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The Plot of a Short Story The Last Leaf:

A Pragmatic Analysis




Literature is a study that can be obtained from the nature not only from a school
but also from informal education. It can be gotten from our heart and our creative mind, it
can be gotten anywhere. When a man reads the storywith his feeling, he will know know
about what the author means and he will learn the plot structure, the setting, the massage,
and the other elements of the story that he has read. By studying literature, it can make
someone know the other way of life yhat the author means in the story. Someone can
express his feeling by writing story, poem, or script for act. Literature can make the
person express what he feels freely.
There are many types of literature. Poetry is language that arranged in lines, with
a regular rhythm and often with a definite rhyme scheme. Drama is a story to be
performed by actors on stage or before movie or TV cameras. Novel is a book-length
fictional prose narrative. Short story is a brief work of fiction, usually written in prose
and ruining 1,600 to 20,000 words in length. The literary roots of the short storycan be
found in oral storytelling traditions, such as anecdotes, fables, fairy tales, and parables.
Short story has instrinsic elements like novel, and they are: plot, theme, setting,
point of view, character and characterization, and symbol. Since short story is shorter
than novels, then the author must compress the intrinsic elements of story and choose
each word with great care. Short story is one of another popular and familiar of literary
work and literary forms. One of the short stories that is familiar and a lot to read is O.
Henry’s short stories. This study is directed to find plot, setting, and the message
delivered in this short stories. Short story is a fictional prose narrative and short stories
tend to be more concise and to the point than longer works of fiction such as novel. Short
story tends to be less complex than novels. On Webster,s New World Dictionary Third
College Edition (1214) short story is a piece of prose fiction and shorter then novel or
novelette, and the characteristically of short story is developing a single central theme
and limited in scope and numver of characters. Therefore, short story used plot a reader
should be able understand the story and the message of short story.
Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows a casual
arrangement of events that makes the story hang together. Plot can also be referred to as
the structure of a short story. Structure concerns how the story is told.

2.1.The Last Leaf by O. Henry
‘The Last Leaf’, a marvelous story by O. Henry, depicts the treasury of life and the
inevitability of faith to tackle the hindrances we battle through our life. The value of the
life is the cynosure of the story where all things go back and revolve around it. The
sequence of events is smoothly carved in with the supporting details. The story starts with
a whimsical setting called the ‘places’ and the description of the present situation of
Johnsy, the main character. The melodramatic and picturesque setting of the story
connects to the negative status of Johnsy facing life and death subject matter. The setting
also helps to describe the resources at hand to ‘combat’ the pneumonia mentioned later in
the story because they are in a small district where they find themselves unable to treat it
effectively with traditional methods.
The story begins as Johnsy, a young girl victimized by pneumonia, lies in bed waiting
for the last leaf of an ivy vine on the brick wall she spies through her window, to fall. She
watches each leaf fall. She is very pessimistic about her health and says that with the fall
of the last leaf, she will die. Mr. Behrman, an old man considers himself as a frustrated
but magnificent painter who is just waiting for the right opportunity to create his first
masterpiece. He daubs the last leaf on the wall after the real one falls. At the end, he is
able to finish his masterpiece, a real one not because it is fabulous but it serves as a tree
of hope for Johnsy to fight against what many believe as an unbeatable illness. Then he
catches pneumonia and dies.
‘The Last Leaf’ is the true depiction of O. Henry’s writing traits: skillful plot and
twist ending. As the story moves on, the reader cannot expect such a heroic act from Mr.
Behrman who sacrifices his life and makes a special appearance in the end to show the
sacrificial masterpiece. The leaf becomes his masterpiece because he paints it with the
passion to save a life, the courage and determination to make an art not to prove himself
but to help others prove that life is something to enjoy and fight for.
The action of Mr. Behrman appears to be chivalric in nature, thus, forming the major
theme of the story: theme of the sincere friendship and the selfless sacrifice. He risks his
life for Johnsy. He sacrifices his life so that she may not die of pessimism and
disbelief. Sue, friend of Johnsy, becomes the representation of sincere friendship. She
always stays home and does whatever she can to keep very good care of Johnsy.
Imagery employed in “The Last Leaf” whether it is sight imagery or sound imagery
go hand in go with the theme of death and dying. It helps to set the mood, and tone of the
story that assists in imposing the author’s theme and motive upon the reader. An example
of sight imagery is how Johnsy seems to feel about the ivy vine outside her window, she
feels as though the leaves on the vine are her clock to death. The sound and touch
imagery is revealed when Johnsy and Sue both describe the howling wind outside as
“beating rain and fierce gusts of wind that had endured through the livelong night, there
yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf.” The images such as ‘a bare, dreary
yard’ and ‘a persistent, cold rain’ enhance the effect of something unwelcoming in the
O. Henry in his artistic and unique style of writing brings home the idea how a
person, no matter, how hopeless he/she is, can become a symbol of hope and courage to
others. Hence, ‘The Last Leaf’, the story of passion, hope and personal sacrifice,
inculcates the spirit of selfless sacrifice and optimism in its readers.

Data are a piece of descriptive information which refers to, or represents
condition, ideas or objects that exist in a variety of forms. Bungin (2001: 123) stated that
data is material information about the object of the research. Meanwhile, data source are
classified into three kinds, including: person, place and paper.
The data of this study is the plot of a short stories written by O. Henry.
Meanwhile, the source of all data are taken from short story with title The Last Leaf. All
of data source taken from the O. Henry’s short stories.
There are three hundred and eighty kinds of O. Henry’s short stories but the writer
analyze one short story of O. Henry’s short stories because the writer thought that The
Last Leaf is the most interesting story of all O. Henry’s short story.
In doing the analysis, the method that the writer used in collecting information
dealing with The Last Leaf by O. Henry is documentary method. Documentary method is
searching a data about things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, book,
magazine, meeting notes, agenda, etc.


A. Plot Diagram of Short Story “The Last Leaf”

1. Plot
Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story, or
the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a
sequence. The structure of a story depends on the organization of events in the
plot of the story.
Plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story, around which the
characters and settings are built. It is meant to organize information and events in
a logical manner. When writing the plot of a piece of literature, the author has to
be careful that it does not dominate the other parts of the story.
1.1.Primary Elements of a Plot
There are five main elements in a plot:
a. Exposition or Introduction
Every book, short story or movie has beginning. This is called the
exposition. Exposition in a story refers to the provision of essential
information which provides background to the events about to unfold. It
informs the reader about the setting, condition, circumtances and some
background to the characters in the story. Without such context, the story may
seem meaningless. Exposition is a part where the characters and setting are
presented. The main problem is also introduce.
In the exposition of “The Last Leaf,” the writer informs us that Sue and
Johnsy were two artists who shared a studio in an art colony in Greenwich
Village and that the community was under attact by a disease, pneumonia,
which during a very cold winter killed a large number of residents in the area.
It also informs us that Johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely
Quote in The Last Leaf story:
Greenwich village is an old town where people enthralled by paintings and
art came. At the topmost floor of an squeaky three-story building lived Sue
and Johnsy (nickname for Joanna). They met at a restaurant where they found
out that they share the same interests when it comes to art and food.

b. Rising Action
Rising action which occure when a series of events build up to the
conflict. The main characters are estabsished by the time the rising action of a
plot occurs, and the same time, events begin to get complicated. It is during
this of a story that excitement, tension, or crisis is encountered.

Quote in The Last Leaf story:

Six months after Sue and Johnsy started with their joint studio, Johnsy was
sick with pneumonia, like others in their town. She had very little chance to
live, and Sue was saddened. Johnsy said that if the last leaf on the Ivy vine
fell, she would pass away. Sue went on to do an art piece, while she requested
Johnsy not to look at what she was painting. She preceded and called
Behrmen, Behrmen was an old guy, but after hearing Johnsy's plan, he was
upset. He went on to go to the duo's room, and did something with the thought
of Sue.

The rising action is the introduction of the main problem or conflict.

Quote in The Last Leaf story:
Sue tells Mr. Behrman about Johnsy and how when the last leaf falls she will
die. Mr. Behrman thinks this is ridiculous too.

The main problem or conflict is dealt by action. In this part of the story, the
main character is in crisis.
Quote in The Last Leaf story:
Everyday Johnsy keeps her eyes out to the window, watching as each leaf
falls. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6....” she counts.

In this part of the story, the main character prepares for the battle/problem and
takes a step up, closer to the climax/the high point.
Quote in The Last Leaf story:
One day a huge strong storm came that night. Sue told Johnsy not to look out
the window, whereas there was only one last leaf left.

c. Climax
In the climax, or the main point of the plot, there is a turning point of the
story. This is meant to be the moment of highest interest and emotion, leaving
the reader wondering what is going to happen next.
The climax point (or the higest pont) is the part where the character
faces pain and disgrace. It is like a roller coaster. At this point, the readers feel
nervous to go down that steep hill. In this spot, it will seem as if the main
character could die, get injured or will never win.
At this point, the last leaf did fall after the huge and strong storm. Johnsy
doesn't want to try to get better so when the last leaf falls off the ivy vine she
says that she will go with it. Sue goes to talk to Mr. Behrman about posing for
her drawing.
The climax in this story occurs when there is only one leaf left on the
vine. The climatic expectation is that once this leaf has fallen, Johnsy will die.
Johnsy will survives, however, because when she looks out of her window she
notices the leaf still clinging to the vine and this inspires her to live.

Quote in The Last Leaf story:

- After the sun rose, Johnsy saw the ivy vine and no leaf fell. She was
shocked, and watched the leaf for a very one time. Finally, Johnsy realized
that she had been a bad girl because of that thought. She finally ate food
after not eating because she thought that she would pass away already.
- Johnsy doesn't want to try to get better so when the last leaf falls off the
ivy vine she says that she will go with it. Sue goes to talk to Mr. Behrman
about posing for her drawing.
- Johnsy learnt a lesson from the last leaf that it is sin to want to die.

d. Falling Action
Falling action, or the winding up of the story, occurs when events and
complicatios begin to resolve. The result of the actions of the main characters
are put forward.

Quote in The Last Leaf story:

The doctor arrived at their art studio. He said that Johnsy's condition is
improving at a very good rate. However, the doctor said that Behrman is also
having difficulty because of pneumonia. He went on to Behrman's studio and
tried to treat him. The next day, the doctor came once again and said to Sue :
"She's out of danger. You won. Nutrition and care now -- that's all."

In this part, the story begins to slow down. This part shows the time where the
main character (or any character) choose the right decision.
Quote in The Last Leaf story:
Luckily, Johnsy was asleep when the leaf fell last night. When she woke up,
she saw that a leaf was still there.

This decision could mean that the main character is creating a plan to save
himself, or teamwork.
Quote in The Last Leaf story:
As days passed, the leaf that Johnsy saw was still there. Winds blew, more
storms came in, but the leaf was quietly placed.
Eventually, all this decision making process leads to the resolution.
Quote in The Last Leaf story:
Johnsy is surprised, thinking on why the leaf did not fall off yet. The doctor
came in and treated her. For the whole day she recoverd over the sickness.

e. Resolution
Resolution, or the conclusion, is the end of a story, which may occur
with either a happy or a tragic ending. The resolution in a story generally
refers to apoint when a conflict is resolve and the story comes to an equtable
and satisfying end ( a happy or sad ending). In this story, the resolution is
achieved when Johnsy is fully recovered and learns of Mr. Behrman’s
unselfish secrifice—he had finally painted his masterpiece and saved her life,
but tragically lost his own in the process.

Quote in The Last Leaf story:

- Before the doctor goes he talks to Sue for a while. Sue looked shocked.
Johnsy asked what happened and Sue said “Mr. Behrman had a severe
case of pneumonia. A janitor had found him with pain, and his clothes
were icy cold. The janitor did not know where he was during that stormy
night, but saw a ladder, some brushes and paint that was green and
yellow. Look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn’t
you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Ah,
darling, it’s Behrman’s masterpiece—he painted it there the night that the
last leaf fell.”
- While Sue was talking to Johnsy, they went on and talked about Behrman.
He died at the hospital ago, despite being ill in a measly two days. The
janitor found him in a bad condition, mainly because his clothing were
wet and icy cold. They found a lantern beside him, together with
equipment for painting. Sue instructed her to look at the window, and ask
her why she thinks that the last leaf never fell. It never fell because it was
Behrman's masterpiece, and he painted it the night the last leaf fell.

2. Message of “The Last Leaf”

The message that comes through the most powerfully for me is that you
should not judge people by their outward appearances or social persona. In the
story, the most gruff character, Behrman, “was a fierce little old man, who scoffed
terribly at softness in any one.” And yet it is Behrman that takes the very
“soft”,compassionate step of painting the leaf, which in essence, saves Johnsy’s
life. In a way, he sacrifices his own to save her. So we should not judge by what
image they promote, but instead by their actions, because it is, in the end, actions
that truly make an impact.


Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story, or the main part of
a story. There are five main elements in a plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action,
and resolution. Exposition in a story refers to the provision of essential information which
provides background to the events about to unfold. Rising action which occure when a series of
events build up to the conflict. In the climax, or the main point of the plot, there is a turning point
of the story. This is meant to be the moment of highest interest and emotion, leaving the reader
wondering what is going to happen next. Falling action, or the winding up of the story, occurs
when events and complicatios begin to resolve. The result of the actions of the main characters
are put forward. The last, resolution, or the conclusion, is the end of a story, which may occur
with either a happy or a tragic ending.


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