René Fülöp Miller

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René Fülöp-Miller

René Fülöp-Miller, born Philip Müller (17 February 1891 – 17 May 1963) was an Austrian cultural historian and writer.[1] He was
born to an Alsatian immigrant and a Serbian mother in Caransebeş (in what was then the Austro-Hungarian Empire) and died in
Hanover, New Hampshire.[2]

During his career as a journalist and editor he resided in various places such as Vienna, Paris, Lausanne, Budapest, Moscow, London,
Los Angeles and New York.[3]

Rasputin: The Holy Devil, 1927
The Mind and Face of Bolshevism: An Examination of Cultural Life in Soviet Russia , 1927
The Russian Theatre: Its Character and History with Special Reference to the Revolutionary Period
, 1927
Lenin and Gandhi, 1927
(ed. with Friedrich Eckstein)The Diary of Dostoyevsky's Wife, 1928
The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, 1930
The Ochrana: The Russian Secret Police, 1930
(ed.) Tolstoy: Literary Fragments, Letters and Reminiscences not Previously Published, Issued under the Authority of
the Tolstoy family, 1931
(ed.) Under Three Tsars: The Memoirs of the Lady-in-Waiting, Elizabeth Narishkin-Kurakin, 1931
Leo XIII and Our Times: Might of the Church-power in the World, 1935
Leaders, Dreamers, and Rebels; an Account of the Great Mass-movements of History and the ish-dreams
W that
Inspired Them, 1935
Triumph over Pain, 1938
The Saints that Moved the World: Anthony , Augustine, Francis, Ignatius, Theresa, 1945
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Insight, Faith, and Prophecy , 1950
The Night of Time, 1955
The Jesuits: A History of the Society of Jesus, 1963

1. René Fülöp-Miller - Ostdeutsche Biographie(
2. dust jacket of "The Saints Who Moved the W
orld", 1945.
3. dust jacket of "The Saints Who Moved the W
orld", 1945.

External links
Works by or about René Fülöp-Millerat Internet Archive
PhD-project about Fülöp-Miller:

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