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Oracle® Financials Cloud Security Reference

Release 11
Part Number E67203-01

This guide also applies to on-premise implementations

Title and Copyright Information
Oracle Financials Cloud Security Reference

Release 11
Part Number E67203-01

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Mahesh Sabapathy, Nigel Smith

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What's New.....................................................................................................................................16
New Job and Abstract Roles.......................................................................................16
New Duties..................................................................................................................................16
New Aggregate Privileges..........................................................................................................17
New Privileges............................................................................................................................17
Job Role: Accounts Payable Manager............................................21
Role Hierarchy............................................................................................................................22
Aggregate Privileges...................................................................................................................24
Data Security Policies.................................................................................................................34
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected...................................................................................48
Segregation of Duties Conflicts..................................................................................................49
Job Role: Accounts Payable Specialist..........................................50
Role Hierarchy............................................................................................................................50
Aggregate Privileges...................................................................................................................52
Data Security Policies.................................................................................................................55
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected...................................................................................61
Job Role: Accounts Payable Supervisor.........................................63
Role Hierarchy............................................................................................................................64
Aggregate Privileges...................................................................................................................66
Data Security Policies.................................................................................................................74
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected...................................................................................88
Segregation of Duties Conflicts..................................................................................................90
Job Role: Accounts Receivable Manager.......................................91
Role Hierarchy............................................................................................................................92
Aggregate Privileges...................................................................................................................94
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................109
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................147
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................149
Job Role: Accounts Receivable Specialist...................................153
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................154
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................155
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................167
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................192
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................194
Job Role: Application Control Manager......................................198
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................199
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................201
Job Role: Asset Accountant.........................................................206
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................206
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................208
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................215
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................220
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................222
Job Role: Asset Accounting Manager..........................................226
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................227
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................228
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................236
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................242
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................244
Job Role: Budget Analyst............................................................249
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................249
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................250
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................253
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................255
Job Role: Budget Manager...........................................................257
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................257
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................258
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................262
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................265
Job Role: Budget Preparer...........................................................266
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................266
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................267
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................269
Job Role: Cash Manager..............................................................273
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................274
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................275
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................288
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................295
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................296
Job Role: Chief Financial Officer................................................298
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................298
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................298
Job Role: Collections Agent........................................................300
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................300
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................301
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................306
Job Role: Collections Manager....................................................313
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................313
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................314
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................323
Job Role: Compliance Manager...................................................339
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................344
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................353
Abstract Role: Contingent Worker..............................................363
Role Hierarchy and required role membership.........................................................................364
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................366
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................371
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................388
Job Role: Controller.....................................................................389
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................389
Job Role: Corporate Card Administrator.....................................391
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................391
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................393
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................395
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................402
Job Role: Customer......................................................................403
Abstract Role: Employee.............................................................404
Role Hierarchy and required role membership.........................................................................405
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................407
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................412
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................432
Job Role: Enterprise Risk and Control Manager.........................434
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................440
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................451
Job Role: Expense Audit Manager...............................................464
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................464
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................465
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................466
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................473
Job Role: Expense Auditor..........................................................474
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................474
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................475
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................476
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................481
Job Role: Expense Manager.........................................................482
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................482
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................483
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................485
Job Role: Financial Analyst.........................................................488
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................489
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................490
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................495
Job Role: Financial Application Administrator...........................504
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................506
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................509
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................548
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................583
Job Role: Financial Integration Specialist...................................585
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................586
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................589
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................615
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................636
Job Role: Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................644
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................651
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................725
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................832
Job Role: General Accountant.....................................................835
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................836
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................840
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................849
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................858
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................860
Job Role: General Accounting Manager......................................861
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................862
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................867
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................879
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................890
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................891
Job Role: Intercompany Accountant............................................893
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................893
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................896
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................903
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................912
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................913
Abstract Role: Line Manager.......................................................914
Role Hierarchy and required role membership.........................................................................915
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................918
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................923
Job Role: Public Sector Budget Analyst......................................948
Job Role: Public Sector Budget Manager....................................949
Abstract Role: Supplier Administrator........................................950
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................950
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................952
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................955
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................960
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................961
Job Role: Tax Accountant............................................................962
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................962
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................964
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................972
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................981
Job Role: Tax Administrator........................................................983
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................983
Aggregate Privileges.................................................................................................................985
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................993
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected..............................................................................1001
Job Role: Tax Manager..............................................................1003
Role Hierarchy........................................................................................................................1003
Aggregate Privileges..............................................................................................................1005
Data Security Policies.............................................................................................................1022
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected..............................................................................1037
Job Role: Tax Specialist............................................................1039
Role Hierarchy........................................................................................................................1039
Aggregate Privileges..............................................................................................................1041
Data Security Policies.............................................................................................................1058
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected..............................................................................1073
Job Role: Travel Manager..........................................................1074
Role Hierarchy........................................................................................................................1074
Aggregate Privileges..............................................................................................................1074
Data Role Templates..................................................................1075
Unassigned Duties......................................................................................................................1196
This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources available
to help you more effectively use Oracle Fusion Applications.

Oracle Fusion Applications Help

You can access Oracle Fusion Applications Help for the current page, section, activity, or
task by clicking the help icon.

With a local installation of help, you can add custom help files to replace or supplement
the provided content. Help content patches are regularly made available to ensure you
have access to the latest information. Patching does not affect your custom content.

Oracle Fusion Applications Guides

Oracle Fusion Applications guides are a structured collection of the help topics,
examples, and FAQs from the help system packaged for easy download and offline
reference, and sequenced to facilitate learning.

Guides are designed for specific audiences:

• User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They are
intended for users who perform these tasks, and managers looking for an
overview of the business processes. They are organized by the business process
activities and tasks.
• Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering, or
selected features of an offering. They are intended for implementors. They are
organized to follow the task list sequence of the offerings, as displayed within the
Setup and Maintenance work area provided by Oracle Fusion Functional Setup
• Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific area of
functionality. They are intended for decision makers, such as chief financial
officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants. They are organized
by the logical flow of features and functions.
• Security Reference Manuals describe the predefined data that is included in the
security reference implementation for one offering. They are intended for
implementors, security administrators, and auditors. They are organized by role.

These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are
addressed in the guides listed in the following table:

Guide Intended Audience Purpose

Common User Guide All users Explains tasks performed by
most users.
Common Implementation Implementors Explains tasks within the
Guide Define Common Applications
Configuration task list, which
is included in all offerings.
Functional Setup Manager Implementors Explains how to use Oracle
User's Guide Fusion Functional Setup
Guide Intended Audience Purpose
Manager to plan, manage, and
track your implementation
projects, migrate setup data,
and validate implementations.
Technical Guides System administrators, Explain how to install, patch,
application developers, and administer, and customize
technical members of Oracle Fusion Applications.
implementation teams
Note: Limited content
applicable to Oracle Cloud

For other guides, go to Oracle Technology Network at

Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.
Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product area.
You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts, white papers, and
troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks, guided lifecycle advice, and
direct contact with industry experts through the My Oracle Support Community.

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides details on service-
oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your software from
planning through implementation, testing, production, and changes.

In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use Oracle Enterprise Repository at for:
• Technical information about integrating with other applications, including
services, operations, composites, events, and integration tables. The classification
scheme shows the scenarios in which you use the assets, and includes diagrams,
schematics, and links to other technical documentation.
• Other technical information such as reusable components, policies, architecture
diagrams, and topology diagrams.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to send us feedback about Oracle
Fusion Applications Help and guides. Please send your suggestions to You can use Send Feedback to
Oracle from the Settings and Actions menu in Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
Security Reference Manuals describe the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference
implementation. This manual includes descriptions of all the predefined data that is
included in the security reference implementation for an offering. The reference
implementation can be customized to fit divergent enterprise requirements.

Security Reference Implementation

The Oracle Fusion Applications security approach supports a reference implementation
that addresses common business security needs and consists of roles, policies, and
templates for generating data roles.

Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manuals present the following

information about the predefined security reference implementation.
• The abstract and job roles for an offering
• Duty roles and the role hierarchy for each job role and abstract role
• Privileges required to perform each duty defined by a duty role
• Data security policies for each job role, abstract role, or data role
• Policies that protect personally identifiable information
• Data security policies on fact and dimension to ensure enforcement across tools
and access methods
• Segregation of duties policies respected in the design of duties for the job role
• Segregation of duties conflicts in some job role definitions
• Templates for generating data roles and data security policies defined for those
data roles

For a mapping of duties and privileges to roles across all offerings, see Document ID
1459828.1 on My Oracle Support.

For information about how duty roles and privileges map to top-level menus, see
Document ID 1460486.1 on My Oracle Support.

For an overview and detailed information about the Oracle Fusion Applications security
approach, including an explanation of role types, enforcement, and how to implement and
administer security for your deployment, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security

How to Use this Security Reference Manual

Enterprises address needs specific to their organization by changing or extending the role
definitions, role hierarchies, and data security and segregation of duties policies of the
reference implementation.

For each job or abstract role, review the duties, role hierarchy, and policies that it carries
so you understand which users should be provisioned with the role, or which adjustments
your enterprise requires before the role can be provisioned.
All information presented in this manual can be accessed in the various user
interface pages of Oracle Fusion Applications provided for security setup,
implementation customizations, and administration. The advantage of reviewing
the security reference implementation as it is presented in this manual is that you
can more easily compare and plan your customizations.

Review which duty roles a job role inherits. Before making changes, consider the
segregation of duties policies defined for the role. Violations may be introduced by or
may dictate a change in included duties.

From the entitlement of a role as expressed by privileges, you can deduce the
function security enforced by a role. If your enterprise needs certain functions
removed from access by certain roles, change the data security policies or duties
carried by the role.

Review the data security policies conferred on job roles by their inherited duty roles.
Review data role templates to determine what data roles are generated when you setup
the dimensions of your enterprise such as business units or inventory organization.

Review the privacy in effect for a job or abstract role based on its data security policies.
Privacy is additionally protected by security components, as described in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Security Guide.

As you make changes to the security reference implementation for an Oracle
Fusion Applications deployment, the predefined implementation as delivered
remains available. Upgrade and maintenance patches to the security reference
implementation preserve your changes to the implementation.
Offering: Financials
Configure how you manage financial flows, including assets, ledgers, cash cycle,
invoices and payments, accounts receivable, collections, and setup of subledger
accounting and tax configuration.

This manual describes the security reference implementation for the Financials offering.

There is a set of common roles that are required to set up and administer an offering. For
information about these common roles, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common
Security Reference Manual.

Privileges granted to Business Intelligence duties are not described in this manual.
For information about these privileges, see the My Oracle Support document
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Duty Role Security Assignments for
Oracle Fusion Applications (Doc ID 1333454.1).

What's New
This release of the offering includes new Job and Abstract roles, Duties, Aggregate
Privileges and Privileges.

New Job and Abstract Roles

Job or Abstract Role Description

New Duties
Duty Role Description
B2B Messaging Administration This user is a member of an organization who has
delegated administration responsibilities.
Career Development Transaction Analysis Analyzes Career Development transactional information
Cash Positioning and Forecasting Manages cash positioning and forecasting
Financials Administration for Brazil Configure Brazil country specific functionality for
Manage Access Control Definitions Manage Access Control Definitions Duty
Manage Access Simulations Manage Access Simulations Duty
Manage Transaction Control Definitions Manage Transaction Control Definitions Duty
Pricing Setup Management Manages setup required for price execution. This includes
setting up price elements, pricing bases, pricing charges,
pricing message and tokens, pricing matrix types, pricing
totals, rounding rules, result presentation templates,
process assignments, pricing parameters, pricing
descriptive flexfields and pricing lookups.
Project Resource Assignment Directly assigns a resource to a project without approval
from the resource manager. Edits project resource
assignment attributes such as from and to dates, effort,
allocation percentage, and cost and bill rates.
Transaction Administrator Set of duty roles to performs all the tasks and activities for
Transaction Controls Governor
Duty Role Description
Upload data for Project Billing Import Allows to upload data file to import project billing related
View Continuous Controls Primary Manage Access Continuous Controls view only
Workforce Scheduling Transaction Analysis Analyses workforce scheduling transactional information

New Aggregate Privileges

Aggregate Privilege Description
Create Succession Plan for Worker Create succession plans.
Manage Inventory Transfer Order Performs inventory transfer orders.
Manage Person Disability by Worker Allows worker to manage their own disability
Manage Person Identifiers for External Applications Manages person identifiers for external applications.
Submit Resignation Allows worker to submit their own resignation.
View Talent Ratings Grants access to view the talent ratings.

New Privileges
Granted Role Privilege Description
B2B Messaging Administration Cancel Collaboration Message Allow access to manage cancel
collaboration message
Create External Partner Allow access to create external
Get Message Processing Allow access to get message
Configuration processing configuration.
Get Message Transformation Allow access to get message
Configuration transformation configuration.
Manage Application Partner Allow access to manage
Application partner UI.
Manage Associated External Allow access to manage associated
Partner external partner.
Manage Collaboration Message Allow access to manage
Logging collaboration message logging.
Manage Collaboration Allow access to manage
Messaging Configuration collaboration messaging
Manage Collaboration Allow access to manage
Messaging Domain Value Map collaboration messaging DVM.
Manage Collaboration Allow access to manage
Messaging History collaboration messaging history.
Manage External Partner Allow access to manage external
Manage External Partner Allow access to manage external
Message partner message.
Manage Failed Collaboration Allow access to manage failed
Messages collaboration messages
Manage Message Delivery Allow access to manage manage
Endpoint message delivery endpoint.
Manage Service Provider Allow access to manage
collaboration messaging service
Manage Undelivered Allow access to manage
Collaboration Messages undelivered collaboration
Monitor Collaboration Allow access to monitor
Messaging collaboration messaging work area.
Granted Role Privilege Description
Process Collaboration Message Allow access to process
collaboration message.
Process Inbound Collaboration Allow access to process inbound
Document collaboration document.
Reprocess Collaboration Allow access to reprocess
Message collaboration message.
Send Outbound Collaboration Allow access to send outbound
Messaging Document collaboration document.
Validate Inbound Collaboration Allow access to validate inbound
Messaging Setup collaboration messaging setup.
Validate Outbound Allow access to validate outbound
Collaboration Messaging Setup collaboration messaging setup.
View Collaboration Message Allow access to view output
Output Document document.
View Collaboration Message Allow access to view source
Source Document document.
View Collaboration Message Allow access to view collaboration
View Collaboration Message Allow access to view setup details.
Setup Details
View Output Document Allow access to view output
View Undelivered Collaboration Allow access to manage
Messages undelivered collaboration
Budget Analyst Access Financial Reporting Allows access to run and view
Center reports from Financial Reporting
Drill Down to Journal Allows drill down to journals from
subledgers but without providing
access to the General Ledger
Journals work area.
Cash Manager Access Financial Reporting Allows access to run and view
Center reports from Financial Reporting
Cash Positioning and Maintain Ad Hoc Payments
Forecasting Management Maintain Bank Account Transfer
Manage Cash Management
Manage Cash Positioning and
Forecasting Reports
Manage Cash Positioning and
Forecasting Transactions
Submit Cash Positioning and
Forecasting Data Deletion
Submit Cash Positioning and
Forecasting Data Extraction
Submit Cash Positioning and
Forecasting Data Transfer
View Ad Hoc Payments
View Bank Account Transfer
Contingent Worker Report Time by Web Clock Allows the worker to report time
within a web clock.
Employee Report Time by Web Clock Allows the worker to report time
within a web clock.
Granted Role Privilege Description
Financials Administration for Create Bank Collection Update Create Bank Collection Update
Brazil Codes for Brazil Codes for Brazil
Create Bank Instruction Codes Create Bank Instruction Codes for
for Brazil Brazil
Create Collections Remittance Create Collections Remittance
Batch Templates for Brazil Batch Templates for Brazil
Create Global Receipt Methods Create Global Receipt Methods for
for Brazil Brazil
Create Local Holidays for Brazil Create Local Holidays for Brazil
Manage Accounting Define accounting configuration
Configuration for the Americas for Mexico and Brazil.
Manage Bank Collection Update Manage Bank Collection Update
Codes for Brazil Codes for Brazil
Manage Bank Instruction Codes Manage Bank Instruction Codes
for Brazil for Brazil
Manage Collections Remittance Manage Collections Remittance
Batch Templates for Brazil Batch Templates for Brazil
Manage Fiscal Attribute Manage fiscal attribute templates.
Manage Fiscal Document Manage fiscal document generation
Generation Controls controls.
Manage Fiscal Document Manage fiscal document
Sequences sequences.
Manage Global Receipt Methods Manage Global Receipt Methods
for Brazil for Brazil
Manage Local Holidays for Manage Local Holidays for Brazil
Manage Localization System Manage localization system
Options options.
Manage Participant Relationship Create and edit participant
for Brazil relationships for Brazil.
Manage Participant Create and edit participant
Relationships for Brazil relationships for Brazil.
Update Bank Collection Update Update Bank Collection Update
Codes for Brazil Codes for Brazil
Update Bank Instruction Codes Update Bank Instruction Codes for
for Brazil Brazil
Update Collections Remittance Update Collections Remittance
Batch Templates for Brazil Batch Templates for Brazil
Update Global Receipt Methods Update Global Receipt Methods
for Brazil for Brazil
Update Local Holidays for Update Local Holidays for Brazil
View Bank Collection Update View Bank Collection Update
Codes for Brazil Codes for Brazil
View Bank Instruction Codes for View Bank Instruction Codes for
Brazil Brazil
View Collections Remittance View Collections Remittance
Batch Templates for Brazil Batch Templates for Brazil
View Global Receipt Methods View Global Receipt Methods for
for Brazil Brazil
View Local Holidays for Brazil View Local Holidays for Brazil
Line Manager View Succession Candidates Allows viewing of succession
Card candidates card in the organization
Granted Role Privilege Description
View Succession Membership Allows viewing of succession
Card memberships card in the
organization chart.
View Talent Ratings Card Allows viewing of talent ratings
card in the organization chart.
Pricing Setup Management Manage Price Elements Allows creation, update, deletion,
copy, and viewing of price
Manage Pricing Bases Allows creation, update, deletion,
copy, and viewing of price bases.
Manage Pricing Charge Allows creation, update, deletion,
Definitions and viewing of pricing charge
Manage Pricing Matrix Types Allows creation, update, deletion
and viewing of pricing matrix
Manage Pricing Message Token Allows creation, update, deletion,
Attribute List and viewing of pricing message
token attributes.
Manage Pricing Messages Allows creation, update, deletion,
and viewing of pricing messages.
Manage Pricing Parameter Allows update and deletion of
Values pricing parameter values.
Manage Pricing Process Allows creation, update, deletion
Assignments and viewing of pricing process
Manage Pricing Results Allows creation, update, deletion,
Presentations and viewing of pricing results
Manage Pricing Total Allows creation, update, deletion,
Definitions copy, and viewing of pricing total
Manage Rounding Rule Allows creation, update, deletion,
Assignments and viewing of rounding rule
Manage Rounding Rules Allows creation, update, deletion,
copy, and viewing of rounding
Project Resource Assignment Assign Project Resource to Allows the project manager to
Project directly assign a resource to a
project without approval from the
resource manager. Allows the
project manager to edit project
resource assignment attributes such
as from and to dates, effort,
allocation percentage, and cost and
bill rates.
Trading Partner B2B Invoke Collaboration Message Allow access to invoke inbound
Administrator Inbound Service service.
Job Role: Accounts Payable Manager
Manages Accounts Payable department and personnel. Overrides exceptions, analyzes
Oracle Fusion Payables balances, and submits income tax and withholding reports to
meet regulatory requirements.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Payable Manager

Duty Role Description

Accounts Payable Managerial Analyzes Invoices and related documents along with Payments,
Analysis Holds Discounts, and Payables Balances
B2B Messaging Administration This user is a member of an organization who has delegated
administration responsibilities.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Disbursement Data Management Manages supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee
expense payments.
Disbursement Process Assigns payment process attributes to documents payable, resolves
Management document and payment validation errors, and reviews proposed
payments. Views items that were rejected or removed from a
payment process request.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Import Bank Account Allows import of bank account.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payable Business Unit Data This role is used for Payable Business Unit data security in the data
Security warehouse
Payables Balance Analysis Analyzes Oracle Fusion Payables balances.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents and takes action, such as
approving and resolving holds.
Payables Invoice Transaction Analyzes Payables Invoice transactional information
Payables Payment Processing Manages Oracle Fusion Payables payments.
Duty Role Description
Payables Payment Transaction Analyzes Payables Payment transactional information
Payables Period Close Oversees all aspects of Oracle Fusion Payables period close that
involve running period close reports.
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Analyzes Payables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Transaction Analysis information
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Person Address View Grants access to persons to view address data.
SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA
Rules Composer. This is a business administrator type role. Any
team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to
their admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and
BPMWorkflowAdmin. By default this application role is granted to
"Administrators" enterprise role.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Accounts Payable Manager

Inherited Roles
Accounts Payable Manager
Accounts Payable Managerial Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Payable Business Unit Data Security
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Disbursement Data Management
Disbursement Process Management
Disbursement Data Management
Person Address View
Import Bank Account
Manage Accounts Payable Accounting Period Status
Payables Balance Analysis
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Payables Invoice Processing
Item Inquiry
Payables Invoice Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payables Payment Processing
Inherited Roles
Payables Payment Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payables Period Close
Functional Setups
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Review Accounts Payable Accounting Period Status
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
Business Intelligence Consumer
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Payable

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage Accounts Payable Accounting Period Manages Oracle Fusion Payables period status.
Review Accounts Payable Accounting Period Status Reviews Oracle Fusion Payables period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Accounts Payable Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounts Payable Manager Manages Accounts Payable department Access Suppliers Work Area
and personnel. Overrides exceptions, Overview
analyzes Oracle Fusion Payables Assign Business Unit
balances, and submits income tax and Business Function
withholding reports to meet regulatory Common Access Apps Stats
requirements. Provider Service
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Manage Business Unit
Manage Business Unit
Service Client Relationships
Manage Business Unit
Service Provider
Manage Business Unit Set
Manage File Import and
Manage Payables Business
Search Supplier
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Disbursement Process Assigns payment process attributes to Assign Payment Process
Management documents payable, resolves document Attributes to Document
and payment validation errors, and Payable
reviews proposed payments. Views items Build Documents Payable
that were rejected or removed from a into Payments
payment process request. Format Payment Document
Manage Payment File
Mark Payments Complete
Print Payment Documents
Record Payment Document
Print Status
Reprint Payment Documents
Reset Periodic Sequence
Resolve Document
Validation Error
Resolve Payment File
Transmission Failure
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Resolve Payment File
Validation Error
Resolve Payment Validation
Review Proposed Payment
Submit Payment File
Accompanying Letter
Submit Payment File
Creation Program
Submit Payment File
Submit Payment Process
Request Status Report
Submit Positive Pay File
Submit Regulatory
Submit Separate Remittance
Transmit Payment File
View Disbursement
View Payment File
View Rejected and
Removed Items In Payment
Process Request
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payables Balance Analysis Analyzes Oracle Fusion Payables Manage Payables Activities
balances. Submit Accounts Payable
Negative Supplier Balance
Submit Payables Invoice
Aging Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Audit Listing
Submit Payables Invoice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Audit Listing by Voucher
Submit Payables Invoice
Audit Report
Submit Payables Key
Indicators Report
Submit Payment Audit by
Voucher Number Report
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents Apply or Unapply Payables
and takes action, such as approving and Prepayments
resolving holds. Cancel Payables Invoice
Correct Payables Import
Validation Errors
Create Payables Invoice by
Web Service
Create United States 1099
Forms - Comma Delimited
Delete Payables Invoice
Edit Payables Invoice
Hold Invoice from Approval
Task Flow
Initiate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Manage Payables Invoices
Manage Payables Invoices
Modify Payables Invoice
Tax Drivers
Place Hold on Payables
Provide Payables Interface
Release Hold on Payables
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Review Receiving Receipt
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Submit Payables AutoRate
Submit Payables Credit
Memo Matching Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Aging Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Submit Payables Invoice
Validation Report
Submit Payables Matched
and Modified Receipts
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Payables Matching
Detail Report
Submit Payables Matching
Hold Detail Report
Submit Payables
Prepayment Remittance
Submit Payables
Prepayments Status Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Invoice
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Payment Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Supplier Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Tax
Authority Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax Letter
Submit United States 1096
Submit United States 1099
Electronic Media
Submit United States 1099
Invoice Exceptions Report
Submit United States 1099
Payments Report
Submit United States 1099
Submit United States 1099
Supplier Exceptions Report
Transfer Costs to Cost
Update Payables Income
Tax Details Utility and
Validate Payables Invoice
View Holds Resolution and
Negotiation History
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order
Payables Payment Processing Manages Oracle Fusion Payables Edit Payables Payment
payments. Manage Payables Payment
Process Request
Manage Payables Payments
Process Payables Payment
Process Request
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Reissue Payables Payment
Stop Payables Payment
Submit Discounts Taken and
Lost Report
Submit Japan Payment
Register with Bank Charges
Submit Payables AutoRate
Submit Payables Cash
Requirement Report
Submit Payment Exceptions
Submit Update Matured
Future Payment Status
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Payment
View Payables Payment
Process Request
Void Payables Payment
Payables Period Close Oversees all aspects of Oracle Fusion Assign Business Unit
Payables period close that involve Business Function
running period close reports. Common Access Apps Stats
Provider Service
Create Business Unit Tax
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Force Approve Payables
Manage Business Unit
Manage Business Unit
Service Client Relationships
Manage Business Unit
Service Provider
Manage Business Unit Set
Manage Payables Aging
Manage Payables Financials
Manage Payables Income
Tax Regions
Manage Payables Interest
Manage Payables Special
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Payables System
Manage Payables Tax Codes
Manage Payables Tax
Reporting Entity
Manage Payables
Withholding Tax Certificate
Manage Payables
Withholding Tax Groups
Manage Payment Terms
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Run Payables Data
Extraction Program
Run Payables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Submit Accounts Payable
Trial Balance Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Submit Payables Open Items
Revaluation Report
Submit Payables Payment
Submit Payables Posted
Invoice Register
Submit Payables Posted
Payment Register
Submit Payables
Unaccounted Transactions
Submit Period Close
Exceptions Report
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Fixed Asset Books
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Reporting Unit Tax
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Accounts Payable Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can read application attachment Inquiry
for the supplier assessment Privilege: Read
categories including internal to Application Attachment
supplier qualification, Resource: Application
miscellaneous Attachment
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can read application attachment Inquiry
for the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
categories including internal to Application Attachment
supplier qualification, Resource: Application
miscellaneous Attachment
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can read application attachment Inquiry
for the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
question category including to Application Attachment
supplier Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can read application attachment Inquiry
for the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
response categories including Application Attachment
from supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier
Disbursement An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
payment function for any Privilege: Manage
customer refunds in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any Privilege: Manage
employee expenses in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any oracle Privilege: Manage
fusion payables documents in Disbursement by
the payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage payments by Process Management
business unit for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Payments by Business
authorized Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Document Payable An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any Privilege: Manage
customer refunds in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Document
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any Privilege: Manage
employee expenses in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Document
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any oracle Privilege: Manage
fusion payables documents in Disbursement by
the payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Document
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
can manage payments by Process Management
business unit for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Payments by Business
authorized Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Ledger An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Subledger
can manage ledger for Accounting Manager
subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Period
can report oracle fusion general Close
ledger for the set of subsidiaries Privilege: Report
whose reconciliation processes Oracle Fusion General
they manage Ledger (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
can manage business unit party Account Inquiry
tax profile for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Business Unit Party
authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Invoice Fact: Fins - AP
can manage payables invoice Processing Activity
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage Compound
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Business Payables
Unit Invoicing
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Payables Financials An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Period
Option can manage payables financials Close
option for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Payables Financials
Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Invoice Note An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Invoice
can manage payables invoice Processing
note for all invoice and Privilege: Manage
approval notes Payables Invoice Note
Resource: Payables
Invoice Note
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Fact: Fins - AP
can manage payables invoice Payment Processing Balance
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data) Payables
Resource: Business Invoicing
Unit Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables
Process Request can manage payables invoice Payment Processing
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Invoice
Request can manage payables invoice Processing
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment Term An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Period
can manage payables payment Close
terms for the reference data sets Privilege: Manage
they administer Payables Payment
Terms (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Payables Period Status An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
can manage accounting period Accounts Payable
status for the business units for Accounting Period
which they are authorized Status
Privilege: Manage
Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: Payables
Period Status
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Review Accounts
can view accounting period Payable Accounting
status for the business units for Period Status
which they are authorized Privilege: View
Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: Payables
Period Status
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Invoice Fact: Fins - AP
can manage payables invoice Processing Activity
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage Compound
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Business Payables
Unit Invoicing
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Payables Refund An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Fact: Fins - AP
can manage payables invoice Payment Processing Balance
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data) Payables
Resource: Business Invoicing
Unit Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Business Unit
Payables Standard An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Invoice Fact: Fins - AP
Invoice can manage payables invoice Processing Activity
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage Compound
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Business Payables
Unit Invoicing
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AP
Business Unit
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Invoice
can report payables for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Report
are authorized Payables (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payables Period
Privilege: Report
Payables (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables System Option An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Period
can manage payables system Close
option for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Payables System
Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payables Tax Reporting An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Period
Entity can manage payables tax Close
reporting entity for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Payables Tax Reporting
authorized Entity (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Withholding An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payables Period
Tax Setup can manage payables Close
withholding tax setup for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Withholding
are authorized Tax Setup (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Payee Bank
can view employee credit card Account Management
for any employee corporate Privilege: View
cards in the enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Payment Instruction An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any Privilege: Manage
customer refunds in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any Privilege: Manage
employee expenses in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage disbursement by Data Management
payment function for any oracle Privilege: Manage
fusion payables documents in Disbursement by
the payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Disbursement
can manage payments by Process Management
business unit for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Payments by Business
authorized Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Subledger Accounting An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Subledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Balance can manage subledger Accounting Manager
accounting balance for the Privilege: Manage
subsidiaries or management Subledger Accounting
segment values whose account Balance (Data)
balance they manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Subledger
can manage subledger Accounting Manager
application for the owning Privilege: Manage
oracle fusion accounting Subledger Application
generating subledger (Data)
application. Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Subledger
can manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Subledger
Transaction can manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
can manage tax exemption for Account Inquiry
the tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account can view customer account for Account Inquiry
all customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account can view customer account Account Inquiry
Relationship relationship for all customer Privilege: View
account relationships in the Customer Account
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account Site can view customer account site Account Inquiry
for all customer account sites in Privilege: View
the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account Site can view customer account site Account Inquiry
Use use for all customer account Privilege: View
site uses in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
Organization Party can view trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Disbursement
Process Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Party can view trading community Inquiry
contact for all trading Privilege: View
community persons in the Trading Community
enterprise except contacts Contact (Data)
created by partners. Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
can view trading community Account Inquiry
person for all people in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Disbursement
Process Management
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can view trading community Inquiry
person for all people in the Privilege: View
enterprise other than sales Trading Community
accounts and sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can view trading community Inquiry
person for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Address Contact can manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact can manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact can manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Customer
Relationship can view trading community Account Inquiry
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Accounts Payable Manager Role: Supplier Profile
can view trading community Inquiry
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise except partner Relationship (Data)
contact relationships, or Resource: Trading
relationships created by Community
partners Relationship

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Accounts Payable Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

External Bank Account An Accounts Payable Manager can view Role: Disbursement Process
personally identifiable information in Management
payments for any bank account in the Privilege: View Personally
enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Bank
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Accounts Payable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier An Accounts Payable Manager can Role: Supplier Profile
maintain supplier corporate identifiers Inquiry
for all suppliers for nonindividual types Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration An Accounts Payable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Accounts Payable Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Approve Invoices Print Checks
Void Payments
Create Invoices Print Checks
Void Payments
Create Suppliers Print Checks
Void Payments
Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Print Checks Manage Payables
Void Payments Void Payables Payment

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Accounts Payable Manager

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Posting Program Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Accounts Payable Manager

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Program Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Job Role: Accounts Payable Specialist
Enters invoices ensuring accuracy, uniqueness, and completeness. Matches invoices to
correct purchase orders or receipts ensuring that invoices comply with company policy.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Payable Specialist

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Import Payable Invoice Batch Allows import of payable invoice batch into Oracle Fusion
Payables invoice interface.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Invoice Creation Creates invoices using standard user interface or spreadsheet.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables Invoice Transaction Analyzes Payables Invoice transactional information
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Payables Import Allows to upload data file to import payables data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Accounts Payable Specialist

Inherited Roles
Accounts Payable Specialist
Import Payable Invoice Batch
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Payables Invoice Creation
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Item Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Payables Invoice Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
Business Intelligence Consumer
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Payables Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Payable

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Accounts Payable Specialist.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounts Payable Specialist Enters invoices ensuring accuracy, Access Suppliers Work Area
uniqueness, and completeness. Matches Overview
invoices to correct purchase orders or Maintain Reports and
receipts ensuring that invoices comply Analytics Region
with company policy. Manage File Import and
Search Supplier
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payables Invoice Creation Creates invoices using standard user Apply or Unapply Payables
interface or spreadsheet. Prepayments
Correct Payables Import
Validation Errors
Create Payables Invoice
Delete Payables Invoice
Edit Payables Invoice
Hold Invoice from Approval
Task Flow
Import Payables Invoice
Initiate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Manage Payables Invoices
Modify Payables Invoice
Tax Drivers
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Review Receiving Receipt
Validate Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order
View Scanned Payables
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Accounts Payable Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Accounts Payable
can read application attachment Specialist
for the purchase order category Privilege: Read
to payables Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Accounts Payable
can read application attachment Specialist
for the supplier assessment Privilege: Read
categories including internal to Application Attachment
supplier qualification, Resource: Application
miscellaneous Attachment
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Accounts Payable
can read application attachment Specialist
for the supplier categories from Privilege: Read
supplier, miscellaneous, to Application Attachment
buyer, to receiver, and to Resource: Application
supplier Attachment
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Accounts Payable
can read application attachment Specialist
for the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
categories including internal to Application Attachment
supplier qualification, Resource: Application
miscellaneous Attachment
Role: Supplier Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
can read application attachment Inquiry
for the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
question category including to Application Attachment
supplier Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Accounts Payable
can read application attachment Specialist
for the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
response categories including Application Attachment
from supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
can manage payables invoice Creation
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Invoice Note An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
can manage payables invoice Creation
note for all invoice and Privilege: Manage
approval notes Payables Invoice Note
Resource: Payables
Invoice Note
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
can manage payables invoice Creation
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Standard An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice can manage payables invoice Creation
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payee Bank
can view employee credit card Account Management
for any employee corporate Privilege: View
cards in the enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
Organization Party can view trading community Creation
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Party can view trading community Inquiry
contact for all trading Privilege: View
community persons in the Trading Community
enterprise except contacts Contact (Data)
created by partners. Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
can view trading community Creation
person for all people in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
can view trading community Inquiry
person for all people in the Privilege: View
enterprise other than sales Trading Community
accounts and sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
can view trading community Inquiry
person for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact can manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone can manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact can manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact can manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Payables Invoice
Relationship can view trading community Creation
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
An Accounts Payable Specialist Role: Supplier Profile
can view trading community Inquiry
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise except partner Relationship (Data)
contact relationships, or Resource: Trading
relationships created by Community
partners Relationship

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Accounts Payable Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Supplier Profile
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Party Taxpayer
manage party tax profile taxpayer Identifier PII
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Supplier Profile
maintain supplier corporate identifiers Inquiry
for all suppliers for nonindividual types Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Accounts Payable
maintain supplier individual identifiers Specialist
pii for all supplier sites in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Individual Identifiers PII
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Supplier
An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Accounts Payable
maintain supplier individual identifiers Specialist
pii for all suppliers in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Accounts Payable
maintain supplier individual identifiers Specialist
pii for all suppliers of type individual in Privilege: Maintain Supplier
the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Supplier Profile
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Specialist can Role: Party Taxpayer
manage party tax profile taxpayer Identifier PII
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Accounts Payable Specialist

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Approve Invoices Create Invoices
Bank Account Reconciliation Create Invoices
Create Invoices Create Payments
Print Checks
Void Payments
Create Purchase Orders Create Invoices
Create Suppliers Create Invoices
Enter Journal Entry Create Invoices
Merge Suppliers Create Invoices
Post Journal Entry Create Invoices
Returns Goods and Services Create Invoices

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Create Invoices Create Payables Invoice
Job Role: Accounts Payable Supervisor
Oversees the activities of Accounts Payables Specialists. Initiates and manages pay runs.
Resolves nondata entry holds.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Payable Supervisor

Duty Role Description

B2B Messaging Administration This user is a member of an organization who has delegated
administration responsibilities.
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Disbursement Data Management Manages supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee
expense payments.
Disbursement Process Assigns payment process attributes to documents payable, resolves
Management document and payment validation errors, and reviews proposed
payments. Views items that were rejected or removed from a
payment process request.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Import Payable Invoice Batch Allows import of payable invoice batch into Oracle Fusion
Payables invoice interface.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Invoice Creation Creates invoices using standard user interface or spreadsheet.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents and takes action, such as
approving and resolving holds.
Payables Invoice Transaction Analyzes Payables Invoice transactional information
Payables Payment Creation Submits payment process requests and single payments and
maintains payment process request templates.
Payables Payment Processing Manages Oracle Fusion Payables payments.
Payables Payment Transaction Analyzes Payables Payment transactional information
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Person Address View Grants access to persons to view address data.
SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA
Rules Composer. This is a business administrator type role. Any
team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to
Duty Role Description
their admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and
BPMWorkflowAdmin. By default this application role is granted to
"Administrators" enterprise role.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Payables Import Allows to upload data file to import payables data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Accounts Payable Supervisor

Inherited Roles
Accounts Payable Supervisor
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Disbursement Data Management
Disbursement Process Management
Disbursement Data Management
Person Address View
Functional Setups
Import Payable Invoice Batch
Payables Invoice Creation
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Item Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Payables Invoice Processing
Item Inquiry
Payables Invoice Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payables Payment Creation
Payables Payment Processing
Payables Payment Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Review Accounts Payable Accounting Period Status
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Inherited Roles
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
Business Intelligence Consumer
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Payables Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Payable

Aggregate Privilege Description

Review Accounts Payable Accounting Period Status Reviews Oracle Fusion Payables period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Accounts Payable Supervisor.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounts Payable Supervisor Oversees the activities of Accounts Access Suppliers Work Area
Payables Specialists. Initiates and Overview
manages pay runs. Resolves nondata Maintain Reports and
entry holds. Analytics Region
Manage Bank Charges
Manage File Import and
Manage Payables
Distribution Set
Manage Payables Invoice
Tolerance Set
Search Supplier
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Disbursement Process Assigns payment process attributes to Assign Payment Process
Management documents payable, resolves document Attributes to Document
and payment validation errors, and Payable
reviews proposed payments. Views items Build Documents Payable
that were rejected or removed from a into Payments
payment process request. Format Payment Document
Manage Payment File
Mark Payments Complete
Print Payment Documents
Record Payment Document
Print Status
Reprint Payment Documents
Reset Periodic Sequence
Resolve Document
Validation Error
Resolve Payment File
Transmission Failure
Resolve Payment File
Validation Error
Resolve Payment Validation
Review Proposed Payment
Submit Payment File
Accompanying Letter
Submit Payment File
Creation Program
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Payment File
Submit Payment Process
Request Status Report
Submit Positive Pay File
Submit Regulatory
Submit Separate Remittance
Transmit Payment File
View Disbursement
View Payment File
View Rejected and
Removed Items In Payment
Process Request
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payables Invoice Creation Creates invoices using standard user Apply or Unapply Payables
interface or spreadsheet. Prepayments
Correct Payables Import
Validation Errors
Create Payables Invoice
Delete Payables Invoice
Edit Payables Invoice
Hold Invoice from Approval
Task Flow
Import Payables Invoice
Initiate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Manage Payables Invoices
Modify Payables Invoice
Tax Drivers
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review Receiving Receipt
Validate Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order
View Scanned Payables
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents Apply or Unapply Payables
and takes action, such as approving and Prepayments
resolving holds. Cancel Payables Invoice
Correct Payables Import
Validation Errors
Create Payables Invoice by
Web Service
Create United States 1099
Forms - Comma Delimited
Delete Payables Invoice
Edit Payables Invoice
Hold Invoice from Approval
Task Flow
Initiate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Manage Payables Invoices
Manage Payables Invoices
Modify Payables Invoice
Tax Drivers
Place Hold on Payables
Provide Payables Interface
Release Hold on Payables
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Review Receiving Receipt
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Submit Payables AutoRate
Submit Payables Credit
Memo Matching Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Aging Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Submit Payables Invoice
Validation Report
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Payables Matched
and Modified Receipts
Submit Payables Matching
Detail Report
Submit Payables Matching
Hold Detail Report
Submit Payables
Prepayment Remittance
Submit Payables
Prepayments Status Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Invoice
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Payment Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Supplier Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Tax
Authority Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax Letter
Submit United States 1096
Submit United States 1099
Electronic Media
Submit United States 1099
Invoice Exceptions Report
Submit United States 1099
Payments Report
Submit United States 1099
Submit United States 1099
Supplier Exceptions Report
Transfer Costs to Cost
Update Payables Income
Tax Details Utility and
Validate Payables Invoice
View Holds Resolution and
Negotiation History
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order
Payables Payment Creation Submits payment process requests and Create Payables Payment
single payments and maintains payment Manage Payables Payment
process request templates. Process Request Template
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Payables Payment
Process Request
Submit Payables Payment
Payables Payment Processing Manages Oracle Fusion Payables Edit Payables Payment
payments. Manage Payables Payment
Process Request
Manage Payables Payments
Process Payables Payment
Process Request
Reissue Payables Payment
Stop Payables Payment
Submit Discounts Taken and
Lost Report
Submit Japan Payment
Register with Bank Charges
Submit Payables AutoRate
Submit Payables Cash
Requirement Report
Submit Payment Exceptions
Submit Update Matured
Future Payment Status
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Payment
View Payables Payment
Process Request
Void Payables Payment
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment An Accounts Payable Role: Accounts Payable
Supervisor can read application Supervisor
attachment for the purchase Privilege: Read
order category to payables Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Role: Accounts Payable
Supervisor can read application Supervisor
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
assessment categories including Application Attachment
internal to supplier Resource: Application
qualification, miscellaneous Attachment
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Role: Accounts Payable
Supervisor can read application Supervisor
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
categories from supplier, Application Attachment
miscellaneous, to buyer, to Resource: Application
receiver, and to supplier Attachment
An Accounts Payable Role: Accounts Payable
Supervisor can read application Supervisor
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
qualification categories Application Attachment
including internal to supplier Resource: Application
qualification, miscellaneous Attachment
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Supervisor can read application Inquiry
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
qualification question category Application Attachment
including to supplier Resource: Application
An Accounts Payable Role: Accounts Payable
Supervisor can read application Supervisor
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
qualification response Application Attachment
categories including from Resource: Application
supplier, from internal Attachment
responder, miscellaneous, to Role: Supplier Profile
buyer, to supplier Inquiry
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Disbursement An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any customer Disbursement by
refunds in the payment process Payment Function
within the enterprise (Data)
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any employee Disbursement by
expenses in the payment Payment Function
process within the enterprise (Data)
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any oracle fusion Disbursement by
payables documents in the Payment Function
payment process within the (Data)
enterprise Resource:
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Process Management
payments by business unit for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payments by Business
they are authorized Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Document Payable An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any customer Disbursement by
refunds in the payment process Payment Function
within the enterprise (Data)
Resource: Document
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any employee Disbursement by
expenses in the payment Payment Function
process within the enterprise (Data)
Resource: Document
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any oracle fusion Disbursement by
payables documents in the Payment Function
payment process within the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Document
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Process Management
payments by business unit for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payments by Business
they are authorized Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Ledger An Accounts Payable Role: Subledger
Supervisor can manage ledger Accounting Manager
for subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Supervisor can manage Account Inquiry
business unit party tax profile Privilege: Manage
for the business units for which Business Unit Party
they are authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Role: Payables Invoice
Supervisor can manage Creation
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Distribution An Accounts Payable Role: Accounts Payable
Set Supervisor can manage Supervisor
payables distribution set for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Distribution
are authorized Set (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Invoice Note An Accounts Payable Role: Payables Invoice
Supervisor can manage Creation
payables invoice note for all Privilege: Manage
invoice and approval notes Payables Invoice Note
Resource: Payables
Invoice Note
Role: Payables Invoice
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice Note
Resource: Payables
Invoice Note
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Role: Payables
Supervisor can manage Payment Creation
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Role: Payables
Process Request Supervisor can manage Payment Creation
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Role: Payables Invoice
Request Supervisor can manage Processing
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Payables Period Status An Accounts Payable Role: Review Accounts
Supervisor can view accounting Payable Accounting
period status for the business Period Status
units for which they are Privilege: View
authorized Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: Payables
Period Status
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Role: Payables Invoice
Supervisor can manage Creation
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Payables Refund An Accounts Payable Role: Payables
Supervisor can manage Payment Creation
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Standard An Accounts Payable Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice Supervisor can manage Creation
payables invoice for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Invoice (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Payable Role: Payables Invoice
Supervisor can report payables Processing
for the business units for which Privilege: Report
they are authorized Payables (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card An Accounts Payable Role: Payee Bank
Supervisor can view employee Account Management
credit card for any employee Privilege: View
corporate cards in the enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Payment Instruction An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any customer Disbursement by
refunds in the payment process Payment Function
within the enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any employee Disbursement by
expenses in the payment Payment Function
process within the enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Data Management
disbursement by payment Privilege: Manage
function for any oracle fusion Disbursement by
payables documents in the Payment Function
payment process within the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Payment
An Accounts Payable Role: Disbursement
Supervisor can manage Process Management
payments by business unit for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payments by Business
they are authorized Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Subledger Accounting An Accounts Payable Role: Subledger
Balance Supervisor can manage Accounting Manager
subledger accounting balance Privilege: Manage
for the subsidiaries or Subledger Accounting
management segment values Balance (Data)
whose account balance they Resource: Subledger
manage Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Accounts Payable Role: Subledger
Supervisor can manage Accounting Manager
subledger application for the Privilege: Manage
owning oracle fusion Subledger Application
accounting generating (Data)
subledger application. Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Accounts Payable Role: Subledger
Supervisor can manage Accounting Manager
subledger source transaction for Privilege: Manage
the business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Journal Entry
which they are authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source An Accounts Payable Role: Subledger
Transaction Supervisor can manage Accounting Manager
subledger source transaction for Privilege: Manage
the business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Source Transaction
which they are authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Supervisor can manage tax Account Inquiry
exemption for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exemption (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Customer Account Supervisor can view customer Account Inquiry
account for all customer Privilege: View
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Customer Account Supervisor can view customer Account Inquiry
Relationship account relationship for all Privilege: View
customer account relationships Customer Account
in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Supervisor can view customer Account Inquiry
account site for all customer Privilege: View
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Supervisor can view customer Account Inquiry
Use account site use for all Privilege: View
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Organization Party Supervisor can view trading Account Inquiry
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Disbursement
Process Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables
Payment Creation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Party Supervisor can view trading Inquiry
community contact for all Privilege: View
trading community persons in Trading Community
the enterprise except contacts Contact (Data)
created by partners. Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Supervisor can view trading Account Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Disbursement
Process Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables
Payment Creation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables
Payment Processing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Supervisor can view trading Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Supervisor can view trading Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact Supervisor can manage trading Inquiry
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Payable Role: Customer
Relationship Supervisor can view trading Account Inquiry
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Accounts Payable Role: Supplier Profile
Supervisor can view trading Inquiry
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
except partner contact Resource: Trading
relationships, or relationships Community
created by partners Relationship

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Accounts Payable Supervisor

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

External Bank Account An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Disbursement Process
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any bank account in the Privilege: View Personally
enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Bank
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Supplier Profile
maintain supplier corporate identifiers Inquiry
for all suppliers for nonindividual types Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Accounts Payable
maintain supplier individual identifiers Supervisor
pii for all supplier sites in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Accounts Payable
maintain supplier individual identifiers Supervisor
pii for all suppliers in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Accounts Payable
maintain supplier individual identifiers Supervisor
pii for all suppliers of type individual in Privilege: Maintain Supplier
the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Accounts Payable
manage taxable transaction for any Supervisor
taxable transaction existing in the Privilege: Manage Taxable
enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Supervisor can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Accounts Payable Supervisor
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Approve Invoices Create Invoices
Create Payments
Print Checks
Void Payments
Bank Account Reconciliation Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Invoices Create Payments
Print Checks
Void Payments
Create Purchase Orders Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Suppliers Create Invoices
Create Payments
Print Checks
Void Payments
Enter Journal Entry Create Invoices
Create Payments
Post Journal Entry
Merge Suppliers Create Invoices
Create Payments
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Returns Goods and Services Create Invoices
Setup Payment Create Payments

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Create Invoices Create Payables Invoice
Create Payments Create Payables
Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Print Checks Manage Payables
Void Payments Void Payables Payment

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Accounts Payable Supervisor

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Posting Program Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Payables Invoice Creation Duty
Payables Payment Creation Duty
Payables Invoice Creation Duty Payables Payment Creation Duty
Payables Payment Processing Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Accounts Payable Supervisor

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Program Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Payables Create Create
Invoice Payables Invoices
Creation Duty Invoice
Payables Create Create
Payment Payables Payments
Creation Duty Payment
Payables Create Create Invoices Payables Create Create
Invoice Payables Payment Payables Payments
Creation Duty Invoice Creation Duty Payment
Payables Manage Print Checks
Payment Payables
Processing Payments
Duty Void Payables Void
Payment Payments
Job Role: Accounts Receivable Manager
Manages all accounts receivable activities, including defining policy and controls,
establishing processes and procedures, resolving issues, monitoring and analyzing
accounts receivable balances, and creating reports and business intelligence.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Receivable Manager

Duty Role Description

Accounts Receivable Managerial Analyzes Invoices and related documents along with Customer
Analysis Payments, Discounts, and Receivables Balances
Accounts Receivable Monitoring Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.
Accounts Receivable Setup Manages the setup of all Receivables objects to create a complete
Maintenance and accurate environment for all related activities, including
customer billing, customer payment processing, accounts
receivable balance monitoring, and revenue recognition.
Billing Management Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing
adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue
accounting, credit checking, and credit management.
Bills Receivable Management Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including
update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from
hold, recall, and printing.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts
and customer account sites.
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other
Management payment details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payment Management Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments,
deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion
rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of
miscellaneous receipts.
Duty Role Description
Payment Settlement Management Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement
Receivables Business Unit Data This role is used for Receivables Business Unit data security in the
Security data warehouse
Receivables Inquiry Manages the review of customer account activities where updating
is not appropriate.
Receivables Receipts Transaction Analyzes Receivables Receipts transactional information
Receivables Revenue Adjustments Analyzes Receivables Revenue Adjustments transactional
Transaction Analysis information
Receivables Transaction Analysis Analyzes Receivables transactional information
Receivables to Ledger Analyzes Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Reconciliation Transaction information
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Receivables Allows to upload data file to import customers.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Accounts Receivable Manager

Inherited Roles
Accounts Receivable Manager
Accounts Receivable Managerial Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Receivables Business Unit Data Security
Accounts Receivable Monitoring
Accounts Receivable Setup Maintenance
Functional Setups
Billing Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Bills Receivable Management
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Customer Maintenance
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Payment Instrument Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
Customer Payment Instrument Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Inherited Roles
Item Inquiry
Manage Accounts Receivable Accounting Period Status
Payment Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Payment Settlement Management
Receivables Inquiry
Receivables Receipts Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Receivables Revenue Adjustments Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Receivables Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Review Accounts Receivable Accounting Period Status
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Receivables Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts
Receivable Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage Accounts Receivable Accounting Period Manages Oracle Fusion Receivables period status.
Review Accounts Receivable Accounting Period Reviews Oracle Fusion Receivables period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Accounts Receivable Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounts Receivable Manager Manages all accounts receivable Import Payables Invoice
activities, including defining policy and Manage Application Tree
controls, establishing processes and Manage Application Tree
procedures, resolving issues, monitoring Label
and analyzing accounts receivable Manage Application Tree
balances, and creating reports and Structure
business intelligence. Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration Order
Billing Interface Web
Manage Orchestration Order
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables
Business Intelligence
Manage Trading
Community Hierarchy
Manage Unpaid Receivables
Bills Receivable
Override Receivables
Receipt Application
Run Actual Receipts Report
Run Adjustments Journal
Run Adjustments Register
Run Applied Receipts
Run Applied Receipts
Run Bad Debts Provision
Run Cross Currency
Exchange Gain and Loss
Run Customer Balance
Revaluation Report
Run Document Number
Audit Report
Run Invoices Posted to
Suspense report
Run Miscellaneous Receipt
Run On Account Credit
Memo Gain and Loss
Run Open Balances
Revaluation Report
Run Open Items
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Revaluation Report
Run Other Receipt
Applications Report
Run Potential Reconciling
Items Report
Run Projected Gains and
Losses Report
Run Receipt Journal
Run Receipt Register
Run Receivables Aging
Run Receivables Journal
Entries Report
Run Receivables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Revenue Recognition
Run Sales Journal By
Run Sales Journal by GL
Account Report
Run Trading Community
Hierarchy Audit Job
Run Transaction Check
Run Transaction Register
Run Unapplied and
Unresolved Receipts Journal
Run Unapplied and
Unresolved Receipts
Submit Accounting Process
View Payables Invoice
View Trading Community
Accounts Receivable Processes automatic billing adjustments Generate Automatic Receipt
Monitoring and receipt write-offs. Write-offs
Generate Customer
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables Late
Charge Batch
Review Customer Account
Run Account Status Report
Run Billing History Report
Run Billing and Receipt
History Report
Run Deposited Cash Report
- Applied Detail
Run Deposited Cash Report
- Open Details
Run Disputed Invoices
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Late Charges Report
Run Past Due Invoice
Run Receipt Analysis - Days
Run Receipt Forecast Report
Run Receipt Write-off
Run Receivables Aging
Run Reversed Receipts
Run Sales Journal By
Run Transaction Detail
Run Unapplied and
Unresolved Receipts
Submit Automatic Billing
Accounts Receivable Setup Manages the setup of all Receivables Enter Revenue Policies
Maintenance objects to create a complete and accurate Manage Contingency
environment for all related activities, Assignment Rules
including customer billing, customer Manage Customer Paying
payment processing, accounts receivable Relationship Assignments
balance monitoring, and revenue Manage Receivables
recognition. Customer Profile Classes
Manage Receivables Note
Type Mapping
Manage Receivables
Revenue Contingency
Manage Receivables
Specialist Assignment Rules
Manage Salesperson
Account References
Set Up Receivables
Accounting Rule
Set Up Receivables Activity
Set Up Receivables
Application Rule Set
Set Up Receivables
Approval Management
Set Up Receivables
AutoCash Rule Set
Set Up Receivables
AutoMatch Rule Set
Set Up Receivables Balance
Forward Billing Cycle
Set Up Receivables
Distribution Set
Set Up Receivables Late
Charge Schedule
Set Up Receivables Memo
Line Template
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Set Up Receivables Payment
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Application Exception Rule
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Set Up Receivables Remit-
to Address
Set Up Receivables Reversal
Reason to Category
Set Up Receivables
Standard Message
Set Up Receivables
Statement Cycle
Set Up Receivables
Transaction Type
Set Up Receivables
Transmission Format
Billing Management Manages the creation and processing of Approve Receivables
customer billing, billing adjustments, Adjustment
receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, Confirm Receivables
revenue accounting, credit checking, and Balance Forward Bill
credit management. Create Receivables Credit
Create Receivables Invoice
Create Receivables
Delete Receivables
Dispute Receivables
Generate XML Invoices
Manage Billing Activities
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
AutoInvoice Line
Manage Receivables Credit
Manage Receivables Invoice
Manage Receivables
Revenue Adjustment
Manage Receivables
Manage Revenue Activities
Process Expired Credit
Process Receivables
Transactional Events
Refresh Receivables
Transactional Events
Run Adjustments Register
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Billing History Report
Run Disputed Invoices
Run Revenue Recognition
Run Transaction Check
Run Transaction Detail
Run Transaction Register
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit AutoInvoice Purge
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Print Process
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Process
Submit Print Adjustments
Submit Transaction Print
Bills Receivable Management Manages the processing of bills Create Receivables Bills
receivable activities, including update, Receivable
deletion, acceptance, cancellation, Create Receivables Bills
holding, releasing from hold, recall, and Receivable Batch
printing. Create Receivables Bills
Receivable Remittance
Manage Receivables Bills
Manage Receivables Bills
Receivable Remittance
Mature and Eliminate Risk
on Receivables Bills
Print Receivables Bills
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables Add Customer Account
attributes of customer accounts and Contact
customer account sites. Add Customer Account Site
Add Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Person Relationship
Correct Customer Account
Create Customer
Create Customer Account
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Enter Customer Account
Enter Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Enter Customer Account
Enter Trading Community
Merge Request
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Export Trading Community
Person Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage Customers
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Move Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Remove Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Site Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Person
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Site Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Restore Trading Community
Person Relationship
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Trading Community
Person Relationship
Select Customer Account
Contact Responsibility as
Select Customer Account
Contact as Primary
Submit Trading Community
Merge Request
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Site Use
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and Manage External Bank and
Management credit cards and other payment details. Bank Branch
Manage External Payer
Payment Details
Manage Payment Card
Manage Third Party Bank
View Payment Card
View Third Party Bank
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payment Management Processes customer payment activities, Create Receivables
including cash adjustments, deductions, Automatic Receipt Batch
receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, Create Receivables Receipt
receipt conversion rate adjustments, Create Receivables Receipt
receipt applications, and the creation of Remittance Batch
miscellaneous receipts. Create Receivables Refund
Delete Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
through Lockbox
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
Automatic Receipt Batch
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables On
Account Credit Memo
Manage Receivables Receipt
Manage Receivables Receipt
Manage Receivables Receipt
Remittance Batch
Run Actual Receipts Report
Run Automatic Receipts
Awaiting Confirmation
Run Bank Risk Report
Run Past Due Invoice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Receipt Analysis - Days
Run Receipts Awaiting
Bank Clearance Report
Run Receipts Awaiting
Remittance Report
Run Reversal Status Report
Run Unapplied and
Unresolved Receipts
Submit AutoMatch Process
Submit Automatic Clearing
for Receipts Process
Submit Automatic Receipt
Reversal Process
Submit Prepayment
Matching Process
Submit Receivables
Automatic Receipt Creation
Submit Receivables Receipt
Remittance Batch Process
Submit Receivables
Specialist Assignment Batch
Payment Settlement Manages funds capture authorizations, Cancel Funds Capture
Management settlements, and settlement batches. Authorization
Copy Funds Capture
Transaction Extension
Create Funds Capture
Create Funds Capture
Create Funds Capture
Create Settlement Batch
Delete Funds Capture
Transaction Extension
Ignore Settlement Batch
Transmission Error
Manage Funds Capture
Manage Funds Capture
Manage Settlement Batch
Perform All Funds Capture
Process Funds Capture
Retrieve Funds Capture
Set Funds Capture
Transaction Extension
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Offline Transactions
Submit Receipt of Payment
Submit Settlement Batch
Accompanying Letter
Test Funds Capture
View Funds Capture
Receivables Inquiry Manages the review of customer account Dispute Receivables
activities where updating is not Transaction
appropriate. Export Customer Account
Manage Billing Activities
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Preview Receivables Invoice
Process Receivables
Transactional Events
Refresh Receivables
Transactional Events
Review Customer Account
Run Receivables Aging
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Receivables Bills
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Accounts Receivable Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Classification Code File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Activity Manager can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
activities of object type Import Activity Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Mapping Manager can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Object Manager can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
object type for all classification Privilege: View
code file import objects of Classification Code File
object type 'classification code' Import Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Classification Code File
Import Object
Consumer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Manager can view consumer Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all consumer file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Manager can view consumer Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all consumer file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Manager can view consumer Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'consumer' Consumer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Manager can view contact file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all contact file import activities Privilege: View
of object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Manager can view contact file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all contact file import mappings Privilege: View
of object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Mapping
Contact File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Manager can view contact file Community Import
import object type for all Batch Management
contact file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Customer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Manager can view customer Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Manager can view customer Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Manager can view customer Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
customer file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'customer' Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Funds Capture An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Transaction Manager can manage payments Settlement
by business unit for the Management
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Group Customer File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Activity Manager can view group Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import activities Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Mapping Manager can view group Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import mappings Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Group Customer File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Object Manager can view group Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all group customer file Privilege: View Group
import objects of object type Customer File Import
'group customer' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Hierarchy File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Manager can view hierarchy Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all hierarchy file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Manager can view hierarchy Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all hierarchy file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Manager can view hierarchy Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'hierarchy' Hierarchy File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Activity Manager can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import activity object Batch Management
type for all hierarchy node file Privilege: View
import activities of object type Hierarchy Node File
'hierarchy node' Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Mapping Manager can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy Privilege: View
node file import mappings of Hierarchy Node File
object type 'hierarchy node' Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Hierarchy Node File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Object Manager can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import object type for Batch Management
all hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
objects of object type 'hierarchy Hierarchy Node File
node' Import Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Ledger An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Manager can manage ledger for Accounting Manager
subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Manager can report oracle Receivable Manager
fusion general ledger for the set Privilege: Report
of subsidiaries whose Oracle Fusion General
reconciliation processes they Ledger (Data)
manage Resource: Ledger
Legal Entity File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Manager can view legal entity Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
activities of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Manager can view legal entity Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
mappings of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Manager can view legal entity Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
legal entity file import objects Privilege: View Legal
of object type 'legal entity' Entity File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Lockbox Transmission An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
File Manager can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can manage business Account Inquiry
unit party tax profile for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Business Unit Party
are authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Request Manager can manage payables Receivable Manager
invoice for the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Accounting An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Rule Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables accounting rule for Maintenance
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Receivables
Accounting Rule (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Activity An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables activity for the Maintenance
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Receivables Activity
Resource: Business
Receivables Adjustment An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
Manager can manage Receivable Manager Activity
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage Compound
business units for which they Receivables Dimension(s):
are authorized Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Billing Fact: Fins - AR
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Receivables Application An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Exception Rule Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables receipt application Maintenance
exception rule for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets they administer Receivables Receipt
Application Exception
Rule (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables AutoCash An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Rule Set Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables autocash rule set for Maintenance
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Receivables AutoCash
Rule Set (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Automatch An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Rule Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables automatch rule set Maintenance
for the reference data sets they
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
administer Privilege: Manage
Receivables AutoMatch
Rule Set (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Automatic An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Receipt Batch Manager can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Balance An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Forward Bill Manager can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Manager can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Bills An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Receivable Manager can manage Receivable Manager
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Bills Receivable
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Receivables
Manager can view receivables Inquiry
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Bills An Accounts Receivable Role: Bills Receivable
Receivable Batch Manager can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Receivables Bills An Accounts Receivable Role: Bills Receivable
Receivable Remittance Manager can manage Management
Batch receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
ChargeBack Manager can manage Receivable Manager Activity
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage Compound
business units for which they Receivables Dimension(s):
are authorized Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Billing Fact: Fins - AR
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Payment Fact: Fins - AR
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Receivables Credit An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Memo Manager can manage Receivable Manager
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Accounts
Receivable Monitoring
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Manager can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
Manager can view receivables Receivable Manager Activity
activities for the business units Privilege: View Compound
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities Dimension(s):
(Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Receivables Fact: Fins - AR
Inquiry Activity
Privilege: View Compound
Receivables Activities Dimension(s):
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
(Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Receivables Debit An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
Memo Manager can manage Receivable Manager Activity
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage Compound
business units for which they Receivables Dimension(s):
are authorized Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Billing Fact: Fins - AR
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Payment Fact: Fins - AR
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Business Unit
Receivables An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Distribution Set Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables distribution set for Maintenance
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables
Distribution Set (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
Manager can manage Receivable Manager Activity
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage Compound
business units for which they Receivables Dimension(s):
are authorized Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
Receivable Monitoring Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Billing Fact: Fins - AR
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Payment Fact: Fins - AR
Management Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Receivables Fact: Fins - AR
Inquiry Activity
Privilege: Manage Compound
Receivables Dimension(s):
Transactions (Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Manager can view receivables Receivable Manager
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Role: Accounts
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Receivable Monitoring
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Memo Line An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Template Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables memo line template Maintenance
for the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Receivables Memo
Line Template (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Miscellaneous Receipt Manager can manage Receivable Manager
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Receivables
Manager can view receivables Inquiry
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Payment An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Term Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables payment terms for Maintenance
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Receivables Payment
Terms (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Period An Accounts Receivable Role: Manage
Status Manager can manage Accounts Receivable
accounting period status for the Accounting Period
business units for which they Status
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized Privilege: Manage
Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Period Status
An Accounts Receivable Role: Review Accounts
Manager can view accounting Receivable Accounting
period status for the business Period Status
units for which they are Privilege: View
authorized Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Period Status
Receivables Receipt An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Batch Manager can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Method Account Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables receipt method Maintenance
account for the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are authorized Receivables Receipt
Method Account (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Remittance Batch Manager can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Source Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables receipt source for Maintenance
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Receipt
Source (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Remit-to An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Address Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables remit-to address for Maintenance
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Receivables Remit-to
Address (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Revenue An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Adjustment Manager can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Revenue An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Contingency Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables revenue Maintenance
contingency for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets they administer Receivables Revenue
Contingency (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Revenue An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Policy Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables revenue policy for Maintenance
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Revenue
Policy (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Standard An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Receipt Manager can manage Receivable Manager
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Accounts
Receivable Monitoring
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts Fact: Fins - AR
Manager can view receivables Receivable Manager Activity
activities for the business units Privilege: View Compound
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities Dimension(s):
(Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Role: Receivables Fact: Fins - AR
Inquiry Activity
Privilege: View Compound
Receivables Activities Dimension(s):
(Data) Billing and
Resource: Business Revenue
Unit Management
Business Unit
Fact: Fins - AR
Billing and
Business Unit
Receivables Statement An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Cycle Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables statement cycle for Maintenance
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Statement
Cycle (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Balance Summary Manager can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Request Manager can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Summary Manager can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Type Manager can manage Receivable Setup
receivables transaction type for Maintenance
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Receivables
Transaction Type
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Settlement Batch An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Manager can manage payments Settlement
by business unit for the Management
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Source System An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Reference File Import Manager can view source Community Import
Activity system reference file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import activities of object type Import Activity Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Reference File Import Manager can view source Community Import
Mapping system reference file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import mapping of object type Import Mapping Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Reference File Import Manager can view source Community Import
Object system reference file import Batch Management
object type for all source Privilege: View Source
system reference file import System Reference File
objects of object type 'source Import Object Type
system reference' (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Subledger Accounting An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Balance Manager can manage subledger Accounting Manager
accounting balance for the Privilege: Manage
subsidiaries or management Subledger Accounting
segment values whose account Balance (Data)
balance they manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Manager can manage subledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
application for the owning Accounting Manager
oracle fusion accounting Privilege: Manage
generating subledger Subledger Application
application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Manager can manage subledger Accounting Manager
source transaction for the Privilege: Manage
business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Journal Entry
which they are authorized
Subledger Source An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Transaction Manager can manage subledger Accounting Manager
source transaction for the Privilege: Manage
business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Source Transaction
which they are authorized
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can manage tax Account Inquiry
exemption for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exemption (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Manager can update customer Maintenance
account for all customer Privilege: Update
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
account for all customer Privilege: View
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Manager can manage customer Maintenance
Relationship account relationship for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets for which Customer Account
they are authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
account relationship for all Privilege: View
customer account relationships Customer Account
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Maintenance
account relationship for the Privilege: View
reference data sets for which Customer Account
they are authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Manager can manage customer Maintenance
account site for all customer Privilege: Manage
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can manage customer Maintenance
account site for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets for which they are Customer Account Site
authorized (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
account site for all customer Privilege: View
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Maintenance
account site for the reference Privilege: View
data sets for which they are Customer Account Site
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
authorized (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Manager can manage customer Maintenance
Use account site use for all Privilege: Manage
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can manage customer Maintenance
account site use for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets for which Customer Account Site
they are authorized Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
account site use for all Privilege: View
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Maintenance
account site use for the Privilege: View
reference data sets for which Customer Account Site
they are authorized Use (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Org Address Email Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Org Address Phone Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Organization Address Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Organization Email Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Organization Party Manager can view trading Receivable Manager
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Billing
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Party
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Organization Phone Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Party Manager can view trading Receivable Manager
community person for all Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Party
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Manager can view trading Receivable Manager
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Manager can view trading Receivable Manager
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Person Address Contact Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Person Address Phone Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Receivables
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Person Email Contact Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Person Phone Contact Manager can manage trading Receivable Manager
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Relationship Manager can view trading Receivable Manager
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Resource Sales Manager can view trading Receivable Setup
Representative Setup community salesperson setup Maintenance
for all salespersons in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Role: Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Salesperson Setup
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Accounts Receivable Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

External Bank Account An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Payment Settlement
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any bank account in the Privilege: View Personally
enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Bank
External Payment Party An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Payment Settlement
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any external payment Privilege: View Personally
party in the enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Payment
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Payment Card An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Payment Settlement
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any payment card in the Privilege: View Personally
enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: Payment Card
Tax Registration An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Customer
manage taxable transaction for any Maintenance
taxable transaction existing in the Privilege: Manage Taxable
enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Accounts Receivable Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Accounts Receivable Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Bank Account Reconciliation Enter Customer Receipts
Create Customer Enter AR Invoice
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Enter Customer Receipts
Release Sales Order
Delete Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter AR Invoice Enter Customer Receipts
Enter Customer Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter Journal Entry Enter Customer Receipts
Post Journal Entry
Maintain Automatic Receipts Release Sales Order
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Remittances Release Sales Order
Returns Goods and Services Enter Customer Receipts
Reversing Receipts Release Sales Order

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Remittances Receipt Remittance Duty Create Receivables
Receipt Remittance
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables
Receipt Remittance
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Run Bank Risk Report
Run Receipts Awaiting
Bank Clearance Report
Run Receipts Awaiting
Remittance Report
Submit Automatic
Clearing for Receipts
Submit Receivables
Receipt Remittance
Batch Process
Privilege Create Customer Manage Customers
Delete Receipts Manage Receivables
Enter AR Invoice Create Receivables
Enter Customer Receipts Create Receivables
Maintain Automatic Manage Receivables
Receipts Automatic Receipt
Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Reversing Receipts Manage Receivables

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Accounts Receivable Manager

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Customer Maintenance Duty Accounts Receivable Monitoring Duty
Late Charges Creation Duty
Payment Management Duty
Receipt Creation Duty
Receipt Remittance Duty
Receivables Period Closure Duty
Statement Processing Duty
Journal Posting Program Duty Accounts Receivable Monitoring Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Late Charges Creation Duty
Payment Management Duty
Receipt Creation Duty
Receipt Remittance Duty
Receivables Period Closure Duty
Statement Processing Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Accounts Receivable Manager
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Customer Manage Create Accounts Manage Remittances
Maintenance Customers Customer Receivable Receivables
Duty Monitoring Balances
Duty Activities
Late Charges Manage Remittances
Creation Duty Receivables
Payment Manage Remittances
Management Receivables
Duty Balances
Receipt Create Enter
Creation Duty Receivables Customer
Receipt Receipts
Manage Remittances
Receipt Create Remittances
Remittance Receivables
Duty Receipt
Manage Remittances
Manage Remittances
Run Bank Risk Remittances
Run Receipts Remittances
Awaiting Bank
Run Receipts Remittances
Submit Remittances
Clearing for
Submit Remittances
Batch Process
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Receivables Manage Remittances
Period Closure Receivables
Duty Balances
Statement Manage Remittances
Processing Receivables
Duty Balances
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal Accounts Manage Remittances
Program Duty Entry Receivable Receivables
Monitoring Balances
Duty Activities
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Late Charges Manage Remittances
Creation Duty Receivables
Payment Manage Remittances
Management Receivables
Duty Balances
Receipt Create Enter
Creation Duty Receivables Customer
Receipt Receipts
Manage Remittances
Receipt Create Remittances
Remittance Receivables
Duty Receipt
Manage Remittances
Manage Remittances
Run Bank Risk Remittances
Run Receipts Remittances
Awaiting Bank
Run Receipts Remittances
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Submit Remittances
Clearing for
Submit Remittances
Batch Process
Receivables Manage Remittances
Period Closure Receivables
Duty Balances
Statement Manage Remittances
Processing Receivables
Duty Balances
Job Role: Accounts Receivable Specialist
Manages and implements all customer payment activities, including receiving customer
payments and electronic remittance advice, performing cash handling activities,
processing customer payments, and applying payments to customer accounts.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts Receivable Specialist

Duty Role Description

Accounts Receivable Monitoring Processes automatic billing adjustments and receipt write-offs.
Billing Management Manages the creation and processing of customer billing, billing
adjustments, receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, revenue
accounting, credit checking, and credit management.
Bills Receivable Management Manages the processing of bills receivable activities, including
update, deletion, acceptance, cancellation, holding, releasing from
hold, recall, and printing.
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts
and customer account sites.
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other
Management payment details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payment Management Processes customer payment activities, including cash adjustments,
deductions, receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, receipt conversion
rate adjustments, receipt applications, and the creation of
miscellaneous receipts.
Payment Settlement Management Manages funds capture authorizations, settlements, and settlement
Receivables Inquiry Manages the review of customer account activities where updating
is not appropriate.
Receivables Receipts Transaction Analyzes Receivables Receipts transactional information
Receivables Revenue Adjustments Analyzes Receivables Revenue Adjustments transactional
Transaction Analysis information
Receivables Transaction Analysis Analyzes Receivables transactional information
Subledger Accounting Specialist Creates accounting for a given transaction and reviews journal
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Duty Role Description
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Receivables Allows to upload data file to import customers.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Accounts Receivable Specialist

Inherited Roles
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Accounts Receivable Monitoring
Billing Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Bills Receivable Management
Customer Maintenance
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Payment Instrument Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
Customer Payment Instrument Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Item Inquiry
Payment Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Payment Settlement Management
Receivables Inquiry
Receivables Receipts Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Receivables Revenue Adjustments Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Receivables Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Subledger Accounting Specialist
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Receivables Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Accounts
Receivable Specialist

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Accounts Receivable Specialist.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounts Receivable Processes automatic billing adjustments Generate Automatic Receipt
Monitoring and receipt write-offs. Write-offs
Generate Customer
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables Late
Charge Batch
Review Customer Account
Run Account Status Report
Run Billing History Report
Run Billing and Receipt
History Report
Run Deposited Cash Report
- Applied Detail
Run Deposited Cash Report
- Open Details
Run Disputed Invoices
Run Late Charges Report
Run Past Due Invoice
Run Receipt Analysis - Days
Run Receipt Forecast Report
Run Receipt Write-off
Run Receivables Aging
Run Reversed Receipts
Run Sales Journal By
Run Transaction Detail
Run Unapplied and
Unresolved Receipts
Submit Automatic Billing
Accounts Receivable Manages and implements all customer Import Payables Invoice
Specialist payment activities, including receiving Manage Orchestration
customer payments and electronic Generic Web Service
remittance advice, performing cash Manage Orchestration Order
handling activities, processing customer Billing Interface Web
payments, and applying payments to Service
customer accounts. Manage Orchestration Order
View Payables Invoice
Billing Management Manages the creation and processing of Approve Receivables
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
customer billing, billing adjustments, Adjustment
receipt write-offs, revenue recognition, Confirm Receivables
revenue accounting, credit checking, and Balance Forward Bill
credit management. Create Receivables Credit
Create Receivables Invoice
Create Receivables
Delete Receivables
Dispute Receivables
Generate XML Invoices
Manage Billing Activities
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
AutoInvoice Line
Manage Receivables Credit
Manage Receivables Invoice
Manage Receivables
Revenue Adjustment
Manage Receivables
Manage Revenue Activities
Process Expired Credit
Process Receivables
Transactional Events
Refresh Receivables
Transactional Events
Run Adjustments Register
Run Billing History Report
Run Disputed Invoices
Run Revenue Recognition
Run Transaction Check
Run Transaction Detail
Run Transaction Register
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit AutoInvoice Purge
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Print Process
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Process
Submit Print Adjustments
Submit Transaction Print
Bills Receivable Management Manages the processing of bills Create Receivables Bills
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
receivable activities, including update, Receivable
deletion, acceptance, cancellation, Create Receivables Bills
holding, releasing from hold, recall, and Receivable Batch
printing. Create Receivables Bills
Receivable Remittance
Manage Receivables Bills
Manage Receivables Bills
Receivable Remittance
Mature and Eliminate Risk
on Receivables Bills
Print Receivables Bills
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables Add Customer Account
attributes of customer accounts and Contact
customer account sites. Add Customer Account Site
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Person Relationship
Correct Customer Account
Create Customer
Create Customer Account
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Enter Customer Account
Enter Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Enter Customer Account
Enter Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Merge Request
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Export Trading Community
Person Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage Customers
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Move Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Site Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Person
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Site Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Restore Trading Community
Person Relationship
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Person Relationship
Select Customer Account
Contact Responsibility as
Select Customer Account
Contact as Primary
Submit Trading Community
Merge Request
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Site Use
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and Manage External Bank and
Management credit cards and other payment details. Bank Branch
Manage External Payer
Payment Details
Manage Payment Card
Manage Third Party Bank
View Payment Card
View Third Party Bank
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payment Management Processes customer payment activities, Create Receivables
including cash adjustments, deductions, Automatic Receipt Batch
receipt reversals, receipt write-offs, Create Receivables Receipt
receipt conversion rate adjustments, Create Receivables Receipt
receipt applications, and the creation of Remittance Batch
miscellaneous receipts. Create Receivables Refund
Delete Receivables Receipt
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Import Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
through Lockbox
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
Automatic Receipt Batch
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables On
Account Credit Memo
Manage Receivables Receipt
Manage Receivables Receipt
Manage Receivables Receipt
Remittance Batch
Run Actual Receipts Report
Run Automatic Receipts
Awaiting Confirmation
Run Bank Risk Report
Run Past Due Invoice
Run Receipt Analysis - Days
Run Receipts Awaiting
Bank Clearance Report
Run Receipts Awaiting
Remittance Report
Run Reversal Status Report
Run Unapplied and
Unresolved Receipts
Submit AutoMatch Process
Submit Automatic Clearing
for Receipts Process
Submit Automatic Receipt
Reversal Process
Submit Prepayment
Matching Process
Submit Receivables
Automatic Receipt Creation
Submit Receivables Receipt
Remittance Batch Process
Submit Receivables
Specialist Assignment Batch
Payment Settlement Manages funds capture authorizations, Cancel Funds Capture
Management settlements, and settlement batches. Authorization
Copy Funds Capture
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Transaction Extension
Create Funds Capture
Create Funds Capture
Create Funds Capture
Create Settlement Batch
Delete Funds Capture
Transaction Extension
Ignore Settlement Batch
Transmission Error
Manage Funds Capture
Manage Funds Capture
Manage Settlement Batch
Perform All Funds Capture
Process Funds Capture
Retrieve Funds Capture
Set Funds Capture
Transaction Extension
Submit Offline Transactions
Submit Receipt of Payment
Submit Settlement Batch
Accompanying Letter
Test Funds Capture
View Funds Capture
Receivables Inquiry Manages the review of customer account Dispute Receivables
activities where updating is not Transaction
appropriate. Export Customer Account
Manage Billing Activities
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Preview Receivables Invoice
Process Receivables
Transactional Events
Refresh Receivables
Transactional Events
Review Customer Account
Run Receivables Aging
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Receivables Bills
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for a given transaction Create Subledger Journal
Specialist and reviews journal entries. Entry Online
Post Journal
Review Subledger Journal
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Accounts Receivable Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Classification Code File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Activity Specialist can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
activities of object type Import Activity Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Mapping Specialist can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Object Specialist can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
object type for all classification Privilege: View
code file import objects of Classification Code File
object type 'classification code' Import Object Type
Classification Code File
Import Object
Consumer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view consumer Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all consumer file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Activity Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view consumer Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all consumer file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view consumer Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'consumer' Consumer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view contact file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all contact file import activities Privilege: View
of object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view contact file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all contact file import mappings Privilege: View
of object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Mapping
Contact File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view contact file Community Import
import object type for all Batch Management
contact file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Customer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view customer Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Customer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view customer Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view customer Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
customer file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'customer' Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Funds Capture An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Transaction Specialist can manage Settlement
payments by business unit for Management
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Group Customer File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Activity Specialist can view group Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import activities Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Mapping Specialist can view group Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import mappings Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Object Specialist can view group Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all group customer file Privilege: View Group
import objects of object type Customer File Import
'group customer' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Hierarchy File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all hierarchy file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all hierarchy file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'hierarchy' Hierarchy File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Activity Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import activity object Batch Management
type for all hierarchy node file Privilege: View
import activities of object type Hierarchy Node File
'hierarchy node' Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Mapping Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy Privilege: View
node file import mappings of Hierarchy Node File
object type 'hierarchy node' Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Import Object Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import object type for Batch Management
all hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
objects of object type 'hierarchy Hierarchy Node File
node' Import Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Ledger An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Specialist can manage ledger Accounting Specialist
for subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Legal Entity File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view legal entity Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
activities of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view legal entity Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
mappings of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view legal entity Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
legal entity file import objects Privilege: View Legal
of object type 'legal entity' Entity File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Lockbox Transmission An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
File Specialist can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can manage business Account Inquiry
unit party tax profile for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Business Unit Party
are authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Request Specialist can manage payables Receivable Specialist
invoice for the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Adjustment An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Automatic An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Receipt Batch Specialist can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Balance An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Forward Bill Specialist can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Bills An Accounts Receivable Role: Bills Receivable
Receivable Specialist can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Receivables
Specialist can view receivables Inquiry
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Bills An Accounts Receivable Role: Bills Receivable
Receivable Batch Specialist can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Bills An Accounts Receivable Role: Bills Receivable
Receivable Remittance Specialist can manage Management
Batch receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Receivables An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
ChargeBack Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Credit An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Memo Specialist can manage Receivable Monitoring
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Receivables
Specialist can view receivables Inquiry
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Debit An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Memo Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Specialist can manage Receivable Monitoring
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Billing
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Specialist can view receivables Receivable Monitoring
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Miscellaneous Receipt Specialist can manage Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
An Accounts Receivable Role: Receivables
Specialist can view receivables Inquiry
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Batch Specialist can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Remittance Batch Specialist can manage Management
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Revenue An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Adjustment Specialist can manage Management
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Standard An Accounts Receivable Role: Accounts
Receipt Specialist can manage Receivable Monitoring
receivables receipts for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Receipts
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Accounts Receivable Role: Receivables
Specialist can view receivables Inquiry
activities for the business units Privilege: View
for which they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Balance Summary Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Request Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Summary Specialist can manage Management
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Settlement Batch An Accounts Receivable Role: Payment
Specialist can manage Settlement
payments by business unit for Management
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
Source System An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Reference File Import Specialist can view source Community Import
Activity system reference file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import activities of object type Import Activity Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Reference File Import Specialist can view source Community Import
Mapping system reference file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import mapping of object type Import Mapping Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System An Accounts Receivable Role: Trading
Reference File Import Specialist can view source Community Import
Object system reference file import Batch Management
object type for all source Privilege: View Source
system reference file import System Reference File
objects of object type 'source Import Object Type
system reference' (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Subledger Accounting An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Balance Specialist can manage Accounting Specialist
subledger accounting balance Privilege: Manage
for the subsidiaries or Subledger Accounting
management segment values Balance (Data)
whose account balance they Resource: Subledger
manage Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Specialist can manage Accounting Specialist
subledger application for the Privilege: Manage
owning oracle fusion Subledger Application
accounting generating (Data)
subledger application. Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Specialist can manage Accounting Specialist
subledger source transaction for Privilege: Manage
the business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Journal Entry
which they are authorized
Subledger Source An Accounts Receivable Role: Subledger
Transaction Specialist can manage Accounting Specialist
subledger source transaction for Privilege: Manage
the business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Source Transaction
which they are authorized
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can manage tax Account Inquiry
exemption for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exemption (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Specialist can update customer Maintenance
account for all customer Privilege: Update
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
account for all customer Privilege: View
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Specialist can manage customer Maintenance
Relationship account relationship for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets for which Customer Account
they are authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
account relationship for all Privilege: View
customer account relationships Customer Account
in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Maintenance
account relationship for the Privilege: View
reference data sets for which Customer Account
they are authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Specialist can manage customer Maintenance
account site for all customer Privilege: Manage
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can manage customer Maintenance
account site for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets for which they are Customer Account Site
authorized (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
account site for all customer Privilege: View
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Maintenance
account site for the reference Privilege: View
data sets for which they are Customer Account Site
authorized (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Specialist can manage customer Maintenance
Use account site use for all Privilege: Manage
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can manage customer Maintenance
account site use for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets for which Customer Account Site
they are authorized Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
account site use for all Privilege: View
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
An Accounts Receivable Role: Customer
Specialist can view customer Maintenance
account site use for the Privilege: View
reference data sets for which Customer Account Site
they are authorized Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Org Address Email Specialist can manage trading Management
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Org Address Phone Specialist can manage trading Management
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Organization Address Specialist can manage trading Management
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Organization Email Specialist can manage trading Management
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Organization Party Specialist can view trading Management
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Organization Phone Specialist can manage trading Management
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Party Specialist can view trading Management
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Specialist can view trading Management
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Specialist can view trading Management
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Person Address Contact Specialist can manage trading Management
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Person Address Phone Specialist can manage trading Management
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Person Email Contact Specialist can manage trading Management
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Person Phone Contact Specialist can manage trading Management
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Payment
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Relationship Specialist can view trading Management
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payment
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community An Accounts Receivable Role: Billing
Resource Sales Specialist can view trading Management
Representative Setup community salesperson setup Privilege: View
for all salespersons in the Trading Community
enterprise Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Role: Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Role: Receivables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Accounts Receivable Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

External Bank Account An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Payment Settlement
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any bank account in the Privilege: View Personally
enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Bank
External Payment Party An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Payment Settlement
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any external payment Privilege: View Personally
party in the enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Payment
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Payment Card An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Payment Settlement
view personally identifiable information Management
in payments for any payment card in the Privilege: View Personally
enterprise Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: Payment Card
Tax Registration An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Customer
manage taxable transaction for any Maintenance
taxable transaction existing in the Privilege: Manage Taxable
enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Accounts Receivable Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Accounts Receivable Specialist

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Bank Account Reconciliation Enter Customer Receipts
Create Customer Enter AR Invoice
Enter Customer Receipts
Release Sales Order
Delete Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter AR Invoice Enter Customer Receipts
Enter Customer Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter Journal Entry Enter Customer Receipts
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Post Journal Entry
Maintain Automatic Receipts Release Sales Order
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Remittances Release Sales Order
Returns Goods and Services Enter Customer Receipts
Reversing Receipts Release Sales Order

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Remittances Receipt Remittance Duty Create Receivables
Receipt Remittance
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables
Receipt Remittance
Run Bank Risk Report
Run Receipts Awaiting
Bank Clearance Report
Run Receipts Awaiting
Remittance Report
Submit Automatic
Clearing for Receipts
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Submit Receivables
Receipt Remittance
Batch Process
Privilege Create Customer Manage Customers
Delete Receipts Manage Receivables
Enter AR Invoice Create Receivables
Enter Customer Receipts Create Receivables
Maintain Automatic Manage Receivables
Receipts Automatic Receipt
Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Reversing Receipts Manage Receivables

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Accounts Receivable Specialist

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Customer Maintenance Duty Accounts Receivable Monitoring Duty
Late Charges Creation Duty
Payment Management Duty
Receipt Creation Duty
Receipt Remittance Duty
Statement Processing Duty
Journal Posting Program Duty Accounts Receivable Monitoring Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Late Charges Creation Duty
Payment Management Duty
Receipt Creation Duty
Receipt Remittance Duty
Statement Processing Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Accounts Receivable Specialist

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Customer Manage Create Accounts Manage Remittances
Maintenance Customers Customer Receivable Receivables
Duty Monitoring Balances
Duty Activities
Late Charges Manage Remittances
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Creation Duty Receivables
Payment Manage Remittances
Management Receivables
Duty Balances
Receipt Create Enter
Creation Duty Receivables Customer
Receipt Receipts
Manage Remittances
Receipt Create Remittances
Remittance Receivables
Duty Receipt
Manage Remittances
Manage Remittances
Run Bank Risk Remittances
Run Receipts Remittances
Awaiting Bank
Run Receipts Remittances
Submit Remittances
Clearing for
Submit Remittances
Batch Process
Statement Manage Remittances
Processing Receivables
Duty Balances
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal Accounts Manage Remittances
Program Duty Entry Receivable Receivables
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Monitoring Balances
Duty Activities
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Late Charges Manage Remittances
Creation Duty Receivables
Payment Manage Remittances
Management Receivables
Duty Balances
Receipt Create Enter
Creation Duty Receivables Customer
Receipt Receipts
Manage Remittances
Receipt Create Remittances
Remittance Receivables
Duty Receipt
Manage Remittances
Manage Remittances
Run Bank Risk Remittances
Run Receipts Remittances
Awaiting Bank
Run Receipts Remittances
Submit Remittances
Clearing for
Submit Remittances
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Batch Process
Statement Manage Remittances
Processing Receivables
Duty Balances
Job Role: Application Control Manager
Individual responsible for managing enterprise advanced controls

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Application Control Manager

Duty Role Description

Application Administration Run application administration reports
Reporting Primary
Application Configurations Viewer Duties to view the application configurations
Application Data Source Manager Duties to manage Data Sources
Assign Incident Results Primary Assign Results for Investigation
Continuous Control Manager Duties to perform all task and activities for Continuous Controls
Continuous Control Monitoring Duties to run the Continuous Control Monitoring reports
Reports Management
Continuous Control Monitoring Continuous Control Monitoring View system configuration
System Administrator Viewer
Continuous Control Report View Continuous Control Reports
Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Reporting Continuous Control Reporting Duty
Continuous Control Reporting Run Continuous Control Reports
Continuous Control Viewer Continuous Control Monitoring Views all types of Continuous
Composite Controls
Home Page Access Primary Home Page Access
Home Page Composite Log in and user preferences
Incident Result Investigator Duties to perform the investigation for Incident Results
Incident Result Manager Duties to perform all the tasks and activities for Incident Results
Manage Access Control Manage Access Control Definitions Duty
Manage Access Simulations Manage Access Simulations Duty
Manage Application Administer the installation configurations
Configurations Primary
Manage Application Data Sources Maintain the data sources for Continuous Control Monitoring
Primary analysis
Manage Application Libraries Administer Business Objects, Patterns and Connectors
Manage Continuous Controls Maintain Continuous Controls
Manage Incident Results Manage Incident Results Duty
Manage Incident Results Primary Maintain Results
Manage Job Schedules Primary Manage Job Schedules
Manage Jobs Primary Manage Jobs
Manage Transaction Control Manage Transaction Control Definitions Duty
Manage User Defined Business Create, edit and delete User Defined Business Objects that could be
Objects Primary of the type derived or spreadsheet
Remote Agent Manager Primary Continuous Control Monitoring Performs all the task to administer
the Remote Agents
Result Reporting Primary Run Result Reports
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Risk Assessment Result Viewings
Duty Role Description
Risk Viewing Primary Risk Viewings
Run Control Reports Primary Run Control Reports Primary Duty
Security Administration Reporting Run Security Administration Reports
Security Viewer Duties to View and report on GRC security roles and users
Transaction Administrator Set of duty roles to performs all the tasks and activities for
Transaction Controls Governor
View Access Models Primary Manage Access Models View Only
View Application Configurations View the application configuration settings
View Application Data Sources View Data sources
View Application Libraries View Business Objects, Patterns and Connectors
View Continuous Controls Primary Manage Access Continuous Controls view only

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Application Control Manager

Inherited Roles
Application Control Manager
Continuous Control Manager
Application Data Source Manager
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring Reports Management
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Continuous Controls Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage User Defined Business Objects Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring System Administrator Viewer Composite
Application Configurations Viewer
Application Administration Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
View Application Configurations Primary
Security Viewer
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
View Application Data Sources Primary
View Application Libraries Primary
Continuous Control Viewer Composite
Manage Transaction Control Definitions
View Access Models Primary
Inherited Roles
View Continuous Controls Primary
Home Page Composite
Home Page Access Primary
Incident Result Investigator
Continuous Control Monitoring Reports Management
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Continuous Control Report Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Reporting Primary
Manage Incident Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Incident Result Manager
Assign Incident Results Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring Reports Management
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Continuous Control Report Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Reporting Primary
Manage Incident Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Transaction Administrator
Application Data Source Manager
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Application Configurations Primary
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Continuous Controls Primary
Manage Incident Results
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage Transaction Control Definitions
Manage User Defined Business Objects Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Run Control Reports Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Application Control

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Application Control Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Application Administration Run application administration reports Change History Report
Reporting Primary Pending Activity Report
Related Objects Report
Worklist Items Requiring
Continuous Control Reporting Continuous Control Reporting Duty Conditions Report
Control Detail Extract
View Control Detail Extract
Home Page Access Primary Home Page Access GRC Application Log in
Manage User Preferences
Manage Access Control Manage Access Control Definitions Duty Create Custom Business
Definitions Object
Delete Custom Business
Manage Application Administer the installation configurations Analytics Tab in Manage
Configurations Primary Application Configurations
Attachment Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Edit Application
Maintenance Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application
Notification Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Properties Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Security Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
User Integration Tab in
Manage Application
Worklist Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application Data Maintain the data sources for Continuous Create Data Source
Sources Primary Control Monitoring analysis Data Sources Tab in Manage
Application Data
Delete Data Source
Edit Data Source
Manage Application Data
Rebuild Graph
Save Data Source
Schedule Synchronizations
Synchronize Access Data
Synchronize Transaction
Data Source
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Test Connections
Manage Application Libraries Administer Business Objects, Patterns Business Objects Tab in
Primary and Connectors Manage Application Data
Custom Connector Tab in
Manage Application Data
Delete Custom Connector
Export Development
Export Mapping Template
Import Business Object
Import Business Object
Import Custom Connector
Import Patterns
Manage Application
Patterns Tab in Manage
Application Data
Manage Continuous Controls Maintain Continuous Controls Add Comments to
Primary Continuous Control
Assign Perspectives in
Manage Control Incidents
Continuous Control
Contextual Reports
Control Detail Extract
Copy Continuous Control
Create Transaction
Continuous Control within
Manage Continuous
Edit Continuous Control
Export Continuous Controls
Import Continuous Controls
Manage Continuous
Mass Edit Continuous
Run Continuous Control
Manage Incident Results Manage Incident Results Duty Assign Incident Result
Edit Incident Result
Incident Result Contextual
Manage Incident Results
Relate Result to Manager
View Control Summary
View Incident Result
Manage Job Schedules Manage Job Schedules Manage Risks and Controls
Primary Schedules
Manage Jobs Primary Manage Jobs Cancel Continuous Control
Monitoring Job
Cancel Job
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Continuous Control
Monitoring Jobs
Purge Continuous Control
Monitoring Jobs
Purge Jobs
Manage Transaction Control Manage Transaction Control Definitions Create Custom Business
Definitions Duty Object
Create Transaction Model
within Manage Models
Delete Custom Business
Manage Transaction Models
Run Synchronization for
Transaction Incident Details
Extract Report
View Transaction Model
Manage User Defined Create, edit and delete User Defined Create User Defined
Business Objects Primary Business Objects that could be of the type Business Objects
derived or spreadsheet Delete User Defined
Business Objects
Edit User Defined Business
View User Defined Business
Remote Agent Manager Continuous Control Monitoring Performs Create Remote Agent
Primary all the task to administer the Remote Delete Remote Agent
Agents Manage Remote Agent
View Remote Agent
Result Reporting Primary Run Result Reports Result By Control Summary
Extract Report
Result Summary Extract
Transaction Incident Details
Extract Report
Risk Assessment Result Risk Assessment Result Viewings View Risk Assessment
Viewing Primary Results
Risk Viewing Primary Risk Viewings View Context Models for
View Control Incidents from
Complete Risk Assessment
View Control Incidents from
Manage Risk
View Fin Gov Risk
View Manager Issues from
Complete Risk Assessment
View Manager Issues from
Manage Risk
View Related Control
View Risk
View Risk Analysis
View Risk Approval History
View Risk Assessment
Approval History
View Significance Models
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
for Risk
Run Control Reports Primary Run Control Reports Primary Duty Control Detail Extract
Security Administration Run Security Administration Reports Inaccessible Records Report
Reporting Primary Record Assignment Report
Unassigned Perspective
View Application View the application configuration Analytics Tab in Manage
Configurations Primary settings Application Configurations
Attachment Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application
Notification Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Properties Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Security Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
User Integration Tab in
Manage Application
Worklist Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
View Application Data View Data sources Data Sources Tab in Manage
Sources Primary Application Data
Manage Application Data
View Application Libraries View Business Objects, Patterns and Business Objects Tab in
Primary Connectors Manage Application Data
Custom Connector Tab in
Manage Application Data
Manage Application
Patterns Tab in Manage
Application Data
View Continuous Controls Manage Access Continuous Controls Continuous Control
Primary view only Contextual Reports
Manage Continuous
Open Continuous Control
View Continuous Control
Job Role: Asset Accountant
Performs asset transactions including additions, adjustments, transfers, and retirements,
ensuring accuracy and completeness. Verifies asset information, transaction details, and
accounting entries through inquiry and reports.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Asset Accountant

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Fixed Asset Details Transaction Analyzes Fixed Asset Details transactional information
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Fixed Asset Reporting Manages Fixed Assets reporting.
Fixed Asset Transaction Analysis Analyzes Fixed Asset transactional information
Fixed Asset Transaction Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information,
Management depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation,
copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments,
asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates
erroneous retirements.
Fixed Depreciation Transaction Analyzes Fixed Depreciation transactional information
Import Fixed Asset Allows access to import assets.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Assets Import Allows to upload data file to import fixed assets.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Asset Accountant
Inherited Roles
Asset Accountant
Fixed Asset Details Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Fixed Asset Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Fixed Asset Reporting
Fixed Asset Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Fixed Asset Transaction Management
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Fixed Depreciation Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Import Fixed Asset
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Assets Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Asset Accountant

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Asset Accountant.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Fixed Asset Reporting Manages Fixed Assets reporting. Prepare Asset Register
Submit Delete Mass
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Capitalization Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset Change
Category Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Adjustment Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Clearing Reconciliation
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Hypothetical What If
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Fixed Asset
Impairment Report
Submit Fixed Asset Journal
Entry Reserve Ledger
Submit Fixed Asset Mass
Additions Create Report
Submit Fixed Asset Property
Tax Report
Submit Fixed Asset Reserve
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset Reserve
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Retirements Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Revaluation Reserve Detail
Submit Fixed Asset
Revaluation Reserve
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for Japan
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for United States
Submit Fixed Asset
Transaction History Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Transfers Report
Submit Fixed Asset What If
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Fixed Assets by
Cash Generating Unit
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Detail Report
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Summary Report
Submit Mass Additions
Posting Report
Fixed Asset Transaction Manages asset acquisitions, asset Add Cost Source Line to
Management financial information, depreciation rules, Fixed Asset
asset capitalization, calculates Add Fixed Asset
depreciation, copies transactions to tax Adjust Fixed Asset
books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, Retirement
asset descriptive information, asset Adjust Fixed Asset Unit
retirements and reinstates erroneous Calculate Fixed Asset
retirements. Deferred Depreciation
Calculate Fixed Asset
Capitalize CIP Fixed Asset
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Change Fixed Asset
Change Fixed Asset
Descriptive Detail
Change Fixed Asset
Financial Information
Change Group Fixed Asset
Create Fixed Asset Mass
Source Line Transfer
Create Fixed Asset Mass
Unplanned Depreciation
Create Fixed Asset
Create Fixed Asset
Unplanned Depreciation
Create Mass Change Fixed
Asset Depreciation Rules
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Category Change
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Resume Depreciation
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Suspend Depreciation
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Create Mass Group Fixed
Asset Change
Create and Update Fixed
Asset Impairment
Delete Fixed Asset
Delete Mass Additions
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Cost
and Depreciation
Manage Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Transactions Activities
Merge Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Modify Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Populate Fixed Asset ACE
Post Fixed Asset Online
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Post Mass Additions
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Prepare Fixed Asset
Category Change in
Prepare Fixed Asset Change
Depreciation Rules in
Prepare Fixed Asset Cost
Source Lines
Prepare Fixed Asset
Depreciation Override
Prepare Fixed Asset Group
Asset Change in
Prepare Fixed Asset
Prepare Fixed Asset Resume
Depreciation in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Retirement in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Revaluation in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Suspend Depreciation in
Prepare Fixed Asset Units of
Prepare Mass Additions
Prepare Mass Fixed Asset
Assignment in Spreadsheet
Process Fixed Asset
Process Fixed Asset
Reinstate Fixed Asset
Reinstate Mass Fixed Asset
Retire Fixed Asset
Search Fixed Asset
Search Fixed Asset
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Select Assets for Fixed
Asset Mass Transactions
Split Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Submit Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Initial
Mass Copy to Tax Book
Submit Fixed Asset Journal
Entry Reserve Ledger
Submit Fixed Asset Periodic
Mass Copy to Tax Book
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for Japan
Submit Fixed Asset What if
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Suspend Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset
Update Fixed Asset ACE
Update Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Upload Fixed Asset Units of
Validate Fixed Asset
Depreciation Override
Validate Fixed Asset Units
of Production
View Project Asset Details
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Asset Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Fixed Asset An Asset Accountant can add Role: Fixed Asset
fixed asset in the asset books Transaction
that they are authorized to Management
access Privilege: Add Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Asset Accountant can Role: Fixed Asset
change fixed asset in the asset Transaction
books that they are authorized Management
to access Privilege: Change
Fixed Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accountant can retire Role: Fixed Asset
fixed asset in the asset books Transaction
that they are authorized to Management
access Privilege: Retire Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accountant can Role: Fixed Asset
submit fixed assets reports in Inquiry
the asset books that they are Privilege: Submit
authorized to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: Submit
Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: Submit
Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accountant can track Role: Fixed Asset
fixed asset in the asset books Transaction
that they are authorized to Management
access Privilege: Track Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
Ledger An Asset Accountant can Role: Subledger
manage ledger for subledger for Accounting Manager
the posting ledgers for Privilege: Manage
transactions that they are Ledger for Subledger
authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile An Asset Accountant can Role: Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
manage business unit party tax Account Inquiry
profile for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Public Person An Asset Accountant can report Role: Fixed Asset
public person for persons and Inquiry
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Subledger Accounting An Asset Accountant can Role: Subledger
Balance manage subledger accounting Accounting Manager
balance for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Asset Accountant can Role: Subledger
manage subledger application Accounting Manager
for the owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Asset Accountant can Role: Subledger
manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Subledger Source An Asset Accountant can Role: Subledger
Transaction manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption An Asset Accountant can Role: Customer
manage tax exemption for the Account Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Asset Accountant can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Asset Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile An Asset Accountant can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile for any party tax profile Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Asset Accountant can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration An Asset Accountant can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Asset Accountant can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Asset Accountant
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Add Cost Source Line
to Fixed Asset
Add Fixed Asset
Delete Mass Additions
Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Manage Fixed Asset
Merge Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Post Mass Additions
Prepare Fixed Asset
Cost Source Lines
Prepare Mass Additions
Split Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Submit Delete Mass
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Clearing
Reconciliation Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Mass Additions Create
Submit Mass Additions
Posting Report
Transfer File
Update Fixed Asset
Cost Source Line
Privilege Assets Depreciation Calculate Fixed Asset
Post Journal Entry Post Journal

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Asset Accountant

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Posting Program Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Fixed Asset Addition Duty
Fixed Asset Financial Transaction Management
Fixed Asset Retirement Duty
Fixed Asset Tracking Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Asset Accountant

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Program Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Fixed Asset Add Cost Assets
Addition Duty Source Line to Workbench
Fixed Asset
Add Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Delete Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Manage Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Merge Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Line
Post Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Prepare Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Lines
Prepare Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Split Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Line
Submit Delete Assets
Mass Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Additions by
Cost Center
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Mass Workbench
Create Report
Submit Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Posting Report
Update Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Line
Fixed Asset Calculate Assets
Financial Fixed Asset Depreciation
Transaction Depreciation
Management Submit Fixed Assets
Duty Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Capitalize CIP Capitalizing
Fixed Asset Assets
Fixed Asset Submit Fixed Assets
Retirement Asset Workbench
Duty Accounting
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Fixed Asset Submit Fixed Assets
Tracking Duty Asset Workbench
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Job Role: Asset Accounting Manager
Manages fixed assets department and personnel. Monitors and performs asset
transactions, maintains asset books and set ups in Oracle Fusion Assets, and views asset
information and accounting entries.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Asset Accounting Manager

Duty Role Description

Assets Accounting Managerial Analyzes Fixed Assets Information
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Fixed Asset Administration Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.
Fixed Asset Business Intelligence Manages access to Fixed Assets OBIA Dashboard
Fixed Asset Details Transaction Analyzes Fixed Asset Details transactional information
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Fixed Asset Reporting Manages Fixed Assets reporting.
Fixed Asset Transaction Analysis Analyzes Fixed Asset transactional information
Fixed Asset Transaction Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information,
Management depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation,
copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments,
asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates
erroneous retirements.
Fixed Assets Data Security This role is used for Fixed Assets data security in the data
Fixed Depreciation Transaction Analyzes Fixed Depreciation transactional information
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Import Fixed Asset Allows access to import assets.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Duty Role Description
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Assets Import Allows to upload data file to import fixed assets.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Asset Accounting Manager

Inherited Roles
Asset Accounting Manager
Assets Accounting Managerial Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Fixed Assets Data Security
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Fixed Asset Administration
Fixed Asset Business Intelligence Management
Fixed Asset Details Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Fixed Asset Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Fixed Asset Reporting
Fixed Asset Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Fixed Asset Transaction Management
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Fixed Depreciation Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Functional Setups
Import Fixed Asset
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Assets Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Asset Accounting

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Asset Accounting Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Fixed Asset Administration Configures and maintains setups for Manage All Application
Oracle Fusion Assets. Profile Values
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Fixed Asset Bonus
Manage Fixed Asset Book
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Cash
Generating Unit
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling
Manage Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method
Manage Fixed Asset
Distribution Set
Manage Fixed Asset Fiscal
Manage Fixed Asset Key
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Price
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Fixed Asset Prorate
Manage Fixed Asset System
Manage Fixed Assets
Configuration in
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Upgrade Asset Transactions
to Reporting Currency
Fixed Asset Business Manages access to Fixed Assets OBIA Manage Fixed Asset
Intelligence Management Dashboard Business Intelligence
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Fixed Asset Reporting Manages Fixed Assets reporting. Prepare Asset Register
Submit Delete Mass
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Capitalization Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset Change
Category Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Adjustment Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Clearing Reconciliation
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Hypothetical What If
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Fixed Asset
Impairment Report
Submit Fixed Asset Journal
Entry Reserve Ledger
Submit Fixed Asset Mass
Additions Create Report
Submit Fixed Asset Property
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Tax Report
Submit Fixed Asset Reserve
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset Reserve
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Retirements Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Revaluation Reserve Detail
Submit Fixed Asset
Revaluation Reserve
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for Japan
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for United States
Submit Fixed Asset
Transaction History Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Transfers Report
Submit Fixed Asset What If
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Fixed Assets by
Cash Generating Unit
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Detail Report
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Summary Report
Submit Mass Additions
Posting Report
Fixed Asset Transaction Manages asset acquisitions, asset Add Cost Source Line to
Management financial information, depreciation rules, Fixed Asset
asset capitalization, calculates Add Fixed Asset
depreciation, copies transactions to tax Adjust Fixed Asset
books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, Retirement
asset descriptive information, asset Adjust Fixed Asset Unit
retirements and reinstates erroneous Calculate Fixed Asset
retirements. Deferred Depreciation
Calculate Fixed Asset
Capitalize CIP Fixed Asset
Change Fixed Asset
Change Fixed Asset
Descriptive Detail
Change Fixed Asset
Financial Information
Change Group Fixed Asset
Create Fixed Asset Mass
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Source Line Transfer
Create Fixed Asset Mass
Unplanned Depreciation
Create Fixed Asset
Create Fixed Asset
Unplanned Depreciation
Create Mass Change Fixed
Asset Depreciation Rules
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Category Change
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Resume Depreciation
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Suspend Depreciation
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Create Mass Group Fixed
Asset Change
Create and Update Fixed
Asset Impairment
Delete Fixed Asset
Delete Mass Additions
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Cost
and Depreciation
Manage Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Transactions Activities
Merge Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Modify Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Populate Fixed Asset ACE
Post Fixed Asset Online
Post Mass Additions
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Prepare Fixed Asset
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Category Change in
Prepare Fixed Asset Change
Depreciation Rules in
Prepare Fixed Asset Cost
Source Lines
Prepare Fixed Asset
Depreciation Override
Prepare Fixed Asset Group
Asset Change in
Prepare Fixed Asset
Prepare Fixed Asset Resume
Depreciation in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Retirement in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Revaluation in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Suspend Depreciation in
Prepare Fixed Asset Units of
Prepare Mass Additions
Prepare Mass Fixed Asset
Assignment in Spreadsheet
Process Fixed Asset
Process Fixed Asset
Reinstate Fixed Asset
Reinstate Mass Fixed Asset
Retire Fixed Asset
Search Fixed Asset
Search Fixed Asset
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Select Assets for Fixed
Asset Mass Transactions
Split Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Submit Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Initial
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Mass Copy to Tax Book
Submit Fixed Asset Journal
Entry Reserve Ledger
Submit Fixed Asset Periodic
Mass Copy to Tax Book
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for Japan
Submit Fixed Asset What if
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Suspend Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset
Update Fixed Asset ACE
Update Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Upload Fixed Asset Units of
Validate Fixed Asset
Depreciation Override
Validate Fixed Asset Units
of Production
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Asset Accounting Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
can add fixed asset in the asset Transaction
books that they are authorized Management
to access Privilege: Add Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
can change fixed asset in the Transaction
asset books that they are Management
authorized to access Privilege: Change
Fixed Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
can retire fixed asset in the Transaction
asset books that they are Management
authorized to access Privilege: Retire Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
can submit fixed assets reports Inquiry
in the asset books that they are Privilege: Submit
authorized to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: Submit
Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: Submit
Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset Fact: Fins - Asset
can track fixed asset in the asset Transaction Acquisition
books that they are authorized Management Dimension(s):
to access Privilege: Track Fixed Asset Book
Asset (Data) Fact: Fins - Asset
Resource: Fixed Asset Balance
Book Dimension(s):
Asset Book
Fact: Fins - Asset
Asset Book
Fact: Fins - Asset
Asset Book
Fact: Fins - Asset
Asset Book
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
can manage fixed asset bonus Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
rule for the reference data sets Privilege: Manage
they administer Fixed Asset Bonus Rule
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset Book An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
can manage fixed asset book in Administration
the asset books that they are Privilege: Manage
authorized to access Fixed Asset Book
Resource: Fixed Asset
Fixed Asset Ceiling An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
can manage fixed asset ceiling Administration
for the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Fixed Asset Ceiling
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method can manage fixed asset Administration
depreciation method for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Fixed Asset
administer Depreciation Method
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset Prorate An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
Convention can manage fixed asset prorate Administration
convention for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets they administer Fixed Asset Prorate
Convention (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Ledger An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Subledger
can manage ledger for Accounting Manager
subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
can manage business unit party Account Inquiry
tax profile for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Business Unit Party
authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Public Person An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
can report public person for Inquiry
persons and assignments in Privilege: Report
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
Subledger Accounting An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Subledger
Balance can manage subledger Accounting Manager
accounting balance for the Privilege: Manage
subsidiaries or management Subledger Accounting
segment values whose account Balance (Data)
balance they manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Subledger
can manage subledger Accounting Manager
application for the owning Privilege: Manage
oracle fusion accounting Subledger Application
generating subledger (Data)
application. Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Subledger
can manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Subledger
Transaction can manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
can manage tax exemption for Account Inquiry
the tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account can view customer account for Account Inquiry
all customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account can view customer account Account Inquiry
Relationship relationship for all customer Privilege: View
account relationships in the Customer Account
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account Site can view customer account site Account Inquiry
for all customer account sites in Privilege: View
the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Customer Account Site can view customer account site Account Inquiry
Use use for all customer account Privilege: View
site uses in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Organization Party can view trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Party can view trading community Account Inquiry
person for all people in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Asset Accounting Manager Role: Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Relationship can view trading community Account Inquiry
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Asset Accounting Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile An Asset Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Asset Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration An Asset Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Asset Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Asset Accounting Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Setup Assets
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Add Cost Source Line
to Fixed Asset
Add Fixed Asset
Delete Mass Additions
Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Manage Fixed Asset
Merge Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Post Mass Additions
Prepare Fixed Asset
Cost Source Lines
Prepare Mass Additions
Split Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Submit Delete Mass
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Summary Report
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Clearing
Reconciliation Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Mass Additions Create
Submit Mass Additions
Posting Report
Transfer File
Update Fixed Asset
Cost Source Line
Setup Assets Fixed Asset Administration Manage Fixed Asset
Duty Bonus Rule
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Cash Generating Unit
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method
Manage Fixed Asset
Distribution Set
Manage Fixed Asset
Fiscal Year
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Prorate Convention
Manage Fixed Asset
System Control
Upgrade Asset
Transactions to
Reporting Currency
Privilege Assets Depreciation Calculate Fixed Asset
Post Journal Entry Post Journal

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.
Duty role conflicts for the job role Asset Accounting Manager

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Posting Program Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Fixed Asset Addition Duty
Fixed Asset Administration Duty
Fixed Asset Financial Transaction Management
Fixed Asset Retirement Duty
Fixed Asset Tracking Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Asset Accounting Manager

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Program Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Fixed Asset Add Cost Assets
Addition Duty Source Line to Workbench
Fixed Asset
Add Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Delete Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Manage Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Merge Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Line
Post Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Prepare Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Lines
Prepare Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Split Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Line
Submit Delete Assets
Mass Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Additions by
Cost Center
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Mass Workbench
Create Report
Submit Mass Assets
Additions Workbench
Posting Report
Update Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Source Line
Fixed Asset Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Administration Asset Bonus
Duty Rule
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Book
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Calendar
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Cash
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Category
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Ceiling
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Fiscal
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Key
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Location
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset Prorate
Manage Fixed Setup Assets
Asset System
Upgrade Asset Setup Assets
Transactions to
Fixed Asset Calculate Assets
Financial Fixed Asset Depreciation
Transaction Depreciation
Management Submit Fixed Assets
Duty Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset CIP Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Cost Workbench
Capitalize CIP Capitalizing
Fixed Asset Assets
Fixed Asset Submit Fixed Assets
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Retirement Asset Workbench
Duty Accounting
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Fixed Asset Submit Fixed Assets
Tracking Duty Asset Workbench
Submit Fixed Assets
Asset Workbench
Job Role: Budget Analyst
Analyzes funds available

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Budget Analyst

Duty Role Description

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Budget Analyst

Inherited Roles
Budget Analyst
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Budget Analyst

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Budget Analyst.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Budget Analyst Analyzes funds available Access Financial Reporting
Drill Down to Journal
Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Requisition
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Review Subledger Journal
Run Account Analysis
Run Budgetary Control
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Preview Mode
Run Open Purchase Orders
Encumbrances Analysis
View Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Budget Analyst

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Fixed Asset A Budget Analyst can submit Role: Fixed Asset
fixed assets reports in the asset Inquiry
books that they are authorized Privilege: Submit
to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Party Tax Profile A Budget Analyst can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Public Person A Budget Analyst can report Role: Fixed Asset
public person for persons and Inquiry
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Tax Exemption A Budget Analyst can manage Role: Customer
tax exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Budget Analyst can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Budget Analyst

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Budget Analyst can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Budget Analyst can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A Budget Analyst can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Budget Analyst can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Budget Analyst

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Budget Manager
Manages one or more control budgets, including relevant setup, budget loading,
exception analysis, transactional overrides, and funds available analysis and reporting

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Budget Manager

Duty Role Description

Budgetary Control Management Manages the necessary setups for Budgetary Control
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Upload data for Budgetary Control Allows to upload data file to import Budgetary Control related data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Budget Manager

Inherited Roles
Budget Manager
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Budgetary Control Management
Business Intelligence Consumer
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Functional Setups
Upload data for Budgetary Control Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Budget Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Budget Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Budget Manager Manages one or more control budgets, Define Accounting Calendar
including relevant setup, budget loading, Extract Ledger Setup
exception analysis, transactional Definitions
overrides, and funds available analysis Inquire Fixed Asset
and reporting Transaction
Review Subledger Journal
Run Calendar Validation
View Accounting Calendar
View Project Commitment
Budgetary Control Manages the necessary setups for Archive and Purge
Management Budgetary Control Historical Budgetary
Control Data by Control
Carry Forward Budgetary
Control Balances
Create Reporting Cube
Enable Budgetary Control
Enter Budget Amounts
Import Budget Amounts
Import Budgets from
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Budget Period
Manage Budgetary Control
Manage Control Budgets
Manage Encumbrance Type
Manage General Accounting
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Manage Requisition
Monitor Budgetary Control
Purge Budgetary Control
Data not Affecting Balances
by Control Budget
Rebuild Budget Calendar
Rebuild Budget Chart of
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Accounts Dimension
Rebuild Control Budget
Reconcile Carry Forward in
Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Review Subledger Journal
Run Account Analysis
Run Budgetary Control
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Preview Mode
Run Open Purchase Orders
Encumbrances Analysis
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
Transfer Control Budget
Balances to Essbase
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Budget Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Budget A Budget Manager can review Role: Budgetary
control budget for the set of Control Management
control budgets they analyze Privilege: Review
Control Budget (Data)
Resource: Control
Budgetary Control A Budget Manager can review Role: Budgetary
Balance budgetary control balance for Control Management
the set of control budgets they Privilege: Review
manage Budgetary Control
Balance (Data)
Resource: Control
Budgetary Control A Budget Manager can enter Role: Budgetary
Budget Entry budgetary control budget entry Control Management
for the set of control budgets Privilege: Enter
they prepare Budgetary Control
Budget Entry (Data)
Resource: Control
Fixed Asset A Budget Manager can submit Role: Fixed Asset
fixed assets reports in the asset Inquiry
books that they are authorized Privilege: Submit
to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Party Tax Profile A Budget Manager can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Public Person A Budget Manager can report Role: Fixed Asset
public person for persons and Inquiry
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Tax Exemption A Budget Manager can manage Role: Customer
tax exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Budget Manager can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Budget Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Budget Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Budget Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A Budget Manager can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Budget Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Budget Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Budget Preparer
Individual responsible for performing budget entry for one or more organizational units

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Budget Preparer

Duty Role Description

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Budget Preparer

Inherited Roles
Budget Preparer
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Budget Preparer

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Budget Preparer.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Budget Preparer Individual responsible for performing Inquire Fixed Asset
budget entry for one or more Transaction
organizational units Review Subledger Journal
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Budget Preparer

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Fixed Asset A Budget Preparer can submit Role: Fixed Asset
fixed assets reports in the asset Inquiry
books that they are authorized Privilege: Submit
to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Party Tax Profile A Budget Preparer can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Public Person A Budget Preparer can report Role: Fixed Asset
public person for persons and Inquiry
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Tax Exemption A Budget Preparer can manage Role: Customer
tax exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Budget Preparer can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Budget Preparer

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Budget Preparer can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Budget Preparer can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A Budget Preparer can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Budget Preparer can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Job Role: Cash Manager
Protects and develops the company's liquid assets maximizing their use and return to the

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Cash Manager

Duty Role Description

Bank Statement and Reconciliation Reconciles bank statements and transactions. Also manages setup
information for bank statement processing and reconciliation.
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Cash Management Administration Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive
Cash Management Transaction Analyzes Cash Management transactional information
Cash Positioning and Forecasting Manages cash positioning and forecasting
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Disbursement Data Management Manages supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee
expense payments.
Disbursement Process Assigns payment process attributes to documents payable, resolves
Management document and payment validation errors, and reviews proposed
payments. Views items that were rejected or removed from a
payment process request.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Import Bank Statement Allows import of bank statement.
Payments Disbursement Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier
Administration payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.
Person Address View Grants access to persons to view address data.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Bank Statement Allows to upload data file to import bank statements.
Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Cash Manager

Inherited Roles
Cash Manager
Bank Statement and Reconciliation
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Business Intelligence Authoring
Cash Management Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
Functional Setups
Cash Management Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management
Customer Account Inquiry
Disbursement Data Management
Disbursement Process Management
Disbursement Data Management
Person Address View
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Import Bank Statement
Payments Disbursement Administration
Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Upload data for Bank Statement Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Cash Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Cash Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Bank Statement and Reconciles bank statements and Import Bank Statement
Reconciliation transactions. Also manages setup Reconciliation External
information for bank statement Transaction
processing and reconciliation. Maintain Bank Statement
Manage Bank Statement
Manage Bank Statement and
Reconciliation Activities
Manage External Cash
Mark Bank Statement
Reconciliation Reviewed
Process Electronic Bank
Reconcile Bank Statement
Submit Autoreconciliation
Submit Bank Statement
Submit Bank Statement
Transaction Creation
Submit Cash to General
Ledger Reconciliation
View Bank Statement
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Receivables Receipt
Cash Management Sets up system parameters, lookups, Add Trading Community
Administration profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Address
Add Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Add Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Add Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Add Trading Community
Organization Instant
Add Trading Community
Organization Phone
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Organization Web Page
Correct Trading Community
Organization Address
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Define Accounting Calendar
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Transaction
Enter Trading Community
Organization Information
Export Trading Community
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Addresses
Export Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact Points
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Bank
Manage Bank Account
Manage Bank Branch
Manage Bank Statement
Automatic Reconciliation
Matching Rule Set
Manage Bank Statement
Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching
Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance
Manage Bank Statement
Transaction Creation Rule
Manage Cash Transaction
Type Mapping
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Organization
Manage Organization
Manage Organization Notes
Manage Parse Rule Set
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Source System Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Usage Assignment
Move Trading Community
Organization Address
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Identifier
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Name
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Address Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Classification Code
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Preference
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Responsibility
Remove Trading
Community Organization E-
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Instant Messenger
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Web Page
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Restore Trading Community
Organization Instant
Restore Trading Community
Organization Phone
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Select Trading Community
Organization Address as
Primary for a Purpose
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact
Responsibility as Primary
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact as
Submit Organization Merge
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Update Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Update Trading Community
Organization Instant
Update Trading Community
Organization Phone
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Organization Web Page
View Accounting Calendar
View Bank
View Bank Account
View Bank Branch
View Bank Statement
Automatic Reconciliation
Matching Rule Set
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Bank Statement Code
View Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching
View Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance
View Bank Statement
Transaction Creation Rule
View Cash Transaction
Type Mapping
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
View Parse Rule Set
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Cash Manager Protects and develops the company's Access Financial Reporting
liquid assets maximizing their use and Center
return to the organization.
Cash Positioning and Manages cash positioning and forecasting Add Trading Community
Forecasting Management Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Address
Add Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Add Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Add Trading Community
Organization Instant
Add Trading Community
Organization Phone
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Organization Web Page
Correct Trading Community
Organization Address
Create Location of Final
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Enter Trading Community
Organization Information
Export Trading Community
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Addresses
Export Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact Points
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage External Cash
Manage Organization
Manage Organization
Manage Organization Notes
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Source System Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Usage Assignment
Move Trading Community
Organization Address
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Identifier
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Name
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Address Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Classification Code
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Preference
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Responsibility
Remove Trading
Community Organization E-
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Instant Messenger
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Web Page
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization E-Mail
Restore Trading Community
Organization Instant
Restore Trading Community
Organization Phone
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Select Trading Community
Organization Address as
Primary for a Purpose
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact
Responsibility as Primary
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact as
Submit Organization Merge
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Update Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Update Trading Community
Organization Instant
Update Trading Community
Organization Phone
Update Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Organization Web Page
View Bank Statement
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Receivables Receipt
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Disbursement Process Assigns payment process attributes to Assign Payment Process
Management documents payable, resolves document Attributes to Document
and payment validation errors, and Payable
reviews proposed payments. Views items Build Documents Payable
that were rejected or removed from a into Payments
payment process request. Format Payment Document
Manage Payment File
Mark Payments Complete
Print Payment Documents
Record Payment Document
Print Status
Reprint Payment Documents
Reset Periodic Sequence
Resolve Document
Validation Error
Resolve Payment File
Transmission Failure
Resolve Payment File
Validation Error
Resolve Payment Validation
Review Proposed Payment
Submit Payment File
Accompanying Letter
Submit Payment File
Creation Program
Submit Payment File
Submit Payment Process
Request Status Report
Submit Positive Pay File
Submit Regulatory
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Separate Remittance
Transmit Payment File
View Disbursement
View Payment File
View Rejected and
Removed Items In Payment
Process Request
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Payments Disbursement Sets up features allowing disbursement of Grant Payment Function
Administration funds for supplier payments, customer Access
refunds, and employee expense reports. Manage Disbursement
Payment Method
Manage Internal Payer
Manage Payment Code
Manage Payment Method
Defaulting Rule
Manage Payment Process
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Cash Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Disbursement A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any customer Privilege: Manage
refunds in the payment process Disbursement by
within the enterprise Payment Function
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any employee Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
expenses in the payment Disbursement by
process within the enterprise Payment Function
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
payables documents in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
payments by business unit for Process Management
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Cash Positioning
payments by business unit for and Forecasting
the business units that interact Management
with the bank accounts for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Document Payable A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any customer Privilege: Manage
refunds in the payment process Disbursement by
within the enterprise Payment Function
Resource: Document
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any employee Privilege: Manage
expenses in the payment Disbursement by
process within the enterprise Payment Function
Resource: Document
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
payables documents in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Document
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
payments by business unit for Process Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Cash Positioning
payments by business unit for and Forecasting
the business units that interact Management
with the bank accounts for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Document
Ledger A Cash Manager can manage Role: Subledger
ledger for subledger for the Accounting Manager
posting ledgers for transactions Privilege: Manage
that they are authorized. Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile A Cash Manager can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment A Cash Manager can manage Role: Bank Statement
payables invoice for the and Reconciliation
business units that interact with Privilege: Manage
the bank accounts for which Payables Invoice (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Payables
Role: Cash Positioning
and Forecasting
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Payment Instruction A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any customer Privilege: Manage
refunds in the payment process Disbursement by
within the enterprise Payment Function
Resource: Payment
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any employee Privilege: Manage
expenses in the payment Disbursement by
process within the enterprise Payment Function
Resource: Payment
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
disbursement by payment Data Management
function for any oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
payables documents in the Disbursement by
payment process within the Payment Function
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Disbursement
payments by business unit for Process Management
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Business
A Cash Manager can manage Role: Cash Positioning
payments by business unit for and Forecasting
the business units that interact Management
with the bank accounts for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Payments by Business
Unit (Data)
Resource: Payment
Receivables A Cash Manager can view Role: Bank Statement
Miscellaneous Receipt receivables activities for the and Reconciliation
business units that interact with Privilege: View
the bank accounts for which Receivables Activities
they are authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Role: Cash Positioning
and Forecasting
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Receivables Standard A Cash Manager can view Role: Bank Statement
Receipt receivables activities for the and Reconciliation
business units that interact with Privilege: View
the bank accounts for which Receivables Activities
they are authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Role: Cash Positioning
and Forecasting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Subledger Accounting A Cash Manager can manage Role: Subledger
Balance subledger accounting balance Accounting Manager
for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Cash Manager can manage Role: Subledger
subledger application for the Accounting Manager
owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Cash Manager can manage Role: Subledger
subledger source transaction for Accounting Manager
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
which they are authorized Journal Entry
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Cash Manager can manage Role: Subledger
Transaction subledger source transaction for Accounting Manager
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
which they are authorized Source Transaction
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption A Cash Manager can manage Role: Customer
tax exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Disbursement
Process Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payments
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Disbursement
Process Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payments
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Cash Manager can view Role: Cash
Relationship trading community relationship Management
for all trading community Administration
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Cash Positioning
and Forecasting
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Cash Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

External Bank Account A Cash Manager can view personally Role: Disbursement Process
identifiable information in payments for Management
any bank account in the enterprise Privilege: View Personally
Identifiable Information in
Payments (Data)
Resource: External Bank
Party Tax Profile A Cash Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Cash Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A Cash Manager can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Cash Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.
Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Cash Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Setup Payment Create Payments

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Bank Account Reconcile Bank
Reconciliation Statement
Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Setup Payment Manage Bank Account

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Cash Manager

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role
Journal Posting Program Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Cash Manager

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Program Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Job Role: Chief Financial Officer
Serves with full financial authority as corporate officer making appropriations and
authorizing expenditures for an organization.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Chief Financial Officer

Inherited Roles
Chief Financial Officer

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Chief Financial Officer

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Entry Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty
Journal Posting Duty
Journal Posting Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Chief Financial Officer

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Entry Enter Journal Enter Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Duty Rate
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal
Duty Entry
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Rate
Job Role: Collections Agent
This role is the agent user in Collections.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Collections Agent

Duty Role Description

Collections Management Basic Allows user to perform activities in Collections.
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other
Management payment details.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Collections Agent

Inherited Roles
Collections Agent
Collections Management Basic
Customer Payment Instrument Management
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Collections Agent

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Collections Agent.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Collections Management Basic Allows user to perform activities in Add Customer Account
Collections. Contact
Add Customer Account Site
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Person Relationship
Correct Customer Account
Create Customer Account
Dispute Receivables
Enter Customer Account
Enter Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Enter Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Maintain Customer
Maintain Customer Contacts
Manage Assigned Work
Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Manage Receivables
Move Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Remove Customer Account
Site Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Person
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Site Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Restore Trading Community
Person Relationship
Review Collection Metrics
Review Collections Aging
Review Collections
Review Collections Metrics
Review Collections
Review Customer Account
Run Aging 4-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket by
Collector Report
Run Collections Report
Run Receivables Aging
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Select Customer Account
Contact Responsibility as
Select Customer Account
Contact as Primary
Send Collections
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Site Use
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Geography
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Receivables Receipt
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and Manage External Bank and
Management credit cards and other payment details. Bank Branch
Manage External Payer
Payment Details
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Payment Card
Manage Third Party Bank
View Payment Card
View Third Party Bank

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Collections Agent

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Collections Customer A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Account Note maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Delinquency (Data)
Resource: Collections
Customer Account
Collections A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Delinquency maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Delinquency (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Delinquency Status maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency status for the Privilege: Maintain
reference data sets they Collections
administer Delinquency Status
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections Dunning A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Configuration maintain collections dunning Management Basic
configurations for the reference Privilege: Maintain
data sets they administer Collections Dunning
Configurations (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections Dunning A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Transaction maintain collections dunning Management Basic
transaction for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections Dunning
authorized Transaction (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Preference A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
maintain collections application Management Basic
preference for the reference Privilege: Maintain
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
data sets they administer Collections Application
Preference (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections Resulting A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Score maintain collections resulting Management Basic
score for the business units for Privilege: Maintain
which they are authorized Collections Resulting
Score (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Summary A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
maintain collections summary Management Basic
for the business units for which Privilege: Maintain
they are authorized Collections Summary
Resource: Business
Collections Transaction A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Note maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Delinquency (Data)
Resource: Collections
Transaction Note
Receivables Adjustment A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
manage receivables Management Basic
transactions for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Receivables
authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Credit A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Memo manage receivables activities Management Basic
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Debit A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Memo manage receivables Management Basic
transactions for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Receivables
authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
manage receivables Management Basic
transactions for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Receivables
authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
receivables activities for the Management Basic
business units for which they Privilege: View
are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Miscellaneous Receipt manage receivables receipts for Management Basic
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Receivables Standard A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Receipt manage receivables receipts for Management Basic
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Collections Agent can update Role: Collections
Customer Account customer account for all Management Basic
customer accounts in the Privilege: Update
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
customer account for all Management Basic
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Customer Account manage customer account Management Basic
Relationship relationship for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets for which they are Customer Account
authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
customer account relationship Management Basic
for the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Customer Account Site manage customer account site Management Basic
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for the reference data sets for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
customer account site for the Management Basic
reference data sets for which Privilege: View
they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Customer Account Site manage customer account site Management Basic
Use use for the reference data sets Privilege: Manage
for which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
customer account site use for Management Basic
the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Org Address Email manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Org Address Phone manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Organization Address manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal.
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Organization Email manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
Organization Party trading community Management Basic
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Organization Phone manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
Party trading community person for Management Basic
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
trading community person for Management Basic
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
trading community person for Management Basic
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Person Address Contact manage trading community Management Basic
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Person Address Phone manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Person Email Contact manage trading community Management Basic
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Collections Agent can Role: Collections
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Management Basic
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Collections Agent can view Role: Collections
Relationship trading community relationship Management Basic
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Job Role: Collections Manager
This role is the management user in Collections.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Collections Manager

Duty Role Description

Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone,
Administration currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.
Collections Administration Maintains Collection setups.
Collections Management Allows user to perform activities in Collections.
Collections Management Basic Allows user to perform activities in Collections.
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other
Management payment details.
Resource Administration Administers resource information.
Resource Organization Administers resource organizations.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Collections Manager

Inherited Roles
Collections Manager
Collections Administration
Collections Agent
Collections Management Basic
Customer Payment Instrument Management
Collections Management Advanced
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
Resource Organization Administration
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Collections

Aggregate Privilege Description

Link User Name to Person Creates a new user name or links an existing user
name for a person.
Manage User Account Manages user roles.
Manage Users Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.
Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Collections Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, Manage Application
Administration territory, time zone, currency, and Reference Currency
language, including natural and ISO Manage Application
language. Reference ISO Language
Manage Application
Reference Industry
Manage Application
Reference Language
Manage Application
Reference Natural Language
Manage Application
Reference Territory
Manage Application
Reference Timezone
Collections Administration Maintains Collection setups. Configure Collections
Application Preference
Determine Collections
Maintain Collections Aging
Maintain Collections
Maintain Collector
Manage Collections
Common Components
Run Aging 4-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket by
Collector Report
Run Collections Dashboard
Send Collections
Submit Collections Metrics
Collections Management Allows user to perform activities in Assign Roles to User
Advanced Collections. Copy Personal Data to
Create User Name
Link User Account
Manage Resource Role
Assignment Flexfields
Manage Resource Role
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Reset Password
Send Collections
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Send User Name Request to
Collections Management Basic Allows user to perform activities in Add Customer Account
Collections. Contact
Add Customer Account Site
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Person Relationship
Correct Customer Account
Create Customer Account
Dispute Receivables
Enter Customer Account
Enter Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Enter Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Maintain Customer
Maintain Customer Contacts
Manage Assigned Work
Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Manage Receivables
Move Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Site Use
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Person
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Site Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Restore Trading Community
Person Relationship
Review Collection Metrics
Review Collections Aging
Review Collections
Review Collections Metrics
Review Collections
Review Customer Account
Run Aging 4-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket by
Collector Report
Run Collections Report
Run Receivables Aging
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Select Customer Account
Contact Responsibility as
Select Customer Account
Contact as Primary
Send Collections
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Site Use
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Geography
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and Manage External Bank and
Management credit cards and other payment details. Bank Branch
Manage External Payer
Payment Details
Manage Payment Card
Manage Third Party Bank
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Payment Card
View Third Party Bank
Resource Administration Administers resource information. Add Trading Community
Resource to My Social
Contact Trading Community
Edit Trading Community
Resource Profile
Enter Trading Community
Resource Information
Identify Trading
Community Person as a
Trading Community
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Attachment Category
Manage Application
Attachment Entity
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Application
Manage Customer Data
Management Foundation
Custom Objects
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Goal Management
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Education
Manage Talent Notifications
Manage Talent Profile
Content Item
Manage Talent Profile
Rating Model
Manage Talent Profile
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Contact Information
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Type Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Memberships
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Manage Trading
Community Resource Sales
Representative Information
Manage Trading
Community Resource Skills
Manage Trading
Community Resource Social
Manage Trading
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Community Resource Team
Remove Trading
Community Resource
Reset Password
Search Trading Community
Upload Trading Community
Resource Picture
View Administration Link
View Trading Community
Resource Address
View Trading Community
Resource Administration
Detail Information
View Trading Community
Resource Collaboration
View Trading Community
Resource Contact
View Trading Community
Resource Details
View Trading Community
Resource History
View Trading Community
Resource Note
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Overview
View Trading Community
Resource Profile
View Trading Community
Resource Role Assignments
View Trading Community
Resource Sales
Representative Information
View Trading Community
Resource Skills
View Trading Community
Resource Social Network
View Trading Community
Resource Team
Resource Organization Administers resource organizations. Manage Application Tree
Administration Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Resource
Organization Member
Descriptive Flexfields
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Hierarchy
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Members
Run Trading Community
Resource Reporting
Hierarchy Generation
Search Trading Community
Resource Organization
Search Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Organization Resource
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Hierarchy Details
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Team Memberships
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Usage Information
View Trading Community
Resource Overview

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Collections Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Business Unit A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
choose business unit Management Advanced
organization for business units Privilege: Choose
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
in their organization security Business Unit
profile Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Resource
Privilege: Choose
Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Aging A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Bucket maintain collections aging Administration
buckets for the reference data Privilege: Maintain
sets they administer Collections Aging
Buckets (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Correspondence maintain collections Administration
correspondence for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Correspondence (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Customer A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Account Note maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Delinquency (Data)
Resource: Collections
Customer Account
Collections A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Delinquency maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Delinquency (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Delinquency Status maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency status for the Privilege: Maintain
reference data sets they Collections
administer Delinquency Status
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections Dunning A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Configuration maintain collections dunning Management Basic
configurations for the reference Privilege: Maintain
data sets they administer Collections Dunning
Configurations (Data)
Resource: Reference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Data Set
Collections Dunning A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Transaction maintain collections dunning Management Basic
transaction for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections Dunning
authorized Transaction (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Preference A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
maintain collections application Administration
preference for the reference Privilege: Maintain
data sets they administer Collections Application
Preference (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Collections
Management Basic
Privilege: Maintain
Collections Application
Preference (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections Resulting A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Score maintain collections resulting Management Basic
score for the business units for Privilege: Maintain
which they are authorized Collections Resulting
Score (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Summary A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
maintain collections summary Management Basic
for the business units for which Privilege: Maintain
they are authorized Collections Summary
Resource: Business
Collections Transaction A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Note maintain collections Management Basic
delinquency for the business Privilege: Maintain
units for which they are Collections
authorized Delinquency (Data)
Resource: Collections
Transaction Note
Collector A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
maintain collector for the Administration
reference data sets they Privilege: Maintain
administer Collector (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Department A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
choose department for Organization
departments in their Administration
organization security profile Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Department
Employee Resource A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
File Import Activity view employee resource file Administration
import activity object type for Privilege: View
all employee resource file Employee Resource
import activities of object type File Import Activity
'employee resource' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
Employee Resource A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
File Import Mapping view employee resource file Administration
import mapping object type for Privilege: View
all employee resource file Employee Resource
import mappings of object type File Import Mapping
'employee resource' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
Employee Resource A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
File Import Object view employee resource file Administration
import object type for all Privilege: View
employee resource file import Employee Resource
objects of object type File Import Object
'employee resource' Type (Data)
Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
HR Job A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
choose hr job for all jobs in the Administration
enterprise Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Legal Employer A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
choose legal employer for legal Management Advanced
employers in their organization Privilege: Choose
security profile Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Role: Resource
Privilege: Choose
Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Partner File Import A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Activity view partner file import activity Administration
object type for all partner file Privilege: View Partner
import activities of object type File Import Activity
'partner company' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner File
Import Activity
Partner File Import A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Mapping view partner file import Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
mapping object type for all Privilege: View Partner
partner file import mappings of File Import Mapping
object type 'partner company' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Partner File
Import Mapping
Partner File Import A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Object view partner file import object Administration
type for all partner file import Privilege: View Partner
objects of object type 'partner File Import Object
company' Type (Data)
Resource: Partner File
Import Object
Partner Member File A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Import Activity view partner member file Administration
import activity object type for Privilege: View Partner
all partner member file import Member File Import
activities of object type 'partner Activity Object Type
member' (Data)
Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Partner Member File A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Import Mapping view partner member file Administration
import mapping object type for Privilege: View Partner
all partner member file import Member File Import
mappings of object type Mapping Object Type
'partner member' (Data)
Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Partner Member File A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Import Object view partner member file Administration
import object type for all Privilege: View Partner
partner member file import Member File Import
objects of object type 'partner Object Type (Data)
member' Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Person Assignment A Collections Manager can Role: Manage Users
search worker for persons and Privilege: Search
assignments in their person and Worker (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
A Collections Manager can Role: Manage Users
view person assignment for Privilege: View Person
persons and assignments in Assignment (Data)
their person and assignment Resource: Person
security profile Assignment
Person Type A Collections Manager can Role: Manage Users
choose person type for person Privilege: Choose
types in their person type Person Type (Data)
security profile Resource: Person Type
Public Person A Collections Manager can Role: Use User Details
view person deferred for Service
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
persons and assignments in Privilege: View Person
their person and assignment Deferred (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
Receivables Adjustment A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
manage receivables Management Basic
transactions for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Receivables
authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Credit A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Memo manage receivables activities Management Basic
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables Debit A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Memo manage receivables Management Basic
transactions for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Receivables
authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
manage receivables Management Basic
transactions for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Receivables
authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view receivables activities for Management Basic
the business units for which Privilege: View
they are authorized Receivables Activities
Resource: Business
Receivables A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Miscellaneous Receipt manage receivables receipts for Management Basic
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Receivables Standard A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Receipt manage receivables receipts for Management Basic
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Receivables Receipts
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Customer Account update customer account for all Management Basic
customer accounts in the Privilege: Update
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view customer account for all Management Basic
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Customer Account manage customer account Management Basic
Relationship relationship for the reference Privilege: Manage
data sets for which they are Customer Account
authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view customer account Management Basic
relationship for the reference Privilege: View
data sets for which they are Customer Account
authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Customer Account Site manage customer account site Management Basic
for the reference data sets for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view customer account site for Management Basic
the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Customer Account Site manage customer account site Management Basic
Use use for the reference data sets Privilege: Manage
for which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Account Site Use
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view customer account site use Management Basic
for the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Org Address Email manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Org Address Phone manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Organization Address manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Organization Email manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Organization Party view trading community Management Basic
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Organization Phone manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Party view trading community person Management Basic
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view trading community person Management Basic
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
view trading community person Management Basic
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Person Address Contact manage trading community Management Basic
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Person Address Phone manage trading community Management Basic
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Person Email Contact manage trading community Management Basic
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Management Basic
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
Relationship view trading community Management Basic
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Resource Note manage trading community Administration
resource notes for all resource Privilege: Manage
notes Trading Community
Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
manage trading community Administration
resource notes for the resource Privilege: Manage
notes for which they are the Trading Community
owner Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
view trading community Administration
resource notes for all resource Privilege: View
notes Trading Community
Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Resource Profile manage trading community Administration
resource contact point Privilege: Manage
information for all resource Trading Community
contacts in the enterprise Resource Contact Point
Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
manage trading community Administration
resource skill for all resource Privilege: Manage
skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
manage trading community Administration
resource skill for the resource Privilege: Manage
skills of persons who they Trading Community
manage Resource Skill (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
manage trading community Administration
resource skill for their resource Privilege: Manage
skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
remove trading community Administration
resource for all resources in the Privilege: Remove
enterprise Trading Community
Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
update trading community Administration
resource for all resources in the Privilege: Update
enterprise Trading Community
Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
update trading community Administration
resource for their resource Privilege: Update
record Trading Community
Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
view trading community Administration
resource contact point Privilege: View
information for all resource Trading Community
contacts in the enterprise Resource Contact Point
Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
view trading community Administration
resource contact point Privilege: View
information for their contacts Trading Community
Resource Contact Point
Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
view trading community Administration
resource skill for all resource Privilege: View
skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
view trading community Administration
resource skill for the resource Privilege: View
skills of persons who they Trading Community
manage Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
view trading community Administration
resource skill for their resource Privilege: View
skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Trading Community A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
Resource Sales manage trading community Administration
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets for which Trading Community
they are authorized Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
A Collections Manager can Role: Resource
view trading community Administration
salesperson setup for the Privilege: View
reference data sets for which Trading Community
they are authorized Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
User A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
create user name for persons in Management Advanced
their person security profile. Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
create user name for Management Advanced
subordinates in their person Privilege: Create User
security profile. Name (Data)
Resource: User
A Collections Manager can link Role: Collections
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
user account for persons in Management Advanced
their person security profile. Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
A Collections Manager can link Role: Collections
user account for subordinates in Management Advanced
their person security profile. Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
User Role A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
assign user roles for persons Management Advanced
and assignments in their person Privilege: Assign User
and assignment security profile Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
A Collections Manager can Role: Collections
assign user roles for Management Advanced
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Assign User
assignment security profile Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
Job Role: Compliance Manager
Individual responsible for managing enterprise compliance programs.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Compliance Manager

Duty Role Description

Application Administration Application Administration
Application Administration Run application administration reports
Reporting Primary
Approve Assessment Primary Approve Assessments
Approve Consequence Primary Approve Consequences
Approve Control Assessment Approve Control Assessments
Approve Control Primary Approve Controls
Approve Event Primary Approve Events
Approve Issue Primary Approve Issues
Approve Process Assessment Approve Process Assessments
Approve Process Primary Approve Process
Approve Remediation Plan Approve Remediation Plans
Approve Risk Assessment Primary Approve Risk Assessments
Approve Risk Primary Approve Risks
Approve Survey Primary Approve Surveys
Assessment Approver Composite Approve Assessment changes duties
Assessment Complete Primary Assessment Complete
Assessment Management Primary Assessment Management
Assessment Manager Composite Maintain Assessment duties
Assessment Report Viewing Assessment Report Viewings
Assessment Reporting Composite Assessment Reporting duties combined
Assessment Reporting Primary Assessment Reporting duties
Assessment Reviewer Composite Review Assessment changes duties
Assessment Viewer Composite View Assessment duties
Assessment Viewing Primary Assessment Viewings
Complete Control Assessment Complete Control Assessments
Complete Process Action Items Complete Process Action Items
Complete Process Assessment Complete Process Assessments
Complete Remediation Task Complete Remediation Tasks
Complete Risk Analysis Primary Complete Risk Analysis
Complete Risk Assessment Complete Risk Assessments
Complete Risk Evaluation Primary Complete Risk Evaluations
Complete Survey Primary Complete Surveys
Consequence Approver Composite Approve Risk Consequences
Consequence Management Primary Consequence Managements
Duty Role Description
Consequence Manager Composite Maintain Risk Consequences
Consequence Reviewer Composite Review Risk Consequences
Consequence Viewer Composite View Risk Consequences
Consequence Viewing Primary Consequence Viewings
Control Approver Composite Approve Control changes
Control Assessment Result Control Assessment Result Viewings
Viewing Primary
Control Audit Test Assessment Approve Control Audit Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Control Audit Test Assessment Review Control Audit Assessment duties
Reviewer Composite
Control Audit Test Assessor Complete Control Audit Assessment duties
Control Certification Assessment Approve Control Assessment with type of Certification duties
Approver Composite
Control Certification Assessment Review Control Assessment with type of Certification duties
Reviewer Composite
Control Certification Assessor Complete Control Assessment with type of Certification duties
Control Design Review Approve Control Design Review Assessment duties
Assessment Approver Composite
Control Design Review Control Design Review Assessment Reviewer Job Duty Role
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Design Review Assessor Complete Control Design Review Assessment duties
Control Management Primary Control Management
Control Manager Composite Maintain control definition duties
Control Operational Assessment Approve assessments for operational controls
Approver Composite
Control Operational Assessment Review assessments for operational controls
Reviewer Composite
Control Operational Assessor Perform assessments for operational controls
Control Report Viewing Primary Control Report Viewings
Control Reporting Composite Generate control related reports
Control Reporting Primary Control Reporting duties
Control Reviewer Composite Review Control changes
Control Viewer Composite Ability to only view controls and their definitions
Control Viewing Primary Control Viewings
Create Issue for Control Create Issue for Control Assessments
Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Control within Create Issue for Control within Control Management
Control Management Primary
Create Issue for Process Create Issue for Process Assessments
Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process within Create Issue for Process within Process Management
Process Management Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Create Issue for Risk Analysis
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Create Issue for Risk Assessments
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Create Issue for Risk Evaluations
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Create Issue for Risk Treatments
Duty Role Description
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management
Management Primary
Create New Assessment Primary Create New Assessments
Create New Control Primary Create New Controls
Create New Issue Primary Create New Issues
Create New Process Primary Create New Process
Create New Remediation Plan Create New Remediation Plans
Create New Risk Primary Create New Risks
Create New Survey Primary Create New Surveys
Create New Survey Question and Create New Survey Question and Templates
Template Primary
Event Approver Composite Approve Event duties
Event Management Primary Event Management
Event Manager Composite Manage Event duties
Event Reviewer Composite Review Event duties
Event Viewer Composite View Event duties
Event Viewing Primary Event Viewings
Financial Governance Access Financial Governance Access
Financial Governance Module General Financial Governance Management duties
Home Page Access Primary Home Page Access
Home Page Composite Log in and user preferences
Issue Approver Composite Approve Issues duties
Issue Management Primary Issue Management
Issue Manager Composite Manage Issues duties
Issue Report Viewing Primary Issue Report Viewings
Issue Reporting Composite Issue reporting duties
Issue Reporting Primary Issue Reporting duties
Issue Reviewer Composite Review Issues duties
Issue Validation Primary Issue Validations
Issue Validator Composite Validate issues duties
Issue Viewer Composite View issues duties
Issue Viewing Primary Issue Viewings
Manage Application Administer the installation configurations
Configurations Primary
Manage Application Libraries Administer Business Objects, Patterns and Connectors
Manage Assessment Results Manage Assessment Results
Manage Job Schedules Primary Manage Job Schedules
Manage Jobs Primary Manage Jobs
Manage Security Primary Manage Security
Manage URL Repositories Primary Manage URL Repositories
Manager System Administrator System administrator for the Manager application
Module Administration Primary Module Administrations
Perspective Management Primary Perspective Management
Perspective Viewing Primary Perspective Viewings
Process Approver Composite Approve process duties
Process Assessment Result Process Assessment Result Viewings
Viewing Primary
Process Audit Test Assessment Approve Process Audit Test Assessment duties
Duty Role Description
Approver Composite
Process Audit Test Assessment Review Process Audit Test Assessment duties
Reviewer Composite
Process Audit Test Assessor Assess Process Audit Test duties
Process Certification Assessment Approve Process Certification Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Process Certification Assessment Review Process Certification Assessment duties
Reviewer Composite
Process Certification Assessor Assess Process Certification duties
Process Design Review Approve Process Design Review Assessment duties
Assessment Approver Composite
Process Design Review Review Process Design Review Assessment duties
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Process Design Review Assessor Assess Process Design Review duties
Process Documentation Update Approve Process Documentation Update Assessment duties
Assessment Approver Composite
Process Documentation Update Review Process Documentation Update Assessment duties
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Process Documentation Update Assess Process Documentation Update duties
Assessor Composite
Process Management Primary Process Management
Process Manager Composite Manage Process duties
Process Operational Assessment Approve Process Operational Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Process Operational Assessment Review Process Operational Assessment Reviewer duties
Reviewer Composite
Process Operational Assessor Assess Process Operational Assessor
Process Report Viewing Primary Process Report Viewings
Process Reporting Composite Process reporting duties
Process Reporting Primary Process Reporting duties
Process Reviewer Composite Review processes duties
Process Viewer Composite View Processes duties
Process Viewing Primary Process Viewings
Remediation Plan Approver Approve Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Management Remediation Plan Management
Remediation Plan Manager Manage Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Reviewer Review Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Viewer View Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary Remediation Plan Viewings
Review Assessment Primary Review Assessments
Review Consequence Primary Review Consequences
Review Control Assessment Review Control Assessments
Review Control Primary Review Controls
Review Event Primary Review Events
Review Issue Primary Review Issues
Duty Role Description
Review Perspective Primary Review Perspectives
Review Process Assessment Review Process Assessments
Review Process Primary Review Process
Review Remediation Plan Primary Review Remediation Plans
Review Risk Assessment Primary Review Risk Assessments
Review Risk Primary Review Risks
Risk Analysis Management Risk Analysis Management
Risk Analysis Manager Composite Manage Risk Analysis duties
Risk Analysis Model Management Risk Analysis Model Managements
Risk Analysis Model Manager Manage Risk Analysis Models duties
Risk Analysis Model Viewing Risk Analysis Model Viewings
Risk Analysis Models Viewer View Risk Analysis Models duties
Risk Analyzer Composite Analyze Risk duties
Risk Approver Composite Approve Risks duties
Risk Assessment Approver Approve Risk Assessments duties
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Risk Assessment Result Viewings
Risk Assessment Reviewer Review Risk Assessments duties
Risk Assessor Composite Assess Risks duties
Risk Audit Assessment Approver Approve Risk Audit Assessments duties
Risk Audit Assessment Reviewer Review Risk Audit Assessments duties
Risk Audit Assessor Composite Assess Risk Audits duties
Risk Certification Assessment Approve Risk Certification Assessments duties
Approver Composite
Risk Certification Assessment Review Risk Certification Assessments duties
Reviewer Composite
Risk Certification Assessor Assess Risk Certifications duties
Risk Evaluation Management Risk Evaluation Management
Risk Evaluation Manager Manage Risk Evaluations duties
Risk Evaluation Model Risk Evaluation Model Management
Management Primary
Risk Evaluation Model Viewing Risk Evaluation Model Viewings
Risk Evaluation Models Manager Manage Risk Evaluation Models duties
Risk Evaluation Models Viewer View Risk Evaluation Models duties
Risk Evaluator Composite Risk Evaluator duties
Risk Management Primary Risk Management
Risk Manager Composite Risk Manager duties
Risk Report Viewing Primary Risk Report Viewings
Risk Reporting Composite Risk Reporting duties
Duty Role Description
Risk Reporting Primary Risk Reporting duties
Risk Reviewer Composite Review Risks and changes
Risk Viewing Primary Risk Viewings
Security Administration Reporting Run Security Administration Reports
Security Manager Maintains GRC security roles and users
Survey Approver Composite Approve Surveys duties
Survey Management Primary Survey Management
Survey Manager Composite Manage Surveys duties
Survey Responder Composite Survey Responder duties
Survey Reviewer Composite Review Surveys duties
Survey Viewer Composite View Surveys duties
Survey Viewing Primary Survey Viewings
View Security Primary Manage Security

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Compliance Manager

Inherited Roles
Compliance Manager
Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Assessment Primary
Assessment Complete Primary
Assessment Viewing Primary
Assessment Manager Composite
Assessment Complete Primary
Assessment Management Primary
Assessment Report Viewing Primary
Assessment Reporting Primary
Assessment Viewing Primary
Create New Assessment Primary
Assessment Reporting Composite
Assessment Report Viewing Primary
Assessment Reporting Primary
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Assessment Complete Primary
Assessment Viewing Primary
Review Assessment Primary
Assessment Viewer Composite
Assessment Viewing Primary
Consequence Approver Composite
Approve Consequence Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Consequence Manager Composite
Consequence Management Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Consequence Reviewer Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Review Consequence Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Consequence Viewer Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Inherited Roles
Risk Viewing Primary
Control Approver Composite
Approve Control Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control within Control Management Primary
Control Audit Test Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Audit Test Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Audit Test Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Certification Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Certification Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Certification Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Design Review Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Design Review Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Design Review Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Manager Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Management Primary
Control Report Viewing Primary
Control Reporting Primary
Inherited Roles
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Control within Control Management Primary
Create New Control Primary
Control Operational Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Operational Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Operational Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Reporting Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Report Viewing Primary
Control Reporting Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Control Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control within Control Management Primary
Review Control Primary
Control Viewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Event Approver Composite
Approve Event Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Event Manager Composite
Event Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Event Reviewer Composite
Event Viewing Primary
Review Event Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Event Viewer Composite
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Financial Governance Module Composite
Complete Survey Primary
Financial Governance Access Primary
Home Page Composite
Home Page Access Primary
Issue Approver Composite
Approve Issue Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Inherited Roles
Issue Manager Composite
Create New Issue Primary
Issue Management Primary
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Composite
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Reviewer Composite
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Review Issue Primary
Issue Validator Composite
Issue Management Primary
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Issue Validation Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Viewer Composite
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Manager System Administrator Composite
Application Administration Primary
Application Administration Reporting Primary
Manage Application Configurations Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Assessment Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage URL Repositories Primary
Module Administration Primary
Process Approver Composite
Perspective Management Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Review Perspective Primary
Process Audit Test Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Process Primary
Create Issue for Process within Process Management Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Audit Test Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Audit Test Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Certification Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Inherited Roles
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Certification Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Certification Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Design Review Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Design Review Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Design Review Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Documentation Update Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Documentation Update Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Documentation Update Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Manager Composite
Complete Process Action Items Primary
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process within Process Management Primary
Create New Process Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Operational Assessment Approver Composite
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Management Primary
Process Report Viewing Primary
Process Reporting Primary
Process Operational Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Inherited Roles
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Operational Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Reporting Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Reviewer Composite
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Report Viewing Primary
Process Reporting Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Viewer Composite
Create Issue for Process within Process Management Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Approver Composite
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Manager Composite
Approve Remediation Plan Primary
Complete Remediation Task Primary
Create New Remediation Plan Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Review Process Primary
Remediation Plan Reviewer Composite
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Remediation Plan Viewer Composite
Issue Viewing Primary
Risk Analysis Manager Composite
Complete Risk Analysis Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Management Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Review Remediation Plan Primary
Risk Analysis Model Manager Composite
Risk Analysis Management Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Report Viewing Primary
Risk Analysis Models Viewer Composite
Risk Reporting Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Analyzer Composite
Complete Risk Analysis Primary
Risk Analysis Model Management Primary
Risk Analysis Model Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Inherited Roles
Risk Approver Composite
Approve Consequence Primary
Approve Event Primary
Approve Risk Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Approver Composite
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Primary
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Review Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Audit Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Audit Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Audit Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Review Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Certification Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Certification Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Certification Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Review Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Inherited Roles
Risk Evaluation Manager Composite
Complete Risk Assessment Primary
Complete Risk Evaluation Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluation Models Manager Composite
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluation Models Viewer Composite
Risk Evaluation Management Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluator Composite
Risk Evaluation Model Management Primary
Risk Evaluation Model Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Manager Composite
Complete Risk Evaluation Primary
Consequence Management Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Primary
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management Primary
Create New Risk Primary
Event Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Reporting Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Management Primary
Risk Report Viewing Primary
Risk Reporting Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Reviewer Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Primary
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Report Viewing Primary
Risk Reporting Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Survey Approver Composite
Manage Security Primary
Security Manager
Review Event Primary
Review Risk Primary
Inherited Roles
Survey Manager Composite
Approve Survey Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
View Security Primary
Survey Responder Composite
Survey Viewing Primary
Survey Reviewer Composite
Create New Survey Primary
Create New Survey Question and Template Primary
Survey Viewer Composite
Survey Management Primary
Survey Viewing Primary
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Compliance

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Compliance Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Application Administration Application Administration Maintain Installation
Primary Options
Manage Assessment Results
Manage Content Types
Manage Lookup Tables
Manage URL Repositories
Manage Value Sets
Application Administration Run application administration reports Change History Report
Reporting Primary Pending Activity Report
Related Objects Report
Worklist Items Requiring
Approve Assessment Primary Approve Assessments Approve Assessment Plan
Approve Assessment
Template Changes
Approve Consequence Approve Consequences Approve Consequence
Primary Changes
Approve Control Assessment Approve Control Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Control
Approve Control
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Approve Control Primary Approve Controls Approve Control Changes
Approve Event Primary Approve Events Approve Event Changes
Approve Issue Primary Approve Issues Approve Manager Issue
Approve Process Assessment Approve Process Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Base Object
Approve Base Object
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Approve Process Primary Approve Process Approve Base Object
Approve Remediation Plan Approve Remediation Plans Approve Manager Issue
Primary Changes
Approve Remediation Plan
Approve Risk Assessment Approve Risk Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Risk Assessment
Approve Risk Assessment
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Approve Risk Primary Approve Risks Approve Risk Changes
Approve Survey Primary Approve Surveys Approve Survey Template
Assessment Complete Primary Assessment Complete Complete Assessment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Assessment Management Assessment Management Assign Assessment
Primary Worklists
Cancel Assessment
Close Assessment
Edit Assessment Due Date
Edit Assessment Plan
Edit Assessment Template
Initiate Assessment
Assessment Report Viewing Assessment Report Viewings Assessment Details Report
Primary Control Assessment Extract
Control Assessment report
Assessment Reporting Primary Assessment Reporting duties Assessment Details Report
Compliance Status Report
Control Assessment Details
Control Assessment Extract
Control Assessment report
Assessment Viewing Primary Assessment Viewings View Assessment
View Assessment Plan
View Assessment Plan
Approval History
View Assessment Template
View Template Approval
Complete Control Assessment Complete Control Assessments Complete Assessment from
Primary GRC Dashboard
Complete Control
Edit Assessment Due Date
Complete Process Action Complete Process Action Items Complete Action Items
Items Primary
Complete Process Assessment Complete Process Assessments Complete Assessment from
Primary GRC Dashboard
Complete Base Object
Edit Assessment Due Date
Complete Remediation Task Complete Remediation Tasks Complete Remediation Task
Primary Edit Remediation Task
Complete Risk Analysis Complete Risk Analysis Complete Risk Analysis
Complete Risk Assessment Complete Risk Assessments Complete Assessment from
Primary GRC Dashboard
Complete Risk Assessment
Edit Assessment Due Date
Complete Risk Evaluation Complete Risk Evaluations Complete Risk Evaluation
Complete Survey Primary Complete Surveys Complete Survey
Consequence Management Consequence Managements Create Consequence
Primary Delete Consequence
Edit Consequence
Consequence Viewing Primary Consequence Viewings View Consequence
View Consequence
Approval History
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Risk
Control Assessment Result Control Assessment Result Viewings View Control Assessment
Viewing Primary Results
Control Management Primary Control Management Assign Control Assessment
Control Scope Report
Create Control Ad Hoc
Create Control from Related
Edit Control
Manager Control Details
Control Report Viewing Control Report Viewings Manager Control Details
Primary Report
Related Objects Report
Control Reporting Primary Control Reporting duties Manager Control Details
Related Objects Report
Control Viewing Primary Control Viewings View Control
View Control Approval
View Control Assessment
Approval History
View Control Incidents from
Complete Control
View Control Incidents from
Manage Control
View Manager Issues from
Complete Control
View Manager Issues from
Manage Control
Create Issue for Control Create Issue for Control Assessments Create Manager Issue for
Assessment Primary Control Assessment
Create Issue for Control within Create Issue for Control within Control Create Manager Issue for
Control Management Primary Management Control Definition
Create Issue for Process Create Issue for Process Assessments Create Manager Issue for
Assessment Primary Base Object Assessment
Create Issue for Process within Create Issue for Process within Process Create Manager Issue for
Process Management Primary Management Base Object Definition
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Create Issue for Risk Analysis Create Manager Issue for
Primary Risk Analysis
Create Issue for Risk Create Issue for Risk Assessments Create Manager Issue for
Assessment Primary Risk Assessment
Create Issue for Risk Create Issue for Risk Evaluations Create Manager Issue for
Evaluation Primary Risk Evaluation
Create Issue for Risk Create Issue for Risk Treatments Create Manager Issue for
Treatment Primary Risk Treatment
Create Issue for Risk within Create Issue for Risk within Risk Create Manager Issue for
Risk Management Primary Management Risk Definition
Create New Assessment Create New Assessments Create Assessment Plan
Primary Create Assessment Template
Delete Assessment Plan
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Delete Assessment Template
Create New Control Primary Create New Controls Create Control
Delete Control
Create New Issue Primary Create New Issues Create Manager Issue
Delete Manager Issue
Create New Process Primary Create New Process Create Action Items
Create Base Object
Delete Base Object
Create New Remediation Plan Create New Remediation Plans Create Remediation Plan
Primary Create Remediation Task
Delete Remediation Plan
Create New Risk Primary Create New Risks Create Fin Gov Risk
Create Risk
Create Risk from Related
Delete Risk
Create New Survey Primary Create New Surveys Create Survey
Delete Survey
Create New Survey Question Create New Survey Question and Create Question
and Template Primary Templates Create Question Choice Sets
Create Survey Template
Delete Survey Template
Event Management Primary Event Management Create Event
Delete Event
Edit Event
Event Viewing Primary Event Viewings View Event
View Event Approval
View Risk
Financial Governance Access Financial Governance Access Display Financial
Primary Governance in the Navigator
Home Page Access Primary Home Page Access GRC Application Log in
Manage User Preferences
Issue Management Primary Issue Management Close Manager Issue
Edit Manager Issue
Issue Report Viewing Primary Issue Report Viewings Manager Issue Details
Manager Issue Listing
Extract Report
Issue Reporting Primary Issue Reporting duties Manager Issue Details
Manager Issue Listing
Extract Report
Issue Validation Primary Issue Validations Validate Manager Issue
Issue Viewing Primary Issue Viewings View Manager Issue
Approval History
View Manager Issues
View Remediation Plan
Approval History
Manage Application Administer the installation configurations Analytics Tab in Manage
Configurations Primary Application Configurations
Attachment Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Edit Application
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Maintenance Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application
Notification Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Properties Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Security Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
User Integration Tab in
Manage Application
Worklist Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application Libraries Administer Business Objects, Patterns Business Objects Tab in
Primary and Connectors Manage Application Data
Custom Connector Tab in
Manage Application Data
Delete Custom Connector
Export Development
Export Mapping Template
Import Business Object
Import Business Object
Import Custom Connector
Import Patterns
Manage Application
Patterns Tab in Manage
Application Data
Manage Assessment Results Manage Assessment Results Manage Assessment Results
Manage Job Schedules Manage Job Schedules Manage Risks and Controls
Primary Schedules
Manage Jobs Primary Manage Jobs Cancel Continuous Control
Monitoring Job
Cancel Job
Manage Continuous Control
Monitoring Jobs
Purge Continuous Control
Monitoring Jobs
Purge Jobs
Manage Security Primary Manage Security Create Data Security Policy
Create Data Security Policy
Authoring Train
Define Data Security Policy
Edit Data Security Policy
Inaccessible Records Report
Initiate Seeded Mappings
Record Assignment Report
Unassigned Perspective
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Data Security Policy
View Data Security Policy
Manage URL Repositories Manage URL Repositories Manage URL Repositories
Module Administration Module Administrations Create Import Template
Primary Create Module
Create User Defined
Edit Module
Edit Object Configuration
for a Module
Edit Perspectives for a
Edit User Defined Attributes
Import Data File
Manage Shared Objects
View Module
View Object Configuration
for a Module
View Perspectives for a
View User Defined
Perspective Management Perspective Management Edit Perspective Hierarchy
Primary Edit Perspective Item
Perspective Viewing Primary Perspective Viewings View Perspective Hierarchy
View Perspective Hierarchy
Approval History
View Perspective Item
View Perspective Item
Approval History
Process Assessment Result Process Assessment Result Viewings View Base Object
Viewing Primary Assessment Results
Process Management Primary Process Management Assign Base Object
Assessment Worklist
Create Action Items
Create Base Object Ad Hoc
Edit Base Object
Process Report Viewing Process Report Viewings Related Objects Report
Process Reporting Primary Process Reporting duties Base Object Assessment
Extract Report
Process Viewing Primary Process Viewings View Base Object
View Base Object Approval
View Base Object
Assessment Approval
View Control Incidents from
Complete Base Object
View Control Incidents from
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Base Object
View Manager Issues from
Complete Base Object
View Manager Issues from
Manage Base Object
Remediation Plan Remediation Plan Management Close Manager Issue
Management Primary Complete Remediation Plan
Complete Remediation Task
Create Remediation Task
Edit Manager Issue
Edit Remediation Plan
Edit Remediation Task
Manager Issue Details
Manager Issue Listing
Extract Report
Validate Manager Issue
Remediation Plan Viewing Remediation Plan Viewings View Remediation Plan
Primary View Remediation Plan
Approval History
Review Assessment Primary Review Assessments Review Assessment Plan
Review Assessment
Template Changes
Review Consequence Primary Review Consequences Review Consequence
Review Control Assessment Review Control Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Control
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Review Control Assessment
Review Control Primary Review Controls Review Control Changes
Review Event Primary Review Events Review Event Changes
Review Issue Primary Review Issues Review Manager Issue
Review Perspective Primary Review Perspectives Review Perspective
Hierarchy Changes
Review Perspective Item
Review Process Assessment Review Process Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Base Object
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Review Base Object
Review Process Primary Review Process Review Base Object
Review Remediation Plan Review Remediation Plans Review Manager Issue
Primary Changes
Review Remediation Plan
Review Risk Assessment Review Risk Assessments Add Attachments to a
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Primary Completed Risk Assessment
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Review Risk Assessment
Review Risk Primary Review Risks Review Risk Changes
Risk Analysis Management Risk Analysis Management Create Risk Analysis
Primary Edit Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Model Risk Analysis Model Managements Manage Impact Models for
Management Primary Risk
Manage Likelihood Models
for Risk
Manage Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Model Viewing Risk Analysis Model Viewings View Impact Models for
Primary Risk
View Likelihood Models for
View Risk Analysis Model
Risk Assessment Result Risk Assessment Result Viewings View Risk Assessment
Viewing Primary Results
Risk Evaluation Management Risk Evaluation Management Create Risk Evaluation
Primary Delete Risk Evaluation
Edit Risk Evaluation
Risk Evaluation Model Risk Evaluation Model Management Manage Context Models for
Management Primary Risk
Manage Significance
Models for Risk
Risk Evaluation Model Risk Evaluation Model Viewings View Context Models for
Viewing Primary Risk
View Significance Models
for Risk
Risk Management Primary Risk Management Assign Risk Assessment
Create Risk Ad Hoc
Create Treatment Plan for
Edit Risk
Edit Treatment Plan for Risk
Risk Control Matrix Extract
- Financial Governance
Risk Control Matrix Extract
Risk Control Matrix Report
- Financial Governance
Risk Report Viewing Primary Risk Report Viewings Related Objects Report
Risk Control Matrix Extract
- Financial Governance
Risk Control Matrix Extract
Risk Control Matrix Report
- Financial Governance
Risk Reporting Primary Risk Reporting duties Related Objects Report
Risk Control Matrix Extract
- Financial Governance
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Risk Control Matrix Extract
Risk Control Matrix Report
- Financial Governance
Risk Viewing Primary Risk Viewings View Context Models for
View Control Incidents from
Complete Risk Assessment
View Control Incidents from
Manage Risk
View Fin Gov Risk
View Manager Issues from
Complete Risk Assessment
View Manager Issues from
Manage Risk
View Related Control
View Risk
View Risk Analysis
View Risk Approval History
View Risk Assessment
Approval History
View Significance Models
for Risk
Security Administration Run Security Administration Reports Inaccessible Records Report
Reporting Primary Record Assignment Report
Unassigned Perspective
Survey Management Primary Survey Management Create Question Choice Sets
Edit Question
Edit Question Choice Sets
Edit Survey
Edit Survey Template
Notify Survey Translators
Survey Viewing Primary Survey Viewings View Question Choice Sets
View Survey Questions
View Survey Responses
View Survey Template
View Survey Template
Approval History
View Surveys
View Security Primary Manage Security View Data Security Policy
View Data Security Policy
Abstract Role: Contingent Worker
Identifies the person as a contingent worker.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Contingent Worker

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server
Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments.
Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.
Person Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human
Management Resource Specialist to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.
Person Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human
View Resource Specialist to view the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.
Person National Identifier View Grants access to persons to view national identifier.
Portrait Current and Completed Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in the
Tasks portrait, which includes HCM worklist tasks and user provisioning
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.
Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items,
correct receipts, and return receipts.
Requester Analysis Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement
cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition
BU that requester belongs to
Requisition Business Unit Data This role is used for Requisition Business Unit data security in the
Security data warehouse
Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing
requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition
Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.
Duty Role Description
Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.
Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
View Secured Custom Help Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.
Workforce Profile Worker Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings,
options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are
required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular
offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for
that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those
offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Contingent Worker

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials


Access Person Gallery

Attachments User +
CRM Stage Write
Business Intelligence Consumer
Change Person Address
Change Person Marital Status
Compare HCM Information
Employee Enrollment
Expense Entry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Payee Bank Account Management
Manage My Account
Manage Person Documentation by Worker
Manage Person Name
Manage Personal Compensation
Manage Worker Information Sharing
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials

Performance Management Worker
Person National Identifier View
Portrait Benefits
Print Worker Portrait
Procurement Requester
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Receiving Management Requester
Item Inquiry
Requester Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Requisition Business Unit Data Security
Requisition Self Service User
Social Connection Worker
Use User Details Service
View Compensation Portrait Card
View Portrait Availability Card
View Portrait Contact Card
View Portrait Personal Information Card
View Portrait User Account Details Card
View Secured Custom Help
View Total Compensation Statements
Business Intelligence Consumer
Payee Bank Account Management
Workforce Profile Worker
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Contingent

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Person Gallery Searches worker deferred data and views the
portrait page.
Access Portrait Payslip Grants access to a person's own payslip in the
Access Portrait Personal Payment Method Grants access to a person's payment methods in the
Change Person Address Grants access to persons to manage their own
address data.
Change Person Marital Status Grants access to a person to manage their own
marital status and related data.
Compare HCM Information Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any
combinations of these objects.
Indian Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within an Indian legal
employer to submit their tax investment declaration.
Maintain Absence Records Allows workers to enter, update and delete their
absence records.
Manage My Account Manages worker roles.
Manage Person Citizenship Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Disability by Worker Allows worker to manage their own disability
Manage Person Documentation Manages documents.
Manage Person Documentation by Worker Grants access to persons to manage their own
document data.
Manage Person Driver License Grants access to persons to manage their own driver
Manage Person Ethnicity Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Image Manage Person Image
Manage Person Name Maintains persons' name related attributes.
Manage Person Passport Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Religion Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Visa or Permit Grants access to persons to manage their own visas
and permits.
Manage Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward savings and
contribution type plans.
Manage Worker Information Sharing Shares own employment information with line
managers or external parties.
Portrait Benefits Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.
Print Worker Portrait Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for
the portrait cards.
Submit Resignation Allows worker to submit their own resignation.
US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer to
access US specific tasks.
Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person
View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance Allows workers to view balances of the accrual type
absence plans.
Aggregate Privilege Description
View Chinese Accounts Allows an employee within a Chinese legal
employer to view their PHF and social insurance
account numbers.
View Compensation Portrait Card Views compensation data for a worker in the
View Employment Information Summary Grants access to view a worker's employment
information summary.
View Portrait Availability Card Grants access to the availability card in the portrait,
which includes schedule, absence, and accrual
View Portrait Career Planning Card Grants access to the career planning card in the
View Portrait Contact Card Grants access to view the contact card in the
portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail,
other communication methods, work location
information, manager, directs and peers.
View Portrait Development and Growth Card Grants access to the development and growth card
in the portrait.
View Portrait Experience and Qualifications Card Grants access to the experience and qualifications
card in the portrait.
View Portrait Personal Information Card Grants access to a person's own personal and
employment information in the portrait.
View Portrait User Account Details Card Views the User Account Details card in the Person
View Total Compensation Statements Views generated total compensation statements for
individuals within their security profile.
Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker.
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Contingent Worker.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contingent Worker Identifies the person as a contingent Absence Entry Using
worker. Calendar
Access Competition Page
Access FUSE Directory
Access FUSE Performance
and Career Planning Page
Access FUSE Personal
Information Page
Access FUSE Time Page
Approve Transactions
Create Product Idea
Enter Project Unprocessed
Expenditure Batch
Launch Oracle Social
Manage Development Goal
Manage Favorite Colleagues
Manage Mentorship
Manage My Portrait Work
Manage Performance Goal
Manage Person
Manage Product Idea
Manage Reputation
Manage Reputation Scores
Manage Social Roles
Report Time by Web Clock
Review Product Ideas
View Notification Details
View Performance Goal
View Person Gallery Work
View Team Schedule
View Time by Calendar
Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Define Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Elect Benefits
Maintain Plan Beneficiary
Maintain Primary Care
Review Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Manage Bank Account for
expense reports. Expense Reimbursement
Manage Expense Report
Review Expense
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Performance Management Adds content to rate to performance Create Performance
Worker document and evaluates self. Document by Worker
Print Performance
Provide Performance
Evaluation Feedback
Select Feedback Participants
Track Participant Feedback
View Performance
Information on Worker
Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Change Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Receiving Management Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service
Requester iProcurement to receive items, correct Receiving Receipt
receipts, and return receipts. Create Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
Manage Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Return
Monitor Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Work
Review Inbound Shipment
Review Receiving Receipt
Review Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Purchase Order
View Receiving Receipt
Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with
searching, and viewing requisitions, Changes to Deliver-to
creating noncatalog requests, creating Location
requisitions with one-time locations, and Create Requisition with
changing deliver-to locations on Noncatalog Requests
requisition lines. Create Requisition with One
Time Location
Manage Requisition
View Requisition
Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated Review Inbound Shipment
documents. Details
Review Receiving
Transaction History
View Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
View Requisition
View Supplier Negotiation
Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Add Someone to Social
Connection employee duties. Group
Create Social Group
Invite Social Connection
Invite Someone to Social
Link Social Group
Manage Kudos
Manage Message Board
Manage Social Bookmarks
Manage Social Connections
Manage Social Group
Manage Social Self-
descriptive Information
Unlink Social Group
View Activity Stream
View Related Social Groups
Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. Access FUSE Time Page
Access Time Work Area
Report Time by Calendar
View Team Schedule
View Time by Calendar
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Workforce Profile Worker Performs workforce profile duties as an Define Talent Profile
employee or contingent worker. Define Talent Profile Item
Manage Model Talent
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Profile
Interest List
Match Talent Profile
Update Talent Profile Item
View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Contingent Worker

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Contingent Worker can Role: Procurement
delete application attachment Requester
for the purchase order Privilege: Delete
categories including Application Attachment
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Resource: Application
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Attachment
and to payables
A Contingent Worker can read Role: Procurement
application attachment for the Requester
negotiation categories including Privilege: Read
miscellaneous, to approver, to Application Attachment
buyer, to payables, to receiver, Resource: Application
and to supplier Attachment
A Contingent Worker can read Role: Procurement
application attachment for the Requester
purchase order categories Privilege: Read
including document, Application Attachment
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Resource: Application
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Attachment
and to payables
A Contingent Worker can Role: Procurement
update application attachment Requester
for the purchase order Privilege: Update
categories including Application Attachment
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Resource: Application
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Attachment
and to payables
Application Reference A Contingent Worker can Role: Change Person
Territory choose application reference Marital Status
territory for countries in their Privilege: Choose
country security profile Application Reference
Territory (Data)
Resource: Application
Reference Territory
Beneficiary A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization worker benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Beneficiary
Benefit Covered A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Dependent worker benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Covered Dependent
Benefit Participant A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Enrollment Action worker benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
Enrollment Result review benefit participant Enrollment
enrollment result for Privilege: Review
themselves Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
worker benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant Rate A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
worker benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Rate
Benefit Relation A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
manage benefit relation for Enrollment
themselves Privilege: Manage
Benefit Relation (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Cash Advance A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note manage expense report Privilege: Manage
approval note for themselves Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Cash
Advance Approval
Corporate Card A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Transaction Dispute manage expense for themselves Privilege: Manage
Note Expense (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Card Transaction
Dispute Note
Expense A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
manage expense for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
manage expense report for Privilege: Manage
themselves Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note manage expense report Privilege: Manage
approval note for themselves Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
HR Job A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
choose hr job for all jobs in the Worker
enterprise Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Help Topic A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Secured
secured custom help content for Custom Help
all secured help content they Privilege: View
are authorized Secured Custom Help
Resource: Help Topic
Idea A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
manage product idea where Worker
they are a member of the idea Privilege: Manage
team Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
review product idea where they Worker
are a member of the idea team Privilege: Review
Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
Payment Card A Contingent Worker can view Role: Payee Bank
employee credit card for any Account Management
employee corporate cards in the Privilege: View
enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Payroll Personal A Contingent Worker can Role: US Employee
Deduction update US W-4 for themselves Portrait Gallery
if they are employed by a US Privilege: Update US
legal employer W-4 (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Chinese
chinese accounts for Accounts
themselves if they are Privilege: View
employed by a chinese legal Chinese Accounts
employer (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Indian Employee
indian tax investment Portrait Gallery
declaration for themselves if Privilege: View Indian
they are employed by an indian Tax Investment
legal employer Declaration
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
A Contingent Worker can view Role: US Employee
us end of year tax form for Portrait Gallery
themselves if they are Privilege: View US
employed by a us legal End of Year Tax Form
employer (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
Person A Contingent Worker can Role: Change Person
change person address for Address
themselves Privilege: Change
Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Change Person
change person marital status for Marital Status
themselves Privilege: Change
Person Marital Status
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person citizenship for Citizenship
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Citizenship
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person driver license Driver License
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Driver License
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person ethnicity for Ethnicity
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person passport for Passport
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person religion for Religion
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person visa or permit Visa or Permit
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Visa or Permit
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: View Portrait
manage worker public portrait Personal Information
for themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Worker Public Portrait
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can print Role: Print Worker
worker portrait for themselves Portrait
Privilege: Print Worker
Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
report person for themselves Worker
Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can share Role: Manage Worker
worker information for Information Sharing
themselves Privilege: Share
Worker Information
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Portrait
talent profile experience and Experience and
qualifications for themselves Qualifications Card
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Experience and
Qualifications (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Portrait
worker availability portrait card Availability Card
for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Availability
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Portrait
worker career planning portrait Career Planning Card
card for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Career
Planning Portrait Card
Resource: Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Current
worker current and completed and Completed Tasks
tasks portrait card for persons Privilege: View
and assignments in their person Worker Current and
and assignment security profile Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Current
worker current and completed and Completed Tasks
tasks portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Current and
Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Portrait
worker development and Development and
growth portrait card for Growth Card
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Development
and Growth Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Portrait
worker personal and Personal Information
employment portrait card for Card
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Personal and
Employment Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Absence Entry A Contingent Worker can Role: Maintain
maintain self service absence Absence Records
record for people and Privilege: Maintain
assignments in their person and Self Service Absence
assignment security profile Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
A Contingent Worker can Role: Maintain
maintain self service absence Absence Records
record for themselves Privilege: Maintain
Self Service Absence
Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Person Address A Contingent Worker can Role: View Portrait
manage person private address Personal Information
details for themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Person Private Address
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view Role: Contingent
person assignment for persons Worker
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
and assignments in their person Privilege: View Person
and assignment security profile Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication A Contingent Worker can Role: Person
Method manage person communication Communication
method for themselves Methods Management
Privilege: Manage
Person Communication
Method (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Person
person communication method Communication
for private communication Methods View
methods granted to the user for Privilege: View Person
persons in their person and Communication
assignment security profile Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Contact A Contingent Worker can Role: View Portrait
Relationship manage person contact details Personal Information
for themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Person Contact Details
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
A Contingent Worker can Role: View Portrait
manage person private contact Personal Information
details for themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Person Private Contact
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
Person Disability A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person disability for Disability by Worker
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Disability
Resource: Person
Person Documentation A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person documentation Documentation
for document types in their Privilege: Manage
document types security profile Person Documentation
for themselves (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Manage Person
Documentation by
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Person Documentation
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
search person documentation Documentation
for document types in their Privilege: Search
document types security profile Person Documentation
for themselves (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Email A Contingent Worker can Role: Person
manage person email for Communication
themselves Methods Management
Privilege: Manage
Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Person
person email for work e-mail Communication
addresses and private e-mail Methods View
addresses granted to the user Privilege: View Person
for persons in their person and Email (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Image A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
manage person image for Image
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Manage Person
person image for themselves Image
Privilege: View Person
Image (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Life Event A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
manage person life event for Enrollment
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Life Event
Resource: Person Life
Person Name A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Person
change person name for Name
themselves Privilege: Change
Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person
Person National A Contingent Worker can view Role: Person National
Identifier person national identifier for Identifier View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
themselves Privilege: View Person
National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Phone A Contingent Worker can Role: Person
manage person phone for Communication
themselves Methods Management
Privilege: Manage
Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Person
person phone for work phone Communication
numbers and private phone Methods View
numbers granted to the user for Privilege: View Person
persons in their person and Phone (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Plan Accrual A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Accrual
accrual plan balance for people Type Absence Plan
and assignments in their person Balance
and assignment security profile Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Accrual
accrual plan balance for Type Absence Plan
themselves Balance
Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
Plan Beneficiary A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Designation worker benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Plan
Portrait Private Note A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
manage portrait private note for Worker
themselves Privilege: Manage
Portrait Private Note
Resource: Portrait
Private Note
Position A Contingent Worker can Role: Compare HCM
choose position for positions in Information
their position security profile Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Contingent
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Primary Care Provider A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
define plan primary care Enrollment
provider for themselves Privilege: Define Plan
Primary Care Provider
Resource: Primary
Care Provider
Public Person A Contingent Worker can Role: Procurement
choose public person for all Requester
workers in the enterprise Privilege: Choose
Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
choose public person for Worker
persons and assignments in Privilege: Choose
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can Role: Compare HCM
compare hcm information for Information
themselves Privilege: Compare
HCM Information
Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can Role: Access Person
search person deferred for Gallery
persons and assignments in Privilege: Search
their person and assignment Person Deferred (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Use User Details
person deferred for persons and Service
assignments in their person and Privilege: View Person
assignment security profile Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Portrait
worker contact portrait card for Contact Card
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Contact Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Public
Requisition A Contingent Worker can Role: Procurement
manage requisition for Requester
themselves for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Requisition (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business
A Contingent Worker can Role: Requisition Self
manage requisition for Service User
themselves for the financial Privilege: Manage
business unit associated with Requisition (Data)
their primary assignment Resource: Business
Salary A Contingent Worker can view Role: View
worker compensation portrait Compensation Portrait
card for themselves Card
Privilege: View
Worker Compensation
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Salary
Talent Profile A Contingent Worker can Role: Workforce
match talent profile person for Profile Worker
themselves Privilege: Match Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Workforce
talent profile model for jobs in Profile Worker
their job security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Model (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Workforce
talent profile person for Profile Worker
themselves Privilege: View Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
Talent Profile Item A Contingent Worker can view Role: Workforce
talent profile item worker for Profile Worker
themselves Privilege: View Talent
Profile Item Worker
Resource: Talent
Profile Item
Time Record Group A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Time
Summary manage time cards for Card Entry
themselves Privilege: Manage
Time Cards (Data)
Resource: Time Record
Group Summary
Total Compensation A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Total
Statement total compensation statement Compensation
already generated for Statements
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
themselves Privilege: View Total
Statement Already
Generated (Data)
Resource: Total
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Org Address Email manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Org Address Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Organization Address manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Organization Email manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can view Role: Expense Entry
Organization Party trading community Privilege: View
organization for all Trading Community
organizations in the enterprise Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Procurement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Organization Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can view Role: Procurement
Party trading community contact for Requester
all trading community persons Privilege: View
in the enterprise except contacts Trading Community
created by partners. Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Expense Entry
trading community person for Privilege: View
all people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Expense Entry
trading community person for Privilege: View
all people in the enterprise Trading Community
other than sales accounts and Person (Data)
sales prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Expense Entry
trading community person for Privilege: View
all resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Person Address Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Person Address Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Person Email Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can view Role: Procurement
Relationship trading community relationship Requester
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Procurement
trading community relationship Requester
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
except partner contact Relationship (Data)
relationships, or relationships Resource: Trading
created by partners Community
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
User Role A Contingent Worker can self Role: Manage My
request roles for themselves Account
Privilege: Self Request
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Manage My
own account details for Account
themselves Privilege: View Own
Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role
Variable Compensation A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Personal
Allocation manage variable compensation Compensation
allocation by worker for Privilege: Manage
themselves Variable Compensation
Allocation by Worker
Resource: Variable
Work Relationship A Contingent Worker can Role: Submit
submit resignation for Resignation
themselves Privilege: Submit
Resignation (Data)
Resource: Work
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View
employment information Employment
summary for themselves Information Summary
Privilege: View
Information Summary
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Work
Worker A Contingent Worker can Role: Contingent
choose worker for people and Worker
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Contingent Worker can Role: Compare HCM
compare worker employment Information
information for themselves Privilege: Compare
Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Contingent Worker can Role: View Portrait
review worker availability for Availability Card
themselves Privilege: Review
Worker Availability
Resource: Worker

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract
role Contingent Worker

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Controller
Serves as chief accountant and manages the accounting functions of an enterprise
including general accounting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, expense
management, and billing.

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Controller

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Entry Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty
Journal Posting Duty
Journal Posting Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Controller

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Entry Enter Journal Enter Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Rate
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal
Duty Entry
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Rate
Job Role: Corporate Card Administrator
Oversees the functioning of corporate card travel programs and procurement card
programs. Provides support to cardholders and assures payments are made timely and no
delinquencies are incurred.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Corporate Card Administrator

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Corporate Card Account Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card
Administration programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee
Corporate Card Administration BI Duty role for Corporate Card Administrators to review and
Analysis analyze corporate card expenses. This duty role includes visibility
into expense types, locations, and outstanding transactions
Corporate Card Transaction Processes corporate card transaction files. Reviews and corrects
Management errors and processes them again.
Employee Expense Business Unit This role is used for Employee Expense Business Unit data security
Data Security in the data warehouse
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Corporate Card Administrator

Inherited Roles
Corporate Card Administrator
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Inherited Roles
Corporate Card Account Administration
Functional Setups
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Corporate Card Administration Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Employee Expense Business Unit Data Security
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Corporate Card Transaction Management
Business Intelligence Consumer
Payables Invoice Import Submission
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Corporate Card

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Corporate Card Administrator.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Corporate Card Account Administers corporate card travel Manage Corporate Card
Administration programs and procurement card Expense Type Mapping
programs. Manages new, active, and Rule
terminated employee accounts. Manage Corporate Card
Expense Types Mapping
Manage Corporate Card
Manage Corporate Card
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Submission
Manage Corporate Card
Usage Policy
Manage Corporate Card for
Manage Expense Template
Manage Expenses System
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Corporate Card Transaction Processes corporate card transaction files. Create Corporate Card
Management Reviews and corrects errors and processes Issuer Invoice
them again. Import Payables Invoice
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Upload
Manage Corporate Card for
Manage Corporate Cards
and Corporate Card
Manage Historical
Corporate Card Transaction
Manage Outstanding
Corporate Card Transaction
Review Corporate Card
Review Corporate Card
Transaction Upload Result
Review Expense Report
Payables Document
View Payables Invoice
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Create Payables Invoice by
Submission import program. Web Service
Import Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Corporate Card Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Corporate Card A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
corporate card attribute for any Privilege: Manage
corporate card in the enterprise Corporate Card
Attribute (Data)
Resource: Corporate
A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Transaction
corporate card attribute for any Management
corporate card transaction in Privilege: Manage
the enterprise Corporate Card
Attribute (Data)
Resource: Corporate
A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card Fact: Employee
Administrator can manage Transaction Expenses
corporate card for employee for Management Corporate Card
the business units for which Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
they are authorized Corporate Card for Expense BU
Employee (Data)
Resource: Business
Corporate Card A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Program Administrator can manage Account Administration
corporate card program for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Corporate Card
are authorized Program (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Corporate Card A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Transaction Administrator can create Transaction
corporate card issuer invoice Management
for the business units for which Privilege: Create
they are authorized Corporate Card Issuer
Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Transaction
corporate card transaction for Management
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Corporate Card
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Business
A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Transaction
outstanding corporate card Management
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Outstanding Corporate
authorized Card Transaction (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Policy A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
expense policy for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Expense Policy (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Expense Setup Option A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
expenses system option for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expenses System
are authorized Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Type A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
expense template for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense Template
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Request Administrator can manage Transaction
payables invoice for the Management
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Standard A Corporate Card Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice Administrator can manage Import Submission
payables invoice for all Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
business units in the enterprise Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payment Card A Corporate Card Role: Payee Bank
Administrator can view Account Management
employee credit card for any Privilege: View
employee corporate cards in the Employee Credit Card
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Org Address Email Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Org Address Phone Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Organization Address Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Organization Email Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Organization Party Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Organization Phone Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Party Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Person Address Contact Administrator can manage Account Administration
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Person Address Phone Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Person Email Contact Administrator can manage Account Administration
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Corporate Card Role: Corporate Card
Person Phone Contact Administrator can manage Account Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Corporate Card Administrator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Customer
Abstract Role: Employee
Identifies the person as an employee.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Employee

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server
Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments.
Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.
Person Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human
Management Resource Specialist to manage the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.
Person Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human
View Resource Specialist to view the phones, emails and other
communication methods in the portrait.
Person National Identifier View Grants access to persons to view national identifier.
Portrait Current and Completed Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in the
Tasks portrait, which includes HCM worklist tasks and user provisioning
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.
Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items,
correct receipts, and return receipts.
Requester Analysis Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement
cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition
BU that requester belongs to
Requisition Business Unit Data This role is used for Requisition Business Unit data security in the
Security data warehouse
Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing
requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition
Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated documents.
Duty Role Description
Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.
Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
View Secured Custom Help Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.
Workforce Profile Worker Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings,
options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are
required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular
offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for
that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those
offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Employee

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials


Access Person Gallery

Attachments User +
CRM Stage Write
Business Intelligence Consumer
Change Person Address
Change Person Marital Status
Compare HCM Information
Employee Enrollment
Expense Entry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Payee Bank Account Management
Manage My Account
Manage Person Documentation by Worker
Manage Person Name
Manage Personal Compensation
Manage Personal Payment Method
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials

Manage Worker Information Sharing
Payee Bank Account Management
Performance Management Worker
Person National Identifier View
Portrait Benefits
Print Worker Portrait
Procurement Requester
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Receiving Management Requester
Item Inquiry
Requester Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Requisition Business Unit Data Security
Requisition Self Service User
Social Connection Worker
US Employee Portrait Gallery
Use User Details Service
View Chinese Accounts
View Compensation Portrait Card
View Payslip
View Portrait Availability Card
View Portrait Contact Card
View Portrait Personal Information Card
View Portrait User Account Details Card
View Secured Custom Help
View Total Compensation Statements
Business Intelligence Consumer
Payee Bank Account Management
Workforce Profile Worker
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Employee

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Person Gallery Searches worker deferred data and views the
portrait page.
Access Portrait Payslip Grants access to a person's own payslip in the
Access Portrait Personal Payment Method Grants access to a person's payment methods in the
Change Person Address Grants access to persons to manage their own
address data.
Change Person Marital Status Grants access to a person to manage their own
marital status and related data.
Compare HCM Information Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any
combinations of these objects.
Indian Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within an Indian legal
employer to submit their tax investment declaration.
Maintain Absence Records Allows workers to enter, update and delete their
absence records.
Manage My Account Manages worker roles.
Manage Person Citizenship Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Disability by Worker Allows worker to manage their own disability
Manage Person Documentation Manages documents.
Manage Person Documentation by Worker Grants access to persons to manage their own
document data.
Manage Person Driver License Grants access to persons to manage their own driver
Manage Person Ethnicity Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Image Manage Person Image
Manage Person Name Maintains persons' name related attributes.
Manage Person Passport Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Religion Grants access to persons to manage their own
Manage Person Visa or Permit Grants access to persons to manage their own visas
and permits.
Manage Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward savings and
contribution type plans.
Manage Personal Payment Method Manages payment methods used to pay a person and
defines how the payments are split if multiple
payment methods are specified.
Manage Worker Information Sharing Shares own employment information with line
managers or external parties.
Portrait Benefits Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.
Print Worker Portrait Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for
the portrait cards.
Submit Resignation Allows worker to submit their own resignation.
US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer to
access US specific tasks.
Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person
Aggregate Privilege Description
View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance Allows workers to view balances of the accrual type
absence plans.
View Chinese Accounts Allows an employee within a Chinese legal
employer to view their PHF and social insurance
account numbers.
View Compensation Portrait Card Views compensation data for a worker in the
View Employment Information Summary Grants access to view a worker's employment
information summary.
View Payslip Views payslips.
View Portrait Availability Card Grants access to the availability card in the portrait,
which includes schedule, absence, and accrual
View Portrait Career Planning Card Grants access to the career planning card in the
View Portrait Contact Card Grants access to view the contact card in the
portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail,
other communication methods, work location
information, manager, directs and peers.
View Portrait Development and Growth Card Grants access to the development and growth card
in the portrait.
View Portrait Experience and Qualifications Card Grants access to the experience and qualifications
card in the portrait.
View Portrait Personal Information Card Grants access to a person's own personal and
employment information in the portrait.
View Portrait User Account Details Card Views the User Account Details card in the Person
View Total Compensation Statements Views generated total compensation statements for
individuals within their security profile.
Worker Time Card Entry Reports time by time card, as a worker.
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Employee.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Employee Identifies the person as an employee. Absence Entry Using
Access Competition Page
Access FUSE Directory
Access FUSE Performance
and Career Planning Page
Access FUSE Personal
Information Page
Access FUSE Time Page
Access Oracle Taleo
Recruiting Cloud Service
Access Tap Application
Approve Transactions
Create Product Idea
Enter Project Unprocessed
Expenditure Batch
Launch Oracle Social
Manage Development Goal
Manage Favorite Colleagues
Manage Mentorship
Manage My Contact
Information Mobile
Manage My Documents
Manage My Personal
Information Mobile
Manage My Portrait Work
Manage My Wellness
Manage Performance Goal
Manage Person
Manage Product Idea
Manage Reputation
Manage Reputation Scores
Manage Social Roles
Record and View Issue
Report Time by Web Clock
Review Product Ideas
View Notification Details
View Performance Goal
View Person Gallery Work
View Team Schedule
View Time by Calendar
Employee Enrollment Manages employee enrollments. Define Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Elect Benefits
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Maintain Plan Beneficiary
Maintain Primary Care
Review Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Expense Entry Creates and updates expense items and Manage Bank Account for
expense reports. Expense Reimbursement
Manage Expense Report
Review Expense
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Performance Management Adds content to rate to performance Create Performance
Worker document and evaluates self. Document by Worker
Print Performance
Provide Performance
Evaluation Feedback
Select Feedback Participants
Track Participant Feedback
View Performance
Information on Worker
Procurement Requester Prepares requisitions for themselves. Cancel Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Change Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Receiving Management Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service
Requester iProcurement to receive items, correct Receiving Receipt
receipts, and return receipts. Create Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Return
Monitor Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Work
Review Inbound Shipment
Review Receiving Receipt
Review Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
View Purchase Order
View Receiving Receipt
Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with
searching, and viewing requisitions, Changes to Deliver-to
creating noncatalog requests, creating Location
requisitions with one-time locations, and Create Requisition with
changing deliver-to locations on Noncatalog Requests
requisition lines. Create Requisition with One
Time Location
Manage Requisition
View Requisition
Requisition Viewing View requisition and associated Review Inbound Shipment
documents. Details
Review Receiving
Transaction History
View Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
View Requisition
View Supplier Negotiation
Social Connection Worker Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Add Someone to Social
Connection employee duties. Group
Create Social Group
Invite Social Connection
Invite Someone to Social
Link Social Group
Manage Kudos
Manage Message Board
Manage Social Bookmarks
Manage Social Connections
Manage Social Group
Manage Social Self-
descriptive Information
Unlink Social Group
View Activity Stream
View Related Social Groups
Time and Labor Worker Reports time as a worker. Access FUSE Time Page
Access Time Work Area
Report Time by Calendar
View Team Schedule
View Time by Calendar
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available
Workforce Profile Worker Performs workforce profile duties as an Define Talent Profile
employee or contingent worker. Define Talent Profile Item
Manage Model Talent
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Profile
Interest List
Match Talent Profile
Update Talent Profile Item
View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Employee

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment An Employee can delete Role: Procurement
application attachment for the Requester
purchase order categories Privilege: Delete
including miscellaneous, to Application Attachment
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Resource: Application
to approver, and to payables Attachment
An Employee can read Role: Procurement
application attachment for the Requester
negotiation categories including Privilege: Read
miscellaneous, to approver, to Application Attachment
buyer, to payables, to receiver, Resource: Application
and to supplier Attachment
An Employee can read Role: Procurement
application attachment for the Requester
purchase order categories Privilege: Read
including document, Application Attachment
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Resource: Application
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Attachment
and to payables
An Employee can update Role: Procurement
application attachment for the Requester
purchase order categories Privilege: Update
including miscellaneous, to Application Attachment
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
to approver, and to payables Attachment
Application Reference An Employee can choose Role: Change Person
Territory application reference territory Marital Status
for countries in their country Privilege: Choose
security profile Application Reference
Territory (Data)
Resource: Application
Reference Territory
Beneficiary An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Organization benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Beneficiary
Benefit Covered An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Dependent benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Covered Dependent
Benefit Participant An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Enrollment Action benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant An Employee can review Role: Employee
Enrollment Result benefit participant enrollment Enrollment
result for themselves Privilege: Review
Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant Rate An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Rate
Benefit Relation An Employee can manage Role: Employee
benefit relation for themselves Enrollment
Privilege: Manage
Benefit Relation (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Cash Advance An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note expense report approval note Privilege: Manage
for themselves Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Cash
Advance Approval
Corporate Card An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Transaction Dispute expense for themselves Privilege: Manage
Note Expense (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Card Transaction
Dispute Note
Expense An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
expense for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
expense report for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note expense report approval note Privilege: Manage
for themselves Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
HR Job An Employee can choose hr job Role: Employee
for all jobs in the enterprise Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Help Topic An Employee can view secured Role: View Secured
custom help content for all Custom Help
secured help content they are Privilege: View
authorized Secured Custom Help
Resource: Help Topic
Idea An Employee can manage Role: Employee
product idea where they are a Privilege: Manage
member of the idea team Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
An Employee can review Role: Employee
product idea where they are a Privilege: Review
member of the idea team Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
Item An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item asset maintenance group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Asset Maintenance
to in item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item attribute for the items they Privilege: Maintain
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
have access to in item and Item Attribute (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item basic for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Basic (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item costing group for the items Privilege: Maintain
they have access to in item and Item Costing Group
inventory organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item general planning group for Privilege: Maintain
the items they have access to in Item General Planning
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item inventory group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Inventory Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item invoicing group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Invoicing Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item lead times group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Lead Times Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item mrp and mps group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item MRP and MPS
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item order management group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Order
to in item and inventory Management Group
organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item pack for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Pack (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item people for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item People (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item physical group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Physical Group
item and inventory (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item primary group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Primary Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item process manufacturing Privilege: Maintain
group for the items they have Item Process
access to in item and inventory Manufacturing Group
organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item purchasing group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Purchasing Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item receiving group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Receiving Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item revision for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Revision (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item service group for the items Privilege: Maintain
they have access to in item and Item Service Group
inventory organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item structure for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Structure (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item structure group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Structure Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item web option group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Web Option
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Employee
item work in process group for Privilege: Maintain
the items they have access to in Item Work in Process
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Employee
attribute for the items they have Privilege: View Item
access to in item and inventory Attribute (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Employee can view item Role: Employee
basic for the items they have Privilege: View Item
access to in item and inventory Basic (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Employee
pack for the items they have Privilege: View Item
access to in item and inventory Pack (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Employee
structure for the items they Privilege: View Item
have access to in item and Structure (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
Payment Card An Employee can view Role: Payee Bank
employee credit card for any Account Management
employee corporate cards in the Privilege: View
enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Payroll Archive An Employee can view worker Role: Access Portrait
Information payslip portrait card for Payslip
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Payslip Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Archive Information
Payroll Personal An Employee can update US Role: US Employee
Deduction W-4 for themselves if they are Portrait Gallery
employed by a US legal Privilege: Update US
employer W-4 (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
An Employee can view chinese Role: View Chinese
accounts for themselves if they Accounts
are employed by a chinese legal Privilege: View
employer Chinese Accounts
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
An Employee can view indian Role: Indian Employee
tax investment declaration for Portrait Gallery
themselves if they are Privilege: View Indian
employed by an indian legal Tax Investment
employer Declaration
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
An Employee can view us end Role: US Employee
of year tax form for themselves Portrait Gallery
if they are employed by a us Privilege: View US
legal employer End of Year Tax Form
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
Payroll Relationship An Employee can manage Role: View Payslip
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
payroll person process results Privilege: Manage
for themselves Payroll Person Process
Results (Data)
Resource: Payroll
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Personal
payroll relationship for Payment Method
themselves Privilege: Manage
Payroll Relationship
Resource: Payroll
An Employee can view payroll Role: Manage Personal
relationship for themselves Payment Method
Privilege: View Payroll
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Payroll
An Employee can view person Role: View Payslip
payroll process results for Privilege: View Person
legislative data groups in their Payroll Process Results
legislative data group security (Data)
profile and people and Resource: Payroll
assignments in person and Relationship
assignment security profile and
for payroll statutory units in
their organization security
Person An Employee can change Role: Change Person
person address for themselves Address
Privilege: Change
Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can change Role: Change Person
person marital status for Marital Status
themselves Privilege: Change
Person Marital Status
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person citizenship for Citizenship
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Citizenship
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person driver license for Driver License
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Driver License
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person ethnicity for themselves Ethnicity
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person passport for themselves Passport
Privilege: Manage
Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person religion for themselves Religion
Privilege: Manage
Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person visa or permit for Visa or Permit
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Visa or Permit
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: View Portrait
worker public portrait for Personal Information
themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Worker Public Portrait
Resource: Person
An Employee can print worker Role: Print Worker
portrait for themselves Portrait
Privilege: Print Worker
Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can report person Role: Employee
for themselves Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can share worker Role: Manage Worker
information for themselves Information Sharing
Privilege: Share
Worker Information
Resource: Person
An Employee can view talent Role: View Portrait
profile experience and Experience and
qualifications for themselves Qualifications Card
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Experience and
Qualifications (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: View Portrait
availability portrait card for Availability Card
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Availability
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: View Portrait
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
career planning portrait card for Career Planning Card
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Career
Planning Portrait Card
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Current
current and completed tasks and Completed Tasks
portrait card for persons and Privilege: View
assignments in their person and Worker Current and
assignment security profile Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Current
current and completed tasks and Completed Tasks
portrait card for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Current and
Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: View Portrait
development and growth Development and
portrait card for themselves Growth Card
Privilege: View
Worker Development
and Growth Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: View Portrait
personal and employment Personal Information
portrait card for themselves Card
Privilege: View
Worker Personal and
Employment Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Absence Entry An Employee can maintain self Role: Maintain
service absence record for Absence Records
people and assignments in their Privilege: Maintain
person and assignment security Self Service Absence
profile Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
An Employee can maintain self Role: Maintain
service absence record for Absence Records
themselves Privilege: Maintain
Self Service Absence
Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Person Address An Employee can manage Role: View Portrait
person private address details Personal Information
for themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Private Address
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment An Employee can view person Role: Employee
assignment for persons and Privilege: View Person
assignments in their person and Assignment (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Communication An Employee can manage Role: Person
Method person communication method Communication
for themselves Methods Management
Privilege: Manage
Person Communication
Method (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Person
communication method for Communication
private communication Methods View
methods granted to the user for Privilege: View Person
persons in their person and Communication
assignment security profile Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Contact An Employee can manage Role: View Portrait
Relationship person contact details for Personal Information
themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Person Contact Details
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
An Employee can manage Role: View Portrait
person private contact details Personal Information
for themselves Card
Privilege: Manage
Person Private Contact
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
Person Disability An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person disability for themselves Disability by Worker
Privilege: Manage
Person Disability
Resource: Person
Person Documentation An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person documentation for Documentation
document types in their Privilege: Manage
document types security profile Person Documentation
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for themselves (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Manage Person
Documentation by
Privilege: Manage
Person Documentation
Resource: Person
An Employee can search Role: Manage Person
person documentation for Documentation
document types in their Privilege: Search
document types security profile Person Documentation
for themselves (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Email An Employee can manage Role: Person
person email for themselves Communication
Methods Management
Privilege: Manage
Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Person
email for work e-mail addresses Communication
and private e-mail addresses Methods View
granted to the user for persons Privilege: View Person
in their person and assignment Email (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Image An Employee can manage Role: Manage Person
person image for themselves Image
Privilege: Manage
Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Manage Person
image for themselves Image
Privilege: View Person
Image (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Life Event An Employee can manage Role: Employee
person life event for themselves Enrollment
Privilege: Manage
Person Life Event
Resource: Person Life
Person Name An Employee can change Role: Manage Person
person name for themselves Name
Privilege: Change
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person
Person National An Employee can view person Role: Person National
Identifier national identifier for Identifier View
themselves Privilege: View Person
National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Phone An Employee can manage Role: Person
person phone for themselves Communication
Methods Management
Privilege: Manage
Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Person
phone for work phone numbers Communication
and private phone numbers Methods View
granted to the user for persons Privilege: View Person
in their person and assignment Phone (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Plan Accrual An Employee can view accrual Role: View Accrual
plan balance for people and Type Absence Plan
assignments in their person and Balance
assignment security profile Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
An Employee can view accrual Role: View Accrual
plan balance for themselves Type Absence Plan
Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
Personal Payment An Employee can manage Role: Manage Personal
Method payroll relationship for Payment Method
legislative data groups in their Privilege: Manage
legislative data group security Payroll Relationship
profile (Data)
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
An Employee can manage Role: Manage Personal
personal payment method for Payment Method
themselves Privilege: Manage
Personal Payment
Method (Data)
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Employee can view payroll Role: Manage Personal
relationship for legislative data Payment Method
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile Relationship (Data)
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
An Employee can view worker Role: Access Portrait
payment method portrait card Personal Payment
for themselves Method
Privilege: View
Worker Payment
Method Portrait Card
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
Plan Beneficiary An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Designation benefits portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Plan
Portrait Private Note An Employee can manage Role: Employee
portrait private note for Privilege: Manage
themselves Portrait Private Note
Resource: Portrait
Private Note
Position An Employee can choose Role: Compare HCM
position for positions in their Information
position security profile Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Employee
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Primary Care Provider An Employee can define plan Role: Employee
primary care provider for Enrollment
themselves Privilege: Define Plan
Primary Care Provider
Resource: Primary
Care Provider
Public Person An Employee can choose Role: Procurement
public person for all workers in Requester
the enterprise Privilege: Choose
Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
An Employee can choose Role: Employee
public person for persons and Privilege: Choose
assignments in their person and Public Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
An Employee can compare hcm Role: Compare HCM
information for themselves Information
Privilege: Compare
HCM Information
Resource: Public
An Employee can search Role: Access Person
person deferred for persons and Gallery
assignments in their person and Privilege: Search
assignment security profile Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public
An Employee can view person Role: Use User Details
deferred for persons and Service
assignments in their person and Privilege: View Person
assignment security profile Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public
An Employee can view worker Role: View Portrait
contact portrait card for Contact Card
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Contact Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Public
Requisition An Employee can manage Role: Procurement
requisition for themselves for Requester
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business
An Employee can manage Role: Requisition Self
requisition for themselves for Service User
the financial business unit Privilege: Manage
associated with their primary Requisition (Data)
assignment Resource: Business
Salary An Employee can view worker Role: View
compensation portrait card for Compensation Portrait
themselves Card
Privilege: View
Worker Compensation
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Salary
Talent Profile An Employee can match talent Role: Workforce
profile person for themselves Profile Worker
Privilege: Match Talent
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
An Employee can view talent Role: Workforce
profile model for jobs in their Profile Worker
job security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Model (Data)
Resource: Talent
An Employee can view talent Role: Workforce
profile person for themselves Profile Worker
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
Talent Profile Item An Employee can view talent Role: Workforce
profile item worker for Profile Worker
themselves Privilege: View Talent
Profile Item Worker
Resource: Talent
Profile Item
Time Record Group An Employee can manage time Role: Worker Time
Summary cards for themselves Card Entry
Privilege: Manage
Time Cards (Data)
Resource: Time Record
Group Summary
Total Compensation An Employee can view total Role: View Total
Statement compensation statement already Compensation
generated for themselves Statements
Privilege: View Total
Statement Already
Generated (Data)
Resource: Total
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Org Address Email trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Org Address Phone trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Organization Address trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Organization Email trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Employee can view trading Role: Expense Entry
Organization Party community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Organization Phone trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Employee can view trading Role: Procurement
Party community contact for all Requester
trading community persons in Privilege: View
the enterprise except contacts Trading Community
created by partners. Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Employee can view trading Role: Expense Entry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Employee can view trading Role: Expense Entry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Employee can view trading Role: Expense Entry
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Person Address Contact trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Person Address Phone trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Person Email Contact trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Privilege: Manage
Preference contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Employee can view trading Role: Procurement
Relationship community relationship for all Requester
trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
An Employee can view trading Role: Procurement
community relationship for all Requester
trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
except partner contact Relationship (Data)
relationships, or relationships Resource: Trading
created by partners Community
Role: Requisition Self
Service User
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
User Role An Employee can self request Role: Manage My
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
roles for themselves Account
Privilege: Self Request
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
An Employee can view own Role: Manage My
account details for themselves Account
Privilege: View Own
Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role
Variable Compensation An Employee can manage Role: Manage Personal
Allocation variable compensation Compensation
allocation by worker for Privilege: Manage
themselves Variable Compensation
Allocation by Worker
Resource: Variable
Work Relationship An Employee can submit Role: Submit
resignation for themselves Resignation
Privilege: Submit
Resignation (Data)
Resource: Work
An Employee can view Role: View
employment information Employment
summary for themselves Information Summary
Privilege: View
Information Summary
Resource: Work
Worker An Employee can choose Role: Employee
worker for people and Privilege: Choose
assignments in their person and Worker (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Worker
An Employee can compare Role: Compare HCM
worker employment Information
information for themselves Privilege: Compare
Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker
An Employee can review Role: View Portrait
worker availability for Availability Card
themselves Privilege: Review
Worker Availability
Resource: Worker

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.
Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract
role Employee

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Enterprise Risk and Control Manager
Individual responsible for managing enterprise risks and controls.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Enterprise Risk and Control

Duty Role Description

Application Administration Application Administration
Application Administration Run application administration reports
Reporting Primary
Application Configurations Viewer Duties to view the application configurations
Application Data Source Manager Duties to manage Data Sources
Approve Assessment Primary Approve Assessments
Approve Consequence Primary Approve Consequences
Approve Control Assessment Approve Control Assessments
Approve Control Primary Approve Controls
Approve Event Primary Approve Events
Approve Issue Primary Approve Issues
Approve Perspective Primary Approve Perspectives
Approve Process Assessment Approve Process Assessments
Approve Process Primary Approve Process
Approve Remediation Plan Approve Remediation Plans
Approve Risk Assessment Primary Approve Risk Assessments
Approve Risk Primary Approve Risks
Approve Survey Primary Approve Surveys
Assessment Approver Composite Approve Assessment changes duties
Assessment Complete Primary Assessment Complete
Assessment Management Primary Assessment Management
Assessment Manager Composite Maintain Assessment duties
Assessment Report Viewing Assessment Report Viewings
Assessment Reporting Composite Assessment Reporting duties combined
Assessment Reporting Primary Assessment Reporting duties
Assessment Reviewer Composite Review Assessment changes duties
Assessment Viewer Composite View Assessment duties
Assessment Viewing Primary Assessment Viewings
Assign Incident Results Primary Assign Results for Investigation
Complete Control Assessment Complete Control Assessments
Complete Process Action Items Complete Process Action Items
Complete Process Assessment Complete Process Assessments
Complete Remediation Task Complete Remediation Tasks
Complete Risk Analysis Primary Complete Risk Analysis
Complete Risk Assessment Complete Risk Assessments
Duty Role Description
Complete Risk Evaluation Primary Complete Risk Evaluations
Complete Survey Primary Complete Surveys
Consequence Approver Composite Approve Risk Consequences
Consequence Management Primary Consequence Managements
Consequence Manager Composite Maintain Risk Consequences
Consequence Reviewer Composite Review Risk Consequences
Consequence Viewer Composite View Risk Consequences
Consequence Viewing Primary Consequence Viewings
Continuous Control Manager Duties to perform all task and activities for Continuous Controls
Continuous Control Monitoring Duties to run the Continuous Control Monitoring reports
Reports Management
Continuous Control Monitoring Continuous Control Monitoring Performs all the administration
System Administrator Composite tasks for the Continuous Control Monitoring applications
Continuous Control Monitoring Continuous Control Monitoring View system configuration
System Administrator Viewer
Continuous Control Report View Continuous Control Reports
Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Reporting Continuous Control Reporting Duty
Continuous Control Reporting Run Continuous Control Reports
Continuous Control Viewer Continuous Control Monitoring Views all types of Continuous
Composite Controls
Continuous Controls Application Performs all the administration tasks for the Continuous Controls
Administrator application
Control Approver Composite Approve Control changes
Control Assessment Result Control Assessment Result Viewings
Viewing Primary
Control Audit Test Assessment Approve Control Audit Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Control Audit Test Assessment Review Control Audit Assessment duties
Reviewer Composite
Control Audit Test Assessor Complete Control Audit Assessment duties
Control Certification Assessment Approve Control Assessment with type of Certification duties
Approver Composite
Control Certification Assessment Review Control Assessment with type of Certification duties
Reviewer Composite
Control Certification Assessor Complete Control Assessment with type of Certification duties
Control Design Review Approve Control Design Review Assessment duties
Assessment Approver Composite
Control Design Review Control Design Review Assessment Reviewer Job Duty Role
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Design Review Assessor Complete Control Design Review Assessment duties
Control Management Primary Control Management
Control Manager Composite Maintain control definition duties
Control Operational Assessment Approve assessments for operational controls
Approver Composite
Control Operational Assessment Review assessments for operational controls
Reviewer Composite
Control Operational Assessor Perform assessments for operational controls
Duty Role Description
Control Report Viewing Primary Control Report Viewings
Control Reporting Composite Generate control related reports
Control Reporting Primary Control Reporting duties
Control Reviewer Composite Review Control changes
Control Viewer Composite Ability to only view controls and their definitions
Control Viewing Primary Control Viewings
Create Issue for Control Create Issue for Control Assessments
Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Control within Create Issue for Control within Control Management
Control Management Primary
Create Issue for Process Create Issue for Process Assessments
Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process within Create Issue for Process within Process Management
Process Management Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Create Issue for Risk Analysis
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Create Issue for Risk Assessments
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Create Issue for Risk Evaluations
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Create Issue for Risk Treatments
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management
Management Primary
Create New Assessment Primary Create New Assessments
Create New Control Primary Create New Controls
Create New Issue Primary Create New Issues
Create New Perspective Primary Create New Perspectives
Create New Process Primary Create New Process
Create New Remediation Plan Create New Remediation Plans
Create New Risk Primary Create New Risks
Create New Survey Primary Create New Surveys
Create New Survey Question and Create New Survey Question and Templates
Template Primary
Event Approver Composite Approve Event duties
Event Management Primary Event Management
Event Manager Composite Manage Event duties
Event Reviewer Composite Review Event duties
Event Viewer Composite View Event duties
Event Viewing Primary Event Viewings
Financial Governance Access Financial Governance Access
Financial Governance Module General Financial Governance Management duties
Home Page Access Primary Home Page Access
Home Page Composite Log in and user preferences
Incident Result Investigator Duties to perform the investigation for Incident Results
Incident Result Manager Duties to perform all the tasks and activities for Incident Results
Issue Approver Composite Approve Issues duties
Issue Management Primary Issue Management
Issue Manager Composite Manage Issues duties
Issue Report Viewing Primary Issue Report Viewings
Issue Reporting Composite Issue reporting duties
Issue Reporting Primary Issue Reporting duties
Duty Role Description
Issue Reviewer Composite Review Issues duties
Issue Validation Primary Issue Validations
Issue Validator Composite Validate issues duties
Issue Viewer Composite View issues duties
Issue Viewing Primary Issue Viewings
Manage Access Control Manage Access Control Definitions Duty
Manage Access Simulations Manage Access Simulations Duty
Manage Application Administer the installation configurations
Configurations Primary
Manage Application Data Sources Maintain the data sources for Continuous Control Monitoring
Primary analysis
Manage Application Libraries Administer Business Objects, Patterns and Connectors
Manage Assessment Results Manage Assessment Results
Manage Continuous Controls Maintain Continuous Controls
Manage Incident Results Manage Incident Results Duty
Manage Incident Results Primary Maintain Results
Manage Job Schedules Primary Manage Job Schedules
Manage Jobs Primary Manage Jobs
Manage Security Primary Manage Security
Manage Transaction Control Manage Transaction Control Definitions Duty
Manage URL Repositories Primary Manage URL Repositories
Manage User Defined Business Create, edit and delete User Defined Business Objects that could be
Objects Primary of the type derived or spreadsheet
Manager System Administrator System administrator for the Manager application
Module Administration Primary Module Administrations
Perspective Approver Composite Approve perspectives duties
Perspective Management Primary Perspective Management
Perspective Manager Composite Manage perspectives duties
Perspective Reviewer Composite Review perspectives duties
Perspective Viewer Composite View perspectives duties
Perspective Viewing Primary Perspective Viewings
Process Approver Composite Approve process duties
Process Assessment Result Process Assessment Result Viewings
Viewing Primary
Process Audit Test Assessment Approve Process Audit Test Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Process Audit Test Assessment Review Process Audit Test Assessment duties
Reviewer Composite
Process Audit Test Assessor Assess Process Audit Test duties
Process Certification Assessment Approve Process Certification Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Process Certification Assessment Review Process Certification Assessment duties
Reviewer Composite
Process Certification Assessor Assess Process Certification duties
Process Design Review Approve Process Design Review Assessment duties
Assessment Approver Composite
Process Design Review Review Process Design Review Assessment duties
Duty Role Description
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Process Design Review Assessor Assess Process Design Review duties
Process Documentation Update Approve Process Documentation Update Assessment duties
Assessment Approver Composite
Process Documentation Update Review Process Documentation Update Assessment duties
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Process Documentation Update Assess Process Documentation Update duties
Assessor Composite
Process Management Primary Process Management
Process Manager Composite Manage Process duties
Process Operational Assessment Approve Process Operational Assessment duties
Approver Composite
Process Operational Assessment Review Process Operational Assessment Reviewer duties
Reviewer Composite
Process Operational Assessor Assess Process Operational Assessor
Process Report Viewing Primary Process Report Viewings
Process Reporting Composite Process reporting duties
Process Reporting Primary Process Reporting duties
Process Reviewer Composite Review processes duties
Process Viewer Composite View Processes duties
Process Viewing Primary Process Viewings
Remediation Plan Approver Approve Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Management Remediation Plan Management
Remediation Plan Manager Manage Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Reviewer Review Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Viewer View Remediation Plans duties
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary Remediation Plan Viewings
Remote Agent Manager Primary Continuous Control Monitoring Performs all the task to administer
the Remote Agents
Result Reporting Primary Run Result Reports
Review Assessment Primary Review Assessments
Review Consequence Primary Review Consequences
Review Control Assessment Review Control Assessments
Review Control Primary Review Controls
Review Event Primary Review Events
Review Issue Primary Review Issues
Review Perspective Primary Review Perspectives
Review Process Assessment Review Process Assessments
Review Process Primary Review Process
Review Remediation Plan Primary Review Remediation Plans
Review Risk Assessment Primary Review Risk Assessments
Review Risk Primary Review Risks
Review Survey Primary Review Surveys
Risk Analysis Management Risk Analysis Management
Risk Analysis Manager Composite Manage Risk Analysis duties
Duty Role Description
Risk Analysis Model Management Risk Analysis Model Managements
Risk Analysis Model Manager Manage Risk Analysis Models duties
Risk Analysis Model Viewing Risk Analysis Model Viewings
Risk Analysis Models Viewer View Risk Analysis Models duties
Risk Analyzer Composite Analyze Risk duties
Risk Approver Composite Approve Risks duties
Risk Assessment Approver Approve Risk Assessments duties
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Risk Assessment Result Viewings
Risk Assessment Reviewer Review Risk Assessments duties
Risk Assessor Composite Assess Risks duties
Risk Audit Assessment Approver Approve Risk Audit Assessments duties
Risk Audit Assessment Reviewer Review Risk Audit Assessments duties
Risk Audit Assessor Composite Assess Risk Audits duties
Risk Certification Assessment Approve Risk Certification Assessments duties
Approver Composite
Risk Certification Assessment Review Risk Certification Assessments duties
Reviewer Composite
Risk Certification Assessor Assess Risk Certifications duties
Risk Evaluation Management Risk Evaluation Management
Risk Evaluation Manager Manage Risk Evaluations duties
Risk Evaluation Model Risk Evaluation Model Management
Management Primary
Risk Evaluation Model Viewing Risk Evaluation Model Viewings
Risk Evaluation Models Manager Manage Risk Evaluation Models duties
Risk Evaluation Models Viewer View Risk Evaluation Models duties
Risk Evaluator Composite Risk Evaluator duties
Risk Management Primary Risk Management
Risk Manager Composite Risk Manager duties
Risk Report Viewing Primary Risk Report Viewings
Risk Reporting Composite Risk Reporting duties
Risk Reporting Primary Risk Reporting duties
Risk Reviewer Composite Review Risks and changes
Risk Viewing Primary Risk Viewings
Run Control Reports Primary Run Control Reports Primary Duty
Security Administration Reporting Run Security Administration Reports
Security Manager Maintains GRC security roles and users
Security Manager Composite Manage security
Security Viewer Duties to View and report on GRC security roles and users
Survey Approver Composite Approve Surveys duties
Duty Role Description
Survey Management Primary Survey Management
Survey Manager Composite Manage Surveys duties
Survey Responder Composite Survey Responder duties
Survey Reviewer Composite Review Surveys duties
Survey Viewer Composite View Surveys duties
Survey Viewing Primary Survey Viewings
System Administrator Composite System Administrator duties
Transaction Administrator Set of duty roles to performs all the tasks and activities for
Transaction Controls Governor
View Access Models Primary Manage Access Models View Only
View Application Configurations View the application configuration settings
View Application Data Sources View Data sources
View Application Libraries View Business Objects, Patterns and Connectors
View Continuous Controls Primary Manage Access Continuous Controls view only
View Security Primary Manage Security

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Enterprise Risk and Control

Inherited Roles
Enterprise Risk and Control Manager
Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Assessment Primary
Assessment Complete Primary
Assessment Viewing Primary
Assessment Manager Composite
Assessment Complete Primary
Assessment Management Primary
Assessment Report Viewing Primary
Assessment Reporting Primary
Assessment Viewing Primary
Create New Assessment Primary
Assessment Reporting Composite
Assessment Report Viewing Primary
Assessment Reporting Primary
Assessment Reviewer Composite
Assessment Complete Primary
Assessment Viewing Primary
Review Assessment Primary
Assessment Viewer Composite
Assessment Viewing Primary
Consequence Approver Composite
Approve Consequence Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Consequence Manager Composite
Consequence Management Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Consequence Reviewer Composite
Inherited Roles
Consequence Viewing Primary
Review Consequence Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Consequence Viewer Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Manager
Application Data Source Manager
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring Reports Management
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Continuous Controls Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage User Defined Business Objects Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring System Administrator Composite
Application Data Source Manager
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Continuous Controls Application Administrator
Application Administration Reporting Primary
Manage Application Configurations Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Module Administration Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Security Manager
Review Event Primary
Review Risk Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring System Administrator Viewer Composite
Application Configurations Viewer
Application Administration Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
View Application Configurations Primary
Security Viewer
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
View Application Data Sources Primary
View Application Libraries Primary
Continuous Control Viewer Composite
Manage Transaction Control Definitions
View Access Models Primary
View Continuous Controls Primary
Control Approver Composite
Inherited Roles
Approve Control Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control within Control Management Primary
Control Audit Test Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Audit Test Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Audit Test Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Certification Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Certification Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Certification Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Design Review Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Design Review Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Design Review Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Manager Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Management Primary
Control Report Viewing Primary
Control Reporting Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Inherited Roles
Create Issue for Control within Control Management Primary
Create New Control Primary
Control Operational Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Operational Assessment Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Review Control Assessment Primary
Control Operational Assessor Composite
Complete Control Assessment Primary
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control Assessment Primary
Control Reporting Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Report Viewing Primary
Control Reporting Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Control Reviewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Control within Control Management Primary
Review Control Primary
Control Viewer Composite
Control Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Control Viewing Primary
Event Approver Composite
Approve Event Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Event Manager Composite
Event Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Event Reviewer Composite
Event Viewing Primary
Review Event Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Event Viewer Composite
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Financial Governance Module Composite
Complete Survey Primary
Financial Governance Access Primary
Home Page Composite
Home Page Access Primary
Incident Result Investigator
Continuous Control Monitoring Reports Management
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Inherited Roles
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Continuous Control Report Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Reporting Primary
Manage Incident Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Incident Result Manager
Assign Incident Results Primary
Continuous Control Monitoring Reports Management
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Continuous Control Report Viewing Primary
Continuous Control Reporting Primary
Manage Incident Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Issue Approver Composite
Approve Issue Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Manager Composite
Create New Issue Primary
Issue Management Primary
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Composite
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Reviewer Composite
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Review Issue Primary
Issue Validator Composite
Issue Management Primary
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Issue Validation Primary
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Issue Viewer Composite
Issue Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Manager System Administrator Composite
Application Administration Primary
Application Administration Reporting Primary
Manage Application Configurations Primary
Inherited Roles
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Assessment Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage URL Repositories Primary
Module Administration Primary
Perspective Approver Composite
Approve Perspective Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Perspective Manager Composite
Create New Perspective Primary
Perspective Management Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Perspective Reviewer Composite
Approve Perspective Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Perspective Viewer Composite
Create New Perspective Primary
Process Approver Composite
Perspective Management Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Review Perspective Primary
Process Audit Test Assessment Approver Composite
Approve Process Primary
Create Issue for Process within Process Management Primary
Perspective Viewing Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Audit Test Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Audit Test Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Certification Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Certification Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Certification Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Design Review Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Design Review Assessment Reviewer Composite
Inherited Roles
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Design Review Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Documentation Update Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Documentation Update Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Documentation Update Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Manager Composite
Complete Process Action Items Primary
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process within Process Management Primary
Create New Process Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Operational Assessment Approver Composite
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Management Primary
Process Report Viewing Primary
Process Reporting Primary
Process Operational Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Operational Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Reporting Composite
Complete Process Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Process Assessment Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Review Process Assessment Primary
Process Reviewer Composite
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Report Viewing Primary
Process Reporting Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Process Viewer Composite
Inherited Roles
Create Issue for Process within Process Management Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Approver Composite
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Manager Composite
Approve Remediation Plan Primary
Complete Remediation Task Primary
Create New Remediation Plan Primary
Process Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Process Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Review Process Primary
Remediation Plan Reviewer Composite
Issue Report Viewing Primary
Issue Reporting Primary
Remediation Plan Viewer Composite
Issue Viewing Primary
Risk Analysis Manager Composite
Complete Risk Analysis Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Remediation Plan Management Primary
Remediation Plan Viewing Primary
Review Remediation Plan Primary
Risk Analysis Model Manager Composite
Risk Analysis Management Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Report Viewing Primary
Risk Analysis Models Viewer Composite
Risk Reporting Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Analyzer Composite
Complete Risk Analysis Primary
Risk Analysis Model Management Primary
Risk Analysis Model Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Approver Composite
Approve Consequence Primary
Approve Event Primary
Approve Risk Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Approver Composite
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Primary
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Risk Assessment Primary
Inherited Roles
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Review Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Audit Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Audit Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Audit Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Review Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Certification Assessment Approver Composite
Complete Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Certification Assessment Reviewer Composite
Approve Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Certification Assessor Composite
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Review Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluation Manager Composite
Complete Risk Assessment Primary
Complete Risk Evaluation Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluation Models Manager Composite
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluation Models Viewer Composite
Risk Evaluation Management Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Evaluator Composite
Risk Evaluation Model Management Primary
Risk Evaluation Model Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Inherited Roles
Risk Manager Composite
Complete Risk Evaluation Primary
Consequence Management Primary
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Primary
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management Primary
Create New Risk Primary
Event Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Reporting Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Management Primary
Risk Report Viewing Primary
Risk Reporting Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Risk Reviewer Composite
Consequence Viewing Primary
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Primary
Create Issue for Risk Assessment Primary
Create Issue for Risk Evaluation Primary
Create Issue for Risk Treatment Primary
Create Issue for Risk within Risk Management Primary
Event Viewing Primary
Risk Assessment Result Viewing Primary
Risk Report Viewing Primary
Risk Reporting Primary
Risk Viewing Primary
Security Manager Composite
Review Consequence Primary
Survey Approver Composite
Manage Security Primary
Security Manager
Review Event Primary
Review Risk Primary
Survey Manager Composite
Approve Survey Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
View Security Primary
Survey Responder Composite
Survey Viewing Primary
Survey Reviewer Composite
Create New Survey Primary
Create New Survey Question and Template Primary
Survey Viewer Composite
Survey Management Primary
Survey Viewing Primary
System Administrator Composite
Application Administration Primary
Application Administration Reporting Primary
Complete Survey Primary
Inherited Roles
Manage Application Configurations Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Assessment Results Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage URL Repositories Primary
Module Administration Primary
Review Survey Primary
Survey Viewing Primary
Transaction Administrator
Application Data Source Manager
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Continuous Control Reporting
Manage Application Configurations Primary
Manage Application Data Sources Primary
Manage Application Libraries Primary
Manage Continuous Controls Primary
Manage Incident Results
Manage Job Schedules Primary
Manage Jobs Primary
Manage Transaction Control Definitions
Manage User Defined Business Objects Primary
Remote Agent Manager Primary
Result Reporting Primary
Run Control Reports Primary
Security Administration Reporting Primary
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Enterprise Risk and
Control Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Enterprise Risk and Control Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Application Administration Application Administration Maintain Installation
Primary Options
Manage Assessment Results
Manage Content Types
Manage Lookup Tables
Manage URL Repositories
Manage Value Sets
Application Administration Run application administration reports Change History Report
Reporting Primary Pending Activity Report
Related Objects Report
Worklist Items Requiring
Approve Assessment Primary Approve Assessments Approve Assessment Plan
Approve Assessment
Template Changes
Approve Consequence Approve Consequences Approve Consequence
Primary Changes
Approve Control Assessment Approve Control Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Control
Approve Control
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Approve Control Primary Approve Controls Approve Control Changes
Approve Event Primary Approve Events Approve Event Changes
Approve Issue Primary Approve Issues Approve Manager Issue
Approve Perspective Primary Approve Perspectives Approve Perspective
Hierarchy Changes
Approve Perspective item
Approve Process Assessment Approve Process Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Base Object
Approve Base Object
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Approve Process Primary Approve Process Approve Base Object
Approve Remediation Plan Approve Remediation Plans Approve Manager Issue
Primary Changes
Approve Remediation Plan
Approve Risk Assessment Approve Risk Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Risk Assessment
Approve Risk Assessment
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Approve Risk Primary Approve Risks Approve Risk Changes
Approve Survey Primary Approve Surveys Approve Survey Template
Assessment Complete Primary Assessment Complete Complete Assessment
Assessment Management Assessment Management Assign Assessment
Primary Worklists
Cancel Assessment
Close Assessment
Edit Assessment Due Date
Edit Assessment Plan
Edit Assessment Template
Initiate Assessment
Assessment Report Viewing Assessment Report Viewings Assessment Details Report
Primary Control Assessment Extract
Control Assessment report
Assessment Reporting Primary Assessment Reporting duties Assessment Details Report
Compliance Status Report
Control Assessment Details
Control Assessment Extract
Control Assessment report
Assessment Viewing Primary Assessment Viewings View Assessment
View Assessment Plan
View Assessment Plan
Approval History
View Assessment Template
View Template Approval
Complete Control Assessment Complete Control Assessments Complete Assessment from
Primary GRC Dashboard
Complete Control
Edit Assessment Due Date
Complete Process Action Complete Process Action Items Complete Action Items
Items Primary
Complete Process Assessment Complete Process Assessments Complete Assessment from
Primary GRC Dashboard
Complete Base Object
Edit Assessment Due Date
Complete Remediation Task Complete Remediation Tasks Complete Remediation Task
Primary Edit Remediation Task
Complete Risk Analysis Complete Risk Analysis Complete Risk Analysis
Complete Risk Assessment Complete Risk Assessments Complete Assessment from
Primary GRC Dashboard
Complete Risk Assessment
Edit Assessment Due Date
Complete Risk Evaluation Complete Risk Evaluations Complete Risk Evaluation
Complete Survey Primary Complete Surveys Complete Survey
Consequence Management Consequence Managements Create Consequence
Primary Delete Consequence
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Edit Consequence
Consequence Viewing Primary Consequence Viewings View Consequence
View Consequence
Approval History
View Risk
Continuous Control Reporting Continuous Control Reporting Duty Conditions Report
Control Detail Extract
View Control Detail Extract
Control Assessment Result Control Assessment Result Viewings View Control Assessment
Viewing Primary Results
Control Management Primary Control Management Assign Control Assessment
Control Scope Report
Create Control Ad Hoc
Create Control from Related
Edit Control
Manager Control Details
Control Report Viewing Control Report Viewings Manager Control Details
Primary Report
Related Objects Report
Control Reporting Primary Control Reporting duties Manager Control Details
Related Objects Report
Control Viewing Primary Control Viewings View Control
View Control Approval
View Control Assessment
Approval History
View Control Incidents from
Complete Control
View Control Incidents from
Manage Control
View Manager Issues from
Complete Control
View Manager Issues from
Manage Control
Create Issue for Control Create Issue for Control Assessments Create Manager Issue for
Assessment Primary Control Assessment
Create Issue for Control within Create Issue for Control within Control Create Manager Issue for
Control Management Primary Management Control Definition
Create Issue for Process Create Issue for Process Assessments Create Manager Issue for
Assessment Primary Base Object Assessment
Create Issue for Process within Create Issue for Process within Process Create Manager Issue for
Process Management Primary Management Base Object Definition
Create Issue for Risk Analysis Create Issue for Risk Analysis Create Manager Issue for
Primary Risk Analysis
Create Issue for Risk Create Issue for Risk Assessments Create Manager Issue for
Assessment Primary Risk Assessment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Issue for Risk Create Issue for Risk Evaluations Create Manager Issue for
Evaluation Primary Risk Evaluation
Create Issue for Risk Create Issue for Risk Treatments Create Manager Issue for
Treatment Primary Risk Treatment
Create Issue for Risk within Create Issue for Risk within Risk Create Manager Issue for
Risk Management Primary Management Risk Definition
Create New Assessment Create New Assessments Create Assessment Plan
Primary Create Assessment Template
Delete Assessment Plan
Delete Assessment Template
Create New Control Primary Create New Controls Create Control
Delete Control
Create New Issue Primary Create New Issues Create Manager Issue
Delete Manager Issue
Create New Perspective Create New Perspectives Create Perspective
Primary Hierarchy
Create Perspective Item
Delete Perspective
Create New Process Primary Create New Process Create Action Items
Create Base Object
Delete Base Object
Create New Remediation Plan Create New Remediation Plans Create Remediation Plan
Primary Create Remediation Task
Delete Remediation Plan
Create New Risk Primary Create New Risks Create Fin Gov Risk
Create Risk
Create Risk from Related
Delete Risk
Create New Survey Primary Create New Surveys Create Survey
Delete Survey
Create New Survey Question Create New Survey Question and Create Question
and Template Primary Templates Create Question Choice Sets
Create Survey Template
Delete Survey Template
Event Management Primary Event Management Create Event
Delete Event
Edit Event
Event Viewing Primary Event Viewings View Event
View Event Approval
View Risk
Financial Governance Access Financial Governance Access Display Financial
Primary Governance in the Navigator
Home Page Access Primary Home Page Access GRC Application Log in
Manage User Preferences
Issue Management Primary Issue Management Close Manager Issue
Edit Manager Issue
Issue Report Viewing Primary Issue Report Viewings Manager Issue Details
Manager Issue Listing
Extract Report
Issue Reporting Primary Issue Reporting duties Manager Issue Details
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manager Issue Listing
Extract Report
Issue Validation Primary Issue Validations Validate Manager Issue
Issue Viewing Primary Issue Viewings View Manager Issue
Approval History
View Manager Issues
View Remediation Plan
Approval History
Manage Access Control Manage Access Control Definitions Duty Create Custom Business
Definitions Object
Delete Custom Business
Manage Application Administer the installation configurations Analytics Tab in Manage
Configurations Primary Application Configurations
Attachment Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Edit Application
Maintenance Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application
Notification Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Properties Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Security Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
User Integration Tab in
Manage Application
Worklist Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application Data Maintain the data sources for Continuous Create Data Source
Sources Primary Control Monitoring analysis Data Sources Tab in Manage
Application Data
Delete Data Source
Edit Data Source
Manage Application Data
Rebuild Graph
Save Data Source
Schedule Synchronizations
Synchronize Access Data
Synchronize Transaction
Data Source
Test Connections
Manage Application Libraries Administer Business Objects, Patterns Business Objects Tab in
Primary and Connectors Manage Application Data
Custom Connector Tab in
Manage Application Data
Delete Custom Connector
Export Development
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Export Mapping Template
Import Business Object
Import Business Object
Import Custom Connector
Import Patterns
Manage Application
Patterns Tab in Manage
Application Data
Manage Assessment Results Manage Assessment Results Manage Assessment Results
Manage Continuous Controls Maintain Continuous Controls Add Comments to
Primary Continuous Control
Assign Perspectives in
Manage Control Incidents
Continuous Control
Contextual Reports
Control Detail Extract
Copy Continuous Control
Create Transaction
Continuous Control within
Manage Continuous
Edit Continuous Control
Export Continuous Controls
Import Continuous Controls
Manage Continuous
Mass Edit Continuous
Run Continuous Control
Manage Incident Results Manage Incident Results Duty Assign Incident Result
Edit Incident Result
Incident Result Contextual
Manage Incident Results
Relate Result to Manager
View Control Summary
View Incident Result
Manage Job Schedules Manage Job Schedules Manage Risks and Controls
Primary Schedules
Manage Jobs Primary Manage Jobs Cancel Continuous Control
Monitoring Job
Cancel Job
Manage Continuous Control
Monitoring Jobs
Purge Continuous Control
Monitoring Jobs
Purge Jobs
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Security Primary Manage Security Create Data Security Policy
Create Data Security Policy
Authoring Train
Define Data Security Policy
Edit Data Security Policy
Inaccessible Records Report
Initiate Seeded Mappings
Record Assignment Report
Unassigned Perspective
View Data Security Policy
View Data Security Policy
Manage Transaction Control Manage Transaction Control Definitions Create Custom Business
Definitions Duty Object
Create Transaction Model
within Manage Models
Delete Custom Business
Manage Transaction Models
Run Synchronization for
Transaction Incident Details
Extract Report
View Transaction Model
Manage URL Repositories Manage URL Repositories Manage URL Repositories
Manage User Defined Create, edit and delete User Defined Create User Defined
Business Objects Primary Business Objects that could be of the type Business Objects
derived or spreadsheet Delete User Defined
Business Objects
Edit User Defined Business
View User Defined Business
Module Administration Module Administrations Create Import Template
Primary Create Module
Create User Defined
Edit Module
Edit Object Configuration
for a Module
Edit Perspectives for a
Edit User Defined Attributes
Import Data File
Manage Shared Objects
View Module
View Object Configuration
for a Module
View Perspectives for a
View User Defined
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Perspective Management Perspective Management Edit Perspective Hierarchy
Primary Edit Perspective Item
Perspective Viewing Primary Perspective Viewings View Perspective Hierarchy
View Perspective Hierarchy
Approval History
View Perspective Item
View Perspective Item
Approval History
Process Assessment Result Process Assessment Result Viewings View Base Object
Viewing Primary Assessment Results
Process Management Primary Process Management Assign Base Object
Assessment Worklist
Create Action Items
Create Base Object Ad Hoc
Edit Base Object
Process Report Viewing Process Report Viewings Related Objects Report
Process Reporting Primary Process Reporting duties Base Object Assessment
Extract Report
Process Viewing Primary Process Viewings View Base Object
View Base Object Approval
View Base Object
Assessment Approval
View Control Incidents from
Complete Base Object
View Control Incidents from
Manage Base Object
View Manager Issues from
Complete Base Object
View Manager Issues from
Manage Base Object
Remediation Plan Remediation Plan Management Close Manager Issue
Management Primary Complete Remediation Plan
Complete Remediation Task
Create Remediation Task
Edit Manager Issue
Edit Remediation Plan
Edit Remediation Task
Manager Issue Details
Manager Issue Listing
Extract Report
Validate Manager Issue
Remediation Plan Viewing Remediation Plan Viewings View Remediation Plan
Primary View Remediation Plan
Approval History
Remote Agent Manager Continuous Control Monitoring Performs Create Remote Agent
Primary all the task to administer the Remote Delete Remote Agent
Agents Manage Remote Agent
View Remote Agent
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Result Reporting Primary Run Result Reports Result By Control Summary
Extract Report
Result Summary Extract
Transaction Incident Details
Extract Report
Review Assessment Primary Review Assessments Review Assessment Plan
Review Assessment
Template Changes
Review Consequence Primary Review Consequences Review Consequence
Review Control Assessment Review Control Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Control
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Review Control Assessment
Review Control Primary Review Controls Review Control Changes
Review Event Primary Review Events Review Event Changes
Review Issue Primary Review Issues Review Manager Issue
Review Perspective Primary Review Perspectives Review Perspective
Hierarchy Changes
Review Perspective Item
Review Process Assessment Review Process Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Base Object
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Review Base Object
Review Process Primary Review Process Review Base Object
Review Remediation Plan Review Remediation Plans Review Manager Issue
Primary Changes
Review Remediation Plan
Review Risk Assessment Review Risk Assessments Add Attachments to a
Primary Completed Risk Assessment
Complete Assessment from
GRC Dashboard
Review Risk Assessment
Review Risk Primary Review Risks Review Risk Changes
Review Survey Primary Review Surveys Review Survey Template
Risk Analysis Management Risk Analysis Management Create Risk Analysis
Primary Edit Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Model Risk Analysis Model Managements Manage Impact Models for
Management Primary Risk
Manage Likelihood Models
for Risk
Manage Risk Analysis
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Risk Analysis Model Viewing Risk Analysis Model Viewings View Impact Models for
Primary Risk
View Likelihood Models for
View Risk Analysis Model
Risk Assessment Result Risk Assessment Result Viewings View Risk Assessment
Viewing Primary Results
Risk Evaluation Management Risk Evaluation Management Create Risk Evaluation
Primary Delete Risk Evaluation
Edit Risk Evaluation
Risk Evaluation Model Risk Evaluation Model Management Manage Context Models for
Management Primary Risk
Manage Significance
Models for Risk
Risk Evaluation Model Risk Evaluation Model Viewings View Context Models for
Viewing Primary Risk
View Significance Models
for Risk
Risk Management Primary Risk Management Assign Risk Assessment
Create Risk Ad Hoc
Create Treatment Plan for
Edit Risk
Edit Treatment Plan for Risk
Risk Control Matrix Extract
- Financial Governance
Risk Control Matrix Extract
Risk Control Matrix Report
- Financial Governance
Risk Report Viewing Primary Risk Report Viewings Related Objects Report
Risk Control Matrix Extract
- Financial Governance
Risk Control Matrix Extract
Risk Control Matrix Report
- Financial Governance
Risk Reporting Primary Risk Reporting duties Related Objects Report
Risk Control Matrix Extract
- Financial Governance
Risk Control Matrix Extract
Risk Control Matrix Report
- Financial Governance
Risk Viewing Primary Risk Viewings View Context Models for
View Control Incidents from
Complete Risk Assessment
View Control Incidents from
Manage Risk
View Fin Gov Risk
View Manager Issues from
Complete Risk Assessment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Manager Issues from
Manage Risk
View Related Control
View Risk
View Risk Analysis
View Risk Approval History
View Risk Assessment
Approval History
View Significance Models
for Risk
Run Control Reports Primary Run Control Reports Primary Duty Control Detail Extract
Security Administration Run Security Administration Reports Inaccessible Records Report
Reporting Primary Record Assignment Report
Unassigned Perspective
Survey Management Primary Survey Management Create Question Choice Sets
Edit Question
Edit Question Choice Sets
Edit Survey
Edit Survey Template
Notify Survey Translators
Survey Viewing Primary Survey Viewings View Question Choice Sets
View Survey Questions
View Survey Responses
View Survey Template
View Survey Template
Approval History
View Surveys
View Application View the application configuration Analytics Tab in Manage
Configurations Primary settings Application Configurations
Attachment Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Manage Application
Notification Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Properties Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
Security Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
User Integration Tab in
Manage Application
Worklist Tab in Manage
Application Configurations
View Application Data View Data sources Data Sources Tab in Manage
Sources Primary Application Data
Manage Application Data
View Application Libraries View Business Objects, Patterns and Business Objects Tab in
Primary Connectors Manage Application Data
Custom Connector Tab in
Manage Application Data
Manage Application
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Patterns Tab in Manage
Application Data
View Continuous Controls Manage Access Continuous Controls Continuous Control
Primary view only Contextual Reports
Manage Continuous
Open Continuous Control
View Continuous Control
View Security Primary Manage Security View Data Security Policy
View Data Security Policy
Job Role: Expense Audit Manager
Plans, leads, and controls the activities of the internal audit staff to achieve the objectives
of the Internal Audit function for an organization.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Expense Audit Manager

Duty Role Description

Download data for Expenses Allows to download payment instruction files for third party
Export payment integration.
Expense Audit Audits expense reports for compliance with company's policies.
Expense Export Processes expense reports for payment request generation and
subsequent payment.
Expense Receipt Management Checks in expense report receipt packages and uploads scanned
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Upload data for Expenses Import Allows to upload payment status file for each expense report data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Expense Audit Manager

Inherited Roles
Expense Audit Manager
Expense Auditor
Download data for Expenses Export
Expense Audit
Expense Export
Payables Invoice Import Submission
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Expense Receipt Management
Functional Setups
Upload data for Expenses Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Expense Audit

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Expense Audit Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Expense Audit Audits expense reports for compliance Audit Cash Advance
with company's policies. Audit Expense Report
Audit Travel Authorization
Generate Overdue Cash
Advance Notification
Process Expense Report
with Overdue or Missing
Expense Auditor Reviews and audits expense reports on a Manage Contingent Workers
daily basis to ensure compliance with the Manage Expense Audit List
company's reimbursement policy. Membership
Manage File Import and
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Expense Export Processes expense reports for payment Export Expense Report
request generation and subsequent Import Payables Invoice
payment. Manage Expense Auditing
Prepare Expense Report for
Review Expense Report
Payables Document
Review Rejected Expense
View Payables Invoice
Expense Receipt Management Checks in expense report receipt Manage Expense Auditing
packages and uploads scanned images. Manage Expense Report
Receipt Package
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Create Payables Invoice by
Submission import program. Web Service
Import Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Expense Audit Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
audit cash advance for the Privilege: Audit Cash
business units for which they Advance (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Export
process expense report for Privilege: Process
reimbursement for the business Expense Report for
units for which they are Reimbursement (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
audit cash advance for the Privilege: Audit Cash
business units for which they Advance (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Export
process expense report for Privilege: Process
reimbursement for the business Expense Report for
units for which they are Reimbursement (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Approval Note manage expense report Privilege: Manage
approval note for the cash Expense Report
advances for which they are Approval Note (Data)
authorized Resource: Cash
Advance Approval
Cash Advance Auditor An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Note manage expense report auditor Privilege: Manage
note for the cash advances for Expense Report
which they are authorized Auditor Note (Data)
Resource: Cash
Advance Auditor Note
Employee An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Export
view employee details for Privilege: View
expenses for the business units Employee Details for
for which they are authorized Expenses (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
manage expense for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Expense Report An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
audit expense report for the Privilege: Audit
business units for which they Expense Report (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
manage expense report for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense Report (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Expense Receipt
Privilege: Manage
Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Business
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Export
process expense report for Privilege: Process
reimbursement for the business Expense Report for
units for which they are Reimbursement (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Export
review expense report payables Privilege: Review
document for the business units Expense Report
for which they are authorized Payables Document
Resource: Business
Expense Report An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Approval Note manage expense report Privilege: Manage
approval note for the expense Expense Report
reports for which they are Approval Note (Data)
authorized Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
Expense Report Auditor An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Note manage expense report auditor Privilege: Manage
note for the expense reports for Expense Report
which they are authorized Auditor Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Auditor Note
Payables Payment An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Export
Request manage payables invoice for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payables Invoice (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Payables Standard An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice manage payables invoice for all Import Submission
business units in the enterprise Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Org Address Email manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Org Address Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Organization Address manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Organization Email manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact Preference
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Organization Party view trading community Privilege: View
organization for all Trading Community
organizations in the enterprise Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Organization Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Party view trading community person Privilege: View
for all people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
view trading community person Privilege: View
for all people in the enterprise Trading Community
other than sales accounts and Person (Data)
sales prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
view trading community person Privilege: View
for all resources in the Trading Community
enterprise Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Person Address Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Person Address Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Person Email Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Expense Audit Manager can Role: Expense Auditor
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Expense Export
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Phone Contact

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Expense Audit Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Expense Auditor
Reviews and audits expense reports on a daily basis to ensure compliance with the
company's reimbursement policy.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Expense Auditor

Duty Role Description

Download data for Expenses Allows to download payment instruction files for third party
Export payment integration.
Expense Audit Audits expense reports for compliance with company's policies.
Expense Export Processes expense reports for payment request generation and
subsequent payment.
Expense Receipt Management Checks in expense report receipt packages and uploads scanned
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Upload data for Expenses Import Allows to upload payment status file for each expense report data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Expense Auditor

Inherited Roles
Expense Auditor
Download data for Expenses Export
Expense Audit
Expense Export
Payables Invoice Import Submission
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Expense Receipt Management
Functional Setups
Upload data for Expenses Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Expense Auditor

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Expense Auditor.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Expense Audit Audits expense reports for compliance Audit Cash Advance
with company's policies. Audit Expense Report
Audit Travel Authorization
Generate Overdue Cash
Advance Notification
Process Expense Report
with Overdue or Missing
Expense Auditor Reviews and audits expense reports on a Manage Contingent Workers
daily basis to ensure compliance with the Manage Expense Audit List
company's reimbursement policy. Membership
Manage File Import and
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Expense Export Processes expense reports for payment Export Expense Report
request generation and subsequent Import Payables Invoice
payment. Manage Expense Auditing
Prepare Expense Report for
Review Expense Report
Payables Document
Review Rejected Expense
View Payables Invoice
Expense Receipt Management Checks in expense report receipt Manage Expense Auditing
packages and uploads scanned images. Manage Expense Report
Receipt Package
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Create Payables Invoice by
Submission import program. Web Service
Import Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Expense Auditor

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can audit Role: Expense Audit
cash advance for the business Privilege: Audit Cash
units for which they are Advance (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
process expense report for Privilege: Process
reimbursement for the business Expense Report for
units for which they are Reimbursement (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can audit Role: Expense Audit
cash advance for the business Privilege: Audit Cash
units for which they are Advance (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
process expense report for Privilege: Process
reimbursement for the business Expense Report for
units for which they are Reimbursement (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Audit
Approval Note manage expense report Privilege: Manage
approval note for the cash Expense Report
advances for which they are Approval Note (Data)
authorized Resource: Cash
Advance Approval
Cash Advance Auditor An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Audit
Note manage expense report auditor Privilege: Manage
note for the cash advances for Expense Report
which they are authorized Auditor Note (Data)
Resource: Cash
Advance Auditor Note
Employee An Expense Auditor can view Role: Expense Export
employee details for expenses Privilege: View
for the business units for which Employee Details for
they are authorized Expenses (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Audit
manage expense for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Expense Report An Expense Auditor can audit Role: Expense Audit
expense report for the business Privilege: Audit
units for which they are Expense Report (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Audit
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
manage expense report for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense Report (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Expense Receipt
Privilege: Manage
Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Business
An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
process expense report for Privilege: Process
reimbursement for the business Expense Report for
units for which they are Reimbursement (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
An Expense Auditor can review Role: Expense Export
expense report payables Privilege: Review
document for the business units Expense Report
for which they are authorized Payables Document
Resource: Business
Expense Report An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Audit
Approval Note manage expense report Privilege: Manage
approval note for the expense Expense Report
reports for which they are Approval Note (Data)
authorized Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
Expense Report Auditor An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Audit
Note manage expense report auditor Privilege: Manage
note for the expense reports for Expense Report
which they are authorized Auditor Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Auditor Note
Payables Payment An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Request manage payables invoice for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payables Invoice (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Payables Standard An Expense Auditor can Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice manage payables invoice for all Import Submission
business units in the enterprise Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Org Address Email manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Org Address Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Organization Address manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Organization Email manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can view Role: Expense Export
Organization Party trading community Privilege: View
organization for all Trading Community
organizations in the enterprise Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Organization Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can view Role: Expense Export
Party trading community person for Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
all people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Expense Auditor can view Role: Expense Export
trading community person for Privilege: View
all people in the enterprise Trading Community
other than sales accounts and Person (Data)
sales prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
An Expense Auditor can view Role: Expense Export
trading community person for Privilege: View
all resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Person Address Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Person Address Phone manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Person Email Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Expense Auditor can Role: Expense Export
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Privilege: Manage
Preference legal contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Expense Auditor

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Expense Manager
Manages company's expense policies and processes. Reviews and proposes changes to
expense policies.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Expense Manager

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Employee Expense Business Unit This role is used for Employee Expense Business Unit data security
Data Security in the data warehouse
Expense Audit Rules Management Manages expense report audit rules.
Expense Management Analysis BI Duty role for Expense Audit Managers to review and analyze
Business Unit expense violations
Expense Policies and Rules Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Expense Manager

Inherited Roles
Expense Manager
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Expense Audit Rules Management
Expense Management Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Employee Expense Business Unit Data Security
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Expense Policies and Rules Administration
Functional Setups
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Expense Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Expense Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Expense Audit Rules Manages expense report audit rules. Manage Audit Rule by
Management Expense Templates and
Manage Expense Audit List
Manage Expense Audit and
Receipt Rule Assignment
Manage Expense Report
Audit Selection Rule
Manage Expense Report
Receipt and Notification
Expense Manager Manages company's expense policies and Manage Expense Audit List
processes. Reviews and proposes changes Membership
to expense policies.
Expense Policies and Rules Manages company's expense policies and Configure Expense-Specific
Administration reimbursement policies. Field
Configure Expense-Specific
Tax Field
Extend Employee Matching
Link Corporate Expense
Policy to Expenses Work
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Cash Advance
Manage Conversion Rate
and Policy
Manage Corporate Card
Expense Types Mapping
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Submission
Manage Cumulative
Mileage Determinant
Manage Expense Report
Terms and Conditions
Manage Expense Template
Manage Expenses System
Manage Extensions for
Manage Policies by Expense
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Expense Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Manager can view Role: Expense Manager
employee expense for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Employee Expense
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Cash Advance An Expense Manager can view Role: Expense Manager
employee expense for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Employee Expense
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Cash Advance Setup An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Policies
and Policy manage cash advance policy for and Rules
the business units for which Administration
they are authorized Privilege: Manage
Cash Advance Policy
Resource: Business
Expense An Expense Manager can view Role: Expense Manager
employee expense for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Employee Expense
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Audit List An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Rule manage expense audit list rule Rules Management
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Expense Audit List
Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Notification An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Rule manage expense report Rules Management
notification rule for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense Report
are authorized Notification Rule
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Expense Policy An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Policies
manage expense policy for the and Rules
business units for which they Administration
are authorized Privilege: Manage
Expense Policy (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Receipt An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Management Rule manage expense receipt Rules Management
management rule for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense Receipt
are authorized Management Rule
Resource: Business
Expense Report An Expense Manager can view Role: Expense Manager Fact: Employee
employee expense for the Privilege: View Expenses
business units for which they Employee Expense Violation
are authorized (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Business Expense BU
Expense Report Audit An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Rule manage expense report audit Rules Management
rule for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Expense Report Audit
Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Report Hold An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Rule manage expense report hold Rules Management
rule for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Expense Report Hold
Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Setup Option An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Policies
manage expenses system option and Rules
for the business units for which Administration
they are authorized Privilege: Manage
Expenses System
Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Type An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
manage expense template for Rules Management
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Expense Template
Resource: Business
Role: Expense Policies
and Rules
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Expense Template
Resource: Business
Expense Type Audit An Expense Manager can Role: Expense Audit
Rule manage expense report audit Rules Management
rule for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Expense Report Audit
Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Job Role: Financial Analyst
Analyzes the financial performance of an enterprise or an organization within an

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial Analyst

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Setup Review Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle
Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates
and chart of accounts mapping rules.
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and
reporting privileges for General Ledger.
General Ledger Transaction Analyzes General Ledger transactional information
General Ledger and Profitability Analyzes GL account balance and Profitability by
Managerial Analysis Company/Product/Customer. This includes drill from journal lines
to subledger transaction details
General Legder Data Security This role is used for General Legder data security in the data
Inter Company Transaction Analyzes Inter Company transactional information
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Analyzes Payables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Transaction Analysis information
Receivables to Ledger Analyzes Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Reconciliation Transaction information
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Financial Analyst

Inherited Roles
Financial Analyst
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Ledger Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
General Ledger and Profitability Managerial Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
General Legder Data Security
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial Analyst

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area Accesses the Accounting Distribution work area to
manage journal entries for ledgers and costing
information related to labor costs, transfer costing
results to General Ledger, and define costing setup.
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status Review Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Financial Analyst.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Financial Analyst Analyzes the financial performance of an Create Financial Statement
enterprise or an organization within an Report
enterprise. Manage General Accounting
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Journal Activities
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger User
Manage Period Close
Manage Profitability
Business Intelligence
Run Payables Data
Extraction Program
Run Payables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Receivables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accounting Setup Views set up for accounting and Review Accounting Period
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion Status
General Ledger accounting period status, Review Historical
conversion rates and chart of accounts Conversion Rate
mapping rules. Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Data Access Set Listing
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Applications
Coexistence Configuration
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Fixed Asset Books
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and Create General Ledger and
transaction inquiry and reporting Subledger Accounting
privileges for General Ledger. Account Analysis Report
Create General Ledger and
Subledger Accounting by
Journal Lines Report
Inquire Fixed Asset
Inquire and Analyze Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Account Balance
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Account Analysis -
Average Balance Audit
Run Account Analysis -
Contra Account Report
Run Account Analysis
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Financial Statements
Run General Ledger Journal
Entry Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report by
Balancing Segment Report
Run General Ledger Report
Run General Ledger Trial
Balance Report
Run Global Account
Analysis Report
Run Global Daily Journals
Run Global Journal Ledger
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Journals - Batch
Summary Report
Run Journals - Check Report
Run Journals - Day Book
Run Journals - Extended
Run Journals - Tax Report
Run Trial Balance - Average
Run Trial Balance -
Expanded Report
Run Trial Balance -
Translation Report
Run Trial Balance Report
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Receivables Receipt
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Financial Analyst

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Cost Distribution A Financial Analyst can view Role: General Ledger
cost transaction for the cost Reporting
organizations associated to the Privilege: View Cost
ledgers for which the user is Transaction (Data)
authorized Resource: Cost
Fixed Asset A Financial Analyst can submit Role: Fixed Asset
fixed assets reports in the asset Inquiry
books that they are authorized Privilege: Submit
to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
General Ledger Period A Financial Analyst can view Role: Review General
Status accounting period status for the Ledger Accounting
set of subsidiaries whose close Period Status
processes they manage Privilege: View
Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Ledger A Financial Analyst can Role: Subledger
manage ledger for subledger for Accounting Reporting
the posting ledgers for Privilege: Manage
transactions that they are Ledger for Subledger
authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile A Financial Analyst can Role: Customer
manage business unit party tax Account Inquiry
profile for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payroll Checklist A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll
profile Checklist
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll
Payroll Checklist A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Annotation manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Parameter manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Parameter
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Parameter
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Task manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Task Interaction manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Task Parameter manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Task Property manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Instance A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Payroll Flow Instance A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Interaction manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance Interaction
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Instance Interaction
Payroll Flow Task A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Instance manage payroll flow for payroll Accounting
flows in their payroll flow Distribution Work Area
security profile Privilege: Manage
Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for payroll flows Accounting
in their payroll flow security Distribution Work Area
profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
Payroll Task A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Payroll Task Parameter A Financial Analyst can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A Financial Analyst can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Public Person A Financial Analyst can report Role: Fixed Asset
public person for persons and Inquiry
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Receivables Credit A Financial Analyst can view Role: General Ledger
Memo receivables activities for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
Receivables Invoice A Financial Analyst can view Role: General Ledger
receivables activities for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Receivables A Financial Analyst can view Role: General Ledger
Miscellaneous Receipt receivables activities for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Receivables Standard A Financial Analyst can view Role: General Ledger
Receipt receivables activities for the Reporting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Receiving Distribution A Financial Analyst can review Role: General Ledger
receipt accounting for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: Review
ledgers for which user is Receipt Accounting
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receiving
Subledger Accounting A Financial Analyst can Role: Subledger
Balance manage subledger accounting Accounting Reporting
balance for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Financial Analyst can Role: Subledger
manage subledger application Accounting Reporting
for the owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Financial Analyst can Role: Subledger
manage subledger source Accounting Reporting
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Financial Analyst can Role: Subledger
Transaction manage subledger source Accounting Reporting
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
Tax Exemption A Financial Analyst can Role: Customer
manage tax exemption for the Account Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Customer
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Financial Analyst can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Financial Analyst

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Financial Analyst can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile for any party tax profile Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Financial Analyst can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A Financial Analyst can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Financial Analyst can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Job Role: Financial Application Administrator
Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application
users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial Application

Duty Role Description

Accounting Hub Administration Configures the accounting hub for a source system.
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for
Execution diagnostic test runs.
Application Diagnostic Test Reviews diagnostic test run status and test reports.
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and schedules diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for
Scheduling diagnostic test runs.
Application Diagnostics Advanced Selects, runs, and schedules diagnostic tests, reviews diagnostic test
User status and reports, and adds diagnostic test results to application
Application Diagnostics Data Runs application diagnostic test data and views resulting reports,
Advanced associated with advanced users.
Application Diagnostics Data Runs application diagnostic test data and views application
Regular diagnostic test report data.
Application Diagnostics Data Views application diagnostic test report data.
Application Diagnostics Regular Selects and runs diagnostic tests. Reviews diagnostic test status and
User reports. Does not schedule diagnostic tests or add test results to
application incidents.
Application Diagnostics Viewer Reviews diagnostic test run status and test results.
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone,
Administration currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.
Budgetary Control Administration Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Bussiness Process Engineering This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative
Human Taskflow Administration actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in
this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored
(incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task
configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is
a business administrator type role. This role is granted to
Cash Management Administration Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive
Collections Administration Maintains Collection setups.
Corporate Card Account Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card
Administration programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Duty Role Description
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts
and customer account sites.
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other
Management payment details.
Enterprise Structures Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including
Administration charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities,
legal jurisdictions and business units.
Expenses Administration Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies
and processes.
External Connectivity Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an
Configuration Administration external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financials Administration for Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.
Fixed Asset Administration Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Functional Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and
Administration other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups
and historical translation rates.
General Ledger Technical Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
Import Chart Of Accounts Allows import of the chart of accounts.
Import Customer Allows access to import customer.
Import Tax Rate Allows import of tax rate.
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Administration Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Payments Data Security Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of
Administration sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.
Payments Disbursement Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier
Administration payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.
Payments Funds Capture Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions,
Administration such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.
Receivables Administration Manages Receivables setup activities.
Resource Administration Administers resource information.
Resource Organization Administers resource organizations.
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.
Trading Community Data Quality Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server
Administration configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and
cleansing configurations.
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Duty Role Description
Process Management
Upload data for General Ledger Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment
Import values and hierarchies.
Upload data for Receivables Allows to upload data file to import customers.
Upload data for Tax Import Allows to upload data file to import tax related data.
Upload security credential files for Allows upload of wallet and key file to Payments credential store.
Payments Import
Withholding Tax Administration Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Financial Application

Inherited Roles
Financial Application Administrator
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Application Diagnostics Advanced User
Application Diagnostics Advanced User
Application Diagnostic Test Scheduling
Application Diagnostics Regular User
Application Diagnostic Test Execution
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostic Test Reporting
Application Diagnostics Data Advanced
Application Diagnostics Regular User
Application Diagnostics Data Regular
Application Diagnostics Regular User
Application Diagnostic Test Execution
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostic Test Reporting
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostics Data Viewer
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostic Test Reporting
Application World Reference Administration
Budgetary Control Administration
Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration
Cash Management Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
Functional Setups
Collections Administration
Corporate Card Account Administration
Functional Setups
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Enterprise Structures Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Application World Reference Administration
Inherited Roles
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Fixed Asset Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Functional Setups
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
Expenses Administration
Functional Setups
External Connectivity Configuration Administration
Financials Administration for Brazil
Fixed Asset Administration
General Accounting Functional Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Functional Setups
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Functional Setups
General Ledger Technical Administration
Functional Setups
Import Chart Of Accounts
Import Customer
Import Tax Rate
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
Payables Administration
Functional Setups
Payments Data Security Administration
Payments Disbursement Administration
Payments Funds Capture Administration
Receivables Administration
Customer Maintenance
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Payment Instrument Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
Resource Organization Administration
Trading Community Data Quality Administration
Tax Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Inherited Roles
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Upload data for Receivables Import
Upload data for Tax Import
Upload security credential files for Payments Import
Withholding Tax Administration
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial
Application Administrator

Aggregate Privilege Description

Link User Name to Person Creates a new user name or links an existing user
name for a person.
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status Manages Oracle Fusion General Ledger period
Manage User Account Manages user roles.
Manage Users Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.
Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Financial Application Administrator.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounting Hub Configures the accounting hub for a Activate Subledger Journal
Administration source system. Entry Rule Set Assignments
Create and Assign
Subledger Standard Source
Define Subledger
Define Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Import Subledger Balance
for Supporting Reference
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Subledger Account
Manage Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Manage Subledger
Accounting Class Usage
Manage Subledger
Accounting Existing Scope
Manage Subledger
Accounting Method
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Manage Subledger
Application Transaction
Manage Subledger
Description Rule
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Manage Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Manage Subledger Mapping
Manage Subledger Mapping
Set Value
Manage Subledger Standard
Manage Subledger
Supporting Reference
Manage Subledger
Transaction Account
Purge Accounting Event
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Account
Review Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Review Subledger
Accounting Method
Review Subledger
Accounting Option
Review Subledger
Review Subledger
Description Rule
Review Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Review Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Review Subledger Mapping
Review Subledger Standard
Review Subledger
Supporting Reference
Review Subledger
Transaction Account
Review Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Update Subledger
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters Cancel Application
Execution input parameters for diagnostic test runs. Diagnostic Test Run
Run Application Diagnostic
Application Diagnostic Test Reviews diagnostic test run status and test View Application
Reporting reports. Diagnostic Run Status
View Application
Diagnostic Test Report
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and schedules diagnostic tests, Schedule Application
Scheduling enters input parameters for diagnostic test Diagnostic Test
Application Diagnostics Selects, runs, and schedules diagnostic Add Application Diagnostic
Advanced User tests, reviews diagnostic test status and Test Results to Incidents
reports, and adds diagnostic test results to
application incidents.
Application Diagnostics Reviews diagnostic test run status and test Access Application
Viewer results. Diagnostic Dashboard
Search Application
Diagnostic Test
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, Manage Application
Administration territory, time zone, currency, and Reference Currency
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
language, including natural and ISO Manage Application
language. Reference ISO Language
Manage Application
Reference Industry
Manage Application
Reference Language
Manage Application
Reference Natural Language
Manage Application
Reference Territory
Manage Application
Reference Timezone
Budgetary Control Manages the administration tasks relating Archive and Purge
Administration to budgetary control Historical Budgetary
Control Data
Create Reporting Cube
Enable Budgetary Control
Manage Control Budgets
Purge Budgetary Control
Data not Affecting Balances
Rebuild Budget Calendar
Rebuild Budget Chart of
Accounts Dimension
Rebuild Control Budget
Refresh Tree for Budgetary
Transfer Control Budget
Balances to Essbase
Cash Management Sets up system parameters, lookups, Add Trading Community
Administration profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Address
Add Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Add Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Add Trading Community
Organization Instant
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Add Trading Community
Organization Phone
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Organization Web Page
Correct Trading Community
Organization Address
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Define Accounting Calendar
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Transaction
Enter Trading Community
Organization Information
Export Trading Community
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Addresses
Export Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact Points
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Bank
Manage Bank Account
Manage Bank Branch
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Bank Statement
Automatic Reconciliation
Matching Rule Set
Manage Bank Statement
Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching
Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance
Manage Bank Statement
Transaction Creation Rule
Manage Cash Transaction
Type Mapping
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Organization
Manage Organization
Manage Organization Notes
Manage Parse Rule Set
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Source System Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Usage Assignment
Move Trading Community
Organization Address
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Identifier
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Name
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Address Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Classification Code
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Community Organization
Contact Preference
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Responsibility
Remove Trading
Community Organization E-
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Instant Messenger
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Web Page
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Restore Trading Community
Organization Instant
Restore Trading Community
Organization Phone
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Select Trading Community
Organization Address as
Primary for a Purpose
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact
Responsibility as Primary
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact as
Submit Organization Merge
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Update Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Update Trading Community
Organization Instant
Update Trading Community
Organization Phone
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Organization Web Page
View Accounting Calendar
View Bank
View Bank Account
View Bank Branch
View Bank Statement
Automatic Reconciliation
Matching Rule Set
View Bank Statement Code
View Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance
View Bank Statement
Transaction Creation Rule
View Cash Transaction
Type Mapping
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
View Parse Rule Set
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Collections Administration Maintains Collection setups. Configure Collections
Application Preference
Determine Collections
Maintain Collections Aging
Maintain Collections
Maintain Collector
Manage Collections
Common Components
Run Aging 4-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket by
Collector Report
Run Collections Dashboard
Send Collections
Submit Collections Metrics
Corporate Card Account Administers corporate card travel Manage Corporate Card
Administration programs and procurement card Expense Type Mapping
programs. Manages new, active, and Rule
terminated employee accounts. Manage Corporate Card
Expense Types Mapping
Manage Corporate Card
Manage Corporate Card
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Submission
Manage Corporate Card
Usage Policy
Manage Corporate Card for
Manage Expense Template
Manage Expenses System
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables Add Customer Account
attributes of customer accounts and Contact
customer account sites. Add Customer Account Site
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Person Relationship
Correct Customer Account
Create Customer
Create Customer Account
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Enter Customer Account
Enter Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Enter Customer Account
Enter Trading Community
Merge Request
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Export Trading Community
Person Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage Customers
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Move Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Site Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Person
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Site Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Restore Trading Community
Person Relationship
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Person Relationship
Select Customer Account
Contact Responsibility as
Select Customer Account
Contact as Primary
Submit Trading Community
Merge Request
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Site Use
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Person Relationship
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and Manage External Bank and
Management credit cards and other payment details. Bank Branch
Manage External Payer
Payment Details
Manage Payment Card
Manage Third Party Bank
View Payment Card
View Third Party Bank
Enterprise Structures Administer all enterprise structure related Assign Balancing Segment
Administration setup objects including charts of Values to Ledger
accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, Assign Balancing Segment
legal entities, legal jurisdictions and Values to Legal Entity
business units. Assign Business Unit
Business Function
Assign Legal Entity
Assign Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Data Access
Set Definition
Common Access Apps Stats
Provider Service
Define Accounting Calendar
Define Chart of Accounts
Define Commitment Control
Define Conversion Rate
Define Ledger Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Data Access
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Statistical
Unit Of Measure
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Suspense
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Transaction
Define Reporting Currency
Extract Ledger Setup
Load and Maintain Account
Values and Hierarchies
Maintain Daily Conversion
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Maintain Segment Value
Manage Account Cross
Validation Rules
Manage Accounting
Manage Accounting
Flexfield Aliases
Manage Accounting
Flexfields Segment Value
Security Rules by
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Applications
Coexistence Configuration
Manage Business Unit
Manage Business Unit
Service Client Relationships
Manage Business Unit
Service Provider
Manage Business Unit Set
Manage Close Monitor
Manage Enterprise
Structures Rapid
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Ledger Balancing
Manage Legal Address
Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Account
Manage Secondary Ledger
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Review and Submit
Accounting Configuration
Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Calendar Validation
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Daily Rates Import and
Calculation Program
Run Data Access Set Listing
Select Aggregation Options
for Account Hierarchies
Specify Ledger Option
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
Expenses Administration Manages company's expense reporting Configure Expense-Specific
system, including policies and processes. Field
Configure Expense-Specific
Tax Field
Extend Employee Matching
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Link Corporate Expense
Policy to Expenses Work
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Cash Advance
Manage Conversion Rate
and Policy
Manage Corporate Card
Expense Types Mapping
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Submission
Manage Cumulative
Mileage Determinant
Manage Expense Report
Terms and Conditions
Manage Expense Template
Manage Expenses System
Manage Extensions for
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Policies by Expense
Manage Travel Itinerary
Validation Rules
Manage Travel Partner
External Connectivity Sets up features allowing electronic Integrate External Payment
Configuration Administration communication with an external party, System
such as a bank or credit card processor. Manage BI Publisher
Manage Code Map Groups
Manage Oracle Fusion
Payments Format
Manage Payment System
Manage Transmission
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Financial Application Manages financial application Assign Roles to User
Administrator administration. Collaborates with Copy Personal Data to
financial application users to maintain LDAP
consistent financial application setup, Create User Name
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
rules, and access. Customize Financial UI
Customize Help Topics
Launch Oracle Social
Link User Account
Maintain Historical
Conversion Rate
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Manage Application Menu
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany Rule
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Ledger Balancing
Manage Oracle Social
Network Tracking
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Reset Password
Review Accounting Period
Review Historical
Conversion Rate
Send User Name Request to
Set Watchlist Options
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
Fixed Asset Administration Configures and maintains setups for Manage All Application
Oracle Fusion Assets. Profile Values
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Fixed Asset Bonus
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Fixed Asset Book
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Cash
Generating Unit
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling
Manage Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method
Manage Fixed Asset
Distribution Set
Manage Fixed Asset Fiscal
Manage Fixed Asset Key
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Price
Manage Fixed Asset Prorate
Manage Fixed Asset System
Manage Fixed Assets
Configuration in
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Upgrade Asset Transactions
to Reporting Currency
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accounting Administers setup objects related to Administer Financial
Functional Administration General Ledger journals and other Statement Report
accounting setup components such as Administer Oracle Fusion
intercompany setups and historical General Ledger Allocation
translation rates. Formula
Create Financial Statement
Define Journal Reversal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Criteria Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Automatic
Posting Criteria Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Revaluation
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Suspense
Export and Import Financial
Report Definitions
Maintain Aggregated
Manage Accounting Period
Manage Accounting and
Reporting Sequencing
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Encumbrance Type
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Journal Approval
Manage Journal Categories
Manage Journal Sources
Manage Ledger Balancing
Migrate Allocations and
Periodic Entries Formulas
Run Close Period Program
Run Gapless Close Program
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Open Period Program
Run Permanently Close
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
Transfer E-Business Suite
Balances to Financial
Reporting Cloud Service
View Fixed Asset Books
General Ledger Technical Administers technical setups for Oracle Administer Cubes with Full
Administration Fusion General Ledger. Access
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Concurrent
Process Schedule
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Storage
Maintain Aggregated
Maintain Balances Cubes
and Dimension Members
Run Chart of Accounts
Segments Indexes
Optimization for Journal
Import Program
Run Create Opening
Balance Journals in
Reporting Currency
Upgrade for Management
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting Manage Legal Address
units and registrations. Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity
Contact Information
Manage Legal Entity
Deduction Records
Manage Legal Entity
Financial Information
Manage Legal Entity HCM
Manage Legal Entity
Intercompany Exception
Manage Legal Entity
Primary Ledger
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity for
Associated Business Entity
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Manage Legal Reporting
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Contact Information
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Deduction Records
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Financial Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Registration
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Workforce Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit for Associated
Balancing Segment
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Search Legal Entity
Search Legal Reporting Unit
Payables Administration Configures and maintains setups for the Manage Bank Charges
Oracle Fusion Payables application. Manage Payables Aging
Manage Payables
Distribution Set
Manage Payables Financials
Manage Payables Income
Tax Regions
Manage Payables Interest
Manage Payables Invoice
Manage Payables Invoice
Tolerance Set
Manage Payables Special
Manage Payables System
Manage Payables Tax Codes
Manage Payables Tax
Reporting Entity
Manage Payables
Withholding Tax Certificate
Manage Payables
Withholding Tax Groups
Manage Payment Terms
Terminate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Payments Data Security Manages security features, such as Manage System Security
Administration encryption and masking of sensitive data Options
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
like credit card or bank account numbers. Manage Wallet
Submit Credit Card
Decryption Process
Submit Credit Card
Detokenization Process
Submit Credit Card
Encryption Process
Submit Credit Card Masking
Submit Credit Card
Tokenization Process
Submit Import Credential
Submit Payments Sensitive
Data Decryption
Submit Payments Sensitive
Data Encryption
Submit Third Party Bank
Account Decryption Process
Submit Third Party Bank
Account Encryption Process
Submit Third Party Bank
Account Masking Process
Submit Transaction
Encryption Process
Payments Disbursement Sets up features allowing disbursement of Grant Payment Function
Administration funds for supplier payments, customer Access
refunds, and employee expense reports. Manage Disbursement
Payment Method
Manage Internal Payer
Manage Payment Code
Manage Payment Method
Defaulting Rule
Manage Payment Process
Payments Funds Capture Sets up features allowing payee-initiated Manage Credit Card Brand
Administration payment transactions, such as customer Manage Funds Capture
payments by credit card or bank account Payment Method
transfer. Manage Funds Capture
Process Profile
Manage Internal Payee
Receivables Administration Manages Receivables setup activities. Enter Revenue Policies
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Contingency
Assignment Rules
Manage Customer Paying
Relationship Assignments
Manage Receivables
Customer Profile Classes
Manage Receivables
Dashboard Threshold Rule
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Receivables Note
Type Mapping
Manage Receivables
Revenue Contingency
Manage Receivables
Specialist Assignment Rules
Manage Resource Role
Assignment Flexfields
Manage Resource Role
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Salesperson
Account References
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Set Up AutoInvoice
Grouping Rule
Set Up AutoInvoice Line
Ordering Rule
Set Up Receivables
Accounting Rule
Set Up Receivables Activity
Set Up Receivables
Application Rule Set
Set Up Receivables
Approval Management
Set Up Receivables
AutoCash Rule Set
Set Up Receivables
AutoMatch Rule Set
Set Up Receivables Balance
Forward Billing Cycle
Set Up Receivables Batch
Set Up Receivables Default
Distribution Rule
Set Up Receivables
Distribution Set
Set Up Receivables Late
Charge Schedule
Set Up Receivables
Set Up Receivables Memo
Line Template
Set Up Receivables Payment
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Application Exception Rule
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Set Up Receivables Remit-
to Address
Set Up Receivables Reversal
Reason to Category
Set Up Receivables
Standard Message
Set Up Receivables
Statement Cycle
Set Up Receivables System
Set Up Receivables
Transaction Type
Set Up Receivables
Transmission Format
Resource Administration Administers resource information. Add Trading Community
Resource to My Social
Contact Trading Community
Edit Trading Community
Resource Profile
Enter Trading Community
Resource Information
Identify Trading
Community Person as a
Trading Community
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Attachment Category
Manage Application
Attachment Entity
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Reference Data Set
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Application
Manage Customer Data
Management Foundation
Custom Objects
Manage Goal Management
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Education
Manage Talent Notifications
Manage Talent Profile
Content Item
Manage Talent Profile
Rating Model
Manage Talent Profile
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Contact Information
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Type Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Memberships
Manage Trading
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Community Resource Role
Manage Trading
Community Resource Sales
Representative Information
Manage Trading
Community Resource Skills
Manage Trading
Community Resource Social
Manage Trading
Community Resource Team
Remove Trading
Community Resource
Reset Password
Search Trading Community
Upload Trading Community
Resource Picture
View Administration Link
View Trading Community
Resource Address
View Trading Community
Resource Administration
Detail Information
View Trading Community
Resource Collaboration
View Trading Community
Resource Contact
View Trading Community
Resource Details
View Trading Community
Resource History
View Trading Community
Resource Note
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Overview
View Trading Community
Resource Profile
View Trading Community
Resource Role Assignments
View Trading Community
Resource Sales
Representative Information
View Trading Community
Resource Skills
View Trading Community
Resource Social Network
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Resource Team
Resource Organization Administers resource organizations. Manage Application Tree
Administration Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Resource
Organization Member
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Hierarchy
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Members
Run Trading Community
Resource Reporting
Hierarchy Generation
Search Trading Community
Resource Organization
Search Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Organization Resource
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Hierarchy Details
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Team Memberships
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Usage Information
View Trading Community
Resource Overview
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including Create Account Based
regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Direct Tax Rate
determinants, configuration options and Determination Rule
party tax profiles. Create Business Unit Tax
Create Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
Create Direct Tax Rate
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Determination Rule
Create Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Place of Supply Rule
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax
Create Tax Applicability
Create Tax Calculation
Create Tax Calculation Rule
Create Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Exception
Create Tax Geographies
Create Tax Jurisdiction
Create Tax Processing
Create Tax Rate
Create Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Regime
Create Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Create Tax Reporting Type
Create Tax Status
Create Tax Status
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Transaction Business
Create Transaction Fiscal
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Tax
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Zones
Run Geocode Loader
Run Tax Configuration
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Content Upload Program
Run Tax Simulator Purge
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Run Trading Community
Current Record Information
Run Trading Community
Geography Name
Referencing Maintenance
Update Account Based
Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Place of Supply Rule
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax
Update Tax Applicability
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Exception
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Jurisdiction
Update Tax Processing
Update Tax Rate
Update Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Regime
Update Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Update Tax Reporting Type
Update Tax Status
Update Tax Status
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Reporting Type
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Trading Community Data Configures, reviews, and edits predefined Manage Enterprise Data
Quality Administration data quality server configurations and the Quality Cleansing
predefined matching, synchronization, Configurations
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
and cleansing configurations. Manage Enterprise Data
Quality Key Generation
Manage Enterprise Data
Quality Matching
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Cleansing Setup
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Matching Setup
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Server Setup
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Run Trading Community
Data Quality Data
Synchronization Process
Run Trading Community
Data Quality Data
Synchronization Sub-
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Withholding Tax Sets up withholding tax content including Create Business Unit Tax
Administration regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Profile
determinants, configuration options and Create Document Fiscal
party tax profiles. Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Geographies
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Processing Options
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Profile Values
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Processing
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Processing
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Financial Application Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Financial Application Role: Supplier Profile
Administrator can read Inquiry
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier assessment categories Application Attachment
including internal to supplier Resource: Application
qualification, miscellaneous Attachment
A Financial Application Role: Supplier Profile
Administrator can read Inquiry
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification categories Application Attachment
including internal to supplier Resource: Application
qualification, miscellaneous Attachment
A Financial Application Role: Supplier Profile
Administrator can read Inquiry
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification question Application Attachment
category including to supplier Resource: Application
A Financial Application Role: Supplier Profile
Administrator can read Inquiry
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification response Application Attachment
categories including from Resource: Application
supplier, from internal Attachment
responder, miscellaneous, to
buyer, to supplier
Application Diagnostic A Financial Application Role: Application
Test Administrator can execute Diagnostics Data
application diagnostic test for Advanced
all tests Privilege: Execute
Application Diagnostic
Test (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Role: Application
Diagnostics Data
Privilege: Execute
Application Diagnostic
Test (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
A Financial Application Role: Application
Administrator can view Diagnostics Data
application diagnostic test Advanced
report for all tests Privilege: View
Application Diagnostic
Test Report (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Role: Application
Diagnostics Data
Privilege: View
Application Diagnostic
Test Report (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Role: Application
Diagnostics Data
Privilege: View
Application Diagnostic
Test Report (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Application Objects A Financial Application Role: Enterprise
Administrator can manage Structures
application objects for all Administration
financial supply chain Privilege: Manage
manufacturing application Application Objects
objects (Data)
Resource: Application
Business Unit A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can choose Administration
business unit organization for Privilege: Choose
business units in their Business Unit
organization security profile Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Cash Advance Setup A Financial Application Role: Expenses
and Policy Administrator can manage cash Administration
advance policy for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Cash Advance Policy
authorized (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Classification Code File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Activity Administrator can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
activities of object type Import Activity Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Object Administrator can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
object type for all classification Privilege: View
code file import objects of Classification Code File
object type 'classification code' Import Object Type
Classification Code File
Import Object
Collections Aging A Financial Application Role: Collections
Bucket Administrator can maintain Administration
collections aging buckets for Privilege: Maintain
the reference data sets they Collections Aging
administer Buckets (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections A Financial Application Role: Collections
Correspondence Administrator can maintain Administration
collections correspondence for Privilege: Maintain
the business units for which Collections
they are authorized Correspondence (Data)
Resource: Business
Collections Preference A Financial Application Role: Collections
Administrator can maintain Administration
collections application Privilege: Maintain
preference for the reference Collections Application
data sets they administer Preference (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collector A Financial Application Role: Collections
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can maintain Administration
collector for the reference data Privilege: Maintain
sets they administer Collector (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Consumer File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view Community Import
consumer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all consumer file Privilege: View
import activities of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
consumer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all consumer file Privilege: View
import mappings of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view Community Import
consumer file import object Batch Management
type for all consumer file Privilege: View
import objects of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view contact Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all contact file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Contact File Import
'contact' Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view contact Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all contact file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Contact File Import
'contact' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Mapping
Contact File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view contact Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
contact file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Corporate Card A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
corporate card attribute for any Privilege: Manage
corporate card in the enterprise Corporate Card
Attribute (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Corporate Card A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Program Administrator can manage Account Administration
corporate card program for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Corporate Card
are authorized Program (Data)
Resource: Business
Customer File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all customer file Privilege: View
import activities of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all customer file Privilege: View
import mappings of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
objects of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Department A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can choose Organization
department for departments in Administration
their organization security Privilege: Choose
profile Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Employee Resource A Financial Application Role: Resource
File Import Activity Administrator can view Administration
employee resource file import Privilege: View
activity object type for all Employee Resource
employee resource file import File Import Activity
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
activities of object type Object Type (Data)
'employee resource' Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
Employee Resource A Financial Application Role: Resource
File Import Mapping Administrator can view Administration
employee resource file import Privilege: View
mapping object type for all Employee Resource
employee resource file import File Import Mapping
mappings of object type Object Type (Data)
'employee resource' Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
Employee Resource A Financial Application Role: Resource
File Import Object Administrator can view Administration
employee resource file import Privilege: View
object type for all employee Employee Resource
resource file import objects of File Import Object
object type 'employee resource' Type (Data)
Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
Expense Policy A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
expense policy for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Expense Policy (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Role: Expenses
Privilege: Manage
Expense Policy (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Setup Option A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
expenses system option for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expenses System
are authorized Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Expenses
Privilege: Manage
Expenses System
Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Type A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can manage Account Administration
expense template for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Expense Template
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Expenses
Privilege: Manage
Expense Template
Resource: Business
Fixed Asset A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Administrator can submit fixed Inquiry
assets reports in the asset books Privilege: Submit
that they are authorized to Fixed Assets Reports
access Resource: Fixed Asset
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Administrator can manage Administration
fixed asset bonus rule for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Fixed Asset Bonus Rule
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset Book A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Administrator can manage Administration
fixed asset book in the asset Privilege: Manage
books that they are authorized Fixed Asset Book
to access (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
Fixed Asset Ceiling A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Administrator can manage Administration
fixed asset ceiling for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Fixed Asset Ceiling
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method Administrator can manage Administration
fixed asset depreciation method Privilege: Manage
for the reference data sets they Fixed Asset
administer Depreciation Method
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset Prorate A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Convention Administrator can manage Administration
fixed asset prorate convention Privilege: Manage
for the reference data sets they Fixed Asset Prorate
administer Convention (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
General Ledger Period A Financial Application Role: Manage General
Status Administrator can manage Ledger Accounting
accounting period status for the Period Status
set of subsidiaries whose close Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
processes they manage Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Group Customer File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Activity Administrator can view group Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import activities Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Mapping Administrator can view group Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import mappings Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Object Administrator can view group Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all group customer file Privilege: View Group
import objects of object type Customer File Import
'group customer' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
HR Job A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can choose hr Administration
job for all jobs in the enterprise Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Administrator can choose hr Administration
job for jobs in their job security Privilege: Choose HR
profile Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy file import activity Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy file Privilege: View
import activities of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
hierarchy file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy file Privilege: View
import mappings of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy file import object Batch Management
type for all hierarchy file Privilege: View
import objects of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Activity Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy node file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View
hierarchy node file import Hierarchy Node File
activities of object type Import Activity Object
'hierarchy node' Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy node file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
hierarchy node file import Hierarchy Node File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
'hierarchy node' Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Application Role: Trading
Import Object Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy node file import Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy Privilege: View
node file import objects of Hierarchy Node File
object type 'hierarchy node' Import Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Legal Employer A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can choose legal Administration
employer for legal employers in Privilege: Choose
their organization security Legal Employer (Data)
profile Resource: Legal
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view legal Community Import
entity file import activity object Batch Management
type for all legal entity file
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
import activities of object type Privilege: View Legal
'legal entity' Entity File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view legal Community Import
entity file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all legal entity Privilege: View Legal
file import mappings of object Entity File Import
type 'legal entity' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view legal Community Import
entity file import object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
objects of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Partner File Import A Financial Application Role: Resource
Activity Administrator can view partner Administration
file import activity object type Privilege: View Partner
for all partner file import File Import Activity
activities of object type 'partner Object Type (Data)
company' Resource: Partner File
Import Activity
Partner File Import A Financial Application Role: Resource
Mapping Administrator can view partner Administration
file import mapping object type Privilege: View Partner
for all partner file import File Import Mapping
mappings of object type Object Type (Data)
'partner company' Resource: Partner File
Import Mapping
Partner File Import A Financial Application Role: Resource
Object Administrator can view partner Administration
file import object type for all Privilege: View Partner
partner file import objects of File Import Object
object type 'partner company' Type (Data)
Resource: Partner File
Import Object
Partner Member File A Financial Application Role: Resource
Import Activity Administrator can view partner Administration
member file import activity Privilege: View Partner
object type for all partner Member File Import
member file import activities of Activity Object Type
object type 'partner member' (Data)
Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Partner Member File A Financial Application Role: Resource
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Import Mapping Administrator can view partner Administration
member file import mapping Privilege: View Partner
object type for all partner Member File Import
member file import mappings Mapping Object Type
of object type 'partner member' (Data)
Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Partner Member File A Financial Application Role: Resource
Import Object Administrator can view partner Administration
member file import object type Privilege: View Partner
for all partner member file Member File Import
import objects of object type Object Type (Data)
'partner member' Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Party Tax Profile A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can manage Account Inquiry
business unit party tax profile Privilege: Manage
for the business units for which Business Unit Party
they are authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
A Financial Application Role: Legal Entities
Administrator can manage Administration
party tax profile for any party Privilege: Manage
tax profile defined in the Party Tax Profile (Data)
enterprise Resource: Party Tax
Payables Distribution A Financial Application Role: Payables
Set Administrator can manage Administration
payables distribution set for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables Distribution
are authorized Set (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Financials A Financial Application Role: Payables
Option Administrator can manage Administration
payables financials option for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payables Financials
they are authorized Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Payment Term A Financial Application Role: Payables
Administrator can manage Administration
payables payment terms for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Payables Payment
administer Terms (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Payables System Option A Financial Application Role: Payables
Administrator can manage Administration
payables system option for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Payables System
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Tax Reporting A Financial Application Role: Payables
Entity Administrator can manage Administration
payables tax reporting entity for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Payables Tax Reporting
they are authorized Entity (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Withholding A Financial Application Role: Payables
Tax Setup Administrator can manage Administration
payables withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage
for the business units for which Payables Withholding
they are authorized Tax Setup (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card A Financial Application Role: Payee Bank
Administrator can view Account Management
employee credit card for any Privilege: View
employee corporate cards in the Employee Credit Card
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Payment
Person A Financial Application Role: Enterprise
Administrator can choose Structures
person for persons and Administration
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Person (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Financial Application Role: Manage Users
Administrator can search Privilege: Search
worker for persons and Worker (Data)
assignments in their person and Resource: Person
assignment security profile Assignment
A Financial Application Role: Manage Users
Administrator can view person Privilege: View Person
assignment for persons and Assignment (Data)
assignments in their person and Resource: Person
assignment security profile Assignment
Person Type A Financial Application Role: Manage Users
Administrator can choose Privilege: Choose
person type for person types in Person Type (Data)
their person type security Resource: Person Type
Public Person A Financial Application Role: Fixed Asset
Administrator can report public Inquiry
person for persons and Privilege: Report
assignments in their person and Public Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
A Financial Application Role: Use User Details
Administrator can view person Service
deferred for persons and Privilege: View Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignments in their person and Deferred (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
Receivables Accounting A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Rule Administrator can manage Administration
receivables accounting rule for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Receivables
administer Accounting Rule (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Activity A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Administrator can manage Administration
receivables activity for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activity
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Application A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Exception Rule Administrator can manage Administration
receivables receipt application Privilege: Manage
exception rule for the reference Receivables Receipt
data sets they administer Application Exception
Rule (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables AutoCash A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Rule Set Administrator can manage Administration
receivables autocash rule set for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Receivables AutoCash
administer Rule Set (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Automatch A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Rule Administrator can manage Administration
receivables automatch rule set Privilege: Manage
for the reference data sets they Receivables AutoMatch
administer Rule Set (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Batch A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Source Administrator can manage Administration
receivables batch source for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Receivables Batch
administer Source (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Distribution Set Administrator can manage Administration
receivables distribution set for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Receivables
they are authorized Distribution Set (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Lockbox A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can manage Administration
receivables lockbox for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Receivables Lockbox
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Memo Line A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Template Administrator can manage Administration
receivables memo line template Privilege: Manage
for the reference data sets they Receivables Memo
administer Line Template (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Payment A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Term Administrator can manage Administration
receivables payment terms for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Receivables Payment
administer Terms (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Receipt A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Method Account Administrator can manage Administration
receivables receipt method Privilege: Manage
account for the business units Receivables Receipt
for which they are authorized Method Account (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Source Administrator can manage Administration
receivables receipt source for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Receivables Receipt
they are authorized Source (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Remit-to A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Address Administrator can manage Administration
receivables remit-to address for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Receivables Remit-to
administer Address (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Revenue A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Contingency Administrator can manage Administration
receivables revenue Privilege: Manage
contingency for the reference Receivables Revenue
data sets they administer Contingency (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Revenue A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Policy Administrator can manage Administration
receivables revenue policy for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Receivables Revenue
they are authorized Policy (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Receivables Statement A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Cycle Administrator can manage Administration
receivables statement cycle for Privilege: Manage
the business units for which Receivables Statement
they are authorized Cycle (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables System A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Option Administrator can manage Administration
receivables system options for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Receivables System
administer Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Financial Application Role: Receivables
Type Administrator can manage Administration
receivables transaction type for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Receivables
administer Transaction Type
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Source System A Financial Application Role: Trading
Reference File Import Administrator can view source Community Import
Activity system reference file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import activities of object type Import Activity Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System A Financial Application Role: Trading
Reference File Import Administrator can view source Community Import
Mapping system reference file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import mapping of object type Import Mapping Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System A Financial Application Role: Trading
Reference File Import Administrator can view source Community Import
Object system reference file import Batch Management
object type for all source Privilege: View Source
system reference file import System Reference File
objects of object type 'source Import Object Type
system reference' (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Subledger Accounting A Financial Application Role: Accounting Hub
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Balance Administrator can manage Administration
subledger accounting balance Privilege: Manage
for the subsidiaries or Subledger Accounting
management segment values Balance (Data)
whose account balance they Resource: Subledger
manage Accounting Balance
Tax Defaults and A Financial Application Role: Tax
Controls Administrator can manage Administration
application tax options for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Application Tax
are authorized Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
exception for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exception (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Exemption A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can manage tax Account Inquiry
exemption for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exemption (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Rate A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
rate for the tax setup applicable Privilege: Manage Tax
to the business units for which Rate (Data)
they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Recovery A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
recovery for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Recovery (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Rule A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
rule for the tax setup applicable Privilege: Manage Tax
to the business units for which Rule (Data)
they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Status A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
status for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Status (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Taxable Transaction A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage Administration
taxable transaction for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Taxable Transaction
are authorized (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage
Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Customer
Customer Account Administrator can update Maintenance
customer account for all Privilege: Update
customer accounts in the Customer Account
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Account Inquiry
customer account for all Privilege: View
customer accounts in the Customer Account
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Customer
Customer Account Administrator can manage Maintenance
Relationship customer account relationship Privilege: Manage
for the reference data sets for Customer Account
which they are authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Account Inquiry
customer account relationship Privilege: View
for all customer account Customer Account
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Maintenance
customer account relationship Privilege: View
for the reference data sets for Customer Account
which they are authorized Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Administrator can manage Maintenance
customer account site for all Privilege: Manage
customer account sites in the Customer Account Site
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Account Site
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can manage Maintenance
customer account site for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets for which Customer Account Site
they are authorized (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Account Inquiry
customer account site for all Privilege: View
customer account sites in the Customer Account Site
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Maintenance
customer account site for the Privilege: View
reference data sets for which Customer Account Site
they are authorized (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Administrator can manage Maintenance
Use customer account site use for Privilege: Manage
all customer account site uses Customer Account Site
in the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can manage Maintenance
customer account site use for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets for Customer Account Site
which they are authorized Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Account Inquiry
customer account site use for Privilege: View
all customer account site uses Customer Account Site
in the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Maintenance
customer account site use for Privilege: View
the reference data sets for Customer Account Site
which they are authorized Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Org Address Email Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Org Address Phone Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Organization Address Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Organization Email Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Organization Party Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payments
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payments Funds
Capture Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Organization Phone Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Supplier Profile
Party Administrator can view trading Inquiry
community contact for all Privilege: View
trading community persons in Trading Community
the enterprise except contacts Contact (Data)
created by partners. Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payments
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payments Funds
Capture Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can view trading Account Administration
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Person Address Contact Administrator can manage Account Administration
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Person Address Phone Administrator can manage Account Administration
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Person Email Contact Administrator can manage Account Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Corporate Card
Person Phone Contact Administrator can manage Account Administration
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Cash
Relationship Administrator can view trading Management
community relationship for all Administration
trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Financial Application Role: Supplier Profile
Administrator can view trading Inquiry
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
except partner contact Resource: Trading
relationships, or relationships
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
created by partners Community
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Resource
Resource Note Administrator can manage Administration
trading community resource Privilege: Manage
notes for all resource notes Trading Community
Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can manage Administration
trading community resource Privilege: Manage
notes for the resource notes for Trading Community
which they are the owner Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community resource notes for Privilege: View
all resource notes Trading Community
Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Resource
Resource Profile Administrator can manage Administration
trading community resource Privilege: Manage
contact point information for all Trading Community
resource contacts in the Resource Contact Point
enterprise Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can manage Administration
trading community resource Privilege: Manage
skill for all resource skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can manage Administration
trading community resource Privilege: Manage
skill for the resource skills of Trading Community
persons who they manage Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can manage Administration
trading community resource Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
skill for their resource skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can remove Administration
trading community resource for Privilege: Remove
all resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can update Administration
trading community resource for Privilege: Update
all resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can update Administration
trading community resource for Privilege: Update
their resource record Trading Community
Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community resource contact Privilege: View
point information for all Trading Community
resource contacts in the Resource Contact Point
enterprise Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community resource contact Privilege: View
point information for their Trading Community
contacts Resource Contact Point
Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community resource skill for all Privilege: View
resource skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community resource skill for Privilege: View
the resource skills of persons Trading Community
who they manage Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community resource skill for Privilege: View
their resource skills Trading Community
Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Trading Community A Financial Application Role: Resource
Resource Sales Administrator can manage Administration
Representative Setup trading community salesperson Privilege: Manage
setup for the reference data sets Trading Community
for which they are authorized Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
A Financial Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view trading Maintenance
community salesperson setup Privilege: View
for all salespersons in the Trading Community
enterprise Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
A Financial Application Role: Resource
Administrator can view trading Administration
community salesperson setup Privilege: View
for the reference data sets for Trading Community
which they are authorized Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Transaction Tax A Financial Application Role: Tax
Administrator can manage Administration
transaction tax for the tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business units Transaction Tax (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Financial Application Role: Withholding Tax
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can manage Administration
transaction tax for the Privilege: Manage
withholding tax setup Transaction Tax (Data)
applicable to the business Resource: Business
unit(s) they are responsible for Unit
Withholding Tax A Financial Application Role: Withholding Tax
Exception Administrator can manage tax Administration
exception for the withholding Privilege: Manage Tax
tax setup applicable to the Exception (Data)
business unit(s) they are Resource: Business
responsible for Unit
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Application Role: Withholding Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
rate for the withholding tax Privilege: Manage Tax
setup applicable to the business Rate (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Application Role: Withholding Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
rule for the withholding tax Privilege: Manage Tax
setup applicable to the business Rule (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Application Role: Withholding Tax
Administrator can manage tax Administration
status for the withholding tax Privilege: Manage Tax
setup applicable to the business Status (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Financial Application Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Financial Application Administrator Role: Customer Account
can manage party tax profile for any Inquiry
party tax profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Administration
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Financial Application Administrator Role: Customer Account
can manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Financial Application Administrator Role: Supplier Profile
can maintain supplier corporate Inquiry
identifiers for all suppliers for Privilege: Maintain Supplier
nonindividual types in the enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Financial Application Administrator Role: Customer Account
can manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Financial Application Administrator Role: Customer
can manage taxable transaction for any Maintenance
taxable transaction existing in the Privilege: Manage Taxable
enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Tax Administration
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Financial Application Administrator Role: Customer Account
can manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Financial Application Administrator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Customer Enter AR Invoice
Enter Customer Receipts
Release Sales Order
Enter Journal Entry Setup Assets
Post Journal Entry Setup Assets
Setup Payment Create Payments

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Setup Assets Fixed Asset Administration Manage Fixed Asset
Duty Bonus Rule
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Cash Generating Unit
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method
Manage Fixed Asset
Distribution Set
Manage Fixed Asset
Fiscal Year
Manage Fixed Asset
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Prorate Convention
Manage Fixed Asset
System Control
Upgrade Asset
Transactions to
Reporting Currency
Privilege Create Customer Manage Customers
Setup GL Currencies Define Reporting
Setup GL Daily Rates Maintain Daily
Conversion Rate
Setup GL Data Access Define Oracle Fusion
Sets General Ledger Data
Access Set
Setup GL Journal Manage Journal
Authorization Limits Approval Rules
Setup GL Ledger Sets Define Ledger Set
Setup GL Options Specify Ledger Option
Setup GL Rate Types Define Conversion Rate
Setup GL Statistical Define Oracle Fusion
Units of Measure General Ledger
Statistical Unit Of
Setup Payment Manage Bank Account
Job Role: Financial Integration Specialist
Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to
the integration of financial information systems.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial Integration Specialist

Duty Role Description

Accounting Hub Administration Configures the accounting hub for a source system.
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone,
Administration currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Enterprise Structures Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including
Administration charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities,
legal jurisdictions and business units.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Fixed Asset Reporting Manages Fixed Assets reporting.
Fixed Asset Transaction Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information,
Management depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation,
copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments,
asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates
erroneous retirements.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Functional Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and
Administration other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups
and historical translation rates.
General Accounting Setup Review Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle
Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates
and chart of accounts mapping rules.
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and
reporting privileges for General Ledger.
Import Intercompany Transaction Allows import of intercompany transactions.
Import Tax Rate Allows import of tax rate.
Inter Company Transaction Analyzes Inter Company transactional information
Intercompany Transactions Entry Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating,
exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines
Duty Role Description
intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations.
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.
Tax External Taxable Transaction Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Assets Import Allows to upload data file to import fixed assets.
Upload data for Bank Statement Allows to upload data file to import bank statements.
Upload data for Budget Balance Allows to upload data file to import budget balances.
Upload data for Budgetary Control Allows to upload data file to import Budgetary Control related data.
Upload data for General Ledger Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment
Import values and hierarchies.
Upload data for Intercompany Allows to upload data file to import intercompany transactions.
Upload data for Payables Import Allows to upload data file to import payables data.
Upload data for Receivables Allows to upload data file to import customers.
Upload data for Tax Import Allows to upload data file to import tax related data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Financial Integration Specialist

Inherited Roles
Financial Integration Specialist
Enterprise Structures Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Application World Reference Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Inherited Roles
Fixed Asset Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Functional Setups
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Fixed Asset Reporting
Fixed Asset Transaction Management
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Functional Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Functional Setups
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Functional Setups
Intercompany Transactions Entry
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Import Intercompany Transaction
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Payables Invoice Import Submission
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Tax Administrator
Functional Setups
Import Tax Rate
Intrastat Processing
Item Inquiry
Item Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Tax Configuration Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Tax Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Upload data for Tax Import
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
Upload data for Assets Import
Upload data for Bank Statement Import
Upload data for Budget Balance Import
Upload data for Budgetary Control Import
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Upload data for Intercompany Import
Upload data for Payables Import
Upload data for Receivables Import
Upload data for Tax Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial
Integration Specialist

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area Accesses the Accounting Distribution work area to
manage journal entries for ledgers and costing
information related to labor costs, transfer costing
results to General Ledger, and define costing setup.
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status Manages Oracle Fusion General Ledger period
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status Review Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Financial Integration Specialist.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounting Hub Configures the accounting hub for a Activate Subledger Journal
Administration source system. Entry Rule Set Assignments
Create and Assign
Subledger Standard Source
Define Subledger
Define Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Import Subledger Balance
for Supporting Reference
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Subledger Account
Manage Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Manage Subledger
Accounting Class Usage
Manage Subledger
Accounting Existing Scope
Manage Subledger
Accounting Method
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Manage Subledger
Application Transaction
Manage Subledger
Description Rule
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Manage Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Manage Subledger Mapping
Manage Subledger Mapping
Set Value
Manage Subledger Standard
Manage Subledger
Supporting Reference
Manage Subledger
Transaction Account
Purge Accounting Event
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Account
Review Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Review Subledger
Accounting Method
Review Subledger
Accounting Option
Review Subledger
Review Subledger
Description Rule
Review Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Review Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Review Subledger Mapping
Review Subledger Standard
Review Subledger
Supporting Reference
Review Subledger
Transaction Account
Review Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Update Subledger
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, Manage Application
Administration territory, time zone, currency, and Reference Currency
language, including natural and ISO Manage Application
language. Reference ISO Language
Manage Application
Reference Industry
Manage Application
Reference Language
Manage Application
Reference Natural Language
Manage Application
Reference Territory
Manage Application
Reference Timezone
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Enterprise Structures Administer all enterprise structure related Assign Balancing Segment
Administration setup objects including charts of Values to Ledger
accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, Assign Balancing Segment
legal entities, legal jurisdictions and Values to Legal Entity
business units. Assign Business Unit
Business Function
Assign Legal Entity
Assign Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Data Access
Set Definition
Common Access Apps Stats
Provider Service
Define Accounting Calendar
Define Chart of Accounts
Define Commitment Control
Define Conversion Rate
Define Ledger Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Data Access
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Statistical
Unit Of Measure
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Suspense
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Transaction
Define Reporting Currency
Extract Ledger Setup
Load and Maintain Account
Values and Hierarchies
Maintain Daily Conversion
Maintain Segment Value
Manage Account Cross
Validation Rules
Manage Accounting
Manage Accounting
Flexfield Aliases
Manage Accounting
Flexfields Segment Value
Security Rules by
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Applications
Coexistence Configuration
Manage Business Unit
Manage Business Unit
Service Client Relationships
Manage Business Unit
Service Provider
Manage Business Unit Set
Manage Close Monitor
Manage Enterprise
Structures Rapid
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Ledger Balancing
Manage Legal Address
Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Account
Manage Secondary Ledger
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Review and Submit
Accounting Configuration
Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Calendar Validation
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Daily Rates Import and
Calculation Program
Run Data Access Set Listing
Select Aggregation Options
for Account Hierarchies
Specify Ledger Option
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Financial Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, Assign Business Unit
coordinating, and supervising all Business Function
activities related to the integration of Common Access Apps Stats
financial information systems. Provider Service
Create Business Unit Tax
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Receivables
Automatic Receipt Batch
Create Receivables Receipt
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Enter Budget Amounts for
Financial Reporting
Import Bank Statement
Reconciliation External
Import Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
Import Receivables Receipt
through Lockbox
Maintain Bank Statement
Maintain Historical
Conversion Rate
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Bank Statement
Manage Bank Statement and
Reconciliation Activities
Manage Business Unit
Manage Business Unit
Service Client Relationships
Manage Business Unit
Service Provider
Manage Business Unit Set
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany Rule
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Ledger Balancing
Manage Receivables
Automatic Receipt Batch
Manage Receivables
Balances Activities
Manage Receivables Receipt
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Mark Bank Statement
Reconciliation Reviewed
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Process Electronic Bank
Reconcile Bank Statement
Run Actual Receipts Report
Run Automatic Receipts
Awaiting Confirmation
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Preview Mode
Submit Autoreconciliation
Submit Bank Statement
Submit Bank Statement
Transaction Creation
Submit Cash to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Submit Receivables
Automatic Receipt Creation
Submit Receivables
Specialist Assignment Batch
Sweep Incomplete
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Intercompany Transaction
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
View Bank Statement
View Business Unit Tax
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Reporting Unit Tax
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Fixed Asset Reporting Manages Fixed Assets reporting. Prepare Asset Register
Submit Delete Mass
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Capitalization Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset Change
Category Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Adjustment Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Clearing Reconciliation
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset Cost
Summary Report
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Fixed Asset
Hypothetical What If
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Fixed Asset
Impairment Report
Submit Fixed Asset Journal
Entry Reserve Ledger
Submit Fixed Asset Mass
Additions Create Report
Submit Fixed Asset Property
Tax Report
Submit Fixed Asset Reserve
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset Reserve
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Retirements Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Revaluation Reserve Detail
Submit Fixed Asset
Revaluation Reserve
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for Japan
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for United States
Submit Fixed Asset
Transaction History Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Transfers Report
Submit Fixed Asset What If
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Fixed Assets by
Cash Generating Unit
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Detail Report
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Submit Group Fixed Asset
Summary Report
Submit Mass Additions
Posting Report
Fixed Asset Transaction Manages asset acquisitions, asset Add Cost Source Line to
Management financial information, depreciation rules, Fixed Asset
asset capitalization, calculates Add Fixed Asset
depreciation, copies transactions to tax Adjust Fixed Asset
books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, Retirement
asset descriptive information, asset Adjust Fixed Asset Unit
retirements and reinstates erroneous Calculate Fixed Asset
retirements. Deferred Depreciation
Calculate Fixed Asset
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Capitalize CIP Fixed Asset
Change Fixed Asset
Change Fixed Asset
Descriptive Detail
Change Fixed Asset
Financial Information
Change Group Fixed Asset
Create Fixed Asset Mass
Source Line Transfer
Create Fixed Asset Mass
Unplanned Depreciation
Create Fixed Asset
Create Fixed Asset
Unplanned Depreciation
Create Mass Change Fixed
Asset Depreciation Rules
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Category Change
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Resume Depreciation
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Suspend Depreciation
Create Mass Fixed Asset
Create Mass Group Fixed
Asset Change
Create and Update Fixed
Asset Impairment
Delete Fixed Asset
Delete Mass Additions
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Cost
and Depreciation
Manage Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Transactions Activities
Merge Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Modify Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Populate Fixed Asset ACE
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Post Fixed Asset Online
Post Mass Additions
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Post Mass Fixed Asset
Prepare Fixed Asset
Category Change in
Prepare Fixed Asset Change
Depreciation Rules in
Prepare Fixed Asset Cost
Source Lines
Prepare Fixed Asset
Depreciation Override
Prepare Fixed Asset Group
Asset Change in
Prepare Fixed Asset
Prepare Fixed Asset Resume
Depreciation in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Retirement in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Revaluation in Spreadsheet
Prepare Fixed Asset
Suspend Depreciation in
Prepare Fixed Asset Units of
Prepare Mass Additions
Prepare Mass Fixed Asset
Assignment in Spreadsheet
Process Fixed Asset
Process Fixed Asset
Reinstate Fixed Asset
Reinstate Mass Fixed Asset
Retire Fixed Asset
Search Fixed Asset
Search Fixed Asset
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Financial Transactions
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Search Mass Fixed Asset
Select Assets for Fixed
Asset Mass Transactions
Split Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Submit Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Initial
Mass Copy to Tax Book
Submit Fixed Asset Journal
Entry Reserve Ledger
Submit Fixed Asset Periodic
Mass Copy to Tax Book
Submit Fixed Asset Tax
Reports for Japan
Submit Fixed Asset What if
Depreciation Analysis
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Suspend Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset
Transfer Fixed Asset
Update Fixed Asset ACE
Update Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Upload Fixed Asset Units of
Validate Fixed Asset
Depreciation Override
Validate Fixed Asset Units
of Production
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accounting Administers setup objects related to Administer Financial
Functional Administration General Ledger journals and other Statement Report
accounting setup components such as Administer Oracle Fusion
intercompany setups and historical General Ledger Allocation
translation rates. Formula
Create Financial Statement
Define Journal Reversal
Criteria Set
Define Oracle Fusion
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
General Ledger Allocation
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Automatic
Posting Criteria Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Revaluation
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Suspense
Export and Import Financial
Report Definitions
Maintain Aggregated
Manage Accounting Period
Manage Accounting and
Reporting Sequencing
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Encumbrance Type
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Journal Approval
Manage Journal Categories
Manage Journal Sources
Manage Ledger Balancing
Migrate Allocations and
Periodic Entries Formulas
Run Close Period Program
Run Gapless Close Program
Run Open Period Program
Run Permanently Close
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
Transfer E-Business Suite
Balances to Financial
Reporting Cloud Service
View Fixed Asset Books
General Accounting Setup Views set up for accounting and Review Accounting Period
Review transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion Status
General Ledger accounting period status, Review Historical
conversion rates and chart of accounts Conversion Rate
mapping rules. Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Data Access Set Listing
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Applications
Coexistence Configuration
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Fixed Asset Books
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and Create General Ledger and
transaction inquiry and reporting Subledger Accounting
privileges for General Ledger. Account Analysis Report
Create General Ledger and
Subledger Accounting by
Journal Lines Report
Inquire Fixed Asset
Inquire and Analyze Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Account Balance
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Account Analysis -
Average Balance Audit
Run Account Analysis -
Contra Account Report
Run Account Analysis
Run Financial Statements
Run General Ledger Journal
Entry Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report by
Balancing Segment Report
Run General Ledger Report
Run General Ledger Trial
Balance Report
Run Global Account
Analysis Report
Run Global Daily Journals
Run Global Journal Ledger
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Journals - Batch
Summary Report
Run Journals - Check Report
Run Journals - Day Book
Run Journals - Extended
Run Journals - Tax Report
Run Trial Balance - Average
Run Trial Balance -
Expanded Report
Run Trial Balance -
Translation Report
Run Trial Balance Report
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transactions Create, update, approve, reject Enter Customer Account
Entry intercompany transactions and batches. Export Customer Account
Import Intercompany
Import Payables Invoice
Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Reconcile Intercompany
Remove Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Intercompany
Transaction Report
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit Intercompany
Transaction Reconciliation
Transfer Intercompany
Update Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including Collect Intrastat
collecting, validating, exporting, printing, Transactions
and purging intrastat transactions. Defines Define Intrastat Country
intrastat country characteristics, Characteristics
parameters, and rules. Define Intrastat Parameters
Define Intrastat Rules
Export Intrastat Transactions
Manage Intrastat
Monitor Intrastat Work Area
Print Intrastat Transactions
Purge Intrastat Transactions
Submit Reset Intrastat
Transaction status
Validate Intrastat
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations. Correct Journal Import
Define Self Managed Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Allocation Formula
Delete Journal
Enter Journal
Enter Journal By
Enter Journal for Non-
Business Day Transactions
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Override Journal Accounted
Override Journal Reversal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Post Journal
Reverse Journal
Run Automatic Posting
Run Automatic Reversal
Run Delete Journal Import
Data Program
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Run Import Journals
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting Manage Legal Address
units and registrations. Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity
Contact Information
Manage Legal Entity
Deduction Records
Manage Legal Entity
Financial Information
Manage Legal Entity HCM
Manage Legal Entity
Intercompany Exception
Manage Legal Entity
Primary Ledger
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity for
Associated Business Entity
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Manage Legal Reporting
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Contact Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Deduction Records
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Financial Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Registration
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Workforce Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit for Associated
Balancing Segment
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Search Legal Entity
Search Legal Reporting Unit
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Create Payables Invoice by
Submission import program. Web Service
Import Payables Invoice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Payables Invoice
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Tax Administrator Sets up technical areas and the integration Create Country Defaults and
with tax service providers. Controls for Transaction
Create Tax Processing
Create Withholding Tax
Processing Options
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Tax
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run Tax Configuration
Content Upload Program
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Tax Processing
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax Run Tax Simulator Purge
regimes and taxes. Program
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Status
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Tax External Taxable Duty Role to manage import of Account External Taxable
Transaction Processing transactions from external sources. Transaction
Correct External Transaction
Create External Taxable
Create External Taxable
Import External Taxable
Manage Journal Activities
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax Create Tax Reporting Type
reports. Create Yearly Tax Report
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Prepare EU Sales Listing
Prepare Tax Allocation
Prepare Tax Allocations
Prepare Tax Box Allocation
Prepare Tax Final Reporting
Prepare Tax Selection
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Payables Tax Report by
Ledger/Business Unit
Run Receivables Tax Report
by Ledger/Business Unit
Run Tax Audit Trail Report
Run Tax Reconciliation
Run Tax Reconciliation by
Taxable Account Report
Run Tax Register
Run Tax Reporting
Run Turnover Declaration
Closure Process
Run Turnover Reporting
Selection Process
Run U.S. Sales Tax Report
Run Use Tax Liability
Update Tax Reporting Type
View Finalized Report
History of Transaction
View Tax Reporting Type
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Financial Integration Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can read application Inquiry
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
assessment categories including Application Attachment
internal to supplier Resource: Application
qualification, miscellaneous Attachment
Role: Tax
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can read application Inquiry
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
qualification categories Application Attachment
including internal to supplier Resource: Application
qualification, miscellaneous Attachment
Role: Tax
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can read application Inquiry
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
qualification question category Application Attachment
including to supplier Resource: Application
A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can read application Inquiry
attachment for the supplier Privilege: Read
qualification response Application Attachment
categories including from Resource: Application
supplier, from internal Attachment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
responder, miscellaneous, to Role: Tax
buyer, to supplier Administrator
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Application Objects A Financial Integration Role: Enterprise
Specialist can manage Structures
application objects for all Administration
financial supply chain Privilege: Manage
manufacturing application Application Objects
objects (Data)
Resource: Application
Classification Code File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Activity Specialist can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
activities of object type Import Activity Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Mapping Specialist can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
classification code file import Classification Code File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
'classification code' Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Object Specialist can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
object type for all classification Privilege: View
code file import objects of Classification Code File
object type 'classification code' Import Object Type
Classification Code File
Import Object
Consumer File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view consumer Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all consumer file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Mapping Specialist can view consumer Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all consumer file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Consumer File Import
'consumer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view consumer Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'consumer' Consumer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view contact file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all contact file import activities Privilege: View
of object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view contact file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all contact file import mappings Privilege: View
of object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Mapping
Contact File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view contact file Community Import
import object type for all Batch Management
contact file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'contact' Contact File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Cost Distribution A Financial Integration Role: General Ledger
Specialist can view cost Reporting
transaction for the cost Privilege: View Cost
organizations associated to the Transaction (Data)
ledgers for which the user is Resource: Cost
authorized Distribution
Customer File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view customer Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Activity Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view customer Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Customer File Import
'customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view customer Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
customer file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'customer' Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Fixed Asset A Financial Integration Role: Fixed Asset
Specialist can add fixed asset in Transaction
the asset books that they are Management
authorized to access Privilege: Add Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
A Financial Integration Role: Fixed Asset
Specialist can change fixed Transaction
asset in the asset books that Management
they are authorized to access Privilege: Change
Fixed Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
A Financial Integration Role: Fixed Asset
Specialist can retire fixed asset Transaction
in the asset books that they are Management
authorized to access Privilege: Retire Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
A Financial Integration Role: Fixed Asset
Specialist can submit fixed Inquiry
assets reports in the asset books Privilege: Submit
that they are authorized to Fixed Assets Reports
access Resource: Fixed Asset
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: Submit
Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Submit
Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
A Financial Integration Role: Fixed Asset
Specialist can track fixed asset Transaction
in the asset books that they are Management
authorized to access Privilege: Track Fixed
Asset (Data)
Resource: Fixed Asset
General Ledger Period A Financial Integration Role: Manage General
Status Specialist can manage Ledger Accounting
accounting period status for the Period Status
set of subsidiaries whose close Privilege: Manage
processes they manage Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
A Financial Integration Role: Review General
Specialist can view accounting Ledger Accounting
period status for the set of Period Status
subsidiaries whose close Privilege: View
processes they manage Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Group Customer File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Activity Specialist can view group Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import activities Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Mapping Specialist can view group Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all group Privilege: View Group
customer file import mappings Customer File Import
of object type 'group customer' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Object Specialist can view group Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all group customer file Privilege: View Group
import objects of object type Customer File Import
'group customer'
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all hierarchy file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all hierarchy file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Hierarchy File Import
'hierarchy' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'hierarchy' Hierarchy File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Activity Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import activity object Batch Management
type for all hierarchy node file Privilege: View
import activities of object type Hierarchy Node File
'hierarchy node' Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Mapping Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy Privilege: View
node file import mappings of Hierarchy Node File
object type 'hierarchy node' Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Import Object Specialist can view hierarchy Community Import
node file import object type for Batch Management
all hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
objects of object type 'hierarchy
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
node' Hierarchy Node File
Import Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Journal A Financial Integration Role: Tax External
Specialist can manage journals Taxable Transaction
tax for the business units for Processing
which they are authorized Privilege: Manage
Journals Tax (Data)
Resource: Journal
Ledger A Financial Integration Role: Subledger
Specialist can manage ledger Accounting Manager
for subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Activity Specialist can view legal entity Community Import
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
activities of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Mapping Specialist can view legal entity Community Import
file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Privilege: View Legal
mappings of object type 'legal Entity File Import
entity' Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Object Specialist can view legal entity Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
legal entity file import objects Privilege: View Legal
of object type 'legal entity' Entity File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Party Tax Profile A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Specialist can manage business Account Inquiry
unit party tax profile for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Business Unit Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Privilege: Manage
Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
A Financial Integration Role: Legal Entities
Specialist can manage party tax Administration
profile for any party tax profile Privilege: Manage
defined in the enterprise Party Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax
Payables Standard A Financial Integration Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice Specialist can manage payables Import Submission
invoice for all business units in Privilege: Manage
the enterprise Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payment Card A Financial Integration Role: Payee Bank
Specialist can view employee Account Management
credit card for any employee Privilege: View
corporate cards in the enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Payroll Checklist A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll
security profile Checklist
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll
security profile Checklist
Payroll Checklist A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Annotation Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Parameter Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Parameter
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Parameter
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Task Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Task Interaction Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Task Parameter Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Task Property Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Instance A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance
Payroll Flow Instance A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Interaction Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance Interaction
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance Interaction
Payroll Flow Task A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Instance Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for payroll flows in their Distribution Work Area
payroll flow security profile Privilege: Manage
Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for payroll flows in their Distribution Work Area
payroll flow security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
Payroll Task A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Payroll Task Parameter A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A Financial Integration Role: Access Payroll
Specialist can view payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Person A Financial Integration Role: Enterprise
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Specialist can choose person Structures
for persons and assignments in Administration
their person and assignment Privilege: Choose
security profile Person (Data)
Resource: Person
Public Person A Financial Integration Role: Fixed Asset
Specialist can report public Inquiry
person for persons and Privilege: Report
assignments in their person and Public Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
Receivables Credit A Financial Integration Role: General Ledger
Memo Specialist can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
Receivables Invoice A Financial Integration Role: General Ledger
Specialist can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Receivables A Financial Integration Role: General Ledger
Miscellaneous Receipt Specialist can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Receivables Standard A Financial Integration Role: General Ledger
Receipt Specialist can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Receiving Distribution A Financial Integration Role: General Ledger
Specialist can review receipt Reporting
accounting for the business Privilege: Review
units associated to the ledgers Receipt Accounting
for which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receiving
Source System A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Reference File Import Specialist can view source Community Import
Activity system reference file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import activities of object type Import Activity Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Reference File Import Specialist can view source Community Import
Mapping system reference file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Privilege: View Source
source system reference file System Reference File
import mapping of object type Import Mapping Object
'source system reference' Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System A Financial Integration Role: Trading
Reference File Import Specialist can view source Community Import
Object system reference file import Batch Management
object type for all source Privilege: View Source
system reference file import System Reference File
objects of object type 'source Import Object Type
system reference' (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Subledger Accounting A Financial Integration Role: Accounting Hub
Balance Specialist can manage Administration
subledger accounting balance Privilege: Manage
for the subsidiaries or Subledger Accounting
management segment values Balance (Data)
whose account balance they Resource: Subledger
manage Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Manager
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Financial Integration Role: Subledger
Specialist can manage Accounting Manager
subledger application for the Privilege: Manage
owning oracle fusion Subledger Application
accounting generating (Data)
subledger application. Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Financial Integration Role: Subledger
Specialist can manage Accounting Manager
subledger source transaction for Privilege: Manage
the business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Journal Entry
which they are authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Financial Integration Role: Subledger
Transaction Specialist can manage Accounting Manager
subledger source transaction for Privilege: Manage
the business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Source Transaction
which they are authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Defaults and A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Controls Specialist can manage Configuration Inquiry
application tax options for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Application Tax
are authorized Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax Configuration Inquiry
exception for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exception (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Exemption A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Specialist can manage tax Account Inquiry
exemption for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exemption (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Privilege: Manage Tax
Exemption (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Tax Rate A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax rate Configuration Inquiry
for the tax setup applicable to Privilege: Manage Tax
the business units for which Rate (Data)
they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Recovery A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax Configuration Inquiry
recovery for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Recovery (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Rule A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax rule Configuration Inquiry
for the tax setup applicable to Privilege: Manage Tax
the business units for which Rule (Data)
they are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Status A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax Configuration Inquiry
status for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Status (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Taxable Transaction A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage taxable Configuration Inquiry
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Taxable Transaction
authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Customer Account Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
account for all customer Privilege: View
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Customer Account Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
Relationship account relationship for all Privilege: View
customer account relationships Customer Account
in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
account site for all customer Privilege: View
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Specialist can view customer Account Inquiry
Use account site use for all Privilege: View
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Organization Party Specialist can view trading Account Inquiry
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Party Specialist can view trading Inquiry
community contact for all Privilege: View
trading community persons in Trading Community
the enterprise except contacts Contact (Data)
created by partners. Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Specialist can view trading Account Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can view trading Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can view trading Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Contact Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact Specialist can manage trading Inquiry
Preference community legal contact Privilege: Manage
preference for all trading Trading Community
community contact preferences Legal Contact
not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Integration Role: Customer
Relationship Specialist can view trading Account Inquiry
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Financial Integration Role: Supplier Profile
Specialist can view trading Inquiry
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
except partner contact Resource: Trading
relationships, or relationships Community
created by partners Relationship
Transaction Tax A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage Configuration Inquiry
transaction tax for the tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business units Transaction Tax (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage Configuration Inquiry
transaction tax for the Privilege: Manage
withholding tax setup Transaction Tax (Data)
applicable to the business Resource: Business
unit(s) they are responsible for Unit
Withholding Tax A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Exception Specialist can manage tax Configuration Inquiry
exception for the withholding Privilege: Manage Tax
tax setup applicable to the Exception (Data)
business unit(s) they are Resource: Business
responsible for Unit
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax rate Configuration Inquiry
for the withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Rate (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Specialist can manage tax rule Configuration Inquiry
for the withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Rule (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Integration Role: Tax
Specialist can manage tax Configuration Inquiry
status for the withholding tax Privilege: Manage Tax
setup applicable to the business Status (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Financial Integration Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Administrator
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Supplier Profile
maintain supplier corporate identifiers Inquiry
for all suppliers for nonindividual types Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Tax Administrator
maintain supplier individual identifiers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
pii for all supplier sites in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Supplier
A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Tax Administrator
maintain supplier individual identifiers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
pii for all suppliers in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Tax Administrator
maintain supplier individual identifiers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
pii for all suppliers of type individual in Individual Identifiers PII
the enterprise (Data)
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Tax Administrator
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Tax Configuration
manage taxable transaction for any Inquiry
taxable transaction existing in the Privilege: Manage Taxable
enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Financial Integration Specialist can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Financial Integration Specialist
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Enter Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Post Journal Entry
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Add Cost Source Line
to Fixed Asset
Add Fixed Asset
Delete Mass Additions
Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Manage Fixed Asset
Merge Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Post Mass Additions
Prepare Fixed Asset
Cost Source Lines
Prepare Mass Additions
Split Fixed Asset Cost
Source Line
Submit Delete Mass
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset
Additions Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset CIP
Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Clearing
Reconciliation Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Detail Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Cost Summary Report
Submit Fixed Asset
Mass Additions Create
Submit Mass Additions
Posting Report
Transfer File
Update Fixed Asset
Cost Source Line
Privilege Assets Depreciation Calculate Fixed Asset
Enter Journal Entry Enter Journal
Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Setup GL Currencies Define Reporting
Setup GL Daily Rates Maintain Daily
Conversion Rate
Setup GL Data Access Define Oracle Fusion
Sets General Ledger Data
Access Set
Setup GL Journal Manage Journal
Authorization Limits Approval Rules
Setup GL Ledger Sets Define Ledger Set
Setup GL Options Specify Ledger Option
Setup GL Rate Types Define Conversion Rate
Setup GL Statistical Define Oracle Fusion
Units of Measure General Ledger
Statistical Unit Of
Job Role: Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing
Application Administrator
Individual responsible for administration of the financials supply chain and
manufacturing pillar.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Administrator

Duty Role Description

Accounting Hub Administration Configures the accounting hub for a source system.
Application Deployment Manages application instance configurations and enterprise
Administration applications.
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for
Execution diagnostic test runs.
Application Diagnostic Test Reviews diagnostic test run status and test reports.
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and schedules diagnostic tests, enters input parameters for
Scheduling diagnostic test runs.
Application Diagnostics Advanced Selects, runs, and schedules diagnostic tests, reviews diagnostic test
User status and reports, and adds diagnostic test results to application
Application Diagnostics Data Runs application diagnostic test data and views resulting reports,
Advanced associated with advanced users.
Application Diagnostics Data Runs application diagnostic test data and views application
Regular diagnostic test report data.
Application Diagnostics Data Views application diagnostic test report data.
Application Diagnostics Regular Selects and runs diagnostic tests. Reviews diagnostic test status and
User reports. Does not schedule diagnostic tests or add test results to
application incidents.
Application Diagnostics Viewer Reviews diagnostic test run status and test results.
Application Implementation Manages implementation projects. Also responsible for assigning
Management task owners, but does not perform setup tasks.
Application Registration Maintains application metadata such as provisioning
configurations, enterprise applications, domains, and application
components such as pillars, environment types, module types, and
middleware components.
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone,
Administration currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.
B2B Messaging Administration This user is a member of an organization who has delegated
administration responsibilities.
BI Applications Administrator Duty Role to administer and manage Business Intelligence
Applications. This Duty Role provides access to the BI
Applications Configuration Manager and to the BI Data Warehouse
Administration Console.
Budgetary Control Administration Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
Duty Role Description
subject area.
Bussiness Process Engineering This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative
Human Taskflow Administration actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in
this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored
(incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task
configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is
a business administrator type role. This role is granted to
CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server
Carrier Management Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier
contacts, and shipping methods.
Cash Management Administration Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive
Collections Administration Maintains Collection setups.
Configurator Reviewing Contains read-only privileges for the Configurator Modeling
Contract Management Across All Permits an application using the CRM application ID to manage
Contracts Web Service contracts across all business units.
Contract Setup Contract Setup
Corporate Card Account Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card
Administration programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee
Cost Management Administration Performs cost management application setups and administration.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts
and customer account sites.
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other
Management payment details.
Download data from Order Allows to download file exported from order orchestration and
Orchestration and Planning Data planning.
Collection Export
Enterprise Structures Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including
Administration charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities,
legal jurisdictions and business units.
Expenses Administration Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies
and processes.
External Connectivity Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an
Configuration Administration external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules.
Financials Administration for Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.
Fixed Asset Administration Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setup Objects Provider Maintains setup metadata such as offerings, options, features, setup
tasks and task lists.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Functional Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and
Administration other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups
and historical translation rates.
General Ledger Technical Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
Geography Administration Grants privileges to set up geographies
Duty Role Description
Grants Management Configures business unit implementation options, reference types,
Administration grants personnel, keywords, institutions, and other setup objects.
Import Chart Of Accounts Allows import of the chart of accounts.
Import Customer Allows access to import customer.
Import Tax Rate Allows import of tax rate.
Inventory ABC Analysis Manages ABC analysis activities including definition of classes,
assignment groups, and classification sets.
Inventory Administration Configures all setup-related activities for inventory management.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Item Management Creates and manages items including item attributes, item
structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.
Manage Pedigree and Serialization Duty role to manage Pedigree and Serialization Setup Information.
System Setup
Manage Serial Destination for Duty role to manage Serial Destination.
Pedigree and Serialization
Marketing Campaign Management Manages secured marketing campaigns from planning to design
and execution. Defines and maintains secured marketing
treatments, lists, segments, and content.
Marketing Execution Management Manages the execution of secured marketing campaigns. Manages
secured marketing responses including response import and
converting responses to sales leads and opportunities. Schedules
and monitors processes to record response interactions and create
trading community members from suspects.Manages the execution
of secured marketing campaigns. Manages secured marketing
responses including response import and converting responses to
sales leads and opportunities. Schedules and monitors processes to
record response interactions and create trading community
members from suspects.
Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details pages.
Opportunity Administration Administers all aspects of the application, including some setup.
This role is for opportunity administrators.
Orchestration Infrastructure Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the
Administration orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other
Order Orchestration Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.
Order Promising Management Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and
rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to
promising fulfillment lines.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Administration Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Payments Data Security Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of
Administration sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.
Payments Disbursement Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier
Administration payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.
Payments Funds Capture Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions,
Administration such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.
Duty Role Description
Planning Administration Configures and manages planning set up, data collection and order
promising server processes.
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.
Pricing Setup Management Manages setup required for price execution. This includes setting
up price elements, pricing bases, pricing charges, pricing message
and tokens, pricing matrix types, pricing totals, rounding rules,
result presentation templates, process assignments, pricing
parameters, pricing descriptive flexfields and pricing lookups.
Product Hub Administration Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Hub.
Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and
inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog
Product Model Administration Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product.
Project Execution Application Performs setup tasks such as defining progress thresholds, default
Administration calendar options for projects and resources, enterprise codes for
projects and tasks, and calendars to establish work schedules for
projects and resources. Manages project enterprise resources,
project roles, resource pools, target utilization percentages, and
project enterprise resource maintenance conditions. Initiates
processes to maintain the project resource search index.
Project Financial Application Performs setup tasks for project costing and manages project
Administration costing business objects such as expenditure type, expenditure
categories, rate schedules, and burden schedules. Performs setup
tasks for contract billing and project performance reporting.
Configures project plan types, financial plan types, spread curves,
and period profiles. Configures setup options for integrating with
external scheduling applications.
Project Resource Assignment Directly assigns a resource to a project without approval from the
resource manager. Edits project resource assignment attributes such
as from and to dates, effort, allocation percentage, and cost and bill
Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including defining procurement configuration,
procurement agents, approved supplier list statuses, document
styles, change order templates, line types, carriers, UN numbers,
and hazard classes.
Receivables Administration Manages Receivables setup activities.
Resource Administration Administers resource information.
Resource Organization Administers resource organizations.
SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA
Rules Composer. This is a business administrator type role. Any
team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to
their admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and
BPMWorkflowAdmin. By default this application role is granted to
"Administrators" enterprise role.
Sales Forecasting Delegated Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast items, sales forecast
Management adjustments, and sales forecast item adjustments. Additional duties
include exporting forecast information and managing forecasts on
behalf of other users.
Sales Lead Processing Processes sales leads including managing, importing, and assigning
sales lead activities.
Sales Lead Qualification Qualifies sales leads to determine the sales readiness of the lead.
Sales Lead Qualification Qualifies sales leads to determine the sales readiness of all the leads
Supervision in your reporting hierarchy.
Duty Role Description
Shipping Administration Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain
Oracle Fusion Shipping.
Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost
factor lists, and other administrative operations.
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Profile Inquiry as Supplier Views non-bank account related supplier profile information as a
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can set up supplier qualification questions, areas,
Administration and models.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Synchronize Product Lot for Duty role to synchronize lot from the transactional system.
Pedigree and Serialization
Synchronize Product for Pedigree Duty role to synchronize product from the transactional system.
and Serialization
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.
Trading Community Data Quality Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server
Administration configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and
cleansing configurations.
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management
Unit of Measure Management Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard,
interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.
Upload data for General Ledger Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment
Import values and hierarchies.
Upload data for Order Allows to upload data file to import collected data for order
Orchestration and Planning Data orchestration and planning.
Collection Import
Upload data for Project Billing Allows to upload data file to import project billing related data.
Upload data for Project Control Allows to upload data file to import Project Control related data.
Upload data for Project Foundation Allows to upload data file to import Project Foundation related
Import data.
Upload data for Project Allows to upload data file to import project management data.
Management Import
Upload data for Project Resource Allows to upload data file to import Project Resource Management
Management Import related data.
Upload data for Receivables Allows to upload data file to import customers.
Upload data for Supplier Import Allows import of suppliers, supplier site, supplier site assignment
and supplier contact
Upload data for Tax Import Allows to upload data file to import tax related data.
Upload security credential files for Allows upload of wallet and key file to Payments credential store.
Payments Import
Withholding Tax Administration Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Financial Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Administrator

Inherited Roles
Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application Administrator
Financial Application Administrator
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Application Diagnostics Advanced User
Application Diagnostics Advanced User
Application Diagnostic Test Scheduling
Application Diagnostics Regular User
Application Diagnostic Test Execution
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostic Test Reporting
Application Diagnostics Data Advanced
Application Diagnostics Regular User
Application Diagnostics Data Regular
Application Diagnostics Regular User
Application Diagnostic Test Execution
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostic Test Reporting
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostics Data Viewer
Application Diagnostics Viewer
Application Diagnostic Test Reporting
Application World Reference Administration
Budgetary Control Administration
Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration
Cash Management Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
Functional Setups
Collections Administration
Corporate Card Account Administration
Functional Setups
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Enterprise Structures Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Application World Reference Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Fixed Asset Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Functional Setups
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
Expenses Administration
Functional Setups
External Connectivity Configuration Administration
Financials Administration for Brazil
Fixed Asset Administration
General Accounting Functional Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Inherited Roles
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Functional Setups
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Functional Setups
General Ledger Technical Administration
Functional Setups
Import Chart Of Accounts
Import Customer
Import Tax Rate
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
Payables Administration
Functional Setups
Payments Data Security Administration
Payments Disbursement Administration
Payments Funds Capture Administration
Receivables Administration
Customer Maintenance
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Payment Instrument Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
Resource Organization Administration
Trading Community Data Quality Administration
Tax Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Upload data for Receivables Import
Upload data for Tax Import
Upload security credential files for Payments Import
Withholding Tax Administration
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Incentive Compensation Application Administrator
Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration
Inherited Roles
Functional Setups
Procurement Application Administrator
Application World Reference Administration
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration
Contract Setup
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
Functional Setups
Payables Invoice Import Submission
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Purchasing Administration
Sourcing Administration
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
Supplier Qualification Administration
Upload data for Supplier Import
Project Application Administrator
Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
Bussiness Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration
Contract Setup
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
Resource Administration
Application World Reference Administration
Link User Name to Person
Manage Users
Manage User Account
Link User Name to Person
Use User Details Service
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Functional Setups
Grants Management Administration
Manage Projects Accounting Period Status
Project Execution Application Administration
Project Financial Application Administration
Project Resource Assignment
Upload data for Project Billing Import
Upload data for Project Control Import
Inherited Roles
Upload data for Project Foundation Import
Upload data for Project Management Import
Upload data for Project Resource Management Import
Sales Forecasting Delegated Management
Supply Chain Application Administrator
Application Implementation Administrator
Application Deployment Administration
Application Implementation Management
Application Registration
BI Applications Administrator
Functional Setup Objects Provider
Application World Reference Administration
B2B Administrator
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Web Services Application Identity (SCM)
Attachments User
CRM Stage Write
Attachments User
CRM Stage Write
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Contract Management Across All Contracts Web Service
Item Inquiry
Negotiation Viewing
Item Inquiry
Manage Inventory Transfer Order
Manage Subinventory and Locator
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Marketing Campaign Management
Marketing Execution Management
Opportunity Administration
Order Promising Management
Sales Lead Processing
Sales Lead Qualification
Sales Lead Qualification Supervision
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
Sales Lead Qualification
Sales Lead Qualification Supervision
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Supplier Profile Inquiry as Supplier
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Cost Management Administration
Functional Setups
Download data from Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection Export
Enterprise Structures Administration
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Application World Reference Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Inherited Roles
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Fixed Asset Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Functional Setups
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Facility Schedule Management
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Inventory Administration
Facility Schedule Management
Functional Setups
Inventory ABC Analysis
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Item Inquiry
Manage Subinventory and Locator
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Unit of Measure Management
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Item Management
Manage Pedigree and Serialization System Setup
Manage Receiving Parameter
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Manage Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization
Orchestration Infrastructure Administration
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Order Promising Management
Planning Administration
Planning Collected Data Management
Item Inquiry
Orchestration Infrastructure Administration
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Order Promising Management
Planning Administration
Planning Collected Data Management
Item Inquiry
Order Orchestration Administration
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Order Promising Management
Planning Administration
Planning Collected Data Management
Item Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Pricing Setup Management
Product Configurator Manager
Configurator Reviewing
Item Inquiry
Product Hub Administration
Product Model Administration
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Functional Setups
Shipping Administration
Carrier Management
Functional Setups
Geography Administration
Item Inquiry
Synchronize Product Lot for Pedigree and Serialization
Synchronize Product for Pedigree and Serialization
Trading Partner B2B Administrator
Unit of Measure Management
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Upload data for Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection Import
Web Services Application Identity (SCM)
Attachments User
CRM Stage Write
Attachments User
CRM Stage Write
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
Contract Management Across All Contracts Web Service
Item Inquiry
Negotiation Viewing
Item Inquiry
Manage Inventory Transfer Order
Manage Subinventory and Locator
Functional Setups
Item Inquiry
Marketing Campaign Management
Marketing Execution Management
Opportunity Administration
Order Promising Management
Sales Lead Processing
Sales Lead Qualification
Sales Lead Qualification Supervision
Trading Community Import Batch Management
Trading Community Import Process Management
Sales Lead Qualification
Sales Lead Qualification Supervision
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Supplier Profile Inquiry as Supplier
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Financial Supply
Chain Manufacturing Application Administrator

Aggregate Privilege Description

Link User Name to Person Creates a new user name or links an existing user
name for a person.
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status Manages Oracle Fusion General Ledger period
Manage Inventory Transfer Order Performs inventory transfer orders.
Manage Projects Accounting Period Status Manages Oracle Fusion Projects period status.
Manage Receiving Parameter Configures receiving parameters to specify default
receiving options for an inventory organization.
Manage Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to identify
material storage locations for items within an
inventory organization.
Manage User Account Manages user roles.
Manage Users Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.
Use User Details Service Creates or updates users during person
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing
Application Administrator.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounting Hub Configures the accounting hub for a Activate Subledger Journal
Administration source system. Entry Rule Set Assignments
Create and Assign
Subledger Standard Source
Define Subledger
Define Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Import Subledger Balance
for Supporting Reference
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Subledger Account
Manage Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Manage Subledger
Accounting Class Usage
Manage Subledger
Accounting Existing Scope
Manage Subledger
Accounting Method
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Manage Subledger
Application Transaction
Manage Subledger
Description Rule
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Manage Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Manage Subledger Mapping
Manage Subledger Mapping
Set Value
Manage Subledger Standard
Manage Subledger
Supporting Reference
Manage Subledger
Transaction Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Account
Review Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Review Subledger
Accounting Method
Review Subledger
Accounting Option
Review Subledger
Review Subledger
Description Rule
Review Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Review Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Review Subledger Mapping
Review Subledger Standard
Review Subledger
Supporting Reference
Review Subledger
Transaction Account
Review Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Update Subledger
Application Deployment Manages application instance Activate Optional Enterprise
Administration configurations and enterprise Application
applications. Manage Application
Manage Application Portlet
Manage Database
Manage Deployed Domain
Manage Enterprise
Review Topology Hierarchy
Setup and Maintain
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and runs diagnostic tests, enters Cancel Application
Execution input parameters for diagnostic test runs. Diagnostic Test Run
Run Application Diagnostic
Application Diagnostic Test Reviews diagnostic test run status and test View Application
Reporting reports. Diagnostic Run Status
View Application
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Diagnostic Test Report
Application Diagnostic Test Selects and schedules diagnostic tests, Schedule Application
Scheduling enters input parameters for diagnostic test Diagnostic Test
Application Diagnostics Selects, runs, and schedules diagnostic Add Application Diagnostic
Advanced User tests, reviews diagnostic test status and Test Results to Incidents
reports, and adds diagnostic test results to
application incidents.
Application Diagnostics Reviews diagnostic test run status and test Access Application
Viewer results. Diagnostic Dashboard
Search Application
Diagnostic Test
Application Implementation Performs all Oracle Fusion Functional Customize Setup UI
Administrator Setup Manager duties. Manage Comparison
Manage Configuration
Manage Setup Data Export
and Import Processes
Perform Quick Setup
Setup and Maintain
Submit Export Setup Data
Submit Import Setup Data
View Administration Link
Application Implementation Manages implementation projects. Also Configure Oracle Fusion
Management responsible for assigning task owners, but Applications Offering
does not perform setup tasks. Gather Implementation
Manage Implementation
Review Applications
Review Implementation
Project Overview
Setup and Maintain
Application Registration Maintains application metadata such as Manage Cluster
provisioning configurations, enterprise Manage Composites
applications, domains, and application Manage Data Source
components such as pillars, environment Manage Domain
types, module types, and middleware Manage Enterprise
components. Application
Manage Environment Type
Manage Logical Module
Manage Managed Server
Manage Middleware
Manage Module Type
Manage Pillar
Manage Provision
Manage Third Party
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Setup and Maintain
View Topology Objects
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, Manage Application
Administration territory, time zone, currency, and Reference Currency
language, including natural and ISO Manage Application
language. Reference ISO Language
Manage Application
Reference Industry
Manage Application
Reference Language
Manage Application
Reference Natural Language
Manage Application
Reference Territory
Manage Application
Reference Timezone
Budgetary Control Manages the administration tasks relating Archive and Purge
Administration to budgetary control Historical Budgetary
Control Data
Create Reporting Cube
Enable Budgetary Control
Manage Control Budgets
Purge Budgetary Control
Data not Affecting Balances
Rebuild Budget Calendar
Rebuild Budget Chart of
Accounts Dimension
Rebuild Control Budget
Refresh Tree for Budgetary
Transfer Control Budget
Balances to Essbase
Carrier Management Manages setup of carriers including Create Carrier
defining carriers, carrier contacts, and Manage Carrier Contacts
shipping methods. Manage Carrier Inbound
Manage Carrier Ship
Manage Transit Time
Search Carrier
Update Carrier
Cash Management Sets up system parameters, lookups, Add Trading Community
Administration profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Additional
Add Trading Community
Organization Address
Add Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Address Use
Add Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization Contact
Add Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Add Trading Community
Organization Instant
Add Trading Community
Organization Phone
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Organization Web Page
Correct Trading Community
Organization Address
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Define Accounting Calendar
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Transaction
Enter Trading Community
Organization Information
Export Trading Community
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Additional
Export Trading Community
Organization Addresses
Export Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Export Trading Community
Organization Contact Points
Export Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Contact
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Bank
Manage Bank Account
Manage Bank Branch
Manage Bank Statement
Automatic Reconciliation
Matching Rule Set
Manage Bank Statement
Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching
Manage Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance
Manage Bank Statement
Transaction Creation Rule
Manage Cash Transaction
Type Mapping
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Organization
Manage Organization
Manage Organization Notes
Manage Parse Rule Set
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Source System Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Organization
Usage Assignment
Move Trading Community
Organization Address
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Additional Identifier
Remove Trading
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Community Organization
Additional Name
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Address Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Classification Code
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Preference
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Contact Responsibility
Remove Trading
Community Organization E-
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Instant Messenger
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Web Page
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Additional
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address
Restore Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Restore Trading Community
Organization Contact
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Restore Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Restore Trading Community
Organization Instant
Restore Trading Community
Organization Phone
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Select Trading Community
Organization Address as
Primary for a Purpose
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact
Responsibility as Primary
Select Trading Community
Organization Contact as
Submit Organization Merge
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Trading Community
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Additional
Update Trading Community
Organization Address Use
Update Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization Contact
Update Trading Community
Organization E-Mail
Update Trading Community
Organization Instant
Update Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Phone
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Organization Web Page
View Accounting Calendar
View Bank
View Bank Account
View Bank Branch
View Bank Statement
Automatic Reconciliation
Matching Rule Set
View Bank Statement Code
View Bank Statement
Reconciliation Matching
View Bank Statement
Reconciliation Tolerance
View Bank Statement
Transaction Creation Rule
View Cash Transaction
Type Mapping
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
View Parse Rule Set
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Collections Administration Maintains Collection setups. Configure Collections
Application Preference
Determine Collections
Maintain Collections Aging
Maintain Collections
Maintain Collector
Manage Collections
Common Components
Run Aging 4-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket Report
Run Aging 7-Bucket by
Collector Report
Run Collections Dashboard
Send Collections
Submit Collections Metrics
Configurator Reviewing Contains read-only privileges for the View Configurator
Configurator Modeling Environment. Extension Archives
View Configurator Model
View Configurator Models
View Configurator Rules
View Configurator
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Supplemental Attributes
View Configurator UI
Template Maps
View Configurator User
View Configurator
View Snapshots
Contract Management Across Permits an application using the CRM Cancel Contract using Web
All Contracts Web Service application ID to manage contracts across Service
all business units. Close Contract by Web
Delete Contract
Delete Contract Documents
Delete Supporting
Edit Contract by Web
Enable Buy Intent
Enable Full Access
Enable Sell Intent
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Hold Contract
Manage Contract
Manage Supporting
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Purchase Agreement
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Purchase Agreement
View Purchase Order
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Contract Setup Contract Setup Build Keyword Search
Index for the Contract
Terms Library
Customize Contract UI
Define Project Contract
Billing Configuration
Generate PDF Contract for
Text Search
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Contract Currency
Conversion Rate Types
Manage Contract Customer
Manage Contract Customer
Account Site Usages
Manage Contract Global
Manage Contract Interaction
Reference Mapping
Manage Contract Layout
Manage Contract Line Item
Manage Contract Line Type
Manage Contract Note Type
Manage Contract
Organization Party
Manage Contract Party
Manage Contract Party
Manage Contract Party Role
and Contact Sources
Manage Contract Payment
Manage Contract Person
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Contract Risk Event
Manage Contract Standard
Clauses, Templates, and
Contract Expert Rules
Manage Contract Type
Manage Contract and
Pricing Integration
Manage Electronic
Signature Setup
Manage Extensible Object
Manage User Statuses and
Specify Customer Contract
Management Business
Function Properties
Specify Procurement
Contract Management
Business Function
Track Purchasing Activity
for Contract Fulfillment
Update Contract Status
View Administration Link
View Contract Type
Corporate Card Account Administers corporate card travel Manage Corporate Card
Administration programs and procurement card Expense Type Mapping
programs. Manages new, active, and Rule
terminated employee accounts. Manage Corporate Card
Expense Types Mapping
Manage Corporate Card
Manage Corporate Card
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Submission
Manage Corporate Card
Usage Policy
Manage Corporate Card for
Manage Expense Template
Manage Expenses System
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Cost Management Performs cost management application Approve Item Cost Profiles
Administration setups and administration. Define Estimate Mappings
Define Planning Cost
Define Planning Cost
Maintain Cost Organization
Manage Cost Analysis
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Cost Analysis
Manage Cost Book
Manage Cost Component
Manage Cost Element
Manage Cost Element
Manage Cost Organization
Manage Cost Profile
Manage Cost Valuation
Manage Default Cost Profile
Manage Expense Pools
Manage Item Cost Profile
Manage Valuation Unit
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
Customer Maintenance Defines and maintains Receivables Add Customer Account
attributes of customer accounts and Contact
customer account sites. Add Customer Account Site
Add Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Add Trading Community
Person Relationship
Correct Customer Account
Create Customer
Create Customer Account
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Enter Customer Account
Enter Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Enter Customer Account
Enter Trading Community
Merge Request
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Export Trading Community
Person Relationship
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage Customers
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Move Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Remove Customer Account
Site Use
Remove Trading
Community Organization
Remove Trading
Community Person
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Site Use
Restore Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Restore Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Person Relationship
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Person Relationship
Select Customer Account
Contact Responsibility as
Select Customer Account
Contact as Primary
Submit Trading Community
Merge Request
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Update Customer Account
Site Use
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Update Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Customer Payment Instrument Manages customer bank accounts and Manage External Bank and
Management credit cards and other payment details. Bank Branch
Manage External Payer
Payment Details
Manage Payment Card
Manage Third Party Bank
View Payment Card
View Third Party Bank
Enterprise Structures Administer all enterprise structure related Assign Balancing Segment
Administration setup objects including charts of Values to Ledger
accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, Assign Balancing Segment
legal entities, legal jurisdictions and Values to Legal Entity
business units. Assign Business Unit
Business Function
Assign Legal Entity
Assign Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Data Access
Set Definition
Common Access Apps Stats
Provider Service
Define Accounting Calendar
Define Chart of Accounts
Define Commitment Control
Define Conversion Rate
Define Ledger Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Data Access
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Statistical
Unit Of Measure
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Suspense
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Transaction
Define Reporting Currency
Extract Ledger Setup
Load and Maintain Account
Values and Hierarchies
Maintain Daily Conversion
Maintain Segment Value
Manage Account Cross
Validation Rules
Manage Accounting
Manage Accounting
Flexfield Aliases
Manage Accounting
Flexfields Segment Value
Security Rules by
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Applications
Coexistence Configuration
Manage Business Unit
Manage Business Unit
Service Client Relationships
Manage Business Unit
Service Provider
Manage Business Unit Set
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Close Monitor
Manage Enterprise
Structures Rapid
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Ledger Balancing
Manage Legal Address
Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Account
Manage Secondary Ledger
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Review and Submit
Accounting Configuration
Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Calendar Validation
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Daily Rates Import and
Calculation Program
Run Data Access Set Listing
Select Aggregation Options
for Account Hierarchies
Specify Ledger Option
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
Expenses Administration Manages company's expense reporting Configure Expense-Specific
system, including policies and processes. Field
Configure Expense-Specific
Tax Field
Extend Employee Matching
Link Corporate Expense
Policy to Expenses Work
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Cash Advance
Manage Conversion Rate
and Policy
Manage Corporate Card
Expense Types Mapping
Manage Corporate Card
Transaction Submission
Manage Cumulative
Mileage Determinant
Manage Expense Report
Terms and Conditions
Manage Expense Template
Manage Expenses System
Manage Extensions for
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Policies by Expense
Manage Travel Itinerary
Validation Rules
Manage Travel Partner
External Connectivity Sets up features allowing electronic Integrate External Payment
Configuration Administration communication with an external party, System
such as a bank or credit card processor. Manage BI Publisher
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Code Map Groups
Manage Oracle Fusion
Payments Format
Manage Payment System
Manage Transmission
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules. Manage Inventory
Manage Item Organization
Manage Schedule Exception
For Facility
Manage Schedule For
Manage Shift For Facility
Manage Workday Pattern
For Facility
Financial Application Manages financial application Assign Roles to User
Administrator administration. Collaborates with Copy Personal Data to
financial application users to maintain LDAP
consistent financial application setup, Create User Name
rules, and access. Customize Financial UI
Customize Help Topics
Launch Oracle Social
Link User Account
Maintain Historical
Conversion Rate
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Manage Application Menu
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany Rule
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Ledger Balancing
Manage Oracle Social
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Network Tracking
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Reset Password
Review Accounting Period
Review Historical
Conversion Rate
Send User Name Request to
Set Watchlist Options
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
Fixed Asset Administration Configures and maintains setups for Manage All Application
Oracle Fusion Assets. Profile Values
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Fixed Asset Bonus
Manage Fixed Asset Book
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Cash
Generating Unit
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling
Manage Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method
Manage Fixed Asset
Distribution Set
Manage Fixed Asset Fiscal
Manage Fixed Asset Key
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset Price
Manage Fixed Asset Prorate
Manage Fixed Asset System
Manage Fixed Assets
Configuration in
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Upgrade Asset Transactions
to Reporting Currency
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setup Objects Maintains setup metadata such as Manage Application Store
Provider offerings, options, features, setup tasks Manage Business Process
and task lists. Manage Feature
Manage Logical Entity
Manage Oracle Fusion
Application Offerings and
Functional Areas
Manage Quick Setup
Manage Solution Bundles
Manage Task List
Setup and Maintain
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accounting Administers setup objects related to Administer Financial
Functional Administration General Ledger journals and other Statement Report
accounting setup components such as Administer Oracle Fusion
intercompany setups and historical General Ledger Allocation
translation rates. Formula
Create Financial Statement
Define Journal Reversal
Criteria Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Automatic
Posting Criteria Set
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Revaluation
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Suspense
Export and Import Financial
Report Definitions
Maintain Aggregated
Manage Accounting Period
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Accounting and
Reporting Sequencing
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Encumbrance Type
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Journal Approval
Manage Journal Categories
Manage Journal Sources
Manage Ledger Balancing
Migrate Allocations and
Periodic Entries Formulas
Run Close Period Program
Run Gapless Close Program
Run Open Period Program
Run Permanently Close
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
Transfer E-Business Suite
Balances to Financial
Reporting Cloud Service
View Fixed Asset Books
General Ledger Technical Administers technical setups for Oracle Administer Cubes with Full
Administration Fusion General Ledger. Access
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Concurrent
Process Schedule
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Storage
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Maintain Aggregated
Maintain Balances Cubes
and Dimension Members
Run Chart of Accounts
Segments Indexes
Optimization for Journal
Import Program
Run Create Opening
Balance Journals in
Reporting Currency
Upgrade for Management
Geography Administration Grants privileges to set up geographies Export Import Territory
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run CRM Export Process
Run File Import Scheduler
Set Up CRM Objects for
Set Up File Import Activity
Grants Management Configures business unit implementation Manage Award Service
Administration options, reference types, grants personnel, Manage Award Template
keywords, institutions, and other setup Manage Grants Certification
objects. Manage Grants Federal
Domestic Assistance
Manage Grants Institution
Manage Grants Keyword
Manage Grants Management
Business Unit Configuration
Manage Grants Personnel
Manage Grants Reference
Manage Grants Sponsor
Manage Grants Terms and
Incentive Compensation Set up incentive compensation Configure Incentive
Application Administrator application Compensation Tables and
Customize Help Topics
Customize Incentive
Compensation UI
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Incentive
Compensation Bulk Export
Manage Incentive
Compensation Bulk Export
Manage Incentive
Compensation Calendar
Manage Incentive
Compensation Calendar
Manage Incentive
Compensation Currency
Conversion Rate Type
Manage Incentive
Compensation Currency
Manage Incentive
Compensation Earning
Manage Incentive
Compensation File Import
Manage Incentive
Compensation File Import
Manage Incentive
Compensation Intervals
Manage Incentive
Compensation Rule
Qualifier and Lookups
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Populate Incentive
Compensation Rules Report
Purge Incentive
Compensation Data
Register Incentive
Compensation Participant
Run CRM Export Process
Run File Import Scheduler
Set Up CRM Objects for
Set Up File Import Activity
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Set Up File Import Object
and Mapping
Set Up Incentive
Compensation Parameters
Set Watchlist Options
View Administration Link
Inventory ABC Analysis Manages ABC analysis activities Create ABC Classification
including definition of classes, Set
assignment groups, and classification Manage ABC Assignment
sets. Group
Manage ABC Classification
Perform ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Classification
Inventory Administration Configures all setup-related activities for Manage Interorganization
inventory management. Parameter
Manage Inventory Account
Manage Inventory
Consumption Rule
Manage Inventory Status
Manage Inventory
Transaction Reason
Manage Inventory
Transaction Sources and
Manage Item Lot Expiration
Manage Item Lot Grade
Manage Item Lot and Serial
Attributes Mapping
Manage Item Transaction
Manage Location
Manage Material Planner
Manage Picking Grouping
Manage Picking Rule
Manage Picking Rule
Mass Create Locations
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Item Management Creates and manages items including item Browse Item
attributes, item structures, packs, Create Item Structure
associations, relationships, and catalog Manage Item
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
assignments. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Lifecycle
Phase Change
Manage Item Manufacturer
Manage Item Organization
Manage Item Relationship
Manage Item Status Change
Manage Product Audit Trail
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
Monitor Item Summary
Monitor Item Work Area
View Development
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
View Trading Partner Item
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting Manage Legal Address
units and registrations. Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity
Contact Information
Manage Legal Entity
Deduction Records
Manage Legal Entity
Financial Information
Manage Legal Entity HCM
Manage Legal Entity
Intercompany Exception
Manage Legal Entity
Primary Ledger
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity for
Associated Business Entity
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Manage Legal Reporting
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Contact Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Deduction Records
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Financial Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Registration
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Workforce Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Unit for Associated
Balancing Segment
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Search Legal Entity
Search Legal Reporting Unit
Manage Pedigree and Duty role to manage Pedigree and Create Location for Pedigree
Serialization System Setup Serialization Setup Information. and Serialization
Create Serial Type Group
for Pedigree and
Delete Location for Pedigree
and Serialization
Delete Serial Type Group
for Pedigree and
Delete Serial Type for
Pedigree and Serialization
Edit Location for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Lookup for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Pedigree and
Serialization System
Edit Serial Type Group for
Pedigree and Serialization
Edit Serial Type for
Pedigree and Serialization
Manage Serial Destination for Duty role to manage Serial Destination. Create Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization Pedigree and Serialization
Delete Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization
Edit Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization
View Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization
Marketing Campaign Manages secured marketing campaigns Create Marketing Campaign
Management from planning to design and execution. Create Marketing List
Defines and maintains secured marketing Create Marketing Treatment
treatments, lists, segments, and content. Define Marketing Campaign
Communication Plan
Define Marketing Campaign
Contact Planning Rules
Delete Marketing Campaign
Delete Marketing List
Delete Marketing Treatment
Establish Marketing
Campaign Measurement
Establish Marketing Contact
Planning Strategies
Establish Marketing
Segmentation Strategies
Establish Overall Marketing
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Measurement Criteria
Manage Campaigns Work
Manage Marketing
Application Task
Manage Marketing
Manage Marketing Content
for Treatments
Manage Marketing Dialog
Manage Marketing Import
Manage Marketing List
Manage Marketing Segment
Manage Marketing Segment
Manage Marketing Source
Manage Marketing Stage
Manage Marketing Stage
Manage Marketing
Manage Treatments Work
Run Marketing Campaign
Run Marketing Supplier
Capacity Reset Scheduler
Run Postregistration E-mail
Update Marketing
Update Marketing List
Update Marketing
View Marketing Campaign
View Marketing List
View Marketing Promotion
View Marketing Segment
View Marketing Treatment
View Sales Catalog
Marketing Execution Manages the execution of secured Convert Marketing
Management marketing campaigns. Manages secured Response
marketing responses including response Create Marketing Response
import and converting responses to sales Delete Marketing Response
leads and opportunities. Schedules and Manage Direct Mail
monitors processes to record response Marketing Campaign
interactions and create trading community Execution
members from suspects.Manages the Manage Direct Mail
execution of secured marketing Marketing Campaign
campaigns. Manages secured marketing Results
responses including response import and Manage Marketing
converting responses to sales leads and Campaign E-Mail Delivery
opportunities. Schedules and monitors Manage Marketing Import
processes to record response interactions Manage Marketing
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
and create trading community members Response
from suspects. Run Marketing Campaign
Interaction History
Run Marketing Campaign
Suspect Synchronization
Update Marketing Response
View Marketing Campaign
View Marketing Response
View Sales Campaign
Negotiation Viewing View the negotiation summary and details Create Supplier Negotiation
pages. Online Message
Reply Supplier Negotiation
Online Message
Search Supplier Negotiation
View Contract Terms
View Supplier Negotiation
View Supplier Negotiation
Online Message
Opportunity Administration Administers all aspects of the application, Assign Opportunity
including some setup. This role is for Assign Opportunity Batch
opportunity administrators. Close Opportunity
Create Opportunity
Delete Opportunity
Delete Opportunity Revenue
Manage Business Units for
Leads and Opportunities
Manage Manual Assigned
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity Bulk
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity
Currency Reevaluation
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity Group
Manage Opportunity
Historical Snapshots
Manage Opportunity Leads
Manage Opportunity
Nonrevenue Credits
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity
Revenue Credits
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Opportunity
Revenue Recommendations
Manage Opportunity
Revenue Recurrences
Manage Opportunity Sales
Manage Opportunity Sales
Manage Opportunity
Manage Opportunity Work
Mass Update Opportunity
Run Purge Batch
Assignment Information
Set Up Opportunity
View Opportunity
View Opportunity
View Opportunity
View Opportunity Contacts
View Opportunity Group
View Opportunity
View Opportunity Leads
View Opportunity
Nonrevenue Credits
View Opportunity Notes
View Opportunity
View Opportunity Revenue
View Opportunity Revenue
View Opportunity Revenue
View Opportunity Sales
View Opportunity Similar
View Opportunity Sources
View Opportunity Tasks
View Opportunity Team
View Reports and Analytics
Orchestration Infrastructure Allows access to administrative pages and Administer Orchestration
Administration functions for the orchestration Infrastructure Jeopardy
infrastructure elements that can be used Threshold Definition
by other applications. Administer Orchestration
Infrastructure Web Service
Sourcing Rule
Deploy Orchestration
Infrastructure Process
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Generate Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Import Trading Community
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Connector
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Data Value Map
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Routing Rule
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Transformation
Style Sheet
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Hold Code
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Jeopardy
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Order
Attributes That Identify
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Process
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Source
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Status
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Status
Definition Values
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Task Types
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
Manage Trading
Community Import Lookups
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Mark Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as
View Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
Order Orchestration Allows access to order orchestration or Administer Jeopardy
Administration order promising setup tasks. Threshold Definition
Administer Web Service
Sourcing Rule
Deploy Orchestration
Generate Bucket Sets for
Business Rules
Generate Change Constraint
Definition Package
Import Trading Community
Manage Change Constraint
Manage Change Constraint
Definition Objects
Manage Jeopardy Priorities
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Orchestration
Business Event Trigger
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration
Process Assignment Rule
Manage Orchestration
Process Definition
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Orchestration
Source Systems
Manage Orchestration Task
Manage Order Attributes
That Identify Change
Manage Order Orchestration
Data Collection Processes
Manage Order Orchestration
External Interface Routing
Manage Order Orchestration
External Interface
Transformation Style Sheet
Manage Order Orchestration
Hold Code Definition
Manage Post
Transformation Defaulting
Manage Pre Transformation
Defaulting Rules
Manage Product
Transformation Rules
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Status Conditions
Manage Status Definition
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
Manage Trading
Community Import Lookups
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Publish Extensible Flexfield
Purge Orchestration Order
Recent Objects
Purge Orchestration Order
Recent User Requests
Review Orchestration
Collected Data
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
Order Promising Management Manages order promising activities, Manage Available-to-
including the scheduling and rescheduling Promise Rule
of order fulfillment lines, and reviews Manage Planning Allocation
data related to promising fulfillment lines. Rule
Manage Planning Supply
Shipment Sets
Schedule Fulfillment Line
View Available-to-Promise
View Planning Allocation
View Planning Sourcing
View Planning Supply
View Planning Supply
Availability Details
View Planning Supply
Availability Options
View Supply Allocation
View Supply Availability
Payables Administration Configures and maintains setups for the Manage Bank Charges
Oracle Fusion Payables application. Manage Payables Aging
Manage Payables
Distribution Set
Manage Payables Financials
Manage Payables Income
Tax Regions
Manage Payables Interest
Manage Payables Invoice
Manage Payables Invoice
Tolerance Set
Manage Payables Special
Manage Payables System
Manage Payables Tax Codes
Manage Payables Tax
Reporting Entity
Manage Payables
Withholding Tax Certificate
Manage Payables
Withholding Tax Groups
Manage Payment Terms
Terminate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Create Payables Invoice by
Submission import program. Web Service
Import Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Payments Data Security Manages security features, such as Manage System Security
Administration encryption and masking of sensitive data Options
like credit card or bank account numbers. Manage Wallet
Submit Credit Card
Decryption Process
Submit Credit Card
Detokenization Process
Submit Credit Card
Encryption Process
Submit Credit Card Masking
Submit Credit Card
Tokenization Process
Submit Import Credential
Submit Payments Sensitive
Data Decryption
Submit Payments Sensitive
Data Encryption
Submit Third Party Bank
Account Decryption Process
Submit Third Party Bank
Account Encryption Process
Submit Third Party Bank
Account Masking Process
Submit Transaction
Encryption Process
Payments Disbursement Sets up features allowing disbursement of Grant Payment Function
Administration funds for supplier payments, customer Access
refunds, and employee expense reports. Manage Disbursement
Payment Method
Manage Internal Payer
Manage Payment Code
Manage Payment Method
Defaulting Rule
Manage Payment Process
Payments Funds Capture Sets up features allowing payee-initiated Manage Credit Card Brand
Administration payment transactions, such as customer Manage Funds Capture
payments by credit card or bank account Payment Method
transfer. Manage Funds Capture
Process Profile
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Internal Payee
Planning Administration Configures and manages planning set up, Export Customer Account
data collection and order promising server Manage Material Planner
processes. Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Order Promising
Data Collection
Manage Planning Instance
Manage Planning Sourcing
Manage Planning Sourcing
Monitor Planning Data
Collection Process
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data Load
Perform Order Promising
Server Data Refresh
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and Manage Order Promising
Management verifies collected data. Data Collection
Review Planning Approved
Supplier List
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning
Interlocation Shipping
Review Planning Inventory
Review Planning Item
Review Planning Order
Orchestration Reference
Review Planning Supply
Review Planning Trading
Review Planning Trading
Partner Site
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review Planning Unit of
Pricing Setup Management Manages setup required for price Manage Application
execution. This includes setting up price Descriptive Flexfield
elements, pricing bases, pricing charges, Manage Application
pricing message and tokens, pricing Standard Lookup
matrix types, pricing totals, rounding
rules, result presentation templates,
process assignments, pricing parameters,
pricing descriptive flexfields and pricing
Procurement Application Responsible for technical aspects of Assign Roles to User
Administrator keeping procurement applications Configure Requisitioning
systems available as well as configuring Business Function
the applications to meet the needs of the Configure Supplier Match
business. Party Relationship
Configure Supplier
Confirm Receiving Receipt
Copy Personal Data to
Create User Name
Customize Help Topics
Customize Procurement UI
Enable Buy Intent
Import Supplier
Launch Oracle Social
Link User Account
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Maintain Supplier News
Maintain Supplier
Numbering Setup
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Approval Task
Manage Carrier Inbound
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Contract and
Procurement System
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Oracle Social
Network Tracking
Manage Procurement
Category Hierarchy
Manage Supplier Certifying
Manage Supplier
Notification Configuration
for Profile Management
Manage Supplier User Role
Pay on Receipt
Reset Password
Search Carrier
Send User Name Request to
Set Watchlist Options
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Web
Update Carrier
View Administration Link
Product Configurator Manager Individual responsible for the creation Create Item Based
and maintenance of configuration models. Configurator Model
Create Supplemental
Configurator Model
Delete Configurator Model
Edit Configurator Model
Edit Configurator UI
Template Information
Edit Configurator UI
Template Map Information
Force Unlock Configurator
Manage Configurator
Extension Archives
Manage Configurator Model
Manage Configurator Rules
Manage Configurator
Supplemental Attributes
Manage Configurator UI
Template Maps
Manage Configurator UI
Manage Configurator User
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Configurator
Manage Snapshots
Release Configurator
Revert Draft Model to
Set Up Configurator
Modeling Environment
Set Up Configurator Run
Test Configurator Model
Test Configurator
Product Hub Administration Administers tasks required to setup Import Item
Oracle Fusion Product Hub. Duty role Import Trading Community
includes all setup duty roles available for Person
this product and inherits setup duty roles Manage Audit Policies
from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Manage File Import and
Management. Export
Manage Item Catalog
Category Mapping
Manage Item Change Order
Manage Item Change Order
Manage Item Rule Set
Manage Item Source System
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Import Lookups
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Process Oracle Fusion Data
Extensions for Transactional
Business Intelligence
View Audit History
Product Model Administration Administers tasks required to setup Browse Item
Oracle Fusion Product Model. Duty role Import Item
includes all setup duty roles available for Manage File Import and
this product. Export
Manage Item Attribute
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Change Order
Manage Item Change Order
Manage Item Child Value
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Item Class
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Item Keyword
Search Attribute
Manage Item Lifecycle
Manage Item Status
Manage Item Structure Type
Project Application Collaborates with project application Assign Roles to User
Administrator users to maintain consistent project Copy Personal Data to
application configuration, rules, and LDAP
access. Create User Name
Customize Help Topics
Customize Projects UI
Enable Sell Intent
Launch Oracle Social
Link User Account
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Menu
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Inventory
Transaction Sources and
Manage Oracle Social
Network Tracking
Manage Project Data
Manage Project
Manage Project Unit
Manage Scheduled
Reset Password
Review Accounting Period
Run Build New
Organization Burden Rates
Run Import Award Process
Run Import Project Budgets
Run Import Project
Enterprise Resources
Run Import Project
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Resource Requests Process
Run Import Project Work
Plan Process
Run Import Projects Process
Run Import Resource Actual
Hours Process
Send User Name Request to
Set Watchlist Options
Project Execution Application Performs setup tasks such as defining Customize Project
Administration progress thresholds, default calendar Execution UI
options for projects and resources, Maintain Project Resource
enterprise codes for projects and tasks, Search Index
and calendars to establish work schedules Manage Project Calendar
for projects and resources. Manages Settings
project enterprise resources, project roles, Manage Project Deliverable
resource pools, target utilization Types
percentages, and project enterprise Manage Project EPS
resource maintenance conditions. Initiates Manage Project Enterprise
processes to maintain the project resource Codes
search index. Manage Project Enterprise
Resource Maintenance
Manage Project Enterprise
Resource Registration
Manage Project Enterprise
Manage Project Enterprise
Resources Service
Manage Project Issue Types
Manage Project Issues
Manage Project
Management Custom
Manage Project
Implementation Options
Manage Project
Management Roles
Manage Project
Management User
Maintenance Service
Manage Project Plan
Adapter Service
Manage Project
Implementation Options
Manage Project Resource
Calendar Events Service
Manage Project Resource
Implementation Options
Manage Project Resource
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Project Resource
Request Service
Manage Project Target
Utilization Percentages
Manage Project Task
Manage Project Work Plan
Run Generate Project
Update E-Mail Notifications
Run Import Project
Enterprise Resources
Run Import Project
Resource Requests Process
Run Import Project Work
Plan Process
Run Import Resource Actual
Hours Process
Run Maintain Project
Enterprise Labor Resources
Run Update EPS Data
Run Update Resource
Utilization Data
Run Update Sprint Measures
View Administration Link
Project Financial Application Performs setup tasks for project costing Derive Project Cost Rates
Administration and manages project costing business Implement Project Desktop
objects such as expenditure type, Integrator Client
expenditure categories, rate schedules, Install Project Desktop
and burden schedules. Performs setup Integrator Client
tasks for contract billing and project Manage Extensible Markup
performance reporting. Configures Language Publisher Print
project plan types, financial plan types, Formats
spread curves, and period profiles. Manage Human Resource
Configures setup options for integrating Person Deployment
with external scheduling applications. Manage Oracle WebCenter
Integration Configuration
Manage Organization Tree
Manage Project Accounting
Period Status
Manage Project Allocation
Manage Project Billing
Manage Project Billing
Manage Project Billing
Resource Breakdown
Structure Version
Manage Project Burden Cost
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Project Burden Cost
Manage Project Burden
Manage Project Burden
Manage Project Business
Unit Implementation Option
Manage Project Capital
Interest Rates
Manage Project Capitalized
Interest Rate Schedule
Manage Project Class
Manage Project Contact
Manage Project Control
Manage Project Control
Manage Project Costing
Manage Project Custom
Manage Project Data
Manage Project EPS
Manage Project Event Type
Manage Project Expenditure
Manage Project Expenditure
Manage Project Extensions
Manage Project Financial
Plan Type
Manage Project Group
Manage Project Group
Space Role Mapping
Manage Project Integration
Configuration Option
Manage Project Invoice
Manage Project Invoice
Manage Project Job
Manage Project Key
Performance Area
Manage Project Key
Performance Area Scoring
Manage Project Key
Performance Indicators
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Project Labor Cost
Manage Project Labor
Costing Overrides
Manage Project Labor
Costing Rules
Manage Project Nonlabor
Manage Project Note Type
Manage Project Note Type
Manage Project
Manage Project
Organization Costing Rules
Manage Project Page
Manage Project
Performance Reporting
Manage Project Period
Manage Project Plan Type
Manage Project Planning
Resource Breakdown
Structure Version
Manage Project Rate
Manage Project Region
Manage Project Reporting
Resource Breakdown
Structure Version
Manage Project Resource
Manage Project Revenue
Manage Project Revenue
Manage Project Role
Manage Project Source
Manage Project Space
Manage Project Spread
Manage Project Standard
Asset Unit Cost
Manage Project Status
Manage Project Status
Manage Project Statuses
Manage Project Template
Manage Project Transaction
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Project Transfer
Price Rule
Manage Project Transfer
Price Schedule
Manage Project Trend
Manage Project Type
Manage Project Unit
Manage Project Unit
Manage Project Work Type
Manage Trading
Community Parties
Provide Project Accounting
Provide Project Resources
Run Denormalize
Organization Hierarchies
Run Generate Burden
Run Maintain Project
Run Open and Close Project
Accounting Period Process
Run Update EPS Data
Run Update Work Type
View Accounting Calendar
View Project Allocation
View Project Capitalized
Interest Rate Schedule
View Project Standard Asset
Unit Cost
Purchasing Administration Perform setup tasks including defining Manage Approved Supplier
procurement configuration, procurement List Status
agents, approved supplier list statuses, Manage Inventory
document styles, change order templates, Organization Locations
line types, carriers, UN numbers, and Manage Procurement Agent
hazard classes. Manage Procurement
Manage Procurement
Document Numbering
Manage Purchasing Change
Order Template
Manage Purchasing
Document Style
Manage Purchasing Hazard
Manage Purchasing Line
Manage Purchasing UN
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Supply Chain Financial
Orchestration Upgrade for
Verify Upgraded
Procurement Enterprise
Receivables Administration Manages Receivables setup activities. Enter Revenue Policies
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Contingency
Assignment Rules
Manage Customer Paying
Relationship Assignments
Manage Receivables
Customer Profile Classes
Manage Receivables
Dashboard Threshold Rule
Manage Receivables Note
Type Mapping
Manage Receivables
Revenue Contingency
Manage Receivables
Specialist Assignment Rules
Manage Resource Role
Assignment Flexfields
Manage Resource Role
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Salesperson
Account References
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Set Up AutoInvoice
Grouping Rule
Set Up AutoInvoice Line
Ordering Rule
Set Up Receivables
Accounting Rule
Set Up Receivables Activity
Set Up Receivables
Application Rule Set
Set Up Receivables
Approval Management
Set Up Receivables
AutoCash Rule Set
Set Up Receivables
AutoMatch Rule Set
Set Up Receivables Balance
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Forward Billing Cycle
Set Up Receivables Batch
Set Up Receivables Default
Distribution Rule
Set Up Receivables
Distribution Set
Set Up Receivables Late
Charge Schedule
Set Up Receivables
Set Up Receivables Memo
Line Template
Set Up Receivables Payment
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Application Exception Rule
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Set Up Receivables Receipt
Set Up Receivables Remit-
to Address
Set Up Receivables Reversal
Reason to Category
Set Up Receivables
Standard Message
Set Up Receivables
Statement Cycle
Set Up Receivables System
Set Up Receivables
Transaction Type
Set Up Receivables
Transmission Format
Resource Administration Administers resource information. Add Trading Community
Resource to My Social
Contact Trading Community
Edit Trading Community
Resource Profile
Enter Trading Community
Resource Information
Identify Trading
Community Person as a
Trading Community
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Attachment Category
Manage Application
Attachment Entity
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Application
Manage Customer Data
Management Foundation
Custom Objects
Manage Goal Management
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Education
Manage Talent Notifications
Manage Talent Profile
Content Item
Manage Talent Profile
Rating Model
Manage Talent Profile
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Contact Information
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Manage Trading
Community Resource Note
Type Mapping
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Memberships
Manage Trading
Community Resource Role
Manage Trading
Community Resource Sales
Representative Information
Manage Trading
Community Resource Skills
Manage Trading
Community Resource Social
Manage Trading
Community Resource Team
Remove Trading
Community Resource
Reset Password
Search Trading Community
Upload Trading Community
Resource Picture
View Administration Link
View Trading Community
Resource Address
View Trading Community
Resource Administration
Detail Information
View Trading Community
Resource Collaboration
View Trading Community
Resource Contact
View Trading Community
Resource Details
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Resource History
View Trading Community
Resource Note
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Overview
View Trading Community
Resource Profile
View Trading Community
Resource Role Assignments
View Trading Community
Resource Sales
Representative Information
View Trading Community
Resource Skills
View Trading Community
Resource Social Network
View Trading Community
Resource Team
Resource Organization Administers resource organizations. Manage Application Tree
Administration Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Resource
Organization Member
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Hierarchy
Manage Trading
Community Resource
Organization Members
Run Trading Community
Resource Reporting
Hierarchy Generation
Search Trading Community
Resource Organization
Search Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Organization Resource
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Hierarchy Details
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Team Memberships
View Trading Community
Resource Organization
Usage Information
View Trading Community
Resource Overview
Sales Forecasting Delegated Manages sales forecasts, sales forecast Edit Sales Forecast Items
Management items, sales forecast adjustments, and Export Sales Forecast
sales forecast item adjustments. Participant
Additional duties include exporting Manage Sales Forecast
forecast information and managing Adjustments
forecasts on behalf of other users. Manage Sales Forecast Item
Manage Sales Forecast
Run Copy Prior Forecast
Run Distribute Totals
Run Recalculate Totals
Run Reject or Withdraw
View Sales Forecast Item
View Sales Forecast
View Sales Forecast
Participant For Self
Sales Lead Processing Processes sales leads including managing, Create Sales Lead
importing, and assigning sales lead Delete Sales Lead
activities. Export Sales Lead
Import Sales Lead
Manage Lead Processing
Work Area
Manage Lead Qualification
Work Area
Manage Sales Lead
Manage Sales Lead
Qualify Sales Lead
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run File Import Scheduler
Run Lead Processing
Set Up File Import Activity
Set Up File Import Object
and Mapping
Update Sales Lead
View Sales Lead
Sales Lead Qualification Qualifies sales leads to determine the Create Sales Lead
sales readiness of the lead. Identify Sales Lead
Manage Lead Qualification
Work Area
Manage Sales Lead
Qualify Sales Lead
Update Sales Lead
View Sales Lead
Sales Lead Qualification Qualifies sales leads to determine the Create Sales Lead
Supervision sales readiness of all the leads in your Identify Sales Lead
reporting hierarchy. Manage Lead Qualification
Work Area
Manage Sales Lead
Qualify Sales Lead
Update Sales Lead
View Sales Lead
Shipping Administration Manages all setup tasks necessary to Manage Packing Unit Item
implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Assignment
Shipping. Manage Pick Sequence Rule
Manage Pick Wave Release
Manage Ship Confirm Rule
Manage Shipping Cost Type
Manage Shipping Exception
Manage Shipping
Organization Parameter
Manage Trading
Community Zone for
Manage Trading
Community Zones
Manage Transit Time
Manage Transportation
Sourcing Administration Set up negotiation templates, negotiation Create Supplier Negotiation
styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and Template
other administrative operations. Delete Supplier Negotiation
Edit Supplier Qualification
Manage Supplier
Negotiation Attribute List
Manage Supplier
Negotiation Cost Factor
Manage Supplier
Negotiation Cost Factor List
Manage Supplier
Negotiation Notifications
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Supplier
Negotiation Style
Manage Supplier
Negotiation Template
Search Supplier
Qualification Question
View Supplier Qualification
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Profile Inquiry as Views non-bank account related supplier View Location of Final
Supplier profile information as a supplier. Discharge
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier Address as
View Supplier Business
Classification as Supplier
View Supplier Contact
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
Account as Supplier
View Supplier Contact as
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories as
View Supplier Profile as
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can set up supplier Edit Supplier Qualification
Administration qualification questions, areas, and Area
models. Edit Supplier Qualification
Edit Supplier Qualification
Edit Supplier Registration
Rule Set
Search Supplier
Qualification Area
Search Supplier
Qualification Model
Search Supplier
Qualification Question
Search Supplier Registration
Rule Set
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Supply Chain Application Individual responsible for supply chain Convert Currency by
Administrator application administration. Collaborates Service
with supply chain application users to Customize Help Topics
maintain consistent application setup, Customize Innovation
rules, and access. Management UI
Customize SCM UI
Define Accounting Calendar
Extract Ledger Setup
Import Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Maintain Documentation
and Accounting Rules
Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Maintain Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Maintain Transfer Pricing
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Attachment Category
Manage Application
Attachment Entity
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Data
Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
Manage Application Menu
Manage Application
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application Profile
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Manage Application Tree
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Audit Policies
Manage Documentation and
Accounting Rules
Manage My Application
Profile Values
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Profit Center
Business Unit to Party
Manage Scheduled Job
Manage Source System
Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
Manage Trading
Community Import Lookups
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Manage Transfer Pricing
Obsolete: Maintain Buy and
Sell Terms
Obsolete: Manage Buy and
Sell Terms
Obsolete: View Buy and
Sell Terms
Run Calendar Validation
Search Customer Account
Set Watchlist Options
Setup Product Innovation
View Accounting Calendar
View Administration Link
View Audit History
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Documentation and
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Accounting Rules
View Profit Center Business
Unit to Party Relationship
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
View Trading Partner Item
View Transfer Pricing Rules
Synchronize Product Lot for Duty role to synchronize lot from the Perform Product Lot
Pedigree and Serialization transactional system. Synchronization for
Pedigree and Serialization
Synchronize Product for Duty role to synchronize product from the Perform Product
Pedigree and Serialization transactional system. Synchronization for
Pedigree and Serialization
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including Create Account Based
regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Direct Tax Rate
determinants, configuration options and Determination Rule
party tax profiles. Create Business Unit Tax
Create Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
Create Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Place of Supply Rule
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax
Create Tax Applicability
Create Tax Calculation
Create Tax Calculation Rule
Create Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Determination Rule
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Exception
Create Tax Geographies
Create Tax Jurisdiction
Create Tax Processing
Create Tax Rate
Create Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Regime
Create Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Create Tax Reporting Type
Create Tax Status
Create Tax Status
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Create Transaction Business
Create Transaction Fiscal
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Tax
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Zones
Run Geocode Loader
Run Tax Configuration
Content Upload Program
Run Tax Simulator Purge
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Run Trading Community
Current Record Information
Run Trading Community
Geography Name
Referencing Maintenance
Update Account Based
Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Place of Supply Rule
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax
Update Tax Applicability
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Exception
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Jurisdiction
Update Tax Processing
Update Tax Rate
Update Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Regime
Update Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Update Tax Reporting Type
Update Tax Status
Update Tax Status
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Reporting Type
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Trading Community Data Configures, reviews, and edits predefined Manage Enterprise Data
Quality Administration data quality server configurations and the Quality Cleansing
predefined matching, synchronization, Configurations
and cleansing configurations. Manage Enterprise Data
Quality Key Generation
Manage Enterprise Data
Quality Matching
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Cleansing Setup
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Matching Setup
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Server Setup
Manage Trading
Community Data Quality
Run Trading Community
Data Quality Data
Synchronization Process
Run Trading Community
Data Quality Data
Synchronization Sub-
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Unit of Measure Management Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and Manage Unit of Measure
definition of standard, interclass, and Manage Units of Measure
intraclass UOM conversions. Profiles
Manage Units of Measure
for Interclass Conversion
Manage Units of Measure
for Intraclass Conversion
Review Unit of Measure
Web Services Application Identifies roles with elevated access Access Financial
Identity (SCM) aimed at developers to help achieve code Orchestration Process
based access control that is beyond the Services
access of the current operator to manage Check Item Reference for
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
applications using the service oriented Deletion by Web Service
architecture technology stack. Check Item on Procurement
Document for Delete by
Web Service
Convert Currency by
Create Cost Distributions
Create Payables Invoice by
Web Service
Create Task Layer Service
Customize Sales Forecasting
Management UI
Define Sales Forecast
Enter Trading Community
Organization Information
Enter Trading Community
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Export Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Export Trading Community
Person Relationship
Get Drop Ship Requisition
Get Financial Orchestration
Flow for Costing
Get Invoice Status for Inter
Organization Transactions
Import Approved
Import Requisition
Manage Contract Item
Manage Cost Period
Manage HCM Data Role
Manage Inventory
Consumption Rule
Manage Inventory
Reservation Web Service
Manage Item Class
Manage Item Organization
Manage Item Transaction
Manage New Item Request
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration Order
Activity Interface Web
Manage Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Interface Web
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Orchestration Order
Manage Orchestration Order
Receiving Interface Web
Manage Orchestration Order
Shipping Interface Web
Manage Orchestration Order
Template Interface Web
Manage Orchestration Order
Workbench Web Service
Manage Order Details Web
Manage Order Orchestration
Composite Generator
Manage Order Orchestration
Decomposition Web Service
Manage Order Orchestration
Setup Web Service
Manage Payables Financials
Manage Payment Terms
Manage Product Eligibility
Manage Product Groups
Manage Receiving Receipt
Advice Web Service
Manage Subinventory and
Manage Unit of Measure
Manage Users
Process Shipment Request
Web Service
Provide Inbound Shipment
Details Web Service
Provide Inventory
Completed Transaction
Details Web Service
Provide Item Cost
Provide Receipt Details
Web Service
Provide Receiving
Transaction Details Web
Provide Trade Events
Interface Service
Release Paused Tasks
External Web Service
Run CRM Export Process
Run HCM Transaction
Management Notification
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Duplicate Service
Run Sales Forecast Jobs
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Shipment Line Web
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Organization Relationship
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
Search Trading Community
Person Additional Name
Search Trading Community
Person Address
Search Trading Community
Person Classification
Search Trading Community
Person Contact Point
Search Trading Community
Person Relationship
Send Shipment Advice
Set Up CRM Objects for
Set Up Sales Competitor
Set Up Sales Note
Set Up Sales Resource
Set Up Sales Task
Submit AutoInvoice Web
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Web
Transfer Financial
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Orchestration Task Layer
Update Trading Community
Update Trading Community
Use LDAP Request Service
Use People Core Maintain
LDAP Data Service
Use User Details Service
View Administration Link
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Sales Forecast for
View Scanned Payables
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Relationship
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Person Additional Identifier
View Trading Community
Person Additional Name
View Trading Community
Person Address
View Trading Community
Person Address Use
View Trading Community
Person Classification Code
View Trading Community
Person Contact Points
View Trading Community
Person Contact Preference
View Trading Community
Person Relationship
View Trading Community
Person Source System
View Trading Community
Person Usage Assignment
Withholding Tax Sets up withholding tax content including Create Business Unit Tax
Administration regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Profile
determinants, configuration options and Create Document Fiscal
party tax profiles. Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Geographies
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Processing Options
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Processing
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Document Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Processing
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
ABC Assignment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory ABC
Group Manufacturing Application Analysis
Administrator can manage abc Privilege: Manage
assignment group for the ABC Assignment
inventory organizations in Group (Data)
which they can operate
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Class A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory ABC
Manufacturing Application Analysis
Administrator can manage abc Privilege: Manage
class for the inventory ABC Class (Data)
organizations in which they can Resource: Inventory
operate Organization Parameter
ABC Classification Set A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory ABC
Header Manufacturing Application Analysis
Administrator can manage abc Privilege: Manage
classification set header for the ABC Classification Set
inventory organizations in Header (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Activity A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view activity All Contracts Web
for all activities in the Service
enterprise Privilege: View
Activity (Data)
Resource: Activity
Application Attachment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Delete
supplier category to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Delete
supplier qualification area Application Attachment
category including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Delete
supplier qualification model Application Attachment
category including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Delete
supplier qualification question Application Attachment
categories including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification, Attachment
miscellaneous, to internal
responder, and to supplier
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can read All Contracts Web
application attachment for the Service
purchase document categories Privilege: Read
including document, from Application Attachment
supplier, miscellaneous, to Resource: Application
supplier, to buyer, to receiver, Attachment
to approver, to payables, and Role: Web Services
internal to purchasing Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: B2B
Manufacturing Application Administrator
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for the Application Attachment
supplier assessment categories Resource: Application
including internal to supplier Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Role: Financial
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: B2B
Manufacturing Application Administrator
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for the Application Attachment
supplier categories from Resource: Application
supplier, miscellaneous, and to Attachment
supplier Role: Financial Supply
Chain Manufacturing
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: B2B
Manufacturing Application Administrator
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for the Application Attachment
supplier categories from Resource: Application
supplier, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to receiver, and to Role: Financial
supplier Application
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier category to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification area Application Attachment
category including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: B2B
Manufacturing Application Administrator
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for the Application Attachment
supplier qualification categories Resource: Application
including internal to supplier Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Role: Financial
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification model Application Attachment
category including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification Attachment
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification question Application Attachment
categories including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification, Attachment
miscellaneous, to internal Role: Web Services
responder, and to supplier Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification question Application Attachment
category including to internal Resource: Application
responder Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supplier Profile
Manufacturing Application Inquiry
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for the Application Attachment
supplier qualification question Resource: Application
category including to supplier Attachment
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: B2B
Manufacturing Application Administrator
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for the Application Attachment
supplier qualification response Resource: Application
categories including from Attachment
supplier, from internal Role: Financial
responder, miscellaneous, to Application
buyer, to supplier Administrator
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Supply Chain
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification response Application Attachment
category including from Resource: Application
internal responder Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can read Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Read
supplier qualification response Application Attachment
category including from Resource: Application
supplier Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Update
supplier category to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Update
supplier qualification area Application Attachment
category including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Update
supplier qualification model Application Attachment
category including internal to Resource: Application
supplier qualification Attachment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application attachment for the Privilege: Update
supplier qualification question Application Attachment
categories including internal to Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
supplier qualification, Attachment
miscellaneous, to internal
responder, and to supplier
Application Attachment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Category Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can delete Application
application attachment for all Administrator
miscellaneous category Privilege: Delete
attachments data Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
application attachment for all Application Attachment
miscelleneous category Resource: Application
attachments data Attachment Category
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Delete
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application attachment category Privilege: Manage
for all financials applications Application Attachment
data Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Project
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application attachment category Privilege: Manage
for all projects applications data Application Attachment
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application attachment category Privilege: Manage
for all scm applications data Application Attachment
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can read Application
application attachment for all Administrator
miscellaneous category Privilege: Read
attachments data Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can read Privilege: Read
application attachment for all Application Attachment
miscelleneous category Resource: Application
attachments data Attachment Category
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can update Application
application attachment for all Administrator
miscellaneous category Privilege: Update
attachments data Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
application attachment for all Application Attachment
miscelleneous category Resource: Application
attachments data Attachment Category
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Update
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
Application Attachment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Entity Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application attachment entity Privilege: Manage
for all financials applications Application Attachment
data Entity (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Entity
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Project
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application attachment entity Privilege: Manage
for all projects applications data Application Attachment
Entity (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Entity
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application attachment entity Privilege: Manage
for all scm applications data Application Attachment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Entity (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Entity
Application Descriptive A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Flexfield Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
application descriptive flexfield Administrator
for all ic applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Descriptive
Flexfield (Data)
Resource: Application
Descriptive Flexfield
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application descriptive flexfield Privilege: Manage
for all scm applications data Application Descriptive
Flexfield (Data)
Resource: Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Application Diagnostic A Financial Supply Chain Role: Application
Test Manufacturing Application Diagnostics Data
Administrator can execute Advanced
application diagnostic test for Privilege: Execute
all tests Application Diagnostic
Test (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Role: Application
Diagnostics Data
Privilege: Execute
Application Diagnostic
Test (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Application
Manufacturing Application Diagnostics Data
Administrator can view Advanced
application diagnostic test Privilege: View
report for all tests Application Diagnostic
Test Report (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Role: Application
Diagnostics Data
Privilege: View
Application Diagnostic
Test Report (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Role: Application
Diagnostics Data
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Application Diagnostic
Test Report (Data)
Resource: Application
Diagnostic Test
Application Document A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Sequence Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application document sequence Privilege: Manage
for all scm applications data Application Document
Sequence (Data)
Resource: Application
Document Sequence
Application Document A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract Setup
Sequence Category Manufacturing Application Privilege: Manage
Administrator can manage Application Document
application document sequence Sequence Category
category for all applications (Data)
common applications data Resource: Application
Document Sequence
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Project
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application document sequence Privilege: Manage
category for all projects Application Document
applications data Sequence Category
Resource: Application
Document Sequence
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application document sequence Privilege: Manage
category for all scm Application Document
applications data Sequence Category
Resource: Application
Document Sequence
Application Flexfield A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Value Set Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
application flexfield value set Administrator
for all ic applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Flexfield
Value Set (Data)
Resource: Application
Flexfield Value Set
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application flexfield value set
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for all scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Flexfield
Value Set (Data)
Resource: Application
Flexfield Value Set
Application Key A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Flexfield Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application key flexfield for all Privilege: Manage
scm applications data Application Key
Flexfield (Data)
Resource: Application
Key Flexfield
Application Lookup A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Type Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can delete Application
application lookup types for all Administrator
ic applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Lookup
Types (Data)
Resource: Application
Lookup Type
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application lookup types for all Privilege: Delete
scm applications data Application Lookup
Types (Data)
Resource: Application
Lookup Type
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can update Application
application lookup types for all Administrator
ic applications data Privilege: Update
Application Lookup
Types (Data)
Resource: Application
Lookup Type
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application lookup types for all Privilege: Update
scm applications data Application Lookup
Types (Data)
Resource: Application
Lookup Type
Application Message A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application message for all scm Privilege: Delete
applications data Application Message
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application message for all scm Privilege: Update
applications data Application Message
Resource: Application
Application Objects A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application objects for all Privilege: Manage
applications common objects Application Objects
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Item
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
application objects for all Application Objects
customer relationship (Data)
management application Resource: Application
objects Objects
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Manage
Application Objects
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Enterprise
Manufacturing Application Structures
Administrator can manage Administration
application objects for all Privilege: Manage
financial supply chain Application Objects
manufacturing application (Data)
objects Resource: Application
Role: Project
Privilege: Manage
Application Objects
Resource: Application
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Manage
Application Objects
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application objects for all Privilege: Manage
human capital management Application Objects
application objects (Data)
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Planning
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
application objects for all value Application Objects
chain planning application (Data)
objects Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Product Model
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
application objects for the item Application Objects
classes they have access to (Data)
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Product Model
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
application objects for the items Application Objects
they have access to in item and (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Application
Application Profile A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Category Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application profile category for Privilege: Delete
all scm applications data Application Profile
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Category
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application profile category for Privilege: Update
all scm applications data Application Profile
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Category
Application Profile A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Option Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can delete Application
application profile option for all Administrator
ic applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Profile
Option (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Application
Profile Option
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application profile option for all Privilege: Delete
scm applications data Application Profile
Option (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Option
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can update Application
application profile option for all Administrator
ic applications data Privilege: Update
Application Profile
Option (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Option
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application profile option for all Privilege: Update
scm applications data Application Profile
Option (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Option
Application Profile A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Value Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can delete Application
application profile value for all Administrator
ic applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Profile
Value (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Value
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application profile value for all Privilege: Delete
scm applications data Application Profile
Value (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Value
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can update Application
application profile value for all Administrator
ic applications data Privilege: Update
Application Profile
Value (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Value
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application profile value for all Privilege: Update
scm applications data Application Profile
Value (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Value
Application Taxonomy A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can delete Administrator
application taxonomy for all Privilege: Delete
scm applications data Application Taxonomy
Resource: Application
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can update Administrator
application taxonomy for all Privilege: Update
scm applications data Application Taxonomy
Resource: Application
Application Tree A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application tree for all scm Privilege: Manage
applications data Application Tree (Data)
Resource: Application
Application Tree Label A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application tree label for all Privilege: Manage
scm applications data Application Tree Label
Resource: Application
Tree Label
Application Tree A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Structure Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
application tree structure for all Privilege: Manage
scm applications data Application Tree
Structure (Data)
Resource: Application
Tree Structure
Business Unit A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can choose Administrator
business unit organization for Privilege: Choose
business units in their Business Unit
organization security profile Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Choose
Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Project
Privilege: Choose
Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Resource
Privilege: Choose
Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Choose
Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Cash Advance Setup A Financial Supply Chain Role: Expenses
and Policy Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage cash Privilege: Manage
advance policy for the business Cash Advance Policy
units for which they are (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
Charge Reference Type A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
charge reference type for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Charge Reference Type
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view charge (SCM)
reference type for the reference Privilege: View Charge
data sets they administer Reference Type (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Classification Code File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Import Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
classification code file import Privilege: View
activity object type for all Classification Code File
classification code file import Import Activity Object
activities of object type Type (Data)
'classification code' Resource:
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
classification code file import Privilege: View
mapping object type for all Classification Code File
classification code file import Import Mapping Object
mappings of object type Type (Data)
'classification code' Resource:
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
classification code file import Privilege: View
object type for all classification Classification Code File
code file import objects of Import Object Type
object type 'classification code' (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Object
Collections Aging A Financial Supply Chain Role: Collections
Bucket Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can maintain Privilege: Maintain
collections aging buckets for Collections Aging
the reference data sets they Buckets (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collections A Financial Supply Chain Role: Collections
Correspondence Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can maintain Privilege: Maintain
collections correspondence for Collections
the business units for which Correspondence (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Collections Preference A Financial Supply Chain Role: Collections
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can maintain Privilege: Maintain
collections application Collections Application
preference for the reference Preference (Data)
data sets they administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Collector A Financial Supply Chain Role: Collections
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can maintain Privilege: Maintain
collector for the reference data Collector (Data)
sets they administer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Consumer File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
consumer file import activity Privilege: View
object type for all consumer file Consumer File Import
import activities of object type Activity Object Type
'consumer' (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
consumer file import mapping Privilege: View
object type for all consumer file Consumer File Import
import mappings of object type Mapping Object Type
'consumer' (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
consumer file import object Privilege: View
type for all consumer file Consumer File Import
import objects of object type Object Type (Data)
'consumer' Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view contact Batch Management
file import activity object type Privilege: View
for all contact file import Contact File Import
activities of object type Activity Object Type
'contact' (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view contact Batch Management
file import mapping object type Privilege: View
for all contact file import Contact File Import
mappings of object type Mapping Object Type
'contact' (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Mapping
Contact File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view contact Batch Management
file import object type for all Privilege: View
contact file import objects of Contact File Import
object type 'contact' Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contract A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
contract for all business units Service
Privilege: Manage
Contract (Data)
Resource: Contract
Contract Note A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
contract note for notes that are Service
not private or private notes Privilege: Manage
where they are the author. Contract Note (Data)
Resource: Contract
Corporate Card A Financial Supply Chain Role: Corporate Card
Manufacturing Application Account Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
corporate card attribute for any Corporate Card
corporate card in the enterprise Attribute (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Corporate Card A Financial Supply Chain Role: Corporate Card
Program Manufacturing Application Account Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
corporate card program for the Corporate Card
business units for which they Program (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Cost Analysis Mapping A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage cost Administration
analysis mappings for the Privilege: Manage Cost
reference data sets they Analysis Mappings
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Component A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage cost Administration
components for the reference Privilege: Manage Cost
data sets they administer Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Element A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage cost Administration
element for the reference data Privilege: Manage Cost
sets they administer Element (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Estimate Mapping A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
estimate mappings for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Estimate Mappings
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Management A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Payables Invoice Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view cost (SCM)
management invoice for Privilege: View Cost
procurement business unit they Management Invoice
are authorized for. (Data)
Resource: Business
Cost Management A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Receiving Transaction Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view cost (SCM)
management receiving Privilege: View Cost
transaction for procurement Management Receiving
business unit they are Transaction (Data)
authorized for. Resource: Business
Cost Organization A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage cost Administration
organization for the cost Privilege: Manage Cost
organizations for which they Organization (Data)
are authorized Resource: Cost
Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage cost Administration
profile for the reference data Privilege: Manage Cost
sets they administer Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can view cost Administration
profile for the reference data Privilege: View Cost
sets they administer Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Valuation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Structure Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage cost Administration
valuation structure for the Privilege: Manage Cost
reference data sets they Valuation Structure
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Country Structure File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Import Activity Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view country Privilege: View
structure file import activity Country Structure File
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
object type for all country Import Activity Object
structure file import activities Type (Data)
of object type country structure Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view country Privilege: View
structure file import mapping Country Structure File
object type for all country Import Mapping Object
structure file import mappings Type (Data)
of object type country structure Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Import Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view country Privilege: View
structure file import object type Country Structure File
for all country structure file Import Object Type
import objects of object type (Data)
country structure Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Customer File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
customer file import activity Privilege: View
object type for all customer file Customer File Import
import activities of object type Activity Object Type
'customer' (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
customer file import mapping Privilege: View
object type for all customer file Customer File Import
import mappings of object type Mapping Object Type
'customer' (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
customer file import object type Privilege: View
for all customer file import Customer File Import
objects of object type Object Type (Data)
'customer' Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Department A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Organization
Administrator can choose Administration
department for departments in Privilege: Choose
their organization security Department (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Department
Employee Resource A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
File Import Activity Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
employee resource file import Employee Resource
activity object type for all File Import Activity
employee resource file import Object Type (Data)
activities of object type Resource: Employee
'employee resource' Resource File Import
Employee Resource A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
File Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
employee resource file import Employee Resource
mapping object type for all File Import Mapping
employee resource file import Object Type (Data)
mappings of object type Resource: Employee
'employee resource' Resource File Import
Employee Resource A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
File Import Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
employee resource file import Employee Resource
object type for all employee File Import Object
resource file import objects of Type (Data)
object type 'employee resource' Resource: Employee
Resource File Import
Expense Policy A Financial Supply Chain Role: Corporate Card
Manufacturing Application Account Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
expense policy for the business Expense Policy (Data)
units for which they are Resource: Business
authorized Unit
Role: Expenses
Privilege: Manage
Expense Policy (Data)
Resource: Business
Expense Setup Option A Financial Supply Chain Role: Corporate Card
Manufacturing Application Account Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
expenses system option for the Expenses System
business units for which they Option (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Expenses
Privilege: Manage
Expenses System
Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Expense Type A Financial Supply Chain Role: Corporate Card
Manufacturing Application Account Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
expense template for the Expense Template
business units for which they (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Expenses
Privilege: Manage
Expense Template
Resource: Business
File Export Batch A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view file Privilege: View File
export batch for all export Export Batch (Data)
batches Resource: File Export
Role: Incentive
Privilege: View File
Export Batch (Data)
Resource: File Export
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View File
Export Batch (Data)
Resource: File Export
File Export Object A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
export unit test for all export Export Unit Test (Data)
unit test objects Resource: File Export
Role: Incentive
Privilege: Manage
Export Unit Test (Data)
Resource: File Export
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Manage
Export Unit Test (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: File Export
Fixed Asset A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Manufacturing Application Inquiry
Administrator can submit fixed Privilege: Submit
assets reports in the asset books Fixed Assets Reports
that they are authorized to Resource: Fixed Asset
access Book
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
fixed asset bonus rule for the Fixed Asset Bonus Rule
reference data sets they (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset Book A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
fixed asset book in the asset Fixed Asset Book
books that they are authorized (Data)
to access Resource: Fixed Asset
Fixed Asset Ceiling A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
fixed asset ceiling for the Fixed Asset Ceiling
reference data sets they (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
fixed asset depreciation method Fixed Asset
for the reference data sets they Depreciation Method
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Fixed Asset Prorate A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Convention Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
fixed asset prorate convention Fixed Asset Prorate
for the reference data sets they Convention (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
General Ledger Period A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage General
Status Manufacturing Application Ledger Accounting
Administrator can manage Period Status
accounting period status for the Privilege: Manage
set of subsidiaries whose close Accounting Period
processes they manage Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Geography File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Activity Manufacturing Application Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can view Privilege: View
geography file import activity Geography File Import
object type for all geography Activity Object Type
file import activities of object (Data)
type geography Resource: Geography
File Import Activity
Geography File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
geography file import mapping Geography File Import
object type for all geography Mapping Object Type
file import mappings of object (Data)
type geography Resource: Geography
File Import Mapping
Geography File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
geography file import object Geography File Import
type for all geography file Object Type (Data)
import objects of object type Resource: Geography
geography File Import Object
Group Customer File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view group Batch Management
customer file import activity Privilege: View Group
object type for all group Customer File Import
customer file import activities Activity Object Type
of object type 'group customer' (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view group Batch Management
customer file import mapping Privilege: View Group
object type for all group Customer File Import
customer file import mappings Mapping Object Type
of object type 'group customer' (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view group Batch Management
customer file import object type Privilege: View Group
for all group customer file Customer File Import
import objects of object type Object Type (Data)
'group customer' Resource: Group
Customer File Import
HR Job A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can choose hr Administrator
job for all jobs in the enterprise Privilege: Choose HR
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Resource
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Project
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can choose hr Administrator
job for jobs in their job security Privilege: Choose HR
profile Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Receivables
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Help Topic A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can view secured Administrator
custom help content for all Privilege: View
secured help content they are Secured Custom Help
authorized Content
Resource: Help Topic
Role: Project
Privilege: View
Secured Custom Help
Resource: Help Topic
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: View
Secured Custom Help
Resource: Help Topic
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
hierarchy file import activity Privilege: View
object type for all hierarchy file Hierarchy File Import
import activities of object type Activity Object Type
'hierarchy' (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
hierarchy file import mapping Privilege: View
object type for all hierarchy file Hierarchy File Import
import mappings of object type Mapping Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
'hierarchy' (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
hierarchy file import object Privilege: View
type for all hierarchy file Hierarchy File Import
import objects of object type Object Type (Data)
'hierarchy' Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
activity object type for all Hierarchy Node File
hierarchy node file import Import Activity Object
activities of object type Type (Data)
'hierarchy node' Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
mapping object type for all Hierarchy Node File
hierarchy node file import Import Mapping Object
mappings of object type Type (Data)
'hierarchy node' Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Import Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
object type for all hierarchy Hierarchy Node File
node file import objects of Import Object Type
object type 'hierarchy node' (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Calendar Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation Administrator
calendar for all incentive Privilege: Manage
compensation calendars in the Incentive
enterprise Compensation Calendar
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Calendar
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Calendar Period Status Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation Administrator
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
calendar period for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Incentive
authorized Compensation Calendar
Period (Data)
Resource: Business
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Currency Exchange Manufacturing Application Compensation
Rate Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation Administrator
currency exchange rate for all Privilege: Manage
incentive compensation Incentive
currencies Compensation
Currency Exchange
Rate (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Currency Exchange
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Earnings Type Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation earning Administrator
types for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Incentive
Compensation Earning
Types (Data)
Resource: Business
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Interval Type Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation Administrator
intervals for the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are authorized Incentive
Compensation Intervals
Resource: Business
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Participant Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation Administrator
participant for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Incentive
authorized Compensation
Participant (Data)
Resource: Business
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can register Application
incentive compensation Administrator
participant for the business Privilege: Register
units for which they are Incentive
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
authorized Compensation
Participant (Data)
Resource: Business
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Payment Transaction Manufacturing Application Compensation
Export Object Administrator can view Application
incentive compensation Administrator
payment transaction export Privilege: View
object for the incentive Incentive
compensation payment Compensation Payment
transaction export object in the Transaction Export
enterprise Object (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Payment
Transaction Export
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Rule Qualifier Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can manage Application
incentive compensation rule Administrator
qualifier for all incentive Privilege: Manage
compensation rule qualifier Incentive
data in the enterprise Compensation Rule
Qualifier (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Rule
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Rule Qualifier Data Manufacturing Application Compensation
Source Administrator can register Application
incentive compensation custom Administrator
rule qualifier data source for all Privilege: Register
incentive compensation rule Incentive
qualifier data sources in the Compensation Custom
enterprise Rule Qualifier Data
Source (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Rule
Qualifier Data Source
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Staged Transaction File Manufacturing Application Compensation
Import Activity Administrator can view Application
incentive compensation staged Administrator
transaction file import activity Privilege: View
for all staged transaction file Incentive
import activities in the Compensation Staged
enterprise Transaction File Import
Activity (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Staged
Transaction File Import
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Staged Transaction File Manufacturing Application Compensation
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Import Mapping Administrator can view Application
incentive compensation staged Administrator
transaction file import mapping Privilege: View
for all staged transaction file Incentive
import mappings in the Compensation Staged
enterprise Transaction File Import
Mapping (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Staged
Transaction File Import
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Staged Transaction File Manufacturing Application Compensation
Import Object Administrator can view Application
incentive compensation staged Administrator
transaction file import object Privilege: View
for all staged transaction file Incentive
import objects in the enterprise Compensation Staged
Transaction File Import
Object (Data)
Resource: Incentive
Compensation Staged
Transaction File Import
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
System Parameter Manufacturing Application Compensation
Administrator can set up Application
incentive compensation Administrator
parameters for the business Privilege: Set Up
units for which they are Incentive
authorized Compensation
Parameters (Data)
Resource: Business
Incentive Compensation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Incentive
Tables and Columns Manufacturing Application Compensation
Setup Administrator can configure Application
incentive compensation tables Administrator
and columns for the business Privilege: Configure
units for which they are Incentive
authorized Compensation Tables
and Columns (Data)
Resource: Business
Interorganization A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Parameter Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
interorganization parameter for Interorganization
the inventory organizations in Parameter (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Intersubinventory A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Parameter Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
intersubinventory parameter for Intersubinventory
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
the inventory organizations in Parameter (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Account A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Alias Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
inventory account alias for the Inventory Account
inventory organizations in Alias (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Consumption A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Rule Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
inventory consumption rule for Inventory Consumption
the inventory organizations in Rule (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Consumption
Rule (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Consumption Rule
Inventory Locator A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage
Manufacturing Application Subinventory and
Administrator can manage Locator
inventory locator for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in Inventory Locator
which they can operate (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Rule Selection Criterion Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
inventory movement rule Inventory Movement
selection criterion for the Rule Selection
inventory organizations in Criterion (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Organization A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Parameter Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage item Privilege: Manage Item
and inventory organization and Inventory
parameter for the inventory Organization Parameter
organizations in which they can (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage item Administrator
and inventory organization Privilege: Manage Item
parameter for the item and Inventory
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
organizations in which they can Organization Parameter
operate (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Transfer A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage
Order Manufacturing Application Inventory Transfer
Administrator can manage Order
inventory transfer order for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in Inventory Transfer
which they can operate Order (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item A Financial Supply Chain Role: Item
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can create item Privilege: Create Item
class item for the item classes Class Item (Data)
they have access to Resource: Item
Item Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage item Administration
cost profile for the cost Privilege: Manage Item
organizations for which they Cost Profile (Data)
are authorized Resource: Item Cost
Item Locator A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage
Manufacturing Application Subinventory and
Administrator can manage item Locator
locator for the inventory Privilege: Manage Item
organizations in which they can Locator (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Lot And Serial A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Attributes Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage item Privilege: Manage Item
lot and serial attributes Lot and Serial
mapping for the inventory Attributes Mapping
organizations in which they can (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Subinventory A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage
Manufacturing Application Subinventory and
Administrator can manage item Locator
subinventory for the inventory Privilege: Manage Item
organizations in which they can Subinventory (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Landed Cost Charge A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
landed cost charge for the Privilege: Manage
reference data sets they Landed Cost Charge
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view landed (SCM)
cost charge for the reference Privilege: View Landed
data sets they administer Cost Charge (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Ledger A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
ledger for subledger for the Privilege: Manage
posting ledgers for transactions Ledger for Subledger
that they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Legal Employer A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can choose legal Administrator
employer for legal employers in Privilege: Choose
their organization security Legal Employer (Data)
profile Resource: Legal
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Choose
Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Role: Project
Privilege: Choose
Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Role: Resource
Privilege: Choose
Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Choose
Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Activity Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view legal Batch Management
entity file import activity object Privilege: View Legal
type for all legal entity file Entity File Import
import activities of object type Activity Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
'legal entity' (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Mapping Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view legal Batch Management
entity file import mapping Privilege: View Legal
object type for all legal entity Entity File Import
file import mappings of object Mapping Object Type
type 'legal entity' (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Object Manufacturing Application Community Import
Administrator can view legal Batch Management
entity file import object type Privilege: View Legal
for all legal entity file import Entity File Import
objects of object type 'legal Object Type (Data)
entity' Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Location A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can choose Privilege: Choose
location for all locations in the Location (Data)
enterprise Resource: Location
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can choose Privilege: Choose
location for locations in their Location (Data)
location security profile Resource: Location
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
location for all locations in the Location (Data)
enterprise Resource: Location
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
location for all reference data Location (Data)
sets in the enterprise Resource: Location
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Inventory
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
location for locations in their Location (Data)
location security profile Resource: Location
Manufacturing Plant A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
plant parameters for the Privilege: Manage
manufactruing plant in which Plant Parameters (Data)
they can operate Resource:
Manufacturing Plant
Marketing Campaign A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing campaign for all Marketing Campaign
marketing campaigns in draft or (Data)
scheduled execution status Resource: Marketing
where they are a manager in the Campaign
management hierarchy of the
owner of the marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing campaign for all Marketing Campaign
marketing campaigns in draft or (Data)
scheduled execution status Resource: Marketing
where they are the owner of the Campaign
marketing campaign
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing campaign member Marketing Campaign
where they are the owner of the Member (Data)
marketing campaign Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing campaign where Marketing Campaign
they are a manager in the (Data)
management hierarchy of the Resource: Marketing
owner of the marketing Campaign
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing campaign where Marketing Campaign
they are the owner of the (Data)
marketing campaign Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign activation Marketing Campaign
where they are a manager in the Activation (Data)
management hierarchy of the Resource: Marketing
owner of the marketing Campaign
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign activation Marketing Campaign
where they are the owner of the Activation (Data)
marketing campaign Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign dialog Marketing Campaign
status where they are the owner Dialog Status (Data)
of the marketing campaign Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign member Marketing Campaign
where they are the owner of the Member (Data)
marketing campaign Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign where Marketing Campaign
they are a manager in the (Data)
management hierarchy of a Resource: Marketing
resource in the marketing Campaign
campaign team with full access
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign where Marketing Campaign
they are a resource in the (Data)
marketing campaign team Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign where Marketing Campaign
they are the owner of the (Data)
marketing campaign Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
marketing campaign for all Marketing Campaign
resource organizations and (Data)
child resource organizations for Resource: Marketing
which they are authorized Campaign
Role: Marketing
Execution Management
Privilege: View
Marketing Campaign
Resource: Marketing
Marketing Campaign A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Note Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing campaign note Marketing Campaign
where they are the author of the Note (Data)
marketing campaign note Resource: Marketing
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Campaign Note
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing campaign note Marketing Campaign
where they are the author of the Note (Data)
marketing campaign note Resource: Marketing
Campaign Note
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
marketing campaign note for all Marketing Campaign
internal marketing campaign Note (Data)
notes in the enterprise Resource: Marketing
Campaign Note
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
marketing campaign note for all Marketing Campaign
marketing campaign notes with Note (Data)
private visibility where they are Resource: Marketing
the author of the marketing Campaign Note
campaign note
Marketing List A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing list where they are Marketing List (Data)
the owner of the marketing list Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing list where i am on Marketing List (Data)
the team associated to the Resource: Marketing
marketing list List
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing list where they are a Marketing List (Data)
manager in the management Resource: Marketing
hierarchy of the owner of the List
marketing list
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing list where they are Marketing List (Data)
the owner of the marketing list Resource: Marketing
Marketing Response A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Note Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing response note where Marketing Response
they are the author of the Note (Data)
marketing response note Resource: Marketing
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Response Note
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing response note where Marketing Response
they are the author of the Note (Data)
marketing response note Resource: Marketing
Response Note
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
marketing response note for all Marketing Response
internal marketing response Note (Data)
notes in the enterprise Resource: Marketing
Response Note
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Execution Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
marketing response note for all Marketing Response
marketing response notes with Note (Data)
private visibility where they are Resource: Marketing
the author of the marketing Response Note
response note
Marketing Treatment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can delete Privilege: Delete
marketing treatment where they Marketing Treatment
are the owner of the marketing (Data)
treatment Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing treatment activation Marketing Treatment
where they are a manager in the Activation (Data)
management hierarchy of the Resource: Marketing
owner of the marketing Treatment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing treatment activation Marketing Treatment
where they are a resource in the Activation (Data)
marketing treatment team Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing treatment lock where Marketing Treatment
they are a manager in the Lock (Data)
management hierarchy of the Resource: Marketing
owner of the marketing Treatment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing treatment lock where Marketing Treatment
they are a resource in the Lock (Data)
marketing treatment team Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing treatment where they Marketing Treatment
are a resource in the marketing (Data)
treatment team Resource: Marketing
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
marketing treatment where they Marketing Treatment
are the owner of the marketing (Data)
treatment Resource: Marketing
Marketing Treatment E- A Financial Supply Chain Role: Marketing
Mail Footer Manufacturing Application Campaign Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
marketing treatment Marketing Treatment
unrestricted e-mail footer for all Unrestricted E-Mail
marketing treatment e-mail Footer (Data)
footers marked as unrestricted Resource: Marketing
visibility in the enterprise Treatment E-Mail
Opportunity A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
opportunity general profile for Opportunity General
all opportunities in the business Profile (Data)
units that they are authorized Resource: Opportunity
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
opportunity restricted profile Opportunity Restricted
for all opportunities in the Profile (Data)
business units that they are Resource: Opportunity
authorized within
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
opportunity revenue for all Opportunity Revenue
opportunities in the business (Data)
units that they are authorized Resource: Opportunity
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
opportunity team for all Opportunity Team
opportunities in the business (Data)
units that they are authorized Resource: Opportunity
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
opportunity by owner where Opportunity by Owner
they selected records i own on (Data)
the sales ui Resource: Opportunity
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
opportunity by sales team Opportunity by Sales
where they selected records Team (Data)
where i am on the team on the Resource: Opportunity
sales ui
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
opportunity for all Opportunity (Data)
opportunities in the business Resource: Opportunity
units that they are authorized
Opportunity File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Activity Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
opportunity file import activity Opportunity File Import
object type for all opportunity Activity Object Type
file import activities in the (Data)
business units that they are Resource: Opportunity
authorized within File Import Activity
Opportunity File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
opportunity file import Opportunity File Import
mapping object type for all Mapping Object Type
opportunity file import (Data)
mappings in the business units Resource: Opportunity
that they are authorized within File Import Mapping
Opportunity File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
opportunity file import object Opportunity File Import
type for all opportunity file Object Type (Data)
import objects in the business Resource: Opportunity
units that they are authorized File Import Object
Opportunity Note A Financial Supply Chain Role: Opportunity
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
opportunity note where they are Opportunity Note
the author of the note or the (Data)
note is not a private note Resource: Opportunity
Orchestration Hold A Financial Supply Chain Role: Order
Code Manufacturing Application Orchestration
Administrator can manage Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
orchestration hold code Privilege: Manage
definition for the reference data Orchestration Hold
sets they administer Code Definition (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Orchestration Process A Financial Supply Chain Role: Order
Definition Manufacturing Application Orchestration
Administrator can manage Administration
orchestration process definition Privilege: Manage
for the reference data sets they Orchestration Process
administer Definition (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Overhead Rule A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can view Administration
overhead rule for the cost Privilege: View
organizations for which they Overhead Rule (Data)
are authorized Resource: Overhead
Packing Unit Item A Financial Supply Chain Role: Shipping
Assignment Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
packing unit item assignment Packing Unit Item
for the inventory organizations Assignment (Data)
in which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Partner File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Activity Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view partner Privilege: View Partner
file import activity object type File Import Activity
for all partner file import Object Type (Data)
activities of object type 'partner Resource: Partner File
company' Import Activity
Partner File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view partner Privilege: View Partner
file import mapping object type File Import Mapping
for all partner file import Object Type (Data)
mappings of object type Resource: Partner File
'partner company' Import Mapping
Partner File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view partner Privilege: View Partner
file import object type for all File Import Object
partner file import objects of Type (Data)
object type 'partner company' Resource: Partner File
Import Object
Partner Member File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Import Activity Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view partner Privilege: View Partner
member file import activity Member File Import
object type for all partner Activity Object Type
member file import activities of (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
object type 'partner member' Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Partner Member File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view partner Privilege: View Partner
member file import mapping Member File Import
object type for all partner Mapping Object Type
member file import mappings (Data)
of object type 'partner member' Resource: Partner
Member File Import
Partner Member File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Import Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view partner Privilege: View Partner
member file import object type Member File Import
for all partner member file Object Type (Data)
import objects of object type Resource: Partner
'partner member' Member File Import
Party Tax Profile A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Account Inquiry
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
business unit party tax profile Business Unit Party
for the business units for which Tax Profile (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Legal Entities
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
party tax profile for any party Party Tax Profile (Data)
tax profile defined in the Resource: Party Tax
enterprise Profile
Payables Distribution A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables
Set Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables distribution set for the Payables Distribution
business units for which they Set (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Payables Financials A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables
Option Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables financials option for Payables Financials
the business units for which Option (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Manage
Payables Financials
Option (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payables Payment Term A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables payment terms for the Payables Payment
reference data sets they Terms (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Manage
Payables Payment
Terms (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Payables Standard A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice Manufacturing Application Import Submission
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables invoice for all Payables Invoice (Data)
business units in the enterprise Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payables System Option A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables system option for the Payables System
business units for which they Option (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Payables Tax Reporting A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables
Entity Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables tax reporting entity for Payables Tax Reporting
the business units for which Entity (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Payables Withholding A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payables
Tax Setup Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
payables withholding tax setup Payables Withholding
for the business units for which Tax Setup (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Payment Card A Financial Supply Chain Role: Payee Bank
Manufacturing Application Account Management
Administrator can view Privilege: View
employee credit card for any Employee Credit Card
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
employee corporate cards in the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Payment
Person A Financial Supply Chain Role: Enterprise
Manufacturing Application Structures
Administrator can choose Administration
person for persons and Privilege: Choose
assignments in their person and Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage Users
Manufacturing Application Privilege: Search
Administrator can search Worker (Data)
worker for persons and Resource: Person
assignments in their person and Assignment
assignment security profile
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage Users
Manufacturing Application Privilege: View Person
Administrator can view person Assignment (Data)
assignment for persons and Resource: Person
assignments in their person and Assignment
assignment security profile
Person Type A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage Users
Manufacturing Application Privilege: Choose
Administrator can choose Person Type (Data)
person type for person types in Resource: Person Type
their person type security
Pick Wave A Financial Supply Chain Role: Shipping
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage pick Privilege: Manage Pick
wave for the inventory Wave (Data)
organizations in which they can Resource: Inventory
operate Organization Parameter
Planning Cost A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Component Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage Administration
planning cost components for Privilege: Manage
the reference data sets they Planning Cost
administer Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Planning Cost A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Organization Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage Administration
planning cost organizations for Privilege: Manage
the cost organizations for which Planning Cost
they are authorized Organizations (Data)
Resource: Planning
Cost Organization
Product Group Details A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Export Object Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view product (SCM)
group export object for all Privilege: View
product group details export Product Group Export
objects in the enterprise Object (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Product
Group Details Export
Product Group File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Import Activity Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view product (SCM)
group file import activity object Privilege: View
type for all authorized product Product Group File
group file import activities in Import Activity Object
all resource organizations Type (Data)
where they are authorized Resource: Product
Group File Import
Product Group File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view product (SCM)
group file import mapping Privilege: View
object type for all product Product Group File
group file import mappings in Import Mapping Object
all resource organizations Type (Data)
where they are authorized Resource: Product
Group File Import
Product Group File A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Import Object Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view product (SCM)
group file import object type Privilege: View
for all product group file import Product Group File
objects in all resource Import Object Type
organizations where they are (Data)
authorized Resource: Product
Group File Import
Product Group Products A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Export Object Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view product (SCM)
group export object for all Privilege: View
product group products export Product Group Export
objects in the enterprise Object (Data)
Resource: Product
Group Products Export
Product Group A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Subgroups Export Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Object Administrator can view product (SCM)
group export object for all Privilege: View
product group subgroups export Product Group Export
objects in the enterprise Object (Data)
Resource: Product
Group Subgroups
Export Object
Product Group A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Translations Export Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Object Administrator can view product (SCM)
group export object for all
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
product group translations Privilege: View
export objects in the enterprise Product Group Export
Object (Data)
Resource: Product
Group Translations
Export Object
Projects Period Status A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage Projects
Manufacturing Application Accounting Period
Administrator can manage Status
accounting period status for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Accounting Period
are authorized Status (Data)
Resource: Projects
Period Status
Public Person A Financial Supply Chain Role: Procurement
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can choose Administrator
public person for all workers in Privilege: Choose
the enterprise Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can choose Administrator
public person for persons and Privilege: Choose
assignments in their person and Public Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Fixed Asset
Manufacturing Application Inquiry
Administrator can report public Privilege: Report
person for persons and Public Person (Data)
assignments in their person and Resource: Public
assignment security profile Person
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Use User Details
Manufacturing Application Service
Administrator can view person Privilege: View Person
deferred for persons and Deferred (Data)
assignments in their person and Resource: Public
assignment security profile Person
Receivables Accounting A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Rule Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables accounting rule for Receivables
the reference data sets they Accounting Rule (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Activity A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables activity for the Receivables Activity
business units for which they (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Receivables Application A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Exception Rule Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables receipt application Receivables Receipt
exception rule for the reference Application Exception
data sets they administer Rule (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables AutoCash A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Rule Set Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables autocash rule set for Receivables AutoCash
the reference data sets they Rule Set (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Automatch A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Rule Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables automatch rule set Receivables AutoMatch
for the reference data sets they Rule Set (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Batch A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Source Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables batch source for the Receivables Batch
reference data sets they Source (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Credit A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Memo Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can manage (SCM)
receivables activities for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
Receivables Debit A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Memo Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can manage (SCM)
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Debit Memo
Receivables A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Distribution Set Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables distribution set for Receivables
the business units for which Distribution Set (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can manage (SCM)
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Receivables Lockbox A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables lockbox for the Receivables Lockbox
reference data sets they (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Memo Line A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Template Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables memo line template Receivables Memo
for the reference data sets they Line Template (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Payment A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Term Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables payment terms for Receivables Payment
the reference data sets they Terms (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Receipt A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Method Account Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables receipt method Receivables Receipt
account for the business units Method Account (Data)
for which they are authorized Resource: Business
Receivables Receipt A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Source Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables receipt source for Receivables Receipt
the business units for which Source (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Receivables Remit-to A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Address Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables remit-to address for Receivables Remit-to
the reference data sets they Address (Data)
administer Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receivables Revenue A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Contingency Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables revenue Receivables Revenue
contingency for the reference Contingency (Data)
data sets they administer Resource: Reference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Data Set
Receivables Revenue A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Policy Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables revenue policy for Receivables Revenue
the business units for which Policy (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Receivables Statement A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Cycle Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables statement cycle for Receivables Statement
the business units for which Cycle (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Business
Receivables System A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Option Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables system options for Receivables System
the reference data sets they Options (Data)
administer Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Financial Supply Chain Role: Receivables
Type Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receivables transaction type for Receivables
the reference data sets they Transaction Type
administer (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Receiving Option A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage
Manufacturing Application Receiving Parameter
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
receiving option for the Receiving Option
inventory organizations in (Data)
which they can operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Sales Forecast A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Adjustment Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can manage sales Privilege: Manage
forecast adjustment for child Sales Forecast
territories of territories where Adjustment (Data)
they are the delegated Resource: Sales
participant Forecast Adjustment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can manage sales Privilege: Manage
forecast adjustment for the Sales Forecast
territories where they are the Adjustment (Data)
delegated participant Resource: Sales
Forecast Adjustment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
forecast adjustment for child Forecast Adjustment
territories of territories where (Data)
they are the delegated Resource: Sales
participant Forecast Adjustment
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
forecast adjustment for the Forecast Adjustment
territories where they are the (Data)
delegated participant Resource: Sales
Forecast Adjustment
Sales Forecast A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Adjustment Export Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Object Administrator can view sales (SCM)
forecast adjustment export Privilege: View Sales
object for all sales forecast Forecast Adjustment
adjustment export objects in the Export Object (Data)
enterprise Resource: Sales
Forecast Adjustment
Export Object
Sales Forecast Header A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Export Object Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view sales (SCM)
forecast header export object Privilege: View Sales
for all sales forecast header Forecast Header Export
export objects in the enterprise Object (Data)
Resource: Sales
Forecast Header Export
Sales Forecast Item A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can manage sales Privilege: Manage
forecast item for child Sales Forecast Item
territories of territories where (Data)
they are the delegated Resource: Sales
participant Forecast Item
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can manage sales Privilege: Manage
forecast item for the territories Sales Forecast Item
where they are the delegated (Data)
participant Resource: Sales
Forecast Item
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
forecast item for child Forecast Item (Data)
territories of territories where Resource: Sales
they are the delegated Forecast Item
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
forecast item for the territories Forecast Item (Data)
where they are the delegated
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
participant Resource: Sales
Forecast Item
Sales Forecast Item A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Adjustment Export Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Object Administrator can view sales (SCM)
forecast item adjustment export Privilege: View Sales
object for all sales forecast item Forecast Item
adjustment export objects in the Adjustment Export
enterprise Object (Data)
Resource: Sales
Forecast Item
Adjustment Export
Sales Forecast Item A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Export Object Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can view sales (SCM)
forecast item export object for Privilege: View Sales
all sales forecast item export Forecast Item Export
objects in the enterprise Object (Data)
Resource: Sales
Forecast Item Export
Sales Forecast A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Participant Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can manage sales Privilege: Manage
forecast participant for child Sales Forecast
territories of territories where Participant (Data)
they are the delegated Resource: Sales
participant Forecast Participant
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can manage sales Privilege: Manage
forecast participant for the Sales Forecast
territories where they are the Participant (Data)
delegated participant Resource: Sales
Forecast Participant
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
forecast participant for child Forecast Participant
territories of territories where (Data)
they are the delegated Resource: Sales
participant Forecast Participant
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Forecasting
Manufacturing Application Delegated Management
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
forecast participant for the Forecast Participant
territories where they are the (Data)
delegated participant Resource: Sales
Forecast Participant
Sales Forecast A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Participant Export Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Object Administrator can view sales (SCM)
forecast participant export Privilege: View Sales
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
object for all sales forecast Forecast Participant
participant export objects in the Export Object (Data)
enterprise Resource: Sales
Forecast Participant
Export Object
Sales Lead A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can delete sales Privilege: Delete Sales
lead for all retired, qualified, Lead (Data)
unqualified leads in the Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead for all sales leads in the Lead (Data)
business units that they are Resource: Sales Lead
authorized within
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Supervision
lead others where they are a Privilege: Update Sales
manager in the management Lead Others (Data)
hierarchy of a resource in the Resource: Sales Lead
lead sales team with full access
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Supervision
lead others where they are a Privilege: Update Sales
manager in the management Lead Others (Data)
hierarchy of the owner of the Resource: Sales Lead
sales lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead others where they are a Lead Others (Data)
resource in the lead sales team Resource: Sales Lead
with full access
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead others where they are a Lead Others (Data)
resource in the territory Resource: Sales Lead
assigned to the sales lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead others where they are an Lead Others (Data)
administrator of the resource Resource: Sales Lead
organization in the primary
assignment of the owner
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead others where they are the Lead Others (Data)
owner of the sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Supervision
lead owner where they are a Privilege: Update Sales
manager in the management Lead Owner (Data)
hierarchy of the owner of the Resource: Sales Lead
sales lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead owner where they are an Lead Owner (Data)
administrator of the resource Resource: Sales Lead
organization in the primary
assignment of the owner
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead owner where they are the Lead Owner (Data)
owner of the sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead where they are a territory Lead (Data)
resource in the sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
territory team or a territory
resource with a descendant
territory in the sales lead
territory team
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view Privilege: View
descendant territory leads Descendant Territory
where they are a territory Leads (Data)
resource in the sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
territory team or a territory
resource with a descendant
territory in the sales lead
territory team
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view my Privilege: View My
sales leads where they are the Sales Leads (Data)
owner of the sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
lead for all sales leads in the Lead (Data)
business units that they are Resource: Sales Lead
authorized within
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view sales Supervision
lead where they are a manager Privilege: View Sales
in the management hierarchy of Lead (Data)
the owner of the sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
lead where they are an Lead (Data)
administrator of the resource Resource: Sales Lead
organization in the primary
assignment of the owner
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
team leads where they are a Team Leads (Data)
resource in the lead sales team Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view Supervision
subordinate team leads where Privilege: View
they are a manager in the Subordinate Team
management hierarchy of a Leads (Data)
resource in the lead sales team Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Qualification
Administrator can view Privilege: View
territory leads where they are a Territory Leads (Data)
resource in the territory Resource: Sales Lead
assigned to the sales lead
Sales Lead File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Activity Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
lead file import activity object Lead File Import
type for all file import activities Activity Object Type
of type lead in the enterprise (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
File Import Activity
Sales Lead File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Mapping Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
lead file import mapping object Lead File Import
type for all file import Mapping Object Type
mappings of type lead in the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Sales Lead
File Import Mapping
Sales Lead File Import A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Object Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
lead file import object type for Lead File Import Object
all file import objects of type Type (Data)
lead in the enterprise Resource: Sales Lead
File Import Object
Sales Lead Note A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can delete sales Privilege: Delete Sales
lead note where they are the Lead Note (Data)
author of the sales lead note Resource: Sales Lead
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Delete Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Delete Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can update sales Privilege: Update Sales
lead note where they are the Lead Note (Data)
author of the sales lead note Resource: Sales Lead
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Update Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: Update Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
lead note for all internal sales Lead Note (Data)
lead notes in the enterprise Resource: Sales Lead
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: View Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: View Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Sales Lead
Manufacturing Application Processing
Administrator can view sales Privilege: View Sales
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
lead note where they are the Lead Note (Data)
author of the private sales lead Resource: Sales Lead
note Note
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: View Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
Role: Sales Lead
Privilege: View Sales
Lead Note (Data)
Resource: Sales Lead
Shipping Organization A Financial Supply Chain Role: Shipping
Parameter Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
shipping organization Shipping Organization
parameter for the inventory Parameter (Data)
organizations in which they can Resource: Inventory
operate Organization Parameter
Source System A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Reference File Import Manufacturing Application Community Import
Activity Administrator can view source Batch Management
system reference file import Privilege: View Source
activity object type for all System Reference File
source system reference file Import Activity Object
import activities of object type Type (Data)
'source system reference' Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Reference File Import Manufacturing Application Community Import
Mapping Administrator can view source Batch Management
system reference file import Privilege: View Source
mapping object type for all System Reference File
source system reference file Import Mapping Object
import mapping of object type Type (Data)
'source system reference' Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System A Financial Supply Chain Role: Trading
Reference File Import Manufacturing Application Community Import
Object Administrator can view source Batch Management
system reference file import Privilege: View Source
object type for all source System Reference File
system reference file import Import Object Type
objects of object type 'source (Data)
system reference' Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Subinventory A Financial Supply Chain Role: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Manufacturing Application Subinventory and
Administrator can manage Locator
subinventory for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Subinventory (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Subledger Accounting A Financial Supply Chain Role: Accounting Hub
Balance Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
subledger accounting balance Subledger Accounting
for the subsidiaries or Balance (Data)
management segment values Resource: Subledger
whose account balance they Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can manage Administrator
subledger application for the Privilege: Manage
owning oracle fusion Subledger Application
accounting generating (Data)
subledger application. Resource: Subledger
Tax Defaults and A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Controls Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
application tax options for the Application Tax
business units for which they Options (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
exception for the tax setup Exception (Data)
applicable to the business units Resource: Business
for which they are responsible Unit
Tax Exemption A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Account Inquiry
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
exemption for the tax setup Exemption (Data)
applicable to the business units Resource: Business
for which they are responsible Unit
Tax Rate A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
rate for the tax setup applicable Rate (Data)
to the business units for which Resource: Business
they are responsible Unit
Tax Recovery A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
recovery for the tax setup Recovery (Data)
applicable to the business units Resource: Business
for which they are responsible Unit
Tax Rule A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
rule for the tax setup applicable Rule (Data)
to the business units for which Resource: Business
they are responsible Unit
Tax Status A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
status for the tax setup Status (Data)
applicable to the business units Resource: Business
for which they are responsible Unit
Taxable Transaction A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
taxable transaction for the Taxable Transaction
business units for which they (Data)
are authorized Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage
Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Territory Geography A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
Export Object Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
territory geography export Territory Geography
object for all territory Export Object (Data)
geography export objects Resource: Territory
Geography Export
Territory Geography A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
File Import Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
territory geography file import Territory Geography
for all territory geography file File Import (Data)
imports of object type Resource: Territory
territory_geographies Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
File Import Mapping Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
territory geography file import Territory Geography
mapping for all territory File Import Mapping
geography file import (Data)
mappings of object type Resource: Territory
territory_geographies Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Financial Supply Chain Role: Geography
File Import Metadata Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view Privilege: View
territory geography file import Territory Geography
metadata for all territory File Import Metadata
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
geography file import metadata Resource: Territory
of object type Geography File Import
territory_geographies Metadata
Trade Operation A Financial Supply Chain Role: Web Services
Manufacturing Application Application Identity
Administrator can manage (SCM)
trade operation for procurement Privilege: Manage
business unit they are Trade Operation (Data)
authorized for. Resource: Business
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can view trade Administrator
operation for procurement Privilege: View Trade
business unit they are Operation (Data)
authorized for. Resource: Business
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View Trade
Operation (Data)
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Customer Account Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
customer account for all Customer Account
customer accounts in the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Customer
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view All Contracts Web
customer account for all Service
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Role: Orchestration
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Role: Order
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Customer Account Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Relationship Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
customer account relationship Customer Account
for the reference data sets for Relationship (Data)
which they are authorized Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Account Inquiry
Administrator can view Privilege: View
customer account relationship Customer Account
for all customer account Relationship (Data)
relationships in the enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view All Contracts Web
customer account relationship Service
for the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
customer account site for all Customer Account Site
customer account sites in the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
customer account site for the Customer Account Site
reference data sets for which (Data)
they are authorized Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Account Inquiry
Administrator can view Privilege: View
customer account site for all Customer Account Site
customer account sites in the (Data)
enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view All Contracts Web
customer account site for the Service
reference data sets for which Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Orchestration
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Order
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Use Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
customer account site use for Customer Account Site
all customer account site uses Use (Data)
in the enterprise Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Customer
Account Site Use
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
customer account site use for Customer Account Site
the reference data sets for Use (Data)
which they are authorized Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Account Inquiry
Administrator can view Privilege: View
customer account site use for Customer Account Site
all customer account site uses Use (Data)
in the enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view All Contracts Web
customer account site use for Service
the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Orchestration
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Order
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Org Address Email Manufacturing Application Management Across
Contact Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Product Hub
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Org Address Phone Manufacturing Application Management Across
Contact Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Organization Address Manufacturing Application Management Across
Contact Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Organization Email Manufacturing Application Management Across
Contact Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Organization Party Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view trading All Contracts Web
community organization for all Service
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Inventory
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Item
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Orchestration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Order
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payments
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payments Funds
Capture Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Procurement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Organization Phone Manufacturing Application Management Across
Contact Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Carrier
Party Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community contact for all Trading Community
trading community persons in Contact (Data)
the enterprise except contacts Resource: Trading
created by partners. Community Party
Role: Contract
Management Across
All Contracts Web
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view trading All Contracts Web
community person for all Service
people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Payment Instrument
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Inventory
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Party
Role: Item
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Orchestration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Order
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Import Submission
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payments
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payments Funds
Capture Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view trading All Contracts Web
community person for all Service
people in the enterprise other Privilege: View
than sales accounts and sales Trading Community
prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Inventory
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Party
Role: Item
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Manufacturing Application Management Across
Administrator can view trading All Contracts Web
community person for all Service
resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Customer
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Inventory
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Item
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Procurement
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Address Contact Manufacturing Application Management Across
Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Person Address Phone Manufacturing Application Management Across
Contact Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Person Email Contact Manufacturing Application Management Across
Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Contract
Person Phone Contact Manufacturing Application Management Across
Preference Administrator can manage All Contracts Web
trading community legal Service
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Corporate Card
Account Administration
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Customer
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Inventory
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Item
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Manage
Subinventory and
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Product Hub
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Resource
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Sales Forecasting
Delegated Management
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cash
Relationship Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can view trading Administration
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Customer
Account Inquiry
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Resource
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Web Services
Application Identity
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Carrier
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community relationship for all Trading Community
trading community Relationship (Data)
relationships in the enterprise Resource: Trading
except partner contact Community
relationships, or relationships Relationship
created by partners Role: Contract
Management Across
All Contracts Web
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Manage
Receiving Parameter
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Supplier Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Resource Note Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community resource Trading Community
notes for all resource notes Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community resource Trading Community
notes for the resource notes for Resource Notes (Data)
which they are the owner Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community resource notes for Trading Community
all resource notes Resource Notes (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Resource Profile Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community resource Trading Community
contact point information for all Resource Contact Point
resource contacts in the Information (Data)
enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community resource Trading Community
skill for all resource skills Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community resource Trading Community
skill for the resource skills of Resource Skill (Data)
persons who they manage Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community resource Trading Community
skill for their resource skills Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can remove Privilege: Remove
trading community resource for Trading Community
all resources in the enterprise Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
trading community resource for Trading Community
all resources in the enterprise Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can update Privilege: Update
trading community resource for Trading Community
their resource record Resource (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community resource contact Trading Community
point information for all Resource Contact Point
resource contacts in the Information (Data)
enterprise Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community resource contact Trading Community
point information for their Resource Contact Point
contacts Information (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community resource skill for all Trading Community
resource skills Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community resource skill for Trading Community
the resource skills of persons Resource Skill (Data)
who they manage Resource: Trading
Community Resource
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community resource skill for Trading Community
their resource skills Resource Skill (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Trading Community A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Resource Sales Manufacturing Application Administration
Representative Setup Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
trading community salesperson Trading Community
setup for the reference data sets Salesperson Setup
for which they are authorized (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Customer
Manufacturing Application Maintenance
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community salesperson setup Trading Community
for all salespersons in the Salesperson Setup
enterprise (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Resource
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can view trading Privilege: View
community salesperson setup Trading Community
for the reference data sets for Salesperson Setup
which they are authorized (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Transaction Tax A Financial Supply Chain Role: Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
transaction tax for the tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business units Transaction Tax (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Unit of Measure A Financial Supply Chain Role: Unit of Measure
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage unit Privilege: Manage Unit
of measure for the inventory of Measure (Data)
organizations in which they can Resource: Inventory
operate Organization Parameter
User A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can create user Administrator
name for persons in their Privilege: Create User
person security profile. Name (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Project
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can create user Administrator
name for subordinates in their Privilege: Create User
person security profile. Name (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Project
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Supply Chain
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can link user Administrator
account for persons in their Privilege: Link User
person security profile. Account (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Project
Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can link user Administrator
account for subordinates in Privilege: Link User
their person security profile. Account (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
Role: Project
Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
User Role A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can assign user Administrator
roles for persons and Privilege: Assign User
assignments in their person and Roles (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: User Role
Role: Procurement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Assign User
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
Role: Project
Privilege: Assign User
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Assign User
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
A Financial Supply Chain Role: Financial
Manufacturing Application Application
Administrator can assign user Administrator
roles for subordinates in their Privilege: Assign User
person and assignment security Roles (Data)
profile Resource: User Role
Role: Procurement
Privilege: Assign User
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
Role: Project
Privilege: Assign User
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
Role: Supply Chain
Privilege: Assign User
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
Valuation Unit A Financial Supply Chain Role: Cost
Manufacturing Application Management
Administrator can manage Administration
valuation unit for the cost Privilege: Manage
organizations for which they Valuation Unit (Data)
are authorized Resource: Valuation
Withholding Tax A Financial Supply Chain Role: Withholding Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage Privilege: Manage
transaction tax for the Transaction Tax (Data)
withholding tax setup Resource: Business
applicable to the business Unit
unit(s) they are responsible for
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Withholding Tax A Financial Supply Chain Role: Withholding Tax
Exception Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
exception for the withholding Exception (Data)
tax setup applicable to the Resource: Business
business unit(s) they are Unit
responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Supply Chain Role: Withholding Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
rate for the withholding tax Rate (Data)
setup applicable to the business Resource: Business
unit(s) they are responsible for Unit
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Supply Chain Role: Withholding Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
rule for the withholding tax Rule (Data)
setup applicable to the business Resource: Business
unit(s) they are responsible for Unit
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Supply Chain Role: Withholding Tax
Manufacturing Application Administration
Administrator can manage tax Privilege: Manage Tax
status for the withholding tax Status (Data)
setup applicable to the business Resource: Business
unit(s) they are responsible for Unit

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Financial Supply Chain
Manufacturing Application Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Customer Account
Application Administrator can manage Inquiry
party tax profile for any party tax profile Privilege: Manage Party
defined in the enterprise Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Administration
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Role: Web Services
Application Identity (SCM)
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Customer Account
Application Administrator can manage Inquiry
party tax profile taxpayer identifier for Privilege: Manage Party
organizations of type individual party tax Tax Profile Taxpayer
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Identifier (Data)
enterprise. Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Supplier Profile
Application Administrator can maintain Inquiry
supplier corporate identifiers for all Privilege: Maintain Supplier
suppliers for nonindividual types in the Corporate Identifiers (Data)
enterprise Resource: Supplier
A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Supplier Profile
Application Administrator can maintain Inquiry as Supplier
supplier individual identifiers pii for the Privilege: Maintain Supplier
supplier for which they are associated Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Customer Account
Application Administrator can manage Inquiry
tax registration for any tax registration Privilege: Manage Tax
defined in the enterprise Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Inquiry as Supplier
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Web Services
Application Identity (SCM)
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Application Administrator can manage Maintenance
taxable transaction for any taxable Privilege: Manage Taxable
transaction existing in the enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Tax Administration
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Role: Customer Account
Application Administrator can manage Inquiry
party tax profile taxpayer identifier for Privilege: Manage Party
organizations of type individual party tax Tax Profile Taxpayer
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Identifier (Data)
enterprise. Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application Administrator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Customer Enter AR Invoice
Enter Customer Receipts
Release Sales Order
Create Items Approve Cycle Count Sequences
Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer
Cycle Counting
Inventory Transactions
Enter Journal Entry Setup Assets
Item Costing Create Items
Post Journal Entry Setup Assets
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Setup Payment Create Payments

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Setup Assets Fixed Asset Administration Manage Fixed Asset
Duty Bonus Rule
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Cash Generating Unit
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Depreciation Method
Manage Fixed Asset
Distribution Set
Manage Fixed Asset
Fiscal Year
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Prorate Convention
Manage Fixed Asset
System Control
Upgrade Asset
Transactions to
Reporting Currency
Privilege Create Customer Manage Customers
Create Items Manage Item
Setup GL Currencies Define Reporting
Setup GL Daily Rates Maintain Daily
Conversion Rate
Setup GL Data Access Define Oracle Fusion
Sets General Ledger Data
Access Set
Setup GL Journal Manage Journal
Authorization Limits Approval Rules
Setup GL Ledger Sets Define Ledger Set
Setup GL Options Specify Ledger Option
Setup GL Rate Types Define Conversion Rate
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Setup GL Statistical Define Oracle Fusion
Units of Measure General Ledger
Statistical Unit Of
Setup Payment Manage Bank Account
Job Role: General Accountant
Records and reports financial transactions and manages revenue, expense, asset, liability
and equity accounts. Responsible for recording accounting adjustments, accruals,
allocations, currency revaluations and translations.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role General Accountant

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Setup Review Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle
Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates
and chart of accounts mapping rules.
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and
reporting privileges for General Ledger.
General Ledger Transaction Analyzes General Ledger transactional information
General Ledger and Profitability Analyzes GL account balance and Profitability by
Managerial Analysis Company/Product/Customer. This includes drill from journal lines
to subledger transaction details
General Legder Data Security This role is used for General Legder data security in the data
Import General Ledger Budget Allows import of general ledger budget balance.
Import Intercompany Transaction Allows import of intercompany transactions.
Import Journal Allows import of journal.
Inter Company Transaction Analyzes Inter Company transactional information
Intercompany Transaction Inquiry Views intercompany transactions and batches.
Intercompany Transactions Entry Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations.
Duty Role Description
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Analyzes Payables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Transaction Analysis information
Receivables to Ledger Analyzes Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Reconciliation Transaction information
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Tax External Taxable Transaction Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Budget Balance Allows to upload data file to import budget balances.
Upload data for General Ledger Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment
Import values and hierarchies.
Upload data for Intercompany Allows to upload data file to import intercompany transactions.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role General Accountant

Inherited Roles
General Accountant
Financial Analyst
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Inherited Roles
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Ledger Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
General Ledger and Profitability Managerial Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
General Legder Data Security
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Import General Ledger Budget Balance
Import Intercompany Transaction
Import Journal
Intercompany Transaction Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Intercompany Transactions Entry
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Import Intercompany Transaction
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Customer Account Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Upload data for Budget Balance Import
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Upload data for Intercompany Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role General Accountant

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area Accesses the Accounting Distribution work area to
manage journal entries for ledgers and costing
information related to labor costs, transfer costing
results to General Ledger, and define costing setup.
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status Review Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role General Accountant.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Financial Analyst Analyzes the financial performance of an Create Financial Statement
enterprise or an organization within an Report
enterprise. Manage General Accounting
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Journal Activities
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger User
Manage Period Close
Manage Profitability
Business Intelligence
Run Payables Data
Extraction Program
Run Payables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Receivables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accountant Records and reports financial transactions Create Financial Statement
and manages revenue, expense, asset, Report
liability and equity accounts. Responsible Define Oracle Fusion
for recording accounting adjustments, General Ledger Revaluation
accruals, allocations, currency Enter Budget Amounts for
revaluations and translations. Financial Reporting
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Revaluation
Manage File Import and
Manage General Accounting
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Journal Activities
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger User
Manage Period Close
Manage Profitability
Business Intelligence
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Final Mode
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Preview Mode
Run Open Purchase Orders
Encumbrances Analysis
Run Payables Data
Extraction Program
Run Payables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Receivables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Revalue Balances
Run Translate Balances
General Accounting Setup Views set up for accounting and Review Accounting Period
Review transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion Status
General Ledger accounting period status, Review Historical
conversion rates and chart of accounts Conversion Rate
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
mapping rules. Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Data Access Set Listing
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Applications
Coexistence Configuration
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Fixed Asset Books
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and Create General Ledger and
transaction inquiry and reporting Subledger Accounting
privileges for General Ledger. Account Analysis Report
Create General Ledger and
Subledger Accounting by
Journal Lines Report
Inquire Fixed Asset
Inquire and Analyze Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Account Balance
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Account Analysis -
Average Balance Audit
Run Account Analysis -
Contra Account Report
Run Account Analysis
Run Financial Statements
Run General Ledger Journal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Entry Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report by
Balancing Segment Report
Run General Ledger Report
Run General Ledger Trial
Balance Report
Run Global Account
Analysis Report
Run Global Daily Journals
Run Global Journal Ledger
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Journals - Batch
Summary Report
Run Journals - Check Report
Run Journals - Day Book
Run Journals - Extended
Run Journals - Tax Report
Run Trial Balance - Average
Run Trial Balance -
Expanded Report
Run Trial Balance -
Translation Report
Run Trial Balance Report
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transaction Views intercompany transactions and Manage Project Expenditure
Inquiry batches. Item
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Review Journal
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
View Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transactions Create, update, approve, reject Enter Customer Account
Entry intercompany transactions and batches. Export Customer Account
Import Intercompany
Import Payables Invoice
Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Reconcile Intercompany
Remove Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Intercompany
Transaction Report
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit Intercompany
Transaction Reconciliation
Transfer Intercompany
Update Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations. Correct Journal Import
Define Self Managed Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Allocation Formula
Delete Journal
Enter Journal
Enter Journal By
Enter Journal for Non-
Business Day Transactions
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Override Journal Accounted
Override Journal Reversal
Post Journal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Reverse Journal
Run Automatic Posting
Run Automatic Reversal
Run Delete Journal Import
Data Program
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Run Import Journals
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Tax External Taxable Duty Role to manage import of Account External Taxable
Transaction Processing transactions from external sources. Transaction
Correct External Transaction
Create External Taxable
Create External Taxable
Import External Taxable
Manage Journal Activities
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
General Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Cost Distribution A General Accountant can view Role: General Ledger
cost transaction for the cost Reporting
organizations associated to the Privilege: View Cost
ledgers for which the user is Transaction (Data)
authorized Resource: Cost
Fixed Asset A General Accountant can Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
submit fixed assets reports in Inquiry
the asset books that they are Privilege: Submit
authorized to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
General Ledger Actual A General Accountant can Role: Financial Analyst
Balance inquire and analyze oracle Privilege: Inquire and
fusion general ledger account Analyze Oracle Fusion
balance for the set of General Ledger
subsidiaries or management Account Balance (Data)
segment values whose close Resource: General
processes they manage Ledger Data Access Set
General Ledger Period A General Accountant can view Role: Review General
Status accounting period status for the Ledger Accounting
set of subsidiaries whose close Period Status
processes they manage Privilege: View
Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Journal A General Accountant can Role: Tax External
manage journals tax for the Taxable Transaction
business units for which they Processing
are authorized Privilege: Manage
Journals Tax (Data)
Resource: Journal
A General Accountant can view Role: Financial Analyst
journal for the set of Privilege: View Journal
subsidiaries or management (Data)
segment values whose Resource: General
accounting balance they Ledger Data Access Set
Ledger A General Accountant can Role: Subledger
manage ledger for subledger for Accounting Manager
the posting ledgers for Privilege: Manage
transactions that they are Ledger for Subledger
authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
A General Accountant can Role: Financial Analyst
report oracle fusion general Privilege: Report
ledger for the set of subsidiaries Oracle Fusion General
whose reconciliation processes Ledger (Data)
they manage Resource: Ledger
A General Accountant can view Role: Financial Analyst
ledger for the set of subsidiaries Privilege: View Ledger
whose accounting balance and (Data)
close processes they manage Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Party Tax Profile A General Accountant can Role: Customer
manage business unit party tax Account Inquiry
profile for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Standard A General Accountant can Role: Financial Analyst
Invoice report payables for the business Privilege: Report
units associated to the ledgers Payables (Data)
for which user is authorized Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payroll Checklist A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll
profile Checklist
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll
Payroll Checklist A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Annotation manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Parameter manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Parameter
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Parameter
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Task manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Task Interaction manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Task Parameter manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Task Property manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Instance A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Payroll Flow Instance A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Interaction manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance Interaction
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile and Privilege: View Payroll
payroll flows in their payroll Flow (Data)
flow security profile Resource: Payroll Flow
Instance Interaction
Payroll Flow Task A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
Instance manage payroll flow for payroll Accounting
flows in their payroll flow Distribution Work Area
security profile Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for payroll flows Accounting
in their payroll flow security Distribution Work Area
profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
Payroll Task A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Payroll Task Parameter A General Accountant can Role: Access Payroll
manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A General Accountant can view Role: Access Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Accounting
groups in their legislative data Distribution Work Area
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Public Person A General Accountant can Role: Fixed Asset
report public person for persons Inquiry
and assignments in their person Privilege: Report
and assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Receivables Credit A General Accountant can view Role: General Ledger
Memo receivables activities for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
Receivables Invoice A General Accountant can view Role: Financial Analyst
receivables activities for the Privilege: View
business units associated to the Receivables Activities
ledgers for which user is (Data)
authorized Resource: Receivables
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: General Ledger
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Receivables
Receivables A General Accountant can view Role: General Ledger
Miscellaneous Receipt receivables activities for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Receivables Standard A General Accountant can view Role: General Ledger
Receipt receivables activities for the Reporting
business units associated to the Privilege: View
ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Receiving Distribution A General Accountant can Role: General Ledger
review receipt accounting for Reporting
the business units associated to Privilege: Review
the ledgers for which user is Receipt Accounting
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receiving
Subledger Accounting A General Accountant can Role: Subledger
Balance manage subledger accounting Accounting Manager
balance for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A General Accountant can Role: Subledger
manage subledger application Accounting Manager
for the owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A General Accountant can Role: Subledger
manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source A General Accountant can Role: Subledger
Transaction manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption A General Accountant can Role: Customer
manage tax exemption for the Account Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Party trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A General Accountant can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role General Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A General Accountant can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile for any party tax profile Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A General Accountant can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A General Accountant can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A General Accountant can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
General Accountant
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Enter Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Post Journal Entry
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Enter Journal Entry Enter Journal
Post Journal Entry Post Journal

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role General Accountant

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Entry Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Journal Posting Duty
Journal Posting Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role General Accountant

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Entry Enter Journal Enter Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal
Duty Entry
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Job Role: General Accounting Manager
Manages the general accounting functions of an enterprise including general ledger,
subsidiary ledgers, and cost accounting.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role General Accounting Manager

Duty Role Description

Accounting Hub Administration Configures the accounting hub for a source system.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Setup Review Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle
Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates
and chart of accounts mapping rules.
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and
reporting privileges for General Ledger.
General Ledger Transaction Analyzes General Ledger transactional information
General Ledger and Profitability Analyzes GL account balance and Profitability by
Managerial Analysis Company/Product/Customer. This includes drill from journal lines
to subledger transaction details
General Legder Data Security This role is used for General Legder data security in the data
Import General Ledger Budget Allows import of general ledger budget balance.
Import Intercompany Transaction Allows import of intercompany transactions.
Import Journal Allows import of journal.
Inter Company Transaction Analyzes Inter Company transactional information
Intercompany Transaction Inquiry Views intercompany transactions and batches.
Intercompany Transactions Entry Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Duty Role Description
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Analyzes Payables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Transaction Analysis information
Period Close Management Performs financial close process including opening and closing
Receivables to Ledger Analyzes Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation transactional
Reconciliation Transaction information
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Tax External Taxable Transaction Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Budget Balance Allows to upload data file to import budget balances.
Upload data for General Ledger Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment
Import values and hierarchies.
Upload data for Intercompany Allows to upload data file to import intercompany transactions.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role General Accounting Manager

Inherited Roles
General Accounting Manager
Accounting Hub Administration
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Functional Setups
General Accountant
Financial Analyst
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Inherited Roles
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Ledger Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
General Ledger and Profitability Managerial Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
General Legder Data Security
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Transaction Analysis
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Import General Ledger Budget Balance
Import Intercompany Transaction
Import Journal
Intercompany Transaction Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Intercompany Transactions Entry
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Inherited Roles
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Import Intercompany Transaction
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Upload data for Budget Balance Import
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Upload data for Intercompany Import
Import General Ledger Budget Balance
Import Journal
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Period Close Management
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Inherited Roles
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Upload data for Budget Balance Import
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role General Accounting

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area Accesses the Accounting Distribution work area to
manage journal entries for ledgers and costing
information related to labor costs, transfer costing
results to General Ledger, and define costing setup.
Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status Manages Oracle Fusion General Ledger period
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status Review Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role General Accounting Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Accounting Hub Configures the accounting hub for a Activate Subledger Journal
Administration source system. Entry Rule Set Assignments
Create and Assign
Subledger Standard Source
Define Subledger
Define Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Import Subledger Balance
for Supporting Reference
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application
Common Lookup
Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
Manage Subledger Account
Manage Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Manage Subledger
Accounting Class Usage
Manage Subledger
Accounting Existing Scope
Manage Subledger
Accounting Method
Manage Subledger
Accounting Option
Manage Subledger
Application Transaction
Manage Subledger
Description Rule
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Manage Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Manage Subledger Mapping
Manage Subledger Mapping
Set Value
Manage Subledger Standard
Manage Subledger
Supporting Reference
Manage Subledger
Transaction Account
Purge Accounting Event
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Account
Review Subledger
Accounting Attribute
Review Subledger
Accounting Method
Review Subledger
Accounting Option
Review Subledger
Review Subledger
Description Rule
Review Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set
Review Subledger Journal
Line Rule
Review Subledger Mapping
Review Subledger Standard
Review Subledger
Supporting Reference
Review Subledger
Transaction Account
Review Subledger
Transaction Account Type
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Update Subledger
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Financial Analyst Analyzes the financial performance of an Create Financial Statement
enterprise or an organization within an Report
enterprise. Manage General Accounting
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Journal Activities
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger User
Manage Period Close
Manage Profitability
Business Intelligence
Run Payables Data
Extraction Program
Run Payables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Receivables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accountant Records and reports financial transactions Create Financial Statement
and manages revenue, expense, asset, Report
liability and equity accounts. Responsible Define Oracle Fusion
for recording accounting adjustments, General Ledger Revaluation
accruals, allocations, currency Enter Budget Amounts for
revaluations and translations. Financial Reporting
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Revaluation
Manage File Import and
Manage General Accounting
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Journal Activities
Manage Oracle Fusion
General Ledger User
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Period Close
Manage Profitability
Business Intelligence
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Final Mode
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Preview Mode
Run Open Purchase Orders
Encumbrances Analysis
Run Payables Data
Extraction Program
Run Payables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Receivables to General
Ledger Reconciliation
Run Revalue Balances
Run Translate Balances
General Accounting Manager Manages the general accounting functions Convert Currency by
of an enterprise including general ledger, Service
subsidiary ledgers, and cost accounting. Define Conversion Rate
Define Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Maintain Daily Conversion
Maintain Historical
Conversion Rate
Manage Close Monitor
Manage Intercompany
Balancing Rule
Manage Intercompany
Customer Supplier Mapping
Manage Intercompany
Manage Intercompany
Period Status
Manage Intercompany
Receivables Assignment
Manage Intercompany
System Option
Manage Intercompany
Transaction Type
Manage Journal Requiring
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Ledger Balancing
Run Daily Rates Import and
Calculation Program
Sweep Incomplete
Intercompany Transaction
General Accounting Setup Views set up for accounting and Review Accounting Period
Review transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion Status
General Ledger accounting period status, Review Historical
conversion rates and chart of accounts Conversion Rate
mapping rules. Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Data Access Set Listing
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Applications
Coexistence Configuration
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Fixed Asset Books
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and Create General Ledger and
transaction inquiry and reporting Subledger Accounting
privileges for General Ledger. Account Analysis Report
Create General Ledger and
Subledger Accounting by
Journal Lines Report
Inquire Fixed Asset
Inquire and Analyze Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Account Balance
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Account Analysis -
Average Balance Audit
Run Account Analysis -
Contra Account Report
Run Account Analysis
Run Financial Statements
Run General Ledger Journal
Entry Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report by
Balancing Segment Report
Run General Ledger Report
Run General Ledger Trial
Balance Report
Run Global Account
Analysis Report
Run Global Daily Journals
Run Global Journal Ledger
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Journals - Batch
Summary Report
Run Journals - Check Report
Run Journals - Day Book
Run Journals - Extended
Run Journals - Tax Report
Run Trial Balance - Average
Run Trial Balance -
Expanded Report
Run Trial Balance -
Translation Report
Run Trial Balance Report
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transaction Views intercompany transactions and Manage Project Expenditure
Inquiry batches. Item
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Review Journal
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
View Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transactions Create, update, approve, reject Enter Customer Account
Entry intercompany transactions and batches. Export Customer Account
Import Intercompany
Import Payables Invoice
Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
Manage Project Expenditure
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Preview Receivables Invoice
Reconcile Intercompany
Remove Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Intercompany
Transaction Report
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit Intercompany
Transaction Reconciliation
Transfer Intercompany
Update Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations. Correct Journal Import
Define Self Managed Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Allocation Formula
Delete Journal
Enter Journal
Enter Journal By
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Enter Journal for Non-
Business Day Transactions
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Override Journal Accounted
Override Journal Reversal
Post Journal
Reverse Journal
Run Automatic Posting
Run Automatic Reversal
Run Delete Journal Import
Data Program
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Run Import Journals
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Period Close Management Performs financial close process Define Oracle Fusion
including opening and closing periods. General Ledger Revaluation
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Revaluation
Maintain Balance Level
Secondary Ledgers
Manage Accounting Period
Manage General Ledger
Encumbrance Carry
Forward Rules
Run Balance Sheet Closing
Journals Program
Run Close Period Program
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Final Mode
Run Encumbrance Year End
Carry Forward Program in
Preview Mode
Run Gapless Close Program
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Run Income Statement
Closing Journals Program
Run Open Period Program
Run Open Purchase Orders
Encumbrances Analysis
Run Permanently Close
Run Revalue Balances
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Translate Balances
Transfer Balances Cross
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Tax External Taxable Duty Role to manage import of Account External Taxable
Transaction Processing transactions from external sources. Transaction
Correct External Transaction
Create External Taxable
Create External Taxable
Import External Taxable
Manage Journal Activities
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Impact
accounts payable manager. Review Budget Period
Review Budgetary Control
Review Budgetary Control
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
General Accounting Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Cost Distribution A General Accounting Role: General Ledger
Manager can view cost Reporting
transaction for the cost Privilege: View Cost
organizations associated to the Transaction (Data)
ledgers for which the user is Resource: Cost
authorized Distribution
Fixed Asset A General Accounting Role: Fixed Asset
Manager can submit fixed Inquiry
assets reports in the asset books Privilege: Submit
that they are authorized to Fixed Assets Reports
access Resource: Fixed Asset
General Ledger Actual A General Accounting Role: Financial Analyst
Balance Manager can inquire and Privilege: Inquire and
analyze oracle fusion general Analyze Oracle Fusion
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
ledger account balance for the General Ledger
set of subsidiaries or Account Balance (Data)
management segment values Resource: General
whose close processes they Ledger Data Access Set
General Ledger Period A General Accounting Role: Manage General
Status Manager can manage Ledger Accounting
accounting period status for the Period Status
set of subsidiaries whose close Privilege: Manage
processes they manage Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
A General Accounting Role: Review General
Manager can view accounting Ledger Accounting
period status for the set of Period Status
subsidiaries whose close Privilege: View
processes they manage Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Intercompany A General Accounting Role: General
Transaction Manager can manage Accountant
intercompany transaction for Privilege: Manage
the organizations they have Intercompany
access to that conduct Transaction (Data)
intercompany activities Resource:
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can view Accountant
intercompany transaction for Privilege: View
the organizations they have Intercompany
access to that conduct Transaction (Data)
intercompany activities Resource:
Journal A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can manage journal Accountant
for the set of subsidiaries Privilege: Manage
whose accounting balance they Journal (Data)
manage Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
A General Accounting Role: Tax External
Manager can manage journals Taxable Transaction
tax for the business units for Processing
which they are authorized Privilege: Manage
Journals Tax (Data)
Resource: Journal
A General Accounting Role: Financial Analyst
Manager can view journal for Privilege: View Journal
the set of subsidiaries or (Data)
management segment values Resource: General
whose accounting balance they Ledger Data Access Set
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Ledger A General Accounting Role: Subledger
Manager can manage ledger for Accounting Manager
subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can manage ledger for Accountant
the set of subsidiaries whose Privilege: Manage
accounting balance and close Ledger (Data)
processes they manage Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
A General Accounting Role: Financial Analyst
Manager can report oracle Privilege: Report
fusion general ledger for the set Oracle Fusion General
of subsidiaries whose Ledger (Data)
reconciliation processes they Resource: Ledger
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can revalue ledger for Accountant
the set of subsidiaries whose Privilege: Revalue
accounting balance and close Ledger (Data)
processes they manage Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can translate ledger Accountant
for the set of subsidiaries Privilege: Translate
whose accounting balance and Ledger (Data)
close processes they manage Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
A General Accounting Role: Financial Analyst
Manager can view ledger for Privilege: View Ledger
the set of subsidiaries whose (Data)
accounting balance and close Resource: General
processes they manage Ledger Data Access Set
Party Tax Profile A General Accounting Role: Customer
Manager can manage business Account Inquiry
unit party tax profile for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Business Unit Party
are authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Credit Memo A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can report payables Accountant
for the business units associated Privilege: Report
with the intercompany Payables (Data)
organizations for which they Resource: Payables
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized Credit Memo
Payables Standard A General Accounting Role: Financial Analyst
Invoice Manager can report payables Privilege: Report
for the business units associated Payables (Data)
to the ledgers for which user is Resource: Payables
authorized Standard Invoice
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can report payables Accountant
for the business units associated Privilege: Report
with the intercompany Payables (Data)
organizations for which they Resource: Payables
are authorized Standard Invoice
Payroll Checklist A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll
security profile Checklist
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll
security profile Checklist
Payroll Checklist A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Annotation Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Parameter Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Parameter
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Parameter
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Task Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Task Interaction Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Task Parameter Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Task Property Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Instance A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance
Payroll Flow Instance A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Interaction Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile and payroll Payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance Interaction
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile and payroll Flow (Data)
flows in their payroll flow Resource: Payroll Flow
security profile Instance Interaction
Payroll Flow Task A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Instance Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for payroll flows in their Distribution Work Area
payroll flow security profile Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for payroll flows in their Distribution Work Area
payroll flow security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
Payroll Task A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Payroll Task Parameter A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can manage payroll Accounting
flow for legislative data groups Distribution Work Area
in their legislative data group Privilege: Manage
security profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
A General Accounting Role: Access Payroll
Manager can view payroll flow Accounting
for legislative data groups in Distribution Work Area
their legislative data group Privilege: View Payroll
security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Public Person A General Accounting Role: Fixed Asset
Manager can report public Inquiry
person for persons and Privilege: Report
assignments in their person and Public Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
Receivables Credit A General Accounting Role: General Ledger
Memo Manager can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can view receivables Accountant
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated with the Receivables Activities
intercompany organizations for (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
which they are authorized Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
Receivables Invoice A General Accounting Role: Financial Analyst
Manager can view receivables Privilege: View
activities for the business units Receivables Activities
associated to the ledgers for (Data)
which user is authorized Resource: Receivables
Role: General Ledger
Privilege: View
Receivables Activities
Resource: Receivables
A General Accounting Role: General
Manager can view receivables Accountant
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated with the Receivables Activities
intercompany organizations for (Data)
which they are authorized Resource: Receivables
Receivables A General Accounting Role: General Ledger
Miscellaneous Receipt Manager can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Receivables Standard A General Accounting Role: General Ledger
Receipt Manager can view receivables Reporting
activities for the business units Privilege: View
associated to the ledgers for Receivables Activities
which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Receiving Distribution A General Accounting Role: General Ledger
Manager can review receipt Reporting
accounting for the business Privilege: Review
units associated to the ledgers Receipt Accounting
for which user is authorized (Data)
Resource: Receiving
Subledger Accounting A General Accounting Role: Accounting Hub
Balance Manager can manage subledger Administration
accounting balance for the Privilege: Manage
subsidiaries or management Subledger Accounting
segment values whose account Balance (Data)
balance they manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Manager
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A General Accounting Role: Subledger
Manager can manage subledger Accounting Manager
application for the owning Privilege: Manage
oracle fusion accounting Subledger Application
generating subledger (Data)
application. Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A General Accounting Role: Subledger
Manager can manage subledger Accounting Manager
source transaction for the Privilege: Manage
business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Journal Entry
which they are authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source A General Accounting Role: Subledger
Transaction Manager can manage subledger Accounting Manager
source transaction for the Privilege: Manage
business units, cost Subledger Source
organizations, asset books or Transaction (Data)
legislative data groups, and the Resource: Subledger
subledger applications for Source Transaction
which they are authorized Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Tax Exemption A General Accounting Role: Customer
Manager can manage tax Account Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
exemption for the tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business units Exemption (Data)
for which they are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: General
Customer Account Manager can update customer Accountant
account for all customer Privilege: Update
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
A General Accounting Role: Customer
Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
account for all customer Privilege: View
accounts in the enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: Customer
Customer Account Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
Relationship account relationship for all Privilege: View
customer account relationships Customer Account
in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
account site for all customer Privilege: View
account sites in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Manager can view customer Account Inquiry
Use account site use for all Privilege: View
customer account site uses in Customer Account Site
the enterprise Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: Customer
Organization Party Manager can view trading Account Inquiry
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: Customer
Party Manager can view trading Account Inquiry
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A General Accounting Role: Customer
Relationship Manager can view trading Account Inquiry
community relationship for all Privilege: View
trading community Trading Community
relationships in the enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: General
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Data security policies for Privacy for the job role General Accounting Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A General Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A General Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration A General Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A General Accounting Manager can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
General Accounting Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Post Journal Entry
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Enter Journal Entry Enter Journal
Post Journal Entry Post Journal

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role General Accounting Manager
Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role
Journal Entry Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty
Journal Posting Duty
Journal Posting Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role General Accounting Manager

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Entry Enter Journal Enter Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Rate
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal
Duty Entry
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Rate
Job Role: Intercompany Accountant
Manages intercompany transaction processing, reconciliation and reporting.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Intercompany Accountant

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
General Accounting Setup Review Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle
Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates
and chart of accounts mapping rules.
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and
reporting privileges for General Ledger.
Import Intercompany Transaction Allows import of intercompany transactions.
Inter Company Transaction Analyzes Inter Company transactional information
Intercompany Transaction Inquiry Views intercompany transactions and batches.
Intercompany Transactions Entry Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Transactional Analysis This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for General Ledger Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment
Import values and hierarchies.
Upload data for Intercompany Allows to upload data file to import intercompany transactions.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Intercompany Accountant

Inherited Roles
Intercompany Accountant
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Inherited Roles
Business Intelligence Authoring
Intercompany Transaction Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Intercompany Transactions Entry
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Import Intercompany Transaction
Inter Company Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Journal Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
General Ledger Reporting
Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
General Accounting Setup Review
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Business Intelligence Consumer
Functional Setups
Inherited Roles
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Subledger Accounting Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis
Customer Account Inquiry
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Upload data for General Ledger Import
Upload data for Intercompany Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Intercompany

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Payroll Accounting Distribution Work Area Accesses the Accounting Distribution work area to
manage journal entries for ledgers and costing
information related to labor costs, transfer costing
results to General Ledger, and define costing setup.
Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status Review Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Intercompany Accountant.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Fixed Asset Inquiry Views asset information, transaction Inquire Fixed Asset
details, and accounting entries. Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Fixed Asset
Submit Fixed Asset Trace
View Fixed Asset Books
View Project Asset Details
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
General Accounting Setup Views set up for accounting and Review Accounting Period
Review transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion Status
General Ledger accounting period status, Review Historical
conversion rates and chart of accounts Conversion Rate
mapping rules. Run Balancing Segment
Value Assignment Report
Run Chart of Accounts -
Mapping Rules Report
Run Data Access Set Listing
View Accounting Calendar
View Accounting
View Accounting Flexfield
View Applications
Coexistence Configuration
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Commitment Control
View Daily Conversion Rate
View Fixed Asset Books
View Ledger Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Data Access Set
View Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Transaction
General Ledger Reporting Provides access to all balances and Create General Ledger and
transaction inquiry and reporting Subledger Accounting
privileges for General Ledger. Account Analysis Report
Create General Ledger and
Subledger Accounting by
Journal Lines Report
Inquire Fixed Asset
Inquire and Analyze Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Account Balance
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Account Analysis -
Average Balance Audit
Run Account Analysis -
Contra Account Report
Run Account Analysis
Run Financial Statements
Run General Ledger Journal
Entry Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report
Run General Ledger Journal
and Balance Report by
Balancing Segment Report
Run General Ledger Report
Run General Ledger Trial
Balance Report
Run Global Account
Analysis Report
Run Global Daily Journals
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Global Journal Ledger
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Journals - Batch
Summary Report
Run Journals - Check Report
Run Journals - Day Book
Run Journals - Extended
Run Journals - Tax Report
Run Trial Balance - Average
Run Trial Balance -
Expanded Report
Run Trial Balance -
Translation Report
Run Trial Balance Report
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transaction Views intercompany transactions and Manage Project Expenditure
Inquiry batches. Item
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Review Journal
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
View Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Intercompany Transactions Create, update, approve, reject Enter Customer Account
Entry intercompany transactions and batches. Export Customer Account
Import Intercompany
Import Payables Invoice
Inquire Fixed Asset
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Inbound)
Manage Intercompany
Transaction (Outbound)
Manage Project Expenditure
Preview Receivables Invoice
Reconcile Intercompany
Remove Customer Account
Restore Customer Account
Review Cost Distribution
Review Encumbrance
Review Intercompany
Review Journal
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Intercompany
Transaction Report
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit Intercompany
Transaction Reconciliation
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Transfer Intercompany
Update Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View External Cash
View Payables Payment
View Project Commitment
View Project Contract
Revenue Distribution Lines
View Project Expenditure
Item Cost Distribution Lines
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
View Receivables Receipt
Journal Management Creates journal entries and allocations. Correct Journal Import
Define Self Managed Oracle
Fusion General Ledger
Allocation Formula
Delete Journal
Enter Journal
Enter Journal By
Enter Journal for Non-
Business Day Transactions
Generate Oracle Fusion
General Ledger Allocation
Override Journal Accounted
Override Journal Reversal
Post Journal
Reverse Journal
Run Automatic Posting
Run Automatic Reversal
Run Delete Journal Import
Data Program
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Run Import Journals
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Create Journal Entries
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Reporting and reviews journal entries. Reporting Sequence Number
Review Subledger Journal
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Intercompany Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Cost Distribution An Intercompany Accountant Role: General Ledger
can view cost transaction for Reporting
the cost organizations Privilege: View Cost
associated to the ledgers for Transaction (Data)
which the user is authorized Resource: Cost
Fixed Asset An Intercompany Accountant Role: Fixed Asset
can submit fixed assets reports Inquiry
in the asset books that they are Privilege: Submit
authorized to access Fixed Assets Reports
Resource: Fixed Asset
General Ledger Period An Intercompany Accountant Role: Review General
Status can view accounting period Ledger Accounting
status for the set of subsidiaries Period Status
whose close processes they Privilege: View
manage Accounting Period
Status (Data)
Resource: General
Ledger Data Access Set
Intercompany An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
Transaction can manage intercompany Accountant
transaction for the Privilege: Manage
organizations they have access Intercompany
to that conduct intercompany Transaction (Data)
activities Resource:
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
can view intercompany Accountant
transaction for the Privilege: View
organizations they have access Intercompany
to that conduct intercompany Transaction (Data)
activities Resource:
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Ledger An Intercompany Accountant Role: Subledger
can manage ledger for Accounting Reporting
subledger for the posting Privilege: Manage
ledgers for transactions that Ledger for Subledger
they are authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
can manage business unit party Account Inquiry
tax profile for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Business Unit Party
authorized Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
can report payables for the Accountant
business units associated with Privilege: Report
the intercompany organizations Payables (Data)
for which they are authorized Resource: Payables
Credit Memo
Payables Standard An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
Invoice can report payables for the Accountant
business units associated with Privilege: Report
the intercompany organizations Payables (Data)
for which they are authorized Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payroll Checklist An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll
profile Checklist
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll
profile Checklist
Payroll Checklist An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Annotation can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Payroll Flow Definition An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition
Payroll Flow Definition An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Parameter can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Parameter
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Parameter
Payroll Flow Definition An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Task can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Task Interaction can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Task Parameter can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Definition An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Task Property can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Definition Task
Payroll Flow Instance An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance
Payroll Flow Instance An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Interaction can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
profile and payroll flows in Payroll Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance Interaction
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile and payroll flows in Flow (Data)
their payroll flow security Resource: Payroll Flow
profile Instance Interaction
Payroll Flow Task An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
Instance can manage payroll flow for Accounting
payroll flows in their payroll Distribution Work Area
flow security profile Privilege: Manage
Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
payroll flows in their payroll Distribution Work Area
flow security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Flow
Task Instance
Payroll Task An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Payroll Task Parameter An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can manage payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Access Payroll
can view payroll flow for Accounting
legislative data groups in their Distribution Work Area
legislative data group security Privilege: View Payroll
profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll Task
Public Person An Intercompany Accountant Role: Fixed Asset
can report public person for Inquiry
persons and assignments in Privilege: Report
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
security profile Resource: Public
Receivables Credit An Intercompany Accountant Role: General Ledger
Memo can view receivables activities Reporting
for the business units associated Privilege: View
to the ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
can view receivables activities Accountant
for the business units associated Privilege: View
with the intercompany Receivables Activities
organizations for which they (Data)
are authorized Resource: Receivables
Credit Memo
Receivables Invoice An Intercompany Accountant Role: General Ledger
can view receivables activities Reporting
for the business units associated Privilege: View
to the ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
can view receivables activities Accountant
for the business units associated Privilege: View
with the intercompany Receivables Activities
organizations for which they (Data)
are authorized Resource: Receivables
Receivables An Intercompany Accountant Role: General Ledger
Miscellaneous Receipt can view receivables activities Reporting
for the business units associated Privilege: View
to the ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Miscellaneous Receipt
Receivables Standard An Intercompany Accountant Role: General Ledger
Receipt can view receivables activities Reporting
for the business units associated Privilege: View
to the ledgers for which user is Receivables Activities
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receivables
Standard Receipt
Receiving Distribution An Intercompany Accountant Role: General Ledger
can review receipt accounting Reporting
for the business units associated Privilege: Review
to the ledgers for which user is Receipt Accounting
authorized (Data)
Resource: Receiving
Subledger Accounting An Intercompany Accountant Role: Subledger
Balance can manage subledger Accounting Reporting
accounting balance for the Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
subsidiaries or management Subledger Accounting
segment values whose account Balance (Data)
balance they manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application An Intercompany Accountant Role: Subledger
can manage subledger Accounting Reporting
application for the owning Privilege: Manage
oracle fusion accounting Subledger Application
generating subledger (Data)
application. Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry An Intercompany Accountant Role: Subledger
can manage subledger source Accounting Reporting
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
Subledger Source An Intercompany Accountant Role: Subledger
Transaction can manage subledger source Accounting Reporting
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
Tax Exemption An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
can manage tax exemption for Account Inquiry
the tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Intercompany
Customer Account can update customer account Accountant
for all customer accounts in the Privilege: Update
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
can view customer account for Account Inquiry
all customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
Customer Account can view customer account Account Inquiry
Relationship relationship for all customer Privilege: View
account relationships in the Customer Account
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
Customer Account Site can view customer account site Account Inquiry
for all customer account sites in Privilege: View
the enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
Customer Account Site can view customer account site Account Inquiry
Use use for all customer account Privilege: View
site uses in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
Organization Party can view trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
Party can view trading community Account Inquiry
person for all people in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Fixed Asset
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community An Intercompany Accountant Role: Customer
Relationship can view trading community Account Inquiry
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Intercompany
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Intercompany Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile An Intercompany Accountant can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile for any party tax Inquiry
profile defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
An Intercompany Accountant can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Tax Registration An Intercompany Accountant can Role: Customer Account
manage tax registration for any tax Inquiry
registration defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile An Intercompany Accountant can Role: Customer Account
manage party tax profile taxpayer Inquiry
identifier for organizations of type Privilege: Manage Party
individual party tax profile taxpayer Tax Profile Taxpayer
identifier defined in the enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Intercompany Accountant

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Post Journal Entry
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Enter Journal Entry Enter Journal
Post Journal Entry Post Journal

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Intercompany Accountant

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Journal Entry Duty FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Intercompany Accountant

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Journal Entry Enter Journal Enter Journal FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Duty Entry Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Abstract Role: Line Manager
Identifies the person as a line manager.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Line Manager

Duty Role Description

Absence Management Transaction Analyzes Workforce absences transactional information
Absence and Leave Accrual This duty role is used for analyzing employee historical and future
Analysis planned absence trends and employee leave accrual balances
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
Career Development Transaction Analyzes Career Development transactional information
Compensation Analysis This duty role is used for analyzing employee salary, salary range
penetration and the correlation of pay and performance
Compensation Transaction Analyzes Compensation transactional information
Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers.
Documents of Record Transaction Analyzes Documents of Records transactional information
Employee Data Security This role is used for Employee dimension data security in the data
Employee Expense Business Unit This role is used for Employee Expense Business Unit data security
Data Security in the data warehouse
Employee Hire Hires employees.
Expense Approval Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Line Manager
Human Resources Analysis This role is used get the supported currencies in Human Resources
Currency Preference Analysis module.
Line Manager Expense Analysis BI Duty role for Line Managers to review and analyze team
expenses. This duty role includes visibility to employee expenses,
credit card expenses, and expense violation data. For managers with
multiple reporting levels, the ability to drill down along the
employee hierarchy is provided
Nonworker Addition Adds nonworkers.
Pending Worker Addition and Hire Adds and hires pending workers.
Performance Management Line Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security This role is used for Supervisor Hierarchy data security in the data
Time and Labor Transaction Analyzes Time and Labor transactional information.
Duty Role Description
Vacancy Transaction Analysis Analyses Vacancy Transactional Information.
Worker Prediction Reporting This duty role is used to view worker predictions
Workforce Deployment Analysis This duty role is used for analyzing headcount staffing, employee
turnover, workforce diversity, internal mobility and employee
Workforce Model Plan Line Manages workforce model plans, including creating and editing the
Manager plans.
Workforce Profile Line Manager Performs workforce profile duties as a line manager.
Workforce Scheduling Transaction Analyses workforce scheduling transactional information
Workforce Transaction Analysis Analyzes Workforce transactional information

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings,
options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are
required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular
offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for
that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those
offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Line Manager

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials


Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Business Intelligence Authoring
Absence and Leave Accrual Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Employee Data Security
Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security
Access Person Gallery
Business Intelligence Applications Worker +
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Change Worker Location
Change Worker Manager
Change Worker Working Hour
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials

Compare HCM Information
Compensation Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Employee Data Security
Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security
Compensation Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Contingent Worker Addition
Create Work Relationship
Employee Hire
Expense Approval
Goal Management Line Manager
Line Manager Expense Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Employee Expense Business Unit Data Security
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Manage Person Documentation
Manage Schedules and Exceptions Assignment
Manage User Account
Manage Worker Checklist
Manage Worker Information Sharing
Manage Workforce Compensation Budgets by Line
Manage Workforce Compensation by Line Manager
Nonworker Addition
Pending Worker Addition and Hire
Performance Management Line Manager
Print Worker Portrait
Promote Worker
Report Manager Transaction Dashboard
Submit a Payroll Flow
Terminate Work Relationship
Transfer Worker
View Compensation Portrait Card
View Portrait Availability Card
View Portrait Contact Card
View Portrait Employment Information Card
View Portrait User Account Details Card
Worker Prediction Reporting
Workforce Deployment Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Financials

Employee Data Security
Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security
Workforce Profile Line Manager
Workforce Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Line Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Person Gallery Searches worker deferred data and views the
portrait page.
Change Worker Location Changes persons' locations.
Change Worker Manager Changes persons' managers.
Change Worker Working Hour Changes the working hours of persons.
Compare HCM Information Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any
combinations of these objects.
Create Succession Plan for Worker Create succession plans.
Create Work Relationship Adds work relationships to persons.
Link User Name to Person Creates a new user name or links an existing user
name for a person.
Maintain Absence Records Allows workers to enter, update and delete their
absence records.
Manage Direct Report Manages direct reports.
Manage Individual Compensation Privilege to manage individual compensation
awards for workers within the user's security
Manage Person Documentation Manages documents.
Manage Person Identifiers for External Applications Manages person identifiers for external applications.
Manage Salaries Privilege to manage off-cycle salary adjustments as
a stand alone transaction or as part of a larger
business process such as a promotion or transfer.
Manage Schedules and Exceptions Assignment Manages the association of schedules to an
assignment. This role is associated with the line
manager or HR specialist.
Manage Succession Plan Candidate Manages succession plan candidates.
Manage User Account Manages user roles.
Manage Vacancy Allows management of vacancies.
Manage Worker Checklist Manages checklist definitions.
Manage Worker Information Sharing Shares own employment information with line
managers or external parties.
Manage Workforce Compensation Budgets by Line Manages compensation budgets by distributing and
Manager publishing budgets to lower manager.
Manage Workforce Compensation by Line Manager Manages workforce compensation by allocating
compensation, rating performance, and promoting
workers on a periodic basis.
Print Worker Portrait Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for
the portrait cards.
Promote Worker Promotes persons.
Report Manager Transaction Dashboard Report Manager Transaction Dashboard
Submit a Payroll Flow Submits new payroll flows.
Terminate Work Relationship Terminates work relationships.
Transfer Worker Transfers persons.
View Accrual Type Absence Plan Balance Allows workers to view balances of the accrual type
absence plans.
View Compensation History Provides access to view compensation history for
workers within the users security profile.
View Compensation Portrait Card Views compensation data for a worker in the
View Portrait Availability Card Grants access to the availability card in the portrait,
which includes schedule, absence, and accrual
Aggregate Privilege Description
View Portrait Career Planning Card Grants access to the career planning card in the
View Portrait Contact Card Grants access to view the contact card in the
portrait, which includes phone number, e-mail,
other communication methods, work location
information, manager, directs and peers.
View Portrait Development and Growth Card Grants access to the development and growth card
in the portrait.
View Portrait Employment Information Card Grants access to view the employment card in the
Portrait, which includes assignment and contract
information. This role is associated with the line
manager and HR specialist.
View Portrait Experience and Qualifications Card Grants access to the experience and qualifications
card in the portrait.
View Portrait User Account Details Card Views the User Account Details card in the Person
View Salary Data Only Views salary data embedded or used in non-
compensation product pages or processes.
View Succession Plan Views succession plans.
View Talent Ratings Grants access to view the talent ratings.
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Line Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers. Add Contingent Worker
Create User
Renew Placement
Employee Hire Hires employees. Create User
Hire Employee
Rehire Employee
Expense Approval Approves expense reports of Oracle Approve Expense Report
Fusion Expenses users. Approve Travel
Authorization or Cash
Goal Management Line Goal Management Line Manager - Assign Development Goal
Manager inherited by Line Manager to Groups of Workers
Assign Workers Goals Mass
Manage Development Goal
Manage Development Goal
in Goal Library
Manage Development Goal
of Other Workers
Manage Performance Goal
Manage Performance Goal
of Others
View Development Goal
Line Manager Identifies the person as a line manager. Absence Entry Using
Access FUSE Hiring Page
Access FUSE My Team
Access FUSE Team Talent
Access Oracle Taleo
Recruiting Cloud Service
Access Tap Application
Access Time Work Area
Analytical view of team's
compliance violations
Analyze Team
Assign Performance Goal to
Groups of Workers
Assign Workers Goals Mass
Change Manager Mobile
Copy Personal Data to
Create and Update
Manage Outstanding
Corporate Card Transaction
Manage Performance Goal
Manage Performance Goal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
for Organization
Manage Questionnaires
Manage Questions
Manage Salary Mobile
Manage Social Network
Manage Talent Review
Manage Team
Manage Team Compliance
Violations List View
Manage Team Reputation
Scores List View
Manage Team Reputation
Manager Suggest
Mentorship Relationships
Manager's View of
Employee's Reputation
Manager's View of
Employee's Social Roles
New Person Work Area As
Line Manager
Perform Performance
Evaluations Mobile
Promote Worker Mobile
Run Talent Profile Summary
Search and Review Skills
Send User Name Request to
Use Assignment Status Type
Use Position lookup Service
View Compensation History
View Employee Social
View Person Gallery Work
View Succession Candidates
View Succession
Membership Card
View Talent Ratings Card
View Team Compliance
Outlier Reports
View Team Reputation
Outlier Reports
View Team Reputation
Scores Analytic View
Nonworker Addition Adds nonworkers. Create Person Nonworker
Create User
Pending Worker Addition and Adds and hires pending workers. Add Worker Pending Hire
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Hire Hire Pending Worker
Performance Management Views performance documents from line Approve Worker
Line Manager manager dashboard. Performance Document
Cancel Worker Performance
Document by Manager
Change Participant Due
Date by Manager
Complete Worker
Performance Document by
Create Performance
Document by Manager
Delete Worker Performance
Document by Manager
Print Performance
Reopen Performance
Document by Manager
Reset Worker Performance
Evaluation Status by
Restore Performance
Document by Manager
Select Feedback Participants
Track Participant Feedback
Transfer Performance
Document by Manager
View Performance
Information on Manager
View Performance
Information on Worker
Dashboard for Manager
View Performance and
Worker Prediction Reporting This duty role is used to view worker View Worker Prediction
Workforce Model Plan Line Manages workforce model plans, Manage Workforce Model
Manager including creating and editing the plans. Plan as Line Manager
Workforce Profile Line Performs workforce profile duties as a Define Talent Profile
Manager line manager. Define Talent Profile Item
Manage Model Talent
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Profile
Interest List
Match Talent Profile
Update Talent Profile Item
View Talent Profile
Data Security Policies
Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Line Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Reference A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
Territory application reference territory Privilege: Choose
for countries in their country Application Reference
security profile Territory (Data)
Resource: Application
Reference Territory
Applied Cash Advance A Line Manager can view Role: Line Manager
employee expense for the Privilege: View
employees for whom they are Employee Expense
responsible (Data)
Resource: Applied
Cash Advance
Assignment Grade A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
assignment grade for all grades Privilege: Choose
in the enterprise Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
assignment grade for all grades Management
in the enterprise Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Compensation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Ladder assignment grade ladder for all Management
grades in the enterprise Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Role: Compensation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
assignment grade rate for all Management
grades in the enterprise Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade Rate
Resource: Assignment
Grade Rate
Role: Compensation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade Rate
Resource: Assignment
Grade Rate
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade Rate
Resource: Assignment
Grade Rate
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade Rate
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Assignment
Grade Rate
Business Unit A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
business unit organization for Privilege: Choose
business units in their Business Unit
organization security profile Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Cash Advance A Line Manager can view Role: Line Manager
employee expense for the Privilege: View
employees for whom they are Employee Expense
responsible (Data)
Resource: Cash
Compensation A Line Manager can allocate Role: Manage
Allocation compensation person rate by Workforce
line manager for subordinates Compensation by Line
in their person and assignment Manager
security profile Privilege: Allocate
Compensation Person
Rate by Line Manager
A Line Manager can approve Role: Manage
and submit compensation Workforce
allocation by line manager for Compensation by Line
subordinates in their person and Manager
assignment security profile Privilege: Approve and
Submit Compensation
Allocation by Line
Manager (Data)
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
compensation allocation for Transaction Analysis
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Compensation
Allocation (Data)
Compensation History A Line Manager can view Role: View
compensation history for Compensation History
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Compensation History
Compensation History
Compensation Note A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage
compensation note for public Workforce
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
compensation notes for Compensation by Line
subordinates in their person and Manager
assignment security profile and Privilege: Manage
for private compensation notes Compensation Note
that they own (Data)
Compensation Note
Compensation A Line Manager can award Role: Manage
Promotion compensation promotion by Workforce
line manager for subordinates Compensation by Line
in their person and assignment Manager
security profile Privilege: Award
Promotion by Line
Manager (Data)
Compensation Stock A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
Grant compensation stock grant for Transaction Analysis
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Compensation Stock
Grant (Data)
Compensation Stock
A Line Manager can view Role: Manage
compensation stock grant by Workforce
line manager for subordinates Compensation by Line
in their person and assignment Manager
security profile Privilege: View
Compensation Stock
Grant by Line Manager
Compensation Stock
Corporate Card A Line Manager can manage Role: Line Manager Fact: Employee
Transaction outstanding corporate card Privilege: Manage Expenses
transaction for the employees Outstanding Corporate Corporate Card
for whom they are responsible Card Transaction (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Corporate Security Manager
Card Transaction
Department A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
department for departments in Privilege: Choose
their organization security Department (Data)
profile Resource: Department
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
department for departments in Management
their organization security Transaction Analysis
profile Privilege: Report
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Compensation
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Expense A Line Manager can view Role: Line Manager Fact: Employee
employee expense for the Privilege: View Expenses
employees for whom they are Employee Expense Overview
responsible (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Expense Security Manager
Fact: Employee
Security Manager
Expense Report A Line Manager can view Role: Line Manager
employee expense for the Privilege: View
employees for whom they are Employee Expense
responsible (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Approval Note expense report approval note Approval
for the employees for whom Privilege: Manage
they are responsible Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
HR Document Type A Line Manager can report Role: Documents of
document type for document Record Transaction
types in their document type Analysis
security profile Privilege: Report
Document Type (Data)
Resource: HR
Document Type
HR Job A Line Manager can choose hr Role: Line Manager
job for all jobs in the enterprise Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
A Line Manager can report hr Role: Absence
job for all jobs in the enterprise Management
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Compensation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Legal Employer A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
legal employer for legal Privilege: Choose
employers in their organization Legal Employer (Data)
security profile Resource: Legal
Legislative Data Group A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
legislative data group for Privilege: Choose
legislative data groups in their Legislative Data Group
legislative data group security (Data)
profile Resource: Legislative
Data Group
Location A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
location for all locations in the Privilege: Choose
enterprise Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
location for all locations in the Management
enterprise Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Compensation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Payroll Checklist A Line Manager can view Role: Submit a Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Flow
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
group security profile and Flow (Data)
payroll flows in their payroll Resource: Payroll
flow security profile Checklist
Payroll Checklist A Line Manager can view Role: Submit a Payroll
Annotation payroll flow for legislative data Flow
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Payroll Definition A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
payroll for payrolls in their Privilege: Choose
payroll security profile Payroll (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Payroll Flow Definition A Line Manager can view Role: Submit a Payroll
payroll flow for legislative data Flow
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile and Flow (Data)
payroll flows in their payroll Resource: Payroll Flow
flow security profile Definition
Payroll Flow Definition A Line Manager can view Role: Submit a Payroll
Parameter payroll flow for legislative data Flow
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile and Flow (Data)
payroll flows in their payroll Resource: Payroll Flow
flow security profile Definition Parameter
Performance Document A Line Manager can create Role: Performance
performance document for Management Line
subordinates in their person and Manager
assignment security profile Privilege: Create
Performance Document
Resource: Performance
A Line Manager can manage Role: Performance
performance document for Management Line
subordinates in their person and Manager
assignment security profile Privilege: Manage
Performance Document
Resource: Performance
Performance Goal A Line Manager can manage Role: Goal
development goal for Management Line
subordinates in their person Manager
security profile Privilege: Manage
Development Goal
Resource: Performance
A Line Manager can manage Role: Goal
performance goal for Management Line
subordinates in their person and Manager
assignment security profile Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Performance Goal
Resource: Performance
A Line Manager can report Role: Career
career development for Development
subordinates in their person and Transaction Analysis
assignment security profile Privilege: Report
Career Development
Resource: Performance
Person A Line Manager can add Role: Line Manager
pending worker for Privilege: Add Pending
subordinates in their person and Worker (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Add Pending
Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can compare Role: Compare HCM
person for subordinates in their Information
person and assignment security Privilege: Compare
profile Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can hire Role: Pending Worker
pending worker for Addition and Hire
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Hire Pending
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can print Role: Print Worker
worker portrait for subordinates Portrait
in their person and assignment Privilege: Print Worker
security profile Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can rehire Role: Employee Hire
employee for subordinates in Privilege: Rehire
their person and assignment Employee (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
A Line Manager can renew Role: Contingent
placement for subordinates in Worker Addition
their person and assignment Privilege: Renew
security profile Placement (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Documents of
Record Transaction
Privilege: Report
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can search Role: Line Manager
person live for subordinates in Privilege: Search
their person and assignment Person Live (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
A Line Manager can share Role: Manage Worker
worker information for Information Sharing
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Share
assignment security profile Worker Information
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
talent profile experience and Experience and
qualifications for subordinates Qualifications Card
in their person and assignment Privilege: View Talent
security profile Profile Experience and
Qualifications (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
worker availability portrait card Availability Card
for subordinates in their person Privilege: View
and assignment security profile Worker Availability
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
worker career planning portrait Career Planning Card
card for subordinates in their Privilege: View
person and assignment security Worker Career
profile Planning Portrait Card
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
worker development and Development and
growth portrait card for Growth Card
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Development
and Growth Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
worker employment Employment
information portrait card for Information Card
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Employment
Information Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Absence Entry A Line Manager can maintain Role: Maintain
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
self service absence record for Absence Records
people and assignments in their Privilege: Maintain
person and assignment security Self Service Absence
profile Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
A Line Manager can maintain Role: Maintain
self service absence record for Absence Records
themselves Privilege: Maintain
Self Service Absence
Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Person Address A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
hire person address for people Worker Addition
they are hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire Person Address
Resource: Person
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire Person Address
Resource: Person
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Person Address
Resource: Person
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire Person Address
Resource: Person
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Person Address
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person address for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Line Manager can promote Role: Promote Worker
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
worker for subordinates in their Privilege: Promote
person and assignment security Worker (Data)
profile Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person assignment for persons Transaction Analysis
and assignments in their person Privilege: Report
and assignment security profile Person Assignment
Resource: Person
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Person Assignment
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can search Role: Promote Worker
worker for subordinates in their Privilege: Search
person and assignment security Worker (Data)
profile Resource: Person
Role: Transfer Worker
Privilege: Search
Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can transfer Role: Transfer Worker
worker for subordinates in their Privilege: Transfer
person and assignment security Worker (Data)
profile Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Line Manager
person assignment for persons Privilege: View Person
and assignments in their person Assignment (Data)
and assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Checklist A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person checklist for Transaction Analysis
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Checklist (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
Method person communication method Transaction Analysis
for persons and assignments in Privilege: Report
their person and assignment Person Communication
security profile Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Contact A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person contact for persons and Transaction Analysis
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Contact (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Document of A Line Manager can report Role: Documents of
Record worker documents of record for Record Transaction
people and assignments in their Analysis
person assignment security Privilege: Report
profile and for documents in Worker Documents of
their document types security Record (Data)
profile Resource: Person
Document of Record
Person Documentation A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage Person
person documentation for Documentation
document types in their Privilege: Manage
document types security profile Person Documentation
belonging to subordinates in (Data)
their person and assignment Resource: Person
security profile Documentation
A Line Manager can search Role: Manage Person
person documentation for Documentation
document types in their Privilege: Search
document types security profile Person Documentation
belonging to subordinates in (Data)
their person and assignment Resource: Person
security profile Documentation
Person Driver License A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
hire driver license for people Worker Addition
they are hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire Driver License
Resource: Person
Driver License
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire Driver License
Resource: Person
Driver License
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Driver License
Resource: Person
Driver License
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire Driver License
Resource: Person
Driver License
Role: Pending Worker
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Driver License
Resource: Person
Driver License
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
driver license for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person
Driver License
Person Email A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
hire e-mail for people they are Worker Addition
hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire E-mail (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire E-mail (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire E-mail (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire E-mail (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire E-mail (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person email for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Identifier for A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage Person
External Applications person identifiers for external Identifiers for External
applications for subordinates in Applications
their person and assignment Privilege: Manage
security profile Person Identifiers for
External Applications
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Person
Identifier for External
Person National A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
Identifier hire national identifier for Worker Addition
people they are hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person national identifier for Transaction Analysis
persons and assignments in Privilege: Report
their person and assignment Person National
security profile Identifier (Data)
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Passport A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
hire passport for people they Worker Addition
are hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire Passport (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Person
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person passport for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Phone A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
hire phone for people they are Worker Addition
hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person phone for work phone Transaction Analysis
numbers and private phone Privilege: Report
numbers granted to the user for Person Phone (Data)
persons in their person and Resource: Person
assignment security profile Phone
Person Plan Accrual A Line Manager can view Role: View Accrual
accrual plan balance for people Type Absence Plan
and assignments in their person Balance
and assignment security profile Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
A Line Manager can view Role: View Accrual
accrual plan balance for Type Absence Plan
themselves Balance
Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
Person Type A Line Manager can choose Role: Manage Vacancy
person type for any person type Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
A Line Manager can choose Role: Contingent
person type for person types in Worker Addition
their person type security Privilege: Choose
profile Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Person Visa A Line Manager can create new Role: Contingent
hire visa for people they are Worker Addition
hiring Privilege: Create New
Hire Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
Role: Create Work
Privilege: Create New
Hire Visa (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Person Visa
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
Role: Nonworker
Privilege: Create New
Hire Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
Role: Pending Worker
Addition and Hire
Privilege: Create New
Hire Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
person visa for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
Position A Line Manager can choose Role: Compare HCM
position for positions in their Information
position security profile Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Line Manager
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
position for positions in their Management
position security profile Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Compensation
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Vacancy
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Public Person A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
public person for persons and Privilege: Choose
assignments in their person and Public Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Workforce Model
Plan Line Manager
Privilege: Choose
Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
A Line Manager can compare Role: Compare HCM
hcm information for Information
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Compare
assignment security profile HCM Information
Resource: Public
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
public person for persons and Transaction Analysis
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Role: Workforce
Transaction Analysis
Privilege: Report
Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
worker contact portrait card for Contact Card
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Contact Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Public
Salary A Line Manager can enter Role: Manage Salaries
salary details for subordinates Privilege: Enter Salary
in their person and assignment Details (Data)
security profile Resource: Salary
A Line Manager can report Role: Compensation
salary for subordinates in their Transaction Analysis
person and assignment security Privilege: Report
profile Salary (Data)
Resource: Salary
A Line Manager can view Role: View Salary Data
salary details for people and Only
assignments in their person and Privilege: View Salary
assignment security profile Details (Data)
Resource: Salary
A Line Manager can view Role: View
worker compensation portrait Compensation Portrait
card for subordinates in their Card
person and assignment security Privilege: View
profile Worker Compensation
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Salary
Schedule Assignment A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
work schedule assignment for Schedules and
persons and assignments in Exceptions Assignment
their person and assignment Privilege: Manage
security profile Work Schedule
Assignment (Data)
Resource: Schedule
A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage
work schedule assignment for Schedules and
subordinates in their person and Exceptions Assignment
assignment security profile Privilege: Manage
Work Schedule
Assignment (Data)
Resource: Schedule
Succession Plan A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage
Candidate succession plan candidate for Succession Plan
succession plans for which they Candidate
are an administrator or a Privilege: Manage
candidate manager Succession Plan
Candidate (Data)
Resource: Succession
Plan Candidate
A Line Manager can view Role: View Succession
succession plan candidate for Plan
all public succession plans Privilege: View
Succession Plan
Candidate (Data)
Resource: Succession
Plan Candidate
A Line Manager can view Role: View Succession
succession plan candidate for Plan
private succession plans for Privilege: View
which they are an administrator Succession Plan
or a viewer or a candidate Candidate (Data)
manager Resource: Succession
Plan Candidate
Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can add Role: Manage
worker to succession plan for Succession Plan
subordinates in their person and Candidate
assignment security profile Privilege: Add Worker
to Succession Plan
Resource: Succession
Plan Detail
A Line Manager can create Role: Create
succession plan for worker for Succession Plan for
subordinates in their person and Worker
assignment security profile Privilege: Create
Succession Plan for
Worker (Data)
Resource: Succession
Plan Detail
A Line Manager can view Role: View Succession
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
succession plan for all public Plan
succession plans Privilege: View
Succession Plan (Data)
Resource: Succession
Plan Detail
A Line Manager can view Role: View Succession
succession plan for private Plan
succession plans for which they Privilege: View
are an administrator or a viewer Succession Plan (Data)
or a candidate manager Resource: Succession
Plan Detail
Talent Profile A Line Manager can match Role: Workforce
talent profile person for Profile Line Manager
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Match Talent
assignment security profile Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Line Manager can view Role: Workforce
talent profile model for jobs in Profile Line Manager
their job security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Model (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Line Manager can view Role: Workforce
talent profile person for Profile Line Manager
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View Talent
assignment security profile Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Line Manager can view Role: View Talent
talent ratings for subordinates Ratings
in their person and assignment Privilege: View Talent
security profile Ratings (Data)
Resource: Talent
Talent Profile Item A Line Manager can view Role: Workforce
talent profile item manager for Profile Line Manager
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View Talent
assignment security profile Profile Item Manager
Resource: Talent
Profile Item
Time Record A Line Manager can report Role: Time and Labor
time and labor for subordinates Transaction Analysis
in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Time
security profile and Labor (Data)
Resource: Time Record
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Org Address Email trading community legal Approval
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Org Address Phone trading community legal Approval
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Organization Address trading community legal Approval
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Organization Email trading community legal Approval
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Line Manager can view Role: Expense
Organization Party trading community Approval
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Organization Phone trading community legal Approval
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Line Manager can view Role: Expense
Party trading community person for Approval
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Line Manager can view Role: Expense
trading community person for Approval
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Line Manager can view Role: Expense
trading community person for Approval
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Person Address Contact trading community legal Approval
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Person Address Phone trading community legal Approval
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Person Email Contact trading community legal Approval
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Approval
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Phone Contact
User A Line Manager can create user Role: Link User Name
name for subordinates in their to Person
person security profile. Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
A Line Manager can link user Role: Link User Name
account for subordinates in to Person
their person security profile. Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
User Role A Line Manager can assign Role: Manage User
user roles for subordinates in Account
their person and assignment Privilege: Assign User
security profile Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
A Line Manager can view Role: View Portrait
person account details for User Account Details
subordinates in their person and Card
assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role
Vacancy Requisition A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage Vacancy
vacancy for subordinates in Privilege: Manage
their person and assignment Vacancy (Data)
security profile Resource: Vacancy
A Line Manager can report Role: Vacancy
vacancy for subordinates in Transaction Analysis
their person and assignment Privilege: Report
security profile Vacancy (Data)
Resource: Vacancy
A Line Manager can view Role: Manage Vacancy
vacancy for subordinates in Privilege: View
their person and assignment Vacancy (Data)
security profile Resource: Vacancy
Variable Compensation A Line Manager can enter Role: Manage
Allocation variable compensation Individual
allocation for subordinates in Compensation
their person and assignment Privilege: Enter
security profile Variable Compensation
Allocation (Data)
Resource: Variable
Work Relationship A Line Manager can terminate Role: Terminate Work
work relationship for Relationship
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Terminate
assignment security profile Work Relationship
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Work
Worker A Line Manager can change Role: Change Worker
worker location for Location
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Change
assignment security profile Worker Location (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can change Role: Change Worker
worker manager for Manager
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Change
assignment security profile Worker Manager (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can change Role: Change Worker
worker working hour for Working Hour
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Change
assignment security profile Worker Working Hour
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can choose Role: Line Manager
worker for people and Privilege: Choose
assignments in their person and Worker (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can compare Role: Compare HCM
worker employment Information
information for subordinates in Privilege: Compare
their person and assignment Worker Employment
security profile Information (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
worker for persons and Management
assignments in their person and Transaction Analysis
assignment security profile Privilege: Report
Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can review Role: Report Manager
worker availability for Transaction Dashboard
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Review
assignment security profile Worker Availability
Resource: Worker
Role: View Portrait
Availability Card
Privilege: Review
Worker Availability
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can search Role: Change Worker
worker for persons and Location
assignments in their person and Privilege: Search
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can search Role: Change Worker
worker for subordinates in their Manager
person and assignment security Privilege: Search
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
Role: Change Worker
Working Hour
Privilege: Search
Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Report Manager
manager transaction dashboard Transaction Dashboard
for subordinates in their person Privilege: View
and assignment security profile Manager Transaction
Dashboard (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Report Manager
manager transaction dashboard Transaction Dashboard
for themselves Privilege: View
Manager Transaction
Dashboard (Data)
Resource: Worker
Worker Prediction A Line Manager can view Role: Worker
worker prediction for persons Prediction Reporting
and assignments in their person Privilege: View
and assignment security profile Worker Prediction
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Worker
worker prediction for Prediction Reporting
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Prediction
Resource: Worker
Worker Supervisor A Line Manager can manage Role: Manage Direct
direct reports for persons and Report
assignments in their person and Privilege: Manage
assignment security profile Direct Reports (Data)
Resource: Worker
Workforce Model Plan A Line Manager can create Role: Workforce Model
workforce model plan for top Plan Line Manager
managers in their public person Privilege: Create
security profile Workforce Model Plan
Resource: Workforce
Model Plan
A Line Manager can manage Role: Workforce Model
workforce model plan for plans Plan Line Manager
that they own or for which they Privilege: Manage
are the top manager and have Workforce Model Plan
been granted access (Data)
Resource: Workforce
Model Plan
Job Role: Public Sector Budget Analyst
Budget Analyst in Organizations where Commitment Control is used
Job Role: Public Sector Budget Manager
Budget Manager in Organizations where Commitment Control is used
Abstract Role: Supplier Administrator
Manages supplier profile and user provisioning.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Supplier Administrator

Duty Role Description

B2B Messaging Administration This user is a member of an organization who has delegated
administration responsibilities.
Business Intelligence Authoring An author of Business Intellgence reports as presented in the web
catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
SOA Infra Designer This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA
Rules Composer. This is a business administrator type role. Any
team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to
their admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and
BPMWorkflowAdmin. By default this application role is granted to
"Administrators" enterprise role.
Supplier Master Data Transaction Analyzes Supplier Master Data information
Supplier Profile Management Manages supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Supplier Registration Management Manages supplier registration requests.
Upload data for Supplier Import Allows import of suppliers, supplier site, supplier site assignment
and supplier contact

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Supplier Administrator

Inherited Roles
Supplier Administrator
B2B Messaging Administration
SOA Infra Designer
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Supplier Master Data Transaction Analysis
Business Intelligence Authoring
Supplier Profile Management
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Registration Management
Upload data for Supplier Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Supplier

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Supplier Administrator.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Supplier Administrator Manages supplier profile and user Import Supplier
provisioning. Maintain Reports and
Analytics Region
Manage File Import and
Manage Scheduled Job
Merge Supplier
Submit Supplier
Supplier Profile Management Manages supplier profile information. Access Suppliers Work Area
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Import Party Tax Profile
Maintain Supplier
Maintain Supplier Address
Maintain Supplier
Maintain Supplier Business
Maintain Supplier Contact
Maintain Supplier Contact
Change Request
Maintain Supplier Contact
User Account
Maintain Supplier Income
Maintain Supplier Payment
Maintain Supplier Products
and Services Categories
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Maintain Supplier Site
Maintain Supplier Site
Maintain Supplier Site B2B
Communication Information
Maintain Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
Maintain Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
Maintain Supplier Site
Receiving Information
Maintain Supplier
Transaction Tax
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Search Supplier
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Supplier Registration Manages supplier registration requests. Edit Supplier Registration
Management Bank Account
Edit Supplier Registration
Search Supplier Registration
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supplier Match
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Supplier Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
delete application attachment Administrator
for the supplier categories from Privilege: Delete
supplier, miscellaneous, to Application Attachment
buyer, to receiver, and to Resource: Application
supplier Attachment
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
read application attachment for Management
the supplier assessment Privilege: Read
categories including internal to Application Attachment
supplier qualification, Resource: Application
miscellaneous Attachment
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
read application attachment for Administrator
the supplier categories from Privilege: Read
supplier, miscellaneous, to Application Attachment
buyer, to receiver, and to Resource: Application
supplier Attachment
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
read application attachment for Management
the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
categories including internal to Application Attachment
supplier qualification, Resource: Application
miscellaneous Attachment
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
read application attachment for Management
the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
question category including to Application Attachment
supplier Resource: Application
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
read application attachment for Management
the supplier qualification Privilege: Read
response categories including Application Attachment
from supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
update application attachment Administrator
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for the supplier categories from Privilege: Update
supplier, miscellaneous, to Application Attachment
buyer, to receiver, and to Resource: Application
supplier Attachment
Payment Card A Supplier Administrator can Role: Payee Bank
view employee credit card for Account Management
any employee corporate cards Privilege: View
in the enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Tax Exemption A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
manage tax exemption for the Administrator
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Org Address Email manage trading community Administrator
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Org Address Phone manage trading community Administrator
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Organization Address manage trading community Administrator
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Organization Email manage trading community Administrator
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Payee Bank
Organization Party view trading community Account Management
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Organization Phone manage trading community Administrator
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Party view trading community Administrator
contact for all trading Privilege: View
community persons in the Trading Community
enterprise except contacts Contact (Data)
created by partners. Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Payee Bank
view trading community person Account Management
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
view trading community person Administrator
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
view trading community person Administrator
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Person Address Contact manage trading community Administrator
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Person Address Phone manage trading community Administrator
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Person Email Contact manage trading community Administrator
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Administrator
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
Relationship view trading community Administrator
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Supplier Administrator can Role: Supplier
view trading community Administrator
relationship for all trading Privilege: View
community relationships in the Trading Community
enterprise except partner Relationship (Data)
contact relationships, or Resource: Trading
relationships created by Community
partners Relationship

Data security policies for Privacy for the abstract role Supplier Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Supplier Administrator can manage Role: Supplier Profile
party tax profile for any party tax profile Management
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Supplier Administrator can manage Role: Party Taxpayer
party tax profile taxpayer identifier for Identifier PII
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier Registration
supplier corporate identifiers for all Management
supplier registrations for nonindividual Privilege: Maintain Supplier
types for the business units in which they Corporate Identifiers (Data)
are authorized Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier Registration
supplier corporate identifiers for all Management
supplier registrations for nonindividual Privilege: Maintain Supplier
types for which they are approvers Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier Profile
supplier corporate identifiers for all Management
suppliers for nonindividual types in the Privilege: Maintain Supplier
enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier
supplier individual identifiers pii for all Administrator
supplier registrations of type individual Privilege: Maintain Supplier
for the business units in which they are Individual Identifiers PII
authorized (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier
supplier individual identifiers pii for all Administrator
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
supplier registrations of type individual Privilege: Maintain Supplier
for which they are approvers Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier
supplier individual identifiers pii for all Administrator
supplier sites in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier
supplier individual identifiers pii for all Administrator
suppliers in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Supplier Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier
supplier individual identifiers pii for all Administrator
suppliers of type individual in the Privilege: Maintain Supplier
enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Supplier Administrator can manage tax Role: Supplier Profile
registration for any tax registration Management
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Supplier Administrator can manage Role: Party Taxpayer
party tax profile taxpayer identifier for Identifier PII
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract
role Supplier Administrator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Suppliers Maintain Supplier Bank Accounts

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Maintain Supplier Bank Edit Supplier
Accounts Registration Bank

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the abstract role Supplier Administrator

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Supplier Profile Management Duty Supplier Registration Bank Account Management
Supplier Profile Management Sensitive Duty Supplier Registration Bank Account Management

Duty role conflict details for the abstract role Supplier Administrator

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Supplier Create Supplier Create Supplier Edit Supplier Maintain
Profile Suppliers Registration Registration Supplier Bank
Management Bank Account Bank Account Accounts
Duty Management
Supplier Create Supplier Create Supplier Edit Supplier Maintain
Profile Suppliers Registration Registration Supplier Bank
Management Bank Account Bank Account Accounts
Sensitive Duty Management
Job Role: Tax Accountant
Prepares and files tax returns and reports for an enterprise, including country, federal,
state, and local corporate, payroll, and transaction taxes.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Accountant

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating,
exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines
intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.
Tax External Taxable Transaction Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Tax Accountant

Inherited Roles
Tax Accountant
Customer Account Inquiry
Functional Setups
Intrastat Processing
Item Inquiry
Item Inquiry
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Inherited Roles
Tax Configuration Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Tax Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Accountant

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Tax Accountant.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including Collect Intrastat
collecting, validating, exporting, printing, Transactions
and purging intrastat transactions. Defines Define Intrastat Country
intrastat country characteristics, Characteristics
parameters, and rules. Define Intrastat Parameters
Define Intrastat Rules
Export Intrastat Transactions
Manage Intrastat
Monitor Intrastat Work Area
Print Intrastat Transactions
Purge Intrastat Transactions
Submit Reset Intrastat
Transaction status
Validate Intrastat
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Tax Accountant Prepares and files tax returns and reports Create Business Unit Tax
for an enterprise, including country, Profile
federal, state, and local corporate, payroll, Create Legal Entity Tax
and transaction taxes. Profile
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Post Journal
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax Run Tax Simulator Purge
regimes and taxes. Program
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Tax External Taxable Duty Role to manage import of Account External Taxable
Transaction Processing transactions from external sources. Transaction
Correct External Transaction
Create External Taxable
Create External Taxable
Import External Taxable
Manage Journal Activities
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax Create Tax Reporting Type
reports. Create Yearly Tax Report
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Prepare EU Sales Listing
Prepare Tax Allocation
Prepare Tax Allocations
Prepare Tax Box Allocation
Prepare Tax Final Reporting
Prepare Tax Selection
Run Payables Tax Report by
Ledger/Business Unit
Run Receivables Tax Report
by Ledger/Business Unit
Run Tax Audit Trail Report
Run Tax Reconciliation
Run Tax Reconciliation by
Taxable Account Report
Run Tax Register
Run Tax Reporting
Run Turnover Declaration
Closure Process
Run Turnover Reporting
Selection Process
Run U.S. Sales Tax Report
Run Use Tax Liability
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Tax Reporting Type
View Finalized Report
History of Transaction
View Tax Reporting Type

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Tax Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Tax Accountant can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier assessment categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Accountant can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Accountant can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification question Privilege: Read
category including to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Accountant can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification response Privilege: Read
categories including from Application Attachment
supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Journal A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax External
journals tax for the business Taxable Transaction
units for which they are Processing
authorized Privilege: Manage
Journals Tax (Data)
Resource: Journal
Ledger A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
ledger for subledger for the Accounting Manager
posting ledgers for transactions Privilege: Manage
that they are authorized. Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Manage
Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card A Tax Accountant can view Role: Payee Bank
employee credit card for any Account Management
employee corporate cards in the Privilege: View
enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Subledger Accounting A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
Balance subledger accounting balance Accounting Manager
for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
subledger application for the Accounting Manager
owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
subledger source transaction for Accounting Manager
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
which they are authorized Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Transaction subledger source transaction for Accounting Manager
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
which they are authorized Source Transaction
Tax Defaults and A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
Controls application tax options for the Configuration Inquiry
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Application Tax
Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax exception for the tax setup Configuration Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exception (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exemption A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Customer
tax exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Manage Tax
Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Rate A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax rate for the tax setup Configuration Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Recovery A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax recovery for the tax setup Configuration Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Recovery (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Rule A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax rule for the tax setup Configuration Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Status A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax status for the tax setup Configuration Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Status (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Taxable Transaction A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
taxable transaction for the Configuration Inquiry
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Supplier Profile
Party trading community contact for Inquiry
all trading community persons Privilege: View
in the enterprise except contacts Trading Community
created by partners. Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Accountant can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Accountant can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Accountant can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Tax Accountant can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community relationship Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
except partner contact Relationship (Data)
relationships, or relationships Resource: Trading
created by partners Community
Transaction Tax A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
transaction tax for the tax setup Configuration Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are responsible Transaction Tax (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Withholding Tax A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
transaction tax for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business Transaction Tax (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
Exception tax exception for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Exception (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax rate for the withholding tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax rule for the withholding tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Accountant can manage Role: Tax
tax status for the withholding Configuration Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business unit(s) they are Status (Data)
responsible for Resource: Business

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Tax Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Tax Accountant can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
A Tax Accountant can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Tax Accountant can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Profile
corporate identifiers for all suppliers for Inquiry
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Accountant can maintain supplier Role: Tax Accountant
individual identifiers pii for all supplier Privilege: Maintain Supplier
sites in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Accountant can maintain supplier Role: Tax Accountant
individual identifiers pii for all suppliers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Accountant can maintain supplier Role: Tax Accountant
individual identifiers pii for all suppliers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
of type individual in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Tax Accountant can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Tax Accountant
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Tax Accountant can manage taxable Role: Tax Configuration
transaction for any taxable transaction Inquiry
existing in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Tax Accountant can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Tax Accountant

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Job Role: Tax Administrator
Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Administrator

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Import Tax Rate Allows import of tax rate.
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating,
exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines
intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.
Tax External Taxable Transaction Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.
Upload data for Tax Import Allows to upload data file to import tax related data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Tax Administrator

Inherited Roles
Tax Administrator
Functional Setups
Import Tax Rate
Intrastat Processing
Item Inquiry
Item Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Tax Configuration Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Inherited Roles
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Tax Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Upload data for Tax Import
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Administrator

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Tax Administrator.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including Collect Intrastat
collecting, validating, exporting, printing, Transactions
and purging intrastat transactions. Defines Define Intrastat Country
intrastat country characteristics, Characteristics
parameters, and rules. Define Intrastat Parameters
Define Intrastat Rules
Export Intrastat Transactions
Manage Intrastat
Monitor Intrastat Work Area
Print Intrastat Transactions
Purge Intrastat Transactions
Submit Reset Intrastat
Transaction status
Validate Intrastat
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Tax Administrator Sets up technical areas and the integration Create Country Defaults and
with tax service providers. Controls for Transaction
Create Tax Processing
Create Withholding Tax
Processing Options
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run Tax Configuration
Content Upload Program
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Tax Processing
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax Run Tax Simulator Purge
regimes and taxes. Program
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Tax External Taxable Duty Role to manage import of Account External Taxable
Transaction Processing transactions from external sources. Transaction
Correct External Transaction
Create External Taxable
Create External Taxable
Import External Taxable
Manage Journal Activities
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax Create Tax Reporting Type
reports. Create Yearly Tax Report
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Prepare EU Sales Listing
Prepare Tax Allocation
Prepare Tax Allocations
Prepare Tax Box Allocation
Prepare Tax Final Reporting
Prepare Tax Selection
Run Payables Tax Report by
Ledger/Business Unit
Run Receivables Tax Report
by Ledger/Business Unit
Run Tax Audit Trail Report
Run Tax Reconciliation
Run Tax Reconciliation by
Taxable Account Report
Run Tax Register
Run Tax Reporting
Run Turnover Declaration
Closure Process
Run Turnover Reporting
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Selection Process
Run U.S. Sales Tax Report
Run Use Tax Liability
Update Tax Reporting Type
View Finalized Report
History of Transaction
View Tax Reporting Type

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Tax Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Tax Administrator can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier assessment categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
A Tax Administrator can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
A Tax Administrator can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification question Privilege: Read
category including to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Administrator can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification response Privilege: Read
categories including from Application Attachment
supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier
Journal A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax External
manage journals tax for the Taxable Transaction
business units for which they Processing
are authorized Privilege: Manage
Journals Tax (Data)
Resource: Journal
Ledger A Tax Administrator can Role: Subledger
manage ledger for subledger for Accounting Manager
the posting ledgers for Privilege: Manage
transactions that they are Ledger for Subledger
authorized. (Data)
Resource: Ledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Party Tax Profile A Tax Administrator can Role: Customer
manage business unit party tax Account Inquiry
profile for the business units for Privilege: Manage
which they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card A Tax Administrator can view Role: Payee Bank
employee credit card for any Account Management
employee corporate cards in the Privilege: View
enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Subledger Accounting A Tax Administrator can Role: Subledger
Balance manage subledger accounting Accounting Manager
balance for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Tax Administrator can Role: Subledger
manage subledger application Accounting Manager
for the owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Administrator can Role: Subledger
manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Tax Administrator can Role: Subledger
Transaction manage subledger source Accounting Manager
transaction for the business Privilege: Manage
units, cost organizations, asset Subledger Source
books or legislative data Transaction (Data)
groups, and the subledger Resource: Subledger
applications for which they are Source Transaction
Tax Defaults and A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
Controls manage application tax options Configuration Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Application Tax
Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax exception for the Configuration Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are responsible Exception (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exemption A Tax Administrator can Role: Customer
manage tax exemption for the Account Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business units for which they Exemption (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Tax Rate A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax rate for the tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
units for which they are Rate (Data)
responsible Resource: Business
Tax Recovery A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax recovery for the tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
units for which they are Recovery (Data)
responsible Resource: Business
Tax Rule A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax rule for the tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
units for which they are Rule (Data)
responsible Resource: Business
Tax Status A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax status for the tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
units for which they are Status (Data)
responsible Resource: Business
Taxable Transaction A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage taxable transaction for Configuration Inquiry
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Supplier Profile
Party trading community contact for Inquiry
all trading community persons Privilege: View
in the enterprise except contacts Trading Community
created by partners. Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Administrator can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Administrator can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Administrator can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Tax Administrator can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community relationship Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
except partner contact Relationship (Data)
relationships, or relationships Resource: Trading
created by partners Community
Transaction Tax A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage transaction tax for the Configuration Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Transaction Tax (Data)
are responsible Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage transaction tax for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business Transaction Tax (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
Exception manage tax exception for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Exception (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax rate for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Rate (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax rule for the Configuration Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Rule (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Administrator can Role: Tax
manage tax status for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Status (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Tax Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Tax Administrator can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile for any party tax profile Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Tax Administrator can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Tax Administrator can maintain Role: Supplier Profile
supplier corporate identifiers for all Inquiry
suppliers for nonindividual types in the Privilege: Maintain Supplier
enterprise Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Tax Administrator can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Tax Administrator can manage taxable Role: Tax Configuration
transaction for any taxable transaction Inquiry
existing in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Tax Administrator can manage party Role: Customer Account
tax profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Tax Administrator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Job Role: Tax Manager
Defines the tax policies and most efficient tax configuration. Sets up relatively stable
entities that seldom require updates, such as tax regimes and taxes.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Manager

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating,
exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines
intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents and takes action, such as
approving and resolving holds.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Subledger Accounting Manager Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and
runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.
Tax Billing Provide access to billing information for tax users.
Tax External Taxable Transaction Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.
Withholding Tax Administration Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Tax Manager

Inherited Roles
Tax Manager
Inherited Roles
Customer Account Inquiry
Functional Setups
Intrastat Processing
Item Inquiry
Item Inquiry
Legal Entities Administration
Functional Setups
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Payables Invoice Processing
Item Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Tax Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Tax Billing
Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Subledger Accounting Manager
Business Intelligence Consumer
Customer Account Inquiry
Tax Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Withholding Tax Administration
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Tax Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including Collect Intrastat
collecting, validating, exporting, printing, Transactions
and purging intrastat transactions. Defines Define Intrastat Country
intrastat country characteristics, Characteristics
parameters, and rules. Define Intrastat Parameters
Define Intrastat Rules
Export Intrastat Transactions
Manage Intrastat
Monitor Intrastat Work Area
Print Intrastat Transactions
Purge Intrastat Transactions
Submit Reset Intrastat
Transaction status
Validate Intrastat
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Legal Entities Administration Manages legal entities, legal reporting Manage Legal Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
units and registrations. Manage Legal Authority
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity
Contact Information
Manage Legal Entity
Deduction Records
Manage Legal Entity
Financial Information
Manage Legal Entity HCM
Manage Legal Entity
Intercompany Exception
Manage Legal Entity
Primary Ledger
Manage Legal Entity
Manage Legal Entity for
Associated Business Entity
Manage Legal Jurisdiction
Manage Legal Reporting
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Contact Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Deduction Records
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Financial Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Registration
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit Workforce Information
Manage Legal Reporting
Unit for Associated
Balancing Segment
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Search Legal Entity
Search Legal Reporting Unit
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents Apply or Unapply Payables
and takes action, such as approving and Prepayments
resolving holds. Cancel Payables Invoice
Correct Payables Import
Validation Errors
Create Payables Invoice by
Web Service
Create United States 1099
Forms - Comma Delimited
Delete Payables Invoice
Edit Payables Invoice
Hold Invoice from Approval
Task Flow
Initiate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Payables Invoices
Manage Payables Invoices
Modify Payables Invoice
Tax Drivers
Place Hold on Payables
Provide Payables Interface
Release Hold on Payables
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Review Receiving Receipt
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Submit Payables AutoRate
Submit Payables Credit
Memo Matching Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Aging Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Submit Payables Invoice
Validation Report
Submit Payables Matched
and Modified Receipts
Submit Payables Matching
Detail Report
Submit Payables Matching
Hold Detail Report
Submit Payables
Prepayment Remittance
Submit Payables
Prepayments Status Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Invoice
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Payment Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Supplier Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Tax
Authority Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax Letter
Submit United States 1096
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit United States 1099
Electronic Media
Submit United States 1099
Invoice Exceptions Report
Submit United States 1099
Payments Report
Submit United States 1099
Submit United States 1099
Supplier Exceptions Report
Transfer Costs to Cost
Update Payables Income
Tax Details Utility and
Validate Payables Invoice
View Holds Resolution and
Negotiation History
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Subledger Accounting Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
Manager reviews journal entries, and runs account Entry Batch
analysis, journal entries, and period close Create Subledger Journal
exceptions reports. Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Purge Accounting Event
Diagnostic Data
Review Subledger Journal
Run Global Journals and
Third Party Report
Run Global Subledger
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Detail Journal Report
Run Global Third Party
Account Balance Report
Run Global Third Party
Balances Summary Report
Run Global Third Party
Detail and Balances Report
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Accounting Event
Diagnostic Report
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including Create Account Based
regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Direct Tax Rate
determinants, configuration options and Determination Rule
party tax profiles. Create Business Unit Tax
Create Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
Create Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Place of Supply Rule
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax
Create Tax Applicability
Create Tax Calculation
Create Tax Calculation Rule
Create Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Exception
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Tax Geographies
Create Tax Jurisdiction
Create Tax Processing
Create Tax Rate
Create Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Regime
Create Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Create Tax Reporting Type
Create Tax Status
Create Tax Status
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Create Transaction Business
Create Transaction Fiscal
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Tax
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Zones
Run Geocode Loader
Run Tax Configuration
Content Upload Program
Run Tax Simulator Purge
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Run Trading Community
Current Record Information
Run Trading Community
Geography Name
Referencing Maintenance
Update Account Based
Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Party Fiscal
Update Place of Supply Rule
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax
Update Tax Applicability
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Exception
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Jurisdiction
Update Tax Processing
Update Tax Rate
Update Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Regime
Update Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Update Tax Reporting Type
Update Tax Status
Update Tax Status
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Reporting Type
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Tax Billing Provide access to billing information for Create Receivables Credit
tax users. Memo
Delete Receivables
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
AutoInvoice Line
Manage Receivables Credit
Manage Receivables Invoice
Tax External Taxable Duty Role to manage import of Account External Taxable
Transaction Processing transactions from external sources. Transaction
Correct External Transaction
Create External Taxable
Create External Taxable
Import External Taxable
Manage Journal Activities
Tax Manager Defines the tax policies and most efficient Access Suppliers Work Area
tax configuration. Sets up relatively stable Overview
entities that seldom require updates, such Approve Receivables
as tax regimes and taxes. Adjustment
Confirm Receivables
Balance Forward Bill
Create Receivables Credit
Create Receivables Invoice
Create Receivables
Delete Receivables
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Dispute Receivables
Generate XML Invoices
Manage Billing Activities
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
AutoInvoice Line
Manage Receivables Credit
Manage Receivables Invoice
Manage Receivables
Mass Create Legal Entity
HCM Information
Post Journal
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Receiving Receipt
Run Adjustments Register
Run Billing History Report
Run Disputed Invoices
Run Import Journals By
Program Call
Run Trading Community
Geography Loader
Run Transaction Check
Run Transaction Detail
Run Transaction Register
Search Purchase Agreement
Search Purchase Order
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit AutoInvoice Purge
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Print Process
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Process
Submit Print Adjustments
Submit Transaction Print
View Purchase Agreement
View Purchase Order
View Purchasing Work Area
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax Create Tax Reporting Type
reports. Create Yearly Tax Report
Manage Inquiry and
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Reporting Activities
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Prepare EU Sales Listing
Prepare Tax Allocation
Prepare Tax Allocations
Prepare Tax Box Allocation
Prepare Tax Final Reporting
Prepare Tax Selection
Run Payables Tax Report by
Ledger/Business Unit
Run Receivables Tax Report
by Ledger/Business Unit
Run Tax Audit Trail Report
Run Tax Reconciliation
Run Tax Reconciliation by
Taxable Account Report
Run Tax Register
Run Tax Reporting
Run Turnover Declaration
Closure Process
Run Turnover Reporting
Selection Process
Run U.S. Sales Tax Report
Run Use Tax Liability
Update Tax Reporting Type
View Finalized Report
History of Transaction
View Tax Reporting Type
Withholding Tax Sets up withholding tax content including Create Business Unit Tax
Administration regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Profile
determinants, configuration options and Create Document Fiscal
party tax profiles. Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Factor Set
Create Tax Geographies
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Processing Options
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Processing
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Processing
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Tax Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Tax Manager can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier assessment categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Read
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Manager can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Manager can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification question Privilege: Read
category including to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Manager can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification response Privilege: Read
categories including from Application Attachment
supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Journal A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax External
journals tax for the business Taxable Transaction
units for which they are Processing
authorized Privilege: Manage
Journals Tax (Data)
Resource: Journal
Ledger A Tax Manager can manage Role: Subledger
ledger for subledger for the Accounting Manager
posting ledgers for transactions Privilege: Manage
that they are authorized. Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Party Tax Profile A Tax Manager can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage
Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
A Tax Manager can manage Role: Legal Entities
party tax profile for any party Administration
tax profile defined in the Privilege: Manage
enterprise Party Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can manage Role: Payables Invoice
payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Invoice Note A Tax Manager can manage Role: Payables Invoice
payables invoice note for all Processing
invoice and approval notes Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice Note
Resource: Payables
Invoice Note
Payables Payment A Tax Manager can manage Role: Payables Invoice
Request payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Prepayment A Tax Manager can manage Role: Payables Invoice
payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Standard A Tax Manager can manage Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
A Tax Manager can report Role: Payables Invoice
payables for the business units Processing
for which they are authorized Privilege: Report
Payables (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card A Tax Manager can view Role: Payee Bank
employee credit card for any Account Management
employee corporate cards in the Privilege: View
enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Receivables Adjustment A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Billing
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Balance A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Manager
Forward Bill receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Manager
ChargeBack receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Credit A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Billing
Memo receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
A Tax Manager can view Role: Tax Manager
receivables activities for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Debit A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Manager
Memo receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Billing
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
A Tax Manager can view Role: Tax Manager
receivables activities for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Manager
Balance Summary receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Billing
Request receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax Manager
Summary receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Subledger Accounting A Tax Manager can manage Role: Subledger
Balance subledger accounting balance Accounting Manager
for the subsidiaries or Privilege: Manage
management segment values Subledger Accounting
whose account balance they Balance (Data)
manage Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Tax Manager can manage Role: Subledger
subledger application for the Accounting Manager
owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Manager can manage Role: Subledger
subledger source transaction for Accounting Manager
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
which they are authorized Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Tax Manager can manage Role: Subledger
Transaction subledger source transaction for Accounting Manager
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
which they are authorized Source Transaction
Tax Defaults and A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax
Controls application tax options for the Administration
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Application Tax
Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Tax
exception for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exception (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exemption A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Customer
exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage Tax
Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Rate A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Tax
rate for the tax setup applicable Administration
to the business units for which Privilege: Manage Tax
they are responsible Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Recovery A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Tax
recovery for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Recovery (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Rule A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Tax
rule for the tax setup applicable Administration
to the business units for which Privilege: Manage Tax
they are responsible Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Status A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Tax
status for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Status (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Taxable Transaction A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax
taxable transaction for the Administration
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage
Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Supplier Profile
Party trading community contact for Inquiry
all trading community persons Privilege: View
in the enterprise except contacts Trading Community
created by partners. Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Manager can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Manager can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Manager can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Tax Manager can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community relationship Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
except partner contact Relationship (Data)
relationships, or relationships Resource: Trading
created by partners Community
Trading Community A Tax Manager can view Role: Tax Billing
Resource Sales trading community salesperson Privilege: View
Representative Setup setup for all salespersons in the Trading Community
enterprise Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Sales Representative
Transaction Tax A Tax Manager can manage Role: Tax
transaction tax for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are responsible Transaction Tax (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Manager can manage Role: Withholding Tax
transaction tax for the Administration
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business Transaction Tax (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Withholding Tax
Exception exception for the withholding Administration
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business unit(s) they are Exception (Data)
responsible for Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Withholding Tax
rate for the withholding tax Administration
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Withholding Tax
rule for the withholding tax Administration
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Withholding Tax
status for the withholding tax Administration
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Status (Data)
Resource: Business

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Tax Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Tax Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Administration
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Tax Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Tax Manager can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Profile
corporate identifiers for all suppliers for Inquiry
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Manager can maintain supplier Role: Tax Manager
individual identifiers pii for all supplier Privilege: Maintain Supplier
sites in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Manager can maintain supplier Role: Tax Manager
individual identifiers pii for all suppliers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Manager can maintain supplier Role: Tax Manager
individual identifiers pii for all suppliers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
of type individual in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Tax Manager can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Tax Manager
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Tax Manager can manage taxable Role: Tax Administration
transaction for any taxable transaction Privilege: Manage Taxable
existing in the enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Tax Manager can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Tax Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Privilege Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Job Role: Tax Specialist
Maintains tax configuration, especially the variable entities that require periodic updates,
such as tax rates and tax jurisdictions.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Specialist

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer A role required to allow reporting from Business Intellgence
Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time
Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business
Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the
web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a
subject area.
Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating,
exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines
intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII View personally identifiable information for tax registration
number of type taxpayer ID.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents and takes action, such as
approving and resolving holds.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information.
Supplier Qualification Viewing An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.
Tax Billing Provide access to billing information for tax users.
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.
Withholding Tax Administration Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate
configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and
party tax profiles.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Tax Specialist

Inherited Roles
Tax Specialist
Functional Setups
Intrastat Processing
Item Inquiry
Item Inquiry
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Inherited Roles
Payables Invoice Inquiry
Payables Invoice Processing
Item Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Tax Administration
Customer Account Inquiry
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Party Taxpayer Identifier PII
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Tax Billing
Tax Configuration Inquiry
Customer Account Inquiry
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Tax Reporting
Business Intelligence Consumer
Withholding Tax Administration
Supplier Profile Inquiry
Payee Bank Account Management
FSCM Load Interface Administration
Supplier Qualification Viewing
Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Tax Specialist

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Tax Specialist.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry View customer account details. Export Customer Account
Export Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Customer Account
Search Trading Community
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Additional
Search Trading Community
Organization Address
Search Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
Search Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Trading Community
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Additional
View Trading Community
Organization Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Organization Address Use
View Trading Community
Organization Classification
Code Assignment
View Trading Community
Organization Contact Point
View Trading Community
Organization Contact
View Trading Community
Organization Source System
View Trading Community
Organization Usage
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Load Interface File for
Manage File Import and
Transfer File
Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Intrastat Processing Manages intrastat transactions including Collect Intrastat
collecting, validating, exporting, printing, Transactions
and purging intrastat transactions. Defines Define Intrastat Country
intrastat country characteristics, Characteristics
parameters, and rules. Define Intrastat Parameters
Define Intrastat Rules
Export Intrastat Transactions
Manage Intrastat
Monitor Intrastat Work Area
Print Intrastat Transactions
Purge Intrastat Transactions
Submit Reset Intrastat
Transaction status
Validate Intrastat
Item Inquiry Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Payables Invoice Inquiry Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Payables Invoice Processing Views invoices and related documents Apply or Unapply Payables
and takes action, such as approving and Prepayments
resolving holds. Cancel Payables Invoice
Correct Payables Import
Validation Errors
Create Payables Invoice by
Web Service
Create United States 1099
Forms - Comma Delimited
Delete Payables Invoice
Edit Payables Invoice
Hold Invoice from Approval
Task Flow
Initiate Payables Invoice
Approval Task Flow
Manage Payables Invoices
Manage Payables Invoices
Modify Payables Invoice
Tax Drivers
Place Hold on Payables
Provide Payables Interface
Release Hold on Payables
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Review Receiving Receipt
Submit Mass Additions
Creation Program
Submit Payables AutoRate
Submit Payables Credit
Memo Matching Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Aging Report
Submit Payables Invoice
Submit Payables Invoice
Validation Report
Submit Payables Matched
and Modified Receipts
Submit Payables Matching
Detail Report
Submit Payables Matching
Hold Detail Report
Submit Payables
Prepayment Remittance
Submit Payables
Prepayments Status Report
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Invoice
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Payment Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By
Supplier Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax By Tax
Authority Report
Submit Payables
Withholding Tax Letter
Submit United States 1096
Submit United States 1099
Electronic Media
Submit United States 1099
Invoice Exceptions Report
Submit United States 1099
Payments Report
Submit United States 1099
Submit United States 1099
Supplier Exceptions Report
Transfer Costs to Cost
Update Payables Income
Tax Details Utility and
Validate Payables Invoice
View Holds Resolution and
Negotiation History
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Payables Invoice
View Purchase Order
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Import Supplier Bank
Management other payment details. Accounts
Manage External Payee
Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Supplier Profile Inquiry View supplier profile information. Search Supplier
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Supplier
View Supplier Address
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Supplier Attachment
View Supplier Business
View Supplier Contact
View Supplier Contact
Change Request
View Supplier Contact User
View Supplier Income Tax
View Supplier Payment
View Supplier Products and
Services Categories
View Supplier Registration
Bank Account
View Supplier Registration
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
View Supplier Site
Invoicing Information
View Supplier Site
Purchasing Information
View Supplier Site
Receiving Information
View Supplier Transaction
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
Supplier Qualification An enterprise user can search and view Search Supplier Assessment
Viewing supplier qualifications. Search Supplier
View Supplier Assessment
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
View Supplier Qualification
Tax Administration Sets up transaction tax content including Create Account Based
regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Direct Tax Rate
determinants, configuration options and Determination Rule
party tax profiles. Create Business Unit Tax
Create Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
Create Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Place of Supply Rule
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax
Create Tax Applicability
Create Tax Calculation
Create Tax Calculation Rule
Create Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Exception
Create Tax Geographies
Create Tax Jurisdiction
Create Tax Processing
Create Tax Rate
Create Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Create Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Create Tax Regime
Create Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Create Tax Reporting Type
Create Tax Status
Create Tax Status
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Create Taxable Basis
Create Third-Party Site Tax
Create Third-Party Tax
Create Transaction Business
Create Transaction Fiscal
Create User Defined Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Classification Code
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Application Tax
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Zones
Run Geocode Loader
Run Tax Configuration
Content Upload Program
Run Tax Simulator Purge
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Run Trading Community
Current Record Information
Run Trading Community
Geography Name
Referencing Maintenance
Update Account Based
Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Business Unit Tax
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Classification
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Place of Supply Rule
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax
Update Tax Applicability
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Calculation
Update Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Exception
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Jurisdiction
Update Tax Processing
Update Tax Rate
Update Tax Rate
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Determination Rule
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Update Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
Update Tax Regime
Update Tax Registration
Determination Rule
Update Tax Reporting Type
Update Tax Status
Update Tax Status
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
Update Taxable Basis
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Reporting Type
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Tax Billing Provide access to billing information for Create Receivables Credit
tax users. Memo
Delete Receivables
Manage Receivables
Manage Receivables
AutoInvoice Line
Manage Receivables Credit
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Manage Receivables Invoice
Tax Configuration Inquiry Views main tax entities, such as tax Run Tax Simulator Purge
regimes and taxes. Program
Verify Tax Configuration
View Account Based Direct
Tax Rate Determination
View Application Tax
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Classification
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Place of Supply Rule
View Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
View Product Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax
View Tax Applicability
View Tax Calculation
View Tax Calculation Rule
View Tax Classification
Based Direct Tax Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Exception
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Jurisdiction
View Tax Processing
View Tax Rate
View Tax Rate
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Determination Rule
View Tax Recovery Rate
View Tax Recovery Rate
Determination Rule
View Tax Regime
View Tax Registration
Determination Rule
View Tax Status
View Tax Status
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
Determination Rule
View Taxable Basis
View Third-Party Site Tax
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Business
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Tax Reporting Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax Create Tax Reporting Type
reports. Create Yearly Tax Report
Manage Inquiry and
Reporting Activities
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Prepare EU Sales Listing
Prepare Tax Allocation
Prepare Tax Allocations
Prepare Tax Box Allocation
Prepare Tax Final Reporting
Prepare Tax Selection
Run Payables Tax Report by
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Ledger/Business Unit
Run Receivables Tax Report
by Ledger/Business Unit
Run Tax Audit Trail Report
Run Tax Reconciliation
Run Tax Reconciliation by
Taxable Account Report
Run Tax Register
Run Tax Reporting
Run Turnover Declaration
Closure Process
Run Turnover Reporting
Selection Process
Run U.S. Sales Tax Report
Run Use Tax Liability
Update Tax Reporting Type
View Finalized Report
History of Transaction
View Tax Reporting Type
Tax Specialist Maintains tax configuration, especially Access Suppliers Work Area
the variable entities that require periodic Overview
updates, such as tax rates and tax Approve Receivables
jurisdictions. Adjustment
Confirm Receivables
Balance Forward Bill
Create Receivables Invoice
Create Receivables
Dispute Receivables
Generate XML Invoices
Manage Billing Activities
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Receivables
Preview Receivables Invoice
Review Receiving Receipt
Run Adjustments Register
Run Billing History Report
Run Disputed Invoices
Run Geocode Loader
Run Trading Community
Geography Loader
Run Transaction Check
Run Transaction Detail
Run Transaction Register
Search Purchase Agreement
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Search Purchase Order
Submit AutoInvoice Import
Submit AutoInvoice Purge
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Print Process
Submit Balance Forward
Bill Process
Submit Print Adjustments
Submit Transaction Print
View Purchase Agreement
View Purchase Order
View Purchasing Work Area
View Receivables Credit
View Receivables Invoice
Withholding Tax Sets up withholding tax content including Create Business Unit Tax
Administration regime to rate configuration, rules, tax Profile
determinants, configuration options and Create Document Fiscal
party tax profiles. Classification Code
Create Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Legal Entity Tax
Create Location of Final
Create Party Fiscal
Create Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Create Product Fiscal
Create Reporting Unit Tax
Create Tax Condition Set
Create Tax Determining
Factor Set
Create Tax Geographies
Create User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Processing Options
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Create Withholding Tax
Create Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula
Import Party Tax Profile
Manage All Application
Profile Values
Manage Financial
Application Lookups
Manage Item Default
Functional Area
Manage Tax Defaults and
Controls Import and Export
Manage Tax Exception
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Fiscal
Classification Import and
Export Services
Manage Tax Foundation
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Jurisdiction
and Rate Import and Export
Manage Tax Party Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Regime Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Reporting
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Rules Import
and Export Services
Manage Tax Third-Party
Import and Export Services
Manage Tax Zone Types
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Category Group
Manage Trading
Community Classification
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Run Trading Community
Classification Hierarchy
Update Country Defaults
and Controls for Transaction
Update Document Fiscal
Classification Code
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
Update Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
Update Legal Entity Tax
Update Location of Final
Update Party Fiscal
Update Product Category
Fiscal Classification Code
Update Product Fiscal
Update Reporting Unit Tax
Update Tax Condition Set
Update Tax Determining
Factor Set
Update Tax Geographies
Update Tax Processing
Update Third-Party Site Tax
Update Third-Party Tax
Update Transaction
Business Category
Update Transaction Fiscal
Update User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Business Unit Tax
View Country Defaults and
Controls for Transaction
View Document Fiscal
Classification Code
View Intended Use Fiscal
Classification Code
View Legal Entity Tax
View Location of Final
View Party Fiscal
View Reporting Unit Tax
View Tax Condition Set
View Tax Determining
Factor Set
View Tax Geographies
View Tax Processing
View Third-Party Site Tax
Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege
View Third-Party Tax
View Transaction Fiscal
View User Defined Fiscal
Classification Code
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax
Processing Options
View Withholding Tax Rate
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Tax Rule
View Withholding Tax
View Withholding Taxable
Basis Formula

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Tax Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Tax Specialist can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier assessment categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Specialist can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification categories Privilege: Read
including internal to supplier Application Attachment
qualification, miscellaneous Resource: Application
Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Specialist can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
supplier qualification question Privilege: Read
category including to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Tax Specialist can read Role: Supplier Profile
application attachment for the Inquiry
supplier qualification response Privilege: Read
categories including from Application Attachment
supplier, from internal Resource: Application
responder, miscellaneous, to Attachment
buyer, to supplier Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Party Tax Profile A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Customer
business unit party tax profile Account Inquiry
for the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Manage
Business Unit Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Payables Invoice
payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Invoice Note A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Payables Invoice
payables invoice note for all Processing
invoice and approval notes Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice Note
Resource: Payables
Invoice Note
Payables Payment A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Payables Invoice
Request payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Prepayment A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Payables Invoice
payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
Payables Standard A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Payables Invoice
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Invoice payables invoice for the Processing
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Business
A Tax Specialist can report Role: Payables Invoice
payables for the business units Processing
for which they are authorized Privilege: Report
Payables (Data)
Resource: Business
Payment Card A Tax Specialist can view Role: Payee Bank
employee credit card for any Account Management
employee corporate cards in the Privilege: View
enterprise Employee Credit Card
Resource: Payment
Receivables Adjustment A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Billing
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Balance A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Specialist
Forward Bill receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Specialist
ChargeBack receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Credit A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Billing
Memo receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
A Tax Specialist can view Role: Tax Specialist
receivables activities for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Debit A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Specialist
Memo receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Receivables Invoice A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Billing
receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
A Tax Specialist can view Role: Tax Specialist
receivables activities for the Privilege: View
business units for which they Receivables Activities
are authorized (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Specialist
Balance Summary receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Billing
Request receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receivables Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax Specialist
Summary receivables transactions for the Privilege: Manage
business units for which they Receivables
are authorized Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Defaults and A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
Controls application tax options for the Administration
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Application Tax
Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage
Application Tax
Options (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Exception A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax exception for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exception (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage Tax
Exception (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Tax Exemption A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Customer
tax exemption for the tax setup Account Inquiry
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Manage Tax
Exemption (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Rate A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax rate for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage Tax
Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Recovery A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax recovery for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Recovery (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage Tax
Recovery (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Rule A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax rule for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage Tax
Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Tax Status A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax status for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage Tax
for which they are responsible Status (Data)
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage Tax
Status (Data)
Resource: Business
Taxable Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
taxable transaction for the Administration
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage
Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage
Taxable Transaction
Resource: Business
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account for all Account Inquiry
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
Customer Account customer account relationship Account Inquiry
Relationship for all customer account Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Customer Account
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Relationship
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for all Account Inquiry
customer account sites in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account Site
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Use all customer account site uses Privilege: View
in the enterprise Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Customer
Account Site Use
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
Organization Party trading community Account Inquiry
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Party
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Supplier Profile
Party trading community contact for Inquiry
all trading community persons Privilege: View
in the enterprise except contacts Trading Community
created by partners. Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
trading community person for Account Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Payee Bank
Account Management
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Specialist can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
A Tax Specialist can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community person for Inquiry
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Party
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Supplier Profile
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: Manage
Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Customer
Relationship trading community relationship Account Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Payables Invoice
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Role: Tax Billing
Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Tax Specialist can view Role: Supplier Profile
trading community relationship Inquiry
for all trading community Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
relationships in the enterprise Trading Community
except partner contact Relationship (Data)
relationships, or relationships Resource: Trading
created by partners Community
Trading Community A Tax Specialist can view Role: Tax Billing
Resource Sales trading community salesperson Privilege: View
Representative Setup setup for all salespersons in the Trading Community
enterprise Salesperson Setup
Resource: Trading
Community Resource
Sales Representative
Transaction Tax A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
transaction tax for the tax setup Administration
applicable to the business units Privilege: Manage
for which they are responsible Transaction Tax (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Tax
Configuration Inquiry
Privilege: Manage
Transaction Tax (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
transaction tax for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage
applicable to the business Transaction Tax (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage
Transaction Tax (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
Exception tax exception for the Configuration Inquiry
withholding tax setup Privilege: Manage Tax
applicable to the business Exception (Data)
unit(s) they are responsible for Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Tax
Exception (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax rate for the withholding tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Rate (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Tax
Rate (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax rule for the withholding tax Configuration Inquiry
setup applicable to the business Privilege: Manage Tax
unit(s) they are responsible for Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Tax
Rule (Data)
Resource: Business
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Specialist can manage Role: Tax
tax status for the withholding Configuration Inquiry
tax setup applicable to the Privilege: Manage Tax
business unit(s) they are Status (Data)
responsible for Resource: Business
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Tax
Status (Data)
Resource: Business

Data security policies for Privacy for the job role Tax Specialist

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store

Party Tax Profile A Tax Specialist can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile for any party tax profile defined Inquiry
in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Tax Administration
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
A Tax Specialist can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Party Tax Profile
Supplier A Tax Specialist can maintain supplier Role: Supplier Profile
corporate identifiers for all suppliers for Inquiry
nonindividual types in the enterprise Privilege: Maintain Supplier
Corporate Identifiers (Data)
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Specialist can maintain supplier Role: Tax Specialist
individual identifiers pii for all supplier Privilege: Maintain Supplier
sites in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Specialist can maintain supplier Role: Tax Specialist
individual identifiers pii for all suppliers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
A Tax Specialist can maintain supplier Role: Tax Specialist
individual identifiers pii for all suppliers Privilege: Maintain Supplier
of type individual in the enterprise Individual Identifiers PII
Resource: Supplier
Tax Registration A Tax Specialist can manage tax Role: Customer Account
registration for any tax registration Inquiry
defined in the enterprise Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Supplier Profile
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Resource: Tax Registration
Role: Tax Specialist
Privilege: Manage Tax
Registration (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store
Resource: Tax Registration
Taxable Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage taxable Role: Tax Administration
transaction for any taxable transaction Privilege: Manage Taxable
existing in the enterprise Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Tax Configuration
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Role: Withholding Tax
Privilege: Manage Taxable
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Taxable
Withholding Party Tax Profile A Tax Specialist can manage party tax Role: Customer Account
profile taxpayer identifier for Inquiry
organizations of type individual party tax Privilege: Manage Party
profile taxpayer identifier defined in the Tax Profile Taxpayer
enterprise. Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile
Role: Party Taxpayer
Identifier PII
Privilege: Manage Party
Tax Profile Taxpayer
Identifier (Data)
Resource: Withholding
Party Tax Profile

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Tax Specialist

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Job Role: Travel Manager
Oversees the operations of corporate travel programs. Manages integration with other
travel partners to improve employee travel experience from planning to reimbursement.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Travel Manager

Duty Role Description

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Travel Manager

Inherited Roles
Travel Manager
Functional Setups

Aggregate Privileges
Aggregate Privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Travel Manager

Aggregate Privilege Description

Privileges granted to duties of the job role Travel Manager.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Functional Setups Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Travel Manager Oversees the operations of corporate Generate Trip Expense
travel programs. Manages integration Report
with other travel partners to improve Manage Financial
employee travel experience from Application Lookups
planning to reimbursement. Manage Merchant Codes
Manage Travel Itinerary
Import and Validation
Manage Travel Itinerary
Validation Rules
Manage Travel Partner
Review Travel Itinerary
Import Results
Data Role Templates
You use data role templates to create new roles that are authorized to specific data.
For example, creating an Accounts Payable Manager authorized to the Suppliers,
Invoices and Payments within a specific business unit. These types of roles are called
data roles.

The data role template specifies which base roles to combine with which dimension
values for a set of data security policies. The template generates the data roles using a
naming convention specified by the template's naming rule. Data role templates are
invoked automatically on the creation of a new dimension value.

Data role templates for the offering Financials.

Template Display Name Advanced Collections Template for Business Function

Collections Management
Template Name CollectionsManagement
Template Description Advanced Collections Template for Business Function
Collections Management
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function ||
BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]
Template Base Roles
Collections Agent
Collections Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Collections Correspondence A Collections Manager can maintain collections correspondence
for the business units for which they are authorized
Collections Delinquency A Collections Agent can maintain collections delinquency for the
business units for which they are authorized
Collections Delinquency A Collections Manager can maintain collections delinquency for
the business units for which they are authorized
Collections Summary A Collections Agent can maintain collections summary for the
business units for which they are authorized
Collections Summary A Collections Manager can maintain collections summary for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Collections Agent can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Collections Manager can manage receivables transactions for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Collections Agent can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Collections Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Collections Agent can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Collections Manager can manage receivables transactions for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Collections Agent can manage receivables transactions for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Collections Agent can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Collections Manager can manage receivables transactions for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Collections Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Collections Agent can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Collections Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Collections Agent can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Collections Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Advanced Collections Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsIexSetId
Template Description Advanced Collections Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Collections Agent
Collections Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Collections Aging Bucket A Collections Manager can maintain collections aging buckets
for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Aging Bucket A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
aging buckets for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Aging Bucket A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections aging buckets for the
reference data sets they administer
Collections Aging Bucket An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections aging buckets for the reference data sets they
Collections Delinquency Status A Collections Agent can maintain collections delinquency status
for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Delinquency Status A Collections Manager can maintain collections delinquency
status for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration A Collections Agent can maintain collections dunning
configurations for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration A Collections Manager can maintain collections dunning
configurations for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
dunning configurations for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections dunning configurations
for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections dunning configurations for the reference data sets
they administer
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Collections Preference A Collections Agent can maintain collections application
preference for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference A Collections Manager can maintain collections application
preference for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
application preference for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections application preference for
the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections application preference for the reference data sets they
Collector A Collections Manager can maintain collector for the reference
data sets they administer
Collector A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collector for
the reference data sets they administer
Collector A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collector for the reference data sets
they administer
Collector An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collector for the reference data sets they administer
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Relationship Load Application Identity can view customer account
relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account relationship for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Relationship Administrator can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Relationship Administrator can manage customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Relationship Administrator can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Relationship manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for CRM can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for Projects can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for SCM can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Relationship Application Identity for CRM can view customer account
relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Relationship manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Relationship view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Relationship can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Relationship CRM can view customer account relationship for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can manage customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Site manage customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site manage customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can manage customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Site Use manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Representative Setup Load Application Identity can manage trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Representative Setup Load Application Identity can view trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Account Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Administrator can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Operations Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Operations Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Director can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Collections Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Collections Manager can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Relationship Management Application
Representative Setup Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Relationship Management Application
Representative Setup Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Application Administrator can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Representative Setup Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Representative Setup Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Grants Administrator can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Grants Administrator can view trading community salesperson
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Marketing Operations Manager can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Marketing Operations Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Representative Setup manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Representative Setup trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Project Application Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Project Application Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Sales Administrator can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Sales Administrator can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Representative Setup trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Application Implementation Consultant can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Application Implementation Consultant can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Representative Setup Application Identity for CRM can manage trading community
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Representative Setup Application Identity for CRM can view trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Contract Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Representative Setup manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Representative Setup view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Internal Auditor can manage trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Internal Auditor can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Assets Template for Asset Book

Template Name FinancialsFaAssetBook
Template Description Assets Template for Asset Book
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BOOK_TYPE_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || BOOK_TYPE_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Asset Book
Template Base Roles
Asset Accountant
Asset Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Fixed Asset A Financial Integration Specialist can add fixed asset in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset A Financial Integration Specialist can change fixed asset in the
asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset A Financial Integration Specialist can retire fixed asset in the
asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset A Financial Integration Specialist can submit fixed assets reports
in the asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset A Financial Integration Specialist can track fixed asset in the
asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accountant can add fixed asset in the asset books that
they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accountant can change fixed asset in the asset books
that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accountant can retire fixed asset in the asset books that
they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accountant can submit fixed assets reports in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accountant can track fixed asset in the asset books that
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager can add fixed asset in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager can change fixed asset in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager can retire fixed asset in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager can submit fixed assets reports in
the asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Asset Accounting Manager can track fixed asset in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Integration Specialist can add fixed asset in the asset books
that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Integration Specialist can change fixed asset in the asset
books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Integration Specialist can retire fixed asset in the asset books
that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Integration Specialist can submit fixed assets reports in the
asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset An Integration Specialist can track fixed asset in the asset books
that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
book in the asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset book in the asset books
that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset book in the asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset book in
the asset books that they are authorized to access

Template Display Name Assets Template for Business Unit Security

Template Name FinancialsFaBusinessUnit
Template Description Assets Template for Business Unit Security
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business unit
Template Base Roles
Asset Accountant
Asset Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Employee can report payables for the business units for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Assets Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsFaSetId
Template Description Assets Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Asset Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
bonus rule for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset bonus rule for the
reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset bonus rule for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset bonus rule
for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
ceiling for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset ceiling for the reference
data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset ceiling for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset ceiling for
the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
depreciation method for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset depreciation method for
the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset depreciation method for the reference data sets they
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset
depreciation method for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
prorate convention for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset prorate convention for the
reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset prorate convention for the reference data sets they
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset prorate
convention for the reference data sets they administer
Template Display Name Expenses Template for Business Function Expense Management
Template Name ExpenseManagement
Template Description Expenses Template for Business Function Expense Management
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function ||
BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]
Template Base Roles
Corporate Card Administrator
Expense Audit Manager
Expense Auditor
Expense Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can audit cash advance for the
business units for which they are authorized
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can process expense report for
reimbursement for the business units for which they are
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can audit cash advance for the business
units for which they are authorized
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can process expense report for
reimbursement for the business units for which they are
Applied Cash Advance An Expense Manager can view employee expense for the
business units for which they are authorized
Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can audit cash advance for the
business units for which they are authorized
Cash Advance An Expense Audit Manager can process expense report for
reimbursement for the business units for which they are
Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can audit cash advance for the business
units for which they are authorized
Cash Advance An Expense Auditor can process expense report for
reimbursement for the business units for which they are
Cash Advance An Expense Manager can view employee expense for the
business units for which they are authorized
Cash Advance Setup and Policy An Expense Manager can manage cash advance policy for the
business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card A Corporate Card Administrator can manage corporate card for
employee for the business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card Program A Corporate Card Administrator can manage corporate card
program for the business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card Transaction A Corporate Card Administrator can create corporate card issuer
invoice for the business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card Transaction A Corporate Card Administrator can manage corporate card
transaction for the business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card Transaction A Corporate Card Administrator can manage outstanding
corporate card transaction for the business units for which they
are authorized
Employee An Expense Audit Manager can view employee details for
expenses for the business units for which they are authorized
Employee An Expense Auditor can view employee details for expenses for
the business units for which they are authorized
Expense An Expense Audit Manager can manage expense for the business
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
units for which they are authorized
Expense An Expense Auditor can manage expense for the business units
for which they are authorized
Expense An Expense Manager can view employee expense for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Audit List Rule An Expense Manager can manage expense audit list rule for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Notification Rule An Expense Manager can manage expense report notification
rule for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Policy A Corporate Card Administrator can manage expense policy for
the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Policy An Expense Manager can manage expense policy for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Receipt Management Rule An Expense Manager can manage expense receipt management
rule for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Audit Manager can audit expense report for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Audit Manager can manage expense report for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Audit Manager can process expense report for
reimbursement for the business units for which they are
Expense Report An Expense Audit Manager can review expense report payables
document for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Auditor can audit expense report for the business
units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Auditor can manage expense report for the business
units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Auditor can process expense report for
reimbursement for the business units for which they are
Expense Report An Expense Auditor can review expense report payables
document for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report An Expense Manager can view employee expense for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report Audit Rule An Expense Manager can manage expense report audit rule for
the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Report Hold Rule An Expense Manager can manage expense report hold rule for
the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Setup Option A Corporate Card Administrator can manage expenses system
option for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Setup Option An Expense Manager can manage expenses system option for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Type A Corporate Card Administrator can manage expense template
for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Type An Expense Manager can manage expense template for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request A Corporate Card Administrator can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Expense Audit Manager can manage payables invoice for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Expense Auditor can manage payables invoice for the
business units for which they are authorized
Template Display Name Financials Common Module Template for Asset Book
Template Name FinancialsFunAssetBook
Template Description Financials Common Module Template for Asset Book
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BOOK_TYPE_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || BOOK_TYPE_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Asset Book
Template Base Roles
Financial Application Administrator
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Fixed Asset Book A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
book in the asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset book in the asset books
that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset book in the asset books that they are authorized to access
Fixed Asset Book An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset book in
the asset books that they are authorized to access

Template Display Name Financials Common Module Template for Business Unit Security
Template Name FinancialsFunBusinessUnit
Template Description Financials Common Module Template for Business Unit Security
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business unit
Template Base Roles
Financial Application Administrator
Intercompany Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cash Advance Setup and Policy A Financial Application Administrator can manage cash advance
policy for the business units for which they are authorized
Cash Advance Setup and Policy A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cash advance policy for the business
units for which they are authorized
Cash Advance Setup and Policy An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cash
advance policy for the business units for which they are
Collections Correspondence A Collections Manager can maintain collections correspondence
for the business units for which they are authorized
Collections Correspondence A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
correspondence for the business units for which they are
Collections Correspondence A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections correspondence for the
business units for which they are authorized
Collections Correspondence An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections correspondence for the business units for which they
are authorized
Corporate Card Program A Corporate Card Administrator can manage corporate card
program for the business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Corporate Card Program A Financial Application Administrator can manage corporate
card program for the business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card Program A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage corporate card program for the
business units for which they are authorized
Corporate Card Program An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
corporate card program for the business units for which they are
Expense Policy A Corporate Card Administrator can manage expense policy for
the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Policy A Financial Application Administrator can manage expense
policy for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Policy A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage expense policy for the business units
for which they are authorized
Expense Policy An Application Implementation Consultant can manage expense
policy for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Setup Option A Corporate Card Administrator can manage expenses system
option for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Setup Option A Financial Application Administrator can manage expenses
system option for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Setup Option A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage expenses system option for the
business units for which they are authorized
Expense Setup Option An Application Implementation Consultant can manage expenses
system option for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Type A Corporate Card Administrator can manage expense template
for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Type A Financial Application Administrator can manage expense
template for the business units for which they are authorized
Expense Type A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage expense template for the business
units for which they are authorized
Expense Type An Application Implementation Consultant can manage expense
template for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Batch Loader Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity
for HCM can manage business unit party tax profile for the
business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage business unit
party tax profile for the business units for which they are
Party Tax Profile A Financial Application Administrator can manage business unit
party tax profile for the business units for which they are
Party Tax Profile A Financial Integration Specialist can manage business unit party
tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage business unit party tax profile for the
business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Payroll Manager can manage business unit party tax profile for
the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Tax Accountant can manage business unit party tax profile for
the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Tax Manager can manage business unit party tax profile for the
business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Party Tax Profile A Tax Specialist can manage business unit party tax profile for
the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Manager can manage business unit party
tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can manage business
unit party tax profile for the business units for which they are
Party Tax Profile An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage business unit party tax profile for the business units for
which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile An Integration Specialist can manage business unit party tax
profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Distribution Set A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables
distribution set for the business units for which they are
Payables Distribution Set A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage payables distribution set for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Distribution Set An Application Implementation Consultant can manage payables
distribution set for the business units for which they are
Payables Distribution Set An Internal Auditor can manage payables distribution set for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Financials Option A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables
financials option for the business units for which they are
Payables Financials Option A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage payables financials option for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Financials Option A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can manage
payables financials option for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Financials Option An Application Implementation Consultant can manage payables
financials option for the business units for which they are
Payables Financials Option An Internal Auditor can manage payables financials option for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables System Option A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables
system option for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables System Option A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage payables system option for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Payables System Option An Application Implementation Consultant can manage payables
system option for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables System Option An Internal Auditor can manage payables system option for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Tax Reporting Entity A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables tax
reporting entity for the business units for which they are
Payables Tax Reporting Entity A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage payables tax reporting entity for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Tax Reporting Entity An Application Implementation Consultant can manage payables
tax reporting entity for the business units for which they are
Payables Tax Reporting Entity An Internal Auditor can manage payables tax reporting entity for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Withholding Tax Setup A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables
withholding tax setup for the business units for which they are
Payables Withholding Tax Setup A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage payables withholding tax setup for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Withholding Tax Setup An Application Implementation Consultant can manage payables
withholding tax setup for the business units for which they are
Payables Withholding Tax Setup An Internal Auditor can manage payables withholding tax setup
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
activity for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables activity for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables activity for the business units for which they are
Receivables Activity An Internal Auditor can manage receivables activity for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Grants Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Project Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Distribution Set A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
distribution set for the business units for which they are
Receivables Distribution Set A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables distribution set for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Distribution Set An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables distribution set for the business units for which they
are authorized
Receivables Distribution Set An Internal Auditor can manage receivables distribution set for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Grants Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Project Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Specialist can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Cash Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Treasury Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Method Account A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
receipt method account for the business units for which they are
Receivables Receipt Method Account A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables receipt method account for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Method Account An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables receipt method account for the business units for
which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Method Account An Internal Auditor can manage receivables receipt method
account for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Source A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
receipt source for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Source A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables receipt source for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Source An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables receipt source for the business units for which they
are authorized
Receivables Receipt Source An Internal Auditor can manage receivables receipt source for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Policy A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
revenue policy for the business units for which they are
Receivables Revenue Policy A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables revenue policy for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Policy A Revenue Manager can manage receivables revenue policy for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Policy An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables revenue policy for the business units for which they
are authorized
Receivables Revenue Policy An Internal Auditor can manage receivables revenue policy for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Cash Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Treasury Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Statement Cycle A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
statement cycle for the business units for which they are
Receivables Statement Cycle A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables statement cycle for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Statement Cycle An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables statement cycle for the business units for which they
are authorized
Receivables Statement Cycle An Internal Auditor can manage receivables statement cycle for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables System Option A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
system options for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables System Option A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables system options for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables System Option An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables system options for the reference data sets they
Receivables System Option An Internal Auditor can manage receivables system options for
the reference data sets they administer
Receiving Distribution A Chief Financial Officer can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Consolidation Accountant can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receiving Distribution A Consolidation Manager can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Controller can review receipt accounting for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Cost Accountant can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Federal Accounting Manager can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Financial Analyst can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A General Accountant can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A General Accounting Manager can review receipt accounting
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can review
receipt accounting for the business units for which they are
Receiving Distribution An Intercompany Accountant can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Financial Application Administrator can manage application
tax options for the business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Tax Administrator can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Tax Manager can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
application tax options for the business units for which they are
Tax Exception A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exception
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Exception A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception A Tax Manager can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception A Tax Specialist can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
exception for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Billing Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Billing Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax
exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Analyst can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Accountant can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Administrator can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage tax exemption for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage tax exemption
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Exemption An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business
units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Internal Auditor can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rate for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Rate A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable to
the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Tax Manager can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Tax Specialist can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rate
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Rate An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable to the business units
for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax recovery
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Recovery A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Tax Manager can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Tax Specialist can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
recovery for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Recovery An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
manage tax recovery for the tax setup applicable to the business
units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rule for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable to
the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule A Tax Manager can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rule
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Status A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax status for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Status A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax status for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status A Tax Manager can manage tax status for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax status
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Status An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax status for the tax setup applicable to the business
units for which they are responsible
Taxable Transaction A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable
transaction for the business units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage taxable transaction for the business
units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Tax Administrator can manage taxable transaction for the
business units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Tax Manager can manage taxable transaction for the business
units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage taxable transaction for the business
units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction An Application Implementation Consultant can manage taxable
transaction for the business units for which they are authorized
Transaction Tax A Financial Application Administrator can manage transaction
tax for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which
they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Tax Manager can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
transaction tax for the tax setup applicable to the business units
for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage transaction tax for the tax setup applicable to the
business units for which they are responsible
Withholding Tax A Financial Application Administrator can manage transaction
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
tax for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business
unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage transaction tax for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax A Tax Manager can manage transaction tax for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
transaction tax for the withholding tax setup applicable to the
business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Exception A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exception
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Exception A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax exception for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Exception A Tax Manager can manage tax exception for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax Exception A Tax Specialist can manage tax exception for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax Exception An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
exception for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business
unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rate for
the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they
are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rate for the withholding tax setup
applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Manager can manage tax rate for the withholding tax setup
applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Specialist can manage tax rate for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rate
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rule for
the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they
are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rule for the withholding tax setup
applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Manager can manage tax rule for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rule
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax status for
the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they
are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax status for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Manager can manage tax status for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax status
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for

Template Display Name Financials Common Module Template for Cost Organization
Template Name FinancialsFunCostOrg
Template Description Financials Common Module Template for Cost Organization
Dimension Column Names COST_ORG_ID, COST_ORG_NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Cost Organization
Template Base Roles
Intercompany Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cost Distribution A Chief Financial Officer can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Consolidation Accountant can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Consolidation Manager can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Controller can view cost transaction for the cost organizations
for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Cost Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Federal Accounting Manager can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Financial Analyst can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A General Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A General Accounting Manager can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view cost
transaction for the cost organizations for which they are
Cost Distribution An Intercompany Accountant can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Financials Common Module Template for InterCOOrg

Template Name FinancialsFunInterCoOrg
Template Description Financials Common Module Template for InterCOOrg
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || INTERCO_ORG_NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || INTERCO_ORG_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Intercompany Organization
Template Base Roles
Intercompany Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Intercompany Transaction A Chief Financial Officer can manage intercompany transaction
for the organizations they have access to that conduct
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A Controller can manage intercompany transaction for the
organizations they have access to that conduct intercompany
Intercompany Transaction A Federal Accounting Manager can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A Financial Integration Specialist can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A General Accountant can manage intercompany transaction for
the organizations they have access to that conduct intercompany
Intercompany Transaction A General Accounting Manager can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can manage
intercompany transaction for the organizations they have access
to that conduct intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction An Integration Specialist can manage intercompany transaction
for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction An Intercompany Accountant can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction An Intercompany Accountant can view intercompany transaction
for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities

Template Display Name Financials Common Module Template for Ledger

Template Name FinancialsFunLedger
Template Description Financials Common Module Template for Ledger
Dimension Column Names ACCESS_SET_ID, NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing General Ledger Access Set
Template Base Roles
Financial Application Administrator
Intercompany Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
General Ledger Period Status A Chief Financial Officer can manage accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Chief Financial Officer can view accounting period status for
the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Consolidation Accountant can view accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Consolidation Manager can view accounting period status for
the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Controller can manage accounting period status for the set of
subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Controller can view accounting period status for the set of
subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Federal Accounting Manager can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
General Ledger Period Status A Federal Accounting Manager can view accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Analyst can view accounting period status for the set
of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Application Administrator can manage accounting
period status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes
they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Integration Specialist can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage accounting period status for the set of
subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A General Accountant can view accounting period status for the
set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A General Accounting Manager can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A General Accounting Manager can view accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
accounting period status for the set of subsidiaries whose close
processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
accounting period status for the set of subsidiaries whose close
processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status An Integration Specialist can manage accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status An Intercompany Accountant can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status An Intercompany Accountant can view accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage

Template Display Name Financials Common Module Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsFunSetId
Template Description Financials Common Module Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Financial Application Administrator
Intercompany Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Collections Aging Bucket A Collections Manager can maintain collections aging buckets
for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Aging Bucket A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
aging buckets for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Aging Bucket A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections aging buckets for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
reference data sets they administer
Collections Aging Bucket An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections aging buckets for the reference data sets they
Collections Dunning Configuration A Collections Manager can maintain collections dunning
configurations for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
dunning configurations for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections dunning configurations
for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Dunning Configuration An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections dunning configurations for the reference data sets
they administer
Collections Preference A Collections Manager can maintain collections application
preference for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections
application preference for the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collections application preference for
the reference data sets they administer
Collections Preference An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collections application preference for the reference data sets they
Collector A Collections Manager can maintain collector for the reference
data sets they administer
Collector A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collector for
the reference data sets they administer
Collector A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can maintain collector for the reference data sets
they administer
Collector An Application Implementation Consultant can maintain
collector for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
bonus rule for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset bonus rule for the
reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset bonus rule for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Bonus Rule An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset bonus rule
for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
ceiling for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset ceiling for the reference
data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset ceiling for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Ceiling An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset ceiling for
the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
depreciation method for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset depreciation method for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset depreciation method for the reference data sets they
Fixed Asset Depreciation Method An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset
depreciation method for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset
prorate convention for the reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage fixed asset prorate convention for the
reference data sets they administer
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention An Application Implementation Consultant can manage fixed
asset prorate convention for the reference data sets they
Fixed Asset Prorate Convention An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset prorate
convention for the reference data sets they administer
Payables Payment Term A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables
payment terms for the reference data sets they administer
Payables Payment Term A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage payables payment terms for the
reference data sets they administer
Payables Payment Term A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can manage
payables payment terms for the reference data sets they
Payables Payment Term An Application Implementation Consultant can manage payables
payment terms for the reference data sets they administer
Payables Payment Term An Internal Auditor can manage payables payment terms for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
accounting rule for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables accounting rule for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule A Revenue Manager can manage receivables accounting rule for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables accounting rule for the reference data sets they
Receivables Accounting Rule An Internal Auditor can manage receivables accounting rule for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Application Exception A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
Rule receipt application exception rule for the reference data sets they
Receivables Application Exception A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Rule Administrator can manage receivables receipt application
exception rule for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Application Exception An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
Rule receivables receipt application exception rule for the reference
data sets they administer
Receivables Application Exception An Internal Auditor can manage receivables receipt application
Rule exception rule for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables AutoCash Rule Set A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
autocash rule set for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables AutoCash Rule Set A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables autocash rule set for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
reference data sets they administer
Receivables AutoCash Rule Set An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables autocash rule set for the reference data sets they
Receivables AutoCash Rule Set An Internal Auditor can manage receivables autocash rule set for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Automatch Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
automatch rule set for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Automatch Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables automatch rule set for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Automatch Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables automatch rule set for the reference data sets they
Receivables Automatch Rule An Internal Auditor can manage receivables automatch rule set
for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Batch Source A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
batch source for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Batch Source A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables batch source for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Batch Source An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables batch source for the reference data sets they
Receivables Batch Source An Internal Auditor can manage receivables batch source for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Lockbox A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
lockbox for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Lockbox A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables lockbox for the reference
data sets they administer
Receivables Lockbox An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables lockbox for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Lockbox An Internal Auditor can manage receivables lockbox for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
memo line template for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables memo line template for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Revenue Manager can manage receivables memo line template
for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables memo line template for the reference data sets they
Receivables Memo Line Template An Internal Auditor can manage receivables memo line template
for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Payment Term A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
payment terms for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Payment Term A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables payment terms for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Payment Term An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables payment terms for the reference data sets they
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Payment Term An Internal Auditor can manage receivables payment terms for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
revenue contingency for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables revenue contingency for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency A Revenue Manager can manage receivables revenue
contingency for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables revenue contingency for the reference data sets they
Receivables Revenue Contingency An Internal Auditor can manage receivables revenue contingency
for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Transaction Type A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
transaction type for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Transaction Type A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables transaction type for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Transaction Type An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables transaction type for the reference data sets they
Receivables Transaction Type An Internal Auditor can manage receivables transaction type for
the reference data sets they administer
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Relationship Load Application Identity can view customer account
relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Relationship Administrator can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Relationship Administrator can manage customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Relationship Administrator can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Relationship manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for CRM can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for Projects can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for SCM can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Relationship Application Identity for CRM can view customer account
relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Relationship manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Relationship view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Relationship can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Relationship CRM can view customer account relationship for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can manage customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Site manage customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site manage customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can manage customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Site Use manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Representative Setup Load Application Identity can manage trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Representative Setup Load Application Identity can view trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Account Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Account Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Administrator can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Operations Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Operations Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Director can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Director can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Channel Sales Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Collections Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Collections Manager can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Contract Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Relationship Management Application
Representative Setup Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Customer Relationship Management Application
Representative Setup Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Application Administrator can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Representative Setup Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Representative Setup Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Grants Administrator can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Resource Sales A Grants Administrator can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Marketing Operations Manager can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Marketing Operations Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Representative Setup manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Representative Setup trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Procurement Application Administrator can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Project Application Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Project Application Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Sales Administrator can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Sales Administrator can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Administrator can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Administrator can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Supplier Contract Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Representative Setup trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Application Implementation Consultant can manage trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Application Implementation Consultant can view trading
Representative Setup community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Resource Sales An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Representative Setup Application Identity for CRM can manage trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Representative Setup Application Identity for CRM can view trading community
salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Contract Manager can manage trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Contract Manager can view trading community
Representative Setup salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Representative Setup manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Representative Setup view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Internal Auditor can manage trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Resource Sales An Internal Auditor can view trading community salesperson
Representative Setup setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name General Ledger Template for Business Unit Security
Template Name FinancialsGlBusinessUnit
Template Description General Ledger Template for Business Unit Security
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business unit
Template Base Roles
Chief Financial Officer
Financial Analyst
General Accountant
General Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Payables Standard Invoice A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can view receivables activities for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Grants Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Project Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Grants Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Project Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Specialist can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Cash Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Treasury Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Cash Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Treasury Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Standard Receipt An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Chief Financial Officer can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Consolidation Accountant can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Consolidation Manager can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Controller can review receipt accounting for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Cost Accountant can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Federal Accounting Manager can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Financial Analyst can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A General Accountant can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A General Accounting Manager can review receipt accounting
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can review
receipt accounting for the business units for which they are
Receiving Distribution An Intercompany Accountant can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name General Ledger Template for Cost Organization

Template Name FinancialsGlCostOrg
Template Description General Ledger Template for Cost Organization
Dimension Column Names COST_ORG_ID, COST_ORG_NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Cost Organization
Template Base Roles
Chief Financial Officer
Financial Analyst
General Accountant
General Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cost Distribution A Chief Financial Officer can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Consolidation Accountant can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Consolidation Manager can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Controller can view cost transaction for the cost organizations
for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Cost Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Federal Accounting Manager can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Financial Analyst can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cost Distribution A General Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A General Accounting Manager can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view cost
transaction for the cost organizations for which they are
Cost Distribution An Intercompany Accountant can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized

Template Display Name General Ledger Template for InterCOOrg

Template Name FinancialsGlInterCoOrg
Template Description General Ledger Template for InterCOOrg
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || INTERCO_ORG_NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || INTERCO_ORG_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Intercompany Organization
Template Base Roles
Chief Financial Officer
General Accountant
General Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Intercompany Transaction A Chief Financial Officer can manage intercompany transaction
for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A Controller can manage intercompany transaction for the
organizations they have access to that conduct intercompany
Intercompany Transaction A Federal Accounting Manager can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A Financial Integration Specialist can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A General Accountant can manage intercompany transaction for
the organizations they have access to that conduct intercompany
Intercompany Transaction A General Accounting Manager can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can manage
intercompany transaction for the organizations they have access
to that conduct intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction An Integration Specialist can manage intercompany transaction
for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities
Intercompany Transaction An Intercompany Accountant can manage intercompany
transaction for the organizations they have access to that conduct
intercompany activities

Template Display Name General Ledger Template for Ledger

Template Name FinancialsGlLedger
Template Display Name General Ledger Template for Ledger
Template Description General Ledger Template for Ledger
Dimension Column Names ACCESS_SET_ID, NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing General Ledger Access Set
Template Base Roles
Chief Financial Officer
Financial Analyst
General Accountant
General Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
General Ledger Actual Balance A Chief Financial Officer can inquire and analyze oracle fusion
general ledger account balance for the set of subsidiaries whose
close processes they manage
General Ledger Actual Balance A Controller can inquire and analyze oracle fusion general ledger
account balance for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes
they manage
General Ledger Actual Balance A Federal Accounting Manager can inquire and analyze oracle
fusion general ledger account balance for the set of subsidiaries
whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Actual Balance A Financial Analyst can inquire and analyze oracle fusion
general ledger account balance for the set of subsidiaries or
management segment values whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Actual Balance A General Accounting Manager can inquire and analyze oracle
fusion general ledger account balance for the set of subsidiaries
whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Chief Financial Officer can manage accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Chief Financial Officer can view accounting period status for
the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Consolidation Accountant can view accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Consolidation Manager can view accounting period status for
the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Controller can manage accounting period status for the set of
subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Controller can view accounting period status for the set of
subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Federal Accounting Manager can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Federal Accounting Manager can view accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Analyst can view accounting period status for the set
of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Application Administrator can manage accounting
period status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes
they manage
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Integration Specialist can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Administrator can manage accounting period status for the set of
subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A General Accountant can view accounting period status for the
set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status A General Accounting Manager can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A General Accounting Manager can view accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
accounting period status for the set of subsidiaries whose close
processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
accounting period status for the set of subsidiaries whose close
processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status An Integration Specialist can manage accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
General Ledger Period Status An Intercompany Accountant can manage accounting period
status for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they
General Ledger Period Status An Intercompany Accountant can view accounting period status
for the set of subsidiaries whose close processes they manage
Journal A Chief Financial Officer can approve journal for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance they manage
Journal A Chief Financial Officer can manage journal for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance they manage
Journal A Controller can approve journal for the set of subsidiaries
whose accounting balance they manage
Journal A Controller can manage journal for the set of subsidiaries whose
accounting balance they manage
Journal A Federal Accounting Manager can approve journal for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance they manage
Journal A Federal Accounting Manager can manage journal for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance they manage
Journal A Financial Analyst can view journal for the set of subsidiaries or
management segment values whose accounting balance they
Journal A General Accounting Manager can manage journal for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance they manage
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can administer ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can close ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can manage ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can report oracle fusion general ledger
for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can revalue ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can translate ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Controller can administer ledger for the set of subsidiaries
whose accounting balance and close processes they manage
Ledger A Controller can close ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose
accounting balance and close processes they manage
Ledger A Controller can manage ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose
accounting balance and close processes they manage
Ledger A Controller can report oracle fusion general ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they manage
Ledger A Controller can revalue ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose
accounting balance and close processes they manage
Ledger A Controller can translate ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose
accounting balance and close processes they manage
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can administer ledger for the set
of subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes
they manage
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can close ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can manage ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can revalue ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can translate ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report oracle fusion
general ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation
processes they manage
Ledger A Financial Analyst can report oracle fusion general ledger for
the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A Financial Analyst can view ledger for the set of subsidiaries
whose accounting balance and close processes they manage
Ledger A General Accountant can report oracle fusion general ledger for
the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A General Accounting Manager can manage ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A General Accounting Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger A General Accounting Manager can revalue ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Ledger A General Accounting Manager can translate ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose accounting balance and close processes they
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Ledger An Accounts Payable Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger An Accounts Receivable Manager can report oracle fusion
general ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation
processes they manage

Template Display Name General Ledger Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsGlSetId
Template Description General Ledger Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Chief Financial Officer
Financial Analyst
General Accountant
General Accounting Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Payables Template for Business Function Payables Invoicing
Template Name PayablesInvoicing
Template Description Payables Template for Business Function Payables Invoicing
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function ||
BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]
Template Base Roles
Accounts Payable Manager
Accounts Payable Specialist
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Disbursement An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Disbursement An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Document Payable An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Document Payable An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Manager can manage business unit party
tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Specialist can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Distribution Set An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables
distribution set for the business units for which they are
Payables Financials Option An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables financials
option for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Process Request An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Process Request An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Specialist can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Refund An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Refund An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Specialist can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables System Option An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables system
option for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Tax Reporting Entity An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables tax
reporting entity for the business units for which they are
Payables Withholding Tax Setup An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables withholding
tax setup for the business units for which they are authorized
Payment Instruction An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Payment Instruction An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Payables Template for Ledger

Template Name FinancialsApLedger
Template Description Payables Template for Ledger
Dimension Column Names ACCESS_SET_ID, NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing General Ledger Access Set
Template Base Roles
Accounts Payable Manager
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can report oracle fusion general ledger
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A Controller can report oracle fusion general ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they manage
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report oracle fusion
general ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation
processes they manage
Ledger A Financial Analyst can report oracle fusion general ledger for
the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A General Accountant can report oracle fusion general ledger for
the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A General Accounting Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger An Accounts Payable Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Payables Period Status A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage accounting
period status for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Period Status A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can view accounting
period status for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Period Status An Accounts Payable Manager can manage accounting period
status for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Period Status An Accounts Payable Manager can view accounting period status
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Period Status An Accounts Payable Supervisor can view accounting period
status for the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Payables Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsApSetId
Template Description Payables Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Accounts Payable Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Payables Payment Term A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables
payment terms for the reference data sets they administer
Payables Payment Term An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables payment
terms for the reference data sets they administer

Template Display Name Receivables Template for Business Function Billing and Revenue
Template Name BillingandRevenueManagement
Template Description Receivables Template for Business Function Billing and Revenue
Template Display Name Receivables Template for Business Function Billing and Revenue
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function ||
BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]
Template Base Roles
Accounts Receivable Manager
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Billing Manager
Billing Specialist
Revenue Analyst
Revenue Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Funds Capture Transaction A Billing Manager can manage payments by business unit for the
business units for which they are authorized
Funds Capture Transaction An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Funds Capture Transaction An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Lockbox Transmission File An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Lockbox Transmission File An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity A Billing Manager can manage receivables activity for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activity for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
Remittance Batch activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
Remittance Batch activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Distribution Set An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
distribution set for the business units for which they are
Receivables Invoice A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Analyst can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Billing Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Revenue Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Method Account An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipt method account for the business units for which they are
Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Source An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipt source for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Adjustment A Revenue Analyst can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Adjustment A Revenue Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Policy A Revenue Manager can manage receivables revenue policy for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Billing Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Billing Specialist can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Revenue Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Statement Cycle A Billing Manager can manage receivables statement cycle for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Settlement Batch A Billing Manager can manage payments by business unit for the
business units for which they are authorized
Settlement Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Settlement Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Tax Exemption A Billing Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Billing Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Analyst can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage tax exemption for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage tax exemption
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible

Template Display Name Receivables Template for Business Function Customer Payments
Template Name CustomerPayments
Template Description Receivables Template for Business Function Customer Payments
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business function ||
BFunc.bf_name || for business unit [BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME]
Template Base Roles
Accounts Receivable Manager
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Billing Manager
Billing Specialist
Revenue Analyst
Revenue Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Funds Capture Transaction A Billing Manager can manage payments by business unit for the
business units for which they are authorized
Funds Capture Transaction An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Funds Capture Transaction An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Lockbox Transmission File An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Lockbox Transmission File An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity A Billing Manager can manage receivables activity for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Activity An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activity for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
Remittance Batch activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Bills Receivable An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
Remittance Batch activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables ChargeBack An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Distribution Set An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
distribution set for the business units for which they are
Receivables Invoice A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Analyst can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
transactions for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Billing Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt A Revenue Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Method Account An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipt method account for the business units for which they are
Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Remittance Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Receipt Source An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipt source for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Adjustment A Revenue Analyst can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Adjustment A Revenue Manager can manage receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Revenue Policy A Revenue Manager can manage receivables revenue policy for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Billing Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Billing Specialist can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt A Revenue Manager can manage receivables receipts for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Standard Receipt An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage receivables
receipts for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Statement Cycle A Billing Manager can manage receivables statement cycle for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Settlement Batch A Billing Manager can manage payments by business unit for the
business units for which they are authorized
Settlement Batch An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Settlement Batch An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage payments by
business unit for the business units for which they are authorized
Tax Exemption A Billing Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Billing Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Tax Exemption A Revenue Analyst can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage tax exemption for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage tax exemption
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible

Template Display Name Receivables Template for Ledger

Template Name FinancialsArLedger
Template Description Receivables Template for Ledger
Dimension Column Names ACCESS_SET_ID, NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing General Ledger Access Set
Template Base Roles
Accounts Receivable Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Ledger A Chief Financial Officer can report oracle fusion general ledger
for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A Controller can report oracle fusion general ledger for the set of
subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they manage
Ledger A Federal Accounting Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger A Financial Analyst can report oracle fusion general ledger for
the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A General Accountant can report oracle fusion general ledger for
the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes they
Ledger A General Accounting Manager can report oracle fusion general
ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation processes
they manage
Ledger An Accounts Receivable Manager can report oracle fusion
general ledger for the set of subsidiaries whose reconciliation
processes they manage
Receivables Period Status An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage accounting period
status for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Period Status An Accounts Receivable Manager can view accounting period
status for the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Receivables Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsArSetId
Template Description Receivables Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Display Name Receivables Template for SetID
Template Base Roles
Accounts Receivable Manager
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Billing Manager
Billing Specialist
Revenue Analyst
Revenue Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Accounting Rule A Billing Manager can manage receivables accounting rule for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
accounting rule for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables accounting rule for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule A Revenue Manager can manage receivables accounting rule for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Accounting Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables accounting rule for the reference data sets they
Receivables Application Exception An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
Rule receipt application exception rule for the reference data sets they
Receivables AutoCash Rule Set An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
autocash rule set for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Automatch Rule An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage receivables
automatch rule set for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Billing Manager can manage receivables memo line template
for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
memo line template for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables memo line template for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template A Revenue Manager can manage receivables memo line template
for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Memo Line Template An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables memo line template for the reference data sets they
Receivables Payment Term A Billing Manager can manage receivables payment terms for the
reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables
revenue contingency for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receivables revenue contingency for
the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency A Revenue Manager can manage receivables revenue
contingency for the reference data sets they administer
Receivables Revenue Contingency An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
receivables revenue contingency for the reference data sets they
Receivables Transaction Type A Billing Manager can manage receivables transaction type for
the reference data sets they administer
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account relationship for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Relationship Load Application Identity can view customer account
relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Relationship Administrator can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Relationship Administrator can manage customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Relationship Administrator can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Relationship manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account relationship for the
Account Relationship reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Relationship customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for CRM can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for Projects can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Relationship for SCM can view customer account relationship for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Relationship Application Identity for CRM can view customer account
relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account
Account Relationship relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Relationship account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Relationship manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Relationship view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Relationship can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account relationship
Account Relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account relationship for
Account Relationship the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Relationship CRM can view customer account relationship for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can manage customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Site manage customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site manage customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can manage customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can manage customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can manage customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can
Account Site Use manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can manage customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can manage
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can manage customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can manage customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Tax Template for Business Unit Security

Template Name FinancialsZxBusinessUnit
Template Description Tax Template for Business Unit Security
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business unit
Template Base Roles
Tax Accountant
Tax Administrator
Tax Manager
Tax Specialist
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Ledger A Tax Accountant can manage ledger for subledger for the
posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.
Ledger A Tax Administrator can manage ledger for subledger for the
posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.
Ledger A Tax Manager can manage ledger for subledger for the posting
ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.
Ledger A Tax Specialist can manage ledger for subledger for the posting
ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.
Party Tax Profile A Batch Loader Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity
for HCM can manage business unit party tax profile for the
business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage business unit
party tax profile for the business units for which they are
Party Tax Profile A Financial Application Administrator can manage business unit
party tax profile for the business units for which they are
Party Tax Profile A Financial Integration Specialist can manage business unit party
tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage business unit party tax profile for the
business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Payroll Manager can manage business unit party tax profile for
the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Tax Accountant can manage business unit party tax profile for
the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Tax Administrator can manage business unit party tax profile
for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Tax Manager can manage business unit party tax profile for the
business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile A Tax Specialist can manage business unit party tax profile for
the business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Party Tax Profile An Accounts Payable Manager can manage business unit party
tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can manage business
unit party tax profile for the business units for which they are
Party Tax Profile An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage business unit party tax profile for the business units for
which they are authorized
Party Tax Profile An Integration Specialist can manage business unit party tax
profile for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables
invoice for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables
invoice for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request A Tax Manager can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request A Tax Specialist can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Payment Request An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables
invoice for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment A Tax Manager can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment A Tax Specialist can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Prepayment An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Budget Preparer can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Buyer can report payables for the business units for which they
are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Payables Standard Invoice A Category Manager can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Consolidation Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Contingent Worker can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Controller can report payables for the business units for which
they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables
invoice for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Federal Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Financial Analyst can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A General Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Contract Administrator can report payables for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Manager can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Preparer can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Procurement Requester can report payables for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Manager can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Manager can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Specialist can manage payables invoice for the business
units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Tax Specialist can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can report
payables for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can manage payables invoice for
the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Specialist can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can manage payables invoice
for the business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Accounts Payable Supervisor can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Advanced Procurement Requester can report payables for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accountant can report payables for the business units
for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Asset Accounting Manager can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Employee can report payables for the business units for
which they are authorized
Payables Standard Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can report payables for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Adjustment A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Balance Forward Bill A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables ChargeBack A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Credit Memo A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Grants Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Project Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Real Estate Lease Administrator can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Revenue Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Tax Specialist can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Credit Memo An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Debit Memo A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Analyst can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Budget Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Invoice A Budget Preparer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Chief Financial Officer can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Consolidation Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Consolidation Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Controller can view receivables activities for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Federal Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Financial Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A General Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A General Accounting Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Grants Accountant can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Project Billing Specialist can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Real Estate Lease Administrator can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Analyst can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Revenue Manager can view receivables activities for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Manager can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Tax Specialist can view receivables activities for the business
units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
receivables activities for the business units for which they are
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Manager can view receivables activities
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view receivables
activities for the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice An Intercompany Accountant can view receivables activities for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Balance A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
Summary business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receivables Transaction Request A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Request A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Billing Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Billing Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Tax Manager can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Transaction Summary A Tax Specialist can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Subledger Application A Tax Accountant can manage subledger application for the
owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger
Subledger Application A Tax Administrator can manage subledger application for the
owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger
Subledger Application A Tax Manager can manage subledger application for the owning
oracle fusion accounting generating subledger application.
Subledger Application A Tax Specialist can manage subledger application for the
owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Accountant can manage subledger source transaction for
the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative
data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Administrator can manage subledger source transaction
for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or
legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which
they are authorized
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Manager can manage subledger source transaction for the
business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data
groups, and the subledger applications for which they are
Subledger Journal Entry A Tax Specialist can manage subledger source transaction for the
business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data
groups, and the subledger applications for which they are
Subledger Source Transaction A Tax Accountant can manage subledger source transaction for
the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative
data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are
Subledger Source Transaction A Tax Administrator can manage subledger source transaction
for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or
legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which
they are authorized
Subledger Source Transaction A Tax Manager can manage subledger source transaction for the
business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data
groups, and the subledger applications for which they are
Subledger Source Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage subledger source transaction for the
business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data
groups, and the subledger applications for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Tax Defaults and Controls A Financial Application Administrator can manage application
tax options for the business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Tax Accountant can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Tax Administrator can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Tax Manager can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls A Tax Specialist can manage application tax options for the
business units for which they are authorized
Tax Defaults and Controls An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
application tax options for the business units for which they are
Tax Exception A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exception
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Exception A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception A Tax Accountant can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception A Tax Administrator can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception A Tax Manager can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception A Tax Specialist can manage tax exception for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exception An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
exception for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Billing Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Billing Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax
exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Analyst can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Revenue Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Accountant can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Administrator can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption A Tax Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Manager can manage tax exemption for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Exemption An Accounts Receivable Specialist can manage tax exemption
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Exemption An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business
units for which they are responsible
Tax Exemption An Internal Auditor can manage tax exemption for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rate for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Rate A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable to
the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Tax Accountant can manage tax rate for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Tax Administrator can manage tax rate for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Tax Manager can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate A Tax Specialist can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rate An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rate
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Rate An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable to the business units
for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax recovery
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Recovery A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Tax Accountant can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Tax Administrator can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Tax Manager can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery A Tax Specialist can manage tax recovery for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Recovery An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
recovery for the tax setup applicable to the business units for
which they are responsible
Tax Recovery An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax recovery for the tax setup applicable to the business
units for which they are responsible
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Tax Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rule for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable to
the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule A Tax Accountant can manage tax rule for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule A Tax Administrator can manage tax rule for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule A Tax Manager can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule A Tax Specialist can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rule
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Status A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax status for
the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are
Tax Status A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax status for the tax setup applicable
to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status A Tax Accountant can manage tax status for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status A Tax Administrator can manage tax status for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status A Tax Manager can manage tax status for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status A Tax Specialist can manage tax status for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Tax Status An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax status
for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they
are responsible
Tax Status An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage tax status for the tax setup applicable to the business
units for which they are responsible
Taxable Transaction A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable
transaction for the business units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage taxable transaction for the business
units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Tax Administrator can manage taxable transaction for the
business units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Tax Manager can manage taxable transaction for the business
units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction A Tax Specialist can manage taxable transaction for the business
units for which they are authorized
Taxable Transaction An Application Implementation Consultant can manage taxable
transaction for the business units for which they are authorized
Transaction Tax A Financial Application Administrator can manage transaction
tax for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which
they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Tax Accountant can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Tax Administrator can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Tax Manager can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax A Tax Specialist can manage transaction tax for the tax setup
applicable to the business units for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
transaction tax for the tax setup applicable to the business units
for which they are responsible
Transaction Tax An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage transaction tax for the tax setup applicable to the
business units for which they are responsible
Withholding Tax A Financial Application Administrator can manage transaction
tax for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business
unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage transaction tax for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax A Tax Accountant can manage transaction tax for the
withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are
responsible for
Withholding Tax A Tax Administrator can manage transaction tax for the
withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are
responsible for
Withholding Tax A Tax Manager can manage transaction tax for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax A Tax Specialist can manage transaction tax for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
transaction tax for the withholding tax setup applicable to the
business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Exception A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exception
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Exception A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax exception for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Exception A Tax Manager can manage tax exception for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax Exception A Tax Specialist can manage tax exception for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax Exception An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax
exception for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business
unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rate for
the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they
are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rate for the withholding tax setup
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Accountant can manage tax rate for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Administrator can manage tax rate for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Manager can manage tax rate for the withholding tax setup
applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate A Tax Specialist can manage tax rate for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rate An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rate
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rule for
the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they
are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax rule for the withholding tax setup
applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Accountant can manage tax rule for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Administrator can manage tax rule for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Manager can manage tax rule for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule A Tax Specialist can manage tax rule for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax rule
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax status for
the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they
are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage tax status for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Accountant can manage tax status for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Administrator can manage tax status for the withholding
tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Manager can manage tax status for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status A Tax Specialist can manage tax status for the withholding tax
setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for
Withholding Tax Status An Application Implementation Consultant can manage tax status
for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s)
they are responsible for

Template Display Name Tax Template for SetID

Template Name FinancialsZxSetId
Template Description Tax Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Display Name Tax Template for SetID
Template Base Roles
Tax Accountant
Tax Administrator
Tax Manager
Tax Specialist
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized

Unassigned Duties
Financials offering duties defined but not assigned to any job or abstract role in the
reference implementation.

Duty Role Role Description

APAC Financial Reporting Manages Asia Pacific financial reporting.
EMEA Financial Reporting Manages EMEA financial reporting to organize financial
report data according to the country specific requirements.
This is a parent role for all EMEA countries financial duty
Enterprise Financial Data Export Generate financial data XML files for enterprise.
Management for China
Fiscal Document Generation Control the ability to submit, print and void fiscal documents.
Golden Tax Management for China Process all activities about Golden tax transactions and VAT
invoices, review related reports for audit and reconciliation
Israeli Withholding Tax Reporting Manages Israeli withholding tax reporting to organize tax
report data according to the requirements of the tax authority.
LAD Financial Reporting Manages latin american financial reporting to organize
financial report data according to the country specific
OBSOLETE Encumbrance Report Obsolete. Do not use.
Payables Management for Brazil Allows the import and management of Payables collection
documents and bank returns as per Brazil country specific
Payables Transaction Review Searches for Oracle Fusion Payables invoices and Oracle
Fusion Payables payments and enables view only access to
these transactions.
Receivables Management for Brazil Allows the creation and management of Receivables
collection documents for Brazil country specific

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