experiment resulted in the
as well as internally, being recorded for each peptide. identification of almost 1500 proteins. This multidimensional
108 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

ESI MS-1 Detector
cell MS-2

y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1

b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
90 y6 y8
Relative Abundance

y5 E
50 D
40 y9 y10
30 E
QQR E E y11
20 y3

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Fig. 6.4 Identification of a protein via tandem mass spectrometry (MS/ acquired. The most common fragmentation occurs across the amide
MS). A specific peptide entering the mass spectrometer (large grey bond creating a series of b and y ions. Software programs compare the
circle) is isolated within the instrument and subjected to collisional MS/MS spectra with proteomic databases to determine the sequence of
induced dissociation (CID). The fragments of the peptide produced by the peptides subjected to CID.
CID are then directed onto the detector where the MS/MS spectrum is

protein identification technology or MudPIT, as it was coined, 6.3.2 Protein Arrays

was subsequently used by different laboratories to interrogate
clinical samples with the ultimate goal of discovering bio- While MS has been the primary tool for advancing cancer
markers. This technique, now commonly referred to as shot- research into the proteomics era, protein arrays represent a
gun proteomics, has been used to tremendously increase our more directed and potentially more powerful tool to perform
knowledge of the proteome of peripheral body fluids such as broad proteome surveys of different cellular systems. Owing
serum, plasma, and urine. While today investigators have to its dominance, this chapter is devoted to the role of MS in
been able to identify upwards of 4000 proteins within com- cancer proteomics. However, it is worth including a section
plex samples [13–15], the mass spectrometer is still unable to to make the reader aware of protein array technologies.
identify all of the proteins within a complex mixture. While MS will continue to play a dominant role in biomarker
6 Cancer Proteomics 109

Automatically Selected for MS/MS


80 MS/MS Spectrum
Relative Abundance

Relative Abundance

40 40
x 7000/hr
400 800 1200 1600 2000
0 m/z
1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000

MS Scan
Relative Abundance




Peptide Identifications

20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (min) Protein Identifications

Fig. 6.5 Data-dependent tandem mass spectrometry identification of on. After 5–10 peptides are selected the mass spectrometer acquires
peptides in complex mixtures. In this method, peptides observed in the another MS scan to find new signals from peptides that have eluted into
MS scan are selected for MS/MS based on their signal intensity. After the instrument. This sequence of MS and MS/MS occurs at a rate of
the MS/MS spectrum of the most intense peptide in the preceding MS approximately 7000 times per hour resulting in the identification of
scan is acquired, the next most intense peptide signal is selected and so thousands of peptides from complex mixtures.

discovery, protein arrays will be increasingly important in specific antigens within the sample. As with many immunoaf-
validation studies. Like ELISA’s, Western blotting, and finity techniques, a secondary antibody is utilized to detect and
immunohistochemistry (IHC), protein arrays make use of visualize the antigen. The major disadvantage of FFPAs is the
affinity reagents (primarily antibodies) to measure changes need for two antibodies and the antigen must be in a confor-
in proteins present within complex samples. Put simply, pro- mational state capable of binding both unique antibodies.
tein arrays are essentially an attempt to simultaneously con- The second type of protein array is the reverse-phase
duct hundreds of microscale IHCs, ELISAs, or Westerns. protein microarray (RPPA). They are called reverse-phase
While protein arrays may seem limited since they target spe- because instead of the antibody, the antigen-containing sam-
cific proteins (hypothesis-driven), large numbers of different ple containing the antigens is immobilized to a surface. The
antibodies can be used to provide a comprehensive view of types of samples that can be arrayed include cell lysates,
protein changes. laser captured tissues, and tissue cores. The array format
There are currently two types of protein microarrays used allows numerous aliquots of the sample to be arrayed and
in cancer research: (1) forward-phase protein microarrays interrogated with multiple antibodies against unique pro-
(FPPAs) [16, 17], and (2) reverse-phase protein microarrays teins. The obvious advantage of the RRPA is that a single
(RPPAs) [18]. The goal of both types of arrays is to map antibody is required per antigen. The amount of cell lysate
changes in cell pathways and networks in single, high- obtained from cells acquired using laser capture microdis-
throughput experiment. The obvious advantage using either section (LCM) is plenty for creating an entire RPPA. These
type of array is throughput, allowing real-time analysis of arrays typically use on the order of 2 nL of material per spot,
multiple patient samples. In FPPAs, antibodies are immobi- allowing hundreds of patient samples to be printed on a single
lized onto a solid surface. The antibodies act as bait to capture 25 × 75 mm array.
110 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

While conventional protein arrays require spotting of cell 6.4.1 Two-Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel
lysate, investigators have also developed tissue microarrays Electrophoresis
(TMA) [19–21]. Tissue microarrays are essentially high-
throughput devices for conducting multiplexed IHC experi- The overall strategy for identifying biomarkers using
ments on tissue sections. Immunohistochemistry is a standard 2D-PAGE is shown in Fig. 6.6. Proteomes are extracted from
research tool for translational research laboratories as well as samples obtained from cancer and normal patients and they
being a foundational diagnostic technique in modern clinical are separated on gels based on their isoelectric point (pI) and
pathology. Instead of conducting IHCs on a single tissue, molecular weight (MW). Each sample is usually separated
TMAs allow for the concurrent analysis of tens to hundreds on their own gel followed by Coomassie blue or silver stain-
of tissue specimen on a single slide. In the construction of a ing. The intensity of the stained protein spots are then com-
TMA, 0.6–2.0 mm diameter regions are cored from FFPE pared to their matching spots on all the other gels and those
(formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded) or fresh-frozen tissues that show a differential abundance between samples obtained
and cut into thin sections. The thin slices are then transferred from cancer and control (i.e., normal) patients are cored from
onto a glass slide for automated IHC analysis using specific the gel and identified using peptide mapping or MS/MS.
antibodies. The results can be assessed by an actual patholo-
gist or automatically and then linked to other available clini-
cal data, such as prediction of patient outcome. Beyond the
obvious throughput advantage, since several samples are
done concurrently TMAs demonstrate a high degree of pre-
cision for the analysis of clinically important samples.

6.4 Discovery of Protein Biomarkers

The greatest impact that proteomics could make on cancer

research is the discovery of biomarkers. The number of lives
that would be saved if more biomarkers could be discovered
for cancer would be staggering. The number of deaths due to
cancer, in particular, would drop dramatically as biomarkers
would open up the possibility of detecting this disease at early
stages where modern treatments are more effective. As men-
tioned earlier, more than 60 % of ovarian cancer patients are
diagnosed at stage III or IV (
about-ovarian-cancer/statistics/). A biomarker with suffi-
ciently high sensitivity and specificity that could diagnose
patients with stage I and II cancer, prior to its spreading beyond
the ovaries, would make treatments much more effective.
Beyond early detection, biomarkers could have a major impact
on treatment and prognosis. Personalized medicine, with the
aim of treating patients based on their individual molecular
profile, is a major focus in medical science today. To reach the
goal of personalized medicine is going to require biomarkers
that can be used to evaluate treatment efficacy. These biomark-
ers would enable the best treatment to be selected quickly
eliminating a trial-and-error therapeutic strategy.
The proteomics community has devoted a tremendous
amount of time and fiscal resources over the past decade in
the search for proteomic biomarkers for cancer. The impetus
for this direction stems from the development of high- Fig. 6.6 Identification of cancer biomarkers using two dimensional-
resolution separation techniques and high-throughput pep- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). In this method, pro-
tide identification ability of modern mass spectrometers. teomes extracted from cancer and control samples are fractionated on
The two primary methods for cancer proteomic biomarker individual gels. After staining, protein spots that have a greater intensity
compared to their counterpart are cored from the gel, subjected to in-gel
discovery utilize two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel elec- digestion and identified using mass spectrometry combined with database
trophoresis (2D-PAGE) or shotgun proteomics [22–24]. searching.
6 Cancer Proteomics 111

The proteins identified within these spots are then consid- proteomes extracted from different sources are labeled with
ered putative biomarkers. fluorescent tags, have enabled up to three different samples
The 2D-PAGE strategy has a number of advantages. Only (as well as an internal control) to be separated on a single gel
proteins that show a relative abundance difference between the [25]. This concurrent analysis greatly eliminates irreproduc-
samples being compared require MS identification. The pep- ibility. Another disadvantage with 2D-PAGE is the lack of
tides identified for each protein spot can be confidently sensitivity. While increasingly sensitive stains can be used to
assigned to that protein as opposed to a potential isoform or visualize protein spots, ultimately sensitivity is established by
another protein that has very high homology. Posttranslationally the mass spectrometer to identify the spot. Each spot within a
modified forms of specific proteins, particularly phosphoryla- gel must be subjected to in-gel digestion and the resultant
tion, can be easily recognized via 2D-PAGE as chains of spots peptides extracted. The extraction step, in particular, can
across a region of the gel as they will have very similar MWs result in peptide losses and impact overall sensitivity.
but different pIs.
As with almost every scientific technique, the 2D-PAGE
strategy has disadvantages as well. Producing highly repro- 6.4.2 Shotgun LC-MS/MS Analysis
ducible 2D gels can be quite laborious, although automated
methods in which several gels are run simultaneously have While 2D-PAGE has been used, most biomarker discovery
greatly helped. It also needs to be kept in mind that not every studies have been based on shotgun proteomics or slight
protein on the gel requires MS analysis, saving a lot of labor variations of this method [24]. The basics (and hope) of this
at the protein identification stage. As far as reproducibility, strategy are illustrated in Fig. 6.7. A series of samples are
2D differential in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), in which collected from disease affected and matched normal patients.

Fig. 6.7 Identification of cancer biomarkers using shotgun proteomic in each sample as possible. The lists of peptides identified in these sam-
methods. In this method, proteomes extracted from cancer and control ples are then compared to find proteins that have a greater abundance in
patients are digested into peptides. The samples are then separately ana- one of the samples. The hope is that these differences lead to a useful
lyzed using some form of multidimensional fractionation combined biomarker or a panel of biomarkers.
with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to identity as many peptides
112 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

The proteomes are extracted from each sample and digested identified for each specific protein in different samples.
into tryptic peptides. If plasma or serum is being analyzed, The number of peptides identified for a protein is thought to
an immunodepletion step to remove high abundance proteins correlate with its abundance when a sample is analyzed using
such as albumin, immunoglobulins, transthyretin, and other data-dependent MS/MS. This simple hypothesis is best illus-
abundant proteins must be performed prior to enzymatic trated by the results obtained in the analysis of undepleted
digestion or a majority of the peptide identifications observed serum. Direct LC-MS/MS analysis of trypsin-digested serum
by MS will originate from these proteins. The tryptic pep- results in the identification of a huge number of albumin pep-
tides are fractionated prior to being introduced into the mass tides, since this protein is present at 40–80 mg/mL. Proteins
spectrometer. The aim in fractionation is to elute as few pep- in the abundance range of ng/mL range (such as a chemo-
tides as possible into the mass spectrometer at any time, kines and cytokines) will probably be identified by one or
thereby giving the instrument the opportunity to select as fewer peptides. To illustrate how relative abundance of a pro-
many peptides for identification as possible. While studies tein is calculated using this method consider an example of
have included two, three, and even four dimensions of sepa- two samples—one from a healthy individual and another
ration, there is an obvious trade-off between the numbers of suffering from ovarian cancer. If nine peptides are identified
fractionation dimensions and throughput. Each LC-MS/MS for CA-125 in serum from the ovarian cancer patient and
experiment requires approximately one hour, therefore frac- only two peptides from the other sample, the protein is con-
tionating a single clinical sample into 20 fractions will cluded to be 4.5-fold more abundant in the serum taken from
require a minimum of 20 h of MS time. If the study contains the cancer patient.
samples from 20 control and 20 disease-affected patients, the This method, known as subtractive proteomics or peptide
time required will be at least 40 days of constant MS data count, requires minimal sample preparation and allows an
acquisition. While ultimately the goal is to identify as many unlimited number of samples to be compared. Unfortunately,
proteins as possible from each clinical sample, it is important like most proteomic applications, collecting the data is rela-
to balance throughput with number of samples analyzed. For tively low-throughput. The method also lacks quantitative
identifying peptides, the mass spectrometer is set up in a precise with the minimum difference that can be reasonably
data-dependent mode in which the instrument automatically measured being approximately threefold. This lack of accu-
selects peptides to sequence (MS/MS) based on their inten- rate quantitation is a major deficiency when attempting to
sity [26]. The combination of state-of-the-art fractionation recognize potential biomarkers that are of very low abun-
and MS allows thousands of peptides within complex sam- dance and may be detected by only one or two peptides in the
ples to be identified. These identified peptides are then cor- cancer-affected individual. If the protein is not detected in
related to their protein of origin, resulting in a database of control samples at all, the adage absence of evidence is not
proteins observed within each sample and the number of the evidence of absence applies.
peptides identified for each. In another label-free method, relative quantitative mea-
surements are based on the ratio of the actual peak area mea-
sured for specific peptides in samples being compared [28].
6.4.3 Protein Quantitation Selected ion chromatograms of the peptides are generated
enabling measurement of the peak areas. Proteins of interest
A challenge in conducting shotgun studies for cancer biomarker are often represented by multiple peptides, therefore the aver-
discovery is how to quantitate differences between peptides age and standard deviation of the abundance ratio can be cal-
within different samples. There are a number of options avail- culated for the same protein.
able with each having their advantages and disadvantages.
Isotope-labeling methods [6, 27] such as isotope-coded affinity
tags (ICAT), iTRAQ, and O16/O18 provide reasonable accura- 6.5 Sample Types for Biomarker
cies. However, these methods only allow at most seven samples Discovery
(in the case of iTRAQ, the others only permit two) to be directly
compared. Biomarker discovery is going to require many more A critical decision for designing a proteomic biomarker dis-
samples than this to be directly compared to gain any sense of covery project is the type of sample to analyze. The choices
confidence in the results even at the discovery phase. To com- include tissue (both tumor and stroma), cell scrapings, urine,
pare large numbers of samples, label-free methods that contrast serum, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), saliva, blister
the number of peptides identified for a specific protein or the fluid, nipple aspirate fluid, breast ductal lavage, and others.
actual peak intensities provided by specific peptides in different The point is there are a lot of different clinical samples to be
spectra have been developed. considered. Unfortunately the guidelines for selection are not
In one use of label-free quantitation [28], the relative well defined and the choice is typically based on what is most
abundances of proteins is determined by the number of peptides available. While the point of this chapter is not to produce
6 Cancer Proteomics 113

guidelines, a reasonable rule of thumb is to select the sample the dynamic range of a typical mass spectrometer is only on
type that is within closest proximity to the cancer site when- the order of two orders of magnitude. Therefore, straight
ever possible. For example, it may be reasonable to assume LC-MS/MS analysis of serum or plasma will result in the
that biomarkers for oral cancers will most likely be found identification of high abundant proteins such as albumin,
within saliva or bladder cancer associated biomarkers found transferrin, fibrinogen, and immunoglobulins. Low abun-
within urine. dance proteins, considered to be the most likely biomarker
candidates will rarely be selected for identification.
Two key steps were developed and incorporated to
6.5.1 Blood enhance the identification of low abundance proteins in
blood. These developments are multidimensional fraction-
While using the biologic sample that is closest to the cancer ation, such as MudPIT, and immunodepletion of high abun-
site may sound reasonable, in most cases proteomic bio- dance proteins prior to fractionation [32]. High abundant
marker discovery studies use serum or plasma [29]. When protein depletion is now a standard technology used in the
referring to blood in this chapter, it will be meant to include discovery of biomarkers in blood samples. There are a num-
both serum and plasma. While some studies use plasma and ber of commercially available immunodepletion systems
others use serum, there is no definitive study that shows one available. One of the earliest, and still quite popular, product
having an advantage over the other. Approximately 5 L of is the Agilent multiple affinity removal system (MARS),
blood circulates through ~60,000 miles of veins, arteries, which immunodepletes albumin, IgG, IgA, transferrin, hap-
and capillaries ( toglobin, and alpha-1-antitrypsin [33]. This column-based
lation.html) transporting life-sustaining nutrients to cells and product is quite effective in removing these proteins.
carrying waste from cells ( Subsequently, immunodepletion columns that removed
blood.html). Considering the intimacy that blood has with larger numbers of proteins, namely a Top 20 depletion col-
the entire body (no cell is outside of four cell units from the umn from Sigma, and the Seppro™ MIXED12 IgY-based
circulatory system) it is not surprising that it contains infor- affinity LC column, were introduced [34]. Studies have
mation concerning the overall pathophysiology of the shown that these depletion steps have high reproducibility, an
patient. Essentially everyone has provided a blood sample important component when comparing samples from cancer
during a routine physical examination. A variety of different and healthy patients [33].
molecules are measured in blood to provide a general assess-
ment of the patient’s physical condition. Deviation of these
metabolites from a normal concentration range can indicate 6.5.2 Urine
the presence of a disease.
The question of whether blood is a reasonable source of The third most popular choice of biofluid, behind plasma and
biomarkers for cancers needs to be addressed. Specific cells serum, for cancer biomarker discovery is urine. While urine’s
within blood contain their own genomes, whereas plasma protein concentration is significantly lower than blood, large
and serum do not. Many proteins found in blood are believed amounts of this biofluid can be collected. The completely
to arise from those transported out of cells or released by noninvasive collection procedure allows multiple samples to
apoptotic or necrotic cells. A comparison of N-linked glyco- be easily obtained from a single individual over lengthy time
peptides identified within breast cancer cells, B-lymphocytes periods. A drawback to its low protein concentration is that
and T-lymphocytes, bladder and prostate cancer tissue, and a urine must be concentrated prior to proteomic analysis.
metastatic liver cancer showed this hypothesis to be accu- Fortunately, urine does not possess the large dynamic range
rate. The study demonstrated that extracellular glycoproteins of protein concentrations that blood does, therefore immuno-
originating from tissues and cells were detected within the depletion is not required prior to fractionating and MS analy-
blood using current proteomic technology [30]. The study sis. A stark difference between proteomic analysis of urine
suggests that blood can potentially contain any portion of and blood is in the number of proteins identified. While thou-
any protein present within any cell in the body. sands of proteins can be identified in a typical MS analysis of
Beyond its interaction with cells and tissues, blood is eas- blood, urine analysis generally only yields a few hundred.
ily acquired from the patient and has a protein concentration Probably owing to its proximity, urine analysis has proven
on the orders of tens of mg/mL. While on the surface this fruitful for the discovery of biomarkers for diseases related
high protein concentration seems ideal, unfortunately about to the kidney, bladder, and urinary tract. Indeed, several stud-
99 % of this content is made up of only 22 proteins [31]. ies have already found potentially promising biomarkers in
The concentration of proteins within blood is estimated to urine for conditions such as prostate cancer [35], renal cell
span ten orders of magnitude. This large dynamic range of carcinoma [36], and bladder cancer [37]. In these studies, a
protein concentration is problematic for MS analysis since large percentage of proteins originating from lysosomes and
114 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

membranes were found showing that urine contains discoveries [38]. Previous methods for extracting proteomes
biomarkers for conditions not localized to the kidney, from FFPE tissue had proven inadequate owing to the sig-
bladder, and urinary tract. nificant covalent cross-linking between biomolecules result-
ing from formalin treatment [39]. Since FFPE tissues are
widely available for almost every cancer imaginable, their
6.5.3 Tissue availability for cancer biomarker discovery significantly
reduces the scarcity of tissue samples intended for these
Tissue is an obvious choice of sample for the discovery of types of studies.
cancer biomarkers. In a vast majority of cases, the protein(s)
that causes a cancer is anticipated to be localized within the
cancerous tissue. A useful biomarker does not even have to 6.5.4 Saliva
be the protein(s) responsible for causing cancer formation—
the protein could be causally related or simply a bystander Saliva is produced by the parotid, submandibular, sublingual,
whose character (abundance, PTMs, or other) is affected by and other minor salivary glands. Saliva contains proteins,
uncontrolled cell proliferation. Regardless of its role in the peptides, lipids, minerals, and other small compounds [40].
cancer, an aberrant protein for a malignant tumor would Salvia is mixed with a variety of components in the oral cav-
have the greatest chance of being detected within the cancer ity to form whole saliva. Beyond it role in aiding digestion
tissue itself. and speaking, saliva also serves a protective function,
The protein concentration within tissue is in the range of through digestion and inhibition of bacterial and viral growth
0.5–1.5 mg/mL of tissue lysate, depending on the source. within the oral cavity [41]. Obviously owing to its proximity,
Unless the tissue is severely infiltrated with blood vessels, saliva is most useful in the detection or oral cancers. There
immunodepletion of high abundance proteins is not required. are a number of test procedures for measuring different hor-
These characteristics make tissue a relatively straightforward mones and drugs in saliva that have been in use since the late
sample for biomarker discovery. Why then is it not used 1980s [42]. Saliva collection is obviously quite noninvasive
more to find cancer biomarkers? Simply put the answer is and easy. Since saliva has a protein concentration on the
accessibility. It is very difficult to find a cohort of cancerous order of a few mg/mL. Saliva, like urine, is not dominated by
and matching healthy tissues for conducting a cancer bio- a few high abundant proteins and does not require immuno-
marker discovery study and seeking a reasonable number of depletion prior to downstream MS analysis.
volunteers for providing such samples is impossible.
Most tissues prepared for cancer research are stored as
fresh-frozen or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) 6.5.5 Cerebrospinal Fluid
blocks. Thin sections are then cut from these and used for
pathological evaluation to determine cancer type and grade. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear liquid that circulates
Additional sections may be cut and sent for IHC and fluores- throughout the central nervous system and is also located
cent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis to measure the lev- between the brain and skull. It is produced from arterial
els of specific molecules within the tissue. These tissue blood by the choroid plexuses of the lateral and fourth
blocks have historically only been used sparingly in pro- ventricles. CSF serves as a mechanical cushion for the brain
teomics biomarker discovery owing to their value. and transports a variety of molecules including neuroendo-
Fortunately, the past 5 years has seen huge breakthroughs in crine factors metabolites, toxins, and nutrients to and from
the proteomic analysis of tissue sections. The sensitivity of cells of the brain and spinal cord. Owing to its direct contact
mass spectrometers made the amount of tissue necessary for with the extracellular space of the brain, CSF is an ideal bio-
analysis quite small. Indeed, studies using as few as d 2–3000 fluid from which to detect biochemical changes in the brain
cells have claimed to identify thousands of proteins [13]. associated with a variety of pathological conditions such as
While this number is on the low end of the spectrum, reason- brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), inflammatory
able proteome coverage is attainable with 30,000–50,000 diseases, infection, neurodegenerative diseases, and hydro-
cells, a number that can be acquired using techniques such as cephalus [43]. An adult contains a total volume of about
LCM. Another breakthrough is in the type of tissue samples 140 mL of CSF. The protein concentration of CSF of a typi-
available for proteomic analysis. Prior to 2005 the only useful cal adult is between 150 to 450 mg/L [44]. Studies have
source of tissue, either whole or sections, was fresh frozen. shown that the proteome of CSF is significantly different
Since this time a number of methods have been developed from that of plasma or serum [45]. While the amount of
enabling entire proteomes to be extracted from FFPE tis- CSF attainable from a patient is sufficient for proteomic bio-
sues. These proteomes are extracted in a form making them marker analysis, it is can only be obtained through lumbar
amenable to MS analysis permitting cancer biomarker puncture, a practice that is not performed as routinely as
6 Cancer Proteomics 115

blood or urine collection. Therefore, CSF has been used

sparingly for biomarker discovery and has been primarily
limited to noncancerous conditions such as TBI [46].

6.5.6 Other Biofluids

There are a plethora of other types of fluids that have been

analyzed for the purpose of cancer biomarker discovery. These
include pancreatic juice [47], tissue interstitial fluid [48],
gastric juice [49], nipple aspirate fluid [50], bile [51], and duc-
tal lavage [52]. However, these fluids are not very popular for
biomarker discovery studies owing to significant accessibility
issues. These fluids could prove useful for the initial discovery
phase as long as any useful biomarker was also found to be
translated to an accessible biofluid such as serum or urine.

6.6 Moving from Discovery to Validation

With the advent of large-scale shotgun proteomic sequencing,

Fig. 6.8 Stages required in the identification of a clinically useful can-
a relatively straightforward strategy was implemented for bio- cer biomarker. As the stages progress through discovery, qualification,
marker discovery. The proteomes extracted from samples verification, and validation the number of analytes measured decreases.
obtained from cancer and matched healthy patients are digested However, the number of samples measured increases proportionately.
The challenge in finding cancer biomarkers resides in identifying the
into tryptic peptides and then analyzed using multidimensional
candidates identified at the discovery phase that have the greatest
fractionation combined with MS/MS analysis. The goal is to chance of passing the other three phases.
identify as many peptides within each sample and compare the
list of proteins that were observed. The abundance difference
between proteins was generally based on the number of pep- The problem with the data presented in these shotgun
tides identified per protein (the more identified peptides, the studies is there is little indication which of the numerous
more abundant the protein in that sample) or peptide signal potential biomarkers will ultimately pass validation studies.
intensity. The general belief (or hope) was that potential can- Testing each potential biomarker requires a significant effort
cer-specific biomarkers would be obvious when these datas- and quickly becomes cost prohibitive if too many fail initial
ets were compared. Unfortunately, the results were rather qualification. Two recent studies provide a reasonable
surprising (disappointing). Not only were differences found illustration of the problem. In one study tissue from noncan-
between the datasets, many differences were found. Also cer diseased kidney, normal kidney, and renal cell carcinoma
most of the differences were related to acute-phase response (RCC) samples were compared [53]. Using a shotgun pro-
proteins—indicators that the cancer patient is sick but not teomics approach with isotope labeling for quantitation, 937
specific enough to determine the cause. proteins were quantitated. A total of 168 under-expressed
Why would having too many potential biomarkers be proteins and 156 over-expressed proteins were identified
considered a problem? Although it almost sounds paradoxi- when the RCC tissue was compared to its normal counter-
cal, having too many potential biomarkers to select from part. Gene ontology showed that 34 % of the proteins were
causes a major challenge in deciding how to move forward. cytoplasmic, 13 % nuclear, 11 % were localized to the mito-
The problem is illustrated when considering the steps that a chondria, 4 % membranous, and 6 % were extracellular pro-
potential biomarker must pass before it can become clini- teins. The authors suggest that the cytoplasmic and
cally useful (Fig. 6.8). When potential biomarkers are found membranous proteins are of particular interest since they
in the discovery phase, a more targeted approach is designed may have potential for use as cancer markers in biological
to measure these molecules to determine if any pass the quali- fluids. In another study, cells from LCM of squamous cell
fication stage. Those that pass this stage are specifically mea- carcinoma of the head and neck and normal oral epithelial
sured in a larger number of samples in a verification study. FFPE tissue were analyzed using LC-MS/MS and quanti-
Those that pass this stage are finally measured in a very large tated based on total peptide count [54]. Of the total number of
number of clinical samples to validate their reliability as identified proteins, 15 % (n = 127) were identified to be unique
diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers. within cancer cells. This group of potential biomarkers
116 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

included those involved in DNA synthesis, metabolism, during routine physical examinations giving biomarkers in
signaling, and cell structure. this context a wide variety of uses (both prognostic and
While these studies (amongst countless others) demon- diagnostic).
strate that LC-MS/MS is able to discover potential biomark- In one study, blood and cancer tissue from a single patient
ers, they also illustrate the challenge in determining which of was analyzed using a shotgun proteomics approach to deter-
the potential biomarkers should graduate to the qualification mine if the advantages afforded by tissue and blood could be
phase. Each study had over 100 proteins that showed a sig- realized for finding potentially validatable biomarkers [55].
nificant abundance difference in the proteomes of the cancer For this purpose, cancer and adjacent healthy tissue, and pre-
and healthy samples. It is impossible to validate all of these operational plasma were obtained from a single patient diag-
potential targets. Beyond having no existing guidelines to nosed with nonmetastatic RCC. The extracted proteomes
determine which potential biomarkers will succeed in pass- were digested using trypsin and the resultant peptides identi-
ing qualification, it is often impossible to recognize with any fied using MudPIT. Protein abundance differences were
certainty those that have the greatest chance of success in determined using total peptide count. The peptide data was
being validated. The guidelines should be both data driven analyzed using a filtering scheme with the relative abun-
(proteins that showed the greatest abundance difference) and dance of proteins based on the number of total peptides
biology driven (changes in complement factors are unlikely found for each protein in the cancer, healthy tissue, and pre-
to be disease specific). As the technology continues to operative plasma. The proteins that were identified within
increase in sensitivity and the bioinformatic analysis of raw each of the three clinical samples are shown in the Venn dia-
MS data becomes more sophisticated, this overwhelming gram presented in Fig. 6.9a. Over 200 proteins were uniquely
problem is only going to get worse. identified within the cancer compared to the control tissue.
This number of potential biomarkers is much too large to
efficiently validate and are limited in their utility since at this
6.7 Getting Past the Glut of Potential point in the analysis, they are only known to exist in the can-
Biomarkers cer. The data was subsequently filtered to determine which of
these cancer-specific proteins were also found within the
It is becoming obvious that continuing strategies that simply plasma obtained from the same patient. Not only did the fil-
collect large lists of proteins in a particular sample type are tering require that they be found in the plasma, but the num-
not going to be very efficient. New methods that provide ber of peptides identified for protein had to be higher in
ways to filter potential biomarkers based on empirical data cancer tissue than preoperative plasma. Eight proteins passed
are going to be necessary. An additional, concern is the this data filtering criteria. There were several encouraging
source of the biomarkers. While biomarkers from any source characteristics of this protein on this final list. There were no
would be helpful to some degree, finding them within bioflu- acute phase response, or other commonly known circulating,
ids would be invaluable. Biomarkers that could be assayed proteins within this list. Many of the proteins have been asso-
from accessible biofluids such as urine or blood would have ciated with some form of cancers, and three specifically
the greatest impact. To illustrate this point, let’s consider the (cadherin 11, VCAM-1, and pyruvate kinase) are associated
case of an individual with an undiagnosed early stage cancer. with RCC. These proteins are also localized to the cell mem-
The concentration of the biomarker would be highest at the brane, suggesting they can be easily shed into circulation by
site of the cancer making it easier to measure analytically apoptotic or necrotic cells.
and nearby healthy tissue can be used as a control. Thirdly, The data for cadherin 5 shows that four and two unique
once the biomarker is discovered studies to determine how it peptides were found for this protein in the cancer and plasma,
functions within the context of the cancer can be readily per- respectively (Fig. 6.9b). The MS peak assigned to the cadherin
formed. Unfortunately, even if a tissue-specific biomarker 5 peptide, KPLIGTVLAMDPDAAR had a greater intensity in
was identified, its use would be severely limited as an early the sample extracted from the cancer compared to plasma
diagnostic, since there is no conceivable way that regular (Fig. 6.9c). The primary structure and topography of this pro-
biopsies of various tissues can be taken at regular checkups. tein show that the peptides identified in all the samples reside
Other studies focus on finding cancer biomarkers in bio- within an extracellular domain of this transmembrane protein
fluids, primarily serum and plasma. Unfortunately the con- (Fig. 6.9d). The presence of cadherin 5 in the plasma sample
centration of any biomarker would be much lower in the was confirmed using Western blotting, while the protein was
blood than in the cancer tissue making it more difficult to not observed in plasma obtained from a matched healthy con-
detect. It is also impossible to determine with absolute cer- trol. Western-blot analysis also confirmed the presence of cad-
tainty the origin of any circulating biomarker. The primary herin-11, DEAD-box protein-23, and pyruvate kinase in the
focus on finding blood-based biomarkers is obviously related RCC patient plasma, as well as in the blood of four other
to this sample’s accessibility. Biofluids can be acquired patients diagnosed with the same cancer. While this study
6 Cancer Proteomics 117

a b RCC tumor tissue

Protein MH+ Peptide

Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4
Tumor Cadherin-5 1105.54 ELDSTGTPTGK
Cadherin 5
Caderin 11 Cadherin-5 966.49 KGDIYNEK
2 VCAM-1 Cadherin-5 1667.91 KPLIGTVLAMDPDAAR
Pyruvate kinase Cadherin-5 1085.54 TSDKGQFFR
Serum DEAD box protein 23
RCC pre-op plasma
383 Nuclear receptor coactivator 6

WW-domain protein 1 Protein MH+ Peptide

Cadherin-5 1105.54 ELDSTGTPTGK
Cadherin-5 1667.91 KPLIGTVLAMDPDAAR

c d
Tumor Pre-operative
Tumor tissue
100 Tissue Plasma
MH+ 1667.91
Relative Abundance


53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
Time (min) Cytoplasm

Fig. 6.9 Combined plasma/tissue shotgun proteomic analysis for the plasma, as well as being more abundant in the cancer tissue than the
identification of potential biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). plasma. Cadherin-5 was found to be more abundant in the tumor than
Cancer tissue, normal tissue, and plasma all obtained from a single the plasma based on both (b) peptide count and (c) peak intensity.
RCC patient were analyzed using shotgun proteomics. (a) After filter- (d) These peptides identified for cadherin-5 all originate from an extra-
ing the data, eight proteins were found to be unique to the cancer and cellular domain of the protein.

does not definitely solve the problem of finding cancer seen in the recent years. While initially progress appears
biomarkers, it does suggest that a combined tissue/biofluid demoralizing, the overall capabilities for the MS analysis of
analysis may increase the efficiency of these studies. biological samples have seen enormous improvements.
Identifying 400 proteins in a milliliter of serum or plasma
was considered monumental less than a decade ago. Now
6.8 Conclusion laboratories can identify thousands of proteins starting from
a few thousand cells. These developments have made discov-
The ability to routinely discover disease-specific biomarkers ering proteomic differences within biofluid samples easy.
is the greatest achievement that will emerge in the proteomics The next challenge will be finding which of these differences
era. The impact biomarkers would have on the public health leads to validated biomarkers.
would be enormous. Physicians could diagnose cancer
patients at the earliest possible stages when they can be more Acknowledgements This project has been funded in whole or in part
readily cured. The correct course of treatment could be read- with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health, under Contract HHSN261200800001E. The con-
ily and reliably determined, rather than having to wait for
tent of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies
subtle effects that signal disease remission. Unfortunately of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of
the rate at which protein biomarkers have been approved by trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement
the US FDA has not kept pace with the increase in technology by the US Government.
118 J.M. Lake and T.D. Veenstra

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An Overview of Cancer Genes
Ashley G. Rivenbark

7.1 Nature of Genetic Mutations 7.2 Proto-oncogenes

When functioning properly, oncogenes and tumor suppressor The discovery of proto-oncogenes is one of the most funda-
genes prevent the development of cancer. The loss of function mentally important findings of this century. Oncogenes are
of both alleles is required for neoplastic transformation. In activated (frequently mutated) alleles of normally function-
recent studies, it has been reported that approximately 80 ing wild-type genes (proto-oncogenes) that function in cell
DNA mutations alter the amino acid sequence in a typical cycle progression or cellular proliferation. Activated or
cancer and of these mutations less than 15 are likely to result mutated proto-oncogenes promote unregulated cell cycle
in the initiation, progression, or maintenance of the tumor [1]. progression and cell proliferation, leading to cancer develop-
Mutations that are causally involved in the tumorigenesis ment. Proteins encoded by normal cellular proto-oncogenes
process and are positively selected for are called driver muta- function in all subcellular compartments including the
tions. Whereas, mutations that provide no positive or negative nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell surface, and exert their function
selective advantage to the tumor, but are carried during cell in most intracellular processes by acting as protein kinases,
division and expansion, are referred to as passenger muta- growth factors, growth factor receptors, or membrane associ-
tions [1, 2]. Several types of mutations can occur and account ated signal transducers. Mutations in proto-oncogenes alter
for neoplastic transformation such as missense and nonsense the normal structure and/or expression pattern, and the
mutations, insertions, deletions, duplications, frameshift resulting oncogene acts in a dominant manner. That is, a
mutations, and repeat expansions (Table 7.1). Interestingly, mutation in only a single allele is required for activation of
for example it has been noted that mutations converting the proto-oncogene and/or loss of regulation of the proto-
5′-CpG to 5′-TpG were more frequent in colorectal cancer oncogene product. In genetic terms, this is typically referred
than in breast cancers [1]. Along with genetic mutations, epi- to as a gain of function mutation.
genetic dysregulation of genes also occurs in a wide variety of
cancers. Epigenetics is defined as changes in genome func-
tion that occur without a change in the DNA sequence. 7.2.1 Viral Oncogenes
Advances in our understanding of cancer oncogenes and
tumor suppressor genes, and the mechanisms of their aberrant The discovery of proto-oncogenes is rooted in the study of
regulation, will provide insight to develop novel anticancer mammalian viruses, and in particular, retroviruses. In the
approaches and therapeutic strategies. earlier years of the twentieth century, radiation, chemicals,
and viruses were shown to induce cancer in experimental
animals, and later, transform cells in culture. The study of so
called tumor viruses advanced quickly compared to studies
of radiation-induced and chemical-induced carcinogenesis,
for several reasons. Although both chemical carcinogens and
radiation are potent inducers of neoplasia, it was found that
tumor viruses could more efficiently and reproducibly trans-
A.G. Rivenbark, Ph.D. (*) form cells in culture and induce tumors in experimental ani-
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
mals. Tumor viruses caused tumors to develop in a matter of
University of North Carolina School of Medicine,
CB# 7525, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA days to weeks allowing rapid analysis following infection.
e-mail: Moreover, both radiation and chemical carcinogens act

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 121

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_7
122 A.G. Rivenbark

Table 7.1 Gene mutations in human cancer reverse transcriptase, which synthesizes a DNA copy of the
Mutation Description retroviral RNA genome. RNA to DNA reverse transcription
Missense A change in one DNA base pair that results in is obligatory for RNA retroviral replication in infected mam-
the substitution of one amino acid malian cells. The DNA transcript of the retroviral genome
Nonsense A change in one DNA base pair that results in incorporates into the cellular genome where it replicates
the substituting of one amino acid that encodes a
along with cellular DNA. The RNA polymerase enzyme of
stop codon
Insertion Changes in the number of DNA base pairs in a
the host cells transcribes the provirus DNA, generating new
gene by inserting additional DNA base pairs RNA virions and retroviral mRNAs needed for synthesis of
Deletion Changes in the number of DNA base pairs in a viral proteins. Importantly, unlike most of the DNA viruses,
gene by removing a piece of DNA retroviruses are not cytotoxic or cytocidal to the host cells.
Duplication A piece of DNA that is aberrantly copied one or This reflects the nature of the retroviral lifecycle, where new
more times retroviral particles are released from the cell by budding
Frameshift The addition or loss of DNA base pairs that
rather than by cell lysis. Thus, RNA viruses can transform
changes the reading frame
the same cells in which they replicate. The recombination
Repeat expansion Short DNA sequences that are repeated a
number of times in a row event that occurs between the retroviral DNA (provirus)
and host DNA as part of the replication cycle has signifi-
cant implications for neoplastic transformation and tumor
randomly on the cellular genome. Examining the cellular development [5].
genome to determine the carcinogenic effect of these agents The first oncogenic retrovirus discovered was the Rous sar-
at a level of individual genes or DNA segments was a daunt- coma virus (RSV). Peyton Rous inoculated chickens with a
ing task. In contrast to the mammalian cellular genome, the chicken sarcoma cellular extract and was able to demonstrate
small genome of the tumor viruses offered a less complex efficient transmission of an agent that propagated tumor
model for identification of specific sequences responsible for growth [6]. Subsequent studies demonstrated that RSV had
induction and progression of tumors, and a more efficient transforming properties in cultured cells. This was found to be
system for elucidation of molecular mechanisms governing in contrast to another well-studied retrovirus, the avian leuko-
neoplastic transformation. sis virus (ALV). ALV maintained the ability to induce tumors
following inoculation in chickens (albeit after months, and not DNA Viruses days to weeks compared to RSV), but did not demonstrate the
Some of DNA viruses and one class of RNA viruses (the ability to transform cells in culture [4]. The differences in
retroviruses) have been shown to have oncogenic potential. induction efficiency in animals (in vivo activity) and ability to
The Shope papilloma virus was one of the first DNA tumor transform cells in culture (in vitro activity) form the basis for
viruses to be described [3]. It causes benign papillomas that dividing retroviruses into two groups: (1) the acutely trans-
can progress to malignant carcinomas in cottontail rabbits. forming oncogenic retroviruses, and (2) the weakly oncogenic
Papillomaviruses, along with other classes of DNA viruses or non-transforming retroviruses.
such as the hepatitis B viruses, have the ability to transform
cells in their natural host. Most other DNA viruses, including
adenoviruses, simian virus 40 (SV40), and polyomaviruses 7.2.2 Cellular and Retroviral Oncogene
lack transforming ability. In natural hosts, cells infected with Discovery
these DNA viruses undergo cell death rather than transforma-
tion as a consequence of viral replication. However, these later The differences between the acutely and weakly or non-
viruses demonstrate their oncogenic potential in heterologous, transforming retroviruses are extremely important and pro-
nonpermissive species in which viruses cannot replicate. vided clues towards recognition of the first proto-oncogene.
Each class of DNA virus has led to remarkable discoveries in In comparing RSV and ALV genomes, RSV was shown to be
proto-oncogenesis [4]. 1.5 kb greater in size than ALV. This additional segment was
correctly postulated to be responsible for the rapid transforming RNA Retroviruses properties of RSV. In 1971, Peter Vogt isolated RSV mutants
The RNA retroviruses represent the class of tumor viruses that had the weakly oncogenic properties of ALV [7]. These
that has contributed the most to our understanding of mam- weakly oncogenic RSV mutants were approximately the same
malian carcinogenesis. Retroviruses are the only currently size as ALV, did not have the ability to transform cultured
known RNA viruses to have oncogenic potential. A feature cells, and did not efficiently induce sarcomas in animals, but
common to these viruses is the ability to replicate in infected maintained retroviral replication capabilities. The missing
cells via a provirus intermediate. The proviral intermediate is 1.5 kb sequence in these mutant RSV genomes was subse-
generated through the action of a retroviral enzyme termed quently demonstrated to be required not only for initiation but
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 123

also for maintenance of neoplastic transformation. Because non-transformed mouse cell line NIH 3T3 [9, 10]. In 1982,
different RSV mutants were not complimentary and did not the first human activated proto-oncogenes were isolated and
lead to neoplastic transformation in cell culture, it was con- identified from the EJ bladder carcinoma cell line and a
cluded that a single gene could be responsible for both in vitro human lung carcinoma. These genes were cellular homologs
transformation and in vivo oncogenesis. The first retroviral of the Harvey-ras and Kirsten-ras retroviral oncogenes, both
oncogene was named v-src for its sarcoma inducing action. of which had previously been shown to induce rat sarcomas
Since then over 30 viral oncogenes have been discovered in [11]. The discovery of proto-oncogenes solidified the link
over 40 transforming viruses [4, 8, 9]. between genes and cancer, and ushered in an era of genetic
Similar to the discovery of the first oncogene, the discov- discovery focused on identification of genetic abnormalities
ery of the origin of retroviral oncogenes had monumental that contribute to the development of human neoplasms.
implications. The extra 1.5 kb of nucleic acid in RSV was not
necessary for viral replication/growth. It was not clear where
the apparently extraneous nucleic acid segment originated. 7.2.3 Mechanisms of Activation of Cellular
The answer was obtained through the study of retroviral Proto-oncogenes
tumors of the very rare animal that developed tumors after
being infected by a non-transforming retrovirus. These previ- Cellular proto-oncogenes must become activated in order to
ously non-transforming retroviruses were found to have express oncogenic potential leading to neoplastic transforma-
incorporated new genetic material in their RNA genome cor- tion. Activation of cellular proto-oncogenes typically involves
responding to a new oncogene which conferred capability for chromosomal translocation, amplification, or point mutation.
neoplastic transformation. The portion of the proviral genome The changes that result can be broadly categorized into (1)
corresponding to the newly recognized oncogene was used to changes to the structure of a proto-oncogene which result in
probe for similar sequences in host cells. This analysis dem- an abnormal gene product with aberrant function (examples
onstrated that genes possessing the capability for neoplastic include the bcr-abl translocation and c-ras point mutations,
transformation were conserved among several different spe- described below) and (2) changes to the regulation of gene
cies. This observation suggested that host cell DNA could be expression resulting in aberrant expression or inappropriate
incorporated into the genome of a retrovirus during recombi- production of the structurally normal growth-promoting
nation in the infected cell. Further study of the cellular homo- protein (examples include translocations involving c-myc,
logues of retroviral oncogenes showed that they are normal amplification involving N-myc in neuroblastomas, and some
cellular genes that encode proteins involved in various aspects point mutations in c-ras).
of cellular homeostasis, including cell proliferation and dif-
ferentiation. The normal cellular counterpart of the retroviral Proto-oncogene Activation
oncogenes is referred to as cellular proto-oncogenes. The cur- Through Chromosomal Translocation
rent paradigm holds that viral oncogenes originate from cel- Translocation leading to structural alteration of bcr-abl.
lular proto-oncogenes, and that these genes have been altered Evolving techniques in cytogenetics over the last century
in a manner which confers the ability to induce cellular have led to increased resolution of individual chromosomes.
neoplastic transformation in infected cells [4, 8]. In like Abnormalities in chromosomes were known to occur in neo-
manner, cellular proto-oncogenes can be activated in various plastic cells from at least 1914, when Boveri noted somatic
ways (point mutation, deletion, amplification, or rearrange- alterations in the genetic material of sea urchin eggs fertil-
ment) that result in the synthesis of an oncogenic protein ized by two sperm. The abnormal cells looked similar to
product [4, 8]. tumors, and he hypothesized that cancer might result from
The discovery of the ability of genes to induce tumors in cellular aberrations that produced abnormal mitotic figures
animals and humans linked the study of transforming retro- [12]. However, it was not clear whether chromosomal abnor-
viruses with the field of molecular biology of human can- malities represented primary oncogenic events, or accumu-
cers. However, it is clear that most human cancers are not lated errors secondary to neoplastic transformation. Initially,
caused by infection with transforming viruses. Shortly after the plethora of chromosomal abnormalities favored the latter
it was established that specific virus associated genes could scenario, as no consistent chromosomal abnormality was
cause cellular transformation, alterations in cellular proto- identified upon examination of many tumors and similar
oncogenes were found to be responsible for human tumors. tumors from different individuals. That changed in 1960
The first instance linking the possibility of a human proto- when Nowell and Hungerford described the first reproduc-
oncogene with cancer, when retroviral involvement could be ible tumor-specific chromosomal aberration in chronic
eliminated, was reported in 1981 by two groups, who showed myelogenous leukemia [13]. They observed the presence of
that DNA extracted from a human bladder carcinoma cell a shortened chromosome 22, subsequently named the
line (EJ) could induce transformation in an immortalized but Philadelphia chromosome after the city in which it was dis-
124 A.G. Rivenbark

covered. It was found in cancer cells from over 90 % of and (2) other neoplasms may also harbor their own specific
patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). This chromosomal or genetic aberrations. Since the first recogni-
observation suggested that (1) the abnormality may have tion of common chromosomal abnormalities in specific
imparted some form of growth advantage over other cells human tumors, numerous translocations involving important
and may be causally related to the development of tumors, genes have been characterized (Table 7.2).

Table 7.2 Chromosomal translocation breakpoints and genes

Type Affected gene Disease Rearranging gene
Non-fusions/hematopoietic Tumors
t(8;14)(q24;q32) c-myc (8q24) BL, BL-ALL IgH, IgL
t(8;14)(q24;q11) c-myc (8q24) T-ALL TCRα
t(8;12)(q24;q22) c-myc (8q24) B-CLL/ALL
BTG (12q22
t(7;19)(q35;p13) lyl1 (19p13) T-ALL TCRβ
t(1;14)(p32;q11) tal1/SCL T-ALL TCRα
t(7;9)(q35;q34) tal2 (9q34)
LIM proteins
t(11;14)(p15;q11) RBTN1/Ttg1 (11p15) T-ALL TCRδ
t(11;14)(p13;q11) RBTN2/Ttg2 (11p13) T-ALL TCRδ/α/β
Homeobox protein
t(10;14)(q24;q11) hox11 (10q24) T-ALL TCRα/β
Zinc-finger protein
t(3;14)(q27;q32) Laz3/bcl6 (3q27) NHL/DLCL IgH
t(3;4)(q27;p11) Laz3/bcl6 (3q27) NHL
t(11;14)(q13;q32) bcl1 (PRAD-1) (11q13) B-CLL and others IgH, IgL
t(14;18)(q32;21) bcl2 (18q21) FL TCR-Cα
inv14 and t(14;14)(q11;32) TCL-1 (14q32.1) T-CLL IgH
t(10;14)(q24;q32) lyt-10 (10q24) B lymphoma IgH
t(14;19)(q32;q13.1) bcl3 (19q13.1) B-CLL IgH
t(5;14)(q31;q32) IL3 (5q31) Pre-B-ALL TCRβ
t(7;9)(q34;q34.3) tan1 (9q34.3) T-ALL TCRα
t(1;7)(p34;q34) lck (1p34) T-ALL TCRα
t(X;14)(q28;11) C6.1B (Xq28) T-PLL
Type Affected gene Protein domain Fusion protein Disease
Gene fusions/
hematopoietic tumors
inv 14(q11;q32) TCRα (14q11) TCR-Cα VH-TCR-Cα T/B-cell lymphoma
VH (14q32) lg VH
t(9;22)(q34;q11) CABL (9q34) Tyrosine kinase Serine + tyrosine kinase CML/ALL
bcr (22q11) Serine kinase
t(1;19)(q23;p13.3) PBX1 (1q23) HD AD + HD Pre-B-ALL
E2A (19p13.3) AD-bHLH
t(17;19)(q22;p13) HLF (17q22) bZIP AD + bZIP Pro-B-ALL
E2A (19p13) AD-b-HLH
t(15;17)(q21-q11-22) PML (15q21) Zinc finger Zn-finger + RAR DNA APL
RARα (17q21) Retinoic acid receptor-α and ligand binding
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 125

Table 7.2 (continued)

Type Affected gene Protein domain Fusion protein Disease
t(11;17)(q23;q21.1) PLZF (11q23) Zinc-finger Zn-finger + RAR DNA APL
RARα (17q21) Retinoic acid receptor-α and ligand binding
t(4;11)(q21;q23) mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger A-T hook + Ser-pro ALL/PreB-ALL/ANLL
AF4 (4q21) Ser-Pro rich
t(9;11)(q21;q23) AF9/MLLT3 (9p22) (Ser-Pro rich) A-T hook + (Ser-pro) ALL/PreB-ALL/ANLL
mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger
t(11;19)(q23;p13) mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger A-T hook + Ser-pro Pre-B-ALL/
ENL (19p13) Ser-Pro rich T-ALL/ANLL
t(X;11)(q13;q23) AFX1 (Xq13) (Ser-Pro rich) A-T hook + (Ser-pro) T-ALL
mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger
t(1;11)(p32;q23) AF1P (1p32) Eps-15 homolog A-T hook + ? ALL
mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger
t(6;11)(q27;q23) AF6 (6q27) Myosin homolog A-T hook + ? ALL
mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger
t(11;17)(q23;q21) mll (11q23) A-T hook/Zn-finger A-T hook + leucine zipper AML
AF17 (17q21) Cys-rich/leucine zipper
t(8;21)(q22;q22) eto/MTG8 (8q22) Zn-finger DNA binding + AML
aml1/CBFα (21q22) DNA binding Zn-fingers
Runt homology
t(3;21)(q26;q22) evi-1 (3q26) Zn-finger DNA binding + CML
aml1 (21q22) DNA binding Zn-fingers
t(3;21)(q26;q22) EAP (3q26) Sn Protein DNA binding + Myelodysplasia
aml1 (21q22) DNA binding out-of-frame EAP
t(16;21)(p11;q22) FUS (16p11) Gln-Ser-Tyr/Gly-rich/ Gln-Ser-Tyr + Myeloid
RNA binding DNA binding
erg (21q22) Ets-like DNA binding
t(6;9)(p23;q34) dek (6p23) ? ? + ZIP AML
can (9q34) ZIP
9;9? set (9q34) ? ? + ZIP AUL
can (9q34) ZIP
t(4;16)(q26;p13) IL2 (4q26) IL2 IL2/TM T-lymphoma
BMC (16p13.1) ?/TM domain
inv(2;2)(p13;p11.2-p14) rel (2p13) DNA binding-activator DNA binding + ? NHL
NRG (2p11.2-p12) ?
inv(16)(p13;q22) Myosin MYH11 (16p13) DNA binding? AML
CBFβ (16q22)
t(5;12)(q33;p13) PDGFb (5q33) Receptor kinase Kinase + DNA binding CMML
TEL (12p13) Ets-like DNA binding
t(2;5)(p23;q35) NPM (5q35) Nucleolar phosphoprotein N-terminus NPM NHL
ALK (2p23) Tyrosine kinase + kinase
Gene fusions/solid tumors
inv10(q11.2;q21) ret (10q11.2) Tyrosine kinase Unk + tyrosine kinase Papillary thyroid
D10S170 (q21) Uncharacterized Carcinoma
t(11;22)(q24;q12) fli1 (11q24) Ets-like DNA binding Gin-Ser-Tyr + DNA Ewing’s sarcoma
ews (22q12) Gin-Ser-Tyr/Gly-rich/RNA
t(21;22)(?;q12) erg (21q22) Ets-like DNA binding Gin-Ser-Tyr + DNA Ewing’s sarcoma
ews (22q12) Gin-Ser-Tyr/Gly-rich/RNA
126 A.G. Rivenbark

Table 7.2 (continued)

Type Affected gene Protein domain Fusion protein Disease
t(12;22)(q13;q12) AFT1 (12q13) bZIP Gin-Ser-Try-bZIP Melanoma
ews (22q12) Gin-Ser-Tyr/Gly-rich/RNA
t(12;16)(q13;p11) CHOP (12q13) (DNA binding?)/ZIP Gin-Ser-Tyr Liposarcoma
FUS (16p11) Gin-Ser-Tyr/Gly-rich/RNA
t(2;13)(q35;q14) PAX3 (2q35) Paired box/homeodomain + (DNA binding?)/ZIP Rhabdomyosarcoma
FKHR (13q14) Forkhead domain
t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2) SYT (18q11.2) None identified PB/HD + DNA binding Synovial sarcoma
SSX (Xp11.2) None identified

Fig. 7.1 bcr-abl translocation

in chronic myelogenous
leukemia. The c-abl
proto-oncogene on
chromosome 9 is translocated
to the breakpoint cluster
region (bcr) of chromosome
22. The result is a novel
tyrosine kinase which
functions independently of
normal regulatory elements.
(a) The t(9;22) that is
commonly observed in
chronic myelogenous
leukemia (CML). (b) The
t(9;22) that is commonly
observed in acute lymphocytic

Consequent to rapid advances in cytogenetic resolution smaller chimeric protein (190 kDa), which has also been
techniques, Rowley in 1973 [14] found that the Philadelphia shown to have increased tyrosine kinase activity [16–20].
chromosome actually resulted from a reciprocal transloca- Translocation leading to dysregulation of c-myc.
tion involving the long arms of chromosomes 9 (9q34) and Investigation into the role of the c-myc proto-oncogene in
22 (22q11). Analysis of the affected region on chromosome neoplastic transformation led to development of a model of
9 revealed a proto-oncogene, c-abl [15], which when translo- proto-oncogene activation based upon insertional mutagen-
cated to chromosome 22 generates a fusion gene. The c-abl esis. This mechanism of proto-oncogene activation emerged
proto-oncogene has 11 exons that encode for a 145 kDa pro- from studies of acutely transforming retroviruses and weakly
tein with tyrosine kinase activity. The chromosomal break- oncogenic or non-transforming retroviruses. The primary
point within the c-abl gene consistently involves one of two differences between these two classes of retrovirus reflect
alternatively spliced exons. Breakpoints along the functional the amount of time necessary for induction of tumors after
gene on chromosome 22 are clustered near the center in a infection of cells and the genomic content of their proviral
6 kb region termed the breakpoint cluster region (bcr). Upon DNA. Acutely transforming retroviruses have oncogenes
translocation, nearly the entire c-abl proto-oncogene is incorporated into their genome while non-transforming ret-
placed under bcr promoter activity. Transcription and splic- roviruses do not. Thus, the transformation potential of
ing yield a long mRNA transcript encoding a chimeric weakly oncogenic and non-transforming retroviruses depend
210 kDa protein that expresses increased tyrosine kinase on insertion adjacent to a cellular proto-oncogene. Although
activity, likely because it is less responsive to normal regula- retroviruses insert randomly, in independently derived
tory elements (Fig. 7.1). A similar translocation exists in tumors retroviral sequences were found incorporated into
some acute lymphoblastic leukemias, although the breakpoint similar chromosomal locations in the host genomic DNA.
occurs further upstream in the bcr gene which results in a The site of insertion then became the focus of attention, and
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 127

cellular homologs of known retroviral oncogenes and their The breakpoints within the c-myc gene are more varied in
surrounding sequences were studied intensely. Finally, Burkitt’s lymphoma. Nonetheless, the translocation results in
Hayward and Astrin demonstrated that non-acutely trans- abnormal (constitutive) expression of a c-myc coding sequence
forming retroviruses insert adjacent to and cause activation identical to its normal allele in both types of tumor. This obser-
of the cellular proto-oncogene c-myc [21]. Insertional muta- vation strongly suggested the chromosome translocation-
genesis is based on the ability of proviral DNA to insert into mediated activation of the c-myc proto-oncogene as a causal
host genomic DNA and cause either activation or inactiva- event in human tumorigenesis [4, 22–25].
tion of host genes, independent of expression of retroviral
genes (as in the case of acutely transforming viruses). In the Proto-oncogene Activation
case of insertional activation of cellular genes, the proviral Through Gene Amplification
DNA may provide a promoter or enhancer for the cellular Activation of cellular proto-oncogenes can occur as a conse-
gene, resulting in an alteration in the normal regulation and quence of DNA amplification resulting in overexpression of
expression pattern of the affected gene. the amplified proto-oncogene, which confers a proliferative
In the early 1980s data on c-myc activation by non-acutely advantage to affected cells. Amplified gene segments can be
transforming retroviruses in chicken lymphomas merged with discerned cytogenetically as double minute chromosomes
data accumulating on translocations in Burkitt’s lymphoma, a (DMs) and homogeneously staining regions (HSRs).
high grade B lymphocyte neoplasm. It was reasoned that if Proto-oncogenes (and other genetic loci) are amplified by
proviral sequences were capable of altering host cellular gene repeated DNA replication events that can result in an abnor-
expression to cause tumors, chromosomal alterations that jux- mal homogeneous staining pattern in a karyotypic analysis
tapose promoter or enhancing sequences and cellular proto- of affected cells, rather than the familiar chromosomal stain-
oncogenes (through chromosomal translocation) were likely ing pattern in R-banded or G-banded chromosome spreads.
to promote neoplastic transformation. The best studied trans- Instead, homogeneously staining regions appear as abnor-
locations at the time involved those of Burkitt’s lymphoma, in mally extended R-bands or G-bands (Fig. 7.3). The tandem
which a portion of the long arm of chromosome 8 is consis- arrays of amplified DNA forming homogeneously staining
tently translocated to either chromosome 14, 2, or 22, adjacent regions may be excised from the chromosome to form dou-
to the loci for immunoglobulin heavy chain, k light chain, and ble minutes, which are small chromosomal structures lack-
λ light chain, respectively. The immunoglobulin loci on chro- ing centromeres that do not replicate during cell division.
mosomes 14, 2, and 22 were postulated to be good partner Double minutes may integrate into other chromosomes to
candidates to be coupled with and cause activation of a proto- create additional stable HSRs able to propagate upon cell
oncogene that was suspected to reside on chromosome 8. division [26, 27].
Tumor DNA was directly probed for c-myc sequences. In the same way that investigation of the c-myc proto-
The gene was detected on chromosome 8, and found to be oncogene formed the underpinnings of our current understand-
translocated to chromosomes 14, 2, and 22 in Burkitt’s lym- ing of proto-oncogene activation by means of chromosomal
phoma and in some plasmacytomas. In plasmacytomas, a translocation, studies of the c-myc proto-oncogene led to the
form of the c-myc proto-oncogene lacking the untranslated unraveling of proto-oncogene activation through gene amplifi-
exon 1 is involved in the chromosomal translocation (Fig. 7.2). cation in human neoplasms [28]. DNA amplification represents

Fig. 7.2 Consequences of the

t(8;14) chromosomal
translocation. The c-myc gene
of chromosome 8 is normally
not expressed in differentiated
B cells. After translocation, it
comes under the control of
either a cryptic promoter in
intron 1 or an enhancer from
the immunoglobulin locus of
chromosome 14 (IgH),
leading to constitutive
expression of the normal
c-myc protein (exon 1 is
noncoding). IgH gene
sequences are depicted in
orange and c-myc gene
sequences are depicted in
128 A.G. Rivenbark

Fig. 7.3 DNA amplification.

When DNA is amplified by
repeated DNA replication
events, the results can
sometimes be seen
cytogenetically as
homogeneously staining
regions (HSRs) or double
minutes. Double minutes
represent the
manifestation of HSRs.
Double minutes can insert
into any chromosome (the one
they are derived form or a
different chromosome).

one mechanism leading to drug resistance in mammalian cells Table 7.3 Oncogene amplification in human tumors
[29]. Through direct probing for c-myc it was discovered that Oncogene Neoplasm
double minutes and homogeneously staining regions contained c-myc family
amplified copies of the oncogene in human colon carcinoma c-myc Leukemias, breast, stomach, lung, and colon
cells [30]. The c-myc gene has been shown to be amplified and carcinomas, neuroblastomas and glioblastomas
overexpressed in a number of human neoplasms supporting the N-myc Neuroblastomas, rhabomyosarcomas, retinoblastomas,
lung carcinomas
role of DNA amplification as a major mechanism for cellular
L-myc Lung carcinomas
proto-oncogene activation in neoplastic transformation.
c-erbB family
Although the precise mechanism for gene amplification
c-erbB1 Glioblastomas, medulloblastomas, renal cell,
has not been entirely determined, the role amplification squamous cell, breast, gastric and esophageal
plays in cellular transformation in human malignancies is carcinomas
clear, particularly from studies of neuroblastomas and stud- c-erbB2 Breast, salivary gland, gastric esophageal, lung, colon,
ies involving neoplastic transformation of cells in vitro and ovarian carcinomas
[31]. Neuroblastoma is one of the most common childhood c-ras Family
extracranial solid tumors accounting for approximately c-H-ras Bladder carcinoma
15 % of all childhood cancer deaths [32]. Neuroblastomas c-K-ras Lung, ovarian, breast, ovarian, and bladder carcinomas
exhibit DMs and HSRs that hybridize with probes to the c-N-ras Breast, lung, and head and neck carcinomas
c-myc gene. The hybridizing sequences were determined to Other proto-oncogenes
be related to but distinct from c-myc and was designated int2 Breast and squamous cell carcinomas
N-myc [33]. The N-myc gene is transcribed at higher levels hst Breast and squamous cell carcinomas
in neuroblastomas that demonstrate gene amplification. PRAD-1 Breast and squamous cell carcinomas
c-abl K562 chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line
N-myc amplification is now a major prognostic determinant
c-myb Colon and breast carcinomas, leukemias
in neuroblastomas, with high levels of transcription from
ets1 Lymphoma, breast cancers
either a single copy or more commonly from increased
gli Glioblastomas
gene copy number in the form of DMs or HSRs correlating
K-sam Stomach carcinomas
with poor patient survival [34]. The demonstration of the
mdm2 Sarcomas
link between high N-myc expression and poor clinical
11q13 Breast, gastric, esophageal, squamous, ovarian, bladder
prognosis, and its demonstrated ability to cause neoplastic locus carcinomas, and melanoma
transformation in cell culture provides strong evidence for
the importance of gene amplification in the activation of
cellular proto-oncogenes. Table 7.3 lists other cellular proto-oncogenes represent the most important subset of
proto-oncogenes that have been shown to be amplified in proto-oncogenes that are activated through this mechanism.
human neoplasms. The c-ras genes were the first human proto-oncogenes iden-
tified using gene transfer assays [9, 10]. This family includes Proto-oncogene Activation the cellular homologs of the Harvey-ras (H-ras) and
Through Point Mutation Kirsten-ras (K-ras) retroviral oncogenes, both of which had
Several cellular proto-oncogenes have been shown to be acti- previously been shown to induce sarcomas in rats [11]. DNA
vated through point mutation. However, the c-ras family of extracted from various human tumor cell lines have been
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 129

shown to induce transformation of mouse fibroblast cell lines mechanisms involves the phosphorylation of target proteins
in vitro, and the most commonly isolated sequences respon- at serine, tyrosine, and threonine amino acid residues. The
sible for neoplastic transformation are members of the c-ras second mechanism involves intracellular signal transmission
family of proto-oncogenes [35, 36]. The activated form of through proteins with GTPase activity. The last of these
c-ras (oncogenic) exhibits markedly different transforming involves the transcriptional regulation of structural genes in
properties from that of the normal c-ras proto-oncogene. The the nucleus.
activated form consistently and efficiently induces neoplastic
transformation in cultured cells, whereas the normal proto- The Fibroblast Growth Factor Family
oncogene does not. The critical molecular difference between The discovery of growth factors in the early 1960s led to the
the two forms of c-ras was found in the nucleic acid sequence: isolation of a diverse group of factors affecting all cells.
the activated form of c-ras harbors a point mutation in codon Growth factors are grouped into families that share signifi-
12 of exon 1, which results in a glycine to valine amino acid cant sequence homology and cell surface receptors. One
substitution [37–39]. Up to 30 % of all human neoplasms are example is the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family which
now known to harbor c-ras mutations, and mutations in c-H- includes among others, EGF and the transforming growth
ras, c-K-ras, and N-ras reflect specific alterations affecting factor TGFα [69, 70]. EGF, one of the earlier growth factors
only codon 12 (most mutations), codon 13, or codon 61. discovered, was shown to be a polypeptide of 53 amino acids
An additional mutation in an intron of c-H-ras has been that stimulated proliferation of a variety of different cell
shown to upregulate production of the structurally normal types. Growth factors were not only capable of promoting
gene product, resulting in increased transforming activity growth, but some also concurrently promoted differentiation
[40]. A common theme of c-ras mutations is that a single [71]. In normal cells, growth factors induce cells to exit the
point mutation is capable of drastically altering the biological resting or G0 phase and enter the cell cycle, or they may stim-
activity of a normal protein product into one with efficient ulate cells already cycling. It follows that the biochemical
transforming properties. Mutations of c-ras are found in a and physiologic effect of aberrant expression of growth fac-
large number of human tumor types, including thyroid tors leads to constitutive stimulation of cell growth, potenti-
[41–43], gastrointestinal tract [44–48], uterus [49–53], lung ating the process of cell transformation.
[54–58], myelodysplastic syndromes [59], and leukemias Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) is another growth
[60–63]. The incidence of c-K-ras gene mutations is highest factor shown to have transforming potential, and has an
for exocrine pancreas and bile duct carcinomas, which has led important history in that it provided the first link between
to the development of ancillary diagnostic techniques for the two originally disparate tracks of research: (1) biochemical
detection of pancreatic and bile duct carcinomas [64–66]. studies of the regulation of cell proliferation (growth factors),
and (2) molecular analysis of neoplastic transformation
(oncogenes) [72]. In the early 1980s, two groups working
7.2.4 Protein Products of Oncogenes independently reported PDGF was the protein product of an
oncogene [4, 73, 74]. Each group determined a partial amino
Proto-oncogene protein products regulate cell proliferation acid sequence of PDGF, and with a computer search of a
and differentiation. Oncogene protein products often closely protein sequence database, amino acid sequence homology
resemble their proto-oncogene protein products, but differ in was demonstrated with the predicted sequence of v-sis, the
that they act independently of normal regulatory elements. simian sarcoma virus. From this initial work, oncogenes acti-
Events that occur as a part of normal cell growth and differ- vated by mechanisms described above frequently have been
entiation can often be simplified into a series of four steps, shown to encode growth factors that participate in mitogenic
all of which involve proto-oncogenes normally, and each of signaling and cell transformation [69].
which is subject to disruption during neoplastic transforma- Further understanding the mechanism of action of trans-
tion: (1) an extracellular growth factor binds to a specific forming growth factors came from a hypothesis forwarded in
receptor on the plasma membrane, (2) the growth factor 1977 by George Todaro [75]. He suggested that because
receptor is transiently activated, leading to a cascade of sig- transformed cells are capable of producing growth factors,
naling cellular events, many of which involve signal- autocrine stimulation of cell growth could be, at least in part,
transducing proteins on the plasma membrane, (3) the signal/ responsible for transformation [75]. An individual cell
message is transmitted from the plasma membrane to the abnormally overexpressing a growth factor to which it
nucleus via secondary messenger molecules, and (4) the responds would result in continuous cell proliferation. This
nuclear regulatory machinery is induced/activated to initiate hypothesis gained credence with the discovery of the homol-
cell replication and transcription. Within these pathways, ogy between PDGF and the protein product of v-sis as well
there are three major biochemical mechanisms through as from work on the EGF family of growth factors (EGF and
which these oncoproteins function [67, 68]. The first of these TGFα, among others). Several human tumors are known to
130 A.G. Rivenbark

overexpress TGFα as well as its receptor the epidermal kinase activity of the EGFR is stimulated by EGF or TGFα
growth factor receptor (EGFR) which substantiated the auto- binding [83, 84]. Also, the human EGFR gene was linked via
crine mechanism [76, 77]. The transfection of TGFα genes significant sequence homology to a known avian erythroblas-
into cultured cells could induce transformation [78, 79]. tosis virus oncogene, v-erbB. Eventually it was determined
Finally, the link between mitogenic signaling and cell trans- that the v-erbB gene product was a truncated protein derived
formation properties of growth factors and oncogenes was from the EGFR gene. The v-erbB gene product lacks the
strengthened by data showing TGFα overexpression in trans- extracellular ligand binding domain (the amino-terminal half
genic mice results in the development of tumors [4, 80, 81].
Additional growth factors with oncogenic potential are listed
in Table 7.4. Table 7.4 Growth factors with oncogenic potential
PDGF family A chain The EGFR Family of Growth Factor B chain (c-sis)
Receptors FGF family Acidic FGF (aFGF)
The EGFR family is one of many growth factor families capa- Basic FGF (bFGF)
ble of promoting neoplastic transformation. The EGFR fam- Int-2
ily includes c-erbB1, c-erbB2 (also known as neu), and hst (KS3)
c-erbB3, and are structurally related to other transmembrane Fgf-5
tyrosine kinase proteins with an external ligand binding EGF family EGF
domain, a transmembrane domain, and an internal tyrosine TGFα
kinase domain (Fig. 7.4) [82]. These receptors are activated Wnt family Wnt-1
by binding of a ligand which is followed by transduction of a Wnt-3
signal into the cell through the kinase activity of the intracel- Neurotrophins NGF
lular domain of the receptor protein. Kinase enzymes regulate BDNF
protein function by phosphorylation of tyrosine, serine, or NT-3
threonine amino acid residues. Examples of these receptor Hematopoietic growth factors Interleukin-2
tyrosine kinase proteins are listed in Table 7.5. The EGFR Interleukin-3
was implicated as playing a central role as a regulator of nor- M-CSF
mal cellular growth and differentiation primarily because the

Fig. 7.4 Transmembrane

tyrosine kinases. Growth
factor receptors with tyrosine
kinase activity share similar
overall structure with
extracellular binding domains,
transmembrane domains, and
cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase
domains. Each receptor is
designated according to its
prototype ligand. Red circles
illustrate immunoglobulin-
like repeats. Blue boxes
denote cytosine-rich domains.
Green boxes represent
conserved tyrosine kinase
domains. The receptor labeled
“Var” depicts the structure for
receptors bound by ret, ros,
axl, alk, eph, and eck
(possibly others).
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 131

Table 7.5 Receptor protein-tyrosine kinases Table 7.6 Proto-oncogenes which encode for cytoplasmic serine/
threonine kinases and non-receptor tyrosine kinases with oncogenic
EGF erbB1 (c-erbB)
erbB2 (neu)
erbB3 Serine–threonine kinases
erbB4 c-raf Family
FGF FGF receptor-1 (fig) raf-1
FGF receptor-2 (K-sam) A-raf
FGF receptor-3 B-raf
FGF receptor-4 Protein kinase C family
PDGF PDGF α-receptor PKC-β1
PDGF β-receptor PKC-γ
CSF-1 receptor (c-fms) PKC-ε
SLF receptor (c-kit) PKC-ζ
Insulin Insulin receptor (α, β) Other serine–threonine kinases
IGF-1 receptor (c-ros) mos
Hepatocyte growth factor HGF receptor (met) (α, β) pim-1
c-sea (ligand unknown) (α, β) akt
Neurotrophin NGF receptor (trk) cot
BDNF and NT4 receptor (trk-B) tpl-2
NT3 receptor (trk-C) Non-receptor tyrosine kinases
Ligands unknown eph/elk yes
VEGF Receptor fgr
eck fyn
c-ret lck
axl abl

of the normal protein) that is present in the normal EGFR

protein. This structural aberration results in a constitutively potent oncoproteins. In fact, many such oncoproteins have
activated protein with tyrosine kinase activity. The constitutive been identified, and they have been shown to mimic the
cell signaling activity of the truncated receptor drives signal normal function of signal transducing proteins. The signal
transduction and cell proliferation in the absence of growth transducing proteins can be widely grouped into two catego-
factor stimulation. Thus, an oncogene was shown to corre- ries (Table 7.6): (1) protein kinases (non-receptor associated
spond to a known growth factor receptor, which established a tyrosine kinases, such as the c-abl protein product, and cyto-
direct link between the two [4, 85–89]. plasmic serine/threonine kinases) and (2) receptor-associated
Although structural aberrations play an important role in GTP-binding proteins (which include the c-ras proteins).
EGFR-mediated neoplastic transformation, a more common The c-abl protein product is present on the inner surface of
mechanism is overexpression of the normal proto-oncogene the plasma membrane. However, its tyrosine kinase activity
product, as is seen in breast cancers. Overexpression occurs is not dependent on coupling with a plasma membrane bound
not only as a result of gene amplification, but also in the receptor. Rather, negative regulatory domains are lost when
absence of gene amplification, suggesting another as yet c-abl of chromosome 9 is translocated to the breakpoint clus-
undetermined mechanism. Overexpression of EGFR has ter region of chromosome 22. The hybrid protein product has
been found to have prognostic significance in several human increased enzymatic activity responsible for phosphorylating
tumors [77, 90]. downstream substrates. This constitutive activity drives cells
to proliferate, contributing to neoplastic growth. This form Proteins Involved in Signal of molecular aberration characterizes chronic myelogenous
Transduction leukemia (CML) and some forms of acute lymphoblastic
c-abl. Once a cell receives a signal via plasma membrane leukemia (ALL).
bound receptors, it is transmitted to the cell nucleus by a cas- c-ras. The larger category of signal transducing proteins is
cade of messenger molecules. Because abnormal growth fac- associated with membrane bound receptors, such as the GTP-
tor receptors can function as oncoproteins by stimulating cell binding proteins (G proteins), which include the c-ras family
proliferation, it follows that protein messengers coupled to of proteins. There are many similarities between the latter
receptors, or even proteins involved in signal transduction two sets of proteins. G proteins are located on the inner face
that are not associated with receptors, can act as equally of the cell membrane, where they couple signals received
132 A.G. Rivenbark

Fig. 7.5 c-ras mechanism of action. The c-ras protein is active when ability to hydrolyze GTP, or an increased rate of exchange of bound
complexed with GTP, and this interaction is facilitated by GEFs in GDP for free GTP. By either mechanism, the result is increased acti-
response to growth factor stimulation. Although c-ras has its own vated c-ras. (a) Depicts normal c-ras regulation (activation and inactiva-
GTPase activity, its inactivation by GTP hydrolysis is stimulated by tion). (b) Depicts aberrant c-ras constitutive activation when mutated.
GAPs, such as neurofibromin. Mutated c-ras protein has a decreased

from activated plasma membrane receptors to other, mainly The c-myc Family of Nuclear Regulatory
cytoplasmic, second messengers in a cascade ultimately Proteins
culminating in the cell nucleus. Cell signaling through G pro- The final steps in the mitogenic signaling pathways involve
teins requires GTP binding. Hydrolysis of the bound GTP signal entry into and the subsequent events which occur in
terminates signaling through a specific G protein molecule. the nucleus. The protein products of many proto-oncogenes
The c-ras proto-oncogenes are activated by point muta- (and tumor suppressor genes) are localized to the nucleus,
tions. As would be predicted, the point mutations alter the and function to control the transcription of growth-related
function of the GTPase activity of its protein product. The genes through interaction with specific regulatory DNA
mutated protein has a decreased ability to hydrolyze GTP, sequences. Regulation of transcription is a key mechanism
or has an increased rate of exchange of bound GDP for free through which proto-oncogenes (and tumor suppressor
GTP (Fig. 7.5). The decreased ability to hydrolyze GTP genes) exert control over cell proliferation. Nuclear proteins
results from interactions between c-ras and GTPase acti- involved in these processes generally bind upstream to a spe-
vating proteins (GAPs), an example of which is neurofibro- cific gene and function as a transcription factor. Once bound
min, the gene product of the tumor suppressor gene to a specific DNA sequence, they act to increase expression
neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1). GAPs inactivate normal c-ras of the target gene by interacting with other proteins involved
protein by augmenting the conversion of GTP-ras (active in transcription. In order to be able to span the interaction
form) to GDP-ras (inactive form). The activated c-ras between DNA and other proteins, most transcription factors
oncoproteins bind GAP, but their GTPase activity is stunted, have two functional domains: (1) a DNA binding domain,
leading to upregulation of active GTP-ras. Given the cen- and (2) a protein binding domain. The DNA binding domain
tral role of GAPs in c-ras regulation, it is not surprising that is often either a cysteine rich region, the secondary structure
the loss of activity of the GAP neurofibromin also results in of which binds zinc and forms looped structures (called zinc
upregulation of ras-GTP in affected cells. In response to fingers), or a stretch of basic amino acids proximal to leucine
growth factor stimulation c-ras is activated by guanine zipper motifs (ZIP) or basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)
nucleotide releasing or exchange factors (GEFs). They are domains. The leucine zipper is composed of a stretch of
responsible for the exchange of GDP for GTP (converting hydrophobic leucine residues and functions in protein dimer-
inactive ras-GDP to active ras-GTP). The increased ization. The bHLH motif is composed of two amphipathic
exchange of GDP for GTP produces the same result: consti- α-helical regions separated by a loop and also functions in
tutively active c-ras protein bound to GTP. Interestingly, a protein dimerization [5].
GEF domain is present in the bcr protein product as well as Because the c-myc oncogene is commonly involved in
in the bcr-abl fusion protein product created in the t(9;22) human tumorigenesis, there has been tremendous research
translocation, suggesting a possible role in c-ras regulation activity into its mechanism of action. The c-myc proto-
[4, 35, 91–95]. oncogene is expressed in nearly all eukaryotic cells and its
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 133

Fig. 7.6 The myc/max/mad/

mxi-1 transcription network
in Burkitt’s lymphoma. The
c-myc protein is expressed
constitutively as a result of a
chromosomal translocation:
t(8;14), t(8;22), or t(2;8). The
t(8;14) translocation is
depicted in the schematic. The
Myc protein dimerizes with
Max to activate transcription.
The Max protein can
homodimerize, or form
complexes with Mad or
Mxi-1. Each of these
complexes inhibits
transcription. Constitutive
expression of c-myc leads to a
shift in the equilibrium in
favor of transcriptional

mRNA synthesis is rapidly induced when quiescent cells translocation, insertional mutagenesis, or amplification, is
receive a signal to divide. The C-terminal region of c-myc overexpression of the c-myc protein. Overexpression of the
proteins has one basic DNA binding domain followed by c-myc protein leads to a shift in equilibrium toward myc-max
bHLH and ZIP domains. The c-myc protein was suggested to dimers, activating transcription, promoting cell prolifera-
function as a transcription factor based upon the pattern of tion, and thereby contributing to neoplastic transformation
transient expression following cell stimulation by growth [4, 22, 96–103].
factors and sequence similarities with other DNA binding
transcription factors. However, it was found that the c-myc
protein by itself does not bind DNA well. Rather, c-myc binds 7.3 Tumor Suppressor Genes
to DNA with greater affinity when dimerized with another
protein possessing c-myc-like bHLH and ZIP domains, called While proto-oncogenes are normal cellular genes that act in
max (Fig. 7.6). Max is a small protein that forms homodi- a positive fashion to promote physiologic cell growth and
mers, interacts with all members of the c-myc family, and differentiation, tumor suppressor genes act as the cellular
forms heterodimers with other proteins called mad and mxi1. braking mechanism, regulating cell growth in a negative
Although c-myc, max, and mad share sequence domains, they fashion. Normal tumor suppressor proteins exhibit diverse
differ in that c-myc has a transcriptional activation domain functions and are found in all subcellular compartments. As
at its amino terminus. Thus, the myc-max heterodimer rep- alterations of tumor suppressor protein function contribute to
resents the functional form of c-myc, and upon binding to the development of cancer, their principle normal function is
specific CACGTG DNA sequences, stimulates expression of likely the control of cellular proliferation and differentiation.
genes involved in cell proliferation. The specific types of mutations in these genes invariably lead
Max-max homodimers and heterodimers composed of to the inability of the encoded protein to perform its normal
max-mad and max-mxi1 also binds DNA efficiently. These function. In general, neoplastic transformation requires loss
other max-containing complexes compete with myc-max het- of tumor suppressor protein function, and this requires muta-
erodimers for DNA binding. However, the proteins that com- tional inactivation or loss (deletion) of both alleles of the
pose these complexes lack a transcriptional activation domain. tumor suppressor gene. Thus, tumor suppressor genes are
Therefore, DNA binding by any of these other complexes termed recessive and alterations of these genes are typically
results in repression of transcription. The control over cell considered loss of function mutations. A list of known or
proliferation is influenced by the balance between transcrip- putative tumor suppressor genes is given in Table 7.7.
tional activation by myc-max heterodimers and transcriptional In the mid and late 1960s theories about the genesis of
repression by max-max, max-mad, and max-mxi1 complexes. malignant tumors were enormously influenced by studies of
A common theme of c-myc activation by chromosome virus and gene transfer experiments. Introduction of a virus
134 A.G. Rivenbark

Table 7.7 Putative and cloned tumor suppressor genes

Gene Chromosomal location Inherited cancer Sporadic cancer
Rb1 13q14 Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma, sarcomas, bladder, breast, esophageal, and lung carcinomas
p53 17p13 Li–Fraumeni cancer family Bladder, breast, colorectal, esophageal, liver, lung, and ovarian
syndrome carcinomas, brain tumors, sarcomas, lymphomas, and leukemias
DCC 18q21 – Colorecetal carcinomas
MCC 5q21 – Colorectal carcinomas
APC 5q21 Familial adenomatous polyposis Colorectal, stomach, and pancreatic carcinomas
WT1 11p13 Wilms tumor Wilms tumor
WT2 11p15 Weidemann–Beckwith syndrome Renal rhabdoid tumors, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
WT3 16q Wilms tumor –
NF1 17q11 Neurofibromatosis type 1 Colon carcinoma and astrocytoma
NF2 22q12 Neurofibromatosis type 2 Schwannoma and meningioma
VHL 3p25 von Hippel–Lindau syndrome Renal cell carcinomas
MEN1 11q23 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Endocrine tumors such as pancreatic adenomas
type 1 (MEN1)
nm23 17q21 – Melanoma, breast, colorectal, prostate, meningioma, others
MTS1 9p21 Melanoma Melanoma, brain tumors, leukemias, sarcomas, bladder, breast, kidney,
lung, and ovarian carcinomas

into cultured cells added new genetic information that led to Table 7.8 Characteristics of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
transformation. Most investigators believed at the time that Characteristic Oncogenes Tumor suppressor gene
neoplastic transformation resulted from a simple gain of Number of mutational events One Two
genetic information, rather than from a loss of some cellular required to contribute to
gene. In Mendelian terms, malignancy was thought to be a cancer development
dominant characteristic. Henry Harris of the University of Function of the mutant allele Dominant Recessive (loss of
(gain of function)
Oxford in collaboration with George Klein of Stockholm function)
forwarded another approach [104]. Cells from mouse tumor Activity demonstrated in Yes Yes
cell lines were fused with non-malignant cells, and the result- gene transfer assays
ing hybrids were evaluated for their tumorigenic potential in Associated with hereditary Seldom Often
appropriate hybrid animals. The hybrid cells produced very syndromes (inheritance of (c-ret
few tumors compared with the malignant parent cells. These germ line mutations) proto-
results were interpreted to mean that normal cells contain
Somatic mutations contribute Yes Yes
one or more genes that act as negative regulators of the neo- to cancer development
plastic phenotype. They postulated that malignancy was Tissue specificity of Some In inherited cases,
determined by a loss and not a gain of genetic information. mutational event there is often a tissue
At the time, these results were vigorously challenged [105]. preference
Additional cell hybrid studies strengthened the concept
that normal cellular genes can function to suppress the
tumorigenic potential of neoplastically transformed cells. examples below. Tumor suppressor gene mutations or deletions
A cytogenetic analysis of cell hybrids that reexpressed are often found as germ-line mutations associated with
tumorigenic potential established the chromosomal location hereditary syndromes that predispose to the development of
of one of the normal genes in mouse that suppressed the specific tumors. Mutations or deletions in the same genes
malignant phenotype [106, 107]. Similar studies in human involved in cancers arising in the setting of these hereditary
hybrid cells derived from the fusion of normal fibroblasts syndromes are also found in sporadic tumors (tumors that
and HeLa cells (cervical carcinoma cell line) showed that arise in individuals known not to have germ-line mutations).
reversion to the tumorigenic phenotype followed the loss of Commonly, these somatic mutations can be found in tumors
chromosome 11. Introduction of the wild-type allele by not related to those associated with hereditary syndromes.
fusion with a normal cell once again suppressed malignancy, The latter findings in sporadic tumors suggest a broader role
suggesting the presence of a tumor suppressor gene on this for these genes in tumorigenesis. In many but not all cases,
chromosome [4, 108, 109]. tumor suppressor activity can be demonstrated in gene trans-
Some generalizations about tumor suppressor genes can fer assays. Tumor suppressor gene products are integral
be made (Table 7.8), and are further illustrated with specific components of cell signaling pathways, in addition to having
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 135

roles in cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. Their role in In fact, NF1 mutations are associated with and may contribute
the development of cancers has been demonstrated to be as to the development of not only those tumors found in neu-
significant as the role played by proto-oncogenes. rofibromatosis 1, but also adenocarcinomas of the colon,
anaplastic astrocytomas, and myeloid malignancies, among
others [110].
7.3.1 Mechanism of Tumor Suppressor
Gene Action Tumor Suppressor Gene Products That
Regulate Transcription
The mechanism of action for the products of tumor suppressor Examples of tumor suppressor genes whose products regulate
genes is diverse and not fully understood. Conceptually, the transcription include Rb1 and p53, the latter representing the
products of tumor suppressor genes can be thought of as gene most frequently involved in human cancers [111–113].
functioning to receive and process growth inhibitory signals Rb1 gene. The discovery of the retinoblastoma gene (Rb1)
from their surroundings. When a cell loses components of this gene resulted in an intense research effort to understand the
signaling network, or loses responsiveness to extracellular mechanism of action of its gene product. In studies of cell
growth inhibitory signals, the cellular consequences are the cycle regulation, the Rb1 tumor suppressor gene product was
same as for unchecked stimulation of cell growth, neoplasia. found to be active in a hypophosphorylated state, and inac-
The tumor suppressor gene products function in parallel with tive in a hyperphosphorylated state. Further, the active hypo-
the protein products of proto-oncogenes, but work instead to phosphorylated gene product was present in abundance in
suppress cell proliferation through the regulation of signal the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle as compared to the finding of
transduction and nuclear transcription. Not all tumor suppressor abundant inactive hyperphosphorylated pRb protein in late
gene products conform to the growth inhibitory concept. Cell G1, S, G2, and M, suggesting a role for pRb as a suppressor
surface and cell matrix molecules are responsible for normal of cell proliferation between the G0/G1 and S phase of the
cell morphology, cell–cell interactions, and cell–extracellular cell cycle. This was found to be true. The pRb protein binds
matrix interactions. Tumor suppressor genes encode for such transcription factors, and in particular, the E2F family of
proteins, and mutations in these genes lead to altered cellular transcription factors as well as the product of the c-myc
morphology, loss of normal intracellular signaling pathways, oncogene [114, 115]. Cyclin-dependent kinases are respon-
and loss of normal intercellular interactions, all of which are sible for phosphorylating pRb (resulting in inactivation)
features of neoplastic cells. when cells are stimulated to divide by exogenous growth factors
or other mitogenic signals. The pRb protein dissociates from Tumor Suppressor Gene Products sequestered/bound transcription factors, allowing the cell to
That Regulate Signal Transduction progress from G0/G1 to the S phase. After mitosis, a phos-
An example of a tumor suppressor gene whose product regu- phatase returns pRb to its active, hypophosphorylated form.
lates signal transduction is the gene product of neurofibromato- Unlike other regulators of transcription, pRb does not
sis 1 (NF1), which is responsible for the clinical syndrome directly interact with DNA [116–120].
neurofibromatosis or von Recklinghausen’s disease. The inability of pRb to bind and negatively regulate the
Neurofibromatosis is one of the more common autosomal dom- function of certain transcription factors leads to unregulated
inant disorders in humans and is clinically associated with café- cell proliferation, and this can result from deletion or muta-
au-lait spots (brown skin macules), benign neurofibromas, and tion of the Rb1 gene, or functional inactivation of the pRb
other abnormalities. Patients with neurofibromatosis have a protein. In general, mutation of the Rb1 gene results in trun-
higher incidence of malignant tumors, including neurofibrosar- cated and unstable proteins [111]. As might be expected, the
comas, pheochromocytomas, optic nerve gliomas, and malig- significant mutations or deletions in the Rb1 gene occur in
nant myeloid diseases [110]. the transcription factor binding domain, also known as the
The product of the NF1 gene (neurofibromin) encodes for pRb pocket. Functional inactivation of pRb was first recog-
a GTPase activating protein (GAP). GAP proteins interact nized in studies of viral oncogenes. DNA viral oncogene
with c-ras proteins, which in normal cells are transiently acti- products from animals (SV40 large T antigen) and humans
vated upon exchange of bound GDP for bound GTP (human papilloma virus E7, adenovirus E1A) inhibit pRb
(Fig. 7.5). The c-ras proteins have intrinsic GTPase activity function by binding and occupying the pRb pocket. Gene
which is significantly increased upon binding with GAP pro- mutations or occupation of the pRb pocket/transcription
teins. Mutations in c-ras alter the GTPase activity of its pro- binding domain have, as a common result, the liberation of
tein product. The ras-GTP oncoprotein is significantly less activating transcription factors with subsequent uncontrolled
responsive to GAP augmented hydrolysis [4, 35, 91–95]. cell proliferation. The interplay between the products of these
It follows that mutations in genes that encode for GAP proteins, viral oncoproteins and pRb is an illustration of their mutual
such as NF1, should be similarly deleterious to affected cells. cooperation, which serves as a paradigm of the multistep
136 A.G. Rivenbark

nature of oncogenesis. Inhibition of tumor suppressor genes Thus, the loss of both functional copies of the Rb1 gene is
represents an important way in which oncogenes exert their necessary for neoplastic transformation and tumor forma-
neoplastic potential [111, 121]. tion. This conclusion is based upon numerous studies involv-
Mechanism of Rb1 Inactivation in Retinoblastoma. ing cytogenetic, linkage, and restriction fragment length
Although by the mid-1970s cell hybrid studies clearly estab- polymorphism (RFLP) analyses of constitutional and tumor
lished that malignancy is at least in part due to loss of func- DNAs from affected individuals.
tion of critical regulatory genes in malignant cells, the Cytogenetic studies demonstrated a loss of the long arm
identification of tumor suppressor genes at the molecular (13q14 region) of chromosome 13 in retinoblastoma tumors,
level did not occur until more than a decade later. As the and in the germ line of patients with a hereditary predisposi-
prototypic tumor suppressor gene, the mechanism of inacti- tion to retinoblastoma development [124]. Esterase D, a gene
vation and loss of function associated with the Rb1 are illus- present on chromosome 13q14, was used in linkage analysis
trative of the whole class of tumor suppressor genes. The studies. Assuming that a mutant Rb1 is closely linked to one
inactivation of both alleles of the Rb1 gene is required for of the two esterase D alleles which can be traced back to an
development of retinoblastoma, an eye malignancy that usu- affected parent, one can detect offspring who have inherited
ally occurs at a very young age. Until the end of the nine- the mutant Rb1 allele. Tumors arising in these individuals
teenth century, this tumor was uniformly fatal. During the were shown to be homozygous for one form of esterase D,
twentieth century, more of these tumors were recognized and and by extension, homozygous for the mutant Rb1 gene
diagnosed at an earlier stage, permitting a surgical cure. It [125]. Similar conclusions were drawn from RFLP analysis
was noted that the offspring of retinoblastoma patients cured of retinoblastomas arising in patients with familial predispo-
by surgery developed the disease at a very high frequency. sition, by comparing tumor DNA with germ-line
Pedigree analysis of these families suggested a dominant DNA. Paralleling the findings using esterase D, homozygos-
pattern of Mendelian inheritance [122, 123]. ity was found in these tumors as well [125–127]. Shortly
The suggestion that a specific gene was responsible for thereafter, probes from the 13q14 region were used to screen
the disease stemmed not from molecular or cell hybrid anal- retinoblastomas, and several demonstrated homozygous
yses, but rather from epidemiological data first reported by deletions for at least 25 kb of DNA.
Alfred Knudson [123]. He noted that 40 % of the cases of Molecular cloning of the gene was accomplished using
retinoblastoma were bilateral and occurred in young infants probes to human 13q14 to isolate genomic DNA clones cor-
(mean age 14 months), who if cured went on to develop sec- responding to flanking DNA. The genomic DNA clones
ondary tumors (often osteosarcomas). In these patients, there from the tumor suppressor gene region were then used as
was often a relevant family history of retinoblastoma. In con- probes against RNA to compare the pattern of mRNA expres-
trast, the remaining 60 % of cases were unilateral and sion between retinoblastoma and normal retinal cells. The
occurred in older children (mean age 30 months), who if retinoblastoma gene was found to have 27 exons extending
cured did not develop secondary malignancies. These over approximately 200 kb of DNA and encoding a 928
patients generally lacked a relevant family history. Knudson amino acid protein [127–129]. Once the Rb1 gene was iso-
proposed that the first group inherited a mutant allele (germ- lated, mechanisms of inactivation were found and included
line mutation) which conferred a dominant predisposition to deletions and inactivating point mutations [130, 131].
cancer to this group of patients. In these patients, a second Importantly, tumor cell lines into which a cloned normal Rb1
somatic mutation in retinal cells resulted in retinoblastoma. gene was introduced lost their malignant phenotype, con-
The second nonfamilial, later onset, form was very rare firming the tumor suppressing action of Rb1 [132]. These
(occurring in 1 in 30,000 people). Knudson suggested that studies definitively established the role of deletion and/or
these patients did not inherit a mutant gene, but rather two loss of function as a major genetic mechanism involved with
independent somatic mutations in retinal cells occurred to neoplastic transformation, and solidified the existence of a
give rise to retinoblastoma. new class of genes, the tumor suppressor genes.
The two-hit model proposed by Knudson did not address The Rb1 gene has since been found to be associated with
the mechanism of action of the gene(s) involved. There were many human neoplasms, usually through a genetic mecha-
at least two possible explanations. The first is that a domi- nism involving mutations or deletions. Most other tumor
nant mutation of a single proto-oncogene allele is insuffi- suppressor genes have similar mechanisms of inactivation as
cient for the development of neoplasia, or that a second described for Rb1. Specifically, any alteration in DNA or
mutation, perhaps in a second proto-oncogene, is required. functional inactivation of the gene protein product that
The second possibility, which proved to be correct, is that results in a loss of function of both copies or alleles of the
two mutations are required for development of retinoblas- gene is required for the development of tumors. These altera-
toma and that these mutations are inactivating mutations. tions include inactivating point mutations, deletions, or
7 An Overview of Cancer Genes 137

insertions. In general, all of these mechanisms have been Tumor Suppressor Gene Products That
described for many of the tumor suppressor genes, and it is Function as Cell Surface/Cell Matrix
possible to find in one inactivated gene of a clonal cell popu- Molecules
lation a combination of two mechanisms of inactivation, a Properties of malignant cells include not only uncontrolled
different one for each allele. proliferation capabilities, but also changes in cell morphol-
p53 gene. The p53 gene is briefly mentioned because of its ogy, loss of contact inhibition or cell–cell interactions, and
important and frequent involvement in human neoplasia [82, loss of cell–extracellular matrix interactions. This results in
112]. Like the Rb1 gene product, p53 is a nuclear phospho- an altered phenotype, including morphologic changes which
protein and functions primarily as a regulator of transcription allow recognition by microscopy as malignant, inability to
[113]. Specifically, when the genome sustains mutagenic process inhibitory or other signals from adjacent cells, and
damage (from radiation or a chemical insult) wild-type p53 loss of adhesion properties resulting in metastatic potential.
protein accumulates in the nucleus where it binds DNA and Cell surface and cell matrix molecules thought to play a role
causes cells to halt in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, where the in these processes include products from the neurofibroma-
genetic damage is repaired. If the damage is not repaired, p53 tosis 2 (NF2) gene, the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)
induces apoptosis [133]. When first discovered, p53 was gene, and the deleted in colon cancer (DCC) gene, among
thought to be a proto-oncogene because overexpression of others.
cloned p53 genes was shown to be related to transformation APC gene. The APC gene was isolated in 1991 and is
in gene transfer assays. It was later shown that the clones responsible for the familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
used were actually mutant forms of the p53 gene. When the syndrome, an uncommon autosomal dominant disease
wild-type gene was cloned and used in similar transfection affecting approximately 1 in 8000 individuals [137–140].
studies it did not demonstrate the ability to participate in the Patients with FAP typically develop 500–2500 adenomas of
neoplastic transformation of normal cells. Rather, overex- the colonic mucosa. The frequency of progression to colon
pression led to inhibition of neoplastic transformation, adenocarcinoma approaches 100 % necessitating prophylac-
suggesting it to be a tumor suppressor gene. tic colectomy by the second or third decade of life, and early
Mechanism of p53 inactivation in cancer. The tumor sup- surveillance of siblings and first degree relatives [140]. The
pressor function of p53 can be inactivated by either muta- APC gene was found to be located on the long arm of chro-
tional events or through negative protein-protein interactions. mosome 5 (5q21), a locus known to be deleted frequently in
The p53 gene is composed of 11 exons spanning 20 kb of colonic adenocarcinomas. Patients with FAP carry germ-line
genomic DNA, encoding a protein of 393 amino acids. APC mutations leading to the production of truncated APC
Mutations have been described for each exon, but appear to proteins, the detection of which has provided a diagnostic
be most common in exons 5–9. A similar distribution of assay [141]. In addition to its role in the development of
mutations is found in the Li Fraumeni syndrome, in which hereditary FAP, APC mutations have been found in sporadic
patients inherit a germ-line mutation in the p53 gene. This adenomas, the majority of sporadic colorectal cancers [141,
syndrome is characterized by a familial predisposition to 142], and other human malignancies of the pancreas, esopha-
many tumor types, including breast (among other epithelial) gus, stomach, and lung [142–146]. Sporadic mutations also
carcinomas, soft tissue sarcomas, brain neoplasms, and leu- lead to the production of truncated proteins. Tumor suppres-
kemias [133]. Mutant p53 protein products lose their ability sor activity has not been demonstrated in gene transfer assays
to suppress transformation, and gain the ability to inactivate using the APC gene.
wild-type p53. A cell with one mutant and one wild type The APC gene is large, extending over 8500 nucleotides,
copy of p53 behaves as if it has no wild-type p53 at all. This and encoding a protein of approximately 2840 amino acids.
type of mutation is referred to as dominant negative because The protein interacts with catenins, which are cytoplasmic
the mutant allele acts in a dominant fashion to alter the func- proteins thought to play a role in signal transduction because
tioning of the normal allele [134–136]. The half-life of of their interactions with cadherins, a family of cell surface
mutant species of the p53 protein tend to be increased com- molecules. Cadherins have been shown to regulate cell–cell
pared to the very short half-life of the wild-type protein. This interactions and morphogenesis. Based on these observa-
increase in protein half-life enhances the dominant negative tions, it has been postulated that the APC-catenin complex
effects of the mutant protein. Furthermore, when complexed plays a role in cell adherence, and possibly signal transduc-
with oncoprotein products such as from DNA tumor viruses tion such as contact inhibition of cell growth [146]. In FAP,
(SV40 large T antigen, adenovirus E1B protein, and the E6 mutations in the 5′-portion of the gene have been shown to
protein of human papilloma virus), the p53 protein is func- correlate with an attenuated form of the disease [147], while
tionally inactivated in a manner analogous to the oncoprotein mutations at codon 1309 are associated with an early onset
inactivation of the pRb [136]. of colon cancer in FAP families [148].
138 A.G. Rivenbark

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Oncogenes and the Initiation
and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis 8
Dean W. Felsher, Constadina Arvanitis, Pavan Bendapudi,
and Pavan Bachireddy

the major signaling pathways that may be most effectively

8.1 Introduction targeted for the treatment of cancer, we will describe how
conditional transgenic model systems have been exploited as
Cancer is a complex and multistep process whereby an innovative avenues for discovery and validation of onco-
individual cell acquires a series of mutant gene products genes as therapeutic targets. Then, we will highlight recent
culminating in a spectrum of pathophysiologic features successes and current challenges in the use of targeted thera-
including relentless proliferation, growth, blocked differ- peutics for the treatment of cancer. Finally, we will discuss
entiation, the inappropriate induction of angiogenesis, tis- current thoughts on why the targeted inactivation of specific
sue invasion, and loss of genomic stability. Given the oncogenes results in cancer regression.
genetic and biologic complexity of tumorigenesis, it is per-
haps surprising that there are circumstances when cancer
can be reversed through the repair or inactivation of indi- 8.2 Oncogene Signaling Pathways
vidual mutant genes. However, recent experiments in trans-
genic mouse models and clinical results using new Oncogenes were first identified as the etiologic agents of ret-
pharmacological agents demonstrate that cancer can be rovirus mediated malignant transformation. Only subse-
treated through the targeted repair and/or inactivation of quently was it appreciated that these gene products were
specific oncogenes. Hence, cancers appear to be dependent mutant versions of normal cellular counterparts [1]. With
upon particular oncogenes to maintain their neoplastic this epiphany, it rapidly became apparent that cancer was a
properties, thus exhibiting the phenomena tumor mainte- disease caused by genetic events that resulted in the pertur-
nance or oncogene addiction. bation of gene products that were intimately involved in the
We will describe how proto-oncogenes physiologically play regulation of cellular processes that governed when and how
a fundamental role in specific critical signaling processes. a cell will proliferate and grow. Now, hundreds of oncogenes
Hence, when inappropriately activated, as oncogenes, they have been identified. In many cases specific oncogenes have
can initiate tumorigenesis. In addition to summarizing been associated with specific human diseases. In this chap-
ter, the goal is to choose particular examples of oncogenes
that are illustrative, rather than attempt the impossible task
D.W. Felsher, M.D., Ph.D. (*) • P. Bendapudi, M.D.
of cataloging all the different oncogenes that have been
P. Bachireddy, M.D. implicated in neoplasia.
Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford At least four different classes of oncogene signaling mol-
University School of Medicine, 269 Campus Drive, ecules are commonly involved in the pathogenesis of cancer.
CCSR 1120, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
These include gene products that have several distinct func-
tions: (1) receptors such as ErbB, (2) small GTPases such as
C. Arvanitis, Ph.D.
Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford
Ras, (3) kinases such as BCR-ABL, and (4) transcription
University School of Medicine, 269 Campus Drive, factors such as MYC. Correspondingly, the oncoproteins in
CCSR 1120, Stanford, CA 94305, USA these interacting signaling pathways have been the most
Division of Oncology, Department of Molecular Pharmacology, intensely studied as potential targets for the treatment of
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA cancer (Fig. 8.1).

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 143

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_8
144 D.W. Felsher et al.

Fig. 8.1 Critical signaling pathways as drug targets for cancer therapy. acid (FTS). (c) The BCR-ABL fusion protein activates RAS, PI3K, and
(a) Surface receptors dimerize and activate downstream effectors such other oncogenic signaling molecules. Tyrosine kinases are often tar-
as RAS (a GTPase). Many surface receptors are targeted by antibodies, geted with small molecules. BCR-ABL has been targeted by Imanitib.
and EGFR has been targeted through cetuximab and trastuzumab. (b) (d) Transcription factors are often the terminal effectors of a pathway.
RAS activation is caused by SOS-mediated exchange of GDP for GTP To date, transcription factors are yet to be successfully targeted. All
on RAS. G protein signaling molecules, such as RAS, have been tar- drugs are in red at their sites of action.
geted by farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTI) and S-farnesylthiosalicylic

8.2.1 Receptor Signaling platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), and

insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGFR) [3]. Each of these
Cell surface receptors are the vehicles of communication receptors has been implicated in the pathogenesis of specific
amongst cells. They are responsible for initiating the response types of human neoplasia.
of cells to their tissue microenvironment and mediate many In many regards the ErbB family of transmembrane tyro-
signaling cascades. Growth factor receptors were some of sine kinase receptors is prototypical of cell surface receptors.
the first proto-oncogenes discovered [2]. A multitude of cell This gene family includes four members: (1) EGFR (ErbB1),
surface receptors have been implicated in tumorigenesis (2) HER2/NEU (ErbB2 hereafter referred to as HER2), (3)
including the epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR), ErbB3, and (4) ErbB4. Ligands have been identified for each
8 Oncogenes and the Initiation and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis 145

of the ErbB family members with the notable exception of one of the most common and fundamental mechanisms of
HER2 that likely heterodimerizes with EGFR or HER3. cellular signaling. Phosphorylation has been implicated in
Downstream effectors of these molecules include many other the regulation of the activity of cellular receptors, signaling
proto-oncogenes including the MAPK/RAF/RAS, PI3K/ molecules, transcription factors, DNA repair molecules, and
AKT, and STAT signaling. Activation of these receptor path- chromatin structure proteins amongst many different functions.
ways induces cellular proliferation, enhanced survival, and Many of these gene products when mutated exhibit oncogenic
increased cellular motility [4]. function through constitutive activation [12]. The recent ability
Many of these gene products have multiple alleles that to pharmacologically target the ATP binding domains of
appear to exhibit tissue-specific expression. For example, kinases has made these gene products one of the most fre-
each of the ErbB receptors exhibits unique expression pat- quently pharmacologically targeted molecules [13, 14].
terns. Correspondingly, mutated receptors have been impli- An important protein kinase associated with neoplasia is
cated in particular types of human cancer [5]. For example, the BCR-ABL fusion protein. BCR-ABL results from a
EGFR is commonly overexpressed in lung carcinoma [6], chromosomal translocation between the ABL proto-
while Her2 overexpression is more commonly associated oncogene and the BCR locus. BCR-ABL overexpression has
with breast cancer [7]. Thus, the biology and pathophysiol- been implicated in the pathogenesis of both chronic myelog-
ogy associated with these gene products is associated with enous leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia. Targeted
specific cellular lineages. inactivation of BCR-ABL through the drug imatanib mesyl-
Cell surface receptors are particularly attractive candi- ate, is the most regarded example of a successful targeted
dates as drug targets. First, receptors are specific to particular therapeutic (Gleevec, STI-571) [15–18].
tissue types thus allowing for target specificity. Second,
pharmacologically blocking a ligand-binding site is an obvi-
ous and frequently successful strategy to inactivate a recep- 8.2.4 Transcription Factors
tor. Finally, drugs that target receptor molecules do not need
to be able to transit through cellular membranes. Transcription factors are some of the most potent oncopro-
teins in the induction of cancer. By regulating the expression
of numerous gene products they can exert broad, concerted,
8.2.2 GTPases and sustained effects on cellular programming. They include
a multitude of gene products including steroid receptors and
GTPases are a large family of gene products that mediate nuclear transcription factors such as MYC, MYB, and FOS/
receptor signaling [8]. A multitude of GTPases have been JUN.
implicated as oncogenes. A characteristic feature of the biol- The family of MYC proto-oncogenes (c-MYC, n-MYC,
ogy of GTPases is that they only become activated after post- l-MYC) have been implicated in the regulation of many
translational modification that permits their localization to physiologic programs cellular growth, proliferation, differ-
the plasma membrane [9]. Moreover, the enzymes that medi- entiation, immortalization/senescence, apoptosis, angiogen-
ate these modifications are possible targets for the treatment esis, adhesion, motility, and DNA repair. MYC is
of cancer. overexpressed in over half of all human cancers suggesting
The RAS family represents a prototypical example of that it plays a role in the pathogenesis of most human cancers
GTPases. There are three members: (1) H-RAS, (2) K-RAS, [19]. MYC has been shown to regulate the transcription of
and (3) N-RAS [8]. A mutant RAS was one of the first onco- up to thousands of target genes [20–22], suggesting that
genes identified to be mutated in a human cancer. Over 25 % of these gene products function as grand coordinators of gene
human cancers exhibit activating point mutations of a RAS expression programs. However, MYC has also been shown
gene [10]. RAS proteins are known to play a critical role in the to play a role in the regulation of ribosomal biogenesis, RNA
regulation of a multitude of cellular programs including cellu- processing, DNA replication, and DNA repair.
lar growth, proliferation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis [9, 11]. c-MYC was one of the first proto-oncogenes identified
The RAS/RAF/MAPK pathway is a frequent target for phar- [23]. c-MYC is activated in human cancer through at least
macologic treatment of human cancers. three different mechanisms. The chromosomal translocation
of the MYC locus to the immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor
loci is associated with Burkitt’s lymphoma. n-MYC is com-
8.2.3 Protein Kinases monly expressed in neuronal cells and is often overexpressed
as a result of genomic amplification in neuroblastoma.
Protein Kinases are among the most abundant signaling mol- l-MYC was first identified in lung tissue and is associated
ecules with approximately 500 members. The phosphoryla- with small cell lung carcinoma [19]. MYC has also shown to
tion of proteins at serine, threonine, or tyrosine represents be overexpressed as a consequence of the disruption of the
146 D.W. Felsher et al.

regulation of its transcription regulations, for example, turning off gene expression (Tet-off) or promotes the binding
through the disruption of the beta-catenin pathway through of the rtTA protein to the Tet-O element turning gene expres-
mutation of the APC gene. Although MYC and other tran- sion on (Tet-on). The Tet system facilitates monitoring of
scription factors play such a fundamental role in the patho- transgene expression at the transcription level in specific tis-
genesis of cancer, they are yet to be successfully targeted sues within the mouse.
therapeutically. The Tamoxifen System
The Tamoxifen System also has been employed to condition-
8.3 Interrogating Oncogenes via Mouse ally regulate gene activation posttranscriptionally. MYC fused
Models with the estradiol receptor exhibited conditional oncogene
activation [31]. A mutant version of the estradiol receptor,
Our understanding of the physiologic function of proto- which binds tamoxifen, is utilized to prevent endogenous
oncogenes and the contribution of oncogenes to the initiation estradiol from activating gene function [32]. Upon addition of
and maintenance of tumorigenesis has been markedly tamoxifen, MYC is active, and withdrawal leads to an inactive
enhanced by the ability to generate mouse models. Most product. Subsequently, this strategy was shown to be useful in
notably, the development of transgenic mouse models has the generation of conditional transgenic mice [33, 34].
provided the unprecedented opportunity to model the contri-
bution of specific gene products to the pathogenesis of neo- The RCAS-TVA-Tet System
plasia in vivo. The use of conditional transgenic models has The Tet-system can be combined with the RCAS-TVA sys-
made it possible to directly interrogate when and how the tem [35, 36]. In this approach a tissue-specific promoter is
inactivation of oncogenes can result in cancer regression. used to drive the expression of the avian retroviral receptor
Several recent reviews have extensively described the (TVA) in transgenic mice. The cells of these mice also con-
application of conventional transgenic mouse models for the tain a Tet-O regulated transgene, but lack the rtTA protein.
development of therapeutics for cancer [24–26]. Here we Avian retroviral vectors (RCAS) are used to deliver the rtTA
will focus on the use of conditional transgenic models can be transactivator to cells that express the TVA. The successfully
used to define when and how oncoproteins can be used as infected cells now contain a transgene whose expression can
targets for the treatment of cancer. be regulated by doxycycline.

8.3.1 Experimental Approaches 8.3.2 Defining When Cancer Is Reversible

Three different strategies have been most commonly utilized Conditional transgenic models have been used to evaluate
to conditionally regulate gene expression in transgenic the consequences of oncogene inactivation in vivo. From
mouse models: (1) the Tet System, (2) the Tamoxifen System, these studies, several general themes emerge regarding the
and (3) the TVA system [24, 27, 28]. role of oncogenes in the initiation and maintenance of tumor-
igenesis, as we have described [27, 37–42]. Oncogene inac- The Tet System tivation can reverse tumorigenesis by inducing sustained
The Tetracycline Regulatory System (Tet System) was devel- cancer regression through differentiation, proliferative arrest,
oped as a strategy to regulate the transcription of genes in and/or apoptosis (Table 8.1).
eukaryotic cells utilizing prokaryotic transcriptional regula- The specific consequences of the inactivation of an
tory proteins [29, 30]. There are two variations of this sys- oncogene depend upon the type of cancer. In some cases,
tem—one activates transgene expression in the presence of a even briefly inactivating an oncogene may be sufficient to
tetracycline such as doxycycline (Tet-on), while the other induce sustained cancer regression [43, 44], but in other
system shuts off transgene expression upon doxycycline cases, this has not been observed [45]. Oncogene inactiva-
addition (Tet-off). In both variations, two different trans- tion may uncover the stem cell properties of cancer cells
genes are generated. The first transgene uses a tissue-specific and induce a state of cancer dormancy [45–49]. Finally, the
promoter to drive the expression of a tetracycline transactiva- genetic context can affect whether inactivation of an onco-
tor (tTA or rtTA). The second transgene contains a tetracy- gene will induce sustained regression, or if the cancers can
cline response element (Tet-O) adjacent to a target gene of relapse acquiring additional genetic events [45, 50–52].
interest. The tTA or rtTA protein binds to the Tet-O promoter Conditional transgenic models have been generated for
regulating gene transcription. The presence of doxycycline, many types of signaling molecules implicated in the patho-
prevents binding of the tTA protein to the Tet-O element genesis of neoplasia.
8 Oncogenes and the Initiation and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis 147

Table 8.1 Consequences of oncogene inactivation in transgenic mouse models

Response to
Oncogene Model System Tumor type inactivation Mechanism of tumor regression References
BCL2 MMTV-tTA Tet-off Lymphoblastic leukemia Regression Apoptosis [142]
BCR-ABL MMTV-tTA Tet-Off B-cell leukemia Regressiona Apoptosis [59]
SCL-tTA Tet-Off CML Regression ND [60]
FGF-10 CCSP-rtTA or Tet-on Pulmonary adenomas Regression ND [143]
HER2/NEU MMTV-rtTA Tet-On Mammary Carcinomas Regressiona Decreased proliferation and [53]
Tet-O-NeuNT apoptosis
MET LAP-tTA Tet-On Hepatocellular Regression Decreased proliferation and [144]
Tet-O-MET carcinoma Apoptosis
c-MYC EμSRα-tTA Tet-Off T- and B-cell lymphoma, Regressiona Cell cycle arrest, differentiation [61–63]
Tet-O-MYC acute myeloid leukemia and apoptosis
EμSRα-tTA Tet-Off Osteosarcoma Regression Differentiation [44]
MMTV-rtTA Tet-On Breast adenoma Partial ND [45, 50]
Tet-O-MYC regression
LAP-tTA Tet-Off Hepatocellular Regression Apoptosis and differentiation [46, 64]
Tet-O-MYC carcinoma
Plns- MycERTam Tamoxifen Pancreatic Islet cell Regression Growth arrest, differentiation, [33]
cellular adhesion, vascular
Involucrin-MycER Tam Tamoxifen Papillomas Regression Growth arrest and differentiation [34, 43]
RAS Tyr-rtTA Tet-On Melanoma Regressiona Apoptosis, EGFR expression [54, 55]
H-Ras(V12G) Ink4a-/- required
SP-r-rtTTA Tet-On Lung adenoma Regression ND [57]
CCSP-rtTA Tet-On Lung adenoma Regression ND [57]
CCSP-rtTA Tet-On Lung adenoma Regression Apoptosis [58]
Nestin-TVA RCAS Glioblastoma Regression Apoptosis [145]
WNT MMTV-rtTA Tet Mammary adenoma Regressiona ND [146]
ND not determined
While most of the tumors regressed upon oncogene inactivation, some of the mice relapsed while the oncogene was inactivated Conditional Models of Receptor Induced developed hyperplastic abnormalities. Six weeks following
Tumorigenesis oncogene activation, all of the mice developed multiple inva-
The Tet system has been used to conditionally overexpress sive mammary carcinomas. The tumors were solid invasive
receptors including an oncogenic form of HER2 containing carcinomas that often metastasized to the lung. Following
an activating point mutation in its transmembrane domain 48 h of HER2 inactivation through doxycycline withdrawal,
[52, 53]. Expression was directed to the breast by utilizing the cancer cells exhibited proliferation arrest and increased
the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter to apoptosis. The primary carcinomas rapidly and completely
drive the expression of the rtTA protein. Within 4 days of regressed in over 90 % of the mice with a mean regression
HER2 activation by doxycycline administration, the mice time of 17 days. Within 30 days, the pulmonary metastases
148 D.W. Felsher et al.

had also completely and rapidly regressed. Thus, tumorigenesis through doxycycline withdrawal, cancers exhibited decreased
appears to be reversible. cellular density and an increased rate of apoptosis. Within 7
However, a majority of the cancers that had a complete days of K-RAS inactivation, only a few patches of hyperpla-
regression upon HER2 repression eventually reoccurred. sia were found, and within a month no residual cancer tissue
When the primary cancers and metastases were transplanted was found in 5/5 mice. The same mice were generated in
into syngeneic hosts, they completely regressed only either a p53 or an Ink4A/Arf deficient background. Cancers
55–70 % of the time. The relapse tumors all uniformly lacked grew rapidly in these mice after K-RAS induction, but
both endogeneous and transgene protein expression indicat- regressed with the same kinetics. TUNEL assays revealed
ing that the cancers had all become HER2 independent [53]. that regardless of the genetic context cancers were regressing
Subsequently, Snail, a transcriptional repressor was found to associated with apoptosis [58]. Similarly, CCSP regulated
be activated in relapsed cancers [52]. Therefore, although K-RAS (G12C) induced lung adenomas regressed upon
oncogene inactivation can cause cancer regression, some oncogene inactivation [57]. Hence, even aggressive lung
transgenic tumors are capable of becoming independent of cancers in a tumor suppressor-deficient background regress
their initiating oncogenic event. upon the inactivation of a single oncogene. GTPases and Cancer Regression Protein Kinases and Cancer Regression
The Tet-On system has been used to generate a conditional A conditional transgenic model for BCR-ABL leukemias was
model of mutant H-RAS induced melanomas [54, 55]. The generated using either the MMTV or SCL (stem cell leuke-
tyrosinase gene promoter (Tyr) was used to conditionally mia) promoter to drive the expression of tTA [59, 60]. Upon
overexpress an H-RAS bearing an activating point mutation induction of BCR-ABL the mice developed B-cell leukemia
(V12G) in an Ink4a-deficient background. Approximately associated with lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and bone
25 % of the mice developed melanomas within 60 days of marrow infiltration. A third of mice with BCR-ABL under the
H-RAS activation. The melanomas were invasive, highly control of the SCL promoter developed B-cell lymphoblastic
vascular, and notably amelanotic. The tumors exhibited disease resembling blast crisis, closely mimicking what is
expression of tyrosinase-related-protein-1 (TRP-1), an early observed in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia
melanocyte-specific maker. Within 48 h of H-RAS inactiva- (CML). Inactivation of BCR-ABL induced rapid cancer
tion through doxycycline withdrawal, the cancers decreased regression in all mice. BCR-ABL inactivation was associated
their proliferation and exhibited robust apoptosis. Within 14 with the apoptosis of 80 % of the cancer cells within 20 h and
days of H-RAS inactivation, the cancers had completely complete tumor regression within 5 days. Sustained regres-
regressed with only microscopically detectable scattered sion of cancer was observed in tumors arising from three of
cancer foci. Notably, melanomas transplanted into SCID the four founder lines, as long as the mice had BCR-ABL
hosts also regressed upon inactivation of mutant continuously inactivated. Upon reactivation of BCR-ABL the
H-RAS. Approximately 30 % of the melanomas resumed cancers rapidly recurred. Interestingly, all the mice derived
growth, even in the absence of H-RAS, but relapsed tumors from the fourth founder relapsed within 4 weeks after com-
failed to express TRP-1, suggesting that these tumors were plete regression. Relapsed cancers lacked continued expres-
phenotypically different from the primary cancers [55]. sion of BCR-ABL protein and mRNA, suggesting that they
Additionally studies have shown that EGFR signaling is had become independent of BCR-ABL expression.
required for maintenance of a tumorigenic phenotype in
H-RAS induced melanomas. A dominant-negative EGFR Nuclear Transcription Factors
reduced the tumorigencity of melanomas, and sustained The Tet and Tamoxifen systems have been used to demon-
expression of EGFR can delay cancer regression [56]. strate that MYC inactivation can induce cancer regression in
The Tet-System has also been used to generate condi- a multitude of different types of cancer (Table 8.1). The Tet-
tional models of mutant K-RAS induced lung adenocarci- Off System was used to regulate human c-MYC in lymphoid
noma [57, 58]. The Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP) cells under the regulation of the EμSRα promoter [61–63].
promoter was used to regulate gene expression in alveolar When MYC is constitutively activated, 100 % of the mice
epithelial cells. Within 7–14 days post induction of K-RAS developed hematopoietic tumors within 5 months. Upon
overexpression, type II pneumocytes exhibited focal hyper- gross examination, the mice exhibited enlargement of the
plasia, and after 2 months, multiple solid adenomas or ade- thymus, liver, spleen, and gastrointestinal lymph nodes.
nocarcinomas were present in the lung. The solid adenomas Histological examination revealed that cancer cells had
contained a population of macrophages, but lacked invasive invaded all hematopoietic organs as well as liver, kidney,
growth and stromal elements. The adenocarcinomas had blood, and the lamina propia of the intestines. In one study,
fewer macrophages and cytoplasmic inclusions, but had local tumors were generally immature CD+4/CD+8 T-cell lymphomas
invasion of the pleura. Within 3 days of K-RAS inactivation and were rarely acute myeloid leukemias [61]. In another
8 Oncogenes and the Initiation and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis 149

Table 8.2 Oncogene inactivation in the therapeutic setting

Target Target type Drug Cancer Clinical efficacy References
EGFR Receptor tyrosine Cetuximab Colorectal cancer Synergism with irinotecan in irinotecan- [75]
kinase refractory colorectal cancer
Erlotinib (Tarceva) NSCLC Approved for refractory NSCLC; [68]
disappointing results of addition to
chemotherapy in initial treatment of
Gefitinib (Iressa) NSCLC Approved for refractory NSCLC; [66, 69, 70]
disappointing results of addition to
chemotherapy in initial treatment of
ERBB2 Receptor tyrosine Trastuzumab Breast cancer Increases response rates and improves [149]
(Her2/Neu) kinase (Herceptin) survival when added to chemotherapy for
metastatic HER2 overexpressing breast
VEGF Receptor tyrosine Bevacizumab Metastatic Significant prolongation of survival in [152]
kinase ligand (Avastin) colorectal cancer combination therapy
RAS GTPase Zanestra Colorectal and No effect End et al. (2001)
pancreatic cancer
ISIS 2503 Pancreatic Unclear benefit in combination therapy [85]
BCR-ABL Tyrosine kinase Imatinib mesylate CML; GIST Complete hematologic and cytogenetic [148] and [147]
(Gleevec/STI-571) remissions in most CML patients; partial
response in more than half of GIST
RAF-1 Tyrosine kinase Sorafenib Metastatic renal cell Improves time to progression in [151] and [150]
carcinoma; metastatic renal cell carcinoma and
advanced melanoma produces partial responses in combination
therapy against advanced melanoma

study, tumors were either B-cell or T-cell lymphomas [63]. even the transient inactivation of MYC was found to increase
In both studies, the resulting hematopoietic tumors exhibited the survival of mice with these cancers. Hence, at least in
a high degree of genomic instability reflected by chromo- some circumstances even brief oncogene inactivation can
somal gains, losses, or translocations [61, 63]. Despite this induce sustained loss of a neoplastic state.
genomic complexity, the inactivation of MYC resulted in The tamoxifen system also has been used to evaluate the
rapid and sustained cancer regression. Upon MYC inactiva- consequences of MYC inactivation in different types of
tion, cancer cells arrested, differentiated, and underwent tumors using MycERTAM (Table 8.2). MycERTAM has been
apoptosis. Over 50 % of tumors exhibit sustained regression expressed in the skin through the involucrin promoter [34,
for over 30 weeks. Thus, MYC inactivation can induce sus- 43]. MYC activation resulted in increased proliferation and
tained regression of hematopoietic tumors. blocked differentiation of the suprabasal epidermis.
Conditional transgenic mice expressing c-MYC under the Sustained MYC activation resulted in hyperplasia, dysplasia,
control of the Eμ-promoter occasionally developed highly angiogenesis, and papillomatosis. MYC inactivation resulted
metastatic osteosarcomas [44]. Histological examination of in regression of blood vessels, restoration of cellular differ-
the primary cancer reveals the presence of disorganized bone entiation, and the regression of papillomas. A brief inactiva-
matrix. MYC inactivation induced rapid cancer regression tion of MYC in keratinocytes caused the cells to differentiate
associated with the differentiation of cancer into mature and become unresponsive to MYC reactivation. MYC reacti-
bone. Continuous video time-lapsed microscopy (CVTL) vation could not restore a proliferative phenotype to the dif-
revealed that upon MYC inactivation, cancer cells ceased to ferentiated keratinocytes and eventually the cells were
proliferate and differentiated, as confirmed by immunocyto- sloughed off the skin [43]. Hence, brief inactivation of MYC
chemical analysis. Identically, MYC inactivation in cancers can induce the sustained loss of neoplastic features in some
in vivo was associated with the differentiation of malignant skin tumors.
cells into mature osteoid. Upon MYC reactivation less than MycERTAM was also expressed under the control of the
1 % of the cells were able to regain a proliferative phenotype. insulin (plns) promoter to induce pancreatic islet cell carci-
Surprisingly, MYC reactivation was also associated with the nomas [33]. Within 24 h of MYC activation, virtually all
apoptosis of the now differentiated cancer cells. Moreover, β-islet cells were rapidly proliferating. By 72 h of MYC acti-
150 D.W. Felsher et al.

vation 4–7 % of β-cells were undergoing apoptosis, and [45, 50]. MYC activation resulted in mammary adenocarci-
within 6–10 days there were almost no β-cells detectable. nomas with a mean latency of 22 weeks in approximately
MycERTAM was expressed in the presence of BCL-xL to 86 % of mice. Histologically, the cancers exhibited focal
address the consequences of MYC activation when apoptosis hyperplasia, increased proliferation, and dysplasia. Upon
is repressed. Within 7 days of MYC activation β-cells became MYC inactivation, less than half of the adenocarcinomas
hyperplastic, ceased insulin production, and decreased completely regressed, and a majority of the cancers that
expression of the intercellular adhesion molecule E-cadherin. completely regressed spontaneously relapsed. Some relapsed
Within 6 weeks pancreatic islet cell carcinomas had formed cancers had either sustained expression of transgenic MYC
highly vascularized cancers. Upon MYC inactivation, these in the absence of doxycycline or had reactivated MYC target
cancers regressed completely. The cancers decreased prolif- genes in the absence of transgenic MYC. The majority of
eration, differentiated, increased expression of E-cadherin, cancers relapsed by becoming independent of MYC. Half of
and exhibited vascular collapse. While these cancers initially the tumors exhibited an activating mutation in either K-RAS2
regressed upon MYC inactivation, transient MYC inactiva- (17/23) or H-RAS2 (6/23). Thus, MYC inactivation can
tion did not result in sustained cancer regression. induce sustained regression of breast cancers unless they
The Tet-System has been used to explore the role of MYC have acquired mutations in K-RAS or H-RAS. These impor-
in the initiation and maintenance of liver cancer by utilizing tant results underscore the importance of genetic context on
the liver activator protein (LAP) promoter to express tTA the consequences of oncogene inactivation in a cancer.
[46, 64]. The latency of tumorigenesis was inversely corre-
lated with the age at which MYC was activated [64]. When
MYC was activated during embryonic development, mice 8.4 Targeted Oncogenes to Treat Cancer
would succumb to neoplasia within 10 days of birth. In con-
trast, if MYC was activated in adult mice, the mean latency The pharmacologic inactivation of oncogenes has been
of cancer onset was 35 weeks. The cancers generated in adult effective in the treatment of some cancers including acute
mice histologically resembled either hepatocellular carcino- promyelocytic leukemia, breast cancer, colorectal cancer,
mas (HCC) and/or hepatoblastomas. MYC was found to be and lung adenocarcinoma (Table 8.2). Two general concepts
able to induce proliferation in embryonic or neonatal liver have emerged: (1) small molecules can be used to target
cells, but induce cellular hypertrophy without cellular prolif- mutant signaling proteins, and (2) receptors can be targeted
eration in adult liver cells. In part, this was explained by the with monoclonal antibodies. However, many gene products
observation that MYC induced a p53-dependent arrest in cel- are yet to be successfully targeted.
lular division in adult hepatocytes. Thus, it appears that the
ability of MYC to induce tumorigenesis depends upon epi-
genetic parameters dictated by developmental state. 8.4.1 Erlotinib, Gefitinib, and EGFR
The same Tet system model was used to examine the con-
sequences of MYC inactivation in liver cancer [46]. The liver EGFR has been successfully targeted by many agents.
cancers were locally invasive, occasionally metastasized to Gefitinib (ZD1839, Iressa) and erlotinib (OSI-774, Tarceva)
the lung, and were readily transplantable into SCID mice. were approved by the FDA in 2004 as single agents for the
Within 4 days of MYC inactivation, cancer cells stopped treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) that
proliferating, differentiated into normal liver cells, and sub- had proven refractory to standard chemotherapy. Both drugs
sequently underwent apoptosis [46]. Even after 5 months of are members of the anilinoquinazoline class of small mole-
continuous MYC inactivation, a residual population of cules and act by competitively inhibiting ATP binding to the
tumor-derived cells remained detectable. However, MYC intracellular tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR, thereby pre-
reactivation immediately resulted in resumption of a tumori- venting the autophosphorylation that is necessary for receptor
genic phenotype. Thus, these results were in marked contrast tyrosine kinases to initiate their signaling cascades (Fig. 8.1).
to earlier reports that brief inactivation of MYC can result in Gefitinib was approved based upon results from two studies,
a permanent loss of a neoplastic phenotype. One possible the IDEAL-1 and IDEAL-2 trials, that describe an 11–19 %
explanation for these results is that MYC inactivation uncov- response rate for the drug as a single agent in patients with
ers the latent stem cell properties of cancer cells that now can refractory disease [65–67].
differentiate into normal liver, but some of these cancer stem Erlotinib yielded partial responses in 9 % of patients when
cells retain the capacity to regain their neoplastic features. administered as a single agent to those who had failed one or
In support of this hypothesis, upon MYC inactivation, some two regimens of standard chemotherapy [68]. Advanced or
of the residual cells expressed the liver stem cell marker metastatic NSCLC entails very poor survival, so gefitinib
cytokeratin 19 (CK-19) [46] and erlotinib were at first considered to provide real benefits
MYC also has been conditionally expressed in mammary over existing therapy despite the low response rates associ-
epithelium using a Tet-on system with the MMTV promoter ated with their use. Additional studies (the INTACT trials)
8 Oncogenes and the Initiation and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis 151

illustrated that adding these two drugs to regimens consisting inhibitors (FTIs) were developed to interfere with the post-
of standard chemotherapy agents yielded no additional translational farnesylation process and thereby abrogate
benefit [69, 70]. Moreover, almost all patients who showed native RAS activity [79]. Initially, these compounds showed
an initial response eventually relapsed with disease that was promise against tumors driven by activated H-RAS [80].
resistant to EGFR inhibitors [71]. The prospect of success- However, the activity of these drugs was not reproduced in
fully inhibiting EGFR with small molecules was thus cast in cancer cells with K-RAS and N-RAS, the two isotypes that
doubt, and a concerted effort was made to explain the contra- are much more common in human malignancies.
dictory findings of the IDEAL and INTACT studies. N-RAS and K-RAS are resistant to FTIs because they can
One possibility is that a given tumor’s response to gefi- alternatively be geranylgeranylated when farnesylation is not
tinib will be dependent on activating mutations in exons 19 possible and can subsequently carry out their tumorigenic
and 21 of EGFR [72]. Analysis of the crystal structure of functions [81]. Unfortunately, inhibitors of geranylgeranyl-
EGFR revealed that these mutations occurred in a crucial transferase (GGTIs) were found to be exceedingly toxic in
ATP binding pocket where the anilinoquinazolines act as mice when used in combination with FTIs [82], and there-
competitive inhibitors [73]. Hence, although gefitinib ther- fore are not a possible treatment option. More recently,
apy may not be broadly applicable to all lung cancers, genetic S-farnesylthiosalicylic acid (FTS) has been identified as a
subpopulations may be identified that exhibit an increased drug that dislodges activated RAS from the plasma mem-
susceptibility to EGFR inhibitors. Another clue to the possi- brane. FTS has been shown to inhibit growth of human can-
ble mechanism of action of these agents is that cells trans- cers xenografted into nude mice [83, 84]. Clinical studies of
fected with mutant EGFR uniquely activate anti-apoptotic FTS in human trials are pending.
pathways involving Akt and STAT signaling [74]. Therefore, As a final strategy worthy of mentioning, RAS has also
cells carrying the mutant receptor although resistant to the been targeted at the transcriptional level through the use of
apoptotic effects of standard chemotherapeutic agents, in antisense RNA. One antisense oligonucleotide, ISIS 2503,
combination with EGFR inhibitors may synergize with these has been administered to patients with very little toxicity.
traditional chemotherapies for a clinical response. In a Phase II trial ISIS 2503 exhibited some clinical activity in
An important example of a possible synergistic effect patients with pancreatic cancer [85]. However, more recently
between a targeted therapy and conventional chemotherapy interest in this clinical approach has waned, because it is now
is cetuximab (a monoclonal antibody to EGFR) combined less clear that these agents can ever be efficacious in vivo.
with irinotecan (a topoisomerase I inhibitor). Patients with
irinotecan-refractory colorectal cancer had higher response
rates and modestly prolonged survival when treated with 8.4.3 Imatinib Mesylate and BCR-ABL
cetuximab in combination with irinotecan than patients
treated with cetuximab alone [75] suggesting that cetuximab One of the most exciting discoveries has been the identifica-
may reverse resistance to irinotecan. Both preclinical and tion of imatinib mesylate for the inhibition tyrosine kinases
clinical studies have shown synergy between platinum-based for the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and gas-
chemotherapy and trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody trointestinal stromal tumors [15–18]. Importantly, the possi-
against the ErbB family member HER2 [76, 77]. ble importance of such a drug would perhaps never have been
Other possible synergistic effects amongst therapeutics appreciated if it were not well known that BCR-ABL exhibits
may be anticipated through insight into the mechanisms of tyrosine kinase activity that is essential for its ability to medi-
action. EGFR acts upstream of the RAS signaling pathway ate malignant transformation [86, 87].
(Fig. 8.1). RAS and EGFR mutations seem to be mutually Imatinib mesylate is derived from a 2-phenylaminopyrimidine
exclusive, implying that they are interchangeable in tumori- backbone that exhibits inhibition of multiple kinases including
genesis [71]. RAS mutations may allow cancers to circumvent ABL tyrosine kinases, PDGFR, and the c-kit tyrosine kinase
EGFR inhibition [78]. Therefore, it seems logical that target- [15, 88, 89]. Imatinib mesylate restricts enzyme activity by
ing the RAS pathway may also be required for inhibitors of competitively inhibiting ATP access to the binding pocket of
EGFR to prevent cancer growth. Whether this proves to be the the kinase thereby preventing substrate phosphorylation.
case in patients with cancer remains to be confirmed. Preclinical studies confirmed that imatinib mesylate inhibits
BCR-ABL activity [90].
Early phase I trials of imatinib mesylate revealed that the
8.4.2 Targeting RAS drug was well tolerated, and almost all patients exhibited a
positive clinical response [91]. Subsequently, a phase II trial
The RAS signaling pathways have been targeted using several in patients with late chronic-phase CML that failed to
strategies. RAS must be localized to the plasma membrane to respond to interferon-based therapy reported that 41 %
become activated, so pharmacological strategies that prevent experienced a complete cytogenetic response, 60 % showed
localization have been developed. Farnesyltransferase a major cytogenetic response, and 89.2 % benefited from
152 D.W. Felsher et al.

progression-free survival at 18 months [92]. Based upon or delayed the onset of Burkitt’s lymphoma [112–114].
these results, the FDA approved imatinib mesylate for the An ASO type molecule with a morpholino backbone (AVI-
treatment of CML in advanced phase disease and after fail- 4126) has been administered to patients in a Phase I clinical
ure of interferon therapy. The results of a phase III study trial and was found to concentrate in the tumor tissues of
(the IRIS trial) proved imatinib mesylate was significantly breast and prostate cancer patients, with little toxicity, thus
superior to interferon alpha plus cytarabine in achieving making it a viable treatment option [115, 116]. Cationic por-
complete hematologic response, major cytogenetic response, phyrin TMPyP4 has also been used to target MYC at the
complete cytogenetic response, and progression-free survival transcriptional level. TMPyP4 blocks DNA structures
[93]. Imatinib mesylate was then approved as a first-line formed during transcription in G-rich regions of DNA
treatment for CML in the USA and Europe. (G-quadruplexes) where MYC binds [117, 118]. Additionally,
Unfortunately, cancers can become resistant to imatinib TMPyP4 was able to inhibit in vitro transcription of MYC
mesylate through multiple mechanisms. First, mutations and decreased growth of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells [119].
occur in the kinase domain of the BCR-ABL oncoprotein that Peptides and small molecules have been used to disrupt
confer varying degrees of drug insensitivity [15]. Sometimes MYC binding to its dimerization partner MAX. Small pep-
tumors with mutant BCR-ABL will respond to increased tides that mimic the helix–loop–helix (HLH) domain of
doses of imatinib mesylate [94]. Resistant tumors also appear MYC were found to sequester MYC and prevent MYC–
to respond to new drugs that are not affected by these muta- MAX dimerization [120–122]. Interference with this pro-
tions [95, 96]. Second, tumors can become resistant to ima- tein–protein interaction leads to decreased proliferation of
tinib mesylate through BCR-ABL gene amplification and breast cancer and colon cancer cell lines [123, 124]. Peptide
mRNA overexpression [97, 98]. Importantly, resistance to inhibitors are also capable of achieving high concentrations
imatinib mesylate is almost always associated with reactiva- in mouse organs and may therefore be used to treat cancers
tion of BCR-ABL signaling, suggesting that this oncogene is [123]. Unfortunately, peptides tend to be unstable and must
required to sustain tumorigenesis in CML [99]. be administered through intravenous injection, leaving a
need for the development of small chemical molecules that
can effectively prevent MYC–MAX dimerization. Peptido-
8.4.4 Future Directions mimetics are an attempt to increase the stability and activity
of peptides. Several peptidomimetics have been made that
Ideally, we would understand which oncogenes are best to increase stability and activity of proteins that inhibit
target and every oncogene could be targeted for the treatment MYC–MAX dimerization but have not been used in human
of cancer. However, we do not know for most cancers what trails [122, 123]. Additionally, there has been an effort to
to target. Even when there are encouraging experimental and target MYC–MAX interaction using small chemical mole-
clinical evidence that the targeted inactivation of specific cules [125–127]. One of these approaches uses molecular
gene products may be useful in cancer treatment, many gene credit cards, which are planar chemicals designed to physi-
products cannot be targeted using existing pharmacological cally prevent protein–protein interaction by sliding between
approaches. the two protein surfaces. In one study, potent inhibitors of
Notably, there are no drugs that clinically target transcrip- MYC–MAX interaction were identified that partially pre-
tion factors. We discuss some of the possible approaches to vented oncogenic transformation of chicken embryonic
target MYC that have been employed in experimental mod- fibroblasts [126].
els such as: antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), RNAi, and MYC has also been targeted at the DNA–protein interac-
cationic porphyrin TMPyP4 have been used to target MYC tion level. Triple helix forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) can
at the transcriptional level; peptides and small molecules disrupt transcription factor binding to DNA by attaching to
have been used to disrupt MYC binding to MAX; and triple purine-rich regions of DNA often found in promoter regions
helix forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) have been used to [128, 129]. TFOs against the promoter for MYC have been
target MYC at the posttranslational level [100–102]. able to induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in several can-
Additionally, MYC may be targeted at the posttranslational cer cell lines [130–132]. TFOs may also be conjugated to
level by targeting its phosphorylation sites. DNA damaging agents such as daunomycin. This combina-
ASOs and RNAi both work by hybridizing to MYC tion agent leads to MYC downregulation in prostate and
mRNA and targeting it for degradation. ASO and RNAi breast cancer cell lines [133].
treatments have led to decreased MYC protein levels both MYC may be marked for degradation at the posttransla-
in vivo and in vitro. [103–105]. The decrease in MYC results tional level by targeting its phosphorylation sites. MYC has
in cellular differentiation, reduced proliferation, and inhibi- two phosphorylation sites: Thr58 and Ser62. Phosphorylation
tion of G1/S progression in leukemia and lymphoma cells of Ser62 increases MYC stability and occurs in a RAS-
[106–111]. In transgenic mouse models, ASOs have prevented dependent manner. The phosphorylation of Ser62 is followed
8 Oncogenes and the Initiation and Maintenance of Tumorigenesis 153

by phosphorylation of Thr58 and leads to the degradation of capacity for self-renewal, whereas the progenitor cells have
MYC [134, 135]. Thus, it may possible to screen for small a limited capacity of self-renewal. Such a model, provides
molecules that inhibit MYC stabilization, or facilitate MYC just one example of a circumstance where the properties that
degradation. are essential to the neoplastic phenotype are not necessarily
dictated by genetic events involving signaling molecules.
Observations in transgenic mouse models have led inves-
8.5 The Phenomena of Oncogene tigators to reflect on several nonmutually exclusive mecha-
Addiction nisms for oncogene addiction. Thus, it has been proposed
that oncogenes initiate tumorigenesis by hijacking stem cell
Observations in experimental transgenic mouse models and in features in cells such as proliferation and self-renewal [46,
the clinic have a central theme—although cancers are geneti- 64], thus driving cell cycle transit despite ongoing genomic
cally complex and genomically unstable, they appear to be instability [137]. Hence, upon oncogene inactivation, cancer
dependent upon the continued activation of specific oncogenes cells recover their differentiated physiologic program,
to maintain their neoplastic properties, exhibiting the phenom- undergo proliferative arrest, become aware of their genomic
enon oncogene addiction. Thus, specific gene products that damage, and/or undergo apoptosis.
mediate critical signaling processes appear to be the most Many have illustrated that upon oncogene inactivation
likely best targets for the treatment of cancer. Conditional cell nonautonomous programs such as angiogenesis are shut
transgenic mouse models have been particularly useful for down, which may also contribute to cancer regression
validating which signaling molecules are the most useful tar- [55, 138, 139]. Hence, cell-autonomous and cell-dependent
gets, for gaining insight into the mechanism of cancer regres- mechanisms may play a role in oncogene addiction.
sion, and for anticipating mechanisms by which cancers can One possible unifying mechanism is that oncogene
escape dependence on signaling processes. In several cases, inactivation restores physiologic programs that allow cancer
drugs have been identified that target receptors, GTPases, and/ cells to recognize that they are genomically disrupted, hence
or kinases to successfully treat humans with cancer. However, triggering programs of proliferative arrest, differentiation,
these drugs, although effective in prolonging the survival of cellular senescence, and apoptosis. Indeed, we have recently
some patients, do not cure cancer. The hope is in the future, the described that upon MYC inactivation several different can-
correct combination of drugs we will be able to cure cancer. cers variously undergo cellular senescence [140]. However,
However there are several potential difficulties. other mechanisms must also be involved. Thus, oncogene
One major difficulty is that many gene products, in par- inactivation also shuts down angiogenesis, suggesting that it
ticular transcription factors, are yet to be successfully tar- is not only internal physiological cues that are being restored
geted. Thus, we may not be able yet to target the most critical but also how the cancer interacts with the tissue microenvi-
gene products. Many new approaches suggest that even these ronment [141]. Other mechanisms are also likely to be
gene products can be inhibited through small molecules. It involved that are yet to be investigated, such as the potential
may be possible to develop effective pharmacological strate- role of immune or inflammatory mechanisms or the possible
gies to target critical signaling molecules for the treatment of that cellular homeostatic regulatory mechanisms are impor-
cancer. Another problem is that we as of yet do not under- tant. Ultimately, insights into the mechanism of oncogene
stand why the repair or inactivation of specific gene products addiction will be essential towards the development of true
induces cancer regression. Several possible cell-autonomous targeted therapeutics for the treatment and cure of cancer.
and cell-dependent mechanisms could account for oncogene
addiction. Bernard Weinstein, who was one of the first to Acknowledgements We thank the members of the Felsher laboratory
articulate the notion of oncogene addiction, proposed that for their many helpful discussions. This work was supported from
grants from the NCI and related programs (ICBP, ICMIC, CCNE),
because oncogenes in cancer cells upregulate cellular pro-
Emerald Foundation, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Damon
grams that drive proliferation and block apoptosis, compen- Runyon Foundation, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and Stanford Digestive
satory programs such as proliferative arrest and pro-apoptotic Disease Center (D.W.F.), as well as the Developmental and Neonatal
programs are also upregulated. Thus, when a mutant onco- Biology NIH Training Grant (C.A.).
gene is inactivated, the balance in the cancer cell shifts to
proliferative arrest and/or apoptosis [136].
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Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation
in Neoplasia: Growth Factors 9
and Receptors

Luca Grumolato and Stuart Aaronson

pathways through genetic alterations affecting these genes

9.1 Introduction contributes to the development and progression of most, if
not all human cancers.
Complex signaling networks underlie the regulation of The focus of this chapter is on the normal aspects of
fundamental processes such as embryonic development, tis- growth factor signaling and the alterations that have been
sue differentiation, and systemic responses to wounds and implicated in the etiology of human malignancies. Because
infections. Among the major mediators of these events, of the limits of space, the discussion will mainly cover
growth factors are in large part responsible for the control of growth factor signaling mediated by receptors with intrinsic
cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. The specific protein tyrosine kinase activity. Finally, we will discuss how
interaction of a growth factor with its receptor initiates a cas- a better understanding of growth factor signaling may be
cade of intracellular biochemical reactions that ultimately useful in efforts to design new approaches toward therapeu-
mediate the biological response in the target cells. The cyto- tic intervention with the malignant process.
plasmic molecules that participate in these pathways have
been termed second messengers—their activation allows the
transmission of the signals to the nucleus and eventually the 9.2 Background
regulation of the expression of genes involved in mitogenic
and differentiation responses. The first growth factor was discovered in the 1950s by neu-
Because of their important role in cell proliferation and robiologist Rita Levi-Montalcini, who observed that a solu-
survival, the genes involved in growth factor signaling path- ble factor released by mouse sarcoma cells dramatically
ways are frequently targeted in tumorigenesis. The patho- stimulated the growth of sensory and sympathetic neurons in
genic expression of growth factors can contribute to altered chicken embryos. This nerve growth factor (NGF), which
cell growth associated with malignancy, such as in the case consists of two chains of 118 amino acids, was subsequently
of the v-sis oncogene of simian sarcoma virus (SSV), which purified by Stanley Cohen from snake venom and mouse
encodes a protein homologous to the B chain of human salivary glands [7]. During these studies, Cohen discovered
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-B) [1, 2]. Other another factor present in mouse salivary glands and capable
oncogenes have been shown to encode membrane-spanning of promoting precocious eyelid opening and tooth eruption
growth factor receptors [3, 4] or genes involved in growth in newborn mice. Because of recognition of its effects on
factor signal transduction [5, 6]. Present knowledge indicates epithelial cells, this factor was designated epidermal growth
that the constitutive activation of growth factor signaling factor (EGF) [8]. The isolation and characterization of NGF
and EGF opened the way to the identification, in a number of
L. Grumolato, Ph.D. laboratories, of a series of growth factors, which were often
Inserm U982, Institute for Research and Innovation in given names based on the tissue or cell of origin, or the target
Biomedicine, University of Rouen Normandie, cell initially found to be stimulated.
Place E. Blondel, 76821, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France
An important discovery concerning growth factors came
S. Aaronson, M.D. (*) from the demonstration of a unique enzymologic activity
Department of Oncological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at
associated with binding of EGF to its receptor (EGFR) [8].
Mount Sinai, Mount Sinai Hospital, 1425 Madison Avenue, New
York, NY 10029, USA Studies of the product of the viral oncogene, v-src, had led to
e-mail: the demonstration of its ability to act as a protein kinase

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 159

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_9
160 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

[9, 10]. It was well established that phosphorylations and mechanism has been shown in acute myeloid leukemia,
dephosphorylations affected the activities of a variety of pro- where the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
teins, and many protein kinases had been previously identi- internally activates its cognate receptor VEGFR-2/KDR/
fied. However, unlike theses kinases, which have the capacity Flk-1 (kinase insert domain containing receptor/fetal liver
to phosphorylate serine and/or threonine residues, the src kinase-1) to promote cell survival [15]. A sixth mode of
product was shown to phosphorylate tyrosine residues [11]. action, in which the growth factor is bound to and stored
Cohen then demonstrated that addition of EGF led to phos- within the extracellular matrix before presentation to the
phorylation of its purified receptor on tyrosine residues [8]. receptor on the cell surface, has also been demonstrated [16].
Subsequent studies have established that tyrosine kinase
activity is central to the functions of a large number of mito-
genic signaling molecules. 9.3 Growth Factor Receptors with Tyrosine
Several major modes of action for growth factors have Kinase Activity
been described. Sporn and Todaro [12] defined autocrine and
paracrine as major modes of action for growth factors in 9.3.1 RTK Structure
addition to the classical means by which hormones travel
great distances from their sites of production. The autocrine Many growth factors mediate their biological function
mode refers to the ability of growth factor to act on the same through the binding to a family of cell surface receptors with
cell releasing it. In the paracrine mode, the released growth intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity (RTKs). These receptors
factor from one cell acts on a nearby or adjacent cell. Certain present a general common structure: a large, glycosylated,
growth factors also exist as membrane-anchored forms, extracellular ligand-binding domain, a single transmembrane
which can bind and activate membrane receptors only on region, and a cytoplasmic portion with a conserved protein
adjacent cells. This process, considered a variant of the para- tyrosine kinase domain, which catalyzes the transfer of the
crine mode, has been termed juxtacrine [13] and is capable γ-phosphate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to tyrosine
of delivering spatially localized intercellular stimuli. A num- residues within the receptor and to other substrates (Fig. 9.1).
ber of researchers have observed that factors that are pro- In addition to the catalytic domain, a juxtamembrane region
duced in cells, but are not detectably secreted, nevertheless and a carboxyl-terminal tail can be identified in the cytoplas-
can induce observable phenotypic changes in those cells. mic portion [17]. Because of their structure, RTKs can be
The suggestion has been made that this represents an intra- visualized as membrane-associated allosteric enzymes with
crine mode of action, whereby the factor interacts with its the ligand binding and protein tyrosine kinase domains sepa-
receptor directly inside the cell [14]. An example of this rated by the plasma membrane [18].

Fig. 9.1 Receptor tyrosine kinase families. Simplified scheme depicts the structural features of the major families of tyrosine kinase receptors.
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 161

The extracellular domain of RTKs is poorly conserved domain in receptor function. In fact, this region contains
among the different subfamilies and displays characteristic important autophosphorylation sites that mediate the cou-
structural features that help to determine specificity for ligand pling with signal transduction [19, 26].
binding. These include cysteine-rich motifs, immunoglobulin- The carboxyl-terminal domains are among the most
like repeats (Ig-like), fibronectin (FN) type III repeats (FNIII), divergent between known RTKs [23] and they are involved
and EGF motifs that can be present singly or in different in the regulation of the kinase activity. The tyrosine residues
combinations. typically present in this region are phosphorylated following
The main function of the transmembrane domain is to ligand stimulation and play an important role in the specific
anchor the receptor in the plane of the plasma membrane, activation of second messengers by RTKs.
thereby connecting the extracellular environment with inter-
nal compartments of the cell. It was initially thought that this
domain represented a passive anchor of the receptor to the 9.3.2 Mechanisms of RTK Activation
membrane [19]. However, point mutations in the transmem-
brane domain of neu/erbB-2 enhance receptor dimerization There is substantial evidence that ligand-induced activation
and consequently its activity and transforming properties of the kinase domain and its signaling potential are medi-
[20–22], implying that the transmembrane domain can play ated by receptor oligomerization [19]. This event stabilizes
an important role to determine the correct conformation of interactions between adjacent cytoplasmic domains and
the receptor. controls the activation of kinase activity. Dimerization can
The juxtamembrane sequence that separates the trans- take place between two identical receptors (homodimeriza-
membrane and cytoplasmic domains is highly similar tion), between different members of the same receptor fam-
within the same receptor family but it is not conserved ily, or in some cases between a receptor and an accessory
among different RTK groups. Studies indicate that this protein (heterodimerization) [26]. Heterodimerization of
domain plays a role in modulation of receptor functions by RTKs has been shown to increase the repertoire of ligands
heterologous stimuli, a process termed receptor transmodu- that can be recognized by each receptor alone and to expand
lation [19]. For example, addition of PDGF to many types the diversity of signaling pathways that can be recruited by
of cells causes a rapid decrease in high affinity binding of a given receptor.
EGF to its receptor. This has been shown to be a down- How ligands bind to the receptors and induce oligomer-
stream effect of PDGF receptor (PDGFR) activation in ization seems specific for each class of RTKs [27]. PDGF,
which protein kinase C, itself a serine protein kinase, is for example, induces receptor dimerization by virtue of its
activated and in turn phosphorylates a site in the juxtamem- dimeric nature [28]. EGF, instead, binds its receptor as a
brane domain of the EGFR [23]. This region may also play monomer and dimerization occurs by subsequent association
a role in signaling, through the binding to specific sub- of two EGF-EGFR complexes [29]. FGF is a monomeric
strates in a ligand-dependent manner. For example, it has ligand like EGF, but it needs the association of heparan sul-
been shown that eps8 directly binds to the juxtamembrane fate proteoglycans to induce receptor dimerization [30].
domain of EGFR in a phosphotyrosine-independent and Interestingly, the insulin receptor (IR) family exists as
SH2-independent manner [24]. disulfide-bonded homodimers or heterodimers of receptor
The high degree of conservation between the tyrosine subunits. Thus, ligand binding does not induce receptor
domains of receptors belonging to different RTKs families dimerization, but presumably causes a conformational
has allowed the identification of several new members by change in the preformed dimeric receptor, which leads to
molecular cloning. This domain is absolutely required for receptor activation (Fig. 9.2).
receptor signaling: mutation of a single lysine in the ATP In the unphosphorylated state, RTKs possess a low cata-
binding site, which blocks the ability of the receptor to phos- lytic activity due to the particular conformation of a specific
phorylate tyrosine residues, completely inactivates receptor domain in the kinase region, which interferes with the phos-
biologic function. Conversely, activating mutation in the photransfer event. Although this kinase activity is at a low
tyrosine kinase domain of some RTKs, such as EGFR, have basal level in the monomeric state, it is sufficient to induce
been observed in cancer [25]. These EGFR mutations have a trans-autophosphorylation in the cytoplasmic portion of the
great impact on the choice of the best therapeutic strategy. RTK once the dimer forms. This event stabilizes the tyro-
The kinase domain of some receptor tyrosine kinases, e.g., sine kinase domain in an active conformation, leading to
PDGFR and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), is further phosphorylation in cis of other tyrosine residues
split by insertions of up to 100, mostly hydrophilic, amino within the catalytic domain and the carboxyl-terminal tail,
acid residues. Kinase insertion sequences are highly con- creating docking sites for downstream signal transduction
served between species, suggesting an important role of this molecules.
162 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

Fig. 9.2 Dimerization and activation of RTKs. Diagram illustrating dif- receptor dimerization. (c) FGF ligands associate with heparan sulfate
ferent mechanisms for dimerization and activation of RTK. (a) PDGF proteoglycans that contribute to the dimerization of their cognate recep-
ligands are dimers that induce dimerization by their cognate receptors. tors. (d) The insulin receptors exist as inactive dimmers, and the ligands
(b) EGF induces a conformational change within its receptor that allows cause a conformational change that induces receptor activation.

plexes mediating the activation of second messengers. This

9.4 The Role of Growth Factors and Their is an example of the fine degree of regulation that can evolve
Receptors in Malignancy in the interactions of ligands with their receptors. Presumably,
in the case of PDGF, this relates to quantitative regulation of
9.4.1 Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Family responses based upon differential availability in tissues of
ligands and receptors, since there is evidence that the two
PDGF is the major protein growth factor in human serum PDGF receptors themselves are each capable of mediating
and is a markedly heat-stable, cationic protein that consists the major known PDGF responses including mitogenic sig-
of four related but nonidentical polypeptide chains. While naling and chemotaxis [44].
PDGF-A and PDGF-B have been extensively studied since Gene inactivation of the PDGF receptors and ligands has
the 1970s, PDGF-C, and PDGF-D have been only identified demonstrated that this signaling is essential during embry-
in 2000 [31–33] and 2001 [34–36], respectively, using bioin- onic development. In particular, these studies have shown
formatics approaches. The PDGF ligands contain a charac- that PDGF-B and PDGFRβ are crucially involved in vessel
teristic motif named cystine knot and formed of regularly formation, while PDGF-A/C and PDGFRα play a broader
spaced cysteine residues that allow intramolecular and inter- role in different processes, such as central nervous system,
molecular bonds [37]. All PDGF molecules form disulfide- neural crest, and organ development [37, 45]. More specific
linked homodimers, but PDGF-A and PDGF-B can also exist strategies, including conditional knockout and knockin
as heterodimers. Unlike PDGF-A and PDGF-B, which are approaches, have been used to address the primary functions
secreted as active ligands, PDGF-C and PDGF-D become of PDGF signaling during development [45, 46].
active following cleavage of their N-terminal domain [38]. The gene for the PDGF-B chain is the human homo-
The two PDGF receptors, PDGFRα and PDGFRβ, exhibit logue of the v-sis oncogene of SSV [1, 2]. The transforming
distinctive features, including the five immunoglobulin-like protein expressed by SSV shares close structural similari-
domains in the extracellular portion [39] and the presence of ties with PDGF-B chain homodimers [47]. PDGF-B has
a large kinase insert within the tyrosine kinase domain. There been detected in human cancer cells [48, 49] that also pos-
are reports that the kinase insert is required for interaction sess PDGF receptors. These findings, taken together with
with certain substrates [40], and deletions in this domain the demonstration that the normal PDGF-B gene can act as
impair receptor mitogenic signaling [41]. As the four PDFG an oncogene when expressed at high levels [50], suggest
ligands, PDGFRs are encoded by distinct genes [42] and that PDGF-B plays a role in the development of certain
form homo-dimers or hetero-dimers [43]. Ligands have dif- human cancers (Table 9.1). The PDGF-A chain is fre-
ferent affinity for the different receptor combinations: AA quently expressed by human cancer cells, and AA homodi-
binds αα, CC and AB bind αα and αβ, BB binds all the three mers are produced by osteosarcoma [51], melanoma [52],
receptor dimers, and DD binds αβ and ββ [38]. Receptor and glioblastoma cells [53], which can display autocrine
dimerization caused by binding to the ligand induces cross activation of PDGF signaling [54]. Of note, a translocation
phosphorylation in the cytoplasmic domain on several tyro- between chromosomes 17 and 22 in dermatofibrosarcoma
sine residues, which act as docking sites for protein com- protuberans has been shown to bring the PDGF-B gene
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 163

Table 9.1 Role of RTKs and their ligands in human cancer

Family Gene Mechanism Tumor
PDGF PDGF-A Autocrine loop Glioblastoma, melanoma, osteosarcoma
PDGF-B Translocation-autocrine loop Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
PDGF-C, PDGF-D Autocrine loop Glioblastoma, Ewing sarcoma,
medulloblastoma, and prostate cancer
PDGFRα Activating mutation GIST
PDGFRα, PDGFRβ Translocation Hematological malignancies
CSF-1 Paracrine Breast carcinoma
c-kit Activating mutation GIST
SCF Autocrine, paracrine SCLC, testicular germ cell tumor
Flt3 Activating mutation AML
VEGF VEGFs Paracrine (angiogenesis and Several tumors
PlGF Autocrine, paracrine ALL, Ewing’s sarcoma
EGF TGF-α Overexpression Lung, ovary, colon, prostate, pancreas
NRG1 Overexpression Mammary adenocarcinoma
EGFR Overexpression Head and neck tumors
EGFR Activating mutations NSCLC, brain tumors
ErbB-2 Gene amplification Breast and ovarian carcinoma
FGF FGF-2 Autocrine Pituitary adenoma, prostatic and
pancreatic cancer
FGF-3 Autocrine Mammary and prostate hyperplasia,
FGFR1 Translocation Hematological malignancies
FGFR2, FGFR3 Mutations Gastric cancer, bladder and cervical
carcinomas, myelomas, and skin cancer
Insulin IGF-I, IGF-II Overexpression Glioblastoma, medulloblastoma, breast,
colorectal and pancreatic carcinomas,
ovarian cancer
IGF-IR Overexpression Breast and prostate tumors
IGF-IR Gene amplification Breast and pancreatic cancer, melanoma
HGF MET Mutation (familial) Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma
MET Mutation (sporadic) Sporadic papillary renal carcinoma,
hepatocellular carcinoma, gastric cancer
MET Overexpression Hepatocarcinoma, colorectal, pancreas,
stomach, prostate, ovary and breast
RON Mutations Gastrointestinal tumors
NGF trkA Translocation Papillary thyroid carcinoma
trkB Overexpression Pancreatic and prostatic carcinoma
trkB, trkC Mutations Colon cancer
trkC Translocation Congenital fibrosarcoma, secretory
breast carcinoma
Axl Axl Overexpression Lung cancer, breast carcinoma, glioma
Ephrin EPHB Loss of expression Colorectal tumor
GDNF RET Mutation (familial) MEN 2 (medullary thyroid cancer,
RET Mutation (sporadic) Medullary thyroid cancer
Chromosomal rearrangements Papillary thyroid cancers
DDR DDRs Overexpression Breast cancer
Orphan receptors c-ros Overexpression, translocation Brain tumors
164 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

under the control of the widely expressed collagen type 1 lular juxtamembrane domain separates the transmembrane
alpha 1 promoter, leading to an autocrine loop [55]. The region and the kinase domain. It has been shown that c-kit is
more recently discovered PDGF-C and PDGF-D ligands frequently mutated in GIST. Activating mutations in c-kit
have been reported to possess transforming capacity in gene have been reported on exon 9, 11, and 13, encoding the
some glioblastomas [56] and may be involved in different extracellular dimerization domain, the juxtamembrane
types of cancers, including Ewing sarcoma, medulloblas- domain and the kinase domain, respectively [68]. Other
toma, and prostate cancer [37]. Aberrant stimulation of malignancies showing activation of SCF-c-kit signaling
PDGF signaling in cancer can also be caused by ligand- through an autocrine or paracrine mechanism include small
independent activation of PDGFRs. For example, muta- cell lung cancer (SCLC) and testicular germ cell tumor [68].
tions in the catalytic and juxtamembrane domains of The Flt3 ligand is a transmembrane protein that under-
PDGFRA have been identified in gastrointestinal stromal goes proteolytic cleavage to generate a soluble factor with a
tumor (GIST), a rare malignancy of mesenchymal origin certain similarity in the conserved cysteine residues with the
[57]. Of note, PDGFRA and c-kit mutations in GIST are kit ligand [65]. The Flt3 receptor was cloned by low strin-
mutually exclusive, indicating that these RTKs activate gency hybridization with a c-fms probe [69] and contains, as
common oncogenic downstream pathways in this type of the other members of this family of RTKs, an extracellular
cancer [57, 58]. Another mechanism of ligand-independent domain with five immunoglobulin-like domains, a trans-
activation of PDGFRs has been described in hematological membrane region, a cytoplasmic juxtamembrane domain,
malignancies, where gene translocations can provoke the and two kinase domains liked by a kinase-insert domain
fusion of PDGFRα or PDGFRβ catalytic domain with dif- [70]. Flt3 is expressed at high levels in CD34+ short-term
ferent partner proteins [57]. hematopoietic stem cells, and the Flt3 ligand exerts a prolif-
Colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) or macrophage- erative effect on both the myeloid and lymphoid lineages,
colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) also belongs to the PDGF usually in combination with other cytokines [70]. Activating
family of RTKs [59]. This molecule promotes the growth mutations of Flt3 are the most frequent genetic abnormality
and maturation of monocytes and macrophage precursors. It in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and include in-frame tan-
also enhances the phagocytic and tumoricidal activity of dem duplications in the juxtamembrane domain or missense
human macrophage/monocytes and induces them to secrete point mutations in the kinase domain [70].
a variety of different cytokines [60]. Two active forms, one
of which is secreted and the other cell associated, arise from
differential splicing. The c-fms proto-oncogene encodes the 9.4.2 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
CSF-1 receptor [4], another member of this RTK family, Family
which is expressed in cells of the monocyte/macrophage lin-
eage, as well as in the central nervous system (CNS) and Efforts to identify factors that control angiogenesis led to
placental trophoblasts [61]. Several studies have reported the identification of a potent mitogen for vascular endothe-
elevated CSF-1 serum concentration in patients affected with lial cells of small and large vessels [71, 72]. VEGF was ini-
different types of cancer [62], and it has been proposed that tially isolated from conditioned medium of folliculostellate
CSF-1 can stimulate tumor growth and progression to metas- and bovine pituitary follicular cells [73]. Similar to PDGF,
tasis [63]. For example, one study showed that the invasive- VEGF contains a cystine-knot domain, and the two growth
ness of breast carcinoma is promoted through a paracrine factors are thought to derive from a common ancestor poly-
positive loop between cancer cells secreting CSF-1 and mac- peptide [74]. The most abundant and active member of the
rophages producing EGF [64]. family, VEGF-A, is a glycosylated, dimeric heparin binding
Stem cell factor (SCF), also designated kit ligand, mast protein capable to stimulate angiogenesis and to increase
cell growth factor, or steel factor, is a hematopoietic and tis- the permeability of capillary vessels to different macromol-
sue growth factor consisting of a glycosylated 165 amino ecules. Alternative splicing originates several isoforms of
acid polypeptide that forms dimers [65]. SCF exists in a VEGF-A. The predominant human isoforms, VEGF-A-121
secreted or a membrane bound form, resulting from alterna- and VEGF-A-165, are secreted from producing cells,
tive splicing. The SCF/kit ligand is present at relatively high whereas VEGF-A-189 and VEGF-A-206 are not efficiently
levels in human plasma and it has been shown to augment secreted and seem to bind tightly to cell surface heparin-like
the in vitro proliferation of both myeloid and lymphoid molecules [75]. Substantial evidence indicates that the bind-
hematopoietic progenitor cells in the presence of other cyto- ing of the best-studied form VEGF-A-165 to its receptor is
kines [66, 67]. SCF binds to a RTK encoded by the c-kit dependent on cell surface associated heparin-like molecules.
proto-oncogene. The extracellular portion of c-kit contains Four additional endothelial growth factors, which are struc-
five immunoglobulin-like domains, which determine the turally related to VEGF, have been reported [76–78].
binding specificity and facilitate dimerization. An intracel- VEGF-B and its alternatively spliced isoform, described as
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 165

VEGF-related factor (VRF) [79], are predominantly Placenta-derived growth factor (PlGF) is another mem-
expressed in embryonal and adult myocardial and skeletal ber of this family originally discovered in the placenta [89]
muscle tissues. VEGF-B isoforms can bind VEGFR-1 but and also expressed in the heart and lungs. PlGF forms
not VEGFR-2 or VEGFR-3 [77]. Inactivation of the gene homodimers or heterodimers with VEGF and binds to
encoding VEGF-B suggested an involvement of this growth VEGFR-1 [78]. PlGF inactivation revealed that this growth
factor in heart development and inflammatory angiogenesis factor is not involved in embryonic angiogenesis but it is
[77]. VEGF-C is a ligand for VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 required in angiogenesis, plasma extravasation, and collat-
receptors, and it is expressed in different organs including eral growth in response to ischemia and inflammation or
the heart, small intestine, placenta, ovary, and the thyroid during wound healing [90]. PlGF has been implicated in
gland [77]. Mice lacking both VEGF-C alleles die of edema colorectal cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and
due to incomplete development of lymphatic vessels, while Ewing’s sarcoma [78].
the loss of one VEGF-C allele provokes less severe defects
in lymphatic vasculature [78]. VEGF-D binds VEGFR-2
and VEGFR-3 and has both angiogenic and lymphangio- 9.4.3 Epidermal Growth Factor Family
genic properties. VEGF-D is present in most human tissues,
with highest expression levels in the lung and skin during EGF consists of 53 amino acids constrained by three internal
development [78]. It has been shown that both VEGF-C and disulfide bonds and is generated from a 1200 residue precur-
VEGF-D play important roles in promoting tumor-induced sor containing 8 units similar to EGF. This precursor is a gly-
lymphangiogenesis [80, 81]. The last member of the VEGF cosylated transmembrane protein that undergoes proteolytic
family of growth factors, VEGF-E, was discovered in the cleavage by cell-surface proteases to release the mature form
genome of the parapoxvirus, which provokes skin lesions of the ligand [91–93]. Other members of this widely
with extensive capillary proliferation [82]. VEGF-E is a expressed EGF family include transforming growth
potent angiogenic factor that binds with high affinity to the factor-α (TGF-α) [94], amphiregulin (AR) or schwannoma-
VEGFR-2 receptor [78]. More recently, a new VEGF was derived growth factor (rat homologue of AR), heparin-
identified in snake venom and called VEGF-F [78]. binding EGF (HB-EGF), betacellulin, the poxvirus mitogens
Three high-affinity receptors for VEGF have been identi- (vaccinia, Shope, and myxoma growth factors), epiregulin,
fied [75, 78]. These receptors, termed VEGFR-1/Flt1 [83], and the neuregulin family. All of these molecules share
VEGFR-2/KDR/Flk-1 [84] and VEGFR-3/Flt4 [85] are sequence similarity, at least 28 % sequence identity, and
characterized by an extracellular region containing seven 100 % conservation of the six cysteine residues within the
(VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2) or six (VEGFR-3) Ig-like mature sequence of EGF. This EGF-like motif (XnCX7CX2-
domains and a tyrosine-kinase interrupted by a large kinase 3GXCX10-13CXCX3YXGXRCX4LXn) is also present in
insert. VEGFRs are expressed by vascular endothelial cells diverse proteins found associated with the cell surface or
although expression has also been detected in certain hema- extracellularly but that are not ligands for the EGF receptor
topoietic cells, such as monocytes, and in melanoma cell [95]. With the exception of the neuregulins, all of these pro-
lines. VEGFR-1 was initially considered a decoy receptor teins are able to bind to the EGF receptor and show mito-
reducing the levels of circulating VEGF, but more recent genic effects on EGF-responsive cells [95, 96]. The
studies have shown that VEGFR-1 can mediate mitotic sig- membrane-bound form of some of these ligands, including
nals and be involved in the recruitment of endothelial pro- EGF and TGF-α, may interact with receptors on the surface
genitor cells [86]. VEGFR-2 is reported as a major regulator of adjacent cells, thereby potentially contributing to cell–cell
of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Its biologic role has adhesion and to cell–cell stimulation [94].
been clarified by disruption of this gene in mouse embryos, Different ligands of the EGF family bind and activate the
which failed to develop both endothelial and hematopoietic same receptor, implying a substantial functional redundancy
cells [87]. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan and neurophilin within the family. Nonetheless, quantitative differences in
can act as co-receptors by enhancing binding of several their biologic activities have been demonstrated. TGF-α was
VEGF isoforms to VEGFR-2 [75]. VEGFR-3 expression initially identified in culture fluids from various oncogeni-
pattern and knockout studies suggest that this receptor is cally transformed cells [97], which gave rise to its designa-
essential during embryogenesis for the development of tion as a transforming growth factor. TGF-α and EGF display
blood vessels, but it becomes redundant in mature vessels similar ability to bind, activate, and down-modulate the EGF
[77]. It has been shown that VEGF-A can promote cell receptor in mammalian cells [97]. EGF is normally expressed
migration and proliferation through direct activation of in kidney and submaxillary glands and is produced in
PDGFR-α and PDGFR-β in human mesenchymal stem response to gastrointestinal tract injury [8], while TGF-α
cells, providing evidence of cross talk between VEGF and appears to be normally expressed by a variety of epithelial
PDGF signaling pathways [88]. cells [94].
166 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

AR was initially purified from conditioned medium of a cysteine of the EGF motif. It has been shown that β isoforms
human breast adenocarcinoma, MCF-7, treated with phorbol have higher receptor affinity and are generally more potent
12-myristate 13-acetate [98]. Relative to EGF, AR contains a than α isoforms [112]. Like TGF-α, NRGs display a wide
very basic 40 amino acid stretch at its N-terminus, which is distribution in many tissues and organs. Moreover, the
also rich in potential N-linked and O-linked glycosylation expression patterns of some isoforms are tissue specific. For
sites. AR is a heparin-binding growth factor, whose example, the α2 isoform is the predominant form in mesen-
bioactivity can be inhibited by heparin sulfate [99]. It has chymal tissues, whereas the β1 isoform is enriched in brain
also been shown that extracellular heparan sulfate proteogly- tissue and spinal cord [111, 112]. Three other genes with a
cans are essential for mediation of its mitogenic signal by high degree of homology to NRG-1 and displaying different
EGFR [100]. Studies have demonstrated the important role affinities for EGFRs have been identified. NRG-2 and
of AR in kidney and postnatal mammary development [101, NRG-3 are expressed predominantly in neural tissues both in
102], as well as liver regeneration [103]. embryos and adults. NRG-4 was detected in adult pancreas
HB-EGF was initially purified from conditioned medium and weakly in muscle [96, 112].
of macrophage-like U937 cells, and it is a more potent mito- The EGFR was identified and isolated by biochemical
gen for smooth-muscle cells than either EGF or TGF-α [104]. techniques and shown to be the cellular homologue of the
It is also active on fibroblasts, but not endothelial cells. Like v-erbB, a retroviral oncogene [113]. The other members of
TGF-α and AR, HB-EGF is secreted by means of proteolytic the EGF/ErbB receptor family were isolated from genomic
cleavage of a transmembrane precursor. In some instances, DNAs and cDNA libraries by low-stringency hybridization
this processing does not occur with a high degree of fidelity techniques using conserved tyrosine kinase domain probes
and at least five different forms with amino-terminal hetero- and include ErbB-2, (also known as HER-2, for homologue
geneity have been identified [105]. It has also been demon- of the human EGF receptor, or c-neu for homologue of the
strated that the membrane-anchored form of HB-EGF acts as rat proto-oncogene neu), ErbB-3, and ErbB-4 [96, 114]. The
the diphtheria toxin receptor [106]. Betacellulin, initially extracellular domains of each of these molecules contain
isolated from an insulinoma-derived cell line, is a potent cysteine-rich motifs in two distinct regions and an uninter-
mitogen for retinal pigment epithelial cells and vascular rupted tyrosine kinase domain. Whereas the EGFR and
smooth-muscle cells [107]. Epiregulin was identified as a ErbB-2 are expressed in a wide variety of cell types, the
novel EGFR ligand, isolated from the conditioned medium of expression of ErbB-3 is restricted to cells of epithelial or
a tumorigenic clone of NIH3T3 fibroblasts. It was shown to neuroectodermal origin. The four members of this family are
be capable of inhibiting the growth of several epithelial tumor normally co-expressed in various combinations in many tis-
cells and stimulating the proliferation of fibroblasts, hepato- sues other than the hematopoietic system [96, 115]. ErbB-2
cytes, and smooth-muscle cells [108]. and ErbB-3 are nonautonomous receptors: ErbB-2 lacks the
Purification of rat and human stimulatory proteins for the capacity to interact with a growth factor, whereas ErbB-3
second member of the EGF receptor family led to the isola- lacks functional kinase domain. However, these two recep-
tion of cDNAs encoding novel EGF-related proteins. The 44 tors are capable of generating a potent signal through het-
kDa rat factor, termed Neu differentiation factor (NDF), erodimerization with EGFR, ErbB-4, or each other [93].
stimulates p185neu tyrosine phosphorylation and induces EGF family ligands have been classified based on their affin-
the production of milk components in certain breast carci- ity for EGF/ErbB receptors. The first group of ligands binds
noma cell lines [109]. The homologous human factors, to the EGFR and includes EGF, TGF-α, AR, HB-EGF, beta-
termed heregulins (HRGs) or neuregulins (NRGs), were cellulin, and epiregulin. The second group, represented by
found to be mitogenic for certain mammary tumor cells betacellulin, HB-EGF, and epiregulin, binds the EGFR and
[110]. These factors are encoded by the same gene, NGR-1, ErbB4, while all NRGs bind to ErbB3 and ErbB4. ErbB
through alternative splicing of at least six recognizable receptor heterodimerization allows the receptors to work
domains: the N-terminal region, an immunoglobulin (Ig) synergistically by expanding the array of signaling events
motif, a glycosylation-rich spacer motif, an EGF-like that can be activated by a single molecule [116]. Gene inac-
domain, a hydrophobic transmembrane domain, and a cyto- tivation of different components of the EGF signaling
plasmic tail [111]. At least 26 different NRG-1 isoforms showed its crucial role in development, in particular in skin,
have been described in different species, including the ace- gastrointestinal tract, kidney, mammary gland, and heart [93,
tylcholine receptor inducing activity, and glial growth factors 117]. An aberrant activation of the EGF signaling is a com-
(GGF). Based on the N-terminal domain, these isoforms are mon event in many types of cancer and it can be due to dif-
divided into three types: HRG (type I), GGF (type II), and ferent mechanisms. For example, autocrine production of
sensory and motor neuron derived factor (SMDF, type III) EGF, TGFα, or NRGs is associated with reduced patient sur-
[112]. Another characteristic used to classify NRG-1 iso- vival in different cancers [93, 118]. Studies have shown that
forms is the presence of exon α or β, which encode the last over-expression of EGFR occurs in 80 % of head and neck
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 167

cancers, whereas ErbB-2 amplification is frequent in breast Analysis of DNA of mammary tumors induced by mouse
and ovarian carcinomas [93, 96]. Large deletions in the mammary tumor virus (MMTV) revealed that the viral
dimerization and ligand-binding domain of EGFR are rela- genome frequently integrates within a genetic locus termed
tively common in brain tumors, while activating mutation in int-2 and thereby activates expression of this gene by inser-
its catalytic domain are present in 10–35 % of non-small-cell tional mutagenesis. The protein encoded by int-2, renamed
lung cancers (NSCLC), according to the population studied FGF3, is predicted to be 245 amino acids long and highly
[25, 93]. Of note, rare mutations have also been reported for similar to aFGF and bFGF. The normal expression of FGF3
the kinase domain of ErbB-2 in NSCLC with wild-type is apparently limited to embryonic tissues, and there is evi-
EGFR and KRAS [119]. dence from in vitro translation studies that it is a weak mito-
gen for mammary epithelial cells. A recent study revealed
that individuals affected with a particular form of deafness
9.4.4 Fibroblast Growth Factor Family presented a missense mutation in the FGF3 gene, indicating
an important role of this growth factor in the development of
FGFs comprise a family of growth factors present through- the inner ear [127]. Transgenic mouse experiments have
out evolution from nematodes to human that exert mitogenic shown that FGF3 expression leads to mammary gland hyper-
activities toward a wide variety of cells of mesenchymal, plasia in female mice and benign epithelial hyperplasia in the
neuronal, and epithelial origin. While Caenorhabditis ele- prostate of males [128]. A potential role of FGF3 has also
gans and Drosophila possess only two and three FGF genes, been proposed for NSCLC, where it is frequently overex-
respectively, vertebrate FGF families are larger, ranging pressed together with EGFR [129].
from ten genes in Zebrafish to 22 in mouse and human, FGF-4 and FGF-5 were uncovered during searches for
including acidic FGF (aFGF, FGF-1), basic FGF (bFGF, oncogenes in human tumor cells [123, 130]. FGF-4 was iso-
FGF-2), int-2 (FGF-3), hst/KS3 (FGF-4), FGF-5, FGF-6, lated independently from a human stomach tumor (hst) and a
keratinocyte growth factor (KGF or FGF-7), androgen- Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS3). It is mitogenic for vascular endo-
induced growth factor (AIGF or FGF-8), and glia activating thelial cells, human melanocytes, and mouse NIH/3T3 fibro-
factor (GAF or FGF-9) [120–122]. blasts [123]. The FGF-5 gene was also isolated by DNA
The first to be isolated, bFGF, was recognized in certain transfection, but by use of a selection system in which cell
hormone preparations by its mitogenicity for fibroblasts and proliferation was dependent on abrogation of growth factor
chondrocytes and was later purified as a heparin-binding requirements. FGF-5 was activated by a DNA rearrangement
polypeptide from bovine pituitary. aFGF was purified inde- that juxtaposed a retrovirus transcriptional enhancer
pendently from acidic extracts of bovine brain [123]. Both upstream of its natural promoter. FGF-5 was found to be
acidic and basic FGF are pleiotropic factors, capable to mitogenic for mouse fibroblasts and bovine heart endothelial
induce a strong angiogenic response in vivo, but are also cells [123].
involved in other processes, including neuronal regeneration An elegant demonstration of the critical importance of
and bone development [124]. Because of their proliferative different FGF family members at specific phases of normal
effects, aFGF and bFGF have been implicated in different development derives from gene knockout experiments in
types of cancer [124, 125]. These two growth factors are mice. Such studies have shown that FGF-4 is required at a
single-chain polypeptides of about 17 kDa and share 55 % very early stage of development involving implantation of
amino acid sequence identity. A striking feature of their the embryo [131]. The absence of FGF-5 is associated with a
structures, in contrast to those of most other family mem- very different phenotype, in which affected mice develop
bers, is the lack of a consensus secretory signal peptide. This apparently normally and show only increased hair length fol-
has generated a great deal of speculation regarding their lowing birth [132].
mode of release from cells. It has been shown that under Isolation of additional members of gene families is some-
stress conditions, such as hypoxia and low serum, cells times possible by low-stringency molecular hybridization
secrete aFGF through the formation of a Cu2+-dependent employing probes derived from the most highly conserved
multiprotein complex that includes the S100A13 protein sequences. FGF-6 was isolated by this approach from a cos-
[126]. Conversely, the release of bFGF is constitutive, and it mid library prepared from a human lymphoblastoid cell line
depends on Na+/K+ ATPases [124, 126]. Of note, higher and was shown to act as a transforming gene for NIH/3T3
molecular weight isoforms of bFGF have been identified that cells by transfection analysis [121]. KGF was isolated from
are expressed not only in the cytosol and the extracellular medium conditioned by human embryonic lung fibroblasts
environment, but also in the nucleus, suggesting that prod- and was found to be a potent mitogen for epithelial cells but
ucts of the FGF-2 gene may act through alternative mecha- to lack activity on fibroblasts or endothelial cells [133].
nisms in addition to signaling through their cell surface Thus, KGF was distinct in its target cell specificity not only
receptor [124]. from other members of the FGF family, but from other
168 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

known polypeptide growth factors as well. Molecular clon- the signaling is the different spatial and temporal pattern of
ing and sequence analysis established KGF as a member of FGFR expression: FGFR1 is preferentially expressed in
the FGF family, whose predicted amino acid sequence is developing mesenchyme, FGFR2 predominantly in glial and
about 38 % identical to those of aFGF and bFGF. KGF is epithelial cells, FGFR3 mainly in cartilage and blood tissues,
expressed by stromal, but not epithelial, cells of most major and FGFR4 mostly in endoderm-derived tissues, such as the
epithelial tissues [134]. There is evidence that KGF plays a gastrointestinal tract and muscle [141]. Different types of
role in epithelial renewal during wound repair [135] and as a malignancies, including gastric cancer, bladder and cervical
stromal mediator of epithelial cell proliferation/differentia- carcinomas, myelomas, and skin cancer, contain sporadic
tion in sex hormone-responsive tissues [136], supporting the mutations in FGFR2 and FGFR3 that cause ligand-
concept that this factor is important in the normal mesenchy- independent dimerization or constitutive activation of the
mal stimulation of epithelial cell growth. More recently, it tyrosine kinase domain [142–144]. Conversely, fusion
has been shown that KGF and the related FGF-10 and FGF- between FGFR1 and other genes, including the transcription
22 share a role in the presynaptic differentiation of the mossy factor ZNF198 and BCR, have been reported in some hema-
fibers in the cerebellum [137]. tologic malignancies [144].
AIGF [138] was isolated from media conditioned by a
cell line derived from a testosterone-dependent mouse mam-
mary tumor cell line, and it is approximately equidistantly 9.4.5 The Insulin Family
related to the other FGFs. Target cells include epithelial and
fibroblast cells, and it appears to act in an autocrine fashion The diversity of metabolic effects of insulin has been stud-
to stimulate the proliferation of mammary carcinoma cells, ied intensively for decades [145]. Its primary in vivo func-
from which it was isolated. It appears to be restricted to tions involve the regulation of rapid anabolic responses,
expression in the testes in the adult, and its expression during such as glucose uptake, lipogenesis, as well as amino acid
development is maximal during the period of reproductive and ion transport. In addition to its effects on metabolism,
tract development [121]. insulin stimulates DNA synthesis and cell growth. The insu-
GAF/FGF-9 was purified from supernatants of a cultured lin-like growth factors, IGF-I and IGF-II, were first recog-
human glioma cell line [139]. It lacks a canonical signal nized as serum factors, antigenically distinct from insulin.
sequence but was found to be efficiently secreted from COS These molecules are induced by growth hormone and serve
cells transfected with the cDNA. Several other FGF family as its effectors in stimulating growth of skeletal tissues.
members have been identified by degenerate PCR or by IGF-I and insulin share 48 % of their amino acid sequences,
searching genome databases for homology with known and their similarity to IGF-II is 50 % [146]. Insulin is syn-
FGFs. The role of many of this factors, some of which lack thesized as a 109 amino acid precursor (preproinsulin),
signal peptides and contain nuclear localization sites, are still which is cleaved to produce an 86 amino acid single chain
under investigation. proinsulin. Proinsulin is further processed in the Golgi com-
The prototype FGF receptor closely resembles the PDGF plex to insulin, which consists of two chains of 21 and 30
receptor family, but instead contains extracellular domain amino acids (A and B), linked by two disulfide bonds. IGF-I
variants with two or three immunoglobulin-like motifs and IGF-II are single chain polypeptides with a structure
instead of five. Between the first and the second Ig domain, analogous to proinsulin. The IGFs contribute to the insulin-
FGFRs contain a short domain referred to as the acid box like effects of serum on muscle and adipose tissue, but there
domain. In FGFR1, this domain has a core sequence of eight are major differences between insulin and the IGFs. For
consecutive acidic residues. In the cytoplasmic region, example, whereas insulin levels fluctuate widely according
FGFRs contain a shorter (14 amino acids) insert within the to carbohydrate level, the IGFs are bound to carrier proteins
tyrosine-kinase domain as compared to the PDGF receptor. and are maintained at steady concentrations in the blood
Following the TK domain is a carboxyl terminal domain of stream. The carrier proteins belong to a class of proteins that
approximately 55–65 amino acids containing multiple sites have high affinity and specificity for the IGFs and are desig-
of autophosphorylation. The FGF receptor family includes nated as insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP).
four members (FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3, and FGFR4) dis- Six different IGFBPs have been identified in humans, and
playing different affinity for the FGF ligands [121, 140]. they are well conserved among mammals. The IGFBPs are
Adding to this complexity, alternative splicing generates involved in modulation of the proliferative and mitogenic
various isoforms of FGFR1, FGFR2, and FGFR3, including effects of the IGFs at endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine
both cell-bound and secreted forms [141]. Of note, it has levels [147, 148].
been shown that alternative splicing of the region encoding The insulin receptor, IR, is the prototype for a family of
the third Ig domain has a profound impact on ligand–recep- RTKs, whose distinctive structural feature is to function as a
tor binding specificity [122]. Another level of regulation in heterotetrameric aggregation of two α and two β subunits.
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 169

The extracellular ligand-binding subunit, containing a single found to be related to plasminogen. In addition to their 38 %
cysteine-rich cluster, is disulfide linked to the transmem- sequence identity, both molecules contain serine-protease
brane β subunit, which includes the cytoplasmic tyrosine domains and disulfide bond-linked intrachain structures
kinase domain [149]. The IR binds insulin with approxi- known as kringles. Neither plasminogen nor plasmin have
mately 100-fold greater affinity than it does IGF-I or IGF-II HGF-like activity, and HGF is not likely to be a protease
(100 pM versus 10 nM). The IGF-I receptor is closely related since the histidine and serine residues in the region corre-
to the IR in sequence and structure, but binds IGF-I with sponding to the catalytic site are replaced by other amino
highest affinity (100 pM), followed by IGF-II and insulin acids [157].
[150]. IGF-II is also bound by another receptor, which has HGF/SCF has been shown to have an expanding array of
been shown to be identical to the cation-independent biologic activities. It is mitogenic for a variety of epithelial
mannose-6-phosphate receptor. The IGF-II receptor binds cells, as well as endothelial cells and melanocytes. HGF/SCF
IGF-II and with a lower affinity IGF-I, but does not bind is also capable of inducing certain cell types to undergo mor-
insulin, and it is thought to act as a scavenger receptor [151]. phogenesis when suspended in a semisolid matrix. For
A gene encoding another family member, insulin receptor- example, it induces tubule formation in canine epithelial
related receptor (IRR), was identified by low-stringency cells, which undergo scattering under standard culture condi-
hybridization of Southern blots of human and guinea pig tions. Thus, HGF/scatter factor is a mitogen, a motogen, and
genomic DNA probed with fragments of IR cDNA. Like the a morphogen [159, 160]. The HGF gene knockout is an
other family members, the IRR is synthesized as a single embryonic lethal, leading to obvious abnormalities in liver
polypeptide precursor that is proteolytically cleaved into α and placenta development, as well as in the migration of
and β subunits. It has been shown that the IRR does not bind myoblasts from the somites to the limbs and in motoneuron
insulin or the other related molecules [152]. However, the axon guidance [61, 161]. The increase of HGF/SCF levels
intrinsic kinase activity appears to phosphorylate endoge- following liver, kidney, or heart injury, and the expression of
nous proteins with a specificity very similar to that of the HGF/SCF and its receptor in mesenchymal stem cells
other two receptors of this family [153]. No ligands for IRR strongly suggest the involvement of this growth factor in
have been identified so far, and it is possible that this receptor wound healing and tissue repair [162, 163].
forms heterodimers with the IR or IGF-R, in a way analo- A ligand related to HGF, termed HGF-like or macrophage-
gous to the ligandless ErbB2 in the EGF signaling. stimulating protein (MSP) [164], is a heterodimer of a heavy
Increased expression of IGF-I, IGF-II, IGF-IR, or combi- chain of 53 kDa (α) and a light chain of 25 kDa (β). MSP,
nations thereof have been observed in different types of can- which is also referred to as scatter factor 2 (SF-2), shares
cer, including glioblastoma, medulloblastoma, breast, with HGF the overall four kringle/protease domain-like
colorectal and pancreas carcinomas, and ovarian cancer structure. Liver appears to be the main source of MSP, and its
[151]. These data, together with studies using cellular and major activity to date is stimulating macrophage migration
animal models, suggest a role of this signaling in cancer [165].
growth and metastasis, and support the idea of the IGF sys- c-met was initially identified as a rearranged oncogene in
tem as a potential target for cancer therapy [151, 154]. a human osteogenic sarcoma cell line transformed in vitro
with a chemical carcinogen [166]. This proto-oncogene
encodes a 190 kDa glycoprotein that is processed to form a
9.4.6 Hepatocyte Growth Factor heterodimer comprised of a 50 kDa α-chain and a 145 kDa
β-chain. The extracellular, membrane spanning, and tyrosine
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) was isolated from plasma kinase domains are located on the β-chain. The juxtamem-
or platelets as a mitogen for hepatocytes in culture [155– brane domain contains serine and tyrosine residues that,
157]. Independent studies led to purification of a fibroblast- upon phosphorylation, are involved in the degradation of the
derived factor that promotes dissociation and motility of receptor, while the C-terminal tail is a unique docking site
epithelial cells, termed scatter factor (SF) [158], which is for the recruitment of several downstream signaling mole-
identical to HGF. The biochemical and biologic properties of cules [167]. MET is expressed in a variety of tissues and cell
HGF/SF were found to differ from those of other known types, but the highest levels are found in epithelial cells. The
growth factors. The molecular weight of native HGF is expression of HGF/SF was first detected in mesenchymal
around 90 kDa and consists of two polypeptide chains of cells of various organs. The MET receptor initiates all of the
about 70 and 34 kDa linked by disulfide bonds. Cloning of known responses to HGF/SF mitogenesis, including motility
HGF/SF cDNA showed that the growth factor is encoded as and morphogenesis [159, 160]. Although MET mutations
a single transcript whose 728 amino acid product is pro- are present in hereditary papillary renal carcinomas and in
cessed by proteolytic cleavage into heavy and light chains some sporadic cancers, the most frequent mechanism of
[157]. The predicted amino acid sequence of HGF/SF was HGF/MET activation in human tumors is overexpression of
170 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

the receptor, which is associated with increased invasiveness affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) protein [177]. This
and a poor prognosis [161]. receptor is a highly conserved glycoprotein which is broadly
Ron/Stk was identified and isolated as a c-met-related expressed in neuronal and non-neuronal tissues. The extra-
gene from cDNA libraries of human keratinocytes and a cellular region of the p75NTR contains a cysteine-rich
gastric carcinoma by means of degenerate oligonucleotides domain, also found in the tumor necrosis receptor (TNFR)
[168]. Ron cDNA encodes a glycosylated protein, which superfamily [178]. The intracellular domain is not related to
shares overall similar topology with the HGF receptor, dis- any known protein and has no known enzymatic function.
plays 63 % sequence identity in its catalytic domain and has p75NTR acts as a co-receptor that allows the other type of
a similar tissue distribution. The p185 RON product, like receptor, Trks, to respond to low concentration of neuro-
MET, is synthesized as a single-chain precursor, which is trophins [178, 179]. p75NTR was recently found to function
converted into the mature form by proteolytic cleavage. The as a co-receptor for other ligands. Using a furin-resistant
ligand for RON is MSP [169]. Truncated variants of RON form of proNGF, Hempstead and colleagues showed that the
have been identified in tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, NGF precursor binds with high affinity p75NTR and its co-
which display constitutive activation and transforming receptor sortilin, but not Trks, and induces apoptosis in neu-
activity [165]. ronal and glial cells [180, 181]. Finally, p75NTR can form a
complex with the co-receptors NogoR and LINGO-1 to
mediate the effects of the myelin-based growth inhibitors,
9.4.7 Neurotrophin Family Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and oligodendrocyte
myelin glycoprotein [178]. The second class of neurotrophin
In addition to NGF [7], the neurotrophin family includes receptors is encoded by the trk genes. Trk or trkA was discov-
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 ered in efforts to isolate oncogenes from human tumor cells
(NT-3), and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4). These factors are cru- [182]. The other two members of the family, trkB [183] and
cially involved in central and peripheral nervous system trkC [184], were isolated by screening mammalian cDNA
(PNS) development and function, mediating processes such libraries with the trkA proto-oncogene as probe. In contrast
as survival, differentiation, and synaptogenesis [170]. to the p75NTR, the cytoplasmic regions of trks contain tyro-
Neurotrophins are 12–13 kDa proteins derived from 30–35 sine kinase catalytic domains. Their extracellular regions
kDa precursors, proneurotrophins, by proteolytic cleavage. contain Ig-like and FNIII domains, in addition to cysteine
Both neurotrophins and proneurotrophins are secreted and clusters alternated with leucine motif repeats. Structural
can have opposite effects on target cells, such as survival ver- studies have shown that NGF binds the membrane-proximal
sus apoptosis or synaptic long-term potentiation versus Ig-C2-like domain of trkA, which induces receptor dimeriza-
depression [171]. NGF is a basic 118 amino acid protein that tion, phosphorylation of cytoplasmic tyrosine and recruit-
acts in sensory and sympathetic neurons in the PNS [7]. NGF ment of adaptor proteins that mediate the signaling cascades
is also present in the brain, where it serves a trophic function [179, 185]
in the development and maintenance of cholinergic neurons Each member of the trk family can bind at least one mem-
of the basal forebrain [170]. BDNF is necessary for the for- ber of the neurotrophin family [176, 186]. Although there are
mation of the vestibular ganglia and have a key role in syn- obvious preferences for binding of a particular neurotrophin
aptic plasticity [170, 171]. NT-3 shows a strong sequence to one of the trk family members, there is some promiscuity.
similarity to both NGF and BDNF and displays a high degree In particular, the presence or absence of short sequences of
of regional specificity. Gene inactivation studies have shown amino acids in the juxtamembrane region of each trk, deter-
that NT-3 participates in the development of the CNS and mined by alternative splicing, have profound effects on the
PNS, in particular for sensory neurons and the enteric ner- specificity of the receptors for the different neurotrophins. In
vous system [170, 172]. NT-4 was isolated from Xenopus as summary, trkA binds and becomes activated by NGF and
a molecule with the capacity to stimulate sensory neurons in NT-3 in the presence of the insert region. TrkB binds and is
culture. Another growth factor was almost simultaneously activated by BDNF, while the splice variant containing the
isolated from human and rat and termed NT-5, but was later insert in the juxtamembrane region also binds NT-3 and
shown to reflect the same gene. NT-4/5 is the less conserved NT-4. The trkC product is activated by NT-3 but not NGF or
factor among the family, and the inactivation of its gene pro- BDNF [185]. Thus, at least three high-affinity receptors con-
voked a mild phenotype, with reduced visceral afferent fibers fer different but not absolute specificities for these related
in the small intestine and defects in nutrient feedback from ligands.
the gastrointestinal tract [173, 174]. The expression of neurotrophins and their receptors have
The neurotrophins interact with two distinct classes of been shown to affect the progression of different types of
receptors [175, 176]. One is represented by the p75 low- cancers. For example, activation of NT-3/trkC and NGF/trkA
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 171

can induce apoptosis in medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma regulators, which activate specific cell surface receptors,
cells, respectively [187]. Conversely, trkB, which is fre- may serve to integrate coagulation with associated cellular
quently overexpressed in cancer, such as pancreatic and responses required for tissue repair and growth [203].
prostatic carcinomas, is a potent inhibitor of anoikis, an Axl (from the Greek word anexelekto or uncontrolled),
apoptotic process resulting from loss of cell–matrix interac- was identified and isolated independently as a transforming
tions and which is thought to act as a barrier to metastasis gene from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia and
[188]. Of note, the kinase activity of trkB was shown to be myeloproliferative disorders, respectively, by DNA
required and sufficient to suppress anoikis [189], and muta- transfection-tumorigenicity analysis [204]. The murine
tions in the catalytic domain of trkB and trkC have been homologue, adhesion-related kinase (Ark), was cloned on
identified in colon cancer [190]. Another example of the the basis of relatedness to the tyrosine kinase domain of one
implication of neurotrophin signaling in cancer is the trans- of the FGF receptors. The encoded Axl/Ark proteins define
location that generates the ETV6-trkC gene fusion. This con- a family of RTKs, which feature a new sequence in their
stitutively active chimera, containing the dimerization cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domains and an extracellular
domain of the ETV6 transcription factor and the catalytic domain that juxtaposes two Ig-like domains and two FN
domain of trkC, displays a strong transforming activity and it type III repeats. A similar external domain topology has
has been identified in congenital fibrosarcoma and secretory been observed among several neural cell adhesion mole-
breast carcinoma [191–193]. TrkA is also subject to onco- cules and a receptor tyrosine phosphatase [205]. Axl expres-
genic rearrangements, and fusions of trkA catalytic domain sion has been detected in the majority of cell types examined,
with other genes, including tropomyosin 3, translocated pro- with the exception of lymphocytes and granulocytes.
moter region gene, or trk fused gene, have been identified in Another member of the Axl family was designated Tyro3
papillary thyroid carcinomas [194]. (Sky) [206]. The encoded protein showed around 64 %
amino acid identity with Axl. Northern blot analysis further
revealed that its mRNA is expressed predominantly in the
9.4.8 Axl Family brain, kidney, testis, and ovary [198]. A third family mem-
ber, c-mer, was isolated from a human B-lymphoblastoid
Protein S, a protease regulator that functions as a potent anti- cDNA expression library [207]. Sequence comparisons
coagulant [195], and Gas6 [196] have been shown to be the showed that this gene is the human homologue of the
ligands for the Axl family of RTKs [197–199]. The critical chicken retroviral oncogene, v-nyk (renamed v-eyk), a trun-
role of protein S in the coagulation process is illustrated by cated tyrosine kinase whose expression by retroviral infec-
the massive thrombotic complications suffered by infants tion produced sarcomas in chickens. The designation c-mer
homozygous for protein S deficiency. This 70 kDa protein was based on its expression pattern in monocytes and tis-
contains several modules, including an N-terminal region sues of epithelial and reproductive origin. Gas6 is consid-
containing 11 γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues (Gla), a ered the main ligand for this family of RTKs, while protein
thrombin-sensitive module, a series of EGF-like repeats that S can activate Sky and Mer, but only at high, and possibly
undergo hydroxylation modification, and a module with not physiological, concentrations [198, 208]. The crystal
homology to steroid-binding globulin. The Gla region is structure of a minimal Gas6-Axl complex has been recently
posttranslationally modified in the endoplasmic reticulum by published [208]. The two Ig-like domains of an Axl mono-
γ-glutamyl carboxylase, an enzyme that requires vitamin K mer are linked to the steroid binding globulin domain of a
as a cofactor [198]. Gas6, first cloned as a growth arrest- Gas6 molecule. Lateral diffusion of these 1:1 complexes
specific gene [200], was shown to activate Axl receptor and induces the formation of a circular 2:2 assembly [198, 208].
shares all but the thrombin-sensitive module with protein S Of note, it has been shown that Axl constitutively interacts
[198]. While the majority of the studies on protein S focus on with interleukin (IL) 15 receptor α, and that both receptors
its anticoagulant properties, Gas6 is a more typical growth can be triggered by IL-15 in mouse fibroblasts [209].
factor, promoting survival and proliferation. Inactivation of Axl signaling has been implicated in the invasiveness of
this gene by two independent groups showed that Gas6 pro- different types of cancer, including lung cancer [210, 211],
motes glomerular cell proliferation in a model of nephritis prostatic carcinoma [212], and gastric cancer [213]. Of note,
[201] and can act as an amplifier of the platelet response dur- Axl downregulation by RNAi in a xenograft model of breast
ing thrombosis [202]. It has been previously shown that carcinoma revealed a role of this RTK in neovascularization
other coagulation factors such as thrombin are able to bind [214], while overexpression of a dominant-negative form of
and activate intracellular signaling via G protein-coupled cell Axl inhibited glioma cell proliferation, migration and inva-
surface receptors. It is possible that proteases and protease sion [215].
172 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

9.4.9 The Ephrin Family 9.4.10 Agrin Family

The EPH receptors are the largest subfamily of RTKs [216], Agrin, named from the Greek word agrein (to aggregate),
with at least 16 different members described to date. These was identified as a protein capable of inducing aggregation
genes encode proteins of approximately 130–135 kDa, char- of acetylcholine receptors (AchRs) in myotubes at the post-
acterized by an extracellular domain containing two regions synaptic membrane [222]. Agrin is a large heparan sulfate
with weak similarity to an Ig-like loop and a cysteine-rich proteoglycan in the extracellular matrix that is capable of
region, followed by two FN type-III domains [216]. The TK inducing aggregation not only of AchRs but also of other
domains of the EPH receptors do not contain kinase insert synaptic proteins including laminin, heparan sulfate proteo-
sequences and are followed by a carboxy-terminal domain of glycan perlecan, rapsyn, vinculin, and dystroglycan [223].
approximately 90–100 amino acids. Of note, in the TK Agrin is synthesized by a large number of tissues and, based
domains of two of these receptors, EphA10 and EphB6, resi- on its pattern of expression during fetal development, it has
dues normally essential for the catalytic function are not con- been suggested to play a role in neurogenesis, skeletal mus-
served, suggesting that these receptors might signal through cle development, and mesenchymal–epithelial interaction
a different mechanism [217]. EPH receptors are classified during organ formation [224]. The effects of agrin on myo-
into two groups (A and B), based on relatedness of their tubes were abolished by inhibitors of tyrosine phosphoryla-
extracellular domain sequences and their affinity for the two tion. These investigations led to the identification of MuSK
groups of ligands. This family of RTKs binds to membrane- (muscle-specific kinase), a novel RTK characterized by an
bound molecules named ephrins [218]. The ephrins are extracellular portion containing four immunoglobulin-like
divided into two groups: ephrin-A subclass, which is domains [225]. MuSK is expressed at the postsynaptic
anchored to the membrane by a GPI linkage, and ephrin-B, muscle-fiber membrane, and it is rapidly phosphorylated in
which possesses a transmembrane domain [216]. With few the presence of agrin, leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of
exceptions, ephrin-A binds to EPHA receptors, whereas eph- the AChR β subunit, which probably facilitates AChR clus-
rin-B binds to EPHB receptors [217]. Ephrins are able to tering [226]. The similar phenotypes of Agrin and MuSK
function when presented in a membrane-bound form, indi- knockout mice confirmed that MuSK is the receptor for agrin
cating that they require direct cell to cell contact to activate at the neuromuscular junctions [227, 228]. It has been shown
their receptors. Ephrins bind EPH on juxtaposed cell sur- that the functions of agrin in the central nervous system are
faces with nanomolar affinity, which then leads to the forma- probably mediated by another receptor, the α3 subunit of the
tion of a tetramer comprising two receptors and two ligands. Na+/K+-ATPase [228].
These complexes can aggregate in larger clusters according
to the density of Ephrin and EPH on the cell surfaces [217].
Activation by Ephrin induces EPH phosphorylation by the 9.4.11 GDNF Family
receptors themselves (transphosphorylation) or by other
kinases such as those belonging to the SRC-family [217]. It Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neur-
has been shown that the transmembrane ephrin-B molecules turin (NRTN), artemin (ART), and persephin (PSPN) are
can signal bidirectionally following binding and activation members of the GDNF family of neurotrophic factors that,
of receptors in a neighboring cell [219]. based on their cystine knot structure, represent a subgroup
The best characterized role of the ephrin-EPH signaling is of the TGF-β protein superfamily [229]. GDNF was ini-
the establishment of organized neuronal connections and cir- tially identified as a trophic factor for midbrain dopaminer-
cuits in several regions of the brain [217]. This RTK family gic neurons [230], but it was shown to promote survival of
is also involved in the regulation of cell shape in other tis- many neurons belonging to the PNS and CNS. GDNF is the
sues, such as the vasculature, as well as in cell migration, most potent survival factor for motor neurons yet identi-
proliferation and differentiation. In particular, it has been fied. It has received attention as a potential therapeutic
shown that ephrins can modulate the balance between self- agent for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, in
renewal and differentiation in different types of precursor particular for Parkinson’s disease, caused by the loss of
and stem cells [217]. Different EPHs have been shown to act dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, and amyo-
as tumor suppressors in cancer, including prostate and trophic lateral sclerosis, provoked by the degeneration of
colorectal [217, 220]. For example, recent studies indicated motor neurons [231, 232]. NRTN and PSPN promote the
that loss of EPHB expression is important for the adenoma– survival of basal forebrain neurons [233], while ART sup-
carcinoma transition in colorectal tumors initiated by activa- ports the survival of sympathetic and sensory neurons
tion of Wnt signaling, suggesting that the specification of [232]. The effects of all four GDNF family members are
cell positioning can play an important role in inhibiting mediated by the RTK rearranged during transfection (RET).
tumor progression [220, 221]. RET contains a typical intracellular tyrosine kinase domain,
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 173

but it is characterized by an unusual extracellular domain, 9.4.13 DDR Receptors

comprising four cadherin-like domains and a cysteine rich
domain. Unlike other RTKs, RET cannot bind GDNF The discoidin domain receptor (DDR) family of RTKs
directly, but it requires co-receptors called GDNF family includes two members that are activated by different types of
receptor α (GRFα). The four GRFα receptors provide spec- collagen [240]. The discoidin domain was first identified in a
ificity for the ligand, with GDNF preferentially binding protein isolated from the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
GRFα1, NRTN to GRFα2, ARTN to GRFα3, and PSPN to and it is present in several extracellular and membrane pro-
GRFα4. A dimeric GDNF family member first binds to teins, including blood coagulation factors, enzymes and
GFRα and this complex then interacts with RET to induce receptors [241]. The discoidin domain on the N-terminus of
its dimerization and activation [232, 234]. Germ line acti- DDRs is necessary for the binding to collagen [242], but it
vating mutations of RET are found in multiple endocrine has been proposed that DDRs may bind other factors, such as
neoplasia type 2, causing medullary thyroid cancers (MTC) components of myelin in the CNS [241]. Another character-
and pheochromocytomas. Somatic mutations of RET are istic of this family of RTKs is the long juxtamembrane
also present in 50 % of sporadic MTC, and chromosomal region, which includes 176 and 147 amino acids for DDR1
rearrangements resulting in constitutively activated RET and DDR2, respectively [240]. In certain conditions, DDR1
are frequent in sporadic papillary thyroid cancers [235]. is processed into a membrane-anchored and a soluble sub-
unit by proteases belonging to the ADAM family [240].
While inactivation of DDR1 and DDR2 genes in mice pro-
9.4.12 Angiopoietins vokes dwarfism, the phenotypes are different. In particular,
DDR1 appears to be involved in the morphogenesis and pro-
The Tie (tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin and epider- liferation of the mammary gland, the vasculature, and the
mal growth factor homology domains) family of RTKs kidney, while DDR2 plays an important role in wound heal-
includes two receptors that are almost exclusively expressed ing [240]. DDRs are often overexpressed in cancers of differ-
in endothelial cells and hematopoietic stem cells [236, 237]. ent origin, and it has been suggested that these RTKs may
Tie1 and Tie2 are characterized in their extracellular domains participate in cancer invasion and metastasis through their
by two Ig-like loops separated by three EGF-like domains, interaction with the collagenous extracellular matrix [240,
followed by three FNIII repeats. The angiopoietins were 241]. Of note, DDR1 is a direct transcriptional target of the
originally identified as ligands for Tie2: Ang1 and Ang2 are tumor suppressor p53, and it seems to alleviate the adverse
the best characterized. Ang4 and its mouse ortholog Ang3 effects of stress mediated by p53 [243].
were identified later, and were found to act on human endo-
thelial cells as Tie2 agonists and antagonists, respectively.
Later studies revealed that Ang3 is instead an agonist in 9.4.14 Orphan Receptors
murine endothelial cells, indicating a species-specific activ-
ity [238]. No specific ligand has been identified for Tie1, but Several RTKs await the assignment of ligands. Ros is the cel-
it has been shown that at high concentrations Ang1 binds to lular counterpart of the retroviral oncogene, v-ros, originally
Tie1 through integrins [237]. While Ang1 and Ang2 bind to identified in the avian sarcoma virus UR2 [244]. The gene
the same region in the extracellular portion of Tie2, only encodes a receptor-like PTK with an unusually large extra-
Ang1 is capable of promoting Tie2 autophosphorylation. cellular domain of nearly 2000 amino acids. It is closely
Tie2 activation by Ang1 is required to maintain the resting related to the product of the sevenless gene from Drosophila,
state of the endothelium, whereas Ang2 destabilizes the qui- which determines cellular fate during development of the
escent endothelium and primes the response to exogenous compact eye. However, c-ros does not appear to be expressed
stimuli [238]. Ang1 or Tie2 knockout mice are embryonic in avian or mammalian eyes [245]. In fact, in situ hybridiza-
lethal and show a similar phenotype, with severe vascular tion, studies have indicated that c-ros is mainly expressed in
remodeling defects. Interestingly, Ang2 transgenics pheno- epithelial cells of the renal collecting ducts and intestinal
copy Ang1-deficient or Tie2-deficient mice, while inactiva- villi and crypts [245]. A likely developmental role for c-ros
tion of the Ang2 gene only induces a very mild phenotype has been inferred since expression of the proto-oncogene is
[237]. There are conflicting findings concerning the role of detected only transiently during embryogenesis. Aberrant
angiopoietins in cancer, but a better understanding of the expression of c-ros is common in human brain tumors and a
molecular mechanisms involved in their signaling could fusion of c-ros carboxy terminal domain with the protein
have important therapeutic outcomes, particularly for certain Fused in Glioblastoma (FIG) was detected in U118MG
aspects of cancer biology, such as tumor angiogenesis, human glioblastoma cell line, resulting in the constitutive
inflammation and vascular extravasation [239]. activation of c-ros kinase domain. The c-ros-FIG fusion
174 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

protein cooperates with the loss of the tumor suppressor 9.4.15 Signaling Pathways of Tyrosine Kinase
Ink4a;Arf to induce glioblastoma in mice, strongly suggest- Receptors
ing that this orphan RTK can play a role in the onset of
human brain tumors [246, 247]. The identification of a spe- The activation of a RTK by its ligand or by other oncogenic
cific ligand should make it possible to better understand the mechanisms, such as receptor overexpression, mutation, or
functions of this protein. gene fusion, initiates a series of events that mediates the bio-
Leukocyte tyrosine kinase (LTK) is expressed in B lym- logical response in normal or cancer cells. An important role
phocyte precursors, forebrain neurons in the mouse, as well in these processes is played by a group of adaptor proteins
as in placenta and hematopoietic cells in human [248]. that serve as a link between molecules of a signaling cascade
Another member was identified as rearranged with the NPM and RTKs. It is generally considered that stimulation of
nucleolar phosphoprotein gene in most anaplastic large-cell effector proteins by RTKs can occur with three different
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas [249]. This gene, termed ana- mechanisms. In the first case, the activated receptor can
plastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), is normally expressed in induce membrane translocation of factors involved in signal-
the small intestine, testis, and brain, but not in normal lym- ing. For example, PDGF-induced stimulation of phosphati-
phoid cells [250]. It has been suggested that ALK is the dylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) generates the second messengers
receptor for pleiotrophin family members [251], but this idea PtdIns(3,4)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 that recruit to the mem-
is still controversial. brane and activate Akt and PDK1 [PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-dependent
ROR1 and ROR2 [252] define a family of receptors whose kinase]. Another mechanism involves a conformational
extracellular domains contain Ig-like, cysteine-rich, and change, which results in the stimulation of an enzymatic
kringle domains. Their tyrosine kinase domains are followed activity. This is the case, for example, of Src, whose protein
by serine/threonine-rich and proline-rich motifs. These kinase activity is induced when its SH2 domain binds to
receptors were originally identified on the basis of similarity tyrosine autophosphorylation sites of PDGFR. Finally, the
of their TK domains to the Trk family of neurotrophin recep- signaling cascade can be triggered by RTK direct phosphory-
tors. Both are widely expressed and at high levels during lation of the effector proteins, such as phospholipase Cγ,
early rat embryonic development. Dror is the corresponding which can be tyrosine phosphorylated by EGF, PDGF, and
gene in Drosophila [253], where it is expressed specifically FGF receptors [262] (Fig. 9.3). The signaling pathways acti-
in the developing nervous system. The ROR receptors and vated by RTKs are extremely complex and interconnected.
NSK2 extracellular domains also show sequence similarity These pathways regulate fundamental processes, such as cell
with the cysteine-rich domain of the frizzled proteins, which proliferation, survival, and differentiation, and they are fre-
are non-tyrosine kinase receptors. Wnt ligands appear to quently targeted by oncogenic events, which bypass the
bind this domain of frizzled. Indeed, ROR2 has been shown growth factor receptor–effector normal cascade, resulting in
to bind to Wnt5a and possibly act in β-catenin-independent the constitutive activation of the signaling. For example, the
Wnt signaling [254, 255]. oncogene Ras and the tumor suppressor PTEN are important
KLG and RYK represent two other distinct tyrosine players in two of the major signaling cascades activated by
kinase receptors. KLG (for kinase like gene) was isolated RTKs, the Ras-MAP kinase and the PI3K pathway, respec-
from a cDNA library prepared from embryonic chicken tis- tively. The limitation of space precludes a detailed discus-
sues using as a probe the v-sea oncogene [256]. KLG is a sion of the events downstream RTK activation. The last part
member of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily, with of this chapter will focus on the role of growth factor signal-
seven Ig-like loops in its extracellular domain. Its human ing as a target for therapeutic strategies against cancer.
homologue CCK-4, also called PTK7, was isolated from a
colon carcinoma [257]. RYK (for related to tyrosine kinase)
[258], a ubiquitously expressed gene, encodes a protein con- 9.5 Implications for Cancer Therapy
taining two putative transmembrane segments and two
leucine-rich motifs in the extracellular domain [259]. The We have seen in this chapter that growth factor signaling is
functional significance of these two genes is not known often activated in cancer. In some cases, the activity of a par-
because efforts to demonstrate their tyrosine kinase activity ticular pathway is essential for the tumor cell, a condition
have not as yet been successful. Both proteins contain sev- called oncogene addiction. In other tumors, the growth factor
eral sequence substitutions in the conserved TK catalytic signaling contributes to the progression to a more aggressive
domain, similar to those present in the tyrosine kinase defec- disease. In both cases, the aberrantly activated signaling path-
tive ErbB3. Ryk, which contains a Wnt-inhibitory factor-1 way represents a target of choice for therapeutic strategies.
like domain in its extracellular portion, has recently been This type of therapy has great potential as it relies on blocking
implicated in Wnt signaling [260, 261]. specific molecules rather than the traditional chemotherapy or
9 Positive Mediators of Cell Proliferation in Neoplasia: Growth Factors and Receptors 175

Fig. 9.3 Mechanisms for PDGFR-mediated activation of effector pro- to the membrane and activates Akt and PDK1. (b) Src is activated by a
teins. Simplified diagram illustrates different mechanisms of signal conformational change following its binding to the PDGFR. (c) PDGFR
transduction following PDGFR activation. (a) PDGFR-induced stimu- can directly phosphorylate and activate PLCγ, which then generates the
lation of PI3K generates the second messenger PIP3 that in turn recruits second messengers IP3 and diacylglycerol.

Table 9.2 Examples of Food and Drug Administration approved cancer drugs targeting RTKs
Drug Target(s) Disease
Monoclonal antibodies
Trastuzumab ErbB-2 Breast cancer
Cetuximab EGFR Colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer
Panitumumab (Vecitibix, ABX-EGF) EGFR Colorectal cancer
Bevacizumab VEGF Colorectal cancer, NSCLC
Small molecules
Imatinib (Gleevec) PDGFR, c-Kit, (ABL) GIST
Gefitinib EGFR NSCLC
Erlotinib (Tarceva) EGFR NSCLC, pancreatic cancer
Lapatinib (Tykerb) EGFR, ErbB-2 Breast cancer
Sorafenib (Nexavar) VEGFR2, PDGFRβ, c-Kit, (Raf) RCC, HCC
Sunitinib VEGFR1-3, PDGFRα, RET, c-Kit GIST, RCC
Some of these drugs can target non-RTK proteins. NSCLC non-small-cell carcinoma, CML chronic myeloid leukemia, GIST gastrointestinal stro-
mal tumors, RCC renal cell carcinoma, HCC hepatocellular carcinoma

radiation therapy. Tremendous strides have been made in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, respectively [117, 265, 268].
developing therapies that target oncogene products expressed In addition to targeting an overexpressed receptor on which
at the cell surface, such as growth factor receptors using tumor proliferation is dependent, this approach could provide
humanized monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) that either inhibit a means of targeting chemotherapeutic agents internalized by
ligand/receptor interactions or cause receptor downregulation the receptor to sites within the tumor cell. As with other
and host mediated immune responses [263–267]. One of receptor targeting strategies, the efficacy of this approach
these Mabs, Herceptin, which recognizes ErbB2, showed for would be expected to depend upon the differential magnitude
the first time that a targeted therapy might be effective as a of receptor expression by the tumor, as opposed to normal
single agent and became the first clinically approved drug cells, as well as accessibility of tumor cells to the systematic
against an oncogene product (Table 9.2). These Mabs have administration of such agents [269].
been particularly effective when used in combination with Increased understanding of the important role of growth
traditional agents, such as in the case of Erbitux, a Mab tar- factor signal transduction in cancer has led to intensive
geting EGFR that has been approved for the treatment of efforts focused on the development of small molecule inhib-
colorectal and head and neck cancers in combination with itors of specific target molecules including RTKs and their
176 L. Grumolato and S. Aaronson

downstream effectors. The most exciting progress to date In the future, cancer treatment will most likely combine
has come from investigations of Gleevec, a low molecular different target specific agents tailored to particular tumors.
weight inhibitor of the tyrosine kinase activity of the Novel therapeutics based on the knowledge of growth factor
PDGFR, c-kit, and the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Abl, signaling pathways are already in the clinic, and there is no
which is translocated in chronic myelogenous leukemia doubt that the number of rationally based strategies targeting
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Senescence, Apoptosis, and Cancer
Manjari Dimri and Goberdhan P. Dimri

arrested with a G1 DNA content [5]. The morphological

10.1 Senescence and Cancer features of senescent cells include big flat and vacuolated
appearance [5]. Senescent cells express a senescence-
In 1961, in a landmark paper, Hayflick and Moorehead sug- associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) marker, which is bio-
gested that normal human fibroblasts do not proliferate indef- chemically detected using X-gal as a substrate at pH 6.0 in
initely in culture [1]. Their observation led to discovery of human cells [6]. Increase in this enzyme activity probably
cellular senescence, which now appears to be a basic funda- reflects an increase in lysosomal compartment of senescent
mental property of all normal human somatic cells. The pro- cells [7, 8]. The marker offers simple yet powerful tool to
cess of cellular senescence is a function of number of identify senescent cells in culture and in vivo, and has been
population doublings (PDs) versus proliferative capacity widely used in several cancer-related studies.
(Fig. 10.1). At increasing PDs, the proliferative capacity of The molecular features of senescent cells include altered
cells decreases in culture. As a result, the increase in cell expression of several genes [5, 9]. For example, several
number reaches a plateau after a fixed number of PDs, and proliferation-associated genes such as gene encoding c-Fos,
cells cease to proliferate. However, in case of tumor-derived c-Myc, cyclin A, cyclin B, polo kinase PLK, centromere-
cells, the increase in cell number does not reach a plateau and associated protein CENP-A and CENP-F, and c-Myb and
cells keep proliferating indefinitely. Such cells are immortal. c-Myc are expressed, but downregulated in senescent fibro-
Although it is mostly studied in culture, cellular senescence is blasts [5, 9]. On the other hand, genes which encode proteins
now known to occur in vivo and play an important role in associated with maintenance and remodeling of ECM (extra-
cancer and aging [2]. The vast majority of literature suggests cellular matrix), such as stromelysin 1, stromelysin 2, collage-
that cellular senescence is involved in every aspect of cancer nase, gelatinase, human macrophage metalloproteinase
from its development, progression to treatment [3]. (HME), tPA, uPA, PAI 1, PAI 2, cystatin M, thrombospondin,
dermatopontin, fibromodulin, collagens VI and XV, elafin,
cathepsin D, cathepsin L, serpin b2, and other ECM-associated
10.1.1 Cellular and Molecular Features proteins are upregulated in senescent fibroblasts [2, 9].
of Cellular Senescence

Cellular senescence traditionally has been confused with cell 10.1.2 Types of Cellular Senescence
death. Contrary to cell death, senescent cells are metabolically
active and resistant to apoptosis [3, 4]. Initial characterization The senescence phenotype which Hayflick and Moorehead
of senescent phenotype in culture from various laboratories first described is now known as replicative senescence.
suggested that senescent cells stop synthesizing DNA as deter- Replicative senescence is caused by repeated cell division or
mined by tritium-labeled (3H) Thymidine or 5-bromo-2′- mitoses (Fig. 10.2). The prime cause of replicative senes-
deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation, and are irreversibly cence is telomere shortening or dysfunction [10]. However,
it is very well established that a similar phenotype also
results due to non-telomeric signals such as stress signals
M. Dimri, M.B.B.S. • G.P. Dimri, Ph.D. (*) (Fig. 10.2) [10]. For example, cellular senescence in cultured
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine,
murine cells is thought to be due to stress induced by culture
George Washington University, 2300 Eye St., NW,
Washington, DC 20037, USA conditions [11]. In addition, oncogenic and mitogenic
e-mail: signals, such as strong oncogenic signal provided by

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 183

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_10
184 M. Dimri and G.P. Dimri

activated H-RAS can induce senescence in primary cells 10.1.3 Mechanisms of Cellular Senescence
(Fig. 10.2). Thus, senescence inducing signals can be telo-
meric or non-telomeric (Fig. 10.2). The non-telomeric sig- A large number of telomere binding proteins cap the end of
nals include oncogenic, mitogenic, DNA damage, and chromosome known as telomeres, which consist of long
undefined stress signals (Fig. 10.2). Senescence induced by stretch of repetitive sequences, such as (TTAGGG)n in
non-telomeric signals is termed accelerated senescence, pre- humans [14]. In human somatic cells, progressive telomere
mature senescence, stress or aberrant signaling induced shortening or telomere dysfunction appears to be the primary
senescence (STASIS), and extrinsic senescence [12, 13]. cause of cellular senescence [14, 15]. In most cases, the
enzyme telomerase and telomere associated proteins main-
tain telomere homeostasis and telomere length. The catalytic
subunit of telomerase (TERT) together with its RNA compo-
nent (TERC), builds telomere repeats at the chromosome
ends, which otherwise, owing to asymmetric DNA replica-
tion, are progressively lost [14].
Most human somatic cells do not contain sufficient telomer-
ase to maintain telomere length [16], resulting in telomere
shortening after each round of cell division. Consistent with
this finding, exogenous expression of telomerase can either
increase or stabilize telomere length in normal human cells,
and in some cases results in cell immortalization [17]. It is
thought that telomere dysfunction or uncapping triggers a DNA
damage response, which activates p53 pathway resulting in
proliferation arrest [18–20]. Consistent with this model, senes-
cent cells are enriched in the nuclear foci of phosphorylated
histone H2AX (γ-H2AX), p53 binding protein 53BP1, NBS1,
Fig. 10.1 In cell culture systems, cellular senescence is described as a
decrease in proliferative capacity and eventual cessation of proliferation the phosphoS966 form of SMC1 and MDC1, and inactivation
with increasing number of population doublings (PDs). This property of CHK1 and CHK2 (checkpoint kinases) can restore S phase
of normal cells is also described as finite life span or Hayflick limit in progression in senescent cells [18–20]. Oncogene-induced
the literature. Tumor-derived and stem cells contain telomerase activity senescence (OIS) has also been shown to be a DNA-damage
and/or maintain telomere length. Such cells are immortal and do not
exhibit cellular senescence in culture. checkpoint-response mediated by ATM and CHK2 [21, 22].

Fig. 10.2 Normal human cells undergo two types of senescence- senescence is caused by non-telomeric signals such as DNA damaging
replicative and premature senescence. Replicative senescence is caused agents, constitutive oncogenic/mitogenic signaling, and undefined
by cell divisions (mitoses); during each cell division, telomeres shortens stress signals. During premature senescence, telomere length remains
about 50–100 bp (base pairs). When telomeres length gets critically unchanged; however, the distinctive senescent morphology is still
short to 1–2 kb (kilo base) from 8–12 kb, cells stop dividing and acquire acquired by the cells.
a distinctive morphology. On the other hand, premature or accelerated
10 Senescence, Apoptosis, and Cancer 185

The constitutive activation of p53 via ATM pathway and ARF-BP1 [24]. These regulators of p16INK4a and p53 are
results in induction of p53 target genes most notably p21 likely to impact cellular senescence and replicative life span
[23], which inhibits the activity of CDK2/cyclin E kinase. of cells in vitro and in vivo (Fig. 10.3).
Inhibition of CDK2/cyclin E kinase activity results in hypo-
phosphorylation of pRB (retinoblastoma tumor suppressor),
which very likely mediates cell cycle arrest during senes- 10.1.4 Telomere-Dependent Senescence
cence (Fig. 10.3). In addition to p21, other growth inhibitory and Cancer
p53 target genes may also play a role in cellular senescence
[10]. Due to p53 and p21 activation and resulting G1 arrest, Telomeres and Telomerase expression are linked to cancer in
many proliferation-associated genes such as CDK1, CDK2, many ways. First, more than 90 % of tumors express telom-
cyclin A, cyclin B, and E2F1 remain repressed in senescent erase [25] and tumor-derived cells usually maintain telomere
cells. In a parallel pathway, p16INK4a (CDKN2A) is upregu- lengths of their chromosomes. Second, several in vitro stud-
lated during senescence [10]. p16INK4a inhibits the activity of ies have shown that telomere attrition can induce senescence
other CDK-cyclin kinases such as CDK4-cyclin D1 and or apoptosis in tumor cells [26]. Third, the ectopic expres-
CDK6-cyclin D1. CDK4, CDK6, and cyclin D are expressed sion of telomerase in somatic cells prevents telomere short-
in senescent cells, but the activity of CDK-cyclin D com- ening and in some cases results in immortalization of cells
plexes is lost during senescence. Thus, the repression of [17, 26], which may increase the possibility of accumulation
CDK kinases via multiple mechanisms results in hypophos- of additional genetic abnormalities resulting in cancer initia-
phorylation of pRB. The hypophosphorylated or unphos- tion and progression. Indeed several studies have shown that
phorylated pRB maintains permanent growth arrest hTERT overexpression is one of the four pivotal steps
phenotype of senescent cells (Fig. 10.3) [10]. Expression of required to convert a normal human somatic cell into a can-
p16INK4a is negatively regulated by BMI-1 oncoprotein [13], cer cell [27, 28]. These studies also showed that bypass of
while p53 is negatively regulated by MDM2, PIRH2, COP1, senescence by inactivating pRB and p53 is one of the other
four requirements for in vitro transformation of human cells
[10, 28, 29]. Based on these studies, one can hypothesize that
telomere shortening should limit cancer progression in vivo.
Until now, compelling evidence for such a hypothesis has
been lacking because the laboratory mouse which is the most
studied in vivo cancer model harbors very long telomeres.
Taking advantage of a mouse knockout model of telomer-
ase (mTR−/−), which lacks the essential RNA subunit of the
enzyme telomerase, Felder and Greider recently showed that
indeed short telomeres limit tumor growth in vivo by induc-
ing cellular senescence [30]. Felder and Greider crossed
mTR−/− mice with Eμ-Myc transgenic mice, which develop
very aggressive Myc-driven Burkitt’s lymphomas. It was
found that at generation six (G-6), when the telomeres in
mTR−/− mice get short enough, the progression of Eμ-Myc-
induced Burkitt’s lymphomas was completely blocked by
apoptosis. To negate apoptosis in these animals, the investi-
gators used Bcl-2 overexpression, and showed that short
telomeres still inhibited lymphoma formation in these ani-
Fig. 10.3 Telomeric and non-telomeric stress signals induce senes-
mals despite inhibition of apoptosis. The staining for SA-β-
cence via tumor suppressor pathways. These signals activate a DNA
damage response pathway mediated by ATM and CHK2. These DNA gal marker, p16INK4a, and p15INK4b indicated that precancer
damage inducible kinases activate p53, which via p21 suppresses the cells in this setting were undergoing cellular senescence,
CDK2/cyclin E activity to maintain pRB in unphosphorylated or hypo- implying that short telomere-driven senescence acts as a
phosphorylated (growth inhibitory) state. Stress signals in culture also
strong barrier to neoplasia in vivo [30]. Importantly, loss of
activate p16INK4a (independent of p53). Very little is known about the
upstream signaling molecules that mediate p16INK4a induction. p16 pri- p53 abrogated short telomere-induced senescence and pro-
marily inhibits CDK4/6 cyclin D activity. p16INk4a together with p21 and moted cancer progression [30]. Cosme-Blanco et al. also
possibly other CDK inhibitors maintain pRB in a permanent growth demonstrated that dysfunctional telomeres induce
inhibitory state, which ensures stability and irreversibility of senescent
p53-dependent cellular senescence, which abrogated sponta-
phenotype. p16INK4a is negatively regulated at the transcription level by
polycomb proteins, in particular BMI-1. p53 is negatively regulated at neous tumorigenesis in mTR−/−p53 (R172P) (telomerase
the protein level by MDM2 and other ubiquitin ligases. knockout with mutant p53 knockin) mouse model [31].
186 M. Dimri and G.P. Dimri

Thus, telomere-dependent senescence also acts as a strong express markers of senescence such as SA-β-gal and p16INK4a,
barrier to tumor-progression in vivo. while the malignant melanomas were devoid of these senes-
If the telomerase expression is required for oncogenesis, cence markers [41]. In a transgenic model of lung cancer
then inhibitors of telomerase should be considered attractive progression by K-RAS, it was shown that the premalignant
cancer therapy reagents. Indeed, inhibitors of telomerase are tumors but not the malignant tumors contained senescent
known to induce senescence and/or apoptosis in cancer cells. cells [40]. In the Braig et al. study, OIS was shown as an
For example, Damm et al. reported that a highly selective initial barrier in lymphoma development in Eμ-N-RAS trans-
small molecule inhibitor of telomerase caused progressive genic mouse model [38]. It was shown that the deficiency of
telomere shortening and induced senescence in p53-positive Suv39h1, a methyltransferase, which silences proliferative
as well as p53-negative cancer cell lines [32]. Similarly, syn- genes to induce senescence, is required for lymphomagene-
thetic telomerase inhibitors MST-312, MST-295, and MST- sis induced by Eμ-N-RAS transgene. Finally, Chen et al.
199 were reported to induce senescence in cancer cells [33]. showed that PTEN inactivation per se leads to induction of
Riou et al. also demonstrated that a series of G-quadruplex p53-dependent premature senescence in vitro and in vivo
DNA ligands can inhibit telomerase activity, cause telomere [39]. It was also shown that early stage benign human pros-
shortening, and induce cellular senescence [34]. Several tate cancer samples but not the late stage prostate cancer
other inhibitors of telomerase such as BIBR1532 and samples contained senescent cells [39]. Collectively, these
GRN163L exhibit growth suppressive and anticancer activ- studies strongly suggest that OIS acts as an initial barrier to
ity [35]. These studies suggest that senescence induced by cancer progression in vivo [42].
telomere shortening is a tumor suppressive mechanism, and
compounds that inhibit telomerase activity and induce senes-
cence can be used as cancer therapy reagents. 10.1.6 Senescence and Cancer Therapy

Both OIS and telomere-based senescence are important for

10.1.5 Oncogene-Induced Senescence cancer initiation and progression. Apart from cancer initia-
and Cancer tion and progression, senescence is also important for cancer
treatment. Several recent studies have shown that chemo-
In 1997, Serrano et al. first reported that oncogenic RAS did therapeutic drugs and radiation can induce senescence in
not transform primary human cells but instead invoked a cancer cells [43]. Induction of senescent phenotype as mea-
phenotype similar to cellular senescence, suggesting that sured by the expression of SA-β-gal marker has been reported
senescence can be prematurely activated in response to an in a number of cancer cell lines by doxorubicin [44–46], cis-
oncogenic stimulus [36]. This phenomenon of premature platin [47–49], hydroxyurea [50–52], camptothecin [53–55],
senescence by oncogenes is now popularly known as OIS etoposide [55], and other chemotherapeutic agents.
[37]. Apart from oncogenic RAS, OIS is known to be induced It has been suggested that DNA-interactive chemothera-
by RAF, MYC, E2F1, and constitutive MAPK signaling in peutic drugs such as doxorubicin, aphidicolin, cisplatin, and
normal cells [10]. Recently, MOS, cyclin E, and CDC6 onco- cytrabine induce a robust senescence-like growth arrest while
genes were also shown to cause OIS in human fibroblasts other cytotoxic drugs, such as taxol and vincristine, induce it
[21]. Since the discovery of Serrano et al. and others, OIS is only minimally [56]. Apart from in vitro studies, recent stud-
now recognized as an important body defense mechanism ies provide compelling evidence that cellular senescence can
against oncogenic insults. The in vivo evidence for such a be induced in vivo by chemotherapeutic drugs, and that senes-
role for OIS was reported in a series of papers published in cence induction by chemotherapy drugs might be an important
2005 [38–41]. It was found that the expression of B-RAF, mechanism of cancer growth inhibition by these drugs [55, 57,
K-RAS, and Eμ-N-RAS oncoproteins, or inactivation of the 58]. te Poele et al. reported that 41 % of breast cancers from
tumor suppressor PTEN induced a senescence response patients who had undergone a chemotherapy regimen stained
in vivo, and as a result, cancer progression was blocked at a positive for SA-β-gal marker and p16INK4a protein, while nor-
very early stage [38–41]. Importantly, in these studies it was mal tissues adjacent to tumors were devoid of senescence
shown that cancer progression was only facilitated by addi- markers [55]. The investigators concluded that like apoptosis,
tional mutations such as loss of p53, which caused bypass of senescence is a p53-induced cellular response to chemothera-
senescence. Accordingly, malignant tumors that eventually peutic drugs in vivo and that it is an important factor in deter-
arose in these models were largely devoid of biomarker of mining treatment outcome [55]. The induction of premature
senescence including SA-β-gal. senescence by chemotherapy treatment of human lung cancer
Michaloglou et al. reported that benign nevi in human was also recently demonstrated [57].
patients, which express oncogenic form of B-RAF, by in A study by Schmitt et al. provides clear evidence for the
large are composed of senescent melanocytes as these cells induction of senescence by cancer chemotherapy reagents in
10 Senescence, Apoptosis, and Cancer 187

a mouse model [58]. The investigators generated Eμ-Myc- sette) using a tamoxifen inducible Cre-recombinase. The
derived lymphomas in control-MSCV (vector), control-Bcl2, p53-null mice in this setting developed lymphomas and sar-
p53 null-MSCV (vector), and p53 null-Bcl2 mice. Mice comas. After the tumors grew to a detectable size as mea-
bearing these four sets of lymphomas were treated with a sured by MRI imaging, the investigators restored p53
chemotherapy drug CTX (cyclophosphamide). Using stain- expression by administration of tamoxifen, which removed
ing for SA-β-gal marker, p16INK4a, and p53, the investigators the STOP cassette and loxP sites. Within 24–48 h of activa-
showed that CTX is able to engage a senescence program tion of p53, it was shown that lymphomas regressed by apop-
when apoptosis is inhibited by Bcl2 overexpression (control- tosis as determined by markers of cell death [62]. On the
Bcl2 set) [58]. Furthermore, as a result of senescence induc- other hand, regression of sarcomas was only modest by 48 h
tion, control-Bcl2 lymphomas did not progress and these and took several days for complete regression. The regress-
animals had a better prognosis [58]. This is in contrast to p53 ing sarcomas showed no apoptosis but rather were positive
null-MSCV and p53 null-Bcl2 lymphomas, which pro- for markers of senescence such as SA-β-gal, p16INK4a, and
gressed rapidly [58]. Induction of a senescence-like pheno- p15INK4b. Thus, the investigators concluded that p53 restora-
type has also been reported in rat mammary tumors tion caused tumor regression in both lymphoma and sarco-
undergoing treatment with chemopreventive agents [59]. mas, although the outcome in the first case was based on
Thus, chemotherapeutic drugs can induce a senescence-like apoptosis, and in the second case was based primarily on
stage in vivo and in vitro by upregulating p53 and/or p16INK4a, senescence induction [62]. The reasons for cancer clearance
which may be an important mechanism of cancer growth after senescence induction are not clear, but could involve
inhibition by these drugs [10]. immune response by the host.

10.1.7 p53-Mediated Senescence in Cancer 10.2 Apoptosis and Cancer

Long before the role of senescence in pathogenesis of cancer
p53 is mutated in a large number of human malignancies [60, was recognized, it was firmly believed that inhibition of
61]. p53 is also a major regulator of senescence and enforced apoptosis is an integral part of cancer development [64–66].
expression of p53 or p21 in many cell types can induce a Current literature only reinforces this notion that apoptosis is
senescence-like phenotype [10]. Thus, it is natural to ask— an important determinant in the pathogenesis of cancer.
does restoration of p53 in p53-deficient tumors induces Selective elimination of cancer cells by apoptosis is still the
senescence and stop cancer growth? Two elegant studies long sought promise of many cancer therapy drugs [67]. The
suggest that p53 restoration in a mouse model can cure can- process of apoptosis is irreversible and characterized by
cer via induction of senescence and tumor clearance [62, 63]. chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation, membrane
In the first study, Xue et al. used RNA interference (RNAi) blebbing and cell shrinkage, and formation of apoptotic bod-
approach to conditionally regulate p53 expression in liver ies [68]. These properties of apoptotic cells are distinct and
carcinoma in a mouse model [63]. The investigators showed usually not associated with other forms of cell death such as
that even a brief reactivation of endogenous p53 caused com- necrosis, autophagy, and mitotic catastrophe [69]. In view of
plete regression of the liver tumor. Importantly, the primary its highly regulated nature, apoptosis is also termed pro-
cause of cancer regression was not apoptosis, as one would grammed cell death (PCD). Apoptosis is involved in many
have thought. Instead, cancer regression in this model physiological processes such as embryonic development,
involved induction of the cellular senescence program morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis [70, 71]. It is dysreg-
accompanied by the production of inflammatory cytokines ulated in many human diseases such as autoimmune dis-
[63]. The inflammatory cytokines triggered an innate eases, AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer [72].
immune response which enhanced tumor clearance. Thus, it Here, we briefly review the mechanisms of apoptosis, the
was shown that p53-mediated induction of cellular senes- role of apoptosis in cancer progression and induction of
cence together with innate immune response can cure murine apoptosis by cancer therapeutics.
liver carcinomas [63].
Ventura et al. used a Cre-loxP-based conditional strategy
to activate or inactivate endogenous p53 in a mouse model 10.2.1 Mechanisms of Apoptosis
[62]. The investigators generated mice with a reactivatable
p53 knockout allele by inserting a loxP flanked STOP cas- In mammalian cells, apoptosis is activated and executed
sette in the first intron of p53. This STOP cassette created a through two major signaling pathways, the intrinsic and the
p53 null phenotype, which could be reversed to the p53- extrinsic pathways (Fig. 10.4) [73, 74]. The intrinsic pathway
positive phenotype by removal of loxP sites (and STOP cas- is mitochondria-mediated and is triggered by intracellular
188 M. Dimri and G.P. Dimri

Fig. 10.4 A simplified cartoon of apoptotic pathways in mammalian age or other stresses, p53 is activated, which transcriptionally induce
cells. The extrinsic pathway of apoptosis is activated when a death pro-apoptotic proteins such as BAX, NOXA, and PUMA. These pro-
ligand such as FASL, binds to pro-apoptotic receptor such as FAS. The teins help release of Cyt-c from mitochondria. Release of Cyt-c is
downstream signaling is mediated by interaction of death ligand–death inhibited by BCL2 and BCLXL. Cyt-c release facilitates APAF1 and
receptor complex with a death domain (DD) protein such as FADD. The pro-caspase-9 assembly known as apoptosome, which activate casa-
association of these proteins with pro-caspase-8 results in DISC assem- pase-9. Caspase-9 binds pro-effector caspases and activates them. IAPs
bly, which activate effector caspases by proteolytic cleavage. Effector negatively regulate effector caspases such as caspase-3, caspase-6, and
caspases cleave various caspase substrates to complete the process of caspase-7. Certain IAPs such as XIAP also binds and inhibits caspase-
apoptosis. FLIP inhibits DISC assembly by binding to caspase-8 and 9. In response to apoptotic signals, mitochondria also releases an inhibi-
DD adaptor proteins. The intrinsic pathway of apoptosis is primarily tor of IAPs known as Smac/DIABLO. The role of these pro- and
mediated by mitochondrial release of Cyt-c. In response to DNA dam- anti-apoptotic proteins is described in the main text.

cues such as DNA damage [73, 74]. The intracellular signals family of proteins [74–76]. Several of these pro-apoptotic
activated by DNA damage or other stresses result in the proteins such as NOXA, PUMA, and BAX are direct tran-
release of electron-transport chain intermediate Cytochrome-c scriptional targets of p53 [77–79], which is activated by DNA
(Cyt-c) to the cytoplasm from mitochondrial intermembrane damage and other stress signals. p53 can also directly cause
space (IMS). Once released into the cytoplasm, Cyt-c facili- Cyt-c release from mitochondria and thus cause apoptosis
tates the binding of procaspase-9 to APAF-1, which results in without transcriptional activation of its target genes [80, 81].
its activation and formation of the apoptosome containing Other molecules which regulate intrinsic pathway of apopto-
activated caspase-9 [73, 74]. Release of Cyt-c from IMS is sis are IAPs (inhibitor of apoptosis) such as XIAP, which
regulated by a balance between pro-apoptotic and anti-apop- inhibits caspase-3, caspase-7, and caspase-9 [82]. XIAP in
totic members of the BCL2 (Bcl-2) family of proteins [74]. turn is inhibited by a pro-apoptotic protein Smac/DIABLO,
The detailed mechanism of action of these pro-apoptotic which is released by mitochondria during apoptosis (Fig. 10.4)
and anti-apoptotic proteins is still not clear. It is thought that [83, 84].
pro-apoptotic BH3 (BCL2 homology 3)-only proteins such as The extrinsic pathway is death receptor-mediated and is
BIK, BAD, BIM, NOXA, PUMA, and multi-domain BH pro- activated at the cell surface by extracellular cues, whereby
teins such as BAX, BAK, BCLB, BLCG, and others increase pro-apoptotic (death) ligand binds such as FASL, TNF, and
the permeability of mitochondrial membrane by forming TRAIL, bind and activate pro-apoptotic (death) receptors
pores. On the other hand, anti-apoptotic BCL2 family mem- CD95/FAS, TNFR, and DR4/5 respectively [73, 74]. Death
bers such as BCL2, BCLXL, BCLB, BCLW, and MCL1 pre- receptors contain related intracellular motifs known as
vent permeabilization of mitochondrial outer membrane by death domains (DD), which interact with similar domains
inhibiting the function of pro-apoptotic members of BCL2 in corresponding adaptor molecules such as FADD and
10 Senescence, Apoptosis, and Cancer 189

TRADD. Through the interaction of DD of death receptors scriptional control of pro-apoptotic genes such as BAX,
and corresponding adaptors, DISC (death-inducing signal- NOXA, PUMA, and APAF-1 [79]. p53 is also involved in
ing complex) is assembled at the plasma membrane. extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, where it transcriptionally
Adaptor molecules also contain death effector domains regulates FAS and DR5 [90, 91]. Recently it was shown that
(DED), which help recruit procaspase-8 via its own DED p53 can also transcriptionally upregulate caspase-3 [92],
domain to DISC [73, 74]. Once at DISC, high local concen- which is an executioner caspase involved in both extrinsic
tration of procaspase-8 leads to its activation via autopro- and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis.
teolytic cleavage. Subsequently, caspase-3, caspase-6, and
caspase-7 are activated, which ultimately lead to apoptosis BCL2 and BCL2 Family Members
by cleaving their substrates (Fig. 10.4) [73, 74]. BCL2 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) gene, which is located at
Caspases belong to a family of cysteine-dependent chromosome 18q21.3 in human is frequently overexpressed
aspartate-directed proteases [85]. There are two types of cas- in acute and chronic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
pases, upstream or initiator caspases (caspase-8, caspase-9, It is also overexpressed in several solid cancers such as pros-
and caspase-10), and effector or executioner caspases (cas- tate, breast, lung, gastric, and renal cancers [93, 94]. It was
pase-3, caspase-6, and caspase-7) [85–87]. The upstream identified as a gene located at the break point of the t(14;18)
caspases activate effector or executioner caspases. The exe- translocation found in follicular lymphoma, and the protein
cutioner caspases then cleave selected set of target proteins encoded by it was found to be a 26-kDa protein, which is
after an aspartate residue in their amino acids sequence [85– homologous to a predicted Epstein-Barr virus protein [95].
87]. The target of caspases include caspase-activated DNAse BCL2 is a very potent inhibitor of apoptosis, although mech-
(CAD), nuclear laminins, cytoskeletal proteins, apoptosis anism of inhibition of apoptosis by BCL2 is not clear. BCL2
inhibitory proteins such as BCL2 and BCL-XL, poly(ADP- is localized to outer mitochondrial membrane. It is thought
ribose) polymerase (PARP), and other proteins [85–87]. that BCL2 preserves mitochondrial integrity by preventing
Cleavage of these various substrates ultimately results in oligomerization of BAX/BAK and by inhibiting the release
nuclear fragmentation, membrane blebbing, and other mor- of Cyt-c and other apoptogenic molecules from mitochon-
phological changes seen in apoptotic cells. Apart from cas- dria [93, 94]. Apart from regulating the release of Cyt-c,
pases, non-caspase proteases such as cathepsins, calpines, BCL2 can also regulate the activation of initiator caspases
and granzymes are also implicated in apoptosis [86, 88]. independent of Cyt-c [96].
BCLXL, a splice variant from gene BCLX, exhibits 44 %
homology to BCL2 and protects cells from apoptosis. BCLXS
10.2.2 Apoptosis and Cancer Progression another splice variant of BCLX, acts as a dominant negative
inhibitor of BCL2 and BCLXL, and is a pro-apoptotic protein.
The role of inhibition of apoptosis and cell death comes from Increased expression of BCLXL is detected in several human
epidemiological studies about cancer mutations, and in vivo cancers such as hepatocellular and renal carcinoma, and pan-
mouse models where apoptosis related genes have been creatic cancer [93]. BCLW, another BCL2 like gene was found
knocked out or overexpressed in transgenic models. to be overexpressed in colorectal and gastric carcinomas [93].
Likewise two other anti-apoptotic protein A1/BFL1 and Apoptosis Genes and Cancer MCL1, with significant homology to BCL2, are overexpressed
Given the prime role of apoptosis in inhibition of prolifera- in gastric cancer and the myeloid leukemias respectively [93].
tion and growth, and the clearance of deleterious cells, it is Consistent with their tumor suppressor function, the pro-apop-
not surprising that many apoptosis-related genes are altered totic members of BCL2 family, such as BAX and BAK, are
in cancer [89]. Many tumor suppressors that directly or indi- underexpressed in human cancers. For example, downregula-
rectly inhibit apoptosis are mutated, deleted, or underex- tion of BAX has been reported in breast cancer and hepatocel-
pressed in a variety of cancer cells. Here, we summarize lular carcinoma [93, 97]. In addition, loss of function and
genetic aberrations in few important apoptosis-related genes frame shift mutations in BAX have been reported in colon
that are found in human cancer. cancer and hematological malignancies [93]. Similarly, BAK
mutations and its reduced expression have been reported in
p53 gastric and colorectal cancers [98].
The most prominent tumor suppressor in this category is p53
encoded by gene Tp53, which is mutated in more than 50 % APAF1
of human cancers [60, 61] (also see and APAF1 (Apaf-1) is essential for activation of caspase-9 fol- Most mutations in p53 are missense and lowing Cyt-c release [99]. It is mutated, transcriptionally
occur in its DNA binding domain (up to 80 %) [60, 61]. p53 silenced, or downregulated in various cancers such as mela-
primarily modulates intrinsic pathway of apoptosis by tran- nomas [100], colorectal cancer [101], bladder and kidney
190 M. Dimri and G.P. Dimri

cancers [102], leukemia [103], and multiple myelomas [104]. Mouse_model/p53_mouse_models.html). Tp53−/− mice
APAF1 is p53 transcriptional target and is essential for DNA develop normally but succumb to cancer in less than a year,
damage induced apoptosis in several cell types [105]. suggesting that the apoptotic role of p53 is not essential for
normal development, but is important for tumor suppression
IAPs [130]. However, the cause of high rate of spontaneous tumor-
IAPs family of proteins acts as inhibitors of apoptosis by igenesis in Tp53−/− knockout mice is poorly understood.
negatively regulating caspases. Members of IAPs family of Recent in vivo knockin studies using wild-type or mutant
proteins are dysregulated in numerous cancers, and are p53, expression of inducible p53, and inducible/regulated
involved in tumor resistance to chemotherapeutics [106]. knockout mice models has produced insight into the particu-
cIAP-2, survivin, livin, and XIAP were reported to be over- lar functions of p53 that relate to its regulation of apoptosis
expressed in pancreatic cancer [107]. Survivin, cIAP1, and senescence.
cIAP2, NAIP, and XIAP are also overexpressed in esopha- A recent surprising finding suggest that expression of
geal cancer than in normal mucosa [108]. Livin/ML-IAP is human p53 in Tp53−/− knockout mice (SWAP mice) did not
overexpressed in lung cancer and melanomas [109]. Survivin complement p53-mediated transactivation, apoptosis, and
overexpression is correlated with bladder cancer progression G1-S checkpoint, although the mice displayed normal
[110]. It is also overexpressed in breast cancer and is an inde- p53-mediated centrosomal checkpoint and p53-mediated
pendent prognostic marker of poor survival [111, 112]. transrepression [131]. The SWAP mice apparently devel-
Survivin is reportedly overexpressed in several other cancers oped tumors similar to p53 deficient mice suggesting that the
such as pancreatic cancer [113], pediatric cancers [114], role p53 in spontaneous tumorigenesis does not fully rely on
esophageal and squamous cell carcinomas [115], thyroid apoptosis [131]. However, a different study where a chimeric
cancers [116], non-small-cell lung cancer [117], ovarian can- human-mouse p53 was used for knockin studies suggests
cer [118], and gastric cancers [119]. Because of its overex- that the chimeric p53 can fully rescue mouse p53 deficiency,
pression in a variety of cancers and its role in chemoresistance restores apoptosis response to DNA damage, and blocks
and radioresistance, survivin is considered an attractive tar- accelerated development of spontaneous cancers [132, 133].
get for cancer therapy [120]. Christophorou et al. investigated the tumor suppressor func-
tions of p53 using a 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) inducible
Other Apoptosis Related-Genes in Cancer knockin gene replacement (p53ERTAM) mouse model [134].
Several other genes involved in extrinsic pathway of apopto- It was shown that depending on the presence or absence of
sis such as death receptors, death ligands, and adaptor pro- 4-OHT, such mice can be rapidly toggled between wild-type
teins, and caspases are dysregulated in cancer. FAS (CD-95), and p53 knockout states. Using this rapid perturbation
which initiates the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis is mutated model, authors showed that DNA damage induced apoptosis
or downregulated in human malignancies such as gastric requires p53 in vivo [134]. To dissect out the function of p53
cancers [121], non-small-cell lung cancers [122], ovarian required for tumor-suppression in this model, p53ERTAM
cancers [123], colon cancer [124], esophageal cancer [125], mice were crossed with lymphoma prone Eμ-Myc mice
and lymphomas [126, 127]. Similarly, TRAIL receptors are [135]. The composite transgenic mice could be rapidly con-
mutated in breast and other cancers [128]. Caspases are also verted into p53-deficient and p53-sufficient mice with
found to be downregulated and contain inactivating muta- 4-OHT. In the absence of 4-OHT, these mice rapidly devel-
tions in breast cancer and breast cancer cell lines [129]. oped lymphoma, while the restoration of p53 using 4-OHT
Several other genes related to apoptosis and cell survival are significantly delayed tumorigenesis [135]. Furthermore it
altered in cancers; tumor suppressors such as PTEN, was shown that in this setting rapid induction of p53 induced
p14ARF, pRB, ATM, and CHK2 are often mutated, deleted, tumor apoptosis as determined by annexin V/PI and TUNEL
or underexpressed, while oncogenes such as AKT, NF-kB, staining [135].
PI3K subunits, and RAS genes are activated and/or overex- Restoration of p53 function using another 4-OHT induc-
pressed in various human cancers [89]. ible Cre-loxP system in mouse was shown to cause rapid
regression of lymphomas by inducing apoptosis and not cel- Mouse Models of Apoptosis lular senescence as determined by markers of apoptosis and
and Cancer senescence [62]. Several other p53 knockin mouse studies
A direct role for cell death or apoptosis-related genes in can- have clearly demonstrated that apoptosis-related function of
cer comes from knockout and transgenic studies. It is very p53 is required for its tumor suppressive function [136]. For
well established that deficiency of p53, which is a prime example, Liu et al. showed that in R172P (mutant p53)
regulator of apoptosis, results in a wide spectrum of cancers, knockin mice, the mutant p53 retained cell-cycle arrest func-
most notably soft-tissue sarcomas, and lymphomas in knock- tion but lost its apoptotic function, and that these mice showed
out mouse models [130] (also see delayed cancer onset and stable chromosome number when
10 Senescence, Apoptosis, and Cancer 191

compared to Tp53−/− mice [137]. Short-telomeres in telom- Death ligands such as TNFα, FASL (CD95L), and TRAIL
erase knockout mice (mTR−/−) at later generations (G-5/6) are in clinical trials for treatment of various cancers. TNFα
has been shown to limit tumor formation via induction of went through extensive clinical testing in the past but was
p53-dependent apoptosis [138, 139]. Furthermore, in this found to be very toxic for systemic administration due to its
model, it was shown that p53 deficiency abrogates the short detrimental effect on normal cells in addition to cancer cells.
telomere-induced apoptotic response, and enhances tumor Similar to TNFα, FASL is also toxic when systemically
formation [138]. administered. Clinical trials with TRAIL and TRAIL recep-
There are several reports of BCL2 cooperating with other tor agonists are now under way for the treatment of cancer
oncogenes such as RAS and MYC to develop tumors in trans- [149, 150]. These reagents are less toxic to normal cells
genic mouse models [140]. BCL2 overexpression alone in because TRAIL receptors (DR4 and DR5) are more selective
B-Cells demonstrated extended survival and follicular lym- to cancer cells [149, 150]. Although TRAIL therapy is prom-
phoproliferation, while the translocated BCL2 (t(14:18)) ising, many cancer cells are resistant to TRAIL. Therefore,
transgenic mice developed high-grade malignant lymphoma use of TRAIL in combination therapy is being developed
[141, 142]. BCL2 overexpression using prostate-specific against tumors that are refractory to treatment with either
Probasin promoter has been shown to facilitate multistep agent alone [151]. Several reagents such as COX-2 inhibitors
progression of prostate cancer in TRAMP (TRansgenic and Casein kinase inhibitors can also sensitize cells to
Adenocarcinoma Mouse Prostate) mice that express the TRAIL and FASL by enhancing death receptor clustering,
SV40 early genes (T/t antigens) [143]. Similarly, coopera- and recruitment of FADD and caspase-8, respectively [67].
tion between H-RAS and BCL2 has been demonstrated in Other apoptosis-related reagents that are being developed for
multistep skin carcinogenesis in a mouse model [144]. Using cancer treatment include BCL2 antisense oligonucleotide,
a conditional BCL2 and constitutive MYC in a transgenic small molecule antagonist (SMA) of BCL2, BCLXL anti-
mouse model, Letai et al. have demonstrated that the sup- sense oligonucleotides, SMA of BCLXL, XIAP antagonists,
pression of apoptosis by BCL2 is required to enhance and survivin antisense oligonucleotides, and inhibitors of PI3K/
maintain leukemia [145]. BCL2 also synergizes with MYC AKT pathway. Apart from these reagents, p53 reactivating
during mammary carcinogenesis in a WAP-Bcl-2/MMTV-c- small molecules such as CP-31398, PRIMA-1, MIRA-1 are
Myc transgenic mouse model [146]. Overexpression of also being used to restore p53 functions and apoptosis in
BCLXL, which functions similar to BCL2 in a nonredundant cancer [152]. Similarly, MDM2 antagonists such as Nutlin,
way, has been shown to enhance transformation of pancre- RITA, and other compounds can be used to activate and
atic β cells by SV40 large T in a mouse transgenic model potentiate wild-type p53 function to cause apoptosis and
[147]. BCLXL also promotes chemically induced skin carci- senescence in cancers that overexpresses MDM2 but contain
nogenesis in the transgenic mouse model [148]. Studies from wild-type p53 [153–158].
several other mouse knockout and transgenic models of
BCL2 family members strongly implicate apoptosis in tumor
progression and tumor resistance to chemotherapy and radio- 10.3 Concluding Remarks
therapy reagents [93].
Arguably, cancer is the most complex disease of our time.
Multiple genetic pathways are deregulated in cancer. Loeb
10.2.3 Apoptosis and Cancer Therapy et al. have suggested that a human cancer of 108 cells likely
contains a billion different mutations [159]. Loeb et al.’s cal-
Considering the important role of apoptosis in cancer progres- culations may be artificially high and are based on a postu-
sion and maintenance of the tumorigenic phenotype, it is not lated mutator phenotype of tumors, which may not be
surprising that the major goal of oncology companies is to common to all cancers, and is debatable. However, there is
facilitate apoptosis in cancer. When the survival pathways are no argument that cancers contain multiple mutations (per-
blocked, most cells, normal or neoplastic, can be killed via haps not a billion) and genetic aberrations. At least four
induction of apoptosis, necrosis, mitotic catastrophe, and steps, which may involve several genes, are required for the
autophagy. This is what chemotherapy reagents and cytotoxic conversion of normal cells into malignant tumor cells [65].
drugs do to cancer cells. Intriguingly, cancer cells are more Recently, Sjoblom et al. analyzed 13,023 individual genes in
susceptible to apoptosis than normal cells, which makes apop- 11 breast and 11 colorectal cancers to conclude that individ-
tosis-inducing reagents more appealing. Several cancer ther- ual tumors contain an average of approximately 90 mutant
apy reagents that are in preclinical or clinical trials directly genes [160].
affect components of apoptotic pathways. Upon administra- Quite often, it is difficult to pinpoint what is the key pri-
tion, these ligands activate extrinsic pathway of apoptosis mary mutation in the development of a specific cancer, and
mediated by their respective receptors resulting in caspase what are the vast majority of passenger or secondary
activation and ultimately apoptotic cell death in cancer cells. mutations, which accumulate in a genetically unstable tumor
192 M. Dimri and G.P. Dimri

Fig. 10.5 A model of cancer progression suggesting that senescence not undergo apoptosis in response to oncogenic signals become trans-
bypass and inhibition of apoptosis due to mutations in these pathways formed. Accumulation of further oncogenic events leads to full-blown
results in cancer development. Various oncogenic signals prime a cell to tumor capable of angiogenesis and metastasis to other organs. Treatment
a transitional stage known as preneoplastic stage. Preneoplastic cells of tumors with chemotherapy drugs can induce either senescence or
can undergo senescence or apoptosis by fail-safe or genome surveil- apoptosis, and ultimately tumor clearance by immunosurveillance
lance mechanisms. Some cells can escape senescence and become mechanisms occur (not shown).
immortal and transformed. Cells that have bypassed senescence or can-

cell. Despite these undesirable traits of cancer cells, a few Acknowledgements Grant support from National Cancer Institute
(R01 CA094150) and the Department of Defense (DAMD17-02-1-
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maintenance. Two of these key steps are senescence bypass gratefully acknowledged.
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Novel Cancer Therapies Targeting
Angiogenesis 11
Monte S. Willis and Nancy Klauber-DeMore

11.1 Tumors Overcome Growth 11.2 Evidence that Angiogenesis

Limitations by Directing is Necessary for Cancer Progression
the Formation of New Blood Supply
The initial evidence that angiogenesis is necessary for the
There are four general strategies by which cancers can growth of cancer came from studies transplanting cancer
enhance their blood supply. They can (1) stimulate angiogen- cells into the avascular corneas of rabbits [5]. In these stud-
esis, (2) utilize existing vessels directly, (3) induce vasculo- ies, tumors did not grow in rabbit corneas before sprouting
genesis, and/or (4) form vasculogenic networks without vessels were able to grow to connect to the tumor. Moreover,
vascular cells. The secretion of proangiogenic factors and/or inhibiting vessel formation would prevent cancer growth
inhibition of antiangiogenic factors induce vascular sprout- beyond 0.4 mm [5]. Other investigators similarly found that
ing from preexisting capillaries and venules constitutes the tumors placed in chicken embryo chorioallantoic membranes
process of angiogenesis. This is the most common way can- shrank during the first three days after placement [6].
cers gain access to the vasculature. Cancers may also utilize However, new vessel formation could be seen to form from
existing vessels directly by growing along beside them, as is existing vessels after the cancers were placed. When these
the case in astrocytomas [1]. The strategy of vasculogenesis new vessels connected to the tumor, cancer growth contin-
involves the formation of blood vessels from bone marrow ued. These studies not only identified a significant role of
precursors. Vasculogenesis differs distinctly from angiogen- vessel formation in cancer progression but also determined
esis in that the source of the cells that make up the vessels are that cancers elicit the growth of vessels from existing ves-
from the bone marrow and not from preexisting vessels. sels. This suggests that cancer release diffusible factors that
However, many of the soluble mediators that initiate this pro- initiate angiogenesis (vessel formation from existing vascu-
cess, notably VEGF, parallel those found in angiogenesis [2]. lature) to continue and maintain their growth.
Lastly, tumors themselves can form lumens which can be The ability of cancer cells to induce angiogenesis is not a
used to transport blood, lacking endothelial cells or other constitutive trait. In mice, the ability to induce angiogenesis
vascular components. The contribution of these types of net- appears to be initiated by tumor progression in models of
works to cancer progression has been debated [3, 4]. Multiple pancreatic cancer [7, 8] and dermal fibrosarcomas [9–11].
strategies may be in play in a particular tumor, depending on The initiation of a program to induce angiogenesis also
their stage and malignancy. We focus here on the major path- occurs in the development of human tumors. Evidence for
ways of angiogenesis as its contribution is most common as this comes from comparing vasculature in precancerous and
applied to therapeutic intervention. cancerous lesions of the breast, where the microvessel den-
sity has been reported to be relatively increased [12].
Similarly, increased capillary density has been reported to
increase in cervical squamous cell carcinoma as the stage
M.S. Willis, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.H.A., F.A.B.P. progresses [13, 14], suggesting that as a cancer becomes
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, more aggressive, its ability to stimulate angiogenesis
McAllister Heart Institute, University of North Carolina
increases. It is believed that the switch that cancer undergo to
School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
induce angiogenesis not only come from the malignant tis-
N. Klauber-DeMore, M.D., F.A.C.S. (*)
sue itself, but also from the surrounding tissue and infiltrat-
Department of Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina,
96 Jonathan Lucas Street, Charleston, SC 29425, USA ing immune cells [15]. The targets of these soluble factors
e-mail: demore@musc.educ are endothelial cells as well as other vascular cells in the

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 197

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_11
198 M.S. Willis and N. Klauber-DeMore

microenvironment of the tumor [15]. The interplay between embryonic vascular development. When VEGF ligands
the soluble proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors and their VEGFR-2, the receptor is phosphorylated and activates
cognate receptors on the targets is the basis of tumor-induced downstream signaling molecules including phospholipase C,
angiogenesis necessary for tumors to continue their unre- protein kinase C, Raf, MAP kinase, PI3K, and FAK path-
strained growth. Each step in the angiogenic process pres- ways, resulting in endothelial cell proliferation, migration,
ents an opportunity for targeted inhibition of angiogenesis. and tube formation, and anti-apoptosis [23]. VEGFR-3 binds
This review focuses on the main steps of angiogenesis for VEGF-C and -D and is implicated in the formation of lym-
which targeted therapy is being developed. phatics in normal tissue and tumors [24].
In 2004 the humanized version of a monoclonal antibody
to VEGFA, bevacizumab (Avastin; Genentech), became the
11.3 Growth Factors/Receptor Tyrosine first Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antian-
Kinases giogenic drug in the United States [18]. It was approved as a
first-line treatment agent for metastatic colorectal cancer, in
11.3.1 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor combination with 5-fluorouracil [25] and was subsequently
Family approved for treatment metastatic non-squamous-cell lung
cancer, breast cancer, and glioblastoma multiforme [26].
An essential mediator of angiogenesis is the vascular endothe- Ranibizumab (Lucentis; Genentech), another monoclonal
lial growth factor (VEGF) family, which consists of five fam- antibody recognizing VEGFA, and pegaptanib (Macugen;
ily members of secreted proteins (VEGFA, VEGFB, VEGFC, Pfizer, New York, NY), a single-stranded nucleic acid
VEGFD, VEGFE), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) aptamer that binds specifically to the heparin-binding domain
[16], that bind and activate three receptor tyrosine kinases of VEGFA165, are FDA-approved antiangiogenesis inhibi-
(VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, and VEGFR-3). VEGFA stimulates tors in use for treating the wet type of age-related macular
endothelial cell proliferation, migration, tube formation, and degeneration [27].
vascular permeability. VEGFB was identified as an endothe- Additional FDA-approved drugs that block VEGF signal-
lial cell growth factor expressed in heart and skeletal muscle ing are sorafenib and sunitinib, both receptor tyrosine kinase
[17]; however, its function as an angiogenesis factor is not inhibitors, which are both administered orally. Sorafenib, in
clearly defined. VEGFC and VEGFD play a critical role in addition to blocking VEGFR signaling, also blocks FLT3,
lymphangiogenesis and expression has been correlated with PDGFRB, and KIT signaling [28]. Similarly, sunitinib
the development of lymph node metastases [18]. Placental blocks signaling from VEGFR1-3, FLT3, RET, PDGFRA,
growth factor (PGF) promotes the survival of endothelial cells and PDGFRB [28]. Sorafenib has been approved for unre-
and modulates the activity of VEGF signaling [19]. sectable hepatocellular carcinoma and advanced renal cell
Regulation of VEGF family genes expression is under the carcinoma, whereas sunitinib has been approved for gastro-
control of hypoxia, along with other forms of stress such as intestinal stromal tumors and metastatic renal cell carcinoma
acidity and hypoglycemia, which stimulate transcription and [18] and neuroendocrine tumors [29].
increase mRNA stability, resulting in increased protein
expression. Under normoxic conditions, prolyl residues in Fibroblast Growth Factor
hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF) proteins are hydroxylated by Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in maintaining
prolyl hydroxylase in a reaction that uses molecular oxygen. endothelial cell function. FGF1 and FGF2 promote endothe-
Hydroxylation of HIF proteins targets them for ubiquitin- lial cell migration and proliferation and stimulate angiogenesis
mediated proteolysis. Reduction in the concentration of oxy- [30]. FGFs produce their biological effects by binding to
gen decreases the efficiency of this process: HIF proteins are transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors, FGFR1 through
stabilized and therefore become available to bind to hypoxia- FGFR4 [31]. FGFR can activate PLC-γ, thereby stimulating
response elements in the promoters of target genes, thereby the production of diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol
activating transcription [20]. 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). This, in turn, releases intracellular
VEGF proteins bind to receptor tyrosine kinases calcium and activates Ca2+-dependent PKCs. The activation
(VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, and VEGFR-3) [21], which then of the PI3K-Akt cell survival pathway is one of the important
mediate cell signaling resulting in the biologic effects of biological responses induced by FGF2 in endothelial cells [32].
VEGF. VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) binds three of the VEGF family There are several inhibitors of FGF signaling in clinical
ligands, VEGF-A, VEGF-B, and PGF. Activation of trials, including FP-1039 (FGFR1:Fc), a soluble fusion pro-
VEGFR-1 results in embryonic vessel development, hemato- tein consisting of the extracellular domain of human fibroblast
poiesis, macrophage chemotaxis and recruitment of endothe- growth factor receptor 1c (FGFR1) linked to the Fc portion of
lial progenitor cells to tumor blood vessels from the bone human IgG1. FP-1039 prevents FGFR1 ligands from binding
marrow [22]. VEGFR-2 (Flk-1/KDR) is the key mediator of to any of their cognate receptors within the family of seven
VEGF-stimulated tumor angiogenesis and is critical in FGF receptors, and may mediate both direct antitumor and
11 Novel Cancer Therapies Targeting Angiogenesis 199

antiangiogenic effects. Both E-3810 and TKI258 are dual Angiopoietin/Tie Receptors
VEGFR and FGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors [30]. Angiopoietins are another family of endothelial cell-specific
molecules that play an important role in vessel growth, main- Notch tenance, and stabilization by binding to Tie receptors [38].
The Notch signaling pathway is important for cell-cell com- There are four types of angiopoietins: Ang-1, Ang-2, Ang-3,
munication, involving gene regulation mechanisms that con- and Ang-4. The Tie1 receptor is highly expressed in embry-
trol multiple cell differentiation processes during embryonic onic vascular endothelium, angioblasts, and endocardium,
and adult life. Notch signaling has been directly implicated and in adult tissues expressed strongly in lung capillaries tis-
in tumor angiogenesis and in the process of activating dor- sues [39]. The Tie2 receptor takes part in vessel maturation
mant tumors. VEGFA also induces expression of the by mediating survival signals for endothelial cells. Ang-1 is
endothelium-specific Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (DLL4). an agonist that promotes vessel stabilization in a paracrine
When DLL4 activates the Notch signaling pathway in adja- fashion, whereas Ang-2 is an autocrine antagonist that
cent cells, the effect is to inhibit dorsal sprouting. When induces vascular destabilization. Ang-2 is increased during
expressed in tumor cells DLL4 can activate Notch signaling vascular remodeling and is implicated in tumor-induced
in host stromal cells, thereby improving vascular function angiogenesis and progression [40]. AMG 386 is an investiga-
[33]. Inhibition of DLL4-mediated Notch signaling promotes tional peptide-Fc fusion protein that inhibits angiogenesis by
a hyperproliferative response in endothelial cells, a process preventing the interaction of Ang-1 and Ang-2 with their
that leads to an increase in angiogenic sprouting and branch- receptor, Tie2, and is being studied in clinical trials [41].
ing. Despite this increase in vascularity, tumors are poorly
perfused, hypoxia increases, and cancer growth is inhibited. Epidermal Growth Factor
Neutralizing anti-Dll4 antibodies have been demonstrated to The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family consists of 11
inhibit cancer growth in vivo [34]. These findings point to the members which bind to one of four epidermal growth factor
Notch pathway as a potential therapeutic target. receptors (EGFR) [42]. All of the receptors, except HER3,
contain an intracellular tyrosine kinase domain [43]. TGFβ Activation of EGFR contributes to angiogenesis in xenograft
TGFβ is a paracrine polypeptide with three homologous models [44], in addition to cellular proliferation, survival,
forms (TGFβ1, TGFβ2, and TGFβ3). TGFβ is produced in migration, adhesion, differentiation, and cancer metastasis
latent form as a zymogen and after secretion a latency associ- [43]. Activation of the EGFR pathway upregulates the pro-
ated peptide is proteolytically cleaved to release active duction of proangiogenic factors such as VEGF, and there-
TGFβ. Active TGFβ signals by binding to constitutively fore the EGFR pathway is more of an indirect regulator of
active type 2 receptors (TGFBR2) to activate type 1 recep- angiogenesis. There are three FDA-approved EGFR inhibi-
tors (TGFBR1) in a heteromeric complex that controls tran- tors: cetuximab and panitumumab, which are monoclonal
scription through the action of a family of SMAD proteins antibodies, and erlotinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that spe-
[35]. TGF-β is a strong proangiogenic agent despite the fact cifically targets EGFR [18].
that TGFβ causes growth arrest and apoptosis of endothelial
cells in vitro. This paradoxical behavior may be explained by Insulin-Like Growth Factor Pathway
the fact that TGFβ activates the secretion of fibroblast growth The insulin-like growth factor pathway plays a major role in
factor 2, which acts as an autocrine signal to stimulate the cancer cell proliferation, survival and resistance to anticancer
expression of VEGF. VEGF, in turn, acts in an autocrine therapies in many human malignancies [45]. Insulin-like
manner through its receptor VEGFR-2 to activate the MAPK growth factor-1 (IGF-1) contributes to the promotion of
pathway (specifically p38MAPK). However, TGFβ will angiogenesis through increasing VEGF expression via
reverse the protective action of VEGF, promoting apoptosis, HIF-1a [46]. The two main strategies in development for
which occurs in the pruning process, to form the final vascu- blocking IGF signaling as an anticancer therapeutic are
lar network [36]. Endothelial cells subsequently become receptor blockade and tyrosine kinase inhibition [47].
refractory to TGFβ-mediated apoptosis and TGFβ then Receptor blockade with the use of monoclonal antibody ther-
directly promotes capillary lumen formation. Therapeutic apies against the IGF-1R (such as Figitumumab) [48] is
approaches for targeting TGFβ signaling include antagonism being investigated. Tyrosine kinase inhibition is another
of TGFβ ligand binding to the heteromeric receptor complex strategy being developed. In general, these therapies will
with isoform-selective antibodies, such as lerdelimumab indiscriminately inhibit the kinase domains of all IGF system
(TGFβ2) and metelimumab (TGFβ1) or the pan-neutralizing receptors. The exception to this is the NVP-AEW541 and
antibody GC-1008, and intracellular inhibition of the type I NVP-ADW742, which has 15- to 30-fold increased potency
TGFβ receptor kinase with small-molecule inhibitors, such for IGF-1R kinase inhibition compared to IR kinase inhibi-
as LY550410, SB-505124, or SD-208 [37]. tion in cellular assays [48].
200 M.S. Willis and N. Klauber-DeMore

11.3.2 Cell Adhesion Molecules NFAT in mediating angiogenic responses [58, 59].
Importantly, NFAT activation was identified as a critical
Integrins are heterodimer transmembrane receptors for the component of SFRP2 [56, 60] and VEGF-induced angiogen-
extracellular matrix composed of an alpha and beta subunits esis and linked to the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 [61],
[49]. Integrins bind ligands by recognizing short amino acid which is also a critical player in angiogenesis. Activation of
stretches on exposed loops, particularly the arginine–gly- the Ca2+ pathway induces cell proliferation and inhibits
cine–aspartic acid (RGD) sequence. Upon ligation, either apoptosis in cultured endothelial cells, suggesting a proan-
alone or in combination with growth factor receptors, integ- giogenic activity in vivo. FK506 is a calcineurin inhibitor
rins mediate signaling events that regulate angiogenesis, cell that blocks NFAT activation, and has been shown to inhibit
adhesion, proliferation, survival, and migration. Pathways angiogenesis in vitro and tumor growth in vivo [56, 60].
that are activated include integrin-linked kinase, protein
kinase B (PKB/Akt), mitogen-activated protein kinase
(MAPK), Rac, or nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB). In inac- 11.3.4 Endogenous Angiogenesis Inhibitors
tive vessels, integrins interact with the basal membrane,
thereby maintaining vascular quiescence. During angiogen- The activities of a variety of endogenous angiogenic inhibi-
esis, integrins are essential for endothelial cell migration, tors have been described to regulate cancer endothelial cell
proliferation, and survival. In preclinical studies, inhibition growth. These include thrombospondin-1 [62], angiostatin
of integrin function suppresses angiogenesis and tumor [63], endostatin [64], and 2-methoxyestradiol [65]. One of
growth. Of the 24 known integrin heterodimers, αVβ3 [50] the most extraordinary developments in the discovery of
and αVβ5 [51] were the first vascular integrins targeted to endogenous inhibitors came again from the Folkman labora-
suppress tumor angiogenesis. Three classes of integrin inhib- tory [63] via a Lewis Lung Carcinoma mouse model in
itors are currently in preclinical and clinical development: which lung micrometastases seeded from primary subcuta-
monoclonal antibodies targeting the extracellular domain of neous cancers failed to develop further when the cancer was
the heterodimer (Vitaxin; MedImmune), synthetic peptides intact but grew rapidly after the primary cancer had been sur-
containing an RGD sequence (cilengitide; Merck), and pep- gically removed. It was hypothesized that the primary tumor
tidomimetics (S247; Pfizer), which are orally bioavailable itself was producing a circulating antiangiogenic agent that
nonpeptidic molecules mimicking the RGD sequence [52]. inhibited blood vessel growth in the lung micrometastases.
Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) is a protein that plays a criti- After resection of the primary cancer, the source of the
cal role in intracellular processes of cell spreading, adhesion, endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor was removed, and the
motility, survival, and cell cycle progression, and has shown lung metastases therefore grew rapidly. O'Reilly and
to play a role in cancer angiogenesis [53]. The FAK gene Folkman isolation of a protein they called angiostatin from
encodes a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that localizes at con- the urine of mice with intact primary tumors. Angiostatin is
tact points of cells with extracellular matrix and is activated by a fragment of the protein plasminogen that occurs normally
integrin (cell surface receptor) signaling. Recently Novartis in the circulation, and the cleavage of plasminogen to pro-
Inc. developed novel FAK inhibitors downregulation its duce angiostatin occurs in the tum or itself [63]. Purified
kinase activity [54]. The novel Novartis FAK inhibitor, TAE- angiostatin given daily to mice after resection of the primary
226 was employed in brain cancer and effectively inhibited tumor completely prevented the development of microme-
FAK signaling and caused apoptosis in these cells. Another, tastases. Angiostatin was subsequently shown to be active
ATP-targeting site inhibitor of FAK, Pfizer-PF-573,228 has against primary cancer xenografts established in mice from
been described [55]. inoculated human cancer cells, and it also inhibits the prolif-
eration of endothelial cells in culture, but had no effect on
cancer cell proliferation. Additional proteolytically activated
11.3.3 Calcineurin/NFAT Signaling antiangiogenic proteins have been isolated, including
endostatin derived from collagen XVIII [64].
One of the important intracellular pathways stimulated by a
variety of angiogenic growth factors, including VEGF, FGF,
and a novel angiogenesis factor secreted frizzled-related 11.3.5 Tumor Endothelial Markers
protein 2 (SFRP2) [56] is activation of calcium signaling.
Signaling is mediated through transient increases in A recent strategy to discovery novel angiogenesis targets is to
cytoplasmic free calcium which activate the phosphatase explore differences in gene expression profiles between cancer
calcineurin. Activated calcineurin dephosphorylates NFAT, and normal endothelium. This was first performed by St Croix
which then translocates to from the cytoplasm to the nucleus who isolated endothelial cells using magnetic bead selection
[57]. There is increasing data supporting a critical role of from a human colon cancer and adjacent normal colon [66].
11 Novel Cancer Therapies Targeting Angiogenesis 201

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Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression,
Invasion, and Metastasis 12
Danny R. Welch and Douglas R. Hurst

being elucidated [5, 6]. Understanding the metastatic cell

12.1 Introduction and the surrounding environment may enable the design of
therapeutics that target metastasis, the deadliest aspect of
The cure rate for the majority of cancer patients is >90 % if tumor progression [1].
the diagnosed tumor has not spread beyond the tissue of ori-
gin. However, when tumor cells have established colonies
elsewhere, the cancer is often incurable [1, 2]. Neoplasms 12.2 Tumor Heterogeneity: Generation
have been diagnosed for approximately four millennia and of a Metastatic Cell
even the earliest medical practitioners recognized that the
most lethal attribute of neoplastic cells is their ability to dis- The definition of metastasis is the dissemination of neoplastic
seminate and colonize secondary sites. Despite these well- cells to discontiguous nearby or distant secondary (or higher
recognized facts, the majority of cancer research funding still order) sites where they proliferate to form a mass [1, 7]
focuses on primary tumorigenesis. Relatively few funded (Fig. 12.2). Fortunately, this process is highly inefficient [8].
grants from the NIH include the word metastasis and signifi- Of the millions of cells that enter the vascular compartment
cantly fewer actually perform metastasis research [3]. In rec- per gram of primary tumor per day, only small fractions
ognition of the need to study metastasis, a major push has (much less than 0.1 %) actually form a macroscopic mass [9,
been toward the last frontier of cancer research [4]. This 10]. Just as most tumors are clonal in origin [5, 11, 12], each
chapter provides a brief overview of what is known regarding metastasis arises from a single cell [6, 13, 14]. By the time the
the cellular and molecular events of a primary tumor mass primary mass is apparent to the individual or the diagnosing
progressing to form a distinct secondary macroscopic lesion. physician, it is usually composed of 1010 or 1011 cells based
The evolution of a normal cell into a life-threatening met- on the fact that a cubic centimeter of tissue contains approxi-
astatic cancer cell is referred to as tumor progression mately 109 cells. Although not all cells in a neoplasm are
(Fig. 12.1). Although a secondary mass is the ultimate con- capable of completing the required steps for metastasis, histo-
sequence of progression of a primary tumor cell, metastatic logical examination reveals that these cells are pleiomorphic
cells are now recognized to be behaviorally and genetically and that single cell clones isolated from a tumor vary dramati-
distinct from the cells remaining at the site of primary origin. cally in terms of biological behavior [5, 6, 11].
These behavioral differences arise at multiple levels includ- Heterogeneity describes how cancers are composed of
ing the cellular level (genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity) cells which are inherently and/or behaviorally different. The
and from the physical environment (positional heterogene- basis of the behavioral differences can be genetic, epigene-
ity). The molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic tic, positional, and temporal. Genetic refers to the inherent
differences that characterize a metastatic cell are currently properties of tumor cells themselves. Genetic heterogeneity
is demonstrated by isolation of single cell clones that stably
D.R. Welch, Ph.D. (*) differ for a given phenotype. Like genetic heterogeneity, epi-
Department of Cancer Biology and Cancer Center, The University genetic heterogeneity refers to the chemical modifications of
of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA DNA and chromatin that lead to the selective regulation of
e-mail: gene transcription. Epigenetic changes can occur because of
D.R. Hurst, Ph.D. position (positional heterogeneity), for example the accessi-
Department of Pathology and Comprehensive Cancer Center, bility of a cell to external stimuli (O2, pH, growth factors,
University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL 35294-0019, USA cytokines, chemokines, etc.). An example is noted with

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 203

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_12
204 D.R. Welch and D.R. Hurst

Fig. 12.1 Hallmarks of cancer in the tumor progression continuum. discussion in the text. Also, the distinction has been made between the
The indicated phenotypes along the tumor progression continuum do potential to form micrometastasis from development of macroscopic
(+), do not (−), or sometimes (+/−) involve the indicated properties as metastases. Examples of mouse femurs with microscopic and macro-
described by Hanahan and Weinberg [79]. Note that not all of the hall- scopic metastasis are shown. The fluorescent images are from human
marks are present at each stage along the entire progression. The inva- breast cancer cells labeled with GFP that were injected intra-cardiac
sion and metastasis hallmarks have been separated according to the into athymic mice.

Fig. 12.2 Steps of cancer metastasis. The necessary steps for metasta- most tumor cells succumb to sheer or anoikis (4b) following entry into
sis are listed in order. In the first step, tumor growth is noted with an the vasculature. Tumor cells then specifically adhere to endothelial cells
increase in desmoplasia (1) host response to the presence of the tumor lining vessels (5), depending upon reciprocal recognition of surface
mass. Tumor cells invade away from the primary tumor (2) and eventu- molecules or arrest due to size limitations (6) at vessel bifurcations.
ally intravasate (3) into a circulatory compartment. Emboli involving Some cells can proliferate intravascularly (6); whereas, others extrava-
multiple tumor cells and platelets/thrombin (4a) often occur. However, sate (7) prior to proliferating at the secondary site (8).
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis 205

Fig. 12.3 Mutation-

selection theory of tumor
progression. Although
mutation rates can be highly
variable according to
specific cell types, tumor
cells generally have higher
mutation rates than normal
cells. Tumor cells with
higher mutation rates
(upper series) have
increased chances for
survival after lethal
selection pressures. Variants
are selected continually and
are either eliminated by
selection or are
overwhelmed by other cells
with more robust growth
characteristics. Populations
of cells with low mutation
rates are more susceptible
to lethal selection pressures
(bottom series of cells).

radiation sensitivity being proportional to oxygenation. sion and are regulated by the microenvironmental niche [15,
Thus, two identical cells would exhibit differences in radio- 16]. Although stem cell theory accommodates diversifica-
response depending upon distance from a capillary since tion, the molecular mechanisms underlying differentiation
oxygen tension is inversely proportional to distance from and diversification of normal cells are still being elucidated
blood. Heterogeneity can be observed temporally as well, as [17]. Additionally, the relevance of cancer stem cell theory is
cells change due to cyclical signals. One example would be still being debated by many researchers to account for the
that cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle would be less diversification of cancer cells [18–23].
sensitive than cells in S phase to drugs targeting DNA One of the first formalized conceptual frameworks of
replication. tumor progression was introduced by Peyton Rous, who
At first glance, isolation of multiple cell subpopulations described the steps involved in the transformation of skin
from virtually every tumor mass would appear to support the carcinomas from the study of tar tumors in rabbits [24]. His
hypothesis that cancers are of multicellular origin. However, concepts were expanded by Leslie Foulds, who studied the
tumors express either maternal or paternal isoenzymes, but acquisition of hormone independence by mammary tumors.
rarely both, strongly supporting unicellular origination. In Foulds defined progression as “…the acquisition of perma-
addition, analysis of karyotypes reveals that virtually all nent, irreversible qualitative changes of one or more charac-
cells within a tumor share common abnormal chromosomal teristics in a neoplasm…” [25]. Both Rous and Foulds
changes upon which additional karyotypic abnormalities provided evidence that tumor progression occurs in a con-
may be superimposed. Therefore, the majority of tumors are stant, unique and stepwise pattern. The trend is toward
monoclonal in origin and it is the divergence of single trans- increased autonomy; however, individual characteristics
formed cells into multiple phenotypically distinct progeny within a tumor independently assort [6].
that generates genetic heterogeneity [5, 11]. The mutation-selection theory of tumor progression pro-
As with most aspects of tumor biology, development of poses that genetic instability drives the process by random
heterogeneity is not unique to tumor progression. Pluripotent generation of variants (Fig. 12.3). Expanding upon Theodor
hematopoietic stem cells generate cells along multiple lin- Boveri’s original observations that alterations of chromo-
eages, and a zygote yields a multicellular organism with somal material were significant in the generation and pro-
organs and tissues. Stem cells have the capacity for self- gression of tumors [26], Peter Nowell proposed that
renewal and progenitor production via asymmetric cell divi- neoplastic cells are more genetically unstable than normal
206 D.R. Welch and D.R. Hurst

counterparts [27]. Fluctuation analyses for a variety of genes However, the mutation-selection theory of tumor progres-
and phenotypes show that transformed cells are significantly sion is not without its detractors. Some argue that the acqui-
(frequently 10,000- to 100,000-fold, but as high as 107-fold sition of invasive and metastatic behaviors is more a
higher) more genetically unstable than normal counterparts recapitulation of a process that occurs during embryogene-
[11]. Progression is believed to occur as a result of mutation sis—the epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) [35].
and coupled selection via Darwinian selection principles [6]. Since invasive cells frequently dramatically change their cell
Although not formally proven, subpopulations of cells that shape to a non-polarized, motile, spindle shaped cell resem-
have acquired the ability to migrate and establish themselves bling a fibroblast, some hypothesize that neoplastic cells
at other sites are thought to have a selective advantage since dedifferentiate to a more motile mesenchymal cell pheno-
these tumor cells are not limited by space or location. type. Developmental EMT and cancer EMT are not neces-
Isaiah “Josh” Fidler and Margaret Kripke tested these sarily equivalent at a molecular level, but share some
hypotheses with regard to the metastatic phenotype using characteristics. Cancer EMT is characterized molecularly by
combinations of cloning and Luria–Delbrück fluctuation the loss of epithelial-specific E-cadherin from the adherens
analysis [28]. Single cell clones isolated from a single tumor junctions, and a switch from the expression of keratins as the
varied considerably in their metastatic potentials. George major intermediate filament to the mesenchymal intermedi-
Poste and colleagues later showed that highly metastatic ate filament vimentin. Ultimately, some believe that more
cells, when grown in culture continuously and re-cloned, epigenetic mechanisms may be driving tumor progression
yielded populations that contained non-metastatic or poorly toward malignancy than mutation and selection [36].
metastatic cells [29, 30]. Likewise, continuous culture of
poorly metastatic cells yielded subpopulations that were
highly metastatic. In other words, the clonal populations did 12.3 Invasion
not remain homogeneous.
At an organismal (i.e., tumor) level, progression typically Invasion, the distinguishing feature of malignancy, is the
follows a sequence (Fig. 12.1). Prior to becoming tumori- capacity for tumor cells to disrupt the basement membrane
genic, cells lose the ability to differentiate fully, are no lon- and penetrate underlying stroma. Although invasion is
ger contact inhibited or anchorage dependent and have required for metastasis, the ability to invade is not sufficient.
acquired genetic instability. The ability to form a neoplastic This point is highlighted by clinical observations. Some
mass typically goes through a phase with expansile growth in tumors are highly aggressive, forming secondary lesions
the absence of invasion. While cells may be pleiomorphic at with high frequency (melanoma, pancreatic carcinoma,
this stage, they are often encapsulated by a dense fibrous net- small cell carcinoma of the lung), whereas others are rarely
work (i.e., desmoplasia) [31, 32]. Tumors that have failed to metastatic despite being locally invasive (basal cell carcino-
invade through a basement membrane are referred to as mas of the skin, glioblastoma multiforme). It should be
benign or as carcinoma in situ. With continued generation of emphasized that if an invasive cell cannot complete any of
variants and selection, subsets of the cells acquire the ability the subsequent steps in the metastatic cascade, it will not
to escape through a basement membrane, the hallmark of form a metastasis.
malignancy. Acquisition of the ability to detach from the pri- The process of invasion requires major changes to the cell
mary tumor and move elsewhere is required for metastasis. It (morphology and phenotype) and to the surrounding environ-
is important to emphasize that tumor progression is typically ment. During invasion, three important processes are dynami-
measured in terms of the tumor mass, rather than the indi- cally regulated that include adhesion, extracellular matrix
vidual cells within it. The stage of a tumor is defined by the (ECM) reorganization, and motility. Normal epithelial cells
most malignant cells found. Even if 99.9 % of cells are indo- form polarized sheets that are maintained by tight junctions
lent, a tumor is defined as malignant if a single cell has pen- and desmosomes. They are anchored to the basement mem-
etrated a basement membrane. brane by hemidesmosomes and their associated intermediate
At a molecular level, certain chromosomal and genetic filaments, and integrin contacts that organize actin. Therefore,
changes are more prevalent in early versus late stages of tumor to be invasive, cells must alter cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix
progression, despite unpredictability in specific genetic changes adhesion in conjunction with reorganization of the ECM and
occurring within a cell. Use of this information has allowed pre- cellular motility [37, 38]. The structural and functional pro-
diction of genetic underpinnings controlling tumorigenesis, teins that regulate cell adhesion and migration are key down-
invasiveness, and metastasis [6]. The complexity of tumor pro- stream targets of oncogenes and tumor suppressor-controlled
gression leading to a metastatic cell, as described above, shows signaling pathways and provide insights into how oncogenic
that a single genetic change is not enough to accurately predict transformation results in progression to an invasive pheno-
whether a person will have an increased chance of a lesion type. Many of the proteins involved in tumor invasion have
becoming metastatic and defined subsets of genes have become also been observed to affect other processes that are part of
more predictive as prognostic tools [33, 34]. the hallmarks of cancer including cell survival, growth, apop-
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis 207

tosis and angiogenesis. This highlights the intricate network Mel-CAM, also demonstrate reduced expression in specific
of interrelated pathways controlling cell behavior [39]. cancer types. It should be noted, however, that not all cell–
The dramatic changes to a tumor cell morphologically cell adhesion molecules can be viewed as potential invasion
during invasion have been referred to as EMT, which suppressors. Several are overexpressed in advanced cancers
describes the conversion from an epithelial morphology to a and have functions associated with cancer progression includ-
non-polarized, motile, spindle shaped cell resembling a ing Ig-CAMs such as L1, CEA, and ALCAM. Additionally,
fibroblast [35, 40, 41]. EMT is associated with the loss of N-cadherin promotes cell motility. This complexity may be
epithelial-specific E-cadherin from the adherens junctions, explained by direct or indirect signaling functions for these
and a switch from the expression of keratins as the major molecules that are distinct from their role in cell–cell adhe-
intermediate filament to the mesenchymal intermediate fila- sion. The interrelatedness of tumor growth and tumor inva-
ment, vimentin. EMT is influenced by the tumor microenvi- sion, and limitations of experimental model systems, does not
ronment, and has been observed primarily at the edge of the always allow a distinction between growth effects that influ-
tumor mass that is in contact with the tumor stroma [42]. A ence the appearance of an invasive phenotype and an effect on
key regulator of EMT is transforming growth factor beta actual cellular invasion.
(TGF-β) signaling but other mediators include hepatocyte Cells induced to undergo EMT not only exhibit enhanced
growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), PI3 kinase signaling motility but are resistant to apoptosis, another key require-
pathway, MAP kinases, and the transcriptional regulators ment for successful metastasis. However, some cancer cells
Twist and Snail. Other signaling pathways implicated in use EMT independent modes of migration including collec-
stem cell maintenance that are linked to EMT are Wnt, Notch tive and amoeboid [38]. Although EMT and MET are well
and Hedgehog. Tumor cells may also reverse the process and accepted processes necessary for normal development and
undergo a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET) in can be demonstrated and manipulated in many experimental
the absence of EMT-inducing signals. This transient nature tumor models, it has been questioned whether they are actual
of EMT helps explain why metastatic cells can morphologi- requirements for human cancer progression.
cally resemble cells in the primary tumor despite the fact that The ECM provides a scaffold for the organization of cells
they by necessity accomplished all the steps of the metastatic and spatial cues that dictate cell behavior [46]. This matrix is
cascade [40, 43]. composed of proteins, primarily triple-helical collagens, gly-
Epithelial cell–cell interactions are mediated primarily by coproteins such as laminins and fibronectin, and proteolgy-
cadherins, transmembrane glycoproteins that form calcium- cans. The basement membrane is an organized ECM that
dependent homotypic complexes. The loss of E-cadherin forms a barrier separating polarized epithelial, endothelial,
that occurs during EMT correlates with increased invasion and muscle cells from the underlying tissue. Interstitial
and metastatic potential in most tumor types and reexpres- matrix provides the structural characteristics of connective
sion in experimental models can block invasion. This obser- tissues. The molecular composition of the ECM varies
vation suggests that loss of E-cadherin is causative for between tissues and organs, and provides important contex-
invasion. E-cadherin loss occurs at multiple levels including tual information to cellular constituents. In addition, the
transcriptional repression and proteolytic degradation. The ECM interacts with many secreted molecules to serve as a
zinc finger transcriptional repressors Snail and Slug in par- repository for regulatory proteins and growth factors. Thus,
ticular have been implicated in regulating EMT by virtue of the interaction of cells with ECM molecules dictates their
their ability to repress E-cadherin transcription. Cadherins ability for survival, growth, differentiation, and migration.
are regulated by catenins (α, β, γ and p120 catenins), cyto- Moreover, selective proteolysis of ECM components leads to
plasmic proteins that functionally link the cadherin complex release of fragments that further regulate protein function
to the actin cytoskeleton. β-Catenin is both a cell adhesion and may be involved in cell signaling. These factors are col-
protein and a transcription factor. In addition to its role in lectively known as matrikines.
adherens junctions, it participates in canonical Wnt signal- Adhesion of cells to their surrounding matrix occurs pri-
ing, a signaling pathway important in development and can- marily through a family of transmembrane glycoproteins
cer. E-cadherin levels and function are also disrupted by loss known as integrins that are assembled as specific combina-
of p120 catenin, which occurs in many tumor types and may tions of 18 alpha and 8 beta subunits [47, 48]. Each combina-
also contribute to tumor metastasis. tion of integrin subunits binds to distinct but overlapping
E-cadherin is not the only cell–cell adhesion molecule subsets of ECM components and may be either tumor promot-
associated with invasion and metastasis. NCAM, a member ing or inhibitory. During tumor progression, cancer cells tend
of the immunoglobulin cell adhesion molecule Ig-CAM fam- to downregulate the integrins that mediate adhesion and main-
ily, is downregulated in several tumor types, and NCAM loss tain a quiescent, differentiated state, and upregulate integrins
results in an increased ability of tumor cells to disseminate that promote survival, migration, and proliferation. Although
[44, 45]. Other Ig-CAMs, such as DCC, CEACAM1, and there is a cell-type dependency on integrin function, generally
208 D.R. Welch and D.R. Hurst

integrins α2β1 and α3β1 are viewed as suppressors of tumor within the ECM and paradoxically may be required for activa-
progression, while αvβ3, αvβ6, and α6β4 promote cellular tion of the protease. The conversion of pro-MMP-2 to active
proliferation and migration. Integrins mediate signals in both MMP-2 requires the activity of MT1-MMP (MMP-14), a
directions, so that changes in intracellular signaling pathways transmembrane MMP that is activated intracellularly by the
can modulate cellular adhesion, and changes in cellular adhe- propeptidase family member furin, and TIMP-2 (Fig. 12.4).
sion can alter cellular phenotype. A well-described and impor- The concentration of each of these molecules is critical for
tant mechanism whereby integrin-ECM interactions modulate proper function and regulation. Another proteolytic cascade
cell function is by cooperative signaling with different growth important for regulating protease activity during the degrada-
factor receptors. Many of the cellular responses induced by tion of ECM is cathepsin(s) → uPA → plasmin → MMP. Each
activation of tyrosine kinase growth factor receptors are of the proteases in this cascade is capable of cleaving compo-
dependent on the cells being able to adhere to an ECM sub- nents of the ECM. Therefore, activity cascades are important
strate in an integrin-dependent fashion. Signaling in response regulators of proteolytic function in addition to endogenous
to ECM interaction usually activates focal adhesion kinase inhibitors, protease degradation, and activation.
(FAK) and non-receptor tyrosine kinases of the src-family. The original view that proteolytic enzymes function pre-
The ECM is remodeled by degradative enzymes that are dominantly to remove physical ECM barriers has been
produced by the tumor cells themselves and additionally by expanded with the realization that proteolysis regulates mul-
the resident and infiltrating cells as a response to the tumor. tiple steps of tumor progression. For example, MMP sub-
These enzymes contribute to matrix degradation and facili- strates in the matrix or on the cell surface that modulate
tate tumor cell invasion. Proteolytic enzymes of many classes cellular growth, differentiation, apoptosis, angiogenesis,
have been implicated in tumor cell invasion, including but chemotaxis, and migration have been identified. The abun-
not limited to the serine proteinases plasmin, plasminogen dant evidence for a role for MMPs in tumor progression led
activator, seprase, hepsin, and several kallikreins, the cyste- to the design and testing of synthetic MMP inhibitors for
ine proteinase cathepsin B, the aspartyl proteinase cathepsin cancer therapy. These inhibitors proved to be ineffective in
D, and metal-dependent proteinases of the matrix metallo- clinical trials, results that have been explained by problems
proteinase (MMP) and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with inhibitor or clinical trial design, as well as a lack of
(ADAM) families. Other matrix degrading enzymes such as understanding of the broad range of MMP activities resulting
heparanase, an endoglycosidase which cleaves heparin sul- in both cancer-promoting and cancer inhibitory effects.
fate proteoglycans, and hylauronidase cleavage of its sub- In addition to ECM remodeling, locomotion of a cell
strate hylauronic acid, have also been causally associated occurs through the coordination of polymerization and depo-
with tumor progression and invasion. lymerization of the actin cytoskeleton to extend a pseudopod
Liotta and colleagues observed that metastatic potential at the leading edge of the cell, followed by contraction asso-
correlates with the degradation of type IV collagen found ciated with disassembly of cell–matrix adhesive contacts at
predominantly in the basement membrane and focused atten- the trailing edge [52]. Lamellipodial protrusions at the lead-
tion on the metal-dependent type IV collagenases or gelatin- ing edge are nucleated by a branched actin network involv-
ases that are now recognized as MMP-2 and MMP-9. ing the Arp2/3 complex and its regulators, the WASP family,
Subsequently, many of the 23 members of the MMP family cortactin, and the GTPase Rac. Actin contractility is regu-
of matrix-degrading metalloproteinases have been associ- lated by myosin light chain kinase and upstream small
ated with tumor progression. Elevated MMP levels correlate GTPases, in particular Rho and its effector ROCK. As
with invasion and metastasis and poor prognosis in many alluded to above in the discussion of EMT, single cells
cancer types, and animal models provide evidence for a migrate either with a spindle-shaped morphology, referred to
causal role for MMP activity in cancer progression [49–51]. as mesenchymal migration, or with the less adhesive ellip-
Additionally, the plasminogen activator/plasmin system has soid shape used by leukocytes and Dictyostelium termed
been causally implicated in cancer invasion, and urokinase amoeboid migration. Collective migration can occur when
plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen activator the cells retain cell–cell junctions and clusters of cells move
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) are validated prognostic and predictive in single file through a tissue.
markers for breast cancer. Tumor cells can secrete factors that stimulate motility in
Regulation of matrix proteolysis occurs at multiple levels an autocrine fashion. Tumor cell-produced lysophospholipase
and in addition to the expression of proteases by both the tumor D (autotaxin) stimulates motility, as does lysophosphatidic
cells and adjacent resident and infiltrating cells, they produce acid (LPA), which can be produced by lysophospholipase D
specific endogenous inhibitors including the tissue inhibitors of activity on lysophosphatidylcholine. Hepatocyte growth fac-
metalloproteinases (TIMPs), serine proteinase inhibitors tor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) interacts with its receptor, c-met,
(SERPINs), and cysteine protease inhibitors (CYSTATINs). to induce chemokinetic activity of epithelial cells, resulting
Some of these inhibitors are stored in high concentrations in an invasive phenotype. Directional motility is a chemotac-
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis 209

Fig. 12.4 Example of a proteolytic activation cascade. The proteolytic (N) domain binds to and inhibits MT1-MMP activity and recruits
activities are intricately regulated at several levels during the MMP-2 proMMP-2 by interaction of TIMP-2 C-terminal (C) domain to
activation cascade. The activation of proMMP-2 occurs by the balance proMMP-2 hemopexin domain (Pex). An adjacent MT1-MMP activates
of TIMP-2, MT1-MMP, and itself. MT1-MMP is activated intracellularly proMMP-2 to MMP-2 through cleavage of the pro-domain (P).
by furin and localized to the plasma membrane. The TIMP-2N-terminal

tic (following a soluble concentration gradient) or haptotac- 12.4 Further Steps Required for Metastasis
tic (following an insoluble concentration gradient) effect in
response to a gradient of soluble or localized factors, respec- Invasion and metastasis are not equivalent phenotypes.
tively. Chemotaxis is often the result of growth factors such Although invasion is prerequisite for metastasis, the ability to
as insulin-like growth factor (IGF), and chemokines of the invade is insufficient to develop a metastasis. Once cells have
CCR and CXC family. Haptotaxis is characterized as a invaded away from the primary tumor, they disseminate. Most
response to gradients of ECM components such as laminin-5 commonly, metastasis is described in terms of hematogenous
and fibronectin, and can be modulated positively or nega- (blood-borne) dissemination. However, secondary tumors can
tively by proteolysis [53]. arise because tumor cells have migrated via lymphatics (i.e.,
The coordination of cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesion, lymph nodes are common sites of metastasis for most carcino-
matrix degradation, and cytoskeletal activity is required for mas) or across body cavities (e.g., ovarian carcinoma cells
cellular invasion. The type of cell migration (collective, mes- most frequently establish secondary tumors by dissemination
enchymal, or amoeboid) is influenced by the relative levels in the peritoneum while rarely forming metastases via hema-
of adhesion mediated by cadherins and integrins, proteolytic togenous spread) [59]. Additional examples are dissemination
activity, and actin contractility. Modulation of any of these of melanoma cells along the space between endothelium and
factors is thought to convert one type of motility into another. basement membrane or perineural spread in pancreatic and
Structures identified in invading cells in three dimensions prostatic carcinomas. Some question whether non-hematoge-
that represent the physical convergence of the adhesive, pro- nous spread is actually metastasis. We submit that the route of
teolytic, and motility component of invasion are known as dissemination is irrelevant to the definition of metastasis, as
invadopodia [54]. Invadopodia are actin-rich organelles that long as the cells are discontinuous from the primary tumor
protrude from the plasma membrane and contact and locally mass. Nonetheless, for the remainder of this chapter, we will
degrade the ECM [55–58]. Invadopodia contain adhesion focus on blood-borne metastasis since this route is responsible
molecules, including several β1 integrins and CD44, and the for the majority of visceral metastases.
proteinases seprase, dipeptidyl dipeptidase IV, and several
MMP and ADAM metalloproteinases. Inside the plasma
membrane, invadopodia contain actin and actin assembly 12.4.1 Intravasation
molecules, as well as multiple signaling molecules including
FAK, src associated proteins such as p130Cas and Tks5/ Following local invasion, the next step in dissemination is the
FISH, and the small GTPases cdc42, Arf1, and Arf6. Thus, entrance of tumor cells into the vasculature, a process termed
invadopodia are implicated as key cellular structures that are intravasation. The mechanisms of tumor cell entry into the
used to coordinate and regulate the various components of blood stream are not clearly understood. Both active and pas-
the process of cancer invasion. sive processes are involved. The growth of a tumor exerts a
210 D.R. Welch and D.R. Hurst

hydrostatic pressure, and studies imply that tumor cell inva- Lewis X and sialyl Lewis A on the tumor cell that permits inter-
sive cords follow lines of least resistance. Angiogenesis is action with a class of vascular adhesion molecules found on
likely to be a prerequisite for metastasis, but this has not been normal leukocytes and endothelium, the selectins. Alterations
formally proven. Tumor cell entry into intact blood vessels is in the adherence of tumor cells to endothelium via E-selectin,
an active process that requires serine- and metallo-proteinase platelets via P-selectin, and to leukocytes via L-selectin alters
activity in an experimental model of intravasation. Tumor metastatic potential in animal models. However, the cellular
blood vessels, however, are highly abnormal with fewer peri- specificity of adhesion to the selectins may not be so clear cut,
cytes and increased permeability compared to normal vessels, as recent evidence indicates that bone endothelium expresses
and presumably provide an easier route of entry for tumor P-selectins and L-selectins. Embolus size can also contribute to
cells. Tumor-associated lymphatic vessels are also abnormal, the protection of the tumor cells from biophysical forces or
but their role in intravasation is unclear [60]. Irrespective of immune attack as well. In essence, putting tumor cells into a
the route, tumor cells enter the circulation in great numbers: cellular or molecular cage helps to protect them. As a result of
measurements of 3–4 million cells/day/g of tumor have been the consequence of embolus formation, heparin, and inhibitors
reported [9]. The number of tumor cells in the peripheral of selectin/glycan interactions, have been considered for anti-
blood, however, does not necessarily predict if the patient will metastatic therapy.
develop metastases [61–63].

12.4.3 Arrest
12.4.2 Transport
After tumor cells have spread to distant sites, they arrest
Once tumor cells enter the blood stream, they can move either by physical trapping or selective adhesion to the walls
actively by motility mechanisms or passively, carried or of the microvasculature. Both processes have been observed,
pushed along with fluid flow. Intravital microscopy has and the relative importance of these mechanisms in specific
shown that most tumor cells do not float along, but rather roll organs is debated.
like leukocytes. Despite having weak adhesion while rolling In higher vertebrates, three types of endothelial structures
in a vessel, tumor cells are subject to anoikis, a specialized are found—continuous, discontinuous and fenestrated. The
type of apoptosis in which cells that are anchorage-dependent majority of endothelial cells form tight junctions with their
are induced to die. In general, metastatic cells are more resis- neighbors and have a continuous, unbroken basement mem-
tant to anoikis than non-metastatic cells. brane beneath them. However in certain organs, such as liver
Experiments designed to assess tumor cell fate following and spleen, the endothelial cells and the basement membrane
vessel entry often involve bioassays to quantify cells follow- have gaps, or discontinuities, in their structure. In the kidney,
ing intravenous injection. By the time it takes to remove vari- a fenestrated endothelium, there are gaps between endothe-
ous tissues for assay (2–3 min), the majority of cells have lial cells but a membrane-like structure connects them and
died. What is the basis for the cell loss? Tumor cells are the entire structure overlaps in a continuous basement mem-
killed by immune recognition, typically natural killer (NK) brane. The structure of these endothelial/basement mem-
or monocytes. However, the majority are thought to be killed brane barriers contribute to the normal function of the tissues
by exposure to hemostatic sheer forces. and form different barriers through which tumor cells must
The average tumor cell has a diameter of 20–30 μm but pass. The structures also provide different ligands to which
must navigate through vessels significantly smaller (capillar- the tumor cells might adhere.
ies are 6–7 μm). Therefore, tumor cells must deform and Adhesion of circulating cells to organ microvascular
squeeze through the vascular passages. Biophysical param- endothelial cells is key to metastasis, especially organ-
eters such as membrane fluidity, cellular elasticity and cyto- specific metastasis. In general, higher rates of tumor cell–
skeletal organization influence whether the cells will remain endothelial adhesion correlate well with metastatic potential.
intact or be broken by sheer. Deformability of the cell is also The initial attachment of cancer cells occurs preferentially
impacted by the hemodynamic pressures found within vari- at endothelial cell junctions and at sites of active inflamma-
ous tissues. In contrast to the sheer forces usually encoun- tion. The latter is most likely related to endothelial cell sur-
tered in the vasculature, blood flow in bone sinusoids is face alterations concomitant with inflammatory processes.
sluggish (~30-fold lower than capillaries and post-capillary In general, tumor cells utilize the same molecules and
venules), and diameter is not limiting. mechanisms to adhere to and traverse endothelium as
During transport, tumor cell behavior is often determined by inflammatory cells.
their presence as either single cells or as emboli. Embolization After tumor cells bind endothelium, they induce endothe-
can either be homotypic (tumor cell-tumor cell) or heterotypic lial cell retraction. Eventually, the endothelial cells overlap
(tumor cell-leukocyte, tumor cell-platelet, tumor cell-fibrin). the tumor cell. Tumor cells are then directly in contact with
The association of tumor cells with blood cells can be the result the basement membrane and can initiate the next step of the
of altered cell surface glycosylation and expression of sialyl metastatic cascade.
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis 211

12.4.4 Extravasation explained by anatomical or mechanical considerations (effer-

ent venous circulation or lymphatic drainage). Tumor cells
Extravasation is the process of tumor cells exiting a vessel often arrest in the first capillary bed or lymph node encoun-
into the organ parenchyma. Extravasation was viewed as a tered. Since the vast majority of tumor cells enter the vascu-
key rate limiting step for metastasis formation, but intravital lature in small veins or capillaries, the most common sites of
microscopy studies have indicated that extravasation can be metastasis are lung and liver. However, distant metastases
a remarkably efficient process, at least in some situations. are typically more site specific.
For example, Ann Chambers and colleagues showed that In 1889, Stephen Paget analyzed postmortem data of
nearly 90 % of B16F1 murine melanoma cells that were women with breast cancer and noticed a higher frequency of
injected into the mesenteric vein arrested in the liver 90 min skeletal metastasis than would be expected based solely
after injection. Of the injected cells, 83 % were in the liver upon vascular perfusion. He concluded that the pattern was
parenchyma by 3 days, meaning that >95 % of the arrested not simply by chance, and suggested that metastases develop
cells extravasated [64]. The molecular mechanisms underly- only when the seed (tumor cells with metastatic potential)
ing extravasation are thought to be similar to those involved and the soil (organs or tissues providing growth advantages
in invasion, and in vitro assays for extravasation reveal a con- to seeds) are compatible.
tribution of cellular adhesion molecules, proteinases, and Experimental data supporting Paget's “…seed and soil…”
motility factors. hypothesis is abundant, including preferential invasion and
There is controversy as to whether extravasation is growth of tumor cells in specific organs and tissues as well as
required for metastasis. In the case of some pulmonary selection of tumor subpopulations with preferential sites of
metastases, there is evidence that tumor cells can attach to metastasis [66]. Furthermore, David Tarin and colleagues
the lung endothelium, survive and grow intravascularly [65]. observed in women with advanced ovarian cancer that pallia-
Extravasation occurs in this model only when the intravascu- tive treatment to reduce large ascites burden by peritovenous
lar foci outgrow the vessel. shunts did not result in disease outside the peritoneal cavity
[67]. By introducing a Levine shunt, a tube that drains the
peritoneal ascites into the vena cava, billions of viable tumor
12.4.5 Colonization cells were introduced into the circulation daily. Despite this,
metastases to the lung (the first capillary bed encountered)
Colonization, the formation of clusters of tumor cells at ecto- were rare. This single clinical observation highlights the
pic sites, represents one of the most highly inefficient steps inefficiency of the metastatic process and, more importantly,
in the metastatic cascade. A tumor cell must first survive and demonstrates that merely seeding cells in different tissues is
then grow in a foreign environment. In some tumor types, it not adequate to develop metastases.
is not uncommon for metastases to arise decades after the What, then, are the molecular mechanisms underlying
primary tumor had apparently been treated. Those clinical organotropism of tumor cells? Tumor cells adhere more
observations demonstrate that tumor cells can survive in a selectively to organ-derived microvascular endothelial cells
dormant state for long times. It is unclear whether cells at than large vessel endothelial cells, and variants of the B16
these sites persist as solitary cells, or whether their overall melanoma previously selected for metastases to brain, lung,
growth rate is balanced by the rate of apoptosis or differen- ovary or liver adhere at a more rapid rate to brain, lung, ovary
tiation. Conversion to a clinically detectable, macroscopic or liver endothelial cells, respectively [66]. Using phage dis-
metastatic lesion requires the subsequent initiation of play technology, endothelial cells in different tissues were
angiogenesis. shown to express unique markers, and tumor cells recognize
The ability of a tumor cell to establish a metastatic lesion the molecular addresses in order to adhere in a selective
is very much dependent on the microenvironment. The manner [68]. Tumor cells can also recognize subendothelial
growth of the cells is dependent on several factors, primarily basement membrane differences. In vitro studies demon-
soluble growth factors, present at the site of colonization. strate the selective growth of tumor cells in organ-derived
Although it is natural to focus upon molecules that promote soluble growth factors or cells. Some tumor cells even
tumor cell growth, there is ample experimental evidence respond to tissue derived chemotactic factors. For example,
showing that some tissues are hostile to tumor cells. So, breast tumor cells that express the chemokine receptor
resistance to growth inhibitory factors is required as well. CXCR4 preferentially metastasized to tissues that expressed
the ligand, SDF1/CXCL12 [69]. Organ Selectivity While the chemoattractant data support the notion that
There is a clear tendency for primary tumors to form meta- there are soluble factors produced in different tissues to
static lesions in specific organ sites (Table 12.1). Common which tumor cells can respond, the process of homing has
regional sites of metastatic involvement can often be not been observed. Strictly speaking, homing would require
212 D.R. Welch and D.R. Hurst

Table 12.1 Predilection of metastasis for certain tissues

Primary tumor Common site(s) of metastasis
Breast Bone, lung (pleura), liver, brain, adrenal, axillary lymph nodes,
contralateral breast, ovary
Colon Liver, lymph node, lung, direct extension into urinary bladder or stomach
Kidney Lung, liver, bone
Lung Bone, brain, lymph nodes, pleura, diaphragm (by direct extension), liver,
kidney, adrenal, thyroid, spleen
Ovary Diaphragm, peritoneal surfaces, lymph nodes
Pancreas Liver, stomach (by direct extension), colon, peritoneum
Prostate Bone (particularly vertebrae and pelvis), lymph nodes
Stomach Liver, lymph nodes, lung, bone
Testes Lymph nodes, lung, liver
Urinary bladder Lung, rectum (by direct extension), colon, prostate, ureter, vagina, bone,
lymph nodes, peritoneum, pleura, liver, brain
Uterine endometrium Lung, lymph nodes, liver, ovary
Adapted from [52]

directed movement throughout the transit of tumor cells as vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor 1 and the
they leave the primary tumor. Rather, tumor cells distribute integrin α4β1 selectively adhere to these regions, produce the
according to circulatory patterns initially but may home once proteinase MMP-9 and the chemokine SDF1/CXCL12, and
they are more proximate. More likely, they may be retained provide a permissive niche for the colonization of tumor
at sites more readily. cells. In a sense, the tumor cells ensure fertilization of the
Some of the strongest new evidence supporting organ soil using this mechanism.
selectivity of cancer cells comes from data showing the selec-
tion of variants that colonize different tissues. The first selec-
tions were done by repetitive isolation of lung metastases from 12.5 Genetic Determinants of Metastasis
the B16 melanoma followed by reinjection and recolonization.
Similar approaches were used to select B16 melanoma cells Primary tumor formation and metastasis are distinct pro-
with brain, ovary, and liver predilection. More recently, cesses—locally growing tumors can grow and progress with-
MDA-MB-231 human breast carcinoma cells were used to out the development of metastases. This observation
select variants that colonize bone, lung and adrenal gland. prompted the hypothesis that the molecular processes regu-
Using these breast carcinoma cell lines coupled with compari- lating tumorigenicity and metastasis are distinguishable. The
son by cDNA microarray, Joan Massagué and colleagues existence of metastasis-controlling genes is supported by
demonstrated the requirement for coordinated expression of data from several laboratories showing that specific cDNAs
multiple genes for metastasis [34, 70, 71]. Transcriptomes block metastasis but not tumorigenicity [74, 75]. Such genes
were compared between parental and bone-selective variants are termed metastasis suppressors and, by definition, are dis-
and overexpressed and underexpressed genes were identified. tinct from tumor suppressors (Table 12.2). Tumor suppres-
Transfection of individual cDNAs only modestly increased sors block both tumor formation and metastasis since the
site-specific metastatic efficiency, whereas co-transfection of former is prerequisite to the latter.
gene combinations into the parental cells resulted in popula- The identification of nm23 (non-metastatic 23), the first
tions as efficient as the bone or lung colonizing selected vari- metastasis suppressor, provided functional evidence for the
ants. These data highlight that there is probably a hierarchy in existence of molecules that specifically regulate metastasis.
the genetics of metastasis. Superimposed upon the metastasis Subsequently, several laboratories have used various unbi-
competency transcriptome are gene expressions which deter- ased approaches to identify more than 20 metastasis suppres-
mine metastasis localization. sors. Importantly, the use of in vivo assays was required
Yet, not all organ selectivity may be determined by the because in vitro assays were often of inadequate complexity
seed and the soil alone. There is a recent concept that tumor to sufficiently model the entire process of metastasis. Several
cells colonize in pre-metastatic niches initiated in target of the known metastasis suppressors block the last step of the
organs by tumor cell-generated soluble factors that induce cascade, colonization. And since there is not a reliable
the migration of hematopoietic stem cells to sites where they in vitro model of the last step of metastasis, determining the
induce expression of fibronectin by resident fibroblast-like molecular underpinnings of the suppression has moved more
cells [72, 73]. Bone marrow-derived cells that express the slowly than desired.
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis 213

Table 12.2 Examples of metastasis suppressors and known functions

BRMS1 Transcriptional co-repressor
Component of mSin3A histone deacetylase complexes
Regulates NFkB and PI3 kinase signaling
Restores homotypic gap junctional intercellular communication
Cadherin-11 Cellular adhesion, cytoskeletal structure
Caspase 8 Pro-apoptotic enzyme
CD44 (family) Cellular adhesion (hyaluronate)
Potentiates HER signaling
Claudins 1 and 14 Cell–cell tight junctions
CRSP3 (cofactor required for SP1) Transcriptional co-activator/co-repressor
CTGF (connective tissue growth factor) Cellular adhesion (integrin binding)
DCC Regulates cytoskeletal organization
DLC1 RhoGTPase activating protein
Drg-1 Unknown
E- and N-cadherin Cell–cell adhesion (calcium-dependent)
GAS1 Inhibit cell cycle
Gelsolin Actin polymerization
HUNK Protein kinase
JNKK1/MKK4 Activates p38 MAP kinase and/or JNK kinase
KAI1/CD82 Binds DARC on endothelial cells
Integrin interactions
EGFR desensitization
KISS1 Ligand for G-protein coupled receptor
KISS1R G-protein coupled receptor
KLF17 Transcription
LSD1 Chromatin remodeling
MKK6 Activates p38 MAP kinase
MKK7 Activates JNK kinase
Nm23-H1 Histidine kinase
Phosphorylated kinase suppressor of Ras (KSR)
Nucleotide diphosphate kinase
OGR1 GPCR signaling
p38 Stress-activated MAPK signaling
RECK Regulates matrix metalloproteinases
RhoGDI2 Cellular motility: regulates Rho and Rac functions
RKIP Inhibits RAF-mediated MAP/ERK kinase phosphorylation
RRMI Increases PTEN expression; decreases FAK phosphorylation
Src-suppressed C kinase substrate Cellular motility: regulates Rho signaling
TIMPs Inhibit metalloproteinases; signaling
TXNIP (thioredoxin interacting protein) Inhibitor of thioredoxin; transcriptional regulator
Adapted from [4, 48, 53, 54]

Table 12.2 lists the proteins that have bona fide metastasis to multiple growth milieus (i.e., orthotopic and ectopic) as
suppressor activity in vivo (suppression of metastasis follow- opposed to being restricted to growth at orthotopic sites.
ing ectopic expression into metastatic cell lines). Metastasis In addition to the genetic changes associated with the
suppressors vary widely in their cellular locations and bio- metastatic cell, the importance of the host genome in con-
chemical functions, and many would not have been predicted trolling metastasis has been elegantly demonstrated by Kent
a priori based upon their known cellular functions. Many Hunter and colleagues [76, 77]. Transgenic mice expressing
metastasis suppressors are involved in cellular responses to the polyoma middle T oncogene (PyMT) under control of
exogenous signals, highlighting the importance of tumor- the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter develop
stromal interactions. Cells respond to external stimuli in a metastatic mammary tumors. When bred to non-syngeneic
spatiotemporal manner by utilizing a relatively limited num- mice, metastatic potential was enhanced or inhibited,
ber of signaling pathways. In this light, metastasis formation depending upon the mouse strain. Since all tumors were ini-
can be viewed as the result of a tumor cell’s ability to respond tiated by the same oncogene, differences in metastasis can be
214 D.R. Welch and D.R. Hurst

explained by genetic background differences. Specific loci apy is given, metastases invariably kill the patient. Since the
contributing to metastatic efficiency have been identified. introduction of adjuvant therapies, the long-term survival
rates have increased significantly (to approximately 25–30 %
for breast and prostate cancers, for example). Such statistics
12.6 Microenvironmental Factors are encouraging beginnings, but are certainly not adequate.
Influencing Metastasis How, then, can understanding the molecular basis of
metastasis lead to improved cancer therapies? First, by iden-
The Hunter data highlights contributions of the host to the tifying what is unique about metastatic cells, one can theo-
development of metastases. As described above, metastasis is retically target the therapy to the most dangerous populations
regulated by tumor and stromal interactions at every step. Tumor of cancer cells. Unfortunately, the situation is not so simple.
cells can co-opt already existing endothelial cells to create an Cellular behavior in metastatic cells is governed by the same
unimpeded vascular supply. Many of the proteases involved in mechanisms that are present in normal cells and under nor-
tumor cell invasion are produced by stromal cells rather than the mal physiology. The ability to invade is not unique to cancer
tumor cells themselves. Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts can cells. Leukocytes and neurons invade as part of inflammation
stimulate tumor cell growth and/or invasion while normal fibro- and normal development, respectively. Similarly, leukocytes
blasts are growth-neutral or growth-suppressing. Adhesion to and stem cells exhibit intermittent adhesion as part of their
endothelium, and growth in response to organ-specific factors normal function. And while moving around the body, they
are all dictated by microenvironmental cues. are certainly resistant to anoikis. These cells exert an influ-
In experimental models, metastatic capacity is very much ence at the secondary site. During inflammation, for exam-
dependent on the site of injection. For example, human colon ple, leukocytes and fibroblasts degrade and reconstitute
cancer cells injected subcutaneously do not metastasize, extracellular matrix. Proliferation of cells at two different
although the same cells colonize the liver following ortho- locations would seemingly distinguish metastatic cells from
topic injection into the GI tract. Similar findings have been normal counterparts; however, macrophages and stem cells
observed with renal cell carcinomas, mammary carcinomas (e.g., angioblasts, recruited hematopoietic stem cells) can
and melanomas. Although mechanical factors certainly con- proliferate at secondary sites, and in the case of stem cells
tribute to this effect, molecular differences in the tumor they can proliferate long after initial seeding. Together, the
microenvironment are also contributing factors. distinctions between metastatic tumor cells and normal cells
Infiltrating immune and inflammatory cells can have dual have been incredibly difficult to identify. Making matters
effects on tumor metastasis. On the one hand, recognition by even more complicated, metastatic cells use essentially the
the immune system that a tumor cell is foreign often leads to same molecular mechanisms for accomplishing each of the
the destruction of the tumor cell in the elimination of the can- steps as do their normal counterparts.
cer. However, tumor cells have been known to subvert the Nonetheless, there is hope. There are some essential dif-
immune system and often take advantage of properties inher- ferences between normal cells and metastatic cells.
ent to the inflammatory cells, such as invasion. Tumors induce Importantly, all of the properties necessary for metastasis
macrophage and neutrophil infiltrates which have been associ- must coexist within a single cell (including the properties
ated with increased invasion across ECM in vitro. Recent data necessary to recruit another cell to complement a specific
even indicate that tumor cells recruit hematopoietic stem cells defect) since metastases are clonally derived. Conceptually,
to the primary tumor where the immune cells are activated to this offers opportunities. Molecules that block adhesion to
assist with invasion. Co-injection of tumor elicited macro- tissue-specific endothelium and/or the underlying basement
phages or neutrophils increased metastasis in animal models membrane components offer some specificity in response.
as well. The inflammatory cells invaded through basement Invadopodia appear to be specialized structures found in
membranes followed by tumor cells. In addition, the inflam- only a limited number of normal cells, and presents an
matory system in various tissues produces factors that are opportunity for selective targeting. In addition, unlike stem
either stimulatory, or inhibitory, for tumor growth. cells that can enter a secondary site, proliferate and differen-
tiate, metastatic cells do not differentiate fully at a secondary
site. Hence, another hallmark of metastatic cells is their abil-
12.7 Therapeutic Challenges ity to persistently proliferate without fully differentiating.
and Opportunities A therapeutic opportunity for controlling metastasis may
not lie so much in understanding the unique characteristics of
The most devastating aspect of cancer cell behavior is the the tumor cell, as in understanding the controls exerted by the
ability to metastasize. When tumor cells are localized, sur- tumor microenvironment [1, 78]. Targeting normal cells, as
gery is curative. However, when cells colonize secondary opposed to genetically unstable tumor cells, lessens the
sites, cure rates drop precipitously. If no (neo)adjuvant ther- chance of drug resistance (since normal cells are not as genet-
12 Beyond the Primary Tumor: Progression, Invasion, and Metastasis 215

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Simple Sequence Mutations
Christophe Béroud

[10]. Recent progression models of breast, prostate, lung, and

13.1 Introduction colorectal cancer have therefore been proposed [11].
Cancers are unique genetic diseases as they involve
Mutations are defined as modifications of the DNA that can be numerous somatic alterations. These alterations are subject
transmitted from one cell to its offspring. Thus, mutations to a selection pressure in the specific context of the human
occurring in the germ line can impact the next generation, body. The study of these variations can therefore be
while mutations happening in other tissues affect the host approached both by a functional and by an evolutionary
organism. We can therefore distinguish hereditary diseases point of view. The purpose of this chapter is not to analyze
resulting from germ line mutations and acquired genetic dis- all genetic variations found in cancers but instead to focus on
eases resulting from somatic mutations. Indeed, hereditary simple mutations. These simple mutations can be defined as
forms of cancers account for a limited fraction of cancers. substitutions that can result in synonymous or nonsynony-
Moreover, cancers are complex genetic diseases characterized mous changes, nonsense or aberrant splicing, as well as
by multiple somatic alterations in the pathways that control small deletions and insertions of a few nucleotides.
cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Almost 25 years The development of new sequencing technologies has led
ago a first attempt was made to decipher the various steps of various teams to develop global approaches in order to search
colorectal tumor development. It led to the creation of a model for new genes involved in cancer initiation and/or progres-
of colorectal tumorigenesis in which the steps required for the sion. Thus by the end of 2005, the National Cancer Institute
development of cancer involve the mutational activation of an (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute
oncogene coupled with the loss of several tumor suppressor (NHGRI) launched a new project called the Cancer Genome
genes [1]. This model relied on the mutational and gene Atlas (TCGA) that is a comprehensive and coordinated effort
expression analysis of known oncogenes and tumor suppres- to accelerate our understanding of the molecular basis of
sor genes. It was further completed with data from more recent cancer through the application of genome analysis technolo-
techniques such as the Comparative Genomic Hybridization gies, including large-scale genome sequencing. The first
(CGH) [2] and its latest developments the cDNA microarrays results from the pilot study on lung, brain, and ovarian can-
[3, 4] and the oligonucleotide microarray analysis (ROMA) cers have been released [12]. Before this initiative, the
[5]; cDNA microarrays and oligonucleotide microarrays used Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute had produced a large-scale
to analyze gene expression [6, 7] as well as the Serial Analysis genome sequencing of 518 protein kinases in 26 primary
of Gene Expression (SAGE) [8], and the study of epigenetic lung neoplasms and seven lung cancer cell lines [13]. In
changes that result in loss of gene expression that can be per- these various sequencing projects, as expected, many
formed by various methods such as the Restriction Landmark sequence variations have been identified in each cancer. One
Genomic Scanning (RLGS) [9] or DNA bisulfite treatment major challenge is to distinguish mutations involved in
tumorigenic phenotype from other randomly co-selected
mutations, especially for missense mutations.
This brings us back to a fundamental concept of evolu-
C. Béroud, Pharm.D., Ph.D. (*)
Aix-Marseille Université, GMGF, 13385 Marseille, France tion. In 1974, the hitchhiking concept of sequence varia-
tions was proposed by Smith and Haigh [14]. It supposes
Inserm, UMR_S 910, 13385 Marseille, France
that a favorable allele can co-select adjacent variations.
Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, APHM, Hôpital TIMONE
Therefore a neutral or even deleterious allele can spread in
Enfants, 13385 Marseille, France
e-mail: a population only because it is in strong linkage disequilibrium

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 217

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_13
218 C. Béroud

with a favorable allele. Because this phenomenon is also

observed in cancer, there is selection pressure between can-
cer cells. Nevertheless a major difference has to be under-
lined: in the cancer development model, cells accumulate
mutations that can result in a favorable phenotype and there-
fore be selected but there is no mating and recombination
between different partners. Therefore hitchhiking mutations
(also called passenger mutations) can be co-selected with
driver (or causal) mutations without any localization con-
straint (linkage disequilibrium). Thus, the observation of
genetic changes should mainly be driven by the mutation
rate of the human genome.
Recent studies have shown that point mutation rates
vary across mammalian genomes not only at the gene level
[15, 16] but also when noncoding sequences are consid-
ered [17]. Analyzing a large set of genes and assuming that
the rates at which neutral substitutions accumulate in pro-
tein-coding genes allows the indirect estimation of the
mutation rate. Kumar et al. [18] have shown that it is
approximately constant per year and largely similar among
genes. They suggest that the average mammalian genome
mutation rate is 2.2 × 10−9 per base pair per year. These
data should be compared to results obtained from the anal-
ysis of the hemophilia B locus for which mutation rates
have been estimated as follow: transitions at CpG sites
1.3 × 10−7, other transitions 9.9 × 10-9, transversions at CpG
sites 7.3 × 10-9, other transversions 9.4 × 10-9, and small
deletions/insertions causing frameshifts 6.5 × 10-10 with an
overall mutation rate of 2.14 × 10-8 per base per generation,
or 128 mutations per human zygote [19]. Data produced by
these studies rely on comparison of mutations among indi-
viduals and species. Thus, these calculations take into
account the final result of evolution that involves genetic Fig. 13.1 Genetic heterogeneity of cancer cells. All cancer cells are
drift, natural selection, mutation, and migration. The spe- derived from a common ancestor cell (black dot) that was subject to the
cific contribution of each basic mechanism is almost pathogenic mutation (w). After an initial homogenous division period,
other mutations (x, y, z) appear in various cells. They are subject to selec-
impossible to establish. The cancer situation should be
tion pressure and the ratio of cells harboring a specific mutation will vary
viewed as a simpler model as it corresponds to the evolu- over time. The analysis of the genetic content of the tumor will reveal
tion of cells without resort to mating. The genetic drift is different results depending on the stage where is performed the analysis
therefore reduced and we can consider that no migration (A, B, C, D, or E). The interpretation of the results can thus be hazardous.
In fact, x and z mutations are present at the same level at stage D (respec-
influence is involved in comparison to population’s migra-
tively present in 14 % and 17 % of cells) but only the z mutation will
tions from the evolution theory. Thus only two mecha- subsequently be selected while the x mutation will progressively disap-
nisms remain: (1) occurrence of mutations, and (2) pear from the tumor (stage E). The x mutation could therefore be consid-
selection pressure. The non-clonal compound of cancer ered as a passenger mutation while the z mutation could be considered as
a disease causing mutation that will contribute to the cancer phenotype.
nevertheless complicates this apparent simplicity. In fact
in a cancer, the cell population constantly evolves and the
genetic sequence is highly polymorphic at the individual 13.2 Mutations in Human DNA
cell level. As illustrated in Fig. 13.1, the global study of a
cancer sample can give various results depending on which The number of somatic mutations in cancer is the sum of the
period the analysis is performed. In addition, these results mutations acquired at each round of DNA replication in the
do not give information about the genetic content of each normal and neoplastic cellular lineage leading from the fer-
group of cells that can be found in the cancer and thus tilized egg to the progenitor cell of the neoplastic clone.
complicate the interpretation of variations. Variation in mutation number may therefore be determined
13 Simple Sequence Mutations 219

by variation in the number of mitoses and/or by the factors tional event spectrum of a specific gene should be viewed as a
influencing the mutation rate, including mutagenic expo- combination of both spontaneous and induced mutations.
sures and DNA repair defects. Deletions or insertions of a few nucleotides are also com-
Most analyses have been performed on germ line muta- mon in the human genome. Data from the Human Gene
tions. They have shown that the most common substitution Mutation Database (HGMD) (,
for A (adenine) is G (guanine), for C (cytosine) it is T (thy- which contained by February 2007 an excess of 67,030 dif-
mine), for G it is A, and for T it is C. In addition, it has been ferent lesions detected in 2478 different genes [23] show that
shown that CpG dinucleotides mutate to TpG at a frequency small deletions and insertions account for 15 % and 6.6 % of
five times higher than mutations in all other dinucleotides germ line mutations, respectively. Germ line deletions of 1–3
[20–22]. This event can occur on both DNA strands and can base pairs (bp) account for 70 % of small deletions and fre-
result either in C > T or G > A on the coding strand. It is quently result in an alteration of the reading frame (78 %).
therefore frequently referred to as CG > TA transitions. The mechanisms by which these micro-rearrangements occur
Spontaneous transitions occur during DNA replication remains unknown, but it has been shown that (1) deletion of
through inappropriate pairing of nucleotides, due to a shift of one or a few nucleotides frequently occurs in runs of the same
one of the nucleotides to a rare tautomeric form. For example nucleotide [24], and (2) larger deletions involve inverted
adenine and cytosine can change to an imino form instead of repeats and symmetric elements [25, 26]. Micro-insertions
the regular amino form. Another mechanism of transition is are three times less frequent than micro-deletions, and nearly
the deamination of a methylated cytosine residue. This is the half of these involve the insertion of only one nucleotide.
most frequent source of transitions in eukaryotes as a signifi- Somatic mutations are acquired in somatic tissue during
cant proportion of cytosines are methylated (Fig. 13.2). the subject’s lifetime and predominantly result in neoplastic
Spontaneous transversions arise through a combination of disease. These mutations can either be spontaneous or
two events: tautomerization and base rotation. This rotation induced by exogenous compounds such as UV, carcinogens,
causes the so-called syn-conformation of DNA or Z-DNA. As or radioactivity.
only 10 % of the DNA is present in the syn-conformation at The analysis of somatic mutations extracted from the
any given time, and as the transversion mechanism involves an UMD-TP53, UMD-APC, and UMD-VHL databases reveal
additional step in comparison to transitions, the frequency of that micro-deletions represent respectively 8 %, 51.4 %, and
spontaneous transitions is reduced. Nevertheless, transitions 28.6 % of somatic mutations, while micro-insertions account
and transversions can also result from the exposure of the for 2.6 %, 12.2 %, and 7.5 % [27–29]. As for germ line muta-
DNA molecule to various carcinogens. Therefore, the muta- tions, an excess of deletions is observed with an average ratio

Fig. 13.2 The most frequent events that lead to a transition. (a) Shift to a tautomeric form cytosine and adenine shift to an imino form.
(b) Schematic presentation of the transversion from a cytosine to a thymine after methylation and oxidative deamination.
220 C. Béroud

Fig. 13.3 Distribution of repeated elements surrounding deletions (a) gene. Dotted line = fitting curves for VHL, grey lines = fitting curves for
and insertions (b). Dark squares = data from the VHL gene; grey cir- TP53, and black lines = fitting curves for APC.
cles = data from the TP53 gene and white triangles = data from the APC

of 3.4 deletions per insertion (this ratio is close to 3 for germ components are the phosphoinositide 3-kinase related
line mutations reported in HGMD). The study of repeated kinases (PIKKs), ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), ATR
sequences surrounding the deletion reveals that the size of (ATM and Rad3-related), and DNA-PK (DNA-dependent
the deletion is not related to the size of the repeated sequences protein kinase) [30–34]. ATM with its regulator MRN
(Fig. 13.3a). In contrast, the study of micro-insertions show (Mre11-Rad50-NBS1) complex to sense double-strand
that the insertion is sequence dependent and will result in the breaks (DSBs) [35] whereas ATR with its regulator ATRIP
creation of a repetition of whom the size is directly propor- (ATR-interacting protein) sense single-strand DNA (ssDNA)
tional to the insertion size (Fig. 13.3b). generated by processing of DSBs, as well as ssDNA present
at stalled replication forks. Both kinases then initiate a sig-
naling cascade that includes mediators, transducers, and
13.3 Consequences of Mutagen Exposure effectors. About 25 ATM and ATR substrates have been
identified [36]. Depending on DNA lesions, activated check-
Mutagens are usually defined as chemical agents that points can then mediate cell cycle arrest in G1, S, or G2
increase the rate of genetic mutation by interfering with the phases, DNA repair or even cell death by apoptosis. Matsuoka
function of nucleic acids. A clastogen is a specific mutagen and coworkers have performed a large-scale analysis to iden-
that causes breaks in chromosomes. Mutagens that specifi- tify proteins phosphorylated in response to DNA damage
cally result in nucleotides substitutions usually have a two [37]. They have identified more than 700 candidate proteins
step mechanism. The first event is the production of a DNA that are involved in various biological processes (Fig. 13.4).
adduct, the second one being the inability of the cell to cor- Progress made in the decoding of these extraordinarily com-
rectly repair this abnormal complex. In fact DNA adducts are plex pathways reveal that the DNA-damage response net-
chemical complexes that result from various chemical reac- work profoundly alters the cell.
tions between DNA and small molecules able to induce these In addition to this first level of response to DNA damage,
reactions. These DNA adducts mostly involve one or more a second barrier against cell alterations has been identified,
nucleotides, such as pyrimidine dimers, from a single DNA oncogene-induced senescence [38–41]. Oncogene-induced
strand resulting in a mismatch between the two DNA strands. senescence belongs to a heterogeneous group of cellular
To preserve the genomic integrity, eukaryotic cells employ responses that include replicative senescence, which is
complex surveillance mechanisms called checkpoints to induced by telomere attrition and depends of the activation
counteract DNA damage. The complex DNA damage check- of the DSB checkpoint [42]. In contrast, oncogene-induced
point network is composed of DNA damage sensors, signal senescence is a telomere-independent form of senescence
transducers, and various effector-pathways, and its major associated with precancerous lesions [43]. Indeed, it is
13 Simple Sequence Mutations 221

Fig. 13.4 Biological

process of the more than
700 candidate ATM and
ATR substrate proteins.
Data adapted from
Matsuoka et al. [37].

believed that this senescence is recruited to terminate a excision of the inappropriate base moiety (e.g., 8-oxoG), the
pre-malignant condition before a fully transformed stage can incision at the resulting abasic site, the replacement of the
develop. Various experiments have clearly demonstrated that excised nucleotide, the cleanup of the terminal end(s), and
senescence can act as a key barrier to oncogene-mediated the sealing of the final nick [45]. One of the most studied
transformation in vitro but only few data have been collected pathways is the repair step that involves the uracil-DNA gly-
in vivo. Melanie Braig and coworkers have provided a nice cosylase (UNG), which is responsible for the removal of ura-
example about lymphoma development. They have shown cil from DNA. This uracil is usually the result of an erroneous
that Ras-induced lymphomagenesis can be efficiently regu- incorporation of dUMP opposite to adenine during the DNA
lated by the histone methyltransferase Suv39h1 that methyl- synthesis or the result of a deamination of a methylcytosine
ates H3K9 into H3K9me creating binding sites for HP1 (Fig. 13.5) that results in a mispairing between U and G and
proteins to form constitutive heterochromatin locally. Thus, ultimately to a C to T transition if a DNA polymerase repli-
mice lacking at least one Suv39h1 allele developed lympho- cates across the mismatch [46]. UNG is a highly conserved
mas, whereas most transgenic control animals remain free of enzyme found in many species from E. coli to human. All
lymphoma. They also showed that this phenomenon is UNG appear to have very similar properties: they are able to
dependent on ARF and p53. Thus, an alteration of one of cleave uracil from both single- and double-stranded DNA,
these two senescence regulators leads to the development of whether it is in a U/A base pair or any type of base mismatch
lymphomas [44]. [47]. This enzyme hydrolyzes the N-glycosidic bond linking
Eukaryotic cells harbor complex and efficient networks to the uracil to the sugar and initiates the base excision repair
avoid mutations. These networks integrate a recognition step (BER) process [48]. Other base alterations are frequently
that will target DNA damage/intermediates such as uracil, found in DNA. Among them, the 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine
7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), 3-methyladenine, apu- (8-oxoG), also called 8-hydroxyguanine, is a by-product of
rinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites, and SSBs followed by: the normal aerobic metabolism. It is strongly mutagenic and
222 C. Béroud

150 248

120 249

Number of records


70 157 175








AA position

Fig. 13.5 Distribution of TP53 gene mutations in lung cancers. Data were extracted from the UMD-TP53 ( that contains 2784
mutations from lung cancers (July 2007 release). X-axis = amino acid residues, Y-axis = number of records. Circles indicate hotspot positions.

able to base pair with adenine and cause G:C → T:A in microsatellites instability and colorectal tumors were dis-
transversion mutations. The OGG1 DNA glycosylase is the covered [52, 53]. These early discoveries paved the way to the
major activity excising 8-oxoG from DNA [49]. identification of a large set of genes associated with cancers.
The list being now too long to be printed here, additional
information can be found at the Cancer Genome Anatomy
13.4 Gene Targets Project ( where more than 220
oncogenes and 260 tumor suppressor genes are recorded.
Because of the high efficiency of the BER, the DNA damage Concomitantly to these efficient approaches to identify
checkpoint network, and the oncogene-induced senescence genes involved in the early steps of cancer development (i.e.,
mechanisms, the probability for a mutation to arise is very genes involved in the cancer initiation), three other approaches
low. Therefore, mutation of key genes from one of these have been developed to identify cancer genes.
pathways, as well as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes,
will more efficiently be selected and they are therefore good
candidates for cancer-associated genes. 13.4.1 DNA Adducts
Historically, the identification of cancer genes relied on
virus and linkage analysis using large kindreds with a high A DNA adduct is the first step to DNA damage that will
incidence of cancers. These two approaches led to the identifi- eventually result in a mutation. Various examples have
cation of oncogenes and later on to tumor suppressor genes shown that levels of DNA adducts vary with a number of
associated with a predisposition to develop cancers. The first lifestyle, environmental, and chemical exposure factors. It
human retrovirus HTLV-1 was discovered in the late 1970s) has also been shown that increased dietary intake of antioxi-
[50], and the first tumor suppressor gene identified was the dants and essential metals, especially zinc, is protective. The
RB1 gene involved in retinoblastoma [51]. More recently, detection of DNA adducts as pro-mutagenic markers could
mismatch repair genes (hMLH1, hMSH2, and others) involved enable an understanding of cancer risk. In fact, cancers with
13 Simple Sequence Mutations 223

poorly defined etiology may be explained once DNA adducts

have been identified. Various assays and in vivo protocols are
available to evaluate the mutagenicity of a single agent but,
as for drugs interactions, the evaluation of complex mixtures
for mutagenicity is difficult. In addition, it is often challeng-
ing to predict if the mutagenic compound identified in vitro
will reach the target organ at a sufficient concentration. The
short-lived positron-emitting radionucleides molecular
imaging is an approach as well as the use of IR microspec-
troscopy that can be used as a high-throughput technology
[54], but the need for an inexpensive in vitro system remains
[55]. Despite these limitations, numerous studies have been
able to demonstrate a relation between DNA adducts and
mutations at the gene level. An interesting illustration is Fig. 13.6 Simple mutational events involving codon 249 of the TP53
gene in lung cancers. Top = mutational events reported in smokers;
given by the study of chromium in the context of lung can-
Bottom = all mutational events. Data were extracted from the
cers. Chromium (Cr) is a ubiquitous environmental contami- UMD-TP53 ( that contains 2784 mutations from
nant that is also used in various occupations (artistic painting) lung cancers (July 2007 release).
or industries (chemical industry, anticorrosion paints, and
others). In addition, Cr is also present in cigarette smoke.
Hence, it has been suggested that chromium exposure and 13.4.2 Cancer Transcriptome
cigarette smoke may have a synergistic or additive effect in
inducing lung carcinogenesis [56]. In addition, while the Another approach is the analysis of the cancer transcriptome.
direct exposure to Cr (III) is not harmful as this compound is With the completion of the Human Genome project [61], life
not able to penetrate human cells, the exposure to other com- scientists were challenged with the task of analyzing the
pounds such as Cr (VI) will ultimately lead to the production expression levels on a global scale. In 1995, microarrays
of Cr (III) after various intracellular reducing reactions. This were developed as a high-capacity system to monitor the
intracellular Cr (III) is then able to form covalent binary and expression of numerous genes in parallel. These microarrays
ternary DNA adducts that have mutagenic potencies [57]. It were prepared by a high-speed robotic printing of cDNAs on
has been shown that these DNA adducts preferentially form a glass support. This matrix was further used for quantitative
in NGG sequences, which include codons 245 (GGC), 248 expression measurements of the corresponding genes [62].
(CGG), and 249 (AGG) of the p53 gene, the mutational In parallel to these microarrays produced by a deposition of
hotspots in cigarette smoke-related lung cancer. While poly- cDNA fragments or oligonucleotides on slides, a new in situ
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the major carcinogen synthesis technology that combines photolithography and
found in cigarette smoke, bind to the p53 mutational hotspots chemical DNA synthesis was developed [63–65]. This tech-
for lung cancers including codon 157 (GTC), 158 (CGC), nology enabled a further miniaturization of the assay and the
245 (GGC), 248 (CGG), and 273 (CGT), while codon 249 manufacturing of high density oligonucleotide microarrays.
(AGG) is not a preferential site for PAH binding [58, 59]. The GeneChip® Human Gene 1.0 ST Array is a product in
The finding that Cr (III) strongly binds at codon 249 sug- the family of Affymetrix expression arrays offering whole-
gests that the etiological agent for lung cancer with codon transcript coverage. It includes 764,885 25-mer probes to
249 mutations is Cr (III). Mutations involving this codon address each of the 28,869 genes with an average of 26
account for 4.4 % of mutations from lung cancers. Mutational probes per gene (
events involving this residue are presented in Fig. 13.6. These technical developments allowed testing of the
Mutations involving the second base of codon 249 are hypothesis that identification of cancer subtypes could be
more frequent for smokers (21/41–51.2 %) than for non- accomplished through detection of all genetic modifications
smokers (17/67–25.4 %). However, results show that Cr (III) found in cancer cells. This was driven by the fact that cancer
binds at the second base two times more frequently than at cells accumulate genetic abnormalities and that, while they
the third base of this codon. It has thus been suggested that share common genetic defects, specific alterations will be
the Cr (III)–DNA adducts formed at the second and third found only in a homogeneous subtype of tumors. The impli-
bases of this codon are repaired with different efficiencies cations of this hypothesis would range from diagnosis (devel-
and/or that they affect the fidelity of DNA replication differ- opment of classifications on the basis of gene expression
ently [60]. The DNA adducts approach is usually restricted patterns) to therapeutic (patient prognosis and the response to
to the study of a particular component and its relationship a particular treatment). The hundreds of analyses performed
with mutations from a previously identified gene. It is thus have shown that known types and subtypes of cancer can be
not frequently used to identify new cancer genes. distinguished by their gene-expression profile. In addition,
224 C. Béroud

new molecular subtypes have been discovered that are associ- data they reported that the use of different platforms and
ated with various properties such as the propensity to metas- experimental designs (intra-individual or inter-individual
tasize. While microarrays can be used to search for cancer comparisons) as well as the use of various control tissues
genes among a list of candidate genes, the two main foci of (non-nodular healthy tissue or benign lesions such as goiter
microarray investigations are to improve our understanding or follicular adenoma) complicate cross-analysis. In addi-
of the pathophysiology and/or the molecular etiology of a tion, the studies are characterized by strong differences in
specific cancer and the detection of genetic markers that data analysis methods, which vary from simple empiric fil-
could improve the differential diagnosis. Early results were ters to sophisticated statistic algorithms.
very promising [66]. With the accumulation of data from Microarray technology is still in its early days of develop-
various teams, limitations of the technology were soon recog- ment. In order to standardize its usage strong improvements
nized. In fact, the power of microarray studies depends not have to be made to standardize experimental designs and
only on the quality of the array design and production, but analysis. Quality controls [74] need to be defined and the
also on the statistic and bioinformatics approaches used to various platforms should include common probes to allow
analyze the data. Thus, because this technology offered the meta-analysis. Despite these limitations, this technology is
possibility to investigate a multitude of genes in a small num- promising and should in the next years give valuable infor-
ber of samples, it also introduced the most challenging prob- mation to improve understanding of the pathophysiology
lem of microarray analysis, which is the problem of multiple and/or the molecular etiology of cancers and the detection of
comparisons. Therefore the Westfall-Young step-down per- genetic markers that will improve the differential diagnosis
mutation correction should be mandatory. In addition, hierar- and the prognosis of drug response. This technique is not the
chical cluster analysis has become the most popular and most method of choice to search for cancer genes mutated in
frequently used multivariate technique to analyze microarray tumors as most of the down-regulated or up-regulated tran-
data. This method defines a distance between two tumors scripts are the result of loss of cellular differentiation in
based on the difference in gene expression. It produces a cancer.
complete tree with leaves as individual patterns and the root
as the convergence point of all branches. However, given
enough genes, the genes will always cluster. Therefore, there 13.4.3 Large-Scale Sequencing of Human
is only minor scientific value in the fact that there are genes Cancers
that behave in a similar way. It has been shown that these
approaches have numerous limits and that clustering trees can A third approach to identify cancer genes is to perform a
even be produced when starting with very poor quality sig- systematic resequencing of cancer samples. Ideally, a normal
nals questioning about the significance of reported data [67]. tissue from the same patient is also sequenced in order to
Similarly, it has been recognized that the clustering is today identify somatic mutations. A proof-of-principle for this
overused to interpret microarray data [68]. approach was given by work from Stephens et al. who
In 2005, Rhodes reported the clinical utility of array- sequenced the gene encoding the transmembrane protein
based gene profiles in breast cancer based on data from van kinase ERBB2 in a series of 120 primary lung cancers [75].
de Vijver et al. [69], 2 years later a review by Michiels et al. They identified mutations in 4 % of samples and 10 % in the
[70] gave quite different conclusions. They underlined that adenocarcinoma subtype. This previous study was followed
most prediction rules using gene expression have not pro- by a larger analysis of the whole protein kinase gene family
vided a substantially and significantly improved prognostic or kinome, which is of primary interest as targets for inhibi-
classification when compared to conventional prognostic tion in cancer treatment. Thus, in 2005 were published
factors [71, 72]. Thus they concluded that these results could results from the sequencing of 518 protein kinases represent-
be interpreted as disproving the initial assumption and stated ing about 1.3 Mb of DNA per sample [76]. As underlined by
that if published results are correct to the extent that pub- Collier et al. many of the samples used in this work were cell
lished combinations of genes have some prognostic value, lines and the interpretation of data should thus be done with
many other gene combinations would be as good. Besides, caution [77]. In fact, 89 % of breast cancer cell lines dis-
none have been shown to add much to the clinical informa- played at least one kinome mutation while only 25 % of pri-
tion that is routinely available. The example of breast cancer mary breast cancers possessed one. These results could be
illustrates a problem that is central to the interpretation of linked to the fact that cells were forced to grow in culture and
microarray data. Studies with a solid experimental design thus accumulate somatic mutations. In addition, the physio-
and large sample sizes are required before gene expression logical significance of most mutations remains unclear, and
profiling can be used in the clinic to predict outcome [70]. only a functional validation of these mutant alleles could
Eszlinger et al. arrived at similar conclusions in the con- reveal their pathogenic effect. Nevertheless, these early high
text of thyroid malignancies [73]. Reviewing microarray throughput-sequencing projects demonstrated the ability to
13 Simple Sequence Mutations 225

identify somatic mutations in cancers. The same group from the first round they identified 816,986 putative mutations, and
the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute released their data from after various selection steps they discarded 99.84 % of these
the sequencing of the 518 protein kinases in 210 diverse can- mutations (Fig. 13.7). Almost all large-scale sequencing proj-
cers. For this analysis they used 169 fresh cancer specimens ects rely on the same selection procedure. The first model is
with matched normal DNA in order to avoid artifacts men- known as a codon substitution model and account for poten-
tioned by Collier et al. [77] regarding the use of cell lines. tial factors in the mutation process. It is based on the assump-
Cancers types were: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, bladder, tion that the genetic code allows some codons to mutate to
breast, colorectal, gastric, glioma, head and neck, lung, mel- missense or stop codons more readily than others. Yang et al.
anoma, ovarian, renal, and testis. During this analysis a total have thus developed a new codon-based method to estimate
of 274 Mb of cancer genome was sequenced and 1007 the relative rate of substitution and of nonsense versus mis-
somatic variations identified. As expected the number of sense mutations in different functional domains [79]. It
somatic events varied between cancers with a higher preva- includes differences in mutation rates between transversions
lence for cancers with defective mismatch repair or from and transitions, as well as between silent and non-silent muta-
patients previously treated with anticancer drugs known to tions. This model is based on a continuous-time Markov pro-
induce mutations. About 30 % of other cancers showed no cesses, reflecting the hypothesis that mutations are random
somatic mutations while the mutation rate varied between events that occur independently of one another.
4.2 per Mb (lung carcinomas) to 0.2 per Mb (breast cancers) Greenman et al. [80] recently described a second model
[78]. In order to evaluate the number of driver or passenger where the selection is explicitly separated from the mutation.
mutations the investigators examined the observed ratio of They used an approach related to phylogenetic methods. The
nonsynonymous and synonymous mutations compared with basic principle is that silent (synonymous) somatic muta-
that expected by chance alone [79, 80]. This approach is dif- tions are passenger mutations. The set of silent mutations
ferent from the one reported by Sjoblom et al. who did not can thus be used as a control group to estimate the number of
take into account the synonymous mutations [12]. The over- non-silent mutations that would be expected to occur by
all approach of these 2 large-scale sequencing projects is chance, under the null hypothesis of no association between
shown in Fig. 13.7. mutations and cancer development.
Large-scale sequencing projects mostly rely on bioinfor- The limit of these statistical approaches is that they were
matics tools to extract driver mutations from among all varia- validated with small data sets (somatic mutations of the
tions detected. Thus, in the project from Sjoblom et al., during TP53 gene for example). As proteins have usually specific

Fig. 13.7 Schematic of

mutations detection for the
two main large-scale
sequencing projects.
Left = steps for the kinome
study by Greenman et al.
[78]. Right = steps from the
study of a major fraction of
human genes in two
common tumor types, breast
and colorectal cancers by
Sjoblom et al. [12].
226 C. Béroud

features this approach can result in the misinterpretation of gression stage (Fig. 13.1) only few of these mechanisms
many putative mutations. In addition, as underlined by could be involved but ultimately almost all cancers will
Greenman, they consider that synonymous mutations are acquire these new capacities. The number of genetic changes
passenger mutations. Recent progress in our knowledge of necessary to acquire these new capacities will vary among
germ line mutations have shown that these synonymous, but cancers. Thus, in some situations the alteration of a single
also at least 15 % of missense mutations in fact do affect gene will confer several capabilities simultaneously, while
splicing either by the creation of a new donor or acceptor for other cancers the alteration of multiple genes will be nec-
splice site but also by the inactivation of an exonic splicing essary to acquire a single capacity. In addition a single capac-
enhancer or the creation of an exonic splicing silencer [81]. ity may be acquired by different ways.
Overall, these large-scale sequencing projects appear to Because the mechanisms and pathways involved in can-
be the most efficient approach to identify cancer genes in the cers are too numerous to be included in this chapter, we will
future. The preliminary results show that the patterns of focus on the example of the discovery of the Insulin-like
somatic mutations in human cancers are highly variables. growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2), which plays a
Thus, it is necessary to study large sets of homogenous sub- major role in the development of astrocytomas.
types of cancers to identify specific signatures and decipher IGFBP2 was initially reported to be a gene that is overex-
the mutagenic process of cancer progression. In addition, as pressed in high-grade gliomas, and overexpression was asso-
most somatic mutations are passenger mutations, new tools ciated with poor patient survival [86, 87]. While in vitro
need to be developed to efficiently recognize driver from studies showed that IGFBP2 promotes glioma cell migration
passenger mutations. The development of Locus Specific and invasion, it has not been determined whether IGFBP2
Database (LSDB) [82] will facilitate the rapid interpretation plays a causative role in glioma development in vivo. We
of mutations from common cancer genes and specific tools were thus facing the central question about cancer genes:
to predict the pathogenic impact of missense mutations inte- Because this gene is associated with cancer does that mean
grated to LSDB software such as the UMD tool will be of that it is actually a cancer gene? To answer this question,
valuable help in the selection process [83, 84]. Zhang et al. used a viral gene transfer delivery agent known
as RCAS that infect only glial cells. They found that the
delivery of IGFBP2 alone did not lead to glioma develop-
13.5 How These Simple Sequence ment, but that the co-delivery of IGFBP2 with the activated
Mutations Contribute to Cancer K-Ras oncogene led to development of astrocytomas [88].
Development? These data can be compared to previous reports that neither
K-Ras nor Akt alone are enabled to cause brain cancers
The last 30 years of cancer research has generated enough while the association of K-Ras and Akt is [89]. Therefore,
information about cancer development to build a global they tried the combination of Akt and IGFBP2 and no tumor
model. Thus, it is today recognized that cancer cells have formed, suggesting that these two genes belong to the same
defects in regulatory process that govern cell proliferation molecular pathway. In addition, they showed that the combi-
and homeostasis. Despite the highly variable set of genes nation of IGFBP2 and the platelet-derived growth factor beta
involved in a specific cancer, most abnormalities can be clas- (PDGFB) results in a higher-grade form of the cancer than
sified in six major alterations in cell physiology as suggested that caused by PDGFB alone. As PDGFB has been previ-
by Hanahan et al. [85] (Fig. 13.8). ously shown to initiate oligodendroglioma formation inde-
The mechanisms by which a cell can detect and correct a pendently from the Akt pathway [90], they thus postulated
DNA damage are numerous and efficient. It is therefore not and demonstrated that IGFBP2 activates the Akt pathway.
surprising to observe a multistep progression of cancer cells This was further confirmed by the use of an Akt inhibitor,
that will progressively acquire new capacities in order to which killed more IGFBP2-PDGFB infected cells than those
avoid defense mechanisms. Depending on the cancer pro- infected only with PDGFB.

Fig. 13.8 Major acquired

functional capacities for
cancer cells. Most cancer
cells during their
development acquire
functional capacities that
allowed them to ignore
regulation signals.
13 Simple Sequence Mutations 227

Fig. 13.9 IGFBP2 and PI3K/AKT pathway and its potential roles in the protease caspase 9 or forkhead transcription factors by AKT block
cancer. AKT = v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1; the induction of apoptosis by these factors; (2) The Akt-dependent phos-
BAD = BCL2-antagonist of cell death; FKHRL1 or FOXO3A = forkhead phorylation of p21 prevents the complex formation of p21 with PCNA
box O3A; GSK3 = glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta; IKK = Ikappa-B and decreases the binding of the cyclin-dependent kinases Cdk2 and
kinase; mTOR = mammalian target of rapamycin; NFkB = nuclear factor Cdk4 to p21. Similarly, the phosphorylation and the cytosolic retention
of kappa light polypeptide; p21 or CDKN1A = cyclin-dependent kinase of p27 contribute to cell cycle progression; (3) The phosphorylation of
inhibitor 1A; p27 or CDKN1B = cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B; the ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) and the eukaryotic translation
mdm2 = transformed 3T3 cell double minute 2, p53 binding protein; initiation factor 4E binding protein (4EBP) by mTOR and the down-
PIK3 = phosphoinositide-3-kinase; PIP3 = phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-tri- stream phosphorylation of the ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6) and the
sphosphate; PDK1 = 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1; eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B (EIF-4B) stimulate transla-
PP2A = protein phosphatase 2. The IGFBP2 circulating protein binds to tional initiation and contribute to cell growth; (4) AKT plays a critical
cell-surface receptors that will induce the production of second messen- role in controlling of Mdm2-p53 signaling pathway by regulating Mdm2
gers via the activation of PI3Ks. PIP3 signals then activates the kinase stability; (5) AKT phosphorylates and deactivates Gsk3-beta, thus sub-
PDK1, which in turn activates the kinase AKT, also known as protein sequently resulting in cell proliferation; (6) The phosphorylation of
kinase B. Proteins phosphorylated by activated AKT will play key roles IKKs lead to activation of the transcription factor NF-kB to oppose
in cancer development: (1) AKT promotes cell survival and opposes apoptosis. Data were extracted from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes
apoptosis by a variety of routes: BAD is a protein in the Bcl-2 gene fam- and Genomes (KEGG) website (
ily that opposes Bcl-2 to induce apoptosis. Similarly, phosphorylation of html) and the Biocarta website (

Concomitantly to this discovery, Carpten et al. announced signaling pathways that have been implicated in cell growth,
the identification of a recurring mutation of the AKT1 (v-akt cell survival, cell proliferation, and cell migration [92]. Class
murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue 1) gene in breast, IA PI3-Kinases are activated by a series of cell surface tyro-
colorectal, and ovarian cancers [91]. To identify the AKT1 sine kinase receptors such as insulin growth factor receptor
mutation, the researchers analyzed 162 tumor samples from and platelet-derived growth factor receptor. Upon growth fac-
patients with either breast [62], colorectal [51] or ovarian can- tor receptor activation, PI3-Kinases promote the phosphory-
cer [50]. They showed that 8 % of breast, 6 % of colorectal and lation of Akt at Serine 473 and/or Threonine 308. Akt then
2 % of ovarian tumors had the c.49G > A (p.Glu17Lys) AKT1 activates a series of cancer-related functions such as cell pro-
mutation. They also demonstrated that this missense mutation liferation, cell migration, invasion, and decrease of cell death
can cause tumor proliferation and may play a role in making in human tumors [93].
cells resistant to certain types of therapies. Although AKT1 is central to pathway activation, for years
It has been known for many years that hormone and growth its role in cancer has been that of an intermediary between
factor stimulations of phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3- mutated upstream regulatory proteins and downstream sur-
Kinases) result in the production of lipid second messengers vival signaling proteins. The demonstration of an existing
at the plasma membrane, which initiate a complex network of cancer causing mutation is the first evidence of a direct role of
228 C. Béroud

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Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
and Cancer Susceptibility 14
Richard A. Hubner and Richard S. Houlston

14.1 Introduction 14.2 Distribution of SNPs and Linkage

Disequilibrium in the Human Genome
Cancer susceptibility is determined by exposure to environ-
mental factors and inheritance of genetic factors, which act A SNP is a DNA sequence variation that occurs when a sin-
either alone or in combination to influence likelihood of dis- gle nucleotide in the genome varies between two individuals
ease. For most common cancers relatives of affected individ- or between paired chromosomes in the same individual.
uals have an approximately twofold increased risk of SNPs are a consequence of point mutations occurring in the
developing the disease themselves, which may be a due to reproductive cells of an individual which are passed onto
shared environment, inherited factors, or a combination of their offspring, and after many generations become estab-
both [1]. However, twin studies have provided evidence that lished within a population. Each SNP has two alleles, the
the familial aggregation of cancer results from inherited fac- original sequence and the mutated copy. The less common
tors, in particular for prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer (minor) allele should have a population frequency of at least
[2]. Known highly penetrant rare mutations account for some 1 % for the genetic variant to be termed a polymorphism, but
but not all of this familial risk. For example, mutations in the the frequency of SNPs may vary widely between different
breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 account geographical populations and ethnic groups [5]. There are
for less than 20 % of the excess risk in relatives of breast can- estimated to be over 10 million SNPS in the human genome,
cer patients [3], and similarly less than 5 % of colorectal can- collectively accounting for over 90 % of sequence variation
cer can be ascribed to high penetrance mutations in APC, [6]. They are distributed throughout the genome, occurring
mismatch repair (MMR) genes, and MYH. The nature of the approximately every 100–300 base pairs but with marked
remaining familial risk is unknown, but multiple-case fami- regional differences, and the vast majority lie in untranslated
lies have failed to provide evidence of linkage to novel loci in regions outside of known genes [7].
recent studies, and it is more plausible that a substantial pro- Adjacent SNPs in the same chromosomal region are not
portion will be conferred by a number of low-penetrance inherited randomly but as a combination of alleles which
genetic variants with relatively high population frequency [4]. form haplotype blocks [8]. This phenomenon is termed link-
Individually these polymorphisms will confer only modest age disequilibrium (LD), and the strength of LD between
increases in risk, but when considered collectively, and in two adjacent SNPs is dependent on the physical distance
combination with relevant environmental factors, they may between them along the chromosome. Two SNPs that are
confer substantial susceptibility. This concept has been very close to each other will be tightly linked due to the low
termed the common disease-common variant hypothesis, and probability of a meiotic chromosomal break occurring
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are the most between them resulting in recombination and loss of linkage.
abundant sequence variation in the human genome, are In contrast, widely spaced SNPs will exhibit low LD since
thought to account for the majority of such common low- recombination during meiosis is more likely. However, the
penetrance cancer susceptibility variants. degree of LD between two adjacent SNPs cannot be simply
predicted by the chromosomal distance between them since
the pattern of LD within the human genome is not uniform
R.A. Hubner, B.M., B.Ch., M.R.C.P. (*)
The Christie Clinic, Wilmslow Road, Manchester M20 4BX, UK [9, 10]. Distinct blocks of high LD occur, and are inter-
e-mail: spersed with regions in which LD breaks down rapidly [11].
R.S. Houlston, M.D., Ph.D. Linkage disequilibrium underlies the principle of gene
Section of Cancer Genetics, Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey, UK mapping by association analysis. Linkage disequilibrium

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 231

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_14
232 R.A. Hubner and R.S. Houlston

between a marker allele and a disease susceptibility allele in vivo situation may be problematic [16]. The consequences
will result in both alleles being inherited together over many of synonymous SNPs that do not change the amino acid
generations, thus the same marker allele will be detected in sequence, intronic SNPs, and SNPs outside of gene regions
affected individuals in multiple apparently unrelated fami- are unknown. Carriage of these variants may still result in
lies. Recombination between the marker and disease suscep- cancer susceptibility, either through mechanisms as yet
tibility allele will eventually dissipate the association (as can undiscovered or though linkage disequilibrium with an
further mutational events) with the rate of decay being pri- unknown functional variant. For example, a synonymous
marily dependent on the distance between the two alleles and SNP in the human dopamine receptor D2 gene has been
the number of generations that has passed [12, 13]. However, demonstrated to influence mRNA stability resulting in
the slowness of this decay makes allelic association a useful altered expression [17].
tool. Additionally, the complexity of analysing a number of
different SNPs within a particular gene or locus can be sig-
nificantly reduced if there is strong LD between them, since 14.4 The Association Study Design
the genotype of all the SNPs within the haplotype block can for Identifying Low Penetrance
be inferred by the genotyping of only one or a few marker Susceptibility Alleles
SNPs or tagging SNPs [14]. Thus, linkage disequilibrium
can be further exploited in association studies by using tag- 14.4.1 Linkage Versus Association
ging SNPs to reduce the number of SNPs that require geno-
typing, significantly lowering laboratory costs. Highly penetrant cancer susceptibility alleles result in exten-
sive pedigrees and are most readily localised through linkage
studies in which genetic markers co-segregate with disease.
14.3 Biological Consequences of SNPs Low penetrance alleles conferring more modest risks, typi-
cally twofold or less, will rarely cause multiple-case fami-
The likely functional effects of a SNP are dependent on the lies, and will not be identified efficiently through linkage
location and nature of the sequence change. Those occurring strategies [18]. The search for low penetrance cancer suscep-
in exonic regions of genes are generally thought most likely tibility alleles has therefore focused on the association study
to confer functional effects. However, SNPs occurring in the design where the frequencies of candidate alleles are com-
5′ untranslated region (UTR) and 3′ UTR may influence pared in cancer cases and cancer-free controls. A marker
gene transcription or mRNA stability, whilst SNPs in intronic allele is said to be associated with a disease if the allele is
regions of genes or in non-gene regions may also have as yet found more frequently among cases than in the general pop-
unknown or poorly defined consequences [5]. ulation, or in a group of unaffected individuals. Association
Of the exonic SNPs nonsense or frame shift changes that between a marker allele and disease can be a consequence of
result in protein truncation have the most serious deleterious either a direct biological action of the marker allele, or link-
effects, often resulting in total loss of protein function. Non- age disequilibrium between the marker allele and a disease-
synonymous SNPs that result in a change in the amino acid causing allele [19]. The association study design is
sequence can also have deleterious effects, the functional advantageous since large numbers of case and control sam-
effects being dependent on the similarity of the original and ples may be readily obtained, providing adequate power to
mutant amino acid, its location within the protein, and con- detect relatively small effects. To detect a gene with a popu-
sequences to the tertiary structure. Algorithms have been lation frequency of 10 % which confers a twofold increased
developed to aid prediction of the functional consequences cancer risk, linkage analysis would require about 10,000
of non-synonymous SNPs. Examples include the Grantham affected sibling pairs, whereas an association study would
Scale which categorises codon replacements into classes of require 500 unselected cases and 500 controls [20].
increasing chemical dissimilarity [6], and the PolyPhen algo- In most association studies the risk conferred by a specific
rithm which predicts the functional impact of amino acid variant is estimated by using carrier frequencies in case and
changes by considering evolutionary conservation across controls to derive an odds ratio (OR). Usually the frequen-
different species, physiochemical differences, and proximity cies of the three possible genotypes (homozygous wild-type,
of the substitution to predicted functional domains and struc- heterozygous, and homozygous mutant) are compared using
tural features [15]. Such algorithms can at best only give a homozygous wild-type individuals as the reference group.
very general prediction, placing amino acid changes into a Where homozygous mutant individuals are rare they may be
hierarchy of four or five categories of likely functional sig- combined with heterozygotes in the analysis, but this is only
nificance. To provide more detailed data in vitro experiments efficient if a dominant model can be assumed [20]. Similarly,
with different enzyme isoforms are required, and even where combining homozygous wild-type and heterozygous indi-
such experiments have been performed extrapolation to the viduals is only appropriate if the allele is acting recessively.
14 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Cancer Susceptibility 233

14.4.2 Failure to Replicate Positive are few actual examples to support the suggestion that popu-
Associations lation stratification is a frequent cause of non-replicable
associations, indicating that this problem has probably been
The relative ease of collecting DNA samples from unselected overemphasised and that other factors such as type I errors
cases and controls and the extensive range of genetic variants and publication bias are more important [5]. Alternatively,
that could plausibly be associated with cancer susceptibility failure to replicate associations may occur if there is genuine
has made association studies very popular. However, few heterogeneity in risk in different populations. This could
reported associations have been established beyond reason- occur if there were population differences in LD patterns,
able doubt, and in most instances initially significant associ- allele frequencies of interacting genes, or interacting envi-
ations cannot be replicated in subsequent sample sets ronmental exposures [24].
[21–23]. This is most likely due to type I errors, the spurious
association of genetic variants with disease, compounded by
publication bias [24]. The levels of statistical significance 14.4.4 Enriching for Genetic Susceptibility
appropriate in other contexts (P = 0.05 or P = 0.01) may not
be suitable for association studies, since the number of pos- The population frequency of a putative susceptibility allele is
sible genetic polymorphisms that could be tested is very an important consideration when designing an association
large and the prior probability that any particular polymor- study, since allele frequency markedly influences power to
phism will be associated with disease is low, thus most vari- detect an association, and hence the required number of
ants achieving a modest level of statistical significance will cases and controls (Fig. 14.1). Assuming two controls per
be false positives [24]. The false-positive rate can be reduced case, 800 unselected cases would be required to achieve
by setting more stringent levels of statistical significance or 90 % power at a significance level of 0.01 to detect a domi-
by improving the selection of candidate SNPs to increase the nant allele with a population frequency of 5 % conferring a
prior probability of association. twofold increased risk [20]. In contrast, if the population fre-
A second possible explanation for the failure to replicate quency were only 1 % then 3700 cases would be required to
initially positive associations is inadequate statistical power achieve the same level of statistical power. Thus the use of
in the replication study, leading to type II errors or false neg- unselected cases in association studies is satisfactory for the
atives [20]. For example, fewer than 40 % of the colorectal evaluation of common alleles, but has limited power if the
and breast cancer association studies reviewed by Houlston population frequency is less than 5 %. However, power can
and Tomlinson [23] and Dunning et al. [21] had 80 % or be increased in association studies by selecting cases that are
more power to detect a twofold difference in risk at the 0.05 enriched for genetic susceptibility by virtue of a family his-
significance level. Very large sample sizes, in the order of tory of cancer (Fig. 14.2). The sample size required is typi-
thousands or tens of thousands, are required to identify and cally reduced by more than twofold if cases with an affected
confirm, or conclusively refute, genetic variants conferring first-degree relative are selected, and by more than fourfold
modest cancer susceptibility. if cases with two affected first-degree relatives are used [27,
28]. In the example above, the number of cases required
would be reduced from 3700 to 700 if cases with two affected
14.4.3 Population Stratification first-degree relatives were selected.
The identification of the rare protein truncating variant
A further common explanation for spurious association is 1100delC in the cell-cycle-checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2)
population stratification, the existence of multiple popula- gene in breast cancer patients illustrates the potential of
tion subgroups in what was assumed to be a homogeneous association studies using familial cases to detect rare suscep-
population in which allele frequencies vary between the dif- tibility alleles conferring modest relative risks. This variant
ferent subgroups [25]. If cases and controls are selected dif- has a population frequency of less than 1 % and confers a
ferentially from these subgroups then allelic association will 1.7-fold increase in breast cancer risk [29]. Among
occur in the absence of a true biological association. One unselected breast cancer cases the frequency of CHEK2
way to circumvent this problem is to use family-based 1100delC was not significantly increased, but in familial
approaches, such as the transmission disequilibrium test cases not carrying BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations the fre-
(TDT), which assess the evidence for preferential transmis- quency was markedly increased. Subsequently the relative
sion of one allele over another in heterozygous parents. risk in pooled unselected cases has been demonstrated to be
Outside the context of childhood cancers this approach is not 2.3 [30]. Enrichment for genetic factors may also be achieved
suitable since it involves genotyping the affected case and by selecting cases with an early age of onset, although this
both parents who are often not available, and use of other has limited effects on power to detect associations in com-
family members severely reduces power [26]. In reality there parison to family history [28].
234 R.A. Hubner and R.S. Houlston

Fig. 14.1 Effect of allele

frequency and relative risk on
the required sample size to
generate 90 % power to show
significant associations
(P = 0.01) for co-dominant
susceptibility alleles,
assuming one control
per case.

Fig. 14.2 Effect of affected

family members on sample
sizes required to generate
90 % power to show
significant associations
(P = 0.01) for co-dominant
susceptibility alleles
conferring a relative risk of 2,
assuming one control per

familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), for example, are pro-

14.5 Applications of SNP Genotyping tein truncating [31]. Low penetrance cancer susceptibility
in Cancer Susceptibility Gene alleles are similarly most likely to be coding variants, and the
Discovery majority of analyses performed to date have been direct asso-
ciation studies which focus on SNPs that are thought to alter
14.5.1 Direct Association Studies protein function or gene expression [18]. The analysis of
functional SNPs has the potential to be a powerful method of
Most of the known disease alleles in Mendelian cancer syn- cancer gene discovery since the number of common coding
dromes are SNPs within coding regions that result in protein SNPs is only a fraction of the total number. It is estimated
truncation and hence total or very severe loss of function [6]. that there are 50,000–250,000 SNPs which confer a biologi-
Ninety-five per cent of germ line mutations in the APC gene cal effect, most of which are distributed in and around the
giving rise to the colorectal cancer susceptibility syndrome 30,000 genes [5]. Most cancer association studies have
14 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Cancer Susceptibility 235

focused on functional SNPs in candidate genes that encode with 35 % of normal activity, making this SNP an attractive
proteins thought to be involved in carcinogenesis, such as candidate for direct association studies [34]. A number of
those involved in apoptosis, cell-cycle control, carcinogen such studies in a variety of different populations have been
metabolism, or DNA repair, or those known to be somati- performed, and the pooled estimate from a recent updated
cally altered in cancer [24]. Candidate genes may also be meta-analysis indicated that compared to the homozygous
identified from linkage analysis, expression array analysis, wild-type genotype the MTHFR 677TT genotype was asso-
and comparative genomics. The disadvantages of the direct ciated with a 17 % reduction in CRC risk [OR 0.83; 95 %
association approach are that it relies on existing knowledge confidence interval (CI): 0.75–0.93] [35]. Although an OR
to select candidate genes, identify potentially functional of 0.83 is modest, because of the high frequency of the wild-
SNPs within these genes through database searching, and type allele conferring an increased risk (0.68 in Caucasian
accurately predict their functional effects. populations) this translates into a relatively high population
The association between the MTHFR C677T polymor- attributable risk, and it was estimated that MTHFR C677T
phism and colorectal cancer (CRC) risk can be seen as an genotype contributed to approximately 15 % (95 % CI:
illustration of the successful application of the direct associ- 9–22 %) of the total incidence of CRC. It is noteworthy that
ation paradigm. Folate metabolism impacts on both DNA only a few of the studies included in this meta-analysis indi-
methylation and DNA synthesis and repair, and aberrations vidually showed a significant association with CRC risk, and
of both these processes are known to be important in colorec- pooling of data from over 12,000 individuals with CRC was
tal carcinogenesis [32]. Epidemiological studies lend further required to demonstrate a significant association. This illus-
support for a role of folate metabolism in CRC development trates the order of magnitude of the sample sizes required to
with high folate intake individuals generally showing a generate adequate statistical power to reliably identify low
reduced CRC incidence [33]. The methylenetetrahydrofolate penetrance susceptibility alleles.
reductase (MTHFR) enzyme occupies a pivotal position in The assembly of adequately sized sample sets has been a
the folate metabolism pathway, directing the flow of one- frequent obstacle to identifying low penetrance susceptibil-
carbon moieties towards DNA methylation and away from ity alleles. Pooling of data from a number of different studies
DNA synthesis (Fig. 14.3). Thus, there is strong a priori evi- that have analysed the same SNP in independent sample sets
dence that genetic variants in folate metabolism genes, and has therefore been a popular method of generating adequate
in the MTHFR gene in particular, might confer susceptibility statistical power [21, 23, 36]. Examples of genetic variants
to CRC. In vitro studies have demonstrated that the C677T with evidence from pooled analyses for association with
polymorphism in the MTHFR gene gives rise to an enzyme colorectal and breast cancer risk are listed in Table 14.1.

Fig. 14.3 Schematic representation of folate metabolism. MTHFR methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, THF tetrahydrofolate, DHF dihydrofo-
late, dUMP deoxyuridine monophosphate, dTMP deoxythymidine monophosphate, SAM S-adenosylmethionine, SAH S-adenosylhomocysteine.
236 R.A. Hubner and R.S. Houlston

Table 14.1 Summary of significant associations in pooled analyses between specific polymorphisms and risk of colorectal and breast cancer
Number of studies Pooled OR
Cancer Polymorphism (total number of cases) Risk group (95 % CI) Reference
Colorectal APC I1307K 3 (670) K carriers 1.58 (1.21–2.07) [23]
GSTT1 deletion 11 (1490) Homozygous deleted 1.37 (1.17–1.60) [36]
HRAS-1 VNTR 5 (394) Rare alleles 2.50 (1.54–4.05) [23]
MTHFR C677T 25 (12,243) TT genotype 0.83 (0.75–0.93) [35]
NAT2 4 (201) Fast acetylators 1.67 (1.11–2.46) [36]
Breast CASP8 D302H 14 (16,423) Per alleleb 0.88 (0.84–0.92) [37]
CYP1b1 V432L 9 (3391) L carriers 1.50 (1.10–2.1) [38]
CYP19 (TTTA)n 3 (1404) (TTTA)12 carrier 2.33 (1.36–4.17) [21]
IGFBP3 –202C>A 3 (5673) AA genotype 0.88 (0.80–0.98) [65]a
PGR V660L 5 (7593) Per alleleb 1.08 (1.01–1.14) [65]a
TGFB1 L10P 11 (12,946) Per alleleb 1.08 (1.04–1.11) [37]
TGFBR1*6A 3 (555) *6A allele carriers 1.48 (1.11–1.96) [39]
TP53 A72P 3 (412) P carriers 1.27 (1.02–1.59) [21]
Breast Cancer Association Consortium
Relative risk for each copy of rare allele carried compared to common homozygote

When considering such pooled analyses it is important to any allelic association. Such indirect association studies rely
identify methodological issues which may affect their reli- on LD between multiple SNPs across a small region, allow-
ability. Firstly, an extensive search of all studies potentially ing analysis of all SNPs within the LD block through the
suitable for inclusion in the pooled analysis should be per- genotyping of one or a few tagging SNPs. With indirect asso-
formed, and few, if any, exclusion criteria applied in order to ciation studies it is assumed that any cancer causing SNP
avoid ascertainment bias. Authors should be contacted where within the region is unlikely to be analysed directly, rather
necessary, if the required data has not been presented in pub- SNPs in the same LD block will be genotyped, and hence
lications. Secondly, evidence of significant heterogeneity show association with disease. The recent rapid advances in
between the individual studies included in the analysis makes our knowledge of polymorphic variation, and the availability
interpretation of the pooled estimate problematic [40]. of this information in public databases, has allowed the
Where there is evidence of such between-study heterogene- development of methods and software to select SNPs span-
ity, attempts should be made to identify potential sources, ning gene regions such that at least one SNP per LD block is
such as differences in study design, in particular the use of chosen for analysis [43, 44]. This set of tagging SNPs can
hospital-based rather than population-based control subjects, then be genotyped in a series of cases and controls to test for
differences in ethnicity or geographic location of study sub- association. If an association is found, the component SNPs
jects, and the methods of genotyping employed [41]. Thirdly, within the LD block should be examined to determine the
an assessment of publication bias should made, since signifi- causal variant, a process that may involve genotyping of
cant publication bias means the pooled estimate is unlikely additional SNPs to better define the haplotype structure.
to reflect the true influence of the genetic variant under study Recent indirect association studies have found evidence
[42]. Despite these potential methodological problems, care- that common variation in BRCA2 confers significant suscep-
fully designed pooled analyses remain a useful tool, and tibility to breast cancer [45], whilst common variation in
most of the low penetrance cancer susceptibility alleles iden- BRCA1 does not [46]. Other significant associations include
tified to date have been confirmed by data-pooling. base excision repair genes and squamous oesophageal can-
cer [47], MIC-1 and prostate cancer [48], and TP53BP2 and
gastric cancer [49].
14.5.2 Indirect Association Studies

The identification of large numbers of SNPs across the 14.5.3 Genome-Wide Association Studies
human genome has allowed association studies to progress
from the analysis of a small number of specific candidate Until very recently extension of the indirect association
SNPs, to assessing a much greater proportion of the genetic approach to evaluation of the whole genome was prohibi-
variation within a particular gene or gene region to detect tively expensive, due to the need to analyse several hundred
14 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Cancer Susceptibility 237

thousand SNPs to achieve adequate coverage of the entire although the associations are individually relatively modest
human genome. However, the development of novel SNP both risk alleles are relatively frequent, especially among
genotyping technologies means that 500,000 SNPs can now African Americans, thus the estimated population attribut-
be genotyped simultaneously on a single array at a cost of able risks are high, ranging from 6–68 % depending on the
only a few hundred dollars per sample, making genome-wide variant and population considered [55]. The success of these
studies economically feasible. Evaluation of such large num- studies highlights the value of genome-wide approaches and
bers of SNPs presents new problems in terms of interpreta- the importance of performing multiple complimentary stud-
tion, in particular in relation to thresholds for statistical ies in independent populations. The results of similar studies
significance. If 500,000 SNPs are genotyped, a P value of in other cancers are eagerly awaited.
0.01 for statistical significance will result in 5000 SNPs show-
ing an association by chance alone. Although setting lower
thresholds for significance or compensating for multiple tests 14.5.4 Copy Number Variation
can help to address this issue, the employment of a multi-
stage study design may be a more efficient solution to this Alterations in gene copy number can lead to loss of tumour
problem [24]. In the first stage of such studies cases and con- suppressor gene function or amplification of oncogenes, thus
trols are genotyped for the entire set of SNPs. Polymorphisms identification of genomic regions showing such copy number
that are below a nominal level of significance are then selected variation can be very informative for identifying novel
for genotyping in a second, larger, series of cases and controls cancer-related genes. Such allelic imbalances can be identi-
to identify the true-positives and false-positives from the first fied by analysis of microsatellite markers in paired tumour
stage. The SNPs that still remain significantly associated may and normal DNA samples, however genotyping of SNPs
then be tested in a third sample set where available. Genetic may be a more effective method [56]. The abundance of
variants that are significantly associated with cancer risk in SNPs and the ease and efficiency of high throughput SNP
multiple, large, independent sample sets are likely to be genu- genotyping technologies means that a much denser analysis
ine low penetrance susceptibility alleles even where there is of a gene region of interest can be performed. Sequential
no a priori evidence for association, probably through LD SNPs all yielding homozygous genotypes may indicate loss
with unidentified functional variants. of heterozygosity, whilst microdeletions may result in
Initial small-scale genome-wide studies provided encour- stretches of SNPs where no signal is observed. The availabil-
aging results. For example, in a study of squamous oesopha- ity of genome-wide SNP genotyping technologies has
geal cancer analysing 11,555 SNPs in samples from 50 cases allowed extension of this approach to the entire genome.
and 50 controls, significant association with SNPs in 33 dif- Similar to genome-wide association studies the major advan-
ferent genes was demonstrated [50]. Very recently the results tage of genome-wide copy number variation studies is that a
of the first large-scale genome-wide cancer association stud- priori knowledge of cancer related genes or chromosomal
ies have been published, all of which investigated prostate abnormalities is not required. Studies of this nature have
cancer susceptibility [51–54]. Initially, a study genotyping identified novel areas of allelic imbalance in breast cancer
1068 microsatellite markers in 871 Icelandic men with pros- [57], prostate cancer [58], ovarian cancer [59], and small cell
tate cancer reported association with a variant at chromo- and non-small cell lung cancers [57, 60].
some 8q24, which was replicated in two independent sample
sets, one of prostate cancer cases from Sweden and the sec-
ond in cases of European American descent [51]. This asso- 14.6 Gene–Environment Interactions
ciation was further replicated in a separate study in prostate
cancer cases of African American descent [52]. Subsequently Functional SNPs in genes coding for enzymes involved in
two independent studies genotyping 550,000 and over drug or carcinogen metabolism may not directly influence
315,000 SNPs across 1172 and 1453 cases respectively iden- cancer risk, but may modify the effect of environmental fac-
tified a second prostate cancer susceptibility variant also tors, and in this manner alter cancer susceptibility in exposed
located at 8q24, which showed association independently of individuals. Such effects have been termed gene–environ-
the first variant [53, 54]. Interestingly, this association was ment interactions, and are interesting since they may not only
strengthened when calculations were restricted to cases with confer cancer susceptibility but may also modify an individ-
an early age of diagnosis, a group in which an increased ual’s response to anticancer therapies [61]. Investigation of
genetic effect would be expected. Combining the results of gene–environment interactions can be included in associa-
these studies indicates extraordinarily strong associations tion studies by appropriate measurement of the environmen-
with prostate cancer (adjusted P values = 4 × 10−29 and tal factor of interest, and analysis of the effect of genotype
1 × 10−19 respectively for the two independent variants), and on disease risk following stratification by exposure.
238 R.A. Hubner and R.S. Houlston

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Chromosomes and Chromosomal
Instability in Human Cancer 15
Kazuma Ohyashiki, Masahiko Kuroda,
and Junko H. Ohyashiki

15.1 Introduction 15.2 Overview of Chromosomal

Abnormalities in Human Cancer
Human cancers show chromosome abnormalities, some of
which are frequent and specific cytogenetic changes associ- Chromosomal abnormalities in human cancer can involve
ated with certain forms of cancer. The most striking findings both the number, and more frequently, the structure of chro-
are nonrandom chromosomal changes in human hemato- mosomes [4]. Cytogenetic changes can be categorized as
logic neoplasia [1–3]. Specific cytogenetic changes are numerical changes and structural changes. Structural
associated with the diagnosis of leukemia, clinical implica- changes include reciprocal translocations (no change in dos-
tions, and prognosis. Since some chromosomal changes in age of chromosomal materials), and deletion or addition of
human hematologic neoplasms are simple and linked to chromosomal materials. Numerical changes are sometimes
molecular changes that create fusion products, such anoma- associated with structural changes, as additional cytogenetic
lies are currently being utilized as therapeutic markers. changes. Thus, primary cytogenetic changes (termed proto-
These findings have emerged gradually over the last 40 type) are suggested to be essential molecular alterations in
years as increasingly better techniques, for example fluores- carcinogenesis.
cence in situ hybridization (FISH), have become available In general, chromosomal changes fall into three catego-
for preparation and analysis of human chromosomes. More ries [3]. The first category is reciprocal translocation, which
recently, small molecules that target fusion protein created is an exchange of chromosomal materials between two chro-
by chromosomal changes are clinically available. Thus, mosomes. This rearrangement can result in the abnormal
detection and monitoring of chromosomal alterations in expression of translocated genes as a consequence of their
human cancer cells, especially in human hematologic neo- new location in the genomes, or it can alter the structure of
plasms, are important in clinical practice. Nevertheless, the genes at the site of translocation. The second category
biological and clinical significance of nonrandom cytoge- involves nonreciprocal exchanges of chromosomal material.
netic changes in neoplasms and chromosomal instability are These exchanges can result in either deletion or addition of
still unresolved. chromosomal regions. Although such changes are frequently
observed in tumors, the consequences of this type of chro-
mosomal aberrations are known in only a few instances. For
example, deletions at 17p, 13q, or 11p are associated with
loss of the tumor-suppressor genes p53, pRB, or WT1,
respectively. The third category involves an increasing
K. Ohyashiki, M.D., Ph.D. (*) amount of DNA in a specific region of a chromosome. The
Department of Hematology, Tokyo Medical University, increased genetic material results in areas on chromosomes
Tokyo 160-0023, Japan referred to as homogeneously staining regions (HSRs) or
double minute chromosome. HSRs are associated with
M. Kuroda, M.D., Ph.D. extensive gene amplification [5]. Although the form of gene
Department of Molecular Patholoogy, Tokyo Medical
University, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan amplification leads to chromosomal abnormality called dou-
ble minutes chromosomes (DMs). DMs appear as two small
J.H. Ohyashiki, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Oncology, Institute of Medical Science, dots of dark staining material in a standard metaphase prepa-
Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan ration. It is generally believed that DMS represent the first

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 241

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_15
242 K. Ohyashiki et al.

stage in gene amplification and that HSRs result from the tion is still important in determining cytogenetic response even
integration of DMs into the chromosomes. in the imatinib era [14–16], and molecular determination of the
Chromosomal abnormalities are designated according to reduction level of BCR-ABL mRNA is currently a powerful
the International System for Human Cytogenetic marker in managing Ph-positive leukemia patients, including
Nomenclature [6]. To describe the karyotype or chromosomal CML, and predicting imatinib resistant CML [16, 17]. Recently,
complement of a cell type or tumor, the total chromosomes discontinuation study of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs),
number is listed first, followed by the sex chromosomes, and including imatinib and second generation TKIs, after long-
then a complete list of any chromosomal abnormalities. lasting complete molecular remission (CMR), the so-called
treatment-free remission (TMR), is reported: these results open
new avenue for treatment strategy for CML patients [18],
15.3 Chromosomal Abnormalities though the STOP-TKIs studies are yet under control.
in Myeloid Leukemias In 2003, Cools et al. reported nine cases of HES with
interstitial deletion leading to the formation of the FIP1L1-
15.3.1 Myeloproliferative Neoplasm PDGFRA fusion gene; this change was originally detected in
HES patients with 4q12 abnormality [19]. This fusion gene
Damshek proposed that the entity of chronic myeloproliferative encodes an active tyrosine kinase that is able to transform
disorders (CMPD) encompassed chronic myelogenous leuke- hematopoietic cells and is inhibited by imatinib mesylate.
mia (CML), polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythe- The frequency of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene in HES
mia (ET), and chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (CIMF). In has been reported to vary from 0 to 100 %, and this anomaly
2001, the new WHO classification proposed the CMPD entity is not detectable by using conventional cytogenetic analysis,
to be associated with constitutive upregulation of tyrosine thus RT-PCR or FISH analysis is required [20]. The detec-
kinase [7] and most recently the entity is called as myeloprolif- tion of this anomaly is therefore important for determining
erative neoplasm (MPN), thus the category includes classical the indications of imatinib therapy.
MPN, chronic neutrophilic leukemia (CNL), hyper-eosinophilic Another important discovery in MPN is JAK2V617F mutation
syndrome (HES), and unclassifiable chronic myeloproliferative in almost all patients with PV and approximately 50 % of ET
disease. Based on this concept, some novel pathways involving and CIMF. The presence of JAK2V617F mutation in MPN has
tyrosine kinase activity have been identified; some of them were been speculated, since some PV patients have 9q24 (terminal
initially found as cytogenetic change (Table 15.1) [7]. portion of 9p) changes when the JAK2 gene locates [21–25].
The first specific chromosome abnormality found to be asso- Approximately 30 % of PV patients have the homozygous
ciated with cancer was the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome in JAK2V617F mutation, therefore, this change could result from
CML of which the minute chromosome (22q-) identified as Ph mitotic recombination of the 9q region [21]. Again, this muta-
chromosome [8] was a reciprocal translocation between chro- tion is not visible by the microscope, thus cytogenetic change,
mosomes 9 and 22 [t(9;22)(q34;q11)], i.e., Ph translocation [9]. in combination with JAK2 mutation, might be important in
This cytogenetic change is present in the leukemic cells of at managing MPN patients. In addition there is a possibility to
least 95 % of patients with CML, and 30 % of adult acute lym- identify new tyrosine kinase involvement in MPN based on
phoblastic leukemia and less than 5 % of acute myelogenous cytogenetic studies. More recently, the frequent mutations in the
leukemia [10]. The Ph translocation occurs in a pluripotent stem calreticulin gene (CALR) occur in MPN has been found, and
cell that give rise to cells of both lymphoid and myeloid lin- related study shows that somatic mutations in CALR exist in the
eages. The genetic consequence of the Ph translocation is the majority of patients with JAK2 wild-type MPN [26–28].
translocation of the ABL proto-oncogene on chromosome 9 to a In CNL, a breakpoint cluster region, referred to as micro-
location on chromosome 22, termed the breakpoint cluster BCR (or μ-BCR), has been identified, and this reciprocal
region (or BCR locus) [11–13]. The detection of Ph transloca- translocation results in a BCR-ABL fusion protein of 230KD

Table 15.1 Cytogenetic and molecular change in chronic myeloproliferative disorders

Diagnosis Cytogenetic change Molecular change Additional changes
Chronic myeloid leukemia t(9;22)(q34;q11) 210KD BCR-ABL
CML-AP/BP t(9;22)(q34;q11) 210KD BCR-ABL +8, +Ph, +19, i(17q), t(3;21)(q26;q22)
Polycythemia vera JAK2V617F (>90%) +8, +9, del(20q), del(13q), del(1p11)
Essential thrombocythemia JAK2V617F (50%) +8, del(13q)
Idiopathic myelofibrosis JAK2V617F (50%) +8, del(20q), −7/del(7q), del(qq1), G15del(13q)
Hypereosinophilic leukemia FIPL1-PDGFa +8, dic(1;7), 8p11
Chronic neutrophilic leukemia 230KD BCR-ABL +8, +9, del(20q), del(11q14)
CMPD unclassifiable
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 243

[29]. Maxon et al. demonstrated that activating mutations in (q22;q22) creates RUNX1-RUX1T1 (previously designated as
the gene encoding the receptor for colony-stimulating factor ETO /AML1) [36] and inv(16)(p13q22) does CBFβ/MYH11
3 (CSF3R) in approximately 60 % of CNL or atypical [37]. Although there are some other chromosome changes,
CML. These mutations segregate within two distinct regions t(15;17)(q22;q21), t(8;21)(q22;q22) and inv(16)(p13q22) are
of CSF3R thus lead to preferential downstream kinase sig- known as favorable cytogenetic change in AML [38, 39].
naling through SRC family-TNK2 or JAK kinases and differ- Intermediate risk cytogeneitc category includes numerical and
ential sensitivity to kinase inhibitors [30]. structural abnormalities, while poor cytogenetic category for
AML patients basically includes those with complex cytoge-
netic changes (more than 3 chromosomes abnormalities. Of
15.3.2 Acute Myeloid Leukemia note is that the deletion of the long arm of chromosome 7 is
categorized as intermediate cytogenetic change, while mono-
Detection of cytogenetic changes in acute myeloid leukemia somy 7 is classified as poor cytogenetics (Table 15.3). Other
(AML) is a powerful tool for determining diagnosis and ther- recurring translocations, including t(6;9) [40], abnormalities at
apeutic strategy, as well as prognosis [1–3]. Currently 3q26 [41, 42], and abnormalities at 11q23 [43, 44], and the
mutiplex-PCR is widely used in the detection of known genes involved are listed in Table 15.2.
translocation-type cytogenetic changes in acute leukemia. Detection of normal karyotypes in AML patients is impor-
However, cytogenetic analysis is also important in detecting tant: these patients are currently separately categorized by
minor populations with additional cytogenetic changes, rare the presence of FLT3 internal tandem repeat (FLT3-ITD) and
chromosomal change, and numerical chromosome changes. mutation of the nucleophosmin (NPM) gene [45, 46]. These
These abnormalities are also important in clinical practice. data may show that both cytogenetic analysis and molecular
The genes involved in nonrandom chromosomal transloca- examination are important to predict prognosis and molecu-
tions are listed in Table 15.2. lar target therapy.
Most of all patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia
(APL: AML-M3 by the FAB) show t(15;17)(q22;q21) result-
ing in PML/RARA (retinoic acid α receptor); the fusion pro- 15.3.3 Myelodysplastic Syndromes
tein interferes with normal myeloid cell differentiation,
possibly through dominant negative effects against the tran- Cytogenetic changes in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
scriptional activity of RARA [31, 32]. The detection of this are currently used in determining the prognosis [47]. Based
cytogenetic change is important in the diagnosis of AML- on the IPSS (International Prognostic Scoring System),
M3, especially in cases of the variant form of the AML-M3, chromosomes in MDS are categorized into three groups,
and to establish the likelihood of therapeutic response to reti- i.e., good cytogenetics [normal karyotype, del(20q),
noic acid. In contrast, rare AML-M3 patients show t(11;17) del(5q), and –Y], intermediate cytogenetics (other than
(q23;q21) resulting in PLZF/RARA fusion, and they are good or poor cytogenetics) and poor cytogenetics (complex
resistant to retinoic acid treatment [33]. abnormalities: ≥3 chromosomal changes or −7/del(7q)
In AML, patients with t(8;21)(q22;q22) and inv(16)(p13q22) [48]. More recently, detailed cytogenetic classification and
are now called CBF (core-binding factor) leukemia, and they survival risk stratification is proposed [49] and thereby
respond well to cytarabine therapy [34, 35]. The t(8;21) revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R)

Table 15.2 Chromosomal translocation involving transcription factors in myeloid leukemia

Translocation Genes Disease phenotypes
t(8;21)(q22;q22) RUNX1-RUNX1T1 M2
t(3;21)(q26;q22) RUNX1-MDS1 AML
inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)(q21;q26.2 RPN1-EVI1 AML with thrombocytosis
inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22) CBFB-MYH11 M4Eo
t(15;17)(q24.1;q21.1) PML-RARA M3
t(11;17)(q23;q21) PML-RARA M3
t(12;22)(p13;q22) TEL-AML1 AML, MDS
t(1;22)(p13;q13) RBM15-MKL1 AML (megakaryoblastic)
t(6;9)(p23;q34) DEK-NUP214 M2 (M4) with basophilia
t(7;11)(p15;p15) NUP98-HOXA9 M2 (M4)
t(8;1)(p11.2;p13.3) KAT6A-CREBBP/CBP Therapy-related AML
t(9;11)(p22;q23) KMT2A-MLLT3 AML-M5
t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) HRX (MLL)-MEN AML
t(6;21)(q11;p22) FUS-ERG AML
244 K. Ohyashiki et al.

Table 15.3 Prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia and chromosome abnormality

Risk Chromosome changes CR rate (%) 5-year survival (%)
Good t(8;21)(q22;q22) 98 69
t(3;21)(q26;q22) t(15;17)(q22;q21) 85 63
inv(16)(p13q22) 88 61
Intermediate del(9q) 100 60
+22 91 59
+8 84 48
+21 80 47
t(11q23) 87 45
Normal 99 42
del(7q) 75 23
Poor Complex 67 21
del(3q) 63 12
del(5q) 57 11
−7 54 10
−5 42 4

Table 15.4 Revised international prognostic scoring system for myelodysplastic syndromes
IPSS-R scorea
Variable 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0
Cytogeneticsb Very good Good Intermediate Poor Very poor
BM blasts (%) ≤2 >2–<5 5–10 >10
Hemoglobin (g/dL) ≥10 8–<10 <8 –
Platelets (×109/L) ≥100 50–<100 <50 – –
ANC (×109/L) ≥0.8 <0.8
Good = normal, del(5q), del(12p), del(20q), double including del(5q); Int. = del(7q), +8, +19, i(17q), other single or double independent clones;
poor = –7, inv(3)/t(3q)/del(3q), complex (3 abnormalities); very poor = complex (>3 abnormalities)
IPSS-R risk groups: very low ≤1.5; Low 1.5–3; intermediate 3–4.5; high 4.5–6; very high >6
Very good = −Y, del(11q)

is utilized for exact prognosis for untreated MDS patient radiation related disorder usually occurs 5–6 years fol-
(Table 15.4) [50]. Due to accumulation of cytogenetic data, lowing exposure to the mutagenic agents, and often pres-
in combination of hematologic parameters (number of ents initially as an MDS with low percentage blasts (25 %
cytopenias and percentage of blasts in the marrow), the of this type of patients were refractory anemia with excess
prognosis of MDS patients could be predictive and thera- blasts 1 or 2), and have short survival. They have unbal-
peutic strategy is formulated based on this prognostic sys- anced translocations or deletions involving chromosomes
tem, thus indicating that determination of cytogenetic 5 and/or 7 consisting of loss of all or part of the long arm
change in MDS patients again is a powerful tool in manag- of the chromosomes, and usually show multiple chromo-
ing patient care. somal abnormalities, referred to as complex cytogenetic
changes. Importantly, the prognosis and cytogenetic
changes of the secondary AML/MDS are quiet different
15.3.4 Secondary Acute Leukemia/ between these two types. Another type, topoisomerase
Myelodysplastic Syndromes II-inhibitor-related AML/MDS occurs 12–130 months
(median of 33–34 months) after exposure. They usually
In the WHO classification, secondary AML/MDS was cat- show AML without a preceding MDS, and predominant
egorized as a separate entity from de novo AML or MDS cytogenetic finding is a balanced translocation involving
[51]. Secondary AML/MDS patients are usually classified 11q23 (the MLL gene), primary t(9;11), t(11;19) and
into two categories based on the causative agents, i.e., t(6;11), or t(8;21) or t(3;21) involving band 21q22 (AML1
alkylating agent/radiation-related and topoisomerase gene). They respond to initial therapy in a manner similar
II-inhibitor-related AML/MDS. The alkylating agent/ to that of de novo AML.
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 245

T-cell leukemias (T-ALLs) have a number of different

15.4 Chromosomal Abnormalities recurring translocations. Most of these involve putative tran-
in Lymphoid Leukemias scription factors, and are not normally expressed in T-cells.
As example of this is the HOX11 gene, located on chromo-
15.4.1 Acute Lymphoid Leukemia some 10q24, which is activated by translocations t(10;14)
(q24;q11) and t(7;10)(q35;q24) in T-ALL. The HOX11 gene
Chromosomal translocation in ALL could be separated into shares homology with other homeobox-containing genes
two types, i.e., dysregulation type and chimeric fusion type that normally code for sequence-specific DNA-binding pro-
(Table 15.5) [52–57]. The former group represents involve- teins [57]. The t(1;14)(p32;q11) chromosome translocation
ments of immunoglobulin genes or T-cell receptor genes. has been observed in 3 % of T-ALL patients. This transloca-
Approximately 25 % of T-ALL patients show involvement of tion results in the juxtaposition of the SCL gene (also called
T-cell receptor (TCR) genes, i.e., TCRδ (14q11), TCRβ TAL1) from chromosome 1q32 with the TCRα/δ chain locus
(7q32-36), and altered transcriptional level of involving on chromosome 14q11 [58]. The SCL gene encodes DNA-
genes, including c-MYC (located at 8q24), LOM1 (11p15), binding protein containing the bHLH motif, which can
LOM2 (11q13), HOX11 (10q24), TAL1/SCL (1p32). dimerize with protein E47. The chromosomal translocation
The correlation of cytogenetic changes with morphology in probably causes ectopic SCL protein expression, activating
AML leads to the identification and characterization of spe- specific target genes that are transcriptionally silent in nor-
cific disease-associated chromosome abnormalities, while the mal T cells.
correlation between morphology and cytogenetic change is Another chromosomal translocation type in ALL is chimeric
not striking in ALL, except for the 8q24 (c-MYC) and ALL-L3 protein formation, for example t(1;19) and t(9;22). The t(1;19)
by the FAB classification. In ALL-M3 or Burkitt lymphoma, (q23;q13) chromosome translocation affects approximately
translocations invariably involve chromosome 8q24 and one 25 % of pre-B ALLs, and fuses the N-terminal part of the tran-
of the three chromosomes that carry the immunoglobulin light scription factor E2A, carrying a transcription domain, to the
(2p12: λ-light chain gene and 22q11: k-light chain gene) or DNA-binding homeodomain of the transcription factor PBX,
heavy chain genes (14q32: heavy-chain gene). These translo- replacing the bHLH region of E2A [59, 60]. The E2A PBX
cations rearrange one allele of c-MYC proto-oncogene at 8q24, fusion protein is recognized by the homeodomain of PBX and
which encodes a transcription factor consisting of a basic can strongly activate transcription, whereas PBX cannot. Target
region helix–loop–helix zipper (bHLH) motif, into the immu- genes that bind the PBXC homeodomain in the E2A/PBX
noglobulin locus carried on one of these chromosomes, result- fusion protein may be activated and initiate leukemogenesis.
ing in dysregulation of c-MYC expression through the strong Translocation (12;21)(p13;q22) is found in 20–30 % of
enhancer of immunoglobulin genes [55, 56]. childhood ALL, in contrast to 3–4 % in adult ALL, with
favorable prognosis. The translocation results in TEL
Table 15.5 Chromosome abnormalities in lymphoid leukemia (ETV6)-AML1 (CBF2) fusion and consists of the dimeriza-
Dysregulation tion domain (HLH) of the TEL gene and the most part of the
B-cell lineage AML1 protein [61], thus suggesting that homodimer of the
t(8;14)((q24;q32) c-MYC/IgH B-ALL TEL-AML1 or heterodimer suppresses the normal TEL func-
t(14;19)((q32;q13) BCL3/IgH B-CLL tion due to a dominant negative effect.
T-cell lineage Chromosomal aberrations involving 11q23 is found in
t(8;14)((q24;q11) c-MYC/TCRa T-ALL 60 % of infantile leukemia (the so-called MLL acute leuke-
t(11;14)(p15;q11) Rhom-1 (TTG1/LOM1)/TCR δ T-ALL mia), possibly due to trans-placental chemical exposure [62].
t(11;14)(q13;q11) Rhom-2 (TTG2/LOM2)/TCR δ T-ALL This anomaly is also characterized by (1) acute leukemia
t(10;14)(q24;q11) HOX11 (TCL3)/TCR δ T-ALL with both lymphoid and myeloid phenotypes, and (2) fre-
t(1;14)(p32;q11) SCL (TAL1,TCL5)/TCR δ T-ALL quently found in therapy-related adult acute leukemia related
t(7;9)(q23;q34.4) TAN/TCR β T-ALL with topoisomerase II-inhibitor [63]. The MLL gene is trans-
t(7;9)(q23;q32) TAN2/TCR β T-ALL located to more than 30 gene loci, and frequent involvements
t(4;11)(q21;p15) NUP98/RAP1GDS1 T-ALL in adult acute leukemia are t(9;11)(p22;q23), following
Chimeric fusion gene t(6;11)(q27;q23), t(10;11)(p12;q23), t(11;19)(q23;p13)
t(1;19)(q23;p13) E2A-PBX1 PreB-ALL (Table 15.6) [64]. The MLL gene is believed to act to main-
t(17;19)(q22;p13) E2A-HLF PreB-ALL tain transcription, and the breakpoints of MLL gene in
t(9;22)(q34;q11) BCR-ABL cALL 11q23-leukemia are clustered within 8.5-kb spanned exon 5
t(12;21)(p21;q22) TEL-AML1 PreB-ALL to exon 11. The 11q23 translocation creates chimera between
t(4;11)(q21;q23) MLL-AF4(MLLT2) MLL the 5′-side of the MLL region including AT-hook and tar-
t(11;19)(q23;p13) MLL-ENL (MLLT1) MLL geted genes, and loss of the zinc finger domain of the MLL
246 K. Ohyashiki et al.

Table 15.6 Translocation involving MLL genes

Trasnslocation Genes Function
t(1;11)(p32;q23) AF1p a-helical coils
t(1;11)(q21;q23) AF1q Unknown
t(4;11)(q21;q23) AF4/FEL Transcriptional activating domain
ins(5;11)(q31;q13q23) AF5q31 Partially homologue to AF4
t(6;11)(q27;q23) AF6 a-helical coils, GLGF repeat
t(6;11)(q21;q23) AF6q21 Forkhead DNA binding domain
t(9;11)(p22;q23) AF 9 Homology to ENL
t(10;11)(p12;q23) AF10 Leucine zipper
t(10;11)(p11.2;q23) ABL-1 Homology to c-ABL binding protein
t(11;14)(q23;q24) GPHN Scaffold protein
t(11;16)(q23;p13) CBP Transcription co-activator
t(11;17)(q23;q21) AF17 Leucine zipper
t(11;17)(q23;q25) MSF/AF17q25 Septin/GTP binding domain
t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) ELL/MEN RNA polymerase II transcription
t(11;19)(q23;p13.3) ENL Transcription domain
t(11;19)(q23;p13) EEN a-helical coils
t(11;22)(q23;q11.2) hCDCrel Homology to CDC binding protein
t(11;22)(q23;q13) p300 Transcription co-activator
t(X;11)(q13;q23) AFX Forkhead DNA binding domain
ins(X;11)(q24;q23) SEPTN6 GTP binding domain

gene might be important in the generation of this type of cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk), and function in cell-cycle
leukemia [65]. regulation [68, 69]. The BCL2 gene is consistently associ-
The detection of Ph translocation in ALL is diagnostically ated with t(14;18) chromosomal translocation observed in a
and therapeutically important. Ph translocation is also detect- large percentage of B-cell follicular lymphomas. The BCL2
able in 30 % of adult ALL. This translocation creates the gene product is suggested to mediate inhibition of cellular
BCR-ABL oncoprotein; some of which have 210KDBCR-ABL apoptosis [70, 71]. Thus, constitutive activation of the BCL2
(fusion between ABL and major BCR) which is the transcript gene may contribute to the formation of follicular lymphoma
similar to those of Ph-positive CML and most patients have by blocking programmed cell death.
185KDBCR-ABL (fusion between ABL and minor-BCR). Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a variant of
Ph-positive ALL patients have poor prognosis. However, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas composed of large pleomorphic
current molecular target therapy, including imatinib or dual cells that usually express the CD30 antigen and is character-
SRC-kinase inhibitor, dasatinib, followed by allogeneic stem ized by frequent cutaneous and extranodal involvement. This
cell transplantation has yielded promising data for the pos- type of lymphoma frequently exhibits the t(2;5)(p23;q35)
sibility of obtaining complete remission and maintaining chromosomal translocation that fuses the NPM gene (nucleo-
prolonged survival [66, 67], therefore detection of Ph trans- phosmin) on the 5q35 region to the ALK (anaplastic lym-
location at the ALL diagnosis and incorporation of target phoma kinase) on the 2p23 chromosomal region [72, 73].
therapy is essential in treating such ALL patients. The ALK/NPM fusion protein has tyrosine kinase activity
and induces tumorigenesis. ALCL patients with the ALK/
NPM fusion protein have favorable prognosis compared to
15.4.2 Malignant Lymphoma those without the fusion protein, thus indicating the presence
of a prognostic factor in ALCL patients.
B-cell malignant lymphomas have translocation involving
chromosome 14q32, which contains the immunoglobulin
heavy (IgH) chain gene. Two specific translocations involv- 15.4.3 Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia
ing this locus have been characterized. The chromosomal
rearrangements occur at precise locations on chromosomes Trisomy 12 in chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) is well
11 and 18 at the BCLl and BCL2 loci, respectively. The BCL1 known. The t(14;19)(q32;q13.1) chromosomal translocation
gene, which is aberrantly expressed as a consequence of the is noted in some B-CLL. This result in divergent orientation
t(11;14)(q13;q32) encodes cyclinD1 notable in mantle cell (head-to-head) of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene
lymphoma (MCL). Cyclin D1 forms a complex with a (14q32) and BCL3 (19q13) [74–76]. The BCL3 gene is a dis-
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 247

tinct member of the IkB family, may function as a positive and lower extremities. The histogenetic origin of these
regulator to NF-kB activity. Thus, overexpression of BCL3 tumors is now suspected to be neural, a discovery linking
gene by the translocation may alter the transcriptional activ- Ewing’s sarcoma to more differentiated tumors, known as
ity of NF-kB. peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) or
neuroepitheliomas [80]. Approximately 80 % of Ewing fam-
ily tumors exhibit a balanced chromosomal translocation
15.4.4 Multiple Myeloma between chromosome 11 and 22, t(11;22)(q24;q12).
Molecular analysis revealed that the chromosome 22 break-
Conventional metaphase cytogenetic studies are successful point present in Ewing tumors is located within the EWS
in only 40 % of multiple myeloma (MM) patients studied, gene, while the chromosome 11 breakpoint is located within
due to a slowly proliferation of mature B cells. Using meta- the Fli1 gene [81, 82]. Reciprocal translocation between
phase cytogenetics, only one-third of patients show an abnor- these two chromosomes creates a new chimeric protein com-
mal karyotype and the remaining two-thirds have normal bining portions of the EWS and Fli1 proteins. The EWS
metaphase cytogenetics. However, current studies utilizing gene, located on 22q12, plays a recurrent role in several
FISH demonstrated that the large majority of such patients chromosomal translocations found in soft tissue and bone
have an aneuploid DNA content and abnormal cytogenetics tumors. This gene is involved in all of the alternative translo-
and impact on prognosis. Well known abnormalities in MM cations identified in Ewing sarcoma/PNET and in distinct
are (1) hyperdiploid (≥48 chromosomes), (2) chromosome translocations found in desmoplastic small round cell tumors,
13 deletion, (3) an involvement of 14q32 (IgH) region, i.e., clear cell sarcomas (soft tissue melanomas), cases of
t(11;14)(q13;q32), t(4;14)(p13;q32), and t(14;16)(q32;q23) extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, a subset of angioma-
[77, 78]. Rare translocations t(6;14) and t(14;20) are also toid fibrous histiocytomas, and rarely in myxoid liposarcomas
notable. Hyperdiploid MM is associated with improved [83, 84]. The EWS and related TLS/FUS/FUS gene products
prognosis, and negative prognostic effector in this group is have features typical of RNA-binding proteins; their
the concomitant presence of high-risk immunoglobulin C-termini, which are deleted from fusion oncoproteins, con-
heavy chain (IgH) translocation. Chromosome 13 deletion is tain R-G-G repeats flanking a highly conserved RNA-
detectable in approximately 50 % of MM patients with binding domain of the RRM type [85, 86]. The FLI1 gene
abnormal karyotypes (10–20 % of all MM patients), and encodes a DNA-binding protein, Fli1 [85], that appears to
associated with shorter survival and lower response rate to function as a transcription factor [81]. The human Fli1 pro-
treatment. The t(11;14) is associated with oligo-secretary or tein shares approximately 70 % sequence identity with the
light-chain-only MM, CD20 expression, and amyloidosis protein encoded by the ETS1 gene. The EWS-Fli1 fusion
(50 %) and IgM MM (>90 %) [77]. The t(11;14)-MM patients protein contains the N-terminal domain of EWS and the
show improved or neutral survivals when treated with high- DNA-binding domain of Fli1. Evidence suggests that DNA-
dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. binding activity and subsequent transcriptional activation of
Translocation (4;14) is found in 15 % of MM patients and various target genes by the EWS-Fli1 fusion are essential for
this translocation results in FGFR3 to the IgH switch region tumorigenesis of Ewing sarcoma [87]. While other chimeric
locus. Recently, t(14;16), del(17p), and t(4;14) are known to partners of the EWS gene, such as ERG [88], ETV1 [90],
be linked to poor prognosis after conventional therapy, and ETV4 and E1AF [91], are involved as fusion partners less
thereby it is recommended to utilize fluorescent in situ commonly than FLI1, and all share homology with ETS1.
hybridization to detect these genetic changes, in combination
with standard metaphase cytogenetics [79].
15.5.2 Myxoid and Round Cell Liposarcoma

15.5 Chromosomal Abnormalities in Solid Myxoid and round cell liposarcomas are almost invariably
Tumors associated with translocations involving the CHOP gene on
chromosome 12q13.1 [92]. The vast majority of tumors con-
15.5.1 Ewing Family of Tumors tain a reciprocal balanced translocation, t(12;16)(q13;p11),
that fuses the 5′ half of the TLS/FUS gene (also known as
Sarcomas are soft tissue tumors that often have chromosomal FUS) to the CHOP coding region, giving rise to a TLS/FUS-
rearrangements encoding tumor-specific fusion oncoproteins CHOP oncogene [93, 94]. Rarely, myxoid and round cell
(Table 15.7). Ewing tumors, a subset of sarcomas, occur pre- liposarcomas are associated with a different translocation,
dominantly in the long bones of children and young adults. t(12;22)(q13;q12), that fuses the 5′ half of EWS to CHOP
Extraskeletal Ewing sarcomas typically involve the soft tis- [95]. The clinicopathological features of disease associated
sues of the chest wall, paravertebral region, retroperitoneum, with this variant translocation do not differ from those
248 K. Ohyashiki et al.

Table 15.7 Chromosome abnormalities in solid tumors

Type Genes involved Tumor type
t(11;22)(q24;12) EWSR1, FLI1 Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(21;22)(q22;q12) EWSR1, ERG Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(7;22)(p22;q12) EWSR1, ETV1 Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(17;22)(q21;q12) EWSR1, ETV4 Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(16;21)(p11;q22) FUS, ERG Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(2;22)(q33;q12) EWSR1, FEV Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(17;22)(q12;12) EWSR1, E1AF Ewing sarcoma/PNET
inv(22) EWSR1, ZSG Ewing sarcoma/PNET
t(11;22)(p13;q12) EWSR1, WT1 Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
t(9;22)(q22;q12) EWSR1, CHN Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
t(9;17)(q22;q11) RBP56, CHN Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
t(9;15)(q22;21) CHN, TCF12 Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
t(12;22)(q13;12) EWSR1, ATF1 Clear cell sarcoma
t(2;22)(q34;q12) EWSR1, CREB1 Clear cell sarcoma
t(2;13)(q35;q14) PAX3, FKHR Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
t(1;13)(q36;q14) PAX7, FKHR Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
t(12;16)(q13;p11) CHOP, TLS(FUS) Myxoid/round cell liposarcoma
t(12;22)(q13;12) EWSR1, CHOP Myxoid/round cell liposarcoma
t(x;18)(q11;q11) SSX1, SYT Synovial sarcoma
SSX2, SYT Synovial sarcoma
t(x;17)(q11.2;q25) ASPL, TFE3 Alveolar soft part sarcoma
t(x;17;22)(q22;q13) COL1A1, PDGFB Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
(and fibroblastoma)
t(7;16)(q32-34;p11) FUS, CREB3L2 Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
FUS, CREB3L1 Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
t(12;16)(q13;p11) FUS, ATF1 Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
t(12;22)(q13;p12) EWSR1, ATF1 Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma
t(12;15)(p13;q25) ETV6, NTRK3 Infantile fibrosarcoma (and
mesoblastic nephroma)
t(1;3)(p36.3;q25) WWTR1, CAMTA1 Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
t(x;11)(p11.2;q22.1) TFE3, YAP1 Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
t(7;9)(q22;q13) Unknown Epithelioid sarcoma-like
t(2;11)(q31;q12) Unknown Desmoplastic fibroblastoma
Translocation with 8q12 PLAG1 fusion Lipoblastoma
Translocation with 12q14.3 HMGA2 fusions Lipoma
Translocation with 6p21 HMGA1 fusions Lipoma
t(5;8)(p15;q13) AHRR, NCOA2 Angiofibroma
t(11;16)(q13;p13) C11orf95, MKL2 Chondroid lipoma
del(8)(q13.3q21.1) HEY1, NCOA2 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
t(7;17)(p15;21) JAZF1, JJAZ1 Endometrial stromal sarcoma
t(17;22)(p13;q13.1) MYH9, USP6 Nodular fasciitis
inv(12)(q13q13) NAB2, STAT6 Solitary fibrous tumor
t(2;3)(q13;p25). PAX8, PPARγ Thyroid cancer (follicular)
inv10(q11.2q21.2) RET, PTC1 Thyroid cancer (papillary)
t(10;17)(q11.2;q23) RET, PTC2 Thyroid cancer (papillary)
t(6;11)(p21;q12) TFEB, ALPHA Renal cell carcinoma
t(X;1)(p11.2;q21) PRCC, TFE3 Renal cell carcinoma
Translocations with 2p23 ALK, multiple fusion Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 249

observed with the typical t(12;16). The CHOP gene encodes in the transcriptional deregulation of specific target genes.
a member of the CCAAT/enhancer-binding family, which Microarray analysis recently identified various genes that are
contains a leucine zipper-type dimerization motif and a puta- downregulated in synovial sarcoma cell lines [110, 111]. The
tive DNA-binding domain [96]. Normally, the CHOP gene target genes regulated by endogenous intact SYT and SSX
product may function in a dominant-negative manner by proteins through direct or indirect protein–protein interac-
dimerizing with and inhibiting other transcription-factor tions with specific transcription factors are currently
complexes. The TLS/FUS gene is homologous to both EWS unknown.
and RBP56/hTAFII 68; the TLS/FUS gene product contains
a glutamine-serine-tyrosine-rich segment, three glycine-rich
stretches, and an RNA-binding domain [93]. Of note, a large 15.5.4 Clear Cell Sarcoma
number of sarcomas are associated with fusion oncoproteins
that contain either an EWS, TLS/FUS, or RBP56/hTAFII Clear cell sarcoma (CCS, malignant melanoma of soft tis-
68-type N-terminal domain. These include Ewing family sue) is an uncommon soft tissue sarcoma that occurs in ten-
tumors associated with EWS-Fli1, EWS-ERG [89], EWS- dons and aponeuroses, typically of the lower extremities and
ETV1 [90], and EWS-E1AF [91], clear cell sarcomas associ- CCS rarely arises from in the gastrointestinal tract. This
ated with EWS-ATF1 [97], desmoplastic small round cell tumor is believed to be of neural crest origin. CCS in soft
tumors associated with EWS-WT1 [98], myxoid chondro- tissue typically possesses the t(12;22)(q13;q12) [112], on the
sarcomas associated with EWS-TEC (also known as EWS- other hand, CCS in gastrointestinal tract shows t(2;22)
CHN) [99, 100] and RBP56/hTAFII 68-TEC [101], and two (q34;q12) . Molecular analyses of the t(12;22) breakpoints
tumors associated with TLS/FUS fusions, myxoid liposar- have demonstrated that the EWS gene on chromosome 22
coma (TLS/FUS-CHOP) [93, 94] and myeloid leukemia becomes fused to the ATF-1 gene on chromosome 12, which
(TLS/FUS-ERG) [102, 103]. The molecular epidemiology encodes a protein containing a leucine-zipper domain and a
and transforming properties of TLS/FUS-CHOP and EWS- basic DNA-binding domain [97]. On the other hand, t(2;22)
Fli1 point to an important role for TLS/FUS/EWS-type breakpoints have demonstrated that the EWS gene on chro-
N-terminal domains in oncogenesis [104]. mosome 22 becomes fused to the CREB1 gene on chromo-
some 2 [113]. This translocation produces a fusion transcript
in which the RNA-binding domain of the EWS protein is
15.5.3 Synovial Sarcoma replaced by ATF-1 protein leucine-zipper and DNA-binding
domain. In CCS, the DNA-binding and dimerization activi-
Synovial sarcoma is an aggressive tumor that accounts for ties of the fusion protein likely lead to the transcriptional
approximately 10 % of soft-tissue tumors [81] that com- activation of ATF-1 targets.
monly occur adjacent to limb joints or tendons in children
and young adults [81]. A t(X;18) is detected cytogenetically
in greater than 90 % of synovial sarcomas, regardless of his- 15.5.5 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
tologic subtype. At the molecular level, the t(X;18)
(p11.2;q11.2) produces a fusion of the SYT gene on chromo- Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant skeletal muscle tumor
some 18 with the SSX gene on chromosome X, resulting in occurring primarily in children and adolescents. The alveolar
SYT-SSX fusion gene transcripts [105]. The Xp11 region subtype (ARMS), the most aggressive, has the poorest prog-
contains a cluster of closely related SSX1-SSX5 genes. nostic outcome [114]. The typical cytogenetic finding in
Although the Xp11 breakpoint typically involves either SSX1 ARMS is the t(2;13)(q35-37;q14), which has been detected
or SSX2, which map to Xp11.23 and Xp11.21, respectively, in as many as 70 % of cases [115–117]. A variant transloca-
other members of the cluster can be involved [106]. SYT tion, t(1;13)(p36;q14), was identified in a smaller subset of
encodes a protein of 387 amino acids; all but the C-terminal ARMS [118, 119]. These translocations fuse the FKHR
eight amino acids are fused to SSX as a result of this translo- locus on chromosome 13 to either PAX3 on chromosome 2
cation. The normal SYT protein does not exhibit homology [120] or PAX7 on chromosome 1 [120]. PAX3 and PAX7
to any known protein sequences [105, 107, 108]. The SSX1 encode members of the paired box (PAX) transcription fac-
and SSX2 genes encode similar 188 amino-acid proteins. As tor family, which is characterized by a conserved paired box
neither SYT nor the SSX proteins possess recognizable DNA-binding domain first identified in Drosophila segmen-
DNA-binding domains, they are presumed to function as tation genes [121]. The FKHR gene product contains a fork
transcriptional regulators whose actions are mediated pri- head domain, a sequence first identified as a 100 amino-acid
marily via protein–protein interactions. The SSX2 protein region of similarity between Drosophila fork head and the
has been shown to exhibit transcriptional repression [109]. rat HNF-3 proteins. This domain was subsequently identified
Therefore, the SYT-SSX chimeric proteins may be involved in a large family of genes in multiple species, ranging from
250 K. Ohyashiki et al.

yeast to humans [122]. Of the FOX family of proteins, FKHR receptor (PDGFR) protein tyrosine kinase, which promotes
is the prototype of a subfamily with highly similar fork head DP cell growth [142].
domains and additional regions of sequence similarity [123–
125]. Recently, a mouse model of ARMS was developed, in
which PAX3-FKHR expression is conditionally activated in 15.5.8 Thyroid Cancer
developing skeletal muscle [126]. Tumor incidence in these
mice increases with the introduction of additional genetic The thyroid gland manifests a wide spectrum of malignant
defects, such as deletion of the Ink4A/ARF locus and p53 neoplasms. Follicular cell-derived thyroid carcinoma consists
gene mutations [127]. Thus, PAX3-FKHR plays a primary of several morphological subtypes, including papillary
role in muscle cell transformation and may function at mul- (PTC), follicular (FTC), Hürthle-cell (HCC), and anaplastic
tiple stages in ARMS development. (ATC) carcinomas. These subtypes are phenotypically dis-
tinct, exhibiting extremes of malignant potential, from the
indolent PTC to the highly aggressive ATC. While chromo-
15.5.6 Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor somal alterations generating fusion oncoproteins are common
in leukemias/lymphomas and sarcomas, they are relatively
The desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a type of rare in human carcinomas; such fusions are almost exclu-
sarcoma characterized by an aggressive clinical course with sively found in well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas [143].
widespread abdominal involvement and a peculiar histologi- FTC, which accounts for approximately 20 % of all thyroid
cal appearance with prominent desmoplasia [128]. cancers, was recently found to contain a genomic rearrange-
Cytogenetics and molecular characterization of DSRCT have ment involving a t(2;3)(q13;p25). This translocation fuses the
identified a unique chromosomal rearrangement, t(11;22) thyroid-specific transcription factor PAX8 with PPARγ, a
(p13;q12), in these tumors [129–132]. This translocation ubiquitously expressed transcription factor [144]. The result-
involves the EWS gene at 22p12 and the Wilms tumor sup- ing paired box-8 (PAX8)/peroxisome proliferator-activated
pressor gene (WT1) at 11p13. The resulting chimeric gene receptor (PPAR)-γ fusion protein (PPFP) has been identified
generates a fusion cDNA transcript encoding an aberrant tran- in approximately 50 % of FTC and a smaller proportion of
scriptional regulatory factor containing the N-terminal region follicular adenomas, the putative precursor lesion. PAX8,
of EWS and the WT1 C-terminus [133]. This fusion transcript which is required for normal thyroid development, is involved
is similar to other tumor-specific fusions of the EWS gene in the maintenance of differentiated follicular cell function.
described in other human sarcomas, such as the prototype As is typical for pax family genes, its expression is tightly
joining of EWS with ETS gene family members (FLI-1, ERG, regulated and controlled. Thus, aberrant expression of PPFP
or ETV1) in Ewing family tumors. In all of these rearrange- is likely to have oncogenic effects simply by downregulating
ments, resulting transcripts possess the N-terminal effector endogenous PAX8 expression, an effect that has been
region of EWS with replacement of the RNA-binding observed for other fusion genes containing pax family genes
C-terminus by the fusion partner [132, 133]. The chimeric [145]. In PTC, a single mutation in BRAF, the gene encoding
product, which is often transforming, likely functions by dys- the B-type Raf kinase, changing valine to glutamic acid at
regulating a critical group of target genes [134, 135]. position 600 (V600E) is responsible for disease in 40–50 % of
patients, especially in older people. This mutation is associ-
ated with a poorer clinicopathological outcome. Another
15.5.7 Dermatofibrosarcoma important cause of PTC is rearrangements in the RET tyro-
sine kinase receptor (RET/PTC), which typically recombine
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DP) is a soft tissue tumor the C-terminal region of the RET gene with the promoter and
typically found in the deep dermis [80]. While it can arise at N-terminal domain of a partner gene. This fusion gene results
any site, DP preferentially arises in the subcutaneous tissues in a protein product exhibiting constitutive activation of RET
of the trunk and proximal extremities. DP typically occurs tyrosine kinase. This rearrangement is responsible for disease
during early and mid-adult life [80]. Although authentic DP in 20–30 % patients, with a higher incidence in younger
may occur in children, the distinct entity of giant cell fibro- patients and those receiving radiation [146–149].
sarcoma (GCF) is considered to be the juvenile form of DP
[80, 126]. Cytogenetically, DP and GCF both exhibit a
unique chromosomal rearrangement, t(17;22)(q22;q13) 15.5.9 Renal Cell Carcinoma
[136–140]. This translocation, involving the PDGFB gene at
22q13.1 and the COL1A1 gene at 17q22 [141], results in the Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) constitutes a heterogeneous
deregulation of PDGFB expression. Unregulated expression group of tumors; specific chromosomal aberrations present in
of the ligand leads to continuous activation of the PDGF these tumors are important for defining RCC subtypes. The
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 251

most common RCC subtypes are clear-cell, papillary, and 15.6 Overview of DNA-Repair and DNA-
chromophobe carcinomas, which account for 75, 10, and 5 % Replication Process
of malignant kidney tumors, respectively [150]. The most fre-
quent genetic change in clear-cell RCC is loss of the short arm Maintaining genetic stability requires not only an extremely
of chromosome 3, which can be caused by terminal deletions, accurate mechanism for replicating the DNA before a cell
intrachromosomal rearrangements, or unbalanced transloca- divides, but also mechanisms for repairing the many acci-
tions. Papillary RCCs, which constitute as many as 10 % of dental lesions that occur in DNA. Most spontaneous changes
human kidney tumors, are rare in children. Cytogenetic stud- in DNA are temporary because they are immediately cor-
ies usually identify trisomy or tetrasomy 7 or trisomy 17, 12, rected by the various cellular DNA repair processes. There
16, or 20 [151]. A subset of papillary RCC exhibits abnormali- are a variety of repair and replication mechanisms, each cata-
ties at Xp11 in the presence of t(6;11)(p21;q12) [152] or other lyzed by a different set of enzymes. DNA repair (including
translocations [153]. The t(6;11)(p21;q12) results in fusion of replication-coupled repair mechanisms) involves at least
the 5′ portion of the ALPHA gene (11q12) to the transcription four processes: (1) the altered portion of a damaged DNA
factor TFEB (6p21) [154, 155]. strand is recognized and removed by enzymes called DNA-
repair nucleases; (2) DNA polymerase binds to the 3′-OH
end of the cut DNA strand and fills in the gap by making a
15.5.10 Other Solid Tumors complementary copy of the information stored in the resid-
ual template strand; (3) during DNA replication, proofread-
Congenital fibrosarcoma (CFS) and cellular mesoblastic ing occurs through the 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity of the
nephroma (CMN) are two closely related spindle cell malig- DNA polymerase enzyme; (4) post-replication or mismatch
nancies seen in infancy and young childhood. In addition to repair (MMR), remove any replication errors that were
clinical and histopathological similarities [156, 157], these missed by the proofreading exonuclease and remain in the
tumors share several common genetic abnormalities, includ- newly synthesized DNA. Inactivation of any of these DNA-
ing trisomy 11 [158, 159] and expression of the t(12;15) repair processes can result in a large increase in spontaneous
(p13;q25)-associated ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion [160]. mutability, and in the case of humans, predisposition to can-
Several additional neoplasms exhibit distinct genetic cer development.
abnormalities that are critical in tumorigenesis. Almost all
meningiomas exhibit hemizygosity for chromosome 22.
Loss of these chromosome 22 loci, specifically the inactiva- 15.7 Nucleotide Excision Repair
tion of the NF2 tumor-suppressor gene at 22q12, is a critical and Cancer
step in meningioma tumorigenesis [161]. Almost all forms
of retinoblastoma contain abnormalities of chromosome 15.7.1 Mechanism of DNA Excision Repair
13q14; in a subset of cases, a deletion at 13q14 can be visual-
ized karyotypically. The molecular consequence of this dele- There are two main mechanisms for excision of DNA dam-
tion is loss of the Rb1 tumor suppressor gene. Wilms tumor, age. These mechanisms are base excision repair (BER) and
a kidney tumor of childhood, typically exhibits deletion or nucleotide excision repair (NER) [166]. In general terms,
mutation of the short arm of chromosome 11, which inacti- BER removes and abnormal base from the DNA strand.
vates the WT1 tumor-suppressor gene, located at 11p13 Release of the damaged base from the DNA is catalyzed by
[162]. Inactivation of the APC tumor-suppressor gene at the class of enzymes called DNA glycosylases. Each gluco-
5q21-22 is a critical step in colorectal tumorigenesis [163]. sylase is specific for a particular type or class of DNA lesion.
In addition to translocations and deletions, tumor cells The resulting apurinic or apyrimidinic site is cleaved by an
often exhibit increases in chromosomal material, with identi- AP endonuclease, DNA polymerase fills the gap, and DNA
fication of double minutes (DMs) or homogeneously stain- ligase seals the remaining nick.
ing chromosomal regions (HSRs). Human neuroblastomas Another model for damaged DNA excision is NER, which
were the first tumors demonstrated to harbor DMs and HSRs; involves the removal of the section of DNA containing the
in these tumors, gene amplification involves the N-MYC lesion, followed by repair synthesis using the remaining
gene [164]. Such amplification of N-MYC is typically seen in intact DNA strand as a template for restoring the gap [166–
more advanced tumors (stage III and IV). Amplified L-MYC 168]. Once a bulky DNA lesion is found, the phosphodiester
genes in DMs and HSRs [165] have also been found in a backbone of the abnormal strand is cleaved on both sides of
subset of small cell carcinomas, typically in the late stages of the distortion, and the portion of the strand containing the
tumor progression. Additional gene amplifications involving lesion is peeled away from the DNA double helix by a DNA
EGFR, c-ERBB2, or BCL1 have been described in various helicase enzyme. The gap produced in the DNA helix is then
solid tumors. repaired in the usual manner by DNA polymerase and DNA
252 K. Ohyashiki et al.

ligase. The importance of these repair processes is indicated suppressor protein interacts both physically and functionally
by the large investment that cells make in DNA-repair with the TFIIH complex [176]. This interaction might pro-
enzymes. Individuals with the genetic disease xeroderma vide an immediate and direct link between p53 and the mul-
pigmentosum (XP), for example, are defective in a NER pro- tiple function of TFIIH in transcription.
cess that can be shown by genetic analysis to repair at least
seven different gene products [167, 168].
15.7.3 Mutations of NER and Cancer Family
15.7.2 Proteins Involved in NER
Defective excision repair in human in association with some
Most proteins involved in NER have been discovered through autosomal recessive diseases strongly predispose to malig-
analysis of XP [169]. These proteins are summarized in nant disease [177]. XP is caused by absence or greatly
Table 15.8. The damage recognition step involves the DNA- reduced levels of excision inheritance. The clinical manifes-
binding proteins XPA and XPE [170, 171]. Mammalian XPA tations of XP result from DNA damage from exposure to the
and XPE proteins show a preference for binding damaged defective NER in these patients. Cell-fusion studies have
over undamaged DNA. Differential recognition by XPA may identified 7 XP complementation groups, XPS. A through
be an important factor in determining faster repair. The next XPG, suggesting that many distinct gene products are
step of NER involves the introduction of two incisions into involve in NER [178].
the damaged DNA strand, one on each side of the DNA Bloom’s syndrome (BS) is a rare disorder with autoso-
lesion. The size of the repair patch formed during NER is mal recessive inheritance, and major clinical manifestations
about 25–30 nucleotides long. Two different nucleases are are growth deficiency, unusual facies, and sun-sensitive
used to create the dual incisions. In mammalian cells, these facial erythema [179]. Increased sister chromatid changes
are the XPG/ERCC5 protein, which makes the 3′-incision (SCE) and chromosomal instability are typical in vitro find-
[172], and the complex consisting of XPE/ERCC4 and ings demonstrable in lymphocyte and fibroblast cultures
ERCC1, which makes the 5′-incision [173]. The portion of from BS patients [180]. These patients also have an increase
the strand containing the lesion is peeled away from the susceptibility to cancer [181]. The tumor spectrum exhib-
DNA double helix by a DNA helicase enzyme. These pro- ited by BS patients includes various rare tumor types, acute
cesses combine to remove the damaged segment of DNA, leukemias and lymphomas. The first step in positional clon-
leaving a single-strand gap in the DNA at the site of the ing effort to isolate the BS gene (BLM) was to identify
lesion. This gap is subsequently filled through the action of genetic linkages between the BLM locus and mapped poly-
DNA polymerase enzymes. morphic markers [182]. BLM protein is a member of a
The multiprotein complex TFIIH participates in both growing helicase subfamily, including recQ in Escherichia
basal transcription and in NER. TFIIH is normally found in coli, RECQL in human, SGS1 in yeast, and the gene product
the initiation complex at promoters transcribed by RNA encoded by the Werner syndrome (WS) gene WRN. RecQ
polymerase II. Known NER proteins are components of genes are suppressors of illegitimate recombination in E.
TFIIH [174, 175]. Human TFIIH contains the XPB (ERCC3) coli and would lead to DNA instability in humans. Gene
and XPD (ERCC2) proteins. XPB and XPOD contain seven products of SGS1 and WRN are especially similar to BLM,
conserved helicase domains, and they have 3′ → 5′ and and contain the 7 conserved helicase motifs [183]. These
5′ → 3′ DNA helicase activities, respectively. TFIIH also proteins are likely to play similar roles in DNA metabolism.
contains a kinase, composed of cdk7 and cyclin H. TFIIH Because helicase activity is important for the DNA exci-
may regulate transcription initiation by phosphorylating sion-repair process, cancer susceptibility in BS patients may
DNA polymerase II. It has been reported that the p53 tumor- result from abnormality of the DNA-repair system.

Table 15.8 The polypeptides required for excision repairs in humans

XP protein ERCC protein Yeast homolog Activity Comments
XPA – RAD14 DNA binding Binds damaged DNA
XPB ERCC3 RAD25 Helicase 3′ to 5′ DNA helicase in TFIIH
XPC – RAD4 DNA binding Binds ssDNA
XPD ERCC2 RAD3 Helicase 5′ to 3′ DNA helicase in TFIIH
XPE – Binds damaged DNA?
XPF ERCC4 RAD14 Nuclease Complex with ERCC1, 5′-incision
XPG ERCC5 RAD25 Nuclease 3′-incision
– ERCC1 RAD10 Nuclease Complex with ERCC4, 3′-incision
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 253

15.8 Replication Error and Cancer subunit that removes unpaired residues at the primer termi-
nus. Excision by this 3′ → 5′ proofreading exonuclease activ-
15.8.1 Proofreading and MMR ity continues until enough nucleotides have been removed
from the 3′-end to regenerate a base-paired terminus that can
An overview of DNA replication is illustrated in Fig. 15.1. prime DNA synthesis. In this way, DNA polymerase func-
Human cells require a high-fidelity DNA-replication and tions as a self-correcting enzyme that removes its own
-repair mechanisms to ensure the integrity of the approxi- polymerization errors as it moves along the DNA.
mately 3 × 109 base pairs of DNA contained in the genome. Another mechanism that removes replication errors
The fidelity of DNA replication is extremely high, with about missed by the proofreading exonuclease is the MMR system.
1 error made for every 1 × 109 base pairs of DNA replicated. In E. coli, two MMR genes are well known, namely MutS
This level of fidelity is much higher than might be expected, and MulL proteins with the heteroduplex activates a latent
given that the standard complementary base pairing (AT and endonuclease associated with MutH protein, which cleaves
GC) observed in mammalian DNAs are not the only ones the unmethylated strand at a d(GATC) site. Although little is
possible. The high fidelity of DNA replication depends on known about the reaction responsible for unbiased correction
several proofreading and MMR mechanisms that act sequen- of continuous heteroduplexes, nick-directed MMR in
tially to remove errors [184]. humans has been extensively examined. This type of repair
One proofreading process depends on specific properties depends on the gene products of MLH1, MSH2, MSH3,
of the DNA polymerase enzyme [185, 186]. Several DNA MSH6 (or GTBP), PMS1, and PMS2, implicating these
polymerase enzymes are known in mammalian cells human homologous of MutS and MutL in the reaction [187].
(Table 15.9), DNA polymerase enzymes are able to correct Available evidence suggests that mismatch recognition in
mismatched nucleotides by means of a separate catalytic human cells is mediated by the MSH2-MSH6 protein het-

Fig. 15.1 A mammalian replication fork

during DNA replication. The major types of
proteins that act at a DNA replication fork are
illustrated, showing their positions on the
DNA. The replication fork makes use of two
DNA polymerase enzymes; one for the
leading strand and one for lagging strand. The
leading-strand polymerase is designed to keep
a tight hold on the DNA, whereas that on the
lagging-strand must be able to release the
template and then rebind each time a new
Okazaki fragment is synthesized.

Table 15.9 Properties of DNA polymerase in eukaryotic cells

Exonuclease type Distributions 3′–5′ Activity Function
α Nuclei − Synthesis of Okazaki fragment in lagging
β Nuclei − Base excision repair
γ Mitochondria + Replication of mitochondrial DNA repair
Proofreading activity
δ Nuclei + Synthesis of reading strand
Joining of Okazaki fragment
Proofreading activity
ε Nuclei + Replication? Proofreading?
254 K. Ohyashiki et al.

erodimer (designated hMutSa), with the MLH1-PMS2 pro- syndromes (MDS) in some patients, especially as an early
tein heterodimer (hMutLa) providing MutL function [188]. genetic event [198]. MSI has also been observed in other
hematologic malignancies including CLL, Burkitt lym-
phoma, and HIV-associated lymphomas [199–201].
15.8.2 Microsatellite Instability in Human
15.8.3 Mutations of MMR Genes in Human
The human genome is punctuated with repetitive nucleotide Cancer
sequences or microsatellites. These repetitive dinucleotide,
trinucleotides, and tetranucleotides are frequently, but not The basis of the MSI phenotype has been clarified by genetic
invariably, located between genes and have been classified as analysis of HNPCC families and biochemical assay of tumor
junk DNA. Because microsatellites are usually less than cell lines that express MSI. Four genes have been implicated
100 bp long and are embedded in DNA with unique sequences, to date in HNPCC: MSH2, MLH1, PMS1, and PMS2 [202,
they can be amplified in vitro using the polymerase chain 203]. The majority fraction of HNPCC examined harbor
reaction (PCR). Microsatellites are easy to clone and charac- mutations in MSH2 or MLK1, whereas PMS1 and PMS2
terize, and they display considerable polymorphism due to mutations appear to be responsible for only a small fraction
variation in the number of units [189, 190]. Microsatellite of HNPCC patients. These data suggest that MSI in tumors
instability (MSI) may reflect replication error (RER), because arising in patients with HNPCC is due to the presence of
RER results in accumulation of changes in the length of mic- mutations in 1 of 4 known (hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1, and
rosatellites and other short repeat sequences (Fig. 15.2). hPMS2) DNA MMR genes. Isolation of hMutSa have impli-
In studies on hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer cated MSH6 in mismatch repair, but mutations in the MSH6
(HNPCC) and sporadic colorectal cancer patients, frequent locus have not been identified in HNPCC kindred. However,
mutations in the microsatellite-repeat sequences were first MSH6 defects have been identified in several sporadic MSI-
described [189–191]. These mutations are typically tumor- positive colorectal cancers [204].
specific and indicative of a somatic origin. Since the original Mutation analysis of these four MMR genes in endome-
description of MSI in HNPCC tumors and sporadic colon trial carcinomas displaying microsatellite instability revealed
cancer, MSI has been described in a significant fraction of that two of nine tumors contained hMSH2 mutations, sug-
sporadic tumors, including colorectal, endometrial, stomach, gesting that mutations in these four MMR genes are not
ovarian cervical, pancreatic, esophageal, and small-cell lung responsible for MI in the majority of sporadic endometrial
cancer [192–195]. These data suggest that RER followed by carcinomas [205].
MSI could be a common mechanism involved in neoplastic Hangaishi et al. examined alterations of hMLH1 gene in a
transformation. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a frequent total 43 human leukemia cell lines by PCR-SSCP: mutations
occurrence of MSI in the evolution of CML [196, 197], indi- of the hMLH1 gene were detected in three cell lines from
cating MSI to be a later genetic event in the evolution of lymphoid leukemias, suggesting that disruption of MMR
CML to blast crisis. On the other hand, Kaneko et al. reported may play an important role in the development of human
that MSI contributes to the pathogenesis of myelodysplastic lymphoid leukemias [206].

Fig. 15.2 The principle of microsatellite

alterations in the disruption of mismatch
repair system. During DNA replication,
slippage occurs and CA repeats could be
altered and not be removed, if the repair
system is damaged.
15 Chromosomes and Chromosomal Instability in Human Cancer 255

15.8.4 Target Genes of Mismatch Repair (hTERT) [221] and associated proteins [222–225], telomere
Defects length progressively shortens on every cell division.
Progressive telomere shortening without telomerase activity
Markowitz et al. demonstrated a strong correlation between (or low level telomerase activity) results in chromosomal
defects in the type II TGF-β receptor (TGFβRII) gene and instability and produces telomere association, for example,
expression of MSI in tumors cell. The mutations responsible dicentric chromosomes or DMS [226, 227]. In normal
defective TGFβRII function in thee tumor cells were located somatic cells, telomerase activity is only detectable in regen-
in microsatellite-repeat units with the coding sequence of the erating tissues, like hematopoietic cells, intestinal cryptic
gene, and consisted of expansion (insertions) mutations in an cells, and hair follicle cells. Reduction of telomere length is
(A)10 repeat in several cases and a (GT)3 repeat in one case calculated by the telomere-binding protein (POT-1) and then
[207]. Because failure to respond to TGF-β growth inhibition telomerase activity is controlled via several telomere-binding
is a characteristic of certain cancers, these findings directly proteins (TRF-1, TRF-2) [228–230].
link to RER and a mutational hot spot in a growth control In cancer cells, upregulation of telomerase activity was
locus. Other genes that are targets for mutations in MSI- evident and is believed to protect from ultimate telomere
positive cells during the course of carcinogenesis have shortening that induces cell death [231, 232]. Therefore, telo-
proven elusive. Ouyang et al. examined mutations of the mere loss due to cell division induces chromosomal instabil-
insulin-like growth factor-2 receptor (IGF2R) gene in MSI- ity. However, to avoid cell senescence, telomerase activity is
positive cancers occurring at various primary sites, and upregulated and then tumor cells obtain consistent growth
found frameshift mutations in some populations of gastric, with relatively short but stable telomere length in hemato-
endometrial, and colorectal cancers expressing MSI [195]. logic neoplasms [233–235]. Although it has been suggested
that telomere attrition (and chromosome abnormality) and
microsatellite instability cooperate in cancer cells, it remains
15.8.5 Mutation of DNA Polymerase Enzymes unresolved whether telomere reduction and telomerase
in Human Cancer upregulation actually contribute to chromosome abnormali-
ties or instability in cancer cells, especially in solid tumors.
In the hereditary form, mutations of MMR genes are usually Currently, targeted therapy for telomerase or telomere struc-
responsible for instability. However, in many sporadic ture has been attempted to reduce telomere length and induce
tumors, mutations of the known MMR genes are apparently cell death, in combination with chemotherapy [236].
absent. Da Costa et al. investigated whether defects in the
proofreading DNA-repair function of DNA polymerase δ
might contribute to the RER phenotype [208]. They found a 15.9 Cell-Cycle Checkpoints in Cancer
variation in exon III of polymerase δ was observed in 3 of 8
MMR-positive colorectal cancer cell lines, suggesting that 15.9.1 Cell-Cycle Checkpoints
the RER phenotype might be related to mutations in the exo- and Chromosomal Instability
nuclease domain of DNA polymerase. DNA polymerase α
expression correlates with the extent of malignancy and sur- Cell-cycle checkpoints mechanisms ensure that all process in
vival in non-SCLC patients and is therefore considered to be one phase of the cell cycle are completed before the next phase
a useful prognostic marker [209]. Moreover, mutations in the begins. Such checkpoints are not activated unless an impedi-
gene coding DNA polymerase β were detected in a high per- ment to cell-cycle progression is detected. Therefore, it is
centage of human colorectal cancer [210]. DNA polymerase natural that DNA damage can trigger cell-cycle checkpoint
β gene mutations are also detected in prostate and bladder controls, because DNA damage can interfere significantly
cancer, although with relative low frequency [211]. with cell-cycle processes and diminish their accuracy.
It has demonstrated been demonstrated that cell-cycle
checkpoint abnormalities can lead to the generation of chromo-
15.8.6 Telomere Attrition and Chromosome somal aberrations [237, 238].for example, a defect in the S/M
Instability checkpoint can result in the improper segregation of chromo-
somes owing to the incomplete separation of sister chromatids
Telomeres, the ends of chromosomes, consist of simple tan- before DNA replication is successfully completed. Defects in
dem repeats. In humans, 10–15 kb of (TTAGGG) repeats are the surveillance of the integrity of DNA can cause chromo-
found at the termini of all chromosomes and function to pro- somal rearrangements, such as deletions, amplifications, and
tect chromosomal ends from chromosomal recombination translocations. Defects in spindle surveillance can lead to non-
[212–216]. Since telomere overhang does not replicate with- disjunction, generating whole chromosome gain or loss,
out the presence of telomerase [217–219], consisting of a whereas defects in the surveillance of the spindle poles can lead
RNA component (hTERC) [220], a catalytic subunit to change in chromosomal number, i.e., aneuploidy. In such
256 K. Ohyashiki et al.

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Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer
Development 16
José Ignacio Martín-Subero and Manel Esteller

CpG dinucleotides are not randomly distributed across

16.1 Introduction the genome but concentrated in the promoter regions of
genes (called CpG islands) and in repetitive genomic
Epigenetics literally means upon genetics and comprises sequences [3]. In general, it can be said that repetitive
various mechanisms that regulate both gene expression and sequences are heavily methylated in normal cells whereas
genome stability without modifying the DNA sequence itself most promoter regions associated with CpG islands are
[1, 2]. The most widely studied epigenetic changes are DNA unmethylated, which allows gene expression if the appropri-
methylation of cytosines within CpG dinucleotides and a ate transcriptional activators are present [3]. However, only
growing number of chemical modifications at different approximately 70 % of genes contain CpG island-associated
amino acid residues of histone tails including acetylation, promoters. In the remaining 30 % of genes, transcriptional
methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination [2–5]. regulation is mostly achieved through histone modifications
Additionally, other epigenetic factors like nuclear position- and not by DNA methylation. But this rule has several excep-
ing, noncoding RNAs, and microRNAs are also associated tions. For instance, expression of some genes lacking the
with gene regulation and chromatin structure [6–8]. established criteria for CpG islands, e.g., Maspin, is strongly
Epigenetics plays a key role in multiple physiological regulated by DNA methylation [10].
processes like development, establishment of tissue identity, As compared to epigenetic patterns in normal cells, can-
imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, chromosomal sta- cer cells are characterized by an intense disruption of the
bility, and gene transcription regulation [2]. Therefore, it is epigenomic machinery, which is reflected in multiple aberra-
not surprising that alterations in the epigenetic code are asso- tions affecting both content and distribution of DNA meth-
ciated with a wide variety of malignant and nonmalignant ylation and histone modifications [3, 10, 11, 17–19]. The
diseases [3, 9–13]. Furthermore, multiple environmental fac- aim of this review is to provide an overview on the role of
tors, e.g., nutrition, exposure to metals, or maternal behavior epigenetic modifications in cancer development as well as in
in early childhood, are able to induce epigenetic changes [9, cancer management and treatment.
14]. These environmentally induced epigenetic changes are
in turn related to susceptibility to several diseases in adults,
including cancer [15]. Interestingly, there is evidence show- 16.2 Gene Expression Regulation
ing that monozygotic twins acquire epigenetic and pheno- by Epigenetic Mechanisms
typic changes throughout life [16], which supports the
concept that lifestyle influences the phenotype through epi- DNA methylation and histone modifications are tightly regu-
genetic modifications. lated by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) [20] and a large
number of histone modifying enzymes [5], respectively. The
J.I. Martín-Subero, Ph.D. best characterized DNMTs are DNMT1, DNMT3A, and
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Institut d’Investigacions DNMT3B. Although DNMTs were originally classified as
Biomédiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, maintenance or de novo DNMTs (depending on their ability
Catalonia, Spain
to methylate hemimethylated or unmethylated substrates),
M. Esteller, M.D., Ph.D. (*) several lines of evidence indicate that all three DNMTs not
Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC), Bellvitge
only cooperate, but also may show both de novo and mainte-
Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL),
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain nance functions in vivo [21–23]. The knockout cell lines for
e-mail: DNMT1, DNMT3B, and both enzymes demonstrated that in

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 263

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_16
264 J.I. Martín-Subero and M. Esteller

single knockouts no effective CpG island demethylation and been found: DNMTs are able to recruit HDACs [34, 35],
restoration of gene expression were observed, but the double while on the other hand, both DNMTs and MBDs recruit
knockout of DNMT1 and DNMT3B showed complete hypo- histone methyltransferases (HMTs) that modify lysine 9 of
methylation at the studied CpG islands and corresponding histone H3 [36, 37]. Also, it has been reported that EZH2, a
gene activation [22, 24]. The double-knockout cell line has member of the polycomb repressor complex leading to meth-
also been shown to be a useful tool for identifying new ylation of lysine 27 of histone 3, associates with DNMTs and
hypermethylated genes in human cancer [24] thanks to the might be involved in establishing DNA methylation in a sub-
use of global genomic methylation strategies, such as AIMS set of target genes [38].
and CpG island arrays [3, 25]. Taken together, these results In conclusion, gene expression is highly regulated by var-
strongly suggest that both enzymes, DNMT1 and DNMT3B, ious epigenetic mechanisms. Active genes are associated
are necessary for effective CpG island methylation. with lack of DNA methylation, acetylation of H3 and H4,
The information for gene silencing contained by methyl- and methylation of lysine 4 of H3, whereas inactive genes
ated CpG islands is in part read by methyl-CpG-binding show deacetylation of histones H3 and H4, methylation of
proteins (MBDs). MBDs mechanistically link DNA meth- lysine 9 of histone H3, and demethylation of lysine 4 of his-
ylation and histone-modifying enzymes that establish a tone H3 (Fig. 16.1). In cancer, these patterns are profoundly
transcriptionally inactive chromatin environment. This fam- distorted (Fig. 16.1).
ily of proteins consists of five well-characterized members
(MeCP2, MBD1, MBD2, MBD3, and MBD4) [26]. MBD
proteins are associated with hypermethylated CpG island 16.3 Technical Approaches to Detect
promoters of tumor-suppressor genes and their transcrip- Epigenetic Changes
tional silencing [26], showing remarkable specificity in vitro
[27] and in vivo [28–30]. In fact, most hypermethylated pro- Techniques for the detection of epigenetic changes have
moters are occupied by MBD proteins, whereas unmethyl- dramatically evolved during the last 30 years [39–43]. The
ated promoters generally lack MBDs, with the exception of initial efforts in the 1970s were focused on the measurement
MBD1 [29]. Several promoters are highly specific in recruit- of global DNA methylation content and the study of particu-
ing a particular set of MBDs, while other promoters seem to lar sequences by Southern blot analyses using methylation-
be less exclusive. Thus, it can be speculated that the specific sensitive restriction endonucleases. The limitations of the
profile of MBD occupancy is gene-type and cancer-type latter method (e.g., large amounts of high-quality DNA,
specific [29]. sequence biases, and problems with incomplete digestions)
DNA methylation and histone modifications are not inde- made the study of specific sequences time consuming and
pendent epigenetic events but function in an orchestrated not widely applicable. It was not until 1992, with the intro-
manner to achieve a chromatin structure associated with duction of the sodium bisulfite conversion technique, that
gene silencing or gene expression. For instance MeCP2 DNA methylation analyses made a revolutionary step for-
represses transcription of methylated DNA by recruiting a ward [44]. Sodium bisulfite has the property of converting
histone deacetylase (HDAC)-containing complex [31, 32]. unmethylated cytosine into uracil, whereas methylated cyto-
Most histone modifications occur in their protruding sine remains unmodified. The combination of this chemical
N-terminal tails. So far, over 60 different residues on his- modification with genomic sequencing and methylation-
tones targeted by modifications like methylation, acetyla- specific PCR (MSP) made the study of DNA methylation
tion, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination have been identified changes widely available, and a large number of studies,
[5]. A specificity in the pattern of modifications under par- especially dealing with CpG island hypermethylation of
ticular conditions led to the proposal of the histone code tumor-suppressor genes in cancer, were published in the late
hypothesis, according to which histone modifications act 1990s [45]. However, these PCR-based approaches are
sequentially or in combination to form a code that may be restricted to the study of few candidate genes and are not
read by nuclear factors [4, 33]. Several modifications are suitable as screening techniques to identify novel markers.
compatible with gene silencing whereas others are associ- To overcome this, techniques like Amplification of
ated with gene activation. In general, histone deacetylation InterMethylated Sites (AIMS) and Restriction Landmark
leads to gene silencing whereas histone acetylation leads to Genomic Scanning (RLGS), which combine the use of
gene activation. Other modifications like histone methyla- methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases with one-
tion lead to silencing or activation depending on the amino dimensional or two-dimensional electrophoresis were estab-
acid targeted, e.g., methylation of lysine 9 of histone 3 leads lished [46, 47]. These techniques are time consuming, and
to repression whereas methylation of lysine 4 of the same every new fragment identified as differentially methylated
histone results in gene activation [5]. Additional connections between a control and a test sample has to be cloned and
between DNA methylation and histone modifications have sequenced.
16 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Development 265

Fig. 16.1 Graphical display of the most common epigenetic changes in CpG islands of tumor suppressor genes and DNA repeats in normal and
cancer cells.

An important step forward was been made in recent years the detection of novel cancer-related hypermethylated genes,
with the introduction of the microarray technology [48], 5-AZA is highly toxic to the cells and can alter the expres-
which allowed the simultaneous study of epigenetic changes sion levels of many genes regardless of their methylation sta-
of thousands of known sequences. Some of these array-based tus, leading to a high false-positive and false-negative rates,
DNA methylation techniques are based on the enrichment of and a thorough and time-consuming data validation [43].
methylated DNA and sequential hybridization onto a dedi- With regard to histone modifications, global alterations
cated microarray containing thousands of promoters or CpG can be detected by isolating histone fractions by high-
islands, or even a tiling path array containing the whole performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and then ana-
genome [49–51]. Enrichment for methylated DNA can be lyzing them by high-performance capillary electrophoresis
achieved by immunoprecipitation of methylated sequences (HPCE) and liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spec-
with an antibody specific for 5-methylcytosine (MeDIP) [52] trometry (LC–ES/MS) [62]. Specific modifications at each
or by methyl-CpG immunoprecipitation (MCIp), which uses amino acid residue can also be characterized using antibod-
a recombinant protein made of the methyl-CpG-binding ies in western blots, immunostaining [63], or tandem mass
domain of the MBD2 protein and the Fc fraction of the spectrometry (MS/MS) [62]. If the goal is to detect histone
human IgG1 to directly isolate methylated DNA [53, 54]. modifications at specific DNA stretches, a different strategy
Methylated DNA can also be isolated by digestion with is necessary. DNA can be crosslinked to the associated his-
methylation-specific endonucleases [50, 55, 56]. One of the tones and in a second step precipitated with antibodies spe-
limitations of these methods is that they only provide a blurry cific to certain histone modifications (technique called
picture of the methylome and it is not possible to determine chromatin immunoprecipitation or ChIP) so that a DNA
the methylation status of specific CpGs. This problem can be fraction enriched for that specific histone modification can
overcome by combining bisulfite treatment of the DNA and be isolated. Then, a PCR using primers for the region of
microarrays able to differentiate methylated and unmethyl- interest can be used. Alternatively, a genome-wide picture of
ated alleles [57–59]. histone modifications can be obtained by the ChIP-on-chip
These methods allow a direct detection of DNA methyla- technique. By means of this technique, the immunoprecipi-
tion patterns. However, there is an additional, but indirect, tated fraction can be labeled and directly hybridized onto a
way for detecting hypermethylated genes. This method microarray or compared with the input DNA in two-color
applies gene expression profiling before and after treatment hybridization [64, 65].
with DNA demethylating agents like 5-aza-2′-deoxycytosine In spite of the potential of microarrays to characterize DNA
(5-AZA), so that hypermethylated genes become reactivated methylation and histone modifications across the genome,
after treatment [60, 61]. Although this technique has allowed they are limited either by resolution, type and number of
266 J.I. Martín-Subero and M. Esteller

sequences analyzed, or by their quantification accuracy. In any can be transcribed or translocated to other genomic regions so
case, the complete characterization of the human epigenome that chromosomal instability is further generated. The loss of
of a given sample requires the quantification of the methyla- methyl groups from DNA can also disrupt genomic imprint-
tion status of each of the ~55 million CpG dinucleotides per ing. For instance, the hereditary Beckwith-Wiedemann syn-
diploid cell and the distribution of histone marks of every drome shows loss of imprinting of IGF2 (the insulin-like
DNA region, and today this is far from possible using the cur- growth factor gene) and individuals affected with this syn-
rent microarray platforms. The development of a new genera- drome have an increased risk of cancer [81].
tion of sequencers is now revolutionizing both genomics and
epigenomics [66–68]. These new sequencing technologies are
based on pyrosequencing using millions of picoliter-scale 16.5 Gene Silencing in Cancer by DNA
reactions, sequencing by synthesis and sequencing by ligation Methylation
[66], and are able to sequence up to 2 gigabases of DNA (and
the human genome is made of ~3.1 gigabases) in a single Tumor-suppressor gene silencing by CpG island hypermeth-
experiment. The initial applications of these technologies in ylation is perhaps the best studied epigenetic change in can-
the epigenomics field have enabled profiling of the distribu- cer development (Fig. 16.1) [10, 11, 17, 82, 83]. The presence
tion of 20 different histone methylation marks in human CD4+ of CpG island promoter hypermethylation affects genes reg-
T-cells [69] or the chromatin state (using six different histone ulating virtually all important cellular functions, such as cell
marks) of mouse embryonic stem cells and lineage-committed cycle (p16INK4a, p15INK4b, RB1, p14ARF), DNA repair
cells like neural progenitor cells and embryonic fibroblasts (BRCA1, hMLH1, MGMT, WRN), cell adherence and inva-
[70]. With regard to the detection of DNA methylation changes sion (CDH1, CDH13, EXT1, SLIT2, EMP3), apoptosis
by high-throughput sequencers [71], the reduction from 4 to (DAPK, TMS1, SFRP1), carcinogen metabolism (GSTP1),
3 bp of unmethylated sequences (C is transformed to U and hormonal response (RARB2, ER, PRL, TSH receptors), Ras
then to T in the PCR reaction) after bisulfite treatment poses a signaling (RASSF1A, NOREIA), and microRNAs, among
methodological problem to identify the origin of the sequenced others [82]. Table 16.1 shows a summary of the most com-
fragments. Therefore, current technologies do not yet allow mon hypermethylated genes in human cancer.
direct sequencing of bisulfite-treated whole genomic DNA, Some of the genes hypermethylated in cancer are com-
although this will be most likely achieved in the near future. mon to most cancer subtypes, whereas others are considered
to be cancer subtype specific [83, 84]. Hierarchical cluster
analysis of DNA methylation profiles of tumor suppressor
16.4 DNA Hypomethylation in Cancer genes in different cancers leads to a classification according
to diagnosis and therefore, each cancer type can be assigned
One of the initial epigenetic changes discovered in cancer is a specific DNA hypermethylome. Such patterns of epigenetic
that, in comparison to normal cells, cancer cells are character- inactivation occur not only in sporadic cancers but also in
ized by a global hypomethylation of the DNA [18, 72, 73]. inherited cancer syndromes [85], in which hypermethylation
Such global loss of methylation mainly targets repetitive can be the second lesion in the classical Knudson’s two-hit
DNA sequences, coding regions, and introns. So far, it has model of cancer development [85, 86].
been reported that DNA hypomethylation leads to generation So far, most of epigenetic studies have targeted known
of chromosomal instability, reactivation of transposable ele- tumor-suppressor genes. However, with the advent of the sci-
ments, and loss of imprinting in cancer [74]. Hypomethylation ence of epigenomics, a more precise and less biased delinea-
of DNA repeats results in a more open chromatin at those tion of the cancer cell epigenome is becoming accessible.
genomic regions and renders the DNA more susceptible to This strategy is already providing a complete new generation
suffer DNA breaks by mitotic recombination of homologous of epigenetic markers in cancer. An increasing number of
repetitive sequences in different chromosomes (Fig. 16.1) microarray-based studies have focused on the detection of
[75–77]. This leads to chromosomal rearrangements, which differentially methylated biomarkers associated with specific
represent one of the genetic hallmarks of cancer. Also, germ- types of solid tumors like breast cancer [87–90], colorectal
line mutations in the DNMT3B gene in humans are associated cancer [91–94], prostate cancer [95–97], lung cancer [98–
with the ICF (immunodeficiency, centromeric region instabil- 101], head and neck cancer [49], oligodendroglioma [102],
ity, facial abnormalities) syndrome, which displays DNA medulloblastoma [103], and Wilms tumors [104]. In hemato-
hypomethylation of repeats (like satellite 2), and chromo- logical cancers, due to the large number of different cell
somal instability [78]. Hypomethylation of DNA in malig- types of the hematopoietic system, a wide range of different
nant cells can reactivate endoparasitic DNA, such as L1 (long leukemias and lymphomas have been identified by means of
interspersed nuclear elements), and Alu (recombinogenic morphological, immunohistochemical, and genetic features
sequence) repeats [79, 80]. These unmethylated transposons [105]. Now, several groups are using microarray-based DNA
16 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Development 267

Table 16.1 Summary of the best characterized genes silenced by CpG island promoter hypermethylation in human cancer (adapted from [3])
Gene Function Location Cancer type
APC Inhibitor of beta-catenin 5q21 Aerodigestive tract
AR Androgen receptor Xq11 Prostate
BRCA1 DNA repair, transcription 17q21 Breast, ovary
CDH1 E cadherin, cell adhesion 16q22.1 Breast, stomach
CDH13 H cadherin, cell adhesion 16q24 Breast, lung
COX2 Cyclooxygenase-2 1q25 Colon, stomach
CRBP1 Retinol-binding protein 3q23 Colon, stomach, lymphoma
DAPK Pro-apoptotic 9q34.1 Lymphoma, lung, colon
DKK1 Extracellular Wnt inhibitor 10q11.2 Colon
ER Estrogen receptor 6q25.1 Breast
EXT1 Heparan sulfate synthesis 8q24 Leukemia, skin
FAT Cadherin, tumor suppressor 4q35 Colon
GATA4 Transcription factor 8p23 Colon, stomach
GATA5 Transcription factor 20q13 Colon, stomach
GSTP1 Conjugation to glutathione 11q13 Prostate, breast, kidney
HIC1 Transcription factor 17p13.3 Multiple types
HOXA9 Homeobox protein 7p15.2 Neuroblastoma
ID4 Transcription factor 6p22.3 Leukemia
IGFBP3 Growth-factor-binding protein 7p13 Lung, skin
Lamin A/C Nuclear intermediate filament 1q21.2 Lymphoma, leukemia
LKB1/STK11 Serine–threonine kinase 19p13.3 Colon, breast, lung
MGMT DNA repair of 06–alkyl-guanine 10q26 Multiple types
MLH1 DNA mismatch repair 3p21.3 Colon, endometrium, stomach
NORE1A Ras effector homologue 1q32 Lung
p14ARF MDM2 inhibitor 9p21 Colon, stomach, kidney
p15INK4B Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 9p21 Leukemia
p16INK4A Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 9p21 Multiple types
p73 p53 homologue 1p36 Lymphoma
PR Progesterone receptor 11q22 Breast
PRLR Prolactin receptor 5p13.2 Breast
RARB2 Retinoic acid receptor-beta2 3p24 Colon, lung, head, and neck
RASSF1A Ras effector homologue 3p21.3 Multiple types
RB1 Cell-cycle inhibitor 13q14 Retinoblastoma
RIZ1 Histone/protein methyltransferase 1p36 Breast, liver
SFRP1 Secreted frizzled-related protein 18p11.21 Colon
SLC5A8 Sodium transporter 12q23 Glioma, colon
SOCS1 Inhibitor of JAK–STAT pathway 16p13.13 Liver, myeloma
SOCS3 Inhibitor of JAK–STAT pathway 17q25 Lung
SRBC BRCA1-binding protein 1p15 Breast, lung
SYK Tyrosine kinase 9q22 Breast
THBS1 Thrombospondin-1, anti-angiogenic 15q15 Glioma
TMS1 Pro-apoptotic 16p11 Breast
TPEF/HPP1 Transmembrane protein 2q33 Colon, bladder
TSHR Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor 14q31 Thyroid
VHL Ubiquitin ligase component 3p25 Kidney, hemangioblastoma
WIF1 Wnt inhibitory factor 12q14.3 Colon, lung
WRN DNA repair 8p12 Colon, stomach, sarcoma

methylation profiling to characterize the epigenome of this and follicular lymphoma (FL) [106], B-cell chronic lympho-
heterogeneous group of diseases and to identify diagnostic cytic leukemia (B-CLL), MCL, and FL [107, 108], cutane-
epigenetic marks. These studies have shown differential ous T-cell lymphoma and normal T-cells [109], acute
methylation profiles between mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia
268 J.I. Martín-Subero and M. Esteller

(AML) [110], AML and normal monocytes [54], and ALL involved in cellular functions like cell proliferation, differen-
and normal peripheral blood [111]. Taken together, these tiation, and apoptosis [122, 123]. Therefore, it is not surpris-
studies and our recent unpublished experiments indicate that ing that miRNA expression has been found to be deregulated
cancer cells, depending on the tumor subtype, might contain in cancer development [124, 125]. The role as tumor sup-
up to 2000 hypermethylated gene promoters. pressors of miRNAs has been investigated in more detail for
The acquisition of differential methylation in cancer, like particular cases. For example, the downregulated let-7 and
hypermethylation of tumor-suppressor genes, is thought to miR-15/miR-16, and miR-127 are known to target the onco-
provide the tumor clone with a selective (e.g., proliferative) genic factors RAS and BCL-2, respectively [126, 127]. This
advantage. However, recent reports have proposed that there may be explained by the failure of these miRNAs during
is an instructive mechanism behind aberrant DNA methyla- post-transcriptional regulation in cancer cells [128], but
tion in cancer [112, 113]. Keshet and colleagues performed a additional mechanisms such as CpG island hypermethyl-
MeDIP-on-chip study in colon and prostate cancer and as ation could also be involved. For instance, it has been
well as identifying differentially methylated genes, they observed that 5 % of human miRNAs are upregulated by
studied whether these genes show distinct biological features treatment of bladder cancer cells with DNA demethylating
[112]. They discovered that genes differentially methylated agent and HDAC inhibitor [129]. In particular, miR-127
in cancer are enriched for functional categories (e.g., cell expression was induced by a decrease in DNA methylation
adhesion, cell-cell signaling, signal transduction, and ion levels around the promoter region of the miR-127 gene, and
transport) and that the expression of some of them is already the proto-oncogene BCL6, a potential target of miR-127,
repressed (or expressed at low levels) in cells from matched was translationally downregulated after treatment [129].
normal tissues [112]. Furthermore, they detected a signifi- Additionally, using a genetic approach that takes advantage
cant enrichment of sequence motifs and a significant cluster- of the genomic disruption of DNMT1 and DNMT3B in can-
ing of such genes in chromosomal regions [112]. In line with cer cells, we have demonstrated that CpG island hypermeth-
this finding, another study has shown that large stretches of ylation is a mechanism that can account for the downregulation
DNA containing several genes can become hypermethylated of miRNAs in human cancer [130]. Most importantly, the
in cancer [114]. epigenetic silencing of miR-124a, one of the DNA
Various independent studies have recently provided fur- methylation-associated silenced miRNAs isolated using this
ther evidence for an instructive mechanism leading to selec- approach, leads to activation of cyclin D kinase 6 (CDK6), a
tive methylation of certain groups of genes in most types of bona fide oncogenic factor, and phosphorylation of the reti-
cancer. These studies took advantage of ChIP-on-chip data noblastoma (RB1) tumor-suppressor protein [130].
generated using antibodies against members of the poly-
comb repressor complex 2 in embryonic stem cells [115,
116]. The investigators found that a highly significant pro- 16.7 Histone Modifications in Cancer Cells
portion of genes that become hypermethylated in cancer
were already repressed at the embryonic stem cell stage by Although less studied than DNA methylation, histone mod-
PcG marks [117–120]. These findings suggest that epigene- ification patterns are also highly disrupted in cancer. One of
tic changes of polycomb target genes occurring in a cell with the best studied alterations is the acetylation of histone H4,
stem cell features might represent the initial event in tumori- which is globally hypoacetylated in esophageal squamous
genesis (Fig. 16.2), which supports the cancer stem cell the- cell carcinoma [131, 132], gastric cancer [133], testicular
ory [10, 113, 121]. cancer [134], and acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)
[135]. Furthermore, monoacetylated lysine 16 of H4 is
globally reduced in various types of cancer [62], and lower
16.6 DNA Methylation also Targets miRNAs levels of acetylated lysine 12 of H4 are an indicator of
in Cancer recurrence in prostate cancer [63]. Interestingly, exposure
to the carcinogen Ni2+ induces a clear decrease in histone
Aberrant repression of gene expression in cancer not only acetylation [136]. Another histone H4 modification, the tri-
targets coding sequences but also small non-coding RNAs methylation of lysine 20 of H4, which is enriched in dif-
like miRNAs. These are made of short stretches of 22 nucle- ferentiated cells [137] and increases with age [138], is
otides that are able to regulate gene transcription of target commonly reduced in cancer cells [62, 139]. Global altera-
genes by sequence-specific base pairing in the 3′ UTR tions of histone H3 modifications in cancer have been less
regions and subsequent degradation of the target mRNA or thoroughly investigated. One study found that low levels of
inhibition of translation. Target genes of miRNAs are acetylation at lysines 9 and 18 of histone H3 are associated
16 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Development 269

Fig. 16.2 Model of

tumorigenesis by which
cancer is initiated by a
polycomb repressor
complex (PRC)-associated
DNA methylation followed
by additional genetic and
epigenetic changes (adapted
from [120]).

with high recurrence of prostate cancer [63]. In two recent

studies, H3 acetylation has been found to be reduced in 16.8 Interaction Between Genetic
colon cancer [140] and in several human colon cancer cell and Epigenetic Changes in Cancer
lines [141]. Development
Hypermethylation of the CpG islands in the promoter
regions of tumor-suppressor genes in cancer cells is associ- After decades of cancer research, it is now widely accepted
ated with a particular combination of histone markers: that genetic and epigenetic mechanisms closely interact in
deacetylation of histones H3 and H4, and methylation carcinogenesis [144]. This interplay between genetic and
changes at various amino acid residues of H3, like loss of epigenetic changes can be clearly observed in the case of
trimethylation at lysine 4, and gain of methylation at lysine 9 tumor-suppressor gene inactivation, which can be caused by
and trimethylation at lysine 27 [10, 30]. The presence of the genetic (mutation, deletion) or epigenetic (DNA hypermeth-
hypo-acetylated and hypermethylated histones H3 and H4 ylation) means. For instance, the VHL gene is mutated in
silences certain genes with tumor-suppressor-like properties, 60 % of the renal carcinomas and hypermethylated in 20 %
such as p21WAF1, despite the absence of hypermethylation of the remaining cases [145]. In the case of the E-cadherin
of the CpG island [142]. On the other hand, silencing of gene, mutations and methylation are mutually exclusive in
SIRT1, a histone deacetylase, leads to increased H3 and H4 breast cancer [146]. Besides, genetic alterations (e.g., trans-
acetylation of cancer genes that become reactivated despite locations and amplifications) targeting genes directly
full retention of DNA hypermethylation [143]. involved in the regulation of DNA methylation or histone
270 J.I. Martín-Subero and M. Esteller

modification processes (e.g., HDAC2, MML, MOZ, MORF, between cancer and stem cells. In stem cells, the polycomb
NSD, and GASC1) are frequent in cancer [3]. Some genes of group is involved in repressing genes involved in cell differ-
the polycomb repressor complex like BMI1, EZH2, and entiation so these cells maintain their pluripotent state [148].
SUZ12 are also targets of chromosomal changes [147, 148]. EZH2, a member of the polycomb group, is able to recruit
Interestingly, transgenic mice overexpressing the polycomb DNMTs and direct DNA methylation towards specific genes
member Bmi1 develop lymphomas, and this process of lym- [38]. Most interestingly, it was recently discovered that genes
phomagenesis is accelerated in double transgenic mice hypermethylated in cancer are indeed repressed in stem cells
overexpressing Bmi1 and Myc, the latter is frequently trans- by proteins of the polycomb group, which strengthens the
located in lymphomas [149, 150]. The close interaction link between cancer, stem cells, and DNA methylation [117–
between genetic and epigenetic changes is also supported 120]. This finding strongly supports the concept that the ini-
by the discovery of epigenetic changes that affect the stabil- tial cell acquiring epigenetic changes should have a kind of
ity of the genome. For instance, hypomethylation of DNA stem cell features [113, 121]. Further support for a stem cell
repeats leads to chromosomal changes by inducing chromo- involvement in the origin of cancer is that stem cells are more
somal instability. Also, genes targeted by DNA hypermeth- susceptible to genetic changes than differentiated cells [156].
ylation are involved in DNA repair pathways like BRCA1, The arguments shown above obviously indicate that
hMLH1, MGMT, and WRN [82]. In these cases, silencing of genetic and epigenetic alterations collaborate in early stages
the DNA-repair gene blocks the repair of genetic mistakes, of tumorigenesis and that cancer cells might originate from
thereby opening the way to neoplastic transformation of the cells with stem-cell features (Fig. 16.2). In spite of all these
cell. Overall, these data show that (1) genetic and epigenetic findings, the order of the temporal occurrence of genetic or
changes represent alternative mechanisms targeting the epigenetic changes is currently unknown. The available
same genes in cancer, (2) genetic changes of epigenetic experimental data can support several possible temporal
genes can lead to epigenetic modifications (and vice versa), relationships, depending upon context. Interdisciplinary
and (3) epigenetic changes of DNA repair genes can lead to studies analyzing genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional
genetic alterations. features in the same cancer biopsies and experimental mod-
els are required to shed light into the interaction between
genetic and epigenetic factors in cancer.
16.9 The Origin of Cancer from a Genetic
and Epigenetic Perspective
16.10 Epigenetic Changes in the Clinical
Two of the main issues in cancer research are (1) to discover Management of Cancer Patients
the primary change triggering tumorigenesis and (2) to iden-
tify the type of cell that acquires such a change and clonally The detection of epigenetic changes in cancer not only helps
expands to give rise to an overt cancer. us to understand cancer biology but also have applications in
With regard to the primary change, several lines of experi- the clinical management of patients. DNA hypermethylation
mental evidence support the feasibility of an epigenetic ori- markers can potentially be used as diagnostic tools, prognos-
gin of cancer [121]. For instance, epigenetic changes tic factors, and predictors of responses to treatment. For
affecting genes known to be hypermethylated in cancer (e.g., instance, the glutathione S-transferase gene (GSTP1) is de
CDKN2A/p16, SFRP1/2/5, GATA4/5, and HIC1) [10, 151, novo methylated in 80–90 % of patients with prostate cancer
152] can be observed in pre-neoplastic tissues, and in the [157–159]. Thus, the detection of GSTP1 methylation could
case of CDKN2A/p16, its germline loss in transgenic mouse help to distinguish between prostate cancer and a benign pro-
models increases the stem cell life span. Additionally, loss of cess. Analysis of CpG island hypermethylation has potential
imprinting by aberrant DNA methylation of the IGF2 gene in diagnostic applicability for carriers of high-penetrance muta-
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is associated with cancer tions in tumor suppressor genes. For example, identification
risk and expansion of progenitor cells [121]. of DNA hypermethylation in a breast-biopsy specimen from
There are also data clearly supporting a genetic origin of a carrier of a BRCA1 mutation could be useful when the
cancer. A strong argument for this hypothesis is that trans- pathological diagnosis is uncertain [85]. Analysis of several
genic mice bearing chromosomal translocations and gene hypermethylated genes detects twice as many cancer cells in
mutations develop cancer [153, 154]. Also, the existence of breast ductal fluids as conventional cytologic analysis [160],
familial predisposition to cancer linked to the presence of and hypermethylated genes can be found in exfoliated cells
inherited mutations provides strong evidence for a genetic at different stages in the development of cervical cancer
origin of cancer [155]. [161]. Aberrant DNA methylation of some genes is also
With regard to the cell of origin, recent data on dysregula- associated with clinical outcome in patients with cancer. For
tion of the polycomb system might indicate a relationship instance hypermethylation of the death-associated protein
16 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer Development 271

kinase (DAPK), p16INK4a, and epithelial membrane protein lymphoma [182]. The efficacy of HDAC inhibitors in the
3 (EMP3) has been linked to poor outcomes in lung, treatment of other cancers is limited. The nonspecific effects
colorectal, and brain cancer, respectively [3]. Additionally, of DNA-demethylating agents and HDAC inhibitors could
DNA methylation profiling by microarrays has also identi- have unintended consequences with regard to gene expres-
fied differential methylation patterns associated with prog- sion, and as a paradoxical result, they could have growth-pro-
nosis in ovarian cancer [162] and breast cancer [163]. moting effects on a cancer by DNA hypomethylation-associated
Hypermethylation of particular genes is potentially a pre- chromosomal instability. Interestingly, directed epigenetic-
dictor of the response to treatment. A classic example is the specific therapy using transcription factors that target particu-
methylation-associated silencing of MGMT, coding for a lar gene promoters is under development [183]. For instance,
DNA-repair protein, in gliomas [164]. MGMT reverses the the engineered zinc finger proteins target unique sequences in
addition of alkyl groups to the guanine base of DNA and is the MASPIN promoter; these proteins not only reactivate the
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have shown that the hypermethylation of MGMT is an inde- in vitro [184]. Until now, therapy with DNA-demethylating
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MicroRNAs and Cancer
Phong Trang, Joanne B. Weidhaas, and Frank J. Slack

pathway. Messenger RNA targets are then cleaved by ribo-

17.1 Introduction nucleases in the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC).
This mechanism of miRNA-mediated gene silencing has
17.1.1 miRNAs Represent a Paradigm been observed mainly in plants [4, 5], but an example is
Shift in Our Understanding known from animals [6]. In the second mechanism, work
of Gene Expression from our laboratory and others has shown that miRNAs exert
their effect by binding to imperfect complementary sites
MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs, belonging to a within the 3′-untranslated regions (3′UTRs) of their target
novel class of regulatory molecules found in plants and ani- protein-coding mRNAs, and repress the expression of these
mals that control gene expression by binding to complemen- genes at the level of translation [7–13]. miRNAs identified in
tary sites on target messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts. both plants and animals use this mechanism to exert transla-
Individual miRNAs are generated from large RNA precur- tional control of their gene targets [14].
sors (termed pri-miRNAs) that are processed in the nucleus
by the RNase III enzyme, Drosha, into ~70 nucleotide pre-
miRNAs, which fold into imperfect stem-loop structures [1]. 17.1.2 The First miRNAs Identified,
The pre-miRNAs undergo an additional processing step lin-4 and let-7, Control Timing
within the cytoplasm and mature miRNAs of 18–25 nucleo- of Cell Differentiation
tides in length are excised from one side of the pre-miRNA
hairpin by another RNase III enzyme, Dicer [2, 3]. The founding members of the miRNA family, lineage defec-
MicroRNAs have been shown to regulate gene expression tive-4 (lin-4) and lethal-7 (let-7) [10], were identified in the
in two ways. First, miRNAs that bind to protein-coding nematode, C. elegans [10, 11], where they are members of
mRNA sequences that are exactly complementary to the the heterochronic pathway of genes regulating developmen-
miRNA induce the RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) tal timing. C. elegans growth and development is divided
into three major stages called embryo, larva, and adult.
Larval growth is subdivided into four larval stages (L1, L2,
L3, and L4). Each larval stage ends in a molt and ultimately
P. Trang, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology,
the animal matures into an adult. Mutations in the lin-4 and
Yale University, P.O. Box 208103, New Haven, CT 06520, USA let-7 miRNAs result in inappropriate reiterations of the first
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University
larval stage (L1) and the fourth larval stage (L4) fates,
School of Medicine, Yale University, P.O. Box 208103, respectively, and these defects lead to disruptions in cell
New Haven, CT 06520, USA cycle exit [10, 11]. For example, in wild-type animals, spe-
J.B. Weidhaas, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.M. cialized skin cells, known as seam cells, divide with a stem
Department of Radiation Oncology, David Geffen School cell pattern and terminally differentiate at the beginning of
of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA the adult stage. The seam cells fail to terminally differentiate
F.J. Slack, Ph.D. (*) in lin-4 and let-7 mutant animals, and instead reiterate the
Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess larval fate and continue to divide, a hallmark of cancer.
Medical Center/Harvard Medical School, Institute for RNA
Medicine, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts
The expression patterns for lin-4 and let-7 correlate with
02215, USA their role in directing developmental timing. lin-4 RNA
e-mail: accumulates during the L1 stage and is responsible for the

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 277

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_17
278 P. Trang et al.

L1/L2 transition in nematodes by inhibiting the expression of the study and reduced expression of DICER was found to
lin-14 and lin-28, repressors of post-L1 fates [11, 12, 15–17]. correlate with shortened postoperative survival. Kumar
Likewise, let-7 RNA accumulates during the L4 stage and is et al. [35] substantiated the indication that DICER might be
responsible for the L4/Adult transition by downregulating able to prevent the transformation of lung tissue in a later
the expression of lin-41, hbl-1, and RAS [8, 9, 18, 19] through work. This study showed that mouse lung cancer cells
binding complementary sites in the 3′UTR. expressing short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) targeting DICER
had a decrease in the global miRNA levels and a more pro-
nounced transformed phenotype [35]. Furthermore, dele-
17.1.3 miRNAs Are Abundant tion of DICER enhanced tumor development in both a
Throughout Animal Genomes xenograft model and a K-Ras-induced mouse model of
lung cancer [35, 36].
Hundreds of other miRNAs have recently been identified in
the fly, worm, plant, and mammalian genomes. Because
almost all of these were found through cloning and bioinfor- 17.2 miRNAs as Oncogenes
matic approaches [20–27] the biological role for the majority and Tumor Suppressors
of miRNAs remains unknown, although those with known
roles are all important regulatory molecules in a variety of 17.2.1 Evidence for the Role
developmental and metabolic processes. It is likely that the of miRNAs in Cancers
uncharacterized miRNAs also act as important gene regula-
tors during development to coordinate proper organ forma- Recent studies from different laboratories have shown roles
tion, embryonic patterning, and body growth. for the miRNAs themselves in human cancer (Table 17.1)
Our lab and others have found that lin-4 and let-7 miR- [37]. The human miRNAs, mir-15 and mir-16, are preferen-
NAs are evolutionarily conserved in higher animals, includ- tially deleted or downregulated in patients with a common
ing humans and are also temporally expressed [28], indicating form of adult leukemia, B-cell chronic lymphocytic leuke-
a universal role for these miRNAs during animal develop- mia [38]. This observation suggests that miRNAs may func-
ment [21, 29]. There are three exact copies of the mature tion as tumor suppressor genes.
let-7 sequence in the human genome (referred to as let-7a1, For years researchers were perplexed as to how the BIC
let-7a2, let-7a3) under control of separate promoters and a RNA could consistently produce lymphomas and induce the
variety of close homologues that differ from let-7 at certain overexpression of the MYC oncogene [39]. After analyzing
nucleotide positions (e.g., let-7c). The nematode, fly, and the phylogenetically conserved region in BIC, Metzler et al.
human let-7 genes are processed from a precursor form found that a high homology region in fact codes for the
(pre-let-7) that is predicted to form a stem-loop structure, pri-miRNA of miR-155 [40]. Further studies by this group
which is also conserved. showed that miR-155 expression is upregulated 100-fold in
pediatric Burkitt lymphoma, in addition to Hodgkin’s lym-
phoma and primary mediastinal and certain subsets of large
17.1.4 miRNA Biogenesis and Cancer B-cell lymphoma [41, 42]. The etiological role of miR-
155 in lymphoma development was further established by
Studies have shown that the miRNA and RNAi pathways Costinean et al. from their work with transgenic mice carry-
may intersect [2, 3]. miRNAs copurify with components of ing a miR-155 transgene with B-cell targeted expression
the RNAi effector complex, RISC, suggesting a link [43]. The transgenic mice from this experiment developed
between miRNAs and siRNAs involved in RNAi [30–32]. preleukemic pre-B-cell proliferation at as early as 3 weeks of
There is also an indication that some protein factors may age and developed high-grade B-cell malignancies at 6
play a role in both the miRNA ribonucleoprotein (miRNP) months of age. However, the oncogenic role of miR-155 is
and RISC and that genes encoding these proteins are linked not limited to B-cell lymphoma as other studies have reported
to cancer. For example, the Argonaute protein-coding genes its upregulation in breast, lung, colon, and thyroid cancers
hAgo3, hAgo1, and hAgo4 reside in region 1p34–35, often [44, 45].
lost in Wilms tumors, and Hiwi an additional Argonaut Another potentially oncogenic cluster of miRNAs is the
gene is located on chromosome 12q24.33, which has been polycistron miR-17-92, containing seven miRNAs: miR-
linked to the development of testicular germ cell tumors 17-5p, miR-17-3p, miR18a, miR-19a, miR-19b-1, and miR-
[33]. In addition, DICER, the enzyme which processes 92-1. This cluster was found to be overexpressed in samples
miRNAs and siRNAs, is poorly expressed in lung cancers of many kinds of lymphoma samples compared with normal
[34]. Expression levels of DICER and DROSHA in 67 non- tissues [46]. Using a mouse B-cell lymphoma model, He
small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) samples were examined in et al. found that the miR-17-92 cluster in conjunction with
17 MicroRNAs and Cancer 279

Table 17.1 MiRNA expression and signature for various cancers

Tumor type miRNAs Comments Reference(s)
Brain, GBM miR-21, miR-221, miR-21 upregulated in all high-grade tumors [45, 47]
miR-222, (up)
Breast cancer miR-21, miR-155b (up) Expression levels correlate with biopathological features and [59]
miR-125b, miR-145 proliferation index
Cervical cancer miR-21 (up) [103]
miR-143 (down)
Cholangiocarcinoma miR-21, miR-141, [103]
miR-200b (up)
Chronic lymphocytic miR-15a, miR-16-1 (down) Downregulated in 68 % of CLL patients [59]
leukemia (CLL) miR-29a-2, miR-29b-2,
miR-29c (down)
Colorectal cancer miR-143, miR-145, miR-31 expression level correlates with cancer stage [68]
miR133b (down)
miR-31, miR-135b,
miR-96, miR-183 (up)
Hepatocellular cancer miR-18, miR-224 (up) Higher miR-18 expression level is inversely correlated with [104]
miR-199a, miR-195, tumor differentiation
miR-200a, miR-125a,
miR-122 (down)
Lung, NSCLC let-7 (down) Low let-7 and high miR-155 expression levels correlate with [18, 51, 52]
miR-21, miR-155 (up) poor survival
Lymphoma (B cells) miR-155 (up) [38, 39]
Pancreatic cancer miR-21, miR-107 (up) Overexpression of miR-21 correlates with high proliferation [71]
miR-155, miR-103 (down) index
Prostate cancer let-7, miR-125b, miR-143, Profile can separate between androgen positive versus androgen [72]
miR-145 (down) negative tumor
Testis, germ cell tumors miR-372, miR-373 (up) [105]
Thyroid, papillary ca (PTC) miR-221, miR-222, [41]
miR-146b (up)
Thyroid, anaplastic ca (ATC) miR-125b, miR-26a (down) miRNA profile can separate ATC from normal and (PTC) [67]

MYC accelerated tumor development [46]. At the same time, that knockdown of miR-21 in cultured glioblastoma cells
O’Donnell et al. independently identified the mir-17-92 activated caspases and resulted in more cell death by an
cluster as a group of potentially cancer-related genes [47]. apoptotic pathway. In a comprehensive analysis of miRNA
The group found that MYC activates the expression of this expression signature of human solid tumors, Volinia et al.
cluster and two miRNAs in this cluster, miR-17-5p and miR- found that overexpression of miR-21 is shared by all six
20a, act to downregulate the transcription factor E2F1, which solid tumors studied, including breast, colon, lung, pancreas,
is also a MYC transcriptional target, promoting cell cycle prostate, and stomach [45]. This finding suggests that miR-
progression. This feedback cycle allows MYC to control the 21 plays an important regulatory role in a pathway shared by
accumulation of E2F1 and drive the cell toward prolifera- all of these cancer types. Despite the evidence that mutant
tion, since E2F1 is known to sensitize cells to apoptosis at miRNAs cause cancer, little is known about the mechanism
high concentrations. of these miRNAs and how they affect cancer progression.
Various studies reported that miRNAs are also aberrantly
expressed in brain tumors. During the analysis of a global
expression level of 245 miRNAs in glioblastoma multiforme 17.2.2 let-7 Regulates and Suppresses
(GBM), Ciafre et al. observed that miR-221 was highly Activated RAS in C. elegans
upregulated [48]. In recent work, Gillies et al. reported that
miR-221 and miR-222 directly target p27Kip1, a key negative Our lab recently showed that let-7 regulates let-60, the C.
regulator of the cell cycle, in glioblastoma [49]. In another elegans RAS oncogene homologue [18, 19]. let-60/RAS is
study, Chan et al. also observed that miR-21 was strongly best understood for its role in C. elegans vulval development
overexpressed (5-fold to 100-fold) in highly malignant glio- [51]. During vulval development, a LIN-3/EGF signal from
blastoma tumor tissues [50]. The investigators also found the anchor cell is received by the LET-23/EGFR receptor on
280 P. Trang et al.

the vulval precursor cells (VPCs), P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. The HMGA2 encodes a small, nonhistone chromatin-
P6.p cell receives the most LIN-3 and activates a RAS/MAPK associated protein that plays a critical role in growth during
signal transduction pathway to adopt the primary induced embryonic development by altering chromatin architecture
(1°) fate. P5.p and P7.p receive less LIN-3 and also receive a [57]. It is normally expressed at low levels in adult, but dis-
second, lateral signal (involving LIN-12/Notch) from the 1° ruption of the gene by chromosomal translocation at 12q15
cell that induces them to the 2° fate. let-60/RAS contains results in benign and malignant transformation in various tis-
multiple let-7 complementary sites in its 3′UTR, and let- sues [58]. Several groups reported that this chromosomal
60(lf) suppresses let-7 mutants. We found that the let-60/RAS translocation event removes the 3′UTR of HMG2A and
3′UTR is sufficient to restrict let-60/RAS expression only to results in the deletion of miRNA-binding sites [59–61].
the P6.p. In a normal animal, a let-7 family member, mir-84, Mayr et al. [59] and Lee et al. [60] showed that the HMG2A
is expressed in all the VPCs except the primary induced cell, 3′UTR contains seven predicted conserved let-7 binding
and represses let-60/ras expression in these cells. In C. ele- sites, and a luciferase reporter assay using this 3′UTR con-
gans animals carrying activating let-60/RAS mutations more fers repression by let-7. The two groups also demonstrated
than one VPC is induced to differentiate into the 1° cell fate, that overexpression of let-7 inhibited proliferation in H1299
leading to excess vulvae (thought of as vulval tumors), called lung cancer cells and disruption of the pairing between let-7
a multivulva phenotype (Muv). We found that overexpres- and HMGA2 led to enhanced tumor formation in a mouse
sion of mir-84 suppressed the Muv phenotype of activating xenograft model [59, 60].
mutations in let-60/RAS. These findings support the role of let-7 as a tumor sup-
pressor. It has been hypothesized that similar to its role in C.
elegans, let-7 functions during late stage embryonic devel-
17.2.3 let-7 Negatively Regulates Human RAS opment to maintain differentiated states by suppressing
and Other Oncogenes expression of embryonic genes (such as HMGA2) that are
expressed in de-differentiated tissues [61]. When let-7
Many activating mutations in the human NRAS, KRAS, and repression is lost, embryonic genes are upregulated and trig-
HRAS genes alter the same amino acid affected by the C. ele- ger neoplastic transformation with characteristic of embry-
gans let-60/RAS activating mutation. Since C. elegans RAS is a onic cells. Taken together, these studies suggest that let-7
target of let-7, and both human RAS [36, 52, 53] and let-7 [18, replacement may be a potentially useful cancer treatment,
54] are implicated in lung cancer, our laboratory tested the especially in lung cancer.
hypothesis that human RAS is also a target of let-7. Our results
show that all three RAS oncogenes have let-7 complementary
sites in their 3′UTRs and that let-7 can reduce their expression 17.2.4 Mir-34 and the p53 Network
in a 3′UTR-dependent manner [18] in vitro. We next evaluated
the relationship between let-7 and RAS in lung tumors and The mir-34 family is an evolutionary conserved miRNA
found that let-7 was consistently downregulated in lung cancers family first identified in C. elegans. It is located at a fragile
relative to normal adjacent tissue (NAT), mirroring a recently site region at 1p36 and has been found to be frequently
published report about let-7 [54]. We also found that in lung deleted in various cancers including breast and lung cancer
cancer tissue, where let-7 levels are low, RAS protein levels are [62]. Recently, numerous independent reports showed that
elevated relative to the NAT. Supporting the significance of our miR-34 is a part of the p53 network and is a direct transcrip-
findings, a correlation was found where lung cancer patients tional target of p53 [63–67]. miR-34 is directly induced by
with the least let-7 expression were most likely to die from lung p53 in response to DNA damage and oncogenic stress. miR-
cancer [54, 55]. A similar correlation was seen when just the 34 by itself has been shown to mimic p53 action to a certain
lung adenocarcinoma patients were followed [54]. extent, as evident by its anti-proliferation and apoptosis-
let-7 has also been recently reported to be involved in inducing properties when overexpressed in primary fibro-
the regulation of two other oncogenes, MYC and blast and some tumor cell lines [63, 65]. Microarray analysis
HMGA2. Sampson et al. showed that overexpression of showed that the induction of the miR-34 family led to the
pre-let-7a in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line led to down- downregulation of hundreds of mRNAs. Some validated tar-
regulation of MYC expression and reverted MYC- gets of miR-34 include CDK4, CDK6, cyclin E2, and E2F3.
induced growth in this cell line [56]. Interestingly, let-7a This was the first time that a miRNA was found to be an
overexpression not only resulted in a decrease in MYC integral part of an established oncogene and tumor suppres-
protein (75 %), but also its mRNA level (70 %), suggest- sor network, and suggests that there are other miRNAs
ing that let-7-mediated repression of MYC may act belonging to these networks as well. These findings could
through the mRNA degradation pathway and not the partially explain why alterations affecting miRNAs are so
translational inhibition pathway. prevalent in cancers.
17 MicroRNAs and Cancer 281

17.3 miRNA Profiling: Diagnostics, Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common
Classification, Prognosis, malignancy in thyroid tissue. Profiling of PTC by He et al.
and Treatment yielded a signature of five miRNAs (which included miR-
221, miR222, and miR-146) that could separate PTC and
miRNA expression profiling studies using microarray and normal thyroid tissue [44]. The investigators found that
other methods can differentiate normal from cancer tissues upregulation of miR-221, miR-222, and miR-146 corre-
via a unique miRNA signature. These differences can clas- sponded to a dramatic decrease in KIT mRNA and protein
sify different cancer types and cancer grades. Certain miRNA levels. This suggests that these three miRNAs negatively
signatures are correlated with prognosis and could poten- regulate KIT and may contribute to PTC. Interestingly, in a
tially be used someday to determine the specific course of separate study, Visone et al. [70] showed that another type of
treatment [44, 54, 55, 68–70]. thyroid cancer, thyroid anaplastic carcinomas (ATC), has a
Using a novel bead-based miRNA microarray assay, Lu completely different miRNA signature from PTC that clearly
et al. examined the expression profile of 217 miRNAs in a differentiates ATC from normal tissues and from PTC.
panel of 334 samples that included primary tumors, tumor- In the case of pancreas and prostate cancers, researches
derived cell lines, and normal tissues [68]. The investigators have also shown the presence of miRNA signatures that dif-
found that miRNA profile can discern between normal and ferentiate these cancers from normal tissues. Bloomton et al.
cancer tissues, separate different cancer types, stratify cancer showed that a signature of 21 upregulated and 4 downregu-
differentiation state, and cluster sample groups according to lated miRNAs correctly differentiated pancreatic cancer
their embryonic lineage. Moreover, miRNA profiles were from benign pancreatic tissue in 90 % of samples [74]. In the
more accurate than mRNA profiles in classifying cancer types profile, two commonly malignancy-associated miRNAs,
and were able to categorize 17 poorly differentiated tumors of miR-21 and miR-155, were uniquely overexpressed in pan-
cancers of unknown primaries where histological appearance creatic cancer versus normal pancreas. Additionally, a sub-
was not diagnostic, into their specific tissue lineages. group of 6 miRNAs was able to predict long-term survival,
Studying colorectal cancer, Michael et al. were the first to in contrast to one, miR-196a-2, which predicted for poor sur-
recognize aberrant miRNA expression in solid tumors as the vival. In the profiling of prostate cancer, Porkka et al. [75]
investigators identified 28 different miRNAs in colonic ade- found that there was differential expression of 51 individual
nocarcinoma and normal mucosa, and found that miR-143 miRNAs between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and
and miR145 were consistently downregulated in colon can- prostrate carcinoma—37 miRNAs showed downregulation
cer [71]. and 14 were upregulated in carcinoma samples [75]. Among
Analyzing the miRNA expression in 104 pairs of primary the downregulated miRNAs are some familiar ones, includ-
lung cancers and corresponding noncancerous tissues, ing let-7a, miR-125b, miR-143, and miR-145. Furthermore,
Yanaihara et al. found that a set of 43 unique miRNAs were the miRNA expression patterns could classify the tumors
able to discriminate normal from tumor tissues [55]. Among according to their androgen dependence (hormone naïve ver-
the miRNAs from the signature, high miR-155 and low let- sus hormone refractory). This finding indicates that miRNAs
7a-2 expression independently correlated with poor survival could be useful in diagnosis and perhaps in subsequent treat-
for adenocarcinoma patients. In a comparable study, ment decisions.
Takamizawa et al. [54] found that let-7 miRNA expression miRNA profiling is a powerful method that cannot only
can classify 143 postoperative lung cancer patients into two classify normal and cancer tissues, but also can discern
prognosticator groups. Those with low levels of let-7a had between different cancer subtypes. It could potentially
significantly shorter survival after surgery [54]. become an important tool for the pathologist with difficult
In breast cancer, the first miRNA profiling study showed cases such as poorly differentiated metastatic cancers of
that a set of 15 miRNAs correctly predicted normal versus unknown primary.
cancer tissues with 100 % accuracy, with the most signifi-
cantly deregulated miRNAs being miR-125a, miR-125b,
miR-145, miR-21, and miR-155 [72]. miR-21 and miR-155 17.4 The Cause of Aberrant miRNA
were upregulated and the others were downregulated. miR- Expression in Cancer
125a and miR-125b regulate the expression of the receptor
tyrosine kinases ERBB2 and ERBB3 and their overexpres- 17.4.1 miRNAs at Chromosomal Fragile Sites
sion in SK-BR3 cells induced impaired anchorage-dependent
growth and reduced invasion capacities [73]. Furthermore, Several studies have evaluated the cause of altered expres-
miRNA expression was correlated with specific breast can- sion of miRNAs in cancer. In one study, Calin et al. [62]
cer pathological features, such as estrogen and progesterone identified the location of 186 miRNAs and compared this to
receptor expression, tumor stage, and vascular invasion. the location of previously reported nonrandom genetic
282 P. Trang et al.

alterations in cancer. The investigators found that overall, magnitude higher than the methylation frequency of protein-
98 of 186 (52.5 %) of miRNA genes are in cancer-associated coding genes [80]. Several recent studies have confirmed
chromosomal fragile sites, such as minimal regions of loss of that this mechanism exists to regulate miRNA expression in
heterozygosity, minimal regions of amplification, and com- various cancers.
mon breakpoint regions. One example is miR-15a and miR- Using miRNA array analysis, Scott et al. profiled miRNA
16-1 which are often deleted or downregulated in chronic levels in response to the histone deacetylase inhibitor
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and are located within the (HDACi) LAQ824 in the breast cancer cell line SKBr3. After
intron of a noncoding RNA gene of unknown function, called 5 h of exposure, significant changes were observed in 40 %
deleted in lymphocytic leukemia 2 (DLEU2). Deletion of of the >60 different miRNA species expressed in SKBr3
this 30 kb region within the 13q14 chromosomal locus is cells with 22 miRNA species downregulated and 5 miRNAs
seen in more than 65 % of CLL cases, in 50 % of mantle cell upregulated [81]. Additional antisense experiments targeting
lymphomas, 16–40 % of multiple myelomas, and 60 % of a downregulated miRNA, miR-27, showed that one of its
prostate cancers. The implication that miR-15a and miR- potential targets is the proapoptotic protein RYBP [81].
16-1 function as a tumor suppressor in CLL is further sup- In one of the first studies to clearly demonstrate epigenetic
ported by Cimmino et al. [76] showing that these two alterations of miRNA expression in human cancer cells,
miRNAs negatively regulate BCL2, an antiapoptotic gene Saito et al. analyzed miRNA expression in T24 human blad-
that was reported to be overexpressed in many types of der cancer cells and normal fibroblasts after treatment with
human cancers, including leukemias, lymphomas, and carci- the DNA-demethylating agent 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine
nomas. Additionally, let-7g, a miRNA that is often down- (DAC) and an HDAC inhibitor 4-phenylbutyric acid (PBA)
regulated in lung cancer, maps to 3p21, a well-known region [82]. Expression profiling revealed that 17 out of 313 human
deleted early in the progression of lung cancer [77]. miRNAs studied showed more than threefold upregulation,
To examine the relationship between miRNA DNA copy with miR-127 showing the biggest change at a 49-fold
number abnormalities and cancer, Zhang et al. employed a increase [82]. MiR-127 is constitutively expressed in normal
high-resolution array-based comparative genomic hybridiza- human fibroblasts and tissues as part of a miRNA cluster, but
tion assay to study 283 known human miRNA genes in 227 is downregulated or silenced in bladder, breast, cervix, pan-
human ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma speci- creas, lung, and colon cancer cell lines, and prostate, bladder,
mens [78]. The results show that a significant number of and colon primary cancer tissues. miR-127 was found to be
genomic loci containing miRNA genes exhibit DNA copy hypermethylated in both normal and cancer cells, and treat-
number alterations in ovarian cancer (37.1 %), breast cancer ment with PBA and DAC led to specific induction of mir-127
(72.8 %), and melanoma (85.9 %). A total of 41 miRNA within the cluster, with more pronounced upregulation of the
genes with gene copy number changes were shared among miRNA observed in TP24 cancer cells. The investigators fur-
the three cancer types (26 with gains and 15 with losses). The thermore demonstrated that the proto-oncogene BCL6 is one
same study also found high frequency copy number abnor- of the targets of miR-127, as epigenetic reactivation of miR-
malities of Dicer1, Argonaute2, and other miRNA associated 127 resulted in a corresponding downregulation of the BCL6
genes in all three cancer types [78]. Findings from these protein level [82]. These results suggest that miR-127 may
studies support the notion that genetic instability resulting in function as a tumor suppressor and that its epigenetic regu-
copy number alterations of miRNAs and their regulatory lated gene expression is altered in various cancers.
genes is highly prevalent in cancer and could partially In another study, Lujambio et al. showed that miR-124a is
explain miRNA aberrant expression in cancer. another potential tumor suppressor miRNA that is susceptible
to altered epigenetic regulation in cancers [83]. In this study,
miRNA expression profiling of the wild-type colon cancer
17.4.2 Epigenetic Regulation of miRNAs cell line HCT-116 and a genetically engineered double
knockout of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) and
It is well known that epigenetic control of gene expression DNMT3b HCT-116 cell line (DKO) showed 18 out of 320
by DNA methylation and covalent histone modification play miRNAs were upregulated more than threefold in DKO cell
an important role in tumorigenesis, as tumor cells can acquire line. Of these miRNAs, miR-124a was analyzed further and
epigenetic abnormalities that result in altered patterns of found to be embedded in CpG islands, but was unmethylated
gene expression from normal cells [79]. miRNAs have been in normal colon tissues. In contrast this miRNA is inacti-
hypothesized to be susceptible to epigenetic control as one vated by promoter hypermethylated in various human cancer
study showed that 155 out of 332 human miRNA genes ana- cells and tissues, including colon, breast, lung, leukemias,
lyzed were associated with CpG islands, which are targets of and lymphomas. Epigenetic silencing of miR-124a resulted
the DNA methylation machinery. Furthermore, the methylation in the upregulation of its target, CDK6, an oncogenic factor
frequency of miRNA genes seemed to be at least an order of that targets the Rb (retinoblastoma) tumor suppressor protein
17 MicroRNAs and Cancer 283

for phosphorylation and inactivation [83]. These studies Many groups have shown that anti-miRNA oligonucleotides
confirm epigenetic regulation of miRNAs as another mecha- (AMOs) with or without 2′ sugar modification (including
nism for control of miRNA gene expression and deregulation 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-methoxyethyl, and 2′-fluoro) can be effec-
of this process could play a role in the etiology of cancer as tive inhibitors of miRNAs in cell culture and animal models
a result of altered miRNA and cellular gene expression. This [50, 91–94]. Si et al. showed that anti-miR-21 oligonucle-
also presents an opportunity for therapeutic intervention, and otides can suppress both cell growth in vitro and tumor growth
indeed HDAC inhibitors are currently emerging as a promis- in the xenograft mouse model with MCF-7 breast cancer cells
ing class of anticancer drugs [84–86]. [94]. Furthermore, this anti-miR-21-mediated cell growth
inhibition was associated with increased apoptosis and
decreased cell proliferation, which is hypothesized to be the
17.4.3 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism result of downregulation of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 genes.
of miRNAs Locked nucleic acid (LNA)-based oligonucleotides have
been shown to be more stable and less toxic in inhibiting
Base pairing between the mature miRNA and its target endogenous miRNAs in Drosophila melanogaster cells,
mRNA 3′ UTR is known to be highly conserved. Using leading to upregulation of the cognate target protein [95].
genome-wide analysis to discover single-nucleotide poly- Modified AMOs that are conjugated with cholesterol termed
morphisms (SNPs) located in the miRNA-binding sites of antagomirs have been shown to be effective in targeting
the 3′ UTR of various human genes, two studies concluded miRNAs in vivo and can discriminate between single-
that miRNA-binding site SNPs are negatively selected in nucleotide mismatches of the targeted miRNA [96, 97].
predicted conserved miRNA-binding seed sequences com- When antagomir targeting the liver-specific miR-122 was
pared to other conserved motifs and the entire 3′ UTR [87, delivered intravenously in mice, the AMO efficiently inhib-
88]. However, natural genetic variants do exist in the popula- ited the mature miRNA in various organs and increased lev-
tion and can predispose certain carrier groups to disease, as els of miR-122 target mRNAs were observed in the liver
one study found 79 different SNPs within putative miRNA- [97]. Additionally, since miR-122 plays a role in cholesterol
binding sites present in the 3′ UTR of 129 genes involved in biosynthesis, reduced levels of plasma cholesterol were also
pathways commonly acknowledged as important in cancer observed in treated mice. Most impressively, a single injec-
[89]. In another example, when comparing the dbSNP data- tion of 240 mg/kg of body weight conferred silencing for up
base against human cancer specimens, Yu et al. found that 12 to 23 days. As an alternative to AMOs, Ebert et al. recently
miRNA-binding site SNPs display an aberrant allele fre- developed microRNA inhibitors called microRNA sponges
quency in human cancers [88]. [98]. These molecules are transcripts expressed from strong
SNPs within the miRNA coding regions or within miR- promoters, containing multiple, tandem binding sites to spe-
NAs binding sites are likely to be deleterious and can have an cific miRNAs and competitively inhibit them. One advan-
impact on an individual’s risk to develop diseases such as tage of this system is that one could construct sponges with
cancer. In one of the first studies to illustrate this, He et al. combination of seed binding sites to inhibit an entire miRNA
observed that in 5 out of 10 thyroid cancer cases analyzed, family or a miRNA cluster [98].
where upregulation of miR-221, miR-222, and miR-146 was
highest, there was a corresponding loss of KIT transcript and
Kit protein in addition to germline SNPs in the two 3′UTR 17.5.2 Strategies for miRNA Replacement
binding sites in KIT for these miRNAs [44]. Due to high
familial incidence, these SNPs are hypothesized to predis- Strategies to overexpress miRNAs that function as tumor
pose this group of carrier to thyroid cancer. suppressors, such as the let-7 and miR-34 families, could be
employed to treat specific cancer types. Similar to siRNAs,
modified matured miRNAs could be delivered in vivo by
17.5 Therapeutic Applications of miRNAs liposome or cholesterol conjugation. Kim et al. showed that
by using a cholesterol conjugated siRNA their group was
17.5.1 Strategies for miRNAs Inhibition able to effectively inhibit tumor growth in colon adenocarci-
noma [99]. Alternatively, a gene therapy approach can be
With miRNAs emerging as important oncogenic and tumor used for miRNA replacement therapeutics. This involves
suppressive genes, therapy to inactivate or supplement spe- expressing the pre-miRNA hairpin and flanking sequences
cific miRNAs is a strategy to perhaps inhibit tumor progres- from a polymerase II or III promoter in a viral vector, which
sion [54, 76, 90]. Since pri-miRNAs, pre-miRNAs, and is then processed by the endogenous miRNA machinery for
mature miRNAs are long and short oligonucleotides, all proper target gene repression. One concern with this strategy
these molecules can be targeted by the antisense technology. is that while abundant expression ensures effective target
284 P. Trang et al.

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Pharmaceut Bull. 2006;29:903–6. germ cell tumors. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;604:17–46.
Erionite and Asbestos
in the Pathogenesis of Human 18
Malignant Mesotheliomas

Mutlay Sayan and Brooke T. Mossman

18.1 Introduction 18.2 Properties of Erionite and Asbestos

Epidemiologic and animal studies indicate that exposure to Erionite is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral belonging to
asbestos or erionite fibers can result in pulmonary and pleu- a classification of minerals called zeolites that are often used
ral fibrosis, lung cancer, and malignant mesotheliomas industrially. [Note that a fiber is defined by most regulatory
(MM), unique tumors associated predominantly with human agencies as having ≥3:1 length-to-diameter ratio, whereas
exposures to these fibers [1]. Recent studies have shown that particles (<3:1 length-to-diameter ratio) can be spheroid,
erionite also causes these diseases, especially MM in fami- platy, or irregular in shape]. Zeolites usually occur in cavities
lies in Cappadocia, Turkey who are genetically predisposed in basic volcanic rocks and in other late stage hydrothermal
to mineral fiber carcinogenesis [2]. In these circumstances, environments such as those found in the Cappadocian region
residents are exposed to high levels of erionite due to its of Turkey and at other geological sites including parts of the
incorporation into their homes. Soils in these areas also have western USA [3]. These minerals have a very large internal
erionite contamination, another source of environmental surface area resulting from the particular configuration of
exposures. In contrast, asbestos-induced diseases have been their crystalline lattice [4] and are able to exchange water
usually associated with occupational exposures to these molecules and cations without major changes to their struc-
fibers in the past workplace before regulation of exposure ture. Most zeolites are non-fibrous. However, erionite is
levels. However, para-occupational MMs also have been fibrous and occurs in needle-like bundles that resemble
detected in family members of asbestos workers and in indi- amphibole types of asbestos (Fig. 18.1) [5]. Fibrous morphol-
viduals living in asbestos mining communities. ogy largely dictates their unique cancer-inducing properties.
Understanding the critical chemical and physical properties Erionite has gas adsorption, ion exchange, and catalytic
of asbestos and erionite fibers, including how fibers interact properties that are highly selective depending upon the
with target cells of disease, and how these interactions con- molecular size of the adsorbed compounds [6]. The integral
tribute to the pathogenesis of fibroproliferative and malig- composition of erionite is made up of an interlocking tetra-
nant diseases are critical to designing preventive and hedral of silicate aluminate which is negatively charged,
therapeutic approaches in high-risk individuals. This review allowing it to bind cations [7]. In addition, erionite adsorbs
focuses on similarities and differences among asbestos and iron after inhalation and interacts with the respiratory epithe-
erionite fibers, their effects on the pathogenesis of MM, and lium. This adsorbed iron is associated with the toxicity of
key pathways in cell signaling that are linked to fiber toxic- erionite [8].
ity, cell proliferation, inflammation, and other features of Three types of erionite have been identified based upon
carcinogenesis. differences in their levels of Ca, Na, and K (the predominant
cations) and the amounts of Mg, Fe, Sr, and Ba in the
structure. The general formula for the erionite-Ca type min-
M. Sayan, M.D. • B.T. Mossman, Ph.D. (*) eral is (Ca3.56K1.95 Na0.27Mg0.30) (Si25.78 Al10.28 Fe0.01) O78, for
Department of Pathology, University of Vermont
College of Medicine, 89 Beaumont Avenue,
the erionite-Na type mineral is (Na4.00 K2.40 Ca1.13Mg0.24)
Burlington, VT 05405-0068, USA (Si26.69 A19.11Fe0.22) O72, and for the erionite-K type mineral is
e-mail: (K2.80Na1.66Ca1.03Mg0.51) (Si28.21 A17.39 Fe0.41) O72 [9].

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 287

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_18
288 M. Sayan and B.T. Mossman

Fig. 18.1 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs showing IL). (b) NIEHS reference sample of crocidolite asbestos. (c) A bundle
the morphology of erionite fibers, crocidolite asbestos, and chrysotile of chrysotile fibers (arrow) interacting with the tracheal epithelial cell
fibers. (a) Erionite fibers from Pine Valley, NV (courtesy of Dr. Ian surface in organ culture (from [86]).
Steele, Department of Geoscience, University of Chicago, Chicago,

Asbestos is a commercial term for another group of natu- are more easily cleared from the lung over the long latency
rally occurring crystalline fibers. Each group has its own dis- periods of asbestos-induced diseases.
tinctive structure and chemical composition. There are two On an equal weight basis, chrysotile fibers are more cyto-
subgroups: (1) a serpentine group, consisting of chrysotile toxic than amphibole fibers due primarily to their positive
[Mg6Si4O10 (OH)8]; and (2) the amphiboles, five groups of surface charge and greater surface area whereas amphiboles
rod-like fibers including crocidolite [Na2(Fe3+)2(Fe2+)3 are neutral or slightly negative in charge [15]. Hydrated
Si8O22(OH)2], amosite [(Fe,Mg)7Si8O22(OH)2], tremolite magnesium molecules are located on the apical oxygens of
[Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2], anthophyllite [(Mg,Fe)7 Si8O22(OH)2], chrysotile accounting for its highly polar properties as well
and actinolite [Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2] [10]. These fibers as dissolution of the mineral when magnesium is leached
may exist in deposits with each other or other minerals and from the fiber. In nature, these structures are arranged as
may adsorb other metals or organic compounds to their sur- loose bundles that break down into smaller fibrils in tissue
faces during mining or processing. [1, 16].
The potential of asbestos fibers to cause cancers and fibro- For reasons that are unclear, erionite is more carcinogenic
sis has been linked primarily to their fibrous geometry and in rodents than asbestos, regardless of source [7].
size—longer, thinner fibers being most bioreactive because of Experimental studies indicate that erionite is 300–800 times
their incomplete phagocytosis, release of oxidants from cells, more carcinogenic than chrysotile and 100–500 times more
and their ability to act as a platform for cell proliferation [11, carcinogenic than crocidolite asbestos when administered
12]. However, in addition to size, the chemical composition through intrapleural routes. In intraperitoneal injection stud-
of asbestos fibers also plays an important role in determining ies, erionite is 20–40 times more potent than chrysotile, and
the cytotoxicity, durability, and biopersistence of asbestos 7–20 times more potent than crocidolite in tumor induction
types [13]. Amphibole fibers, especially crocidolite and [17]. These trends have also been observed in inhalation
amosite asbestos, have the greatest carcinogenic potential in studies [18]. One theory is that erionite has a hexagonal
MMs in comparison to chrysotile in asbestos-exposed human structure with an internal surface of 200 m2/g that is 20 times
populations. The increased pathogenicity of amosite and cro- larger than crocidolite asbestos, thus allowing erionite to
cidolite asbestos may reflect their greater durability in the absorb many small molecules and to have a higher catalytic
lung or pleura after inhalation as well as the high iron content activity [19]. It was also found that on an equal weight basis,
of these amphiboles (20–30 % by weight) [13]. They also erionite induces more reactive oxygen species (ROS) than
form ferruginous asbestos bodies in the lung in contrast to asbestos fibers [20].
chrysotile fibers which may be iron-free or acquire iron natu-
rally in trace amounts. Amphibole asbestos fibers also have a
sharp, needle-like structure which causes their alignment 18.3 Links Between Erionite, Amphibole
with airways after inhalation and allows more effective pen- Asbestos, and Malignant
etration into the deep lung. In contrast, chrysotile fibers have Mesothelioma
a curly, snake-like structure (Fig. 18.1c) and break down into
smaller fibrils over time. A number of studies have shown that 18.3.1 Features of Malignant Mesothelioma
smaller fibers or fragments (<5 μm) of asbestos, regardless of
type, are less cytotoxic, carcinogenic, and fibrogenic than Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is an aggressive tumor origi-
longer asbestos fibers [14]. This may be in part because they nating from the lining cells (mesothelium) of the pleural and
18 Erionite and Asbestos in the Pathogenesis of Human Malignant Mesotheliomas 289

peritoneal cavities, as well as the pericardium and the tunica A mortality study between 1994 and 1997 suggested that
vaginalis. Although the main risk factor is exposure to asbes- MM might also occur in some of the other villages near the
tos or erionite, other factors such as Simian virus 40 (SV40) known three erionite villages in Cappadocia. These other vil-
infection and inheritance of susceptibility genes likely play lages are Cokek, Karlik, Karacaoren, Boyali, and Yesiloz.
roles in initiation and progression of MM [21, 22]. MM may These investigators reported 53 deaths due to mesothelioma
acquire many phenotypic forms (epithelioid, biphasic, and from the three erionite villages, Karain, Tuzkoy, and Sarihidir,
sarcomatoid) which makes them difficult to diagnose with- and 11 deaths from the other four villages [31]. It was noted
out multi-panel histochemical stains. that MM cases were more prevalent in the erionite villages
The combination of an accurate patient history, physical compared to the nearby villages despite the environmental
examination, radiology, and the confirmation of pathology is contamination of erionite, which was often used in dwellings
essential in the diagnosis of mesothelioma. Typical present- in the region [27].
ing features invariably occur in late stages of disease and In 2006, a study from 1979 to 2003 based on residents of
include chest pain, dyspnea, and breathlessness due to pleural two erionite-exposed, and one nearby control village, was
effusion [23, 24]. Treatment strategies include chemotherapy, published [32]. In this study, a total of 891 men and women,
radiotherapy, gene therapy, extrapleural pneumonectomy, aged 20 years or older, were included, a total of 230 residents
surgical resection of tumors, or combined therapies. However, in villages without known exposure to erionite. Mortality
no effective therapies have been developed for MM, and data were obtained from hospital records and death certifi-
because they are most often diagnosed at end stages of cates. During the 23-year follow-up, 119 deaths occurred
disease, clinicians often focus on palliation of symptoms and/or from MM, the cause of 44.5 % of all deaths in the exposed
end-of-life care [25]. villages. Seventeen patients had peritoneal mesothelioma;
The latency period for development of MM is often the remainder died of pleural mesothelioma. Only two cases
30–40+ years from initial exposure to asbestos fibers [13]. of MM, one of each type, occurred in the control village,
Because of difficulties in treatment and management, life both in women born elsewhere [32].
expectancy in pleural MM is grim with median survival
varying between 8 and 14 months [21]. However, peritoneal Gene: Environmental Interactions
MM patients can survive 5 years or longer [26]. In Karain, Tuzkoy, and Sarihidir, MM occurs only in certain
houses. Pedigree analyses revealed that in MM villages, MM
was more frequent in certain families compared with others.
18.3.2 Malignant Mesothelioma in Turkey However, in some families, MM developed among individu-
als who married into the affected family. For example, in one Epidemiologic Studies family, 17 of 30 members died of MM. Among the 17 MM,
Annual asbestos-related mesothelioma cases in Southeast 5 occurred in individuals who married into this family [2].
Turkey are reported to be 50 per million [27]. However, the This finding initially argued against a theory of genetic pre-
annual incidence of mesothelioma related to environmental disposition. However, it was found that those who married
exposure to erionite was found to be from 2200 to 8000 cases into a MM family and developed MM were also from MM
per million in several villages such as Karain, Tuzkoy, and families. When members of a family with high incidence of
Sarihidir in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. This incidence MM married into families with no history of MM, descen-
rate is much higher than any other reported incidence of MM dants developed MM [2].
worldwide [28]. In 1987, Baris reported the epidemic of To test the hypothesis that genetics alone could cause
mesothelioma among residents of Karain, Tuzkoy, and MM in certain families, 24 descendants from one family
Sarihidir [28]. The estimated incidence of pleural MM was (ages 26–45 years) born and raised outside the village of
indicated as 996 per 100,000 inhabitants [28]. It was noted Sarihidir were identified. No MM developed in this group.
that more than 50 % of deaths were caused by MM in these Instead, three MM cases were observed in the same age
three villages [29]. A study based on 162 Turkish immigrants group among 29 members of a family born and raised in
from Karain to Sweden also shows a strong correlation Sarihidir and exposed to erionite. These pedigree studies indi-
between erionite exposure and MM. Fourteen deaths were cate that the MM epidemic in three Cappadocian villages is
reported due to MM among the 18 (78 %) total deaths during caused by genetic predisposition and may make certain indi-
the period between 1965 and 1997. The standardized inci- viduals more susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of erion-
dence rates found in this study were 135 times higher among ite exposures [2]. A team of US and Turkish investigators is
the males and 1336 times higher among the females com- now attempting to isolate the putative MM susceptibility
pared to the general population of Sweden [30]. gene(s). This gene(s) may be mutated or otherwise altered in
290 M. Sayan and B.T. Mossman

Cappadocian families and also may be affected in sporadic example, tree bark samples contain varying levels of amphi-
familial MMs in the Western world [32]. bole contamination in Libby in the EPA-restricted mine area
[45]. Amphibole fiber concentrations range from 41 to 530
million fibers per gram of bark while a bark sample col-
18.3.3 Epidemiology of Asbestos-Induced lected ~11 km west of town along the railroad line had con-
Malignant Mesothelioma centrations of 19 million fibers per gram [46]. This indicates
that there is a potential exposure to asbestos during harvest- Historical Studies ing or disturbing contaminated woods in the Libby area.
Although adverse health effects of asbestos were first recog- Libby was added to the Environmental Protection Agency's
nized by 1899 [33], dust control legislation for mines was (EPA) National Priorities List in October 2002 for Superfund
not enacted in North America until 1971 by the Occupational sites [47].
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In 1935, the sug- It is reported that nearly one million homes in the USA
gestion that mesothelioma resulted from occupational expo- have used vermiculite-based insulation from the Libby mine
sure to asbestos was first made by Gloyne [34], and the first [48]. Even though vermiculite is not classified as one of the
clear evidence of a link between amphibole asbestos expo- six types of asbestos, Libby amphibole has been described as
sure and primary malignant tumors of the mesothelium was a tremolite-containing transition fiber, and exposure of resi-
shown by Wagner in 1960 [35]. Wagner’s observation was dents and past workers at the Libby vermiculite mine has
based on 33 cases of pleural mesothelioma in the Northwest been associated with the development of pleural plaques and
Cape Province of South Africa, 28 in persons who had lived numerous asbestos-related diseases including asbestosis,
close to the crocidolite mines, mostly as children [35]. pleural fibrosis, and MMs [49]. In this region, asbestos-
Confirmation was provided by eight case-control studies related deaths are reported to be 40–80 times greater than
published in 1965–1975, based on a total of 657 cases, pre- reference populations in the USA [49]. Thus, Libby amphi-
dominantly male, exposed to asbestos mainly in shipyards, bole fibers may also be potent in the pathogenesis of MMs.
heating trades, insulation, and factory work [36]. It was also
shown that the hazards of asbestos dust were not confined to
heavily exposed workers in asbestos factories but extended 18.4 Mechanisms of Action of Asbestos
to insulation workers, other users of products containing and Erionite in the Development
asbestos, and people who lived close to asbestos factories of Malignant Mesothelioma
The role of SV40, a polyomavirus, as a cofactor with asbes- 18.4.1 Modern Concepts of Carcinogenesis
tos fibers in the induction of malignant mesothelioma is con-
troversial. A review by Gazdar indicates that some investigators Several decades ago, it was thought that all carcinogens were
have detected SV40 viral DNA sequences and oncoproteins in mutagens, and a number of cell assays, including those using
human pleural MMs [41]. Even though there are technical bacteria (the Ame’s test), were developed with the hopes of
concerns about some of these findings [42], a role for SV40 as identifying critical mutations and short-term testing of agents
a carcinogen or co-carcinogen is biologically believable on for carcinogenicity in lieu of expensive lifetime animal stud-
much cellular data and results of animal models [43]. This ies. Subsequently, it became clear in 2000 that multiple,
suggestion is also supported by many of the molecular mecha- sometimes common, mutations (i.e., in oncogenes) were
nisms of action of these viral oncoproteins [41]. required for the development of most cancers [50]. It also
had become apparent that several of these mutations were Libby, Montana spontaneously induced during aberrant cell replication when
Although approximately 2500 cases of MM are reported in DNA repair was compromised, causing DNA damage and
the USA annually, a cluster has been noted in Libby, MT, a genome instability [51]. Carcinogens causing mutations
town with a population of ~2700, with nearly 12,000 people in vitro by direct interaction with DNA or after metabolism
in the surrounding area. Libby had one of the world's largest and formation of DNA adducts are often termed initiators of
vermiculite mines in operation from the 1920s to 1990. The cancer, although it is clear that genomic instability also
Libby vermiculite had useful insulating and soil condition- occurs during the long latency periods (progression) of most
ing properties. However, ore from the mine was contami- cancers. Genetic instability is augmented by tumor promot-
nated with fibrous and nonasbestiform amphiboles in veins ers that induce cell proliferation and inflammation, chronic
throughout the deposit [44]. After 70 years of mining stimuli necessary for the development of cancers. In lung
amphibole-contaminated vermiculite, amphibole asbestos cancers, it is clear that asbestos fibers function primarily as
related contamination was seen in areas surrounding the co-carcinogens and tumor promoters, as mutations by asbes-
abandoned mine and in other areas throughout the town. For tos are not observed in human bronchial epithelial cells or
18 Erionite and Asbestos in the Pathogenesis of Human Malignant Mesotheliomas 291

Fig. 18.2 A hypothetical schema for the development of human malig- motion and inflammation as opposed to initiation of cancers by muta-
nant mesotheliomas after exposures to amphibole asbestos fibers that tions. Consistent with observations in mouse skin and other models of
are retained in the lung during the long latency period of these tumors. carcinogenesis, initiation alone does not cause tumors in the absence of
The sequence of events and outcomes of MM development in #1–3 are tumor promotion that is characterized by chronic episodes of cell pro-
consistent with modern concepts of multi-stage carcinogenesis and the liferation and inflammation. Moreover, initiation must be followed
many observations that asbestos fibers play critical roles in tumor pro- sequentially by these phenomena for MM to occur.

other epithelial cells in general [52]. In this scenario, polycy- amounts of fibers and dissimilar to clonal mutations detected
clic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) associated with smoking in MM.
classically cause DNA adduct formation whereas asbestos
fibers act as co-carcinogens to adsorb PAH and increase their
delivery to lung epithelial cells [53]. On the other hand, 18.4.2 Methylation and Tumor Suppressor
asbestos fibers act on tracheal epithelial and mesothelial Genes
cells as tumor promoters (analogous to phorbol esters in
mouse skin) in that they induce inflammation and IL-1B Asbestos fibers have not been detected in the nuclei of
dependent cytokine production that is triggered by activation rodent or human mesothelial cells in situ nor are they muta-
of the inflammasome [54]. Chronic cell proliferation is trig- genic in a number of studies. An exciting recent develop-
gered by activation of growth factor receptors and protein ment is the observation that gene locus-specific methylation
kinases, increased cyclin D1 and induction of cycling cells alterations occur in human pleural MM, supporting the con-
[55], stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase [56], and hydro- cept that epigenetic dysregulation is a crucial mechanism of
lysis of phosphatidylinositol, increases in diacylglycerol, action in the induction of MM [61]. Indeed, several putative
and activation of protein kinase C at the plasma membrane tumor-suppressor genes have been reported in MM [61, 62].
[57–59]. Moreover, asbestos increases numbers of tumors at It has also been reported that somatic mutations in the neu-
low, nontumorigenic concentrations of PAH in tracheal graft rofibromatosis type 2 (Nf2) gene occur in 50 % of human
models [60]. None of these alterations are observed using MM [63]. After intraperitoneal injection of asbestos fibers,
nonfibrous, chemically similar analogs of asbestos. the susceptibility to induction of peritoneal MM increased
Moreover, longer fibers cause more striking alterations than in heterozygous Nf2-deficient mice [64]. Li-Fraumeni
shorter fibers or fragments. syndrome is a rare heritable cancer-susceptibility disorder
Figure 18.2 depicts a hypothetical model of how amphi- characterized by carrying a mutant allele of the p53 gene.
bole asbestos fibers might promote the development of MMs Even though mutations in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene
initiated by tumor susceptibility gene alteration(s) or interac- are rare in human MMs, individuals with Li-Fraumeni syn-
tion with SV40, a DNA virus. This schema is supported by drome show increased susceptibility for MM [65].
studies showing that mutations by asbestos fibers in vitro are Susceptibility and accelerated progression of asbestos-
large scale chromosomal deletions observed only at toxic induced mesotheliomas also are enhanced in heterozygous
292 M. Sayan and B.T. Mossman

p53-deficient mice [66]. These two models support a role of erodimers with Jun family members to form the activator
inactivation of the Nf2 and p53 tumor-suppressor gene path- protein-1 (AP-1) transcription factor [70, 71]. Activation of
ways in the pathogenesis of asbestos-induced MM [67]. ERK5 by asbestos may also regulate c-Jun family members
that form homodimers or heterodimers with Fos proteins
[72]. Both Fos and Jun proteins are encoded by early response
18.4.3 Cell Signaling Pathways Activated proto-oncogenes that are induced transcriptionally by asbes-
by Asbestos Fibers tos fibers in a dose-responsive fashion [73]. Even though
linking increased expression of AP-1 subunits such as Fos
Since asbestos fibers initially contact the cell membrane and Jun to specific gene expression and phenotypic end-
after addition to cell cultures, injection, or inhalation, work points remains a challenge, it has been shown that increased
in our laboratory has focused on the pleiotropic effects of expression of c-Jun by asbestos is critical to proliferation and
asbestos on cell signaling pathways that regulate cell injury, transformation of tracheal epithelial cells [74].
proliferation, and cell fate. As shown in Fig. 18.3, asbestos Through possibly redundant phosphorylation cascades, the
fibers may interact via the production of reactive oxygen or ERK1/2 and ERK5 pathways govern AP-1-dependent gene
nitrogen species (ROS or RNS) [68] or directly with receptors expression that regulates cell proliferation, cell migration,
such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) [69] or and aspects of neoplastic transformation. Activation of the
tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR). phosphoinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathway by asbestos
Direct interaction of asbestos fibers with the epidermal [75] may also promote cell survival through mTOR or the
growth factor receptor (EGFR) activates Ras-Raf- transcription factor, Nuclear Factor-KappaB (NF-kB) [76,
extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathways of the 77] that is also classically linked to activation of TNFR and
mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs). These path- production of cytokines. Studies on isolated human MM
ways control expression and transcriptional activity of the cells and data from our laboratory using an SCID mouse
Fos family members, including Fra-1, that comprise het- xenograft model after injection of human MM [78, 79] sup-

Fig. 18.3 A synopsis of known receptor activation and signaling cascades activated by asbestos fibers and leading to transcriptional activation of
gene expression critical to cell proliferation, inflammation, and transformation of mesothelial and lung epithelial cells (modified from [67]).
18 Erionite and Asbestos in the Pathogenesis of Human Malignant Mesotheliomas 293

port the concept that asbestos fibers via activation of NF-kB fibers with receptors or production of ROS or NOS. In gen-
and other transcription factors cause autocrine production of eral, both fiber types promote robust and persistent activation
inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and angiogenic fac- of signaling through ERK and other redox responsive kinase
tors in human mesothelial cells that are recapitulated in a cascades in comparison to rapid and transient activation by
model of tumorigenesis. growth factors or phorbol esters. The molecular mechanisms
After administration of asbestos, NF-kB is activated by of carcinogenesis due to asbestos and erionite exposure are
asbestos fibers in rodent tracheal epithelial and mesothelial still under investigation in several laboratories and may yield
cells in vitro, and in the lungs of rats after inhalation [76, 77]. unique pathways of erionite-induced tumorigenesis that
Furthermore, asbestos fibers cause transcriptional activation explain its greater potency.
of a number of NF-kB-dependent genes, including c-myc, It is perplexing why erionite, a fibrous zeolite, has a
another early response proto-oncogene through an oxidant- higher carcinogenic potency relative to asbestos fibers based
dependent pathway [76]. Activation of NF-kB is critical in on both rodent studies and epidemiology. However, MM
up-regulating the expression of many genes linked to prolif- does not occur in all individuals exposed to erionite, but in
eration, apoptosis, and chemokine/cytokine production, and the members of certain families. These findings suggest that
is a critical transcription factor in modulation of chronic MM may be caused by the combined effect of environmen-
inflammation, a feature of asbestos-related diseases [67]. tal exposure to erionite and susceptibility due to unknown
genetic traits [2, 26, 32, 85]. Since familial MM occurs in
some families in the US, and erionite and amphibole asbes-
18.4.4 Mechanisms of Erionite-Induced tos are environmental contaminants in some US soils, future
Malignant Mesothelioma research should focus on fiber exposures in these high-risk
groups, specifically gene profiling and gender influences. A
Although studied less widely, it has been shown that the logical approach to future research should include strategies
mechanisms of carcinogenesis by erionite are similar to to reduce environmental exposures and mechanistic and
mechanisms of carcinogenesis by amphibole asbestos fibers clinical investigations to develop novel and effective thera-
[59, 80]. For example, exposure to erionite fibers leads to pies for MM.
generation of ROS from macrophages [59] and increases
mRNA levels of the early response c-fos and c-jun proto- Acknowledgements The authors appreciate the assistance of
oncogenes in rodent mesothelial cells [80]. It has been Maximilian MacPherson in the preparation of figures and the diligence
of Jennifer Díaz in manuscript preparation. Research in Dr. Mossman’s
recently shown that erionite is less cytotoxic in contrast to
laboratory has been funded by grants from the NIH, ACS, and EPA.
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rate in human mesothelial cells [81]. After short-term erion-
ite exposure (24 h or 48 h), DNA synthesis is observed. In
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Viral Mechanisms in Human
Carcinogenesis 19
Paul F. Lambert

of virally induced cancer have arisen. First, the onset of

19.1 General Principles of Virally Induced virally associated cancer is characterized by long latent peri-
Cancer ods following initial infection. This suggests that the viruses
alone are not sufficient to cause cancer. Also, given this long
Infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites, latency, oncogenic viruses must be able to persist in the host
are thought to be the etiologic agents in approximately 20 % for long periods of time. Second, the cancers induced by
of human cancers. Human oncogenic viruses include hepati- viruses do not constitute a natural part of the viral life cycle.
tis B and hepatitis C viruses (associated with hepatocellular Rather, virally associated cancer appears to be a dead-end
carcinoma), Epstein–Barr virus (associated with B-cell lym- street for most viruses—by-products of the natural infection
phomas, nasopharyngeal, and gastric carcinomas), human that provide no advantage to the virus evidenced by the fact
papillomaviruses (associated with cervical carcinoma, other that it is uncommon for progeny virus to be produced in the
anogenital cancers, and a subset of head and neck cancers), associated tumors. The third principle is that viral properties
human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-1; associated with that contribute to the induction of tumors often play critical
Adult T-cell lymphomas), human herpesvirus type 8 (associ- roles in the life cycle of the virus. In the following sections
ated with Kaposi’s sarcoma and primary effusion lympho- are described the basic properties of RNA and DNA tumor
mas), and the newest identified human tumor virus, Merkel viruses and the major insights gained regarding how they
cell carcinoma-associated polyomavirus. The initial recogni- contribute to cancer.
tion that viruses cause cancer arose from studies of animal
viruses. In the early twentieth century, transmittable agents
were demonstrated to cause tumors in chickens and in rabbits. 19.2 RNA Tumor Viruses
The respective agents were later identified to be Rous sar-
coma virus (RSV), the first studied RNA tumor virus, and The field of tumor virology initially arose from the study of
Shope papillomavirus, the first studied DNA tumor virus. retroviruses that cause tumors in birds and mammals other
Much of our understanding of viral oncogenesis derived ini- than humans. The oncogenic retroviruses can be divided into
tially from the study of such animal viruses. In recent years, three classes: (1) transducing retroviruses, (2) insertionally
much attention has been focused on the study of human tumor mutagenic retroviruses, and (3) true oncoretroviruses.
viruses as etiological roles of such viruses in human cancers Transducing retroviruses are ones that acquire genetic infor-
have been elucidated. The study of virally induced cancers in mation from the host genome. RSV is one example. Most
animals and in humans has provided many basic insights into other examples also were isolated from avian hosts, although
cancer, the most important of which is the identification and others have been isolated from feline, murine, and simian
functional characterization of two fundamental types of genes hosts. The cellular genetic information being transduced is a
important in cancer: oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes. cellular proto-oncogene which, as present in and expressed
From these collective studies several generalizable principles from the transducing retrovirus, has oncogenic activity, i.e., it
contributes to tumor formation in vivo and cellular transfor-
mation in tissue culture. The study of transducing retroviruses
P.F. Lambert, Ph.D. (*) led to the discovery of more than a dozen oncogenes, includ-
McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, Department of
Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public
ing src, ras, and myc. The discovery of these virally encoded
Health, 1400 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706, USA oncogenes, and their detailed study helped define numerous
e-mail: cellular signaling pathways that play fundamental roles in

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 297

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_19
298 P.F. Lambert

normal cell physiology and when altered, in carcinogenesis. regulatory elements such as mRNA instability elements in
It was not recognized until the 1970s that these viral onco- the mRNA encoding the cellular protooncogene. Examples
genes actually had been picked up by the virus from the host of each of these three cases exist in the literature. Many of
organism through genetic recombination, which arises as a the insertionally mutagenic retroviruses cause lymphomas/
by-product of reverse transcription. This led to the recogni- leukemia in their natural host. In these tumors, the provirus
tion that animals encode oncogenes. The cellular copies of is found nearby to the c-myc locus, leading to increased
these genes were initially referred to as proto-oncogenes expression of the c-myc gene product. Insertionally muta-
because it was recognized that the viral copies of these genes genic retroviruses can also integrate within alleles of tumor
had undergone genetic changes that led to the increased suppressor genes and disrupt their expression, thereby lead-
expression and/or activity of the encoded gene product. These ing to cancer. The identification of such events is much less
changes led to the oncogenic nature of the virally transduced frequent than those that lead to the activation of cellular
gene. In contrast, the cellular homologs do not contribute to proto-oncogenes, presumably because of haplosufficiency.
cancer in their wild-type state. For example, the virally True oncoretroviruses are ones that, through virally
encoded src and ras genes have amino acid substitutions at encoded activities, alter the host cell or the host cell environ-
positions in these proteins that lead to their constitutive activ- ment, thereby making cells more susceptible to cancer devel-
ity in signal transduction pathways, and the virally encoded opment. There are only a few cases of true oncoretroviruses.
myc gene is missing regions of the cellular gene that normally One is HTLV-1, which causes T-cell lymphomas in humans.
lead to a tight regulation of its expression at the transcrip-
tional and post-transcriptional levels. No examples of trans-
ducing retroviruses have been found for human cancers; 19.3 DNA Tumor Viruses
rather, most such viruses were identified from the evaluation
of laboratory stocks of retroviruses that infect laboratory ani- Whereas the study of RNA tumor viruses was largely respon-
mal species. Generally, these transducing, oncogenic retrovi- sible for the discovery of oncogenes, the study of DNA tumor
ruses are replication-defective because of the disruption of viruses led to the discovery and elucidation of the function of
one or more essential viral gene by the insertion of the cellu- cellular tumor suppressor genes, most notably p53 and pRb.
lar proto-oncogene. The rare exception is RSV, which is a Much of the initial knowledge about DNA tumor viruses
replication-competent virus in which the transduced cellular came from the study of SV40, a simian virus. SV40 effi-
src gene did not disrupt function of any viral gene. How a ciently transforms cells in tissue culture and can cause tumors
transducing oncogenic retrovirus arises remains unclear. It in hamsters, but not its natural host. Several viral gene prod-
likely results from a provirus that integrates close to a cellular ucts were found expressed in these transformed/tumorigenic
proto-oncogene. This could result in the formation of a chi- cells and were identified because hamsters made antibodies
meric RNA of viral and cellular origin which, when packaged against them. Most notable of these was the SV40 large
into progeny retrovirus and on reverse transcription, under- tumor antigen (TAg). This protein is one of the most potent
goes recombination with a co-packaged, intact viral transcript oncogenic factors known [1]. Its oncogenic activity is multi-
to produce the actual transducing viral genome. factorial, largely arising from its ability to bind and inactivate
Insertionally mutagenic retroviruses are ones that, as a the cellular tumor-suppressor proteins p53 and pRb. p53 is
consequence of insertion of the proviral genome into the host now recognized to be functionally disrupted in most human
chromosomes, alter the structure and/ or expression of a cel- cancers. The protein was originally identified by virtue of its
lular proto-oncogene or tumor suppressor gene. These retro- association with SV40 TAg. Initial cloning and functional
viruses are also known as the weakly oncogenic retroviruses analysis of p53 led to its designation not as a tumor suppres-
since they only rarely cause cancers in laboratory animals, sor gene but an oncogene. This was due to the fact that the
reflective of the low likelihood that the provirus insertion initial p53 clones were isolated from cell lines, i.e., popula-
occurs at or near a cellular proto-oncogene or tumor suppres- tions of cells that had acquired an immortalized phenotype.
sor gene. There are several mechanisms by which insertion In these cell lines the p53 gene had undergone mutations that
of provirus can lead to activation of a cellular proto-oncogene. cause the encoded gene product to possess dominant-nega-
First, the virus may integrate upstream of the cellular gene in tive activity; that is, it could inactivate the normal p53 protein
the same sense orientation such that read-through transcrip- when put back into cells. It was not until the late 1980s that
tion from the viral promoter leads to the generation of chi- the wild-type p53 gene was recognized to be a tumor-sup-
meric viral:cellular mRNAs that can encode the cellular pressor gene [2]. p53 is thought to play an important role in
proto-oncogene. Second, the viral transcriptional enhancer orchestrating the cellular responses to certain forms of stress,
can upregulate the activity of the cellular gene’s own tran- including insult from DNA-damaging agents. Activation of
scriptional promoter. Finally, the virus can disrupt the integ- p53 leads either to growth arrest, which is believed to allow
rity of the cellular mRNA leading to the loss of negative cells time to repair damaged DNA, or apoptosis (programmed
19 Viral Mechanisms in Human Carcinogenesis 299

cell death). Without functional p53, cells have a greater pro- incidence of human cancers caused by these viruses. However,
pensity for undergoing genetic alterations, some of which their impact on global health is significantly limited by their
can contribute to tumorigenesis. It is now understood that availability, largely for socio-economical reasons.
when SV40 TAg binds the wild-type p53 protein, it inacti- Papillomaviruses are non-enveloped icosahedral viruses
vates the latter’s function [1]. SV40 TAg also can bind the that contain a double-stranded DNA genome of about 8000 bp
gene product of the retinoblastoma tumor susceptibility locus that encodes early and late genes. These viruses infect the
(Rb) [3]. Rb and the related pocket proteins, p107 and p130, poorly differentiated basal cells within stratified epithelium
are critical regulators of the cell cycle. In the G1 stage of the wherein the viral genome is established as a low copy, nuclear
cell cycle pRb binds to and inactivates a family of transcrip- plasmid and a subset of viral genes are expressed The papil-
tion factors, E2Fs, that regulate the activity of cellular genes lomavirus life cycle is intricately tied to the differentiation
involved in DNA synthesis and cell cycle control. Normally, program of the host tissue. Progeny virus are only produced
pRb’s activity is regulated by cyclin-associated kinases, when the infected basal cell undergoes cell division and a
which phosphorylate pRb and lead to its dissociation from daughter cell initiates terminal differentiation. This triggers
E2Fs. TAg upon binding to pRb or its relatives p107 and amplification of the viral genome and expression of structural
p130 can also cause this dissociation and thereby lead to cell genes that encode the capsid proteins resulting in the produc-
cycle deregulation. tion of progeny virus. The virus must manipulate the differ-
The insights gained from the study of SV40 provided entiating epithelia to facilitate its own life cycle. Many of
many insights about how human papillomaviruses cause car- these manipulations to the differentiating host cell are caused
cinoma of the anogenital tract and head/neck region in by the same viral genes that contribute to cancer.
humans, and potentially also shed light on the oncogenic Professor Harald zur Hausen and his colleagues at the
activities of the recently discovered Merkel cell carcinoma German Cancer Center in Heidelberg are responsible for first
associated polyomavirus. However, it would be an oversim- uncovering the etiological role of HPVs in human cancer
plification to think that targeting p53 and pRb are the only when they reported the presence of DNA of specific HPV
means by which DNA tumor viruses transform cells or cause genotypes in human cervical cancers [4]. This revelation
tumors in organisms. Much like what was learnt from the earned Dr. zur Hausen the Nobel Prize in Medicine. A causal
study of transducing oncoretroviruses that express mutated role of these same HPVs has since been established in other
forms of cellular proto-oncogenes, there are many varied cel- anogenital cancers including that of the vagina, vulva, penis,
lular pathways targeted by DNA tumor viruses that, when and anus, as well as the head and neck region, particularly
altered, contribute to transformation in tissue culture and the oropharynx. In many of these cancers, the viral DNA is
tumorigenesis in vivo. found integrated into the cellular genome and no progeny
virus is produced. The viral integration event almost always
leads to a disruption in the E2 translational open reading
19.4 Human Tumor Viruses frame (ORF). The E2 ORF encodes proteins involved in viral
transcription and replication and its disruption leads to dere-
19.4.1 Human Papillomaviruses pression of the viral transcriptional promoter that directs
expression of the viral oncogenes, E6 and E7 [5]. Integration
Papillomaviruses are small DNA viruses that infect the epi- also disrupts an mRNA instability element, and this also
thelial lining of their host and for the most part cause benign facilitates increased expression of E6 and E7 [6]. Even in
proliferative lesions such as warts that support production of cancers where the genome remains extrachromosomal, E6
progeny virus. There are over 100 defined human papilloma- and E7 expression is reported.
virus genotypes that can be subdivided into two classes, those E6 and E7 are directly implicated in oncogenesis. E7 can
that primarily infect cutaneous epithelia such as the epider- cooperate with E6 or the activated ras oncogene to transform
mis lining the hands and feet, and those that primarily infect fibroblasts in tissue culture, and E6 and E7 contribute to the
mucosal epithelia including that lining the anogenital tract immortalization of epithelial cells in tissue culture [7]. The
and the oral cavity. The latter, mucosotropic HPVs, are the expression of E6 and E7 was shown to be required for the
most common sexually transmitted pathogens in humans; continued proliferation of HPV-positive cervical and head/
greater than half the human population have been exposed to neck cancer cell lines; thus, E6 and E7 are thought to be
these HPVs in their lifetime. A subset of these mucosotropic required for the onset as well as persistence of HPV-
HPVs that cause human cancers such as cervical cancer, anal associated cancers. When the expression of E6 or E7 is
cancer, and head and neck cancers. The recent generation of directed to stratified squamous epithelia of transgenic mice,
highly efficacious, prophylactic vaccines against two of the including the epidermis, the mice exhibit thickening of the
most common of these cancer-causing HPV genotypes, skin and spontaneously develop squamous cell carcinomas
HPV16 and HPV18, provides the potential of reducing the [8]. When treated persistently with exogenous estrogen,
300 P.F. Lambert

these same mice, which also E6 and E7 in the epithelia lining to its oncogenic potential in the cervix [17]. Thus E7 causes
the cervix and vagina, develop cervical and vaginal cancers cancer at least in part through its ability to disrupt the func-
(whereas nontransgenic animals do not) [9]. Furthermore, tion of multiple cellular factors that are involved in the regu-
these mice are more susceptible than nontransgenic mice to lation of the cell cycle. E7 is known to associate with over
head and neck cancers when treated with an oral carcinogen, 100 cellular factors in addition to the ones described above.
again owing to the expression of viral oncogenes in the epi- Which of these interactions also contribute to E7’s onco-
thelia lining the oral cavity, oropharynx, and esophagus [10]. genic potential remains unclear [18].
Even though E6 and E7 are well accepted to be the main The discovery of the ability of E6 to inactivate the tumor
oncogenes for HPV, more recent evidence implicates the E5 suppressor, p53, was prompted by the oncogenic similarities
viral protein as a possible contributor to carcinogenesis, at between papillomaviruses and SV40 and adenovirus. E6 was
least in the cancers where its expression is retained (integra- found to form a tertiary complex with p53 and a cellular
tion of the viral genome in the host chromosome often leads ubiquitin ligase, E6-AP [19, 20]. This leads to the ubiquiti-
to a reduced expression of E5). E5 is the main transforming nation of p53, which is then targeted for proteasomal degra-
oncogene of bovine papillomavirus (BPV). BPV E5’s trans- dation. The p53 tumor suppressor is involved in the G1 to S
forming activity correlates with its ability to activate the phase transition of the cell cycle and is induced in response
PDGF receptor in a ligand independent manner [11]. E5’s to cellular stresses such as DNA damage. Although the
role in HPV-associated cancers is less clear. In tissue culture importance of p53 in other cancers suggests that it is impor-
HPV E5 acts as a weak oncogene. Nevertheless, a large frac- tant in papillomavirus-associated cancers, inactivation of
tion of cervical cancers still express E5. In recent studies, p53 cannot fully substitute for the activities of E6. For exam-
transgenic mice expressing E5 were found to be more sus- ple, E6 was found to abrogate differentiation of skin epithe-
ceptible to skin and cervical cancers implicating its role in lial cells in tissue culture. However, when the p53 in these
HPV-associated human cancers [12]. The mechanism under- cells was inactivated by overexpressing a dominant-negative
lying HPV E5’s role in cancers remains unclear. form of p53, the cells could still differentiate. Also, p53-null
As is the case with SV40 and adenoviruses, papillomavi- mice differ from E6 transgenic animals in that they do not
ruses have the ability to inactivate tumor suppressors. E7 display thickened skin or spontaneously develop skin tumors.
binds to and induces the degradation of the tumor suppres- The alpha-helix-binding domain of E6, through which E6
sor, pRb [7, 13]. The inactivation of pRb allows E2F tran- associates with E6AP has been shown to be important for E6
scription factors to be constitutively active, which likely oncogenic activities in mice, suggesting that the inactivation
accounts in large part for the increased proliferation seen in of p53 contributes to this process. Consistent with these
E7-expressing cells/tissues. The regions of E7 required for results, E6 is unable to cause cervical cancers on an E6AP-
its inactivation of pRb have been mapped to conserved null background [21].
regions (CR) 1 and 2, so named because of their similarity to E6 has been shown to bind a variety of protein partners,
pRb-binding regions in the adenovirus oncoprotein E1A [7] . including E6-BP, paxillin, E6-TP, bak, and the human homo-
The CR1 and CR2 domains of E7 are both necessary for log of Drosophila disc large (DLG) tumor-suppressor gene
E7’s induction of tumors in animals and transformation of [22]. The ability of E6 to associate with proteins correlates
cells. An exception is that when the CR1 and CR2 domains with its ability to induce aberrant DNA synthesis, transform
of E7 are mutated in the context of the whole papillomavirus cells in tissue culture, and contribute to carcinogenesis in
genome, cells transfected with the genome still undergo mice. The binding partner responsible for those phenotypes
transformation [14]. This suggests that E7 possesses trans- has not been identified but candidates include Dlg, Scribble,
forming activities mediated by other activities besides inac- and MUPP1, all of which have been reported to bind E6
tivation of pRb. In vivo studies have confirmed that E7’s through the PDZ domain. Interestingly, E6 causes destabili-
carcinogenic phenotypes both in the cervix and the head and zation of these PDZ proteins much like it does p53, and this
neck of the mouse cannot be attributed merely to its inacti- is at least in part mediated by E6AP.
vation of pRb. E7 also inactivates proteins related to pRb, In addition, E6 can activate telomerase, the enzyme which
p107 and p130, which like pRB modulate the activities of extends the number of telomere repeats to the ends of chro-
E2F transcription factors. Studies now underway suggest mosomes. This activity is thought to contribute at least in
that inactivation of both pRb and either p107 or p130 part to E6's ability to immortalize cells [23]. Thus, as with
increases the susceptibility of mice to cervical and head/ E7, E6 contributes to transformation in tissue culture and
neck cancers in mice. E7 also can bind to and inactivate p21 oncogenesis in vivo through multiple means. In addition to
and p27, inhibitors of cyclin-associated kinases that play the cellular targets described above, E6 can associate with at
critical roles in the control of the cell cycle [15, 16]. E7’s least two dozen additional cellular factors. Their importance
inactivation of p21 has now been demonstrated to contribute in E6-mediated oncogenesis remains to be unraveled.
19 Viral Mechanisms in Human Carcinogenesis 301

19.4.2 Merkel Cell Polyomavirus All three subtypes of BLs—endemic, sporadic, and AIDS
related—are thought to be associated with EBV infection.
The most recently identified human tumor virus is a novel Early-onset endemic BL, the most common childhood cancer
human polyomavirus identified in Merkel cell carcinomas, a in equatorial Africa, occurs with an unusually high incidence
rare cancer arising in a specialized cell of the skin involved of 5–10 cases per 100,000 individuals per year. Virtually all
in sensory transduction [24]. This polyomavirus encodes for of the malignant cells of every analyzed endemic BL tumor
two putative oncogenes, large tumor antigen and small tumor are EBV genome positive. The sporadic BL, more commonly
antigen, which bear similarities with the like genes of SV40 found in the United States and other Western countries, has a
and murine polyomaviruses. The Merkel cell carcinoma 50-fold to 100-fold lower incidence in comparison to the
associated polyomavirus is often found to be integrated into endemic BL with about 15–25 % EBV genome-positive
a human chromosome in the cancers, and because of frame- tumors. Also, sporadic BL tumors have a slightly later age of
shift or nonsense mutations in its large tumor antigen gene, onset, a different pattern of presentation, and frequently
the virus is defective in its ability to replicate as a nuclear involves the abdomen and bone marrow instead of the jaw, as
plasmid, its normal genomic state. These mutations lead to in the cases of the endemic BL. AIDS-related BL develops in
the expression of truncated forms of large tumor antigen approximately 10 % of AIDS patients in Western societies
gene product. Interestingly, the truncated large tumor anti- and reflects both early-onset and late-onset B-cell malignan-
gens expressed in the cancers retain an ability to bind pRb cies. However, even with such a high incidence of AIDS-
and pRb-like proteins, leading to the prediction that this related BL tumors, only 30–40 % of these are EBV genome
retained activity contributes to Merkel cell carcinoma devel- positive. Remarkably, all known forms of BL have the t(8:14),
opment. Like other polyomaviruses, Merkel cell polyomavi- t(2:8), and t(8:22) chromosomal translocations that are likely
rus also encodes a small tumor antigen gene product that is deleterious to B lymphocyte development. In addition to BL,
predicted to modulate the activity of PP2A. In the case of EBV-associated malignancies also include immunoblastic
SV40 and murine polyomavirus, small tumor antigen con- B-cell lymphomas in immunosuppressed individuals, naso-
tributes to their transforming activity through their modula- pharyngeal carcinoma, a subset of gastric carcinoma,
tion of PP2A. As with HPVs, continued expression of Merkel Hodgkin’s disease, and EBV-associated T-cell lymphomas.
cell polyomavirus-encoded tumor antigens is necessary for Acute infection with EBV causes mononucleosis [27].
the continued growth and transformation properties of How EBV initially infects an individual is not clear, but it
Merkel cell carcinoma derived cell lines in tissue culture may do so through infection of epithelial cells lining the oral
[25]. Merkel cell polyomavirus represents an exciting new cavity. Usually, EBV infections become persistently latent,
field of study in human tumor virus biology. in which the viruses induce B-lymphocyte proliferation con-
currently with viral DNA replication. Stable retention of
EBV episomes is mandatory for the continual growth of
19.4.3 Epstein–Barr Virus EBV-positive BL cells. The viral protein EBNA1 is critical
for the maintenance of the EBV replicon in infected cells and
In the 1950s, while working as a missionary doctor in Africa, for the continued growth of BL cells [28, 29]. EBNA1 con-
Denis Burkitt described the childhood tumor Burkitt’s lym- tributes both to the replication of the viral genome, and its
phoma (endemic BL) and postulated that an infectious agent efficient inheritance during cell division.
could possibly act as the etiologic agent of BL [26]. In 1961, How EBV contributes to human cancer is not well under-
a collaboration among Denis Burkitt, Tony Epstein, and stood. In tissue culture, EBV can efficiently induce the
Yvonne Barr resulted in the establishment of BL-derived cell immortalization of B lymphocytes, a property that is likely to
lines in culture. Electron microscopy examinations of the cell be related to its oncogenic properties in vivo [30]. The EBV
lines showed herpesvirus-like particles that are biologically genome is a 172 kbp linear, double-stranded DNA. In
and antigenically dissimilar to other human herpesviruses. infected cells the EBV genome is maintained as a circular
Subsequent seroepidemiological studies indicated that the episome. Although the EBV genome can encode many
candidate human tumor virus named Epstein–Barr virus genes, the fact that in EBV-immortalized B cells only a hand-
(EBV), also named human herpesvirus 4, presents ubiqui- ful of viral genes are expressed helped researchers identify
tously throughout the human populations in two different the genes relevant for immortalization. One viral gene, latent
types and is persistently infectious. The strong association membrane protein 1 (LMP1), has been demonstrated to be
between the virus and BL, its ability to transform primary critical for EBV’s immortalization of B lymphocytes and in
human B lymphocytes into permanent lymphoblastoid cells, transgenic mice is sufficient to induce lymphomas. As its
and a predominance of a single glycoprotein in the viral outer name implies, LMP1 is an integral membrane protein found
surface further differentiate EBV from other herpes members. in the cytoplasmic membrane of latently infected cells.
302 P.F. Lambert

LMP1 has characteristics of a cell surface receptor; it latency of 3 months, a latency shorter than that for the
displays a rapid turnover that is associated with endocytosis p53-null mice alone [38]. KSHV also encodes its own inhib-
and it signals to NF-kappaB through association with itors of apoptosis, viral Bcl-2 and viral FLIP (an inhibitor of
TRAFFs and TRADDs [31]. This signaling capacity of EBV cellular FLICE, a protein-mediating Fas ligand-induced cell
appears to be required for its capacity to induce B lympho- death). The viral Bcl-2 shares its limited sequence homology
cyte proliferation. In this regard, LMP1 is functionally anal- with cellular Bcl-2 in those regions critical for inhibiting
ogous to CD40, a cellular receptor normally expressed in B apoptosis and fails to dimerize with cellular Bcl-2 and
lymphocytes which can induce B lymphocyte proliferation Bcl-XL thus avoiding regulation by potential cell-binding
upon stimulation by its ligand. Unlike CD40, LMP1 is not partners [39]. Viral FLIP inhibits apoptosis mediated by the
known to have an associated ligand; consistent with this, Fas pathway and induced by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes [40].
LMP1 lacks a prominent extracellular domain to which an Finally, KSHV encodes homologues of cytokines and cyto-
extracellular ligand could bind. Rather, LMP1’s signal trans- kine receptors. Its viral IL-6 may promote proliferation of
duction activity appears to be constitutively active. In the PEL cells, although they appear to be dependent on cellular
past, LMP1 has been argued to cause the immortalization of IL-6 and not viral IL-6 for their continued growth [41].
B lymphocytes in part by inducing expression of the cellular KSHV also encodes a G protein-coupled receptor, viral
anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2. However, it is unclear whether GPCR, that, when expressed in endothelial cells in mice,
the increased levels of Bcl-2 found in some EBV-infected leads to KS-like tumors [42].
cells are a direct consequence of LMP1 action or an acquired
phenotype that correlates with improved survival of those
cells in tissue culture. Another EBV-associated gene, 19.4.5 Human T-Cell Leukotropic Virus Type 1
EBNA2, has been shown to be critical for EBV’s immortal-
ization of B lymphocytes. However, its role is likely indirect HTLV-1 is an oncogenic retrovirus associated with a variety
through its ability to activate the transcription of LMP1. of human diseases, including adult T-cell leukemia/lym-
With the recent advances in understanding the role of phoma (ATL) [43]. The epidemiology of ATL suggests that
EBNA1 in the persistence of the EBV genome in human cumulative genetic defects may be responsible for the acute
cells and the role of LMP1 in EBV’s immortalization of B T-cell malignancy. HTLV-1 transforms human T-cells in vivo
lymphocytes, scientists now have two relevant targets for and in cell culture. The development of T-cell transformation
developing novel antiviral therapies that could reduce the can be divided into two stages. In the early stage, the virus
incidence of EBV-associated malignancy in the future. induces interleukin-2 (IL-2)-dependent T-cell proliferation,
which mimics the action of antigens. In the normal T-cells,
antigen-stimulated T-cells cease growth after a few weeks.
19.4.4 Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated However, HTLV-1-infected T-cells show infinite prolifera-
Herpesvirus tion (i.e., immortalization). The uncontrolled cell prolifera-
tion is believed to facilitate secondary genetic changes.
Kaposi's sarcomas (KS) is a relatively rare disease that came Therefore, the immortalized T-cells can progress to the sec-
into the limelight because of its prevalence amongst AIDs ond stage of transformation, which has a typical property of
patients [32]. Chang, Moore, and colleagues used an enrich- IL-2-independent growth. Recent evidence suggests that
ment procedure based on PCR to identify DNA sequences HTLV-1 not only induces the proliferation of host T-cells, but
present in KS but absent in normal cells. They identified a also protects the infected cells from undergoing apoptosis.
new herpesvirus, Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus The HTLV-1 provirus genome is 9032 bp long and con-
(KSHV, also termed human herpesvirus 8, HHV-8) present tains gag, pol, and env genes that encode the viral matrix
in these cancers [33] that is related to EBV, another human (capsid and nucleocapsid proteins), enzymes (reverse tran-
tumor virus. KSHV has also been detected in body-cavity- scriptase, integrase, and protease), and envelope protein (sur-
based lymphomas or primary effusion lymphomas (PEL) face glycoprotein and transmembrane protein), respectively.
[34] and in an atypical lymphoproliferative disorder termed The HTLV-1 genome contains unique regulatory genes, the
multicentric Castleman's disease (MCD) [35]. KSHV is now Rex and Tax genes (analogous to the HIV rev and tat genes),
accepted as contributing causally to KS and PEL. at the 3′ end of the genome that are not common in other
KSHV encodes genes with homology to cellular genes, retroviruses. Rex is a 27-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein that
some of which are candidates for contributing to viral onco- regulates viral RNA processing. Rex enhances the expres-
genesis. For example, KSHV encodes its own cyclin [36, sion of single-spliced mRNA and unspliced viral genomic
37]. KSHV cyclin can foster progression of nuclei isolated RNAs encoding the gag-pol and env gene products but
from cells in G1 to undergo DNA synthesis and induce cells reduces the expression of double spliced tax/rex mRNA. At
to undergo apoptosis. Mice transgenic for KSHV cyclin and the early stage of viral gene expression in the viral life cycle,
p53-null develop T-cell and B-cell lymphomas with a mean double-spliced mRNAs for Tax and Rex proteins are mainly
19 Viral Mechanisms in Human Carcinogenesis 303

produced. Newly synthesized Tax protein transactivates the host genome and viral protein expression is ablated. Infection
transcription of HTLV-1. However, accumulated Rex protein by HBV can lead to either acute or chronic hepatitis. Acute
enhances the accumulation of unspliced and single-spliced infection involves symptoms such as fever, fatigue, anorexia,
viral RNAs and suppresses the accumulation of tax/rex and nausea, which are soon followed by jaundice. In adults,
mRNA. Therefore, Tax and regulate viral expression both the disease is usually cleared by an immune system response
positively and negatively. Transient expression of the viral to viral surface antigen. However, in 1–8 % of infected adults
genes may be one of the mechanisms to escape from immune infection persists and the virus undergoes active replication.
surveillance of the host. Tax protein is a 40-kDa nuclear Chronic infection rates are much higher (approximately
phosphoprotein and is considered an oncogenic viral protein 90 %) in the case of perinatal and early childhood infections.
that transactivates the transcription of HTLV-1 and also binds It is these chronically or persistently infected patients that are
to cellular transcription factors or other cytoplasmic cellular at highest risk for developing HBV-associated
molecules involved in the fundamental cell function such as HCC. Persistently infected individuals may be asymptomatic
IL-2, IL-2R, and c-fos and the parathyroid hormone related for years, although the HBsAg surface antigen can be detected
peptide. The oncogenic property of Tax protein is well docu- during this time. In other patients, chronic hepatitis B occurs,
mented in the development of ATL [43]. Indirect evidence with symptoms including fatigue, anxiety, and anorexia, asso-
showed that the 3′ end of the HTLV-1 genome (Tax gene) is ciated with hepatocellular necrosis and inflammation. A frac-
necessary and sufficient for cell immortalization. In addition, tion of those patients with chronic hepatitis will develop
co-transfection of Tax with Ras can also induce transforma- cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis can then lead to HCC. How
tion of primary rat embryo fibroblasts. Finally, Tax trans- HBV causes HCC is a matter of debate, although there are
genic mice develop several pathologies, including leukemia, two main pathways by which HBV might be acting: directly
mesenchymal tumor, and neuro-fibromas. through a viral protein or integration or indirectly, as an con-
HTLV-1 is passed from male to female via semen, and sequence of chronic liver damage due to viral infection and
from mother to child by breast milk. The latter route has host-immune responses to it. HBV may directly induce HCC
been demonstrated prospectively. Encouraging carrier moth- either in trans, by an activity of one of its gene products early
ers to refrain from breast feeding has decreased transmission on in cancer development, or by a cis, as a result of viral inte-
of HTLV-1 to their children by 80 % [44]. gration (i.e., akin to insertionally mutagenic retroviruses). For
HBV to cause oncogenesis through a trans-acting mecha- Hepatitis B Virus nism, it must be actively undergoing transcription. Since most
Infection by hepatitis B virus (HBV) is strongly associated advanced HCCs display no viral gene expression, this puta-
with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), tive pathway must act primarily at the initial stages of cancer
one of the ten most common carcinomas in the world [45]. cell growth while viral genes are still being expressed. There
This oncogenic association categorizes HBV as a tumor are multiple viral gene products which have been argued to
virus. HBV is a hepatotropic, circular, partially duplex DNA play a role in promoting uncontrolled cell growth. It is com-
virus of 3.2 kb and replicates via an RNA intermediate and mon to find HBV genomes integrated into the host chromo-
reverse transcription. Infection by HBV can lead to liver dam- some in HCC. These integrations commonly lead to the
age and such pathological diseases as chronic hepatic insuf- retention of a portion of the viral genome, including the X and
ficiency and cirrhosis, leading to HCC. HCC is a difficult preS/S regions [47]. The X gene product of HBV has tran-
cancer to treat because symptoms occur late in the develop- scriptional activation activity. The activity of X in the context
ment of the carcinoma, often too late for clinical intervention. of the in vivo viral life cycle is unclear, although X has been
Unfortunately, the survival rate for individuals diagnosed shown to activate many promoters in reporter gene assays,
with HCC is low. The association of HCC and HBV was including the herpes simplex virus (HSV) tk promoter, the
determined from worldwide epidemiological studies [46]. In HIV long-terminal repeat (LTR), and the HBV Enl. Cellular
those areas of the world where a higher incidence of HCC promoters activated by X include those for MHC class I,
was observed (e.g., sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia), c-myc, and RNA polymerase III. It is possible that X activates
there was a higher rate of HBV. Though HBV-induced HCC cellular oncogenes, leading to uncontrolled cell growth. X
is relatively rare in the USA and Europe where HBV infec- has also been shown to inhibit nucleotide excision repair,
tion rates are low, it is a leading cause of cancer in those areas leading to accumulated mutations. This could cause an
where HBV infection rates are high. Studies in animal sys- increased mutation rate induced by chemical carcinogens
tems have also demonstrated a correlation between infection such as aflatoxin B1. X has also been found to bind to the p53
with HBV and the occurrence of HCC. For example, 100 % of tumor suppressor protein and may therefore interfere with the
woodchucks infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) latter’s role in DNA damage response [48]. Some mice trans-
develop HCC. There is a long latency period of at least 30 genic for X driven by the X promoter develop HCC. However,
years between infection by HBV and the development of this effect is not seen using heterologous promoters or subge-
HCC in humans. During this time, the virus integrates into the nomic or genomic HBV DNAs containing the X region.
304 P.F. Lambert

HBV alternatively may lead to cancer via a cis-acting worldwide infection rate at 3 %. Infection is thought to arise
mechanism, whereby the integration of the virus into the host from contaminated blood, use of shared needles among
genome can cause interruption of a tumor suppressor gene or intravenous drug users, organ transplantation, hemodialysis,
activation of an oncogene. An example of insertional activa- sexual transmission, and vertical transmission. As with peo-
tion is observed in WHV-induced HCC. Using Southern ple chronically infected with HBV, HCC in HCV-positive
blotting analysis, WHV has been found to be integrated near individuals correlates with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis.
to the N-myc loci in 40 % of HCCs. Using the more broad- 2–7 % of chronically infected people develop HCC [52].
scanning technique of pulse-field gel analysis, an even higher The hyperproliferative state induced by chronic hepatitis and
percentage of tumors have been found to be integrated near cirrhosis is argued to lead to an accumulation of genetic
N-myc. However, insertional activation by HBV has not changes and contribute to the onset of liver cancer. How
been regularly demonstrated in human HCCs using either HCV contributes to liver carcinogenesis is not known.
technique. However, this does not mean that this phenome- HCV is a flavivirus. As such it is unique among the human
non is not occurring because current techniques allow detec- tumor viruses for having RNA as its only genetic material.
tion only within a few kilobases of a gene of interest. HCV contains a 9.6 kb, positive-stranded RNA as its genome,
Another major school of thought is that HBV can lead to which encodes a single translation product of approximately
HCC via an indirect pathway. Infection of the liver by HBV 3000 amino acids. This polyprotein is cleaved by proteases
can cause liver damage, which leads to a chronic prolifera- to yield at least ten proteins [53]. The study of HCV has been
tive response in the liver to replace lost cells. The resulting daunting for at least two reasons. Its sequence varies in
increase in DNA synthesis increases the probability of muta- infected people such that there are six recognized genotypes
tions occurring, leading to uncontrolled cell growth. This with multiple subtypes among patients and a spectrum of
theory is supported by the fact that most diseases of the liver quasi-species within any one infected individual. Members
leading to liver damage, such as HCV infection, alcoholic of these quasi-species within one patient vary by 1–2 % in
cirrhosis, and Wilson’s disease, are associated with an their sequence [54]. In addition, there is no available cell cul-
increased risk for the development of HCC. The Large S (L) ture for HCV. Researchers have made heroic efforts to over-
protein product of HBV, when expressed, is toxic to cells and come this latter hurdle and have met with partial success. In
can lead to liver damage. Transgenic mice engineered to 1999 Bartenschlager and colleagues described the replica-
overexpress the HBV L protein display hepatocellular necro- tion of a subgenomic derivative of HCV in a cell line derived
sis and regeneration, which eventually leads to HCC [49]. from a human HCC [55]. These subgenomic replicons were
Although this result is potentially informative, it should be difficult to establish, but once established exhibited bona fide
interpreted carefully because the levels of L protein in these characteristics of flaviviral nucleic acid replication. One to
mice are much higher than those in an HBV infection. HBV five thousand molecules of plus-strand RNA were present in
induced liver damage alternatively could be the result of host each cell; minus-strand RNA was present at 10–20 % of the
immune responses to viral gene products. level of the plus strand; and this viral RNA replication was
Although the association of HBV infection with the insensitive to treatment of cells with actinomycin D [55].
development of HCC is high, the mechanism by which the This mode of nucleic acid replication in cells will allow the
virus causes cancer clearly is still a matter of debate. It is elucidation of the cis and trans elements it requires, but with
possible that a combination of pathways described above are an unexpected twist. The efficient replication of the subge-
contributing to the oncogenic activity of HBV. Further clari- nomic derivatives of HCV requires mutations in at least two
fication of this effect will pave the way for more effective viral genes that enhance replication in cells but abrogate
treatments of HCC associated with HBV. Meanwhile, efforts infectivity of intact HCV RNA [56].
are underway to eradicate HBV infections through mass
immunizations. Evidence for a Direct Role of HCV
in HCC from Studies of the HCV Core
19.4.6 Hepatitis C Virus The HCV core protein can cooperate with an activated form
of the ras oncogene to transform primary rodent cells in tis-
Human hepatitis C virus (HCV) is another etiological agent sue culture and mice transgenic for the HCV core protein
for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Approximately half of develop HCC. Several potential mechanisms have been
the cases in the USA are ascribed to HCV [50]. HCV repre- invoked to explain the transforming potential of HCV Core
sents the most common chronic viral infection among blood- protein. It has been found to enhance cell proliferation
borne pathogens in the U.S., where the rate of infection through the stimulation of the mitogen-activated protein
during the period from 1988 to 1994 was estimated to be kinase [57, 58]. More recently, the core protein has been
1.8 % [51]. The World Health organization estimates the found to activate STAT3, and this activation may contribute
19 Viral Mechanisms in Human Carcinogenesis 305

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Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role
of Estrogens 20
William A. Ricke, Karin Williams, Jalissa Wynder,
Ganesh Palapattu, Yuzhuo Wang, and Gerald R. Cunha

of androgen to estradiol. This may be important because as

20.1 Background: Estrogens men age the ratio of serum E2:T increases [1–4]. Since aro-
matase is expressed in the prostate, it is likely that local
In animals 17β-estradiol (E2) is typically thought of as a estradiol production plays an important role in prostatic
female sex hormone. The importance of estrogens in females function [5–7].
is unambiguous. However, in males estrogens are also impor- Circulating estrogens in premenopausal women originate
tant steroid hormones, which target a variety of reproductive from ovarian steroidogenesis and are in constant flux depend-
organs, including the prostate. In the female estradiol is pri- ing upon the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. However, after
marily produced in the ovaries and acts to stimulate growth menopause, local aromatization of androgens and de novo
and development of the reproductive tract and mammary biosynthesis [8] of E2 provide a source of estrogen to respon-
gland. In the male, estrogen is produced by adipose tissue, sive tissues despite low circulating levels of estrogens. The
the adrenals, testicles, and even the prostate. The role of adrenals in both men and women produce androgen which
estrogen/estrogen receptor (ER) signaling in the prostate can be converted to estrogens via the action of aromatase. In
gland is poorly understood. males serum testosterone levels decrease steadily after the
Steroid hormones including estrogen are derived from age of 39 [9] while estrogen levels remain steady resulting in
cholesterol. Cholesterol is subsequently converted to a change in the androgen:estrogen ratio [10].
pregnenolone, progesterone, and then to testosterone (T) via
several different cytochrome P450 enzymes. Testosterone is
then converted to E2 by the P450 aromatase/CYP19 gene 20.2 Hormonal Control of Prostate Growth
product. Therefore, aromatase is a key controller of the ratio and Development

The prostate develops from the embryonic endodermal uro-

genital sinus (UGS) in response to androgens, which act via
W.A. Ricke, Ph.D. (*) • J. Wynder, Ph.D.
Department of Urology, University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer the androgen receptor [11]. During prostatic development
Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53705, USA androgens mediate their effects via mesenchymal-epithe-
e-mail: lial interactions [11]. Although the prostate is primarily
K. Williams, Ph.D. considered to be an androgen target, it is also a target for
Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, estrogen. Estrogens control prostatic development and
Cincinnati, OH 45219, USA
function both directly and indirectly. Estrogens can elicit
G. Palapattu, M.D. their effects directly on the prostate gland which causes
Division of Urologic Oncology, University of Michigan Health
squamous metaplasia when unopposed by androgens [12].
System, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Transcriptional regulation by estrogens has been observed
Y. Wang, Ph.D.
in certain genes having putative estrogen response ele-
Department of Cancer Endocrinology, BC Cancer Agency,
Vancouver, BC, Canada ments (EREs) within their promoters [13–15]. These genes
include members of the insulin-like growth factor, fibro-
G.R. Cunha, Ph.D.
Department Urology, University of California, San Francisco, blast growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, nerve growth
San Francisco, CA 94143, USA factor, and transforming growth factor beta families.

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 307

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_20
308 W.A. Ricke et al.

Importantly, these potent growth factor pathways have In addition to estrogen GPER also binds selective estrogen
been implicated in human carcinogenesis of many organs receptor modulators (SERMS), selective estrogen receptor
including the prostate [16–20]. degraders (SERDS, and environmental ER activators [29].
Organismal physiology of estrogens is extremely com- Cross talk between GPER and growth factor receptors includ-
plicated because exogenous and endogenous estrogens can ing receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), EGF receptor, and IGF
indirectly affect target tissues via systemic modulation of receptors have been introduced as a possible signaling mecha-
other hormones. For example, estrogens can have indirect nism associated with cancer and metastasis [28]. Dimerization
systemic effects on the prostate gland by acting on the of growth factors in the RTK family causes activation of the
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. Estrogens inhibit the MAPK cascade, which leads to gene transcription, cell prolif-
release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypo- eration, and PI3-K/Akt signaling, which promotes cell sur-
thalamus, which prevents the release of luteinizing hormone vival. Additionally deregulated RTK signaling is critical in
(LH) from the pituitary. Interstitial cells of the testicle cancer development and associated acquired resistance to
(Leydig cells) are dependent upon LH for production and endocrine therapy and reduced cell survival [2]. Over-
secretion of T. Thus, exogenous estrogens affect the pros- expression of GPER is associated with tumor progression,
tate by inducing a chemical castration or androgen depriva- increased metastasis, and acquired tamoxifen resistance [28].
tion, which elicits prostatic epithelial apoptosis and The relationship between ERα, ERα-36/46 and GPER signal-
generalized regression of the gland. Additionally, estrogen ing is still poorly understood. However current research has
can cause the pituitary release of prolactin, which is a mito- focused on the relationship of ERα/variants and GPER using
gen for the prostate. compounds that act as differential antagonists and agonists of
Estrogens can act genomically in classical or nonclassical the two. Understanding this relationship could provide thera-
manners or they can act non-genomically [21–23]. It is peutic targets for drug therapy in hormone-induced cancers
thought that estrogens mediate their effects primarily through involving estrogen response signaling. Recently, a new mouse
ER-α and/or ER-β in the prostate [7, 22, 24–26]. The hydro- model of loss of membrane ERα function was developed [30].
phobic estrogen molecule can diffuse through plasma mem- Future studies using new models to decipher estrogen hor-
branes and bind to ERs found within the cytoplasm or mone action will lead to a better understanding of how estro-
nucleus where cofactors bind to the estrogen-ER complex. gens elicit non-genomic signaling during pathogenesis.
The estrogen-ER complex binds to EREs within promoters
of genes either via direct protein-DNA interactions or indi-
rectly via interactions with AP1 and SP1 sites within the tar- 20.3 Estrogens Are Genotoxic Carcinogens
get DNA (typically promoter regions) of estrogen-regulated
genes. Stimulators or corepressors may bind to the estrogen- Oxidation of steroidal estrogens and synthetic estrogens [31,
ER complex to improve or inhibit transcription. Signaling 32] are capable of creating toxic agents that react with DNA
via this genomic route (i.e., estrogen/ER signaling) may take inducing mutations and mutagenic reactive oxygen species
hours to facilitate a response. (ROS). The next section will explore how estrogen/estrogen
ERα and ERβ are widely accepted as estrogen nuclear metabolites affect carcinogenesis.
receptors based on their genomic effects on gene expres-
sion. Contrasting genomic ER function, membrane forms of
ER exist as ERα and ERβ as well as a truncated form of 20.3.1 Conversion of Estrogen
ER-α termed ERα-36 or ERα-46 [21]. Both are associated to Catecholestrogens
with rapid non-genomic signaling. Alternative membrane-
bound ERs were investigated when estrogens mediated a Estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) can be converted to
rapid (within minutes) induction of signaling. These investi- catecholestrogens, 2 and 4 hydroxyestrogens [2-OHE1(E2)
gations led to the discovery of intracellular G-protein- 4-OHE1(E2)], in both hormone-dependent and -independent
coupled ER (GPER) also known as GPR30 [27]. GPER is a cells. P450 1A enzymes are the predominant extrahepatic
member of the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) super- enzyme that converts steroid hormones to 2-hydroxyestrogens
family whose activation regulates many biological responses [33–36], but due to their lack of specificity, up to 20 % of
of both normal and cancer cells [28]. Estrogen binds GPER, estrogen is converted to the more potent 4-hydroxyestrogens
ER-α, and/or ERα-36/46 which stimulates transactivation of [37]. Specific estrogen 4-hydroxylase(s) have been identified
epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), leading to rapid in various organs including kidney, uterus, and pituitary [37–
phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase 39]. In humans P450 1B1, an estrogen 4-hydroxylase is pres-
(MAPKs), and mobilization of intracellular calcium through ent in the breast, ovary, adrenal, and uterus [40, 41]. The
synthesis of phosphatidylinostol 3,4,5-triphosphate (PI3K) tissue specific expression of these P450 isoforms contributes
in the cytoplasm. to the differential toxicity of estrogen in different tissues [42].
20 Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role of Estrogens 309

The hepatic P450s likewise convert estrogen to 4-OHE1 (E2) cancer compared to normal [62]. The transforming activities
and may contribute to hepatic tumors in women who used of estrogens and their metabolites were ranked as follows:
oral contraceptives [43] especially contraceptives that were 4-OHE1 (E2) >16alpha-OHE1 > E2 = 2-OHE1 (E2) [49, 63].
lacking progesterone.
Not all estrogen metabolites are carcinogenic; indeed
some such as 2-methyl-estrogen may be protective prompt- 20.3.2 Estrogen DNA Adducts
ing the question is estrogen-induced cancer driven by lack of
these metabolites, and are their levels dependent upon poly- DNA adducts are formed when chemical carcinogens bind
morphisms present within the P450 1A gene [44] that may covalently to DNA. There are two types of binding, stable,
be specific to susceptible populations. and depurinating. The differences between the two types
4-OHE1 (E2) has been shown to be oxidized to a semiqui- depend on where the estrogen binds to the DNA.
none or a 3,4-quinone, which can generate reactive oxygen
species (ROS) [45]. These molecules can react with the
deoxyribonucleotides adenine and guanine within the 20.3.3 Synthesis and Deactivation of Estrogen
genomic DNA [46]. Attempts to repair such damage may and Its Metabolites
result in mis-match repair or base pair deletion leading to
cancer-promoting mutations and/or cell transformation [8, The estrogens E1 and E2 are formed as are all steroids from
47–49]. Evidence that estrogen is indeed a genotoxic car- cholesterol. They are formed by aromatization of
cinogen exerting a mutagenic effect at the level of DNA is 4-androsten-3,17-dione and testosterone, respectively, in an
rapidly accumulating [45, 50–59]. enzymatic reaction catalyzed by aromatase (P450 CYP19).
2-OHE1, another estrogen metabolite, is capable of inhibit- They can be interconverted by 17β-estradiol dehydrogenase.
ing HPV-mediated cellular proliferation by interacting with The metabolism of estrogens in the liver and other tissues
exons 6 and 7. Interestingly, 16α-OHE1, another estrogen results in 2-4-hydroxylated estrogens that are then inacti-
metabolite, promotes proliferation via the same mechanism vated by conjoining reactions such as glucuronidation and
[60]. HPV and the estrogen metabolite 16α-OHEI may be sulfation that prevent excretion into the urine and feces; see
capable of synergistically interacting to initiate cancers that are Fig. 20.1. Quinines and semiquinones formed by estrogen
known to be HPV related such as cervical cancer [61]. Ratios oxidation are neutralized via conjugation with glutathione or
of 2-OHE1 to 16α-OHE1 are lower in prostate and breast reduced by quinone reductase.

Fig. 20.1 Schematic of the production of estrogen metabolites, conjugates, and DNA adducts.
310 W.A. Ricke et al.

20.4 Induction of DNA Mutations function during normal growth, development, and carcino-
by Estrogens genesis of the prostate and other estrogen target organs.
Determining the molecular, cellular, and physiological func-
20.4.1 Mutations at Level of Chromosome tions of ER-α and ER-β will most certainly improve our
understanding of prostate biology and carcinogenesis.
Chromosome gain and loss (aneuploidy) without gene muta- ER-β is highly expressed within the prostatic epithelium
tion were observed in Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells of the adult [81], while ER-α is predominantly expressed
transformed with E2 or diethylstilbestrol (DES) suggesting within the adult prostatic stroma and to a lesser extent within
that non-disjunction is responsible [64–66]. E2, DES, and their the adult prostatic epithelium. During prostate pathogenesis,
quinone metabolites bind microtubules disrupting their polym- such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), ER-α-positive
erization in vitro [67–71] independent of estrogen receptor cells and protein levels do not change in total numbers; how-
status [67]. Aneuploidy correlates with estrogen-induced cell ever, stroma ER-α-positive cells significantly decrease in
transformation of SHE cells and may contribute to hormonal numbers whereas the number of ER α-positive epithelial
carcinogenesis [72, 73] and appearance of micronuclei [74]. cells increase. This tissue-specific change in ER-α positivity
may play an important role in estrogen signaling and patho-
genesis. The tissue distribution of the multiple isoforms of
20.4.2 Gene Mutations ER-α [80] and ER-β [79] change throughout prostatic devel-
opment, maturation, and carcinogenesis, and their function is
Stable binding of DNA adjuncts to the exocyclic N6 amino not fully understood.
group of Adenine (A) or the N2 group of guanine (G) remain The use of ER knockout (ERKO) mice null for either ER-α
in the DNA unless they are detected and restored to normal by or ER-β has been helpful in elucidating the roles of these
the DNA repair machinery. Unless the cell has faulty repair receptors in the prostate and other estrogen target organs [82].
machinery these modifications should not be mutagenic. In general the prostate develops normally in estrogen
Depurinating DNA adducts bind N-3 /N-7 of adenine and/or receptor-α knockout (αERKO) mice, and prostates of adult
N-7/N-8 of guanine. Depurination leads to apurinic sites that αERKO mice are basically normal suggesting that ER-α has
can generate mutations throughout the genome [75]. The for- a minor role in normal prostatic development and growth [24,
mation of DNA adducts is independent of estrogen receptor 81]. More recently, it has been demonstrated that a subtle, but
status as shown by studies in the ERαKO/Wnt-1 mouse which perhaps important prostatic phenotype exists in αERKO
displayed DNA adducts in the mammary gland [76]. mice. These mice contain a decreased number of ductal
branches, and individual ducts appear to be larger in size [81].
In prostate cancer and BPH, ER-α appears to be essential,
20.4.3 Estrogen Receptors because αERKO mice do not undergo disease progression
[7, 83]. Estrogen receptor-β was initially cloned from the
There are two distinct nuclear ERs, ER-α and ER-β, and both prostate and was subsequently shown to be highly expressed
have different ligand binding preferences [77, 78] and target in adult prostatic epithelium. Subsequent studies have
genes. The molecular structures of ER-α and ER-β are similar focused on determining the function of ER-β in the prostate.
and contain the six domains found in most steroid hormone Surprisingly, prostates of ER-β knockout mice are also nor-
receptors. The DNA-binding domains are nearly identical mal. It was reported that aged prostates from βERKO mice
between ER-α and ER-β, while the A/B domain and the exhibited basal epithelial cell hyperplasia and reduced apop-
N-terminal domain share little homology. The N-terminal tosis [84]. However, these observations could not be verified
ligand-binding domains of ER-α and ER-β are approximately by other laboratories [85]. It was also proposed that ER-β
50 % homologous, but the C-terminals are distinct between may act as a tumor suppressor during prostatic carcinogene-
ER-α and ER-β. The genomic location for ER-α gene is on sis as prostatic carcinomas have decreased levels of ER-β
the q-arm of chromosome 6, whereas ER-β is located on the protein during tumor progression. Definitive proof of ER-β
q-arm of chromosome 14. Both genes have multiple iso- acting as a tumor suppressor remains to be established, but is
forms, ER-α has at least two [79], whereas ER-β has at least an area of intense investigation.
5 [80]. The roles of ER-α and ER-β and their respective iso- One area in which use of αERKO and βERKO mice has
forms during prostate development, maturation, and carcino- been informative regarding estrogen action in the prostate
genesis remain to be elucidated. Such structural and regulatory concerns the induction of squamous metaplasia of prostate.
differences confer unique biological responses adding to A well-recognized effect on the prostate of chronic exposure
the complexity of estrogen/ER signaling in estrogen target to estrogens is squamous metaplasia of the epithelium [12].
organs such as the prostate, mammary gland, and bone. Squamous metaplasia of the prostate is a benign condition
Little is known about specific ER target genes and their and is the consequence of estrogen induction of proliferation
20 Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role of Estrogens 311

and squamous differentiation in prostatic basal epithelial risks before 20 years that rise until about 50 years of age
cells. Studies using wild-type (wt) and αERKO and βERKO when the rate of increase slows but incidence rate rises
mice indicate that estrogen induction of prostatic squamous reflecting the total lifetime risk of breast cancer standing at
metaplasia requires estrogen signaling through ER-α but not present at 1:8. These data mirror the rise in hormones particu-
ER-β [86]. For example, long-term treatment of wt and larly E2 up until 50 years of age when menopause results in
βERKO mice with diethylstilbestrol (DES) elicited pro- changing hormone spectra in the tissue and serum [95–97].
nounced prostatic squamous metaplasia, while similar treat- Major risk factors for breast cancer are early age of first
ment of αERKO mice had no such effect. menses, late age at menopause [98], null parity [99], lack of
It is well established that signaling through the androgen exercise, obesity [100, 101], and hormone therapy [102,
receptor is required for prostatic development as mice lack- 103], all of which are estrogen linked [104]. Cancer-
ing functional androgen receptors are devoid of a prostate as preventative trials using tamoxifen have reported favorable
well as other male reproductive organs. The lack of prostate outcomes [105–110]; however tamoxifen is a selective estro-
development in AR-null mice was shown to be associated gen receptor modulator (SERM) and is contraindicated in
with the absence androgen signaling in stromal cells [87]. women who retain their uterus due to increased uterine can-
Stromal control of prostatic development may also be impor- cer risks with tamoxifen treatment [105]. Interestingly
tant in estrogen-induced dysmorphogenesis, perinatal dys- tamoxifen can protect the rodent (but not human) uterus
plasia, squamous metaplasia, and carcinogenesis following [110], kidney [107, 111], and breast from E2-induced cancers
exposure to exogenous estrogens in various model systems. [107, 112], but due to conversion into a genotoxic agent
In this regard, immunohistochemical and steroid autoradio- tamoxifen can cause liver tumors [105, 113, 114] and trans-
graphic methods have superbly demonstrated the presence of forms SHE cells [115].
ER-α in prostatic stromal cells during prostatic development
and in prostatic pathogenesis [88–91].
To determine the respective roles of ER-α in the epithe- 20.6 Role of Estrogens in Prostate Cancer
lium versus stroma during estrogen-induced squamous
metaplasia of the prostate, tissue recombinants were prepared Epidemiologic and experimental studies have shown a piv-
with prostatic epithelium (PrE) and prostatic stroma (PrS) otal role of steroid hormones in prostate cancer. The evidence
from wt and α − ERKO mice: wt-PrS + wt-PrE, α − ERKO- emerges from four lines of research. (1) In animals suscepti-
PrS+ α − ERKO-PrE, wt-PrS + α − ERKO-PrE, and α − ERKO- ble to prostate cancer (men and dogs), the E2-to-androgen
PrS + wt-PrE. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen, ratio increases during aging when prostate cancer manifests
induced squamous metaplasia only in tissue recombinants and is diagnosed [116, 117]. Indeed, increase in the E2:T
composed of wt-PrS + wt-PrE (both ER-α-positive). Tissue ratio is temporally related with the development of both
recombinants having α − ERKO tissues (α − ERKO-PrS+ benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer [116, 117].
α − ERKO-PrE, wt-PrS+ α − ERKO-PrE, and α − ERKO- (2) African-American men, who have the highest incidence
PrS + wt-PrE) did not develop squamous metaplasia. of prostatic cancer, have elevated levels of both free plasma
Therefore, estrogen induction of squamous metaplasia of the E2 and T [118]. Caucasian-American, Latino-American, and
prostate appears to require the binding of estrogen to stromal Asian-Americans (male populations with lower incidences
ER-α (paracrine mechanism) as well as direct action of estro- of prostate cancer) have lower levels of serum E2 and T [2].
gen via epithelial ER-α. Similarly, estrogen-induced cornifi- (3) Testosterone in combination with estrogens induces pros-
cation of vaginal epithelium requires the presence of ER-α in tatic hyperplasia in dogs and induces prostate cancer in rats
both the epithelium and stroma [92]. The importance of stro- and human tissues [116, 117, 119–122]. (4) The incidence of
mal-epithelial interactions mediated via ER-α signaling in the prostate cancer is highest in elderly men (across all ethnic
prostate has also been suggested in studies evaluating the backgrounds) who have an increased E2:T ratio [123–127].
effects of estrogenic exposure on neonates [82, 90, 93]. Systemically, the change in the E2:T ratio is attributed to a
decline in testicular function (reduced androgen production)
and increased aromatase activity (E2 production). At the cel-
20.5 Role of Estrogens in Breast Cancer lular level increased prostatic estrogen exposure occurs
through high aromatase activity derived primarily from the
Steroidal estrogens are known to be human carcinogens [94] prostatic stroma [6, 128]. The role of aromatase and hence
as reported in The 11th Report on Carcinogens (RoC), a estrogen/ER signaling in prostate cancer are currently being
report compiled by both Federal and non-governmental sci- investigated. Use of aromatase knockout mice (ArKO) and
entific groups. Unlike the majority of human cancers which inhibitors of aromatase activity have proven to be useful in
may present at early and late life the hormonally regulated understanding the importance of local prostatic E2 produc-
cancers in women have a different risk pattern with very low tion and its relation to carcinogenesis.
312 W.A. Ricke et al.

20.7 Carcinogenicity of Estrogen development. Perinatal exposure of embryos and neonates to

in Humans exogenous estrogens elicit a multitude of deleterious effects
on the prostate, which may lead to carcinogenesis [155].
Estrogen exposure and subsequent cancer risks have been During gestation the embryo/fetus is naturally exposed to
extensively examined in the human female population. high levels of maternal, placental, and fetal estrogens. In this
Oophorectomy, and subsequent lowering of steroid levels, regard, pregnant African-American females have the highest
protects against tumor formation. In utero exposure to exog- circulating levels of estrogen [156], and African-American
enous estrogens correlates with future breast cancer risk with men develop the highest incidence of prostate cancer [157].
low exposure being protective [129]. DES exposure during Thus, it is possible that African-American men may have an
this time frame is linked to vaginal and cervical clear cell increased incidence of prostate cancer due to their in utero
carcinoma, in the so-called DES daughters [130–133]. exposure to high levels of estrogen. Neonatal or embryonic
Testosterone has been both positively [134–137] and neg- rodents (mice or rats) exposed to DES develop increased
atively [138, 139] associated with breast cancer in a process rates of prostatic carcinoma or premalignant pathologies in
thought to involve its conversion to estradiol [140, 141]. adulthood [152, 158–160]. In a similar manner more than
Androgenic levels are high in postmenopausal women when one million humans were exposed in utero to the potent
the incidence of breast cancer is highest [135]. Furthermore estrogen, DES, from the mid-1940s to the early 1970s when
treatment of cystic breast disease with androgens increased massive doses of this synthetic estrogen were prescribed to
the risk of breast cancer [142]. The role of aromatase in the pregnant women for prevention of miscarriage. These so-
conversion of androgens to estrogens is currently being eval- called DES sons, men who were exposed to DES in utero,
uated in breast carcinogenesis. are now approaching an age in which prostate cancer is diag-
nosed [161]. Therefore, over the next decade more research
on this cohort may elucidate the relevance of exogenous
20.8 Models of Estrogen-Induced Prostate estrogen-imprinting in humans and its possible relationship
Cancer to prostate pathology.

Prostate cancer occurs with high frequency in men, and

rarely occurs spontaneously in rats, mice, and other labora- 20.8.2 Carcinogenesis Induced by Estrogen
tory animals. Estrogen-induced tumors are primarily Plus Testosterone
observed in rodent (rat and mouse) reproductive or endocrine
tissues including the mammary gland (both male and Noble was the first to report that chronic exposure to E2- and
female), uterus, cervix, vagina, testis, pituitary, and bone T-induced prostate cancer in rats [119]. Long-term treatment
[143–148]. However, prostate cancer can be induced experi- of Noble rats with E2 and T increased the incidence of epithe-
mentally with E2 + T treatment (which mimics the hormonal lial dysplasia, which in turn progressed to adenocarcinoma of
milieu of men as they age) in rodent, canine, and human the prostate which metastasized [119, 162–165]. Similar stud-
models [120–122, 149–151]. Three mechanisms have been ies have subsequently been performed utilizing Sprague-
proposed to explain estrogen-associated carcinogenesis: (1) Dawley rats and have verified that E2 plus T induces and
Receptor-mediated estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estro- promotes prostate cancer [162, 164, 165]. The significance of
gen receptor beta (ERβ) are steroid hormone receptors that these observations are underscored by the fact that these hor-
upon binding steroid initiate transcription due to their tran- mones are found naturally in men, and the E2:T ratio increases
scription factor properties; (2) oxidative metabolism of in aging men coincident with the development and diagnosis
estrogen, see above; and (3) induction of aneuploidy. of prostate cancer. The drawbacks of the Noble rat model are
long cancer latency, difficulty in altering genetics (i.e., gain or
loss of function), and tumors are of rodent and not human ori-
20.8.1 Estrogen and Perinatal Prostate gin. Moreover, it is difficult to study the role of estrogen/ER
Development signaling via stromal-epithelial interactions in the rat models.
The seminal work of Noble has been integral to our cur-
The embryonic and neonatal prostate is particularly suscep- rent understanding of prostatic carcinogenesis and has led to
tible to the pathogenic effects of exogenous estrogens, a phe- the development of newer prostate cancer models which take
nomenon referred to as estrogen imprinting [152–154]. advantage of human cells, mouse genetics, and stroma-
Estrogen imprinting signifies an irreversible usually deleteri- epithelial interactions [120–122]. The use of tissue recombi-
ous morphogenesis, altered function, biochemical change, nation technology, and thus the ability to alter the genetics
and/or pathogenesis elicited by exogenous estrogens admin- of the epithelium and stroma, has yielded evidence demon-
istered experimentally during perinatal and early postnatal strating the important role of estrogens in carcinogenesis.
20 Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role of Estrogens 313

Wang and colleagues developed a model of prostatic carci- A major drawback of rat models is their lack of gene-gain
nogenesis based upon tissue recombinants composed of uro- or loss of function abilities. To this end, mouse models (trans-
genital sinus mesenchyme (UGM; fetal prostatic stroma) genic and knockouts) and cell line (expression vectors and
recombined with mouse prostatic epithelium (mPrE) derived siRNA) models are unmatched for their experimental flexi-
from retinoblastoma deficient (Rb−/−) mice [166]. When bility. For example, we have extended the hormonal carcino-
UGM + mPrE-Rb−/− tissue recombinants were grafted and genesis protocol of Noble and found that wt mice of different
grown in untreated male athymic mouse hosts, no cancer was strain backgrounds (C57Bl/6 or CD-1 strains), when treated
observed. However prostatic carcinogenesis rapidly occurred with E2 + T, developed prostaic carcinoma in situ by 4 months
when tissue recombinants were grown in E2 + T-treated of age with high efficiency (40 %). The resultant dysplastic
hosts. The cancer incidence in this model was 25 % at 2 lesions exhibited reduced and diffuse E-cadherin staining
months of hormone treatment. This finding underscored the and increased cellular proliferation accompanied by loss of
importance of both E2 and T in the development of prostate prostatic basal cells and loss of smooth muscle in the adja-
cancer in a mouse model. cent stroma. Interestingly, C57Bl/6 mice were more sensitive
Another tissue recombination model utilizing E2 plus T to E2 + T treatment compared to CD-1 mice as evidenced by
to induce prostate cancer is the UGM + human prostatic epi- an increased incidence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
thelia (hPrE) models. Tissue recombinants composed of (PIN) in C57Bl/6 mice, which coincides with known differ-
UGM + BPH-1 or RWPE-1 (BPH-1 and RWPE-1 are both ences in responsiveness to estrogen in these two mouse back-
non-tumorigenic human prostate epithelial cell lines) grown grounds [167]. One of the most important aspects of this new
in untreated male athymic mouse hosts develop into benign mouse model is the ability to use genetically engineered
prostate tissue. However, malignant human cells developed mutant mice to evaluate hormone action and estrogen-regu-
when UGM + BPH-1 or UGM + RWPE-1 tissue recombi- lated downstream pathways involved in carcinogenesis.
nants were grown in E2 + T-treated hosts. Non-tumorigenic In these aforesaid models of hormonal carcinogenesis,
human BPH-1 epithelial cells undergo irreversible malig- molecular and cellular changes induced either directly or
nant transformation in this UGM + BPH-1 E2 + T treatment indirectly by estrogens lead to increased proliferation,
model, because when BPH-1 cells were purified from enhanced growth factor signaling pathways, phosphoryla-
UGM + BPH-1 E2 + T-induced tumors, they developed tion of intracellular signaling molecules, cell survival,
malignant tumors that metastasized when re-grafted into oxidative stress, invasion, epigenetic change, malignant
new hosts without stroma or hormones. Moreover, human transformation, and/or metastatic spread. Importantly, all
(BPH-1-derived) malignant cells were found in the circula- animal models of prostatic hormonal carcinogenesis require
tion and metastases were observed in lymph nodes, lung, estrogens for carcinogenesis. Androgens acting alone are
and liver [120]. In contrast, UGM + BPH-1 tissue recombi- inefficient inducers of prostatic carcinogenesis [119]. The
nants grown in untreated hosts or with T or E2 separately, significance of estrogen in hormonal carcinogenesis of the
rarely formed tumors but instead developed benign and duc- prostate was further emphasized in our previous report in
tal structures (untreated or T) or squamous metaplasia (E2). which E2 and androgen levels were titrated to reveal an
When BPH-1 cells were re-derived from such UGM + BPH-1 estrogen threshold for carcinogenesis below which carcino-
grafts grown in untreated hosts, the re-derived BPH-1 cells genesis dropped abruptly [120].
did not form tumors when grown in new host animals [120].
Steroid hormone levels in the E2 + T-treated hosts were nor-
mal for T and nearly physiologic (2–4 times higher than 20.9 Aromatase and Prostatic
normal) for E2. Importantly, these hormonal profiles were Pathogenesis
dynamic and changed over the 4-month period of tumor
induction similar to the changes observed in aging men Estrogens produced from various tissues diffuse into the sys-
(increasing E2:T ratio with time) [120]. A unique feature of temic circulation and hence act in an endocrine manner on
the UGM + BPH-1 or UGM + RWPE-1 hormonal carcino- cells of target tissues. While most cells are exposed to serum
genesis models is that the epithelia are of human origin, and levels of estrogens, in the prostate local production of E2 by
thus genetic and epigenetic aspects which may be unique to means of aromatase leads to increased intraprostatic estrogen
human cells are easily evaluated and should be highly rele- levels presumably exceeding that in the circulation (systemic
vant to human disease. Lastly, UGM + hPrE tissue recombi- E2 plus local E2). Such increased E2 exposure due to local E2
nation models are able to easily test gain and loss of synthesis via aromatase is thought to contribute to progres-
stromal function through use of UGM derived from mutant sion of breast cancer [168, 169], and such studies on breast
mice (e.g., αERKO-stroma or ER-α-expression vectors) cancer may serve as a conceptual model for determining the
which allows for determination of their roles in hormonal function of aromatase/ER signaling during carcinogenesis.
carcinogenesis. Interestingly, the aromatizable androgen, T, by itself can
314 W.A. Ricke et al.

stimulate prostatic carcinogenesis in Noble and Lobound- One compound currently under scrutiny is bisphenol-A
Wistar rats albeit with low efficiency relative to that of E2 + T (BPA), a weak estrogen and a component of many plastics. It
[119, 170]. Since prostates express aromatase, it is likely that has been suggested that BPA and other endocrine disrupters
T may act as a substrate for local estrogen production within may have pathogenic effects in humans, although this is con-
the prostate. Thus, administration of exogenous T results in troversial and hotly debated [177]. Recently estrogenic endo-
exposure of the prostate to both androgen and locally pro- crine disrupters, specifically bisphenol A, have been found to
duced E2. This interpretation is supported by studies with induce prostate dysplasia when administered neonatally
dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen which cannot be [155, 178]. A downstream pathway from BPA/ER signaling
aromatized to estradiol. In this regard when DHT plus E2 involved in the process of prostatic dysplasia, appears to be
(instead of T + E2) was administered, the incidence of pros- phosphodiesterase type 4 variant 4 (PDE4D4), an enzyme
tatic carcinogenesis was greatly reduced in Noble and involved in regulating levels of cellular cAMP, which is epi-
Lobound-Wistar rats [150, 157, 164, 170]. One interpretation genetically altered via hypomethylation during estrogen
of these findings is that generation of prostatic carcinogenesis imprinting [155]. Constitutive activity of this enzyme is
by E2 + T only works provided that T can be locally converted likely a contributing factor to early stages of carcinogenesis.
into E2 by aromatase. Collectively, these experiments support BPA does bind and activate both ER-α and ER-β albeit with
the pro-oncogenic role of aromatase, and hence estrogen/ER lower efficiency than E2 [77, 78]. However, environmental
signaling in carcinogenesis. estrogens, such as BPA, are known to elicit their biological
activity at much lower concentrations during development
than in adulthood [172]. Determining which environmental
20.9.1 Perinatal Exposure to Estrogen Induces estrogens are involved in prostatic abnormalities and their
Prostatic Pathogenesis mechanisms of action will be important for our understand-
ing of how carcinogenesis is initiated and/or stimulated.
To identify the mechanism of hormone action in perinatal
estrogen imprinting, Prins and colleagues utilized αERKO
and βERKO mice [90]. They demonstrated that adult pros- 20.9.2 Induction of Carcinogenesis in Adults
tate dysplasia was induced by neonatal estrogenization
(estrogen-imprinting) and that estrogen action was a conse- Prostates of adult C57Bl/6 mice treated with E2 + T implants
quence of signaling through ER-α and not through ER-β. were significantly enlarged relative to control untreated ani-
This is because when neonatal αERKO mice were treated mals and contained areas of high grade prostatic intraepithe-
with exogenous estrogen they did not develop dysplasia later lial neoplasia (PIN) after 4 months of E2 + T exposure [7].
in adulthood, while βERKO and wt mice developed prostatic Prostates from hormone treated mice exhibited biochemical
dysplasia later in life following neonatal estrogen treatment. changes consistent with prostate cancer progression. These
Since ER-α is expressed predominantly in the stroma of changes included increased PCNA-positive cells (cellular
untreated mice, it was concluded that stromal ER-α mediates proliferation), diffuse and reduced expression of E-cadherin,
prostate dysplasia, even though this hypothesis has not been and phosphorylation of AKT. Additionally, areas of high-
tested through analysis of the appropriate tissue specific loss grade PIN exhibited marked decreases in prostatic basal cells
of function experiments. and loss of smooth muscle in the stroma. As with the Noble
Estrogen imprinting elicits permanent alterations in and Lobound-Wistar rat models, this new mouse model sug-
androgen receptor levels, interacinar stroma volume, inflam- gests that E2 + T induces both initiation and promotion of
matory reactions, epithelial hyperplasia, and development of malignant lesions. Therefore, determination of the role of
dysplastic lesions in the prostate [89, 153, 159, 171, 172]. steroid hormones, especially estrogens, in prostate carcino-
Increased expression of ER-α, c-myc, and c-fos as well as genesis may lead to the identification of both initiating fac-
decreased expression of AR and ER-β occurred following tors and those involved in the promotion of cancer.
perinatal exposure to exogenous estrogens and may be part In prostates from E2 + T treated wt mice, ER-α was detected
of the downstream mechanisms associated with development in epithelial as well as stromal cells in areas of PIN, which
of prostatic lesions later in life [89, 171, 173–175]. further adds to the complexity ER-α signaling during carcino-
Another potential source of exogenous estrogens is the genesis. As seen with human carcinogenesis, ER-α was
environment. Estrogenic compounds are found in numerous expressed in the stroma, while epithelial ER-β was reduced or
products including dental sealants, water treatments, absent in PIN-lesions of wt mice treated with E2 + T. Therefore,
insecticides, and plastics (used to store food and beverages). it is reasonable to assume that increased stromal ER-α
The effects of environmental estrogens on reproductive signaling mediates the carcinogenic effects of estrogen.
status have been known for years. The identification of Use of αERKO and βERKO mice have provided addi-
these estrogens has led to the term endocrine disruptor [176]. tional information on the respective role of these receptors in
20 Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role of Estrogens 315

normal development and carcinogenesis of the prostate. In ER-α levels increased with prostate cancer progression [179],
αERKO mice, E2 + T failed to induce dysplasia or high grade even though consensus on this point is still needed [149, 180].
PIN, suggesting a key role of ER-α in hormonal carcinogen- In contrast, ER-β expression decreases during prostate cancer
esis [7]. In contrast, ER-β knockout mice (which express progression, but may reappear in later stages [179–182].
ER-α) developed prostatic hyperplasia, dysplasia and high Re-expression of ER-β has been associated with metastases
grade PIN comparable to that seen in wild-type mice when and an increased rate of prostate cancer reoccurrence [180,
treated with E2 + T. This mechanism is also observed for 183]. These findings suggest that ER-α and ER-β may play
BPH [83]. Several markers indicative of carcinogenesis separate and pivotal roles in prostatic carcinogenesis.
including E-cadherin, cellular proliferation (PCNA labeling Additionally, the function of ER-α versus ER-β are likely to
index), and presence of both basal epithelial cells and smooth be different depending on the stage of carcinogenesis.
muscle cells were all within normal parameters in Estrogen receptor-β has been dubbed a brake for cancer
E2 + T-treated αERKO mice. However, in βERKO mice the [184] as demonstrated by the ability of ER-β-specific ago-
expression profile of these markers deviated from normal nists to decrease normal adult prostate cell proliferation
and were consistent with a cancer progression. Together [185]. Additionally, βERKO mice have been observed to
these data highlight the importance of signaling through have increased prostatic basal cell hyperplasia [186]. Finally,
ER-α in the induction of prostatic carcinogenesis. Future ER-β has been shown to increase the expression of detoxify-
experimentation will determine the specific gain and loss of ing agents such as glutathione S-transferase-π which acts to
function of ER-α and ER-β in stromal and/or epithelial tissue prevent oxidative genomic damage and thus stabilizes
compartments and will allow dissection of the mechanism of genomic integrity [187–189]. These data suggest a potential
hormone action and the relevant downstream mediators of therapeutic/preventative role for ER-β-signaling in prostate
hormone-induced prostatic carcinogenesis. See Fig. 20.2 for cancer progression.
schematic of estrogen action in the prostate. While the significance of decreased ER-β expression dur-
The existence of both ER-α and ER-β in the benign and ing malignancy is unknown, the mechanism of this loss has
malignant prostate suggests multiple roles for these receptors. been attributed to methylation of the ER-β promoter and
It is not known whether ER-α and ER-β interact directly with hence silencing of ER-β transcription [190, 191]. The mecha-
each other (transcriptional cooperativity) or indirectly (via nism for re-expression of ER-β in metastatic cancer may
paracrine factors) during prostate cancer progression. Given involve demethylation of a unique CpG island residing in the
the principal expression of ER-β is within the epithelium and promoter of ER-β, which has been shown to be inversely
the predominant stromal expression of ER-α, this makes the related to the stage of carcinogenesis [191, 192]. Determination
task of determining the role estrogen/ER signaling in patho- of the precise roles of ER-β as well as their downstream
genesis very difficult. In this regard, it has been reported that targets will aid in our understanding of this process.

Fig. 20.2 The systemic and local effects of estrogens in stromal- ER-α, ER-β when occupied by ligand slows prostatic epithelial prolif-
epithelial interactions of the prostate. (a) Circulating estradiol (E2) eration and hence may be anti-carcinogenic. It is currently unknown if
enters the prostate and can bind and activate stromal and/or epithelial the E2 binding to membrane-bound GPR-30 (or ERα, ERα-36, or ERα-
estrogen receptors (ER-α or ER-β). E2 binding to stromal and/or epithe- 46) is involved in prostate biology or pathogenesis. (b) T can be con-
lial ER-α is likely to be involved in the promotion of carcinogenesis. E2 verted to E2 via the P450 enzyme aromatase and thus increase local
activation of stromal ER-α stimulates the secretion of putative prostatic concentrations of E2, which may enhance estrogenic effects
E2-regulated paracrine factors which stimulate carcinogenesis. Unlike via ER-mediated events.
316 W.A. Ricke et al.

Furthermore, understanding the effect of estrogens on ER-β diet, as opposed to the low fat high fiber Asian diet, has been
promoter methylation during carcinogenesis may give us inferred to be a risk factor in prostate cancer. In this regard,
additional insights for therapeutic targeting using selective there is at least one dietary factor related to estrogen/ER sig-
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Ultimately the naling: phytoestrogens. High amounts of phytoestrogens in
appropriate timing of therapy as well as use of demethylating the diet have been determined to be inversely correlated with
agents will aid in our understanding of how these compounds prostate cancer risk [204]. The isoflavanoid phytoestrogen,
mediate their affects and elucidate of the underlying genistein, is found in soybeans and soybean products.
mechanisms. Genistein binds and activates ER-α and ER-β, although it is
a better ligand for ER-β. Thus, genistein selectively pro-
motes ER-β signaling (although ER-α signaling still occurs)
20.10 Chemo-Prevention of Carcinogenesis in the prostate. If ER-β-signaling is important in preventing
cellular proliferation, this may be a mechanism of action for
The involvement of estrogen in prostate cancer suggests that genistein and other phytoestrogens. In support of phytoestro-
it should be possible to prevent prostate cancer through gens as inhibitors of prostatic carcinogenesis, prostatic dys-
manipulation of estrogen pathways. The SERM, tamoxifen, plasia was reduced in DES-treated mice (perinatal model)
has been successfully used in breast cancer studies and is the fed a soybean rich diet [205]. Genistein also reduced rates of
standard of care in many hospitals. Additionally, there are prostatic carcinogenesis observed in carcinogen-treated
several models of prostatic carcinogenesis that suggest that Lobound-Wistar rats [206]. Finally, TRAMP (a transgenic
anti-estrogens may be chemo-preventative or chemo- mouse model of prostate cancer) mice had fewer poorly dif-
therapeutic [193, 194]. Antiestrogens inhibit cell prolifera- ferentiated cancers on a genistein-rich diet [207]. Collectively,
tion and induce cell death in breast cancer cells [195, 196]. In these data support the role of phytoestrogens/genistein and
regard to the prostate, the SERM, toremifene, decreased the ER-β signaling in prevention of prostatic carcinogenesis.
rate of progression of cancer as well as inhibited the presence
of high-grade PIN in TRAMP mice [197]. Interestingly these
effects were not associated with changes in serum levels of 20.11 Chemotherapy
E2 and T, which suggests that the therapeutic effect may have
been direct. Toremifene binds and inhibits both ER-α and Historically, administration of exogenous estrogens have
ER-β. Estrogen receptor-β has been determined to be a sup- been used in prostate cancer therapy as chemical castration
pressor of prostatic growth [84, 91, 183, 185], while prostatic agents. In this case, the mechanism of estrogen action was
ER-α appears to enhance prostate epithelial growth [86, 90, indirect, having its’ direct effect on the hypothalamus-
198]. Thus, anti-estrogenic activities of tamoxifen/toremifene pituitary-gonadal axis and thus inhibiting androgen secre-
may exert their actions through ER-α or ER-β or both. tion, leading to prostatic epithelial apoptosis. However, since
However, since estrogen-induced metaplasia, dysplasia, and estrogens modulate initiation and progression of cancer,
high grade PIN doesn’t occur in αERKO mice [7, 86, 90], it anti-estrogens or SERMs have been used experimentally
is likely that ER-α mediates the carcinogenic effects of estro- to treat and prevent different stages of prostate cancer.
gen, and thus chemo-preventative effects of SERMs may also A considerable amount of data has been demonstrated that
operate via ER-α. Relevance of these studies to human dis- SERMs may be effective therapies for prostate cancer. The
ease is seen within a recent clinical trial of the effects of anti- capacity of SERMs to halt cancer cell growth is attributed to
estrogens in human prostatic carcinogenesis. Men with high a number of different estrogen-regulated pathways and
grade PIN were treated with toremifene for 1 year, which sig- mechanisms including: cytotoxicity [208], microtubule
nificantly decreased the rate of prostate cancer progression destabilization [209], angiogenesis, anti-metastatic [210],
[199]. In this study men tolerated the SERM well with few DNA synthesis inhibition [211], cell cycle disruption [212,
side effects. However, these studies have not been resilient 213], induction of apoptosis [212–214], and dysregulation or
[200]. Nonetheless, other SERMs (e.g., raloxifene, tamoxi- activation of apoptosis machinery [215–217]. These data
fen) which may recruit different cofactors and thus may lead support the notion that anti-estrogens such as tamoxifen pre-
to more efficacious effects and hence prevent disease progres- vent prostate cancer progression, even though SERM ther-
sion. Further studies will be needed to establish the efficacy apy in later stages of prostate cancer have not been
of this therapy and to identify which ER and which tissue particularly effective [218–222]. Due to the different ERs/
layer is affected by the SERM. Moreover, determination of ER-pathways and their tissue specificity and temporal char-
ER-downstream effectors will help dissect the mechanism of acteristics, each stage of carcinogenesis is expected to
estrogen/anti-estrogen action in prostatic carcinogenesis. respond to SERMS differently. For example, since ER-α (a
Chemoprevention may also be provided through dietary putative enhancer of carcinogenesis) is present and abundant
means. Several epidemiological studies linked one’s diet to during the benign/premalignant stage of carcinogenesis, it
prostate cancer [201–203]. The high fat/low fiber Western may be useful to antagonize ER-α in early rather than in later
20 Hormonal Carcinogenesis: The Role of Estrogens 317

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Sporadic Cancers
Clemens B. Tempfer and Marc-André Reymond

transformation by genetic and/or epigenetic events and subse-

21.1 General Aspects quently cause loss of cell proliferation control. In this respect,
gatekeeping genes, i.e., those genes that are directly regulat-
Cancer may occur in hereditary and sporadic forms. Clearly, ing the growth of cells, are frequently mutated in sporadic
the majority of cancers develop sporadically. For example, in cancers through somatic mutations, as well as through germ-
breast cancer, over 90 % of cases are sporadic and only line mutations in predisposed individuals [4]. Thus, there
5–10 % of cases are considered hereditary, with mutations in seems to be a gradual, but not a principal difference between
the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 accounting cancerogenic pathways in sporadic and hereditary cancers.
for most of these cases [1]. Among women with synchronous A wide variety of risk factors for the development of spo-
endometrial and ovarian cancer, 7 % meet clinical and/or radic cancer have been identified, among them physical and
molecular criteria of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer chemical agents including radiation and exogenous toxins,
(HNPCC) syndrome [2]. Other cancer entities are entirely and endogenous factors such as hormones and dietary con-
sporadic and have almost no proportion of hereditary cases, tents. In addition, numerous individual biologic and socio-
e.g., cervical cancer [3]. In contrast to hereditary cancers with economic variables such as age, immune status, viral
a single genetic factor of high penetrance, the reason why infections, education, and ethnicity have been associated
sporadic cancer develops seems to be multifold. In a minority with cancer risk. Some of these have an obvious and well
of sporadic cancers, a single etiologic factor can be identified. described etiologic link to cancer such as infection with HPV
For example, up to 98 % of cervical cancer cases are caused or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In other cases, the patho-
by malignant transformation of cervical epithelial cells via physiologic reason for the observed association with cancer
genomic incorporation of the E5, E6, and E7 proto-oncogenes is less clear, as with oral contraceptive use and cervical can-
and subsequent targeting of the p53 and Rb pathways [3]. cer or breast feeding and breast cancer. In this chapter we
However, in most sporadic cancers an unknown number of present and discuss an overview of factors found to be asso-
factors, which are alone neither necessary nor sufficient to ciated with the development of sporadic cancer.
cause malignant transformation, act together and increase the
susceptibility to one or more specific malignancies. This may
be achieved by direct interaction such as DNA damage 21.2 Risk Factors and Associations
through ionizing radiation or genotoxic compounds or by
indirect interaction such as reduced immunocompetence and 21.2.1 Age
subsequently limited immunoclearance of malignant cells or
cancerogenic viruses such as the Human Papilloma Virus The incidence of most cancers increases with age. The rea-
(HPV). In the end, all of these factors influence malignant son behind this phenomenon may be the fact that accumula-
tion of mutations is a common driver of both aging and
cancer. These mutations may be caused by physical and
C.B. Tempfer, M.D., M.B.A. (*) chemical noxious agents as well as endogenous genetic and
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ruhr University
Bochum, Hoelkeskampring 40, 44625 Herne, Germany
epigenetic factors, such as telomere biology, gene silencing,
e-mail: apoptosis, and loss of heterozygosity [5]. Studies conducted
M.-A. Reymond, M.D., M.B.A.
in yeast, worms, flies, and mice confirmed substantial
Department of Surgery, University of Tübingen, changes in gene expression during the natural aging process.
Tübingen, Germany Among them, the most important was silencing of tumor

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 323

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_21
324 C.B. Tempfer and M.-A. Reymond

suppressors and other genes involved in the control of cell stable for all age groups at 3/100,000 person years until
cycle, apoptosis, detoxification, and the cholesterol metabo- 1989, but increased annually thereafter by 4 % to 6/100,000
lism. In addition, age-dependent gene expression of onco- until 2004 [11]. It has been hypothesized that changes in life-
genes typically associated with diseases of advanced age has style factors such as increased maternal age, genetic, and
been documented [6]. environmental factors, i.e., endocrine disruptors, are respon-
Cancer epidemiology shows age-specific distribution pat- sible for this pattern of testicular cancer incidence.
terns. Most cancers have one or more characteristic age-
specific incidence peaks. In an overview of 600,000 cases of
breast cancer in the US between 1950 and 2003, for example, 21.2.2 Obesity
a bimodal incidence peak at 50 and 70 years was described
before the introduction of widespread screening mammogra- Obesity, defined as a body mass index (body weight in kilo-
phy in the early 1980s [7]. Thereafter, age distribution shifted grams/body height in meters) of >30, is associated with a
to older ages at diagnosis and later returned to a bimodal significantly increased risk of cancer. Obese individuals have
distribution similar to patterns before screening within the a higher risk of esophageal, colorectal, liver, gallbladder,
last decade. These data most likely reflect a complex interac- pancreatic, renal, endometrial, ovarian, prostate, and breast
tion between age-related biologic factors, risk factors, and cancer, as well as hematologic malignancies such as non-
interventional phenomena. Specifically, patterns of mam- Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Obesity accounts
mography screening and use of hormone replacement ther- for 20 % of all cancer deaths [12].
apy have been shown to parallel breast cancer incidence It is believed today that obesity affects several pathophys-
rates from 1980 to 2006 in a study of a large US health care iologic systems promoting malignant transformation.
plan [8]. These two factors are therefore thought to be the Obesity is associated with increased sex hormone concentra-
major contributors to changes in sporadic breast cancer inci- tions due to increased aromatase activity in adipocytes,
dence. Clearly, the association between age and cancer inci- increased ovarian androgen production, reduced sex hor-
dence is influenced by many factors and may be more mone binding globulin production, and reduced progester-
reflective of general characteristics of a given society than of one production. Other potentially carcinogenic hormones
basic cancer biology principles. and cytokines such as insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1,
Another example of the influence of environmental fac- leptin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, plasminogen activator-
tors on age-specific incidence peaks is sexual activity and inhibitor, and angiotensinogen have been found to be
age-specific incidence rates of cervical cancer. Exposure to increased in the serum and tissue of obese individuals [13].
the DNA damaging effects of the E5, E6, and E7 protein gene The contribution of individual hormones and cytokines to
sequences of human papilloma virus (HPV) high-risk sub- malignant transformation is unclear and specific combina-
types such as HPV 16 and 18 is dependent on sexual activity. tions of substances seem to exert a pro-carcinogenic effect,
In addition, a latency period of chronic infection as well as while others do not. For example, evidence from large
the maturity of the immune system influence the age at onset prospective-randomized intervention trials such as the
of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Interaction of these fac- Women’s Health Initiative showed that 5 years of treatment
tors results in two incidence peaks of cervical intraepithelial with conjugated equine estrogens and medroxyprogesterone
neoplasia and invasive cervical cancer at 33 and 51 years of acetate significantly increased breast cancer risk, whereas 8
age, respectively [9]. In this case, age is both a surrogate years of treatment with conjugated equine estrogens alone
marker for sexual behavior and a biologic factor, because significantly reduced breast cancer incidence among women
immunological HPV clearance rates are age-dependent. with at least 80 % treatment adherence [14].
Also, age may be a risk factor of cancer as a consequence Obesity also affects sporadic cancer recurrence risk and
of specific birth cohorts being associated with cancer inci- overall survival. In breast cancer survivors, obesity is an inde-
dence. This can be due to a known carcinogen exerting its pendent predictor of disease-free and overall survival [15].
influence in utero or in early childhood. Diethylstilbestrol From a technical perspective, obesity may also adversely
exposure in utero, for example, has been shown to result in a affect surgical cancer treatment. Laparoscopic lymph node
subsequently increased risk of adenocarcinoma of the vagina sampling, for example, is less often successful in obese
in specific birth cohorts [10]. After identification and elimi- women with pelvic malignancies compared to nonobese con-
nation of the causative agent, this rare form of cancer is no trols. Also, completion of a state-of-the-art surgical staging is
longer seen among other birth cohorts. Associations between achieved significantly less often among obese patients.
cancer incidence and birth cohorts may also be due to the Erkanli et al. cite a successful surgical staging rate of 93 % in
exposure to an unknown risk factor. In a study of testicular women with a BMI < 30 compared to 81 % in women with a
cancer incidence patterns in the Netherlands between 1970 BMI > 40. The technically demanding paraaortic lymph node
and 2004, the incidence rate of testicular cancer remained staging procedure was performed in 74 % of eligible patients
21 Sporadic Cancers 325

with a BMI < 30 compared to 48 % of eligible patients with a the lowest incidence rates of cervical adenocarcinoma. It is of
BMI > 40 [16]. Another factor which negatively affects can- note, that in this study most of the variation among ethnic
cer treatment and prognosis of obese individuals is screening groups was explained by differences in screening participa-
compliance. Both cervical cancer screening by cervical PAP tion and socioeconomic characteristics. Also supporting the
smear and breast cancer screening by mammography is unde- importance of socioeconomic factors for cancer incidence,
rused by obese women. The reason for this is unclear, but diagnosis, and treatment, a Swedish study analyzed a national
socioeconomic status, embarrassment, and lack of mobility cancer database over a period of 14 years and found that
due to associated morbidity have been cited [17]. University graduates were significantly more likely to be
diagnosed with breast cancer compared to women without a
University education, but had the highest survival rates after
21.2.3 Ethnicity a diagnosis of breast cancer [21]. These data indicate that
most variations in cancer incidence among ethnic groups are
Ethnic background plays a major role in sporadic cancer due to differential distribution of socioeconomic risk factors.
incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. This is However, among selected ethnic groups such as African-
believed to be due to many reasons, among them cultural Americans genetic factors also seem to play a significant role.
phenomena, life style patterns, socioeconomic factors such
as education level and access to health care as well as genetic
factors. Knowledge of ethnicity-specific cancer characteris- 21.2.4 Immunosuppression
tics has implications for cancer screening programs among
ethnic minorities. Tiwari et al. investigated 256 British Immunologic aspects play an important role in the biology of
colorectal cancer patients and found that Afro-Caribbeans, sporadic cancer. For example, markers of immunologic
Asians, and Mediterraneans presented at significantly activity such as local inflammatory reaction at the cancer site
younger ages compared to Caucasians [18]. Also, Afro- and increased production of C-reactive protein are indepen-
Caribbeans had significantly more right-sided and dent prognostic factors for overall and disease-free survival
Mediterraneans more left-sided colorectal cancer. Afro- in cervical, ovarian, and endometrial cancer [22]. A state of
Caribbean and Caucasian patients presented with more chronic inflammation has been described as an etiologic fac-
advanced stages compared to Mediterraneans. These data tor of cancerogenesis in gastric, pancreatic, and prostate can-
indicate that culture-specific dietary patterns, access to cer [23, 24]. On the other hand, immunosuppression also
health care interventions such as colorectal screening, and seems to increase the risk of malignant transformation.
genetic factors may influence cancer incidence and cancer In individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, treatment with
biology in different ethnic groups. In another study of ethnic cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and azathioprine is associ-
differences in incidence and outcome of 156,570 US women ated with an increased cancer risk [25–27]. Also, the use of
with sporadic breast cancer, all ethnic minority groups immunomodulatory biologic therapies such as infliximab
including African-American, Hispanic, American Indian/ and adalimumab increased the risk of malignancy threefold
Alaskan Natives, and Asian/Pacific Islanders had signifi- in a meta-analysis of randomized trials [28]. In a US study of
cantly lower incidence rates compared to Caucasian women 13,001 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, exposure to
[19]. These differences were explained by a differential dis- biologic therapies increased the risk of non-melanoma skin
tribution of breast cancer risk factors such as mammography cancer and melanoma, but not solid tumors and lymphopro-
screening participation, age, number of first degree relatives liferative malignancies [29].
with breast cancer, prior breast biopsy, alcohol intake, educa- The effect of immunosuppressive antirejection drugs after
tion, as well as age at menarche, age at first birth, and age at organ transplantion on the occurrence of cancer was first
menopause in all investigated ethnic groups. Breast cancer in described in the 1970s. The excess risk of malignancies
African-Americans also had significantly more often unfa- among immunosuppressed people is accounted for by non-
vorable characteristics and a higher mortality compared to Hodgkin lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-melanoma skin
Caucasian women, independent of body mass index, hor- cancer, and anogenital cancers. These malignancies are also
mone therapy use, and socioeconomic characteristics point- characteristic of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-
ing to a strong genetic background for this phenomenon. infected individuals. For example, in a study of 8074 HIV-
In a study of 13 US cancer registries with cervical cancer infected individuals and 2875 transplant recipients
incidence data collected between 1992 and 2003, significant undergoing chronic immunosuppressive therapy, the cumu-
differences between ethnic groups were identified [20]. lative probability of cancer after 15 years was 13.3 % and
Hispanic whites, for example, had the highest cervical cancer 14.7 %, respectively. The increased overall risk of cancer at
incidence rates, whereas non-Hispanic whites had the lowest any site was 2.2-fold increased for transplant recipients
incidence rates. African-Americans, on the other hand, had and 9.8-fold increased for HIV-infected individuals [30].
326 C.B. Tempfer and M.-A. Reymond

The most common entities were Kaposi’s sarcoma, non- vaccination trials in an intention-to-treat meta-analysis.
Hodgkin lymphoma, liver, lung, and cervical cancer. In a Bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines have been proven to
long-term study of patients with membraneous nephropathy effectively prevent the development of cervical cancer and
undergoing chronic cytotoxic and immunosuppressive ther- cervical cancer predecessors such as cervical intraepithelial
apy, a doubling of cancer incidence was observed during 15 neoplasia (CIN). These vaccines prevent up to 50 % of cervi-
years after diagnosis [31]. Clearly, chronic immunosuppres- cal cancers. Next generation nonavalent HPV vaccines are
sion favors the development of virally induced cancers, but designed to cover a higher range of the HPV spectrum and
cancer types not associated with infectious agents also seem may be able to prevent up to 90 % of cervical cancers [36]. In
to develop more often among individuals with a compro- theory, highly effective vaccines may be able to eradicate
mised immune system. cervical cancer. Other cancers are HPV-associated, but to a
Altering the immune system after cancer surgery lesser extent then cervical cancer. Anal, vulvar, vaginal, and
adversely affects prognosis and outcome. For example, in a head-and-neck cancers are associated with HPV high-risk
randomized trial of 847 women with ovarian cancer, the type infections in 10–70 % of cases [37, 38].
addition of interferon gamma 1-b to standard carboplatin– Another form of cancer with an infectious etiology is gas-
paclitaxel chemotherapy significantly reduced overall sur- tric cancer. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the
vival [32]. In summary, the available data indicate that leading cause of gastric cancer worldwide. Infection with
deviations in the immunologic control both in the form of this ubiquitous infectious agent is harbored by approximately
increased immunoactivity and immunosuppression may con- half of the population worldwide [24]. Malignant transfor-
tribute to the process of malignant transformation. mation is achieved through a multistep cascade including
chronic inflammation, atrophy, metaplasia, dysplasia, and
invasive cancer. Interestingly, the target cells of malignant
21.3 Exogenous Factors transformation in H. pylori caused gastric cancer are bone
marrow derived tissue stem cells. These cells are infected in
21.3.1 Infectious Agents bone marrow and recruited into gastric tissue after local
atrophy due to chronic inflammation acting then locally as
Cancer is a disease initiated by genetic events and infectious cancer stem cells. In view of the high prevalence of H. pylori
agents can cause or promote malignant transformation by infection and gastric cancer, it is clear that powerful modula-
indirectly or directly damaging DNA. It has been estimated tory factors exert their influence. However, the exact nature
that 15 % of all cancers are etiologically linked to viral infec- of these modulatory effects is unknown. Immunologic com-
tion. Specific cancers with an established viral etiology are petence and genetic susceptibility of individuals as well as
T-cell leukemia, hepatocellular carcinoma, and cervical can- genetic variation of H. pylori DNA, for example, may play a
cer, being associated with human T-cell leukemia virus type- role in the etiology of both atrophic gastritis and gastric can-
I, hepatitis B virus, and high-risk HPV, respectively [33]. cer. In a study of 104 affected individuals from Costa Rica,
Virally triggered carcinogenesis may be achieved by the inte- one of the countries with the highest gastric cancer incidence
gration of proto-oncogenic viral DNA sequences into the and mortality rates in the world, expression of the H. pylori
host genome. These DNA sequences then function as onco- genes vacA s1b and vacA m1 was associated with gastric
genes causing expression of oncoproteins such as Tax, HBx, cancer and the expression of vacA m1 was associated with
and E6/E7, capable of inducing genome instability. Cervical atrophic gastritis [39].
cancer, for example, is believed to be almost exclusively due
to an infection with HPV high-risk subtypes such as HPV 16
and HPV 18. Experimental evidence in neural progenitor 21.3.2 Diet
cells demonstrates that integration of the HPV E5, E6, and
E7 proto-oncogenes leads to the degradation of the tumor The role of dietary factors in the development of cancer is
suppressor proteins p53 and pRB involving MEK-ERK sig- controversial. While many researchers and lay people
nalling pathways [34]. Consequently, it has been success- instinctively believe that diet—being one of the most basic
fully demonstrated that prophylactic vaccination against aspects of life and affecting all organ systems—is very likely
specific epitopes of HPV high-risk subtypes such as HPV 16 to affect cancerogenesis, study data are controversial. For
and HPV 18 efficiently prevents cervical dysplasia. In a meta example, a prospective Swedish cohort study of 10,564 men
analysis of six randomized controlled trials and three follow- with a mean follow-up of 11 years found no association
up reports of non-randomized vaccination trials, HPV vac- between dietary intake of total, saturated, or monounsatu-
cination reduced the frequency of high-grade cervical rated fat, and risk of prostate cancer [40]. A nationwide study
dysplasia by 86 % (Odds Ratio 0.14; 95 % Confidence from Sweden found no reduced risk of breast cancer in
Interval 0.09–0.21) among HPV naïve women aged 15–25 women with regular fish consumption [41]. The prospective
years [35]. Figure 21.1 shows the clinical outcomes of HPV National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study
21 Sporadic Cancers 327

Fig. 21.1 Clinical outcomes of HPV vaccination trials in an intention-to-treat meta-analysis. Adapted from [35].

investigated grain and fiber intake of 291,988 men and increment in the daily intake of monounsaturated fat was
197,623 women aged 50–71 years. Total dietary fiber intake 0.45 (95 % Confidence Interval 0.22–0.9) [43]. In accor-
was not associated with colorectal cancer. However, whole- dance, a prospective cohort study of 90,655 premenopausal
grain intake was inversely associated with a moderately women, recruited within the Nurses’ Health Study, found
reduced colorectal cancer risk (Relative Risk 0.79; 95 % that the dietary intake of animal fat, mainly from red meat
Confidence Interval 0.70–0.89) [42]. Other studies found an and high-fat dairy foods, during the premenopausal years is
association between monounsaturated and polyunsaturated associated with an increased risk of breast cancer [44].
fatty acid intake and breast cancer. A population-based pro- Unfortunately, dietary modification aimed at reducing
spective cohort study including 61,471 women reported an dietary fat has not led to a reduced incidence of breast cancer
inverse association with monounsaturated fat intake and a and colon cancer in a large randomized trial of 48,835 post-
positive association between polyunsaturated fat intake and menopausal women [45, 46]. In accordance, a controlled
breast cancer. The reduction of relative risk for each 10-g dietary modification was also insufficient to significantly
328 C.B. Tempfer and M.-A. Reymond

reduce the recurrence risk in a randomized trial of 3088 early Adherence to a Mediterranean diet has been associated in
breast cancer survivors [47]. Specifically, adoption of a diet observational studies with a reduced incidence and mortality
that was very high in vegetables, fruit, and fiber, and low in of some cancers. In a meta-analysis of 21 cohort studies
fat did not reduce additional breast cancer events or mortality including 1,368,736 subjects and 12 case–control studies
during a 7.3-year follow-up period. On the other hand, the with 62,725 subjects, adherence to a Mediterranean diet
randomized Women's Intervention Nutrition Study, launched resulted in a significant reduction of overall cancer mortality
in 1987, found a reduction of breast cancer recurrences (10 % reduction) and colorectal cancer (14 % reduction),
among estrogen receptor-negative disease [48]. This ran- prostate cancer (4 % reduction), and aerodigestive cancer
domized trial of 2437 women with early-stage breast cancer (56 % reduction) incidence. Nonsignificant changes could be
determined that low-fat dietary interventions can influence observed for breast cancer, gastric cancer, and pancreatic
body weight and decrease breast cancer recurrence. Dietary cancer [52]. However, there is no controlled evidence regard-
fat intake was lower in the intervention than in the control ing a cancer-preventing effect of the Mediterranean diet.
group and relapse rates were 12.4 % in the control group ver- Thus, it remains unclear, what the exact dietary strategy for
sus 9.8 % women in the dietary group. However, this effect cancer prevention should be and whether or not diet is an
was restricted to estrogen receptor-negative disease. In sum- independent factor or works only within certain cultural,
mary, no clear and concise dietary strategy has emerged for genetic, or climate conditions.
the primary or secondary prevention of breast cancer.
Other dietary compounds potentially affecting cancer
development are phytoestrogens found for example in soy. 21.3.3 Alcohol
The sustained consumption of phytoestrogen-rich food cor-
relates with a reduced incidence of breast cancer among Alcohol features prominently among dietary factors associ-
Asians. Of note, this association has not been found in ated with sporadic cancer incidence. However, the biologic
European and US populations [49]. Human dietary inter- effect of alcohol on cancerogenesis is unclear. It has been
vention trials have noted a direct relationship between hypothesized that one mechanism implicated in alcohol-
phytoestrogen intake and a favorable hormonal profile related carcinogenesis may be oxidative stress from alcohol
associated with a decreased breast cancer risk. According metabolism, inflammation, and increased iron storage.
to a systematic review, 22 case–control and cohort stud- Ethanol-induced cytochrome P-450 2E1 produces various
ies examined the incidence of breast cancer among women reactive oxygen species, leading to the formation of lipid
with and without a diet high in phytoestrogens. A meta- peroxides such as 4-hydroxy-nonenal. Furthermore, alcohol
analysis of 21 of these studies among Asian populations impairs the antioxidant defense system, resulting in mito-
found a significantly reduced incidence of breast cancer chondrial damage and apoptosis. Chronic alcohol exposure
among past phytoestrogen users. Some, but not all ran- elicits tissue hyperregeneration due to the activation of
domized controlled trials document a beneficial effects tissue-specific survival factors and interference with the reti-
of phytoestrogens on surrogate parameters such as bone noid metabolism. In addition, direct DNA damage may result
mineral density, vasodilation, platelet aggregation, insulin from acetaldehyde, which can bind to DNA, inhibit DNA
resistance, and serum concentrations of triglycerides, high- repair systems, and lead to the formation of carcinogenic
density lipoprotein, and low-density lipoprotein. However, exocyclic DNA adducts. Finally, chronic alcohol abuse inter-
none of the available randomized controlled trials docu- feres with methyl group transfer mechanisms and may
ments a protective effect of phytoestrogens for the clinical thereby alter gene expression [53].
end point of site-specific cancer or overall cancer inci- A wide variety of cancers are found at an increased inci-
dence [50]. No consistent evidence of an inverse associa- dence among chronic alcohol users. In case–control studies,
tion between phytoestrogen consumption and breast cancer the association is dose-dependent, but varies with different
incidence has been documented among US and European cancer sites. Associations between alcohol consumption and
women [49, 50]. Epidemiologic and rodent studies suggest an increased risk of cancer have been reported for breast,
that breast cancer chemoprevention by dietary phytoestro- lung, and ovarian cancer in case–control and prospective
gen compounds may be dependent on the ingestion of large cohort studies.
amounts of phytoestrogens before puberty, when the mam- For example, consumption of 20 g or more of alcohol per
mary gland is relatively immature [49]. day increases the risk of breast cancer by 70 % compared to
Some dietary components such as polyphenols in tea nondrinkers. It is of note that even moderate levels of alco-
beverages may affect cancerogenesis, but the evidence sup- hol intake, i.e., 8 g per day, are sufficient to increase the risk
porting this assumption is controversial. Indirect evidence of breast cancer by 50 % [54]. In a large prospective Danish
from epidemiologic studies suggests that the incidence of cohort of 13,074 women, an alcohol intake of more than 27
prostate cancer may be lower in populations with regular tea drinks per week increased breast cancer risk more than
consumption [51]. threefold among premenopausal women irrespective of
21 Sporadic Cancers 329

alcohol type. In postmenopausal women, an intake of more the Southern Urals found a significant dose response with
than six spirits per week increased breast cancer risk over 3 % of solid cancers attributable to radiation exposure.
twofold [55]. This effect may be limited to estrogen receptor Another form of electromagnetic waves, i.e., ultraviolet
positive breast cancers and may also be enhanced by the (UV) radiation, has also been associated with sporadic can-
concomitant use of hormone replacement therapy [56]. cer risk. Chronic exposure to solar UV radiation is the most
Carpenter et al. described a statistically significant 1.8-fold important risk factor of non-melanoma skin cancer [62]. The
increased risk of lung cancer for one or more drinks of hard typical UV-induced DNA damage consists of the generation
liquor per day from ages 30 to 40 years after adjusting for of dimeric photoproducts between adjacent pyrimidine
other risk factors such as smoking [57]. Serous invasive bases. Both UV-A and UV-B radiation induce pyrimidine
ovarian cancer has also been associated with alcohol con- dimers and promote the production of oxygen and nitrogen
sumption. Interestingly, this effect was restricted to early species with subsequent damage to DNA, proteins, and lip-
adult regular drinking suggesting an increased susceptibility ids. One of the typical genetic targets of UV radiation-
of ovarian epithelial tissue to alcohol-induced genetic dam- induced mutations is the tumor suppressor gene p53. In
age during the early reproductive phase [58]. addition, UV radiation has an immunosuppressive effect
adding to its carcinogenic activity [62]. UV radiation also
promotes the development of cutaneous malignant mela-
21.3.4 Radiation noma, but the mechanisms of this effect are less clear.
Surprisingly, UV radiation also has cancer protective
The cancerogenic effect of ionizing radiation based on effects. Of note, nearly 20 types of cancer have been found to
increased mutagenesis, DNA adducts, and chromosome be inversely associated with solar UV-B exposure. In a meta-
strand breaks has been established since the early twentieth analysis of second cancers after non-melanoma skin cancer,
century. Chronic low-dose exposure, as well as acute high- the risk of subsequent colon, gastric, rectal, cervical, and
dose exposure, to ionizing radiation increases the incidence esophageal cancers was significantly reduced [63]. These
of various forms of malignancies including solid cancers. In data suggest that UV-B exposure may be protective against
a long-term study of 105,448 survivors of the Hiroshima and many internal cancers possibly due to increased vitamin D
Nagasaki nuclear bomb explosions, 17,448 first primary can- production.
cers were diagnosed between 1958 and 1998 [59]. Solid can-
cer rates increased by 35 % per Gray for men, and by 58 %
per Gray for women at age 70, after exposure at age 30. 21.3.5 Chemical Agents and Smoking
Significant radiation-associated increases in risk were seen
for most sites including oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, Exposure to chemical agents is associated with a wide variety
colon, liver, lung, non-melanoma skin, breast, ovary, bladder, of sporadic cancers. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and
nervous system, and thyroid, as well as all histologic sub- benzopyrenes, for example, induce cancer and sarcoma in
groups of these cancers. murine models [64, 65]. These chemical agents may enter the
Nuclear power plant accidents such as those in Three body directly via environmental exposure or via specific
Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima are associated with vehicles such as cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke contains
different cancer risks compared to atomic bomb explosions. potent carcinogens such as 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-
In the region around Chernobyl, for example, more than five pyridyl)-1-butanone, benzopyrene, and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-
million people may have been exposed to excess radiation, phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine [66]. In a case–control study
mainly through contamination by iodine-131 and cesium of nine cancer centers from six European countries, smoking
isotopes. Interestingly, studies evaluating leukemia and non- cigarettes at any time was associated with a fivefold increase
thyroid solid cancers have not shown consistently elevated in lung cancer risk and current smoking increased the risk
risks in the regions around Chernobyl. In the population ninefold. The association was dose-dependent and time-
around Three Mile Island, there was a notable temporary dependent. A significant excess risk of 70 % was associated
increase in cancer diagnoses in the years immediately after with every ten pack-years smoked. After 10 years of smoking
the accident, but this increase may have been the result of cessation, the relative risk decreased to 20 % compared to
intensified cancer screening in the area. Long-term follow- current smokers. Adverse characteristics were inhalation of
up has shown no increases in cancer mortality [60]. smoke, smoking non-filter cigarettes, smoking dark-type cig-
Low-dose long-term exposure also leads to a significant arettes, and starting smoking at young age. The typical histo-
increase in solid cancer risk, as demonstrated by the Techa logic type of lung cancer associated with cigarette smoke was
River cohort study [61]. This investigation of 446,588 person- small-cell lung cancer. In absolute terms, the proportion of
years of individuals exposed to environmental radiation lung cancer cases in the population attributable to cigarette
releases associated with a Soviet nuclear weapons facility in smoking varied strongly, ranging from 14 % to 85 % [67].
330 C.B. Tempfer and M.-A. Reymond

Active and passive cigarette smoking is associated with a metabolites can cause DNA damage by formation of
significantly increased risk of lung cancer as well as other estradiol-adenine-guanine adducts which are released from
forms of cancer, e.g., bladder cancer and head and neck can- the DNA backbone leaving depurinated sites which undergo
cer. In a prospective cohort study of 120,852 adult subjects, error prone DNA repair. In addition, mutations and oxygen
current cigarette smokers had a threefold higher bladder can- free radicals may be caused by redox cycling of 4-OH estra-
cer risk compared to nonsmokers. Ex-smokers also experi- diol to the 3–4 estradiol quinone and back conversion to
enced a twofold increased risk. In absolute terms, half of all 4-OH estradiol. If one or both pathways are operative, suffi-
cases of male bladder cancer and one-fifth of female bladder cient numbers of mutations accumulate over a long period of
cancer were attributable to cigarette smoking [68]. In a pro- time to induce neoplastic transformation [73]. From a clini-
spective cohort study of 476,211 individuals, cigarette smok- cal perspective combined estrogen/progestogen supplemen-
ing was a strong risk factor of head and neck cancer with tation use has been demonstrated to significantly increase the
hazard ratios of 12.9 in women and 5.4 in men. Ever-smoking incidence of breast cancer in a large randomized trial, the
accounted for 45 % of head and neck cancers in men and WHI study [74]. Of note, this was not the case when estro-
75 % in women, suggesting causality [69]. gen, i.e., conjugated equine estrogens, was used as a mono-
Asbestos is a chemical carcinogen prominent due to its therapy [14]. Thus, the combination of exogenous estrogens
past widespread use in fire protection devices in industry and and progestogens is cancerogenic, a fact that has been attrib-
construction. One of the malignancies associated with asbes- uted to interactions between progestogens and the RANKL
tos exposure is mesothelioma. In a South East English study (receptor activator of NF-κB ligand)/RANK system [75]. It
of 5753 affected individuals, the highest incidence rates of has been demonstrated that the in vivo administration of the
mesothelioma were found along the Thames river and its progestogen medroxyprogesterone acetate triggers induction
estuaries reflecting areas of asbestos use in shipbuilding and of the key osteoclast differentiation factor RANKL in
industry in the past [70]. mammary-gland epithelial cells. Genetic inactivation of the
Cadmium is a toxic metallic trace element which is capa- RANKL receptor RANK in mammary-gland epithelial cells
ble of blocking oxidative phosphorylation. Exposure to envi- prevented MPA-induced epithelial proliferation.
ronmental cadmium increases cancer incidence and Antiestrogens such as tamoxifen and raloxifen have been
cancer-specific mortality. In a 20-year longitudinal study of shown to effectively prevent breast cancer in randomized tri-
Japanese living in a cadmium-polluted area, cancer-specific als [76]. Estrogens and antiestrogens also appear to play a
mortality was more than doubled (Rate Ratio 2.58; 95 % role in other cancers, for example in lung cancer. In a
Confidence Interval 1.25–5.36) [71]. Canadian case–control study, exposure to antiestrogens was
Chemical agents may influence carcinogenesis by induc- associated with a significantly decreased mortality in those
ing chronic inflammation. In an Australian case–control exposed both before and after the diagnosis of non-small-cell
study of 1576 women with invasive and low malignant poten- lung cancer [77].
tial ovarian cancers and 1509 population-based controls, the Another line of evidence highlights an emerging role of
use of talcum powder in the pelvic region was associated estrogens in the initiation and progression of different malig-
with a small, but statistically significantly increased risk [72]. nancies through their interaction with stem cells [78].
Estrogens are involved in increasing hematopoietic stem cell
self-renewal in female subjects and more specifically during
21.3.6 Hormonal Factors pregnancy. It is likely that normal and tumor thyroid tissues,
which express estrogen receptors, could be subject to the
Hormonal factors play a major role in the development of same mechanism of estrogen action [79].
sporadic cancer. Both cancer-promoting and cancer- Other hormonal compounds which have been associated
preventing effects have been described for a variety of hor- with cancer development include growth hormone and endo-
mones and a variety of cancers. One of the most widely crine disruptors. Growth hormone treatment has been found
studied cancers with respect to the etiologic role of hormones to be associated with an increased risk of central nervous
is breast cancer. Epidemiologic studies link several factors system malignomas in some studies [80]. However, the etio-
related to estrogen production to an increased risk of breast logic role of growth hormone with regard to central nervous
cancer. These include early menarche, late menopause, obe- system malignomas is controversial, since other studies did
sity, use of postmenopausal hormone therapy, and plasma not confirm an increased cancer risk among recipients of
estradiol levels. Estrogens and estrogen metabolites may growth hormone therapy. Several epidemiological, cellular,
mediate breast cancer via estrogen receptor-mediated stimu- and molecular studies demonstrate a role of environmental
lation of breast cell proliferation with a concomitant chemicals with endocrine disrupting activities in the patho-
enhanced rate of mutations or via genotoxic estradiol metab- genesis of numerous diseases including cancer [81], but their
olites with a resulting increase in DNA mutations. Estradiol exact role has yet to be defined.
21 Sporadic Cancers 331

Hormones can act as powerful protectors against some Furthermore, genetic association studies can identify spe-
cancers and at the same time as promoters of other cancers. cific genetic variations which may be used clinically to
This pleiotropic role of hormones is best illustrated by oral describe an increased or decreased risk to develop the condi-
contraceptives. These compounds consist of the synthetic tion as well as to describe an altered response to a treatment
estrogen 17-beta-ethinyl-estradiol and a progestogen (e.g., intervention. In these studies, single nucleotide polymor-
levonorgestrel, dienogest, cyproterone acetate, chlormadi- phisms, i.e., nucleotide deletions, insertions, and substitu-
none acetate, etc.). Oral contraceptives are the most widely tions, are used. In addition, microsatellite markers, i.e.,
used hormones among women. Thus, epidemiologic data are replications of specific nucleotide combinations, may be
available demonstrating clear cancer-promoting and cancer- used. Genetic association studies do not prove an etiologic
preventing effects. link between the polymorphism and/or the gene in question
In a systematic review to estimate associations between and the investigated disease. Methodological reasons account
oral contraceptive use and breast, cervical, colorectal, and for that shortcoming, e.g., low sample size, chance findings,
endometrial cancer incidence, 44 breast, 12 cervical, 11 multiple comparisons and subsequent type I error inflation,
colorectal, and nine endometrial cancers studies were ethnic background of the study subjects, varying disease
included [82]. Breast cancer incidence was slightly but sig- definitions and inclusion/exclusion criteria, and ascertain-
nificantly increased in users and the risk of cervical cancer ment bias. Therefore, interpretation of studies with positive
was increased with duration of oral contraceptive use in associations between genetic polymorphisms and endome-
women with human papillomavirus infection. Compared triosis need to be interpreted with caution.
with never-use, ever-use of oral contraceptives was signifi-
cantly associated with decreases in colorectal and endome-
trial cancers. 21.4.3 Polymorphisms and Specific Cancers

The amount of evidence with respect to genotype–phenotype

21.4 Genetic Susceptibility correlations has increased substantially over the last years.
These data indicate that a number of polymorphisms in genes
21.4.1 Genetic Susceptibility and Sporadic associated with estrogen metabolism, cell cycle control, and
Cancers xenobiotic metabolism are markers of overall cancer risk
with the effects of all of these polymorphisms strongly
The number of reports investigating sporadic cancer suscep- depending on ethnic background. A meta-analysis of seven
tibility based on the carriage of low-penetrance, high- case–control studies and 4284 individuals established a vari-
frequency polymorphisms has steadily increased over the ant of the Type I Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor
last years. Evidence based on meta-analyses of individual (TGFBR) gene (TGFBR1*6A) as a risk factor of a variety of
case–control studies is accumulating defining specific indi- cancers [83]. Specifically, the analysis shows that homozy-
vidual variations in cancer susceptibility. Polymorphisms gous carriers of this polymorphism have a more than twofold
and mutations leading to functionally relevant biochemical (Odds Ratio 2.53; 95 % Confidence Interval 1.39–4.61)
consequences are capable of influencing the development increased risk of cancer. Analysis of specific cancer types
and clinical course of cancer. It has become clear that spo- showed that TGFBR1*6A carriers are at significantly
radic cancer as well as many other diseases is the result of a increased risk of developing breast, ovarian, and colon can-
complex interaction between environmental factors and vari- cer as well as hematological malignancies. Carriage of spe-
ous different genes as well as gene–gene interactions. cific polymorphisms also modulates response to therapy and
Consequently, typical phenotypes do not exhibit classic survival of cancer patients. A polymorphism of the mannose
Mendelian inheritance patterns attributable to a single gene binding lectin 2 gene (MBL2), for example, is associated
locus. Moreover, different genes seem to act in various com- with lung cancer survival, dependent on ethnic background
binations, thus causing individual degrees of susceptibility in and smoking history [84]. Rylander-Rudqvist et al. performed
a given person. A polygenetic background has been proposed a case–control study of 1521 cases and 1498 controls, and
for many quantitative traits such as hypertension and diabe- reported that a variant of the CYP1B1 gene (CYP1B1*3) is
tes, and more generally, for complex traits such as cancer. a genetic risk modifier of long-time hormone replacement
therapy. Women who had used menopausal hormone replace-
ment therapy for 4 years or longer and carried the
21.4.2 Methodological Issues CYP1B1*3/*3 genotype had a twofold increased risk of
developing breast cancer [85].
Besides whole genome searches and gene expression profil- One of the most intensely studies cancer types with
ing, genetic association studies are used to identify candidate respect to polymorphisms is breast cancer. Breast cancer
genes with a possible etiologic role in a given disease. has a strong genetic component, but most cases of breast
332 C.B. Tempfer and M.-A. Reymond

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Hereditary Cancer
Zoran Gatalica, Anatole Ghazalpour, Stan L. Lilleberg,
Jeffrey Swensen, and Henry T. Lynch

Family G was published in 1971 [3]. The family’s mismatch

22.1 Introduction repair (MMR) gene mutation was finally identified in 2000 in
a splice site of the MSH2 gene [4]. In 2005, a description of
The first systematic documentation of a hereditary cancer over a century of work on Family G was published [5].
family was reported over 100 years ago [1] by Aldred Scott Importantly, the pattern of cancer has continued relentlessly
Warthin, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Warthin (Fig. 22.1) was truly a in Family G in accord with an autosomal dominant mode of
Renaissance man of his time. At age 21, he graduated from genetic transmission.
the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. He was a musician, With the continued efforts of many scientists it was finally
teacher, writer, editor, poet, and linguist. As a pathologist he accepted that cancer was a genetic disease. In fact, to reflect
was a remarkably creative physician-scientist. In 1895, he the recent revolution in cancer research and the discoveries
completed postgraduate work in pathology in Germany, and made, it should be stated that cancer is a genomic disease, or
joined the pathology department at the University of a disease of the genome [6]. Over the last 10–15 years,
Michigan. While he was setting up his household in Ann breakthroughs in the identification of many important genes
Arbor, he wondered why his seamstress was so depressed. have significantly improved our understanding of cancer
She told him that her depression was due to the fact that she pathogenesis. At the foundation of this discovery era was the
knew she would die of cancer of the bowels or female organs, wealth of information provided by the Human Genome
since “… everyone in my family dies of those cancers …” Project.
Warthin listened carefully and began compiling her family The intent of this chapter is to review the genes known to
history, in particular recording the pathology, and in 1913, he be associated with hereditary forms of cancer/cancer syn-
published [1] the pedigree of what he called Family G dromes, and highlight examples of pathways in which the
(Fig. 22.2). Finally, just as his seamstress had predicted, she products of these genes interact. We also indicate where cur-
died at an early age of metastatic endometrial carcinoma. rent knowledge is limited and where further investigation
Half a century later, Lynch et al. [2] described two may be warranted.
Midwestern families with clinical features strikingly similar
to Warthin’s Family G. Individuals in these families had
early-onset colorectal cancers and a litany of other cancer 22.2 Cancer Development
types, particularly gynecologic and gastric. Warthin’s suc-
cessor as chairman of pathology in Ann Arbor, Michigan, According to current models, tumor development is a con-
invited Lynch to take possession of Warthin’s documents, tinuous process of mutation accumulation that ultimately
which included detailed scrolls of the pedigree of Family G leads to cellular autonomy, unlimited growth and metastasis
(Fig. 22.2), slides and cancer tissue blocks. An update of [7]. One of the most important events in this process is the
initial destabilization of homeostasis that allows mutations
Z. Gatalica, M.D., D.Sc. (*) • A. Ghazalpour, Ph.D. to accumulate in genes that regulate cell proliferation, devel-
J. Swensen, Ph.D. opment, and differentiation. The genetic mechanisms
Caris Life Sciences, 4610 South 44th Place,
involved in the earliest stages are not clear, but certain phe-
Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA
e-mail: notypic features are notable. The cancer cell phenotype can
be described by six hallmark features: self-sufficiency in
S.L. Lilleberg, Ph.D. • H.T. Lynch, M.D.
Department of Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, growth signals, insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals,
Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA avoidance of programmed cell death, limitless replicative

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 335

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_22
336 Z. Gatalica et al.

potential, sustained angiogenesis, tissue invasion, and development is quite low and statistically unlikely, given
metastasis [7]. Generally it has been thought that three to that the normal mutation rate is approximately 1.4 × 10−10
seven successive mutations are required for the malignant mutations per base pair per cell generation [13]. However, it
conversion [8–10]. Various sources of spontaneous DNA is now well recognized that this theory is contradicted
damage are estimated to alter about 25,000 bases per human by the rate of incidence of various cancers. Not surprisingly,
genome per cell per day out of the 3 × 109 base pairs in the cancer biology and genetics have found a way around these
genome [11]. However, cells are endowed with specific statistical predictions. It has been suggested that two major
mechanisms for repairing the damage and for maintaining mechanisms could result in higher mutation rates that would
mutations at reasonable levels. Consequently, the mutational make cancer development more probable. First, highly
load at any given time in both germ-line and somatic cells selective mutations could occur that enhance cell prolifera-
can be viewed as a dynamic equilibrium between the extent tion, creating an expanded target cell population for the next
of DNA damage and the efficiency of DNA repair [12]. In mutation [14]. Second, mutations could occur that affect
principle, the likelihood that a single cell will acquire enough the stability of the entire genome at the DNA and/or the
independent mutations necessary for malignant cancer chromosomal level, thereby increasing the overall mutation
rate [13, 15].
Tumorigenesis is associated with alterations (mutations)
in two main classes of genes—oncogenes and tumor-
suppressor genes—each of which can drive neoplasia by
increasing the tumor cell burden through stimulating cell
division or inhibiting cell death or cell-cycle arrest.
Less than 10 % of patients with cancer have highly pene-
trant inherited (germ-line) mutations that predispose to can-
cer. Germ-line mutations of genes known to be responsible
for inherited forms of cancer and their syndromes are sum-
marized in Table 22.1. A mutation within this context is
defined as any change in the sequence of the gene, including
single base pair substitutions, large or small deletions/inser-
tions and amplifications or translocations of chromosomal
segments. In the germ line, the most common mutations are
subtle (point mutations or small deletions/insertions),
Fig. 22.1 Aldred Scott Warthin, M.D., Ph.D., (1866–1931) pioneer in whereas all types of mutation can be found in tumor cells.
hereditary cancer research.

Site Unknown
d. 60 y

Site Unknown Stomach d. 84 y d. 26 y d. 63 y Colon, NOS Rectum Stomach Uterus, NOS
d. 47 y d. 64y d. 55 y d. 42 y d. 60 y d. 55 y

Affected Individual
Family Branch
Female Male
Deceased Individual Stomach Cancer Site
d. 64 y
Age at Death

Fig. 22.2 Pedigree family G. This family was described in the first the pedigree since the updated publication contained an extremely large
published systematic evaluation of a hereditary cancer syndrome, now number of individuals. In this figure, each individual (A to I) represents
known to fit criteria for Lynch syndrome. This is an abridged version of a branch of the family; blackened symbol represents affected branches.
22 Hereditary Cancer 337

Table 22.1 Overview of inherited cancer syndromes

category Syndrome Gene (alias) Gene location OMIM ID Major tumor types
Tumor-suppressor genes (genomic stability and repair genes)
Ataxia telangiectasia ATM 11q22.3 208900 Leukemias, non-Hodgkin
Bloom syndrome BLM 15q26.1 210900 Leukemia, lymphoma
Hereditary breast and BRCA1, BRCA2 17q21, 13q12.3 113705, 600185 Carcinomas of breast and
ovarian cancer ovary
Fanconi anemia FANCA, C or G in 16q24.3, 9q22.32, 607139, 613899, Acute myeloid leukemia,
90 % cases 9p13.3 602956 solid cancers
Lynch syndromes (HNPCC, MLH1, MSH2, 3p21.3, 2p22-p21, 120436, 120435, Colon adenocarcinoma,
Lynch I, Lynch II, Lynch MSH6, PMS2 2p16, 7p22 600678, 600259, uterus endometrial
III, Turcot and Muir–Torre 609309, 609310, adenocarcinoma; skin
syndromes) 614350, 614337 sebaceous tumors
(Muir-Torre); biallelic
inheritance results in
pediatric lymphomas and
brain tumors (Lynch III)
Attenuated polyposis MUTYH 1p34.3-p32.1 608456 Colon adenomas and
(MAP) adenocarcinomas
Nijmegen breakage NBS1 8q21 251260; 613065, Lymphoma, leukemia
syndrome 609135
Rothmund–Thomson RECQL4 8q24.3 268400 Bone osteosarcoma
Werner syndrome WRN 8p12-p11.2 277700 Meningiomas, soft tissue
Xeroderma pigmentosum XPA, XPC, ERCC2, 9q22.3, 3p25, 278700, 278720, Non-melanoma skin cancer
ERCC3, ERCC4, 19q13.2-q13.3, 126340, 133510, (basal cell and squamous
ERCC5, DDB2, 2q21, 133520, 133530, cell carcinomas) and
POLH 16p13.3-p13.13, 600811, 603968 cutaneous melanoma
13q33, 11p12-p11,
Tumor-suppressor genes (other)
Familial adenomatous APC 5q21-q22 175100; 135290 Adenomas and
polyposis (FAP), desmoid adenocarcinomas of colon,
disease, Turcot syndrome small intestine (and CNS
for Turcot syndrome)
Oligodontia–colorectal AXIN2 17q23-q24 604025;608615 Colon adenomas and
cancer syndrome adenocarcinomas
Juvenile polyposis BMPR1A, SMAD4 10q22.3, 18q21.2 174900; 601299, Juvenile polyps in
600993 gastrointestinal tract
Familial gastric carcinoma CDH1 (E-cadherin) 16q22.1 192090; 137215 Diffuse gastric, and lobular
breast carcinoma
Familial atypical multiple CDKN2A (P16/ 9p21.3 600160; 155601 Cutaneous melanoma,
mole melanoma INK4A, p14/ARF) pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Familial cylindromatosis CYLD 16q12.1 605041; 605018 Cylindromas of skin
Hereditary multiple EXT1, EXT2, EXT3 8q24.11-q24.13, 133700; 608177; Osteochondromas
exostoses 11p12-p11, 19p 133701; 608210;
Hereditary leiomyomatosis FH 1q43 136850; 150800 Leiomyomas of skin and
and renal cell carcinoma uterus; renal carcinoma
Birt–Hogg–Dube syndrome FLCN (BHD) 17p11.2 135150; 607273 Diverse renal tumors, skin
338 Z. Gatalica et al.

Table 22.1 (continued)

category Syndrome Gene (alias) Gene location OMIM ID Major tumor types
Simpson–Golabi–Behmel GPC3 Xq26 300037; 312870 Wilms tumor,
syndrome hepatoblastoma
Hyperparathyroidism HRPT2 (CDC73) 1q31.2 145001; 607393 Parathyroid adenoma and
jaw-tumor syndrome carcinoma, ossifying
fibroma of the jaw
Multiple endocrine MEN1 (menin) 11q13.1 131100; 613733 Parathryoid and pituitary
neoplasia type 1 adenomas, pancreatic islet
cell tumors
Neurofibromatosis type 1, NF1 (neurofibromin) 17q11.2 162200; 613113; Neurofibroma
Neurofibromatosis–Noonan 601321;162210;
syndrome, Watson 193520; 607785
syndrome, Juvenile
myelomonocytic leukemia
Neurofibromatosis type 2 NF2 22q12.2 101000; 607379 Bilateral vestibular
Basal cell nevus syndrome PTCH1, PTCH2, 9q22.3, 1p34.1, 109400; 601309; Basal cell carcinomas of
(Gorlin syndrome) SUFU 10q24.32 603673; 607035 skin
Cowden disease (CD)/ PTEN 10q23.31 153480; 158350; Breast, thyroid and
Bannayan–Riley–Ruvalcaba 601728 endometrial carcinomas;
syndrome (BRRS) skin trichilemmoma GI
Carney complex type I PRKAR1A 17q24.2 160980; 188830 Myxomas of the skin, heart
and breast
Hereditary retinoblastoma RB1 13q14.1-q14.2 180200; 614041 Retinoblastoma (usually
involving both eyes)
Familial paraganglioma– SDHB, SDHC, 1p35-36.1, 1q21-23, 606864; 115310; Multiple bilateral
pheochromocytoma SDHD 11q23 171300; 185470; paragangliomas of the neck
syndromes caused by 602413; 602690;
SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD 168000
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome STK11 (LKB1) 19p13.3 175200; 602216 Stomach and intestinal
hamartomatous polyps and
Medulloblastoma SUFU 10q24.32 607035; 155255 Medulloblastoma
Li–Fraumeni syndrome, TP53 (p53) 17p13.1 191170; 151623; Breast cancer, bone and
Hereditary Adrenocortical 202300 soft tissue sarcomas
Tuberous sclerosis, TSC1 (hamartin), 9q34.13, 16p13.3 191092; 605284; CNS cortical hamartomas,
lymphangioleiomyomatosis TSC2 (tuberin) 606690 skin subungual keratomas,
(LAM) renal angiomyolipomas
von Hippel–Lindau VHL 3p25.3 608537; 193300 Renal clear cell carcinoma,
syndrome CNS capillary
WAGR, Denys–Drasch, WT1 11p13 607102; 194070; Wilms’ tumor
Frasier syndrome, and 194080; 136680 (nephroblastoma)
non-syndromic hereditary
Wilms’ tumor
Familial malignant CDK4 12q14.1 123829; 609048 Cutaneous melanoma
Familial gastrointestinal KIT 4q12 164920; 606764; Multiple gastrointestinal
stromal tumors 273300 stromal tumors (GIST)
22 Hereditary Cancer 339

Table 22.1 (continued)

category Syndrome Gene (alias) Gene location OMIM ID Major tumor types
Hereditary papillary renal MET 7q31 164860; 605074 Multiple bilateral type I
cell carcinoma (HPRCC) papillary renal cell
Familial gastrointestinal PDGFRA 4q12 173490; 606764 Multiple gastrointestinal
stromal tumors stromal tumors (GIST)
Multiple endocrine RET 10q11.2 164761; 171400; Medullary thyroid
neoplasia type II (A and B) 162300; 142623; carcinoma, parathyroid
188550 hyperplasia, adrenal

Neoplasia is initiated by a mutation in a cancer gene that one of the parents and the second allele is somatically inacti-
results in a clonal expansion, with subsequent mutations in vated. When the second hit involves a large deletion or mitotic
additional genes resulting in further rounds of expansion as recombination (reduces the mutation to homozygosity), it is
part of the process of tumor progression [16, 17]. An indi- referred to as loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Knudson’s model
vidual with a germ-line mutation in a cancer predisposition has later been applied to other forms of familial cancer as well
gene has an early start on tumor development, because a [18, 24]. However, not all loss-of-function mutations in tumor
mutation that can contribute to cancer is already present in suppressor genes are truly recessive [25]. Evidence suggests
every cell. As such, these individuals may readily develop that haploinsufficiency (functional loss of one allele) of some
multiple tumors that are detectable at an early age. In many genes might provide a growth advantage [26]. Thus, lower
dominantly inherited cancer syndromes, the acquired first gene-dosage, rather than biallelic inactivation of a tumor sup-
somatic mutation affects the normal copy of the gene inher- pressor gene may be sufficient to exert a cellular phenotype
ited from the unaffected parent [18]. that leads to tumorigenesis. This may be particularly true for
Under normal conditions, proto-oncogenes (the normal, caretaker genes, where haploinsufficiency could result in
non-mutated form of an oncogene) stimulate cell prolifera- mildly increased genomic instability [27].
tion and differentiation. These genes mainly encode proteins In contrast to classical monogenic Mendelian disorders,
involved in signal transduction pathways and include growth such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy or cystic fibrosis,
factors, growth factor receptors, signal transducers, and tran- wherein mutations in a single gene cause disease, a single
scription factors (e.g., the RET and MET genes). When gene defect or alteration does not cause cancer. The vast
mutated (activated) these genes become oncogenes and gain majority of genetic alterations in cancer are somatic and
the ability to dominantly promote neoplastic processes. In found only in tumor cells. In an individual with a dominant
contrast, tumor suppressors are genes whose loss of function cancer predisposition syndrome, all cells in the body are a
promotes malignancy [19, 20]. They are usually negative priori heterozygous, carrying one mutated and one wild-type
regulators of growth or other functions that may affect inva- allele [19]. The germ-line mutation can be considered as the
sive and metastatic potential [21]. Tumor suppressor genes first hit required for tumorigenesis. The next genetic change
can be divided into two broad functional classes: (1) gate- in a cell often involves the loss of the remaining wild-type
keepers which directly regulate cell proliferation and are rate allele (second step in the Knudson’s two hit hypothesis) [18].
limiting for tumorigenesis; (2) caretakers which maintain the Even though additional somatic changes are still needed, the
integrity of the genome and promote cancer growth indirectly presence of a constitutional mutation greatly quickens the
by causing an increased mutation rate [22]. Interestingly, the process of malignant conversion, and individuals with such
most common forms of hereditary cancer predisposition are mutations are at higher risk of developing cancer. Mutations
caused by inherited mutations of caretaker genes. with strong effects are likely to cause early onset of the dis-
The contribution of tumor suppressors to tumorigenesis ease and development of multiple primary tumors; they are
was initially proposed by Alfred Knudson in 1971, based inherited in simple Mendelian fashion, tend to cause familial
upon epidemiological studies of retinoblastoma [23]. clustering of disease and show dominant pattern of inheri-
According to Knudson’s two-hit model, both copies of a tance [28, 29]. However, the cancers develop only after addi-
tumor suppressor gene need to be inactivated for tumor tional somatic genetic mutations occur. Importantly, clinicians
formation. In the familial form of a disorder associated with a must also consider the pattern of these multiple primary can-
tumor suppressor gene, one mutated allele is inherited from cers (e.g., breast and ovarian cancers in carriers of BRCA1 and
340 Z. Gatalica et al.

BRCA2 mutations; medullary thyroid carcinoma and pheochro- somal translocation (BCR-ABL), gene amplification (MYC),
mocytoma in the carriers of a RET mutation, etc.) which or intragenic mutations (RET) affecting key functional moi-
could then guide them toward the correct diagnosis. eties that regulate the activity of the gene product. Activation
Most cancer susceptibility syndromes result from inher- of an oncogene through the alteration of a single allele is
ited mutations in tumor suppressor genes rather than proto- usually sufficient to bestow a cell with a selective growth
oncogenes [19]. Germ-line mutations in only a limited advantage. Examples of oncogenes associated with inherited
number of proto-oncogenes (e.g., RET, MET, KIT, PDGFRA, cancer syndromes and the associated tumors are included in
and CDK4) (Table 22.1), have been shown to be involved in Table 22.1. Such genes include RET and MET, which encode
hereditary cancer predisposition [30–32]. Although they are receptor tyrosine kinases involved in essential processes
rare, these syndromes are of vast biological importance. The such as cell cycle progression, proliferation, differentiation,
study of genes responsible for such disorders, and the cel- motility, and survival [34]. Many oncogenic tyrosine kinases
lular pathways disrupted by the mutated proteins, provides are constitutively activated due to specific gain-of-function
significant insights into the molecular origin and pathogen- mutations [34, 35].
esis of both inherited and sporadic forms of cancer [28].
A subclass of tumor suppressor genes, known as caretak-
ers or stability genes, promotes tumorigenesis in a com- 22.3.1 RET Oncogene and Multiple Endocrine
pletely different way when mutated. This group includes the Neoplasia Type 2 (MEN 2)
mismatch repair (MMR), nucleotide-excision repair (NER),
base-excision repair (BER), and homologous recombination One oncogene that has been studied extensively within the
repair genes responsible for correcting subtle errors made context of hereditary cancers is the REarranged during
during normal DNA replication or induced by mutagenic Transfection (RET) gene, which encodes a transmembrane
exposure. In normal cells, genetic alterations are kept to a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) [36, 37]. Normal RET is
manageable minimum by stability genes, and mutation rates expressed mainly in developing and adult neural ectoderm.
are much higher when these genes are inactivated [33]. As a RET mutations are oncogenic owing to an intrinsic gain-of-
result, all genes are potentially at risk for mutations, but only function in the receptor tyrosine kinase activity. Germ-line
mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes will mutations in RET are known to cause multiple endocrine
provide a selective advantage to the cancer cell. neoplasia type II (MEN2), which consists of three distin-
From this, it is best to picture mutated cancer genes as guishable clinical phenotypes (MEN 2A, MEN 2B, and
contributors to cancers, rather than the sole cause. In most familial medullary thyroid carcinoma FMTC) [38–42]. MEN
cases involving genes associated with hereditary cancer syn- 2A is characterized by specific endocrine neoplasms (medul-
dromes, the individual with the mutation faces a high prob- lary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma and parathyroid
ability of developing cancer, but not 100 % certainty. adenoma); MEN 2B is characterized by neuromas of the lips
Penetrance is defined as the probability that a person who and tongue, marfanoid habitus, medullary thyroid carci-
has the genotype will manifest the expected phenotype. For noma, and pheochromocytoma; FMTC is characterized by
example, a carrier of a mutation in the BRCA1 gene (breast medullary thyroid carcinoma in the absence of other tumors.
and ovarian cancer susceptibility) has an approximate Almost all of the germ-line RET mutations that cause
70–85 % chance of developing breast cancer during their MEN2 are missense, but a small fraction represent small
lifetime. Although this is a very high risk, the penetrance is deletions or insertions that preserve the open reading frame.
incomplete and not everyone with a mutation will develop The mutations are concentrated in a fraction of the open
the disease. There are some important exceptions to incom- reading frame. Most mutations occur in the cysteine-rich
plete penetrance; virtually all carriers of a pathogenic muta- portion of the extracellular domain. Specific missense muta-
tion in the TP53 gene (Li–Fraumeni syndrome) or the APC tions with a highly focused distribution are characteristic of
gene (familial adenomatous polyposis coli) develop cancer. mutations that cause oncogenic gain-of-function, in this
Differences in penetrance between carriers of a germ-line case in Ret RTK activity [43–45]. This contrasts with the
mutation can be associated with environmental exposures RET mutations that cause familial Hirschsprung disease;
and an individual’s genetic makeup (modifier genes). such mutations cause loss of protein function and have a
much broader distribution across the gene [46, 47].
Hirschsprung disease represents the main genetic cause of
22.3 Oncogenes functional intestinal obstruction with an incidence of 1/5,000
live births. This developmental disorder is a neurocristopa-
Oncogenes are altered (mutated) in ways that cause the gene thy and is characterized by the absence of the enteric ganglia
product to be constitutively activated or active under condi- along a variable length of the intestine [48, 49]. Occasional
tions in which the normal gene (proto-oncogene) is not MEN2 families with specific mutations express Hirschsprung
active. Activation of an oncogene can result from chromo- disease.
22 Hereditary Cancer 341

22.3.2 RET Activation and Signaling Pathways 22.3.4 MET Oncogene and Hereditary
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (HPRCC)
One of the two RET mutations commonly associated with
MEN 2B results in the substitution of threonine for methio- Recent studies have shown that renal cell carcinomas (RCC)
nine at codon 918 (M918T) in the tyrosine kinase domain are a clinically and genotypically heterogeneous group,
[50–52]. RET M918T, which also occurs somatically in some consisting of different histologic types with different clini-
sporadic medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC), leads to a Ret cal courses, different responses to therapy, and different
receptor that autophosphorylates in the absence of ligand associated gene defects [63–65]. Clear cell RCC is the most
stimulation [53]. The constitutive activation of the variant Ret common type (75 %), papillary RCC is 10 %, chromophobe
RTK results in aberrant cell signaling through a series of RCC is 5 %, and the remainder is composed of rare histo-
cytoplasmic kinases, including JUN kinase, p38 mitogen acti- pathologic and molecular entities. Kidney cancer occurs in
vated protein kinase, Ras/extracellular signal-regulated both sporadic (non-inherited) and hereditary forms. Most of
kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and Akt [54]. what is known about the genetic basis of kidney cancer has
The mechanisms of Ret signaling in tumorigenesis are been learned from study of the hereditary forms [66]. There
known in considerable detail, since it is part of a well-studied are four well-defined hereditary syndromes associated with
family of RTKs. The Ret protein is a subunit in a plasma- kidney cancer: (1) von Hippel–Lindau (VHL), (2) heredi-
membrane signaling complex that includes four ligands and tary papillary renal cell carcinoma (HPRCC), (3) Birt Hogg
four co-receptors [55]. The Ret intracellular domain has at Dubé (BHD), and (4) hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal
least 12 autophosphorylation sites, and phosphotyrosine cell carcinoma (HLRCC) [66, 67]. This discussion will
1062 in particular is a binding site for many different dock- focus on HPRCC, a cancer syndrome caused by mutations
ing proteins and is important for the oncogenic activity of in the MET gene that are inherited in an autosomal dominant
Ret [56–59]. fashion [68]. HPRCC is highly penetrant and tends to have
a late onset of clinical disease. However, an early-onset
HPRCC phenotype has also been described. Affected indi-
22.3.3 Genotype:Phenotype Correlations: viduals are at-risk of developing bilateral, multifocal, type 1
RET:MEN 2 papillary renal carcinoma [68, 69]. Macroscopically, the
tumors contain areas of hemorrhage, necrosis, and cystic
Activating mutations in RET can be inherited or somatic. degeneration (Fig. 22.3). Histologically, Delahunt and Eble
Germ-line point mutations are causal for the dominantly have [70] classified papillary RCCs into type 1 (papillae
inherited disorders MEN 2A, MEN 2B and FMTC [50, 51]. covered by small cells, single layer) and type 2 (large cells
Mutations of cysteine residues in the extracellular domain of with eosinophilic cytoplasm and pseudostratification). In
RET are frequently associated with MEN 2A (MTC, pheo- chromosomal analysis, characteristic gains of chromosomes
chromocytoma, and parathyroid hyperplasia). MEN 2B 7, and 17, and the loss of Y chromosome are frequently
(MTC, pheochromocytoma, ganglioneuromas, and mar- found in type 1 papillary RCCs, but the chromosomal aber-
fanoid habitus) is associated almost exclusively with muta- ration of type 2 papillary RCCs seems to be more heterog-
tions of codons 918 or 883 in the intracellular domain of enous than that of type 1 papillary RCCs. Through genetic
RET. Genetic testing to identify patients at risk for MEN2 linkage analysis on affected families, mutations that activate
and FMTC has led to clinical screening and prophylactic the MET proto-oncogene were found to be the causal for
thyroidectomy in mutation carriers [45, 60, 61]. HPRCC [68]. In addition, somatic missense mutations were
More than ten somatic rearrangements of RET have been found in the tyrosine kinase domain of the MET gene in the
identified in papillary thyroid carcinomas [61]. These onco- subset of sporadic (non-inherited) papillary renal carcino-
genic mutations activate the Ret tyrosine kinase domain via mas [69]. Three mutations were located in codons homolo-
different mechanisms, making Ret an excellent candidate gous to those in which activating mutations occur in the KIT
for the design of molecular targeted therapy. Recently, vari- and RET proto-oncogenes.
ous therapeutic approaches, such as tyrosine kinase inhibi-
tion, gene therapy with dominant negative RET mutants,
monoclonal antibodies against oncogene products, and 22.3.5 MET Activation and Signaling Pathways
nuclease-resistant aptamers that recognize and inhibit Ret
have been developed [62]. Two small molecule kinase Met receptor is activated through gene mutations or by
inhibitors, vandetanib and cabozantinib, are approved for binding of its natural ligand, hepatocyte growth factor/scat-
the treatment of locally advanced and metastatic medullary ter factor (HGF/SF). Activation leads to a plethora of bio-
thyroid carcinoma [59]. logical and biochemical effects in the cell (cell motility and
342 Z. Gatalica et al.

Fig. 22.3 Bilateral renal tumors in a young person with clinicopathologic characteristics of hereditary papillary renal carcinoma. Courtesy of
Professor Milan Hora, M.D., Ph.D., (Pilsen, Czech Republic).

scattering, proliferation, branching morphogenesis, angio- Inappropriate Met signaling in disease can resemble
genesis, invasion, and eventual metastasis) [71]. The unique developmental transitions between epithelial and mesenchy-
biochemical and biological effect of these MET mutants has mal cell types normally regulated by HGF/SF. While epithe-
been investigated in several model systems, confirming their lial malignancies (carcinomas) frequently overexpress Met
suspected oncogenic potential [72–77]. Upon HGF/SF bind- (Fig. 22.4) and paracrine delivery of HGF/SF results in dys-
ing, Met autophosphorylation occurs on two tyrosine resi- regulated signaling, tumors of mesenchymal origin (sarco-
dues (Y1234 and Y1235) within the activation loop of the mas) arising from cells that normally express HGF/SF often
tyrosine kinase (TK) domain, which regulates kinase activ- acquire Met expression resulting in autocrine Met signaling
ity. Phosphorylation on two tyrosine residues near the [79, 80].
COOH terminus (Y1349 and Y1356) forms a multifunc- Beyond missense mutations, it is important to note that
tional docking site that recruits intracellular adapters via Src trisomy of chromosome 7, which contains both the MET and
homology-2 (SH2) domains and other recognition motifs, HGF/SF genes, occurs in the majority of sporadic papillary
leading to downstream signaling [78, 79]. An intact multi- RCC [81]. A detailed study of trisomy 7 in hereditary papil-
functional docking site is required to mediate transforma- lary RCC revealed nonrandom duplication of the mutant
tion and induce a metastatic phenotype [80]. Among the MET allele in 100 % of tumor samples [82]. Overall, MET
many genes up-regulated by pathway activation relevant to mutation occurs at a much lower frequency than most other
cancer are those encoding proteases that regulate HGF/SF mechanisms of pathway activation in human cancers.
and Met processing and extracellular matrix remodeling, as Nonetheless, mutations provide strong direct evidence of the
well as MET itself, creating the potential for Met overex- pathway's oncogenic potential and a means to identify patient
pression in otherwise normal target cells through persistent subpopulations that might benefit most from Met-targeted
ligand stimulation [78]. therapy. The current understanding of Met-mediated
22 Hereditary Cancer 343

Fig. 22.4 Carcinoma of esophagus. (a) Hematoxylin and eosin stained fication (dual chromogenic DNA in situ hybridization with clusters of
section of the tumor. (b) The tumor is overexpressing Met (immunohis- black MET and variable red chromosome 7 centromeric signals) in the
tochemical stain showing Met expression brown). (c) MET gene ampli- tumor (right) but not in the normal tissue (left).

oncogenesis supports at least three directions for cancer drug most common class of hereditary cancer predisposition
development: (1) antagonism of ligand/receptor interactions, genes: the tumor suppressor genes.
(2) inhibition of TK catalytic activity, and (3) blockade of Classic tumor suppressor genes are autosomal recessive
receptor/effector interactions. at the cellular level, meaning that within a cell both alleles of
the gene have to harbor inactivating mutations for the pheno-
type to manifest. However, cancer predisposition syndromes
22.4 Tumor Suppressors caused by germ-line mutations in tumor suppressor genes,
are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. For cancer
In 1971, Alfred George Knudson, Jr., a medical geneticist to occur, the second allele of the tumor suppressor gene is
specializing in cancer genetics, studied 48 cases of bilateral somatically mutated in a susceptible cell type.
and unilateral retinoblastoma aiming to understand the The distinction between tumor suppressor genes and
genetic basis of cancer in these two apparently similar but oncogenes is mechanistic by nature. For a gene to be classi-
subtly different subgroups of patients. By utilizing statistical fied as a tumor suppressor, loss of function mutations in that
modeling, Knudson was able to show that the presence and gene must be shown to promote tumorigenesis. This con-
the frequency of tumors in retinoblastoma patients were con- trasts with oncogenes which require activating mutations to
sistent with two mutational events [23]. By fitting the data drive tumorigenesis. Based on this broad definition, a wide
into this mathematical model, Knudson was also able to variety of genes can act as tumor suppressors. As such, these
demonstrate why a small subset of carriers (i.e., cases in genes are functionally grouped into two main categories: (1)
which only one mutation is present) do not develop tumors in Gatekeepers that directly regulate cell cycle progression, and
the eye. This seminal work provided the basis for further (2) Caretakers that maintain the integrity of the genetic mate-
research that collectively has led to the identification of the rial in the cell. However, at the molecular and cellular level
344 Z. Gatalica et al.

Fig. 22.5 Four alternatives to

generate second hit in a cell with
a germ-line mutation. From the
four mechanisms, three will A G
generate a pattern consistent with
loss of heterozygosity. LOH loss
of heterozygosity. Copy-neutral
LOH is a special case of LOH
where the wild-type allele is
replaced by the mutant allele.
This is generally achieved by
somatic recombination.


Gene Deletion Chromosomal Somatic Denovo

(LOH) Loss Recombination mutation in the
(LOH) (Copy Neutral LOH) wild type allele

tumor suppressor genes span a wide range of biological gene is entirely deleted (leaving the cell with no functional
functions including transcription factors (PAX5), transcrip- copy of RB1 gene), referred to as loss of heterozygosity
tion turnover (DICER1), protein turnover (FBXW7), protein (LOH). A third possibility, termed copy-neutral LOH, occurs
modification (PTPN12), and metabolism (FH), and their when the wild-type allele is replaced with the mutant allele
functions cannot always be neatly grouped into gatekeeper via somatic recombination. Figure 22.5 illustrates the vari-
and caretaker categories. ous events which could account for a second hit. The term
loss of heterozygosity was coined when Cavenee et al. [83]
utilized RFLP techniques to look for somatic events that
22.4.1 Knudson’s Hypothesis: occurred during tumorigenesis. In these experiments, the
The Two-Hit Model germ-line cell was shown to be heterozygous for a linked
marker residing outside the RB1 gene. However, when the
Knudson’s mathematical modeling led to what is known as wild-type allele was lost through a large deletion or somatic
Knudson’s two-hit hypothesis. This states that tumors recombination, the linked marker appeared homozygous
develop as a result of two events that affect separate alleles of (i.e., heterozygosity was lost). Intragenic mutations (substi-
the same gene. Consistent with this hypothesis was the tutions or small insertions/deletions) did not result in LOH
observation that familial cases of retinoblastoma had younger for the linked marker.
age at diagnosis and were more likely to have bilateral
tumors than individuals with sporadic retinoblastoma.
Accordingly, Knudson proposed that familial cases were 22.4.2 Haploinsufficiency
born with one mutated allele of the gene (accounting for the
first hit) and they only needed to acquire a second mutation Knudson’s two-hit model emphasizes a second hit in a tumor
(second hit) to develop the cancer. In contrast, three non- suppressor gene is the requirement for the development of
mutually exclusive requirements needed to be met in spo- cancer. If true, this hypothesis predicts that the presence of
radic cases: (1) de novo occurrence of two mutations, (2) one mutation (the first hit) is benign (without effect) at the
occurence of both mutations in the same cell, and (3) cellular level. In fact soon after Knudson proposed the two-
occurence of the mutations in different alleles of the same hit model, mouse models were created to test this prediction
gene. This model accounted for the infrequent nature of spo- [84]. In these experiments one of the two functional alleles
radic retinoblastoma as the co-occurrence of all three require- of the tumor suppressor gene was knocked out leaving the
ments was unlikely given the low rate of spontaneous animal with single functional allele. One such experiment
mutation in a normal cell. performed with a gene called Ptc (also known as Ptch1) con-
Mechanistically, the second hit described by Knudson firmed this prediction [85]. However, for some mouse mod-
could be accounted for via alternative molecular events. One els the results suggested that the first hit was not completely
possibility is that an inactivating point mutation (e.g., nucle- benign and a single mutation increased the chance for the
otide substitution or frameshift) occurs in the remaining organism to develop a tumor [26]. One such model was for
wild-type allele. A second possibility is that the wild-type the TP53 gene which is estimated to be mutated in half of all
22 Hereditary Cancer 345

human cancers. In these experiments, half of the mice carry- 22.4.3 Tumor Suppressor Functional
ing the heterozygous null mutation of Tp53 developed can- Classification
cer after 550 days which was in sharp contrast to the 20 %
frequency of tumor development in the wild-type mice with Motivated by two papers describing the molecular mecha-
two functional copies of Tp53 [86]. Interestingly, when the nism of BRCA1 and BRCA2 function, Kinzler and Vogelstein
Tp53 gene was sequenced in tumors from the heterozygous- used the terms Gatekeepers and Caretakers to describe the
null mice, no second hit was detected in the majority of the cellular functions of tumor suppressor genes. Gatekeepers
cases. Additionally, all tumors expressed the wild-type p53 were defined as genes that directly regulated the growth of
protein (assessed by western blot) and were capable of carry- tumors by inhibiting growth or promoting death. In contrast,
ing out normal p53 function in biochemical assays. These the term caretakers was used to describe genes directly
observations provided evidence that the first hit was not a involved in maintaining the stability and integrity of the
completely benign event and put the organism at increased genome [22]. Mutations in gatekeeper genes provide unregu-
risk of developing tumor. These experiments also showed lated proliferation opportunities leading to selective expan-
that tumor development in the Tp53 heterozygous-null mice sion of cells carrying mutations. In probabilistic terms, the
was delayed compared to the homozygous-null mice. Similar clonal expansion of mutated cells provides a higher likeli-
results in regard to the frequency of tumor and the age of hood for subsequent mutations to accumulate, furthering the
onset were obtained when yet another tumor suppressor gene neoplastic transformation and cancer progression. In con-
(CDKN1B also known as p27) was tested in similar fashion trast, mutations in caretakers result in unrecognized DNA
[87]. In these studies it was shown that mice heterozygous damage and errors in DNA replication leading to accumula-
for an inactivating mutation in CDKN1B developed cancer tion of mutations within the cell. As such, cells with muta-
more frequently than wild-type mice and less frequently than tions in a caretaker gene will have a higher mutation rate,
homozygous mutant mice. In addition these mice were more increasing the likelihood of malignant transformation.
sensitive to tumor formation when irradiated with X-rays Neoplasia is a multistep process that begins by a single driver
compared to wild-type mice. These and similar observations mutation that allows clonal expansion of a mutated cell. This
with other tumor suppressor genes [26] led to the concept of is followed by subsequent mutations, resulting in further
haploinsufficiency in tumor suppressor genes. This term, rounds of clonal expansion and cell transformation.
which was originally coined by Curt Stern while studying
gene dosage effects in Drosophila [88], was used to explain
the lack of a wild-type phenotype in an organism carrying 22.4.4 Genotype:Phenotype Correlations:
only one functional (wild-type) allele of a gene. Accordingly, Tumor Suppressor Gene Example: PTEN
a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene is a gene that
alters the wild-type phenotype of the organism when it is PTEN (phosphatase and tensing homolog) is a tumor sup-
present in a hemizygous state. The intermediate phenotype pressor gene which encodes a dual-specificity phosphatase
of heterozygous Tp53 null animals suggests there is a gradi- that can dephosphorylate both protein and phospholipid sub-
ent dependency on gene function. This contrasts with the strates. The tumor-suppressor function of Pten is primarily
more traditional and simplistic threshold model that predicts mediated through its lipid phosphatase activity, with its main
the presence or absence of a phenotype above or below a phospholipid substrate being phosphatidylinositol triphos-
certain threshold for either gene expression or gene activity/ phate (PIP3) [92].
function [89]. This new paradigm has been demonstrated for By regulating intracellular levels of PIP3, Pten is able to
the PTEN gene where subtle fluctuation of expression was function as a negative regulator of the oncogenic Akt pathway
shown to dictate the extent of disease progression in prostate [93, 94]. This pathway is closely linked to the new blood ves-
cancer [90] and in breast cancer [91]. In order to both accom- sel development, deregulated cell growth, and resistance to
modate the concept of haploinsufficiency in Knudson’s apoptosis that are seen in cancer. When Pten function is lost
model and to highlight the significance of tumor suppressor or aberrant, a major consequence is increased levels of phos-
dosage sensitivity, Berger and colleagues [89] proposed a phorylated Akt (p-Akt), the activated form of Akt. Thus,
shift to a continuum model for tumor suppression. In this p-Akt levels are an important marker of Pten status in terms
new paradigm, tumor suppressor genes exhibit various of its lipid phosphatase function. The protein phosphatase
degrees of sensitivity to dosage change. Some genes, such as activity of Pten is not as well understood. However, it does
PTEN or TP53 are more sensitive to subtle changes in activ- appear to mediate arrest of the cell cycle in G1 phase and
ity or expression and others, such as RB1, are less prone to control spreading and migration of cells through the mitogen
this dosage sensitivity. Accordingly, the latter group is more activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway [95], cyclin D1
likely to conform to the classical two-hit model. [96], and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) [97]. Recent studies
346 Z. Gatalica et al.

have demonstrated that the sublocalization or partitioning of The phenotypic spectrum of germ-line PTEN mutations
Pten between the cytoplasm and the nucleus has a role in the has provided substantial evidence that all patients with PTEN
regulation of the Akt and MAPK pathways [98, 99]. Abnormal mutations should be routinely monitored annually as recom-
Pten localization, as a result of PTEN gene mutations, is spec- mended by the NCCN (The National Comprehensive Cancer
ulated to be a mechanism linked to cancer predisposition. Network;
The clinical spectrum of disorders that are known to be
associated with germ-line PTEN mutations (known
collectively as the PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome or 22.5 Genomic Stability and Repair Genes
PHTS) encompasses Cowden syndrome (CS), Bannayan- (Caretaker Genes)
Riley-Ruvalcaba (BRR) syndrome, Proteus-like syndrome,
autism spectrum disorder with macrocephaly, and macro- In contrast to gatekeeper tumor suppressor genes, caretaker
cephaly and VATER (vertebral, anal, tracheal, esophageal, genes do not directly regulate proliferation, but act to prevent
and radial/renal anomalies) association [100, 101]. To date, genomic instability. Thus, mutation of caretaker genes allows
the majority of studies on PTEN mutations and clinical phe- for mutations in other genes, leading to accelerated conver-
notypes have focused on defining predictive parameters for sion of a normal cell to a neoplastic cell. Many caretaker
patients presenting signs of Cowden syndrome [102]. genes are required for the maintenance of genome integrity.
Clinical manifestations of CS include hamartomatous tumors Caretaker genes that play a role, directly or indirectly, in the
in multiple organs, notably multifocal and bilateral benign repair of DNA double-strand breaks through homologous
breast lesions, thyroid lesions, and hamartomatous polyps of recombination are associated with cancer-predisposition
the stomach and colon. syndromes that include hereditary breast and ovarian cancer,
Cancer-specific phenotypes associated with PHTS have Fanconi anemia, and ataxia telangiectasia [108].
become a very significant area of clinical interest, noting that Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is of particular impor-
the lifetime risk of breast cancer in females has been reported tance for correction of UV-light induced DNA damage (cross
to be as high as 50 %, compared to 11 % for the general popu- linking of pyrimidine residues). Germ-line mutations in any
lation [103, 104]. In addition, the gene expression profile of of several NER genes give rise to xeroderma pigmentosum
the PHTS breast cancers shows considerable overlap with a (XP). XP is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by
characteristic breast cancer subgroup known as molecular severe actinic changes leading to early onset of skin cancers,
apocrine breast carcinoma (Fig. 22.6) [105]. It is now also various ocular manifestations, and occasional neurological
apparent that endometrial cancer and thyroid carcinomas are abnormalities [109].
frequent [106, 107]. Other cancer types that might occur at DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is another important
a higher frequency include renal cell carcinoma, colorectal genome maintenance system. MMR ensures genomic stabil-
cancers, and melanoma. ity by correcting mismatches generated during DNA replica-
tion and recombination and by triggering apoptosis of cells
with large amounts of DNA damage [110, 111].

22.5.1 Genotype-Phenotype Correlations:

Lynch Syndrome

Lynch syndrome (OMIM No. 120435–6) is a hereditary can-

cer syndrome with relatively high incidence (approximately
2–5 % of all newly diagnosed colorectal carcinomas, CRC)
caused by a mutation in one of the DNA mismatch repair
(MMR) genes. It is a subgroup of hereditary non-polyposis
colorectal cancer (HNPCC) which also includes familial
colorectal cancer type-X (FCCTX) and familial serrated neo-
plasia associated with the colorectal cancer somatic BRAF
mutation [112]. The molecular genetic conditio sine qua non
for Lynch syndrome diagnosis is a germ-line mutation in one
Fig. 22.6 Apocrine breast carcinoma lacking Pten. This section of an of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes [111, 113]. The
apocrine breast carcinoma is stained with antibodies against Pten
(Immunohistochemistry). Normal expression of the protein (brown)
major MMR genes that harbor causal mutations are MSH2,
can be seen in the nonneoplastic endothelium and loss of Pten expres- MLH1, MSH6, and PMS2. Lynch syndrome is characterized
sion in the neoplastic glands (center). by early age at onset of CRC, excess of synchronous and
22 Hereditary Cancer 347

Table 22.2 Cardinal features of Lynch syndrome phenotype. While more evidence will be required to substan-
Mode of inheritance Autosomal dominant tiate differences in phenotype, current data suggest that
Average age for the onset 45 (vs. 63 in the general population) MLH1 mutations have a higher frequency of CRC than do
of colorectal carcinoma MSH2 mutations, which have more extracolonic cancers and
(CRC) Muir–Torre features (variant of Lynch syndrome with seba-
Progression time from Approximately 3 years (vs. 8–10 for
ceous tumors). Deletions of the last exon of the gene imme-
adenoma to carcinoma sporadic adenoma–carcinoma
sequence) diately upstream of MSH2, EPCAM (also known as
Location of CRC 70–85 % proximal to splenic flexure TACSTD1), lead to epigenetic silencing of MSH2 and a
Risk of additional 25–30 % develop second primary Lynch syndrome-like phenotype [118]. MSH6 mutations,
colorectal carcinoma CRC within 10 years since subtotal when compared with those of MLH1 and MSH2, show a
colectomy lower frequency of CRC but an excess of endometrial cancer.
Extracolonic malignancies Endometrium (40–60 % for female The phenotypic consequences of PMS2 mutations are highly
mutation carriers)
Ovary (12–15 % lifetime risk for variable. Notably, individuals who inherit mutations in both
carriers) alleles of the same MMR gene present with constitutional
Stomach, small bowel, hepatobiliary mismatch repair deficiency syndrome, characterized by
tract, pancreas, upper urinary tract childhood onset of cancers (e.g., glioblastoma, gastrointesti-
(renal pelvis and ureter)
Brain (Turcot syndrome) nal malignancies, hematologic malignancies) and café-au-
Skin neoplasms (Muir–Torre lait spots.
syndrome: sebaceous adenomas, Mutations causing functional deficiency in mismatch
carcinoma, and multiple repair proteins frequently result in microsatellite instability
(MSI). Microsatellites are genomic regions in which a short
Pathomorphologic features Poorly differentiated CRC with
excess of mucinous and signet ring DNA segment or a single nucleotide is repeated. There are
type of carcinomas; excess of tumor hundreds of thousands of microsatellites in the human
infiltrating lymphocytes genome. During DNA replication, mutations occur in some
Survival Increased in comparison to sporadic microsatellites owing to frequent misalignment of their
repetitive subunits and result in contraction or elongation
Confirmation of diagnosis Identification of germ-line mutation
in one of the mismatch repair genes (instability) of the repeats. These abnormalities are usually
repaired by the MMR proteins. However, repair is inefficient
in tumors with a deficiency of these proteins. Typically, in
metachronous CRCs, a predilection to the proximal colon, cancer cells, half or more of all microsatellites have muta-
accelerated carcinogenesis, and an excess risk for extraco- tions (contraction or elongation), so MSI testing serves as an
lonic cancers (including endometrium and, to a lesser extent, excellent marker of MMR deficiency. Although most micro-
ovary, stomach, hepatobiliary tract, small bowel, pancreas, satellites occur in noncoding DNA where contractions or
brain, transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter and renal pel- elongations have little or no effect on protein function, there
vis, and sebaceous tumors in the Muir–Torre variant of the are genes that have repeat tracts in their coding regions where
Lynch syndrome) (Table 22.2). No significant increase in alterations can impact gene function (e.g., TGFβRII, IGFIIR,
breast, lung, or prostate cancer has been reported indicating MSH3, MSH6, BAX, E2F4, and BLM) [119]. MMR defi-
that MMR mutations do not put every organ/cell type at an ciency also results in increased numbers of nucleotide substi-
increased risk for cancer [114, 115]. Penetrance by the age of tution mutations.
70 for colorectal carcinoma in men varies from 22 to 100 %, A high level of microsatellite instability (MSI-H) is
based on the study population and the affected MMR gene. observed in about 15 % of sporadic colorectal carcinomas
Similarly, penetrance for endometrial cancer in women var- where it is associated with hypermethylation of the pro-
ies from 16 to 71 % [116]. The best-known recurrent muta- moter region of MLH1. MSI-H underlies a distinctive
tion causing Lynch syndrome is an A → T transversion in the tumorigenic pathway because cancers with MSI-H exhibit
donor splice site of intron 5 of MSH2 (c.942 + 3A > T). This many differences in genotype and phenotype relative to can-
mutation apparently arises repeatedly because the region is cers without MSI-H, irrespective of their hereditary or spo-
vulnerable to slippage during the DNA replication process. radic origins. Genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic
The mutated nucleotide is the first in a tract of 26 adenines. It differences exist between cancers with and without MSI-
occurs worldwide and may account for as much as 5–10 % of H. The BRAF V600E mutation is associated with sporadic
all Lynch syndrome cases. In contrast, a genomic deletion of MSI-H colorectal cancers harboring MLH1 methylation
exon 16 of MLH1 accounts for >50 % of all Lynch syndrome (CpG island methylator phenotype) but not Lynch syn-
in Finns [117]. Molecular genetic heterogeneity must be con- drome-related colorectal cancers. The differences in geno-
sidered when assessing the Lynch syndrome cancer type and phenotype between cancers with and without
348 Z. Gatalica et al.

Fig. 22.7 Lynch syndrome, microsatellite instability-high colorectal match repair protein in malignant cells of colon carcinoma contrast to
adenocarcinoma. (a) Colorectal carcinomas in Lynch syndrome are the preserved expression (brown staining nuclei) of MSH2 in mature
characteristically high grade with medullary morphology (high grade lymphocytes (immunohistochemical stain). (d) Microsatellite instabil-
carcinoma with malignant cells showing vesicular nuclei, prominent ity: DNA isolated from both normal tissue (bottom) and colon cancer
nucleoli, and abundant pink cytoplasm on H&E stain) with prominent tissue (top half) from two patients (left and right). The patient on the left
intratumoral lymphocytes (small cells with darkly staining nuclei). (b) shows changes in the amplification pattern as a consequence of a defect
Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes are CD3 positive T-cells (brown color, in the mismatch repair. The patient on the right shows no change in
immunohistochemical stain). (c) Loss of expression of MSH2 mis- amplification pattern supporting the absence mismatch repair defect.

MSI-H are likely to be causally linked to their differences in at the periphery of infiltrating colorectal carcinomas), and
biological and clinical features. Therefore, the diagnosis of particularly the presence of infiltrating lymphocytes within
MSI-H in cancers is considered to be of increasing rele- the tumor show strong predictive association with MSI-H
vance. MSI-H is also a useful screening marker for identify- CRC [122].
ing patients with Lynch syndrome, which could affect the
efficacy of chemotherapy and allow identification of at-risk
unaffected family members [120, 121]. 22.6 Mitochondrial Tumor Suppressor
Pathological features of colorectal cancers in Lynch Genes
syndrome are shared with MSI-H sporadic CRC and charac-
teristically consist of poor differentiation (medullary carci- Although mitochondrial dysfunction is a common acquired
noma), mucinous, and signet-ring cell features (Fig. 22.7). feature of various cancers, germ-line heterozygous muta-
Strong lymphoid reaction in the form of a Crohn’s-like reac- tions in the autosomally encoded mitochondrial enzymes
tion (lymphoid nodules, including germinal centers, located have only been described recently [123, 124]. There are mul-
22 Hereditary Cancer 349

tiple familial paraganglioma syndromes associated with important in cell function under various oxygen tension
germ-line mutations in genes encoding the four subunits of conditions. Under normal oxygenation HIF1α is hydroxyl-
succinate dehydrogenase (SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD) ated and slated for degradation via the VHL-dependent ubiq-
or mitochondrial complex II. Recent discoveries show that uitination pathway. However, under hypoxic or
these genes are also implicated in the sporadic forms of the pseudohypoxic conditions (increased cytosolic succinate
disease. A syndrome of multiple cutaneous and uterine leio- and/or fumarate) prolyl hydroxylase enzymes (PHD) are
myomata (MCUL) is associated with germ-line mutations in inhibited and HIF1α escapes degradation. Stable HIF1α then
fumarate hydratase (FH). If there is also a component of translocates to the nucleus where it can heterodimerize with
renal carcinoma then the syndrome is called hereditary leio- HIFβ to form an active HIF transcription factor leading to
myomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC). expression of genes that can enhance survival in hypoxic
Paragangliomas are tumors of neuroendocrine cells that conditions or reduce apoptosis (cell death) [125, 126].
arise in the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous sys-
tems. Sympathetic paragangliomas arise from the adrenal
medulla (where they are called pheochromocytomas) or 22.7 Genetic Polymorphisms
from the paravertebral sympathetic chain from neck to abdo- and Susceptibility to Cancer
men, and they commonly secrete catecholamines.
Parasympathetic paragangliomas arise from cell nests (para- Population data indicate that there are significant differences
ganglia) adjacent to blood vessels. Symptoms associated in individual susceptibility to cancer among humans.
with these tumors are related to their sizes and locations. Inherited deficiencies in host defense mechanisms against
Morbidity and mortality is due to the local and regional DNA damage can modify cancer susceptibility as well as
spread to adjacent nervous and vascular structures, major therapy response. It is believed that these differences arise
cardiovascular complications associated with secretion of from inherited genetic predispositions which in turn may be
catecholamines and the risk of recurrences and metastases. related to the genetic polymorphism (primarily single
Hereditary paragangliomas are more often multifocal, recur- nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs) of several enzymes
rent, sometimes malignant, have an earlier age of occurrence involved in DNA repair, detoxification, and xenobiotic
than sporadic cases. Since early detection of paragangliomas metabolism.
reduces the incidence of morbidity and mortality, genotypic Functional polymorphism in the MDM2 gene has been
analysis in the search of SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD (and extensively studied in association with cancer risks in vari-
rarely SDHA) mutations in families of affected patients plays ous populations [127]. The Mdm2 protein is an important
a front-line diagnostic role, leading to more efficient patient part of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway. This pathway is
management. Additional genes (e.g., SDHAF2, MAX, activated upon cellular stress, such as DNA damage, and it
TMEM127) are also associated with hereditary paragangli- elicits cell cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis, crucial for
oma and/or pheochromocytoma syndromes. prevention of the propagation of DNA damage that could
Leiomyomas are tumors of the smooth muscle cells aris- lead to tumor formation. Inactivation of p53 (through
ing almost in any organ. In HLRCC both skin and uterine acquired mutation) is the most common genetic event in can-
leiomyomas are present. Risk of developing renal carcinoma cer seen in at least 50 % of all cancers. Mdm2 protein plays a
is estimated at 2–6 %. Renal cell carcinoma is often of papil- crucial role in the p53 pathway where it is the primary E3
lary type II phenotype. Both sexes can be affected by often ubiquitin ligase for the p53 protein targeting it for protea-
painful, clustered skin leiomyomas, and women affected some degradation. Hence, Mdm2 provides negative regula-
with MCUL present with symptomatic uterine leiomyomas tion of the most important cellular tumor suppressor. It is
(fibroids) requiring hysterectomy for the control of known that a subset of human tumors show overexpression
symptoms. of Mdm2 and in experimental models even a modest change
in Mdm2 cellular levels can affect cancer formation through
the weakening of the p53 pathway.
22.6.1 Mechanisms Linking Loss of SDH The G-allele of the single nucleotide polymorphism
and FH to Development of Cancer (SNP309, T/G) in the promoter of MDM2 increases the bind-
ing affinity of the transcriptional activator Sp1 which results
SDHs and FH are housekeeping genes coding for enzymes in in increased cellular concentration of MDM2 mRNA and
Krebs cycle. Functional losses of SDH and FH lead to a protein. Individuals with G/G genotype have up to 2.5-fold
pseudohypoxic state in which succinate and fumarate accu- higher Mdm2 levels than individuals with T/T genotype.
mulate and leak from mitochondria into the cytoplasm where Additionally, carriers of a germ-line mutation in the TP53
they inhibit prolyl hydroxylation of hypoxia inducible factor gene (Li–Fraumeni syndrome) who also possess the G-allele
(HIF1α). HIF1α plays a crucial role in regulation of genes of SNP309 (either heterozygous or homozygous state)
350 Z. Gatalica et al.

develop cancer on average 9 years earlier than those with T/T the management of this common clinical problem.
genotype and also more commonly develop multiple tumors Individuals with inherited cancer syndromes are at signifi-
in their lifetime. Similar trends are seen in cancer patients cant risk of developing both benign and malignant tumors
without known germ line mutation in TP53 (sporadic cancer as a result of a germ-line mutation in a specific tumor sup-
cases) [128–130]. pressor gene or proto-oncogene. We are now able to accu-
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using high- rately screen and counsel individuals at risk for rare
density SNP genotyping arrays identified common genetic inherited cancer syndromes. Some neoplasia risk can be
variations contributing to many normal and pathologic traits. reduced by various preventive surgery measures, e.g., pro-
The vast majority of GWAS identified SNPs lie in intergenic phylactic bilateral mastectomy and/or bilateral salpingo-
or intronic regions, and therefore, are likely to influence gene oophorectomy in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers.
regulation, while only a small fraction of variants affect pro- Finally, our advancing knowledge has led to significant
tein coding regions. There are approximately 4.5 million inroads into understanding what genetic alterations define
SNPs in the human genome, which are at the core of inher- prognosis and predict response to specific chemotherapeu-
ited genetic variation in humans. However, at this moment tic agents, and we are beginning to explore the utility of this
no more than weak associations have been found between knowledge in mass genetic-based clinical screening efforts.
them and various cancers. These data suggest that the modu- Enthusiasm must be tempered, however, by the extraordi-
lation of cancer risk depends not only on a single gene/SNP, nary cost that often accompanies relatively modest gains.
but also on a joint effect of multiple polymorphisms (or hap- Finally, although genetic-based therapy often receives the
lotypes) within different genes or pathways, in close interac- greatest attention, molecular genetics, will likely have the
tion with environmental factors. Virtually all responses to greatest cost-effective impact in primary prevention and
environmental carcinogenesis reflect the contributions of early diagnosis.
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Retinoblastoma: Clinical and Molecular
Perspectives 23
J. William Harbour

disease, the eye cancer is unilateral and typically diagnosed

23.1 Introduction between 1 and 2 years of age, although it can be diagnosed
in older individuals. There is no increased risk of other can-
Retinoblastoma is the most common childhood eye cancer, cers, and if the primary cancer is treated effectively, these
affecting approximately 1 in 250,000 children in the USA patients have a normal life expectancy [5].
[1], and it is one of the clinical success stories in pediatric Patients with the heritable disease are usually diagnosed
oncology. A century ago, retinoblastoma was uniformly at an earlier age, typically within the first year of life. About
fatal, but today the survival rates are greater than 95 % in 85 % of these patients will have multiple, bilateral eye
developed countries. This dramatic improvement in clinical tumors, and about 10 % will develop a midline intracranial
outcomes is the result of advances in diagnostic techniques tumor similar in embryonic origin and histologic appearance
and treatment modalities [2, 3]. In addition, retinoblastoma to retinoblastoma [6, 7]. Patients with heritable retinoblas-
has had a far-reaching impact that on cancer research that far toma are also at risk of many other types of second primary
exceeds its clinical prevalence. The retinoblastoma (RB) cancers throughout life. The risk of all of second primary
gene encodes a protein that is central to cell cycle regulation cancer is particularly elevated if the patient has received
and is the namesake of a tumor suppressor pathway that is radiation therapy [8–10].
disrupted in virtually all human cancers. The inheritance pattern of retinoblastoma was instrumental
in the discovery of the RB tumor suppressor gene [11]. From
a clinical standpoint, retinoblastoma is inherited in an autoso-
23.2 Clinical Perspectives mal dominant fashion, and for many years it was assumed that
the gene causing retinoblastoma would operate in a dominant
23.2.1 Epidemiology and Clinical Genetics fashion [12]. In 1971, Alfred Knudson proposed the landmark
two-hit hypothesis suggesting that the RB gene is, in fact,
Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignancy recessive at the molecular level [13]. The hypothesis sug-
in the pediatric population. There are no significant gender gested that a germ line mutation was present in most or all
or race predilections. No specific environmental risk factors cells of the body in heritable cases, and that a second somatic
have been identified. Retinoblastoma accounts for approxi- mutation was rate-limiting in cancer formation. In the nonher-
mately 3 % of all registered cancers in children [4]. itable cases, both mutations occurred as somatic events,
About 93 % of new cases of retinoblastoma are sporadic thereby explaining why the disease was always unilateral and
with no family history. Among sporadic cases, about 60 % did not predispose to second primary cancers.
will have the nonheritable form and 40 % will have the heri-
table form of retinoblastoma. In patients with nonheritable
23.2.2 Clinical Features

Since most patients are young children at initial diagnosis, it

J.W. Harbour, M.D. (*) is rare for them to complain of ocular symptoms. The most
Ocular Oncology Service, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute common presenting signs are leukocoria (white pupil reflex)
and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, and strabismus (misaligned eyes). Family history is impor-
University of MIami Miller School of Medicine,
900 NW 17th Street, Miami, FL 33136, USA tant, but is usually negative. On clinical examination, retino-
e-mail: blastoma typically involves the posterior segment of the eye

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 355

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_23
356 J.W. Harbour

Fig. 23.1 Clinical appearance of retinoblastoma. A large retinoblastoma before (left) and after (right) chemotherapy. Note the marked reduction
in tumor size after chemotherapy. This view was obtained with a fundus camera that simulates the view with indirect ophthalmoscopy.

and is best visualized with indirect ophthalmoscopy Tumor cells vary in the degree of differentiation, with
(Fig. 23.1). Retinoblastomas usually appear grey to white in Homer-Wright rosettes, Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes, and
color and may grow beneath the retina (exophytic pattern) or fleurettes representing attempts at photoreceptor differentia-
into the vitreous cavity (endophytic pattern). Accompanying tion. However, unlike most cancers the degree of differentia-
findings can include retinal detachment, vitreous seeding, tion in retinoblastoma has no prognostic significance.
iris neovascularization, glaucoma, and invasion of the cho- Histopathologic features with indisputable prognostic sig-
roidal, optic nerve, and anterior segment. Ultrasonography nificance include optic nerve and choroidal invasion [19].
and computed tomography are useful in confirming intratu-
moral calcifications, which are almost pathognomonic for
retinoblastoma in children under 5 years old. 23.2.4 Second Primary Tumors
The differential diagnosis of retinoblastoma includes per-
sistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, Coats’ disease (congeni- Patients with heritable retinoblastoma have a systemic predis-
tal retinal telangiectasis), ocular toxocariasis, endophthalmitis, position to cancer resulting from the germ line RB gene muta-
retinopathy of prematurity and other conditions that can result tion present in most or all cells in the body. Multiple types of
in the appearance of a white pupil reflex. second primary cancers can be seen, including osteosarcomas,
The benign variant of retinoblastoma is referred to as reti- soft tissue sarcomas, melanomas, and epithelial cancers [8,
noma or retinocytoma [14, 15]. These benign retinal tumors 20]. The incidence of second primary tumors is roughly 25 %
can be distinguished from retinoblastoma clinically by fea- at 40 years after diagnosis of retinoblastoma [9]. If a patient
tures such as calcification and surrounding chorioretinal receives radiation therapy, the risk of second malignancies
atrophy, and histopathologically by the presence of well- increases significantly [21]. The finding of biallelic RB gene
differentiated retinal-like cells forming fleurettes and mutations in osteosarcomas and other second primary cancers
rosettes. The molecular pathogenesis of these lesions remains lends support to the idea that the two-hit hypothesis of tumori-
uncertain, but they can be found in the parents of children genesis also applies to these tumors [22].
with sporadic heritable retinoblastoma and in patients with
low-penetrance forms of retinoblastoma.
23.2.5 Treatment and Prognosis

23.2.3 Histopathology Over the past century there have been steady advances in the
treatment of retinoblastoma [2]. Enucleation (eye removal)
The cell of origin for retinoblastoma remains unclear but is remains an important treatment option in certain cases (e.g., uni-
most likely a retinal progenitor cell that has the capacity to lateral cases, very large tumors and invasion of the optic nerve
differentiate along the lineage of photoreceptors and Mueller or anterior segment). External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) was a
cells [16–18]. Retinoblastomas are composed of small round mainstay of treatment for many years. However, the increased
cells with large nuclei and minimal cytoplasm (Fig. 23.2). risk of second primary tumors and facial bone deformities
23 Retinoblastoma: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives 357

Knudson proposed his two-hit hypothesis that proposed that

retinoblastoma results from the mutational inactivation of both
alleles of a putative recessive oncogene [13]. The retinoblas-
toma locus was mapped to chromosome 13q through its link-
age to esterase D, an enzyme that had previously been mapped
to this region and which could be assayed for its enzymatic
activity [26]. Esterase D activity was found to be about half the
normal level in retinoblastoma patients with karyotypically
visible deletions on chromosome 13q [27]. In another study,
esterase D activity was 50 % of normal in healthy tissues of
retinoblastoma patients but was undetectable in tumor tissue
[28], providing further support for Knudson’s hypothesis. The
recessive nature of the retinoblastoma locus was conclusively
demonstrated by loss of heterozygosity in tumor tissue [29], a
technique that subsequently has become a standard for study-
Fig. 23.2 Histopathologic appearance of retinoblastoma. Hematoxylin ing tumor suppressor genes. Based on the proximity to the
and eosin staining reveals small round blue cells with large nuclei and esterase D gene, several groups independently identified and
scant cytoplasm. This example is poorly differentiated. characterized a nearby gene that proved to be the retinoblas-
toma gene [22, 30, 31]. Reintroduction of this gene into retino-
associated with radiation has tempered enthusiasm for this blastoma cells suppressed the tumor phenotype, providing
treatment, particularly in patients younger than 12 months of functional evidence for its role as a tumor suppressor [32].
age, who are at highest risk for these complications [23].
As an alternative to EBRT, several groups pioneered the
use of chemotherapy in the 1990s [24, 25]. It was known 23.3.2 The RB Gene
from previous work several decades before that retinoblas-
toma responds to chemotherapy but frequently recurs due to The retinoblastoma gene (RB) spans over 200 kilobases of
the emergence of multidrug resistance. Therefore, the new DNA and contains 27 exons [33, 34]. Germ line mutations
approach combined chemotherapy with local consolidative tend to cluster at CpG areas but are also spread throughout
techniques, such as laser and cryotherapy, to ablate the resid- the gene with no mutational hot-spot [35, 36]. Germ line
ual tumor masses after they had first been reduced in size by mutations can include deletions, frameshift and nonsense
chemotherapy [24, 25]. Currently, the most frequently used mutations, splicing mutations, and mutations in introns
agents are carboplatin, vincristine, and etoposide, given in resulting in a truncated protein product [35]. The second hit
6–9 cycles. The survival rate in most developed countries is is usually a nondisjunction or recombination event during
now greater than 95 %, but there are still many deficiencies mitosis, resulting in reduction to hemizygosity of the mutant
that need to be addressed in the management of retinoblas- allele [37]. Most RB mutations result in >90 % penetrance,
toma. The risk of second primary tumors with current che- but some mutations have been associated with low pene-
motherapy regimens remains unclear. Eyes with significant trance retinoblastoma. These low penetrance mutations can
vitreous seeding generally do not do well with chemotherapy be divided into those that cause a reduction in the amount of
and often require radiation to salvage the eye. Intensive normal Rb protein (usually promoter mutations) and those
research efforts continue to identify new therapeutic options. that result in a partially functional Rb protein (usually mis-
sense mutations) [38].

23.3 Molecular Perspectives

23.3.3 The Rb Protein
23.3.1 Molecular Genetics and Background
The retinoblastoma protein (Rb) is composed of 928 amino
Retinoblastoma has played a pivotal role in cancer research acids and has three functional domains: the N-terminus, the
that far outweighs its epidemiologic significance. Despite its central pocket domain, and the C-terminus. The pocket,
rarity, retinoblastoma has provided unique and far-reaching which is formed by the highly conserved A and B boxes, is
insights into the genetics and molecular biology of cancer. The required for binding to E2F, viral oncoproteins and chroma-
autosomal dominant inheritance of retinoblastoma has tin remodeling proteins, and it is required for tumor
attracted the attention of cancer researchers for many years. suppression [39, 40]. Most RB mutations affect the pocket
The pivotal breakthrough occurred in 1971, when Alfred [35]. The C-terminus is also required for efficient binding to
358 J.W. Harbour

Fig. 23.3 The molecular mechanism of action of Rb. (a) When Rb is

hypophosphorylated and active, it binds to E2F transcription factors that
bind to E2F sites in the promoter regions of genes involved in cell cycle
progression and apoptosis. Rb directly inhibits E2Fs by binding and
masking the transactivation domain, and it also recruits chromatin remod-
eling proteins (CRPs) that alter local chromatin structure into a confor-
mation that is not permissive for transcription. (b) When Rb is
hyperphosphorylated, it does not bind efficiently to chromatin remodel-
ing proteins or E2Fs, which allows E2Fs to transactivate cell cycle genes.

Fig. 23.4 The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor pathway. )E2F tran-

scription factors promote cell cycle progression in part by transactivat-
E2Fs, and it has binding sites for the oncoproteins MDM2 ing genes involved in DNA synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle.
Hypophosphorylated, active Rb inhibits cell cycle progression from G1
and c-abl [41–44]. The function of the N-terminus is less
phase into S phase by directly inhibiting E2Fs and by actively repress-
clear, and it does not appear to be required for tumor sup- ing transcription of cell cycle genes. Rb can be inhibited by hyperphos-
pression [45]. phorylation catalyzed by cyclin dependent kinases (CDK). CDKs, in
A major function of Rb is to inhibit the G1–S phase turn, require activation by cyclins, and they can be inhibited by CDK
inhibitors (CDKIs) such as p16. Cancers tend to upregulate cyclins and
transition of the cell cycle [46]. Protein activity is modu-
CDKs and to downregulate CDKIs through genetic mutation or func-
lated during the cell cycle by phosphorylation, which can tional perturbation.
occur on 16 cyclin-dependent kinase Ser/Thr-Pro phos-
phoacceptor sites. Rb phosphorylation varies throughout
the cell cycle, with hypophosphorylated Rb predominat- E2Fs 1–5 also have a transactivation domain by which they
ing in G0 and G1, and hyperphosphorylated Rb in S-phase promote the transcription of specific genes. Rb inhibits tran-
and G2/M [47–49]. Rb usually becomes hypophosphory- scription in part by binding and masking the E2F transactiva-
lated during differentiation and senescence, and it tion domain [58, 59]. In addition, Rb actively represses
becomes hyperphosphorylated in cells reentering the cell promoter and enhancer elements independently of its effect
cycle [50–52]. The Rb protein can also be modulated by on the E2F transactivation domain [60, 61]. This so-called
viral oncoproteins, such as SV40 large T antigen, adeno- active repression is now thought to result from the recruit-
virus E1a protein and herpes virus E7 protein, which bind ment by Rb of chromatin remodeling proteins that reconfig-
and inhibit Rb, thereby stimulating cell cycle progression ure local chromatin into a nonpermissive state for
[53–55] (Fig. 23.4). transcription [62]. These proteins include histone deacety-
A major binding partner of Rb is the E2F family of tran- lases, DNA methyltransferases, and polycomb complexes
scription factors (E2Fs) [56]. Rb does not have a DNA bind- [63–68]. The functional significance of these two indepen-
ing domain but is brought to specific promoters through its dent mechanisms of transcriptional repression by Rb remains
interaction with E2Fs. E2F-responsive genes contain one or controversial (Fig. 23.3). However, it seems clear that active
more E2F binding sites in their promoters, and these genes repression by Rb is required for the full tumor suppressor
play an important role in cell cycle, apoptosis and other cel- activity of Rb, including its inhibition of the G1–S phase
lular functions [57]. In addition to a DNA binding domain, transition [69] (Fig. 23.4).
23 Retinoblastoma: Clinical and Molecular Perspectives 359

In addition to its role as a cell cycle inhibitor, Rb also 23.4 Conclusions

inhibits apoptosis [46]. These seemingly opposing roles of
Rb have not been satisfactorily reconciled. The widely Retinoblastoma continues to provide important new insights
accepted view of Rb as an on-off regulator of the G1–S into cancer biology and treatment. New discoveries will con-
transition that is completely inactivated every cell cycle does tinue to emerge from the study of retinoblastoma and the RB
not explain why cells do not undergo apoptosis with every pathway, and these will likely play an important role in the
attempt at cell division. The most straightforward explana- continued search for better cancer therapies.
tion is that Rb is not completely inactivated every cell cycle
but that the degree of Rb phosphorylation and inactivation
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Kaye FJ. Abnormalities in structure and expression of the 1999;35:97–116.
Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA
Damage Response to Ultraviolet Light 24
James E. Cleaver

atrophy, and calcification in the brain, particularly in the

24.1 Xeroderma Pigmentosum: Clinical basal ganglia, but with no increased risk of cancer [12, 13].
and Genetic Aspects of Disease Symptoms may be present at birth or during childhood and
the average lifespan is 12 years [12, 13]. CS encompasses a
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive wide range of clinical symptoms from the very mild UVs
disease with sun sensitivity and progressive degenerative syndrome that shows virtually no neurological symptoms
changes of sun-exposed portions of the skin and the anterior and only mild skin sensitivity to solar exposure [14–18],
portion of the eyes. Patients develop non-melanoma skin through varying degrees of severity of CS symptoms [12,
cancer and melanoma; about 20 % of patients show addi- 13], to the extremely severe neonatal lethal disorder cranial
tional developmental disorders and progressive neurological oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome (COFS) that has been
degeneration [1, 2]. XP occurs at a frequency of about 1 per associated with CSB and other repair genes [19–21]. CS
million in the USA and Europe, but is considerably more individuals are deficient in a sub-pathway of NER known
common in Japan (1 in 100,000) and North Africa. The fre- as transcription-coupled repair (TCR) [22–24].
quency of heterozygotes in Japan is as high as about 1 % [3]. Trichothiodystrophy (TTD) is a developmental disorder in
The median age of onset of symptoms is between 1 and 2 which patients have sulfur-deficient brittle hair with charac-
years and can include severe sunburn with blistering and per- teristic tiger tail banding when examined in polarized light,
sistent erythema after short sun exposure, and development skin photosensitivity without increased pigmentation or can-
of freckling within a few years of life. The skin symptoms cer, and immune deficiency caused by mutations in compo-
are directly related to the failure of nucleotide excision repair nents of the transcription factor TFIIH that contains NER
(NER) of damage to DNA of the cells of the skin and eyes gene products [2, 25]. Although CS and TTD do not exhibit
caused by solar exposure in the UVB range of the sun’s spec- cancer in humans, the corresponding mouse knockout strains
trum (280–310 nm) [4–6]. Defective DNA repair leads to all show increased skin cancer incidence when exposed to
cancer development with a median age of onset of 8 years, UVB or skin carcinogens [8, 26, 27].
nearly 50 years younger than that in the general population The molecular basis of XP, CS, and TTD is a series of
of the United States [7]. Heterozygotes (parents) are gener- defects in components of the DNA damage response (DDR)
ally without symptoms of solar sensitivity, but in several to UV damage involving the NER system that removes and
mouse knockouts of XP genes heterozygous abnormalities replaces DNA damage in DNA or the low fidelity polymerase
have been observed [8–11]. Pol eta (η) that replicates past DNA damage. Genetic analy-
Several other recessively inherited diseases are associated sis of XP showed that there are 8 different groups: XP-A
with XP and involve related pathways of DNA repair or rare through XP-G, that represent different steps in damage rec-
mutations that present distinctive symptoms. Cockayne syn- ognition and excision and XP-V that corresponds to the
drome (CS) is a wasting disease with progressive neurologi- bypass polymerase Pol eta. Other repair deficient disease
cal deficits including demyelination, ataxia, cerebellar genes include CSA, CSB, and TTDA. Many components of
the NER system, estimated to be about 30 [22], have not
J.E. Cleaver, Ph.D. (*) been identified among human patients either because muta-
Auerback Melanoma Laboratory, Departments of Dermatology tions would be lethal or have not been clinically recognized
and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF Cancer Center,
due to extreme rarity. Mouse knockouts have revealed the
University of California, Room N431, Box 0808, San Francisco,
CA 94143-0808, USA essential nature of some of these genes and can present with
e-mail: symptoms significantly different from the corresponding

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 363

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_24
364 J.E. Cleaver

human patients, either more severe or less. XP-A patients for gens, and viral infections can all impact a common, but com-
example have severe progressive neurodegeneration, but the plex, set of pathways that regulate cellular survival, apoptosis,
mouse knockout is without neurological disorder [28, 29]. and genomic stability: the DNA damage response (DDR)
XP-B and XP-D patients have severe neurodegenerative and cell cycle checkpoints (Fig. 24.1) [32, 33]. The DDR
symptoms, but the mouse knockouts are lethal in very early involves a cascade of damage recognition, repair, and signal
embryo [30]. XP-E and XP-F patients are generally only transduction that coordinates the response of the cell cycle to
mildly affected, but the mouse knockouts have severe disor- DNA damage. The DDR activates checkpoints that delay the
ders [9, 31]. One patient was identified with a severe COFS- cell cycle, provides time for repair, and directs damaged cells
like disorder due to mutations in ERCC1, a cofactor for the into senescent or apoptotic pathways. The DDR is signifi-
XP-F gene [21]. These differences between human and cantly different in primary normal cells (fibroblasts, kerati-
mouse have several explanations, in addition to those associ- nocytes) as compared to immortalized (telomerase-expressing)
ated with broad mouse and human differences. Differences or transformed cells, due to significant changes in p53
arise because mutations may cause different phenotypes expression, kinase activities, and signal transduction.
from complete gene loss, as well as because of the selective Associated with these changes in the DDR, the spontaneous
screen by which only a subset of mutations give rise to viable mutation rate is low in primary cells but increases by orders
patients. of magnitude in transformed, malignant cells [34].
Consequently tumors contain large numbers of mutations
and other genomic changes [35, 36]. The emerging complete
24.2 The DNA Damage Response: picture of the interacting signal transduction pathways
Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressors, remains unclear, but is increasingly recognized as an impor-
Recombination, and Signal tant part of the overall process of carcinogenesis [32, 33].
Transduction The DDR has been most extensively studied as a response
to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), usually caused directly
In recent years there has been a convergence in understand- by X-rays [37]. Common assumptions assert that DNA dou-
ing that many endogenous and exogenous factors, including ble strand breaks activate the kinases ATM and Chk2, and
oncogenes, tumor suppressors, radiation, chemical carcino- replication stress (e.g., hydroxyurea, UV light) activates

Fig. 24.1 Nucleotide excision

repair and the DNA damage
response from radiation and
chemicals, oncogene driven
replication and virus infections.
Adapted with modifications from
ref. [33].
24 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA Damage Response to Ultraviolet Light 365

ATR and Chk1 [37–46]. ATM can also be activated by oxida- Therefore despite extensive H2AX phosphorylation after
tive stress without necessarily involving DSBs [47]. The most forms of DNA damage, γH2Ax is only functionally
Chk1 and Chk2 kinases phosphorylate p53, cause nuclear important for DSBs but is only a biomarker for other forms
translocation of the Cdc25 phosphatases, and increase of damage.
expression of p21. Increased p21 results in G1/S, S, and Damage that persists in S elicits a stronger ATR-
G2/M cell cycle arrest, during which DNA repair can occur. Chk1-p53 response than in G1 [65], and contributes to
Both ATM and ATR kinases are involved in the DSB and recovery of DNA replication [68]. Stalled replication forks
replication stress responses with considerable variation form long (kilobase) stretches of single-stranded DNA [44,
according to the damage and cell type [48]. At least 700 dif- 69–73]. These become coated with RPA that activates ATR
ferent protein substrates have been identified as targets for through ATRIP [44]. The bypass polymerase Pol η is
phosphorylation by these kinases [49]. There will be sub- recruited through reversible ubiquitylation of PCNA [74–
stantial differences in the structure of DNA and chromatin 77]. A small fraction of arrested replication forks degrade to
adjacent to DSBs compared with that resulting from replica- DSBs [78] or are resolved by nonhomologous or homolo-
tion arrest which lead to different signaling cascades and gous recombination [79]. Replication fork breakage may be
checkpoint activation [50–52]. The ATR pathway is essential an active enzymatic process, and by analogy with DNA
for viability, ATR and Chk1 knockout strains are lethal [53]. cross-links could involve either MUS81 or the NER nucle-
ATM and Chk2 mutants are viable even though cells lacking ase XPF/ERCC1 [80]. UV-induced replication arrest results
these kinases display genomic instability and a predisposi- in large increases in γH2AX formation associated with
tion to cancer [54]. The long history of sensitization of cells coordination of the numerous replication and recombination
to UV damage by growth in caffeine [55] now appears to be factors associated with the arrested forks [66, 81, 82], but
explained at least in part by the sensitivity of the ATR-CHK1 the absence of H2AX does not confer any increased UV
pathway to caffeine [56, 57]. sensitivity (Cleaver, unpublished observations). Resolution
A major early signal of DNA damage and repair is the of the arrested replication forks also depends on p53, and
phosphorylation of the minor histone H2AX which occurs cells lacking both p53 and Pol η are extremely sensitive to
within minutes of DSB induction. H2AX is one of several cell killing by UV light [83].
nonallelic isoforms of histone H2A [58]. H2AX is ubiqui- Resolution of arrested forks can result either in complete
tously distributed throughout the genome and has phosphor- restoration of normal DNA replication, or large changes in
ylation sites within the conserved C-terminal region at serine genomic stability leading to mutagenesis or malignant trans-
139 and tyrosine 142 [59, 60]. Induction of DNA DSBs trig- formation (Fig. 24.1).
gers H2AX phosphorylation (γH2AX) over megabases adja-
cent to DNA DSBs [60, 61]. After exposure to ionizing
radiation, H2AX phosphorylation promotes chromatin con- 24.3 Two Branches to Damage Removal
densation, which is detectable by immunofluorescence
microscopy as nuclear γH2AX foci [60]. Initial recruitment The main substrates for NER relevant to XP are the UV pho-
of DNA repair and checkpoint factors, e.g., Mre11, Rad50, toproducts between adjacent pyrimidines: the cyclobutane
Nbs1, Brca1, and 53BP1, to DNA DSBs is not affected in pyrimidine dimers and the [6-4] pyrimidinone dimers [84].
H2AX knockout mice but repair and checkpoint factors sub- These are produced in DNA in skin over the whole UV
sequently fail to form foci, indicating that γH2AX functions wavelength range (UVA–UVB–UVC), although the most
to concentrate repair and checkpoint proteins in the vicinity important wavelengths from solar exposure, from a practical
of DNA lesions [62, 63]. standpoint, are UVB, approximately 280 to 320 nm [85].
The DDR from UV-induced photoproducts is more com- The precise proportions of these photoproducts, and their
plex, and has distinct G1 and S phase responses. NER in G1, pyrimidine constitution (T=T, C=C, T=C, and C=T) vary
for example, excises UV photoproducts before onset of DNA with wavelength, but in general they are the archetype large
replication and thereby eliminates mutagenic lesions com- DNA adduct that is the main class of substrates for NER
pletely [64]. NER is required during this phase for activation [86–89].
of the ATR-Chk1-p53 signal pathway [65]. Cells defective in NER can remove DNA damage before DNA replication
the global branch of NER (XP-A through XP-G), but not the begins (Fig. 24.2), and consequently plays a major role in
TCR branch (CSA, CSB), show reduced ATR-dependent reducing the amount of damage that becomes fixed as muta-
signaling in G1 [65] and less γH2AX formation [66]. H2AX- tions during replication [64, 90], but there is also evidence
knockout mice are cancer-prone and the knockout cells are for a direct role in the UV damage response during the S
sensitive to X-rays and etoposide that make DSBs [67], but phase, especially the ATR/Chk1 pathway [91]. The NER
show little sensitivity to UV light or cisplatin that do not pro- process has two main branches distinguished by the mecha-
duce direct DNA DSBs (Cleaver, unpublished observations). nisms used for initial recognition of DNA damage [92]:
366 J.E. Cleaver

The complete excision process on metabolically inactive

DNA can be carried out in vitro with a minimal set of recom-
binant proteins: RPA, XPA, TFIIH (6 subunit core of XPB,
XPD, p44, p34, p52, p62, and 3 subunit kinase CAK), XPC,
hHR23B, XPG, ERCC1, and XPF [98–101]. Both TCR
[102, 103] and GGR [104–106] are regulated by p53.
The sequence of action of the damage recognition,
unwinding, and excision steps are interwoven rather than
proceeding in a strictly sequential process [107]. The indi-
vidual factors of NER associate independently on UV photo-
products without a necessary preassembly of a repairosome
complex, although many of the components exist as het-
erodimers or within the larger 10-member TFIIH complex
[100, 107–109]. The individual damage-binding proteins
have relatively low affinity for damage as separate factors,
but cooperatively XPA, XPC, and RPA, with cooperation
from TFIIH, form a high specificity complex [110].

24.4 Global Genomic Repair

The initial damage recognition factors uniquely required for

GGR are the XPC and XPE (DDB2) DNA binding proteins
(Figs. 24.2 and 24.3), both of which function as heterodi-
mers: DDB1/DDB2 and XPC/HR23B. Naturally occurring
mutations in XPE (DDB2) have only a small effect on the
levels of NER [111], whereas mutations in XPC cause a
large reduction in NER and increased UV sensitivity. For this
reason, XPC appears to be the major DNA damage recogni-
tion protein and XPE may play a lesser role, but this conclu-
Fig. 24.2 Sequence of action of nucleotide excision repair (global sion may be misleading. Mouse knockouts in Ddb2 [9] and
genomic repair) on untranscribed DNA. Transcription coupled repair virally induced downregulation of DDB1 [112] have a large
employs the arrest of RNA Pol II at DNA photoproducts as the damage
recognition step, bypassing XPE and XPC, and entering the excision influence on the excision process.
process at the TFIIH step. Reproduced from ref. [107] with permission The XPE group includes patients who are mildly to mod-
from Elsevier. erately affected and whose cells carry out near normal levels
of NER [113]. The XPE gene product is the smaller partner
of a dimeric protein with subunits of 127 kDa (DDB1) and
transcription coupled repair (TCR) by which actively tran- 48 kDa (DDB2) [104, 113–118]. Mutations that are diagnos-
scribed genes are repaired more rapidly than the rest of the tic for XPE are located in the DDB2 subunit (see http://www.
genome [93–97], and global genomic repair (GGR), by for a summary of XP and CS mutations).
which non-transcribed regions of the genome are repaired DDB2 and p53 regulate each others’ expression [119, 120],
[6]. Damage in transcribed genes is recognized through the with the consequence that XPE cells and those from mouse
arrest of RNA Pol II that is relieved through the action of two knockouts are resistant to p53-dependent UV induced apop-
proteins, CSA and CSB. Damage in the non-transcribed or tosis [9].
global regions of the genome is recognized by the binding of The DDB1/2 heterodimer is involved in the recognition of
two heterodimeric XP proteins, XPE (DDB1/DDB2) and damaged DNA and has the capacity to bind to UV-damaged
XPC/HR23B, which may act in concert to bind to damaged DNA with a chemically defined footprint [114, 121–124].
DNA [6]. TCR and GGR converge on a common pathway Binding appears specific for most cyclobutane and [6-4]
through which the damage is verified (XPA/RPA), the DNA photoproducts, except for the T[cis,syn]T photoproduct
is unwound by the XPB and XPD helicase components of which is marginally discriminated from normal undamaged
the transcription factor TFIIH, cleaved by structure-specific DNA [121]. DDB1 (p127) is present in excess over its part-
nucleases (XPG, XPF/ERCC1), and the damage excised and ner, and is predominantly cytoplasmic but translocates to the
replaced. nucleus after UV irradiation [125], a function that requires
24 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA Damage Response to Ultraviolet Light 367

E3: Inactive DDB2 [126], and has a large number of other functions
apparently unrelated to NER.
Cul4A centrin 2
CSN XPC is the major damage binding protein that initiates
DDB2 XPC NER [127]. XPC binds tightly with a cofactor HR23B, one
of the two human homologs of the yeast Rad23 gene prod-
uct, and both are located on chromosome 3p25, a region
deleted frequently in human squamous cell carcinomas
[128]. The XPC/HR23B complex [129, 130] binds to dam-
UV damage
age in non-transcribed DNA, acting to stabilize subsequent
E3: active XPA/RPA binding to the damaged site, with a high affinity
stimulated by DNA binding centrin 2
[92, 127]. XPC is displaced through ubiquitylation by the E3
Roc1 HR23B
Cul4A XPC ligase activity of DDB1/DDB2. XPC has sequence similarity
DDB1 to single strand binding proteins and DNA binding appears
DDB2 to be critically dependent on one tryptophan residue
(Tryp690) [131]. The mechanism appears to involve binding
to the undamaged strand depending on the relaxation of
base-pairing in the damaged region, giving the recognition
process great versatility and independence from the actual
Ub Roc1 chemistry of the damaged site [131].
centrin 2 Residual repair in XP-C cells is confined to small tran-
HR23B scriptionally active islands of the genome, where repair
Ub XPC occurs at normal rates, surrounded by oceans of unrepaired
Ub Ub
Ub Ub transcriptionally silent DNA [132–135]. The XPC/HR23B
Ub complex is associated with CEN2, a protein that stabilizes
XPC and which is also involved in centrosome duplication,
suggesting a direct link between GGR and cell division
centrin 2 [136]. The constitutive level of expression of XPC is con-
HR23B trolled by p53, and expression can be induced by UV and
Ub Ub
ionizing radiation [137, 138].
enhanced DNA binding Several of the UV repair components, including XPC are
Ub reverted by deubiquitylation
Roc1 Ub also involved in repair of base damage or double strand
breaks from ionizing radiation [139–141], which may repre-
sent a minor function of the ability of XPC to bind to small
DDB2 distortions with single strand properties [131].
Ub degraded by the proteasome

24.5 Transcription-Coupled Repair

Fig. 24.3 Model for UV-Induced DDB1/2 dependent ubiquitylation of
XPC. In unirradiated cells, DDB1/2-associated E3 is inactivated by its Pyrimidine dimers are excised more rapidly from actively
interaction with the COP9 signalosome (CSN). Thus, XPC is not ubiq-
uitylated, despite its interaction with DDB1/2. Upon UV irradiation, transcribed genes, especially from the DNA strand used as
UV-DDB translocates onto the damaged chromatin by binding to the template for transcription [93–97]. A detailed base by
lesions, particularly [6-4] photoproducts. Its dissociation from the CSN base analysis of excision in the promoter and early region of
and the neddylation of cullin 4A (indicated by “N”) activate E3. The the PGKI gene, using ligation-mediated PCR, revealed that
binding of UV-DDB to the lesion further stimulates E3 activity. The
activated DDB1/2-E3 then recruits XPC via protein–protein interac- excision is slow where binding proteins interact with the pro-
tion, and XPC, DDB2, and cullin 4A are ubiquitylated at the lesion site. moter but increases immediately after the ATG start site for
Polyubiquitylated UV-DDB1/2 loses its damaged DNA binding activ- transcription [142]. The initial damage recognition mecha-
ity, whereas the DNA binding of XPC is potentiated by its ubiquity- nism for TCR may be the stalled RNA Pol II, itself, although
lation. This results in the displacement of UV-DDB by XPC on the
lesion. The ubiquitylated DDB2 is degraded by the proteasome. The a potentially large number of gene products play a role in
ubiquitylated form of XPC reverts to the unmodified form through deu- mediating the increased rate of repair in transcriptionally
biquitylation. Reproduced from ref. [285] with permission from active genes [96, 97]. During transcription on a damaged
Elsevier. template the pyrimidine dimer causes mis-incorporation of
368 J.E. Cleaver

uridine into the messenger RNA, which blocks further tran- DNA through its central region covering approximately
scription [143]. exons III to V and a Zn finger in exon III; and TFIIH through
The arrest of RNA Pol II at sites of DNA damage during its N-terminal region [159].
transcription elongation plays a central role for damage rec- The transcription factor TFIIH plays a central role in
ognition in TCR [144]. The blocked RNA Pol II masks dam- unwinding the damaged region and downloading several of
aged sites and must be removed, or backed off, to alleviate the other NER components. TFIIH can interact with all of
the arrested transcription and provide access for repair the components of the core excision complex, individually,
enzymes. Recent evidence suggests that the CSB protein pre- but its strongest binding under physiological conditions is
vents Pol II back-tracking induced by TFIIS, to produce a with XPC and XPG [109]. Mutations in the XPB and XPD
stable stalled complex [143]. This complex provides time for components can also affect the promoter opening function of
the assembly of the NER excision complex and expansion of TFIIH [160, 161]. The phenotypes of mutations in XPD are
the transcription bubble by TFIIH. Excision then removes associated with three different clinical disorders: XP group
the damaged strand, the Pol II enzyme and the nascent D, TTD, or a rare combination of XP and CS. XP-B is simi-
transcript. larly associated with a combined XP and CS disorder.
Cells from patients suffering from the neurodegenerative The XPB protein is required for both repair and basal
and sun-sensitive disease Cockayne syndrome are specifi- transcription, whereas XPD is dispensable for basal tran-
cally defective in TCR [12, 145]. The excision of DNA pho- scription, which may explain why fewer surviving patients
toproducts from total genomic DNA of CS cells is normal, with mutations in XPB are reported than XPD [65]. Most
but repair of transcriptionally active genes is reduced [145], TTD patients exhibiting UV sensitivity fall into the XP-D
and DNA and RNA synthesis fail to recover to normal levels complementation group [30]. Human mutations that are rel-
after UV irradiation [146]. The neurodegenerative symptoms evant to the disease phenotype in the XPB and XPD genes are
of CS could be a direct result of neuronal loss through apop- all mis-sense because loss-of-function mutations are lethal,
tosis of non-dividing cells that experience natural oxidative although the severity can be influenced by gene dosage [30].
damage in the brain. Two CS genes, CSA and CSB, are XPD is an essential protein for transcription and cell viabil-
involved specifically in TCR. CSA contains WD-repeat ity, and no patient can have two null alleles [30]. Several
motifs that are important for protein–protein interactions cases of XP-D and TTD patients have an allele in common,
[147]. CSB contains an ATPase, helicase motifs, and a nucle- suggesting that the second alleles determine the clinical pre-
otide binding domain, but only the latter is essential for TCR sentation, which is supported by studies in S. pombe showing
and CSB does not function as a helicase [148, 149] The CSB the shared alleles behave as null mutations [162] and would
protein is associated in the RNA Pol II elongation complex play no direct role in the disease. The distribution of muta-
with DNA and nascent RNA [150–152] and can actively tions within the XPD protein reveals that essentially all
wrap DNA [153]. The CSA protein is neither part of this XP-D mutations fall within one of the conserved helicase
complex, nor forms a stable complex with CSB [150], but is domains [163]. This pattern indicates that these mutations
still required for TCR during transcription elongation [151, can be expected to reduce the helicase activity of the protein
154]. Cells lacking either CSA or CSB are unable to ubiqui- [160]. In contrast, the TTD mutations usually fall outside of
tinate the CTD of RNA pol II [155]. the helicase domains and show significant clustering at the
C-terminus of the protein. The structure of the Archeal
homolog of XPD has elucidated the functional consequences
24.6 Damage Verification and Unwinding of many mutations by placing them within the structure of
the protein [164, 165]. A mouse strain with a mutation that
After damage recognition through the specific GGR or TCR copies a human TTD mutation in XPD has similar symptoms
proteins, a process of damage verification appears to occur in to those seen in human TTD patients, together with an aging
which the region containing the damage is expanded into a and cancer-prone phenotype [26].
single stranded bubble by the 3′-5′ (XPB) and 5′-3′ (XPD) TTD-specific mutations may subtly interfere with the
helicases contained in the transcription factor TFIIH [109, ability of XPD to interact with its partner proteins within the
156]. The initial DNA binding proteins are replaced by TFIIH complex and thereby destabilize the complex [160,
another damage binding complex, XPA and RPA, that stabi- 166]. Evidence in support of this idea comes from the identi-
lizes the region and has a larger binding affinity [157, 158]. fication of a component of the transcription factor TFIIH
XPA binds to both the damaged and the undamaged strand, corresponding to TTD-A patients that have no mutations in
but RPA binds mainly to the undamaged strand [157]. XPA XPB or XPD but have low levels of TFIIH [167]. This com-
binds to the p34 subunit of RPA through its N-terminal ponent has a small size, only 8 kDa [168, 169] and is mutated
region and to the p70 subunit through a central portion in in three patients with TTD, and appears to be required for
exon IV; to ERCC1 through a small region in exon II; to maintenance of normal levels of TFIIH.
24 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA Damage Response to Ultraviolet Light 369

24.7 Excision Nucleases be important in maintaining neural functions that fail in CS

patients [191, 193, 194].
The final stable complex that binds and remains at the site The XPG gene product interacts with RNA Pol II by
of DNA damage acts as an assembly point for the XPG and interaction with the elongation factor TFIIS, independently
ERCC1/XPF nucleases that cut the damaged strand 3′ and of CSB and facilitates efficient transcription elongation
5′ to the damaged site. The excision process removes a [195], which provides an explanation for the complex symp-
27–29 nucleotide oligonucleotide containing the photo- toms of some XPG patients that show both XP and CS symp-
product by cleavages 5 nucleotides on the 3′ side of the toms. The excised region is replaced by the action of a
photoproduct, and 24 nucleotides on the 5′ side [170]. The complex similar to that involved in normal DNA replication
structure-specific cleavage pattern is determined by bind- [101]. PCNA is loaded onto the DNA by the 5 subunit RFC
ing of RPA to the unwound damaged site, and the excised complex, which then anchors the replicative polymerases Pol
fragment is close in size to the footprint of RPA on the delta or Pol epsilon [196]. The cell cycle regulator p21 is
DNA [171]. Slight variations in the precise sites of cleav- upregulated after damage and slows S phase progression
age result in the removal of variable fragments between 27 through binding to PCNA, but it appears to be specifically
and 29 nucleotides in size. The nucleases also function in degraded during the repair polymerization. The final closure
the repair of DNA-DNA crosslinks [172], recombinational of the repaired site occurs with DNA ligase, most probably
repair [173], chromatid exchange aberrations [174], and ligase I [196].
telomere maintenance [175, 176]. These nucleases a have
sequence similarities to the FEN-1 class of nucleases and
interact with PCNA and hence play a role in DNA replica- 24.8 Nucleotide Excision Repair:
tion [177, 178]. Polymorphisms
The 5′ cleavage occurs first and is carried out by a het- and Heterozygote Risk
erodimer of XPF and ERCC1 that incises DNA on the 5′ side
of the damaged site [108, 123, 179, 180]. The XPF and The disease alleles of the NER genes represented in the
ERCC1 genes may represent an ancient duplication and are human diseases XP, CS, TTD, and COFS represent high pen-
unstable unless in a heterodimer complex [181]. The enzy- etrance mutations that cause disease when homozygous
matic activity resides in the XPF partner of the complex [197]. There are in addition susceptibility alleles that may
[182]. XPA serves as an anchor for the 5′ nuclease through give rise to disease at lower penetrance according to life-
binding to ERCC1 [183]. Patients with mutations in XPF are style, diet, hormonal balance, and exposure to environmental
rare and most cases have been found in Japan with relatively chemicals, radiation, and infectious agents. A large number
mild symptoms [184]. Only one patient has been identified of alleles present at low frequency individually could com-
with mutations in ERCC1, which is associated with extremely bine to create variation in disease frequency in the overall
severe symptoms [21]. In contrast knockout mice for both population. Heterozygosity in XP genes has also been of
the XPF and ERCC1 genes are very severely affected and are concern, especially in parents of affected children.
neonatal lethal [31, 185, 186]. Polymorphisms have been found in most of the XP genes
The XPG nuclease cleaves on the 3′ side of the damage and many disease associations have been claimed [198–202].
and interacts with the XPC-hHR23B complex and TFIIH Many of these polymorphisms result in nonconservative
[109, 187]. The XPG nuclease has a complex range of activi- amino acid changes that could have an impact on NER func-
ties, and mutations in XPG are associated with both XP and tion and disease [203]. The reported associations between
CS diseases [12, 188, 189]. XPG is an endonuclease in the repair gene polymorphisms and disease suffer in many cases
FEN-1 family that is capable of strand-specific cleavage of a from problems of statistical power. A detailed reexamination
range of DNA substrates that may arise during DNA replica- suggests that as yet few of the reported associations are on
tion, repair, and recombination [173]. The enzyme binds to sufficiently large data sets to be firmly established [199].
the single strand/double strand junction at the NER bubble Heterozygosity in NER genes has not been clearly associ-
but remains inactive until unwinding by TFIIH from the ated with significant disease among XP parents, although the
XPF/ERCC1 cleavage causes its activation. The protein not evidence is largely anecdotal. Detection of small increases in
only cleaves the 3′ side of photoproducts during NER [190, skin cancer among XP parents is likely compromised by the
191], but it also resolves recombination intermediates by small numbers of subjects, and low solar dose rate, espe-
strand specific cleavage at double strand-single strand junc- cially if they share their children’s restricted sun exposure. In
tions [173, 192]. XPG is also a cofactor for thymine glyco- contrast several mouse strains with NER genes knocked out
sylase through which it stimulates repair of oxidative DNA have shown increased cancer in the heterozygotes. These
damage (thymine glycols, 8-oxoguanine, etc.) that may also include the XPE (Ddb2) mouse [9], the Xpc mouse [10], and
370 J.E. Cleaver

the Xpv (Pol eta) mouse [11]. These may represent increased this pathway are ubiquitinating enzymes that target PCNA,
ease of detection of an heterozygous UV sensitivity by the which functions as a major control point for the overall pro-
high UVB dose rates used in mouse cancer studies, as well as cess [215]. PCNA is modified by UBC9 that is a small
potential unique properties of the repair genes on mouse ubiquitin-related modifying enzyme (SUMO), and by Rad6
backgrounds as compared to human. and the MMS2-UBC13 heterodimer that are ubiquitin-
conjugating enzymes [215]. Multiple modifications compete
for the same lysine (K164) residue on PCNA and redirect
24.9 Replication of Large DNA Adducts: subsequent pathways through SUMO, monoubiquitination,
Class Y Bypass Polymerases and multiubiquitination [215]. Recruitment of Pol eta is reg-
ulated by reversible ubiquitylation of PCNA by the Rad6/
DNA photoproducts are blocks to the replicative DNA poly- Rad18 ligase and the USP1 deubiquitylating protease [77].
merases, alpha, delta, and epsilon that cannot accommodate The monoubiquitylation favors recruitment of Pol eta,
large distortions such as DNA photoproducts or adducts in whereas Ub(K63) favors error-free bypass or recombination,
their active sites [204, 205]. Replicative bypass of these pho- and sumoylation favors normal DNA synthesis [76]. Delays
toproducts is achieved instead by damage-specific polymer- in replication fork progression leads to autodegradation of
ases with relaxed substrate specificity, now defined as class USP1 and increased PCNA ubiquitylation which recruits Pol
Y polymerases [206, 207]. Class Y polymerases have larger eta [77], as well as Pol iota and Pol kappa [216]. Pol eta is
active sites that allow them to read through noninformative consequently recruited to the replication fork in response to
sequence information resulting from DNA damage [208]. As more general cellular stresses than just its specific role in
a consequence these polymerases have high error rates on the bypass of bulky UV DNA lesions.
order of 1 % when assayed in vitro, and this property must be Pol eta plays a large number of roles in situations where
restricted in vivo to prevent catastrophic levels of mutation replication presents significant obstacles to normal replica-
[209, 210]. tion polymerases as well as during important physiological
Three class Y polymerases have been identified in the processes. Pol eta is important, for example, during immu-
mammalian genome, Pol eta, iota, and kappa. The genes Pol noglobulin hypermutation and contributes to generating the
eta and Pol iota are close homologs, unique to mammalian strand bias of A–T base pair substitution errors [217–225],
cells, and only a single Pol eta (yRad30) gene is found in and in homologous recombination during immunoglobulin
yeast [206]. Pol iota has a poorer capacity for replication of conversion [226]. Pol eta also plays a role in the extension
UV damage and Pol kappa seems completely unable to rep- of invading strands in D-loops during homologous recombi-
licate UV damage. Pol eta has a greater capacity for replicat- nation to prevent replication fork degradation [227],
ing T-containing photoproducts and Pol iota a preference for although in contrast Pol eta deficiency in vivo increases
C-containing photoproducts. Pol eta can therefore insert homologous recombination [79]. Immunoglobulin hyper-
adenines across from thymine-containing photoproducts mutation is also enhanced by other polymerases such as Pol
accurately replicating a T=T pyrimidine dimer. Pol iota can iota [228] and Pol theta [229]. Deficiencies in nucleotide
insert guanines across from cytosine-containing photoprod- pools, such as caused by the inhibitor hydroxyurea, are also
ucts, resulting in accurate replication of a T=C pyrimidine sufficient to recruit Pol eta to replication forks [82]. Pol eta
dimer or [6-4] photoproduct. activity is enhanced by interaction with other components of
Pol eta is regulated by several mechanisms that prevent the damage response that accumulate at replication forks,
extensive replication and restricts its subcellular location. Pol such as the mismatch proteins MSH2-MSH6 [230], although
eta acts distributively, and extends nascent DNA chains by mismatch repair generates a different mutation spectrum
one or two bases across from the photoproducts, after which than Pol eta [223].
replication switches to Pol zeta or kappa [211]. Pol eta is uni- In the absence of the low fidelity polymerases, a complex
formly distributed in the nucleus, and excluded from the rep- set of overlapping intra-S phase checkpoints are activated
lication fork until replication is stalled by UV damage, that prevent gross chromosome rearrangements [81, 231,
whereupon it relocates with other proteins in microscopically 232]. The extended regions of single stranded DNA remain-
visible foci coincident with PCNA at the replication fork [74, ing after the fork progresses without Pol eta increase signal-
212]. Relocation requires specific sequence motifs at the ing by the ATRIP-ATR kinase pathway and enhance S phase
C-terminal end of the protein for translocation and for bind- arrest [44]. Blocked replication forks are further stabilized in
ing to ubiquitylated PCNA [212, 213]. UV damaged cells by p53, and its inactivation by viral trans-
The error-free DNA damage replication pathway involv- formation allows fork breakage and DNA rearrangements to
ing Pol eta and other polymerases is part of an overall DNA occur [74, 81, 83, 231, 233]. The actual frequency of fork
replication pathway for UV damage defined in yeast as the breakage is low [78] and most arrested forks are resolved
RAD 6 epistasis group [214]. Several of the components of without breaks [68]. Central players in these rearrangements
24 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA Damage Response to Ultraviolet Light 371

are the protein complex hMre11/hRad50/Nbs1 and Rad51 minimal neurodegenerative symptoms [14], and in quite
that are involved in nonhomologous and homologous recom- severe patients [255, 256]. The presence of the PiggyBac
bination, DNA replication arrest, and telomere maintenance transposon in intron 5 is flanked by CSB mutations and its
[81, 231, 232, 234]. contribution to the symptoms remains to be established
[255, 257].
Mouse knockouts of XP and CS genes generally present a
24.10 Systemic Impacts of Nucleotide weaker neurological phenotype than the corresponding
Excision Repair human disorder but greater cancer predisposition [8, 258,
259]. Xpa−/− mice, for example, have no neurological defi-
24.10.1 Disorders of the Central Nervous cit, and only a slight reduction in lifespan [28, 29], in com-
System parison to human XP-A patients who are usually severely
affected. Cs-a and Cs-b mice, unlike the corresponding
Patients with mutations in the NER genes associated with human CS disorder, are predisposed to UVB-induced and
TCR, both XP and CS, often exhibit progressive neurologi- chemically induced skin cancer [259–262].
cal abnormalities in addition to skin photosensitivity [235] The severity of the neurological symptoms in mice has
and this is presumed to be caused by endogenous sources of been increased by crossing strains of Cs-b or Xp-g knock-
DNA damage. Consistent with this attribution, mouse outs with Xp-a or Xp-c knockouts to increase the extent of
embryo fibroblasts derived from Csb−/− mice are sensitive NER deficiency. These include Csb−/− mice crossed with
to X-rays and oxidative damage [236–238], but in both spe- Xpa−/− mice [28], Ttd mice crossed with Xpa−/− [263],
cies the sensitivity to oxidative damage is greater for muta- and Xpg−/− crossed with Xpa−/− [264]. Loss of both
tions in CSB than CSA [236, 239]. Purkinje cells and granule cells occurred in Csb−/−/Xpc−/−
The neurological symptoms include progressive mental mice [265]. The compound knockout Csb−/−/Xpa−/− mice
deterioration, diminished deep tendon reflexes, and deafness had stunted dendritic trees of Purkinje cells, along with
sometimes beginning early in life [12]. Patients may have decreased thickness of the molecular layer and internal gran-
microcephaly, intellectual deterioration with loss of the abil- ule layer [28]. These observations suggest that the cerebel-
ity to talk, and increasing spasticity with loss of ability to lum is particularly susceptible to DNA repair deficiencies. A
walk, leading to quadriparesis, in addition to dwarfism, and dramatic increase in p53 accumulation and apoptosis was
immature sexual development. The major histological fea- identified in the external granule cells of the cerebella of
ture is primary neuronal degeneration with dysmyelination, Csb−/−/Xpc−/− mice, suggesting that the loss of both Csb
particularly in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. CS and Xpc rendered these cells vulnerable to cell death. Other
patients show extensive cerebellar atrophy including a NER deficient mouse strains exhibit increased cell death
marked reduction of granule cells and the loss of Purkinje and/or increased p53 staining in the brain. Ercc1−/− mice
cells [13, 240]. show increased p53 levels in the brain and liver [185]. In
The neurological symptoms of XP and CS patients have Xpg−/− mice, pyknotic figures and reduced calbindin stain-
been ascribed to defective repair in the brain of endogenous ing were observed in the Purkinje layer, while TUNEL stain-
oxidative damage that blocks transcription [191, 193, 237, ing was strongest in the granule layer, and rare in the Purkinje
241–243]. The precise origin of oxidative damage is not layer [266]. In Csb−/−/Xpa−/− mice, TUNEL staining was
known, but presumed to be mitochondrial leakage. Cerebellar increased in the external granule layer at day 8 [28].
granule cells are vulnerable to a variety of toxins that The most obvious source of endogenous DNA damage
decrease glutathione levels and make the cells more vulner- would be the high level of oxidative metabolism in the brain
able to cellular damage from reactive oxygen species [244, [267], combined with its relative deficiency of antioxidative
245]. Purkinje cells are susceptible to ischemic death due to protective mechanisms [268–270]. DNA lesions are repaired
their reduced capacity to sequester glutamate and reduced more slowly in neurons relative to dividing cells suggesting
ability to generate energy during anoxia [246]. Tissues that that lesions are likely to accumulate in neurons over time
degenerate in XP and CS appear to be sensitive to oxygen [270]. The relevant DNA damage must be of the kind that is
levels, including the Purkinje cells, retina, and oligodendro- a significant substrate for the NER system, rather than the
cytes [247–250]. TUNEL staining and oxidative stress has commonly oxidized bases such as 8-OH-dG because neuro-
been observed in cerebellar granule cells from clinical sam- degeneration is greater when strains are crossed to reduce
ples of CS and XP-A patients [251–254]. overall NER capacity, but not when crossed with strains spe-
No consistent correlation has yet been established cifically defective in repair of oxidative damage such as
between sites of mutation and the severity of the clinical Ogg1 [265]. Even though loss of Ogg1 increases the muta-
symptoms. Null mutations in the early region of the CSB tion rate in vivo for the oxidative lesion 8-OH-dG [271], the
gene have been found in a mildly UV sensitive patient with neurological status of Ogg1-knockout mice seem normal,
372 J.E. Cleaver

indicating that the major classes of oxidative damage are not activation through E2F1 [126, 282, 283]. DDB2 exists in at
the proximal cause of neurodegeneration. least four forms: (1) free DDB2, (2) the DDB1/DDB2 het-
Xpc and Csb are both components of the endogenous pro- erodimer, and two complexes associated with protein degra-
teolytic system: Xpc through the proteasome [272], and Csb dation, (3) the CUL4, and (4) the COP9 signalosome [284].
and Csa as cofactors of an E3 ubiquitylation ligase [273]. The ubiquitylation of XPC plays an important part of the
Consequently XP and CS could, like many other neurode- sequential loading of XPC onto damaged sites and its subse-
generative disorders, be caused by defective clearance of quent displacement by the XPA/RPA binding complex
denatured proteins [274]. (Fig. 24.3) [285].
The role of DDB1/2 in DNA repair in vivo is still unclear
because, despite its affinity for damaged DNA [121], it is
24.10.2 The Somatotroph Axis (GH/IGF-1) dispensable for in vitro excision experiments where the dam-
age is in pure DNA [284]; the repair deficiency is more
Interactions between DNA repair deficiencies and hormone- explicit when the substrate is chromatin bound. Suggested
dependent pathways contribute to the complexity of many of functions [286] include: DDB1/2 binds to damaged DNA,
the DNA repair deficient human disorders [2]. Developmental ubiquitylates DDB2 to release it and download XPC/HR23B,
disorders involving reduced stature and weight gain and liver which in turn is ubiquitylated to increase it binding affinity
abnormalities were seen in the first mouse knockout target- [285]; DDB1/2 ubiquitylates histones to make regions of
ing the Ercc1 gene [185], and in subsequent knockouts of DNA more accessible to repair; DDB1/2 plays accessory
Xpg, Xpf, and combined strains [26, 28, 263, 264, 275, 276]. roles in the cell cycle, signal transduction, and mutation.
This pathology has been identified as the result of accumula- DDB2 expression is induced by UV light through p53
tion of DNA damage, increased levels of p53, and cellular transactivation in human cells, but not mouse or hamster
apoptosis in the liver [31, 276]. The damage affects major cells [104–106], and is anti-apoptotic [9]. A consensus
hormonal pathways of growth regulation and aging: the DNA-binding site for p53 is present in the human p48 pro-
growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF- moter region but has either diverged or is absent from the
1) [31, 276]. mouse homolog [287]. These observations provide a partial
Mutations in the XPD component of the transcription fac- explanation for early observations that excision repair can be
tor TFIIH, with which CS proteins interact, also result in low in some mouse cell strains, especially for cyclobutane
many transcriptional defects including: reduced responses to dimers but not [6-4] photoproducts [288–290].
nuclear receptors [277, 278], dysregulation of peroxisome Targeted knockdown of DDB1 efficiently reduces exci-
proliferator-activated target genes [279], vitamin D receptor- sion repair of pyrimidine dimers, but not [6-4] photoproducts
responsive genes [280], and thyroid hormone-responsive [291]. UV irradiation converts DDB1 from cytoplasmic into
genes leading to hypomyelination [281]. Nuclear receptors a tightly bound chromatin form that recruits DDB2 and CUL
that mediate hormone-dependent gene activation require 4A to chromatin-bound functions [284]. The cytoplasmic
phosphorylation by the cdk7 component of TFIIH, and the DDB1 protein also interacts with a range of viral proteins
XPD repair gene influences signal transduction by retinoids [112, 292, 293] and the amyloid precursor protein involved
(RAR and RXR), vitamin D, steroids (ER, AR, and GR), and with Alzheimer’s [294]. The Vpr protein of HIV downregu-
thyroid hormone [278]. lates NER through interaction with DDB1, stimulating an
ATM/ATR damage response, indicating common pathways
for cellular attack by DNA damaging agents and viral infec-
24.10.3 DDB1 and DDB2: Essential Functions tion (Fig. 24.1) [112].
and Viral Infection Elimination of Ddb1 in mouse knockouts is lethal in the
early embryo, being essential for normal development of
The XPE complementation group of XP represents a mildly the epidermis and neuronal precursor cells which are elimi-
affected group of patients whose cells carry out near normal nated by p53-dependent apoptosis [295, 296]. This resem-
levels of NER [111, 113], and for this reason XPE was bles the neuronal loss in TCR defective Cockayne mice and
thought to have a relatively minor role in NER. The discov- humans [265].
ery that DDB1 is a cofactor in a DDB1-Cul4A-ROC1 E3
ubiquitin ligase [273] indicated that the heterodimer DDB1/ Acknowledgements We are grateful to the Luke O’Brien Foundation
DDB2 could play a wider role in many cellular functions and the XP Society whose continued support and encouragement have
been instrumental in furthering our work on XP and Cockayne
depending on the interacting substrates for ubiquitylation.
Syndrome. The work described here was supported in part by grants
At least 30 target proteins of the E3 ubiquitin ligase have from the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke grant
been identified including DDB2, CSA, CSB, XPC, histone 1R01NS052781 (JEC), P01 AR050440-01 (PI: E. Epstein). This chap-
H1, histone 2a, and histone 4, PCNA, and transcriptional ter draws upon and updates several previous reviews [84, 235, 297].
24 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and the DNA Damage Response to Ultraviolet Light 373

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Hereditary Colorectal Cancer
Sonia S. Kupfer and Nathan A. Ellis

gene function to low-risk genetic variants that perturb gene

25.1 Introduction function in subtler ways. In addition, genetic risk factors can
interact with each other and with nongenetic factors to
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most significant causes increase or decrease CRC risk. However, the impact of inter-
of cancer morbidity and mortality in the United States. It is action on risk is poorly understood.
estimated that approximately 142,500 men and women will The correlations between family history and CRC risk are
have been diagnosed with CRC and 51,370 persons will also reflected in the types of family histories in which CRC
have died of this disease in 2010 [1]. CRC incidence rates occurs and the proportions of these types. Approximately
increase with age with greater than 90 % of cases occurring 70 % of CRCs occur in persons with no known family history
in persons over the age of 50. The age-adjusted standardized of CRC, so-called sporadic CRC (Fig. 25.2). In ~25 % of
incidence and mortality rates are higher in males than in CRC cases, the person with CRC has up to two first-degree
females, and incidence and mortality also vary between dif- or second-degree relatives with CRC, which is often termed
ferent populations (Table 25.1). familial CRC [10, 11]. In ~5 % of cases, there is a dramatic
Twin [2] and family [3–5] studies have shown that genetic family history (three or more CRCs in multiple generations
risk factors influence CRC incidence in up to 35 % of cases, in the family). Cases with strong family histories are often
but within that 35 % the level of risk conferred by genetic associated with a disease-causing mutation in a known
factors that predispose to CRC varies enormously. In com- hereditary CRC gene. For example, in ~3 % of all CRC cases,
parison to the risk for a person with no relatives with CRC a mutation in one of the mismatch repair (MMR) genes is
(Fig. 25.1), the risk for a person who has a single first-degree present. When a disease-causing MMR gene mutation is
relative with CRC is threefold greater (6 % lifetime risk), and present, the CRC predisposition syndrome is referred to as
it is eightfold greater for a person who has two first-degree Lynch syndrome or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal can-
relatives with CRC (17 % lifetime risk). Moreover, risk is cer (HNPCC). In ~1 % of CRC cases, a mutation in the ade-
increased fivefold if the affected first-degree relative was nomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene is present, which is
diagnosed before age 45 [6, 7]. There is also increased risk of strongly associated with colonic polyposis. When a mutation
developing CRC in the first-degree relative of a person who in APC is present, the syndrome is referred to as familial
has been diagnosed with one or more adenomatous colonic adenomatous polyposis (FAP). In <1 % of CRC cases, a
polyps [8, 9]. These correlations between family history and mutation is present in a gene that is associated with a hamar-
CRC susceptibility are propelled by a range of genetic mech- tomatous syndrome, including familial juvenile polyposis,
anisms, from high-risk, disease-causing mutations that ablate Cowden’s disease, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS).
Given the range of risks associated with known genetic
risk factors and the distribution of family histories of CRC,
S.S. Kupfer, M.D. (*) what do we mean by hereditary CRC? Certainly, syndromes
Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology, Center for such as Lynch syndrome and FAP, which are associated with
Clinical Cancer Genetics, University of Chicago Medical Center, single-gene mutations and found in multiple family mem-
Chicago, IL, USA
bers, are hereditary in the classical Mendelian sense. When a
disease-causing mutation is known to be present in a person,
N.A. Ellis, Ph.D.
the quantitative information regarding cancer risk is avail-
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA able. However, family history is an imprecise tool for pre-
e-mail: dicting the presence of a disease-causing mutation. In the

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 381

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_25
382 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

Table 25.1 Colorectal cancer (a) incidence and (b) mortality by gender and race 2002–2006
Asian American American Indian
White African Americans and Pacific Islander and Alaska Native Hispanic/Latino
(a) Incidence
Males 58.2 68.4 44.1 38.1 50
Females 42.6 51.7 33.1 30.7 35.1
(b) Mortality
Males 21.4 31.4 13.8 20 16.1
Females 14.9 21.6 10 13.7 10.7
Rates per 100,000 age adjusted to 2000 US standard population
Adapted from ACS Cancer Statistics

Fig. 25.1 Familial colorectal

cancer risk. Estimates of the
absolute lifetime risk of
colorectal cancer as a function of
family history of colorectal
cancer. Adapted from Burt [10].

Fig. 25.2 Genetic factors in

colorectal cancer. Percentage of
all colorectal cancers that
develop in the context of
hereditary, familial, or sporadic
colorectal cancer settings.
Adapted from de la Chapelle
[22] and Burt [10].

following examples, we present some of the reasons for this the mutation). On average, penetrance of MMR mutations is
lack of predictive power. These examples show how family less than 50 %. The reasons for variable penetrance are not
history can be a poor predictor of CRC risk, and they well understood. Probabilistic events (family size, ascertain-
underline the importance of developing more precise and ment bias, etc.) may explain some of the variation in family
reliable genetic tools to identify persons at high risk of CRC. history. Deterministic factors also probably play an important
role, including genetic factors that modify the risk conferred
by the cancer-causing mutation (these genetic factors are
25.1.1 Variable Penetrance called modifiers), exposure to environmental factors, or both.

One and the same MMR gene mutation can be found in fami-
lies with a range of family histories of CRC from very strong 25.1.2 New Mutations
to relatively weak. One reason for this range of family histo-
ries is that penetrance is variable (penetrance is defined as the Up to 30 % of APC mutations are new mutations that are not
probability of developing the disease given the presence of associated with previous family history of CRC, but which
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 383

are every bit as dangerous to the present and subsequent susceptibility factors. Consequently, the search goes on to
generations. Clearly, in these cases, there is no family history identify genetic risk factors that explain the heritability of
to help predict disease occurrence. CRC with the hope that these factors will some day allow a
more precise and reliable prediction of CRC risk.

25.1.3 Recessive Inheritance

25.2 Lynch Syndrome
Late-onset Mendelian syndromes associated with increased
susceptibility that are caused by recessive genes are difficult The non-polyposis disorders are so called to distinguish
to identify and characterize because family sizes are gener- them from those syndromes that lead to the formation of
ally small and penetrance is dependent on age. Neither par- numerous polyps of the lower gastrointestinal tract. Foremost
ent is likely to have been diagnosed with CRC and the among the non-polyposis disorders is Lynch syndrome
probability for each son or daughter of having both disease (hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer). This syndrome
alleles is 25 %. A perfect example of this scenario is the arises from mutations in the MMR pathway and results, to
recently described CRC syndrome MYH-associated polypo- varying degrees, in a phenotype of early-onset CRC and
sis (MAP), which is associated with biallelic recessively extracolonic malignancies. The MMR genes function in a
inherited mutations in MUTYH (also referred to as MYH). specific type of DNA repair that ensures high fidelity of
Many more recessive CRC syndromes may explain CRC DNA replication. When MMR function is deficient in a cell,
incidence in persons with no previous family history or in it is associated with a high mutation rate, which drives carci-
familial CRC. nogenesis. The high mutation rate can be detected using a
simple polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that tests for
microsatellite instability (MSI). Tumors that exhibit MSI
25.1.4 Polygenic Inheritance have the hypermutation phenotype that is associated with
loss of MMR gene function.
Strong family histories of CRC may not be associated with Historically, the earliest descriptions of Lynch syndrome
classical single-gene, Mendelian mutations, but rather with came from the pathologist Aldred S. Warthin at the University
the presence of multiple genetic risk factors that combine to of Michigan who, in 1913, published a review of several
create high risk. This scenario can resemble recessive inheri- cancer-prone families [13]. Approximately 50 years later,
tance in that each parent may be at low risk of CRC because Henry T. Lynch and colleagues collected data from these
he or she carries one or two low-risk or moderate-risk genetic same families and recognized that CRC was the most promi-
factors. Segregation of genetic factors to a son or daughter nent cancer in this syndrome. Initially, this familial syn-
from both parents is thus a relatively low-frequency event. drome was given the name hereditary non-polyposis
colorectal cancer (HNPCC) to distinguish it from hereditary
conditions in which cancers arise in a milieu of carpeting
25.1.5 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer colonic polyps. In 1984, the name Lynch syndrome was pro-
posed in honor of Dr. H.T. Lynch’s seminal observations.
For the purposes of this chapter, we define hereditary CRC as Moreover, HNPCC was thought to be a misleading name
a syndrome caused by one or more genetic risk factors that because polyps are still encountered albeit not to the degree
are associated with a strong family history of CRC, which seen in polyposis conditions. Arguably, the definition of pol-
can be established statistically through tests of genetic segre- yposis is somewhat arbitrary. In 1993, the field of Lynch syn-
gation in families. Consequently, the main focus here is on drome genetics was energized by the identification of MSH2
the syndromes defined by disease-causing mutations in and, shortly thereafter, MLH1 as genes the mutation of which
single-gene Mendelian disorders. There is a general consen- results in Lynch syndrome. In the 1990s, clinical criteria and
sus now that the known single-gene disorders do not account guidelines were established including the Amsterdam crite-
for all the genetic variation that influences CRC susceptibil- ria and Bethesda guidelines that are used to guide molecular
ity and that many low-risk or moderate-risk genetic variants genetic testing in individuals who might be affected by the
need to be identified in order to explain the remaining herita- syndrome (Table 25.2). The Amsterdam criteria were devised
bility of CRC. We note that numerous reports describing to enrich for families with mutations to help in the identifica-
low-risk CRC susceptibility factors have recently been pub- tion of the culprit genes; the Bethesda guidelines were an
lished and elucidation of the role and impact of the major attempt to devise a more inclusive set of rules to identify
low-penetrance risk alleles is an active area of current genetic mutation carriers. These guidelines nonetheless cannot be
investigation [12]. These low-risk genetic factors explain used to identify all persons with disease-causing mutations
but a small fraction of the yet-to-be-determined CRC or families in which MMR gene mutations are segregating,
384 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

Table 25.2 Amsterdam II criteria and revised Bethesda criteria Table 25.3 Lifetime risk of extracolonic tumors reported in families
with a mismatch repair mutation
Revised Bethesda
Patient who meets Amsterdam II Endometrial cancer 27–71 %
Amsterdam II criteria Ovarian cancer 3–13 %
Three or more relatives with a CRC diagnosed in a patient Gastric cancer 2–13 %
Lynch syndrome- associated less than 50 years old Urinary tract cancer 1–12 %
cancer Brain tumor 1–4 %
Two or more successive presence of synchronous or Biliary cancer 2%
generations affected metachronous CRC or other
Small bowel cancer 4–7 %
LS-associated tumor regardless
of age From Vasen HF et al. J Med Gen 2007;44:353–362 [22]
One or more relatives diagnosed CRC with microsatellite
before age 50 instability in patient less than
60 years old
in sporadic CRC. Compared to an 8–10 year progression
One should be a first-degree CRC diagnosed in one or more interval, in Lynch syndrome, adenomas become carcinomas
relative of the other two first-degree relative with a in 2–3 years [15].
LS-associated tumor, with one Although CRC is the predominant tumor, extracolonic
of the cancer diagnosed less tumors also can develop. Lynch-associated tumors are listed
than 50 years old
in Table 25.3. Endometrial cancer is the second most frequent
Exclude familial adenomatous CRC diagnosed in two or more
polyposis first- or second-degree relatives malignancy in Lynch syndrome. Additional tumors include
with LS-associated tumors, ovary, stomach, small bowel, pancreas, hepatobiliary, brain,
regardless of age and urothelial tract [16]. A subset of patients with MMR
CRC colorectal cancer, LS Lynch syndrome gene mutations develop cutaneous lesions, a syndrome
known as Muir-Torre (see Sect. 25.6). Given the number and
because age of disease onset is variable, penetrance is diversity of related tumors, clinicians need to be especially
variable, and family sizes are often small. Universal screening— astute and query patients’ family histories carefully in order
MSI testing, immunohistochemistry (IHC) for MLH1, to facilitate diagnosis.
MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2, or both—on all CRCs has been
recommended, which obviates the need for guidelines, and it
has slowly gained widespread acceptance. As whole-genome 25.2.2 Genetics of Lynch Syndrome
DNA sequencing becomes more efficient and lower cost, we
can foresee a day in which genetic screening using whole- Inheritance
genome sequencing would help overcome the limitations of Lynch syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant disor-
clinical guidelines. der. Carriers inherit one mutated MMR gene from one parent
and one un-mutated gene from the other parent. The hetero-
zygous cell has sufficient MMR function to carry out normal
25.2.1 Natural History of Lynch Syndrome DNA repair and protect the cell from excessive mutation.
However, when, in a somatic precursor cell, the un-mutated
Lynch syndrome is the most common type of hereditary gene is lost by normal mutagenic processes, which inevitably
CRC and is estimated, depending on the study, to represent happens in the many cell divisions that occur during human
1–6 % of all CRC cases. It is inherited in an autosomal domi- development and adult life, then this cell loses all MMR func-
nant fashion. It is highly penetrant with approximately 50 % tion and excessive mutation ensues in the subsequent genera-
of mutation carriers developing CRC and approximately tions of this cell’s lineage. A striking hypermutability
80 % developing CRC or a malignancy associated with develops and increases the probability that transforming
Lynch syndrome [14]. mutations will accumulate in oncogenes or tumor suppressor
The clinical features of Lynch syndrome include CRC in genes. The second hit that leads to loss of the un-mutated
multiple family members in several generations. The mean MMR gene results from random mutational processes,
age of cancer diagnosis is 45 years. Approximately 70 % of including large gene deletion, chromosome loss and re-
colon cancers are proximal to the splenic flexure, though it duplication, homologous recombination proximal on the
should not be overlooked that up to 30 % of Lynch syndrome- chromosome to the mutated MMR gene followed by segrega-
associated tumors are found in the distal colon. The histo- tion of the two chromosomes carrying the same mutated
logic features of these tumors include tumor-infiltrating allele, nucleotide substitution, or small insertion or deletion.
lymphocytes, mucinous and signet-ring features, and medul- There are rare reports of children with biallelic MLH1 and
lary growth patterns. In addition, progression of colonic MSH2 mutations who are prone to develop cancers at a young
adenomas to carcinomas is accelerated compared to the rate age. These cancers include leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors,
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 385

and gastrointestinal malignancies. There are also café au lait spots spot for mutation. The adenine at this site is the first in a run
reminiscent of neurofibromatosis. This syndrome is referred of 26 adenines, which presumably causes the hypermutabil-
to as the Childhood Cancer Syndrome (CCS) [17, 18]. ity. However, the mechanism is not understood. It is estimated
that this mutation accounts for 5–10 % of all Lynch syndrome MSH2, MLH1, and MSH6 mutations and it has arisen independently multiple times on
In 1993, MSH2 was identified as the first Lynch syndrome- different chromosomal backgrounds. MSH2c.942 + 3A > T is
associated gene. Linkage analysis performed in two large the most common mutation in Newfoundland, and it occurs
Lynch syndrome families mapped a susceptibility locus to on one and the same chromosomal background, indicating
chromosome 2p16. Subsequent work identified the MSH2 that in this population the mutation is inherited identical
gene in this region as a candidate locus [19]. Germline muta- by descent from a founder individual who introduced the
tions of MSH2 were subsequently identified in Lynch syn- mutation into the population many generations ago.
drome patients. MSH2 mutations constitute the largest Numerous other MMR gene mutations are known to be
percentage of mutations found in Lynch syndrome. Linkage shared by unrelated individuals due to founder mutation in
methods were also utilized to identify the MLH1 gene in an ancestral individual, as the mutation is found on the same
Scandinavian Lynch syndrome families [20]. The gene was chromosomal background [22].
localized to chromosome 3p21 and subsequent work revealed
germline MLH1 mutations in Lynch syndrome patients. PMS2
Mutations in MSH2 and MLH1 account for the majority The PMS2 gene is localized to chromosome 7p22, originally
(over 85 %) of MMR gene mutations in patients with Lynch identified based on its homology with bacterial and yeast MMR
syndrome. In 1997, disease-causing mutations were identi- genes [23]. Early work on PMS2 was complicated by the exis-
fied in Lynch syndrome families in the MSH6 gene, which is tence of a family of PMS2 related genes and a partial PMS2
localized within 500 kb of MSH2 on chromosome 2p21 [21]. pseudogene, confounding investigators who thereby missed
MSH6 mutations account for approximately 10 % of all disease-causing variants in PMS2. Mutations in PMS2
mutations in Lynch syndrome. appear to predispose to Turcot syndrome and early-onset CRC
A multi-national database maintained by the International (see Sect. 25.6). However, this finding is controversial as a
Collaborative Group on HNPCC (ICG-HNPCC now called large European group could not replicate the findings [24].
InSight) was established to catalog Lynch syndrome- Similar to the situation for MLH1 and MSH2, biallelic PMS2
associated mutations. The group’s website (http://www. mutations cause a childhood cancer syndrome [25]. provides regular updates on mutations
reported worldwide in MMR genes. To date, there are over EPCAM
500 reported mutations primarily involving MLH1, MSH2, In 2009, two groups studied cancers that were deficient for
and MSH6. Most of the mutations cause loss of MSH2 func- MSH2 and MSH6 protein by immunohistochemistry or that
tion. The majority of these null mutations result in prema- exhibited MSI but in which no germline mutation had been
ture translation-termination of the protein through large identified in MSH2, MSH6, or MLH1 [26, 27]. Diagnostic
multi-exon deletions or small insertions or deletions that multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA)
cause reading frame shifts, nucleotide substitutions that analysis (a method that allows detection of large genomic
cause stop codons or aberrations in RNA splicing. In addi- deletions) showed a decreased signal for exon 9 of the EPCAM
tion, a significant proportion of the putatively disease-caus- gene (also referred to as TACSTD1), which is the last exon in
ing mutations cause amino acid substitutions that produce a the gene that is located 16 kb upstream of MSH2, but the
mutant protein that has no catalytic activity. These missense deletion did not extend into the MSH2 gene. Further analysis
mutations can pose a serious challenge in the clinical inter- of Dutch and Chinese families showed that deletions of the 3′
pretation of the mutation because (1) biochemical informa- end of EPCAM, which includes the polyadenylation-signal,
tion of the amino acid change is usually unavailable, (2) it is abolish transcription termination. Failure to appropriately ter-
difficult to distinguish rare disease-causing variants from minate EPCAM transcription, in turn, leads to transcription
rare benign variants, and (3), if the affected is in a small read-through into the MSH2 promoter across its CpG-rich pro-
family, segregation analysis lacks power. moter region. Inappropriate transcription of the MSH2 pro-
The most common recurrent mutation in MSH2 is an moter results in induction of methylation of the MSH2
A → T transversion at c.942 + 3 in the donor splice site of promoter and transcriptional silencing of MSH2 in cells
intron 5. The substitution disrupts normal splicing so that the expressing EPCAM. This unusual mechanism explains both
mutant gene produces an abnormal mature mRNA in which the MSH2 methylation mosaicism (cells that express EPCAM
exon 4 is joined to exon 6. The abnormal mRNA encodes exhibit the methylation, whereas cells that do not express
a functionally inactive, mutant protein with an in-frame EPCAM do not exhibit methylation) and the allele-specific
deletion of amino acids 265–314. MSH2c.942 + 3 is a hot methylation of the MSH2 promoter (MSH2 methylation occurs
386 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

in cis on the chromosome that carries the MSH2 deletion 25.2.3 Management of Lynch Syndrome
and not on the intact chromosome). Moreover, this mechanism
also explains why the abnormal pattern of mosaic somatic Diagnosis
methylation segregated with the mutation in families. Diagnosis is defined by the presence of a mutation in one
A subsequent clinical study of 194 carriers of 3′ EPCAM of the MMR genes. The diagnosis can be supported by
polyadenylation-signal deletions was noted to have similar the presence of MSI in the cancer, absence of MMR
ages of colorectal cancer onset as MLH1 and MSH2 carriers protein by immunohistochemistry (IHC), or a variety of
[28]. In contrast, only three women with EPCAM deletions other laboratory tests (biochemical or mRNA analysis,
were found to have endometrial cancer leading to a lower methylation testing, etc). Statistical models that take into
cumulative lifetime risk compared to other MMR gene muta- account all available cancer family history and laboratory
tion carriers. EPCAM is expressed at lower levels in uterine testing have been developed to estimate the probability
tissue. Consequently, MSH2 silencing as result of EPCAM that a person carries a mutation [38, 39] and universal
polyadenylation-signal deletion may occur less frequently in testing of all incident CRC cases helps to identify mutation
the uterus. Higher rates of duodenal and pancreatic cancers carriers, who are then referred to the genetics clinic.
were noted in EPCAM polyadenylation-signal deletion carri- Unaffected relatives can then learn their mutation status
ers compared to other Lynch syndrome families. Whether and take preventive measures [38, 39].
screening recommendations should be different for EPCAM There are two approaches to molecular testing for Lynch
polyadenylation-signal deletion carriers remains to be deter- syndrome. The first is to test for a mutation in an MMR
mined. Molecular genetic testing for EPCAM deletions is rec- gene directly by PCR-based direct DNA sequencing and
ommended for the subset of families in whom germline some form of analysis for large deletions (MLPA or
mutations in MMR genes are suspected but have not been hybridization-based assays). The sensitivity of PCR-based
identified. direct sequence analysis is 80–90 %. However, the high
frequency of amino acid substitutions of unknown clinical Genotype-Phenotype Correlations significance reduces the specificity of this testing and addi-
Clinically, Lynch syndrome cancer phenotypes vary as a tional testing (e.g., MSI testing) would be required in these
function of the mutated MMR gene involved. Mutations in cases. The other approach is to test the tumor for MSI,
MLH1 have been associated with higher incidence of CRC, MMR protein staining by IHC, or both, and then perform
whereas MSH2 mutations have been associated with higher mutational analysis on cases in which MSI is found and/or
rates of extracolonic tumors. MSH6 mutations have been an MMR protein is absent. MSI is more sensitive than IHC
associated with lower rates of CRC with higher rates of because as noted above missense mutations constitute a
endometrial cancer [29], while the phenotypic pattern asso- substantial proportion of Lynch syndrome mutations. The
ciated with PMS2 mutations is still unclear. Furthermore, sensitivity of MSI testing is ~90 %. Consequently, in fami-
while the mean age of colorectal cancer diagnosis in MSH2 lies with compelling family history, both approaches may
and MLH1 mutation carriers is 43–46 years, in MSH6 muta- be used. If no germline MMR mutation is identified, a
tion carriers, the mean age of cancer diagnosis is 10 years missed mutation (e.g., methylation aberration transmitted
older [29]. EPCAM deletion carriers appear to have lower through the germline) or mutation in one of the less-often-
rates of endometrial cancer but possibly higher rates of duo- sequenced MMR genes (e.g., PMS2) is possible. Testing of
denal and pancreatic tumors [28]. additional tumors in the family for MSI or loss of expres-
The reasons for these gene-specific clinical phenotypes are sion of MMR protein or linkage analysis can help rule out
poorly understood and may be due to different functions of missed mutation. Since MSI or loss of expression of MMR
MMR proteins, modifier genes and/or environmental risk fac- protein can result from non-hereditary causes, namely, by
tors. Data on modifier genes in Lynch syndrome are conflicting. somatic mutation or somatic gene silencing by methylation
Candidate genes such as TP53 [30], NAT2 [31–33], and CCND1 of the MLH1 promoter, methylation studies and/or BRAF
(the gene that encodes cyclin D1) [34, 35] have been tested for mutation assessment can be performed to help identify
modifier effects but the data are not conclusive. Environmental such tumors [40]. Finally, advances in DNA sequencing
risk factors have also not been extensively examined, though a technologies have led to the development of methods to
multicenter American study found tobacco use to be associated sequence many culprit genes at one time, which provides a
with higher risk of CRC development [36]. More recent data simplified approach to mutation identification in presump-
has suggested that higher body mass indices (BMIs) greatly tive carriers. Indeed, it is now feasible to sequence the
increase the risk of colorectal adenomas, a finding that was noted entire genome on a clinical basis, and the day is coming
only in men [37]. Further studies with large, collaborative study when people will have their whole genome sequenced in
design are needed to elucidate the role of modifier genes and order to learn their genetic risks and take appropriate medi-
environmental factors in Lynch syndrome. cal precautions.
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 387 CRC Treatment and Survival colon of Lynch syndrome patients taking the NSAID, which
There has been conflicting evidence about response to che- does not support a chemopreventive role for this NSAID
motherapy and survival in tumors with MSI (including [52]. The first large-scale, randomized control trial of aspirin
Lynch syndrome and non-hereditary cases) compared to and starch in MMR mutation carriers did not show differ-
tumors without MSI. Survival studies do not suggest major ences in CRC incidence between the treatment and standard-
differences in Lynch syndrome patients with CRC compared care arms at 5 years [53]. However, subsequent follow-up
with sporadic CRC [41, 42]. In contrast, a systematic meta- data suggested a delayed benefit in aspirin users compared to
analysis of MSI status and prognosis in CRC (including both placebo (Burn, unpublished data). Further studies would
Lynch syndrome-associated and non-hereditary tumors) sug- need to be done to elucidate the potential role of NSAIDs,
gested that patients with tumors that exhibit MSI had a 15 % aspirin, and other chemopreventive agents in Lynch
better outcome compared with those with tumors that did not syndrome.
exhibit MSI [43]. As result of these studies, most oncologists
withhold chemotherapy for Stage II CRCs with MSI, because
the outcomes are the same if not better without treatment. 25.3 Mismatch Repair
Regarding responsiveness to chemotherapeutic agents,
in vitro studies have suggested that MMR deficiency reduces The MMR system recognizes and corrects incorporation
the cytotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), which is a com- errors that occur during DNA replication, some chemically
monly used chemotherapeutic agent for CRC [44, 45]. To induced or spontaneous DNA lesions, and mismatches pro-
date, studies on response to chemotherapy stratified by MSI duced during homologous recombination. Components of
status have yielded mixed results and, therefore, MSI status the system are also utilized during somatic hypermutation in
is not yet recommended as a predictive marker of response to the maturation of B-cells. MMR repairs both base-base mis-
chemotherapy. matches and insertion/deletion loops (IDLs). Base-base
Finally, immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy is now mismatches can be generated by DNA polymerase incorpo-
being used now for metastatic MSI-H colon cancer. ration errors that escape the proofreading activity of the
DNA polymerases. IDLs occur when primer and template Screening strands dissociate and re-anneal incorrectly. Slipped strand
Colonoscopy remains the preferred method for screening in mispairings, as these are called, occur preferentially in
established or suspected Lynch mutation carriers. The cur- repetitive DNA sequences of one-nucleotide to five-nucleo-
rent recommended screening regimen is colonoscopy every tide repeats, referred to as microsatellites. Slipped strand
1–2 years starting at age 20–25 years or 10 years younger mispairings in microsatellite regions can be of varying
than the youngest age at diagnosis in the family [46]. The lengths depending on where loops form in the double helix.
recommendation for short intervals between colonoscopies The high frequency of unrepaired IDLs plays an important
is based on evidence of accelerated adenoma-to-carcinoma role in development of MSI. MSI is one part of the mutator
progression in MMR mutation carriers [47]. The relative risk phenotype associated with MMR gene mutations, in which
reduction with colonoscopic screening was 62 % in two somatic mutations accumulate at a higher rate as a result of
Finnish studies [48, 49]. This translates into a 72 % reduction loss of MMR function.
in mortality attributed to colonoscopic screening with polyp- MMR pathways are conserved across all domains of
ectomy [50, 51]. life. Initially, investigation of prokaryotic MMR provided
Data on screening for extracolonic cancer is less clear. major insights into the existence and functions of genes
Endometrial sampling for endometrial cancer, transvaginal involved in MMR. The genes mutH, mutL, and mutS were
ultrasound for endometrial and ovarian cancer, and urinaly- identified in E. coli, and subsequently homologues for
sis with cytology for urothelial malignancies are often rec- mutL and mutS were found in yeasts, mammals, and other
ommended. Similarly, prophylactic colectomy, hysterectomy, species. In Fig. 25.3, we depict MMR mechanisms in
or oophorectomy may be pursued but solid prospective data eukaryotes schematically. MMR involves four stages: (1)
on the effectiveness of these surgical options is not currently mismatch recognition, (2) incision of the strand that con-
available [46]. tains the erroneous base(s), (3) strand excision to remove
the base(s), and (4) restoration of the correct base by DNA Prevention replication using the undamaged DNA template. While
The effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) MMR mechanisms have been more precisely defined in
as a chemopreventive agent in CRC development in MMR prokaryotes, the focus in this chapter is on eukaryotic
mutation carriers is unknown. A recent study investigating MMR mechanisms. Recent review articles provide in-
the effect of sulindac on surrogate endpoints for cancer depth discussions of MMR biochemistry in both prokary-
showed increased epithelial proliferation in the proximal otes and eukaryotes [54–56].
388 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

MutL homologues include MLH1, MLH3, PMS1 (post-

meiotic segregation-1), and PMS2. In contrast to MutS and
MutL, which are homodimers in prokaryotes, eukaryotes
have evolved heterodimers composed of subunits that are
homologous but that have different structures and functions.
One such heterodimer is MutSα, which is composed of
MSH2 and MSH6. MutSα recognizes mismatched bases and
initiates repair of base-base mismatches and small IDLs.
80–90 % of the cellular MSH2 is found in the MutSα com-
plex. MutSβ, composed of MSH2 and MSH3, repairs larger
IDLs. MutLα is a heterodimer composed of MLH1 and
PMS2; approximately 90 % of MLH1 in humans is found in
the MutLα complex. The MutLβ complex is composed of
MLH1 and PMS1 and the MutLγ is composed of MLH1 and
MLH3. MutL homologues are responsible for strand

25.3.2 MutS Homologue Function

Studies in E. coli have elucidated the molecular mechanisms

of MutS and provide insight into function of MutS homo-
logues in eukaryotes. Crystallography has revealed that
eukaryotic MutS complexes bind double-stranded DNA as
heterodimers [56]. Mismatch recognition appears to occur
via non-specific DNA binding and bending to search for mis-
matched bases in an ATP-dependent manner.
Fig. 25.3 Mismatch repair (MMR) mechanisms in eukaryotes. MMR MutS mismatch recognition occurs by stacking the mis-
is a mechanism to repair mismatched bases and small insertion/dele- matched base with a phenylalanine and adjacent glutamate
tion loops. MMR involves four stages: (1) mismatch recognition, (2)
incision of the strand that contains the erroneous base(s), (3) strand residue intercalated from the minor groove side. These phe-
excision to remove the base(s), and (4) resynthesis by DNA replication nylalanine and glutamate residues are highly conserved
to restore the correct base using the undamaged DNA template fol- among bacterial and eukaryotic MutS homologues (specifi-
lowed by ligation. The figure depicts the main steps of MMR along cally MSH6 in humans). In the E. coli MutS-DNA complex,
with structural models of the human proteins based on crystallography
data. In the first stage, a DNA substrate with a mismatch is shown the DNA is kinked and unbent at a mismatched site forming
along with a nick 5′ of the mismatch that represents a discontinuity in a stable recognition complex. Upon mismatch recognition,
the duplex that is usually associated with RNA replication; the discon- MutS exchanges ADP to ATP and undergoes a conforma-
tinuity is required for recognition of the nascent strand on which the tional change forming a sliding clamp. This sliding clamp
mismatch arose through replication error. MutSα (depicted to the
left of the substrate) recognizes the mismatch. In the second stage, has also been confirmed in eukaryotic MutS complexes [56].
MutSα binds to the mismatched bases and recruits MutLα (left of the Subsequent activation of downstream reactions of the
substrate) to the repair site. In the third stage, MutLα nicks 3′ of site of MutS sliding clamp remains controversial. The moving or
the mismatched base; MutLα can also nick 5′ of the site. In the fourth cis model postulates that the sliding clamp diffuses along the
stage, EXO1, for which a crystal structure is not available, excises the
mismatched DNA segment by its 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity, DNA to activate downstream reactions. The stationary or
and single-stranded DNA-binding protein RPA (depicted to the left of trans model proposes that MutS remains bound to the mis-
the substrate) binds the single-stranded DNA as it is exposed by EXO1. matched base after initial recognition and the ATPase activ-
In the fifth stage, DNA polymerase δ (depicted at left) resynthesize ity is required for verification of mismatch recognition [56].
DNA across the gap, and in the sixth stage DNA ligase I (depicted
at left) seals the remaining nick by ligation to complete mismatch
repair. Adapted from [56] and used by permission.
25.3.3 MutL Homologue Function

25.3.1 Eukaryotic MMR Of the eukaryotic MutL complexes (MutLα, MutLβ, and
MutLγ), the majority of MMR appears to be performed by
Eukaryotic MMR involves homologues of bacterial compo- MutLα (composed of MLH1 and PMS2 in humans). MutL
nents MutS and MutL but not MutH. MutS homologues and MutLα complexes have an N-terminal ATPase/DNA-
include MSH2 (MutS Homologue), MSH3, and MSH6. binding domain and a C-terminal endonuclease/DNA-
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 389

binding domain. MutL proteins are ATPases of the gyrase/ because DNA polymerases tends to stall or slip on these
Hsp90/histidine-kinase/MutL family (GHKL family) which sequences, the nascent replicated strand loops out, and, if the
undergo conformational changes with ATP binding and loop is not corrected to the normal state, the loop can be pro-
hydrolysis required for MutL endonuclease activity. cessed to a gain or loss of repeat units. The DNA repair
In E. coli, MutL interacts with the MutS-DNA complex mechanism that repairs loops to their normal state is the
that activates MutH restriction endonuclease activity and MMR pathway [59].
strand incision. MutH is an endonuclease found in Gram- In contrast to Lynch syndrome, in which a germline muta-
negative bacteria that is bound to hemimethylated GATC tion in an MMR gene is present and MMR function is lost by
sites to the left or right of the mismatch. Activated MutH somatic mutation of the un-mutated gene copy, in about 15 %
carries out incision of the newly synthesized DNA strand by of non-hereditary CRC cases, MMR gene function is lost by
recognizing the hemimethylated GATC site. MutH nicks the biallelic methylation of the MLH1 promoter, resulting in
unmethylated strand at this site, which serves as a point of MSI and tumorigenesis. Methylation of the MLH1 promoter
entry for the subsequent excision reaction. Hence, MMR in results in reduced gene expression without changing the
E. coli is known as methyl-directed MMR. nucleotide sequence, a phenomenon known as an epigenetic
Eukaryotes, however, do not have MutH homologues, change. In mammals, DNA methylation only occurs in the
raising the question of how strand discrimination takes place dinucleotide sequence CpG. Certain gene promoters, pre-
in 5′ and 3′-directed MMR. Recent work has indicated that dominantly the promoters of housekeeping genes, contain a
human and yeast MutLα have latent endonuclease activity high proportion of CpG dinucleotides [60]. In general, pro-
that nicks the nascent DNA strand (as opposed to the tem- moter methylation down-regulates gene transcription, effec-
plate strand) proximal to the mismatched base duplex. tively silencing the gene. In 1998, two groups independently
MutLα nicks 5′ or 3′ of a mismatch, which serves as an entry reported hypermethylation of the MLH1 promoter and MSI
for exonucleases. MutLα may recognize the nascent DNA in sporadic colorectal tumors. In these studies, 84–100 % of
strand through interactions with proliferating cell nuclear tumors with MSI had a hypermethylated MLH1 promoter
antigen (PCNA). and protein expression was absent by immunohistochemistry
[61, 62]. These tumors appear to have similar clinicopatho-
logical features as the tumors associated with Lynch syn-
25.3.4 Additional Factors in Eukaryotic MMR drome, which nearly always exhibit MSI.
Colorectal tumors (cancers and adenomas, as well as
Excision events are catalyzed by factors with exonucleolytic other Lynch-related tumors such as endometrial cancers)
activities from strand nicks either 5′ or 3′ of the mismatch can be tested by PCR amplification of microsatellites or by
lesion. EXO1, which has a 5′ to 3′ exonuclease activity, immunohistochemistry (IHC). In the PCR-based MSI
plays a central role in the excision reaction in eukaryotic assay, DNA from microdissected tumor and normal tissue
MMR; however, a factor(s) with 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity is prepared and five to ten microsatellite loci are amplified
must also come into play. Moreover, genetic evidence indi- by PCR. By fragment analysis with DNA electrophoresis,
cates additional exonucleases are involved because exo1 null the lengths of DNA fragments at each locus are determined;
alleles have a less severe phenotype than msh2 null alleles in the appearances of novel fragments in the tumor in contrast
yeast and in mice [57, 58]. Single-stranded DNA-binding to the normal tissue are indicators of the hypermutation
protein replication protein A (RPA) functions to stabilize the phenotype. Currently, there are several commercially avail-
gap left by exonuclease degradation of the site of the base- able panels of microsatellite repeat loci that are routinely
base mismatch, and it inhibits EXO1 activity. The gap is used in clinical testing. A panel of markers that consist of
filled by DNA Polymerase δ and the nick is sealed by DNA long mononucleotide runs in the adenine base are most reli-
ligase 1 [55]. able efficient in distinguishing MSI from non-MSI tumors
[63]. In the IHC-based test, a tumor specimen is stained
with antibodies to the major MMR proteins, MLH1, MSH2,
25.4 Tumorigenesis MSH6, and PMS2. Normally, these proteins can be found
in the nucleus of dividing cells. If the tumor specimen fails
25.4.1 MSI to stain with one of these antibodies, then the tumor is
scored MMR protein absent (a positive result), and this is
The discovery of MSI as a marker in Lynch syndrome proved an indication that MMR function is deficient. False-negative
important in defining the mechanism of tumorigenesis in IHC results can arise when protein expression is present but
Lynch-related cancers as well as in some non-hereditary can- the MMR protein is catalytically dysfunctional due to mis-
cers. In general, microsatellites, repeats of one to five nucle- sense mutations; hence, in the hereditary situation, as noted
otides, have a higher mutation rate than other DNA sequences, above the MSI test is more sensitive than the IHC test.
390 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

25.4.2 Mutator Carcinogenic Pathway by Cripps who described two siblings each with multiple
adenomas. In the 1920s, a polyposis registry was begun at St.
Analysis of tumors with MSI has revealed different Mark’s Hospital in England from which Lockhart-Mummery
mechanisms of CRC carcinogenesis, referred to as the and Dukes published the first series of ten families with
mutator pathway, which is partially distinct from the familial intestinal polyposis. In 1951, Gardner recognized a
dominant mechanisms that operate in the classic ade- polyposis condition which was associated with desmoids,
noma-to-carcinoma sequence referred to as the chromo- bone and cyst-like surface tumors. In 1987, the APC gene
somal instability pathway [64]. Genes targeted in the was localized to 5q21-22. The last decade has seen advances
mutator pathway have mononucleotide runs that are sus- in understanding of genetics, pathophysiology, and manage-
ceptible to mutation when MMR is not functional. ment of polyposis syndromes ranging from recognition of
TGFBR2 (also referred to as TGFβ-RII) is one of the attenuated FAP and MAP, genotype-phenotype correlation,
most commonly targeted genes in the mutator pathway. surgical colectomy techniques, chemoprophylaxis, and
Loss of responsiveness of the inhibitory effects of TGFβ improved screening strategies [66].
contributes to the development of many cancers but is
particularly prominent in CRC. TGFβ sends an inhibitory
signal for cell proliferation that is mediated through two 25.5.1 Clinical Aspects of FAP
receptors: TGFβ-RI and TGFβ-RII. TGFβ-RII is suscep-
tible to replication errors because of a run of ten adenines Natural History
in the part of the gene that encodes the signal sequence. FAP accounts for less than 1 % of all CRC [67]. The inci-
Mutations in TGFβ-RII cause failure of binding and dence is thought to be 1 in 13,000 to 1 in 18,000 in Northern
response to TGFβ. Moreover, experimental introduction European populations [68, 69]. It is inherited in an autoso-
of a normal TGFβ-RII gene into receptor-negative colon mal dominant fashion. De novo germline mutations account
cancer cell lines restores TGFβ-RII function and sup- for up to 25 % of cases [70]. The penetrance of polyposis
presses cancer-cell tumorigenicity [65]. approaches 100 % in individuals with APC mutations,
Other genes that are mutated in the mutator pathway although there is substantial variation in disease presentation
include those involved in signal transduction (IGFII, PTEN), as will be discussed. Without intervention, malignant trans-
apoptosis and inflammation (BAX, caspase-5), transcription formation of one or more polyps is highly likely to occur on
regulation (E2F4, TCF-4), and DNA repair (MSH6, MSH3, average by the fourth decade of life.
MLH3, MED-1, RAD50, DNA-PKcs, BLM). Functional Patients present with hundreds of adenomatous polyps
studies are ongoing to determine which genes play a role in that carpet the colon and rectum starting in adolescence.
major tumor initiation and progression and to distinguish Cancer develops by age 35–40 with 70–80 % of the tumors
them from alterations that are merely bystanders in the being localized distally [69, 71]. Additional clinical features
milieu of increased mutagenesis. include desmoids tumors, upper intestinal (gastric and duo-
denal) polyps and cancer, thyroid cancer, hepatoblastoma,
and congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
25.5 Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (CHRPE). Although a minor part of the syndrome and still
(FAP) relatively infrequent, an increased frequency of pancreatic
adenocarcinomas is associated with FAP. Relative and abso-
In contrast to Lynch syndrome, patients with polyposis syn- lute lifetime risk of extracolonic cancers associated with
dromes are less challenging to identify clinically because of FAP is presented in Table 25.4.
the presence of many adenomatous polyps in the colon and
rectum. Adenomatous polyps are precursor lesions of
CRC. The prototypical polyposis syndrome is FAP, and it is Table 25.4 Risks of extracolonic tumors in familial adenomatous
caused by either inherited or de novo germline mutations in polyposis (FAP)
the APC gene. There is marked heterogeneity in expression Tumor Relative risk (%) Absolute lifetime risk (%)
of APC mutations leading to a spectrum of disease rather Desmoids 852 15
than a single phenotype. This spectrum includes typical FAP, Duodenal cancer 330.8 3.0–5.0
attenuated FAP (AFAP), profuse polyposis, and Gardner’s Thyroid 7.6 2
syndrome. In the last 10 years, a distinct polyposis syndrome Brain 7 2
MAP was identified due to mutations in the MUTYH gene. Ampullary 123.7 1.7
Histologic confirmation of a condition of multiple colonic Pancreatic 4.5 1.7
polyps was recognized over 120 years ago when Sklifasowski Hepatoblastoma 847 1.6
published a case of polyadenoma tractus intestinalis. An Gastric 0.6
inherited version of this condition was reported a year later From Galiatsatos Am J Gastroenterol 2006 [72]
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 391

The clinical spectrum of FAP includes Gardner with ileorectal anastomosis (IRA) and sigmoidoscopy every
syndrome, AFAP, profuse polyposis, and Turcot syndrome. 6 months or total colectomy with ileal-pouch anal anastomo-
All of these clinical variants result from APC mutations sis (IPAA) with periodic sigmoidoscopy of the pouch.
and are associated with mutations at different regions of Presently, IPAA, which removes all colorectal mucosa, has
APC (the allelic series). Gardner syndrome is a condition of become the preferred surgical approach. There is still a
gastrointestinal polyposis associated with osteomas as well small, but not negligible risk of polyps and cancer in both the
as epidermal cysts, desmoids, and thyroid tumors. In these remnant rectum (with IRA) and the pouch (with IPAA). The
patients, the extraintestinal manifestations are particularly option of IRA is most appropriate in young patients with few
prominent compared to typical FAP. Dental abnormalities rectal adenomas and a family history of a mild phenotype as
including supernumerary and impacted teeth are seen in well as in AFAP [75].
one quarter to one third of patients with this variant of the
syndrome. In AFAP, there are between 10 and 100 colorec- Chemoprevention
tal adenomas. These polyps are more proximally located Over the past decade, chemoprevention in FAP has gained
and the age of CRC onset is 15 years later than individuals attention. Clinically investigated agents include NSAIDs
with FAP. AFAP patients may not have a family history and (predominantly sulindac), COX-2 inhibitors (both celecoxib
often do not exhibit extracolonic tumors. In contrast, pro- and rofecoxib) as well as nutritional, micronutrient, and
fuse polyposis describes individuals with more than 5000 combination therapies. The prophylactic role of COX-2
colonic adenomas. inhibitors has been questioned due to important cardiovascu-
lar risks. Presently, these preventive medical therapies are Diagnosis not considered alternatives to surgical colectomy. Most stud-
FAP is usually diagnosed when patients present with carpet- ies have been performed for polyp prevention post-
ing adenomatous colonic polyps or when a relative is diag- colectomy. Chemoprevention is most appropriate in young
nosed with FAP. Algorithms have been developed to aid in patients with adenomas before surgery, post-IRA patients for
the clinical diagnosis and management of FAP in affected prevention of rectal adenomas, individuals with duodenal
individuals and their first-degree family members [72]. For adenomas, and those with abdominal wall or intra-abdominal
an individual in whom FAP is suspected, full DNA sequenc- desmoids [76].
ing of the APC gene is recommended. For first-degree rela-
tives, the recommendation is to test for the mutation found in
the proband beginning at age 10–12. Embryonic testing is 25.5.2 Genetics of FAP
also available. APC Gene Prophylaxis APC was localized to chromosome 5q by the identification
If an APC mutation is identified, patients should be of a deletion of chromosome 5q in an individual with Gardner
referred for proctocolectomy. In addition, patients syndrome [77]. In 1991, linkage analysis and conventional
should have upper endoscopy every 1–3 years, annual positional cloning strategies were used to identify mutations
thyroid examination, and periodic abdominal ultrasound in the APC gene in families with FAP, confirming this gene’s
for pancreatic cancer and desmoids tumor screening. If causative role in the syndrome [78]. The gene has an 8538 bp
a mutation is identified in a family member, colonos- open reading frame with 15 transcribed exons (Fig. 25.4).
copy should be performed yearly from age until the Exon 15 is the largest exon and accounts for 75 % of the cod-
onset of polyps at which time prophylactic colectomy is ing sequence and is the location of most germline and
recommended. If genetic testing is not desired or pos- somatic APC mutations [79]. Most germline and somatic
sible in a first-degree relative or no mutation is identi- APC mutations result in premature chain-termination.
fied in the proband, flexible sigmoidoscopy is Truncated protein products can be detected by a molecular
recommended annually starting at age 10–12. If polyps genetic assay referred to as in vitro synthesized protein
are found, individuals should consider colectomy. If no (IVSP), and this analysis can be carried out on exon 15
polyps are found by age 50, general screening guide- directly from genomic DNA or on APC cDNA preparations
lines can be followed [ 72 ]. from cellular RNA.
As a result of screening and appropriate therapy, there has More than 800 different germline and somatic APC muta-
been a 55 % reduction in incidence of CRC at time of FAP tions have been reported. The region located at the 5′ end of
diagnosis (that is, diagnosis of FAP prior to CRC diagnosis) exon 15 roughly between codons for amino acid residues
as well as an improvement in survival for all FAP patients 1286 and 1513 comprises the mutation cluster region (MCR).
[73, 74]. Colectomy dramatically reduces the risk of CRC The most common germline mutations are 5-bp deletions
development. Surgical options are either subtotal colectomy that occur between codons 1061 and 1309; these mutations
392 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9a b 11 13 15
10 12 14

b Homology domain binding
20 aa site Human Disc
Armadillo region 15 aa repeats Basic domain Large (HDLG)
Oligomerization repeats binding site

6 57 453 767 1265 2035 2200 2400 2843

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800

c codons

CHRPE (463-1387)

Papillary thyroid cancer (140-1309)

Hepatoblastoma (457-1309)

Desmoid tumors (1445-1580)

Duodenal adenomas (976-1067)

AFAP (1-163,329-338,1596-2644)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800

Fig. 25.4 APC gene and protein. (a) The APC gene encodes 15 exons. by the shaded rectangles, are associated with different clinical suscepti-
The drawing shows the relative sizes of each coding segment in the bilities. CHRPE, congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigmented epi-
genome. (b) The APC protein contains numerous structural motifs and thelium; AFAP, attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis. Adapted
binding domains. See text for more details on selected regions of the from Galiatsatos [72] and used by permission.
protein. (c) APC mutations in different regions of the gene, as depicted

account for 1/3 of all germline mutations [80]. Somatic APC precursor colonocyte leads to increased proliferation of the
mutations occur most frequently between codons 1286 and mutant cell. In FAP, the first hit is usually inherited from a
1513 with hotspots at codons 1309 and 1450 [79]. parent, but the somatic mutation that constitutes the second
Inactivating somatic mutation of APC is the predominant hit may not be entirely random. More advantageous muta-
first step in mutational pathway of colorectal carcinogenesis tions are selected for during tumor initiation. These advan-
occurring in over 85 % of all CRCs, consistent with its role tageous somatic mutations are not functionally null, instead
as a tumor suppressor. In order for APC-associated disease they retain some APC activity in down-regulating Wnt sig-
to develop, two hits are required. Loss of APC function in a naling rather than allowing for excessive β-catenin accumu-
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 393

lation that would induce apoptosis. This is known as the 25.5.3 APC Protein and Wnt Signaling
just-right signaling model [81]. Pathway Genotype-Phenotype Correlations Canonical Wnt Signaling

Location of germline mutations in APC partially predicts the Wnts (the name is derived from the homologous genes iden-
varying polyposis phenotypes, although the underlying tified by the Drosophila melanogaster mutant wingless and
mechanisms for these genotype-phenotype correlations have the mouse mutant int1) are a family of conserved signaling
not been fully elucidated. Mutations between codons 1250 proteins that allow cells to converse with one another in
and 1464 in the MCR have been associated with profuse pol- order to coordinate a variety of cellular processes in develop-
yposis [82]. Age of CRC onset in this sub-type is about 8 ment, homeostasis, and wound healing. There are several
years earlier compared to typical FAP. In contrast, the milder Wnt signaling pathways (referred to as canonical and non-
phenotype of AFAP is associated with mutations at the very canonical). While the canonical pathway is the best-
3′ end of the APC gene, nonsense mutations at exon 9, as characterized, non-canonical pathways include the planar
well as nonsense and frameshift mutations at exons 3, 4, and cell polarity pathway, the Wnt/Ca pathway, and the protein
5 [83–87]. kinase A pathway.
Certain extracolonic manifestations of FAP also appear to The canonical pathway refers to Wnt signaling that ulti-
have specific genotype-phenotype correlations. First, mately leads to β-catenin translocation to the nucleus
CHRPE can be seen in families with a mutation anywhere (Fig. 25.5). Normally, in the off state of Wnt signaling,
between codons 311 and 1465. Desmoid tumors have been β-catenin is maintained in the cytoplasm by a protein com-
associated with mutations at the 3′ end of the gene down- plex known as the destruction complex composed of AXIN1,
stream of codon 1400. While no large study has been done to APC, and glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β). In the on
confirm the association between upper intestinal polyps and state, Wnt proteins bind to a receptor complex made up of
APC mutations, it has been suggested that mutations from Frizzleds and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related pro-
codons 976 to 1067 increase risk of duodenal adenomas. The tein (Fz/LRP) leading to phosphorylation of a downstream
evidence for associations with desmoid and upper gastroin- protein Disheveled (Dvl). Phosphorylated Dvl inhibits
testinal tumors is weaker than it is for CHRPE. Additional GSK-3β leading to cytoplasmic accumulation of β-catenin
correlations are shown in Fig. 25.4c. which is not degraded and which translocates to the nucleus.
Nuclear β-catenin complexes with T-cell transcription factor Min Mouse Model (TCF) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (LEF), which,
The multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) (ApcMin/+) mouse is upon recruitment of coactivators, leads to transcription of
the best-characterized model of FAP. The ApcMin/+ mouse target genes. A recent review provides additional detail on
has a mutation at codon 850 and develops multiple adenomas APC and Wnt signaling in CRC [96].
of the small intestine as well as a more limited number of
colonic lesions [88]. This mouse model has been used to APC Protein
characterize genetic and epigenetic modifiers of FAP. It has APC is expressed in most cell types. In the colon, APC is
also been useful for testing putative chemotherapeutic regi- a regulatory protein of colonic epithelial cell homeostasis.
mens including NSAIDs. The protein is comprised of 2843 amino acids with several
functional domains (Fig. 25.4). These domains have been Modifier Genes implicated primarily in Wnt signal transduction but also in
Modifier genes have been implicated in the variable expres- cell migration, adhesion, and chromosomal segregation. In
sion of FAP phenotypes [89]. In 1993, Dietrich reported a the N-terminus, there is an oligomerization domain and a
modifier gene on chromosome 4 in the Min mouse model region consisting of armadillo repeats. The central portion
[90]. The modifier of Min 1 (Mom1) strongly influences consists of several 15- and 20-amino acid repeats. The
tumor number in the animal model. A candidate gene in this C-terminus contains a basic domain as well as binding sites
region is secretory phospholipase A2 (Pla2s) or its human for EB1, microtubules, actin, human disc large (HDLG) pro-
equivalent locus PLA2G2A [91]. Variants in PLA2G2A have tein, and scribble. β-catenin binding occurs at three of the 15
been associated with severity of duodenal polyposis in FAP amino acid repeats and seven of the 20 amino acid repeats in
patients [92]. In the last decade, two further modifiers (Mom2 APC, with the latter being essential for β-catenin downregu-
and Mom7) [93, 94] have been described in the Min model, lation. Three so-called serine-alanine-methionine-proline
but investigators have yet to study these loci in humans. (SAMP) repeats also are crucial to regulate β-catenin degra-
Another candidate modifier gene is N-acetyltransferase (both dation via binding to AXIN1. Inactivating APC mutations
NAT1 and NAT2), which has been associated with a twofold generally result in truncation of the C-terminus of APC
increase in the number of polyps in FAP patients [95]. thereby eliminating the SAMP repeats and all but one of the
394 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis

Fig. 25.5 The canonical Wnt signaling pathway. (a) Off state. The Wnt DNA-bound T-cell factor (TCF). In addition, the inhibitor of β-catenin
signaling pathway is in the off state either when Wnt is not present or (ICAT) and Chibby further suppress β-catenin nuclear activity. (b) On
when Wnt binding to its membrane-bound receptors, including Frizzled state. In the on state, Wnt binding to Frz and LRP results in phosphoryla-
(Frz) proteins and co-receptors low-density lipoprotein receptor-related tion of the LRP cytoplasmic tail by CK1 and GSK3β as well as recruit-
protein (LRP), is prevented by Wnt binding to other factors, including ment of axin to phosphorylated LRP by dishevelled (Dsh) to inactivate the
CER1, WIF1, and SFRP. In the cytoplasm, a complex composed of APC, destruction complex. In the nucleus, Wnt target genes can be transcribed
Axin, casein kinase 1 (CK1), and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β), by displacement of Groucho, TCF interaction with β-catenin and recruit-
aptly named the destruction complex, phosphorylates β-catenin and tar- ment of B cell lymphoma 9 (Bcl9), Pygopus, mixed-lineage leukemia
gets it for destruction. In the destruction complex, GSK3β and CK1 act to (MLL) methyltransferases, APC, C-terminal-binding protein (CtBP), and
phosporylate β-catenin, while Axin and APC function as scaffold proteins βTrCP. Several target genes known to be regulated by β-catenin and Wnt
that assemble substrate (β-catenin) and enzymes (GSK3β and CK1). signaling have been identified including c-myc, cyclin D1, CDH1, Tcf-1,
β-Transducin repeat-containing protein (βTrCP) shuttles phosphorylated c-jun, Fra-1, PPARd, Gastrin, uPAR, MMP7, Survivan, Axin2/Conductin,
β-catenin to the proteosome for degradation. In the nucleus, Wnt target CD44, Id2, among others. Figure used by permission from Schneikert and
genes are silenced by a repressor known as Groucho that interacts with Behrens [96].

20 amino acid repeats. The truncations result in removal of For a comprehensive discussion of APC and Wnt-independent
an interaction site with AXIN and consequent dysregulation pathways, readers are directed to a review by Prosperi and
of β-catenin degradation. In addition, the truncated APC pro- Goss [98].
tein lacks nuclear export sequences (NESs), which appears
to be important in normal shuttling of β-catenin from the Wnt Pathway Inhibitors
nucleus to the cytoplasm [97]. Given evidence of dysregulated Wnt signaling in CRC as
While APC has been primarily characterized as a scaffold well as other tumor types, there has been interest in develop-
protein in Wnt signaling as discussed above, there is emerg- ing agents that can inhibit the pathway and prevent nuclear
ing evidence of its role in Wnt pathway-independent activi- transcriptional functions of β-catenin. There are two classes
ties which may contribute to carcinogenesis. There are data of Wnt pathway inhibitors: small-molecule and biological
that APC is involved in apical-basal and front-rear polarity, inhibitors [99]. Small-molecule inhibitors of the Wnt
migration, differentiation, DNA replication, mitosis, pathway include agents such as nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
DNA repair, and apoptosis. Appreciation of APC’s Wnt- tory drugs (NSAIDs), vitamins (such as A and D), and
independent activities has important implications especially polyphenols (such as curcumin and resveratrol). NSAIDs, such
as Wnt inhibitors are being investigated as cancer therapeutics. as aspirin, sulindac, and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors,
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 395

have been studied for prevention of adenomas in FAP and in human ortholog of the base-excision repair gene MutY of
patients with CRC. Their mechanism of action might be Escherichia coli. MUTYH is a DNA glycosylase that initi-
through inhibition of Wnt signaling via prostaglandin sup- ates the base-excision repair of specific lesions in oxidized
pression of β-catenin degradation [100]. Additional DNA; consequently, mutations in MUTYH lead to accumu-
small-molecule inhibitors have been identified through high- lation of mutations due to oxidative DNA damage. The
throughput screening studies and are classified into four 8-oxo-guanine (GO) lesion is the major oxidative lesion in
groups: β-catenin/TCF antagonists, transcriptional co- DNA, which results in a GO:C mismatch in the DNA
activator modulators, PDZ domain of Dvl binders and alter- [102]. The mismatch is repaired by the product of the
native mechanism-based inhibitors. These agents are largely OGG1 gene and the base-excision repair pathway
still in discovery or preclinical development; though, in (Fig. 25.6). However, if the GO base is not repaired prior
2010, a transcriptional co-activator modulator targeting CBP to DNA replication, a GO:A base pair will arise after DNA
is in phase I testing. Biological inhibitors include monoclo- replication. The mismatched A base pair is specifically
nal antibodies and small interfering RNA (siRNA) against excised by MUTYH. Following excision of the A base
Wnt-1 and/or Wnt-2 have shown promise as possible thera- pair, a C base is inserted opposite the GO base and the
peutic agents and are currently in preclinical development. GO:C mismatch is subsequently resolved to a G:C base
While Wnt pathway inhibitors hold promise as therapeutic pair by OGG1 and the base-excision repair pathway.
agents, there are concerns about specificity given the role of The initial discovery of MUTYH in cancer susceptibility
Wnt signaling in normal cell homeostasis, in particular, stem came through a study of a family of three sibs with APC
cell homeostasis. The future of Wnt pathway inhibitors as mutation-negative FAP [103]. By sequencing the APC gene
therapeutic agents depends on specifically targeting tumor in the colonic adenomas, investigators discovered a skew in
cells with aberrant Wnt signaling. The role of newer Wnt the types of somatic mutations that had arisen in the APC
pathway inhibitors in FAP remains to be determined. gene. The skew in mutation types was consistent with a
defect in the base-excision repair of oxidative damage. All
three siblings were genetic compounds for the MUTYH
25.6 Muir-Torre and Turcot Syndrome mutations Y165C and G382D, whereas unaffected family
members were either homozygous for the normal allele or
Muir-Torre and Turcot syndrome are rare variants of heredi- heterozygous suggesting autosomal recessive inheritance.
tary CRC syndromes. Individuals with Muir-Torre present These MUTYH mutations greatly reduced the activity of the
with uncommon sebaceous skin tumors and internal malig- protein when experimentally introduced at the orthologous
nancies. Most patients have mutations in MSH2 though position in the E. coli MutY protein. Further genetic epide-
there have been reports of mutations in MLH1 as well. miologic studies have confirmed that Y165C and G382D are
Interestingly, some of MSH2 mutations in this variant are disease-causing mutations associated with MAP. These
the same as those in classic Lynch syndrome perhaps due mutations account for the majority of Caucasian cases of
to underreporting of personal or family histories of skin MAP [104, 105]. Biallelic MUTYH mutations have been
conditions. A review paper provides additional detail on detected in approximately 0.5 % of consecutive CRC cases.
Muir-Torre syndrome [101]. This frequency is approximately 50–100 times greater than
Turcot syndrome (TS) describes patients with hereditary the expected frequency of biallelic MUTYH mutations carri-
CRC associated with CNS tumors. The molecular basis of ers in the general population. In addition, 36 % of the CRCs
TS can result from germline defects in APC or MMR genes. arising in biallelic MUTYH mutation carriers occur in the
TS due to mutations in MMR genes results in CRC and glio- absence of detectable polyp development. There is evidence
mas in both children and adults. In contrast, TS associated for a small increase in CRC risk in carriers of mono-allelic
with APC mutations leads to CRC and childhood cerebellar MUTYH mutations [106].
medulloblastoma. Reported mutations in MMR genes asso- Clinically, MAP may be difficult to distinguish from FAP
ciated with TS include MSH2, MLH1, and rarely, PMS2. or AFAP in that numbers of adenomas can range from none
to hundreds. Furthermore, polyp histology appears to be het-
erogeneous in MAP with hyperplastic and sessile serrated
25.6.1 MYH-Associated Polyposis (MAP) adenomas being common [107]. This finding suggests that
Syndrome aberrant base-excision repair targets both KRAS as well as
APC in MAP. In contrast to FAP, MAP presents at a later age
Since 2002, a distinct hereditary polyposis syndrome asso- with a mean age of CRC diagnosis at age 50 and there is
ciated with mutations in the gene MUTYH, which is the rarely a significant family history of CRC. Genetic testing
396 S.S. Kupfer and N.A. Ellis


Oxidative damage Oxidative damage

Replication d G°TP

MutM MutT

G G° d G°MP


MutM hMYH MutS Replication

hOGG1 hMutSa

G° T

Fig. 25.6 Base-excision repair. In E.coli, MutT, MutM, MutY, and MutS (hMYH) is also a DNA glycosylase that excises the A residue that is
and their respective homologues in humans, hMTH1, hOGG1, hMYH, misincorporated opposite the 8-oxoG residue during replication. MutS
and hMutSα repair oxidative DNA damage. Specifically, this mechanism (hMutSα) is an alternative pathway for this excision step. Cells defective
protects against the mutagenic effects of 8-oxo-guanine (G°). MutT in base-excision repair accumulate G:C to T:A transversions. In MYH-
(hMTH1) prevents 8-oxo-dGMP incorporation into DNA. MutM polyposis, patients have defective hMYH function due to biallelic
(hOGG1) is a DNA glycosylase that removes the oxidized base. MutY mutations. Used by permission from Lu [117].

for MAP is done when a patient with polyposis tests negative mary of clinical, genetic, and pathophysiologic characteris-
for APC mutations. Currently, affected individuals should tics is presented in Table 25.5. An in-depth discussion of
undergo regular colonoscopy and probably also upper hamartomatous syndrome can be found in a comprehensive
endoscopy to screen for duodenal polyposis. Unfortunately, review article [108]. Here, we briefly discuss familial juve-
due to its recessive inheritance, MAP patients may not be nile polyposis, Cowden’s disease, and Peutz-Jeghers.
diagnosed until multiple polyps and/or CRC is already
25.6.3 Familial Juvenile Polyposis

25.6.2 Hamartomatous Polyposis Syndromes Familial juvenile polyposis is estimated to have an incidence
of 1:100,000 live births and is the most common of the
A distinct group of hereditary polyp conditions result in hamartomatous syndromes. It is inherited in an autosomal
formation of hamartomas, which are an overgrowth of dominant fashion. It is characterized by multiple hamarto-
mesenchymal, stromal, endodermal, and ectodermal tis- mas in the colon and rectum. The syndrome can co-occur
sues. Together, these conditions represent <1 % of all with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome. Risks of colon, gastric,
CRC. However, given the substantial risk of cancer in small intestinal, and pancreatic cancer are increased. By age
affected individuals and the possibility of genetic testing/ 60, the risk of CRC is estimated at 68 % and of gastric can-
counseling in family members, understanding these syn- cer at 20 %. Screening with colonoscopy and upper endos-
dromes is important. A number of syndromes fall into the copy is important with referral for colectomy in cases of
hamartomatous polyposis group, including familial juvenile diffuse polyposis. The genes involved include SMAD4, on
polyposis, Cowden’s disease, Peutz-Jeghers, Bannayan- chromosome 18q21.1, which encodes a protein involved in
Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome, Basal nevus syndrome, signal transduction in response to TGF-β, and BMPR1A, on
Neurofibromatosis I, MEN2B, and mixed polyposis. A sum- 10q22.3, which encodes a receptor for BMP1.
25 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer 397

Table 25.5 Hamartomatous syndromes tern. Mutations in the phosphatase and tensin homolog gene
Select clinical (PTEN) on chromosome 10q23 have been associated with
Syndrome Gene (location) Cancers features individuals with Cowden’s syndrome. Cowden’s syndrome
Juvenile SMAD4(18q21.1) Colon Hereditary may involve the skin, breast, and thyroid. Lifetime risk of
polyposis BMPR1A(10q22.3) Gastric hemorrhagic breast cancer is estimated at 36 % and of thyroid cancer at
small telangiectasia
intestine (Osler-Weber- 10 %. The risk of CRC is controversial, though screening with
Pancreatic Rendu) colonoscopy is advocated. A study of 127 PTEN mutation
especially with carriers undergoing routine colonoscopic screening showed
SMAD4 that mixed polyposis especially hyperplastic polyps was com-
mon and that the risk of early-onset colorectal cancer was
Peutz- STK11(18p13.3) Thyroid Predominantly
Jeghers Ovarian small intestinal greatly elevated compared to controls [109].
Lung hamartomas that
Pancreatic may obstruct or
Breast bleed;
25.7 Conclusion
macules mouth,
eyes, nostrils, Mendelian CRC hereditary syndromes reviewed in this chap-
perianal, buccal ter have provided great insight into molecular mechanisms
of colorectal cancer overall. Moreover, timely identification
Cowden’s PTEN(10q23.31) Thyroid Mucocutaneous
Breast features (present
of mutation carriers and at-risk family members allows for
Endometrial in up to 80 %) implementation of surveillance programs and surgical treat-
Brain Macrocephaly ments that save lives. While there are clearly unanswered
Renal cell Mixed colonic questions remaining in hereditary CRC syndromes, great
Colon polyposis
progress has been made in this field since Warthin’s original
Adapted from Schreibman Am J Gastroenterol 2005 [108]
description of cancer-prone families in the early 1900s.
Returning to the question posed in this chapter’s introduc-
25.6.4 Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome tion “…what is hereditary CRC?...,” there is clearly more to
CRC heritability than the Mendelian syndromes reviewed
PJS is a hamartomatous polyposis associated with mucocu- here. A few notable examples of developments in the field
taneous hyperpigmentation. The incidence is similar to warrant comment. Recent work has identified a likely new
Cowden’s syndrome at 1:200,000 live births. It is inherited in rare CRC susceptibility gene GALNT12 which is involved in
an autosomal dominant fashion. There is variable penetrance O-glycosylation leading to aberrant glycosylation [110].
with some affected family members developing polyps and A study using familial CRC kindreds identified a linkage
oral hyperpigmentation and some only with skin changes. In peak at chromosome 9q22-31 [111], which has been vali-
contrast to familial juvenile polyposis and Cowden’s syn- dated in multiple, independent studies [112, 113]. Further
drome, polyps are more often seen in the small intestine, fine-mapping localized this linkage signal to a five SNP hap-
although they do occur in the colon and stomach. Polyps lotype at 98.15 Mb on chromosome 9q which harbors a num-
usually form in early adolescence. Besides oral mucosal ber of candidate genes [114]. Another study has identified
hyperpigmentation, PJS can be associated with genitouri- germline structural variants in the tumor suppressor gene
nary tumors. There is a risk of malignant transformation in PTPRJ in early-onset CRC that leads to hypermethylation
the intestinal polyps as well as in breast, ovarian, and pancre- and gene inactivation [115].
atic tissue. One gene associated with PJS is STK11, a serine- Finally, much effort has been invested in identifying novel
threonine protein kinase 11 (LKB1), located on 19p13.3. genetic variants that increase susceptibility to CRC using
This gene product is a tumor suppressor gene. A quarter of genome-wide technologies. Genome-wide association stud-
PJS mutations are thought to be de novo or result from low- ies have identified common genetic variants (with minor
penetrance variants. Aggressive screening is recommended allele frequencies over 5 %) using familial and/or early-onset
given the possibility of multiple cancers. cases [116]. These studies have yielded important results. In
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Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Michael P. Lux, Mayada R. Bani, Peter A. Fasching,
and Matthias W. Beckmann

BRCA1/BRCA2-associated BC has special pathological

characteristics. The lesions have an increased mitotic rate 26.1 Introduction
greater pleomorphism, higher proliferation rates, a lower
grade of differentiation, and are more often grade III. Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent form of carcinoma
BRCA1-associated carcinoma is more frequently estrogen- in women. The incidence of BC is still increasing, particu-
receptor-negative and progesterone-receptor-negative. larly in women under the age of 50 [1]. Most cases of BC
Hereditary and sporadic OC show similar pathological char- affect older women and have a sporadic pathogenesis.
acteristics, but the affected women have a longer relapse- Approximately 10–15 % of all cases of BC and 25–40 % of
free interval after initial chemotherapy and a longer overall cases in patients under the age of 35 involve a genetic pre-
survival. disposition. BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations are responsible for
Clinical options require information regarding the 3–8 % of all cases of BC and 15–20 % of familial cases (but
risks of the disease and its mutation status. Chemoprevention are found in over 80 % of families in which six or more
is currently a controversial topic. The use of oral contra- cases occur) [2, 3]. In addition, the familial BC risk is asso-
ceptives can be regarded as reducing the risk of ciated with an increased risk for ovarian cancer (OC). Ten
OC. Prophylactic mastectomy and bilateral ovariectomy percent of all cases of OC involve a predisposition with
are the only options that lead to a demonstrable reduction autosomal-dominant inheritance, particularly with BRCA1/
in risk but they do of course affect the patient’s physical BRCA2 mutations [4]. The cumulative risk for disease is
integrity. It is not currently known whether intensified 39 % in carriers of the BRCA1 mutation and 11 % in carriers
early cancer detection is individually beneficial, but this is of the BRCA2 mutation, up to the age of 80 [5]. Most cases
currently the option that is least invasive and least burden- of OC are diagnosed at an advanced stage [6]. The prognosis
some to the patient. Although hereditary BC has different is still poor, despite the enormous efforts that have been
pathological characteristics and the BRCA mutation is an made in the field of therapy. It is essential to identify and
independent negative prognostic factor, there are currently provide genetic consultation for women who are at high
no special treatment guidelines. Without adjuvant hor- risk, in order to assess the individual disease risk, calculate
mone therapy or chemotherapy, the overall survival in the probability of mutation carrier status, offer genetic anal-
BRCA mutation carriers is reduced. Chemotherapy regi- ysis, advise women on the need for intensified early detec-
mens involving platinum are particularly beneficial in the tion of cancer, provide preventive care and prophylactic
treatment of hereditary BC. surgery, and offer psychological support [1, 7, 8].

26.2 Epidemiology

26.2.1 Carcinoma Incidence and Risk

for Disease by the Hereditary Breast
and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
M.P. Lux, M.D., M.B.A. (*) • M.R. Bani, M.D.
P.A. Fasching, M.D. • M.W. Beckmann, M.D.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erlangen University
The incidence of BC is still increasing. However, current stud-
Hospital, CCC Erlangen-EMN, Erlangen, Germany ies suggest that the mortality is declining due to improved
e-mail: diagnostic methods, adequate early cancer detection programs,

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 401

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_26
402 M.P. Lux et al.

and increased awareness regarding BC in the general popula- OC is the sixth most frequent cancer in women, and there
tion [9]. The cumulative risk of developing BC is 2 % up to the has been a noticeable increase in the incidence of the disease
age of 50, and it increases to 10 % up to the age of 80 [10]. over the last century. The highest incidences in the world are
There are many risk factors for BC (Table 26.1) [3, 11]. In found in developed Western countries, although stabilization
addition, factors such as age, a lack of previous pregnancies, in the incidence has been noted during the last 30 years. The
and a family history of BC increase the risk [12, 13]. Nutrition, use of oral contraceptives (reducing ovulation) and the prac-
lack of exercise, environmental factors, use of oral contracep- tice of carrying out bilateral ovariectomy in patients under-
tives, and hormonal therapy can also affect the risk [12]. going hysterectomy are partly responsible for this trend [1].
A family history of BC is an important risk factor. The The risk of OC rises with increasing age and involves hor-
disease has a hereditary pathogenesis in approximately monal interactions. Table 26.2 provides an overview of the
5–10 % of all patients with BC and 25–40 % of those under risk factors for OC [19]. A considerable increase in the risk
the age of 35. The risk of developing BC increases with the is observed in patients with a family history of OC. At least
number of affected family members (Table 26.1)—for 10 % of all epithelial ovarian cancers are hereditary, with
example, it is doubled when there is a first-degree relative mutations in the BRCA genes accounting for approximately
with BC [14]. 90 % of cases and most of the remaining 10 % being attribut-
Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are responsible able to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer [20].
for 3–8 % of all cases of BC and 40 % of familial cases of BC Women with a BRCA1 mutation have a cumulative lifetime
[2, 3]. The prevalence of germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 muta- risk of 39 % (95 % CI, 18–54) of developing OC, while in
tions in the general population is 0.1–0.2 % [15]. The risk of those with a BRCA2 mutation the cumulative lifetime risk is
BC up to the age of 70 is 65 % (95 % CI, 44–78) for BRCA1 11 % (95 % CI, 2.4–19) [5]. The risk increases with age.
mutation carriers and 45 % (95 % CI, 31–56) for BRCA2 King et al. [21] reported a risk of 3 % (2 % in BRCA2 muta-
mutation carriers [5]. In addition, mutation carriers have an tion carriers) of developing OC under the age of 40. The risk
increased risk of developing a relapse after BC. Haffty et al. increased to 21 % (2 % in BRCA2 mutation carriers) up to the
[16] reported a relapse rate of 49 % during a follow-up period age of 50, 40 % (6 % in BRCA2 mutation carriers) up to the
of 12 years (with a rate of sporadic carcinoma of 21 %). age of 60, and 46 % (12 % in BRCA2 mutation carriers) up to
Women with a familial risk, particularly those with the age of 70. The lifetime risk was 54 % (23 % in BRCA2
BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations, develop the disease at a younger mutation carriers). Other studies have reported risk levels of
age than in sporadic cases. BRCA1 mutation carriers have an 29 % (in BRCA1 mutation carriers) and 0.9 % (in BRCA2
18 % risk (15 % for BRCA2 mutation carriers) of developing mutation carriers) up to the age of 50 [3, 22].
BC up to the age of 39, and the risk increases to 59 % (34 %
for BRCA2 mutation carriers) in the age group of 40-49
years [17]. Malone et al. [18] detected a BRCA mutation in
9.4 % of women with BC under the age of 35 and in 12.0 %
of women with BC under the age of 45.
Table 26.2 Risk factors for ovarian cancer [19]
Risk factors Relative risk (RR)
Family history
First-degree relative diseased 3.1–3.6
Table 26.1 Risk factors for breast cancer [3, 11]
Second-degree relative diseased 2.9
Risk factor Relative risk (RR) Two or more relatives diseased 4.6
Family history Hereditary syndrome (HBOC/HNPCC) 25–30
First-degree relative with BC 2.40 Additional risk factors
Mother with BC before the age of 50 2.41 History of infertility 2.0–5.0
Sister with BC before the age of 50 3.18 No pregnancies 2.0–3.0
Two first-degree relatives with BC 2.93 Early menarche 1.5
Three or more first-degree relatives with BC 3.90 Late menopause 1.5–2.0
History of breast biopsy Women from North America/Europe 2.0–5.0
Atypical ductal hyperplasia 4.30 Caucasian 1.5
Lobular carcinoma in situ 6.90 Exposure to talc 1.0–2.5
Reproductive history Socially advantaged living standard 1.5–3.0
Age at first childbirth 35 years versus 20 years 1.32 Older age 3.0
Age at menarche 11 years versus 13 years 1.20 Nutrition (animal fibers, galactose) 1.5–2.0
Age at menopause 54 years versus 50 years 1.31 HBOC hereditary breast-ovarian cancer, HNPCC hereditary nonpolyp-
BC breast cancer osis colorectal cancer
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 403

26.2.2 BRCA1/BRCA2 and Other Hereditary identify polymorphisms with an associated risk. Candidate
Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndromes genes are selected on the basis of biological plausibility—
usually genes involved in cellular processes such as detoxifi-
BRCA mutations are responsible for a large proportion of cation, DNA repair, immune system control, and steroid
cases of familial BC with autosomal-dominant inheritance. hormone metabolism. A large number of genes have already
However, these only represent a small proportion of all cases been described [28].
of hereditary BC. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are each responsible Women with BRCA mutations show a high degree of vari-
for 20 % of cases of familial carcinoma [23]. In recent years, ability in the site of BC and in age at diagnosis. This can be
a number of other genes have been identified that are associ- explained by different types or locations of the mutations.
ated with a predisposition to develop BC. CHEK2 was On the other hand, exogenic factors or risk-modifying genes
detected in 1999. CHEK2 is a tumor-suppressor gene that might also be responsible for the variation. Another approach
encodes a protein kinase required for DNA repair and replica- has attempted to describe risk modifiers of this type [29].
tion [24]. CHEK2 mutations can be identified in 5 % of Hereditary BC and OC syndrome is a complex phenomenon
patients with familial BC, and are also associated with a dis- that involves multiple factors, with numerous different
position to develop sarcoma and brain tumors. The individual approaches needed to understand the genesis.
lifetime risk of developing BC is less than 20 % [23]. The
Li–Fraumeni syndrome is caused by mutations in TP53. It is
responsible for approximately 1 % of cases of familial 26.2.3 The Hereditary Breast and Ovarian
BC. The lifetime risk of BC is 90 %. PTEN mutations cause a Cancer Syndrome and Other Associated
predisposition to develop thyroid carcinoma, BC, and benign Carcinomas
hamartoma (Cowden’s disease), but are only responsible for
a small proportion of familial BC syndromes [23]. The type I Women with two BC and/or OC lesions are at increased risk
Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, of developing other types of cancer. Evans and colleagues
HNPCC) involves the development of colorectal carcinoma [30] analyzed the data for 2813 women in England who had
at a young age. Type II also involves extra-colorectal carci- at least two carcinomas of the breast and/or ovaries (2274
noma, particularly in the female reproductive tract [25]. women with two BCs, follow-up 4.9 years; 25 women with
Women in HNPCC families have a tenfold increase in the risk two OCs, follow-up 2.7 years; and 514 women with BC and
of developing OC [26]. Table 26.3 presents an overview of OC, follow-up 2.7 years). An increased risk was found for
common hereditary BC and OC syndromes [27]. four different types of carcinoma. The standard incidence
Fifty-four percent of cases of familial BC are caused by ratio (SIR) was 14.7 (95 % CI, 1.73–51.6) for oropharyngeal
genes that have not yet been identified, with a variable level carcinoma, 4.68 (95 % CI, 2.02–9.22) for malignant mela-
of associated risk [23]. Identifying these genes is challenging noma, 3.07 (95 % CI, 1.72–5.06) for endometrial carcinoma,
due to their genetic heterogeneity, reduced penetrance, and and 5.04 (95 % CI, 1.8–11.0) for myeloid leukemia. The SIR
different frequencies of mutation. Numerous approaches for colon carcinoma was 1.60, but the figure did not reach
have been tested in the effort to identify other high-penetrance statistical significance (95 % CI, 0.93–2.54). These obser-
and low-penetrance genes. Case-control studies are used to vations are almost identical with the published data for

Table 26.3 Hereditary carcinoma syndromes including BC or OC [27]

Syndrome Chromosome, gene Primary carcinoma Secondary carcinoma
Familial BC/OC syndrome 17 g21 BRCA1 BC, OC Colon carcinoma, prostate carcinoma
Familial BC/OC syndrome 13q12 BRCA2 BC, OC Male BC, endometrial carcinoma, prostate carcinoma,
oropharyngeal carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma
Cowden’s disease 10q23 PTEN BC, thyroid carcinoma Intestinal hamartoma, cutaneous lesions
Li–Fraumeni syndrome 17p13 TP53 Sarcoma, BC Brain tumor, leukemia
HNPCC 2p15 MSH2, 3, 6 Colorectal carcinoma Endometrial carcinoma, OC, Muir–Torre syndrome,
3p21 MLH1 hepatobiliary carcinoma, genitourinary carcinoma,
2p32 PMS1 glioblastoma
2p32 PMS1
7p22 PMS2
Louis–Bar syndrome 11 g22 ATM Lymphoma Cerebellar ataxia, immune deficiency, glioma,
medulloblastoma, BC (heterozygous)
CHEK2 13q21 CHEK2 BC, sarcoma, brain tumor
BC breast cancer, HNPCC, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, OC ovarian cancer
404 M.P. Lux et al.

BRCA-linked carcinomas. The Breast Cancer Linkage candidate region in men and a 17 cM-long region in women
Consortium [22] detected an increase in the relative risk of was identified within the following 2 years. Finally, muta-
developing oropharyngeal cancer (RR 2.26) and malignant tions in the BRCA1 gene were detected in five independent
melanoma (RR 2.58). In addition, there was an increased cases [35]. Subsequently, missense mutations were detected
risk for gastric cancer (RR 2.59), carcinoma of the gallblad- throughout the opening reading frame, which suggested that
der (RR 4.97), and pancreatic cancer (RR 3.51). BRCA2 the full-length gene product is a major effector of tumor sup-
mutation carriers have no increased risk for colorectal carci- pression. At the same time, a further susceptibility gene,
noma, but BRCA1 mutation carriers have a relative risk of BRCA2, was described on 13q12 [36].
4.11. The risk of prostate carcinoma is also increased (RR In 1971, Knudson observed that two consecutive muta-
1.82) [31]. Women aged 15–34 whose mother had two BCs tions in a single tumor-suppressor gene are necessary to
were found to be at increased risk in a Swedish study (SIR transform a normal cell into a tumor cell [37]. The identifica-
2.26; 95 % CI, 1.04–4.34) [32]. Together with the data pub- tion of homozygous tumor cells in heterozygous patients led
lished by Evans et al. (showing a fivefold increase in the to the conclusion that one mutation is inherited, while the
risk) [30], these results underline the hypothesis that the second mutation—with loss of the remaining functional
lesions have a similar origin. Evans et al. [30] did not detect copy of the tumor-suppressor gene—is acquired during an
a higher risk of developing cervical cancer, but this might be individual’s lifetime [38]. It is assumed that a two-hit mecha-
explained by the average age of the group of patients studied nism of this type is responsible for many hereditary cancer
(56 years). Thompson et al. [31] reported a relative risk of syndromes involving Mendelian inheritance. Normally, the
3.72 (95 % CI, 2.26–6.10) on the basis of a study including first inherited mutation is a point mutation, while the second
699 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 11,847 relatives. The risk mutation is caused by loss of part of the chromosome by
of endometrial cancer was also increased (RR 2.65; 95 % CI, nondisjunction, mitotic recombination, or de novo deletion
1.69–4.16). The Hereditary Ovarian Cancer Clinical Study in familial and also sporadic cases. The mechanism involved
Group [33] diagnosed six of 857 women with BRCA1 or in BRCA1 and BRCA2 differs from that in Knudson’s model,
BRCA2 mutations with endometrial cancer after an average which was originally proposed to explain both familial
follow-up period of 3.3 years, in comparison with 1.13 can- and sporadic cases of retinoblastoma due to mutation of a
cers expected (SIR 5.3; P = 0.0011). Four of the six patients single tumor-suppressor gene. Loss of heterozygosity can
had used tamoxifen in the past. The risk among women who be seen at the BRCA1 and BRCA2 locus in sporadic BC,
had never been exposed to tamoxifen treatment was not sig- but the remaining allele almost never mutates [39]. BRCA-
nificantly elevated (SIR 2.7; P = 0.17), but among the 226 linked disease is therefore reserved for the hereditary syn-
participants who had used tamoxifen (220 as treatment and drome, and BRCA-associated BC must be regarded as a
six for the primary prevention), the relative risk for endome- different entity from sporadic BC. This view is supported
trial cancer was 11.6 (P = 0.0004). The main factor contribut- by differences in the pathology, prognosis, and therapeutic
ing to the increased risk for endometrial cancer among BRCA management.
carriers is tamoxifen treatment for a previous breast cancer. Although little is known regarding the functions of
BRCA1 and BRCA2, some similarities between the two
genes have been described. It is now clear that the normal
26.3 Genetics protein products of BRCA1 and BRCA2 are involved in the
fundamental cellular processes of maintaining genomic
Modern molecular–biological techniques have made it pos- integrity and transcriptional regulation. Both genes have a
sible to obtain new insights into the genetic basis for carcino- comparable length of genomic DNA and are activated in
genesis. The genes that play a key role in carcinogenesis can most tissues. BRCA1 consists of 24 exons, 22 of which
be classified into different categories (e.g., oncogenes, encode for the protein [40]. The ATG start codon is on exon
tumor-suppressor genes). BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor- 2. Exon 11, which consists of 3427 base pairs, is exception-
suppressor genes with autosomal-dominant inheritance. ally long and covers more than half of the encoding regions
The existence of a familial disposition to develop BC and of BRCA1. The complete sequence is known.
OC has been recognized for many years, but the genetic basis BRCA2 has 27 exons and approximately 80 kb. Like
for this was unclear until 1990. Families with large numbers BRCA1, BRCA2 has large encoding exons. Exon 10 consists
of individuals who developed BC and OC were recorded for of 1116 bp and exon 11 of 4933 bp. Both genes encode for
linkage analyses, and a locus was detected on chromosome large proteins. The BRCA1 protein is a polypeptide with
17 [34]. Tumors in family members almost always showed a 3418 amino acids, with a mass of 384 kDa (albumin has a
loss of heterozygosity at 17q, suggesting that the associated mass of 69 kDa). A list of known mutations is available in the
gene, named BRCA1, was a tumor-suppressor gene. Further Breast Information Core databases (http://www.nhgri.nih.
studies confirmed the location of BRCA1, and an 8 cM-long gov/Intramural_research/Lab_transfer/Bic).
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 405

26.3.1 BRCA Expression a human homologue of the Escherichia coli RecA gene,
which plays an important role in recombination and double-
It is thought that the expression and regulation of the two strand break repair [53]. The Brca1 protein interacts indi-
genes are similar. Expression can be detected in almost all rectly with Rad51.
human tissues. The highest mRNA levels can be found in the
thymus [41]. Intensive studies have been carried out in mice.
Chodosh’s laboratory detected the highest level of expres- 26.3.3 BRCA as Caretaker of Genomic Integrity
sion in tissues with high proliferation rates [42]. BRCA2 also
has an effect on almost all tissues [43, 44]. Both genes are Biochemical, genetic, and cytological studies have revealed
activated in murine breast tissue, and expression increases multiple functions for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Brca1
during pregnancy [43]. The coordinated regulation of BRCA1 and Brca2 interact with Rad51. All three proteins are located
and BRCA2 suggests that the genes are induced by, and may in nuclear foci during the S phase after exposure to ionizing
function in, overlapping regulatory pathways involved in the radiation [54–58]. It is thought that the Brca1 and Brca2 pro-
control of cell proliferation and differentiation. Their levels teins form a DNA double-strand breakage repair system with
are highest during the S phase, which suggests a function in Rad51 [59]. Brca proteins appear to be responsible for the
DNA replication. The two genes are located in the nucleus of maintenance of genomic integrity and control of homolo-
somatic cells, where they coexist in characteristic subnuclear gous recombination. If DNA synthesis is arrested due to
foci that are redistributed after DNA damage [45]. On the external agents, Brca1 is rapidly phosphorylated in sites of
basis of the genes’ upregulated expression during puberty DNA synthesis together with Brca2, Rad51, and Bard1 [56,
and pregnancy, it has been suggested that estrogen may stim- 57]. This underlines the function of the corresponding genes
ulate the expression of BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 [46]. for homologous recombination during the S phase.
Expression of the three genes is upregulated during develop-
ment. In addition, the proteins are located in meiotic chro-
26.3.2 BRCA Protein Motifs mosomes during the formation of synaptinemal complex, a
structure that is associated with the regulation of meiotic
In many cases, the function of a gene can be understood recombination [39, 55, 56]. These observations indicate that
through comparison with that of similar known genes, but BRCA1 and BRCA2 cooperate in a single pathway.
the sequences of BRCA1 and BRCA2 have no significant Support for these observations has been obtained from
similarities with other genes. gene-targeting experiments. BRCA1+/– mice are normal
BRCA1 has an N-terminal zinc-binding RING motif, and fertile and lack tumors at the age of 11 months.
which is defined by a series of precisely positioned cysteine Homozygous BRCA1 mutant mice die before day 7.5 of
and histidine amino acids and has been described in several embryogenesis, and homozygous BRCA2 mutant mice die
genes [47, 48]. The RING motif plays a key role in numerous at around day 8.5 [55, 60]. In both cases, cells show activa-
pathways. Protein–protein interactions show that BRCA1 tion of the p53 pathway and p21, a DNA damage-dependent
and BARD1 form a heterodimer complex. BARD1 has a cell cycle checkpoint effector. Subsequently, fulminant
RING motif similar to that in BRCA1, and this is responsible chromosome breakage can be observed [61]. This under-
for the interaction. Somatic mutations of BARD1 have been lines the major role of Brca protein–Rad51 complexes in
detected in breast, ovarian, and endometrial carcinoma [49]. recombination during the S phase [39]. In addition, homo-
The carboxyl end of the Brca1 protein carries two tandem- zygous BRCA mutant cells show centrosome amplification
repeat globular domains, termed Brct (standing for BRCA1 mitotic checkpoint defects and defective transcription-cou-
C-terminal) [50]. This domain has been described in several pled repair of oxidative DNA damage [62, 63].
other proteins and is responsible for p53 linkage; p53 is a Several different biochemical fractionations of BRCA1
tumor-suppressor gene that is mutated in numerous cancer have been published that potentially implicate BRCA1 in
entities. In addition, it is thought that Brct binds other pro- many processes, including chromatin remodeling [64], tran-
teins such as Rad9, Xrcc1, Rad4, Rap1, and Ect2, which are scription regulation [65, 66], mismatch repair, and recombi-
involved in cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response nation control [67].
[51]. Detection of missense mutations in the encoding
regions has demonstrated that intact functioning of these
domains is necessary for tumor suppression [35]. The Brct 26.3.4 Structure–Function Relationships
and RING motifs have not been detected in BRCA2. of Brca Proteins
In 1996, Chen et al. [52] described a direct interaction
between the Brca1 protein and importin, a component of the The RING domain of Brca1 is able to mediate ubiquitin-
core membrane. In addition, Brca2 binds directly to Rad51, conjugating enzyme-dependent ubiquitination in vitro. This
406 M.P. Lux et al.

is enhanced by Brca1–Bard1 RING–RING heterodimers specific effects that promote transformation and make breast
[68]. If missense mutations arise affecting the RING domain, and ovarian cells more sensitive to local mutagens, such as
the in vitro ubiquitination ligase function is lost [68]. Similar estrogen metabolites [78].
mutations failed to reverse hypersensitivity to ionizing radia- The recombination functions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 may
tion and caused increased sensitivity to DNA-damaging not be their only functions. The function of tumor suppres-
agents [69, 70]. This suggests that the ubiquitination ligase sion may involve some multifunctionality. Inactivation of
function is required for tumor suppression. Brca1 also inter- BRCA1 or BRCA2 might produce cancer-predisposing
acts with Bap1, a ubiquitin hydrolase [71]. There appears to defects in multiple biochemical pathways. There is already
be an intriguing interplay between these proteins with regard some evidence that BRCA1 is essential for ductal morphol-
to the promotion (Bard1) or prevention (Bap1) of ubiquitin- ogy in the developing breast [79], and that BRCA1 and
mediated protein degradation [70]. BRCA2 regulate the growth response to estrogen-receptor
The C-terminal Brct domains of Brca1 appear to be mul- signaling [80]. Further studies are needed to reveal the way
tifunctional. The Brct region can stimulate transactivation of in which Brca proteins are able to function as tissue-specific
reporter genes, interact with transcriptional corepressor CtIP, tumor suppressors. An alternative hypothesis is that the fre-
and is necessary for interaction between the full-length quency with which loss of the second BRCA allele occurs
Brca1 protein and the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme [39]. may effectively be higher in tissues with prolonged prolifera-
These observations suggest that the Brct domain has an tion, such as the breast and ovaries [77].
important function as regulator of transcription. Mutations BRCA-linked tumors show differences in the age of can-
affecting the Brct region also affect the function of double- cer onset, the degree of penetrance, and even the type of
strand breakage repair. This part of the polypeptide therefore tumor to which individuals are predisposed. Identifying the
has at least a dual function [72]. genetic and environmental factors that influence phenotypic
The functions of many regions of the Brca1 polypeptide effects of mutations may provide new insights into the func-
are not known, although a large number of protein–protein tioning of BRCA1 and BRCA2.
interaction domains have been identified [73]. It has been
shown that a central region of the polypeptide has DNA-
binding activity. Deletion of part of this region abrogates the 26.4 Pathological Characteristics
genome integrity maintenance function, and missense muta-
tions affecting this region disrupt the double-strand repair BRCA1/BRCA2-linked BC has special clinical and patho-
function [72]. logical features (Table 26.4) [81–83]. The prevalence of duc-
Analysis of Brca2 proteins has focused on BRC repeats, tal and lobular carcinoma in situ (DCIS/LCIS) is lower than
which have been shown to mediate the Brca2–Rad51 interac- in sporadic cases (DCIS 45 % versus 55 %, LCIS 3 % versus
tion [74, 75]. It appears that Brca2 may play a more direct role 6 %) [84, 85]. In addition, DCIS can be detected more often
in DNA repair than Brca1. Davies et al. [76] produced syn-
thetic BRC-repeat peptides. Binding of the Brca peptide to Table 26.4 Clinicopathological features of hereditary breast cancer
Rad51 prevented the formation of a Rad51 DNA nucleopro- [81–83]
tein filament. This suggests that Brca2 modifies the Sporadic BRCA1 BRCA2
DNA-binding activity of Rad51 and prevents the formation of BC (%) (%) (%)
multimeric Rad51 complexes. Rad51 can be kept in an inacti- Grade 3 35 67 62
vated state by binding to Brca2 to prevent unplanned interac- DCIS 55 38 53
tions within the nucleus. Rad51 is thus maintained in a state of LCIS 6 2 3
readiness for relocation to sites of DNA damage, where acti- ER-positive 65 10 50
vation allows repair by homology-directed gene conversion PR-positive 59 21 45
[76]. These observations are underlined by the fact that human erbB2-positive 15 3 3
and mouse cells that are deficient in Brca2 fail to develop p53-positive 80 60 74
Medullary BC 2–4 13
Rad51 nuclear foci after induction of DNA damage [77].
PFC 7 25
Mitotic count +
Pleomorphism +
26.3.5 Models of BRCA-Linked Cancer Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates +
Predisposition and Tumor Suppression Tubular formations – –
Lobular formations +
It is not known why BRCA-linked cancer predisposition
BC breast cancer, DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ, ER estrogen receptor,
manifests in particular epithelial tissues such as the breast LCIS lobular carcinoma in situ, PFC proliferative fibrocystic changes,
and ovaries, although several hypotheses have been devel- PR progesterone receptor, +, higher frequency than sporadic breast can-
oped to explain this. BRCA mutations may have tissue- cer; –, lower frequency than sporadic breast cancer
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 407

in BRCA2-linked BC than in BRCA1-linked BC (53 % versus Have estrogen and progesterone receptor profiles similar
38 %) [1]. Analysis of the clinical features of the lesions has to those of sporadic cancers (most are ER-positive).
shown that medullary tumors are more frequent (13 % versus
2–4 % in sporadic cases) and that the prevalence of invasive A comparison between sporadic and BRCA-linked OCs
lobular and tubular carcinomas is reduced in BRCA1 muta- did not reveal any differences in type, grading, or stage [88].
tion carriers [81, 82]. These lesions were associated with Although most of the clinical and pathological characteris-
dense lymphocyte infiltration. BRCA1-linked BCs are char- tics of familial and sporadic carcinoma are similar, women
acterized by high rates of mitosis, increased pleomorphism, with BRCA-linked carcinoma have a longer relapse-free
high proliferation rates, low differentiation, and an increased interval and a longer overall survival after initial chemo-
prevalence of grade III tumors [81, 82, 84]. This association therapy [88].
is not observed in BRCA2-linked carcinomas. However, the BRCA mutation is an independent prognostic factor [89].
latter develop tubular formations less often than sporadic By analyzing Ki-67-positive cell nuclei, Levine et al. [90]
carcinoma [81, 82]. In comparison with sporadic carcinoma, showed that familial OCs have a significantly higher prolif-
BRCA1-linked carcinoma shows reduced estrogen-receptor eration rate than sporadic carcinomas (P = 0.017). This may
and progesterone-receptor expressions. While only 10 % of explain the better response to chemotherapy. There were no
BRCA1-linked carcinomas are estrogen-receptor-positive differences between BRCA1-linked and BRCA2-linked car-
(65 % in sporadic carcinomas), BRCA2-linked carcinomas cinomas. Familial OCs showed a reduced frequency of
have normal estrogen-receptor expression [81, 82]. In addi- mucin formations (2 % versus 12 % in sporadic cases) and
tion, estrogen-receptor expression in BRCA1 mutation carri- are more often at an advanced stage at the initial diagnosis
ers shows a clear degree of age dependency. While mutation [88]. In addition, BRCA-linked carcinoma is associated with
carriers under the age of 45 only show expression in 19.0 % p53 mutations [91] and peritoneal carcinosis (24 % versus
of cases, among women aged 45–55 the figure is 31.1 % and 14 % in sporadic cases) [92].
among women aged 55–65 it is 38.0 % (P = 0.20) [86, 87]. In In ovaries removed from patients undergoing prophylac-
carriers of BRCA2 mutations, the age distribution is homoge- tic ovariectomy for a known family history of ovarian cancer,
neous (P = 0.418). there are more surface epithelial inclusion cysts and surface
Lakhani et al. [82] reported that 21 % of BRCA1- micropapillae than in ovaries removed from women lacking
associated carcinomas express the progesterone receptor such a history [20]. Precursor lesions such as dysplasia and
(59 % in control individuals). While 15 % of the control indi- atypical hyperplasia have been reported in fallopian tubes
viduals were Her2-positive, only 3 % of BRCA1/BRCA2- removed prophylactically. Rare cases of unexpected micro-
linked carcinomas showed Her2 expression. Adem et al. [83] scopic carcinomas of the ovary and fallopian tube have been
found that BRCA1/BRCA2-associated carcinomas showed discovered [93, 94].
proliferative fibrocystic changes less frequently. These It can be assumed that familial OC has a different patho-
changes were seen in 25 % of the control tumors in patients genesis and is more aggressive than sporadic cases [95].
without a family history and in 7 % of BRCA1-linked carci- Comparison of BRCA1-linked and BRCA2-linked OCs
nomas (P = 0.075). In addition, mutation carriers show showed that BRCA2-associated carcinomas are more often
increased MIB-1-Ag expression in comparison with patients diploid (13 versus six of 60 carcinomas analyzed) [96].
with sporadic carcinoma. This is associated with an increased
proliferation rate. At Garber et al. [86] summed up the typi-
cal features of BRCA tumors as follows: 26.5 Counseling and Risk Calculation

• BRCA1 breast cancers: 26.5.1 Interdisciplinary Genetic Counseling

Are ER-negative, PR-negative, and Her2-negative in 80 %
of cases. Current insights regarding the genetic disposition to develop
Are of the basal-like type on microarray analysis in 80 % carcinoma have raised requirements for all physicians. It is
of cases. not possible for all physicians to keep up with all the chang-
Show low expression of cyclin E, p27, and AKT. ing insights into diagnosis, early cancer detection, DNA
Are often positive for CK5, CK6, CK17 by IHC. analysis, and support for women who have a familial risk.
Show a high frequency of p53 mutations. However, all physicians should be encouraged to refer
Show frequent amplification of myc and EGFR. patients who have a family history of BC and/or OC to inter-
• BRCA2 breast cancers: disciplinary genetic care centers. Collaboration between
Do not show a typical phenotype (unlike the features physicians in the fields of gynecology, histopathology,
observed with BRCA1-associated cancers). human genetics, psychosomatic medicine, molecular biol-
Tend to be of higher grade and have less tubule formation ogy, and radiology is the appropriate approach in order to
in comparison to sporadic cancers. identify women who are at familial risk, to calculate the risk
408 M.P. Lux et al.

of the disease and mutation carrier status, to inform affected in 10-year intervals (from 29 to 79 years of age) relative to
individuals about early cancer detection, chemoprevention, age and the age of affected relatives. Various software pro-
and prophylactic surgery, and to provide analysis of the grams have incorporated this model, such as CancerGene
BRCA1/BRCA2 genes [1, 97, 98]. Psychological support can (
also be offered. A psychological counseling session is a pre- load.htm).
requisite for analysis of a patient’s BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes BRCAPRO [104, 105] uses information about male and
[97]. The decision on whether to carry out genetic testing is female relatives, unilateral and bilateral BC, and OC cases in
based on inclusion criteria, which can be checked in relation the family. The model also incorporates published gene fre-
to pedigrees. If the inclusion criteria are met, blood samples quencies and data on the penetrance of BRCA1 and BRCA2
can be requested from family members who already have [17, 106, 107]. The calculation can be used for different fre-
disease. Detection of a mutation is probable if an affected quencies and penetrance functions. The program can be
family member is analyzed. If a mutation is detected, the downloaded free of charge as element of the CancerGene
consulter can also be analyzed to confirm or exclude the program, or can be purchased in context of a pedigree pro-
identified mutation. Analysis of the BRCA1/BRCA2 genes is gram (
carried out by direct sequencing of the gene or denaturing This program postulates the existence of another gene
high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of fre- linked with BC in addition to BRCA1 and BRCA2. The prob-
quent mutations [99, 100]. Actual, also next generation ability of a predisposing mutation and the lifetime risk can
sequencing can be done in validated laboratories. Founder be calculated on the basis of family history. Reproductive
effects can be observed for specific mutations in different and hormonal risk factors are incorporated into the model
regions and countries. (use of hormone replacement therapy, age at menarche, age
at menopause, body mass index, and history of atypical
hyperplasia) [107].
26.5.2 Determining and Calculating Risk In clinical practice, it needs to be taken into account that
all of these models are based on different statistical methods
Calculation of the lifetime risk of disease and of the proba- and different epidemiological data sets and that they use dif-
bility of mutation is required by patients and physicians in ferent patient history parameters. Programs such as
clinical practice, particularly in the setting of genetic care CancerGene include several calculation models. The Gail
centers. The certainty with which a known mutation in a model is the one most widely used in the USA, and it can be
defined gene location (e.g., in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes) used for women with no family history of BC and/or
can be diagnosed is greater than 97 %. However, as the OC. The Claus model and BRCAPRO should be used for
remaining predisposing genes that are responsible for the patients with a positive family history. The European model
other 50 % of hereditary breast carcinomas have not yet been (Tyrer–Cuzick) includes family history and the patient’s
identified, testing is not possible. In concrete terms, this individual medical history and appears to be an adequate
means that it can only be established or excluded with a cer- model for European women with risk factors [108].
tainty of 50 % whether a mutation is present in a given indi- Calculation models can provide support for decision-mak-
vidual [101]. If the findings are negative, the test is regarded ing regarding genetic testing. Consulters should be informed
as being uninformative—i.e., the individual has to be treated about the consequences of risk calculation and options
as if no testing had been carried out. Risk calculation is should be offered.
extremely important here in order to support clinical
decision-making. The threshold values for the risk situation
have been set internationally at between 15 % and 30 % 26.6 Options
Different calculation models are available. The Gail The choice of clinical options requires information regarding
model is a widely accepted calculation model [102]. Age, the patient’s risk of disease and mutation status. The options
age at menarche, number of breast biopsies, age at first child- include primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
birth, and number of first-degree relatives with BC are used
to calculate the lifetime risk for women without risk factors.
A model updated with data from the Surveillance, 26.6.1 Early Cancer Detection
Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) study and with death
statistics is available online ( Breast
The risk calculation in the Claus model is based on the Table 26.5 shows the recommended intensified early cancer
number of affected first-degree and second-degree relatives detection program for women with a high familial risk who
and their age at the onset of disease [103]. The original ver- are BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers [1, 97]. It is not cur-
sion consisted of tables providing information about the risk rently known whether there is any individual benefit of an
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 409

Table 26.5 Intensified early cancer detection program [1, 97, 98] The provision of screening in patients under the age of 50 is
Age Examination currently a matter of controversy. However, its effectiveness
Start at the recommended age, or 5 years before the (a 20 % reduction in the mortality rate) can be regarded as
youngest affected relative proved in women aged 40–49. The U.S. Preventive Services
25 Monthly self-palpation of the breast Task Force [115] has stated that the current results do not
25 Biannual palpation by gynecologist argue either for or against mammographic screening for
25 Biannual ultrasonography of the breast (7.5–13 MHz) young women. The high risk of BC in women with a family
40 Annual ultrasonography of the breast history of BC and/or OC suggests that they are able to benefit
30 Annual mammography from this approach, although the currently available data do
25 Annual magnetic resonance imaging
not clearly prove this. There have only been a few studies
25 Biannual vaginal palpation
analyzing the effectiveness of screening in high-risk women.
25 Biannual transvaginal ultrasound
False-positive results and a potential increase in the risk as a
result of early and repeated radiation exposure are often
mentioned in relation to mammography. The risk increases
intensified early cancer detection program for BRCA1/ when mammographic screening is started early and contin-
BRCA2 mutation carriers. However, this option is less inva- ues at regular intervals [114]. A higher radiation dosage is
sive and less burdensome for the patient in comparison with needed, as tissue is dense in the young breast. It is estimated
chemoprevention or prophylactic surgery, and it should be that BC cases caused by mammography are low in compari-
offered to women at risk [98]. son with the numbers of BCs detected by mammographic
Self-palpation of the breast should be started at the age of screening. The benefits of early cancer detection may pre-
25 to ensure regular examinations and an ability to recognize dominate, so that an early start is justifiable for women at
the normal characteristics of breast tissue [109]. Women familial risk. Progression proceeds faster in the premeno-
should carry out palpation every month at the same time (if pausal period, underlining the need for short screening inter-
possible on the second to 6th day of the cycle) in order to vals. A 1-year interval should be offered to young women
assess tissue changes. An analysis of several studies reported with a familial risk [109, 116].
a reduction in BC <2 cm in size and in lesions with positive High-resolution ultrasonography of the breast (7.5–
lymph nodes in patients carrying out regular self-palpation 13 MHz) should be carried out biannually and started at the
of the breast. Engel et al. [110] detected an age-related reduc- age of 25. In view of the reduced sensitivity of mammogra-
tion in mortality of 25 %. Hackshaw and Paul [111] analyzed phy in young women and the potential increase in the risk of
20 observational studies and three clinical trials. They did hereditary cancer due to mammography, ultrasonography of
not find a significant reduction in the mortality rate associ- the breast should be incorporated into early cancer detection
ated with self-palpation (RR 0.90; 95 % CI, 0.72–1.12). Nor programs and women should be encouraged to increase their
did providing teaching and training in palpation lead to any participation [117, 118].
reduction (RR 1.01; 95 % CI, 0.92–1.12). Self-palpation was Warner et al. [119] carried out surveillance of 196 BRCA
associated with increased numbers of breast biopsies. mutation carriers using clinical examinations, ultrasonogra-
However, women with a family history of BC and/or OC phy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and mammography.
might be able to benefit from this method more than the gen- Although mammography was able to detect invasive carcino-
eral population. Confidence in the method and the accuracy mas in areas of low density, the detection rate was reduced in
of the assessment can be improved with practice and medical high-density areas. Ultrasonography of the breast had a sensi-
instruction. tivity of 60 % and a specificity of 93 %. Ultrasound may be
Clinical examination of the breast can detect palpable beneficial in combination with other methods in women with
BCs. In addition, it is capable of detecting tumors that are a familial risk [119]. The results presented by Kuhl et al.
overlooked at mammography or occur during the screening [120] support the use of a combination of ultrasonography,
interval. The estimated sensitivity of the method is reported MRI, and mammography for early cancer detection.
as 17–89 %, depending on the examiner’s experience and the MRI of the breast is the method with the highest sensitiv-
size of the tumor [112]. Clinical examination can be benefi- ity for detecting local relapses in radiographically dense
cial for young women with a familial risk, in view of the breast tissue (with a sensitivity of 92 %, in comparison with
reduced sensitivity of mammography in dense tissue [113]. 86 % for ultrasound and 66 % for mammography). It is
Mammography should be started with a baseline exami- therefore an important element of maintenance after breast-
nation at the age of 30 and if possible, examinations should preserving surgery [121]. It is possible to detect small carci-
be conducted in a setting in which images from previous nomas (>4 mm) if angiogenesis and multicoated BC occur,
examinations are available. The efficacy of this approach has and to carry out MRI-guided intervention [122]. In a pro-
been demonstrated for women aged 50–69. Mammography spective study including 192 asymptomatic women with a
can achieve a 30 % reduction in the mortality rate [114]. family history of BC and/or OC, Kuhl et al. [120] reported
410 M.P. Lux et al.

on the efficacy of this method in young women at familial 25–35 [133]. In interdisciplinary genetic clinics in Germany,
risk. Surveillance was carried out with clinical examina- biannual transvaginal ultrasonography and pelvic examina-
tions, ultrasonography, mammography, and MRI. Nine BCs tion is recommended starting at the age of 25 [1, 97].
were detected. MRI was the most sensitive and specific The recommendation that CA-125 assessment should be
method. Several other studies have provided further support carried out is based on the association of OC with elevated
for these results [119, 123–126]. MRI was found to be supe- CA-125 levels. However, only 50 % of patients with early-
rior to ultrasound and mammography in a study including stage disease have elevated CA-125 values. In addition, non-
235 BRCA mutation carriers [127]. The highest efficacy was malignant conditions (e.g., endometriosis or benign ovarian
obtained with a combination of all of the methods. Kriege changes) and nongynecological cancer can also lead to ele-
et al. [128] carried out surveillance in 358 mutation carriers vated CA-125 values. The low predictive value of the finding
and 1052 women at high risk (with a follow-up period of 2.9 and the fact that raised values can be caused by benign con-
years). Forty-five BCs occurred; 49 % of the cases were ditions exclude the use of this test for general screening and
capable of being diagnosed by MRI alone; 77 % of the it should be regarded with reservations in the screening of
lesions were detected in stage N0, and 46 % were smaller high-risk women [1, 97].
than 1 cm. In two recent studies [126, 129], the sensitivity Transvaginal ultrasonography is capable of delineating
of MRI was 77–91 %, while mammography only had a sen- the size and morphology of a lesion. The method can assess
sitivity of 33–40 %. The low sensitivity of mammography is whether a lesion is malignant or benign on the basis of mor-
explained by two factors. In addition to the density of the phological criteria (thickness of the septum, size of cystic
glandular parenchyma in young women, BRCA-associated findings, papillary structures) [113]. Transvaginal ultraso-
breast carcinomas show atypical characteristics with all nography is a low-cost, noninvasive method that is well tol-
imaging methods. They express microcalcifications more erated by most patients. However, the quality of the
rarely. In addition, these carcinomas (not only with medul- examination depends on the examiner’s level of experience
lary differentiation, but also with ductal differentiation) and the quality of the equipment. Scoring systems using
often show morphological characteristics that would really color duplex sonography can objectify the assessment.
be typical of benign tumors (fibroadenomas) or even cysts— Sensitivity levels of nearly 100 % and a specificity of 94.9 %
smooth delimitation, apparently expansive growth, a can be achieved [134]. Normal physiological changes in
hypoechoic or almost anechoic internal structure, and dor- advance of ovulation can simulate cancer-linked values in
sal signal enhancement [101]. In an update of their surveil- duplex sonography. The examination should therefore not be
lance study, Kuhl et al. report that 86 % of stage 0 or stage I conducted around the time of ovulation in premenopausal
carcinomas were detected [129]. This mainly applied to women [135].
lesions detected using MRI, which were all diagnosed at The results of ongoing studies are awaited in order to
stage pTis or pT1, N0. With purely mammographic early establish the appropriate use and screening intervals with
detection, the rate of interval carcinomas is up to 36–56 % this method. Its efficacy needs to be reexamined in view of
[125]. Using MRI early detection, the rate was 2 % (one of recent technological improvements and the higher resolution
43) [129]. These results underline the importance and effi- available with modern equipment. At present, consulters
cacy of the MRI. However, only 5.4 % of women at familial should be informed regarding the lack of evidence available
risk use this method for early cancer detection [130, 131]. for the efficacy of screening with this technology.
This can be explained by the high cost of the method, its
limited availability, and the limited information about its
efficacy. Annual MRI screening examinations can be offered 26.6.2 Chemoprevention
to high-risk women in specialized centers. Breast Cancer Ovaries Estrogen may modulate the risk of BC in women with
Early cancer detection is a potential option for BRCA1/ BRCA mutations, since premenopausal ovariectomy has a
BRCA2 mutation carriers and high-risk women at familial preventive effect, tamoxifen decreases the risk of a second
risk. At present, there is no evidence for a reduction in the carcinoma and improves overall survival, and two main
mortality rate as a result of early cancer detection [113]. estrogen tissues (breast and ovarian tissue) are at high risk
There is also a lack of detailed guidelines [113]. The NIH for carcinoma in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.
Consensus Statement on Ovarian Cancer recommends trans- Estrogens increase the probability of mutation due to
vaginal ultrasonography and CA-125 assessment for screen- enhanced proliferation and the direct genotoxic effects of
ing of BRCA mutation carriers every 6–12 months, starting at estrogen metabolites. The combined effect of estrogen-pro-
the age of 35 [132]. The Cancer Genetics Studies Consortium moted cell proliferation and the loss of the BRCA DNA
Task Force recommends these methods starting at the age of repair pathway may increase unwanted events and mutations
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 411

that lead to carcinogenesis in breast cells [136]. tigation. In addition, the short treatment period might have
Chemoprevention focuses on a variety of endocrine, para- led to an early therapeutic effect. Narod et al. [142] reported
crine, and autocrine factors [95, 98]. Aromatase inhibitors, that the use of tamoxifen is capable of reducing the risk of
retinoic acid, isoflavonoids, gonadotropin-releasing hor- contralateral BC in women who are at familial risk and are
mones, low-dose contraceptives, and hormone replacement BRCA mutation carriers. The data from these studies should
treatment have been tested. be discussed with women at risk.
The concept of using tamoxifen for BC prevention was The selective estrogen-receptor modulator raloxifene is
based on experiments conducted in the early 1970s. A 50 % currently the subject of ongoing studies. The Multiple
reduction in the risk of contralateral BC was demonstrated in Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE) study analyzed
studies of adjuvant therapy with tamoxifen. Subsequently, the reduction in the numbers of bone fractures associated
the results of four studies (the National Surgical Adjuvant with the use of raloxifene (120 mg/days versus a placebo)
Breast and Bowel Project, the Breast Cancer Prevention and reported a 60 % reduction in the incidence of BC as a
Trial, Phase 1 (BCPT-P1), the Royal Marsden Hospital side effect in a group of 7505 postmenopausal women [143,
Randomized Chemoprevention Trial, and the Italian 144]. Further studies have analyzed the effectiveness of aro-
Randomized Trial among Hysterectomized Women) were matase inhibitors such as anastrozole in comparison with a
published, which analyzed the administration of tamoxifen placebo (IBIS II), or exemestane versus a placebo, for the
in comparison with a placebo for the prevention of BC. The prevention of BC [144, 145]. Regarding the IBIS-II-trial,
BCPT-P1 study included 13,388 women with a 5-year BC 1920 women were randomly assigned to receive anastrozole
risk of at least 1.7 % (calculated using the Gail model; aver- and 1944 to placebo. After a median follow-up of 5·0 years,
age risk 3.2 %; 5 years administration of tamoxifen 20 mg/ 40 women in the anastrozole group (2%) and 85 in the pla-
days versus placebo). After a follow-up period of 4 years, the cebo group (4%) had developed breast cancer (hazard ratio
risk of estrogen-receptor-positive BC was reduced by 49 % 0·47, 95% CI 0·32-0·68, p<0·0001). The predicted cumula-
in patients treated with tamoxifen [117, 137]. By contrast, tive incidence of all breast cancers after 7 years was 5.6% in
studies in Europe did not observe a reduced risk with tamoxi- the placebo group and 2.8% in the anastrozole group. The
fen [138, 139]. The differences might be explained by the GISS study is analyzing the preventive effect of screening
use of different variables in the different studies (age, com- and the use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) ana-
pliance, follow-up, additional administration of hormone logues and ibandronate in comparison with screening alone
replacement treatment) and differences in the inclusion crite- in premenopausal women with a high level of familial risk
ria and in the way in which risks were estimated and calcu- [146–148]. Pilot studies have reported a risk reduction of
lated [117]. In the Italian study, the lack of any observed 50 % with 10 years of goserelin administration and 70 %
effect of tamoxifen might have been due to the size of the after 15 years. Administration of the drug is combined with
group of patients studied (n = 5408), the low risk (48 % with bisphosphonates to avoid reductions in bone density.
bilateral ovariectomy and no BC risk as a requirement for
participation in the study) and limited compliance (149 par- Ovarian Cancer
ticipants did not complete the 5th year). The patients in the The genesis of OC is associated with rapid changes in and
British study were much younger than those in the BCPT-P1 repair of epithelial cells after ovulation. The long-term use of
study (62 % versus 39 % of the patients were younger than oral contraceptives can reduce the risk of OC by approxi-
50) and had a higher level of familial risk (96 % versus 76 % mately 50 % and the mortality rate by approximately 80 %
with an affected first-degree relative). Differences in these [149–151]. In low-risk women, oral contraceptive use for at
factors might have led to a higher risk level in participants in least 5 years leads to a reduction in the relative risk to 0.68
the British study and could explain the observed failure of (95 % CI, 0.5–0.9) and 10–14 years use is associated with a
tamoxifen [140]. The studies show that 6600 women with a relative risk of 0.54 [19]. Comparable results have been
low or moderate risk of BC would need to be treated with reported for the mortality rate, with a reduction in the relative
tamoxifen to prevent 82 early lymph node-negative, estrogen- risk to 0.2 (95 % CI, 0.0–1.3) with 10 years intake of oral
receptor-positive cases of BC. The use of tamoxifen for pre- contraceptives [19, 152].
vention is currently a matter of controversy. King et al. [141] The use of contraceptives, particularly monophase com-
analyzed the 288 cases of BC in the BCPT-P1 study; 6.6 % pounds, is an option for the prevention of OC in high-risk
(n = 19) of the BC cases were associated with BRCA1/BRCA2 women. Narod et al. [153, 154] reported a significant reduc-
mutations. The use of tamoxifen reduced the incidence of tion in the risk of OC in two studies with BRCA1/BRCA2
BC by 62 % in BRCA2 mutation carriers. There was no influ- mutation carriers. The odds ratio was 0.44 (95 % CI, 0.28–
ence on the risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers. The patients 0.68), with a risk reduction of 4.4 % per year of intake
has started tamoxifen at the age of 35. Whether an earlier (P = 0.056). However, it should be noted that the risk reduc-
start might reduce the incidence of BC requires further inves- tion is not yet evident after 10 years of use.
412 M.P. Lux et al.

26.6.3 Prophylactic Surgery decline with increasing age at surgery. The completion of
family planning or a minimum age of 35–40 is recommended, Prophylactic Mastectomy due to the young average age of onset in this disease [132].
At present, the view that bilateral prophylactic mastectomy The efficacy of this option has been confirmed by numer-
and ovariectomy are effective is based on the results of retro- ous studies (Table 26.7) [163–167]. Three studies on the
spective studies. Detailed guidelines for the indication and topic analyzed a total of 396 high-risk women who under-
technique are lacking. Numerous retrospective studies have went prophylactic ovariectomy [163–165]. Seventeen cases
been conducted to analyze the efficacy of prophylactic mas- of OC were observed. The highest risk appears to be the
tectomy. The studies show major differences in the inclusion development of peritoneal carcinosis, which was diagnosed
criteria, the proportion of high-risk women or mutation carri- in 11 patients (3 %). These observations might be explained
ers included, and follow-up periods (Table 26.6) [155–160]. by the presence of an occult OC at the time of surgery, malig-
An important study is the retrospective analysis carried out nant ectopic ovarian tissue, or transformation of the perito-
by Hartmann et al. [159]. The incidence of BC was reduced neum, which has the same embryonic origin as the surface
by 90 %. Afterwards, the women were screened for BRCA1 epithelium of the ovaries. Two retrospective studies have
and BRCA2 mutations. In 26 identified mutation carriers, no reported that this method is effective in BRCA1 and BRCA2
BC developed during a follow-up period of 13.4 years [159]. mutation carriers (Table 26.7). Kauff et al. [167] reported a
Seventy-six mutation carriers with prophylactic mastectomy risk reduction of 85 %. Rebbeck et al. [166] observed a risk
and 63 mutation carriers without prophylactic mastectomy reduction of 96 %. These results support the recommendation
are receiving surveillance in the first prospective study to be that this option should be chosen after the completion of fam-
conducted [123]. At present, no BC has been observed in the ily planning, as the median age of onset was 50.8 years in the
group with prophylactic surgery, while eight cases have been control group (range 30–73 years). The average age at onset
detected in the control group (Table 26.6). These preliminary was 50.0 years in BRCA1 mutation carriers and 55.0 years in
results support the published data from retrospective studies. BRCA2 mutation carriers in the German group included in
A significant portion of breast tissue remains in the area the Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Carcinoma Consortium
of the areola after subcutaneous mastectomy. In 11 patients (Konsortium hereditäres Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinom)
with relapses, three of the relapses were observed in the area study [8]. Both of the above studies also reported a reduction
of the areola and eight in the conserved tissue lobe [161]. In in the risk of BC with prophylactic ovariectomy (68 and
addition, there is still a need for regular mammography. 53 %). The possibility of reducing the risk of relapses and of
False-positive results may increase due to scar tissue and contralateral BC was mentioned above.
postoperative calcifications, which require additional biop- In a study of BRCA mutation carriers and those with a
sies. Total mastectomy is capable of reducing breast tissue high-risk family pattern, an occult malignancy was identified
by 90–95 %; only total mastectomy with a thin skin flap pro- during prophylactic ovariectomy in 13.3 % (four of 30)
vides the maximum prevention [161, 162]. A breast recon- [168], with three of the occult carcinomas being found in the
struction (primary or secundary) and a psychological support area of the fallopian tubes. Deligdisch et al. [169] identified
should be offered to all patients with prophylactic surgery. dysplasias in 77.6 % of ovaries removed prophylactically
from BRCA mutation carriers; dysplasias were only found in Prophylactic Ovariectomy 33.3 % of women with negative tests. Due to the high prob-
Prophylactic ovariectomy is the most commonly used ability of an occult carcinoma and the risk of tubal carci-
method of reducing the risk of OC. The benefits of this option noma or primary peritoneal carcinoma, a standardized

Table 26.6 Overview of studies on prophylactic mastectomy

Humphrey Woods et al. Bohmert Pennisi and Hartmann Meijers-Heijboer
et al. [155] [156] et al. [157] Capozzi [158] et al. [159] et al. [160]
Study design Retrospective Retrospective Retrospective Retrospective Retrospective Prospective
Total no. of patients (controls)a 285 1400 155 1500 639 76 (63)
No. of high-risk patients (controls)b 16 (6 %) n/a 90 (58 %) 735 (49 %) 214 (33 %) 76 (100 %)c
63 (100 %)c
Mastectomy Subcutaneous Subcutaneous Simple Subcutaneous Subcutaneous Simple
Median follow-up period (y) n/a 16–20 2 9 14 3
No. of patients with BC (controls) 3 3 n/a 6 7 0 (8)
No. of high-risk patients with BC (controls) 19 n/a n/a 0.8 1.4 0 (8)
Early cancer detection alone
Patients with a family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer, or ductal or lobular carcinoma in situ, or contralateral breast cancer
BRCA mutation identified
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 413

Table 26.7 Overview of studies on prophylactic ovariectomy

Tobacman et al. [163] Piver et al. [164] Struewing et al. [165] Rebbeck et al. [166] Kauff et al. [167]
Study design Retrospective Retrospective Retrospective Prospective Prospective
Total no. of patients (controls)a 28 324 44 259 (292) 98 (72)
No. of high-risk patients (controls) 28b 324b 44b 219 (240) BRCA1 56 (48) BRCA1
42 (52) BRCA2 42 (24) BRCA2
Median follow-up period (y) 1–10 1–27 460 Person-years 8.2 (8.8) 2.0 (2.1)
Total no. of patients with OC 3 6 2 2 (58) 1 (5)
% of high-risk patients with OC 10.7 1.9 4.5 0.8 (19.9) 1.0 (6.9)
Early cancer detection alone
Patients with two affected first-degree relatives, or identified BRCA mutation, or hysterectomy due to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer

Table 26.8 Recommendations for conducting prophylactic ovariec- Subsequently, the familial risk and the associated risk of a
tomy, in collaboration between the patient, human geneticist, gynecolo- second BC or OC does not influence treatment decision-
gist, surgeon, and pathologist [170]
making. High-risk women are treated on the basis of general
1 Bilateral adnexectomy with complete removal of the guidelines (
fallopian tubes (open or laparoscopic)
Goffin et al. [172] reported that the overall survival is par-
2 Cytological examination of the peritoneal rinse fluid
(procedure: instillation of 50 mL sterile saline into the ticularly reduced if BRCA1 mutation carriers do not receive
abdominal cavity and removal of the fluid after 10 min) chemotherapy (278 women with BC, 30 mutation carriers,
3 Multiple peritoneal biopsies RR 3.3; 95 % CI, 1.2–8.8; P = 0.01). There is a statistically
4 Multiple biopsies from the greater omentum significant reduction in the survival in mutation carriers with
5 Serial sections of the entire fallopian tubes and ovaries at negative lymph-node status (RR 5.6; P < 0.001). This could
2-mm intervals and microscopic examination of all sections be explained by the reduced frequency of chemotherapy in
patients found to have a negative lymph-node status (24 %
versus 79 %; P = 0.01). In view of these results, the possible
procedure should be used in prophylactic ovariectomy, administration of chemotherapy may be discussed with
which should include removal of the tubes completely along patients in whom there is no lymph-node involvement who
with the adjacent peritoneum, rinse fluid cytology, and biop- have a positive family history, or in whom a BRCA mutation
sies from the peritoneum and greater omentum (Table 26.8) has been identified. Only 10 % of BRCA1-linked tumors
[8, 20]. Using this protocol, Powell et al. [170] were able to show estrogen-receptor expression. As endocrine therapy is
identify seven occult carcinomas in 41 BRCA mutation carri- not possible in this group of patients, survival is significantly
ers (four tubal carcinomas and three ovarian carcinomas). impaired (RR 2.3; 95 % CI, 1.2–4.7; P = 0.02). Narod et al.
Prophylactic ovariectomy can lead to significant psycho- [142] analyzed the possibility of reducing the risk of contra-
logical stress for patients in relation to their physiological lateral BC with tamoxifen administration in 476 BRCA1 and
integrity and an increased risk of various diseases may result 117 BRCA2 mutation carriers. Thirteen percent (n = 64) of
from the induced menopause. Patients need to be informed the BRCA1 mutation carriers and 33 % (n = 39) of the BRCA2
about the consequences—e.g., the climacteric syndrome mutation carriers were treated with tamoxifen. The risk was
with hot flushes, sweating, palpitations, tachycardia, insom- reduced to a statistically significant extent in both groups
nia and depressive mood, osteoporosis, and cardiac and cere- (OR 0.38; 95 % CI, 0.19–0.74 and OR 0.63; 95 % CI, 0.20–
brovascular diseases [171]. 1.59, respectively). The protective effect of tamoxifen
administration increased continuously up to 4 years. The
authors consider that tamoxifen administration is capable of
26.6.4 Therapy reducing the risk of contralateral BC by 50 %, and this view
is supported by the results of a published meta-analysis.
Although there are significant differences in the pathological Tamoxifen prevents the development of contralateral carci-
characteristics of hereditary and sporadic BC, no specific noma independently of the hormone-receptor status of the
guidelines are available on the treatment of patients with primary BC [173].
hereditary BC. In most cases, there is a lack of adequate risk A few studies have analyzed the use of different chemo-
perception, consultation, and genetic analysis of the BRCA1/ therapeutic agents in patients with hereditary BC. BRCA-
BRCA2 genes at the time of the primary diagnosis. linked BC lesions have different levels of sensitivity to
414 M.P. Lux et al.

chemotherapy regimens. An in vitro analysis reported a crine therapy with tamoxifen and prophylactic ovariectomy
reduced sensitivity to taxanes and doxorubicin, while the are capable of reducing the risk of relapse by 50 and 56 %,
sensitivity to cisplatin was increased [174]. Although anthra- respectively [142], bilateral mastectomy needs to be dis-
cyclines and taxanes are frequently used, their efficacy may cussed with mutation carriers and high-risk women who
be reduced in patients with hereditary BC. Tumors arising in have primary disease. In addition, the sensitivity of mam-
carriers of heterozygous germline mutations in the BRCA1 mographic surveillance is reduced in mutation carriers. In a
or BRCA2 gene have generally lost the wild-type allele and study of early cancer detection, Goffin et al. [183] detected
therefore do not express functional protein. Although a hap- six of 13 BCs in BRCA1 mutation carriers using mammogra-
loinsufficiency phenotype is still a theoretical possibility for phy, while mammography identified 96 of 108 patients with
BRCA1 or BRCA2, the majority of the evidence suggests that sporadic BC (46 % versus 89 %; P < 0.001). In the group
this is not the case, at least for DNA repair functions. This studied by Meijers-Heijboer et al., 75 % of women with iden-
provides an ideal target for treatment [175, 176]. Sensitivity tified BRCA mutations and BC opted for bilateral mastec-
to cisplatin may be increased as a result of DNA damage tomy with reconstruction [160].
[174, 177]. To investigate whether the in vitro evidence can These results support the view that it is necessary to
translate into improved clinical efficacy, studies randomly carry out genetic testing when primary disease is diag-
assigning patients with metastatic BRCA1 or BRCA2 familial nosed. Prophylactic ovariectomy needs to be discussed
breast cancers to either carboplatin or docetaxel chemother- with mutation carriers and women who are at high risk.
apy have been conducted [176, 178–180]. A clinical trial has With regard to the reduction in the risk of contralateral BC
presented that patients with a BRCA mutation associated associated with prophylactic ovariectomy, Narod et al.
triple negative breast cancer can extremely benefit from [142] reported an odds ratio of 0.31 (95 % CI, 0.15–0.67)
combinations with platinum and taxane and achieve a patho- on the basis of 185 mutation carriers with BC under the
logic complete response rate of up to 90 %. This has been age of 50 who underwent bilateral ovariectomy. The odds
confirmed by the phase-III-trial Geparquinto. ratio was 0.85 (95 % CI, 0.22–2.36) if the age of onset was
Single-strand breaks are usually repaired via the base above 50 years. The risk reduction was persistent. Møller
excision pathway; inhibition of this pathway therefore sub- et al. [184] followed up 36 BRCA1 mutation carriers with
stantially increases the number of unrepaired single-strand BC (21 of whom underwent prophylactic ovariectomy).
breaks, subsequently leading to collapsed replication forks The 5-year survival rate was 67 % versus 44 %. If mutation
and double-strand breaks at replication forks. Poly-ADP carriers with ovariectomy had a negative lymph-node sta-
ribose polymerase (PARP) plays an important role in DNA tus, the 5-year survival rate was 100 %, compared with
repair (excision of DNA base pairs) by binding directly to 42 % in women who did not undergo ovariectomy
the damaged DNA. Inhibition of this enzyme by RNA inter- (P = 0.009).
ference, or using chemical inhibitors, leads to severe, highly In contrast to hereditary BC, the overall survival is longer
selective toxicity in BRCA1-defective and BRCA2-defective in women with hereditary OC in comparison with those with
cells, with a selectivity that is several times higher than that sporadic OC, independently of pathological differences and
of conventional chemotherapy drugs [181, 182]. The use of different stages at the primary diagnosis [88, 92, 185].
PARP inhibitors thus represents a targeted approach to the BRCA-linked tumors show a higher response to platinum-
treatment of BRCA1/BRCA2-associated breast carcinomas containing chemotherapy agents. Cass et al. [92] analyzed
[86]. The PARP inhibitor olaparib is already approved for the response, overall survival, and in vitro sensitivity on the
patients with a platin-sensitive relapse of ovarian cancer and basis of 35 mutation carriers (22 with BRCA1 and 12 with
proven BRCA mutation (germline or tumour). Trials of BRCA2 mutations) and 37 women with sporadic OC. Both
PARP inhibitors in BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers with groups received a chemotherapy regimen containing plati-
breast cancer are currently ongoing. num. The median survival period was longer in mutation car-
With regard to surgical treatment, two important aspects riers (91 months versus 54 months; P = 0.046). In addition,
need to be considered. The risk of a contralateral BC is in vitro analysis was able to predict the response in the group
approximately 40 % [142]. Haffty et al. [16] compared the of mutation carriers (P = 0.0096). Increased sensitivity to
results of surgery in BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers agents containing platinum has been demonstrated in several
(n = 22) and women with sporadic BC (n = 105). Breast- in vitro studies [186, 187]. This may be explained by the
preserving therapy was carried out in both groups. Relapses DNA damage induced by platinum and the reduced ability to
and cases of contralateral BC were found to be significantly repair such damage due to loss of function of the BRCA gene
more frequent in the group of mutation carriers after a fol- [92]. On the other hand, the results might also be explained
low-up period of 12 years (49 % versus 21 %, P = 0.007; and by a higher proliferation rate, with the associated sensitivity
42 % versus 9 %, P = 0.001, respectively). Although endo- to chemotherapy regimens [90].
26 Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 415

26.6.5 Follow-Up (Table 26.9). Mutation carriers had a reduced survival

period and a shorter metastasis-free interval. BRCA1 muta-
Follow-up is becoming increasingly important in patients tion continued to be an independent prognostic factor
with hereditary BC and/or OC. General guidelines should be after adjustment for pathological characteristic (death, RR
used, owing to the lack of prospective studies [171]. The 3.5, 95 % CI, 1.3–9.7; metastasis, RR 2.6, 95 % CI, 1.0–
family history should be analyzed during the first follow-up 6.5). Goffin et al. [172] identified the BRCA1 mutation as
visit in order to detect the individual risk of contralateral BC, an independent prognostic factor in a study including 287
relapse, and OC. Genetic testing should be offered if required. Ashkenazi Jewish women. A univariate analysis of 141
The risk level in the patient’s relatives (e.g., daughter, sister, patients with a negative lymph-node status showed that the
and mother) should also be identified and appropriate options BRCA1 mutation status (RR 5.6) was significantly associ-
should be offered if needed. The main focus should of course ated with a higher mortality rate (P > 0.001). In the multi-
be on early cancer detection in the associated organ—e.g., variate analysis, the mutation status (RR 3.5) was still
the ovaries in women with BC. Ovariectomy and prophylac- significant (P = 0.003). This might be explained by the
tic tamoxifen administration should be discussed. absence of chemotherapy for an aggressive tumor.
Prophylactic mastectomy must be offered to women with In contrast to BC, patients with BRCA-linked OC have a
OC. MRI appears to be superior to mammography [119, 120, better survival (Table 26.10). This has been confirmed by
123, 124, 127, 128], and the use of MRI should be consid- several studies. Cass et al. [92] analyzed the survival in 71
ered in the context of follow-up examinations. Ashkenazi Jewish women with OC, including 22 with
BRCA1 mutations and 12 with BRCA2 mutations. BRCA
mutation carriers with advanced disease survived longer (91
26.7 Prognosis months versus 54 months; P = 0.046) and had a longer
relapse-free interval (49 months versus 19 months; P = 0.16).
Although BRCA-linked BC is associated with higher pro- David et al. [192] observed an improved median overall sur-
liferation rates and lower grading, the results of survival vival period (53.3 months versus 37.8 months) and 3-year
analyses are controversial. Only one study was able to survival rate (65.8 % versus 51.9 %), independent of age and
detect improved survival among mutation carriers [188]. the stage at diagnosis of the primary disease (896 patients,
Further studies reported no differences, or a poorer prog- 243 mutation carriers).
nosis. Several studies detected a clearly reduced survival
period in comparison with patients with sporadic BC
[189, 190]. The authors considered that the poorer sur- 26.8 Conclusion
vival might be explained by lower grading, more advanced
stages at the primary diagnosis, and reduced estrogen- Familial risk is an important risk factor in BC. A hereditary
receptor and progesterone-receptor expression. Com- origin is present in 5–10 % of patients with BC. Ten percent
parison with sporadic BCs with similar stages and of all cases of OC are associated with a familial predisposi-
pathological characteristics should show comparable tion. Some 15–20 % of all cases of familial BC are linked to
survival rates. Stoppa-Lyonnet et al. [191] identified the BRCA1 and/or BRCA2. In addition, an association with
BRCA1 mutation as an independent prognostic factor BRCA1 mutations is found in 80 % of families with familial

Table 26.9 Prognosis in BRCA-linked breast cancer

BRCA1 Sporadic BC 95 % Confidence interval P
5-Year survival ratea 49 % 85 % 0.0001
Local recurrence-free interval (5 years)a 54 % 79 % 0.11
Metastasis-free interval (5 years)a 18 % 84 % 0.0001
RR of death with mutation, univariate (multivariate) analysisb 1.9 (1.4) 1 0.99–3.6 (0.7–2.9) 0.052 (0.3)
Adjusted for Na 3.5 1 1.3–9.7 0.02
N-negative, univariate (multivariate)b 5.6 (3.5) 1 2.3–14.0 (1.1–11.0) 0.0001 (0.03)
N-positive, univariate (multivariate)b 0.8 (0.8) 1 0.2–2.3 (0.2–2.5) 0.6 (0.6)
RR of metastasis with mutation, univariate (multivariate) analysisb 1.6 (1.2) 1 0.9–2.9 (0.7–2.4) 0.1 (0.5)
Adjusted for N/ERa 2.6 1 0.05
BC, breast cancer, N, node, RR relative risk
Stoppa-Lyonnet et al. [191] (BRCA1 n = 19; sporadic carcinoma n = 91)
Goffin et al. [172] (BRCA1 n = 30; sporadic carcinoma n = 248
416 M.P. Lux et al.

Table 26.10 Prognosis in BRCA-linked ovarian cancer

BRCA Sporadic OC P
Survival (median)a 91 Months 54 Months 0.046
Survival (median)b 53.43 Months 33.1 Months –
Survival (median, stages III + IV)c 77 Months 29 Months <0.001
Survival (median, stages III + IV)b 51.2 Months 33.1 Months –
Local recurrence-free interval (median, stages III + IV)a 49 Months 19 Months 0.16
Local recurrence-free intervalc 14 Months 7 Months <0.001
Recurrence ratea 72 % 84 % n/a
2-Year survival ratea 100 % 83 % –
3-Year survival rateb 65.8 % 51.9 % <0.001
3-Year survival rate (stages III + IV)b 60.3 % 44.5 % –
5-Year survival ratea 65 % 48 % –
Cass et al. [92] (BRCA n = 29; sporadic carcinoma n = 25)
David et al. [192] (BRCA n = 229; sporadic carcinoma n = 549)
Rubin et al. [185] (BRCA n = 43; sporadic carcinoma n = 43)

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cer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, cancer of eral risk factors.
the gallbladder, and pancreatic cancer. Early cancer detection Providing information on the risk of BC and OC and the
with screening at regular intervals appears to be adequate for probability of a BRCA mutation is a basic prerequisite for
the associated carcinomas. BRCA1-linked and BRCA2- discussing the need for, and availability of, early cancer
linked carcinomas have special pathological characteristics, detection, specific therapy, chemoprevention, and prophylac-
which can be relevant for the treatment and prognosis. An tic surgery with the patients concerned.
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The Molecular Basis of Prostate
Carcinogenesis 27
Smitha Dutt and Allen C. Gao

27.1 Introduction 27.3 Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

This review on prostate cancer is an attempt to update the There is no single cause of prostate cancer, but it primarily
reader on the current information we have on the disease. arises due to aging, discrepancies in sex hormone levels,
There are no definite cures yet for prostate cancer and the genetic factors, and environmental agents [4, 9].
exact mechanism of development is far from clear. However,
over the years, the information obtained on the disease has
increased due to the unceasing flow of research data. In the 27.3.1 Aging
following pages, you will be briefed on the basic characteris-
tics of prostate cancer, the characterization of the genomic Prostate cancer is known as a cancer of the elderly for the
regions affected, the candidate genes involved, the secondary main purpose that tumors arise with increase in age of men
sites of metastases such as bone and the models that have [10]. There is a logarithmic increase in malignant potential
been developed to investigate the disease in detail. with increase in age. Prostate cancer has a long natural his-
tory and develops very slowly which might account for the
delayed appearance of the tumor in the life of an individual.
27.2 Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer In most cases, carcinoma of the prostate rarely sees the light
of day during the lifetime of an individual and is observed
Langstaff reported the first case of prostate cancer in 1817 during an autopsy. Latent cancers of the prostate and benign
followed by J. Adams, a surgeon in London, who examined prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are observed more frequently,
the cancer histologically [1, 2]. Prostate cancer is a non-skin and differ from the few cancers that develop malignant
cancer that is the cause of the second largest number of male- potential. Surgery is the most common form of treatment to
related deaths in the countries of the West [3]. It is known as remove BPH [10, 11]. Another hypothesis for the contribu-
the cancer of the elderly as older men over the age of 65 are tion of aging to prostate cancer is the shortening of telomere
diagnosed with cancer of the prostate [4]. This is probably sequences and a subsequent increase in the enzyme telomer-
why many men die with the cancer rather than due to it [4, 5]. ase which can be observed in prostatic intraepithelial neopla-
This is observed in the case of asymptomatic sporadic pros- sia (PIN) and carcinomas [9]. Carcinoma arises predominantly
tate cancer which account for >90 % of the disease [6]. from the peripheral zone compared to the central zone of the
Hereditary and familial prostate cancer, on the other hand, is prostate [11].
observed in younger males and is dependent on family his-
tory [5]. In 2007, the statistics in CA Cancer Journal for
Physicians predict that prostate cancer accounts for ~218,885 27.3.2 Hormones
new cases and ~27,350 deaths [7, 8].
Hormones are an integral part of the prostate as they regulate
its growth, differentiation, and maintenance. Androgenic hor-
mones such as dihydrotestosterone are found in the prostate.
Testosterone diffuses into the prostate and is converted to
S. Dutt, Ph.D. • A.C. Gao, M.D., Ph.D. (*)
dihydrotestosterone in the prostate which is the major form of
Department of Urology and Cancer Center,
University of California – Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA androgen metabolized in the prostate. Prostate cancer shows
e-mail: high levels of androgens when first diagnosed and androgen

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 423

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_27
424 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

ablation therapy is commonly used to counter the growth of has also been observed that when Asian men migrate to the
the cancer which results in the blockade of the androgen sup- west, there is an increase in prostate cancer incidence in the
ply. However, it has not been confirmed that androgenic hor- first and second generations of these men. Selenium and
mones are the cause of prostate cancer [4, 12, 13]. Vitamin E levels are inversely correlated to prostate cancer
incidence [1, 4, 10, 16].

27.3.3 Genetic Factors

27.4 Diagnostic and Screening Tests
Hereditary and familial cancer account for ~9 % of prostate
cancer cases [4, 6, 9]. Prostate cancer is hereditary when there Langstaff reported the first case of prostate cancer in 1817.
are at least three first-degree relatives or three consecutive Since then the reported cases of incidence of prostate cancer
generations or two or more relatives (at a young age) affected have steadily increased due to the screening methods that
by the disease. The loci and the candidate genes affected in have been employed to detect prostate cancer. Digital rectal
hereditary prostate cancer differ from those affected in spo- examination (DRE), Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test,
radic cancer [6]. Linkage analysis of the hereditary prostate Transrectal UltraSound (TRUS), Needle Biopsy are some of
cancer families identified 6 loci that are associated with the the tests used to diagnose prostate cancer. DRE detects pal-
disease. HPC1 or hereditary prostate cancer gene 1 is the pable tumors which however can result in false positives if
name given to one of the loci, 1q24–25, and the gene that the growth is benign prostatic hyperplasia. The PSA test is
maps to the HPC1 locus is called RNASEL. In addition the the universal test used to detect prostate cancer or the initia-
other loci affected are 1p36 (gene CAPB), 1q42.2–43 (PCAP), tion of the disease by measuring the serum concentrations of
8p22–23 (MSR1), 17p11 (HPC2), 20q13 (HPC20), and PSA. The normal concentration range for PSA is 0–4 ng/ml.
Xp27–28 (HPCX) [6, 14, 15]. The two main candidate genes TRUS is an imaging technique where a handheld transducer
in the list are RNASEL and MSR1. RNASEL encodes an is used with a frequency between 6 and 7 MHz and rotated
endoribonuclease involved in the proapoptotic activity of the around in the prostate to give an idea of any potential out-
interferon induced 2-5A system. Mutation in RNASEL reduces growths and their size range. Needle Biopsy is used to con-
the enzymatic activity. MSR1 is a macrophage specific recep- firm a diagnosis of prostate cancer. The diagnosis obtained
tor binding to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It is from either of the above three methods warrants confirma-
difficult to distinguish hereditary cancer from sporadic cancer tion by performing a biopsy. While each method identifies
especially when dealing with families that have a high pene- prostate cancer, the sensitivity is higher when two or more
trance of prostate cancer. The detection of hereditary cancer methods are combined to detect the cancer [4].
only in older patients prevents the simultaneous identification ABCD and TNM staging are the popular forms of staging
of the cancer in a younger generation to confirm the heredi- of prostate cancer. In the ABCD system, early stage prostate
tary aspects of the disease [15]. Sporadic prostate cancer cancers are referred to as stage A cancers and subsequent
accounts for >90 % of prostate cancer. The chromosomal loci increases in tumor growth are labeled stages B, C, and D. The
involved in sporadic prostate cancer differ from those affect- TNM classification identifies the cancer based on initial
ing hereditary cases. The loss of chromosomal loci indicates growth, presence of positive lymph nodes, and burden of
the loss of potential candidate genes which may be tumor sup- metastasis. DRE, PSA, TRUS, and DNA ploidy are used to
pressor genes. These genes encode proteins that function as identify the stage of prostate cancer. Computed tomography
hormone receptors, cell-signaling molecules, and cell adhe- (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and radionuclide
sion factors. Some of the loci that are affected are 3p22–26, bone scans confirm the clinical staging results. Biopsies are
5q22, 10q23, 13q14, 18q21, and others. histologically graded as per the Gleason grading system
which is the most popular form of cancer grading. For most
solid tumors, the histopathological indicators of biological
27.3.4 Diet aggressiveness have been determined through the compari-
son of tumor morphology with corresponding clinical out-
Dietary factors are known to affect the incidence of prostate come. Surgical staging is done by radical prostatectomy or
cancer. It has been shown that Asian men are less likely to lymphadenectomy [4].
develop prostate cancer compared to their counterparts in the The histological grade of the primary prostate cancer is
Western countries [1, 4]. The incidence of prostate cancer in evaluated using the Gleason grading system [17]. In this sys-
African-American males is 15 % compared to 10 % in tem, grading is based upon the degree of glandular differen-
Caucasian-American males. The incidence of prostate can- tiation and growth pattern of the tumor as it relates to the
cer is 120 times lower in Asian men [16]. This is due to dif- prostatic stroma. The pattern may vary from well differenti-
ferences in diet in the two parts of the world. In addition, it ated (grade 1) to poorly differentiated (grade 5). This system
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 425

takes into account tumor heterogeneity by summing the score 27.5.2 Basal Cells
of both the primary and secondary tumor growth patterns.
For example, if the majority of the tumor is well differenti- The basal cells lie between the basal lamina and the luminal
ated (grade 1) and the secondary growth pattern is poorly dif- cells. These cells do not have a secretory function, possess
ferentiated (grade 5), the combined Gleason sum would be a the androgen receptor in very low quantities, and cannot be
6. Low (i.e., score = 5) Gleason sum prostate cancers predict- detected immunohistochemically by staining for PSA. They
ably have minimal aggressive behavior whereas very high express anti-apoptotic genes such as Bcl2, DNA damage pro-
(score = 8–10) Gleason sum tumors are usually highly aggres- tecting genes, for example, Gst-π, c-Met, p53-related protein
sive [18]. Unfortunately, the intermediate (score = 5–7) p63, and prostate stem-cell antigen (PSCA) [20, 23]. The
Gleason sum tumors are highly unpredictable in their clinical basal cells are made up of stem cells and the transit-
aggressiveness [18]. This limitation is of particular impor- amplifying cells which are intermediate cells of the prostate.
tance as the majority of tumors (76 %) fall into this intermedi- These transit-amplifying cells are postulated to act as the
ate Gleason sum category [19]. Thus, predicting the biologic precursors of prostatic inflammatory atrophic cells (PIA)
potential of the majority of prostate cancer in asymptomatic which go on to become prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
patients based upon histology alone is problematic. followed by carcinoma [23].

27.5 Anatomy and Histology 27.5.3 Neuroendocrine Cells

of the Prostate
In all the zones of the glandular prostate, a small population
To understand the molecular aspects of prostate cancer, it is of endocrine–paracrine cells is located on the basal cell layer
essential to understand the anatomy and histology of the but do not grow into the lumen. These are called neuroendo-
prostate gland. The prostate gland arises from different seg- crine cells and were first described by Pretl [24]. These cells
ments of the urethra and is located at the base of the bladder. have no specific function but may play a regulatory role in
It is a fusion of glandular and non-glandular regions [9, 20]. the development of the prostate as well as in the secretory
The prostate gland can be divided into three main glandular aspect of the luminal cells. Somatostatin, bombesin, sero-
zones: (1) the peripheral zone, (2) the central zone, and (3) tonin, and calcitonin are some of the peptides secreted by the
the transition zone, and in addition, a smaller periurethral neuropeptide cells and can be used as markers to identify
gland region [9, 20, 21]. The basic function of the prostate is these cells [24]. During androgen ablation therapy, prostate
to secrete proteins to the seminal fluid [9]. The prostate cancer cells regress and subsequently regrow in the absence
develops from the urogenital sinus during embryogenesis and of androgen. Neuroendocrine cells are observed during the
the differentiation process requires the interaction of the epi- stage when the prostate cells start to develop in the absence
thelial cells with the mesenchyme. This interaction is essen- of androgen [24].
tial since absence of either component fails to generate the
prostate and this has been elegantly shown through the
recombination experiments of the laboratory of Cunha [22]. 27.5.4 Glandular Tissues of the Prostate
Androgen signaling also plays an important role in this inter-
action by acting on the mesenchymal component for the ini- The urethra is the base around which the zones of the pros-
tial development of the prostate and subsequently on the tate develop. The urethral wall forms the backdrop for the
epithelial component instructing the cells to secrete proteins. development of the ducts of the peripheral and central zones.
The prostate epithelium consists of three types of cells: The prostatic urethra is divided equally into the distal periph-
luminal, basal and neuroendocrine. eral and proximal central halves divided at the point of the
verumontanum by an angular (35°) wall between the apex
and the bladder neck. The ejaculatory ducts lie along the
27.5.1 Luminal Cells proximal part of the urethra ending at its base [20].

The luminal cells are secretory cells which secrete the semi-
nal fluid. These cells also exhibit the androgen receptor and 27.5.5 Peripheral Zone
other proteins such as cell surface marker CD57 and
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) [9]. The secretory cells of The peripheral zone forms approximately 70 % of the pros-
the peripheral, transition, and periurethral gland zones are tate. The ducts protrude from the lateral side and posteriorly
more uniform in structure compared to the irregular luminal from the urethral wall. Most carcinomas arise in the periph-
secretory cells [21]. eral region.
426 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

27.5.6 Central Zone 27.6.1 Prostatitis

The central zone covers 25 % of the prostate and the ducts Inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis, affects 2–10 % of
surround the ejaculatory ducts which lie in the distal urethra. men who are under the age of 50. The National Institutes of
Carcinomas rarely arise in the central zone. Health (NIH) classified prostatitis into four categories: (1)
acute bacterial prostatitis, (2) chronic bacterial prostatitis,
(3) non-bacterial prostatitis, and (4) prostatodynia. Acute
27.5.7 Transition Zone and chronic bacterial prostatitis are rare occurrences affect-
ing 2–5 % of men. They are caused by infection from bacte-
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) arises in the transition ria such as Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens. Local
zone which lies in the angular region of the urethra between symptoms are urinary frequency and pelvic pain and sys-
the verumontanum and the bladder neck. This zone consists temic symptoms are fever and chills. Local and systemic
of 5 % of the prostate. symptoms are seen in acute prostatitis while intermittent
local symptoms are observed in chronic prostatitis. Treatment
normally involves anti-microbial agents and drainage of
27.5.8 The Periurethral Gland Region urine. The common form of prostatitis is category III which
is chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. It affects 90–95 % of
This region consists of small ducts and acini that lies within men. Infectious cause is not seen in non-bacterial prostatitis.
the proximal urethral segment and is the site where BPH The National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis
arises [20, 21]. There are ducts and acini in all the glandu- Symptom Index Questionnaire (NIH-CPSI) is used to assess
lar regions of the prostate which terminate in either the the condition. There are two subcategories of non-bacterial
capsule or the anterior fibromuscular stroma. The ducts prostatitis which are inflammatory (IIIA) and non-
and acini stain for PSA and prostatic acid phosphatase inflammatory (IIIB). Treatment involves the use of anti-
(PAP) [20, 21]. inflammatory drugs, thermal therapies. However, specific
direct treatment of the condition has not been resolved.
Category IV or asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis does
27.5.9 Non-glandular Tissues of Prostate not require any treatment. It is observed in some cases where
the PSA levels are high but there is no correlation to prostate
Preprostatic sphincter, striated sphincter, anterior fibromus- cancer [26–28].
cular stroma, and prostatic capsule are the non-glandular tis-
sues of the prostate. The preprostatic sphincter lies posterior
to the urethra and its fibers spread and connect with the ducts 27.6.2 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
of the transition zone. Anteriorly, the fibers end in the ante-
rior fibromuscular stroma. The anterior fibromuscular stroma BPH and prostate cancer are observed with a high frequency
extends up to the prostate apex and into the capsule laterally. in men of advanced ages. How does BPH differ from pros-
It is also in contact with the preprostatic sphincter and indi- tate cancer? BPH develops in the region of the prostate that
rectly with the transition zone. The prostate is covered with is adjacent to the urethra. BPH nodules, unlike prostate can-
striated sphincter muscles that end incompletely at both the cer, arise in the transition epithelial zone of the prostate.
distal and proximal ends. The prostatic capsule encloses a BPH involves an increase in the size of the prostate from its
major part of the prostate and the terminal acini of the periph- normal size of 15–20 g to three times the size of approxi-
eral and central zones are in contact with the capsule. The mately 33–52 g during autopsy and surgery, respectively
capsule does not extend over the ejaculatory ducts or the [29]. BPH accounts for a large percentage of surgeries in the
bladder neck. Neurovascular bundles innervate the lateral Western world due to improved screening procedures. The
portion of the capsule. prevalence of BPH is low in men of approximately 30 years
of age. However, the prevalence of BPH increases linearly
with increasing age and is maximum in men who are in their
27.6 Prostate Cancer Progression Pathway seventh decade of their lives [29, 30]. There are two stages in
BPH: microscopic and macroscopic. The microscopic stage
How is the morphology of the prostate and prostatic cells is found to be present in almost all men of the world during
interconnected with the tumorigenic process? The three their lifetime. This consists of the development of the BPH
major processes affecting the prostate are prostatitis, BPH, nodules. One-half of the microscopic nodules develop fur-
and prostatic adenocarcinoma [25]. ther resulting in a macroscopic enlargement of the prostate
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 427

now termed as the macroscopic stage. The macroscopic the development of BPH. The changes observed in BPH
stage consists of the pathological phase and the clinical cells compared to normal are androgen metabolism and
phase [30]. Detection of the clinical stage of BPH or dysuria receptor differences, variable degrees of cytosine residue
involves surgical intervention. A couple of factors resulting methylation and variations in levels of secretory proteins
in the development of BPH are a functioning testis providing [30]. The incidence of BPH is similar to prostate cancer
a steady supply of testosterone coupled with a steady increase exhibiting racial differences with blacks showing a large fre-
in age of the individual. The influence of hormones is very quency of the disease and Asians show the least [31].
obvious since BPH fails to develop in castrated men [29, 30]. Latent prostate cancers are most often observed during
However, the changes that occur within the cells of the pros- screening tests. Some of the latent cancers develop into
tate also contribute to the development of BPH. There are malignant metastatic cancers. The prostate cancer progres-
three theories that have been proposed which may explain sion pathway has been shown to consist of four predominant
the etiology of BPH. The first theory deals with the influence molecular chromosomal aberrations. The normal epithelium
of hormones for e.g. DHT. The DHT hypothesis states that a of the prostate cell develops into prostatic intraepithelial
functioning testis, supplying androgens, is involved in the neoplasia (PIN) when the basal cells are lost. A candidate
development of the prostate. With aging the androgen bal- gene that is a cause of this transformation is NKX3.1, which
ance shifts resulting in an increase in androgen levels which is a result of loss of the locus 8p21. LOH is observed in
may explain the hyperplastic growth of the prostate leading PTEN and Rb which lie on loci 10q and 13q resulting in loss
to BPH. The second theory involves the stem-cell-epithelial of the basal lamina. Invasive carcinoma is generated with the
cell interaction. This was proposed by Reischauer in 1925 breach of the basal lamina. Eventually with the loss of 17p
and restated by McNeal where they observed that BPH containing the candidate gene p53, the cancer cells metasta-
results from an initial glandular budding and branching of size to distant sites such as bone [25, 30, 32].
the stromal cells of the prostate evolving into alveoli consist- Understanding the molecular aspects of cancer is vital to
ing of epithelial cells [30]. In subsequent analyses on animal understand the underlying pathways actively playing a role
models, this induction of epithelial cells from stromal cells in tumorigenesis. The tumorigenic process results in the
could be demonstrated. Cunha et al. have shown the induc- transformation of the cells in the prostate resulting in the fol-
tion of bladder epithelial cells to form prostate cells by lowing stages. Inflammation due to damage to the tissue
mouse embryonic urogenital sinus mesenchyme which results in damage to the cells and subsequently the genome.
essentially are prostate stromal cells [22]. The induction is It also triggers the production of cytokines and other DNA
sensitive to androgens as castrated animals fail to show the repair mechanisms. Oxidative radicals such as hydrogen per-
stromal-epithelial induction. The third hypothesis is the oxide, singlet oxygen, superoxide, and nitric oxide are pro-
stem-cell hypothesis. Stem cells are regenerative cells that duced to counter the infectious agents. Their action affects
can grow in conditions where the cell number is very low due the infectious agents as well as the bystander host cells. The
to extreme physiological conditions or environmental influ- damage to the host cells can result in genomic damage and
ences. The prostate is a self-renewing tissue comprised of mutations which may initiate the tumorigenic process.
equal numbers of proliferating cells and cells undergoing GSTP1 hypermethylation or the reduced effect of the DNA
apoptosis. This equilibrium in the tissue allows the prostate glycosylase/AP lyase-OGG1 reduces the ability of normal
to maintain its size in an individual. Originating from the cells to counter the damage of oxidants [25]. Besides inflam-
stem cells, the amplifying cells exhibit limited proliferation mation, other factors such as unequal levels of androgens
and are active in the regeneration of tissue within the pros- and dietary factors can initiate the tumorigenic process.
tate. The limited proliferation results in an amplification of
the number of cells added to the regenerating prostate. The
transit cells are a subset of the amplifying cells and have very 27.6.3 Prostatic Inflammatory Atrophy (PIA)
limited clonal expansion. Unlike the amplifying cells, are
dependent on the supply of androgens. The possible explana- DeMarzo in 1999 proposed the development of PIN from
tion for the development of BPH can be attributed to the prostatic inflammatory atrophy or PIA through the atrophy
clonal expansion of these stem cells which results in the of the luminal secretory cells with surrounding inflammation
overgrowth of the prostate. However, with androgen abla- and is observed adjacent to cells that have undergone PIN
tion, the transit cells which, make up majority of the prostate, and carcinoma. Such cells are found in the peripheral zone of
die to cause involution of the prostate. This stem cell theory the prostate and very rarely in the central zone of the prostate
explains the regeneration of the prostate when androgen [23, 33]. The epithelial cells undergoing atrophy are associ-
therapy is given to castrated men resulting in the prostate ated with acute or chronic inflammation. Such cells undergo
regaining its maximal size. Other factors also play a role in morphological changes to resemble prostatic intraepithelial
428 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

neoplasia (PIN) or may resemble minute carcinoma cells examination, TRUS, and PSA tests may be used to detect
directly without a precursor lesion of PIN. Chromosome 8 is PIN. Repeat biopsies for cancer detection have reduced fol-
amplified in PIA cells and show other changes similar to PIN lowing a diagnosis of HGPIN. This is due to screening of
and cancer such as GSTP1 promoter methylation and p53 younger males and as a result a reduction in tumor volume.
mutations. Certain cells that do not show inactivation of Androgen deprivation therapy reduces the number of cases
GSTP1 activity are able to counter the effects of oxidative of PIN due to apoptosis in these cells [35].
damage [15, 33]. Cells undergoing PIA are proliferative,
expressing AR and bcl-2 and rarely undergo apoptosis [23].
They also exhibit low levels of the cyclin-dependent inhibi- 27.6.5 Intraductal Prostatic Adenocarcinoma
tor p27Kip1 which may be responsible for the initiation and (IDC-P) and Invasive Carcinoma
proliferation of cells [33]. High levels of COX-2 and gluta-
thione S-transferase A1 (GSTA1) are observed in cells Melicow and Pachter identified the differences between
undergoing PIA [30, 32, 33]. PIA may give rise to PIN in IDC-P and HGPIN. IDC-P is the next stage after HGPIN and
some cases while in other cases this is not observed. Hence, coexists with adjacent invasive carcinoma [20, 38]. IDC-P is
PIA can be considered as a precursor or intermediate lesion a late event in prostate cancer found adjacent to tumors with
in the tumorigenic process of the prostate. sizes greater than 4 cm3. IDC-P comprises 0.4–0.8 % of pros-
tatic adenocarcinomas and is characterized histologically by
Gleason grade 3 and 4 cribriform carcinoma [20, 38–40].
27.6.4 Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN) This histology of the prostate is seen in the ducts and acini
where the lumen is filled with malignant cells [41].
When the luminal cells undergo proliferation with dysplasia Endometrioid carcinoma is another term given to IDC-P due
along the ducts, it results in prostatic intraepithelial neopla- to the observation of ductal outgrowths near the verumonta-
sia or PIN. PIN has two forms, low-grade (LGPIN) and high num of the prostate resulting in an enlarged palpable pros-
grade (HGPIN). In 1986, McNeal and Bostwick proposed tate. Distant metastases were observed in the bone, brain,
diagnostic criteria to detect PIN in the prostate which resulted lymph nodes, and lungs [39]. Histologically, the tumor cells
in the three grade system [34]. However in 1989, the show pseudostratification with elongated nuclei and ample
American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute con- amounts of amphophilic cytoplasm. Other histologies
verted this into a two grade system where Grade 1 is LGPIN include papillary form cells, glandular gland like cells with
and Grades 2 and 3 together are HGPIN. In 1987, Bostwick slit-like lumen spaces and central necrosis (comedonecro-
and Brawer coined the term prostatic intraepithelial neopla- sis). Invasive carcinoma is classified as Gleason grade 5
sia. In general, HGPIN is considered to be a precursor of where the cells lost the basal cell layer as compared to
invasive carcinoma, but some studies have implicated the HGPIN and IDC-P. Invasive lesions contain tiny blood ves-
possible involvement of LGPIN as a precursor as well [16]. sels and can be detected by immunostaining for basal cell-
It is possible that the changes accumulating in LGPIN and specific keratin. While IDC-P is restricted to the ducts and
HGPIN ultimately evolve into carcinoma despite the long acini of the prostate, invasive carcinoma can metastasize
latency period. LGPIN have enlarged nuclei, small nucleoli, [42]. The tumors involving IDC-P originated from the
normal chromatin content which may be slightly increased periphery of the prostate or secondary prostatic ducts [40].
as well. The basal cell layer is intact in LGPIN. HGPIN on Ultrastructurally, IDC-P cells reveal the following features
the other hand, have large uniform nuclei and nucleoli which of gland like cells with distinct basal lamina, microvilli in the
are similar to carcinoma cells. The basal cell layer is dis- lumen, large nuclei, and nucleoli. In addition, prostatic ori-
rupted in HGPIN and is absent in carcinoma [35]. A key gin is confirmed in IDC-P cells due to the presence of pros-
marker protein to indicate the presence or absence of the tatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and prostate-specific antigen
basal cell layer is the anti-keratin stain 34βE12 through (PSA). There are a few variables that are strongly correlated
immunohistochemical analysis. Some of the marker pro- with tumor volume. The volume of IDC-P tumor is strongly
teins, amplified in the transition of HGPIN to carcinoma, are correlated with the extent of penetration of the capsule in
bcl-2, C-erbB-2, C-erbB-3 oncoproteins, racemase, c-Met terms of its thickness and width [42]. IDC-P tumors have
protooncogene, telomerase, AMACR, and PSCA [35, 36]. much in common with invasive carcinomas in terms of
Secretory marker proteins such as prostatic acid phosphatase genomic instability with higher frequencies of allelic imbal-
(PAP) and PSA are downregulated with advanced PIN and ance (60 %) observed compared to HGPIN or BPH. Allelic
carcinoma. Common allelic loss is observed in PIN and inva- imbalance in the form of loss of heterozygosity is seen in
sive carcinoma in loci such as 8p, 10q, and 16q. Epigenetic IDC-P and invasive carcinoma. LOH in certain loci are
regulation of GSTP1 where the promoter is hypermethylated shared between IDC-P and invasive carcinoma while there
is observed in both PIN and carcinoma [37]. Digital rectal are areas of LOH unique to each of them. If IDC-P evolves
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 429

into invasive carcinoma, the unique areas of LOH in IDC-P entering prostate cells, the enzyme 5α-reductase (SRD5A2)
can only be explained as the result of selective clonal growth converts testosterone to the active hormone, dihydrotestos-
in IDC-P which gives rise to invasive carcinoma. The LOH terone (DHT), which binds to the androgen receptor (AR).
observed in IDC-P indicates its correlation with a poor prog- This causes a conformational change in the receptor which
nosis of prostate cancer. Gene amplification of c-myc on then dissociates from the heat shock proteins and is translo-
8q24 and gene fusion of TMPRSS2-ERG are seen commonly cated into the nucleus where it binds to androgen response
in IDC-P as well as invasive carcinoma [38, 41]. McNeal elements in the promoter regions of genes to activate their
et al. [42] observed that rather than being a precursor to inva- transcription [45–47]. So what causes the cells in the pros-
sive carcinoma, IDC-P was found as large foci within inva- tate to get recharged after castration and to proliferate result-
sive carcinoma which was larger than 2–4 cm3. When IDC-P ing in a more aggressive androgen-independent cancer?
arises within invasive carcinoma, it generates a malignant There have been many theories proposed on the causes of
potential within the invasive tumor. IDC-P that develops as recurrence of prostate cancer. Five main theories are: (1)
foci within invasive carcinoma can be distinguished based on Hypersensitive pathway, (2) Outlaw pathway, (3)
its cribriform cells which still retain the basal cell layer [42]. Promiscuous pathway, (4) Coactivators and Corepressors,
IDC-P possesses two types of cells, tall pleomorphic, mitoti- and (5) Bypass pathway [45–47]. These theories deal with
cally active cells staining poorly for prostate-specific antigen the androgen receptor and the role it plays in the develop-
(PSA) and cuboidal, cells containing a secretory layer along ment of the hormone refractory or androgen-independent
with abundant cytoplasm expressing large amounts of PSA cancer. In the hypersensitive pathway, the androgen receptor
[41]. The treatment regimen for IDC-P is similar to that fol- becomes extremely sensitive to very low amounts of andro-
lowed for hormone dependent prostate cancer. Transurethral gens that may be present even after castration or medical
resection, hormone ablation using diethylstilbestrol or orchi- blockade of androgens. The androgen receptor through
ectomy, and radiation therapy are some of the techniques mutations or overamplification or increased 5α-reductase
utilized [43]. enzyme levels may become sensitive to low levels of andro-
gens. 30 % of androgen-independent cancers show amplifi-
cation of androgen receptor in cells which may be a result of
27.6.6 Androgen-Independent Prostate selective outgrowth following death of cells during castra-
Cancer tion [46, 48]. Increased 5α-reductase enzyme levels result
from a polymorphism where there is a substitution of valine
It is well known that hormone ablation treatment of prostate with leucine at codon 89. This is commonly observed in
cancer initially causes the cancer to regress. Most patients African men indicating the ethnic influence in prostate can-
are disease free for approximately 1.5–3 years before the cer [46, 47]. Androgen-independent prostate cancer, though
cancer reappears with intense ferocity and gains the capabil- independent of the supply of androgens tend to express the
ity to proliferate independent of the supply of androgens. androgen receptor at high levels in most cases. The outlaw
Androgens maintain the ratio of cells within the prostate pathway is functional when the AR pathway is activated by
where there is a balance between dividing proliferating cells growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases. In these cases,
and the cells undergoing death. On hormone deprivation, the growth factor pathways such as insulin growth factor (IGF),
cells undergoing apoptosis increases and the equal ratio of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) can bind and activate the
cells is affected leading to cancer cell death and the regres- androgen receptor in the castrated state as they are overex-
sion of prostate cancer. Charles Huggins and Clarence pressed. Receptor tyrosine kinases such as HER-2/neu are
V. Hodges showed the effect of castration on acid phospha- overexpressed in androgen-independent cancers that results
tase and alkaline phosphatase. Acid phosphatase levels in the activation of the androgen receptor. IL-4 and IL-6 are
decreased sharply on castration while alkaline phosphatase also activators of the androgen receptor pathway in the hor-
levels decreased gradually. Alkaline phosphatase is an mone refractory state [45, 46]. The cross talk between
enzyme found in bone and cartilage and is indicative of NF-kappa B and AR have indicated the role of the NF-kappa
activity of cells outside the prostate gland. Acid phosphatase B signaling pathway in the development of androgen-
is found in the cells of the prostate and is an effective indica- independent cancer. The promiscuous pathway results in the
tor of the growth of prostate cells [44]. androgen receptor (AR) being receptive to ligands other than
Androgens comprise testosterone, dihydroepiandros- DHT. Non-androgenic steroids, anti-androgens can activate
terone (DHEA), androstenediol, and androstenedione. the AR due to missense and other mutations which may
Testosterone makes up 90 % of the androgens and freely dif- expand the ligand-binding specificity of the AR. LNCaP
fuses into prostate cells. Testosterone which is synthesized in cells possess an AR where threonine is substituted with ala-
the testes is found in blood in the bound form where albumin nine at codon 877 which is sensitive to a wide range of ste-
or sex-hormone-binding-globulin binds the hormone. On roid ligands. CWR22 cells also show a substitution of
430 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

histidine with tyrosine at codon 874 in the sequence that The proliferation of prostate cells in an AR-null environment
encodes AR. Mutations in the AR are observed in TRAMP indicated autocrine signaling of cells to activate pathways
mice in three regions: (1) the signature loop of the receptor, besides the AR signaling pathway to survive in a hormone
(2) the flanking region where p160 coactivators bind, and (3) refractory environment [48]. Akakura et al. [52] have demon-
the ligand-binding domain [46]. Coactivator levels are strated the effect of intermittent androgen therapy on andro-
increased in androgen-independent cancers which enhances gen-dependent tumors where it was observed that
the sensitivity of the androgen receptor to various ligands androgen-dependent tumors transplanted in castrated mice
other than androgens. Coactivators such as ARA70, ARA55, showed a regression. When the tumors had regressed 30 %,
SRC-1, P/CAF, and GRIP1/TIF2 are overexpressed in pros- they were transferred to intact mice. The tumors started to
tate cancer [45, 46, 49]. Bypass pathway, as the name sug- develop only to be transplanted back into castrated mice. This
gests, circumvents the AR pathway and utilizes other intermittent procedure was conducted to observe the rate at
pathways in stimulating the prostate cells to proliferate in an which the tumors became androgen independent. The time
androgen-independent environment. The activation of bcl2 taken for the tumors to develop into androgen-independent
in PIN lesions can cause the cells to avoid utilizing the tumors was threefold. Such intermittent therapy could delay
androgen receptor pathway. Similarly, the activation of onco- the development of the aggressive tumor that is hormone
genes or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes may result in refractory [52]. Research has been carried out on androgen-
other bypass pathways. Neuroendocrine cells secrete neuro- dependent prostate cancer cells to observe their growth into
peptides such as bombesin which enhance the proliferative androgen-independent cells and to analyze the changes that
rate of cells in a cancerous environment in the absence of occur with this transition. Hendriksen et al. [53] have ana-
hormones [45, 46, 49]. Shi et al. [50] have examined the lyzed the androgen receptor pathway in LNCaP cells as well
alterations involved in the transition of LNCaP cells into as xenografts from intact and castrated mice to observe the
androgen-independent cells and have observed upregulation genes that are upregulated or downregulated in the transition
of growth factors, the Bcl-2 protein and the Akt pathway. to androgen independence. It was observed that androgen
The three sublines generated were representative of the theo- receptor genes that were not stroma-associated were upregu-
ries proposed of development of androgen-independence lated in primary prostate cancer with low levels of stromal
[50]. Chen et al. [51] also performed similar analyses using cells. In low grade carcinoma, genes that were involved in
LNCaP and the androgen-independent C4-2 cells and ana- cell growth, proliferation, and apoptosis were expressed to
lyzed genes such as TMEFF2, NKX3.1, and AMACR to higher levels compared to high-grade carcinoma where dif-
compare the gene expression differences. In addition, these ferentiation is lowered. The genes that are upregulated in low
genes were further analyzed in xenografts of these cells to and high-grade carcinomas were involved in metabolism,
observe consistency in expression. The study analyzed 51 exocytosis, and protein folding. SIM2 and AMACR were
candidate genes and compared the results to human prostate upregulated in prostate carcinoma. The study showed that
cancer tissues and showed a correlation. The study by Shi stress response genes, HERPUD1 and STK39 were down-
et al., as well as Chen et al., showed the difference in gene regulated and were good indicators of metastasis [53].
expression in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent
prostate cancer [51].
Besides the androgen receptor, the microenvironment 27.7 Epigenetic Regulation in Prostate
plays a role in the development of androgen-independent Cancer
cells. Studies by Cunha et al. have shown the effect of the
stroma on the epithelial cells of the prostate. Recombination The term epigenetics refers to the external modification of
of mice epithelial cells with inactive AR with stromal cells of DNA bases which are inherited but do not cause a change in
mice containing functional AR showed that the mice epithe- the DNA sequence. Epigenetic modifications vary from
lial cells developed normal prostatic cells yet the reverse methylation of DNA to acetylation, phosphorylation, and
combination failed to yield functional epithelial cells despite methylation of histones [54]. DNA methylation occurs when
the addition of androgens. This indicated the importance of a methyl group is added to the 5′ carbon of cytosine. Such
the stroma in prostate cell development [48]. The stromal modifications are generally observed in CpG islands that are
cells can activate the epithelial cells through paracrine sig- 0.5–2 kb long and found in the promoter regions of genes.
nals while the growth of prostate cells in an androgen- CpGs comprise 1 % of the genome. DNA methyltransferases
independent environment can also occur in an autocrine or DNMTs are enzymes that catalyze the methylation of
manner. This was observed in experiments where prostate cytosines where S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is the methyl
cancer cells could proliferate in nude mice that pos- donor for the reaction [54, 55]. In the cancer context,
sessed either wild type AR or where the AR was inactive. DNA methylation can be of two types, hypermethylation
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 431

and hypomethylation. Hypermethylation results in the silenc- malignant prostate cancer. Gene-specific hypomethylation in
ing of genes by methylation of the promoters of genes. Thus, prostate cancer is observed in genes such as PLAU which
loss of heterozygosity (LOH) observed in many cancers may encodes a tumor invasive gene urokinase plasminogen activa-
be the result of methylation of an allele resulting in the loss. tor and heparanase [54, 55]. Epigenetic mechanisms contrib-
Hypomethylation on the other hand results when there is a ute to the process of tumorigenesis in prostate cancer along
loss of methylation leading to activation of genes. Genes such with mutations and are also involved in the progression to
as GSTP1 and 14-3-3 are methylated and silenced in prostate androgen-independence. As in the study by Murillo et al.
cancer [55]. Yegnasubramanian et al. [56] analyzed the [58], it was observed that methylation of specific genes can
hypermethylation patterns in 73 primary and 91 metastatic be observed in androgen refractory prostate cancer cell lines.
human prostate cancer and compared the changes in methyl- LNCaP and its derivative androgen-independent cell lines, Rf
ation observed in the progression of cancer. They identified a and RfL were analyzed for genetic changes as well as epigen-
unique methylation pattern involving the genes GSTP1, APC, etic alterations. The locus 6q24-q26 was studied since it is
PTGS2, MDR1, and RASSF1a. Hypermethylation of the CpG known to have high allelic loss in cancer. The gene PLAG1
islands at the promoter region of the above genes was found was identified in this locus and was seen to be downregulated
at a high frequency in prostate cancer and was a distinguish- in the androgen refractory cell lines. On further analysis, this
ing characteristic from other cancers. Recurrence in prostate downregulation and loss of one allele of the 6q locus was
cancer was correlated independently with high Gleason attributed to methylation [58]. Treatment of epigenetic modi-
grade, pathological stage as well as methylation of the PTGS2 fications is universal irrespective of the cancer.
gene which encodes a cyclooxygenase gene that converts ara- Methyltransferase inhibitors such as 5-aza-2′deoxycytidine
chidonic acid to prostaglandins which are involved in inflam- and decitabine (DAC) restore expression of genes such as
mation. The methylation pattern did not differ between GSTP1 and histone deacetylase inhibitors such as MS-275,
primary and metastatic carcinomas which indicated that SAHA can be used to reverse the deacetylation of genes
methylation arose early in the progression of prostate cancer. resulting in their activation. These treatments are effective for
There was a striking difference in the number and frequency short periods of time and do not completely shrink the tumors.
of genes that were methylated between BPH and primary Combination therapies involving demethylase and HDAC
prostate cancers [56]. Lodygin et al. [57] in a similar study inhibitors are used [54, 55].
identified genes that were silenced in prostate cancer and
analyzed 50 genes that were induced by treating prostate can-
cer cell lines (LNCaP, PC3, DU145) with the demethylating 27.8 Genome-Wide Allelotyping
and inhibition of deacetylase agents 5-aza-2′deoxycytidine of Prostate Cancer
and trichostatin A (TSA). These genes were selected based
on their functions and can be considered as potential candi- Allelotyping of the genome with the help of techniques such
dates for therapy in prostate cancer. SFRP1 and DKK3 were as loss of heterozygosity (LOH), microsatellite instability
genes that downregulated the Wnt pathway, p57/KIP2 regu- (MSI), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), spectral
lates the cell cycle negatively, Glutathione peroxidase 3 karyotyping (SKY), and comparative genomic hybridization
(GPX3) protects cells against oxidative stress. These genes (CGH), informs us of the regions within the genome that
were shown to be methylated in prostate cancer which exhibit loss, amplifications, or duplications. Most often,
explains the release of the prostate cells from regulating fac- regions of loss within the genome are interpreted to harbor
tors and the development of dedifferentiation [57]. Histone tumor suppressor genes that function as the caretakers of the
modifications such as acetylation, methylation, ubiquitinyl- genome. Loss of a tumor suppressor initiates changes within
ation regulate the transcriptional activities of genes. Histone the genome that may trigger the tumorigenic pathway. Many
acetyltransferases (HAT) catalyze the transfer of acetyl laboratories have attempted to analyze the prostate cancer
groups to histones. The androgen receptor is regulated by genome utilizing the above mentioned techniques. The dif-
p300, PCAF that are histone acetyltransferases and upregu- ficulty in procuring prostate cancer samples hampers the
late AR gene expression. Similarly, histone deacetylation of large scale analysis of the genome. Allelotyping the different
the vitamin D receptor is observed in prostate cancer cells stages of cancer gives an indication of the genomic changes
which inhibit the anti-proliferative activity of the receptor. that occur in the process of developing a tumor or in other
Deacetylation is promoted by the histone deacetylase enzyme words elucidate the tumor progression pathway.
(HDAC). Histones are additionally modified by methylation Allelic loss in prostate adenocarcinoma has been reported
of lysine and arginine residues. Global hypomethylation predominantly in chromosomal arms, 8p, 10q, and 16q [59–
which involves a reduction in the overall CpG methyla- 62]. Kunimi et al. [62] showed 50 % loss on chromosome 8,
tion content of the genome is observed in benign as well as 60 % on chromosome 16, and 30–55 % on the short and long
432 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

arms of chromosome 10, respectively, in 18 prostate adeno- 27.9 Candidate Genes in Hereditary
carcinoma samples. Similarly, Carter et al. [60] showed in 28 and Sporadic Prostate Cancer
prostate cancer samples, approximately 30 % loss on chromo-
somal arms 10q and 16q. Other chromosomal arms were lost Genes implicated in hereditary prostate cancer differ from
at a lower frequency for e.g. gains in the long arms of chro- those affecting sporadic cancer. In hereditary cancer, based
mosomes 7 and X. Gains were observed on chromosomes 2p, on linkage analysis studies, loci implicated in disease pro-
3p, 12p and 12q, 13q, 17q, 8q, 9q, 16p, 20, and 22 [61]. gression have been analyzed to identify candidate genes.
Losses have been recorded at 18q which is lost only if another Some of the genes identified in hereditary cancer are HPC1,
allele is lost indicating a minimal role in the initiation of can- HPCX, PCaP, HPC2, and CaPB.
cer. This high frequency of 18q loss was reported by Joos
et al. and Kunimi et al. [61, 62]. Tumor histological grade is
directly correlated to the frequency of allelic loss. The greater 27.9.1 HPC1
the number of losses, the higher the tumor grade [62]. The
number of samples analyzed by the above researchers was Hereditary prostate cancer gene 1 (HPC1) was identified
small ranging from 10 to 28 samples. However, the results through linkage analysis of hereditary prostate cancer fami-
were obtained by techniques such as LOH and CGH. The use lies. The region 1q24–25 was identified as a candidate region
of different techniques to arrive at the same result shows that in families with high risk of hereditary prostate cancer.
the loss is real on the chromosomes. In addition to identifying RNASEL is a gene that has been mapped to the HPC1 locus.
the allelic loss patterns, it was also essential to narrow down RNASEL contains somatic mutations in hereditary prostate
the specific regions that were lost within the loci. cancer and is regulates antiviral and anti-apoptotic effects in
The Kunimi study showed ~50 % loss of the 8p locus the cells which are induced by interferons [65].
[62]. High density mapping of the 8p locus revealed losses in
the 8p22 region where the MSR gene resides. However, the
losses were not restricted to 8p22 alone. There was heteroge- 27.9.2 HPCX
neity in the region of loss on the 8p arm with some tumors
showing complete loss of the 8p arm or intermittent losses HPCX is found on the X chromosome indicating sex chro-
either distal or proximal to the 8p12-8p21 region [63]. mosome linkage in hereditary prostate cancer [14]. HPCX is
Similar LOH mapping was carried out for chromosomes 8, found in the region between Xq27–28 which spans approxi-
10, and 16 in another study by [59]. Allelic loss was observed mately 10 Mb. Evidence of association between HPC1 and
across both the arms of chromosome 10 using ten markers HPCX has been observed in some hereditary prostate cases
spread across the entire chromosome. Similarly nine markers though this is not observed in all the cases.
used for chromosome 16 were localized to the long arm and PCAP: PCAP was detected at locus 1q42–43 through
confirmed the region proximal to the centromere to be fre- combined fine mapping and a genome screening technique
quently lost [59]. A comparative CGH analysis carried out [14]. It is observed in hereditary families with early onset of
on ten prostate adenocarcinoma cases confirmed the LOH on the disease [65].
8p, 10q, and 16q. Gains were observed on 7q the X chromo-
some, 8q, 9q, and 16p. LOH analysis did not detect the gains
on 8q, 9q, and 16p. Loss of chromosome 12p was reported 27.9.3 HPC2/ELAC
only in the CGH data [61]. MSI allelotyping of 100 prostate
adenocarcinoma samples provided clues to the presence of HPC2 is found at the locus 17p11. Truncating mutations
three genetic progression pathways that may operate in the such as missense and presence of a premature stop codon
development of prostate cancer. The first pathway results were found at this locus in high-risk hereditary prostate can-
when there is a loss of 8p and 13q and these may be early cer families. These mutations modify the risk to prostate can-
events since the losses were recorded in >70 % of the cases. cer. HPC2 encodes a hydrolase which acts like DNA repair
An alternative pathway involves the loss of 7q, 17p, and 18q enzymes [65].
which also eventually acquire losses in 8p and 13q. This
accounts for 13 % of the prostate cancer cases. A third path-
way is observed in advanced states of prostate cancer where 27.9.4 CaPB
losses are observed on 5q, 9p, and 17p. Loss of 5q is pre-
dominantly associated with lymph node metastasis of pros- CaPB has been reported to be linked to the locus at 1p36.
tate cancer. These observations were obtained from pure There is a linkage between this locus and brain cancer since
tumor samples which had been procured through the highly families with no history of brain cancer that have prostate
specific laser capture microdissection technique [64]. cancer do not show this locus to be affected [14].
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 433

Genome-wide allelotyping of sporadic prostate cancer PTEN also modifies the androgen receptor pathway by
has identified regions that are consistently lost in disease affecting the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. This interaction
progression. The genes of interest that lie within these will be described in the section on the androgen receptor
regions have been identified and analyzed further for their signaling pathway.
relevance to sporadic cancer development.

27.9.7 CDKN1B
27.9.5 NKX3.1
A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, CDKN1B/p27kip1, is
The 8p21 locus showed nearly 50 % allelic loss in prostate downregulated frequently in prostate cancers [9, 32]. p27kip1
cancer. NKX3.1 is a candidate prostate-specific homeobox maps to the 12p12–13 locus. Loss has been observed at this
gene at this locus and maps within the critical region of locus although p27kip1 itself is not mutated. Phosphorylation
8p12–21 [9, 65, 66]. The protein is expressed largely in the or ubiquitinylation alters the localization of p27kip1 [9]. PI3K/
prostate and expression is lost with the progression to pros- AKT signaling pathway negatively regulates the levels of
tate cancer. This indicates that NKX3.1 acts as a tumor sup- p27kip1. PTEN which negatively regulates the PI3K/AKT
pressor gene. Somatic mutations have not been observed in pathway increases the levels of p27kip1. Mice, where p27 has
this gene despite allelic loss and so its role in sporadic pros- been targeted for disruption develop prostatic hyperplasia
tate cancer is debated though the presence of loss and haplo- while those that have heterozygous alleles of PTEN and loss
insufficiency may be the cause of disease progression. of both alleles of p27 develop prostate cancer [25, 32]. p27
Haploinsufficiency of NKX3.1 in mice gives rise to lesions loss is correlated to tumor grade with no loss observed in
similar to PIN in humans [9, 65]. NKX3.1 is a transcription BPH and maximum loss observed in prostate cancer [9].
factor and activates as well as represses genes [65]. PSA is
repressed by NKX3.1 by binding to the promoter region of
the DNA (Nelson WG). Although protein expression is lost 27.9.8 Rb
in cancer, NKX3.1 mRNA is still expressed [32, 65]. NKX3.1
expression has been found to be ~20 % in PIN, 6 % in low Allelic loss has been reported on 13q, a locus that contains
stage, 22 % in high stage prostate cancers, 34 % in hormone the retinoblastoma gene (Rb). Mutations as well as loss of
refractory cancer and 78 % in prostate metastases [33, 65]. protein expression have been detected in localized and meta-
static prostate cancer. Rb regulates apoptosis of prostate cells
in the presence of androgen. Tissue recombination studies
27.9.6 PTEN have shown that loss of Rb can cause dysplasia and invasive
carcinoma in the prostate yet many studies have failed to
Allelic loss at 10q24 has been observed in prostate cancer. show the similar association [9].
PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue) was discovered
in gliomas which showed the same allelic loss and is consid-
ered a candidate tumor suppressor gene. PTEN encodes a 27.9.9 GSTP1
lipid phosphatase that negatively regulates phosphoinositol-
3-kinase (PI3K/Akt) signaling and cleaves 3-phosphory- Hypermethylation of glutathione S-transferase (GSTP1) is a
lated phosphoinositides [32, 33, 65]. The PI3K/Akt pathway common event observed in sporadic prostate cancer. GSTP1
regulates cell cycle and apoptosis by phosphorylation of p27 protein is observed in basal epithelial cells and in cells that
and BAD, respectively. Thus, PTEN is considered to regu- have undergone prostatic inflammatory atrophy (PIA).
late cell proliferation and cell death [65]. Similar to NKX3.1, However, absence of the GSTP1 protein is observed in cells
somatic mutations have not been observed in PTEN. However, that have undergone prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN).
haploinsufficient PTEN appears to be associated with later This loss of protein expression is attributed to hypermethyl-
stages of prostate cancer. These studies have been carried ation of the promoter sequence of GSTP1. GSTP1 is a
out in mice which have led to the development of prostatic detoxifying enzyme that protects epithelial cells from
hyperplasia and dysplasia lesions [9, 65]. Haploinsufficiency genomic damage by carcinogens [25]. GSTP1 is generally
observed in PTEN is not observed universally in all the not expressed in the luminal secretory cells. The role of
prostatic cells though its importance in prostate cancer pro- GSTP1 in cancer is that of a caretaker gene rather than a
gression cannot be underscored with observations of tumor suppressor gene. GSTP1 may be required to detoxify
decreased expression in primary tumors and xenografts [9]. PhIP-DNA adducts which form during the consumption of
Studies in mice have also shown that when NKX3.1 and red meat or oxidating radicals-DNA adducts that form dur-
PTEN are haploinsufficient, prostatic hyperplasia arises. ing oxidative stress [32].
434 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

27.9.10 AMACR androgen receptor signaling pathway, it is necessary to start

at the basic level of the androgen receptor structure.
α-Methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) is a mitochondrial The androgen receptor is found on the X chromosome
and peroxisomal enzyme and influences metabolism of sub- between Xq11 and Xq12. It comprises 8 exons and is
strates by β-oxidation. The expression of the enzyme is 110 kDa in size. Exon 1 is the largest and encodes the amino-
increased with increasing grade of prostate cancer with nor- terminal domain (NTD), exons 2 and 3 encode the DNA-
mal prostate cells showing low frequency of enzyme expres- binding domain (DBD), part of exon 4 encodes the hinge
sion. It has been found to be overexpressed in all prostate region while the remaining part of exon 4 to exon 8 encode
cancers [25]. the ligand-binding domain (LBD) [68, 71]. The NTD con-
tains the polymorphic trinucleotide repeat sequences, CAG
and GGC, which are 6–39 and 7–20 repeats, respectively and
27.9.11 AR encode polyglutamine and polyglycine, respectively. Ethnic
differences observed in repeat sequences are linked to the
The androgen receptor found on the X chromosome is sub- incidence of prostate cancer. African-Americans have shorter
jected to mutations or changes in protein expression in pros- CAG repeat sequences, Caucasians have intermediate repeat
tate cancer. Changes in the androgen receptor gene sequence length sequences and Asians have the longest CAG repeat
affect the signaling pathway and other interconnecting path- sequences. The highest incidence of prostate cancer is seen
ways. More details will be given on the androgen receptor in in African-Americans compared to Asians and Caucasians.
the section on androgen receptor signaling. CAG repeat length of greater than 40 results in neuromuscu-
lar atrophy termed as Kennedy’s disease [12, 68, 70, 71]. The
correlation between the CAG repeats and the incidence of
27.10 Signaling Pathways in Prostate prostate cancer risk is fluid with few studies indicating a
Cancer positive correlation while others have shown a negative cor-
relation [12, 71]. Contrary to the distribution of the CAG
Signaling pathways are activated in the process of develop- repeats, African-Americans show the least frequency of the
ment of prostate cancer. In prostate cancer, the signaling 16-GGC repeats while Asians show the highest. It may be
pathways are interconnected and ligands affect more than the assumed that the GGC repeats play a role in preventing the
immediate downstream target in their respective signaling development of prostate cancer. In prostate cancer, an asso-
pathway. This can be observed in the NF-kappaB and Stat3 ciation of short CAG repeats and low frequency of GGC
pathway or the PI3K/AKT and AR pathway. repeats have been found [71]. Besides the repeat sequences,
two forms of polymorphisms are associated with the risk of
prostate cancer. The R726L polymorphism, observed at
27.10.1 Androgen Receptor Signaling codon 726 in the hinge region, occurs in linkage disequilib-
rium with the long CAG repeats in prostate cancer patients.
The androgen receptor is a transcription factor, a 110 kDa Similarly, a single nucleotide polymorphism results in either
phosphoprotein, and plays an important role in the develop- an allele that can be digested by the Stu1 restriction enzyme
ment of the prostate. The AR belongs to the steroid hormone or an allele that cannot. All these polymorphisms give rise to
receptor superfamily [45, 49]. The androgen receptor medi- male baldness which is an initiator of prostate cancer.
ates the activity of androgens such as testosterone and dihy- The AR when translated is complexed with heat shock
drotestosterone (DHT) which bind to the androgen receptor proteins to form a heterocomplex. Hsp40, Hsp70, Hsp90,
elements in the promoter sequences of genes responsive to and co-chaperones p23 and Hop bind to the AR when it is
androgens and influence their transcription [45, 49, 67, 68]. not bound to any ligand and stabilize the receptor protein.
The androgen receptor signaling pathway is essential for the This multiprotein complex enables the androgen receptor to
development of prostate cancer and its influence can be bind androgens. The binding of androgens releases the heat
observed in prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic adenocarci- shock protein complex from the androgen receptor and
noma [67–69]. The androgen receptor maintains the homeo- causes the translocation of the androgen receptor into the
stasis in the prostate. Lowered androgen receptor activity nucleus. Within the nucleus, the androgen receptor dimerizes
results in cell death while increased activity induces the pro- and binds DNA at sequences containing the androgen
liferative capacity of the prostate cells [70]. Despite andro- response elements. This assembly recruits additional tran-
gen ablation therapy, an active androgen receptor signaling scription factors and coactivators or corepressors to regulate
pathway is observed in hormone refractory prostate cancers. gene expression. Following the dissociation of the ligand,
The cause for the activation of this receptor pathway is due AR is shuttled back to the cytoplasm where heat shock pro-
to myriad reasons. To understand the full potential of the teins bind to form the multiprotein complex [68, 71].
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 435

27.10.2 AR Gene Alterations the receptor. Mutations are observed at the region of the
polyglutamine tract or at a region amino terminal to the DBD
Prostate cancer initially develops in the presence of andro- which affects the transactivation of the receptor either in a
gens and a functioning androgen receptor signaling pathway. ligand-dependent or ligand-independent manner. The car-
Hormone ablation therapy, in the form of surgical or medical boxy terminal region of the NTD is also subjected to muta-
castration, results in remission of prostate cancer. However, tions which affect the receptor activation [71].
this sets a stage for the development of mutations and adap- The p160 and p300/CBP coactivators interact with the
tive changes to the androgen receptor. AR gene amplifica- NTD at a glutamine rich region and are affected by muta-
tion, mutations in the androgen receptor have been observed tions in the region. Coactivators can increase transactivation
as adaptations to hormone deprivation. Approximately of variant AR and thus raise the frequency of incidence of
25–30 % of prostate cancer patients show overamplification prostate cancer. In the presence of coactivators such as
of the androgen receptor following hormone deprivation. ARA70 and ARA160, the activity of agonists such as
Overamplification of the receptor enables it to be responsive 17β-estradiol and antagonists such as hydroxyflutamide are
to extremely low levels of androgens found in conditions of enhanced. P160 coactivators can enhance the transactivation
androgen deprivation. Overamplification develops only in activity of AR in the presence of unconventional ligands
response to the hormone ablation therapy as patient samples such as estradiol and progesterone. Similarly, the coactivator
that showed this phenotype did not show the same prior to Tat interactive protein 60 kDa (Tip60) is found to be increased
the treatment. Such patients showed a better response to hor- in expression in hormone refractory prostate cancer [67, 71].
mone treatment, a longer survival rate, increased response to Mutations in the NTD of AR are more common in pros-
second-line hormone therapies [67, 68]. AR gene overex- tate cancer that has developed after androgen ablation when
pression may result either due to amplification of the gene, compared to mutations of the C-terminal which are more
increased gene transcription, enhanced stability of the tran- common in prostate cancer before hormone deprivation [69].
script or protein [45].
AR gene mutations cause the AR to undergo changes that
improve the transactivation of the AR and enhance its activ- 27.10.3 Signaling Pathways Interacting
ity in the presence of coactivators [67]. The gene mutations with AR
cause androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS) which down-
regulates the development of internal and external male There are a number of growth factors and coactivators that
organs [45]. The first AR gene mutation was studied in the interact with the AR and influence the AR signaling pathway
LNCaP cell line where it was found the cell line became in androgen-independent prostate cancer. They are growth
responsive to anti-androgens. The mutation T877A causes a factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), interleukin-4
change in threonine to alanine in the androgen receptor and and interleukin-6, cell cycle proteins, Ras-the Raf-MAPK
broadens the ligand specificity of the receptor [67]. AR point pathway, and the PI(3)K/Akt pathway [68, 70, 72].
mutations occur in the range of 20–40 % in the male popula-
tion [68]. Point mutations rarely arise in the receptor in pri- Growth Factors
mary prostate cancers but occur with increasing frequency in Epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin growth factor (IGF),
patients undergoing hormone ablation therapy. AR muta- and keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) activate AR. The EGF
tions are observed in three regions of the receptor spanning receptor family member ErbB2/Her-2/neu has a tyrosine
approximately 15 % of the receptor [45, 71]. The mutations kinase activity which is active in the absence of ligand. It
are observed in the ligand-binding domain (LBD), the DNA- activates AR and causes an increase in PSA expression even
binding domain (DBD), and amino-terminal transactivation in the absence of ligand. The expression of Her2 is linked to
domain. In the LBD, the mutations are observed in a 20 the activation of MAP kinase and PI3K/Akt pathways which
amino acid signature sequence which is required for ligand are active in the hormone refractory state of prostate cancer.
specificity. Mutations are also observed in the boundary of Such cells have an added growth advantage [68, 70, 71].
the hinge region with the LBD and the AF-2 binding site for
p160 cofactors. These changes in the AR sequence affect the Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-6
transactivation of the AR and its specificity to ligands. The interleukins are cytokines which increase the expression
Mutations have been observed at the carboxy terminal of the of AR in the androgen refractory state. PSA expression is
DBD which affect transactivation and transrepression of the increased in the presence of IL-4 while IL-6 activates the
AR and also it’s DNA-binding capability. Signaling path- STAT3-AR interactions. STAT3 interacts with AR at a spe-
ways are activated or repressed due to the broader specificity cific region on the AR and disruption of this direct interaction
of AR with mutations for ligands [71]. Amino-terminal affects the activity of AR [68, 70]. IL-6 causes a signal trans-
transactivation domain mutants are observed in the NTD of duction effector in the IL6 receptor, gp130, to homodimerize
436 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

resulting in the activation of the Janus Kinase (JAK)/signal Proteasome

transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway. The 26S proteasome ubiquitinates AR and the proteins that
STAT3 is phosphorylated by JAK. IL-6 converts an andro- form a complex with AR cause timely degradation of the
gen-dependent prostate cell into an androgen-independent complex and enable cell cycle progression. The proteasome
cell by enhancing androgen receptor activity as well as the pathway activates NF-kB which leads to AR transcription
STAT3 and MAPK signaling pathways [73]. IL-6 prevents and translation into protein [68, 70, 72].
the apoptosis in prostate cells which is mediated by the
STAT3 pathway [74]. The PI3K/AKT pathway is not affected
by IL-6 overexpression. PSA expression is increased in the 27.10.4 NF-Kappa B Signaling
presence of IL-6 overexpression [73, 74]. A recent publica-
tion has shown that IL-6 mediates its growth stimulatory Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) signaling consists of
effect on androgen-deprived prostate cancer cells by acting in the canonical and the non-canonical pathways. NF-kappa B
an autocrine manner. Studies carried out on LNCaP cells is a complex of proteins that are present as dimers. These
which are androgen-dependent show inhibition of growth in proteins fall in two classes. The first class consists of RELA
the presence of IL-6 with reduced AR expression while pro- (p65), RELB, and c-REL, and the second class consists of
longed exposure to IL-6 causes the LNCaP cells to develop NF-kB1 (p105) and NF-kB2 (p100). The REL proteins
into androgen-independent cells. This shows two phases of dimerize with the second class to activate the expression of
activation of IL-6 on prostate cells, a paracrine effect in the genes. p105 is a precursor protein which is proteolytically
initial stage and an autocrine effect in the androgen- processed into the mature protein p50 while p100 is pro-
independent growth of prostate cancer cells. It is at this stage cessed into p52. The canonical pathway consisting of dimers
that the AR signaling pathway is activated [73, 74]. containing RELA, NF-kappa B1/p50, and c-REL are present
in the inactive form in the cytoplasm by the inhibitors of Cell Cycle Proteins kappa B proteins (IkB). IkB proteins are phosphorylated by
AR is either activated or repressed by different cell cycle the IkB kinase (IKK) complex specifically IKKβ that inacti-
proteins. Cyclin D1 represses AR transactivation and P/CAF vates IkB through ubiquitinylated degradation. This releases
competes with this interaction and prevents the inhibition of the NF-kappa B complex which translocate to the nucleus
AR. Cyclin E is an activator of AR and is not inhibited by and activates targets of inflammation, cell proliferation, anti-
any other protein and may be responsible for the androgen- apoptosis, and negative regulators of NF-kappa B proteins.
independent growth of prostate cancer cells. pRB also acti- The second non-canonical pathway consists of RELB and
vates AR but in an androgen-dependent manner. The NF-kappa B2/p52. Members of the tumor-necrosis factor
corepressors are c-Myc, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), (TNF) cytokine family activate IKKα along with a second
Bcl-2, NK-kB, and others [70]. protein kinase NIK which in turn induces the proteolytic pro-
cessing of NF-kappa B2 resulting in the translocation of Ras-Raf-MAPK Pathway RELB/p52 dimers to the nucleus [75, 76].
Guanine nucleotide proteins such as Ras are activated dur- At which stage is NF-kappa B activated in the tumori-
ing growth factor mediated signaling. Cell cycle proteins genic process of the prostate? NF-kappa B is expressed vari-
are activated by phosphorylation by the Ras-Raf-MAPK ably in different stages and is present in different locations
pathway. This pathway plays a role in the progression of based on the tumor stage of the prostate. Domingo-Domenech
cells from Go/G1 to the S phase. Overexpression of mutated et al. [77] have shown in their study that NF-kappa B is local-
Ras leads to proliferation of cells. This pathway is acti- ized in the cytoplasm in luminal cells and in the nucleus in
vated in both hormone-sensitive and hormone-deprived basal cells. Cytoplasmic NF-kappa B is observed in PIN
prostate cells. lesions while cytoplasmic as well as nuclear NF-kappa B
staining is seen in prostatic adenocarcinoma. It was also Protein Kinases observed in the analysis of patients that nuclear NF-kappa B
Protein kinases A, B, and C activate AR and are induced by could be considered as an indicator of biochemical relapse.
growth factors mentioned above. The risk of biochemical recurrence increased when nuclear
NF-kappa B was present along with high PSA levels and Calcium and Calmodulin high Gleason score [77]. Sweeney et al. showed the similar
Calmodulin binds to AR in the presence of calcium and sta- result of increased NF-kappa B staining in advanced stages
bilizes it. Calmodulin activates a number of kinases includ- of prostate cancer compared to the benign state. Increased
ing Akt which interact with AR and form a complex and NF-kappa B expression was seen in hormone-independent
influences the stability. cell lines [78].
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 437

Chen and Sawyers [98] have shown the role of the canoni- 27.10.5 STAT3 Signaling
cal pathway, RELB/p50 dimers, in activating PSA by bind-
ing to four sites in the enhancer region of the PSA gene. AR Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STAT)
also binds to the enhancer region of PSA indicating a cross are a group of seven genes named as STATs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5A, 5B,
talk between the NF-kappa B and the AR pathways. Studies and 6 [84]. The STAT signaling cascade originates through
in the androgen-independent cell line, LAPC-4, have shown growth factors and cytokines in the plasma membrane of the
that NF-kappa B to be present in high levels and the activa- cell resulting in STAT proteins being phosphorylated in the
tion is observed in the nucleus with lower levels of IKKβ. cytoplasm, at the tyrosine and serine residues, dimerizing of
This provides a role for NF-kappa B in androgen-independent the phosphorylated STAT proteins and its subsequent translo-
tumors [51]. In another study by Catz [79], the activation of cation to the nucleus [84, 85]. Members of the Janus Kinase
bcl-2 expression by NF-kappa B has been shown. NF-kappa family (JAK) such as JAK1, JAK2, and Tyk2 or other kinases
B binds to two consensus site on the bcl-2 promoter sequence such as Src and BCR-Abl kinases phosphorylate the STAT
p2. TNF-α regulates the activation of bcl-2 by NF-kappa B. proteins. The STAT signaling controls cell differentiation,
bcl-2 expression is reduced in the presence of hormones development, proliferation among other functions [84]. There
which is indicative of its role in hormone-independent pros- is a significant role played by the STAT signaling pathway in
tate cancer [79]. Suyun Huang et al. have shown that block- prostate cancer when it is upregulated and is involved in cross
ing the NF-kappa B pathway in prostate cancer cells inhibits talk with other signaling pathways such as NF-kappa B path-
the expression of proteins related to the angiogenic, invasive, way. Huang et al. [85] have shown the effect of constitutively
and metastatic pathways. The androgen-independent pros- active STAT3 on prostate cancer progression. It was observed
tate cancer cell line PC-3 was utilized in this study where that benign prostate epithelial cells that expressed constitu-
stable cell lines transfected with control vector or with a tively active STAT3 did not require JAK kinases to phosphor-
dominant negative mutant form of IkBα (IkBαM) were gen- ylate the STAT3 proteins. However, inhibition of the STAT3
erated. Though the cell viability is not affected, the expres- pathway in the STAT3 stable cell lines compromised the cell
sion of angiogenic factor, VEGF, invasion protein, IL-8, viability as these cells showed a significantly higher growth
metastasis protein, MMP9 was reduced at the transcriptional rate in unsupplemented medium. In addition these cells
and translational levels. The vascularization of cells trans- gained androgen insensitivity indicating self-sufficiency in
fected with IkBαM was significantly lowered compared to the presence of STAT3 signaling [85]. In a similar study by
the normal cells and the cells transfected with the control Tam et al. [86], hormone sensitive tumor samples were com-
vector indicating the effect of downregulating the NF-kappa pared to those that were hormone insensitive for the levels of
B pathway [80]. A similar result was shown by Andela [81] IL-6 and phosphorylated STAT3. Immunohistochemical
by suggesting a role for NF-kappa B in prostate cancer staining was performed for IL-6 and phosphorylated STAT3
metastasizing to the bone. In this study, the expression levels to identify the risk of obtaining prostate cancer. Increased
of MMP9 and IL-6 were markedly reduced when PC-3 cells IL-6 was associated with hormone insensitive patients and
were transfected with a mutant form of IkBα. The role of also indicated shorter time to relapse. Increased phosphory-
NF-kappa B is reinforced in metastasis and bone resorption lated STAT3 was observed in hormone insensitive patients
through the expression differences in MMP9 and IL-6. The and indicated a greater survival rate [86]. IL-6 activation of
study also showed a subsequent increase in the anti- STAT3 was enhanced by AR in the presence of DHT. DHT
metastatic factor, TIMP1, in the stable cell line transfected could influence the activation of STAT3 in the presence of
with the mutated IkBα [81]. IL-6 which was inhibited by flutamide, the anti-androgen.
Our laboratory has shown the processing of NF-kappa Conversely, inactive STAT3 inhibited AR activation by
B2/p100 is mediated by Stat3 and involves the acetylation of IL-6 in the presence of DHT [87]. Azare et al. [88] showed
cyclic AMP-response element binding protein (CBP/p300). the effect of fibronectin in the transition of epithelial to mes-
Stat3 when activated involves the processing of p100 to p52. enchymal phenotype in prostate cells which contain constitu-
Activation of Stat3 occurs through acetylation mediated by tively active STAT3. The cell motility is enhanced in the
CBP/p300. Active Stat3 was shown to mediate the anti- presence of integrin β6 and fibronectin with a reduction in the
apoptotic activity of p52. This interaction of Stat3 with the expression of E-cadherin. The significance of this finding
noncanonical NF-kappa B pathway regulated anti-apoptosis however could not be observed in the immunohistochemical
[82]. Stat3 regulation of NF-kappa B is mediated by staining of human prostate tissues [88]. EGF signaling acti-
LIGHT. LIGHT induces phosphorylation of Stat3 with the vates STAT3 signaling in prostate cells and enhances migra-
help of NIK which is phosphorylated. Only in the presence tion and invasiveness of cells [89]. EGF can enhance AR
of NIK, can LIGHT mediate Stat3 phosphorylation and this activation by increasing STAT3 levels. STAT3 levels are
phosphorylation increases with increase in LIGHT dosage. increased in the presence of IL-6 which increases the interac-
These results indicate the NF-kappa B and the Stat3 path- tions between STAT3 and AR. The increase in EGF signaling
ways are interlinked in prostate cancer [83]. causes AR signaling to be dependent on STAT3 [90].
438 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

27.10.6 PI3-K/Akt Signaling downstream target genes. Similarly, the AR signaling path-
way is regulated by Akt. The androgen receptor mediated
Akt or protein kinase B is a serine/threonine kinase family of apoptotic pathway is negatively regulated by Akt. In a study
proteins and is a proto-oncogene. Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3 are by Lin [93], it was observed that Akt phosphorylates AR at
members of the Akt family. It derives its name protein kinase two distinct sites, Ser-210 and Ser-790. The specificity of
B from its homology in the catalytic domain of the protein Akt for the AR signaling pathway was observed when con-
structure to protein kinase A and C. It plays a role in cancer stitutive Akt was transfected into DU145 cells. It was
through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase PI3-K/Akt path- observed that in the presence of constitutive Akt, the andro-
way. The Akt protein structure consists of an N-terminal gen receptor is phosphorylated. Subsequent to AR phosphor-
pleckstrin homology (PH) domain and a C-terminal regula- ylation, the interaction between AR and its coactivators are
tory domain. Akt is located in the cytoplasm in its inactive inhibited by Akt. The use of inhibitors of PI3-K/Akt and
state. On activation by ligands such as growth factors, cyto- PI3-K/p70S6K showed that the PI3-K/Akt signaling path-
kines, T-cell receptors, PI3-K, a lipid kinase, is activated by way was effective in regulating the AR signaling pathway.
receptors, such as tyrosine kinase receptors. This results in The rates of apoptosis were significantly lower in prostate
second messengers including phosphatidyl 3,4,5-trisphosphate cancer cells that were treated with inhibitors to PI3-K. Stable
(PI-3,4,5-P3) or phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate cell lines of LNCaP treated with a dominant negative mutant
(PI-3,4-P2) to recruit Akt to the plasma membrane by binding of Akt showed an increase in p21 protein expression which
to the PH domain. Akt undergoes a conformational change is a proapoptotic factor and this was specific to prostate can-
which results in the phosphorylation of the kinase activation cer cells [93]. Akt may influence the progression of prostate
domain at Thr308. A second phosphorylation site is at Ser473. cancer to hormone-independent prostate cancer by inhibiting
On getting phosphorylated, Akt translocates into the nucleus apoptosis and promoting G1 cell cycle progression [94].
to regulate the proteins involved in angiogenesis, cell sur- Brunet et al. [95] have shown the interaction of Akt with
vival, and proliferation. The levels of PI-3,4,5-P3 and PI-3,4-P2 the forkhead receptor ligand 1 (FHRL1) which results in its
are regulated by PI3-K and phosphatases. One of the phos- phosphorylation and inactivation. The FKHRL1 functions in
phatases is the phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) the nucleus where it stimulates apoptosis in the cell. In the
which converts PI-3,4,5-P3 to PI-4,5-P2. The SHIP phospha- cancer arena, Akt is activated which then phosphorylates
tases, SHIP1 and SHIP2, convert PI-3,4,5-P3 to PI-3,4-P2. FKHRL at three sites causing FKHRL to get sequestered in
Similarly, Akt is negatively regulated by protein phosphatases the cytoplasm. Immunolocalization confirmed the subcellular
and positively regulated by proteins such as caveolin-1 (cav- staining of FKHRL. The protein that cooperates with Akt in
1). Serine/threonine protein phosphatases, PP1 and PP2A, the sequestration is the 14-3-3 protein which is a cytoplasmic
dephosphorylate Akt at Thr308 and Ser473. PP1 and PP2A phospho-serine binding protein. FKHRL binds to a consensus
regulate processes such as glycogen metabolism, protein syn- sequence similar to the insulin response sequence (IRS). The
thesis. Caveolin-1 positively regulates Akt by inactivating activation of apoptosis by FKHRL is through the consensus
PP1 and PP2A. Caveolin-1 is upregulated in prostate cancer. sequence termed FH-responsive element (FHRE). This
Akt promotes anti-apoptotic pathways by regulating genes sequence can be found on ligands such as Fas. The interaction
involved in apoptosis such as forkhead receptor (FKHR). Akt of FKHRL with Fas which induced apoptosis was confirmed
phosphorylates FKHR which results in its sequestration in the by determining the percentage of apoptotic cells in cell lines
cytoplasm by 14-3-3 proteins preventing it from activating that were transfected with the Fas ligand and the FKHRL.
proapoptotic proteins such as BIM and FAS ligands [91]. This study elegantly showed the specificity of the interaction
Yamaguchi et al. [92] have demonstrated the anti- of Akt with FKHRL in regulating the apoptotic pathway.
apoptotic activity of Akt through techniques ranging from Another cellular aspect that is controlled by the PI3-K/Akt
flow cytometry to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) pathway is prostate cancer cell invasion [95, 96]. In a study
in lymphoid cells. In experiments designed to study a range by Shukla et al. [97] the effect of the PI3-K/Akt pathway on
of apoptotic proteins, the study showed using FISH that Akt the invasive properties of prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP,
prevented Bax from translocating to the mitochondria even 22RV1, PC-3, and DU145 were analyzed. The levels of
when the cell survival factor, IL-3, was absent. It was PTEN and activated Akt were inversely correlated in prostate
observed that the active phosphorylated form of Akt inhib- cancer cells. PI3-K protein levels were lowered in androgen-
ited caspase activation and maintained the membrane poten- dependent cells in the presence increasing concentrations of
tial of the mitochondria. Contrary results would have been the PI3-K inhibitor while they were minimally affected in
observed if the proapoptotic factor, Bax, was active [92]. Akt androgen-independent cell lines, DU145 and PC-3. With the
can activate NF-kappa B signaling by phosphorylating the lowering of PI3-K, the levels of p-Akt were lowered resulting
IkB kinases which inactivate its interaction with NF-kappa B in decreased invasive capacities. When the levels of p-Akt
proteins. This leads to the translocation of the NF-kappa B were high, the levels of invasion proteins matrix metallopro-
proteins into the nucleus to activate the transcription of teinase (MMP-9) and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA)
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 439

were increased. When human prostate tissue samples were Lymph node metastases account for 70 % while bone account
analyzed, the PI3-K levels were found to be high in high for 90 % of prostate cancer metastases. This review will
Gleason grade tumors. With the increase in PI3-K levels, focus on bone metastases and the genes that regulate the
active Akt was increased and PTEN levels were lowered. development of the cancer.
This seems to indicate the role of PI3-K/Akt in prostate can-
cer progression and cell invasion [97]. A study in mice
showed that PTEN deficient mice were tumorigenic. This 27.11.1 Bone Metastases
tumorigenic capacity was seen to be inhibited by Akt defi-
ciency and haploinsufficient Akt also inhibited the develop- Prostate cancer that becomes androgen independent is very
ment of prostate cancer [98]. Another aspect of Akt signaling aggressive resulting in highly invasive cancers. The bone is
is in indicating the risk of recurrence of prostate cancer. It is the primary site of invasion of aggressive prostate cancer and
unknown how prostate cancer recurs despite hormone abla- accounts for ~90 % of distant site metastases. Skeletal bone
tion therapy. Initially, prostate cancer is dependent on andro- cancer results in severe pain, hypercalcemia, and frequent
gen and on removal of androgens from the environment, fractures [101, 102]. Bone metastases are seen in cancers of
prostate cancer regresses. Yet, 18 months later, cancer reap- the lung, breast, and kidney. However, the unique feature of
pears. In order to determine the factors that may cause pros- bone metastases in prostate cancer is that the cells are pre-
tate cancer to recur, Bedolla et al. [99] looked at the effect of dominantly osteoblastic. Breast, kidney, and lung cancer
PTEN expression and the presence of active Akt or p-Akt in bone metastases are mainly osteolytic [103]. Bone cells are
prostate cancer tissue. Paraffin-embedded samples were ana- made up of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are bone-
lyzed through immunohistochemistry for the status of PTEN forming cells while osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells.
and p-Akt. It was observed that PTEN negative samples Once bone metastasis sets in, it signifies the terminal stage
showed prostate cancer recurrence that was close to twice the for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. There is no cure
rate for samples that were positive for PTEN expression. for these skeletal metastases [102, 104].
Conversely, high p-Akt levels give rise to five times the fre- The bone comprises of a homeostatic balance between
quency of recurrence as compared to samples that have low osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The basic function of osteoblasts
levels of p-Akt. Univariate analysis indicates p-Akt and is to produce the bone matrix which becomes mineralized.
PTEN are predictors of recurrent disease in converse ways. A Growth factors such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP),
multivariate analysis has shown the combination of Gleason transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ), fibroblast growth fac-
score, p-Akt and PTEN levels are important predictors of tor (FGF), endothelin-1 (ET-1), serine proteases such as uro-
recurrent prostate cancer [99]. Besides interacting with the kinase and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) activate osteoblast
AR signaling pathway, PI3-K/Akt also interacts with proliferation or differentiation [105, 106]. Alkaline phospha-
NF-kappa B and this has been demonstrated in TRAMP tase is an enzyme found on the surface of osteoblasts and is
mice. It was observed with increase in age of TRAMP mice, involved in bone mineralization [106]. Osteoclasts on the
the levels of NF-kappa B increased in both the nucleus and other hand are bone-resorbing cells and differentiate after
cytosol. Simultaneously, the inhibitory kinase, IKKα, is osteoblasts develop [107]. Osteoblasts activate osteoclast
decreased and IkBα is increased in TRAMP mice while no precursors by expressing osteoprotegerin (OPG) and recep-
significant change was observed in the non-transgenic con- tor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand (RANKL). RANKL
trols. Invasion proteins such as MMP-9, cell cycle proteins binds RANK on the osteoclast precursor cell causing it to
such as cyclin D, angiogenesis proteins such as VEGF all differentiate into an osteoclast. OPG is an alternate receptor
showed high rates of expression in TRAMP mice. PTEN lev- for RANKL which acts as an internal control for the devel-
els were measured in TRAMP mice compared to non- opment of osteoclasts [108]. When imbalance sets in between
transgenic mice and the non-phosphorylated and the osteoblasts and osteoclasts, cancer is initiated [105].
phosphorylated forms of PTEN were found to increase as the Bone metastases develop in two stages. Prostate cancer
age of the transgenic mice increased. This study showed the cells initially home into the bone followed by tumor develop-
connection between the tumor suppressor gene PTEN and the ment. The exact method of development of bone metastases
PI3-K/Akt pathway [100]. has not been elucidated. However, work done by Sikes et al.
[109] has shown that cells migrate toward bone based on
their invasive capacity compared to their adhesive potential.
27.11 Prostate Cancer Metastasis In the study, the highly invasive cell line C4-2 was compared
to LNCaP and the non-tumorigenic cell line P69 for their
Distant site metastases are seen in the metastatic stage of adhesive and invasive properties. It was observed that the
prostate cancer. Some of the sites of metastases are bone, tropism for bone by prostate cancer cells was inversely pro-
lymph nodes, lung, liver, and brain. Metastases to the lymph portional to the tumorigenicity of cells with C4-2 cells show-
nodes and bone are the most frequent and predominant. ing the least tropism toward bone cells. Conversely, the
440 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

invasive capacity of C4-2 cells was higher in bone cells com- Alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin levels are reduced
pared to P69. This study indicated the possible form of inter- concomitantly with the reduction of VEGF levels. C4-2B
action of prostate cells with bone which depends not just on cells when injected into mice tibia show increase in bone
cell surface proteins to initiate contact and expansion but marrow density as compared to injected C4-2B cells that are
also on the bone microenvironment which influences differ- exposed to VEGF inhibitor clearly indicating the role of
ent cells in varying ways. LNCaP cells though invasive VEGF in the ossification process [101].
toward bone are not as metastatic and this can be explained Prostate cancer that metastasizes to the bone shows an
by the varying interactions of the bone extracellular matrix increased activity of osteoblasts compared to osteoclasts and
with the cells [109]. The androgen-independent C4-2 cells thus increased bone formation. However, this bone forma-
are derived from LNCaP by coculturing LNCaP cells with tion does not improve the strength of the skeletal structure
bone stromal cell line MS. Cell lines were derived from the because the internal bone structure is weaker than that
bone metastases developed from the C4-2 cell line. formed in a normal process. The collagen bundles formed in
Comparison of the invasive capacity of the C4-2 cell line and the normal lamellar bone are arranged in straight long bun-
the derivative bone cell lines showed higher invasive poten- dles which are tightly packed giving the bone its strength.
tial compared to the parent LNCaP cell line. The progression However, when osteoblasts are activated by prostate cancer
of the LNCaP cell line into an androgen-independent cell cells, they induce bone formation where the collagen is
metastasizing toward the bone imitates the situation in vivo loosely packed in a random manner resulting in weak bones.
in humans [110]. The clonal nature of bone metastatic cells This is the reason for bone fractures in such a condition. The
is obvious when PSA levels are measured. PSA protein is combination of weak bone structure coupled with osteolytic
expressed at high levels in the cells although one of the cells activity further reduces bone strength [108]. Berruti et al.
failed to show sufficient RNA. On growing out the cell line, [112] have surveyed the various skeletal damages that can
some of the cells showed sufficient RNA levels of PSA. This occur due to prostate cancer metastasizing to the bone. Some
indicates the heterogeneity of prostatic bone tumors [110]. of these skeletal damages in order of greater prevalence are
A study of the factors responsible for prostate cancer spinal instability, spinal compression, hypercalcemia, bone
death due to metastases to the bone analyzed 68 prostate car- fractures. Alkaline phosphatase is the predominant marker
cinoma patients and clinical features such as Gleason score, that correlated significantly with bone formation and
time of survival between diagnosis, and surgical treatment, deoxypyridinoline is a significant marker of bone resorption.
levels of PSA, staining for biomarkers (including chromo- Deoxypyridinoline correlated significantly with skeletal
granin A) showed three features to be responsible for damages in the study of 112 patients [112].
increased death due to metastasis of prostate carcinoma in Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) released
the bone. It was observed that a high Gleason score of 8 or by the tumor cell induces osteoblasts to overexpress RANKL
more is responsible for bone metastases and greater fre- and downregulate OPG. RANKL then acts on osteoclast pre-
quency of death. The time of survival reduces with increas- cursors to develop into osteoclasts which then perform bone
ing time difference between time of diagnosis and surgical resorption. The process of bone resorption releases various
treatment. This is due to the fact that the longer it takes to growth factors such as TGF-β, IGF1, and calcium. SMAD
detect the metastasis the more developed the cancer, result- and MAPK are activated as separate signaling pathways
ing in a greater likelihood of death. In addition, staining of which lead to the release of PTHrP resulting in the repetition
chromogranin proved to be an indicator of decreased sur- of the cycle of osteoblast-osteoclast interactions [106].
vival in prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis. Prostate cancer can metastasize to the bone with the help
However, the sample set of this study is small to consider the of the Wnt proteins. It has been shown that the Wnt signaling
observations to be entirely representative of prostate cancer pathway is activated in prostate cancer where Wnt1 and
bone metastases in the population. A larger sample study is β-catenin are upregulated. Wnts 3a and 11 are present in
required to confirm the above results. It was also observed in androgen-independent cancer. Wnt3a activates AR signaling
the sample set that androgen receptor was positive in the pathway in the absence of androgen and regulate the level of
bone metastatic cells [111]. β-catenin [103]. Hall et al. have shown that prostate cancer
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induces promotes osteoblast differentiation through Wnt proteins
osteoblast differentiation but not mineralization. A study of [104]. DKK1 is an antagonist of Wnt and binds to the lipo-
PC-3, LNCaP, and C4-2B cells showed VEGF levels are protein receptor-related proteins (LRP) and causing it to
present at high levels. C4-2B conditioned medium stimulates internalize to be degraded by lysosomes [103]. Prostate can-
osteoblast differentiation and was used in culturing cells cer cells that express Wnt proteins show metastasis to the
such as PC3 and LNCaP in addition to C4-2 itself. An inhibi- bone. However, when DKK1 is expressed in the cells, the
tor to the receptor of VEGF showed that VEGF when inhib- activity of Wnts is reduced resulting in reduced bone forma-
ited reduces the capacity of osteoblast differentiation. tion. The in vivo study showed a decrease in bone density
27 The Molecular Basis of Prostate Carcinogenesis 441

within the tibia of mice bones. There is a destruction of the struct. In the absence of the MAR, the rate of tumor progres-
lamellar bone when DKK1 is overexpressed in the prostate sion though lower, still occurred in the transgenic mice. The
cancer cells. Mineralization is observed in vitro in prostate advantage of TRAMP is that the tumors develop specifically
cancer cells that downregulate DKK1 expression indicating only in the prostate making it an ideal model for a focused
the osteolytic effect of DKK1 [104]. analysis of prostate cancer. The molecular events that occur
Current therapies related to bone metastases seek to iden- in the development of prostate tumors as well as the transi-
tify the proteins that are involved in the differentiation path- tion from hormone dependence to hormone independence as
ways of bone cells. Bisphosphonates are pyrophosphate observed in the reduction of AR staining can be studied in
compounds that bind to mineralized cell surfaces and pre- the TRAMP model [115].
vent the action of osteoclasts in bone resorption. It is a drug In the study by Gingrich et al. [116], the progression to
that is currently marketed. Some of the drugs that are in androgen independence was studied in the TRAMP model.
phase II or III trials are osteoprotegerin and PTHrP antibod- The basis for the study was to study if the androgen-
ies. In addition, there are endothelin receptor antagonists independent growth in cells was induced due to castration or
(atrasentan) that target osteoblast differentiation and bone androgen-insensitive cells were already present in a hetero-
morphogenetic antagonists (BMPs such as Noggin and anti- geneous prostate which were activated on castration. The
BMP-6). There are radioactive drugs such as strontium-89, genitourinary weight was compared between normal mice
Samarium-153, and Rhenium-186 that are used to prevent and TRAMP mice. The GU weight was larger in the TRAMP
the development of the bone matrix and osteoblast differen- mice but a timescale progression of weight difference
tiation [102, 106]. between castrated TRAMP mice showed that the GU weight
of castrated TRAMP mice at 12 weeks was lower than those
that were castrated at 18 weeks. This increase in GU weight
27.12 Animal Models of Prostate Cancer with increase in time following castration indicated a subse-
quent growth of the prostate cells. This experiment showed
The Dunning and Noble mouse models of prostate cancer the presence of androgen-independent cells that were present
initiated the study of prostate cancer in vivo [113, 114]. in the prostate but were activated only under conditions of
Greenberg at al. [115] developed a transgenic mouse model castration [116].
in 1995 that recapitulated the process of intraepithelial neo- Besides the TRAMP mouse model, there have been
plasia to invasive carcinoma in humans. Transgenic adeno- mouse models that look at the effect of growth factors on the
carcinoma mouse prostate or TRAMP is the term given to development of the prostate and the effect of drugs on the
the mouse model developed by Greenberg et al. [115]. The prostate. The mouse model, Tag/Ghr−/− was generated by
concept involved using the rat probasin promoter to drive the crossing a GH receptor knockout mouse with the C3[1]/Tag
expression of genes of interest. The probasin gene is a mouse. The resulting Tag/Ghdr−/− mouse failed to develop
prostate-specific gene and, the probasin promoter drives the PIN lesions as compared to Tag/Gh+/+ mice despite the pres-
expression of genes specifically in the prostate. In the ence of the T antigen, and androgen receptor expression indi-
TRAMP model, the SV40 large T antigen was placed under cating the importance of growth factors for prostate cancer
the influence of the probasin promoter since the effect of the progression [117]. A transgenic mouse model termed ARR2
T antigen on initiating tumorigenesis was observed in the Pb-Lux expresses luciferase specifically in the prostate under
pancreas and mammary gland [115]. The tumors that devel- the influence of the androgen receptor and provides a useful
oped were mainly in the dorsal and ventral sections of the model to test the effect of androgen receptor inhibiting drugs.
mouse prostate and resembled the human invasive carcinoma The luciferase signal is diminished when the androgen levels
of the prostate. The cells were pleomorphic with angular are reduced due to the use of bicalutamide, an androgen
nuclei and small amounts of cytoplasm. The progression to receptor inhibiting drug, or due to castration. This transgenic
hormone independence was an important point to study in mouse provides a useful method of analyzing histological
prostate cancer. When AR immunostaining was performed and molecular changes in the prostate in a noninvasive man-
in TRAMP mice, it was observed that increased loss of epi- ner [118].
thelial differentiation was inversely proportional to the level Prostate tumor cell lines are widely used to study the
of AR staining. The time taken for the tumors to progress to tumorigenic process in the prostate. Commonly used pros-
cancer in the mice was approximately 20–40 weeks with tate cell lines are LNCaP, CWR-22, PC-3, DU145, RWPE-2,
hyperplasia observed around 10 weeks of age while invasive TSU-PRI, RWPE-2, and ALVA101 [119]. LNCaP is an
carcinoma was observed in the mice at around 20 weeks of androgen-dependent cell line that was derived in 1977 from
age. This rapid progression was observed when a matrix a metastatic lymph node of a 50 year-old Caucasian male.
attachment region (MAR), intended to enhance the probasin This cell line is most commonly used to study the properties
based gene expression, was added to the probasin-Tag con- of prostate cells in the presence of androgen. In addition,
442 S. Dutt and A.C. Gao

LNCaP cells are used to develop androgen-independent cell prostate cancer has been studied. There have been advances
lines in an effort to study the progression of androgen- made in the androgen refractory state of prostate cancer
dependent cells to an androgen-independent state. Our labo- where a number of cell line models and xenograft models are
ratory has generated the androgen deprivation induced providing us with clues to the functioning of the prostate cell
androgen suppressed cell line, LNCS from LNCaP [120]. in a hormone-free environment. Genome-wide allelotyping
LNCaP cells were cultured in a charcoal stripped medium studies have provided us with a base on which further explo-
which was devoid of hormones and after approximately 20 ration of candidate genes can be conducted. One can observe
passages, the cells changed in morphology and androgen- that the study of cancer is ultimately a combined analysis
dependence. While LNCaP cells have filamentous processes using different techniques, cell lines, animal models, tissue
and a functional androgen receptor, LNCS cells grow in analyses to give a more comprehensive overview of the dis-
clumps and do not possess a functional androgen receptor. ease. The heterogeneity of prostate cancer also increases
LNCS cells when grown in FBS medium are growth sup- with age and environment. To this end, the results reviewed
pressed and resume normal growth in charcoal stripped in this chapter emphasize the need for the use of different
medium. PSA levels are found to be insignificant in LNCS techniques in analyzing prostate cancer.
compared to LNCaP. The LNCS cell provides a useful model
to analyze the progression of androgen-dependent cells to an
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Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis
Kwun M. Fong, Jill E. Larsen, Casey Wright,
Krishna Sriram, Morgan Davidson, Marissa Daniels,
Yoshitaka Sekido, Rayleen V. Bowman, Ian A. Yang,
and John D. Minna

L-dopa decarboxylase, chromogranin A, synaptophysin A,

28.1 Introduction neuron specific enolase (NSE) and neural cell adhesion
molecule (NCAM). In contrast, most NSCLC lack these
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the Western properties and are comprised of three major subtypes: adeno-
world, estimated to account for over a quarter of the cancer carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carci-
deaths in both men and women [1]. The World Health noma. In vitro, NSCLC and SCLC subtypes also tend to have
Organization has estimated that perhaps about one million peo- different biological properties such as the adhesion of
ple die from lung cancer worldwide each year. Lung cancer has NSCLC cells to substrate which is generally absent in SCLC
surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in cell lines. This is relevant to molecular pathogenesis as the
women in several western countries. Changes in smoking hab- CD44 adhesion molecule which is involved in intercellular
its have meant that the incidence and death rates due to lung interactions was found to be predominantly associated with
cancer are decreasing in men, but increasing in women. the NSCLC phenotype, indicating that it may be a useful dif-
Clinically, lung cancer is usually classified into non- ferentiation marker [4]. Nonetheless, there are some lung
small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer cancers with features of both NSCLC and SCLC.
(SCLC), with the latter representing 15–20 % of cases Although it is still uncertain whether SCLC and NSCLC
(Table 28.1). This classification relies on differences in his- are derived from the same or different cell lineage, much prog-
tological and neuroendocrine (NE) features. A characteristic ress has been made towards understanding the molecular basis
neuroendocrine phenotype is observed in the pulmonary NE of lung cancer, particularly involving classic oncogenes and
cells of normal lung and in a subset of lung malignancies tumor suppressor genes (TSGs or recessive oncogenes). The
including SCLC, bronchopulmonary carcinoids, and NSCLC current paradigm suggests that human epithelial tumors, such
with neuroendocrine features, which includes the presence as lung cancer, arise as a result of the accumulation of multiple
of cytoplasmic dense core granules [2, 3], and expression of independent molecular events that target critical genetic path-
ways in key cells. These events appear distinct from the ran-
dom background genetic damage that is often seen in advanced
K.M. Fong, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. (*) • C. Wright, Ph.D. neoplasms. Specific oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
K. Sriram, Ph.D. • M. Davidson, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. (TSGs) are the likely targets of somatic aberrations resulting
M. Daniels, M.B.B.S. • R.V. Bowman, M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.P.
from the genotoxicity of tobacco smoke carcinogens.
I.A. Yang, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., F.R.A.C.P.
Department of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital, The critical cellular pathways affected directly or indi-
University of Queensland Thoracic Research Center, rectly by these somatically acquired aberrations are becom-
Rode Road, Chermside, Brisbane, QLD 4032, Australia ing increasingly recognized as biochemical functions of the
proteins encoded by mutated genes are unraveled. Cancer is
J.E. Larsen, Ph.D. not only caused by abnormal cell proliferation with loss of
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute,
the usual cellular growth control mechanisms but is also
300 Herston Road, Herston, Brisbane, QLD 4006, Australia
influenced by abnormalities in apoptosis (programmed cell
Y. Sekido, M.D., Ph.D.
death). Indeed, solid tumors ensue from a balance between
Division of Molecular Oncology, Aichi Cancer Center Research
Institute, Kanokoden, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8681, Japan cell proliferation and cell death. The regulation of these pro-
cesses is complex. There are positive factors such as cyto-
J.D. Minna, M.D.
Hamon Center for Therapeutic Oncology Research, University of kines, hormones, growth factors, and their specific receptors
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75235-8593, USA which, upon ligand binding, then signal effector genes via

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 447

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_28
448 K.M. Fong et al.

Table 28.1 Selected characteristics of small cell and non-small-cell lung cancer
Frequency ~20–25 % ~75–80 %
Histology Scant cytoplasm, small hyperchromatic Abundant cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei, coarse
nuclei, fine chromatin, indistinct nucleoli, chromatin, prominent nucleoli, squamous/
tumor in sheets glandular architecture
Neuroendocrine phenotype ~100 % Large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas and
Peptide secretion ACTH, AVP, calcitonin, ANF PTH
Radiation-sensitivity 80–90 % Shrinkage 30–50 % Shrinkage
Chemo-sensitivity High Low
RAS mutation <1 % ~15–20 %
MYC amplification/overexpression ~15–30 % ~5–10 %
ERBB2 overexpression <10 % ~30 %
EGFR mutation Rare ~10 % (Higher in Asians, nonsmokers,
adenocarcinomas, females)
EML4/ALK fusion ~5 %
ROS1 fusion ~1–2 %
LKB1 mutation ~9-
HER2 mutation/amplification ~2–4 %
PIK3CA mutation/amplification ~2–18 %
TTF1 amplification ~15 %
BRAF ~2–3 %
MET mutation/amplification ? Rare ~1–20 %
FGFR1 amplification ~22 % SCC
SOX2 amplification ~23 %
Putative autocrine loops GRP/GRP receptor, SCF/KIT HGF/MET, neuregulin/ERBB
Tumor suppressor genes
CDKN2A mutation <1 % ~10–40 %
TP53 mutation ~75–100 % ~50 %
17p LOH ~80–90 % ~70 %
Abnormal TP53 expression ~40–70 % ~40–60 %
Absent RB1 expression ~90 % ~15–30 %
13q LOH ~75 % ~40–60 %
3p allele loss >90 % ~50–80 %
9p LOH ~20–50 % ~50–75 %
Absent CDKN2A expression ~0–10 % ~30–70 %
Other genetic deletions, e.g., 5q, 8p, 11p, 18q Variable Variable
Telomerase expression ~100 % 80–85 %

various signal transduction cascades, as well as negative ber of genetic lesions that occur during lung carcinogenesis;
regulators of cell growth and proliferation. with various alternate pathways leading to bronchogenic car-
Karyotypic and molecular analyses have demonstrated cinoma. While some of the molecular events are commonly
that lung cancer cells have accumulated several genetic found in both SCLC and NSCLC, others show greater speci-
lesions, with perhaps ten or more such events required for the ficity for one or other of the subtypes (Table 28.1). These
development of an overt lung cancer. Knowledge of the tem- events can largely be categorized into the original and emerg-
poral sequence and timing of these genetic lesions in the ing hallmarks of cancer: self-sufficiency in growth signals,
multistep process of lung carcinogenesis is increasing with insensitivity to antigrowth signals, evasion of apoptosis (pro-
improvements in techniques allowing examination of DNA grammed cell death), limitless replicative potential, sus-
from tiny preneoplastic bronchial lesions, such as with laser tained angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastasis, repro-
capture microdissection. Nonetheless, there appears consid- gramming of energy metabolism, and evasion of immune
erable inter-individual heterogeneity in the timing and num- destruction [5].
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 449

28.2 Molecular Changes in Overt Lung mapped using these high-throughput technologies.
Cancers Nonetheless, the earlier polymorphic DNA marker-based
technologies of Southern Blot and repetitive sequence PCR
28.2.1 Aneuploidy and Copy Number (e.g., microsatellite) contributed greatly to the localization
Variations and identification of candidate TSGs by identifying allele
loss in tumor cell lines, primary tumor cells and preneoplas-
Aneuploidy, an abnormal number of chromosomes repre- tic cells associated with invasive cancers.
senting an abnormal total DNA content, is another common With the advent of newer technologies such as digital
characteristic of tumor cells. In solid tumors, aneuploidy is PCR and massively parallel sequencing (commonly referred
linked to genomic instability, which includes chromosome to as next generation sequencing or NGS), comes even more
instability (CIN). With the onset of genomic studies came capacity to detect and identify copy number variation in lung
reports of gene expression signatures associated with aneu- cancer. Rapid technological advances mean that NGS can be
ploidy and cell proliferation. Many solid tumors, including applied to the study of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
lung cancers, often have marked aneuploidy, ranging from (FFPE) samples with relatively small quantities of DNA
hypoploidy to hyperploidy [6, 7]. Several studies have starting template [22], using next-generation sequencing for
assessed the value of aneuploidy as a marker of biological high resolution multiplex analysis of copy number variation
aggressiveness, but the prognostic value of aneuploidy in from nanogram quantities of DNA from formalin-fixed,
lung cancer is controversial [8, 9]. Newer techniques have paraffin-embedded specimens. Indeed, NGS has largely
allowed the identification of extensive areas of aneuploidy in superseded older techniques for detecting tumor CNVs.
the respiratory epithelium of lung cancer patients, a finding
consistent with the field cancerization theory [10].
Early pivotal cytogenetic studies in tumors demonstrated 28.3 Oncogenes and Growth Stimulation
karyotypic features of double-minute chromosomes (DMs)
and novel staining regions called homogenously staining Proto-oncogenes encode proteins that are positive effectors
regions (HSRs), corresponding to amplified DNA sequences of the transformed phenotype and may be considered posi-
which may contain between twenty and several hundred cop- tive growth regulators. The normal cellular counterparts of
ies of a specific chromosomal sequence. As the amplified these proto-oncogenes are often components of normal
sequences often involve several hundred thousand base pairs, growth signaling pathways. Activation of these proto-
it is possible that more than one oncogene is contained within oncogenes usually occurs via aberration of a single allele,
the amplified region. Chromosomal comparative genomic including by gene amplification, point mutation and consti-
hybridization (CGH) and array CGH are molecular cytoge- tutive overexpression, leading to a gain in function or domi-
netic techniques that can detect gains and losses of DNA in a nant effect. These proto-oncogene products include various
tumor genome. CGH techniques led to the identification of growth factors, receptor tyrosine kinases, non-receptor tyro-
several new chromosomal regions affected by either dele- sine kinases, membrane-associated G proteins, cytoplasmic
tions or increased DNA copy number in lung cancer genomes serine/threonine kinases, and nuclear transcription factors.
[11–15] and include specific allelic loss at 3p, 4q, 9p, and
17p and gain at 1q, 3q, 5p, and 17q [16–20]. More recently,
array CGH was developed for high-throughput, high- 28.3.1 ERBB Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
resolution DNA dosage analysis, where microarrays are
spotted with unique genomic probes. Early array CGH The epidermal growth factor receptor or ErbB family of tyro-
microarrays consisted of large genomic clones, such as bac- sine kinases consists of four members—ErbB1 (EGFR),
terial or P1 artificial chromosomes (BACs and PACs) or cos- ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4 [72]. The family of tyrosine
mids, robotically spotted onto glass slides, whereas later kinases is important for many developmental and physiolog-
platforms used short, 25–70-mer oligonucleotides. Moreover, ical processes. ERRB receptors are activated in response to
bioinformatic advances have also facilitated the use of single peptide binding resulting in receptor hetero- or homo dimer-
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays initially developed ization [73]. The peptide growth factor ligands that interact
for genotyping to be used to detect DNA copy number varia- with the ERBB family of transmembrane receptor tyrosine
tions [21]. A number of studies have reported microarray- kinases are called neuregulins, neu differentiation factors, or
based CGH analyses to detect genomic aberrations in lung heregulins [74]. The neuregulin and ERBB (ERBB2,
cancers, but few in primary SCLC because of its rare resect- ERBB3, and ERBB4) families may be considered to be
ability (Table 28.2). potential growth stimulatory loops involved in the
Likewise, loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) events as indica- development of lung cancer [75]. On binding neuregulin,
tors of inactivation on one allele of TSGs were more finely ERBB receptors homodimerize or heterodimerize,
450 K.M. Fong et al.

Table 28.2 Published array CGH in lung cancer showing copy number variations (DNA gains and losses)
Study Platform (probes)a Resolution (kb) Samplesb,c
[23] BAC (348) 37 NSCLC (21 SCC, 16AC)
[24] SNP (1494) 33 Lung cancer cell lines (19 NSCLC, 14 SCLC)
[25] cDNA (8000) 376 14 NSCLC (8AC, 6 SCC), 14 NL
[26] BAC (3014) 1000 50 NSCLC (29 SCC, 21AC)
[27] cDNA (~10,000) 1000 20 NSCLC cell lines (11AC, 7 SCC, 2 LCC), 9 SCLC cell lines
[28] BAC (800) 27 NSCLC cell lines (11 SCC, 10AC, 6 LCC)
[29] Oligo (22,500) 54.8 44 NSCLC (18AC, 26 SCC)
[30] cDNA (12,814) 8 NSCLC
[31] SNP (115,593) 51 NSCLC (37AC, 10 SCC, 4 BrAC); 26 NSCLC cell lines (14AC, 4 SCC, 4 LCC, 2
NSCLC, 2 BrAC, 1 AdSq); 19 SCLC tissues; 5 SCLC cell lines
[32] BAC (32,433) <1000 28 NSCLC cell lines (18AC, 9 SCC, 1 LCC)
[33] BAC/PAC (4523) ~700 20 NSCLC cell lines (7 SCC, 7AC, 6 LCC)
[34] cDNA (12,814) 20 (8AC, 6 SCC, 5 LCC, 1 AdSq)
[35] cDNA (11,367) 564 23 NSCLC (7AC, 15 SCC, 1 AdSq); 3 metastases; 10 NL
[36] BAC 32 NSCLC
[37] BAC (4046) 1000 36 NSCLC (22 SCC, 14AC)
[38] cDNA (~22,000) ~30 76 NSCLC (40 SCC, 36AC), 56 NSCLC cell lines
[39] BAC (2464) 75 NSCLC (43AC, 32 SCC) (Current, former and never smokers)
[40] BAC (4030) 1000 24 NSCLC (12AC, 12 SCC) (with PBMC)
[41] BAC (32,000) 85 NSCLC (56AC, 20 LCC, 9 Other)
[42] BAC (>26,000) <1000 1AC, 1 SCLC, 1 LCNEC (from same patient)
[43] BAC (>26,000) <1000 112 LC cell lines (77 NSCLC, 32 SCLC) (with and without EGFR TKI treatment)
[44] Oligo (244,000) 2.1 42 NSCLC (from 20 patients: 6 synchronous, 14 metachronous)
[45] BAC (4046) 1000 36 NSCLC (22 SCC, 14AC) [37]
[46] 76 NSCLC (40 SCC, 36AC), 56 NSCLC cell lines [38]
[47] BAC (>26,000) <1000 161 NSCLC (103AC, 58 SCC) (correlated with mRNA microarray profiles) [38]
[48] BAC (4362) 1000 20 NSCLC (11AC, 9 SCC)
[49] Multiple >3400 NSCLC tumors and cell lines (from public repositories for 20 studies)
[50] Oligo (244,000) 2.1 123 Paired normal and NSCLC (57AC, 50 SCC, 13 LCC, 3 unclassified)
[51] BAC (800) 55AC
[52] BAC (1440) 2300 15AC
[53] SNP (500,000) 575AC
[54] BAC (2621) 1000 3AC cell lines
[55] BAC (>26,000) 400 26AC (non-mucinous BrAC, invasive AC with BrAC features)
[56] BAC (1440) 2300 21AC (11 early response, 10 non-relapse)
[57] Oligo (385,806) 6 138AC
Squamous cell carcinoma
[58] BAC (1440) 2300 14 SCC
[59] BAC (6500) 35 SCC (with and without COPD)
[60] Oligo 1000 22 SCC
[61] BAC (>26,000) <1000 52 SCC (with and without arsenic exposure)
[62] Oligo (244,000) 2.1 62 SCC
[63] SNP (1494) 17 SCLC
[24] SNP (1494) 33 Lung cancer cell lines (19 NSCLC, 14 SCLC)
[64] 5p BAC (491) 100 15 SCLC cell lines
[65] 1p BAC (642) 15 SCLC cell lines
[66] cDNA (39,632) 70 24 SCLC cell lines
[27] cDNA (~10,000) 20 NSCLC cell lines (11AC, 7 SCC, 2 LCC), 9 SCLC cell lines
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 451

Table 28.2 (continued)

Study Platform (probes)a Resolution (kb) Samplesb,c
[67] BAC (800) 10 SCLC, 31 LCNEC
[31] SNP (115,593) 51 NSCLC (37AC, 10 SCC, 4 BrAC); 26 NSCLC cell lines (14AC, 4 SCC, 4 LCC, 2
NSCLC, 2 BrAC, 1 AdSq); 19 SCLC tissues; 5 SCLC cell lines
[68] BAC (32,433) 14 SCLC cell lines, 6 normal cell lines
[69] SNP (114,000) 23.6 23 SCLC cell lines
[42] BAC (>26,000) <1000 1AC, 1 SCLC, 1 LCNEC (from same patient)
[43] BAC (>26,000) <1000 112 LC cell lines (77 NSCLC, 32 SCLC) (with and without EGFR TKI treatment)
[70] BAC (2464) 46 SCLC, 5 SCLC cell lines
[71] Oligo (180,000 and 13 SCLC cell lines
BAC bacterial artificial chromosome microarray, cDNA cDNA microarray, Oligo oligo microarray, SNP single nucleotide polymorphism
Studies used primary tumor tissue except where specified
SCLC small cell lung carcinoma, NSCLC non-small-cell lung carcinoma, AC adenocarcinoma, SCC squamous cell carcinoma, LCC large cell
carcinoma, BrAC bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, LCNEC large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, NL normal lung, PBMC peripheral blood mono-
nuclear cell

subsequently inducing intrinsic kinase activities that initiate ated with intrinsic multidrug resistance to chemotherapy
intracellular signal transduction cascades such as the MAP agents in NSCLCs [86]. ERRB2 mutations in themselves are
kinase pathway. Although ERBB2 (also commonly known fairly rare in NSCLC [87, 88], with mutations being in-frame
as ERBB2/neu) by itself lacks ligand binding ability, it plays insertions situated in exon 20 (reminiscent of EGFR muta-
a major coordinating role by enhancing and stabilizing tions). It is well recognized that increased copy numbers of
dimerization. Each directly liganded receptor appears to ERBB2 in breast cancer predict response to trastuzumab
dimerize preferentially with ERBB2, and resulting ERBB2- [89]. Interestingly it appears that this may also be important
containing heterodimers have very high signaling potency. for a group of non-small-cell lung cancer patients. ERBB2
Activation of ERBB2 plays an important role in the develop- amplification is found in 11 % of NSCLC specimens [90].
ment of many human cancers. The three major mechanisms Clinical studies demonstrated that the subgroup of NSCLC
leading to ERBB activation in cancer are gene amplification, patients with ERBB2 amplification achieve clinical benefit
altered ligand expression, and mutations in the receptor when trastuzumab is added to chemotherapy regimens [91].
kinase or extracellular domain. The ERBB2 gene maps to
chromosome 17q21, and its amplification and overexpres-
sion has been implicated in the development of several 28.3.2 EGFR
human cancers. Although amplification appears uncommon
in lung cancer, ERBB2 is highly expressed in over a third of Another ERBB member, ERBB1 (better known as epidermal
NSCLCs, especially in the adenocarcinoma subtype [76–78]. growth factor receptor, EGFR), has a role in regulating epi-
Experiments with transfected ERBB2 suggested that ERBB2 thelial proliferation and differentiation. Epidermal growth
overexpression on its own was insufficient, but did contrib- factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-α (TGFα) are
ute, to tumor induction in immortalized human bronchial prominent amongst the six characterized mammalian ligands
epithelial cells [79]. Additionally, an anti-ERBB2 monoclo- that bind to the EGFR receptor. While no ligand has yet been
nal antibody has been developed which can inhibit the identified for ERBB2, it is the most frequently used partner
in vitro growth of NSCLC cell lines expressing ERBB2 [80]. in heterodimerization with EGFR. The production of EGFR
Some but not all studies have suggested that ERBB2 overex- ligands, especially TGFα by lung cancer cells expressing
pression correlates with shorter survival in lung cancer [81– cognate receptors, has led to suggestions that this system
83]. In any case, other observations including the enhanced represents an important autocrine loop in lung cancer [75,
metastatic potential resulting from transfection of the ERBB2 92,,93]. Ligand binding to EGFR results in homodimeriza-
gene into a NSCLC cell line in a xenograft model [84] sup- tion or heterodimerization which initiates autophosphoryla-
port the idea that ERBB2 overexpression may be an adverse tion of tyrosine residues in the intracellular domain [94].
clinical indicator in some lung cancer patients. Transfection This initial phosphorylation event is thought to trigger a
and overexpression of the ERBB2 gene in a constitutively phosphorylation mediated signal transduction cascade
low ERBB2 expressing NSCLC cell line also led to the through two major pathways—the Ras/Raf/MAP kinase and
induction of a drug resistant phenotype [85]. In vitro assays the PI3K-Akt pathway. Ras/Raf/MAPK activates MAPK3
further suggest that ERBB2 overexpression may be associ- and MAPK1 transcription factors resulting in increased cell
452 K.M. Fong et al.

proliferation, survival, and transformation, while PI3K-Akt CA-SSR1 allele, and selective amplification of the shorter
inactivates BCL2 family proteins and caspase 9, thus pro- allele of CA-SSR1 occurred frequently in tumors harboring
moting survival in the face of apoptotic stimuli including a mutation [114]. Interestingly, another specific EGFR muta-
radiation and DNA damage. Both pathways are implicated in tion, T790M, has been linked to acquired TKI resistance, and
development of malignancy [95]. Transgenic mice lacking also to familial NSCLC [115–117] and was found to display
EGFR have been generated. These mice develop abnormal a growth advantage over wild-type EGFR in a human bron-
epithelia in several organs, including the lung, in which there chial epithelial (HBEC) cell line [118]. This immortalized
was impaired branching, deficient alveolization and septa- HBEC model system which can be easily manipulated is
tion [96, 97]. likely to gain increasing prominence in the functional testing
Activation of EGFR in lung cancer cells generally occurs of candidate molecules [119].
by overexpression, with mutations and gene amplification Both types of activation mutations are associated with
being mechanistically implicated. Activation appears to be increased autophosphorylation of Tyr1068 at the C-terminal
more common in NSCLC than in SCLC and may be related indicating increased EGF-dependent receptor activation
to tumor stage and differentiation [92, 98]. In NSCLC, [104]. Consistent with the association found between tumor
amplification of EGFR is a common event resulting in over- p-Akt expression and gefitinib response, is mechanistic evi-
expression in 60 % of metastatic NSCLC and is associated dence that signaling through the antiapoptotic STAT/Akt
with an adverse prognosis [99–101]. In addition, in NSCLC may be an important downstream pathway of activation for
there is increased expression of EGFR ligands (EGF and mutated EGFR [120]. Parallels may be drawn with the clini-
TGFα), which establish an autocrine loop of hyperactivation cal effectiveness of another TKI, imatinib mesylate, in
[102]. EGFR mutations of the tyrosine kinase domain are of chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal
two main types—either small in-frame deletions or missense tumors expressing activating c-Kit mutations, in which
substitutions clustered within the ATP binding pocket constitutive STAT activation is frequent. The story in lung
encoded by exons 18–21 [103–105]. Mutations occur more cancer may be more complex, since several EGFR signaling
often in individuals with adenocarcinoma histology, East pathway genes have been found to be mutated in
Asian origin, female gender, and never smoker status. In NSCLC. EGFR and KRAS mutations are detected in ~10 %
addition, they appear to be inversely correlated with KRAS and 15–20 % of NSCLCs, respectively. Somatic mutations
mutations [106]. Mutations associated with tyrosine kinase are much less common in ERBB2 (~2 %; exons 19 and 20)
inhibitor (TKI) responsiveness occur in the ATP-binding and HER4 (~2 %, exons 20, 23), the lipid kinase PIK3CA
pocket of the tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR and are (~4 %; exon 9), and the serine/threonine kinase BRAF (~2 %;
referred to as activating mutations [107]. In the presence of exons 11 and 15) [121]. Other rare mutations remain to be
an activating mutation there is decreased affinity of this bind- discovered for example in FGFR4 [121]. Most of these alter-
ing site for ATP and increased affinity for TKIs [108]. ations have been found to be gain-of-function mutations and
Interestingly, transgenic mice models have demonstrated are not usually associated with co-mutations in the other
that induction of activating EGFR mutations results in the genes apart from PIK3CA mutations.
development of adenocarcinoma like lung cancer [109]. There is evidence that some cancers may become depen-
Activating mutations are categorized into three classes: (1) dent upon certain growth pathways or upon specific compo-
class I mutations consist of deletions (in exon 19), (2) class nents of the pathway, possibly to the extent of requiring their
II mutations consist of single nucleotide substitutions caus- signaling to maintain the malignant phenotype. This phe-
ing an amino acid change in exon 21, and (3) class III muta- nomenon has been described as a state of oncogene addiction
tions consist of in-frame deletions or insertions (in exon 20). of cancer cells. Thus, lung cancers most dependent upon sig-
A 15 bp deletion involving amino acid residues leucine 747 naling through EGFR and its downstream cascade may be
to glutamic acid 749 (ΔLRE) in exon 19 and a point muta- more susceptible to drugs targeted to this pathway. Clinical
tion substituting arginine for leucine at codon 858 (L858R) responses to the EGFR TKIs, gefitinib and erlotinib, have
in exon 21, account for 44 and 41 % respectively of all been shown to be largely independent of expression of
NSCLC EGFR mutations [107, 110]. Preliminary evidence EGFR, but were discovered to be strongly associated with
suggests that patients with the exon 19 mutation (ΔLRE) the presence of mutations in the EGFR tyrosine kinase
respond better to TKIs than patients with the exon 21 point domain [103–105] and possibly gene amplification [122–
mutation, L858R [111–113]. Further, there are polymor- 124]. Second-generation agents, such as afatinib, are also
phisms associated with increased EGFR protein production effective GFR TKIs, and have distinguishing properties such
(shorter CA-SSR1 length and variant forms of SNPs-216 and as being irreversible inhibitors.
-191). These were found to be rare in East Asians as com- Some experimental molecular studies provide evidence
pared to other ethnicities, but in tumors from East Asian that oncogenic kinases produce both pro-survival and
patients, EGFR mutations were found to favor the shorter pro-apoptotic signals that decay at different rates upon
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 453

oncogene inactivation; pro-survival signals are rapidly including rho, rac, rab that regulate cytoskeletal changes,
attenuated, whereas pro-apoptotic signals are relatively vesicular and nuclear transport, and proliferation. Mutations
longer-lived. This differential signal decay creates a tempo- in the RAS genes are common in several cancers, including
ral window during which pro-apoptotic outputs from the lung cancer [132]. The RAS proto-oncogene family (KRAS,
oncogenic kinase predominate to actively promote tumor HRAS, and NRAS) is usually activated by point mutations at
cell death upon kinase inhibition, known as oncogenic codons 12, 13, or 61. Mutations affect 15–20 % of all NSCLC
shock [101, 125]. and approximately 20–30 % of lung adenocarcinomas but
are very uncommon in SCLC [133]. Mutations in KRAS
account for approximately 90 % of the RAS mutations in
28.3.3 EML4/ALK Fusion Genes lung adenocarcinomas, and 85 % of KRAS changes involve
codon 12. In unstimulated cells, RAS is inactive. Following
Chromosomal rearrangements involving the tyrosine kinase ligand binding, receptor tyrosine kinases signal the RAS pro-
anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) occur in cancers includ- tein by interaction with downstream molecules such as
ing NSCLC. EML4-ALK fusion was first discovered by GRB2 and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor,
screening a cDNA library derived from the tumor of a SOS. Wild-type CDKN1A-RAS protein is able to bind to
Japanese male patient with adenocarcinoma of the lung [126]. guanosine triphosphate (GTP) but also has intrinsic GTPase
The EML4-ALK fusion represents an inversion on the short activity which can hydrolyze bound GTP to guanosine
arm of chromosome 2 (Inv(2)(p21p23)) that joins exons 1–13 diphosphate (GDP). Active GTP-bound RAS stimulates a
of EML4 (echinoderm microtubule associated protein-like 4) downstream cascade ending with MAP kinase which
to exons 20–29 of ALK [126], resulting in a chimeric protein migrates to the cell nucleus and subsequently activates vari-
consisting of an EML4 N-terminus and an ALK C-terminus. ous transcription factors. When GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP,
Since then, multiple other variants of EML-ALK have the molecule assumes its inactive configuration and the sig-
been reported, all of which encode the same cytoplasmic nal transduction pathway returns to its inactive state. When a
portion of ALK but contain different truncations of EML4 as RAS gene undergoes oncogenic missense mutations, the
well as rarer fusions of ALK with other partners such as TFG mutant CDKN1A-RAS oncoprotein loses its capability to
and KIF5B [127]. The aberrant activation of ALK signaling hydrolyze GTP and the molecule can no longer switch back
is consistent with the notion of oncogene addiction as it is to its inactive configuration. The resultant inappropriate
associated with marked sensitivity to ALK inhibitors such as growth signal to the cell nucleus is thought to contribute to
crizotinib [128, 129]. Understanding the role ALK fusion unrestrained cellular proliferation; effectively causing a gain
genes play in lung carcinogenesis has meant a relatively of function. This model underscores the general concept that
rapid translation of ALK-fusion targeted treatment to the proto-oncogenes encode proteins with important regulatory
clinic for the genetically definable subset of affected patients functions and that oncogenic activation results in mutant
representing a few percent of NSCLC tumors and more com- proteins with altered function.
mon in female never smokers. Like EGFR mutations, these The majority (70 %) of KRAS codon 12 mutations are
aberrations are the so-called actionable mutations which G-T transversions, with either cysteine (TGT) or valine
enable the concept of precision medicine to be realized. (GTT) replacing the wild-type glycine (GGT). This type of
mutation also affects the TP53 gene in lung cancer cells, and
represents the type of DNA damage expected from bulky
28.3.4 ROS1 Fusion Genes DNA adducts caused by the polycyclic hydrocarbons and
nitrosamines in tobacco smoke [134]. The correlation of
Another gene that has recently been discovered to be rear- KRAS mutations with a smoking history further implicates a
ranged in a subset of NSCLC is ROS1, an orphan receptor causative role of tobacco smoke carcinogens in the acquisi-
tyrosine kinase which is phylogenetically related to ALK tion of these mutations [135]. KRAS mutations are associ-
[130]. Like tumors with ALK1 fusion gene drivers, tumors ated with distinct clinical characteristics in patients with
with ROS1 fusions also appear more common in never smok- NSCLC. They occur more frequently in lung adenocarcino-
ers and are also sensitive to crizotinib [131]. mas from former or current smokers [136]. Furthermore in
early stage lung cancer, the presence of RAS mutations is
predictive of early relapse [137]. The relationship of KRAS
28.3.5 RAS Signal Transduction Pathway mutations to a poor prognosis in both early and late stage
NSCLC is debated and may be technique related [138–146].
The RAS gene family represents oncogenes which are Although it has also been suggested that RAS mutations
important in a subset of lung cancers. RAS genes encode induce resistance to chemotherapy and radiation, no associa-
21 kDa proteins, members of a large family of proteins tion between RAS mutation and in vitro resistance against a
454 K.M. Fong et al.

range of chemotherapeutic agents was found in a panel of approximately 10 cM centromeric of TP53 on 17p, has been
NSCLC cell lines [147]. In lung adenocarcinomas the pres- found to be homozygously deleted in a NSCLC cell line,
ence of KRAS mutations predict resistance to anti-EGFR leading to speculation that it may be a candidate tumor sup-
therapies (gefitinib and erlotinib) [148]. Consequently in pressor [158].
many centers routine testing for KRAS mutations in lung
adenocarcinomas is performed to predict response to anti-
EGFR therapy [149]. The reason for the predilection of RAS 28.3.6 FGFR1
mutations for the adenocarcinoma histological subtype of
lung cancers is unclear. One possible explanation is that the Overall, unlike adenocarcinomas which have a number of
activation of certain oncogenes may result in disparate tumor actionable mutations (EGFR mutations, ALK and ROS1
differentiation pathways. To study this, various oncogenes fusions), these potential targets appear less common in the
have been introduced into a non-tumorigenic cell line other major NSCLC subtype, SCC. Recently, focal fibroblast
BEAS-2B, derived from normal bronchial epithelial cells growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) amplification was discov-
transfected with SV40. Overexpression of c-myc and c-raf-1 ered in squamous cell lung cancer (n = 155), and appears to
for instance resulted in the development of large tumor cells be a relatively frequent finding (up to 22 % in an independent
with certain neuroendocrine markers [150]. Indeed, the sub- cohort) [159].
type specificity may be even more intriguing as a study has
reported that KRAS mutations were seen in parenchymal,
but not in bronchial adenocarcinomas, indicating genetic 28.3.7 MYC
heterogeneity [151]. Furthermore, the goblet-cell subtype
appears to have the highest frequency of KRAS mutations Stimulation of the RAS signal transduction cascade ulti-
compared with other adenocarcinoma subtypes [152]. Some mately activates nuclear proto-oncogene products, including
investigators have also suggested that rare alleles of the MYC which belongs to the basic helix–loop–helix leucine
HRAS minisatellite locus represent a major risk factor for zipper (bHLH-LZ) class of transcription factors. MYC has
common types of cancer, including lung cancers, but this been implicated in normal cell growth and proliferation
possibility has not been firmly established [153]. Considerable through interaction with genes involved in DNA synthesis,
attention has been directed towards the development of RAS RNA metabolism, and cell-cycle progression [160]. MYC
inhibitors, however to date none has achieved clinical utility proto-oncogenes are the cellular homologs of a gene present
[149]. Consequently, novel approaches to block posttransla- in several highly oncogenic avian retroviruses. Of the well-
tional activation of RAS have been pursued, such as farnesyl characterized myc genes, MYC is the most frequently acti-
transferase inhibitors and other inhibitors of downstream vated in SCLC and NSCLC. On the other hand, its closely
RAS effectors [149]. related cellular homologues, MYCN and MYCL1, are usu-
Another proto-oncogene, BRAF, which encodes a direct ally only activated in the SCLC subtype. In fact, MYCL1
downstream effector of RAS may also be relevant to lung was initially isolated from the DNA of a SCLC [161].
carcinogenesis. BRAF somatic missense mutations are com- Activation of the myc genes has been observed by gene
mon in malignant melanomas and are occasionally found in amplification or transcriptional dysregulation, leading to
a range of human cancers. In lung cancer perhaps 3 % of protein overexpression [162]. These genes may be amplified
NSCLC may have mutated BRAF1 [154–156]. Most mela- to 20–115 copies per cell, and in most cases, only one mem-
noma BRAF mutations involve codon 599, but NSCLC ber of the MYC family is amplified. Gene amplification is
BRAF mutations are different, most being non-V599. This generally associated with enhanced mRNA expression and
may result in therapeutic differences between lung cancer increased protein production. A review of 17 different stud-
and melanoma in response to RAF inhibitors, which are now ies calculated that 36 of 200 (18 %) SCLC tumors and 38 of
subject to clinical trial. 122 (31 %) SCLC cell lines had gene amplification of one
The other signal transduction molecules downstream of member of the MYC family [133]. In comparison, 25 of 320
RAF in this pathway include MEK (MAP kinase/ERK- (8 %) NSCLC tumors and 3 of 15 (20 %) NSCLC cell lines
activating kinase), and ERK (extracellular signal-regulated had MYC amplification. Thus, MYC family activation in
kinase) as well as their regulatory phosphatases (such as general appears to be more frequent in SCLC than
PP2A). Although constitutively active mutants of MEK were NSCLC. MYC amplification appeared to occur more fre-
shown to be capable of transforming cells suggesting that quently in cell lines which are often derived from metastatic
MEK can function as a dominant oncogene, studies have lesions than in primary tumors, in patients previously treated
shown that the MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 genes are only rarely with chemotherapy, and in the variant subtype SCLC [163].
mutated in lung cancer [157]. On the other hand, the mitogen- These observations may help explain why MYC amplifica-
activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4) gene, located tion has been reported to correlate with adverse survival.
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 455

Rather than the translocation and point mutations seen in polyclonal anti-HGF showed that high levels of immunore-
lymphomas, there have been reports of MYCL1 amplifica- active HGF were associated with poorer survival for stage I
tion with rearrangement in which MYCL1 fuses to the RLF tumors [177]. Recently, a gefitinib-sensitive lung cancer cell
gene, thereby resulting in a chimeric protein [164, 165]. In line that developed resistance to gefitinib as a result of focal
some cases, MYCL1 expression may be associated with neu- amplification of the MET proto-oncogene was reported, also
roendocrine differentiation. For instance, all-trans-retinoic MET amplification was detected in 4 of 18 (22 %) lung can-
acid mediated growth inhibition in a SCLC cell line was cer specimens that had developed resistance to gefitinib or
associated with increased neuroendocrine differentiation and erlotinib [178]. This suggests that MET amplification causes
MYCL1 expression but decreased MYC expression [166]. gefitinib resistance by driving ERBB3 (HER3)–dependent
activation of PI3K, a pathway thought to be specific to
EGFR/ERBB family receptors.
28.3.8 Other Nuclear Proto-oncogenes Another autocrine growth loop may involve the insulin-
like growth factors, IGF-I and IGF-2, and the type I IGF
MYB, JUN, and FOS have also been implicated in lung can- receptor, IGF-R, which are frequently co-expressed in both
cer although their precise functional importance and biologi- SCLC and NSCLC [179]. Of the insulin-like growth factor
cal role is still being investigated. JUN and FOS are family, it appears that IGF-2 may be the predominant mem-
heterodimeric proteins that function as immediate early tran- ber involved with the autocrine growth stimulation of lung
scription factors regulating cellular proliferation. There is cancer. The KIT proto-oncogene which encodes a tyrosine
conflicting data in lung cancer regarding their role in lung kinase receptor and its ligand, stem cell factor (SCF), are co-
carcinogenesis. Some investigators have described higher expressed in many SCLCs, and may thus represent another
expression of these genes in normal lung tissue adjacent to autocrine loop for lung cancers [180, 181]. In SCLC, activa-
tumor than in the tumor itself. Conversely, other studies have tion of this putative SCF/KIT autocrine loop could conceiv-
reported higher expression in tumors with lack of expression ably provide a growth advantage or mediate chemoattraction.
in normal epithelium [167–170]. Unlike gastrointestinal stromal tumors, mutations in KIT are
rare, although KIT expression can be demonstrated in SCLCs
[182–184]. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGFB), which
28.3.9 Oncogenes and Growth is the proto-oncogene counterpart of v-sis, and its receptor
Stimulatory Loops (PDGFBR) were also found to be co-expressed in lung can-
cer, generating another potential autocrine loop [185].
The hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) stimu- In essence, many proto-oncogenes encode growth factors,
lates epithelial cells to proliferate, move and also carry out regulatory peptides or their receptors and are expressed by
complex differentiation programs, such as morphogenesis lung cancer cells or adjacent normal cells, thus providing a
and angiogenesis. HGF appears be a potent mitogen for nor- number of autocrine or paracrine growth stimulatory loops
mal and neoplastic bronchial epithelium [171]. During lung [186]. Other autocrine systems not obviously involving
development, HGF levels increase during postnatal lung established proto-oncogenes also exist. In fact, the autocrine
maturation and its receptors are expressed on bronchial and loop comprising gastrin-releasing peptide, other bombesin-
alveolar type II cells. HGF is involved in embryonal lung like peptides (GRP/BN) and their receptors is arguably the
budding and branching, and stimulates mitogenesis and/or best characterized growth stimulatory loop in lung cancer.
motogenesis of human bronchial epithelial, and alveolar type GRP/BN has been associated with many physiologic effects
II, and SCLC cells in vitro. HGF is expressed at very low including regulation of secretion, growth, and neuromodula-
levels in normal lung but these levels increase in response to tion. There are three human GRP/BN receptor subtypes
local lung or distant injury [172]. The MET proto-oncogene which belong to the G-protein coupled receptor superfamily
which encodes the HGF receptor was generally expressed in with seven predicted transmembrane domains [187]. The
normal lung, as well as in SCLC and NSCLC. On the other cellular responses of SCLC to GRP/BN stimulation have
hand, HGF was expressed in many NSCLCs but not in been extensively studied [188]. Preliminary data also sug-
SCLCs, thereby indicative of an autocrine loop in the former gests that GRP/BN may regulate the MAP kinase Cascade, at
[173–175]. A study of resected lung cancer tissue showed least in certain tumor cells [189]. IHC studies showed that
MET expression in 34 of 47 adenocarcinomas and 20 of 52 approximately 20–60 % of SCLC cancers expressed GRP,
squamous carcinomas by western blotting and immunohisto- while NSCLCs expressed GRP less frequently [133]. In
chemistry [176]. This study also suggested a poorer progno- comparison, expression of the three GRP/BN receptors is
sis for tumors expressing the receptor especially for widespread in both SCLC and NSCLC cell lines, with most
adenocarcinomas. Western blotting of proteins extracted cell lines expressing at least one of the three receptors and
from 56 NSCLCs (predominantly adenocarcinomas) using a many cell lines expressing more than one receptor [187].
456 K.M. Fong et al.

28.3.10 BCL2 Proto-oncogene and Apoptosis BCL2 to form homodimers or heterodimers, and it has been
suggested that the BCL2–BAX ratio determines cellular
Tumor cells can acquire the ability to escape apoptotic path- apoptotic susceptibility. For instance, the immunohisto-
way by which normal cells would usually undergo pro- chemical staining of BAX and BCL2 were inversely related
grammed cell death (apoptosis) in response to appropriate in 121 neuroendocrine (NE) lung cancers. Most carcinoids
conditions such as DNA damage. A large and growing num- showed low BCL2 and high BAX expression in contrast to
ber of apoptosis regulatory gene products are classifiable the inverse situation in most SCLCs and large cell NE can-
into cell death agonists (Bax, Bak, Bcl-XS, Bad, Bid, Bik, cers [203]. This would potentially lead to a higher degree of
Hrk) or antagonists (BCL2, Bcl-XL, Bcl-w, Bfl-1, Brag-1, apoptosis in carcinoids compared to SCLCs, correlating
Mcl-1 and A1) [190]. Two key members of the apoptotic with clinical behavior where carcinoids are markedly less
pathway are the BCL2 proto-oncogene product and the metastatic than SCLC.
TP53 tumor suppressor gene product. BCL2 antagonizes the
induction of programmed cell death by TP53. By protecting
cells from the apoptotic process, BCL2 probably plays a 28.4 Tumor Suppressor Genes and Growth
role in determining the chemotherapy response through Inhibition
repression of apoptosis in cancer cells. A BCL2-transfected
human SCLC cell line showed higher resistance to some 28.4.1 Genetic Loss in Lung Cancer
anticancer agents by inhibiting apoptosis [191], and SCLC
cells transfected with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to Apart from aneuploidy, lung cancer cells are also character-
BCL2 mRNA showed reduced cell viability with decreased ized by many other structural cytogenetic abnormalities
BCL2 levels facilitating apoptosis [192]. BCL2 expression including deletions and nonreciprocal translocations.
may correlate with neuroendocrine differentiation [193]. Frequent deletions of chromosome region 3p14-23 was one
BCL2 expression is also relatively higher in squamous cell of the initial cytogenetic observations made in SCLC, this
carcinoma (25–35 %) than in adenocarcinoma (~10 %) finding was later found to be also applicable to NSCLC
[193–196]. An inverse relationship between immunohisto- [204]. Subsequently, many specific deletions at a range of
chemical BCL2 expression and abnormal TP53 expression chromosomal regions have been revealed by cytogenetics,
in resected NSCLCs has been reported [197, 198]. These molecular allelotyping, and chromosomal and array CGH,
results suggest the hypothesis that either TP53 mutation or data which suggests the presence of underlying tumor sup-
upregulation of BCL2 expression is sufficient to modify the pressor genes in lung cancers.
apoptotic pathway in NSCLC, and that BCL2 positive TSG (e.g., TP53, RB1) products are negative growth
tumors may show less aggressive behavior [197]. In con- regulators. It is their loss of function, classically by loss of
trast, SCLCs usually have both TP53 mutations and BCL2 one allele and point mutation of the other allele, which con-
overexpression. Previous IHC studies of BCL2 in lung can- tributes to malignant transformation. The requirement for
cer have shown highest expression in small cell cancers. For the mutations to affect both alleles of the tumor suppressor
instance BCL2 protein is immunohistochemically expressed gene represents the two-hit hypothesis initially proposed by
in most SCLCs (75–95 %) [193, 199, 200]. This observation Knudson for retinoblastomas. Using allelotyping, chromo-
initially seems inconsistent with the finding that SCLCs are somal regions 1p, 1q, 3p (several sites), 5q (APC/MCC
often much more sensitive than NSCLCs to chemotherapy; cluster), 8p, 9p21 (CDKN2A), 11p13, 11p15, 13q14 (RB1),
a situation in which tumor death usually occurs by apopto- 17p13 (TP53), and 22q as well as several other sites have
sis. In addition, there was a paradoxical trend, albeit non- been found to be frequently involved in lung cancer cells or
statistically significant, towards longer survival in patients cell lines derived from lung cancer tissues [205]. This leads
whose SCLC tumors express BCL2 [200]. Likewise, a bet- to the notion that if most of these sites encode tumor sup-
ter survival of BCL2 positive lung cancer cases was observed pressor genes, then individual tumors must have acquired
in NSCLC [194–197]. Thus the role of BCL2 in lung cancer inactivation of multiple genes to become clinically evident.
is complex and likely to further unfold. Notably, the sugges- Some of these are common to both SCLC and NSCLC, and
tion that BCL2 may be converted to BAX-like death effec- some are more frequent in a given histologic type. The best
tors by the caspase family of cysteine proteases may be characterized of these deletions appear to target genes which
relevant [201]. Alternatively, increased BCL2 immunoreac- are now accepted as classical tumor suppressor genes such
tivity may possibly indicate reduced rather than enhanced as TP53, RB1, and CDKN2A. On the other hand, there is
function, similar to the situation of overexpression of non- also mounting evidence that there may be other closely situ-
functional mutated TP53. A BCL2 related protein called ated genes that are also affected by the chromosomal dele-
BAX promotes apoptosis and may act as a tumor suppressor tions, particularly as some of these deletions may be quite
[202]. Furthermore, BAX may be a downstream transcrip- large and even involve the whole chromosomal arm or
tion target of the TP53 pathway. BAX complexes with chromosome.
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 457

28.4.2 TP53 supporting a causative role for tobacco smoke in inducing

TP53 mutations comes from observing that TP53 mutations
Mutations in the TP53 gene are the most common genetic in lung tumors correlate with cigarette smoking, and that the
alteration found in human cancers. The TP53 gene encodes a most common TP53 mutations in lung cancer are the G-T
protein that functions as a transcription factor, particularly in transversions expected from tobacco smoke carcinogens
response to DNA damage by γ or ultraviolet irradiation and [134]. Additional evidence for a pulmonary oncogenic role
carcinogens [206]. It has been called the guardian of the for TP53 dysfunction comes from the finding that transgenic
genome and the guardian of the G1 checkpoint. TP53 is mutant TP53 mice develop lung cancers in addition to bone
believed to play a major role in maintaining the integrity of and lymphoid tumors [210]. Furthermore, reintroducing a
the genome since loss of TP53 function allows inappropriate wild-type TP53 gene into lung cancer cells dramatically
survival of genetically damaged cells, leading to the evolu- blocked tumor cell growth due to apoptosis (not G1 arrest)
tion of a cancer cell. DNA damage is a major upstream event despite concurrent abnormalities of several other tumor sup-
in TP53 activation and results in a rapid increase in the level pressor genes and oncogenes [211, 212].
of TP53 protein, and activation of TP53 as a sequence spe- Many TP53 mutations are missense mutations which pro-
cific transcription factor regulating expression of down- long the half-life of the TP53 protein to several hours, lead-
stream genes. The net effect is either a stop to cell cycle ing to increased protein levels which can be detected by
progression to permit repair, or apoptosis if the damage is immunohistochemistry as a surrogate for molecular analysis
too great. TP53 can itself detect and bind sites of primary [213]. IHC studies have shown abnormal TP53 expression in
DNA damage, using its C-terminal domain. Hypoxia is also 40–70 % of SCLCs and 40–60 % of NSCLCs [203, 214–
able to stimulate TP53 levels and lead to apoptotic cell death 217]. Most studies have shown that the frequency of TP53
[207]. Oxygen delivery and blood supply becomes rate- overexpression is higher in squamous cell carcinomas than
limiting when a tumor reaches a critical size and tumor. in adenocarcinomas. The predictive value of TP53 mutations
Hypoxia may thus act as a physiological selective agent for survival, whether assayed by immunohistochemistry or
against apoptosis-competent cells in tumors. On the other by molecular analysis, is controversial. A summary of 14
hand, such selection may allow for the expansion of clones studies of the prognostic importance of TP53 mutations or
with acquired defects in their apoptotic program genes. The overexpression in NSCLC (mutational analysis (4 studies);
genes downstream of TP53 include CDKN1A (also called immunostaining (8 studies) and both techniques (2 studies)
WAF1/CIP1), MDM2, GADD45A (growth arrest and DNA yielded controversial results [218]. TP53 mutations pre-
damage-inducible), BAX, IGF-BP2, and cyclin G, which dicted shortened survival in half of the four reported muta-
participate in controlling cell cycle arrest at the G1/S phase tional analyses, whereas the other two found no such
transition and apoptosis. A link between mutant TP53 and difference. Of the 10 IHC studies, aberrant TP53 expression
aneuploidy has been revealed by studies implicating TP53 as was associated with a shortened survival in five studies, an
an active component of a mitotic spindle checkpoint and as a improved survival in three studies, and no survival effect in
regulator of centrosome function. Thus, TP53 appears to par- two studies. In one study that simultaneously analyzed both
ticipate in the DNA damage checkpoints of the cell cycle at mutations and protein expression, TP53 overexpression but
both the G1/S transition and at the G2/M boundary. not gene mutation predicted shortened survival. Perhaps the
The TP53 gene plays a critical role in lung cancer as well various TP53 mutants or types of wild-type TP53 overex-
as in many other types of cancers, and genomic interrogation pression have different effects on lung cancer behavior.
indicates consistent features across tumor types [208]. Many Alternatively, wild-type TP53 expression may be immuno-
somatic TP53 mutations in human tumors and cell lines have histochemically detectable in certain tumors. Finally, differ-
been published, and compiled into large databases. In both ent antibodies which may not be strictly comparable for
SCLC and NSCLC, one copy of the chromosomal region detecting aberrant TP53 expression have often been used.
17p13 which contains TP53 is frequently deleted; one hit. In certain cancers, such as that of the uterine cervix, TP53
Structural abnormalities in TP53 and also p16 occur com- can be alternatively inactivated through binding of the onco-
monly in lung cancer, as shown by structural aberrations on genic E6 protein of human papilloma virus (HPV) to the
FISH analysis (especially breaks and loss) [209]. Mutational TP53 protein; a process which inactivates its tumor suppres-
inactivation of the remaining allele, the second hit, occurs in sor activity by promoting TP53 degradation. The epithelio-
75–100 % of SCLCs and ~50 % of NSCLCs [134], leading to tropic HPV may also be involved in some respiratory tract
loss of TP53 function. Although found throughout the entire lesions, for example, HPV subtypes 6 and 11 have been asso-
coding region, TP53 mutations in lung cancer are most com- ciated with most cases of tracheal and bronchial papilloma-
mon in the evolutionarily conserved exons 5–8. The types of tosis. While there are reports of neoplastic transformation
TP53 mutations include missense and nonsense mutations, of these benign papilloma, it has also been suggested that
splicing abnormalities, as well as larger deletions. Evidence HPV may also play a part in the development of de novo
458 K.M. Fong et al.

bronchogenic carcinomas [219–221]. Morphological studies 28.4.3 The RB1/Cyclin D1/CDK4/CDKN2A

have shown occasional presence of HPV-suggestive lesions Pathway
in primary squamous cell carcinomas, and DNA hybridiza-
tion studies to detect HPV DNA in lung cancers show con- The Retinoblastoma (RB1) Gene
flicting results, ranging from 0 to 40 % [222–224]. Most PCR The retinoblastoma (RB1) gene located in chromosomal
studies looking for HPV sequences suggest that any potential region 13q14 encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein that was ini-
involvement of HPV in primary lung cancer is likely to be tially identified as a tumor suppressor gene in retinoblastomas.
limited [225–228] although some investigators have found The RB1/cyclin D1/CDK4/CDKN2A pathway is central to
more frequent involvement using in-situ hybridization and the regulation of the G1 to S phase transition of the cell
PCR [229]. cycle. Hypophosphorylated RB1 binds and controls other
CDKN1A, also known as WAF1 (wild-type TP53- cellular proteins including the transcription factor E2F which
activated fragment 1), CIP1, or p21, is a TP53-responsive is essential for the G1/S phase transition when bound to E2F
gene, which inhibits cyclin/cyclin dependent kinase com- sites in cooperation with the DP family of transcription fac-
plexes in the G1 phase of the cell cycle as well as proliferat- tors. Transcriptional activation is mediated by free E2F
ing cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Although not somatically whereas hypophosphorylated RB1 antagonizes heterodimers
mutated in lung cancer [230], CDKN1A RNA and protein formed by E2F and DP, thereby resulting in inhibition of S
overexpression was seen in ~65 % of NSCLC cases, espe- phase entry. Cyclin D1/cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4)
cially in well differentiated tumors. This high frequency sug- and other cyclin/CDK complexes phosphorylate RB1 with
gests that CDKN1A can be expressed independently of TP53 subsequent loss of its binding pocket activity that is needed
gene/protein alterations which are so frequent in lung can- to sequester the transcription factors, thereby releasing E2F
cers [231]. A case control study has suggested that a C to A and allowing entry into S phase. It is becoming more appar-
codon 31 polymorphism (ser- > arg) in CDKN1A is associ- ent that one of the four genes responsible for RB1/cyclin D1/
ated with the development of lung cancer [232]. CDK4/CDKN2A pathway is mutated or functionally altered
MDM2 is an oncoprotein that can inhibit both TP53 and in many cancers including lung cancers. It has also been
RB1. By binding its transcriptional activation domain, MDM shown that the RAS signaling pathway may functionally link
blocks the ability of TP53 to regulate target genes. It also to cell cycle regulation by RB1 [238]. Furthermore, RB1
causes rapid reduction of TP53 levels through enhanced also appears to have other functions; it can for instance
proteasome-dependent degradation. Conversely, TP53 acti- repress transcription of all three nuclear RNA polymerases
vates the expression of the MDM2 gene in an autoregulatory classes (Pol I, Pol II, and Pol III) [239]. RB1 also appears to
feedback loop. However, phosphorylation of TP53 by DNA- inhibit apoptosis and may be actively involved in induction
dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) after DNA damage of differentiation. In terms of interacting partners for RB1,
leads to reduced interaction of TP53 with MDM2, most overexpression of E2F1 or E2F1/TFDP1 cooperates with
likely due to a TP53 conformational change [233]. In some activated ras in fibroblast transformation assays, and these
human sarcomas and brain tumors, the chromosome 12q transformed cells can form tumors in nude mice. Studies of
MDM2 gene is amplified and its protein overexpressed. In E2F1 deficient transgenic mice have however suggested that
lung cancer MDM2 gene amplification was only detected in E2F1 may also have a tumor-suppression function since
2 of 30 NSCLCs. Nonetheless, these investigators also found mice lacking E2F1 developed a broad spectrum of tumors
MDM2 protein expression in 48 of 201 NSCLCs by immu- including highly invasive lung adenocarcinomas [240].
nohistochemistry and suggested that MDM2 expression Nonetheless, studies of E2F1 in lung cancer cells have not
without abnormal TP53 expression was a favorable prognos- yet been reported.
tic factor [234]. Sp1 can further activate MDM2 and repress RB1 mutations together with loss of the wild-type allele
TP53, and this is associated with overexpression of DNA have been consistently demonstrated in lung cancers [241,
5′-cytosine-methyltransferase1 (DNMT1), which can epige- 242]. The RB1 protein is abnormal in over 90 % of SCLCs
netically dysregulate tumor suppressor genes [235]. and 15–30 % of NSCLCs [243–245]. RB1 mutations in lung
A gene encoding TP73, a protein that shares considerable cancers include truncation by deletions, nonsense muta-
homology with TP53 was mapped to 1p36 [236]. This is of tions, or splicing abnormalities. There are only a few studies
interest as 1p36 is also a site of frequent allelic deletion in of RB1 point mutations in lung cancer at least partly due to
lung and other cancer cells [205]. Although TP73 mutations its 200 kb genomic size and 27 exon structure. However,
were not detected in neuroblastomas despite frequent LOH, from these limited studies, most mutations result in RB1
TP73 can activate the transcription of TP53-responsive genes truncation [246], although a rare missense mutation in the
and inhibit cell growth in a TP53-like manner by inducing RB1 pocket domain has been shown to cause defective RB1
apoptosis [237]. phosphorylation and binding to oncoproteins [247]. The
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 459

sensitivity for detecting RB1 abnormalities in SCLCs varies 10–15 % of malignant gliomas and certain other malignan-
by detection method: ~20 % by Southern blot analysis cies, its role in lung cancer has not yet been reported.
detecting band loss; ~60 % by Northern blot analysis detect- Interestingly, the chromosome 12q13-15 region which har-
ing absent or abnormal RNA; and ~90 % by protein or bors the CDK4 gene also contains the MDM2 locus. While
immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. Thus RB1 abnormal- CDK4 and MDM2 often show co-amplification in sarcomas
ities are very frequent in SCLC, particularly in comparison and glioblastomas, some tumors show only CDK4 amplifica-
to NSCLC. In NSCLC, a large study showed RB1 abnor- tion but not MDM2 amplification, and vice versa, indicating
malities in 2/219 (0.9 %) by Southern analysis, 22/219 that each gene is an independent amplification target [261].
(10 %) by Northern analysis, and 53/163 (32 %) by IHC
[243]. The absence of RB1 expression was associated with CDKN2A and Other CDK
poor prognosis in NSCLCs, particularly stage I and II dis- Inhibitor Genes
ease, in some but not all studies [245, 248–250]. On the The CDKN2A protein functions as a cell cycle modulator
other hand, the observation of frequent LOH on chromo- which appears to regulate RB1 function by inhibiting
some 13q but relatively less frequent RB1 inactivation in CDK4:cyclin D1 kinase activity, and represents another
NSCLCs, have prompted the notion that the allele loss on important genetic target for disrupting the RB1/cyclin D1/
13q targets other tumor suppressor genes on this chromo- CDK4/CDKN2A pathway. The CDKN2A (or MTS1) tumor
some apart from RB1 [251]. suppressor gene is situated at chromosome 9CDKN1A. The
The relatives of retinoblastoma patients who are also short arm of chromosome 9, including 9CDKN1A frequently
germ line carriers of an RB1 mutation, are about 15 times undergoes allele loss and mutation in a variety of human can-
more likely to die from lung cancer than the general popula- cers including lung cancer [262–265]. A summary of a wide
tion [252]. Furthermore, it has been shown that reintroduc- variety of cancers identified several mutational hot spots
tion of a wild-type RB1 gene led to growth suppression of (point and other mutations including deletions, insertions
SCLC cells [253]. There are two other members of the RB1 and splice mutations), including some at conserved residues
gene family, p107 and pRB2/p130, which are structurally within the ankyrin domains of CDKN2A [266].
and functionally related genes. They have also been impli- CDKN2A abnormalities have been extensively reported in
cated in lung cancer to a limited extent [254]. One SCLC cell lung cancer and are found frequently in NSCLC but rarely in
line was shown to have a point mutation of p130 in a splice SCLC. Homozygous deletion or point mutations have been
acceptor site leading to loss of exon 2 and production of a observed in 10–40 % of NSCLCs [267–275]. Absent expres-
truncated p130 protein [255]. sion of CDKN2A was detected by Northern blot, Western
blot or IHC analyses in 30–70 % of NSCLC. Epigenetic Cyclin D1 and CDK4 hypermethylation of 5′ CpG islands cause the functional
The relatively infrequent involvement of RB1 in NSCLC downregulation of CDKN2A in lung cancers carrying no
compared to SCLC suggested that alternative members of genetic mutations of CDKN2A [276, 277]. The multiple
this growth suppressive pathway might be affected. As cyclin mechanisms of CDKN2A inactivation may account for the
D1 inhibits the activity of RB1 by stimulating its phosphory- relatively low rates of inactivating deletions and point muta-
lation by CDK4, cyclin D1 overexpression was an attractive tions seen in the earlier genetic studies [278]. Since higher
candidate for disrupting the RB1 growth control pathway. In frequencies of deletions or mutations have been observed in
keeping with this, cyclin D1 was found to be overexpressed cultured cell lines and metastatic sites compared to primary
in some NSCLCs with normal RB1 protein expression [256, lesions, it has been suggested that CDKN2A mutations may
257]. Cyclin D1 is encoded by the CCND1 (also known as be associated with tumor progression and more advanced
PRAD1 or BCL1) proto-oncogene which is situated on chro- lung cancer [279]. While an IHC study of primary NSCLCs
mosome 11q13. Compared with an immortalized broncho- demonstrated an association of CDKN2A -negativity with
epithelial cell line, cyclin D1 was overexpressed by several more advanced with clinical stage [250], this finding was not
to 100-fold in 11/12 NSCLC cell lines [256]. Amplification confirmed in another study [280]. Nevertheless, both studies
of cyclin D1 was detected in 15 % and overexpression in showed that about 30–40 % of early stage primary NSCLCs
47 % of 53 primary NSCLC tumors [257]. Cyclin D1 immu- had absent CDKN2A expression. Finally, there is conflicting
nohistochemical overexpression has been reported to corre- data as to whether the absence of CDKN2A expression is a
late with Ki67 labeling and with patient survival [258, 259]. predictor of adverse survival in NSCLC [250, 281]. CDKN2A
Abnormal immunostaining of CCND1 and RB1 has also abnormalities are perhaps the most common mechanism for
been frequently seen in epithelial cells from the resection inactivating the RB1/cyclin D1/CDK4/CDKN2A cell cycle
margin of lung cancers, raising speculation that these changes control pathway in NSCLC. Conversely, direct RB1 inactiva-
may be relatively early events in lung carcinogenesis [260]. tion appears to be the preferred mechanism in
Although gene amplification of CDK4 has been reported in SCLC. Consequently, lung cancers are in general character-
460 K.M. Fong et al.

ized by either RB1 inactivation (~90 % of SCLC and 15–30 % very frequent deletion of one copy of the short arm of chro-
of NSCLC) or CDKN2A inactivation (30–70 % of NSCLC); mosome 3 in both SCLC (>90 %) and NSCLC (>80 %) has
either scenario leading to loss of this growth inhibitory path- provided a strong basis for the hypothesis that one or more
way. The apparently mutually exclusive inactivation of either lung cancer tumor suppressor genes exist on this chromo-
RB1 or CDKN2A has been well documented in NSCLC case somal arm. The karyotypes of most SCLC and many NSCLC
series [250, 280, 282–286]. Furthermore, the simultaneous have a del(3p) in addition to other often complex changes.
inactivation of both RB1 and CDKN2A is uncommon, but These cytogenetic 3p deletions were subsequently confirmed
cyclin D1 overexpression can coexist with each of these by allelotyping which showed allelic loss not only in inva-
abnormalities [278]. It is also noteworthy that a significant sive cancers, but also in preneoplastic respiratory epithelial
proportion of NSCLCs (10–30 %) appear to be normal for lesions associated with NSCLC [204, 294, 295]. The three
both RB1 and CDKN2A, thereby implicating cyclin D1 and distinct 3p regions have been identified by allelotyping are
CDK4 alterations. 3p25-26, 3CDKN1A.3-22, and 3p14-cen, consistent with the
The CDKN2A locus also encodes a second protein prod- notion that there are probably three (or more) different tumor
uct which originates from an unrelated exon of CDKN2A suppressor genes located on 3p [296]. In addition, as loss of
(exon 1b) spliced onto exon 2 in an alternate reading frame both alleles resulting in homozygous deletions are thought to
(human p16b, murine p19ARF) [287]. Thus, exon 2 which is be strong markers for the locations of tumor suppressor
often deleted or mutated in NSCLC, is common to both genes, it is notable that five separate homozygously deleted
CDKN2A and p19ARF. Intriguingly, mice lacking p19ARF regions have also been found in several lung cancer cell
but expressing functional CDKN2A were prone to tumor lines. There is one in the 3p14.2 region (FHIT gene loca-
development, possibly through the TP53 pathway as TP53- tion), one at 3p12-13 (U2020 cell line deletion) [297, 298],
negative cell lines were resistant to p19ARF-induced growth and three at the 3CDKN1A region.
arrest [288]. Thus the extent of p19ARF damage through The FHIT gene comprising 10 exons encoding a 1.1-kb
deletions and mutations to the CDKN2A locus, and its pos- transcript, maps to 3p14.2 and encompasses approximately
sible contribution to human lung carcinogenesis requires fur- 1 Mb of genomic DNA which includes the human common
ther investigation. fragile site (FRA3B) and the t(3:8) translocation breakpoint of
There are a number of other CDK inhibitor genes includ- familial renal cell carcinoma. FRA3B is the most frequent of
ing CDKN2B, CDKN2C, CDKN2D, CDKN1A, CDKN1B, the common fragile sites which are chromosomal sites prone
and CDKN1C. However, apart from CDKN2B, mutational to breakages under stress, such as aphidicolin treatment. FHIT
analyses of these genes have not detected significant genetic is a candidate tumor suppressor gene for lung cancers on the
changes in lung cancer. CDKN2B (also called CDKN2B or basis of frequent loss of heterozygosity in lung cancer and
MTS2) shares ~70 % amino acid similarity and is situated homozygous deletion in several lung cancer cell lines; the lat-
immediately centromeric to CDKN2A. It also functions to ter particularly affecting NSCLC [299–301]. Although reverse
restrain cell growth, probably by acting as an effector of transcriptase PCR showed that 40–80 % of lung cancers dem-
TGFβ-mediated cell cycle arrest [289]. Co-deletion of onstrated aberrant FHIT transcripts, these were nearly always
CDKN2B and CDKN2A frequently occurs in NSCLC but also accompanied by wild-type FHIT transcripts [299–301].
point mutations targeting CDKN2B itself appear to be As in other cancers, point mutations of FHIT appear to be rare
uncommon. The CDKN2C and CDKN2D genes have not in lung [299, 300], and there were initial concerns that the
been shown to be mutated in lung cancer [290]. Similarly, deletions noted merely represented the susceptibility of the
CDKN1B has not been found to be mutated in lung cancers FRA3B fragile site to breakages. Nevertheless, although FHIT
[291], but low levels of CDKN1B protein were associated abnormalities differ from the mutations and loss of wild-type
with a poor outcome in NSCLC patients [292]. The CDKN1C transcript expression expected of classic tumor suppressor
CDK inhibitor which maps to 11p15, is usually imprinted genes, absence of FHIT protein in primary lung tumors and
with expression of the maternal allele only. Thus, CDKN1C cell lines correlating to DNA and/or RNA abnormalities has
expression can be downregulated by selective loss of the been detected by Western blot and immunocytochemical anal-
maternal alleles, and this was found to occur in 11/13 lung yses [302]. Additionally reintroduction of exogenous wild-
cancer cases with LOH of 11p15 [293]. As point mutations type FHIT suppressed tumorigenicity in nude mice of human
have not been described in lung cancer, one could speculate cancer cell lines including a NSCLC cell line [303].
that loss of a single allele may nonetheless represent the sec- Furthermore, the much more frequent FHIT allele loss in lung
ond hit needed to inactivate the imprinted CDKN1C gene. cancers from smokers (80 %) compared to nonsmokers (22 %)
suggests that this chromosomal region is selectively targeted Candidate 3p Tumor Suppressor Genes by the carcinogens in tobacco smoke [304].
It has long been known that chromosome 3p deletions occur The 3CDKN1A.3 region has been extensively examined
commonly in cancers, notably lung and renal cancers. The for putative tumor suppressor genes by several groups. The
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 461

finding of several homozygously deleted lung cancer cell tion factors (e.g., MEIS2, ATF5), metabolism of AMP
lines suggested a role for two distinct 3CDKN1A.3 regions. (AMPD3 and APRT), and ubiquitination (e.g., USP16 and
One region is defined by three distinct homozygous deleted UBE2L3).
SCLC cell lines with a minimum common deleted region
mapped to span 370 kb [305–307]. The other 3CDKN1A Other Candidate Tumor Suppressor
region illustrated by several homozygous deletions has an Gene Locations
estimated ~800 kb deletion [308]. Apart from these regions, Apart from the known and candidate tumor suppressor gene
hMLH1 (the human homolog of the yeast mutL gene) also locations discussed above, cytogenetic and allelotyping
resides on chromosome 3CDKN1A and while mutations of studies have shown allelic loss of many other chromosomal
the hMLH1 gene have been found in hereditary colon cancer, regions in lung cancer, thereby implicating involvement of
lung cancer studies have not been reported [309]. Other well other tumor suppressor genes. The chromosomal regions
characterized candidate 3CDKN1A TSGs are SEMA3B and include 1p, 1q, 2q, 5q, 6p, 6q, 8p, 8q, 10q, 11p, 11q, 14q,
SEMAF, RASSF1A, and FUS1 [310]. SEMA3B and 17q, 18q, and 22q. CGH and array CGH are helping to more
SEMAF are close to the other genes and part of the semapho- precisely define these regions (Table 28.1).
rin axonal guidance gene family, both encode secreted pro- Several of these chromosomal regions contain known or
teins [311]. RASSF1A is frequently hypermethylated in lung candidate tumor suppressor genes (such as WT1 at 11p13,
cancer but rarely mutated. RASSF1A is part of a complex DCC at 18q21, NF2 at 22q12), but these genes have not been
similar to the Drosophila Hippo/Salvador/Lats tumor- found to be mutated in lung cancer [322, 323]. Regions on
suppressor network, is conserved in mammalian cells, and chromosome 5q, around the APC and MCC gene cluster are
may be involved in controlling mitotic exit [312]. Fus1 is also frequently deleted in both subtypes of lung cancer.
next to RSSF1A and while mutation of FUS1 is infrequent in However, APC mutations have not been detected in lung
lung cancers, protein under expression has been reported and cancer [323, 324]. In addition, others have reported high
exogenous overexpression of Fus1 protein inhibited colon rates of allelic loss as well as a homozygous deletion in the
formation in some NSCLC cell lines [313]. 5p13-12 region [325, 326]. There has also been cytogenetic
Other candidate 3p lung cancer suppressor genes include and molecular evidence of frequent allele loss of parts of
the von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene at chromosome 11p in lung cancer [327–330]. Apart from
3p25 which is frequently mutated in renal cell carcinoma but allele loss in the 11p13 region, refined mapping of the telo-
only uncommonly involved in lung cancers [314]. meric 11p15.5 region has suggested the location of two dis-
Abnormalities of retinoic acid receptors (RARs) have also tinct tumor suppressor genes [331]. Loss of genetic material
been implicated in lung cancer pathogenesis. Several studies from 11q including the chromosomal region which houses
have indicated abnormalities of the expression or function of the ATM tumor suppressor gene (11q23) is seen in a number
the RARB gene which maps to chromosome region 3p24, of human cancers including lung [332], breast, ovary, cervix,
another site of frequent allele loss in lung cancer [315–320]. colon, and skin. Nonetheless, ATM mutations have not been
Mutational analysis however has failed to demonstrate muta- reported in lung cancer.
tions in RARB. Additionally, the TGFβ-type II receptor In addition, the presence of homozygously deleted chro-
(TGFβ RII) gene at 3p22 is another candidate tumor suppres- mosomal regions 2q33, 8, and X/Y in lung cancer imply yet
sor gene as discussed below. other unidentified tumor suppressor genes [333]. The com-
parative genomic hybridization (CGH) technique also LKB1/STK11 detected deletions at 1p, 2q, 3p, 4p, 4q, 5q, 6q, 8p, 9p, 10q,
Frequent losses of chromosome 19p in lung adenocarcino- 13q, 17p, 18p, 18q, 21q, and 22q, and characterized the dif-
mas led to the fine mapping of the short arm of chromosome ferent deletion patterns between SCLC and NSCLC, as well
19 and the discovery of the LKB1/STK11 gene which as between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma
mapped in the minimal-deleted region [321]. Germ-line subtypes [11–13, 15].
mutations at LKB1/STK11 result in the Peutz–Jeghers syn- At 10q23, a candidate tumor suppressor gene, PTEN, is
drome and an increased risk of cancer, and there is a rela- somatically mutated in various tumors including glioblas-
tively high frequency of somatic alterations (mainly nonsense toma, and prostate, kidney, and breast cancers [334]. PTEN
mutations) in primary lung adenocarcinomas and in lung mutations appear infrequent in lung cancers [335] but PTEN
cancer cell lines [321]. These mutations may be linked to expression can be downregulated in lung cancers [336].
KRAS mutations and smoking and male gender in a subset PTEN is a part of the PI3K/AKT pathway, and like other
of poorly differentiated lung adenocarcinomas, and are asso- examples in lung cancer, other members of this pathway can
ciated with transcriptional deregulation of molecules be involved. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity is
involved in signal transduction (e.g., FRAP1/mTOR, implicated in diverse cellular responses triggered by mam-
ARAF1, and ROCK2), cytoskeleton (e.g., MPP1), transcrip- malian cell surface receptors, such as cellular proliferation,
462 K.M. Fong et al.

growth, apoptosis, and the cytoskeleton, and which are acti- For the adenocarcinoma subtype, based on topographical
vated in multiple advanced cancers. Unlike other tumors analysis, it is speculated that KRAS activation may occur
such as colorectal cancers, PIK3CA (encoding the catalytic early during adenocarcinoma tumorigenesis [346]. In this
subunit of PIK3) is only mutated in a small subset of lung context, KRAS mutations can be found in atypical adenoma-
cancers [337, 338]. A downstream effector of PI3K is the tous hyperplasia (AAH), postulated by some to be the pre-
protein kinase AKT. AKT is negatively regulated by cursor lesion for adenocarcinomas [151, 352]. In addition,
PTEN. AKT appears to be activated in NSCLC lines and with laser capture microdissection, EGFR mutations can be
seemed to promote survival [339]. Furthermore, nicotine or demonstrated in apparently morphologically normal appear-
the tobacco-specific carcinogen, 4-(methylnitrosoamino)- ing bronchial epithelial cells adjacent to tumors known to
1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), could rapidly and potently harbor EGFR mutations [353]. A study of EGFR and KRAS
activate AKT in both NSCLC and SCLC cell lines. Nicotinic gene mutations in synchronous pulmonary lesions including
activation of AKT increased phosphorylation of multiple AAH, carcinomas in-situ (non-mucinous bronchoalveolar
downstream AKT substrates including GSK-3, FKHR, carcinoma—BAC), minimally invasive adenocarcinomas,
tuberin, mTOR, and S6K1 [340]. and overtly invasive adenocarcinomas indicated different
mutation rates for each gene along this presumed temporal
sequence of carcinogenesis [354]. KRAS was mutated in
28.5 Molecular Genetic Changes 33 % of AAH, 12 % of carcinomas in situ, 8 % of minimally
in Preneoplasia invasive adenocarcinomas, and 0 % of well-differentiated
adenocarcinomas, compared with EGFR mutation rates of
Much of our knowledge about the series of preneoplastic 25, 51, 36, 86, and 67 %, respectively. EGFR mutations are
changes in bronchial epithelium has been based on the histo- found in normal bronchial epithelium and non-malignant
logical appearances of bronchial epithelial cells. Before the epithelium adjacent to tumors in a proportion of patients
appearance of a clinically overt lung cancer, a sequence of with AAH and bronchoalveolar carcinoma (BAC), and in
morphologically distinct changes (hyperplasia, metaplasia, 40 % of patients with EGFR mutated adenocarcinomas
dysplasia and carcinoma in situ) can be observed in bron- [353]. In contrast, EGFR mutations are rare in squamous cell
chial epithelium. The sequential changes for cancers which carcinomas and therefore EGFR is not implicated in squa-
arise from the proximal airways and bronchi (predominantly mous carcinogenesis.
squamous cell carcinomas) have long been recognized, These observations are consistent with the multistep
whereas changes in peripheral bronchioles and alveoli in model of carcinogenesis as well as the field cancerization
evolution to cancers (adenocarcinomas and large cell carci- theory proposed by Slaughter. This theory suggests that as
nomas) have been recognized more recently. A number of the whole aerodigestive tract is repeatedly exposed to carci-
studies have shown that the preneoplastic cells and bronchial nogenic damage (tobacco smoke), it is at risk for developing
epithelium adjacent to cancers contain a number of genetic multiple, separate foci of neoplasia [355]. Interestingly, the
abnormalities which are identical to some of the abnormali- 3p, 9p, and 17p deletions showed allele-specific loss, defined
ties found in overt cancer cells. These include abnormalities as deletion of the same allele in preneoplastic tissues as in
of MYC and RAS upregulation, cyclin D1 expression, TP53 the primary tumor, even when these lesions were geographi-
immunoreactivity, and DNA aneuploidy [10, 260, 341–346]. cally and morphologically distinct [349]. Possible explana-
A follow-up longitudinal study of ex-chromate workers con- tions for these allele specific changes include: clonal spread
firmed that some TP53 immuno-positive dysplasias progress of mutated cells throughout the lung; inherited differences in
to subsequent squamous cell carcinoma [345]. Based on the alleles predisposing to their loss; or some event occurring
observation that bronchial dysplastic lesions with elevated during lung embryogenesis affecting a particular set of
telomerase levels, increased Ki-67 index, and expression of alleles. In support of the clonal spread theory, an identical
TP53 do not regress, it has been suggested that lesions with TP53 point mutation was identified in multiple dysplastic
these molecular changes may progress to invasive squamous lesions from both lungs of a smoker with chronic obstructive
carcinomas [347]. pulmonary disease, thereby indicating an unusual field can-
In elucidating the temporal sequence of molecular cerization mechanism and clonal spread [356].
changes, allelotyping analysis of precisely microdissected
foci of preneoplastic cells suggests that 3p allele loss is the
earliest change followed by 9p allele loss, 17p allele loss 28.6 Lung Cancer Genome
(and TP53 mutation), 5q allele loss, and RAS mutations
[341, 348–351]. It has been hypothesized that one or more The combination of the Human Genome Project character-
3p tumor suppressor gene(s) may be critical for proximal ization of human genome sequence and very rapid techno-
squamous lung cancer pathogenesis as abnormalities of 3p logical improvements in sequencing tools and bioinformatic
appear to be amongst the earliest detectable genetic lesions. analyses has enabled genome-wide investigation of
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 463

somatic mutations in human cancers. Several large scale genes and in promoter regions up to 5 kb upstream of all
sequencing projects have been reported that aim to identify protein-coding genes, as well as a higher rate of amino acid-
genes that contain driver somatic mutations in tumor sam- changing mutations in kinase genes.
ples compared to passenger mutations that do not contrib- Since then, the field is rapidly progressing and an increas-
ute to carcinogenesis. For instance in one study, more than ing number of NGS studies are now reported, summarized
1000 somatic mutations were found in 274 megabases in Table 28.3. Perhaps the most striking findings include
(Mb) of DNA corresponding to the coding exons of 518 identification of novel lung cancer genes, increasing recog-
protein kinase genes in 210 diverse human cancers, of nition of actionable mutations in adenocarcinoma [362],
which perhaps 120 genes were thought to harbor driver and emerging molecular themes in cancers arising in differ-
mutations [357]. ent organs [208, 363].
In lung cancer, an earlier study used SNP arrays to iden-
tify homozygous deletions and chromosome amplifications
in primary lung carcinoma and cell lines. Two homozygous 28.6.1 Gene Expression Profiling of Lung
deletion regions were identified, one near PTPRD on 9p23 Cancer
and another in 3q25. High-level amplifications were identi-
fied within 8q12-13 in two SCLC specimens, 12p11 in two The expression of regulatory genes of a cell determines its
NSCLC specimens, and 22q11 in four NSCLC specimens. phenotype. Expression can be assessed by measuring its end
Tyrosine kinase genes which showed high-level amplifica- product, protein, or its intermediate product,
tion included EGFR (3 NSCLC), FGFR1 (2 NSCLC), mRNA. Microarray technology allows the simultaneous
ERBB2 (1 NSCLC), and MET (1 NSCLC) [31]. analysis of expression of thousands of genes, generating
Some studies have focused on candidate genes. DNA gene expression patterns that may characterize a disease
sequencing of 623 candidate genes in 188 lung adenocarci- state. Tumor gene expression data or profiles/signatures can
nomas revealed more than 1000 somatic mutations including identify unique expression patterns, with implications for
in 26 genes that are mutated at significantly high frequen- predicting cause, i.e., etiology; source, i.e., tissue of origin,
cies, such as tyrosine kinase genes; ephrin receptor genes, and behavior such as prognosis (prognosticator) and response
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor KDR and NTRK to therapy (predictor). Whilst mRNA levels do not necessar-
genes. These data also provided evidence of somatic muta- ily correlate with protein concentrations in the cell, the effi-
tions in primary lung adenocarcinoma for tumor suppressor ciency by which mRNA microarrays provide genome wide
genes implicated in other cancers including NF1, APC, RB1, quantitative information of gene expression data means that
and ATM and for sequence changes in PTPRD as well as the expression-based classification of many cancers has now
frequently deleted gene LR 1B [358]. Another study searched been reported (Table 28.4).
for somatic mutations in 1507 coding genes from 441 tumors In lung cancer, most of the work has been performed in
(breast, lung, ovarian, and prostate). These investigators dis- NSCLC, where gene expression profiling is often correlated
covered 2576 mutations, with heterogeneity in rates and with diagnosis and histology, survival and prognosis, treat-
mutated genes across tumor types and subtypes. The 77 sta- ment response including sensitivity to epidermal growth fac-
tistical significantly mutated genes included protein kinases, tor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors [377–384], and
G-protein-coupled receptors such as GRM8, BAI3, AGTRL1, smoking [385, 386]. In SCLC, gene expression profiling
and LPHN3. Another 35 altered genes including GNAS were studies have likewise been used to correlate with diagnosis
identified by the integrated evaluation of somatic mutations and the identification of novel markers [387–392], survival
and copy number alterations [359]. and prognosis [383], and treatment response and sensitivity
Unbiased studies analyzing the entire genome have [382, 383, 390]. These analyses provide critical insight into
recently been reported. Massively parallel sequencing of a the different pathways which may be involved in different
SCLC line, NCI-H209 demonstrated 22,910 somatic substi- phenotypes. The publication requirement that microarray
tutions, including 134 in coding exons, evidence of different data be made publicly available (through facilities such as
mutation signatures, as well a tandem duplication affecting Gene Expression Omnibus) which can then be mined using
CHD7 [360]. A comparison of the complete sequences of a associated resources at the NCBI, Oncomine [393],
primary lung tumor (60× coverage) and adjacent normal tis- Connectivity Map [394] and many others will mean that
sue (46×) revealed >50,000 high-confidence single nucleo- there will be significant ability for researchers to use the col-
tide variants including KRAS [361]. The investigators lective data sets for testing and formulation of new hypothe-
estimated a 17.7 per megabase genome-wide somatic muta- ses. It also provides the opportunity for peer review and
tion rate; with a distinct pattern of selection against muta- independent replication—a crucial step if genomic profiling
tions within expressed genes compared to non-expressed is to advance into the clinic.
464 K.M. Fong et al.

Table 28.3 Next-generation sequencing studies of lung cancer

First author Year Project design Principal findings
Campbell [364] 2008 Illumina genome analyzer 306 germ line structural changes; 103 somatic
2 Lung cancer cell lines WGS rearrangements
Pleasance [360] 2010 SOLiD; 1 SCLC cell line WGS 22,910 somatic mutations; 134 in coding regions. 58
structural changes. Tobacco associated mutation signatures
Lee [361] 2010 cPAL; 1 NSCLC/normal lung pair WGS >50,000 SNPs, 392 in coding regions; 43 structural variants
Ju [365] 2011 Illumina HiSeq 2000 and genome analyzer 10,724 SNPs, 334 in coding regions. Novel KIF5B-RET
IIx; 1 NSCLC/normal lung pair WGS fusion
Imielinski [366] 2012 Illumina HiSeq: Novel recurrently mutated genes: ARID1A, RBM10,
183 ACs and matched normal tissue; 159 U2AF1. In-frame exonic alterations in EGFR and SIK2
WES, 23 WES + WGS, 1 WGS
The Caner Genome 2012 Illumina HiSeq: Novel mutation in HLA-A; significantly altered pathways:
Atlas Research Integrated analysis of 178 SCCs and NFE2L2/KEAP1 (34 %), squamous differentiation (44 %),
Network [367] matched germ line; 19 WGS, 178 WES PI3K/AKT (47 %); CDKN2A/RB1 (72 %)
Peifer 2012 Illumina genome analyzer IIx. 29 SCLC High mutation rate: 7.4 ± 1 protein changing mutations per
exomes, 2 genomes and 15 transcriptomes 106; TP53 and RB1 inactivation in all; recurrent mutations
in histone modifiers CREBBP, EP300, and MLL
Govindan [368] 2012 Illumina genome analyzer II; 17 WGS; Novel mutations in chromatin modification and DNA repair
16AC and 1 large cell carcinoma pathways; 14 fusions including ROS, ALK and metabolic
enzymes. Possible roles of EGFR and KRAS as tumor
The Pan-Cancer Project [369]
Ciriello [370] 2013 Hierarchical classification of genetic (WES, AC are characterized by either mutations or copy number
SNP array, and epigenetic (methylation alterations, SCC are characterized by primarily copy
array) events 3229 tumors of 12 cancer number alterations
types including 229 lung AC and 182 SCC.
Lawrence [371] 2013 WGS and WES of 3083 tumors of 12 cancer Lung AC and SCC have high rates of somatic mutations
types including 514 lung cancers: 179 SCC relative to other tumors: C → A mutations predominate
(14 WGS and 165 WES) and 335AC (WES)
Zack [372] 2013 Somatic copy number alteration (SCNA) Lung AC and SCC have high rates of whole genome
profiling of 357 AC, 344 SCC using SNP duplication relative to other tumor types (59 % AC and
array and WGS 64 % SCC); recurrent focal SCNAs seen in lung SCC and
head and neck SCC
Kandoth [373] 2013 Mutational analysis of 3281 tumors from 12 The highest mutation rates of all cancers studied were seen
cancer types including 230 lung AC and 178 in Lung AC and SCC; this was related to TP53 mutations;
SCC KEAP1 mutations predominate in lung AC and SCC;
EPHA, SETBP1, and STK11 mutations predominate in
Lung AC
Tamborero [374] 2013 Mutational analysis of 3205 tumors from 12 Lung AC and SCC have high rates of protein activating
tumor types including 226AC and 174 SCC mutations in high confidence driver mutations relative to
other tumor types (median of 9 per tumor)
Gonzalez-Perez 2013 Resequencing data from 4623 exomes from Int0Gen-mutations platform is a Web based analysis
[375] 13 tumor types including 390AC, 31 pipeline which is able to summarize genomic data
NSCLC, 174 SCC, 69 SCLC systematically
Lawrence [376] 2014 Predominantly WES of 405AC tumor- Estimates suggest the number of driver mutations detected
normal pairs and 178 SCC tumor-normal in SCC may more than double given sufficient sample size.
pairs In excess of 3000 tumor-normal pairs required to detect
alterations in 90 % of genes mutated at 2 % above
background with 90 % power
WGS whole genome sequencing, WES whole exome sequencing, CNV copy number variation, SNP single nucleotide polymorphism, AC adeno-
carcinoma, SCC squamous cell carcinoma, SCLC small cell lung cancer, cPAL combinatorial probe anchor ligation

Moreover, a gene expression study of human airway epi- database) [448, 449]. These investigators have also identi-
thelial cells obtained bronchoscopically in smokers and fied an 80-gene biomarker in histologically normal large-
never smoker controls has contributed to knowledge of the airway epithelial cells obtained at bronchoscopy that
smoking transcriptome, including persistent gene deregula- distinguishes smokers with and without lung cancer [450],
tion even after smoking cessation (information deposited in paving the way for potential development of a diagnostic
the SIEGE (smoking induced epithelial gene expression) tool.
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 465

Table 28.4 A selection of gene expression microarray studies in lung cancer (N.B. Some studies appear more than once)
Analysis No. of probes/ Samples in training Samples in test set
type Reference Platforma elements set (TNM stage)b (TNM stage)b Analysis and findingsc
Diagnosis/subtype comparison
[388] Affymetrix 20,951 127AC, 21 SCC, 20 – Unsupervised clustering found
U95Av2 carcinoid, 6 SCLC, histology subclasses
12 metastases, 17
[387] cDNA >23,000 41AC (6 pairs), 16 – Unsupervised clustering separated
SCC (5 pairs), 5 tumors histologically
[389] cDNA 2400 10 SCC, 10AC, 2 – 209 Genes overexpressed in SCLC
SCLC, 5 SCLC cell
lines, 1 carcinoid, 2
colon Ca, 1 NL
[395] Affymetrix >7000 86AC (I,III), 10 NL – Unsupervised clustering found
HuGeneFL subclasses associated with cancer/
non-cancer, stage and
[396] cDNA 47,650 19AC, 14 SCC, 4 – Genes overexpressed in cancer vs
LCC, 2 carcinoid non-cancer
[397] cDNA 1185 14AC (I–III), 4 NL – DE genes between AC and NL
[398] Oligo 32 NSCLC – Expression profiles correlated
with histology
[384] cDNA 23,040 22AC, 14 SCC, 1 – Unsupervised clustering found
AdSq subclasses associated with
histology and ± lymph node
[399] cDNA 425 10 NSCLC (I–III) – DE genes in tumor compared to
(7AC, 3 SCC) and normal lung. DE genes in stage IA
matched NL (n = 5) compared to advanced
stage (n = 5)
[392] Affymetrix 20,951 21 SCLC cell lines, – Identified DE genes between the
U95Av2 18 NL, 8 xenografts two variants of SCLC
[400] cDNA 5184 11 SCC, 9AC, 5 9 NSCLC (4AC, 4 Gene expression predicted tumor
non-SCLC, 3 met SCC, 1 LCC), 4 met (vs. non-tumor), and histology
[401] cDNA 2400 12AC, 3 SCC (I, III) – 75 Genes DE between no
metastasis, micrometastasis, and
overt metastasis
[402] cDNA 1185 13 SCC (I–III), – DE genes in SCC and AC
13AC [397], 4 NL compared to NL. DE genes in
SCC compared to AC
[391] cDNA 1185 13AC [397], 13 SCC – Identified genes DE between
[402], 2 LCC, 1 high-grade neuroendocrine
AdSq, 1 LCNEC, 7 carcinomas (SCLC and LCNEC)
SCLC and other lung cancers
[403] cDNA 10,750 42 NSCLC (I–III) – 62 DE genes between angiogenic
compared with non-angiogenic
[404] cDNA 2305 6 SCC, 4 NL – 26 DE genes between SCC and
[52] Oligo 10,416 79 NSCLC (I–III) 33 NSCLC (I–III) 33-gene signature to predict
(30 pN-, 49 pN+) (21 pN0, 12 pN+) lymph node metastasis
[379] Affymetrix >22,000 36 Cell lines: 18AC, – Compared NSCLC to SCLC to
U133A 4 SCC, 14 SCLC identify subtype specific
differences. Correlated expression
with copy-number differences
466 K.M. Fong et al.

Table 28.4 (continued)

Analysis No. of probes/ Samples in training Samples in test set
type Reference Platforma elements set (TNM stage)b (TNM stage)b Analysis and findingsc
[405] Affymetrix 2848 231AC (I–IV) 31 – Bronchoid, squamoid and
U95Av2 and [387], 72 [395], 128 magnoid subtypes within AC
HuGeneFL, [388]
[406] Affymetrix 59,000 89 NSCLC (I–IV) – 344 DE genes between NSCLC
Custom (49 SCC, 40AC), 15 and NL. 72 DE genes between AC
NL and SCC
[407] Oligo 21,619 149 NSCLC (90AC, – 293 DE genes between TRU and
35 SCC, 18 LCC, 4 non-TRU type AC
AdSq, 2 LCNEC)
[390] cDNA 32,256 15 SCLC, 37 – DE in SCLC vs. NL and NSCLC
NSCLC [384],
14AC [381]
[408] Affymetrix 20,951 (1) 48 NSCLC (27 (1) 160 NSCLC 162 DE genes comparing AC,
U95A and SCC, 21AC), 17 (139AC, 21 SCC), 6 SCC and NL (training set 1). 96 %
U95Av2 NL; (2) 45 NSCLC SCLC, 17 NL; (2) classification accuracy in 183
(25AC, 20 SCC), 33 17 NSCLC (10 samples (test set 1). 20-gene
NL SCC, 7AC), 20 NL signature (training set 2) had
better accuracy (97 %) (test set 2)
[409] cDNA 7237 69 NSCLC (36 75 NSCLC (39AC, Identified genes correlating with
SCC, 30AC, 3 LCC) 29 SCC, 7 LCC) histopathology and EGFR
(IHC validation) mutation
[410] Affymetrix >22,000 100AC (I–III) – Identified clusters that correlated
U133A with histological subtypes and
KRAS and EGFR mutation status
[411] Affymetrix >54,000 46 NSCLC (32 48 NSCLC, 22 NL Signatures for SCC and AC
U133Plus2 SCC, 14AC) and histology
paired NL
[388] Affymetrix 20,951 127AC, 21 SCC, 20 – Unsupervised clustering found
U95Av2 carcinoid, 6 SCLC, subgroups with significantly
12 metastases, 17 poorer survival
[387] cDNA >23,000 41AC (6 pairs), 16 – Unsupervised clusters in AC with
SCC (5 pairs), 5 significant survival differences
[395] Affymetrix >7000 86AC (I,III), 10 NL 84AC (stage I–III) Correlating expression with
HuGeneFL survival identified 50-gene
[385] cDNA 18,432 19AC (I–II) – 27 DE genes between survivors
and non-survivors (at 5 years)
[412] Affymetrix 4578 63AC (I) – 303 DE genes between ± active
HU6800 lymphocytic response. RANTES
genes was a predictor of survival
[413] cDNA 19,200 19AC, 14 SCC, 4 – 22 Genes correlating with to early
other (I–III) recurrence
[414] Affymetrix >7000 36AC (I) [395] 60 Stage I AC 5 DE genes between recurrence
HuGeneFL vs. no-recurrence. Three
gene-ratio tests could predict
[415] Affymetrix 16,063 64 Primary AC, 12 62AC (I–II) [388] 128-gene signature to predict
Hu6800 and metastatic AC (lung, metastasis, refined to 17-gene
Hu35KsubA breast, prostate, signature
colorectal, uterus,
[383] cDNA 1185 29 NSCLC (II–IV), – 3 Genes correlated with survival

28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 467

Table 28.4 (continued)

Analysis No. of probes/ Samples in training Samples in test set
type Reference Platforma elements set (TNM stage)b (TNM stage)b Analysis and findingsc
[416] Affymetrix 6124 79AC, 10 NL [395] 83AC, 16 NL [388] 16-gene signature for survival
U95Av2 and
[417] Affymetrix >22,000 10 SCC (I) 5 SCC (stage I) 246 DE genes between high-
U133A aggressive vs. low-aggressive
tumors. 27 top genes could predict
[418] cDNA 11,168 50 NSCLC (30AC, 6 NSCLC (3 SCC, 3 98-gene NSCLC signature (refined
16 SCC, 4 LCC) non-SCC) to 25-gene signature), 19-gene
SCC signature and 12-gene
non-SCC signature.
[419] Affymetrix 20,951 25AC (5 BAC, 10 – 319 DE genes between 3 invasive
U95Av2 invasive, 10 subclasses. 30 DE genes between
BAC + invasive) BAC and BAC + invasive
[420] cDNA >40,000 48 SCC, 9AC, 30 – 432 DE genes separated SCCs
NL into two subgroups with
significant survival differences
[421] Affymetrix 5377 86AC (69 pN0, 17 69AC (52 pN0, 17 318-gene set to predict pN status,
U95Av2 and pN+) [395] pN+) [388] predicted pN+ patients had worse
HuGeneFL DFS and OS
[422] Affymetrix 86AC (I, III) [395] 84AC(I–III) [388] 37-gene signature for survival
U95Av2 and
[405] Affymetrix 2848 231AC 31 [387], 72 Bronchoid, squamoid and
U95Av2 and [395], 128 [388] magnoid subtypes within AC
HuGeneFL, correlated with OS
[423] Meta- 4905 197 NSCLC (1) 63AC (stage I) Correlating expression with
analysis of 7 (156AC, 37 SCC, 4 (unpublished data survival identified a 64-gene
datasets, other) sets), (2) 64AC and signature for stage I NSCLC
in-house and SCC (stage I)
published (5
as training
set, 2 as test
[424] cDNA 1185 17AC, 12 Genes correlated with survival
11 SCC (I–III)
[425] Affymetrix >54,000 45AC, (1) 11AC, 14 SCC; Lung metagene model predicted
U133Plus2 44 SCC (I–III) (2) 84AC; (3) 15 likelihood of recurrence
[426] Affymetrix >22,000 129 SCC (I–III) 36 SCC (25 stage I, 50-gene signature correlated with
U133A 9 stage II, 1 stage survival
III, 1 stage IV)
[427] Affymetrix >4000 41AC (I) [395] and 34AC (I) [378] 80-gene model (comprising a
U95Av2 and 60AC (I) [388] 49-gene meta-analysis model,
HuGeneFL (Patients selected if 28-gene cancer-biased model
alive/dead at 30 [428], and 3 genes from literature)
months) to predict prognosis. Refined to
10-gene model
[429] Oligo 22,575 10 pN+ AC and – Unsupervised HC clustered 8/10
matched lymph node primary/metastases pairs together.
metastases, 11 75-gene signature of metastasis
pN- AC (comparing pN+ with pN-ACs)
[430] Oligo 22,323 48AC (I–II) 55AC [388], 40AC 54-gene signature to predict
[378] recurrence
[431] Oligo 22,323 51 SCC (I–III) 58 SCC (I–III) [426] 111-gene signature correlated with
468 K.M. Fong et al.

Table 28.4 (continued)

Analysis No. of probes/ Samples in training Samples in test set
type Reference Platforma elements set (TNM stage)b (TNM stage)b Analysis and findingsc
[432] cDNA 11,168 2 LCC cell lines (1 50 NSCLC [418], 45-gene metastasis signature
highly metastatic, 1 and 62AC, 78 breast could predict prognosis in lung
parent) AC, 60 and breast data sets
[433] Oligo 672 60AC, 52 SCC, 13 24AC, 31 SCC, 5 16-gene signature to predict OS,
other other 5-gene signature confirmed with
[434] Affymetrix >54,000 138 NSCLC (I–III) 56 NSCLC (I–III) 6-gene clinicopathologic signature
U133Plus2 (75 SCC, 63AC) (32 SCC, 25AC) to predict DFS
[435] Affymetrix 4966AC; 86AC (I,III) [395], 84AC [388], 45AC Developed two 50-gene signatures
HU6800 12,990 SCC 129 SCC (I–III) and 46 SCC [378] in AC and SCC datasets to predict
[426] OS
[436] Affymetrix >22,000 256AC (I–III) 186AC (I–III) Multi-site blinded study developed
U133A several classifiers to predict OS
where prediction accuracy was
improved with inclusion of
clinical data
[437] Oligo 44,000 103 NSCLC (57 69 NSCLC (35 72-gene signature to predict RFS
SCC, 33AC, 13 SCC, 23AC, 11 and OS
other) (I–II) other) (I–II)
[438] qRT-PCR 158 147 [439] 91AC and SCC 6-gene signature to predict OS
[425], 130 SCC
[426], 59 SCC
[430], 48AC [440]
[441] Affymetrix >22,000 129 SCC [426] 85 NSCLC (44 12-gene signature for OS
U133A, SCC, 41AC) [425],
U133Plus2 138 NSCLC (76
SCC, 62AC) [434],
327AC [436]
[384] cDNA 23,040 22AC, 11 SCC – Correlation of sensitivity to 6
anticancer drugs
[383] cDNA 1185 29 NSCLC (II–IV), – 3 Genes correlated with survival
[381] cDNA 27,648 17AC (III–IV) 10AC, 12-gene signature to predict
1 SCC (III–IV) gefitinib sensitivity
[382] cDNA 1185 [383] – 3 Genes correlated with outcome
of chemotherapy
[442] Affymetrix >54,000 42 NSCLC cell lines – Identified signature correlating
U133Plus2 with erlotinib sensitivity
[377] Affymetrix >22,000 29 LC cell lines 19AC, 40AC [378] 180-gene signature for EGFR TKI
U133A sensitivity
[378] Affymetrix >54,000 74 NSCLC – Gene expression signature that
U133Plus2 reflects activation status of
oncogenic pathways which in turn,
can predict sensitivity to
components that target pathway
[380] Affymetrix 45,000 11 NSCLC cell lines 12 NSCLC cell lines Gene signature associated with
U133 (3AC, 3 SCC, 2 (7AC, 3 LCC, 2 EGFR-TKI sensitivity
LCC, 2 BsAC, 1 SCC)
[443] Affymetrix >22,000 10 NSCLC cell lines 19 NSCLC cell lines Identified signatures of sensitivity
U133A to docetaxel, paclitaxel,
gemcitabine, vinorelbine, 5-FU,
SN38, cisplatin, and carboplatin
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 469

Table 28.4 (continued)

Analysis No. of probes/ Samples in training Samples in test set
type Reference Platforma elements set (TNM stage)b (TNM stage)b Analysis and findingsc
[390] cDNA 32,256 15 SCLC, 37 – Identified DE in SCLC and
NSCLC [384], advanced AC with history of
14AC [381] extensive chemotherapy
[444] Affymetrix >22,000 16 NSCLC cell lines 9 NSCLC cell lines Nine-gene classifier to predict
U133A sensitivity to HDAC inhibitors
[445] Affymetrix >22,000 62 NSCLC (I–II) 96 NSCLC [436], 48 15-gene signature to predict
U133A NSCLC [425], 79 sensitivity to cisplatin/vinorelbine
SCC [426], 133
NSCLC [437]
[385] cDNA 18,432 19AC (I–II) – 45 DE genes between smokers and
[386] Affymetrix >22,000 18 SCC, 9AC, 8 NL – 23-gene signature that
U133A differentiated between bronchial
epithelium of nonsmokers,
smokers, and cancers
[446] Affymetrix 66 NSCLC (54AC, 6 LOOCV (Train 2/3, 65-gene signature of NSCLC
U133A and SCC, 5 LCC, 1 Test 1/3) nonsmoking nAChR α6β3
B AdSq), 13 NSCLC phenotype
cell lines (12AC, 1
NSCLC), 7 NL, 6
HBEC lines
[447] Affymetrix 58AC, 49 NL (20 19 NSCLC, 21 NL Signature of cigarette smoking
U133A never, 26 former, 28
current smokers)
Unless otherwise specified, all samples were primary lung tumor samples
Affymetrix Affymetrix GeneChip®, cDNA cDNA microarray or membrane, Oligo Oligo microarray
AC adenocarcinoma, SCC squamous cell carcinoma, LCC large cell carcinoma, LCNEC large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, SCLC small cell
lung carcinoma, NL normal lung
OS overall survival, DFS disease-free survival, DE differentially expressed, HC hierarchical clustering, TRU terminal respiratory unit, nAChR
nicotine acetylcholine receptor

28.6.2 DNA Methylation mammalian DNA methylation process requires two compo-
nents, the DNA methyl-transferases (DNMTs) and the
The spatial arrangement and three-dimensional structure of methyl CpG binding proteins (MBDs) [452, 453]. DNMTs
DNA in the nucleus is controlled through the interdigitation establish and maintain methylation patterns whereas MBDs
of DNA binding proteins such as histones and their modifi- are thought to be involved in reading methylation marks.
ers, the Polycomb-Trithorax proteins, and the DNA methyl- Potential mechanisms include spreading of DNA methyla-
transferase enzymes [451]. DNA methylation is involved in tion from repetitive sequences into promoter-associated CpG
the epigenetic gene regulation in mammals. Cellular trans- islands secondary to loss of transcriptional activators, gain of
formation coincides with multiple changes in chromatin methylation secondary to hyperexpression of transcriptional
architecture, thereby affecting genome integrity and gene repressors, primary hypermethylation due to hyperexpres-
expression. The process of DNA methylation involves the sion of methyltransferases, and inter-allelic transfer of meth-
covalent modification at the fifth carbon position of cytosine ylation via gene pairing [454]. A proposed model of DNA
residues within CpG dinucleotides which tend to be clus- methylation and cancer proposes that global hypomethyl-
tered in islands at the 5′ ends of many genes, and can be ation in at-risk cells contributes to genomic instability
considered an epigenetic modification of DNA. In general, through increased mitotic recombination events, whereas
methylated genes are inactive whereas unmethylated genes CpG island methylation in cancer cells leads to transcrip-
tend to be active. DNA methylation appears to be associated tional silencing of growth regulatory genes [452]. One of the
with genetic repression and is necessary for proper embry- major reasons for the explosion in knowledge regarding
onic development. The methylated CpG residues could either tumor methylation is thanks to the rapid technological
interfere directly with the binding of specific transcription advances in this area. Frommer et al. demonstrated that
factors to DNA, bind to specific repression factors or convert bisulfite deamination of cytosine and 5-methylcytosine dif-
chromatin to an inactive form by altering its structure. The ferentially to yield uracil and thymine respectively coupled
470 K.M. Fong et al.

with PCR techniques allowed simplified analysis of DNA MEST genes. Imprinting is the epigenetic modification in a
methylation [455]. More recently, Weber et al. has developed specific parental chromosome that leads to differential expres-
an antibody based immunocapture method termed methyl- sion of the two alleles in the offspring, thus loss of imprinting
DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) involving purification is loss of the normal allele specific gene expression, which
of methylated DNA using a monoclonal antibody raised may result in deregulated cell growth. Other genes upregu-
against 5-methylcytidine [456]. When combined with high- lated as a result of global hypomethylation include those
resolution genomic microarrays, this approach allows corre- encoding cancer testes antigens (CTAs) proteins including
lations between DNA methylation and histone modifications the MAGE family [453]. Surrogate markers of global hypo-
to be made, demonstrating its usefulness in epigenetic methylation including repetitive elements such as long inter-
research [457]. These days, the very sensitive bisulfite based spersed nuclear element 1 (LINE-1) and Alu elements which
methylation specific PCR (MSP) is perhaps the most popular constitute approximately 30 % of the genome [468] have been
tool for examining DNA methylation patterns, although implicated in several cancer types [469]. Recent investiga-
whole-genome microarray-based and next-generation tions of LINE-1, have demonstrated its potential utility as a
sequencing based approaches are gaining popularity due to prognositic marker for stage IA lung cancer showing poorer
their ability to profile several thousands of genes in a single survivals in subjects with LINE-1 hypomethylation [470].
experiment. The principles of MSP and other methylation LINE-1 hypomethylation also appears to be strongly associ-
detection techniques, such as restriction digestion by meth- ated with genomic instability [468].
ylation sensitive enzymes, COBRA, PyroMeth, SnaPmeth,
bisulfite SSCP, and bisulfite sequencing have been reviewed
[458]. Some techniques such as restriction landmark genomic 28.6.4 DNA Hypermethylation
scanning (RLGS) and arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) are
genome wide techniques, often methylation sensitive restric- In contrast, site-specific hypermethylation of CpG islands in
tion enzyme based, for analyzing the DNA methylation sta- gene promoters is now the most well characterized epigene-
tus of CpG islands [459]. Other high throughput techniques tic modification in cancer. It is found in nearly every human
including array based tests, MethyLight, MALDI-TOF mass cancer type and is associated with transcriptional silencing
spectrometry and next-generation sequencing approaches of gene expression. The genes silenced by promoter hyper-
based on bisulfite conversion are increasingly being utilized methylation tend to be tumor or growth suppressor genes,
and will result in better understanding of lung cancer epig- and is an alternative to the classic loss of one TSG and muta-
enomics [460–462]. Nonetheless, the ease of detection tion of the other to satisfy Knudson’s two hit hypothesis.
means that there is great interest in developing potential clin- Indeed there are regions of chromosomes where allele loss
ical useful lung cancer biomarkers for diagnosis and progno- and hypermethylation may be the predominant method on
sis [463, 464]. TSG inactivation, e.g., RASSFI1 at chromosome 3 CDKN1A
and HIC1 are 17p13.3. It is known that exposure to cigarette
smoke induces lung cancer in mice via both genetic and epi-
28.6.3 DNA Hypomethylation genetic pathways [471]. Indeed some of the DNA methyla-
tion changes involve the same genes that are altered in human
The link between cancer and abnormal methylation has been lung cancers [472]. There are now many reports of somati-
known since 1983, with the demonstration that cancer cally acquired DNA methylation in the genes involved in
genomes are relatively hypomethylated compared to normal lung cancer. We have reported on methylation specific PCR
counterparts [465]. Hypomethylation in cancer cells is to examine gene promoter methylation in lung cancer. DNA
thought to be primarily due to loss of methylation from repet- was examined from 107 resected NSCLC and corresponding
itive regions of the genome, with resulting genomic instabil- normal lung tissue [473–475]. Methylation in the tumor
ity [452]. Apart from global genomic demethylation which in samples was detected in 40 % for RARB, 26 % for TIMP-3,
many cancers is an early event, gene specific hypomethyl- 25 % for CDKN2A, 21 % for MGMT, 19 % for DAPK, 18 %
ation also occurs which can result in functional changes in for ECAD, 8 % for p14 ARF, and 7 % for GSTP1, whereas it
gene expression. Studies of oncogene transformed normal was not seen in the vast majority of the corresponding non-
human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells and clinical lung malignant tissues. A total of 82 % of the NSCLCs had meth-
cancer samples have demonstrated alterations in methylation ylation of at least one of these genes; 37 % had one gene
[466, 467] during lung carcinogenesis. The global demethyl- methylated, 22 % had two genes methylated, 13 % had three
ation is known to results in the derepression of parasitic DNA, genes methylated, 8 % had four genes methylated, and 2 %
loss of imprinting, and upregulation of the expression of a had five genes methylated. Aberrant CDKN2A and FHIT
number of usually silent genes. Examples of genes altered in methylation corresponded with downregulation [473, 476]
these ways include loss of imprinting of the H19, IGF2, and of gene expression. The advent of whole-genome methylation
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 471

profiling has provided new means of identifying novel meth- repair (e.g., MGMT), apoptosis (e.g., DAPK, caspase 8,
ylation biomarkers. Rauch and colleagues utilized this tech- FAS, TRAILR1), RAS signaling (RASSF1A, NORE1A),
nology to characterize DNA methylation changes in the and invasion (e.g., cadherins, TIMP3, laminin family) with
genome of lung SCC [477] identifying 57 CpG islands con- more detailed lists available from reviews [464, 495]. Some
sistently hypermethylated in all samples. Most of these of these pathways affected by epigenetic change are those
mapped to homeobox genes which are increasingly being described as being hallmarks of cancer [5].
implicated in lung carcinogenesis [478]. Twelve of the 57
CpG islands were independently validated using combined
bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA) with methylation fre- 28.6.5 Histone/Chromatin Modifications
quencies ranging from 70 to 100 % [477]. Whole genome
methylation profiling has also been used to investigate the Chromatin remodeling and histone modifications including
role of methylation in radiosensitivity of cancer cells [479]. methylation, acetylation, and phosphorylation contribute to
Kim and colleagues identified 1091 genes differentially gene silencing and activation. Mutations, amplifications, and
methylated between cell lines treated with ionizing radiation other genomic alterations can disrupt the balance between
and normal lung cell lines concluding that examination of histone deacetylases (HDAC) and histone acetylases (HATs)
key differentially methylated genes in radiosensitive patients resulting in repression or activation of genes [496].
is necessary considering the use of DNA methylating agents Hypoacetylation may result in repression of tumor suppres-
currently in clinical use [479]. The Cancer Genome Atlas sor gene function through activation of HDACs and suppres-
(TCGA) project has also provided extensive insights into sion of HATs while hyperacetylation can activate genes that
epigenomic changes occurring in lung adenocarcinomas and would normally be silenced. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic
squamous cell carcinomas [367, 480]. Assessment of 230 acid (SAHA), a novel HDAC inhibitor, has been shown to
lung adenocarcinomas using Illumina Beadarray technology inhibit tumor cell growth by decreasing the number of
identified a distinct CIMP positive phenotype for lung ade- cells in S-phase [497] and decreasing tumor development in
nocarcinomas while interrogation of 178 lung squamous cell mice treated with the tobacco specific carcinogen
carcinomas, showed that DNA hypermethylation was accom- 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)
panied by distinct changes in mRNA expression [367, 480]. [498]. Other HDAC inhibitors including CI-994, trichostatin
Similarly, methylation differences have been associated with A, and OSU-HDAC-44 have also been shown to significantly
cisplatin resistance, and prognostic methylation signatures decrease tumor cell growth in NSCLC [499–501].
identified for early stage tumors [481, 482]. In addition, sev- Interestingly, the novel HDAC inhibitor YCW1 has been
eral groups have identified differences in the methylation shown to have synergistic effects with cisplatin, inhibiting
profiles of smoking and never smoking lung adenocarcino- tumor growth and significantly suppressing lung cancer
mas, with Tan et. al. identifying a potential diagnostic metastases via inhibition of the focal adhesion complex
signature that could distinguish smoking related lung adeno- [502]. Therefore, HDAC inhibitors may be useful in increas-
carcinomas with a sensitivity of 88.9 % and specificity of ing histone acetylation and gene transcription through inhi-
83.2 % [483, 484]. Several studies have also used integrative bition of lung cancer cell growth.
approaches to identify methylated candidates accompanied
by concordant changes in mRNA expression [481, 485, 486].
The explosion in methylation based studies, highlights the 28.6.6 microRNAs
potential for DNA methylation changes to be used as diag-
nostic and prognostic biomarkers in NSCLC. Thus, we and miRNAs are a recently discovered family of small, RNA
others have documented examples of epigenetic gene silenc- molecules encoded in the genomes of plants and animals.
ing by de novo methylation of TSGs in lung cancers, e.g., These highly conserved ~21-mer RNAs regulate gene
RB1, VHL, CDKN2A, DAPK, GSTP1, and MGMT [473– expression by binding to the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-
475]. Conversely in SCLC, regional hypermethylation has UTR) of specific target mRNAs. Acting as a crucial member
been found at chromosome 3p, but the precise gene target is of the RNA Induced Silencing Complex (RISC), miRNAs
uncertain [487]. Many other genes are now shown to be control gene expression at the posttranscriptional level by
methylated to varying degrees in the different subtypes of degrading or repressing target mRNAs [503–506]. The bio-
lung cancer, from primary lung cancers and also lung cancer genesis and control of miRNAs involves complex regulatory
cell lines. These include genes such as TSLC1 [488]; networks that control cropping and dicing [507]. miRNAs
CDH13[489], hSRBC [490], SPARC [491], DBC1 [28], are expressed in animal cells and are dynamically regulated
TCF21 [492], LHX6 [493], and KEAP1 [494] among others. in response to physiological and developmental cues. It is
The genes altered by DNA methylation include those thought that there are cell-type specific miRNA milieus with
involved in cell cycle regulation (e.g., CDKN2A), DNA unique sets of miRNAs controlling gene expression.
472 K.M. Fong et al.

Furthermore, each miRNA may, in computational predic- the demonstration of RAS overexpression in cancers with
tions, have as many as hundreds of target genes—if correct, low let-7, strongly implicate let-7 as a tumor suppressor in
this means that up to a third of protein-encoding genes are lung, whereby downregulation of let-7 causes increased
regulated by miRNAs in humans [508]. There is mounting expression of the RAS oncogene, and thus contributes to car-
evidence of the importance of miRNA mediated gene regula- cinogenesis [527, 535]. Moreover, some let-7 family mem-
tion in human cancers. Firstly, miRNAs participate in the bers are located in genomic regions commonly deleted in
regulation of a wide range of cellular pathways including lung cancer and reduced let-7 expression correlated with a
development, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, worse prognosis in resected lung cancers [522, 535].
angiogenesis, methylation, metastasis, and invasion [509– Microarrays can also be used to detect miRNA deregula-
518]. Second, miRNA expression profiling shows differen- tion in cancers [536]. Comparing primary lung cancers and
tial expression of nearly all miRNAs across cancer types, corresponding lung tissues, differentially expressed miRNAs
expression profiles parallel the developmental origins of appear to be associated with FRA fragile sites [537]. Others
tumors, expression patterns reflect the mechanisms of trans- were located in regions deleted or amplified in various types
formation, and extensive dysregulation of miRNA expres- of cancers. For example mir-21 at 17q23.2 was amplified and
sion in tumors compared with normal tissues [519]. Third, upregulated in neuroblastoma and lung cancer [527], and
several genes implicated in human cancers have been experi- mir-126 at 9q34.3, was associated with FRA17B and down-
mentally validated as miRNA targets including PTEN TSG, regulated in NSCLC and hepatocellular carcinoma [537]. Of
SMAD-1 transcriptional regulator, polycomb gene EZH2, clinical importance is the finding that high mir-155 and low
and MYCN basic HLH transcription factor proto-oncogene let-7a-2 expression correlated with reduced survival in ade-
[520, 521]. Furthermore, miRNA genes are located non- nocarcinomas [537]. Numerous studies have now published
randomly in the genome. Although only representing 2–3 % potential miRNA gene signatures for prediction of outcome
of all human genes, more than half of them are clustered at and survival in lung cancer patients [538–542], however lit-
fragile sites, minimal regions of LOH, and breakpoint sites tle consistency has been observed between these signatures.
which are implicated in cancer [522, 523]. In addition to this This may be due to differences in methodology (microarrays
association with genomic regions involved in cancers, aber- compared to real time PCR), sample type (tumor tissue com-
rant methylation, SNPs, mutations, miRNA regulation by pared to serum) or cohorts (ethnicity). Differences in miRNA
cancer-associated transcription factors, and dysfunctional expression profiles between histological subtypes of lung
miRNA biogenesis, have all been implicated in their altered cancer have sparked interest in identifying single miRNAs or
expression in human malignancy [524–529]. miRNA signatures for histological differentiation. Indeed,
The miR-17-92 cluster of miRNAs is highly expressed in miR-205, has been reported as a lung squamous cell carci-
many lymphomas that contain amplified 13q31-31 chromo- noma (SCC) specific miRNA, able to identify lung SCCs
somal sequences [530]. When co-expressed with MYC in with 96 % sensitivity and 90 % specificity [543].
hematopoietic stem cells in mice, miR-17-92 appears to aug- Recent advances in our understanding of the involvement
ment the oncogenic effect of MYC. This miRNA cluster, of miRNAs in lung carcinogenesis have demonstrated that
when upregulated by MYC, actually translationally down- miRNA expression is altered from the early stages of bron-
regulates a MYC transcriptional target, E2F1 [528]. These chial carcinogenesis [544]. Furthermore, dysregulated
interesting findings suggest that this cluster may act as either miRNA expression has been shown to be associated with
an oncogene or a TSG, depending on circumstances, func- exposure to established or potential lung carcinogens, includ-
tioning within a regulatory network with c-Myc and E2F1 to ing cigarette smoke and diesel exhaust particles [545–547].
balance cell death and proliferation [528, 531]. Nonetheless Schembri et al. observed downregulation of miR-218 in
overexpression of an oncogenic miRNA may therefore post- human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke
transcriptionally downregulate target TSGs [532]. In keep- extract [545]. Subsequently, our work demonstrated signifi-
ing, miR-17-92 is similarly implicated in lung cancer, with cant downregulation of miR-218 in the tumors of smokers
miR-17-92 cluster overexpression and occasional gene compared to never smokers [546] and Wu et al. reported
amplification, especially in small-cell lung cancer [511]. downregulation of miR-218 in combination with upregula-
Conversely oncogenes may also be regulated by miRNAs tion of its target gene Paxillin as an independent predictor of
and miRNAs are frequently downregulated in cancers, with survival in NSCLC [548]. Specific miRNAs have also been
loss of a tumor suppressing (TSG) miRNA potentially caus- implicated in EGFR and p53 signaling pathways involved in
ing posttranscriptional overexpression of target oncogenes— response to chemotherapeutic agents such as EGFR tyrosine
the archetype being RAS and let-7. Several studies have kinase inhibitors, Carboplatin and Cisplatin [549–554].
demonstrated that let-7 expression is reduced in lung cancers Further exploration of the role these miRNAs play may lead
and that let-7 causes growth inhibition and regulates the RAS to the identification of novel approaches to maximize che-
oncogene in vitro [533–535]. These findings, together with mosensitivity and reduce development of chemoresistance.
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 473

Finally, recent reports have demonstrated that these single exhibit genetic polymorphisms in carcinogen metabolizing
stranded miRNAs are able to be detected in multiple clinical pathways that would lead to inherited differences in lung
specimens including whole blood, serum, plasma, sputum cancer risks associated with tobacco smoking. The relation-
and malignant effusions [555–560]. This important discov- ships of human lung cancer to polymorphisms of phase I
ery enhances the potential for development of clinical pro-carcinogen-activating and phase II-deactivating enzymes
miRNA biomarkers. Despite these significant advances in and intermediate biomarkers of DNA mutation, such as DNA
our understanding of miRNA biology in lung cancer, further adducts, oncogene and tumor suppressor gene mutation, and
investigation is required to fully demonstrate the extent of polymorphisms have been compiled [563].
their involvement in lung carcinogenesis and potential use as The important genetic variations in lung cancer include
diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers and novel therapeutic polymorphisms at the cytochrome P450 gene (CYP) loci and
agents in lung and other human malignancies. the glutathione S-transferases (GST) M1 gene cluster. An
important enzymatic group relevant to lung cancer includes
the phase II GST enzymes, which are encoded by a multi-
28.7 Tobacco Smoke Carcinogens gene family whose proteins serve to detoxify mutagenic
electrophiles [564]. The gene products are suggested to play
It is thought that tobacco smoke is responsible for 85–90 % a part in detoxifying epoxides of certain carcinogenic poly-
of all cases of lung cancer [561]. Tobacco smoke contains cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). These enzymes conju-
thousands of substances including carcinogens, co- gate glutathione to a substrate generally resulting in its
carcinogens, and tumor promoters. The polycyclic hydrocar- inactivation and excretion, although in certain cases this can
bons (such as benzo(a)pyrene), nitrosamines, and aromatic lead to activation of a pro-carcinogen to a mutagenic prod-
amines are the three major classes of carcinogens in tobacco uct. Four gene families are known (A, M, P, and T) and large
smoke. There has been much study of the nitrosamines inter-individual variations in enzyme activity are known to
which are derived from nicotine during the burning of exist for several GSTs [565]. The GSTM1 locus is homozy-
tobacco, especially 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)- gously null or deficient in approximately 40–50 % of the
1-butanone (NNK). Indeed, NNK and its metabolite, population. Several case–control studies have linked the null
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL), are phenotype to an increased risk of lung cancer [566, 567], but
potent carcinogens that are specific for the lung in rodents. there have also been conflicting studies [568, 569]. A meta-
The carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke in the lung analysis of 12 comparable studies suggested that GSTM1
involve the induction of carcinogen-activating and inactivat- null is overrepresented in lung cancer cases with an overall
ing enzymes, as well as covalent DNA adduct formation odds ratio (OR) of 1.41 (95%CI of 1.23–1.61), which did
which may result in DNA misreplication and mutation. DNA vary depending on ethnic origin, being lower in Caucasians
adducts have been identified in the bronchial tissue of lung (OR 1.17) [570]. Although the increased risk was modest, it
cancer patients and their levels correlate with the amount of potentially translates to a large number at the population
tobacco smoke exposure. Furthermore, benzo(a)pyrene, a level, and the authors suggested that ~17 % of new lung can-
major cigarette smoke carcinogen, was shown to form cer cases could be attributable to GSTM1 deficiency. As
adducts selectively along the TP53 gene of bronchial epithe- GSTM1 is only weakly expressed in the lung, interest has
lial cells, at the nucleotide positions known to be the major also focused on the protein product of GSTP1, which in fact,
mutational hot spots in lung cancer [562]. Thus, targeted is the major GST protein in the lung [565, 571]. This enzyme
adduct formation rather than phenotypic selection may deter- has activity for many epoxides of PAH and could theoreti-
mine the pattern of TP53 mutations in lung cancer, and the cally compensate for loss of GSTM1 activity. Increased
data provided a direct etiological link between a defined expression of the GSTP1 gene has been reported in lung tis-
chemical carcinogen and lung cancer. sue [565]. In the only study of lung cancer, the combination
of GSTM1 null and the G allele at a GSTP1 codon 104 poly-
morphism (A to G substitution replacing isoleucine with
28.8 Lung Cancer Susceptibility: Candidate valine) was shown to be associated with more hydrophobic-
and Genome Wide Association DNA adducts and lung cancer risk in Norwegian patients
Studies (GWAS) [572]. Importantly, this polymorphism is known to function-
ally change enzyme kinetics [573].
Only a proportion of smokers develop lung cancer despite The structural gene for the phase I enzyme, cytochrome
the fact that tobacco smoke is implicated in most cases of CYP1A1 which catalyzes a range of human carcinogens, has
lung cancer. Clearly, there are other important factors operat- a MspI restriction polymorphism (m2) associated with an
ing apart from the simple inhalation of tobacco smoke. It amino acid substitution in the enzymatically active site that
has, for instance, been postulated that individuals may results in a protein of high activity [574]. In the Japanese
474 K.M. Fong et al.

population, this polymorphism has been shown to be associ- CYP1A1*4 (rs1799814; 2453C > A; substitution of threo-
ated with an increased lung cancer risk [575]. On the other nine 461 with asparagine (exon 7)) [587]. CYP1A1 haplo-
hand, the data in Caucasians is controversial as this associa- types (in allele order CYP1A1*4, CYP1A1*2C,
tion was not demonstrated in some older studies of CYP1A1*2A) CGC and CGT were associated with an
Caucasians where the polymorphism is much rarer [576– increased risk of lung cancer, whereas AAT was associated
578]. On the other hand, a study of 490 Caucasians found an with decreased lung cancer risk in this population. Thus, risk
estimated OR of 2.08 for the CYP1A1 m2 allele (heterozy- haplotypes were identified for CYP1A1 in NSCLC, and
gotes and homozygotes) and lung cancer development [579]. CYP1A1 polymorphisms were identified as a minor risk fac-
Finally, NSCLC patients with at least one susceptible allele tor for NSCLC. In the Australian setting, we reported that
of the MspI polymorphism were associated with a shortened another pair of polymorphisms in carcinogen metabolizing
survival [580]. Another polymorphism at residue 462 (Ile/ enzymes (CYP1A1 Ile462Val and MPO G-463A) interacted
Val) of the CYP1A1 heme-binding region, has also been to increase risk of adenocarcinoma [588] supporting the con-
associated with lung cancer risk in Japan [581]. The Val pro- cept that multiple genes of modest effect can interact to con-
tein demonstrates twice as much activity as the isoleucine fer genomic-based susceptibility to lung cancer. In the
protein [575] but there appear little or no in vitro difference context of the explosion of epidemiologic studies on the
in their kinetic properties [582, 583]. In any case, the results prevalence of gene variants and their associations with
are mixed as CYP1A1 Val/Val was twice as prevalent in human lung cancer that will result from completion of the
Brazilian lung cancer patients [584], borderline in a German human genome sequence a proper assessment of genome
cohort [585] and not increased in a Finnish cohort [576]. In based risk will require collaborative efforts such as the
our case–control study of predominantly Caucasian Human Genome Epidemiology (HuGE) Network and care-
Australian NSCLCs, we reported that carriers of the valine ful meta-analyses of many primary studies [589].
allele (Ile/Val or Val/Val genotypes) were significantly over- CYP2D6 (debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase), another P450
represented even when adjusted for potential confounders, metabolizing enzyme, bioactivates nicotine as well as
particularly in women [586]. In the complex process of mul- NNK. The relationship between lung cancer risk and the
tistep carcinogenesis, it is unlikely that a single factor can CYP2D6 polymorphism has been the subject of numerous
completely account for an individual’s susceptibility to lung studies and is still controversial [590, 591]. While some
cancer. For any given exposure to an environmental carcino- studies have suggested a reduction in the risk of lung cancer
gen, it is more likely that it is the interaction between several with the poor metabolizer phenotype and/or genotype [592],
genetic susceptibility factors that determines the risk of lung others have indicated little or no role for the CYP2D6 poly-
cancer. Consequently, the possibility that it is the combina- morphism in lung cancer [591, 593, 594].
tion of the bioactivating phase I (P450) and the inactivating In addition to linkage studies and candidate gene
phase II (e.g., GSTs) carcinogen metabolizing enzyme poly- approaches, the genome-wide association study (GWAS)
morphisms that is crucial to lung cancer risk is biologically methodology uses an association testing approach on a
plausible and attractive. The CYP1A1 MspI polymorphism genome-wide scale, testing large numbers of SNPs using
in conjunction with the GSTM1 null genotype has been standard microarray platforms [6]. The key advantage of this
reported to carry a ninefold increased risk of lung cancer approach is that it enables testing of SNPs across the entire
[567]. This was confirmed in a second cohort of Japanese genome without needing a prior hypothesis about the iden-
subjects where the OR of a combined CYP1A1 m2/m2 and tity of causal genes [6] as traditionally done through genetic
GSTM1 null genotype versus nonsmoker controls was 21.9 association studies. Disadvantages include lack of coverage
(95 % CI 4.7–112.7), albeit lowered when smoking controls of rare variants, or ability to analyze gene-gene interaction,
were compared. In the only non-Japanese cohort to be tested, gene-environment interaction, epigenomics, or other princi-
a Swedish study found too few appropriate subjects for anal- ples that can explain variance in heritability.
ysis [577]. Thus, whilst the data suggests a link for combina- A number of genome-wide association studies have now
tion genotypes and lung cancer risk in Japanese populations, been published for lung cancer (Table 28.5). The most fre-
the relatively lower prevalence of the m2 and Val allele in quent genetic association for lung cancer in smokers was
non-Japanese populations (estimated 12 % and 3–16 % observed with SNPs in chromosomal region 15q25 contain-
respectively) [563] has meant that it may not have been ade- ing the genes for the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
quately studied in Caucasian populations. We have studied tor (nAChR) subunits (cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha
CYP1A1 haplotypes in a case–control study of 1040 non- 3 and 5: CHRNA3 and CHRNA5). This chromosomal region
small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cases and 784 controls to has also been associated with smoking behavior and inten-
investigate three CYP1A1 variants, CYP1A1*2A sity, e.g., cigarettes per day, in a number of GWAS. Whilst
(rs4646903; thymidine to cytosine substitution at nucleotide the association of smoking behavior with nicotine receptor
3801 (3801T > C)), CYP1A1*2C (rs1048943; 2455A > G; SNPs could partly explain the relationship with lung cancer,
substitution of isoleucine 462 with valine (exon 7)) and many of the GWAS and subsequent validation studies [595]
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 475

Table 28.5 Genome-wide association studies of lung cancer

Lung cancer cases (discovery Chromosomal regions and
Study set)a Controls (discovery set) Arrays (nos. of SNPs) main associated genes
Spinola [599] 335 Smokers 338 Smokers Affymetrix (116, 204) 10p KLF6
Amos [600] 1154 Smokers 1137 Smokers Illumina (317, 498) 15q CHRNA3
Hung [601] 1989 Smokers 2625 Smokers Illumina (139, 317) 15q CHRNA3, CHRNA5
Liu [602] 194 with familial lung cancer 219 Smokers and Affymetrix (500, 568, 15q various genes
nonsmokers 906, 703)
Thorgeirsson [603] 1024 Smokers 32,244 Controls Illumina (207, 306) 15q CHRNA3
McKay [604] 3259 Smokers 4159 Smokers Illumina (194, 315) 5p TERT-CLPTM1L, 15q
Wang [605] 1952 Smokers 1438 smokers Illumina (511, 919) 5p CLPTM1L, 6p
BAT3-MSH5, 15q
Broderick [606] 1978 Smokers, and 1438 Smokers, and Meta-analysis 5p TERT-CLPTM1L, 6p
meta-analysis meta-analysis BAT3-MSH5, TNXB, 15q
Landi [607] 5739 Smokers 5848 Smokers Illumina (515, 922) 5p TERT-CLPTM1L, 15q
Hsiung [608] 584 Cases (never smoking 585 Controls (never Illumina (610, 901) 5p15 TERT-CLPTM1L
females with lung smoking females)
Li [596] 377 Never smokers 377 Never smokers Illumina (373, 397, 13q31.3 GPC5
532, 592)
Miki [609] 1004 with lung 1900 Controls Illumina (610, 901) 3q28 TP63, 5p15 TERT
Yoon [610] 621 Cases (smokers and never 1541 Controls (smokers Affymetrix (500, 568) 3q29 C3orf21, 5p
smokers) and never smokers) TERT-CLPTM1L
Hu [611] 2331 Cases (smokers and 3077 Controls (smokers Affymetrix (703, 906) 3q28 TP63, 5p15
never smokers) and never smokers) TERT-CLPTM1L, 13q12
Ahn [612] 446 Never smokers 497 Healthy controls Affymetrix (906, 703) 18p11 FAM38B
Dong [613] 833 Cases with SCC 3094 Controls Affymetrix (906, 703) 12q23 SLC17A8-NR1H4
Lan [614] 5510 Never-smoking female 4544 Controls Various 3q28 TP63, 5p15, 6p21
lung cancer cases HLA, 6q22 ROS1,
DCBLD1, 10q25 VTI1A,
17q24 BPTF
Shiraishi [615] 1722 Cases (smokers and 5846 Controls (smokers Illumina (709, 857) 3q28 TP63, 5p15 TERT,
never smokers) and never smokers) 6p21 BTNL2, 17q24
Timofeeva [616] Meta-analysis: 14,900 cases 29,485 Controls Various 5p15, 6p21, 15q25 for
(smokers and never smokers) (smokers and never NSCLC; 9p21 for SCC
Kim [617] 285 Female never smokers 1455 Controls Affymetrix (440, 794) 2p16 NRXN1
with lung cancer
In Table 28.5, replication study samples sizes have not been included. For details of these, see

have adjusted for measures of smoking intensity. With this

adjustment, the association with nicotine receptor SNPs has 28.9 Familial Lung Cancer
remained positive in many studies. The mechanism postu-
lated is that variation in the nicotine receptor pathway, due to Hereditary predisposition to lung cancer is rare. However,
genetic variation, is contributing directly to lung cancer sus- analysis of the genomic aberrations provide insight into lung
ceptibility, in addition to or independent of smoking intensity. cancer susceptibility and biology. Gazdar et al. reported a
Another chromosomal region, at 13q, has been associated 29-year-old female proband with a minimal smoking history
with lung cancer in never smokers [596]. and a 4.4 cm lung adenocarcinoma [597]. EGFR analysis of
476 K.M. Fong et al.

the tumor revealed an L858R mutation, as well as a T790M 28.11 Transgenic Animal Models
mutation which was also detected in her germ line DNA in
peripheral blood monocytes. 14 of the tested family mem- Transgenic and knockout mice are being increasingly used
bers over a number of generations were also carriers, and of to understand lung cancer pathogenesis. Different trans-
these, three, who were never smokers, also developed lung genic animals have been generated which show dramatic
cancer (in addition to the proband). Yamamoto et al. reported developmental abnormalities including lung structure, sug-
a family of Japanese descent with multiple members with gesting crucial roles of the genes in normal lung develop-
lung adenocarcinoma, inherited in an autosomal dominant ment [97]. Early animal models included mice overexpressing
pattern [598]. The proband was a 53-year-old lady who was mutant alleles of TP53, lacking E2F1, or which express a
a very light former smoker with multiple lung adenocarcino- truncated nuclear retinoic acid receptor β (RARβ) [210,
mas. The use of whole-exome sequencing found a novel 240, 621].
germ line mutation (G660D) in the transmembrane domain Since then an increasing variety of transgenic animals
of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) have been developed for human lung cancer [622].
gene, which, on functional testing, activated akt and p38. Expectedly perhaps, many of molecular aberrations identi-
Overall, these reports of germ line mutations in familial lung fied in human tumors or cell lines are also found in the mouse
cancer are very uncommon and their applicability to spo- models. There are mouse models for spontaneous and chem-
radic lung adenocarcinoma remains to be determined. ically induced lung tumors. These make use of the inherent
differences in susceptibility to and incidence of spontaneous
lung tumors between different inbred strains such as A/J or
28.10 Differentiation Factors SWR mice [622]. Indeed three pulmonary adenoma suscep-
tibility (PAS) loci were mapped from recombinant inbred
Some genetic abnormalities of oncogenes and tumor sup- strain crosses derived from susceptible A/J and resistant
pressor genes are common to all lung cancers but others C57BL/6 strains [623]. Transgenic murine lung cancer mod-
appear more specific for certain histological subtypes. RAS els are based on the introduction of human lung cancer
mutation is specific to NSCLC, RB1 mutation relatively genetic aberrations into the mouse germ line or pulmonary
predominant in SCLC and CDKN2A/CDKN2A mutation tissue. The resulting murine lung tumors resemble in many
mostly occurs in NSCLC. Aberrant expression of CD44 is aspects their human lung tumors counterparts. Various trans-
considered to be a marker for NSCLC [4, 619]. It is possible genic models have also been developed where oncogene
that such specificities may be important for the phenotypical expression is targeted to a specific subset of lung epithelial
development of that histological subtype, but the possibility cells, thus allowing us to examine the role of these onco-
that it is a secondary phenomenon remains. In support of the genes in lung tumor initiation and progression. The models
former paradigm, the in vitro introduction of oncogenes and include transgenic (CC10, Sp-C, TGFβ, RARB, HRas), con-
tumor suppressor genes into lung cancer cell lines can ditional transgenic (KRas), regulatable by mifepristone or
induce phenotype transition among subtypes of lung cancer. doxycycline (Sp-C, FGF), spontaneous knockin (KRas and
For instance, the v-Ha-RAS gene was shown to change Kras/Trp53−/−), and conditional knockouts (Trp53, RB1)
SCLC phenotype of lung cancer cells into a NSCLC pheno- [622]. Interestingly, most models are for adenocarcinoma,
type [619]. with no currently reported somatic models for SCCs, and
A few normal bronchial epithelial cells and a substantial only a single model for SCLC (several others for neuro-
proportion of lung cancers, particularly exemplified by endocrine lung cancers).
SCLC, exhibit a neuroendocrine phenotype. The genetic fac- Transgenic animal models are likely to contribute in the
tors responsible for neuroendocrine differentiation in either future to the currently limited knowledge of the functional
normal lung or lung cancer are not well elucidated. Candidate relationship between the genes required in normal lung
molecules include the achaete-scute family of basic helix- development and those mutated in lung cancer. These will be
loop-helix transcription factors which play a critical devel- useful for many purposes, including testing agents for che-
opmental role in neuronal commitment and differentiation of moprevention, e.g., with EGFR inhibitors [624] and for bet-
both Drosophila and vertebrates. The human achaete-scute ter understanding of the biology of oncogene stimulation
homologue-1 (hASH1) gene is selectively expressed in nor- (e.g., the requirement for continuous stimulation in a KRas
mal fetal pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, as well as in lung adenocarcinoma model [625], experimentally supporting the
cancers with neuroendocrine features [620]. Additionally, oncogene addiction paradigm). Another important goal is
pulmonary neuroendocrine cells appear absent in newborn improved understanding of the metastatic cascade through
mice with ASH1 disruptions and antisense mediated ASH1 the generation of compound, inducible mouse models with
depletion from lung cancer cells results in a significant relevant conditional dominant or recessive oncogenes that
decrease in the expression of neuroendocrine markers [620]. lead to a metastatic phenotype.
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 477

28.12 Telomerase Activation cer stem cell hypothesis suggests that tumors are derived
from a single cell which is transformed into a cancer-
Vertebrates have special structures at the ends of their chro- initiating cell (cancer stem cell) that has the capacity to give
mosomes (telomeres) which are composed of 5–15 kb pairs rise to another stem cell and also a progenitor cancer cell that
of a guanine-rich hexameric repeat (TTAGGG)n. In normal proliferates and form tumors [634]. This concept is impor-
somatic cells there is a progressive degradation of telomeres tant to cancer medicine since one explanation for the obser-
with aging. The loss of these telomeric repeats during normal vation of cancer recurrence despite curative intent
cell division is thought to represent an intrinsic cellular clock chemotherapy or radiotherapy has been postulated to result
by gradually shortening the telomere. The progressive telo- from survival of cancer stem cells because of their low pro-
mere shortening is believed to lead to senescence and thus liferation rate and potential drug resistance.
govern normal cellular mortality. Germ cells and some stem Distal airway epithelial cells have the capacity to self-
cells compensate for the telomere shortening as they possess renew after naphthalene inhalation, implying the presence of
a telomerase activity which replaces the hexameric repeats at stem cells in the pool of (neuro) epithelial cells along the
the chromosomal ends. Normal somatic cells however, do bronchial lining [635]. Stem cells can produce daughter cells
not express telomerase, presumably because they do not or transient-amplifying (TA) cells, which often have a lim-
need to replicate or only replicate to a finite degree. Thus, ited proliferation capacity and a distinct marker profile
immortal cells may be able to proliferate indefinitely because before they enter a terminal differentiation state. In the lung,
they express telomerase activity whereas the vast majority of Clara and alveolar type II cells seemingly fit this TA cell phe-
normal adult cells do not. The length of terminal telomeric notype since both do proliferate but finally differentiate into
restriction fragments is altered in various types of tumors, ciliated and alveolar type I cells, respectively.
including lung cancer. Telomere shortening was detected in Direct proof of lung cancer stem cells is so far lacking.
14 of 60 primary lung cancers, while 2 cases showed telo- However, a population of bronchoalveolar duct junction cells
mere elongation [626]. called bronchoalveolar stem cells (BASCs) have been iso-
Telomerase is upregulated or reactivated in almost 90 % lated—these were resistant to bronchiolar and alveolar dam-
of all human cancers. Approximately all SCLC and 80–85 % age, proliferated during epithelial cell renewal in vivo,
of NSCLC were demonstrated to express high levels of exhibited self-renewal and were multipotent in clonal assays
telomerase activity as measured by a highly sensitive telo- [636]. Moreover, BASCs expanded in response to oncogenic
mere replication amplification protocol (TRAP) [626–628]. K-ras in culture and in precursors of lung tumors in vivo,
A high level of telomerase activity was associated with leading to the hypothesis that BASCs are a stem cell popula-
increased cell proliferation rates and advanced pathologic tion that maintains the bronchiolar Clara cells and alveolar
stage in primary NSCLC [628]. In addition, telomerase cells of the distal lung and that their transformed counter-
activity and/or expression of the RNA component of human parts give rise to adenocarcinoma. Recently, a small sample
telomerase were frequently dysregulated in carcinoma in situ of lung cancers were shown to displayed a small side popula-
lesions, implicating its early involvement in the multistage tion subset of cells where the side population phenotype is
development of lung cancer [629]. Catalytic subunits of linked to their ability to efflux Hoechst 33342 dye, a charac-
human telomerase have been cloned and appear expressed in teristic found in stem cells [637].
human cancers [630]. Their expression and regulation need Stem cells do not generally exhibit DNA hypermethyl-
to be studied in lung cancer. It also remains to be seen ation at tumor suppressor genes [638]. Transcription of these
whether a novel mechanism for lengthening their telomeres, genes is governed by patterns of promoter chromatin histone
named ALT (Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres) found methylation under the control of polycomb proteins [639,
in some immortalized cell lines with no detectable telomer- 640]. Malignant stem cells have additional repressive histone
ase activity, is relevant to those lung cancers without high marks of the type associated with aberrant DNA hypermeth-
levels of telomerase expression [631, 632]. ylation in adult cancers. In colorectal cancers these same
marks occur more frequently in promoters of genes specifi-
cally methylated in tumors than in genes with a constitutive
28.13 Lung Cancer Stem Cells methylation state [641]. In lung cancer a high proportion of
hypermethylated loci have at least one polycomb repressive
Somatic stem cells can be regarded as cells with a relative complex 2 mark [642], which is further evidence of the pres-
undifferentiated phenotype but with multipotent differentia- ence of a stem cell phenotype within lung cancers. Biological
tion capacity. Other features include a low rate of self- properties specific to lung cancer stem cells present opportu-
renewal, an extended life span, and existence in a specific nities to target this cell population with the aim of preventing
microenvironment, termed stem cell niches [633]. The can- tumor reconstitution after treatment.
478 K.M. Fong et al.

28.14 Evading Host Immunity grow larger than 2–4 mm in diameter. During angiogenesis,
normally quiescent endothelial cells become invasive,
The major role of the immune system is to distinguish breaching their own basement membrane to invade the
between self and nonself. The concept of immune surveil- stroma during the development of new capillary buds. The
lance postulates that tumor cells express various novel number of microvessels in the tumor area, representing an
tumor-specific epitopes which represent potential immune index of angiogenesis, has been shown to correlate with an
non-self-targets. Thus, established cancers are thought to increased risk of metastatic disease and a worse overall sur-
have effectively avoided immune recognition and elimina- vival for several types of human cancer including lung can-
tion. Several different genetic mechanisms for escaping this cer. The higher the microvessel density, the poorer is the
immune surveillance have been elucidated in lung cancer clinical outcome [651, 652]. The process of tumor angiogen-
patients. It has been shown that the class I major histocom- esis is complex and controlled by a diverse family of induc-
patibility complex (MHC) antigen expression is downregu- ers and inhibitors governing angiogenesis and regulating
lated in human cancers including lung cancer [643, 644]. endothelial cell proliferation and migration [653]. Vascular
These class I MHC molecules mediate presentation of endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast
endogenous antigenic peptides to cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. growth factor (bFGF) are amongst the most important tumor
In addition, rare mutations of the β2-microglobulin gene angiogenesis inducers. In lung cancer, VEGF expression was
whose protein product comprises a component of the class I significantly lower in TP53-immunohistochemically nega-
molecules, have also been reported in lung cancer cells tive (wild-type) and lowly vascularized NSCLCs [654, 655].
[645]. Indeed, reintroduction of the β2-microglobulin gene VEGF expression was higher in lung cancers with nodal
into the mutated cells restored the MHC class I expression metastasis than those without [656]. In squamous cell lung
[645]. For the stable assembly of MHC class I complex and carcinomas, VEGF expression was inversely correlated with
subsequent recognition by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, trans- overall survival of patients and Flt-1, the receptor of VEGF,
porters associated with antigen presentation (TAP1 and was also shown to be frequently expressed [657]. Both the
TAP22), are necessary for conveying intracellular peptides basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and its receptor
into the endoplasmic reticulum for complex formation with (FGFR-1, Flg) are variably expressed in NSCLCs. Whether
class I MHC. The TAP1 transporter has been shown to be there is an association between bFGF expression and prog-
downregulated in lung cancer [644, 646]. Although the TAP1 nosis is currently controversial [658, 659]. In either case,
gene does not appear somatically mutated in lung cancer, expression of another angiogenic/endothelial cell chemotac-
one SCLC cell line was found to be transcriptionally silent tic factor, platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor
for its wild-type allele and only expressed a genetically (PD-ECGF, also called gliostatin), correlated with tumor
defective TAP allele, leading to an acquired loss of antigen angiogenesis and adverse prognosis in a study of N0 NSCLC
presenting ability [647]. The Fas (CD95) system is an impor- patients [660]. Many angiogenesis inhibitors are stored as
tant mediator of T-cell cytotoxicity. The FasL ligand can cryptic parts of larger molecules. These inhibitors include
induce activated T-cells to undergo apoptosis, and this mech- angiostatin, a fragment of plasminogen, and endostatin, a
anism is thought to contribute to development of immune fragment of collagen XVIII. Endostatin administered to
privilege sites. It is notable that lung cancer cells (both lines Lewis lung carcinoma-bearing mice was shown to regress
and primary tumors) express FasL and coculture of lung can- tumors without inducing drug resistance during six treatment
cer cell lines with a Fas-sensitive human T-cell line induced cycles [661]. Another inhibitor, thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1)
apoptosis in the T-cells [648]. Thus, the expression of FasL is regulated by the wild-type TP53, such that loss of TP53
by neoplastic lung cells can be speculated to be a potential function (a common feature of lung cancers) was associated
mechanism for evading host immunity by the peripheral with a reduction in the levels of this angiogenesis inhibitor
deletion of tumor-reactive T-cell clones [649, 650]. [662]. Restoration of TP53 function upregulates TSP-1 and
impairs tumor cells angiogenesis. Another angiostatic factor,
interferon-γ-inducible protein 10 (CXCL10) was shown to
28.15 Tumor Angiogenesis inhibit human NSCLC tumorigenesis and spontaneous
metastases [663].
For either primary or metastatic tumors to grow, it is essen- Thus, it is the balance between angiogenesis inducers and
tial that they receive an adequate blood supply which is pro- inhibitors expressed from tumor cells which appears to affect
vided by recruiting new blood vessels from the surrounding the ability of the normally quiescent vasculature to form new
host vasculature. The development of new vessels toward capillaries [653]. Another example comes from the finding
and within the tumor is required for adequate nutrient deliv- that an imbalance in the expression of the angiogenic or
ery and necessary at the beginning and end of metastatic dis- angiostatic CXC chemokine family favors angiogenesis in
semination. Without angiogenesis, tumors are unable to NSCLC [664]. The isolation and synthesis of molecular
28 Molecular Basis of Lung Carcinogenesis 479

regulators has enhanced our understanding of angiogenesis cers for most effective and cost-effective screening and early
and, angiogenesis inhibitors as well as inducers need to be detection techniques such as low dose spiral CT scans.
carefully studied in lung cancer. Such studies have led to the The challenge is to continue translating understanding of
development of targeted therapies against pro-angiogenic the disrupted cellular physiology into clinical benefit for the
molecules particularly against one of the key mediators, patient by expanding the diagnostic and therapeutic armamen-
VEGF. Bevacizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal tarium. Effective strategies may include: early molecular diag-
anti-VEGF antibody, is the most clinically advanced antian- nosis; identification of high risk individuals for developing
giogenic agent in NSCLC [665]. In a phase III study, bevaci- lung cancer; early treatment studies; rational development of
zumab showed significantly improved overall and novel therapies such as tumor vaccines; genetic inhibition of
progression-free survival when used in combination with growth factor loops by regulation of agonists and antagonists
standard first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced and by other mechanisms such as monoclonal antibodies; epi-
NSCLC but some tumor-related bleeding adverse events genetic alteration of gene expression such as by alteration of
occurred, predominantly those with squamous cell histology methylation; manipulating intrinsic tumor chemo- or radio-
or centrally located tumors. sensitivity; blocking the expression of activated oncogenes;
and replacing defective tumor suppressor genes. Knowledge
from molecular studies has already spawned new agents at the
28.16 Conclusions bedside, particularly the targeted therapies of EGFR tyrosine
kinase inhibitors, angiogenesis inhibitors, and agents targeted
Our understanding of the role of the molecular genetic to the EML-ALK and ROS1 fusion abnormalities. Dual speci-
changes that occur during lung cancer pathogenesis, although ficity or combination targeted drugs are in clinical trials.
in its early stages, is advancing rapidly with several specific Individualizing treatment based on molecular tumor charac-
genes and pathways being identified. The gene products are teristics will increasingly become practical, with the ultimate
being classified into several important growth and cell cycle aim of maximizing therapeutic success and minimizing toxic-
regulatory pathways. Some of these markers appear to be ity aided by post-genomic tools such as arrays, proteomics,
important for carcinogenesis in general, whereas others show and animal models. Stem cell directed strategies also appear
more frequent involvement in lung cancers. highly promising, as do emerging immunomodulatory medi-
There has been much emphasis on the molecular diagno- cines, including monoclonal antibodies that target key immune
sis of early disease or pre-invasive changes. Most cases of molecules, anti-CTLA4, anti-PD1/PDL1. So far, these
lung tumors which are detected by imaging, have grown to at treatments appear to have potential efficacy in metastatic lung
least 1 cm in diameter, with a mass of a gram or more, and cancer in early clinical trials.
contain at least 108–109 cells, estimated to be about 30 dou- Thus, the classic paradigm proposed by Boveri and Little
bling times from single malignant cell. This only leaves a that cancer is essentially a genetic disease at the cellular
narrow window of opportunity for intervention before the level, and now confirmed by modern genetic/genomic, epi-
tumor burden reaches the lethal range, about 1012 cells (about genetic/epigenomic techniques, and coupled with the emer-
a kilogram or another 10 doubling times) or metastatic dis- gence of proteomics will afford us new approaches to the
ease develops. In other words, about three quarters of the prevention, early detection, and treatment of lung cancer.
natural history of the cancer has occurred by the usual time There is now a rational hope that new therapies directed
of clinical detection by traditional methods. The consider- against one or more likely several of these targets that are
able number of genetic lesions identified in overt lung cancer drivers of the carcinogenic process may be successful in
justifies attempts to detect corresponding lesions in preneo- more effectively treating advanced lung cancer.
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Molecular Basis of Skin Carcinogenesis
Alessia Pacifico, Giovanni Leone,
and Honnavara N. Ananthaswamy

In squamous (SCC) and basal (BCC) cell carcinomas of

29.1 Introduction the skin the frequency of LOH is much lower with a higher
proportion of both p53 alleles being independently mutated
The incidence of skin cancer exceeds the incidence of all [6]. Mouse skin models have shown that standard chemical
other human cancers combined [1]. Epidemiologic, clinical, initiation/promotion protocols results in LOH, whereas
and biologic studies indicate that solar ultraviolet (UV) radi- repeated carcinogen experiments (like UV exposure) results
ation is the major etiologic agent in skin cancer develop- in independent mutations on both p53 alleles [7]. Upon
ment. Wavelengths in the UVB range of the solar spectrum repeated exposure to UV radiation, DNA lesions in the p53
(290–320 nm) are absorbed by the skin producing erythema, gene are transformed into mutations, mainly C → T or
burns, immunosuppression, DNA mutations, and non- CC → TT transitions at dipyrimidine sites (UV signature
melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) [2]. mutations), thereby initiating the molecular process of skin
Multiple genetic alterations have been shown to have a carcinogenesis [8]. Thousands of p53 mutant cell clones are
direct correlation with cancer development. The majority of found in sun-exposed skin that appears quite normal. The
these mutations can be found within three categories of frequency of UV signature mutations in the p53 gene is high
genes: proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, or DNA in precancerous lesions and reaches 50–90 % in human
repair genes. A mutation in one of these groups or any com- BCCs and SCCs and 100 % in murine UV induced skin
bination can cooperate to induce a neoplastic condition. The tumors [9, 10].
proto-oncogenes act as crucial growth regulators in normal In addition to the disrupted p53-dependent mechanism,
cell division, while the tumor suppressor genes act as nega- development of NMSC also may involve dysregulation of
tive growth regulators [3]. the Rb-controlled pathway of the cell cycle progression
The p53 tumor suppressor gene is involved in the cell including inactivation of the CDKN2A tumor suppressor
cycle arrest and activation of programmed cell death. gene in the 9p21 region [11].
Mutations in the p53 gene have been detected in 50 % of all
human cancers and in almost all skin carcinomas [4]. The
majority of carcinomas have missense mutations that produce 29.2 Acute Effects of UV Radiation
a full-length protein with altered function. Often the other
allele is lost resulting in loss of heterozygosity (LOH) which 29.2.1 UV-Induced DNA Damage
is particularly high (40–80 %) in carcinomas of the colon,
lung, and bladder [5]. Several studies have shown that the p53 Irradiation of DNA or cells with ultraviolet light induces
tumor suppressor gene is susceptible to UV-induced muta- the formation of several types of mutagenic DNA lesions.
tions and plays a critical role in the induction of NMSC. The most frequent lesions induced by UVB radiation are the
cis-syn cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and the
pyrimidine pyrimidone photoproducts (PPs) [12, 13]. Several
A. Pacifico, M.D. (*) • G. Leone, M.D. minor photoproducts such as purine dimers and pyrimidine
Phototherapy Unit, S. Gallicano Dermatological Institute,
mono-adducts are also formed [14].
IRCCS, Rome, Italy
e-mail: CPDs are formed between the 5,6 bonds of any two adja-
cent pyrimidine bases. PPs are characterized by a stable
H.N. Ananthaswamy, Ph.D.
Immunology Department, The University of Texas MD Anderson bond between position 6 and 4 of the neighboring pyrimi-
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA dines and appear to form preferentially at 5′-TC and 5′-CC

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 497

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_29
498 A. Pacifico et al.

sequences. They are formed at levels considerably lower shown the involvement of the ATM, ATR, p38, ERK1/2, and
than those of CPDs [15, 16]. These unique lesions in the JNK-1 mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases in the phos-
DNA give rise to unique mutations in the p53 tumor suppres- phorylation of various p53 serine residues in response to UV
sor gene. Consequently UVB induces mostly C → T and radiation [29–31].
CC → TT transitions at the dipyrimidine sequence which are
therefore called UV signature mutations [17].
The genotoxicity of UVA has most commonly been linked 29.2.3 Cell Cycle Arrest and DNA Repair
to endogenous photosynthesizers causing reactive oxygen
species mediated induction of DNA damage [18, 19]. More Accumulation of activated p53 protein induces a cell cycle
recently it has been reported that UVA can induce CPDs in arrest at G1 phase which allows the repair of DNA damage
rodent cells. The poor absorbance of UVA by DNA itself before is replication in the S phase.
favors the idea that type I (direct reaction) or type II (indirect The p21Waf1/CIP1 gene encodes an inhibitor of cyclin
through reaction of the excited photosensitizer molecule dependent kinase (CDK) whose induction is associated with
with oxygen) photosensitization reactions occurring within the expression of wild-type p53. p21 inactivates the CDK
cells are primarily responsible for UVA induced DNA dam- cyclin complex by forming a complex of CDK2, cyclin A,
age [20]. In addition, UVA may produce H2O2 through acti- PCNA, and p21 leading the cell into G1 arrest. Formation of
vation of flavin containing oxidases or through release of these complexes leads to the accumulation of hypophosphor-
free iron in the irradiated cells from the iron storage protein ylated retinoblastoma protein (Rb) causing the release of the
ferritin [21, 22]. UVA has been shown to induce 8-oxo-7,8- E2F transcription factor which is necessary for DNA synthe-
dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), a typical oxidative sis [32, 33].
DNA lesion, as well as generate DNA strand breaks in a vari- The tumor suppressor activity of p53 is in turn inhibited
ety of experimental systems [23, 24]. by the Mdm2 protein, which targets p53 for rapid degrada-
tion. The gene encoding Mdm2 is itself activated by p53 thus
providing a negative autoregulatory loop. If normal DNA
29.2.2 Induction of p53 Tumor repair is not achieved, cells proliferate abnormally which can
Suppressor Protein lead to carcinogenesis [34].
The induction of DNA damage appears to play a central
p53 codes for a 53 kDa phosphoprotein involved in gene role in photocarcinogenesis and efficient removal of DNA
transcription and control of the cell cycle by coordinating lesions by cellular repair processes appears to be a critical
transcriptional control of regulatory genes. Human p53 is a step in the prevention of tumor formation. Interaction of UV
highly conserved 11 exon gene that is located on the short with DNA can give rise to different forms of DNA damage
arm of chromosome 17 that is about 20 kb in size. p53 pro- which is normally removed by nucleotide excision repair
tein forms tetramers through interactions between recognize (NER). The most relevant DNA damage generated after UV
specific binding sites on target genes and stimulate their acti- irradiation is the formation of CPDs. These lesions are pri-
vation. Mutant forms of p53 rarely exhibit mutations in the marily repaired by NER which removes bulky DNA damage
DNA binding domain [25, 26]. in two distinct sub-pathways [35]. Damage existing in actively
Normally there is little p53 protein in the cell, but numer- transcribed genes is removed by a quick mechanism called
ous studies have shown that in response to UV damage, high transcription-coupled repair (TCR) [36]. Damage prevailing
levels of p53 protein are induced. This has been demon- in other parts of the genome is removed with a slower mecha-
strated in cell culture, mouse epidermis, and human tissue nism by the global genome repair (GGR) [37]. Defects in
[27]. With high levels of p53 protein, there is a G1 arrest, both sub-pathways of NER can lead to three distinct diseases:
allowing the cellular repair pathway to remove DNA lesions Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome (CS),
before DNA synthesis and mitosis and an increase in apopto- and trichothiodystrophy (TTD). These diseases provide
sis. Therefore p53 aids in the DNA repair or the elimination important model systems for investigating aspects of DNA
of cells that have excessive DNA damage [3, 25]. p53 is sta- repair since they are all deficient in NER but in different
bilized as early as 6 h after UV exposure reaching a peak at sub-pathways.
12 h. Nelson and Katzan found the DNA lesions induced by p53 directly affects NER by inducing the transcriptional
UV radiation were pyrimidine dimers and that p53 was activation of several downstream genes. Cells lacking func-
induced when these lesions were accompanied by excision tional p53 are defective in removing DNA photoproducts
repair-associated DNA strand breaks [28]. which are normally repaired by NER complexes [38].
UV radiation induces the activating phosphorylation of In addiction to that, there is the base excision repair path-
the p53 protein at multiple serine residues, including Ser15, way (BER) which removes lesions caused by oxidative
Ser20, Ser33, Ser37, Ser46, and Ser392. It has been also damage. It has been postulated that p53 affects BER by
29 Molecular Basis of Skin Carcinogenesis 499

regulating DNA polymerase β which is directly involved in dipyrimidine sites, considered as UV molecular signature.
DNA repair/synthesis [39]. Cells lacking p53 are deficient The p53 mutation in keratinocytes is probably an initiating
in BER [40]. event in UV skin carcinogenesis [8].
As UV signature mutations in the p53 gene are already
present in benign precursor lesions of squamous cell carcino-
29.2.4 Apoptosis mas (AK), they appear to be an early step in the UV carcino-
genesis. In the experiments with hairless mice, microscopic
Keraratinocytes respond to UV-induced DNA damages by clusters of epidermal cells overexpressing mutant p53 occur
growth arrest or induction of the programmed cell death— long before skin carcinomas become visible [47]. Such clus-
apoptosis. p53 plays a major role in the control of both of ters are also found in sun-exposed human skin [48]. Most of
these processes. In fact these two p53-dependent mecha- human NMSC found to bear mutations in the p53 gene. Brash
nisms are believed to maintain the integrity of the genome et al. in 1991 showed p53 mutations in 58 % of human SCCs
and to protect cells from the accumulation of mutations. analyzed (3/24 showed CC → TT transition and 5/24 had
Consequently, induction of apoptosis of keratinocytes by UV C → T base change) [49]. In a recent study, Bolshakov et al.
radiation is a protective phenomenon relevant in limiting the analyzed 342 human NMSC and found p53 mutations in
survival of cells with irreparable DNA damage [41]. 28/80 aggressive SCCs and in 28/56 non aggressive SCCs.
p53-induced apoptosis involves several mechanisms and About 71 % of the detected p53 mutations were UV signature
among them the bcl-2 gene family seems to play a crucial mutations [50].
role. The bcl-2 gene family is composed of the pro-apoptotic Experiments to determine the timing of p53 mutation in
gene group (Bax, Bad, Bak, Bcl-xs, Bik, Bim, and Mtd/Bok) relation to skin cancer development have been performed in
and the anti-apoptotic gene group (Bcl-2, Bcl-w, Bcl-xL, and the mouse model of photocarcinogenesis because this model
Mcl-1). Bax and Bcl-2 proteins are homologous but they is easily referable to UV irradiation and sample collection at
have opposing effects on apoptosis and they may form het- various time points during the carcinogenesis protocol.
erodimers in cells [42]. Thus their interaction is critical to the Ananthaswamy et al. have shown that p53 mutations in mouse
ability of Bcl-2 to block cell death. p53 induces apoptosis by skin arise very early during UV carcinogenesis by using a very
disrupting the balance between these proteins, upregulating sensitive mutation-specific PCR technique for the early detec-
the Bax gene, and downregulating the Bcl-2 gene [43]. tion of p53 mutations in UVB irradiated C3H mice. They were
Another p53 induced apoptotic mechanism is through the able to detect p53 mutations at 4th week of UV irradiation and
expression of Fas (APO-1/CD95) and its ligand. Fas receptor the frequency of p53 mutations increased progressively and
is a target for transcriptional activation by p53 and a target reached 50 % at 12th week of chronic UV exposure. The real
for p53-mediated cytoplasmic redistribution to the cell sur- p53 mutations frequency observed in this study is probably
face [44]. The Fas-Fas ligand interaction results in the cleav- higher than the one described because only tandem CC → TT
age of pro-caspase 8 and release of cytochrome c from mutations were analyzed [51]. In addition to C3H mice, Ouhtit
mitochondria, followed by activation of the Apaf-1-caspase et al. used SKH-hr1 mice to determine the timing of p53 muta-
9-caspase 3 pathway which results in apoptosis [45]. Hill tions during UV carcinogenesis. Interestingly, p53 mutations
et al. in 1999 demonstrated that Fas-Fas ligand interactions were detected as early as 1st week of chronic UV irradiation
are essential for the induction of sunburn cells in UV-irradiated and the mutation frequency reached 80–90 % by 4–8 weeks
mouse skin and the elimination of aberrant cells following [52]. Both the early appearance and the high frequency of
skin exposure to UV radiation. UVB irradiation induced the p53 mutations in UV irradiated SKH-hr1 mice skin can be
rapid overexpression of Fas and Fas ligand in murine skin. explained with the fact that either C → T or CC → TT muta-
The formation of sunburn cells was found to depend on Fas tions were analyzed in this study.
ligand expression since their formation was significantly
reduced in Fas ligand-deficient mice [46].
29.3.2 Fate of p53 Mutations
After Discontinuation of UV Exposure
29.3 Chronic Effects of UV Radiation in Mice

29.3.1 Mutations in p53 Tumor It has been widely demonstrated in animal models that UV
Suppressor Gene acts as a tumor promoter and induces cell proliferation by
stimulating the production of various growth factors and
Following chronic UV exposure, mistakes associated with cytokines as well as activation of their receptors [53]. Repeat
DNA repair and replication can result into mutations in the UV exposure of the skin results in clonal expansion of initi-
p53 gene, especially C → T and CC → TT transitions at ated p53-mutant cells. Two mechanisms are believed to con-
500 A. Pacifico et al.

tribute to the selective expansion of p53-mutant cells: (1) adaptor proteins to the UVB activated EGFR. At the same
their resistance to UV-induced apoptosis, and (2) their prolif- time, UVB causes the inactivation of ras and a subsequent
erative advantage over normal keratinocytes in response to dephosphorylation of ERK [60].
stimulation with UV radiation [54, 55]. Normal skin has some ras mutations in the form of
Zhang et al. have shown that every successive UVB exposure T:A → C:G base change at codon 27. Exposure of the skin to
allows p53-mutant keratinocytes to colonize adjacent epider- UVR induces photoproducts along several exons of the ras
mal stem cell compartments without incurring any additional proto-oncogenes (H-ras, K-ras, and N-ras). These photo-
mutation [56]. Chronic UV irradiation of the skin quickly products included both cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and
induces apoptosis resistance and stimulates hyperprolifera- pyrimidine pyrimidone photoproducts [61].
tion throughout the epidermis as an adaptive response [52]. In NMSC activated ras genes were frequently found in
Nevertheless, discontinuation of UV irradiation has been BCCs, AK, and SCCs of the sun-exposed areas. This ras
shown to result in the fast spontaneous regression of some gene activation is the result of an aberrant repair of UV
mutant p53 clones in mouse skin [57]. Melnikova et al. inves- induced pyrimidine dimers. Those activating mutations were
tigated whether discontinuation of UV exposure before the found mostly at codon 12 of the K-ras gene and codons 12,
onset of skin tumors results in the disappearance of p53 muta- 13, and 61 of the H-ras gene [62].
tions in the skin of SKH-hr1 mice. Their results indicated that
despite discontinuation after 8 weeks, UV irradiation results
in 100 % skin tumor incidence, although the kinetics of tumor 29.4.2 PATCH Tumor Suppressor Gene
occurrence is greatly delayed. In terms of human relevance Inactivation
these results suggest that early life exposure to UV may intro-
duce p53 gene mutations in epidermal keratinocytes as well PATCH gene is located on chromosome 9q22.3 regions and
as keratinocytes progenitors. While some p53 mutated kerati- spans about 34 kb in genomic DNA. It is formed of 24 exons
nocytes may be eliminated via differentiation and epidermal with two alternate exon1. The encoded protein is the receptor
desquamation, others, may still persist and eventually give for sonic hedgehog, a secreted molecule implicated in tumor-
rise to skin tumors even in the absence of further UV expo- igenesis. The normal function of PATCH protein is to convey
sure. Thus, cancer development can be delayed but not extracellular growth regulatory signals to the nucleus [63].
definitively abrogated upon further avoidance of exposure to PATCH gene is the candidate tumor suppressor gene for
UV radiation [58]. familial and sporadic BCCs. Its mutations are frequent in
BCCs and they are predominantly UV specific C–T transi-
tions. This mutation are significantly more frequent in BCCs
29.4 Oncogene Activation and Tumor associated with xeroderma pigmentosum than in sporadic
Suppressor Inactivation in Skin BCCs and they may be associated with allelic loss at the chro-
Carcinogenesis mosomal region 9q22.3 harboring PATCH gene [64, 65].
Alternatively, occasional nonsense mutations were found in
29.4.1 Ras Oncogene Activation SCCs isolated from individuals with histories of multiple
and Skin Cancer BCCs [66].

The ras family of proto-oncogenes encodes small GTP bind-

ing proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction of 29.4.3 CDKN2A Inactivation
mitogenic signals arising from activation of growth factor
receptors. Mammalian ras genes are important constituents The CDKN2A locus at 9p21, is frequently inactivated in
of these mitogenic signalling pathways and when activated, human cancers and it consists of two overlapping genes that
they contribute to dysregulated cellular growth [59]. encode two unrelated proteins, p16INK4a and p14ARF, function-
In mammals, keratinocytes respond to UVB irradiation ing as cell cycle inhibitors. p16INK4a and p14ARF share the
with a marked downregulation of the ras extracellular signal same exon 2 but have a distinct exon 1, exon 1α and exon 1β,
regulated kinase (ERK) signalling cascade. The downregula- respectively. Because exon 1β splices into common exons 2
tion precedes a decrease in the steady state levels of cyclin and 3 in a different reading frame, the resulting p14ARF bears
D1 that mediates the action of ERK. The increased activity no similarity to p16INK4a. It is well established that p14ARF
of ras and phosphorylation of ERK in these cells are main- plays a role in cell cycle control linking the p16INK4a/Rb path-
tained by the production of molecules that stimulate the epi- way and the p53/Rb pathway. Upon phosphorylation of Rb,
dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Irradiation of E2F is activated and promotes induction of p14ARF, which in
keratinocytes increases the phosphorylation of EGFR above turn sequesters MDM2 and thereby prevents degradation and
the basal levels. This leads to the increased recruitment of the nuclear export of p53. Both p16INK4a and p14ARF transcripts
29 Molecular Basis of Skin Carcinogenesis 501

by their interactions with pRb and p53, are important in It is well established that UV radiation induces mutations in
regulating the proliferation of normal and tumorigenic squa- the p53 gene and that these mutations arise very early during
mous epithelial cells [66, 67]. photocarcinogenesis. Accumulation of several mutations in
Inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene CDKN2A can key genes due to chronic exposure to sunlight may lead to the
occur in a variety of genetic mechanisms including muta- development of skin cancer. Skin cancers do not arise imme-
tions and deletions. In addition, hypermethylation of the diately after exposure to UV light, mutated p53 or other tumor
CpG islands of gene promoters is an effective means of gene suppressor genes must remain latent for a long period of time.
silencing in a variety of cancers. Inactivation of CDKN2A by In addition to mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene,
deletion, mutation or promoter hypermethylation in a wide genetic alterations in CDKN2A gene leading to loss of expres-
range of malignancies has been documented [68]. sion of p16Ink4a and p14ARF proteins may also play an impor-
It has been shown by Soufir et al. that SCCs from xero- tant role in the development of human NMSC. Several studies
derma pigmentosum patients contain mutations in CDKN2A have shown that human NMSC harbor unique mutations in
gene in 13/28 SCCs and 54 % of mutations detected at the p53 gene as well as inactivation of the CDKN2A gene.
CDKN2A locus were UV signature mutations [69]. While mutations in the p53 gene are induced by UV radiation
In order to determine the involvement of CDKN2A gene and represent tumor initiating events, the majority of the
in sporadic SCCs, Saridaki et al. performed the allelic imbal- alterations detected in the CDKN2A gene do not appear to
ance analysis and the mutational analysis on 22 SCCs and on be UV dependent. Probably these genetic alterations arise
5 Bowen’s disease specimens. Their results indicated that spontaneously, probably during tumor progression.
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at least one microsatellite marker whereas only 2/27 samples
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Molecular Biology of Leukemias
L. Jeffrey Medeiros and Sergej N. Konoplev

based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), single

30.1 Introduction nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays, and next (or second)-
generation sequencing have resulted in an explosion of new
Normal hematopoiesis is a meticulously controlled process data. It is now clear from the results of studies that have used
of cell division and differentiation arising from hematopoi- whole genome, whole exome, transcriptome (mRNA), and
etic stem cells with self-renewal capacity. This process is targeted sequencing studies that acute and chronic leukemias
regulated through several signaling pathways that appear to are commonly associated with a number of somatic gene
be, to some degree, redundant. In many neoplastic processes, alterations and that involve key cellular pathways. Examples
alteration of one or several signaling pathways has been of involved pathways include transcriptional regulation of
observed, implicating these pathways in pathogenesis. hematopoietic cell development, cell signaling related to
Conventional cytogenetics analysis, which began in the tyrosine kinases or cytokine receptors, and chromatin modu-
1970s, was a great boon to our understanding of acute and lation. These studies also have uncovered abnormalities in
chronic leukemias. Approximately 50 % of de novo acute genes previously unknown to be involved in oncogenesis.
leukemias have distinctive molecular abnormalities, most Although next-generation sequencing has shown many
frequently chromosomal translocations [1] (Table 30.1). gene mutations in leukemias, other molecular mechanisms
These translocations typically affect genes that are involved also have been implicated in leukemogenesis. Gene amplifi-
in transcription and differentiation. In many translocations, cation can result in gene overexpression. Numerical gains or
two genes are disrupted and recombined to form a novel losses of chromosomes, such as trisomies or monosomies
fusion gene from which chimeric mRNA is transcribed and due to nondisjunction, are detected in a large subset of acute
protein is translated. Other translocations involve the juxta- and chronic leukemias. Gene deletions, like those arising
position of intact genes adjacent to genes with strong pro- from partial chromosomal deletions or unbalanced transloca-
moters or enhancers that upregulate gene expression. tions, can result in tumor suppressor gene inactivation or
Inversions and interstitial deletions can also occur that juxta- loss. Hypermethylation (i.e., epigenetic changes) is another
pose genes and have the same effects as translocations [1]. mechanism of gene inactivation. Often more than one mech-
The advent of additional molecular methods and their anism is involved, leading to the accumulation of genetic
application to leukemias furthered our understanding of the lesions culminating in leukemogenesis, or subsequently con-
molecular pathogenesis of these neoplasms. Methods that tributing to disease progression.
contributed greatly included Southern, Northern and Western Traditionally, genes implicated in cancer pathogenesis
blot analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization, various poly- have been divided into oncogenes and tumor suppressor
merase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods, and Sanger genes. Oncogenes are considered to play an important role in
(first generation) sequencing. In general, molecular methods pathogenesis having acquired constitutive activation through
were used initially to assess single genes, or small numbers of translocation or sporadic mutation, whereas tumor suppressor
genes. More recently, high-throughput methods such as array- genes are involved in pathogenesis through their inactivation
of gene/protein function. Point mutation, causing missense or
nonsense mutations resulting in abnormal or truncated pro-
L.J. Medeiros, M.D. (*) • S.N. Konoplev, M.D., Ph.D. tein products, is a common mechanism of tumor suppressor
Department of Hematopathology, The University of Texas MD
gene inactivation. Although some genes involved in leukemo-
Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard – Box 072,
Houston, TX 77030, USA genesis follow this paradigm (for example, typical oncogenes
e-mail: HOX and EVI-1 and typical tumor-suppressor genes PU.1

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 505

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_30
506 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Table 30.1 Cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities in acute myeloid leukemia

Chromosomal translocations Genes Comments
Involving RARAα
t(15;17)(q21;q21) PML DNA binding, cell proliferation
RARα Transcription factor
t(11;17)(q23;q21) ZBTB16 (PLZF) Zn-finger transcription factor
RARα Transcription factor
t(5;17)(q32;q21) NPM1 RNA transport/processing
RARα Transcription factor
t(11;17)(q23;q21) NUMA1 Nuclear mitotic apparatus
RARα Transcription factor
del(17)(q21) PRKAR1A cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I alpha regulatory subunit
RARα Transcription factor
t(4;17)(q12;q21) FIP1L1 FIP1-like 1
RARα Transcription factor
t(X;17)(p11;q12) BCOR BCL6 corepressor
RARα Transcription factor
t(2;17)(q32;q21) NABP1 (OBFC2A) Oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing 2A
RARα Transcription factor
Involving core-binding factor
t(8;21)(q22;q22.3) RUNX1T1 Zn-finger transcription factor
RUNX1 Runt-like transcription factor
t(3;21)(q26;q22) MECOM EAP Contains Zn-finger motif
RUNX1 Runt-like transcription factor
t(12;21)(p13;q22) ETV6 (TEL) ETS-like transcription factor
RUNX1 Runt-like transcription factor
t(1;21)(p36;q22) Unknown Rare in AML and MDS
t(5;21)(q13;q22) RUNX1 Runt-like transcription factor
inv(16)(p13;q22) CBFβ Stabilizes CBF binding to DNA
t(16;16)(p13;q22) MYH11 Smooth-muscle myosin gene
Involving KMT2A (MLL)
t(11;v)(q23;v) KMT2A (MLL) Drosophila trithorax homology
Variable Many partner genes, AF-9 is commonest
Involving nucleoporin genes
t(6;9)(p23;q34) DEK Putative transcription factor
NUP214 (CAN) Nucleoporin
Cryptic SET Unknown function
NUP214 (CAN) Nucleoporin
t(7;11)(p15;p15) HOXA9 Homeobox gene
NUP98 Nuclear-pore complex gene
inv(11)(p15;q22) DDX10 DEAD-box putative RNA
NUP98 Helicase
Nuclear-pore complex gene
Involving genes of the ets family
(t16;21)(p11;q22) FUS (TLS) EWS-like RNA-binding protein
ERG ETS-like transcription factor
t(12;22)(p13;q11) ETV6 (TEL) ETS-like transcription factor
MN1 Cloned from meningioma
Other translocations
t(8;16)(p11;p13) KAT6B (MOZ) Monocytic leukemia Zn finger
CREBBP (CBP) Transcriptional activation
t(9;22)(q34;q11) ABL1 Tyrosine kinase
BCR Unknown function
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 507

and RARα), some genes demonstrate overlapping features of From the point of view of molecular mechanisms, cases
both oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes (such as CBF, of AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities represent bio-
CEBPA, GATA-1, and NPM1), suggesting that this traditional logically unique entities. Cases of therapy-related AML and
dichotomy is an oversimplification [2–7]. AML with myelodysplasia-related changes have overlap-
A new concept of gatekeeper genes has been recently ping biologic and cytogenetic features. The fourth category,
introduced to our understanding of hematologic malignan- which basically recapitulates the older approach of FAB
cies. This concept was first established in solid tumors (e.g., classification, represents a heterogeneous group driven by a
colon cancer) where inactivation of a particular pathway is large variety of molecular alterations.
thought to be the first genetic alteration in pathogenesis [8].
Several studies suggest that the genetic alterations affecting
hematopoietic transcription factors may be the initiating 30.2.1 AML with Recurrent Genetic
event resulting in the establishment of a malignant clone, but Abnormalities
then secondary events are required for disease manifestation.
For example, a myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) known to AML Associated with t(8;21)
precede acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is often associ- (q22;q22.3): RUNX1–RUNX1T1 (AML1/
ated with RUNX1 mutations, which might be an initiating ETO or RUNX1/MTG8)
event in AML [9]. Additionally, cytogenetic and genetic The t(8;21)(q22;q22.3) has been identified in 8–12 % of
abnormalities identified in therapy-related MDS and AML de novo AML [14]. Less commonly, t(8;21) has been identi-
might be initiating genetic events in leukemogenesis [10]. fied in therapy-related myeloid neoplasms [15]. In adults,
Concordant AML in identical twins, which share the initiat- de novo AMLs with t(8;21) respond well to AraC-containing
ing clone carrying the same translocation affecting the MLL chemotherapy with a high rate of complete remission and
gene, supports the idea of gatekeepers in leukemias, as does relatively long survival. However, the presence of t(8;21) in
the observation of RUNX1 or CEBPA mutations in hereditary pediatric AML cases may be less predictive of good progno-
AML syndromes [11]. sis [16]. Morphologically, most cases are classified as M2
Some authors have proposed the concept that leukemo- using the FAB classification although only a subset of M2
genesis requires the collaboration of at least two classes of cases carry t(8;21). The myeloblasts in these leukemias typi-
mutations: class I, which activate signal-transduction path- cally have distinctive cytological features, characterized by
ways and confer a proliferation advantage to hematopoietic abundant evidence of maturation, including single slender
cells; and class II, which affect transcription factors and Auer rods with tapered ends and salmon-colored cytoplas-
serve primarily to impair hematopoietic differentiation [12]. mic granules (Fig. 30.1) [17].
While some hematologic malignancies appear to follow this The t(8;21) is a reciprocal chromosomal translocation
scheme, for example, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) involving the RUNX1T1 (ETO) gene on chromosome 8 and
carries PML-RARα impairing differentiation and many cases the RUNX1 (AML1) gene on chromosome 21. As a result of
also have FLT3 mutations leading to increased proliferation,
there are too many exceptions to believe that this concept can
be universally applied for all hematologic malignancies.

30.2 Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an umbrella term for a

group of neoplasms composed of immature cells demonstrat-
ing differentiation into one of the myeloid lineages. The
approach to classification of AML has changed dramatically
over the years, from a purely morphologic system used in
the French–American–British (FAB) classification [13] to a
system that incorporates morphologic, immunophenotypic,
genetic, and clinical features as proposed by the World Health
Organization (WHO) classification [14]. The WHO classifi-
cation divides AML in four major categories: (1) AML with
recurrent genetic abnormalities, (2) AML with myelodyspla- Fig. 30.1 Typical morphology of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21).
sia-related changes, (3) Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms, Blasts show single long slender Auer rods with tapered ends. Wright-
and (4) AML, not otherwise specified (NOS). Giemsa stain, 1000×.
508 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

this translocation, the RUNX1T1 and RUNX1 genes are dis- binding protein (PEBP2). The binding of RUNX1 pro-
rupted and fused forming an RUNX1-RUNX1T1 fusion gene, tein to DNA occurs via the runt-like central domain and
located on the derivative chromosome 8. The RUNX1 and also requires heterodimerization with CBF. The latter pro-
RUNX1T1 genes are fused in a 5′ → 3′ orientation. The fusion tein does not bind to DNA but improves the binding affin-
protein includes the promoter and runt-like domains of the ity of RUNX1. The RUNX1 gene is normally expressed by
AML1 protein; the translocation domain of normal RUNX1 is myeloid and T-cells and is thought to play an important role
replaced by sequences derived from the RUNX1T1 gene. A in hematopoietic differentiation. The RUNX1T1 gene (also
reciprocal RUNX1T1- RUNX1 fusion gene located on the referred to in some studies as CDR or MTG8) encodes a
derivative chromosome 21 has not been identified. One pro- transcription-factor protein that has two zinc-finger-motifs
posed mechanism for the role of RUNX1-RUNX1T1 in leuke- at its C-terminus. The RUNX1T1 gene is expressed in brain,
mogenesis is competitive inhibition of normal RUNX1 lung, and gonads, but is not normally expressed in hemato-
protein. The breakpoints in the RUNX1 gene are consistently poietic cells.
detected in intron 5. The breakpoints in the RUNX1T1 gene A variety of methods are available to detect t(8;21). This
are also relatively uniform, in the 5′-end of the gene. translocation is not difficult to recognize using conventional
The RUNX1 gene encodes for one of many members of a cytogenetics, which detects t(8;21) in over 95 % of cases
family of heterodimeric transcriptional regulatory proteins. (Fig. 30.2). However, rare cases have been reported in which
The RUNX1 gene is highly homologous with the Drosophila the translocation was not detected by cytogenetics, but was
runt gene, and encodes core binding factor (CBF) α, the detected by other molecular methods [18]. FISH effectively
human counterpart of the murine nuclear polyoma enhancer identifies the t(8;21) (Fig. 30.3). RT-PCR methods detect

Fig. 30.2 Karyotype of a case of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21). Conventional cytogenetic analysis demonstrates t(8;21) as a sole cytoge-
netic abnormality. GTG banding technique.
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 509

almost all cases with the t(8;2l). RT-PCR methods, because plete remission with prolonged clinical follow-up [19, 20].
of their extraordinary sensitivity, also have been used to Thus, RT-PCR results do not appear to effectively predict
monitor residual disease. However, studies have shown the risk of relapse after therapy in patients in clinical remission
persistence of low level RUNX1-RUNX1T1 transcripts in [19, 20].
patients in complete clinical remission after chemotherapy Cases with RUNX1-RUNX1T1 transcripts appear to fol-
or stem cell transplantation, and who have remained in com- low the class I and class II mutation rule as RUNX1-RUNX1T1
fusions can be detected in long term survivors who are pre-
sumably cured of their disease. Knockin mice expressing an
RUNX1-RUNX1T1 fusion gene do not develop leukemia
until they are exposed to mutagens presumably causing
mutations that complement RUNX1-RUNX1T1. Taken
together, these findings support the hypothesis that a single
genetic event is not sufficient to cause acute leukemia. AML with inv(16)(p13q22) or t(16;16)

(p13;q22), (CBFβ/MYH11)
The inv(16)(p13q22) and, more rarely, the t(16;16)(p13;q22)
have been identified in 5–12 % of de novo AMLs (Fig. 30.4)
[21]. In most cases, the blasts have monocytic cytological
features and are associated with immature eosinophils con-
taining coarse basophilic cytoplasmic granules (Fig. 30.5)
[21]. The inv(16) also has been identified in rare cases of
CML in blast crisis [22].
The detection of inv(16) in de novo AMLs is a favorable
prognostic finding. Patients with AML with inv(16) usually
Fig. 30.3 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of a case have a higher rate of complete response to chemotherapy,
of acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21). Dual color, dual fusion probe
(Vysis) in which an RUNX1T1 probe is red and an AML1 (RUNX1) longer duration of remission, and prolonged survival as com-
probe is green. In the event of t(8;21) (upper panel) the involved chro- pared with patients with other forms of AML. The inv(16)
mosomes show juxtaposition of the red and green probes producing a (p13q22) involves the CBF (core binding factor or PEBP2) β
yellow fusion signal. The uninvolved chromosomes 8 and 21 show red subunit gene situated on chromosome 16q22 and the MYH11
and green signals, respectively. This technique allows analysis of both
metaphase (left) and interphase (right) cells. In the absence of t(8;21), (smooth muscle myosin heavy chain) gene located at chro-
cells show two red and two green signal (lower panel). mosome 16p13. The inversion results in a CBPβ-MYH11

Fig. 30.4 Schematic

representations of inv(l6)
(p13q22) and t(16;16)(p13;q22).
Top panel, In inv(l6), most of the
CBFβ gene at 16q22 is joined
upstream of the 3′ end of MYH11
at 16p13 forming a chimeric
CBFβ-MYH11 fusion gene.
Bottom panel, The t(16;16)
results in a similar chimeric gene
on 16p+.
510 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

one form of the fusion gene is created in approximately 85 %

of cases, involving nucleotide 495 of the CBFβ and 1921 of
MYH11 genes. This fusion gene results in the generation of
CBFβ-MYH11 protein that includes the first 165 amino
acids of the normal CBFβ protein and a relatively small tail
portion of the normal MYH11 protein.
Conventional cytogenetic methods, Southern blot analy-
sis, and RT-PCR, have been used to detect the inv(16)
(pl3q22) and t(16;16). One major advantage of conventional
cytogenetics is that this method will also identify additional
chromosomal abnormalities that are present in up to 50 % of
cases. However, one potential disadvantage of karyotyping is
that the inv(16) can be difficult to recognize or it may be
misinterpreted as a del(16). RT-PCR analysis identifies
CBFβ-MYH11 transcripts in most cases of AML, with either
Fig. 30.5 Typical morphology of acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)
the inv(16) or the t(16;16), demonstrating that the genetic
(p13q22) or t(16;16)(p13;q22). Immature eosinophilic precursors dem- consequences of the inversion and translocation are identical
onstrate coarse, irregularly sized basophilic granules. Wright-Giemsa [22]. Immunohistochemical analysis using an antibody spe-
stain, 1000×. cific for the C terminus of CBFβ-MYH11 also can be used.
Cases with inv(16) show nuclear expression, unlike other
fusion gene from which chimeric mRNA and a novel protein types of AML [23].
are generated [23]. Both CBFβ and MYH11 are oriented
5′ → 3′ and are transcribed in the centromeric to telomeric Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (AML
direction. The t(16;16) also involves the CBFβ and MYH11 with t(15;17)(q24.1;q21.2), PML/RARα
genes, and results in an identical CBFβ-MYH11 fusion gene. and Variants)
A reciprocal MYH11-CBFβ mRNA or protein has not been The t(15;17)(q24.1;q21.2) occurs exclusively in acute pro-
identified. myelocytic leukemia (APL), classified in the FAB system as
The CBF protein has two components, α and β, of which M3. APLs represent 5–13 % of all de novo AMLs [26]. There
there are three α subunits and one β subunit. The α subunits is variation in the genetic predisposition to the development
share a runt domain sequence that allows binding of protein of APL with a higher incidence of APL in adult Latinos com-
to DNA and the β subunit. The β subunit binds to an α sub- pared with non-Latinos in the USA, and a higher incidence
unit and stabilizes CBF binding to DNA. The normal CBFβ in children from Central and South America and Italy [27].
gene spans 50 kb with 6 exons. The breakpoints in the CBFβ The presence of t(15;17) consistently predicts responsive-
gene are relatively constant. In most cases, the breakpoint ness to a specific treatment, all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA).
occurs in intron 5, at nucleotide 495 (corresponding to amino Retinoic acid is a ligand for the retinoic acid receptor alpha
acid 165). However, a small subset of cases with a more (RARα) that is involved in the t(15;17). ATRA is thought to
proximal breakpoint at nucleotide 399 (amino acid 133) has overcome the block in cell maturation, allowing the neoplas-
been reported. The normal MYH11 gene encodes for the tic cells to mature and be eliminated. Additional genetic
smooth-muscle form of the myosin heavy chain, and the abnormalities are rare in APL suggesting that the t(15;17),
gene is a member of the myosin II family [23]. Although the by itself, is sufficient for neoplastic transformation. This
function of the CBFβ-MYH11 protein is not completely hypothesis was confirmed by an animal model in which
known, it is thought to bind to the enhancer or promoters of transgenic mice expressing the PML-RARα protein in
a number of genes involved in hematopoietic cell differentia- myeloid cells developed APL and responded to ATRA ther-
tion [21]. Gene expression profiling studies of cases of AML apy [28]. Of interest, ubiquitous and unrestricted expression
with inv(16)(p13q22) have shown upregulation of the NF-ĸB of PML-RARα in embryos is lethal.
pathway and genes associated with high cell proliferation Two morphologic variants of APL have been described,
[24]. typical and microgranular; both variants carry the t(15;17).
The breakpoints in the MYH11 gene are more variable In the typical or hypergranular variant (Fig. 30.6) promyelo-
than CBFβ; a number of different breakpoint sites have been cytes have numerous azurophilic cytoplasmic granules that
reported, although most occur in a small 370 bp intron [21, often obscure the border between the cell nucleus and cyto-
24]. This common breakpoint corresponds to nucleotide plasm. Cells with numerous Auer rods in bundles (the so-
1921 in the MYH11 gene. Despite the variability in the dif- called faggot cells) are common. In contrast, in the
ferent fusion genes generated by the inv(16) and t(16;16), microgranular variant (Fig. 30.6) promyelocytes contain
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 511

Fig. 30.6 Morphologic variants of acute promyelocytic leukemia. (a, Microgranular variant. Wright-Giemsa stain (c) shows immature cells
b) Classical variant. Wright-Giemsa stain (a) shows abundant progran- with irregular shaped, convoluted nuclei, and abundant cytoplasm con-
ulocytes with numerous granules and occasional bundles of Auer rods taining small granules that are difficult to appreciate by routine micros-
(faggot cells). Myeloperoxidase cytochemistry (b) shows numerous copy. However, myeloperoxidase cytochemistry (d) highlights numerous
positive granules in all neoplastic cells covering entire cell surface. (c–d) granules similar to the classical variant. Original magnification 1000×.

numerous small cytoplasmic granules that are difficult to dis- The normal PML protein appears to have an essential role in
cern with the light microscope on routinely stained smears, cell proliferation. The RARα gene encodes a transcription
but which are highlighted by myeloperoxidase cytochemical factor that binds to DNA sequences in cis-acting retinoic
staining and are easily detected by electron microscopy. acid-responsive elements. High-affinity DNA binding also
The t(15;17) is a balanced and reciprocal translocation in requires heterodimerization with another family of proteins,
which the PML (promyelocytic leukemia) gene on chromo- the retinoic acid X receptors. The RARα protein, from
some 15 and the RARα gene on chromosome 17 are disrupted N-terminal to C-terminal, has transactivation, DNA binding,
and fused to form a hybrid gene (Fig. 30.7) [29]. The PML- heterodimerization, and ligand-binding domains. The nor-
RARα fusion gene, located on derivative chromosome 15, mal RARα protein plays an important role in myeloid
encodes a chimeric mRNA and protein. The PML and RARα differentiation.
genes are oriented in a head-to-tail orientation. The function There are three major forms of the PML-RARα fusion
of the normal PML gene is poorly understood. The gene is gene, corresponding to different breakpoints in the PML
ubiquitously expressed and encodes a protein characterized gene. The breakpoint in the RARα gene occurs in the same
by an N-terminal region with two zinc-finger-like motifs, general vicinity in all cases, within intron 2. Approximately
known as a ring and a B-box, and thought to be involved in 40–50 % of cases have a PML breakpoint in exon 6 (the so-
DNA binding [29]. A dimerization domain is also present. called long form, termed BCR1), 40–50 % of cases have the
512 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Fig. 30.7 Structure of the PML

and RARα genes. Schematic
representation of the germ line
PML and RARα genes (top), the
PML-RARα fusion mRNA
transcript (middle), and the long
(L) form of the fusion protein
(bottom). The lines represent
introns, arrows indicate three
breakpoints, open boxes
represent the exons present in
each type of PML-RARα, shaded
boxes represent exons excluded
from the short (S) form but
included in the long (L) or
variable (V) forms, and solid
boxes indicate exons excluded
from all types.

PML breakpoint in exon 3 (the so-called short form, termed A number of methods can be used to detect the t(15;17).
BCR3), and 5–10 % of cases have a breakpoint in PML exon Conventional cytogenetic methods detect the t(l5;l7) in
6 that is variable (the so-called variable form, termed BCR2). 80–90 % of APL cases at time of initial diagnosis (Fig. 30.8).
In each form of the translocation, the PML-RARα fusion Suboptimal clinical specimens and poor-quality metaphases
protein retains the 5′-DNA binding and dimerization domains explain a large subset of cases with negative results.
of PML and the 3′-DNA binding, heterodimerization, and Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (Fig. 30.9) is
ligand (retinoic acid) binding domains of RARα. Recent another useful method for detecting the t(15;17) in
studies indicate that the different forms of PML-RARα fusion APL. Different methods employ probes specific for either
mRNA correlate with clinical presentation or prognosis. In chromosome 15 or chromosome I7 (or both), and commer-
particular, the BCR3 type of PML-RARα correlates with cial kits are available. In the past, Southern blot hybridiza-
higher leukocyte counts at time of presentation and is more tion was used to detect gene rearrangements that result from
commonly present in the microgranular variant. Higher leu- the t(15;17) but this approach is cumbersome. RT-PCR is
kcocyte count and microgranular variant morphology are another method, convenient and reliable, and detects the
adverse prognostic findings in APL patients. PML-RARα various PML-RARα fusion transcripts.
transcript type does not correlate with survival [30]. Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies reactive with the
In addition to the PML-RARα protein, the t(15;17) results PML and RARα proteins have been generated and immuno-
in two other abnormal proteins. An aberrant PML protein is histochemical studies assessing the pattern of staining are
expressed in virtually all cells with the t(l5;17), as a result of useful for diagnosis [29, 31, 32]. In normal cells, PML pro-
alternative mRNA splicing. This PML protein retains its tein is localized in 5–20 spherical structures per nucleus,
DNA binding capacity and could possibly play a role in neo- known as PML oncogenic domains (POD) that are high-
plastic transformation. A RARα-PML fusion gene is also lighted in a punctate pattern of staining by the anti-PML
formed, located on the derivative chromosome 17, and antibody (Fig. 30.10). RARα protein is not present in these
RARα-PML protein is expressed in approximately 75 % of structures. In contrast, in APL cells immunostaining for
cases of APL. Because this protein lacks the DNA-binding either PML or RARα reveals a microgranular pattern. Thus,
regions of both normal PML and RARα, it is not thought to the PML-RARα fusion protein is present in the microgran-
play a role in leukemogenesis. Furthermore, RARα-PML ules. The fusion protein may prevent PML from forming
expression does not correlate with response to ATRA in vitro normal PODs because treatment with ATRA allows PML
or with clinical outcome in vivo. reorganization into these domains.
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 513

Fig. 30.8 Karyotype of a case of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Conventional cytogenetic analysis using G banding by using trypsin and Giemsa
stain (GTG banding technique) demonstrates t(15;17) as a sole cytogenetic abnormality.

Fig. 30.9 Immunofluorescence

study using an antibody specific
for PML is used to highlight
cellular PML oncogenic domains
(POD). In the absence of
t(15;17), a chunky granular or
punctate pattern is observed
(left). In the presence of t(15;17),
a microgranular pattern is
observed (right).
514 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Fig. 30.10 Interphase FISH of

acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Dual color, dual fusion probe
(Vysis) in which the PML probe
is red and the RARα probe is
green. In the event of t(15;17) (4
cells to the left of the image) the
involved chromosomes show
juxtaposition of the red and green
probes producing a yellow fusion
signal. Uninvolved chromosomes
show red and green signals,
respectively. In the absence of
t(15;17), cells show two red and
two green signals (2 cells to right
of the image).

For the diagnosis of residual disease or early relapse after The translocation results in the creation of two fusion genes,
therapy, conventional cytogenetic studies, Southern blot anal- PLZF-RARα and RARα-PLZF. Both fusion genes may play a
ysis, and immunohistochemical methods are limited by low role in leukemogenesis as the structure of both chimeric pro-
sensitivity. In contrast, RT-PCR and FISH methods are very teins suggests that either can bind to DNA and influence
useful. The sensitivity of RT-PCR, which can detect one cell transcription. The normal PLZF gene is expressed in a tissue
with the PML-RARα gene in 1 × 105 benign cells, makes this specific manner, particularly in cells of myeloid lineage.
method most useful for monitoring residual disease after ther- PLZF is a member of a large family of zinc-finger transcrip-
apy. For the first few months after therapy, RT-PCR results tion factors and is probably involved in myeloid differentia-
may be positive with no correlation with relapse rate. However, tion. The poor ability of ATRA to induce differentiation in
longer than 3 months after therapy a positive RT-PCR result t(11;17)-positive AML suggests that disruption of the normal
significantly correlates with an increased rate of relapse [30]. PLZF gene, rather than the RARα gene (as is the case in
FISH methods offer an advantage over RT-PCR as FISH stud- APL), is the primary leukemogenic event [35]. RARα-PLZF
ies may detect variant forms of the t(15;17) that are negative binds to normal PLZF which represses CRABP1 (cellular
by RT-PCR. However, several bona fide PML/RARα APL retinoic acid binding protein 1), thereby resulting in CRABP1
cases with negative FISH results and positive PCR results upregulation and thought to be involved in retinoic acid
have been reported in the literature [32]. These cases stress the resistance. PLZF-RARα induces MYC expression and may
role of morphological assessment in the establishing the diag- repress normal PLZF in a dominant negative fashion.
nosis of APL and also illustrate that a negative FISH result
does not eliminate the diagnosis of APL [32]. Other Rare Variants
Rare partner genes fused with RARα have been identified,
t(11;17)(q23;q21) greatly aided by the advent of next-generation sequencing
The t(11;17)(q23;q21) has been rarely identified in AML, in methods of cases in which conventional cytogenetics, FISH,
<1 % of all cases. Many patients with t(11;17)-positive AML and RT-PCR were negative, but the tumors were morpho-
present with a bleeding diathesis. The blast cells in these logically typical and had strong myeloperoxidase reactivity.
cases have cytological features intermediate between the One of the first partner genes was NPM1 (nucleophosmin) in
blasts of M2 and the promyelocytes of M3 (FAB). Others t(5;17)(q32;q21.2). The t(5;17) is a balanced and reciprocal
have noted that many of these cases have distinctive cup-like translocation involving NPM1 on chromosome 5 and the
nuclei [33]. Unlike APL, patients with t(11;17)-positive RARα gene on chromosome 17. The NPM and RARα genes
AML respond poorly to ATRA. are fused in a 5′ → 3′ direction. The breakpoint region in the
The t(11;17) is a reciprocal and balanced translocation RARα gene is identical to the breakpoint in t(15;17). Other
involving the PLZF (promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) rare gene partners of RARα include: NUMA1 (nuclear mitotic
gene on chromosome 11 and the RARα gene on chromosome apparatus) [36], STAT5B (signal transducer and activator of
17 [34]. There is some variability in the breakpoints within transcription 5b) [37], PRKAR1A (cAMP-dependent protein
the PLZF gene. The breakpoints in the RARα gene occur in kinase type I alpha regulatory subunit) [38], FIP1L1 (FIP1-
the second intron, similar to those that occur in the t(15;17). like 1) [39], BCOR (BCL6 corepressor) [40], OBFC2A
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 515

(oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing expression of MLL fusion proteins has been shown to be leu-
2A) [41], and IRF2BP2 (interferon regulatory factor 2 bind- kemogenic in mice.
ing protein 2) (C. Cameron Yin, personal communication). Despite the large size of the MLL gene, most (but not all)
MLL translocations associated with hematologic malignancy AML with t(9;11)(p22;q23), MLLT3–MLL can be mapped to an 8.3 kb breakpoint cluster region (bcr).
The t(9;11)(p22;q23) represents the most common transloca- This region encompasses MLL exons originally designated
tion involving chromosome 11q23 in patients with AML and exons 5–11. Subsequent studies revealed that MLL exon 4
accounts for approximately 2 % of all adult and 9–12 % pedi- actually consists of three discrete exons (now designated
atric AML cases [42, 43]. AMLs with the t(9;11) may be exons 4A, 4B, and 4C). There is a correlation between the
either de novo or therapy-related. De novo neoplasms occur locations of the breakpoints in de novo versus therapy-related
in both children and adults. Patients with de novo AML with AML. Using the XbaI restriction enzyme, the 8.3 kb frag-
the t(9;11) tend to have a more favorable outcome than adults ment of DNA can be divided into a 5′ 4.6 kb region I and a 3′
with AML associated with other 11q23 abnormalities. In 3.9 kb region II [49]. De novo AMLs more commonly have
addition, therapy-related cases of AML have been reported breakpoints in region I. In contrast, most cases of therapy-
in patients treated previously with chemotherapeutic agents related AML have region II breakpoints [49]. The presence
that target topoisomerase II. The t(9;11) is a balanced and of scaffold-attachment regions and possible topoisomerase II
reciprocal translocation that disrupts the MLL gene on chro- consensus binding sites in region II may explain the increased
mosome 11q23 and the MLLT3 gene (also known as AF9 likelihood of region II breakpoints in therapy-related AML
gene or LTG9 for the leukemia translocation gene) on chro- [49].
mosome 9p22. The translocation results in the formation of Conventional cytogenetics is an excellent method to
an MLL–MLLT3 fusion gene located on the derivative chro- detect 11q23 abnormalities. This technique allows the detec-
mosome 11. tion of translocations involving 11q23 and also identifies all
The MLL gene (myeloid–lymphoid leukemia or mixed lin- possible partner chromosomes. However, a subset of AMLs
eage leukemia) gene, also known as ALL1, HRX, or HRTX, is with 11q23 abnormalities may have a normal karyotype [50].
a relatively large gene that is homologous to the Drosophila FISH techniques are also useful, and may detect a small sub-
trithorax gene. MLL is promiscuous and translocations can set of cases not recognized by conventional cytogenetics.
involve many partners, including MLLT3. MLL consists of 36 The clustering of breakpoints within the MLL gene is well-
exons distributed over 100 kb, and produces a 12 mRNA that suited to their detection by Southern blot analysis [51]. Using
encodes a 3968 amino acid protein with an estimated molecu- BamHI digested DNA, a single MLL cDNA probe spanning
lar weight of 430 kDa [44]. Recent experiments have indi- an 8.3 kb genomic fragment detects most of the common and
cated that MLL is normally processed via a cytoplasmic uncommon 11q23 translocations as gene rearrangements.
cleavage event into a 320 kDa amino terminus (MLL-N), and The introns between exons 5 through 11 are very large and
a 180 kDa carboxy terminus fragment [44]. A number of pro- thus standard PCR methods cannot be used for detecting
tein motifs/domains have been identified in the primary struc- 11q23 translocations. However, the cDNA corresponding to
ture of MLL, including AT hooks, a DNA methyltransferase exons 5 through 11 is <700 bp, allowing RT-PCR analysis. A
domain, PHD domains, a transactivation domain, and a SET panel of primers needs to be used to detect the l lq23 translo-
domain. An important function of MLL is maintaining HOX cations because of the number of possible partner chromo-
gene expression during embryonic development. It has been somes. Multiplex RT-PCR approaches are most convenient.
shown that loss of MLL function in flies and mice results in One of the more unusual features of leukemias associated
embryonic lethality and homeotic transformation [44]. The with MLL fusion is that there is a very brief latency period.
ability of MLL fusion proteins to regulate the expression of Leukemias with MLL fusions have been detected in new-
HOX genes might be partially responsible for immortalization borns [52] and even in aborted fetuses [53]. The concordance
of myeloid progenitor cells. MLL also influences HOX gene rate of leukemia in monozygotic twins who have MLL
expression via direct binding to promoter sequences [45] and fusions is almost 100 % [54]. It has been hypothesized that
HOXA9 is highly expressed in MLL leukemias [46]. MLL- additional mutations occur very rapidly in cells that acquire
ENL fusion protein was shown to immortalize immature MLL fusions [55]. One possible mechanism is that MLL
myelomonocytic cells in vitro. The transplantation of these fusion leads to a mutator phenotype [55]. MLL fusions have
cells into mice resulted in myeloid leukemia [47]. By fusing a been shown to impair DNA double strand break recognition
truncated MLL protein to an inducible dimerization domain, [56] and cell cycle checkpoints [57], both of which can lead
Martin et al. have shown that MLL fusion proteins must to increased accumulation of mutations. It is also possible
dimerize to immortalize hematopoietic cells and inhibit their that the insult caused by MLL translocation can cause addi-
differentiation [48]. Biochemical analysis of MLL suggests tional mutations, especially if the individual had an inherited
that it normally functions as a transcriptional regulator, and deficiency in DNA repair or toxin metabolizing enzymes.
516 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

This possibility is supported by studies that show that certain kb) and encodes a 214 kDa protein. The normal CAN protein
isoforms of NQO1 or CYP3A4 confer an increased risk of is a component of the nuclear-pore complex, involved in trans-
infant leukemia [58] or therapy-related leukemia [59]. port of mRNA and proteins between the cytoplasm and the
nucleus [61]. The DEK-CAN fusion protein, of predicted size AML with t(6;9)(p23;q34); DEK-NUP214 of 165 kDa, has a nuclear distribution, suggesting it is a part of
The t(6;9)(p23;q34) (Fig. 30.11) occurs in 1–2 % of cases of the transcription factor system [61]. It has been suggested that
AML [60]. Patients with AML and the t(6;9) are commonly DEK-CAN initiates AML within a subpopulation of hemato-
of young age (<40 years old), and have a poor prognosis [60]. poietic stem cells [62].
Approximately 50 % of patients achieve clinical remission The t(6;9) is effectively detected by conventional cytoge-
with chemotherapy, but relapse is common. A subset of netics, which also allows the detection of additional abnor-
patients presents with aggressive MDS rather than AML; oth- malities that may occur with disease progression; trisomies
ers present with overt AML with multilineage dysplasia [60]. of 8 and 13 are the most common additional abnormalities
The t(6;9) disrupts the DEK gene at chromosome 6p23 and [60]. The clustering of breakpoints in icb-6 of DEK and icb-9
the CAN (NUP214) gene at chromosome 9q34, resulting in a of CAN also allows convenient detection by using RT-PCR
DEK-CAN fusion gene on the derivative chromosome 6 [61]. methods. FLT3 gene mutations are common in t(6;9)-posi-
The breakpoints in t(6;9) are clustered. The breakpoints in the tive AML [60, 63].
DEK gene occur in one intron, known as icb-6 (for intron con-
taining breakpoint on chromosome 6). The breakpoints in the AML with inv(3)(q21q26.2) or t(3;3)
CAN gene also cluster in one intron, known as icb-9. The DEK (q21;q26.2); RPN1-EVI1
gene is approximately 40 kb in size and encodes a 43 kDa AML associated with inv(3) or t(3;3) is uncommon, repre-
protein, located in the cell cytoplasm, and thought to be a tran- senting 1–3 % of all cases of AML. This disease occurs in
scription factor. The CAN gene is relatively larger (over 140 adults and men and women are equally affected [64]. De novo

Fig. 30.11 Karyotype of a case of acute myeloid leukemia with t(6;9)(p23;q34). GTG banding technique.
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 517

AML and cases arising from MDS have been described [65]. phologic features of megakaryocytic differentiation (i.e.,
Inv(3) or t(3;3) is usually associated with other cytogenetic cytoplasmic basophilia, blast clumping, cytoplasmic blebs)
abnormalities and is rarely a sole abnormality. or have an undifferentiated appearance [72]. The blasts usu-
Patients with AML with inv(3) or t(3;3) can present with ally express immunologic markers of megakaryocytic differ-
prominent hepatosplenomegaly [65]. Platelet counts in the entiation (i.e., CD42b, CD41a, Factor VIII) [72]. A subset of
peripheral blood at presentation may be increased, normal or blasts also expresses CD34 and HLA-DR; some blasts may
decreased, and demonstrate a wide range of values, from 20 express the myelomonocytic marker, CD33 [72].
to 1731 × 109/L [64, 65]. AML with inv(3) or t(3;3) is associ- The t(1;22)(p13;q13) results in a fusion of RNA-binding
ated with increased number of micromegakaryocytes and motif protein-15(RBM15) and megakaryocyte leukemia -1
monolobated and bilobated megakaryocytes in the bone mar- (MKL1) genes [74]. t(1;22)-positive blasts express both
row (BM). Many cases also show dysplastic changes in the reciprocal fusion transcripts, RBM15–MKL1 and MKL1–
erythroid and/or myeloid lineages [65, 66]. RBM15, as detected by RT-PCR [74]. However, the predicted
It has been shown that the chromosomal breakpoints in RBM15–MKL1 chimeric protein encompasses all putative
3q26 are widely scattered in the 5′ or the 3′ regions of the functional motifs encoded by each gene, which makes it the
EVI1(Ecotropic viral integration site 1) gene currently candidate oncoprotein of t(1;22). Ma et al. suggested in cases
known as MECOM (MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus) with RBM15–MKL1 the MKL1 SAP domain is expected to
gene [67], whereas the chromosomal breakpoints in the 3q21 aberrantly relocalize the RRM and SPOC motifs of RBM15
region are restricted to a relatively narrow area. Two differ- to sites of transcriptionally active chromatin, deregulating
ent clusters have been identified downstream of the RPN1 RNA processing and/or Hox and Ras/MAP kinase signaling
(ribophorin I) gene [68]. Alternative splicing of EVI1 results and altering the normal proliferation or differentiation of
in the creation of MDS1/EVI1 transcripts. Suzukawa et al. megakaryoblasts [74]. The prognosis of patients with AML
suggested that the housekeeping gene RPN1 acts as an with t(1;22) is intermediate and appears to have improved
enhancer of EVI1 expression, resulting in leukemogenesis dramatically with modern therapy. The largest series pub-
[68]. It has been demonstrated that ectopic expression of lished in 1999 reported a 53 % complete remission rate and
EVI1 in immature hematopoietic cells interferes with ery- median survival of 8 months (range, 1 day to 104 months)
throid and granulocytic development [69]. While there is a [72]. A more recent report of 11 pediatric patients published
single report in the literature describing good response of in 2003 described 6 of 11 patients being alive after more than
two patients with inv(3) to thalidomide and arsenic trioxide 2 years follow-up [73].
[70], in general, the prognosis of patients with inv(3) or
t(3;3) is poor with short survival [66, 71]. AML with Mutated NPM1
The NPM1 (nucleophosmin) gene, mapping to chromosome Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia 5q35, contains 12 exons [74]. It encodes for three alterna-
with t(1;22)(p13;q13); RBM15-MKL1 tively spliced nucleophosmin isoforms: B23.1, B23.2, and
Most cases of AML with t(1;22) have been reported in infants B23.3. Nucleophosmin is a highly conserved phosphopro-
[72]. The largest series published to date describes 39 cases tein that is ubiquitously expressed in tissues [74]. The bulk of
with a median age of 4 months (range, 1 day to 36 months) NPM resides in the granular region of the nucleolus, but
[72]. The t(1;22) is a sole cytogenetic abnormality in more NPM shuttles continuously between nucleus and cytoplasm
than half of the cases and is a sole cytogenetic abnormality [74]. NPM, through its involvement in ribosome biogenesis,
much more often in infants younger than 6 months of age (19 plays a central role in cell growth and proliferation. NPM1
of 23, 83 % of cases), than in older infants (3 of 16, 19 % of mutations result in cytoplasmic accumulation of NPM that
cases) [72]. There is a slight female predominance; all can be detected by immunohistochemical analysis.
patients reported had not had evidence of Down syndrome NPM1 functions both as an oncogene and a tumor-
[72]. In rare cases, RBM15–MKL1 transcripts result from suppressor gene depending on gene dosage, expression levels,
3-way translocations involving 1p13 and 22q13, such as interacting partners, and compartmentalization [2]. NPM1
t(1;14;22) or t(1;22;4) [73]. Almost all patients present with appears implicated in promoting cell growth, as its expression
organomegaly [72]; a subset of patients was initially diag- increases in response to mitogenic stimuli and above normal
nosed with a solid tumor [72]. Moderate leukocytosis with amounts are detected in highly proliferating and malignant
circulating blasts, marked anemia, and variable thrombocy- cells. On the other hand, NPM1 contributes to growth sup-
topenia are usually observed at presentation [72, 73]. Most pressing pathways through its interaction with ARF.
(~90 %) patients in the largest series reported [72] fulfilled NPM1 mutations are relatively specific for AML [75].
the diagnostic criteria for AML M7. Patients usually have a Although rare cases of NPM1 mutations have been described
hypercellular or normocellular BM; however, some patients in patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia and MDS,
have hypocellular BM [73]. Blasts may exhibit typical mor- many of these patients rapidly progress to overt AML [76].
518 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

NPM1 mutations are relatively common in de novo AML, AML with Mutated CEBPA
but rare in AML secondary to myeloproliferative/myelodys- The CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein a (CEBPA) gene
plastic disorders and therapy-related AML. NPM1 mutations encodes a protein member of the basic region leucine zipper
are characteristically heterozygous and retain a wild-type (bZIP) transcription factor family, playing a crucial role in
allele. In children with AML, the frequency of NPM1 muta- granulopoiesis [85]. There are two main categories of CEBPA
tion ranges from 2.1 % in Taiwan to 6.5 % in Western coun- mutations: (1) C-terminal mutations that occur in the bZIP
tries accounting for 9–26.9 % of all childhood AML with domain, which are usually in-frame and predict mutant pro-
normal karyotype. In adult AML patients, the frequency teins lacking DNA binding and/or homodimerization activi-
of NPM1 mutations ranges between 25 and 35 % account- ties, and (2) N-terminal nonsense mutations that prevent
ing for 46–64 % of adult AML with normal karyotype [74, expression of the full-length protein and result in truncated
77–79]. Except for two cases involving the splicing donor isoforms with dominant-negative activity. Some patients
site of NPM1 in exon 9 or exon 11 [80], NPM1 mutations present with biallelic mutations at the C-terminus, whereas
are restricted to exon 12. Loss of NPM1 mutations at relapse others are heterozygous for separate mutations or have a
is rare and may be due either to emergence of a different C-terminal mutation coexisting with a mutation in the
leukemic clone or inability to detect mutations because few N-terminus [86, 87].
leukemic blasts are infiltrating the BM. AML patients with CEBPA mutations usually occur in AML with a normal
a wild type NPM1 gene at diagnosis rarely acquire NPM1 (diploid) karyotype and represent 15–19 % of cases in
mutations during the course of disease, suggesting that muta- patients with normal cytogenetics. CEBPA mutations are
tions are unlikely to play a role in disease progression. associated with a favorable prognosis [79, 86, 88], and sig-
NPM1 mutations are associated with a normal karyotype nificantly better event-free survival [87, 89], disease-free
and do not occur in core binding factor leukemias and acute survival [89], and overall survival [87, 89]. At diagnosis,
promyelocytic leukemia [75]. Chromosomal abnormalities patients with CEBPA mutations often have higher percent-
observed in 14 % of NPM1 mutated AML cases usually ages of peripheral blood blasts, lower platelet counts, less
arise in subclones and are probably secondary events asso- lymphadenopathy and extramedullary involvement, less fre-
ciated with clonal evolution. Several studies have shown a quent FLT3/ITD and FLT3/TKD mutations, and rare MLL/
strong correlation between NPM1 mutations and FLT3-ITD PTD mutations compared with AML patients without
[77, 78]. CEBPA mutations [86]. Complete remission rates do not dif-
NPM1-mutated AML cases show a wide morphologic fer between patients with and without CEBPA mutations [79,
spectrum, but NPM1 mutations are more frequent in the FAB 86, 88], but complete remission duration [86], disease-free
M4 and M5 categories [78] and in AML with prominent survival [88], event-free survival [79], and overall survival
nuclear invaginations (cuplike nuclei) [33]. More than 95 % [88, 96] are better for patients with CEBPA mutations. On
of NPM1-mutated AML cases are CD34+ [81]. NPM- multivariate analysis, CEBPA mutational status adds prog-
mutated AML cases with a normal karyotype often have high nostic information to that provided by MLL/PTD and FLT3/
blast counts, high FLT3-ITD and LDH serum levels, extra- ITD status, age, and resistant disease after the first course of
medullary involvement (mainly gingiva and lymphadenopa- induction therapy with regard to complete remission dura-
thy) and higher platelet counts. Bone marrow in tion and by FLT3/ITD status, age, and WBC for overall sur-
NPM1-mutated AML cases frequently shows an increased vival [86]. In another study, CEBPA mutations, BAALC
number of megakaryocytes exhibiting dysplastic features expression, and FLT3/ITD status were prognostic for
[82]. After induction therapy, AML with a normal karyotype disease-free survival, and CEBPA mutations, age, BAALC
carrying mutated NPM shows a higher complete remission expression, and FLT3/ITD status were prognostic for overall
rate than AML with normal karyotype without NPM1 muta- survival [88]. Fröhling et al. [86] analyzed clinical outcomes
tions [83]. NPM1 mutation status, however, is not an inde- in patients with N-terminal nonsense CEBPA mutations,
pendent predictor for responsiveness to chemotherapy [81]. patients with other CEBPA mutation types, and patients with
Conventional screening of NPM1 mutations is usually wild-type CEBPA and found that the complete remission
performed by PCR using a fluorescence conjugated primer duration was the longest in patients with N-terminal muta-
prior to fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis. tions, followed by the complete remission duration in
Immunohistochemical analysis to detect abnormal cytoplas- patients with other mutations and in those without CEBPA
mic localization of mutated NPM1 protein is another com- mutations. However, in pairwise comparisons, there were no
mon screening method [81, 84]. Alternative methods for significant differences in the complete remission duration
detecting NPM1 mutation include denaturing high perfor- between patients with N-terminal mutations and those with
mance liquid chromatography and fluorescence resonance other mutations or between patients with other mutations
energy transfer technique, and direct sequencing. and patients with wild-type CEBPA [86].
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 519

30.2.2 AML Associated with Translocations 11q23 Rearrangements Identified

Not Included in the AML in AMLs with Normal Cytogenetics
with Recurrent Genetic Abnormalities and Trisomy 11
Category of the Current WHO MLL gene rearrangements have been shown in ~10 % of
Classification AML with a normal karyotype. All were shown to have par-
tial tandem duplications (PTD) of the 5′ part of the MLL AML with 11q23 (MLL) Abnormalities gene [50]. These mutations occur in 3–10 % of adult AML
Other Than t(9;11) cases, but are uncommon in pediatric AMLs. MLL-PTDs are
Translocations involving the 11q23 locus are detected in 3–10 % extremely frequent in conjunction with trisomy 11 [50, 94,
of all patients with de novo AML [90]. In infants (age <1 year), 95] and are associated with an unfavorable outcome [50, 96].
AML with 11q23 translocations typically presents with hyper- Another type of intrachromosomal rearrangement of the
leukocytosis and has a poor prognosis [91]. Translocations MLL, intrachromosomal amplification, also occurs. This
involving chromosome 11q23 are found in more than 70 % of type most likely leads to increased MLL expression in AML
leukemia patients younger than 1 year of age whether the immu- and MDS [97].
nophenotype is designated AML or ALL. In adults, AMLs with
1lq23 translocations most commonly exhibit monocytic matu- AML with inv(11)(p15q22)
ration and are classified as FAB M4 or M5. These AMLs do The inv(11)(p15q22) has been identified in a very small
not have specific clinical features and may have a poorer prog- number of de novo and therapy-related cases of AML [98].
nosis than AMLs without 11q23 translocations. In addition, This inversion disrupts the DDX10 gene at chromosome
80–90 % of therapy-related AMLs that occur in patients previ- 11q22 and the NUP98 gene at 11p15, creating the NUP98-
ously treated with topoisomerase II inhibitors are associated DDX10 fusion gene. A reciprocal DDX10-NUP98 fusion
with 11q23 translocations. Translocations involving the 11q23 gene is also created and may be expressed, but is not thought
locus are not restricted to AML and are associated with differ- to be involved in neoplastic transformation [98]. The normal
ent hematologic malignancies including precursor T or B lym- DDX10 gene is large, spanning 200 kb, and is composed of
phoblastic leukemia, MDS, and Burkitt lymphoma [51, 90]. In at least 12 exons. This gene is a DEAD-box putative RNA
addition, MLL has been labeled a promiscuous oncogene since helicase gene that encodes a protein that may be involved in
translocations involving over 60 partner genes or regions have ribosomal assembly [99]. The DDXl0 gene is ubiquitously
been identified [90]. expressed in normal tissues. The normal NUP98 gene
AML/MDS with t(11;16)(q23;p13.3). The t(11;16) is a encodes a nuclear-pore complex protein that is also ubiqui-
rare recurrent translocation that has been identified in tously expressed.
therapy-related AML and MDS, occurring almost exclu-
sively in patients treated previously with agents that inhibit AML with t(16;21)(p11;q22)
topoisomerase II [92]. The t(11;16) is a reciprocal transloca- Most neoplasms with the t(16;21) have been AMLs, but rare
tion that disrupts the MLL gene at 11q23 and the CBP cAMP cases of CML in blast crisis and MDS with the t(16;21) have
response element or CREB-binding protein) gene at 16p13.3, been described [100]. Patients with AML associated with the
resulting in the formation of an MLL-CBP fusion gene t(16;21) are generally young and have a poor prognosis. The
located on the derivative chromosome 11 [92]. A CBP-MLL t(16;21) is a reciprocal and balanced translocation that dis-
fusion gene is also produced, but not in all cases, and there- rupts the TLS/FUS gene at chromosome 16p11 and the ERG
fore is not thought to be leukemogenic. The normal CBP pro- (ETS-related gene) gene on chromosome 21q22 [101]. As a
tein is a transcriptional adaptor/coactivator protein. result two fusion genes are created, TLS/FUS-ERG on the
Other 11q23 translocations in AML. Other 11q23 trans- derivative chromosome 21 and ERG-TLS/FUS on the deriva-
locations less commonly identified in AMLs include the tive chromosome 16. Although both fusion genes may be
t(6;11)(q27;q23), t(11;19)(q23;p13.3), t(11;19)(q23;p13.1), expressed, only the TLS/FUS-ERG fusion gene is consis-
t(1;11)(p32;q23), t(l;11)(q21;q23), t(11;17)(q23;q21), tently expressed in all cases, suggesting that this chimeric
and t(10;11)(p11;q23). In each of these translocations, the protein is involved in leukemogenesis [101]. Both the TLS/
MLL gene is disrupted and its 5′ end is fused with the 3′ FUS and ERG genes are oriented 5′ → 3′. The normal TLS/
end of the partner gene: AF6 (MLLT4) in the t(6;11), ENL FUS gene encodes an RNA-binding protein that is highly
(MLLT1) in the t(11;19)(q23;19p13.3), ELL in the t(11;19) homologous to the EWS gene involved in Ewing sarcoma.
(11q23;19p13.1), AFlp in the t(1;11)(p32;q23), AFlq in the The TLS/FUS protein plays a role in activating transcription.
t(l;11)(q21;q23), AF17 (MLLT6) in the t(11;17), and AF10 The normal ERG gene, a member of the ETS proto-oncogene
(MLLT10) in the t(10;11) [93]. The formation of these fusion superfamily, also encodes an RNA-binding protein and is a
genes, all located on the derivative chromosome 11, results potent transcriptional activator [101]. At least four different
in the generation of a novel chimeric protein. transcripts of the TLS/FUS-ERG have been identified. These
520 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

transcripts result from variability in the breakpoints and AML with t(3;21)(q26;q22)
alternative RNA splicing. In most cases, the breakpoint in The t(3;21)(q26;q2.2) has been reported in cases of chronic
the ERG gene is tightly clustered in one intron. The break- myelogenous leukemia (CML) in blast crisis, in MDS, and in
points in the TLS/FUS gene are more variable [100]. AML following treatment with topoisomerase II inhibitors
such as etoposide [107]. The breakpoint in the AML1 gene AML with t(12;22)(p13;q11) on chromosome 21 may be identical to that in the t(8;21), but
The t(12;22)(p13;q11) is found in AML and rare cases of more often occurs approx. 60 kb downstream. The chromo-
MDS and CML. The t(12;22) is a reciprocal translocation some 3q26 locus is the site of three different genes that are
involving the ETS variant 6 (ETV6) gene (known previously involved in the t(3;21): from telomere to centromere, EAP,
as TEL oncogene) at chromosome 12p13 and the MNI MDS1, and EVI1. These genes are located within 200 kb of
(meningioma) gene at chromosome 22q11 [102]. The trans- each other. In each of these translocations, the 5′-end of the
location disrupts the ETV6 and MNI genes, resulting in the AML1 (RUNX1) gene, including sequences that encode the
formation of MNI-ETV6 and ETV6-MNI fusion genes. The runt-like domain, is fused to the 3′-end of one of these part-
MNI-ETV6 fusion gene is likely to encode the leukemogenic ner genes [107].
protein, based on the predicted structure of the fusion pro- In the AML1-EAP fusion gene, the 3′-EAP sequence is
tein, which is consistent with an altered transcription factor. very small and it is not fused to AML1 in reading frame.
The MNI-ETV6 fusion gene also has been constantly Thus, the AML1-EAP chimeric protein lacks transactivation
expressed in the small number of neoplasms analyzed, unlike activity and may exert its effect by inhibiting normal AML1
the ETV6-MNI fusion gene [102]. The normal ETV6 gene is protein. In contrast, the AML1-MDS1 and AML1-EVI1
very large, exceeding 150 kb, and is a member of the ETS fusion genes contain 3′-sequences of the MDS1 and EVI1
gene family of transcription factors. ETV6 is ubiquitously genes, suggesting that their proteins possibly have unique
expressed in tissues. The normal MNI gene is less well- functions, in addition to inhibiting normal AML1 protein.
known. The gene was originally cloned from a t(4;22) One potential explanation for the occurrence of these differ-
(p16;q11) identified in a case of sporadic meningioma [103]. ent translocations, not proven, is that the entire 3q26 region
The gene spans 70 kb, has at least two exons separated by a is transcribed as a result of the t(3;21), and different fusion
large intron, and encodes a protein predicted to have 1319 genes result from alternative splicing of mRNA [108]. The
amino acids. The breakpoints in the MNI gene appear to be normal EAP, MDS1, and EVI1 proteins are not normally
clustered in the 5′-region of the intron [103]. expressed in hematopoietic cells, but are expressed as a
result of the t(3;21). AML with t(8;16)(p11;p13)
The t(8;16)(p11;13) is identified in <1 % of all cases of AML with t(9;22)(q34;q11)
AML. Most AMLs with the t(8;16) exhibit monocytic dif- The existence of AML associated with t(9;22)(q34;q11) has
ferentiation and are morphologically classified using the been controversial in the past, in large part, because distin-
FAB as M4 or M5 [104]. The blasts often exhibit evidence of guishing AML from an initial presentation of CML in blast
erythrophagocytosis. Both de novo and therapy-related crisis (phase) can be difficult. The presence of Philadelphia
AMLs with the t(8;16) have been reported. De novo cases chromosome and BCR/ABL fusion gene transcripts are not
commonly occur in children and adolescents (<18 years of reliable criteria, as some cases of AML with these features
age) [104]. The t(8;16) is a reciprocal translocation, involv- have been reported [109], including cases in which BCR/
ing the MOZ (monocytic leukemia zinc-finger protein) ABL fusion transcripts were acquired in MDS. To complicate
located at chromosome 8p11 and CREB binding protein the issue, the karyotype in CML blast crisis is often very
(CREBBP) gene located at 16p13 [105]. The translocation complex. Some authors believe that the only reliable way to
disrupts these genes, resulting in the formation of a MOZ- distinguish these entities is by assessing therapeutic response
CBP fusion gene on the derivative chromosome 8. A or by testing maturing hematopoietic elements for the BCR/
CREBBP-MOZ fusion gene is also created, but is thought to ABL, present in CML only. The t(9;22)(q34;q11) is rarely
be nonfunctional. The MOZ gene encodes a 225 kDa protein identified in apparently de novo cases of AML, in 1–2 % of
that is widely expressed in tissues. The protein has both zinc- cases [109, 110]. The t(9;22) involves the ABL1 gene at chro-
finger and acetyltransferase domains and may mediate leu- mosome 9q34 and the BCR gene at chromosome 22q11. The
kemogenesis by aberrant acetylation of chromatin [105]. The translocation results in a BCR-ABL fusion transcript. Two
CREBBP gene spans 190 kb and encodes a protein involved different forms of the t(9;22) have been detected in AML that
in transcriptional activation. Mutations in the CREBBP gene result in either a 190 kDa or 210 kDa fusion protein [110]. In
have been identified in a rare genetic disease, the Rubinstein– both translocations, the breakpoint in ABL1 occurs in the
Taybi syndrome, characterized by mental retardation, dys- same general area, in the proximal portion of the gene. In the
morphic cranial features, and digital abnormalities [106]. p190bcr-abl form, the breakpoint in BCR occurs in the first
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 521

exon. In contrast, in the p210bcr-abl form the breakpoint occurs ily that also includes KIT, FMS, and platelet-derived growth
in the 5.8 kb major breakpoint region of BCR. The detection factor receptor (PDGFR) [112]. The human FLT3 gene is
of the p190bcr-ablform of the t(9;22) in a case of AML is evi- located on chromosome 13q12 and contains 24 exons [112].
dence to support the diagnosis of de novo AML. NPM1 FLT3 has been demonstrated to exist in two forms: a
mutations have been identified in a subset of de novo AML membrane-bound protein of 158–160 kDa that is glycosyl-
associated with t(9;22) [109], but no ABL1 mutations, known ated at N-linked glycosylation sites in the extracellular
to occur in a subset of untreated CML patients, have been domain and an unglycosylated protein of 130–143 kDa that
reported [109]. is not membrane bound [113]. FLT3 is preferentially
expressed by hematopoietic stem cells as well as in the brain, AML with t(7;11)(p15;p15) placenta, and liver [114]. The ligand of FLT3, which is
The t(7;11)(p15;p15) is a rare translocation in expressed as a membrane-bound or soluble form by bone
AML. Morphologically, most AMLs with the t(7;11) exhibit marrow stromal cells, stimulates the stem cells by itself or in
granulocytic maturation and are classified as FAB-M2; coex- cooperation with other cytokines [113, 115–117]. FLT3 is
istent myelodysplastic features are common [111]. Most expressed on the surface of a high proportion of AML and
patients with t(7;11)-positive AML have been Japanese stimulation of FLT3 enhances proliferation and reduces
adults, suggesting a genetic predisposition for this type of apoptosis [118].
AML [111]. Two unique forms of FLT3 gene mutation have been
The t(7;11) disrupts the HOXA9 gene at chromosome described. Initially, an internal tandem duplication (ITD) in
7p15 and the NUP98 gene at 11p15, resulting in formation the juxtamembrane domain–coding sequence of FLT3 was
of the NUP98-HOXA9 and HOXA9-NUP98 fusion genes described (Fig. 30.12) [119]. Subsequently, a missense point
[105, 111]. The NUP98-HOXA9 fusion gene, located on the mutation at the D835 residue and point mutations, deletions,
derivative chromosome 11, is thought to be involved in leu- and insertions in the codons surrounding D835 within a
kemogenesis, based on the predicted structure of the chime- FLT3 kinase domain (KDM) were found [120, 121]. FLT3/
ric protein [105, 111]. The reciprocal HOXA9-NUP98 ITD and FLT3/KDM occurs in 15–35 and 5–10 % of adults
fusion gene is probably nonfunctional, and was not amplifi- with AML, respectively, and are associated with a poor prog-
able by RT-PCR in a subset of cases tested [105]. The nor- nosis [122, 123]. In addition, extremely high levels of FLT3
mal HOXA9 gene is a member of the homeobox gene transcripts have been demonstrated in a proportion of AML
family, and is involved in development and differentiation. patients without FLT3 mutations, and are also associated
The HOXA9 gene encodes a class I homeodomain protein with a poor prognosis [124]. Rarely, both types of mutations
that is expressed in hematopoietic cells and the kidney [105, occur simultaneously in AML; this may be related to clonal
111]. The normal NUP98 gene is relatively small, with five progression [125].
exons, and encodes a component of the nuclear-pore com- FLT3 mutations lead to constitutive activation resulting
plex that is 98 kDa. in increased receptor signaling, which in turn is invovled in
tumorigenesis. FLT3/ITD is constitutively phosphorylated Gene Mutations Associated with AML on tyrosine residues and forms homodimers and, if the ITD-
FLT3 Gene containing FLT3 is cotransfected with wild-type FLT3, a
FMS-like receptor tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3), also known as heterodimer with wild type FLT3 [122]. FLT3/ITD or FLT3/
fetal liver kinase 2 (FLK-2) and stem cell tyrosine kinase 1 KDM result in autonomous proliferation of murine interleu-
(STK-1), belongs to a class III receptor tyrosine kinase fam- kin 3-dependent cell lines, such as 32D, and induce consti-

90 180 270 360




Fig. 30.12 Multiplex fluorescence-based PCR method used to detect internal tandem duplication (ITD) of FLT3. DNA is assessed by amplifica-
tion of the juxtamembrane domain using primers from exons 11 and 12. The presence of second, larger peak signifies that FLT3/ITD is present.
522 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

tutive activation of downstream signaling molecules, such RAS Gene

as signal transducer and activation of transcription 5 RAS is a GTP-dependent, 21 kDa protein that is localized at
(STAT5), MAP kinase, SHC, AKT, and BAD [122, 126, the inner side of the cell membrane. RAS is encoded by the
127]. 32D cells are known to differentiate into mature neu- RAS gene family, including KRAS located at 12p12.1, HRAS
trophils in response to granulocyte colony-stimulating fac- located at 11p15.5, and NRAS located at 1p13.2. RAS binds
tor (G-CSF). However, both FLT3/ITD-expressing and guanine nucleotides, displays intrinsic GTPase activity, and
FLT3/KDM-expressing 32D cells do not differentiate into transduces signals from growth factor receptors to down-
mature neutrophils when they are treated with G-CSF [128]. stream effectors. The GTPase-mediated cycling between
These results indicate that FLT3 mutations are involved in RAS bound to GTP (active conformation) versus GDP (inac-
cascades for autonomous cell proliferation and differentia- tive conformation) serves as a regulatory switch for signal
tion block. In addition, mutant FLT3 has antiapoptotic transduction.
effects on leukemia cells [127]. In AML, activating somatic mutations in the first two
It has been shown that FLT3/ITD induces an oligoclonal exons of RAS have been described, including codons 12, 13,
myeloproliferative disorder in mice, but not AML, suggest- and 61 of N-RAS, and sporadically in K-RAS [137]. These
ing that additional mutations impairing hematopoietic dif- point mutations disrupt RAS function by diminishing GTPase
ferentiation and/or proliferation may be necessary for AML activity. The reported frequency of N-RAS mutations in AML
development [129]. Transplantation of FLT3/ITD-transfected ranges from 10 to 27 % [137]. K-RAS mutations at the same
bone marrow cells into PML/RARα transgenic mice clearly codons can be found in approximately 5–10 % of pediatric
shortens the latency period and increases penetrance for and adult AML patients [138]. H-RAS mutations are rare in
developing acute promyelocytic leukemia-like disease [130]. hematologic tumors [137]. In two studies, the presence of
FLT3 mutations are mainly found in de novo AML, and RAS mutations correlated with low blast counts in the BM
are less frequent in AMLs that have developed from MDS or and a better survival of patients in an age-adjusted analysis
therapy-related AML [131, 132]. In low grade MDS, FLT3/ [139]. However, in other reports patients with RAS mutations
ITD or FLT3/KDM occurs in approximately 3 % of cases. showed a trend to a worse outcome compared to patients
However, the frequency increases in advanced-stage MDS, without tyrosine kinase or RAS mutations [138].
and in up to 15 % in patients with AML that has developed Patients with MDS and N-RAS mutations have a very
from MDS [131, 132]. The frequency of FLT3 mutations in high risk of progression to AML suggesting that these muta-
AML is associated with patient age. FLT3/ITD has been tions might represent an important progression factor in
found in about 25 % of adult AML patients, but is higher MDS. On the other hand, analyses of RAS mutation status in
(~30 %) in patients older than 55 years [133]. In contrast, patients at first diagnosis and at relapse revealed a marked
FLT3/ITD has been found in approximately 10 % of pediatric instability of these mutations, with loss of mutations in some
AML patients [134, 135] and is rare in infant AML. FLT3 cases or new mutations in different codons. This may indi-
mutations are frequently found in AML with normal or cate that RAS mutation is not a leukemia-initiating event
intermediate-risk cytogenetic characteristics and with [140]. RAS has been shown to be an important mediator of
t(15;17), but are infrequent in patients with core binding fac- G-CSF-induced and thrombopoietin-induced differentia-
tor translocations, such as t(8;21) and inv(16). Recently, it tion and to enhance the function of CEBPA in promoting
has been demonstrated that the NPM1 gene is mutated in myeloid differentiation [141].
more than 60 % of adult AML patients harboring FLT3 muta-
tions [77–79]. KIT Gene
FLT3/ITD is strongly associated with leukocytosis and an Activating mutations of KIT, which are well-known in mast
increased percentage of blast cells in the peripheral blood cell disorders and in gastrointestinal stromal tumors, also
and BM of AML patients [131, 132]. The association of occur in AML. These mutations usually occur in one of two
FLT3/KDM with leukocytosis is controversial. Only one regions: the juxtamembrane region that functions as a nega-
study has demonstrated significant leukocytosis in adults tive regulatory region [142], and residues in the activation
who have AML with FLT3/KDM [121]. Several large-scale loop. KIT mutations are infrequent in AML in general, but
studies have shown the impact of FLT3 mutations on patient are more common in patients with core binding factor AMLs,
outcome. FLT3/ITD is a strong adverse predictive factor for ranging from 2 to 20 % [143].
overall survival, disease-free survival, and event-free sur-
vival within the intermediate-risk cytogenetic category. The G-CSF Receptor
clinical impact of FLT3/KDM on long-term outcome is con- Approximately 20 % of patients with severe congenital neu-
troversial. Recent meta-analysis of four published studies tropenia have G-CSF receptor point mutations. These muta-
including 1160 adult AML patients suggests an adverse tions result in a truncation of the C-terminal region which is
effect of FLT3/KDMs on long term outcome [136]. crucial for G-CSF signaling [144]. The mutated receptor
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 523

interrupts signals required for normal myeloid cells. Patients the presence of NPM1 mutation [153–156]. An analysis of
with these mutations have an increased risk of progression to cytogenetically diploid AML patients has shown that IDH
AML [144]. In 32D cells, the expression of a truncated mutations adversely affect prognosis [152]. Retrospective
G-CSF receptor resulted in increased proliferation without clinical trial data also have shown that IDH1 or IDH2 muta-
neutrophilic differentiation [145]. Transgenic mice express- tions are associated with a worse prognosis in younger AML
ing mutant G-CSF receptor (truncated at amino acid 715) patients with diploid cytogenetics and mutated NPM1 with-
develop a form of neutropenia in which myeloid progenitors out FLT3-ITD [152, 155].
react to G-CSF with hyperproliferation and neutrophilia
[146]. Transgenic mice overexpressing a form of the receptor TP53 Gene
truncated at amino acid 718 or 731 have low neutrophil The TP53 tumor-suppressor gene, located at chromosome
counts compared with wild-type controls and increased 17p13, is mutated in a wide variety of human cancers includ-
numbers of immature myeloid cells in the bone marrow ing AMLs. TP53 encodes for a nuclear phosphoprotein that
[146, 147]. These effects are attributed to ligand-induced binds to DNA and influences the expression of a variety of
internalization of the receptor [148], reduced ability of the genes. p53 protein appears to be involved in cell prolifera-
mutant receptor to activate STAT3, and reduced STAT5 inhi- tion, apoptosis, and DNA repair. Over 200 cases of AML
bition by SOCS3 [149]. These features might be responsible have been assessed for TP53 abnormalities. Point mutations
for increased risk of AML in patients with severe congenital were identified in about 6 % of cases. TP53 gene mutations
neutropenia. have been identified in all morphologic types of AML except
acute promyelocytic leukemia. Presence of TP53 mutations
IDH1 and IDH2 correlates with older patient age, presence of myelodyspla-
The isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) family of enzymes has sia, and poorer prognosis [157].
three members: IDH1, IDH2, and IDH3. These enzymes
catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to pro- Other Abnormalities in AML
duce CO2 and α-ketoglutarate (αKG). IDH1 and IDH2 are STAT Activation
NADP+-dependent while IDH3 is NAD+-dependent. IDH1 Consitutive activation (phosphorylation) of signal transducer
contains a C-terminal peroxisomal localization sequence and and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 and STAT5 has been
is localized in both peroxisomes and cytosol; IDH2 and shown in cases of AML [126]. For full transcriptional activ-
IDH3 are located in mitochondria [150]. A mutation in the ity, STAT proteins must be phosphorylated on serine resi-
IDH1 gene was first discovered in colorectal cancer and sub- dues, often by MAP kinases, and this also has been observed
sequently shown in brain gliomas. Later, mutations in IDH1 in AML blasts. Aberrant regulation of gene expression con-
and IDH2 were identified in AML as well as MDS [151, tributes to constitutive activation of STAT proteins. STAT3
152]. In addition, IDH2 mutations have been identified in and STAT5 can be activated by mutationally activated iso-
T-cell lymphomas, but to date, there have been no reports of forms of KIT and FLT3 in AML blasts [126]. SOCS proteins
cancer-associated mutations in IDH3. are potent repressors of STAT activation, and their ability to
In the initial report by Mardis and colleagues, IDH1 R132 repress transcription occurs through aberrant DNA-
mutation was detected in approximately 8 % of AML cases methylation of regulatory regions upstream of their tran-
analyzed and was associated with normal cytogenetics [153]. scriptional initiation site.
Subsequently IDH2 mutations were detected in patients with Constitutive activation of STAT3 and STAT5 appears to
AML. The initial study cited the frequency of IDH1 and work as a signal integration site for several pathways on
IDH2 mutations in patients with AML as 7.7 and 15.4 %, the way to leukemic transformation. The transforming
respectively [153]. In subsequent studies, focused on a rela- ability of constitutively activated STAT5 protein on mouse
tively homogenous group of adult patients with de novo bone marrow was demonstrated using retroviral trans-
AML with diploid cytogenetics, mutations in IDH1 and duction/transplantation studies. STAT3 or STAT5 are
IDH2 were found in 14 and 19 % of cases, respectively [151, necessary for tyrosine kinase-mediated transformation of
152]. IDH1 and IDH2 mutations are not mutually exclusive myeloid cells.
as several patients harboring both an IDH1 and IDH2 muta-
tion have been detected [152, 155]. Unbiased sequencing CXCR4 Expression
also has revealed the presence of 12 nonsynonymous recur- CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) is one of a number of
ring mutations (including IDH1) in more than one AML chemokine receptors defined by their ability to induce cell
genome. The data implicate these alterations as important for migration towards a chemotactic cytokine gradient (chemo-
leukemogenesis [153]. taxis). CXCR4 has received much attention in the literature
Recent studies across large patient cohorts have shown because it is the receptor for stromal derived factor (SDF-1α),
that IDH1 and IDH2 mutations are strongly associated with also known as CXCL12, and the CXCR4-CXCL12 axis is
524 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

essential for the migration of normal cells to the bone mar- AML in Patients with Down
row microenvironment [158]. CXCR4-CXCL12 also appears Syndrome
to play a role in metastases of both hematopoietic and solid Children with Down syndrome (DS) have a 10-fold to
tumors [158, 159]. CXCR4 is expressed and functional in a 20-fold increased risk of developing acute megakaryoblastic
subset of AML cases and expression correlates with poorer leukemia when compared with their non-DS counterparts
prognosis [159, 160]. In addition, CXCR4 has been reported [165]. Recently, an important role for the hematopoietic tran-
to be expressed more frequently and at a higher level in AML scription factor GATA1 has been demonstrated in DS patients
cases associated with FLT3/ITD mutations [161]. Based on with either transient myeloproliferative disorder (also known
this last observation, a link between CXCR4 expression and as transient abnormal myelopoiesis) or acute megakaryo-
FLT3/ITD mutation has been proposed. One group has dem- blastic leukemia [166]. Expression of GATA1 is essential for
onstrated that CXCR4 expression is associated with a poorer normal maturation of erythroid cells and megakaryocytes
prognosis in AML patients with normal cytogenetics and [167]. In two studies of 41 DS patients with acute mega-
unmutated FLT3 [160]. karyoblastic leukemia or transient myeloproliferative disor-
der, missense mutations in GATA1 were identified in over
Antigen-Receptor Gene Rearrangements in AML 90 % of cases; the mutations were not identified in subse-
Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) and /or T-cell receptor quent remission samples and were determined to be acquired
(TCR) β-chain and γ-chain gene rearrangements have been [168]. In contrast, GATA1 mutations were not seen in four
detected in less than 5 % of cases of AML, using Southern cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in DS patients [168].
blot analysis [162]. However, a study of AMLs using PCR- Genomic profiling studies have shown that cases of tran-
based methods found a substantially higher number of cases sient myeloproliferative disorder often have only trisomy 21
with monoclonal IgH gene rearrangements. T-cell receptor and GATA1 mutations. In contrast, in patients that progress
rearrangements are more common in AML cases with stem to acute megaryoblastic leukemia a number of other genes
cell immunophenotypic features. Many AML cases with are mutated including cohesin genes, genes that regulate epi-
antigen-receptor gene rearrangements are undifferentiated, genetics (e.g., EZH2), CTCF, JAK family genes, MPL, and
often TdT-positive, and express one or more lymphoid- RAS pathway genes [169].
associated antigens, suggesting that these leukemias are aris-
ing from an early BM precursor cell with multilineage Hypoxia and Hypoxia-Related
potential [162]. Patients with AML associated with antigen Changes
receptor gene rearrangements are reported to have a poorer Recently, hypoxia and hypoxia-related changes in the BM
prognosis than patients with AML without these gene have attracted the attention of investigators analyzing AML
rearrangements. and other malignancies. In normal BM, hypoxia is critical
for development of hematopoietic stem cells [170]. A critical Therapy-Related AML role in mediating the effect of hypoxia on hematopoietic
Patients with therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia stem cells is played by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha
(t-AML) present either early, within 3 years of cessation of (HIF1α) [171]. Decrease in oxygen tension in BM can lead
all chemotherapy, or late, 7 or more years after completion of to the selective outgrowth of AML clones with a survival
therapy. Early t-AMLs often display balanced translocations, advantage in the severely hypoxic microenvironment [172].
especially involving the MLL gene, whereas late t-AMLs Data obtained from animal models indicate that AML pro-
often shown unbalanced rearrangements, cytogenetic abnor- gression within BM is associated with further decreases in
malities of chromosomes 5 and 7, and are often preceded by overall oxygenation and expansion of hypoxic areas [172].
MDS [163]. Clinicopathologic studies with multivariate Hypoxia also affects the exposure of AML cells to systemic
analysis have implicated topoisomerase II inhibitors, partic- chemotherapy and the antitumor immune response [173].
ularly the epipodophyllotoxins etoposide and teniposide, in The overexpression of HIF1α in primary AML and acute
the generation of balanced MLL translocations in the patients lymphoblastic leukemia BM samples correlates with poor
with early t-AML [164]. Data from the initial series of cases chemotherapy outcomes [174, 175]. For these reasons,
with t-AML related to topoisomerase II inhibitors suggested hypoxia-activated agents, novel cytotoxic drugs preferen-
that the epipodophyllotoxins were more highly associated tially activated under low oxygenation conditions, may have
with t-AML than other topo II agents, and that dose and an active role in the treatment of AML and other BM malig-
schedule of therapy were important. nancies. Recent studies have demonstrated that HIF1α plays
Cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents are associated with a role in cancer progression by activating transcriptional pro-
cases of late t-AML. Gene mutation studies using next- grams for maintaining the self-renewal and multipotent
generation sequencing methods have shown that mutation pro- capacities of cancer stem cells in a hypoxic environment
files in t-AML differ greatly from de novo AML cases. In [176–178]. HIF1α was also shown to be required for stem
particular, TP53 mutations are much more common in t-AML. cell functions in mouse lymphoma and human AML [179].
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 525

One of the new approaches in AML therapy is hypoxia- system classified these neoplasms on the basis of their mor-
activated prodrugs such as TH-302. TH-302 is a phological features as L1, L2, or L3. It is now recognized
2-nitroimidazole hypoxia-activated prodrug of the cytotoxin that the distinction between L1 and L2 has little biological
bromo-isophosphoramide mustard. In vitro, TH-302 demon- and clinical meaning, and that L3 cases represent Burkitt
strates activity against solid tumors, multiple myeloma cells, lymphoma/leukemia [188].
and AML cells under low oxygen tension [173, 180, 181]. In Far more important in ALL are their immunophenotypic
clinical trials, TH-302 alone and in combination with che- and molecular features. Cases of ALL can be divided into
motherapy was very effective in solid tumors and hemato- immature B-cell and T-cell neoplasms and each of these cat-
logic malignancies including AML and multiple myeloma egories has a number of molecular subgroups. Approximately
[182, 183]. 80–90 % of ALL cases are of immature B-cell lineage, and
include neoplasms once designated as non-B/non-T, null,
and common ALL. The remaining 10–20 % of ALL cases are
30.3 Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell of T-cell lineage. Heritable syndromes predisposing to ALL
Neoplasm and germ line mutations in known tumor-suppressor genes
are uncommon, implying that most cases probably arise
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a from somatic mutations in immature lymphoid cells.
rare tumor that arises from precursors of plasmacytoid den- Immature B-cell and T-cell neoplasms can present as either
dritic cells (also known as plasmacytoid monocytes or pro- ALL or lymphoblastic lymphoma. At the molecular level leu-
fessional type 1 interferon producing cells). The age range of kemic and lymphomatous B-cell or T-cell neoplasms appear to
patients with BPDCN is quite broad, from young children to be similar. For this reason, the current WHO classification des-
the elderly and males are more often affected. Patients with ignates these tumors as B or T lymphoblastic leukemia/lym-
BPDCN usually present with skin disease and involvement phoma. However, as most studies of these tumors have focused
of bone marrow. Most patients also present with low-level on cases that presented as leukemia we use the terms B-ALL
peripheral blood involvement and lymphadenopathy occurs or T-ALL or lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL).
in about 50 % of patients. Overall survival is poor, in the
range of 1–2 years despite therapy [184, 185].
Conventional cytogenetic analysis commonly shows a 30.4.1 B-Cell ALL
complex karyotype but there are no consistent recurrent
abnormalities. Deletions of a number of chromosomal loci Based on antigen expression, B-ALLs can be further sub-
have been reported with del(5q) most common. Rare cases classified into as many as five subgroups: (1) pre-pre-B-
reported have had T-cell receptor gene rearrangements, but in ALL, (2) early pre-B-ALL, (3) pre-B-ALL, (4) transitional
most cases of BPDCN the IgH and TCR genes are germ line. B-ALL, or (5) mature B-ALL, although subdivision into
Gene expression profiling of BPDCN has pointed to acti- fewer subgroups based on the expression of CD10, cytoplas-
vation of the NF-kB pathway as a potential therapeutic target mic IgM, and surface immunoglobulin is the usual practice.
[186]. A number of gene mutations have been identified Nearly all B-ALLs carry monoclonal IgH gene rearrange-
using whole exome or more targeted sequencing approaches ments. In addition, 40–50 % of ALLs also contain Igk gene
including TET, IKZF3, HOXB9, UBE2G2, and ZEB2. A sin- rearrangements, and 20–25 % contain Igλ gene rearrange-
gle case of a child with BPDCN associated with a CLTC- ments. The results suggest a hierarchy of Ig gene rearrange-
ALK fusion gene has been reported [187]. ments in developing B lymphocytes: IgH rearrangement first
TET mutations are most common in BPDCN, in up to followed by Igk and then Igλ.
40 % of cases [184]. TET is also mutated in cases of MDS Lineage infidelity is common in B ALLs and the TCR
and AML. TET normally converts 5-methyl-cytosine to genes are frequently rearranged [189]. TCR-δ is rearranged
5-hydroxymethylcytosine and is expressed in early hemato- or deleted (after rearrangement) in as many as 80 % of cases.
poietic precursors. TET is involved in epigenetic regulation The TCR-γ and TCR-β genes are rearranged in 50–60 %, and
and hematopoiesis. TET mutations are usually heterozygous 20–30 % of cases, respectively. As a result, either the TCR or
and result in loss of function, presumably allowing uncon- Ig genes can he assessed to determine clonality, but evalua-
trolled expansion of hematopoietic cells [187]. tion of individual antigen receptor genes is less useful for
lineage determination.
Standard cytogenetic studies have shown the presence of
30.4 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia multiple nonrandom chromosomal translocations in
B-ALL. The molecular and cytogenetic findings are summa-
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is an umbrella term for rized in Table 30.2. A number of the most frequent and best-
a group of neoplasms composed of immature lymphoid cells characterized molecular abnormalities are discussed more
that are derived from the bone marrow. Previously, the FAB specifically here.
526 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Table 30.2 Cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities in acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Chromosomal translocations Genes Comments
B-cell lineage
t(9;22)(q34;q11) ABL1 Tyrosine kinase
BCR Unknown function
Involving CRLF2
t(X; 14)(p22.3;q32) CRLF2 JAK-associated signaling pathway
t(Y; 14)(p11.3;q32) Activator
IgH Ig heavy-chain enhancer
Involving TCF3 (E2A)
t(1;19)(q23;q13) PBX1 Homebox gene
TCF3 (E2A) bHLH transcription factor
(17;19)(q22;p13) HLF bZIP transcription factor
TCF3 (E2A) bHLH transcription factor
Involving KMT2A (MLL)
t(11;v)(q23;v) KMT2A (MLL) Drosophila trithorax homology
Variable Many partner genes
Infancy, high risk
Involving ETV6 (TEL) and CDKN1B (KIP1)
t(12;21)(p12;q22) ETV6 (TEL) ETS-like transcription factor
RUNX1 Runt-like transcription factor
t(5;14)(q31;q32) IL-3 Cytokine gene
IgH Ig heavy-chain enhancer
Involving MYC
t(8;14)(q24;q32) MYC bHLH transcription factor
IgH Ig heavy-chain enhancer
t(2;8)(p12;q24) Igk Igk chain enhancer
MYC bHLH transcriptor factor
Igλ Igλ chain enhancer
Gene amplification
Hyperdiploid karyotype Favorable prognosis
DHFR Associated with p53 mutations
T-cell lineage
Involving TAL1, TAL2, and LYL1
Interstitial deletions TAL1 bHLH transcription factor
STIL (SIL) Gene-expressed T cells
Up to 30 % T-ALL
t(1;14)(p32;q11) TAL1 bHLH transcription factor
TCR-δ TCR enhancer
t(1;7)(p33;q35) TAL1 bHLH transcription factor
TCR-β TCR enhancer
t(7;9)(q34;q32) TCR-β TCR enhancer
TAL2 bHLH transcriptor factor
t(7;19)(q34;q13) TCR-β TCR enhancer
LYL1 bHLH transcription factor
del(9)(p21-22) P16INK4A Cell-cycle inhibitor
P16INK4B Cell-cycle inhibitor
Involving TLX1 (HOX11)
t(10;14)(q24;q11) TLX1 (HOX11) Homeobox gene
TCR-ąδ TCR enhancer
t(7;10)(q34;q24) TCR-β TCR enhancer
TLX1 (HOX11) Homeobox gene
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 527

Table 30.2 (continued)

Chromosomal translocations Genes Comments
t(8;13)(p11;q11) FGFR1 Growth-factor receptor
ZNF198 Novel gene, Zn finger
t(8;14)(q24;q11) MYC bHLH transcription factor
TCR-δ TCR enhancer
Involving LMO1 (TTG1) and LMO2 (TTG2)
t(11;14)(p15;q11) LMO1 (TTG1) LIM protein
TCR-δ TCR Enhancer
t(11;14)(p13;q11) LMO2 (TTG2) LIM protein
TCR-δ TCR Enhancer
Involving KMT2A (MLL)
t(11;v)(q23;v) KMT2A (MLL) Drosophila trithorax homology
Variable Many partner genes
Involving NOTCH1 (TAN1)
t(7;9)(q34;q34.3) TCR-β TCR Enhancer
NOTCH1 (TAN1) Drosophila notch-like
Involving TCL1A (TCL1)
t(14;14)(q11;q32.1), TCR-δ TCR Enhancer
inv(14)(q11;q32.1) TCL1A (TCL1) Homology to MTCP1 of T-CLL
t(7;14)(q35;q32.1) TCR-β TCR Enhancer
TCL1A (TCL1) Homology to MTCP1 of T-CLL B-ALL with t(9:22)(q34;q11.2); [192, 195, 196]. The reported incidence of BCR-ABL1-like
BCR-ABL B-ALL varies from 10 % in children to 30 % in young adults,
The Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) or t(9;22)(q34;q11), is and these tumors are present at higher frequency in patients
among the most prevalent recurrent chromosomal transloca- with Down syndrome [192, 195, 196], but the true incidence
tions in B-ALL, detected in 20–33 % of adults and 5 % of might be higher taking into consideration the novelty of the
children with this disease [190]. This translocation disrupts entity and lack of reliable tools to diagnose it in the commu-
and fuses a portion of the ABL1 gene at chromosome 9q34 nity. Patients with BCR-ABL1-like B-ALL have a poorer
with a portion of BCR locus at 22q11 forming BCR-ABL1 outcome, but these tumors have the potential to respond to
(Figs. 30.5, 30.13, and 30.14). Two forms of the t(9;22) tyrosine kinase inhibitors [193–195].
occur. In 25–50 % of adult cases of B-ALL, the translocation From the molecular perspective, BCR-ABL1-like B-ALL
appears identical to that found in CML; a fusion protein with can be divided in two groups based on the underlying activa-
a molecular weight of 210 kDa is formed. In the remaining tion of either the JAK-associated signaling pathway or the
50–75 % of adult cases and most childhood cases of B-ALL, ABL-associated signaling pathway [195, 197]. This distinc-
the breakpoint on chromosome 22 is 100 kb upstream of the tion is critical for proper patient management. Most com-
BCR region, resulting in a smaller fusion protein with a monly, the JAK-associated signaling pathway is activated by
molecular weight of 190 kDa. This p190 protein has CRLF2 protein encoded by CRLF2 gene (chromosome
enhanced tyrosine kinase activity and transforming capabil- Xp22.3/Yp11.3) overexpression, which can be a result of
ity compared to p210 protein [191]. The t(9;22) is usually either IGH-CRLF2 translocations or deletions that create
detected by conventional cytogenetics, FISH, and RT-PCR. P2RY8-CRLF2 fusions. CRLF2 overexpression is often (about
50 %) associated with additional mutations in CRLF2, IL7R,
BCR-ABL1-Like B-ALL JAK1, or JAK2 [196]. Less commonly, CRLF2 overexpression
This entity was initially identified by gene expression profil- can result from rare translocations such as BCR-JAK2, STRN3-
ing which showed that these tumors have an expression pro- JAK2, or PAX5-JAK2 [195, 197]. The ABL-associated signal-
file very similar to B-ALL with t(9;22)(q34;q11) even though ing pathway is usually activated via a large number of gene
these tumors lack the translocation [192–195]. This entity is fusions that involve ABL1; partners include NUP214, ETV6,
usually mutually exclusive with B-ALL with recurrent cyto- RANB2, and RCSD1. Fusion genes that involve JAK2 and
genetic abnormalities such as ETV6-RUNX1, E2A-PBX1, rarely PDGFRβ are also reported with partners that include
ERG rearrangement, MLL rearrangement, or hyperdiploidy PAX5, EBF1, and STRN3 [195, 197, 198].
528 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Fig. 30.13 Karyotype of a case of acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)(p13q22). Conventional cytogenetic analysis demonstrates inv(16) as a
sole cytogenetic abnormality. GTG banding technique.

Fig. 30.14 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of a inv(16) or t(16;16), red and green signals become separated, and a cell
case of acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)(p13q22). Dual color, has one red, one green, and one fused (yellow) signal (left panel). In the
breakapart probe (Vysis) in which the 5′ CBFβ probe positioned centro- absence of inv16 or t(16;16), a cell contains two fused (yellow) signals
meric to the inv(16) breakpoint region is red, and the 3′ CBFβ probe (right panel). This technique allows analysis of both metaphase and
positioned telomeric to the inv(16) breakpoint is green. In the event of interphase cells (right).
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 529 B-ALL with t(v;11q23); MLL B-ALL with t(5;14)(q31;q32); IL3-IG
Rearranged A small subset of B-ALLs is associated with eosinophilia
A large number of partners on different chromosomes have and carries the t(5;14)(q31;q32) [205]. The chromosome 5
been reported in translocations involving MLL at the 11q23 breakpoints are tightly clustered within the promoter region
locus [1]. In B-ALLs, 11q23 abnormalities are detected as of the interleukin-3(IL-3) gene, whereas the chromosome 14
translocations involving the following partner chromosome breakpoints occur within IgH [205]. The translocation results
loci: 9p11, 9p21-p22, 4q21, 19p13, 1q21, 1p32, 6q27, in the head-to-head juxtaposition of IL-3 with the IgH gene-
12p13, 17q21, 17q25, 20q13, and Xq13; of these, t(4;11), joining region. In all likelihood, the translocation results in
t(9;11), and t(11;19) are most prevalent. The t(4;11) overexpression of IL-3, inducing eosinophilia and stimula-
(q2l;q23), which occurs in about 2 % of childhood B-ALLs tion of the leukemic clone, presumably via an autocrine loop.
and 5–6 % of adult B-ALLs, confers a poor prognosis [1].
The gene located at 4q21 is named AF4 or FEL. Although B-ALL with t(1;19)(q23;p13.3); TCF3-
most ALLs with 11q23 abnormalities are of B-cell lineage, PBX1 (E2A-PBX1)
a small subset of cases possess an immature T-cell immuno- The t(1;19) is found in approximately 30 % of B-ALLs [206].
phenotype and MLL fusions are found in 4–8 % of T-ALL It is most prevalent in leukemias with a pre-B cell (cytoplas-
[46, 199]. mic Ig μ positive) immunophenotype. This translocation jux-
In infants, 11q23 abnormalities are found in more than taposes the PBX1 gene on chromosome lq23 with the TCF3
70 % of leukemias in patients <1 year of age whether the gene on chromosome 19p13 [206]. The PBX1 gene is a
immunophenotype is designated AML or ALL [200]. Some member of the homeobox gene family. The TCF3 gene
infant leukemias express antigens characteristic of both lym- encodes an enhancer-binding transcription factor [207].
phoblasts and monoblasts, and are sometimes designated TCF3 contains the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain
acute biphenotyic leukemias. Infants diagnosed with ALL responsible for sequence-specific DNA binding and dimer-
harboring an 11q23 rearrangement have a particularly poor ization, and plays a critical role in lymphocyte development
prognosis. Recently it has been found that the receptor tyro- [208]. Breakpoints are clustered allowing for PCR-based
sine kinase FLT3 is highly expressed in MLL-rearranged methods to be used for detection [207].
ALL as compared with other acute leukemias [46]. B-ALL t(17;19)(q22;p13); HLF/ TCF3 B-ALL with t(12;21)(p13;q22); ETV6- In the t(17;19) the HLF (hepatic leukemia factor) gene
RUNX1 (TEL-AML1) located on chromosome 17 is juxtaposed with the TCF3 gene
ETV6 (TEL) is an ETS-like gene on 12p12 that is a transcrip- on chromosome 19p13 [209]. The translocation creates a
tion factor. The t(12;21) results in a chimeric gene comprised fusion gene that encodes for a chimeric protein containing
of the ETV6 gene and the RUNX1 (AML1) gene at 21q22. the basic region/leucine zipper domain of the HLF protein
The chimeric protein contains the bHLH domain of ETV6 fused to the transactivation domain of the TCF3 protein.
fused to the DNA-binding subunit of the RUNX1/CBFP
transcription-factor complex [201]. Although this transloca- Hyperdiploid B-ALL
tion is detectable by routine cytogenetic studies in less than Childhood precursor B-ALL patients with a hyperdiploid
5 % of pediatric B-ALL cases, cryptic ETV6-RUNX1fusions karyotype (defined as >50 chromosomes or a DNA index
have been found using RT-PCR methods in 22–27 % of pedi- ≥1.16) have a favorable prognosis, presumably because their
atric patients, representing the most frequent genetic lesion disease is more responsive to chemotherapy [210]. These
in childhood B-ALL [201]. ETV6-RUNX11 is associated tumors show non-random gains of chromosomes X, 4, 6, 10,
with an excellent prognosis, with event-free survival rates 14, 17, 18, and 21. Studies have shown that trisomy of both
approaching 90 % [201–203]. The favorable prognostic chromosomes 4 and 10 identify a subgroup of pediatric
impact of ETV6-RUNX1 is independent of age and leukocyte patients with an extremely favorable 4-year event-free sur-
count [202]. vival and are likely to be cured with antimetabolite-based
Epidemiologic studies have identified the ETV6-RUNX1 chemotherapy [211]. Increased gene copy numbers on these
translocation in neonatal blood spots indicating that the chromosomes may contribute to leukemogenesis and/or
translocation is present in blood cells at birth, up to 5–10 enhance responsiveness to chemotherapy.
years before the development of leukemia [11]. These data Gene expression studies have shown that hyperdiploid cases
suggest that the ETV6-RUNX1 translocation is an initiating represent a separate genetically defined subset of B-ALL [212].
event in this leukemia. Most, but not all, 12p cytogenetic Activating mutations of FLT3 have been identified in approxi-
abnormalities in childhood B ALL involve ETV6 [204]. mately 20 % of cases of hyperdiploid B-ALL [213, 214].
These cases are associated with a non-hyperdiploid DNA CREB-binding protein (CREBBP) mutations, mostly in the
content and a favorable prognosis [204]. HAT domain, have been identified in about 50 % of cases [215].
530 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev Hypodiploid B-ALL precursor T-ALL accounts for about 12 % of all pediatric
About 2–3 % of B ALL cases exhibit hypodiploidy, and these T-ALL cases [218]. Cytogenetic studies found that these
patients have a poor prognosis. Hypodiploidy is defined as patients often show 5q, 13q, and 11q chromosomal dele-
less than 44 chromosomes and can be further broken out into tions, and in contrast to the other T-ALL subtypes, usually do
two subgroups: near haploid with 24–31 chromosomes and not have 9p deletions involving the CDKN2A/B tumor sup-
low-hypodiploid with 32–39 chromosomes with each sub- pressor genes. Gene expression profiling studies have shown
group distinct at the molecular level [216]. that ETP T-ALL exhibits prominent overexpression of LYL1
Near haploid B-ALL cases commonly have mutations in and LMO2 [219].
NF1, IKZF3, and other genes that activate the RAS pathway. At the molecular level, ETP T-ALL appears to be quite
Low-haploid B-ALL cases are often associated with TP53 heterogeneous [220]. Multiple chromosomes show structural
mutations. These mutations may be sporadic or germ line alterations and a number of gene or pathway abnormalities
with the latter group a part of Li–Fraumeni syndrome [216]. have been identified in subsets of ETP T-ALL [221, 222].
Major groups of alterations in ETP T-ALL include: loss of
genes that regulate hematopoietic development, such as
30.4.2 T-Cell ALL ETV6, GATA3, IKZF1, and RUNX1; overexpression of stem
cell genes, such as BAALC, WT1; gene mutations in NRAS or
T-cell ALLs can be subclassified based on the presence of KRAS that activate the RAS pathway; mutations involving
cytoplasmic or membrane expression of CD3 [217] as fol- the cytokine receptors JAK1, JAK3, and IL7R), and inactivat-
lows: TI—immature subgroup or pro-T-ALL defined by the ing mutations of genes involved in epigenetic regulation
expression of only CD7; TII—pre-T-ALL expressing CD2 (e.g., EZH2, MLL, DNMT3A, CREBBP). FLT3 mutations are
and/or CD5 and/or CD8; TIII—or cortical T-ALL expressing also frequent and NOTCH1 mutations are rare in ETP T-ALL,
CD1a; and TIV—mature T-ALL expressing surface CD3 unlike other types of T-ALL [221, 222].
and lacking CD1a. Depending on the mutually exclusive The profile of gene mutations in ETP T-ALL is closer to
membrane expression of αβ or γδ TCR, two subgroups, acute myeloid leukemia that it is to other types of T-ALL and
group A and group B, are distinguished. the gene expression profile of ETP T-ALL supports this idea,
In a subset of early-thymic T-ALLs, only rearrangements being more similar to hematopoietic stem cells or early
of TCR-δ or both TCR-δ and TCR-γ are identified with the myeloid precursors than to T-lymphoblasts [221, 222].
TCR-β in the germ line configuration [189]. In the remaining
early-thymic cases, and all of the mid-thymic and late-thymic T-ALL with TAL-1 Rearrangements
ALLs, each of the TCR are rearranged. TCR-δ is often The TAL-1 gene is rearranged in 25–30 % of T-ALLs and is
deleted after rearrangement. Although TCR-α is difficult to much more common in childhood than in adult T-ALL cases
analyze due to its large size, TCR-α gene transcripts have [223, 224]. TAL-1 is located at chromosome 1p32. It encodes
been detected in late-thymic T-ALLs using Northern-blot a protein with a bHLH domain that is a member of a family
hybridization. These findings suggest a hierarchy of gene of transcription factors involved in growth regulation and
rearrangements in normal developing T lymphocytes: TCR-δ differentiation. The TAL-1 gene is not normally expressed in
rearrangement occurs first, followed by rearrangement of T-cells [224].
TCR-γ and TCR-β, followed by rearrangement of TCR-α. In most cases with TAL-1 rearrangements, small intersti-
Lineage infidelity occurs frequently in T-ALLs; IgH rear- tial deletions in the TAL-1 locus result in the joining of the
rangements occur in about 20 % of cases. However, Ig light TAL-1 gene with a gene known as SIL that is normally
chain rearrangements are rare. expressed in T cells. This joining is thought to be due to ille-
A number of nonrandom chromosomal translocations gitimate recombination mediated by the VDJ recombinase
involving candidate proto-oncogenes have been described in mechanism using heptamer-nonamer-like sequences flank-
T-ALLs. Tumor-suppressor genes also may be involved. ing each gene [225]. In these cases, no abnormalities are
Some of the more common abnormalities are discussed here. detectable by standard cytogenetic analysis. In a small subset
of cases the t(1;14)(p32;11) is present. This translocation
places the TAL-1 gene in continuity with the TCR-δ enhancer.
30.4.3 Early T-Cell Precursor T-ALL A similar translocation, the t(1;7)(p33;q35), places the TAL-
1 gene in continuity with the TCR-β enhancer. Gene rear-
Early T-cell precursor (ETP) T-ALL represents a clinically rangements involving TAL-1, both deletions and
aggressive subset of tumors with the following immunophe- translocations, are identifiable by Southern blot or PCR anal-
notype: cytoplasmic CD3+, CD5 dim+ or negative, myeloid yses. This group of T-ALLs also has a distinct gene expres-
antigens+, and both CD1a and CD8 negative. Early T-cell sion profile.
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 531 T-ALL with del(9)(p21-22) CDKN2B/ modern intensive therapy [219, 231]. Forced expression of
CDKN2A HOX11 in murine BM gives rise to T-ALL-like malignancies
Deletions of chromosome 9p21-p22 occur in a subset of T after long latency intervals suggesting that additional muta-
ALLs with a frequency of up to 50 % in childhood cases tions are required.
[226]. Recent studies have identified several closely related The TLX3/HOX11L2 gene, located at chromosome
candidate tumor-suppressor genes at this locus: two cell- 5q35, can be activated by translocation near the BCL11B
cycle inhibitors, CDKN2A (p16) at 9p21 and CDKN2B (p15) locus as a result of t(5;14)(q35;q32), or by fusion to the
located 12 kb centromeric to the p16INK4A [226]. The TCR-δ locus as a result of t(5;14)(q35;q11). Although
CDKN2A and CDKN2B genes encode 16 and 15 kDa pro- t(5;14)(q35;q32) and t(5;14)(q35;q11) are commonly not
teins, respectively, that inhibit CDK4 and CDK6. CDK4 and recognized by conventional cytogenetic techniques, almost
CDK6 are involved in regulating cell-cycle progression from 20 % of childhood and 13 % of adult T-ALL patients dem-
the G1 to S phase, and their inhibition provides a cell with a onstrated a HOX11L2 gene translocation by FISH [232].
growth advantage [226]. Rare variants have been reported: t(5;14) that involves
Using FISH, homozygous (and less frequently heterozy- NKX2-5, another homeobox gene instead of TLX3 [233];
gous) CDKN2A locus deletions have been identified in t(5;7)(q35;q21) involving TLX3 and CDK6 [234] and
T-ALLs [226, 227]. CDKN2A deletions have been identi- t(5;14)(q35;q11) juxtaposing TLX3 and TCR α/δ genes
fied in most cases with 9p21-p22 deletion as shown by con- [235]. TLX3 is very similar to TLX1 and microarray studies
ventional cytogenetics as well as in cases in which indicate that TLX1+ and TLX3+ T-ALLs cluster together,
conventional cytogenetics are normal. The CDKN2B locus suggesting common mechanisms of action [219, 236].
has a similar frequency of homozygous deletions in Patients with TLX3 expressing T-ALL may not have the
T-ALLs, although this locus has been analyzed less com- favorable outcome reported for patients with TLX1+ cases
monly. CDKN2A and CDKN2B deletions correlate with a [219, 237].
poorer survival [210, 228].
The breakpoints in CDKN2A have been found to occur in T-ALL with t(10;11)(p13;q14)
two clusters (bcrα and bcrβ) that are located near heptamers The t(10;11)(p13;q14) is a recurrent translocation in T ALL,
whose sequences resemble those involved in VDJ recombi- but it is also found in a wide spectrum of hematologic malig-
nation [228]. In one study, all T ALL cases also contained nancies [238, 239]. The t(10;11) fuses CALM (clathrin
short deletions, GC-rich tandem nucleotide additions, or assembly protein-like lymphoid-myeloid leukemia gene,
clone-specific junctional sequences in CDKN2A. These also called PICALM) to AF10 (also called MLLT10).
combined findings suggest tumor-suppressor gene inactiva- CALM-AF10 fusion is detected in 9–10 % of T-ALL and is
tion by an illegitimate VDJ recombinational mechanism. restricted to cases expressing γδ TCR [240]. The transloca-
tion is often cryptic and requires molecular detection by T-ALL with t(10;14)(q24;q11) or t(7;10) either FISH or RT-PCR. Several different fusion transcripts
(q34;q24) have been described. AF10 breakpoints correlate with stage
Approximately 5–10 % of T-ALLs carry the t(10;14) involv- of maturation arrest: the more 5′ breakpoints are associated
ing the T-cell leukemia homeobox 1 (TLX1) previously known with mature γδ T-ALLs and the more 3′ breakpoints are
as homeobox 11(HOX11) gene on chromosome 10q24. associated with immature γδ T-ALLs [240]. These findings
T-ALLs with the t(7;10)(q34;q24) also involve the TLX1 suggest a possible role for AF10 protein in γδ TCR lineage
gene. TCR-α/δ and TCR-β are located at 14q11 and 7q34, commitment at the early stages of hematopoietic differentia-
respectively. In adults, HOX11 was expressed by 33 % of tion. Prognosis is globally poor, particularly for the most
T-ALLs, compared with only 3 % of neoplasms in children immature cases [240].
[229]. The HOX11 gene is a homeobox gene involved in Gene expression studies have disclosed upregulation of
transcriptional regulation [230]. It is not normally expressed the HOXA5, HOXA9, and HOXA10 genes and their cofactor
in T-cells but is expressed in the adult liver and fetal spleen MEIS1 [236, 241]. This finding strongly indicates common
of animals [230]. Overexpression of this gene in the thymus oncogenic pathways for T-ALL with either CALM-AF10 or
of transgenic mice appears to correlate with the development MLL translocations. Unique to CALM-AF10 is the overex-
of T-cell neoplasms. In most cases, the breakpoint on chro- pression of BMI1, a gene located at 10p12.3 in close vicinity
mosome 10 is upstream of HOX11, placing it under the influ- to AF10. BMI1 is essential for self-renewal of normal and
ence of a TCR enhancer, thereby resulting in deregulation leukemic stem cells [242]. BMI1 controls cell proliferation
and increased expression of the normal HOX11 protein by inhibiting the CDKN2A locus and is thus an alternative to
[230]. HOX11 expression in T-ALL is associated with a deletion of the CDKN2A locus observed in 70 % of T-ALL
favorable prognosis in both children and adults treated with cases, but is not present in CALM-AF10 T-ALLs.
532 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev NOTCH-1 Mutations in T-ALL T-ALL with t(11;14)(p15;q11) or

The NOTCH-1 gene was initially discovered by its involve- t(11;14)(p13;q11)
ment and activation in the rare t(7;9) in T-ALL [243] and The genes encoding the LIM domain only proteins LMO1
activated NOTCH-1 was shown to induce T-ALL in mouse (RTBN1, TTG-1) and LMO2 (RTBN2, TTG-2) located on
models [244, 245]. NOTCH1 is an important player in T-cell chromosome 11p15 and 11p13, respectively, are rearranged
commitment decisions of the common lymphoid precursor in T-ALL [251]. Most common are the t(11;14)(p15;q11)
[246] and in the assembly and signaling of the TCR in imma- and t(11;14)(p13;q11) juxtaposing LMO1/LMO2 to the TCR
ture thymocytes [247]. NOTCH1 may also play a role in dif- α/δ locus due to erroneous VDJ joining [252]. The frequency
ferentiation by controlling TCF3/E2A protein turnover of translocations in T-ALL with LMO1 is less than 1 %,
[248]. NOTCH1 activating mutations have been found in the whereas it may be nearly 7 % for LMO2 [251]. These genes
heterodimerization domain (HD) domain and the PEST are not normally expressed in T-cells. The LMO1 and LMO2
domain in ~60 % of T-ALL of all molecular subtypes [248]. proteins are members of a subset of nuclear-localizing zinc-
Mutations in the HD result in ligand independent intracellu- finger proteins containing cysteine-rich LIM domains and
lar NOTCH1 (ICN) production; mutations in PEST extend likely function as regulators of transcription [252]. LMO2
the half-life of ICN transcription activator complex. has been demonstrated to be essential in erythropoiesis using
Combined HD and PEST mutations have been found in homologous recombination in mice [253]. Dysregulation
~15 % of cases and shown to have a synergistic effect on may occur either by putting the gene under the control of the
NOTCH1 activation [248]. TCR-δ enhancer or, in those cases lacking this enhancer on
The finding of NOTCH1 mutations in all molecular sub- the translocated allele, by disturbing the negative regulatory
types of T-ALL suggests that these mutations occur in imma- region of the TCR-δ gene promoter [254]. The incidence of
ture progenitors. When several T-cell leukemia cell lines T-cell malignancies in transgenic mice is tied to the level of
were tested with a drug known to inhibit gamma-secretase, transgene expression.
cell-cycle arrest was detected, which was subsequently Translocations involving TCR-β and LMO1 or LMO2 loci
proven to be NOTCH-1 specific [248]. The mechanism of also have been reported [255]. Abnormal expression of
NOTCH1 transforming activity is still unclear and probably LMO1/2 has been found in 45 % of T ALL cases, even in the
results from the deregulation of its normal functions during absence of typical chromosomal changes [256], but often in
T-cell development, and its role in maintenance of self- association with deregulation of LYL1 (LMO2) or TAL1
renewal capacity of stem cells [249]. (LMO1 and 2). Aberrant activation of LMO2 via retroviral
integration has been reported recently in two T-cell lymphopro- T-ALL Associated with Translocations liferative disorders in children participating in a gene therapy
Involving TCR Loci trial of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency [256].
Other translocations have been identified in T-ALLs by
conventional cytogenetics, often involving the TCR loci: T-ALL with 11q23/MLL
TCR-α/δ at 14q11, TCR-β at 7q34, and TCR-γ at 7p15. Rearrangements
These translocations, present in small subsets of T-ALL, MLL/KMT2A rearrangements are found in 4–8 % of T-ALL
involve known or candidate proto-oncogenes brought into [257]. The preferential partner is ENL (MLLT1). Translocation
continuity with an antigen-receptor locus, resulting in (11;19)(q23;p13.3) encoding MLL-ENL is often found in
inappropriate oncogene overexpression. Rearrangements young adolescents and carries a better prognosis than other
joining the candidate oncogene TCL1 on chromosome MLL translocations [257]. Other partners (AF10, AF6, AF4,
14q32 to the TCR locus at l4q11 have been described in AFX1) are occasionally seen. Gene expression profiling
acute as well as in chronic T-cell leukemias arising in analysis has shown increased expression of a subset of HOX
ataxia telangiectasia [250]. genes (HOXA9, HOXA10, HOXC6) and of MEIS1, the HOX
The t(7;9)(q34;q32) activates the TAL-2 gene, a transcrip- gene co-regulator. This appears to be a central mechanism of
tion factor with a bHLH motif bearing great sequence homol- leukemic transformation by MLL-oncoprotein in T-ALL
ogy to TAL-1. The TAL-2 gene is located on chromosome [199]. These neoplasms represent a distinct molecular sub-
9q32, and t(7;9)(q34;q32) juxtaposes TAL-2 next to type with a specific expression profile characterized by dif-
sequences from the TCR-β locus on chromosome 7q34. The ferentiation arrest at an early stage of thymocyte development
t(7;19)(q34;p13) is another translocation in T-ALL that and commitment to γδ lineage [199, 236].
involves the LYL-1 gene at chromosome 19p13. The LYL-1
gene encodes another member of this subgroup of bHLH T-ALL with t(7;9)(q34;q34.3)
transcription factors that is inappropriately altered. The The t(7;9)(q34;q34.3) occurs in up to 5 % of T-ALL. This
t(7;19)(q34;p13) results in its head-to-head juxtaposition of translocation juxtaposes sequences from the TAN1 gene on
LYL-1 with the TCR-β locus and truncation of its mRNA. 9q with the TCR-β locus on 7q34, leading to inappropriate
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 533

expression of a truncated gene product [243]. The TAN1 mutations have been reported in PHF6 (~40 %), FBXW7
gene is a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila NOTCH (~20 %), DNMT3A (~18 %), RUNX1 (~15 %), CNOT3
gene that encodes a transmembrane protein [243, 258]. (~10 %), RPL5 (~10 %), RPL10 (~10 %), and PTEN (~10 %).
Normally, TAN1 is a membrane protein involved in signal FLT3 mutations are rare in T-ALL, but more common in
transduction during cellular differentiation. The abnormal neoplasms with stem cell features [267, 268]. Activating
TAN1 protein resulting from the translocation aberrantly mutations of N-RAS have been detected in 10 % of a series of
localizes to the nucleus and induces T-cell neoplasms when pediatric T-ALL [269]. Other studies indicate that RAS is
introduced into the BM of mice [243]. highly activated in 50 % of T-ALL [270] suggesting a key
role for RAS activation in T-ALL pathogenesis. T-ALL with inv(14)(q11q32.3)
The inv(14)(q11q32.3), commonly found in ataxia-
telangiectasia, also has been reported in T-ALL. This inver- 30.5 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
sion arises from interlocus VDJ recombination and may
signify a propensity towards abnormal recombinational Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) primarily affects
activity rather than being oncogenic in-and-of itself. adults and is distinguished by neutrophilic leukocytosis,
basophilia, eosinophilia, anemia, and splenomegaly, among ABL1 Gene Rearrangement in T-ALL other findings [271]. The bone marrow at diagnosis is usu-
The Philadelphia chromosome is detected in ≤1 % cases of ally hypercellular with granulocytic hyperplasia. The disease
T-ALL [259]. ABL1 is a ubiquitously expressed cytoplasmic course is an continuum from more indolent to aggressive dis-
tyrosine kinase that has been shown to play a role in TCR ease that frequently entails three phases: (1) an initial chronic
signaling [260]. The NUP214-ABL1 fusion is specific to phase that lasts 3–4 years; (2) a transitional accelerated phase
T-ALL and found in up to 6 % of cases [261]. The fusion that lasts approximately 6 months in which there is a pro-
gene is found on amplified episomes, which are not visible gressive left shift in myeloid maturation, often associated
cytogenetically, or only exceptionally in homogeneously with new cytogenetic abnormalities; and (3) blast phase or
staining regions [294]. FISH or RT-PCR studies are required crisis characterized by a proliferation of myeloid, lymphoid,
to detect the NUP214-ABL1. These leukemias are character- or less commonly megakaryoblastic or erythroid blasts.
ized by ectopic expression of TLX1 (HOX11) or TLX3 Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a monoclonal neo-
(HOX11L2) and deletion of CDKN2A locus [261, 263]. plasm in which 90–95 % of cases show cytogenetic evidence
Other ABL fusion variants have rarely been reported. Like of a distinct chromosomal abnormality, a small derivative
BCR-ABL, ETV6-ABL resulting from t(9;12)(q34;p13) is chromosome 22, designated the Philadelphia chromosome
found in CML, B-ALL and exceptionally in T-ALL. The (Ph), and subsequently shown to be the t(9;22)(q34;q11)
t(9;14)(q34;q32) encoding a EML1-ABL fusion protein has (Fig. 30.15). The t(9;22)(q34;q11) disrupts the ABL1 and
been described in a single T-ALL case [264]. BCR genes and forms a novel fusion gene, BCR-ABL1. This
disease is now defined by the presence of BCR-ABL1 and, as
a result, the definition of CML has been extended to include
30.4.4 Other Abnormalities in T-ALL rare morphologic variants, once not recognized as CML, as
well as cases that lack cytogenetic evidence of the Ph, as
In T-ALL with a relatively mature immunophenotype (CD2-, long as BCR-ABL1 is present (shown by other methods).
CD4+), HOXA genes (especially HOXA10 and A11) can be
upregulated as a consequence of cryptic inv(7) or t(7;7),
which juxtaposes the TCR-β enhancer within the HOXA 30.5.1 ABL1
locus [265]. FISH analysis disclosed these rearrangements in
up to 5 % of cases. Expression-array analysis of HOXA+ The ABL1 gene is a cellular homolog of the transforming
T-ALL precursor indicates arrest after lineage choice but sequence of Abelson murine leukemia virus (v-ABL), located
before β selection [236]. Another recurrent aberration in on chromosome 9q34. ABL1 spans over 230 kb. By conven-
T-ALL is del(6q). The common deleted region is of variable tion the exons of ABL1 are numbered lb, la, and a2-a11 from
size but is focused around 6q16. The target gene(s) have not 5′ → 3′ (Fig. 30.14). The 5′-exons (1b and 1a) of ABL1
yet been formally identified [266]. undergo alternative splicing to exon a2. This normally yields
To date, T-ALL has received less attention than B-ALL in 6 kb and 7 kb mRNA transcripts that encode two alternative
studies using whole genome sequencing, RNAseq, and other proteins, type la and 1b p145abl that differ in their N-terminal
high-throughput methods. T-ALL cases usually have multi- amino acid sequence. The normal ABL1 resides, at least in
ple gene mutations, in the range of 5–10 in children and part, in the nucleus and contains the regulatory src-homology
~20 in adult cases. In addition to genes already mentioned, domains SH2 and SH3, a tyrosine kinase domain, a DNA-
534 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Fig. 30.15 Karyotype of a case of chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase. Conventional cytogenetic analysis demonstrates the t(9;22).
GTG banding technique.

binding domain, and actin-binding domains. In CML, the nucleotide-releasing factor for the GTP-binding protein
breakpoint on chromosome 9 can occur over a 300 kb seg- CDC24M), and GTPase activating protein for p21RAC (GAP RAC)
ment of the ABL1 gene, upstream of exon 1b, between exons domains. The subcellular localization of BCR protein shifts
lb and la, or between exons 1b and a2. from being predominantly cytoplasmic in interphase cells to
being largely perichromosomal during mitosis. The overall
features suggest that BCR protein may be involved in signal
30.5.2 BCR transduction pathways and cytoskeletal/chromatin organiza-
tion. The BCR breakpoints in CML most frequently arise
The BCR locus is located on chromosome 22q11 (Fig. between M-BCR exons b2 (e13) and b3 (e14), or between
30.16). The breakpoints on chromosome 22 are localized to M-BCR exons b3 (e14) and b4 (e15). A breakpoint either 5′
a 5.8 kb region, originally called the breakpoint-cluster or 3′ of M-BCR is uncommon, occurring in less than 5 %
region or BCR. It is now referred to as the major breakpoint- of cases.
cluster region (M-BCR) because two additional breakpoint-
cluster regions have since been described. The M-BCR is part
of a larger gene on chromosome 22, known as BCR. It 30.5.3 BCR-ABL1 and p210BCR-ABL1
encompasses exons e12-e16 of BCR that historically are
referred to as M-BCR exons bl-b5. In its entirety, the BCR The aforementioned translocations result in an aberrant
gene consists of 21 exons that stretch over a region of 130 kb. fusion genes, BCR-ABL1 located on the derivative chromo-
It encodes a protein (p160bcr) with dimerization, phospho- some 22 (Ph), and ABL1-BCR on the derivative chromosome
serine/threonine-rich SH2 binding, DBL-like (a guanine- 9, respectively. Despite the absolute position of the ABL1
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 535

Fig. 30.16 Schematic representation of the t(9;22)(q34;q11) in chronic reciprocal translocation involving the ABL1 gene at 9q34 and the BCR
myelogenous leukemia. Compare the normal chromosomes (left set) to gene at 22q11. The derivative 22q- is known as the Philadelphia
the derivative chromosomes (right set). The t(9;22) is a balanced and chromosome.

breakpoint, processing of primary BCR-ABL1 transcripts teins are likely substrates of p210BCR-ABL1, resulting in
generally produces a fusion mRNA with a e13-a2 junction, a disruption of these important signaling pathways [273]. For
e14-a2 junction, or occasionally both types due to alternative example, p210BCR-ABL1 binds GRB2 and CRKL (CT10 regula-
splicing [110]. Translation yields two similar p210BCR-ABL1 tor of kinase-like adapter protein), each of which can bind
fusion protein variants that differ only slightly in amino acid SOS (son of sevenless; a guanine-nucleotide releasing factor)
sequence without affecting clinical outcome. Regardless of and then activate the RAS signaling pathway [274]. Activation
which molecular species is produced, p210BCR-ABL1 is uni- of F-actin binding probably leads to aberrant subcellular
formly expressed in CML, aberrantly localizes to the cyto- localization by promoting attachment to the cytoskeleton,
plasm, and possesses enhanced tyrosine kinase activity and thereby interfering with translocation to the nucleus. MYC
transforming capabilities [110]. Moreover, a CML-like syn- protein also has been implicated in BCR-ABL1-induced
drome can be induced in irradiated mice reconstituted with transformation [275]. Other aspects concerning the pathogen-
BM progenitor cells transfected with a retrovirus containing esis of CML are beyond the scope of this chapter and are
BCR-ABL1 constructs [272]. reviewed elsewhere [274].
BCR-ABL1 plays a crucial role in the initiation of
CML. The BCR-ABL1 oncogene encodes p210BCR-ABL1 com-
posed of N terminal BCR and C-terminal ABL1 sequences. 30.5.4 Variant BCR-ABL1 Transcripts
The BCR first exon is a critical component of the transform-
ing capability exerted by BCL-ABL1. The serine/threonine A minor breakpoint cluster region (m-BCR) that occurs
kinase domain of BCR protein is able to bind to the SH2 regu- upstream of M-BCR between exons el and e2 produces an
latory domain of ABL1 and other putative signal transduction ela2 transcript that encodes a smaller p190BCR-ABL1 fusion pro-
proteins such as the SH2 domain of the GRB2 (for growth tein. The m-BCR is involved in nearly two-thirds of Ph+
factor receptor binding protein 2) adaptor protein. Its coiled- ALLs, but only rarely in CML or AML. The rare cases of
coil oligomerization domain brings about tetramerization of CML associated with p190BCR-ABL1 share certain characteris-
BCR-ABL1. The net effect is to initiate constitutive tyrosine tics with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia such as an abso-
kinase activity and activate the F-actin-binding domain con- lute monocytosis and a decreased neutrophil to monocyte
tributed by ABL1. The RAS-related signal-transduction pro- ratio.
536 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

A micro breakpoint-cluster region (μ-bcr) also has been p210BCR-ABL1-positive CML patients also has been put forth
found at the 3′ end of the BCR gene, between exons e19 and as a putative mechanism of transformation. However, some
e20, that encodes a e1a2 transcript and a larger (p230BCR-ABL1) reports indicate that low-level co-expression of p190BCR-ABL1
fusion protein [276]. Rare cases associated with p230BCR-ABL with p210BCR-ABL1 can occur due to alternative splicing and
show a greater degree of myeloid maturation and had been both transcripts are detectable by RT-PCR in most cases of
incorrectly characterized as chronic neutrophilic leukemia in CML with M-bcr breakpoints [280, 281].
the past [276]. It is now clear that p230BCR-ABL cases are a The clinical course of CML patients was dramatically
variant of CML and chronic neutrophilic leukemia is a clini- changed with the introduction of imatinib into clinical prac-
copathologic distinct entity. tice. Imatinib inhibits the BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase by
competitive binding at the ATP-binding site [282]. In patients
with newly diagnosed chronic-phase CML, treatment with
30.5.5 ABL1-BCR imatinib results in a high complete cytogenetic remission
rate and a high molecular remission rate with low or unde-
In contrast to BCR-ABL1, the reciprocal chimeric ABL1- tectable amounts of BCR-ABL1 transcripts [283]. The high
BCR on derivative chromosome 9 encodes a product that has rates of complete cytogenetic response with imatinib neces-
no known pathogenic consequence. Although the fusion sitate molecular monitoring by quantitative RT-PCR to mea-
transcript bas been detected in about 40 % cases of CML by sure residual disease [284]. It was demonstrated that the
RT-PCR, the ABL1-BCR protein has not been identified. It reduction of BCR-ABL1 transcripts was associated with bet-
has been suggested that ABL1-BCR expression might account ter prognosis.
for some differences in presentation or clinical outcome With the success of imatinib therapy, which has dramati-
cally extended the life of many CML patients, the problem
of imatinib resistance has come to the forefront. This can
30.5.6 Accelerated Phase and Blast Crisis be manifested as primary refractoriness to therapy or
of CML relapses after the patients has received therapy for a pro-
longed interval of time. Mutations in ABL1, most often
Additional cytogenetic changes often accompany progres- involving the kinase domain, have been identified that
sion of chronic phase CML into accelerated phase and are explain, in part, imatinib resistance. Second and third gen-
almost always present in blast crisis [271]. The most fre- eration tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been developed that
quently observed cytogenetic abnormalities include trisomy are valuable in the treatment of CML patients at time of
8, isochromosome 17, an additional Ph, or isochromosome relapse, and upfront for some CML patients with high-risk
19. The t(3;21)(q26;q22), monosomy 7, and loss of chromo- disease. Dasatinib, nilotinib, and ponatinib are three exam-
some Y occur less commonly [277]. At the molecular level, ples of more recently developed drugs that have a role in
a variety of low-frequency acquired events have been managing CML patients. Other causes of imatinib resis-
reported in association with transformation, suggesting that tance involve genomic amplification of BCR-ABL1 or may
maturation arrest may occur as a result of the interruption of be mediated through mechanisms independent of BCR-
several pathways. Gene amplification of MYC also has been ABL1 such as activation of the mTOR/Akt pathway, loss of
implicated in progression of CML. Alterations of the TP53 functional TP53, or SRC activation [285, 286]. The utility
gene have been found in the myeloid and megakaryocytic of detecting mutations before imatinib therapy is not well
variants of blast crisis, accounting for progression in established [287]. This is an active area of research and the
approximately 25 % of CML patients. Rarely, translocations reader referred to reviews discussing imatinib resistance in
associated with specific types of AML, such as t(15;17) CML [288].
(q22;q21), t(8;21)(q22;q22), and inv(16)(p13q22), can Sanger sequencing can detect BCR-ABL1 mutations in
occur at time of blast crisis. approximately 50 % of CML patients resistant to imatinib,
Theories regarding the potential role of a second Ph, such but not all mutations have the same effects. Certain muta-
as increased gene expression or a new BCR-ABL1 rear- tions in the kinase domain, such as Y253F/H, E255K/V,
rangement, are intriguing but the evidence is inconclusive. T315I, or H396P/R, are highly imatinib resistant and usually
Homozygous deletion of the p16INK4A tumor-suppressor indicate the need for alternative therapy, whereas patients
gene has been reported in up to 50 % of CML patients with with other mutations, such as M244V, M351T, or F359V, can
lymphoid blast crisis [278]. Structural abnormalities of the benefit from an increased imatinib dose [289]. Various ABL1
RB1 gene with loss of protein expression have been reported mutations are more or less sensitive to either dasatinib or
with an incidence of 11–29 % in lymphoid blast crisis of nilotinib; the T315I mutations is resistant to both drugs but
CML [279]. The apparent emergence of p190BCR-ABL1 in sensitive to ponatinib [290].
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 537

Fig. 30.17 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of a absence of t(9;22), a cell has two red and two green signals. In the pres-
case of chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase. BCR/ABL1 ES ence of t(9;22) and preserved ASS gene, a cell shows one green (native
dual color probe (Vysis) in which the BCR probe is green. This probe BCR), one large red (native ABL1), one smaller red (ASS), and one
spans approximately 300 kb beginning between BCR exons 13 and 14 fused (yellow) signal pattern (middle panel). In a case of ASS deletion,
(M-bcr exons 2 and 3). The ABL1 probe is red and spans an area centro- an abnormal nucleus shows one green, one large red, and one yellow
meric of the ASS gene to well telomeric of the last ABL1 exon. In the (fused) signal (not shown).

30.5.7 Molecular Methods for Diagnosis lytical sensitivity of approximately 0.5 %. FISH studies have
and Detection of Minimal Residual shown that not all BCR-ABL1 translocations are identical in
Disease in CML that variably sized deletions of chromosome 9 occur and
have prognostic significance [292]. However, FISH is highly
The diagnosis of CML is most often made by morphologic focused on detecting BCR-ABL1 and cannot provide infor-
analysis with conventional cytogenetic analysis showing the mation about other chromosomal abnormalities that may be
presence of a small derivative chromosome 22 (Ph) that is present.
created as a result of t(9;22)(q34.q11). Approximately 95 % Quantitative RT-PCR is the most sensitive method for
of all cases of CML have evidence of the Ph as detected by detecting BCR-ABL1 with an analytical sensitivity of at least
conventional cytogenetic analysis. Routinely 20 metaphases 0.001 % or 1 positive cell in 100,000 negative cells. Most
are examined and therefore the analytic sensitivity is about laboratories also measure a control gene that is present in
5 %. Despite the availability of more sensitive methods, con- near constant amounts in the cell and tumor burden is
ventional karyotypic results have prognostic as well as diag- expressed as a BCR-ABL1–control ratio. Quantitative
nostic significance. Karyotypic results after therapy are RT-PCR for BCR-ABL1 transcript levels is the best approach
divided into prognostic groups: complete response (no Ph+ to assess for minimal residual disease and assessment of
metaphases); major response (1–34 % Ph+ metaphases), and serial specimens over time is an excellent means of assessing
partial response (35–90 % Ph+ metaphases). A complete risk of relapse, permitting stratification of patients into risk
response correlates with lower levels of BCR-ABL1 by groups.
quantitative RT-PCR and longer survival. Great efforts have been made to standardize qRT-PCR
More sensitive techniques such as FISH (Fig. 30.17) or techniques by definiting an internal standard for BCR-ABL1
RT-PCR (Fig. 30.18) are also very popular because they per- quantification and an international scale for results [284].
mit assessment of minimal residual disease following ther- The monitoring of BCR-ABL1 transcript levels is important
apy [291]. FISH routinely assesses 200 nuclei and unlike for early detection of imatinib resistance at the molecular
conventional cytogenetics does not require dividing cells. level. Imatinib resistance is defined as lack or loss of com-
This method allows a semiquantitative determination of the plete molecular response [293]. Complete molecular
percentage of nuclei positive for BCR-ABL1 and has an ana- response is defined as undetectable BCR-ABL1 transcripts by
538 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

a b 1.000e+001



Delta Rn

Delta Rn




1.000e-005 1.000e-004
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41
Cycle Number Cycle Number

Fig. 30.18 Real-time PCR for BCR/ABL1. In addition to establishing BCR/ABL1 transcript is reflected in large number of cycles (31 versus
diagnosis, this technique is widely used for monitoring the therapy 23) required to reach the positive threshold (green line). Note the differ-
response. A,B RT-PCR for BCR/ABL1 in the same patient with CML ent scale of the y-axis in two cases.
before (a) and 3 months after (b) therapy with imatinib. Lower level of

RT-PCR. Major molecular response is defined quantitatively negative), and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. These
as a >3 log reduction of BCR-ABL1 transcripts or a BCR- entities are defined based on a constellation of clinicopatho-
ABL1/ABL1 ratio of <0.1 % [294]. Molecular relapse, in logic and laboratory findings, and, unlike CML, some of
complete cytogenetic responders, is considered to be an these diseases lack unifying molecular abnormalities.
increase in BCR-ABL1 transcript levels by a log of 0.5–1 However, a few important molecular abnormalities in these
[293]. The current recommendation is to judge the possibil- diseases have been identified.
ity of relapse after therapy based on at least two consecutive
samples after more than one negative result [293].
30.6.1 JAK2 Mutations

30.6 Other Myeloproliferative Neoplasms The Janus family of tyrosine kinases (JAK1, JAK2, JAK3,
and Myelodysplastic/ TYK2) are cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases that mediate signal-
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms ing downstream of cytokine receptors [295]. Activation of the
JAK-cytokine receptor complex results in JAK-mediated
In addition to CML, the current WHO classification lists a phosphorylation of substrate molecules, including STAT pro-
group of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) including teins that have critical roles in cellular proliferation, cell sur-
polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, chronic idio- vival, and immune responses [296]. JAK2V617F is the most
pathic myelofibrosis, chronic neutrophilic leukemia, and common mutation in cases of MPN. This mutation is found in
chronic eosinophilic leukemia/hypereosinophilic syndrome. virtually all patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and approx-
The MDS/MPN category includes chronic myelomonocytic imately half of those with essential thrombocythemia (ET) or
leukemia, atypical chronic myeloid leukemia (BCR-ABL1 chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (CIMF) [297].
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 539

V617 resides within the pseudokinase, JH2 domain, a 30.6.3 MPL Mutations
residue that is highly conserved between species [298].
Molecular modeling of JAK2 kinase suggests that the JH2 The MPL gene, located at chromosome 1p34, encodes a
domain mutation lies adjacent to the site that stabilizes the receptor for thrombopoietin, which is essential for mega-
activation loop of the kinase in its inactive conformation. A karyopoiesis. MPL mutations have been described in famil-
mutation at this point conceivably destabilizes this confor- ial thrombocytosis [313] and congenital amegakaryocytic
mation, allowing the loop to flip into active conformation thrombocytopenia [314]. Recently, somatic gain of function
leading to constitutive activity of JAK2-cytokine receptor mutations involving codon 515 of the MPL gene (MPLW515L
complex [299]. In addition to point mutations, JAK2 can be and MPLW515K) have been identified in approximately 5 %
altered by chromosome translocations, including ETV6- of CIMF patients and 1 % of ET patients [308]. MPL and
JAK2 via t(9;12)(p24;p13), seen in T-ALL or B-ALL as well JAK2 mutations are not mutually exclusive [308].
as MDS/MPN; PCM1-JAK2 via t(8;9)(p22;p24) seen in
eosinophilia-associated MDS/MPN, ALL, AML, and T-cell
lymphoma; and BCR-JAK2 via t(9;22)(p24;q11.2) seen in 30.6.4 ASXL1 Mutations
MDS/MPN [300, 301].
JAK2V617F is a G to T somatic mutation of JAK2, at The ASXL1 (additional sex combs-like transcriptional regu-
nucleotide 1849 in exon 14, resulting in substitution of phe- lator 1) gene, located at chromosome 20q11, is involved in
nylalanine for valine at codon 617 [297]. Initially reported in regulation of the polycomb repressor complex and other
PV, ET, and CIMF [297, 303–305], JAK2V617F mutation functions. Mutations of ASXL1 have been reported in about
also has been described in MDS/MPN and MDS, although at 6 % of cases of essential thrombocythemia (in addition to
a lower frequency [306, 307]. Some researchers express cases of MDS and AML) [315].
doubt that JAK2V617F is the initiating or even a mandatory
event in MPN and MDS/MPN [308, 309]. Those concerns
are supported by observations of JAK2V617F-negative leu- 30.6.5 CSF3R Mutations
kemia clones arising from JAK2V617F-positive MPN [310].
Most recently, other JAK2 mutations have been described The colony-stimulating factor 3 receptor (CSF3R) gene,
in JAK2V617F-negative patients with PV and in idiopathic located on chromosome 1p35-p34.3, is mutated in about
erythrocytosis; most of these cases demonstrate one of four 60 % of cases of chronic neutrophilic leukemia and atypical
exon 12 JAK2 mutant alleles and induce cytokine- CML. These mutations tend to cluster in distinct regions of
independent/hypersensitive proliferation in erythropoietin the gene and result in downstream JAK activation [316].
receptor-expressing cell lines and a PV-like phenotype in
mice [311]. The four newly described exon 12 mutations,
which include both in-frame deletions and tandem point 30.6.6 PDGFR Mutations
mutations, appear to be specific to either PV or idiopathic
erythrocytosis. Rearrangement of the platelet-derived growth factor recep-
tor α (PDGFRA) gene, located on chromosome 4q12, most
often occurs as a consequence of del(4)(q12) resulting in
30.6.2 CALR Mutations FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene. FIP1L1-PDGFRA occurs in
a very small subset of patients who present with the pheno-
The CALR (calreticulin) gene, located at chromosome typic features of both chronic eosinophilic leukemia (CEL)
19p13.3-p13.2, is a multifunctional protein located in the and systemic mastocytosis and predicts complete hemato-
endoplasmic reticulum, cytosol, and cell surface of the cell. logic and molecular response to imatinib therapy [317, 318].
Calreticulin is important in calcium homeostasis, has a trans- PDGFRA can also be activated through other mechanisms
port chaperone function, and is involved in cell adhesion. such as t(4;10)(q12;p11) resulting in an in-frame fusion gene
CALR mutations have been identified in about 25 % of ET KIF5B-PDGFRA; t(4;22)(q12;q11) forming a BCR-
and CIMF cases, in over 50 % of cases negative for JAK2 PDGFRA fusion gene, and ins(9;4)(q33;q12q25) forming
mutation [312]. In most but not all studies, CALR and JAK2 CDK5RAP2-PDGFRA fusion gene [319, 320]. Clinically,
mutations have been mutually exclusive. The exact role of patients with MPN associated with t(4:10)(q12;p11), t(4;22)
CALR mutations is not well established, but is likely involved (q12;q11), or ins(9;4)(q33;q12q25) present as CEL.
in JAK-STAT signaling. In patients with ET, CALR muta- Rearrangements of platelet-derived growth factor recep-
tions have been associated with a higher platelet count, lower tor α (PDGFRα) gene, located on chromosome 5q31-32, are
hemoglobin level and leukocyte count, and a lower risk of found in several cases of MPN, most of which are associated
thrombosis. with eosinophilia. The examples include t(5;12)(q33;p13)
540 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

resulting in ETV6-PDGFRα fusion gene; t(5;17)(q33;p13) Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) located on chromosome
resulting in RABAPTIN5-PDGFRβ; t(5;17)(q33;p11.2) 17q11.2 is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes for a 327-
resulting in HCMOGT-1-PDGFRα; t(5;14)(q33;q24) result- kDa neurofibromin protein that inactivates RAS through
ing in NIN-PDGFRα; t(5;14)(q33;q32) resulting in acceleration of RAS-associated GTP hydrolysis. Germ line
KIAA1509-PDGFRα; t(5;15)(q33;q22) resulting in NF1 mutations cause von Recklinghausen disease. Children
TP53BP1-PDGFRα; t(1;5)(q23;q33) resulting in PDE4DIP- with type 1 neurofibromatosis are predisposed to JMML
PDGFRα; t(5;7)(q33;q11.2) resulting in HIP1-PDGFR α; [333] and demonstrate loss of heterozygosity of NF1 in
t(5;10)(q33;q22) resulting in H4-PDGFR α [321–323]. myeloid progenitor cells [334]. Primary leukemia cells from
such patients accumulate RAS in the active GTP-bound state
[335]. It was shown that NF1 knockout mice developed an
30.6.7 Mutations Involving RAS Signaling MPD-like disease with GM-CSF hypersensitivity [335, 336].
Pathway PTPN11 (Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase, Nonreceptor-
type, 11), located on chromosome 12q24.1, encodes for the
Mutations involving the RAS signal transduction pathway are nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2, that trans-
most prevalent in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia mits signals from growth factor receptors to RAS. Germ line
(JMML) [324]. JMML is often associated with monosomy 7 PTPN11 mutations are found in approximately 45 % of
[325, 326]. Known hypersensitivity of myeloid progenitors in patients with Noonan syndrome, and these patients are at
JMML to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor risk of developing JMML [336]. On the other hand, more
(GM-CSF) [327] has recently been attributed to altered RAS than 30 % of patients with JMML demonstrate PTPN11
signaling as a result of mutations affecting one of the pathway mutations [328, 337]. In mice, retroviral transduction of
regulatory molecules such as RAS, PTPN11, and NF1 [326, PTPN11 mutant alleles in bone marrow cells induces
328]. PTPN11 mutations are found in approximately 30 % of GM-CSF hypersensitivity and an MPD-like disease [338],
patients with JMML, whereas NF1293 and RAS29 mutations which suggests an important role of RAS mutations in patho-
have lower incidence of approximately 15–20 %; all three genesis of JMML.
mutations appear to be mutually exclusive [326, 328].
RAS mutations are also found in other MPN or MDS/
MPN including chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML). 30.7 8p11 Myeloproliferative Syndrome
RAS mutations in JMML often represent single nucleotide
substitutions involving the P loop domain of either KRAS The 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome (EMS) is also known
(approximately 15 %) [326, 329] or NRAS (approximately as stem cell leukemia/lymphoma syndrome, or as myeloid
30 %) [330] and have been shown to cause the disease phe- and lymphoid neoplasms associated with FGFR1 abnormali-
notype in mice [331]. BRAF mutations have been reported in ties in the current WHO classification (Fig. 30.19). Patients
about 40 % of cases of CMML [332]. with this entity most often present with a MPN or MDS/

Fig. 30.19 A case of 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome with t(8;13). minor myeloid foci. (b) The bone marrow is hypercellular and is con-
(a) The lymph node demonstrates involvement by blastic neoplasm that sistent with a myeloproliferative syndrome (a, hematoxylin–eosin
most closely resembles precursor T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma with stains, 1000×; b, Wright-Giemsa, 1000×).
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 541

Fig. 30.20 Schematic

representation of
ZNF198 (ZMYM2), FGFR1, and
fusion proteins. The fusion is the
result of t(8;13)(p11;q12), the
most common translocation in
8p11 myeloproliferative

MPN associated with eosinophilia [339]. Many patients sion requires a functional Ig protein and two other critical
develop an immature lymphoid neoplasm, most often classi- proteins, B29 (Igβ and CD79b) and mb-1 (Igα and CD79a),
fied as T ALL/LBL, although in some of these neoplasms that are essential components of the B-cell antigen-receptor
there is evidence of mixed lineage [339]. Patients with EMS complex. Mutations in the B29 gene and/or abnormalities of
have a high risk of subsequent acute myeloid leukemia. B29 expression (at the mRNA level) are common in CLL
The fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) at chro- [341]. The diminished surface Ig on CLL cells may result in
mosome 8p11 is always involved. The most common partner these cells being unresponsive to antigen binding, perhaps
is ZMYM2 (previously known as ZNF198) at 13p11. The preventing initiation of growth signals or apoptosis
t(8;13) results in the joining of FGFR1 with the novel cascades.
ZMYM2 gene on chromosome 13q11 [339]. The ZMYM2- A milestone in understanding of CLL was the observation
FGFR1 fusion transcript encodes a 76 kDa protein localized that somatic mutations of the IgV (immunoglobulin variable
predominantly to the cytoplasm. Conventional cytogenetics region) genes occur in a subset of CLL cases, and that the
is most commonly used to detect the t(8;13), but FISH and absence or presence of these mutations correlates with clini-
RT-PCR methods also can be used. cal course [342]. Mutations occur in both the IgH and Ig
A number of other partner genes can be involved includ- light chain genes, but IgHV analysis is easier and adequate
ing FOR in the t(6;8)(p17;p11), FGFR1OP2 in the ins(12;8) for prognostic purposes. An arbitrary cutoff of 2 % or more
(p11;p11p22), BCR in the t(8;22)(p12;q11); TPR in the t(1;8) mutations divides CLL into two prognostic groups. Patients
(q25;p11.2); TIF1 in the t(7;8)(q34;p11), MYO18A in the with CLL in which the IgHV show <2 % somatic mutations
t(8;17)(p11;q23), HERV-K in the t(8;19)(p11;q13.3), and (unmutated CLL) have a poorer clinical outcome. It appears
CEP110 in the t(8;9)(p12;q33) (Fig. 30.20) [339]. In all that CLL cells in this subset receive continuous anti-apoptotic
translocations, FGFR1 and the partner gene are disrupted and/or proliferating microenvironmental stimuli via the BCR
and recombined to form novel fusion genes that constitu- leading to more aggressive disease. In contrast, CLL patients
tively activate FGFR1. The different translocations show in which the IgHV show ≥2 % mutations (mutated CLL)
some clinical correlations. Patients who develop T-ALL/ have a clinically indolent course [342]. A difference in out-
LBL or mixed T-cell/myeloid lymphomas often carry come was also demonstrated in CLL patients receiving an
ZMYM2-FGFR1. Patients with BCR-FGFR1 often present autologous stem-cell transplant (ASCT); all patients with
with a CML-like disorder. The ZMYM2-FGFR1 and BCR- unmutated IGHV genes relapsed and progressed after a
FGFR1 have been shown to induce CMPD in mice [340]. 4-year follow-up, whereas most patients with mutated IGHV
genes remained in molecular remission [343].
Initially it was thought that CLL cases with unmutated
30.8 Chronic Lymphoid Leukemias IgHV (U-CLL) were derived from naive B-cells, and that
CLL cases with mutated IgHV CLL (M-CLL) derived from
30.8.1 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia antigen-experienced B-cells. It is now known that all CLL
cells bear the surface membrane immunophenotype of being
Virtually all cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) antigen experienced (CD27) and activated (expression of
express surface Ig, usually at a low level, and have IgH and CD23, CD25, CD69, and CD71). Gene expression profiling
Ig light chain gene rearrangements (k>λ). Surface Ig expres- has shown that CLL cells have a profile similar to memory
542 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

B-cells irrespective of IgHV mutational status [344]. These netic analysis detects abnormalities in a substantially lower
findings suggest that all cases of CLL have a common cel- proportion of cases as compared with FISH. The significant
lular origin and/or common mechanism of transformation false-negative rate of conventional cytogenetic analysis is
and a continued requirement for antigen after the transforma- attributed to the low proliferation rate and therefore poor
tional event [345]. However, comparative analysis of U-CLL growth of CLL cells in culture [348]. Using conventional
and M-CLL suggests that the neoplastic cells, by differing in cytogenetic analysis, chromosomal abnormalities have
their IgHV, have different antigen encounter histories [345]. been identified in up to 50 % of cases of CLL, with trisomy
It also has been suggested that an antigen-driven process 12 being the most common chromosomal abnormality (15–
might be critical for determining clinical features and for 20 % of cases), followed by structural abnormalities of
modulating disease outcome, irrespective of mutation status chromosomes 11, 13, and 14. The most common chromo-
in B-CLL [346]. somal abnormality in CLL detected by FISH is deletion of
Biased use of Ig gene variable (V) segments has been 13q14, followed by deletion of 11q22.3-q23.1 and trisomy
described in CLL cases. The VH1 family of the IgH gene and 12 (Fig. 30.21) [348].
the VIIIb family of the Igk gene are used in the formation of There is a correlation between genomic aberrations and
Ig gene rearrangements more often than can be explained by the IgHV mutation status. Unfavorable aberrations, such as
chance alone. DNA sequence analysis of the variable V, del(11q) and del(17p), occur more frequently in IgHV unmu-
diversity (D) and joining (J) segments involved in IgH and tated, and del(13q14), a favorable finding, occurs more often
Igk gene rearrangement has shown that a subset of CLL have in the IgHV mutated subgroup [348, 349]. Approximately
somatic mutations [346]. two thirds of the IgHV unmutated CLL cases show no unfa-
The frequency of chromosomal abnormalities detected vorable genomic aberrations, indicating a differential influ-
in CLL depends on the method used. Conventional cytoge- ence of these factors [349].

Fig. 30.21 Fluorescence in situ

hybridization (FISH) analysis of
chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
The probes are part of a
commercially available panel
(Vysis). (a) Probe mixture 1
assesses 17p13.1 (p53) and
11q22.3 (ATM). In a normal cell
with two intact copies of
chromosomes 17 and 11, two
orange, and two green signals
will be observed. (b) Probe
mixture 2 assesses 13q14.3
(D13S319), 13q34, and
12p11.1-q11. In a normal cell
with two intact copies of
chromosome 13 and chromosome
12, two orange, two aqua, and
two green signals are observed.
Any deviation of the normal
pattern indicates deletion or gain
a corresponding chromosomal
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 543

30.8.2 CLL with 13q14 deletion cases and independently predict poor survival and resistance
to chemotherapy in CLL patients [359].
13q14 deletions occur in 40–50 % of CLL cases using Wild-type p53 protein is a target of MDM-2-mediated
FISH. Studies using FISH and CGH have frequently shown ubiquitination and subsequent degradation and, thus, has a
RB1 deletion, located at 13q14, as well as 13q deletions. short half-life in early-stage tumor cells in CLL [360]. The
Monoallelic loss of the RB1 gene was detected in 30 % of protein product of mutated TP53 has a prolonged survival in
CLL patients, but disruption of both alleles is rare. Additional cells, and it is thus possible to detect p53 expression by
loci D13S25 and D13S319 located distal to band 13q14, immunocytochemistry [361]. p53 expression serves as an
which are more frequently deleted in CLL, were identified independent prognostic variable in CLL and is associated
suggesting a novel tumor suppressor gene located in these with TP53 gene mutations, advanced disease, resistance to
regions [350]. Deletion or downregulation of two microRNA therapy, and poor survival [361].
genes, miR15 and miR16, has been recently implicated in the
pathogenesis of CLL [351].
30.8.5 CLL with Trisomy 12

30.8.3 CLL with Structural Aberrations Trisomy 12 is reported in 10–20 % of CLL patients as assessed
of Chromosome 11 by conventional cytogenetic analysis and in 20–40 % of CLL
patients as assessed by interphase FISH [362]. The occur-
Structural aberrations of chromosome 11 are reported in rence of trisomy 12 is more common in CLL with atypical
12–25 % of CLL [348, 352]. The 11q22-q23 locus is fre- morphological and immunophenotypic features [362]. CLL
quently deleted in CLL and is rich in tumor suppressor and cases with trisomy 12 often have unmutated IgVH. The acqui-
other genes including FDX, ataxia telangiectasia mutated sition of trisomy 12 is associated with advanced-stage dis-
(ATM), KMT2A, PZLF, Mre11, and RDX [352]. The ease, shorter time to progression, and significantly poorer
del(11q22.3) group of patients often has a poor prognosis, median survival rates [362]. Detailed structural analyses of
and acquisition of this abnormality is associated with clonal chromosome 12 identified a minimally gained region limited
evolution and disease progression [353]. Tumor cells carry- to bands 12q13-q15. A number of genes including CDK2,
ing del(11q22.3) often show upregulation of genes that con- CDK4, STAT6, APAF-1, and MDM-2 are located in this region
trol cell cycle progression and signaling pathways [354, and play critical roles in the regulation of oncogenesis, cell
355]. The ATM gene frequently shows germ line as well as cycle control, and apoptosis; however, the role of these genes
somatic mutations in CLL patients. More than two thirds of in the pathogenesis of CLL has not been well characterized.
CLL cases have monoallelic loss of ATM. The other nonde-
leted allele often bears point mutations, most frequently in
the PI-3 kinase domain [356]. Recently, three new candidate 30.8.6 CLL with 6q deletion
genes in the 11q22-23 region, NPAT (cell-cycle regulation),
CUL5 (ubiquitin-dependent apoptosis regulation), and Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 6 are detected in
PPP2R1B (component of the cell-cycle and apoptosis regu- 4–6 % of CLL cases by conventional cytogenetics and up to
lating PP2A) have been shown to be significantly downregu- 9 % cases by FISH [363]. Deletions of 6q are often associ-
lated in CLL cases with 11q deletion [357]. ated with high leukocyte counts, extensive lymphadenopa-
thy, and splenomegaly. Cases with del(6q) often show
atypical morphologic features, including large lymphocytes,
30.8.4 CLL with 17p13 Aberration immunoblast-like cells, prolymphocytoid cells, and cleaved
lymphocytes. Usually these neoplasms have a classic
The TP53 gene, located on 17p13, plays a crucial role in immunophenotype with CD38 positivity, and an intermedi-
apoptosis induction or cell cycle arrest after DNA damage. ate frequency of IGHV somatic hypermutation.
TP53 mutations occur in 10–15 % of patients with CLL
[358]. Acquisition of TP53 mutations is a late event in CLL,
detected in about 10 % of early CLL cases but in more than 30.8.7 Chromosomal Translocations in CLL
30 % of CLL patients who subsequently develop large B-cell
lymphoma [359]. TP53 abnormalities in CLL are associated A small subset of cases of CLL, less than 5 %, are associated
with advanced stage at presentation, resistance to purine with chromosomal translocations that involve the immuno-
nucleoside analogues, high incidence of transformation and globulin gene loci. These cases differ somewhat from other
disease progression in 1–2 years, and poorer clinical out- CLL cases in that patients may be younger or the tumors
come [359]. TP53 deletions are detected by FISH in 10–20 % show atypical morphologic or immunophenotypic features.
544 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

t(14;18)(q32;q21). Conventional cytogenetic studies have

rarely identified the t(14;18)(q32;q21) in CLL [348]. In addi-
tion, the BCL2 gene at 18q21 can be involved in t(2;18)
(p11;q21) or t(18;22)(q21;q11), involving the Igk (chromo-
some 2p11) or Igλ (chromosome 22q11) gene loci [365]. The
breakpoint on chromosome 18 usually occurs within the
variant cluster region, 5′ to the BCL2 gene, but may also
occur 3′ to the BCL2 gene, at a location intermediate between
the major and minor breakpoint cluster regions [365]. Errors
in the VDJ recombination process may be involved in the
generation of the t(2;18) and t(18;22), as a heptamer-like rec-
ognition sequence is present upstream of the BCL2 gene
[365]. Despite the relative infrequency of chromosomal
translocations involving BCL2 in CLLs, virtually all
CLL cases express BCL2 protein. The BCL2 protein is
known to inhibit apoptosis (programmed cell death). Because Fig. 30.22 Mantle cell lymphoma with unusual prolymphocyte-like
chemotherapeutic drugs act by inducing apoptosis, BCL2 morphology. Wright-Giemsa, 1000×. This case had the t(11;14)
expression in CLL appears to be a major mechanism for drug (q13;q32).
t(14;19)(q32;q13). The t(14;19)(q32;q13) involves the
BCL3 gene at chromosome 19q13. This translocation is rare (also known as BCL1 and cyclin D1) at chromosome 11q13
in CLL. The BCL3 gene encodes a protein of the IkB family and the IGH gene at chromosome 14q32. CCND1 encodes
and is involved in regulating the NF-kB family of transcrip- cyclin Dl protein, which is involved in progression of the cell
tion factor proteins. Cases with the t(14;19) are associated cycle from G1 to S phase. The t(11;14) is common in mantle
with atypical lymphocyte morphology manifested by a mix- cell lymphoma, being present in virtually all cases (Figs.
ture of small and larger lymphocytes, increased prolympho- 30.22 and 30.23) [369].
cytes (usually <10 %), and cleaved/indented nuclei. Trisomy
12 is common. In addition, such patients present at a younger
age and with rapid disease progression [366]. 30.8.8 Gene Mutations in CLL CLL with 8q24/MYC Rearrangements Using next-generation sequencing approaches, CLL has
A small subset of CLL cases are associated with transloca- been shown to be highly heterogeneous. Overall, a number
tions involving chromosome locus 8q24 with either the IgH of genes are mutated in CLL, but no specific gene is mutated
(14q32) or the Ig kappa (2p12) or Ig lambda (22q11) loci. in greater than ~10 % of cases, with most genes mutated in
FISH analysis has confirmed MYC gene rearrangements in <5 % of cases. In addition, a subset of CLL cases has very
these cases. Clinically, patients with 8q24/MYC rearrange- few gene mutations.
ments tend to show morphologic evidence suggestive of dis- The genes most commonly mutated in CLL include
ease progression including increased (>10 %) prolymphocytes NOTCH1, SF3B1, TP53, MYD88, and BIRC3 (API2).
or full blown prolymphocytic transformation (>55 % pro- NOTCH1 mutations have been reported in approximately
lymphocytes) [367]. 10 % of CLL cases and have been correlated with unmutated
IGV and a poorer prognosis. Other genes are mutated in CLL with t(2;14)(p16;q32) <5 % of cases and involve many different cellular functions.
Rare cases of CLL have been associated with t(2;14) SF3B1 is involved in mRNA splicing, TP53 in DNA repair,
(p16;q32) involving the BCL11A gene at chromosome 2p16. MYD88 is an adaptor protein involved in Toll-like receptor
These tumors are associated with atypical morphologic fea- and interleukin-1 receptor signaling, and BIRC3 in apoptosis
tures and often exhibit plasmacytic differentiation. The IgHV regulation. MYD88 mutations are more common in the
are often unmutated in these tumors [368]. mutated type of CLL. CLL with t(11;14)(q13;q32)

In older literature, t(11;14)(q13;q32) was reported in a small 30.8.9 Richter Syndrome
subset of cases of CLL, up to 5 %. In retrospect, these cases
were most likely indolent variants of mantle cell lymphoma A small subset of CLL/SLL patients can subsequently
in leukemic phase. The translocation involves the CCND1 develop diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), so-called
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 545

Fig. 30.23 Real-time PCR for BCL1/IgH. Left histogram shows DNA level in peripheral blood and lymph node of a patient with mantle cell
lymphoma. Right histogram shows similar levels of β-actin DNA in both peripheral blood and lymph node used as a control.

Richter syndrome [370]. The overall frequency of this occur- the promoter region of ZAP-70, a specific CpG was methyl-
rence ranges from 2 to 10 % of patients in various reports, or ated in 51 of 53 ZAP70-negative CLL cases. By contrast, no
about 0.5–1 % per year. In 70–80 % of patients, the CLL/SLL methylation was found in 30 of 32 ZAP70+ CLL cases [378].
and DLBCL are clonally related and therefore the DLBCL is Apart from their role in pathogenesis and their potential
a form of histologic transformation. The risk of Richter utility in diagnosis, epigenetic modifications are also an inter-
transformation is increased in patients with high tumor stage, esting target for therapy as epigenetic modifications are revers-
high-risk cytogenetic abnormalities, unmutated IGHV region ible (in contrast with genetic aberrations). Several compounds
genes, and expression of ZAP70 and/or CD38. At a genetic have been tested on cells in vitro and in clinical studies and
level, DLBCL arising as part of Richter syndrome is geneti- shown to be biologically and clinically active. An inhibitor of
cally distinct from de novo DLBCL [371]. histone deacetylases (depsipeptide FR901228) was shown to
selectively target CLL cells in vitro as compared with normal
blood B-cells and BM-derived progenitors [379].
30.8.10 Epigenetic Changes

Gene methylation is another mechanism of gene inactivation 30.8.11 B-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia
and with the advent of new methods for assessing DNA
methylation, the importance of epigenetic changes in human B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (B-PLL) is a rare and ill-
cancers is well recognized [372]. defined disease of mature B-cells with prolymphocytic mor-
Genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in CLL are phology. In many studies, a cutoff of 55 % has been suggested
rather specific for CLL cells and can be reproduced in differ- for the number of prolymphocytes required for the diagnosis
ent patients [373, 374] suggesting that DNA methylation of B-PLL. In retrospect, it seems clear that cases designated
plays a specific role in CLL pathogenesis. Aberrant methyla- as B-PLL in the past included cases of CLL in prolymphocyt-
tion has been described for specific genes, for example, oid transformation as well as cases of prolymphocytoid vari-
hypomethylation of BCL2 and TCL1 [375]. Unbiased ant of mantle cell lymphoma associated with t(11;14)
genome-wide screens of CLL have shown specific methyla- (q13;q32) and cyclin D1 overexpression. In addition, a subset
tion of the promoter region of TWIST2 [376] and of DAPK1 of patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma can prog-
[377]. When DNA methylation analyses were performed on ress into a leukemic phase with >55 % prolymphocytes [380].
546 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

Most cases of B-PLL carry monoclonal IgH and Ig light present an elevated leukocyte count that can be very high.
chain gene rearrangements. The IgHV demonstrate somatic Conventional cytogenetic and array CGH studies have shown
mutations consistent with antigen selection at a higher fre- del(7q22-36) in up to 50 % of patients and trisomy 3q in
quency than occurs in CLL [381]. Cytogenetic data obtained about 25 % of cases.
from cases of B-PLL are sparse and conflicting due to rareness Recent sequencing studies have shown a number of gene
of the disease and its poorly defined nature. In a series of 18 mutations. NOTCH2 mutations are common, in about 25 %
B-PLL patients using FISH, del(13q14) was detected in 55 % or more of cases [388, 389]. Martinez and colleagues have
and monoallelic del (11q23) in 39 % of cases, respectively shown a large number of other genes that are mutated in
[382]. Other abnormalities reported include t(6;12), del (6q) SMZL implicating activation of NF-kB, B-cell receptor sig-
structural aberrations of chromosome 1, and trisomy 12 [383]. naling, cytoskeletal genes, and chromatin remodeling [390].
Other known B-cell oncogenes (such as BCL2, BCL3, BCL6, Parry et al. have suggested three genes in the minimally
and MYC) are not rearranged. The TP53 gene is frequently deleted region of 7q possibly being involved in pathogenesis:
mutated in B-cell PLL, in approximately 50 % of cases [384]. CUL1, EZH2, and FLNC [391].
A recent study of 13 B-PLL cases used gene expression
profiling and showed that B-PLL cases cluster with either
CLL or mantle cell lymphoma. Not surprisingly, cases with 30.8.14 T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia
t(11;14)(13;q32) clustered with mantle cell lymphoma.
However, a subset of cases without t(11;14) also clustered T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL) is a disease of pro-
with cases of mantle cell lymphoma [385]. lymphocytes with a mature T-cell immunophenotype.
Typical clinical features of T-PLL are splenomegaly, gener-
alized lymphadenopathy, skin infiltration, and serous effu-
30.8.12 Hairy Cell Leukemia sions. The disease usually affects elderly patients with a
median age at presentation 63 years (range: 33–91 years).
Hairy cell leukemia is a rare type of B-cell lymphoma in which A unique feature of T-PLL is dysregulation of the T-cell
patients present with splenomegaly, and bone marrow involve- leukemia 1 (TCL1) oncogene [392]. TCL1 deregulation is
ment with abdominal lymphadenopathy in a subset of patients. detected in 70–80 % of T-PLL but not in other T-cell neo-
Patients commonly present with pancytopenia and monocyto- plasms [393]. In most cases, TCL1 is insertionally activated
penia, and distinctive neoplastic lymphocytes with villous by the T-cell receptor α/δ enhancer via inv(14)(q11q32.1) or
cytoplasmic projects (hairy cells) can be detected in the blood. t(14;14)(q11;q32.1) [394]. Rarely, it can also rearrange with
Hairy cells have a mature B-cell immunophenotype and often the TCR-β chain locus on chromosome 7 in translocation
express CD11c, CD22, (bright), CD103, and annexin A1. t(7;14)(q35;q32.1) [392, 395]. In a small subset of T-PLL
Conventional cytogenetic studies have not shown recur- cases, the TCL1 homolog MTCP1 is dysregulated as a result
rent abnormalities. Cases of HCL carry monoclonal IgH and of t(X;14) [396].
Ig light chain gene rearrangements. The IgHV often show The 14q32.1 breakpoint region has three additional genes,
somatic mutations. In 2011, Tiacci and colleagues showed TCL1b, TNG1 (TCL1 neighboring gene 1), and TNG2, that
BRAF V600E mutation, in which valine (V) is replaced by have an expression pattern similar to TCL1 in that they are
glutamic acid (E), in virtually all cases of HCL [386]. The not expressed in normal T-cells, but are expressed in T-PLL
mutation occurs within the activation loop of BRAF and cell lines and cells from T-PLL patients [397]. Activation of
likely explains activation of the RAF-MEK-ERK pathway TCL1 through hypomethylation of its promoter also has been
that is characteristic of HCL [387]. A small subset of HCL described [375].
cases have MAP2K1 mutation in the same pathway. In non-lymphoid cell line models, dysregulated TCL1 has
been shown to bind to the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain
of AKT and to regulate its activity, suggesting that TCL1
30.8.13 Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma/ homodimers may act by promoting AKT dimerization, thus
Leukemia facilitating AKT transphosphorylation [398, 399]. In vitro
TCR engagement results in rapid recruitment of TCL1 and
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is an uncommon AKT to transient membrane activation complexes that
mature B-cell neoplasm, representing 1–2 % of all non- include TCR-associated tyrosine kinases [400].
Hodgkin lymphomas. Patients tend to be elderly and they Pharmacologic inhibition of AKT activation alters the local-
present predominantly with subdiaphragmatic disease char- ization, stability, and levels of these transient TCL1-AKT
acterized by massive splenomegaly, BM involvement, intra- complexes and reduces tumor cell growth [400]. Experimental
abdominal lymphadenopathy, and hepatomegaly. Most introduction and knockdown of TCL1 influence the kinetics
patients have circulating lymphoma cells and patients can and strength of TCR-mediated AKT activation [400]. These
30 Molecular Biology of Leukemias 547

data indicate that TCL1 represents a highly regulated modu- The dysregulated expression of these genes with important
lator of TCR-mediated AKT growth signaling in T-PLL. roles in cell-cycle regulation, apoptosis, and proliferation
Mutations involving JAK1, JAK3, STAT5B, and IL2RG leads to the development of HTLV-I-related diseases and
are common in T-PLL, in up to 75 % of all cases. Constitutive contributes to their clinical features [409, 410].
activation of STAT5B is one result of these mutations and In addition to the important role of Tax in pathogenesis,
offers a potential target for therapy [401]. there are many other abnormalities. Conventional cytogenet-
ics often shows complex karyotypes, pointing to numerous
gene alterations. Comparative genomic hybridization has
30.8.15 Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma shown many gains and losses of chromosomal loci. TP53 is
mutated in 20–40 %. CDKN2A can be inactivated by meth-
Approximately 15 million persons in the world carry human ylation. A number of pathways have been shown to be acti-
T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-I) infection. The virus is vated in ATLL including NF-kB, JAK-STAT, mTOR-Akt,
common in endemic regions such as Africa, Middle East, the NOTCH, and RhoA [411].
Caribbean basin, coastlines of South America, southwestern
Japan, and some southern Pacific Islands. These locations
mirror the transport of slaves from Africa in past centuries. 30.8.16 Hepatosplenic T-Cell Lymphoma/
The seroprevalence of HTLV-I infection in the USA is very Leukemia
low; 0.01 % of normal blood donors show serologic evidence
of infection. This disease tends to involve younger adults, more often men,
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is caused by who present with splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and BM
HTLV-I. About 1–5 % of individuals seropositive for the virus involvement by an aggressive T-cell lymphoma/leukemia.
eventually develop adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), Patients have short survival, often less than 2–3 years.
usually after many years. The are at least four clinical variants Pathologic examination of tissues involved by HSTCL shows
of ATLL: acute, lymphoma-like, chronic, and smoldering. a sinusoidal pattern of involvement in the spleen, liver, and
Most patients with leukemic involvement by ATLL have the bone marrow. Patients can present with cytopenias and low-
acute form. These patients commonly exhibit leukemia, level involvement of the blood occurs in a patient subset; how-
lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, skin lesions, osteo- ever, the total leukocyte count is often in the normal range.
lytic lesions, and hypercalcemia. Adult T-cell leukemia/lym- The neoplastic cells have an immature cytotoxic immunophe-
phoma is a neoplasm of mature T-cell lineage, often with a T notype (TIA-1+, granzyme B-) and usually express the T-cell
regulatory cell immunophenotype; CD4+ CD25+, and receptor (TCR) γ/δ, although ~20 % of cases express TCR α/β.
FOXP3+, and negative for CD1a, CD8, and TdT. Conventional cytogenetic analysis has shown isochromo-
The HTLV-I provirus genome includes gag, pol, and env some 7q in 50–60 % of all cases. A variant ring-7 chromo-
genes and other genes encoding Tax, Hbz, Rex, p12, p30, some also has been reported less commonly. Isochromosome
and p21 [402]. Transcriptional activation by Tax occurs 7q results in loss of one copy of 7p and gain of one copy of
through its interaction with cellular transcription factors 7q. Using array CGH, Ferreiro reported that the minimally
such as NF-kB and the members of the cAMP responsive deleted region as 7p22.1p14.1 and the minimally gained
element binding proteins (CREB)/activating transcription region as 7q22.11q31.1 [412]. Losses involving 7p are
factor (ATF) family [403]. Heterologous promoters of IL-2 thought to be critical driver genetic alterations whereas gains
(interleukin-2), IL-13, IL-15, TGF-β (tumor growth factor-β), at 7q are thought to provide growth advantages and may be
GM-CSF (granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating fac- involved in chemoresistance. Genes suggested as important
tor), MYC, TNF-β (tumor necrosis factor-β), and others con- at these loci include CHN2 (which encodes β-chimerin) at 7p
tain NF-kB binding sites and are transactivated through an and ABCB1, RUNDC3B, and PPPAR9A at 7q. The JAK-
interaction between Tax protein and NF-kB/Rel proteins STAT pathway also appears to be important in HSTCL;
[404, 405]. Other genes such as those for IL-1, IL-6, major STAT5B and STAT3 mutations have been reported in approx-
histocompatibility complex class I, and PTHrP (parathyroid imately 40 and 10 % of HSTCL cases, respectively [413].
hormone-related protein) are activated by Tax through
unknown mechanisms [406]. Transcriptional repression of
some genes, such as DNA polymerase-β, p18, and TP53, by 30.8.17 T/NK Large Granular Lymphocyte
Tax protein also has been described [407]. Other effects of Leukemia
Tax include interaction with CDKN2A resulting in activation
of CDK4, interaction with and inhibition of checkpoint Large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemias are prolifera-
kinase-1 (Chk1), and promotion of nuclear translocation of tions of neoplastic LGLs that are further characterized, based
NF-kB through binding its cytoplasmic inhibitor, IKK [408]. on surface CD3 expression and TCR gene rearrangement, as
548 L.J. Medeiros and S.N. Konoplev

being of either T or NK cell lineage [414]. The median age diagnosis, aided in the design of assays to detect minimal
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number of peripheral blood LGLs and is commonly associ- apy protocols or stem cell transplantation.
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Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma 31
John Hunt, Yuri Fedoriw, and William N. Rezuke

comprise a significant number of new cancer diagnoses, it is

31.1 Introduction important to understand the pathogenesis of these disorders
and how this information can be used for diagnosis, progno-
Hematologic malignancies are a heterogeneous group of sis, and guidance of therapy.
disorders that include neoplasms derived from cells of The diagnosis of hematologic malignancies often requires
myeloid and lymphoid lineages. These malignancies can be a multi-parameter approach, correlating morphologic evalu-
categorized in many ways, but the most commonly used ation of traditional hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sec-
classification today is the World Health Organization’s tions or Romanowsky-stained smears along with a variety of
Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid ancillary studies, including cytochemical and histochemical
Tissues (WHO classification) [1]. The WHO classification is stains, immunohistochemical studies, flow cytometric analy-
largely based on the Revised European American (REAL) sis, cytogenetic analysis, and molecular genetic techniques.
classification, which divided this diverse group of disorders Of these, immunohistochemistry is favored among many
into what were felt to be distinct or real clinicopathologic pathologists because of the ability to directly correlate with
entities on the basis of combined morphologic, immunophe- the tissue morphology and convenience in working with
notypic, clinical, and genetic features [2]. The lymphoid readily available paraffin-embedded tissue (PET) (Fig. 31.1).
neoplasms include immature B-cell and T-cell neoplasms Other methods may be more sensitive and quantitative than
(precursor lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma), mature immunohistochemistry, but each method has advantages and
B-cell and T-cell neoplasms (including the group of disor- disadvantages. For instance, flow cytometric analysis can
ders collectively known as non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) detect small populations of aberrant B-cells and T-cells in a
and plasma cell myeloma) and Hodgkin lymphoma. A review background of normal lymphocytes, a feat that is often not
of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) possible with routine immunohistochemical analysis.
data stated that in 2005 the United States would have approx- However, this technique requires viable cells in suspension
imately 93,420 incident cases of lymphoid neoplasms with for analysis and allows only limited correlation with mor-
approximately 38,000 deaths. Over the 10-year course of phologic findings. Molecular studies by polymerase chain
SEER data that were reviewed, the B-cell lymphomas reaction (PCR) or Southern blotting are very sensitive in
showed a modest decrease in incidence (approximately 1 % fresh or frozen tissue, but sensitivity may be decreased in
per year), while T-cell neoplasms increased and Hodgkin some assays using the more commonly available PET. Any
lymphoma incidence remained stable [3]. Because lymphomas of these ancillary studies can produce false positive and false
negative results, and the interpretation of results must be
J. Hunt, M.D. made in the context of the traditional morphologic findings
Department of Patholog, University of Massachusetts Medical and clinical findings.
School, Baystate, Springfield, MA, USA This chapter will focus on the underlying pathogenesis of
lymphoproliferative disorders with some reference on how
Y. Fedoriw, M.D. that information can be used for diagnostic and prognostic
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University
of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA purposes. First, there will be an overview of normal B- and
T-cell development, noting that the various stages of lym-
W.N. Rezuke, M.D. (*)
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Hartford phocyte development can be roughly correlated with differ-
Hospital, Hartford, CT, USA ent types of lymphoma. A description of immunoglobulin

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 561

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_31
562 J. Hunt et al.






b c

Fig. 31.1 Immunopathological detection of cell surface antigens. (a) visualized microscopically. (b) Lymph node biopsy with partial disrup-
Diagram illustrating the basic principle of immunopathological meth- tion of the follicular dendritic cell meshwork (highlighted by antibody to
ods. An enzyme is linked to a monoclonal antibody, which recognizes a CD23) in a case of mantle cell lymphoma. The mantle cell lymphoma
specific cell surface membrane antigen. A chromogenic substrate is cells are not immunoreactive for CD23. (c) The diagnosis of mantle cell
added and is enzymatically converted to a colored product, which is lymphoma is supported by nuclear immunoreactivity for cyclin D1.

gene rearrangement and T-cell receptor gene rearrangement

is imperative since this process provides the basis for the 31.2 Physiology of B-Cell and T-Cell
detection of clonality of B- and T-cells and because it high- Development
lights some of the differences in subtypes of lymphomas.
Because an in depth discussion of the pathogenesis of lym- 31.2.1 Normal B-Cell Development
phoproliferative disorders is enough to fill several textbooks,
a select group of non-Hodgkin lymphomas will be reviewed The B lymphocytes arise from pluripotent stem cells in the
with particular attention to how the pathogenetic mecha- bone marrow, which subsequently migrate to secondary lym-
nisms can be used to classify, diagnose, and in some cases phoid organs including lymph nodes, spleen, and various
serve as a potential therapeutic targets. Finally, there will be mucosal sites (e.g., Waldeyer’s ring, Peyer’s patches). There
a brief discussion of molecular profiling and microRNAs, are two phases of B-cell development: the antigen-
two areas in which our understanding of lymphomagenesis independent phase of B-cell differentiation that occurs in the
stands to grow a great deal in the coming years. bone marrow, independent of antigen exposure and giving
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 563

rise to naïve B-cells, and the antigen-dependent phase of dif- exposure, the T-cell-dependent germinal center reaction
ferentiation that primarily occurs in the extramedullary com- occurs. This complex reaction involves rapid proliferation of
partment and secondary lymphoid organs after exposure to surface Ig-negative centroblasts that have switched off the
antigen [4, 5]. Definable intermediate stages of the antigen- gene encoding the protein bcl-2, rendering them susceptible to
dependent phase have been characterized, ultimately related death via apoptosis. In addition, expression of bcl-6 protein
to the germinal center reaction in secondary lymphoid organs and somatic mutation of the bcl-6 and immunoglobulin vari-
and proliferation of memory B-cells and immunoglobulin- able region genes (discussed below) occur. As centroblasts
secreting plasma cells. mature to centrocytes, mutations in the immunoglobulin vari-
An orderly progression of morphologic, molecular, and able region (IgV) occur and expression of surface Ig resumes.
immunophenotypic changes allows recognition of distinct Centrocytes whose IgV mutations result in immunoglobulins
stages of B-cell development from the progenitor B-cells to that recognize self-antigens or show decreased antigen affinity
the terminally differentiated plasma cells. The stages of B-cell undergo programmed cell death. By contrast, centrocytes
development are illustrated in Fig. 31.2. At the molecular whose Ig mutations yield immunoglobulins with increased
level, the genes coding for the immunoglobulin heavy and antigen affinity are saved from apoptosis and resume expres-
light chain proteins undergo sequential rearrangements early sion of bcl-2. These veterans of the germinal center reaction
in B-cell development (Fig. 31.2). Initially, the immunoglobu- gives rise to antigen-specific memory B-cells which can sub-
lin mu heavy chain located on chromosome 14q32 undergoes sequently differentiate into plasma cells.
rearrangement, followed by kappa light chain rearrangement As illustrated in Fig. 31.2, a variety of cellular antigens
on chromosome 2p12 and lambda light chain rearrangement can be detected at different stages in normal B-cell develop-
on chromosome 22q11 [6]. Subsequent transcription and ment. The CD (cluster designation) numbers have been
translation of the mu heavy chain gene results in the appear- applied to many of these antigens to standardize the nomen-
ance of cytoplasmic mu heavy chain protein, which defines clature and allow easier comparison among studies using
the pre-B-cell stage of development. Antigen-independent dif- various antibody clones that recognize the same surface
ferentiation leads to mature, but naïve B-cells that produce marker. The earliest antigens identified on precursor cells of
intact surface immunoglobulin molecules (surface IgM and B lineage are terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT),
IgD), including two heavy and two light chains (Fig. 31.3a). In the progenitor cell antigen CD34, the common acute lym-
the lymph node, the primary antigen response leads to devel- phoblastic antigen (CALLA, CD10) and HLA-Dr. However,
opment of B-immunoblasts, which are capable of progressing none of these antigens are B-lineage specific. Specific
to IgM-secreting mature B-cells. Several days after antigen B-lineage associated antigens, CD19, CD79a, cytoplasmic



TdT TdT TdT cIg



Fig. 31.2 Normal stages of B-cell development with immunological heavy chain, cIg cytoplasmic immunoglobulin, IgR immunoglobulin
and molecular genetic changes at different stages. See text for discus- rearrangement, sIg surface immunoglobulin.
sion. TdT terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, mu cytoplasmic mu
564 J. Hunt et al.






Fig. 31.3 Schematic diagram of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptors. posed of either one α (alpha) and one β (beta) chain or one γ (gamma)
(a) The immunoglobulin protein is a heterodimer composed of two and one δ (delta) chain. Each of the TCR proteins has variable (V) and
heavy and two light chains, each of which has variable (V) and constant constant (C) regions. CD3 is a complex of five proteins associated with
(C) regions. (b) The T-cell receptor (TCR) is also a heterodimer com- the TCR.

CD22 and mu heavy chain, and the nuclear transcription fac- 31.2.2 Normal T-Cell Development
tor, B-cell specific activator protein (BSAP, pax-5) are
expressed in the pre-B stage of B-cell development [1, 7]. As T-lymphocytes also arise from pluripotent stem cells in the
B-cells mature, there is loss of CD10 and acquisition of the bone marrow. However, in contrast to B-cell development in
B-cell antigen, CD20 as well as surface immunoglobulin. which the earliest stages of maturation occur in the bone
CD10 is noteworthy in that its expression resumes for the marrow, progenitor T-cells migrate from the bone marrow to
germinal center stage of development, and at the same time, the thymus where the early stages of T-cell development
the anti-apoptosis protein, bcl-2 is lost but returns after the occur [13, 14]. Subsequently, mature T-cells circulate in the
germinal center stage. As a B-cell matures to a terminally peripheral blood and seed peripheral lymphoid tissues,
differentiated plasma cell, the majority of B-cell surface anti- which include paracortical areas of lymph nodes and periar-
gens are no longer expressed and CD138 (syndecan-1) teriolar lymphoid sheaths of the spleen.
appears [8]. The plasma cell is also characterized by pres- Figure 31.4 shows the normal stages of T-cell develop-
ence of abundant cytoplasmic immunoglobulin. ment in the thymus, which are analogous to B-cell develop-
One fundamental theory of lymphoid neoplasia is that ment and occur in an orderly fashion. T-lymphocytes possess
disorders of lymphoid cells represent neoplastic transforma- a surface membrane protein complex referred to as the T-cell
tion of cells at various stages of normal development [9]. receptor, which is structurally similar to the B-cell surface
This notion has been used in the classification of lymphoid immunoglobulin receptor (Fig. 31.3b). The T-cell receptor is
malignancies [1]. For example, precursor B-cell acute lym- a heterodimer protein comprised of either one α (alpha) and
phoblastic lymphoma/leukemia immunophenotypically one β (beta) polypeptide chain, which combine to form the
mimics normal precursor B-cells by showing expression for αβ T-cell receptor, or one γ (gamma) and one δ (delta) poly-
TdT, HLA-Dr, CD10, CD19, variable CD20, and (cytoplas- peptide chain, which combine to form the γδ T-cell receptor
mic) mu heavy chain (Fig. 31.2), although the pattern of anti- [15–18]. Approximately 1–5 % of circulating T-cells
gen expression in neoplastic populations differs from that expresses the γδ T-cell receptor while the remainder
seen in normal precursor B-cells [10]. The mature B-cell expresses the αβ T-cell receptor [18, 19]. T-cells bearing the
neoplasms represent different stages of B-cell development, γδ receptor comprise a greater percentage of T-lymphocytes
including mantle cell lymphoma, which represents a neo- at mucosal sites and in the spleen. The genes that code for
plasm of CD5-positive naïve B-cells that have not undergone each of the polypeptide chains that make up the T-cell recep-
the germinal center reaction [11] and follicular lymphoma, tor undergo sequential rearrangements early in T-cell
which has an immunophenotype and molecular profile anal- development. The first T-cell receptor gene to rearrange is δ,
ogous to B-cells at the germinal center stage of development which is followed sequentially by γ, β, and α genes. The
with expression of CD10, bcl-6, and somatic hypermutation genes coding for the α and δ polypeptide chains are located
of IgH and bcl-6 genes [12]. Plasma cell myeloma is the neo- on chromosome 14q11, the β chain gene on chromosome
plastic counterpart of the normal plasma cell. 7q34 and the γ chain gene on chromosome 7p15 [6].
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 565

Fig. 31.4 Normal

development with
immunological and
molecular genetic TdT TdT TdT
changes at different cCD3 cCD3 cCD3
stages. See text
for discussion. TCR:
TdT terminal DELTA
deoxynucleotidyl GAMMA
transferase, cCD3
cytoplasmic CD3, TCR
T-cell receptor ALPHA
rearrangements, Ag SURFACE Ag:
antigen. CD7

Analogous to developing B-cells, a variety of cellular anti- T-lymphocytes, include anaplastic large cell lymphoma,
gens can be detected at different stages of normal T-cell cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides), and
development (Fig. 31.4). The earliest antigens expressed are peripheral T-cell lymphoma [1].
TdT and the T-lineage antigen, CD7. The CD3 antigen, which
is a protein complex associated with the T-cell receptor
(Fig. 31.3b), is primarily a cytoplasmic antigen early in T-cell 31.2.3 B-Cell Surface Immunoglobulin
development and only appears on the cell surface later in and T-Cell Receptor Gene
development at the same time as the T-cell receptor β chain. Rearrangement
The earliest thymocytes lack expression of CD3, CD4, and
CD8, but as development progresses, the developing T-cells The B-cell surface immunoglobulin receptor and T-cell recep-
acquire CD1a, CD2, and CD5. The common thymocyte stage tor are involved in the process of antigen recognition by nor-
of T-cell development is characterized by coexpression of the mal B-cells and T-cells, respectively. These receptors are
CD4 (helper/inducer) and CD8 (cytotoxic/suppressor) T-cell structurally similar being heterodimer proteins linked by
subset antigens. Phenotypically mature T-cells (also referred disulfide bonds and are composed of both variable (V) and
to as peripheral T-cells) lack TdT, lack CD1a and express sur- constant (C) regions [6] (Fig. 31.3). The variable regions of
face CD3 with either CD4 or CD8, but not both. After leaving these proteins are similarly involved in antigen recognition.
the thymus, naïve T-cells home to the paracortex of lymph The constant region of the immunoglobulin heavy chain pro-
nodes and periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths of the spleen. tein defines the different immunoglobulin subclasses (IgG1,
T-cells undergo antigen-dependent differentiation similar to IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgA1, IgA2, IgM, IgD, and IgE) [5]. The
B-cells with evolution through a T-immunoblast stage, giving genes that code for the B-cell and T-cell receptors are also
rise to antigen-specific T-helper cells (CD4 positive), structurally similar and consist of a large number of exons or
T-suppressor cells (CD8 positive) which show coexpression coding sequences referred to as a supergene family. The exons
of either αβ or γδ T-cell receptor [16]. undergo a process of DNA recombination or rearrangement
Similar to B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the T-cell neo- leading eventually to transcription and translation and the pro-
plasms represent neoplastic transformation of cells at various duction of functional receptor proteins [5, 6, 15, 18, 20].
stages of normal T-cell development [9] although the corre- A general scheme illustrating the process of B-cell sur-
lation is not quite as well characterized as it is for the mature face immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangement
B-cell neoplasms. For example, precursor T-cell lympho- is shown in Fig. 31.5. The germline configuration refers to
blastic lymphoma/leukemia may exhibit an immunopheno- non-rearranged DNA. The exons which code for the variable
type which resembles the normal common thymocyte, regions of the immunoglobulin and T-cell receptors are
showing expression for TdT, CD1a, cytoplasmic CD3 and referred to as variable (V) segments, diversity (D) segments,
CD7, as well as coexpression for CD4 and CD8 (Fig. 31.4). and junctional (J) segments, and those which code for the
Examples of T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which are neo- constant regions are referred to as (C) segments. The process
plastic counterparts to relatively mature or peripheral of gene rearrangement first involves the selective apposition
566 J. Hunt et al.

Fig. 31.5 Schematic

diagram illustrating the 5 V D J C 3 GERMLINE

sequential steps
involved in
immunoglobulin and 5 V D J C 3 DJ REARRANGEMENT
T-cell receptor gene
rearrangements. See
text for discussion.
V variable segments, 5 V D J C 3 VDJ REARRANGEMENT
D diversity segments,
J junctional segments,
C constant segments.



diagram of the Chromosome 14q32
immunoglobulin heavy
chain and the T-cell 5 Vn Dn J J J J J J Cn 3
receptor beta chain
supergene families. The n=100-200 n=30 n=9
J6 probe
specific sites of
recognition for probes
used for Southern
Chromosome 7q34
blotting are typically
associated with 5 Vn D1 J J J J J J Cβ1 D2 J J J J J J J Cβ2 3
consensus sequences in
the joining (J6 probe) n=75-100 Jβ1 GROUP Jβ2 GROUP
and constant regions
(TCRBC probe).

TCRBC probe

of one D segment with one J segment by deletion of the genes and 44 segments that have an open reading frame, can
intervening coding and noncoding DNA sequences resulting be further divided into 7 families based on the presence of
in a DJ rearrangement. A similar process of rearrangement conserved or homologous DNA sequences, which are com-
opposes a V segment, located in the 5′ direction to D and J to mon to each member of a family. The VH families are desig-
form a VDJ rearrangement. Transcription to messenger RNA nated VH1 to VH7. The T-cell receptor beta chain gene includes
(mRNA) then occurs even though the rearranged VDJ seg- 75–100 Vβ segments, which can be further divided into several
ments are not yet directly opposed to C segments, which are families, and two tandem DJC complexes referred to as
remotely located in the 3′ direction. Subsequent splicing of D1J1C1 and D2J2C2. Each DJC complex contains one D seg-
the mRNA with deletion of noncoding sequences results in ment and one C segment. The first DJC complex contains six
apposition of VDJ with C to form a VDJC mRNA, which can Jβ segments (Jβ1 group) and the second DJC complex contains
then be translated into a surface immunoglobulin or T-cell seven Jβ segments (Jβ2 group) [6, 15, 20].
receptor protein. The humoral (B-cell) and cell mediated (T-cell) systems
The genes coding for the immunoglobulin heavy chain pro- must be able to recognize a wide variety of environmental
teins and T-cell receptor beta and delta chain proteins include antigens even though only a finite quantity of DNA is present
V, D, J, and C segments. The genes coding for the kappa and in each cell. The complex process of DNA recombination or
lambda light chain proteins and the T-cell receptor alpha and rearrangement involving the surface immunoglobulin and
gamma proteins include only V, J, and C segments without D T-cell receptor allows for tremendous diversity of both the
segments [5, 6, 20]. A schematic diagram of the immunoglob- humoral and cell mediated systems, and hence, the ability of
ulin heavy chain and the T-cell receptor beta chain supergene these systems to detect a wide variety of antigens [5, 6, 15,
families is shown in Fig. 31.6. The immunoglobulin heavy 18, 20]. The large number of V, D, J, and C segments results
chain locus contains 123 VH segments, 27 D segments, 6 JH in many combinations, which can be transcribed and trans-
segments [21]. The VH segments, which include 79 pseudo- lated to millions of different antigen receptors.
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 567

VH Hodgkin lymphomas represent monoclonal proliferations of

5 D J C 3
B-cells and T-cells, respectively. A major application of
molecular genetic methods (e.g., PCR, Southern blot) in the
VH D JH evaluation of non-Hodgkin lymphoma involves the determi-
nation of B-cell and T-cell clonality. These methods are con-
sidered to be the gold standard for determining clonality but
are utilized primarily when a definitive diagnosis (malignant
or benign) cannot be determined by morphologic or immu-
5' 3' 3' 5'
CDR, complementarity determining region
nopathologic methods. For B-cell neoplasms, clonality can
FR, framework region often be determined immunopathologically by demonstrat-
ing the presence of monoclonal surface immunoglobulin
Fig. 31.7 Schematic diagram illustrating the rearranged immunoglob-
ulin heavy chain region. Variable primer sets targeting the
[22]. In contrast, for T-cell malignancies, there is no immu-
complementarity-determining regions or framework regions are used nopathological equivalent to monoclonal surface immuno-
for polymerase chain reaction and southern blot studies to determine globulin, although qualitative or quantitative loss of normal
B-cell clonality. Arrowheads identify restriction enzyme cleavage sites. T-cell antigen expression is considered to be presumptive
evidence of T-cell neoplasia [22]. Thus, molecular genetic
Further diversification of the immunoglobulin receptor approaches for the determination of clonality in T-cell non-
genes is achieved through a process of somatic hypermuta- Hodgkin lymphoma are especially important.
tion, which occurs normally within germinal center B-cells. Other uses for molecular genetic techniques in the assess-
In addition to conserved or homologous DNA sequences ment of lymphoid malignancies include determination of
within V segments referred to as framework regions (FR), B-cell or T-cell lineage, detection of chromosomal transloca-
individual immunoglobulin heavy and light chain V seg- tions, and detection of minimal residual disease. The latter
ments contain complementarity-determining regions (CDR), application has become increasingly useful in evaluating
which contain nucleotide sequences that encode for the patients before and after bone marrow transplantation par-
antigen-binding site (Fig. 31.7). The CDRs contain hyper- ticularly in acute lymphoblastic leukemias [23]. The clinical
variable nucleotide sequences, which tend to undergo significance of minimal residual disease detection in chronic
somatic hypermutation. This process results in a series of lymphoproliferative disorders remains a matter of debate and
DNA point mutations with consequent amino acid substitu- warrants more study [24, 25]. The detection of a specific
tions within the antigen-binding site. The end product of chromosomal translocation may be very useful in the sub-
somatic hypermutation involving the CDRs is enhanced classification of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. For example, in a
antibody diversity, affinity, and specificity for target antigens lymph node with suspected follicular lymphoma, the detec-
[5, 6, 15, 18, 20]. tion of a translocation, t(14;18), involving the BCL2 proto-
oncogene, would confirm this diagnosis. Similarly, in the
appropriate context, the detection of a translocation, t(11;14),
31.3 Molecular Mechanisms in involving the CCND1 proto-oncogene, would confirm a
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma or a t(8;14) involving the
c-MYC oncogene would support a diagnosis of Burkitt lym-
31.3.1 Background phoma [26].
There are many potential mechanisms of carcinogenesis
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma comprises a heterogeneous group and lymphomagenesis. In some instances, the details of the
of lymphoid neoplasms, which occur because of neoplastic pathways involved in the transformation of a benign cell to a
transformation of lymphocytes at different stages of B-cell malignant one are generally well understood, but in most the
and T-cell development [4, 13]. The wide variety of B-cell pathogenesis is a matter of ongoing study. Some diseases can
and T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas reflects the varying almost be defined by a single, recurrent cytogenetic or
stages of lymphocyte development and the complexity of the molecular alteration that leads to dysregulation of the cell
immune system. The clinical and pathological characteris- cycle and proliferation of abnormal cells. For example, in
tics of the non-Hodgkin lymphomas are summarized in a mantle cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma, the alteration
comprehensive manner in the World Health Organization involves placement of a normally carefully regulated gene
Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid that promotes cell growth and division (CCND1 and MYC,
Tissues (WHO Classification) [1]. respectively) under the regulatory control of the constitu-
Centrally important to establishing a diagnosis of non- tively active immunoglobulin heavy chain gene. In a similar
Hodgkin lymphoma is the identification of an abnormal fashion, the common molecular rearrangement in follicular
clonal lymphoid population since B-cell and T-cell non- lymphoma puts the normally tightly controlled expression of
568 J. Hunt et al.

the BCL2 gene under the control of the immunoglobulin patients with a median age of approximately 60 years.
heavy chain gene. However, in this case, the product of the Compared to other B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas com-
upregulated BCL2 gene does not lead to cell proliferation but posed of small lymphocytes, MCL has a poor prognosis with
rather a blockade of apoptosis, again culminating in an a median survival time of 3–5 years even with aggressive
uncontrolled overgrowth of cells. Marginal zone B-cell lym- therapy.
phoma is associated with multiple different translocations Classic cases show effacement of lymph node architec-
that all lead to dysregulation of the NF-kB pathway which ture by a population of small to medium-sized lymphocytes
plays many roles in cell proliferation and differentiation. The with irregular nuclear contours, evenly dispersed chromatin
mechanisms involved in the production of functional immu- and scant cytoplasm. A population of nucleolated cells is dis-
noglobulins (e.g., VDJ recombination, somatic hypermuta- tinctly absent in typical cases. Scattered mitotic figures and
tion, immunoglobulin class switching) provide the molecular solitary epithelioid macrophages are identified (Fig. 31.8a,
milieu for development of many of the familiar transloca- b). The neoplastic cells can be distributed in a variety of pat-
tions in B-cell lymphomas [27]. terns, including nodular pattern, diffuse pattern, and a mantle
In contrast, relatively few of the T-cell lymphoproliferative zone pattern. Several studies have reported an association
disorders have recognizable recurrent genetic abnormalities. between the growth pattern and prognosis [29–31].
One that does is T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia, which has a Occasional cases of otherwise typical mantle cell lymphoma
mechanism similar to the B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders show moderate to abundant cytoplasm, resembling marginal
listed above, placing an oncogene under control of the pro- zone B-cells. Plasma cell differentiation is not typical of
moters of the T-cell receptor α/β locus. In the case of anaplas- mantle cell lymphoma, but has been reported. A more
tic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), the creation of a novel fusion aggressive blastoid variant is characterized by larger cells
protein (derived from a translocation involving nucleophos- with more open chromatin, scant cytoplasm, and variably
min (NPM) and anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) genes) prominent nucleoli (Fig. 31.8c). Leukemic presentations of
with a constitutively active tyrosine kinase domain drives cell mantle cell lymphomas also occur, and may present with a
proliferation. Another T-cell lymphoma, adult T-cell leuke- marked peripheral blood leukocytosis, raising a differential
mia/lymphoma (ATLL) has a different mechanism of onco- diagnosis with prolymphocytic leukemia.
genesis, being caused by a human retrovirus, HTLV-1. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping shows that the neo-
One thing that has become clear with our understanding plastic cells in MCL express the B-cell associated antigens
of these molecular hallmarks of disease (e.g., IGH/BCL2 CD19, CD20, CD22, and FMC-7. Because this is a lym-
rearrangement in follicular lymphoma, NPM/ALK rearrange- phoma of mature B-cells, the neoplastic cells express surface
ment in ALCL, HTLV-1 infection in ATLL) is that the pres- immunoglobulins, often IgM and IgD heavy chains and
ence of the t(14;18), t(2;5), or HTLV-1 infection should be moderate to bright kappa or lambda light chains. One of the
regarded as “required but not sufficient” for malignant trans- phenotypic hallmarks of MCL is coexpression of the T-cell
formation. This conclusion must be reached, as many normal associated antigen, CD5 without coexpression of CD23,
subjects can be shown to have molecular evidence of these CD10, or bcl-6. This immunophenotypic profile supports the
rearrangements while never manifesting signs of the disease. notion that mantle cell lymphomas are derived from a popu-
The discussion of these lymphoproliferative disorders will lation of CD5-positive naïve pre-germinal center B-cells.
examine how these molecular alterations can lead to cell Recognition of t(11;14)(q13;q32) as the genetic hallmark of
cycle disruption and some possible additional hits that may MCL has greatly improved reproducibility in diagnosis and
help produce a clinical lymphoma, as well as touch on how allowed greater study of this disorder [32]. This translocation
the use of molecular diagnostic tests can be used to diagnose involves the BCL1 locus on chromosome 11 and the immuno-
and follow these disorders. globulin heavy chain locus on chromosome 14, with the result
that the CCND1 gene (formerly known as PRAD1 because of
its association with parathyroid adenoma), which encodes for
31.3.2 Mantle Cell Lymphoma (t(11;14) the protein cyclin D1, comes under regulatory control of the
(q13;q32), GH-CCND1) immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer. This translocation
leads to overexpression of the cyclin D1 protein, which is not
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a pathologically distinct typically expressed at high levels in B lymphocytes [33]. The
B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder [28] that is characterized cyclin D1 mRNA produced as a result of this translocation has
by upregulation of cyclin D1, most often due to the presence two main forms, each of which contains the complete coding
of a translocation involving the BCL1 (B-cell leukemia/lym- region for a 36 kDa form of cyclin D1: a 4.5 kb form with a
phoma-1) region on chromosome 11q13 and the IGH gene long 3′ untranslated region and a 1.5 kb form that lacks the long
on chromosome 14q32. MCL makes up between 5 and 10 % 3′ untranslated region. Cyclin D1 promotes the transition of
of all B-cell NHL and shows a male predominance. MCL cells from the G1 phase into the S phase of the cell cycle by
occurs over a wide age range, but is more prominent in older binding to cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4 and
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 569

Fig. 31.8 Morpohologic features of mantle cell lymphoma. (a) Low and scant cytoplasm. Scattered epithelioid macrophages are present. (c)
magnification image showing a vaguely nodular pattern of growth. (b) Blastoid variant of mantle cell lymphoma with larger, nucleolated
Classical mantle cell lymphoma cytology with small to medium cells nuclei and more open chromatin. (d) Cyclin D1 immunohistochemistry
showing slightly irregular nuclear contours, inconspicuous nucleoli, highlighting nuclear immunoreactivity in the neoplastic cells.

CDK6). These complexes of cyclin D1 and CDK4 or CDK6 normal individuals without MCL and since mouse models with
lead to phosphorylation of retinoblastoma 1 (Rb1), eliminating the classic t(11;14) do not develop mantle cell lymphoma with-
its suppressive effects on the cell cycle by leading to the release out other genes also being affected, it is also felt that this is not
of the transcription factor E2F and progression into the S phase. sufficient for full transformation. Additional genetic hits are
Other molecular pathways are affected including downregula- common in MCL, and cytogenetic studies have demonstrated
tion of the TP53 tumor suppressor gene [34]. Because the that MCL has one of the highest levels of genetic instability
t(11;14) with cyclin D1 overexpression is found in virtually all among lymphoproliferative disorders. Many of the additional
cases, it is felt to be one of the early events in the development genetic abnormalities seen in mantle cell lymphoma seem to
of mantle cell lymphoma [35]. However, since it can be seen in target either cell cycle regulation (e.g., through deletions of
570 J. Hunt et al.

chromosome 9p21 resulting in the loss of two genes, the CDK sis for a specific breakpoint is not as sensitive as other tech-
inhibitor p16INK4a (interferes with Rb1 function) and p14ARF niques in detecting the rearrangements. FISH analysis has
(downregulates the p53 pathway)) or the DNA damage been shown to be a very sensitive marker for detection of the
response (mutations of the ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia t(11;14) in MCL [42]. Again, it should be borne in mind that
mutated) gene, which has a role in the cellular response to while detection of cyclin D1 abnormalities is quite sensitive
DNA damage) [33, 34] (Fig. 31.9). Better understanding of the for mantle cell lymphomas, there seems to be a subset of
molecular mechanisms leading to mantle cell lymphoma may MCL cases that lack a t(11;14) and cyclin D1 overexpression
lead to therapeutic agents that directly target these various [38]. It should also be noted that these findings are not
pathways [36]. entirely specific to MCL). For example, cyclin D1 overex-
Some groups have asserted that cyclin D1 positivity pression by immunohistochemical analysis is seen in hairy
should be a part of the definition of mantle cell lymphoma cell leukemia, and some cases of plasma cell myeloma not
[37]. However, by gene expression profiling, a small subset only show overexpression of cyclin D1 by immunohisto-
of cyclin D1-negative mantle cell lymphomas has been iden- chemical analysis but even exhibit an identical t(11;14).
tified, which have the usual morphologic features and unique
gene expression signature of mantle cell lymphoma [38].
This report suggests that other cyclin D proteins may substi- 31.3.3 Follicular Lymphoma (t(14;18)
tute for cyclin D1 in lymphomagenesis in such cases. Like (q32;q21), IGH-BCL2)
cyclin D1, other members of the cyclin D family of proteins
are involved in cell cycle control, particularly as regulators Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common NHL
of progression from the G1 to S phase of the cell cycle. seen in the United States, after diffuse large B-cell lymphoma,
The diagnosis of MCL is based on a combination of mor- accounting for greater than 20 % of NHL [43]. Similar to MCL,
phologic immunophenotypic, cytogenetic, and clinical data. there is a hallmark cytogenetic abnormality that involves placing
Identification of cyclin D1 overexpression by immunohisto- a gene whose expression is normally tightly regulated under the
chemical analysis (Fig. 31.8d) has been shown to be a spe- control of the immunoglobulin heavy chain promoters. This
cific and sensitive marker for MCL [39]. Immunohistochemical translocation involves the BCL2 region located at chromosome
markers for proliferation (especially Ki-67) have been shown 18q23. Unlike cyclin D1 in MCL, this gene does not regulate cell
to be of prognostic value [29, 40], a finding shown to be proliferation, but rather serves as an inhibitor of programmed
associated with a distinct genetic signature [41]. Classical cell death (apoptosis). Follicular lymphoma is a disease predom-
cytogenetic studies allow identification of the t(11;14) inantly of adults, with a median age in the sixth decade and
(Fig. 31.10a). Since the specific breakpoints in the BCL1 uncommonly occurring in patients under the age of 20.
region are spread over a wide area (Fig. 31.10b), PCR analy- Morphologic grading of follicular lymphoma allows separation


Up-regulation of CCND1 gene expression

Binding and activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) 4 and 6

Phosphorylation/inactivation of pRB

May bind p27 leading to activation of

Transcription factor E2F released
cyclinE:CDK2 complex

Additional genetic ‘hits’ target cell cycle (e.g, G1/S phase transition
p16INK4a or p14ARF) or DNA damage response (enters cell cycle)
pathways (e.g., ATM mutation)

Fig. 31.9 Molecular mechanism in mantle cell lymphoma. The progression from the G1 to S phases of the cell cycle. Deregulation of
t(11;14)(q13;q32) leads to overexpression of cyclin D1 (CCND1), pRB via other cyclins is also possible. Subsequent genetic abnormali-
which binds to cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) 4 and 6. This leads to ties target the cell cycle and DNA repair pathways.
over-phosphorylation of pRB, releasing the transcription of E2F and
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 571

CCND1 Chromosome 11q13 Gene Region

5 3

Cyclin D1 Protein

11 14 der(11) der(14)

Fig. 31.10 Cytogenetics of mantle cell lymphoma. (a) Derivative CCND1 gene. The breaks in the 11q13 gene region are widely scattered
chromosomes produced by the t(11;14) translocation (Giemsa-stained within the BCL1 locus; however, approximately 30–40 % of breaks
chromosomes and ideogram). (b) Schematic diagram of the chromo- occur within the MTC (major translocation cluster) region of the BCL1
some 11q13 gene region, which includes the BCL1 locus and the locus. The CCND1 gene encodes for the cyclin D1 protein.

into more indolent forms (grades 1 and 2), which have a median lar, some cases have areas with a diffuse pattern of growth.
survival of up to 10 years and more aggressive forms (grades 3A Even in otherwise typical cases of FL, areas with large sheets
and 3B) which have a median survival of less than 5 years. of centroblasts present in a diffuse pattern should be diag-
Follicular lymphoma commonly presents as lymphade- nosed as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Admixed follicular
nopathy and excised lymph nodes show effacement of nor- dendritic cells and T-cells are present in varying numbers, a
mal lymph node architecture by closely packed follicles with finding that has received a lot of recent attention since
attenuated or absent mantle zones. At low magnification, molecular studies show that benign components of lym-
neoplastic follicles lack the normal light zone/dark zone phoma may be associated with outcome [45].
polarization seen in reactive germinal centers (Fig. 31.11a). Morphologically and immunophenotypically, the cells of
The cytologic features in follicular lymphomas vary consid- follicular lymphoma resemble those of the normal follicle
erably, but the most common finding is a predominant popu- center. These are mature B-cells that show expression of
lation of small to medium-sized lymphocytes with angulated CD19, CD20, and CD22 along with coexpression of CD10.
or cleaved nuclei having clumped chromatin and inconspicu- Also like their normal follicle center cell counterparts, they
ous nucleoli. These small cleaved cells are called centrocytes show expression of bcl-6. Follicle center cells do express
and have scant cytoplasm, although they occasionally have surface immunoglobulin, although this may be downregu-
monocytoid differentiation with more abundant cytoplasm or lated to very low levels. Mitotic activity in low-grade follicu-
exceptionally exhibit a signet ring appearance (Fig. 31.11b). lar lymphomas is usually decreased relative to that in normal
Also present in follicular lymphomas are scattered large cells reactive follicles.
with vesicular chromatin, one or multiple nucleoli often Follicular lymphomas are characterized by a recurrent
adjacent to the coarse, thickened nuclear envelope, and mod- translocation involving the BCL2 gene located at chromo-
erate amounts of amphophilic cytoplasm. It is important to some 18q21 and the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus at
recognize these large centroblasts because the number of chromosome 14q32 (Fig. 31.12). This places production of
centroblasts per high power field forms the basis for morpho- the anti-apoptotic gene, BCL2 under the regulation of IGH
logic grading. Cases with fewer than 15 centroblasts per high enhancers, resulting in overproduction of a structurally intact
power field are considered grade 1–2 (Fig. 31.11c) and those and functional bcl-2 protein. Physiologically, bcl-2 expres-
with greater than 15 centroblasts per high power field is clas- sion is present in naïve B-cells but is downregulated as these
sified as grade 3 [44] (Fig. 31.11d). Grade 3 follicular lym- cells enter the germinal center. If somatic immunoglobulin
phomas are further subdivided into grade 3A, which shows hypermutation in the germinal center results in antibodies
admixed small centrocytes, and Grade 3B which is com- with poor antigen affinity or avidity or antibodies that recog-
posed of sheets of centroblasts without admixed centrocytes. nize self-antigens, the lack of bcl-2 permits the cell to
Although the predominant pattern of growth is often follicu- undergo apoptosis. However, if the process leads to increased
572 J. Hunt et al.

Fig. 31.11 Follicular lymphoma. (a) Low-magnification image show- including numerous cleaved cells within the neoplastic follicles and
ing closely packed neoplastic follicles. (b) Signet-ring cell forms con- rare large cells with multiple peripherally arrayed nucleoli (centro-
taining cytoplasmic immunoglobulin are seen in an unusual blasts) (grade 1). (d) Cytologic features in grade 3 follicular lymphoma
morphologic variant of follicular lymphoma. (c) Cytologic findings with numerous centroblasts.

antibody affinity for non-self-antigens, the cell will re- tion. This assertion is supported by the fact that a high per-
activate bcl-2 and escape programmed cell death. centage of normal individuals who never develop follicular
The constitutive overexpression of bcl-2 protein in abnor- lymphoma can be shown to harbor this translocation in low
mal follicle center cells due to the t(14;18) represents an early numbers of cells [48]. In addition, experimental mouse mod-
and important step in the development of follicular lym- els with this same translocation first develop follicular hyper-
phoma. The translocation occurs during V(D)J rearrangement plasia but only later, presumably after additional genetic
at the pre-B-cell stage of development [46], but the cells ulti- changes, progress to follicular lymphoma [49].
mately mature and expand in germinal centers [47]. However, These t(14;18) positive cells in normal individuals do
t(14;18) is not the sole abnormality required for transforma- have a survival advantage over other follicle center cells and
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 573



14 18 der(14) der(18)


Chromosome 18q21 Chromosome 14q32
1 2 3
5 3 5 V D C 3

1 2 3 JH
(chromosome 14)

1 2 3 JH


mcr (chromosome 14)


Fig. 31.12 Cytogenetics of follicular lymphoma. (a) Derivative chro- BCL2/IGH fusion gene. For BCL2, most breaks occur in either the
mosomes produced by the t(14;18) translocation (Giemsa-stained chro- MBR or mcr regions. Breakpoints in the heavy chain gene involve JH
mosomes and ideogram). (b) Schematic diagram showing the segments (arrowhead). The translocation may involve MBR and JH
translocation of BCL2 from chromosome 18 (shaded boxes) to the breakpoints (middle panel) or mcr and JH breakpoints (lower panel).
heavy chain gene (IgH) on chromosome 14 (open boxes) resulting in a

can undergo multiple rounds of rearrangement and somatic alterations in BCL6 on chromosome 3q27. Histological and
mutation in the germinal center. It is tempting to speculate clinical progression of FL can be associated with a variety of
that the additional time in the follicle center predisposes molecular alterations including some that are also seen in
those cells to accumulation of additional genetic damage. mantle cell lymphoma via CDKN2A (p16INK4a-ARF), MYC
Although these further genetic steps are thought to be rearrangements, or mutations of BCL6 or TP53 [50].
required to complete transformation to follicular lymphoma, Recent studies investigating the role of the microenviron-
there are few secondary genetic alterations that occur in a ment in the development and progression of FL have shown
significant proportion of follicular lymphomas, and this step- that the neoplastic cells have close interactions with T-cells,
wise progression is currently ill-defined [50]. Several chro- follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), macrophages, and other
mosome abnormalities were seen in FL in greater than 20 % stromal cells. The stromal cells in some FL have a phenotype
of cases in one series (loss of 1p32-36, loss of 6q11-27, +7, typical of FDCs in normal germinal centers, while in others,
+12, and + X) [51], but the specific genes involved have not there is an absence of most FDC markers. This phenotype did
been elucidated. It is noteworthy that a small number of fol- not correlate with nodularity or architectural pattern, but it did
licular lymphomas (especially among those with grade correlate with the density of T-cells within neoplastic folli-
3B morphology) do not show a t(14;18) but rather have cles. Those cases in which FDCs expressed normal germinal
574 J. Hunt et al.

Fig. 31.13 BCL-2 expression in normal and neoplastic follicles. tochemical study shows that virtually all cells, including those in
(a ) Bcl-2 immunohistochemical study on a reactive lymph node show- follicle centers, are immunoreactive in this case of follicular
ing absence of BCL-2 in reactive follicle centers. (b) Bcl-2 immunohis- lymphoma.

center type FDC markers had higher numbers of intrafollicu- can be useful and is more sensitive than PCR in detecting the
lar T-cells. It is speculated that follicular lymphomas with rearrangement [55, 56]. PCR analysis for immunoglobulin
extranodal spread, which have few FDCs, may have lost their gene rearrangements can yield false negative results in FL,
requirement for mature FDC or germinal center T-cell signals depending on the primer sets used. This is in part due to the
for growth. The loss of these features in a patient with follicu- high degree of somatic hypermutation present in cases of
lar lymphoma may herald early disease progression [52]. FL. Using more comprehensive BIOMED-2 primer sets and
In addition, molecular profiling studies of follicular lym- protocols yielded improved sensitivity by assessing IgH as
phoma patients showed that survival in follicular lymphoma well as Igk and Igλ probes. Of note, analysis for T-cell recep-
patients was correlated with molecular features at diagnosis tor gene rearrangements also highlighted a clonal T-cell gene
and had little to do with subsequent acquisition of oncogenic rearrangement in 13 % of 109 cases tested [57]!
abnormalities. Instead, the gene expression profile that best
predicted survival was derived from non-malignant cells in
the tumors [45]. Other studies have suggested that increased 31.3.4 Extranodal Marginal Zone B-Cell
numbers of lymphoma associated macrophages were associ- Lymphoma, MALT type (t(11;18)
ated with a worse prognosis [53] although the predictive (q21;q21), API2-MALT1; t(14;18)
value of this parameter may not hold true in the setting of (q32;q21), IGH-MALT1; t(1;14)(p22;q32),
rituximab (monoclonal anti-CD20) therapy [54]. IGH-BCL10; t(3;14)(p14.1;q32),
The diagnosis of FL can be made solely on morphologic IGH-FOXP1)
grounds, although correlation with immunophenotypic and
immunohistochemical findings is often employed. The Marginal zone B-cell lymphomas (MZBCL) comprise a het-
expression of bcl-2 in follicle centers helps distinguish erogeneous group of typically indolent B-cell lymphomas
benign and malignant follicles (Fig. 31.13a, b). Expression that make up approximately 7–8 % of all cases of
of bcl-2 protein is not specific for follicular lymphoma, since NHL. Although there is morphologic overlap between the
bcl-2 is also expressed in normal T-cells, in non-germinal various forms of MZBCL, there are significant differences in
center B-cells and in other types of lymphoproliferative dis- clinical presentation, cytogenetic findings, and to a degree in
orders. This marker is expressed only in about 90 % of FL immunophenotype that warrant their separation in the WHO
cases and in the appropriate morphologic or immunopheno- classification [1]. The most commonly encountered forms
typic setting, lack of bcl-2 expression does not exclude a of marginal zone B-cell lymphomas are those associated
diagnosis of FL. FISH analysis for a BCL2 rearrangement with mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). Splenic
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 575

Fig. 31.14 Histology of extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, (b) Immunohistochemical study for CD79a shows predominance of
MALT type. (a) Lung biopsy with infiltrate of small lymphocytes with B-cells and highlights the lymphoepithelial lesion (arrows).
abundant cytoplasm with infiltration of bronchial epithelium (arrows).

marginal zone B-cell lymphoma with or without circulating MZBCL are usually associated with chronic immune
villous lymphocytes and nodal marginal zone lymphoma are stimulation, either from exogenous (typically infectious) or
much less common. endogenous (auto-antigen) exposure. Examples of this con-
The marginal zone is seen as a layer of small lymphocytes nection include the association that of H. pylori (Fig. 31.15)
with moderate amounts of pale cytoplasm that surround the infection and gastric MALT lymphomas, hepatitis C and
mantle zone and germinal center. Marginal zones are com- splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, and MALT lympho-
monly found in Peyer’s patches and other MALT sites, mes- mas involving the salivary gland and thyroid in patients with
enteric lymph nodes, the spleen and occasionally in peripheral Sjögren syndrome and Hashimoto thyroiditis, respectively.
lymph nodes [58]. In extranodal MZBCL of MALT tissues Evidence of the association between infection and the gastric
(MALT lymphomas), the neoplastic cells frequently surround MALT lymphoma is the most clearly defined, and includes
reactive follicle centers mimicking the normal marginal zone the fact that up to 90 % of patients with gastric MALT have
[59]. Similar morphologic findings are seen in splenic and the infection, the fact that eradication of the infection leads to
primary nodal MZBCL. The marginal zones are expanded regression of the lymphoproliferative disorder in a significant
and sometimes fuse to form large sheets of the pale-staining number of patients, and the fact that infection with H. pylori
cells. In MALT lymphoma, there is often infiltration of the leads to similar lymphoid proliferations in animal models.
epithelium by small groups of neoplastic cells, forming lym- There is increasing evidence of an association between C.
phoepithelial lesions (Fig. 31.14a). The neoplastic cells of jejuni and immunoproliferative small intestinal disease
MZBCL are usually small to medium-sized lymphocytes (IPSID), B. burgdorferi and cutaneous MZBCL, and C. psit-
with abundant cytoplasm (classically described as monocyt- taci and ocular adnexal MALT lymphoma [62]. In patients
oid), although cytologic variability is common, even within a with hepatitis C (HCV), there is a question of whether the
given case. Plasma cell differentiation is common [60]. chronic infection leads to an increase in lymphoproliferative
By immunohistochemical analysis the neoplastic cells are disorders in general or to an increase in specific subtypes such
shown to be mature B-cells with expression of CD19, CD20, as splenic MZBCL [63]. Supportive evidence of a causative
CD22, and CD79a (Fig. 31.14b). Although exceptions occur, relationship between HCV and some cases of NHL (particu-
MZBCL is typically regarded as negative for CD5 and CD10. A larly MZBCL) includes series of patients who show a
subset of cases will show coexpression of the T-cell/macrophage response to antiviral therapy with interferon and ribavirin [64,
associated marker, CD43. These lymphomas do not express 65]. It has been suggested that the chronic immunologic
cyclin D1 and usually lack expression of bcl-2 [61]. Molecular response in patients with these infections or autoimmune dis-
studies show that MZBCL are derived from post-germinal center ease leads to DNA damage. This damage is likely related in part
B-cells with evidence of ongoing somatic mutation. to the effects of associated acute inflammation (particularly
576 J. Hunt et al.

monary MALT lymphomas, while the t(14;18) is typically

seen in other sites [66]. The reasons for the site predilections
are not well-understood, but may in part be related to the types
of antigenic stimulation that drives the lymphoid proliferation.
The t(11;18), t(14;18), and t(1;14) share a common theme
in cases of MZBCL. Each ultimately leads to constitutive
upregulation of the NFkB (Fig. 31.17). In the resting state,
NFkB is sequestered in the cytoplasm because of the inhibi-
tory effects of the IkB protein. In stimulated cells, IkB is
phosphorylated and targeted for elimination by ubiquitin. In
the absence of the inhibitory protein, NFkB can enter the
nucleus, where it activates transcription of genes involved
in inflammation, immunity, apoptosis, and cell survival. The
gene for BCL10 is located on chromosome 1p22, and
expressed in many normal tissues. This protein binds to
MALT1 to activate NFkB in the normal state. The MALT1
gene at chromosome 18q21 encodes a paracaspase that does
not activate NFkB without interacting with other proteins.
BCL10 and MALT1 can bind together, leading to oligomer-
ization of the caspase-like domain of MALT1 and physiologic
Fig. 31.15 Infection with H. pylori. Gastric biopsy with encircled area activation of the NFkB pathway. The API2 gene on chromo-
showing H. pylori, which has been shown to be the major causative some 11q21 (also called cIAP2) is an inhibitor of apoptosis
agent in the development of gastric MALT lymphomas. protein that inhibits active caspases that promote apoptosis.
In each of the three translocations, there is upregulation of
the release of reactive oxygen species) and in part to the pro- this system. In two translocations, there is upregulation of one
cess of proliferation and differentiation of B-cells associated of the partners in this activation pathway (BCL10 is overex-
with chronic inflammation [66]. pressed in t(1;14) and MALT1 is overexpressed in t(14;18)),
Several recurrent balanced translocations have been leading to constitutive upregulation of the NFkB pathway.
described in association with MALT lymphomas, the most In t(11;18), there is a novel fusion protein, which allows
common of which are t(11;18)(q21;q21) (Fig. 31.16a) for self-oligomerization of MALT1 and the upregulation of
involving the API2 and MALT1 genes, t(14;18)(q32;q21) NFkB pathway without the participation of BCL10. In each
involving IGH and MALT1 genes, and t(1;14)(p22;q32) case, the changes lead to activation of NFkB essential modu-
(Fig. 31.16b) involving the BCL10 and IGH genes. The lator (NEMO or IKKγ) resulting in phosphorylation and deg-
translocations involving chromosome 14 share a common radation of inhibitory kB proteins (IkB). The end result is that
theme with MCL and FL with upregulation of a gene by movement of NFkB to the nucleus is uncontrolled and leads
placing it under regulatory control of the IgH promoters. The to enhanced cell survival and proliferation [62, 66]. It is inter-
t(11;18) is different in that it involves the formation of a esting to note that in MALT lymphoma cases, the t(1;14) and
novel protein, which fuses parts of the API2 gene product t(14;18) are often present with additional chromosomal
and MALT1 gene product with the result that the MALT1 abnormalities, while the t(11;18) is often the sole abnormal-
activity is constitutively expressed. Despite the various genes ity. It is also noteworthy that cases with the t(11;18) translo-
and mechanisms involved in these translocations, they ulti- cation rarely undergo transformation [69].
mately result in activation of the necrosis factor kappa B Because of the sites of involvement and the mechanisms
(NF-κB) pathway. Other genetic alterations are known to of sampling those sites, the diagnosis of marginal zone B-cell
occur with MALT lymphoma, including the recently lymphoma of MALT type is frequently made on small frag-
described t(3;14)(p13;q32), involving the FOXP1 gene on ments of tissue. Morphologic and immunohistochemical
chromosome 3 and the IGH gene [67]. This translocation findings are important; however, isolation of a B-cell clone
was shown to be present in 10 % of 91 MALT lymphomas by immunohistochemistry alone can be challenging. The
evaluated, with a predilection for the thyroid, ocular adnexae, lack of a specific aberrant immunophenotype in most cases
and skin. There appears to be potential for a geographic can also render diagnosis difficult. In many cases, establish-
influence on distribution of these translocations related to ing clonality of the associated plasma cell population can
sites of involvement of lymphoma as a large study from the serve as a surrogate for clonality in the lymphoid population
US showed discrepancies with what was found in European [70]. In some instances, PCR analysis is required to establish
and Japanese studies of distribution [68]. The t(11;18) and clonality. FISH studies can also be performed looking for
t(1;14) are most commonly associated with GI tract and pul- specific translocations, as listed above. The finding of a
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 577

a b




11 18 der(11) der(18)
1 14 der(1) der(14)
t(11;18)(q21;q21) t(1;14)(p22;q32)

Fig. 31.16 Translocations in MALT lymphoma. (a) Translocation self-oligomerization and constitutive activation. (b) Translocation
involving API2 on chromosome 11 and MALT1 gene on chromosome involving the BCL10 gene on chromosome 1 and the IGH gene on
18 that produces a novel API2-MALT1 fusion product that is capable of chromosome 14 leads to overexpression of BCL10.

Fig. 31.17 Mechanisms t(1;14)(p22;q32) t(14;18)(q32;q21) t(11;18)(q21;q21)

by which NF-kB is
upregulated in marginal
zone B-cell lymphoma. IGH-BCL10 IGH-MALT1 API2-MALT1
The three common
translocations, t(11;18), IGH enhancer drives overproduction of Novel Fusion Protein
t(1;14), and t(14;18) in normal protein Formed
MALT lymphomas lead to
increased activity of
MALT1 and BCL10, Overexpression of Overexpression of Expression of API2-
which upregulates function BCl10 MALT1 MALT1
of NF-kB pathway and
leads to cell proliferation. Increased binding of normal partners BCl10 and MALT1 Self-oligomerization and
with oligomerization and activation of caspase-like domain activation of caspase-like
of MALT1 domain of MALT1

Unregulated interaction with IKK leads to phosphorylation of Ik-B and uncoupling of NF-kB,
allowing degradation of Ik-B and entry of NF-kB into the nucleus.

Constitutive upregulation of the NF-kB pathway.

t(11;18) in a gastric MALT lymphoma by FISH can be of morphologic features [72]. This lymphoma accounts for
value clinically, since patients with this translocation are approximately 2 % of NHL [73], with a predilection for young
unlikely to respond to antibiotic therapy for H. pylori [71]. patients and shows a striking male predominance [1]. The dis-
ease comprises a heterogeneous group that can be largely
divided by the presence or absence of expression of anaplastic
31.3.5 Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (t(2;5) lymphoma kinase (ALK) which is caused by certain transloca-
(p23;q35), NPM-ALK tions. Patients with ALK overexpression have a remarkably
good prognosis, while those that lack it have a poor prognosis,
The term anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) was first similar to patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unclassi-
used in 1985 to describe a group of lymphoproliferative disor- fied. This difference is so striking that it has led to the sugges-
ders that showed immunoreactivity for the Ki-1 antibody tions that the ALK-positive (ALK+) and ALK-negative
raised against Hodgkin lymphoma but that had distinctive (ALK−) forms be separated into two distinct entities.
578 J. Hunt et al.

Fig. 31.18 Morphology of anaplastic large cell lymphoma. (a) Lymph node with predominantly sinusoidal and perisinusoidal infiltration by
atypical lymphoid cells. (b) “Hallmark” cells of ALCL (arrows) with large, reniform/embryoid nuclei and prominent paranuclear clearing.

Lymph nodes involved by ALCL often show preservation immunoreactive for CD4 than for CD8. The null cell type
of lymph node architecture with the population of abnormal expresses no lineage-specific antigens. Whether or not the
cells showing a peculiar sinusoidal pattern of distribution neoplastic cells express T-cell markers, the majority show
(Fig. 31.18a). In other cases, there may be diffuse effacement evidence of clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangement [73].
of the lymph node architecture. The so-called hallmark cell Curiously, the neoplastic cells express the epithelial mem-
is a cell classically described as having a reniform, embryoid brane antigen, which along with the tendency for the neo-
or horseshoe-shaped nucleus, and moderate to abundant plastic cells to cluster and involve lymph node sinuses can
cytoplasm often with a distinct perinuclear eosinophilic cause confusion with carcinoma at the time of diagnosis.
region which may represent a prominent Golgi apparatus Most cases express one or more cytotoxic molecules such as
(Fig. 31.18b). There are several morphologic variants of granzyme B, perforin, TIA-1. In contrast to some cases of
ALCL, including the common variant, small cell variant, Hodgkin lymphoma, there is no expression of EBV and no
lymphohistiocytic variant, and a sarcomatoid variant. Despite expression of the B-cell specific activator protein (BSAP,
the variation in the overall morphology, the hallmark cells PAX5) [1]. Rare cases show expression of CD15 [74].
remain a constant finding, which can be very useful in estab- Anaplastic large cell lymphoma has been shown to be
lishing the diagnosis [74]. Morphologically, the ALK+ and associated with a variety of translocations. The first described
ALK− variants do not show substantial differences, although was the t(2;5)(p23;q35) [76, 77] which was later shown to
it has been suggested that the t(2;5), which is the most com- involve the nucleophosmin gene (NPM) located at chromo-
mon translocation leading to ALK positivity is more frequent some 5q35 and a previously uncharacterized receptor tyro-
in the monomorphic and small cell variants [75]. A group of sine kinase dubbed anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)
Ki-1 (CD30) positive cutaneous lymphoid proliferations located at chromosome 2p23 [78] (Fig. 31.19). NPM is a
with similar cytologic features is also recognized. The clini- ubiquitously expressed nuclear shuttling protein that carries
cal features of the CD30-positive cutaneous lymphoprolif- proteins to the nucleolus. Its function depends on an
erative disorders are quite variable, and they rarely express N-terminal oligomerization motif and nuclear localizing
ALK by immunohistochemistry. domains at the C-terminus. ALK is a transmembrane recep-
Aside from the uniform expression of CD30, the immu- tor tyrosine kinase most closely related to leukocyte tyrosine
nologic features in ALCL are variable. Most cases show kinase and is a member of the insulin receptor superfamily. It
immunophenotypic evidence of T-cell differentiation with carries an intracytoplasmic tyrosine kinase catalytic domain
expression of one or more T-cell markers including CD2, that is activated by forming homodimers after ligand binding
CD3, CD5, and CD7. ALCL is somewhat more frequently [79]. The ALK protein shows relatively limited expression in
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 579

Fig. 31.19 Schematic Chromosome 5q35 Chromosome 2p23

diagram of the t(2;5)
(p23;q35). This NPM ALK
translocation juxtaposes
the NPM and ALK t(2;5)
genes on the derived
chromosome 5 resulting NPM/ALK Chimeric Gene
in a NPM/ALK chimeric NPM ALK
Derived chromosome 5
gene, which codes for
an 80-kd, NPM/ALK
fusion protein Transcription
(designated p80). The
NPM ALK Chimeric mRNA
NPM/ALK fusion
protein includes a
preserved tyrosine Translation
kinase domain (shaded
area). NPM/ALK Fusion Protein

Tyrosine Kinase

cells of neural origin and is not expressed in normal hemato- by ALK fusions include the Ras-extracellular signal-regulated
poietic cells. The t(2;5) leads to the production of a novel kinase (ERK) pathway and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
chimeric protein that carries the 5′ oligomerization motif of (PI3-K)-Akt pathway. The Ras-ERK, JAK3/STAT3, and PI3-
NPM that allows homodimerization of the fusion protein K-Akt pathways interact at multiple points in mediating the
leading to constitutive activation of the 3′ tyrosine kinase effects of ALK activity, with the first playing a major role in
domain derived from ALK. Numerous genes can be the 5′ cell proliferation and the latter two involved with anti-apop-
partner for ALK in ALCL (including clathrin heavy chain-like totic effects and cell survival [80]. The role of CD30 in the
1 on chromosome 17, tropomyosin 3 on chromosome 1, pathogenesis is unclear, but its consistent expression in these
TRK-fused gene on chromosome 3, and others) and most tumors suggests it may have a role.
supply domains that lead to spontaneous oligomerization Although the presence of ALK overexpression in ALCL
allowing the ALK fusion kinases to auto-phosphorylate and defines a relatively discrete population, they do not seem to
activate downstream pathways [80]. ALK overexpression have much in common with ALK-negative ALCL cases.
has been associated with other tumors including inflamma- Indeed, there is some debate about considering ALK+ ALCL
tory myofibroblastic tumors, neuroblastoma, and some solid a discrete entity and classifying the ALK− lymphomas oth-
tumors. The oncogenic potential of NPM-ALK fusion has erwise typical of ALCL with the group of peripheral T-cell
been demonstrated in mouse models, with development vari- lymphoma, unspecified because of differences in clinical
ous tumor types including B-cell lineage lymphomas [81] presentation and outcome. Gene profiling studies show that
and/or T-cell lineage lymphomas [82]. It is also important to ALK+ ALCL and ALK− ALCL hold some mechanisms in
note that similar to with the t(11;14) of MCL and t(14;18) of common (expression of anti-apoptotic molecules and certain
FL, normal patients can be demonstrated to carry NPM-ALK kinases) but differ in other ways (such as level of expression
fusion transcripts can be demonstrated in non-neoplastic of signal transduction molecules (greater in ALK+ cases)
cells, suggesting that this is an important but not sufficient and transcription factors (less in ALK+ cases)) [85]. Another
step in the development of ALCL [83]. gene expression profile study confirmed the discrepancy
Constitutive activation of the ALK tyrosine kinase interacts between ALK+ and ALK− subgroups and showed subgroups
with numerous cellular pathways involved in cell-cycle pro- even among the ALK+ ALCL cases. The common type clus-
gression, survival, and proliferation. For instance, constitutive tered together with increased expression of genes associated
activation of signal transducers and activators of transcription with inflammatory/immune response and stress responses,
(STATs) by tyrosine kinases leads to their translocation to the while the morphologic variants were in a different group
nucleus where they regulate transcription of genes involved in showing increased expression of genes involved in cell adhe-
apoptosis, the cell cycle, and cell growth. Constitutive activa- sion and cell migration. The authors postulated that this clus-
tion of the STAT3 pathway is consistently present in ALK- tering among ALK+ cases may reflect expression of different
positive ALCL. Other proteins, including JAK2 and STAT5 genes during the course of the disease [86].
can also play a role in ALCL pathogenesis [84]. Two other Diagnosis of ALCL hinges on recognition of morphologi-
relevant and relatively well-characterized pathways affected cally abnormal cells showing CD30 expression (Fig. 31.20a).
580 J. Hunt et al.

Fig. 31.20 Immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of ALCL. (a) CD30 (ALK) showing only cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, suggesting an ALK
highlights the sinusoidal infiltration of the lymph node. (b) Immuno- translocation involving a partner gene other than nucleophosmin (NPM),
histochemical study for antibody to anaplastic lymphoma kinase which would show nuclear and cytoplasmic immunoreactivity.

Discrimination from cases of Hodgkin lymphoma is aided ceding the development of lymphoma and the fact that the
by the expression of other markers such as PAX5, ALK, and EBV itself is monoclonal in the lymphoma cells. This virus is
T-cell markers in many cases. The presence of ALK expres- also found in the vast majority of extranodal NK/T-cell
sion is an important prognostic variable that can be demon- lymphomas (nasal type), most post-transplant lymphoprolif-
strated by immunohistochemical analysis and the pattern of erative disorders, and a subset of Hodgkin lymphoma. Another
immunoreactivity to ALK can provide some insight into the virus more recently associated with non-Hodgkin lymphoma,
translocation partners involved [79] (Fig. 31.20b). particularly in the setting of infection with the human immu-
Cytogenetics and FISH studies can be useful in demonstrat- nodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency
ing the characteristic translocations and additional genetic syndrome (AIDS) is HHV8 (also known as Kaposi sarcoma-
abnormalities. Finally, although T-cell markers are not associated herpesvirus (KSHV)). This virus is closely associ-
expressed all cases, the large majority will exhibit clonal ated with the primary effusion lymphomas, which are
T-cell receptor gene rearrangements, including those that are clinically aggressive lymphomas. The exact mechanism of
of null cell phenotype. oncogenesis in such cases is under investigation, but path-
ways involving p53, the retinoblastoma gene product, cyclin-
dependent kinase 6, and NFkB have been implicated [87]. A
31.3.6 Adult T-Cell Leukemia/lymphoma viral etiology has been established for greater than 20 years in
(Integrated, Clonal HTLV-1) adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), which is caused by
infection with a retrovirus known as HTLV-1 [88].
Unlike the chronic inflammation and infection-associated ATLL is a disease of mature CD4+ T-cells and shows dis-
MALT lymphomas, another group of lymphomas can be tinctive geographical clustering in areas with high seropreva-
directly caused by viruses. The main transforming viruses lence for HTLV-1. The clinical manifestations of ATLL vary
implicated in lymphomagenesis include Epstein-Barr Virus with acute, lymphomatous, chronic, and smoldering forms
(EBV), Human Herpesvirus-8 (HHV8), and Human T recognized by the WHO [1]. Most patients with ATLL pres-
Lymphotropic Virus-1 (HTLV-1). EBV is consistently linked ent with lymphadenopathy and many have organomegaly.
with the endemic form of Burkitt lymphoma and the consis- The presence of hypercalcemia and lytic bone lesions is
tent presence of EBV DNA and proteins in the cells in such common, which is likely caused by increased numbers of
cases is a strong argument for an etiologic role of the virus. osteoclasts and accelerated bone resorption [89]. The periph-
Other evidence includes serologic evidence of infection pre- eral blood of involved patients shows varying numbers of
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 581

Fig. 31.21 Adult T-cell

(a, b) Flower cells in
the peripheral blood of
a patient with adult

abnormal lymphocytes including those with markedly con- recently discovered gene encoded on the minus strand of the
voluted nuclear contours (so-called flower cells) (Fig. 31.21). viral RNA that encodes for HTLV-1 bZIP factor, also called
The neoplastic cells have a mature T-cell phenotype and HBZ [94]. Tax increases expression of viral genes and stim-
show expression of T-cell antigens including CD2, CD3, ulates expression of cellular genes via cell signaling path-
CD5, and CD4 and typically lack expression of CD7 and ways of NFkB, cyclic AMP response element-binding
CD8. The malignant cells also show expression of CD25. protein (CREB) among others. The Tax protein affects these
There is not a specific karyotypic abnormality associated pathways by interacting with cellular transcription factors
with development of ATLL, but multiple chromosomal or other modulators of cell function. It has also been shown
abnormalities may be seen [90], including loss of heterozy- to inactivate the tumor suppressors p53, p16INK4a, and others
gosity on chromosome 6q, which has been reported in up to [89]. Because of its activities in promoting transcription of
40 % of cases [91]. The genetic hallmark of ATLL is the inte- its own genome, cytokines, and receptors, anti-apoptosis
gration of HTLV-1 at a random site in the genome. The viral genes and its inhibition proteins involved in tumor suppres-
genome and the site of integration are clonal within a given sion and DNA repair, Tax seems a likely candidate for the
patient’s neoplastic population. transforming factor in ATLL. However, it also serves as a
HTLV-1 is a type C human retrovirus with a positive target for the host cytotoxic T-cell response and its overex-
single-stranded RNA genome. The encapsulated virion con- pression leads to destruction of infected cells. The ATLL
tains the viral RNA, a protease, reverse transcriptase, and cells can lose expression of Tax protein by several mecha-
integrase. Upon entering the cell, possibly via a ubiquitous nisms, including deletion or hypermethylation of the pro-
glucose transporter [92], the virus is converted into double- moter for production of viral Tax, which is a 5′LTR, or
stranded DNA and is integrated randomly into the DNA of various missense or nonsense mutations leading to loss of
the host cell as a provirus. The infection is lifelong, and production of functional Tax. The loss of Tax via these
preferentially infects CD4-positive T-cells. The virus opti- mechanisms allows the cells to evade the host immune sys-
mizes its RNA by using RNA ribosomal frameshifts, tran- tem [95]. Another way of downregulating the expression of
script splicing patterns, and even makes use of the negative Tax was found in the form of HBZ. This protein was
strand for encoding functional proteins [93]. Given that the expressed in all ATLL cells and no cases with abortive
virus replicates with the cells it infects (as an integrated pro- mutations were found, suggesting that this gene is important
virus) using cellular polymerases, the genome of the virus is in oncogenesis. The HBZ gene seems to function in perpetu-
quite stable and viral loads are low. Based on the low level ating the infected cell line in the protein form by suppress-
of genetic variability, and low incidence (2–6 %) of ATLL ing Tax expression and evasion of the immune response,
among infected populations, it is presumed that develop- and in the mRNA form by increasing expression of E2F1, a
ment of leukemia is related to host factors [90]. The varia- gene pivotal in control of the G1 to S phase transition in the
tion in host factors may also help explain the various clinical cell cycle [96]. Ultimately, these mechanisms of immune
manifestations of infection with HTLV-1, including system surveillance and proliferation are important in driv-
HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis ing the process of ATLL, but more complex interactions
and the associations with infective dermatitis, Sjögren syn- with host immunologic and genetic factors must play a role
drome, etc. in the development of neoplasia since the large majority of
The molecular pathways involved in development of patients infected with HTLV-1 do not develop this fatal
lymphoma revolve around the viral Tax protein and a complication.
582 J. Hunt et al.

Diagnosis of ATLL is made by correlating the clinical, distinct, there was heterogeneity within each group. The pos-
morphologic, immunophenotypic, and genetic findings. sibility that the differences in molecular signatures and clini-
Patient demographic data may be a key feature in leading cal outcomes were sufficient to consider the ABC type and
one to consider the diagnosis. The presence of atypical circu- GCB type as two distinct entities was raised. Subsequent gene
lating lymphocytes (flower cells) confirmed by immunophe- profiling studies of DLBCL have largely substantiated this ini-
notyping, and serologic data to confirm the presence of tial work, although differences exist, including the presence of
HTLV-1 infection are also invaluable. PCR analysis, directed a third subgroup by some authors [100, 101]. In addition to
at detecting the presence of integrated proviral sequences is substantiating the findings of the original study, other groups
a sensitive technique for identifying ATLL and T-cell recep- have applied various technologies including self-organizing
tor studies show clonal rearrangements, although molecular maps to simplify and organize the vast amounts of data gener-
analysis for ATLL is not usually necessary for diagnosis ated [102]. Another group applied fuzzy neural networks to
[97]. The presence of hypercalcemia and lytic bone lesions is aid in sorting data and found that the number of genes evalu-
a helpful but not specific finding as these are also character- ated can be reduced from several thousand to less than 10 with
istic of plasma cell myeloma. reasonable predictive value [103]. Because gene expression
profiling is not yet readily available for such distinction, sev-
eral groups have proposed immunohistochemical algorithms
31.4 Future Directions in Understanding for distinguishing the ABC from GCB types of large B-cell
the Molecular Basis of Lymphoma lymphoma [104, 105] (Fig. 31.22).
Along with value in subclassification and prognostica-
31.4.1 Molecular Profiling tion, the use of gene expression profiling can be helpful in
further defining existing disease entities. For instance, it is a
Morphologic and immunohistochemical methods of analysis well-known issue that distinction of Burkitt lymphoma from
have improved our classification of lymphomas in the past other forms of B-cell lymphoma, which is extremely impor-
20 years. However, there are still large groups of NHL that tant for optimal therapy, can be difficult or impossible on a
are not further classifiable with routinely used methodolo- pure histologic basis [106] (Fig. 31.23). With the judicious
gies. Two of the major groups include diffuse large B-cell use of immunohistochemical analysis, cytogenetics and
lymphoma and peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified. FISH, the classification of these cases can frequently be
There are morphologic, immunohistochemical, genetic, and made, but there is a subset of cases that defies precise clas-
clinical differences among these groups of lymphomas, but sification [107]. Molecular studies of cases of Burkitt lym-
their subclassification with routine methods is poorly repro- phoma, Burkitt-like lymphoma, and diffuse large B-cell
ducible. A recent trend in tumor analysis is gene expression lymphoma show distinctly different gene expression profiles,
profiling using DNA or RNA libraries and applying these to emphasizing the fact that the current tools used for classifica-
tissue microarrays composed of samples from a host of dif- tion of these lymphomas is not ideal. One group identified a
ferent cases. This process allows one to examine genes that molecular signature for Burkitt lymphoma using eight cases
are upregulated or downregulated on a case by case basis and that met all WHO criteria for that diagnosis. Using that sig-
then group cases based on similarities and differences in how nature in an analysis of numerous cases of mature, aggres-
those genes are expressed [98]. sive B-cell lymphomas, the authors found that among cases
The seminal article in gene expression profiling details a with the molecular signature of Burkitt lymphoma, 25 % had
study that examined thousands of genes expressed in normal morphologic features that were more typical of diffuse large
cells as well as chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lympho- B-cell lymphoma and only 65 % had classical or atypical
cytic lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, and diffuse large B-cell Burkitt morphology [108]. Another study published at the
lymphoma [99]. The expression of genes expressed in subsets same time analyzed over 300 cases of aggressive lymphoma
of normal cells was compared to that in neoplastic cases. and found that all 25 cases of pathologically confirmed
Hierarchical clustering was used to compare samples and to Burkitt lymphoma were correctly identified and distin-
group cases with similar profiles. It was found that among the guished from DLBCL. However, some cases originally diag-
heterogeneous category of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, nosed as DLBCL had the molecular signature of Burkitt
two major groups were present—a group with a an pattern of lymphoma and vice versa. The findings underscore the dif-
gene expression that resembled germinal center B-cells (ger- ficulties in diagnosis of BL using currently accepted criteria.
minal center B-cell-like) and a second group with a profile Because of significant differences in therapeutic regimens
more akin to activated peripheral blood B-cells (activated and clinical outcome between cases of DLBCL and Burkitt
B-cell-like). These groups were shown to have significantly lymphoma, molecular profiling studies may be the best way
different outcomes when treated with similar therapeutic regi- to ensure correct therapy, although such testing methods are
mens. It was further noted that although these two groups were not currently available in clinical laboratories [109].
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 583


CD10 MUM-1



Fig. 31.22 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. (a) Diffuse large B-cell number of immunohistochemical studies as a surrogate for gene profil-
lymphoma with large atypical cells showing multiple nuclei, vesicular ing studies in the separation of non-germinal center B-cell type (non-
chromatin, and thickened nuclear contours (centroblastic morphology). GCB) from the germinal center B-cell (GCB) types of DLBCL.
(b) A suggested algorithm is the Hans algorithm, which uses a small

Fig. 31.23 Aggressive B-cell lymphomas. (a) Aggressive B-cell lym- morphologic and immunophenotypic overlap among aggressive B-cell
phoma immunophenotypic findings and morphologic findings that lymphomas; however gene expression profiling has been shown to be a
would be compatible with double hit lymphoma. Despite a MYC rear- reproducible method of discriminating Burkitt lymphoma, which
rangement in the form of a t(8;14), the presence of an additional requires more aggressive therapy from others that might be better
t(14;18) argues against classification as Burkitt lymphoma. (b) Burkitt treated with more conventional DLBCL therapy.
lymphoma with classic morphology and isolated t(8;14). There is often
584 J. Hunt et al.

These and other findings and others are exciting and may useful pieces of information that can be gleaned from the
lead to further subclassification of DLBCL, and may help study of microRNAs. Another study showed that microRNA
lead to more precise classification of existing entities. expression profiles were able to distinguish accurately
However, this use of this data is a work in evolution. It is between acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloid
noted, for instance, that as therapies have evolved and with leukemia. It was found that using expression patterns of just
the addition of anti-CD20-directed rituximab, the differences two to four microRNAs, one could accurately distinguish
in outcome related to various prognostic factors, including ALL from AML in greater than 97 % of case analyzed [116].
those noted at the time of Alizadeh’s original study may be Other recent studies have shown interactions between
somewhat lessened [110]. Utilization of molecular profiling microRNAs and other oncogenes, supporting their role in can-
could be of great value in ensuring that patients with aggres- cer development. For instance, it has been shown that Myc
sive disease receive appropriate therapy. In addition, the use activation in tumor cells results in widespread changes in the
of these techniques to further delineate the pathogenetic expression of microRNAs, predominantly in the form of down-
mechanisms of lymphomas may lead to novel therapies more regulation, a finding that suggests that microRNA expression
precisely directed at disrupted molecular pathways, such as plays a role in Myc-mediated tumorigenesis [117].
specific inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases in mantle cell Like the gene expression profiling that relies on DNA,
lymphoma or inhibitors of the NFkB pathway in various microRNA gene expression profiling has identified patterns
lymphomas with deregulation of this pathway. that can be used in the classification and prognosis of various
tumors. They can be upregulated or downregulated and can
serve as oncogenes or tumor suppressors [118]. The study of
31.4.2 MicroRNAs these small molecules has some advantages over the study of
mRNA, particularly that they are stable in routinely available
A relatively new player in the understanding of molecular tissue (including paraffin-embedded tissue), and that it seems
mechanisms of disease is the microRNA. These small mol- that a limited number of microRNAs may be sufficient for
ecules, first characterized in C. elegans in 1993 [111] were classification of tumors. It is hoped that these small mole-
not well-appreciated for their widespread function in physi- cules will have a big impact on understanding the biology of
ologic and pathologic processes until years later [112]. The cancer and in either serving as a target for novel therapies or
term microRNA was coined by Lee and Ambros in 2001 at least helping illuminate other mechanisms of tumorigene-
[113]. Study of microRNA structure and function has been sis that can be targeted.
extensive, and several hundred microRNAs have been
described and cloned in humans [112]. MicroRNAs are con-
served across various organisms, and play important roles in 31.5 Conclusion
many cellular and developmental processes. A single
microRNA can influence large numbers of genes, and can Our understanding of the molecular basis of tumors continues
serve as tumor suppressors or as oncogenes [114]. Their to grow, but there is much yet to learn. It has been known for
expression has been shown to be dysregulated across the many years that cancer is not a single disease but many, and
spectrum of epithelial, mesenchymal, and hematopoietic that neoplasia is a multi-step process. As we have seen, many
malignancies. of the molecular hallmarks of common diseases are simply
The molecular profiling studies involving DNA libraries markers, but do not cause the disease per se. For this reason,
and proteomics have been shown to be effective in distin- in the realm of clinical diagnostics it is important to not
guishing various tumor types. Similarly, it has been shown equate clone with malignant. The detection of low levels of
that there are unique microRNA fingerprints that distinguish aberrant transcripts by highly sensitive methods similarly
normal cells from tumor cells and tumors from one another. does not translate to the presence of early malignancy. The
Among lymphoid neoplasms, the use of a microRNA- principles of classification espoused in the WHO Classification
microchip to analyze chronic lymphocytic leukemia found of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues [1] are
that microRNA profiles were associated with expression of highly applicable. There needs to be correlation of morpho-
ZAP-70, with the mutational status of the immunoglobulin logic, immunophenotypic, clinical, and molecular data. It is
heavy chain variable region and with the length of time from through this integration that we are able to advance our under-
diagnosis treatment [115]. Although many microRNAs were standing of these disorders and further study them. At this
found to be dysregulated, there were two microRNAs that point, the use of tools like cytogenetics, FISH, and PCR can
were abnormal in cases of CLL, miR-15a and miR-16-1 that help us to diagnose, classify, and prognosticate lymphoprolif-
were felt to behave as tumor suppressors. The ability to dis- erative disorders. It is hoped that the use of powerful molecu-
tinguish accurately between patients with CLL into good lar techniques like molecular profiling to study disease and
prognosis and bad prognosis groups is only one of the many the discovery of novel ways in which gene expression is con-
31 Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 585

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The Molecular Pathology of Head
and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 32
Laura J. Tafe

32.1 Introduction 32.2 Etiology and Biology of Conventional

HNSCC Associated with
In the United States, there were an estimated 49,000 new Environmental Substance Use
cases of head and neck cancer diagnosed in 2010, the major-
ity of which were squamous cell carcinomas [1]. Head and Tobacco, alcohol, and regional/ethnical substance, such as the
neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth leading betel quid (a combination of betel leaf, areca nut, and slaked
cancer worldwide by incidence [2]. HNSCC arises in the lime; when combined with tobacco this is called gutka), use
oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, or hypopharynx. The overall are classical risk factors for development of HNSCC. Exposure
5-year survival for all stages and races is approximately to these carcinogenic substances over time leads to multiple
63 %, but this varies from 30 to 80 % for patients with distant opportunities for DNA damage and often a stepwise accumu-
metastases versus localized disease, respectively [1]. lation of genetic events leads to carcinogenesis. In a simplified
The pathogenesis of HNSCC has been associated with approach, carcinogenesis develops from overexpression of
environmental risk factors such as alcohol, tobacco, and oncogenes and or suppression of tumor suppressor genes.
regional/ethnical substance chewing which may act syner- A number of genetic alterations have been described in
gistically. During the past decade there has been a decreasing HNSCC and the interplay among all of these changes that lead
incidence of HNSCC in several sites which has been attrib- to carcinogenesis are not yet completely understood.
uted to a decrease in tobacco use [3]. However, there has Conventional HNSCC is thought to evolve through a mul-
been an increase in oral tongue and especially oropharyngeal tistep process of genetic, epigenetic, and metabolic changes
tumors which is speculated to be because of increasing high- secondary to exposures to the above carcinogens. Clinically,
risk Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infections [4]. In addi- this is reflected through the progression from normal mucosa
tion, patients with certain inherited disorders, such as to precancerous and dysplastic lesions to eventual carci-
Fanconi anemia and Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and genetic noma. However, not all precancerous lesions develop into
susceptibility have a predisposition for HNSCC. There is carcinoma. Oral leukoplakias have an approximate 1–2 %
growing evidence that HNSCC associated with HPV infec- rate of transformation into cancer [4]. Histologically, con-
tion is a unique clinical and biologic subset of HNSCC. ventional HNSCC usually have some degree of keratiniza-
Currently, there are two models of pathogenesis in HNSCC. tion and are classified as well to poorly differentiate based on
One, in so-called conventional HNSCC, is associated with the amount of keratin produced (Fig. 32.1a). It appears that
environmental substance use and the second driven by onco- an accumulation of changes are necessary for progression.
genic HPV infection. Alterations in chromosomal region 9p21 are seen in 70–80 %
of oral dysplastic lesions. This region, known as the CDKN2A
locus encodes the p16 and p14arf tumor suppressors, which
are frequently inactivated by promoter hypermethylation [5].
Loss of 3p is another common alteration in early carcinogen-
esis; this region includes the FHIT (fragile histidine triad)
and RSSFIA tumor suppressor genes which are commonly
L.J. Tafe, M.D. (*)
inactivated by promoter methylation or exonic deletion. Loss
Department of Pathology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,
Lebanon, NH, USA of heterozygosity (LOH) at chromosomal regions 4q, 8p,
e-mail: 11q, 13q, 14q, and 17p are common in dysplastic lesions,

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 589

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_32
590 L.J. Tafe

Fig. 32.1 The histology of conventional and HPV-associated head and poorly differentiated basaloid histology (hematoxylin-eosin, 200×). (c)
neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). (a) A well differentiated The same tumor in part b with diffuse and strong nuclear and cytoplas-
conventional type HNSCC with keratinization (hematoxylin-eosin, mic p16 staining (p16 immunohistochemistry, 200×).
100×). (b) HPV-associated HNSCC which lacks keratin and has a

p53 mutations or deletions and LOH at 13p and 18q are asso- accessibility of these lesions for clinical observation and
ciated with increased genomic instability and aneuploidy are biopsy. The term field cancerization was proposed in 1953
commonly seen in carcinomas [5]. Additional events impor- by Slaughter et al. to explain the high incidence of local
tant to the events in carcinogenesis include the activation of recurrences of HNSCC after treatment and the high likeli-
telomerase, and overexpression of epidermal growth factor hood of multiple independent tumors arising in the oral
receptor (EGFR), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and cyclin D1 mucosa [4, 7]. Oral leukoplakias are precursor lesions that
(11q13) [6]. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), promoter meth- are visible to the naked eye. However, evidence suggests that
ylation, and somatic mutations are all mechanisms of genetic there are precursor lesions that cannot be seen on a macro-
alterations that play a role in the multistep progression model scopic level. Initially histologic studies and now molecular
of HNSCC carcinogenesis. Below is further discussion on studies have shown that dysplasia and genetic changes are
several of the molecular alterations that seem to play an frequently seen in the grossly normal appearing tissues sur-
important role in tumorigenesis. rounding carcinomas [4]. This is significant because of the
real potential that if these areas of genetically abnormal epi-
thelium are not resected at the time of surgical excision of
32.2.1 Field Cancerization/Precursor Lesions the tumor they are likely an important source of local recur-
rences and secondary primary tumors. Approximately
The study of pre-malignant lesions and the concept of field 10–30 % of resected cancers recur despite negative surgical
cancerization have been best studied and described in oral margins [4, 8]. Studies have shown that the carcinoma and
squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) in part because of the their adjacent fields are often clonally related, supporting the
32 The Molecular Pathology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 591

Fig. 32.2 The multistep genetic progression model of conventional Events associated with dysplasia and early phases of carcinogenesis
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) carcinogenesis include loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 3p, 9p, and 17p. Accumulated
[4–6, 71]. An initial genetic insult occurs (e.g. exposure to mutagenic genetic changes lead to genetic instability and aneuploidy characteristic
tobacco products) which leads to a series of genetic events along the of carcinoma. This also includes mutations and epigenetic silencing of
pathway to carcinogenesis. Histologically, this manifests as normal genes as well as upregulation and overexpression of genes all leading to
mucosa transitioning to dysplasia and eventually frank carcinoma. deregulation of the cell cycle and uncontrolled proliferation.

hypothesis that the field precedes the invasive carcinoma [9]. two categories of mutations based on the location of the mutation
It is hypothesized that a stem cell acquires the genetic altera- and the predicted amino acid alterations. Disruptive mutations
tion and passes it onto it progeny eventually evolving into a were defined as stop codons in any region or non-conservative
field that develops a cancer. In addition, van Houten et al. mutations located inside the key DNA-binding domain, and
have shown that the mucosa of patients with carcinoma may non-disruptive mutations are non-conservative or conservative
harbor focal patches with TP53 mutations that are not identi- mutations outside the DNA-binding domain. The results of
cal to the tumor (i.e. not clonally related), these TP53 mutated their study showed that the presence of a disruptive TP53
patches or clonal units are considered to represent the first mutation was strongly associated with a decreased overall sur-
oncogenic changes in the mucosa and these findings suggest vival (P < 0.001) [10].
that exposure to carcinogens, such as tobacco and alcohol, Studies have shown that p53 immunohistochemistry
leads to multiple unrelated clonal patches [8]. These findings (IHC), looking specifically for protein overexpression, does
are the basis of the patch-field-tumor-metastasis progression not correlate with TP53 mutation status for several reasons:
model for the development of HNSCC (Fig. 32.2) [4, 9]. (1) TP53 mutations at splice sites, frame shifts, or nonsense
mutations would produce a truncated p53 protein that may
not be detectable by IHC; (2) other causes of overexpression
32.2.2 Alterations in Signaling Pathways such as retention and secondary stabilization of wild-type
p53; and (3) poor tissue processing (i.e. over fixation, delayed p53 and Rb Pathways fixation, or inadequate tissue processing) which would result
One of the first genetic changes in HNSCC is disruption of the in p53 degradation [11].
p53 pathway. TP53 is a tumor suppressor gene which induces P53, when activated by DNA damage, is an important
apoptosis and is an important regulator of the cell cycle. intracellular regulator of apoptosis by affecting regulation of
Disruption of p53, through TP53 mutations, LOH at 17p or the expression of apoptosis-regulatory proteins. These regulatory
interaction with viral proteins, is one of the most common molecules include the Bcl-2 family of proteins which have
genetic alterations seen in HNSCC. Somatic TP53 mutations either anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2, Bcl-XL) or pro-apoptotic (Bax,
have been identified in 60–80 % of HNSCC [4]. In a multi- Bak) effects. Thus, alterations in p53 expression can change
center study of 560 patients with HNSCC, Poeta et al. screened the ratio of anti-apoptotic to pro-apoptotic regulatory proteins
the tumors for TP53 mutations using the Affymextix GeneChip which can promote tumor cell survival and resistance to chemo
p53 assay for high-throughput detection of mutations in exons and radiation therapies [5]. For example, Nichols et al. reported
2-11 of TP53 with sequencing for confirmation. They defined that in a subset of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell
592 L.J. Tafe

carcinoma (OPSCC), pretreatment Bcl-2 expression was an ant III (EGFRvIII) truncation mutation, which has also been
independent risk factor (independent from HPV status) for observed in gliomas and non-small-cell lung carcinomas [5,
treatment failure and distant metastasis after therapy [12]. 16]. EGFRvIII leads to constitutive activation of the receptor
The retinoblastoma (Rb) pathway (p16-cyclin in the absence of ligand or receptor overexpression. These
D-CDK4/6-Rb axis) can be deregulated at a number of points. mutants also seem to show resistance to chemotherapy and tar-
Inactivation of the CDKN2A gene (region 9p21), which geted EGFR monoclonal antibody treatments, but on univari-
encodes for p16, a key regulatory molecule, by mutation, ate analysis was associated with better disease control [18, 19].
deletion, LOH or a combination of these is another frequent MET (the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor (HGF);
occurrence in HNSCC [4]. Humans have three cyclin D pro- also known as scatter factor) is another receptor tyrosine
teins referred to as cyclin D1-3 which are present in most kinase that is also able to activate the AKT and Raf-MAPK
proliferating cells. CCND1, which encodes cyclin D1 (region pathways. MET and its ligand HGF play a role in invasion
11q13), a key activator of the Rb pathway, shows gain or and metastasis through up regulation of the expression of
amplification in more than 80 % of HPV-negative HNSCCs matrix metalloproteinases MMP-1 and MMP-9 [5]. MET
[13]. The Rb protein itself can be inactivated by HPV onco- (region 7q31) mutations and gene amplification have been
proteins, as discussed below. Taken together, disruption of the identified in HNSCC, but biomarkers to predict response to
p53 and Rb pathways lead to disordered cell cycle regulation anti-MET treatment have not yet been identified [4].
and immortalization of the neoplastic cells. NOTCH1 Pathway Tyrosine Kinase Receptors: The EGFR One unexpected finding from whole exome sequencing of a
and MET Pathways set of HNSCC was the identification of NOTCH1 mutations.
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the While NOTCH1 has been implicated in the tumorigenesis of
Erb family of four tyrosine kinase receptors that form homo- several lymphomas and, NOTCH1 mutations have also been
or heterodimers upon ligand binding and initiate signaling identified in lung SCC, they are not frequent in other solid
cascades through the Ras-MAPK, PI3K-PTEN-AKT, and tumors [20, 21]. NOTCH1 inactivating mutations are seen in
phospholipase C pathways. Studies have shown that EGFR is approximately 10–19 % of HNSCC making it second only to
overexpressed in many HNSCCs. However, these were based TP53 as most frequently mutated gene in HNSCC [20, 22, 23].
on immunohistochemistry studies with variations in antibod- NOTCH1 is a transmembrane receptor with extracellular and
ies and techniques; therefore, the reported prevalence rates of intracellular domains. The intracellular domain is cleaved and
overexpression are widely variable. Overexpression may be a translocation to the nucleus is necessary to turn on target
result of receptor cross phosphorylation (autocrine activation) genes which are necessary for cell differentiation (including
or gene amplification; rates of EGFR amplification are keratinocytes) and embryonic development [22, 24]. In the
reported to be 10–30 % [4]. EGFR copy number alterations setting of HNSCC NOTCH1 appears to act as a tumor sup-
have been associated with a poor prognosis and this observa- pressor gene where NOTCH1 mutations lead to silencing of
tion did lead to a clinical trial that showed improved locore- the pathway. However, in a study by Sun et al. in about 30 %
gional control and progression-free survival with radiotherapy of tumors, there was an increase in gene copy number and
in combination with the EGFR-specific antibody cetuximab expression of the NOTCH1 receptor or ligands and subse-
(Erbitux) versus radiotherapy alone [14, 15]. quent downstream pathway activation. These findings sug-
EGFR has multiple tyrosine phosphorylation sites that gest a bimodal pattern of alterations in the NOTCH pathway
interact with different partner proteins with different intra- in HNSCC and this may lend itself to the use of NOTCH
cellular signaling, thus the real role of EGFR in HNSCC is pathway targeted therapeutics [22].
not clear and maybe different for different tumors. In addi-
tion, Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)-bound EGFR is able PI3K-PTEN-AKT Pathway
to translocate to the nucleus and function as a transcription The PIK3-PTEN-AKT pathway is also important in HNSCC.
factor or coactivator of genes involved in cell proliferation. The class Ia PIK3s, form heterodimers with a receptor tyrosine
CCND1, the gene for Cyclin D1, appears to be one of the kinases, such as EGFR, or adaptor molecules, are activated by
targets induced by intranuclear EGFR, linking the mitogenic phosphorylation and lead to downstream activation of AKT, a
stimulation of EGF-EGFR to cell cycle promotion [16]. serine/threonine kinase. Activated AKT subsequently activates
Few activating EGFR mutations have been found in a number of downstream proteins including apoptosis inhibi-
HNSCC, which is not entirely surprising when taken in the tors, cell cycle inhibitors, and transcription factors which pro-
context of the lung carcinoma data which have shown that acti- mote cell proliferation and survival. PTEN is a tumor suppressor
vating EGFR mutations are essentially exclusive to adeno- that counteracts the activation of AKT. This pathway can be
carcinoma histology [17]. The most common EGFR alteration, deregulated at a number of points. Homozygous deletions or
seen in up to 42 % of the HNSCCs analyzed, is the EGFR vari- inactivating mutations in PTEN (region 10q23) have been
32 The Molecular Pathology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 593

reported in 10 % of HNSCC; in these tumors, the AKT path- growth and neovascularization [5]. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal
way cannot be turned off so the cells proliferate uncontrollably transition (EMT) is a process associated with invasion and
[25]. One of the PIK3 subunits, the p110α catalytic peptide, is metastases where cells shift from an epithelial to a mesen-
encoded for by PIK3CA, located on the 3q26 locus which is chymal phenotype such that their shape changes and they
frequently gained in HNSCC. PIK3CA somatic mutations have become more motile. Alterations in e-cadherin, a cell surface
also been reported in 10–20 % of HNSCC [4]. In one study, molecule, are associated with EMT. Integrin that mediate
PIK3CA mutations were more frequently seen in HPV-positive cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions play a role in the motil-
tumors versus HPV-negative tumors, and were associated with ity and invasion of tumor cells. Enzymes, secreted by the
activation of mTOR suggesting a possible role for PI3K/mTOR tumor cells such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are
inhibitors in PIK3CA mutant HNSCC [26]. likely involved with the remodeling of the extracellular
matrix around invasive and metastatic tumor cells [5].

32.2.3 Immortalization
32.2.6 Gene Expression Profiles
Human telomeres, repetitive tandem DNA repeats at the ends
of the chromosomes, naturally shorten after each cell division Messenger RNA (mRNA) expression analysis has been used
which purposefully limits the life span of cells. In tumor cells, to categorize HNSCC into subtypes based on expression
this process likely needs to be overcome to maintain prolifera- profiles. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering is a powerful
tion. The enzyme telomerase elongates telomeric DNA by discovery tool that is often used for this purpose and heat-
reverse transcription via its catalytic subunit TERT (telomer- maps of mRNA expression values of a large number of clas-
ase reverse transcriptase). Telomerase or TERT activity is sifier genes are used to visualize the clustering into subtypes.
detected in up to 80 % of HNSCC, allowing for the potential of Walter et al. mRNA expression microarrays on 138 tumor
limitless replication of the tumor cells [4, 5]. Recurrent muta- samples using an 840 gene classifier and The Cancer Genome
tions in the TERT promoter have been described in several Atlas (TCGA’s) preliminary data on HNSCC have resulted in
tumor types; in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas, univari- consistent classification of HNSCC into four molecular sub-
ate survival analysis showed that TERT promoter mutations types: basal (BA), mesenchymal (MS), atypical (AT), and
were significantly associated with poor survival with a hazard classical (CL) based on the characteristics of the genes that
ratio (HR) of 1.52 (95 % CI, 1.05–2.20; p 0.03) [27]. are highly expressed in each subtype [29, 30]. These studies
also confirm the finding of four gene expression subtypes
reported by Chung et al. in 2004 [31]. When comparing the
32.2.4 Angiogenesis HNSCC subtypes to those reported in lung SCC by Wilkerson
et al and the TCGA, there is a striking correlation with the
Angiogenesis is very important in the development of can- HNSCC BA, MS, and CL subtypes with lung SCC basal,
cer; tumors require a new blood supply in order to invade and secretory, and classical subtypes, respectively [21, 32].
metastasize. This is achieved through a shift in the balance The BA signature is similar to that seen in basal cells of
between pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors. Solid human airway epithelium; MS tumors had elevated expres-
tumors induce neo-angiogenesis by producing angiogenic sion of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) associ-
factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ated genes. The AT tumors have a strong HPV-positive
[5]. In one meta-analysis, VEGF expression seemed to be signature (although only 14 HPV-positive cases where
associated with worse overall survival in HNSCC patients included in the study) and lacked either EGFR amplification
[28]. More studies are needed to further elucidate the role of or deletion of 9p; and, the CL subtype showed high expres-
VEGF and its potential as a therapeutic target in HNSCC. sion of genes associated with cigarette smoke exposure as
well as deletion of 3p and 9p, amplification of 3q, EGFR, and
CCND1. Each subtype is associated with distinct expression
32.2.5 Invasion and Metastases patterns and chromosomal gains and losses. For example,
gain of 3q, a common alteration in SCC, contains TP63,
HNSCCs classically invade locally and metastasize primarily PIK3CA, and SOX2 was associated with variable expression
to cervical lymph nodes. Steps involved in invasion and of these genes in the different subtypes. The CL and AT sub-
metastasis involve a complex process of: (1) alterations in types show higher SOX2 expression relative to the MS and
cellular adhesion and the cytoskeleton, (2) cellular migration BA subtypes, whereas, BA subtype showed the highest level
and dissolution of the basement membrane and extracellular of p63 expression of all. Interestingly, while MS had 3q copy
matrix, (3) movement into and survival in the blood stream, number gains, the target genes above did not show expres-
(4) extravagation at the metastatic site with (5) subsequent sion levels any higher than normal tonsil [29]. These findings
594 L.J. Tafe

suggest that there is likely differential usage of transcription miRNA-205 and Let-7d; and, miRNA-451 expression a
factors (i.e. SOX2 and TP63) and oncogenes (i.e. PIK3CA) strong predictor for relapse [38–40]. We can anticipate many
that may contribute to the heterogeneity seen in HNSCC and future studies evaluating the role of miRNAs in HNSCC for
help define the expression subtypes [29]. their potential as markers of prediction, prognosis, monitor-
ing of disease, and targeted therapeutics.

32.2.7 miRNA
32.3 Etiology and Biology of HPV
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of noncoding regulator in HPV-Associated HNSCCs
RNA molecules that are expressed in a tissue-specific manner
and are believed to control the expression of up to 30 % of HPV-positive HNSCC tumors are different from conven-
genes via a negative regulation on their target messenger RNA tional HNSCC in their clinicopathologic features and molec-
(mRNA) by either targeting the mRNA for degradation or ular pathogenesis (Table 32.1). While the incidence of
blocking translation. Several excellent reviews on the role of HPV-unrelated HNSCC is decreasing, the incidence of HPV-
miRNAs in human cancers have recently been published and related HNSCC has risen by about 11 % in the last two
the discovery of miRNAs is changing how we understand the decades [3]. HPV type-16 (HPV-16) was discovered in the
molecular pathways )associated with carcinogenesis [33, 34]. 1970s and since then, its role as an oncogenic virus has been
Within HNSCC, researchers have confirmed deregulation well established and particularly well characterized in cervi-
of a number of miRNAs in tumor cells versus corresponding cal cancer [41, 42].
normal tissues but, with considerable variation across stud- Low-risk HPV has long been known to be associated with
ies. However, there does appear to be at least a core set of respiratory papillomas. The role of high-risk HPV in HNSCC
miRNAs comprising miR-21, miR-31, miR-115, miR-155, has been studied since the 1980s and it was found that the
and miR-205 which are consistently up-regulated and let-7b, same E6 and E7 viral oncogenes that were carcinogenic in
miR-26b, miR-107, miR-133a/b, miR-138, and miR-139 cervical cancer were also involved in development of squa-
which are consistently down regulated in HNSCC [35, 36]. mous cell carcinoma in the upper aerodigestive tract, espe-
Because a single miRNA may have hundreds or more poten- cially in the oropharynx [43]. The majority (~90 %) of these
tial gene targets, the causal role played by any individual cancers are associated with HPV-16 [44]. A case-control
miRNA in the carcinogenesis transformation is difficult to study in 1998 showed that the presence of HPV in the oral
define and the relationship of miRNAs to different etiologies cavity was associated with an increased risk of oropharyn-
of HNSCC (e.g. HPV-positive cases versus conventional) is geal cancer independent of tobacco or alcohol exposure [45].
not entirely clear. HPV infection, by disrupting the p53 and In 2000, Gillison et al. showed for the first time that HPV-
pRb pathways, may lead to a signature increase of miR-16, positive HNSCC is most commonly associated with HPV-16,
miR-25, miR-92a, and miR-378 and the decrease of miR-22, oropharyngeal sites, high grade non-keratinizing or mini-
miR-27a, miR-29a, and miR-100 [37]. Recent studies have mally keratinizing morphology (Fig. 32.1b) and a more favor-
reported progression of leukoplakia to squamous cell carci- able clinical outcome than HPV-negative tumors. Overall,
noma associated with miRNA-345, miRNA-21, and their patients with HPV-positive tumor had a 59 % reduction
miRNA181b; higher rates of locoregional occurrences and in risk of death from cancer in comparison to patients with
sorter survival associated with low expression levels of HPV-negative tumors [46].

Table 32.1 Differences in the clinical and biologic features between HPV-negative and HPV-positive HNSCC
Characteristic HPV-negative HNSCC (approximately 80 %) HPV-positive HNSCC (approximately 20 %) References
Incidence Decreasing Increasing [3]
Etiology Smoking, alcohol abuse Multiple sexual partners [66, 78]
Patient age Greater than 60 Less than 60 [79]
Site of origin predilection None Oropharynx [46]
Field cancerization Yes Unknown [8]
Precursor lesions Step-wise progression of dysplasia None identified [59]
Histology Keratinizing Non-keratinizing or minimally keratinizing [59, 66]
TP53 mutations Frequent Infrequent [51]
P16 protein overexpression Infrequent Frequent—detectable by IHC [64]
Chromosomal instability (CIN) Frequent (65 %) Infrequent [4, 51]
Prognosis Poor Favorable [46, 69]
Adapted in part from Leemans et al. [4]
32 The Molecular Pathology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 595

Fig. 32.3 HPV 16 genome. HPV 16, the major type of high risk transcription and replication. P97 is the transcriptional promoter. The
HPV seen in HNSCC, has a 7904 base pair, double-stranded circular early genes are involved in viral replication while the late genes encode
DNA genome which encodes a set of early (E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and for the major and minor capsid proteins. E6 and E7 play a role in
E7) and late genes (L1, L2) on one of the DNA strands. The viral carcinogenesis by binding to p53 and retinoblastoma protein (pRb),
Long Control Region (LCR) contains elements that regulate respectively. Adapted from Lin et al. [48].

HPV is a circular, non-enveloped double-stranded DNA a role in the host’s response to DNA damage (Fig. 32.4). E6
virus that is strictly epitheliotropic (preferentially infecting also activates telomerase which allows cells to regenerate
squamous epithelial cells). There are greater than 100 known chromosomal telomers after cell division [50]. The E7
viral subtypes and the ones known to be associated with cer- oncoprotein inactivates pRb, an important cell cycle regu-
vical carcinogenesis have been designated as high-risk HPVs latory protein, through direct interaction (Fig. 32.5).
(most notably HPV-16 and HPV-18) [47]. The HPV genome Integration leads to disordered cell cycle regulation
is around 8000 base pairs and is organized into three regions: (genomic instability and repression of apoptosis) in the
early region, late region, and the Long Control Region infected cells which is considered to be the mechanism of
(LCR). The genome encodes at least six early genes (E1, E2, carcinogenesis [42].
E4, E5, E6, and E7) and two late genes (L1 and L2) on one Data support that HPV-positive HNSCCs form a distinct
strand. The early genes are responsible for regulation of viral molecular entity within HNSCC based on different genetic
DNA replication and the late genes encode the viral capsid profiles. In a case- control study of the genetic patterns found
[48]. The LCR does not code for viral proteins but contains in tumors positive for HPV DNA and E6 and E7 mRNA ver-
replication and transcriptional control sequences that interact sus tumors negative for HPV DNA and E6 and E7 mRNA,
with viral (E1 and E2) and host proteins (Fig. 32.3) [49]. Braakhuis et al. found that the HPV DNA—E6/E7 mRNA
HPV infection is presumed to be via microtrauma and positive tumors had less LOH than the HPV-negative tumors
infection of the basal epithelial cells and in the majority of (14 % versus 81 %) which was statistically significant for the
instances, infection is transient and self-limiting by the host’s markers tested specifically on 3p, 9p, and 17p (P < 0.05). In
immune response [48]. The immature epithelial basal cells addition, none of the HPV-positive tumors harbored muta-
allow for expression of the early HPV genes whereas in more tions in TP53 but, mutations were found in 75 % of the HPV-
mature and terminally differentiated cells viral transcription negative tumors (P < 0.001). Interestingly, cases that were
shifts to the late genes which allows for release of newly HPV DNA positive but negative for E6 or E7 mRNA had
formed virions away from the host’s immune surveillance in similar LOH pattern and presence of TP53 mutations as the
the submucosa. Most often HPV remains episomal but, in HPV-negative group. This suggests that the E6 and E7 tran-
some persistent infections, high risk HPVs may integrate into scriptional activity is driving these tumors [51]. This group
the host genome. With integration there is often deletion of has shown that 77 % of dysplastic lesions (early in the carci-
E2, E4, E5, L1, and L2 genes. The loss of E2, a transcriptional nogenesis pathway of conventional HNSCC) exhibited LOH
repressor of E6 and E7, allows upregulation of the viral onco- at 3p, 9p, and/or 17p, therefore the lack of LOH in the HPV
genes E6 and E7, and their expression causes inactivation of DNA and E6 and E7 mRNA positive cases is a significant
p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) pathways, respectively [48]. finding which supports the concept that HPV infection with
The E6 oncoprotein targets the p53 protein for ubiquitination E6 and E7 integration is an early and likely initiating oncogenic
and degradation thus disrupting the p53 pathway, which plays event [51]. In addition, the disruption of these oncoproteins
596 L.J. Tafe

Fig. 32.4 Simplified p53 pathway [76]. p53 is a tumor suppressor inducer of apoptosis through the p53 pathway. Therefore, inactivation
which acts as a transcription factor. When bound to Mdm2, p53 in inac- of pRb leads to activation of p53 in the cells. The HVP oncoprotein E6
tive and unstable. P19ARF binds Mdm2, decreasing its affinity for p53. directly binds p53 and targets it for ubiquination and degradation. Thus
Unbound p53 is stable and active and induces cell cycle arrest for DNA the E7 and E6 proteins inactivate pRb and p53 pathways leading to
repair and if necessary, apoptosis. The E2F transcription factor in the genomic instability and repression of apoptosis.
pRb pathway binds to the promoter region of p19ARF and is a potent

Fig. 32.5 p16-pRB pathway. (a) In a normal cell, p16 acts as a tumor S phase of the cell cycle. (b) In an HPV infected cell that has undergone
suppressor to block the activity of the CDK4/6 Cyclin D kinase com- viral DNA integration into the host genome, E7 binds to the E2F site on
plex. This complex is responsible for increasing the phosphorylation of pRb, thus blocking the regulatory control of pRb leading to constitutive
pRB. In the hypophosphorylated form (early G1) pRB binds the E2F activation of E2F transcription. The expression of p16 is greatly
transcription factor and inactivates it. In the phosphorylated state, increased in a futile attempt to provide negative feedback to the pathway.
pRb releases E2F which leads to transcription and progression into the Adapted from Munger et al. [77].

in squamous cell carcinoma cell lines via short hairpin RNAs and HPV-negative tumors with the use of microarray com-
have resulted in increased levels of p53 and pRb and induc- parative genomic hybridization (CGH) [13, 54, 55].
tion of apoptosis, supporting that these pathways remain In recent years the spectrum of HPV-associated HNSCC
intact within HPV infected tumor cells [52]. The absence of has expanded beyond the oropharynx to include sinonasal
TP53 mutations in HPV-positive tumors has also been seen squamous cell carcinoma and a fraction of EBV negative
by others [46, 53]. A number of other studies have demon- nasopharyngeal carcinomas. As in OPSCC, the HPV-
strated differences in gene expression between HPV-positive associated sinonasal carcinomas have a favorable prognosis;
32 The Molecular Pathology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 597

Table 32.2 Common HPV detection methods

Targeted Tissue Detects biologically relevant Detection
Testing method molecule type Advantages Disadvantages infection method
P16 IHC Cellular FFPE High sensitivity (100 %) Low specificity (79 %) Yes—a surrogate marker for E7 SA
protein Easy to assess integration
HPV-16 in situ DNA FFPE Visualization of nuclear Lower sensitivity than Not directly but, a punctuate signal SA
hybridization localization of HPV DNA TA methods is suggestive of viral integration
Easy to assess
RT-PCR E6 or E7 mRNA Fresh or High sensitivity and Poor performance in Yes—considered the “gold TA
frozen specificity FFPE standard” for identifying
Not practical for most biologically relevant infection
Consensus- or DNA Fresh, High sensitivity Inter assay variation No—cannot determine biologically TA
type-specific PCR frozen, relevant from transient infection or
and genotyping FFPE contamination
Real-time PCR DNA Fresh, High sensitivity and Requires tissue No but gives an estimate of viral TA
frozen, specificity microdissection load. Copy number >1 viral
FFPE genome per cell is highly specific
for biologically relevant HPV
Adapted from Robinson et al. [62]
IHC immunohistochemistry, FFPE formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue, SA signal amplification, TA target amplification, PCR polymerase
chain reaction, RT-PCR reverse transcriptase PCR

the clinical significance of HPV in nasopharyngeal carcino- ization and quality assurance and be economically feasible for
mas is not yet known [56–59]. the laboratory [62].
The 2005 World Health Organization (WHO) classification Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique that is able
of HNSCC is principally based on histologic pattern and degree to amplify specific rare DNA sequences in a background of
of differentiation [60]. Lewis and Chernock make the compel- diverse DNA molecules. It is a qualitative technique and there-
ling argument that because much has changed in our under- fore provides no quantitative information about the target
standing of HNSCC this should be reflected in the anticipated DNA. Because of its high analytical sensitivity it may provide
revised WHO classification. In particular, HPV-associated false-positive results. In the case of HPV testing in HNSCC, a
OPSCC have a different etiology and prognosis than conven- positive result does not distinguish among DNA integrated into
tional HNSCC, and deserve to be considered separately [59]. the host genome (i.e. biologically significant), a transient infec-
tion or a contaminated specimen. Consensus PCR using
GP5+/6+ primer sets, directed to the L1 gene which encodes the
32.3.1 Detection of HPV in HNSCC major capsid protein, is commonly used [63]. Consensus PCR
products can then be genotyped by a variety of methods includ-
A number of methods have been used to detect HPV in ing a linear array assay and reverse line blotting [64, 65].
HNSCCs (Table 32.2) and studies reporting on the preva- Real-time PCR can amplify HPV genotype-specific
lence of HPV-positive tumors ranges from 14 to 72 %, most sequences, compare them to the amplification of an endogenous
likely because of differences in the sites of origin and in control gene such as β-globulin and provide quantitative mea-
HPV detection methods used in various studies [61]. More surement of the viral copy number per cell number analyzed.
likely, approximately 20 % of HNSCCs contain transcrip- Smeets et al. have found that a copy number of >1 viral genome
tionally active (i.e. integrated) HPV [4]. The choice of detec- per cell is highly specific for biologically relevant infection [64].
tion method is dependent on the type of specimen available In situ hybridization (ISH) for high risk HPV is performed
(fresh/frozen, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE), on glass slides with bright-field microscopy and provides a
fine needle aspiration (FNA), or cytology), the preservation visual determination of the signal localization to the infected
of the target molecule (protein, DNA, RNA), the desire to cell nucleus. A punctuate nuclear staining pattern is highly
detect a broad group of DNA types or target a specific geno- suggestive of viral integration into the host genome as
type. The detection methods are based on either target ampli- opposed to a more diffuse pattern seen with episomal (non-
fication techniques (PCR based) or signal amplification integrated) virus [66]. Two ISH testing strategies are avail-
using chemical or colorimetric indicators [62]. For an HPV able using either genotype-specific probes (HPV-16 or
test to be useful in routine clinical diagnostic practice it HPV16/18) or a high-risk HPV probe cocktail [63].
needs to be reliable at classifying HPV-driven tumors (clini- It has been proposed that p16 overexpression, which is
cally sensitive and specific), reproducible, subject to standard- detectable by IHC, can be used as a surrogate marker for HPV
598 L.J. Tafe

DNA integration into the host genome (Fig. 32.1c) [67]. In one Anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies (mABs), which spe-
study, this method had 100 % sensitivity in screening for tran- cifically recognize the extracellular ligand-binding domain
scriptionally active infection. However, there are HPV inde- of EGFR, are clinically being used in patients with
pendent pathways that can drive oncogenesis and lead to HNSCC. But, there are currently no validated testing meth-
increased p16 expression so the specificity was only 79 % ods for selecting patients likely to respond to EGFR targeted
[64]. A significant benefit of the p16 IHC is that, unlike some therapies. Bonner et al. demonstrated in a phase III study,
in situ assays, it is not specific to HPV type. significant survival benefit (from 29.3 to 49.0 months) and
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) local-regional control (from 14.9 to 24.4 months) with the
and the College of American Pathologists (CAP) recommend addition of cetuximab (Erbitux) to radiation therapy in
routine HPV testing for all oropharyngeal squamous cell car- patients with stage III and IV HNSCC [14]. Based on these
cinomas (OPSCCs). At this time there are no guidelines for result, additional monoclonal antibodies (panitumumab and
the best testing strategy for determination of HPV status in matuzumab) are being used in clinical trials. In 2006, the
HNSCCs. However, the College of American Pathologists has U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved cetux-
developed a work group with this focus. Two diagnostic algo- imab for use in combination with radiation therapy (RT) for
rithms have recently been proposed. The first utilizes p16 IHC the treatment of locally or regionally advanced HNSCC or as
followed by HPV DNA (using the GP5+/6+ primers) detec- a single agent in patients with recurrent or metastatic HNSCC
tion with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification who had failed platinum-based therapies.
technique. This method was validated for formalin-fixed par- The small-molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor
affin-embedded (FFPE) biopsy samples by comparing with (TKI) erlotinib (Tarceva) bind to the receptor’s intracellular
HPV E6/E7 mRNA in matched frozen tissue samples [64]. ATP-binding site, thus inhibiting autophosphorylation. In
HPV E6/E7 mRNA is considered the reference test of choice lung cancer, TKIs have been shown to have higher affinity
or the gold standard for transcriptionally active and biologi- for the TK domains in mutated EGFR, thus in HNSCCs,
cally significant HPV infection. Although more reliable than which rarely have EGFR activating mutations, and TKIs
standard PCR for HPV DNA (which can have false-positives), may be less effective than mABs [72]. However, TKIs are
reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR assays for E6 and E7 tran- actively being studied as targeted therapies in HNSCC and
scripts do not work well in FFPE tissue specimens. phase I and II trials have demonstrated a modest increase in
The second algorithm utilizes p16 IHC followed by in situ progression-free and overall survival [51, 52]. A phase III
hybridization (ISH) for HPV DNA [68]. This algorithm has trial of gefitinib compared to methotrexate for recurrent
been clinically validated as an independent prognostic HNSCC did not show improved survival compared to
marker through its use in clinical trials and epidemiological methotrexate [72]. Additional clinical trials are needed to
studies [63, 69]. further elucidate the therapeutic prospects of TKIs in
Most pathologists and oncologists agree on the impor- HNSCC.
tance of testing OPSCCs for high-risk oncogenic HPV The EGFRvIII variant is another possible target for ther-
because this provides prognostic information and in the apy. EGFRvIII is the result of the deletion of amino acids
future may be used in treatment decision making. In addi- 6-273 in the EGFR extracellular domain which leads to a
tion, in patients with metastatic HNSCC of unknown origin, reduced affinity to mABs. Targeted immunotherapy for the
a positive HPV status could direct the search for the primary EGFRvIII is currently in development for glioblastomas. If
tumor to the oropharynx [62]. immunotherapy is shown to be applicable to HNSCC, this
would be a promising therapeutic target for cetuximab-
refractory tumors that express EGFRvIII [72].
32.4 Standard Treatment and Targeted The anti-VEFF mAb, bevacizumab is another agent being
Therapeutics evaluated in clinical trials that has shown some efficacy in
HNSCC. Phase I and II trials of bevacizumab in combination
A majority of patients with HNSCC present with locally with anti-EGFR agents, pemetrexed and chemoradiation
advances stage III or IV cancer that is usually treated with a have shown some promising results and phase III trials are
combination of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. In gen- underway [73, 74]. Additional promising targeted therapeu-
eral, two approaches are taken: either (1) induction chemo- tic agents include lapatinib (a selective dual inhibitor of both
therapy (cisplatin is the first choice) followed by radiation EGFR and HER2 TKs), sunitinib (a TKI that targets RET,
therapy or (2) concurrent chemo-radiotherapy [70]. Patients VEGFR, PDGFR, and KIT), cediranib (selective inhibitor of
who present with earlier stage I or II disease are most often VEGF signaling), bortezomib (the first proteasome inhibitor
treated with radiation or surgery and have an excellent prog- selected for development as an anti-cancer agent), figitu-
nosis although they are still at risk for local recurrence or mumab, and cixutumumab (insulin growth factor receptor
second primary tumors [71]. (IGF-1R) mAbs) [73].
32 The Molecular Pathology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 599

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Ovarian Cancer
Amy D. Brockmeyer and Louis Dubeau

33.1 Introduction 33.2 Classification of Ovarian Epithelial

Ovarian carcinomas account for more deaths annually than
any other gynecological cancer in the US. More than twice Ovarian epithelial tumors are a heterogeneous group that
as many women die of ovarian cancer than endometrial can- comprises several histological subtypes. Basic knowledge of
cer in spite of the fact that cancer of the endometrium is the most common subtypes is essential to understand issues
more frequent than that of the ovary. The 5 years survival of related to their cell of origin, risk factors, and other biological
patients affected by these tumors has improved only mod- characteristics.
estly, from 45.4 to 48.6 % during the last two decades [1].
The high mortality associated with ovarian carcinomas is
due largely to the hidden anatomical location of the ovaries, 33.2.1 Histological Classification
which complicates the detection of abnormalities on physi-
cal examination, and the fact that these tumors typically The four most frequent subtypes of ovarian carcinomas as
remain asymptomatic until they spread outside the ovary, at well as their distinctive morphological features and are
which time they are difficult to eradicate. Hopefully, shown in Table 33.1. The question of whether or not these
advances in our understanding of the histogenesis of ovarian different lesions share a common cell of origin has been the
epithelial tumors as well as of their underlying molecular subject of debate among pathologists for several decades.
mechanisms will lead to more effective strategies aimed at Differences in the risk factors, clinicopathological character-
their early detection and prevention. This, in turn, should istics, and molecular genetic features of individual subtypes
have a major impact on the morbidity and mortality associated suggest that they are distinct disease entities. However, the
with these tumors. fact that different subtypes occasionally co-exist, resulting in
The majority of ovarian tumors are epithelial (carcino- mixed lesions that show features of two or more subtypes
mas). Tumors of this organ that are derived from other cell adjacent to each other within the same tumor mass, provides
types, such as germ cell tumors, stromal tumors, and others, a strong argument that they are related.
share little in common with those of epithelial origin and will An intriguing characteristic shared by the major subtypes
not be addressed in this chapter. of ovarian epithelial tumors is their resemblance to tumors
that originate in other organs of the reproductive tract
(Table 33.1). Serous ovarian carcinomas are morphologically
similar to tumors arising in the fallopian tubes. This resem-
blance is so striking that pathologists have agreed several
decades ago not to attempt to determine the exact origin of
large serous tumors involving both the ovary and the fallo-
pian tubes. It is by pure convention that these tumors are
labeled as ovarian, except in rare cases where an origin from
A.D. Brockmeyer, M.D. • L. Dubeau, M.D., Ph.D. (*) the tubes can unequivocally be demonstrated. Endometrioid
Division Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Pathology, ovarian carcinomas are morphologically identical to carcino-
USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of
Medicine, University of Southern California, 1441 Eastlake
mas arising in the endometrium. Here again, the striking
Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA resemblance has led to diagnostic dilemmas related to the
e-mail: fact that when an endometrioid ovarian tumor coexists with

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 603

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_33
604 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

Table 33.1 Most common subtypes of ovarian carcinomas

Segment of the reproductive
Name Frequency (%) Morphological features of well differentiated lesions tract with similar features
Serous 50 Columnar cells with a prominent ciliated border that often form finger-like Fallopian tube and other
projections around a fibro-vascular core (papillae) within the inner lining of extra-uterine Müllerian
cysts filled with serous fluid tissues
Endometrioid 25–30 Glandular structures lined by low columnar cells that may be filled with Endometrium
bloody material
Mucinous 10–15 Columnar cells filled with clear mucus pushing cell nucleus toward the basal Endocervix
pole; typically forming complex cystic structures
Clear cell 5 Low columnar to cuboidal cells with clear cytoplasm and hobmail NA
appearance; often forms small glandular structure or solid nests
Others <5 Heterogeneous group that includes tumors so poorly differentiated that their NA
exact lineage cannot be determined as well as rare subtypes such as tumors
showing features of transitional epithelium (malignant Brenner tumor) and

an endometrial tumor in the same patient, it is not possible to [10]. These differences underscore the importance of not
determine whether the ovarian tumor represents a primary lumping different ovarian carcinoma subtypes as if they
lesion or a metastasis from the endometrial lesion. Mucinous represented a single entity in research studies.
ovarian carcinomas are identical to endocervical carcinoma. The development of analytical tools to examine global
Clear cell carcinomas are identical to the clear cell variant of expression profiles over the last decade has allowed investiga-
endometrial carcinomas. The observation that ovarian carci- tors to compare the spectrum of gene expression in different
nomas are similar to tumors arising in these other sites of the subtypes of ovarian epithelial tumors. Not surprisingly, the
reproductive tract is not based solely on morphological argu- current data suggests fundamental differences in the expres-
ments, as recent studies have shown that the profile of sion profile of each major ovarian epithelial tumor subtype
homeobox genes expressed in serous, endometrioid, and [11–14]. As more data accumulates, it might be possible to
mucinous ovarian carcinomas is similar to that expressed in identify panels of markers specific for individual subtypes
tumors of the fallopian tubes, endometrium, and endocervix, that might assist pathologists in the diagnosis of poorly dif-
respectively [2]. This phenomenon has implications regard- ferentiated ovarian tumors. This could be valuable in ruling
ing the site of origin of ovarian epithelial tumors. out, for example, tumor subtypes associated with a less favor-
able prognosis such as clear cell carcinomas. In addition,
profiling studies comparing tumors from patients with rapid
33.2.2 Toward a Molecular Classification clinical course to those from patients with more favorable
of Ovarian Carcinoma Subtypes outcomes suggest that panels of markers could be developed
and used as predictors of clinical aggressiveness or therapeu-
There are several examples of molecular genetic alterations tic response independent of classical predictors such as tumor
in ovarian epithelial tumors that are strongly associated with stage or grade [15, 16]. Finally, these studies could provide
specific tumor histological subtypes. For example, genetic important clues about cell lineage derivation and histogene-
factors associated with familial ovarian carcinoma predispo- sis. For example, the expression profile of clear cell carci-
sition are subtype-specific. Indeed, mutations in BRCA1 or noma of either the endometrium or the ovary was reported to
BRCA2 are associated with strong predisposition to serous be remarkably similar to that of clear cell carcinomas of
ovarian carcinomas but not with any of the other tumor sub- the kidney [14]. This is interesting in light of the fact that the
types. Germline mutations in DNA repair enzymes leading embryological origin of much of the reproductive tract is
to microsatellite instability are associated with endometrioid related to renal development.
ovarian carcinomas. In addition, specific somatic mutations
are more common in certain subtypes of ovarian carcinomas
than others. The association of PTEN mutations with endo- 33.3 Risk Factors for Ovarian Epithelial
metrioid tumors [3, 4] and the more frequent (although not Tumors
exclusive) presence of K-RAS or B-RAF mutations in muci-
nous and serous tumors [5–9] are additional examples. Knowledge of genetic and environmental factors associated
Mutations in ARID1A, a gene encoding a key component of with predisposition to a specific cancer type can provide
the SWI–SNF chromatin remodeling complex called insight into the mechanisms underlying its development.
BAF250a, are associated with endometrioid and clear cell This is particularly true of ovarian epithelial tumors, where
ovarian carcinomas but not with serous ovarian carcinomas strong predisposing factors have been well established.
33 Ovarian Cancer 605

33.3.1 Reproductive Factors stimulation followed by growth inhibition might contribute

to the increased risk of tumor development in women with
Most ovarian cancers occur sporadically, without evidence of uninterrupted menstrual cycles. The protective role of either
genetic predisposition. Ovulation is the most well established pregnancy or oral contraceptive could, in turn, be partly due
risk factor for the sporadic form of these cancers [17, 18]. to the interruption of such a scenario. Alternatively, a study
Interruption of ovulatory activity protects against the develop- examining the long-term effects of oral contraceptives in
ment of this disease independently of whether such interrup- macaques suggested that the direct action of progestins is
tion is achieved through pregnancy or oral contraceptives, primarily responsible for the protective effects of oral contra-
although there is evidence of late pregnancies being more ceptives [22].
protective than earlier ones. For example, use of oral contra- Another explanation for the association between ovula-
ceptives for 5 years results in an approximately 40 % decrease tion and ovarian cancer risk is known as the stromal hyperac-
in lifetime ovarian cancer risk, which is similar to the protec- tivity hypothesis, which stipulates that although most ovarian
tive effect of five pregnancies after the first [19]. follicular cells undergo apoptosis following release of the
An initial explanation for the association between ovula- egg and the ensuing luteinization period, some may persist
tion and ovarian cancer predisposition was based on the and retain their hormone-producing ability [23]. This would
notion that these tumors originate in the coelomic epithelium result in accumulation of steroid producing cells proportion-
lining the ovarian surface. Fatallah [20] reasoned over four ate to the number of lifetime ovulations. Indeed, the basal
decades ago that the chronic breakage and repair of the levels of circulating estradiol were higher in premenopausal
ovarian surface epithelium that results from monthly releases women with a greater lifetime number of ovulatory cycles in
of the egg might lead to predisposition to malignant trans- a longitudinal study [23].
formation of this epithelium (the incessant ovulation In a recent population-based case-control study involving
hypothesis). This hypothesis seemed attractive given the 477 patients with ovarian epithelial tumors and 660 controls,
known association between cancer predisposition and cellu- there was a 51 % reduction in risk of developing ovarian can-
lar proliferation, one of the consequences of chronic repair. cer in women who had given birth after the age of 35 com-
However, it fails to provide a comprehensive explanation for pared to nulliparous women. Although prior births further
the current epidemiological data. For example, the dispro- reduced the risk, the magnitude of the protective effect of an
portionately increased protective effect of late pregnancies early pregnancy was less than that of a pregnancy occurring
compared to early pregnancies, as well as the progressive after age 35 [17]. These observations underscore the
rise in ovarian cancer incidence after menopause, cannot be complexity of the link between ovulatory activity and risk of
readily accounted for by the incessant ovulation hypothesis sporadic ovarian cancer, which may in fact be the net result
[17, 18]. Although the incessant ovulation theory is still of several factors. In that regard, a role for androstenedione,
widely quoted, a currently more favored hypothesis stipulates which is the major ovarian hormone after the menopause and
that it is the hormonal changes associated with the normal is suppressed by oral contraceptives, has also been suggested
menstrual cycle that may have a lasting effect on predisposi- [24]. A role for this hormone is further supported by the fact
tion of the cell of origin of ovarian epithelial tumors to neo- that its circulating levels were found to be higher in the
plastic transformation. Estradiol, which is unopposed during serum of patients with ovarian cancer compared to that of
the first half (follicular phase) of the menstrual cycle, stimu- matched controls [25].
lates growth of benign and malignant ovarian epithelial tumor
cells in vitro, while progesterone, which is elevated during
the second half (luteal phase) of the cycle, inhibits the growth 33.3.2 Inflammatory Factors
of the same cells [21]. The fact that pituitary gonadotropins,
which have high circulating levels around menopause, stim- Although reproductive factors associated with the menstrual
ulate the growth of ovarian epithelial tumors in vitro sug- cycle are by far the strongest risk determinants of ovarian
gests that hormonal changes associated with menopause may cancer, a role for inflammation has also been suggested [26].
also play a role [21] Application of talc on the perineal area has consistently been
It is possible that each follicular phase of the menstrual associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer. Inflammatory
cycle, characterized by unopposed estrogen stimulation and conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease have also
by elevated levels of follicular stimulating hormone, favors been associated with such increase [27–32]. The association
growth stimulation. Such stimulation may be accentuated at between endometriosis and endometrioid ovarian carcinoma
the end of the follicular phase due to the rapid surge in levels [26, 33–38] is often regarded as further support for a role of
of luteinizing hormone that triggers ovulation. Each luteal inflammation in ovarian cancer predisposition, but this asso-
phase, in contrast, is characterized by growth inhibition due ciation can also be explained by the hypothesis that ovarian
to increased levels of progestins. This scenario of growth epithelial tumors arise in components of the secondary
606 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

Müllerian system. However, the apparent association cancer in their lifetime while the risk for BRCA2 mutation
between pelvic inflammatory diseases not involving endo- carriers is about 20 % [54–60]. Given that the risk of ovarian
metriosis and ovarian cancer risk [39, 40], as well as the evi- cancer in the general population is only 1.7 %, cancer-
dence for a protective effect of anti-inflammatory drugs causing mutations in either one of these two genes are highly
[41–44] provide further support for the notion that inflamma- penetrant. The only major subtype of ovarian epithelial
tion can influence the risk of ovarian cancer. tumors that has a well-defined familial component other than
serous tumors is endometrioid. These tumors, which are
often associated with microsatellite instability due to replica-
33.3.3 Smoking tion error repair deficiencies, are the fourth most common
cancer type associated with the HNPCC syndrome [61].
Multiple studies have linked cigarette smoking with risk Although the isolation of the BRCA1 gene more than a
of mucinous ovarian cancer, but not of other ovarian can- decade ago [62] raised hopes that elucidation of its biological
cer subtypes [45–47]. This parallels the reported effect of function would shed light on the mechanisms underlying
smoking on histologically similar cancers of both the gas- ovarian (as well as breast) cancer development, little progress
trointestinal tract and cervix. The proposed mechanism of has been made to date in spite of extensive data on the cellular
carcinogenesis is a combination of direct DNA damage by function(s) of this gene. Part of the difficulty comes from the
carcinogens in cigarette smoke and the ability of these fact that although BRCA1 influences a large number of cel-
carcinogens to accumulate in mucin-secreting cells. lular functions potentially important in controlling cancer
Interestingly, not only is smoking not shown to increase development, there is little insight into which function is most
serous or endometrioid cancer rates, but also it has been closely associated with familial cancer. The fact that the
shown to decrease the relative risk of clear cell ovarian BRCA1 locus is associated with several splice variants, with
cancer. This suggests that the mechanism of carcinogen- at least one, IRIS, possibly showing effects that are opposite
esis may be different for mucinous cancer than for other to those of the full-length BRCA1 protein, complicates this
ovarian epithelial tumor types and may be more related to issue further [63].
environmental carcinogens than to hormonal influences, Individuals with germline BRCA1 mutations are predis-
as smoking is known to lower circulating estrogen levels. posed almost exclusively to cancers of the breast and ovaries
in spite of the fact that this gene product is expressed ubiqui-
tously in most cell types. Cellular processes associated with
33.3.4 Diet the full-length BRCA1 nuclear protein that are often invoked
as potentially underlying the alleged tumor suppressor func-
The influence of diet has also been studied as it pertains to tion of this protein include cell cycle regulation, regulation of
ovarian cancer. Data regarding the role of dietary saturated apoptosis, DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, transcriptional
fat is controversial. One retrospective study showed an regulation, X chromosome inactivation, and post-translational
increased risk of mucinous tumors in women with diets high modification [64–68]. These are global processes important
in saturated fats [48] while another large study found only a in most cells. Thus, if any of these processes were primarily
weakly positive, non-linear association between ovarian can- responsible for cancer predisposition in mutation carriers, the
cers of all subtypes and no difference for the mucinous sub- resulting cancers would be expected to affect a large number
type [49]. Although milk consumption and, more precisely, of cell types. Thus, current knowledge of the normal function
consumption of galactose, which is high in countries with of BRCA1 is difficult to reconcile with the site specificity of
elevated risks of ovarian carcinoma, has been proposed as a the tumors that develop in mutation carriers. This, plus the fact
risk factor for this disease, recent data could not confirm this that BRCA1 mutations are rare in the sporadic form of ovar-
association, including in individuals with a functional poly- ian cancer, suggests that this gene may act indirectly, perhaps
morphism in an enzyme involved in galactose metabolism by controlling cells that are not direct precursors, but that nev-
[50–52]. ertheless influence the cells of origin of ovarian tumors.
It is with this idea in mind that Chodankar et al. [69]
hypothesized that loss of BRCA1 function could influence
33.3.5 Genetic Factors ovarian tumorigenesis cell non-autonomously, by disrupting
interactions between cells that control the menstrual cycle,
Approximately 15 % of all ovarian carcinomas are familial the most important risk factor for sporadic ovarian carcinoma,
[53]. Almost all of these cases are due to germline mutations and cells from which ovarian epithelial tumors originate.
in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which are also associated Given the central role of granulosa cells in regulating pro-
with hereditary breast cancer. Approximately 40 % of women gression through the normal menstrual cycle, plus the fact
carrying a germline BRCA1 mutation will develop ovarian that these cells secrete a variety of hormones such as estradiol,
33 Ovarian Cancer 607

Müllerian inhibiting substance, and others that are known to to the follicular phase of the human menstrual cycle, was
influence ovarian cancer cell growth in vitro, these authors longer than in wild type littermates. In addition, circulating
used the cre-lox system to inactivate the Brca1 gene in mouse levels of estradiol were higher in mutant mice than in wild
granulosa cells specifically. The mice indeed developed type following inoculation of gonadotropins. They con-
benign tumors that were clearly of epithelial origin (as cluded that mice carrying a Brca1 mutation had both
opposed to an origin from granulosa cells) in strong support increased and prolonged estrogen stimulation unopposed by
of a cell non-autonomous mechanism. Although it is not estrogen, raising the possibility that similar changes are also
clear whether a similar mechanism is also applicable to present in human BRCA1 mutation carriers [74].
humans, these results strongly suggest that ovarian cancer
predisposition in BRCA1 mutation carriers is due, at least in
part, to decreased BRCA1 expression in ovarian granulosa 33.4 Origin of Ovarian Epithelial Tumors
cells, thereby disrupting control mechanisms that these cells
exert on the cells from which ovarian epithelial tumors origi- A fascinating aspect of ovarian cancer research is the persist-
nate. The finding by Hu et al. [70] that down-regulation of ing debate among scientists as to where and from which cell
BRCA1 in primary cultures of human granulosa cells results type these tumors actually originate. An answer to this fun-
in increased expression of aromatase, the rate-limiting damental question is essential to the understanding of the
enzyme in estradiol biosynthesis, is well in line with this biology of the normal counterpart of these tumors, of the risk
hypothesis. It is not clear whether the same mechanism is also factors for this disease, and to the development of effective
responsible for breast cancer predisposition in BRCA1 muta- protective measures. This is also important for the identifica-
tion carriers. The fact that ovulatory activity, which is largely tion and characterization of ovarian carcinoma precursor
controlled by ovarian granulosa cells, has a strong influence lesions and for the development of strategies aimed at their
on sporadic breast cancer predisposition in addition to ovar- early detection.
ian cancers suggests that the mechanisms of predisposition to
breast cancer in mutation carriers could indeed be similar.
This idea is further strengthened by the demonstration that 33.4.1 Origin of the Theory That Ovarian
oophorectomy can protect against breast cancer in BRCA1 Epithelial Tumors Arise in the Coelomic
mutation carriers [71]. Epithelium

It has been widely accepted for the most part of the last cen-
33.3.6 Potential Link Between Genetic tury that ovarian epithelial tumors arise from the single
and Reproductive Risk Factors mesothelial cell layer that lines the ovarian surface, which is
also called ovarian surface epithelium [75]. This cell layer is
Another intriguing aspect of the genetic risk factors for ovar- also called coelomic epithelium because it is continuous
ian carcinoma is that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are rarely abnor- with and identical to the mesothelial cell layer that lines all
mal in the sporadic form of this disease. A possible pelvic and abdominal surfaces. It was once believed, in the
explanation that would also account for the site specificity of early part of the last century, that various cell types present in
the tumors that develop in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation the normal mature ovary, including follicular and germ cells,
carriers is that inactivation of either one of these two genes were embryologically derived from the portion of the coelo-
might amplify the effects of risk factors for sporadic ovarian mic epithelium that lines the ovarian surface. It is for this
carcinoma. It is possible, for example, that such mutations reason that this cell layer was named germinal epithelium, a
could result in slight alterations in the dynamics of the men- name that continues to be used today. The idea that ovarian
strual cycle by increasing the length of the follicular phase epithelial tumors arose from this cell layer was attractive
resulting in increased estrogen stimulation unopposed by given such an alleged role in ovarian development. It is now
progesterone. The net result would be an amplification of the well established that germ cells do not form from the coelo-
consequences of the menstrual cycle on ovarian cancer risk. mic epithelium and although the exact origin of ovarian fol-
The fact that pregnancy or oral contraceptive use, both of licular cells continues to be debated, there are strong
which have a strong protective effect against sporadic ovar- morphological, functional, and molecular arguments that
ian cancer, are also protective in BRCA1-2 mutation carriers they are of mesonephric origin [76]. It is intriguing that
[72, 73] is supportive of this idea. Hong et al. [74] tested this although the original embryological arguments that led to the
hypothesis by measuring the relative lengths of the different development of the theory that ovarian carcinomas origi-
phases of the estrus cycle in mice harboring a Brca1 muta- nated in the overlying coelomic epithelium are no longer
tion in their ovarian granulosa cells and showed that indeed, valid, this theory persisted, probably due to delays in the
the average length of the proestrus phase, which corresponds formulation of an alternative hypothesis.
608 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

33.4.2 Issues Relevant to the Identification because not only do these other components of the reproductive
of the Cell of Origin of Ovarian tract share a common embryological origin that is different
Epithelial Tumors than that of the ovary, but there are also no normal cells
resembling either fallopian tubes, endometrium, or endocer- Morphological Arguments vix within normal ovaries. If ovarian carcinomas indeed
Several histological observations cannot be readily accounted arose from the ovarian surface, they would be the only exam-
for by the idea that ovarian epithelial tumors are derived ple of somatic tumors that are better differentiated than their
from the coelomic epithelium. First, this cell layer rarely, if cell of origin.
ever, shows pre-neoplastic changes. Although a handful of
microscopic cancers have been described in the coelomic Embryological Arguments
epithelium lining the ovarian surface, these are extremely The fallopian tubes, endometrium, and endocervix all share
rare and an origin from the fallopian tubes or other compo- a common embryological origin that is distinct from that of
nents of the Müllerian tract is difficult to rule out. Second, the ovaries. They are derived from two ducts, called Müllerian
and even more compelling, ovarian epithelial tumors do not ducts, which are completely separate from each other ini-
resemble mesotheliomas, which is what would be expected tially as they develop adjacent to the ureters of the meso-
if they originated from the coelomic epithelium, but are simi- nephros, which is the functioning kidney of the embryo. It is
lar to epithelial tumors arising from other organs of the because of the close association with this renal system that the
female reproductive tract as already pointed out (Fig. 33.1, Müllerian ducts are also called paramesonephric. The distal
Table 33.1). The fact that the most common ovarian epithe- portions of the two Müllerian ducts converge and eventually
lial tumor subtypes resemble tumors originating in either fuse in the midline during fetal development. It is this fused
fallopian tubes, endometrium, or endocervix is intriguing segment that develops into the upper third of the vagina,

Fig. 33.1 Morphological comparison between the ovarian surface noma shown in (b) are reminiscent of cells lining normal endocervix.
epithelium, serous or mucinous cystadenomas and peritoneal mesothe- The differences between the epithelial lining of these two cystadenoma
lium. Photographs of benign tumors are shown because they better illus- subtypes and that of the ovarian surface (c) are readily apparent. The
trate the morphological features of interest due to better differentiation. morphological characteristics of cells lining normal ovarian surface epi-
(a) Serous cystadenoma characterized by tall columnar cells with promi- thelium, which are flat to low cuboidal, are much closer to those of the
nent cilia. Such cells are reminiscent of the epithelial cells lining normal cells lining the abdominal peritoneum shown in (d). (Reproduced from
fallopian tubes. The mucin-secreting cells lining the mucinous cystade- Gynecol Oncol vol 72, p. 438, 1999 with permission).
33 Ovarian Cancer 609

the exocervix and endocervix, and the body of the uterus. epithelium is not the direct precursor of ovarian tumors, but
The proximal portions of the Müllerian ducts remains must first change into Müllerian-like epithelium through a
unfused, giving rise to the fallopian tubes. In the adult, the process known as metaplasia. According to this theory, it is
epithelial lining of the exocervix and upper vagina is replaced the rich hormonal environment of the ovary that triggers
by squamous epithelium derived from the lower vagina. such changes. It is further hypothesized that this is most
The epithelial linings of the endocervix, endometrium, and likely to happen in portions of the coelomic epithelium that
fallopian tubes form a continuum, with gradual transitions have invaginated within the ovarian parenchyma, resulting in
but no sharp boundaries between those different organs. It the formation of small cystic structures referred to as inclu-
is puzzling how the ovary, which is not derived from the sion cysts. This readily accounts for the fact that benign ovar-
Müllerian ducts, could give rise to tumors identical to tumors ian epithelial tumors as well as most carcinomas are cystic in
of Müllerian origin. nature. This theory also accounts for the observation that
small cysts within the ovary are often lined by cells with fea- Molecular Biological Arguments tures suggestive of Müllerian differentiation while such fea-
The notion that ovarian epithelial tumors resemble tumors tures are extremely rare on the ovarian surface itself. Finally,
derived from the Müllerian tract is not only supported by proponents of this theory account for the presence of primary
morphological arguments. Cheng et al. [2] studied the peritoneal tumors by stipulating that the hormonal environ-
expression status of genes involved in body segmentation ment in fertile women can trigger Müllerian metaplasia in
and morphogenesis in different components of the female coelomic epithelial cells away from the ovary in addition to
reproductive tract. Expression of individual members of this cells on or within the ovary.
gene family, called HOX genes, is highly specific for differ-
ent body segments. These authors showed that ovarian sur-
face mesothelium, fallopian tube epithelium, endometrium, 33.4.4 The Müllerian Hypothesis
and endocervix each expressed a different set of HOX genes.
When they examined the expression status of these genes in There is little evidence that hormonal stimuli can trigger
different subtypes of ovarian epithelial tumors, they found metaplastic changes within the coelomic epithelium although
that serous ovarian carcinomas expressed the same set of such changes are central to the notion that this epithelium is
HOX genes expressed in normal fallopian tube epithelium. the site of origin of these tumors. Because of the various
Likewise, endometrioid ovarian carcinomas expressed the arguments raised so far, it was proposed by the author nearly
same set of HOX genes as normal endometrium and muci- two decades ago that this theory, in spite of its wide accep-
nous ovarian carcinomas had a HOX gene expression profile tance, should be revisited and that the notion that ovarian
similar to that of the endocervix. These results are highly epithelial tumors arise directly from Müllerian elements
supportive of the idea that these different ovarian tumor should be given due consideration [77]. An obvious site in
subtypes originate in Müllerian epithelium as opposed to the the Müllerian tract that might contribute to tumors likely to
coelomic epithelium. be diagnosed as ovarian carcinomas is the fallopian tubes.
Indeed, pathologists have acknowledged for several decades Primary Peritoneal Tumors that many lesions diagnosed as primary serous ovarian
Hypotheses about the origin of ovarian epithelial tumors must tumors are in fact of fallopian tube origin because these two
take into account the fact that tumors that are histologically organs are so close to each other and the morphology of the
and clinically indistinguishable from ovarian carcinomas can tumors is so similar that it is usually impossible to tell them
arise outside the ovary. Such tumors, which are often referred apart. It is by pure convention that serous tumors from this
to as primary peritoneal carcinomas, are confined to women area are categorized as ovarian unless morphological fea-
and may be seen in individuals in whom the ovaries were tures are present that clearly reveal an origin from fallopian
removed several years ago for reasons other than cancer. tubes. Strong support for this notion comes from reports
from several groups that the fimbriated end of the fallopian
tubes is a frequent site of pre-neoplastic changes such as dys-
33.4.3 The Coelomic Epithelium Hypothesis plasia in surgical specimens from women undergoing pro-
phylactic procedures due to familial predisposition to ovarian
The idea that ovarian epithelial tumors arise from the portion cancer [78–81]. These dysplastic lesions also showed differ-
of the coelomic epithelium that lines the ovarian surface is ences in expression of regulators of cell cycle progression
still favored by many in spite of the arguments discussed. and of apoptosis such as p53, p21, and p27 [80].
Proponents of this theory account for the fact that these It is clear that the fallopian tubes are not the only site of
tumors have morphological and molecular features charac- origin of serous carcinomas arising in the tubo-ovarian
teristic of Müllerian tumors by stipulating that the coelomic region because some tumors do not involve the tubes and
610 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

because benign serous cysts that are lined by the same cell Müllerian epithelium according to this hypothesis and are
type present in ovarian carcinomas are frequently seen within regarded as a single disease entity. With regard to the other
the ovary as well as in the para-tubal region with no connec- histological subtypes of ovarian epithelial tumors, it is pro-
tion to the tubes. In addition, a tubal origin is unlikely for posed that mucinous tumors arise in endocervicosis (defined
endometrioid and mucinous ovarian carcinomas. It was pro- as endocervical tissue outside the cervix) while endometri-
posed that these lesions could originate in other derivatives oid tumors arise in endometriosis (defined as endometrial
of the Müllerian ducts, which are common in the tubo- tissues outside the uterus). Endosalpingiosis, endometriosis,
ovarian region and often impinge on the ovary [77]. Such and endocervicosis, which are the most important compo-
derivatives are often referred to as the secondary Müllerian nents of what is referred to as the secondary Müllerian
system [82] and include structures such as endosalpingiosis, system, can also give rise to intra- and extra-ovarian cystad-
which are lined by cells similar to those lining the fallopian enomas, which are the benign counterparts of ovarian carci-
tubes, endometriosis, which are lined by cells similar to nomas. This theory provides a straightforward explanation
endometrial glands, and endocervicosis, which are lined by for the otherwise unaccounted finding that either tubal liga-
cells similar to those lining the endocervix. In fact, small tion or hysterectomy, which undoubtedly result in the
cysts lined by serous or mucinous epithelium and morpho- destruction of components of the secondary Müllerian sys-
logically indistinguishable from ovarian serous or muci- tem, is protective against ovarian cancer based on numerous
nous cystadenomas are frequent outside the ovaries epidemiological studies [86–95].
(para-ovarian and para-tubal cystadenomas). The frequency The main differences between the classical theory invok-
of such extra-ovarian cysts is so high that pathologists often ing the ovarian surface epithelium as the site of origin of
do not mention them in surgical pathology reports unless ovarian epithelial tumors and the Müllerian hypothesis are
they are large enough to be clinically relevant. Such extra- illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 33.2. The Müllerian
ovarian cysts, when they increase in size, usually engulf the hypothesis implies that the term ovarian in ovarian carcino-
ovary within their wall because of their close proximity to mas is somewhat of a misnomer given that most of these
this organ, at which point they would be categorized as tumors arise outside the ovary. Dubeau suggested the term
ovarian cystadenomas. extra-uterine Müllerian carcinomas, further subdivided into
Further support for the notion that endometrioid carcino- serous, endometrioid, mucinous, and clear cell, as being
mas arise in endometriosis is available from epidemiological more appropriate [85].
[26, 33, 35, 38], histopathological [34, 36], as well as molec-
ular biological evidence [37]. Additional evidence that pri-
mary peritoneal tumors arise in Müllerian tissues comes 33.5 Animal Models of Ovarian Cancer
from a statistical argument made by Quddis et al. [83]. These
authors reviewed all cases of endosalpingiosis and endome- 33.5.1 Spontaneous Ovarian Tumor
triosis of the omentum seen at their institution over a 12-year Development in Animals
period. They reported that the endosalpingiosis to endome-
triosis ratio in this cohort was similar to the ratio of primary Until recently, the development of a suitable animal model
peritoneal serous to endometrioid carcinomas, [84] support- for spontaneous ovarian carcinoma has been complicated by
ing the view that these two malignant tumor types arise from the fact that these tumors are rare in most animals including
these two benign lesions, respectively. lower mammals. Knowledge of the reasons for the relatively
Dubeau used these arguments to suggest that ovarian epi- low incidence of spontaneous ovarian epithelial tumors in
thelial tumors develop exclusively in derivatives of the lower mammals compared to humans could provide impor-
Müllerian ducts [77, 85]. Many serous ovarian carcinomas tant clues about the origin and risk factors of the human
originate in fallopian tubes, a notion that has been accepted tumors. Tumors resembling human ovarian carcinomas are
by pathologists for several decades. Serous tumors that do frequently present in the domestic hen [84]. The high fre-
not originate in the tubes arise in endosalpingiosis, which is quency of ovarian tumors in those animals has been linked to
defined as tubal epithelium outside the tubes. Most serous the activity of incessant egg production, similar to the rela-
carcinomas from the tubo-ovarian area, even if they originate tionship between incessant ovulation and ovarian cancer risk
outside the ovary, have reached a large enough size to involve in humans. Wild hens or other wild birds, in which continu-
the ovary by the time they come to medical attention and are ous egg production is not artificially induced, do not develop
thus categorized as ovarian. Those that arise in foci of endo- ovarian tumors. These observations raise the possibility that
salpingiosis that are far enough from the ovaries or tubes to ovarian carcinomas result from an artifact of civilization,
spare both of these organs are categorized as primary perito- that of incessant ovulation, as chronic menstrual cycling was
neal. Thus, the 3 serous tumor types currently categorized to unlikely in early humans due to more frequent pregnancies
as ovarian, tubal, or primary peritoneal all originate in serous and longer lactation periods.
33 Ovarian Cancer 611

Secondary Müllerian Ovarian

Fallopian tube system follicle Fimbriae

Ovarian medulla
Ovarian cortex
Inclusion cyst
Peritoneal surface

Cortical invagination

Coelomic hypothesis Müllerian hypothesis

Müllerian metaplasia Direct transformation
of coelomic of Müllerian
epithelium epithelium

Transformation of
metaplastic epithelium

Müllerian epithelium
Coelomic epithelium
Transformed epithelium

Fig. 33.2 Coelomic versus Müllerian hypotheses for the origin of ing metaplasia to acquire characteristics of Müllerian epithelium. No
ovarian, tubal, and primary peritoneal carcinomas. According to the intermediary metaplastic step is necessary with the Müllerian hypoth-
coelomic hypothesis, cortical invaginations and cortical inclusion cysts, esis, which stipulates that Müllerian-like tumors arise directly and
which are initially lined by coelomic epithelium (thin black line), exclusively from Müllerian epithelium that is already present, either in
undergo metaplasia, and change to Müllerian-like epithelium (thicker the fimbriae or in components of the secondary Müllerian system.
blue lines) before undergoing malignant transformation (lightning (Reproduced with minor modifications from Lancet Oncol vol 9,
signs). The coelomic epithelium covering peritoneal surfaces outside p. 1193, 2008 with permission).
the ovary can give rise to primary peritoneal tumors only after undergo-

33.5.2 Models Based on Targeted likewise associated with predisposition to lymphomas

or Conditional Manipulations predominantly [97–99].
of the Mouse Genome Models based on conditional Brca1 and Brca2 alleles have
mostly been targeted to mammary epithelium. A model where
The isolation of BRCA1 and BRCA2, the main genetic Brca1 inactivation was targeted to the ovary was developed
determinants of familial ovarian carcinoma, first raised the by Chodankar et al. [69], who used a truncated form of the
hopes that inactivating the genes encoding the analogous Fshr promoter, which is expressed in granulosa cells specifi-
proteins in mice would lead to the creation of animal models cally, to create a conditional Brca1 knockout. The embryos
for ovarian cancer based on genetic manipulations relevant were viable and fertile. A majority of Brca1 knockout mice
to the human disease. These approaches initially failed had grossly visible cystic tumors either attached to the ovary,
because mice lacking a functional Brca1 die during early to the uterine horns, or with no demonstrable attachment to
embryological development. Also disappointing was the fact either of these organs. All tumors except one resembled
that none of the mice carrying heterozygous inactivation of human serous cystadenomas, the benign counterparts of ovar-
any of these two genes were prone to cancer development. ian serous carcinomas. Strikingly, these tumors carried only
Although mutants encoding the Brca1-delta11 splice variant the non-recombined (wild type) form of the floxed Brca1
of Brca1, which lacks the nuclear localization signal of the allele; the recombined (mutant) form was present only in
full-length protein, are viable, most of the tumors that devel- granulosa cells. These findings provide strong support to the
oped in these animals were lymphomas or sarcomas [96]. notion that tumor predisposition in BRCA1 mutation carriers
Models of Brca2 knockout compatible with survival were is mediated, at least in part, via a cell non-autonomous
612 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

mechanism where granulosa cells control from a distance, in human mullerian inhibitory substance type two receptor to
a BRCA1-dependent manner, neoplastic transformation in drive expression of SV40 large T antigen. This receptor,
the tissue from which ovarian epithelial tumors originate. which has a highly restricted tissue distribution, is expressed
Elucidation of the mediator(s) of such transformation in this in a large majority of human ovarian epithelial tumors. The
mouse model could lead to the development of better strate- resulting transgenic mice developed highly invasive and met-
gies for the prevention of these tumors in human populations astatic tumors at a young age in the tubo-ovarian areas. A
at risk. The fact that the tumors that developed in this model specific area where this model can be particularly attractive
were not confined to the ovary, but were seen along the entire is for investigating the merit of targeting the Müllerian inhib-
Müllerian tract including in tissues from the para-ovarian itory substance type two receptor for the treatment of ovarian
and para-uterine areas, is supportive of the hypothesis that cancer [107, 108].
ovarian epithelial tumors are of Müllerian origin.
Several authors have succeeded in inducing tumors in
mouse ovarian surface epithelium using conditional manipu- 33.6 Ovarian Epithelial Tumors as Models
lations of the mouse genome targeted to ovarian surface epi- of Cancer Progression
thelial cells. Orsulic et al. [100] demonstrated that the
superimposition of a p53 mutation on any two of the onco- 33.6.1 Classification of Ovarian Epithelial
genes c-Myc, k-Ras, or Akt in targeted ovarian surface epi- Tumors Based on Their Malignant
thelial cells was sufficient to induce tumors in those cells. Potential
Flesken-Nikitin et al. [101] performed intrabursal adminis-
tration of a vector expressing Cre recombinase in mice carry- Serous, mucinous, and endometrioid ovarian epithelial
ing floxed alleles of both p53 and Rb1, resulting in malignant tumors can be further subdivided based on their malignant
transformation of the ovarian surface epithelium. Dinulescu potential (Fig. 33.3). At one end of the spectrum are benign
et al. [102] similarly used intrabursal inoculations of a vector tumors lacking the ability to infiltrate into adjacent tissues
expressing Cre recombinase to induce expression of a condi- and lacking metastatic ability. These tumors are often fluid-
tional oncogenic allele of K-ras in the ovarian surface epithe- filled cysts (hence their designation as cystadenomas) lined
lium. The authors argued that the epithelial cells expressing by a single layer of epithelial cells resembling the lining of
this allele resembled the endometrial lining, providing us either fallopian tubes (serous cystadenomas) or endocervix
with an experimental model for endometriosis. Endometrial (mucinous cystadenomas). Benign tumors of the endometri-
stroma, an important diagnostic feature of human endome- oid subtype (endometriomas) are usually filled with bloody
triosis, was absent in these lesions. When inactivation of the material because they respond to the cyclic hormonal events
Pten tumor suppressor was superimposed on the oncogenic of the normal menstrual cycle resulting in bleeding at the
K-ras allele, invasive tumors were obtained that were mor- time of menses. At the opposite end of the spectrum are fully
phologically similar to the endometrioid subtype of ovarian malignant lesions, which can be further subdivided based on
carcinoma. Wu et al. [103] targeted the ovarian surface epi- histological grade. Increasing the attractiveness of ovarian
thelium for dysregulation of the PI3K/Pten and Wnt/beta- epithelial tumors as a model for cancer progression is the
catenin pathways, both of which are constitutively active in existence of an additional category, called tumors of low
human endometrioid carcinomas, by conditional inactivation malignant potential (LMP) or tumors of borderline malig-
of Pten and Apc. Mice carrying those mutations developed nancy, which are regarded as intermediate between the
carcinomas morphologically similar to human endometrioid clearly benign and fully malignant lesions. This concept of
carcinomas. These models are all based on the assumption semi-malignant tumors, which is not a feature of most other
that the targeted tissue, the ovarian coelomic epithelium, is cancer models, was first advanced by Howard Taylor in 1929
the site of origin of ovarian epithelial tumors, a hypothesis [109]. It took an additional 40 years before such ovarian
that was favored by a majority of scientists. tumors, which are associated with a more favorable progno-
Conditional inactivation of Brca1 in mouse ovarian sur- sis than their frankly malignant counterparts regardless of
face epithelium resulted in hyperplasia, epithelial invagina- stage of presentation, became accepted as a clinical entity
tions, and inclusion cysts [104]. This model could be valuable [110, 111]. Both the International Federation of Gynecology
in understanding the potential relationship between such and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the World Health Organization
changes and ovarian carcinoma development. Epithelial (WHO) have classified ovarian epithelial tumors as benign,
ovarian inclusion cysts were also observed in Cd1 and Smad2 malignant, and low malignant potential [112].
dominant negative mice after chronic superovulation from Ovarian tumors of low malignant potential are character-
inoculations of gonadotropin hormones [105]. ized by absent or minimal invasive potential, although they
A transgenic model for ovarian cancer was developed by can spread outside the ovary and implant onto peritoneal
Connolly et al. [106], who used the mouse homolog of the surfaces. Since they are distinguished from carcinomas
33 Ovarian Cancer 613

Fig. 33.3 Classification of

ovarian epithelial tumors
based on their malignant

primarily based on differences in their invasive ability, [6, 117–119], such mutations are nevertheless seen in a large
progress in understanding their molecular determinants number of cancers of various types as well as in some ovar-
and in elucidating the basic molecular differences between ian cystadenomas and their presence in LMP tumors sheds
these tumors and ovarian carcinomas could shed light on the little light on the distinguishing molecular features respon-
mechanisms underlying this hallmark of the malignant phe- sible for the phenotypic differences between these tumors
notype. Unfortunately, the data so far have not been telling in and either ovarian cystadenomas or carcinomas. Along the
that regard. same lines, expression profiling studies have suggested that
A fundamental molecular genetic difference between although a panel of genes or specific pathways may be more
tumors of low malignant potential and carcinomas seems to frequently associated with LMP tumors [11, 16, 120], there
be that mitotic errors leading to somatic losses of heterozy- are so far no clues as to the molecular determinants of the
gosity, a hallmark of malignancy, are rare in LMP tumors fundamental difference between these tumors and carcinomas,
[113]. Although such losses can be demonstrated in these the ability of the latter to infiltrate into adjacent tissues.
tumors, it is clear that these events are not frequent enough to
play an important role in their development. On the other
hand, some of the molecular features associated with the 33.6.2 Insights from Work with In Vitro
malignant phenotype are present in LMP tumors. For exam- Systems
ple, these tumors usually express telomerase [114], a feature
of the malignant phenotype, and global DNA methylation Scientists have attempted to obtain further insight into the
levels or levels of DNA methylation status in centromeric biology and molecular mechanisms of ovarian cystadeno-
and juxtacentromeric sequences in these tumors are closer to mas, tumors of low malignant potential, and carcinomas by
those seen in carcinomas than in cystadenomas [115, 116]. studying the behavior of these cells in tissue culture. Several
Although these results strengthen the notion that LMP authors succeeded in culturing the mesothelial cell layer lin-
tumors are intermediate between benign and frankly malig- ing the ovarian surface [121–124]. Cultures of epithelial
nant ovarian epithelial tumors, they shed little light on their cells derived from rete ovarii, which could be of Müllerian
underlying mechanisms. Studies at the individual gene level origin and play a role in ovarian tumorigenesis although this
have likewise been unrevealing. Although mutations in specific structure is usually regarded as of mesonephric origin [76, 77],
protein kinases have been associated with LMP tumors and were also reported [125]. Godwin et al. [126] reported a high
may be more frequent in these tumors than in carcinomas transformation rate in cultured ovarian surface mesothelial
614 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

cells, suggesting that they may indeed be prone to malignant tumors are typically diploid and genetically stable in vivo
development. [131, 132]. In fact, aneuploid LMP tumors are associated with
One of the difficulties in investigating the molecular a more aggressive clinical course and their response to chemo-
mechanisms underlying the development of ovarian tumors therapeutic agents may be more typical of ovarian carcinomas,
of low malignant potential has been the inability to culture raising the possibility that at least some of those tumors are
these tumors beyond primary explants [127]. The same prob- carcinomas incorrectly diagnosed as LMP tumors [132–135].
lem also applies to benign tumors (cystadenomas). It is pos- Indeed, the possibility of using ploidy status as a diagnostic
sible to extend the in vitro life span of either cystadenomas tool to help distinguish ovarian LMP tumors from carcinomas
or LMP tumors by introducing viral oncoproteins such as has been suggested [131]. Further understanding of the mech-
SV40 large T antigen [128], but studies based on such mod- anisms underlying the apparent protection against chromo-
els are complicated by the consequences of such oncopro- somal instability that appear to be present in LMP tumors
teins on the malignant phenotype. Nevertheless, these should further increase our understanding of the development
approaches have led to a number of observations with poten- of aneuploidy, one of the hallmarks of cancer.
tially important implications. Although these tumors clearly
show continuous growth in vivo and, like carcinomas, almost
always express telomerase, expression of this enzyme is not 33.6.3 Molecular Genetic Model for Ovarian
detected in cultures of LMP tumors transfected with SV40 Carcinoma Development
large T antigen. Also, these cells are not immortal in culture
despite the fact that this antigen prolongs their in vitro life Table 33.2 lists a number of abnormalities that have been
span to about 50 population doublings [129, 130]. It is there- associated with the development of these tumors, none of
fore possible that only a small fraction of tumor cells, per- which are specific for ovarian cancer. A diagram illustrating
haps with stem cell features, are primarily responsible for global as well as selected specific abnormalities distinguish-
sustained proliferation in vivo. ing ovarian cystadenomas, LMP tumors, and carcinomas is
Work with in vitro cultures of cystadenomas and tumors of shown in Fig. 33.4. This diagram is primarily applicable to
low malignant potential transfected with SV40 large T antigen the serous subtype of ovarian tumors, as K-RAS, H-RAS,
also led to the observation that although ovarian cystadenomas and B-RAF mutations are not common in all subtypes and
typically undergo severe numerical chromosomal alterations PTEN mutations, which are frequent in endometrioid carci-
resulting in aneuploidy when they reach the phenomenon of nomas, are not featured in this illustration. Mutations in
in vitro crisis toward the end of their in vitro lifespan, cultures BAF250a [10], which are frequent only in the endometrioid
of tumors of low malignant potential remain remarkably stable and clear cell subtypes (Table 33.2), are likewise not men-
through the crisis period [129, 130]. It is tempting to relate tioned in the Fig. 33.4. The complexity of molecular genetic
such chromosome stability in culture to the fact that these changes present in ovarian carcinomas clearly increases with

Table 33.2 Molecular genetic alterations associated with sporadic (non-familial) ovarian carcinomas
Category Gene or locus Comment
Oncogenes Her-2/neu Receptor tyrosine kinase; over-expression is associated with poor
prognosis and therapeutic response
K-RAS, H-RAS, B-RAF Mutations are frequent in serous and mucinous low grade carcinomas and
tumors of low malignant potential
AKT-2 Member of a subfamily of protein-serine/threonine kinases
Cyclin E Over-expression in ovarian carcinomas has been associated with poor
clinical outcome
Tumor suppressor genes P53 Regulator of cell cycle progression and apoptosis
PTEN Phosphatase that results, in part, in inhibition of cell death; it is mutated in
BAF250a a significant proportion of endometrioid ovarian carcinomas
Component of the SWI–SNF chromatin remodeling complex
NOEY2 Induces p21 and down-regulates cyclin D
SPARC2 Encodes a calcium binding matrix protein that contributes to cell adhesion
DOC-2 Binds GRB-2 upstream of RAS
Chromosomes with frequent 3p, 6p, 6q, 7q, 9p, 11p, 11q, 13q, Multiple candidate tumor suppressor genes have been reported on these
losses of heterozygosity 17p, 17q, 19q, 22q, Xp, Xq chromosomes, but their role in ovarian tumorigenesis remains unclear
Altered signal transduction PI3K/PTEN
pathways Wnt/beta-catenin
33 Ovarian Cancer 615






Mutations in H-RAS, K-RAS, and B-RAF Mutations in p53

LOH on
LOH on LOH on
chromosomes 6q,
chromosome Xq chromosome 13q
17p, and 17q



Fig. 33.4 A genetic model for ovarian epithelial tumor development. tant locus-specific differences that distinguish ovarian cystadenomas,
This diagram is not meant to feature all molecular genetic changes that tumors of low malignant potential, and carcinomas. It is mostly appli-
have been associated with the development of ovarian epithelial tumors. cable to serous tumors.
It emphasizes the global genetic mechanisms as well as the most impor-

increasing tumor histological grades, which can be regarded mental differences in the mechanisms underlying the devel-
as a measure of a tumor’s biological aggressiveness [113, 136– opment of these benign ovarian tumors [115, 116]. This
138]. However, as is apparent from Fig. 33.4, the grade of conclusion is further strengthened by the fact that telomerase
ovarian carcinomas is not only a function of the mere num- is usually not detected in cystadenomas while it is expressed
ber of molecular genetic abnormalities present in a given in most tumors of low malignant potential and carcinomas
tumor genome, as specific molecular abnormalities appear [114]. Given that this enzyme is regarded as necessary for
strongly associated with high histological grades [113, 136– continuous cell growth, its absence in most cystadenomas
139]. For example, losses of heterozygosity in certain chro- suggests that these tumors may have a limited life span
mosomal regions, such as 6q, 17p, and 17q, appear frequent in vivo, an idea consistent with the observation that benign
in ovarian tumors of all histological grades [113] while ovarian cysts frequently regress or remain unchanged in
losses in chromosome 13 are frequent only in those of high post-menopausal women [142].
histological grades [139, 140]. It may be that the gene(s) tar- The only exception to the rarity of losses of heterozygos-
geted by losses of heterozygosity in chromosome 13 ity in LMP tumors is losses affecting the X chromosome,
control(s) cellular pathways associated perhaps not with cell which are present in about 50 % of the cases [113]. However,
cycle regulation, but with differentiation or other determi- these losses appear to arise through a different mechanism
nants of tumor grade. Another point illustrated in Fig. 33.4 is than that responsible for most losses occurring in carcinomas
that although loss of heterozygosity, which is an important because they are small interstitial chromosomal deletions as
mechanism of inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in opposed to losses involving large segments such as entire
most human cancers, is frequent in ovarian carcinomas, this chromosomes or chromosomal arms, which usually result
abnormality is rare in the biologically less aggressive ovarian from mitotic errors. The gene(s) targeted by the interstitial
epithelial tumors. Perhaps tumor suppressor gene inactiva- allelic losses in LMP tumors is/are still not known. The fact
tion, which is an important consequence of such losses, is that the reduced allele invariably affects the inactive copy of
not a feature of cystadenoma or low malignant potential the chromosome suggests that the targeted gene(s) escape(s)
tumor development. Mutations in the p53 gene, which are X chromosome inactivation. This suggestion is attractive
among the most frequent tumor suppressor gene alterations because individuals born with a single X chromosome
in all cancers, are present in nearly 100 % of high grade (Turner syndrome) show abnormal ovarian development
serous ovarian carcinomas but are very rare in low grade car- (gonadal dysgenesis). Thus, the presence of the inactive X
cinomas as well as in ovarian low malignant potential tumors chromosome is necessary for normal ovarian development.
and cystadenomas [141]. Alterations in DNA methylation It is conceivable that abnormalities in the same gene during
are associated with tumors of low malignant potential as well adult life may lead to tumorigenesis. In that regard, it is
as carcinomas but not with cystadenomas, suggesting funda- intriguing that BRCA1, a protein involved in the control of
616 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

familial ovarian carcinoma, is thought to interact with the develop de novo while low grade lesions arise in pre-existing
X chromosome and has been suggested to play a role in X LMP tumors. The fact that LMP tumors appear to be intrinsi-
chromosome inactivation [143–146]. cally more stable than either cystadenomas or carcinomas
also argues against the notion that they are precursors of high
grade ovarian carcinomas, which are typically highly aneu-
33.6.4 Relationship Between Ovarian ploid [130].
Cystadenomas, Tumors of Low
Malignant Potential, and Carcinomas
33.7 Strategies for Early Detection
The fact that ovarian epithelial tumors are subdivided into of Ovarian Carcinoma
benign, low malignant potential, and malignant lesions raises
the question of whether these represent distinct disease pro- 33.7.1 Screening Strategies for Early
cesses or are part of a single disease continuum where tumors Detection in Populations at Risk
first develop as cystadenomas and later progress to more
aggressive lesions. The answer is not only important for our The ability to detect ovarian carcinoma precursor lesions
understanding of ovarian tumor development, but is also rel- before they develop into fully mature cancers would undoubt-
evant to the clinical management of cystadenomas and edly have a profound effect on morbidity and mortality. The
tumors of low malignant potential, which often occur in poor prognosis currently associated with these lesions is
women of reproductive ages. Arguments in favor of a con- largely due to the fact that they are most often detected after
tinuum come from morphological observations that areas they spread outside the ovary, at which time they are difficult
histologically indistinguishable from typical ovarian cystad- to eradicate. All cancer screening tests that have had a sig-
enomas are sometimes found contiguous to carcinomas. The nificant impact on disease morbidity and mortality allow
most straightforward interpretation for these lesions, which detection of pre-cancerous or pre-invasive lesions in addition
are sometimes called cystadenocarcinomas, is that the histo- to localized cancers. This is true of the PAP test used for the
logically malignant areas arose from the pre-existing mor- detection of pre-invasive cervical cancers (cervical dyspla-
phologically benign areas. This interpretation implies that sia), of mammography for the detection of pre-invasive
any molecular genetic change associated with carcinomas, breast cancer (detection of microcalcifications associated
but normally not present in solitary cystadenomas, should be with atypical ductal hyperplasia and ductal carcinoma in
confined to the histologically malignant portions of cystade- situ), of prostate biopsy for the detection of prostatic epithe-
nocarcinomas. However, losses of heterozygosity and p53 lial neoplasia in individuals with elevated PSA, etc. Although
mutations, which are both frequent in carcinomas and absent this has not been fully established, it is perhaps not the abil-
or at least very rare in solitary cystadenomas, are usually ity to detect localized cancers, but the ability to detect pre-
concordant in all portions of ovarian cystadenocarcinomas malignant lesions that accounts for the bulk of the impact
including the morphologically benign areas [147, 148]. that these various screening methods have had on disease
Concordance for aneuploidy was likewise shown in different mortality. Although it is clear that localized cancers (stage I)
regions of cystadenocarcinomas using interphase cytoge- generally have a better prognosis than disseminated cancers,
netic approaches [149]. It seems clear, based on these obser- these cancers could be inherently less aggressive biologi-
vations, that the histologically benign portions of cally, implying that they are less likely to metastasize. Their
cystadenocarcinomas are genetically different from typical prognosis could therefore remain more favorable even if they
(solitary) cystadenomas. This conclusion supports the idea are not detected until they become clinically manifest. This
that cystadenomas do not generally progress to malignancy view is supported in the ovarian model by expression profil-
unless they carry a genetic predisposition to such progres- ing studies comparing localized versus metastatic ovarian
sion such as, for example, a mutation in the p53 gene. cancers, which suggest that they indeed could be regarded as
Another argument against the notion of a disease contin- distinct disease entities [151].
uum is the presence of specific genetic abnormalities that are One of the problems with developing a sensitive screen-
more frequent in tumors of low malignant potential than in ing protocol for precursors of ovarian carcinomas is that not
carcinomas. Interstitial deletions of a small region of the X only the nature of the precursor lesion itself is unclear, but
chromosome are a feature of LMP tumors but not of carcino- also there is still debate as to where these tumors actually
mas [113]. In addition, mutations in the K-RAS and B-RAF originate. There is therefore a great deal of effort focused on
genes appear to be more frequent in LMP tumors. Since the development of alternate approaches with enough sensi-
mutations in these genes are also seen in low grade carcino- tivity and specificity for ovarian carcinomas to allow detec-
mas [5–9], Shih and Kurman [150] suggested a dual mecha- tion of early disease in populations at risk. Given that
nism for carcinoma development where high grade tumors transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound is commonly
33 Ovarian Cancer 617

used in the evaluation of pelvic masses, the potential of this responses, a large proportion with no evidence of residual
technique as a screening tool was extensively investigated. disease after completion of the initial chemotherapeutic regi-
However, current data suggest that this approach alone not men undergo later recurrences. The development of sensitive
only lacks specificity, but may be of little value to diagnose methods for the detection of minimal residual disease in
ovarian carcinomas before they metastasize [152]. treated patients should therefore enhance our ability to iden-
Measurement of serum CA125, a glycoprotein encoded by tify those at higher risk of recurrence. In addition, it is pos-
the MUC16 gene that has been used extensively as a marker sible that further therapeutic interventions may be most
of disease recurrence following adjuvant chemotherapy for effective for small, subclinical tumors. Of all current surveil-
ovarian carcinoma, is not specific for this disease and is ele- lance modalities, second-look procedures provide the most
vated in only 50–60 % of patients with stage I ovarian carci- accurate assessment of response to chemotherapy in patients
nomas. Although measurements of rate of change in serial with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer [159–161]. These pro-
CA-125 measurements can increase the sensitivity of this cedures refer to laparotomies or laparoscopies, performed usu-
marker based on the fact that it tends to gradually increase in ally 6 weeks after completion of chemotherapy, in patients
women with cancer while it remains stable in those with who display no clinical evidence of residual disease. These
benign conditions, the sensitivity of this approach falls short procedures were widely used to aid physicians in deciding
of meeting the needs of a practical screening tool [153]. whether to stop, change, or continue chemotherapy in patients
Combining serial measurements of CA-125 with transvagi- undergoing treatment until recently. However, the fact that up
nal ultrasound was evaluated as a means of further increasing to 50 % of patients in whom no residual carcinoma was
both sensitivity and specificity. However, there was no differ- detected during such procedures subsequently developed dis-
ence in overall incidence of ovarian cancer or stage at diag- ease recurrence [160] has prompted most centers to abandon
nosis in women screened by this method compared to these procedures except when mandated by research proto-
matched controls in a study of 21,935 women [154]. We are cols. Currently, most patients are followed up with serial mea-
still awaiting data from an ongoing trial based on utilizing surements of CA-125 and CT scan. Although rising CA-125
rate of rise of CA-125 as an adjunct to ultrasound as a mode levels constitute a good indicator of disease recurrence, this
of increasing positive predictive value [155]. approach is not sensitive enough to allow detection of residual
More recently, investigators have used gene expression disease immediately after adjuvant chemotherapy.
profiling technologies and proteomic tools in an effort to Recent progress in our understanding of the molecular
identify novel markers associated with ovarian cancer. Lu genetic changes associated with cancer development may
et al. [156] were able to distinguish normal from malignant provide us with novel sensitive approaches to better evaluate
ovarian epithelial cells based on expression levels of 5 mark- the presence or absence of residual disease in patients treated
ers identified from gene expression profiling analyses. In for advanced ovarian carcinoma. In that regard, the presence
another study, proteomic approaches based on a panel of of detectable telomerase activity in abdominal washings may
three markers, combined with CA-125 measurements, distin- be of some value. Duggan et al. [162] showed that the pres-
guished patients with stage I/II ovarian cancer from healthy ence of such activity is a more sensitive indicator of the pres-
controls with a specificity of 94 % [157]. Similarly, Gorelik ence of disease than cytological examination. Half of patients
et al. [158] used multianalyte profiling to compare the with negative second-look procedures tested positive for
amounts of multiple cytokines in women with stage I/II ovar- telomerase in a subsequent study [163]. A follow up study of
ian carcinoma and healthy controls. These authors showed these patients is not yet completed, but preliminary results
strong correlation between marker levels and early stage dis- show that patients with negative second-look procedures have
ease. It is hoped that further progress with these approaches a shorter survival if they test positive for telomerase (unpub-
will lead to the development of a panel of markers which, lished results from the author’s laboratory), raising the
when used alone or in combination with CA-125 measure- possibility that this marker could identify a subset of patients
ments or transvaginal sonography, will increase our ability to for whom further chemotherapy could be beneficial.
detect early ovarian carcinomas in populations at risk.

33.8 Concluding Remarks

33.7.2 Early Detection of Residual or
Recurrent Disease Although progress in decreasing the incidence and improv-
ing mortality rates associated with ovarian carcinoma has
Patients diagnosed with advanced ovarian carcinoma are lagged behind progress made with other gynecological can-
usually first treated with surgical debulking of all visible cers, it is hoped that current efforts will have a significant
disease greater than 1 cm, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. impact in the foreseeable future. A better understanding of
Although most patients show good initial therapeutic the precursor lesion for these tumors, combined with efforts
618 A.D. Brockmeyer and L. Dubeau

aimed at the identification of specific serum markers 17. Pike MC, Pearce CL, Peters R, et al. Hormonal factors and the risk
of invasive ovarian cancer: a population-based case-control study.
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screening strategies applicable to the general population. In 18. Whittemore AS, Harris R, Itnyre J. Characteristics relating to
addition, further progress in understanding the biology of ovarian cancer risk: collaborative analysis of 12 US case-control
these tumors as well as of their underlying genetic mecha- studies. II. Invasive epithelial ovarian cancers in white women.
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Molecular Pathology of Bone and Soft
Tissue Tumors 34
José Luis Ordóñez, Daniel Osuna, Juan Madoz-Gúrpide,
and Enrique de Álava

given normal tissue, for example synovial sarcoma or ES. It is

34.1 Introduction unknown which is the cell type that origanates sarcomas,
especially considering that there are hardly ever any precur-
Bone and soft tissue sarcomas are a heterogeneous and infre- sory lesions, quite the opposite than in the case of carcinoma.
quent group of tumors. They make up roughly less than 5 % It is believed that some of the molecular alterations which are
of neoplasms in adult patients and 10 % of childhood tumors. described later on affect the mesenchymal stem cell (or cells)
Despite this difference in the proportion, they are, in absolute to induce them to a neoplastic differentiation program (pheno-
numbers, more frequent in the adult age [1]. Some of these type). That is why the recent WHO classification on sarcomas
tumors, such as synovial sarcoma, ES, and osteosarcoma, are has dropped the histogenesis concepts to focus on a combina-
more usual in children, adolescents, and young adults, while tion of parameters that include morphology, phenotype, and
some neoplasms such as leiomyosarcoma or liposarcoma are genotype. We know very little of the origin of sarcomas.
more frequent in patients over 55 years of age. However, some studies point to mesenchymal stem cells
They are classified according to its specific type of cellular (MSC) as the possible origin for some types of sarcomas, such
differentiation. Many of them exhibit similar features to those as ES [2–4]. We know some environmental risk factors are
from healthy cells of the mesenchymal tissue, such as carti- associated to some specific types of sarcoma, such as vinyl
lage, adipose tissue, or muscle, in chondrosarcoma, liposar- chloride and hepatic angiosarcoma; or ionizing radiation,
coma, and rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), respectively; others, which is associated to various types of sarcomas. There are
though, lack a differentiation program reminiscent of any four syndromes of family cancers that are associated to sarco-
mas, but pathogenesis is based in most of them on the pres-
All authors contributed equally to this work. ence of acquired mutations.
J.L. Ordóñez, Ph.D. • E. de Álava, M.D., Ph.D. (*)
Sarcoma diagnosis did not need to be particularly precise
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología 40 years ago, when we lacked highly effective treatments for
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer/Consejo Superior de sarcomas, they were lethal tumors. Current development of
Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Salamanca, therapies is consistent with that of pathology; a timely diag-
Salamanca, Spain
nosis should integrate histopathology, immunophenotype,
Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Instituto de Biomedicina de and molecular techniques.
Sevilla (IBiS), Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio/CSIC/
Universidad de Sevilla, Seville E-41013, Spain
D. Osuna, Ph.D.
34.2 Which Cells Give Rise to Sarcomas?
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer/Consejo Superior de The genesis of most types of sarcomas is unknown, and the
Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Salamanca, elucidation of the cell of origin is a key for discovering the
Salamanca, Spain
early molecular mechanisms involved in the genesis of the
J. Madoz-Gúrpide, Ph.D. different types of sarcomas as well as the identification of reli-
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Instituto de Biología
Molecular y Celular del Cáncer/Consejo Superior de
able molecular markers and possible therapeutic targets. The
Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Salamanca, cellular context contributes to the phenotype; for example, the
Salamanca, Spain transfection of EWS-ets fusions into different cellular models
Group of Cancer Research, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, resulted in diverse outcomes ranging from the induction of
Madrid, Spain cell cycle arrest or apoptosis to dedifferentiation [5–8].

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 623

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_34
624 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

Recently, Pan Q et al. showed that MSC derived from bone Considering that most ES occur in bone and soft tissue,
marrow and liver suffers spontaneous transformation. hMSCs serve as one possible source of cells prone to EWS-
Interestingly, these transformed cells implanted into imunode- FLI1 transformation. Simulation of the expression of EWS-
ficient mice induced sarcoma-like tumors [9]. Moreover, the ETS in hMSCs from healthy donors would likely recapitulate
tissue source of MSC does not seem to be relevant with regard the early signaling events underlying in oncogenic transfor-
to development of a particular type of sarcoma [10, 11]. mation. In fact, the development of ES from primary
However, the MSC differentiation state seems to play a main BM-derived mesenchymal cells (MPCs) has been already
role in order to define the sarcoma phenotype [11]. described in mice [22] and the profiles of different EWS-
FLI1-silenced Ewing cell lines converge toward that of mes-
enchymal stem cells [23]. Riggi et al. found out that the
34.2.1 Chondrosarcoma EWS-FLI1 fusion protein, can transform MPCs to form
ES-like tumors in mice [22]. Moreover, EWS-FLI1 expres-
Several theories about the histogenesis of dedifferentiated sion in the absence of other pro-oncogenic events is suffi-
chondrosarcoma have been proposed: (1) Originally, it was cient to induce MPC transformation, suggesting that, in the
thought that a well-differentiated cartilaginous tumor cell appropriate cellular microenvironment, it may constitute the
dedifferentiates into a primitive undifferentiated tumor cell initiating event in ES pathogenesis. MPCs display a high
[12]. (2) The two components (anaplastic and cartilaginous) degree of plasticity and can differentiate into osteocytes, adi-
are derived from two separate clones of primitive spindle cells pocytes, neurons, and chondrocytes [24]. Despite their bone
(collision tumor), one of which differentiates into a low-grade marrow origin, MPCs can migrate to a broad range of tis-
chondrosarcoma, while the other fails to differentiate and dis- sues, including soft tissues, where most sarcomas develop
plays features of high-grade sarcoma [13–15]. (3) Both com- [25]. Based on these observations and the hypothesis that
ponents of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma display numerical sarcomas arise from pluripotent mesenchymal cells, the pos-
aberrations of chromosome 7 [16], suggesting that both com- sibility is that MPC whose developmental program is
ponents are derived from a single abnormal clone or cell (com- deranged and blocked in differentiation at an early stage,
mon primitive mesenchymal progenitor). (4) Bovée et al. [17] might provide insights on the origin of other translocation-
analyzed a case of a dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma and related sarcomas. However, EWS-FLI1 does not transform
showed compelling evidence for a monoclonal origin (com- hMSC, suggesting the involvement of secondary events to
mon primitive mesenchymal progenitor), since both compo- the fusion [26]. This highlights the need of research on MSC
nents have specific genetic alterations in common. or even earlier precursor cells. Recent studies show that
Combination of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) some MSC could originate from the neuroepithelium, neural
and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) results revealed that both crest stem cells, and from hematopoietic stem cells. Based
components share an identical p53 mutation (somatic 6 bp on this and other data, the Stamenkovic group suggested an
deletion in exon 7) and deletion of the same copies of chromo- hMSC of hematopoietic or neuroectodermal origin as the
some 13. However, the presence of many additional different possible origin cell for ES [27]. Additionally, the some
genetic alterations suggests that the separation of the two authors also found that pediatric hMSCs transduced with
clones was a relatively early event. The p53 alteration being an EWS-FLI1 showed ES features of cancer stem cells (CSCs)
early event in chondrosarcomas is in contrast with the litera- in vitro but the ability of the CSCs to generate tumors in
ture, since p53 overexpression and mutation were mainly immunosuppressed mice was not shown [28].
found in high-grade chondrosarcomas [18–20]. More recently, our group also characterized MSCS
obtained from sarcoma patients (hMSC-P). These cells are
more similar to hMSC derived from healthy donors than to
34.2.2 Ewing Sarcoma (ES) ES cells. hMSC-P lacked EWS gene rearrangements but
showed a few immunophenotypical features also, present in
ES is a group of pediatric or young adult sarcomas character- ES cells, such as CD99 expression. Interestingly, ES were
ized by EWS-ETS gene fusions, mainly EWS-FLI-1 [2, 3]. sensitive to anti-CD99 therapy while MSCs were not [10].
The expression of neural markers in ES points to a potential
mesenchymal or neuroectodermal origin. Recently, Neural
Crest Stem Cells (NCSC) have been shown permissive to 34.2.3 Leiomyosarcoma
EWS fusion. However, MSC remains as the most acceptable
candidate to be the origin cell in this neoplasia [10]. Sanerkin postulated that primary leiomyosarcoma of the
Bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells bone does not necessarily arise from the media of blood ves-
(hMSCs), which are classic mesodermal derivatives, express sels; it might also conceivably develop through advanced
an extensive assortment of neural genes, and therefore, are myogenic metaplasia of a sarcoma originating from fibro-
predisposed to differentiate to neural and glial lineages [21]. blastic tissue [29]. Yamashina described a case of a primary
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 625

leiomyosarcoma in the breast and from the analysis of ultra- reported recently that FUS-CHOP expression in mouse but
structural features of this case led to suggest a tumor of plu- not in human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal
ripotent mesenchymal cell nature rather than of vascular cells lacking p53, induced liposarcoma [40].
smooth muscle cell origin [30]. Leiomyosarcoma can also
take part into a carcinosarcoma [31] and the establishment of
a leiomyosarcoma cell line (HTMMT) derived from human 34.2.5 Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (MFH)
uterine carcinosarcoma was described by Ishiwata et al. [32].
The findings of a monoclonal origin of carcinosarcomas sup- The so-called malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), now
port the hypothesis of a single totipotential stem cell diver- termed high-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, has
gence [33]. The divergence hypothesis proposes the been postulated that represents a transformed adult hMSC
differentiation of a single totipotential stem cell into separate [41]. A stem cell-specific gene expression pattern revealed
epithelial and mesenchymal directions. Jin et al. described that the profile of hMSCs was significantly associated with
that most uterine and ovarian carcinosarcomas are monoclo- that of MFH. Wnt2 mediates commitment to differentiation
nal [34]. Hernando et al. generated a Tagln-cre/PtenloxP/loxP while Wnt5a mediates a viability checkpoint in hMSCs. They
mice and sarcomas developed responded to rapamycin (an showed that the tumor suppressor function for specific Wnt2
mTOR inhibitor used as an immunosuppressor), showing signaling in hMSCs may mediate differentiation of β-catenin
that Pten genetic inactivation in the mouse smooth muscle in conjunction with Wnt5a/JNK. Nevertheless, other authors
lineage predisposed smooth muscle cells to transformation have reported that Wnt3a signaling is inhibitory to hMSC dif-
and led to mTOR constitutive activation, which was strongly ferentiation [42]. The differences in these results suggest that
associated with sarcomagenesis in their model [35]. Although interactions between specific Wnts and Wnt receptors (i.e.,
required, Pten inactivation seemed insufficient to completely frizzled family) may result in potential activation of different
promote leiomyosarcoma formation. In humans, PTEN loss downstream pathways [43].
may not be the only molecular alteration in this pathway
responsible for leiomyosarcoma genesis. Interestingly,
Rubio et al. reported that adipose-derived MSCs and also 34.2.6 Osteosarcoma
Bone marrow MSCS both lacking p53 alone or in combina-
tion with Rb induces leiomyosarcoma-like tumors when The genesis of the different types of osteosarcoma remains
implanted into immunodeficient mice [11, 36]. speculative. Several research groups are working on charac-
terizing cancer stem cells, and functional studies are being
carried out to assess the tumorigenic potential of these cells.
34.2.4 Liposarcoma In primary osteosarcoma of the breast, an origin from totipo-
tent mesenchymal cells of the breast stroma or the transfor-
Regarding the origin cell of liposarcoma, it is known that these mation from a preexisting fibroadenoma or phyllodes tumor
tumors can arise in any location, and have an unusual pattern has been suggested [44, 45]. The origin of osteosarcoma in
of metastases to the soft tissues, bone, visceral surfaces, and testis from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells or from a
lung. Myxoid liposarcomas (M-LPS) are associated with spe- malignant transformation of preexisting teratomatous ele-
cific chromosomal translocations that give rise to fusion genes. ments is still unclear [46].
Embryonic fibroblasts from double-transgenic FUS-CHOP Recently, Rubio et al. reported osteogenic progenitors
animals showed a similar phenotype to that of human liposar- derived from bone marrow-MSC defective in Rb and p53 are
comas, including the presence of lipoblasts with round nuclei, the cell of origin for osteosarcoma [11]. The same authors
accumulation of intracellular lipid, induction of adipocyte- showed that intra-bone or periosteal inoculation of MSCs
specific genes, and a concordant block in the differentiation derived from bone marrow or adipose tissue both of them defi-
program [37]. Riggi et al. suggested that expression of FUS- cient in p53(−/−) or p53 (−/−) and Rb (−/−), induced meta-
CHOP may be the initiating event in myxoid liposarcoma static osteoblastic osteosarcoma (OS) in immunosuppressed
pathogenesis, and that MPCs may constitute one cell type mice. They also showed the main role played by bone micro-
from which these tumors originate [38]. Domoto et al. identi- environment in osteosarcoma development [47].
fied the TLS/FUS-CHOP target gene DOL54 of the M-LPS
and round cell liposarcoma oncogene (RC-LPS). The DOL54
gene product is closely associated with adipogenic differentia- 34.2.7 Rhabdomyosarcoma
tion [39]. They examined TLS-CHOP and DOL54 expressions
in M-LPS/RC-LPS, well-differentiated liposarcoma, observ- RMS is a common pediatric soft tissue sarcoma that resem-
ing DOL54 expression in 50 % of M-LPS/RC-LPS cases (in bles developing fetal skeletal muscle. Keller et al. generated
which TLS-CHOP was also expressed). Rodriguez et al. a Cre-mediated conditional knock-in of PAX3-FKHR into
626 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

the mouse Pax3 locus, suggesting that terminally differenti- human SYT-SSX2. Tumors were generated within Myf5
ating skeletal muscle myofibers have the capacity to give rise lineage, pointing out the cell of origin to myoblasts [57].
to alveolar RMS, which can express early myogenic markers Since they suspected tumor origin in their model to be post-
(e.g., myogenin, MyoD, and Pax7), known PAX3-FKHR tar- natal, the best cellular candidate was Myf5-expressing myo-
gets (e.g., c-Met, Bcl-XL), and markers of proliferation (e.g., blasts arising from activated satellite cells (muscle stem
C-Myc and Cyclin D1) [48, 49]. Pax3-Fkhr activation was cells). However, quiescent satellite cells themselves, postna-
restricted to a target pool of terminally differentiating Myf6- tally, could also be a potential source of synovial sarcoma.
expressing skeletal muscle. PAX3-FKHR homozygosity and Recently, some authors also suggested a non-myoblast origin
Ink4a/ARF or Trp53 pathway loss of function significantly for synovial sarcoma [58].
accelerates alveolar RMS formation, raising the possibility
that some or most alveolar RMS arise from postnatal, termi-
nally differentiating, Myf6-expressing myofibers. Odelberg 34.2.9 Technologies Applied to Classification
et al. demonstrated that fully differentiated mature skeletal and Discovery of Early Events
muscle is able to dedifferentiate into earlier precursor myo- in the Genesis of Sarcomas
genic forms or even into different lineages [50]. These find-
ings reconsider the widely held assumption that only muscle Genome-wide expression profiling leads to an improved
stem cells give rise to RMS. The embryonal subtype of RMS classification of bone and soft tissue tumors [59, 60], and its
is not associated with these fusion genes. Tiffin et al. sug- combination to light/electron microscopy and immunohisto-
gested that myogenic satellite cells are the origin of these chemical techniques contributes to a better understanding of
tumors [51]. The pattern of PAX7 and MET (c-met) expres- the genesis of sarcomas. It could also allow a better under-
sion (a marker for the myogenic satellite cell lineage), cor- standing of poorly described normal connective-tissue coun-
roborated this hypothesis. terparts of these tumors, such as fibroblasts, myofibroblasts,
and pericytes, because some of the highly expressed genes
are implicated in the pathogenesis of these type of tumors.
34.2.8 Synovial Sarcoma Once the possible origin cell of a given sarcoma type
would be discovered, a major challenge would be to gain
Synovial sarcomas are divided into biphasic, monophasic, insights into the origin of the genetic alterations taking place
and poorly differentiated sarcomas on the basis of histopa- in that particular cell type. Emerging technologies allow us
thology. Biphasic synovial sarcoma expresses generally SYT- to analyze posttranslational histone modifications and their
SSX1 gene fusion which it is associated with a worse roles in regulating chromatin structure and function.
prognosis, and the monophasic subtype shows predomi- Epigenetic regulation of gene expression is mediated in part
nantly, but not exclusively, the expression of SYT-SSX2 by posttranslational modifications of histone proteins, which
fusion genes [52]. The relationship between fusion gene and in turn modulate chromatin structure [61, 62]. The core his-
the histological subtype suggests that SYT-SSX1 facilitates tones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 are subject to dozens of differ-
the acquisition of epithelial features by undifferentiated ent modifications, including acetylation, methylation, and
tumor cells [53]. De Torres et al. suggested that SYT-SSX1 phosphorylation.
fusion transcript collaborates in the epithelial differentiation It is known that embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation
of mesenchymal tumors [54]. The differences in the degree is accompanied by changes in chromatin accessibility to sev-
of transcriptional derepression of E-cadherin by SYT-SSX1 eral key developmental genes, including a large-scale open-
and SYT-SSX2 result in different propensities for epithelial ing of the HoxB locus [63, 64]. Furthermore, Polycomb-group
differentiation [55]. These findings strengthen the concept proteins play an essential role in maintaining the pluripotent
that the protein interactions with Snail or Slug are important state of ES cells and show markedly reduced expression
in the modulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transition upon differentiation [65–67]. However, little is known about
and vice versa in mesenchymal differentiation and neoplasia. the overall structure of ES cell chromatin, how it is estab-
The ultrastructural features together with the common epi- lished, or how it contributes to the maintenance of pluripo-
thelial (cytokeratin) and mesenchymal (vimentin) immuno- tency [68].
phenotype suggest that both epithelioid and synovial sarcoma Exciting findings can be obtained from genome-wide
probably share a similar histogenetic background. Araki maps of chromatin state. Because the cellular state may be
et al. suggested a lineage relationship between synovial sar- closely related to chromatin state, ChIP-Seq studies by using
coma cells and smooth muscle-like mesenchymal cells in a Solexa® Technology could reveal the mechanisms triggering
subset of synovial sarcomas expressing the basic calponin genetics instabilities. ChIP-Seq is a sequencing-based alter-
gene [56]. Capecchi and colleagues reported a mouse model native to ChIP-chip assays. For ChIP-chip studies, DNA frag-
of synovial sarcoma based on conditional expression of the ments that interact with a protein of interest are identified by
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 627

hybridization of DNA to the array. Mikkelsen et al. reported type of sarcoma, malignant peripheral nerves sheath tumor,
the development of ChIP-Seq method for mapping ChIP is frequently observed as a consequence of a neurofibroma-
(chromatin immunoprecipitation) enrichment by sequencing, tosis type 1 (NF-1) associated to the loss of NF-1 gene in the
and described its application to create chromatin state maps germ-line [74].
for pluripotent and lineage-committed mouse cells [69]. They
generated genome-wide chromatin state maps of mouse
embryonic stem cells, neural progenitor cells, and embryonic 34.3.3 Types of Sarcomas Regarding
fibroblasts and the resulting data defined three broad catego- the Complexity of Molecular
ries of promoters based on their chromatin state. Cancer cells Alterations
are the most obvious targets, as they are frequently associated
with epigenetic defects and many appear to have acquired There are two types of sarcomas with regard to the complexity
characteristics of earlier developmental stages. Kwon et al. of molecular alterations. On the one hand, there is a group of
described a sensitive ChIP-DSL technology to detecting sarcomas that is more frequent in children and adolescents,
in vivo DNA-protein interactions by coupling ChIP with a their cytogenetic alterations are relatively simple, balanced
DNA selection and ligation strategy, permitting analysis of translocation in general [75]. From the molecular point of
many fewer cells than required by the conventional ChIP-on- view, they are characterized by translocations or punctual
chip method [70]. Recently, Riggi et al. reported that EWS- mutations which suppose the beginning of the process of
FLI1 acts directly on reprogramming genes by both activating carcinogenesis.
new enhancers and inactivating conserved enhancers. The A second group of sarcomas, such as the osteosarcoma or
chimeric fusion acts on the chromatin remodeling which, in malignant fibrous histiocytoma [76], are characterized by a
turn, induces repression of tumor suppressors and activation very complex karyotype and lack of gene fusions. In fact,
of oncogenes [71]. they show a clear chromosome and genomic instability.
The mutations of tumor-suppressing genes p53, INK4A,
or RB are found on both subtypes of tumors and are related
34.3 Molecular Alterations with tumor progression. Therefore, it is worth mentioning
that they have no diagnostic interest, but may determine the
34.3.1 Acquired Somatic Mutations prognosis of some sarcomas [77].

Five major types of acquired mutations are detected in sarco-

mas. Deletion: Any loss of genetic material smaller than a 34.3.4 Mutations in Sarcomas
chromosome. It may affect a chromosome’s arm, a gene, or a
small number of base pairs. Amplification: The presence of There are two types of mutations of clinical value in sarcomas:
various copies of a single gene whose structure is otherwise (1) translocations and (2) point mutations.
normal. Translocation: The interchange of genetic material
between two non-homologous chromosomes. Frequently, Translocation
there is no material loss but it simply moves to another place; Various types of sarcomas show characteristic translocations
in this case, we refer to balanced translocations. Inversion: [2] In fact, the deepest advances in the knowledge of its
This is the result of two ruptures in a chromosome that are pathogenesis have been carried out in these types of tumors
followed by reinsertion of the original fragment in reverse [75]. Gene fusions generated from these translocations are
order. Point mutation: In this type of mutation, one base is the initiating events of many sarcomas and are probably
substituted by another. essential in some subtypes of these tumors. These transloca-
tions break up certain genes, recombine them, and create
gene fusions with new structures and functions by combining
34.3.2 Family Syndromes functional domains that are usually found in separate mole-
cules. Most chimeric proteins are transcription factors,
Although most cases of mutations turn up sporadically, there namely, proteins that have the capacity for union to regions
are, however, four well-characterized syndromes of family regulating the transcription of some genes. These genes are
cancer associated to sarcoma. Firstly, patients with RB muta- usually involved in certain key functions of the cell, such as
tions in the germ-line have a frequency of developing osteo- cell proliferation or survival. As a result of translocations,
sarcomas higher than the general population [72]. Patients gene fusions represent almost always aberrant transcription
with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, showing p53 gene germ-line factors. Two noteworthy exceptions are: COL1A1-PDGFB
mutations [73], have a higher incidence for a wide group of in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, a growth factor; and
sarcomas, and typically earlier than 40 years of age. Another ETV6-NTRK3 in congenital fibrosarcomas, a protein with
628 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

tyrosine kinase activity [75]. As gene fusions and their which is probably involved in the characteristic fibrosis of
products are specific to each tumor type, and they are practi- this neoplasia [83]. BAIAP3 is another factor that regulates
cally seen in all cases of a large group of sarcomas, their the exocytosis process, and thus the secretion of growing
characterization is not only important from the pathogenesis factors [84].
point of view, but it offers great diagnostic and therapeutic EWS binds to ATF1 in the clear cell sarcoma (soft tissue
opportunities. malignant melanoma) [85] and in the angiomatoid fibrous
histiocytoma [86]. EWS binds to a DNA-binding domain of Point Mutations a transcription factor, as in the Ewing tumor. Contrary to
Mutations are another type of specific findings in sarcomas, ATF1, EWS-ATF1 fusion works as a transcriptional activa-
usually beyond the bone-soft tissue location for example, tor, probably altering the regulation of genes usually con-
c-kit activating mutations in GIST, or inactivating mutations trolled by ATF1. The chimeric RNA is detected both in
on hSNF5/INI1 in rhabdoid tumors. fragments of frozen tumor and formalin-fixed paraffin-
embedded material [87].
EWS-CHN fusion, generated from a t(9;22), is observed
34.4 More Relevant Translocations in the extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, curiously, not
and Their Tumor Type from myxoid chondrosarcoma of osseous origin [88]. CHN
codifies a nuclear receptor having a binding domain to
EWS-FLI1 fusions are detected in roughly 90–95 of Ewing DNA. The fusion protein has an EWS amino-terminal
sarcomas [3]; EWS-ERG are present in 5–10 % of cases, domain bound to the whole CHN reading frame; this yields
while 1 % stand for some other type of fusion of EWS with a a nuclear receptor more active than the native one. This
member of the ETS family of the transcription factor group receptor is involved in the control of cellular proliferation by
[3]. It is specific to this neoplasia, as PCR studies of other modulating the response to diverse growth factors. There are
tumors that could be included in differential diagnosis, such some infrequent variants of this fusion. Genomics studies
as central primitive neuroectodermal tumors, neuroblasto- have shown that this tumor has a high expression on PPARG.
mas, RMS, adamantinoma and giant cell tumors, have There are some specific inhibitors against this molecule,
repeatedly yielded negative results [78]. which could become a therapeutic target [89].
In addition to the usual prognostic factors of this neopla- In addition, a gene analogous to EWS, FUS, is involved
sia (stage, localization/volume of the primary tumor, age, with CHOP (DDIT3) in gene fusion in 90 % of cases com-
and response to treatment), recent studies have assessed the prising round cell/myxoid liposarcoma (FUS-CHOP) [90].
contribution of molecular heterogeneity (Table 34.1) toward CHOP (DDIT3) is a transcription factor. In TLS-CHOP
prognosis in ES. There are at least 18 structural chances of (FUS-DDIT3), TLS binding domain to RNA is replaced by
gene fusions in this neoplasia. There are two sources of vari- CHOP binding domain to DNA. The relation between myx-
ability. On the one hand, EWS fusion companion (FLI1, oid liposarcoma and round cells is confirmed by detecting
ERG, ETV1, E1A, or FEV), and on the other hand, the local- FUS-CHOP fusions in tumors made up, as a whole or in part,
ization of the translocation rupture point within each gene of round cells [90]. Approximately 5 % of cases show EWS-
involved. It has been reported that patients with localized ES CHOP fusions, wherein EWS has an analogous role to
expressing the most common chimeric transcript (EWS exon FUS. Thus, proteins having the ability to bind to RNA, FUS,
7 united to FLI1 exon 6; 63 %) have a better prognosis than and EWS seem to be functionally similar, while the compo-
those with some other type of fusion [79, 80]. However, nent providing the binding domain to DNA, CHOP, is spe-
prognostic differences based on this have not been found in cific in this neoplasia.
the EuroEwing99 prospective multicentric trial [81].
In the case of the desmoplastic small round cell tumor
(SRCDT), the EWS gene is bound to the WT1 gene. At first, 34.4.1 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
WT1 was known to be an altered tumor suppressor gene in
Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma); in fact, EWS-WT1 is the Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is associated to a characteristic
first example of a constant rearrangement of a tumor sup- translocation, t(2;13), and another less common one, t(1;13).
pressor gene. The chimeric transcript EWS-WT1 has been This is the result of PAX3 and PAX7 gene fusion, respec-
found in 97 % of cases that were studied. This is very help- tively, with forkhead in RMS (FKHR) localized in 13q14
ful for diagnosis [82]; it also suggests the chimeric protein is [91]. PAX genes are transcription factors regulated during the
important for the tumor development. It is, as in many other embryo development; they are essential for the genesis of
sarcomas, an aberrant transcription factor that regulates the some organs. PAX3 and PAX7, in particular, are expressed in
expression of genes that partially coincide with usual WT1 the neural tube and are fundamental for its correct formation,
targets. One of them is PDGFA, a fibroblastic growth factor, and for the migration of myoblasts to upper and lower
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 629

Table 34.1 Chromosomic translocations and the molecular findings described in sarcomas
Tumor type Cytogenetic finding Molecular trace Reference
Ewing sarcoma t(11;22)(q24;q12) EWSR1-FLI1 Delattre et al. [100]
t(21;22)(q22;q12) EWSR1-ERG Sorensen et al. [240]
t(19;der(ins.inv(21;22))) EWSR1-ERG Maire et al. [241]
t(16;21) (p11;q22) FUS-ERGa Shing et al. [242]
t(7;22;)(p22;q12) EWSR1-ETV1 Jeon et al. [243]
t(17;22)(q12;q12) EWSR1-ETV4 Kaneko et al. [244]
t(2;22)(q33;q12) EWSR1-FEV Peter et al. [245]
t(6;22)(p21;q12) EWSR1-POU5F1 Yamaguchi et al. [246]
t(1;22) (q36.1;q12) EWSR1-PATZ1 Mastrangelo et al. [247]
t(2;22)(q31;q12) EWSR1-SP3 Wang et al. [248]
t(20;22)(q13;q12) EWSR1-NFATc2 Szukhai et al. [249]
t(2;16)(q35;p11) FUS-FEV Ng et al. [250]
t(15;19)(q14;p13.1) BRD4-NUTa Mertens et al. [251]
t(4;19)(q35;q13) CIC-DUX4 Kawamura-Saito et al. [252]
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor t(11;22)(p13;q12) EWSR1-WT1 Ladanyi et al. [253]
Round cell, myxoid liposarcoma t(12;16)(q13;p11) FUS-DDIT3 Crozat et al. [254]
t(12;22)(q13;q12) EWSR1-DDIT3 Panagopoulus et al. [255]
Epithelioid pleomorphic liposarcoma t(12;16)(q13;p11) FUS-DDIT3 (CHOP) Cecco et al. [256]
Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma t(9;22)(q22;q12) EWSR1-CHN Clark et al. [257]
t(9;17)(q22;q11) hTAFII68-CHN Attwooll et al. [258]
t(9;15) (q22;q21) TCF12-CHN Sjogren et al. [259]
t(3;9)(q12;q22) TFG-CHN Hisaoka et al. [260]
Clear cell sarcoma t(12;22)(q13;q12) EWS-ATF1 Zucman et al. [85]
t(2;22)(q33;q12) EWS-CREB1 Antonescu et al. [261]
Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma t(12;22)(q13;q12) EWS-ATF1 Hallor et al. [86]
t(2;22)(q33;q12) EWS-CREB1 Rossi et al. [262]
Synovial sarcoma t(X;18)(p11.23;q11) SS18-SSX1 Crew et al. [263]
t(X;18)(p11.21;q11) SS18-SSX2 Clark et al. [264]
t(X;18)(p11;q11) SS18-SSX4 Skytting et al. [265]
t(X;20)(p11;q13.3) SS18L1-SSX1 Storlazzi et al. [266]
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma t(2;13)(q35;q14) PAX3-FOXO1 Galili et al. [267]
t(1;13)(p36;q14) PAX7-FOXO1 Davis et al. [268]
t(2;2)(q35;p23) PAX3-NCOA1 Wachtel et al. [194]
t(2;8)(q35;q13) PAX3-NCOA2 Sumegi et al. [269]
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma t(2;8) (q35; q13) PAX3-NCOA2 Sumegi et al. [269]; Hosoi et al. [270];
Yoshida et al. [271]
t(6;8) (p21;q11.2) SRF-NCOA2 Mosquera et al. [272]
t(8;11) TEAD1-NCOA2
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans t(17;22) (q22;q13) COL1A1-PDGFB Simon et al. [273]
Infantile fibrosarcoma/cellular mesoblastic nephroma t(12;15)(p13;q25) ETV6-NTRK3a Knezevich et al. [96]
Alveolar soft part sarcoma t(X;17)(p11;q25) TFE3-ASPL a Ladanyi et al. [274]
Low grade endometrial stromal sarcomab t(7;17)(p15;q21) JAZF1-SUZ12 Koontz et al. [275]
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor t(1;2)(q25;p23) TPM3-ALK a Lawrence et al. [276]
t(2;19)(p23;p13) TMP4-ALK Lawrence et al. [276]
t(2;17)(p23;q23) CLTC2-ALK Bridge et al. [277]
t(2;2)(p23;q13) RANBP2-ALK Ma et al. [278]
Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma t(7;16)(q33p11) FUS-CREB3L2 Storlazzi et al. [279]
t(11;16)(p11;p11) FUS-CREB3L1 Mertens et al. [280]
(EWSR1 is also named as EWS); (FLI-1 is also named as EWSR2, SIC-1) (ETV4 is also known as E1AF, E1A-F, PEA3,PEAS3); (DDIT3 is also
named as CHOP; CEBPZ, CHOP10; GADD153; MGC4154); (NR4A3 is also named as CHN, TEC, CSMF, MINOR, NOR1); (FOXO1 is also
named as FKHR, FKH1 y FOXO1A); (SS18 is also named as SYT, SSXT, MGC116875). (SUZ12 is also name as JJAZF1)
These fusions are also present in other tumors (carcinomas, leukemias or lymphomas) (reviewed in Ordonez et al. [3])
More information can be obtained from Lee et al. [281]
630 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

extremities. PAX3 could suppress myoblast differentiation; oncogenesis by deregulation of transduction pathways of
this could lead to the undifferentiated phenotype of this signals generated by NTRK3, while PDGFB-COL1A1 proba-
tumor. Some amplification has been detected concerning bly acts as an autocrine growing factor.
gene fusions in some tumors with PAX7-FKHR fusions; this
suggests that translocation and amplification may be sequen-
tial mechanisms in the oncogenesis of this neoplasia. As for 34.5 Chimeric Proteins Resulting
PAX3-FKHR fusion, an overexpression of transcriptional from Translocations: Structure
origin was detected on PAX3 non-associated to gene ampli- and Function
fication [92]. These differences concerning PAX3 and PAX7
overexpression mechanisms are analogous to those observed 34.5.1 Chimeric Protein Structure: ES
at clinic level. PAX7-FKHR tumors tend to turn up in Oncoprotein as an Example
younger patients and are associated to a lower rate of metas-
tasis and a better survival than those with PAX3-FKHR, even Sarcomas are paradoxical examples of how a disease with a
though they have a similar morphology [93]. relatively low prevalence can bear prominent biological sig-
nificance because of their molecular mechanisms of genera-
tion and progression. Fusion genes resulting from chromosomal
34.4.2 Synovial Sarcoma translocations can be transcribed and translated into chimeri-
cal proteins. Let us first take Ewing sarcoma oncoproteins as
Synovial sarcoma is characterized due to t(X;18); it generates an example [3, 98].
a fusion between SS18 (SYT) gene on chromosome 18 with The ES family of tumors (ES) comprises morphologically
one SSX gene: SSX1 and SSX2. They are located in two sub- heterogeneous tumors that are characterized by nonrandom
regions of chromosome Xp11 (23 and 21, respectively); there chromosomal translocations involving the EWS gene and one
are, though, rarer fusions. This fusion codifies an abnormal of the several members of the ETS family of transcription
nuclear transcription factor which alters chromatin remodel- factors [99]. The translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12) is the most
ing; this may induce some changes in the gene expression common one, associated to 90 % of cases, and this high speci-
patterns. Transcripts are detected in almost all synovial sarco- ficity suggests that the product of this rearrangement is
mas through RT-CPR. The synovial sarcoma is a clear exam- involved in the formation of these malignancies. This translo-
ple of correlation tumor phenotype and transcript type. cation leads to in-frame fusion of EWS at 22q12 to FLI1 at
Biphasic synovial sarcoma is associated with SYT-SSX1 11q24 and the formation of EWS-FLI1 on der[22] compris-
fusions, which are present both in epithelial and fusocellular ing the 5’ end of EWS and the 3’ end of FLI1 [100]. The
elements, while monophasic synovial sarcoma is usually fusion gene encodes an oncoprotein consisting of the
present with SYT-SSX2. In addition, patients at clinic level N-terminal domain of EWS and the C-terminal DNA-binding
with SYT-SSX2 show a relatively low risk of relapses, while domain of transcription factors such as ETS family, activating
tumors with SYT-SSX1 variant show a high proliferative rate transcription factor-1, Wilms’ tumor 1, and nuclear orphan
and a worse prognosis [52, 94]. However, the prognostic receptors [101].
value of these fusions is still under discussion [95]. EWS protein is predicted to be an RNA-binding protein
Translocation t(17;22) in dermatofibrosarcoma protuber- containing the transcriptional activation domain(s) in the
ans and giant cell fibroblastoma generates a fusion involving N-terminal domain and the RNA recognition motif and three
COL1A1, a collagen gene and PDGFB, a protein-modifying arginine-glycine-glycine repeats (RGG boxes 1–3) in its
gene with growing factor function. This fusion sets PDGFB C-terminal domain [102, 103]. The transcriptional potency of
under the control of COL1A1 promoter, thus removing all ele- the N-terminal domain of EWS observed in its various tumor-
ments repressing PDGFB transcription. In the case of con- igenic fusion proteins suggests that EWS may function as a
genital fibrosarcoma, t(12;15) translocation unites ETV6 transcription factor. In the EWS-FLI1 fusion protein, the
(TEL) gene with neurotrophin 3 receptor (NTRK3) [96]. RNA-binding motif containing the C-terminal half of EWS is
Curiously, this fusion is also specifically seen in mesoblastic replaced by the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the FLI1
nephroma, acute myeloblastic leukemia, and secretory carci- protein. EWS belongs to a subgroup of RNA-binding proteins
noma of the breast, a rare variant of the infiltrating ductal car- called the TET family, which also includes liposarcoma/
cinoma of the breast [97]. This phenomenon suggests that the fusion protein (TLS/FUS) and human TATA-binding protein-
same gene fusion may cause different neoplasms, and depends associated factor (hTAFII68) [90, 104]. They all contain a
on the characteristics of the cell where this occurs. These two distinctive conserved 87-amino-acid RNA recognition motif/
examples represent the exception confirming the general rule ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence (RRM/RNP-CS)
that gene fusions generate new ETV6-NTRK3 transcription motif commonly found in most RNA-binding proteins and
factors in a chimeric kinase tyrosine, which may contribute to possess a number of R-G-G (arginine-glycine-glycine)
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 631

repeats that also seem to facilitate binding to RNA. A zinc promoter-specific transactivator [105, 106]. It also functions
finger domain with four cysteines is present in their C-terminal as a transcriptional coactivator in a cell type-specific and
domain. In addition, mammalian TET family members share promoter-specific manner. It requires CBP/p300 for hepa-
glutamine-rich N-terminal domains consisting of a series of tocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4)-mediated transcriptional
degenerate repeats. In Fig. 34.1, we present a schematic view activation [107, 108]. Although EWS fusion proteins func-
of EWS protein domains. tion as sequence-specific transcription factors, the role of
Three key features indicate that the EWS protein is native EWS protein and the regulatory mechanism control-
encoded by a housekeeping gene; it is expressed ubiqui- ling the coactivator function of EWS are largely unknown.
tously, its expression is stable throughout the cell cycle, FLI1 is a member of the ETS family of transcription fac-
and its mRNA has a long half-life [90]. Although more tors which activate specific target genes by binding to their
remains to be known about the role of native EWS, it is a cognate DNA sequences through their DNA-binding regions,
nuclear protein that appears to be recruited to promoter usually located at their carboxyl termini [109, 110]. The
regions where it associates with other factors to act as a replacement of the native transcription activation domain(s)

Fig. 34.1 Schematic view of the structural features of a prototypic sar- facilitate binding to RNA. A zinc finger domain with four cysteines (C2-
coma chimeric protein, and the native proteins it arises from. EWS- C2 Zn finger-like) is also present close to the C-terminal end. FLI1 is a
FLI1 type 1 protein is associated with ES. Primary and secondary transcription factor, with a naturally occurring transactivating region in
structures, as well as functional regions of native EWS, FLI1, their the N-terminal end. It encloses a highly conserved, sequence-specific,
breakpoints, and the resulting fusion protein are depicted. EWS ETS-type DNA-binding domain. FLI1 also has contains a C-terminal
N-terminal domain contain amino acid residues 1–264, referred to as end transactivating domain (CTA). The chromosomal t(11;22)(q24;q22)
the EWS-activation domain (EAD). It contains 31 degenerate hexapep- translocation in ES results in the fusion of the N-terminal domain of
tide repeats (DHR) with the consensus sequence SYGQQS and 7 other EWS and the DNA-binding domain of FLI1, generating the oncopro-
Tyr residues. The C-terminal domain begins with the IQ domain, a tein EWS-FLI1. The transactivating domain of EWS is retained, while
region susceptible of binding calmodulin and being phosphorylated. the RNA-binding domain is lost, replaced by the sequence-specific
Next, it has a distinctive conserved 87-amino-acid RNA recognition DNA-binding domain of the FLI1 protein. The type 1 chimeric protein
motif/ ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence motif (RRM/RNP is represented entirely schematically. Types 2 or 3 can be deduced from
domain) commonly found in most RNA-binding proteins, and possess type 1 by the insertion of 84 or 22 additional amino acids from EWS or
a number of RGG (arginine-glycine-glycine) repeats that also seem to FLI1, respectively.
632 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

of FLI1 by the N-terminal region of EWS converts the non- EWS-FLI1 cannot stably associate with either TFIID or Pol II
transforming activator, FLI1, into a transforming protein in Ewing cell nuclear extracts. These observations suggested
with new transcriptional activation potential. The ETS fam- that EWS and EWS-FLI1 may play different roles in Pol II
ily of transcription factors is defined by a conserved ETS transcription.
domain that recognizes a core DNA motif of GGAA/T [111]. Employing yeast two-hybrid cloning to study protein–pro-
This family of approximately 30 genes including FLI1, ERG, tein interactions, Petermann et al. isolated the seventh largest
ETV1, E1AF, FEV, and ZSG controls a variety of cellular subunit of human RNA polymerase II (hsRPB7) as a protein
functions in cooperation with other transcription factors and that specifically interacts with the amino terminus of EWS
cofactors. Target genes include oncogenes, tumor suppressor [113]. This association was confirmed in nuclear extracts,
genes, and genes related to apoptosis, differentiation, angio- where hsRPB7 was found to co-purify with EWS-FLI1 but
genesis, and invasion [111, 112]. Recently, Riggi et al. not with FLI1. Overexpression of recombinant hsRPB7 spe-
reported that EWS-FLI1 acts on chromatin remodeling play- cifically increased gene activation by EWS-chimeric tran-
ing a main role in Ewing sarcoma biology [71]. scription factors, whereas replacement of the EWS portion by
hsRPB7 in the oncogenic fusion protein restored the transac-
tivating potential of the chimera. Those results suggested that
34.5.2 Protein–Protein Interactions Studies fusion to FLI1 causes as structural change of the amino-ter-
Provide Structural and Functional minal EWS domain, making it accessible for interaction with
Insights into the Mechanisms of Action hsRPB7. Presumably, the physical interaction of the amino
of Native Proteins in Sarcomas terminus of EWS with hsRPB7 contributes to the transacti-
vation function of EWS-FLI1 and, since hsRPB7 has charac-
We can next take a look inside the archetypical case of the teristics of a regulatory subunit of Pol II, may influence
ES chimera protein. In the EWS-FLI1 fusion protein, both promoter selectivity.
the N-terminal domain of EWS and the DBD of FLI1 are Most chimeric proteins in many sarcoma types function
necessary for the transforming activity of Ewing cells as aberrant transcription factors. One step further in the char-
[101, 102]. To assess the contribution of the N-terminal acterization of the RNA-binding capabilities of such proteins
domain of the EWS protein to the formation of human solid was the revelation by proteomics techniques of the associa-
tumors, it is important to understand the normal function(s) tion of EWS protein to the IRES of central proteins in some
of EWS. Although much is known about the oncogenic func- pathogenic processes. This was the case in hepatitis C virus-
tions of chimeric EWS fusion proteins that result from chro- infected cells [114]. The authors used shotgun peptide
mosomal translocations, the cellular role of the normal EWS sequencing to identify proteins in quadruplicate protein
protein is not well characterized. affinity extracts of lysed cells, obtained using a biotinylated
Bertolotti et al. investigated the putative role of EWS in IRES. EWS protein contains an RRM RNA recognition
RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription by comparing its motif and a zinc finger RNA-binding region, through which
activity with that of its structural homolog, hTAFII68 [105]. interaction occurs. From a mechanistic point of view, protein
The structural homology between EWS and the transcription binding to the IRES is an indication of the importance of that
factor hTAFII68 (70 % similarity among the full-length pro- protein, both for its functional value as well as a potential
teins) strongly suggested that there may be a functional drug target. In particular, EWS may shuttle from the nucleus
homology between these proteins. The authors demonstrated to the cell surface [115] and function as a transcriptional
that a portion of EWS is able to associate with the basal tran- cofactor with CBP/p300 [106]. This interpretation is particu-
scription factor TFIID, which is composed of the TATA- larly interesting in view of the proposed role of the nucleolus
binding protein (TBP) and TBP-associated factors (TAFIIs). as a gateway for viral infection and site of replication for
In vitro binding studies revealed that both EWS and hTA- many viruses. Although to our knowledge this point has not
FII68 interact with the same TFIID subunits, suggesting that been studied in sarcomas, the evidences gathered to date
the presence of EWS and that of hTAFII68 in the same TFIID indicate that it might be interesting to investigate the poten-
complex may be mutually exclusive. Moreover, EWS is not tial role of EWS as an IRES-binding protein.
exclusively associated with TFIID but, similarly to hTAFII68, Despite the numerous reports aiming at the function of
is also associated with the Pol II complex. The subunits of TET proteins as a partner of fusion proteins in different sar-
Pol II that interact with EWS and hTAFII68 were identified, coma translocation types, little evidence has been collected
confirming the association with the polymerase. On the other about the cellular function of the normal proteins, let alone
hand, using Ewing cell nuclear extracts, they studied the asso- from proteomic approaches. Anumanthan et al. reported the
ciation of EWS and the oncogenic fusion protein, EWS-FLI1, interaction between a WD domain-containing protein,
with different multiprotein complexes. These experiments serine-threonine kinase receptor-associated protein (STRAP)
suggest that EWS and EWS-FLI1 behave differently since and EWS, using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization,
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 633

time-of-flight and tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF And, obviously, even more research has been devoted to
MS/MS) [116]. STRAP interacts with EWS in the nucleus understand the mechanisms of action of the chimera proteins
and induces inhibition of EWS transactivation function. themselves, as necessary (but not sufficient?) effector of the
Their research found that normal EWS protein is upregulated tumorigenic cascade of events that ultimately cause the onset
in human cancers, suggesting a cooperative role of these two of tumoral alterations. However, although extensive work
proteins in tumorigenesis. Results suggested that STRAP has been performed on cellular, molecular, and genomic
inhibits the transactivation function of EWS by displacing lines of attack, little knowledge has been reported so far
p300 from the functional transcriptional complex. In conse- related to proteomics approaches (Fig. 34.2).
quence, this study provided a novel TGF-ß-independent An alternative proteomic approach has been recently devel-
function of STRAP and described a mechanism by which oped in our laboratory, aiming at identifying differences in
STRAP regulates the physiologic function of oncogenic protein expression and posttranslational modifications attrib-
EWS protein in the nucleus. utable to the loss of EWS-ETS protein activity: an interference
Gaining insight into the role of TET proteins in RNA shRNAi model for EWS-FLI1 was constructed in the TC71
metabolism, Guipaud et al. characterized one of the precise ES cell line [124]. Protein expression levels were analyzed in
cellular functions of these multifunctional proteins, DNA cell extracts of the shRNAi clone model to gain insights into
pairing [117]. Conservation across species suggests that TET the differential changes associated with the interference of the
proteins have important physiological roles. TET proteins EWS-FLI1 transcript [125]. Two-dimensional PAGE analyses
are thought to be involved in RNA transcription and/or pro- were performed to visualize differences in a plethora of differ-
cessing [118, 119]. Besides these functions, several lines of ent conditions. Most of the changes associated with the shR-
evidence suggested a new role for TLS/FUS in DNA transac- NAi clone were presented as an overexpression of their protein
tion and in DNA double-stranded break rejoining [120, 121]. levels (Fig. 34.2). In contrast, about one third of the proteins
Particularly, they addressed the question whether EWS dis- showed a clear reduction of their expression amounts. Further
plays pairing on membrane (POM) activities. Since EWS examination of those results by a MALDI-ToF MS analysis
share similar features with TLS/FUS (structure, partners, enabled the identification of significant protein changes.
and affinities), they raised the question whether it also exhib- Interestingly, many of the identified proteins with the highest
its POM activities. Accordingly, they applied the assay to scores were molecules directly involved in RNA and DNA
2-DE coupled to MS analysis for a global screening of catal- processing and functioning. Given the fact that the protein
ysis of homologous DNA POM activities. This test allowed chimera EWS-FLI1 acts as an aberrant transcriptional factor,
them to identify EWS, in addition to hTAF(II)68, TLS/FUS, this evidences suggest that the interference model is altering
but no other proteins, indicating a feature specific to a pro- several protein regulations, in pathways directly and indirectly
tein family whose members share extensive structural related to EWS-FLI1, which in consequence brings about
similarities. changes in expression patterns for molecules involved in
This common activity suggests a role for TET proteins in nucleic acid activities.
genome plasticity control. The results suggest for TET pro- Proteomic expression pattern showed differences for
teins a role in DNA metabolism in addition to their role in nuclear proteins. For instance, a component of the RNA
pre-mRNA splicing and transcription regulation. Proteins polymerase II holoenzyme complex that is involved in DNA
that function at the interface between transcription and RNA recombination, DNA repair, and protein folding, in agree-
metabolism affect genetic stability by regulating ment with previously commented reports about the involve-
transcription-associated recombination. Significantly, the ment of TET-ETS fusion proteins in direct regulation of
homologous DNA pairing activity of TLS/FUS is supported RNA polymerase II. Similarly, we have observed alterations
by the phenotypes of TLS/FUS-deficient mice [122, 123]. in a structural constituent of the ribosome, which binds RNA
Based on these findings and on their DNA pairing activities, during translation. An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase was also
it is thus tempting to speculate on a role for POM proteins in selected; through the regulation of Akt, and therefore, modu-
genome plasticity control. This common enzymatic feature lation of the HSP90 stress-responsive activity, the biological
could also be of importance in understanding tumor develop- function of this tRNA synthetase may play a role in the
ment involving these proteins. response of ES cell machinery to stress conditions [126].
Another factor engaged in protein translation is a component
of the polyribosome, whose molecular function is the bind-
34.5.3 The Role of Chimeric Proteins ing of mRNA. This protein has been reported to participate
in Sarcoma Molecular Mechanisms in Wnt signaling, which, in turn, has been proven to play an
important role in the development of some types of sarcoma
Much of the understanding about the function of sarcoma [41, 127]. The list includes more proteins involved in DNA/
genes is derived from studies of oncogenic fusions that arise RNA metabolisms, as well as some others implicated in
from gene rearrangement after chromosomal translocation. RNA translation and protein synthesis.
634 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

Fig. 34.2 Flow-chart diagram illustrating the experimental steps control illustrates the proceeding of the comparison, that eventually
taken in a proteomics approach to characterize and identify the renders information that can be linked with the pathogenesis of the
protein(s) present in a clinical sample. (1) Samples are collected fol- studied disease; (4) proteins are digested by proteolytic enzymes to
lowing the recommendations from the donor tumor bank, (2) protein smaller peptides and their precise identity is achieved using mass spec-
extracts are separated from the cellular debris, and (3) prepared for the trometry (generally performed in two ways); (5) either, precise molec-
proteomic analysis through two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-D ular weights are measured using MALDI-ToF instruments, and the
PAGE). After isoelectric focusing in a pH gradient the electrophoretic results compared with protein sequences from available databases. Or,
separation is completed in a second polyacrylamide gel dimension. (6) tandem mass spectrometry gives information about protein
Proteins can be then visualized after staining (chemically or radioac- )sequence that is subjected to the search in databases; (7) finally, the
tively). A close-up 2-D PAGE image of an assay showing protein identification of the protein(s) in the initial sample can be solved with
expression differences in an experimental ES cell line TC71 versus a almost full certainty in 90 % of the cases.

Besides that aspect of chimeric protein regulation, there is inhibits, in some way, several effectors that have to do with the
another group of proteins altered in sarcoma cells, whose assembling of tertiary structures of certain proteins. The over-
functions are associated to cell cycle and cell division activi- expression of these or similar proteins in the RNA-interfered
ties. Another protein involved in cell cycle is a serine/threo- model may provide some clues about the molecular changes
nine phosphatase, essential for cell division. From previous accompanying the redifferentiation program of cells after inhi-
analysis (immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry), it has bition of the fusion gene induction. Alternatively, other candi-
been suggested that this phosphatase is involved in the accel- dates in this group are connected with proteolytic degradation
erated growth of malignant tumor cells in sarcoma. processes. This is the case of a proteasome subunit. It has been
Finally, we identified in the shRNAi clone a group of targets recently pointed that EWS-FLI1 plays an important role in the
related to cellular protein metabolic processes. In particular, prevention of senescence, leading to the unlimited growth and
several of them are molecules engaged in protein binding, oncogenesis of ES cells through a decrease in the stability of
folding, or rearranging of polypeptide bonds and structures in p27 protein, due to increased action of Skp2-mediated 26S
specific protein species. It seems that the chimera protein proteasomal degradation [128].
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 635

These results partly correlate with data from a gene in multiple cancer cell lines and primary tumors including
expression microarray experiment, where transcript levels glioblastoma. They showed that CD155 is recruited to the
from the shRNAi clone and controls were registered by qRT- leading edge of migrating cells where it co-localizes with
PCR. Further and deeper studies are currently being accom- actin and alpha v-integrin, known mediators of motility and
plished in our group to characterize the effect of another adhesion.
variables, such as the stability of the RNA inhibition with
time progression, posttranslational modifications (e.g., phos-
phorylation, acetylation, etc.), and to quantitate the magni- 34.6 Cellular Signaling Pathway Categories
tude of these changes, both at the protein level, and at the
translational level. The cell signaling pathways (Fig. 34.3), cell surface adhe-
sion molecules, receptor tyrosine kinases, growth factors,
transcription factors, and early developmental genes
34.5.4 Functional Studies of Proteins expressed in these tumors identify potential candidates for
Determining the Tumorigenicity therapeutic intervention and diagnostic development.
of Sarcomas: An Overview A tight clustering has been observed analyzing the gene
of Protein Targets Identified expression data from 181 tumor types, representing 16 classes
of human bone and soft tissue sarcomas on a 12,601-feature
The depiction of cellular functionality that explains and cor- cDNA microarray [59]. On one hand, the dendrogram is pop-
roborates the mechanisms by which cancer originates and ulated primarily by the more poorly differentiated or dedif-
eventually propagates has traditionally been entrusted to ferentiated tumors and the typically adult sarcomas with the
genomic and post-genomic strategies. For example, microar- major branches being formed by the malignant fibrous histio-
ray analyses have identified differentially expressed genes cytoma tumors, leiomyosarcoma, dermatofibrosarcoma,
from many classes that might contribute to the different steps hemangiopericytoma, and liposarcoma. On the other hand,
of cancer generation and progression [129, 130], but these the tightly clustered groups are assigned to the pediatric sar-
expression changes only suggest functional importance. comas, Ewing sarcoma, synovial sarcoma, osteosarcoma, and
RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) screens in mammalian RMS. This could denote the existence of common signaling
cells can functionally assess the genome in high throughput, pathways for each branch.
and these screens for cancer phenotypes have identified new
gene targets [131]. However, such screens are limited
because RNAi knockdown occurs over many hours, and 34.6.1 Tyrosine Kinases
because proteins that turn over slowly cannot be efficiently
depleted. The alternative would be to develop a high- ES proliferation and survival is also determined by autocrine
throughput approach that directly addresses protein function and paracrine activation of growth factor receptors and their
and is temporally restricted. Such an approach could identify ligands as insulin-like growth factor 1 [135]. EWS-FLI1
new and different targets for tumor invasion or other disease- shRNA interference affects IGF-1/IGF-1R survival pathway
relevant processes. and its downstream targets (Fig. 34.4) [136]. shRNAi clone
Jay and colleagues exploited a previously developed tech- showed a marked decrease in IGF-1 transcript and protein
nology for functional proteomics to identify and validate levels, both early and late stages (Fig. 34.4a, b), but there
proteins required for cancer invasion in fibrosarcoma cells were no significant changes in IGF-1R protein level
[132]. This technique, known as fluorophore-assisted light (Fig. 34.4b). shRNAi clone was more sensitive to the action
inactivation (FALI), affords the possibility of targeting a par- of IGF-1R signaling pathway inhibitors (Fig. 34.4c). A higher
ticular surface protein for destruction using the specificity of apoptotic index was detected, as analyzed by FACS for apop-
an antibody [133]. The authors revealed that the molecular tosis using annexin V (Fig. 34.4d) as well as the reduction of
chaperone heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) plays a crucial role proteins involved in the activation of IGF-1R signaling path-
in the invasion of fibrosarcoma cells. HSP90 was shown to way after treatment with AEW571 combined with inhibitors
promote maturation of the extracellular metalloprotease LY294002 and PD98059 (Fig. 34.4e).
MMP2, and therefore, was identified as an important extra- Benini et al. analyzed the contribution of the 2 major
cellular mediator of invasion. pathways of the intracellular IGF-1R signaling cascade to
Making also use of the FALI technology and libraries of the overall effects elicited by IGF-1 in Ewing sarcoma [137]
monoclonal antibodies and phage-expressed single-chain Both the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and
antibodies, the same group identified CD155/PVR as a key phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-K) signaling pathways
protein in cell motility during cell invasion and migration in appeared to be constitutively activated in Ewing sarcoma,
fibrosarcoma [134]. CD155 was found to be highly expressed likely due to the presence of the IGF-1R-mediated autocrine
636 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

Fig. 34.3 Main cell signaling pathways described in sarcomas. This contribute to the malignant behaviour of ES cells and gastrointestinal
figure shows the importance of certain specific pathways in sarcomas. stromal tumor. The AKT-mTOR pathway plays a critical role in the
The Wnt-frizzled signaling pathway has been found in both, ES and development of leiomyosarcomas. In dashed lines are shown possible
synovial sarcoma. The MEK/MAPK and PI3-K signaling pathways pathways interactions.

loop. Exogenous IGF-1 completely reverted LY294002- kinases or receptor tyrosine kinases associating with half of
induced growth inhibition by abrogating anti-proliferative the tumor groups [59] Along with known highly expressed
and pro-apoptotic effects of the PI3-K inhibitor. By contrast, kinases, such as KIT in gastrointestinal stromal tumor and
IGF-1 could not rescue cells from growth inhibition induced PDGFRB in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, they addi-
by PD98059. MEK/MAPK blockade also significantly tionally found JAK1 in Ewing sarcoma, FLT1 in hemangio-
reduced the migratory ability of ES cells, both in basal and pericytoma, EGFR and PDGFRA in synovial sarcoma, and
IGF-1-induced conditions, and increased chemosensitivity several FGFR in osteosarcoma.
to doxorubicin, a leader drug in the treatment of ES patients.
Hernando et al. analyzed the PI3K-AKT signaling cas-
cade in a cohort of sarcomas and found a new and critical 34.6.2 WNT Signaling Pathway
role for the AKT-mTOR pathway in smooth muscle transfor-
mation and leiomyosarcoma genesis [35]. PTEN is a dual– The WNT signaling pathway (Fig. 34.3), involved in the
function lipid and protein phosphatase originally identified development of brain and the peripheral nervous system, has
as a protein encoded by a tumor suppressor gene, found to be been found to play a critical role in the formation of several
frequently mutated in sporadic cancers and hereditary disor- cancers [141], including synovial sarcoma [142–144], Ewing
ders. The main substrate of PTEN is phosphatidylinositol- sarcoma [145], and malignant fibrous histiocytoma [41].
3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3), a second-messenger molecule Wnts activate a canonical pathway that is characterized by
generated by the action of PI3Ks. PIP3 activates the serine- accumulation of β-catenin in the cytoplasm. In the absence
threonine kinase AKT, involved in cell survival, prolifera- of Wnt signaling, cytoplasmic b-catenin forms a complex
tion, and growth. Other alterations, such as IGF-1 or IGF-1R with Axin, adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene product,
overexpression, also frequently observed in leiomyosarcoma glycogen synthase kinase-3b (GSK-3b), and casein kinase
[138], could ultimately account for the observed upregula- I-a (CKIa). Phosphorylation of β-catenin by CKIa and
tion of this pathway. GSK-3b results in its ubiquitination and rapid degradation
The putative aberrant signaling provided by c-kit overex- [146–148]. Wnt binding to Fz and LRP5 or LRP6 disrupts
pression may be dispensable for Ewing sarcoma develop- this degradation machinery by a process that involves
ment and is unlikely to constitute a critical therapeutic target Disheveled (Dvl)-dependent recruitment of Axin to the
[139, 140] Baird et al. found highly expressed tyrosine plasma membrane [147]. As a result, unphosphorylated
Fig. 34.4 EWS-FLI1 shRNA interference affects IGF1/IGF1R survival were seeded on 24 well plates, 72 h after cells were analyzed by FACS for
pathway and its downstream targets. (a) IGF1 mRNA expression level in apoptosis using an annexin V detection kit assay. The means ± standard
TC71wt, shRNAi and mock (early and late stages) determined by qRT- deviations (error bars) of 4 independent experiments are shown. (e)
PCR. (b) IGF1 and IGF1R protein levels as assessed by Western Blot. (c) Effects of AEW571 combined with inhibitors LY294002 and PD98059
IC50 of proliferation after AEW571, LY294002 or PD98059 treatment at on the activation of IGF1R signaling pathway. All conditions were treated
72 h of incubation measured by MTT assay. shRNAi clone is more sen- with AEW571 during 15 min and with the inhibitors for 2 h, before IGF1
sible to the action of drug and inhibitors. (d) Apoptotic index after stimulation (50 ng/ml) during 15 min (serum-free conditions). Data
AEW571, LY294002 or PD98059 treatment at 72 h of incubation cells obtained from Herrero et al. 2010. Permission applied [136].
638 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

β-catenin accumulates in the cytoplasm and nucleus, forming 34.6.4 Study of Cell Regulation
a complex with members of the TCF/LEF-1 family of tran- by Proteomics: Proteomic Analysis
scription factors that activates transcription of target genes of Responses to Gene Regulation,
such as c-myc and cyclin-D1 [149–151]. Mutations of Axin, Chemicals, Viral Infections, or
APC, and β-catenin have been characterized in numerous Therapeutic Treatment in Sarcoma
human malignancies including colon cancer, malignant mel-
anoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, endometrial carcinoma, Alternative proteomics approaches can also combine the
ovarian carcinoma, and prostate cancer [152, 153]. A com- disciplines of protein chemistry, molecular biology, and
mon outcome of these mutations is the accumulation of free histopathology to paint a portrait of the protein circuitry in
β-catenin, mimicking constitutive Wnt activation. Saito et al. diseased cells. It allows the identification of the molecular
showed that APC mutations also occur in sarcomas, espe- circuitry of various proteins in a tumor by noting their state
cially in synovial sarcoma, and the possible inactivation of of activation (translocation and phosphorylation) and cor-
the APC gene by missense mutations was thought to contrib- relative expressions. So far, this approach has been only uti-
ute to the accumulation of b-catenin in synovial sarcoma lized to depict the mTOR pathway in mesenchymal
[154]. Baird et al. also found evidence implicating this path- chondrosarcoma [157].
way in synovial sarcoma [59]. WNT5A expression was pro- The combination of 2-DE, MALDI-ToF MS, and bioin-
nounced, as was the expression of the WNT signaling targets formatics offers to the biomedical researcher an opportunity
FZD1, CDH4, EN2, TLE4, and TLE1. TLE1, WNT5A, FZD1, to study the profile of changes in protein levels. Taking
and TLE4 were ranked among the top 50 discriminating advantage of such combination of proteomic tools, and to
genes for the synovial sarcoma, and both WNT5A and FZD1 better understand the mechanisms by which ascochlorin
showed heavy staining on the tissue microarray as well. Uren (ASC) regulates physiological or pathological events and
et al. showed evidence that Wnt/Frizzled signaling is func- induces responses in the pharmacological treatment of can-
tional in Ewing sarcoma cell lines [145]. They observed a cer, Chang and collaborators performed differential analysis
marked stimulation of the β-catenin/canonical Wnt pathway of the proteome of the human osteosarcoma cells U2-OS in
in ES cells treated with Wnt-3a. Wnt-3a induced morpho- response to ASC [158]. In addition, the authors established
logic changes characterized by the formation of long cyto- the first two-dimensional map of the U2-OS proteome. They
plasmic extensions in ES cells. β-catenin/canonical Wnt identified 117 proteins whose expression showed consistent
signaling enhanced ES motility, contributing to metastasis, differences in their expression patterns with ASC treatment.
and it could occur through either autocrine or paracrine Most of the proteins downregulated in U2-OS cells treated
modes of Wnts since they are expressed in bone, muscle, and with ASC are associated with tumor growth, suggesting that
soft tissues. They also observed chemotaxis of ES cells in ASC may be useful as a potent clinical suppressor of tumor
response to Wnt-3a. Both canonical and non-canonical Wnt invasion, a topic of considerable interest in the biological
pathways have been shown to modulate cell motility and chemistry of chemotherapeutic agents.
tumor metastasis, but non-canonical Wnt pathway is pending In many cases, as seen in the previous examples, sarcoma
of demonstration in ES. cell lines are employed as model systems wherein mechanis-
tic molecular schemes are studied. Control of cell-cycle pro-
gression, mediation of invasion and migration, evasion of
34.6.3 Homeobox and Early apoptosis, etc. constitute checkpoints that are usually inves-
Developmental Genes tigated in cell line models of different types of tumors in
response to different agents. E2F1, for example, is an essen-
The homeobox genes are involved in early embryonic devel- tial transcription factor that regulates cell-cycle progression
opment and in the determination of cell fate. There is interest and apoptosis. Overexpression of E2F1 sensitizes neoplastic
in defining the relationship between deviant expression of cells to apoptosis and leads to tumor growth suppression,
these early developmental genes and their role in cancer. making it an interesting target for anticancer therapy. Li et al.
Specifically, aberrant homeobox gene expression has been performed a differential proteome analysis to identify pro-
linked to the development of leukemia, testicular cancer, teins associated with E2F1 activity in inducible p53-deficient
breast carcinoma, as well as several other tumors [155]. Saos-2ERE2F1 osteosarcoma cells [159]. Thirty-three pro-
Several homeobox genes have been identified in the gene teins were reproducibly identified, and most of them were
expression profiles of various sarcomas: MEOX2 in synovial the products of genes known to be cancer related. Proteome
sarcoma [144], HOXA5 in liposarcoma [60], and MEOX1 in analysis provided, in this case, new information that may be
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans [156]. considered when using E2F1 as a drug.
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 639

Using different models of sarcoma xenografts (SK-N-MC that inhibition of HSP90 with 17-AAG (a specific HSP90
and IMR32 (neuroblastoma), RH1 and RH30 (RMS), and inhibitor) and siRNA reduced ES cell line growth and sur-
KHOS/NP (osteosarcoma), Izbicka et al. evaluated and com- vival, especially in cell lines that previously showed resis-
pared the effects of docetaxel and paclitaxel [160]. The tance to IGF1R/KIT pathway blockade. 17-AAG treatment
approach used immunoblotting and surface-enhanced laser induced HSP90 client protein degradation, including AKT,
desorption/ionization (SELDI) MS to assess the drug effects c-KIT or IGF1R, by inhibiting their physical interaction with
on the expression of the beta-tubulin isotypes and apoptotic HSP90. Animal models confirmed that HSP90 inhibition,
markers (Bcl-2, Bax, Bcl-XL). However, the results of this alone or combined with IGF1R inhibition, significantly
anticancer activity showed no apparent correlation with drug reduced tumor growth and expression of client proteins. The
effects on those proteins. The drugs had significantly differ- authors postulate, for the first time in ES, that in addition to
ent, yet highly heterogeneous effects on the tumor levels of the levels of expression and basal activation of IGF1R/KIT,
the proteins. In contrast, six protein species identified by pro- the development level of the stress response mechanism is
teomic profiling were consistently and differentially regu- another important determinant of sensitivity to ADW/IMA
lated by docetaxel and paclitaxel in all xenografts. in ES cell lines. Importantly, targeting HSP90 function might
The mechanisms underlying the clinical outcome of inter- be of therapeutic value in ES, especially in cases of previous
feron alpha (IFNalpha) treatment of pleomorphic sarcoma resistance to IGF1R/KIT pathway blockade.
(PS) were also investigated using proteomic approaches. A In the same sense, another study has recently confirmed
proteomic analysis of 120 signaling components in growth the susceptibility of targeting Heat Shock Proteins (HSP) as
arrested, apoptotic PS cells showed that the relative endoge- a potential anticancer therapy in ES and neuroblastoma (NB)
nous expression levels of the IFNAR2 (the IFNalpha/beta [171]. In the study, to perform a comprehensive evaluation of
receptor) isoforms influence the cytostatic and pro-apoptotic the HSP response, the authors firstly identified the HSP
effect of IFNalpha on PS cells [161]. The levels of the recep- expressed in ES and NB cell lines by a sensitive proteomic
tors may dictate the signaling pathways triggered by the profiling. Cell lysates were analyzed by a combination of
ligand, such as to cause exclusively cell cycle arrest or induce 1-D PAGE and automated nano high-performance-liquid-
programmed cell death. chromatography coupled with electrospray quadrupole time-
The study of ES has provided, as well, a few examples of of-flight (nano HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF). Then they studied the
how proteomics may deepen our understanding about the response to doxorubicin (an antibiotic used as an anticancer
mechanisms regulating the response to different treatments. drug) mediated by HSP on the cell lines. As previously
The disease expresses several deregulated autocrine loops described, quercetin was shown to inhibit HSP at transcrip-
mediating cell survival and proliferation that contribute to its tional level [172, 173]. The effect of quercetin caused a potent
pathogenesis. Insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF1R) doxorubicin sensitization in NB and, to a lesser extent, in ES
and KIT are transmembrane receptors that mediate two of cells. In the experiments, quercetin exerted an intense pro-
these loops [139, 162], and are therefore directly involved in apoptotic effect and increased significantly the pro-apoptotic
the growth and survival properties of ES [163–165]. Their effect of doxorubicin. These results were mediated by HSP in
blockade is a promising therapeutic approach for this neo- all cases, and even to an extent in which, interestingly, quer-
plasm. Martins et al. reported the in vitro impact of IGF1R/ cetin sensitizing effect was higher in cells with higher HSP
KIT pathway blockade on ES cell lines [166] and afterwards levels. The sensitization to doxorubicin found in NB and ES
they extended their observations to the level of proteomic cell lines might be of potential clinical interest because maxi-
changes induced by this treatment, to find and validate new mal quercetin effect was observed at quercetin concentrations
possible therapeutic targets. Two-dimensional PAGE analy- that could be reached in plasma following intravenous admin-
sis and MALDI-ToF studies of ES cell lines treated with istration without serious side effects.
ADW742 and/or Imatinib (specific IGF1R/KIT inhibitors)
revealed a large panel of differentially expressed proteins,
some of them related to stress-induced response. Among 34.7 Applications: Molecular Diagnosis
them, the changes in protein expression between cell lines of Translocation
sensitive and resistant to IGF1R/KIT inhibitors were particu-
larly significant in the case of HSP90 [167]. 34.7.1 Techniques for Detecting
Response to stress is a key mechanism conditioning drug Translocations
sensitivity. Stress-protective HSP are often overexpressed in
neoplastic tissues and cancer cell lines [168–170], and there- Quantitative RT-PCR is a common technique in our clinical
fore HSP inhibition might become a new therapeutic strategy setting, especially when we have frozen samples in stock.
to inhibit multiple receptor pathways. The authors illustrated cDNA is used as template and primers exon sequences flank
640 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

the rupture points of translocations. Amplified products are carboxy-terminal. Immunohistochemistry can be accom-
resolved in an agarose gel. Optionally, DNA product in aga- plished by antibodies directed to WT1 amino domain and
rose gel may be transferred onto a nylon membrane and incu- carboxy-terminal [177]. The fusion is detected thanks to the
bated with DNA complementary probes. Some authors immunoreactivity of the latter and the absence of it within
suggest the use of quantitative RT-PCR for diagnosis [174]. the first domain. Similarly, NPM-ALK fusion can be detected
Rupture points in translocations usually take place in cer- in 60 % of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors; the overex-
tain introns. However, the site within the intron where the pression of ALK1 carboxyl domain is detected thanks to a
rupture takes place is very variable. As a result the fusion specific antibody [178], while in other similar morphological
structure at genomic DNA level is less predictable than that lesions (nodular fasciitis, fibromatosis) no immunoreactivity
at RNA level, where it has a more constant number of exons is found for ALK1. Last example is the atypical lipomatous
from each gene involved in the fusion. This is the reason why tumor/well-differentiated liposarcoma (ALT-WDLPS) and
RNA is the material of choice for detecting translocations in dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DDLPS) which may be diffi-
sarcomas using RT-PCR. We therefore insist on the creation cult to distinguish from benign adipose tumors and from
and maintenance of tumor banks, as frozen material is the poorly differentiated sarcomas, respectively. Genetically,
best source of good quality RNA. they are characterized by amplification of MDM2 and CDK4
Other diagnostic methods include conventional cytoge- genes on chromosome 12q13-15. MDM2 and CDK4 immu-
netics and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Specific nostainings, which correlate with gene amplification, are
probes flanking rupture points in translocations (fusion sig- helpful adjuncts to differentiate ALT-WDLPS from benign
nal probes) are marked with fluorescent molecules. At least adipose tumors and to separate DDLPS from poorly differ-
two probes are necessary for detecting sequences, one for entiated sarcomas [179]. Although in practice it is hard to
each gene involved. Each probe is marked with a different have specific antibodies for each epitope of interest, this sys-
fluorochrome. We recently developed a FISH probe to detect tem could be employed in some other translocations that are
EWS-FLI translocations which allow us to show that MSC-P present in sarcomas.
does not show the chimeric rearrangement [10]. Other times,
probes are designed for detecting any gene rearranging in the
fusion (split signal probe). The advantage of the FISH 34.7.2 Detection of Translocation
method is that it can yield trustful results even when the in Clinical Material
amount of available tissue is scarce or when there is only
paraffin-embedded material left, and it can be used for tissue Despite the fact that sometimes we have to rely on a small or
microarrays [175], or it can even be used in tumor tissue morphologically distorted biopsy, a great advantage of
samples. The rub is that a fluorescent microscope is neces- molecular pathology techniques is the fact they provide
sary, and this makes the FISH method a technique difficult to material fixed in formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin
be integrated in a small pathology lab. The CISH technique, [180]. RT-PCR can detect them in roughly 50 % of cases,
wherein immunofluorescence is substituted by a chromogen depending on the author’s experience. RNA is extracted with
(similar to those employed in immunohistochemistry), is a longer proteolytic treatment than usual and employing
employed in diagnostic routine for detection of gene ampli- primers that delimit a very short PCR product. For instance,
fications (e.g., HER2 in breast carcinoma) but at least with the French Sarcoma Group [181] proved, through a study
current technology has a poor use for detecting transloca- that includes the detection of SYT-SSX fusions, characteris-
tions [175]. In the future, this technique could be used for tic of the synovial sarcoma in 250 tumors fixed with several
detecting translocations in sarcomas if it were suitably usual fixatives and embedded in paraffin, that the technique’s
improved. sensitivity is over 95 % (as long as tissues are not fixed with
Very differently to what takes place with lymphomas, a Bouin) and specificity reaches 100 %. FISH output is, at
few types of proteins can be detected with immunohisto- least, similar to that of RT-PCR with regard to paraffin-
chemistry. The alveolar sarcoma in the soft tissues is a good embedded material [180].
example of it; it shows a t(X;17)(p11;q25) translocation and As for cytologic material, not only extensions but also
a TFE3-ASPL fusion. An effect derived from fusion is the material obtained through fine needle aspiration cytology is
TFE3 overexpression. This can be detected by over-the- a good source of high-quality RNA for cytogenetic and
counter monoclonal antibodies, and represents a practically molecular studies [79, 80, 182]. Routinely, once the diagno-
specific finding which is shared by some kidney carcinomas sis is certain, we carry out an additional sample for molecu-
in children [176]. Another example is seen in the desmoplas- lar studies. RT-PCR and FISH are especially easy applicable
tic tumor of small round cell tumor, wherein a fusion is techniques for cytological samples from mesenchymal
detected; it includes the EWS amino-terminal end and WT1 tumor origin.
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 641

34.7.3 Should Molecular Techniques to Detect • Detection of point mutations in genes is key for cellular
Translocations Always Be Carried Out? signaling. The best example at present is detecting the
presence and exonic localization of c-kit mutations for the
It is obvious that anatomopathological diagnosis, in most differential diagnosis of GIST and diagnosis of their
sarcomas, is carried out with many difficulties when it is rep- secondary resistances to imatinib/sunitinib.
resented under its usual clinical-pathological context (age,
localization, etc). To answer this question, we would like to When in previous situations it was necessary to resort to
make a distinction between essential and convenient indica- molecular techniques to be able to confirm a diagnosis, perhaps
tions. The following are essential ones: it may be convenient, from a dimension more bound to research,
to carry out molecular assessments in as many cases as possi-
• The appearance of an unusual morphological variant (e.g., ble. This must be specially taken into account with regard to the
a synovial sarcoma, poorly differentiated, which appears in design of clinical trials, wherein molecular data may become
the usual place and age for a 27-year-old male, close to inclusion criteria for patients or in the case of tumor banks
knee joint; a tumor similar in morphology to an adamanti- whose value is proportional to the quantity and quality of clini-
noma on the frontal tibia side, but having areas with round cal and molecular data attached to each sample.
cells, may suggest the differential diagnosis with a ES).
• The appearance of a sarcoma with a usual morphological
aspect, but at an unusual age. It is applicable to round cell 34.8 Minimal Residual Disease Detection
or spindle-shaped sarcomas, having translocations that
are characteristic in patients over 40 years (Fig. 34.5). RT-PCR is extremely specific and sensitive; it permits the
• The appearance of a sarcoma with a usual morphologic detection of very low levels of tumor cells, even if they are
aspect, but in an anomalous localization (e.g., a cutaneous mixed with a high number of healthy cells, as in the case of
ES, vesical or renal; they may be mistaken for small cell/ bone marrow samples, or peripheral blood. Therefore, it is a
neuroendocrine carcinomas). robust method for carrying out a molecular staging, or moni-
• Differentiation between a sarcoma and some other tumor toring the response to treatment. Determining the presence
which may simulate it, the latter not being a sarcoma. The of cells with chimeric transcripts by RT-PCR has an unques-
most usual example in my experience is that regarding a tionable potential in clinical applications, as tumor staging is
fusocellular tumor in the costal ribs which suggests a dif- the variable having more prognostic value in sarcomas.
ferential diagnosis between synovial sarcoma in pleura Presumably some patients with localized disease may have
and pleural mesothelioma or a malignant solitary fibrous an unfavorable prognosis due to a minimal metastatic dis-
tumor; or the differential diagnosis between a melanoma ease presence, undetectable by conventional methods. There
and a clear cell sarcoma of soft tissues. are, for instance, several groups who report that the detection

Fig. 34.5 Molecular pathology applied to diagnosis. This case corre- a synovial sarcoma and a sarcomatoid mesothelioma. Demonstration of
sponds to a 72 year-old woman with a solitary nodule in the lung, with SYT rearrangement by FISH (b), characteristic of synovial sarcoma,
a wide involvement of the pleura. Tumor morphology shows (a) a spin- seen as a splitting of one pair of green-red signals, was useful to confirm
dle cell malignant tumor; differential diagnosis in this location included the diagnosis of synovial sarcoma.
642 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

of cells having EWS-FLI1 or EWS-ERG fusions in periph- expression of fusions [189] will be useful for the research of
eral blood or bone marrow in patients with localized disease target genes in chimeric proteins; these genes, in turn, could
is associated to tumor progression or systemic relapses of become therapeutic targets.
Ewing tumor [79, 80, 183]. Similar results have been
observed by detecting PAX3-FKHR fusions, which are char-
acteristic of alveolar RMS [184]. However, there are still a 34.10 Sarcoma Classification
large number of methodological and clinical questions to
resolve in order to know what sort of prognostic and thera- 34.10.1 Contribution of Translocations
peutic implications entail the detection of any circulating
disease through RT-PCR. (a) At present, we accept that both Ewing sarcoma and
peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor of bone and
soft tissues (pPNT) are the same entity, having a variable
34.9 Translocations as Therapeutic Targets degree of neural differentiation, due fundamentally to the
fact that they share an equal function (for instance, EWS-
From now on, determining the molecular mechanisms FLI1, to mention the most frequent one) [190].
involved in the genesis of the different sarcomas may have (b) TLS-CHOP fusions are present both in round cell lipo-
very important consequences at the time of improving treat- sarcomas and myxoid liposarcoma; this confirms it is the
ments for patients who suffer from these neoplasms. The same entity, something we suspected, as tumors having
point is that new drugs can be designed for acting specifi- areas with both patterns had been previously reported.
cally on some of these gene alterations. As we have expressed (c) Most extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas have EWS-
previously, some chimeric proteins have kinase tyrosine CHN fusion, which is absent in bone myxoid chondrosar-
activity; some of them may respond to imatinib (Gleevec). comas. This fact, together with some clinical–pathological
For example, some clinical studies on the treatment of der- differences, suggests they are diverse entities.
matofibrosarcoma protuberans with imatinib have been pub- (d) Some undifferentiated RMS, having a solid growing pat-
lished and they show an excellent response rate [185]. Let us tern, and liable to be diagnosed as embryonary, turn up in
not forget this tumor overexpresses a tyrosine kinase activity, localizations and age groups typical for alveolar RMS.
and imatinib shows an intense action against it [186]. Some They also have PAX3-FKHR fusion, very typical of the
other chimeric proteins will probably benefit from new latter, and represent the solid variant of alveolar RMS.
drugs, as shown in Table 34.2. Lastly, in the case of chimeric (e) DSRCT is not only peculiar for its clinical presentation
proteins (mostly in sarcomas) as transcription factors, the in the form of peritoneal nodules in male adolescents,
RNA interference phenomenon has been put into practice and for its divergent immunophenotype, but also for its
experimentally on, for instance, some cellular lines in Ewing characteristic gene fusion EWS-WT1, which was actu-
tumor with EWS-FLI1 fusion; a diminution in both, the tran- ally reported simultaneously to the tumor entity.
scription and translation of the fusion, as well as a marked
modification of the tumorigenic capacity of tumor cells, both
in cellular and animal models, was observed (Fig. 34.4) [124, 34.10.2 Genomics Contribution: Application
187]. Interestingly, some recent reports have shown some of Multiple Expression Techniques
drugs with certain specificity towards EWS-FLI inducing
tumor cell death [188]. These results are very stimulating as Even though genomic and proteomic mass analysis tech-
they open the door to new therapeutic possibilities, although niques may be employed for sifting mutations or detecting
it will not be easy to transfer this model to clinical trials. polymorphisms, the study of gene expression profiles is the
Besides, it is believed this experimental technique, together most straightforward application in the field of gene expres-
with opposite experiments, namely, studies on inducible sion. Although all cells have the same genes, only 5 % of
them are expressed in a particular cell at a particular moment.
Therefore, the study of gene expression through multiple
Table 34.2 Gene fusions that trigger tyrosine kinase activity expression techniques yields a privileged piece of informa-
Tumor Protein Imatinib treatable? tion on the function and state of a healthy tumor cell.
Dermatofibrosarcoma COL1A1-PDGFBa Yes Whatever the technology employed in the multiple expres-
sion studies (DNA or oligonucleotides arrays), it is advisable
Infantile fibrosarcoma ETV6-NTRK3 No
to mention the result that has been obtained consists in the
Inflammatory TMP3/TMP4/ No
myofibroblastic tumor CLTC2-ALK
relative level of expression of a problem sample with regard
a to that of control. That is to say, it represents quantitative
Through PDGFR
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 643

changes in the gene of the problem sample between two A new group of studies seems to be more useful and practi-
different samples. These differences may reach several cal. For instance, a new study carried out by a British group
hundred-fold. The great amount of data obtained calls for the [193] is capable of finding a few genes whose expression
application of a bioinformatics technique in an attempt to levels arrange, at the diagnostic instant, leiomyosarcoma
group all studied problem samples with regard to their simi- patients into two groups, showing a clearly different proba-
larity in expression patterns. There are two systems of group- bility of producing metastasis during the course of the dis-
ing, called supervised or non-supervised. In supervised ease. A study including 29 RMS (alveolar and embryonary),
grouping systems some previous knowledge of the analyzed well characterized from the cytogenetic point of view, finds
objects is taken into account (e.g., anatomopathological a group of genes that differentiate both subtypes, and, best of
diagnosis) for carrying out a comparison between two tumor all, finds a new type of translocation when a patient showing
groups differing in a specific characteristic (e.g., liposar- no known translocations and included in the alveolar RMS
coma versus leiomyosarcoma, good response versus bad group was re-studied [194]. A profound study on the genomic
response). On the other hand, non-supervised analysis is car- profile of extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomas points out
ried out without paying attention to any previous knowledge this tumor has a high PPARG expression; there are specific
in order to avoid any bias in the classification [191]. inhibitors against it and it could become a therapeutic target
There are few studies employing this technology in sarco- [89]. A complete expression study was published on 181 sar-
mas. Nielsen and col., for instance, employed various types comas, with the help of cDNA arrays, wherein some impor-
of cDNA microarrays to analyze 46 samples from all types tant molecular targets are identified in some tumor subtypes
of sarcomas [60]. First carrying out a non-supervised study [59]. The authors have made a public database available on
they found five large groups of genes that express coordi- the Internet (
nately. Three of these groups correspond to GIST, synovial Multiple expression techniques must be regarded as a
sarcomas, and schwannomas, the fourth group represented potentially useful complement to the usual diagnostic tech-
leiomyosarcomas, and the fifth one represented a group of niques [195]. The aim of microarray technology is not based
tumors that included all malignant fibrous histiocytomas, on classifying tumors that can be classified by simpler, more
pleomorphic liposarcomas, and a second group of leiomyo- economical, more conventional methods, but to get, on a
sarcomas. It is comforting, and not surprising, that a non- genomic level, markers yielding new information on a prog-
supervised analysis comprising tens of thousands of genes nostic or therapeutic basis [196]. It does not seem probable, in
reproduced quite well the classification of sarcomas patholo- the short or medium term, that conventional techniques will
gists have been using for the last 100 years; nevertheless, this be substituted by new molecular pathology techniques.
analysis represents certain refinement in the classification of Contradictions shown in the genomic studies, previously
sarcomas. As an example, malignant fibrous histiocytoma is mentioned, reflect the limitations these techniques show at
not an entity itself; it represents a group of high-grade sarco- present. They are very expensive, available in few centers
mas including liposarcomas and pleomorphic leiomyosarco- and reproducibility is affected by the type of arrays or the
mas. Secondly, Nielsen et al. carried out a supervised analysis sampling carried out in the tumor samples. An interesting
(that is to say having the diagnosis in mind) to see what study published recently [197] makes us reflect on the effect
genes make one type of tumor different from another. In this sampling has on the reproducibility of microarray studies. It
study, they saw some genes codifying proteins already is worth noting that the pathologist’s role is to portray sarco-
known and employed for differential diagnosis in sarcomas mas (and other types of tumors) as heterogeneous entities
through histochemistry (e.g., Kit for GIST, or S-100 for with regard to their morphology and molecular characteris-
schwannomas), but also tens of genes with differential tics, and therefore it is crucial, for the quality of the experi-
expression, unknown until now, that could be employed from ment, to carefully select the tumor areas to be studied. On the
now on in the differential diagnosis [60]. other hand, it is worth bearing in mind that results of multiple
Some studies are rather focused on specific groups of expression studies are not the objective themselves, and must
tumors, as in the case of a study that supports the classification be validated by RT-PCR, or immunohistochemistry on tissue
of clear cell sarcomas in soft tissues as a subtype of melanoma section.
thanks to its expression profiles [192]. However, some other Bearing that in mind, it is expected that high output tech-
studies yield contradictory results, for instance, with regard to niques, both genomic and proteomic, which allow a massive
differentiation between synovial sarcoma and malignant study of human tumor samples, will have a profound impact
peripheral nerve sheath tumor (malignant schwannoma). on the classification of sarcomas, and they will provide new
While a study by Nielsen and col., previously mentioned, sets diagnostic and response markers over drugs. However, we
them apart, an article appeared almost simultaneously show- must have in stock a series of easy-to-implement tools for the
ing them to be associated in the same group. A number of clinical sphere; that is to say, its information must be easily
methodological aspects can be in the origin of this situation. integrated with that generated by platforms already existing.
644 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

Current platforms, for instance, are not directly applicable to a high-risk group that may benefit from adjuvant therapy
the daily diagnostic routine of a National Health System leading to likely clinical benefit.
such as ours. The introduction of proteomics and genomics in In a similar approach, Holt et al. described tissue profiling
the clinical field will probably be carried out in the short run by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spec-
through the design and validation of markers that may employ trometry (MALDI MS) as a tool for orthopedic research
the existing technological platforms in this medium, such as [202]. The usefulness of proteomic over histopathological
immunochemistry, FISH or flow cytometry, and only in the analyses to predict STS behavior is reported to be based in its
medium run through the design and validation of new genomic ability to objectively predict tumor grade and behavior. They
and or proteomic tools. In other words, it is predictable, for detected differentially expressed proteins in high-grade and
instance, that most markers that are derived from studies of low-grade STS.
microarrays will be adapted through immunohistochemistry Recently, a differential approach was used to highlight
to the clinical-pathological context by the development of new proteomic changes between human osteosarcoma cells and
antibodies that may be used in paraffin-embedded material. mature osteoblasts [203]. Changes in expression profiles for
A good example of this is the finding and subsequent valida- 17 proteins were ascertained in human mature osteoblasts
tion of two new markers that are very useful in the clinical compared to pre-osteoblasts (differentiation markers).
management of GIST. This was thanks to genomics and Results also showed a relative over-expression of 8 proteins
immunohistochemistry studies carried out in large series of (proliferation and tumor indicators), as well as under-
patients. These markers are DOG1 [198] and protein kinase C expression of proteins also found downregulated in pre-
theta (PKC) [199]; they are not only markers, and specific to a osteoblasts (specific markers of osteoblast differentiation).
greater extent, but also probable therapeutic targets. In particular, three markers reported in the article exhibited
features potentially related to the osteosarcoma metastatic
potential. These findings also confirmed the differences
34.10.3 Proteomic Profiling between cell lines and primary human cell cultures.
and Classification of Sarcomas

Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins, particularly 34.11 Mouse Models of Sarcoma
their expression levels, structures, and functions. It can be
defined as the study of the proteome, the complete set of pro- Roughly, mouse animal models of sarcomas can be divided
teins produced by a species, using the technologies of large- into two: the xenograft models and genetically engineered
scale protein separation and identification. The term mouse models (GEM). Xenograft models are developed by
proteomics was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins, who defined implantation of tissue of human (xenogeneic or xenograft
it as “…the study of proteins, how they’re modified, when and model) or mice origin (syngeneic model) mainly into immu-
where they’re expressed, how they’re involved in metabolic nocompetent mice. These models have been used mainly to
pathways and how they interact with one another…” [200]. test the effects of new drugs [160, 204, 205]. Such is the case
In oncological research, proteomics is an emerging technol- of the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program supported by the
ogy that can evaluate normal and abnormal protein expression National Cancer Institute (NCI), aimed to identify new drugs
in tissues. To date, tissue profiling has been successfully uti- active against childhood cancers, which makes use of a panel
lized to detect proteins specific to almost any type of cancer. of 61 childhood tumor xenografts [205]. Xenograft models
For instance, Suehara et al. performed a global protein have been used also to gain knowledge about the pathogen-
expression study on soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) in order to esis and histogenesis of ES and to generate a biobank of sar-
develop novel diagnostic biomarkers and allow molecular coma samples [2]. However, despite of the great amount of
classification [201]. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was information that these models provide, they have some limi-
used to generate the global protein expression profiles of 80 tations. For instance, normal architecture present in the
soft-tissue sarcoma samples with seven different histological patient tumor specimens is altered in xenografts and the
backgrounds. They found that 67 protein spots distinguished genetic heterogeneity is diminished as a result of the selec-
the subtypes of soft-tissue sarcoma. Among them, the expres- tive pressure of cell culture or tissue explantation. Moreover,
sion pattern of a reduced group of proteins could discrimi- in these models is not possible to assess accurately the
nate certain types of sarcomas into low-risk and high-risk metastasis formation, which is a key issue in the survival of
groups, which differed significantly with respect to survival. patients. Therefore, the data obtained by using these models
These results open the road in proteomics to develop novel should be taken into account carefully, especially when a
biomarkers for diagnosis and molecular classification of drug is checked [206].
soft-tissue sarcomas. Identification of proteins associated with Development of GEM has allowed gaining insight into
survival in specific cases of sarcomas will allow delineation of the origin cell of sarcomas (Table 34.3). Several strategies
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 645

Table 34.3 GEM of fusion genes of sarcomasa

Model Fusion Promoters Expression place Phenotype Reference
– Conditional transgenic EWS-FLI1 Prx1 (Cre mouse) Primitive mesenchymal Poorly differentiated Lin et al. [214]
(Cre-loxP) tissues of the embryonic sarcomas
– Deletion of p53 limb bud
Conditional knock-in SYT-SSX2 – Rosa26 (loxP mice) Myoblast Sinovial Haldar et al. [57]
(Cre-loxP) – Myf5 (Cre mouse) Myocyte, myofiber Myopathy
– Myf6 (Cre mouse) Progenitors cells Lethality
– PAX-7; PAX3 (Cre
Conditional knock-in EWS-FLI1 Rosa26 (loxP mice) Bone marrow Myeloid/erythroid Torchia et al.
(Cre-loxP) MX1-cre Liver, spleen, and leukemia [207]
hematopoietic tissues
Invertor EWS-ERG EWS endogenous (loxP Lymphocyte Leukemia Forster et al.
mice) [210]
Rag1 (Cre mouse)
Conditional knock-in PAX3-FKHR Pax7 (Cre mouse) Progenitor cells No tumor Keller et al. [49]
(Cre-loxP) (satellite)
– Conditional knock-in PAX3-FKHR Myf6 (Cre mouse) Myofiber No tumor Keller et al. [48]
(Cre-loxP) Rhabdomyosarcoma
– Knock-out Trp53 or
Transgenic FUS-CHOP EF1-α All tissues Liposarcoma Perez losada
et al. [208, 282]
Table obtained from Ordonez et al. [2]

have been used to develop genetic engineered models of can be solved by generating conditional mouse models using
tumors showing translocations as sarcomas and hematologi- site specific recombinases that allow a spatiotemporal con-
cal malignancies. These models can be generated by injec- trol of the chimeric fusion gene. The P1 bacteriophage Cre-
tion of cDNA into fertilized oocytes (transgenic mouse) or Lox system is the most widely use. The Cre-recombinase
through gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. The embryo mediates the recombination between loxP sites, a pair of
lethality as a consequence of the expression of fusion genes inverted repeat DNA elements. Depending on the orientation
is the main problem to overcome [57, 207]. and location of loxP sites, recombination mediates by Cre
Some transgenic mice have been engineered to induce the induces deletion, inversion, or translocation of the sequence
expression of fusion genes in a nonphysiological manner of interest. To generate a Cre-lox mice expressing the fusion
under the control of exogenous promoters or enhancer ele- gene is necessary to engineered two transgenic mouse lines,
ments [206, 208]. In its simpler version transgenic mouse are a cre mouse, and a loxP mouse. The cre mouse harbors the
developed by pronuclear injection of gene-fusion cDNA Cre-recombinase gene under the control of a tissue specific
constructs under the control of exogenous both ubiquitous or promoter. The loxP mouse can be engineered to harbor the
tissue specific promoters. chimeric fusion gene and a stop cassette upstream of the
Another big group of models expresses the fusion genes fusion place or gene flanking by loxP sites in the same orien-
from their native promoters through knock-in technology. tation. After breeding the two mouse lines, expression of Cre
Some of them make use of specific recombinases as Cre in the Cre-lox mice induces the excision of the stop cassette
allowing a spatiotemporal control of the chimeric gene and subsequently expression of the fusion gene.
expression. These models include the knock-in model, the
conditional knock-in model, the translocator model, and the
inverter model [209–212]. These models use homologous 34.11.1 Ewing Sarcoma
recombination in embryonic stem cells (ESC) to induce gene
fusions and transfer them into the mouse germ line. The Until 2001 only a few studies with models of ES, mainly
knock-in strategy approach of creating fusion genes by xenograft had been developed [213]. At present, there have
homologous recombination in ESC was initially tested in the been also reported several GEM models harboring ES gene
development of hematological malignancies [209]. However, fusions but they did not show the expected ES phenotype
the knock-in model has two important limitations as the [207, 214].
embryonic lethality usually conferred by the fusion genes Xenograft models of ES were developed in mice implanted
and the difficulty of obtain cell-specific effects. These problems with murine primary bone-derived cells and mesenchymal
646 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

progenitor cells expressing EWS-FLI1 to gain knowledge 34.11.2 Osteosarcoma

about the origin of ES [22, 215]. Several ES metastatic mod-
els were also developed by injecting ES tumor cells through Various syngeneic and xenogeneic models of osteosarcoma
the tail vein of immunocompetent mice. These models have been developed. A syngeneic orthotopic model of pri-
resemble human ES metastatic pattern, including skeletal mary osteosarcoma and pulmonary metastases was devel-
and extraskeletal locations [187, 216]. Recently, a different oped by implantation of tumor pieces of mouse osteosarcoma
strategy to induce metastasis formation was reported. into the tibia of nude mice. These tumor pieces derived from
Gonzalez et al. injected cells transduced with the EWS-FLI two mouse osteosarcoma cell lines (K7M2 and K12) which
fusion types 1, 2, and 3 into the left cardiac ventricle of athy- showed different aggressive behavior regarding the meta-
mic mice. The aim of this approach was to overcome the static potential [219]. The histology of these tumors was very
limitation impose by the fact that lung metastasis formation close to the human counterpart. Another xenogeneic model
after injection of cells via tail vein could not reflect necessar- of primary osteosarcoma and pulmonary metastatic lesions
ily metastatic activity as lungs bear the first capillary bed that resembling the human lessons was developed by orthotopic
cells face after tail vein injection [217]. This model is useful implantation of a rat osteosarcoma cell line name UMR 106
to test the effects of drugs and new systems in inhibiting the into the proximal tibia of athymic mice [220]. This model
tumor growth. has been used to study the role of urokinase plasminogen
At present, a GEM of ES has not been developed and even activator system (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR) showing that
there was no report indicating any attempt to achieve that downregulation of uPAR expression provokes reduction in
model until recently [207]. The embryo lethality as a result of tumor growth and metastases [220, 221]. Another metastatic
the expression of the fusion genes characteristic for ES is murine model established by using LM8 murine osteosar-
probably the main explanation to the no existence of a trans- coma cells which metastasizes to lung after subcutaneous
genic model to date [207, 210]. Torchia et al. bypassed the implantation, has been used recently to test the efficacy of
embryo lethality induced by EWS-FLI1 and published the first new anti-osteosarcoma treatments as gemcitabine an inter-
GEM of EWS-FLI1 [207]. They generated a GEM of EWS- leukin-18 [222, 223]. Xenograft models of osteosarcoma by
FLI1 by using a knock-in conditional approach, using a loxP- using human cell lines (U2OS, SaOS-2, HOS, KRIB, and
flanked (floxed) transcription stop (loxP-STOP-loxP). The cre 143b) have also been reported. U2OS model of primary and
mouse was engineered to produce a Cre-inducible recombi- metastatic disease was developed by subcutaneous and intra-
nase under the promoter Mx1 after administration of α/β inter- vascular injection of cells, respectively. In this study it was
feron (pIpC). However, EWS-FLI expression after Cre assessed the anti-angiogenic effect of transfecting the alka-
induction after a single administration of pIpC did not gener- line phosphatase gene [224]. However, at present it has not
ate ES tumors but instead myeloid/erythroid leukemia and been reported a study of testing drugs using this model. Tail
provoked the death of the animals about 15 days after admin- vein injection of SaOS-2 cells and derived cells such as
istration. Moreover, a group of animals that were not pIpC SAOS-LM6, SAOS-LM7 in athymic mice has allowed estab-
administered developed a similar pathology as pIpC-treated lishing other metastatic model of human sarcoma. This
mice indicating a basal expression of Cre and consequently of model was used to study the effects of new anti-metastatic
EWS-FLI1 [207]. More recently, a conditional transgenic drugs such as adriamycin, interleukin 12, gemcitabine [225–
GEM was created by inducing type-1 EWS-FLI1 expression 227]. More recently an orthotopic murine model of primary
in the primitive MSC of the embryonic limb buds, making use and metastatic osteosarcoma has been induced by implanting
of specific recombinases (Cre-lox system), which allow for a the non-transformed SaOS-2 cell line into the tibia, probing
spatial-temporal control of the chimeric gene. However, it did be useful in testing the anti-tumor effects of pigment
not induce tumor formation, but did elicit several limb defects. epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) [228–230]. Other models
Animals developed poorly differentiated sarcomas (but not have been established by using derivatives of the human
ES) only in the setting of p53 deletion [214]. osteosarcoma cell line HOS, such as KRIB, MNNG/HOS,
A different strategy was used by the Professor Rabbitts´ and 143B, created by using several transforming agents as
group, who generated T-cell lymphomas by conditional v-Ki-Ras, N-methyl-N´-nitro-N-nitroguanidine, and Ki-Ras,
expression in haematopoietic cells of the EWS-ERG, a char- respectively [231]. Orthotopic intratibial inoculation of
acteristic ES fusion gene. This goal was achieved by making KIRB cells induced primary and secondary lesions in lungs
use of the inverter model, (a new version of knock-in strategy in 100 % of mice. As review by Dass et al. other models
using loxP sites) in which the target gene is orientated in the derived from the HOS cell line derivatives has been used to
reverse direction for transcription [210]. Recently, Torres test the effects of new treatments [231]. A study published
et al. using a different approached named as, RNA-guided recently showed a different tumorigenicity potential of HOS,
CRISPR-Cas9 system, generated de novo EWS-FLI translo- MNNG/HOS, and 143B cell lines after orthotopic intratibial
cations in vitro [218]. administration in mice. HOS mice did not develop tumors
34 Molecular Pathology of Sarcomas 647

showing the lowest grade of tumorigenicity while 143B mice less differentiated cells such as Progenitors expressing Pax3
develop primary a metastatic lesions showing the higher or Pax7 mice suffer embryonic lethality [57]. All these find-
grade. The use of the three cell lines was proposed as a model ings indicate the relevance of correct selection of the target
to study the osteosarcoma biology [232]. Nevertheless, these cell line in which the fusion gene should be expressed.
models have the great inconvenient that after transformation Recently, the same investigators, using a tamoxifen-inducible
several signaling pathways are altered and therefore do not CreER strategy, suggested a possible non-myoblast origin
longer mimic the human disease. for synovial sarcoma as well [58].

34.11.3 Liposarcoma 34.11.5 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Some xenografts models of liposarcoma have been devel- A conditional knock-in strategy was used to generate an
oped to study the biology of tumor, the efficacy of new drugs alveolar RMS model, by inducing the expression of PAX3-
and the histogenesis [38, 233]. Perez Losada et al. generated FKHR gene in muscle skeletal cells by using a Myf6-Cre
a transgenic GEM of liposarcoma by pronuclear injection mouse line [48]. However, the only expression of PAX3-
into fertilized eggs of a cDNA construct including the human FKHR did not produce an alveolar RMS phenotype and
FUS-CHOP gene under the control of the elongation factor additional inactivation of the Ink4a/Arf and Trp53 pathways
1α promoter (EF-1α). Despite the use of a ubiquitous pro- was necessary [48]. Interestingly, expression of PAX3-
moter, animals developed specifically liposarcomas and the FKHR early in development in muscle satellite cells by using
phenotype of these tumors was very close to the human phe- a Pax-7-Cre did not trigger RMS [49, 234].
notype, mimicking the chromosomal translocation effects On the other hand, another GEM of RMS has been pub-
[208]. Moreover, induction of FUS-CHOP seemed not to be lished. PTC heterozygous knock-out mice develop spontane-
lethal for the mice as compare with other sarcoma fusion ous RMS in a model of basal cell carcinoma [235]. Other
genes such as EWS-FLI1, EWS-ERG, SYT-SSX, Pax3-Fkhr models of RMS were developed in knock-out mice of p16-
[57, 207, 208, 210]. INK4a (−/−) transgenic for the hepatocyte growth factor/
scatter factor [236]. Double knock-out mice Trp53−/−;
Fos−/− developed invasive RMS [237]. On the other hand,
34.11.4 Synovial Sarcoma an HER-2/neu transgenic mouse coupled with p53 inactiva-
tion can induce RMS [238]. Tsumura et al. developed a
Haldar and col. developed a model of synovial sarcoma by pleiomorphic RMS mouse model by conditional activation
inducing the expression of SYT-SSX2 fusion gene in myo- of RAS and P53 loss [239].
blast. When the expression of the chimeric gene occurred in
other cells of skeletal muscle lineage animals not developed
synovial sarcoma phenotype but myopathy or embryonic 34.12 Conclusions
lethality. They used a conditional knock-in strategy in which
two transgenic mouse lines (loxP mouse and Cre mouse) Sarcoma research is expected to be extremely fruitful in the
were generated. The loxP mouse was engineered to express next years. Both US and European opinion leaders agree in
SYT-SSX2 from the endogenous Rosa26 promoter on chro- that major needs for translational research in sarcomas
mosome 6. Between the promoter and the SYT-SSX2 cDNA include some of the following ones: (1) focus research on
there was a transcriptional termination signal (Neo-PA) key areas of sarcoma biology, including, i.e., cell of origin,
flanked by loxP sites. In absence of Cre, SYT-SSX2 is not targets of chimeric proteins, secondary genetic alterations
transcribed but in the presence of Cre, Neo-PA is excised and indicating possible new tumor suppressor genes; (2) new tar-
the transcription starts. The Cre mouse was engineered to geted therapies in sarcomas, using key signal transduction
induce Cre in those myoblasts expressing Myf5. This is a molecules or the translocations themselves; (3) development
myogenic regulatory factor playing a crucial role in the spec- of sarcoma-specific animal models, allowing availability of
ification of skeletal muscle lineage and whose expression good experimental models for target discovery; (4) availabil-
starts early in embryogenesis. They also investigated the ity of high-throughput technologies to screen cases at the
effects of expression of SYT-SSX2 in other skeletal muscle genomic DNA, RNA, or protein levels; (5) development of
cells, which were less or more undifferentiated than Myf5 sarcoma-specific sample repositories (biobanks) including
expressing myoblasts. When the chimeric protein was frozen tumor samples, cells, and plasma from sarcoma
induced in more undifferentiated cells such as myocytes and patients; and (6) development of collaborative networks of
myofibers expressing the Myf6 myogenic regulatory factor, sarcoma research, allowing for interchange of materials,
mice developed myopathy. When SYT-SSX2 was induced in researchers, and sarcoma centers.
648 J.L. Ordóñez et al.

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Molecular Biology of Human Brain
Tumors 35
Daniel Coluccia, Adrienne Weeks, Javier Fandino,
Christian Schneider, Christian Smith, and James T. Rutka

tumor. For example, brainstem gliomas, medulloblastomas or

35.1 Introduction intracranial ependymomas are usually found in children and
adolescents [1]. Even though children constitute only 7 % of
The Central Brain Tumor Registry of the USA estimates the all CNS tumors, these tumors comprise 25 % of all cancers in
annual incidence of primary brain and central nervous system infants and are the most frequent solid tumor and the second
(CNS) tumors at 7.3/100,000 for malignant and 13.3/100,000 most common neoplasm in their age group after leukemia [1,
for nonmalignant tumors [1]. A true comparison of incidence 5]. The only established environmental risk factor is exposure
numbers across different time periods and countries is diffi- to elevated ionizing radiation [2, 3]. Other environmental car-
cult given the inconsistency of data collection methods and cinogens possibly related to increased brain tumor formation
the diversity in diagnostic criteria. Available diagnosis rates have been examined, such as n-nitroso compounds and poly-
for malignant gliomas spanning the last three decades do not cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but no correlation was found
allow the determination of an increase or decline of age [2, 3]. Nonionizing radiation such as cellular phones or smok-
adapted incidence [2, 3], despite remarkable changes of ing have also been extensively evaluated, but no reliable causal
environment and lifestyle in industrial nations. link has been established [2, 3]. Chronic viral infections,
The etiology of most brain tumors is largely unknown. In which are recognized as important risk factors for various can-
gliomas, familial clustering is found in about 5 % and in 1 % cers [6], are also implicated as triggering processes in brain
an autosomal dominant inheritance is assumed [4]. Besides tumors. Studies of persistent immunohistochemical detection
family history, demographic risk factors listed are age and of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in glioblastoma and the benefit of
gender. Most brain tumors such as gliomas occur in older adding antiviral drugs to the standard treatment protocols are
adults with a slight predominance in males [1]. However, this still premature, but importantly remain part of an ongoing
might be different depending on origin and location of the debate into the etiology of some gliomas [7, 8].
The term brain tumor applies to cancers that arise in
different parenchymal layers and tissues from various cellu-
D. Coluccia, M.D. lar origins within the central nervous system. The 2007
Division of Neurosurgery, The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain
Tumor Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children,
WHO classification identifies seven categories of brain
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada tumors, depending on the presumed histogenetic origin: (1)
Department of Neurosurgery, Cantonal Hospital of Aarau,
neuroepithelial, (2) cranial and paraspinal nerves, (3) menin-
Aarau, Switzerland geal and mesenchymal, (4) lymphomas and hematopoietic
A. Weeks, Ph.D., M.D., F.R.C.S.C.
neoplasms, (5) germ cell tumors, (6) sellar region, and (7)
Division of Neurosurgery, Dalhousie University, metastases [9].
Halifax, NS, Canada In this chapter we will focus on neuroepithelial tumors
J. Fandino, M.D. derived from central neuroglia, which have an annual inci-
Department of Neurosurgery, Cantonal Hospital of Aarau, dence of 6.6/100,000 and account for the most malignant
Aarau, Switzerland forms of primary brain tumors [1]. We review the basic biol-
C. Schneider, M.D. • C. Smith ogy of human brain tumors with a special focus placed on
J.T. Rutka, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P. (*) the most common primary brain tumors in adults and children
Division of Neurosurgery, The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain
Tumor Research Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children,
including the astrocytoma and medulloblastoma (Fig. 35.1).
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada These and other human brain tumors will be discussed insofar
e-mail: as their relationships to the familial predisposition syndromes,

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 657

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_35
658 D. Coluccia et al.

Fig. 35.1 MRI sequences of common primary brain tumors. (a) Sagittal (c) Sagital T1-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced MR image depicting
T1-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced MR image showing a medullo- a slightly and inhomogenously enhancing low grade astrocytoma in the
blastoma in the posterior fossa (arrow) with compression of the pons thalamic and mesencephalic region (arrow); (d) Axial T1-weighted and
and medulla oblongata; (b) Axial T2-weighted MR image showing a gadolinium-enhanced MR image showing a centrally located
space occupying ependymoma (hyperintense signaling, arrow) in the left Glioblastoma (arrow) in the region of basal ganglia resulting in dis-
paramedian posterior fossa resulting in displacement of the brain stem; placement of the pyramidal tracts (brown fringe).

cytogenetic alterations, dysregulation of the cell cycle remarkable differences in prognosis for tumors harboring
machinery, tumor cell migration and invasion, angiogenesis, similar histopathological patterns [10, 11]. Currently, the
developmental signaling pathways, brain tumor stem cells, utilization of some molecular markers informs individual-
and preclinical animal models. ized treatment decisions for patients with the same histo-
The management strategies of human brain tumors rely logical tumor [10]. Future revisions of brain tumors
mostly on histopathological characteristics that are used to classification systems need to implement molecular profiles
predict the clinical behavior and eventual patient prognosis in order to support the differential diagnosis and to be of
of a diagnosed brain tumor. Features including degree of value in predicting the efficacy of treatment options.
anaplasia, mitosis, infiltration, necrosis, and neovasculariza- Despite concerted efforts in the field of neuro-oncology,
tion define the corresponding tumor grade, which ranges brain tumors represent perhaps the most intimidating and
from benign, WHO grade I, to the most malignant, WHO difficult to treat type of cancer. Compared to other neoplasms,
grade IV [9]. The advances in molecular diagnostics over patient with malignant gliomas still face disproportionately
the last 5 years however have led to rapid genetic profiling high rates of morbidity and mortality [12] (Table 35.1).
of many brain tumors, which allow us now to recognize Fortunately, recent advances in molecular biology have
Table 35.1 Clinical characteristics of common primary brain tumors
Preferential Annual WHO
Tumor location Age Gender incidence grade Present treatment strategy Prognosis
Medulloblastoma Cerebellar Median: 8 y m: f ~ 1.6:1 0.6/100,000 Grade IV – Maximal safe resection followed Pediatric:
[1, 424–427] 93 % < 15 y (age 1–9) by C (<3 y) and RT (>3 y) – 5-y survival
– High-dose C and autologous • 42 % (infants < 1 y)
stem cell transplantation with or • 72 % (1–9 y, including high- and
without RT to be considered, average-risk (ar))
especially for high-risk group – 10-y survival for ar group:
– Re-resection at progression • 81 %
followed by C with or without Adults:
RT – 5-y survival
• 67 % WNT group correlates with
good prognosis (>90 %
long-term survivals)
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors

Intracranial ependymoma Infratentorial Median: 8 y m: f ~ 1.1:1 0.3/100,000 Grade II – Maximal safe resection followed Pediatric:
[1, 208, 428] (60–70 %), (~50 %) by RT – 5-y survival
supratentorial Grade III – C for Grade III, non-resectable • 66–79 %
(30–40 %) (~50 %) tumors, low EOR and at – 10-y survival
progression • 55–68 %
– Re-resection at progression
followed by RT with or without
Pilocytic astrocytoma [1, Cerebellar (in Median: 18 y m: f ~ 1:1 0.9/100,000 (age Grade I – Maximal safe resection Pediatric:
247, 249, 429] children > 50 %), 38 % < 15 y 0–19) (>90 %) – Post-OP: – 10-y survival
optic pathway, 75 % < 20 y • Usually no additional Cerebellar: 100 %
hypothalamus therapy, depending on EOR Overall: 97 %
• RT optional for non- Adults:
resectable tumors and at – 5-y survival
progression Overall: 84 %
• C optional for non-resectable
tumors and at progression
– Re-resection at progression
Diffuse low-grade glioma Frontal (50 %), Median: 45 y m: f ~ 1.3:1 1/100,000 Grade II – Maximal safe resection 5-y survival
(DLGG) temporal (25 %) – A 20–50 % – Post-OP: – >95 % After GTR
– Astrocytoma (A) Insular (10 %) – OD 35 % • C to be considered, – 78 % if Resection < 50 %
– Oligodendroglioma – OA 10–45 % especially for OD, non- 10-y survival
– (OD) resectable DLGG, low EOR – 90 % After GTR
– Oligoastrocytoma and at Progression – 54 % if resection < 50 %
(OA) [107, 430-432] • RT for non-resectable DLGG OD and LOH 1p/19q tend to correlate
and at Progression with better outcome
– Re-resection at progression,
followed by C and/or RT
Table 35.1 (continued)

Preferential Annual WHO

Tumor location Age Gender incidence grade Present treatment strategy Prognosis
High-grade/anaplastic Parietal, frontal, Median: 43 y m: f ~ 1.4:1 0.6/100,000 Grade III – Maximal safe resection followed Median survival
(A) glioma temporal by RT or alkylating C (AA, – 4.6- 6.5 y (AOD, AOA)
– AA AOD and AOA without LOH 5-y survival
– AOD 1p/19q) ~50–65 % (AOD, AOA)
– AOA – Maximum resection followed by ~15–50 % (AA)
[121, 206, 433–435] C with or without RT (AOD and 10-y survival
AOA with LOH 1p/19q) ~20–45 % (AOD, AOA)
– Re-resection and C/RT at ~15–30 % (AA)
progression AOD, IDH1 mutations and LOH
1p/19q correlate with increased
sensitivity to RT/C and better outcome
Glioblastoma [433, 436, Temporal, frontal, Median: 57 y m: f ~ 1.7:1 5/100,000 Grade IV – Maximal safe resection, Median survival
437] parietal followed by RT plus concurrent – 14.6 mt (overall)
TMZ, followed by adjuvant – 23.4 mt with methylated (met)
TMZ (age < 65–70 years) MGMT promoter
– Maximal safe resection, 5-y survival
followed by RT or TMZ with or – 9.8 % (overall)
without RT based on MGMT – 13.8 % with met MGMT
status (age > 65–70 years) IDH1/2 mutations and met MGMT
– Re-resection and C/RT at correlate with better outcome
progression to be considered
y Year(s), mt months, m male, f female, C chemotherapy, RT radiotherapy, EOR extent of resection, GTR gross total resection
D. Coluccia et al.
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 661

provided a wealth of new information that can now be applied

to improving patient treatment strategies and outcome.
Modern medicine is on the threshold of achieving many tan-
gible gains in overall patient survival based on the progress
that has been made in several areas of experimental

35.2 The Familial Central Nervous System

Tumor Syndromes

Most CNS tumors occur in adults and arise spontaneously

with no previous family history or genealogic pattern of
inheritance. In some cases, especially in younger patients,
they may present as a familial syndrome and transmitted
most frequently in an autosomal dominant (AD) pattern of Fig. 35.2 T1-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced MRI sequence
inheritance. Advances in the identification and characteriza- showing a Pilocytic Astrocytoma of the optic pathway in a patient with
tion of gene mutations have permitted insight into the molec- neurofibromatosis type 1.
ular basis of both familial and sporadic CNS tumors.
Many familial CNS cancer syndromes are associated with developed and have reported the identification of more than
mutations in tumor suppressor genes, which mediate func- 95 % of individuals fulfilling clinical NF1 criteria [16].
tions such as DNA repair and cell cycle arrest. Affected indi- The disease is characterized by the presence of multiple
viduals typically inherit a germ-line mutation in one copy of neurofibromas, pilocytic astrocytoma within the optic nerve
the genetic locus and in the cases of non-AD mutations, are pathways, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors
associated with somatic loss of the wild-type allele in order (MPNST), and susceptibility to other astrocytomas. The
to promote the initiation of tumor growth. One important dis- optic pathway astrocytoma (OPA) represents the most com-
tinction of the familial syndromes is the predisposition of mon CNS tumor in NF1, affecting up to 20 % of all patients
patients to develop multiple tumors in the CNS as observed and usually arising in children under the age of six [17].
in neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2), Remarkably, half of the individuals with OPA remain asymp-
von Hippel–Lindau disease, tuberous sclerosis complex, tomatic [17].
Gorlin syndrome, Li–Fraumeni syndrome, Turcot syndrome, NF1 is inherited with high penetrance but the phenotypic
and Cowden syndrome. expression is variable, suggesting a role for other disease-
modifying genes and heterogeneous mutations of the NF1
gene [18–20]. The timing of NF1 gene inactivation or muta-
35.2.1 Neurofibromatosis Type 1 tion is also assumed to interfere with disease manifestation
[20]. The NF1 gene is localized to chromosome 17q in 1987
NF1, also known as von Recklinghausen’s disease, is one of and mapped to the 17q11.2 locus 3 years later [21–23]. The
the most common inherited monogenetic syndromes predis- NF1 gene encodes the protein Neurofibromin and spans at
posing individuals to the formation of CNS tumors, with an least 350 kilobases (kb) and includes over 60 exons. More
incidence of 1 in 3500 individuals and an equal predomi- than 1000 mutations resulting primarily in Neurofibromin
nance in both genders [13] (Fig. 35.2). NF1 is AD, with truncations have been identified [24] and complete gene
marked pleiotropy and variability in clinical expression. deletion is associated with a severe phenotype [25].
Approximately 50 % of newly diagnosed patients have no Neurofibromin functions as a tumor suppressor and is a
previous family history, suggesting the occurrence of de cytoplasmic protein of that is highly expressed in neurons,
novo mutations, with a bias for the paternal germ-line. The Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, leucocytes and
disease is caused by loss-of-function mutations of the NF1 the adrenal medulla, while its expression in other tissues is
gene. The diagnosis of NF1 is made according to well minimal [26]. Neurofibromin harbors a Guanosine Activating
defined clinical criteria (NIH criteria) [14], which are usually Protein (GAP)-related domain, conferring homology to other
diagnostic by the age of 8 years [15]. Detecting mutations in guanosine triphosphatase (GTP) activating proteins [27].
the NF1 gene is difficult and complex given the large size of Ras is a GTP-binding oncoprotein, which promotes cell
the gene and the lack of established mutation hotspots. growth and differentiation. By accelerating the conversion of
Protocols combining PCR and high-performance liquid active GTP to its inactive, guanosine diphosphatase (GDP)-
chromatography to detect germ-line mutations have been bound form, Neurofibromin acts as a negative regulator of Ras.
662 D. Coluccia et al.

Defects in Neurofibromin are thought to increase cell growth The NF2 gene was mapped to chromosome 22 in 1987
and facilitate tumor formation due to loss of Ras regulation. and further localized on locus 22q12.2 [43]. The gene
In addition, Neurofibromin regulates other proteins includ- responsible for this disorder was cloned in 1993 by two
ing adenylate cyclase in astrocytes, and potentially plays a groups by positional cloning and was notably also found to
role in neural stem cell proliferation, survival, and astroglial be mutated or deleted in the majority of sporadic meningio-
differentiation [28, 29]. mas and schwannomas [44, 45]. The gene spans 17 exons
While most of the neoplasms encountered in NF1 patients distributed approximately over 110 kb, and it encodes for a
are not considered malignant, adults with NF 1 have a protein of 595 amino acids called merlin (for moesin, ezrin,
50–100-fold increased risk of high-grade glioma formation radixin-like) due to its homology to three proteins of the
[30, 31] and a 20 % lifetime risk to develop a malignant ezrin, radixin, moesin (ERM) family [45]. Merlin, alterna-
peripheral nerve sheet tumor (MPNST) [32, 33] which are tively named Schwannomin, is expressed in many normal
assumed to arise from preexisting neurofibromas [32]. To human tissues, including the brain, and functions as a tumor
date, only two genetics alterations have been identified as suppressor [46]. Tumors resulting from dysfunction or loss
progression pathways. Mutation in the TP53 loci and genetic of Merlin activity are mostly benign [47].
alterations in INK4A have been frequently identified in malig- Several studies have shown that Merlin controls cell pro-
nant but not benign forms of neurofibromas [30, 34]. liferation and cell motility by regulating cytoskeletal organi-
Numerous animal models have been employed to explore zation, but the pathways involved in its mediation of growth
the molecular basis of NF1 pathogenesis. NF1 heterozygous suppression are poorly understood [46, 48]. Merlin interacts
mice with selective inactivation of NF1 in Schwann cells with F-actin and negatively regulates cell motility through
develop tumors with histologic and molecular features of cytoskeletal reorganization. Moreover, it may act with CD44
human neurofibromas [35]. The generation of astrocyte- (a hyaluronic acid receptor), β1 integrin (a transmembrane
specific NF1 knockout mouse yielded similar findings, with glycoprotein) and paxillin (a cytoskeletal adaptor protein) to
low-grade optic astrocytomas developing only when regulate cell motility [48]. Merlin deficiency has also been
Neurofibromin expression was ablated in astrocytes of NF1 linked to abnormal activation and overexpression of receptor
heterozygous mice [36]. tyrosine kinases such as EGFR family receptors [49].
Several therapeutic approaches based on blocking the A number of NF2 mouse models have been developed.
dysfunctional neurofibromin pathway have been attempted Homozygous mutation of NF2 results in embryonic lethality,
in animal studies [37]. However, most clinical studies have indicating that its function is essential at early stages of
not extended beyond Phase II trials [38]. The mTOR path- mouse development [50]. Heterozygous NF2 mutant mice
way is regarded as a key mediator of optic pathway glioma develop many neoplasms but do not manifest the classical
development. Currently, an ongoing Phase II study is inves- tumors linked to NF2. However, as observed in NF1 murine
tigating the growth inhibition of NF1 related low-grade glio- models, the model of conditioned Schwann cells for knock-
mas using the mTOR-inhibitor everolimus [39]. out mice show many similarities with NF2 patients [51].
Merlin dysfunction or loss affects various signaling path-
ways, therefore several therapeutic targets have been pro-
35.2.2 Neurofibromatosis Type 2 posed. As schwannomas represent the most common
symptomatic and limiting tumor in NF2 patients, clinical tri-
NF2 is approximately tenfold less common than NF1 and als are primarily directed against schwannoma formation
has distinct phenotypic and genetic features. It is an autoso- [52]. A recent Phase II study in NF2 patients with progres-
mal dominant syndrome that occurs at an incidence of 1 in sive vestibular schwannomas observed some decrease in
25,000–40,000, with a penetrance close to 100 % by the age tumor volume and improvement in hearing in response to the
of 60 [40]. Half of the individuals inherit a germ-line muta- EGRF inhibitor Lapatinib [53].
tion from a parent or acquire a de novo mutation at the stage
of embryogenesis [41]. Bilateral vestibular schwannomas
are pathognomonic of the disorder, which is also character- 35.2.3 von Hippel–Lindau Syndrome
ized by schwannomas of other nerves (cranial, spinal or
peripheral) as well as intracranial and intraspinal meningi- von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) is a rare inherited disease with an
oma and ependymomas. NF2 is characterized by a variable AD pattern of transmission and was first described in the
age at onset, with a majority of patients developing signs in early 1900s by Eugen von Hippel and Arvid Lindau [54, 55].
the second to third decade of life, and thus, NF2 schwanno- It is characterized by the development of benign
mas and meningiomas occur at an earlier age compared to hamartomatous tumors in the CNS and adrenal glands
their sporadic counterparts [41]. NF2 is clinically diagnosed including hemangioblastoma and retina angioma, pheochro-
according to the 2005 Manchester criteria [42]. mocytoma, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and inner ear
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 663

tumors as well as malignant tumors of the kidney such as Essentially, any organ system can be involved and common
renal cell carcinoma [56]. Its incidence is estimated at 1 in features of TSC include dermatologic manifestations such as
36,000–45,000 births per year [57, 58]. Up to 20 % of VHL cutaneous angiofibromas, subungual fibromas, cardiac rhab-
patients are estimated to derive from de novo mutations [59]. domyomas, renal angiomyolipomas, intestinal and visceral
The disease shows variable expressivity with almost 95 % cysts, and pulmonary lymphoangiomyomatosis,
penetrance at the age of 60 years [60]. A combination of The diagnostic criteria consists of a set of major and
characteristic clinical features, with or without a positive minor features which appear at distinct points in develop-
family history, permits the establishment of a clinical diag- ment, but most patients have manifestations of the disease
nosis. The most frequent lesion observed is hemangioblas- before 10 years of age [68]. Neurologic disabilities seem to
toma, a mesenchymal solid and cystic tumor mainly localized be intimately related to the presence of cortical tubers, which
in the brain (mostly located in the cerebellum), which occurs occur in approximately 70 % of patients [69].
in 60 to 80 % of all VHL patients [61]. Depending on specific The penetrance of the disease is high but the clinical man-
mutation in the gene locus, VHL is classified as type 1 or ifestations are considerably variable [70]. There is a high rate
type 2, according to the absence or presence of a pheochro- of new mutations, accounting for up to 85 % of cases [71].
mocytoma [56]. TSC results from the mutation of one of two genes, TSC1 on
The gene responsible for this disease is the VHL tumor- chromosomes 9q34 and TSC2 located on 16p13.3. Clinical
suppressor gene, located on chromosome 3p25-26 [57]. and pathological features caused by mutations in these two
Under normoxic conditions, the gene product targets genes are indistinguishable, but the prognosis seems to be
hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF) for polyubiquitination and more severe when the disease is associated with a TSC2
proteosomal degradation. Under hypoxic conditions, the mutation [72]. The TSC1 gene encodes a transcript of 8.6 kb
accumulation of HIF will induce the transcription of hypoxia- called Hamartin, containing 23 exons, whereas the TSC2
regulated genes such as vascular endothelial growth factor gene encodes a transcript of 5.5 kb called Tuberin, contain-
(VEGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and trans- ing 41 exons. Mutations in these genes can be identified in
forming growth factor (TGF) -α. This explains the high vas- 60–80 % of TSC patients, with a wide spectrum of specific
cularization of VHL-related tumors. Loss of the VHL gene genetic alterations [73]. Hamartin and Tuberin function as a
can also result in aberrant expression of genes that control regulatory complex inhibiting the small GTPase RHEB and
cell cycle progression and invasion [62, 63]. It has been consequently limiting the activity of the mammalian target
shown in renal carcinoma cells that loss of the VHL gene of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which is an intracellu-
results in the accumulation of hepatocyte growth factor lar regulator of cell growth and metabolism [74]. In a recent
(HGF), which interacts with the β-catenin pathway [64]. Phase I–II open-label study of patients receiving the mTOR-
Loss of VHL protein activity has also been recently corre- inhibitor everolimus, a clinically significant reduction in tumor
lated to the activation of kinases required for Ras-induced volume of TSC related subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma
cell transformation, thus representing a possible target for was shown [75, 76].
molecular )inhibition [65].
Hemangioblastoma is a mesenchymal-derived hamartoma-
tous tumor and patients with VHL-syndrome are not typically 35.2.5 Gorlin Syndrome
linked with glioma manifestation. However, there is some
evidence that VHL expression interferes also with neuroepi- Gorlin syndrome is also known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma
thelial tumor formation via suppression of HIF-1α/VEGF, syndrome (NBCCS) or basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS)
which is coupled with inhibition of glioma proliferation and and was first described by Goltz and Gorlin in the 1960s.
invasion [66]. It is a rare AD disorder occurring in 1 of 57,000 live births
and characterized by basal cell-carcinoma, skeletal anoma-
lies and a 2–5 % incidence of childhood medulloblastomas
35.2.4 Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (mostly SHH medulloblastomas) [11, 77]. The penetrance is
very high but the clinical expression is variable, with up to
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem autoso- 30 % of patients presenting with de novo mutations [78].
mal dominant disorder, affecting 1 in 6000–10,000 individu- The clinical criteria are based on the association of multiple
als [67]. It was first described by Bourneville in 1880 and is basal cell carcinomas and odontogenic keratocysts [79].
characterized by CNS tumors including cortical hamartomas Other manifestations include the presence of palm or sole
named tubers, subcortical glioneuronal hamartomas, subep- pits, intracranial calcifications in particular along the falx
endymal glial nodules, and subependymal giant cell astrocy- and macrocephaly [77].
tomas. TSC patients often suffer from debilitating neurologic The disease results from a mutation of the human homo-
disorders, including epilepsy, mental retardation, and autism. logue of the Drosophila melanogaster gene PTCH located
664 D. Coluccia et al.

on 9q22.3 [80]. It contains 23 exons and encodes for a trans- absence of Turcot syndrome [88]. In this subgroup, the mean
membrane protein (Ptch), which is a receptor and negative age for occurrence of glioblastoma is lower than in the
regulator for the secreted Hedgehog family proteins such as general population (18 years old versus 40–70 years old).
Sonic Hedgehog (Shh). The type 2 subgroup is characterized by association of WNT
subgroup medulloblastomas with familial adenomatous pol-
yposis (FAP). These patients tend to have a germ-line muta-
35.2.6 Li–Fraumeni Syndrome and TP53 tion in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene that lies on
Germ-Line Mutations chromosome 5q21 [86]. In the type 2 Turcot syndrome sub-
group, the median age of occurrence of medulloblastoma is 15
Li–Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is an AD disorder predispos- years, compared to 7 years of age in the general population.
ing patients to an early onset of a wide spectrum of neo-
plasms. The syndrome was defined by Li and Fraumeni after
they noticed a high incidence of cancer among family mem- 35.2.8 Cowden Syndrome and Lhermitte–
bers of children with rhabdomyosarcoma [81]. Often Duclos Disease
described as a very rare syndrome with only several hundred
identified individuals, its effective incidence is probably Cowden syndrome (CS) is a rare AD condition associated
underestimated [82], in part also due to the existence of dif- with multiple benign hamartomatous lesions mostly involv-
ferent classification schemes [83]. The most frequent tumors ing the skin and mucosa, but various organ systems including
observed are breast cancer, sarcomas, osteosarcomas, brain the cerebellum may be affected [89]. CS predisposes patients
tumors, acute leukemia and adrenocortical carcinomas. to malignant tumors, especially of the breast, thyroid, intes-
The major genetic abnormality underlying this syndrome tine, and endometrium [89]. The penetrance of CS is high and
is a germ-line mutation of TP53, which has been identified in approaches over 90 % by the age of 20 years [89]. The syn-
70 % of LFS cases and in 22–44 % of families with the LF drome was first documented in 1963 by Lloyd and Dennis
variant form [84]. Importantly, 50 % of the families with a and named after the first patient [90]. In 1991, more than 70
TP53 germ-line mutation meet the diagnostic criteria of years after its first description [91], it was recognized that
LFS. In the remaining cases of LFS without TP53 mutation, a dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma or Lhermitte–Duclos
germ-line mutation of the hCHK2 gene involved in G2 check- disease (LDD) is often a manifestation of CS [92]. The preva-
point control has been identified [84]. TP53 germ-line muta- lence of CS is estimated at 1:200,000, but the frequency is
tions occur most frequently in exons 5–8, with major hotspots likely underestimated given that many non-symptomatic
on codons 245 and 248. In the 143 LFS families reported, the mucocutaneous manifestations related to this disease are also
most frequently identified mutations are point mutations common in the general population and thus may not lead to
(85.3 % of cases). Interestingly, low grade and anaplastic extensive diagnosis [89]. Approximately half of the CS cases
astrocytomas of LFS patients harbor somatic IDH1 mutations are recorded as inherited and half occur spontaneously [93].
at much higher rates compared to sporadic gliomas [85]. The most common germ-line mutation) involves the tumor
suppressor gene PTEN, located at the chromosome 10q23.3
[94, 95]. Early clinical data including nearly 50 CS families
35.2.7 Turcot Syndrome suggest that 85 % of patients with CS harbor a PTEN muta-
tion [96, 97] However this may not be universally adopted
Turcot syndrome is an AD disorder characterized by the given that application of risk assessment criteria from the
occurrence of adenomatous colorectal polyps or colon carci- National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) results in
nomas and malignant brain tumors, mainly anaplastic astro- many patients diagnosed as CS despite the absence of PTEN
cytomas, as well as glioblastomas and medulloblastomas mutations [98]. Germ-line mutations downstream of PTEN
(95 %) [86]. Turcot described the first cases in 1959, where signaling were found in the PI3K/AKT pathway in up to 10 %
two siblings developed malignant CNS tumors and numer- of CS patients lacking PTEN gene alterations [99]. Not all
ous adenomatous colorectal polyps [87]. patients with LDD show clinical manifestation of CS [100]
There are two major subgroups of Turcot syndrome. The and dysfunction or inactivation of PTEN is found in 67–83 %
type 1 pattern is characterized by an association of glioblasto- of LDD lesions [100, 101]. Selective inactivation of PTEN in
mas and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinomas neural cells of mice results in impaired migration of granular
(HNPCC). This subgroup results from a germ-line mutation cell precursors and formation of cerebellar tumors histopath-
in DNA mismatch repair genes such as hPMS1 (ch 2q32), ologically resembling LDD [102, 103]. Inactivation of PTEN
hPMS2 (ch 7p22), hMSH2 (ch 2p16), or hMLH1 (ch 3p21) is linked with increased levels of PI3K/AKT, which promotes
[86]. These deficiencies lead to DNA replication errors and cell growth and proliferation [102, 103]. Activated AKT
microsatellite instability, which is rare in brain tumors in the regulates various pathways involved in protein synthesis and
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 665

cell growth, including the mTOR pathway, suggesting that

mTOR inhibitors may be effective in reversing cellular hyper- Box 35.1: Primary Versus Secondary GBM
trophy and tumor growth [101]. According to current evidence, there are two different
routes of glioblastoma tumorigenesis, both with differ-
ent genetic alterations but ultimately undistinguishable
35.3 Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics histology [114]. GBM mostly occurs as a rapidly grow-
of Neuroepithelial Human Brain ing de novo tumor from a glial progenitor or dedifferen-
Tumors tiated cell and affecting patients with a mean age around
60 years. This Primary GBM constitutes 90 % of the
35.3.1 Glioma (Astrocytoma cases, where no evidence of a less malignant precursor
and Oligodendroglioma) lesion can be detected. Secondary GBMs (10 %) affect
typically younger patients around a mean age of 45
Gliomas comprise tumors of astrocytic or oligodendrocytic years. These tumors progress from a preexisting diffuse
histopathological appearance. Whether these tumors have low-grade or anaplastic astrocytoma, are more often
the same origin of tumor-initiating cells from neural progeni- located frontally, and the overall survival after diagno-
tors or arise from dedifferentiated astrodendrocytes/oligo- sis is significantly longer. Histologically, Secondary
dendrocytes is a matter of ongoing debate [104, 105]. The GBMs show less necrosis and frequent regions of oli-
WHO distinguishes between gliomas with more circum- godendroglioma-like appearance when compared to
scribed growth (WHO Grade I) and gliomas with diffuse the Primary form. From a molecular basis, the Primary
infiltration (WHO Grade II: low grade, WHO Grade III–IV: tumors often show loss of chromosome 10, EGFR
high grade) [9]. Diffuse low-grade gliomas are considered a amplification and PTEN mutation, whereas in
precancerous disease, as over time they progress to anaplas- Secondary GBM, TP53 mutations, loss of chromosome
tic, malignant tumors in most instances [106]. 19q and PDGFRA alterations are more frequent.
Gliomas demonstrate the full spectrum of cytogenetic and Classification of GBM origin has been significantly
molecular abnormalities: From numerical and structural improved by the recent identification of mutations in
chromosomal alterations, to gene amplifications and overex- the enzyme gene IDH1/2 (isocitrate dehydrogenase,
pression, deletions and small-scale mutations up to and involved in the citric acid pathway), which are predom-
including epigenetic deregulations. inantly found in Secondary (80 %) but only rarely
(<5 %) in Primary GBMs [132–134]. Consequently,
IDH1/2 mutations are now commonly accepted as
35.3.2 Chromosomal Alterations molecular markers of Secondary GBM.
Over 90 % of secondary GBM diagnosed through
Chromosomal number alterations occur with increased fre- IDH1/2 mutations belong to the proneural subgroup,
quencies in high grade and adult gliomas, and chromosomal which indicates that this tumor subgroup is homoge-
losses are observed more frequently than gains [107]. One of neous compared to the primary form. IDH1/2 mutations
most common numerical autosomal changes seen in high- occur early during progression from low-grade to high-
grade astrocytomas includes gain of chromosome 7, and loss grade glioma given they are detected in over 80 % of
of chromosome 10 [107–109]. Gain of chromosome 7 is grade II and III astrocytoma and oligodendroglial tumors
seen in up to 83 % of adult high-grade astrocytomas, whereas [134, 141]. It is possible IDH1/2 mutations precede
chromosome 10 is reported to be lost in up to 86 % [109, 1p/19q loss in oligodendrogliomas and TP53 mutation in
110]. In some studies, a combined gain of chromosome 7 low-grade astrocytomas [242]. Finally, there is evidence
accompanied by loss of chromosome 10 (7+/10-) occurs in that primary and secondary GBMs derive from different
over 80 % of GBM samples [108, 111]. glial progenitor cells. In support of this, CD133 positive
The occurrence of trisomy 7 and monosomy 10 together cancer stem cells could only be cultured from Primary
has often been correlated with short-term survival, although GBMs, whereas samples from secondary GBMs did not
currently available data does not allow a distinct conclusion have CD133 positive stem cells within [243].
[112]. Gains of chromosome 7 are also among the most com-
mon autosomal changes in low-grade gliomas (LGG), seen
in 57 % of cases [110] and loss of chromosome 10 may be mosomes, seen in approximately 20 % of GBM specimens,
correlated with shorter overall survival [113]. Chromosomal which can further confer oncogene amplification and drug
alterations commonly observed in secondary GBM include resistance [115].
19q loss (see Box 35.1) [114]. An additional numerical chro- Oligodendroglioma (OD) and oligoastrocytomas (OA)
mosomal abnormality is the presence of double minute chro- constitute a subtype of glioma for which the specific loss of
666 D. Coluccia et al.

portions of 1p and 19q (loss of heterozygosity, LOH 1p/19q) early-detected genetic abnormality—seen in about 2/3 of
is associated with important prognostic implications and is precursor low-grade astrocytomas and secondary GBMs
used as a marker to support the histological diagnosis of OD derived from them. TP53 mutations occur in primary GBM
[116, 117]. Approximately 50–80 % of ODs have allelic loss but at a lower frequency (35 %) compared to secondary GBM
of chromosomes 1p and 19q, whereas OA (mixed oligoden- [108, 109, 130]. Additionally, in secondary GBM, 60 % of the
drogliomas, arrangement of cells presenting astrocytic or TP53 mutations are clustered in two hot spot codons (amino
oligodendroglial differentiation) show this co-deletion 40 % acids 248 and 273), whereas in the primary form, TP53 muta-
of the time [118–120]. LOH 1p/19q is frequently observed in tions appear more equally distributed within exon 5–8 [108].
WHO grade II oligodendric tumors compared to those of Mutations in the gene encoding for NADPH-dependent
grade III, though conflicting data exists in this regard [118– isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1) were identified from a large-
120]. Notably, oligodendric gliomas of the frontal lobe show scale genomic sequencing analysis of astrocytoma [131].
higher incidence of 1p/19q co-deletion than those of non- Since the initial description, multiple studies have shown that
frontal origin [119]. Low-grade OD (WHO II) treated by sur- IDH1 mutations are common in low-grade diffuse astrocyto-
gical resection and nitrosourea-based chemotherapy without mas, anaplastic astrocytomas and tumors of oligodendroglial
radiotherapy show favorable long-term outcome (10-year origin [132–134]. Notably, there is evidence that IDH1 muta-
overall survival rates over 90 %) irrespective of LOH 1p/19q tions precede TP53 mutations, suggesting an important role
status [121]. Anaplastic pure and mixed oligodendroglio- in tumor initiation [114]. A proportion of low-grade astrocy-
mas (WHO III) identified with 1p/19q co-deletion are gen- tomas that lack IDH1 mutations (e.g., pilocytic astrocytoma,
erally associated with marked higher overall survival and and ependymoma) contain mutations of the related IDH2
chemosensitivity in comparison to non-co-deleted WHO III gene [134]. As IDH1 mutations are very common in second-
oligodendrogliomas, where the addition of chemotherapy to ary (>80 %) but markedly rare in primary GBM (<5 %), a
radiotherapy did not prove beneficial over radiotherapy consensus is that IDH1 mutation can serve as a molecular
alone [120, 122]. marker of secondary GBM, as this form is neither clinically
nor histologically distinguishable from the primary form
[114]. IDH1 status is important to clinicians as patients with
35.3.3 Gene Amplification and Overexpression tumors harboring IDH1 mutations have a survival benefit
[135–139]. IDH mutations also seem to correlate with both
Gene amplification has been described for several target genes TP53 mutational status and 1p/19q deletions, both of which
in astrocytic tumors, and appears to be more common in high- predict survival [137, 140, 141].
grade lesions than low-grade astrocytomas [109, 123]. Genes
continuously found to be amplified in high grade gliomas
include EGFR, MET, PDGFRA, MDM4, MDM2, CCND2, 35.3.5 Epigenetic Alterations
PIK3CA, MYC, CDK4, and CDK6 [124]. Amplification and
overexpression of EGFR occurs frequently and predominantly In addition to aberrant changes in the genome, epigenetic
in primary GBMs (60 % of the samples), but rarely in the sec- alterations have emerged as important factors in gliomagen-
ondary form [114, 125]. In up to 30 % of the cases this gene has esis [142]. Potentially reversible and more amenable to
undergone loss of exon 2–7, resulting in the production of a treatment than numerical or structural changes in chromo-
constitutively active, truncated EGFR receptor (EGFRvIII) somes, studies of epigenetic deregulations is a promising
[109, 126, 127]. At this time, Phase II and III vaccination trials strategy in glioma therapy. GBM cells showing high activity
using rindopepimut to stimulate immune response against the level of the DNA repair enzyme MGMT (O6-methylguanine-
EGFRvIII peptide in GBM patients are ongoing [128, 129] DNA methyltransferase) are more resistant to therapies
including alkylating agent such as temozolomide (TMZ)
[143]. About 40 % of GBM have a methylated MGMT pro-
35.3.4 Gene Mutations and Deletions moter status resulting in epigenetic silencing of the MGMT
gene and thus higher sensitivity to TMZ and distinctive lon-
Tumor suppressor gene silencing events in astrocytomas ger survival with actual standard therapy [143, 144]. Hence,
may be the result of gene deletions, mutations, or promoter MGMT promoter methylation is a strong prognostic and
methylation events. Primary GBMs are characterized by predictive biomarker.
CDKN2A deletion (31-50 %), and PTEN mutation (32 %) The increased awareness of the role of metabolic enzymes
[109, 130, 131]. While CDKN2A deletions occur in primary in astrocytoma pathogenesis has brought about a resurgence
GBM, TP53 mutations appear more common in secondary of interest in the Warburg Effect [145]. The Warburg effect
GBM [109, 114]. In the progression of low-grade tumors to first described in 1956 by biochemist Otto Warburg promotes
secondary GBM, TP53 mutations are the most common and the observation that tumors predominantly use a high rate of
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 667

aerobic glycolysis to meet metabolic demand [146]. Recently,

isoforms of both pyruvate kinase (PK) M1/M2 and hexoki- Box 35.2: Pilocytic Astrocytoma
nase (HK1/HK2) have shown differential expression in glio- Pilocytic Astrocytoma (PA) is a non-infiltrative, slow
blastoma, in which PKM2 and HK2 predominate, promoting growing, and often cystic tumor typically classified as
glycolysis [147, 148]. WHO grade I. It is one of the most common CNS neo-
plasms in childhood accounting for ~20 % of all pediat-
ric brain tumors [1]. Almost three-fourths of the patients
35.3.6 Pediatric Versus Adult Gliomas are younger than 20 years [1]. Approximately half of
PAs are located in the cerebellum, but they can occur
The genetic changes that are found in pediatric astrocytomas throughout the neuraxis such as the optic pathway,
are distinct from those in the adult variant of these tumors. No hypothalamus, and spinal cord (mostly in pediatric
consistent karyotypic abnormalities have been identified in patients) as well as in the cerebral hemispheres (mostly
pediatric low-grade astrocytomas [149, 150]. Even in high- in young adults) [244]. Optic nerve PAs are often asso-
grade gliomas, the number of chromosomal aberrations is gen- ciated with NF1. Provided that the tumor is accessible
erally lower from their adult counterparts with up to 15 % and extensive surgical resection is performed, most
lacking detectably number irregularities [107]. Relatively fre- patients show a favorable outcome with a 10-year sur-
quent compared to adult GBM, some pediatric GBMs have vival rate of over 95 % [244–246]. Until recently, the
gain of chromosome 1q (up to 30 %) and loss of 16p (up to genetic mechanisms underlying this disease were not
24 %), while numerical aberrations of chromosome 7 and 10 extensively investigated. Early genomic analysis of
are relatively rare (<30 %) [151, 152]. Cytogenetic changes tumor samples showed often balanced karyotypes,
recurrently observed in pediatric anaplastic astrocytomas and whereas whole chromosomal gains occurred in about
GBM include gains of 1q, 5q, and loss of 6q, 9q, 10q, 12q, 30 %, frequently affecting chromosomes 5 and 7 [247].
13q, and 22q [152, 153]. In contrast to adult tumors, amplifi- Activating alterations within the MAPK-signaling
cation of the EGFR gene is not common in pediatric astrocy- pathway are considered a hallmark aberration in the
tomas and PDGF-driven signaling is preferentially activated pathogenesis of PA, affecting 80–100 % of analyzed
[151, 154]. Notably, this feature is also prevalent in secondary tumor samples [248, 249]. Consequently it is hypothe-
GBM [155]. Similarly, pediatric astrocytomas rarely exhibit sized that PA represents a single-pathway disease [249].
loss or mutation of PTEN. Aberrant activation of the BRAF The most frequent genetic event leading to MAPK acti-
proto-oncogene (7q34) by copy number alteration or forma- vation is BRAF-KIAAI549 (B-K) fusion, which pro-
tion of an abnormal fusion protein is an important marker of duces a fusion protein that lacks the regulatory domain
pilocytic astrocytoma but not diffuse infiltrating pediatric of BRAF [249, 250]. In addition, various MAPK path-
astrocytomas (see Box 35.2) [156–158]. Aberrant BRAF acti- way-activating fusions )typically involving BRAF are
vation leads to increased signaling through the MAP kinase/ described [249]. The somatic mutation rate is very low
ERK pathways, which results in high levels of mTOR activa- (<0.1/Mb) and BRAF, FGFR1, K/-NRAS, PIK3CA,
tion, and ultimately to increased cell growth [159, 160]. CDKN2A, and NF1 are the main genes found to be
mutated or rearranged [245, 249, 251]. Similar to other
tumor types, the copy number changes and mutation
35.3.7 Core Signaling Pathways and GBM rates positively correlate with patient age and poten-
Subgroups tially with an aggressive clinical course [245, 247,
249]. The distribution of oncogenic hits within the
The understanding of the molecular basis of astrocytoma has MAPK pathway may vary depending on tumor loca-
benefited from large-scale genomic profiling approaches from tion: NF1 mutations are more often detected in optic
networks such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and the PA, while PAs in other locations are dominated by
International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) [109, 130, BRAF activation [248]. BRAF fusions are more com-
131, 161] GBM was the first cancer to be systematically ana- mon in cerebellar PAs and mutations are typically seen
lyzed by TCGA, highlighting the role of oncogenes such as in supratentorial PAs [248]. In adult PAs, BRAF V600E
ERBB2 and PDGFRA and suppressor genes such as NF1 and mutations appear to be very infrequent compared to the
TP53 as well as reinforcing core defects in three signaling pediatric counterpart [245]. As B-K fusions are particu-
pathways involved in the pathogenesis: (1) retinoblastoma larly rare in diffuse astrocytomas (~2 %), the presence
(RB)-signaling (79 %), (2) p53 signaling (90 %), and (3) of this event can be considered an adjuvant diagnostic
PIK(3)K/RAS signaling (88 %) (Fig. 35.3). Large-scale genomic tool for PA [245].
consortia have allowed the stratification of astrocytomas based
668 D. Coluccia et al.

Fig. 35.3 Core defects in

three signaling pathways
involved in the pathogenesis
of Glioblastoma. Overall
alteration rate is summarized
for the TP53 pathway
(eluding apoptosis), PI(3)K/
RAS pathway (increasing
proliferation), and RB1
pathway (avoiding cell cycle

on genetic profiles giving valuable clinical information. The ther correlated with IDH1 mutations and in extended analysis
first subgrouping analysis on high-grade astrocytomas was also often found in low-grade gliomas [109, 163]. This glioma
reported by Philips et al. differentiating three distinct GBM phenotype is an expression subtype and termed G-CIMP (CpG
clusters: proneural, proliferative, and mesenchymal, with the island methylator phenotype). G-CIMP positive gliomas affect
proneural subgroup predicting better survival [162]. A recent younger patients, are probably more common in secondary
TCGA based study classified GBM into four molecular sub- GBM, and are associated with improved outcome [163]. In
groups: classical, proneural, neural, and mesenchymal [155]. anaplastic oligodendroglioma the G-CIMP phenotype also
Genetic alterations in EGFR, PDGFRA/IDH1 and NF1 char- consistently exhibit IDH1-mutations, MGMT promoter meth-
acterize the classical, proneural, and mesenchymal subgroups ylation, and LOH 1p/19q and is used as a predictor for better
respectively [155]. Classical GBMs are further delineated by survival [164].
amplification of chromosome 7 paired with loss of chromo-
some 10, while often lacking TP53 mutations [155]. No dis-
tinctive genetic alteration is known that distinguishes the 35.3.8 Medulloblastoma
Neural from the other subtypes [124]. It still has to be eluci-
dated to what extent the subgroup defining molecular profile Medulloblastomas are considered embryonal tumors arising
may affect clinical outcome and sensitivity to specific therapeu- from the dorsal brainstem or the cerebellum. Progenitor
tic agents. DNA methylation profiling of 272 TCGA glioblas- cells from the cochlear nucleus, dorsal brainstem, and neu-
tomas revealed a subset of tumors with a hypermethylation ron precursors from the external granular layer of the cere-
phenotype that was assigned to the proneural subgroup, fur- bellar germinal zone are the proposed cells of origin [165].
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 669

Medulloblastomas exhibit a high amount of heterogeneity at 35.3.11 Gene Mutations and Deletions
histomorphological and subcellular level resulting in vari-
able clinical behavior. Histological subtypes comprise classi- Various mutations of tumor suppressor genes important in
cal (70–80 %), nodular desmoplastic/extensive nodular developmental signaling pathways have been described in
(16 %) and large cell anaplastic (10 %), while all are classi- medulloblastoma. Mutations in PTCH1, SMOH, Gli2, and
fied as WHO Grade IV [9, 166]. Over the past few years SUFU lead to loss of inhibitory factors and thus promote con-
novel molecular subclassifications have been established that stitutive activation of SHH pathways [181–184]. Germ-line
put histopathologic differentiations into perspective. APC mutations as found in familial adenomatous polyposis
(FAP) syndrome or Turcot syndrome predispose to medullo-
blastoma formation [86]. The APC-protein is encoded on
35.3.9 Chromosomal Alterations chromosome 5 and is part of a protein complex inhibiting the
WNT signaling pathway. Loss of APC function results in
Almost all medulloblastoma samples show various numerical intranuclear accumulation of ß-catenin, which activates tran-
gains or losses of chromosomal regions. The most common scription factors and promotes the pathogenesis of medullo-
specific cytogenetic abnormality seen in this tumor type is iso- blastoma. Overall, mutations involving the WNT pathway
chromosome 17q (iso17q), which occurs in about 50 % of occur in approximately 10 % of sporadic medulloblastoma
medulloblastomas [167, 168]. The breakpoint is often in the cases, including activating mutations in the CTNNB1 gene
proximal p-arm (17p11), producing a dicentromeric isochro- [185–188]. In addition, TP53 mutations have been found in
mosome. Loss of one arm of chromosome 17p (25–35 %) is 10 % of medulloblastoma cases (16 % in WNT, 21 % in SHH,
often a consequence of isochromosome 17q formation, but virtually absent in Group 3 and 4) and are considered a risk
may also occur in isolation [169, 170]. In certain cases, smaller factor for poor outcome in the SHH subgroup [189].
deletions are seen, with the minimal deleted region occurring at
17p13.3 [171]. The frequent involvement of 17p in medullo-
blastoma has resulted in efforts to identify the targeted putative 35.3.12 Epigenetic Alterations
tumor suppressor gene (TSG). REN(KCTD11) maps to
17p13.2, and is a candidate TSG for medulloblastoma on chro- Epigenetic alterations such as modification of histone or
mosome 17p [172]. Aberrations of chromosomal regions have DNA methylation status are important factors in medullo-
also been evaluated as prognostic markers, whereas iso17q and blastoma pathogenesis and mostly recorded in Group 3 and 4
losses of 10q and 17p are correlated with a poor prognosis and medulloblastoma [190, 191]. Large-scale genomic analyses
loss of chromosome 6 (monosomy 6) with good outcome have identified OTX2, a developmentally regulated transcrip-
across all subgroups [173]. Loss of chromosome 9q, which tion factor important for early brain morphogenesis, as a fre-
contains the suppressor gene locus PTCH 1, promotes activa- quently occurring focal genetic gain in medulloblastoma
tion of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway and is used (21 %) [168, 192, 193]. Overexpression of OTX2 results in
as a co-determinant of the SHH molecular subgroup [11]. impaired demethylation activity of histone modifying pro-
teins. Consequently, levels of trimethylated histone H3 lysine
27 (H3K27me3) are increased which in turn leads to specific
35.3.10 Gene Amplification chromatin condensation [194]. Medulloblastoma patients
and Overexpression with OTX2 gene amplification (mostly restricted to subgroup
3 and 4) exhibited poorer survival and were more likely to
Gene amplifications are relatively infrequent in medulloblas- have anaplastic tumors [193]. There is also epigenetic dereg-
toma (<10 %), and typically involve the MYC and MYCN ulation of DNA methylation as an underlying mechanism of
proto-oncogenes [166]. Such amplifications have been medulloblastoma formation. Subgroup specific patterns of
observed in the context of double minute chromosomes DNA methylation have already been proposed as a biomarker
[174]. Amplification and/or overexpression of MYC-family for improving survival prediction in non-WNT medulloblas-
genes are regularly observed in the large cell anaplastic vari- toma [195, 196].
ant of medulloblastoma, and correlate with poor clinical out-
come [175, 176]. In addition to gene amplifications, certain
genes are aberrantly overexpressed in medulloblastoma such 35.3.13 Subgroups
as ERBB2 [177]. Increased ERBB2 and ERBB4 expression
correlates with higher risk of metastasis and is associated Advances in next generation DNA sequencing and ultrahigh-
with a poor prognosis [178–180]. resolution genetic mapping over recent years have enabled
670 D. Coluccia et al.

Fig. 35.4 Medulloblastoma Subgroups. Infographic illustrating the incidence, gender ratio, survival, histology, cytogenetic alterations, and common
driver genes for each group. LCA large cell anaplastic, MBEN medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity.

remarkable insight into some of the underlying molecular Group 3 [199]. These molecular subgroups typically do not
interactions leading to the observed heterogeneity in clinical correlate with the histological phenotypes. The histopatho-
behavior. According to current consensus among investiga- logical classic type occurs in all four medulloblastoma sub-
tors, four main subgroups can be distinguished: WNT, SHH, groups. The nodular desmoplastic or extensive nodular type
Group 3, and Group 4 [11, 197, 198] (Fig. 35.4). The WNT falls within the SHH subtype, although it should be men-
and the SHH group are marked by mutations in the WNT and tioned that the SHH subgroup is the only subgroup that may
SHH pathway, respectively. For Group 3 and 4, no single include all of the known major histological variants. Large
pathway alteration has been identified and the diagnosis cell anaplastic tumors are also found in all four subgroups
relies primarily on transcriptional profile clusters. However, but the majority will be classified to Group 3. The WNT sub-
recent studies detected prevalent drivers in particular for group has mostly classic histology and accounts for 10 % of
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 671

all medulloblastomas and has the best prognosis with >90 % chemotherapy, whereas patient with tumors subgrouped into
long-term survivals. Alterations resulting in increased activity more aggressive lesions may benefit from exhaustive thera-
of the WNT pathway results from sporadic somatic mutations peutic strategies.
of CTNNB1 encoding ß-catenin or less common in germ-line
mutations of the APC gene as in Turcot or FAP syndrome.
Monosomy 6 and TP53 mutation are often found. The SHH 35.3.14 Ependymoma
subgroup (30 %) has a good to intermediate prognosis; almost
half of the cases exhibit desmoplastic/nodular histology. Ependymomas originate from the wall of the ventricular
In sporadic SHH tumors, somatic mutation in PTCH, system with possible manifestations along the entire cranio-
SMO, and SUFU leads to increased SHH activity. In addi- spinal axis of the CNS [202]. Radial glia cells are presumed
tion, amplifications of GLI1 and GLI2 can trigger this path- to constitute the progenitor cells [203]. In children, over
way. Deletion of chromosome 9q, which includes the PTCH 90 % of ependymomas occur intracranially with 70 % aris-
gene, is primarily limited to SHH tumors. Hereditary SHH ing in the posterior fossa, whereas in adults the spinal mani-
medulloblastomas are found in Gorlin syndrome and are festation is more common [204–206]. Based on
characterized by germ-line mutation of the tumor suppressor histopathological features, the WHO divides ependymomas
gene PTCH1. MYCN amplification and mutations at TP53 in grade I–III and recognizes four histological types: subep-
are regularly observed. Recently, small molecules targeting endymoma (grade I), myxopapillary (grade I, usually spi-
smoothened (SMO), a positive regulator of the SHH path- nal), classic (grade II), and anaplastic (grade III) [9, 202].
way, showed rapid (although transient due to acquired drug However, as for most tumors, molecular characteristics will
resistance) regression of tumor volume in a subset of patients have to complement and specify future grading systems.
with SHH medulloblastoma [200, 201]. Group 3 medullo- Recent studies indicate that ependymomas from different
blastomas (25 %) primarily demonstrate classic histology but compartments of the CNS display distinct genetic signa-
have a high incidence of large cell anaplastic types. They are tures, reflecting their unique origins, despite appearing his-
almost never observed in adults and harbor the worst progno- tologically homogeneous [203, 207].
sis of all subtypes. Metastases are frequently found and cou-
pled to poor prognosis. MYC and OTX2 amplification are
common features and some tumors show loss of both 5q and 35.3.15 Chromosomal Alterations
10q and gain of chromosome 1q. Recently, somatic genomic
rearrangements resulting in GFI1 and GFI1B activation have Cytogenetic changes are seen in a significant proportion of
been found to occur in approximately one-third of Group 3 ependymomas and are overall more common in adults [206,
patients; thus enhancer hijacking is now considered a promi- 208, 209]. About 30 % of sporadic ependymomas have
nent mechanism driving Group 3 medulloblastoma [199]. monosomy 22, and deletions or translocations involving
Group 4 is the most common medulloblastoma subgroup chromosome 22 are also observed [210]. The NF2 gene is
(35 %), usually of classic histology and with an intermediate located on chromosome 22 (22q12), and NF2 patients are
prognosis. Isochromosome 17q is the major cytogenic altera- predisposed to develop spinal ependymomas in addition to
tion observed (60–80 % of Group 4 samples). Amplification of other CNS tumors [211]. In fact, NF2 mutations are almost
OTX2, CDK6, and MYCN are also frequently associated with exclusively found in spinal ependymomas [212], thus another
this subgroup, whereas structural variants associated with tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 22 might be involved
GFI1 and GFI1B activation are detected in 5–10 % [199]. in cranial ependymomas [210, 213]. Gain of chromosome 1q
Molecular classification will have a large impact on future is the most common genomic aberration in pediatric intra-
treatment recommendations and strategies. Given the four cranial ependymomas, possibly associated with anaplastic
subgroups show distinct clinical behavior that does not cor- histology [206, 214]. Besides numeric chromosomal altera-
relate with histological features, the use of histopathology tions within the ependymoma genome, translocations are
alone is considered inadequate for the classification of frequently reported to affect chromosomes 1, 11, and 22
medulloblastoma. It remains to be seen how the revealed [208]. The assumption that tumor location-specific genomic
diversity in molecular patterns and clinical outcome will alterations exist in ependymoma has been encouraged by
influence the WHO Grade IV classification for medulloblas- recent revelation of chromothripsis within chromosome
toma. The current treatment modality of surgery, radiation 11q13.1 [215]. In more than two-thirds of supratentorial
and chemotherapy is highly toxic to the developing brain. ependymoma samples, a fusion of the oncogene RELA to an
Complication and morbidity observed in patients with uncharacterized gene involving 11q13.1 occurs, which is
tumors subgrouped into good prognosis, such as the WNT absent in posterior fossa tumors. The aberrant RELA-fusion
subgroup, could correspond to a higher extent with iatro- proteins modulate activation of the transcription factor NF-
genic interventions than with the natural course of disease. kB. The largest molecular analysis of ependymoma to date,
These patients may benefit from a reduction in radiation and including 583 tissue samples, demonstrated that posterior
672 D. Coluccia et al.

fossa ependymomas can be classified in to two subgroups, ation by administration of established epigenetic drugs that
Group A and B, which differ in their genomics, transcrip- target either DNA or histone methylation [219].
tomics, location and clinical outcome [209]. Group A epen-
dymomas affect younger patients, are more laterally located
and exhibit more frequent recurrence and metastasis with an 35.4 Cell Cycle Dysregulation
overall poorer prognosis compared with Group B. The and Mitogenic Factors in Human
genome in Group A is more balanced, shows increased Brain Tumors
occurrence of chromosome 1q gains, whereas in Group B the
genome is highly unstable with frequent segmental gains of The cell cycle can be conceptualized as a circle divided by a
chromosomes 9, 15, 18, as well as losses of chromosomes 6 number of discrete phases during which nuclear content
and 22 [209]. changes in preparation for cell division (Fig. 35.5). In healthy
neural tissue, with advancing differentiation and age, most cells
will become quiescent and do not express cell cycle genes due
35.3.16 Gene Amplification, Overexpression, to the presence of cell-type specific repression mechanisms. In
Mutations, and Deletions human brain tumors, the intrinsic machinery of the cell cycle is
the target of mutations or functional derangements leading to
In ependymoma and especially in children, the overall release of repression mechanisms and rapid, uncontrolled pro-
genetic mutation rate appears to be lower than astrocytic liferation—a hallmark of cancer.
tumors. Expression profiling by microarray analysis on
pediatric ependymomas have identified a subset of genes
abnormally expressed in this tumor, including increased 35.4.1 General Mechanisms of Cell Cycle
expression of EGFR, WNT5A, TP53, and many cell cycle, Dysregulation
cell adhesion, angiogenesis, and cell proliferation genes,
with downregulated genes including SCHIP-1 and EB1 Cyclins (A-E) are a group of proteins whose expression levels
[213]. EGFR overexpression has been recorded as a prog- are differentially and tightly regulated during the cell cycle.
nostic marker in intracranial grade II ependymomas corre- When bound to their respective cyclin dependent kinases
lating with reduced progression free and overall survival (CDKs), an activated complex promotes transcription of
[216, 217]. Amplification and rearrangement of the c-erb B products required for a specific stage in the cell cycle [220].
gene has been identified, as well as rearrangements of the The activity of the various CDKs are coupled to both binding
MEN1 gene (11q13) [212, 218]. A large genomic analysis of the cyclins and a series of phosphorylations and dephos-
of ependymoma including tumors from 207 samples dem- phorylations on specific residues by cyclin-dependent kinase
onstrated focal amplification of genes involved in stem cell activating kinases (CAKs) and cyclin-dependent kinase
proliferation, pluripotency, and neuronal differentiation inhibitors (CKIs) [221, 222].
such as THAP11, PSPH, EPHB2, KCNN1, RAB3A, One of the most important cell cycle pathways known to
PTPRN2, PCDH cluster, and NOTCH1 [207]. This same be perturbed in human brain tumors, especially astrocytomas,
study identified focal deletions of known tumor suppressor is the cyclin D-CDK4-RB-E2F pathway, (RB-pathway)
genes (PTEN, INK4A/ARF) and novel genes such as STAG1 (Fig. 35.5). Here, cyclin D forms an activated complex with
and TNRC6B [207]. CDK4 and/or 6. This active complex partially phosphorylates
a previously hypophosphorylated retinoblastoma protein, RB
[221, 222]. Partial phosphorylation of RB liberates E2F-DP
35.3.17 Epigenetic Alteration such that it can act to upregulate target genes involved in the
continued regulation of cell cycle, such as cyclin E [221, 222].
Epigenetic modifiers involved in the formation of ependy- Thus, the phosphorylation of RB is a key regulatory step of
momas have recently been identified. The methylation status the G1–S checkpoint.
of CpG islands occurs more frequently in posterior fossa Whereas the cyclins and CDKs could be termed accelerators
Group A (PFA) tumors, leading to transcriptional silencing of the cell cycle, inhibitor of cyclin-dependent Kinase 4 (INK4)
of the histone methyltransferase Polycomb repressive com- and Cip/Kip could be termed the brakes of the cell cycle. INK4
plex 2 (PRC2), which in turn results in repressive effect on is a family of four proteins A-D, p16INK4a, p15INK4B, p18INK4C, and
expression of cell differentiation genes [219]. This epigene- p19INK4D. INK4A is encoded from a gene on 9q21. Interestingly,
tic mechanism predicts for the more aggressive behavior of this gene also encodes for a novel second protein, using an alter-
Group A tumors. Mice xenograft models implanted with native reading frame in exon 1 and splicing it to the common
human PFA showed a decreased tumor volume and longer exons 2 and 3. This protein is called ARF (p14ARF), alternative
survival after that PRC2 was reactivated through demethyl- reading frame, and is also involved in cycle arrest with p53.
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 673

Fig. 35.5 Dysregulation in cell cycle pathways involved in the pathogenesis of astrocytomas.

The Cip/Kip family of CDK inhibitors (p21CIP1, p27Kip1, cell cycle passage and promoting apoptosis. Several cell
p57Kip2) can bind and inhibit the G1/S cyclin-CDK complexes, cycle proteins interact as negative or positive regulators with
and the mitotic cyclin B/A complexes. They can also act as p53. One such mechanism of regulation of p53 is via the
both positive and negative regulators of the cell cycle. In early Murine Double Minute-2 protein (MDM2) (Fig. 35.4),
G1 phase Cip/Kip family members bind and aid in the forma- which is able to repress p53 activity both at the transcrip-
tion of cyclin D/CDK4/6 complexes without inhibiting kinase tional and protein levels [227–229]. MDM2 binds and con-
activity and therefore contribute to the formation of hyper- ceals the p53 transactivating domain and blocks the basal
phosphorylated RB and cell cycle progression [223]. Once RB transcriptional machinery for p53. In response to DNA dam-
is partially phosphorylated and transcription of Cyclin E and age both MDM2 and p53 are phosphorylated resulting in
Cdk 2 are upregulated, the Cip/Kip members then bind with conformational changes that incapacitate binding [230, 231].
higher affinity to Cyclin E/CDK 2 complexes and inhibit CDK This allows p53 to be stabilized in the nucleus where it is
2 activity and halt cell cycle progression (Fig. 35.5). able to upregulate genes involved in either cell cycle arrest
or apoptosis. The ability of MDM2 to block the p53 pathway
is reversed by ARF which binds to and sequesters MDM2 in
35.4.2 The Importance of p53 and Cell Cycle the nucleolus away from p53, as also impairs MDM2’s ubiq-
Control uitin ligase activity [232–234]. This allows for stabilization
of p53 levels and downstream activation of p21 and cell
The TP53 gene encodes the most well studied tumor sup- cycle arrest.
pressor, p53 and to date has been implicated to play a role in
almost 50 % of human cancers, including human brain
tumors [224]. Mutations in the TP53 gene can lead to mis- 35.4.3 Mitogenic Signals That Impact on Brain
sense or loss of protein expression, whereas the missense Tumor Growth
mutation is associated with earlier cancer onset and more
aggressive tumor profile [225, 226]. P53 has a multitude of The decision of the cell to divide is provided by both internal
stress-induced effects on cellular homeostasis by blocking stimuli and external conditions. External conditions favorable
674 D. Coluccia et al.

to cell division, growth, and survival are conveyed via cell PDGFRA is a surface tyrosine kinase receptor repeatedly
membrane tyrosine kinase receptors that typically dimerize found to be altered in both high and low-grade human astro-
upon ligand binding, phosphorylate their cytoplasmic tails cytomas [109, 241]. As a growth factor it interacts with the
and activate downstream signaling molecules. One key MAPK/RAS pathway, which is implicated in primary GBM
growth activator is the small GTPase Ras. It activates multi- formation, however the role of PDGFR in tumor initiation or
ple mitogenic pathways: RAF-MEF-MAPK, CDC42-RAC- progression has yet to be elucidated.
Rho, and PI3K-PTEN-AKT [235]. These downstream The tumor suppressor PTEN acts as a negative regulator of
signaling molecules subsequently activate cyclin/CDK com- the PI3K-AKT growth control pathway. PTEN mutations may
plexes triggering growth, demonstrating these pathways are be found in 30 % of primary GBMs and up to 8 % of secondary
commonly targeted during tumor mutagenesis. GBMs [114], however these numbers are inconsistent among
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), platelet the different study groups to allow conclusive interpretation
derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), fibroblast growth regarding order in succession of tumorigenesis.
factor receptor (FGFR), C-Met, and C-kit are all tyrosine
kinases implicated in the formation of astrocytomas and
other neurological tumors. 35.5 Brain Tumor Migration and Invasion

Brain invasion by infiltrative tumor cells is one of the most

35.4.4 Analysis of Cell Cycle and Mitogenic sinister histopathological hallmarks of malignant brain
Pathway Disturbances in Brain Tumors: tumors. Brain tumor invasion is a complex cellular phenom-
Low and High Grade Astrocytomas enon including permissive changes in the extracellular milieu
and intracellular biomechanical systems. The spread of brain
Our understanding of the pathways involved in tumor initia- tumor cells within the cerebral tissue involves changes in
tion and progression has been enhanced through molecular cell/cell and cell/extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion,
genetic analyses of cell cycle and mitogenic stimulation enzyme degradation of the ECM by proteases, and cell motil-
pathways. Genetic alterations of TP53 are present in low ity into normal brain parenchyma [252, 253]. Specifically,
grade, anaplastic and GBMs, and the genetic aberrations are cell migration requires a complex balance between extracel-
higher for the secondary GBM (up to 80 %) compared to the lular cues and responsive intracellular signals that lead to
primary GBM (around 30 %) suggesting a role in astrocy- dynamic regulation of the interactions between actin micro-
toma initiation [114, 123]. filaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments and associ-
Mutations in the RB pathway of INK4A, CDK4, and RB ated adhesions [254, 255]. The driving force for cell
represent about 80 % of GBMs and only a small portion of movement is normally provided by dynamic reorganization
low-grade astrocytomas [109] [236]. There are also differ- of the actin cytoskeleton, which directs protrusions at the
ences between primary and secondary GBMs. Deletion of the front of the cell and retraction at the rear [254, 255]. For a
CDKN2A locus leading to reduced CDK4 inhibition is found cell to move, it must establish polarity resulting in leading
in over 50 % of primary and 20 % of secondary GBMs [114, and trailing edges with directionalized forces. One of the
130, 131]. This locus encodes both INK4A and ARF and there- first steps in cell migration is the formation of actin-rich
fore disrupts both the p53 and RB pathways indirectly, per- structures called lamellipodia at the leading edge of the
haps contributing to the rapid rate of growth attributed to motile cell [256, 257]. Subsequent attachment of these pro-
primary GBMs. Alterations of RB itself are found in up to trusive structures to the substratum followed by tension
14 % of GBMs [130, 131]. CDK4 amplification is present in across the cell, generated by myosin motor proteins, will
14 % of GBMs. Other mutations found to arise in GBMs have lead to the contractile force ultimately required for cell body
been identified in CDK6, cyclin D, and cyclin E [237, 238]. translocation [256, 257].
EGFR is amplified or altered in up to 57 % of glioblasto- Ultimately, this interplay of contractile elements with
mas, mainly detected in the primary and rarely in secondary adhesive matrix increases metabolic demand and triggers
GBM, which is why this alteration might not be involved enzymes for enhanced glycolysis. As shown recently, GBM
early in tumor initiation [109, 239]. A mouse model express- cells overexpress glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P) to overcome
ing the mutated EGFR alone was insufficient to cause astro- glycolytic inhibition [258]. By downregulating glucose-6-
cytomas, but expressed in a background of TP53 +/− or phosphatase in human derived GBM cells the migration and
Ink4A/ARF−/− astrocytoma formation occurred rapidly invasion rate was markedly reduced [258].
[240]. This suggests that EGFR may be responsible for Migration along the tight extracellular space requires also
tumor progression but require additional mutations in other considerable adaptation in volume and shape of glioma cells
genes for tumor initiation. [253, 259], which is mediated by modulation of Cl− and K+
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 675

Fig. 35.6 Mechanisms involved in the migration and invasion of Glioblastoma (GBM) cells along the perivascular space and white matter tracts.

channels. The Na+-K+-Cl− co-transporter (NKCC1) is highly vessels and meninges resembles the movement observed in
expressed in glioma cells, which accumulates intracellular neural progenitor cells during tissue maturation [253].
Cl− leading to opening of Cl−channels (ClC3) and resulting There have been numerous reviews describing many of
in volume shrinkage [260]. In recent studies, glioma migra- the extracellular factors relating to invading brain tumor cells
tion and invasion could be decreased after inhibiting NKCC1 such as the proteolytic degradation by various proteases
or ClC3 channels [261, 262]. (MMPs, cathepsins, serine proteases, urokinase plasminogen
In contrast to solid tumors of other organs, malignant activator receptor), and ECM deposition and adhesion facili-
glioma cells usually do not spread through an intravascular tated by matrix receptors [252, 264, 265]. The increased
route but rather within the perivascular zone. Moreover, lym- release of glutamate by glioma cells additionally acts as an
phatic channels do not exist in the brain. Despite their pro- autocrine and paracrine ligand supporting Ca2+ triggered cell
found parenchymal invasiveness, metastasis outside the migration and invasion [266]. Indeed, blocking intracellular
brain is negligible in primary malignant gliomas [263], glutamate uptake through sulfasalazine resulted in reduced
which is likely due to the blood–brain barrier and an unsuit- tumor spreading in a rodent model [266]. There are also
able environment for growth in other organ systems. The many well characterized genetic lesions in brain tumors
migration is mainly directed into two compartments: the which have been shown to affect astrocytoma progression
perivascular space and the brain parenchyma, which then [254, 267, 268], but the understanding of the intracellular
results in a spreading of glioma satellites at distant sites from and molecular mechanisms that mediate brain tumor inva-
the main tumor mass [253] (Fig. 35.6). The alignment sion is still in its infancy. These molecular pathways include
towards existing structures such as white matter tracts, blood signaling regulated by (1) the non-receptor tyrosine kinases
676 D. Coluccia et al.

focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase mation. The most important mitogen orchestrating vascular
2 (Pyk2), (2) members of the Rho family of small GTPases, neogenesis in brain tumors is vascular endothelial growth
(RhoA and Rac1) including signaling by lysophosphatidic factor, VEGF.
acid (LPA) and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), and (3) the
nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) family of transcription factors.
The Rho family of small GTPases is essential in cellular 35.6.1 Mechanisms of Angiogenesis
migration pathways. RhoA activation mediates formation in Human Astrocytomas
of stress fibers and focal adhesions in the trailing edge of
the cells and leads to a rounded amoeboid form of move- A distinguishing histopathological feature of astrocytoma is
ment, while Rac1 directs actin assembly in lamellipodia at endothelial proliferation, which can be 40 times higher than
the leading edge of migrating cells which results in cells in normal brain [278]. VEGF overexpression is central to the
moving in an elongated mesenchymal manner [269, 270]. neovascularization observed in these high-grade lesions such
Attempts to reduce cell motility by blocking migration as GBM [279–281]. Monoclonal antibodies directed against
pathways have to take into account that cells can switch VEGF in GBM mice xenografts and withdrawal of VEGF
between these different modes of migration. CDC42 is a from implanted GBM cell lines in mice resulted in vessel
well-studied member of the Rho family and, while not regression underscoring the importance of VEGF in these
essential for cellular movement, aids in regulating filopodia lesions [282, 283].
formation and cellular polarity [271, 272]. Inhibition of VEGF is a 34–45 kDa glycosylated homodimeric protein
Rac1 with siRNA leads to decreased lamellipodia forma- that acts as a specific mitogen and chemotactic factor for
tion and cellular movement [273, 274]. Using a dominant endothelial cells [284]. There are five other VEGF homologs,
negative Rac1 inhibitor induced death on GBM cells but VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, VEGF-E, and pla-
not normal astrocytes [275]. Additionally, it was shown that cental growth factor (PGF) [285]. VEGF, itself, is composed
downstream inhibition of Rho-Kinase (downstream of RhoA of five splice variants, which have equivalent effects in
activation) lead to increase motility through activation of regards to angiogenesis [286]. Expression of VEGF results in
Rac1 [276]. Therefore, it may be a balance between RhoA increased permeability of the microvasculature, endothelial
and Rac1 that regulates cellular migration and invasion in production of proteases to break down basement membrane,
astrocytoma cells. endothelial survival, and endothelial proliferation [287].
The greatest limitation of brain tumor invasion research to The effects of VEGF are exerted via the tyrosine kinase
date has been the lack of a reliable and reproducible in vivo receptors vascular endothelial growth factor receptor one and
animal model of brain invasion. Current applications of two, VEGFR1-2, and neuropilin-1 (Nrp-1). Binding of VEGF
existing animal models are currently not optimized or char- to VEGFR-2 promotes endothelial proliferation, whereas
acterized for use in brain tumor invasion research. Induction binding to VEFGR-1 regulates endothelial cells [288].
of invasion in vivo, tracking infiltrative cells and quantitation VEGF-2 is considered a core driver in complete activation of
of brain invasion are the most critical considerations of a live the angiogenic cascade and thus progression of neovascular-
animal model of brain tumor invasion. ization observed in high grade astrocytomas [280].
Central to the expression of VEGF is hypoxia. Increased
transcription of VEGF mRNA in vitro can be efficiently
35.6 Brain Tumor Angiogenesis induced by hypoxic conditions and upon restoration of oxygen
levels, basal VEGF expression is returned [289]. Rapidly pro-
Angiogenesis is defined as the formation of new blood ves- liferating tumors, such as GBMs, quickly outstrip their blood
sels from the sprouting of previously existing vessels. In the supply creating a hypoxic and necrotic environment. Indeed,
fetal brain, angiogenesis begins during embryogenesis when VEGF expression of cells at the rim of necrosis shows 50
soluble angiogenic factors are secreted to cause capillary times basal VEGF expression [290, 291]. This is mediated
sprouting from the extracerebral plexus and neovasculariza- through hypoxia inducible factor, HIF-1 [292].
tion. In contrast, the adult brain shows very little angiogenic HIF-1 is a heterodimer consisting of an α and β subunit.
activity due to expression of antiangiogenic factors. Under normal physiological conditions the α subunit is ubiq-
Solid tumors beyond 2 mm in diameter require recruit- uitinated by the tumor suppressor von Hippel–Lindau, VHL
ment of blood vessels for continued growth [277]. In patho- [293]. As a result of hypoxia, HIF-1α interacts with the
logical states such as tumors, an angiogenic signaling switch hypoxia-response element leading to the increased expression
occurs that results in a cascade of events including enzymatic and upregulation of pro-angiogenesis genes, such as VEGF
degradation of basement membrane proteins, endothelial [292]. HIF-1 also cooperates in the stabilization of the VEGF
migration, endothelial proliferation, and tubular vessel for- protein and increasing VEGF secretion [294]. VEGF expression
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 677

can also be upregulated by fibroblast growth factor (FGF),

PDGF, EGF, tumor necrosis factor α, (TNF-α), transforming
growth factor β (TGF-β), and interleukins 1 and 6 [287].
Angiopoietins are a four-member family of secreted ligands
that bind to the endothelial specific tyrosine kinase Tie-2.
The two best understood angiopoietins are angiopoietin 1
(Ang-1), and angiopoietin 2 (Ang-2), which act antagonisti-
cally at the Tie-2 receptor. In the presence of VEGF, Ang-2
promotes vessel destabilization in preparation for neovascu-
larization [295]. The combination of VEGF and Ang-2 is
found at the hypoxic rim of GBMs [296], whereas Ang-1
stimulation of Tie-2 results in vessel stabilization and is
found at the tumor periphery [287].
Bevacizumab, a human monoclonal antibody against
VEGF-A, leads to a marked reduction in tumor size and pro-
longation of progression-free and overall survival in GBM
patients in promising preclinical and clinical studies [297,
298]. Two highly awaited and large Phase III randomized
trials have been conducted recently (RTOG-0825 and
AVAGlio trial) [299, 300]; however neither study demon-
strated any benefit in overall survival, albeit a slight increase
in progression-free survival was observed.

35.7 Developmental Signaling Pathways

and Human Brain Tumors

During normal neuroembryogenesis multiple signaling path-

ways are active to allow fast proliferation and increased
migration of neural progenitor cells. The phase of differen-
tiation and maturation requires a precisely adapted regula-
tion of expression and silencing of the involved signaling
networks. In the past decade, an increasing number of genes
and pathways involved in this maturation process have been
discovered and characterized. As advanced molecular analy-
sis in human brain tumors recurrently revealed mutations
and other alterations in these genes, it is assumed that such
alterations are involved in the early phase of brain cancer
initiation and eventually enable tumor cells to acquire prolif-
Fig. 35.7 Notch signaling pathway.
eration and migration proprieties similarly found in primitive
neural cells. Here we discuss three developmental signaling
cascades with proven associations with formation of human growth factor-like ligand domain. When engaged with ligand
brain tumors. from the Jagged or Delta families, the extracellular compo-
nent gets cleaved by ADAM metalloproteases, which then
leads to a second cleavage at the transmembrane region by a
35.7.1 The Notch Signaling Pathway γ-secretase. This second proteolytic event releases the Notch
intracellular domain which promotes transcription of Hes
The Notch signaling pathway mediates cell–cell signaling family genes, among others [301] (Fig. 35.7).
and is a key developmental pathway regulating cell decisions The functions of the Notch genes (Notch1-4) are time-
regarding cell survival, maintenance of stem cell self- dependent and cellular context-dependent, and thus, they may
renewal, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis [301– act as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor [304–306].
303]. The Notch protein forms a transmembrane receptor, Activation of Notch signaling is known in various human neo-
whereas the extracellular region contains an epidermal plasms such as cervical carcinomas, T-cell leukemia, pancreatic
678 D. Coluccia et al.

cancer, and mucoepidermoid carcinoma [307, 308]. In the for pattering the midline structures in brain and spinal cord as
nervous system, Notch regulates stem cells in developing and well as controlling of axonal spreading and stem cell prolifera-
modeling the shape and cytoarchitecture of brain and spinal tion [330]. Proper regulation of SHH is particularly critical for
cord [309, 310]. Notch upregulation was observed in glioma normal development of the cerebellum, explaining the fre-
cell lines and primary human glioblastomas resulting in stem quent implication of this pathway in medulloblastomas
cell maintenance and tumor proliferation [311, 312]. when one or more genes of this pathway are dysregulated
Specifically, the self-renewal of stem cell-like GBM cells is [331, 332]. Through analysis of gene expression in medul-
sustained in the perivascular stem cell niche by endothelial loblastomas, it has been shown that tumors with mutations
cells, which provide Notch ligands, promoting radioresis- in SHH pathway express high levels of Gli1, as well as N-myc
tance [313, 314]. Notch inactivation by γ-secretase inhibitors and C-myc, cyclin D1 and D2 [333]. Interestingly, sporadic
(GSI) resulted in increased radiosensitivity through regula- Gorlin’s syndrome and medulloblastomas are often character-
tion of the PI3K/Akt pathway [314]. GSI induced suppres- ized by inactivation of Ptch1 gene or activation of SMO [80,
sion of Notch can also enhance the antitumoral effect of 184, 334]. Bmi1, a polycomb group gene, is involved in the
temozolomide (TMZ) [315]. From the four GBM subgroups, clonal expansion of granule cell precursors, and its overex-
the proneural type particularly shows high Notch pathway pression is linked to that of Ptch and is ultimately required for
activation and sensitivity to GSI in the mouse model [316]. SHH driven tumorigenesis [331, 332]. A recent genome
Notch signaling deregulation also occurs in medulloblas- sequencing of SHH pathway medulloblastoma showed that
tomas, primarily within the SHH subgroup, where Notch 2 the most frequently detected gene mutations were found in
amplification and overexpression correlated with tumor pro- PTCH1 (45 %), SMO (14 %), and SUFU (8 %) [335].
gression and poor prognosis [317–319]. Interestingly, inhibit- Interestingly, while PTCH1 mutations were found at roughly
ing the Notch pathway in medulloblastoma cell lines using equal distribution in infants, children, and adults, SMO altera-
inhibitors of GSI could decrease the number of CD133+ cells tions were markedly more frequent in adults, and SUFU
and block in vivo engraftments [320]. The role of Notch in almost exclusively in infants under 3 years [335]. On the other
medulloblastoma genesis and how the Notch pathway inter- hand, children older than 3 years exhibited strong MYCN and
acts with the SHH pathway remains to be elucidated given GLI2 amplification together with TP53 mutations (possibly in
that recent studies demonstrate that Notch signaling may not correlation with Li–Fraumeni syndrome), while all of these
be crucial for SHH-driven medulloblastomas [321–323]. findings were rare in infants and adults [335].
Several studies reported an upregulation of the Notch SHH pathway is best studied for the pathogenesis of medul-
pathway in ependymomas, supporting its potential role in the loblastoma, but there is increasing data revealing involvement
pathogenesis of these tumors [203, 324, 325]. Taylor et al. in glioma incurrence. Amplification and overexpression of
identified genetically distinct ependymomas by patterns of Gli1 has been associated with some low- and high-grade astro-
gene expression that recapitulated those of radial glial cells cytomas [336, 337], and is assumed that the SHH pathway
in corresponding regions of the CNS [203]. Specifically, it might have a stronger role in glioma initiation compared to
was shown that supratentorial tumors expressed markedly other developmental pathways such as Notch or WNT [338].
elevated levels of Notch family members. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that CD133+ glioblas-
toma cancer stem cells (CSC) are promoted by endothelial
cells through SHH pathways and inhibition of SHH by SMO
35.7.2 The Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway knockdown in vitro and in vivo results in reduction of CSC
phenotype-appearance [337]. High expression of SHH and
The SHH signaling pathway plays a primary role in mor- Gli1 in glioma patient samples were correlated with both
phogenic development of different organs during embryo- increasing WHO grade and worse prognosis [337].
genesis [326]. The secreted Sonic Hedgehog ligand, encoded Therapeutic approaches targeting the SHH pathway have
on chromosome 7q36, binds and inactivates the transmem- mainly focused on SMO inhibition [335, 339]. Preclinical
brane receptor Patched (PTCH), which results in releasing and clinical studies appeared initially promising with evi-
the inhibition of Smoothened (SMO) [304, 327]. SMO sub- dence of marked reduction in tumor growth; however, point
sequently acts to activate transcription factors of the GLI mutations in SMO and GLI2 amplifications eventually lead
family to express target genes, while SUFU (Suppressor of to drug inefficacy [340, 341]. Recent xenograft models
Fused) regulates Gli (Gli1–4) proteins to inhibit the SHH revealed that SHH medulloblastomas with PTCH1 muta-
pathway [327, 328] A model of SHH signaling is shown in tions were responsive to SMO-inhibition, while tumors with
Fig. 35.8. SUFU or MYNC mutations, which are often found in infants,
Dysregulation of the SHH pathway is implicated in cancers showed resistance [335]. The addition of PI3K inhibitors to
of different tissues, including the brain, lung, mammary gland, SMO antagonist therapy may be a strategy to delay the
prostate, and skin [329]. In the nervous system, SHH is crucial development of resistance [340, 341].
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 679

Fig. 35.8 Sonic Hedgehog

(SHH) signaling pathway.

35.7.3 The Wingless Pathway differentiation [345–347]. The canonical WNT pathway is
also a critical regulator of stem cells properties, and its acti-
The Wingless (WNT) proteins form a family of secretory mol- vation has been associated with various cancers [348].
ecules that regulate cell–cell interactions during embryogene- Evidence for the involvement of the WNT signaling path-
sis. To date, 19 WNT genes and more than 15 associated way in brain tumors has come from studies of Turcot’s syn-
receptors have been identified in the human genome [304, drome, characterized by the development of medulloblastomas
342]. WNT binds to the G-protein-coupled receptor Frizzled, and astrocytomas resulting from a germ-line mutation in the
which results in intracellular signaling carried out by the phos- APC gene [188]. Since then it has been established that WNT
phoprotein Dishevelled (DSH) and leads to a release of inhibi- signaling influences the proliferation and the renewal of neu-
tion of the transcription factor β-catenin [343]. With inactive ral stem cells and progenitors [347]. There is increasing evi-
WNT signaling, the cytoplasmic concentration of β-catenin is dence that aberrant activation of WNT signaling, resulting in
regulated and decreased by a destruction complex, which accumulation or increased activity of β-catenin, will lead to
mainly is formed by Axin, APC, GCK-3, and CKI [344]. the development of sporadic brain tumors, Notably, pediatric
A current model of WNT signaling is shown in Fig. 35.9. medulloblastomas harbor mutations of β-catenin, APC, and
Through its interactions with other families of secreted Axin [188, 329]. These point mutations are found in approxi-
growth factors, including EGFR, FGF, TGF-β, and the mately 10–15 % of medulloblastomas but are mutually
Hedgehog proteins, WNT signaling can regulate diverse pro- exclusive. For instance, 4 % of sporadic medulloblastomas
cesses including cell proliferation, migration, polarity and harbor missense mutations in APC, and 1–5 % have Axin1
680 D. Coluccia et al.

Fig. 35.9 Wingless/Int 1

(WNT) signaling pathway.

point mutations [186, 349]. Interestingly, there is evidence

of cross-talk between the WNT and SHH signaling path- 35.8 Stem Cells in Brain Tumors
ways as SUFU has been shown to regulate the activity of
β-catenin [350]. SUFU mutations in medulloblastomas may The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis was initially derived
lead to the activation of the two pathways: WNT and SHH from the concept of CSCs giving rise to the hematopoietic
[351]. The role of WNT signaling in brain tumor formation malignancies. Since then the CSC hypothesis attempts to
has primarily been studied in the context of medulloblas- explain the development of solid tumors, such as brain
toma, but there is increasing evidence that WNT signaling tumors. Furthermore, the CSC hypothesis provides impor-
may also modulate the early phase of tumorigenesis in some tant concepts for future brain tumor treatment. The failure or
gliomas [346, 347, 352]. only short lived beneficial effect of chemotherapy drugs and
So far, agents targeted against the WNT pathway in radiotherapy in addition to rapid tumor recurrence for most
medulloblastoma cells or tumors have only been explored in malignant brain cancers lead to the assumption that actual
preclinical setting [353, 354]; however given that medullo- therapies might not adequately target a subset of dormant or
blastoma patients harboring mutations involving WNT sig- slow cycling cells with abilities of self-renewal and adaptation
naling show favorable outcome compared to other subgroups [105]. Brain tumor stem cells are hypothesized to reside
[198], WNT targeted strategies seem to be of lower priority. within a nutritive perivascular niche [355] (Fig. 35.10).
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 681

Fig. 35.10 Glioblastoma

stem cells and perivascular
niche. GBM glioblastoma

As in normal tissue, tumors are organized in a cellular and mas, ependymomas and medulloblastomas, skin malignancies,
functional hierarchy based on stem cells. Neural stem cells and colon cancer [203, 367–373].
(NSC) are defined as cells that have the ability to perpetuate Evidence supporting the CSC hypothesis in brain tumors,
themselves through self-renewal (symmetric division) and to include finding that these cells have indefinite potential for
generate mature cells of a particular tissue through differen- self-renewal, proliferation, differentiation, and have clono-
tiation (asymmetric division) [356, 357]. These cells have genic potential based on neurosphere assays. Several studies
been isolated from the embryonic brain of humans and per- demonstrate a close link between developmental biology,
sist in the adult in the subventricular zone of the frontal lat- stem cells and cancer cells. In vitro, CSCs have been shown
eral ventricles and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus [105]. to express molecular markers of neural precursors as Sox2,
Different markers have been proposed to characterize the Bmi1, Musashi, Notch, Emx2, Pax6, and Jagged1 [374].
NSC population, but none have proven to be specific enough These findings suggest that CSCs may have been initially
to ensure the identification of a pure population. The expres- derived from normal stem cells. Several proteins have been
sion of Nestin is a widely used marker to delineate NSCs, as proposed as markers of the CDC population in brain tumors
is the cell surface marker CD133. Additionally, some NSCs including CD133, CD15, α-6 integrin, and ATP-Binding
have characteristics of glial cells and will express on their cassette transporters (ABCT) [371, 375–377]. However,
surface SSEA-1, CD44, α-6 integrin, BLBP, GLAST, RC2, other studies have shown that the negative populations of
and GFAP markers [358–361]. these markers can also give rise to tumors and therefore these
Many genes that have been identified as regulators of neu- markers may only enrich for CSC and not define CSC [378].
ral stem cells properties are also known to be involved in Importantly, it is not clear yet if cancer-initiating events
brain tumorigenesis [361]. For instance, Bmi-1 is important occur in the NSC, progenitor cells, or terminally differenti-
for cell proliferation and maintenance, and PTEN acts as a ated cells, which reacquire a de-differentiated state [379].
tumor suppressor and important negative regulator of cellu- Recent studies have suggested the microenvironment is
lar proliferation [362, 363]. The Notch, Sonic Hedgehog, important in defining the CSC. In melanoma, for example,
and Wingless pathways have also been implicated in regulat- the complete obliteration of the immune response of the
ing NSCs [348, 364–366]. Importantly, deregulation of these xenograft host lead to a larger fraction of the tumor popula-
pathways is also strongly implicated in the initiation and tion exhibiting CSC properties [380].
progression of CNS cancers when they are deregulated. Using a high-throughput drug screen, Diamandis et al.
To date, CSCs have been identified in many solid tumors, demonstrated that the functional ground state of neural stem
including breast carcinoma, CNS tumors including astrocyto- cells may not only be dependent on developmental signaling
682 D. Coluccia et al.

Table 35.2 Pros and cons of common animal models of brain tumors
Brain tumor in vivo model Pros Cons
Orthotopic xenograft Cell lines can be genetically Brain tumor cell lines generally
manipulated prior to transplantation in show genotypic deviation and
order to explore specific genetic events homogeneity compared to the
Large numbers of animals can be original patient tumor (applies
generated in relatively short time and less to biopsy xenografts, at the
at low breading costs cost of longer engraftment time
Relative consistent histology and and more variable tumor
chromosomal profile supports histology)
standardization Mostly demonstrate an expansive
growth with only limited
infiltration into the perivascular
space and occurrence of necrosis
or microvascular alterations
(better results with sphere cultures
compared to monolayer cell lines)
Inhibited immunological
tumor-host response
Chemically induced model Immune competent animals can be Genotype and phenotype of the
used tumor is not reproducible
Tumors show relative high degree of Histologically present more like
invasive growth gliosarcomas or “glioma-like

Genetically engineered Tumors arise de novo and in situ Time point of tumor initiation
mouse model (GEMM) within immune competent animals cannot be controlled
Induction of defined genetic alterations Biological differences of murine
allow to study the role of oncogenes and human malignancies
and tumor suppressors in Complex and expensive breading
Intact immune system and distinct
molecular characterization of induced
brain tumors improves validation of
drug testing
Transplantable, chemically induced, and genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM)

pathways such as Notch, SHH, and WNT, but also on path- we describe transplantable, chemically induced, and genetically
ways relating to neural transmission [381]. engineered models [242] (Table 35.2).
Although the cancer stem cell hypothesis remains some-
what controversial it offers a unique prospective to examine
and understand brain tumor biology. The properties required 35.9.1 Transplantable Allograft
for a population of cells to become tumorigenic requires a and Xenograft Models
dynamic interplay between genetic aberrations, tumor hier-
archy, and microenvironment. Classic modeling involves transplantation of cultured rodent
(allograft) or human (xenograft) cell lines under the skin
(subcutaneous) or in the brain (orthotropic) of immunodefi-
35.9 Animal Models of Brain Tumors cient/immunonaive rodents [382, 383]. These rodent models
are highly reproducible in terms of tumor formation, growth,
The ideal animal model of a human brain tumor recapitulates and survival pattern. The cell lines can be genetically manipu-
the molecular, genetic, histopathologic, and clinical features lated prior to transplantation in order to explore specific
that are found in the human tumor. While none of the current genetic events. However, these tumors may not faithfully
animal models can fully achieve these requirements, these mod- recapitulate the original tumor histology, and pathobiology
els are critically important as they can be used to investigate [384]. Established brain tumor cell lines generally show
tumor biology, screen novel molecular targets and pave the way genotypic deviation and homogeneity compared to the origi-
towards preclinical trials. In the past 10 years, great progress has nal patient tumor [385]. One strategy to overcome this is the
been made in establishing several relevant and reproducible ani- use of orthotopic serial passaging of primary human brain
mal models of human brain tumors that are based on the molec- tumors in mice, as these xenografts often retain the original
ular genetic alterations that characterize the human tumors. Here tumor phenotype. A common drawback of tumor transplants
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 683

is that they mostly demonstrate an expansive growth with tenance, although mouse tumors that phenotypically resem-
only limited infiltration into the perivascular space of the ble human tumors still behave differently with respect to
brain and rare occurrence of necrosis or microvascular altera- their genetics and therapeutic response [391].
tions [242]. The advancement in cell selection and prepara- The generation of transgenic mice involves inserting a
tion of growth media now allows for cultivating cancer DNA construct (usually an oncogene) downstream of a pro-
stem-like cells which grow as spheres [242, 368]. These moter into a fertilized oocyte, which is then implanted into the
sphere cultures closely retain the genetic profile of the patient mouse [392, 393]. All cells of the resulting transgenic off-
tumor and are highly tumorigenic, invasive, and angiogeneic spring homogenously contain the new genetic material.
[242, 386]. However, EGFR amplification is rather rare in Conditional expression can be conferred using tissue/develop-
neurosphere cultures and some cell populations lose glial and mental stage specific promoters, drug response elements such
gain mesenchymal features in a process known as mesenchy- as tetracycline or doxycycline, or recombination techniques
mal drift [387]. The retention of the initial chromosomal pro- (Cre/lox) [394, 395]. Strategies employing conditional expres-
file and tissue architecture of the tumor can be improved sion allow the study of genes that would otherwise result in
when biopsy tissue is directly cultivated as multicellular embryonic lethality, and confer tissue and stage specificity.
organotypic spheroids and implanted into immunodeficient Knock-out mice or loss-of-function models traditionally
rodents [388]. Biopsy xenograft models usually maintain involve using homologous recombination to substitute a
their heterogeneity and show invasiveness, necrotic areas and mutated gene with a selection marker (i.e., antibiotic resis-
frequently display EGFR amplification [242]. However given tant gene) for a wild type gene. The cells of interest are then
that the tumor histology differs between animals and initial selected for and placed into embryonic stem cells, which are
engraftment may take up to 1 year, experimental planning then transferred to mouse embryos and generate chimeric
becomes problematic [242]. mice, which can be mated to generate a homozygous mouse
with the inactivated gene [393, 396]. These mice as well as
transgenic mice can be mated for a combination of genetic
35.9.2 Induction of Brain Tumors modifications.
via Embryonic Mutagenesis Somatic cell transfer techniques allow the infection of
only a population of cells in an effort to more closely model
The second classical method of modeling is inducing tumor the spontaneous genetic events responsible for the majority
formation in the developing brain of embryonic rodents with of brain tumors. These techniques employ the use of viral
early exposure to mutagenic alkylating agents (chemically vectors for the delivery of genetic information. One strategy
induced model) [389, 390]. These tumors, mostly estab- takes advantage of the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus
lished in rats (e.g., 9L, C6), show some degree of invasion (MMLV) and its wild-type helper virus to deliver genes to
and necrosis, but histologically present more like gliosarco- dividing cells [397]. A second more specific system uses the
mas or glioma-like tumors [242]. An advantage over trans- replication incompetent avian leukosis virus (ALV) to only
planted tumors is that immunocompetent animals can be deliver genes to cells engineered to express the viral receptor
used, which mimics the situation normally found in humans. tv-a [398, 399]. The ability to study secondary mutations in
However, when cell lines from chemically induced tumors these systems is related to infection efficiency, as well, the
are used as an allograft transplant, immunogenic tumor inclusion of large genes in the vectors decreases viral effi-
rejection may still occur and interfere with the interpretation ciency. However, multiple viral constructs can be coinfected
of the effect of experimental antitumoral agents. An essential to study multiple genetic hits.
disadvantage of chemically induced tumors in embryonic
animals is that the genotype and phenotype of the tumor is
not reproducible, given the inciting genetic event is unknown 35.9.4 Models of Astrocytoma
and reveals little about the molecular etiology of brain
tumors in humans. Alterations within the three core signaling pathways (p53,
RB, RTK/RAS) as characterized by the TCGA are often used
to induce astrocytoma formation in GEM models [391].
35.9.3 Genetically Engineered Mouse Transgenic mice with constitutively active H-RAS driven by
Models (GEMM) a GFAP promoter (astrocyte specific) develop Grade II–IV
astrocytomas in a dose dependent manner [400]. High H-RAS
GEMMs are created by germ-line modifications or somatic expressors develop tumors characteristic of GBM and moder-
cell gene transfer techniques. An advantage over xenografts ate expressors develop low-grade or anaplastic astrocytomas
is that the tumors arise de novo and in situ within immune [393, 400].
competent animals. GEMMs have allowed further insight Mice with tumors characteristic of GBMs can be created
into the molecular events behind tumor initiation and main- by breeding mice with TP53 deletions with mice with Nf1
684 D. Coluccia et al.

(the mouse form of the human NF1) deletions [401]. Nf1, as tumors increased the latency to tumor formation [407].
in humans, is a RAS-GAP protein that downregulates RAS Recently, oligodendroglioma cells from fresh human tissue
activation, therefore, its loss would result in RAS activation. samples with co-deletion of chromosomes 1p and 19q have
Transgenic mice with v-src expression driven by a GFAP been successfully cultivated as permanent cell lines (BT054
promoter develop low grade or anaplastic astrocytomas and BT088). BT088 was shown to engraft in the brain of
14.4 % of the time [393, 402]. The src receptor interacts with immunocompromised mice, and demonstrated extensive
the EGFR and PDGFR signaling pathways. infiltration and histology resembling anaplastic oligoden-
Anaplastic astrocytomas were modeled in mice engineered droglioma [408].
to express the SV40 T-antigen late in development. SV40
inactivates RB and RB family member p107 and p103. These
mice develop anaplastic astrocytomas within 10 months in 35.9.6 Models of Medulloblastoma
almost 100 % of cases [393, 403]. Interestingly, mutating RB
alone does not result in astrocytomas suggesting redundancy Mice heterozygous for mouse PTCH deletion develop
between RB family members. tumors similar to human medulloblastoma at a rate of 15 %
Using the RCAS/tv-a retroviral somatic cell transfer tech- by 10 months [409]. This incidence can be increased to 98 %
nique to over express K-RAS and AKT in nestin positive by 12 weeks if the PTCH +/- mice are combined with p53
CNS progenitor cells results in the formation of tumors char- null mice [409]. Using the RCAS retroviral and inducing
acteristic of GBM [404]. Neither K-RAS nor AKT overex- Sonic Hedgehog mis-expression in the cerebellum of fetal or
pression alone formed tumors. AKT over expression may be newborn mice resulted in medulloblastoma formation at
analogous to PTEN deletions in human GBM as the inhibi- high rates [410, 411]. The co-overexpression of C-MYC in
tory effects of PTEN are immediately upstream of AKT acti- these mice enhanced the effect [393]. In murine transgenic
vation [393]. Marumoto et al. transduced a small number of models, the overexpression of MYC in concert with loss of
GFAP+cells heterozygous for TP53 with lentivirus harboring TP53 resulted in medulloblastomas that expressed markers
activated oncogenes H-RAS and AKT in the cortex, subven- typical of Group 3 medulloblastoma [412]. Interestingly,
tricular zone and hippocampus of mice [405]. Tumors that while trying to create astrocytoma models in GFAP express-
recapitulated human GBM arose only from transduced cells ing cells of mice by deletion of both TP53 and RB, tumors
in the subventricular zone or hippocampus [405]. phenotypically similar to medulloblastoma developed in the
Deletions and alterations in tumor suppressor or onco- cerebellum [413]. The WNT subgroup could be recapitu-
genes can be combined in order to generate mouse models of lated in mice with activating mutations in the WNT pathway
GBM subgroups. For example, knocking down p53 and acti- effect protein CTNNB1 [414]. These WNT pathway tumors
vating RAS signaling resulted in tumors harboring a molecu- in the mouse model revealed that this subgroup of medullo-
lar profile resembling the mesenchymal GBM subtype [104]. blastoma arise from regions in the dorsal brainstem as
Furthermore, the first orthotopic xenograft model of anaplas- opposed to other genetically distinct medulloblastoma
tic oligodendroglioma with mutations in IDH1 and tumor subgroups such as SHH which arise from the cerebellar
suppressor genes FUB1 and CIC (both involved in MYC hemispheres [414].
expression and RTK signaling repression) has been reported
recently [406].
35.9.7 Models of Ependymoma

35.9.5 Models of Oligodendroastrocytoma For a long time, preclinical models of ependymoma were
lacking [415]. Johnson et al. introduced the first mouse
Overactive PDGFR has been implicated in the pathogenesis model in 2010 using genetic engineering techniques [207].
of human oligodendroastrocytoma tumors and as such After transducing the oncogene EPHB2 in neural stem cells
murine models of this tumor have focused on this abnormal- that were INK4A/ARF−/− the mice developed tumors that
ity. Holland et al. used the RCAS retroviral system to were histologically indistinguishable from human ependy-
express oncogenic PDGFB in either nestin or GFAP express- momas at a rate of 50 %. Advances in optimum medium
ing cells [407]. The nestin group acquired mainly low grade preparation have permitted ependymoma cell culture derived
oligodendroastrocytomas approximately 60 % of the time, directly from primary patient material and to create ortho-
whereas the GFAP group developed mixed oligoastrocyto- topic xenograft mice models for posterior fossa ependy-
mas or oligodendroastrocytomas 40 % of the time [407]. moma [416]. Recently, an ependymoma stem cell line
When the oncogenic PDGFB mice were crossed with mice (DKFZ-EP1NS) derived from a patient with metastasizing
lacking the INK4A/ARF gene, the proportion of anaplastic supratentorial anaplastic ependymoma has been cultivated as
35 Molecular Biology of Human Brain Tumors 685

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Cancer Drug Discovery and Anticancer
Drug Development 36
James Turkson

producing a desirable biological outcome. It is also impor-

36.1 Introduction tant to note that the altered critical biological molecules may
have normal physiological functions in the unaltered state,
Studies of the molecular basis of carcinogenesis have led to but by being aberrant or dysfunctional, those functions con-
the realization that cancer is fundamentally a disease of mul- tribute to promoting the development and the progression of
tiple genetic aberrations. The multiple genetic changes in the cancer phenotype. Molecular-targeting has now become
cancer are predominantly the result of accumulating muta- the new drug discovery paradigm that drives the develop-
tions that have occurred in the genome over time, which in ment of novel anticancer therapeutic modalities and influ-
turn lead to gene products with upregulated, repressed, or ences how anticancer drug discovery is approached today.
loss of functions, as well as aberrant signal transduction The multiple genetic changes that are evident in the many
pathways and dysregulated cellular functions. Bulk of evi- human cancers have given rise to several gene products that
dence demonstrate that dysregulated signal transduction are aberrant in activity or are defective in function. The
pathways promote malignant transformation and support the underlying general hypothesis is that the abnormal function-
formation, maintenance, and progression of cancers. ing of these molecular entities together lead to the develop-
Numerous investigative studies that cover this area and the ment, maintenance, and the progression of the cancer
compelling observations supporting the genetic basis of can- phenotype. In general, there is substantial and compelling
cer, as well as the details of the identified molecular altera- evidence to support this hypothesis, and in a large number of
tions that present themselves in cancer fall outside the scope cases, the evidence is strong to demonstrate the all-important
of this chapter. It is noteworthy to mention that the reality requirement for the abnormal molecular entities in the patho-
that cancer has underlying multiple fundamental changes at logical events that drive the cancer. Thus, the premise for the
the molecular level ushered in a new era in cancer drug dis- new drug discovery paradigm of molecular-targeting is that
covery that comprises of the development of a new family of those cancer-critical abnormal biological events or molecu-
anticancer drugs different from the conventional cytotoxic, lar entities represent potentially viable therapeutic points or
chemotherapeutic drugs. This new generation of anticancer targets for developing effective and safe anticancer therapeu-
drugs is based on the new paradigm known as molecular- tic agents. For this new concept, a large emphasis is placed
targeted therapy, largely reflecting the concept of targeting on the knowledge of those crucial cancer-relevant biological
only the specific key molecular abnormalities or dysregu- events or molecular entities that are associated with the can-
lated molecular entities that exist in cancer cells and that cer cells or tissues, their role in the cancer phenotype and
drive tumor progression. The concept of targeted therapeu- how the absence of their functions modulates the cancer phe-
tics is therefore referring to the selective interference with or notype. Without going into much detail here, it is worth men-
the thwarting of the functions of the critical, cancer-relevant tioning that the genetic alterations that are evident in cancer
biological molecules in cancer cells and thereby exerting can be generally classified into two main types: (1) the gain-
specific biochemical effects mainly in the cancer cells, and of-function mutations, and (2) the loss-of-function muta-
tions. Gain-of-function mutations are random mutations that
occur in the genes that promote growth and survival and that
J. Turkson, Ph.D. (*) result in the aberrant activation of the gene products. This
Cancer Biology and Natural Products Program, University
of Hawaii Cancer Center, 701 Ilalo Street, Suite 344,
type of mutations frequently leads to the dysregulation of
Honolulu, HI 96825, USA critical physiological processes, including cell cycle and cell
e-mail: growth, cell survival, and angiogenesis, or promote events

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 695

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_36
696 J. Turkson

that lead to cancer cell migration, invasion, and metastases. outcome of the few molecular-targeted anticancer agents has
Loss-of- function mutations are typically evident in genes not lived up to expectations. This may be explained in part
whose products function as tumor suppressors, cell cycle by the well-structured architecture of intracellular signaling
inhibitors, or inhibitors of apoptosis. Thus, the loss of the pathways comprised of an array of proteins and other macro-
functions for the gene products eliminates the negative regu- molecular structures that are uniquely arranged to promote
lation and the restrictions on cell growth and survival, or signal cross-talk and provide redundancies. Thus, the less
leads to a loss of differentiation. Overall, therefore the evi- than a complete appreciation of the targets’ functional rela-
dence indicates the multiple genetic aberrations and the con- tionship with other molecular entities that exist in the net-
sequent alterations in gene products that are evident in cancer work of molecular and biochemical processes poses a
culminate in abnormal biochemical and biological processes, challenge. In light of this, it is becoming increasingly clear
which together contributes to promoting the malignant trans- that the targeting of a single biological molecule or pathway
formation, tumor formation, and tumor progression. Given might be insufficient and that multiple molecular-targeted
these underlying abnormal molecular events in cancer, the therapeutics might be needed to eliminate the cancer cells. In
focus of molecular-targeted therapy in drug discovery is to presenting a discussion on the development of new antican-
design novel agents that directly target those altered molecu- cer drugs that target specific cancer-relevant pathways under
lar entities so as to modulate their abnormal activities and/or the new molecular-targeting paradigm, the discovery and the
rectify their functions, thereby restore the physiological har- development of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents will not
mony and alter the cancer phenotype. be discussed [1–6].
Given the molecular aberrations in cancer and the propen-
sity of the altered biological processes to promote cancer
formation and progression, it is reasonable to conceptualize 36.2 Molecular Targeting: A Modern Day
that cancer is a disease emerging as a result of cell growth Concept to Anticancer Drug Discovery
and cell survival surpassing cellular differentiation and cell and Development
death. Thus, the ultimate goal in the application of molecular-
targeted anticancer therapy is to successfully alter the dis- Non-specificity of effects and severe toxicity to diverse organ
equilibrium between these opposing processes and to shift systems and tissues in patients are some of the limitations of
the dynamics away from cell growth and survival in favor of conventional chemotherapy. These problems further com-
cell differentiation and cell death. This will in turn promote pound the already difficult health condition of the patient and
the preferential loss of cancer cells that make up the tumor frequently lead to patient non-compliance or the unwilling-
tissue. To accomplish this, the ideal molecular-targeted anti- ness to proceed with the chemotherapy. In contrast to con-
cancer agent must be capable of selectively repressing the ventional chemotherapeutic agents, which exert effects via
abnormal molecular events that support cancer cell growth, acting on multiple processes that affect highly proliferating
viability, and survival, while inducing processes that pro- cells of both normal and tumor tissues, and which also lack
mote cancer cell terminal differentiation or cell death. specific tumor-selective targets of action, the molecular-
Furthermore, the ideal anticancer agent will not affect nor- targeted anticancer drug design and therapeutic strategies
mal cells or their functions so as not to induce toxicity in the represent a shift in paradigm by focusing on specific cancer-
patient, although to accomplish this may be idealistic. relevant molecular targets. The concept of molecular-
Certain toxicities have been observed for molecular-targeted targeting includes a focus on the identification and the
therapeutics in patients, which are in part due to the normal targeting of specific altered molecular entities of relevance to
functions of the biological targets and the degree to which cancer. The molecular abnormalities may be specific biologi-
the inhibition in normal cells affect their functions. However, cal processes or molecular entities whose functions are criti-
it needs to be mentioned that many of the currently available cal to the underlying events for initiating and developing the
anticancer drugs belonging to the category of chemotherapy tumor and for tumor maintenance. Those causal events
are purely cytotoxic agents and non-selective, and they become the target areas for candidate molecular-targeted
mainly promote cell death in the rapidly proliferating tumor therapeutic agents.
and normal cells. It is expected that molecular-targeted ther- Although the ideal candidate drug will have a well-defined
apeutic approach will not have the same level of toxicity that target and mechanism(s) of action, the discovery and devel-
is associated with chemotherapy as these drugs are designed opment process for new candidate drugs does not always
to selectively and preferentially target cancer, but not normal begin with the knowledge of the target. The present-day drug
cells, thereby reducing the extent of toxicity in the patient. discovery and development process is rather a lengthy one
Other challenges associated with molecular-targeted therapy with a high failure rate. For the drug discovery process, with
is the extent to which targeting of a single entity alone might its objective to identify a molecule that is selectively active
be sufficient to alter the tumor phenotype. Thus, the clinical and potent against the cancer phenotype and that exerts lim-
36 Anticancer Drug Discovery 697

Fig. 36.1 Schematic representation of target-based drug discovery and Also involved at these stages are the assays and their development, the
development process. Drug discovery process typically begins with the choice of which must be based on the target, and the evaluation of
identification and the validation of the target in vitro and in vivo studies. agents against the target, lead discovery and optimization, with medici-
The next stages involve the choosing of the agents, compound libraries, nal chemistry, and ultimately the evaluation of candidate drugs against
or assessment of the approaches for obtaining agents to be screened. suitable in vivo models of the type of cancer.

ited undue toxicity to normal cells, and which produces clini- with functions that are critical to the cancer. We will start by
cal benefits with minimal toxicity in the patients, there is no discussing the target-based model and the important con-
set rule or way to reach this goal, as long as it is accom- cepts, such as cancer drug target, and their significance [1, 2].
plished. There is no more higher emphasis on the manner in
which to begin the drug discovery and development process
than there is on accomplishing the goal of delivering an 36.3 Target-Based Drug Discovery
effective and safe drug, although a particular strategy might and Development Approach
offer certain advantages and may be preferable to an organi-
zation based on logistical and technical issues. Aside of Molecular-targeted drugs are designed with the aim of mod-
these, two main models may be used to describe the present- ulating the cancer phenotype by interacting with and altering
day drug discovery and development process. With model the properties of specific biological molecules. Those bio-
one, as illustrated in Fig. 36.1, an agent may be identified and logical molecules are altered in such ways that make them
designed against a known target, which through rigorous crucial for the initiation of cancer, and for the survival of the
experiments has been validated and established to have a cancer cells and are therefore important for maintaining the
critical role in carcinogenesis and tumor formation. cancer phenotype. The target of any molecular-targeted drug
Ultimately, the modulation of the target by the identified may be cell surface entities (extracellular domains of recep-
agent is expected to inhibit growth of cancers in an experi- tors, membrane phospholipids, integrins, and adhesion mol-
mental setting. This model is described as the forward, target- ecules), membrane-anchored proteins (receptors), or
based, hypothesis-led approach to drug discovery. With intracellular, cytoplasmic entities (intracellular domains of
model two, the alternative, reverse approach may be taken receptors, enzymes and signaling proteins, RNA, microRNA,
that initially focuses primarily on finding drug candidates and DNA). They are typically dysregulated in some fashion
that have the ability to alter specific biological events relevant in tumor cells, compared to normal tissue and are expected to
to the cancer phenotype without knowledge of the potential be specifically modulated by the novel anticancer agent.
target(s) or the molecular mechanisms of action of the drug Therefore the forward, target-based approach to drug discov-
candidates. The antitumor properties of the candidate agents ery builds on the premise that the biological molecules that
will then be pursued at a later stage in studies that focus on make up the target(s) have potential roles in terms of their
the identification of the target(s), validation of target(s) in aberrant functions and thereby contribute to the development
regard to the cancer phenotype, and the determination of the and the progression of the cancer phenotype. However, it
molecular mechanism(s) of action of the candidate drugs in needs to be stressed that what constitutes an important target
the context of the biological response of the cancer cells and for consideration for a drug development project is a crucial
the effect of the candidate drugs on the target. Both of these question that should not be taken lightly. In that context, it
models have been utilized with positive results. Each needs to be stressed that the mere association of a biological
approach has its advantages and disadvantages, which molecule or event with malignant transformation and tumor-
together with other factors will influence the decision of an igenesis does not constitute sufficient evidence for target sta-
organization in how the drug discovery process is initiated tus nor does it necessarily make the biological molecule a
and carried out. Although the two models are different in the good target. Although a biological molecule or event may
order and sequence of pursuing the objective of identifying have an association with the disease phenotype, one ought to
new anticancer drugs, in both cases the target and the target be open-minded, but critical going into the drug discovery
identity remain important parameters and the need to ulti- project, especially at the initial phase of the discovery pro-
mately solidify the validity of a candidate agent as an anti- cess and recognize the need for a thorough examination of
cancer drug remains. Drugs that are discovered and developed the target-worthiness of the biological entity prior to making
based on these approaches, called molecular-targeted drugs, any commitment to pursue the biological entity. In that
are aimed at suppressing dysregulated biological molecules regard, there are key issues that need to be considered
698 J. Turkson

following the initial observations of an association of a bio- about the potential to regulate specific tumor types with
logical entity with the disease phenotype, but prior to decid- minimal toxicity to the patient. It could be said that a defined
ing to focus on the biological entity as a target in terms of target for a tumor type provides the platform for predicting
designing, adopting, and applying a strategy for evaluating the potential clinical outcome when the new drug is used in
and identifying compounds that modulate the biological a patient against the target, which is aberrantly regulated in
entity. We will now look at these important issues and dis- some fashion, although it needs to be stressed that this pre-
cuss their significance within the context of the forward, diction is no guarantee of the clinical success of the candi-
target-based approach to drug discovery [7–9]. date drug. Other important considerations in determining
target identity that impacts significance are the cellular loca-
tion and the expression profile of the target, molecular status
36.3.1 Target Identification, Selection, in normal versus tumor cells, the functional status in relation
and Validation, and Criteria to the tumor phenotype, as well as other physical/biochemi-
to Establish Validity cal and biological properties of the target.
The functional status of the candidate target should be Target Identification and Selection considered relative to the mechanism of carcinogenesis and
Any type of disease condition will likely be associated with the development of the cancer phenotype. The important
several abnormal molecular entities and pathological events. questions to address here are what role the target has and in
For discovering and developing molecular-targeted thera- what manner, as well as how important the target’s role is to
peutics against a disease condition, it will be important to the disease phenotype. Determining the answers to these
determine which of those altered molecular entities and bio- key questions provides the framework for making the
logical events are essential to the disease onset and to the critical decision on whether to focus on the target for drug
underlying pathological mechanism(s) that initiate, support, discovery purposes. These questions are addressed experi-
and maintain the disease condition, and also promote its pro- mentally to ensure that the selected candidate target suffi-
gression. The knowledge of this information is crucial for ciently meets certain minimum conditions or set guidelines.
determining the suitability of the biological entity as a target Information from those studies becomes the basis for mak-
and for defining the significance of the target to the disease. ing critical decisions on moving forward. Other important
Target identification thus represents the key first step in the issues include druggability and how well drugs can be
target-based discovery approach. A cancer drug target repre- designed and developed against the target, as well as the
sents a biological entity with molecular and biochemical tractability of the target or the difficulty of inhibiting the
functions that are critical to the key biological processes target. It is proposed that of the genes in the human genome,
underlying the existence of cancer. The altered biological only a small percentage is druggable and is associated with
entity may be a genetic material, a gene or gene product, or diseases. This is even more important when the disease phe-
a molecular or biological mechanism present within cancer. notype is linked to several similar targets, and the question
The identity or the knowledge of the critical target also pro- becomes which one of these possible targets should be pur-
vides a basis for defining some aspects of the biological and sue in the discovery program. It is worth stating that what
molecular underpinnings of the disease. A defined target constitutes a good target may be regarded as an ongoing
may be distinctive to the particular cancer type, representing debate and this debate and the evaluation of the target should
part of the properties that define the cancer phenotype, as continue throughout the drug discovery process to ensure
well as distinguish the cancer from other cancer types or suitability. In that regard, what is now emerging is a sense of
subtypes, or the cancer cells from their normal counterparts value that the potential target presents and this influences
from which the tumorigenesis events may have originated. It the “go-no-go” decision. Moreover, emphasis is placed on
provides a means of characterization of the cancer in terms target value for the sake of patentability and intellectual
of differences in specific molecular and biological proper- property matters, which are important considerations from
ties that are the foundation of the disease and for which the financial standpoint, given how much of resources would
target is critically important. Identifying and defining a tar- need to be invested and how much efforts would be allo-
get is also an important step toward setting priorities regard- cated for pursuing the target in the discovery program, and
ing the specific aspects of the target that need to be focused the overall cost associated. It is a common practice for one
on that might be relevant to function. Selecting the target target to be pursued by many organizations, particularly if it
influences the decision on what approach to take in order to is highly relevant to the cancer type and its druggability is
maximize the potential to achieve the highest level of selec- high. Overall, the concept of target is generally accepted as
tivity and specificity of effects for the candidate drug. The one of the most critical factors to consider in the anticancer
knowledge of the target is also useful for making predictions drug discovery process [10–14].
36 Anticancer Drug Discovery 699 Target Validation Thus, a high importance should be placed on defining the
The concept of target represents one of the most important importance of the altered biological entity, as a target, in
issues in anticancer drug discovery. Granted the multiple relation to the cancer. In that regard, there ought to be a set of
genetic alterations, which are associated with the cancer criteria with minimum requirements that need to be fulfilled
type, lead to a myriad of functional aberrations in the gene by the putative target in regard to its consideration as the
products with altered biological outcome, it is reasonable to target of choice for the cancer phenotype, and to the justifica-
expect many factors to become associated with any particu- tion to develop agents that modulate its activity or function.
lar cancer phenotype. While such associations are significant The validation does not only make certain that the target is
and may suggest some level of importance for the altered critical to the cancer type in terms of the viability and the
entities in relation to the carcinogenesis and the tumor for- survival of the cancer cells, but also serves to minimize the
mation processes, rigorous investigative studies are required chances of toxicity by ensuring that the potential drug candi-
before any major conclusions can be made regarding target date would exert specific effect preferentially on tumor cells
validity. The point needs to be made that an observation that without indiscriminate effect on normal cells. Overall, target
a biological molecule is altered in some fashion in cancer validation is an important consideration in the drug discov-
cells, while suggesting an association with the cancer pheno- ery process, and establishing the causal role for a target in the
type, should not necessarily be taken as an indication the disease phenotype is a good beginning of a potentially viable
altered entity is essential for the events that led to the cancer anticancer drug discovery process. However, target valida-
phenotype or that it is important within the underlying mech- tion should be perceived as an ongoing process pursued at all
anisms leading to carcinogenesis, tumor formation, and stages of the drug discovery and development process. By its
tumor progression. Ideally, to be considered as potential tar- very nature, the validation therefore represents a complex
gets, altered proteins, or biological molecules and their func- process that will require diverse experimental approaches
tions should have critical roles in the underlying events and important decision-making steps in order to accomplish
leading to the cancer formation. Adopting this viewpoint is and establish a tractable and viable drug target [10, 14].
to safeguard against selecting and focusing on spurious bio-
logical entities that may not be essential to the basis of the Criteria for Validating a Target
disease phenotype, but may be readily available for targeting An important issue in considering a candidate target for drug
for reasons other than a requirement for the cancer forma- discovery is whether an entity hypothetically associated with
tion. This brings us to the issue of the cause and effect. This a disease necessarily represents an appropriate point for new
is an important consideration, which indicates the need to drug intervention. It is vital to establish the credibility of the
establish the causal relationship between the altered molecu- hypothetical target as it relates to its activity in the context of
lar entity (and its function), as a potential target, and the bio- the disease and the target’s mechanism(s) of action, and to
logical or pathological events underlying the cancer establish a cause and effect relationship between the disease
phenotype. It will be ideal to envision that the altered molec- and the candidate target. There are no standard processes for
ular entity will have a causal role in the induction of the can- validating and establishing the credibility of a target, and dif-
cer phenotype in order to represent a validated and credible ferent organizations may consider different approaches for
target for drug discovery and development. accomplishing this goal. Notwithstanding, the main goal is
Although the validation of a putative target may be viewed to present a clear definition of the position of the target in
as a complex and long process, when successfully done, it relation to the disease phenotype and the molecular and bio-
authenticates the drug discovery process and has the poten- logical events leading to cancer. Achieving this goal will
tial to improve the chances of success in terms of the clinical require using various experimental models of the disease and
outcome in patients for the drug candidate that emerges from diverse approaches. It should be pointed out that disease-
targeting the altered biological entity. The question of what relevant systems that are available for experimental use out-
makes a good target for anticancer drug design and develop- side of humans may not be accurately reflective, but
ment may not be answered in one study. The attempt to nonetheless serve the purpose at this stage of the discovery
address this question may take the form of a number of process. While the establishment and the use of appropriate
observations made from a series of studies throughout the disease models for target validation present some challenges,
drug discovery and development process. The significance of the lack thereof for evaluating a potential target for credibil-
these studies is primarily in terms of establishing the nature ity will only compromise the pharmacological usefulness of
of the relationship between the candidate target and the dis- the emerging drug candidate. Given the objective, which is
ease. The type of relationship will have a strong influence on to verify the credibility of the potential target in relation to its
the potential response of the drug candidate in the treatment role in the cancer phenotype, one could propose some mini-
of the disease based on the effect of the drug on the target. mum conditions and lay out a set of criteria that need to be
700 J. Turkson

fulfilled by a molecular entity that is being considered or molecular entity or biological event to make a good target
evaluated as a potential target for cancer drug discovery: may vary from one organization to the next, the basic prem-
ise remains the same and that is to establish the credibility of
1. There should be evidence in cell culture and whole ani- the putative target for the disease phenotype. The emphasis
mal models that changes in the function of the candidate is on ensuring that a particular biological entity has all the
target alone is sufficient to alter the relevant disease phe- necessary properties and fulfills the criteria for its consider-
notype. Here, studies need to establish that the elevation ation as a valid drug target. It suffices to mention that even
of the expression or function of the putative target alone, when a target is validated, its credibility as a good target con-
in the case where it is stimulatory, is sufficient to induce tinues to be evaluated at every stage throughout the drug dis-
the cancer phenotype. Where the function of the putative covery process and finally at the level of clinical response
target is suppressive, there should be evidence that its when the drug is administered to patients [8, 10, 11, 14–18].
overexpression alone is sufficient to abrogate the malig-
nant phenotype. Such studies when appropriately con-
ducted will provide information to build confidence in the 36.3.2 Lead Identification and Optimization,
target and to establish the causal relationship between the and the Development of a New Drug
putative target and the cancer type.
2. Definitive proof from studies in disease-relevant models The successful identification and validation of a target pave
of cell culture, and whole animals, and in clinical models the way for the next step in the discovery process, which
that modulating the function of the molecular entity as a could be classified as designing and identifying leads that
target alters the disease phenotype. Complementary to the target the biological entity or entities and modulate their
studies conducted in response to the requirements in the function (Fig. 36.1). This is an important phase in the discov-
criterion (1) above, it is important to employ the appropri- ery and development process and thus carrying out the stud-
ate disease models, both in vitro and in vivo, to investi- ies in this phase may take several months to complete. Also,
gate the underlying critical role of the potential target in many small-molecule drug discovery approaches do not
the incidence and the progression of the cancer pheno- result in clinical candidates in a large because of the lack of
type. Granted that the putative target has a critical role in a good lead [19, 20], thus securing a suitable lead for the
the disease, the modulation of the candidate target will be drug discovery and development process is critical for the
expected to result in a corresponding change in the cancer success of the program. There are no specific set of guide-
phenotype that is consistent with the purported role of the lines regarding how this phase may proceed. However, fur-
target in the disease. ther studies defining and expanding on the understanding of
3. Finally, the molecular mechanism(s) of oncogenesis must the molecular and biochemical bases for the induction of the
be clearly outlined and defined in accordance with the target could be incorporated into this phase so as to facilitate
assertion that a potential biological entity as target has a identifying specific key aspects of the target’s properties that
critical role in the development of the cancer type. One may be amenable to exploitation for the design of lead mol-
needs to ascertain how the function of the biological mol- ecules as modulators and potential anticancer agents. To
ecule is essential to the events that ultimately lead to the some extent, studies here will also serve as proof-of-concept
cancer phenotype. This will ensure that targeting this bio- testing in order to establish the validity and viability of the
logical entity modulates some critical underlying strategy for generating suitable lead compounds. These stud-
mechanism(s) that support(s) the maintenance of the ies may also test the therapeutic potential of the candidate
tumor. drug in modulating the target(s) and the function of the
target(s). The work at this stage includes the development of
These target-focused requirements are important consid- assays, both in vitro and in vivo, the screening of compounds,
erations in determining the validity of a target for developing which may be on a high throughput screening (HTS) plat-
novel anticancer drugs for therapeutic purposes. The ulti- form to identify leads, and a medicinal chemistry component
mate test of the validity of the target in relation to the cancer with lead optimization steps, and subsequent further evalua-
type is the clinical outcome in the appropriate cancer patients tion of derivatives or analogs. Where appropriate, these steps
who are given the drug. An example is seen in the good clini- may be interspersed with the evaluation of activity, with the
cal activity of Bevacizumab, the humanized anti-VEGF expectation of progress in terms of enhancement and
monoclonal antibody as standalone or used in drug combina- improvement over previous generations of agents.
tion. Various genetic, molecular, biological, and pharmaco- It should be noted that there are variations in the sequence
logical approaches are frequently used to evaluate and of the conduct of these studies. The use of the lead com-
validate a putative target and its relevance to cancer. While pounds in studies to further provide proof-of-concept could
the experimental approaches to evaluate the potential for a also be conducted, and different types of assays can be
36 Anticancer Drug Discovery 701

performed simultaneously to evaluate multiple targets. maintenance and progression. The drug candidate should be
Because each of the steps involved in the evaluation in this able to affect the target and its function and undermine the
phase of the discovery and development process is crucial survival of the tumor cells without exerting undue effects on
and will impact the final outcome, there are key consider- unrelated biological entities and their functions or on normal
ations. These include the assay development and factors cells. Given these requirements, limitations, and expecta-
driving the assays and the screening strategy, such as speci- tions, let us look at specific examples of novel molecular-
ficity to the target, robustness, and the reproducibility of targeted therapeutics that target specific signaling pathways,
results, with minimum inherent errors or tendency for false or modulate biological processes or macromolecular struc-
positives, high sensitivity, and the cost-effectiveness. It is tures. This is a brief discussion on the subject matter and
also important to establish criteria for the consideration of readers are encouraged to consult the cited papers for more
compounds for the initial screening and for the next stage of detailed information.
the evaluation following the first screening. The availability
of set criteria allows to define and select suitable agents with
optimum characteristics that lend themselves to the drug dis- 36.3.4 Modulation of Signal Transduction
covery process [21]. Pathways

In the past few decades, there has been an increased interest

36.3.3 Specific Strategies to Identify in exploring signal transduction pathways for novel targets
and Develop Novel Anticancer Drugs for anticancer drug discovery due to their importance in reg-
ulating diverse tumor processes. This is based on the com-
We will now examine some specific models of anticancer pelling evidence demonstrating multiple aberrations in signal
drug targets and the strategies taken to develop agents that transduction networks in many human cancers. Numerous
modulate the functions of these targets. The discovery, iden- research studies provide evidence that the abnormalities in
tification, and validation of a molecular entity as a critical signal transduction serve to provide the necessary founda-
cause for the development, maintenance, and progression of tion for the biological events that drive tumorigenesis, main-
cancer, and as a target are all important initial steps in the tain the tumors, and induce tumor progression. Multiple
development of a new drug. Those initial investigations and mutational events are detected in ligands, receptors, and sig-
evaluations together represent the rationale for initiating a naling intermediates, which result in their aberrant functions.
discovery process with the focus on the target, and serve as These events consequently lead to and support uncontrolled
the proof-of-concept in the support of the development of cell growth and survival, and promote angiogenesis and
new anticancer agents that are directed at that target. Many other events that lead to tumor metastasis, and additionally
of the critical biological entities that are altered in cancer and compromise host immune competence. In the end, the aber-
are considered as targets are signal transduction mediators or rant signaling pathways become a necessary requirement for
signaling intermediates, although there is also focus on tumor cell survival, and for the maintenance and the progres-
nucleic acids as targets for developing anticancer therapeu- sion of the tumors. The implication is that targeting any of
tics. Frequent genetic aberrations, including activating- those corrupted molecular entities in the signal transduction
mutations that lead to hyperactive behavior of the target pathways or the dysregulated signaling intermediates will
proteins, suppressive mutations that result in repressed or undermine the support for the tumor cells, and thereby
lost functions, gene silencing by methylation that causes loss induce tumor cell death, and eradicate tumors. While details
of functions, and abnormal post-translational modification of the signal transduction pathways and their importance to
patterns that create altered functions of proteins altogether cancer are discussed elsewhere in this volume, herein is out-
serve as the driving force for the altered cellular phenotype lined specific examples of the molecular-targeted therapeutic
and tumorigenesis. The abnormal functional properties of approaches that are based on signal transduction pathways
those altered biological molecules contribute to the dysregu- [22–24].
lation of the cell growth and survival processes, and induce
angiogenesis, migration, invasion and metastasis, and the Inhibitors of Receptor and Non-
repression of host immune surveillance. receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Several strategies have been taken for developing effec- Aberrations occur very frequently in receptor and non-
tive agents against validated cancer targets or tumor pro- receptor tyrosine kinases (TKs) and are associated with
cesses. The objective is to develop a product that selectively human cancers. Thus, the receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)
modulates the cancer target in question and alters its function represent a group of biological molecules that are most
in the context of the tumor processes promoted by the target, widely explored as targets for anticancer drug discovery. The
and thereby eliminate the support of the target for the tumor rational for targeting the growth factor RTKs and the
702 J. Turkson

non-receptor TK pathways is based on a strong evidence of VEGFR3, and Raf protein kinase family, Dasatinib that
frequent activating gene mutations and/or over-expressions inhibits Abl, Fyn, Src, Lck TKs, Sunitinib, that inhibits Flt-3,
in these proteins, which are common in many human tumors. Kit, VEGFR2, and PDGF TKs, and Lapatinib, which inhibits
Fundamentally, growth factor receptor-mediated signaling, EGFR and ErbB2 TKs [25–56].
including the Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor
(HER or ErbB) family, c-Met/hepatocyte growth factor Inhibitors of Protein:Protein
receptor (HGFR), insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGFR), Interactions
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR), In the past, protein-protein interactions have posed a signifi-
platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), and fibro- cant challenge to researchers for developing effective disrupt-
blasts growth factor receptor (FGFR), and the receptors for ing agents as therapeutics. These interactions were considered
cytokines, such as IL-6 and other polypeptide ligands are all intractable in a large part due to the large surface areas pre-
important in cell growth and proliferation, survival, develop- sented by the proteins at the interface and hence, the difficulty
ment, inflammation and immune responses, and other cellu- of achieving sufficient interference using small-molecules.
lar and physiological processes. As a result, studies have The focus on disrupting protein-protein interactions as drug
shown that the aberrations in the receptors or their ligands discovery approaches has now emerged and there are several
lead to uncontrolled growth and survival of tumor cells, the efforts in this arena from both the pharmaceutical industry
induction of tumor angiogenesis, and the promotion of tumor and academia. Approaches to evaluate and target protein-
metastasis. In particular, the molecular-targeting and the protein interactions for drug discovery purposes range from
inhibition of the members of the EGFR family is presently traditional medicinal chemistry to non-traditional strategies.
one of the most explored approaches in anticancer drug The strong rationale for targeting protein:protein interactions
design, and inhibitors of the HER family as anticancer thera- is the incidence in many human tumors of aberrations that
peutic agents are currently in various stages of development occur in the proteins that are engaged in protein:protein inter-
or in clinical application. Among the strategies, antibody and actions and how the altered functions of these proteins pro-
protein-based modalities that block the extracellular surface mote tumor processes. Details about signal transduction
of the receptor were some of the first to be considered in the involving proteins that engage in protein-protein interactions,
development of targeted therapeutics for human tumors. In their importance to normal physiological processes and their
addition, small-molecule inhibitors (SMI) of the EGFR TK involvement in the molecular events that contribute to malig-
have been explored. Both the antibody-based and SMI nant transformation and tumor progression are discussed in
approaches against growth factor receptors have resulted in detail elsewhere in this volume and will not be presented
viable therapeutic agents that are in the clinic or candidates here. Among the targets being pursued for drug discovery are
that have the potential to become agents for the treatment of the interaction of the tumor suppressor, p53 and its natural
many solid tumors. Monoclonal antibody (Mab) therapies antagonist, MDM2 or the human congener, HDM2, the Bcl-2
are presently approved for the treatment of human breast and or Bcl-xL/BH3, the XIAP/Caspase (and XIAP/Smac), the
lung cancers, diseases in which the ErbB family of receptors, Myc/Max, and the Stat3:Stat3 dimerization, all of which are
including ErbB2 (HER2/neu) are validated to be essential. critical mechanisms that regulate cell growth and survival
Small-molecule EGFR TK inhibitors include Gefitinib and and are important for tumor-associated processes. Diverse
Erlotinib, which compete at the adenosine triphosphate approaches that are under consideration for modulating inter-
(ATP) binding site of the catalytic domain of the receptor actions involving these proteins include peptides and pepti-
kinase and block the EGFR signaling and are a consideration domimetics that mimic the displayed recognition surface, and
for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic non-peptide analogs, natural products, oligonucleotide-based
cancer, ovarian, and head and neck cancers. Another small- approaches, terphenyl, and other alpha-helix mimetics, chal-
molecule inhibitor in clinical application is Imatinib cones, piperidines, piperazines, fused indoles, isoindolinones,
(Glevec), which targets the TK activity of the breakpoint spiro-oxindoles, cis-imidazolines (nutlins), quinolinol, and
cluster region (BCR)-Abelson (ABL) fusion protein that benzodiazepines [17, 57–77].
results from the chromosomal abnormality, Philadelphia
chromosome and causes the chronic myelogenous leukemia Protein:DNA-Binding Complex
(CML). Other kinases of interest in the novel drug discovery Inhibitors
and development include Src (a tyrosine kinase), the protein Another approach to designing antitumor agents focuses on
serine-threonine kinase, Aurora kinase, and cyclin-dependent modulating protein:DNA complexes and disrupting their
kinases, as well as other non-receptor protein and lipid functions in tumor cells. Topoisomerase inhibitors, such as
kinases. Consideration is also now being given to agents that anthracyclines, and camptothecin and analogs (irinotecan
inhibit multiple targets, as is the case with Sorafenib, that and topotecan) mediate their antitumor cell effects by
inhibits PDGFR family, Flt-3, Kit, RET family, VEGFR2, this mechanism. Here, the complex between the protein
36 Anticancer Drug Discovery 703

(example Topoisomerase enzymes) and DNA becomes the 36.3.5 Reverse Approach to Drug Discovery:
target for the binding by the drug, thereby stabilizing an oth- Beginning with Modulating a Biological
erwise cleavable complex and leading to DNA lesions and Response and a Cancer Phenotype
apoptosis. Inhibitors of protein:DNA complexes, such as
Topoisomerase I and II inhibitors are currently in clinical use In contrast to the forward, target-based approach, the reverse
or are being considered for clinical use in a variety of human approach to drug discovery and development process is initi-
cancers, including ovarian and lung cancers [78–83]. ated by focusing on the identification of agents that modulate
general biological or biochemical processes that contribute to Modulation of Protein Synthesis malignant transformation without the initial consideration to
The inhibition of protein expression at the translation level is what constitutes the drug target. With this strategy, the knowl-
one of the ways for modulating aberrant proteins and that can edge of the potential targets that are critical for malignant
be exploited for the design and development of novel thera- transformation and tumor progression or the molecular
peutic agents against cancer. Recent reports have shown the mechanisms underlying the cancer phenotype is not essential
therapeutic potential of the molecular modulation of the com- at the initial stage of the drug discovery process. Instead, the
plex formation of the set of initiation factors (eIFs), factors emphasis may be on the modulation of a specific response
required to dissociate the 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits, that is consistent with antitumor cell effects of the candidate
and to recruit the mRNA and the initiator tRNA to the 40S agent. Such readouts may be in terms of biological responses,
subunit, and to promote the joining of the 60S subunit for biochemical activity or may be within the context of the
elongation to begin. In that regard, studies were recently changes in molecular property, but in none of these cases is
reported that showed that the inhibition of the association the knowledge of the potential target that is being modulated
between eIF4A and eIF4G (eIF4A:eIF4G complex) and the by the candidate drug necessarily required. Thus, rather than
promotion of the formation of a stable ternary complex focusing on the target at the beginning phase of the discovery
between eIF4A and eIF4B by a natural product, or the disrup- process, the reverse approach will identify an active candi-
tion of eIF4E:eIF4G complex by a small-molecule, identified date agent based on the potential to produce a defined desir-
through a high throughput screening, which ultimately mod- able and tumor-specific biological or molecular response.
ulated the translation and the expression of oncogene pro- The emphasis on the biological response as a readout is based
teins. The antitumor cell effects of the modulation of those on the principle that a desirable change in the biology of can-
molecular events in multiple cancer cell lines are a positive cer cells or in the cancer phenotype, which is consistent with
sign of the potential to explore this approach in drug discov- the ultimate goal of any anticancer therapeutic modality, is
ery and development. More recent approaches are also focus- the result of modulation of specific biochemical events or
ing on the deregulation of microRNA and the application of molecular entities in the cancer cells. Thus, by focusing the
siRNA or antisense oligonucleotides to target the protein initial screening on biological response or the modulation of
expression at the level of translation. For microRNAs, these the cancer phenotype as readouts to identify a potential drug
short non-coding RNA molecules control the gene expres- candidate, the reverse approach serves to assess the antitu-
sion of their respective target mRNAs and in doing so control mor cell activity of the agent at the very early stage. This
different physiological and developmental processes. The approach provides an indication of the potential for the can-
deregulation of microRNA expression and function is fre- didate agent to induce antitumor cell effects prior to acquir-
quently observed in many human cancers, with studies show- ing any knowledge of the mechanism(s) of action and/or
ing that the aberrant expression and function of certain what the target(s) might be. Illustrated in Fig. 36.2 is a model
microRNAs modulates tumor cell proliferation, survival, of the reverse approach showing an initial screening of com-
angiogenesis and metastasis, which makes them suitable tar- pound libraries or natural products using biological response
gets for the development of therapeutic approaches [84–94]. as readout. A variety of assays have been employed for evalu-

Fig. 36.2 Flow chart of the reverse (non-target-based) approach to identification of lead compounds. The next stages involve the evalua-
anticancer drug discovery. The approach is initiated with the screening tion of the activity of select compounds in biological assays, and the
of compounds or libraries using assays that may be cell-based to iden- identification, characterization, and validation of target(s) relative to the
tify active compounds that induce a well-defined biological response or candidate compounds and the disease model, and ultimately the identi-
a response within a molecular context. Subsequent steps include struc- fication of drug candidates.
ture-activity relationship studies and medicinal chemistry efforts for the
704 J. Turkson

ating compounds in this approach. In most cases, the measur- putative target. Also important at this stage are studies of the
able response is biology-based, which examines a change in structure-activity relationships that are directed at establish-
phenotype, such as tumor cell growth inhibition or induction ing a correlation between the activity of the compound and
of apoptosis, or evaluating and selecting active agents that the chemical moieties, thereby identifying the chemical
inhibit angiogenesis, migration and invasion, or tumor functionalities that confer activity, and medicinal chemistry
growth. Additional biological responses that have been con- and lead optimization processes to further enhance the activ-
sidered or used are autophagy (the dynamic process of sub- ity and the potency of the candidate agent and to derive more
cellular degradation) and tumor metastasis. In the case of a suitable drug candidates. Optimized drug candidates will
non-biological response, this will involve the induction of ultimately be evaluated for in vivo pharmacological proper-
changes within specific molecular mediators, which may be ties and antitumor efficacy in tumor models.
critical for tumor processes, malignant transformation, and
tumor progression. Such biochemical or molecular analyses
include gene or protein array technology for screening to 36.4 Summary
identify active agents that modulate cancer-relevant molecu-
lar entities prior to any knowledge of the potential target for Until recently, the potential targets for drug discovery has
the agent. The completion of the human genome project pro- been limited to a select few molecular entities that evidence
vides a suitable platform for evaluation and to identify genes has established have a critical role in cancer, including the
of relevance to human cancers. Ras small G protein. New biological entities emerged as
Overall, the objective at the initial screening stage is sim- potential new targets following the increased understanding
ply to identify agents that modulate specific tumor processes, of the molecular basis of cancer. Those entities that were
or produce biological or molecular responses relevant to confirmed to be highly critical in malignant transformation
malignant transformation and tumorigenesis. While the and tumor progression became the focused areas for target-
focus at the initial stage of the drug discovery process is ing in the drug discovery arena. Moreover, the completion of
shifted away from determining what the target entities or the human genome project has further opened the way for
pathways are for the active agents, it is presumed that those identifying novel cancer-relevant genes and gene products
agents that modulate tumor cell phenotype do so by interact- and hence, increased the potential to identify new targets. It
ing with specific molecular entities or pathways that have is expected that substantial information will be derived from
functions crucial to the cancer phenotype. Targets may the analyses of the human genome that will be useful in
include cancer-specific cell surface entities, extracellular many areas, including identifying important cancer-related
domains of receptors or other membrane-bound molecules, genes and gene products, and this possibility has generated a
intracellular entities, or a combination of these targets. In strong excitement from both academic institutions and the
accordance with the objectives of this approach and there- pharmaceutical industry. Such information would facilitate
fore by the nature of the initial assay design, the candidate the identification of novel tractable and druggable targets
compound(s) may interact with one or multiple entities or and help drive the discovery and development of more effec-
pathways, thereby modulating multiple aspects of cellular tive and safe drugs for a variety of human diseases, including
functions and producing the measurable biological response. cancer. We are already seeing an upsurge of information
Thus the measured biological response can be presumed to from the genomics and proteomics analyses. The large vol-
be due to some combination of the molecular modulations ume of information demands substantial and suitable evalu-
that are induced by the candidate drug of the specific biologi- ation procedures and diverse analytical tools in order to
cal entities or pathways important to the cancer cell and make insightful deductions and meaningful decisions on
essential for maintaining the cancer phenotype. The overall what constitute druggable and tractable targets, thereby pro-
response of the drug will be expected to be influenced by the mote the development of novel effective anticancer drugs.
level of expression, as well as the functional importance of Moving forward therefore in the era of genomics, pro-
each of those molecular entities, which are modulated by the teomics, and other omics approaches, it is expected that
candidate agent and that contribute the measured biological appropriate data mining and chemical genetic approach will
response [2, 95–102]. continue to expand and improve the drug discovery and
From the initial screening stage, compounds that are iden- development process. The expectation is also that as advance-
tified as possessing bioactivity and are selected will progress ment in technology occurs, this will enhance the ability to
through the drug discovery process to the next stage, which design and generate more effective tools and approaches for
is to characterize the compound in more detail in terms of identifying good candidate lead anticancer agents and drive
activity, potency, and selectivity, determination of the iden- the drug discovery and development process. New analytical
tity of the target, and then target validation, and also to per- tools also enhance the drug discovery process in many ways,
form studies of the interaction of the drug candidate with the including the identification of new targets, and in assay
36 Anticancer Drug Discovery 705

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Biological Principles and Clinical
Application of EGFR Inhibitors in Cancer 37
Zhuo (Georgia) Chen, Suresh Ramalingam,
and Dong M. Shin

This chapter first summarizes the structure, biological

37.1 Introduction function, and signal transduction pathways of EGFR and
then provides an overview of EGFR inhibitors, their preclini-
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), an important cal studies, and clinical applications in cancer treatment.
oncogenic protein, has attracted intensive research efforts for Recent advances in understanding cancer cell response to
over 40 years. In the 1960s, epidermal growth factor (EGF) EGFR inhibitors by using biomarkers are discussed at the
was discovered by Stanley Cohen as a factor from submaxil- end of the chapter.
lary glands that induced precocious eyelid opening in new-
born mice [1]. EGF was purified in the year 1962 and
identified in 1975 as a mitogenic polypeptide and an initiator 37.2 Biological Characteristics of EGFR
of cellular response to epithelium proliferation and growth
through its cell surface receptor [2, 3]. Like other growth fac- 37.2.1 EGFR Gene Structure and Localization
tors, the binding of EGF to its specific receptor EGFR trig-
gers a series of signal transductions and is essential in cellular EGFR is encoded by a gene located on chromosome 7p12
regulation for normal physiological activities. In the 1980s, [10]. Wild-type EGFR contains 1186-amino acids translated
EGFR was purified as a transmembrane protein from A431 from a 5.8 kb mRNA, which was first identified in A431
epidermoid carcinoma cells [4]. The cDNA of EGFR was cells [5, 11–13]. Studies of A431 cells illustrated that human
then isolated and the coding sequence of this protein was EGFR has a striking homology to v-erbB, particularly in the
determined [5, 6]. amino acid residues beginning at the junction of the cyto-
The oncogenic function of EGFR was first suggested by plasmic and transmembrane domains to the carboxy-
Downward et al. [7], who described a close similarity terminus of EGFR. Ninety-five percent of the residues in this
between EGFR and the avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV) region, which includes an ATP-binding domain, are con-
v-erbB transforming protein [7, 8]. In fact, EGFR overex- served, indicating the functional significance of this portion
pression has been documented extensively in a wide variety of the receptor. The amplification and variation of EGFR
of malignant tumors, supporting its oncogenic function and encoding sequences were also found to result from chromo-
making it an appropriate molecular target for cancer treat- somal translocation (M4) involving chromosome 7 [5, 11,
ment. The importance of EGFR is underscored by the publi- 14]. Currently, there are over 600 publications reporting
cation of over 10,000 papers since its discovery that described EGFR gene structures in the National Center for
EGFR signal transduction pathways and interaction partners Biotechnology Information database.
[9]. These studies have resulted in the development of EGFR
inhibitors, which have shown clinic efficacy in the treatment
of several solid tumor types. 37.2.2 EGFR Protein Structure and Function

The mature EGFR is a 170 kDa single polypeptide belonging

to the erbB family [6, 15, 16]. Four receptor proteins have
been identified as members of the erbB family. They are
Z. Chen, Ph.D. • S. Ramalingam, M.D. • D.M. Shin, M.D. (*)
Departments of Hematology and Oncology,
EGFR or erbB1, Her2/neu or erbB2, erbB3, and erbB4 [15,
Emory University Winship Cancer, Atlanta, GA, USA 17, 18]. EGFR consists of several featured domains, includ-
e-mail: ing an extracellular domain (residue 1–621), a hydrophobic

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 709

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_37
710 Z. Chen et al.

Fig. 37.1 Epidermal growth

factor receptor structural and
functional domains. (a)
Schematic representation of
EGFR sequence. L and CR,
ligand-binding and cysteine-
rich domains, TM
transmembrane domain, TK
tyrosine kinase domain, CT
carboxyl-terminal domain. (b)
sites of EGFR and the bound
signaling protein mediators.

transmembrane domain (residue 622–644) and a cytoplas- and this formation of a ligand-receptor complex on the cell
mic domain (residue 645–1186) (Fig. 37.1a). The extracel- surface induces the dimerization of EGFR [23, 24]. A 2:2
lular domain of EGFR is responsible for binding EGF and complex is formed in which the affinity of EGF or TGF-α to
other EGFR-specific ligands with high affinity. Structurally, EGFR is 100–500 nM [25–27].
this domain of the receptor contains 10–11 N-linked oligo- In the absence of ligand binding, EGFR exists on the cell
saccharide chains which are required for translocation of surface as either monomer or dimer. However, ligand-
EGFR to the cell surface [19, 20], and 10 % comprises half- induced dimerization is required for activation of the intrin-
cystine residues. The ligand-binding domain lies between sic TK activity [28–30]. Studies of the kinetics of stimulated
the two half-cysteine-rich clusters. and unstimulated EGFR have shown that ligand binding
The cytoplasmic domain of the receptor is characterized doubles the Vmax parameter and decreases the Km parameter
by a highly conserved tyrosine kinase (TK) domain. This for ATP by tenfold [31]. Binging to ligand increases the pro-
region contains an ATP-binding pocket which is essential for portion of dimerized EGFR and reorientates the kinase
the intrinsic TK activity of EGFR. The substrates of TK are domains in a way that increases the affinity for ATP binding
several tyrosine residues next to the ATP-binding region or due to conformational change, thus enhancing the enzymatic
outside the ATP-binding pocket near the C-terminus of the activity.
receptor. Autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues induces EGFR is autophosphorylated on several C-terminal tyro-
conformational change of the protein, creating a docking sines, including Tyr 992, Tyr 1045, Tyr 1068, Tyr 1086, Tyr
structure for EGFR interaction with its downstream signaling 1148, and Tyr 1173 (Fig. 37.1b). The role of this autophos-
mediators. In addition, seven serine and threonine residues phorylation is to create a specific docking structure and facil-
bordering the TK domain are substrates for phosphoryla- itate the formation of protein complexes with EGFR
tion by non-receptor kinases, such as protein kinase downstream signal transduction partners. The formation of
C. Phosphoserine and phosphothreonine are also required for these protein complexes requires specific ternary configura-
protein-protein interactions and have been inferred to be tions depending on autophosphorylation at specific tyrosine
important for the receptor downregulation processes. sites, leading to phosphorylation-dependent activation of
major intracellular signaling pathways.

37.2.3 EGFR Ligands and Its Activation

37.3 Biological Function and Related
EGFR activation is triggered by binding of its specific Signal Transduction Pathways
ligand. Since the discovery of EGF, several other ligands of EGFR
containing EGF-like domains have been identified as spe-
cific EGFR binding partners [9, 21, 22], including trans- Depending on the functional diversity of the proteins that
forming factor α (TGF-α), amphiregulin, epiregulin, and EGFR complexes with, or is phosphorylated by, stimulation
β-cellulin. The soluble ectodomain of EGFR binds ligand, by EGFR ligands results in simultaneous activation of
37 Blocking EGFR Activity for Cancer Treatment 711

Fig. 37.2 Epidermal growth factor receptor activation, processing, and PI3K phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, PKC protein kinase C, PLC phos-
signaling. ATP adenosine triphosphate, Cbl a ubiquitin E3 ligase, IGF pholipase C, STAT signal transducers and activators of transcription, TK
insulin-like growth factor, JAK Janus kinase, MAPK mitogen-activated tyrosine kinase, Ub ubiquitin (adapted from Karamouzis, M. V. et al.
protein kinase, P phosphate, PDGF platelet-derived growth factor, JAMA 2007;298:70–82).

multiple signal transduction pathways (Fig. 37.2). Thus, 37.3.1 Ras/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase
activation of EGFR induces many biological activities, (MAPK) Pathway
including evasion of apoptosis, promotion of cell growth,
and cell migration. At the same time, ligand binding induces RAS/MAPK is one of the major signaling pathways acti-
a rapid internalization of the receptors and enclaves them in vated by EGFR. The formation of a protein complex between
endosome [32–34]. The internalized EGFR either undergoes EGFR and Grb2 initiates signal transduction through the
degradation by locating to lysosomes or is recycled back to RAS/MAPK pathway. Grb can associate with EGFR either
the cell membrane. directly at Tyr 1068 and 1086 sites, or indirectly by binding
712 Z. Chen et al.

to EGFR-associated Shc, which recognizes phosphorylated can activate the Ca2+-dependent PKC pathway, which plays
EGFR at Tyr1148 and 1173 [35, 36]. It can constitutively important roles in cell differentiation, proliferation, migra-
bind to Ras exchange factor Sos, resulting in the exchange of tion, and invasion [54, 55].
Ras-bound GDP for GTP and thus Ras activation. The acti-
vated Ras then activates the serine/threonine kinase Raf-1
[37, 38]. Activated Raf-1, through MEK, contributes to the 37.3.4 Janus Kinases (JAKs) and Signal
phosphorylation, activation, and nuclear translocation of Transducers and Activators
ERK1/2 (MAPK). ERK1/2 is responsible for phosphoryla- of Transcription (STATs) Pathways
tion of several nuclear transcription factors, such as c-fos and
C/EBPs, which regulate cell proliferation and cell cycle pro- STATs are identified as signal transducers upon activation by
gression [39, 40]. Activated MAPK also provides a negative cytokine receptors [56, 57]. There are at least seven STAT
feedback loop for this pathway by promoting dissociation of genes that have been identified in mammals, including
the Grb2/Sos complex and a reduction in the strength of sig- STAT-1 to STAT-4, STAT-5a, STAT-5b, and STAT6. Homo-
nal transduction. and heterodimerization of STAT proteins allows them to
translocate into the nucleus and work as transcription factors
for activation of gene expression in response to cell growth
37.3.2 Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase (PI3K)/AKT and proliferation. STATs, particularly STAT-1, STAT-3, and
Pathway STAT-5, have been implicated in EGFR signaling. However,
their mode of activation is significantly different from that by
PI3K is a major regulatory protein that is involved in a vari- cytokine receptor. First, the EGFR ligand-stimulated phos-
ety of cellular activities, including cell proliferation, sur- phorylation of STATs does not require cytokine receptor
vival, adhesion, and migration [41–43]. Among its three JAK kinases. Second, STATs do not bind to the C-terminal
classes, only Class Ia is activated by a tyrosine kinase recep- phosphotyrosines of EGFR; instead they are constitutively
tor. One of the PI3K subunits, p85, can directly interact with associated with EGFR [58, 59]. Activation of STAT tran-
Grb1/2 through its SH2 domain when Grb1/2 associates with scription activity strictly depends on EGFR tyrosine kinase
EGFR at Tyr 1068 and Tyr 1086 [44]. Although the major activity [60, 61]. Moreover, Src kinase may play a role in
binding partner of p85 is not EGFR, but ErbB3 [45, 46], acti- EGF-dependent STAT activation [59, 62].
vation of PI3K is found in response to the EGFR ligand
through EGFR/ErbB3 heterodimers. Activated PI3K-Ia pro-
duces phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3). One 37.3.5 Src Pathway
of the well-known targets of this second messenger is the ser/
thr kinase AKT [47]. Phosphorylated AKT can prevent apop- Src and its family members have been extensively reported
tosis through targeted inhibition of Bad, a pro-apoptotic to support EGFR activity [63–65]. Overexpression of Src
member of the Bcl-2 family and caspase 9, an enzyme proteins strongly enhances EGF-mediated proliferation and
involved in the Fas-mediated death pathway [48, 49]. PI3K/ transformation of fibroblasts and epithelial cells [66, 67]. Src
AKT also regulates the mammalian target of rapamycin does not bind to the major autophosphorylation site of
(mTOR), which is responsible for the activation of transla- EGFR, but phosphorylates EGFR in its kinase domain at
tional machinery [50] and regulation of angiogenesis [51]. Tyr891 and 920 sites [68]. These two phosphotyrosines bind
the SH2 domain of Src and may provide a docking site for
the p85 subunit of PI3K. In addition, two other Src-dependent
37.3.3 Phospholipase C-γ (PLCγ) and Protein phosphorylation sites were identified at Tyr 845 and Tyr
Kinase C (PKC) Pathways 1101 in the EGFR cytoplasmic domains [69]. Phosphorylated
Tyr 1101 facilitates Src binding to EGFR, while phosphory-
EGFR signaling also affects cellular phospholipid metabo- lation of Tyr 845 is required for Src mediated STAT5b bind-
lism. In addition to PI3K, it is found that PLCγ is regulated ing [62]. It is possible that Src serves as a signal transducer
by EGF stimulation [52]. PLCγ binds directly to EGFR at downstream of EGFR or a contributor to EGFR activation.
Tyr 992 and 1173 and can be phosphorylated by EGFR at Tyr
771 and Tyr 174 [53]. The activated PLCγ catalyzes the
hydrolysis of PtdIns [4, 5]-P2 to yield the important second- 37.3.6 Transactivation of EGFR
ary messengers 1, 2-diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol
1,3,5-triphosphate (IP3). IP3 mediates calcium release and at In addition to ligand binding, EGFR can be functionally acti-
the same time affects the Ca2+-dependent enzyme PKC, vated through cross-talk with other cell surface receptors.
which uses DAG as its cofactor. Thus, through PLCγ, EGFR G-protein-coupled receptors [70, 71], such as prostaglandin
37 Blocking EGFR Activity for Cancer Treatment 713

E2 receptors and gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, A similar situation is observed in breast cancer, in which the
platelet-derived growth factor receptor [72], insulin-like Her2/neu or erbB2 oncogene was identified [91]. Her2/neu
growth factor receptor [73], and some hormone receptors has a truncated extracellular domain and a point mutation in
[74] also transactivate EGFR-mediated signal transduction the transmembrane region, which activates the protein by
pathways. inducing its dimerization in the absence of ligand. This
receptor is a major oncogene and is overexpressed in 20–25 %
of breast cancer tissues and associated with shortened sur-
37.4 Oncogenic Activities and Expression vival [92].
of EGFR in Human Cancer Cell Lines Other activating mutations of EGFR are commonly found
and Tissues in lung cancers, and also observed in esophageal and head
and neck cancers [93–96]. A deletion in exon 19 and nucleo-
37.4.1 In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of EGFR tide substitution in exon 21, such as L858R and L861Q, are
the most common EGFR mutations in lung cancer cells.
The oncogenic activity of EGFR is evident from its ability to These genotypes have been identified as EGFR-TK inhibitor
transform normal cells and promote cell proliferation. EGFR, (TKI)-sensitizing mutations, because tumor cells harboring
by itself, is insufficient to cause transformation, but the addi- these mutations showed greater sensitivity to an EGFR-TKI
tion of EGF, TGF-α, or other EGFR-specific ligands, or the (gefitinib) than those maintaining the wild-type gene [97,
existence of activation mutations is necessary for manifesta- 98]. The mutations were suggested to stabilize the binding of
tion of the transformation phenotype [8, 75–77]. In addition EGFR with ATP or its competitive inhibitors. These muta-
to cell line studies, the use of transgenic animals has allowed tions also induce anti-apoptotic pathways mediated by
the study of whether overexpression of EGFR or its ligands STAT-3 and AKT, strengthening the oncogenic activity of
is indeed causative for hyperproliferation or tumor forma- EGFR. However, a recent study using samples from the
tion. Using TGF-α as an example, transgenic mice that over- NCIC CTG trial showed that the presence of an EGFR muta-
expressed TGF-α driven by a keratin promoter show tion may increase responsiveness to EGFR-TKI, but is not
hypertrophy and hyperkeratosis accompanied by alopecia or indicative of a survival benefit [99].
stunted hair growth [78, 79]. TGF-α transgene expression is
also linked to the appearance of papillomas following irrita-
tion or wounding. Targeted expression of TGF-α in the mam- 37.4.2 EGFR Expression in Solid Malignancies
mary gland results in hyperplasia, cystic expansion, and
papillary adenoma following multiple pregnancies and lacta- Since EGFR activation results in cell proliferation, inhibition
tion [80]. Therefore, overexpression of TGF-α is responsible of apoptosis, and the formation of neo-vasculature, several
for hyperproliferative responses but does not generally lead studies have evaluated the impact of EGFR activation on the
to tumors in rodents, suggesting that the TGF-α/EGFR sig- clinical outcomes of patients with various solid malignan-
naling pathway provides the initial step in multistage carci- cies. These include evaluation of ligand expression/concen-
nogenesis. Neoplastic transformation requires the trations, receptor expression, and activation of downstream
overexpression or mutation of other proteins in the target tis- signals such as MAP kinase.
sues, such as c-Myc oncoprotein. This notion is supported by EGF is a potent mitogen in the gastrointestinal tract and
studies using mice with double transgenes of TGF-α and has been shown to increase proliferation in glandular cells in
c-Myc that show development of mammary tumors [81]. the colon [100]. TGF-α, another EGFR ligand, is also a
Constitutively activated EGFR with no requirement for growth factor in colonic epithelial cells [101]. Varying levels
ligand binding can result from mutations that are found in of receptor overexpression have been noted in colon cancer.
many tumor tissues. A well-known example of a naturally Although overexpression of the receptor is noted in tumor
occurring EGFR deletion mutant is EGFRvIII (Δ2-7) [82, tissues of approximately two-thirds of patients with colon
83], although other classes of EGFR ectodomain mutations cancer, the impact on prognosis is less certain [102–104].
EGFRvI and vII have also been discovered [84]. The EGFR expression may increase the propensity to develop
EGFRvIII mutant has been detected in 40–50 % of grade VI hepatic metastasis [105]. EGFR is also frequently over
glioblastomas [85], in up to 70 % of medulloblastomas and a expressed in aerodigestive malignancies. In patients with
small proportion of breast, ovarian, prostate, lung, and head non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), EGFR overexpres-
and neck carcinomas [86–90]. Due to the deletion of exons sion is noted in approximately 40–80 % of the tumors [106–
2–7, EGFRvIII lacks most of the extracellular domain, thus 109]. In some studies, a higher level of EGFR expression has
cannot be activated by ligand. Instead, it is constitutively been linked to more advanced stages of disease at the time of
activated and not internalized, resulting in constitutive diagnosis, and also to a poor prognosis [110–112]. More
long-term signaling which supports cell proliferation. recently, aberrant activation of the EGFR pathway has been
714 Z. Chen et al.

shown to result from mutations in the tyrosine kinase binding Table 37.1 EGFR inhibitors in clinical use
domain of EGFR [93]. Such mutations are noted in approxi- Indication
mately 10–15 % of Caucasian patients. EGFR mutations are Agent Disease (FDA approved)
noted more frequently in women, patients with adenocarci- Gefitinib Non-small cell Treatment of advanced NSCLC
lung cancer following prior chemotherapy
noma histology, those who have never smoked and in patients
Erlotinib Non-small cell For advanced stage NSCLC,
of Asian ethnicity [94]. High copy numbers of the EGFR lung cancer following 1 or 2 prior
gene also appear to have an impact on prognosis and may Pancreatic chemotherapy regimens
also predict heightened sensitivity to treatment with EGFR cancer In combination with gemcitabine
inhibitors [113, 114]. However, there does not appear to be a for previously untreated
advanced stage pancreatic cancer
clear correlation between protein expression, gene copy
Lapatinib Breast cancer In combination with capecitabine
number, or mutational status in NSCLC. for HER2-positive breast cancer
EGFR overexpression is also noted in a vast majority of Cetuximab Colorectal For advanced stage colorectal
tumor specimens from patients with head and neck carci- cancer cancer, in combination with
noma [115–117]. A higher level of EGFR expression in the Head and neck irinotecan or as monotherapy
tumor tissue relative to surrounding normal tissues has been cancer (EGFR-positive tumors)
In combination with radiation or
noted by several investigators [118]. In many of these reports, as monotherapy
EGFR overexpression was associated with an inferior clini- Panitumumab Colorectal Monotherapy following failure of
cal outcome and higher rate of disease recurrence following cancer prior chemotherapy for advanced
definitive local therapy. Aberrant activation of EGFR has stage colorectal cancer (EGFR-
positive tumors)
also been noted in other solid malignancies such as breast,
ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancers [102].
Based on reports of aberrant activation of EGFR in a vari-
ety of epithelial cancers, several agents that inhibit EGFR inhibitors in the ATP-binding domain of EGFR. Both in vitro
pathway activation have been tested in preclinical and clini- and in vivo preclinical studies show that they have various
cal studies. Overexpression of the receptor in the tumor tissue effects on tumor cells expressing EGFR. EGFR-TKIs inhibit
relative to surrounding normal tissue provides the opportu- cell growth of several human tumor cell lines by blocking
nity for cancer-selective therapy. Overexpression of EGFR phosphorylation of EGFR, ERK, and AKT, which may result
and its ligands and the expression of constitutively active from G1 arrest of the cell cycle by reduction of cyclin D1
EGFR mutants support diverse cellular biological activities [141] and upregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors
utilized by cancer cells to progress, including cell cycle pro- p21 and p27kip1 [142, 143]. These inhibitors also downregu-
gression, cell growth, differentiation, angiogenesis, invasion, late the secreted growth factors TGF-α, basic fibroblast
and metastasis [9, 119, 120]. Elucidating the effects of EGFR growth factor (bFGF), and vascular endothelial growth fac-
on these biological activities has been greatly accelerated by tor (VEGF), which are important autocrine/paracrine factors
the development of EGFR inhibitors in recent years. stimulating both tumor cell growth and angiogenesis [144,
145]. Thus, it is no surprise that EGFR-TKIs can provide
significant growth inhibition of human tumor xenografts in
37.5 Development of EGFR Inhibitors animal models [144, 146–148]. Particularly, they markedly
enhance the efficacy of cytotoxic agents including cisplatin,
The crucial roles that EGFR plays in tumor progression paclitaxel, and other platinums in the treatment of human
make this receptor an ideal target for the development of tumor xenografts in nude mice [149–151]. Furthermore,
anti-cancer therapeutics [121–127]. There are several poten- EGFR-TKIs show synergistic inhibitory effects when they
tial approaches to blocking EGFR signaling pathways. The are combined with other targeted agents [152, 153]. For
receptor can be inhibited through its extracellular domain by example, studies from our group and the others illustrate that
antibodies and at the TK domain by small molecules [128]. the combination of EGFR-TKIs with cyclooxygenase-2
In addition, antisense DNA/RNA, siRNA, or ribozymes can inhibitors (COX-2Is) either additively or synergistically
also be used to reduce expression of the receptor [129–131]. reduces the growth rate of several types of cancer cells [154–
Table 37.1 summarizes EGFR-targeting agents that are cur- 157]. In addition, EGFR-TKIs have been combined with
rently being developed or are used in the clinic. inhibitors of IGF-1R [158–160], mTOR [161, 162], and
Many synthetic and semi-synthetic compounds have been VEGF/VEGF-Receptor [144, 163–165], and antisense oli-
identified as EGFR-selective TK inhibitors [128, 132–134], gonucleotides against Bcl-2 [166] and MDM2 [167].
such as gefitinib (ZD1839, Iressa) [135, 136], CI-1033 [137– Simultaneously blocking the expression and/or activity of
139], and erlotinib (OSI-774, Tarceva) [140]. These com- both EGFR and these proteins results in effective induction
pounds are orally bioavailable and work as competitive of cell cycle regression and apoptosis in vitro and in vivo.
37 Blocking EGFR Activity for Cancer Treatment 715

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the extra- in NSCLC. Two doses of gefitinib (250 and 500 mg/day)
cellular domain of EGFR are another class of therapeutic were compared to each other in patients with advanced stage
agents that has been well-studied in recent years. Among the NSCLC following progression with standard therapy [186,
available anti-EGFR mAbs, the one currently used in the 187]. The objective response rate was 10–19 % and an addi-
clinic is the chimeric human:murine mAb cetuximab (IMC- tional 30–40 % of the patients experienced disease stabiliza-
225, Erbitux) [168]. This antibody binds to EGFR with high tion. Improvements in quality of life and lung cancer
affinity (Kd = 0.39 nM), thereby competing with EGFR ligand symptom scores were also noted in many patients. No differ-
binding and preventing ligand-induced EGFR activation ence in efficacy was noted between the two doses, though the
[169–172]. In addition, cetuximab and other anti-EGFR anti- lower dose was associated with a more favorable tolerability
bodies can induce EGFR dimerization, resulting in receptor profile. This led to the approval of gefitinib for the treatment
internalization and downregulation [173, 174]. Cetuximab of advanced NSCLC by the Food and Drug Administration
also induces G1 arrest because of elevated levels of p27kip1 (FDA). However, a subsequent phase III study that compared
[175], followed by apoptosis [176]. Blockade of EGFR by gefitinib with placebo failed to demonstrate a survival advan-
cetuximab decreases tumor cell production of angiogenic tage when gefitinib was used in second or third line treatment
factors, such as bFGF, VEGF, and interleukin-8 [177, 178], settings for advanced NSCLC [188]. Despite a response rate
leading to a significant reduction in microvessel density and of 9 %, and modest disease stabilization rate, the lack of
enhancement of apoptotic endothelial cells in human xeno- improvement in progression-free survival and overall sur-
graft tumors. Cetuximab and similar anti-EGFR mAbs also vival with gefitinib effectively halted the use of this agent for
inhibit the expression and activity of several matrix metallo- the treatment of advanced stage NSCLC. However, there
proteinases (MMPs). The antibody-mediated reduction of were selected sub-groups of patients, including never-
MMPs results in inhibition of tumor cell invasion in vitro smokers and those of Asian ethnicity, who did experience
and metastasis in vivo [178–180]. Similar to EGFR-TKIs, superior survival with gefitinib over placebo. This is sugges-
cetuximab markedly augments the antitumor effects of tive of a role for this agent in clinically-selected or
chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin and doxorubicin molecularly-selected subsets of patients with NSCLC.
in human xenograft tumor models [181, 182]. However, the Erlotinib, another EGFR-TKI, is also FDA approved for
functions of EGFR-TKIs and anti-EGFR mAbs are not com- the treatment of advanced NSCLC. Following the demonstra-
pletely overlapping. Anti-EGFR antibodies, but not EGFR- tion of its anti-cancer activity in a phase II study [189], erlo-
TKIs, have the ability to induce receptor internalization, an tinib was compared with placebo in a randomized phase III
important mechanism for attenuating receptor signaling. study (2:1 randomization) for advanced NSCLC patients.
Accordingly, the combination of an EGFR-TKI with cetux- Those who progressed following one or two prior chemo-
imab demonstrated a synergistic inhibitory effect on tumor therapy regimens were eligible for the study [190]. The
cell growth in an in vitro study [183]. median survival was superior with erlotinib (6.7 months vs.
Recently, high-throughput screening approaches and 4.7 months). The response rate was 9 %, and 35 % of patients
rational drug design have been used to develop new EGFR experienced disease stabilization with erlotinib. Improvements
inhibitors. These methods allow the identification of novel were also noted in time to symptomatic deterioration for
EGFR inhibitors that can be further modified chemically to patients treated with erlotinib. The main side effects were
target a tumor population that is resistant to current EGFR- skin rash (75 %) and diarrhea (54 %). The data from this
targeting agents [184]. Structure-based rational drug design study led to the approval of erlotinib for use as either second
utilizes nucleic acid-directed gene silencing molecules line or third line therapy of advanced stage NSCLC.
including antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, RNA interfer- Cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody against EGFR also
ence, and ribozymes to prevent EGFR translation from its has efficacy as monotherapy, although the activity appears to
mRNA [185]. Although these approaches are still in the early be relatively modest. In a phase II study for patients with
phase of development, they have great potential to enhance previously treated advanced NSCLC, cetuximab therapy
our ability to block EGFR and its related signaling pathways demonstrated a response rate of 5 % and disease stabilization
in a clinically applicable manner. rate of 30 % [191]. The incidence of skin rash was more fre-
quent, but diarrhea was uncommon with the antibody.
Following the demonstration of efficacy of EGFR inhibi-
37.6 Clinical Application of EGFR Inhibitors tors as monotherapies, randomized clinical trials have been
conducted to study them in combination with chemotherapy.
37.6.1 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer This approach was supported by preclinical data that demon-
strated supra-additive effects when an EGFR inhibitor was
EGFR inhibitors are now in routine clinical use for the treat- co-administered with chemotherapeutic agents in NSCLC
ment of advanced stage NSCLC. Gefitinib was the first drug cell lines. However, there was no improvement in overall
among this class of agents to demonstrate anti-cancer activity survival and progression-free survival for the combination of
716 Z. Chen et al.

an EGFR-TKI and standard platinum-based chemotherapy one prior chemotherapy regimen was associated with a
over that with chemotherapy alone in patients with advanced response rate of 11 % and an overall disease control rate of
stage NSCLC [192, 193]. Although the reasons behind the 53 % [198]. In a small subset of patients who underwent
conflicting pre-clinical and clinical findings are not entirely sequential tumor biopsies, no consistent correlation was
clear, further development of combination regimens with noted between response to therapy and changes in various
EGFR-TKIs and chemotherapy has been discontinued. biomarkers. Erlotinib was also associated with objective
On the contrary, the monoclonal antibody cetuximab was tumor responses in patients with advanced head and neck
associated with promising response rates and survival dura- cancer [199]. Some recent studies have evaluated the combi-
tion when combined with chemotherapy in phase II studies nation of gefitinib or erlotinib with chemotherapeutic agents.
for patients with advanced stage NSCLC [194–196]. This A phase I/II study of erlotinib with cisplatin found response
prompted phase III studies of chemotherapy with or without and disease stabilization rates of 21 and 49 %, respectively,
cetuximab in patients with chemotherapy-naïve advanced in previously untreated patients with advanced head and
stage NSCLC. The results have been conflicting, with one neck cancer [200]. In another study that evaluated the com-
study that combined cetuximab with chemotherapy (carbo- bination of erlotinib, cisplatin, and docetaxel, a high response
platin and a taxane) showing no improvement in progression- rate of 67 % was noted [201].
free survival over chemotherapy alone, whereas another The monoclonal antibody cetuximab has received FDA
study demonstrated improved survival in patients with approval for the treatment of patients with locally advanced
EGFR-expressing tumors who were treated with cetuximab head and neck cancer, either as a single agent in patients with
in combination with chemotherapy (cisplatin and vinorel- advanced platinum-refractory disease, or in combination
bine) (Press release, Imclone Pharmaceuticals, Inc., with radiation for localized disease. Since EGFR activation
September 2007). The detailed results of this trial are yet to is a survival pathway for irradiated cells [202], the combina-
be reported. Of note, the positive study with cetuximab was tion of radiotherapy with an EGFR inhibitor was evaluated in
unique in selecting patients for therapy based on EGFR a randomized phase III study in patients with locoregional
expression status. head and neck cancer [203]. Concurrent administration of
The clinical development of panitumumab, a fully human external beam radiation with cetuximab resulted in near dou-
monoclonal antibody against EGFR, was discontinued based bling of the median survival over that with radiation alone.
on data from a randomized phase II study (carboplatin and The median duration of local control was 24 months with
paclitaxel administered with or without panitumumab) [197]. cetuximab and radiation compared to 15 months with radio-
There was no improvement in any of the efficacy parameters therapy alone. Notably, there was no increase in radiation-
evaluated in the study with the addition of panitumumab to related toxicities with the addition of cetuximab, with the
chemotherapy. Presently, the reasons behind the differential exception of skin rash. These results led to the evaluation of
interaction of EGFR-TKIs and monoclonal antibodies with cetuximab in combination with radiation in the treatment of
chemotherapy are unclear. It is conceivable that antibody- other solid malignancies.
mediated cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) might play a role. When given to patients with advanced head and neck can-
Furthermore, it can be hypothesized that the non-target cers as monotherapy following failure with prior platinum-
effects of EGFR-TKIs may be responsible for their unfavor- based therapy, cetuximab was associated with a response
able interaction with chemotherapy. rate of 13 % and a disease stabilization rate of 46 % [204].
EGFR inhibitors are now being evaluated for the treat- Cetuximab has also been shown to overcome resistance to
ment of earlier stages of NSCLC. This includes combination platinum-based chemotherapy. The administration of cetux-
approaches with external beam radiation for locally imab in combination with cisplatin to patients who failed
advanced, surgically unresectable NSCLC and in the adju- prior platinum-based therapy resulted in a response rate of
vant therapy setting for patients with surgically-resected 10 % and disease control rate of 53 % [205]. The favorable
early stage NSCLC. Appropriate patient selection, using tolerability profile and anti-cancer activity associated with
molecular and clinical factors is a key focus of ongoing the combination of cetuximab and platinum-based chemo-
research efforts. therapy was further substantiated by a phase II study by
Herbst et al. [206]. These findings were confirmed by a
phase III study, which demonstrated a superior response rate
37.6.2 Head and Neck Cancer with cetuximab and cisplatin when compared with cisplatin
alone (26 % vs. 10 %) and a non-significant trend towards
Several studies have documented the efficacy of EGFR improved progression-free survival with the combination
inhibitors for the treatment of head and neck cancer. Both (4.2 months vs. 2.7 months) [207]. Another phase III trial
gefitinib and erlotinib have demonstrated single agent activ- conducted recently confirmed the utility of cetuximab in first
ity in this setting. Administration of gefitinib to patients with line therapy of head and neck cancers. The median survival
advanced head and neck cancer following progression with associated with cetuximab in combination with platinum-
37 Blocking EGFR Activity for Cancer Treatment 717

5-fluorouracil was superior to that of chemotherapy alone in response rate (47 % vs. 39 %) and a modest improvement in
patients with recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carci- median progression-free survival (8.9 months vs. 8 months).
noma of the head and neck (10.1 months vs. 7.4 months) Cetuximab also improved the efficacy of oxaliplatin-based
[208]. EGFR inhibitors are now being evaluated in combina- chemotherapy regimens. In a randomized phase II study, the
tion with other targeted agents and also in earlier stages of addition of cetuximab to 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and
head and neck cancer as adjuvant or neo-adjuvant therapy. oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) resulted in a higher response rate than
with FOLFOX alone (46 % vs. 37 %) [215]. These studies
suggest a role for cetuximab in combination with chemother-
37.6.3 Colorectal Cancer apy as front-line therapy for advanced colorectal cancer.
Cetuximab also appears to enhance the efficacy of other
Cetuximab is efficacious in the treatment of advanced molecularly-targeted agents. Bevacizumab, a monoclonal
colorectal cancer, both as a monotherapy and in combination antibody against the vascular endothelial growth factor, is
with chemotherapy. In a large phase II study (n = 346 commonly used in combination with standard chemotherapy
patients), cetuximab was administered as a monotherapy to for advanced colorectal cancer. In a randomized phase II
patients who had progressed with standard chemotherapeutic study, the combination of cetuximab and bevacizumab
regimens [209]. Expression of EGFR in the tumor (immuno- resulted in a response rate of 23 % in patients with irinotecan-
histochemistry positive) was mandated as an entry criterion. refractory colorectal cancer [216]. Thus, in addition to its rou-
The response rate (12 %) and median overall survival (6.6 tine use in patient care, cetuximab is being extensively studied
months) were suggestive of single agent activity for cetux- in various settings for the treatment of colorectal cancer.
imab in this setting. Subsequently, a phase III study com- Panitumumab has also demonstrated anti-cancer activity
pared cetuximab with best supportive care in patients with in advanced colorectal cancer. A phase III study randomized
EGFR-expressing colorectal cancer, following progression patients with EGFR-positive, chemotherapy-refractory
with standard chemotherapy [210]. The response rate was colorectal cancer to panitumumab monotherapy or support-
8 % with cetuximab and there was a significant improvement ive care [217]. The response rate with panitumumab was
in progression-free survival and overall survival. Patients 10 %. There was a modest improvement in median
treated with cetuximab reported less deterioration in global progression-free survival for patients treated with panitu-
health status at 8 weeks and 16 weeks of therapy, compared mumab. This led to the FDA approval of panitumumab for
to that with supportive care alone. advanced colorectal cancer in the setting of progressive dis-
Cetuximab has also undergone extensive evaluation in ease following standard chemotherapy. This agent is now
combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of advanced being evaluated in combination with chemotherapy.
colorectal cancer. In a study for irinotecan-refractory colorec- In contrast to the single agent activity in colorectal cancer
tal cancer, patients were randomized to treatment with cetux- noted with EGFR monoclonal antibodies, the small molecule
imab alone or in combination with irinotecan [211]. The inhibitors appear less active as monotherapies. In a phase II
combination was associated with a higher response rate than study of erlotinib for advanced colorectal cancer, no objec-
that with monotherapy (23 % vs. 11 %). The median time to tive responses were noted although some patients experi-
progression (4.1 months vs. 1.5 months) and overall survival enced disease stabilization [218]. Consequently, gefitinib
(8.6 months vs. 6.9 months) were also superior for the combi- and erlotinib are now being studied in combination with
nation. Interestingly, anti-cancer activity was also noted when standard chemotherapy regimens. A phase II study of gefi-
irinotecan was added to cetuximab after progression with tinib in combination with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and
monotherapy. This was consistent with preclinical studies oxaliplatin in patients with previously treated colorectal can-
that demonstrated reversal of resistance to irinotecan by the cer demonstrated a response rate of approximately 30 %.
addition of cetuximab [212]. This notion was further substan- Similarly, the combination of erlotinib with oxaliplatin and
tiated by a non-randomized study (n = 1123 patients) that capecitabine has been demonstrated to be safe and effica-
treated irinotecan-refractory, EGFR-expressing colorectal cious in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer [219].
cancer patients with the combination of cetuximab and irino- Randomized studies are currently underway to confirm the
tecan [213]. The median progression-free survival rate of promising results from phase II studies with these agents.
34 % at 24 weeks met the primary endpoint of the study.
Recent studies have focused on the evaluation of cetux-
imab in patients who had not received any prior chemother- 37.6.4 Pancreatic Cancer
apy for advanced colorectal cancer. A large phase III study
randomized EGFR-expressing advanced colorectal cancer Erlotinib has recently been approved by the FDA for the treat-
patients to treatment with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and iri- ment of pancreatic cancer in combination with gemcitabine.
notecan (FOLFIRI) with or without cetuximab [214]. The Its efficacy was established in a phase III study that random-
addition of cetuximab to chemotherapy resulted in a superior ized patients with advanced pancreatic cancer to treatment
718 Z. Chen et al.

with gemcitabine alone or in combination with erlotinib Table 37.2 Molecular predictive markers under evaluation for EGFR
[220]. There was a statistically significant improvement in
median overall survival in patients treated with the combina- Marker Agent Disease Comment
tion (6.2 months vs. 5.9 months). There was no difference in EGFR protein Erlotinib NSCLC EGFR positivity
expression Gefitinib Colorectal linked with
response rate between the two treatment arms. While the clin-
Cetuximab cancer favorable outcome
ical significance of the magnitude of additional benefit with Panitumumab
erlotinib has been called into question, this is the first random- EGFR gene Erlotinib NSCLC Higher gene copy
ized study to establish improved survival for any combination copy number Gefitinib Colorectal number linked with
regimen in patients with pancreatic cancer. Cetuximab, which Cetuximab cancer favorable outcome
demonstrated promising activity in combination with gem-
citabine in a phase II study, did not improve overall survival in EGFR gene Erlotinib NSCLC Exon 19 and 21
mutation Gefitinib mutations
a confirmatory phase III study [221]. The median survival
associated with
duration was 6 and 6.5 months, respectively, for gemcitabine high response rate
and the combination of cetuximab with gemcitabine. EGFR Erlotinib NSCLC Gene polymorphisms
polymorphisms Gefitinib Colorectal may account for
Cetuximab cancer differential sensitivity
37.6.5 Breast Cancer MALDI-TOF Erlotinib NSCLC Ability to identify
proteomics Gefitinib patients with a
analysis favorable outcome
Lapatinib is a novel dual kinase inhibitor that targets both
EGFR (HER1) and HER2. It has recently been shown to be
an active drug for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Although the reason behind this was initially unknown, the
Initial phase II studies with lapatinib demonstrated a response higher prevalence of EGFR mutations in these subsets of
rate of approximately 20 % in HER2/neu-positive breast can- patients might account for the greater efficacy of EGFR inhib-
cer patients following progression with trastuzumab-based itors. The preliminary results of a recent phase II study in
therapy [222]. Subsequently, a phase III study was conducted chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced NSCLC demon-
for patients with HER2/neu-positive breast cancer with ran- strated the feasibility of patient selection based on clinical fac-
domization to capecitabine alone or in combination with tors [223]. The eligibility criteria for the study were female
lapatinib. The study was restricted to patients who had pro- sex, former or never-smoking status, and adenocarcinoma his-
gressed following prior therapy with trastuzumab-based regi- tology. The median progression-free survival was 5.6 months
mens. Median time to progression, the primary endpoint, was and the median overall survival was greater than 23 months.
superior for patients treated with the combination (8.4 months Skin rash has been correlated with improved outcome for
vs. 4.4 months), without a significant increase in serious toxic patients treated with EGFR inhibitors in a variety of malignan-
events. Lapatinib is now being studied in combination with cies [189, 224, 225]. In metastatic colorectal cancer, patients
hormonal therapy and in earlier stages of breast cancer. who develop a skin rash upon treatment with cetuximab have a
better survival outcome than those without a rash. Even among
patients with a rash, the severity of the rash has been correlated
37.7 Predictive Biomarkers for Patient with efficacy: the more severe the rash, the better the outcome
Selection [189]. The reasons behind the correlation between develop-
ment of skin rash and survival are not clear. It has been postu-
As EGFR inhibitors are tested and used for the treatment of lated that the skin rash is a surrogate marker of the degree of
a variety of solid organ malignancies, it is clear that their EGFR inhibition in the tumor. Some have hypothesized that
clinical benefit is confined to a sub-group of patients. skin rash indicates the extent of immune response, which might
Methods to identify this sub-group have led to the evaluation also contribute to antitumor efficacy. Intra-patient dose escala-
of several clinical and molecular biomarkers as part of clini- tion of the EGFR inhibitor until the development of skin toxic-
cal trials (Table 37.2). ity is now being tested in prospective studies.

37.7.1 Clinical Predictive Markers 37.7.2 Molecular Predictive Markers

Initial studies conducted in patients with NSCLC identified EGFR Protein Expression
certain patient sub-groups that had a higher likelihood of Several studies have evaluated the correlation between
achieving objective responses. These included women, EGFR expression in the tumor tissue and treatment outcome.
patients with adenocarcinoma histology, those of Asian eth- In colorectal cancer, initial studies were conducted only in
nicity and patients who were life-long never-smokers. patients with EGFR-expressing tumors. Subsequent studies
37 Blocking EGFR Activity for Cancer Treatment 719

have demonstrated efficacy of cetuximab even in patients gefitinib over docetaxel [229]. Similarly, another random-
with EGFR-negative tumors [226]. Similarly in NSCLC, ized study (INVITE) that compared gefitinib to vinorelbine
some of the initial studies were conducted only in patients in elderly NSCLC patients demonstrated a lack of improved
with EGFR-expressing tumors [189, 191]. However, subse- outcome for FISH-positive patients with EGFR inhibitor
quent studies have enrolled patients regardless of EGFR sta- therapy [230]. Therefore, until results from ongoing prospec-
tus, based on the lack of clear correlation between EGFR tive studies are available, testing for gene amplification can-
expression and response. In the BR 21 study that led to the not be recommended for routine clinical practice.
approval of erlotinib for NSCLC, a retrospective analysis
was conducted to evaluate the correlation between outcome EGFR Mutations
and EGFR expression status. Tumor tissues were available The presence of specific mutations in the tyrosine-binding
for immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis from approxi- kinase domain of EGFR is associated with a higher likelihood
mately one-third of the participating patients. The survival of response to treatment with EGFR-TKIs. Either in-frame
benefit with erlotinib was seen in IHC-positive patients, deletions with the removal of 4 amino acids in exon 19, or
whereas for IHC-negative patients there was no advantage point mutations that caused the substitution of an amino acid
over placebo [190]. The variation in results across studies in exon 21 of the EGFR gene were noted in tumors of NSCLC
could be due in part to the technical difficulties associated patients who had robust responses to EGFR-TKIs [93]. These
with the assessment of protein expression by IHC in a con- mutations are not present in other tumor types besides
sistent manner. The low sensitivity associated with IHC, NSCLC. These EGFR mutations do not confer constitutive
inter-observer variability in scoring, and the variation in activity, but result in heightened responsiveness to receptor
EGFR expression both within the same tumor and between activation. The prevalence of EGFR mutations in Caucasian
metastatic sites [227] are all potential challenges in the use patients is approximately 10–15 %, whereas a higher propor-
of EGFR protein expression by IHC for patient selection. tion of patients with Asian ethnicity harbor them [94]. Other
patient subsets that have a higher prevalence of EGFR muta- EGFR Gene Copy Number tions are those of female gender, never-smoking status, and
The number of EGFR gene copies has been linked with treat- adenocarcinoma histology. Elevated levels of EGFR muta-
ment outcomes with EGFR inhibitors [113, 228]. tions might account for the higher response rates noted in
Amplification of the EGFR gene is noted in approximately these patient subsets. Contrary to this hypothesis, a retrospec-
10–15 % of patients with NSCLC [114]. There does not tive analysis of the BR 21 study failed to demonstrate a sur-
appear to be a clear correlation between EGFR gene amplifi- vival advantage for erlotinib over placebo in patients with
cation and protein expression. In a predictive algorithm EGFR mutations [99]. This study was limited by the small
developed by Hirsch et al, higher numbers of gene copies, number of patients whose tumor tissues were available for
assessed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), was analysis. Recently, the results from prospective studies have
associated with improved outcome for patients treated with suggested very high response rates and prolonged times to
gefitinib or erlotinib for advanced NSCLC. FISH positivity progression with EGFR-TKIs in patients with EGFR muta-
was defined as the presence of >4 copies of the EGFR gene tions. In a study by the Spanish Lung Cancer Group, 38
in at least 40 % of the tumor cells studied. Based on this defi- patients with EGFR mutations were given erlotinib monother-
nition, the investigators were able to identify patients who apy [231]. The response rate was 82 % and the median pro-
were more likely to experience improved survival. In a retro- gression-free survival was >12 months. Of interest was the
spective analysis conducted on tumor specimens from observation that the response rate was higher in patients with
patients who participated in the ISEL study, the hazard ratio the exon 19 mutation than the exon 21 mutation. This is sug-
for survival with gefitinib for EGFR FISH-positive patients gestive of differential biological effects of the two mutations.
was 0.61, compared with 1.16 for patients with low copy This observation has been confirmed further by other studies
numbers. A similar observation has been noted in a retro- conducted in patients with EGFR mutations [232, 233].
spective analysis of the BR 21 study [99]. Based on this find- Although TKIs are active in patients with EGFR muta-
ing, prospective studies are now underway to evaluate the tions, the role of monoclonal antibodies against EGFR are
predictive potential of EGFR gene copy number for treat- unclear in this setting. In preclinical studies, the TKIs are
ment with EGFR inhibitors in NSCLC. However, planned more potent against mutant EGFR-bearing NSCLC cell lines
subset analyses of two recently reported studies in NSCLC compared with the monoclonal antibodies [234].
have yielded conflicting results. In the randomized phase III Furthermore, the question remains as to whether EGFR
INTEREST study, gefitinib was compared with docetaxel as mutations have a prognostic or predictive effect in patients
second or third line therapy. The study met its primary end- with NSCLC. An analysis of tumor tissues from patients
point of non-inferiority for gefitinib in this unselected patient who participated in a phase III study that compared chemo-
population. However, a pre-planned subset analysis in EGFR therapy with or without erlotinib noted better outcomes with
FISH-positive patients failed to demonstrate superiority for chemotherapy alone even in patients with EGFR-mutated
720 Z. Chen et al.

tumors [235]. Therefore, the utility of EGFR mutations in less active, and vice versa. The association between skin rash
patient selection for treatment with EGFR-TKIs remains a and efficacy has yet to be understood clearly. Furthermore,
subject of ongoing investigation. optimal patient selection methods continue to be evaluated,
Recently, a secondary mutation in the EGFR, located in and will hopefully result in the use of these agents in a truly
exon 20, has been reported. This mutation confers structural targeted setting. Nonetheless, the incorporation of EGFR
changes in the tyrosine kinase binding domain and results in inhibitors into clinical practice has resulted in meaningful
resistance to therapy with EGFR-TKIs [236]. It is commonly improvements in symptoms and survival for cancer patients.
found in the tumors of patients with an exon 19 or 21 muta- The current crop of clinical trials will address the role of
tion, following treatment with an EGFR-TKI. Agents spe- EGFR inhibitors in the treatment of earlier stages of cancer.
cific for tumors with a secondary EGFR mutation are now EGFR inhibitors may also be useful in the chemoprevention
under clinical evaluation. Alternative mechanisms of resis- setting in patients with high-risk pre-neoplastic conditions.
tance to EGFR inhibition such as activation of the C-MET The combination of EGFR inhibitors with other molecularly-
pathway have also been described in NSCLC [237]. targeted agents is a promising strategy that will be tested in the
near future in clinical trials. The administration of anti-angio- Serum Proteomics genic agents in combination with EGFR inhibitors is already
Mass spectroscopic analysis of serum samples has recently in advanced phase clinical trials in colorectal and non-small
been demonstrated to enable the identification of patients cell lung cancer. Such novel strategies will undoubtedly con-
who are likely to derive a survival benefit from treatment tribute to improved outcomes for patients with cancer.
with EGFR-TKIs [238]. First, a predictive algorithm based
on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)
mass spectrometry (MS) was developed based on sera from References
130 patients treated with EGFR-TKIs. Eight specific protein
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Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular
Cancer Therapy 38
Joshua E. Allen and Wafik S. El-Deiry

tification and understanding of these hallmarks is a direct

38.1 Turning Chemical Warfare into Cancer result of our molecular understanding of cancer that has sur-
Therapy faced relatively recently. Each of these hallmarks is deter-
mined by a host of molecules which together represent
Cancer and efforts to treat cancer are described in Ancient distinct therapeutic opportunities to target molecules that
Egyptian documents dating back to 1600B.C. The first suc- give rise to these defining properties of cancer (Fig. 38.1).
cessful cancer treatments were arsenic-based therapies for The National Cancer Act of 1971, signed by President
leukemias, with the first reported application to cancer in the Richard Nixon, declared “…war on cancer…” and
nineteenth century [1]. However, nitrogen mustards are often announced full Congressional and presidential support to
accredited as the first modern chemotherapy. Originally eradicate the disease. As a result of increased funding and
intended as a chemical warfare agent in World War I, nitro- technological advancements, our understanding of cancer
gen mustard was stockpiled by several countries. During biology on the genetic and molecular level has exploded.
World War II, Axis bombers sunk a ship containing large Today, cancer phenotypes are associated with genetic and
quantities of nitrogen mustard and killed numerous Allied molecular culprits along with complex networks of various
sailors. Autopsies revealed that most of the victims’ white regulatory mechanisms that together cause and sustain can-
blood cells were depleted, suggesting that the nitrogen mus- cer. Superficially, the genes capable of inducing carcinogen-
tard destroyed these cells or inhibited cell division of these esis are divided into two categories. The first is a tumor
cells. This observation birthed the hypothesis that nitrogen suppressor, which is a gene that if inactivated, restricts cell
mustards might prevent the rapid division of cancer cells, division. Genes that confer pro-survival changes if activated
one of the few properties of cancer understood at that time. are oncogenes. Intuitively, tumor suppressors such as p53
Today, the hallmarks of cancer as recently redefined by are commonly inactivated in cancer while oncogenes such as
Hanahan and Weinberg [2] include several complex and con- myc are activated and/or overexpressed. These carcinogenic
nected cellular properties that allow for this phenotype: changes manifest themselves by a number of avenues includ-
resistance to cell death, sustained angiogenesis, limitless ing overexpression, mutations, deletions, loss or gain of
ability to replicate, self-sufficiency in growth factor signal- alleles, epigenetic modifications that alter genomic structure,
ing, unresponsiveness to anti-growth factor signaling, alternative splicing, interference with the translation and
genomic instability and mutation, deregulating cellular ener- transcription of the gene, chaperone-mediated protein fold-
getics, evading immune-mediated destruction, oncogenic ing, protein degradation processes, and posttranslational
inflammation, and invasiveness and metastasis [3]. The iden- modifications that modulate localization, protein-protein
interactions, and/or activity of the protein. Whether some of
these changes occur simultaneously, sequentially, or other-
J.E. Allen, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Graduate Group, wise is highly context-dependent and debated. Furthermore,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the functional consequences of these alterations have a wide
Philadelphia, PA, USA range of effects through crosstalk in cell signaling pathways.
W.S. El-Deiry, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P. (*) In the background of cancer-associated genomic instability,
Laboratory of Translational Oncology and Experimental Cancer these wide-spread alterations and the functional redundancy
Therapeutics, Department of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology),
of various genes provide a breeding ground for therapeutic
Penn State College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Cancer
Institute, Hershey, PA, USA resistance and make targeting cancer cells at the molecular
e-mail: level a challenging feat.

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 727

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_38
728 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry


Bevacizumab lexatumumab
Celecoxib Molecular
Thalidomide TERT
P53 Bcl-2 RITA
Hallmark xIAP

oncogenic IL-10
inflammation IFNγ

AZD2281 MMRP HGF Bryostatin
ABT-888 Pim-1 1,25(OH)2D3

p21 Glut-1
Cyclin D IGF PDK
Ras TL-232
Vitamin D3
BMS-554417 tipifarnib

Fig. 38.1 Molecular therapies with targets associated with the hall- proteins that govern these hallmarks. The outer green circle contains
marks of cancer. The inner yellow circle shows the hallmarks of cancer exemplary molecular therapies that explicitly such molecules.
as defined by Hanahan and Weinberg. The middle purple ring contains

Radiation, surgical resection, and chemotherapy still essential to cancer cells but not essential to most types of
comprise the vast majority of first-line cancer therapy today. normal cells, telomerase is an attractive target for cancer
While chemotherapy has yielded enormous patient benefit it therapy. Several types of inhibitors targeting various aspects
is often accompanied by side effects that limit dose and of the telomerase molecular machinery and function are
therefore efficacy. Traditional chemotherapy is based on the being investigated as a novel cancer therapy. There have
notion that cancer cells divide more rapidly than normal cells been and continue to be efforts to discover therapies that
and consequently will be differentially affected by an inhibi- alter the function of cancer-specific targets such as this. The
tor of cell division. However, many types of normal cells rise of targeted therapies over the past two decades is a result
need to divide for normal function. Our increased under- of the rich marriage of our modern tools to understand can-
standing of cancer has yielded numerous molecular targets cer and our ancient desire to cure it. This chapter details the
for cancer therapy that may be less necessary for normal cell discovery, translation, development, and exemplified thera-
function and therefore may be less toxic. For instance, most peutic concepts of several novel cancer therapies that specifi-
normal cells divide a finite number of times, which is called cally target oncoproteins and have molded how we discover
the Hayflick limit. When cells divide, the ends of their chro- and develop novel therapies today (Fig. 38.2).
mosomes termed telomeres shorten as result of the DNA rep-
lication process, a phenomenon called the end replication
problem. Upon reaching a critical telomere length, cells stop 38.2 Small Molecules with Big
dividing and enter a dormant state referred to as cellular Consequences
senescence. Cancer cells must evade senescence as they need
to propagate indefinitely. Cancer cells escape this phenome- A narrow library of atomic arrangements make up the rela-
non by activating telomerase, an endogenous enzyme capa- tively small number of molecular building blocks of cellular
ble of elongating telomeres. As this oncogenic process is life such as nucleic acids that comprise DNA and RNA as
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 729

Fig. 38.2 Outline of exemplary molecular therapies targeting oncoproteins and their representative signaling networks.

well as amino acids that the end product, proteins, are made 38.2.1 A Rational Success Story: Imatinib
of. These building blocks are themselves synthesized from
other molecules during cellular uptake and metabolism. Life Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a cancer that
has evolved to find chemical means for cells to convert small causes increased amounts of white blood cells and is almost
molecules to other molecules that are more useful for them. always associated with a specific translocation of chromo-
In a sense, we attempt to do the same for cancer therapy somes 9 and 22. The resulting shorter chromosome 22 is
through medicinal chemistry to make more effective thera- known as the Philadelphia chromosome, a tribute to the city
pies from lead compounds. Small molecules offer a vast housing the researchers who identified this in 1960s. The
range of activity: sucrose sweetens foods and beverages, Philadelphia chromosome encodes a fusion of the two genes
sodium pentothal is lethal, and amoxicillin can cure many that results in the production Bcr-Abl. Abl is a tyrosine
bacterial infections. Our expanding knowledge in chemistry kinase that becomes constitutively active in the gene fusion
enables us to modify small molecules in nature or our syn- product. This unregulated kinase activity causes oncogenic
thetic libraries and create new molecules with altered func- cell signaling shown to be sufficient to induce leukemia in
tions, just as a cell does. Our understanding and ability to mice. As a poster-child for translating modern cancer knowl-
produce biological molecules on a therapeutic scale has been edge to clinical benefit, imatinib has significantly improved
a relatively recent endeavor, therefore chemotherapies are CML patient response rates. The FDA approved imatinib in
almost entirely composed of small molecules. The availabil- 2001 for the treatment of CML as the first cancer therapy to
ity, diversity, synthetic amenability, cost, and size of syn- target an intracellular molecule. Imatinib is a direct result of
thetic and natural compounds make small molecules an medicinal chemistry performed on a molecule identified as a
irreplaceable source of therapies. protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor [4]. Chemical modification
730 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

of the PKC inhibitor altered the specificity of the molecule biology, medicinal chemistry also provides insight into the
and rendered the derivative a potent inhibitor of v-abl [5], function of particular atoms of a molecule while searching
c-kit, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) for a more therapeutically potent derivative. The drug devel-
[6]. All of these proteins are receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) opment process typically begins by identification of lead
that bind extracellular factors and transduce the signal by molecules using various screening techniques that search for
phosphorylating specific protein substrates. The observation a desired effect. Validation of these leads and optimization
that imatinib inhibits Abl and BCR-Abl led to preclinical by medicinal chemistry ensues to identify the most promis-
development and ultimately clinical trials of imatinib as a ing compound to continue to develop. The process of lead
cancer therapy for CML. The concept of taking the currently optimization and elucidative structural biology intrinsically
available knowledge of a particular target and identifying a discerns the role of particular parts of drug and target mole-
way to alter its function for therapeutic benefit is known as cules in the activity of the drug, giving rise to structure–
rational drug design. activity relationships (SARs).
Structural biology has played a key role in understanding All of the kinases in the human genome, called the kin-
how molecules look, how they move, how they interact with ome, share a high degree of sequence and structural homol-
other molecules, and how all of these things change in differ- ogy. This means that identifying inhibitors that are specific
ent environments. Computational molecular docking in con- for a given kinase is challenging and often kinase inhibitors
cert with an X-ray crystallographic structure of the catalytic have multiple targets. Imatinib is no exception, as it inhibits
domain of Abl bound to imatinib revealed that imatinib binds autophosphorylation of c-KIT, platelet-derived growth factor
to the ATP-binding site of Abl preferentially when the pro- (PDGF), and ARG [9] kinases in addition to BCR-ABL.
tein is in the inactive form (Fig. 38.3) [7, 8]. The crystal c-KIT is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is almost ubiqui-
structure also showed that a chemical group added to increase tously mutated in gastrointestinal tumors (GISTs) during the
solubility also forms hydrogens bonds with two residues of transformation of interstitial cells of Cajal located in the gas-
Abl. The insight gained from such structures provides an trointestinal tract. This mutation typically occurs in exon 11
understanding of how and where a drug binds, what types of of the c-Kit gene, which results in constitutive autophosphor-
interactions are formed, and what role each residue or func- ylation of the protein that continually activates downstream
tional group plays. Due to the relatively facile excision and pro-survival signaling that is oncogenic. The observation
crystallization of the catalytic domains of many kinases, sev- that imatinib inhibits c-KIT lead to preclinical development
eral atomic structures of these proteins are freely available in and clinical trials with the treatment of GISTs. Seven years
the Protein Data Bank (PDB). This provides fertile ground after its approval for treatment of advanced CML, the FDA
for numerous applications of computational chemistry to fos- approved imatinib for treatment of GISTs following surgical
ter drug discovery and development. In addition to structural removal of the tumor.

Fig. 38.3 Crystal structure

of imatinib bound to Abl
kinase. The Abl kinase
(green) is represented as a
secondary structure cartoon
with its activation loop
highlighted in yellow. The
confirmation is in an
inactive kinase state. PBD
accession 1IEP.
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 731

This extension of clinical applications demonstrates a rise to heterogeneity of tumors. This heterogeneity has sig-
few key concepts in cancer therapy. Firstly, exclusive nificant implications as to how cancer is diagnosed and
specificity of a cancer drug for a molecular target is a vir- managed.
tue rooted in our movement toward targeted therapy. We There are several ways that cancer cells get around ther-
know that without specificity, effects on normal cells can apeutic road blocks in intracellular signaling to keep propa-
yield side effects that are deleterious. However the distinc- gating. In the case of imatinib, mechanisms of resistance
tion should be made that while cancer therapies should tar- include increasing the amount of Bcr-Abl to saturate the
get cancer-specific properties, this does not have to be drug, mutating Bcr-Abl to still be constitutively active in
accomplished by targeting a single molecule. It is conceiv- the presence of imatinib, bypassing BCr-Abl and activating
able that evolving therapeutic resistance is easier against a its downstream targets to achieve the same end goal, or
single target rather than an array of molecules. Furthermore, simply getting rid of the drug altogether. Following the first
different types of tumors seem to rely on alterations in route, cell culture and patient data revealed that overexpres-
multiple genes and so multiple targets may allow for sion of Bcr-Abl by gene duplication occurred in refractory
broader spectrum and more potent antitumor activity. The patients and that this was sufficient for imatinib resistance
clinical extension of imatinib to GISTs also underscores [11–14]. Additionally, several patients were found to have
the importance of identifying and understanding the mutations in the BCR-ABL that allowed for sustained sig-
molecular targets of therapies and how they fit with our naling in the presence of imatinib. Due to the availability of
molecular understanding of cancer. The application of a the drug-bound crystal structure of the Abl catalytic
therapy used in distantly related clinical settings is a con- domain, the effects of these point mutations were rational-
cept that continues today. Such applications are often a ized at the molecular level. Another intriguing avenue of
direct result of rational drug design and typically have an drug resistance is getting rid of drugs by upregulating
expedited timeline for starting clinical trials as they have molecular efflux pumps localized at the cell membrane.
already been tested in humans. The time and cost associ- The most characterized member of this family of proteins
ated with development of cancer therapies is astounding, that induce multidrug resistance is p-glycoprotein (PgP),
taking an average of over 14 years and $2 billion to reach exhibiting broad substrate specificity to include several
FDA approval of a cancer drug with a success rate of just chemotherapies such as vinblastine, doxorubicin, and
over 7 % [10]. Clearly, reducing the time spent in early paclitaxel. Upregulation of PgP was also found in ima-
phase trials profiling safety of the drug would reduce cost tinib-resistant clones and in advanced CML patients.
and expedite evaluation and patient benefit. Pharmacological inhibition of multidrug resistance pro-
Therapeutic resistance is frequent in cancer. Cancer is teins is being explored in clinical trials in combination with
defined by its uncontrollable cellular division and therefore chemotherapy with mixed success [15–19]. Strategies to
is a disease of evolution governed by natural selection. While circumvent imatinib resistance in the clinic include increas-
our cells copy our genome during cell division with amazing ing the dose, changing to other investigational therapies,
fidelity, the molecular machinery that performs this task is and administering alternative Bcr-Abl inhibitors such as
not completely error free. This endogenous source of muta- nilotinib and dasatinib. Nilotinib and particularly dasatinib
tions, environmental mutagens such as UV radiation or also target Sarc-family kinase (Src) and have significantly
tobacco, and the genomic instability associated with cancer improved patient outcome after imatinib failure [20–29].
provide a sufficient source of heritable variability. Cancer Treating patients that are resistant to first-line therapies is a
treatments serve as a selective force for the cancer cells. challenge in clinical oncology and is a major barrier in get-
Imagine yourself looking at population of millions of CML ting an investigational drug approved as these are often
cells circulating in the blood that have the oncogenic Bcr- tested in these refractory patients.
Abl fusion gene. Now introduce imatinib into the blood Ten years after the discovery of imatinib, it was approved
stream, which inhibits Bcr-Abl, and watch as the CML cells in the US, Japan, and Europe as the first-line therapy for
begin to die due to their dependency on the function of this CML. The story of imatinib is a testament to our modern
oncogenic protein. If any single cell out of these millions of molecular understanding of cancer. Computational biolo-
CML cells evolved into cancer by a process not involving gists, chemists, cell biologists, translational oncology
BCR-ABL or can continue to divide using other oncogenic researchers, and clinical oncologists from various countries
alterations, the cell will survive and continue to divide. The around the world collaborated to discover and translate this
entire offspring of such cells will not rely on BCR-ABL to therapy. Such interdisciplinary integration is a recipe for suc-
propagate and thus the patient will now not respond to thera- cess in modern drug discovery and development and is a
pies that target BCR-ABL. The enhanced sources of genetic theme found throughout molecular targeted cancer therapy
variability and the solitary goal to divide more rapidly give and beyond.
732 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

38.2.2 Gefitinib performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with mass

spectrometry (MS) to monitor serum concentrations of gefi-
Growth factor signaling is intimately involved in tumorigen- tinib [42].
esis and propagation and is involved in two of the hallmarks HPLC along with complementary molecular identifica-
of cancer. Growth factor signaling typically involves the tion techniques are often employed in clinical trials involv-
binding of an extracellular factor by a transmembrane recep- ing small molecules. HPLC allows for the separation and
tor on the cell surface, which triggers intracellular signaling quantification of molecules based on their absorbance and
events. These events such as substrate phosphorylation ulti- interactions with a solid matrix. Molecular properties such as
mately allow for cellular proliferation through various mech- size and charge along with instrument and solvent parame-
anisms such as turning on transcription factors that activate ters determine how the molecule interacts with this matrix.
genes necessary for cell cycle progression. One group of These interactions determine how long the molecule takes to
receptors that mediate several of such signals is the epider- migrate through the matrix column. HPLC conditions are
mal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family and as a conse- optimized to allow for quantitative identification of a given
quence, this family is commonly altered by mutations and/or molecule based on this empirically determined elution time,
overexpression in a wide range of solid tumors. These recep- called retention time. The calculated serum concentrations
tors form homo- or hetero-oligomers upon binding various can then be used to determine a plethora of pharmacokinetic
ligands to trigger a range of intracellular signaling events via parameters. These parameters are particularly important in
Ras/Raf/MAPK, PI3K/Akt, STAT, or Src kinase pathways. guiding dosing schedules of new therapies and rationalizing
EGFR is one member of this family that homodimerizes patient responses. This technique is often coupled with mass
upon binding and induces proliferation through ERK, PI3K/ spectrometry to allow for further verification that the mole-
Akt, Ras, and STAT signaling pathways. Due to the fre- cule identified at a particular retention time is indeed the tar-
quency of their alteration in a variety of cancers and its pleth- get molecule. Mass spectrometry is an electromagnetic
ora of potent downstream oncogenic targets, the EGFR separation method that distinguishes molecules based on
family members have successfully targeted by a number of their size to charge ratio of ionized forms of the molecule,
therapeutic approaches over the past two decades. which are generated by molecular collisions. Together, these
Gefitinib is an orally active EGFR inhibitor identified by ionized fragments yield a unique fingerprint for each mole-
Astra Zeneca and first reported in 1996. A quinazoline deriv- cule. Coupling HPLC and mass spectrometry has been
ative was found to be an ATP-competitive inhibitor and instrumental in increasing the accuracy and reliability of
highly specific to EGFR over its related family members. pharmacokinetic data and identifying metabolites of drugs.
Cell-based events in accordance with the inhibition of EGFR Direct and indirect modifications of drugs often occur once
activation were observed such as autophosphorylation, delivered due to the staggeringly diverse mixture of mole-
upregulation of the CDK inhibitor p27Kip1, and transcrip- cules presence in the blood, digestive system, etc. As for
tional inhibition of the transcription factor c-Fos [30, 31]. gefitinib, HPLC-MS identified desmethyl-gefitinib as a
Preclinical studies found that gefitinib had cooperative to metabolite of gefitinib that is inactive in vitro and in vivo
synergistic combinations with several chemotherapies in [43]. Identification of metabolites is important for under-
EGFR-overexpressing cancer cell lines [32]. Interestingly, standing and monitoring the various molecular species
another group reported similar effects with gefitinib- responsible for therapeutic activity as well as guiding chemi-
chemotherapy combinations but in cancer cell lines with low cal optimization.
EGFR expression [33]. Oral and intravenous administration Phase II trials with gefitinib again yielded some patient
of gefitinib in rats and dogs found the bioavailability of the benefit in NSCLC along with low toxicity [44, 45]. With data
drug to be ~50 % and that the drug was well distributed available from phase III clinical trials, the FDA granted
throughout the body [34]. Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies accelerated approval for gefitinib as a third-line therapy in
indicated that oral administration of gefitinib at 100–700 mg/ NSCLC in 2003. This type of approval is granted based on
day was well tolerated, had a terminal half-life between 1 promising clinical evidence of efficacy when there is no cur-
and 2 days, and reached serum concentrations that inhibited rent therapy for a particular clinical setting. However, this
90 % of EGFR activity in vitro [35–39]. The first phase I trial approval is temporary and full approval is contingent on a
of gefitinib was a dose escalation study in patients with vari- more complete clinical data set. In the few years following
ous solid tumors that reported objective partial responses in accelerated approval of gefitinib, several studies found
NSCLC patients at oral doses ranging 300–700 mg per day responses in the overall population of NSCLC patients [44–
on a 14 days-on, 14 days-off schedule [40]. The observed 46]. However, a small subset of responders was identified
dose range with antitumor activity was below the dose- amongst these trials with the following characteristics:
limiting toxicity (DLT) reported and was corroborated with female, Asian, never-smokers, adenocarcinoma, and mutant
another phase I trial [41]. These clinical trials used high- EGFR [46–48]. Several other studies confirmed efficacy of
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 733

gefitinib in NSCLC patients with EGFR mutations [49–52] the clinical trials comparing gefitinib and chemotherapy are
though no benefit was found in NSCLC patients with EGFR confusing as they conclude significant to no benefit of gefi-
gene amplification [53]. A breakthrough study published in tinib over chemotherapy. These conflicting results have been
2004 found that the majority of gefitinib responders had ascribed to fundamental differences in the therapeutic mecha-
EGFR deletions or point mutations clustered at the ATP- nisms of chemotherapy and targeted therapy, differences in
binding site of EGFR, which results in a ten-fold increase in patient populations, and biomarker selection and technique
sensitivity to gefitinib [54]. Others studies corroborated accuracy [61]. Recent studies have supported gefitinib as a
these EGFR alterations in gefitinib-responsive patients [55, first-line therapy due to demonstrated superiority over stan-
56]. These genetic alterations were structurally modeled and dard of care therapy in mutant EGFR NSCLC patients [62–
rationalized using the crystal structure of the human EGFR 64]. This data is anticipated to extend the restricted use label
kinase domain bound to gefitinib (Fig. 38.4) [57]. These of gefitinib to its use as a first-line therapy in NSCLC patients
response-determining mutations occur at the active site of with mutant EGFR. The use of targeted therapy based on
the kinase domain in structural regions that are responsible molecular determinants surfaces later in the chapter and is
for autoregulation of kinase activity. Further studies found increasingly integrated into FDA approval stipulations as per-
that these particular mutations in EGFR stabilize the active sonalized medicine emerges in practice.
form of the kinase and shift its affinity from ATP toward gefi-
tinib [58].
One study mandated by the accelerated FDA approval of 38.2.3 Two Birds with One Stone: Iapatinib
gefitinib and another phase II clinical trial found no benefit
with gefitinib in NSCLC refractory to first-line or second-line As discussed elsewhere, the EGFR family is overexpressed
therapies. This led the FDA to restrict its usage to patients who in numerous cancers. One particular EGFR member, Her2,
have previously benefited or are currently benefiting from does not bind ligands but can form heterodimers with other
gefitinib in 2005. Subsequent clinical trials have supported ligand-bound family members to transduce oncogenic sig-
gefitinib following chemotherapy resistance [59, 60]. Together, naling through the Ras/Raf/MAPK cascade. By 2001, sev-
eral recent EGFR family-targeted molecular therapies had
demonstrated significant clinical efficacy in cancer including
the EGFR-targeted therapies gefitinib, erlotinib, and cetux-
imab along with anti-Her2 monoclonal antibody herceptin.
Her2 and EGFR are well-established therapeutic cancer tar-
gets based on these clinical successes, the prevalence of
EGFR family alternations in cancer, and the highly homolo-
gous and druggable ATP-binding site shared by EGFR fam-
ily members. A collaboration of private companies including
GlaxoSmithKline launched a large synthetic effort to simul-
taneously target these two proteins [65–67]. Published
results of these efforts detail the synthesis, specificity, and
biological activity of several quinazoline or pyridopyrimi-
dine compounds. One initial compound, GW2974, produced
tumor stasis given orally at a dose of 30 mg/kg in squamous
cell head and neck carcinoma and breast cancer xenografts.
A later report found yet another compound, GW572016, to
be a potent, reversible inhibitor of EGFR and Her2 even in
the presence of excess EGF [68].
The full length 185 kDa Her2 protein can be proteolyti-
cally cleaved to shed its extracellular domain and give rise to
its truncated form, p95Her2. p95Her2 is constitutively active
Fig. 38.4 Molecular structure of gefitinib and gefitinib bound to
which causes autophosphorylation, has a high oncogenic
EGFR. (a) Molecular structure of gefitinib. (b) Crystal structure of gefi- transformation ability, and correlates with lymph-node posi-
tinib bound to EGFR kinase domain. Overlay of wild-type (blue), tive metastasis and poor therapeutic response [69–76].
L858R (green), or G719S (beige) EGFR bound to gefitinib shown in p95Her2 was found to be insensitive to trastuzumab, preferen-
gray, light green, and magenta, respectively. The L858R point mutation
is shown in orange and its hydrogen as a black dashed line while the
tially dimerize with ErbB3, and be regulated by the ErbB3
G719S point mutation is shown in red. PBD accessions 2ITY, 2ITZ, ligand heregulin [77]. Lapatinib blocked baseline autophos-
2ITO. phorylation and downstream signaling events induced by
734 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

p95Her2. Her2 was found to contribute to androgen receptor observed with the addition of lapatinib to letrozole in estro-
transcriptional activity [78, 79]. Accordingly, lapatinib coop- gen receptor (ER)-positive metastatic breast cancer relative
erated with the small molecule estrogen receptor-agonist to letrozole monotherapy [102]. Based on this data, the FDA
tamoxifen to reduce estragon receptor-dependent transcrip- extended the indication for lapatinib to its use with letrozole
tional activity and inhibit the growth of a tamoxifen-resistant in Her2+ER+ metastatic breast cancer in 2010. Addition of
xenograft [80]. Lapatinib-resistance clones were generated lapatinib to tri-weekly paclitaxel as a first-line therapy
by chronic exposure of cancer cell lines and were enriched in yielded a significant increase in time to progression of meta-
androgen receptor signaling events, suggesting the impor- static breast cancer patients that was restricted to the Her2+
tance of this signaling in lapatinib response [81]. Combining patients [103]. A recent study has also demonstrated the
lapatinib with anti-Her2 antibodies such as trastuzumab safety and potential efficacy of combination with weekly
enhanced downregulation of the anti-apoptotic protein sur- paclitaxel [104]. In agreement with lapatinib and trastu-
vivin and apoptosis in Her2-overexpressing breast cancer zumab combinatorial preclinical data, PFS was significantly
cells [82, 83] and trastuzumab-resistant cells [84]. These pre- prolonged in trastuzumab-resistant Her2+ metastatic breast
clinical observations served as the basis for combining lapa- cancer with the combination of trastuzumab and lapatinib
tinib with hormone therapy and trastuzumab. [105]. Lapatinib demonstrates the power of multitargeted
Phase I studies in healthy volunteers found orally admin- therapies over single-targeted therapies such as trastuzumab
istered lapatinib to reach peak serum concentrations at 3 h and continues to be explored with various therapeutic com-
and achieve steady state concentrations after 1 week [85]. binations as a breast cancer therapy.
High fat content of the patient significantly increased bio-
availability of the drug, highlighting yet another clinical
variable impacting therapeutic response [86–88]. EGFR- 38.2.4 Rapamycin: From the Ground Up
overexpressing and Her2-overexpressing metastatic carci-
noma patients receiving lapatinib showed significant clinical The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is a complex signaling net-
responses and tolerated oral daily doses up to 1600 mg [89]. work that controls cell survival, death, and division in
Lapatinib was also safe and effective as a first-line mono- response to a variety of stimuli such as hypoxia and growth
therapy in Her2-amplified advanced or metastatic breast can- factor deprivation. The elucidation of this pathway started in
cer [90]. The agent has shown preliminary efficacy in head 1975, when rapamycin was first isolated as an antifungal
and neck squamous cell carcinoma [91, 92], but not in agent from bacteria in a soil sample from the Polynesian
NSCLC [93] or prostate cancer [94]. island of Rapa Nui, where the compound got its name [106,
Lapatinib has been combined with a variety of chemothera- 107]. Follow up studies in rats found that rapamycin was a
pies, hormone agonists, and trastuzumab. Addition of lapatinib potent immunosuppressant [108] but the molecule lost atten-
to the FOLFOX4 or FOLFIRI chemotherapy regimen was safe tion in the scientific literature. Over a decade later, a high-
[95, 96] and is now being explored for efficacy. Based on the profile immunosuppressant macrolide, FK506, was found to
clinically active combination of trastuzumab with capecitabine, inhibit the proliferation of activated T-cells [109]. The same
studies with this combination were conducted on Her2- investigators that reported this observation also noticed
overexpressing advanced or metastatic breast cancer patients structural homology between FK506 and rapamycin, which
[97, 98]. The study found that the time to progression doubled prompted a comparison study of their effects. Interestingly,
when lapatinib was added to capecitabine without significant rapamycin and FK506 antagonized the biological effects of
additional toxicity. Efficacy within these Her2+ patients was each other. Experiments with radiolabelled FK506 found
not limited to a subgroup [99], but a separate study found lapa- that rapamycin could directly compete with FK506 in cells
tinib to be effective in Her2+ but not EGFR+/Her2- inflamma- for its undescribed binding target [110], which turned out to
tory breast cancer patients [100]. This suggests that Her2 be FK506 binding protein (FKBP) [111–114]. However, the
inhibition is a key mediator of antitumor efficacy in this malig- two molecules had different effects on signaling events
nancy. However, a higher lapatinib was recently found in pre- involved in T-cell activation such as the transcriptional activ-
clinical models to have EGFR-independent and ity of NFAT or induced IL-2 transcription [115]. The struc-
Her2-independent effects on death receptor upregulation that ture of FKBP alone was determined by NMR [116] and in
enhances efficacy when combined with TRAIL and TRAIL- complex with FK506 by X-ray crystallography [117] which
receptor antibodies that bind to these receptors [101]. This together revealed a rather unique drug binding site and
rationalizes the clinical exploration of higher doses of lapatinib revealed a strong conformational shift in FK506 and to a
to gain increased efficacy via off-target mechanisms. lesser extent in FKBP. Rapamycin was later found to bind to
In 2007, the FDA approved trastuzumab and the same site but did not demonstrate a significant conforma-
chemotherapy-resistant, for the treatment of EGFR+ tional shift itself (Fig. 38.5) [118].
advanced or metastatic breast cancer. An increase in Genetic studies in yeast found two homologous genes to
progression-free survival (PFS) from 3 to 8.4 months was be determinants of rapamycin-toxicity and as such were
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 735

Fig. 38.5 Rapamycin and its

association with FKBP. (a)
Molecular structure of rapamycin.
(b) Surface representation of
rapamycin (yellow) bound to FKBP
(green) at a hydrophobic pocket.
(c) Key interacting residues of
FKBP involved in hydrophobic
interactions (beige) and hydrogen
bonds (blue) indicated with black
dashed lines. PBD accession

called targets of rapamycin (TOR1 and TOR2) [119]. Soon ble to that of cyclophosphamide and 5-FU in several solid
after, several reports identified a mammalian homologue of malignancies and leukemia [138]. Other studies supported
the proteins present in complex with FKBP that was depen- anticancer activity of rapamycin B-cell lymphoma [139],
dent on the presence of rapamycin [120–122]. Furthermore, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) [140], rhabdomyosarcoma
this mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) was required [141], melanoma [142], and pancreatic cancer [143].
for the G1-arrest induced by rapamycin, which had been Rapamycin was also found to inhibit angiogenesis under
widely reported [110, 115, 123–126]. Rapamycin inhibits hypoxia [144] by causing transcriptional inhibition of VEGF
the function of the Akt-substrate mTOR [127–129], a serine/ [145], a process detailed later in the discussion of bevaci-
threonine kinase that phosphorylates p70S6K, which mediates zumab. Furthermore, rapamycin sensitized promyelocytic
growth factor signaling in response to cytokines such as leukemia [141] and ovarian cancer [146] cell lines to
interleukin-2 [125, 130–132]. mTOR was also found to cisplatin-induced apoptosis and inhibited transformation by
impact EIF4E, a protein that inhibits translation by binding PI3K or AKT. However, the clinical trial data generated in
to the 5′ end of mRNA [133–136]. In the absence of rapamy- early phase trials of rapamycin as an immunosuppressant
cin, mTOR can associated with adaptor proteins rictor or uncovered a poor pharmacokinetic profile [147, 148]. To
raptor to form mTORC1 or mTORC2, respectively. These overcome this problem, a large array of rapamycin analogues
complexes have different substrate specificity and cause dis- were created that are collectively called rapalogues.
tinct downstream signaling events. Temsirolimus (CCI-779) is one of the first rapalogues and
In 1999, the FDA approved rapamycin as an immunosup- is a water soluble, chemically stable derivative of rapamycin
pressant to prevent graft rejection in combination with cyclo- (also called sirolimus) developed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.
sporine A and steroids. However, the properties of rapamycin Preclinical studies found temsirolimus to have PTEN-
extend beyond this applicaiton. Phenotypic evaluation of dependent antitumor activity in a number of cancers [149–
growth inhibition in a particularly rapamycin-sensitive fun- 155] and like rapamycin, bound FK506bp and inhibited
gus, Candida albican, found nucleotide degradation and phosphorylation of S6K and 4EBP-1 [156, 157]. Phase I
inhibition of synthesis as a primary mechanism of action in evaluation of temsirolimus found reversible mucositis or
1979 [137]. Nucleotide synthesis is a target of several clini- skin-related toxicity, no immunosuppressive functions, and
cally effective chemotherapies such as methotrexate and that the major metabolite of temsirolimus was rapamycin
fluorouracil. This observation caught the eye of the National [158]. Another study reported a linear correlation of time to
Cancer Institute (NCI). NCI experiments and an independent progression and p70S6K kinase activity as measured in periph-
report found rapamycin to have antitumor activity compara- eral blood mononuclear cells, thus providing a pharmacody-
736 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

namic marker [159]. Temsirolimus had similar toxicities and is left wondering if these therapies have the same clinical
response rates at a dose of 25, 75, and 250 mg in renal cell efficacy. This is a difficulty inherent in the drug development
carcinoma. A multicenter phase III study in renal cell carci- process as clinical trial design dictates combinations with
noma (RCC) demonstrated extended overall survival (OS) approved therapies. Combined with conflicting private inter-
and PFS in patients relative to interferon A but found no sup- ests, discerning the efficacy and unique roles of competing
port for the combination of these therapies [160]. In parallel therapies with a similar mechanism of action is challenging.
with the publication of this study, temsirolimus became the A recent phase II study in advanced pancreatic cancer
first FDA-approved cancer therapy to explicitly target mTOR attempted to compare temsirolimus and everolimus but tox-
and joined sorafenib and sunitinib for the treatment of icity and lack of objective response in any treatment group
advanced RCC. A comparison of temsirolimus with other confounded this comparison [193]. Nevertheless, the discov-
approved therapies for CML as chosen by the investigator ery and development of rapamycin and rapalogues has
found superiority of temsirolimus in terms of improving PFS extended the life of numerous cancer patients across several
and OS [161]. Combinations with anti-angiogenic therapies malignancies, prevent transplanted rejections, and elucidated
such as sorafenib, sunitinib, and bevacizumab have yielded a critical cell signaling pathway. At a conceptual level, the
additional toxicity and largely no benefit [162–164]. rapamycin story highlights the ability of existing therapies to
Temsirolimus anticancer activity is also being clinically be applied to other medicinal situations, the insight that can
explored in breast cancer [165], gynecological malignancies be gleaned from mechanistic studies of pharmaceuticals, and
[166], multiple myeloma [167], glioma [168–170], small cell the power of medicinal chemistry.
lung cancer [171], and neuroendocrine carcinomas.
Everolimus and ridaforolimus are two other rapalogues
that are being investigated in clinical trials. Unlike temsiroli- 38.2.5 Sorafenib
mus, everolimus retains the immunosuppressive properties of
rapamycin and was approved in 2010 for organ rejection pro- Raf is a serine/threonine kinase that is the apical member of
phylaxis. Clinical trials found oral everolimus to be safe at an the MAPK signaling cascade, which mediates a variety of
oral dose of 10 mg/kg [172–175]. A phase III study in meta- cellular processes such as cell death, proliferation, and dif-
static (RCC) patients who had failed sorafenib, sunitinib, or ferentiation in response to extracellular stimuli. Aberrant Raf
the combination demonstrated an increased PFS with everoli- is observed in about 30 % of human cancers and correlates
mus [176]. This resulted in FDA-approval of everolimus in with the progression of prostate cancer to androgen insensi-
2009 for this indication. Based on promising early clinical tivity [194]. This increased signaling can result from altera-
data, this agent further received accelerated approval in 2010 tions in upstream members such as Ras or in one of the three
for subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma patients with tuber- isoforms of Raf1 (A-Raf, B-Raf, and C-Raf). The V600E
ous sclerosis who are not eligible for surgery [177]. Everolimus mutation in B-Raf is seen commonly in melanoma and
has promising preliminary efficacy in Hodgkin’s lymphoma NSCLC [195]. C-Raf overexpression has been noted in hepa-
[178], metastatic gastric cancer [179], refractory NSCLC in tocellular carcinoma [196] and validated in preclinical mod-
combination with docetaxel [180] or gefitinib, and in breast els as a potent drug target for ovarian cancer [197]. Earlier
cancer as a monotherapy [181] or in combination with letro- reports found direct evidence for Raf in determining tumori-
zole [182, 183] or trastuzumab [184]. Interestingly, a phase II genicity and sensitivity to radiation that posed Raf as a drug
study with everolimus in refractory CLL reported partial target [198, 199]. Bayer Pharmaceutical and Onyx
responses along with an unexpected increase in the absolute Pharmaceutical jointly performed a high-throughput screen
lymphocytic count [185]. This has important implications for for Raf1 inhibitors. The screen found 3-thienyl as a lead com-
therapeutic sensitization as these cancer cells are likely to be pound with a Raf1 IC50 of 17 μM and that adding a methyl
more sensitive intravenous therapies when in circulation group at a particular position results in a tenfold decrease in
rather than in situ, however there is no clinical data to support IC50. A follow-up screen with a library of analogues yielded
this. Everolimus along with best supportive care was recently 3-amino-isoxazole with an IC50 of 1.2 μM [200]. Substitution
found to double PFS in patients with pancreatic neuroendo- of the phenyl group of this compound for a 4-pyridyl moiety
crine tumors [186, 187]. Ridaforolimus is in earlier clinical lowered the Raf1 IC50 to 230 nM as well as increased aqueous
development but has demonstrated some partial responses and solubility. This compound was found to be orally active,
acceptable toxicity profiles in as a monotherapy [188–190] inhibit signaling downstream of Ras through MEK and ERK,
and in combination with capecitabine [191] and paclitaxel and inhibit cancer cell growth in vitro and in xenografts [201].
[192] in solid and hematological malignancies. Based on SARs found throughout this process, further chemi-
These three rapalogues work by virtually the same mech- cal modifications were explored and ultimately yielded
anism of action and have been developed separately by phar- sorafenib with a Raf1 IC50 of 6 nM (Fig. 38.6) [202].
maceutical companies. As the development of these Sorafenib reduces MAPK signaling by inhibiting numer-
rapalogues has happened in a relatively short time span, one ous oncogenic kinases: wild-type and V600E B-Raf, the
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 737

Fig. 38.6 Structure–activity relationships of Raf1 inhibitors explored during hit to lead development of sorafenib.

angiogenic VEGFR family, platelet-derived growth factor virtual library of ligands to protein structure. It should be
receptor-β (PDGFRβ), fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 noted that crystal structures do not provide a complete plat-
(FGFR1), the neurotrophin receptor RET, and the cytokine form for computing binding affinities. While the biophysical
receptors c-Kit and Flt-3 [203, 204]. The growth of several details of ligand binding are beyond the scope of this chap-
xenografts were inhibited by sorafenib though in a few cases, ter, the affinity of two molecules is determined by the change
no change in MAPK signaling was detected but was rational- in enthalpy and entropy. As crystal structures represent a
ized by its anti-angiogenic effects of VEGFR inhibition single average molecular conformation across the crystal lat-
[203]. Crystal structures of wild-type and V600E B-Raf in tice, they do not reflect the motions of the molecule.
complex with sorafenib revealed key interactions with resi- Therefore crystal structures cannot provide direct entropic
dues conserved in c-Raf [205]. The pyridyl ring occupies the information themselves and by extension do not fully repre-
ATP-binding pocket while the trifluoromethyl phenyl ring sent binding affinity.
occupies a proximal hydrophobic pocket. Interestingly, the Since sorafenib inhibits a multitude of kinases, preclinical
nitrogen of the pyridyl group forms a hydrogen bond with and early clinical trials explored a variety of malignancies.
B-Raf and rationalizes the potent increase in activity follow- Several phase I trials found dose-dependent responses with
ing substitution of the pyridyl group for the phenyl group. an optimal oral dose of 400 mg [206–208] and addition of
The urea group bridging the rings was found to form a hydro- sorafenib to a variety of standard of care chemotherapy regi-
gen bond network with protein, explaining its conservation mens did not increase toxicity profiles [209–214]. Renal cell
throughout the analogue search and development. In this carcinoma (RCC) is particularly resistant to the majority of
case, the structural data rationalized the previously found chemotherapies and until 1997 was treated with interferon
SARs. However, structural data can conversely be used to that causes significant toxicities and limited responses. Due
guide the exploration of analogue and can also potentiate in to the poor clinical outcomes with standard of care therapies,
silico screen that computationally models the binding of a preclinical efficacy of sorafenib, and an encouraging phase I
738 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

result in a metastatic RCC patient, phase II studies were this signaling axis. Targeting BRAF in melanoma was
enriched with RCC patients. This study found a strong explored during the clinical development of sorafenib but
response in RCC patients [215, 216] and led to a large-scale ultimately proved ineffective as a monoagent and did not
phase III study that reported a doubled PFS and ~40 % improve OS in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel
increase in OS [216, 217]. These results gained sorafenib in a phase III placebo-controlled trial [225]. Several reasons
FDA-approval at the end of 2005 for RCC. A subset analysis have been proposed for this failure such as unsaturated
of this phase III trial found similar clinical benefits regard- MAPK inhibition at the MTD of sorafenib [243] and further-
less of previous cytokine therapy [218] and a follow-up >1 more, the ability sorafenib to target BRAF in vivo has been
year from treatment initiation found sustained efficacy and a challenged [244].
well-tolerated toxicity profile [219]. Liver transplant has tra- The V600E activating mutation in BRAF is commonly
ditionally been the only treatment option available for hepa- observed in melanoma and results in resistance to therapies
tocellular carcinoma. However, many patients become targeting upstream molecules. Using structural biology,
ineligible while waiting for the transplant as a result of dis- vemurafenib was developed as a selective inhibitor of
ease progression. Human xenografts of liver cancer cell lines BRAFV600E [245, 246], though other targets have been uncov-
showed partial tumor regression from sorafenib and inhibi- ered such as CRAF, ACK1, SRMS, and MAP4K5 [247].
tion of ERK and EIF4 [220]. A phase II trial found moderate Phase I studies with Vemurafenib reported objective
efficacy and that time to progression correlated with responses [248] that were corroborated in phase II studies
phospho-ERK levels [221]. A multicenter phase III trial and found pERK to be a valid correlative response marker
demonstrated an unprecedented increased OS in HCC and [249]. A large phase III study in therapy-naïve patients ineli-
solicited the FDA to extend the indication of sorafenib to gible for resection was recently reported an increased PFS
unresectable HCC [222]. and OS relative to dacarbazine [250]. In 2011, the FDA
Due to the multitargeted nature of sorafenib, it is being approved vemurafenib for the treatment of unresectable or
explored as a monotherapy and in combination with chemo- metastatic melanoma with BRAFV600E.
therapies in a variety of malignancies, though biomarkers are While verumafenib is clearly a clinical oncology success,
difficult to find. A recent trial in metastatic melanoma found patients with wild-type BRAF still need better treatment
no correlation between clinical responses and BRAF V600E options, biomarkers are needed to preemptively identify
mutation status, cyclin D1, or the proliferation marker Ki-67 unresponsive patients with melanoma harboring BRAFV600E,
[223]. Early evidence was promising with sorafenib, carbo- and many patients relapse despite the improvements in OS
platin, and paclitaxel in melanoma [224] but a recent phase [251]. Verumafenib-resistant melanoma cells appear to
III study in advanced melanoma failed to demonstrate any upregulate PDGFR, NRAS, or MAPK signaling in vitro and
benefit as second-line therapy [225]. A phase III trial in in tumors [252, 253]. Preclinical evidence suggests that tar-
advanced HCC doubled PFS and OS with sorafenib plus geting MEK, PI3K, and mTORC in vemurafenib-refractory
doxorubicin compared to doxorubicin alone [226]. Other patients may be an effective combinatorial strategy [254].
promising efficacy of sorafenib has been seen as a neoadju- Other preclinical reports have suggested the combination of
vant in advanced RCC [227], as a monotherapy [228] or with vemurafenib with metformin [255], immunotherapy [256],
erlotinib [229] or gefitinib [230] in NSCLC, metastatic RCC or a monoclonal antibody targeting chondroitin sulfate pro-
with gemcitabine and capectibaine [231]. Sorafenib has had teoglycan 4 [257].
limited to no clinical efficacy in malignant mesothelioma
[232], prostate cancer [233, 234], uterine cancer [235, 236],
sarcomas [237], advanced and metastatic squamous cell car- 38.3 Antibodies
cinoma [238], with paclitaxel and carboplatin in NSCLC
[239, 240], or as a neoadjuvant in advanced ovarian cancer While evolution has allowed cells to use small molecules to
[241], sunitinib-refractory metastatic RCC [242]. remain viable, it has allowed organisms to protect them-
selves from disease through the immune system. Antibodies
are large proteins used by the immune system to recognize,
38.2.6 Vemurafenib respond to, and remember foreign biological material.
Antibodies contain a region that is highly specific for a pro-
Melanoma is particularly dependent on signaling through the tein target associated with the biological material known as
c-Kit/NRAS/BRAF/MEK/ERK signaling axis. This solicits the hypervariable region (Fv), which allows for a high degree
the clinical application of imatinib to melanoma as it inhibits of diversity and specificity. The constant region (Fc) of the
c-Kit among other targets. However, targeting c-kit has been antibody consists of a particular immunoglobulin that deter-
clinically limited in melanoma as several patients have gene mines the class of antibody and ultimately the type of
amplification or have oncogenic alterations downstream in immune response mounted. Several factors including the
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 739

complexity of these large proteins have curtailed our ability depletion of peripheral blood cells and a 40–70 % depletion
to synthesize these highly specific binding molecules. of B-cells in lymph nodes that began recovery around 2
However in 1975, medicine was forever changed by discov- weeks after administration. How does sticking an antibody to
ery the ability to harness cells to make antibodies [258]. This a surface molecule that does not have an obvious functional
process consists of immunizing a mouse with the desired importance potently inhibit cancer? The currently understood
antigen, fusing splenic cells from the immunized mice with answer is that rituximab induces three modes of cell death
mouse myeloma cells using Sendai virus, selecting and mediated by immune and cancer cells (Fig. 38.7). Unlike its
growing desired clones. This capability has revolutionized murine counterpart, this hybridized antibody bound C1Q
modern medicine and biomedical research by offering an in vitro and furthermore induced cell lysis in the presence of
unparalleled ability to recognize any given protein with serum as a source of complement. C1Q is part of a large pro-
unparalleled specificity. Oncogene pathways mediated by tein complex that is found in serum and binds IgG or IgM to
soluble or cell-surface proteins naturally lend themselves as trigger a series of intra-complex cleavage events that ulti-
cancer therapeutic targets within the reach of antibodies. mately form a transmembrane complex, called the membrane
attack complex, to induce osmotic lysis of the antigen-
expressing cell. This process is known as compliment-
38.3.1 Rituximab dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). CDC appears to be a key
aspect of the antitumor activity of rituximab as rituximab-
CD20 is a B-cell-specific cell surface protein and as such, is resistant patient samples were associated with CD59, which
expressed in B-cell cancers such as Non-Hodgkin’s lym- negatively regulates this process [263, 264]. Restoration of
phoma (NHL). While the function of CD20 remains unclear, compliment has been shown to reverse resistance in small-
it is known that the protein is not secreted or cleaved from the scale patient studies [265, 266] though this has been chal-
cell surface [259] nor is it internalized following antibody lenged in preclinical models [267, 268] and follicular NHL
binding [260]. An early study found that administration of [269].
murine anti-CD20 in malignant B-cell lymphomas produced In addition to CDC, effector cells such as macrophages and
a 90 % reduction of circulating malignant cells within four natural killer cells (NK) express a family of activating and
hours in humans [261]. Variable regions of the murine anti- inhibitory receptors called FcγR that bind the constant region
body were cloned in to an expression vector to allow for an (Fc) of IgG. A study in mice showed that blocking these vari-
antibody with human constant regions and would later gain ous receptors mediated anti-CD20 mAb-induced B-cell deple-
the name rituximab [262]. Rituximab demonstrated a binding tion and was isotype-specific [270]. FcγR bound to IgG
affinity for CD20 of 5 nM and resulted in a near complete present on the surface of a cell can result in phagocytosis by

Fig. 38.7 Antitumor mechanisms

of rituximab. Antibody-dependent
cytotoxicity (ADCC) is mediated
by natural killer cells (NK),
dendritic cells (DC), macrophages
(Mφ), and mast cells (M).
Complement-dependent cytoxicity
(CDC) involves a series
conformational changes and
cleavage events upon binding IgM
or IgG that ultimately leads to the
formation of the membrane attack
(MAC) which induces osmotic
lysis. Induction of apoptosis
directly by CD20 also occurs but is
less clear in mechanism.
740 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

effector cells but these events are determined by the affinity interferon yielded no significant additional benefit in the
and balance of activating and inhibitory FcγR molecules short term in follicular NHL [299]. Today, rituximab is also
[271–273]. Accordingly, a follicular NHL study found signifi- approved as a first-line therapy for low-grade or follicular
cantly higher rituximab responses in patients that harbor the cell CD20+ NHL with CHOP and large diffuse B-cell CD20+
FcγR 158V allotype compared to the 158F allotype, which has NHL with CVP (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and predni-
a relatively weaker affinity for IgG1 [274]. Ex vivo studies sone). Initial studies of rituximab were conducted with intra-
demonstrated that rituximab causes NK-mediated cell lysis venous administration for a 4-week cycle. However,
[275–277] in a dose-dependent manner that was determined exploration of alternative dosing schedules has provided effi-
by the FcγR allotype [275]. There is also evidence that CD20 cacy in small lymphocytic lymphoma [300] (SLL) and
has direct effects. Early studies found that antibodies against chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients [300, 301].
CD20 significantly mediated RNA synthesis and cell cycle The addition of rituximab to fludarabine and cyclophos-
progression [278–280]. More recent evidence has found that phamide in CLL was found to be safe [302–307] and result
cross-linking CD20 with antibodies in some, but not all, B-cell in unprecedented clinical responses in CLL patients [305]. A
lines causes caspase-mediated, Bcl-2-independent apoptosis, phase III study found that this combination increased the
and effects the tyrosine kinases Src, Jnk, and p38 [281–284]. amount of patients without disease progression (65 to 45 %)
The contribution of these different mechanisms appears to be and overall survival (87 to 83 %) [308], resulting in the
highly context dependent and is likely to be a dynamic process extension of its indication to this malignancy in 2010. Shortly
varying between patients or even within a single patient. after, it was also approved as a maintenance therapy follow-
Early clinical data found rituximab to have an average ing a response with chemotherapy and rituximab in CD20+
half-life of 18.5 days [285] and similar efficacy and favor- NHL based on phase III evidence of prolonged PFS with 1
able toxicity in relapsed NHL patients relative to CHOP che- weekly dose [309]. Rituximab and the proteasome inhibitor
motherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and bortezomib have been shown to synergistically induce apop-
prednisone) [285–289]. A small-scale study of rituximab tosis in preclinical cancer models [310, 311] and a phase II
found antitumor activity concentrated in the follicular sub- supported the combination but noted significant neurological
type of NHL, though the population size prevented any sig- toxicity [312]. Also targeting CD20, the monoclonal anti-
nificant conclusion [290]. Other studies corroborated the body ocrelizumab was approved in 2009 for CLL refractory
significant monotherapy efficacy of rituximab in follicular to fludarabine and the anti-CD52 antibody alemtuzumab.
lymphoma [291, 292]. Adding rituximab to chemotherapy Other anti-CD20 antibodies are in clinical development for
yielded an additive benefit and did not augment the toxicity lymphoma including ocrelizumab, veltuzumab, AME-133V,
of standard chemotherapy for NHL [293, 294]. Furthermore, PRO131921, GA101. As seen with rapamycin, the ongoing
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of NHL patients with fol- elucidation of the mechanism of action of rituximab has
licular histology treated with this combination showed a strongly augmented our biological understanding within and
depletion of the chromosome 14 and 18 translocation often beyond cancer.
associated with follicular NHL [295, 296]. Another study
found the disappearance of this translocation a year after a
4-week course of rituximab [292]. This translocation induces 38.3.2 Outcompeting Growth Factors
a sustained transcriptional upregulation of Bcl-2, a protein with Cetuximab
that prevents mitochondria-mediated apoptosis carried out
by many tumor suppressors and inhibited by oncogenes. In A number of recent cancer therapies target the EGFR and its
1996, rituximab became the first antibody approved by the family members by inhibiting the intracellular tyrosine
FDA as a cancer therapy and was indicated for relapsed or kinase domain. An alternative approach is to inhibit EGFR
refractory low-grade or follicular, CD20+, B-cell NHL. Three signaling by blocking the extracellular binding of the growth
phase III studies (E4494, GELA, and MiNT) that were factor through use of antibodies. Cetuximab was FDA-
highly enriched in therapy-naïve, large diffuse cell NHL approved for the first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal
patients found a significant increase in OS at a 2 year follow- cancer in combination with irinotecan in 2004, making it the
up with the addition of rituximab to CHOP or other anthra- first monoclonal antibody approved by the FDA for this type
cycline-based chemotherapies. Analysis of biopsies from of cancer. The discovery of cetuximab started with the obser-
E4494 patients found p21 expression as a rituximab-specific, vation that antibodies secreted from mouse hybridoma cells
independent predictor of clinical outcome [297]. that target EGF receptors were able to block EGF-induced
NHL patients who previously received at least a single signaling events and proliferation [313]. A follow up study
4-week course of rituximab therapy had equivalent efficacy found that these antibodies potently inhibited the growth of
and toxicity after an additional course with a median internal human cancer cells in a murine xenograft [314]. Further
of 14.5 months [298]. The combination of rituximab and studies of a particularly potent antibody against EGFR, mab
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 741

225, found that it competes directly with EGF-binding [315], patient diversity. Imagine a clinical trial is conducted to
is internalized after two hours in cells [316], blocks EGFR examine the efficacy of a new cancer therapy in 1000 patients
autophosphorylation, induces G1 cell cycle arrest by p27KIP1 where 500 patients receive FOLFOX4 and 500 patients
induction [317–319], induces caspase-8-mediated apoptosis receive FOLFOX4 plus the new therapy. The results show no
[320], and preferentially accumulate in EGFR-expressing benefit by clinical response or overall survival. However, let
tumors [321]. The latter was found using a radiolabeled form us say that ten patients within this group showed a clinical
of the antibody that was subsequently used for the first clini- response and improved overall survival due to a unique
cal trial of mab 225. This trial found mab 225 to be safe in genetic characteristic. These patients comprise 2 % of the
squamous cell lung carcinoma patients and profiled the over- investigational therapy population and therefore will not
all and liver drug uptake, serum clearance, and whole-body impact response parameters with any level of statistical sig-
clearance as monitored radiographically [322]. Noninvasive nificance. Redesigning the clinical trial to include patients
molecular imaging of drugs and therapeutic targets remains that harbor this response-determining characteristic may
an active area of research and informs on the distribution, now show a strong therapeutic benefit otherwise concluded
concentration, and kinetics of therapies, their targets, and/or as ineffective. The obvious challenge in patient stratification
therapeutic response markers in their clinical setting. in clinical trial design is determining what characteristic(s)
As with rituximab, mab 225 was engineered into a chime- confer therapeutic response. Clinical trials are sometimes
ric human/mouse antibody. This process retains residues in analyzed retrospectively to find such biomarkers. Some of
the binding region (Fv) of the antibody from the mouse and biomarkers have even been added as stipulations for FDA-
replaces other residues not specific for the antigen (Fc) with approved cancer therapies, cetuximab being no exception.
related human residues. This substitution in the Fc region Two years after FDA approval in 2004, a study found that
reduces side effects resulting from immune responses to for- among downstream targets of EGFR signaling, particular
eign, e.g. mouse, immunoglobulins. The mab 225 chimeric KRAS mutations were significantly associated with lack of
antibody, called cetuximab and marketed as Erbitux, was response to cetuximab [337]. Other cetuximab trials also
used for further studies and clinical trials. An early phase II found KRAS to be a strong predictor of cetuximab response
trial with cetuximab in combination with irinotecan, a topoi- [330, 338, 339], which led ImClone, the company marketing
somerase I inhibitor, demonstrated objective responses in cetuximab, to petition the FDA to add WT KRAS as a requi-
EGFR-expressing solid cancers that had become resistant to site for cetuximab treatment [340]. In 2009, the FDA updated
first-line therapy consisting of leucovorin, 5-fluorouracil the indications and usage label of cetuximab in colorectal
(5-FU), and irinotecan [323]. Combining cetuximab with cancer to include that cetuximab is not recommended for
this treatment regimen also proved effective in a first-line patients harboring KRAS mutations in codon 12 or 13.
therapy setting [324–326] and moderate efficacy as a mono-
therapy [327–330]. Safety and efficacy was reported with
cetuximab in FOLFOX6 [331, 332] and FOLFOX4 [333– 38.3.3 Bevacizumab
335] treatment regimens which consist of leucovorin, 5-FU,
and oxaliplatin. A phase III trial also found cetuximab to be Cell division is an active energy-dependent process and there-
effective as a monotherapy and in combination with irinote- fore cancer cells must gain alterations that provide more
can in irinotecan-refractory, EGFR+ colorectal cancer energy to allow for proliferation. While several mechanisms
patients [329]. Based on the rational design and specificity of of harvesting intracellular energy are available, cellular respi-
cetuximab, most of these clinical trials exclusively included ration is a mainstay that relies primarily on oxygen. The oxy-
patients that had EGFR-expressing tumors as determined by gen source for cells is the blood stream and perhaps it is
immunohistochemical assays. Interestingly, the intensity of unsurprising that generation of new blood vessels to supply
EGFR express did not correlate to cetuximab clinical additional oxygen is seen in tumors. A number of pathways
response and another trial has shown responses in EGFR- and proteins mediate this process of generating new blood
colorectal cancer patients [336]. This unexpected finding vessels in for tumors, particularly the vascular endothelial
underscores the complex nature of therapeutic responses in growth factor (VEGF) family. VEGF is transcriptionally
the clinic and the principle that while rational design has upregulated in a variety of solid tumors particularly in
well-evidenced benefits, it only allows for hypotheses that hypoxic regions due to stabilization of the transcription factor
ultimately must be tested. HIF1α that is stabilized under hypoxia. VEGF has four fam-
However, the notion that certain patients will respond bet- ily members, VEGF-A being the prototypical member and
ter than other patients based on certain characteristics is itself has four isoforms as a result of alternative splicing
gaining importance in clinical trial design and interpretation. which determines its localization and binding properties.
As required by the drug development process, testing thera- Soluble VEGF can bind to VEGF receptors (VEGFR1,
pies in large-scale clinical trials results in considerable VEGF-R2) and its coreceptors (NRP-1,NRP-2) that are
742 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

expressed on the surface of endothelial cells. Secretion of [346]. Bevacizumab was evaluated for safety in cynomolgus
VEGF ultimately causes the formation of new blood vessels monkeys due to the complete conservation of VEGF isoforms
by endothelial cell recruitment and proliferation. Due to the between humans and monkeys [347]. After several weeks of
involvement of VEGF in several disease and disorders such administration at doses up to 50 mg/kg, adverse effects on
as cancer and macular degeneration, antibodies designed to ocular, ovarian, and uterine angiogenesis-dependent processes
bind VEGF and thereby prevent cognate receptor binding were evident but were dose-dependent and reversible. A phase
were generated and first described in 1992 [341]. A follow up I clinical trial found no additional toxicity associated with
study found that one of these mouse monoclonal antibodies, adding bevacizumab to various chemotherapies and a terminal
A4.6.1, had potent antitumor activity in vivo but not in vitro half-life of 2–3 weeks [348, 349]. The following year, several
[342]. Interestingly, xenografts of human cancer cells in mice phase II trials were conducted in a variety of solid tumors
found that introducing soluble VEGF receptors that bind both [350–354]. Particularly encouraging results were found in
human and mouse VEGF was superior to a receptor binding RCC as a first-line-therapy and metastatic colorectal cancer in
only the human or mouse VEGF [343, 344]. Together, these combination with standard chemotherapy. A phase III trial in
findings indicate that both the tumor and other cells in the metastatic colorectal cancer with bevacizumab plus standard
tumor microenvironment induce participate in generating a chemotherapy increased overall survival, progression-free
new vasculature system through VEGF. Over the last decade, survival, and objective response rate [355].
the tumor microenvironment has increasingly garnered atten- The addition of bevacizumab to a paclitaxel-carboplatin
tion as a dynamic and strong influence on aspects of tumor treatment regimen increased median survival and PFS but
biology including therapeutic response, growth rates, and also increased treatment-related deaths, including pulmo-
metastasis through a variety of mechanisms. nary hemorrhage [356]. Based on the significant improve-
Due to the potent antitumor activity of the A4.6.1 antibody, ment in OS, bevacizumab in combination with carboplatin
a humanized form of the antibody was generated using site- and paclitaxel was approved for first-line therapy in unre-
directed mutagenesis of the variable region of a human anti- sectable, locally advanced, recurrent, or metastatic
body to that of the murine A4.6.1 while maintaining a similar NSCLC. Bevacizumab has now been approved for Her2-
binding affinity for VEGF [345]. This humanized version of negative breast cancer, metastatic RCC, NSCLC, glioblas-
A4.6.1, known as bevacizumab, is specific for all isoforms of toma, and metastatic colorectal cancer. However,
VEGF-A and its cleaved products that result from extracellu- bevacizumab seems continually surrounded by controversy
lar proteins such as matrix metalloprotease-9 (MMP9) present from a variety of perspectives including clinical, economic,
in the tumor microenvironment. A crystal structure of the anti- and ethical issues. A highly debated meta-analysis of 15 clin-
gen-specific fragment of bevacizumab bound to VEGF identi- ical trials with bevacizumab found a significant increase in
fied a critical residue for binding and specificity (Fig. 38.8) venous thrombosis [357–361]. A separate analysis also

Fig. 38.8 Binding interface of

bevacizumab Fab and VEGF. (a)
Symmetric assembly of VEGF
dimmers and Fab fragments of
bevacizumab. There are two
monomers of VEGF in the center
(light and dark yellow) along with
four flanking monomers of
bevacizumab. (b) Binding
interfaces of bevacizumab (light
yellow) and VEGF (green) with
interacting residues displayed and
hydrogen bonds represented as
dashed lines. PDB accession 1BJ1.
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 743

found an increased risk of high-grade bleeding [362]. At the already approved for RCC and available at a much lower
end of 2010, the FDA decided to revoke its approval for bev- cost. The various agencies that make the approval decisions
acizumab in metastatic breast cancer based on the results of on these therapies explain their decisions on the grounds of
three large clinical trials (E2100 [363], AVADO, and clinical parameters but patient and social burdens of treat-
RIBBON1). These trials found that while PFS was pro- ment cost is clearly an underlying influence. Off-label explo-
longed, this magnitude was variable among trials and life- rations, more clinical trials, and altered clinical trial design
threatening adverse events were increased without any are likely to yield more information on the utility of bevaci-
change in OS. On the same day, the European Medicines zumab. Nevertheless, this controversial therapy highlights
Association decided to maintain its approval in metastatic difficult questions lurking in the background of the clinical
breast cancer but only in combination with paclitaxel based management of cancer: How do we determine quality of
on the same clinical trials. life? Should we consider costs in approval decision? What
Bevacizumab was granted accelerated approval in meta- price is too high for a given therapeutic benefit? How do you
static breast cancer based on promising data indicating pro- weigh concomitant risks and benefits?
longed PFS but was never shown to increase OS. Traditionally,
OS has been the key parameter used to decide whether or not
a new therapy receives FDA approval. This brings up difficult 38.3.4 Ipilimumab
questions. Will the therapy provide a net benefit to the patient?
How do you quantify this? These answers will be unique for The immune surveillance of cancer is an endogenous mecha-
every patient as each has a unique situation that determines nism of tumor suppression that is lost during cancer progres-
how benefit is defined. Obviously, most patients want to live sion. Inactivating the RAG-2 gene, which is intimately
longer but quality of life is also a consideration, which raises involved in recombination events required for the activation
yet another patient-specific question: what is quality of life? and specificity of immune responses, renders mice more sus-
Clinically, fewer adverse events and prolonged PFS and OS ceptible to carcinogenesis [365]. T-cells are part of the adap-
are quantifiable parameters that may act as a partial surrogate tive immune system that modulates the immune response to
definition but this consideration is more complex. For bevaci- antigen threat. The immune escape of cancer may occur by
zumab, even this incomplete surrogate definition is unclear as multiple mechanisms such as altering proteins involved in
both adverse events and prolonged PFS have been reported in antigen presentation or enriching for regulatory T-cells that
multiple large-scale clinical trials and the magnitudes of these secrete immune-inhibitory cytokines such as IL-10 [366].
are highly variable among these trials. These discrepancies Regulatory T-cells have other mechanisms of immune sup-
and lack of improvement in OS have led to a range of deci- pression such as elevated expression of cytotoxic
sions from removal to full approval by medical agencies T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA4) [367]. CTLA4
across the globe. The U.K. National Institute of Health and is an inducible cell surface receptor that binds CD80 and
Clinical Excellence (NICE) denied the approval of bevaci- CD86, which are expressed on the surface of antigen-
zumab for metastatic breast cancer, citing no evidence in presenting cells and function in concert to activate naive
improvement of survival or quality of life. T-cells through CD28. CD28 is a costimulatory receptor
One less obvious consideration of a therapy like bevaci- expressed on naïve T-cells that cooperatively acts with CD4
zumab is the possibility of its use as a neoadjuvant, i.e. as part of the major histocompatibility complex to activate
shrinking tumors to a size where resection is then possibility. T-cells in response to antigen. Thus, CTLA4 plays a key
This type of consideration is difficult to evaluate in early function in regulatory T-cells by inhibiting T-cell activation
clinical trials typically compare an investigational therapy to as an inhibitory receptor for ligands that are essential for
other therapies in patients where such data would be T-cell activation. Accordingly, blocking CTLA4 with anti-
excluded. Proper examination of this nuance and its effect on bodies in mice reduces T-cell response and increased tolera-
OS is warranted in this case. In summary, bevacizumab sig- bility to immunogenic tumors [368].
nificantly extends PFS to varying degrees in several solid Ipilimumab is a fully human antibody developed by
cancers, may shrink tumors to allow for resection, does not Medarex Inc. that targets CTLA4. Cynomolgus monkey stud-
increase OS, and significantly increases adverse events. Cost ies found that ipilimumab induces a humoral response with-
is the elephant in the room. The cost of bevacizumab treat- out autoimmunity [369]. Early human studies with ipilimumab
ment varies by country, about $90,000 per year in United in melanoma and ovarian cancer reported tumor necrosis and
States [364]. In addition to rejecting bevacizumab for meta- lymphocyte infiltration in ipilimumab-responsive tumors,
static breast cancer, NICE has also denied its approval in though several patients experienced grade III/IV adverse
metastatic colorectal cancer and RCC. Cost was clearly an events and some developed T-cell reactivity to normal mela-
issue in renal cell cancer, as the benefits of bevacizumab with nocytes [370, 371]. Autoimmunity was noted in other clinical
interferon was similar to sunitinib, a multi-kinase inhibitor studies with ipilimumab but was found to correlative with
744 J.E. Allen and W.S. El-Deiry

response [372]. Enterocolitis was the most frequent adverse mal cells [378]. TRAIL binds four transmembrane receptors
event, suggesting that CTLA-4 plays a critical role in protec- in humans at similar affinities that results in a homotrimeric
tion from immune-mediated enterocolitis [373]. Similar effi- receptor–ligand complex [379]. These receptors include two
cacy and toxicity events were seen in metastatic RCC [374]. pro-apoptotic death receptors, DR4 and DR5, and two decoy
The investigation of single-nucleotide polymorphisms receptors, DcR1 and DcR2. The ratio of decoy receptors to
(SNPs) in the CTLA4 gene amongst ipilimumab-treated mel- death receptors along with mediators of downstream signal-
anoma patients revealed a response-associated and ing events are thought to determine TRAIL sensitivity and be
nonresponse-associated haplotype comprised of seven single- utilized by normal cells to afford protection from TRAIL-
nucleotides in the CTLA4 gene. mediated apoptosis. The two decoy receptors compete for
A phase II study of ipilimumab in previously treated mel- TRAIL binding with the death receptors at similar binding
anoma reported that 30 % of patients were alive at 2 years in affinities.
the highest dose cohort of 10 mg/kg [375]. Another phase II TRAIL-induced trimerization of the death receptors colo-
study in melanoma evaluated the safety and efficacy of ipili- calizes their intracellular death domains, which recruit Fas-
mumab at 3 mg/kg in combination with dacarbazine, noting associated death domain (FADD) and procaspase-8, forming
a preliminary increase in objective response rate with the death inducing signaling complex (DISC). At the DISC,
combination. The pivotal phase III study compared ipilim- procaspase-8 is activated by autocatalytic cleavage to form
umab, the gp100 peptide vaccine, and the combination [376]. caspase-8 which can cleave effector caspase-3, caspase-6,
The overall survival as 10.1 months in the combination and caspase-7 to induce apoptosis by the extrinsic death
cohort, 10.0 months in the ipilimumab alone cohort, and 6.4 pathway. Alternatively, caspase-8 can initiate the intrinsic
months in the gp100 alone cohort. This study corroborated death pathway by cleaving Bid to tBid, which primarily
survival adverse event observations noted in previous trials interacts with Bax and Bak at the mitochondrial membrane.
and was revered as the first trial to ever show survival benefit This interaction induces oligomerization of Bax and Bak to
in metastatic melanoma. Another phase III study measured promote cytochrome c release. In the cytosol, cytochrome c
the efficacy of adding ipilimumab (10 mg/kg) to dacarbazine binds to apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1 (Apaf-1) and
as a first-in-line therapy [377]. Adding ipilimumab to dacar- caspase-9 to form the apoptosome, which initiates the cas-
bazine increased the overall survival from 36 to 47 %, though pase cascade. While TRAIL directly targets death receptors
adverse events were increased by the combination. that generally play a tumor suppressor role, several oncopro-
Based on these phase III trials, the FDA recently approved teins mediate this process and serve as potent resistance
ipilimumab for the treatment of unresectable or metastatic mechanisms. One of the most striking examples is Mcl-1, an
melanoma at 3 mg/kg every 3 weeks for four doses. anti-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family that interacts with
Ipilimumab is a first-in-class cancer therapy that reactivates pro-apoptotic family members such as Bax to inhibit
the adaptive immune system to restore antitumor immunity mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis. Notably, this resistance
and provides unprecedented patient benefit in melanoma. mechanism can be overcome by combining TRAIL with
The clinical efficacy and toxicity of ipilimumab highlights sorafenib [380].
the potential benefits and dangers of immunotherapy as it The ability of TRAIL to selectively induce apoptosis in
clinically emerge as a valid new modality of cancer treat- tumors cell has led to the clinical trials with recombinant
ment. Despite frequent and severe adverse events associated TRAIL. However, TRAIL has a short serum half-life and
with ipilimumab, it has been approved based on its unparal- cytotoxic resistance can result from elevated decoy receptor
leled efficacy in a clinical situation that desperately needed expression. As a result, TRAIL-agonist antibodies targeting
better treatment options. Future trials with ipilimumab are either of two pro-apoptotic death receptors were created and
exploring other malignancies and the combination of ipilim- are currently in clinical trials [381]. Lexatumumab is one of
umab with other approved agents including chemotherapy the most developed DR5 agonist antibodies. A phase I study
and the recently approved vemurafenib. with lexatumumab in previously treated advanced solid
tumors reported a MTD of 10 mg/kg when given once every
21 days, a second-phase serum half-life of ~16 days, and
38.3.5 Lexatumumab stable disease in approximately a third of the treated patients
[382]. Another phase I study found lexatumumab to be safe
Cell death is a very tightly controlled process that may be at 10 mg/kg once every 14 days [383].
initiated by various inputs inside and outside of the cell. Several preclinical studies have suggested the use of lexa-
TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is an tumumab in combination with other therapies to increase
endogenous mammalian protein utilized by the immune sys- efficacy such as radiation [384], paclitaxel [385], bortezomib
tem in the immune surveillance of cancer to potently induce [386–388], HDAC inhibitors [389], doxorubicin [390], and
apoptosis in cancer cells while exerting little toxicity to nor- cisplatin [391]. Phase Ib studies evaluated lexatumumab in
38 Targeting Oncoproteins for Molecular Cancer Therapy 745

combination with gemcitabine, pemetrexed, doxorubicin, or future of cancer therapy and could benefit from the use of
FOLFIRI [392]. Severe adverse events potentially attribut- biomarkers and molecular imaging. It is important that we
able to lexatumumab included anemia, fatigue, and dehydra- understand why a therapy fails in a certain situation so that
tion. Tumor regression was noted in patient cohorts receiving successful situations can be clearly identified, future failures
the combination of lexatumumab and doxorubicin or may be avoided, and other successful treatment options can
FOLFIRI. Numerous other DR5-agonst antibodies including be discovered.
TRA-8, LBY135, Apomab, and Conatumumab and the DR4-
agonist mapatumumab are also currently in clinical trials.

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Therapeutic Agents That Inhibit
Angiogenesis 39
Francesco Torino, Roberta Sarmiento, Raffaelle Longo,
and Giampietro Gasparini

A functional classification, based on the potential targets

39.1 Introduction for inhibition of angiogenesis, includes drugs that are directed
towards activated endothelial cells, pericytes, hypoxia
Angiogenesis is a complex multistep process leading to the pathways, and nitric oxide [2].
formation of new blood vessels from the existing vascular net-
work, tightly regulated by pro-angiogenic and antiangiogenic • Endogenous antiangiogenic agents such as angiostatin,
growth factors. Several potential pathways for tumor-induced endostatin, caplostatin, and thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1)
angiogenesis have been proposed: (1) secretion by tumor cells selectively block the proliferation and migration of intra-
of endothelial growth factors which may stimulate tyrosine tumoral vascular endothelium and induce prolonged tumor
kinase activities in endothelial cells (ECs), being vascular dormancy in several experimental models [2]. In 2005, rh-
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) the most specific and potent endostatin was approved in China for the treatment of
pro-angiogenic agent; (2) downregulation of naturally occur- advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) based on
ring inhibitors of angiogenesis; (3) circulating CD34-positive the positive results of the phase III trial by Sun et al. [3].
EC precursors may contribute to vasculogenesis, by presently Moreover, the recent identification and characterization of
unknown mechanisms mainly involving genetic regulations. the endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) and its capability to
Targeting the molecular pathways involved in tumor pro- migrate from bone marrow into circulation and then into
gression by biologically designed treatments is a new thera- other tissues where it stimulates angiogenesis may also
peutic paradigm aimed to reach cancer growth control. open new selective anti-EPC therapeutic strategies [4–6].
Inhibition of angiogenesis presents certain advantages on • Pericytes are mural cells differentiated from pools of
conventional therapies, such as the direct accessibility from c-kit + sca-1 + VEGFR-1+ perivascular progenitor cells
the circulation, the potential low rate of drug resistance and mobilized from bone marrow in response to the platelet
the favorable toxicologic profile. derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB. When PDGF is over-
A recently proposed classification of antiangiogenic expressed, tumor microvasculature is covered by a high
agents is based on their mechanisms of action, and include number of mural cells and tumor growth is accelerated.
three categories: (1) direct antiangiogenic drugs acting by Drugs targeting PDGFR-β inhibit the recruitment of peri-
targeting the endothelial cells and their functions involved in cytes, induce dilation of tumor vessels and stimulate endo-
angiogenesis (proliferation, migration, formation of new thelial cells to enter apoptosis. The combined block of
vessels); (2) indirect antiangiogenic drugs that inhibit the both VEGFR and PDGFR-β by multitarget tyrosine kinase
production of angiogenic factors by tumor and microenvi- inhibitors, such as sunitinib, increases the antiangiogenic
ronment cells, and/or interfere with extracellular processes; effect, even in late stage solid tumors [7–10].
(3) mixed antiangiogenic drugs that may be able to interfere • Among angiogenesis promoting molecules identified
with both endothelial and tumor cells [1]. and purified up to now, VEGF is a key regulator of
angiogenesis, overexpressed in the majority of human
tumor types. The most advanced in the clinic, among the
anti-VEGF inhibitors, are the humanized monoclonal
F. Torino, M.D. • R. Sarmiento, M.D. • R. Longo, M.D. antibody bevacizumab and a number of VEGFRs selec-
G. Gasparini, M.D. (*)
Division of Clinical Oncology, “San Filippo Neri” Hospital, tive tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Table 39.1). Additional
Via G. Martinotti, 20, Rome 00135, Italy compounds targeting VEGF in clinical development
e-mail: include a VEGF trap and antibodies against VEGFR-2,

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 757

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_39
758 F. Torino et al.

Table 39.1 Angiogenesis inhibitors approved for clinical use 39.2 Anti-VEGF Targeted Therapies
Date approved Drug Place Disease
May 2003 Bortezomib USA (FDA) Multiple myeloma 39.2.1 Bevacizumab
December 2003 Thalidomide Australia Multiple myeloma
February 2004 Bevacizumaba USA (FDA) Colorectal cancer Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against
November Erlotinib USA (FDA) Lung cancer VEGF. In February 2004, bevacizumab received the Food and
2004 Drug Authorization (FDA) approval for first-line therapy of
December 2004 Bevacizumaba Switzerland Colorectal cancer colorectal cancer (CRC) in combination with an IFL-based
December 2004 Macugena USA (FDA) Macular
(irinotecan, fluorouracil and leucovorin) regimen. In CRC, a
January 2005 Bevacizumaba EMEA Colorectal cancer
randomized multicenter study evaluating the clinical benefits
September Endostatina China Lung cancer of bevacizumab combined with a bolus IFL in front-line treat-
2005 ment of CRC showed an advantage in median duration of
December 2005 Sorafeniba USA (FDA) Kidney cancer overall survival, median duration of progression-free survival
December 2005 Revlimid USA (FDA) Myelodysplastic (PFS), response rate (RR) and median duration of response
syndrome [19]. The most significant clinical toxicities reported in beva-
January 2006 Sunitiniba USA (FDA) Gastric (GIST), cizumab-treated patients were thrombosis, hypertension,
kidney cancer
proteinuria, and bleeding. In addition, gastrointestinal perfo-
June 2006 Lucentis USA (FDA) Macular
ration (1.5 %) as well as an increase in diarrhea, leukopenia,
October 2006 Bevacizumaba USA (FDA) Lung cancer and hypertension was also described. Results from the Three
“Pure” antiangiogenic agents
Regimens of Eloxatin Evaluation (TREE)-2 trial study in
patients with metastatic CRC showed that the addition of
bevacizumab to an oxaliplatin/fluorouracil regimen in first-
VEGFR-1. Interestingly, anti-VEGF agents not only line therapy improves RR and time to progression (TTP) with
arrest proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, acceptable tolerability, and no unexpected toxicity [20].
but also induce regression of existing vessels by inducing Several other trials studying the clinical benefits of bevaci-
apoptosis and by suppressing the mobilization of EPCs zumab combined with different anti-EGFR agents, such as
from bone marrow [11–13]. erlotinib, panitumumab, or cetuximab are ongoing.
• Oxygen limitation is central in regulating angiogenesis, The clinical utility of bevacizumab in metastatic RCC
glucose metabolism, survival, and tumor growth [2]. A was investigated in a randomized phase II trial in which 116
major key factor is the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) patients with metastatic clear-cell RCC refractory to immu-
which is required transcriptional factor in nutrient stress notherapy were randomized to receive placebo, low-dose
signaling. HIF is a pleiotropic factor that controls the (3 mg/kg) bevacizumab, or high-dose (10 mg/kg) bevaci-
expression of VEGF-A and angiopoietin-2 [14]. In the zumab given intravenously every 2 weeks. Patients treated
nucleus, HIF links the hypoxia-response-elements that with bevacizumab experienced a significant prolongation of
control oxygen tension via oxidizing enzymes and hydrox- TTP compared with the placebo group [21]. There were four
ylases. Moreover, HIF also transcriptionally regulates the partial responses (10 % ORR), all in the high-dose bevaci-
expression of MET promoter that is a key regulator of inva- zumab arm. There were no life threatening toxicities or
sive growth by driving cell motility and metastasis [2]. deaths attributable to bevacizumab. Common toxicity
included hypertension and proteinuria, more commonly seen
Nitric oxide (NO) is a multifunctional gaseous molecule and in the high-dose bevacizumab arm. All side effects were
a highly reactive free radical that regulates several vascular reversible with cessation of therapy. Grade 1 or 2 hemoptysis
functions, being capable to mediate VEGF and angiopoietin-1- was observed in two patients receiving bevacizumab and two
induced angiogenesis in vivo [15]. Inhibition of NO signaling is patients receiving placebo. No thromboembolic events were
another potential antiangiogenic therapeutic strategy. A number reported in any arm.
of compounds interfere with NO production, such as cavtratin, In a double-blind phase II trial comparing bevacizumab
a caveolin-1 derived peptide, L-NNa, and NO-donating nonste- plus erlotinib versus bevacizumab plus placebo, data showed
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) [16–18]. that the combination was safe and well tolerated, although
More than 50 antiangiogenic agents with different mecha- adding erlotinib did not improve efficacy [22]. However,
nisms of action have been discovered up to now. They include PFS of 8.5 months observed in patients treated with bevaci-
tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), monoclonal antibodies, zumab [23] appears to be more favorable than what is
small molecule inhibitors and transcription inhibitors. reported with the use of IFN-α, suggesting a potential clini-
Recently, nanobodies have been introduced into the antiangio- cal benefit of bevacizumab in RCC. Given the promising
genic armamentarium. activity of bevacizumab, several clinical trials investigating
39 Therapeutic Agents That Inhibit Angiogenesis 759

the clinical advantages of bevacizumab with IFN-α2b therapy recurrent cervical cancer, hormone-refractory prostate cancer,
(CALGB 90206; n = 600) (Rini = 72) or in addition to refractory or relapsed AML and malignant melanoma, as
erlotinib plus imatinib are currently in progress [24]. well as head and neck cancer. Bevacizumab is also being
The addiction of bevacizumab to carboplatin/paclitaxel evaluated as adjuvant treatment of CRC in combination with
regimen caused a higher RR (31.5 % in the high-dose arm different regimens including FOLFOX4, FOLFOX6, or
versus 18.8 %) and longer median TTP (7.4 months in the XELOX (capecitabine/oxaliplatin) in the National Surgical
high-dose arm versus 4.2 months) than chemotherapy alone Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) C08 trial, the
in NSCLC patients [25]. Bevacizumab was generally well AVANT (AVastin adjuvANT) trial, and the Intergroup Rectal
tolerated. However, severe haemoptysis episodes among Adjuvant trial [33].
patients with squamous cell histology and central tumor
mass were observed. Another study evaluated the clinical
benefits of bevacizumab with the carboplatin/paclitaxel regi- 39.2.2 HuMV833
men as first-line therapy in 842 patients with NSCLC. This
US cooperative group phase III trial (E4599) reported a HuMV833 is a humanized monoclonal antibody that recog-
higher RR, longer PFS and increased survival in the bevaci- nizes VEGF121 and VEGF165 isoforms. Results from a
zumab/chemotherapy arm compared with the chemotherapy- phase I trial showed that HuMV833 was safe and well toler-
alone arm [26]. In a trial combining bevacizumab with ated in patients with solid tumors [34]. Infusions were well
erlotinib in patients with recurrent NSCLC, preliminary data tolerated without any grade 3 or 4 toxicities. The most com-
showed a promising antitumor activity, with partial response mon adverse events included fatigue/asthenia, nausea, vom-
achieved in 20 % of patients and stable disease in 65 % [27]. iting, gastrointestinal symptoms, and rash. Recently, phase
The most common adverse events reported ranged from II/III clinical trials of HuMV833 have begun in Europe.
mild-to-moderate and included rash, diarrhea and protein-
uria. Bevacizumab in combination with erlotinib is still
under investigation in recurrent or refractory NSCLC [28]. 39.2.3 VEGF-Trap
A phase II study assessed the combination of bevacizumab
plus gemcitabine in 52 patients with stage IV pancreatic VEGF-Trap is a novel, high-affinity molecule to VEGF mole-
cancer [29]. The objective RR was 21 %, the median PFS 5.4 cule, generated as a fusion molecule of the VEGF receptor
months and the 6-month OS of 77 %. Adverse events included extracellular domain and the Fc portion of immunoglobulin
hypertension, thrombosis, and bleeding episodes. The prom- G1. Data from phase I studies showed the clinical feasibility of
ising efficacy prompted two ongoing trials: the European these agents, which are currently being investigated in phase
phase III trial (BO17706) and the US Cooperative Group II/III trials [35, 36]. In particular, VEGF-Trap R1R2 is a deriva-
phase III trial (CALGB 80303), investigating both the thera- tive of the soluble form of VEGFR-1, which irreversibly binds
peutic benefits of bevacizumab when added to gemcitabine to VEGF. This VEGF blocker is a chimeric fusion molecule
alone or with erlotinib. composed of the second immunoglobulin domain of VEGFR-1
Zhu et al. reported encouraging results from a phase II and combined with the third immunoglobulin domain of
study investigating the therapeutic benefits of bevacizumab VEGFR-2 [37]. VEGF-Trap R1R2 was engineered to mini-
combined with a gemcitabine and oxaliplatin regimen in mize interactions with the extracellular matrix, maintaining its
patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma [30]. Data potent affinity for VEGFR-2. Preclinical studies showed tumor
suggested that this combination was generally well tolerated, growth inhibition in various models [38, 39]. In a phase I study,
with the most common grade 3–4 adverse events being VEGF-Trap administered to patients with solid tumors did not
fatigue, transient elevation of transaminases, nausea/vomit- induce antibody response with evidence of biological activity
ing and hypertension. Although no patients achieved a com- [40]. At present, a phase I clinical is investigating the side
plete response, the overall response rate was 20 % and the effects of VEGF-Trap R1R2 in patients with relapsed or refrac-
rate of PFS at 6 months 48 %. tory advanced solid tumors or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
In a phase III metastatic breast cancer (mBC) trial, the
addition of bevacizumab to capecitabine in a cohort of
taxane-refractory and-anthracycline-refractory patients 39.3 Anti-VEGF Receptors Targeted
failed to show an improvement in PFS and OS [31]. The Therapies
addition of bevacizumab to a carboplatin/albumin-bound
form of paclitaxel and trastuzumab regimen showed promis- 39.3.1 IMC-1C11
ing antitumor activity among patients with HER2-positive
mBC [32]. Of nine evaluable patients, eight achieved a major Among VEGF family receptor, the VEGFR 2/kinase-insert-
clinical response. The clinical activity of bevacizumab domain-containing receptor (KDR) appear to be significantly
alone or in combination is being examined in ovarian cancer, upregulated during tumorigenesis. IMC-1C11, a chimeric
760 F. Torino et al.

monoclonal anti-KDR antibody, blocks the binding of the trial as second-line treatment of mRCC that had progressed
ligand to the receptor and subsequently inhibits downstream despite previous cytokine therapy. A partial response was
events such as VEGFR and MAPK activation, inhibiting observed in 36 of 106 patients (34 %) and the median progres-
VEGFR-induced endothelial cell proliferation [41]. This sion-free survival was 8.3 months. Recently, Motzer et al.
agent is presently being examined in a phase I trial in patients compared IFN-α to sunitinib as first line therapy in metastatic
with liver metastases from CRC carcinoma. IMC-1C11 RCC in a phase III randomized clinical trial. Sutininib showed
appears to be safe and well tolerated, although 7 out of 14 a statistically significant higher response rate (31 versus 6 %)
patients experienced detectable levels of antibodies against and PFS (11 versus 5 months) as compared to IFN-α (HR
IMC-1C11 [42]. A fully human anti-VEGFR-2 has been pro- 0.42; p < 0.001) [9].
duced as a second-generation agent to be less immunogenic This agent was also investigated in a phase III trial in 312
for chronic administration as monotherapy or in combination patients affected by GISTs who progressive after imatinib
with chemotherapy or radiotherapy [43]. therapy. The trial was unblinded because a planned interim
analysis showed significant better outcome in the sunitinib
arm [56]. Median time to tumor progression was significantly
39.3.2 Sunitinib Malate longer in the sunitinib group compared to placebo (27.3 ver-
sus 6.4 weeks, respectively; HR: 0.33; p < 0.0001). The con-
Sunitinib is an oral inhibitor of VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, stem- firmed objective response rate was 7 % in the sunitinib group
cell factor receptor (c-KIT), PDGFRα, PDGFRβ, and fetal versus 0 % in the placebo group (p = 0.006). The survival
liver tyrosine kinase receptor 3 (FLT3) [44–46]. A phase I benefit could be underestimated as a result of the cross-over
study investigating the biological activity of sunitinib in of patients receiving placebo.
patients with AML showed that the phosphorylation of Clinical activity of sunitinib is being investigated in
FLT-3 was inhibited in 50 % of patients with wild-type FLT-3 NSCLC and preliminary data have shown that stable disease
and in 100 % of patients with mutated FLT-3. The majority of and partial response have been achieved [52]. Adverse events
gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) harbor mutations in were generally mild-to-moderate and included fatigue, diar-
the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT or PDGFR-A and are rhea and nausea. On the basis of these clinical results, in
responsive to imatinib. Unfortunately, tumors develop resis- January 2006, sunitinib was approved by FDA for the treat-
tance due to amino acid mutations in the kinase domain of ment of advanced RCC refractory to cytokine therapy and for
the targeted receptor, thus preventing or weakening the inter- imatinib-resistant or imatinib-intolerant GIST.
action with the inhibitor. In vitro studies have demonstrated
that sunitinib potently inhibited various imatinib-resistant
KIT variants [47, 48]. In phase I studies sunitinib showed a 39.3.3 Sorafenib
manageable toxicity and the most common side effects
reported were fatigue, hypertension, sore mouth, skin, gas- Sorafenib is an oral inhibitor targeting multiple kinases
trointestinal and hematological toxicity [49, 50]. Among including VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, PDGFR, FLT-3, c-KIT,
side effects, an increased incidence of hypothyroidism was c-Raf1, and B-Raf [57]. In a phase I study sorafenib showed
reported, related to a reduced drug-induced vascularity of activity in various tumor types and a manageable toxicity
thyroid gland [51]. Sunitinib demonstrated activity in profile, both in monotherapy and in association with chemo-
patients affected by NSCLC, neuroendocrine and other therapy [58, 59]. Dose limiting toxicity was associated with
tumor types, although most data are available for patients diarrhea, fatigue, hypertension, skin rash, and hematological
affected by GIST and RCC [52, 53]. toxicity. The dose of 400 mg twice daily was recommended
The therapeutic advantages of sunitinib were examined as for phase II evaluation, showing interesting antitumoral
second-line therapy in patients with RCC. RCC is one of the activity in patients with various types of solid tumors, espe-
most resistant tumor types, and, cytokines were the only cially renal cell carcinoma (RCC) [60–63]. Data from a large
moderately active agents. Two phase II clinical trials evalu- phase II randomized discontinuation trial of sorafenib in
ated the activity of sunitinib (50 mg daily administered for 4 patients with mRCC demonstrated significant disease-
weeks followed by 2 weeks off) in patients with RCC after stabilizing activity in the arm receiving the active drug com-
failure of previous immunotherapy [54, 55]. In the first study pared with placebo group. During the run-in period, 73 out
of Motzer et al. (n = 63) 40 % of partial responses were of 202 patients had tumor shrinkage of >25 % and median
reported and TTP was 8.7 months. In addition, 27 % of overall PFS was 29 weeks for the overall population [64].
patients demonstrated stable disease lasting more than 3 The most common drug-related adverse effects included
months. The most common reported adverse event was rash, hand–foot syndrome, and fatigue. Grade 3/4 drug-
fatigue (grade 3 in 11 % of patients). Therapeutic activity was related events occurred in 47 % of patients, with the most
confirmed by a further open-label study single-arm clinical common being hypertension (24 %), hand–foot syndrome
39 Therapeutic Agents That Inhibit Angiogenesis 761

(13 %), and fatigue (5 %) No patient died from sorafenib- CONFIRM trials that showed a greater clinical benefit and
induced toxicity. A subsequent phase III study including 769 improvement of PFS in patients with high LDH levels. This
patients with advanced or metastatic cytokine-refractory analysis confirm that the effect of vatalanib in improvement
RCC, demonstrated antitumoral activity of sorafenib in this of PFS is strong in high LDH population (HR 0.65, p < 0.001),
population and significant clinical benefit [65]. Median PFS as compared to overall population (HR 0.85, p = 0.005) [78].
was indeed 24 weeks in the sorafenib arm versus 12 weeks in A report of preliminary results from a phase II clinical trial
the placebo group (HR = 0.44; p < 0.00001). Common side investigating the therapeutic benefits of PTK-787/ZK-222584
effects were diarrhea (33 %), rash (34 %), hand–foot skin as a single second-line agent for NSCLC showed that disease
reactions (27 %), fatigue (26 %), and hypertension (11 %). control was achieved in 58 % of patients [75]. Other clinical
Updated results recently reported demonstrated a survival trials investigating PTK-787/ZK-222584 in metastatic neuro-
advantages as compared to placebo (median OS of 19.3 ver- endocrine tumors and imatinib mesylate-resistant metastatic
sus 15.9 months, respectively. HR = 0.77; p = 0.015) [66]. GIST are currently ongoing [74, 79].
Based of these results sorafenib was approved by FDA for Our group designed a dose finding phase I study with
the treatment of advanced or metastatic RCC refractory to PTK787/ZK in combination with chemotherapy and trastu-
cytokine therapy. Feasibility of combination therapy with zumab, involving patients affected by HER-2/neu positive
Interferon-α (IFNα) is under evaluation in phase II trials, as mBC who progressed after trastuzumab and anthracycline-
well as direct comparison between these two agents in based and/or taxane-based chemotherapy for metastatic dis-
patients with RCC [67–69]. Additional investigations are ease. The schedule of study treatment includes vinorelbine
underway to better define role of sorafenib in combination (day 1-8-15, q 28 days, dose ranging from 25 to 30 mg/mq),
with other targeted agents or cytokines in RCC and as adju- weekly trastuzumab and daily PTK787/ZK (dose ranging
vant therapy following a nephrectomy. Ongoing phase III from 500 to 1250 mg). Four dose levels are planned: the pri-
studies are evaluating the activity of sorafenib for treatment mary objective of the present study is to determine the maxi-
of HCC, melanoma, and NSCLC. mum tolerated dose (MTD) and the pharmacokinetics
interactions of PTK787/ZK with the cytotoxic agents. The
secondary objective of the study is to evaluate the tolerability
39.3.4 PTK-787/ZK-222584 and the optimal schedule of the schedule.

Vatalanib (PTK787/ZK 222584) is a small molecule orally

active TKI of all known VEGFRs, PDGFR tyrosine kinases 39.3.5 AMG-706
and the c-kit protein tyrosine kinase. In phase I studies the
most common side effects reported were fatigue, hyperten- AMG 706 is an oral small molecule multi-kinase inhibitor
sion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and transaminases eleva- with both antiangiogenic and direct antitumor activity that
tion [70–72]. Dose identified for further examination was selectively targets VEGF, PDGF, and Kit receptors [80]. It has
1250 mg daily. In phase II studies vatalanib showed clinical demonstrated antiangiogenic and antitumor activity. Data
activity in several solid tumors [73–75]. Phase III trials did from a phase I study presented at the 2005 American Society
not show conclusive results in patients affected by mCRC. In of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting showed that AMG-
fact CONFIRM-1 study, including 1168 patients with mCRC, 706 in patients with advanced solid tumors was safe at doses
demonstrated no beneficial effect of adding vatalanib up to 125 mg/day [81, 82]. Preliminary data were promising,
(1250 mg once a day) to chemotherapy (FOLFOX-4) in first as they indicated vascular changes and stable disease in the
line treatment [76]. Adverse events attributable to PTK/ZK majority of patients. Most frequently reported adverse events
were generally reversible and similar to other antiangiogenic were hypertension, fatigue, diarrhea, headache, and nausea.
agents. In the phase III placebo-controlled CONFIRM-2 AMG-706 is currently undergoing several phase I/II clinical
study, enrolling 855 patients with mCRC, adding valatinib to trials alone or in combination with chemotherapy in CRC,
the same chemotherapy regimen (FOLFOX-4) in second line GIST, NSCLC and thyroid cancer. Among these studies, a
of treatment, demonstrated a longer PFS versus chemother- phase I clinical trial evaluating the safety and clinical activity
apy alone (5.5 months versus 4.1 months; HR: 0.83; p = 0.026). of AMG-706 in thyroid cancer showed that this agent was
Response rate was similar in the two arms (18.5 % in the well tolerated and objective response was achieved in 43 % of
PTK/ZK arm versus 17.5 % in the placebo arm) and survival patients [83]. AMG-706 is also being investigated in combi-
advantage was not reported (OS was 12.1 months in the PTK/ nation with panitumumab, an anti-epidermal growth factor
ZK arm and 11.8 months in the placebo arm. HR: 0.94; receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibody, in NSCLC, and pre-
p = 0.511) [77]. Recently, a meta-analysis of these two studies liminary data revealed that this regimen was safe and exhibited
was performed, based on the preliminary results from clinical activity [84].
762 F. Torino et al.

39.3.6 ZD-6474 (Zactima, Vandetanib) 40 %. Median TTP has not been reached after 12- to 18-month
follow-up in all patients. Most common serious adverse
ZD6474 is a dual-kinase inhibitor that inhibits VEGFR-2, events (grade 3–4) were diarrhea (8 %), hypertension (15 %),
but also has moderate anti-EGFR activity and RET receptor. and fatigue (8 %) [93]. Axitinib has been also evaluated in 32
In phase I evaluation, ZD6474 was well tolerated at daily patients with advanced thyroid cancer, refractory to or not
dose of 100–300 mg/day and adverse events commonly suitable candidates for Iodine therapy. Although response
reported were diarrhea, rash, fatigue and asymptomatic assessments are still ongoing, partial response was achieved
QT-prolongation [85]. Preclinical studies have yielded data in three patients [94].
consistent with a potent inhibition of the VEGF signaling
pathway, suggesting potential use in a broad range of tumors
including colon, lung, prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers 39.3.8 Other Multitargeted TKIs in Clinical
[86]. However, most clinical data in phase II studies are Development
available in NSCLC. Adding of ZD6474 to carboplatin/
paclitaxel in first line chemotherapy is safe and did not sig- GW-786034 is another oral TKI with activity against VEGFR
nificantly increase treatment toxicity. In a phase II random- that has demonstrated antitumor and antiangiogenic activity
ized study performed by Heymach et al., patients with in vitro and in vivo [95]. It is currently undergoing phase II
locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC after failure of first clinical trials on refractory multiple myeloma, soft tissue
line platinum-based chemotherapy were randomized to sarcoma, ovarian cancer, and RCC.
receive docetaxel plus ZD6474, either at dose of 100 mg CP-547,632 has shown antitumor and antiangiogenic
300 mg, or docetaxel alone. Median PFS was higher in activity against VEGFR-2 in several preclinical models [96].
patients receiving the combined therapy (19 versus 17 ver- This agent is currently in a phase II clinical trial for recurrent
sus 12 weeks, respectively) [87]. Recently, a double-blind or persistent small-volume ovarian cancer.
phase II randomized trial compared ZD6474 300 mg with The agent AEE-788 is a dual family EGFR/ErbB2 and
gefitinib 250 mg in 168 advanced previously treated NSCLC VEGFR TKI [97], showing interesting antitumor activity in
patients, with the option of crossover at the time of progres- various models [98, 99]. In phase I studies AEE788 was gen-
sion. Preliminary data showed a response rate of 8 % in the erally well tolerated and most of the adverse events were gen-
ZD6474 arm and 1 % in the gefitinib arm and a statistically erally mild or moderate diarrhea, asthenia, anorexia, rash,
significant longer PFS with ZD6474 was reported (11.9 ver- nausea, and vomiting [100–102]. Dose-limiting toxicities
sus 8.1 weeks, respectively; p = 0.011) [88]. These positive were observed at the 500–550 mg dose levels. Enrollment in
results were not confirmed in BC: in 44 patients refractory clinical trials is ongoing.
to anthracycline/taxane, ZD6474 either at dose of 100 mg or XL647 is an orally bioavailable small molecule with
300 mg did not show clinical activity [89]. ZD6474 dis- inhibitory effect on EGFR, HER-2, VEGFR2/KDR and
played also promising evidence of activity in patients with EphB4. In a phase I study XL647 showed a satisfactory tox-
hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma; in a phase II trial in icity profile. The maximum tolerated dose was established in
15 evaluable patients, three had partial response and ten 4.68 mg/kg orally administered for 5 consecutive days every
stable disease [90]. 2 weeks [103].
CEP-7055 is a novel orally active inhibitor of all three
VEGFR kinases with broad preclinical antitumor and anti-
39.3.7 Axitinib (AG-013736) angiogenic activity [104], now entering a phase I clinical
Axitinib is an oral multitargeted TKI with inhibitory effects
against VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, and PDGFR-β, evaluated in a
phase I clinical study among patients with advanced solid 39.3.9 RPI-4610
tumors, AG-013736 demonstrated clinical activity in RCC,
adenoid cystic cancer and NSCLC [91]. Dose-limiting tox- RPI-4610 belongs to a new class of drug termed chemically
icities included hypertension, hemoptysis, and stomatitis stabilized ribozymes, synthesized to target and cleave a spe-
[92], manageable with appropriate medication or dose reduc- cific mRNA sequence. RPI-4610, administered intrave-
tion. A phase I study identified maximum tolerated dose of nously, targets the VEGFR-1 mRNA [105]. A phase I clinical
5 mg twice daily. Rini and colleagues evaluated axitinib in a study in patients with refractory solid tumors showed grade
phase II trial in 52 patients with advanced RCC refractory to 1/2 infusion reactions as the most common toxicities [106].
one prior cytokine-based therapy. Partial response was A phase II clinical trial is currently investigating the effec-
reported in 24 patients (46 %) and stable disease in a further tiveness of RPI-4610 in patients with metastatic RCC.
39 Therapeutic Agents That Inhibit Angiogenesis 763

39.4 Targeted Therapies Interfering receptors for transmitting signals important for cell migration,
with Metalloproteinases invasion, proliferation and survival. Deregulation of adhesion
can lead to pathological processes, including tumor metasta-
The involvement of proteolytic activity of metalloprotein- sis, either by disrupting the normal anchorage, thereby alter-
ases (MMPs) in angiogenesis is well established. The extra- ing cell movement and regulatory signaling, or by promoting
cellular matrix (ECM) surrounding endothelial cells must be inappropriate adhesion. One member of the integrin family,
broken down to allow cell migration and proliferation. αvβ3-integrin is overexpressed in tumor cells Supporting evi-
MMPs belong to a family of proteolytic enzymes that dence for the integrin involvement in tumor angiogenesis was
degrade ECM components and contribute through this mech- recently reported by Nikolopoulos and colleagues who dem-
anism to the angiogenic process. Aberrant MMP expression onstrated that the subunit of integrin promotes endothelial
contributes to the invasive growth and spread of a variety of migration and invasion [113]. Therefore, agents targeting
solid malignancies [11, 107, 108]. It has been suggested that integrins are currently being evaluated as potential thera-
the control of MMPs activity through inhibitors has been peutic options to treat tumors. Such agents include abegrin,
considered a potential target for anticancer therapy, but clini- a monoclonal antibody, and cilengitide (EMD-121974), a
cal trials yielded disappointing results. Incyclinide, an oral cyclic peptide. Both interfere with the αvβ3-integrin and are
MMP inhibitor (MMPI), showed biological activity in under investigation in phase I/II studies.
AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma [109]. The most common Another antiangiogenic drug tested in human malignan-
adverse events were photosensitivity and rash. BMS-275291, cies is thalidomide, although its exact mechanism of action is
a broad spectrum MMPI, failed to achieve partial or com- still unclear. Thalidomide was once notorious for producing
plete tumor responses in patients with advanced or meta- severe deformities in the arms and legs of newborn babies
static cancer [110]. The most frequently reported adverse whose mothers were given the drug during pregnancy. Off the
events were joint toxicity, rash, fatigue, headache and nau- market for decades, it has recently emerged as a somewhat
sea. In a recent study evaluating two different doses, this effective treatment for several cancers. Thalidomide and its
agent demonstrated limited clinical activity in hormone- immunomodulatory analogues are being investigated in sev-
refractory prostate cancer with bone metastases [111]. Other eral phase II/III trials for treating various tumors including
MMPIs, such as BAY-129566 or BB-2516, have failed to multiple myeloma, RCC, prostate cancer, and hepatocellular
show therapeutic activity in human malignancies despite cancer [114]. Finally, endostatin, an endogenous angiogene-
preclinical antimetastatic and antiangiogenic activity. The sis inhibitor, represents an additional target for cancer therapy
reasons for the disappointing results observed with MMPIs [115]. Clinical trials evaluating the safety of r-hu endostatin
in cancer therapy remain unclear. The negative results of in patients with advanced solid tumors showed that this agent
MMPIs reported in several studies have definitely raised has a good safety profile, but modest antitumor activity [116],
serious concerns about the opportunity to continue the evalu- with positive results only in NSCLC.
ation of MMPIs as a therapeutic anticancer strategy.

39.6 New Strategies for Antiangiogenic

39.5 Targeted Therapies Directly Therapy Combinations
Interfering with Endothelial Cells
39.6.1 Broad-Spectrum Targeting
Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is a naturally occurring inhibitor
of angiogenesis that limits vessel density in normal tissues Recently Folkman proposed the paradigm to block tumor
and curtails tumor growth. ABT-510, a promising new agent, growth indefinitely by the use of a broad-spectrum single
is a TSP-1 analogue. A phase I study in patients with advanced multitarget agent capable simultaneously to interfere with
solid malignancies showed a favorable toxicity profile, with several angiogenesis pathways or, alternatively, by combina-
the most common toxicities observed being injection-site tions of different highly selective drugs. Two examples of the
reactions and fatigue. Stability of disease was observed in a first strategy are the multitarget tyrosine kinase inhibitors
significant number of patients, warranting further clinical tri- sunitinib and sorafenib.
als [112]. A phase II trial testing the clinical benefits of ABT- Examples of the second strategy include the combina-
510 in head and neck cancer is currently underway. An tions of bevacizumab and anti-EGFR agents taking into
additional avenue being explored is integrin protein, which account that angiogenesis is linked to other tumor molecu-
plays an essential role in cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesion. lar pathways. Preclinical studies demonstrated that interac-
Integrins are cell surface adhesion molecules coupling the tions between EGFR and VEGF signaling pathways
extracellular environment to the cytoskeleton, as well as sustained tumor growth and progression. They exert effects
764 F. Torino et al.

both directly and indirectly on tumor cells, and combining Based on preclinical results showing co-upregulation of
drugs targeting both the targets confer additional clinical VEGF and HER-2/neu in breast cancer, a recent phase I/II
benefit. EGFR has been detected in the endothelial cells of trial explored the combination of trastuzumab and bevaci-
tumor vasculature preclinically [117]. Co-expression of zumab in relapsed mBC HER-2 positive [133].
EGFR and TGFα has been correlated with increased vascu-
larity in invasive BC [118]. VEGF is also downregulated by
EGFR inhibition [119, 120] and a recent study suggests 39.6.2 Metronomic Chemotherapy
that blockade of VEGF may also inhibit the EGFR auto-
crine signaling [121]. Another therapeutic strategy is based on the use of antiangio-
A number of preclinical studies investigating the antitu- genic schedules of cytotoxic agents (i.e., metronomic che-
mor activity of combined anti-EGFR and anti-VEGF agents motherapy) aimed to block endothelial cells proliferation.
suggest promising activity [122–126]. The most studied cytotoxic agent is oral cyclophosphamide,
Furthermore, VEGF blockade is critical in preventing which is more active combined with selective antiangiogenic
resistance to EGFR inhibition. The use of agents such as agents such as the TSP-1 peptide ABT-510, thalidomide and
erlotinib and bevacizumab targeting different signaling path- celecoxib, or anti-VEGF agents [134].
ways and affecting different cell types (tumor cell and endo- A recent phase II study in pediatric cancer patients with
thelial cell) may abide by different rules than standard recurrent or progressive poor prognosis tumors for which no
cytotoxic chemotherapy because of the significant cross talk curative therapy remained, Kieran et al. [135] tested the con-
between the pathways in numerous cell types. These encour- tinuous administration of oral thalidomide, celecoxib with
aging data have led to the initiation of a number of clinical alternating etoposide and cyclophosphamide. Such a therapy
studies evaluating the combination of erlotinib with bevaci- was well-tolerated and 40 % of patients had clinical benefit
zumab in a number of tumor types, including phase II trials with 25 % of all cases continuing to be progression-free for
in RCC [127] and mBC [128] and a phase I study in patients more than 123 weeks. Elevated circulatory levels of TSP-1
with HNSCC [129]. correlated with prolonged response.
Herbst et al. [130] evaluated the combination of bevaci-
zumab and erlotinib in 40 patients (34 patients at phase II
dose) with previously treated NSCLC. Eight patients 39.6.3 Bidirectional Block of Angiogenic
(20.0 %) had partial response and 26 (65.0 %) had stable dis- Balance
ease as their best response. The median OS for the 34 patients
treated at phase II dose was 12.6 months, with a PFS of 6.2 At a certain time the angiogenic activity of a tumor is the
months. The most common adverse events were mild to result of the net balance between pro- and contra-angiogenic
moderate rash, diarrhea and proteinuria. molecules. It is reasonable to hypothesize that the concurrent
In another multicenter phase II trial, 63 patients with met- use of an anti-pro-angiogenic molecule (i.e., anti-VEGF) and
astatic RCC were treated with bevacizumab 10 mg/kg intra- a naturally occurring angiogenesis inhibitor (i.e., endostatin)
venously every 2 weeks and erlotinib 150 mg orally daily. should be more effective than the use of each single class of
Fifteen (25 %) of 59 assessable patients had objective agents alone. Such a strategy is now feasible in the clinic due
response and an additional 36 patients (61 %) had stable dis- to the approval in China of therapy for NSCLC with rh-
ease after 8 weeks of treatment. The median and 1-year PFS endostatin, a tumor type for which also bevacizumab is
was 11 months and 43 % respectively. After a median follow- active and approved [3].
up of 15 months, median OS has not been reached: survival
at 18 months was 60 %. Treatment was generally well-
tolerated: only two patients discontinued treatment because 39.6.4 Nanobodies
of toxicity (skin rash); grade 1/2 skin rash and diarrhea were
the most frequent treatment-related toxicities [131]. A new attractive category of targeted agents is that of nano-
Encouraging results have been reported with the combina- bodies, consisting of the smallest functional fragment of a
tion of two different monoclonal antibodies with or without single-chain antibody, with interesting pharmacodynamic
chemotherapy. The BOND II Trial evaluated the combination and pharmacokinetic characteristics such as: high stability,
of cetuximab/bevacizumab +/− irinotecan in mCRC patients alternative routes of administration (intranasal, pulmonary,
after irinotecan failure. Preliminary data showed a better oral, transdermal, etc.), high tissue penetration (properties
efficacy in the experimental arm in terms of response rate more similar to small molecules) and high affinity/potency,
(37 % versus 20 %) and median TTP (7.9 months versus 5.6 to the target, and low inherent toxicity. In addition, nanobodies
months) [132]. are easier to of manufacture in bacteria and yeasts, have low
39 Therapeutic Agents That Inhibit Angiogenesis 765

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Small Molecule Inhibitors
Xin Chen and Jian Jin

inherited or spontaneous loss of function of tumor-suppressor

40.1 Introduction genes resulting from inactivating mutations or epigenetic
events (for example, promoter hypermethylations) has also
Before the biomedical community had had any understand- been implicated in tumorigenesis. As a result, the focus of
ing of the molecular mechanisms that drive tumorigenesis, anticancer drug discovery and development shifted from
the discovery of cancer chemotherapy exclusively focused nonspecific chemotherapeutics to rationally designed drugs
on the development of novel cytotoxic compounds targeting that target cancer-specific pathways or proteins that are
DNA processing and cell division including DNA alkylating unique to or upregulated in cancer cells. Such agents are
and cross-linking agents, antimetabolites, topoisomerase typically less toxic than conventional cytotoxic anticancer
inhibitors, and anti-tubulin agents [1]. Although these drugs drugs because they would spare normal cells and thereby
can be very efficacious in killing tumor cells, serious side offer improved safety benefits over standard chemotherapeu-
effects accompanied due to the lack of selectivity for tumor tics and provide a higher therapeutic index.
cells versus normal cells. The side effects, such as bone mar- Much of the pioneering work in the targeted anticancer
row suppression and gastrointestinal, cardiac, hepatic, and drug discovery field has been carried out via targeting sig-
renal toxicities, significantly limit their use. In addition, drug naling pathways. Cells use a wide variety of intracellular
resistance was frequently observed after initial stabilization and intercellular mechanisms to signal for processes,
or regression of the disease [2]. including growth, apoptosis, and intracellular protein deg-
Starting from 1980s, the biomedical research community radation. Molecular and genetic approaches have uncov-
has begun to identify key molecular changes responsible for ered the entirely new signaling networks that regulate
malignant transformation and understand the etiology of cellular activities such as proliferation and survival. Many
cancer at the molecular level [3]. For example, numerous of these networks are found to be radically altered in cancer
cancer-causing oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes that cells. Therefore, inhibition of these altered pathways via
normally hold cancer in check have been discovered. signal transduction inhibitors or secondary messenger
Oncogenes are frequently activated by inherited or spontane- inhibitors can lead to anticancer effect.
ous gain-of-function mutations or fusions with other genes. Research in the protein kinase area has led to 33 FDA-
They can be aberrantly expressed due to amplification, approved kinase inhibitor drugs for the treatment of various
increased promoter activity or protein stabilization, thus cancers to date [4]. Additionally, more than 100 kinase
have integral roles in the genesis of human tumors. The inhibitors are presently in various phases of clinical develop-
ment for treating cancers [5]. In this chapter, rather than cov-
ering every FDA-approved kinase drug and every drug
candidate in clinical development, we describe discovery
X. Chen, Ph.D. stories of a number of representative kinase inhibitor drugs
Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine,
as examples to illustrate the tremendous success in this area.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
120 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA In addition to these kinase drug discovery stories, we
describe the discovery of inhibitors of other proteins or pro-
J. Jin, Ph.D. (*)
Departments of Structural and Chemical Biology, Oncological tein families as targeted cancer therapeutics including inhibi-
Sciences, and Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics, Icahn tors of poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerases (PARPs), DNA
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA methyltransferases (DNMTs), histone deacetylases
(HDACs), and heat shock protein 90 (HSP90).

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 771

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_40
772 X. Chen and J. Jin

kinase KIT) and mutant FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3

40.2 Small Molecule Inhibitors as Targeted (FLT-3) receptors.
Cancer Therapeutics • Non-receptor kinases: have no transmembrane or
extracellular domains and may be associated with the
40.2.1 Kinase Inhibitors cytoplasmic surfaces by membrane localization via a
lipid modification that anchors them to the phospho-
Kinases, also known as phosphotransferases, are a class of lipid bilayer or by non-covalent binding to a mem-
enzymes that transfer a phosphate group from high energy brane receptor. Abelson tyrosine kinase (ABL), Janus
donor molecules, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), to kinase (JAK), focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and sar-
specific substrates. The largest group of kinases is protein coma (Src) kinases belong to this category.
kinases, which constitute one of the largest protein families
in the human genome, accounting for about 1.7 % of the
human genome-encoded proteins [6]. Protein kinases modu- 40.2.3 General Mechanisms of Protein Kinase
late the signaling systems necessary for cell division, growth, and Kinase Inhibitors
survival, and migration. As many as 120 kinases, out of more
than 500 kinases encoded in human genome, have been Protein kinases help transmitting information from a factor
found to be present in various cancers [7]. Small molecule outside a cell into the cell plasma and nucleus while the ini-
inhibitors that block the actions of protein kinases and the tiating factor does not have to across the cell membrane. This
associated signaling pathways can thus have significant mechanism allows the cellular function such as proliferation,
impact on the proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and cell–matrix adhesion, cell–cell adhesion, movement, apopto-
migration of cancer cells. sis control, transcription, and membrane transport to be regu-
lated by extracellular stimuli. There are two ways through
which the signals from an extracellular factor can be trans-
40.2.2 Classification of Protein Kinases ferred into the interior of the cell with the aid of kinases.
First, ligand binding to receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)
By attaching a phosphate group to a serine, threonine, or tyro- induces receptor dimerization or oligomerization, leading to
sine residue of various proteins, the process called phosphory- the activation of kinases [8]. Secondly, non-receptor kinases
lation, protein kinases play a primary role in the complex are similarly activated in response to appropriate extracellu-
signaling systems that transfer information between and lar stimuli via interacting with other membrane-bound recep-
within cells via switching on or off a cascade of cellular events. tors such as G-protein coupled receptors; however,
There are two main ways to categorize protein kinases. dimerization may or may not be necessary for activation [9].
In either case, the key step in transferring the signal across
(a) Based on their specificity for amino acid residues: the membrane is the activation of the cytoplasmic kinase
• Serine or threonine-specific kinases: catalyze the domain. The activated kinases then initiate a cascade of
phosphorylation of serine or threonine residues. phosphorylation reactions resulting in the activation of other
• Tyrosine-specific kinases: catalyze the phosphoryla- proteins, as well as the production of secondary messenger
tion of tyrosine residue. molecules that transmit the signal initiated by the extracel-
• Mixed function kinases: catalyze serine, threonine, or lular factor to the nucleus [10].
tyrosine phosphorylation. Protein kinases play major etiologic roles in the initiation
(b) Based on their structure and cellular localization: of malignancy and may contribute to the uncontrolled prolif-
• Receptor kinases: contain an extracellular ligand- eration of cancer cells, tumor progression, and development
binding domain, a hydrophobic transmembrane of metastatic disease [11]. It is thought that cancer cells
domain, and a cytoplasmically located kinase domain. depend almost entirely on signaling by protein kinases for
The extracellular ligand-binding domain is typically their continued proliferation [6], whereas normal cells rarely
glycosylated and conveys ligand specificity. invoke these pathways [12]. Many protein kinases are
Epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs), platelet- mutated [13] or overexpressed [9] in tumor cells. Recent
derived growth factor receptors (PDGFRs), and vas- sequencing efforts in a wide variety of tumors have identified
cular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs) mutations in numerous RTKs, which are now collected in the
are the three major families. Other well-known receptors COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer)
include insulin-like growth factor 1 receptors (IGF-1Rs), database [14].
Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor (SCFR, also There are four main types of kinase inhibitors [15].
known as proto-oncogene c-Kit or tyrosine-protein Type 1 inhibitors constitute the majority of ATP-competitive
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 773

inhibitors and recognize the active conformation of the This leads to an increase in the number of granular leuko-
kinases. Type 2 kinase inhibitors recognize the inactive con- cytes in the peripheral blood and bone marrow [20].
formation of the kinases and are still ATP-competitive. Type It has been well established that BCR-ABL is the causal
3 kinase inhibitors bind outside the ATP-binding site, at an to the pathogenesis of CML, and that constitutive tyrosine
allosteric site, and modulate kinase activity in an allosteric kinase activity is central to the capacity of BCR-ABL to
manner. Therefore, this class of inhibitors is not competitive transform hematopoietic cells in vitro and in vivo [21, 22].
with ATP. Type 4 inhibitors are capable of forming an irre- The fact that it proved difficult to identify essential compo-
versible, covalent bond to the kinase active site, most nents downstream of BCR-ABL indicates that BCR-ABL is
frequently by reacting with a nucleophilic cysteine residue. an attractive drug target from the therapeutic standpoint. The
A detailed description of these four types of kinase inhibitors clear difference in the function of BCR-ABL between nor-
was summarized in this excellent review article [15]. A very mal and leukemic cells further supports this view.
significant amount of drug research and development activi- The discovery of imatinib represents an excellent exam-
ties has been devoted to the discovery of small molecule ple of rational drug design in cancer drug discovery [23, 24].
inhibitors of the protein kinases thought to be important in Starting in the late 1980s, scientists at Ciba Geigy (now
the initiation and growth of tumors. These efforts have led to Novartis), under the direction of N. Lydon and A. Matter, ini-
the approval of 33 kinase inhibitor drugs by the FDA. Most tiated projects on the identification of compounds with
of these FDA-approved drugs and the drug candidates that inhibitory activity against protein kinases. From a screen for
are currently in clinical development are either type 1 or type inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), a phenylaminopyrimi-
2 kinase inhibitors. We use the following examples to illus- dine was identified as a hit (Fig. 40.1) [25, 26]. Although this
trate how small molecule kinase inhibitors as targeted cancer compound had low potency and poor kinase selectivity, it
therapeutics were discovered. had promising “lead-like” properties [27] and a high poten-
tial for structural modifications, allowing rapid generation of
more potent and selective inhibitors. Adding a 3′-pyridyl
40.2.4 BCR-ABL Inhibition: The Discovery group to the parent compound resulted in compound 1A with
of Imatinib (Gleevec™) significantly improved cellular activity. The introduction of a
benzamide group on the phenyl ring (compound 1B) pro-
Being the first small molecule kinase inhibitor approved by vided inhibitory activity against tyrosine kinases such as
FDA for treating cancers (approved in 2001 for chronic BCR–ABL in addition to PKC. Further structure–activity
myeloid leukemia (CML) and in 2002 for gastrointestinal relationships (SAR) exploration revealed that a substitution
stromal tumors (GISTs)), imatinib (Gleevec™, Novartis) at the position 6 of the diaminophenyl ring abolished PKC
which is also known as STI-571, is widely acknowledged to inhibitory activity completely and the introduction of a sim-
be the classic example of kinase targeted drug discovery and ple flag-methyl at this position (compound 1C) retained or
the drug that validated the strategy of signal transduction even enhanced the activity against BCR–ABL. However,
inhibition. The molecular target of imatinib is BCR-ABL compound 1C had poor oral bioavailability and low aqueous
(breakpoint cluster region—Abelson), a result of genetic solubility. Further exploration of this series revealed that the
abnormality known for a long time as chromosomal translo- attachment of a highly polar side chain such as
cation that creates an abnormal fusion protein (i.e., the BCR- N-methylpiperazine could significantly improve both solubil-
ABL kinase) that signals aberrantly and leads to uncontrolled ity and oral bioavailability. In addition, the introduction of the
proliferation of the leukemia cells in CML [16]. CH2 spacer between the phenyl ring and the nitrogen atom
CML is a malignant myeloproliferative disorder of hema- avoided the mutagenic potential of the aniline moiety.
topoietic stem cells [17]. It is characterized by a chromo- Compound 1D (originally named as STI571, now known as
somal abnormality, known as the Philadelphia chromosome, imatinib), the most promising compound in this series, was
discovered by Nowell and Hungerford and named after the selected for clinical development.
location of discovery [18], which results from a reciprocal Binding of imatinib occurs at the ATP-binding site as
translocation involving the Abelson (ABL) oncogene from indicated by docking studies [28] and X-ray crystallography
chromosome 9 being transferred to a region on chromosome [29]. It has also been shown from the crystal structure that
22 termed the breakpoint cluster region (BCR) [19]. The imatinib inhibits the kinase by binding with high specificity
resulting fused BCR-ABL gene produces a constitutively to an inactive form of the kinase. Thus, imatinib is a type 2
active tyrosine kinase that initiates multiple signaling path- kinase inhibitor. Binding to this unusual kinase conformation
ways and causes perturbed interaction with extracellular might contribute to the high selectivity of this compound.
matrix and bone marrow stroma, enhanced cell proliferation Surprisingly, the N-methylpiperazine group (added to
and reduced growth-factor dependence and apoptosis [16]. increase aqueous solubility and oral bioavailability) was
774 X. Chen and J. Jin

Fig. 40.1 Discovery of imatinib.

Fig. 40.2 FDA-approved BCR-ABL inhibitors.

found to have strong interaction with the protein via hydrogen (Fig. 40.2) [35], dual SRC/ABL inhibitors dasatinib
bonds to the backbone carbonyl groups. (Spreycel™, Bristol-Myers Squib, Approved 2006) [36],
In addition to being orally bioavailable, thus more conve- and bosutinib (Bosulif™, Wyeth, Approved 2012) [37],
nient for patients, imatinib lacks some of more serious side which have been approved for the treatment of adults in all
effects commonly observed with cytotoxic agents [30]. phases of CML with resistance or intolerance to imatinib.
Imatinib has now been approved in numerous countries for Unfortunately, there are still subsets of mutants remain resis-
treating the chronic phase of Philadelphia chromosome- tant even with these second-generation compounds, particu-
positive CML. Through its use in clinic, it was discovered larly a common BCR-ABLT315I mutant at the gatekeeper
that, in addition to inhibiting BCR-ABL, imatinib effectively position which represents ∼15–20 % of all clinically
inhibited ABL, PDGFR, and SCFR (c-Kit) [31]. In particu- observed mutants [37–40]. To address this unmet need, sev-
lar, the activity against c-Kit manifested as remarkable clini- eral programs targeting development of potent BCR-ABLT315I
cal activity in c-Kit-positive unresectable or metastatic inhibitors have been established and the progress has been
malignant GISTs, for which it is now also licensed. summarized in a number of reviews [41–44]. Ponatinib
In patients with newly diagnosed CML in the chronic (AP24534, Iclusig™, Ariad) was developed as a “pan-BCR-
phase, daily oral administration of imatinib has demonstrated ABL” inhibitor which is potently active against BCR-
impressive event-free survival (81 %), freedom from pro- ABLT315I and all other tested BCR-ABL variants and
gression (93 %), and overall survival (86 %) rates [32]. suppresses emergence of resistant mutations in a cell-based
However, many patients eventually develop intrinsic or screen [45]. In addition, ponatinib was also found to be a
acquired resistance to this first-line therapy [33]. To overcome multitargeted inhibitor with activity against FLT3, FGFR,
resistance in CML, a number of second generation inhibitors VEGFR, c-Kit, PDGFR, Eph, Src family kinases, RET, and
have been developed [34]. These include imatinib-like Tie2. Ponatinib was approved by FDA for the treatment of
inhibitors nilotinib (Tasigna™, Novatis, Approved 2007) T315I positive CML and Philadelphia chromosome positive
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 775

ALL as well as CML or Philadelphia positive ALL that are to demonstrate the link between EGFR and the malignant
resistant or intolerant to prior tyrosine kinase inhibitor ther- transformation of cells [52]. An autocrine mechanism was
apy in December 2012 through FDA Accelated Approval found to be involved in that transformation, involving auto-
program. Serious adverse reactions have been reported with stimulation of EGFR in cancer cells by ligands such as
ponatinib, with vascular occlusion, heart failure and hepato- EGF and TGF-α, which are produced by the cancer cells
toxicity prompting the US FDA to issue boxed warnings. themselves. The ligand binding to EGFR activates a cyclic-
Therefore, clinicians need to consider whether the potential AMP-independent phosphorylation system through an inher-
benefits of therapy will outweigh the risks before starting ent tyrosine kinase located within the receptor [53]. This
treatment. up-regulated EGFR-mediated signaling can help move cells
into a continuous and uncontrolled stated of division, thus
leading to greater numbers of malignant cells and an increase
40.2.5 EGFR Inhibition in tumor size. Additional compelling evidence for the role of
EGFR in cancer pathogenesis came from reports that many
Because of their fundamental role in regulating key cellular human solid tumors, such as head and neck, lung, and
functions including cell proliferation, differentiation, metas- colorectal tumors, express high levels of EGFR, which fre-
tasis and survival, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) quently correlates with poor prognosis [54], in particular,
signaling pathways have been a main focus of research for with an increased risk of metastasis and decreased survival.
novel targeted anticancer agents [46]. EGFR is a member of The high expression levels of EGFR can also protect cancer
the EGFR subfamily known as human epidermal growth fac- cells from hormone therapies, cytotoxic agents, and radio-
tor receptor (HER) family, which contains 4 closely related therapy [55], thus reducing the effectiveness of these treat-
receptors that include itself (as known as ErbB-1), HER2/ ments. Furthermore, many tumors that express EGFR also
neu (as known as ErbB-2), HER3 (as known as ErbB-3) and produce one or more EGFR ligands, which further supports
HER4 (as known as ErbB-4). EGFR is a 170-kDa glycopro- the hypothesis that autocrine growth-stimulatory mechanisms
tein that is expressed in most human tissues and is highly are involved in EGFR-mediated tumorigenesis [56]. In addi-
expressed in many human solid tumors [47]. tion, it has been shown that EGFR signaling not only
EGFR is a receptor tyrosine kinase, which has an extra- increases cell proliferation, but also regulates a range of pro-
cellular domain, a transmembrane domain and an intracel- cesses that are essential for tumor progression, including cell
lular tyrosine kinase domain. The activation of the EGFR motility, cell adhesion, tumor invasion, cell survival, and
pathway is initiated when an appropriate ligand (e.g., EGF, angiogenesis [57].
transforming growth factor-α or TGF-α, heparin-binding
EGF, amphiregulin, betacellulin, epiregulin, or neuregulin
G2b) [48] binds to the extracellular domain of the inactive 40.2.6 The Discovery of Gefitinib (Iressa™)
single unit of the receptor. This causes receptor dimerization
with another identical EGFR receptor to form a homodimer These strong target validation and disease association results
or with a nonidentical receptor from the same EGFR sub- have prompted the research community to pursue small
family (e.g., HER2/neu) to give a heterodimer. This dimer- molecule EGFR-TK (tyrosine kinase) inhibitors as potential
ization process activates the tyrosine kinase enzyme located anticancer therapeutics. These small molecule inhibitors can
in the intracellular domain, and that leads to the transphos- compete with ATP binding to the TK domain of the receptor,
phorylation of both intracellular domains. This, in turn, initi- which inhibits TK activity and subsequently block signal
ates a cascade of phosphorylation events that eventually transduction from the EGFR. Gefitinib (Iressa™), an 4,6,7-tri-
results in a signal arriving at the nucleus [46]. The magnitude substituted-4-quinazolinamine discovered by AstraZeneca in
of EGFR signaling is influenced by several cellular mecha- the mid- to late-1990s, was one of the first agents in this new
nisms including receptor mutations, heterodimerization with family [49].
other members of the HER family, increased expression of The discovery of gefitinib started from a phenylami-
autocrine ligands, and alterations in molecules that control nolquinazoline (compound 3A, Fig. 40.3), which was dis-
receptor signaling output [49]. covered from the SAR study of the 4-anilinoquinazoline
The work from several research groups has provided class as EGFR-TK inhibitors [58, 59]. This compound was
strong rationales for EGFR as an anticancer target. EGF was found to be a potent inhibitor of EGFR-TK (IC50 = 5 nM) and
first discovered by Stanley Cohen in the early 1960s [50]. As EGF-stimulated human cell growth (IC50 = 50 nM (KB oral
one of the first growth factors isolated, its discovery opened carcinoma cells)]. However, compound 3A had a short half-
up a research field that has been crucial to the development life (approximately 1 h) and appeared to undergo rapid oxi-
of modern anticancer and other medical treatments. A decade dative metabolism. Substitution of the methyl group with
later, human EGF4 was isolated [51]. It took another 5 years chlorine and introduction of fluorine at the para-position of
776 X. Chen and J. Jin

Fig. 40.3 Discovery of gefitinib.

the aniline gave compound 3B, which was resistant to the the initial response, patients almost invariably develop resis-
oxidative metabolism. Although this compound showed a tance to these inhibitors and relapse after several months
slight loss of potency in vitro (EGFR-TK, IC50 = 9 nM; EGF [63]. A secondary mutation, T790M, in exon 20 of the EGFR
stimulated KB cell growth, IC50 = 80 nM) compared to com- kinase domain is account for about half of cases with
pound 3A, it had improved efficacy in in vivo models via oral acquired resistance to first-generation EGFR inhibitors
dosing and better pharmacokinetic (PK) properties (e.g., [64, 65]. T790M EGFR exhibits elevated enzymatic and
reduced clearance, longer half-life—approximately 3 h). transforming activity, both alone and in combination with
The approach aimed at further improving in vivo activity, primary alterations in exon 19 or 21 [66–69], indicating a
which eventually proved successful, involved modification need for increased therapeutic efficacy of the next generation
of the alkyl group of the methoxy side chain. Introduction of of EGFR inhibitors. Ideally, these new small molecule tyro-
a basic group into the alkoxy side chain resulted in improved sine kinase inhibitors should be more broadly active against
physical chemical properties such as solubility and further ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases, yet retain the exquisite over-
improved PK parameters. After profiling a series of com- all selectivity of first-generation EGFR TKIs within the
pounds with different aminoalkoxy side chains, gefitinib human kinome that has afforded an acceptable drug safety
(ZD1839) (Fig. 40.3) was chosen as a development candi- and tolerability profile.
date based on its excellent in vitro and in vivo profiles. Irreversible inhibitors that covalently modify EGFR and/or
Although gefitinib was not the most potent compound syn- HER2 exhibited increased efficacy against mutants resistant
thesized, it achieved high and sustained blood levels over a to gefitinib and erlotinib in cell-based assays [64, 69–73].
24-h period and had good oral bioavailability in preclinical One such inhibitor, afetinib (BIBW2992) (Fig. 40.4), is a
species [60]. Gefitinib is selective against structurally closely new irreversible dual EGFR/HER2 inhibitor derived from
related ErbB2, the receptors of VEGF, FMS like tyrosine the anilino-quinazoline chemical series that was designed to
kinase (FLT1; VEGFR1), kinase insert domain-containing covalently bind to Cys 773 of EGFR and Cys 805 of HER2
receptor tyrosine kinase (KDR; VEGFR-2), and a number of via a Michael addition [74]. Afetinib was found to potently
serine/threonine kinases [61]. Gefitinib inhibits the growth suppress the kinase activity of wild-type and activated EGFR
of a broad range of human solid tumor xenografts in a dose- and HER2 mutants, including the most common mutations,
dependent manner with marked regressions seen in some L858R and deletion-19, and the exon 20 gatekeeper T790M
tumors. Treatment for up to 4 months in nude mice was well mutations, albeit at lower potency [74, 75]. It has received
tolerated. Gefitinib has demonstrated a long half-life in regulatory approval for use as a treatment for non-small-cell
humans compatible with once-daily oral dosing. The FDA lung cancer in 2013 although there is emerging evidence to
approved gefitinib as a second-line treatment for non-small- support its use in other cancers such as breast cancer [76].
cell lung cancer in May 2003.

40.2.8 The Discovery of Lapatinib (Tykerb™)

40.2.7 The Discovery of Afetinib (Gilotrif™)
Among the four members (EGFR, HER2, HER3, and HER4)
As exemplified by etitinib and erlotinib (Tarceva™, OSI), of the EGFR family, only HER2 is unknown to bind ligands
the first-generation small molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase [77]. However, HER2 is the preferred heterodimerization
inhibitors were shown to be effective against lung tumor partner for EGFR, HER3, and HER4. Ligand binding to the
cells harboring mutations in the kinase domain of EGFR, extracellular domain of members of this family causes recep-
most commonly small in-frame deletions in exon 19 or the tor homodimerization or heterodimerization and tyrosine
L858R missense mutation in exon 21 [62]. However, despite kinase activation. The resultant receptor autophosphorylation
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 777

Fig. 40.4 Afatinib and its inhibitory mechanism.

Fig. 40.5 Discovery of lapatinib.

leads to the activation of various signaling cascades that are anilino substitutions were needed to retain both EGFR and
involved in cell proliferation and survival [78]. HER2 inhibition activity. The most potent dual enzyme inhibi-
EGFR and HER2 have been shown to promote the growth tion could be obtained when the aryl group was the substituted
and survival of various types of epithelial malignancies. benzyloxyaniline group, and the optimal substitution pattern
EGFR is overexpressed in up to 30 % of human breast cancers involved a para-benzyloxy group. Other notable SAR include
[79], and HER2 is amplified and overexpressed in up to that although chlorine at 3-position afforded insignificant
20–25 % of primary human breast cancers [80]. Importantly, increases in enzyme potency, it improved cellular activity.
overexpression of HER2 is associated with aggressive disease Fluorine at 2′-position yielded compounds with greater
and shortened disease-free survival and overall survival [81]. potency in cellular assays. Larger groups at 3-position or
Abundant evidence suggests that EGFR and HER2 work in 2′-position generally diminished activity.
synergy to produce oncogenic effects [82]. In particular, For the left-hand side capping group, the simple methyl
HER2 dimerization with EGFR increases the EGF binding sulfone group appeared to be optimal. Study on the regio-
affinity to EGFR [83], and the binding of EGF to EGFR sub- chemistry of the furan ring showed that the 5′ substituted
sequently increases the activation of HER2 [84]. It was there- analog was 4–5 times more potent against the tumor cell
fore hypothesized that agents that inhibit both EGFR and lines than the 3′ or 4′ regioisomer. In addition, a diverse set
HER2 might be more effective at inhibiting the activation of of amine substitutions was tolerated, presumably due to
the PI3K-Akt and Ras-Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase the binding mode of these inhibitors. However, the extra
signaling cascades and could have more effective anticancer synthetic steps and increased molecular weight were
activity than those that target either kinase alone. Efforts on deemed nonbeneficial for optimizing physical chemical
developing such molecules led to the discovery of lapatinib properties.
(Tykerb™, GlaxoSmithKline) [85]. The medicinal chemistry optimization ultimately led to
The discovery of lapatinib (originally known as GW572016) the discovery of lapatinib, which possessed the desired
started with the screen hit 4557 W (Fig. 40.5) [86], which was enzyme potency, cellular activity in a panel of tumor cell
a potent inhibitor of both HER2 (IC50 = 0.079 μM) and EGFR lines, and excellent selectivity [87]. In March 2007, FDA
(IC50 = 0.020 μM). Initial SAR study demonstrated that large approved lapatinib for treating breast cancer.
778 X. Chen and J. Jin

40.2.9 VEGFR Inhibition: The Discovery The therapeutic hypothesis that inhibiting the VEGF/
of Pazopanib (Votrient™) and Axitinib VEGFR pathway can interrupt the angiogenesis process and
(Inlyta™) subsequent tumor growth was first clinically validated by
Bevacizumab (Avastin™; Genentech), a monoclonal antibody
Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth and metastasis to VEGF, which is approved by FDA for the treatment of both
of solid and hematologic malignancies [88]. It is considered metastatic colorectal cancer in combination of 5-fluorouracil
as the rate-limiting step in tumor development because with- [95], and for non-small-molecule lung cancer in combination
out blood supply, a solid tumor is limited to a maximum size with carboplatin and paclitaxel [96]. Efforts on discovering
of 1–2 mm [89]. This complex and highly regulated process small molecule inhibitors of VEGFRs [97] led to the FDA
involves numerous different cell types and mediators. approval of pazopanib (Votrient™, GlaxoSmithKline), N4-
VEGF is the growth factor most often associated with (2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-9-yl)-N4-methyl-N2-(4 methyl-3sul-
angiogenesis [90]. Oxygen-deficient cells use VEGF in key fona midophenyl)-2,4-pyrimidinediamine, as an oral treatment
signaling pathways to promote the growth of new blood ves- for renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
sels. VEGF interacts with VEGFRs on endothelial cell sur- The discovery of pazopanib started from a screening for
faces, directing them to build new blood supplies [91]. The agents active against VEGFR-2 [98]. Initial screening hit com-
cells respond to this message by producing specialized pro- pound 6A (Fig. 40.6), which inhibited VEGFR-2 with an IC50
tease enzymes to penetrate the basal lamina, so that they can of ∼400 nM, was optimized to compound 6B using a homol-
migrate to oxygen-deficient regions. Once there, the cells ogy model of the kinase domain as the crystal structure was
replicate and form into tubes, thus creating new capillary not known at that time. Compound 6B inhibited VEGFR-2
pathways. Elevate VEGF levels have been correlated with with an IC50 of 6.3 nM, almost a 100-fold potency improve-
increased microvessel counts and poor prognosis in many ment compared to 6A. In cellular assays, compound 6B inhib-
cancer types [92]. ited VEGF induced proliferation of human umbilical vein
As a principal subfamily of RTKs, VEGFRs are specifi- endothelial cells (v-HUVEC) with an IC50 of 0.54 μM. It also
cally expressed in vascular endothelial cells. They include had an IC50 of 3.5 μM against basic fibroblast growth factor
FMS like tyrosine kinase-1 (FLT-1; VEGFR-1), kinase insert (b-FGF). However, the pharmacokinetic profile of this com-
domain-containing receptor tyrosine kinase (KDR; pound was poor (moderate to high clearances, 28–83 mL/min/
VEGFR-2), and FLT-4 (VEGFR-3) [93]. Activation of kg, and low oral bioavailability, <11 %) in mice. Incorporation
VEGFR family RTKs and, in particular, VEGFR-2 by VEGF of a 3-methylindazole moiety into this series yielded indazo-
plays a primary role in tumor angiogenesis. VEGF mediated lylpyrimidine (compound 6C) with desired cellular potency,
VEGFR-2 signaling induces a series of endothelial responses and selectivity in VEGF and bFGF driven HUVEC, with
such as proliferation, migration, and survival and ultimately IC50’s of 0.13 and 13 μM, respectively. 6C had moderate
leads to new vessel formation and stabilization [94]. plasma clearance (40 mL/min/kg) and oral bioavailability

Fig. 40.6 Discovery of pozopanib.

40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 779

(28 %) in rats. Introducing a methyl group into the C-4 amino

nitrogen resulted in compound 6D, which showed an improved
PK profile with lower clearance (10 mL/min/kg) and higher
oral bioavailability (65 %) while providing comparable enzy-
matic potency to its non-alkylated analog 6C. Although com-
pound 6D possessed both good in vitro potency and
cross-species PK profiles, significant inhibition (IC50 < 10 μM)
was observed against a number of cytochrome P450 isozymes
possibly due to the binding of the nitrogen on the indazole to
the heme iron of the cytochrome P450 enzymes. Compound
6E resulting from the addition of a methyl group at the 2-posi-
tion of the indazole ring, which increases steric hindrance of
the heterocycle ring, had an improved profile against the Fig. 40.7 Drug design strategy for axitinib.
CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 isozymes as well as
improved cellular efficacy against v-HUVEC cells. With the at picomolar concentrations. Axitinib is tenfold more potent
preferred right-hand side moiety identified, a second aniline for the VEGF family receptors than for RTKs of other family
survey at the C-2 position of the pyrimidine resulted in the receptors [100]. Additionally, axitinib did not significantly
discovery of compound 6F (pazopanib), which possesses a inhibit other receptor kinases including colony-stimulating
desirable combination of excellent in vitro potency, selectivity, factor (CSF)-1R, fms-like tyrosine kinase (Flt)-3, fibroblast
cellular activities, PK, and developability properties. growth factor receptor (FGFR)-1, ret proto-oncogene (RET),
Pazopanib was potent against all human VEGFR receptors epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and met proto-
with a respective IC50 of 10, 30, and 47 nM for VEGFR-1, -2, oncogene encoding hepatocyte growth factor (c-Met) [100].
and -3. Significant activity was also seen against the closely Axitinib, orally administrated at a dose 2–10 mg twice
related tyrosine receptor kinases PDGFRα, PDGFRβ, c-Kit, daily, has been shown to reduce vascular permeability,
FGF-R1, and c-fms with IC50’s of 84, 74, 140, and 146 nM, tumor vascularization and tumor volume, and has demon-
respectively. In cellular assays, pazopanib had a desirable strated antitumor activity as a single agent in patients with
combination of cellular potency and selectivity in VEGF and cytokine- and/or sorafenib-refractory mRCC. The activity
bFGF driven HUVEC, with IC50’s of 0.021 and 0.72 μM, range of axitinib is the highest compared with other drugs
respectively. It also potently inhibited VEGF induced phos- currently approved for use in mRCC. Axitinib also has a
phorylation of VEGFR-2 in HUVEC cells with an IC50 of favorable and non-cumulative tolerability profile associ-
8 nM. Pazopanib had good PK parameters including low ated with manageable adverse effects, which are generally
clearances and good oral bioavailability in preclinical species. mild to moderate in severity [101]. Based on the promising
The cytochrome P450 profile was also significantly improved results from clinical trials, FDA approved axitinib for the
with IC50 > 10 μM against the isozymes tested, with the excep- treatment of mRCC after failure of one prior systemic ther-
tion of CYP2C9 (IC50 = 7.9 μM). On the basis of its favorable apy in 2012.
PK profiles and in vivo efficacies, the mono-HCl salt of com-
pound 6F (pazopanib) was progressed into clinical develop-
ment [98] and approved by the FDA for the treatment of renal 40.2.10 Multitargeted Tyrosine Kinase
cell carcinoma in October 2009. Inhibition
Axitinib (AG013736, Inlyta™, Pfizer) (Fig. 40.7),
approved by FDA in January 2012, is another ATP- In search for more effective anticancer therapeutics, the mul-
competitive VEGFR inhibitors for patients with metastatic titargeted approach has emerged as a new paradigm [102].
renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) after failure of one prior sys- Malignant tumors are complex tissues involving interplay
temic therapy [99]. This small molecule indazole derivative between cancer cells and surrounding or supportive cells,
is a potent, orally bioavailable multitargeted tyrosine kinase thus a multitargeted therapeutic approach that affects sup-
receptor inhibitor, which selectively inhibits vascular endo- portive tissues and cancer cells may be of clinical benefit.
thelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR)-1, -2, and -3 at sub- Such agents can simultaneously target the tumor and sur-
nanomolar concentrations, in vitro [100]. The structure-based rounding or supportive cells and thereby interact with the
drug design of axitinib allows strategic optimization of criti- complex multimolecular lesions that drive tumor growth and
cal binding elements, with the tight fit of axitinib into the survival. A key advantage of the multitargeted approach is
deep pocket conformation of the kinase domain of VEGFRs that it potentially reduces drug resistance. Due to mutations
resulting in high potency and selectivity (Fig. 40.7). In vitro, [72], overexpression of key components of signaling path-
axitinib inhibits VEGFR-1, -2, and -3 autophosphorylation ways [103], drug-efflux systems and/or signaling bypass
780 X. Chen and J. Jin

[104], tumors will likely develop resistance to single-targeted for clinical development. To broaden the kinase activity
kinase inhibitors rapidly [105]. This drug resistance will be spectrum of this scaffold and to optimize PK properties,
less likely to arise with multitargeted agents. In addition to diversification at the C-4′ position on the pyrrole ring of
multitargeted agents, the use of a combination of multiple SU5416 had been explored. It was found that modifications
kinase inhibitors has been investigated, which could offer sim- at the C-4′ position could lead to compounds with different
ilar benefits as multitargeted agents. In this section, we use kinase inhibition profiles for VEGFR2 and PDGFRβ. The
sunitinib and dasatinib as examples to illustrate the success of cocrystal structure of SU6668 with the catalytic domain of
multitargeted kinase inhibitor agents. fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) kinase [111],
which has high sequence similarity to the ATP-binding
pocket of VEGFR-2, revealed that the substitution at the
40.2.11 The Discovery of Sunitinib (Sutent™) C-4′ position on the pyrrole ring was positioned close to the
opening of the binding pocket and could be exposed to sol-
Growth factors including VEGFs and PDGFs are important vent. Thus, substitution at this position might serve as a han-
pro-angiogenic factors. Their activity is mediated by binding dle for improving physical chemical properties of the core
to specific cell-surface receptor tyrosine kinases. There are structure. Optimization of this region resulted in the discov-
four PDGF ligands (PDGFA to PDGFD), which bind to the ery of sunitinib (SU11248), a more potent inhibitor of
receptor tyrosine kinases PDGFRα and PDGFRβ. PDGFB VEGFRs and PDGFRs. Comparing to SU6668, SU11248
and PDGFRβ have been suggested to have crucial roles in was about 30-fold more potent against VEGFR-2 and
tumor-vessel stability by recruiting pericytes to newly PDGFRβ in biochemical assays, over ten-fold more potent in
formed vessels [106]. The multitargeted tyrosine kinase cellular kinase assays, and significantly more soluble under
inhibitor sunitinib (Sutent™, Pfizer) was designed to inhibit neutral (20-fold) and acidic (>500-fold) conditions [112].
both VEGFRs and PDGFRs. Sunitinib, which demonstrated Additional kinase selectivity study revealed that SU11248
activity in RCC and other types of cancers, has been approved was also a good inhibitor of KIT and FLT-3 [108, 113].
by the FDA for the treatment of kidney cancer and GISTs in Furthermore, SU11248 had excellent oral bioavailability,
January 2006. was highly efficacious in a number of preclinical tumor mod-
Sunitinib (Sutent™, formerly SU11248, named from els, and was well tolerated at efficacious doses [108]. Based
Schlessinger and Ullrich who created Sugen, a biotech com- on the satisfactory results from clinical trials, sunitinib was
pany later acquired by Pharmacia then Pfizer) [107] is an approved by the FDA for the treatment of RCC/GISTs in
orally active oxindol that has antiangiogenic and antitumor January 2006.
activities. It inhibits VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3,
PDGFRα, PDGFRβ, KIT, FLT3, glial cell line-derived neu-
rotrophic factor (GDNF) receptor, and colony stimulating 40.2.12 The Discovery of Dasatinib
factor 1 (CSF1) receptor (CSF1R) [108]. Sugen initially dis- (Sprycel™)
covered SU5416 (Fig. 40.8) as a potent and selective VEGFR
inhibitor [109]. Both in vivo and in vitro studies demon- Dasatinib (BMS-354825, Sprycel™; Bristol Myers Squibb)
strated its antiangiogenic potential [110]. Unfortunately, is a potent, second-generation, multitarget kinase inhibitor of
SU5416 failed in clinical trials due to its limited solubility BCR-ABL and the Src (sarcoma) family of kinases [114].
and high toxicity. SU6668, a close analog of SU5416, was In addition to inhibiting BCR-ABL and Src kinases such as
identified as a potent and selective PDGFRβ inhibitor [111, Fyn (Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase), Yes (Proto-
112]. However, this compound had inadequate PK properties oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase), Src, and Lyk (tyrosine-

Fig. 40.8 Discovery of sunitinib.

40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 781

Fig. 40.9 Discovery of dasatinib.

protein kinase), dasatinib was found to inhibit ephrin receptor to ABL (IC50 = 1 nM) [120]. It also inhibits c-KIT, PDGFR
A2 (EphA2), PDGFRs, c-Kit, mitogen-activated protein and EphA2 at nanomolar concentrations [115]. Potent Src
kinases, and discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) [115]. inhibitory activity of dasatinib in CML progenitors involves
Src proto-oncogene is believed to play a role in the devel- BCR-ABL-dependent and BCR-ABL-independent Src
opment of several human cancers, contributing to cellular activity [122]. Dasatinib also inhibits downstream signal-
proliferation, adhesion, invasion, and motility [116]. Src- ing pathways in CML progenitors, as well as P-mitogen-
family kinases such as Src and LYN (V-yes-1 Yamaguchi activated protein kinase (MAPK), P-protein kinase B (Akt),
sarcoma viral related oncogene homolog) modulate signal and P-signal transducer and activator of transcription 5
transduction by phosphorylating tyrosine residues of mole- (STAT5) levels in CML progenitors in the absence of
cules such as EGFRs, PDGFRs, fibroblast growth factor growth factors. In addition, dasatinib significantly sup-
receptors (FGFRs), and VEGFRs. Src kinases have also been presses CML colony-forming cells and long-term culture-
found to have oncogenic activities in cancer cell lines from initiating cells [122]. In June 2006, the FDA approved
tumors involving the colon, breast, pancreas, lung, and brain dasatinib for the treatment of chronic phase, accelerated
[117]. Thus, it was hypothesized that blocking signaling phase, or blastic phase CML, resistant or intolerant to ima-
through the inhibition of the kinase activity of Src would be tinib, and for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome-
an effective means of modulating aberrant pathways that positive acute lymphoid leukemia that was resistant or
drive oncologic transformation of cells. intolerant to prior therapy.
The discovery of dasatinib started from 2-acylamino-5-
carboxamidothiazoles 9A (Fig. 40.9), a Lck (lymphocyte-
specific protein tyrosine kinase) kinase inhibitor [118]. 40.2.13 Other Potential Kinase Targets
Replacing the 2-acyl functionality with a variety of hetero-
cycles led to the identification of compound 9B [119], which Encouraged by the rapid progress and tremendous success
was a potent inhibitor of multiple Src-family members achieved in the fields of cancer molecular biology and kinase
including Lck, Fyn, Src, and Hck (hemopoietic cell kinase). drug discovery to date, the academic research community
In order to improve cellular activity of this series, a number and the pharmaceutical and biotech industry are targeting
of 9B analogs were synthesized. These efforts resulted in the many other kinases for achieving potential clinical benefits.
discovery of the piperazinyl ethanol 9C (dasatinib), which For examples, inhibitors of integrin-linked kinase (ILK), a
has broad spectrum antiproliferative activity, favorable cir- focal adhesion serine–threonine protein kinase, are being
culating plasma levels following oral dosing, long half-life, developed for treating anaplastic thyroid cancer [123]. Focal
and favorable in vivo efficacy [120]. adhesion kinase (FAK) has been shown to be an important
In addition to inhibiting multiple Src-family kinases mediator of cell growth, cell proliferation, cell survival, and
including Lck, Fyn, Src, and Hck, dasatinib is a BCR-ABL cell migration [124]. Cell division cycle 7-related protein
inhibitor that blocks both the active and inactive conforma- kinase (Cdc7) is a conserved serine–threonine kinase, which
tions of ABL. Dasatinib is active against wild-type and has been shown to be required for the initiation of DNA rep-
almost all BCR-ABL mutant cell lines that are resistant to lication [125]. Other areas of research include the hepatocyte
imatinib, except those carrying the T315I mutation [36]. growth factor receptor (MET) [126], and the Ras/ERK1-2
The activity of dasatinib against ABL kinase mutations is (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1-2) [127], Akt [128]
likely due to the fact that it does not require interaction with and STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription)
some of the residues involved in those mutations. Dasatinib [129] pathways. In this section, we describe the discovery of
is also 325-fold more potent than imatinib against native PD0325901, ARRY-142886, and trametinib (GSK1120212),
BCR-ABL in in vivo studies [121] and is slightly more three inhibitors of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases
potent against Src family kinases (IC50 = 0.5 nM) compared (MEK), to highlight recent progress in this new area.
782 X. Chen and J. Jin

Fig. 40.10 Discovery of MEK inhibitors.

40.2.14 MEK Inhibition including unusually restricted and unique substrate specifici-
ties and the integrating role of mitogenic signaling pathways
The signaling pathway comprising mitogen-activated pro- highlight MEK1/2 as excellent targets for developing inhibi-
tein kinase (MAPK) kinases (MEK) /extracellular signal- tors against the ERK pathway [127]. Currently, a number of
regulated kinases (ERK) is activated in most human tumors potent and selective MEK1/2 inhibitors have entered clinical
[130]. Activation of the ERK pathway involves the guano- development [132]. Most of them are ATP noncompetitive
sine triphosphate (GTP)-loading of Ras at the plasma mem- which means they do not directly compete for the ATP-
brane, and the sequential activation of a series of protein binding site. Rather they bind to a unique allosteric site adja-
kinases. Initially, activated Ras recruits the Raf family of cent to the ATP site. This makes the noncompetitive MEK
kinases such as Raf-1 to the plasma membrane, where it is inhibitors highly specific [133].
then able to phosphorylate and activate MEK1/2 by serine From a screening campaign using an in vitro cascade
phosphorylation. MEK1 and 2 then phosphorylate and acti- assay, PD98059 (Fig. 40.10) was identified as the first phar-
vate their only currently known substrates, ERK1 and 2. macological inhibitor of MEK1/2 [134]. Meanwhile, U0126
When activated, ERK1 and 2 phosphorylate various down- (Fig. 40.10) was discovered by screening a total of 40,000
stream substrates involved in a multitude of cellular responses compounds in a cell-based reporter assay [135]. Because of
such as cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell survival their poor PK and developability properties, these two early
and cell motility [131]. MEK1/2 inhibitors were not progressed into clinical devel-
Because the Raf-MEK-ERK kinase signaling module is opment. Nevertheless, these two compounds were widely
activated as a consequence of several gene amplifications used as in vitro tools to elucidate the role of the ERK path-
and genetic mutations identified in human cancer, it is an way in a variety of biological processes. The results from
attractive target for small-molecule intervention [127]. these studies have strengthened the hypothesis that the ERK
Selective MEK1/2 inhibitors could be valuable tools to eval- pathway represents an attractive target for developing anti-
uate the role of this signaling axis because MEK1 and 2 have cancer drugs.
extremely unique characteristics among the components of The discovery of PD0325901 began with the high
the ERK pathway. Although Raf-1 is the major activator of throughput screening hit 10A (Fig. 40.10), a potent inhibitor
MEK1/2, these kinases are activated also by several other of MEK with an IC50 of 554 nM [136]. However, this com-
kinases such as Mos, A-Raf, and B-Raf. However, no sub- pound had poor cellular potency likely due to poor cell mem-
strates for MEK1/2 have been identified other than ERK1 brane permeability resulting from the carboxylic acid moiety.
and ERK2. In addition, MEK1 and 2 are dual-specificity In order to improve cellular potency, carboxylic acid iso-
kinases that phosphorylate both tyrosine and threonine resi- steres such as benzohydroxamic acid esters were investi-
dues and can integrate many mitogenic signaling pathways gated. A variety of small alkyl and cycloalkylmethyl esters
into the ERK pathway. All these very prominent features showed comparable potency with cyclopropyl methyl ester
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 783

Fig. 40.11 Discovery of trametinib.

being the best. SAR studies also showed that the iodo sub- Due to a lack of responses coupled with the safety issues, the
stituent was favored at the 4′-position and a chloro substitu- trial was closed after the first stage [132].
ent was desired at the 2′-position. Additionally, a halo In addition, ARRY-142886 (AZD6244, selumetinib,
substituent at the 4-position, in particular, a fluorine was Fig. 40.10), a benzimidazole derivative of PD0325901, was
optimal as the MEK1 X-ray cocrystal structure revealed that discovered as a potent inhibitor of MEK1/2 with IC50 values
the fluorine had a dipolar interaction with the amide back- of 12 nM in an in vitro assay and 8 nM in a cell-based assay
bone [137]. Substitution of fluorine at 3-position gave mod- [140]. ARRY-142886 is noncompetitive with ATP—poten-
erate potency enhancement. These SAR studies resulted in tially explaining its excellent selectivity for MEK1/2 as in the
the discovery of PD184352 (CI-1040), which demonstrated case of other MEK inhibitors. ARRY-14886, which is orally
in vivo activity in a mouse tumor model following oral bioavailable and has low metabolic clearance, has been shown
administration [138]. This compound was advanced into to exhibit promising antitumor efficacy in several human
Phase II clinical trial, but failed for inadequate efficacy likely xenograft models [141]. Tumor growth inhibition by this
due to insufficient systemic exposure. The solubility of compound correlates well with decreased phospho-ERK
PD184352 is less than 1 μg/mL in pH 6.5 phosphate buffer, levels. ARRY-14886 is currently being evaluated in Phase III
suggesting that low in vivo exposure is at least partly due to clinical trials for NSCLC.
solubility limitations. In order to improve aqueous solubility Trametinib (GSK1120212, Mekinist™, GlaxoSmithKline)
of PD184352, replacing the cyclopropylmethoxy group with (Fig. 40.11), a selective inhibitor of MEK 1 and 2, has
a (R)-dihydroxypropoxy group and the 2′-chloro substituent emerged as the first MEK inhibitor to show favorable clinical
with a 2′-fluoro substituent led to the discovery of efficacy in a phase III trial [142] and has been approved by
PD0325901, a second-generation MEK inhibitor. This com- FDA for the treatment of Melanoma in May 2013.
pound has markedly improved potency, oral bioavailability, Compound 11A was identified as a hit via high throughput
and half-life. Excellent anticancer activity has been demon- screening for compounds that can induce expression of the
strated for PD0325901 against a broad spectrum of human cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitor p15INK4b
tumor xenografts [136]. In an open-label, phase II study, (Fig. 40.11) [143]. It was later confirmed that it had an antip-
patients with progressive, recurrent, or advanced NSCLC roliferative activity against human cancer cell lines ACHN
were treated with 15 mg PD-0325901 twice daily [139]. (renal adenocarcinoma) and HT-29 (colorectal adenocarci-
There were no objective responses during the trial period. noma) with IC50 values of 4800 and 990 nM, respectively
784 X. Chen and J. Jin

[144]. A medicinal chemistry campaign aiming at optimizing 40.3.1 Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase

these antiproliferative effects led to the discovery of orally Inhibition: ABT-888
bioavailable GSK1120212 (trametinib), which has demon-
strated selective inhibition of the proliferation in various Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) is the most abun-
BRAF mutant cancer cell lines. Later it was confirmed that dant and well characterized member of the PARP family of
this compound was a highly potent and selective inhibitor of nuclear enzymes [147]. Among the 18 members of the PARP
MEK1/2 [144]. family identified and characterized to date, PARP-1 is the
Compound 11A has high hydrophobicity (ClogP 6.3). most thoroughly studied and PARP-2 has the highest homol-
Therefore, the first step in chemical modification was to ogy to PARP-1 [148]. Highly evolutionarily conserved in all
reduce the hydrophobicity of 11A by replacing each aro- advanced eukaryotes, PARP-1 accounts for >90 % of the
matic ring with a small alkyl group. This resulted in com- ADP-ribosylation within the cell [149]. Only PARP-1 and
pound 11B, which contains a cyclopropyl group at the PARP-2 can be activated by DNA damage. The importance
3-position (upper left) instead of the phenyl group of these two family members in genomic integrity and cell
(Fig. 40.11). Compound 11B exhibited reduced hydropho- survival has been indicated by the fact that PARP-1 knockout
bicity (ClogP 4.9) and improved potency. Introducing a flu- mice are viable, while double PARP-1 and PARP-2 knockout
oro group at the 2-position of the aniline ring (compound mice are embryonically lethal [150]. Because of the struc-
11C) led to ca. four-fold potency improvement. Further tural similarity between PARP-1 and PARP-2, most PARP-1
exploration of the substitution at the 4-position at the aniline inhibitors also inhibit PARP-2.
ring yielded compound 11D, which was significantly more By sensing and binding to breaks mainly in single-strand
potent than compound 11C. DNA, the zinc-finger DNA-binding enzyme PARP-1 becomes
Unfortunately, all the above compounds, possessing the activated. It then initiates DNA repair by recruiting and ADP-
pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidinedione core, were unstable under ribosylating nuclear proteins, such as the scaffold protein
weak basic conditions. For example, treatment of 11B with X-ray repair cross-complementing 1 (XRCC1), which can, for
potassium carbonate in methanol/chloroform at ambient example, direct DNA polymerase b (polb) to replace a dam-
temperature provided compound 11E, which has a aged nucleotide. Nuclear proteins associated with apoptosis
pyrido[4,3-d]pyrimidinedione core. Compound 11E was may also be recruited [151]. Therefore, the PARP-1 mediated
totally inactive. However, it was hypothesized that com- poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins transforms DNA
pound 11F could be chemically stable and highly active. damage into signals that lead either to cell death or activation
Indeed, compound 11F restored the inhibitory activity up to of the base excision repair pathway [150].
the level of 11B but with much more chemical stability. Next, Since the discovery of PARP-1 about 40 years ago, many
2-F,4-I aniline moiety was introduced in the same substitu- inhibitors have been developed both as potential adjuvants
tion fashion as 11D and the resulting 11G had much improved for use with DNA-interactive agents in anticancer therapies
potency as expected. To reduce high hydrophobicity of 11G, and as tools for investigation of PARP-1 function [152].
polar substituents at the lower phenyl ring were investigated. There is now convincing biochemical evidence at the cellular
GSK1120211, which has an acetamide group, was found to level, demonstrating that PARP inhibition can induce an
be the best compound. enhanced sensitivity to ionizing radiation, topoisomerase I
inhibitors, and DNA-alkylating agents [148]. The inhibition
of PARP-1 has two potential therapeutic applications. The
40.3 Inhibitors Targeting DNA Repair first application is as a chemopotentiator for many DNA tar-
geting anticancer therapeutics as the PARP-1 mediated repair
Numerous DNA repair mechanisms can protect DNA from pathway is one major mechanism for the drug resistance and
damage by carcinogens, radiation, and viruses and therefore continued tumor growth [153]. Hence, PARP-1 inhibition
reduce the efficacy of DNA-interactive anticancer agents together with DNA damaging chemotherapeutics or radiation
[145]. DNA repair is mediated by a remarkable set of would compromise the cancer cell DNA repair mechanisms,
enzymes that first recognize the damage and then signal to which results in genomic dysfunction and cell death [148].
other enzymes to repair the lesion [146]. A number of dis- The second application is as a standalone cancer therapy. It
tinct repair pathways have been identified with mechanisms has been recently discovered that PARP-1 can be used as a
ranging from simply removing an extra methyl group to mono-therapy for tumor types that are already deficient in
completely excising the damaged segment of DNA and certain types of DNA repair mechanisms [154, 155].
resynthesizing a new one [146]. Agents that target these ABT-888 (Veliparib) was discovered starting from
pathways and mechanisms, thus inhibit DNA repair could 3-aminobenzamide (12A, Fig. 40.12), a starting point for
potentially enhance the efficacy of DNA-interactive antican- many PARP-1 inhibitors [156]. The very small size and good
cer drugs [145]. potency of the benzimiazole carboxamide core (12B,
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 785

Fig. 40.12 Discovery of ABT-888.

IC50 = 240 nM, MW = 161) had attracted the Abbott group to compounds. The (R)-enantiomer (ABT-888) was selected as
synthesize several hundreds of 2-alkylamino derivatives. As the clinical candidate, which demonstrated excellent oral
a result, two closely related preclinical candidates 12C bioavailability across species (56–92 %) and a comparable
(Ki = 7 nM) [157] and A-620223 (12D, Ki = 8 nM) [158] half-life to preclinical leads 12C and 12D (1.2–2.7 h).
were identified. It was found that a quaternary carbon in the Moreover, ABT-888 displayed moderate brain penetration
2-alkyl side chain of the benzimidazole (12C) was beneficial (~1:3 brain/plasma ratio in rodents), a factor that influenced
for both enzymatic potency and cellular efficacy. Compound the eventual clinical path and its potential use in treating
12C had a relatively short intravenous (iv) half-life across brain cancer. Based on its excellent chemopotentiation activity
species (from 0.6 h in mice and monkeys to 2.8 h in dogs) in preclinical xenograft models with TMZ and carboplatin
and exhibited variable oral bioavailability (from 13 % in [159], ABT-888 has been progressed to clinical development
monkeys to 82 % in mice) [157]. Because of the variability and is currently in several phase I, phase II and three phase
of PK parameters, this compound was not advanced into III studies including neoadjuvant treatment of triple-negative
human clinical trials. It was also found that adding an amino breast cancer, non-small-cell lung cancer and HER2-negative,
group provided adequate solubility for the core structure BRCA1, and/or BRCA2-positive breast cancer.
(>5 mg/mL for 12D), and in the case of 12D, also improved
the cellular penetration and potency in a peroxide induced
DNA damage cellular assay (EC50 = 3 nM). Compound 12D 40.4 Inhibitors Targeting Epigenetic
showed good oral bioavailability across species (32–82 %) Mechanisms
and half-lives of 1.2–2.7 h in the same species. This com-
pound displayed excellent chemopotentiation activity with Epigenetics is defined as heritable changes in gene function
temozolomide (TMZ) and cisplatin in two subcutaneous, without modifications to the DNA sequence itself. Through
murine tumor models [158]. ABT-888 (12E, Ki = 5 nM, modifications of chromatin that is primarily made up of
EC50 = 2 nM), was subsequently discovered from further DNA wrapped around octamers of histone proteins, these so-
optimization of this series [159]. The quaternary carbon called epigenetic changes are present from birth to death and
adjacent to the benzimidazole ring was found to be necessary are involved in the first crucial steps that govern embryonic
for high enzymatic potency and cellular efficacy and potency. development, and also in influencing the expression and
While the enzymatic potency of 12E and its (S)-enantiomer silencing of genes in human diseases [160].
were identical (Ki = 5 nM), stereochemistry played an impor- The post-translational modifications of histones and DNA
tant role in both the oral bioavailability and exposure of the include: histone lysine methylation, arginine methylation,
786 X. Chen and J. Jin

Fig. 40.13 Nucleoside

DNMT inhibitors.

lysine acetylation, sumoylation, ADP-ribosylation, ubiquiti- DNMT1 acts primarily as a maintenance methyltransfer-
nation, glycosylation and phosphorylation, and DNA meth- ase by copying existing methylation patterns following
ylation [161]. Given the widespread importance of chromatin DNA replication [172]. DNMT3A and DNMT3B exhibit
regulation to cell biology, the “writers” (the enzymes that de novo methyltransferase activity and are required for
produce these modifications), the “readers” (the proteins that establishing new methylation patterns during embryonic
recognize them), and the “erasers” (the enzymes that remove development [173].
them) are critical targets for manipulation to further understand The prototypical inhibitor 5-azacytidine (5-AzaC;
the histone code [162, 163] and its role in human diseases. Mylosar™) (Fig. 40.13) has shown promising response rates
Epigenetic targets have been considered as attractive tar- in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients and has
gets for therapeutic interventions because of the reversibility recently been approved by the FDA. It is a simple derivative
of epigenetic modifications [164]. Unlike genetic mutations, of the nucleoside cytidine described more than 40 years ago
which are passively inherited through DNA replication, epi- [174]. Its demethylating activity was discovered later because
genetic mutations must be actively maintained. Therefore, of its ability to influence cellular differentiation [175]. Inside
faulty modification patterns could be corrected by pharma- the body, 5-azacytidine can be chemically modified into a
cologic inhibition of certain epigenetic modifications and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate and this triphosphate is
thus directly change gene expression patterns and the corre- able to be incorporated into DNA. When DNMTs methylate
sponding cellular characteristics. Among the writers, read- the 5-azacytosine residues in DNA, a covalent, irreversible
ers, and erasers of the histone code, DNA methyltransferases protein–DNA adduct is formed between DNMTs and
and histone deacetylases have been studied most. In this sec- 5-azacytosine residues, which leads to DNMTs being trapped
tion, we describe small molecule DNA methyltransferase and inactivated [176]. Consequently, cellular DNMTs are
inhibitors [165] and histone deacetylase inhibitors [166] rapidly depleted. As the DNA replication continues, the
approved by the FDA or in clinical development. genomic DNA is demethylated. However, before converted
into deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate, a portion of
5-azacytidine can be converted to a ribonucleoside triphos-
40.4.1 DNA Methyltransferase Inhibitors phate and incorporated into RNA, which affects a variety of
RNA functions. Therefore, 5-azacytidine has cellular conse-
DNA methylation can inhibit the binding of control proteins, quences independent of demethylation [177].
such as transcription factors, to promoters, thus directly 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine (decitabine, Fig. 40.13), a deoxy-
switching off gene expression. It is an essential epigenetic ribose analog of 5-azacytidine, is another DNMT inhibitor
modification required for normal mammalian development, [178]. Because this compound already possesses a deoxy
gene regulation, genomic imprinting, and maintaining chro- sugar moiety and does not need to be modified before con-
matin structure [167]. However, human tumor cells frequently verting to the triphosphate form, it can be more directly
show altered patterns of DNA methylation, particularly at incorporated into DNA. Therefore, Decitabine should be
CpG islands, which are DNA sequences rich in CpG dinucle- theoretically more specific and less toxic than 5-azacytidine.
otides often found close to gene promoters [168]. Methylation Indeed, greater inhibition of DNA methylation and antitu-
within islands appears to be associated with transcriptional mor activity in experimental models was achieved with this
repression of the linked genes. Genes involved in all phases of drug [177]. Decitabine, as a single agent, showed activity in
tumor development and progression can become methylated myeloid malignancies [169, 179], including myelodysplastic
and epigenetically silenced [169]. Re-expression of such syndrome (MDS), acute myelogenous leukemia, and chronic
silenced genes could lead to suppression of tumor growth or myelogenous leukemia and has been approved by the FDA
sensitization to anticancer therapies [170]. for treating all MDS subtypes, though it is used most com-
DNA methylation occurs at the C-5 position of cytosine monly to treat higher-risk MDS. However, substantial toxic
and is carried out by a family of DNA methyltransferases effects were also found with Decitabine, in particular myelo-
(DNMTs): DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B [171]. suppression with neutropenic fever [180]. These toxic effects
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 787

Fig. 40.14 Discovery of ™HDAC inhibitor SAHA.

are likely due to forming the covalent adducts between DNA the DNA and therefore facilitate the transcription of many
and the trapped DNMTs [181]. genes, including tumor suppressor genes silenced in cancer.
More recently, zebularine (Fig. 40.13), another derivative Moreover, acetylation of histones destabilizes DNA–nucleo-
of 5-azacytidine, has been discovered as a nucleoside DNMT some interaction and renders DNA more accessible to tran-
inhibitor [182]. Similar to 5-azacytidine and Decitabine, scription factors [163]. In addition to inducing growth arrest
Zebularine is incorporated into DNA as a cytosine analog and activating differentiation pathways, HDACIs have also
after several chemical modifications. It is more stable than been shown to be efficient inducers of apoptosis in several
5-azacytidine or decitabine. However, because of the low cellular systems [187].
oral bioavailability in monkeys, Zebularine has not been There are four classes of HDACs in human with altogether
evaluated in clinical trials [183]. Because of the similar 18 HDAC enzymes [188]. Class I (HDAC1, HDAC2, HDAC3,
mechanism of action as other nucleoside DNMT inhibitors, and HDAC8), class IIa (HDAC4, HDAC5, HDAC7, and
zebularine also sufferes from the toxicity resulting from HDAC9), class IIb (HDAC6 and HDAC10), and class IV
covalent enzyme trapping. (HDAC11) HDACs are zinc-binding enzymes [189]. The
The inherent cytotoxicity of nucleoside DNMT inhibi- class III HDACs, the so-called Sir2 family, represent a struc-
tors poses considerable limitations on their use as therapeu- turally and mechanistically distinct class of NAD+-dependent
tic agents. Non-nucleoside DNMT inhibitors, on the other hydrolases [190]. Most of the HDACIs developed or being
hand, are likely less toxic because they are not incorporated developed to date mainly target class I and II HDACs.
into DNA. A significant amount of research efforts are Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA, Vorinostat,
devoted to discovering non-nucleoside DNMT inhibitors Zolinza™) (Fig. 40.14) is the first HDACI approved by the
[165]. Progress in this area is keenly awaited. FDA [191]. The discovery of HDACIs began with the initial
observation by Charlotte Friend. When dimethylsulfoxide
(DMSO) was placed with supertransfect murine erythroleu-
40.4.2 Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors kemia cells (MELCs) in culture, Charlotte Friend, in 1971,
observed that many of these cancer cells turned red—sug-
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) and histone acetyltransfer- gesting the presence of hemoglobin [192]. Later on, it was
ases (HATs) control the level of acetylation of lysine resi- found that the polar group of DMSO was required to induce
dues in histone N-terminal tails [162]. The positive charge the differentiation of MELCs, and simple polar amides were
on histone lysine residues is masked by the addition of an better than DMSO [193]. Compounds with two amides were
acetyl group and therefore the affinity of the histones for found to be more potent, presumably because of the chelating
DNA is decreased (e.g., chromatin opening), which gener- effect that makes stronger binding. This led to the discovery
ally facilitates transcriptional activation. Removal of the of hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA), which was 6- to
acetyl group by HDACs reconstitutes the positive charge of 20-fold more potent than simple acetamide [194]. HMBA
the lysine residues and consequently makes that the affinity was found to be able to induce growth arrest and differentia-
of histones for DNA is increased, which leads to transcrip- tion of various transformed cells [195] and selectively alter
tional repression (e.g., chromatin closing). HATs and HDACs gene expression [196, 197]. Extensive SAR study of this
exist in multi-protein complexes, where they work together series led to the discovery of bishydroxamic acids with as
to maintain fine control of transcriptional activation and much as two orders of magnitude more potent than HMBA
repression [184]. in inducing transformed cell growth arrest and cell death
HDACs have been pursued as anticancer targets based on [198, 199]. Among them, SAHA was active at low μM con-
results from numerous target validation studies [185]. It has centrations in causing MELC growth arrest and differentia-
been shown that aberrant recruitment of HDACs is associ- tion. The X-ray co-crystal structure of SAHA in complex
ated with the development of certain human cancers [186]. with a histone deacetylase-like protein (HDLP) has revealed
By inhibiting the deacetylation of histone lysine residues, that SAHA binds to the catalytic site of the enzyme [200].
HDAC inhibitors (HDACIs) maintain the neutralized charge The hydroxamic acid group doubly coordinated to a zinc
state on the histones to open up the phosphate backbone of atom at the bottom of the catalytic cavity. The left-hand side
788 X. Chen and J. Jin

phenyl group of SAHA interacts with the hydrophobic sur- highly relevant to cancer including mutated p53 [214], BCR-
face of the enzyme while the polymethylene chain extends ABL [214], HER2/neu, Raf-1, VEGFR, Cyclin-Dependent
down a relatively narrow channel. Kinase 4 (CDK4), c-Met, Polo-1, Akt, Src, FLT-3, human
SAHA inhibits all class I and II HDACs at about 50 nM telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), and steroid hor-
and arrests cell growth of a wide variety of transformed mone receptors [215–220].
cells in culture at 2–5 μM [201–203]. It selectively alters the Inhibition of HSP90 causes client proteins to adopt aber-
transcription of expressed genes in transformed cells, which rant conformations, and these abnormally folded proteins are
includes the upregulation of pro-apoptotic genes and the rapidly eliminated by cells via ubiquitination and protea-
downregulation of a constellation of anti-apoptotic genes some degradation. Because cancer cells typically have a
[204–207]. In October 2006, SAHA was approved by the large number of mutated proteins that might not fold prop-
FDA for the treatment of cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). erly, HSP90 is often overexpressed in cancer cells so that
Another FDA approved HDAC inhibitor is Romidepsin even mutated proteins can be folded sufficiently well to
(Istodax™) [208] which is a natural product obtained from avoid disposal by the proteasomes, which allows cancer cells
the bacteria Chromobacterium violaceum [209]. It was to survive [221]. In general, HSP90 inhibitors display
approved for the treatment of CTCL in October 2009. Most remarkable selectivity for cancer cells compared to normal
currently, two new HDAC inhibitors, belinostat (BeleodaqTM, cells [222]. As HSP90 is involved in the correct functioning
approved by FDA in July 2014) and panobinostat (Farydak™, of so many oncoproteins and pathways (including signal
approved by FDA in Feburary 2015) have also been approved transduction and transcription), inhibition of HSP90 should
for the treatment of peripheral T-cell lymphoma and multiple be able to block multiple oncogenic pathways in cancer cells,
myeloma after at least 2 previous treatments, including bort- which is more preferable compared with targeting a single
ezomib and an immunomodulatory agent respectively. point of vulnerability [223]. Therefore, this type of “combi-
natorial blockade” of oncogenic targets has a greater chance
to inhibit most if not all of the hallmark traits of malig-
40.5 Inhibitors of Emerging Targets nancy, has the potential for broad-spectrum clinical activity
across multiple cancer types, and could diminish the poten-
Many emerging targets and novel approaches are being tial of the tumor acquiring resistance to any single thera-
pursued by the academic research community and the phar- peutic pathway.
maceutical and biotech industry in order to develop novel, Among all the 16 HSP90 inhibitors advanced to clinical
more effective targeted cancer therapeutics. In this section, trials to date [224], SNX-5442, an orally bioavailable and
we use the discovery of inhibitors of heat shock protein 90 efficacious prodrug of SNX-2112, was developed by Serenex
(HSP90) [210] as an example to highlight the progress made (acquired by Pfizer in 2008) and has been in clinical develop-
in these novel approaches. ment since May 2007 [225]. The discovery of SNX-5442
started from compound 15A (Fig. 40.15), a screening hit
with low binding affinity to HSP90 (Kd = 3.7 μM) [226].
40.5.1 Inhibitors of Heat Shock Although it was inactive in multiple cellular assays
Protein 90 (HSP90) (IC50 > 50 μM), compound 15A was considered a tractable
starting point because of its relatively high selectivity for
The function of the heat shock proteins (HSPs) is to fold and HSP90, high ligand binding efficacy, and chemically novel
maintain the proper conformation of other proteins, called scaffold that is amenable to a broad range of structural
clients, so that they can function properly. HSPs are there- modifications.
fore molecular chaperones. They are overexpressed when a Initial SAR studies revealed that the C-2 (ortho) substitu-
cell encounters transient temperature increase or other tions on the phenyl ring with an NH linker increased HSP90
stresses, such as oxidants or radiations, to assist in refolding binding affinity. By optimizing this 2-amino moiety, com-
denatured client proteins [211]. In addition, HSPs play a rou- pound 15B with much improved binding affinity was identi-
tine homeostatic role in regulating client protein folding fied. However, this compound had poor cellular activity. To
under non-stressed conditions [212]. They account for improve cellular potency, the indol-4-one moiety was modi-
5–10 % of all proteins in the cell, and are among the most fied. It was found that moving the C-2 methyl group to the
abundant of cellular proteins. One protein of this type, C-3 position (15C) significantly improved cellular potency
HSP90, which even under basal, non-stressed conditions and activity. However, 15C was neither orally bioavailable
comprises approximately 1 % of the cellular protein popula- nor effective in mouse xenograft tumor models following
tion [213], is particularly important because it is a master intraperitoneal (ip) dosing. In addition, the electron rich tri-
protein that controls a series of other HSPs. It is also crucial methoxyaniline ring could potentially be metabolized to
for the folding of several client proteins, many of which are reactive quinone species. To address these problems, the tri-
40 Small Molecule Inhibitors 789

Fig. 40.15 Discovery of HSP90 inhibitor SNX-5422.

methoxyaniline ring was replaced with a trans-4- tion against a panel of 9 cytochrome P450 enzymes. However,
hydroxycyclohexylamino group, which resulted in compound the crystalline forms of 15F were not orally bioavailable, and
15D with high potency, measurable oral bioavailability (ca. their aqueous solubility at physiological pH (7.4) was
10 % in rat), and good in vivo efficacy in mouse xenograft reduced 25-fold to 6 μM. A simple ester prodrug strategy
tumor models (ip dosing) [226]. Replacing the metabolically was explored and resulted in the discovery of the glycine
liable pyrrole moiety (15D) with the pyrazole moiety (15E) ester 15G (SNX-5442). SNX-5442 was crystalline, stable,
increased stability and polarity, thus aqueous solubility. and reasonably soluble (~1 mg/mL, pH 4–6). Excellent
However, compound 15E was less potent than compound exposure of the parent compound 15F can be achieved fol-
15D. Further exploration of this new scaffold afforded com- lowing oral and intravenous dosing indicating that the con-
pound 15F (SNX-2112), which was equally potent as 15D. version of ester 15G to alcohol 15F was rapid and complete
The amorphous form of compound 15F displayed good oral in vivo. SNX-5442 was selected as a clinical candidate based
bioavailability (40 %, mouse) and in vivo antitumor efficacy on its superior oral bioavailability and in vivo efficacy. Later,
in mouse xenograft models following oral dosing. Compound the development of SNX-5422 was discontinued during
15F was highly selective for HSP90 over a panel of 75 phase I clinical trial based on reports of ocular toxicity and
enzymes and receptors and did not exhibit significant inhibi- the potential for irreversible retinal damage [227].
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Molecular Detection and Diagnosis
of Cancer 41
Christos Patriotis, Padma Maruvada,
and Sudhir Srivastava

smaller than can be detected by these approaches. For exam-

41.1 Introduction ple, colonoscopy is commonly considered the gold standard
for detecting colon cancer, yet it fails to detect some of the
The incidence of cancer is increasing worldwide, owing to the flat adenomas that are highly malignant [8–10]. Moreover,
trends toward increased lifespan and adaptation to western these approaches do not provide detailed information on
lifestyle [1]. Although progress has been made in therapeutic molecular phenotypes of cancer. Breast cancer staging and
and diagnostic strategies contributing to a slight reduction in mammography fall short of giving information on personal-
mortality, cancer still remains a serious health condition and is ized treatment choices that are based on molecular analyses
often fatal. Many cancer deaths occur because the disease is such as estrogen receptor expression or human epithelial
usually diagnosed at advanced stages and has spread to distant growth factor receptor (Her-2) expression [11]. There is a
organs with lymph node involvement, where most of the treat- clear need for better diagnostic tools that will enable
ment options fail. It has been well demonstrated that if the improved prognostic prediction and therapeutic strategies.
disease is detected earlier the chances of 5-year cancer-free
survival and reduction in mortality are better. For example,
colon cancer survival rates for localized disease are 82–93 %, 41.2 Cancer Is a Molecular Disease
compared with only 5–8 % for cases with distant disease [2].
Similarly, significant mortality reduction in cervical cancer Cancer is a heterogeneous molecular disease and carcino-
cases is mainly due to the availability of effective screening genesis is a multistep process wherein normal cells evade
strategies [3]. Some cancers such as ovarian, pancreatic, and normal growth regulatory and inhibitory signals and enter a
lung remain asymptomatic and are diagnosed at advanced state of uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation leading to
stages with poor survival [4–6]. malignant transformation. The first step, termed initiation,
Cancer detection and diagnosis is critical to population involves changes at the genetic level and mutations leading
screening, cancer staging, prognosis, and consideration of to DNA malfunction. This is usually rapid and irreversible
appropriate measures for treatment. Current cancer diagnos- with no appreciable morphologic changes. However, it may
tic strategies rely mostly on imaging, tumor size, histology, involve mutational changes in oncogenes and tumor sup-
lymph node involvement, and other clinical parameters. pressor genes. The second step in the neoplastic transforma-
Unfortunately, imaging modalities suffer from lack of sensi- tion is promotion, which involves increased cell growth and
tivity and fail to detect tumors smaller than 1 mm. proliferation. This step is typically reversible and involves a
Mammography, used to screen breast abnormalities, suffers mixture of genetic and epigenetic cellular changes leading to
from lack of sensitivity and leads to a large number of false- alterations in protein expression and metabolic pathways.
positive rates [7]. Malignant tumors are repeatedly much The third step, progression leads to ultimate malignant trans-
formation with a carcinogenic phenotype. The process of
progression is very long, often proceeding over many years,
C. Patriotis, Ph.D. • S. Srivastava, Ph.D., M.P.H. (*) and disrupts cellular processes and communication path-
Cancer Biomarkers Research Group, Division of Cancer
ways leaving unique cellular and molecular profiles for can-
Prevention, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
e-mail: cer. These molecular and cellular signatures present great
P. Maruvada, Ph.D.
opportunities for the development of clinical tools and assays
Division of Research Infrastructure, National Center for Research to diagnose cancer and to complement existing diagnostic
Resources, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA strategies.

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 797

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_41
798 C. Patriotis et al.

The systematic study of the cancer genome has led to the vation of three tumor suppressor genes: TP53 (~50 %),
discovery of mutations of key members of gene families p16INK4A (80–95 %), and SMAD4 (~50 %) [16–19]. Based on
involved in signal transduction, which are essential for the the understanding of the temporal sequence of acquisition of
physiological regulation of gene expression, cell cycle pro- these mutations, a progression model of pancreatic cancer
gression, and programmed cell death, and associated with development emerges, in which genetic mutations occur in a
different stages of oncogenesis. The genome-wide analysis temporally ordered sequence. While some function as gate-
of the protein-encoding genes in breast and colorectal cancer keepers in the initiation of neoplastic growth, such as the
has helped define the genetic landscape of these two types of activating K-Ras mutation, others (p16INK4A, TP53) allow
human cancer [12] and such studies are currently extended to tumor growth and malignant progression (Fig. 41.1). This
other types of human cancer. Pancreatic cancer is an aggres- illustration is provided only as an example and does not
sive disease with poor prognosis. The currently 5-year sur- encompass many of the molecular pathways that are associ-
vival rate, despite aggressive therapy is still less than 5 %. ated with different types of cancers and have been exten-
Activating mutations of the K-Ras oncogene are highly prev- sively studied and reported elsewhere [20–25]. The
alent in pancreatic cancer (>80 %) [13], and are assumed to delineation of the different pathways whose function is
occur during the initial stages in its development [14, 15]. altered in different types of cancer provides the scientific
Pancreatic cancer is also associated with high rate of inacti- basis for the development of novel biomarkers (Table 41.1).

Fig. 41.1 Activating

mutations in K-Ras occurring
early on during pancreatic
cancer development lead to
higher proliferating rates of
affected cells. While this may
trigger the cell surveillance
system that may cause cell
growth arrest and apoptosis or
senescence, the additional
loss of expression of p16INK4A
and/or mutation of TP53
allow the higher proliferating
potential of the cells and the
progression toward

Table 41.1 Candidate biomarkers for cancer detection, risk assessment, and diagnosis
Type/marker name Cancer type (organ) Biospecimen Utility Reference
Epigenetic Kidney Tissue Risk assessment [97]
VHL Pancreas Pancreatic fluid Risk assessment [18]
p16INK4a Colon Tissue Disease recurrence [98]
TIMP3 Lung Sputum, Plasma Diagnosis [98]
Gene methylation panel
Genetic Pancreas Pancreatic/bile fluids Early detection [99]
K-Ras (mutation, amplification) Colon (HNPCC) Tissue Diagnosis [97]
Bethesda microsatellite panel Bladder Urine Early detection [98]
Microsatellite assay (MSA) Esophagus Tissue Disease prediction [98]
FISH panel
Genomic Breast Tissue Disease prediction [70]
OncotypeDx Breast Tissue Disease prediction [80]
Proteomic Liver Serum Early detection [94]
Des-γ-carboxyprothrombin (DCP) Liver Serum Early detection [94]
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)-L3 Liver Serum Early detection [98]
MALDI 6-peak profile Ovary Serum Early detection [95]
Yale 6-protein marker panel Breast Tissue Disease prediction [84]
COX-2/Ki67/p16INK4a Breast Tissue Disease prediction [100, 101]
MMP1/CEACAM6/HYAL1 Pancreas Serum Early detection [98]
Mucin protein panel assay
41 Molecular Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer 799

Identified new targets can be utilized for the design of novel critical decisions, such as surgical removal of vital organs,
strategies for screening for early cancer detection and molec- decisions related to suitable chemotherapy, preserving unaf-
ular diagnosis, and for the development of novel preventive fected organs and follow-up. Moreover, it is important to dif-
and therapeutic modalities. ferentiate different types of cancers that affect the same
organ to enable additional diagnostic and efficient treatment
strategies. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations affect the incidence
41.3 Early Detection Versus Diagnosis of genetically predisposed breast cancers. Genetic screening
of breast cancer patients for these mutations is complex and
A cancer biomarker is defined as any molecular or biochemi- time-consuming owing to the large size of both genes. It is
cal alteration that can be measured and effectively used in a desirable to have more understanding of both the phenotype
clinical scenario for cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and the morphological and molecular characteristics of the
and prediction of therapeutic response. Cancer detection tumors underlying these mutations. BRCA1-associated
usually involves clinical testing of asymptomatic healthy tumors are usually poorly differentiated, infiltrating ductal
subjects as in population screening or following stratified carcinomas and show frequent morphological features of
high-risk cohorts for the presence of preclinical/early dis- atypical medullary carcinomas. BRCA2-associated tumors
ease. It has several implications in the clinical context, such tend to be of higher grade than sporadic cancers. Additionally,
as enabling further investigation to determine the extent of BRCA1 tumors are usually estrogen receptor and progester-
disease, or taking measures to contain the initial disease by one receptor negative and p53 positive, whereas such changes
surgical removal, limiting therapeutic treatment, or adapting are not seen in BRCA-2-associated tumors. Both BRCA1-
preventive care. Ideally, a cancer biomarker for detection is associated and BRCA2-associated breast tumors show a low
present in easily accessible body fluids such as saliva, blood, frequency of Her-2 overexpression compared to sporadic
urine, upper digestive tract effusion, and the material that can cancers, in addition to various other molecular abnormalities
be extracted by fine needle aspirates and other minimally [11]. Such information can be especially useful in making
invasive procedures. It enables easy screening of a larger decisions in appropriate screening and therapeutic choices.
population without requiring extensive training and clinical However, the current imaging modalities only provide spa-
expertise. However, biomarkers for diagnosis need to pro- tial resolution of tumors, but not their molecular composi-
vide extensive information about the tumor and its microen- tion. As such, there is a continuing need for multiple
vironment. For this reason, tissue biopsies and other invasive molecular markers to enable accurate detection and diagno-
procedures are also used when necessary to enable critical sis of the disease.
To be useful for detection, a cancer biomarker ideally
should be able to distinguish normal individuals from cancer 41.4 Molecular Biomarkers of Cancer
patients with 100 % accuracy. Sensitivity and specificity
determine how accurately a biomarker can predict the pres- The biology of carcinogenesis provides a large window of
ence of a disease and its ultimate utility in clinical practice. opportunity to study the range of molecular events that can
Sensitivity is defined as the ability of the biomarker to detect provide information on malignant transformation. Over the
the cancer cases (true positive); while specificity is defined last 30 years, there has been a tremendous explosion in the
as the ability of the marker to identify the healthy cases (true understanding of cancer biology. For example, it has been
negative). A useful biomarker should be able to detect cancer well characterized that Ras and Raf mutations and altera-
with high precision, allow early detection of the premalig- tions in downstream MAP kinase pathways frequently form
nant lesions and ultimately reduce mortality due to cancer. the early events in malignant transformation and have been
Unfortunately, most of the current biomarkers do not have explored as potential anticancer targets in a variety of can-
sufficient diagnostic power to be clinically useful if used cers [33]. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) muta-
alone. The widely used clinical marker prostate-specific anti- tions have been implicated in the progression of breast, lung,
gen (PSA) has only 70 % sensitivity and 59–97 % specificity and other cancers. Epigenetic changes and P53 mutations
[26–28]. When used in population screening, PSA, due to its have been indicators of late events of progression [33–35].
low specificity, leads to many false positives and triggers While many of the alterations in these pathways could pro-
unnecessary biopsies and clinical follow-up. CA-125, the vide molecular signatures that oncologists can reliably use in
biomarker for the detection of ovarian cancer, has only 70 % the detection and diagnosis of cancer, none of them have
sensitivity and 87 % specificity and is not currently recom- actually translated well into clinical application. One of the
mended for population screening [29–32]. main problems in molecular diagnosis of cancer is that it is a
In contrast, diagnosis of cancer requires more confirma- cellular proliferation disease and many of the cancer-related
tory tests with high precision and sensitivity to enable more proteins and changes are part of normal pathophysiological
800 C. Patriotis et al.

phenomena and not specific to cancer. No abnormal multiple markers for a single disease are the mode of choice.
molecular changes are effectively detected that indicate It is assumed that such a strategy allows accurate measure-
malignant transformation. Many of these events are viewed ment of unique biological processes measured simultane-
as part of the body’s normal inflammatory responses. For ously and integrated for improved diagnosis.
example, it has been demonstrated that many of the initial
changes are usually confined to the tumor microenviron-
ment, making them inaccessible for noninvasive molecular 41.6 Role of Specimens in Biomarker
diagnostic approaches [36]. The magnitude of the malignant Development
changes associated with minute tumors by and large go
undetected mainly because these changes are very small Most of the molecular analysis approaches rely on the avail-
compared to variations in normal cellular and physiological ability of freshly collected tissues as compared to fixed tissue
processes. Confounding this problem is that most of the and archived specimens. Some of the molecular approaches
molecular detection approaches lack sufficient analytical demand highly defined and precise cellular species. The intro-
sensitivity to detect such subtle changes. The detection sen- duction of laser scanning capture microdissection (LSCM)
sitivity of currently used ELISA and other clinical assays is techniques into clinical specimen collection has improved the
1–2 pg/ml, which fails to detect molecular markers associ- quality of the specimens for analysis. The need for immediate
ated with cancer that are secreted at much lower levels (fg/ sample processing, fresh-frozen tissues, and concomitant
ml) [37–40]. Detection systems with much lower detection specimen storage conditions, and the effect of the length of
limits (in Pico- and Femto-molar concentrations) are needed storage time make the molecular diagnostic approaches diffi-
to detect such abnormal proteins. cult to adapt in clinical practice. These issues undermine the
utilization of existing repositories for biomarker development.
However, some recent development efforts focused on the uti-
41.5 New Technologies for Detection lization of fixed tissues by high-throughput molecular
and Diagnosis Marker Discovery approaches are improving this situation. The collection of
specimens for molecular analysis, such as nipple aspirate fluid
Genome-wide DNA sequence analysis has led to a surge in and ductal lavage for breast cancer detection and pancreatic
the enthusiasm for the application of distinct high-throughput effusion fluid for pancreatic cancer detection, poses further
approaches to analyze multiple biomolecules giving rise to challenges in molecular diagnostics, and the development of
novel omic technologies. Using these technologies, it is now special collection methods is needed.
possible to analyze multiple molecular changes in DNA
(genomics), RNA (transcriptomics), proteins (proteomics),
or metabolites (metabolomics) in a limited sample size in a 41.7 High-Throughput Analysis
single platform, thereby saving time, efforts, and costs. and Biomarker Development
Current cancer research has taken a multidisciplinary
approach to address the gaps in the translation of cancer One of the main issues in high-throughput technological
molecular biomarkers into the clinic. This approach may lead analysis is analytical sensitivity. Depending on the sensitiv-
to the identification of novel biomarkers that conventional ity of the technology employed, the numbers of molecular
approaches have long failed. High-throughput molecular ana- species resolved can vary widely. For example, 2D gel elec-
lytical techniques combined with the latest tissue acquisition trophoresis has a limited resolution of only 200–300 proteins
techniques, such as laser-aided microdissection enable global per analysis and mainly focuses on the resolution of highly
molecular profiling with very high precision. Both targeted abundant proteins. More advanced mass spectrometric anal-
and untargeted approaches are employed giving rise to infor- yses, however, allow the resolution of hundreds to thousands
mation on either known molecular species or molecular pro- of proteins ranging from MW 2000 to 30,000. As such, it
files, such as in mass spectrometry. The resulting data are may not always be possible to resolve both high-abundant
analyzed using state-of-the-art computational analytical tools and low-abundant proteins on the same technology platforms
for pattern recognition allowing the differential diagnosis of but it is usually difficult to compare proteins resolved on dif-
cancer. It is generally unnecessary to identify the molecular ferent platforms. It is possible to identify some of the low-
nature of the peaks (black box approach). With computational abundant proteins (functional peptidomics), using more
methods, it is possible to integrate the information from advanced mass spectrometric techniques combined with
diverse markers to improve their clinical sensitivity and spec- time-of-flight (TOF) techniques, and exoprotease digestion
ificity for cancer detection and diagnosis. This has opened the techniques [41]. Mass spectrometric techniques routinely
door to a novel paradigm of cancer diagnosis in which a sin- suffer from inconsistencies in reproducibility mainly because
gle marker for a single disease is no longer the norm. Instead, of the nature of instrumentation, mass calibration shifts and
41 Molecular Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer 801

factors related to baseline correction in mass spectrometric commercially available, which together with kit to kit vari-
analysis [42, 43]. Another confounding factor in reproduc- ability they make the detection of Her-2 a complicated task
ibility is the batch variations in protein chips; it is normally with many false-positive cases and misleading results. While
difficult to overlay the sets of features from different runs of FISH analysis is very sensitive, its high cost and marginally
the same specimens and to validate these molecular features superior results make it less attractive as a routine monitor-
as biomarkers. ing tool [46]. Thus, the choice of the test method and its
High-throughput approaches, such as mass spectrometry, application depends on the analytical sensitivity and the
yield patterns and profiles that are subjected to computational cost-effectiveness.
analyses to simplify the dimensionality of the data and to The molecular profiles or signatures that arise from mass
identify meaningful patterns that may be clinically signifi- spectrometric and other high-throughput approaches may
cant. Two major types of computational approaches, namely have clinical significance and could be successfully applied
supervised and unsupervised methods, are applied to analyze in the clinic if they have high sensitivity and specificity (even
the data. In the supervised methods, the information is orga- without prior knowledge of the molecular species contribut-
nized in a predetermined fashion as to which molecular ing to the signatures). However, the negative results are dif-
changes are expected to group together and the resulting pat- ficult to interpret; hence, the absence of information on the
terns are analyzed collectively for their ability to differentiate peaks can often lead to inconclusive results. These molecules
cancers. When applying supervised approaches, it is difficult therefore should be further characterized using more specific
to analyze the patterns without established classification analytical methods such as southern, northern, and western
rules. Depending on the size of the training set, the test results analyses or quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)
give diverse patterns that may not be reproducible. With and IHC, which can allow easier application of the molecular
unsupervised methods, the data are grouped based on their tests in a clinical setting [47].
inherent expression patterns and the resulting profiles are Approaches to detect LMW proteins include the use of
tested for their ability to group together and predict the out- nanoparticles conjugated to molecular baits. These enable
come. Unsupervised approaches rely on imposition of algo- selective LMW protein binding and release on harvest plat-
rithms that tend to fault depending on the method. Thus, the forms with nanoparticles such as nanobarcodes with distinct
method of data analysis plays an important role in biomarker physicochemical properties [48].
development. One of the confounding aspects with high- One of the impediments in cancer biomarker develop-
dimensional data analysis is the signal-to-noise ratio. Many ment is that the tumor-specific proteins and cytokines are
genes undergo changes in expression that are not necessarily secreted at very low concentrations below the analytical sen-
specific and related to cancer. These changes are recorded by sitive range of most clinical methods. The real challenge is to
microarray and other high-throughput approaches, thereby identify such low abundant proteins that can provide critical
resulting into complex patterns and enormous volumes of information on the nature of a tumor. A variety of approaches
data and leading to erroneous over-fitting of the data. are applied to detect such proteins either on sandwich arrays,
Another critical factor in the application of high- where a pair of antibodies is used to detect each protein, or a
throughput technologies in biomarker development is that label-based system, where target proteins are labeled to
the platforms for discovery and development may not be the enable detection after they bind to the arrays. These
same as for clinical application, where more directed, sim- approaches are highly sensitive and specific and assays are
pler, and specific tests are needed. Typically, more than one generally easy to develop [49, 50]. There are also other
approach can be applied to detect a molecular marker. For approaches that may significantly improve the sensitivity,
example, three molecular tests for human epidermal growth accuracy, and reproducibility [50]. These include the two-
factor receptor-2 (Her-2/neu) oncogene expression have color rolling-circle amplification antibody arrays, which
been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): amplify the signals from labeled proteins. Such methods
one to monitor the treatment response of breast cancer with allow detection of multiple proteins from two different sets
herceptin, a second to determine the sensitivity to doxorubi- of samples simultaneously. Two sets of samples are cova-
cin therapy, and the third for the early detection of recurrence lently labeled with biotin and digoxigenin individually and
and to determine the prognosis of breast cancer [44–46]. incubated with antibody arrays. The immobilized labeled
Her-2 expression can be detected by various methods at the proteins are detected using antibodies against biotin and
protein level (by immunohistochemistry; IHC), at the DNA digoxigenin that are covalently conjugated to two separate
level [using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analy- primers. The primers are amplified by complementary circu-
sis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification] or at lar DNAs tagged to two different colors (cy5 and cy3) by
the messenger RNA level. The FDA-approved tests include a DNA polymerase. This results in signal amplification in two
FISH-based molecular assay and two antibody-based assays. colors for two different sets of proteins. These approaches
However, a number of antibodies with varied sensitivity are allow acquisition of expression profiles of multiple proteins
802 C. Patriotis et al.

from diverse samples and require very small biological spec- pressed and eight miRNAs underexpressed which could
imens with minimal processing, making them attractive ana- identify pancreatitis from pancreatic cancers with 93 % accu-
lytical tools. Although still in the developmental stage, these racy. A set of 15 overexpressed miRNAs and two underex-
tools are beginning to show promising results when applied pressed miRNAs could differentiate pancreatitis from normal
to clinical specimens [50]. pancreas. These early results need further study, but these
Host immune systems play a critical role in surveying studies demonstrate the potential role of miRNAs as candi-
infectious and foreign bodies, including tumor antigens, and date diagnostic markers. miRNAs are being explored in
responding by eliciting antibodies, thereby paving the way for many cancers for their diagnostic ability [54].
novel detection strategies for early detection of cancers. Other omic technologies that hold promise for the devel-
Autoantibodies are promising tools for detecting cancers as opment of novel cancer biomarkers are metabolomics, the
they are elicited in response to low concentrations of circulat- study of small molecules or molecular profiles in tissues or
ing tumor antigens; and the production of a large repertoire of body fluids. Metabolomics broadly applies to nuclear mag-
antibodies makes the detection highly sensitive. Unlike tumor netic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometric technologies
antigens, which are usually degraded by proteases, the anti- to measure a variety of metabolites or their profiles, which
body response persists for a long time even after the antigen leads to enormous amounts of data. The relatively small num-
has been removed from the circulation. They are more stable ber of metabolites compared to the number of proteins or
with a relatively long half-life in circulation. Assorted targeted genes present in the human body makes them attractive can-
antibody array approaches are attempting to identify cancer- didates for disease detection, diagnosis, and other clinical
specific autoantibodies that have promise for cancer detection, applications. However, the metabolome or metabolic profiles
diagnosis, and therapeutics. These approaches make use of of a physiological system is dynamic and subject to influ-
antigen libraries created on a variety of biological vectors such ences such as environmental, pharmacological exposure,
as phages, yeast, and others created from cancer cell lines, or temporal, dietary, physiological, age, sex, and genetic predis-
by expressing protein in situ using DNA vectors and in vitro position. The technology has great promise and its potential is
translation methods [51, 52]. The protein arrays are challenged only beginning to be explored in cancer research. Recently,
with sera from healthy individuals and cancer patients to iden- metabolomics technologies were applied to the differential
tify cancer-specific autoantibodies that interact with tumor diagnosis of ovarian cancer using differences in spectral pat-
antigens present on the arrays. Although the field is still terns of healthy and affected women [56]. In this study, sera
emerging, growing evidence indicates that this approach may from 12 women with benign ovarian cysts, 38 ovarian cancer
have important implications in cancer detection and diagnosis patients, 19 pre-menopausal, and 32 post-menopausal healthy
[51, 52]. Other emerging biomarker discovery modalities women was subjected to 1H-NMR spectroscopy and the
include the application of molecular species-specific flow resulting data were analyzed using both supervised and unsu-
cytometry to study pathological signal networks at the single pervised methods. Demonstrating the promise it holds for
cell level. Danna et al have used this approach to study molec- future molecular diagnosis, researchers were able to identify
ular signaling alterations in acute myeloid leukemia [53]. a pattern that could discriminate between ovarian cancer and
MicroRNAs are small non-coding highly conserved healthy subjects. Moreover, these patterns allowed discrimi-
RNAs that are derived from pre-miRNA precursors by cyto- nation between benign cases and ovarian cancer patients.
solic RNase action. They play an important role in diverse Using fine needle aspirate biopsies from 140 patients with
cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation, breast lesions analyzed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy and pattern
and death. Currently, more than 400 miRNAs have been recognition analysis, Mountford et al were able to classify
identified. The relatively small numbers of miRNAs and benign cases from malignant cases with 93 % sensitivity and
their role in cellular functions make them promising candi- 92 % specificity [57].
dates as biomarkers for diagnosis and detection. Despite the
fact that the miRNA field is still in its infancy, evidence sug-
gests miRNAs can provide critical information on the diag- 41.8 Molecular Imaging in Cancer
nosis, prognosis, and therapeutic targets of cancer [54]. Detection and Diagnosis
Using miRNA microarray analysis, Bloomston et al identi-
fied several miRNAs that are differentially expressed among Functional magnetic resonance (MR) techniques such as
pancreatic adenocarcinoma, benign pancreatic tissue, dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging (DCE-MRI) and
chronic pancreatitis, and normal pancreas [55]. Using the magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) combine
Predictive Analysis of Microarrays method, they identified a the virtues of conventional imaging with molecular profiling.
subset of 21 miRNAs overexpressed and four miRNAs Besides the spatio-temporal resolution of tumors, these
underexpressed that could discriminate pancreatic cancers enable additional novel molecular information on tumor
from normal pancreatic tissue with 90 % accuracy. In the metabolism, and provide more sensitive and accurate strate-
same study, they identified a set of 15 miRNAs overex- gies for molecular diagnosis. Using this strategy, van Dorsten
41 Molecular Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer 803

et al have shown that the diagnostic sensitivity of prostate of diagnostic biomarkers [63]. Animal models allow homog-
tumor regions can be significantly enhanced by adding meta- enous genetic background and controlled environmental
bolic profile information to the quantitative DCE-MRI [58]. exposures to reduce variability and control for other con-
It was shown that the ratio of (choline + creatine)/citrate was founding factors among samples, thus providing samples
elevated in prostate cancer compared to healthy zones from the same mice before and after onset of malignancy.
peripheral to the tumor and in the central gland. A ratio above Mouse models based on conditional activation of genetic
0.68 is a reliable indicator of cancer in determining the can- mutations provide information on spatio-temporal regulation
cer-affected regions. Such an approach is feasible in clinical of carcinogenesis. These models can be explored further to
practice and has excellent clinical implications. Positron identify novel blood-based biomarkers and to augment other
emission tomography (PET) imaging is another modality strategies. Genetically engineered MIN mice, which harbor a
that has been approved by the FDA to determine cancer stag- germ-line truncation in the adenomatous polyposis coli
ing. It provides useful information on spatio-temporal reso- (APC) gene, produce colon cancer similar to human colon
lution of the tumors. With the aid of specialized metabolic cancers, and the genetically predisposed human condition
analogs, it is possible to visualize the tumor metabolism to known as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) syndrome.
distinguish between indolent and malignant cancers and nor- These mice have been used to study the novel optics technol-
mal tissues. The most frequently used PET agent is [18F] ogy of four-dimensional elastic light scattering finger print-
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), a glucose analog taken up by ing (ELF) at several points in the neoplastic process. They
highly metabolizing tumor cells, which allows the study of have also been used to study the responsiveness of chemo-
tumor metabolism. Many contrast agents have been approved prevention strategies and the efficacy of chemopreventive
by FDA for clinical applications that are used in molecular agents for the early detection of intestinal tumorigenesis
imaging. This approach has been approved for tumor staging before the clinical manifestation of the disease [66].
of several cancers including breast, lung, and colon
Other molecular imaging modalities for cancer detection 41.10 Translation of Cancer Biomarker
utilize optical probes that can be triggered by cellular prote- Discovery to the Clinic
ases that are specifically activated in cancers. Such
approaches have been used in mouse models to detect lung Cancer detection and diagnosis play a critical role in the
tumors smaller than 1 mm diameter [63]. Similarly, management of disease treatment. Application of cancer bio-
fluorescent-based imaging agents in combination with endo- markers in clinical use will revolutionize cancer screening
scopic confocal microscopy allow detection of precancerous and open new avenues for personalized medicine. Recent
lesions that are not identified by conventional imaging meth- molecular technologies offer great potential for discovery
ods [64]. Such imaging modalities have much higher sensi- and development of novel biomarkers that will enable effec-
tivity and provide high spatial resolution that is not possible tive cancer screening and detection. Discovery is important,
with conventional modalities. The use of magnetic nanopar- but for biomarkers to reach clinical application they need to
ticles can provide information on cancer staging and have be critically evaluated and validated both analytically and
been applied to detect nodal metastasis in patients with clinically. A five-phase biomarker development process has
occult cancers [65]. A functionalized nanoparticle-related been proposed that lays out a systematic approach to bring
approach allows the study of cellular functions, including putative biomarkers from discovery to ultimate clinical
cellular trafficking and receptor-based targets such as application for cancer detection (Fig. 41.2) [67]. These
prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), HER-2/neu, phases include: preclinical discovery, clinical and analytical
estrogen, progestin, and androgen receptors [65]. Animal validation, retrospective and longitudinal evaluation, pro-
models have been used extensively in molecular imaging for spective screening, and finally, cancer control for the utility
the evaluation of both the contrast agents and the imaging of the marker. A similar approach can be adopted for validat-
technologies [65]. ing diagnostic biomarkers. It is usually necessary to conduct
pre-validation studies before determining the need for a suc-
cessful validation study. Such an effort will help eliminate
41.9 Role of Animal Models in Biomarker the gap between translational efforts.
Discovery Randomized prospective trials of biomarkers will prove
their ultimate utility for clinical prediction of cancer detec-
Animal models provide great biological tools for cancer bio- tion and diagnosis. However, such trials are expensive and
marker development. Genetically, engineered mouse models typically time-consuming. Validation of biomarkers requires
based on genetic mutations mimic human disease conditions a coordinated, multidisciplinary, and multi-institutional
and provide a great deal of information on molecular patho- effort. Advances in novel methodologies of data analysis,
genesis. This provides a unique opportunity for the discovery data modeling, and integration of information from panels of
804 C. Patriotis et al.

Fig. 41.2 A 5-phase, cyclic process of development of molecular markers for early detection and diagnosis. Adapted with modifications from [102].

biomarkers and algorithms to predict successful recognition meet this challenge, the Department of Human Health
patterns for biomarker profiles are necessary. Well annotated Services has adapted many approaches. In 2002, FDA set up
specimens and well characterized reference sets for triaging an exclusive regulatory unit, the Office of In vitro Diagnostic
putative markers are critical. Novel high-throughput tech- Devices, to expedite the approval process for biomarker and
nologies require well developed standardized protocols and diagnostic devices. FDA and the National Cancer Institute
procedures and ways to translate them into clinically appli- (NCI) created a Critical Path Initiative to bridge the gaps in
cable assay methodologies. translational efforts in biomarker development. The Center
While thousands of biomarkers are discovered, very few for Medicaid and Medicare Services has been forthcoming
sustain the validation process to be approved by FDA for in approving promising biomarkers and tests that can be
clinical use [68]. One reason for this is the discordance applied in a research setting before they can be successfully
between academic investigators and diagnostic companies. approved by the FDA. For example, Oncotype DX™, a
It is considered that biomarker development is not as excit- 21-gene panel which holds promise for predicting recur-
ing as discovery. Conversely, efforts to advance potential rence of breast cancer, was recently approved for use in a
markers into clinical application have been painstakingly research setting [70]. NCI initiated the Early Detection
slow even though the importance of biomarkers in cancer Research Network (EDRN) program to coordinate transla-
screening is highly recognized [69]. The general perception tional biomarker developmental efforts [71–74]. The efforts
is that support from the federal agencies is essential to are expected to expedite the validation process and fill a key
advance biomarkers across the translational architecture. To gap in biomarker research [75, 76].
41 Molecular Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer 805

Cancer biomarkers will be able to detect early cancers such as tumor size, lymph node status, and hormone receptor
and pave the way for personalized choices for cancer treat- status, already are used in clinical practice. Yet, these indica-
ment and subsequently bring down the costs associated with tors still fail to determine the specific risk for recurrence
it. Today, cancer detection and diagnosis strategies heavily associated with each patient. Several groups have developed
depend on imaging modalities. Mammography is the method a range of prognostic profiles using microarray approaches
of choice for screening women above age 40 for breast can- that provide specific information about breast cancer prog-
cer and colonoscopy is the screening strategy for people nosis using both supervised and unsupervised analytical
above 50 for colon cancer. It is unlikely that biomarkers will methods [79]. They have been validated using independent
be able to eliminate existing imaging modalities. However, patient populations. Among them, the Amsterdam 70 gene
they will be able to complement them in providing additional profile popularly known as Mammaprint has been developed
information that may not be possible by current screening. using microarray profiling of fresh-frozen tumors from two
The ultimate utility of the cancer biomarker is its ability to distinct populations, one with and one without distant metas-
reduce cancer-associated mortality. The best biomarkers will tasis. Using a supervised analytical approach, they identified
be able to detect cancer early enough to allow intervention, a 70-gene set that appeared to correlate with the clinical out-
reduce costs associated with cancer treatment, and reduce come. The 70-gene panel, which was approved by FDA, was
cancer-related mortality and morbidity. It appears that no validated using retrospective analysis of 295 patients. It was
single biomarker will have the necessary sensitivity and able to predict prognosis regardless of lymph node involve-
specificity to predict cancers accurately. Instead, panels of ment and acts as an independent risk factor for distant metas-
genes, proteins, or other candidate signatures obtained from tasis [80]. The 21-gene recurrence score indicator popularly
novel high-throughput technologies will collectively provide known as Oncotype Dx, developed from a literature and
useful information on cancer development and progression. database search, selected a 16-cancer-gene panel and a
5-reference-gene panel from 250 candidate genes. Their
expression profiles were later established using fixed tumor
41.11 New Era of Molecular Detection samples and externally validated in patient samples collected
and Diagnosis for the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel project,
and then validated further in a number of studies [70]. The
Despite unresolved issues, high-throughput technologies are Recurrence Score provides reliable and reproducible infor-
already providing evidence as promising tools for biomarker mation on the recurrence and therapeutic response. The
development. While few of these molecular tests have Rotterdam 76-gene signature was developed by the expres-
entered clinical practice, increasing evidence suggests they sion profiling of more than 200 lymph node negative patients
will play a critical role in aiding decisions related to person- with both ER- and ER+ breast cancer, which outperformed
alized medicine for treating and managing disease. In this clinical variables in predicting prognosis [81, 82]. Several
section, examples are discussed in which molecular diagnos- other prognostic signatures still under study may be of high
tic techniques may soon be applied in the clinic for numer- significance in clinical application. About 65,000 women are
ous cancers to improve clinical diagnosis, monitoring of diagnosed annually with breast ductal carcinoma in situ
treatment, and management of disease. A small number have (DCIS). All patients are treated similarly with lumpectomy
been approved for early detection of cancer and they provide and additional radiation or tamoxifen. However, only ~15 %
excellent evidence and promise for the future development of them will recur within 5 years and only half of the recur-
of molecular diagnostic tests. rent disease (~6.2 %) will be an invasive breast cancer (ICA)
[83]. In a preliminary study, three protein markers were iden-
tified, whose individual expression pattern in DCIS lesions
41.11.1 Organ-Specific Biomarker Effort can provide information for patient risk stratification for a
subsequent recurrent malignant event (ICA) [84]. While
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with diverse clini- patients at a higher risk of ICA may undergo more aggres-
cal outcomes. Over the last two decades, there has been a sive preventive treatment, those at low risk may be spared the
documented decrease in mortality rate largely due to morbidity of unnecessary treatments. A large case–control
improvements in early detection and therapeutic strategies study is currently being initiated by EDRN investigators at
[77, 78]. However, the clinical outcome and the therapeutic the University of California San Francisco to validate the
course of an individual patient are customarily uncertain. clinical utility of the 3-marker panel.
Molecular profiling of breast cancer not only sheds light on Bladder cancer is the sixth leading cause of cancer deaths
different subtypes of breast tumors, but provides information and as a matter of course it results in high recurrence rates.
clinically applicable for the prognosis. Several prognostic Cystoscopy, which is highly invasive, serves as the gold stan-
indicators based on clinical and histopathologic variables, dard for monitoring the recurrence and diagnosing bladder
806 C. Patriotis et al.

cancer with a sensitivity of 73 % and specificity of 37 % [85]. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most com-
Urine cytology, another promising diagnostic tool, also suf- mon solid malignancies worldwide and its incidence in the
fers from low sensitivity and specificity leading to high num- United States is increasing [93]. Despite all advances in
ber of false-positive rates. There is a need for a noninvasive, treatment, the 5-year survival of patients with HCC still
easy to administer test with reasonable performance charac- remains at 5 %, which may be largely due to diagnosis at late
teristics that can either complement or be used alone. stages of the disease. Hence, biomarkers for its early detec-
Numerous tests have been discussed in detail elsewhere, tion are really needed. Since 90 % of HCC patients have
some of which have been recently approved by the FDA [85]. underlying cirrhosis, these are good candidates for HCC sur-
A variety of urinary proteins show promise as diagnostic bio- veillance. Currently, HCC surveillance tests are ultrasound
markers. Nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP22) is a protein evaluation of the liver with or without measurement of serum
expressed by a variety of cell types and is found in the urine alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). These tests are inadequately sensi-
of bladder cancer patients at high levels. It has been approved tive and specific (41–78 %) for use in screening. Various
by FDA as an inexpensive and sensitive tool that can be used other biomarkers for HCC have been evaluated, including
as an adjunct to current diagnostic methods [86, 87]. Basement des-gamma carboxyprothrombin (DCP) and the fucosylated
membrane antigen (BTA) has a sensitivity comparable to variant of AFP (AFP-L3). DCP was significantly better than
urine cytology and is approved as both qualitative and quan- total AFP or AFP-L3 in differentiating HCC from cirrhosis,
titative tests [88]. The ImmunoCyst test, based on sialylated with a sensitivity of 86 % and specificity of 93 % [94].
carbohydrate on a mucin protein and 19A211 cell surface gly- Currently, EDRN investigators at the University of Michigan
coprotein and the LDQ10 antigens by immunofluorescence Ann Arbor are conducting a large-scale study to confirm the
microscopy, is also approved as an adjunct test for detecting validity of DCP alone or in combination with AFP or AFP-
bladder cancer. While tests are proposed and approved for L3 as a test for early clinical diagnosis of HCC among cir-
diagnosing and managing bladder cancer, most suffer from rhotic patients.
low specificity and high false-positive rates, mainly because Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related
of interference due to other urological conditions such as deaths in the United States. More than 20,000 women are
inflammation and urinary infections and stones. Abnormal diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and more than
increased copy number of chromosomes 3, 7, and 17, and 15,000 die annually from the disease. The high mortality rate
homozygous deletions of the p16 at 9p21 have been used to of ovarian cancer is mainly due to the advanced stage at diag-
develop a FISH-based assay with high sensitivity (81 %) and nosis of most cases and the current lack of a screening strat-
specificity (96 %), which is approved by FDA as an adjunct egy for the detection of the disease at an early stage when
diagnostic test. A microsatellite instability assay (MSA) has treatment is more successful. Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS)
been recently developed by EDRN investigators at Johns and serial measurements of the biomarker CA-125 are being
Hopkins University, which can detect bladder cancer in urine used for the surveillance of the high-risk population. The
sediment with an accuracy of >90 %, frequently 6–8 months sensitivity and specificity of CA-125 are, however, very low
prior to a positive cystoscopy [89, 90]. A large-scale valida- (<60 % and PPV ~20 %) to justify its use as a population
tion study is currently being conducted to confirm the detec- screening biomarker, given the overall relatively low inci-
tion power of the MSA test. dence of ovarian cancer. Recently, a combination of six
Pancreatic cancer poses a serious health problem causing serum markers that also includes CA-125 was shown to
death in more than 98 % of the affected populations. detect early- and late-stage ovarian cancer significantly bet-
Currently, pancreatic cancer is diagnosed at advanced stages. ter than CA-125 alone. With sensitivity and specificity at
There are no approved diagnostic markers. CA-19-9, a 95.3 and 99.4 % respectively, the accuracy of the test is
sialylated Lewis blood group antigen, was approved for ~99 % [95]. The EDRN investigators together with LabCorp,
monitoring treatment, but it has very low specificity due to Inc. are currently in the process of validating this test in
other confounding health conditions involving the pancreas. Prostate-Lung-Colon-Ovarian (PLCO) screening trial sera of
Efforts are underway to develop biomarkers for pancreatic ovarian cancer patients and healthy controls that were col-
cancer using a variety of approaches. Among them, global lected up to 2 years prior to diagnosis. If its accuracy deter-
gene expression profiling of pancreatic cancer and normal mined with clinical specimens is also validated with the
pancreatic tissues has been used in identifying candidate PLCO pre-diagnostic samples, this test will be of great
markers. Efforts are underway to further characterize the importance both for surveillance of the high risk as well as
candidate serum protein markers, namely macrophage the general population.
migration inhibitory factor-1, osteopontin, and CA-242 [91, State-of-the-art proteomic technologies are attempting to
92]. While none of them have been validated for clinical use, address issues in the management of common but not so life-
a strong indication exists that in combination they signifi- threatening cancers. Thyroid cancer is on the rise in the
cantly improve the performance of CA-19-9. United States in the last three decades and a large population
41 Molecular Detection and Diagnosis of Cancer 807

needs constant surveillance to manage the disease. The cur- Acknowledgements The authors sincerely thank Dr. Paul Wagner for
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Gene Therapy in the Treatment
of Human Cancer 42
Anand C. Annan, Paul B. Fisher, Paul Dent, Gene P. Siegal,
and David T. Curiel

by delivering nucleic acids into cells. These nucleic acids

42.1 Introduction may be genes, portions of genes, oligonucleotides, or
RNA. In conventional therapeutics, as in pharmacotherapy,
Cancer can be considered a disease caused by mutations and/ altering a cell or tissue phenotype is accomplished by alter-
or epigenetic changes in tumor suppressor genes and onco- ing cell physiology or metabolism at the level of protein
genes that populate the host genome [1, 2]. It is well estab- expression. In contrast, in gene therapy this is accomplished
lished that most of the genetic events in cancer result from a by changing the pattern of expression of genes whose prod-
series of accumulated, acquired genetic lesions [3, 4]. These ucts may correct defects in cellular phenotype.
genetic events either inactivate tumor suppressor genes or
activate oncogenes. With an enhanced understanding of the
genetic lesions associated with malignant transformation 42.2 Why Gene Therapy?
and progression in a wide variety of human cancers, differ-
ent therapeutic approaches are being identified. In this In the treatment of human disease, gene therapy strategies
regard, gene therapy is emerging as a method of preventive may offer the potential to achieve a much higher level of
and therapeutic intervention against cancer targeted at the specificity of action than conventional drug therapeutics by
level of cellular gene expression [2]. In this approach, alter- virtue of the highly specific control and regulatory mecha-
ing the complex cancerous pathophysiologic state is achieved nisms of gene expression that may be targeted. Additionally,
interceding at an earlier, upstream point in disease pathogen-
esis may offer greater potential to induce fundamental
A.C. Annan, M.B.B.S., Ph.D. changes in phenotypic patterns of disease, with a more
Department of Pathology, University of Oklahoma Health
Science center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
favorable clinical outcome. The availability of gene transfer
systems, or vectors, for permanent or long-term genetic
Cancer Biology Division, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
modification of cells and tissues allows for definitive thera-
peutic or preventive interventions. Furthermore, gene trans-
P.B. Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D.
Department of Human and Molecular Genetics, VCU Institute of
fer can be accomplished in a limited loco-regional context,
Molecular Medicine, VCU Massey Cancer Center, Virginia producing a high concentration of therapeutic molecules in
Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA the local area. Thus, potential undesired systemic effects of
P. Dent, Ph.D. specific therapeutic molecules are avoided. Lastly, using the
Department of Neurosurgery, VCU Institute of Molecular host to produce therapeutic proteins has a practical advan-
Medicine, VCU Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth tage of its own [5]. Briefly, limitations associated with man-
University, Richmond, VA, USA
ufacture, stability, and duration of effect after administration
G.P. Siegal, M.D., Ph.D. of drugs based on, for example, synthetic peptides are com-
Departments of Pathology, Cell Biology, and Surgery,
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
pletely avoided. From the same pharmacological point of
view, designer drugs designed from selective small mole-
D.T. Curiel, M.D., Ph.D. (*)
Cancer Biology Division, Department of Radiation Oncology,
cules, currently under intensive investigation, cannot yet
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA serve as an efficacious therapeutic alternatives or substitutes
e-mail: for the protein products of tumor suppressor genes.

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017 811

W.B. Coleman, G.J. Tsongalis (eds.), The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer, DOI 10.1007/978-1-59745-458-2_42
812 A.C. Annan et al.

Table 42.1 Potential contributions of gene therapy against the obstacles for curing cancer
Obstacles to curing cancer imposed by tumor cells Potential contribution of gene transfer
1. Tumors are genetically unstable, and thus they are Gene transfer of DNA repair or cell cycle checkpoint genes that restore
extraordinarily adaptable to environmental changes (This is DNA stability
arguably the biggest obstacle, and has never been approached
2. Tumors are heterogeneous in many respects, including Targeting of “genetically homogeneous” tissues, such as the tumor
genetic mutations, expression of oncoproteins, immunogenicity, vasculature; genetic immunopotentiation
response to environmental changes, etc
3. As a consequence of obstacles #1 and #2, tumors have, or Strategies above, associated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy or with the
acquire, resistance to cellular toxins and to many other transfer of genes that sensitize tumor cells to drugs or radiation
therapeutically induced cellular insults
4. Tumors can have a low cellular growth fraction; therefore Use of vectors that do not require cellular division for gene delivery and
they are less susceptible to mitotic toxins and to gene transfer expression (adenovirus, herpesvirus, lentivirus, chimeric systems); repeated
vectors that require dividing cells administration of non-immunogenic vectors
5. Tumors form metastases, which have to be reached Use of targetable, injectable vectors (tropism-modified viruses, cellular
systemically to eradicate the tumor vehicles); genetic immunopotentiation
6. Tumors do not express specific tumor antigens or immune Transfer of genes encoding costimulatory molecules and cytokines; genetic
costimulatory molecules; alternatively, tumors downregulate modification of antigen-presenting cells; induce inflammatory reactions that
immune recognition, induce tolerance, and inhibit the immune activate antigen presentation; transfer of genes blocking tumor-secreted
response inhibitors of the immune response
7. The spontaneous behavior of human tumors is somewhat Development of better animal models, including tumor models in
different from that of malignant cells in vitro, and from that of transgenic mice
experimental tumors in animal models
8. Tumors are diagnosed in advanced stages, when billions of Development of amplification vector systems (replicative viral vectors); use
tumor cells exist in the body, frequently widely disseminated of targetable, injectable vectors; genetic immunopotentiation
9. The understanding and treatment of cancer requires the De facto multidisciplinary recruitment of gene therapy researchers
contribution of very diverse fields of basic knowledge,
biotechnology, and medical practice

In the treatment of advanced human malignant tumors, certain basic criteria to be used to deliver therapeutic genes.
several obstacles limit the effectiveness of currently avail- In this regard, the vectors are based upon their fundamental
able therapies preventing definitive cures (Table 42.1). ability to deliver therapeutic nucleic acids into relevant tar-
It is apparent that new chemotherapeutic drugs, higher get cells. Further, the delivered genes must be expressed at
drug doses, cytokines, novel modalities of radiotherapy, an appropriate level and for an adequately prolonged period
and more ambitious and sophisticated surgeries can of time. Finally, the delivery and expression of the thera-
achieve incremental improvements in cancer treatment. peutic genes must not be deleterious to the surrounding
But these therapies do not address critical biological normal tissue, nor to the individual as a whole [6, 7]. In
obstacles, and thus will not bring the much-needed practice, two general approaches have been employed to
essential radical advances in the implementation and meet these gene vector criteria: an ex vivo approach and an
success of cancer treatments. Gene therapy, in contrast, in vivo approach. In the former method, target cells are
offers an ability to overcome many of these fundamental removed from the host and transduced with the genetic vec-
barriers (Table 42.1). tor extracorporally, followed by reinjection or implanta-
tion. Though this approach has allowed reasonably
efficacious transduction of target cells and has also allowed
42.3 Gene Therapy Vectors characterization of modified cells, the number and types of
parenchymal cells that can be modified in this manner are
Different vectors (both viral and nonviral) are employed quite limited. An alternate approach to achieve therapeutic
for gene therapy. The six most frequently used viral vectors gene delivery has been the in vivo administration of vectors
include those derived from adenovirus, retrovirus, poxvi- into target parenchymal cells directly in their natural loca-
rus, adeno-associated virus, herpes simplex virus and lenti- tion. In this regard, both viral and nonviral vectors of
virus while the nonviral approaches includes calcium based diverse types have been employed to achieve in situ trans-
molecular compounds, lipofection, and direct injection of duction of relevant target endodermal, ectodermal, and
naked DNA or RNA (Table 42.2). These vectors must meet mesenchymal-derived cells (Table 42.2).
42 Gene Therapy in the Treatment of Human Cancer 813

Table 42.2 Gene transfer systems used clinically against cancera

Type Vector system Duration of expression Distinguishing features
Nonviral Liposomes Transient Repetitive and safe administration feasible, inefficient
gene delivery, transient expression
Naked DNA or RNA (injection, gene Transient Easy preparation, inefficient gene delivery, transient
gun, electroporation) expression
Molecular conjugates Transient Flexible design, inefficient gene delivery, transient
expression, unstable in vivo
Viral Retrovirus Prolonged Integrates into the chromosome of dividing cells,
unstable in vivo
Adenovirus Transient Highly efficient in vivo, production in high titer,
tropism can be modified, induces potent inflammation
and immunity, replicative vectors available
Poxvirus (vaccinia) Transient Extensive clinical experience with parent virus, large
insert capacity, induces potent inflammation and
Adeno-associated virus Prolonged Nonpathogenic, low insert capacity, difficult to scale up
Herpes simplex virus Transient Highly efficient in vivo, large insert capacity, cytotoxic,
replicative vectors available
Chimeric vectors (e.g., Ad/Retro) Prolonged Combine features of component genetic vectors
Lentivirus Prolonged Integrates into the chromosome of both dividing and
nondividing cells, well-characterized production system
not yet established
Registered at Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC), Office of Biotechnology activities at NIH (

Newcastle disease virus), or nonpathogenic in humans (e.g.,

42.4 Gene Therapy Strategies reovirus), so they replicate selectively in tumor cells, but do
not harm normal tissues [8, 9]. Importantly, each of these
A number of strategies have been developed to accomplish strategies has been rapidly translated into human gene
cancer gene therapy. Broadly, these approaches include (1) therapy clinical trials (Table 42.3).
mutation compensation, (2) molecular chemotherapy, (3) In general, a common finding in many of these studies,
genetic immunopotentiation, and (4) virus-mediated including many clinical trials, has been the disparity noted
oncolysis. Briefly, for mutation compensation, gene therapy between the in vitro and in vivo gene transfer efficiencies of
techniques are designed to correct the molecular lesions that these vector systems, and the suboptimal tumor transduction
are etiologic of malignant transformation, or to avoid the that presently available vector systems can achieve. In
contribution by tumor-supporting normal cells. For molecular addition, the promiscuous tropism of current vectors may
chemotherapy, methods have been developed to achieve potentially allow for genetic modification of a number of
selective delivery or expression of a toxin gene in cancer or normal non-transformed cells besides target cells.
tumor stromal cells to induce their eradication. Also, attempts Furthermore, this non-selective gene transfer impedes the
have been made to deliver genetic sequences that protect administration of vectors to tumor cells by the systemic
normal bone marrow cells from the toxic effects of standard route. Thus, important limitations of current approaches
chemotherapeutic drugs, thus allowing the administration of used for implementation of gene therapy for cancer have
higher drug doses without reaching otherwise limiting been noted. Although many potentially effective strategies
myelosuppression. Genetic immunopotentiation strategies exist to affect the molecular treatment of cancer, gene
attempt to achieve active immunization against tumor- delivery issues currently limit the definitive evaluation of
associated antigens by gene transfer methodologies. Both these methods.
tumor cells and cellular components of the immune system In this regard, we examine the lessons learned from the
have been genetically modified to this end. Viral mediated results of the early attempts to apply gene therapy in human
oncolysis is a relatively new therapeutic strategy in the treat- cancer. This will show both the rationale of gene therapy and
ment of cancer involving conditionally replicating viral vec- the problems encountered in its development. We emphasize
tors. As their name implies, these viruses conditionally in our discussion the general biological concepts of each
replicate uniquely in tumor cells, thereby exhibiting therapeutic strategy, and suggest comprehensive reviews for
oncolysis by direct cytopathic effects. These viral vectors are readers interested in detailed discussions. Finally, we
either genetically engineered (e.g., Herpes simplex virus illustrate prospects for overcoming the obstacles to gene
type 1 or HSV-1, adenovirus), naturally attenuated (e.g., therapy by novel methods that are currently being refined.
814 A.C. Annan et al.

Table 42.3 Clinical trials of gene therapy for the treatment of cancer
Strategy Clinical trialsa Molecular mechanism of anticancer effect
Mutation compensation 11 Inhibition of expression of dominant oncogenes, Augmentation of deficient
tumor-suppressor genes, single chain antibodies, antisense, dominant negative
Molecular chemotherapy 6 Pro-drug/HSV-TK and ganciclovir, chemoprotection of normal tissues during
high-dose chemotherapy, radiotherapy
Genetic immunopotentiation 48 In vitro transduction—augmentation of tropism or cell killing capacity of tumor-
infiltrating lymphocytes; genetic modification of irradiated tumor cells
50 In vivo transduction—administration of costimulatory molecules or cytokines;
immunization with virus encoding tumor-associated antigens
Viral-mediated oncolysis 14 Tumor cell lysis by viral vector replication
“Active” Clinical Trials registered at Recombinant DNA program, Office of Biotechnology activities at NIH in February 2011. (http://oba.od.nih.

replacement of the deficient function with its wild-type

42.5 Mutation Compensation counterpart gene [10]. Many of the TSGs have been shown
to induce apoptosis or cell cycle arrest in cancer cells. Among
Gene therapy techniques based on mutation compensation these are p53 [11], RB (Retinoblastoma) [11, 12], p16INK4a,
are designed to rectify either the molecular lesions in the [13, 14], PTEN (Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog) [15],
cancer cell, the etiology of malignant transformation or the mda7/IL-24 (melanoma differentiation associated gene-7/
associated changes in stromal cells that support cancer IL-24New) [16–21], BRCA1 (Breast Cancer 1 gene) [22],
progression. The genetic lesions in cancer cells that are BRCA2 (Breast Cancer 2 gene) [23], APC (Adenomatosis
linked to the pathogenesis of the malignancy may be thought Polyposis Coli gene) and OPCML (Opiod binding Protein/
of as a critical compilation of two general types; loss of cell-adhesion molecule like) [24] genes, many of which are
expression of tumor suppressor genes (TSG) or aberrant being targeted by gene therapy approaches (Table 42.4). Of
expression of dominant oncogenes [3, 4]. In addition, contri- these TSGs, p53, RB1, BRCA1, and p16 INK4a have advanced
bution of other associated genes to either the individual can- to being administered in clinical trials as replacements for
cer cell or its local microenvironment are critical during their mutated counterparts. mda-7/IL-24 represents a novel
neoplastic progression. Angiogenesis, cellular motility, TSG that is not mutated in cancers, but when reintroduced
invasion, and metastasis are some examples of such into cancers of diverse origin induces programmed cell death
phenotypic processes modulated by these associated genes. (apoptosis) [16]. Additional attributes of mda-7/IL-24 that
A knowledge of the major role that growth factors, signaling bode well for its therapeutic applications as a gene therapy
molecules, cell cycle regulators, and determinant factors of for cancer include its ability to inhibit tumor blood vessel
key steps along the metastatic cascade play, have positive formation (angiogenesis), promote killing of distant tumor
implications for gene therapy, and therapeutic approaches cells (a bystander anti-tumor effect), induce anti-tumor
have been proposed to achieve correction of each of these immune responses and synergize with other conventional
processes (Table 42.4). modes of therapy (including chemotherapy, radiation and
monoclonal antibodies) [16, 25]. Moreover, many of these
properties have been persevered following intratumoral
42.5.1 Replacement of Tumor Suppressor injection of a replication incompetent adenovirus expressing
Genes mda-7/IL-24 (Ad.mda-7; INGN 241) in advanced cancers
including melanoma [26–29]. These studies confirmed that
Mutations of more than two dozen TSGs have been described mda-7/IL-24 is safe and documented significant clinical anti-
in numerous cancers. Their functions are diverse and include tumor activity.
maintaining cellular structure and signaling of intercellular Mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene are observed
junctions and receptors (APC, DCC, DPC4, NF1), in more than half of all malignancies [30]. Correction of such
components that regulate the transcription apparatus (p53, mutations may be particularly relevant due to the central role
VHL, RB1, WT1), and DNA mismatch (hML1, hMHS2, played by p53 as guardian of the genome and regulator of
hPSM1, hPMS2) or excision (XPA, XPB, XPC, XPD, XPG) apoptosis [31]. An additional antiangiogenic [32, 33] mecha-
repair. Thus, the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes con- nism of action of p53 has also been suggested. In this regard,
tributes to the neoplastic phenotype by abrogating critical p53 has been the most frequently studied tumor suppressor
cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair mechanisms. To gene [34] and is widely used in different gene therapy clini-
approach this loss of function, a logical intervention is cal trials. Replacement of the mutated p53 with its wild-type
42 Gene Therapy in the Treatment of Human Cancer 815

Table 42.4 Mutations compensation strategies used clinically

Targeta Strategy Vector Tumor type
p53b Replacement of tumor suppressor Adenovirus Varied cancer
RBb (retinoblastoma) Replacement of tumor suppressor Adenovirus Bladder cancer
BRCA-1b Replacement of tumor suppressor Retrovirus Ovarian cancer
Insulin-like growth factor 1b Blockade by antisense Cationic liposome complex Glioblastomas
k-rasb Blockade by antisense Retrovirus Non-small cell lung cancer
c-mycb Blockade by antisense Retrovirus Breast and prostate cancers
TGFβb Blockade by antisense Plasmid and electroporation Glioblastoma
Bcl-2a Blockade by antisense Cationic liposome complex Varied cancer
Clusterina Blockade by antisense Cationic liposome complex Prostate cancer
Telomerasea Blockade by antisense Cationic liposome complex Varied cancer
erBb-2b scFv Adenovirus Ovarian cancer
scFv single-chain intracellular antibody
From [351]
Registered at Recombinant DNA program, Office of Biotechnology activities at NIH (

counterpart allows phenotypic correction (usually with sub- cations of tumor regression either alone or in combination
sequent apoptosis) both in vitro and in vivo in a variety of with chemotherapy/radiotherapy.
tumors. In particular, several authors have shown, in murine Replacement of RB1 and BRCA1, and forced expression of
models employing human cancer xenografts, that intratu- mda-7/IL-24 have shown similar preclinical experimental
moral delivery of the wild-type p53 gene via recombinant results, and are also currently undergoing clinical testing.
viruses can prolong survival by inducing apoptosis in the Attempts to restore wild-type RB have been described in
tumor cell population [35]. Importantly, nontransformed prostate, retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, breast, bladder, and
cells can tolerate exogenous administration of p53, thereby non-small cell lung cancers [44]. Of note, and perhaps not sur-
providing an optimal therapeutic index for this intervention. prisingly, some RB-deficient tumors have shown persistent
It should be emphasized that restoration of wild-type p53 tumorigenicity and proliferation after successful restoration and
expression in cells with a mutant or deleted gene has been expression of wild-type RB, a phenomenon referred to as tumor
shown to be sufficient to cause apoptosis or growth arrest, suppressor resistance [45]. Thus, restoration of the RB tumor
despite the presence of multiple additional genetic abnor- suppressor gene in certain tumors may not effect complete
malities in the tumor cell. This fact has established the ratio- reversion of the malignant phenotype. BRCA1 is only occasion-
nale for human clinical gene therapy trials designed to ally affected in spontaneous tumors, and its function has not
achieve mutation compensation through restoration of p53 in been completely characterized. Its clinical use has, therefore,
several cancers. In a pioneering study, Roth et al adminis- been somewhat controversial [46]. In contrast, mda-7/IL-24
tered intratumoral injections of a p53-encoding retrovirus to provoked apoptosis in human tumors with multiple genetic
patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) [36]. defects, including wild type, mutant or null for p53 and/or muta-
One-third of patients in this group had tumor regression, tions in RB1 and Ink4a, and in patients that had received prior
while another third had stabilization; none presented high therapies (including radiation, chemotherapy and/or immuno-
grade toxicity directly related to the treatment, thereby dem- therapy) and presumably contain multiple mutations.
onstrating the safety and feasibility of this gene therapy
approach [37, 38]. In another trial involving 19 patients with
chemoradiation resistant NSCLC, recombinant adenovirus 42.5.2 Repression of Dominant Oncogenes
was used to deliver the p53 transgene; 63 % of these patients
had no residual viable tumor by biopsy. Stated radiologi- In addition to mutations and epigenetic mechanisms that
cally, 58 % showed partial response and 5 % showed com- cause the loss of normal tumor suppressor functions, most
plete response to treatment as evaluated by Computed tumors exhibit dysregulated oncogenes. For dominant
Tomography (CT) and bronchoscopy [39]. Various Phase I oncogenes, it is the aberrant expression of the corresponding
and II clinical trials for carcinoma of the breast [40], esopha- gene product that elicits the associated neoplastic
gus [41], colorectum [42], and several other sites [43], have transformation. In this context, molecular therapeutic inter-
also shown similar clinical feasibility, low toxicity, and indi- vention is designed to ablate expression of the dominant
816 A.C. Annan et al.

oncogene. Inhibition of oncogenic function has been

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