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Personal Details

Full Name : Leddy Julianto, S.Kom

Sex : Male
Place, Date of Birth : Palembang, 23 Juli 1980
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Married
Health : Perfect
Religion : Moslem
Address : Jl. Komering IV No.283. Rt.39 Rw.10 Kelurahan
Sematang Borang Perumnas Sako Kenten Palembang
Mobile : 0821-77717444
Phone : 0819-33352000
E-mail :

Educational Background
1986 - 1992 : Elementary School No. 326, Palembang
1992 - 1995 : KOSRI Junior High School, Palembang
1995- 1998 : YPI TUNAS BANGSA Senior High School, Palembang
1998 - 1999 : D1 Acounting computer of Widya Graha Palembang
1999 - 2005 : S1 Teknik Informatika of STMIK IGM Palembang


1. Administration Skills
2. Computer Skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS
3. Internet Skills.
Working Experience

Working at Kader Bangsa Univercity, Palembang

Period : June 2006 - Present
Position : Staff IT, Adminstration Public, staff of UPM (quality assurance unit)

Palembang, March 14, 2013

Leddy Julianto S.Kom

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