Wave Function and Probabilities

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B. Tech.

1st Year
PHY-109 : Physics

Unit-2: Quantum Mechanics

Department of Applied Science

School of Engineering & Technology
Quantum Mechanics

• In Classical mechanics, if we know initial position and momentum

values together with the forces acting on the particle

• then we can determine the future state of a particle accurately.

• What is the need for Quantum mechanics?

• Quantum mechanics is necessary to describe the behavior of small

particles like electron and proton.

• Uncertainty in the measurement of components at a time makes it

impossible to tell about its future accurately.

• So, in Quantum mechanics we will estimate quantities with their

Wave function

• The quantity whose variations make up matter waves is

called the wave function.

•The wave function is denoted by Ψ(r,t).

• Wave function describes the trajectory of a particle.

• However, wave function itself has no direct physical


• The value of wave function at certain point x, y, z in space at

time t is related to the probability of finding the body there at
that time.
Wave function

• At a particular time and place, |Ψ|2 is the probability of

finding the particle.

• |Ψ|2 is called probability density per unit length in one

dimension, or probability density per unit volume in three

• |Ψ(x,t)|2 δx is the probability of finding the particle in an

infinitesimal region or at a point δx at that time.

• |Ψ|2 = Ψ*Ψ is large in the regions where probability of

occurrence of a particle is maximum.

• |Ψ|2 = Ψ*Ψ is small in the regions where probability of

occurrence of a particle is minimum.
Wave function

• The wave function has the form of a complex number:

Ψ = A + iB

• where, A and B are real functions.

• Since, Ψ is a complex quantity, so it does not correspond to

real physical measurements on a system.

• However, the probability |Ψ|2 is a measurable quantity.

• So, probability |Ψ|2 has physical significance.

Wave function

• The probability |Ψ|2 must always be a positive real quantity.

• The wave function is given as:

Ψ = A + iB

• Complex conjugate of the wave function Ψ is given as:

Ψ* = A – iB

• So, the probability can be calculated as:

|Ψ|2 = Ψ* Ψ
⇒ |Ψ|2 = (A – iB).(A + iB)
⇒ |Ψ|2 = A2 - i2B2
⇒ |Ψ|2 = A2 + B2 (since, i2 = -1)
Wave function

• Hence, |Ψ|2 is always a positive and real quantity, as required.

• Well-Behaved Wave Function

• The wave function Ψ must have few properties for obtaining

physically meaningful results.

• Only such well behaved wave functions are admissible as

mathematical representations of real bodies.
Wave function

• Properties of well behaved wave functions is as follows:

1. Ψ must be continuous and single-valued function

everywhere (i.e. for all values of x and t).

Or we can say, the probability density must be uniquely


2. ∂Ψ/ ∂x, ∂Ψ/ ∂y and ∂Ψ/ ∂z must be continuous and single

valued everywhere.

3. Ψ must be normalizable.

i.e. Ψ must go to zero as x → ±∞,

±∞ y → ±∞,
±∞ z → ±∞
Wave function

4. The integral ∫|Ψ|2dV must have a finite positive value.

5. Normalization Condition should be staisfied: Total

probability for a particle to be somewhere should always be

• Normalization condition in one dimension is given as:


Ψ(x, t) dx = 1

• A wave function satisfying the above equation is said to be

a normalized wave function.
Wave function

• Normalization condition in three dimensional space is given

 2 3
∫ Ψ ( r, t ) d r = 1
all space
Wave function

• Normalization of wavefunction

• Let us suppose that we have a wave function which is not


• Multiply Ψ by a constant A, to give a new wave function,

which is also a wave function.

• Using new function write normalization condition and

solve it for A:

(Aψ )AψdV = 1
Wave function

2 1
⇒ A = ∞

ψ * ψdV

• where |A| is called normalization constant.

• So, the normalized wave function is written as |A|Ψ.

Slides can be downloaded from
Sharda Physics website
(Type shardaphysics in Google)

E-mail: tabish.rasheed@sharda.ac.in

Department of Applied Science

School of Engineering & Technology

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