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= Please TYPE (including comments) DIRECTLY onto this form. PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE: Final Report Administrator: Ms. Ingeborg Pot x Intern Teacher: Ms. Karley Regehr ety ten ee Administrator Comments: IKarley Regehr was a PS Ill student teachr atthe Stiring School from August 29th ~ December 21th, 2078. Stirling School is a K-12 school in a ural southem Alberta gating. Due to the fact thet we are a small school, student teachers that come Itirough cur doors have a wide range of growing opportunities. Karloy’ s teaching assignment consisted of English 10, Language Arts 8, co-teaching a junior high option and one class period a week with a Language Aris 7 class. She also covered a varety of classes for teachers when they were in meetings. (Ono of many of Ms. Regehr’ s strengths was her ability to organize herself on paper and inthe classroom, Her growth plan |was detailed and submited early. Her PIP project grew out of a need within our Drop Everything And lead period, where she. Irecognized that we had a number of reluctant readers. She surveyed students and found high interest books for them. She |provided them with dtferent reading strategies to help them successfully through their Books. The website she created was filed with research-based materials thal she vil continue to add to and leave behind for our teachers to utlize, |A venture that Ms. Regehr experienced while at our school was ‘Flex Fridays’ . Because of our choc! size, option classes lare limited. To allovate this, wo instituted Flox Fridays for our junior and senior high school students, Karley fered physical lactivities as one of her Fridays and creative witing classes for her second Friday. Both were well tended and enjoyed by all |who signed up. Karley worked hard on classroom management. She treated students faly and expacted them to be the best that they could be. She grew in her ski throughout her internship and became comfortable wit a variety of ciscipine strategies. |karley was involved in various duties including lunch hour supervision. Ms. Regehr was one ofthe main organizers for the [Terry Fox assembly and run, She interacted well with students and staf ofthe Stiting School \karley’ s contribution to our school was professional and positve. She has worked hard over the past four monits during Iherintership and | would not hesitato recommending her for a toaching position. Good luck Ms. Rogehr. “Aaiipisirator Signature Dato This pago Is to bo Feturned to tho UC to be included in the PS Il Final Report bog h a Pee: Deromber 5, 2016 U of LPS Il Final Repor: (Revised January 2018) Page 5 of 5 7 Please TYPE (ning sonora) DIRECTLY onto this fom. zi Lallridge PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE: Final Report | Teacher Mentor: Morgan Schautele inbernileasheri-t-Kevley Regetace si -efr eer cee eer cere -er cect -ereeeeeereee eerie Teacher Mentor Comments: | worked closely with Karley Regehr during her internship at String School. Throughout this four-month period, Karley Consistently worked to develop and refine her instructional practice, She accepted feedback gracefully and pushed herself to. take risks and try new approaches in the classroom, Early on in her internship, Karley identified classroom cuiture and management as ¢ component of her practice that she wanted to develop. n the ensuing weeks, l watched as Karley made efforts to form positive relationships with her students ~ both inside and outside of her classes - and worked to establish a safe, caring, and productive classroom environment. She has experimented with various cooperative learning strategies and found a nice balance between encouraging classroom ‘discussion, and preserving time for quiet thiking, writing, and reflection. | encourage Karly to continue bulding meaningful relationships with her students, through co- and extracurricular opportunites, for such work often also contributes toa positive Classroom atmosphae. \ith regard to planning and assessment, Karley has also grown considerably. | Know it was her abilly to critically reflect on the relative cuccess of her lessons that allowed Karley to steadily improve her instruction, As the semester progressed, Karley and | had various conversations about her sludents’ wring and how she might encourege growth through tmely and targeted feedback. Ihave been impressed with the qualty, timeliness, and regularity of her written feedback, largely through the Google Classroom platform. | am encouraged by the work Karley has done with her Personal Inquiy Project, or PIP, She noted a need within aur school to Werk with reluctant readers curing our daly DEAR period. Consequently, Karey began researching literacy intervention srategies, as well as conducting one-on-one interviews with students in an effort to gauge their interests and potential struggles. Literacy instruction and intervention is a complex subject, and one that many teachers in our schoo! are sill seeking te better understand. I very much appreciate that Karley chase to focus her PIP on a topic so relevant and important to the Staff and students in our schoo), Karley's calm and professional demeanor in the classroom helped her work with students in a measured and constructive way. | appreciate the professional conversations we've had about teaching English as well as about Karloy’s role 2s 2 developing educator within our school __ Ppecerabn S™ 2018 Me cher Mentor Signature ate This page Is to be returned to the UC to be included in the PS Ill Final Report. UofL:PS Il Final Report (Reveee: January 2018) Page 4 ofS * Please TYPE (including comments) DIRECTLY onto this form. Lothridge PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE: Final Report G University Consulta 1 Intern Teacher: University Consultant Comments: iKarley had a successful PS III practicum. She excelled in her duties as an Intern Teacher. Karley Kisplayed a high level of professional excellence in the classroom. As well, Karley demonstrated a \willingness to support the school’s extra-curricular activities involving the organizing of the Terry Fox jrun and the planning for the Jr. High options and Flex Fridays. [The one area that stands out to me regarding Karley in the classroom is her enthusiasm for English. It jwas very evident to me through her verbal and non-verbal communication that she has a definite “love” x this discipline. I shared that I wish I had Karley during my high school years and how she would jhave made a very positive impact on my English experience. Not only does Kariey exude a love for [English and she was more than willing to share humor in the class which was great to share and be a part f ley’s lesson plans were very well thought out and she was able to integrate resources to further [enhance her lessons such as the use of videos and thought-provoking images. In particular, I observed an| [English class where the students were given a writing prompt. It was really evident how motivated the Istudemts were to address these prompts. A great strategy to continue using as you move forward in the Jassroom Karley. ‘During the lessons, Karley did a great job of accommodating those students who required it. She also imade sure that the students understood the terminology being used during the lessons. Karley also did a |good job of using a variety of instructional strategies in the classroom which further enhance the learning| lexperience for the students. Another strategy that Karley was able to incorporate into her lessons were the one-on-one meetings with the students. This was a great strategy to incorporate which provided the tudents with the much-needed individual consultation which would enhance their learning experience. |Karley was able to maintain good classroom management and she was not hesitant to address the class as| shole when there was a need to do so. It is one of those events that junior high students need from time time, The session I observed was delivered very effectively which from my observation, clearly made impact that was needed. s my successive observations were made, I was able to see great progress in the area of classroom agement. Karley was presented with some very challenging classes and over the course of the racticum, I could see Karley trying different strategies to maintain the classroom management which ved effective. Ihave sead the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grad PASS Ee 2) 6S 20) University CBFsutant Signature Date Uof L:PS Il Final Report: (Revise: Apr 2018) Page 201 5

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