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The fractal approach to infinity

The DNA is definitely not fractal or is it not found to have fractal symmetry yet?

My own thought experiments have led me to firmly believe that the human
immune personality is definitely based on a recurvative principle of self/non-self
recognition based on simple geometry. There is no rocket science there and
follows the basic principle that it doesn’t need a Grand Design(er) for
operationalisation. In this week’s Science summary has come experimental
proof of my earlier thought experiment of ionic movement and behavior in
close proximity to hydrophilic/ phobic membranes…..Each of the membranes
and the ionic clusters and their energy quantum follow a self replicating principle
…a size-invariance in structure/ formation! Hence the pleasure of a huge dollop of
cream on cake or skiing on the Eiffel tower creates an ionic pattern in the memory
cells of the hippocampus, irrespective of the size of the “happiness”. The size is
factored in the scale-invariance of the molecular behavior of the cellular fractal!
All fractal design(s) in biology are an approach to the infinite – closer home , the
real meaning in the ancient seers search for the infinite is a “listen –in” to the
sound within! At first you hear nothing except noise….then slowly in Yoga you
begin to listen to your breath…the hysteresis of the (modulated) breath
modulation is a way to hold the energy and unravel the fractal within or travel
along it to the ∞ ….the recurrent phonic bursts in vedic recital are a way of
modulating the neurochemical milieu of the internal system , in order to open up
the Ca2+ channels in the nuclear membrane. There is the beauty of the fractal
construct…the opening up of the histochromatic complex is a fractal design in
space and time!
The neural circuitry within is a way of understanding the infinite. No
understanding of the infinite is complete without a fractal approach. So literature
abounds with the concept “holding the infinite in a grain of sand”….Actually , it is
a little bit more fantastic in that , u hold the infinite within the cell!

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