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SPECIAL ISSUES ON INTERNATIONAL LAW Atty. CATHERINE A. CAMPOSANO-REMIGIO, CPA A. Concepts 1. Obligations erga omnes 2. Jus cogens 3. Aequo et bono (Art, 38, Statute of the International Court of Justice = Vinuya vs. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 162230, April 28, 2010 * Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine (Canada/United States of America), International Court of Justice, October 12, 1984, B. United Nations (United Nations Charter) 1. Purpose 2. Principles 3. Membership 4, Organs of the United Nations 5. International Court of Justice vs. International Criminal Court * Pangilinan vs. Cayetano, G.R.No. 238875, May 16, 2018 C. International and national law (Art. 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; Art. VIl, Sec. 21 of the 1987 Constitution; Art. Il Sec. 2 of the Constitution) * Tariada vs. Angara, G.R. No. 118295, May 2, 1997 D. Sources (Art. 38 Statute) of the International Court of Justice; Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States; Art. 53 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties) * North Sea Continental Shelt Cases -ICJ Rep 1969 E. Subjects (Montevideo Convention of 1933 on Rights and Duties of States) 1. States 2. Intemational organizations 3. Individuals * Department of Foreign Affairs vs. National Labor Relations Board, G.R. No. 113191, September 18, 1996 + Jeffrey Liang vs. People, G.R. No. 125865, March 26, 2001 F. Diplomatic and consular law (Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations ; Vienna Convention on Consular Relations) * Republic of Indonesia vs. Vinzon, G.R. No. 154705. June 26, 2003 Minucher vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 142396, February 11, 2003 G. Trealies (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties) * Hungary v. Slovakia, ICJ Case 25 September 1997 * Bayan vs. Zamora, G.R. No. 138570, Oclober 10, 2000, 342 SCRA 449. Salonga vs. Smith, G.R. No. 176051, February 11, 2009 Bayan Muna v. Romulo, G.R. No. 159618, 1 February 2011 China National Machinery & Equipment Corp. v. Hon. Santamaria, G.R. No. 185572, February 7, 2012. FAQs on International Court of Just https://www ici-cil.ore/en/frequently-asked-questions ‘What is the Point of international Criminal Justice? file:///G:/what%20ist20the%20Poift94200f920International%20Criminal%20Justice_%620(1).pdf Yale Law School Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository Faculty Scholarship Series Yale Law School Faculty Scholarship 1-1-2008 What is the Point of International Criminal Justice? Mirjan 8. Damaska Yale Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons lawyale-edu/fis_papers © Part ofthe Law Commons ‘Recommended Citation ‘Damska, Mirjan R.,“Whatisthe Point of fnternational CeiminalJntice?” (2008). Faull Scholarship Sere. Paper 1S7S. ps /gtalcommonslawyaleed/fs_phpers/1873 ‘his utiles rong fo ofr free nd pen cy Ye La Sol Hat Slip a Yale Law Schoo ag Scolrhip Repository It ‘ns ben accepted for ncawon in acy Schl Sse by an authored sentra of ale Lae Schlag Scholanip Repository. ot motion, ple cotta. snap

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