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FeedJournal Basic 2/18/2008 - 7/17/2008 feedjournal.


Are You Competent?

By (Mrs.
Carrington) (Bible Moms)
Submitted at 7/14/2008 8:47:00 PM

All Scripture is breathed out by God

and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, and for
training in righteousness, that the man
of God may be competent, equipped
for every good work. 2 Timothy
3:16,17 (ESV) Mother's Day
The NIV translation leaves out the
word "competent" in it's rendering of Prayer
this verse. Most other versions I read, By (Mrs.
including the ESV, NASB, HCSB
and KJV include another word in Carrington) (Bible Moms)
front of equipped that implies Submitted at 5/13/2008 8:17:00 AM
"competent". Lord, today, may I seek not to be
The word competent, as seen here honored but to honor other mothers in
in the ESV rendering, is from the my life. Help me to be a better
Greek hikanos. mother undertaking my god-given
According the Stong's Greek responsibilities with your joy, faith
dictionary, the word hikanos means: Ample in amount- and energy seeking to be competent and hope.
competent (as if coming in season), Do you have enough? Do you have on my own. Books on parenting, Thank you for choosing me to serve
i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in enough energy, patience, kindness, marriage, housekeeping and cooking your kingdom. Make me a willing
character) generosity and wisdom to get through have occupied by attention for years and cheerful servant. Search my heart
Let us take a look at the parts of this each day? I know that many days I on end. and remove all wrong motivations.
meaning and get excited about what feel I do not. How can I get enough? Yes, I can learn the mechanics of Make my heart pure.
God's word can do for us! How can I be amply supplied? doing all that God has called me to do Help me to everything that I do
Coming in season- Drinking deeply from the well of as a wife, mother and homemaker. only for your glory and out of love
I am immediately reminded of our God's word is the answer. Without the word of God, however, I for you, not for my own selfish
pastor speaking this past Sunday Fit in character- can never reach the full level of reasons.
about Queen Esther. She was called Is my character one to be proud of competence at a heart level that I In Jesus' name I pray.
by God to save her people, God's at all times? Do I act like Jesus in all need to be pleasing to God.
covenant people from whom our Lord circumstances? Does my character Lord, I pray that you would humble
and Savior would arise, by being exhibit the fruit of the Spirit? Do I me and keep me dependent on only
made the queen at such a time as that. have a pure heart and act from a pure you and your lovely word for my
We too, are called by God to be at heart all day? If I can not answer yes truest source of competence.
this place, at this time, in this to these questions, I know I need to Amen
marriage and with these children. go back to God's word, the source of
Studying God's word will make us all competence.
competent and right in season. I have spent a fair amount of time

Are You Equipped?

By (Mrs. has to say about his word, the Holy
Carrington) (Bible Moms) Scriptures, and how that relates to our
callings as wives and mothers.
Submitted at 7/8/2008 8:45:00 PM
I am no theologian, but I read and
All Scripture is God-breathed and is listen to the best of them. Of my own
useful for teaching, rebuking, accord I am surely not competent to
correcting and training in be leading Bible studies. I only do
righteousness, so that the man of God this through Christ who strengthens
may be thoroughly equipped for and equips me with the help and
every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16,17 guidance of my husband.
(NIV) I pray earnestly that anyone
I was recently struck by the verses participating in these studies with me
2Timothy 3:16,17 while reading my will be blessed by them as the Lord
children's nightly devotional to them. wills it.
Many days, I feel completely ill- Subscribe to this blog or sign up for
equipped to handle the demands of the newsletter.
being a wife and mom. and I began to write, read and pray. light of the love of Jesus in me, under If you have no idea what this Bible
I began to pray and ask the Lord to Although the Lord has led me to a basket. and Lord talk is all about, please e-
show me more about how these many studies similarly in the past, I am being called, and I must mail me or leave a comment and I
verses from 2 Timothy can help me. this time I knew it was to be different. believe equipped, to share my love of will definitely get back to you soon!
I heaped up my bed with my For now, I have the deepest God's word with other weary, Soli Deo Gloria!
concordance, Greek-to-English conviction that I am to be sharing my confused and hurting moms. Photo above courtesy of
dictionary, Bible dictionary, studies with other moms. In my first online study, I will knowhimonline from
Webster's dictionary and thesaurus, No longer may I hide my light, the taking a close look at what our Lord
my study Bible and my Bible journal
Preschooler's Who Love the Lord
By (Mrs. I thought you might enjoy this
Carrington) (Bible Moms) article that I wrote which was
published by Christian Parenting.
Submitted at 7/14/2008 3:27:00 PM
2 FeedJournal Basic

Setting the Scene Importance of the Old

By (Mrs.
Carrington) (Bible Moms)
historical context, author and intent of
the book of the Bible in which a
particular Scripture verse is located.
Submitted at 7/10/2008 12:09:00 PM
I would like to give a brief By (Mrs. focus on the New Testament writings
All Scripture is breathed out by God background here on 2 Timothy but I Carrington) (Bible Moms) as more relevant or accessible. How
and profitable for teaching, for encourage you to more fully explore untrue that is!
Submitted at 7/11/2008 6:00:00 AM
reproof, for correction, and for this on your own with a good It is only by understanding God's
training in righteousness, that the man commentary or study Bible. All Scripture is breathed out by God redemptive plan through history that I
of God may be competent, equipped 2 Timothy, written by Paul during and profitable for teaching, for am able to fully benefit from God's
for every good work. 2 Timothy his second Roman imprisonment, is reproof, for correction, and for word. By reading how our Lord's
3:16,17 (ESV) the last letter written by Paul. Paul is training in righteousness, that the man coming was prophesied through
I talked with a friend yesterday aware that his martyrdom is imminent of God may be competent, equipped history, I understand the purpose of
about the location of an upcoming and he had been abandoned by his for every good work. 2 Timothy Jesus' ministry.
Bible study. Neither of us was friends. 3:16,17 (ESV) The verse prior to 2 Timothy 3:16
familiar with the suburb where the Timothy was a young believer who Paul refers to "all Scripture" as refers to "...the sacred writings; which
study will be held. traveled with Paul as he was being profitable. It struck me as I was are able to make you wise for
I went to Google maps and put in establishing churches and was later reading this that the only Scripture salvation through faith in Jesus
the name of the city and I was given a anointed to be a pastor-teacher in his Paul had access to at this time was the Christ." How amazing that through
close-up of the area in which the city own right. Timothy was left in Old Testament as much of the New the Scriptures of the Old Testament, I
is located. Ephesus by Paul and it was there that Testament had not yet been written. can know that Jesus is Lord and have
This did not help us at all! We still this letter was sent. R.C. Sproul in his study notes on this faith in him and trust him for my
did not have a sense of how far away The purpose of the letter is to verse in the Reformation Study Bible salvation.
the study was because we could not encourage and support Timothy in his states this fact. I will read the OT with a deepened
see it in relation to where we live. ministry. Wow! That means that the Old perspective of its importance now.
This experience reminded me of The message of the letter is Testament is seriously important. It is
looking at Scripture quotes out of timeless, however, can be applied to tempting at times for me to want to
context and attempting to study them. believers today as well.
I added so much depth to my study of
God's word when I started taking the
time to find out more about the

The Man of God

By (Mrs. Other specific Greek words are
Carrington) (Bible Moms) used to refer to men or husbands.
The "of God" part of this verse is
Submitted at 7/14/2008 3:47:00 PM
particularly exciting to me. The man
All Scripture is breathed out by God or woman of God is one belonging to
and profitable for teaching, for God, chosen by him and drawn to To My Heavenly
reproof, for correction, and for him through grace and his irresistible
training in righteousness, that the man pull. Father
of God may be competent, equipped It is amazing that the God of the By (Mrs.
for every good work. 2 Timothy universe chooses to equip such
3:16,17 (ESV) imperfect beings as us to do his good Carrington) (Bible Moms)
Who is the "man of God" referred The "man" of this verse is from the works. Submitted at 2/18/2008 7:11:00 PM
to here? Is the passage referring Greek anthropos which usually is How grateful I am! Thank you for your wonders
specifically to men only or does it used to refer to a human being or I praise your majesty
refer to men in a more general way? person. The howling wind
Could You Be Perfect? The beating rain
All act at your command.
By (Mrs. The KJV uses the word "perfect" in I remember your past faithfulness
place of "competent. According to O Lord of Lords
Carrington) (Bible Moms) Thank you for your deliverance
Webster's 1828 dictionary, perfect in
Submitted at 7/15/2008 6:26:00 AM
this sense can mean: Thank you for your guidance
All scripture is given by inspiration Fully informed; completely skilled Help me to obey
of God, and is profitable for doctrine, Therefore in Christ, through the Help me to serve
for reproof, for correction, for inspired word of God I can be made Help me to love
instruction in righteousness: That the thoroughly furnished unto all good perfect! Help me to be of good cheer.
man of God may be perfect, works. 2 Timothy 3:16,17 (KJV) Amen
FeedJournal Basic 3
A Mom's Prayer
By (Mrs.
Carrington) (Bible Moms)
Submitted at 2/23/2008 8:36:00 AM

I pray Heavenly Father that you will

pour out your Holy Spirit on me and
my family.
Continue to show me your ways.
Show me how to be faithful in my
roles as wife and mother. Clearly
delineate for me the tasks I am to do
in your service. Help me to manage
my time well and do all for your

As Eagles
By (Mrs.
Carrington) (Bible Moms)
Submitted at 7/14/2008 11:07:00 PM

Photo courtesy of Christian Glitter

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