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Ubqari Magazine - June 2014

Doctor Hania, Lahore

If a person suffers from fits due to epilepsy and remains

worried, then reciting and blowing of Ayat al Kursi (while
ablution is observed) over him will Insha Allah cure him from
the ailment of epilepsy. This practice is to be done
continuously for three days.

Freedom from captivity of cruel people     

If a person is trapped amongst cruel people or when they

surround him or capture him and getting rid from them is
becoming difficult, then with a nail write the letter ‫( ط‬taa)
without ink just once. Recite the same letter, ‫( ط‬taa) 9 times in
a single breath and leave that place. Insha Allah none of the
enemies would be able to stop and they will be failed.

For cure of epilepsy If a person suffers from fits due to

epilepsy and remains worried, then reciting and blowing of Ayat
al Kursi (while ablution is observed) over him will Insha Allah
cure him from the ailment of epilepsy. This practice is to be
done continuously for three days.

Getting rid from ghost or Jinn        

For getting rid from ghost or Jin, first pay the Zakaat of Surah e
Quresh. Method for the same is that on Thursday after Isha
prayers, while observing ablution, recite Surah e Quresh 3125
times. This practice is to be done for 40 days without break.
During this carry out “Tark-e-Haiwanaat and Parhaiz-e-Jalali”
(Abstention from various things). On the 40th day, distribute
sweet amongst innocent children and donate its reward to the
ancestors by praying that ‘O Allah! Reward of the sweet which I
have given to these children may please be directed to the Holy
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and through the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to the all pious
religious people. Upon completion of this practice, recite Surah
e Quresh 21 times daily. If it is missed any day, it may be
recited 42 times the next day. If missed on the second day as
well, then recite it 63 times on the third day. If missed for three
continuous days, this Chilla (practice) will break. The Chilla is
to be done again then.

Tark-e-Haiwanaat and Jalali are: Abstain from eating onion,

garlic, all types of meat, egg, fish, radish, carrot, Masoor and
Maash lentils, milk, yogurt, raw sweets, fried items, oil, kheer
from strangers, milk during pregnancy. Should not wear leather
sandals nor use items like water container, gloves, socks,
prayer muslla and clothes; all made from leather. All these
things are to be abstained from for 40 days. If the abstention is
broken, then the practice will end. After chilla there is no more
restrictions and one can eat and drink anything.

After performing the Chilla of Surah e Quresh, following

benefits will accrue:

1.         If the Aamil (practitioner) will send his Salam to a

demoniac, the ghost will immediately run away.

2.         If the Aamil recites Surah e Quresh 7 times while

observing ablution, then blow it over perfume or a flower, and
make it to be smelt by the patient, the demon will immediately

3.         If the Aamil desires that the demon remain captivated in

the body of the effectee, then he should make three amulets
from blue thread. Each amulet should comprise of seven
threads. The thread should be of cotton fiber. Tie seven knots
in each of these amulets. On the first amulet which is to be tied
around the neck of the patient, the middle three knots should
be of half hitch type having a noose. Recite Surah-e-Quresh
eleven times and blow on each of the three knots. On the
remaining four knots, recite Surah-e-Quresh seven times and
blow on each knot. Prepare two more amulets in the same
manner and tie them on the left and right arms of the patient.
Till the time these amulets are untied, the demon will not be
able to run away.

4.         If the Aamil will recite Surah e Quresh 7 times while

observing ablution, blow it over water and splash this water
over the face of the patient (demoniac), the demon will should
and make noises and will burn like fire.

5.         If the demon disturbs during conversation, then recite

Surah e Quresh 101 times and blow over perfume or a flower
and let the patient smell it. Insha Allah the demon or Jinn will
become wretched and seek evasion and run away.

6.         If the Aamil recites Surah e Quresh 11 times while

observing ablution, blow it over a glass of water and give it to
the patient to drink, Insha Allah the patient will get cured from
all ailments.

Producing spiritual revolution in a person             If a person is

always involved in sins, his heart is not attracted towards
prayers, fasting and good deeds. He remains worried that
somehow a spiritual change should occur in myself and that I
should lead a pious and truthful life and get rid of sins forever. 
This is a very effective practice for him. By doing this Amal, the
world of your heart will change and a spiritual revolution will
take place. The heart will will always remain inclined towards
good deeds. The Amal is:

Every day after Isha prayers, recite Durood Shareef 100 times
followed by ‘Allah ho – Allah ho’ 1000 times. Thereafter
complete a Tasbeeh of Durood Shareef and later after Fajr
prayers recite (Space for Arabic Text) 360 times. By the
blessings of this Amal, Insha Allah the heart will itself get
attracted towards good deeds and there will be abundance of
provisions. There will be great blessing at home and in income.
If this Amal is done continuously, it will always keep you

Removing the restriction of fire       At times confectioners,

bakers and people selling fried items face restriction of fire.
Due to this the sweets and milk of a confectioner remain under
cooked and does not prepare well. Similarly, an oven of a bread
maker is also restricted which results in falling of bread in the
oven or are taken out undercooked and at times they are burnt.
Similarly, pakoras (an eastern fried item made of gram flour) of
the person selling them are found under cooked or does not
cook well. Even when there is appropriate fire in the stove, the
food does not get prepared completely. Some people out of
their jealousy and enviousness restricts the fire through black
magic and evil practices thus the power of fire to cook is taken
away. For this, following Ayah is very effective. By this Amal,
the restriction on fire will Insha Allah be eliminated and the fire
will work properly.

‫اﻟﻠﮧ اﻟﺮ� ْﺣﻤٰ ِﻦ اﻟﺮ� ِﺣ ْﯿ ُﻢ۔ ِا �ﻧ ُﮭ ْﻢ َﯾ ِﮑ ْﯿ ُﺪ ْونَ ﮐ َ ْﯿ ًﺪا‬

ِ ‫ِﺑ ْﺴ ِﻢ‬

‫ �و َا ِﮐ ْﯿ ُﺪ ﮐ َ ْﯿ ًﺪا‬  

‫َﻓﻤَ �ﮭ ِﻞ ْاﻟ ٰﮑ ِﻔ ِﺮﯾْ ﻦَ َاﻣْ ِﮭ ْﻠ ُﮭ ْﻢ رُ وَ ﯾْ ًﺪا‬

Recite this Ayah 101 times twice every day in the morning and
evening, with Durood Shareef 11 times each before and at the
end. This Amal should be done for 40 days.

For Bleeding and Gaseous Hemorrhoids

Take equal quantities of Tara Mira (Eruca Sativa), Dried

Raswant, camphor and Sanamki (Senna). Make a fine powder
of these and fill it in capsules. Take one capsule each in the
morning, noon and night with fresh water. This is a very
effective and experienced formula.

Chronic cold and constipation: Cinnamon, clove and mace 12

grams each and  aloe 45 grams. Grind and clarify each item
separately and then make small tablets equal to the size of a
grain of lentil. Take a tablet each in the morning, noon and
night with fresh water.

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