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I am highly indebted to my parents for
their guidance and constant supervision
as well as for providing necessary
information regarding the project & also
for their support in completing the
project. I would like to express my
gratitude towards my teachers for their
kind co-operation and encouragement
which helped me in completing this
project. My thanks and appreciations
also go to my friends in developing the
project and helping me out to complete

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7 BENEFITS 13-14




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The word “Clone” means, “Identical”, identical
in all aspects. In biological point of view, two or
more organisms are said to be clones of each
other if they are morphologically, anatomically
and more importantly, genetically identical.
Clones have identical genome. Since the
protein synthesis and metabolism is controlled
by an organism’s genome, clones are identical
in all aspects.
Cloning is done by nature in many lower level
organisms like Monera, Fungi, and in some
eukaryotes. Cloning can be clearly observed
during reproduction of these organisms by a
process called “binary fission” in which a single
cell grows and divides into two identical
daughter cells. They are Clones. This can also
be observed during “multiple fission” in some
protozoans like plasmodium.

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Human cloning is the creation of a genetically
identical copy (or clone) of a human. The term
is generally used to refer to artificial human
cloning, which is the reproduction of human
cells and tissue. It does not refer to the natural
conception and delivery of identical twins. The
possibility of human cloning has raised
controversies. These ethical concerns have
prompted several nations to pass laws
regarding human cloning and its legality. Two
commonly discussed types of theoretical
human cloning are: therapeutic cloning and
reproductive cloning.
Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a
female domestic sheep, and the first mammal
cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the
process of nuclear transfer Dolly was cloned by
Keith Campbell, Ian Wilmut and colleagues at
the Roslyn Institute, part of the University of
Edinburgh, Scotland, and the biotechnology
company PPL Therapeutics, based near
Edinburgh. The funding for Dolly's cloning was
provided by PPL Therapeutics and the Ministry
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of Agriculture. She was born on 5 July 1996
and died from a progressive lung disease five
months before her seventh birthday (the
disease was not considered related to her
being a clone).She has been called "the
world's most famous sheep" by sources
including BBC News and Scientific American.

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Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, An egg from a
female is taken and its nucleus is taken out and is
disposed. Then, a cell from the body of same
organism is taken; it must be a cell other than the
reproductive cells. Any body cell other than the
reproductive cell is called a Somatic Cell. The
nucleus of this somatic cell is taken out carefully
and it is inserted into the previously ‘enucleated’
cell. It is not just insertion; it is fused with the hollow
egg using electricity. This fools the egg that is has
been fertilized.
Suppose we want to clone a cow named ‘A’. Firstly
an egg is taken from a cow and it is hence the donor
. Now that we’ve the egg, we will carefully suck out
the nucleus from it and keep the ‘enucleated cell’
safely. After that, from the donor cow we will a take
a cell from some other body part. These cells are
diploid. Again remove the nucleus and this time
keep the nucleus safe. Now, carefully insert this
nucleus into the previously enucleated cell and
apply an electric current of suitable voltage.
If we’ve done everything perfectly, the egg (which
now pretends to be a zygote) should develop into
an embryo and slowly into a cow which is clone of
the donor cow!
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There have been many attempts of cloning a
human. It has become more of an ethical and
social issue rather than a scientific
advancement. Many scientists claimed that
they have cloned a human. In 2004, a South-
Korean scientist and his team claimed that they
have successfully cloned 11 human embryos
for the purpose of extracting stem cells; later it
was confirmed that it was a false statement.
Scientists say that is in fact possible to clone a
human by using the famous Somatic Cell
Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) . A cell, which
contains DNA, is taken from the person who is
being cloned. Then the enucleated egg is
fused together with the cloning subject's cell
using electricity. This creates an embryo,
which is implanted into a surrogate mother
through in vitro fertilization. If the procedure is
successful, then the surrogate mother will give
birth to a baby that's a clone of the cloning
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subject at the end of a normal gestation period.
Success rate is estimated to be about 2%. The
possibility of cloning humans had been the
subject of speculation for much of the 20th
century, scientists
and policy makers
began to take the
prospect seriously.

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1. Firstly you have to get an unfertilized
human egg. Scientists get them from the
egg banks where the eggs are stored
safely in an extremely cold environment,
perhaps about -196 degree Celsius.
2. The next step is to obtain any body cell
other that the reproductive cells from the
individual to be cloned. These cells are
called Somatic cells. They are preferably
obtained from soft tissues of the body
where the cells are active and young.
3. After getting the somatic cell, the next
step is to extract its nucleus carefully. After
the nucleus is extracted, the remaining part
of the cell is thrown away and the nucleus
is kept safe for the following process.
4. Now we take the egg again and extract
its nucleus. This time, we throw the nucleus
away and keep the hollow cell with us. Only
the enucleated cell is going to be part of the
5. Now we have all the raw material for the
cloning process. In this step, the nucleus

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extracted from the somatic cell is carefully
injected into the enucleated egg. This looks
like a brand new cell! But the process will
be incomplete without the next step.
6. To make the cell actually work, the cell
has to be activated by using an electric
spark. Then the nucleus fuses with the cell
and forms a kind of pseudo zygote. This is
the last step of the human cloning. Since
we have produced a zygote, the rest of the
process follows the regular steps like
embryogenesis etc.
Further development of the zygote needs it to
be implanted into the uterus of a surrogate

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1. Breach of laws of nature
When you talk about birth and death, a
normal person would think of the laws of
nature. These laws are not meant to be
broken as they will disrupt the life cycle and
rules of life forever.
2. Not feasible
It is estimated that one in thirty would be the
success ratio in creating clones. This means
one would have to impregnate 30 different
women or impregnate a smaller number of
women thirty times in order to get one clone.
3. Against religion
Religion is what binds us all and divides us
all. But, most people believe in it. According
to religion, God is the creator. But, if we can
create the perfect human then we ourselves
become the creator and thus, contradict
religion which many believe in. We are,
hence, playing with people's beliefs, hence

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cloning is considered against religion by
many people.

4. Creates rift
For obvious reasons, cloning would be an
expensive process. Thus, not everyone will
be able to afford it. Those who can will get
themselves the perfect body and replace it
just before death. Others would have to live
with deformed or simply unperfected bodies.
This will create a wider rift in the class system
in society.
5. Crime rate will increase
Let's say you get a clone for yourself. The
clone is manipulated and say, commits a
murder and flees. The police catch hold of
you. And vice versa. How will you prove that
you are not guilty? Thus, clones would be
used to commit crime.

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1. Biological Children to Infertile Couples
Couples who are not able to naturally conceive a
child would be able to clone themselves in order to
have a biological child. This would also open the
possibility for gay or lesbian couples to have a child
that contains both parents DNA and genes.
2. Medical Advancement Boom
Once the process of cloning humans is perfected
and becomes a common practice, many other
worlds of medical research would be expanded.
This would result in improved medicines and even
possibly cures for terminal and deadly diseases.
3. Compensating a Loss
Parents who have lost a child could clone them and
have their child back. This would also go for
someone who lost a spouse or other family
member. This breaches into the more controversial
side of human cloning, but is an advantage none
the less.
4. Organ harvesting
Anyone who is in need of an organ transplant is
placed on an excruciatingly long donor list. Many of
these people pass on from their illness before ever
receiving a transplant. With human cloning, organs
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could be cloned from the person’s tissue and used
as a transplant. This would effectively eliminate the
organ transplant waiting list.
5. The Elimination of Birth Defects
Any severe birth defect that is detected in the
womb could be reversed using human cloning.
They would simply take the tissue of the child and
create a clone. After they have done this they
could manipulate the embryos genes to remove
the birth defect and give them a better possibility
of living a long and fulfilling life.
6. Bring Back Great Minds
Legendary, genius, and influential people could be
brought back using human cloning. This means that
we could possibly create a dozen Einsteins or
Abraham Lincolns to come and help solve world

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I strongly believe that human cloning will
become a common technology in the near
future. Humans have managed to clone a
variety of animal species that include
sheep, mice, unicellular organisms etc.
Few years from now humans are going to
be a part of this list. Scientists are
constantly improving the SCNT
technology. There are some ethical and
religious issues related to cloning humans
and in coming years technology will be able
to overcome all the concerns raised by
people against human cloning. On the
other hand cloning can be dangerous and
costly. Scientists recently were able to
clone two monkeys in China. Since
Monkeys and Humans belong to the same
order Primates; people believe that we are
getting closer towards Human Cloning.

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So, cloning a human is actually possible
and this experiment has been done many
times all over the world by many
organizations. There are also many laws
implemented regarding this controversial
process in almost all the countries. There
are only a few countries where human
cloning is not completely banned. United
States is one of them. It has no strict rules
that ban this technology. This debate
continues forever and some day, some
scientist will definitely make his own clone
and prove that human cloning is reality.

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These are the main source of my

Investigatory project:

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