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Wi-Fi allows data to be transmi;ed through radio waves. Li-Fi, or Light Fidelity is the technology that
allows data to be transmi;ed through light waves. This will allow the connec?on between the source
and the receiver to be more secure, as light cannot pass through opaque objects, thus harder to breach
by outsiders. Since this technology uses visible light, it can be widely used, as offices and homes already
has LED lights, which can be used to simultaneously to give high speed data transmission and also
ligh?ng purposes. Hence, it is more efficient than the Wi-Fi.

In this experiment, we will build the simplest model that operates on Li-Fi. This will give further insight to
how Li-Fi works and how it can be used.

- Solar panel

- LED light

- Ba;ery

- Crocodile clips

- Wire stripper

- 2 pair of earphone, or 1 aux cable + one speaker

- Soldering kit

- 220 Ohm resistor

- 9 Volt ba;ery connector

- Scrap cardboard pieces

1. Cut the audio jack from the earphone itself. Once cut, cut the material surrounding the wires inside
the cable. (If cut correctly, there should be 4 wires exposed ; Right speaker, LeY speaker, Ground,

2. Next cut off the audio wire

3. Press the right and leY speaker wire together leaving it as if it’s one wire and the ground wire being

4. Set both wires on fire

5. Press each ends of the wires that has the burnt marks un?l its in thin strips

6. Repeat the same process but do it with a shorter chord

7. Put the end of the speakers to the posi?ve side and the ground wire to the nega?ve side (USE THE

8. Put the leY and right speaker wire to the black cable of the 9 volt ba;ery connector while connect
the ground wire to an LED light and connect the LED light to the 220 Ohm resistor. Connect the
resistor to the other cable end of the 9 volt ba;ery connector

9. Put triangle cardboard behind the solar panel to make it so that the panel will be able to stand

10. Create a stand with a hole in the center to fit the LED light through it

11. Put the ba;ery on the 9 volt ba;ery connector

12. Plug in the short chord to the phone. If it works the LED light should light up

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