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hokusei gakuen university campus newspaper by practical translation b・SHINE LIKE STARS・number 20・january 2019

Earthquakes: Is Marketing Hoksuei


Hokusei Prepared?
When the earthquake on

September 6th 2018 oc- Green tea trumps

cured, Hokusei Gakuen Uni- water for top seller
versity was in its summer at the Student co-
vacation period, so fortu-
nately, there was not much
confusion in our university
life. However, what is there
to learn from this earth-
quake? Hokusei Times re-
porter Kana Inoue asks the The ins and outs of
hard questions in an exclu-
sive interview with the uni-
Hokusei students
versity’s finance section cash flow
chief. Immediately after PAGE 11
the earthquake, guards pa-
trolled the campus with
flashlights . They informed
staff members responsible Breaking down
for each department about
the situation of the univer-
sity, and some university intercultural com-
staff arrived early … munication

foreign companies:
Free Money? The Real Cost thinking outside the
of Student Loans
These days, the number of tion in Japan, the number
Shukatsu box
students who enter univer- of young Japanese who For many students at Hokusei Gakuen University, it
sities or any other schools enter universities or some might be normal to get a graduate job in Japan. But what
after they graduate from other kind of tertiary edu- if you want to work in foreign country? In this article, we
their high schools is in- cation is increasing. focus on overseas employment options for Hokusei
creasing in japan. Some of graduates. Hokusei Times interviewed Mr. Sano, one of
them don`t have any prob- If you want to study in a the staff at the Hokusei job hunting support division. The
lems while they are college university, it is easy for staff at the Job Support Division at Hokusei always help
students. Others, however, you to enter them. It may students so that they can get the job that they want for
have serious problems. seem natural... their future....
Despite a shrinking popula-


ions about the university’s

Student Voices for a general environment. How-

ever, compared with clas-
ses, there were not a large

Better Hokusei number of opinions regard-

ing the university environ-
ment. The most common
comment was a request for
Are you satisfied with your university life? The Hokusei
Times asked 30 Hokusei students if they have any re- Hokusei is equipped with
WI-FI in the C building and
quests OR questions about clAsses AT Hokusei. the library, but some peo-
ple said they want to see
We summarized the results is not only in Japan. For classes from each field, so WIFI throughout the univer-
of student responses and example, some universi- if there is a field which is sity. It would help interna-
found a few different ties in the U.S run class not interesting, this can- tional students.
themes: Class overlap and lotteries for over-enrolled not be helped.
lotteries, biannual class courses. The next is that some stu-
offerings, and more. CLASS SEATING dents want personal lock-
BIANNUAL CLASS OFFER- The last issue raised by ers. University students
CLASS OVERLAP ING students in our question- have less luggage than high
The first issue that students The third is that there are naire is that sometimes school students. However,
brought up was that some- courses not held annually. there are not enough three students answered
times the classes which Professors may have rea- seats in classes. This hap- they want it. ■
they want to take are sons for this, but students pens because some pro- TAKA HONMA
offered at the same time. are not satisfied with this. fessors have students sit
There are solutions such in every other line or do
Therefore, it is possible to as online lectures, but not allow students to sit at
take a famous elective some people oppose the back of the classroom. Even in some uni-
class if they already have a online classes because We need to use bigger
compulsory class at the online lectures are usually rooms or professors have
versities in the
same time. Offering classes one-way. to grasp the situation of u.s run class lot-
multiple times a week is classrooms.
possible as a solution to ONLINE LECTURES HOKUSEI ENVIRONMENT teries for over-
this problem. The next issue raised by We also got some opin-
students was related to
However, this is not a prac- online lectures; there are
tical way to solve this. Stu- no opportunities to apply
dents might have to think what you learn.
about other solutions. For
example, taking another In passive classes such as
year to complete their de- online courses, students
gree or perhaps the univer- felt that they lose their
sity could introduce more interest and become
online classes. sleepy. In classes, it is
necessary to have oppor-
CLASS LOTTERY tunities to have mutual
Next, there are the lottery communication.
classes. Students have the
right to take classes they Also, there are students
want to take, but if they who participate in classes
lose in the lottery, they only to get credits. If they students have various opinions about
have to give up their dream are not interested in the
to take the class. class content, differences classes at Hokusei. Some are satisfied,
emerge in the degree of
This is not idea, but it might enthusiasm between stu- others are dissatisfied. However, it is
be unavoidable because, as dents and for the profes-
the number of people in a sor.
different from high school: Satisfac-
class increases, the class tion often comes from good decisions
environment gets worse. It However, we have to take


foreign companies: thinking

outside the Shukatsu box
For many students at Hokusei Gakuen Universi-
ty, it might be normal to get a graduate job in
Japan. But what if you want to work in foreign
country? In this article, we focus on overseas
employment options for Hokusei graduates.
Hokusei Times interviewed In this class, they register
to Mr. Sano, one of the on some web sites called
staff at the Hokusei job Rikunabi and Mainabi to
hunting support division. gather information about
The staff at the Job Sup- job recruiting. Students
port Division at Hokusei can get information about
always help students so overseas employment on Mr. Sano who is one
that they can get the job these web sites. Mr. Sano of the staff at the
Hokusei job hunting
that they want for their recommended that stu- support division
future. However, here, we dents make sure to take
mainly talked about over- the class “career design
number of years. not have to obey the rules,
seas employment options. program” and up to date
so they give official offers
get information. Mr. Sano also gave stu-
First he told us about the to talented students earlier
Furthermore, we asked Mr. dents some general ad-
situation of this university. than companies which par-
Sano about an internships vice for job hunting. He
Mr. Sano told us that it is ticipate in the Japan Busi-
at overseas companies. E started by saying that
rare that students at Hokus- ness Federation.
said that there are no for- most students are not sure
ei get a job in a foreign
what they should do ex- Therefore, the rules have
country because there is eign internships at Hokus-
actly and even what job been abolished in order to
little information about ei Gakuen University, but
hunting is. However, they hire more talented stu-
overseas employment at at Hokusei Junior College,
do not have to worry dents. It means the system
Hokusei. However, there there is an internship pro-
about this because all of job hunting will change
are at least a few students gram where students go
staff at the Job Support completely, so students
who have got a job in a for- overseas for about three
Division are there to sup- should gather information
eign country so far. As one weeks and experience
port them. about that as soon as possi-
example, there are some jobs such as working at a
students who got jobs in local hotel and an airport Also, it is just a formality,
the American branch of as a ground staff. but now it is normal for For most students job hunt-
Mitsukoshi. students to start attending ing is one of the biggest
It is expensive for stu-
job fairs from the first day concerns, and there are
During the third grade at dents to join internships
of March in their third some students who do not
Hokusei, students usually in foreign countries be-
year, and for companies even go about it well. The
take a class called Career cause students have to
start to sending out offi- system will be quite differ-
Design Program. This class pay air fares and accom-
modation fees. However, cial offers of employment ent in two years, but stu-
helps them be ready for job
from the first day of June. dents do not have to worry
hunting and have a good it is good idea to join an
about it because the staff at
start. internship while one stud- However, the leader of the
the Job Support Division at
ies abroad because stu- Japan Business Federation
Hokusei always support
dents can cut the expense. (Keidanren in Japanese)
“It is a good idea to Indeed, some students do officially announced the

join internships that actually. abolition of this system Get ready for job hunting
about one month ago. For- and be set up to make your
abroad to save One other way to work in
foreign country is to re- eign companies and Japa- dreams come true. ■
money on overseas quest to work at overseas nese ones which do not
participate in the Japan Ken Miyamori
branch after working at
expenses” Japanese companies for a Business Federation do


Green tea trumps water for top

seller at the Student co-op
The Hokusei Times got exclusive ac-
cess to sales data from the Student
Coop to find this year’s top-seller
items. The results were surprising.
There are many kinds of snacks, drinks and CUP
food products at the stu- NOODLES
dent COOP. These prod-
ucts are usually quite ORIGINAL RICE BALLS
cheap, and a lot of stu- Every seasons the stu-
dents at Hokusei Gakuen dents co-op sells new
University go to the co- kinds of rice balls. Take a
op every day. look at the Rice Balls table
below for some examples.
There are four sections These products are only
of foodstuffs at the stu- sold at Hokusei Gakuen
dent COOP: rice balls, University. So if you are a

student at this university,

you should try these rice
Rice-ball Sales Ranking
RANK Rice ball TYPE Original price Sales per Week
SNACKS 1 mayonnaise and tuna MIX 129yen 454
All snacks and all choco-
lates are products that are
popular in all seasons. 2 Tuna belly and mayonnaise 108yen 371
When you study hard, you
may sometimes want to
sweet things. At such
3 Pulled-Salmon rice ball 108yen 365
times, you should go to
the student co-op. There
are many kinds of sweet SNACKS Sales Ranking
things, so you will be able
to get somethings that RANK SNACK TYPE Original price Sales per Week
you crave.
1 strawberry DARS (morinaga)  140yen  103 
In addition to the drinks in
2 Galbo choco (meiji)  158yen  100 
the table on the left, drink
yoghurt (by Yotsuba) is
3 Bisco baked chocolate (glico)  105yen  88 
popular at 250yen. These
products were just re-
leased in October 2018. DRINKS Sales Ranking
There is plain yoghurt,
mixed berry and apple. RANK SNACK TYPE Original price Sales per Week
These products include
only Hokkaido milk, so 1 Ayataka green tea (coca-cola)  150yen  853 
richly flavored.
2 Crystal Geyser (ootsuka shokuhin)  98yen  492 
Cup noodles are popular
3 Calpis Water (asahi)  105yen  438 


Cup Noodles Sales Ranking

RANK Cup Noodle TYPE Original price Sales per Week
1 Gotsumori sauce yakisoba (toyosuisan) 180yen  186 
2 Super cup large-size oil soba (ace cook) 200yen  179 
3 BakeD bread and cream of corn soup (Pokka Sapporo) 160yen  118 
with students because
these are delicious and STUDENT COOP TIPS AND
give a feeling of fullness. TRICKS
However, if you eat them
everyday, you will be- In front of the Hokusei
come ill. So , let’s eat Gakuen University Student
them in moderation. COOP, there is an elec-
tronic money reload ma-
chine.At the COOP, you
BIG THANKS can collect points by re-
The Hokusei Times thanks charging and using your
the Student COOP work- card. In addition, if you
ers’ for their cooperation use your card rather than
with our survey. cash, you can do your
shopping more smoothly
because you only need to
Make sure that when you hold up your card to the
want to get a quick bite to card reader at the register.
eat that you check out the
student co-op because So, before starting shop-
these top-selling products ping at the COOP, make
sure to should charge
will satisfy your appetite
your card with cash.
for sure. ■

Marketing hokusei abroad

Do you want to study abroad? If so, there is a great place for students to get
useful information about Hokusei’s study abroad programs. After a visit to
the international & language center, you’ll be set to go .
The main job of the Interna- every spring and fall. At about cultural differences.
tional Education & Lan- this overnight camp, Ho-
guage Center at Hokusei kusei students and ex- SISTER SCHOOL EX-
Gakuen University is to re- change students go on a CHANGE
cruit exchange students trip together to build Hokusei’s first
and send Hokusei students friendships. In 1965, Hokusei Gakuen sister School
to sister schools. They work University and Lewis &
hard to make Hokusei a Also, there is an event for Clark College formed Ho-
agreement was
more international univer- high school students, kusei’s first sister school with Lewis and
sity. called “English Camp.” agreement. Since then, our
High school students, ex- university began relation- Clark College,
To achieve this goal, the change students and Ho- ships with many universi- in 1965
Center holds some regular kusei students do group ties in foreign countries.
events. For example, the work together to under-
International Camp is held stand each other and learn Mainly, professors act as a


bridge to establish affilia- wholeheartedly. Moreover, polite forms of Japanese. to communicate with local
tions with sister schools. Hokusei is in Hokkaido and Also, professors teach students. The required
When they go overseas for it has some nice points. them some useful Japa- TOEFL score is not set too
research trips, they meet The cost of living is low nese not based on the high, so all undergraduate
people who want to have a and living environment is textbook. In addition to students have the oppor-
sister school in Japan. If great. Students can enjoy Japanese courses, students tunity to join the exchange
conditions align, they will both nature and the city. study international ex- program.
become sister schools. Ho- change subjects. They
kusei hopes to increase the COURSES FOR EXCHANGE learn various subjects such Even so, Ms. Takahashi said
number of sister schools STUDENTS as Japanese economy and that students should not be
through such connections. comparative culture. Ac- satisfied if they simply get
The Japanese course for cording to Ms. Takahashi, a the required TOEFL score.
Every year, the director of exchange students has a chief of the center, Hokus- After students go abroad,
the International Education good reputation. There are ei works hard to improve there will be a lot of hard-
& Language center, profes- three levels: basic, inten- such courses. ships and they need to work
sors and some staff visit sive, and advanced. Levels hard. They ought to contin-
two or three sister schools. are divided based on Japa- ABOUT THE STUDY ue studying to get off to a
They greet each other and nese level, so classes are ABROAD PROGRAM good start.
talk about recent events. tailored to fit to each stu-
They also visit some facili- dent’s needs. Students The Hokusei study abroad MESSAGE TO READERS
ties or join classes. If Hokus- learn reading, writing, and program has a lot of bene-
ei students study abroad at fits for Hokusei students. Students should go abroad
the same time, they com- Students have to pay if they have a chance. Some
municate with them and let school fees only to Hokus- students hesitate to study
them know about their lives ei, so they can save on tui- abroad because they cannot
at the sister university. tion fees. There is also a graduate in the normal four
It’s better to credit transfer system; stu- years. I believe, however,
GOOD POINTS FOR EX- dents can get credits from that they must not think
regret doing studying at overseas uni- about their future in the
something than versities. It is very useful short term. It is important to
There are some merits for system. do what they can and they
exchange students to study
to regret not should not compare them-
at Hokusei Gakuen Universi- doing it. When students study selves to other people. It's
ty. It is small compared to a abroad, they will belong to better to regret doing some-
university in Tokyo so staff the receiving department thing than to regret not do-
are able to communicate of the overseas university, ing it.■
with exchange students so there are many chances SAKI KATOU


Culture Shock in A For-

eign Country
These days travel abroad is getting more and more popular for Japanese. And
you might see a lot of foreigners in your city. Have you ever experienced any
trouble with them? Here, We interview professor Hasegawa for her advice.

“I probably speak
Data from: Nihon Seihu Kankoukyoku my mind more di-
rectly when I talk
in English” - Prof.

especially Chinese and Kore-

ans, visit Japan. There are
some people who say “they
are not polite”. What do you
think about that?

Few years ago, Japanese

were said as like foreigners
We visited professor Ha- bathroom, they would talk Asian descent were treat- in Japan. So we have to tol-
segawa to learn about her with their friends in the ed as dirty. The room erant about that. Their
experience of culture bathroom stall next to where Asian students countries have only recently
shock. them. And many girls who would often gather was developed, and citizens
sat behind me in class called the “zoo”. It was now have opportunities to
What was the biggest culture would put their feet up on really sad. visit foreign countries. So it
shock for you in a foreign the back of my chair. It is is natural that they are not
country? not something you’d see in Do you have any things use to traveling abroad.
Japan. that you make a point of
It is hard to decide the big- doing when you communi- In conclusion, it is a really
gest event that I felt culture Have you ever experienced cate with foreigners? difficult subject, when it
shock in the US. But, in anything disappointing comes to communicating
America, I was surprised by while communicating with Hmm… nothing in particu- across cultures Because we
American girls because they foreigners? lar. But maybe my charac- all grew up in different com-
were really bold. For exam- ter unconsciously changes. munities, cultures, and
ple, when they were in the Naturally, yes. On one oc- This is because English is a countries it is seems obvi-
casion, when I was in Kan- language where people ous that we should be toler-
sas, quite a few Asian girls, speak more honestly and ant about cultures different
including me, had been directly, compared with to our own. What we
The room where discriminated against by Japanese. Many native learned from professor Ha-
Asian students Caucasian students. Fur- English speakers don’t like segawa is that we should try
thermore, I was ignored by indirect expressions. So I to understand different cul-
would often gath- Caucasian students just think I probably speak my tures and be tolerant to
er was called the because I am Asian. My mind more directly when I different ways of thinking
skin has a yellow tone, and talk in English. and acting. ■
“zoo”. in general, students of Now a lot of foreigners, Ayaka Oura


HOKUSEI’s Earthquake
At 3:07am on September 6, 2018, a large earthquake with a maximum seismic intensity
of 7 occurred in Hokkaido . How Did Hokusei Respond, and What could be done better?
When the earthquake on until transportation facili-
September 6th 2018 oc- ties were restored and
cured, Hokusei Gakuen Uni- they were able to return
versity was in its summer their home.
vacation period, so fortu-
nately, there was not much According to Mr. Takahashi,
confusion in our university it was unexpected that the
life. However, what is there electricity would be cut for
to learn from this earth- such a long time, despite
quake? the building itself being
undamaged. On the even-
We talked to Akira ing of the 6th, electricity
Takahashi, the section chief was restored to the univer-
of the finance section, sity, but in the surrounding
which is in charge of disas- community it took much
ter measures of the univer- longer to be restored.
sity to find out. emergency food and
On the 7th, 166 people in drinking water are
stored in the basement
Immediately after the the surrounding area came of the hokusei gakuen
earthquake, guards pa- to the university seeking university (from univer-
trolled the campus with electricity and emergency sity’s website)
flashlights . They informed food. They found out that
staff members responsible Hokusei could provide
for each department about support after seeing SNS centers. In this case, uni- should be firmly decided.
the situation of the univer- posts and the lights of the versities should make their
sity, and some university university. utmost effort to help peo- The earthquake in Septem-
staff arrived early to work, ple. ber happened early in the
at between 5am to 7am. Mr. Takahashi says that it is morning when most stu-
After sunrise, they checked a difficult question as to Hokusei Gakuen University dents were on a long vaca-
the damage situation of the what extent the university also has a stockpile of wa- tion. However, what should
university again. It was diffi- should support the general ter and food for up to we do if an earthquake oc-
cult to confirm the safety of public. He said, however, 1,000 people, 500 blan- curs while we are at the uni-
all students due to power that when disasters cause kets, firewood and other versity?
outages, and the university damage to houses and emergency items.
server, housed in Building B, public institutions, there is Mr. Takahashi recom-
was unusable. a need to open evacuation In the event of the earth- mended that first of all, it is
quake this time, they dis- important to secure your
However, there is a genera- tributed about 100 units of own safety. Protect your
tor and temporary electrici- water and food. However, head and move to a safe
ty was restored from the 1st Hokusei Has a what can a university do if place after the tremor has
floor to the 3rd floor in the only demand is for stopped. If you get hurt you
Building C, where the ad-
stockpile of wa- charging personal elec- will need a person to help
ministration offices are lo- ter and food for tronic devices? you. To protect yourself is
cated. In addition, about 30 up to 1000 people simple, but most important.
students and people out- In other words, how far It is also important to calmly
side the university were
plus blankets, should the university go to listen to emergency broad-
staying in the Kirari Retreat and firewood take care of them? It be- casts. Once you have com-
House and International came clear in this situation pleted these steps, it is also
Housing, and they stayed that the university’s stance necessary to inform others


about your safety.

The university attempted to

confirm the safety of stu-
dents one-by-one by e-mail,
Unsung heroes
the university advises stu- There are things that we should not forget regarding this recent earthquake.
dents to inform others of First, security guards went to work every day, keeping on rotation even after
their safety even if they’re the earthquake. Secondly, the cleaning staff worked from the day after the
not contacted by the uni- earthquake. They cleaned up the university, and arranged the desks and
versity. chairs back to their correct positions. Lastly, the work of removing fallen
trees downed by the typhoon prior to the earthquake also progressed de-
Hokusei Gakuen University spite the earthquake. In this way, our university life is supported by a lot of
conducts disaster drills for people. Of course it is important to protect ourselves, but helping people is
staff during the summer also important. Let's keep aware about what we can do when a disaster
vacation every year. How- strikes.
ever, Mr. Takahashi said
these are only held because
it is required by law. Fur-
thermore, the training con-
tent is the same each time.
The finance section chief
says he wants to conduct
drills that vary from year to
year. The university presi-
dent has also said that train-
ing should be done proper-

Free money? The real cost of

student loans
These days, the number of students who enter universities or any other
schools after they graduate from their high schools is increasing in japan.
Some of them don`t have any problems while they are college students. Oth-
ers, however, have serious problems.
Despite a shrinking popu- who don`t even try going
lation in Japan, the num- to university, and there are
ber of young Japanese many who cannot graduate,
who enter universities or even if they`re accepted.
some other kind of ter-
tiary education is increas- But did you know that there
ing. are also some university
graduates who regret going
If you want to study in a to university? Many of
university, it is easy for these regrets may well be
these are ‘shogakukin’
posters in hokusei- you to enter them. It may due to the present student
gakuen university seem natural for young loan or
Photo by Riku yuasa people to attend college, ‘scholarship’ situation in
and graduate. However, Japan.
there are lots of students


Sometimes the Japanese shogakukin is your own

government discusses the property. However, after On the other hand, most
Japan education system. you graduate, it changes graduate incomes are
Politicians suggest new from an asset into a debt. about 150,000yen, at
systems to improve stu- That is, those who utilize most 180,000yen. After
dents’ leaning environ- this student loan system general expenses, there is
ment. However, the univer- have to pay back the mon- only tens of thousands of Free money?
sity system still has some ey. yen left. Obligation?
issues. we should review
Also, most of them have to In this way, at the end of
In particular, the student also pay interest, of be- their scholarships are no our attitude during
loan system has some seri- tween 0.01% and 3%, graduate employment our time as stu-
ous problems. One of them depending on which sys- riches, but rather a tough dents
is that student loans don’t tem they used for their financial slog. Shun told
usually completely cover shogakukin. me that his mother helps
tuition costs. Because of to pay back his loan.
this, some students cannot During their student lives,
prepare the amount of students may not think It appears that many loan
money they have to pay. about their ‘scholarships’ applicants have not asked
Therefore, many bright and becoming a loan, because whether their
intelligent students give up usually people don’t com- ‘scholarship’ will turn into
entering colleges. This is a mit to loans (such as a loan eventually. Surely, study to get licenses. Fur-
big problem. 0.3%) until they are out of if this information was thermore, some licenses
university and start work- known beforehand, the require not only time but
However, I would like to ing. number of those who re- also money.
talk about a different prob- gret their students’ lives
lem in this article. It is how Kenta told me that he has would decrease. The harder you study, the
some young people may to pay back about richer your lives are. Our
end up regretting their stu- 15,000yen per month. Lastly, Kenta and Shun time as a student is when
dents’ life because of stu- Although the monthly re- mentioned that if you cur- we are most likely to learn
dent loans. payment amount is not rently use (or are planning something. If you utilize
very high, Kenta will need to use) a scholarship sys- the Japanese scholarship
In order to understand what to continue to pay it for tem, you should be re- program, you should re-
confronts people who are about 20 years. sponsible for understand- view how you are spending
paying back student loans ing your obligations. your student life. There
in Japan, I interviewed Ken- For Kenta and Shun, this may be greater possibilities
ta* and Shun*, two people means they will both be in Your lack of knowledge for you.
currently paying back their their 40’s before they fin- about the system may
student loan. ish paying the loan off. lead to putting strain on Talking to Kenta and Shun,
Most 40-year-old people your family. Furthermore, it was clear that many peo-
Kenta and Shun both said have a family. For most 40 if you go bankrupt, your ple never think that schol-
that while they both re- years old, there are lots of guarantors will have to arship money might be-
ceived shogakukin other payments like pay back your loans. There come a loan. While being a
(literally, ‘scholarship’), house, car and education. is no excuse for not know- student, we might not think
these ‘scholarships’ are, Furthermore, due to stu- ing. about it deeply. This re-
really, just a loan. dent debt, some people porter certainly had not.
While you are a student, may not be able to get Also, Kenta and Shun ad-
the money received via other loans. vised that students study However, there are those
hard during their time at who struggle to pay back
university. If a student their student loans. If you
studies a lot, they will get use the system or you are
advantages in the job mar- willing to use it, you should
ket. For instance, your consider carefully how you
At the end of One’s scholarships TOEIC score leads to ex- spend your life as a stu-
Might noT Be graduate employment panding your alternatives. dent. ■
Also, those who have spe- RIKU YUASA
riches, but rather a though financial cific licenses are likely to
slog. receive higher salaries * Not their real names, in order
and bonuses. After gradu- to protect their identity.
ating from university, it is
hard to secure the time to


THE Ins and outs of Hokusei

students cash flow
How much do hokusei students earn and what do they spend their money on?
Here’s our survey about hokusei students’ money and How They use money.
Today, many university stu- choose a job which they
dents have part time jobs. I want to do. They always
conducted a survey to find have a lot of choices in
out what do Hokusei stu- choosing a part time job.
dents spend their money
on. I asked 50 Hokusei stu- The second question I
dents about their money asked was “How much
situation. do you earn through part
time job per month?”
My first question was “Do The result was very in-
you have a part time job?” teresting. The largest
and 44 people (83%) an- answer of this question
swered “Yes.” Only 9 peo- was “40,000 to 60,000
ple answered “No.” (see yen” (see Figure 2). 19
Figure 1). people (38%) responded
with this answer. your parents?” month from their parents.
I found that almost all of
Hokusei students have a The second answer was To this question, 26 peo- SPENDING
part time job and there a “70,000 to 90,000yen,” ple (52%) answered What do students spend
few students who do not with 14 people (28%) in “Yes.” I also asked them their money on? I asked
have a part time job. this category. There were “How much do you re- “What is the biggest source
only 3 people (6%) who ceive from your par-
There are many kind of part earned more than ents?”
time jobs and the owners of 100,000 yen a month.
shops and companies are 13 people (46%) receive
Over half of all
always recruiting workers MONEY FROM PARENTS less than 30,000 yen a students receive
so it is not difficult to get a Next question was “Do month. Surprisingly, 8 money from their
job for students. you receive remittance people (29%) receive
Moreover, students can or an allowance from more than 100,000 yen a


of spending in your daily clothes” and “Hobbies

life?” and Entertainment” were
the second most com-
21 people (42%) an- mon answers. Those two
swered “Food Expenses.” choices had 9 people
“Beauty Expenses and (18%) each.

Finally, I asked students
about savings. To my
question asking “Are you
Some people re- saving money?” 27 peo-
ceive more than ple (54%) answered
100,000 yen a “Yes” and 23 people an-
swered “No.” month through part time biggest expense is food.
month from their jobs and half of students However many afford to
parents IN SUMMARY receive about 65,000 save money every month.
Hokusei students earn yen a month from their ■
about 63,000 yen a parents on average. Their MOE ADACHI

Breaking down Japan-china

intercultural communication
Recently, many Chinese people come to Japan as tourists. However, some peo-
ple think that intercultural communication between China and Japan is quite
difficult. Here, we find out strategies for intercultural communication suc-
In Sapporo, we have many his experience communi- One day, Sou went to a
opportunities to see and cating with people in Sap- barbershop in Sopporo, Why is it hard to com-
communicate with Chinese poro. His name is Sou Isy- but he did know where municate with people
people. So I interviewed oku. He told me a very the shop was, so he asked who have different
one of the exchange stu- shocking experience he a Japanese passerby. First culture?
dents from Taiwan to hear had recently. he told the stranger that


“Japanese people are very

kind, so if someone makes
a mistake or makes a cul-
tural faux pas, most Japa-
nese tell the person the
truth, I thought,” Chou
Meng You said. In this re-
“Nationality just
porter’s opinion, I think means where a per-
the kindest thing to do is son was born, so it
to tell visitors what they has no real value. It
have done wrong if they
want to know.
is not used for distin-
guishing between
he is from Taiwan, and customs. You are just a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE races,”
asked how to go to the bar- tourist. Could you follow Another example about
bershop. all the customs? intercultural communica-
tion between China and
However, suddenly the “It is important to put Japan is regarding lan-
passerby grumbled some- yourself in their shoes. guage.
thing negative about China They cannot understand Chou Meng You also expe-
to him. “I was confused at or culture, but they are rienced this, when she
that time,” he said. He just learning little by little be- was working part-time, PRESENT SITUATION
asked for directions. Why cause they have intercul- and was talking with her Some people seem to have
would this kind of thing tural sensitivity. So, it is co-workers. While talking, prejudice towards China,
happen? important to be patient she was surprised by but there is no reason to
while they learn Japanese something someone said, have prejudice,
In this way, intercultural different way of doing and said “hah?” Professor Hasegawa ex-
communication between things,” she also said. plained. If you have preju-
residents of Japan and visi- For exchange students, it Her co-workers laughed dice against please throw it
tors from China is one can also be difficult to because an expression away.
pressing issue in Japan know Japanese culture like that is rude. However,
these days. and customs completely. in Chinese, this just one’s Intercultural communica-
shows surprise, so she tion between China and
DIFFERENT CULTURE AND I interviewed one of the was very surprised at the Japan might be difficult, but
CUSTOMS Chinese exchange stu- difference in language if you learn about Chinese
dents at Hokusei. Her use. culture, and Chinese lan-
Prof. Noriko Hasegawa, name is Chou Meng You. “If I said this to someone I guage, you can have better
who is an expert on inter- She told me an experience don’t know well, maybe a communication with them.
cultural communication, at she had regarding Japa- miscommunication might I hope nobody in the future
Hokusei Gakuen University, nese customs. have occurred,” she told has prejudice about China,
said that many people in me. In this way, intercul- and all Japanese people
Japan have ethnocentrism. In China, people should tural communication is welcome Chinese people
not flush toilet paper related to language, too. to come to Japan! ■
“Ethnocentrism” means that down the toilet. Instead, Miku Takashima
people think in terms of they throw it away into
their own culture, without the trash box because Chi-
considering other cultures. nese toilet paper cannot
Prof. Noriko Hasegawa said dissolve in water. Howev-
that ethnocentrism can er, this custom is quite
negatively affect intercul- different in Japan. In Ja-
tural communication. pan, toilet paper dissolve
in water, so people flush it
“People in Japan often down the toilet. “I mis-
think that tourists should understood this for six
follow Japanese rules and months after I came to
culture, but it is impossible Japan,” she told me.
because they are just tour-
ists,” she said. Through this interview, it
become clear that it is
Imagine if you travel to a necessary to tell foreign- Chou meng you is an
exchange student from
foreign country, and peo- ers about Japanese cul-
china. She is an inter-
ple there have amazing ture. viewee for this article.


Getting your coffee break fix

Around hokusei
as the number of cafés is increasing at a significant pace in Sapporo, we can
find “Instagram-worthy” cafés everywhere. around Hokusei is no exception.
If you want to avoid the crowds, keep reading till the end.
Last but not least
is the Coffee Stand
28. This is not a chain café,
so you may not be familiar
with the name. However,
the store just had its 5 years
anniversary and is loved by
many local people. It is lo-
cated near Co-op supermar-
ket and takes about five
minutes on foot from Nango
18 chome station. Coffee
Stand 28 is very small café,
run by two people. The
store clerks are very nice
and friendly. You can
choose your favorite beans
Cafés are essential places bucks Coffee, just 1 minute. MORIHICO is for your coffee, which are
for people in Sapporo, not but TULLY’S COF- getting more and more roasted at the store every-
only for young people, but FEE, this is the popular and you may think day by its owner. You can
everyone loves to go to one for you. Did “I’ve been to MORIHICO, I enjoy not only coffee, but
cafés. Here’s our pick of you know there is one know MORIHICO.” Howev- also a sweets menu that
the bunch around Hokusei. within five minutes walk er, this one is a little bit changes every day. One of
from Hokusei? Even different. Some beverages the clerks makes very good
though it’s really close to like “black café latte” are sweets and cakes everyday
the university, it is a good sold only in this store. Al- and she changes the menu
COFFEE depending on what she gets
Here’s one for place to get a coffee break. so, you can enjoy black
The reason it is not very and white soft ice cream, on that day. Coffee Stand 28
everybody who likes Star- provides you an at home
bucksCoffee. If you walk well known is because it is which was only sold in the
in a hospital! You can find Morihico store in Shindo atmosphere with very good
about 15-20 minutes from coffee and sweets.
Hokusei, you can find a star- it on the first floor of To- Higashi, very far from Ho-
bucks store in Kitano. Star- kusyukai Hospital, and it is kusei. The store has very a
the only TULLY’S in comfortable and cool at- These are four great cafés
bucks in Kitano is quaint around Hokusei. All of them
and there are usually not so Atsubetsu ward. mosphere that is sure to
make you a good coffee are within 15-20 minutes
many people. Thus, you can walk, so you can escape
get new beverages without JB ESPRESSO fix.
from the stress of studying
waiting in a line for a long If you are a
and working at university. If
time. Also, the store is spa- trend-seeker, JB
we’ve shown you ones that
cious, so you can feel re- ESPRESSO MORIHICO is Coffee you’ve never been to,
laxed with your friends or the one for you. It takes
about 15 minutes on foot
will please go and find your next
concentrate on your work.
from Hokusei or you can fix favourite one. ■
get off the subway at Nan- everything Halu Hatakeyama
If you’re not really into Star- go 18 chome and walk for


Hokusei Times Editorial Staff

for Fall 2019
The latter half of 2019 was an eventful period, not
only for Hokusei Gakuen University, but also around
the world. With a number of large-scale earthquakes
both within Japan and abroad, the university has
renewed impetus to ensure their own response sys-
tems are on point. Kana Inoue’s deep-dive into how
Hokusei responds to disaster is a good reminder that
while Hokusei is well equipped with supplies,
there’s always room for improvement in how the
university responds as an organization. Also, the job
market these days is becoming more competitive.
Ken Miyamori’s story on how to make the most of
opportunities abroad should be essential reading for
anyone with an interest in working outside of Japan.
It’s not only the job market that’s getting competi-
tive. Universities are increasingly competing for ex-
change students. Saki Katou’s interview with the
International Center gives great insight into what
Hokusei Gakuen Uni-
versity is doing to at-
tract great internation-
al students, while at
the same time expand-
ing domestic students’
horizons. Please enjoy
this Fall 2019 edition
of the Hokusei Times.

To all Seniors who will be graduating this year....

Congratulations and well done and Good Luck!

From the Hokusei Times Editorial Team


Jan 2019


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