Group 1 Electrostatics Currentelectricity 15

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Q1 Define dipole moment of an electric dipole. Is it a scalar or a vector?

ANS -Electric dipole moment of an electric dipole is equal to the product of either charge and distance
between the two charges. 𝑝 = 𝑞 × 2𝑎 Where p is dipole moment. It is a vector quantity.

Q2 Two point charges having equal charge are separated by 1m distance experience a force of 8N. What
will be the force if they are held in water at the same distance? (Given kwater = 80)
𝐅𝐚 𝐅𝐚 𝟖 𝟏
𝐤= ∴ 𝐅𝐦 = = = 𝑵
𝐅𝐦 𝐤 𝟖𝟎 𝟏𝟎
Q3 What is the shape of equipotential surfaces due to an isolated point charge?

ANS -Concentric spherical shells with their centers at the point charge

Q4 Sketch a graph to show how charge given to a capacitor of capacity C varies with potential difference


Q5 Define electric potential. Write its SI unit.

Ans- It is defined as the work done to bring a unit charge from infinity to any point in electric field. Its
S I unit is volt(V).

Q6 A wire of resistively ρ is stretched to three times its initial length, what will be its new esistivity?

Ans:- Remains same

Q7 Write any two factors on which the internal resistance of a cell depends upon?

Ans (i) Nature of electrolyte (ii) Concentration of electrolyte (iii) Temperature (iv) distance
between the electrodes (v) common area of electrodes inside electrolyte (any two)

Q8 Constantan is used for making the standard resistance. Why?

Ans- Because of high resistivity and low temperature coefficient

Q9 Define drift speed of electron in any conductor.

Ans- It is the constant speed acquired by the free electrons in the conductor when it is connected
across a battery.
Q10 Name a material for which the temperature coefficient of resistivity is negative.
Ans- Si (Silicon) or Ge (Germanium)


Q1 Why the resistance of the conductor increases with rise in temperature?

Ans:- resistance R = ml/nAe2τ.

When the temperature of conductor is increased the electron begins to collide more frequently
with and ions, so the relaxation time is decreased consequently the resistance increases.

Q2 State the Kirchoff’s laws

Ans – First law- Junction Rule or Current Law

In an electric circuit, the algebraic sum of currents at any junction is zero
∑I =0

Second Law- Loop Rule or Potential Law

The algebraic sum of the emfs of any loop of a circuit is equal to the sum of the product of the
currents and resistances in it.

∑E =∑IR

Q3 Find the value of the unknown resistance X and the current drawn by the circuit from the battery if no
current flows through the galvanometer.

ANS –In balanced condition

X/ 2 = 120/80

X = 3 Ohm

Q4 Write the mathematical relation between mobility and drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor.
Name the mobile charge carriers responsible for conduction of electric current in

(i) An electrolyte (ii) an ionized gas

𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒗𝒅
ANS- Mobility = μ=
𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅 𝑬

(i) Electrolyte = positive and negative ions

(ii) Ionized gas = electron and positive charged ions
Q5 Derive a relation between electric current and drift velocity.

Ans: I = q/t

q= ne (Al) t = l/vd

I = ne Avd

Q6 Define an equipotential surface. What is angle between equi-potential surface and electric field?

Ans- The surface on which electric potential is same everywhere. Electric field is always normal to the
equipotential surface (The angle is 90 degree).

Q7 How does the electric flux through a surface enclosing a given charge vary when
(i) the area of the surface is doubled
(ii) charge inside the surface is doubled

Ans (i) flux does not change as enclosed charge is the same.
(ii) flux is doubled as enclosed is doubled.

Q8 How does the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor change –

(i) When the distance between plates is doubled
(ii) When a dielectric of dielectric constant k is introduced between plates of capacitor
Ans- (i) capacitance is halved
(ii) Capacitance is increased k time (k is dielectric constant)
Q9 (i) Why two electric field lines cannot intersect?

(ii) What is the work done in moving +2C change over an equipotential surface of potential 5V?

Ans (i) At point of intersection there will be two directions of electric field which is not possible

(ii) Work done is zero

Q10 Write Coulomb’s law in vector form and give its importance
Ans F12 = 4𝜋𝜖0 q1q2/r3 r21

Importance- it follows Newton III law

Electrostatic force is a central force


Q1 Derive expression for electric field at a point on the axial line of the dipole. Give the direction of
electric field at the point.

ANS- The axial line of a dipole is the line passing through the positive and negative charges of the
electric dipole.
Consider a system of charges (-q and +q) separated by a distance 2a. Let 'P' be any point on an axis
where the field intensity is to be determined.
Electric field at P (EB) due to +q

Electric field at P due to -q (EA)

Net field at P is given by

Simplifying, we get

As a special case :

Q2 An electric dipole is held in uniform electric field

(i) Show that no translator force acts on it.

(ii) Derive an expression for he torque acting on it

ANS: Force on +q charge=qE along direction of E

Force on –q charge =qE opposite to E

Fnet=qE-qE =0

The forces are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction acting at different points, therefore they
form a couple which rotates the dipole.

Torque𝜏 = 𝐹 × 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑝. 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

𝜏 = 𝐹 × 𝑑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 𝑞𝐸 × 𝑑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = (𝑞𝑑)𝐸𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

[𝜏 = 𝑝𝐸𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑂𝑟 𝜏⃗⃗ = 𝑝 × 𝐸⃗ ]

Q3 State Gauss Theorem. A thin charged wire of infinite length has line charge density ‘λ’. Derive
expression for electric field at a distance ‘r’.

Gauss’s Law: ‘Electric flux over a closed surface is 1/ε0 times

the charge enclosed by it.’
To calculate the field at P we consider a Gaussian surface with
wire as axis, radius r and length l as shown in the figure.
The electric lines of force are parallel to the end faces of the
cylinder and hence the component of the field along the normal to the end faces is zero.
The field is radial everywhere and hence the electric flux crosses only through the curved surface
of the cylinder.
If E is the electric field intensity at P, then the electric flux through the Gaussian surface is

∅ = 𝐸 × 2𝜋𝑟𝑙
According to gauss theorem electric flux is
𝑞 𝜆𝑙
∅=∈ =∈
0 0

Hence𝐸 × 2𝜋𝑟𝑙 = ∈

[∴ 𝑬 = ]
𝟐𝝅 ∈𝟎 𝒓
Q4 Charge q is distributed uniformly on a spherical shell of radius R. Using gauss law derive expression
of electric field at a distance r from the centre when (i)r>R (ii) r=R (iii) r<R

ANS : Consider a hollow conducting sphere of radius R with its centre

at O. let σ be its surface density. The field at any point P, outside or
inside depends upon the distance from the centre of the spherical shell.
Let the distance between the centre of the spherical shell and the point be r.

Case (i)r>R
At points outside the sphere the electric field is radial every where because of spherical symmetry.

Total electric flux∅ = 𝐸 × 4𝜋𝑟 2

According to gauss theorem electric flux is


hence𝐸 × 4𝜋𝑟 2 = ∈

[𝐸 = 4𝜋∈ 2 ]Electric field due to charged shell is same as that due to a point charge q placed at the
centre of shell

Case (i)r=R
When point P lies on the surface of the shell or sphere, r = R
hence𝐸 × 4𝜋𝑅 2 = ∈

𝑞 𝜎
[𝐸 = = ]
4𝜋 ∈0 𝑅 2 ∈0

Case (i)r<R

The Gaussian surface does not enclose any charge, (charge resides on the surface of the shell)

Q5 a) Calculate the potential at a point P due to a charge of 4 × 10–7C located 9 cm away.

(b) Hence obtain the work done in bringing a charge of 2 × 10–9 C from infinity to the point P. Does
the answer depend on the path along which the charge is brought?

Q6 Derive the balance condition of Wheat Stone bridge .Also draw the circuit diagram to find the specific
resistance by Meter Bridge.

Q7 Describe with the help of circuit diagram how a potentiometer can be used to compare the e.m.f. of
two cells.
Ans-Potential gradient – The potential drop per unit of length of the potentiometer.
Method to compare emf of two cells –

Causes for one sided deflection of potentiometer

(i) +ve terminals of all cells are not connected at one point.
(ii) emf of driving cell is less than emf of cell.
Q8 Find the equivalent emf and internal resistance for the combination of two cells connected in series.

Consider first two cells in series , where one terminal of the two cells is joined together leaving the other
terminal in either cell free. ε1, ε2 are the emf’s of the two cells and r1, r2 their internal resistances,
Let V (A), V (B), V (C) be the potentials at points A, B and C shown in
Then V (A) – V (B) is the potential difference between the positive and negative terminals of the first cell.
Q9 (i) State Ohm’s law.
(ii) Write its two limitations.
(iii) If the potential difference across the ends of a wire is doubled, how does the resistance of the wire

Ans (i) Potential difference α current (at constant temperature) V =IR

(ii) It does not apply to many devices like semiconductor diodes, it does not apply if temperature
keep changing
(iii) Resistance does not vary with potential

Q10 State the underlying principle of a potentiometer. Write two factors by which current sensitivity of a
potentiometer can be increased. Why is a potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for measuring the
emf of a cell?
Ans At constant current and area of cross section the potential drop across any length of a wire is
directly propotional to the length of the wire.
Sensitivity can be increased by (a) increasing the length of wire (b) by decreasing the current
Voltmeter even having very high resistance will draw some current from the battery so from the
relation V=E-Ir it always shows reading less than the emf. Whereas potentiometer is based on null
deflection method which does not draw any current from the cell at null point so gives the accurate
value of emf.


Q1 a)Derive an expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor with air as the medium
between its plates.
b)Find the equivalent capacitance of the combination of capacitors between the points A and B as
shown in the figure.

60 F
40 F 60 F

60 F
10 F 10 F 60 F

W = Q2/2c
W = ½ CV2

Q2 Show, using Gauss’s law, that for a parallel plate capacitor consisting of two large plane parallel
conductors having surface charge densities +σ and – σ , separated by a small distance in vacuum, the
electric field
(i) in the outer regions of both the plates is zero,
(ii) is σ/εo in the inner region between the charged plates.
Hence obtain the expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
(b) Explain what is the effect of inserting a dielectric slab of dielectric constant k in the intervening
space inside the plates on
(i) the electric field,
(ii) the capacitance of the capacitor.
(a) EI = EII = 0 E= σ/ εo
Capacitance C = Q/V = Q/Ed
C = σA / εo
C = εoA/d

(b) When a dielectric slab is introduced, the Electric field decreases to E/k
where K is the dielectric constant. This is because of the (oppositely directed) field due to the
polarized dielectric. (ii) Capacitance with dielectric increases by a factor K because the electric field
(and hence p.d.) decreases by a factor K.

Q3 (a) Find the relation between electric field and electric potential.
(b) A point charge Q is placed at point O as shown. Is the potential difference (VA -VB )
positive, negative or zero if Q is (i) positive (ii) negative
(b) Q is positive VA > VB so VA – VB > 0

If Q is negative VA < VB so VA – VB < 0

Q4 Define the term drift velocity. On the basis of electron drift, derive an expression for resistivity of a
conductor in term of number density of free electrons and relaxation time.

How does the resistivity of the following changes with temperature-

(a) Conductor (b) semiconductor .Also draw the graphs showing the above variations
ANS Drift velocity is the average velocity gained by the electrons of a conductors in the opposite
direction of the externally applied electric field

(i) When conductor is subjected to an electric field E, each electron experience a force.
and acquires an acceleration
a = F/m = - eE/m -----(i)
Here m = mass of election, e = charge, E = electric field.
The average time difference between two consecutive collisions is known as relaxation time of

Q5 Answer the following

a. (i)Why are the connections between the resistors in a meter bridge made of thick copper strips?
(ii)Why is it generally preferred to obtain the balance point in the middle of the meter bridge wire?

(iii)Which material is used for the meter bridge wire and why?
b. The reading on a high resistance voltmeter, when a cell is connected across it ,is 2.2V.When the
terminals of the cell are also connected to a resistance of 5 Ω ,the voltmeter reading drops to
1.8V.Find the internal resistance of the cell.

Ans. (a)(i) Since thick copper strips have negligible resistance

(II) Since Meter bridge is most sensitive at the centre.(All four resistances are of the same

(iii)Constantan or Manganin wires are used as their temperature coefficient of resistance is very less.

(b) Since r=[E/V -1] x R

Therefore r = [1.8 - 1] 5
r = 1.1 ohm

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