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Here is a list of 5 thesis topics in information technology:

 The Impact of Culture on Information Technology Adoption in Nigerian

 A mixed-response intelligent tutoring system based on learning from
 A Comparison of Users' Personal Information Sharing Awareness, Habits, and
Practices in Social Networking Sites and E-Learning Systems
 A Quantitative Study of Factors Related to Adult E-Learner's Adoption of Web
2.0 Technology
 The effect of interactive technology on informal learning and performance in a
social setting
MSc Project Topics in Information Technology:
 Advanced robotic applications and reinforcement learning blending
 Radio frequency integrated circuits design
 Energy efficient circuits design
 GaN HEMTs Reliability Analysis
 Multilayer mirrors reliability performance improvement
 Gigabit wireless communications using mm-Wave Circuits
 Low power applications development using energy harvesting
 Sensor for industrial and biomedical applications
 Innovative sensor systems development
 Hybrid vehicles using multiphase electric motors
 Smart cities applications using multi-hop wireless sensor networks
 5G, social and P2P networks
 Video broadcasting and streaming in highly dynamic networks

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