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Prepared for: Prepared by:

Chief Executive, Eng. K. A Fuko
P.O. Box 11041 P.O. Box 19
Dodoma Mwanza
Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................3
1.1. Project Summary..........................................................................................................3
1.2. The Main Objective of the Study.................................................................................3
1.3. Software and Instruments which will Support the Design..........................................3
1.4. Location of the proposed project.................................................................................4
1.5. Climate.........................................................................................................................5
2. HYDROLOGICAL PARTICULARS OF THE RIVER…................................................5
2.1. Catchment Area and the Stream Delineation Study of the River................................5
2.2. Objectives of the Study................................................................................................5
2.3. Methodology................................................................................................................5
2.3.1. Tools and software used in delineation of watershed and catchment area of
River Bukimwi...................................................................................................................6
2.3.2. Procedure used in estimating catchment area.......................................................6
2.4. Field Visit and Bridge location....................................................................................9
2.4.1. Bridge Location.....................................................................................................9
3. HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF THE RIVER.....................................9
3.1. Introduction..................................................................................................................9
3.2. Methods and resources used in determining design discharge of the river...............10
3.3. Design discharge for Return Period (Occurrence).....................................................13
3.4. Foundation design discharge......................................................................................13
3.5. Performance Analysis.................................................................................................13
3.5.1. Unsteady Flow....................................................................................................14
3.5.2. Steady Flow Analysis and Bridge Scour Calculation.........................................14
3.5.3. Steady Flow and Scour results............................................................................17
3.6. Summary of the Results carried to Structural Design............................................18
APPENDIX 1...........................................................................................................................19
APPENDIX 2 REFFERENCES FROM TRRL623 REPORT.................................................23

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

List of tables
Table 1 Occurrence of Design Discharge____________________________________________________________13
Table 2 Results for Foundation Discharge___________________________________________________________13
Table 3Abutment Scour_________________________________________________________________________17
Table 4 Total Scour_____________________________________________________________________________17
Table 5; from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 4_________________________________________________________19
Table 6; from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 5_________________________________________________________19
Table 7 from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 6_________________________________________________________20
Table 8 from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 7_________________________________________________________20
Table 9 from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 8_________________________________________________________21

List of figures
Figure 1: Proposed Bridge Topographic Features______________________________________________________4
Figure 3 Determined catchments with the concerned catchment shaded___________________________________8
Figure 4 The bridge location and the approximate flow path_____________________________________________9
Figure 5 Bridge Section Showing Contraction scour and Total scour______________________________________16
Figure 7 Maximum 24hr rain storm in east Africa_____________________________________________________22

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

1.1. Project Summary
The United Republic of Tanzania through Road Fund Board has set aside funds towards the
cost for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across Bukimwi river in Ukerewe District in
Ukerewe Region.
It is intended that part of the proceeds of the funds will cover eligible payments under the
contract for the provision of consultancy services for design of the Bridge
The design of this bridge will be based on the design according to British Standards and
Geometric Design Manual of Tanzania and Overseas Road-Note 9.
1.2. The Main Objective of the Study
The main objective of the report is to provide Engineering Detailed Hydrologic Design for
Proposed Construction of the Bridge across Bukimwi river, so that the road users can be
provided with safe, comfortable and robust ride throughout the service life of the bridge.
Specifically, the objectives will include: -
 To determine the catchment area of the river Bukimwi
 To analyze the hydrology and hydraulic for purpose of obtaining hydraulic bridge
design scour and back water effect and Water surface levels.

1.3. Software and Instruments which will Support the Design

Data was obtained from USGS earth Explorer. The Survey data was geometrically processed
using Quantum GIS and later whilst determining the hydrology and hydraulic data we used
Hydrological Engineering Centre River Analysis System (HEC RAS).
The catchment area of the project was determined using Quantum GIS for obtaining the
input value in determining discharge of the Bukimwi river
The google Earth was used to determine different site location and obtaining the project
latitude and longitude. The Topographic map of the project was determined using Surfer 14
and the image was captured for purpose of reporting and finding the actual topography of the
project. The SAGA GIS is hydrological tools which in conjunction with QGIS supported the
hydrology and Hydraulic data.

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

1.4. Location of the proposed project

The location of the project site was done using GPS, Google Earth, MS-Excel, SAGA and
Surfer 14. The project is situated in south-east side of Nansio - Ukerewe town about 9.76km
drive. It is located at latitude -2.14611111°south of equator and longitude 33.14194444°east
of Greenwich. The area has the maximum and minimum elevations of 1310m and 1150m
respectively above the sea level.

Figure 1: Proposed Bridge Topographic Features

The knowledge of the site topography is very important in the hydrology design of a bridge.
It will influence the flow velocities of the river, the catchment area and eventually the
discharge of the river and its other characteristics such as the water surface level. For
example, the water surface level of the river will depend normally on the bridge section,
nature of the area as well as the speed of the water travelling which are the functions of the
topography of the given area. It will also determine the type of the bridge required to be
installed and the location of the bridge.
The advantage of studying topographical nature in design the straight reach will be
determined where a good normal can be provided. The extent of the water course at flood
time will give idea of the minimum width of waterway that will be required for providing a
bridge with minimum obstruction to the natural flow.
The Ukerewe area is consisted of mostly pains with small hills and seasonal rivers. The
major activities of the residents are fishing, trading and agriculture activities.

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

1.5. Climate
Ukerewe features a tropical savanna climate under the Köppen climate classification.
Temperatures are relatively consistent throughout the course of the year, tempered by the
city’s altitude. The average annual temperature in Ukerewe is 23.5°C. with the precipitation
averages to 1,050 mm and it is concentrated evenly within eight months (October to May).
Precipitation is the lowest in July, with an average of 11.9 mm. Most precipitation falls in
November to April, with an average of 175 mm.


2.1. Catchment Area and the Stream Delineation Study of the River
Catchment area (Drainage Basin) is the area which supplies a river system, lake and reservoir
with water. The whole area consists of smaller and sub catchment supplying tributaries of the
main river and direct catchment which drain straight into a lake or main river. The purpose of
the river stream is to drain catchment areas from river runoff which is conveyed by river
systems. Catchment based on digital elevation model (DEM) is a perquisite to set up
physically based distributed hydrological models.
The size of the model area depends on the details of the study so that the watershed
characteristics can be assumed as homogeneous. The smallest part of the area that a
hydrological model can be applied to is called a catchment.
This method of catchment delineation has several advantages including process reliability
and reproducibility, saving time and labor, results within a digital domain can be linked to
other data set easily. In this report drainage network and catchment have been using 1 Arc
Second Format and GeoTIFF Arc Second Format for analysis.
2.2. Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to calculate the catchment area of the Bukimwi river
which will support the flood estimates in designing the bridge. Specifically
 To delineate the watershed and catchment area of River Bukimwi using satellite-
based DEM.
 To find the appropriate method in calculating River Stream Discharge.
To Estimate the size of the Catchment area using polygon parameter in Q-GIS.
2.3. Methodology
To obtain the required Catchment area of the Bukimwi River the DEM file from Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission in 1 arc second global is downloaded using Earth Explorer from
USGS. The KML file is prepared from GPX file obtained from field visit, this file just gives
the proper location of the bridge and uploaded it in USGS platform in polygon format to
support the actual location of the bridge. The platform gives the ability to prepare data sets
and provide the results in three options such as BIL 1 Arc Second format, DTED 1 Arc
Second Format and GeoTIFF Arc Second Format. The format proposed is GeoTIFF and
Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

QGIS can easily understand the format and process it. After downloading all the data, we had
to use GIS tools to perform the remaining tasks.
GIS is an effective tool to perform many operations such as digitalization, delineation of
streams of watershed and carryout a variety of spatial analysis. This tool can be efficiently
used to carry out hydrological analysis and hence used for sustainable Watershed
Management Projects.
2.3.1. Tools and software used in delineation of watershed
and catchment area of River Bukimwi
GIS tools supported us in many ways to arrive the required size of the catchment area of
Bukimwi river. The proper use of GPS, Google Earth and QGIS was not avoided and used to
get the aerial location of the project.
A geographic information Systems (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and
analyzing data. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrate many types of data. It
analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps
and 3D scenes. With thus unique capabilities, GIS reveals deeper insight into data, such as
patterns, relationships and situations it helped us make smarter decision.
2.3.2. Procedure used in estimating catchment area
The first task was to download the raster images from USGS platform. These image with
GeoTIFF format was selected based on the size of the proposed polygon area and added into
QGIS for data processing. The sequential steps followed in this study for delineation of
catchment and stream network including, Sinks
This is the first step of DEM pre-processing. The objective of this step is to make a
depression less elevation model. Here sinks in the original DEM were identified using the
Sink tool. A sink is usually an incorrect value lower than the values of its surroundings.
These depressions points create problem as any water that flows into them cannot flow out.
To ensure proper drainage mapping, these depressions were filled using the Fill tool and a fill
DEM has found. Sinks are removed from DEMs using the standard flooding approach
described by Jenson and Domingue. Depressions are filled by increasing elevations of
depression points to their lowest outflow point. Direction
In this step, the direction in which water would flow out of each cell has been determined.
The fill DEM found in the previous step is treated as input here and the Flow Direction tool
is used for this job. The output is an integer raster whose values ranges from 1 to 255. Flow
directions were calculated using the eight-direction (D8) flow model which assigns flow
from each grid cell to one of its eight adjacent cells, in the direction with a steepest
downward slope. The D8 method which was introduced by O’Callaghan and Mark.

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi Accumulation
It is the initial stage of defining the stream network system. Using the Flow Accumulation
tool, the number of upslope cells flowing to a location were calculated here. The output flow
direction raster created in the previous step has been used as input here.

Road Network

The correct automatic derivation of stream is an unsolved problem. The most common
method of extracting channel networks from DEM is to specify a critical support area that
defines the minimum drainage area required to initiate a channel using a threshold value. In
practice this threshold value is often selected on the basis of visual similarity between the
extracted network and the lines depicted on topographic maps. The threshold value has been
specified on the raster of flow accumulation that derived from the previous step. This task
has been accomplished with the spatial analyst tools. As a result, all cells with more than
‘threshold value’ cell flowing into them have been part of the stream network. Threshold
value for stream network delineation can be found in Tarboton and Daniel.

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Stream Segmentation
After derivation of stream network, a unique value was assigned for each section of the
stream raster line, associated with a flow direction. The stream Link tool has been used on
two raster file that are extracted from the above steps. Grid Delineation
Using the Watershed tool, the catchments have been delineated for specified locations. The
flow direction raster and the flow accumulation raster based on fill DEM data those are
found from the outputs of steps above have been used as input. Polygon Processing
Finally, catchment polygons have been found. Among them the polygon on which the study
area situated is the catchment of interest.

Area: 0.694km2


Figure 2 Determined catchments with the concerned catchment shaded

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

2.4. Field Visit and Bridge location

2.4.1. Bridge Location
The location of the bridge was done according to TRL Over-Seas Road Note 9. In selecting
the bridge location, the engineers had to consider the compromise between the easiest river
crossing and the shortest alignment. The choice of location has to be economic decision. The
engineers had to select the cheapest location of the bridge which will give the maximum
service life.
The existing alignment crossed the straight part of the river. The location was the shortest
route available with smallest river cross section.

Figure 3 The bridge location and the approximate flow path


3.1. Introduction
Hydrology is the study of water. In terms of environmental measurements, hydrology refers
to the physical movement of a body of water, including changes in water level, flow, and
other dynamic processes. In this case the water surface elevation of the river is of interest.
The surface elevation is affected by the discharge from the catchment and the physical
characteristics of the channel and the shape of the bridge structure.
Also the scour depth on the bridge structure is going to be calculated. The scour depth is the
function of the shape of the channel and the structure therefore the calculations are going to
be approximate as the structure is not yet proposed.

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

One of the most important thing is to determine the appropriate opening which will carry the
peak discharge efficiently and provide minimum resistance without overtopping. This is
going to be done by using a software HEC-RAS
3.2. Methods and resources used in determining design discharge of the river.
There are thee methods of determining the design flood discharge for the River: -
 Empirical where by different formulas or envelope curves are used.
 Statistical where by probability methods using past data of annual flood which are
closed to site are used.
 Rational where the Unit Hydrograph and design storm methods are used
Resources used are the following: -
 East African Meteorological Department Technical Memorandum No 17
 TRRL Laboratory report no 623
 TRRL Laboratory report no. 706
Rational method could not be used here as the area is larger than 25km.Also due to lack of
actual flow data the TRRL method with rainfall data is used to predict the 100-year flow.
Area = 0.694km2
Length of the channel = 0.965km
Channel slope = 57m/965m =5.91%
Land slope = 9%
Catchment type: Poor Pastures
Using TRRL Lab Report 623
Return period 100 Years
Area 0.694km2
From fig 1 2 year 24hr rainfall =60mm
From fig 2 10 year: 2year ratio = 1.64
From fig 3: 24hr 100year rain = 60 x 2.4 = 144mm
From fig 4 Area reduction factor = 0.95
Reduced Storm = 144 x 0.95 =136.8
=136.8 mm

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Using TRRL Lab Report 706

From table 7: lag time=0.1 therefore F = 0.28
From table 4 and fig 16 Cs=0.5
From table 6 Cl =1 (grass cover)
From table 5 catchment wetness Cw = 1
From table 8
CA=0.5 x 1 x 1
CA = 0.5

Since the area is not a swamp,

Initial retention Yo=0
From Table 8 Tp=0.75
(Inland zone)
Tb =TP+2.3K0+Ta
= 0.98
Assuming Ta=0

From above R100/24=136.8mm

Tb 24.33 n
RTB= ( ) x R100/24
24 Tb+0.33

0.98 24.33 0.96

RTB= ( ) x 136.8
24 1.31
RO= CA. (P-Y). A X 103
=0.5(92.303) X 0.694 X103

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

= 32029.2218

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

0.93 RO
Q-- =
3600 Tb

= 8.44m3/s

Ta = 0.028L/ (Q0.25. S0.5)

Second iteration
Tb=0.98+0.06 =1.04
Tb 24.33 n
R1.04= ( ) x R100/24
24 Tb+0.33
1.04 24.33
R1.04= ( ) x 136.8
24 1.37

R1.04= 93.83
RO= CA. (P-Y). A X 103
=0.5(93.83) X 0.694 X103
0.93 RO
Q-- =
3600 Tb

Q-- =8.74/s

Qactual = F.Q
Qactual=2.8 x 8.74
24.46 m3/s

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

3.3. Design discharge for Return Period (Occurrence).

Reference is made to page 11-1 section 11.2 of the Tanzania LVRM 2016 concerning design
storm of the structures. The risk of severe storm occurring is defined based on the statistical
concept. We use the adjustment factor provided in the table 11-1 for different storm return
Return Period (Years) 10 25 50 100
Adjustment Factor 1 1.05 1.35 1.5
Design Discharge (m3/s) 16.31 17.13 22.02 24.46
Table 1 Occurrence of Design Discharge

3.4. Foundation design discharge

It is sensible to provide for an adequate margin of safety while designing for foundations and
protections works. This is because the flood discharge with higher magnitude than the
designs discharge can occur during the life time of the bridge (assumed as 100 years).
The imperial approach to this is to multiply the design flood with a factor as based on the
size of the catchments area i.e. 0.3 for the small catchment area up to 500sq.m, 0.2 for
catchment area 500-5000sq.km and 0.1 for larger Catchment 5000 – 25,000 sq.km
Return Period 10 25 50 100
Design Discharge
(m3/s) 16.31 17.13 22.02 24.46
Flood Factor 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Foundation Design 4.893 5.139 6.606 7.338
Discharge (m3/s)
Design Flood (m3/s) 21.21 22.27 28.63 31.80
Table 2 Results for Foundation Discharge

3.5. Performance Analysis.

The TRRL East Africa Flood Model was used for calculation in 10-year, 25-year, 50- year
and 100-year return period which is 21.21m3/s, 22.27m3/s, 28.63m3/s, 31.80m3/s
respectively. The maximum data is used as input for HEC-RAS model at Maximum
expected discharge for River 31.80m3/s has been adopted

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

3.5.1. Unsteady Flow

In unsteady flow simulation, a flow hydrograph was used as upstream boundary condition.
The flow hydrography used was generated by using flow data as obtained above. For
unsteady simulation, downstream condition is used as input. The hydrography was based on
the 100-year maximum flow which was calculated above
The river was divided into fourteen cross sections including the bridge section. In each cross
section the manning values were assigned for center, left and right banks. The program
HEC-RAS used the cross section data and the computed flow to determine other coefficients
such as expansion coefficient and contraction coefficient.
Manning’s coefficient of 0.05 for either river bank and 0.035 in the channel of the stream for
each cross section is taken based on the nature of the bridge location i.e. mostly flat of flood
plan. After selecting the flow type with a regime condition, construct the model and compute
outputs. From the unsteady flow analysis, the following results concerning the surface water
elevation was obtained.
 The maximum water surface elevation was found to be :1183.47m
 The bed level was at 1180m
Therefore, the bridge must be of the height 1183.47 – 1180 = 3.47m
Allowing room for the derbies to pass =3.47+0.5
=3.97 ≈ 4m.
Therefore, the lowest bridge deck should have the elevation of 1184m

3.5.2. Steady Flow Analysis and Bridge Scour Calculation

Flowing water can affect bridges by eroding streambed or bank material. This scour can
expose bridge elements, compromising bridge stability and safety. Total scour is a
combination of contraction scour, local scour, and long-term channel bed elevation changes.
Local scour occurs at abutment when the abutments obstructs the flow. The obstruction of flow forms
a horizontal vortex starting at the upstream end of the abutment and running at downstream end of
the abutment. The analysis will be performed by a software (HEC-RAS) using the computed
flow data and other supplied data by the engineers.
This section will examine the scour due to the abutments and the piers of the bridge. This
scour analysis that accounts for long-term, contraction, and local scour potential for the 100-year
storm events was analyzed. Contraction and local scour values were calculated, while the long-term
component was analyzed through available cross section data and a qualitative geomorphic

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Two methods will be used in each case and the critical results will be taken. In HEC-RAS
there are two option such that, when the wetted embankment length L is divided by the
approach flow depth y1 it suggests using of HIRE equation (Richardson, 1990). And when
the wetted embankment length divided by the approach depth is less than or equal to 25 the
suggestion based on (Froehlich, 1989). HIRE equation

It is stated as follows Ys = 4y1 (K1/ 0.55) K2Fr0.33
Where: -
Ys = Scour depth in m
Y1 = depth of flow at the toe of abutment on the
K1 = Correction factor for abutment shape.
K2 = Correction factor for angle of attack.

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi Froehlich Equation

The Froehlich Equation analyzed 170 live scour measurements in laboratory flumes by
regression analysis to obtain the following equation: -
Ys = 2.27 K1 K2 (L’)0.43ya0.57Fr0.61+ ya
Where: -
Ys = Scour depth in m
K1 = Correction factor for abutment shape.
K2 = Correction factor for angle of attack.
Ya = Average depth of flow on flood plain at approach Section in (m).
Fr = Froude Number of the floodplain at the approach Section
Ve = Average velocity of the approach flow
Qe = Flow obstruction by the abutment and embankment at the approach Section.
Ae = Flow area of the approach Section Obstructed by the Abutment and

Figure 4 Bridge Section Showing Contraction scour and Total scour

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

3.5.3. Steady Flow and Scour results

The following are the bridge scour results
Table 3Abutment Scour

Abutment scour
Lef Right
Ys(m) 5.56 5.56
V(m/s) 0.15 0.15
Froude# 0.03 0.03
Equation Froehlich’s Froehlich’s

Table 4 Total Scour

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

3.6. Summary of the Results carried to Structural Design

The highest elevation of the water surface at the bridge is 1183.47m from the mean sea level
and the low chord of the abutment and piers at 1184m. This level difference provides the
suggested bridge size of 3.47 m. The freeboard of 0.5m was proposed for the bridge, hence
the size of the bridge should be 3.97 ≈ 4m openings however due to site topography and
other geometric factors the value of opening should not be less than this though can be
The bridge scour provides the maximum scour obtained from of the bridge abutment and
the elevation recorded is 1174.44m. This result suggests the scour protection shall be deep to
about 5.56m below the river bed for worst condition.
However, the justification how to treat bridge foundation must be fall upon soil investigation
report. The maximum speed of water flow at the bridge location is 3.31m/s.
The opening of the bridge model was 4m hence the bridge span is proposed to be 4m

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Table 5; from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 4

Table 6; from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 5

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Table 7 from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 6

Table 8 from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 7

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Table 9 from TRRL 706 LAB REPORT Table 8

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Figure 5 Maximum 24hr rain storm in east Africa

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi


Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi

Detailed Engineering Hydrologic Design for Proposed Construction of a Bridge across River Bukimwi


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