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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

UNIT 5 Recording 1


UNIT 5 Recording 2

BBC = BBC interviewer VD = Victoire Dauxerre

BBC: Now it’s one of those dreams that goes through the heads of
teenage girls: You’re walking down the street with your
mum. A talent scout stops you and says ‘You’re so beautiful,
you could be a successful model.’ That’s exactly what
happened to Victoire Dauxerre on the streets of Paris. She
became a leading model at the age of seventeen. She’s now
twenty-four and has written Size Zero: My Life as a
Disappearing Model. Victoire, what happened that day when
you were out with your mother?

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

VD: Well, exactly what you said. Actually I was literally walking
in the street. I was preparing my A-level and I wanted to go
to a famous uni in France, so I actually never dreamt of
becoming a model. That’s why maybe it worked for me, you
know? And so I was in the streets of Le Marais in Paris,
shopping with my mum, and a man came to me and said to
me ‘You have an incredible nose. It will take the light
perfectly, and you are going to become the next Claudia

BBC: So what was your experience with trying to stay slim enough
to satisfy the demands of the industry?

VD: Well, I have to say it was quite awful actually because I

couldn’t eat anything, because you have to be so skinny, you
know, to fit into these clothes.

BBC: So, what was your daily diet?

VD: So, I ate three apples a day, and I couldn’t eat anything else,
or I was going to gain weight, and that’s why I fell into

BBC: How did you manage to just function on three apples a day?

VD: Well you don’t really, you know I fainted all the time, I fell
down in the street, and my agent actually only gave me a
piece of chicken, he didn’t even give me sugar. What I did

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

with that, I had the little voice, you know, in my head, the
voice of anorexia actually, who was, which was the voice of
my agent telling me ‘You’re going to gain weight, you won’t
fit into the clothes’. And so, when you are anorexic then I
tried to like throw up, and it didn’t work, and I took
laxatives, and then my body was used to it, so I took two
pills, and four, and five, then I had to go to the hospital.

BBC: How did you get well again?

VD: So, I spent three month at the hospital, and doctors saved my
life, you know because my body was so damaged. I actually
had the body of, I mean the skeleton of a seventy-years-old
woman when I was nineteen. I had lost my hair and all that,
so I had to take like many pills to build all this up again.
BBC: In France there are rules about not having women who are,
or girls, who are too thin. How well does that work in

VD: It doesn’t work. So, the law is not applied, actually. I helped
the deputy who wrote the law, that’s why I wrote my book. It
all came from that, from this law. It’s not applied at all. I had
a meeting with the minister of health and women’s rights and
she literally told me that she had a meeting with all of the
designers, and they told her, if you do apply this law, we
won’t do the Fashion Week in Paris anymore. So it’s all
about money, and nothing about health, because the fashion
industry has so much power.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

BBC: Victoire Dauxerre, thank you very much indeed for being
with us this morning.

UNIT 5 Recording 3

And so I was in the streets of Le Marais in Paris, shopping with my mum,
and a man came to me and said to me ‘You have an incredible nose. It
will take the light perfectly, and you are going to become the next
Claudia Schiffer.’

Well I have to say it was quite awful actually because I couldn’t eat
anything, because you have to be so skinny, you know, to fit into these

So I ate three apples a day, and I couldn’t eat anything else, or I was
going to gain weight, and that’s why I fell into anorexia.

Well you don’t really, you know I fainted all the time, I fell down in the
street, and my agent actually only gave me a piece of chicken, he didn’t
even give me sugar.

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And so, when you are anorexic then I tried to like throw up, and it didn’t
work, and I took laxatives, and then my body was used to it, so I took two
pills, and four, and five, then I had to go to the hospital.

I actually had the body of, I mean the skeleton of a 70 years old woman
when I was 19. I had lost my hair and all that, so I had to take like many
pills to build all this up again.

UNIT 5 Recording 4

Some things I’ll never understand.

Your phone, would you mind lending it to me just for tonight?

He’s just come in, that friend of yours.

That book I lent you, have you finished it?

Why he married her I really don’t know.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

A: Why is he here?

B: That I couldn’t tell you.

I don’t think it’s the right job for you, working as a model.

That actor, I can’t remember his name, but he was in Thor.

UNIT 5 Recording 5

It’s ridiculous, the idea that they can make rules about what you can and
can’t wear, the big companies I mean.

The need for a neat and tidy appearance, I agree with that, but for
example to fire a woman for refusing to wear high heels, that’s

They’re bad for your feet, high-heeled shoes, it’s been proven, so it must
be illegal, firing someone for that.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

And those two girls who were barred from boarding their flight because
they were wearing leggings, they really should sue the airline. At least
that’s what I think.

And there’s also that case, you know… Some interns in a company in the
States, they wrote a petition protesting that it was too strict, the dress
code I mean, and guess what? They got fired!

UNIT 5 Recording 6

it’s not a panacea.

I don’t like to exert myself physically.

But there’s one thing I can always get engrossed in.

So it’s important that I can incorporate it into my daily routine.

I’m simply out of sync with myself.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

There is no magic bullet.

I have a way of restoring my peace of mind.

It’s a general cure-all.

UNIT 5 Recording 7

M1: What I’ve found really works for health for me, man of a
certain age, erm, putting on a few pounds and stuff is, err,
the 5:2 diet. I dunno if you've tried it but basically the idea is
you fast for two days, you eat perfectly normally, whatever
you wanna eat for the rest of the the week the five days and
then on those two days you just limit what you’re eating to
five hundred calories.

M2: I find that, uh, I wasn’t very good at dieting and things like

M1: Hmm.

M2: And I started doing Bikram yoga. Don’t know if you’ve ever
tried that.

M1: Bikram, no I don’t know.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

M2: So basically, umm, it’s yoga but it’s much more intense the,
it’s set in a heated room a carpeted room that’s 39 degrees
and it’s just twenty-six positions, but every time you go to
the class it’s the same twenty-six positions.

M1: Oh my …

M2: But you burn a thousand calories a class, you sweat so much
and they say you can’t drink water within the first twenty-
five minutes but …

M1: … but …

M2: … you come out of that room feeling amazing.

M1: … but …

F: That reminds me of, erm, so I’ve joined a choir and I think

that is really really good for your health actually. I’m not that
into dieting not that much into exercise but it’s the same
thing, um, when I come out of the room I just feel
completely lifted.

M2: Well, I feel the same way about …

F: Really happy.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

M2: … Bikram yoga cause it’s it’s just something that you can
go, you don’t ah, you don’t have to think about it, there’s an
instructor there, you meet people but you don’t talk
throughout the class so it’s something you can just do
yourself and it’s not …

F: Mmm …

M2: You know… of course you exert energy while doing it.

M1: Yeah. But to get back to I mean like with the 5:2 the
advantage of something like that is you it’s not actually
something extra in your … I mean like for me, my day is
busy and if I had an extra thing like singing to go to or had to
go to a class I don’t think I got time for that.

F: Going back to the choir thing, I think I like it because it is a

part of my day that isn’t work or isn’t a commute or anything
like that. I can just go and be in this room, I meet people; it’s
a really joyful experience.

M2: It’s funny you should mention that actually cos, I feel the
same way about Bikram yoga about you don’t have to fit it
into your day, I actually enjoy that because you know I’ll be
at work all day it’s really stressful environment you know
living in the city and things like that actually taking that hour
and half to go, a form of meditation, breathing and relaxation
just really you know centres myself.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

F: Actually that’s like with singing, it’s really good for, it’s
really good physically, mm, because you, you’re talking
about, mm, your whole body so it’s not just for happiness,
it’s physically actually it’s really good for your, your
complete self. It’s a bit like exercise.

M1/M2: Yeah.

M1: Well, going back to, mm, going back to the 5:2, apart from
the weight loss it, it does have proven and you know they’ve
done tests to … proven benefits in terms of you know your
insulin levels your heart conditions so it benefits you, you
know, in all sorts of other ways.

F: As I was saying that’s exactly the same as singing, they’ve

proven that it’s, it’s really good for your whole body, your
whole self.

M1: Mm.

F: Physically, mentally.

M1: Have they?

F: For mental health it is absolutely because if you can regulate

your breathing, you can, you can control panic – you can do
all kinds of things.

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M2: Anyway, I just wanna add about the Bikram yoga is that it’s,
it’s not just about going to a yoga class.

F: Yeah.

M2: And it’s a form of …

F: … to get back to what I was saying before that’s the same

with the choir you learn songs that you can then take home,
you know, you can practise at home but then you’ve also got
this lovely community …

M2: That reminds me …

F: … together.

M2: Well, that reminds me of going to Bikram yoga, it’s that

community – you tend to be at the same classes. I mean
we’ve all got our strong points to offer but I do think Bikram
yoga is the way forward.

M: Well, for you.

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UNIT 5 Recording 8

F: …um, when I come out of the room I just feel completely
lifted …

M2: Well, I feel the same way about …

F: … really happy.

M2: Bikram yoga cause it’s, it’s just something that you can go,
you don’t …

M2: …a form of meditation, breathing and relaxation, just really,

you know, centres myself …

F: Actually that’s like with singing, it’s really good for, it’s
really good physically, mm, because you …

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

UNIT 5 Recording 9

What I’ve found really works for health for me, man of a certain age …

… erm putting on a few pounds and stuff is, err, the 5:2 diet. I dunno if
you've tried it but basically the idea …

… with the 5:2 the advantage of something like that is you it’s not
actually something extra in your, I mean

… going back to the 5:2 apart from the weight loss it, it does have
proven benefits in terms of you know your insulin levels, your heart
conditions, so it …

… about the Bikram yoga is that it’s, it’s not just about going to a yoga

I mean we’ve all got our strong points to offer but I do think Bikram yoga
is the way forward.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

UNIT 5 Recording 10

Hmm, a food memory… Well, the first thing that comes to

mind is this dish my mom used to make on special
occasions, a dish called Coquilles Saint-Jacques, which is a
French dish, I guess, made from scallops and white wine and
a few other ingredients. Mmm, I can just taste it now. I
remember when I was very young and I didn’t like seafood,
this was the one kind of seafood I loved, which is ironic
really, since the scallops are cooked in white wine. Anyway,
it’s pretty simple, just some scallops, my mom used the big
white sea scallops, and she’d make this amazing sauce,
onions and mushrooms and butter and cream I think, and the
wine, and cooked it all together. It’s ages since I’ve made it,
actually, so I’m just trying to remember … Oh, it’s coming
back to me now, how it tasted, but what really made it was
the presentation. She served it in these big scallop shells, and
there’s mashed potatoes around the edge and the scallops in
the middle, then cheese and breadcrumbs, I think, on top.
Then it’s baked in the oven. My mouth waters just thinking
about it. Imagine this dish served in these big scallop shells.
It’s incredibly succulent, decadently rich, really … When I
used to smell this cooking, I knew it was a special occasion,
like someone coming for dinner, and whenever my mom
asks what I want for my birthday dinner it’s Coquilles Saint-
Jacques. I’ll always associate this dish with home, and
special occasions, and family. I’ve sometimes tried making it
but it never comes out the same.

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

UNIT 4 Recording 8

UNIT 4 Recording 9

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Advanced Plus Unit 5 audio script

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