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Further readings on the following LAWs:

 CPD Act known as Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise known as the
“Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016”, is an act which
requires CPD as the mandatory requirement for the renewal of
Professional Identification Card.
 Nurses must maintain confidence and remain open to collaborate and
evaluate to attain the best patient care. For a lasting and thriving
career, nurses should commit to improve their skills through lifelong

 Data Privacy Act known as known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012” It is
the policy of the State to protect the fundamental human right of privacy,
of communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote
innovation and growth. The State recognizes the vital role of information
and communications technology in nation-building and its inherent
obligation to ensure that personal information in information and
communications systems in the government and in the private sector are
secured and protected.

 The Lorenza Somera Case


She was found guilty of Negligent homicide, As the head Nurse was ordered by the
Operating Surgeon to prepare 10% cocaine with adrenaline for administrating to a
Tonsillectomy patient, which she did and even confirmed it back to the surgeon, The
order should have been 10% procaine (not Cocaine), anyway the patient went into
shock and died, the case was that with her training she should have known the mistake
and so she was negligent.


In my ruling, both Nurse Somera and Dr. Favis are responsible Anastacia Clemente’s
death. Dr. Favis flaw in this case was that he ordered the wrong medication and as
testified by student nurse Montinola, he worsened his error by confirming his wrong
order after being asked by Ms.Somera. Though Ms. Somera followed her nursing
responsibilities by the book, she still lacked something. Obviously the order was
questionable, and she did her role by confirming the order but as someone who took
up years to gain the title nurse, she had a lot of OR experiences, and surely in the past
none of them involved cocaine used as a local anesthetic. She should have at least
commented to Dr. Favis something like “I’ve never seen cocaine used as an anesthetic
in the OR before. Is this a new addition doc?” or “This is a commonly abused drug right
doc? I should be careful. To gain the physician’s attention. She should not have carried
the orders unless they are written in the chart. That way she could have her proof and
defense. But the thing is, when health professionals, talk, order, confirm information in
the field, we must listen and listen well. When we do something, we should focus on the
job at hand and leave all worries and preoccupations behind. In terms of the court
ruling, I don’t think, I know that it was very unfair. In the first place, it was Dr. Favis who
gave the order. If you were to stick to the rules and leave out the fact that the order
was only verbal, the nurse had done her job of receiving the order and confirming it.
Thus the main culprit is the surgeon. The court should have sentenced both persons,
with more weight to the surgeon. What’s frustrating about this case is the fact that it
was not mainly Ms. Somera’s fault, she had much lesser salary, she had just started her
career, but she gets all the blame while the surgeon goes free unscathed.

 Our profession as a nurse is guided by a strong set of laws and rules approved by
the national government for us to base our policies in. Nurses should be familiar
with what these laws hold and what they can do to help us function fully and
legally and as ineffective nurse in the hospital, in the community or in any setting
which our profession requires practice. Here in the Philippines, nurses are not
affected by the medical malpractice however such acts are still accountable
against the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 R.A. 9173. Many of us heard about
medical practice acts and the people who are being affected. First, the
physician, and next the nurses, the main focus of this article are the nurses. The
scope of nursing defines the nursing responsibilities and duties of a Registered
Nurse within the Philippine territory. This includes responsibilities of nurses for clients
indifferent life spans and in any health care setting, may it be in the hospital or in
the community.

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