Intership Report Topics

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Topic 01

Agent Banking and Its Prospects in Bangladesh – A Study on ‘X’ Bank


Now-a days the banking process is becoming faster, easier and wider throughout the world. At
the same time banking sector is modernizing and expanding its area in different financial events
every day. In recent years banks have diversified their services by their different products and
services and also new subsidiaries are created so that they perform additional services to the
customer or by merging with other types of financial institutions. My report is all about Agent
banking and its prospects in Bangladesh. Agent banking service is kind of new to this country
and it’s still not that spread across the country. The main purpose of agent banking is to bring
and introduce the banking services to the people of rural areas through an agent.

I will construct my report in following ways:

First of all in first chapter, I will make an overview about the background of the report,
objectives, methodologies and limitations. Second chapter will be all about company overview.
Third chapter will be about theoretical framework like overview of agent banking, setting up a
corporate account, process of bulk disbursement payments, pricing structure and limitations,
coverage profile etc. Next chapter I will discuss the main and final part of the report and that is
statistical analysis of agent banking of the selected company also shows comparative analysis of
client’s nature, KMO test, Rotated component matrix, multiple linear regression analysis,
ANOVA etc. In the last chapter I will give recommendations about the findings and conclusion.
Topic 02

Application of Credit Risk Grading Model in Bangladesh, Its Outcomes and

Major Obstacles in Using – A Study on ‘X’ Company

The Credit Risk Grading (CRG) is a collective definition on based on the pre-specified scale and
reflects the underlying credit risk for a given exposure. Credit Risk Grading is the basic modular
for developing a Credit Risk Management system. Well managed credit risk grading systems
promote bank safety and soundness by facilitating informed decision making. Grading systems
measure credit risk and differentiate individual credits and groups of credits by the risk they
pose. This allows bank management and examiners to monitor changes and trends in risk levels.
The process also allows bank management to manage risk to optimize returns. Credit risk
grading is an important tool for credit risk management as it helps the Banks & financial
institutions to understand various dimensions of risk involved in different credit transactions.
The aggregation of such grading across the borrowers, activities and the lines of business can
provide better assessment of the quality of credit portfolio of a bank or a branch. Although the
major objective of credit rating is to determine the ability and willingness of a borrower to pay at
the agreed terms, the rating does a bit more than just classifying the borrowers into “pass” and
“fail” categories.

I will construct my report in following ways:

First of all in first chapter, I will make an overview about the background of the report,
objectives, methodologies and limitations. Second chapter will be all about company overview.
Third chapter will be about theoretical framework like definition of CRG, benefits of CRG, CRG
in Bangladesh. Next chapter I will discuss the main and final part of the report and that is grades
of credit risk grading model, architecture of CRG model, borrower grade, combined grade,
computation procedure of credit risk grade etc. In the last chapter I will give recommendations
about the findings and conclusion.
Topic 03

Financial Performance Analysis of ‘X’ Company

Financial Performance in broader sense refers to the degree to which financial objectives being
or has been accomplished and is an important aspect of finance risk management. It is the
process of measuring the results of a firm's policies and operations in monetary terms. It is used
to measure firm's overall financial health over a given period of time and can also be used to
compare similar firms across the same industry or to compare industries or sectors in
aggregation.Financial performance analysis includes analysis and interpretation of financial state
ments in such a way that it undertakes full diagnosis of the profitability and financial soundness
of the business. The financial analyst program provides vital methodologies of financial analysis.
Financial analysts often assess the firm's production and productivity performance (total business
performance), profitability performance, liquidity performance, working capital performance, fi
xed assets performance, fund flow performance and social performance. Various financial ratios
analysis includes Working capital Analysis, Financial structure Analysis, Activity Analysis,
Profitability Analysis.

I will construct my report in following ways:

First of all in first chapter, I will make an overview about the background of the report,
objectives, methodologies and limitations. Second chapter will be all about company overview.
Third chapter will be about theoretical framework like overview of general banking. Next
chapter I will discuss the main and final part of the report and that is In the last chapter I will
give recommendations about the findings and conclusion.

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