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1. Some of the new micro-machines are supposed to be__________

A. Self-propelled B. Self-conscious C. Self-deluding D. Self-indulgent
E. None of these
2. The main problem with the faulty iron were the terrible___________marks left on all clothes
A. Scorch B. Aspirated C. Elicited D. Torch E. None of these

3. In this attempt to__________the condition of poor in the slurns, he found that he needed the aid wealthy
A. delineate B. assay C. evaluate D. ameliorate E. exctricate

4. The influence of the environment on man is revealed by an____________study

A. Anthropological B. ecological C. epigraphic D. numismatic E. ecumenical
5. The Government should provide attractive tax_________to create the market of quality goods
A. Revenues B. structures C. resources D. incentives E. controls
6. He_________his fault and was_______
A. Agreed, excused B. refused, freed C. denied, sentenced D. confesse, pardoned
7. The security forces fired at the____________who was armed to the_________
A. Dacoit, teeth B .Criminal, toe C. thief, head D. culprit, nail
8. He sold property because he was under a lot of_____________
A. Account B. debt C. loan
9. _________is a criminal__________in England and covers cases where offensive descriptions of
Christianity are published.
A. Nepotism, act B. Sacrilege, violence C. Blasphemy, offence D. Obscenity, deviation
E. Impiety, Transgression
10. Rustic
A. Sophisticated B. unsophisticated C. clear D. nice E. brown coloured
11. Misleading
A. False reasoning on ethical matters, wrong direction B. superhuman creature(subordinate to the
creator) C. inter-breeding between different races D. abandonment of one’s religion(or
political party) E. None of these
A. Hero B. Loser C. Chapter D. Attack
A. Purity B. Sully C. Deny D. Origin
A. Set free B. exist C. correct morally D. restrain
E. make a solemn declaration
A. Discuss B. renounce C. run off secretly D. perjure E. project
A. Unsuccessful B. consuming C. financing D. familiar E. fruitful
A. Doubtful B. Virtual C. deadly D. headless E. virtuous
A. Float B. be naked C. be hungry D. be naughty E. crawl
A. Misleading B. False C. clever at inventing D. intoxicated E. alarm
A. Take away B. False C. make greater D. to exhaust
21. Which is the Closest in Meaning to the Word Underlined as has been used in the Sentence
Live the world and leave the world with grace.
A. Gesture B. elegance C. charm D. impression
22. The district collector made it clear that the Government cannot sustain for long support for such schemes.
A. Pay B. manage C. administer D. continue
23. The president of the party deprecated the move of the Government to introduce electoral reforms in
A. Welcomed B. denied C. Protested D. humiliated E. extricated
24. Chose the word which can be substituted for the given sentence
One who takes delight in excessive cruelty?
A. Anarchist B. Sophist C. Sadist D. Nihilist
25. That which cannot be rectified or made good.
A. Irreparable B. Irrevocable C. Irreconcilable D. Irreplaceable

26. CEASE(Choose the Antonym)

A. Mortal B. Continue C. Earthly D .Sluggish
27. CLIMB(Choose the Antonym)
A. Distinct B. Expand C. Descend D. Release
28. UPHOLD(Choose the Antonym)
A. Desert B. Keep C. Maintain D. Break
29. ACCEPTED(Choose the Antonym)
A. Followed B. noted C. provided D. considered E. rejected
30. ALLEVIATION(Choose the Antonym)
A. Lessening B. magnification C. intensify D. aggravation E. exaggeration
31. GENUINE(Choose the Antonym)
A. Rotten B. bogus C. unsound D. impure
In the following questions the first and the last parts of the passage are numbered S1 and S6. The rest of
the passage is split into four parts and marked P,Q,R and S. These four parts not given in their proper
order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct.

1. S1: to protest against P: callous attitude of the police Q: the alleged high handedness R: of the
sarpanch and S: the shopkeepers of the area observed S6: a two hour bandh.
2. S1: Crops grown in the country P: the role of a particular crop in the rural economy, Q: categories on
the basis of R: are grouped into a number of S: the nature of the product, the uses to which crops are
put, S6: and similar other considerations.
In the following questions, there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumbled up. Re-arrange
these parts which are labelled P,Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose your answer from the four
sequences given under each question.
1. They tell us P. in some places Q, there must have been R. that when the great glaciers of the Ice Age
melted. vast steppes or wide treeless plains.
Select the correct Verb form to agree with the subject.
1. When Joan and Jade arrived, they found that their friends…………waxed their boards.
A. Had B. Has C. were D. Is E. None of these
2. Either Gary or I……………..responsible for allocating the funds.
A. Are B. Is C. In D. Will E. None of
3. The chairman, along with his two assistants,________________to attend the annual convention.
A. Plan B. Plans C. Is planed D. Are plan E. None of these
4. Neither his mother nor his father_________cards
A. Play B. Playing C. Is D. Plays E. None of these
5. Advertisers say that the herb “kava kava”______anxiety and insomnia.
A. Reduce B. Reduces C. Reducing D. Is Reduce E. None of these
6. Everyone of those books____________fiction.
A. Is B. Are C. Not D. Have E. None of these
7. Ten tons________a heavy load.
A. Is B. Are C. Not D. Have E. None of these
8. The NEWS_____________on at six
A. Is B. Are C. Not D. Have E. None of these
Choose the correct Prepositions
1. The driver was walking__________the small park__________the restaurant.
A. Through, near B. From, near C. By, near D. By, at E. from, at
2. Some people say it is unlucky to walk_________A ladder
A. On B. Under C. At D. In E. None of these
3. I’d rather have wine instead____________beer
A. Of B. Than C. From D. To E. None of these
4. I was visiting my best friend_____________the hospital
A. In B. On C. At D. down E. None of these
5. The kids are learning about the Civil War__________their history class
A. At B. up C. below D. In E. None of these
Choose the correct option
1. The quarreled with me_________the division of the booty.
A. About B. In C. Above D. On
2. We travelled____________a boat to reach Dhaka
A. By B. On C. for D. about
Select the appropriate word in each sentence.
1. For security purposes,__________had to installed on all floors.
A. Censer B. Censor C. Sensor D. Censure D. None of these
2. The dancer’s movements were extremely__________
A. Graceful B. gracious
3. He______________against the action.
A. Protestant B. protested
Insert the correct article in the blanks A, An The
1. You must have____________MBBS degree
A. A B. An C. The D. Thee E. None of these
2. This coat was designed by ____________famous New York artist.
A. A B. An C. The D. Thee E. None of these
3. Jane ate___________piece of pizza.
A. A B. An C. The D. Thee E. None of these
In each of the following questions, an idiomatic expressional proverb has been given, followed by some
alternative. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/proverb.
1. To give/get the bird.
A. To get the awaited B. To have good luck C. To send away
D. to get the impossible
In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses
the meaning of the idiom/phrases in italics in the sentence.
1. He is in the habit of chewing the cuds.
A. Accusing others B. trying over spit milk C. forgetting things
D. to muse on
Choose the mis-spelt
1. A. Inflammable B. Inaugrate C. Incandescent
D. Illustrate E. All are correct
2. A. Archeology B. Adolescence C. Achievement
D. Affidavit E. All are correct
3. A. Boast B. Catalogue C. Terrible D. Heritage
E. All are correct
Paragraph:1: Before the dawn civilization man overpowered the weak with his physical strength. In the struggle for
existence, it was the survival of the fittest. Might was right. Man didn’t think twice while killing this prey. So the
prehistoric man was almost barbaric and lived solely on the strength of his muscles power. Gradually man became
aware of his intellectual ability. He learned to turn things in his favour by using his brain. He realized he was
superior to all in the animal kingdom due to his ability to think. He began using his mind to deal with day to day
1. Before the dawn civilization man overpowered the weak with his
A. Oratorical skills B. Intellectual ability C. Physical Strength D. Through bribery
2. While killing his prey, man experienced,
A. No misgivings B. Guilt C. Anger D. Great joy
3. Thus, the prehistoric man was almost
A. Refined B. An aesthete C. Urbane D. Barbaric
4. 4. When man became aware of his intellectual ability, he realized, he was
A. Like the animals B. More inferior C. Superior to all in the animal kingdom
D. None of the above.
Paragraph:2:A little wile ago an eastern king, friendly to England, king Zahir Shah of Iran, paid a visit to London to
see what western civilization was like. He was taken to see tanks at Luiworth and bombing aeroplanes at Hendon.
But nobody took him to see the leading English poet, or indeed any poe or painter or musician or maker of
beautiful things. Three hundred years from now the Iranians reading about the visit in their history books will think
that the English must have been a very warline nation who were not interested in the things of peace. And what is
true of England is just as true of the other countries. So long as the nations go on like this, it only wants another
match to set the hay-rick alight and it will blaze again. And so destructive has modern war become that another
blaze will probably burn up civilization altogether.
5. What picture of England would these things give to an outsider?
A. That the English were a war-like nation B. The progress of the western world in the
field of science C. A picture of the materially prosperous western society D.
None of the above
Paragraph:3: The idea of evolution (which is gradual change) was not a new one. The Greeks had thought of it, so
had Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, and also the Frenchman, Lanmark. It is one thing to have
an idea, we can all guess and sometimes make a lucky guess. It is quite another thing to produce a proof of the
correctness of that idea. Darwin thought he had that proof in his notebooks. He saw that all animals had struggled
to survive. Those which were best at surviving their environment passed on the good qualities which helped them
to their descendants. This was called “the survival of the fittest”. For example, in a cold climate, those who have
the warmest fur will live. Darwin believed that this necessity for an animal to deal with its environment explained
the immense variety of creatures.
1. At the time that Darwin arrived on the scene, the idea of evolution.
A. Was an idea B. Had already been proved beyond doubt
C. Had been thought of but not proved D. Was not thought fir for exploration
2. According to Darwin thought, the world of animals is marked by
A. Peaceful B. A struggle for survival C. Indifference towards each other
D. Love and friendship
3. The expression “the survival of the fittest” means that
A. The strong will survive while the weak will perish
B. The strong and the weak will live peacefully
C. The strong will help the weak survive
D. Both the strong and the weak will survive
4. In colder climates
A. All animal can survive B. No animal can survive
C. Only animals with fur can survive D. Animals are hard to come by
5. Darwin thought that the environment
A. Has no effect on animals B. Has lot of effect on animals
C. Has a marginal effect on animals D. Has an effect on man but not on animals

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