Usefulness of Stream Order To Detect Stream Sediment Geochemical Anomalies

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Usefulness of stream order to detect stream sediment geochemical

Emmanuel John M. Carranza
Department of Earth Systems Analysis, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC),
Hengelosestraat 99, PO Box 6, 7500AA Enschede, The Netherlands (e-mail:

ABSTRACT: Unlike drainage basin area, stream order has not been quantitatively
integrated in analysis of stream sediment geochemical data. It is hypothesized here
that stream order is a useful surrogate for drainage basin area in ‘correcting’ for
sediment dilution in order to detect stream sediment geochemical anomalies.
Geochemical residuals, derived from catchment-based background corrections, are
multiplied with respective sample site stream order to obtain stream-order-
‘corrected’ residuals, which are compared and contrasted with corresponding values
of productivity of a drainage basin. The validity of the hypothesis is tested and
demonstrated in a drainage basin in the Aroroy gold district in the Philippines. There
are strong and statistically significant correlations between stream-order-‘corrected’
residuals and values of productivity. Anomalous areas based on uni-element
stream-order-‘corrected’ residuals are spatially identical or strongly spatially similar to
anomalous areas based on uni-element values of productivity. Multi-element
associations extracted from stream-order-‘corrected’ residuals are identical or highly
similar to multi-element geochemical associations that can be extracted from values
of productivity. The results of the study demonstrate that routine calculations of
stream-order-‘corrected’ residuals would be particularly useful for interpretation of
reconnaissance stream sediment geochemical data derived by sampling low-order
KEYWORDS: anomaly recognition, productivity, stream order, map correlation, GIS

Stream sediment sampling is a well established geochemical tool due to mixing of sediments from various sources. Note that
for mineral exploration. It relies on the principle that stream Equation 1 can be rearranged as
sediments are representative of all materials in a catchment
basin. The element contents (Cm) of a stream sediment sample AaCa = Am(Cm  Cb) + AaCb. (2)
representing a catchment basin with area Am can thus be
modelled by the relation (Hawkes 1976):

AmCm = AaCa + (Am  Aa)Cb (1)

where Ca is element content due to an anomalous source with
exposed area Aa, Cb is element content due to background
sources with surface area AmAa. Hence, stream sediments
associated with a catchment basin containing exposed
mineralization would have higher concentrations of elements
(related to deposits) as compared to stream sediments
associated with non-mineralized catchment basins. The ultimate
goal of a stream sediment geochemical survey is thus to
distinguish anomalous catchment basins from background
catchment basins.
To distinguish between catchment basins that are back-
ground or anomalous, it is essential to determine and remove
from geochemical data background concentrations due to
factors unrelated to mineralization. Subtraction of background
element contents from measured element contents results in
residuals (i.e. CmCb), which when positive could be con-
sidered as enrichment due to anomalous sources. The magni-
tude of geochemical residuals, however, is controlled by dilution Fig. 1. Location of study area.

Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Vol. 4 2004, pp. 341–352 1467-7873/04/$15.00  2004 AEG/ Geological Society of London
342 E.J.M. Carranza

Fig. 2. Aroroy gold district, Masbate,

Philippines: (a) simplified geological
map (curvi-linear features are
faults/fractures); (b) stream sediment
sample locations (small open diamonds)
and sample catchment polygons
overlaid on a shaded-relief digital
elevation model. The test drainage basin
(shown in Figs. 4 to 8) is represented
by streams in thick black lines and by
sample catchment polygons with thick
white boundaries.

Table 1. Elementary statistics of measured and loge-transformed geochemical data (ppm).

Measured data Loge-transformed data

Element Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Std. dev. Skewness Geometric mean Std. dev. Skewness
Cu 8 200 63.8 37.6 1.16 53.5 1.9 0.42
Pb 5 65 6.5 5.9 7.5 5.7 1.5 3.26
Zn 13 230 56.9 32.4 2.1 49.6 1.7 0.03
Ni 3 42 12.6 6.8 1.04 10.7 1.8 0.46
Co 3 42 17.3 7.3 0.56 15.7 1.6 0.67
Mn 260 1800 769.1 344.9 0.69 696.4 1.6 0.02
Mo 1 12 1.4 1.3 5.44 1.2 1.6 3.2
As 0.25 82.0 3.0 4.6 10.6 1.4 4.4 0.45

This relation suggests that, to aid in anomaly detection, geo- patterns become intricate, calculation of Am becomes unwieldy.
chemical residuals have to be ‘corrected’ for dilution by The latter problem was encountered by the present
considering drainage basin area Am (Hawkes 1976; Mackenzie author while re-interpreting a geochemical dataset (available in
1977). For example, with assumption of a unit area of exposed JICA-MMAJ 1986) for more than 2200 stream sediment
mineral deposits (i.e. Aa =1 km2) contributing to streams samples representing an area of at least 3000 km2 in Masbate,
sediments, the term Am(CmCb)+Cb (by elimination of Aa in Philippines (Fig. 1). Though not questioning previous interpre-
Equation 2) can be used as an ‘anomaly rating’ (Hawkes 1976; tations of the geochemical data through statistical analyses of
Bonham-Carter & Goodfellow 1984; 1986). Moon (1999) has sub-datasets based on type of lithology at sampling sites, it was
also shown that calculation of the term Am(CmCb), the intended to re-interpret the geochemical data by first applying
‘productivity’ of a drainage basin (Polikarpochkin 1971), and sample catchment-based lithologic background corrections and
representation of maps of values of productivity as catchment then calculating productivity. However, the procedure to
polygons are useful in delineating areas with known anomalous measure Am in order to calculate productivity was not straight-
sources. forward even with the aid of a spreadsheet outside a GIS as the
Routine calculation of productivity, especially with the aid of drainage patterns are intricate and the number of sample
geographic information systems (GIS), would be valuable in catchments is large. This led to a hypothesis that stream order
detecting anomalies particularly because mineralization and, (based on Strahler 1957) at sample sites is a useful surrogate for
therefore, Aa are unknown in most cases. Maps of productivity, Am to detect stream sediment geochemical anomalies. That is,
however, could also produce spurious anomalous areas if there background and anomalous areas based on stream-order-
are drainage basins that are statistically outliers in terms of size ‘corrected’ (SOC) residuals are similar, if not identical, to
(Moon 1999). In addition, for large regions covered with background and anomalous areas based on values of produc-
reconnaissance surveys with sampling densities of 1–10 km2, tivity. The underlying principles behind this hypothesis are that
calculation of Am (to derive productivity) can be cumbersome (a) stream order influences secondary geochemical dispersion,
even with the aid of a GIS. This is because Am is total area and (b) along a downstream direction, stream order varies
upstream of a sample site and not merely the incremental area directly with Am. This paper presents results of testing and
between a sample site and the next sample site(s) upstream. demonstrating the hypothesis in a particular drainage basin in
Hence, as number of samples becomes larger and as drainage Aroroy gold district (Masbate, Philippines).
Stream order in stream sediment geochemical analysis

Fig. 3. Spatial distributions of loge-transformed uni-element data in Aroroy district: (a) Cu; (b) Pb; (c) Zn; (d) Ni; (e) Co; (f) Mn; (g) Mo; (h) As. Sample catchment polygons in thick outlines
belong to test drainage basin.
344 E.J.M. Carranza

Table 2. Summary of results of regression analyses.

% variation due to independent variables (R2)

Contribution of Mn to variability of
Dependent variables Lithology Lithology+Mn data already explained by lithology (%)
Cu 98.1 98.4 0.3
Pb 95.4 95.6 0.2
Zn 98.9 99.4 0.5
As 50.5 60.1 9.6
Mn 99.7 99.8 0.1
Mo 16.5 17.0 0.5
Ni 95.1 95.9 0.8
Co 97.6 98.6 1.0

Fig. 4. Test drainage basin: (a) hierarchy of sample catchment polygons defined by ‘main’ stream (line from 1 to 43) and sub-hierarchies of sample
catchment polygons defined by tributaries of ‘main’ stream (e.g. line from 8 to 20); (b) scheme for calculation of Am based on hierarchy of sample
catchment polygons.

METHODOLOGY and plugs intrude into the volcano-sedimentary series. Dykes of

andesite porphyry are also known to intrude into the Aroroy
Aroroy district and test drainage basin
Diorite. The andesite porphyry intrusions are associated with
Aroroy district lies in the northwestern portion of Masbate low-sulphidation epithermal gold mineralization in the district
Island in the Philippines (Fig. 1). It is bounded by 1223 49
N (Mitchell & Leach 1991). Gold, as observed in at least 13
and 1231 26
N latitudes and 12323 00
E and 12328 33
E mineral occurrences in the district, is associated with sulphide
longitudes. Topographic relief in the district is moderate; minerals (mainly pyrite) in wide-sheeted and manganese-stained
topographic elevations vary from zero to 630 m with an average silicified veins in NW-trending faults/fractures that cut dacitic
of c. 110 m. The district is covered mostly by grasses with and andesitic volcano-clastic rocks.
interspersed shrubs. Annual rainfall in Masbate is least In the district, geochemical data were obtained from 135
1500 mm. stream sediment samples representing a total drainage basin
The oldest rocks in the district are andesitic-dacitic agglom- area of c. 101 km2 equivalent to a sampling density of one
erates belonging to Eocene–Oligocene Mandaon Formation sample per 1–2 km2. Of the different drainage basins sampled,
(Fig. 2a; compiled from Baybayan & Matos (1986) and from it was decided to test the above hypothesis in one drainage
JICA-MMAJ (1986)). These rocks are intruded by dioritic rocks basin of the district, in which 43 stream sediment samples have
(varying from quartz diorite to hornblende diorite) belonging to been collected and in which eight gold occurrences are known
the Miocene Aroroy Diorite. Unconformably overlying the that could serve as control data in recognizing significant
andesitic-dacitic agglomerates and dioritic-granodioritic rocks anomalies (Fig. 2b). The known gold occurrences are found in
are feldspathic wackes belonging to Early Miocene Sambulawan seven sample catchment polygons in the lower western half of
Formation. Andesitic lithic tuffs (Late Miocene–Early Pliocene the test drainage basin and the NW-trending belt of gold
Lanang Formation) disconformably overlie the andesitic-dacitic occurrences does not perfectly coincide with the test drainage
agglomerates and the feldspathic wackes. Andesite porphyry basin (Fig. 2). These observations indicate that the test drainage
(Pliocene Nabongsoran Andesite) in the form of small stocks basin contains anomalous as well as background zones, which
Stream order in stream sediment geochemical analysis 345

Table 3. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between values of productivity and SOC

residuals per element.a

SOC residuals Productivity

Cu Pb Zn Ni Co Mn Mo As
All values
Cu 0.678
Pb 0.979
Zn 0.693
Ni 0.549
Co 0.545
Mn 0.731
Mo 0.990
As 0.897
N 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43

Only positive values

Cu 0.637
Pb 0.993
Zn 0.744
Fig. 5. Graph of stream order versus catchment area of samples Ni 0.193
along ‘main’ stream of test drainage basin. Co 0.563
Mn 0.521
Mo 0.997
would allow proper testing of the above hypothesis. It is not As 0.896
assumed, however, that background zones do not contain N 26 14 23 25 14 25 12 25
undiscovered occurrences because these may be unexposed. a
Coefficients in bold and italics are, depending on number (N) of samples,
Initially, local background was estimated and removed from
statistically significant at 0.99 and 0.95 probability levels, respectively.
geochemical data to derive geochemical residuals. Geochemical Coefficients not in bold or italics are statistically non-significant.
residuals were then ‘corrected’ for dilution using Am (to derive
productivity) and stream order (to derive SOC residuals).
Geochemical anomalies in the test drainage basin, based on
either set of dilution-‘corrected’ residuals, were then compared using a 10 m  10 m pixel size. The choice of pixel size was
and contrasted to test and demonstrate the hypothesis. Finally, dictated by the minimum distance between contour lines used
geochemical anomalies in the Aroroy district are mapped using in creating a digital elevation model (DEM) needed in automatic
SOC residuals. extraction of boundaries of sample catchment polygons.
Digitized sample points were labelled according to sample
number while digitized contour lines were labelled according to
Spatial database generation their elevation. Two sets of drainage lines were digitized.
Sources of spatial data are 1:50 000 scale analogue maps, which Digitized drainage lines in the first set, derived from sample
were digitally scanned and georeferenced to a common coor- location maps (JICA-MMAJ 1986), were labelled according to
dinate system using a UTM projection. Stream sediment sample their stream order. In the second set, digitized drainage lines,
points, drainage lines, elevation contours of 20-m interval, which were labelled according to sample number, are either
boundaries of lithologic units and locations of gold occurrences those appearing on the topographic maps (and corresponding
were the spatial data digitally captured. Spatial data capture and mostly to those appearing on the sample location maps) or
subsequent spatial analyses were carried out using ILWIS those interpreted from the maps as gullies. Digitization of
(Integrated Land and Water Information Systems) GIS software interpreted drainage lines other than those appearing on the
developed by the International Institute for Geo-Information topographic maps was necessary because the DEM resulting
Science and Earth Observation (ITC). In ILWIS, spatial data from digitized contour lines has low vertical accuracy and is
analysis is mainly in raster mode (i.e. pixel-based). Thus, all therefore inadequate for accurate automatic extraction of drain-
digitally captured spatial data used in the analyses, which were age lines needed to automatically generate sample catchment
initially in vector (segment/polygon) format, were rasterized polygons. Thus, sample catchment polygons (Fig. 2b) were

Fig. 6. Attributes of sample sites in test

drainage basin: (a) catchment area; (b)
stream order.
346 E.J.M. Carranza

Fig. 7. Binary uni-element anomaly

maps of test drainage basin based on
values of productivity (left panel) and
SOC residuals (right panel).

generated automatically using the DEM and raster map of the (a) measured stream sediment element concentrations,
second set of digitized drainage lines. Each sample catchment (b) stream order, (c) area and (d) areal proportions of lithologic
polygon, labelled according to sample number, corresponds to units.
area upstream/upslope of a sample site and terminates at the
next sample site and at the top of drainage divides. Boundaries
of mapped lithologic units were digitally captured and were then Pre-analysis of geochemical data
polygonized and rasterized. Finally, a spatial database was The stream sediment geochemical data pertain to ten elements
produced containing, for each sample catchment polygon, (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Mn, Mo, As, Ag, Hg). The quality of
Stream order in stream sediment geochemical analysis 347

Fig. 7. Binary uni-element anomaly

maps of test drainage basin based on
values of productivity (left panel) and
SOC residuals (right panel).

geochemical data was determined in terms of their capability to Table 1 contains the summary statistics of analytical data for
reveal patterns related to geochemical variance rather than eight elements under study. Frequency distributions of all
procedural (sampling and analytical) variance. This was carried measured elemental data are positively skewed. Maximum
out using robust analysis of variance (Ramsey et al. 1992) of values are large, over five standard deviations from the
analytical results for 57 samples and their field duplicates arithmetic mean, and such maximum values could have a
(JICA-MMAJ 1986). Data for Hg and Ag were found to have dominant effect on statistical analysis. Loge-transformation
procedural variances exceeding 20% of total variance and were effectively reduces asymmetry in most elemental data. For
not used further in the analyses. uniformity, loge-transforms of all uni-element data were used in
348 E.J.M. Carranza

the analyses. This transformation is used simply to alleviate background corrections by regression analysis, geochemical data
effects of large values on statistical analyses but not because of for all 135 samples in the district were used. Statistical tests of
judgment of a possible log-normal distribution of the data significance of regression, however, were not made as the
(Miesch 1977; Garrett et al. 1980). sampling density is quite high and geochemical data exhibit
To portray spatial distributions of uni-element data, they autocorrelation and thus are not independent.
were divided into four classes based on geometric mean plus In the district, lithologic controls explain at least 95% of
multiples of standard deviation (Fig. 3). The loge-transformed variations in all elements except As and Mo (Table 2). For all
data were used instead of the raw data because uni-element elements except As, scavenging by Mn-oxides accounts for at
thresholds based on arithmetic mean plus multiples of standard most 1% in explained variation over that already explained by
deviation could be high enough that subtle anomalies are not the lithologic controls. These suggest that geochemical residuals
recognized. The lowest class represents values less than or equal of As and Mo could be related to anomalous sources. The
to a threshold derived as geometric mean plus two standard results of regression analysis (II) were used to estimate local
deviations. The second class represents values greater than background values in each sample catchment basin. Estimated
those in the lowest class but less than or equal to threshold plus local background values were then removed from the measured
one standard deviation. The third class represents values greater element contents and uni-element geochemical residuals were
than those in the second class but less than or equal to corrected for effects of dilution.
threshold plus two standard deviations. The fourth class
represents values greater than threshold plus two standard
Calculation and comparisons of productivity and SOC
deviations. The lowest class is considered non-anomalous, the
second class is weakly anomalous, the third class is moderately
anomalous and the fourth class is strongly anomalous. The value of Amfor each stream sediment sample site was
Zones in the northeastern to northern portions underlain determined by first establishing a hierarchy of sample catch-
mostly by Aroroy Diorite are consistently non-anomalous for all ment polygons starting from the river heads going downstream.
elements. Zones in the southeastern portions underlain mostly The order in this hierarchy was defined by the highest number
by Lanang Formation have weakly to moderately anomalous of polygons that are interconnected by a ‘main’ drainage line
values for most elements. Zones in the northwestern and (Fig. 4a). Sub-hierarchies were then defined by determining
southwestern portions underlain mostly by Mandaon tributaries of the ‘main’ drainage line. With a hierarchy of
Formation have weakly to strongly anomalous values for Zn, sample catchment polygons defined, a scheme to properly
Co and Mn. The sample catchment polygons in the test calculate Am for each sample site was devised and implemented
drainage basin are mostly non-anomalous for Pb, Ni, Co, Mo in a spreadsheet (Fig. 4b).
and As but most are weakly to moderately anomalous for Cu, Stream orders of sample sites were compared with sample
Zn and Mn, especially near the cluster of gold occurrences in catchment areas (Am) to demonstrate the second underlying
the west-central portions. These observations suggest that (a) principle behind the hypothesis of this study. For sample sites
variations in the raw geochemical data are largely controlled by along the ‘main’ drainage line (Fig. 4a), stream order increases
lithology and (b) uni-element threshold values based on only logarithmically with catchment area (Fig. 5). In addition, there is
(loge-transforms of) the raw data are usually inadequate to an apparent good similarity between spatial patterns of the
detect geochemical anomalies. maps of catchment area and stream order of sample sites in the
test drainage basin (Fig. 6). These observations indicate that
SOC residuals vary directly with values of productivity.
Catchment-based local background corrections The uni-element geochemical residuals were multiplied with
Given stream sediment element contents (Yi) and areal propor- corresponding Am and with corresponding stream order to
tions (Xij) of jth rock unit in sample catchment basin i as obtain, respectively, values of productivity and SOC residuals.
dependent and independent variables, respectively, background Correlation analysis was then performed to compare values of
due to lithology (Y i) was estimated as (Bonham-Carter & productivity and SOC residuals. Table 3 shows that linear
Goodfellow 1984; 1986; Bonham-Carter et al. 1987; Carranza & correlation coefficients between all values of productivity and
Hale 1997): SOC residuals are statistically significant and vary, depending on
which element, from moderate to strong. In addition, for all
Y i = bo + &jm= 1bijXij (3) elements except Ni, linear correlation coefficients between only
positive values of productivity and SOC residuals remain
where &j=1m
Xij=1.0 for j= 1,2,{,m rock units in sample catchment moderate to strong and statistically significant. Thus, SOC
basin i, bo and bj are regression coefficients. Estimation of Y i residuals are well correlated with values of productivity.
was accomplished by reducing &j=1 n
(YiY i), for all n samples,
via least-squares regression. Two sets of analyses were made: (I) Anomalies based on productivity and SOC residuals
using areal proportions of rock units in sample catchment
basins as independent variables; and (II) using areal proportions The 60th percentile (representing mostly positive) values of
of rock units and Mn contents in sample catchment basins as productivity and SOC residuals were considered threshold
independent variables. In both analyses, bo = 0, all values of Xij values to distinguish between anomalous and non-anomalous
were forced into the regression, and loge-transforms of values catchment polygons for each element and to create binary
of Yi were used so that values of bj are usually positive and easy anomaly maps for each element in the test drainage basin
to interpret. In regression analysis (I), variability of Yi is (Fig. 7). These uni-element binary anomaly maps were then
attributed to lithologic controls. In regression analysis (II), compared using a similarity measure known in the geographic
contributions of Mn to explained variability of Yi are attributed literature as the coefficient of areal association, AAc (Taylor
to scavenging by Mn-oxides. Effectiveness of the independent 1977), which is calculated as
variables in accounting for variability of Yi was characterized by
R2 (expressed as percentage), ratio of sum of squares explained Aaa + Ann
AAc = (4)
by regression to total sum of squares. For statistically sound Aaa + Ann + Aan + Ana
Stream order in stream sediment geochemical analysis 349

Table 4. Coefficients of areal association between binary uni-element anomaly maps based anomalous geochemical signature reflecting presence of the
on values of productivity and on SOC residuals. gold occurrences in the test drainage basin was extracted based
on each set of variables by way of principal components (PC)
SOC residuals Productivity analysis. Each of the first three PCs (cumulatively explaining at
Cu Pb Zn Ni Co Mn Mo As least 78% of the variability) of the SOC residuals is similar or
identical to the respective first three PCs (cumulatively explain-
Cu 1.000 ing at least 93% of the variability) of values of productivity
Pb 0.895
Zn 0.919
(Table 5). Based on SOC residuals, PC1 portrays a Mo–Pb–
Ni 0.874 As–Mn–Zn association, PC2 portrays a Ni–Co–Zn association
Co 0.975 and PC3 portrays a Cu association. Based on values of
Mn 0.849 productivity, PC1 depicts a Pb–Mo–As–Mn–Zn association,
Mo 0.914 PC2 depicts a Ni–Co–Zn association and PC3 depicts a Cu
As 0.977 association These indicate that SOC residuals are capable of
revealing geochemical associations that are highly similar to
geochemical associations that can be revealed by values of
where, for a pair of binary anomaly maps, Aaa is area of overlap productivity.
of anomalous catchment polygons, Ann is area of overlap of The multi-element association based on PC1 of values of
non-anomalous catchment polygons, Aan is area of overlap productivity or on PC1 of SOC residuals was considered an
between anomalous catchment polygons in one map and non- anomalous geochemical signature reflecting presence of the
anomalous catchment polygons in the other map and Ana is area gold occurrences in the test drainage basin. This geochemical
of overlap between non-anomalous catchment polygons in one signature contains Mo and As, variations of measured concen-
map and anomalous catchment polygons in the other map. trations of which are found not largely due to lithologic nor to
The coefficient or areal association was used instead of chemical controls (Table 2); As, which is a known pathfinder
another map similarity measure known as Jaccard’s coefficient, for gold, and Mo are known components of geochemical
which is calculated exclusive of Ann in Equation 4. The former associations characteristic of epithermal gold mineralization in
compares both background and anomalous patterns in a pair of the Philippines (UNDP 1987). Binary multi-element anomaly
binary anomaly maps while the latter compares only anomalous maps based on PC1 of values of productivity and based on PC1
patterns. Values of AAc range between zero (complete dissimi- of SOC residuals, both thresholded at 60th percentile PC1
larity or spatial non-coincidence) and one (complete similarity scores (Fig. 8), have a coefficient of areal association of 0.823.
or spatial coincidence), the same range as Pearson’s correlation Thus, anomalous areas detected based on multivariate analysis
coefficient. Note that values of AAc are dimensionless and (such as PC analysis) of SOC residuals are strongly similar to
therefore independent of units of areal measurements. Table 4 anomalous areas detected based on the same multivariate
and Figure 7 illustrate that binary uni-element anomaly maps analysis of values of productivity.
based on SOC residuals are strongly similar to corresponding
binary uni-element anomaly maps based on values of produc-
tivity. Thus, anomalous areas detected based on uni-element Geochemical anomalies in Aroroy district based on SOC
SOC residuals are strongly similar to anomalous areas detected residuals
based on uni-element values of productivity. To further determine usefulness of stream order to delineate
To further compare anomalies based on values of anomalous areas, comparisons were made between uni-element
productivity and anomalies based on SOC residuals, an geochemical anomalies based on SOC residuals (Fig. 9) and

Table 5. Principal components analysis of values of productivity and of SOC residuals in test drainage basin.


Values of productivity
Cu 0.372 0.067 0.911 0.160 0.020 0.034 0.000 0.011
Pb 0.975 0.162 0.097 0.105 0.007 0.045 0.010 0.053
Zn 0.650 0.716 0.177 0.065 0.137 0.079 0.063 0.019
Ni 0.096 0.969 0.059 0.157 0.103 0.102 0.047 0.005
Co 0.556 0.751 0.078 0.311 0.131 0.055 0.060 0.002
Mn 0.809 0.414 0.140 0.373 0.101 0.052 0.054 0.017
Mo 0.926 0.285 0.110 0.006 0.201 0.075 0.049 0.017
As 0.904 0.074 0.310 0.259 0.036 0.058 0.099 0.007
Variance (%) 51.98 28.81 12.60 4.60 1.24 0.41 0.31 0.05
Cum. var. (%) 51.98 80.79 93.39 97.99 99.23 99.64 99.95 100.00

SOC residuals
Cu 0.163 0.096 0.969 0.073 0.102 0.027 0.096 0.022
Pb 0.941 0.057 0.150 0.005 0.021 0.104 0.218 0.174
Zn 0.514 0.683 0.015 0.284 0.377 0.180 0.115 0.002
Ni 0.073 0.903 0.031 0.106 0.068 0.396 0.073 0.023
Co 0.366 0.716 0.092 0.480 0.137 0.295 0.081 0.037
Mn 0.580 0.374 0.020 0.672 0.231 0.063 0.121 0.019
Mo 0.947 0.142 0.042 0.000 0.099 0.041 0.176 0.194
As 0.857 0.024 0.283 0.051 0.340 0.091 0.237 0.053
Variance (%) 41.04 24.60 13.15 9.77 4.44 3.78 2.30 0.92
Cum. var. (%) 41.04 65.64 78.79 88.56 93.00 96.78 99.08 100.00
350 E.J.M. Carranza

Fig. 8. Binary multi-element anomaly

maps of test drainage basin based on
PC1 scores of values of productivity
(left panel) and PC1 scores of SOC
residuals (right panel).

based on loge-transforms of the raw data (Fig. 3) in Aroroy weathered materials differ along stream channels of different
district. Zones in the northeastern to northern sections, shown orders. In low-order streams, erosion usually predominates
initially to be consistently non-anomalous for all elements, are deposition; thus, stream order is a factor in stream sediment
now shown to have local enrichments particularly in Ni and Co, sampling (Ottesen & Theobald 1994). Despite this fact, it is
which could be due to variations in mafic mineral compositions drainage basin area that has been used quantitatively in analysis
of the Aroroy Diorite. Zones in the southeastern portions, of drainage geochemical data (e.g. Polikarpochkin 1971;
shown initially to be weakly to moderately anomalous for all Hawkes 1976; Mackenzie 1977; Bonham-Carter & Goodfellow
elements, are now shown to have moderate to strong enrich- 1984; 1986; Bonham-Carter et al. 1987; Carranza & Hale 1997;
ments in Cu and As, which are due to the gold occurrences Moon 1999). This is because it has been established that stream
there. Zones in the northwestern portions, shown initially to be sediment chemical content due to a given anomaly source is
weakly to strongly anomalous for Cu, Zn, Co, Mn and As, are known to decrease as downstream distance and, therefore,
now shown to also have strong local enrichment in Mo. For drainage basin area increase.
zones in the southwestern portions, there are no remarkable Stream order increases directly with downstream distance
differences between geochemical anomalies based on loge- and, therefore, with catchment basin area (Figs. 5 and 6).
transformed data and geochemical anomalies based on SOC However, it is theoretically difficult, if not impossible, to use
residuals. A most remarkable improvement of the application of stream order as a variable in a mathematical model that relates,
stream order to ‘correct’ for dilution is the enhancement of a in a drainage basin, element content of a stream sediment
NW-trending belt characterized by strongly anomalous SOC sample to element content of an anomaly source. On one
residuals of As (Fig. 9h). This geochemically anomalous belt, hand, a stream sediment sample can have as spatial attributes
which is not obvious in the spatial distributions of the loge- (among other properties) areal extent (i.e. its catchment area),
transformed data, clearly delineates and follows the trend of the element content and stream order. On the other hand, an
known gold occurrences. anomaly source in the same drainage basin of stream sediment
An anomalous geochemical signature reflecting the presence sample can also have as spatial attributes areal extent and
of the gold occurrences in Aroroy district was also extracted element content but not stream order. Perhaps, if an anomaly
based on SOC residuals through PC analysis. For the test source cuts across a stream, then stream order can be used
drainage basin, this type of analysis was performed on all 43 as a spatial attribute of that anomaly source and then formula-
samples because each has an anomalous (i.e. >60th percentile) tion of a model in question may be feasible. Even in such a
value of productivity and SOC residual for at least one element. situation, however, realization of a model in question would
For the Aroroy district, however, this type of analysis was be sensitive to the variability of stream order. On a drainage
performed on a subset of 70 samples (out of 135), which have basin scale and along a downstream direction from a given
anomalous (i.e. >75th percentile) positive SOC residuals for at anomaly source, variability of stream order can be much
least one element. The rationale behind this is that PC analysis lower (i.e. streams can have the same order or can have a
tends to be dominated by non-anomalous associations, so difference in order by only one over long distances, as indi-
excluding samples mostly with negative SOC residuals and cated in Fig. 5) than variability of stream sediment element
non-anomalous positive SOC residuals (Fig. 10) would enable content.
enhancement of anomalous multi-element associations. Table 6 Despite low variability of stream order, it has been demon-
shows that results of this procedure are similar to the results for strated here that SOC residuals are well correlated with values
the test drainage basin (Table 5). Thus, the Pb–Mo–Mn–As of productivity and that anomalies based on SOC residuals are
association depicted by PC1 was considered to represent an geochemically similar to and have strong spatial similarity with
anomalous geochemical signature reflecting the gold occur- anomalies based on values of productivity. Because of this
rences. The spatial distribution of PC1 scores clearly indicates a finding and because calculation of productivity only requires
NW-trending geochemically anomalous belt that delineates and drainage basin area and residuals [i.e. Am(CmCb)], stream
follows the trend of the gold occurrences (Fig. 10). The spatial order is a useful surrogate for drainage basin area to ‘correct’ for
distribution of PC1 scores also indicates in the test drainage dilution in order to detect geochemical anomalies. The results
basin the anomalous sample catchment polygons based on suggest that SOC residuals (and, thus, stream order) can be
values of productivity and on SOC residuals. useful in ranking anomalies according to the ‘anomaly rating’
term Am(CmCb)+Cb (see Equation 2), in cases where miner-
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS alization is unknown, by assuming an arbitrary areal extent (Aa)
of exposed mineralization that contributes to stream sedi-
Secondary geochemical dispersion is influenced by stream order ments particularly in sample catchment polygons with positive
in the sense that rates of erosion and rates of deposition of residuals.
Stream order in stream sediment geochemical analysis

Fig. 9. Spatial distributions of uni-element SOC residuals in Aroroy district: (a) Cu; (b) Pb; (c) Zn; (d) Ni; (e) Co; (f) Mn; (g) Mo; (h) As.
352 E.J.M. Carranza

residuals would thus be particularly useful for interpretation of

exploration drainage geochemical data from reconnaissance
surveys with various density of sampling of low-order streams.
However, its further utility for analysis of geochemical data
from stream sediment sampling of medium- to high-order
needs further study.

The author would like to thank C.J. Moon and G. Bonham-Carter for
valuable comments on an early version of the paper.

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