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Saligumba Street, Passi City, Iloilo


Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Chapter I


This chapter is divided into seven parts: (1) Background of the Study,

(2) Theoretical Framework, (3) Statement of the Problem, (4) Assumptions of the Study,

(5) Significance of the Study, (6) Delimitation of the Study, and (7) Definition of Terms.

Part One, Background of the Study, presents the overview of the study.

Part Two, Theoretical Framework, discusses the theory behind the conduct of this


Part Three, Statement of the Problem, states the specific objectives of the study

that the researchers seek to find.

Part Four, Assumptions of the Study, presents the assumptions made by the

researchers before this study was conducted.

Part Five, Significance of the Study, enumerates the benefits that can be derived

from the findings of this study.

Part Six, Delimitation of the Study, indicates the coverage, time frame, and the

limitation of the study,

Part Seven, Definition of Terms, presents the conceptual and operational meaning

of some important terms used in the study.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Background of the Study

Punctuality is one of the virtues many lack nowadays. Time and resources will be

saved if this virtue is carried out to the system of every responsible citizen. It is important

not to miss a class especially the first part of the day which includes the Silence Period,

Meditation, and Gospel Reading, which most pupils and students know as the Morning

Talk’. This routine is practiced by Assumption Passi for several years already and it is the

responsibility of all pupils and students not to be late or they would miss this particular


According to the Journal Education and Practice (Vol. 5, No.2, 2014), the

students’ family background greatly influences their tardiness. This is supported by

Peretomode (2012) and Egbule (2013) when they elaborated the concept of nature as it

affects an individual’s habits. These claims were later concurred by Taylor, (2014) stating

that tardiness is a concern even within the early childhood setting and teachers’

information collected in the surveys showed that classrooms with a maximum of 18

children, three to six various children were tardy on a weekly basis.

Kuhlenschmidt and Layne (2012) cited that students do not realize that the first

minutes of the class are important. Calladrilla, Christensen, Young and Denseley (2011)

added that students who were always late often miss the important opening

announcements and academic activities.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Although coming to school late is better than not coming at all, tardiness is still a

severe problem for students. Students may miss the entire first period classes, often

getting an extremely low grade compared to other classes (Amanda et al., 2014).

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) asserted that students involved in watching films

and home videos until late night would usually result in waking up late, as could be

deduced from the literal meaning of the saying “early to bed, early to rise”.

Moreover, poor organization is the common reason for lateness. Students wait

until the last minute and do not allow themselves enough time to travel (Journal of

Education and Practice, 2014).

Since tardiness is a pressing issue in Assumption School Passi City, Iloilo Inc, we,

the researchers, decided to have this as our research study.

Theoretical Framework

The Behaviorism theory of B.F. Skinner (1957) is based upon the idea that

learning is a function of change in overt behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of

an individual's response to events (stimuli) that occur in the environment. A response

produces a consequence such as defining a word, hitting a ball, or solving a math

problem. When a Stimulus-Response (S-R) pattern is reinforced (rewarded), the

individual is conditioned to respond. The distinctive characteristic of operant

conditioning relative to previous forms of behaviorism (e.g., connectionism, drive

reduction) is that the organism can emit responses instead of only eliciting response due

to an external stimulus.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Reinforcement is the key element in Skinner's S-R theory. A reinforce is anything

that strengthens the desired response. It could be verbal praise, a good grade or a feeling

of increased accomplishment or satisfaction. The theory also covers negative reinforcers -

any stimulus that results in the increased frequency of a response when it is withdrawn

(different from aversive stimuli -- punishment -- which result in reduced responses). A

great deal of attention was given to schedules of reinforcement (e.g. interval versus ratio)

and their effects on establishing and maintaining behavior.

One of the distinctive aspects of Skinner's theory is that it attempted to provide

behavioral explanations for a broad range of cognitive phenomena. For example, Skinner

explained drive (motivation) in terms of deprivation and reinforcement schedules.

Skinner (1957) tried to account for verbal learning and language within the operant

conditioning paradigm, although this effort was strongly rejected by linguists and

psycholinguists. Skinner (1971) deals with the issue of free will and social control.

It is in this theory that this study was anchored, with the researchers believing that

punctuality is a result of one’s behavior and environment.

Statement of the Problem

This study sought to determine the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary

students of Assumption School Passi City Iloilo, Inc. for school year 2017-2018.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Assumptions of the Study

The researchers assumed that students have household responsibilities and

academic requirements which are more important things to be fulfilled instead of arriving

at school before the expected time. Weather is also a great factor especially for students

who live in far areas.

The researchers were also expected to interact with the informants. This had

something to do with BF Skinners’ (1957) theory of Behaviorism.

One of the distinctive aspects of Skinner's theory is that it attempted to provide

behavioral explanations for a broad range of cognitive phenomena.

One’s innate trait boils down in the way of an individual’s parental up-bringing as

one’s personal stance is based on the disposition, judgment, comprehension and

conviction of the one’s parent and to the surrounding people who had significant

participation in one’s life.

Multiple counts of offenses were still less regarded by the students due to the

school’s strict policies because of a continuous violation and the school lacks follow up

countermeasures to prevent such violation.

Significance of the Study

This study has noteworthy benefits to the following:

School Administrators. This study will help them regarding the tardiness issue of

the school and also for them to review and improve their guidelines on tardiness.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Class Advisers. The findings of this study will help them in having a complete

attendance especially during first period, which will lead the students to become self-

directed and active learners.

Students. The findings of this study would benefit the students of Assumption

School Passi about the factors that affect their tardiness and become aware of their

behavior as students being tardy at school which will help them in their studies and will

make them more versatile citizens of our nation.

Future Researchers. This study will provide future researchers with primary

source of information in their attempt to look deeper into the factors that affect the

tardiness of secondary students of Assumption School Passi.

Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary

students of Assumption School Passi City Iloilo, Inc. This study will give insights to the

researchers by knowing the factors and reasons of the students who are always late in

arriving to school.

Definition of Terms

Students – persons who attends a school, college or university (Merriam-Webster


In this study, it refers to the secondary students of Assumption School Passi

currently enrolled this School Year 2017-2018.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Tardiness – arriving or doing something late (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

In this study it refers to the behavior of the secondary students of Assumption

School Passi who are often arriving late.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter consists of research papers and articles related to the study. It

includes four parts: (1) Tardiness, (2) Factors Causing Tardiness, (3) School Rules and

Policies on Tardiness, and (4) Summary.


According to the study of Marwan Zaid Betaineh (2014), lateness is a form of

disruptive behavior. Lateness disrupts the rhythm of the class lecture and distracts other

students who may be paying attention to the lecture. Literally, the term “lateness” implies

a situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford

Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995). Furthermore, Lauby (2009) puts it as a

term used to describe “people not showing up on time”. Breeze et al. (2010) contributed

by saying that, lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act

or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. It is obvious

therefore that, lateness could be seen as a system of network breakdown (Peretomode,

1991), a situation of not meeting up with programmed, a function of time is the criteria

and determinant of lateness.

According to the study, the effect of student tardiness to learning is that it has a

negative impact on learning outcomes. By the mere nature of arriving late and missing

the school hours, students receive few hours of instruction than students who are in class

when the bell sounds.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

According to the study of Persida et.,al (2017), tardiness in relation to the

academic performance of the senior high school students of La Verdad Christian School,

tardiness has already become a habit of some students nowadays. Being tardy means

coming late on school even their house is just beside their school and it can lead to more

serious problems affecting their academic learning as well as their performance.

According to the study, investigating the phenomenon of class tardiness among

the first year first semester chemical engineering students at Universiti Teknologi

Petronas (UTP), tardiness implies a situation where an individual is late in happening or

arriving (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 2010). Besides, Free Dictionary (2003)

defines tardiness as coming, occurring or remaining after correcting, usual, expected time

(as cited in Malik, Ladhani, & Bhamani, n.d.).

According to the study of Do minutes matter? Connecting Tardiness to Academic

Achievement, Tardy can be defined as a “student’s failure to be in an assigned seat at the

sound of the final transition bell or tardy bell” (Tyre et al., 2011, p. 135). Not showing up

on time, or being tardy, is problematic, as shown in the study conducted Fish et al.


According to the essay, Tardiness: High School and Tardy student essay, tardiness

is an instance of being late especially for school or work, that is noted down as


Santillano (2010) reported that psychological theorists considered some

“personality traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety” as triggering factors of

lateness. However, some theorists considered lateness as an “inborn quality” since our

Saligumba Street, Passi City, Iloilo


Grade 12 General Academic Strand

being early or late is “partially biologically determined”, which she also agreed, other

experts also believed that some people are “chronically tardy” for the reason that they

consciously and unconsciously get good things from it.

Factors Causing Tardiness

Based on the review of the existing lateness behavior literature, the researchers

addressed the following specific factors associated with student’s lateness behavior: Poor

Organization, Going late to bed, family background, Cultural background, Mass media,

broken homes, location of school, incomplete sleep

Poor organization- is the most common reason for lateness. Students wait until

the last minute, and then do not allow themselves enough time to travel

Going late to bed- The individual involved in watching films and home videos

may stay awake till late night. This could result in waking up late, as could be deduced

from the literal meaning of the saying “early to bed early to rise” (Nakpodia & Dafiaghor,


Family background- The habit of lateness could be learned from family

members. For instance, the person who sees the father always going late to work could

also learn the habit, thus go to lecture late also. This is supported by Peretomode (2001)

and Egbule (2004), when they elaborated the concept of nature as it affects an

individual’s habits. Moreover, it could be due to lack of parental supervision, domestic

violence, poverty, and differing attitudes toward education (U.S. Department of Justice,


Saligumba Street, Passi City, Iloilo


Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Cultural background- Different cultures have different standards concerning

lateness. However, punctuality is not really a serious matter for some cultures, compared

with how punctuality is being perceived in western cultures and developed countries

(Breeze et al., 2010).

Mass media- This research will lay emphasis on the electronic media;

specifically, cable television, cell phone, tablets, laptops and MP3 players. From

observation, some students download movies into their cell phones and watch them late

in the night. Again, some others listen to MP3 players for a long time at night. It is

common knowledge that when individuals go late to bed, they will also wake up late.

Kubiszewki, Fontaine, Rusch and Hazouard (2012) undertook a study on association

between electronic media use and sleep habits. Definitely, inadequate sleep might slow

down students’ rate of preparation for school and eventually arrive late.

Broken Homes- Broken homes resulting from separation, divorce, dissertation or

death of parent’s maybe a factor in students’ late arrival at school.

Omozeghian (2007) and Onoyase (2013) describe a broken home as a home where the

marriage between a man and a woman has hit the rock and the couple now stay

separately. They maintained that children of such a marriage now move between their

father and mother in their separate homes and that most of these students have been

found to go late to school and thus perform poorly academically. Observation has

revealed that products of this type of home suffer much neglect (in terms of food and

school materials) with one parent shifting responsibility to the other and pointing

accusing fingers at themselves for the plight of their children.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Location of the school- Oghuvwu (2008) noted that distance to school is one of

the causes of lateness of our secondary school students. Dafiaghor (2011) not only agreed

that distance to school results to lateness but distractions like hold-ups or go-slows is also

responsible. Sarkodie, Ntow-Gyan, Bempong and Saka (2014) found out in their study

that large proportion of students agreed that lateness to school is caused by long distance

between the school and their residences.

Incomplete sleep- One of the reasons of being lazy during the studies is the

incomplete sleep. If the students are not having proper sleep during the night they are

always lazy and dizzy while they are studying.

School Rules and Policies for Tardiness

According to the Student Handbook Revised 2015 of Assumption School Passi

City Iloilo, Inc., pupils or students who arrive late secure a Tardy Slip from the Guard and

write reasons for coming late (for the first three tardiness). The tardiness slip is submitted

to the Class Adviser.

The sanctions for tardiness are the following:

First Three Tardies - the Administrative Coordinator will sign the Tardy Slip

Fourth Tardy - a letter from the Administrative Team Coordinator is sent to the

parents for notification.

Sixth Tardy - a letter for a scheduled dialogue with the Guidance-in charge and

the Administrative Coordinator are sent to the parents

Seventh Tardy - the First Written Reminder is issued to the pupil/student

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Ninth Tardy - the Second Written Reminder is served to the pupil/student by the

Administrative Coordinator

After the Twelfth Tardy, the parents are called for a conference regarding the

child’s consistent tardiness upon which the Guidance-in charge, the Administrative

Coordinator and the Chairperson, will issue a WRITTEN WARNING.

According to the Philippine Science High School, a student is considered tardy if:

a. He/she is not in line formation at the start of the flag ceremony; or

b. He/she enters the classroom 10 minutes after the designated start of the class

period; or

c. He/she is not in the designated venue 10 minutes after the start of any class,

activity in lieu of a regular class period (i.e., fieldtrips, seminars, contest,

symposia etc.)

According to the school rules and policies on tardiness of Ateneo de Manila, the

teacher gives a warning:

On the 5th- Class teacher sends a notification slip to the parents

On the 6th- the GLC gives a warning

On the 10th- One bar/demerit

On the 12th- One-day benching for middle school students

On the 15th- Grounding/suspension

According to the school rules and policies on tardiness of Southern-Agri Business

and Marine Aquatic School Technology, a student is considered late when he/she is not

yet present during the roll call and until the fifteenth minutes from the start of class.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Lateness beyond fifteen minutes is considered an absence in the subject. Three instances

of lateness are considered one absence.

According to the school rules and policies of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines, a student is considered late or tardy if he arrives in class 15 minutes after the

scheduled class time. Three incidences of tardiness shall be considered as one absence

from class, and 5-8 times tardy per quarter will have a reduction of five points in


According to the school rules and policies on tardiness of University of

Southeastern University, students who are late 15 minutes after the class shall be

considered absent.

According to the school rules and policies on tardiness of Southwest High School,

1st Tardy- Written Warning

2nd Tardy- Phone call home by teacher

3rd Tardy- Written Warning by teacher

4th Tardy- Referral to office, 1-day ISS at Lunch and parent contact

5th Tardy- Referral to office, 3-day ISS at Lunch and parent contact

6th Tardy- Referral to office, 6-day ISS at Lunch and parent contact

7th Tardy- Referral to office, 2 weeks ISS at Lunch, parent contact

8th Tardy and beyond- Parent conference, increased ISS and possible referral to


According to the school rules and policies on tardiness of Arellano University

School of Law, Tardiness of twenty-five (25) minutes by the student for everyone (1)

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

hour of the subject class hours shall be considered as an absence. Should the faculty

member decide to impose another type of sanction in exercise of his academic freedom,

then he must first secure the approval of the Dean and pre-inform his class.


This review of related literature discusses what tardiness is about, the factors

causing it, and the rules and policies of some schools on tardiness.

Tardiness is a form of disruptive behavior which implies to being slow to act, or

slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. It is an unexcused tardy

when arriving to class after the late bell has sounded. Literally, the term “lateness” is

synonymous to tardiness which implies situation where an individual arrives after the

proper scheduled time or usual time.

It disrupts the rhythm of the class lecture and also distracts when students who

may be paying attention to the lecture. It has a negative impact on learning outcomes, by

the mere nature of arriving late and misses the school hours. Students receive few hours

of instruction than students who are in class when the bell sounds.

On the other hand, some factors causing lateness are also the same factors

affecting the students. It tells what factors can be linked to the tardiness of the secondary

students of Assumption School Passi.

Lastly, there are also existing school rules and policies on tardiness, each having

their own differences how they implement, with corresponding sanctions all focused on

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

improving discipline among students. Despite these differences, their main goal is to

lessen the tardiness of the students and for them cope with this kind of situation.

Saligumba Street, Passi City, Iloilo


Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter includes four parts: (1) Methodological Perspective, (2) Context of

the Study, (3) Procedure, and (4) Ethical Considerations.

Part One, The Methodological Perspective, is comprised of the specific

methodologies used in the study.

Part Two, The Context of the Study, contains the research locale and data sources.

Part Three, Procedure, comprises the different actions taken in the conduct of this


Part Four, Ethical Considerations, include the extent of how the participants will

be observed and interviewed in the context of ethics.

Methodological Perspective

This qualitative research, specifically a case study, is designed to determine the

factors that affect the tardiness of secondary students of Assumption School Passi City

Iloilo, Inc for school year 2017-2018. Yin (2003) defined the case study research method

as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life

context when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident

and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. According to Hayes (2006), a case

study is analternative to experimental (scientific) and quantitative (positivist) methods

and an intensive investigation of single situations which serve to identify and describe

basic phenomena.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Context of the Study

It is important that the study is well-defined. That is, the research locale, which is

the place where the study will be conducted, and the data sources, which elaborates the

facts where data could be extracted, should be explained further and defined specifically.

Research Locale.This study was conducted in Assumption School Passi City,

Iloilo Inc., the only private and catholic school in Passi City. Being such, it takes the lead

in conducting programs and activities in the community such as the Gamit Ko, Alay Ko

(GKAK) Program, Dental-Surgical Mission, Solid Waste Management Program, and

many more. These initiatives focus on the holistic development of its pupils and students

as well as the whole community. All of which are in line with the Three Pillars of

Assumption Education (Academic Excellence, Character Formation, and Social

Responsibility) and Five Core Values (Faith, Love, Truth, Justice, and Peace).

Data Sources. For all research questions to be answered, the researchers used a

questionnaire, focus group discussion, and photo elicitation. The researchers prepared

sets of interview questions and artifacts to know more the respondents and gather

sufficient data.


This research was held in three phases, which involved preliminary investigation,

data gathering, and data analysis. As anchored on constructionism and symbolic

interactionism (Crotty, 1998), the research procedure is shown in Figure 1.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Research Process

Phase I Phase II Phase III

Preliminary Data Gathering Data Analysis

 Focused Group  Transcription
 Materials Discussion  Thematic
 Preliminary  Photo Analysis
Observation Elicitation  Data
 Informal Triangulation
Figure 1. The research procedure employed by the researchers.

Phase I - preliminary investigation. This part discusses the materials utilized,

preliminary observation and informal interviews.

Materials. To collect sufficient information, the researchers used the following:

android phone as camera to take pictures of students who are always late, video and audio

recorder, and a survey questionnaire for them to answer.

Preliminary Observation. The researchers purposively chose 11 informants for

this study. Purposive sampling was described by Walpole, et al., (2012) as a process

which sets out to make a sample agree with the profile of the population based on some

pre-selected characteristic. They were then shown a letter stating the terms and conditions

of this study. Their schedules were taken into consideration to avoid conflict with that of

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

the researchers and there was an agreement and communication regarding the schedule

and venue of the interviews.

Informal interviews. An initial interview with each informant was held to gather

personal data. During the interview, the informants were asked different questions

prepared by the researchers beforehand.

Some of the specific questions were the following:

1. Where do you live?

2. Is your house far from the school?

3. What time do you sleep during school days?

4. What time do you usually wake up in the morning on a school day?

5. How do you usually wake up for school in the morning?

6. What is your mode of transportation in going to school?

7. How long does it usually take you to get to school?

8. How often are you late in arriving in school?

Phase II - data gathering. Some data collection procedures were done during

00this phase to gather more data. A focus group discussion and photo elicitation took


Focus group discussion.The researchers made a letter of consent to the teachers

of the respondents for them to be pulled out of the class for the focus group discussion

wherein they were gathered at one place and explain that they are one of the respondents

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

in the study. All the researchers and respondents huddled in one place and each informant

answered the questions prepared by the researchers. Some of the researchers asked the

respondents some questions prepared by them while some record their answers to gather

data needed on this study using android phones. Those who were not talking could give

side comments or short answers that could support that of the one answering. Some

specific questions were:

1. What is your most unforgettable experience as a student being late?

2. What are your night routines before you sleep?

3. Do you feel embarrassed being late?

4. Do you blame the time obliged by the school or yourself for being late?

5. Do you fear having three consecutive lates which would result to one absence?

6. When you’re late, do you intend to do it or not?

7. Do you come late to school by group, as like you planned?

8. Does the weather affect your responsibility in coming to school on time?

9. Is there any problem with friends or family which keeps you from being late?

10. Do you think it is important to attend school regularly?

Photo elicitation. After the focused group discussion, the researchers took some

pictures of the respondents who are always late in coming to school. The researchers

went to the gate of the school at exactly 7:15 am and saw many students outside the gate.

They took some pictures of it for them to have proofs that many students of Assumption

Passi were always late and these pictures could help them on their study. the researchers

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

showed some photos of the respondents as evidences of them being late. The Guidance

in- charge gave them tardy slips and they were then requested to explain what they were

doing that time and what is the reason why they are late.

Phase III - data analysis. This is the last phase wherein all the gathered data

underwent thorough analysis. It is composed of grouping the coded transcriptions and

establishing themes that are needed to obtain the results for this study and data


Transcription. The researchers transcribed the interview into text and formatted

the document so that the margins could be used for identifying individual bit of data.

After transcribing the data gathered from the focus group discussion, the researchers print

out the transcribed interviews, then identify their answers and those who had the same

answers collected were then put inside the envelope. This was done by assigning line

numbers as identifiers for cross referencing. Codes were noted in the side of the text

opposite to the line numbers and each transcription was photocopied. Each question with

its corresponding answer was then cut. All related codes were then grouped together, put

in different envelopes, and were labelled for easy identification.

Thematic Analysis. From the data collected, themes were constructed and

underwent thematic analysis. Braun and Clarke (2006) described it as a qualitative

analytic method for identifying, analyzing and reporting patterns, known as themes,

within data. It minimally organizes and describes data set in rich detail. The researchers

then reviewed the grouped codes and were divided into specific themes. This thematic

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analysis helped the researchers identify the factors of tardiness by explaining their profile

of the respondents.

Triangulation. Furthermore, triangulation was used, specifically data

triangulation. Triangulation was broadly defined by Denzin (1978) as the combination of

methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon. These are the one-on-one informal

interviews, focus group discussion, and photo elicitation. The results were reported

through a narrative and were presented to the respondents for verification.

Ethical Consideration

To ensure that this research project adheres to the highest possible standard of

professional conduct, the following principles were carefully considered for their

relevance to the study. The voluntary participation of the respondents was asked. This

means that the respondents were not coerced into participating in this research. They also

had the freedom to continue or stop. Specifically, the researchers used informant

consent. Through this, the participants knew the terms and the things that the researchers

seek to find out from them. Also, the confidentiality of the gathered data and information

was observed. Participants were assured that their identity and the gathered information

will not be made available to anyone who is not directly involved in the study.

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Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter gives the description of the results. It is composed of two parts

namely: (1) The Tardy Students, and (2) Factors Affecting Tardiness.

Part One, The Tardy Students, describes each of the respondents in full detail.

Part Two, Factors Affecting Tardiness, elaborates the themes that correspond to

the student’s tardiness.

Thematic analysis, in its simplest form, is a categorizing strategy for qualitative

data. It helped the researchers move their analysis from a broad reading of the gathered

data towards discovering patterns and developing themes. It is flexible and what the

researchers do with the theme once they uncover them differs based on the intentions of

the research and the process of analysis. The researchers used thematic analysis as a way

of getting close to the gathered data and developing some deeper appreciation of the

content. Thus, themes were unveiled by the researchers, wherein all meanings were

constructed based on real-life context.

The Tardy Students

Eleven respondents participated in this study; six of them answered the interview

questionnaire and the other five joined the focus group discussion. All were purposively

chosen as respondents for this study. These eleven respondents are not named by their

real name for confidentiality.

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Grade 12 General Academic Strand

Boy A. Boy A is a Grade 11 GAS student and a varsity player of the school. He is

the only child of his parents. He spent his time mainly in taking care of his dogs. Every

night, he studies and sleeps at 10 pm and before going to school every morning, he does a

lot of responsibilities in their house. During the Focus group discussion, Boy A answers

all the questions that were given to him. He aggressively fights for his own rights, he

complained the official time of the school wherein for him 7:00 is too early. During the

interview, he really showed his physical aggressiveness that he wanted to change the

official time of the school because for him, going to school is not just the obligation of a

student and also, they have a lot of works to do at home and especially his home is far

from school. Mainly, he goes to school with his own motorcycle and one time, according

to him, “Na-flatan motor ko kag ginpabulkit ko pa [The tire of my motorcycle got flat, so

I went to the vulcanizing shop first.] After class, he directly goes straight home and feed

his dogs. When asked if what does he feel when entering the school late, he replied “Of

course, late te kada sulod akigan kag kada sulod ginatulok kami te sikat kami” [Of

course. We are late so every time we enter the school, we are scolded, and many would

stare at us, so we seem famous.] He was also asked if he blame the time obliged by the

school or does he blame his self from being late. He said, “Yes, na blame ang school sa

skwelahan te alas 7 gid tapos maano ma lang sa skwelahan hay alas 7 gid te morning

talk malang da” [Yes, I blame the school. 7am is too early and on that time, it’s just the

morning talk.]

Boy B. Boy B is a Grade 12-GAS student. Since their house is somehow far from

the city, he takes the risk of going home daily bringing his own motorcycle. During the

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interview, he just sits in the bleacher and approved all the complaint of Boy A regarding

the Distance of their home. Boy B answers all the questions on our focus group

discussion and for him, he tries to explain that you cannot assure the day and what he

meant to say is that weather does not choose a day, especially when it rains. Boy B in

school, is a student who easily goes with the flow, he chills like there is no such problem

for him just like in our interview, he just laughed yet he answers the questions easily and

simple. Shock is one of the student who frequently go to school late and for him, while

entering the school he just acted normally like nothing happened. Every 8pm, he plays

basketball at their place and, until 10pm, he uses his phone mainly for watching funny

videos. Every time when he is at the city, he spends more of his time playing computer

games. When asked about his tardiness, his main reason is, “Na-uranan sa dalan, na-

basa, kag nag-uli. Pagbalik ko, late.” [I got wet going to school because of the rain so I

went home and when I returned, I was already late.] When asked also about his feeling

about entering the school late, he said, “Gapa wala lang kame” [We just act as if nothing

happened.] “Nahuya.” [Shy.]

Boy C. Boy C is a Grade 9 student. He spends his time every night chatting

through Messenger and sleeps at 8pm. During the focus group discussion, he sits beside

Douglas and just keep quiet. He just acted cool towards us but seeing his eyes, he was

even happy that he was one of the selected respondent of our research. For him, he just

sleeps early but as when he waited for the tricycle every morning, sometimes he got

irritated, yet he showed in school that being late is just better than being absent. Boy C

answer showed one factor and that is the distance. When asked about the mode of

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transportation in their place, he said, “Ma-iwat tricycle. Yawan ko bantay” [Lack of

transportation and I spent much time waiting for a tricycle to pass by.] He believes that

“Mas okay don da gane nga late kesa absent” (It’s better to be late than to be absent.)

Boy D. He often arrives late in school because of sleeping late at night. Boy D

answers the questions honestly during the focus group discussion, he sits alone and holds

a cellphone and as we asked the questions one by one, he just answered it fast, calm and

precise. According to him, he sleeps at 10 pm but most of the time, he sleeps at 11 pm.

Boy D showed another possible factor and it is the behavior of the student. His answer

was base to this factor, according to all the gathered information to him, he sleeps late at

night and sometimes intend to do be late. He was not the only one who purposely intend

to be late but also some of the respondents in this research. This intention of being late

was his own behavior that affect his performance in school. When we asked him if he

intends to come late at school or not, he replied, “Depende kis a nahungod kis a waay

man” [Sometimes, I do it on purpose.]

Boy E. Boy E was the last respondent who came late to our focus group

discussion and while waiting for him, we proceed to our questions to some of the

respondents. When he arrived at the location of our Focus group discussion, we firstly

asked him why he came late to our discussion and he answered shyly that he finished first

his class to one of his subjects. While sitting and listening to our question, he just bowed

his head, smile and too shy to answer our questions that he even can’t speak clearly. His

voice was too low that even our recorder couldn’t copy his answer, so, we asked him to

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higher his voice for us to hear his answers and for the benefit of our recorder. We

gathered some information about his answers and just like Boy D, he intends to come to

school late especially on mornings. He was too lazy of getting up to bed and to take a

bath early. While answering, we can see in his eyes that he was too shy to tell his reasons

of being late but still he answered the questions honestly. Moreover, he spent most of his

time using his cellphone at night. He is often called by the A-team and sometimes by the

guidance-in-charge of the school because of his straight tardiness. According to him, he

intended to come late to school. He said, “Huo, malamig marigos kung aga, adlawon ko

ga bugtaw mga 6:30, ga istar ko sa Commonwealth Extension” [Yes. It’s cold when

taking a bath in the morning. I usually wake up late in the morning, usually at 6:30 am.

We just live at Commonwealth Extension.].

Boy F. Boy F spends most of his time playing badminton since he is a varsity

player of the school. Every night, he spends most of his time in reviewing his notes and

sometimes playing video games. Boy F was not a part of the Focus group discussion, but

we gave him a survey questionnaire to be answered. We went to his classroom to find

him and gave the questionnaire. Firstly, he asked if how he was supposed to answer the

questionnaire and the researchers told to answer clearly and simply the questions that

were filled in the paper. While getting the questionnaire, Boy F took a glimpse on the

questionnaire and find it hard to answer but still he answered it precisely. According to

him, being a tardy student does not reflect his studies, unlike to some tardy students who

just go to school and do nothing. When we asked if his behavior as a student something

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has to do with him being late, he answered, “For me, no. When it comes to my studies

and being a student, I’m different and it doesn’t affect me from being late.”

Girl A. She plays chess but spends most of her time in writing. The researchers

went to her classroom and gave the questionnaire, while she was getting the questionnaire

to us, she smiles while looking back at us and go back to her sit and read all the questions

in the questionnaire. Marie does a lot of work in their home and more on that she studies

her lessons every night and she also wrote on the questionnaire that being late does not

affect his academic performance in school. When asked about a certain reason that causes

her to be late in coming to school, she said, “I sleep late at night because I am doing

important things to improve myself such as studying for a test that is in my concern.”

Boy G. He usually spends his time playing basketball. As we gave the survey

questionnaire to him as one of the respondents, Boy G just get the paper and told us to

just return as soon as he is done. when we went back to his classroom, unfortunately, he

lost the questionnaire, which is one of the reason of the delay of our study. So, the

researchers gave him another copy of the questionnaire to answer. While the researchers

reviewed his answer, the researchers notice that his answers are too specific and quite fast

in answering the questionnaire. When he is asked about his mode of transportation, he

uses his own motorcycle going to school. The reason that causes him to be late in coming

to school is “Sleeping late at night and waking up late.”

Boy H. He spends his time playing basketball and he is a varsity player of the

school. Us, the researchers went to his classroom and gave the survey questionnaire for

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him to answer. After answering, the researchers reviewed his answers. the researchers of

this study notice that Boy H answer in the questionnaire just showed that some answers

where quite nonsense. We asked him if his behavior has something to do with him being

late and according to him, “I’m not lazy, I’m just enjoying like a student.”

Girl B. She spends most of her time in playing volleyball. Since her house is far,

it affects the time of her arrival in school. The researchers gave the questionnaire for her

to be answered and as the researchers reviewed his answers, it showed that she was

having a hard time in coming to school early. No matter how early she wakes up, still the

distance of her house to the highway is quite a burden to her plus the point of having a

scarcity of vehicles in their place. According to her, “Yes because our house is far from

the highway and I have to walk further to reach the highway and wait for the tricycle.”

Girl C. She often plays volleyball and aside from that, she also reads Wattpad

stories and watch Korean dramas. Since her house is far from the school, she takes the

risk of riding a bus every morning. The researchers gave her a questionnaire as one of the

respondents of this study. The researchers reviewed her answers and the researcher found

out that her behavior as a student affects her punctuality, especially she answered the

survey questionnaire honestly and she, herself answered that she sleeps at night late

causing for her to be late in going to school. When asked about the distance from her

house to school, she said,“Yes, it affects my arrival because of some reasons like waking

up late and the late arrival of the bus.”

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Factors Affecting Tardiness

The data gathered from the three sets of interviews revealed the factors of

tardiness through thematic analysis. The researchers used an envelope to gather all the

transcribed. They firstly cut the paper to identify the answers of the five respondents in

our focus group discussion and put it in the four envelopes that each of them was named

by the following factors:

Distance.The distance is one of the problems of some student whose house is far

from school. According to the authors Nakpodia and Dafiaghor, the distance between the

student’s home and school or solely the school’s location is also one of the possible

causes of tardiness. The student is also liable to more distractions and hindrances along

the way going to school. Moreover, the parents untimely task or command some of the

students before going to school and this can be the possible reason why students came to

school plus the point if their house is far from the school. Base on the answers of the

respondents, some answered that distance really matter. Being a student, Froilan, Douglas

and Shock has different reasons regarding their tardiness. When we asked the three of

them if they fear having three consecutive late which is equivalent to one absence,

Douglas said “Yes te hamakon mo timo 3 late 1 absent, te marayo balay namon. [Yes. As

you can see, three tardies is equivalent to one absence plus the fact that our house is far.]”

Froilan said, “Alang-alang gid hay waay motor [The scarcity of tricycles in our area is

always a problem.] Maiwat ang tricycle, yawan ka bantay. [Lack of transportation and I

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spent much time waiting for the tricycle to pass by.]” For Shock, “Marayo ang balay.

[Our house is far.]”

Behavior.One of the most common factor is the behavior of the student. The

behavior of a person affects its personality and being late in going to school affects your

performance in school not just in your performance but also your personality being as a

student. This kind of behavior just shows how you balance and adjust your time in any

obligation that you do. It is not the schools consequence that a student come to school

late. It must be the student who will balance his/her time and obligation. It is not the fault

of the school to set the time early for its purpose is to train the students to be punctual at

any cause. Being a student with many responsibilities, Lloyd, Rhyan, Douglas and

Froilan were asked if they blame the time obliged by the school or they blame themselves

for being late. Lloyd answered, “Nabasol ko kaugalingon ko [I blame myself.]”. Rhyan

answered, “Kaugaligon ko hay ga pulaw [I blame myself because I sleep late at night.]”.

They were also asked if they fear having three consecutive tardies which is equivalent to

one absence, Van answered, “Yes, mas okay don da gane ma late kesa ma absent [Its

better to be late than to be absent.]”. Douglas answered, “Thrice a week late pay

importante may sulod utok ko kesa absent [I am late thrice a week, but the important

thing is that I have learning.]”. Lloyd also answered, “Huo malamig marigos kung aga,

adlawon don bugtaw ko 6:30, commonwealth extension [Yes. It’s cold when taking a bath

in the morning. I usually wake up late in the morning, usually at 6:30 am. We just lived at

commonwealth extension.]”. Another question was, “When you’re late, do you intend to

do it or not?” Lloyd answered, “Yes, hungod [Yes, I meant to do it.]”. Rhyan answered,

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“Depende, kis-a nahungod kis-a waay man [Sometimes, I do it on purpose.]” These

respondents just showed their behavior as a student and some just says that being late is

just fine than being absent. All the answers were clear, and they have different reasons of

being late but still it doesn’t mean that being late frequently is just fine. Their behavior

can affect their personality and their performance in school which can’t help them to be a

good student.

Habits.Habitual tardiness affects the academic performance of a student and this

was rooted to any causes and some are personal related causes, playing video games,

internet, watching television, sleeping late at night etc.The student’s obligation is to come

to school as early as the school requires them to do, which is at 7:00 am. However,

coming to school late has become a habit of some students like for example they

purposely come to school late because their classroom is not conducive to learning. This

factor is also one of the major problems of the school nowadays. If not, the family was

the main cause of this problem, it could be personal wherein students will have

established it until it becomes a habit. Hearing the answers of the respondents to the

questions that were made for the focus group discussion are somehow related to this

factor. The researchers knew that it is in students’ behavior why they come to school late.

Like for example, waking up late can form into possibly turn into a habit if this one main

reason can’t be resolve as soon as possible. The behavior of the student of going to school

late can be a habit if this can’t be corrected. Having a bad habit reflects your own

personality as a student and can affect your academic performance in school. Although

some of the respondents answered that being late does not affect their academic

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performance still the researchers believed that the official time of the school is necessary

to follow because it is one of the school rules. When asked of what time they usually

sleep at night, Douglas, Shock, Lloyd, and Rhyan answered 10pm-11pm while Van

answered 8pm. For their nightly routines, Douglas answered “Gatuon [Studying.]”.

Froilan answered, “chat and pray”, Shock answered, ‘8pm basketball, at 10 pm using

cellphone, lantaw funny videos [I play basketball until 8pm and I use my cellphone to

watch funny videos until 10 pm.]”, and lastly, Lloyd answered, “Using cellphone”.

Weather. Speaking about weather, this kind factor burdens the students. Weather

has been the greatest enemy of some in doing their responsibilities. It can affect the

behavior of the students in going to school on time. Being on time in going to school is

very necessary but no matter how early you finish your task in your house and go to

school as early as you can if the weather is not so good especially when it rains there is a

possible thing that you will be late arriving to school except to those students who have

their own cars but on the other side, some students who just commute with a tricycle or a

bus can possibly be late. Another reason is that many students are lazy in waking up in

the morning when it is raining because of the cold breeze. It is too hard for them to get up

early and sometimes, it can be the reason of their lateness because it results to lack of

transportation. When they were asked of their most unforgettable experience as a student

being late , “Na uranan sa dalan, nabasa, kag nag uli, pagbalik ko late. [I got wet going

to school because of the rain so I went home and when I returned, I was already late.]”

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Factors Lack of Transportation

Tardiness of HABITS
Students TIME

Figure 2. The summary of the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary students

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Chapter 5

Summary, Implications, and Recommendations

This chapter contains three parts: (1) Summary of the Problem, Method and

Findings, (2) Implications, and (3) Recommendations.

Part One, Summary of the Problem, Method, and Findings, discusses the synopsis

including the problem, methodology, and results of the study.

Part Two, Implications, reveals inferences based on the acquired answers from the


Part Three, Recommendations, states the suggested tasks to be carried out or

implemented based on the findings of the study.

Summary of the Problem, Method, and Findings

This study determined the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary students of

Assumption School Passi City Iloilo, Inc. for school year 2017-2018.

This is a qualitative research, specifically a multiple case study, designed to

determine the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary students. It was anchored on

behaviorism and Stimulus-Response Theory by Skinner. The researchers purposively

chose eleven informants for this study. A questionnaire, informal interview, focus group

discussion, and photo elicitation were held to gather sufficient data. The process of

organizing and analyzing the data used thematic analysis, specifically the triangulation

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method proposed by Denzin (1978) in gouping the coded transcriptions. The results were

then reported through a narrative inquiry.

The results indicated that the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary students

are the distance from their house to school, their behavior as a student, their habits every

night, the environment like the weather, and the teacher.


The findings of the study have led to several implications for practice in relation

to the factors affecting the tardiness of secondary students of Assumption School Passi

City Iloilo, Inc. for school year 2017-2018.

Informal interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussion have emerged as

the main concepts in identifying these factors. Having different situations in their lives

affect their personality as a student. However, it always depends on the students how they

deal with these situations.

For students who are always tardy, this study would be a great help for them to be

aware of the importance of punctuality in going to school. They could also learn a lot

from the experiences of the selected eleven secondary students and an idea to manage

their time, balance their priorities, focus on their studies, and improve their academic


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1) Since this study found five factors (distance, behavior, habits, environment, and

teacher.) affecting the tardiness of secondary students of Assumption School Passi

City Iloilo, Inc., future studies may be done to focus on other factors such as how

one’s tardiness affect his/her academic performance.

2) One may also study how other students can motivate themselves not to be late in

going to school.

3) All students must show punctuality in going to school since it is their obligation to

follow as a student.


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