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Volume 06, NPHC2011 

National Population and Housing Census 2011

(Village Development Committee/Municipality) 

Government of Nepal 
National Planning Commission Secretariat 
Central Bureau of Statistics  
Kathmandu, Nepal 
March, 2014 


Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Nepal is pleased to bring out the series of results of the 
National Population and Housing Census 2011 (NPHC 2011). The final result of this census 
was  disseminated    in  November  2012.    Additional  national  level  and  disaggregated  tables 
are still under way to disseminate. In fact, the census has enormous potentiality of analyses 
to be done on demographic, social, economic and spatial characteristics of the population. 
This report contains statistical tables derived from the questions maintain in 'Form 2' which 
is  administered  in  sampling  basis.  Attempt  has  also  been  made  herein  to  provide  major 
highlights of the result. I hope, this volume will be very useful and meet the demand of the 
users related to the information on migration, fertility pattern of child bearing aged married 
women  and  economic  activities  of  the  population  aged  10  years  and  over.  CBS  always 
welcomes  comments  and  suggestions  from  users  which  would  be  valuable  for  the 
improvement of our future publications. 

On this occasion, I would like to thank Dr. Rudra Suwal, Chief of the Population Section of 
the  bureau  for  his  valuable  contribution  in  the  census.  I  also  would  like  to  thank  Director 
Gyanendra  Bajracharya  and  Statistical  Officer  Yadu  Nath  Acharya  of  the  Section  for  their 
contribution in the operation from preparatory works to the management of the field work, 
data processing, data analysis, preparation and dissemination of the report. Hearty thanks 
go  to  Computer  Officer  Dol  Narayan  Shrestha  for  his  valuable  contribution  in  preliminary 
work  of  data  processing,  analysis  and  tabulation.  I  want  to  thank  ex‐Director  Damodar 
Gnawali, Directors Indra Bahadur Karki and Mahesh Chand Pradhan, Statistical Officers Dina 
Nath  Lamsal,  Sunil  Kumar  Shrestha  and  Statistical  Assistant  Bimal  Bhattarai  for  handling 
census  administration  and  data  processing.  I  also  appreciate  Statistical  Officer  Prakash 
Pokharel and Cartographer Officer Damodar Dahal who sincerely fulfilled the responsibilities 
mainly of logistics management and transportation of census materials to and from districts.        

Director  Shanker  Lal  Shrestha  and  a  team  of  Computer  Officers  Lila  Nath  Pandey,  Suresh 
Prasad Kayastha, Shyam Prasad Neupane and Raju Pokhrel were devoted in data processing 
and  tabulation.  Similarly,  Directors  of  the  GIS  Section  Pramod  Raj  Regmi  and  Shailendra 
Ghimire,  Statistical  Officer  Binod  sharan  Acharya  and  Computer  Officer  Puspa  Poudel  had 
contributed in producing Enumeration Area (EA) maps. They all deserve special thanks. 

I  would  like  to  thank  Mr.  Uttam  Narayan  Malla,  the  outgoing  DG,  for  his  overall  guidance 
and contribution in various census activities.  

I  would  like  to  thank  Mr.  Suman  Raj  Aryal,  DDG  and  Director  Mr.  Nebin  Lal  Shrestha  who 
contributed in various stages of the census operation particularly in data verification.  

Also,  I  am  thankful  to  Mr.  Prabodh  Sagar  Dhakal,  the  then  DDG,  under‐secretaries  of  the 
bureau,  Ram  Bahadur  Ghimire,  Krishna  Rana  and  Jib  Narayan  Baral,  and  Section  Officers 

Narayan  Bhandari,  Kiran  Raut,  Shanker  Khanal  and  Nayab  Subba  Rishi  Kesh  Timilsina  who 
did handle administrative, financial matters and census procurement. I would like to thank 
all  Census  Officers,  Area  Supervisors,  Supervisors,  Enumerators,  member  of  Census 
Management  Groups,  staff  of  CBS  and  Branch  Statistics  Offices  (BSOs)  who  were  actively 
engaged in the field work and other census activities. Also, I would like to thank all members 
of  District  Census  Coordination  Committees  led  by  respective  Chief  District  Officer  in  all 
districts  for  their  contribution  in  successfully  completing  the  challenging  job  of    field 
operation of the census. 

Special  thanks  go  to    Siddhakali  Offset  Press  who  took  responsibility  of  printing  census 
questionnaires  and  manuals.  Also,  HDNCG,  PHDG  &  OBCI  JV    deserves  special  thanks  for 
undertaking the data procession operation.  

I am grateful to all media including telecommunication centers (Nepal Telecom and NCELL) 
and Civil bank who contributed in raising census awareness among the mass. 

I  would  like  to  thank  all  school  teachers,  government  staff  of  various  ministries, 
departments and offices and also university students who contributed in data collection and 
supervision of the field work. 

Also, I appreciate and would like to thank the members of the National Census 2011 Citizens 
Observation Committee who did observe the fieldwork in all 75 districts. 

I express my gratitude to UNFPA, UNWOMEN, JICA, UNDP, DANIDA, US Census Bureau and 
other  international  experts  who  provided  assistance  in  different  stages  of  the  census 

Finally, I would like to thank all respondents who provided invaluable information during the 
field operation and appreciate all those who had extended hands in this national endeavor 
and helped to make the census a grand success.  

March, 2014 

                            Bikash Bista 

Director General 
Central Bureau of Statistics  
Kathmandu, Nepal 

  Table no.  Title  Page no. 
1.  Household Tables 
  Table 1.1:  Households by ownership of house/housing unit In use ................................. 1 
  Table 1.2:  Households by foundation of house/housing unit ........................................... 2 
  Table 1.3:  Households by outer wall of house/housing unit ............................................. 3 
  Table 1.4:  Households by roof of house/housing unit ...................................................... 4 
  Table 1.5:  Households by source of drinking water .......................................................... 5 
  Table 1.6:  Households by usual type of fuel used for cooking .......................................... 6 
  Table 1.7:  Households by usual source of lighting ............................................................ 7 
  Table 1.8:  Households by type of toilet ............................................................................. 8 
  Table 1.9:  Households by types of household facilities .................................................... 9 
  Table 1.10: Absentee population and household ............................................................. 10 
2.  Individual Tables 
  Table 2.1:  Households, population and average household size .................................... 11 
  Table 2.2:  Population by 5 years age group and sex ....................................................... 12 
  Table 2.3:  Population by caste/ethnicity and sex ............................................................ 16 
  Table 2.4:  Population by mother tongue and sex ........................................................... 22 
  Table 2.5:  Population by disability and sex ..................................................................... 25 
  Table 2.6:  Population aged 5 years and above by literacy status and sex ...................... 28 
  Table 2.7:  Population aged 5 years and above by educational attainment (level passed) 
and sex ............................................................................................................ 31 
  Table 2.8:  Population aged 5 ‐ 25 years by school attendance and sex .......................... 35 


Household Tables 


Table 1.1: Households by ownership of house/housing unit In use.

Ownership of house/housing unit

V.D.C. / Municipality Total
Owned Rented Institutional Others

Atichaur 751 740 5 5 1

Baddhu 980 957 10 0 13
Bai 628 623 5 0 0
Barhabis 1,650 1,582 46 2 20
Bichhaiya 507 495 7 1 4
Bramhatola 1,322 1,276 42 0 4
Budhiganga 808 728 70 0 10
Chhatara 700 696 1 1 2
Dahakot 806 764 31 4 7
Dogadi 588 576 4 0 8
Gotree 1,019 987 22 0 10
Gudukhati 852 844 4 0 4
Jagannath 702 670 4 0 28
Jayabageswori 437 423 11 0 3
Jugada 982 953 23 2 4
Jukot 597 589 2 0 6
Kailashmandau 1,818 1,802 4 0 12
Kanda 546 535 8 2 1
Kolti 1,330 1,153 169 5 3
Kotila 614 598 6 0 10
Kuldeumadau 1,305 1,229 68 4 4
Manakot 490 483 5 1 1
Martadi 1,920 1,356 429 110 25
Pandusain 1,184 1,154 18 0 12
Rugin 522 494 25 0 3
Sappata 998 976 20 1 1
Tolidewal 832 823 6 0 3
Total 24,888 23,506 1,045 138 199

Table 1.2: Households by foundation of house/housing unit.

Type of foundation of house

VDC / Municipality Total Cement

Mud bonded RCC with Wooden Not
bonded Others
bricks/stone pillar pillar Stated

Atichaur 751 744 0 0 0 0 7

Baddhu 980 963 0 0 0 1 16
Bai 628 613 0 0 2 0 13
Barhabis 1,650 1,564 0 0 69 1 16
Bichhaiya 507 495 0 0 2 4 6
Bramhatola 1,322 1,299 0 0 3 3 17
Budhiganga 808 761 0 0 43 3 1
Chhatara 700 689 0 0 1 0 10
Dahakot 806 801 1 0 0 0 4
Dogadi 588 584 0 0 0 0 4
Gotree 1,019 1,013 0 0 0 1 5
Gudukhati 852 841 0 0 1 0 10
Jagannath 702 691 0 0 0 8 3
Jayabageswori 437 425 2 0 1 0 9
Jugada 982 967 2 0 1 0 12
Jukot 597 596 0 0 0 0 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 1,805 3 0 0 0 10
Kanda 546 533 1 0 1 1 10
Kolti 1,330 1,286 23 0 12 0 9
Kotila 614 607 0 1 1 0 5
Kuldeumadau 1,305 1,223 0 0 66 0 16
Manakot 490 488 0 0 0 1 1
Martadi 1,920 1,712 72 2 26 88 20
Pandusain 1,184 1,175 0 0 4 1 4
Rugin 522 511 0 1 0 0 10
Sappata 998 991 1 0 0 0 6
Tolidewal 832 831 0 0 0 0 1
Total 24,888 24,208 105 4 233 112 226

Table 1.3: Households by outer wall of house/housing unit.

Type of outer wall

VDC / Municipality Total Cement

Mud bonded Wood/ Unbaked Not
bonded Bamboo Others
bricks/stone planks brick Stated

Atichaur 751 743 1 0 0 0 0 7

Baddhu 980 945 1 13 0 0 5 16
Bai 628 613 0 1 0 0 0 14
Barhabis 1,650 1,563 0 41 2 0 28 16
Bichhaiya 507 494 0 0 0 0 7 6
Bramhatola 1,322 1,170 3 33 1 98 0 17
Budhiganga 808 751 9 2 1 0 44 1
Chhatara 700 686 2 1 0 0 1 10
Dahakot 806 797 4 1 0 0 0 4
Dogadi 588 581 1 2 0 0 0 4
Gotree 1,019 1,012 1 0 0 0 1 5
Gudukhati 852 813 8 20 1 0 0 10
Jagannath 702 690 0 1 0 0 8 3
Jayabageswori 437 423 4 0 0 0 0 10
Jugada 982 958 3 9 0 0 0 12
Jukot 597 595 0 1 0 0 0 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 1,774 25 8 0 1 0 10
Kanda 546 528 3 4 0 1 0 10
Kolti 1,330 1,192 110 15 1 0 2 10
Kotila 614 600 2 6 0 0 0 6
Kuldeumadau 1,305 1,218 2 64 2 0 1 18
Manakot 490 488 1 0 0 0 0 1
Martadi 1,920 1,689 95 30 4 2 79 21
Pandusain 1,184 1,169 5 4 0 0 2 4
Rugin 522 511 0 1 0 0 0 10
Sappata 998 982 2 0 0 0 8 6
Tolidewal 832 828 0 3 0 0 0 1
Total 24,888 23,813 282 260 12 102 186 233

Table 1.4: Households by roof of house/housing unit.

Roof of the House

VDC / Municipality Total Thatch/ Galvanized Tile / Wood/ Not
RCC Mud Others
straw iron slate planks Stated

Atichaur 751 423 12 309 0 0 0 0 7

Baddhu 980 333 57 311 1 0 219 42 17
Bai 628 180 11 69 0 0 355 0 13
Barhabis 1,650 416 97 1,119 0 0 0 0 18
Bichhaiya 507 44 1 374 4 20 52 6 6
Bramhatola 1,322 225 73 945 0 57 2 0 20
Budhiganga 808 193 51 558 0 0 0 4 2
Chhatara 700 17 1 670 0 0 0 0 12
Dahakot 806 180 5 614 2 0 0 0 5
Dogadi 588 317 6 260 0 0 0 0 5
Gotree 1,019 695 13 292 0 1 16 1 1
Gudukhati 852 278 57 506 1 0 0 0 10
Jagannath 702 500 9 176 0 0 5 9 3
Jayabageswori 437 155 2 272 0 0 0 0 8
Jugada 982 39 11 918 0 0 2 0 12
Jukot 597 285 5 283 0 18 5 0 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 28 12 1,761 2 0 1 0 14
Kanda 546 170 4 359 1 0 1 0 11
Kolti 1,330 617 132 453 2 1 1 111 13
Kotila 614 253 35 321 0 0 0 0 5
Kuldeumadau 1,305 127 88 1,071 1 1 0 1 16
Manakot 490 10 2 477 0 0 0 0 1
Martadi 1,920 264 155 1,398 54 1 0 27 21
Pandusain 1,184 303 6 867 1 3 0 0 4
Rugin 522 12 0 140 0 2 358 0 10
Sappata 998 147 10 236 1 3 593 0 8
Tolidewal 832 5 5 819 2 0 0 0 1
Total 24,888 6,216 860 15,578 72 107 1,610 201 244

Table 1.5: Households by main source of drinking water.

Main source of drinking water

VDC / Municipality Total household Tap/piped Tubewell / Covered Uncovered Spout River
Others Not Stated
water handpump well/kuwa well/kuwa water /stream

Atichaur 751 580 0 0 32 97 33 1 8

Baddhu 980 336 0 0 9 591 29 0 15
Bai 628 514 1 1 1 93 3 0 15
Barhabis 1,650 915 0 1 114 605 0 0 15
Bichhaiya 507 255 0 1 7 201 36 0 7
Bramhatola 1,322 899 0 1 43 348 9 5 17
Budhiganga 808 585 0 0 36 156 30 0 1
Chhatara 700 498 0 0 0 195 0 0 7
Dahakot 806 643 0 1 62 69 26 0 5
Dogadi 588 476 0 1 49 50 10 0 2
Gotree 1,019 907 0 0 3 94 12 1 2
Gudukhati 852 635 0 1 89 114 0 2 11
Jagannath 702 488 0 1 0 85 126 0 2
Jayabageswori 437 336 0 1 14 75 2 0 9
Jugada 982 610 0 17 29 219 99 0 8
Jukot 597 446 0 4 1 143 2 0 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 1,463 0 0 38 308 4 0 5
Kanda 546 357 0 0 41 134 1 1 12
Kolti 1,330 1,012 1 12 3 181 111 0 10
Kotila 614 604 0 0 0 7 0 0 3
Kuldeumadau 1,305 590 0 0 78 615 8 0 14
Manakot 490 333 0 0 17 104 33 2 1
Martadi 1,920 1,572 0 4 59 153 111 12 9
Pandusain 1,184 635 0 0 40 462 45 1 1
Rugin 522 303 0 0 3 205 2 0 9
Sappata 998 533 0 1 16 336 105 0 7
Tolidewal 832 513 0 17 83 218 1 0 0
Total 24,888 17,038 2 64 867 5,858 838 25 196

Table 1.6: Households by usual type of fuel used for cooking

Fuel usually used for cooking

VDC/ Municipality Wood / Santhi/ guitha
household Kerosene LP gas Bio gas Electricity Others Not Stated
firewood (cow dung)

Atichaur 751 743 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

Baddhu 980 961 0 0 1 3 0 0 15
Bai 628 612 0 0 0 1 0 0 15
Barhabis 1,650 1,628 2 3 0 2 0 0 15
Bichhaiya 507 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Bramhatola 1,322 1,293 1 0 0 11 0 0 17
Budhiganga 808 806 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Chhatara 700 693 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Dahakot 806 801 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Dogadi 588 586 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Gotree 1,019 1,015 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Gudukhati 852 833 1 0 1 7 0 0 10
Jagannath 702 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Jayabageswori 437 426 0 1 0 1 0 0 9
Jugada 982 972 0 0 0 2 0 0 8
Jukot 597 596 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 1,807 0 0 0 6 0 0 5
Kanda 546 533 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Kolti 1,330 1,313 5 0 0 0 0 1 11
Kotila 614 611 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Kuldeumadau 1,305 1,287 0 1 0 2 0 0 15
Manakot 490 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Martadi 1,920 1,907 0 0 0 0 3 0 10
Pandusain 1,184 1,182 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Rugin 522 513 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Sappata 998 983 2 1 0 5 0 0 7
Tolidewal 832 832 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 24,888 24,622 13 6 2 42 3 1 199

Table 1.7: Households by usual source of lighting.

Fuel usually used for lighting

VDC/ Municipality
household Not
Electricity Kerosene Bio gas Solar Others

Atichaur 751 146 0 0 66 531 8

Baddhu 980 146 28 0 112 679 15
Bai 628 2 1 0 277 334 14
Barhabis 1,650 2 2 0 458 1,173 15
Bichhaiya 507 1 1 0 354 144 7
Bramhatola 1,322 167 3 0 380 755 17
Budhiganga 808 1 36 0 230 540 1
Chhatara 700 690 0 0 1 2 7
Dahakot 806 110 0 0 528 163 5
Dogadi 588 2 0 0 61 523 2
Gotree 1,019 6 0 0 274 738 1
Gudukhati 852 16 6 0 355 464 11
Jagannath 702 1 1 0 363 335 2
Jayabageswori 437 0 0 0 87 341 9
Jugada 982 423 1 0 76 474 8
Jukot 597 3 1 0 247 345 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 1 12 0 366 1,434 5
Kanda 546 444 3 0 10 76 13
Kolti 1,330 337 81 0 253 649 10
Kotila 614 369 72 0 13 157 3
Kuldeumadau 1,305 198 2 0 380 711 14
Manakot 490 409 0 0 37 43 1
Martadi 1,920 1,515 16 0 27 352 10
Pandusain 1,184 502 5 0 64 612 1
Rugin 522 0 0 0 169 344 9
Sappata 998 1 2 0 218 770 7
Tolidewal 832 175 0 0 176 481 0
Total 24,888 5,667 273 0 5,582 13,170 196

Table 1.8: Households by type of toilet.

Households with toilet facility of

Households Toilet
V.D.C. / Municipality without toilet Ordinary facility
households Flush toilet
facility toilet not stated

Atichaur 751 269 237 237 8

Baddhu 980 855 16 94 15
Bai 628 532 32 49 15
Barhabis 1,650 1,358 147 130 15
Bichhaiya 507 315 116 69 7
Bramhatola 1,322 940 111 254 17
Budhiganga 808 634 14 159 1
Chhatara 700 36 647 10 7
Dahakot 806 311 28 462 5
Dogadi 588 512 37 37 2
Gotree 1,019 796 105 116 2
Gudukhati 852 222 236 383 11
Jagannath 702 522 13 165 2
Jayabageswori 437 254 153 22 8
Jugada 982 548 237 189 8
Jukot 597 424 7 165 1
Kailashmandau 1,818 1,091 36 686 5
Kanda 546 461 49 24 12
Kolti 1,330 669 158 492 11
Kotila 614 508 10 93 3
Kuldeumadau 1,305 872 145 273 15
Manakot 490 273 10 207 0
Martadi 1,920 902 523 485 10
Pandusain 1,184 530 50 603 1
Rugin 522 380 2 131 9
Sappata 998 659 245 87 7
Tolidewal 832 439 11 382 0
Total 24,888 15,312 3,375 6,004 197

Table 1.9: Households by types of household facilities

Without At least Household having facility of

Area Total any one Cable Mobile Motor- Other Refri-
Radio Television Computer Internet Telephone Motor Cycle stated
facility facility Television Phone cycle vehicle gerator

Atichaur 751 240 382 343 2 15 6 3 14 143 0 0 0 0 0 129

Baddhu 980 623 352 257 6 0 1 0 5 199 0 0 1 0 0 5
Bai 628 336 250 197 2 0 0 0 0 128 0 0 0 0 1 42
Barhabis 1,650 803 828 696 12 8 0 0 11 414 6 2 1 0 0 19
Bichhaiya 507 350 154 122 3 0 0 0 1 84 0 0 0 0 0 3
Bramhatola 1,322 631 668 567 21 3 0 0 16 285 0 1 0 1 0 23
Budhiganga 808 268 537 470 5 0 1 0 19 218 0 0 0 0 0 3
Chhatara 700 292 354 287 3 0 1 0 3 184 0 0 0 0 0 54
Dahakot 806 115 663 641 1 0 0 0 1 151 0 1 0 0 0 28
Dogadi 588 345 226 188 2 0 0 0 3 84 0 0 0 0 0 17
Gotree 1,019 692 312 212 6 1 1 0 4 206 0 0 1 0 0 15
Gudukhati 852 427 414 386 20 1 1 0 0 139 0 0 0 0 0 11
Jagannath 702 404 252 177 1 2 1 0 4 151 0 0 0 0 0 46
Jayabageswori 437 214 212 149 0 4 0 0 10 133 0 0 0 0 0 11
Jugada 982 187 750 702 30 0 6 2 2 329 0 0 0 0 1 45
Jukot 597 322 272 215 2 1 0 0 4 158 0 0 0 0 0 3
Kailashmandau 1,818 851 945 808 8 1 2 2 26 337 0 0 1 0 0 22
Kanda 546 310 236 202 7 4 0 0 2 70 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kolti 1,330 470 775 639 53 3 8 0 36 457 0 0 0 0 0 85
Kotila 614 367 239 148 26 4 1 0 6 160 0 1 0 0 0 8
Kuldeumadau 1,305 599 685 619 7 0 2 0 34 325 2 0 0 1 0 21
Manakot 490 126 364 348 10 6 0 0 14 95 0 0 0 0 0 0
Martadi 1,920 268 1,636 1,192 184 284 116 44 132 1,119 1 3 2 2 7 16
Pandusain 1,184 625 535 416 27 1 5 0 8 255 0 0 0 0 0 24
Rugin 522 284 221 99 4 0 0 0 0 177 0 0 2 0 0 17
Sappata 998 675 310 237 3 1 2 0 2 164 0 1 0 0 0 13
Tolidewal 832 479 350 315 5 1 2 1 2 158 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 24,888 11,303 12,922 10,632 450 340 156 52 359 6,323 9 9 8 4 9 663

Table 1.10: Absentee population and household.

Absent population
Total Absent
V.D.C. / Municipality Sex Not
household household Total Male Female

Atichaur 751 192 449 300 149 0

Baddhu 980 147 175 158 17 0
Bai 628 32 44 37 7 0
Barhabis 1,650 609 1,209 879 330 0
Bichhaiya 507 16 23 17 6 0
Bramhatola 1,322 486 1,003 720 283 0
Budhiganga 808 105 191 139 52 0
Chhatara 700 156 289 225 64 0
Dahakot 806 57 96 69 27 0
Dogadi 588 244 422 325 97 0
Gotree 1,019 39 57 45 12 0
Gudukhati 852 264 541 387 154 0
Jagannath 702 69 99 85 14 0
Jayabageswori 437 138 240 186 54 0
Jugada 982 93 152 117 35 0
Jukot 597 43 62 48 14 0
Kailashmandau 1,818 438 664 548 116 0
Kanda 546 221 498 342 156 0
Kolti 1,330 67 90 76 14 0
Kotila 614 130 231 177 54 0
Kuldeumadau 1,305 386 749 557 192 0
Manakot 490 115 247 171 76 0
Martadi 1,920 66 94 78 16 0
Pandusain 1,184 104 139 111 28 0
Rugin 522 30 34 33 1 0
Sappata 998 12 13 13 0 0
Tolidewal 832 156 243 201 42 0
Total 24,888 4,415 8,054 6,044 2,010 0

Individual Tables
Table 2.1: Households, population and average household size.

Population Average
V.D.C. / Municipality Household Household
Total Male Female Ratio

TOTAL 24,908 134,912 65,806 69,106 5.42 95.22

Atichaur 751 4,277 2,082 2,195 5.70 94.85
Baddhu 980 5,059 2,411 2,648 5.16 91.05
Bai 628 3,383 1,581 1,802 5.39 87.74
Barhabis 1,650 8,374 3,875 4,499 5.08 86.13
Bichhaiya 507 2,723 1,423 1,300 5.37 109.46
Bramhatola 1,322 6,431 2,890 3,541 4.86 81.62
Budhiganga 808 4,042 1,986 2,056 5.00 96.60
Chhatara 700 3,712 1,725 1,987 5.30 86.81
Dahakot 806 4,438 2,179 2,259 5.51 96.46
Dogadi 588 3,456 1,627 1,829 5.88 88.96
Gotree 1,019 6,030 3,000 3,030 5.92 99.01
Gudukhati 852 5,130 2,386 2,744 6.02 86.95
Jagannath 702 3,587 1,738 1,849 5.11 94.00
Jayabageswori 437 2,512 1,190 1,322 5.75 90.02
Jugada 982 5,358 2,660 2,698 5.46 98.59
Jukot 597 3,230 1,613 1,617 5.41 99.75
Kailashmandau 1,818 9,586 4,489 5,097 5.27 88.07
Kanda 546 3,200 1,512 1,688 5.86 89.57
Kolti 1,330 7,134 3,621 3,513 5.36 103.07
Kotila 614 3,224 1,574 1,650 5.25 95.39
Kuldeumadau 1,305 6,872 3,210 3,662 5.27 87.66
Manakot 490 2,688 1,291 1,397 5.49 92.41
Martadi 1,920 8,807 4,706 4,101 4.59 114.75
Pandusain 1,184 6,751 3,396 3,355 5.70 101.22
Rugin 522 2,914 1,464 1,450 5.58 100.97
Sappata 998 6,171 3,032 3,139 6.18 96.59
Tolidewal 832 5,065 2,417 2,648 6.09 91.28
Institutional 20 758 728 30 - -

Table 2.2: Population by 5 years age group and sex.
VDC/ Age groups
Municipality Total
and sex 00 - 04 05 - 09 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 +

Both Sex 134,912 18,935 20,662 19,604 13,573 9,410 9,021 7,492 7,160 5,809 5,145 4,284 3,628 3,734 2,763 1,985 1,707
Male 65,806 9,646 10,319 9,791 6,618 4,225 4,209 3,404 3,422 2,812 2,538 2,162 1,913 1,747 1,307 891 802
Female 69,106 9,289 10,343 9,813 6,955 5,185 4,812 4,088 3,738 2,997 2,607 2,122 1,715 1,987 1,456 1,094 905

Both Sex 4,277 600 664 598 461 283 269 242 215 187 148 147 118 129 76 68 72
Male 2,082 329 339 308 215 118 120 104 94 87 61 71 63 68 42 29 34
Female 2,195 271 325 290 246 165 149 138 121 100 87 76 55 61 34 39 38

Both Sex 5,059 648 722 786 541 327 286 261 296 190 217 171 147 201 99 96 71
Male 2,411 347 340 393 257 130 121 101 134 93 114 91 83 95 40 47 25
Female 2,648 301 382 393 284 197 165 160 162 97 103 80 64 106 59 49 46

Both Sex 3,383 433 494 506 371 231 173 198 174 137 160 119 116 101 76 61 33
Male 1,581 225 234 250 179 103 62 83 72 75 80 61 54 45 26 24 8
Female 1,802 208 260 256 192 128 111 115 102 62 80 58 62 56 50 37 25

Both Sex 8,374 1,251 1,349 1,243 821 547 479 489 422 353 271 258 185 234 189 143 140
Male 3,875 664 705 591 394 218 192 189 172 138 129 121 89 88 77 53 55
Female 4,499 587 644 652 427 329 287 300 250 215 142 137 96 146 112 90 85

Both Sex 2,723 413 398 370 224 178 194 145 178 150 97 87 77 82 47 37 46
Male 1,423 216 181 196 119 99 105 69 93 89 56 36 48 46 25 19 26
Female 1,300 197 217 174 105 79 89 76 85 61 41 51 29 36 22 18 20

Both Sex 6,431 860 996 1,092 636 403 374 351 314 257 232 194 180 189 124 127 102
Male 2,890 445 468 527 295 164 137 147 126 99 89 93 77 81 48 58 36
Female 3,541 415 528 565 341 239 237 204 188 158 143 101 103 108 76 69 66

Both Sex 4,042 638 572 596 397 321 255 226 236 158 141 117 105 119 71 29 61
Male 1,986 315 285 302 199 145 118 101 112 88 71 48 51 61 40 16 34
Female 2,056 323 287 294 198 176 137 125 124 70 70 69 54 58 31 13 27
Table 2.2: Population by 5 years age group and sex.
VDC/ Age groups
Municipality Total
and sex 00 - 04 05 - 09 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 +

Both Sex 3,712 585 564 496 370 303 211 196 169 171 133 108 102 111 76 81 36
Male 1,725 281 266 218 182 136 95 90 82 79 54 56 49 47 29 42 19
Female 1,987 304 298 278 188 167 116 106 87 92 79 52 53 64 47 39 17

Both Sex 4,438 574 669 599 408 274 295 258 237 235 224 164 137 130 109 53 72
Male 2,179 258 320 314 215 115 148 115 125 100 123 84 80 72 56 25 29
Female 2,259 316 349 285 193 159 147 143 112 135 101 80 57 58 53 28 43

Both Sex 3,456 515 551 544 367 204 180 194 161 157 115 130 86 96 71 48 37
Male 1,627 259 280 265 166 83 76 76 68 68 53 64 42 47 36 22 22
Female 1,829 256 271 279 201 121 104 118 93 89 62 66 44 49 35 26 15

Both Sex 6,030 903 944 830 630 451 400 336 319 247 242 176 148 141 121 74 68
Male 3,000 436 473 435 287 216 185 150 175 118 138 88 96 73 55 33 42
Female 3,030 467 471 395 343 235 215 186 144 129 104 88 52 68 66 41 26

Both Sex 5,130 785 784 734 528 346 309 274 268 208 193 155 147 134 120 93 52
Male 2,386 399 377 356 230 150 131 117 117 102 88 73 71 55 52 47 21
Female 2,744 386 407 378 298 196 178 157 151 106 105 82 76 79 68 46 31

Both Sex 3,587 499 523 506 396 269 221 187 201 159 136 130 102 90 85 45 38
Male 1,738 249 255 241 206 123 101 73 105 81 62 68 54 38 39 22 21
Female 1,849 250 268 265 190 146 120 114 96 78 74 62 48 52 46 23 17

Both Sex 2,512 375 412 375 243 159 151 132 131 87 102 74 70 62 54 46 39
Male 1,190 204 213 182 108 69 54 46 58 40 40 36 41 34 24 21 20
Female 1,322 171 199 193 135 90 97 86 73 47 62 38 29 28 30 25 19

Both Sex 5,358 621 789 810 588 337 347 309 278 260 242 174 169 154 135 68 77
Male 2,660 337 427 391 294 141 154 149 149 104 123 87 89 67 75 34 39
Female 2,698 284 362 419 294 196 193 160 129 156 119 87 80 87 60 34 38

Table 2.2: Population by 5 years age group and sex.
VDC/ Age groups
Municipality Total
and sex 00 - 04 05 - 09 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 +

Both Sex 3,230 417 442 476 365 229 204 149 185 145 132 151 101 97 50 46 41
Male 1,613 214 222 253 194 97 91 68 87 69 65 73 68 44 29 21 18
Female 1,617 203 220 223 171 132 113 81 98 76 67 78 33 53 21 25 23

Both Sex 9,586 1,373 1,544 1,484 885 600 664 512 480 402 335 261 250 264 226 174 132
Male 4,489 672 748 719 430 254 281 233 208 193 159 123 116 102 116 63 72
Female 5,097 701 796 765 455 346 383 279 272 209 176 138 134 162 110 111 60

Both Sex 3,200 521 497 504 302 185 199 164 163 124 113 86 105 73 79 53 32
Male 1,512 259 257 257 133 74 82 66 70 61 51 44 44 38 35 24 17
Female 1,688 262 240 247 169 111 117 98 93 63 62 42 61 35 44 29 15

Both Sex 7,134 918 1,114 878 782 489 549 411 422 303 292 267 202 199 136 89 83
Male 3,621 468 567 444 412 230 260 190 209 162 146 139 120 105 70 46 53
Female 3,513 450 547 434 370 259 289 221 213 141 146 128 82 94 66 43 30

Both Sex 3,224 453 449 453 308 230 207 187 166 151 130 139 91 94 79 41 46
Male 1,574 227 212 252 163 108 90 78 80 68 66 71 50 31 40 19 19
Female 1,650 226 237 201 145 122 117 109 86 83 64 68 41 63 39 22 27

Both Sex 6,872 922 1,082 1,100 701 414 409 376 349 307 232 208 188 197 165 110 112
Male 3,210 481 562 535 319 156 168 144 152 137 107 98 92 92 74 42 51
Female 3,662 441 520 565 382 258 241 232 197 170 125 110 96 105 91 68 61

Both Sex 2,688 419 481 423 223 153 168 123 158 132 104 64 73 63 52 29 23
Male 1,291 213 230 209 104 57 68 55 72 74 50 37 34 31 31 14 12
Female 1,397 206 251 214 119 96 100 68 86 58 54 27 39 32 21 15 11

Both Sex 8,807 988 1,308 1,274 898 754 714 599 559 416 360 254 196 198 123 100 66
Male 4,706 499 738 687 470 371 349 325 314 221 215 153 117 105 54 53 35
Female 4,101 489 570 587 428 383 365 274 245 195 145 101 79 93 69 47 31

Table 2.2: Population by 5 years age group and sex.
VDC/ Age groups
Municipality Total
and sex 00 - 04 05 - 09 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 +

Both Sex 6,751 1,008 969 917 727 534 476 336 365 267 263 206 175 210 142 85 71
Male 3,396 534 489 473 360 255 239 159 178 139 124 110 101 95 77 34 29
Female 3,355 474 480 444 367 279 237 177 187 128 139 96 74 115 65 51 42

Both Sex 2,914 419 434 380 309 221 160 161 135 140 109 132 88 88 49 50 39
Male 1,464 217 223 195 148 112 69 79 69 74 54 70 45 52 20 21 16
Female 1,450 202 211 185 161 109 91 82 66 66 55 62 43 36 29 29 23

Both Sex 6,171 1,010 1,027 850 604 518 409 308 262 246 238 183 149 165 101 56 45
Male 3,032 501 482 402 299 253 207 155 134 125 117 101 83 82 52 21 18
Female 3,139 509 545 448 305 265 202 153 128 121 121 82 66 83 49 35 27

Both Sex 5,065 777 845 732 478 334 377 263 273 197 169 125 119 112 108 83 73
Male 2,417 391 397 353 230 134 172 139 123 105 88 62 54 52 45 41 31
Female 2,648 386 448 379 248 200 205 124 150 92 81 63 65 60 63 42 42

Both Sex 758 10 39 48 10 116 341 105 44 23 15 4 2 1 0 0 0
Male 728 6 29 43 10 114 334 103 44 23 15 4 2 1 0 0 0
Female 30 4 10 5 0 2 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2.3 : Population by caste/ethnicity and sex
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female

All Caste 4277 2082 2195
Chhetree 2953 1431 1522
Brahman - Hill 108 51 57
Kami 63 34 29
Damai/Dholi 317 137 180
Sarki 212 109 103
Sanyasi/Dashnami 604 309 295
Others 20 11 9
All Caste 5059 2411 2648
Chhetree 2060 949 1111
Brahman - Hill 1008 493 515
Tamang 76 38 38
Kami 169 82 87
Damai/Dholi 273 126 147
Thakuri 15 6 9
Sarki 804 421 383
Teli 56 27 29
Sanyasi/Dashnami 120 52 68
Lohar 416 189 227
Bhote 32 15 17
Others 14 7 7
Terai Others 16 6 10
All Caste 3383 1581 1802
Chhetree 1387 648 739
Brahman - Hill 390 183 207
Kami 476 236 240
Damai/Dholi 98 52 46
Thakuri 668 300 368
Sanyasi/Dashnami 363 161 202
Others 1 1 0
All Caste 8374 3875 4499
Chhetree 3794 1755 2039
Brahman - Hill 476 206 270
Magar 71 30 41
Kami 1362 614 748
Damai/Dholi 431 196 235
Thakuri 882 411 471
Sarki 328 162 166
Sanyasi/Dashnami 120 59 61
Kumal 352 160 192
Lohar 470 230 240
Badi 47 25 22
Others 41 27 14
All Caste 2723 1423 1300
Chhetree 2344 1235 1109
Kami 82 42 40
Bhote 280 134 146
Others 17 12 5

Table 2.3 : Population by caste/ethnicity and sex
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female

All Caste 6431 2890 3541
Chhetree 3302 1512 1790
Brahman - Hill 986 443 543
Kami 714 314 400
Damai/Dholi 1040 455 585
Thakuri 70 32 38
Sarki 69 30 39
Badi 200 84 116
Others 28 13 15
Dalit Others 22 7 15

All Caste 4042 1986 2056
Chhetree 3037 1499 1538
Brahman - Hill 35 23 12
Kami 270 129 141
Damai/Dholi 37 16 21
Thakuri 162 76 86
Sarki 37 20 17
Sanyasi/Dashnami 187 92 95
Lohar 38 17 21
Badi 29 15 14
Others 29 14 15
Dalit Others 181 85 96

All Caste 3712 1725 1987
Chhetree 1532 710 822
Brahman - Hill 493 229 264
Kami 1219 577 642
Damai/Dholi 54 22 32
Thakuri 63 27 36
Badi 350 160 190
Others 1 0 1

All Caste 4438 2179 2259
Chhetree 3833 1878 1955
Brahman - Hill 19 14 5
Kami 289 147 142
Sarki 165 77 88
Lohar 125 58 67
Others 7 5 2

All Caste 3456 1627 1829
Chhetree 2634 1267 1367
Kami 389 177 212
Thakuri 16 7 9
Badi 135 57 78
Others 26 10 16
Dalit Others 256 109 147

Table 2.3 : Population by caste/ethnicity and sex
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female

All Caste 6030 3000 3030
Chhetree 2654 1296 1358
Brahman - Hill 33 16 17
Kami 269 141 128
Damai/Dholi 856 430 426
Thakuri 1045 508 537
Sarki 1036 538 498
Lohar 115 54 61
Others 22 17 5

All Caste 5130 2386 2744
Chhetree 3824 1790 2034
Brahman - Hill 14 8 6
Tharu 137 65 72
Kami 730 321 409
Sarki 278 130 148
Lohar 32 14 18
Badi 83 43 40
Others 21 10 11
Terai Others 11 5 6

All Caste 3587 1738 1849
Chhetree 1424 699 725
Brahman - Hill 122 61 61
Kami 271 131 140
Damai/Dholi 162 81 81
Thakuri 222 104 118
Sarki 533 269 264
Sanyasi/Dashnami 568 259 309
Dhanuk 17 5 12
Lohar 256 119 137
Others 12 10 2

All Caste 2512 1190 1322
Chhetree 1688 798 890
Kami 165 89 76
Damai/Dholi 47 23 24
Thakuri 466 210 256
Sarki 28 12 16
Kumal 49 26 23
Lohar 22 11 11
Badi 38 18 20
Others 9 3 6

All Caste 5358 2660 2698
Chhetree 3570 1762 1808
Brahman - Hill 337 154 183
Kami 313 156 157
Damai/Dholi 251 131 120
Thakuri 17 9 8
Sarki 145 72 73

Table 2.3 : Population by caste/ethnicity and sex
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female

Sanyasi/Dashnami 83 38 45
Lohar 376 202 174
Badi 247 126 121
Others 19 10 9

All Caste 3230 1613 1617
Chhetree 871 436 435
Brahman - Hill 754 384 370
Kami 243 119 124
Damai/Dholi 36 21 15
Thakuri 1087 528 559
Sarki 88 49 39
Lohar 143 75 68
Others 8 1 7

All Caste 9586 4489 5097
Chhetree 6022 2880 3142
Brahman - Hill 225 88 137
Kami 741 365 376
Damai/Dholi 418 180 238
Limbu 194 78 116
Thakuri 145 55 90
Sarki 956 434 522
Sanyasi/Dashnami 518 232 286
Badi 363 175 188
Others 4 2 2

All Caste 3200 1512 1688
Chhetree 2537 1198 1339
Brahman - Hill 166 71 95
Kami 168 86 82
Damai/Dholi 161 81 80
Sarki 162 73 89
Others 6 3 3

All Caste 7134 3621 3513
Chhetree 4183 2120 2063
Brahman - Hill 495 242 253
Kami 443 239 204
Damai/Dholi 179 81 98
Thakuri 183 99 84
Sarki 218 112 106
Sanyasi/Dashnami 253 131 122
Mallaha 93 50 43
Lohar 798 405 393
Bhote 167 82 85
Badi 50 21 29
Others 44 25 19
Dalit Others 28 14 14

Table 2.3 : Population by caste/ethnicity and sex
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female

All Caste 3224 1574 1650
Chhetree 739 361 378
Brahman - Hill 402 178 224
Musalman 91 42 49
Kami 871 435 436
Damai/Dholi 310 152 158
Thakuri 634 319 315
Sarki 31 20 11
Sanyasi/Dashnami 13 5 8
Bhote 22 10 12
Others 3 0 3
Dalit Others 108 52 56

All Caste 6872 3210 3662
Chhetree 3391 1617 1774
Brahman - Hill 1003 456 547
Magar 16 8 8
Kami 412 190 222
Damai/Dholi 116 57 59
Thakuri 33 19 14
Sarki 569 248 321
Teli 197 91 106
Sanyasi/Dashnami 249 116 133
Lohar 528 243 285
Bangali 43 20 23
Badi 270 124 146
Others 45 21 24

All Caste 2688 1291 1397
Chhetree 1949 935 1014
Brahman - Hill 65 32 33
Kami 377 183 194
Sarki 286 133 153
Others 11 8 3

All Caste 8807 4706 4101
Chhetree 4801 2586 2215
Brahman - Hill 1273 692 581
Tharu 17 13 4
Tamang 12 6 6
Newar 22 19 3
Kami 533 266 267
Gurung 24 12 12
Damai/Dholi 326 170 156
Thakuri 241 140 101
Sarki 102 63 39
Sanyasi/Dashnami 53 29 24
Lohar 1097 540 557
Bhote 234 117 117
Badi 11 7 4
Others 50 41 9
Terai Others 11 5 6

Table 2.3 : Population by caste/ethnicity and sex
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female

All Caste 6751 3396 3355
Chhetree 4149 2097 2052
Brahman - Hill 185 78 107
Kami 312 154 158
Damai/Dholi 338 169 169
Thakuri 74 37 37
Sarki 295 156 139
Sanyasi/Dashnami 74 38 36
Lohar 673 341 332
Bhote 632 318 314
Others 19 8 11

All Caste 2914 1464 1450
Chhetree 1669 840 829
Brahman - Hill 240 117 123
Kami 127 65 62
Thakuri 481 236 245
Sarki 141 74 67
Lohar 78 35 43
Badi 46 28 18
Others 12 9 3
Dalit Others 120 60 60

All Caste 6171 3032 3139
Chhetree 3180 1565 1615
Brahman - Hill 505 250 255
Kami 1988 985 1003
Damai/Dholi 236 111 125
Thakuri 194 90 104
Sarki 28 14 14
Kumal 36 15 21
Others 4 2 2

All Caste 5065 2417 2648
Chhetree 4035 1926 2109
Kami 89 48 41
Thakuri 234 106 128
Sarki 191 86 105
Others 12 7 5
Dalit Others 504 244 260

All Caste 758 728 30
Chhetree 416 393 23
Brahman - Hill 91 86 5
Magar 33 33 0
Tharu 36 36 0
Tamang 12 12 0
Newar 15 15 0
Kami 30 30 0
Thakuri 52 51 1
Sanyasi/Dashnami 23 23 0
Others 50 49 1

Table 2.4 : Population by mother tongue and sex.
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female
mother tongue

All Mother Tongue 4,277 2,082 2,195
Nepali 4,259 2,073 2,186
Others 6 3 3
Not Reported 12 6 6

All Mother Tongue 5,059 2,411 2,648
Nepali 4,959 2,361 2,598
Tamang 76 38 38
Sherpa 18 10 8
Others 6 2 4

All Mother Tongue 3,383 1,581 1,802
Nepali 3,382 1,580 1,802
Others 1 1 0

All Mother Tongue 8,374 3,875 4,499
Nepali 8,364 3,871 4,493
Others 10 4 6

All Mother Tongue 2,723 1,423 1,300
Nepali 2,441 1,282 1,159
Sherpa 271 130 141
Others 11 11 0

All Mother Tongue 6,431 2,890 3,541
Nepali 6,431 2,890 3,541

All Mother Tongue 4,042 1,986 2,056
Nepali 4,029 1,975 2,054
Others 13 11 2

All Mother Tongue 3,712 1,725 1,987
Nepali 3,712 1,725 1,987

All Mother Tongue 4,438 2,179 2,259
Nepali 4,436 2,177 2,259
Others 2 2 0

All Mother Tongue 3,456 1,627 1,829
Nepali 3,456 1,627 1,829

All Mother Tongue 6,030 3,000 3,030
Nepali 6,015 2,988 3,027
Others 15 12 3

Table 2.4 : Population by mother tongue and sex.
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female
mother tongue

All Mother Tongue 5,130 2,386 2,744
Nepali 5,123 2,383 2,740
Others 7 3 4

All Mother Tongue 3,587 1,738 1,849
Nepali 3,578 1,729 1,849
Others 9 9 0

All Mother Tongue 2,512 1,190 1,322
Nepali 2,512 1,190 1,322

All Mother Tongue 5,358 2,660 2,698
Nepali 5,347 2,652 2,695
Others 11 8 3

All Mother Tongue 3,230 1,613 1,617
Nepali 3,230 1,613 1,617

All Mother Tongue 9,586 4,489 5,097
Nepali 9,581 4,484 5,097
Others 5 5 0

All Mother Tongue 3,200 1,512 1,688
Nepali 3,199 1,511 1,688
Others 1 1 0

All Mother Tongue 7,134 3,621 3,513
Nepali 7,114 3,607 3,507
Others 20 14 6

All Mother Tongue 3,224 1,574 1,650
Nepali 3,213 1,567 1,646
Sherpa 11 7 4

All Mother Tongue 6,872 3,210 3,662
Nepali 6,857 3,202 3,655
Others 15 8 7

All Mother Tongue 2,688 1,291 1,397
Nepali 2,683 1,287 1,396
Others 5 4 1

All Mother Tongue 8,807 4,706 4,101
Nepali 8,477 4,508 3,969
Maithili 24 23 1
Tharu 13 10 3

Table 2.4 : Population by mother tongue and sex.
VDC/Municipality and
Total Male Female
mother tongue

Tamang 12 6 6
Gurung 21 11 10
Sherpa 201 98 103
Hindi 11 11 0
Sign Language 16 11 5
Others 32 28 4

All Mother Tongue 6,751 3,396 3,355
Nepali 6,508 3,272 3,236
Sherpa 235 121 114
Others 8 3 5

All Mother Tongue 2,914 1,464 1,450
Nepali 2,907 1,458 1,449
Others 7 6 1

All Mother Tongue 6,171 3,032 3,139
Nepali 6,167 3,028 3,139
Others 4 4 0

All Mother Tongue 5,065 2,417 2,648
Nepali 5,063 2,416 2,647
Others 2 1 1

All Mother Tongue 758 728 30
Nepali 563 533 30
Tharu 28 28 0
Newar 11 11 0
Magar 13 13 0
Doteli 94 94 0
Others 49 49 0

Table 2.5 : Population by disability and sex.

VDC/Muni- Population Population having disability of

cipality without Blindness/ Deaf / hard Deaf – Speech Mental Intellectual Multiple
and sex disability Physical low vision to hearing blind problem disable disable disable

Both Sex 134,912 129,017 2,368 1,210 1,241 78 396 168 99 335
Male 65,806 62,582 1,361 577 698 37 228 84 55 184
Female 69,106 66,435 1,007 633 543 41 168 84 44 151

Both Sex 4,277 4,184 25 25 27 1 8 5 1 1
Male 2,082 2,031 10 17 15 0 3 5 0 1
Female 2,195 2,153 15 8 12 1 5 0 1 0

Both Sex 5,059 4,794 59 72 61 5 35 6 10 17
Male 2,411 2,268 30 41 35 1 18 2 6 10
Female 2,648 2,526 29 31 26 4 17 4 4 7

Both Sex 3,383 3,263 36 41 19 1 17 0 2 4
Male 1,581 1,529 12 18 7 0 11 0 2 2
Female 1,802 1,734 24 23 12 1 6 0 0 2

Both Sex 8,374 7,949 175 96 92 4 20 8 2 28
Male 3,875 3,652 108 37 47 1 10 4 1 15
Female 4,499 4,297 67 59 45 3 10 4 1 13

Both Sex 2,723 2,615 36 33 20 2 13 2 0 2
Male 1,423 1,367 18 17 13 1 5 1 0 1
Female 1,300 1,248 18 16 7 1 8 1 0 1

Both Sex 6,431 6,236 83 30 43 6 14 10 7 2
Male 2,890 2,787 46 12 22 2 11 5 4 1
Female 3,541 3,449 37 18 21 4 3 5 3 1

Both Sex 4,042 3,858 98 31 37 0 6 5 0 7
Male 1,986 1,869 66 17 24 0 2 5 0 3
Female 2,056 1,989 32 14 13 0 4 0 0 4

Both Sex 3,712 3,595 54 27 20 0 3 3 1 9
Male 1,725 1,662 34 10 12 0 1 0 0 6
Female 1,987 1,933 20 17 8 0 2 3 1 3

Both Sex 4,438 4,227 80 34 70 1 11 9 2 4
Male 2,179 2,055 46 19 46 0 6 4 1 2
Female 2,259 2,172 34 15 24 1 5 5 1 2

Both Sex 3,456 3,358 49 21 15 2 4 2 0 5
Male 1,627 1,574 29 9 6 1 3 2 0 3
Female 1,829 1,784 20 12 9 1 1 0 0 2

Table 2.5 : Population by disability and sex.

VDC/Muni- Population Population having disability of

cipality without Blindness/ Deaf / hard Deaf – Speech Mental Intellectual Multiple
and sex disability Physical low vision to hearing blind problem disable disable disable

Both Sex 6,030 5,593 184 74 89 2 29 6 7 46
Male 3,000 2,747 110 38 53 2 18 3 1 28
Female 3,030 2,846 74 36 36 0 11 3 6 18

Both Sex 5,130 5,116 2 4 2 2 2 0 2 0
Male 2,386 2,380 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 0
Female 2,744 2,736 1 2 2 0 2 0 1 0

Both Sex 3,587 3,403 67 32 49 1 17 5 4 9
Male 1,738 1,635 39 14 28 1 9 3 3 6
Female 1,849 1,768 28 18 21 0 8 2 1 3

Both Sex 2,512 2,417 41 13 24 2 8 4 2 1
Male 1,190 1,138 26 6 9 2 6 2 0 1
Female 1,322 1,279 15 7 15 0 2 2 2 0

Both Sex 5,358 5,024 173 63 65 1 13 9 3 7
Male 2,660 2,485 96 31 30 0 7 4 1 6
Female 2,698 2,539 77 32 35 1 6 5 2 1

Both Sex 3,230 3,180 9 12 16 2 6 5 0 0
Male 1,613 1,582 6 9 10 0 3 3 0 0
Female 1,617 1,598 3 3 6 2 3 2 0 0

Both Sex 9,586 9,088 313 49 70 3 21 17 14 11
Male 4,489 4,205 177 22 48 2 15 5 7 8
Female 5,097 4,883 136 27 22 1 6 12 7 3

Both Sex 3,200 3,183 5 4 3 0 2 2 1 0
Male 1,512 1,501 3 2 2 0 1 2 1 0
Female 1,688 1,682 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0

Both Sex 7,134 6,779 125 104 60 5 31 4 5 21
Male 3,621 3,407 86 51 33 5 18 3 4 14
Female 3,513 3,372 39 53 27 0 13 1 1 7

Both Sex 3,224 3,084 23 34 32 4 14 9 5 19
Male 1,574 1,489 11 24 23 3 10 3 4 7
Female 1,650 1,595 12 10 9 1 4 6 1 12

Both Sex 6,872 6,738 40 14 50 0 9 1 5 15
Male 3,210 3,153 16 4 22 0 6 0 2 7
Female 3,662 3,585 24 10 28 0 3 1 3 8

Both Sex 2,688 2,471 95 49 33 2 13 3 4 18
Male 1,291 1,180 53 21 15 0 8 3 3 8
Female 1,397 1,291 42 28 18 2 5 0 1 10
Table 2.5 : Population by disability and sex.

VDC/Muni- Population Population having disability of

cipality without Blindness/ Deaf / hard Deaf – Speech Mental Intellectual Multiple
and sex disability Physical low vision to hearing blind problem disable disable disable

Both Sex 8,807 8,334 232 87 56 7 31 20 8 32
Male 4,706 4,454 132 39 30 3 18 9 4 17
Female 4,101 3,880 100 48 26 4 13 11 4 15

Both Sex 6,751 6,322 96 102 145 8 30 10 3 35
Male 3,396 3,164 54 47 85 1 15 5 2 23
Female 3,355 3,158 42 55 60 7 15 5 1 12

Both Sex 2,914 2,776 35 40 39 2 6 7 4 5
Male 1,464 1,389 23 20 20 0 5 2 4 1
Female 1,450 1,387 12 20 19 2 1 5 0 4

Both Sex 6,171 5,816 141 71 74 5 20 13 6 25
Male 3,032 2,835 79 28 50 4 13 7 4 12
Female 3,139 2,981 62 43 24 1 7 6 2 13

Both Sex 5,065 4,860 89 48 30 10 12 3 1 12
Male 2,417 2,320 47 22 13 6 5 2 0 2
Female 2,648 2,540 42 26 17 4 7 1 1 10

Both Sex 758 754 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Male 728 724 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Female 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2.6: Population aged 5 years and above by literacy status and sex

VDC/ Population aged Population who are Literacy

Municipality 5 years Can read Can read Can't read not
and sex & above & write only & write stated

Both Sex 115,977 64,579 2,847 48,514 37 55.68
Male 56,160 38,662 1,288 16,193 17 68.84
Female 59,817 25,917 1,559 32,321 20 43.33

Both Sex 3,677 1,809 111 1,756 1 49.20
Male 1,753 1,101 53 598 1 62.81
Female 1,924 708 58 1,158 0 36.80

Both Sex 4,411 2,498 166 1,743 4 56.63
Male 2,064 1,478 78 507 1 71.61
Female 2,347 1,020 88 1,236 3 43.46

Both Sex 2,950 1,686 59 1,205 0 57.15
Male 1,356 994 23 339 0 73.30
Female 1,594 692 36 866 0 43.41

Both Sex 7,123 3,974 152 2,992 5 55.79
Male 3,211 2,373 69 769 0 73.90
Female 3,912 1,601 83 2,223 5 40.93

Both Sex 2,310 1,037 42 1,231 0 44.89
Male 1,207 671 16 520 0 55.59
Female 1,103 366 26 711 0 33.18

Both Sex 5,571 3,445 140 1,986 0 61.84
Male 2,445 1,900 51 494 0 77.71
Female 3,126 1,545 89 1,492 0 49.42

Both Sex 3,404 1,907 174 1,322 1 56.02
Male 1,671 1,153 77 440 1 69.00
Female 1,733 754 97 882 0 43.51

Both Sex 3,127 1,894 64 1,169 0 60.57
Male 1,444 1,060 22 362 0 73.41
Female 1,683 834 42 807 0 49.55

Both Sex 3,864 2,149 133 1,581 1 55.62
Male 1,921 1,282 60 578 1 66.74
Female 1,943 867 73 1,003 0 44.62

Both Sex 2,941 1,510 23 1,408 0 51.34
Male 1,368 944 12 412 0 69.01
Female 1,573 566 11 996 0 35.98

Table 2.6: Population aged 5 years and above by literacy status and sex

VDC/ Population aged Population who are Literacy

Municipality 5 years Can read Can read Can't read not
and sex & above & write only & write stated

Both Sex 5,127 2,743 105 2,279 0 53.50
Male 2,564 1,613 47 904 0 62.91
Female 2,563 1,130 58 1,375 0 44.09

Both Sex 4,345 2,113 31 2,201 0 48.63
Male 1,987 1,247 15 725 0 62.76
Female 2,358 866 16 1,476 0 36.73

Both Sex 3,088 1,678 98 1,311 1 54.34
Male 1,489 996 45 447 1 66.89
Female 1,599 682 53 864 0 42.65

Both Sex 2,137 1,103 94 939 1 51.61
Male 986 658 46 281 1 66.73
Female 1,151 445 48 658 0 38.66

Both Sex 4,737 2,842 62 1,830 3 60.00
Male 2,323 1,653 33 636 1 71.16
Female 2,414 1,189 29 1,194 2 49.25

Both Sex 2,813 1,482 97 1,234 0 52.68
Male 1,399 928 44 427 0 66.33
Female 1,414 554 53 807 0 39.18

Both Sex 8,213 4,784 159 3,268 2 58.25
Male 3,817 2,683 71 1,062 1 70.29
Female 4,396 2,101 88 2,206 1 47.79

Both Sex 2,679 1,196 41 1,442 0 44.64
Male 1,253 781 16 456 0 62.33
Female 1,426 415 25 986 0 29.10

Both Sex 6,216 3,425 139 2,645 7 55.10
Male 3,153 2,070 61 1,019 3 65.65
Female 3,063 1,355 78 1,626 4 44.24

Both Sex 2,771 1,553 92 1,125 1 56.04
Male 1,347 939 44 364 0 69.71
Female 1,424 614 48 761 1 43.12

Both Sex 5,950 3,763 39 2,147 1 63.24
Male 2,729 2,128 18 582 1 77.98
Female 3,221 1,635 21 1,565 0 50.76

Both Sex 2,269 1,236 142 891 0 54.47
Male 1,078 709 74 295 0 65.77
Female 1,191 527 68 596 0 44.25

Table 2.6: Population aged 5 years and above by literacy status and sex

VDC/ Population aged Population who are Literacy

Municipality 5 years Can read Can read Can't read not
and sex & above & write only & write stated

Both Sex 7,819 4,925 216 2,676 2 62.99
Male 4,207 3,180 104 922 1 75.59
Female 3,612 1,745 112 1,754 1 48.31

Both Sex 5,743 2,968 152 2,618 5 51.68
Male 2,862 1,727 83 1,049 3 60.34
Female 2,881 1,241 69 1,569 2 43.08

Both Sex 2,495 1,319 62 1,114 0 52.87
Male 1,247 844 23 380 0 67.68
Female 1,248 475 39 734 0 38.06

Both Sex 5,161 2,452 138 2,571 0 47.51
Male 2,531 1,480 64 987 0 58.47
Female 2,630 972 74 1,584 0 36.96

Both Sex 4,288 2,354 116 1,816 2 54.90
Male 2,026 1,360 39 626 1 67.13
Female 2,262 994 77 1,190 1 43.94

Both Sex 748 734 0 14 0 98.13
Male 722 710 0 12 0 98.34
Female 26 24 0 2 0 92.31

Table 2.7: Population aged 5 years and above by educational attainment (level passed) and sex.

Population that have completed the educational level of

VDC/Municipality Lower Inter- Non-formal Level not
Total Primary Secondary S.L.C. & Graduate Post Graduate
and sex Beginner secondary mediate Others education stated
(1-5) (9 -10) equiv. & equiv. equiv. & above
(6 -8) & equiv.

Both Sex 69,169 6,413 35,592 12,752 5,778 3,747 2,333 568 172 91 1,451 272
Male 40,995 3,336 19,220 8,389 4,080 2,806 1,676 510 159 61 628 130
Female 28,174 3,077 16,372 4,363 1,698 941 657 58 13 30 823 142

Both Sex 2,142 347 997 396 174 123 57 15 1 2 29 1
Male 1,286 185 557 264 116 96 42 15 1 1 9 0
Female 856 162 440 132 58 27 15 0 0 1 20 1

Both Sex 2,640 130 1,441 526 253 102 106 17 3 3 23 36
Male 1,544 64 782 341 160 77 77 16 3 1 9 14
Female 1,096 66 659 185 93 25 29 1 0 2 14 22

Both Sex 1,821 133 1,016 320 218 33 65 10 6 2 17 1
Male 1,063 70 524 227 149 25 45 9 5 2 6 1
Female 758 63 492 93 69 8 20 1 1 0 11 0

Both Sex 4,251 442 2,174 693 355 248 126 35 5 8 161 4
Male 2,510 231 1,168 454 252 182 89 29 5 4 92 4
Female 1,741 211 1,006 239 103 66 37 6 0 4 69 0

Both Sex 1,206 252 639 157 61 33 15 6 0 7 34 2
Male 748 116 407 102 44 30 14 6 0 7 21 1
Female 458 136 232 55 17 3 1 0 0 0 13 1

Both Sex 3,489 155 1,763 666 356 163 134 25 4 3 186 34
Male 1,922 88 858 425 224 111 90 20 4 2 88 12
Female 1,567 67 905 241 132 52 44 5 0 1 98 22

Table 2.7: Population aged 5 years and above by educational attainment (level passed) and sex.

Population that have completed the educational level of

VDC/Municipality Lower Inter- Non-formal Level not
Total Primary Secondary S.L.C. & Graduate Post Graduate
and sex Beginner secondary mediate Others education stated
(1-5) (9 -10) equiv. & equiv. equiv. & above
(6 -8) & equiv.
Both Sex 2,110 145 1,275 383 138 90 55 15 2 1 2 4
Male 1,257 71 699 259 107 63 38 15 2 1 0 2
Female 853 74 576 124 31 27 17 0 0 0 2 2

Both Sex 1,952 157 933 424 194 112 64 16 2 2 45 3
Male 1,089 65 486 243 130 87 45 15 2 1 13 2
Female 863 92 447 181 64 25 19 1 0 1 32 1

Both Sex 2,335 213 1,305 463 223 75 28 13 5 3 7 0
Male 1,366 98 709 302 144 67 25 12 5 1 3 0
Female 969 115 596 161 79 8 3 1 0 2 4 0

Both Sex 1,593 145 894 255 143 106 27 5 3 2 13 0
Male 993 82 482 185 117 88 21 5 3 2 8 0
Female 600 63 412 70 26 18 6 0 0 0 5 0

Both Sex 2,963 286 1,646 486 200 112 70 14 0 6 127 16
Male 1,732 166 843 358 153 87 54 14 0 5 44 8
Female 1,231 120 803 128 47 25 16 0 0 1 83 8

Both Sex 2,150 105 1,275 355 138 131 43 15 0 6 44 38
Male 1,266 51 683 259 94 104 37 14 0 3 8 13
Female 884 54 592 96 44 27 6 1 0 3 36 25

Both Sex 1,824 154 997 341 141 74 52 11 0 0 52 2
Male 1,072 82 525 234 107 57 34 9 0 0 23 1
Female 752 72 472 107 34 17 18 2 0 0 29 1

Table 2.7: Population aged 5 years and above by educational attainment (level passed) and sex.

Population that have completed the educational level of

VDC/Municipality Lower Inter- Non-formal Level not
Total Primary Secondary S.L.C. & Graduate Post Graduate
and sex Beginner secondary mediate Others education stated
(1-5) (9 -10) equiv. & equiv. equiv. & above
(6 -8) & equiv.
Both Sex 1,193 109 573 249 154 47 39 10 1 4 5 2
Male 706 62 278 171 118 35 29 9 0 2 1 1
Female 487 47 295 78 36 12 10 1 1 2 4 1

Both Sex 2,983 184 1,511 679 302 169 91 21 4 1 13 8
Male 1,733 110 813 401 194 115 62 20 4 1 9 4
Female 1,250 74 698 278 108 54 29 1 0 0 4 4

Both Sex 1,592 183 781 262 151 123 59 6 3 2 7 15
Male 977 84 438 180 113 101 41 6 3 2 3 6
Female 615 99 343 82 38 22 18 0 0 0 4 9

Both Sex 4,939 211 2,592 1,008 381 417 120 33 5 4 146 22
Male 2,761 112 1,327 598 246 297 90 31 4 2 46 8
Female 2,178 99 1,265 410 135 120 30 2 1 2 100 14

Both Sex 1,226 10 781 227 74 49 31 7 5 9 32 1
Male 796 4 476 177 55 36 22 6 4 6 10 0
Female 430 6 305 50 19 13 9 1 1 3 22 1

Both Sex 3,620 286 1,936 687 275 151 180 51 14 0 32 8
Male 2,169 164 1,079 442 188 106 108 45 12 0 19 6
Female 1,451 122 857 245 87 45 72 6 2 0 13 2

Both Sex 1,647 128 859 333 139 81 56 3 1 0 41 6
Male 983 60 495 196 105 62 43 2 1 0 16 3
Female 664 68 364 137 34 19 13 1 0 0 25 3

Table 2.7: Population aged 5 years and above by educational attainment (level passed) and sex.

Population that have completed the educational level of

VDC/Municipality Lower Inter- Non-formal Level not
Total Primary Secondary S.L.C. & Graduate Post Graduate
and sex Beginner secondary mediate Others education stated
(1-5) (9 -10) equiv. & equiv. equiv. & above
(6 -8) & equiv.
Both Sex 3,912 412 1,847 651 377 236 207 45 19 0 101 17
Male 2,206 216 982 387 232 148 133 40 19 0 41 8
Female 1,706 196 865 264 145 88 74 5 0 0 60 9

Both Sex 1,410 263 758 196 108 31 33 15 2 3 1 0
Male 790 118 383 136 84 22 30 13 2 2 0 0
Female 620 145 375 60 24 9 3 2 0 1 1 0

Both Sex 5,432 650 2,218 963 476 495 383 115 78 6 45 3
Male 3,462 375 1,305 618 332 353 269 99 72 5 31 3
Female 1,970 275 913 345 144 142 114 16 6 1 14 0

Both Sex 3,255 461 1,808 531 146 116 57 13 6 4 107 6
Male 1,891 244 999 339 105 88 41 12 5 4 49 5
Female 1,364 217 809 192 41 28 16 1 1 0 58 1

Both Sex 1,390 195 693 211 88 75 39 13 0 0 71 5
Male 880 101 430 142 73 55 29 11 0 0 36 3
Female 510 94 263 69 15 20 10 2 0 0 35 2

Both Sex 2,794 417 1,411 540 177 90 60 12 1 8 61 17
Male 1,619 174 718 388 160 79 51 12 1 3 27 6
Female 1,175 243 693 152 17 11 9 0 0 5 34 11

Both Sex 2,564 210 1,346 522 215 117 72 10 0 3 49 20
Male 1,463 120 661 334 157 88 58 9 0 2 16 18
Female 1,101 90 685 188 58 29 14 1 0 1 33 2

Both Sex 736 30 123 228 121 148 64 17 2 2 0 1
Male 711 23 113 227 121 147 59 16 2 2 0 1
Female 25 7 10 1 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0
Table 2.8: Population aged 5 - 25 years by school attendence and sex .

Population who are

Population aged 5-25 years
VDC/Municipality Currently going to school Not currently going to school Attendence not stated

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Total 29,910 32,660 23,606 22,064 5,760 9,620 544 976

Atichaur 943 1,043 809 699 132 340 2 4
Baddhu 1,064 1,273 851 849 190 395 23 29
Bai 748 846 609 605 138 239 1 2
Barhabis 1,827 2,064 1,416 1,354 308 528 103 182
Bichhaiya 621 610 434 386 181 218 6 6
Bramhatola 1,372 1,665 1,160 1,188 202 452 10 25
Budhiganga 906 959 741 701 160 253 5 5
Chhatara 766 935 623 708 127 206 16 21
Dahakot 960 1,024 734 681 206 329 20 14
Dogadi 768 887 576 499 191 386 1 2
Gotree 1,378 1,502 1,064 983 285 488 29 31
Gudukhati 1,079 1,307 760 701 266 489 53 117
Jagannath 806 868 620 609 182 255 4 4
Jayabageswori 556 627 461 401 85 197 10 29
Jugada 1,204 1,268 1,007 966 188 288 9 14
Jukot 718 766 551 481 89 100 78 185
Kailashmandau 2,065 2,352 1,664 1,692 373 606 28 54
Kanda 718 784 474 332 244 452 0 0
Kolti 1,650 1,658 1,242 1,076 389 570 19 12
Kotila 712 722 597 520 112 199 3 3
Kuldeumadau 1,480 1,672 1,256 1,283 212 373 12 16
Manakot 597 709 520 514 75 194 2 1
Martadi 2,037 1,883 1,724 1,384 302 489 11 10
Pandusain 1,575 1,622 1,101 1,048 444 521 30 53
Rugin 645 678 520 410 110 219 15 49
Sappata 1,404 1,622 1,094 1,047 299 558 11 17
Tolidewal 1,100 1,298 919 932 139 275 42 91
Institutional 211 16 79 15 131 1 1 0


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